#and despite all of this i have even come around to cate's brother
aemiron-main · 2 years
i love how the duffers created Mike simply by going “how can gay can we write this man while still having people think he’s straight”. like even mike’s obvious feelings for will ASIDE, Mike is still shown to be Not Straight (and personally imo, gay) TM
mike, making a disgusted face when dustin talks about phoebe cates + how hot she is.
mike, making a very similar face that he did during the phoebe cates scene + looking more confused after El kissed him in s3 than he did when holding a literal interdimensional space slug in s2.
mike, who as finn said, is oblivious to will’s feelings for him + who physically pushed Troy for making homophobic comments about will + therefore is unlikely to throw those sort of comments at Will + therefore had to be projecting for the ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls’ scene.
mike, having a scene in s4 where the word ‘women’ is right beside his head as he makes a disturbed/upset expression. this could be a coincidence if this wasn’t the same set design/production team who gave us things like the arcade lightning bolt turning from yellow to green for a byler scene specifically. who gave us things like a ‘learning English’ book with the number 11 on it to foreshadow El talking about her English classes in s4. who put a drawing of a panda on el’s desk in s3 to foreshadow the restaurant that Robin points out when she cracks the code (international panda is the restaurant name). who have given us thousands about thousands of tiny, intricate pieces of set design to foreshadow things. they set up these shots in a certain way for a reason, they don’t just decorate them randomly/the sets don’t come pre-decorated. they set all of it up. they choose where to place actors and why. they choose which scenes to film and why. they choose which scenes to edit out. the word “women” didn’t just pop up in a scene of Mike looking upset/talking specifically about ‘bullshit media propaganda’ and lies/things not being as they appear randomly. they chose to put it there, and chose to film that specific scene with Mike right there. they’re not just winging production.
el: has photos of mike up all around her room mike: has no photos of el in his room but DOES have a giant beefy dragon man poster
the GA: mhm. that’s a straight man. straight as a board. a heterosexual. that is eleven’s straight boyfriend. that man who literally projected not liking girls onto will despite having no idea about Will’s feelings for him? he is a heterosexual and he is just trying to let will down gently or is weirded out by Will’s feelings for him.
like my point is, even OUTSIDE of his very obvious feelings for will specifically, which lots of the GA likes to brush off as friendship, Mike behaves in a very Not Straight TM way. He doesn’t show interest in girls aside from El. He looks visibly disturbed when talking about women like phoebe cates. his ability to display romantic affection to el decreases as she begins to dress more typically ‘femininely’. He projects and tries to call Will out for ‘not liking girls,’ when what Will’s actually upset about is feeling ignored + dismissed.
we see characters like dustin having crushes on girls (max) and then getting into a different relationship. but we don’t see that from Mike. we just see him rush into a relationship with El. El, who at the time of starting a relationship with mike, knew basically nothing about romance/romantic love + then proceeded to learn about it from romance movies. El, who literally asked mike if he would ‘be like her brother,’ before he kissed her. 
El, who looks very similar to Will to the point where that guy from the police station who saw her thought that she could be Will. Mike, who as Lucas said, is just “glad that a girl isn’t grossed out by him.” He’s not even making fun of mike for seemingly having a crush, unlike the banter that we see between lucas and dustin about max. he’s making fun of mike because he doesn’t buy for a second that mike is actually into el, and rather, is just happy to be receiving a positive reaction rather than a negative one.  El, who i’m sure mike cares about platonically, but imo, based on what we see in the show, never loved romantically, and Mike, who displays no attraction to girls other than one who has a strange connection + multiple physical similarities to his gay best friend + who Mike struggles to display affection towards as El a.) develops more of her own personality, making it more difficult for mike to project his feelings for will onto her, and b.) as El dresses more stereoptyically ‘femininely’.  Even though mike calls el ‘pretty,’ in her dress, that absolutely does not indicate romantic attraction. Especially since we see mike admit in the living room that “yeah, i guess,” when El says that nancy is ‘pretty’. If the GA thinks that Mike saying that El looks ‘pretty,’ indicates romantic attraction, then they also believe that mike is romantically attracted to nancy, since he agreed that she was ‘pretty.’ Which is weird as hell. People can absolutely think that people they’re attracted to are pretty- but at the same time, telling someone they’re pretty or even thinking they’re pretty does not automatically indicate romantic attraction. Especially since she was clearly struggling with self-image and Mike is a kind person who noticed that and wanted to help.  Hell, this is anecdotal, but i’m a gay dude and I’m definitely still capable of thinking that women are pretty! I’m just not attracted to them and have no desire to be in a relationship with one- but i’m capable of recognizing beauty, like how i’m capable of recognizing that a piece of art is beautiful! 
gee it’s almost like mike’s projecting his feelings for will onto el (especially considering the supernatural bond that will and el have going on), and projecting his insecurities onto will (it’s not my fault you don’t like girls, airport hug) and yknow. not straight. even when we take mike’s feelings for will out of the equation, he’s still very clearly written as not straight.  like this isn’t even a full fruity mike analysis. this is just a rant off the top of my head. if the duffers intended for mike to be straight, which im certain that they didn’t, but even if they SOMEHOW did, then they absolutely failed because this is the gayest ‘straight’ man i’ve ever seen. 
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Maximus if you are still accepting ! The problematic face who brought us together!
give me a character and I'll answer
do I like them: I love that horrid little shit
5 good qualities:
Does Max even have 5 separate good qualities? Hmm......
1. Brilliant - Max is obviously a genius, and will whip up amazing machines to save the day......if he feels like it.
2. Imaginative - this goes hand-in-hand with brilliance, but Max comes up with out-of-the-box solutions, and dreams up machines no one else could even imagine.
3. Witty - especially in Soule's Inhumans and Ewing's Royals, the most recent Maximus characterization is this very sarcastic, witty person who is very fun and entertaining to read, and honestly kinda charismatic, even if he's a complete bastard.
4. Determination - you've really got to admire how Max just keeps reaching for that crown, not matter how many times he gets slapped down.
5. He loves his family - despite all the torture, mind-control, attempts to kill them and general fuckery, I do think that Maximus, on some level, does kinda love his family in a very twisted way. I also think he wants what's best for Attilan (or at least he believes he does), as he's been willing to help the Royal family in a lot of recent stories.
3 bad qualities:
Gosh, only three?
1. Ruthless - Max will do anything for power, including holding his family hostage, selling half his people to the Kree, murder, mayhem, torture, all sorts of awful shit. All that matters is the glory of King Maximus!
2. Cruel and vindictive - in contrast to Black Bolt's constant mercy, Maximus hurts Black Bolt every time he has a chance and gets a tiny bit of power over him. He's, uh.....not a very good brother. He also goes out of his way to hurt other family members, and generally anyone who pisses him off.
3. That whole thing with Medusa is creepy and gross, and I'm glad that recent writing has had Max completely back off on any romantic interest in her. Now he's just a power-hungry, all-purpose jerk.
favourite episode/etc:
-Inhumans: Right of Birth has a more sympathetic Maximus, who befriends an old man (that unfortunately ends badly), and who is very clearly mentally ill. Not just old-school megalomaniacal mentally ill, but actual hallucinations, and showing how he suffers from his illness.
-Inhumans limited series by Paul Jenkins - a Maximus who is both horrible and sympathetic, and very fun to read.
-Silent War - magnificent bastard sneaky plotting Maximus.
-War of Kings/Realm of Kings - goofy mechanic Maximus, who talks to Groot and builds weapons of mass destruction and is almost wholesome, if not for the weapons of mass destruction thing. Starts the trend of Maximus being....not exactly a good guy, but someone who is willing to help the family in his own way, even if you can't trust him at all.
Future Foundation - Maximus is freed from his cell by Ahura, raids the fridge, wears a robot's skin, helps build a portal and gets shrunk and stuck in a jar. It's very entertaining.
Inhumanity/New Avengers/Time Runs Out - Maximus runs around doing secret sneaky missions with Black Bolt, then inevitably back-stabs him and runs off to join Thanos' Cabal.
Soule's Inhumans - chaotic Maximus holds Black Bolt hostage, runs around with Triton, the Unspoken and Lineage, builds a giant robot with Kludge. He came out to attack people, and he is honestly having such a good time right now.
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings - baby Max who is less terrible than usual, and who at one point absorbs some of Spiderman's psyche and becomes extremely protective of Aunt May.
Ewing's Royals - some actual great development and almost a little hint of redemption, as Maximus is revealed to be receiving visions from his future self, and seeks to prevent a horrible future for his people. He also seems to have lost some of his mental illness by the end, an interesting future development that gets completely squandered by Cates' shitty Death of Inhumans. But don't worry, he's still a terrible person.
otp: Someone who can handle his bullshit, ideally someone as awful as Max himself. Maybe Max/Black Swan, they seemed flirty in New Avengers. I've read some fic with Max/Namor, and while I think Namor is much better than Maximus, I can enjoy this as an AU pairing.
brotp: Max and Groot, Max and Kludge:
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ot3: No idea, really.
notp: Max/Medusa or Max/Crystal
best quote: There are so many, he gives great speeches in Silent War, and is incredibly witty in a lot of the newer stuff. But for now, I'll go with: “God is dead, fellow Inhumans! God remains dead! And we have killed him! Is not the greatness of this deed too great even for us? Yes! You’re right! Why stop now? Let’s steal God’s car!”
head canon:
-A few early stories have suggested that Maximus is faking mental illness to get out of trouble, but I think he is legitimately mentally ill. I also think he was already somewhat unstable before Black Bolt rattles his brain, and that just brought his existing illness to the forefront.
-I don't think Maximus ever truly loved or even sexually desired Medusa. She was always just a shiny toy to take away from Black Bolt. As soon as Medusa and Black Bolt are separated in the comics, Max quickly loses any interest in her.
-Sometimes Max makes little inventions for the family, little toys for the kids, and no one can figure out whether they are dangerous or not, so they just get shoved into the Chamber of Devices with the other dangerous stuff. He's made a couple of point-and-click adventure games for the kids that Ahura has secretly tried to play, but the logic of gameplay makes no sense.
-I think Max is genuinely fond of Ahura, he loves that Ahura was thought to be "crazy" like him, and probably wants to win Ahura away from Black Bolt. "See? Your father mistreats us both, you should love me, your wonderful favorite uncle!"
-Like Toad, I think Max enjoys video games. In fact, he's probably become one of Toad's voice chat online friends. Black Bolt lets him do it, because anything to keep Max occupied and out of trouble.
-I either head-canon Max as being completely asexual, just not interested at all, or pansexual and up for anything, I can't decide.
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smallestchances · 3 years
The Fourth Horseman (Thor x Reader)
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synopsis:  thor has done everything in his power to be seen as an actual powerhouse and threat to the mobs of new york, but the council of the horsemen are in the way. knowing they could lose everything they’ve built, mor goes to the people she knows can make things happen, and strikes a deal with the apocalypse wives.
word count: 4.9k
a/n: Welcome to the first installment of the Apocalypse wives!! Buckle up for a ride and send in asks when you’re ready for more :)
warnings: cursing, slight smut, mentions of abuse & murder
 You were a lot of things to a lot of people. Some people knew you as a determined spitfire who was fierce, protective, and not afraid to get her hands dirty for the people she loved. They knew you were an amazing friend.
Others knew you were an even worse enemy.
They knew you as an unforgiving bitch who painted her nails with the blood of those who wronged her. You were an unbothered, spoiled witch who wouldn't know humility if it was beneath your red-bottomed heel.
Thor knew that you were all of those things on a good day.
You sat with him now, in the middle of SHIELD. It served as the hottest and the most dangerous club in the state, and therefore your meeting place. Thor's hand is fit snugly around your waist, the sheer panel of your body suit allowing you to feel a semblance of his touch.
He's happy at the moment--genuinely happy and it's something you haven't seen in a long time. You can only look at him fondly, the low light of the club highlighting his jaw and the laugh lines that appear. His eyes twinkle as he talks with Loki, their relationship finally repaired after the trickster was fatally wounded trying to save your husband’s life.
Though you're still skeptical of the mischief maker, you have yet  to remember the last time you saw Thor this happy. Knowing this is the only reason you've allowed Loki to build his way back into your lives, you let him know that you have a dagger with his name on it should his loyalties change again.
As they talk, your eyes can’t help but linger to the exclusive third floor of the club — the circular balconies that complement the hollow interior of the building. The people up there sneer at those below, and you feel your jaw tick. Escorts, wannabes, and the closest inner circles of the underground world are found up there, and you knew that's where Thor belonged.
Three years. Three years, you and Thor had to fight and claw your way to get anywhere in the mafia world, and still you weren't at the top. Thor has already gained throes of power, influence, and support. 
You just had to take him further. 
"He won't be a problem."
Thor's words snap you back to the brothers' conversation, realizing the tone has taken a turn.
"You've only experienced Odin's grace," Loki replies. "He knows how to keep the appearance of kindness. Don't forget that I know his wrath more than anyone else.”
Thor swallows heavily at the reminder of his father's sins. "Loki—“
"No need for pity brother,” Loki interrupts, a genuine smile creeping on his face. "Despite my past, I've finally found a way to win against certain demons. I've gained you, a home, a psychotic sister-in-law—”
You wink at him.
"I'm in a better place than before," Loki concludes. "However, Father sees you taking me in as a personal slight. That, coupled with your growing success—“
"We've become his targets,” Thor finishes.
Those simple words cause the bass of the club music to become white noise. Blinking rapidly, you sit up quickly, leaning forward into Thor's space. "Your father now has you both on a hit list?” The disgust can’t help but drip from your voice. Loki only nods. Your eyes fall to the floor, tracing the patterned tiles as you process the information. "What does Frigga know about this?”
Thor makes a noise at the back of his throat. "Mother was the one who warned us."
You nod, chewing on your lip. "So we take him down first.”
Both men clear their throat sharply, Loki looking around cautiously. “Odin is the oldest living patriarch of the New York’s...companies. He has the support of the Horsemen— taking him down will not be simple."
"Nor should we announce it so blatantly my love," Thor shifts, pulling you onto his lap effortlessly, and his arms never leaving your sides.
"Your coward of a father wants to assassinate his sons because of the power they've gained,” is all you can grit out. “Something has to be done—”
“If we move too quickly, then we risk losing everything,” Loki interrupts. “Odin will declare us as enemies, and per his requests, he'll have the arsenal of Conquest, the men of Famine, and the tactics of Pestilence at his fingertips. Right now, we don't stand a chance.”
You bite the inside of your cheek harder, going through what you know of the Horsemen and their capabilities. You yourself have had little interaction with the infamous mobster, once before you married Thor and once to get Loki out of his clutches of abuse. He’s well known for being the first Horseman to retire instead of die, but his seat of War hasn’t been empty for long.
Frigga, his wife, was the one you knew well and respected. You knew her as a woman who did the best in every circumstance she found herself in, and fell in love with a man who changed too much before she realized what happened. Frigga had one of the largest hearts you knew, and you were certain she was the only reason the Asgardians were still standing as a viable threat.
"Without the council, we can defeat him," Thor mumbles.
Loki answers with a sarcastic laugh, downing the last shot on the table. "Turning the Council on a veteran member is impossible; especially since we don't have an insight into their ranks.” He gestures to the third floor of SHIELD. "We either lay low and build an army...or surrender while we still can."
You scoff at the two suggestions, rolling your eyes only to balk at the fact that Thor has yet to answer. "You can't seriously be considering this,"  you spit at him. At the answering silence, you slide off his lap to the far end of the couch. If we build an army, we’ll be  forced to outsource outside of New York— and that means making the horseman an even bigger enemy for after the war. Don't even get me started on what these potential ‘allies’ will want.”
"And surrendering is not an option,” is all Thor mumbles, his jaw ticking as he rubs his palms together nervously. "Do we strike a deal?”
You stand abruptly, avoiding Thor’s sorrowful stare as you barely announce that  you’re going to grab more drinks. You don’t want to hear another word of their conversation, but their words echo through your head as you descend the stairs to the first floor. Pushing past bodies, your mind barely registers that you pick up the pace when the bar is within eye-distance.
After ordering your drink of choice, you scrub a hand over your face in an attempt to clear all the thoughts in your head. You have half a mind to try to take out Odin yourself and with your bare hands, but you know everything Loki said was right.
Thor was so close to the finish line. He’d tried so hard to establish his reign separate from his father’s, trying to do better for the people and the misfits that found their way to him. Odin had started to spit on the values of being a Horseman, even towards the end of his reign. He allowed his community to fall and even hung Frigga out to deal with his coming consequences, and Thor got tired of it when it got too close to the people he loved.
Just thinking about the night everything came to a head, and how far you all have come, your eyes unconsciously float to the third floor.
There, you find a glimpse of the very men Thor & Loki spoke about. Tony Stark, Conquest; Steve Rogers, Famine; & Bucky Barnes, Pestilence.To the left of them, you find another group that everyone else in the club seems to have looked over.
Stunning under the multicolored lights, their skin tones are radiant as their tailor made attire fit their body types marvelously. They seem to be keeping to themselves, talking to each other in low tones, while holding themselves differently than the escorts around them.
The Wives.
You take a thoughtful sip of your drink as a glimpse of a thought passes through your brain...and you lie in wait to prove your theory. You don’t have to wait long as a commotion brings your attention back to the Horsemen, and you find Conquest and Pestilence unusually close to each other, tempers flaring.
Pestilence gets shoved back by Famine, and just as things comes to a head, faster than lightning, the Wives are there. Sekhmet Stark’s arms have wrapped around Conquest, Hecate Barnes has the attention of Pestilence solely on her, and Kali Rogers has found Famine’s lips on hers.
And that’s the moment that you knew the solution to your problem--well Thor’s problem. You’re almost vibrating in joy as you down the rest of your drink before going back up to the stairs.
Its surprisingly easy to get up to the third floor--just until you make it to the glass doors that separate the landing from the exclusive section.
Straight ahead, on a raised dias, you see that the Wives have returned to their place, with Sekhmet in the center, Kali to her left, and Cate to her right.
Taking a deep breath, you hold your head high and push the glass doors aside--just to be stopped by a bouncer.
“No walk-ins. Exclusive VIP only.”
You simply raise an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“Exclusive Personnel only,” he repeats.
You flash him a wicked smile and tilt your head to the side, trying to give him as much of a condescending look as you can muster. Satisfaction fills you as the bouncer deflates just slightly. You try your luck as you step forward again, but stopped again. 
“Who are you,” he asks, but the waver in his voice gives him away.
You see your window, and cross your arms while pursing your lips. “I’m going to pretend you didn't ask that and let you go this time around.”
He doesn’t move. “I cant let you in.”
“Really? Fine,” you shrug. “Explain to the Wives why you’re keeping them waiting.”
When the bouncer looks back at the women you mentioned, you know he’s exactly where you want him. “I’m going to have to loop back to you--”
You snap your name impatiently, and he mumbles it back with a nod before walking away. You wait with baited breath, knowing that with this stunt you could either end up with a bullet in your skull or the world at your feet.
Your throat tightens when you catch Sekhmet’s gaze.
When the bouncer makes his way back to you, he looks pale and motions with his head for you to follow him. “I’m so sorry (Y/N),” he says. “Right this way.”
You don’t allow yourself to breathe, even as you walk the short path to where you want to be. You feel curious eyes on you, but you don’t shy away from either of them, and instead hold your head higher as if you’re meant to be there--because you were.
Sekhmet stands when you both reach the Wives, a sharp, gleeful smile on her face as she opens her arms up in expectation. “Darling! Hello, so nice to see you again!” 
The pleasantries continue with all the wives until you’ve sat in the middle of them,  and you know it’s the most dangerous place to be.
When the bouncer walks away, the smiles drop. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Is what Sekhmet demands, her eyes focused solely on you. 
You don’t put down your guard, but you cooly reach for one of the full glasses of drinks on the table before all of you. You take your time taking a sip. “I’m someone who knows who you all are,” you say when you’re ready. 
Hecate simply hums in unamusement. “Are we supposed to be impressed?”
“As if the wives of the most powerful men in new york are a secret,” Kali giggles.
You don’t let their words phase you. You hum back in response. “See I know that you’re the very people who keep New York from burning to the ground.”
A surprised silence follow your statement, before Sekhmet picks up the next words quickly and carefully. “I don’t think I know what you mean,” she smiles. 
You roll your eyes. “Mind you, this is coming from someone who understands just what you hold within your palms.”
The next silence stands longer. Hecate leans in, her hands gripping the couch beneath, her eyes intense as they pour into you. “How do you know you’re right?”
You let a small smile slip, and take another sip before gesturing down to where you can see your husband and Loki still speaking intensely. “Thor. I love him to death,  I really do, and there’s not a heart out there that I wouldn’t rip out for him. He has power, a lot of it, and he's starting to develop quite a hold on New York.”
Kali nods. “Thor Odinson. I’ve heard of him.” She tilts her head to the side, looking out into space. “That New Jersey border deal was ingenious, I’m disappointed a Horseman didn’t execute it.”
Her words get grunts of agreement, and pride swells in your chest, 
“You & I both know that Thor didn’t have a hand in that deal until he showed up the day he needed to,” you giggled, and they stare at you openly. 
“Well shit,” Sekhmet laughs out loud, picking up her own glass.
Before you know it, you’re toasting with the most powerful women in New York, laughing with them and even exchanging high fives.
“I told  y’all a man couldn’t pull that off!” Sekhmet cackles. 
Hecate nods. “It was too good to be true.” 
“We didn’t know he had a wife,” Kali winks. 
Smiling with them, the anxiety in your chest lessens. 
“So what do you need?”
Sekhmet’s words bring back the somber mood, and you laugh nervously.  “What do you mean?
Kali speaks up seamlessly. “Thor is the eldest son of Odin. Odin, the retired horseman of War, who controls the upper parts of New York as the Asgardians. If Thor’s wife has enough pussy to show up uninvited to confront us, you can’t expect us to believe you don't want anything.”
Looking at them all, you decide to lay all your cards out on the table. “Odin is going after Thor.”
No one replies, so you continue.
“Loki & Thor have made amends and their father now sees them as a threat to his empire. He’s going to call on the Horsemen to wage War…” you trail off, cursing internally as they exchange looks. “But by the look on your faces I’m guessing he already has.”
Kali only nods.  “He approached them with a meeting this morning. The old dick had the audacity to pull rank and get me thrown out of the room when I spoke against him.” She takes a deep gulp of her drink, her jaw clenching at the memory.
The hope that allowed you to strut your way into the third floor comes back tenfold. “So you aren’t on his side?”  
“Fuck no,`” Hecate snorts.  “I’ve unfortunately seen every side of that man when he and Brock were on the council together and…” she trails off, her eyes distant. “New York has never seen a darker time. How Frigga stays with him, I’ll never understand.” 
