#and confusing the hell out of the locals in the process XD
victorluvsalice · 8 months
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark Vs Baldur's Gate III
Okay, so, yesterday I happened to mention that I'd gotten into Baldur's Gate III -- and that a certain Crime Trio of mine (based on an entirely different RPG, I might add), had decided to lay claim to it as a potential AU of their OWN AU. No, I don't know why I'm like this either. *sigh* Anyway, there's not really that much to it at this point in time -- while I have spoiled myself on the story (and seen a bunch of cutscenes thanks to my friend @gaydragonwizards), I haven't actually played that much of the game itself and thus don't know exactly how the trio would react to EVERY quest and NPC in the game. I do know some basics, though:
-->The AU starts with the Nautiloid happening to pop into the Valicer In The Dark universe by mistake while navigating -- the mind flayers decide they may as well abduct some people while they're here, and unfortunately Victor, Alice, and Smiler, walking the streets of Six Towers, are in range of the tentacles and taken aboard to be infected
-->Smiler wakes up in the canonical pod and finds their way to Us, saving them and immediately bonding with the little intellect devourer ("I'm a they/them too!"); Alice wakes up in a different pod nearby and is the first to meet Lae'zel, and helps her fight the imps; and Victor wakes up in the same room as Shadowheart, and is working on freeing her when the others arrive -- they get her out, get to the helm, and manage to fight their way to the transponder and connect the nerves
-->If you're wondering about potential language barriers, one of the good things about the tadpoles randomly connecting your mind to other people's is that it allows you to pick up Common super fast -- I basically see them getting a bit of an "information dump" on a few key things about the reality they're currently in during the initial connections
-->Also, in the process of freeing Shadowheart, the group find that woman in the other room and mess with her console, accidentally causing her to change -- a creepy moment made even creepier by Victor's Ghost Mind ability letting him briefly see the woman's soul escape...and then burn up as she transforms into a mind flayer. We will come back to this later
-->After the crash landing, Victor, Alice, and Smiler are very confused when they wake up to see a blue sky...and then, after waking up Shadowheart and being told, essentially, "it's blue because it's sunny?" are utterly GOBSMACKED to find themselves in a world with an ACTUAL SUN. Though shock and delight quickly turn to "oh wow, this is actually a lot hotter than we're used to, we need to find lighter clothes fast" XD
-->From there, they pick up the rest of the companions and work their way through the main plot, hoping to both find a way to get the damn tadpoles out of their heads and get home (because as nice as a world with a sun is, it's not Duskwall, and Smiler in particular would like to see their parents again plz)
-->Naturally, being pretty good-hearted people, they do the nice versions of the quests and help people out as much as possible -- though, also being a group of Shadows who nick things and sabotage schemes for their living, I can see them offering tips to the gang of tiefling children thieves and scam artists to help them in their chosen path. XD Also, Alice probably has to be talked out of killing Kagha right then and there when she threatens Arabella, and I'm not sure the snake survives THAT little encounter. Alice has a thing about people threatening children, as you might expect!
-->I foresee a lot of confusion on both sides about how different Duskwall and the Shattered Isles are from Faerun -- not just the sun thing, but also Victor having access to an entirely different form of magic (Gale in particular is like "wtf is this??? This is not Weave???"); the group not knowing what horses or cows are (both animals are extinct in their world) and having to be introduced to them -- while, on the flip side, being perfectly cool with eating rat; and the trio being briefly like "well, it's horrible what happened to that poor woman on the Nautiloid, but at least her ghost won't be slowly going insane and trying to feast on the life essence of the living" and the others being like "what." Leading to Victor, Alice, and Smiler learning that this world has an afterlife and being like D: as it dawns on them that the total destruction of the soul is not an accepted way to keep the world from being riddled from ghosts here. (The others are once again like "what the FUCK is wrong with your reality?")
-->Smiler spends a good portion of the early game looking for Us, before finally accepting sadly that the intellect devourer probably didn't survive the crash...and then they get to the mind flayer colony under Moonrise in Act Two and "Friend! You found the helm!" :D They are beyond happy to see Us and won't hear a word said against them from the other companions (who are naturally BAFFLED as to why Smiler wants an intellect devourer as a pet) -- and Us, for their part, is entirely loyal to their friend Smiler and all THEIR friends, because the kindness Smiler showed to them on the Nautiloid caused them to bond more closely with them than the rest of the hive :) Victor and Alice warm up to the little thing pretty quick, while the others...well, they get used to having a brain wandering around pretending to be a kitty. XD
-->Part of me would like Shar to somehow be responsible for the Shattered Isles no longer having a sun...and thus be real annoyed that people are still living in that world eight hundred and forty-seven years later (as Alice puts it, "you brought the darkness, and we just lit it back up again")
-->And in the "overpowered nonsense that wouldn't make it into any actual story stuff but is fun to think about," I enjoy pondering the possibility of the trio, when faced with the Avatar of Myrkul, using Victor's Whisper ghost-fighting stuff on it -- and successfully forcing it into a spirit bottle. I imagine the other companions would be like "how the FUCK did you bottle part of a GOD?!" while Myrkul would be just "...guess it beats dying again." Oh, and Withers finds it hilarious in his droll way. XD Bonus points for talking to Myrkul about what the damn plan with the Absolute even gets him, Myrkul realizing that he's somehow been had by the Netherbrain, and switching sides against his former compatriots because, yeah, this mind flayer invasion does NOT benefit him in any way, wtf.
-->Or, if you would like DIFFERENT godly intervention, I did have an idea where Mar-Mal is also able to access Faerun through the blessing they gave Smiler, and uses its influence to protect Smiler from the tadpole instead of Smiler having to rely on the Dream Visitor and the artifact. They task Smiler with spreading their influence and getting worshipers so Mar-Mal can do more on this plane, and Smiler happily talks up their god to anyone who will listen (also sharing what samples they have left of their Joy Serum). And fortunately for them, people are willing to throw at least a few prayers the way of a god of pure happiness...meaning that during the endgame, when it's time to fight the Netherbrain, Mar-Mal's gotten just enough power to come into Faerun, filling the sky with spiral clouds as they manifest. The gang still has to fight the Netherbrain, but it's easier as the Netherbrain is, um, a bit distracted trying to not be mindwarped by Mar-Mal! XD And once the threat is defeated, Mar-Mal is able to open up a temporary portal to bring Victor, Alice, and Smiler home. With the implication that they could get back eventually...like, say, in six months to catch up. :p
Whew -- bit more than I expected here! I don't know if anything is actually going to come from this -- I mean, I definitely have to get the REGULAR Valicer In The Dark stuff done first -- but it's fun to think about as I play the game. And it has inspired me to make a few not-incorrect quotes/shitposty scenes...
