#and congrats again to bri <3
ttenvely · 7 months
In the source link below, you will find 298 gifs in 268x151 of BRITTANY SNOW (1986) in Christmas with the Campbells (2022). She is white, so please cast accordingly. All gifs were made from scratch by me and are for roleplay purposes only. Please consider giving this a reblog if using or if you found this to be useful. Do not repost or claim as your own. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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eu-phoris · 1 month
I missed you so much tita! ><
I've been playing genshin again after so longgg I remember the challenge here in inazuma where we used to co-op and try to defeat it together (we never succeeded). I finished it today, yay!
It's not 3:14 AM I swear
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CONGRATS BRI!!! that challenge was ughh anyway i also missed those times we play in coop and do challenges that almost kill us,, fun times!!!
okay, it wasnt 3:14am i believe you😊 but really what happened to sleeping on time also that's a neat team👍
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its-tortle · 1 year
Luisa! Congrats on turning in your thesis draft! Since you asked for asks, was there an hc/fanon/fic that shaped your thesis disproportionately more than any other?
@dontcallmebree have a full version of this ask if you want it because for some reason it posted way too early 😭
bri! hi my love! <3
thank you v much for you congratulations 🥰 my draft is a bit incomplete because i for some reason decided it would be a good idea to travel last week, but shh it's fine it's just pass/fail and i should get some helpful feedback on my work so far
i don't know if my thesis is based on any specific tropes or fics but my argument is essentially that the marvel movies (inconsistently and not often well) fused steve and cap even more wholly than the comics did, and that fanfiction carefully pulls the symbol/persona away from the individual again. fanfic tends to emphasize those aspects of the character which are erased or unexplored in the very action-based movies. as i put it in my little transition paragraph, "[fandom's] interpretations are based on fun and a love for the character, but also often reveal negotiations about Cap’s identity, constructively critique source materials, and act as socio-political commentary."
some quotes from fanfic i think i will include are:
“Steve smiled, gesturing towards the taller boy with his mug. ‘I used to be Captain America. Now I’m just Steve.’” (ilikeyougreenie, 2021)
“I think…after waking up [seventy years later] and finding out that my voice, my- my image had been used to promote quite a few things that didn’t sit well with me. Captain America had become this symbol that was so much bigger than Steve Rogers you know? I just wanted my voice back, for the moSt part” (adhoori, 2019)
“Captain America’s a symbol,” Steve shakes his head. “I’m just Steve Rogers.” (faerietell, 2018)
and then i will obviously talk a bit about disability and religion and heritage and queerness, and why this is important to fans and why they make it important for steve. i go on a little stucky rant. i talk about how the movies queerbait and how fans use this as an opportunity to spin a love story further (creating wonderful lines like womb to tomb sweetheart) and reclaiming that part of the character for themselves.
i'm really struggling with the word limit cause clearly i have wayy too much to say haha. i hope this sort of makes sense though? i am also happy to share the draft/final version with anyone who requests it.
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stevebabey · 1 year
idk if this will come through but congrats!!! love your work and you 💕🎧
it did come thru!! and thank god!! bri, miss ma'am when i think of u i'm thinking TALENT BABEY cos u create some insanely creative edits and gifsets and who's doing it like u huh?? i've said it like twice now and i'll say it again when i got the mistletoesteve followed stevebabey notif i had put my phone down. bcos of all the fantastic content u make over at @djosource i literally have to give u a djo song
fool / djo <3
join the celebration!
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briandthemoon · 3 years
I got tagged by the wonderful @deodorant-stick !
Rules: answer 28 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Bri
Gender: My gender is [modem dial-up noises]
Star sign: Cancer!
Height: 6′2″
Time: .....4:54am
Birthday: 21st July
Favorite band/groups: I’d normally say Fall Out Boy, but I’ve been reliving my late primary, early highschool love of Busted. Though I like a bunch of bands tbh.
Favorite solo artist: Marina, I just have the biggest spot in my heart for her
Song stuck in my head: Bad Girl Online - Oktavia Ver., I don’t even know why
Last movie: Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and yes I am STILL upset, fuckin’ killing off two of my faves how dare-
Last show: Puella Madoka Magica, my friend @softanxiouspatton is watching it for the first time and I’m rewatching it again too ehehe
When did I create this blog: I have no idea, I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast. I DID make my main back during the OG mischapocalypse tho. 
What do I post: Mostly Sanders Sides, but I do wanna do more art for other stuff I like, and i do have some art meme reqs for RWBY, ATLA, and even The Lumberjanes, so ye!!
The last thing I googled: "How long would it take to burn down an Olive Garden?” ..... I promise it’s for a fic, theres no Olive Gardens near me....
Other blogs: I have my main and my sanders side blog because if i reblogged every sanders sides thing to my main my followers would just be like “Bri pleASE-”
Do I get asks: Yeah!..... 36 of them. And still counting. For the art meme alone. ..... I never learn honestly.
When did I chose my URL: I had it in mind for a while, it was the first name in my mind when I decided to finally make my art blog.
Following: No idea
Followers: I just checked and .....1490, like dUDE HOW, WHY, HELLO-?! Looks like i need to get a 1.5K DTIYS ready holy hell.
Average hours of sleep: Sleep? Who’s she, never heard of her..... 
Lucky number: 21 or 7
Instruments: piano/keyboard, but I can only really play one handed. I sing but idk if that counts
What am I wearing: black t shirt and black leggings. 
Dream job: Honestly? I’m doing it, I’ll be real. I’ve only ever wanted to be an illustrator since I was a kid and that’s what I’m doing. I do wanna try making animatics and a webcomic someday though.
Dream trip: Hawaii and Japan, but I really wanna go to the US to see my friends. That and I really wanna see Iceland someday too, my friend Sandy from college always had great things to say about it and I would trust him with my credit card info so like, yeah.
Favorite food: my homemade pizza dumplings. <3
Nationality: Unyieldingly Scottish. 
Top 3 universes I’d like to live in: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and honestly? Treasure Planet
Alrighty! Tag time, let’s see! @noyin @softanxiouspatton @accidental-sanders @galactic-magick @ewatsonia @whataboutcare @shortnfantastic @iggyalfi2319 @iwispkid @broadwaytheanimatedseries @polaris-andrew @voltsm (that reminds me I need to get your DTIYS done soon, congrats) @spooky-scary-virgil  @iceandjunk and I can’t think of anyone else I see in my notifs a lot rn aaaAAA
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
content creator appreciation!! list five favourite sets/art/fic you've made and send this ask to five other content creators! 💕
(Spreading some love and self appreciation to amazing content creators! If 5 overwhelms you, choose one, or three! Whatever suits you)
And congrats on 200 followers!!!! i'm showering you with confetti from afar!
Thank you so so so much Bri!!!! 💗💗 And thank you to @otp-holic and @marvelousescapism for sending this one too!!!) I had a hard time picking my own favourites but this is what I came up with:
1. Carry My Heart a Stucky fic I wrote that has a special place in my heart. It's not for everyone with Steve being a woman in this one but it's a fic I just really like.
2. Hotel Bar Daddy another Stucky fic. It's incredibly self-indulgent and I had so much fun writing it!
3. the dreamer who built the first trapeze also a Stucky fic. I really enjoyed exploring Wanda and Steve’s friendship in this and this one also has a special place in my heart. I am still planning to write a companion piece from Bucky’s POV for this fic.
4. i believe we were meant to be which is a Stucky moodboard I made. One day I will write a fic to go along with it but for now I just really love the moodboard :)
5. Mended Hearts, the first fic I shared on this account. It focuses on Nat and Steve’s friendship and Steve’s grief and it, again, has a special place in my heart.
I do really love my other moodboards and fics too and choosing between them was SO hard. Aside from a few I am very fond of most things I have created. They might not all be masterpieces but they mean something to me and I think that's important too! Making this list made me realise how much I miss creating!!
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painandpleasure86 · 3 years
💻 and Roger
And congratulations 🎉👏 on 600 followers
Hi sweetie, thanks for the request and for the congrats!!! <3 Sorry for my delay in post to your request, I hope that you can enjoy this!!