“Even with all the power as she has, he won’t let her leave,” you mumble. The conversation comes at a standstill, but a tense once that allows all of you to look in upon your own relationships--and just how bad it could get. Clearing your throat, you go in. “Don’t support him.”
No one answers you, but you see curiosity glint within the eyes of the Wives.
“Talk to the Horsemen,” you continue, sliding to the edge of your seat. “I know you have more sway than I ever could if I talked to them. Don’t allow them to back Odin, let him hang to dry and I’ll take care of the rest with Thor & Loki.”
Kali is the one who answers you. “Unfortunately, they’re not allowed to just sit this one out. If The Horsemen stand aside when something as big as this happens we’ll look like we’re going soft.”
 “And I swear to you,” you promise lowly. “That any retaliation you face will be borne by Thor & I. On the blood of my heart, I will do anything for you if you step back for this and let us take him down.”
Your heart has crawled into your throat, pulsing so strongly you don’t know if you can breathe. They haven’t said no outright, and you could practically taste the possibilities, taste exactly what you & your husband can achieve--
“On your heart?” Hecate repeats.
You nod sternly. “On my heart.”
Hecate and Kali merely look at Sekhmet. She gives you a thoughtful look, and blinks slowly, tipping her head down slightly. “Seems we have a lot to talk about. Will you give us some space?”
The last question is directed at you, and you can’t help but nod vehemently and stand up. “Of course,” you breathe, walking away.
You bite your lip hard enough to force yourself not to look back.
Sekhi’s eyes roll into the back of her head as she leans back heavily onto the bathroom mirror. Gripping the edge of the counter tightly, a strangled moan rips out of her throat as her husband’s lips wrapped around her clit, sucking at just the right pressure.  Wetness drips down the junction of her thighs, and still Tony takes it all in stride, moaning vulgarly at her sounds. He lets up only slightly to grab Sekhi’s hand to shove it into his hair, and it gives her enough space to remember that she had another objective when she got him alone.
“We--” She moans when his lips reattach and tug his face away from her core. He lets her breath, only to lap at her cum on her inner thighs. “We have to drop Odin,” She finally breathes out.
He only sighs, pausing to give her a quick peck on the skin he was worshipping. “That is not the name I want on your lips right now.” 
“We cant—Tony!--we can’t endorse him for his war.”
With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly gets up and places both his hands on either side of his wife. He leans in and she automatically reciprocates, lips meeting to exchange tastes. When they finally pull away, Tony speaks. “Since you won’t let it go...why the sudden interest in Odin, and betraying him.”
His words unconsciously allow a memory to flash behind Sekhi’s eyes, and she shakes it away just as quickly as it’s come. “You don't…” She tries to find the words before restarting. “I know he welcomed you into the Horsemen and helped you build your empire...but that man who sat in as War is not the same man today. He’s  an ass, too much of a risk, volatile—”
Tony shrugs. “People say the same about me.”
“Tony, you can’t imagine the things he’s done,” is all she snaps back.  “Since he’s retired he’s—”
Her lips run dry as the memory scratches again. Warm palms cup her chin and bring her gaze to meet warm brown eyes flooded with concern. “He’s what? Baby, has he done something?”
Even though his words are soft, you hear the threat behind it. The underlying danger that follows Conquest. Sekhi reaches up and holds his hands in hers, kissing his palm softly. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Tell me—”
After a moment he backs down and nods solemnly. He drops his hands back to their previous position on the counter. “Okay. Say we don’t back him. You know we have to choose a side in this or we’ll look vulnerable.”
“So choose Thor’s.”
Tony stills in thought before stepping closer to his wife. “I’m listening.”
“If we back Thor, Odin doesn’t stand a chance.”
Steve turns over Kali’s words in his head, rubbing her calf that’s been thrown over his lap. He ignores the bustle of the club around him, the quiet corner they’ve found the perfect setting for their conversation.
“He’d be decimated without too much of a fight,” he mumbles.
“Exactly.” Kali leans closer into him, lacing his fingers with hers at her ankles. “We support Thor, and gain his loyalty now...I’ve heard things. Things stirring in the air about him and how powerful he’s becoming. We show that he’s not a threat, that he's on our side—”
“And he immediately isn’t a threat any more. He becomes an ally.”
“Bingo,” Kali smiles brightly. “And, he’s just reconciled with Loki, meaning he’s got one of the biggest minds in the game on his team.”
Steve nods, turning his head to look her in the eyes. “So what you’re saying is we take him into one of our sectors.”
Kali shakes her head. “I’m saying more than that my love.”
Bucky downs his shot before scrubbing a rough hand down his face. “You’re suggesting he becomes a Horseman.”
Hecate nods. 
Bucky can only sigh while pointing his eyes to heaven. “Doll—”
His wife only groans, wrapping her arms around his waist so that he can’t help but absorb him into her. “You’ve never said no to me before, don’t you dare start now.”
Bucky laughs nervously. “I’m not. But think about it, if we turn against Odin, we’re deliberately breaking the laws that say he’s under our constant protection after he’s left the table. If we break them now, there’s no turning back.”
“You won’t be breaking it! You’ll be bending it.” Hecate shines an innocent smile at him, trying to press her nose into his as their foreheads lie together. “The title is merely passing down onto his son--as it should have, had Odin kept his actions honourable. Thor’ll have the loyalty of  Asgard, Frigga, and the men he has now. No one will fault you.”
Bucky doesn’t answer.
He groans. “I get it doll, I do. I’m as fond of that man as you are, but we’d have to have hard evidence that he’s broken our bylaws before we do. And even if we did, swearing in a new horseman is not a decision only I get to make…” Bucky trails off, sighing with a short laugh. “By the look on your face I’m guessing the girls are already on it.”
“Maybe.” Hecate gives her husband a quick peck on his lips, once, twice, until he melts into her. “Just tell me you’re on my side. You’re with me, aren’t you Buck?”
“Yea doll...I’m with you.”
When the bouncer comes down to meet you on the second floor, it takes everything in you to prevent yourself from smiling. You just know. 
As he escorts the three of you onto the third floor of SHIELD, you feel the men beside you tense even as you relax. When the bouncer called you by name, Thor’s eyes haven’t left you. 
“My love,” his deep timber resonates deep within you, caution in his voice. “What’ve you done.”
You meet his gaze levelly. “What needed to be done.”
Your husband doesn’t answer you before staring straight ahead again, the hallways you all turn becoming less and less populated until you find yourself within black marble halls.
“You work quickly,” Loki chuckles lowly in your ear.
“Enough to keep the title of psychotic sister in law?”
He smirks at you. “Seems so.”
The bouncer stops abruptly in front of a heavily bolted door, and after typing in a code it swings open. You lead the way in, but then hang back to grasp onto Thor’s forearm. He allows you to, but he’s tense and you bristle at the fact that he doesn’t respond immediately to your touch.
But the way he angles himself between you and the most powerful mobsters in the room, with the way his fingers flex towards his gun--you know he’s not directly angry at you. 
Sekhmet, Kali and Hecate sit on the opposite side of the room, in a similar set up to the one you infiltrated merely half an hour before. Their faces are nonchalant, but when Sekhemet winks at you, no words can describe the relief and the pure joy that passes through you.
Tony, Steve, & Bucky stand between you and the Wives, and you know you all will fit perfectly.
“Make yourselves comfortable,” Tony says cordially, gesturing towards the couches in front of them. Bucky goes off to the side to pour a drink, and Thor’s eyes trail him carefully. “How do you feel about hypotheticals?” 
Loki takes it upon himself to sit first, and you follow, tugging your husband along. Only when you’re both sitting does he reply. 
“I find them fun to indulge in…” He trails off, grasping the glass that Bucky hands him, not even bothering to take a sip before he sets it down.
“Then indulge with us.” Bucky smiles, and within a blink of an eye everyone has guns pulled out on you. 
The tension in the room is palpable, and Thor stands defensively in front of both you and Loki. The latter presses a small knife into your hand, before standing beside his brother. 
“Let’s say you come in here,” Steve smiles, shrugging casually, his grip on his weapon firm. “As an invited guest of the Horsemen. You have the audacity to not drink the wonderful poison Pestilence has poured for you, so things have to get a little messier than intended.”
Tony is the one who continues. “We’re feeling creative, so we shoot you in the kneecaps, to make you helpless. We shoot your wife between the eyes to make it quick. Your brother, however, we make it slow. “ Thor’s whole body clenches tightly. “We get all the information out of him, about your home base, your arsenal, your men--”
“And then we kill him,” Bucky takes it up. “We let you go. You’re no threat, your empire belongs to us, and the most important people in your life are dead.”
“What would you do about it?” Steve finishes.
Thor stays quiet for a really long time. No one takes their eyes off of him, and he takes his time to look Tony, Steve, and Bucky straight in the eye. You wait with baited breath on just exactly he might do, ready to  fight your way out if needed--if he wanted you to.
It’s when he presses his chest directly against the barrel of Tony’s gun that your breath hitches, and you scoot slightly towards him. 
“I’d leave, and thank you for sparing my life,” Thor answers. “A year down the road, I’d have enough physical therapy to start walking again, with a cane most likely. I’d make it a nice one, lightweight but made of vibranium to give it leverage, with the names of who I lost engraved on the stem. Two years down the road, I have all of your whereabouts, your routines, your dealings, your accounts, all under the sole of my shoe.
“Year three, I let you know I’m co ming. But I make it slow. I take out the men around you, so you know I’m on my way, and when I finally get to you?” Thor steps closer, but Tony keeps his gun steady. “I incapacitate you with the head of my cane, just in the right spots of your kneecaps to make it irreversible. I shoot your girls in between the eyes to make it quick, and I kill Rhodey, Sam & Natasha slowly. For them to give me information I already know. When I’m done with them, I kill you all myself, but make sure to watch the life leave your eyes as your blood pools around my feet. The last bullet I’ll leave for myself.”
The standstill is unbearable. Thor’s confessions hang heavily within the air, and it doesn’t dissipate when Tony puts his gun away, the others following suit. 
“Gosh, you’re morbid,” he chuckles. “And three years? Seems a little tedious.”
Everyone goes back to casual stances around the room, but Thor stays clenched in the same spot. Loki looks at him warily, and you notice the way the others see that he hasn’t calmed down.
You get up from your spot on the couch, dragging your hand across the back of his waist leisurely. That simply action causes him to deflate, and he watches you walk over to the Wives, who have a drink ready for you. 
“Personally, I think their smartest plan was getting rid of me,” you declare, and laughs that resonate through the room.
“Getting rid of you? I was the one that they kept around for information,” Loki challenges.
“Mmm, maybe. But obviously they killed the biggest threat first.”
Thor looks at you fondly as everyone laughs again, watching you toast with Sekhmet, Kali & Hecate. 
“As pleasant as this exchange has been,” he says, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Is there a reason you brought me here besides to threaten my wife and my brother?”
Kali nudges you on the shoulder, and you take the sign to walk up to him slowly. He presses you into him immediately, and watches as Tony approaches him with a glass of gin. 
When Thor gives it a side glance, he merely rolls his eyes and takes a sip before handing it over. Your husband takes it gladly, but just before he’s about to take a sip, Tony’s words stop him. 
“How do you feel about becoming a Horseman?”
Tags: @angelmashelle​ @fuckinglittlekitten​ @youngdreamer3214​ @rose-bliss​ @amethyst09​ 
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My Top Ten Overlooked Movies With Female Leads In No Particular Order
Note: When you see this emoji (⚠️) I will be talking about things people may find triggering, which are spoilery more often then not. I mention things that I think may count as triggers so that people with them will be aware before going in to watch any of these.
Edited: 3/16/21
Hanna (2011)
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So, before I get into why you should watch this movie, I just want to take a moment to say why it's near and dear to my heart. Growing up as a queer kid in the early 2000s, seeing portrayals of people like or similar to myself on anything was rare at best. It was mostly in more "adult" movies or shows that my parents would occasionally let me watch with them that I'd see any lgbtq+ rep at all. Often times they were either walking stereotypes, designed to be buried, evil, or all three.
Then here comes this PG-13 action thriller with a wonderfully written main female lead who, at the time, was close to my age, and who got to kiss another girl (her very first friend, Sophie) on screen in an extremely tender and heartwarming scene. To say the least, it was a life changing moment for me personally.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, Hanna is a suspenseful movie about a child super-soldier named, you guessed it, Hanna (played by Saoirse Ronan) and her adoptive (?) father Erik Heller (played by Eric Bana) exiting the snowy and isolated wilderness of their home and taking on the shadowy CIA operative, Marissa Wiegler (played by Cate Blanchette) who wants Erik dead and Hanna for herself for mysterious reasons.
It also has an amazing soundtrack by the Chemical Brothers, great action scenes, and it has an over arching fairytale motif, which I'm always a sucker for.
⚠️ Mild blood effects, some painful looking strikes, various character deaths, and child endangerment all feature in this film. However, given its PG-13 rating, a majority of viewers are presumably able to handle this one. Still, be aware of these going in.
Sidenote: It's recently gotten a TV adaptation on Amazon TV, although I have not watched it, and do not know if Hanna and Sophie's romantic/semi-romantic relationship has transferred over.
A Simple Favor
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A Simple Favor is a "black-comedy mystery thriller" centered entirely around the relationship between two mothers, the reclusive, rich, mysterious, and regal Emily (played by Blake Lively), and the local recently widowed but plucky mommy blogger, Stephanie (played by Anna Kendrick). When Emily suddenly goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to find out what happened to her new best friend.
It's a fantastic and entertaining movie throughout, with fun, flawed and interesting characters. The relationship between the two female leads is also implied to be at least somewhat romantic in nature, and they even share a kiss.
⚠️ The only major warnings I can think of is that the movie contains an instance of incest and one of the main plotlines revolves around child abuse, although both of these potentially triggering topics are not connected to each other, so there is thankfully no csa going on.
Edit: I legitimately forgot there was drug use in this movie until now. So, yeah, if that's a trigger, be careful of that.
I Am Mother
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I became mildly obsessed with this movie when it came out. I Am Mother is a sci-fi film that centers entirely around a cast of two woman, and a female-adjacent robot who is brought to life on screen with absolutely amazing practical effects.
The plot is such, after an extinction-level event, a lone robot known only as Mother tasks herself with replenishing the human race via artifical means. She begins with the film's main protagonist, Daughter. Years go by as Mother raises her human child and the two prepare for Daughter's first sibling (a brother) to be born. However, on Daughter's 16th birthday, the arrival of an outsider known only as Woman shakes Daughter's entire world view. She begins to question Mother's very nature, as well as what's really going on outside the bunker she and her caretaker call home.
⚠️ This movie features child endangerment and reference to child death.
Lilo and Stitch
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When I decided to add a single Disney film to this list I initially thought it was going to be hard but almost immediately my brain went to Lilo and Stitch, and specifically about the relationship between Lilo and Nani.
On the surface, this film is about a lonely little girl accidentally adopting a fugitive alien creature as a "dog," but underneath that the story is also about two orphaned sisters and the older sister's attempts to not let social services tear them apart by stepping up as the younger sister's primary guardian. Despite its seemingly goofy premise, Lilo and Stitch has a very emotional and thoughtful center. It's little wonder how this movie managed to spawn an entire franchise.
Despite the franchise it spawned (or possibly because of it), I often find that Lilo and Stitch is overlooked and many people only remember it for the "little girl adopts an alien as a pet" portion of its plot, and I very rarely see it on people's top 10 Disney lists.
⚠️ This movie could be potentially triggering to people who were separated from their siblings or other family members due to social service intervention. There's also a bit of child endangerment, including a scene where Lilo and Stitch both almost drown.
Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind
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Unlike the above entry, I did struggle a little bit with picking a single Studio Ghibli film. Most media of the Ghibli catalogue have strong, well-written, unique, and interesting female leads so selecting just one seemed like quite the task.
However, I eventually settled on this particular film. In recent months, Princess Nausicaä has become my absolute favorite Ghibli protagonist and I'm absolutely enchanted by the world she lives in.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world overun by giant insects and under threat of a toxic forest and its poisoness spores, Nausicaä must try to protect the Valley of the Wind from invaders as she also tries to understand the science behind the toxic forest and attempts to bridge the gap between the insects and the humans.
For those who have never seen the film, I think Nausicaä's personality can best be described as being similar to OT Luke Skywalker. Both are caring, compassionate, and gentle souls who are able to see the best in nearly anyone or anything. She's an absolutely enthralling protagonist and after rewatching the film again for the first time in well over a decade she has easily become one of my all time favorite protagonists.
Whenever I see people talk about Ghibli films, they rarely mention this one, and when they do mention it, it's often in passing. In my opinion it's a must watch.
⚠️ This movie contains some blood, and the folks who either don't like insects or who have entomophobia may not appreciate the giant bugs running about throughout the movie. (Although most insects do not directly relate to real life bugs, and are fantasy creatures).
A Silent Voice
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A Silent Voice is an animated movie adaptation of a manga of the same name. While I've never had the pleasure to read the manga, the movie is phenomenal. It covers topics such a bullying, living in the world with a disability, the desire for atonement, social anxiety, and depression in a well thought out manner that ties itself together through the progression of the relationship between its two leads, Shoya and Shouko. It's also beautifully animated. Although very popular among anime viewers, I've noticed that it's often overlooked by people who watch little to no anime. So I suppose this is me urging non-anime viewers to give this film a chance.
⚠️ As mentioned above, the movie deals with bullying, anxiety, and depression (with this last one including suicidal thoughts and behaviour). If discussion of those topics are triggering to you, than you may want to proceed with caution or skip this movie all together.
In This Corner of The World
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Another manga adaptation, this one taking place during WWII-era Japan. In This Corner of The World follows the life of a civilian Japanese woman, Suzu Urano, as she navigates simply living and her new marriage as the wartime invades nearly all aspects of everyday life. I think this movie is a good representation of what it must be like to be living as civilian in a country at war where the fight is sometimes fought on one's own soil. It was also an interesting look into pre-50s Japanese culture in my opinion. It's also beautifully animated featuring an art style I don't see often.
Despite it being well known among anime fans, I never really see it be brought up, even among said anime fans themselves.
Side note: I've seen many WWII dramas centering around civilians but they've almost always been about American or UK civilians. This was the first movie I'd seen that features the perspective of a Japanese civilain.
⚠️ Features the death of a child and limb loss. There's also a disturbing scene featuring a victim of one of the atomic bombs near the end.
Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
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This film follows Hana, a Japan-native woman who fell in love with a magical shape-shifting wolf-man, and her trials with raising their children, who can also magically shape-shift into wolves, on her own. It's a very heartfelt movie about a mother's love and the struggles of doing right by your children when you have limited resources to actively guide and care for them. All the characters feel unique and alive in my opinion. Also, the animation is so good that my sister and I initially mistook it for a Ghibli film.
Again, like the previous two anime entries, I don't see it ever brought up outside of anime circles.
⚠️ There's some child endangerment present in the film, although none of it is the fault of Hana as far as I can remember.
Roman Holiday
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Roman Holiday is about the fictional Princess Ann (played by Audrey Hepburn), who while on a whirlwind tour of Europe, finally reaches her breaking point over having her entire life be one big schedule and all her words and actions being rehearsed. In the spur of the moment, she runs away in hopes of experiencing what life is like for other women. Unfortunately, she was previously given a sedative, meaning she doesn't get too far before it takes effect. Fortunately, she is found by the kind reporter Joe Bradley (played by Gregory Peck). Believing her to be drunk and unable to get an address from her (because she has none) he ends up taking her home for safety's sake and allows her to sleep off her suppose drunken stupor. The next day, he realizes who she is, and decides to take her on a fun sight seeing trip across Rome in hopes of getting the big scoop. Along the way, they begin to fall for each other.
This is my favorite black and white, old romance film. I think the relationship between the main characters is absolutely beautiful and I have a lot of fun watching it.
⚠️ I'm not entirely sure what kind of warning this film would need. However, it was released in 1953, so values dissonance will probably be at play for many viewers to at least some extent. For example, early in the film Ann is given sedation drugs by her doctor for her behavior, something that is very unlikely to happen today. Also, Mr Bradley deciding to take Ann home to keep her safe rather than call the police or an ambulance is a very pre-90s decision in my opinion.
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A list of all the films, series and web series that have been recommended as hidden must sees during isolation and beyond. 
Note: I have divided them into films with happy endings or not, series that haven’t finished so the exact ending is unknown I have put an asterisk (*) next to
Note 2: the descriptions are a mixture of my own and of the reviews I was sent by anons
She gets the girl
A Date For Mad Mary, 2016 (needs a date for a wedding, more about her complicated reconnecting with friends after prison but romance is cute)
Almost Adults, 2016 (centers around the broader themes of growing up and friendship but one of them is a giant gay. There is a happy ending for both the gay one and the straight one, gotta give the straights some food because they so rarely get fed)
Anne+, 2018* (Dutch webseries with fresh and new vibes with a great mid-twenties actress about mid-twenties gay lives. Everyone in it is LGBTQ+ yet nothing about it is LGBTQ+, it’s all just treated as natural and normal)
Bound, 1996 (you can't beat the lesbian noir classic which should one day be inducted into the lesbian hall of fame)
But I’m A Cheerleader, 1999 (camp and a lot of fun despite the very serious themes, starring Natasha Lyonne- one of the gayest straights out there)
Carmilla, 2014-16 (webseries based on the groundbreaking 19th century book. Some great chemistry and a lot of breaking of the fourth wall)
Carol, 2015 (Cate Blanchett movie based on the book The Price of Salt which caused issue when it was realised in 1952 because it gave its lovers a open ended happy ending)
Couple-Ish, 2015-16 (cute Canadian web series, bit on the nose but important gay, bi and enby rep)
Desert Hearts, 1985 (the looks, the emotions, the gorgeousness of them both, the chemistry, oh god it was so good. Vivian Bell deserves all the orgasms)
Elisa Y Marcela, 2019 (A Spanish film based on the true story of two women who got married with one of them pretending to be a man in 1901. A tearjerker but ultimately their love is stronger than the adversaries they face)
Entre Nous, 1983 (a French 1983 film which has Jews & Nazi's but doesn't end in complete horror. There are straights who think it’s a friendship but we know better)
Fingersmith, 2005 (BBC drama based on a book by Sarah Waters)
Fried Green Tomatoes, 1991 (based on a more obvious book, they’re sold as best friends but if you know you know)
Fucking Åm��l, 1998 (one of the first films aimed at teenagers about two girls falling in love and getting together.)