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Gosh seeing PMMM AU's via time travel reminds me of this one idea I had.
Homura wakes up, seems like a regular, familiar timeline.
She goes through the motions, the habits, the familiar parts.
She barely pays attention to anything outside her narrow purview.
Until she gets to school & the receptionist clicks their tongue at her ring.
"I thought we were meant to be told when someone new was assigned here. Go check out the club room on the top floor."
(or something like that XD)
Confused she goes along with it and finds herself freezing at the name on the door.
"Puella Magi - Mitakihara Branch #1!"
Things she'd been ignoring or glossing over, certain looks or comments, idle chatter overheard, flashes of posters & recordings all come roaring to the forefront of Homura's mind.
Then the door opens with a click and she's greeted by a smiling Madoka who already made a contract.
Long story short, this is a timeline where someone's sister or friend died heroically as a magical girl & so their successor wished that everyone would know what heroes the magical girls are.
This led to the masquerade being pulled back, violently.
Suffice to say, Witches suddenly being visible to the public eye and more, leaving their domains to attack causes no end of shock, horror and chaos.
One of the first major reported cases (In Japan at least) was Tomoe Mami defending and saving hundreds, including some noted media personalities as a witch descended on a public park.
She wasn't the only one to do such things of course, but it did give her a very public and uncomplicated heroic debut compared to some magical girls. Especially as her demeanor and manner makes it easy for her to be well liked compared to some rough around the edges types.
(Oriko Mikuni is also of noted importance)
Anyway, chaos spread as awareness grew with some areas or countries not doing so hot & others processing things very well. The truth regarding the Incubators came out and oh boy, did that cause problems; & briefly saw them outright banished from the planet.
Now they are back but are contained to diplomatic agencies & pretty much universally hated but still needed to deal with the problems they created, ala Witches, Familiars & some new critters that popped up that they didn't plan on.
Japan was one of the countries that bounced back rather well, so Puella Magi are largely regarded very positively. Though be it in a "I hope my daughter doesn't become one, its so dangerous" kind of way, with many becoming celebrities.
Mami is a major face for their loosely organized association that collaborates with the government to ensure Puella Magi can live normal lives & defend their communities & get enough support to avoid stuff like turning into Witches.
The Incubators are also not meant to create new, unsanctioned magical girls, so Homura is kind of as giant red flag, save that the Incubators also have no fucking clue where she came from.
Aside, but Homura freaks out about Madoka, gets pulled back by magical girl Hitomi & basically tries to fucking bolt with them in hot pursuit.
(She shot Hitomi in the leg but it didn't take & Homura got punched through a window over it)
Mami was in town & helped them orchestrate an ambush after observing Homura's powers for a bit. Did some quick PR & then left with a bound up Homura to go raise merry hell with the Incubators.
There'd be a brief cut to Sayaka & Kyoko at their own local branch being like, "What the fuck is today right?"
Sadly I never got much further than that with planning.
Gods sorry for the massive submission XD
Oh that's fucking WILD I love it
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aerynwrites · 5 years
Job Gone Wrong - Javier Peña x Reader
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Author’s Note: How could I resist the urge to use this gif?? ugh, this man DOES THINGS TO ME. Anyway, I was VERY, inspired by this post from @spacedadheadcanons (Thank you so much for letting me use it!) and also thanks to @theforceofdarkandlight pretty much INSISTING that I write this 😂 Love you Lauren you da best ❤ And an even more special Thanks to my beta readers @anniebombannie and @amberthefiredemon y’all are so fun and amazing and make this whole process to much easier! love you guys!
p.s. I do NOT speak spanish. I literally punched stuff into SpanishDict! and hoped for the best lol, so i apologize to everyone who can speak/read spanish this is probably butchered XD
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Reader gets stabbed, mentiosn of blood, sticthes, cursing, re-injury, kising, angst and fluff.
You had been partners with Javier Peña and Steve Murphy for a little over a year at this point, and you had managed to get Javier into a relationship within about seven months of that time. To say you were surprised was more than an understatement. You had been pining after your fellow DEA agent pretty much the second you laid eyes on him, but you were quick to learn that he was not a relationship guy. 
He found what seemed like a new woman every night, slept with her, and then kicked her out before the birds started chirping in the early morning light. It was a routine you had learned very quickly due to the horrifyingly thin walls of your shared apartment building. So, when about two months into your transfer, the obscene sounds from next door stopped, it caught you off guard. You had almost wanted to ask Javier about it, but you knew that conversation would be awkward, so you let it be. However, you didn’t fail to notice the extra attention the agent started to give you soon after. The lingering gazes, the gentle grazes he gave your lower back as he scooted by you, and you definitely couldn’t ignore when he started to bring you coffee every morning, prepared just the way you liked. 
Steve let out a low chuckle as Javier walked away after just delivering your morning cup of coffee, having to talk to the ambassador about something.
“What?” you questioned, sipping slowly at the warm drink in your hands.
Steve just shook his head, “You both are just oblivious as hell,” he says, a smirk adorning his lips.
Your brows furrowed together, “What do you mean? He’s just being nice.”
You knew your words were bullshit, but what did Steve expect you to do? Fall down at Javier’s feet and confess your undying love?
Steve rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, “You both are like two lovesick puppies but are too stubborn to admit it.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “Yeah well, you know how he is…he doesn’t do the relationship thing. I wouldn’t stand a chance,” you sigh bitterly.
Steve shrugs his shoulders, hands clasped together and resting on his stomach, “I don’t know…a little bird told me that a certain DEA agent has caught feelings for you.”
And that was the day you found out Javier Peña had feelings for you too. You had resolved that day to tell him how you felt, but he had beaten you to it when he knocked on your apartment door with a pizza and beer in hand. 
The rest was history as they say.
