#and definitely for my dissertation
waugh-bao · 1 year
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starryjkoo · 5 months
It’s really funny when people are like - but JK hung out with x person 10 times this year! - and it’s like, okay, and then he chose to spend the next 18 months, 547~ days with Jimin? 😭 You might really want to rethink that argument friend. JK had other options, other people he could have gone with, other programs he could have tried for, a later date he could have enlisted on, and yet he chose JM, and vice versa. They didn’t even have to enlist with anyone, they could have gone individually like everyone else in the group. No one was expecting them to enlist together. And this is also probably the furthest thing there is from company content or fanservice considering we’re not even going to be seeing them for the next 18 months and I doubt they’ll even talk about their time in the military. It’s just so silly. “JK and JM were never together this year!” buddy, they’re literally together RIGHT NOW 😭
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caffeinatedopossum · 6 months
The only problem with me being happy is that it makes me want to talk waaaay more
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 months
Bug type pokemon
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whinlatter · 1 year
Heyyy I love your works so much! And I just wanted to know your opinion about how far do you think Ginny and Dean went? I honestly don't think they would have gone past snogging but there are people who believe that they must have had sex. I don't if it's just me being a hardcore hinny shipper but I firmly believe that Harry and Ginny were each other's firsts and they could have done it sometime after the war when Mrs Weasley was not paying them that much attention. What is your opinion about this? I understand if you don't want to answer this question.
I hope you have a great day! And I hope your PHD work is going along well! It's really amazing that you get to dedicate time for us, really appreciate it 😊🙏❤
oh we're doing THIS are we anon... and on a MONDAY night no less... the least sexy night of the week... bold, very bold
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(jk you know I live for this)
No I agree with you - I definitely think Dean and Ginny fooled around (these are unprudish Gryffindor teenagers at a boarding school in a national culture that spawned Skins and The Inbetweeners... they were doing bits), but I don't think they had sex. Ginny was starting to get ick from Dean by at least Christmas, so I think she would have slowed things down physically in that department as her heart was less and less in it. I do also think the slutshaming run-in with Ron might have gotten in her head a bit. I think Ginny would be more worried about privacy and less inclined to be caught in any compromising scenarios after that. So I do think H and G were each other's firsts, but more for practical reasons rather than necessarily sentimental ones.
I also think they definitely smashed the summer after the war, and Harry lived in fear of Molly polishing him off like she did Bellatrix if she were to find out.
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(also cheers anon! if my advisor asks the PhD work is going very well and I am absolutely not speculating about the romantic lives of fictional teenagers on the internet)
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siorca · 25 days
hmm I’m not gonna blow up op’s spot bc they were just having fun, but if you’re calling og idw Soundwave a pacifist, you’re really missing a key part of his character
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expatesque · 26 days
would you ever do a phd?
Hahahhaha neverrrrr. I deeply dislike that kind of super narrow, detailed research - I would do 5 more undergrads but never a PhD.
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mali-umkin · 5 months
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Cramming for the semester feat. my desk
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cukrkandl · 7 months
i hit 25k???? on day four???????
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ihaveonlymydreams · 1 year
I'm reblogging things on Tumblr at midnight thirty because I FINALLY finished reading Confederacy of Dunces and my brain can't quite shut off after that
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((The weight of why Flynn gets so aggressive so quickly just hit me like a brick (again): In his mind he's talking to Kariom but because the player is playing from, in that instance, Roui's pov, asking questions because Roui doesn't know Flynn or anyone else, understand anything, etc, you're playing straight into Flynn's hands or, more specifically, his fears: ' What if a day comes and the kiddo isn't our kiddo anymore? What if he loses his personality?' that is legitimately what's happening because you're stuck as Roui.
Flynn NEVER clocks or understands that he's not talking to Kariom in that instance (so far as we know, that could very well come up later and definitely will) and in his mind his worst fear is happening right in front of him---the whole star/shuffling situation is one that he detests outright but this is way more severe---and he clearly doesn't know how to handle it. Even him trying to smooth things over is jarring because not even Flynn will know if it'll work.))
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quatregats · 9 months
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In other news, my first-impression editing notes for the Creative Endeavor are a fun time
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was thinking about making an american psycho group discord with all my moots? watch party nights and discussions maaaybe?
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stormyoceans · 11 months
Something about Talay drowning in the ocean to move to different universe and Pakorn drowning on filming set to return in his universe... Parallels all over the place. Vice versa was insane and so good
WISH I WERE LYING WHEN I SAY I HAVE AN ALBUM ON MY PHONE NAMED 'NEVERENDING LIST OF VICE VERSA PARALLELS THAT MAKE ME GO CUCKOO BANANAS INSANE' (although to be fair there are also recurring themes and other things that could possibly mean something or maybe not in it) BUT UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS MY LIFE NOW
i think the choice of having both talay and tun drown to travel between universe would be really interesting to further analyze because water in vice versa is very meaningful: in all its forms, water is always a harbinger of change and a sign that something big is about to happen, but it's also deeply connected to talay and his feelings for puen. tun drowning in the pool is the first time we get to see water being related to someone else and in particular, even if indirectly, to puen himself, so maybe it's not a coincidence that, unlike all the other times, it's not in one of its natural manifestations but as a manmade one. for both tun and puen the water represents a return to clarity, renewal and acceptance of self, but chlorine water is a sterile one, much like the world that waits for puen without talay
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eggmeralda · 1 year
do you ever think of a number and realise you've never thought about that number in your entire life and you just know this is the first time
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evelikely · 1 year
fast and furious is like one of the only franchises where the movies don't get dramatically worse between iterations. like there isn't a huge leap or decline in quality between the movies plot-wise or character-wise.
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