Note for the readers: this will be also available in AO3 (suchalongaway76)
Roger, a man of lots of women, decided just for one. He was in love, and he didn’t want to deceive to that black-haired girl that stolen his heart since they met. He told to that woman that he at least could poach an egg, she was skeptical. So, Roger tried to ask help to his friends… just Brian replied to that, and he asked his mum to confirm.
One day were both at Roger’s house, to practice that. Both were in the kitchen, in front of the cooker, with all the necessary elements. Bri, despite he offered his help, he didn’t see the point of that and made it know to his friend.
-I don’t know why you told that to that woman, Roger. You know that cook isn’t your cup of tea -Brian said.
-I… I don’t wanna seems like an useless man Bri - Roger confessed, smoking his fifth cigarette in half an hour.
-No one of us knows how to cook a lot and don’t make us useless. We… we just have another talents. We cannot be good at everything possible.
Roger sighed and smoke his cigarette a bit more, watching to his garden though the window.
-Anyways, I didn’t felt enough man to Dom, Bri -he smoke again-. She’s a good woman, with a good heart, kind, sweet, plus she’s so precious… It’s like an angel -he sighed- I feel like the most insignificant ever, man…-he smoked his cigarette again and sighed deeply- I wanna show her I’m not like other men in music industry, y’know…
Bri was speechless. Roger opened his heart and his real intentions with her. He never used to show sensibility. Now it's one of those moments...
The silence reigned in that kitchen for almost a minute, until Brian could speak properly.
-Roger… I think that if she’s really into you, she will be with you despite your clumsiness at kitchen, plus… I-
Roger was watching to his friend with attention, meanwhile he was trying to say something.
-Doesn’t matter Bri, I got your point. But anyways I wanna learn, at least I wanna try -he smiled, turned off his cigarette in the ashtray-. Let’s start then, and we should to be quick.
Bri watched to Roger’s eyes and understood without words what was going on.
-Roger… seriously?
-We will remember this day with joy when we’re two old men, between laughs…
-Yeah, but now isn’t that funny! We haven’t time! And this take at least 15 minutes.
-Great then -Roger smiled.
Brian sighed and started to help to his friend.
Do you want to request? Ask prompts are here! (today it's the last day, until 23:59 of today, GMT -3)
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Cowboy Dad Sh*t
For previous parts click HERE
Pairings - Adam Page x OFC, Marq Quen x OFC x Cash Wheeler, Matt Jackson x OFC, SLIGHT Alex Reynolds x OC
Categories - Fluff, angst, comedy, and for the first time SMUT
Warnings/Promises - Cheating, cussing, pregnancy. *FOR SMUT* Oral (male receiving)
Word Count - 3,614
Summary/Desc - What started off as the ICB joking around; led to a big deal, Parker flirts with Alex Reynolds on BTE Adriana gets signed to AEW, Parker and Gabby fight, Bri continues with her selfish ways, a lot goes on in one week.
Thank you to my co-writers @westanaew and (I THINK THIS IS HER @ ) @adriii-omega​ (Especially Adri, our new writer and OFC, for writing the smut for this chapter)
Tagging @kploveswrestling​ and @neversatisfiedgirlfics​
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“Where are they with the damn tests?” Bri groaned, flopping back onto the bed. Adriana, their best friend who was new to the AEW roster, shrugged, “Maybe Gabby is arguing with the cashier.”
Right after that sentence, Gabby and Parker walked through the door, bickering.
“This is your THIRD pint of ice cream this past 24 hours, Parker! Get over the breakup and go get some dick or somethin’.” “Oh I’m sorry did you break up with Adam when you’re absolutely in love with him? No,” She yelled, snatching Ben and Jerry’s ‘Love Is..’ from one of the bags, “So let me deal with it how I want!”
“It’s been like 3 weeks and all you’ve done is eat pints of ice cream.” “You didn’t wanna stop at Baskin Robbins!” They had started full blown yelling when Bri pushed them apart, “Can we just do this? Take some pregnancy tests as some jokes now?” Parker had rolled her eyes, taking the tests out of the bag, two for each of them.
“So who wanna volunteer?” Adrianna asked. “Nose goes!” Everyone had done it in time except the one person who asked, Adri. She sighed and took the tests to the bathroom, Gabby, Bri and Parker sitting in the room, waiting. “What if one of the tests comes back positive?” Bri asked. “Then it’ll probably be me or yours.” Gabby laughed. “Yeah yeah, make fun of me all you want but at least I would know who the dad is.” Parker mumbled, glaring at Bri.
“What?” Gabby asked. “Oh nothing, Parker just being a psychopath.” Bri said through her teeth, mad that Parker almost told Gabby that she had been cheating. A moment later Adri came out of the bathroom, tests in hand. “Now we wait.” One by one they had all taken their tests, Bri, Parker and Gabby being the last one. They had all waited till all of them said pregnant or not.
“We all know it’s not gonna be Parker.” Bri laughed, Parker looked up, ice cream in her mouth, “Shut. Your. Face.”
It was time for them to all see, this wasn’t for anything serious, they had just wanted to have some fun.
“3.” They all said in unison. Adriana, Brianna and Parker laughed, knowing that it would for sure say negative. They had all looked over at Gabby who had a confused expression. “Gab-E?” Parker asked, concerned, “What happened.”
“Are you sure we got the most promising ones?” A tear ran down her face.
Immediately Parker snatched the test out of Gabby's hand. “Holy shit!” Adriana yelled out. “What the hell?!” Bri let out. “You fucking dumbass!” Parker screamed. The test was positive, Gabby was pregnant. Gabby couldn’t do anything but cry, her and Adam had sex without condoms or birth control, but she didn’t expect a baby out of it. “It’s gonna be ok.” Adriana said in a soft voice before hugging Gabby. “What do I tell Adam? That I’m just pregnant?” She built up words to say. “No shit, what else do you say?” Parker took in a spoon full of her ice cream. 
“I think everything will be ok Gab.” “Just stay calm.” Bri and Adriana tried to comfort Gabby while Parker was in the corner still sad about her break up. “Ok I have to tell him, so quiet down.” Gabby really didn’t want to, but she didn’t wanna hide it either. She pulled out the phone and dialed the number of her boyfriend.
“Adam?” “Hi babe!” Gabby heard Adam on the other side of the phone, which made her heart smile. “Where are you?” “Right now I’m with Matt and Brandon what’s wrong?” “I have to tell you something.” Tears began to flow down Gabby’s face. “I’m….pregnant.” “No fucking way!” Adams face brightened. “Yes fucking way.” “Babe I can’t wait!” To Gabby’s surprise the cowboy was excited. “I love you so damn much boy. I’ll see you in a few.” “I love you too, see ya.” Gabby hung up the phone, smiling.
“So what did he say?” Adriana questioned. “He was happy...I think” she replied.
The four had left the room a little while later to get to Daily’s Place and for the first time, Parker and Gabby didn’t speak to each other.
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
Superkick PAAARRRR-
“Shut up John!” “You shut up Stu!” “You can’t even get anyone else in the Dark Order!” Parker walked close by, stifling laughter from what she was hearing in the room ahead. It went quiet for a second before you heard a slap and the familiar yelp of John Silver. She jumped and cringed, knowing that Brodie had hit him with papers, again. She was about to walk away when Alex Reynolds exited from the room to get away from the drama inside.
“Parker! What’s up?” “Just walking by, can I leave now?”
“Why leave so soon? Why not just stay, at least for a minute?” “I already told you I’m not joining the Dark Order, pretty boy.” Parker snapped back, clearly not dealing with it this week. Alex put his arm up to lean on the wall, trying to be smooth, “Who said anything about the Dark Order?” “God, what do you want?” “To talk to you, obviously.”
Parker arched a brow, “Why?” Alex chuckled, “Don’t act dumb.” “Excuse me?!” “C’mon, you know I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant, is that you and me? We got good chemistry.” Parker gave a confused face, “What the fuck do you mean ‘chemisrty’, pretty boy?”