Getrieben, 2018 (they're ex's and share a dog and then maybe they're not so ex anymore)
I Can't Think Straight, 2008 (cute romantic comedy adapted from a novel about a London-based Jordanian of Palestinian descent preparing for a wedding before events take a gay turn)
If These Walls Could Talk 2, 2000 (some happy and some sad endings in this film which portrays three generations of lesbian storylines from the same house)
Imagine Me and You, 2004 (not my fav but a classic and has Queen Cersei playing a wlw)
Kyss Mig, 2011 (heart eyes, a lovely film, does have maybe a bit too much man in it but he's gone when we get to the nitty gritty)
Our Love Story, 2016 (Korean, subtle nuanced relationship story)
Rosebud, 1996 (a channel 4 short with Julie Graham and questionable fashion choices. Who needs words when you can have such tantalising and vivid visuals? Teeny bit of man but it's fitting in the particular setting and its very fleeting, although admittedly nude)
Saving Face, 2004 (romantic comedy which had less of an impact that Imagine Me and You due to lesser known actors and probably partly to do with race- the main characters are Chinese-American. But it's a gorgeous movie that has a lot more than just rom com elements. The Half Of It is by the same director.
Sjukt Oklar, 2018* (very Swedish, very lesbian, very very funny)
Supervoksen, 2006 (Danish teenage coming of age type thing)
The Carmilla Movie, 2017 (based on the webseries but still accessible to those that haven’t watched it. Quite sweet and the actresses seem very comfortable with each other. Plus there is a great sex scene in it where the muscles on one of the girl’s back are especially sexy)
The World Unseen, 2007 (period film during South Africa's apartheid era with great chemistry)
The Handmaiden, 2016 (extremely nsfw but its got some incredibly powerful meaning to it especially the final sex scene with the bells. It's also incredibly shot and the sex scenes were done very sensitively on set with only women around and the director even in another room.)
Thelma, 2017 (a supernatural thriller about a girl starting college who suddenly starts getting seizures but they don’t know why and she has a female love interest)
Tipping The Velvet, 2002 (BBC series, also has a Victorian era strap on in it and Keeley Hawes, what's not to love?)
When Night is Falling, 1995 (An uptight and conservative woman, working as a literacy professor, finds herself attracted to a free-spirited, liberal woman who works at a local carnival. It’s got quite a lot of a boyfriend in it so its not for everyone.)
Yes or No, 2010 (literally a ‘and they were roommates’ movie as well as an enemies to lovers plot)
Zwischen Sommer Und Herbst, 2018 (coming of age elements, does have a man involved especially at the beginning, who happened to be the brother of one of the girls, but overall it was okay, no lesbians die and it doesn't end in abject misery)
She doesn’t get the girl but neither does the trope
Aimée and Jaguar, 1999 (based on a true story. Beautiful but painful, it’s a Jew falling for a German housewife in Nazi Germany, hence its sad as hell ending)
Bloomington, 2010 (coming of age, teacher student thing which walks that line relatively well without being too icky)
Freeheld, 2015 (an extremely powerful and important story to tell)
Gia, 1998 (Angelina Jolie gets it on with Elizabeth Mitchell in a moving film about model and lesbian Gia Carangi)
Kontrola, 2019* (a masterpiece of a mini web series with a great soundtrack, aesthetic and storyline. Season 2 may present a better future for them)
Mädchen in Uniform, 1931 (German cult classic almost entirely produced by women. Sexual awakening/teenage coming out of her shell stuff, there is also a 1958 redo which is okay. She doesn’t get the girl but it’s still a positive portrayal of sexuality where the object of desire isn't disgusted or weirded out by it)
My Summer of Love, 2004 (At first glance a coming of age movie, but has a lot of phycological elements too. Emily Blunt with a girl, not happy but no lesbians die)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire, 2019 (spell-bounding french film with amazing rawness and visuals. One of my best cinematographic experiences ever)
Reaching for the Moon, 2017 (the love story of the poet Elizabeth Bishop and the architect Soares in the 60s)
Snapshots, 2018 (sad ending but great chemistry with no closed mouthed straight girl kisses)
Summertime, 2015 (French lesbian movie- dare I say more? Sad but no deaths)
The Hunger, 1983 (a gothic cult classic, vampires, its got David Bowie, Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve in it)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, 2018 (she doesn’t get the girl because there is no girl, but she does begin to find and accept herself. Based on a highly recommendable book by the same name)
Viola di Mare, 2009 (depressing as hell but beautiful to look and the couple have some good chemistry)
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ti-bae-rius · 4 years
Malec couple’s yoga one shot
“I can’t believe you agreed to this.”
“What? Yoga is a really great training activity. It keeps your muscles strong and toned and is great for flexibility and stamina.”
“Flexibility and stamina? I do like the sound of that.”
The two of them walked along the streets of New York, both in workout gear – though that phrase meant two wildly different things for each. Alec’s runes were glamoured and he wore his training gear – sans the heavy leather fabric shadowhunters donned for battle – which mainly consisted of a pair of loose jogging pants and a t-shirt that (like all Alec’s t-shirts) had seen better days. Magnus, however, had taken this as an opportunity to acquire some truly magnificent new clothes. A tank top reading ‘I’m heavily meditated’ and a pair of tight-fitting joggers, cuffed at the ankle and tailored to hang just right, completed Magnus’s outfit. Alec had to smile. No one else, in the history of workouts, had tailored yoga pants. But then no one else was quite like Magnus.
“We don’t need mats or anything, do we?” Alec asked, as they passed under the archway into Central Park. “The information seemed really vague. Do you think it’ll run over – my mom can only handle Max and Rafe for so long.”
“All this worrying doesn’t seem very zen of you,” Magnus chastised, taking Alec’s hand and swinging it like they did when they were making Max and Rafe ‘fly’ as they walked along the paths. Alec always thought this was somewhat of a big ask from Max, who actually could fly without the aid of Alec’s arms that were usually already somewhat tired from demon-hunting all day. Nevertheless, their squeals of joy made it all worthwhile.
A small throng of people were gathered, couples stretching together and chatting, in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow. Though still busy, it was somewhat less crowded and tourist-populated than the majority of the Park. Alec squinted to look who was there as the two of them walked closer and leaned up to whisper to Magnus, “There’s more gays than I thought there’d be.”
“Oh please, couples yoga is for three sets of people: bohemian lesbians who have squeezed this in between sensual pottery and live drawing where they only draw Cate Blanchett, straights whose marriages are on the rocks and are in desperate need of closeness not derived from brushing past one another on the way to write something on their family planner by the fridge, or gay couples – that’s us – whose marriage is just where it’s supposed to be.”
“And who want a brief moment of respite from their children – one of whom transforms into a bat when annoyed and one who loves annoying his brother?”
“I don’t think that’s quite as universal as you might expect,” Magnus pointed out and Alec laughed.
Thankfully, no one else seemed to have yoga mats. Despite Magnus’s assertions, most of the couples here looked calm and happy to be there. Alec relaxed a little and when a man and woman came over to introduce themselves as the instructors, he leaned casually against Magnus’s side, content to let his husband do the talking. He glanced round, watching the sunlight filter through the leaves of a nearby tree, mottling the grass below it with little pools of soft illumination. This was pretty nice, he thought, a feeling of serenity washing over him. Maybe Magnus was right, maybe Alec did just need to loosen up and relax, try and enjoy these new experiences. Maybe they’d become that couple, the couple that did yoga in the park and had brunch with their kids where they didn’t even drink mimosas or bloody marys because they didn’t need the pick-me-up of socially acceptable mid-morning alcohol. He’d always thought Izzy would be that person.
“Right,” the female instructor said in a voice that commanded the group. Though she’d raised her voice to gather them, she still sounded soft-spoken. “Let’s all find a space and let that space be our own bubble. Today, you and your partner are one being, two halves of one yogi. Together, let your hearts find a space. Be led by your shared heartbeat.”
Magnus and Alec exchanged a look and Magnus raised an eyebrow. Perhaps this was a little…much. Alec gave Magnus a miniscule frown and mouthed “that’s not very zen”. Magnus rolled his eyes but put a hand out and rested it on Alec’s chest, then put the other hand to his own.
“Our collective heartbeat is telling me that we should get out of here,” he said, with the same whimsical timbre to his voice that the instructor had. “It also says that the guac in the refrigerator needs eating tonight.”
Alec gave an inelegant snort and the instructors looked over at them. They didn’t look annoyed – Alec wasn’t sure people who were that at peace could be annoyed – but Alec schooled his expression into neutrality.
“I think just here is fine for our bubble,” he said and Magnus nodded, eyes glittering with amusement.
“I see we have some new energies in our space today,” the male instructor said, his speech with the same gentle lilt as his wife’s. “We welcome you into our family.” Magnus tried very hard not to think of how much this sounded like late-stage Crimson Hand rhetoric. “For our new friends, let me introduce us. This is my wife, Kelly, and I’m Gareth. Family, let’s emit some extra good vibes today to make our new souls feel welcomed and cherished.”
Alec firmly kept his eyes on the instructors instead of giving Magnus the weighted look he wanted to. Okay, this seemed a little full-on, but they’d just got here. They couldn’t judge it yet.
“What we’re going to do is start with a really easy pose that will help to solidify your connection to your partner and maintain your unity throughout our time together today,” breathed Kelly. “Let’s start with a stacked child’s pose. One half of your team transition now from mountain pose down to child’s pose, copying Gareth.”
Alec and Magnus exchanged looks and Alec shrugged, watching Gareth fold himself down onto the floor, facedown, as if having an existential crisis. Alec copied, and immediately felt the grass tickle his nose. From somewhere above him, Kelly continued talking.
“Now for our other halves, gently climb on your partner’s back and settle into the same pose. This is a really easy starting position and will keep us grounded and unified ready for our next step.”
Alec was about to say something when he felt Magnus’s weight settle atop him, pushing him further into the tickly grass. He breathed around the extra weight on his spine and Magnus bent to whisper in Alec’s ear.
“Wanna admit I was right to say we should’ve left?”
“No, this is very soothing,” Alec mumbled, and coughed on the grass that got in his mouth.
“Also, why is this child’s pose? Have Gareth and Kelly ever seen a child? If Max and Rafe were laid on the floor on their faces like this, I’d call an exorcist.”
“Shhh, I’m getting in touch with my inner peace,” Alec mumbled, and spluttered again on the grass in his mouth. “And also with this dirt.”
After a few minutes of relative calm, Gareth’s voice rung out, soft but commanding.
“Let’s all return to mountain pose now, stretching our arms up over our heads to transition to extended mountain.”
When Alec straightened up again, he glanced around, just to make sure he wasn’t being pranked. But no, a dozen other couples were all doing the same as them, lightly holding their hands above their heads, arms outstretched toward the sunny sky of New York. He settled back into it a little and tried to relax, wondering if relaxing was meant to take this much effort.
“Now we’re going to move into couple’s tree pose,” Gareth instructed. “Stand beside your partner and raise the arm closest to them into the air, touching their palm with yours. You can interlock your fingers here for extra emotional support, if you so desire. With your outside leg, rest the flat of your foot against your upper thigh, and bring your outside hands together to press flat against one another in the space between you.”
“Are you interlocking our fingers for emotional support?” Magnus whispered and Alec huffed a laugh.
“I’m doing it for structural support. I’m on some uneven grass and I feel like I’m about to fall over.”
“Consul Lightwood?”
Alec spun so fast that Magnus stumbled sideways, righting himself just in time and shooting Alec a furious look. In fact, the whole group were staring at them, looking as displeased as a group of people who had dedicated themselves to inner peace could look. Which, to be fair, wasn’t that displeased.
“Is there something disrupting your practise today?” Kelly asked, and Alec gave a nervous laugh.
“Just give me one second,” he said, staring off into the treeline where the call had come from.
“The forces outside your bubble are of no consequence during your practise,” Gareth told him, but Alec was already starting to walk over to the trees. Magnus gave a shrug to the instructors and an apologetic glance to the others in the group.
“He’s got a bad knee,” Magnus explained lamely and set off after Alec, jogging to catch up with him as he spoke to two younger shadowhunters. They couldn’t have been more than sixteen and were gaping up at Alec – and now Magnus too – with wide eyes.
“So how about I report back that you guys have been doing some great work on patrol, and you don’t tell anyone about…that,” Alec bartered. The two shadowhunters nodded and hurried off, casting looks over their shoulders as they went, heads bent together as they whispered. Alec looked at Magnus and burst out laughing. “Okay, you were right. We should’ve left before it started.”
“You mean you don’t want to get in touch with our shared heartbeat and become one soul in two bodies?” Magnus asked in mock-offence.
Alec gave him a sly side-eye and took his hand. “I didn’t say that. I’m sure we can work something out. We still have the apartment to ourselves for an hour or two before we have to get the kids.”
“What happened to ‘my mom can’t cope with them for too long’?” Magnus challenged, a devilish glint in his eye.
“She’ll be fine,” Alec assured him.
 “Why are we going to yoga night school?” Magnus asked as they reached the building indicated on Alec’s phone.
“Because it’s the only class I could find in the area when we had someone to watch the kids,” Alec explained. “Don’t worry, I made Simon promise to make them dinner.”
“Well hopefully this one is less traumatic.”
Alec groaned. “Don’t remind me. At least in a building we don’t risk random shadowhunters walking past.”
“Unless they’re in the class too!” Magnus pointed out chirpily and Alec shot him a glare as they went inside.
Much like the last class, people were milling about in couples. Alec gave the crowded hallway a quick scan but couldn’t see anyone they knew – thankfully. Alec relaxed a little. There were about the same number of couples here too, around twelve, and Alec couldn’t tell who the instructors were. Mostly people were talking in soft voices, sipping bottles of water, and leaning affectionately into conversations with their partner. Magnus glanced around.
“What kind of yoga is this?”
“I don’t know, tandem or something,” Alec said. “It was the only one available, but it looks good. The website said something about building trust and closeness or whatever.”
“Clearly imperative for us,” Magnus said dryly. “What with us being so distant and untrusting and all.”
Alec rolled his eyes but smiled.
Before he could respond, a door opened at the end of the hall and a woman emerged in a pair of leggings and a sports bra. She smiled at them and beckoned them all in. As Magnus and Alec passed her in the door, she turned and beamed at them.
“You must be our new sign-ups. I hope you enjoy the class and feel more in touch with yourselves and your bodies when you leave.”
No cult-like mentions of joining a family, or bubbles, or shared heartbeats. Alec heaved a sigh of relief and gave a glance toward Magnus, who was looking around the room. Everyone did seem quite touchy-feely, Magnus thought, but brushed it off. What else should he have expected from couple’s yoga – particularly couple’s yoga with a majority hetero clientele? He and Alec took a seat at the back of the studio, removing their shoes like the others had done and putting them behind their mat, and chatted between themselves until the woman who’d greeted them stepped to the front of the room with her own partner, a tall and well-built surfer-dude type.
“So as most of you know, I’m Carly and this is Dale, and we’ll be your guides tonight. As always, please feel free to take breaks as you need them, communication with your partner is encouraged, and remember to open a conversation after tonight’s class about what you learned about each other and yourself. These classes can really prompt strong feelings, and those should be embraced and discussed in a non-judgemental and loving way.”
“How intense is this class meant to be?” Magnus whispered to Alec, who shrugged, looking a little nervous. Was this for expert yoga-people? Yogists? Yogurts? What kind of relaxation came with a warning?
“While Carly lights the candles and I bring the lights down and close the blinds, feel free to come to rest in any pose that feels comfortable for you. Perhaps that’s child’s pose, a seated position, or maybe even corpse pose,” Dale said, and began readying the room.
“I’m starting to think we might all end up in corpse pose by the end of the night,” Alec hissed quietly, glancing round. “This looks like how most demonic rituals begin.”
“Maybe this is all a trap and Elyaas is just trying to get us to let him see Max again,” Magnus suggested and Alec laughed, looking round at the other couples to see how they were sat. Many were laid side by side, like bodies in mortuary shelves, but a handful of them were laid on their sides, pressed close together as if they were cuddled in bed. Alec raised his eyebrow sceptically and settled for sitting with his legs crossed before him, his back against Magnus who was in the same position.
“I’m getting in first to say we should leave now,” Alec whispered, eyes closed. “Just so if this is as bad as last time, I’ll get to be right.”
Alec felt Magnus’s shoulders move against his as he chuckled, then start a little as Dale spoke again.
“Okay, excellent. Let’s all slowly move to sit opposite our partner, ready to start the session with some synchronized breathing. You can do this in whatever way works for you. You could put a hand on your partner’s chest to feel their inhales and exhales. You could close your eyes and focus on the sound of their breath or maintain eye contact and build a direct channel of communication. You could hold hands. Or you can just meditate, keeping your inhalations and exhalations as one with your partner.”
Alec shuffled round to face Magnus and immediately had to close his eyes. Something about staring into the face of your significant other in a quiet and meditative room made you immediately want to burst out into loud and obnoxious laughter. Instead, he let Magnus’s hand find his in the dark of their closed eyes and tried to match their breaths. Despite himself, Alec relaxed, his shoulders drooping, jaw unclenching. Being a shadowhunter wasn’t a relaxing job, and it was sometimes hard to find time to de-stress. Maybe he’d judged this whole thing too quickly, put off by the last time. Actually, this was pretty nice.
After a while, Carly’s voice came softly through the haze of meditation, instructing them to gently come back to the present. Alec blinked open his eyes and met Magnus’s soft gaze, smiling. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
“Okay, now we’re going to move to our first real position, yab-yum,” Carly said. “You can stay crossed-legged for this, though one of you will have to move a little. One partner will stay seated and the other will climb into their lap, hooking their legs around the other’s back, coming to rest in a lotus position. Dale and I will be transitioning into yab-yum so you can observe us if you get lost.”
Magnus beckoned Alec forward and put his arms around Alec’s waist as the shadowhunter settled onto his husband’s lap, feeling a little uncomfortable doing so in a crowded room. He glanced around to confirm this was right and found everyone else doing the same.
“Relax, we’re married,” Magnus grinned and Alec nodded, laughing to himself. Magnus was right. This was totally innocent; he was just being coy.
“Gently, you can start to rock forwards and backwards,” Dale instructed, resting his hands on Carly’s hips. “Just a slight movement is fine to start. You can time this to your breathing. Breathe in, rock forward. Breathe out, rock back.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow but shrugged, following as instructed. Alec wrinkled his nose. Was it just him or did this feel weirdly…intense? Even personal?
“Are you starting to get seasick?” Magnus teased and Alec shook his head.
“I’m just really confused. What is this meant to do?”
“Help us breathe together I guess. Though, I don’t want to brag, but I’ve been breathing for centuries and I’m pretty excellent at it. I’m currently on my high score of most breaths breathed. I bet I’ve been breathing way longer than all these assholes.”
Alec laughed and tried to relax into the exercise, but he couldn’t help feeling strangely fidgety, like something wasn’t right.
“For a more connective experience,” Dale said. “You can add extra elements, especially if you’re the partner sat on the floor. Try rocking your lower back as well and raising your hips towards your partner’s.”
Alec and Magnus exchanged confused looks, and Alec felt his eyes widen when a few nearby couples began breathing more shallowly, less controlled. Magnus covered his mouth to stifle a laugh at Alec’s scandalised expression.
“Did you know—” Magnus began and Alec shook his head vehemently.
“Is this…” He dropped his voice and mouthed, “sex yoga?”
Magnus gave a loud snort of laughter and Alec shushed him, but the laugh was contagious and the sound came out disjointed and breathless. Instead, Alec put a finger to his lips, and looked up at the ceiling, trying not to meet Magnus’s eyes and start their laughs again. It was going well until Carly gave a breathy sigh and continued.
“This pose represents the mother and father in the act of sexual union, and really appeals to both genders’ need for interpenetration.”
“Well this isn’t going to help us at all then,” Magnus muttered, rolling his eyes.
Alec lost his composure completely and gave a cry of amusement that was smothered too late by Magnus’s hand. Both of them were laughing now, bent forward towards one another with tears in their eyes. Alec could feel the disapproving stares of the other people in the class and tried hard to compose himself, but it was no use. From somewhere above them, someone cleared their throat and the two of them looked up to see Carly stood there, with a face like thunder. And who could blame her, Alec thought. Two total newbies had signed up for her class, been totally blind-sided by what it actually was, and had some kind of hysteric moment in the middle of their session. Before she could say anything, Alec climbed to his feet and pulled Magnus up after him by the hands, still grinning uncontrollably.
“I, ah, don’t think this is our class,” Alec muttered apologetically.
“Yeah, I’m sure it said Bridge club was next door,” Magnus added and Alec had to press his lips together so he didn’t laugh in the poor woman’s face. Alec swept down, grabbed his shoes in one hand and Magnus’s in the other, shoved a pair at his husband, and stumbled gracelessly from the room, weaving between yab-yumming couples, and shutting the door quickly behind them.
As soon as they were out of the building, the two of them exploded into laughter, the sound ringing out on the quiet New York streets. It was already dark, though not even gone seven, and Alec sank down onto a bench to lace up his sneakers, still shaking with amusement. Magnus was bent double, wiping a tear from his eye.
“Tantric, you idiot,” Magnus wheezed. “Tantric yoga, not tandem.”
“I don’t know what that means!” Alec protested, gesturing to the building. “Who does sex yoga at seven on a Thursday evening? It’s a school day tomorrow!”
Magnus cackled and threw his head back, reminding Alec of their very first date, the two of them howling with joy at the awful subway rappers. It was the first time Alec had remembered really letting go, really surrendering to the idea of being happy. There, walking the streets with Magnus back to the apartment that wasn’t yet his home too, Alec hadn’t thought about what anyone else would think, or if someone he knew would see him. All he could think about was those terrible performers, and the way Magnus’s laugh sounded like someone opening the door to the rest of his life, and the whisper of evening air like a great spirit whispering at him that he could finally relax.
 Walking home, hand in hand, Magnus nudged a hip against Alec’s playfully.
“So, it’s super important to start a conversation after tonight’s class about what you learned about each other and yourself,” Magnus said, imitating Dale’s rolling Californian drawl.
“I learned that I should read the description of things properly before I book them for $60 a person,” Alec said.
“$60?” Magnus demanded incredulously. “You paid $120 for us to sit in a dark room with a bunch of horny couples and sit on each other’s laps?”
Alec rested his head on Magnus’s shoulder and laughed into the fabric of his jacket. “I just wanted us to have a good night out away from the kids and spend some time together.”
“I like movies, you know? And dinner, and the theatre, and literally anything where a woman doesn’t say interpenetration to me in a room full of other people.”
“Come on,” Alec urged, grinning. “Let’s at least take something from it. What did you learn?”
“I learned…that you are very, very attractive when you laugh,” Magnus said, leaning down to kiss the top of Alec’s head, feeling his husband nestle further into his shoulder. “How about you?”
“I learned…” Alec laughed shyly and straightened up, squeezing Magnus’s hand. “I learned that sitting on someone’s lap while they laugh is a unique experience that is not entirely without it’s…appeal.”
Magnus glanced at him and quirked an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
Alec shrugged and Magnus spun Alec round by the hand.
“I’m sure that could be arranged,” Magnus said softly and watched devilishly as Alec went fantastically red. “Come on, let’s go. Luckily for you we have a ridiculous life so there’s plenty of things to laugh at to get you all hot and bothered.”