Since then, you two had been together happily. You both had flaws you had to work through but you did it together, hell it only took him a couple of weeks to convince you to move in with him since you practically live with him anyways with how much you stayed over. And of all of this lead you here, chasing down two of Escobar’s men through a local Comuna with Steve. Javier had been away for almost a week working with Carrillo on another lead. The news had made both you and Javier upset, never having been away from each other more than a day or two, but you knew it had to be done. So, you both had to settle for phone calls each night instead. But now you were missing Javier even more, he was usually the one to run after targets while you ambushed them, but now that you were the one running after them you realized just how out of shape you were. You had gotten separated from Steve somewhere along the way but had managed to stay on the Narcos’ tail, sighing in relief when you reached a dead end, corning the man in a small courtyard. 
“Pon tus manos arriba donde pueda verlas!” you commanded, gun raised and aimed at the perp in front of you.
He looked at you menacingly before dropping his gun and raising his hands above his head.
“¡ no te muevas!” you say, telling the man not to move as you approached him, gun still aimed while pulling the cuffs from your belt. 
You slowly approached him and commanded him to turn around before grabbing one of his hands and pulling it roughly behind his back, clicking one of the cuffs around his wrist. But before you could get his other hand down, he was ripping it from your grasp and grabbing something from his belt. It all happened so fast. One minute you were about to arrest the guy and the next he had turned around and drove a knife into your side before running off.
You let out a pained gasp as a sharp jolt shot through your side, “Motherfucker!” you cursed, hand immediately pressing into your side as you stumbled slightly, pressing your other hand against the wall for stability. You felt the thick and warm liquid run from your side and through your fingers, coating them in a dark crimson.
“Shit,” you whisper at first, “fuck!” you exclaimed, hand slamming against the wall next to you as the reality of the situation sank in. 
You had just lost your main lead to the case and gotten stabbed in the process, and you didn’t know where Steve was. This was just great. As if he could read your mind, you heard rapid footsteps followed by a familiar voice calling out your name.
“I’m over here!” you call, finally seeing Steve round the corner and his eyes widened at the red stain blossoming on your white shirt, “fucker stabbed me before he ran off,” you hiss as Steve approaches pulling his jacket off and replacing your hand with the fabric instead, trying to staunch the bleeding. 
“Are you okay? Can you walk?” he asks frantically. 
You nod, surprisingly it didn’t hurt all that much, you suppose the adrenaline pumping through you had something to do with that, “Yes, I’m fine, let’s just get the hell out of here before more trouble finds us,” you breathe, and let Steve lead you back to the car.
You let out a sigh as you carefully strip off your blood-stained shirt in favor of one of Javier’s clean ones lean back into the multitude of pillows you threw on the bed. Steve had just walked you to your and Javier’s apartment after a trip to the hospital and a dose of painkillers. 
“Remember to take these every six hours, and then your antibiotics twice a day,” Steve reminded you, pressing the bottles into your hands after you unlocked the doors, “And don’t rip your stitches, last thing we need is another trip to the hospital,” he teases.
you roll your eyes, and give the man a mock salute, “Sir, yes sir!” before walking into your apartment and closing the door.
Okay so maybe the painkillers were doing a little more than just taking the pain away. You mostly felt tired, but it was also mixed with a slightly fuzzy feeling in your mind. Just as you were about to crawl under the covers and get some much-needed rest you heard the door to your apartment open and close, followed by the jingling of keys being tossed onto the counter.
“Sweetheart?” Javier’s baritone voice drifted through the apartment.
A smile immediately lit up your face and you quickly, but carefully, swung your legs off the side of the bed and walked into the living room, eyes instantly falling onto a disheveled but relaxed looking Javier.
“Javi! You’re back!” you say, voice thick with relief as you walk over and wrap him in a hug.
His face falls instinctively to the crook of your neck and he takes in a deep breath, “I miss you so much, mi amor,” he whispers, hands coming to rest on your waist as he leaves a soft kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
You can feel him start to push you backwards slightly and you pull away from the embrace looking at him questioningly, “Javi, babe what are you-“ 
Before you can finish Javier pushes you somewhat roughly into the wall behind you, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you while I was gone,” he breathes, mouth moving from you neck to your jaw.
“I missed you too Javier,” you gasp as his mouth finally meets yours, days of longing and emotions poured into this single action. 
Javier’s hands drift from ups up to your sides, gripping you roughly through his thin t-shirt you were wearing, right over your newly injured side. You let out a loud gasp, pleasure and pain, and your foggy mind can’t tell which is more important in this moment. 
“Did you put this one for me?” he asks, voice thick with want and need, “because you look so fucking-“ his words catch in his throat as he squeezes your side once more, and his brows knit confusion as a new and unfamiliar warmth meets his hand. He pulls away from you slightly, ignoring your whine at the loss of contact and his eyes widen at the sight before him. 
His hand is covered in a thin coat of blood, as he pulls it away from the crimson stain on your shirt, “What the fuck? (y/n), what they hell is this?” he exclaims, voice rising several octaves as he takes your wrist in his non bloody hand and pulls it away from your body to get a better look at your now bleeding side.
You let out an indignant huff, “Some asshole stabbed me earlier today, nothing major now-“ you reached out for him again, wanting to feel his lips on your again, “Come here. I can’t even feel it!” you assure.
Javier lets out an angry sigh, shoving your grasping hands away and instead pulls you over to sit on a stool in the kitchen, “Stop! You got fucking stabbed? And you didn’t tell me?” he asks, anger and concern lacing his words as he hurriedly digs under the sink for the med kit he had there.
You roll your eyes, “I’m fine! Plus, I just got home a few minutes before you did, how was I supposed to tell you?” you argue.
Javier doesn’t say anything in return, he instead rushes back over to where you are sitting, med kit in hand. He quickly lifts your shirt up and over your head to inspect the damage. The bandages are soaked completely through with blood and he gently lifts up the bottom edge of your sports bra to unwrap the dirty bandages. 
“Why didn’t you tell me as soon as I walked in the door? It should have been the first thing you told me!” he scolded; voice harsher than he meant for it to be. You sighed and slumped over in your seat slightly, shame filling you at his words, “I’m sorry Javi,” you whisper, hand running through his hair lightly.
His heart was racing at the thought of what happened to you, and the fact that he wasn’t there when it happened. As he unwrapped the last layer, he cringes slightly at the damage he sees. It’s actually not as bad as it seemed, some of the stitches had just ripped from where he had been a little rough with you. he felt a pang of guilt shoot through him.