“I mean think about it, why do you think I’m always trying to get you in the Dark Order?” “Cause you’re desperate?” “Oh come on! You can’t go five minutes without calling me ‘pretty boy’.”
Parker’s jaw dropped at that sentence, “That’s not what...I mean- you can’t….I give up.”
“So you’re saying that you do think I’m attractive?” Parker smiled, “Well they didn’t call you the handsome devil for nothing.” 
Alex moved closer to her, “Well I’ll admit, you’re very attractive yourself." Parker giggled, “I didn’t know you thought that.” “Oh trust me, I think about way more than how attractive you are.” He winked. Parker looked at the floor before taking out her phone and handing it to Reynolds, he typed in his number and handed her the phone back. She kissed his cheek before walking away, “I’ll call you.”
He smirked as she left, then jumped when Brodie yelled his name from inside the room. He frantically ran inside, scene ending on the closed door.
The Elite talked about Chili’s and such when they all looked towards the doorway. “Another fucking girl Adam?” Kenny shouted, as the trio of Adam, Gabby, and Adriana, who was Gabby's friend, walked into the EVP’s room. “Not right now Kenny, please.” Gabby ran her hand down her face, getting anxiety over what The Elite would say about her being pregnant. “We have an announcement.” Adam said, wrapping his arm around Gabby's waist knowing it would calm her. “Don’t tell me you guys are getting married this soon.” Nick sighed. Adam came around behind Gabby, cupping his hands around her non-existent baby bump.
“We’re….pregnant!” “You motherfucker.” Kenny surprisingly has a smile on his face. “So were just having sex without protection now Adam?” “Yeah what the hell?” The Bucks joked. “It’s ok, I’m going to be a dad!” Adam shouted in joy. The Elite congratulated the couple, surprised yet happy that they would be much more than dog parents now.
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Before you check out our official merchandise page found at prowrestlingtees . com/youngbucks.
And to support the entire cast you can visit prowrestlingtees . com/aew
And thanks so much for Being The Elite.
The Elite The The Elite
What Nick you’re not gonna sing it all with me this time?
After BTE, the group of Adam, Gabby, Adriana, Matt, Nick, and Kenny decided to hang out. “So you're actually pregnant right?” Kenny questioned. “Duh what you think?” “Maybe it was just for the show I don’t know.” “Well it’s not”
 “Just know I’m happy for you two, I can put our differences aside for this.” Kenny reached in to give Gabby a hug. “Thank you Kenny, I appreciate it-“ she stopped when she felt Adam come from behind, placing a kiss on her neck. “Congrats on the baby man.” Kenny smiled at Adam, “Thank you Kenny.” Adam smiled back. “We should all take a pic, I won’t post till you guys announce the baby.” Nick came over. The four posed for the photo as Adam cupped gabby’s stomach and Kenny pointed his finger to the air, there were 2 of the 6 not in the photo tho.
Adriana stood in the corner of the EVP room smiling at her friends . Of course she was happy for Gabby and Page; though she barely met him or talked to him for a matter of fact she could tell he really loved Gabby. She was interrupted by her thoughts when someone tapped on her shoulder, “Hey! You must be Adriana, I’m Matt Jackson!” Adriana turnt so fast she got a little dizzy, she stumbled upon her feet and Matt held his hands out to catch her. “Woah- I’m so sorry, you scared me.” Matt chuckled as he noticed how pretty she was; he’s only seen clips of her online but up close she wasn’t half bad looking.
“Not everyday I can save a beautiful woman from falling on her face.” Adriana shot a confused look as he nervously chuckled, “Well, today is your lucky day. Thanks for scaring me…” Her eyes trailed up and down scanning the man head to toe. She noticed the perfect bun that sat on top of his head, the way he was still in gear from his match, and the way his eyes glistened as they stared at her lips, “You’re...um welcome? Hey look I know I’ve only known you for a couple minutes but-”
“Matt and Adriana stop being shy and come get in the picture! We’re not only celebrating a baby but our new signee for AEW! Man what a good day for us!” Nick exclaimed.
Adriana and Matt brought their eyes away from each other as they looked at the group. Gabby ran over and swooped Adriana away from Matt making him frown a little as Nick did the same. As they redid the picture Matt made sure to stand extra close to Adriana sliding his hand in her back pocket making her smirk. They smiled but Matt and Adriana smiled for different reasons . When they were done Adriana dragged Matt out the EVP room. “What the hell was that-“ Adriana started but was cut off with Hangman popping his head out asking if everything was okay.
Adriana started to reply but Matt cut her off, “We’re fine, but Adriana is starting to feel a little tired so I’m gonna take her to the hotel. Tell Gabby for us.” Hangman shot Matt an eye glance but shrugged it off as he made his way back in.
“I’m not tired Matt-” “You will be.”
Hotel Skip
Adam laid his head on Gabby’s lap as they watched t.v, Gabby running her fingers through his curly hair. “Y’know I’m really excited to be parents.” Adam said, turning down the volume. “I am too, especially with you around.” Adam sat up, grabbing Gabby’s hand, “And I’ll be by your side every step of the way.” Gabby smiled, “I love you.” “I love you too.” They closed the distance between themselves with a kiss.
It had only been a second before there was a knock on the door, Adam groaned and got up to answer it, “Oh, hey Parker.”
Parker waved awkwardly, looking back and forth at Adam and the floor, “Could I speak to Gabby?” He looked back in the room before looking at Parker, “One sec.” He closed the door, walking back into the room, “Who was it?” “Parker. She wants to talk to you.”
Gabby shook her head over and over, she didn’t want to hear Parker judging her anymore. The pair had rarely ever argued. Not seriously that is. They had helped each other with their happiness for years, but Gabby couldn’t even talk to her right now. “Gabby.” “I’m not talking to her, Adam.”
He crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the bed, “Talk to her Gabby. You guys are best friends, and I may not know Parker as well but I’m not letting you two drift apart, especially with you being pregnant.” Gabby rolled her eyes, “Fine, let her in.”
She stood up as Adam answered the door, Parker walked in, and looked like a wreck. It was clear she had been crying. “Hi Gab.” “Parker.”
They stood there awkwardly when Parker took a deep breath and spoke up, “Look...I’m so, so so sorry for how I acted earlier. This is one of the biggest moments in your life and I didn’t bother to be happy for you or even hug you cause I’m thinking about myself.” Parker started to cry again, “And I love you so much, I don’t want our friendship because I’m being selfish.”
Gabby started crying seeing Parker cry, “Parker it’s okay. I could’ve been helping you instead of patronizing you for eating ice cream.” They both laughed. “I love you too, and I can’t lose my best friend now.” Parker pulled Gabby in for a hug, both of them crying. They pulled away when Gabby yelled out, “We always look so ugly when we cry together.” They laughed once again.
Parker turned towards the man in the room, “Thank you Adam, you probably had to convince her.”
Adam tipped his imaginary hat, “Now I wonder if I can convince you to apologize to Chuck.” Parker shook her head, angry smile on her face, before she took a pillow from their bed and hit him with it, “You motherfucker.” She had hit him over and over before Gabby started hitting Parker, “Aye chill I ain’t gonna hit a pregnant lady!” “Wow Parkwe!” The two hit each other again and again.
While Adam smiled, knowing they would have some extra help around now that Gabby and Parker were best friends again.
Across the hall was a whole different story, when Cash knocked on Bri’s door.
“Marq will be here in an hour.” Bri said, pulling Cash into the room. “I can work with that.” He said before putting his mouth on Bri’s, walking them towards the bed. One by one, articles of clothing were stripped off until they were left in their underwear.
He detached their lips and started kissing at her neck, one of her weaknesses. “Cash..” She moaned, hands running through his hair. They were so into the moment they didn’t even hear the door open, but they did hear the voice of Marq, “Bri?”
The frantically looked at him in the doorway, a sad look on his face. “Marq!” She called as he started to walk away, she quickly pulled on her jeans and shirt that she and Cash had thrown on the floor, and chased after him into the parking lot. “Marq! Where are you going?” He had barely turned around, “For a drive.” “Please can we talk about this?!”