Alec swatted at him and shushed him, looking around the near-empty street.
“We can start with the fact that your husband still turns you into a fumbling mess.”
“You’ll always do that,” Alec reminded him, and shot Magnus a winning smile that sent Magnus into his own state of unravelling. “We could swing by Simon and Izzy’s and get the kids early.”
“Or…” Magnus said, with a familiar look in his eyes and Alec’s mouth quirked in a smile. “I don’t know why you look so smug; I was going to suggest we sat in silence and timed our breaths to each other,” Magnus said and ducked away, chuckling, as Alec went to grab for him.
When Alec inevitably caught him, he wrapped his arms around Magnus, pressing a kiss to his neck. “What is our life?” he sighed, and Magnus tilted his chin down so his lips met Alec’s.
“Perfect,” Magnus answered fondly. “That’s what.”
This is a fun fic - don’t take it too seriously. No not all yoga is like this, not all tantric yoga is about sensuality or sexuality, but some of it is and that’s great too. Just...take it in the spirit it’s meant.
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Flavor shot: Holiday Blend- Blue Christmas: Part 1
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“See you in like a week?” Cate wasn’t sure if she was comforting Spencer or herself with her words. Despite only being a week and a half ago, it had felt like months since they had admitted their love for one another. The two had spent every night leading up to this morning with each other. Alternating between Spencer’s apartment and Cate’s to make sure Shrimp didn’t get too lonely on his own, though he did prefer the quietness of an empty apartment. 
“Yeah, I’ll uh…” Spencer gestured to his gate at the airport. He had begun to walk towards it but turned on his heel back towards Cate. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go back to New Hampshire with you?” 
“Go see your mom for the holidays!” Cate gently pushed his shoulders. “We’ll be fine! I think we can stand to spend a few days apart.” she laughed as Spencer drew her in for one last hug. At least, that’s what they had said the last few hugs. With a final quick peck on the lips, Cate stepped backward, extending a hand, barely gripping Spencer’s fingers. “Tell her I said hi and that I wish her a Merry Christmas.” Cate smiled as she finally dropped Spencer’s hand. 
Their plans for the holidays were to celebrate with their respective families: Spencer was flying home to Vegas and Cate was going home to New Hampshire to see her family and she would drive back to Quantico with her car so she could have it back in DC. 
Cate’s own flight was booked for the next day. She was all packed for her 3 day trip back to her roots. Marta would be checking on Shrimp, feeding him and making sure he was all set while Cate was gone. Marta was also going to be Cate’s ride to the airport. 
Her flight was scheduled for noon, which would put her in New Hampshire around 2:30. And that’s where she stood right now. Standing with her carry-on and her tote bag, she looked for her dad’s pick-up truck in the terminal. Instead of a truck, she was surprised to see her older sister’s silver SUV. 
“Beth!” Cate’s face broke into a huge grin as she ran to give her sister a hug. The girls embraced each other tightly.
“It has been too long!” Beth pulled back and gave a stern look to her younger sister. “You need to call more.” Cate shrugged, her face flushing.
“I know..” Beth helped Cate put her bags into the trunk of the vehicle and they scuffled into the warmth of the car. Traffic from the airport to their home was brutal. Of course, that’s only typical due to the holidays. But, it gave the girls plenty of time to catch up.
“So, how’s the big city treating you? Still working with Marta?” Beth asked, giving a quick glance to Cate from the driver’s seat. 
“Yeah, it’s great there. It’s busy and it seems like everyday there’s something new.” Cate laughed. “I got a cat, too. A little orange one, his name’s Shrimp.” At the stop light, Cate showed Beth a picture of Shrimp on the couch, nestled in between two pairs of legs. Beth grabbed the phone, and zoomed into the hand that was mid-pet on Shrimp’s back.
“And who is that? Are you holding out on me, sis? You have a man and you didn’t think to say anything?” the light turned green. Beth shoved the phone back at Cate and continued driving. Cate blushed, turning to look out the window at familiar scenery.
“I did meet someone. His name’s Spencer.” Cate thought of Spencer, playing fond memories in her head.
“Am I gonna have to twist your arm to get more information?” Beth laughed, lightly punching Cate’s arm. “How long has this been going on?” 
“Officially?” Cate thought back. “A few months.” 
“So there’s some unofficial business in there? Let me guess, a one night stand and then friends with benefits but you caught feelings for each other?” 
“No!” Cate laughed. “Not like that at all… We were just friends for a while.” Beth gave Cate a pointed look to dish more details. “We’ve known each other for a year! You do the math!” Cate swatted Beth.
“Watch it! I’m the driver! Don’t you want to live long enough to see *Spencer* again?” Beth teased. The girls opted to sing along to the radio for the remainder of the ride. Beth asked a few more questions about Marta and Cate’s apartment back in DC, which passed the time quickly. 
Beth’s SUV pulled down the long driveway up to their parents’ house. Snow covered the ground and glistened in the afternoon sun. Cate grabbed her bags from the trunk, and followed Beth up the walkway to their backdoor. When the door swung open, Cate was met with the smell of vanilla and the warmth of the inside. Kicking the snow off her boots, she entered the house- filled with the sounds of laughter. Immediately, she saw her younger brother playing with their niece and nephew, Stella and Finn, but she was really looking forward to seeing her mom. Cate’s mom was found in the kitchen, baking sheets filled with cookies and dough waiting to go in. Once spotted by her mother, Cate opened her arms, which were still carrying her bags. 
“Hi, Mom.” Cate’s mother bounded over, slinging a dish towel over her shoulder. Cate wrapped her arms around her mom, tucking her head over her mom’s other shoulder. “I’ve missed you.” Cate closed her eyes and she felt like she was a kid again, back in her hometown and living with her parents. Her house still smelled the same. 
“Catherine.” Her mom said gently. She still looked the same to Cate: same pale skin, just a bit more wrinkled at the corners of her eyes, same dark brown hair, but with some grays starting to peek through. Her mother held her out at an arm’s length. “You look too thin, have a cookie.” Cate took a cookie from her mom with a smile. As she bit into it, Beth waltzed into the kitchen too. With an announcement.
“Cate has a boyfriend!” Beth looked smugly to Cate, while their mom looked between the two of them, before settling her gaze on Cate- who was coughing after almost choking on her cookie.
“Beth!” Cate coughed out.
“Wha-? Since when? See, this is why you need to call more!” Cate’s mother was now in interrogation mode. And make no mistake, she would get all the answers she wanted. She sternly held a finger pointed to Cate. “Who is he? And where is he?” 
“I haven’t even put my bags down yet and you’re already on my case!” Cate tried to diffuse the attention on her. Leaving her mother sputtering about Cate’s love life and confronting Beth for all she knew, Cate escaped upstairs to her childhood bedroom. 
It was still painted the same color green. A sheet set of stars and constellations were on her mattress, with a black comforter dressing the bed. All of her old posters still littered the walls and some frameless photographs were taped about the walls in the empty spaces. A smile was brought to Cate’s face, thinking of all the memories this room held. Cate set her bags down on the bed, and slowly walked downstairs. The ambush was partially her own fault. She should’ve kept her mother updated in her life. Cate had no good explanation for not calling her mom. 
“Okay now what is this about a boyfriend?” Cate’s mother was back by the oven, her cream colored apron lightly stained from the years of use. Cate settled into a stool at the island. Beth had disappeared into the living room to watch Stella and Finn wrestle with her and Cate’s younger brother, Robby.
“You’d love him. His name is Spencer and he’s smart, kind, and he-” Cate cut herself off, “He has a good job.” She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to disclose that sort of information. Cate’s mom raised her eyebrows, interested. 
“He sounds wonderful. Is he spending time with his family this Christmas Eve?” 
“Yes, he’s in Vegas visiting his mom for a few days.” Cate informed her mom. She played with some flour that dusted the countertop. 
“Well, you’ll have to come home sometime so we can all meet him.” Her mother smiled, placing a hand on Cate’s. Cate smiled at her mother. “Now, round up your brother and father to go get our chinese food. Wouldn’t be a Bennett Family Christmas without it.” Chinese food had been a staple for their Christmas Eve since Cate was a little girl. One year, Cate’s mother decided to try and cook a Christmas ham paired with mashed potatoes, candied yams, and homemade cranberry sauce. Well, Cate cooked just about as well as her mother, so it’s safe to say that that year, the house was full of smoke on Christmas Eve. The only thing salvageable was the cranberry sauce. Since that year, They’d always stuck to just baking cookies for Santa and ordering chinese food. 
Cate slowly walked to the living room, taking her time to relish in her home. She noticed new pictures framed on the walls of her niece and nephew. There were a few new knick knacks on shelves and hallway tables. The couches in the living room had been rearranged and the old wooden television stand was gone and now the tv was mounted on the wall. 
Beth was perched in the middle of the love seat, a blanket with a christmas pattern draped over her legs. Robby was kneeling on the ground- one arm outstretched and holding Finn at bay from a tickle attack and Stella was on his back, his other hand tickling her feet while she giggled uncontrollably. Cate’s father was sitting on the corner of their large couch, trying to read on his tablet, but getting distracted watching his grandchildren and his son play.
“Robby, Mom wants you and Dad to go get the food now.” Cate couldn’t keep in a chuckle. 
“Nice to see you too, Catherine.” Robby said as he rose from the carpeted living room floor. Their dad looked up over his glasses at Cate.
“Hi, Dad.” Cate met him in the middle as he brought her in for a hug.
“My Catie Girl, how is the big city life?” He asked, parting from her. 
“Oh, you know, busy and nothing like home.” she shrugged. Cate smiled at him. He placed a hand on her shoulder before going to retrieve his coat and some boots to get their order of food. Her brother Robby followed. 
Cate knelt on the ground, opening her arms as her sister’s children each ran into an arm. Embracing them both, Cate expressed how much she missed them and how big they’ve gotten. 
“Auntie Cate, I lost a tooth!” Stella bared her teeth at Cate, displaying a gap where there should have been a bottom tooth.  
“I grew one!” Finn smiled largely, showing a new tooth growing bigger than the rest.
“Oh my goodness! You guys are getting too big!” Cate smiled at them. She pulled her phone from her back pocket, swiping to find a specific picture. “I got a cat! Maybe one weekend you can come visit with your mom and you can meet him in person.” Stella and Finn’s eyes lit looking at Shrimp.
“He looks so soft!” Stella cooed.
“I bet he catches all the mice!” Finn yelled. 
“If there were any mice in my apartment, I bet he would.” Cate laughed. 
It became tradition for the family to sit on the living room floor, gathered around the spread of takeout boxes on the coffee table as a classic christmas movie played on their television. This year, they had voted and Cate, Stella and Finn won with their pick of The Polar Express. 
It was dark outside and everyone had piled their plates with fried rice, crab rangoons, teriyaki chicken and beef filled egg rolls. They shared laughs and stories of the year’s happenings with each other, catching up and making jokes like old times. 
Once filled plates were now over halfway done, Stella and Finn were both slowly falling asleep on the loveseat with Beth sitting in between them. The Polar Express was still playing, Cate’s parents were nestled together on the couch. Robby was laying on his side, leaning against the loveseat. Cate had her back against the couch, a christmas blanket wrapped around her. The house was peaceful and cozy with the glow of the christmas tree and the flicker of the movie. 
A knock on the door disrupted the lull in the living room. Cate’s parents looked quizzically at each other, not expecting anyone. Beth placed a protective hand on each of her children. Cate was the first to stand up, walking to answer the door. She presumed it was a neighbor, coming to wish them a happy holiday, despite how odd that would be.
Cate opened the door to a shivering Spencer, holding a large leather suitcase. A scarf wrapped multiple times around his neck and face muffled his voice.
“What are you doing here?” Cate couldn’t believe her eyes, but was happy to see the tall, long haired man. She let him into the house, closing the door behind him. “How did you figure out where I lived?” He set down his suitcase and unwrapped his scarf.
“I might have asked Garcia to track your phone for me.” his voice seemed off, but Cate would ask him about it later when her parents and siblings weren’t peering into the foyer from the archway into the living room. Cate and Spencer acknowledged them after staring at each other for a moment.
“Spencer, these are my parents.” Cate gestured to her mother and father, who were walking into the foyer. 
“Bill.” Cate’s dad reached out a hand to Spencer. Spencer hesitated, but figured shaking hands would make a better first impression than a spiel about germs. Cate’s mother on the other hand, brought Spencer into a hug.
“I’m Jacqueline, but please, call me Jackie!” Cate’s mother was as short as Cate was compared to Spencer. He had to bend his back far forward in her embrace as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He felt comforted by her motherly mannerisms. 
“Please, come in and help yourself to some takeout! Cate, take his things to the guest room and Spencer, I hope you like chinese food!” Her parents shuffled back into the living room as quick as they had nosed their way to the front door. Cate softly took Spencer’s hand and gave him a smile before starting up the stairs. 
The guest room was two doors down from Cate’s room on the same side of the hallway. The only thing in between them was a bathroom. Spencer felt like he walked into a cabin; the walls were a tan color and the bedspread was a quilt. Cate sat on the bed and patted the bed beside her. Spencer placed his things down on the chair in the corner before joining her on the bed. 
“I’m sorry I just showed up. I know you were spending time with your family and I was supposed to be in Vegas but I just couldn’t be alone tonight.” Spencer spilled out. 
“It’s okay, you’re more than welcome to stay. I want you to stay.” She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “Is everything okay?” His eyes began to water, but no tears spilled out.
“I, um. My mom was having one of her bad days when I got down there. She didn’t-” his voice cracked. He closed his eyes so that he wouldn’t cry. Cate brought him in for a hug. She tried to say the right thing with her limited knowledge of the situation.
“You’re not alone, Spence. It’s hard, I’m sorry.” Cate moved her hand along his back. She fought back her own tears. Now wasn’t the time for her to cry. They held each other for a few moments and when Spencer felt confident that he wasn’t going to cry, Cate led him back down to the living room where he introduced himself to Cate’s brother and sister. He picked a bit at some of the chinese food, but he wasn’t in the mood to eat. Cate’s parents could tell something was up, but didn’t pry. 
After the movie finished, Robby and Beth carried Stella and Finn up the stairs to bed. Jackie and Bill had gone upstairs to bed as well. This left Cate and Spencer downstairs in the living room. Cate was cleaning up the coffee table and Spencer helped a bit. He was the first to break the silence.
“My mom has Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.” Spencer said as he placed some paper plates and empty takeout boxes in the trash. Cate tried not to look at him sympathetically, but she could only imagine how hard that must be.
“Spence, I’m sorry.” Cate paused in her cleaning of the kitchen counter. She made her way over to him, taking his hand in hers. “I’m here for you.” 
“She’s been fine for a while, when I write to her it’s easier because she knows it’s me, but when I was there earlier, she didn’t recognize me at first. Usually, the fog goes away after an hour, but even after I went back in the morning she didn’t know it was me. I just. I’m not ready for her to forget me yet.” His voice trailed off to only a whisper. Cate squeezed his hand.
“You’ll never be ready for that, Spencer. You’re doing the best you can for her and that’s what matters.” Cate tried to comfort him, but knew that there was nothing she could say that would make things better.
Once the rest of the cleaning was finished, Cate led Spencer up the stairs to his room again. She gave him a mini tour quietly as she whispered who was behind each closed door and where the bathrooms were if the one in between their room was occupied. She left Spencer in the guestroom to get changed and acclimated while she went back to her room to change into some sleep shorts and a bigger shirt. 
When she got back, Spencer was sitting in the bed with the side table lamp on. He had his glasses on while he read his comfort book- the same one his mother used to read to him growing up. Cate smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her. As she slipped under the covers, she knew her mother would kill her if she found out that Cate was in bed with her boyfriend under her roof, but that didn’t stop Cate from burrowing into Spencer’s side. He raised an arm to rest over her and he began to read aloud quietly. Before she knew it, Cate was sound asleep.
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The fate of a nun (Finan x OFC); part 2
GENERAL A/N: Hi there!
This story is my first attempt to write a fanfiction. English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know how to improve my writing/language skills 😊 I will try and post a chapter per week, let’s see how it goes! The story takes place in season 3 and you will notice that I have used some of the sequences and dialogues from the tv series, changing them to include my OC. I did try not to be too colloquial and informal with my writing -giving the time of the story- but I preferred to make it more enjoyable than realistic, same goes for Finan’s accent. I’m nervous and excited to share my work, hope you enjoy! Bacini, Cate. 
A/N: Hi sweeties! I have received so much love already, this is really the best fandom ever! I hope you enjoy this character, you’ll be familiar with many parts and hopefully amused by Aoife’s twist on them, I do love her dearly. Also, I have decided to shorten the chapters cause they where way to long! Bacetti, Cate!
Summary: The life of the young novice Aoife completely changes when the Lady of Mercia arrives to the Abbey of Wincelcumb.  Oaths, battles and love will turn her in a warrior.
General warnings: Violence, Blood, Strong Language, Smut, Fluff, Graphic description of violence
Chapter’s warning: Not really, blood maybe?
Words: 2213
Chapter One.
Chapter Two: Ale and Princes
There was no sign of nuns through the corridors while she run down the stairs, weapons tinkling under the new dress and cloak Aethelflaed had gifted her.She had washed herself from the dirt and the blood of the battle and was now looking like a lady. A tired, sad lady. Aethelflaed was waiting outside with the warriors, all of them already on the back of their mounts; in her left hand, the Lady was holding the bridles of Aoife’s horse. “You are a strange nun” Uthred stated “why do you have weapons and a horse?” “They were gifted to me years ago.” Aoife simply answered, jumping easily on her mount and patting her on the neck. “They are expensive gift.” the other Dane noticed, and she turned to shoot him a weak smile. “Someone really cared for me.”
Aylesbury, Mercia
They arrived at Aylesbury when the sun was setting, and Aoife thanked God when the route opened in front of them and, among the white of the snow, appeared the stone walls of Aylesbury. They rode among the tents of the soldiers and, at the doors, they were welcomed by a line of guards, shields and spears pointed in their direction. Behind them stood the tallest and scariest man Aoife had ever seen, who pulled out his sword when they came closer. Next to him, Aoife saw a somehow attractive man, with dirty blonde hair and an unripe face; she guided her horse closer to Finan’s, feeling unsafe under his gaze. “That’s Aethelred. Lady Aethelflaed’s husband” Finan told her, noticing who her eyes were following. It was all clear now, Aethelflaed have told her stories about the weasel that her husband was. He was the one threatening her friend and Lady’s life. Once again Finan had to stop her from throwing her dagger at someone. “You need to stop being so impetuous.” He snorted with a half-smile “You will put us all in great danger sooner than later.” She grinned “He would not be missed.” “He is a Lord.” Finan insisted “Stay nice and quiet, would you?” They watched in silence Uthred and Aethelflaed discussing with that mountain of a man and Aethelred, probably explaining the situation. Aoife couldn’t really hear what they were saying, but she didn’t care. She had never seen the snow outside of the property of the Abbey and it was nice how soft it looked over the walls of the fortress. She didn’t notice Finan watching her, smiling at her amazement; and he didn’t notice Sithric and Osferth staring at him, amused. Finan was known and, made fun of, for quickly fall in love with women and that pretty warrior nun was no exception, but Osferth was worried for the young lady’s feelings; Finan was also one to love you during the course of one night and forget about you the morning after. However, Aoife was innocent but no fool, and the monk was sure enough that she would reject his attempts. Or at least he hoped so.
It was decided that the outlaw Uthred and his companions could pass, but they had to leave their weapons outside. Finan tried to protest, but his words were ignored by the Lord, while his guard repeated the order slower, as to mock Finan’s intelligence. Guards were sent to collect their weapons and Aoife didn’t like the way her guard was watching her as a prey. “You done?” she asked harshly when his eyes fell on the modest neckline of her dress. He quickly left her side with a small bow and behind her back she heard the Dane, whose name was Sithric she had discovered, laughing. “You have a temper, nun” and he walked with her through the gates.
They were left as enemies outside the hall, Aethelflaed nice enough to choose to stay with them and not to feast with her family. Aoife, at her side, soon found out that she wasn’t the only one with a temper problem; Finan, who she was sure had a desire to die, not only stood his ground to the huge warrior, but also made fun of his orders. The men did not seem intimidated, though; he smiled menacingly to the Irishman and patted him on the chest. “Steapa!” Uthred intervened “Food and ale would be appreciated.” The warrior agreed and turned to enter the hall. “And Steapa! Good food!” Finan added, under the amused looks of his companions “Meat! And lots of ale.” Uthred pushed him playfully “He will have your head one day.” “He just has to try.”
Under the supervision of Steapa himself, the diverse group of outlaws and ladies were drinking and eating at the alehouse. Aoife had never drunk ale before and she was quite enjoying the sweet and earthy taste of the beverage that she was gulping down. “You should slow down.” Osferth suggested, over the chatter of the others “It is not the strongest, but it will confuse your thoughts.” She smiled sweetly “Thank you, Brother.” She had just discovered that Osferth was a bastard child of Alfred and she did know how it felt like to be an unwanted consequence of illicit love. She decided that he deserved to know that he was not alone and that there was nothing to be ashamed of. “Osferth” she called softly, and the monk turned to her with a smile “I just wanted you to know that I too am the bastard of a Lord and a maid. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have claimed a family of your own. A family of bad smelling, brutish men, sure, but still a family.” The monk smiled widely and squeezed lightly her hand “I sure do. Thank you.” “That was very sweet.” a voice whispered in her hear. She turned around and almost brushed the tip of her nose on Finan’s. The man was sitting very close to her; she could smell the ale in his breath, but it wasn’t unpleasant. He was much taller than her, and he had dropped his head on his close fist to look at her. His eyes were not hungry, but curious and perhaps even sweet. He was so unbelievably handsome that she found herself at loss of words. She didn’t have to worry however, because who she assumed was a young Lord approached Steapa telling that an approximation to a Witan had been gathered and they were required. None of them knew what an approximation to a Witan was but they all emptied their cups and quickly followed Steapa inside the hall. It was a large room, warmed by a fire that burnt right in the centre. The floor was made of wood, the wall of stones. Aethelred was sprawled on his throne, at his left stood a young man and, against the walls the men of the Witan, priests and lords in their heavy cloaks, watching them enter the room with stern faces. Not a warm welcome. She didn’t need Aethelred’s comment to notice the absence of King Alfred; she had never met him, but she had heard great stories about him, and closing her eyes she could create an image of what it should look like. She was disappointed by his absence. “I am here in place of the King. I’m here to speak for the King.” the young boy stated, and Aoife could easily assume that he was Aethelflaed’s younger brother, Edward, the atheling of Wessex. Weirdly, all Aoife could think of was that he looked something like Osferth. Aethelflaed was invited by her husband to say what she had come to say. The men of the Witan received with suspicious her accusations of Haesten, who was a declared ally of Wessex. When the Lady explained how Haesten had threatened her life and Uthred had saved her, the one questioning her was her own husband. “I am at a loss, how is it that Uthred knew of this danger? How is it that he knew exactly where to find you?” “An irrelevant question.” Aethelflaed commented coldly; Finan and Aoife made eye contact and they had to look away to not burst laughing. A man of the Witan, old and unpleasant to the eye and the ear, supported Aethelred’s suspects with impossible stories of Uthred’s betrayal, about him planning Aethelflaed’s killing with Haesten, all to earn her trust and get once again close to King Alfred. It was such a fool story that Aoife couldn’t imagine anyone believing it. She couldn’t be more wrong. “A spy?” Aethelred insisted. “An assassin, even.” the man replied. Neither her nor Finan were smiling anymore, it wasn’t going as expected and Uthred’s patience was visibly running thin. “Should have expected nothing different.” he said, his eyes rolling in exasperation. Surprisingly, in the defence of the outlaw, Aethelflaed was joined by her brother. “Seems rather grand strategy, Lord Aethelred” he stated, turning to the Lord, “and for what?” “It’s here, among us.” the young lord, the one that had guided them to the hall, answered. “And under guard.” the atheling replied bluntly, “Then let us get to the truth of the matter.” an imperious voice resounded throughout the room. King Alfred had entered the room, and, despite his sickly appearance, Aoife could feel the power he exuded. He was surely a man of strong, uncompromising mind and where he lacked with physical strength, he more than compensated with great presence and spirit.