“No, I’m sorry, look at what I did,” he mutters, pulling the supplies he’d need from the med kit and setting them on the counter. 
You opened your mouth to refute his apology but were silenced with a quick peck to the lips instead. Javier brought a hand up to rest on your cheek and gently ran his thumb over your cheek bone, “Just…let me fix you up okay? Then I’ll order some food and we can relax.” Your eyes found his, flooded with concern but also bursting with love as he stared back at you.
You gave him a small smile, turning your head to press a kiss to the palm of his hand and nodded, “Okay.”
Javier gave you a small smile before kneeling down to your side and set to work on patching you up. He cleaned away the blood before disinfecting the area and carefully placing a few stitches back where they needed to be. He took notice of how you barely flinched as he threaded the needle through your skin and let out a small chuckle before tying a knot and cutting the thread.
“They must have you on some pretty strong painkillers,” he comments, now wrapping the bandages around your torso.
You let out a giggle, “I was telling you the truth when I said it didn’t hurt,” you begin, “But I think I’m just a badass, because it didn’t hurt when I actually got stabbed either,” you say, a large smile on your face. 
Javier finishes wrapping the bandages securing them with some medical tape before standing so you were looking up at him. he let out a small chuckle and gently placed his hands on your hips, “Yeah well you’re my badass,” he says playfully, pulling you in for a sweet kiss. 
You smile into the kiss, his moustache tickling your upper lip slightly before you pull away and rest your head against his chest, sighing contentedly. You both just stayed in that position for a while, his hands on your hips and your arms wrapped loosely around his waist, relishing in each other’s presence after a week of not seeing one another. 
You finally broke the silence, “Can we order from that pizza place a few blocks over? I didn’t realize how hungry I was until you mentioned food,” you said shyly.
Javier just gave you a bright smile and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling you up from the stool, “Anything for you amado,” he says gently.
You smile at his sweet words and follow him as he leads you over to the couch and sits you down, “Stay here I’ll be right back.” 
You nod and watch as he scurries off the bedroom, emerging moments later in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, his arms filled with pillows and blankets. You feel your heart swell as he comes over and places the pillows down near the armrest and motions for you to lay down before tossing the blanket over you. you gave him a warm smile as he went to go order the pizza before returning back to the living room and sitting down, pulling your legs into his lap and turning on the TV.
He gently strokes your legs over the covers, and you intertwine one of your hands with his free one, “You’re too sweet to me Javi,” you say quietly.
Javier looks over to you, and shakes his head, “Nothing is ever too much for you mi amor,” he says sweetly before leaning over, mindful of your injured side, and kissing you sweetly before pulling away and taking your hand in his again. 
“I love you Javi,” you say quietly, eyes on the TV.
Javier smiles, squeezing your hand gently as his other hand still stroked your leg slowly, a certain calm peace settling over him as he sat on the couch with the woman he loved.
“I love you too.” 
Steve watched as Javier walked into the embassy the next day, straight to his desk and dialing the phone. He was still as he waited for whoever it was to pick up then he caught Steve’s eye and turned away from him, as they answered. “Hey, yes I know I just left,” he casts Steve another glance and lowers his voice, Steve had to strain to hear the conversation.
 “Did you remember to take your pain killers?” Javier paused, “And the antibiotics?” he paused again, “Yes I know you can take care of yourself, I just wanted to make sure,” he defends, “Okay, yes, I will grab some on the way home, love you,” he says finally and hangs up the phone, turning to return to his desk across from his partners.
Steve gives him a shit eating grin, leaning back in his chair, he opens his mouth to say something, but Javier stops him with an accusing finger, “Not a fucking word,” word he bites. 
Steve fights to hold back a laugh and puts his hand up in mock surrender, “Okay Peña, but I will say I never took you for the mother hen type,” he smirked.
Javier wouldn’t admit it, and he definitely wouldn’t show it in front of the other guys at work, but Steve knew how much he cared about you. He had to hold back another laugh as he ducked to avoid the folder thrown his way, finally laughing at the disgruntled look Javier sent his way.
Oh yeah, he wasn’t fooling anybody...He was smitten.
Permanent Tag: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @stillreadingfantasy @jokersdoll​ @simonsbluee​
Pedro Tag: @fleurdemiel145​ @sargesbestgirl @lustriix​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @longitud-de-onda​ @jellyfishpoptart​ @ah-callie​ @mutantsandproud​ @pascalisthepunkest​
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shadowsong26fic · 3 years
Coming Attractions!
A day late, but ah well...
As usual, we’ll go ahead and do an Open Question Night. Which basically means that, while my ask box is always open, tonight I’ll be keeping an eye on it and answering things as they come in. Any fandom or work I’ve talked about here (or posted on AO3) is fair game, as are general questions about writing, etc. I do accept prompts, but I am. Not very good at filling them in a timely manner unless they Immediately spark something, lol.
So, yeah, what’s on your mind?
Also, since I don’t think I have for a couple months, plug for my Discord server! It’s pretty quiet, mostly intended to be a slightly more interactive extension of this space, but you’re welcome to check it out!
Anyway, the usual Coming Attractions details are behind the cut!
PodTogether 2021:
I participated in this challenge for the first time this year, and it was a whole lot of fun! Of Other Suns is a SW/AtLA crossover, and I think it turned out pretty well! My reader/podficcer and I worked pretty closely together during the initial brainstorming process, working out what we wanted to do, and also bounced off one another during the whole editing/finalizing process. There’s a lot that I didn’t end up putting into the fic (because time and length; I am a. Uh. Very wordy writer; the aim was for 6-12k words, we ended up with nearly 15k as it is...), so I might poke more at this specific AU, or crossovers linking up at a different time (either a different point in the SW canon, or in the AtLA canon, or both). I...definitely have extensive headcanons for SW characters as benders of various elements (or nonbenders), and there are at least two Force-sensitive AtLA characters who were outside the scope of the crossover.
Anyway, if you want to check it out...click this link XD (and definitely listen to the podfic too!!! It’s really great)
So, between the final push on PodTogether and some origfic stuff I got done, I...did not get anything finished and posted for this, alas. But! I am saying it here in the hopes that doing so publicly will for once get me to actually stick to a deadline, which is that I will get either the first Protectors chapter or the next Preludes one-shot (or both!) up by this Sunday, September 12. The Protectors chapter will be mostly scene-setting, establishing where various characters are when we open, six years after we last saw our heroes. The Preludes segment will involved Hondo contacting Obi-Wan (and Anakin, who’s with him when he gets the call) about something Relevant To Their Interests.