He turned around quickly, causing her to almost crash into him. She looked at his expression, not sad, not mad, but hurt. He had tears in his eyes, and his brows were furrowed, “Talk about what? That you’ve been cheating on me for God knows how long?!” Bri shook her head, “I didn’t mean to hurt you I just-” “You just couldn’t handle the fact that I haven’t asked you to be my girlfriend right away? I left the show early for you! I’ve been focusing more on you than my career! How is that not enough?” 
She shook her head, “I don’t know, I guess I just...didn’t want to be patient. Sorry that you couldn’t give me what Cash was.” “What? Sex? Cause if so you can go back in there right now.”
“Marq that’s not what I meant.” “No it’s exactly what you meant,” He shook his head, “Who would’ve thought that out of you, Gabby and Parker...I got paired to work on Being The Elite with the one who would hurt me.” “Marq please..” She tried to grab his hand but he moved it away.
“You choose. Me or Cash. I love you, Bri. And if you don’t feel the same, don’t bother choosing me.” He took a box and a card out his bag before he got in his rental and drove off. She opened the card and read the note.
‘Bri, we’ve been hanging out, and doing a lot more for a few months. I can’t believe I’m saying this already, but I think I’m in love with you. You have sass and are so beautiful I can’t even think straight. So I have to ask, will you be my girlfriend?’ She opened the box and saw a beautiful bracelet. And she realized she really fucked up.
 That’s all she could think about on the walk to her room, she walked in and saw Cash was gone, and he too left a note.
‘Hey Bri...what just happened was intense. Now though I enjoy what we do, I think I should just leave you alone, at least till I know I don’t have a target on my back. - Cash.’
Bri sunk to the ground, crying. Knowing that she now had to make the decision. Pleasure or love. And to her, that’s one of the hardest decisions of all.
Far far away from the hotel, was a car with Adri and Matt, both making conversation.
“This isn’t the way to the hotel...” Adriana said as Matt just smirked at her. “I know it’s not, but you and I can’t deny we’ve been staring at each other all night long.” Matt shot back. There was no denying it. Ever since Adriana met Matt and his friends he could already tell she would be fun to have around.
“Matt, I barely know you-” Adriana started to speak but she instantly shut her mouth as Matt placed his hand on her thigh. “We don’t need to be the best of friends to have sex. I thought in the back of this car would be perfect, so we can both just get it out of our systems.” His hand began to slowly crawl up making its way to her core. Adriana could feel her stomach begin to twist, and she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t want this. She looked over at his face to see if he was being serious about this or not but her eyes were glued on his gigantic bulge as it began to turn her on. 
Most of the time Adriana was the responsible one, never in a million years would her friends ever think of her as having one night stands. Tonight was different. Their lips began to feel each other and Matt asked for entrance by licking her bottom lip. Matt groaned as he began to get frustrated while Adriana chuckled which caused him to shoot his tongue right down her throat. Adriana couldn’t take the clothes anymore as she began to undo her seatbelt and remove her shirt, Matt got the idea and started to undo the belt on his jeans. Matt made his way to the back and Adriana followed as their lips connected once again.
 As she straddled his legs she began to feel him through her shorts. She disconnected their lips and tried to get comfortable on the floor of the backseat beginning to throw her hair up in a ponytail. As she struggled with getting all her hair up, Matt began to ramble, “You know, I’ve never actually done this in the backseat of a car before. But I don't know, you might be a pro. Oh God if Nick finds out I had car sex with someone i just met he’s gonna-” His sentence ended with a groan as Adriana’s mouth met his staff. She moved up and down smirking as his groans filled the car, thank god they were in an empty parking lot. His fingers clasped on the back seat as he used his other hand to push her down making it touch the back of her throat. “Oh- oh my god Adri, I’m about to cum.” Matt groaned. He released into her mouth making her hum in delight as she swallowed it and licked her lips clean. He made sure he was still in the back of the car, and not in heaven as he felt his surroundings. Adriana chuckled as she began to put her shirt back on. “Well, that was…something else.” Matt joked.
 Adriana rolled her eyes, “it’s getting late we should head back to the hotel before they think something bad happened to us.” Matt got into the driver's seat and started the car, “Sweetheart, there was nothing bad with what just happened. Sucks this is a one time thing.“ he moved his hand to her thigh lightly massaging it. “Yea…one time…right, it depends if you can actually keep it in your pants, I’ll definitely be back soon though.” Matt grinned as they pulled up to the hotel. “I’ll see you later, we can not tell anyone about this. At least for now.” Adriana chuckled as she got out of the car. “Your secret is safe with me, Massie.”
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pikemoreno · 4 years
wonderful, beautiful bri, congrats no hitting that milestone! 💜 may i request a reader insert with Frankie 🥺? (if you hit your limit already, no worries at all, i don't want you to stress 😌) i'm 5'6", average size, Mexican, got 3 older brothers (am baby & only girl) i love stargazing, MUSIC (rock, spanish, pop-punk, all kinds lmao) caretaker/very passionate personality, honest/blunt, curse like a sailor 😂 LOVE dogs, long car rides, comfortable silences, deep convos 🥰 thanks, Bri!💜 ilysm 😘
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it was amazing!! Here’s a lil thing:
Birthdays were always something you enjoyed, sure, but weren’t really something you felt had to be a huge deal. Frankie, however, loved birthdays and, ever since you’d started dating, he especially loved yours. Being able to treat you and do something special for you was strangely exciting and invigorating for him. You convinced him after year one to not go with anything too crazy. That first year saw several disasters including him almost catching his house on fire in his attempts at creating a perfect day. So now things were kept a lot more casual, but still very special and oh-so-perfectly tailored to you now that he knows you better. 
Your birthday this year just so happens to fall on a work day so you have to leave him alone for a while. You’re not thrilled about it, but Frankie sure is-- gives him all the time to execute his masterplan. He starts off easy: he makes a nice breakfast, has some beautiful flowers in a vase on the table for you, and has a playlist of some of your favorite songs playing as you eat and get ready for your day. Just enough for you to think that’s the biggest plan he has. 
But oh no.
Step two, he shows up to your workplace with lunch and a kiss and gets everyone in your proximity to sing ‘happy birthday’ to you. It’s embarrassing but sweet and he gets an absolute kick out of it. Again, just enough for you to think that this is it.
But no!
You make it back to him after work and he’s immediately telling you to get changed.
“Something relaxed. We’re gonna be outside,” he grins, refusing to give anything away. 
Before you know it you’re all ready and in his pick-up and he’s having to turn on GPS. Estimated drive time? 2 hours. You just look at him and he shrugs back knowingly,
“Just a little trip.” 
The little trip takes you out through the country, the same playlist from before is playing, but now you’re hearing songs you don’t recognize. Their lyrics beautiful and sweet, but unfamiliar.
“Some songs I heard that reminded me of you,” he fills in, and now suddenly the already sweet lyrics are going straight to your heart, bringing butterflies to your stomach. 
You drive for a while, flipping behind talking and singing, and then you’re there: the world itself seems to give way in the valley in front of you. You’re so far from everything, all the light pollution and noise are gone. It’s just you under a clear sky slowly swirling into purples and pinks. 
Frankie had gotten everything together for a perfect little picnic-- all homemade, he brags-- as the sun fell behind the horizon and, once you finished, had everything for a comfortable little nest of blankets and pillows in the truckbed for the two of you to stargaze and whisper sweet nothings and future hopes to your heart’s content.