Uthred had then explained his intention to the King; in exchange of him saving Aethelflaed, he asked for one thousand men to attack Beamfleot and defeat Haesten. He was clever enough to point out that the fall of Beamfleot and Haesten would mean a great loss for the Dane army and consequently ensure peace in Mercia and Wessex, for a while at least. Prince Edward spoke in favour of the agreement, but Alfred, supported by the men of the Witan, decided not to trust the outlaw and declined his request. He then invited the Dane to leave as the free man he was in Mercia, but he would remain an outlaw of Wessex.
The group found itself once again sat around a table outside the alehouse. They weren’t pleased by the outcome of the Witan. For what Aoife could understand, it was crucial to reclaim the Dane seer, Skade. It had something to do with a curse she had casted on Uthred and that was apparently putting them all in great danger. Aoife was no one to discharge others’ beliefs; on the contrary it made her appreciate Uthred more. He had saved Aethelflaed despite the danger that his choice entailed. She was quite surprised by how much she was enjoying the warriors’ company; they were kinder that she expected and, usually, it was a pleasure to spend time with them. That moment was the exception, but she could not blame them for being quiet and angry. They had been left without hope nor plans; and even if she was confident that they would soon find a way to reclaim the witch, she understood their fears. She was the first to notice the priests approaching, behind them came Prince Edward. He sat down next to his sister, Aoife on his other side. He shot her a questioning look and she gracefully bowed her head; but it was clear that he had more urgent issues to address. Osferth, at Aoife’s other side, excused himself and left before she could even turn around; it was clear the situation was paining him greatly. Words of curtesy were exchange between the people; Aoife, who didn’t know neither the priests nor the prince, sat in silence. She could not help but laugh, however, when the priest, who had taken Osferth place next to her, kindly stated that he couldn’t waste his prayers for Finan, being that he already belonged to the devil. The Irishman’s eyes moved from the priest to Aoife, and a corner of his mouth curved upwards in a smile, hidden by his bushy beard. “Could well be right.” he admitted. The other priest urged to get to the point, considering the dangerous position the prince had put himself in; the statement caught the attention of the entire table. The first priest asked them all to appear uninterested, for the safety of the presents, and, as strange as it sounded, a heavy silence fell on the group. “How… how many men does Haesten have?” Edward finally asked. Aoife watched hope return on Uthred and Aethelflaed’s faces. “Maybe as many as one thousand.” Uthred answered. “And a fortress.” the prince recollected. “Beamfleot.” Edward asked how Uthred could be sure to defeat him when it seemed impossible to do. Uthred pondered his words, then answered calmly that a siege would require the sacrifice of three thousand souls; Haesten, however, wouldn’t resisted the opportunity to kill him and would follow him outside. Fighting on open ground would increase their chances of winning. Prince Edward took his time to think about it, listening patiently to the warriors’ advices. He then decided, with a proud smile on his young face, to grant Uthred five hundred men. He swore to be there, the day of the attack, hidden in the wood with his army of half a thousand men.
Aoife hand run on the blade of her sword.
Chapter Three.
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kyouryokusenshi · 5 years
To my daughter, with love
A/N: Originally written for the MSR Fanzine. Many thanks to Monika, Cate, and Laia for the beta. :) Also written for the MSR Fanzine Touchtone Vol.2 fanfiction project.
Tagging some folks: @monikafilefan @rationalcashew @kikocrystalball @danceswithcybermen @season4mulder @fragilevixenfic @today-in-fic
Scully POV
I know you might one day have questions for your Daddy and me, my sweet Katherine.
You will wonder why your parents are so much older than other parents and about the miracle of your existence. The truth is, I was gifted not one, but two miracles. It started off with a vision and nausea that was unforgiving. You have an older brother, his name is William but he goes by Jackson now. Your brother and I share a very special connection, much like the one I started sharing with you when I was pregnant. He was aware of your existence at the same time I was, yet as you will one day come to find, your mother needs proof in a tangible science. We share a DNA that bonds us together in a way that cannot be explained. You’ll find, as have I, that Faith and Science can coexist, something I hope someday provides you the same comfort.
There are things in this world not always definable by science. You see, I had been through this once before with your brother. So as impossible and miraculous your presence was, and though I am a scientist, I am also a mother and knew without impunity that you were inside of me already.)
The truth is, Baby girl, that I longed for you for many years even though I was never supposed to have children. Your brother was a miracle, and surely miracles don't happen twice.)
It never stopped me from longing for you, however, even though I felt I was undeserving of another child. You see, I hope there comes a day in which you’re able to accept the choice I was forced to make. One I would later come to regret. I had to give your brother to another family to protect him. I did not deserve to have another miracle after that. I failed to protect your brother from those who saught him, to use him and to end his life. I didn’t have the courage to stand by him, so how could I possibly protect another child if he or she was different too? I was given a miracle and had given it away. For it to happen twice was impossible. However, it did not stop me from selfishly wanting you. Your daddy asked me if I wanted another baby. I knew it wasn't possible, but I wanted you nonetheless.)
I don't believe in magic, baby, but that's what happened. Not too long after that, I found out you were inside of me. I went to tell your daddy right away, but you see, your brother was in danger and daddy had to go and find him. I couldn't tell him about you, not yet, but your brother was in danger and daddy had to go find him. Because that’s what parents do, protect their children. I couldn't go with Daddy because I was afraid it might put you in danger too.)
Then, your brother had sent me visions that included your daddy, showing me that he might not make it back to us. I had to go after him. You see, when I first found out I was pregnant with your brother, I had lost Daddy before I could tell him the wonderful news. That couldn't happen again.
Uncle Skinner agreed to help me find Daddy and your brother and had gotten really hurt because he helped, even though he knew the risks. I tried to go to him, but your brother stopped me from going to him because he already knew about you as I did and didn't want us to get hurt.)
He asked us to let him go and it felt as if we lost him all over again. Perhaps it was too much to hope for the four of us to be a family, but he just needed time. Losing him was more than your daddy and I could handle. He was crushed just as much as I was and that's when I decided to tell him about you, even if the timing wasn't quite right. I saw a flicker of hope in his eyes when I had him feel you inside of me for the first time. I slowly felt myself coming undone, overwhelmed with the events of the past forty-eight hours.
I loved you the moment I knew you were inside of me, but I was also afraid. Afraid of the impossibility of it all, afraid that you might be sick or worse: that we might lose you. Afraid that you might, one day, end up like your brother: scared and running for your life. Afraid that we couldn't provide the life you deserve at our ages.
Although I knew your brother was alive, it was the fact that he couldn't be with us that broke our hearts. But I knew he'd return to us when the time was right. You see, danger had followed him for a very long time. I thought giving him to another family would protect him, but it didn’t. Danger still follows him and I hope that by the day you get to read this, you’ll have met him.
The moment I heard the symphony of your beating heart and saw you on the ultrasound screen for the first time while the doctor said you looked perfect, I was in love and your daddy was too. I loved you so much already that it hurt.)
I was constantly plagued with worry as you grew bigger inside of me, but it was hard not to smile when your daddy would talk to you in my belly and whisper sweet nothings when he thought I was asleep—conspiring to go Bigfoot hunting together or to chase Mothmen or Flukemen in the future. I asked him if he was planning to ditch me again. I made him vow to never do it again and, Baby, he hasn’t. This is just one of the wonderfully many new things about your daddy.
Finally, you were placed in my arms and the long, agonizing months of worry and sadness made that moment worth all of it, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave your daddy and me a reason to smile again.
We may be old, but we're going to be around for a long time. You and your brother share a special bond that exists beyond all realms of possibility. And, for that, I am extremely grateful.)
I'm just so happy to be your mom. You're a miracle, my sweet girl. Don't ask me how, but I just know you'll grow up to change the world.
Mulder POV
Mulder looked up as Scully slept soundly in the hospital bed. He knew many restless nights awaited them when they left the hospital tomorrow, but that did nothing to deter his elation at the tiny being writhing in one arm as he held a letter in the other. At the same time, his throat was thick with emotion as he stealthily placed the letter back where he found it before
Scully could notice.
The baby mewled softly as he shifted her in his protective embrace so he could get a better look at his daughter. Aside from the brush of dark hair that was illuminated by the soft hospital light, he thought she looked just like Scully.
As he pressed his lips against her tiny forehead, she let out a whimper. “Hey now, none of that.” The tiny being opened her mouth wide and Mulder began to panic, afraid she would wake Scully now that she had finally settled to sleep. He sighed in relief as the baby let out a yawn that ended with a little pop before settling back down.
Until William was born, he never thought it was possible to love something so small with such ferocity. It was a distant yet welcoming feeling from so long ago, and not forgotten. Never forgotten. It was Scully who taught him to love again, despite their many hiccups throughout the years. This was evidence of the tangible bond between them, the product of their reconciliation and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“She’s right, you know,” Mulder whispered in the soft light, the only sounds coming from the baby’s soft snores and bustle of the hospital staff in the outside corridor. “You are a miracle and the world won’t know what hit it.”
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Steve//this moment will just be another story someday
hi! based off this song. we have a bi reader because i wanted it soooo. and i know it’s the middle of march but i don’t care because i worked hard on this and i’m sad. ps, if that song finishes before you’ve read all of this (or if you just want to listen to something else), i suggest listening to this 
The 4th of July is supposed to be a happy holiday celebrated by most of the American population. Fireworks are enjoyed by families, barbecues are frequented by friends and carnivals come into town to be enjoyed by everyone. Everyone is happy to be celebrating their independence, even though they were awarded it years ago, and even though the majority of Americans don’t really have their independence, they just pretend they do. 
However, in the dingy bar that Steve is sat in, the 4th of July feels like a foreign holiday. The place is barely lit, the only light source coming from a few overhead lights and the occasional end of a cigarette. The few people scattered around the place look like they either did all the partying when they were about 40 years younger, or they’re too drunk to celebrate. In some cases its both. The fireworks outside sound more like gunshots to Steve as he nurses his drink that he’s been staring at for the past hour. Despite the hot July weather of San Francisco, Steve feels cold, a chill finding its way up his spine as he looks at the clock. 11:23pm...at least there’s not long left of this dreaded holiday. 
When he was younger he used to love July 4th. All his cousins would come visit him and for a day he wouldn’t feel so alone in that big house. His father would actually acknowledge his presence, showing off what little accomplishments he’d achieved over the year in order to make the other adults jealous. And his mom would always let him have a sparkler once the sun had set. Usually his dad had gone to bed by then so it would just be him and his mom in the back garden, drawing patterns and writing words into the night sky. 
However, after the events of last years 4th of July, he has a feeling he’s never going to enjoy it again. 
He sighs and downs the last of his drink, ordering another from the old man at the bar who’s watching out the only window in the whole place. He nods and gives him a re-fill before sitting back on his stool. 
Steve starts to think about what he’d be doing right now if last year had gone different. If there had never been Russians under the mall, if he hadn’t fought for his life yet again. Would he still be in Hawkins? Working with Robin? Babysitting the party despite their protests of how ‘We’re too old for a babysitter’ and ‘You can just say we’re your friends’. 
Would his father still be disappointed in him? Something he’s grown used to over the years. Or would he have gone to work for him to make him just a little prouder. Maybe if it weren’t for all this demogorgon shit, he might have actually got into a college. Wait...no he wouldn’t have. Like his father said ‘the only sad excuse you have for this mess is yourself’. 
Maybe his mother would still look at him like he was her son and not a stranger. Who knows. But he sure as hell knows he’s been a lot happier here the other 313 days he’s been finding a new life for himself in San Francisco.
It hasn’t seemed that long until he’s thought about it. He lasted 52 days after the events of Starcourt before it got too much. Too much had happened in that small town. The people he cared about had been hurt. The people he didn’t, had know clue. Taking their little lives for granted. He needed to get out. So he sold the majority of his stuff, used the savings he’d been clever enough to hide (thanks to Robin), packed his bag and drove. He drove without looking back. Well, he did three times. 
First he went to see Robin. To of course say goodbye, to tell her to be safe and if she needed anything to call him. He’d managed to find a cramped apartment in a semi-decent neighborhood before he left, so he scribbled the number down on a leftover napkin she’d brought home one day after a shift at Scoops and he smiled at the irony of the situation. 
Second he went to see Dustin. His mom was not pleased about being woken up in the middle of the night but when she say the pleading in his eyes she let him in. Too nice to have refused him anyway. She liked Steve, he was a good influence of Dustin. Dustin walked out into the living room sleepily after being woken by his mom. He rubbed his eyes as he rounded the corner, although as soon as he saw Steve he was wide awake. Steve explained what he was doing and how sorry he was that he was leaving but of course he understood. Was he upset? Definitely. But did he understand? More than anyone. So Steve also scribbled his new number down and passed it to him, along with a can of Farrah Fawcett spray, and when Mrs Henderson wasn’t looking he slipped him his nailed baseball bat out of his duffel bag. 
The third place he went was a surprise to himself. He didn’t know he was going there until he found himself parked outside. Hawkins Cemetery. The gates were closed but you could always jump over the fence round the back, thats usually how the weird kids got in so they could drink and try to talk to the dead. He navigated his way through the dark and three years ago he would have been silently shitting himself, however after all the stuff he’d saw there was nothing that really scared him anymore. He walked for a few minutes before finding his destination. 
‘Barbara Holland. 
In memory of our beloved daughter. 
She will not be forgotten.’
Steve’s fingers traced over the top of the gravestone delicately. The cold stone doesn’t affect him as he seems to get lost in his thoughts. He hadn’t been the best person to her. Laughed at her behind her back. Made snide comments in front of her face. He’d been an ass to her. And then she died in his pool, when everyone else was too busy trying to keep their popularity. She’d been forgotten, taken to the upside down where she would have stayed forever. She deserved more than that. And she deserves more than this. He places a single purple Hyacinth on her grave before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. 
He’s almost out of the graveyard when he spots something out of the corner of his eyes. The grave is fresher than the others, and its smaller, shoved right in the corner of the yard and he already knows who it belongs to before he gets there. 
‘Billy Hargrove 
Son. Brother. Friend’
Its a stark difference to Barbs, and just the sight of it makes Steve chuckle bitterly. He remembers overhearing Max telling the rest of the party during the wake that her and Susan had to persuade Neil into putting something more on that just his name. Yeah, Billy was a dick, but he deserved better. He deserved the chance at redemption. To become a better person and to prove his father and everyone else in his life wrong. He picks a few daisies from beside the grave and places them delicately on top of the stone. “See you later Hargrove.” He mumbles and he swears he can hear him laughing somewhere in the distance before he returns to his car and starts the long drive. 
“A little lost there?” Its like he’s just been woken up from a fever dream. A minute ago he was sat alone at the bar, and now there’s a woman around his age with y/h/c and bright y/e/c, staring at him like he holds all the secrets of the universe. 
“Huh?” He blinks at her, and three years ago he would have cursed himself for such a lame openly line, especially to a girl this pretty. But right now, he could be talking to Phoebe Cates herself and he wouldn’t give a damn. He just wants to be left alone to be sad and wallow in self pity about how awfull his life has turned out. 
“You looked kinda lost in your thoughts. You okay?” The girl asks, placing a delicate hand on his arm. 
“Yeah.” He shrugs her off. “Fine.” 
“You sure?” She asks and hands him a napkin, he stares at her blankly and she pushes it further towards him. “You look like you’ve been crying.” 
“Oh.” He quickly takes it from her and dabs at his eyes before scrunching it up and shoving it in his pocket. “Thanks.” He glances at her and forces a half smile before looking back at his drink. 
“I see you’re quite the talker.” You tease and sit beside him. He huffs in annoyance, but it doesn’t really seem to dampen your mood. Instead you call for the barman and ask for a drink, as well as whatever your ‘chatty’ friend wants, which after a few seconds figures is him. “So?” You ask once your drinks have been placed in front of you. “Thanks Billy.” You smile and his head rises. “Oooo, now we’re getting somewhere!” You do a little excited wiggle as you sip your drink and he looks at you bored. “Okay, so you either are a Billy.” 
“Pfft.” He scoffs and your eyebrows raise. 
“Okay. So you know a Billy.” 
“Knew.” He corrects. “I knew a Billy.” 
“Oh.” You frown and think for a few seconds. “So, were you friends and you left? Because you don’t sound like you’re from here.” 
“We weren’t friends, but yes I did leave.” 
“Where are you from? Wait!” You shush him before he even has a chance to answer, your finger is over his lips and he’s staring at you annoyed, but you don’t seem to care. “Okay, say something.” 
“I can’t.” His voice is muffled and you smile awkwardly before removing your finger, wiping it on his shirt. 
“Now say something.” 
“I’m from Hawkins, Indiana.” 
“Well, not that. But okay.” You roll your eyes. “Hey, isn’t that were all that freaky shit went down.” 
“Yep.” He grumbles and downs the rest of his first drink. 
“Cool.” You shrug. He mumbles something under his breath that you can’t quite catch but you decide to let it go. “So about this Billy guy? Friend? Lover?” Your voice gets quieter and he stares at you shocked. “Oh come on. You can tell me, this is San Francis-” 
“He’s dead.” 
“Happy now?” 
“Well, you see no. The death of people doesn’t really make me that happy. No matter if I knew them or not.” 
“Well sorry to disappoint you.” He huffs. 
“You know you can talk to me right?” 
“Why would I want to do that? You’re a complete stranger.” 
“Because sometimes talking to a stranger is the best thing. They don’t know you so they can’t judge you. All they can do is listen and sometimes give advice.” You reply and he stares at you stunned. “Plus, I have some time to kill, and I can’t imagine you have anything better to do, otherwise you wouldn’t be sat in here alone.” 
“Okay.” He nods. “I’m gonna tell you a story.” 
“Ooooo!” You grab your drink and get comfy. “What’s it about?” 
“A boy and a girl.” 
“Not like that.” He cuts you off, effectively shutting you down. “Its kind or short, and kind of boring.” 
“Well, you’re really selling it.” You huff. “Is the ending at least good?” 
“Oh, its a whirl.” He replies and you can sense the sarcasm dripping off his statement. 
He stops for a moment to really think about what he’s going to do. He’s going to tell a complete stranger all the reasons he decided to move. He’s obviously not going to tell you everything, but still. And why was he being so mean? He’s tried for over three years to be a nice person, to get rid of the persona he carried around with him during high school, so why has it come back tonight? And why don’t you seem to care about how he’s treating you. And more importantly, who the hell are you? 
“Dude” You wave a hand in front of his face and he blinks before looking at you. “Your story?” 
“Oh, yeah. So they were just 16-ish, when I knew them. And people were so mean to both of them. The girl was bullied by assholes in school who had nothing better to do than bring people down to try and build themselves up.” 
“I hate people like that.” You spit.
“Yeah.” He nods, but refuses to make eye contact with you. “Me too.” 
“What about the boy? Who was mean to him? Was it the same people?” You ask, your eyes are wide with fear and Steve finds it quite endearing. He’s telling you about people you’ve never met before but you seem to care so much about them despite that. For all you know he could be making this shit up, but you still seem so invested. 
“No, the people, well person that was mean to him was closer to home.” 
“Who was it?” You lean towards him a little. 
“His dad.” 
“Yeahhh.” He agrees. 
“Well, what happened to them?” You ask. “Are they okay?” He almost doesn’t want to tell you. Or if he does, he wants to make up some bullshit about how they’re both happy, with people who love and appreciate them. Buts thats not how the world works, and maybe telling you that will be doing you a favour. You seem too happy. 
“No.” He shakes his head sadly. “They ended up not loving themselves, and now they’re gone.” 
“Gone how?” Your voice is quiet and unsure, and you’re not even sure you want to hear the answer. He looks at the sticky floor, taking a deep breath and he doesn’t even have to properly answer for you to know what he’s about to say. 
“Headstones on a lawn.” 
“Oh.” You sigh. “Did you know them well?” 
“Not as well as I should have.” There’s something else behind that statement. A huge amount of pain and grief is swirling behind his eyes, like a storm ready to destroy everything in its path. 
“What were their names?” 
“What will that do?” 
“They can’t be forgotten if people know their name. And I never forget a name...its my thing.” 
“Thats not a very good thing.” He replies and you see the hint of a smile hiding behind his frown. 
“Ouch.” You place a hand over your heart. “Whats your thing then? Wait!” You shush him again but this time he doesn’t seem to mind as much. “I bet in high school you did kegs!” You guess and he rolls his eyes. 
“Their names were Barbara Holland and Billy Hargrove.” He changes the subject and silence falls between the two of you. You vaguely recognized the names from the news. You remember your roommate saying something about knowing a girl called Heather that lived in the same town, apparently they’d been at summer camp once. They used to talk sometimes but after a while she stopped receiving letters. 
“Well, at least someone else knows about them. And I’m bound to tell someone about them. Like I said, I’m good with names...not so much keeping secrets so if you’ve met aliens or the bogeyman, don’t tell me.” You say, trying to lighten the mood and it seems to work a little. He chuckles softly and thats good enough for you, for now. “Anyway, that can’t be the end of the story.” 
“Why not?” He questions. 
“Because it was sad.” 
“What’s that got to do with anything?” 
“All stories end happily. If not, it just means you’re not at the end yet.” 
“Sure.” He raises and eyebrow. “But, if you must know, no, I’m not at the end. But believe me, this doesn’t end happily for anyone.” 
“Well then its not over yet.” You say quickly making him roll his eyes before taking a swig of his drink. 
“Back at home I know a boy and a boy.” 