I will for sure get that Prelude out this month, and hopefully at least two Protectors chapters, but we’ll see how things go at work and how much brain that takes, which is always a factor...anyway, with any luck, I’ll start establishing a Rhythm. I don’t think I’ll be doing weekly updates, the way I did for the first few arcs of Precipice (in part because there are some other longform projects I intend to start putting out and if I am going to do Weekly Fic Posts, I’ll probably alternate), but we’ll see how things go.
AtLA Fic:
Again, I didn’t finish what I wanted to (other than the aforementioned crossover for PodTogether), but I have been working on stuff in the background and, while I’m not going to commit to a Specific Deadline like I am for Precipice, I do plan to post at least the opening chapter of the still-untitled Avatar Zuko AU I’ve been working on this month, so watch this space!
Other Fic Projects:
I’m poking around at what to do for next years SWBB (if only because my wordcounts have been Steadily Increasing and I’d like to get a head start in anticipation of that happening again this year, lol). Still considering exactly what to do, whether I pour all my focus into OFLAM, like I consider every year, or see if I can work up Bail Unfucks the Timeline or another half-plotted AU I have in the back of my head, or go with a different prompt/storyline that occurs to me at some point between now and then, but I’m starting to Actively Ponder things.
I do have that BSG1 crossover outline in the works, I swear XD I’ve got...uh...maybe half to two thirds of the first third of the overall storyline written up? XD It’s a. Uh. Long one. I might go ahead and release it in three parts, just for length/convenience, and because it does more or less have three distinct sections (the initial contact/New Caprica fallout and establishment of the Haven settlement which makes sense in context; the second contact/algae planet; and then an adventure on a resurrection ship to retrieve a Specific Boxed Five and possibly walk away with Ellen because that would just ruin Cavil’s day and I do so love to ruin Cavil’s day, lol). ...I’m going to go ahead and post a preview snippet at the bottom of this post, as Motivation XD
I think that’s all the fanfic stuff I have specific updates for. There’s generally always stuff noodling around in my brain (lately, for Star Wars, AtLA, BSG, or some combination of the three), it’s just how much of it materializes, lol.
At some point, I plan to revisit some BSG epics I had going on (Serenissima; rewriting For Sorrow Sung or doing a slightly different storlyine with the same concept; The Other Battlestar; a few others), but no concrete plans as of yet.
I also kind of want to explore a far-past AtLA setting I designed for a challenge community way back? But I’m not sure if that would work better as an original work with the serial numbers filed off, if I could figure out how I wanted to do that (I have done it before, as I’ll talk about below, but this concept, while not directly involving any characters from Avatar canon as it’s set 2000 years prior to Sozin’s reign, does to an extent lean on the Avatar specifically as a concept, in a way that the other fic I did this with did not).
Original Fic:
Due to a challenge on rainbowfic, I actually got. Quite a bit written? Most of it was not super plot-relevant, but I dropped some Hints about a character in Lux and I got to play in some heads I don’t very often. I might go back to the Regency AU at some point, and there’s a specific reveal I want to write up for a secondary character in The Farglass Cycle, but I haven’t quite figured out how to structure that one, so we’ll see how it goes.
Had an interesting discussion the other day about the way original fiction sometimes starts as fanfic with the serial  numbers filed off and...well, a lot of my original stuff starts that way? Or has some roots there, anyway.
Lux doesn’t quite as much, but I definitely ported in at least two characters who started as fanfic characters (leaving aside that this is, y’know, The Apocalypse IN SPACE so, like. Various fandoms that deal with that probably influenced things, plus several key players are Public Domain Characters sooooo), plus some of the way the world is constructed draws on the Native Tongue trilogy and I flat-out stole a concept from Queen of the Damned, though the way it works in this world is different (also, to be fair, I think I’ve seen it in other places, too; but I personally got the idea from there).
The Farglass Cycle and Untitled Intrigues Story, however, straight-up started as fanfic concepts. And I don’t think it’s obvious unless I point out what the source materials were? Farglass, in particular (it’s the AtLA fic I mentioned earlier), because it started as an alternate future and then the map and magic system got reworked, plus the Avatar themself wasn’t even super involved in the original fic context, and while certain characters are very loosely based on AtLA characters, by now they’ve been so altered by the setting that it’s...I used the same archetypes, if that makes sense?
And then Untitled Intrigues Story started as a fusion between two wildly different fandoms, and while one character is a pretty clear expy if you know where he comes from, and another character kept the same actress in my head, I don’t think it’s very clear other than that.
...anyway, not sure where I’m going with that, other than it’s been in my head lately, lol.
...I think that about covers it! What about you guys? What are you all working on? Slash any questions, etc.?
Teaser for BSG1 AU outline, as promised:
So, anyway, SG-1 is prepared for rain and mud and a survivable-but-kinda-unpleasant environment. They’re also prepared for the usual shenanigans--Goa’uld, cranky local politics, weird alien tech that Daniel really should know better than to touch but sends him into another dimension anyway...
Just. Y’know. A normal mission.
They’re...not quite prepared for what they actually find when they step through.
Which is a very tense and now slightly Confused crowd of people, and a firing squad made up of very large killer robots, with a teenage girl as their target.
(One of the large killer robots is. Uh. Well. Half a large killer robot now; that particular Centurion was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got kawooshed in the face. As one does.)
(Said Centurion absolutely wins the ‘Weirdest Death’ pool for the week in Download City, because that is clearly a thing that exists because it entertains me)
There’s a beat where everyone just stares at everyone else, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
The wormhole disengages.
Daniel takes half a step forward, opens his mouth to start the ‘we are peaceful explorers from Earth and y’all seem to be having a Moment here, sorry for interrupting, but, uh...’
And then the moment end and absolute chaos erupts.