Frankie was really good at birthdays.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Quiet In The Library 3
Request: Pretty please can you do a quiet in the library part 3 ?? 😁your writing is Top Notch I looovve the way you write roger! Congrats on 1000 followers you deserve them all!!! 💕💕 
Please can u write more about quiet in the library ? This is so fucking good I’m super fan 🥺 maybe reader can be a little cocky for once like teasing him at a show or something then Roger get his revenge visiting her again 🥰 if you don’t feel it that alright, I love ur writing anyway !!! (Probably one of the best at writing smut especially) 
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), dom!Rog, sub!Reader, public sex, library sex, spanking, unprotected sex, 
Words: 2777
A/N: Written as part of my 1000 follower celebration, I got 2 requests for this one! I’ve been meaning to do a QITL 3 for a while and actually planned to have dom!reader in it but that was before I felt comfortable writing dom!reader and I kept putting it off so maybe I’ll write a QITL 4 at some point 🤷‍♀️
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Taglist:  @laedymoon​​​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​​​   @ezmina98​​​​  @vee-ndetta​​​​ @atomic-watermelon​​​​ @kellypenac​​​​ @labessieisallama​​​​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​  @hannafuckingsucks​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​
When Roger called and invited you to watch him play you were excited for two reasons. Number one, you genuinely enjoyed the music and watching the boys play was always a good time, especially now they’d found a slightly larger audience to play for. And, number two, you felt like you could get a little payback. You’d spent weeks of work unable to think of anything but the ways Roger had used you among the non-fiction shelves. There was a small stain on the carpet in the back row, a lingering souvenir from Roger’s last visit, and every time you saw it you were hit by a flurry of memories and the sudden need to get off. It was only fair for you to give him a taste of his own medicine and after all, this was essentially Roger’s workplace, unconventional is it was. So, with that in mind, you got ready in an outfit that could only be described as the complete opposite of your workwear. There was no room for knee length skirts or smart ponytails. Instead you opted for a short skirt and a plunging neckline. You let your hair down and did your makeup, anything to make Roger hot under the collar. 
They were still setting up when you arrived and headed backstage, but you caught Roger’s eye and blew him a kiss.   “Well look at you. Very different to last time I saw you,” he said as he came over and hugged you in greeting.   “Yes well, that’s what you get for visiting me at work. I told you that was the least sexy outfit I owned.”  “And what does that make this outfit?”  “Well I thought it was definitely one of my sexier options, wouldn’t you say?” you twirled a strand of hair around your finger as you spoke.  “I might go so far as to call it slutty.”  “Bit rude –”  “I said might!”  “But not completely incorrect.”  At that moment Brian walked over, “Rog c’mon we’re- oh Y/N! Hi,”  “Hey Bri,” you gave him a quick hug too, hoping Roger was looking at your short skirt riding up as you pushed yourself onto tiptoes.  “We were just discussing Y/N’s outfit. Seems out sweet little librarian is in the mood to pick up,”  “Thanks Bri for telling him about my job, by the way, so glad he knows now.”  Brian rubbed his neck sheepishly, “Sorry. I was drunk and it slipped out.”  “How’d you even find out? I never told anyone,”  “Saw you there a few months ago. Kept meaning to ask you about it but it always slipped my mind.”  “Yeah well, this one,” you jerked your thumb at Roger, “has been a right shit about it,”  “You love it,” Roger said with a grin, “anyway Bri, what’d you want?”  “Oh shit, yeah. We’ve gotta go get ready. Are you gonna be here after the show?”  “Course she will be. Unless she finds some poor bloke to take home,”  “I’ll be here, front row the whole time. Wouldn’t miss your show for the best lay in the world.”  “That’s cause the best lay’s up there playing,” Roger winked at you and then he and Brian disappeared behind a door leaving you to head out to the crowd and take your spot up front.  
It was useless to try and get Roger’s attention while he played. Between sitting at the back of the stage, his shithouse eyesight, and his complete focus on playing, there was no chance in hell he’d even be able to see you let. Instead you got yourself a drink and settled in to watch the show, chatting occasionally to a excited girl beside you. She’d snuck out for the night just to see them and maybe try to hit on Roger.  You looked her up and down, “Roger is very cute. Shame really,”  “What’s a shame?  “You haven’t heard? Roger’s already got a girlfriend. Hopelessly devoted to her apparently,” you sighed for dramatic effect, “I heard he’s been looking at rings and everything. Shame the rest of us can’t have a shot with him, but at least the other three are still single.”  “Oh,” she looked disappointed but you saw her eyes flick from John to Freddie to Brian and back again as if she were comparing her options, “Thanks for the heads up.” She turned back to the stage, her eyes now glued to the bassist. That was your competition taken care of, although there was bound to be more of them out there. 
As soon as the music stopped you made your way backstage again and latched onto Roger’s arm. For the rest of the night you were basically glued to him, making it very obvious you wanted him. You even went so far as to sit on his lap at one point, intentionally wriggling your arse against his crotch in an attempt to make him hard.  “Thought you wanted to score tonight?” he asked you while the others were distracted, “why’re you hanging round here?”  “Maybe I want something specific, something I don’t think just anyone could give me,”  “Alright love, I know what you’re doing,”  “Other than trying to get you alone?”  “This is a shitty attempt at payback, isn’t it?”  “I don’t know what you mean,” you hoped you didn’t sound too obvious.  “You made it so obvious,” he laughed.  “All I’m trying to do is get laid Rog. I have a late start tomorrow cause I’m on locking up duty and I thought I might have some fun,”  “You think you’re being clever but I’m on to you,”  “Ugh fine. I should have just let that slut from the crowd have you,”  “What slut?”  You waved your hand like you were shooing away a fly, “Just this chick I got talking to. She came here wanting to fuck you but I convinced her to go after Deaky instead. Told her you already had a girl.”  “Are you kidding?”  “Nope,” you laughed, “might have also told her you were looking to propose to your girlfriend.”  “Y/N! Christ you’re going to ruin my chances with every girl that comes to our shows. If that rumour spreads I swear to god.”  “Oh it’ll be fine. There’ll be plenty who don’t care how married you are.”  “Thats not the point! God you’re really in for it now.”  You rolled your eyes and stood up, “Well, I guess I’m gonna go home then since you’ve ruined my fun. I’ll see you next time, say bye to the others for me.” 
The next day work went without a hitch. There was no sign of Roger at all, although you were so busy all day he completely slipped your mind. It wasn’t until you were getting ready to lock up that you remembered his promise to get back at you. You moved to flip the sign on the door to CLOSED and managed to reach it just as Roger pushed it open.  “We’re closed Rog,”  “You talking the library or your legs?” he said as he barged inside.  You stepped out of his way, shutting the door behind him. As soon as you turned away from the door he had you pushed up against the wall, one hand beside your head so he was leaning into your personal space.  “Told you I was going to come back,”  “You did,”  “Was that what you were trying to get last night? Missed being a dirty slut for me and decided to get all dressed up to remind me you’ve got a cunt with my name on it?”  “No, I got all dressed up to try and fuck you in your workplace,”  “Didn’t turn out that way though.”  he dropped his other hand towards your thigh, “lift it up for me.”  Without thinking you grabbed your skirt and pulled it up.  Roger laughed, “I swear you get easier every time I come here. Undo those buttons I wanna see your tits.”  His fingers landed on your pussy and you hurried to do as he asked, letting your skirt fall over his wrist as you pulled each button loose until your shirt was open to your midriff, the bottom of it still tucked into your skirt.  “Good girl,” he said softly, moving both hands to your chest, pushing your shirt aside and teasing your nipples, “but being a slut for me now isn’t going to change last night. You need a lesson in who’s in charge here. Bend over your desk.”  You whined as he tugged your nipples before letting you go and pushing you towards your desk.  