“Riiiight.” You wiggle your eyebrows and he smiles softly. He thinks Robin would like you, you’re sweet and accepting and everything he wishes he could have been back home. 
“They were best friends with each other. Still are actually, despite some difficulties. But I always thought that at least one of them wanted more. They loved each other but never knew it.” He lowers his voice, the two of you are leaning into each other, your forehead’s practically touching. “I think they were always afraid of what people would say. Or even what the other would say. And now one of them has moved to a different state.”  
Your frown deepens as you stare at the floor, your feet swinging against the stool as you play with your hands. 
”That sucks.” 
“I told you it wasn’t happy.” 
“Well, then you’re not at the end of your story. And they’re not at the end of theirs. Love always catches up with you eventually. Thats just the way of the universe.” 
“Sure it is.” He scoffs. 
“Come on. I want a sequel!” Your drum your fingers against the bar while he stares at you. “Billy! Another round please.” 
“You haven’t even finished that one.” Steve replies and you quirk your eyebrows, a smirk appearing on your face before you stare right at him and down the rest of your drink. 
“Happy now?” 
“Well, you see no not really, because I’m not carrying you home.” 
“You’d be so lucky.” You tease and he giggles a little. “Come on.” You poke his arm. 
“Fine.” He throws his hands up. “The sequel. This one is about me and my friend.” 
“Ooo, yay! I want to know more about you mystery boy.” The nickname causes Steve’s cheeks to heat up and he’s kind of glad Robin isn’t here to tease him. “Now, is this friend a girl?” You rest your chin in your hand and he sighs dramatically, already knowing where you’re going with this. 
“Yes. But not like that.” Now he’s the one shushing you making you stare at him surprised. “I’m not her type.” 
“Okay.” You hold your hands up in defeat and he lower his finger, letting it drop to the bar. 
“Both our parents were evil.” 
“How?” You ask.
“My dad says I’m his biggest disappointment and my mom looks straight through me.” 
“I’m sorry.” You place a hand on his arm but this time he doesn’t shrug it off, he lets you keep it there for a few seconds. 
“Its fine. They’re both kind of right.” 
“I’m sure thats not true.” You start to disagree but he talks over you instead. 
“And my friends parents don’t agree with her lifestyle if you know what I mean?” 
“Yeahh. I get that.” You nod, and now its his turn to try and decipher your look. He also prays he hasn’t attracted another lesbian, as much as he loves and supports Robin, he doesn’t need another factor to add into the thought that maybe he isn’t destined to be loved. “I play for both teams if you want to know.” You whisper and he nods. 
“Cool. Whats that like?” 
“Not any different to ‘normal’.” You reply and he chuckles. “So you and you’re friend? Quick question, is she cute?” 
“Yes, she’s cute. And for a time I may have liked her.” 
“Ha!” You snort loudly and a bright blush creeps up your neck. 
“Do you want to know the rest of my story?” 
“Yes.” You stifle your laughter. “Please, go on.” 
“So, both of our parents were mean, so we made a bet. And if we worked and saved we cold run away to somewhere like here and we’d have a better life.” 
“And?” You smile brightly at him. 
“Did that happen? Are you meeting her here?” You look around the dark bar. 
“No.” He shakes his head. “I left early and she’s still there.” 
“Oh.” You sigh. “I’m sorry. Is she going to be coming here soon though?” 
“I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “Her parents are putting a lot of pressure on her to be everything but herself and sometimes I think she’s just going to give in. She’s been through so much and she’s so stubborn, but when I call her, she seems so broken and part of me thinks its because I left her alone.” 
“No.” You grab his hand. “Its not your fault. Listen, I don’t know her, and I don’t really know you but she’s going to be okay. She’s going to come to San Francisco...meet a cute girl.” You whisper the last bit and he smiles softly. “And you’re going to have a better life.” 
“And how do you know that?” 
“Because, like I said. You’re story isn’t over yet. Its just beginning. Kind of like a movie, and eventually everyone gets their happy end. Everyone does.” 
“Again, how do you know that?” 
“I don’t, not really. But if you don’t have hope then what’s the point. Just you wait and see.” 
“You’re idea of the world and my idea of the world are very different from each other.” He sighs. “Its not funny or pretty or sweet. Its full of assholes and monsters and shitty things.” 
“Maybe.” You nod. “But I like to see the good in the world. You just have to see the good...” 
“And we finally have a name!” You cheer. “Keep looking for the good Steve. You’ll find it eventually.” 
I think I’ve already found a bit. 
“This isn’t the end of your story. For all you know it could be the beginning. Now, what time is it?” 
“11:55?” He replies and relief washes over him. He’s made it through and nothing bad has happened. Not to him at least. And when he gets home he’s going to call the party, and Robin and maybe even his parents to see if they’re okay. But right now you’re talking to him and he has to tune back into the real world. “What?” 
“Do you want a sparkler?” You repeat your previous question just as Billy hands you some change. He blinks at you and your roll your eyes playfully before saying bye and then dragging him out of the dingy bar and into the bright street. 
Its empty, everyone is either with friends or family, in back gardens or at events. It seems everyone in the entire world has someone to celebrate with, everyone except him, and then he remembers. He’s not alone. Because you’re looking at him, a soft smile on your lips as you hand him a sparkler. 
“I do this every year.” You explain and light the end of his before doing the same to your own. “I write something that has pissed me off in the past year, and then when it disappears, its like I’ve let it go. Metaphorically of course. Its kind of like a second go at New Years, because lets face it, nobody is keeping their resolutions.” 
“Has that ever worked.” 
“No completely. But there’s always time...like I said, it’s not the end of the story yet.”
And while he stares at you writing whatever in the air, with a bright smile on your face, for the first time in a long time there’s a spark of hope. 
He thinks there could actually be a day when he enjoys July 4th again.
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
i'll start in good faith: explain some situations that your MC will deal once graduated(like maybe the summer before joining for her dream job, or a specific situation you imagined to happen related to her job)
You know I believe I mentioned before on here that I had this idea for a Curse Breaker movie about Bill and his Curse Breaker partner (Keira =p) that was like The Mummy/The Mummy Returns with some Indiana Jones... Guess I could describe that idea in some more detail...
It would be set in Egypt before the Weasley family goes to visit Bill there - basically the reason they go to visit him because after all this he receives some medal to reward him at the end of all these events. Originally I had imagined Cate Blanchett as Rakepick being Bill and Keira’s boss, but despite not playing the game lately I do know about some things that occur still in the game so... Doubt she’d be their boss but we all would love to see Cate Blanchett as Rakepick right?!
Anyway, I digress... This is clearly a fantasy movie that unfortunately will never be made. So sad... Also I have clearly never written a screenplay. Imagine as best as you can...
It would start out with whoever their boss is - could still be Cate Blanchett =p Maybe Rakepick has a good twin or sister or something? - talking with a couple... let’s call them diplomats? From another Curse-Breaking organization because with the whole world filled with artefacts and susceptible to curses Gringotts can’t be the only organization, right? I like to think there are a few scattered around the world and take on different regions but sometimes need to work together although there’s some animosity or competition... sort of like frienemies? Like how different nations interact - it’s some Curse-Breaker UN.
So Head Curse-Breaker of Gringotts discussing a work collaboration with a couple diplomats from another organization and I’m feeling...Russians... And is telling them about their Curse-Breaker agents, assuring them to put the best on the case, pulling out Bill and Keira’s files. As they tell these diplomats all of Bill and Keira’s accolades, how much they’ve accomplished since starting as Curse-Breakers, even before joining Gringotts! The camera can pan down to their files and fade to Bill and Keira in an ancient Egyptian tomb completing a mission. With the voiceover of their boss claiming them to be excellent and professional Curse-Breakers, best of the best!
However, the end of this mission doesn’t go so smoothly as they race down the corridors trying to escape the tidal wave of water that is flooding the tomb, running with the artefact they risked their lives for (I also like to think they’re taking back artefacts from wealthier individuals who stole them from less privileged people and cultures - probably why they’re cursed to begin with). They eventually find an exit from this tomb via some secret doorway that leads to a slide that shoots them out of the tomb and into some nearby body of water. After being submerged for a bit they pop back up, Keira holding up the artefact triumphantly and Bill commenting that he wished for once they could finish a mission without nearly dying or ending up soaking wet (probably because he’s concerned about his hair).
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They return to their tent where they receive word that they’ll have an important meeting with their boss tomorrow when they return with the artefact. And she hopes they don’t show up soaking wet this time or with their clothes tattered and burnt =p They’re playing a radio that was a gift for them probably from Penny and Toto’s Africa begins to play with is totally their song and Keira ‘forces’ Bill to sing and dance around with her to it. This is clearly a common occurrence.
Oh and there’s definitely some mercenary ‘curse-breaker/artefact finder for hire’ they have to deal with – one in particular who they have a sort of weird relationship with because they always seem to run into him and have to deal with him so it’s always like a ‘oh you again. Well how are you? How are things?’ He’s also someone who I feel like tries really hard but is clumsy and constantly messes up but tries so hard to be a cool, tough badass but it really cowardly – like Benny from The Mummy =P
Anyway, so they go to meet with their boss, get told they’re doing a mission jointly with these Russians & will be working with his big Russian Curse-Breaker – makes Bill look tiny and like a twig =p – to find some ancient artefact. Ooo maybe from the Romanov Dynasty?! It’s very important to the Russians but the location is suspected after years and years of research to be in Gringott’s territory – hence having to work together. It’s a little awkward and tense at first – can they trust each other? Obviously there’s some distrust because what if Bill and Keira try to take it themselves instead of giving it to the Russians and can you even trust these Russians? And this guy is big and strong and a man of little words so hard to get to know him. But the three set out on this journey which is surely filed with action and adventure and they work well together when dealing with these mercenaries who get in their way and complicate things.
So they find this artefact and as soon as they accomplish their task they get taken by some other large Russians – turns out the leader of this gang is the older brother of their new Russian partner! Was he just using them all along to find this artefact – which is actually a key to a much larger fortune – and luring them to this trap and possibly their doom?! They were bonding! Thought they were friends! Come on man… But his older brother is an arsehole and keeps belittling his younger brother because he was adopted and therefore, worthless because his family didn’t want him so no one would and the only reason he was adopted was because his family just took pity on him, and he wanted a ‘little brother/servant’ so really he saved him so therefore he had to be appreciative and do everything he said/wanted him to do.
Anyway, so Bill and Keira are tied up by these big Russian guys, trying to figure out what to do and coping with the betrayal from their new Russian friend/partner, while the Russian guys discuss what to do with them in their native language. Fortunately Keira knows a little bit of Russian and can pick up a few words about essentially killing them, starting with Bill. So as one approaches them, or Bill specifically, Keira suddenly speaks up in Russian and Bill is like “wtf you speak Russian!?” She does her best to distract them or humanize herself and Bill but really the words she has learned are mainly related to Quidditch… But they got to like Quidditch right? Bill is just freaking flabbergasted because he’s known Keira for like over ten years and had no idea she freaking spoke Russian – what was happening?! Was everyone some secret Russian KGB agent in his life?! Were Fred and George going to start speaking to each other in Russian next?! (Keira now totally has to teach them some to mess with Bill).
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Keira manages to at least distract them enough they drop their guards a bit as she rambles nonsensically about Quidditch =p so she can figure out an escape. Maybe something like kicking a knife or wand out of the one Russian’s hand who was approaching them and that kick also sends her back/down to break the wooden chair she’s tied to so she can get free. And if there wasn’t a knife previously from the guy there’s one on some nearby table because I just need Keira to throw a knife at Bill and tell him to cut himself free and get their wands – because they were clearly taken away from them and stored in this gang leader’s ‘office’ – while she runs off and leads this big Russian brute after her and Bill to be like “wtf?! Freaking almost killed me with this knife and how am I supposed to cut myself free with my hands tied?!” and then him awkwardly trying to figure it out. Cue some fight scene between Keira and a giant Russian which probably has a lot of her trying to bash him over the head with any heavy object she finds and this guy just shaking it off and not going down! She tries punching and kicking him – dude is like a brick freaking wall but she’s a fighter and I feel like this guy at least respects her fighting spirit and finds this pretty fun.
I haven’t exactly figured out a location where all this is taking place and how this is exactly to go down but Keira and giant Russian – evil Colossus – fight leaves a lot of property damage and as they stand facing each other for sort of a final showdown they notice…maybe a small fire they accidentally started closing in on a large propane tank or something… a gas leak… basically an explosion is going to happen so they have to get the hell out of there! They’re staring each other down, they look at the impending explosion, they look back at each other and then they both make a run for it. Maybe some slow motion is called for here?
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Meanwhile, Bill manages to cut himself free but then Russian gang leader comes out from his office, with his adopted little brother/former Curse-Breaking partner of Bill and Keira – dude needs a name… Viktor? Ivan? I can’t handle anymore Alexanders or Nikitas… There’s some Ivan’s in the Romanov family so Ivan it is. Ivan follows his big arsehole of a brother out of his office who is clearly pissed to find both of his captures had escaped their ropes and one along with his henchmen were missing. Poor Bill is unarmed though and when big arsehole brother (I should give him a name but it is fun to call him this) takes out his wand to do away with Bill Ivan stops him and knocks him out – Ivan can be trusted! He feels awful for betraying Keira and Bill when honestly they’re good people and he liked them, they treated him well unlike his brother here, and they did bond and forge a friendship. He’s sorry he got them into this mess. And he helps Bill retrieve his and Keira’s wands as well as the artefact.
As they prepare to leave – either via apparition, portkey, or floo network which I have some interesting thoughts on but honestly all could work and Bill and Keira would definitely have a portkey to set destination – they realize, oh yeah, where’s Keira? Who of course during this perfect timing flies in with evil Colossus (omg I’m so happy I thought of this nickname for this guy) from the explosion propelling them through a large dividing window – I really feel like glass is the best option here. Evil Colossus is knocked out – the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Keira needs a moment, her ears are ringing, she’s blinking to try and get her blurry vision to focus and finally notices Bill and Ivan shouting to her and waving at her to come to them so they can get the hell out of there.
The explosion, while it knocked out evil Colossus, stirs Ivan’s arsehole brother who notices this new destruction before him and his henchmen taken out by some little witch? Wtf!? He reaches for his dropped wand to shoot at Keira who does her best to quickly get up and race to Bill while somehow avoiding Ivan’s arsehole brother’s attacks – probably because he’s still pretty groggy and not coordinated and focused after being knocked out so his shots are off. Plus in another world he’d be a Stormtrooper =p More slow motion of Keira running and avoiding attacks flying past her? Maybe… So she runs right into Bill’s outstretched arm, Ivan wraps his large arms around both of them, and they disappear – again, either via portkey, apparition, or floo powder/network.
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Cut to a quaint little village surrounded by trees/forests and a calming river running through it. Some figures of people walking through the village and one leaving what appears to be a pub, swinging his bag over his shoulder and waving goodbye to his friends as they shout their goodbyes to him. He walks through the village, saying hi to a couple others he passes by, and crosses a bridge over the river to continue down a path towards his cottage-like home. As he opens the door to his quaint dwellings a trio of visitors surprise him by suddenly appearing and collapsing on his living room floor with some painful grunts and groans.
“Bill? Keira?”
If anyone is interested in the rest of my idea for this let me know. This was actually really fun to remember and re-live. I hope you enjoyed it and I would love it if it could be made into a movie one day.
“Hey, Charlie…”
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Thank you for asking!
(This also helped me find a lot of good Keira x Charlie gifs from Outlander so thanks for that 😜)
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kimkymury · 4 years
Blue Rose Tears - Chapter 3
Hello everyone!
I’m back with the third chapter of my Carl x Pascal fanfiction. I hope you like it!
I would like to thanks @depressedoverdrawings​ for  reviewing the history and help fixing grammatical errors.
Warning:  Just a little warning, some characters have distorted views about sexuality, and those views do not represent what I think in real life. This was written on purpose to suit the environment and the time that the story takes place, since at that time people were more closed minded.
The Portuguese Version of this story is also Available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/928977847-as-l%C3%A1grimas-da-rosa-azul-cap%C3%ADtulo-3
Under the cut! Enjoy the story.
Blue Rose Tears
Chapter 3
P.O.V Narrator
The whole situation was new to Carl, he had already talked to the scientists about psychology, but being one of his "patients" was new. Pascal held a clipboard and a pencil, he wrote quickly without worrying whether his handwriting was legible or not. After a few more minutes of silence, the redhead turns his attention to his friend.
"I will ask you a few questions, all of which are basead on my research and on reliable sources."  - The elder boy said, he seemed excited to help his friend.
The dark-haired boy nodded silently. It was the first time he had vented to someone like that, It felt like a consultation with a doctor. Carl hoped he would be "fixed", that after those series of questions, he would stop feeling things for Serge.
"First question, descibre in detal how you feel being around this person." - The redhead asks patiently, preparing to write down the answet that would come.
For a few moments, the religious boy thought about how he could verbalize the feeling he had for the pianist. He had never felt anything like it. It felt mote like an obssession, if he could call it that.
"When I am with this person, I feel happy and I want to be closer to them. I really admire that person, they are everything I am not and will never be." - He says, praying internally that all that would pass.
"Okay, can you tell me what it's like to know that this person doesn't love you back?" -  The eldest boy asks, carefully writing down every word his friend said.
Carl felt desolate, that was the perfect way to describe what he was feeling. It was like he was never going to be good enough to be with someone like Serge. He tries to turn his feelings into words, in a way that is easier to understand and at the same does not sound so desperate.
"I feel...horrible. It's like I'm drowning in a wave of guilt, every time I'm with this person, I need to pretend I don't feel anything." - The dark-haired boy answers the question as he lowers his head, his eyes were fixed on the floor.
Pascal was surprised by his friend's response, It was normal to be sad because he fell in love with someone who doesn't correspond his feelings, but there was no need to feel guilty about something he couldn't control. That was when he decided It was necessary to find out who Carl had fallen in love with.
"Why do you feel guilty about loving that person? I mean, you're not doing anything wrong." - The redhead looks at the friend who sat opposite him with a worred look.
He didn't want his best friend to get involved with someone who might hurt him.
The religious boy was silent, not knowing what to say. He couldn't belive tha he was feeling things for another man, It was too much for him.
"Do I know this person?" - Pascal asked, diverting Carl's attention from those bad thoughts, making him focus only on question.
"Yes, you know.." -  He replied, afraid of the possible reaction of the scientist to know who he was referring to.
"I see, is this person your friend?" -  The redhead asks while looking at the boy in front of him, It was as if he was analyzing him inside and out.
"Yes, they are..." - At this point, Carl just wanted to his friend to stop trying to find out who was the person and to come up with a solution right away, so his problems could be solved.
"Last question." - After the scientist said this, the religious boy was more relieved.
"Is this person called Serge Battour?" - Pascal said with the same naturalness that asked the other questions, that phrase shocked Carl.
The dark-haired boy went pale when he heard that, he didn't expect it to be so easy to find out who he was in love. His mind was littered with fears and worries about what would happen next.
Would Pascal remain my friend? Would Pascal continue to treat me the same way? Would Pascal tell Serge this? But the most important, Could Pascal find a way to heal me?
"How did you find out?" - Carl said startled, looking at the scientist. He expected an aggressive reaction from him, but he received the usual calm look.
"It was really easy, actually. I just needed to analyze what you said, compare it with your social cycle and see who else fit in. As you said that we both know and the person was your friend, I just thought and discard the options that didn't match." - Pascal replied calmly, taking another drag on his cigarette that was in one of his hands.
No matter how long they had know each other, the scientist always found a way to surprise him.
"Aren't you...disgusted?" - The youngest said confused, his reaction was of someone who had just heard the most normal thing in the world.
"Of couse not, I'm surprised you think I would react in that way. So many conversations we've had, I've already explained to you that same-sex love is a natural thing." -  The eldest replied while leaving the clipboard aside, noting was no longer necessary.
"But...this is wrong. If someone finds out I could end up being expelled from school, and if Serge finds out, he-" - Carl was saying before he was interrupted by his friend.
"He won't find out because none of us are going to tell him, and about school, chill out. If they expel you. it'll be for the best, if it weren't for the lab I woudn't be in this school full of people who are limited and have closed mind." - The redhead replied while lying back in the armchair.
" Pascal! I can't leave this place, I grew up here. You too spent a lot of your life here, would you leave if you had the chance?" - The religious boy spoke a little irritated by the friend's comment.
"Of course not, I am being ironic, Despite all the defects, I would not leave Lacombrade, I would miss you and the others." -  The scientist replied, being a little kinder than usual.
"I would miss you too...but that is not important now. I need you help, that's why I agreed to answer the question." -  The dark-haired boy said the beginning of the sentence in a lower tone, before changing the subject.
Demonstrations of affection weren't exacltly Carl's thing, he didn't know how to express his feelings for people, sometimes others thought he didn't care much. But when he wanted someone to know that they were special to him, he found a way to demonstrate.
~Flash from a Year Ago ~
When Carl was younger, until he was about thirteen, he was closer to his younger brother. They moved away because the older one was too busy with his studies and did not like to hang out with his brother's friends. But the love Carl felt for Sebastian never changed, even though they didn't spend much time together or argue from time to time, he always protected his brother On a normal day, Sebastian looked more downcast than usual. He was usually smiling and running around, but this time was different.
"What happened?" - The eldest says approacing his brother, who was surprised by his presence.
"Tomorrow is my birthday, I asked Rosemariné if I had received a letter, but he said no. Mom and Dad must have forgotten about me." -  Sebastian replied saldy, it broke Carl's heart to see the 8 year old boy like that.
"They haven't forgotten about you, there was probably a delay in the post office and the letter may arrive after your birthday. Don't be sad." - The dark-haired boy tried to comfort his brother, bending down when speaking to stay the same height as him.
"Sometimes, I miss them..." - The tears threatened to flow from the small dark eyes, but were prevented by the same.
"I miss them too, but don't be sad. Tomorrow is a special day, so you better be smiling!" - Carl tried to cheer up the sad boy, running his hand lightly through his hair.
The two said goodbye and followed different paths, Carl's intention was good, but he was not very good at showing what he felt. Sebastian thought about his parents' letter all day, forgetting about it only at bedtime. The following morning, he was eight years old. Upon waking uo early as usual, he gets up and looks at his table. What was on it surprised him: there was a note wrote in a very familiar calligraphy, along with a small miniature hare, carved from wood.
That made the smile, he excitedly opened the note and read in a low voice;
" Happy Birthday, Sebastian.    I hope you like the gift, I bought it when we went to Arles and I thought you would like it.   I know it's not like the toys that Mom and Dad could give you, but I think it can be a susbtitute while we´re here. As much as they don't show it, know that they love you, and so do I. Congratulations for your eight years. Your brother,                          Carl Messier."
If Sebastian had ever doubted whether he was loved by Carl, those doubst were gone. He smiled, not cating if he hadn't received a letter from his parents. He knew he was not alone, as he had his brother by his side."