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[The first thing you notice about the letter immediately, is that it’s stained with some kind of orange liquid. The ink is smudged, but thankfully, it’s still readable]
To Yuvon,
The fact that you have accommodations for reading and gaming when you don’t have anything for food is so funny to me. The god is just like ‘I’ll give this woman endless books and arcade games, but I can’t be bothered to feed her so I’ll just make her full forever!’ It’s giving me new-born AI vibes. [There’s a crude picture of a stereotypical robot, square head, antenna, etc. with it’s head slightly tilted, almost as if confused]
It’s kind of like, the dimension/possible super-natural entity is trying to satiate your needs in the most efficient way possible. They won’t have to waste food on you if your never hungry or thirsty, and they’ll never have to waste medical supplies if they make you more durable. The only living accommodations problem they solved normally is entertainment, and I guess the only reason why they did that is because they can’t just, pump serotonin into your brain. That’s just my own theory though.
If, theoretically, a person/super-natural was keeping you here for some kind of purpose, then we’d have to assume that there is something to gain by specifically making you send letters to other alternate versions of you. I can’t think of what that could possibly be, but it’d, have to do with Duskwood, wouldn’t it? That’s literally the only thing connecting you and me.
Bruh, what if the, actual Man Without A Face is behind this, wouldn’t that be wild???
I digress, you do have your phone right? If so, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk with not just Jake, but the Duskwood Squad(tm), too, not about your situation (obviously, but maybe, only do that if you see no alternatives). Just so that we can confirm that everything is normal back on Earth. Also to confirm, do you have signal? Can you use a navigation system on your phone? Etc.
Imagine if J our mutual hacker friend finds out about this, mine seems chill enough, but yours sounds like he would flip his shit if someone even looked at you bad.
PS. I’m so sorry about the orange juice stain, I was about to send this off when my cat knocked the glass over. I hope ya don’t mind.
Yeah, now that you say it, it really is sort of hilarious XD
There's definitely a thought. "Efficiency" would be a good motivation for why those rooms look like that. If that's the case though, I'm a little worried about the size of the library and the game room. There's... quite a few books and games.
There's a couple possible reasons I can see that I'm here. One: something was bored and thought it'd have some fun by shoving me in here. Two: whatever this thing is REALLY wants the case solved, to the point that it kidnapped me here and gave me the chance to connect to other people in the same situation. Three: there's some personal motivation, most likely related to me specifically and not you. Four: this is some sort of weird eldritch social experiment. Five: Duskwood is a WAY weirder place than even we knew so far.
You know, weirdly, the theory that the MWAF is behind this holds a tiny bit of water if it's the original MWAF from the legend and not the imitator. I didn't think about that before. But that would mean the MWAF would have a lot more power than I'm necessarily comfortable with an avenging figure having, especially one that targets innocents too...
As for my phone: There's only a couple features that really seem to work. The clock is just gone, there's no date and no time, just nothing. There's no internet whatsoever, and when I tried to call emergency services when I first ended up here I couldn't get through. I struck up a small chat with Cleo, earlier, so texting them does work, but not really anyone else. I just tried the navigation system; it basically is just telling me that there's no connection.
Most features of my phone, on further experimentation, seem to work, so long as they don't connect to the world outside of the Duskwood case, and don't have anything to do with hell-in-woods-land. The charge on my phone doesn’t seem to be going down, either. I texted everyone for a general check in just now. Let's see what they say.
It's... been a couple days by now, right? I can't really tell in this place. Anyhow, Jessy and Thomas are still staying together in the same place. Everyone is still alarmed and concerned about them to some extent. The letter from Madruga hasn't returned yet.
It's not just me who thinks this is all way too static, right? Like, time's running, and they're all going about their days, but nothing's HAPPENING. No progress, no setbacks, no more information, no more questions, no processing of or fading of or change in emotions, nothing.
Agh, I don't know anything anymore.
Anyhow. About our mutual hacker friend: yes and no? He definitely worries about me a lot, especially when things were happening like my phone getting hacked and whatever. But more than that, I feel like he's someone who doesn't feel secure unless he's got some measure of control over his surroundings. Everything's been spiralling out of their predictable patterns and everything's changing, and this is one more serious change to add to the pile. One he can't do anything about, to boot.
That makes me sort of torn for a lot of reasons. I sort of feel like a hypocrite for being upset about him keeping things like that he'd called the victim from me when I'm keeping my LITERAL KIDNAPPING a secret from him. On the other hand, if I ever tell him, he'll be more upset proportional to how much time I take to tell him. On the other other hand, going by how I think he feels about me, this whole situation seems like something that'd be in his nightmares.
Okay. Depressing. Time to switch subjects.
Pff— gotta love pets, amirite? I remember once my dog literally ate my homework. That was interesting to explain to my teachers XD
All my best to your cat,
Wait. Why are there local multiplayer games in the game room?
Uh. Well. That's. Interesting. What the fuck.
With that in mind, signing off now.
(When you’re done reading, the letters tuck themselves into the paper clip with the others.)
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pidgelings · 7 years
Hey! Did you update the AU list? I don't recall seeing that Suasoculi AU. What the heck is it?
 Hi, anon !! Yes, I did update the AU List and yes that’s one of my new AUs.
XD Yeah, the name doesn’t explain much, does it? So, basically, a Suasoculi (or “Suassie” for short)  is a creature I came up with (don’t know if there are any mythological equivalents, so if there are let me know).
Basically, the name “Suasoculi” comes from two Latin words:Suasorius which means PersuasiveandOculi which means Eyes
A Suasoculi is either a creature that looks human (but does have an alternate, somewhat less human form) or a cursed human whose eyes have a constant hypnotic power to them that the holder can’t control. Basically, if they make eye contact with any person or creature (except for their own kind), they gain control over them. The power can be blocked by things that block the eyes (sunglasses work best but contacts don’t work at all). 
The AU focuses mostly on Pidge, who’s a Suassie, but Keith also is a rather important character. The pairings of the AU are Plance (of course) and Sheith. Anyways, enough explanation, time to get into the plot !!
Suasoculi AU
Pidge was born a Suassie and has had her power for as long as she could remember
No one else in her family is one so she’s one of the “Cursed Human” variants of Suassie (how she became one is unclear)
It was kinda hard to grow up as one because her power became stronger as she aged
As a baby, her eyes would just cause someone to stare at them for too long but as she grew up, she found she could control people by making eye contact with them and giving a command
She became afraid of her power and tried to find a way to control or hide it
When she couldn’t control it, she found out that sunglasses could hide it
She quickly bought a permanent pair and only used her power on her family after that to make them not question why she has sunglasses on all the time (she made them believe it was a medical issue)
“I wear them because I’m sensitive to light, okay?”