You placed your palms flat on the desk, bent at the waist, and waited.  “No. Down,” he pressed on your back until you buckled, your chest pressed against the smooth surface as your moved your arms to hold onto the opposite edge. There was a rustle of fabric as Roger pushed your skirt up again, exposing your arse to the room.  “You’re already wet,” he didn’t sound surprised. He didn’t touch you, either. It was what you wanted most, just a light touch on your hip even, but he refused, instead running his fingers along the edge of the desk. Over the pamphlets about the Dewey Decimal System, tapping lightly against the jar your pens were standing in, until he came to rest on a book left there earlier. You weren’t sure what it was but it seemed to interest Roger. He picked it up, flipped through a few pages, examined the hard cover, tested how well he could hold it in one hand.   “Keep count,” was the only warning you got before he brought the book down against your arse.  “Shit, one,”  “Speak up. You’re closed remember, no one around to hear you except me.”  “Two,”  “Who’s in charge here?”  “You are Sir. Three,”  He kept spanking you with the book and you kept counting, the sting only getting worse with each one. You hissed through your teeth at a particularly hard smack, trying to remember which number you were up to when you heard a noise outside. A woman’s heels clicking against the concrete pavement.  “I thought you were closed,” Roger said softly, dropping his raised arm, the book falling to cover the bulge in his jeans.  “We are. Fuck Rog, hide,” you stood and tugged your shirt back into place, though there was no hope of getting all the buttons done up. Roger straightened the back of your skirt just as the door was pushed open and a woman wearing the same uniform as you stepped inside.  “Y/N, you’re still here?”  “Just finishing locking up, Kathy, what are you doing back?”  “Oh I just finished the groceries and realised I left my book here,”  “You mean this one?” you took the book from Roger, stepping in front of him in the hopes Kathy wouldn’t notice his dilemma, “I wondered who it belonged to. Lucky I didn’t chuck it in with the rest of the returns,”  “Y/N, who’s this?”  “I’m Roger,” he said sticking out his hand from behind you. You could have hit him as you tried to remember which hand he’d used to touch your pussy.   “He’s a friend of mine.”  “Was in the area and thought I’d off Y/N a lift home since it’s already dark out.”  “Well that’s nice of you,” Kathy’s eyes flicked from your unbuttoned and ruffled shirt to Roger, half standing behind you, to you flushed cheeks to the book she was holding, “At work Y/N? Kinky. Just don’t leave any stains or anything.”  “I don’t know what you mean Kathy,”  “Mmhmm, you can explain it to me tomorrow then, I’ll leave you to it.” She left with a last look at Roger and a chuckle.  
As soon as the door was shut behind her you turned around and slapped Roger’s shoulder, “you knob! Louder there's no one to hear but me,” your shitty imitation of his voice made Roger laugh, “almost got caught with my arse out.”  “Well at least you still had knickers on.”  “Gee thanks. Kathy totally knew what was going on though, and now she’s going to badger me for details and I’m going to have to make her swear not to tell anyone.”  “Geeze you’re secretive. So what if she knows?”  “So what? I don’t want my co-workers to know about my sex life thanks. Especially not about us having sex here. I hope your happy,”  “Not really. In case you didn’t realise I’ve got this boner that needs taking care of.”  “Even after nearly getting caught?”  “Love, nearly getting caught only made it harder.”  “Jesus,”  Roger laughed, “oh c’mon, don’t act like you weren’t turned on by it too. Remember when you gave me head and the person was on the other side of the shelves?”  “Vividly,”  “I bet you do. I bet you think about it while you finger yourself. Maybe think about that person coming round the shelf and watching while I fucked your throat,” he backed you up against the desk as he spoke, the edge of it pressing into your arse as he pressed his hard-on into your thigh.  You whimpered, unable to resist his demanding tone.   “You want me to fuck you?”  “Please,”  “Hop up on the desk for me. Gonna fuck you right here where you sit every day. Where your co-workers sit Where your boss sits.” His hands were on your waist as you wriggled back onto the desk, “I know how blushy and wet you get from being in the back rows where I’ve used you before. But those places are too easy to avoid. I want you to think about what I do to you from the moment you get to work to the moment you leave. I want my cock to be on your mind constantly. I want to be able to walk in here and know that you’re already wet for me.” Once more he pushed your skirt up, exposing you completely when he impatiently tugged your underwear off, “I want you to sit down in the morning and remember how good it feels,” he quickly undid his fly and pushed his pants down, “to be full,” he dragged his cock along your folds making your breath hitch, “of me.”  You let out a squeaky, “oh!” as he entered you, one hand slipping behind your back to hold you up as his other grabbed your leg. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hooked your ankle around him as best you could when he pulled back and sank into you again.   “Fuck,” you whined as he thrust into you again.  “Louder.”  You shook you head, trying not to moan.  “C’mon, I know you want to. It’s your one chance to be loud here, not going to waste it are you?”  “Rog,”  “Louder. Want you loud enough to draw a fucking crowd.”  You gave in, moaning wantonly as he fucked you harder.  “That’s it, let everyone hear what a whore you are,” he was panting, “rub your clit.”  Your breath hitched as you followed his direction and found your clit, circling it with your thumb. You could feel the pressure building, only strengthened as Roger leaned into your neck and began sucking at your skin. A string of moans and whined expletives tumbled from your lips and you weren’t sure you’d have been able to turn the volume down even if Roger had demanded it. All you could do was cry out as you hit your release. Roger continued to pound into you, half to keep your high going and half to reach his own. Even as your orgasm subsided, leaving you with a few lingering aftershocks and a heightened sensitivity, he kept going, his breath coming in rough pants. It took you whining his name for him to finally cum, biting down on your throat. 
“Jesus Rog,” you said softly when he finally let you hop off the desk, “what are you, a fucking vampire?”  “God could you imagine how hot I’d be?”  “Alright Dracula, calm down. Can you hand me those tissues over there?”  “How come?”  “So I can clean up the mess we’ve made,” you pointed at the desk where a small puddle of evidence remained.  “What do you have to do before you’re finished closing up?”  “Umm, make sure the windows are shut and back room is locked. Then I’ve just gotta get the lights and lock the front door. Tissues?” you impatiently stuck out your hand.  “You don’t need tissues because you’re going to lick it up like a good little slut. And then, if you’re lucky, I’ll take you back to mine and make you beg for more.” 
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lilshoroscope · 5 years
Everybody Knows Part 2
Hey! It's ya girl back with a part 2 that nobody asked for!!
Summary: The boys confront Roger at the studio.
Warnings: Swearing, punching, blood is mentioned, and ANGRY DEAKY.
A/N: okay, so this is a fictional story. The real Queen members would never do this, but for the purpose of this fic they are different. Sorry if this angers anyone or anything. Also- congrats to Rami for winning the Golden Globe best actor award!! You deserve it, Rami.
Please like and reblog!!! Lemme know if you want a part 3. 
Ask if you wanna be on my tag list!
Roger walked in, his arm around a long, lanky brunette. Brian looked up from where he was sitting in the couch tuning his guitar, only to see the drummer press a kiss to her temple. Feeling his blood boil, the guitarist exchanged a pointed glance with his equally furious bandmates. He stood up, crossing over to the love struck pair, pulling Roger off his newest plaything.
"Sorry, band members only" he snapped.
"Oi, fuck off, mate.' Roger snapped back, wrapping his arm around the groupie and pulling her close. Freddie stood up and stalked over, his normally handsome features darkening, his whole face morphing into a mask of fury.
"You heard what Bri said. Band members only, darling."
Roger took a step back, scared. "Fine, fuckface. I'll see you tonight, honey?" He asked his arm candy, who had already slipped out the door unnoticed.
"What the fuck was that for, guys?" The blonde yelled at his friends, who stood in a line in front of him, all furious.
"Who had first dibs again, darlings?" Freddie asked, storm clouds raging in his eyes.
"I believe that was me." John said, glaring at the drummer. He stepped forward, punching Roger in the face in a very un-Deaky like fashion. The drummer stepped back, a purple bruise already forming on his pale face.
"What the fuck was that for?" He spluttered, tasting copper as his lip bled.
"Who's next?" Deaky asked, shaking his hand out, which had turned red. Freddie held up his hand, stepping forward. He smacked the boy across the face, leaving a red mark to accompany the black eye.
"What the actual fuck, Freddie? Will somebody please tell me why I walk in and get punched?"
"I'll tell you why, Roger Meddows Taylor. I'll tell you why I get a call from your girlfriend at 11pm, crying her eyes out. I'll tell you why I had to grab Bri and Deaky and rush over to your apartment, only to see an absolute reck. I'll tell you why I had to find out that, in fact, you guys didn't break up, but you had been cheating on the most kind, loving, and beautiful soul for some groupie!" Freddie shouted.