~End of FlashBack ~
"Why do you want my help?" - Pascal said, taking his friend out of those memories.
"Well, because I did imagine that maybe you could heal me. Can't you do something to make me stop feeling this way?" - He replied seriously, showing his concern
The religious boy was surprised by a laugh, of all the hours that Pascal could laugh, this was the least suitable. Carl watched his friend with an incredulous look, he didn't know why the scientist was laughing so hard.
Had he said something funny?
" How do you want me to heal you if you are not sick? Carl, you are just in love, there is no reason to see this as a disease." - The eldest speaks composing himself, while drying the tears that flowed while laughing.
"Yes but, feelings these things for another man is wrong. In fact, I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore..." - He replies, worried as always.
"I already said and I will repeat, if you want to sleep with someone, just go and do it. Life is too short to worry about what society will think." - The redhead says still recovering from the laughter
"P-Pascal! I did not mention that I would like to do these things, that would be outrageous!" - The dark haired boy says as get up from his chair.
He hadn't been thinking about that, had he? Feelings things for Serge, wanting to be around him was one thing, but...sleeping with him? This thought made the religious boy red with shame, he was not used to having that kind of though.
Since he was a child, he was taught not to question and not to think about this type of thing, especially with other men. People around him taught him to leave that kind of thinking only after he got married.
Pascal, different from his friend, saw no problem in thinking, studying or even talking with other people about sex. For him it was a natural thing, he was delighted at how the human body was capable of generating life. The relationships between people of the same sex did not boher him either, he used to ask himself why they did this, since it did not lead to reproduction. But that changed when he discovered the relationship between Serge and Gilbert, he realized that the feeling of love was more important than biological factors.
"Well, forget about that. You  said you're confused what you feel, what exactly confuses you?" - Pascal asked, motioning for Carl to calm down and sit down again.
"I don't know exactly, maybe I just admire him a lot and I'm confusing things..." - The youngest replied, with his usual shy way.
The two were silent for a while, the scientist was thinking of some way to help his friend understand what he was feeling. The questions were useless, he knew he felt something for Serge, but he wasnt sure what it was. Until suddenly, the older boy had an idea: he wanted to find out if Carl was attracted to other boys, just so he could discover the kind of feeling he had for the pianist.
"There is a way to make you understand what you feel." - Pascal said, with a smile from someone who made a discovery.
"Whatever it is, I am accepting it, I can't take this feeling anymore." - The dark haired boy spoke, showing a little excitement.
Seing that his idea had a good reception, he continues with what he was doing:
"Sit in front of me." - He says, right after that Carl gets up from the chair and puts it in front of his friend, before sitting down again.
The two are close, with only a slight inclination their face would meet. Carl seemed a little apprehensive, he was not used to being so close to people, but the desire to find out what he was feeling was bigger than any fear.
"Let's do an observation experiment, the fuction of it is to relax your mind and let your subconscious guide you." - Pascal explains to his friend, carefully analyzing every trace of his face.
"And will it help me understand and get over what I'm feeling?" - The youngest question, curious about what comes next.
"Maybes yes or maybe not, it's very relative. What matters most is the moment itself and how you felt." - The scientist explains, reassuring his friend.
"Okay, I accept. What do I need to do?" - Carl asks, determined to continue with that.
"I'll explain, but first I have to ask you...Do you trust me?" - The redhead asks, with a serious expression, showing that he expected an exact answer.
Carl did not hesistate, he trusted Pascal more than anyone else, perhaps even more than Serge. The two boys have know each other for a long time, have always been honest with each other and never keep secrets from either of them. In all the bad times, the scientist was there to help him, and vice versa.
 The answer was obvious to Carl, he trusted his friend and knew that he would never do anything bad to him.
If I could choose from all the people in the world to know one of my secrets, It would obviously be you. The one who never judged me, even though I was wrong. The one who was by my side in difficult time.
"Yes, I trust you." - The religious boy replied, assuring the eldest that everything was fine.
Written by KimKymury, thank you for reading <3
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Living on - Steve Rogers x Reader - Part 3
Avengers: Endgame SPOILERS BELOW read at your own risk
Title: Living on
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Avengers: Endgame spoilers
Summary: After losing your husband and father of your child, Tony, in the big fight against the mad titan Thanos you feel incredibly lost. Thankfully you have your friends by your side all the time, Steve Rogers more than anybody else cating to your every need and doing his best to help you be happy again. If only you could see him as a friend. After lots of time Steve himself admits to having feelings for you and how he is willing to wait for you. The real question is, are you ready to move on from Tony?
Read Part 1 here! l Read Part 2 here!
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Your hands were shaking and your breath was caught in your throat. Your heart was going miles per second and you couldn't get your knees to feel strong. You feared you were going to collapse any given second. Staring back at the reflection in the mirror you had a hard time believing it was your own that stared back at you. Not only had you not looked at your reflection in a long while but also the couple times you had, your eyes were red and puffy from crying or the dark circles from the lack of sleep made you want to look away as the exhaustion and grief was written all over your face.
But now, this time, for the first time in all these years there was none of that. Your expression was calm and your eyes were indeed shining, bright with life. Your lips formed the faintest but certainly most real smile you've had on the past couple months. Look at your reflection it felt like you were seeing the young woman who you were before it all came crashing down, before the aliens first showed up in New York, before SHIELD fell apart, before your life filled with fear and uncertainty, before Ultron and even more before the Accords. The second worst nightmare you had to actually realize was true. The one that tore not only your family apart but also your heart... in two. Tony going against Steve. Steve going against Tony. And you were stuck in the middle.
A soft knock on the door tore you away from your thoughts and you nearly jumped in your place. Your heart skipped a familiar beat and the fear settled deep in the pit of your stomach mixing with all the... excitement and eagerness to see him. Doing another quick check on the mirror you couldn't fight the nerves or doubts that creeped your mind. It had been such a long while since you last cared if you looked good enough, much less for someone else. Shaking your head in disbelief, you smoothed down your dress and hair which you had fixed for the occasion and made your way out of the door, skipping down the stairs. You placed your hand on the door handle and took in a deep breath before finally pulling it open. And sure there he was, right on time.
“H-hey” you whispered a bit breathlessly, the smile getting bigger on your lips the second you locked eyes with his baby blue ones that just so happened to be wide as he looked over at you.
“H-Hi, h-hello, h-hey. I mean-” he cleared his throat “You- you're- you look- w-wow.” he admitted a bit shakily, almost breathlessly and you would have been lying majorly if you said this wasn't the most adorable sight you'd seen. The giggle that escaped your lips did sound like that of schoolgirl, sure, but that wasn't what caught your attention. The mere fact that you were laughing shocked you instantly, and you couldn't hide it, because it's been so long. But deep down you could have never been more thankful to him for it. “You're absolutely stunning.” he admitted in the end and you fidgeted with your hands nervously.
Your smile only got bigger as you looked down a bit shyly “Really?” you frowned a tad “I-I haven't really done... this, the whole thing of dressing up and looking nice in such a long while and I- I feel a bit like out of my waters.”
“Trust me, you wouldn't be the only one there.” he admitted with a nervous and still very cute smile that made your heart skip another beat “But if you don't feel comfortable o-or ready to-”
“No” you breathed a little too fast, making his eyes widen and relief wash over his face “No, I- I don't mean that. It's just-” you bit your lip, unable to believe that you were going to say this and even more that you felt it “I really wanted to look nice tonight. Like, really good, a-and I haven't done this in a while so I am a bit nervous and anxious if I really did well o-or if I might've-”
“(Y/n)” he whispered softly but firmly enough to cut you off “You look stunning, tonight, and that word doesn't even begin to cover it. You're-” he paused for a second, gazing into your eyes “It looks incredible to see you smile again, even more.”
“Thank you.” you whispered softly, your lips pulled into a soft smile without being able to control it, looking at him through your eyelashes “For the record, you don't look so bad yourself either, Rogers. Gotta say, makes this date all the more appealing. Can't wait to see what you've got planned next for me.”
It was hard to miss just as much as it was hard for him to hide the smile from his lips at the four-lettered word you used. You hadn't called it anything yet, not to mention a date, just like you had not put any labels on what was happening all this time either. You weren't ready to, not after Tony's death, and he had been more than willing to wait, to be patient and to take it as slow as you wanted and needed. He had made it all about you and, if you were honest, that had only made you fall harder for him despite how much you denied it to yourself. If it wasn't for the guilt, for the fear that you were betraying Tony somehow, you'd have let yourself savor this sooner. Not that you were the only one that faced the kind of problem. He had a hard time too, Tony had become like a brother to him, and for better or for worse what was happening between the two of you even after his death, felt terrible... and probably a bit too wonderful because he had never felt his heart beat this way before, never felt this kind of bliss and happiness.
“I think it's something you won't see coming.” he said with a small, almost confident smile and you smiled softly to yourself “Where's Morgan by the way? Sleepover at Pepper's?”
“Yep, her and Katie are probably gonna be building forts and watching Frozen all day long.” you hummed, as you grabbed your bag and exited the door, locking it right behind you “Tonight I'm the only lady you'll charm, Mr Rogers. Besides, you've already won her heart with your chocolate pancakes, so why worry?”
A warm chuckle followed that made you steal a glance at him just to savor the sight other than the sound “Fair enough. I'm already too nervous trying to impress you.” he breathed out “I did lots of research for it.”
“Research huh? You already impress me, Steven.” you walked alongside him, towards his car.
“Yeah, and I also took a word of advice from uh... a friend.” with his hands in his pockets he walked alongside you, shrugging softly as you raised an eyebrow at him, making him laugh “Alright-” he cleared his throat “Morgan may or may have not suggested that you'd like to try out the new restaurant that opened up on the town nearby and that you're a fan of their '60s style. Just, you know, by accident. It slipped.”
“It slipped.” you pursed your lips, nodding your head “Right, of course it slipped. Unbelievable-” you shook your head, another laugh escaping and feeling so strange but so welcomed, especially when it made Steve's smile bigger drowning out the guilt that threatened to break if you stopped talking for a moment and realized what you were actually doing “My own daughter. I really don't know what other things she's told you about me, honestly. Goodness, she's barely 9 years old and she's already too much for me to handle. God have mercy on me when she grows up more.”
“I don't really see your problem there. Yes, she's maybe too smart for our own good but on the other hand, she's a total angel.” he pointed out with a shrug and you rolled your eyes.
“She's an angel in front of you because she's got a soft spot for you. But you can go ahead and ask Happy just about how happy she makes him when she around and then you can come and tell how much of an angel my daughter is.” you pointed out sarcastically. The second you heard his laughter you couldn't help but let out a shaky breath. The warmth you felt inside your chest or the funny feeling in your stomach made you pause in your steps and take a moment to appreciate it and take it all in. Gosh how you wanted to hear that laugh as much as you could.
“Fair enough.” he breathed out, not even noticing the way you took a second to admire him, opening the door for you to enter “Maybe I'll try giving him a tip or two.”
“Oh yeah, you go ahead and do that, it's gonna be so easy. Just-” you paused, standing in front of him for a moment “Tell me when you're gonna do that, something tells me Happy's face is going to be priceless.”
He paused for a second, frowning “Maybe I'll just give it a second thought then.”
“Wise choice.” you whispered with a small smirk, hands on the opened door of his car but you didn't even get to let go when you barely a second later got to hear “And you... do you want to?”
“Do I want to...?” you asked softly, eyebrows pulling into a frown as he looked down with pursed lips.
He shrugged his shoulders softly, looking up only through his lashes “I mean, do you want to or do you even feel like you need to give this... all of this a second thought? I- I mean, I did give it far too many second thoughts and yet I feel like when I asked you that you- you weren't-”
“Ready?” you whispered softly and he nodded his head slowly “Steve, are you asking me if I have doubts about this date?”
“I- I mean-” he sighed, looking away for a moment “You could. It's been years but that still doesn't mean it's gotten easier. And Tony-”
“Wanted me to live my life. He wanted that for me and I'm sure he must've wanted that for you too. He... He had forgiven you long ago but that's not the point. He had left me this message, when he was in space and thought that was it for him. He told me to and you know what? I might have not admitted this to him before, he was absolutely right. He wanted me to be happy again a-and Steve-” you could feel the tears well up in your eyes but for the first time in many years, they weren't ones filled with pain “Besides Morgan-” you placed a hand on top of his on the door, looking him straight in the eyes with a soft smile that along with the gesture initially stunned him but in the end made him relax “You're the only person that can do that. A-and honestly-” you bit your lower lip, admitting a bit shyly “It feels so good. It hasn't felt so good or so beautiful in so long that I just-” you looked up to meet his eyes that were adorably and beautifully wide “I want to hold onto this and I want more, Steve. I want more of you.”
“Do you-” he blinked, voice soft “Do you really mean this?”
You bit your lower lip, trying to keep yourself from smiling any wider and again it felt so good “Steve, you've always and I mean always been very important to me. You've-What you mean to me is sometimes beyond words. I don't plan or want to let this go. I've thought about it over and over again a-and I am ready. No doubts and no guilt, I know Tony wouldn't want me to feel it either. It is really time to start living again and I want to do that with you.” you gave his hand a squeeze and and despite the look of disbelief on his face he did give you a small aw-struck smile.
“A-alright. I'm-” he cleared his throat, nodding his head “I'm glad to hear this. I'm really, really glad. I- I never wanted to push, I only want to stand by your side.”
“I know, there's a difference between those two and you've been open about it from the beginning. If I may be open too-” you looked down for a second “I'm a bit scared. I-I haven't done this- this whole thing in so long that I feel like I've forgotten what it is like to even go out on... a date.” you had not used the word before out loud and it felt weird yet somehow comforting “I'm even more nervous so I hope you'll forgive me if I am a bit awkward or make a mess.”
“Then that will definitely make us two.” he breathed out a bit nervously himself, but certainly very truthfully “Should be fun huh?”
“So long as you don't laugh at the things I do, then it's going to be amazing.” you grinned, winking at him and getting inside the car.
“I can't really say I promise but-” he raised his hands in the air with an adorable smile.
“Oh Rogers, I swear! You say a thing then I'm gonna-” you started but the small smile you had on, faded from your lips and the words died out when you noticed the small object on the dashboard. You were unable to look away from it, despite your better judgement, even as he entered the car. You found yourself able to tear your eyes away only when Steve's talking came to a halt and he noticed the object himself.
“I-” he started but there were really no words left to say as he took his compass in his hands. A heavy silence had set around the two of you, your eyes now casted down for only a few seconds “Sorry.”
“It's alright.” you whispered, looking at him.
“It's just that I shouldn't have left it there, must have forgotten it.” he mumbled “I was just looking at the photo a-and-” he cleared his throat, looking down at the closed compass in his hand.
“Steve, really. It's alright, you don't have to feel guilty or bad.” you whispered “Sometimes... moving on, doesn't mean forgetting. Doesn't mean you have to stop loving them. Doesn't mean you have to... feel like you're betraying them because you're with someone else. Feeling happy again shouldn't be followed by guilt because there's... nothing wrong with this. So you don't have to apologize.” you looked down, scared to ask the next question for a reason you didn't want to admit “Do you... still miss her?”
“Miss her?” he paused, opening the compass and looking at the photo as he relaxed in his seat, letting out a soft breath “Only her smile, her happiness. But I saw some of that tonight already so, I guess it's getting better?” he asked with a half smile and his words made you frown, looking up at him only to feel the air get caught in your throat when you saw the photo.
“Ye-yeah. Sorry about... this too. I-it's embarrassing, I shouldn't even let you see this. It's- uhm yeah.” he said a bit nervously, clearing his throat and going to close the compass but you took hold of his hand and stopped him. Slowly reaching out to take the compass and get a better view at the picture.
“Since... when?” your voice was barely above a whisper, unable to take in the fact that it was your photo staring back at you instead of Peggy's as you thought all this time.
“I guess... too damn long.” he laughed nervously “It's been uhm-” he frowned a bit “I think years. 'Bout as long as I've known you. I didn't even realize when it happened, it just felt better. This felt right. I mean-” he cleared his throat “I thought it did, in a weird way. I- I obviously didn't try anything because of Tony but now he- he's gone and. Gosh, truth is this feels even worse. That's why I didn't- didn't try to pressure you o-or take advantage of you.” he said and you shook your head “I wanted you to be the one to decide it all because it's your call. I'm over Peggy, way over. When I met you, I realized the reason I woke up after all these years was just to meet you... and love you.” he had not dared say it yet before, but here he was now, words shaking “It's scary to say out loud but it's real and it's why I can't go back even if I technically can now. This is the life I want. To be here, with you, but only if and how you want to have me. It's your call.”
“So...” you asked after a few seconds of silence and letting his words sink in “I'm guessing you're still waiting for that first dance huh?” the tears welled up in your eyes but you still smiled, as did he.
“Only with the right girl.”
“Well, you've got her now.” you whispered, meeting his eyes and reaching out for his hand in the end.
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writinginstardust · 5 years
Movie Night
Pairing: contains Tyler x Finian, Kal x Auri, and Scarlett x Cat x Zila
Request: @blossomtheterror asked “ Aurora rising - the squad has a LoTR marathon and Kal finally learns who Legolas is. ”
Warnings: a couple of bits of suggestive conversation, I think someone might swear? big-ass spider and mentions of fictional violence
A/N: Does what it says on the tin, the squad have a movie night. god i really loved writing this one and it gave me an excuse to rewatch lotr as well. it’s more of a general thing with just like a few moments of ship related content and I really need to do more of this casual found family bonding stuff because it’s great!
Word Count: 1944
"So you're telling me none of you have watched Lord of the Rings?" Auri was horrified.
"Tyler and I have," Scarlett offered. "I don't remember much of it though."
"This is unacceptable. We're watching them all tonight, I can't be around people who haven't seen them for another day."
"Technically tonight we're meant to…" Auri's hard look cut off whatever Tyler was going to say. "...We can reschedule I guess."
"Good. Kal and I will go find snacks and meet you in the common room at 5."
"So early?" Kal asked.
"We've got 9 hours of movie to get through so yes."
"Alright, see you guys in a couple of hours."
At exactly 5 the squad converged on the common room. Scarlett arrived early and managed to nab the big screen with the comfiest couches, quite possibly through a little persuasion if the awestruck look on the faces of a group of guys across the room was anything to go by. She grinned as everyone filed in and got comfortable, Cat coming to sit on one side of her and grumpily leaning her head on Scarlett’s shoulder. 
Kal and Auri claimed the second couch, curling up together only slightly uncomfortably. It was still new to them and they weren’t sure how to navigate everything but they were cute. Everyone thought so. That left Tyler and Fin with the pile of pillows and blankets dumped on the floor in front of Scarlett’s couch. The boys pouted at Scarlett but she wouldn’t be swayed and eventually they flopped down onto the floor. Scarlett prodded her brother’s head with a foot and giggled when he swatted it away, grumbling under his breath. 
The lights dimmed and sound blared, causing them all to wince as Zila frantically turned down the volume and offered a quick apology before crossing the space to curl up on the couch, half in Scarlett’s lap. She stole a blanket on her way over to the protests of the boys on the floor. Scarlett quickly silenced them both with light kicks and a glare when they turned around, her face softening when Zila finally settled against her and Cat curled in closer to fit under the blanket as well. Tyler rolled his eyes but didn’t complain further and settled down with Finian tucked under his arm.
With everyone finally settled comfortably, Zila pressed play and Auri shushed everyone loudly as the first whispers of Cate Blanchet’s ethereal voice started. She didn’t even follow her own command though and eagerly narrated and explained everything to Kal in excited whispers. No one really had it in them to complain though. That or they worried Kal might rip out their tongues if they said a word against her. 
Kal barely even watched the film, far too entranced by Auri, the passion in her voice, the glint in her eyes. He got the gist of it from her rambling anyway. Auri pointed frantically after about an hour and a half and Kal finally forced his eyes away from her and towards the screen in time to see a tall man with long, blond hair and pointed ears appear.
“That’s Legolas!” She proclaimed gleefully and Kal had to admit after a while of watching him, he could see why Aurora had made a link between them.
“You never told us you were an actor, Kal,” Finian said in mock offence.
“I can’t believe I’ve kissed a celebrity!” Tyler pretended to swoon and Kal felt his ears redden at the reminder of that time in the server room.
“What!?” Everyone’s attention turned from the movie to the boys and Finian scowled at his boyfriend.
“You kissed Kal!?” 
“Fin-” Tyler suddenly regretted dropping that on them all in that manner.
“And you didn’t invite me!? Maker, you think you know a guy...”
“Wait,” Scarlett piped up. “When did this happen?” She shoved him with her foot. “And why didn’t you tell me!?”
“On the Worldship. A tech was about to catch us in the server room and it was the first thing I could think of to stop our cover being blown.”
“I can assure you,” Kal looked between Auri and Fin to try and reassure them, “it meant nothing.”
Tyler gasped. “But baaabe,” he said, just managing to maintain a hurt pout through the bubble of laughter that threatened to escape him.
“So if I invited you-”
“Do not finish that question,” Tyler, Kal, and Auri all practically yelled in sync.
“Alright, fiiine. I guess I’ll just stick with Tyler.” Said boy pretended to look hurt but he knew better than to take what Fin said seriously. The devilish Batraskan grin aimed his way and the quick kiss he received only confirmed it.
“Okay, can you all shut up and watch the movie now?” Cat grumbled, the sound less threatening and quieter than normal with her face pressed into the crook of Scarlett’s neck. Still, they did as asked and focused back on the movie.
‘You have my sword. And my bow. And my axe.’
“And my freaky mind powers,” Auri continued with a grin
“And my wrench.”
“And my awesome pilot skills.”
“And my disruptor pistol,” Zila added, quite to the surprise of everyone.
“And my leadership skills.”
“And my powers of persuasion.”
“And his...well...him,” Auri said, gesturing to Kal. Everyone was starting to really get into the film and she was ecstatic. They all broke down laughing at their own ridiculousness and missed the Fellowship head off. Half an hour later there was yelling and popcorn was thrown at the screen.
“They did not just kill off Gandalf!” Cat exclaimed, royally pissed off and enjoying the film far more than she’d planned to. Maybe she was a bit more inclined to give the film a chance than usual since Scarlett seemed to be enjoying it so much. Scratch that, she was absolutely more inclined to give the film a chance because of that. Although, she knew she’d enjoy it anyway but it’s not like she could admit that to the others. Anyway she was not happy that the old wizard was gone now. Auri had to bite her tongue to avoid ruining anything for her and the others.
The film finally ended and everyone was mildly shocked. They had no idea Boromir was going to die. Auri and Fin were the only ones seemingly unaffected.
“You know, if I was trying to protect a bunch of Hobbits, I would simply not get shot in the chest three times. RIP to Boromir but I’m different.” Auri could barely contain her giggles as the rest of the squad scowled at Fin and Tyler shoved him gently. His death was too fresh for them it would seem.