She’s very much against using her powers on people
It makes her really uncomfortable with the idea of controlling people
The only times she uses the ability is to protect herself and occasionally protect someone else
She hates having the power and she really wishes she could get rid of it
Sadly, nothing can get rid of it
She’s rather isolated and lonely as a result of the fear of her power
That changes when she meets Lance and Hunk though
Lance, Hunk, and “The Debate”
Pidge meets Lance and Hunk around the start of High School
Lance was oddly determined to become her friend and, eventually, she just allowed it to happen
Lance and Hunk were actually one of the first people to reach out to her (as most people thought she was just weird and left her alone) and really try to befriend her
Of course, they were very confused as to why she wore sunglasses all the time
They didn’t really buy her excuse to being “light sensitive” as she wore them even at night around them and it was usually very dark
They never forced her to explain though
As High School started to draw to a close, Pidge realized she had developed feelings for Lance
Only problem? He was head over heels in love with a girl in their school by the name of Allura
Who could blame him? She was a pretty, take no shit type of girl and very popular
This is where Pidge found herself caught in a debate
It would be so easy to make Lance fall in love with her. All she’d have to do is lock eyes with him and give him the command
But, that would be the wrong thing to do
So, she just kinda hoped that Lance would change his mind and fall for her
He didn’t
This is where the debate became harder and harder for her because she has this power for a reason, isn’t it okay to be a little selfish with it once in a while?
It’s during this debate that she meets Keith
Meeting Keith
Pidge bumped into him by accident
Well, actually, he bumped into her
The bump caused her sunglasses to go askew (showing off her eyes)
When she snapped at him to apologize, he turned to look at her (taking off the sunglasses he was wearing in the process) with a glare, until he noticed she wasn’t going into a catatonic state
Pidge was confused why he wasn’t doing so either
He almost instantly grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, causing her to panic
Who the hell was this guy and what was he going to do to her?!
“Calm down! You’re a Suassie, aren’t you?”
Yup, this guy is the same thing she is
At Pidge’s demands for an explanation, the guy introduces himself as “Keith” and explains to her who he is and what they are
Turns out, she’s not the only person with this ability
There are many others; some good, some bad
Keith is actually trying to track down one of these bad ones by the name of “Lotor”
Lotor kinda stole Keith’s boyfriend from him (and not just in a “you love me now” sort of way)
As a kind of way to figure out what kind of Suassie Pidge is, he asks for her help to get his boyfriend back
Seeing as Pidge wants a distraction from her Lance issue, she agrees to help him
Little does she know she had just entered a battle bigger than what Keith let on
Lotor and the “Champion”
Keith and Pidge manage to track down Lotor a day or two after they met (as Keith was already rather close to finding him)
Turns out, Lotor isn’t alone
He’s got 4 other Suassies with him and one... human?
He greets Keith warmly, contrasted by Keith literal growl of a response
When his eyes fall on Pidge though, he’s interested
“Ah, so the Eyes of Marmora are dragging any Suasoculi they can into their ranks? How cute~”
Keith tells Lotor to shut up but Pidge is already confused
Who the hell are the “Eyes of Marmora??”
Lotor tells Keith to not be that way, after all, shouldn’t he be happy to see his boyfriend is safe?
Yeah, the “human” wearing a strange visor/mask turns out to be Shiro, Keith’s missing boyfriend
The visor/mask makes his eyes unable to be seen, which prevents Keith from freeing Shiro from Lotor’s control
Not only that but Shiro now responds to the call sign of “Champion”
Lotor soon sends Shiro to attack both Keith and Pidge
Now, Pidge has next to no combat training at all and Keith refuses to fight against Shiro 
The two are almost taken out... until they are saved by three men wearing rather interesting outfits
Keith seems familiar with these men as he calls one out by name, “Kolivan”
The three drive Lotor’s group and “Champion” away and soon scold Keith
Keith and Pidge are brought back to the EoM base to explain themselves
The Eyes of Marmora
After explaining their actions and being scolded by Kolivan, Pidge is finally told what the “Eyes of Marmora” are
They’re a group of Suassies that either use their powers for the benefit of humanity or don’t use their powers at all (their name comes from the Suassie that formed their group)
They’re in constant battle with the Eyes of Galra (named after the first Suassie who used his powers for this reason), a group of Suassies that desire to use their powers to benefit themselves and only themselves(They’re pretty much the Suassies that want to control the world)
Keith is a member of them and has been raised by them his whole life
Keith tries to explain to Kolivan that he believes that Pidge could be a great member of the EoM if she’s trained as she was willing to help him despite him being a stranger
Kolivan is hesitant but soon asks Pidge if she’d be willing to join their ranks
He warns her that from just helping Keith that she’s now on the Galras’ bad side and isn’t safe anymore
Not really having much of a choice, she joins them
Keith becomes the main person who trains her as he is excellent in combat (when Shiro isn’t the one he’s against)
Pidge picks things up rather quickly as Keith is a rather unrelenting teacher
Soon, she becomes his partner for missions against the Galra
Turns out, Lotor isn’t the only problem as there are many, dangerous Galra that have to be dealt with
So, Pidge often finds herself suiting up to take Galra down
EoM uniforms are pretty much the BoM uniforms but more casual and modern, being made up of hoodies/jackets, sweatpants, and parkour/paintball armorNothing too fancy
The armor, of course, is enchanted so it’s a lot stronger than it looks
Both the EoM and the Galra use a mix of magic and technology
Pidge is also given her first blade after her first successful mission against a Galra known as Sendak
She and Keith have many encounters with “Champion” and all they can really manage to do is drive him away, never beat him as Keith refuses to hurt him still and Pidge isn’t that strong against him
Pidge becomes really dedicated to her EoM training and missions
Questioning of Morals
As Pidge starts to disappear to do EoM stuff more and more, Lance and Hunk become worried
I mean, their friend is becoming so scarce that she’s almost a ghost at this point
The two eventually head over to her house to ask her what’s up
She doesn’t let them come inside, so they compromise by heading out to the local park to talk
She’s very vague when answering their “Where have you been?!” questions
This only causes more worry in both of the boys
“Do you not want to be our friend anymore, Pidge?”“No! It’s nothing like that!”“Then what is it?”“Like I said, I’ve just been busy-”
That’s when Keith shows up
He asks Pidge if the two guys she was talking with were giving her trouble and she explains that they aren’t and they’re just a couple of concerned friends