"What? Where'd you get that from?" Roger yelled, tenderly touching his split lip. Damn, who knew that Deaky could throw a wicked punch?
Brian rolled his eyes, going to sit on the motheaten couch. "Oh, I think you know where we got that from." The poodle yelled, clenching his fists by his sides. Roger winced, not wanting to get punched again. He sighed, letting his whole body slump in defeat.
"Where is she? She wasn't home when I last checked." He whispered, running his hands through his long, fluffy hair.
"She's safe. That's all you need to know." Brian snapped back.
"Please, Bri."
"No. You broke Y/N's heart, Roger. Stay out of her life." Deaky whispered, nursing his hand.
"She didn't mean it, did she? She doesn't really want me out of her life?"
"She does. And she has a right to. You broke her heart and expected her to come running back to you. You left her in pieces, Roger Taylor and if you even TRY and contact her again, I will personally rip your head off- if Bri and Deaky don't get to you first." Freddie threatened, his normally cheerful demeanour replaced by something.... frightening.
Roger hung his head. What had he done?
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royalrhaposdy · 5 years
Of Course I Care [ Brian May ]
Word count: 1.2k+
Request: Heyy, i only wanted to tell you that i love te way you write, it’s so cooooool. I was just wondering, could you do a Brian x Reader roommate au? iluuuu
Your morning was already off to a rough start, you had woken up late, with no time for breakfast and now you couldn’t find your bag that had paperwork that had to be submitted today. You were running around the flat desperately trying to locate your missing bag. In the meantime, your roommate, Brian, was just watching you with a big smirk plastered on his face.
Realization hit you, you must have left your bag lying around. One thing you have learned after living with Brian was he really hated it when you left your belongings just lying around, “Brian, where did you put my bag?”
“Y/N, if you would put stuff away, you’d know where it is.”, you groaned, you knew he was just trying to teach you a lesson normally you would’ve just apologized but you were getting later by the second.
“Please Bri, I’m already late,” you were getting ready to beg when Brian just let out a big sigh and said, “It’s in the closet where it belongs.” You rushed to the closet, pulled your bag out, and rushed out the door.
You and Brian had met in college and had almost instantaneously felt comfortable with him. It didn’t take long for you two to become best friends. He would invite you to come to Smile’s gigs and you would invite him to your art exhibitions; you were each other's biggest fans. Once the both of you graduated you decided to find an apartment together. It’s been about three years since you moved in with Brian and it was still one of the best decisions you’ve ever made; he was the perfect roommate and the perfect best friend.
Eight long hours later you finally returned home from work. You opened the door to find Brian sitting on the couch strumming his guitar, he looked up at you when you entered the room. “How was work?”,he asked.
“It was fine, my boss didn’t even seem to notice that I was late, thank god.” You sat in the chair across from him and put your feet up, it was good to be home.
He nodded and began strumming his guitar again. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, you closed your eyes and listened to the first few chords of Keep Yourself Alive, when all of a sudden he spoke up and asked, “Hey Y/N, are you doing anything tonight?”
“No, I’m not, why?”every time Brian invited you to anything it was always fun.
“Queen was invited to play at the club downtown, do you wanna come?”
“I’d love to! What time?” you were hoping you’d have a few more minutes to relax before you had to start getting ready.
“Umm, I think it starts at 10, but I have to leave at 9.” you glanced over at the clock on the wall, it was somehow already 8:00, you’d definitely have to start getting ready now.
You quickly pushed yourself up off the chair and gave Brian a pat on the shoulder as you made your way towards your room. “Good luck tonight, I know you guys will kill it like always.”
He smiled up at you, “If you get there before the show come backstage, I’ll give security your name.”
“Okay thanks, Bri, I’ll see you there.”
After taking a shower, drying and styling your air, applying makeup and choosing an outfit you were finally ready to go.
You grabbed your car keys and checked the time, it was only 9:15, you were delighted that you still had time to wish the guys good luck before their set.
Fifteen minutes later you pulled up to the club and made your way in, you noticed that the crowds seem to be tripling in size every time you go to see Queen perform. You made your way past security and to the boys’ dressing room. You knocked on the door it was quickly opened up by a very hyper looking Roger. “Hey Rog, how are you?” you quickly found yourself wrapped in a hug.
“I’m great love,” he said as he gestured for you to come in. You gave the same greeting to all of the boys before settling into the seat beside Brian. “The crowd out there is huge, congrats guys!”
Freddie was beaming at your comment, “It’s all thanks to the release of our album, darling.” You sat around chatting to the band until a man came into the dressing room to give the guys a 5-minute warning.
“Well guys, I guess that’s my cue to go find a place to watch from. Go kill it.”
As you left the room and made your way to the stage you noticed that the room was even more packed than before. Luckily you were able to find a good spot to watch the boys from.
As always you enjoyed every minute of their set, it never ceases to amaze you how easily they connected with the crowd. Once the set was over you made your way backstage to congratulate the boys on a great set. As you made your way into the dressing room you couldn’t help but blurt out, “You guys absolutely killed it, they loved you!” The smiles on the boys' faces told you that they already knew how well they did.
“Thanks, Y/N, hey the boys and I were offered free drinks you wanna stay?��� as much as Brian’s offer was tempting, you were absolutely exhausted and had a ton of paperwork to finish.
“Thanks for the offer guys but I think I’m going to go home, don’t get too drunk now.” The boys couldn’t help but laugh at your comment. You said your goodbyes and headed home.
You were used to Brian staying out late partying with the boys since Queen really got popular every Friday night Brian would be out until 3 in the morning partying with the boys.
You had even developed a routine, Brian was a creature of habit he would always be home by 3am like clockwork. He would never come home super drunk but you always like to be there to help him just in case.  
When you arrived home, you got ready for bed and set your alarm on your phone for 2:30am and then went to bed.
2:30 came way quicker then you had hoped it would, you got up and sat on the couch to wait for Brian. However, 3 am came and went but Brian hadn’t come home yet, you began to panic this wasn’t like him at all.
You were all of a sudden woken up to the sound of a kettle boiling, you must have somehow fallen asleep on the couch last night.
You drowsily walked into your kitchen to find a tried looking Brian making tea, you so relieved to see he was okay but your temper began to boil at the sight of him.  “Why the hell didn’t you come home! I was so worried about you!” your sudden outburst caused Brian to jump.
“Jeez Y/N, it's fine I got too drunk so I decided to sleep in my car, calm down.”
“Calm down?! I was worried sick. God your such a twat sometimes.”
Brian began to laugh and walked closer to you, “Aweeee, does someone care about me?” you couldn’t help but let out a little laugh the goofy smile of his always got you.
“Of course I care about you. You’re my best friend.” he pulled you into a tight hug before whispering in your ear, “Are you still mad at me?”
You shook your head and smiled up at him, “No but you better not do that ever again.”
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cyberdva · 5 years
Drummer Boy Part 2 Roger Taylor X Reader
(From My Wattpad Book @panicatthetrash15)
Roger Taylor is very cool. Also I’ve never updated two days in a row, spooky.
Paring: Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor X Reader
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, and Blood/Violence
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Part 3
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 
Part 6 
Part 7 
Part 8 
Part 9
Part 10
Words: 1.1k
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Sometimes backstage can be relaxing.  Hearing other bands was soothing in a way, the difference in melodies and instruments brings me back to my childhood.  I thought about it for awhile when I heard  people yelling in the next room over. I stood up from the tacky brown leather couch I was perched on to hear a pair of cymbals crashing to the ground.
Freddie came bouncing  in and looked at me with confusion, " What the bloody hell was that?"
"I don't know, I think someone's fighting, should we go check it out?" I pondered, Freddie didn't listen he had already waltzed half way across the room in curiosity. I dashed closer to him, we poked our heads through the doorway of the next room. My eyes swiftly looked across the room and stop dead center to see our drums set completely demolished, while Crystal and Roger were yelling and shoving each other.