“Alright get the next one on,” Cat demanded, unwilling to move and do it herself. Zila slipped off Scarlett’s lap instead and sorted out the next film. Disgust was voiced when Grima was introduced. Cheers erupted when Gandalf finally returned. And the squad discovered both the Jones twins had a knack for impersonating Gollum. Fin most definitely did not appreciate this particular talent, especially when, without warning, Tyler whispered an eerily accurate my precious directly in his ear. He nearly jumped out of his skin, fortunately managing to hold back a scream which at least slightly lessened his embarrassment.
“You’re going to pay for that golden boy.” He glared down at Tyler who was clutching his stomach while his body shook with laughter. Something disgustingly soft formed in Finian’s chest at the sight of Tyler so carefree and relaxed though.
“Worth it,” he wheezed. He managed to calm himself enough to grab Fin’s hand and tug him back down into his arms, still giggling softly into the older boy’s hair.
“You won’t be so pleased about that later,” Fin grumbled and Scarlett couldn’t help laughing.
“Looks like someone’s not getting any tonight. Bad luck baby brother.”
“Will you all shut up? I’m trying to watch sentient trees kick ass,” Cat complained.
“They’re called Ents,” Auri corrected absentmindedly but Cat just waved her hand dismissively.
By the end of The Two Towers Zila had fallen asleep in Scarlett’s arms and the rest of them were on the way to it. Auri crawled out of her comfortable spot curled into Kal’s side and put the last movie on.
Too tired now, the squad kept the comments to a minimum this time. Auri and - surprisingly - Cat shuddered when Gollum led the hobbits into Shelob’s lair and Cat actually hid her face in Scarlett’s shoulder. A comment about that was on the tip of several tongues but they all thought better of it. Cat would certainly kill them if they dared mention it.
Despite enjoying the film, probably more than everyone except Auri, Cat fell asleep soon after Sam escaped from the Orcs with Frodo and then Scarlett’s attention was no longer on the film. Technically she’d seen it anyway so it didn’t matter. She’d much rather enjoy the rare quiet contentment from a sleeping Cat and Zila than watch a movie. About 20 minutes later, she too fell asleep.
“Wait. There’s ghosts in this?” Kal questioned when Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas met the army of the dead. 
“Yep,” Auri said through a yawn. “It’s long and complicated but they’ll explain in a minute.”
“But ghosts…”
“Shut up Legolas,” she groaned lovingly. “Just wait. They’re very useful.” She fell asleep before their use could be revealed though and Kal cared more about gazing lovingly at her than the movie. No one made it to the end. Tyler and Kal got close but in the dark and the quiet even they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer. 
In the morning, groggy and awoken by other Legionnaires coming in, Auri insisted they rewatch the end. Tears were shed. Even Cat and Finian were caught crying silently by the Jones twins.
“So, did you like it?” Auri asked when the screen finally faded to black. They all did.
“It was very enjoyable,” Kal admitted. “I...can understand why you call me Legolas now.”
“Do I get to keep doing it?”
“I think you would with or without my permission,” Kal smirked as Auri conceded that she probably would. “But I do not mind the nickname.”
“Good.” She kissed his cheek before taking his hand and standing up. “Now take me to breakfast, Legolas.”
“I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?”
“Almost definitely.” And then she dragged him from the room. Zila and Cat tugged Scarlett up as well and followed them out.
“You want breakfast?” Tyler asked Fin who was still laying on him.
“Depends. Are you on the menu.” He said it around a yawn and there was little of his usual teasing in it. Tyler just laughed. He leaned in closer and whispered in Fin’s ear with his best gollum impersonation again.
“Anything for you, my precious.” Fin lept up with a screech and Tyler was losing it again.
“I told you not to do that again.”
“Your face,” Tyler wheezed. “It’s still worth it.”
“You’re sleeping on your own tonight,” Finian grumbled.
“Oh come on.” Tyler stood and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend as they both left to catch up with the rest of the squad. He pulled out the smeagol voice he was also rather proud of. “It’s just a bit of fun, precious.” 
Finian jabbed an elbow into his side. “I should never have let Auri talk us into watching that. She’s created a monster.”
“Don’t be mad, precious.” 
“No. No. No. No. No.” Finian squirmed out of Tyler’s grasp and ran, Tyler’s laughter following him all the way down the hall.
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Everything: @wonderfilledness @writingbychelle @ad-astraaaa
Aurora Cycle: @aurising
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daniellesimagines · 5 years
Make It Out (Zach DeWall)
word count: 2422 requested by: anonymous and @palayeeeroyale (x, x) pronouns: she/her warnings: kidnapping fandom: set it off au type: apocalypse, best friends summary: your best friend get kidnapped by militiamen, you decide you’ll have to let them know your thoughts about that inspired by: it's basically just another version of maxx's apocalypse au lmao authors notes: also shout out to @mayor-cate for helping me with this!!!!!! other parts: none
The post-apocalyptic world you found yourself now living in was always full of scares. Whether it be from the constant threat of the undead roaming around or the militiamen who had apparently decided they were the ones in charge now, it felt like danger was around every corner. And honestly, the anxiety over it wasn't irrational.
You and your four best friends had survived the entirety of the apocalypse – about six months so far – just by sticking together and being able to predict each other's moves. But there was one move you never saw coming.
It was a regular day of searching for food and supplies – Cody and Dan went on the food run while you, Zach, and Maxx needed to find basic medical stuff like bandages and pain killers. You insisted that you could cover more ground if you and the two boys split up, but Zach immediately shot the idea down. He'd been like your brother since the day you met him – granted, all the boys had been, but you and Zach had always been the closest in the group – and, even though he knew you could hold your own, he didn't want you going anywhere by yourself.
On your way back to the house your group was hunkering down in after a successful mission of getting supplies, the boys decided to take a shortcut through a forest. You didn't think it would be too risky – who's going to be just wandering through a forest for no reason? – so you went along with it despite feeling a little uneasy.
And honestly, you should have just trusted your gut.
"Hey, you there!" the sudden voice made you jump, spinning around to see what was happening.
A militiaman was coming toward the three of you, but before you could react in any way, Zach already was. He knew he'd been the only one spotted so far, and he wasn't about to let that happen to you or Maxx. He shoved you away from him before the officer saw you, sending you stumbling toward Maxx's hiding spot in some dense bushes.
The moment you regained your balance, you were spinning around to find Zach being grabbed roughly. You opened your mouth to scream but Maxx immediately grabbed you, pulled you out of sight, and put his hand over it, not wanting all three of you to get taken either. With his arm around your waist and hand on your mouth, you could only struggle to break free as you watched your best friend being taken God knows where.
When Zach and the militiaman were out of hearing range, Maxx simply took the hand over your mouth back before throwing you over his shoulder and walking in the direction leading back to the house. You were hitting his lower back as you cried, pleading with him to put you down and let you go after Zach.
He didn't listen, obviously, because the next thing you knew, you were back inside your shelter. But if you thought you could just run when he put you down, you were wrong. The second he put you back on your feet, he was spinning around and his hands were on your face so you were forced to look at how serious he was being with you.
"Zach pushed you away from him for a reason, Y/N," Maxx said firmly, "And that's because he didn't want you to get taken too. I know you're mad at me for making you leave him behind, but if we have any chance of getting him back, we need the one person who can help us do it quickly and safely – and that person is you. You have always been this group's planner and we need you now more than ever, okay?"
You remained silent for a moment before nodding slowly, knowing he was right. You knew for a fact that you would push Zach out of sight if the roles were reversed and he would have turned the entire world upside down in order to get you back. Maxx wiped the tears from your cheeks before pulling you into a hug.
You instantly started crying again, and Maxx just held you as you let it all out. He'd known you long enough to know that all you really needed when you were crying was someone hugging you – and since Zach wasn't there to do it like he always was, he stepped up to be that person for you until you got him back.
When you were finally finished crying a few minutes later, Maxx noticed an immediate switch in you. You pushed yourself off of him, hastily wiped the tears off of your face with your forearm, and grabbed Maxx's hand, dragging him to the living room so you could begin coming up with a plan – a plan you'd let Cody and Dan in on as soon as they returned from finding food.
"There's my girl," Maxx grinned when he saw the look of determination on your face as you sat down. You shoved him, smiling slightly as you grabbed a notebook and Sharpie to map everything out.
45 minutes later
"Y/N, I'm not letting you go out alone," Maxx said firmly, "Just wait until Cody and Dan get back and-"
"I can't sit around waiting, Maxx," you insisted, "Zach might not have that long."
"Then at least let me go with you."
"No, you need to stay here and fill the others in."
"Zach's gonna kill me if he finds out I went along with this," he shook his head.
"Then I guess we just won't tell him," you shrugged.
"I want you to know I'm not happy," he sighed.
"I know," you acknowledged.
Maxx followed you to the door, watching you take your gun out of your backpack and place it in the makeshift holster you'd sewn onto your shorts for it. You took out your map as well, holding it tightly in your fist as you stood back upright.
"If I'm not back in two hours, I'm probably dead," you said monotonously.
"That's not funny, Y/N," Maxx grumbled.
"Not trying to be," you replied quietly, "See you in two hours."
Two hours later
As promised, Maxx heard your secret knock on the front door almost exactly two hours after you'd left. Cody and Dan had obviously since returned and learned what happened to Zach, so they all bolted up from their spots on the couch, nearly trampling each other just to get there first. Cody was the one who threw the door open, finding you smiling at them.
"Who's ready to go kick some tyrannical ass?!" you chirped, coming into the house.
"You are oddly happy and I'm scared," Dan admitted, "What's going on?"
"I have a plan! The best plan, even! So good, in fact, it'll leave militiamen crying over their bruised egos!"
"Well now, who are you starting to sound like?" Maxx hummed, earning an eye roll from you.
"We don't talk about him, remember?" you replied.
"Voldemort?" Cody asked.
"Cody, please!" you gasped obnoxiously, "He might hear you!" The boys snorted softly, picking up their backpacks upon your instructions and following you as made your way into the kitchen.
You all started loading up on food and water, taking as much as you could fit into your bags without it weighing you down too much. You were absentmindedly taking things out to make more room before putting them back in, methodically organizing your bag. It wasn't until you happened to take out what you'd made on campus that the boys started taking notice.
"Uh... Y/N..." Cody trailed off, "What is that?"
"What is what?" you returned, not looking at him as you put some food into your backpack.
"You know what, Y/N," Dan stated. You looked up at them, finding them staring at your hand. You looked over and finally realized what you were holding.
"Oh, this?" you asked, holding up the stun grenade before putting it into the side compartment.
"Y/N!" the boys exclaimed in unison.
"Calm down," you rolled your eyes again, "It's why I left earlier. A few people in the science department at FSU owed me a favor."
"What kind of favor?!" Maxx asked.
"You remember they won the science fair senior year," you said, to which all three boys obviously nodded, "Who did you think that was thanks to?"
"They didn't even credit you for it?" Dan scoffed.
"That's why they owed me a favor," you informed them, "One of them got a job in the school's lab after graduation and said if I ever needed anything, he could get me in."
Cody sighed softly, "I really don't know why we're ever surprised by the things you manage to do anymore." The other two boys quickly agreed, making you laugh.
"Alright!" you chirped, springing back up to your feet, "You ready for the plan?"
"Yes, we would like to know how we're going to get Zach back at some point," Dan affirmed.
"Step number one: we need to commandeer a vehicle."
"So... Steal a car," Maxx cocked an eyebrow.
"Basically," you shrugged, "Preferably a truck with an open bed; It'll be easier to just jump in and get away that way."
"Makes sense," Cody spoke, "What's step two?"
"Step two is search for the place Zach was taken, get into that place, then get him out."
"So we'll need a quiet truck," Dan said.
"Yes," you nodded, "Hopefully, there'll be a vent I can climb into, then I'll find the room Zach's in, throw the grenade, and we'll run back to the truck and get away before everyone comes to."
"Sounds simple enough," he replied, "Let's do it."
An hour and a half later
It took nearly two hours, but you managed to retrace your steps back to the place in the forest where Zach was taken, then stumble upon some random building. You were surprised you hadn't seen it in the first place, but you were 100% certain this was where Zach was being kept.
Dan had parked the truck near the beginning of the path, so you had to do a bit of walking to get to where you needed. Once you knew where you were going, you hurried back to the truck to tell the boys what needed to be done.
"You sure you can do this, Y/N?" Dan asked you.
You let out a long sigh, "Just be ready to go when Maxx tells you."
"What if someone sees us?" Cody wondered.
"Leave," you stated as if it were obvious.
"Without you guys?" Dan said, a clear worried tone in his voice.
"Not much of a choice, Danny," you reminded him, grabbing your grenade out of your backpack and put in in your pocket, "We'll make it out."
They watched you make your way back into the forest and, at that point, all they could do was trust you.
Once you were approaching the building once again, you weren't at all shocked to find that not a single officer was guarding the outside – the people who came into power after the apocalypse weren't exactly the smartest. You easily made your way around the structure, happy to find a vent near the ground that you could just climb into without any trouble.
Upon entering the building, you immediately heard voices, deciding to follow them in the hopes they'd lead you to Zach. At the end of the vent system, you came up to a large room where it seemed like everyone was congregated. Zach was sitting on a chair untied from what you could see – apparently, the militiamen figured he wouldn't try to escape the people with guns. No one was watching him at that moment though, otherwise they probably would have known he'd seen something.
The moment you looked at his face, you found Zach's wide eyes already on you. You quietly retrieved the grenade from your pocket and signaled for him to close his eyes and cover his ears on three. When he nodded lightly, you counted to three on your fingers. The moment you hit three, you pulled the pin on the grenade in your hand and threw it out of the vent.
The next 10 seconds after the grenade detonated seemed to last less than one as you immediately kicked out the vent cover and jumped out. All the men were shouting and holding their ears in pain as you ran over to Zach, grabbed his hand, and began pulling him out of the room.
"Where did you get that thing?!" Zach exclaimed.
"I made it!" you breathed heavily as you ran down the hall.
"You made it?!" he cocked an eyebrow, "Since when do you make bombs?!"
"It's not a bomb; it's a stun grenade!" you replied, "I wasn't a science major for nothing, you know!"
The moment you were back outside, you and Zach bolted to where the others were anxiously waiting for your return.
"They're coming!" you heard Maxx tell Dan as a signal for him to get ready to step on it.
You were jumping into the back of the truck within the next five seconds and as soon as you were in, Dan slammed his foot down on the gas pedal. The tires squealed on the pavement as he sped away from the building. You and Zach were sprawled out in the bed of the truck, Maxx and Cody sitting up against the back window.
"Okay," you said, finally able to catch your breath, "That was the coolest thing I've ever done, but I never want to do it again." The boys couldn't help but laugh at the comment while Zach simply grabbed you and pulled you on top of him.
"I knew you were gonna come get me," he said, burying his face in your neck, "I knew you weren't gonna just leave me behind." You could feel his chest rising and falling against yours as he was still trying to catch his breath.
"And have you get killed just so you could haunt me as a ghost if I didn't?" you sassed, everyone laughing again as you snaked your arms around his neck and hugged him like it was last time you would ever get to. No one spoke or even told Zach they were happy he was okay – they just let the two of you have that moment to yourselves.
we love a platonic storyline!!!!!!
master list / master list for mobile users
you can also check out my last imagine here, my to do list to see what’s coming up, and click here to go to the page for my calum fic :)
Other apocalypse AUs: Michael / Calum / Ashton / Luke / Cody / Maxx / Zach
Other best friend AUs: Ian / Jamie / Jamie / Josh / Ryan / Ryan / Tony / Ryan / Ryan / Cody / Jamie / Ashton / Cody / Michael / Luke / Ryan / Jamie / Calum / Ashton / Jamie / Cody / Calum / Calum / Jamie / Maxx / Michael / Luke / Luke / Michael / Ashton / Cody / Maxx / Jamie / Calum / Ashton / Luke / Michael / Cody / Calum / Ashton / Ashton / Ashton / Maxx / Luke / Calum / Ashton / Marshall / Maxx / Ashton / Ashton / Marshall / Luke / Calum / Luke / Michael / Calum / Ashton / Ashton / Luke / Calum / Luke / Ashton / Ashton / Michael / Ashton / Calum / Trevor / Luke / Calum / Luke / Michael / Zach / Ashton / Michael
taglist: @calumhoodslays @vendylewin @lunalove25 @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @maurine5sos @rachellwrites@itkindajusthappenedreally @breathinginthevapor @double-tap-to-edit @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you@silverchainbee@disastrxlogy@softboycal@5saucewho@mycollectionofnuts@sunnysidesblog
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Jim Carrey's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Despite being one of the biggest movie stars in the world with countless box office hits, Jim Carrey is a pretty divisive actor. Some fans appreciate his knack for rubbery expressive comedy, but others criticize this performing style as overacting.
While he was once possibly the most bankable star in the world, his status has dropped in the past few years and he hasn’t really starred in a major hit since 2008’s Yes Man. Still, he’s left behind a very impressive body of work and there’s every chance his star could rise again. So, here are Jim Carrey’s 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes.
RELATED: Jim Carrey’s 10 Most Hilarious Characters, Ranked
10 Man on the Moon (63%)
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It was a dream come true when Jim Carrey was cast to play one of his idols, comedy legend Andy Kaufman, in a biopic. Directed by the great Milos Forman, this biopic plays around with the rules a lot.
There are dramatic moments and it follows a familiar formula, but there’s also a lot of Kaufman-esque comic trickery at play. As a recent Netflix documentary can attest to, Carrey went a little cuckoo on the set as he refused to break character for the entire shoot, even when the cameras weren’t rolling. But it’s hard to deny that Kaufman himself would’ve been proud.
9 Dumb and Dumber (67%)
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This road comedy by the Farrelly brothers should never have gotten a sequel. The original stands perfectly on its own as one of the funniest movies ever made and no sequel could live up to that (especially the trainwreck we were eventually served in 2014).
Few comedies have a gag rate this rapid and even fewer have such a high rate of gags actually landing. Everything in the screenplay for Dumb and Dumber is carefully considered to deliver an infinitely funny moviegoing experience: the plot as a whole is funny, the individual scenes stand alone as funny, and each of those scenes is filled with hysterical one-liners and wordplay. Frankly, in terms of laughs, Dumb and Dumber is up there with Airplane! and The Naked Gun.
8 I Love You, Phillip Morris (71%)
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This real-life story of con artist Steven Jay Russell has a darker sense of humor than Jim Carrey’s fans are used to, and it’s got a lot more dramatic elements than his usual work, but it’s still a lot of fun. Russell went to prison, fell in love with a fellow inmate named Phillip Morris (who, here, is played by Ewan McGregor), and when Morris was released, he broke out of prison a whopping four times just to be with him.
It’s a delightful story with more complex acting than Carrey is usually given the chance to do. Critic Steve Persall described it perfectly: “Catch Me If You Can mashed up with Brokeback Mountain if Mel Brooks directed.”
7 Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (72%)
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Jim Carrey found Count Olaf, the lead antagonist role in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, to be the perfect part for him to play. He loves character work, and Olaf isn’t just an eccentric character on his own – he’s a bad actor who disguises himself as other people.
RELATED: The 10 Best Episodes Of Netflix's A Series Of Unfortunate Events
So, Carrey got to play a bunch of different characters who were being played by another character. He was eager to do a sequel to the movie, and he never likes to do sequels, but unfortunately, due to its unusually dark tone for a kids’ movie, it didn’t perform so well at the box office.
6 The Mask (77%)
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The movie that made Jim Carrey’s career was a comic book movie, but not the kind of comic book movie that now floods theaters every couple of weeks. The Mask is about an ordinary man who is granted extraordinary powers, sure, but he doesn’t use them to save the world. The Mask is more like The Nutty Professor than Spider-Man, and obviously, a slapstick-based Jerry Lewis-esque role is right in Carrey’s wheelhouse, so it’s a brilliant movie.
On a side-note, Carrey isn’t the only A-list star whose career began with The Mask. You’ll also see a young Cameron Diaz make her starring debut in the film.
5 Horton Hears a Who! (79%)
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This animated adaptation of the Dr. Seuss classic (funnily enough, the first-ever fully animated feature-length adaptation of the author’s work) takes the gloss of CG animation but gives it the whimsy of the iconic illustrations from Seuss’ work. Jim Carrey voices the titular elephant, who realizes that a tiny civilization lives on a speck of dust on top of a flower and will do anything to protect them.
Steve Carell plays the mayor of this civilization, while Seth Rogen lends his voice to Horton’s mouse sidekick, the aptly named Morton. It’s a heartwarming movie that tells us that even the smallest people matter.
4 Liar Liar (81%)
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Jim Carrey loves high-concept movies that he can dig his teeth into. A prime example of this is Liar Liar, in which he plays a lawyer who, thanks to his son’s birthday wish, is unable to lie for 24 hours. This led to hilarious scenes like Carrey rattling off a comprehensive list of offenses he’d just committed to a cop who pulled him over and beating himself up in a men’s room to get out of court.
But ultimately, the movie carries a strong message. You shouldn’t lie to your kids – or anyone, for that matter – and Fletcher learns that the hard way in this movie. It’s far from a flawless movie, but fans of Carrey will definitely get their fill.
3 Peggy Sue Got Married (85%)
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Directed by The Godfather’s Francis Ford Coppola, Peggy Sue Got Married stars Kathleen Turner as a woman in her 40s who is ready to divorce her husband, Charlie, played by Nicolas Cage and is filled with regret about how her life has played out.
Then, she gets the opportunity to go back in time and start all over again. She can prevent herself from ever marrying Charlie in the first place. That is, until she finds herself charmed by him all over again. Jim Carrey plays a minor role as Walter Getz, and since the movie came out almost a decade before Carrey became a star, he’s virtually unrecognizable.
2 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (93%)
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Screenwriter Charlie Kaufman has made a career out of taking something we can all relate to, like the feeling of despair and hopelessness after a relationship, and spin it into something cinematic, like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey stars as Joel, a guy who falls head over heels in love with a girl, played by Kate Winslet, who breaks his heart.
RELATED: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind: 10 Quotes That Can Never Be Erased From Our Memories
Unable to get her out of his head, he hires a company to get her out of his head using experimental new technology. Naturally, it goes wrong and he ends up trapped in his own memories. It’s very strange, but also very powerful.
1 The Truman Show (94%)
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This trippy work of social science fiction could easily be an episode of Black Mirror. Jim Carrey plays Truman Burbank, a regular guy who has never left his small town and lives a quiet existence. He starts to notice unusual things about his life and soon realizes that there are cameras on him at all times, broadcasting his every move to a world filled with adoring viewers.
When he discovers the truth and tries to escape, the director of the show becomes mad with power and would rather kill him than see him leave town and experience the real world. His fans all rally behind him. It’s very satirical, yet also very moving stuff.
NEXT: Cate Blanchett's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/jim-carrey-best-movies-rotten-tomatoes/
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