Lance takes one look at Keith and pretty much instantly doesn’t like him
Dude looks shady as hell and is wearing sunglasses at night like Pidge
Yup. He doesn’t like the fact that Pidge is talking with this guy so casually
Pidge cannot be having shady friends like this
Meanwhile, Keith gets very worried
He asks Pidge if she close with these two guys and when she confirms his suspicions, he gets extra worried
He doesn’t want either of these guys to end up like Shiro
So, because he doesn’t know how to explain things well, he tries to use his power on them to make them leave and forget about Pidge
This only pisses off Pidge and she stops Keith before he can follow through with it
This betrayal of trust really hurts her
She storms off with Lance and Hunk in a rage and makes sure they both get home safely before she wanders off to sulk
She questions if it’s really even smart to be a part of the EoM and questions how she even got into her situation
She cuts herself off from everyone and everything for a few days as she questions her place in the world
This is when Lotor and his group make their move
They bring Pidge out to the local forest and make her an offer: Join the Galra and not only will her family be safe but she’ll have what they know she wants: Lance in love with her
To prove their point, they even already manipulated Lance to love her and present him to her
He, of course, is very happy to see her and tells her that the two of them could be happy together if she just join the Galra
Now, even though she may not be on best terms with Keith and the EoM but she still has her morals and refuses to accept the offer
However, when she tries to free Lance from their control, a visor/mask similar to the one on Shiro is placed on him as he is commanded to attack Pidge like his life depends on it
Not only that but “Champion” is sent to attack her as well
Battle of the Oak Forest
Pidge is well outmatched by just having to fight “Champion” with no backup but Lance attacking her doesn’t help her situation
She also realizes why Keith refuses to hurt “Champion” as she can’t bring herself to hurt Lance
Also, it doesn’t help that Lance is actually really good at fighting when he thinks his life depends on it
Just when Pidge is about to easily be overtaken by both of her attackers, Keith and a few members of the EoM jump in just in time
The EoM members deal with Lotor and his group while Keith takes on Lance and Pidge takes on Shiro
It’s at this point Pidge notices something she never noticed in all of her previous encounters with “Champion”: There’s a weakness in his visor
That means it can be broken off
She changes her battle strategy to do just that
After a few attempts, she manages to break the thing off of Shiro, causing him to stumble
Keith notices what she did and runs from his fight with Lance, telling Pidge to help Lance while he helps Shiro
Pidge does just that, breaking Lance’s visor off as well before using her powers on him to counteract Lotor’s
The other EoM members managed to drive away Lotor’s group so that everyone can escape
Once they return to their base safely, everyone can take a breather
Reunions and Explanations
Finally, Shiro and Keith can have a long-awaited reunion
It’s very soft as Shiro pulls Keith into a hug that lasts a long time
There a bit of tears on both sides of the reunion as both guys are just so relieved to be together once more
Keith makes Shiro swear not to leave him again, even using his power to make him promise for emphases
Shiro already had no plans on leaving Keith again
Kolivan lets the two have their moment while he tells Pidge that she should  either explain things to Lance (who is currently asking the EoM members way too many questions) or erase his memories of the whole thing
Pidge chooses the former, pulling Lance aside to explain everything. What she is, what she’s capable of, who the Eyes of Marmora are, who the Galra are, and anything else she thinks she should explain
Lance is really awkward and disbelieving of everything at first until Pidge uses her power to make him believe her
Now being fully aware of everything, Lance takes a note of Shiro and Keith’s reunion
The Galra captured him for a reason and made him do something he vaguely remembered and seeing Keith’s relationship with Shiro gives him a better idea as to what that reason is
Of course, he doesn’t ask Pidge. If his suspicions are correct, she’ll tell him her feelings for him eventually
He’s just not sure how he feels about that idea
Him ending up with Pidge? That’s crazy! Right...?
He doesn’t really have much time to think about it before he and Pidge head home
Now, he just has a lot to think about
Shiro and Lance
Now that Lance is in “the know” of what Pidge is, he kinda grows a friendship with Shiro as he’s really the only other human that he knows of that knows about these “Suassies”
Shiro is a rather nice guy when he’s not trying to murder everything while under the control of the Galra
Lance is kinda curious as to how Shiro and Keith ended up together and Shiro tells him the classic: “It’s a funny story...”
Shiro and Keith became friends in middle school (they’re in college now) and Shiro found out on accident what Keith was
Rather than be afraid of him, he was curious and did his best to learn about what Keith was
Years past and their bond grew stronger and stronger until Shiro finally asked Keith out
Keith was afraid at first because, well, he’s a Suassie and he’s rather dangerous
After a lot of comforting and convincing, the two started dating
Lance: “So, how do you two handle the whole ‘no eye contact’ thing? Isn’t that rather important for intimacy?”
Shiro: *chuckles* “I’ll admit, it’s rather difficult to remember at times and I’ve made the mistake many, many times. Still, there’s no doubt that we care about each other... ...Plus, if I’m going to be honest with you, sometimes we break that rule on purpose...~ The ability to give someone a command they have to obey can... spice things up from time to time~”
Okay, too much info, Shiro --
Still, learning about Shiro and Keith’s relationship really helps Lance come to terms and be comfortable with Pidge being a Suassie
Plus, if anything, he’s a lot more intrigued by her
Also, when Pidge and Keith go off to do EoM stuff, it’s kinda nice for the two to have another human to worry about their safety with
Basically, the two become best bros and Shiro starts to hang out with Lance and Hunk more often
An Ongoing Battle
Even though the Galra don’t have their “Champion” anymore doesn’t mean they’re any less of a threat
That also means that Pidge, Keith and the rest of the EoM have to continue to fight
Keith and Pidge reform their bond after that little bump and become partners once more
Shiro and Lance also become great support for the two Suassies
Hunk would also eventually learn what Pidge is as well and become support for her as well, along with her brother (who already knew Pidge wasn’t normal)
Pidge’s parents would still stay blind to everything but they’d still be protected
After all, the battle is nowhere near done and who knows what other things the Galra have up their sleeves
So, yeah, that’s where this AU is at right now. Hope it interests you !! :D
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