Fred and I looked at each other and rushed to their aid, fighting could get both of our bands suspended and since idiotic Roger ruined our drum set we would be left with nothing. I pried Roger's sweaty body off of a stunned Crystal.
"Why did YOU pick the same song as US, HUH?!" he screamed,"Did Bri set you up to this?!"
He grabbed a lone coffee machine from the corner of the small room and hurled it towards Crystal's head. Barely scraping her cheek leaving a large cut, that started gushing with blood.
Roger didn't stop there, he continued to yell and curse us out for taking a popular song and claimed it was his to choose.
"You BLOODY BITCHES have swiped our chance at fame!" Freddie snatched Roger's hands and placed them behind his back.
Crystal teared up and started to cry, I rent her side and grabbed a tissue from the coffee table near us. Calling for the rest of the band I glanced at Roger.
Agony laced his eyes, it looked like he was glancing into my soul, I shivered. Everyone slowly piled in and tried to steer the two away.
Somehow they got Roger to calm down a bit, while Cynthia fixed up Crystal's cut. Freddie kept trying to continuously apologize saying that he could pay for the damages at hand with the drum set. Even though we couldn't afford a new one I politely declined wanted to be nice and not use him to an advantage. 
No matter how hard I tried to push that look Roger gave me out of my mind I just can't. It was different, it was a mix of intoxication and anger. It was exhilarative, the way he looked up and stared at me, but he's a dick. All he does is hook up with people and leave them in the dust never to be seen again the next day. After all he hurt my friend and destroyed my drum kit. If the band wants to move on in the competition we need a new one. I'll have to take another shift or two at the book store, nothing out of the ordinary.
Time passed after the incident, Roger and Brian were no where to be seen. Thank god because if I had to look at his puny little face for one more second I might as well punch him. Honestly who does that kind of shit?
I was back on that leather couch chatting with Deaky, he is really nice, but extremely shy at first. Freddie made a comment about it saying that girls don't talk to him much, and Deaky made the sweetest smile. I would've been at work, but I took the day off to stay here and wait for the results.
Crystal came back in with a bloody tissue held tightly to her face," Darling are you alright? Roger was acting like a complete Burn Out before." Freddie motioned for her to sit with him.
"I'd say he was acting like a complete wanker in all honesty," Brian made his way through the door, "Now go apologize Roger." We all heard grumbling from outside the door. A red faced Roger, skimpily sided into the door way. His hair sticking to his face and face laced with hatred. He stood over Crystal with a menacing persona, she clung to Freddie as an instinct. In an instance Roger spit out, "Imsorryithrewthecoffeemachineatyouandruinedyourdrums."
"Loud and Clear Rog." Roger gave Brian a helpless look and rolled his eyes.
" I am sorry that you were in the way when I threw the coffee machine and that I "destroyed" your drums." he statistically droned on.
"Roger. Taylor." I stand up, he turs around and yet again scowls, "What do you want,doll ?" he mocked. 
"We get that you're a full time jerk, but how about you man up for once and own up to your mistake." I snarled. Roger laughed, "Ok sweetheart whatever you say, I'll buy you a new drum set just for the hell of it."
"If you want to lift a hand and help go speak to our drummer, Tammy." I pointed to the hallway where she was talking to Cynthia, "Or are you that lazy that you need Brian to fix all of your problems."
Roger snapped, "You are pushing ALL of my bloody buttons today aren't you. Who set you up to this. I have neve met another person as AGONIZING as you."
Deaky came forward, he landed a hand on my shoulder. Roger's eyes darted to wards the direction of it, his face beaming in anger.
"Calm down the both of you, the judges are posting who made it into the competition."
We made a mad dash to look at the poster, it was a long but small piece of paper with a huge crowd around it. I stood there with Tammy and Cynthia as Crystal stayed with Freddie while she drank some water. 
Many people cheered as they made it in but other walked away in sorrow realizing that they haven't made it into the contest, oh how I would hate for that to be me. People dispersed and Roger and I shoved our way to the front. My eyes trailed down the list. I saw the names of bands go by looking for my own,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Sunshine Is Mediocre 
                                                               Volcanic Dash  
                                                                                                 Light The Spark
                     Key Of Time  
                                                             Sixty-Two Dancers
                                                                                                                                                                               and lastly
                                                     Toxic Capricorn
I sighed happily, I didn't care that I was going to have to put up with Roger's bullshit for longer I just cared that they thought we were good enough. Roger's mood seemed to lighten and he even said congrats for making it, which is something I doubt I'll ever see from him again. I went back to the tiny dressing room from before and told my friends that I made it, they were ecstatic! Now all                               we have to do is to fix the drum problem... 
Tag List: 
@onceuponadetectivedemigod @cosmiclunas
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richardcampbells · 5 years
congrats on 1k jenna ilysm!!! ❤
Ahh bri tysm ily2!! Also, this isn’t technically a blog compliment but your content is on your blog so im counting it: i love your writing so much! you genuinely have an amazing way with words, and every time i read something from you i have to take a moment and then read it again because its just that good and i absolutely look forward to reading more from you.
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deepeearts · 6 years
Congrats to all my winners!
Jack charm: @lythariwolf (replied)
Anti charm: @cowtipper777
Anti & jack tshirt charm: @phaazehunter (replied)
@coffeemeryspace (replied)
3 charms & stickers:
@bri-doodles-art (replied)
Guys you have 24 hours to reply or another number is picked!!
Again congrats! See you at the 2k giveaway!!!
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Sometimes, I enjoy how stupidly excessive Kim Kardashian is. She just hit a major milestone in her life and her first instinct was to style herself in Balenciaga (I think?) and grab her crew for a photoshoot in her bathroom, documenting the moment for her social media. She’s insane. Kim posted these photos in celebration of the fact that she has passed California’s “baby bar exam,” the exam California law students need to pass to merely continue with their legal studies, especially if you’re following Kim’s path of “reading the law” rather than going to law school. Kim flunked the baby bar three times in two years. I honestly thought she had quietly given up her law school dream, but no. The fourth time was the charm and she finally passed.
Looking in the mirror, I am really proud of the woman looking back today in the reflection.
For anyone who doesn’t know my law school journey, know this wasn’t easy or handed to me.
I failed this exam 3 times in 2 years, but I got back up each time and studied harder and tried again until I did it!!! (I did have COVID on the 3rd try w a 104 fever but I’m not making excuses😉)
In California, the way I’m studying law you need to take 2 bar exams, this was just the first one but with the harder pass rate. I was told by top lawyers that this was a close to impossible journey and harder than the traditional law school route but it was my only option and it feels so so sooooo good to be here and on my way to achieving my goals.
A big thank you to @vanjones68 who talked me into going to law school in the first place before introducing me to @jessicajackson and @edyhaney who have brought me along to watch their every move in the court room. I respect them so much and appreciate you both for letting me tag along and ask all of the little questions along the way.
And Bar Bri Law School bar prep- I couldn’t have done it without you guys! Setting me up with professors @sam.arlen.farkas and @chuckshonholtz changed my life. Thank you guys for putting in the hours and teaching me everything I needed to know! 10 hour days, daily 4 hour zooms, our in person practice tests week after week. We did it!
I know my dad would be so proud and he would actually be so shocked to know that this is my path now but he would have been my best study partner. I am told he was notorious for making fun of people who didn’t pass on their first attempt like he did, but he would have been my biggest cheerleader!
Bottom line is don’t ever give up even when you are holding on by a thread, you can do it!!!!! Set your mind to it and get it done because it feels soooooo good once you get to the other side!
[From Kim’s Instagram]
When Kim announced (in Vogue), years ago, that she was attempting this “reading the law” thing, I was actually happy for her and pleased about the message she was sending. Anyone can go back to school, anyone can try to improve themselves with education, and education doesn’t stop when you graduate from high school or college. I liked the message Kim was sending about her own self-improvement and goals. Kim had to eat sh-t when she flunked this exam three times. It was a wake-up call for her, because (I think) she believed it would be more of a breeze, or that she would naturally be great at everything. I’m pleased that she didn’t give up and that she kept trying. Congrats to her.
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