#and especially takeshi
zoroara · 3 months
Okay here's probably a surprise from someone who like Squalo so fucking much. I actually believe Squalo should lose the rain battle as he does(or if one goes about changing it that he should still lose in the end due to how he is). I will go into it below but it is going to be so fucking long. This is both breaking down the "realism" argument and the "Narrative" argument(though, this battle should honestly only be looked through the latter lens due to that being the purpose of it.) Anyway, let's break it down.
First and for most I'm going to attack the idea that because Squalo is more skilled he should not have lost "realistically", important thing to know, in any realistic scenario Squalo almost definitely would not win.
He is only a threat because of the fact that Yamamoto is new, Squalo's sword is literally without a doubt, shit. I have to be level about this because I hate this fucking thing with a passion because from a sword fighting perspective he has done literally everything wrong with this damn thing.
The only type of blade like this that had been intended to be fought with is a Calvary weapon, it isn't made for melee and genuinely just. Sucks when you use it like he is. It severely limits his options, trapping him to only using the exact same arm with the exact same maximum strength behind each swing, with the exact same maximum length. The ability to switch between one handed and two handed is a massively important thing with swords which is why smaller swords that you can do both with were the most common type. It keeps pressure on your opponent and gives you a much bigger variety of options. Not to mention with how it's attached to his hand in the past and future with what is only bandages in the present, and only a few red straps in the future.
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This shit is so god damn unstable it's impressive his sword didn't just fly off when he blocked a hit. Do the same thing with some tape and a ruler and you'll know exactly how quick that blade will shift at the smallest amount of resistance that any strike with it would have landed lighter than intended, and I don't mean lighter in terms of strength behind it(though it would be partially). I mean all his cuts would end up shallow, he'd be incredibly ineffective. This is literally the second worst blade of khr and this one unlike that one isn't made of flame so it has no excuse(apologies this sword pisses me off to no end). You have to fundamentally change how this fucking sword is built for it to be even fucking slightly good, this ain't it chief.
Next, here's a major things, there is a reason there is a saying "The first best swordsman doesn't have to to fear the second best, he has to fear the beginner" because it's fundamentally true. Squalo would never fear fighting another master because masters have all become set in their ways, their techniques, you can read them and break into their weaknesses. But, Yamamoto isn't a master, and throughout the battle, he is evolving rapidly. Squalo by the end of the battle relies incredibly on the things that he had seen before, he threw out his caution because he "seen it before" by the point of Yamamoto throwing out the eighth move.
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Squalo had grown too used to being able to read his opponent that when he saw Yamamoto going for something new, he instead relied on things he's seen before, things he expected, a surprise attack, which was his downfall, he had stopped taking Yamamoto seriously after the 8th form.
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He had prosthetic, to snap backwards in case of sneak attacks, because he expected this move so much. When something wasn't as he expected he defaulted to this and the reflection on the water convinced him of it.
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You can't read a newbie and that's what's the most terrifying thing for a master to fight. In fact, it's implied that Squalo beat Tyr the very same way as Yamamoto defeated him. It's stated that in the same battle as Tyr that he perfected his current style, meaning all of his techniques, but notably they say scontro di squalo is in fact what was used to defeat Tyr. It implies the sense that he created it during this battle, but what I find interesting about scontro di squalo, is that it's just flailing his sword around as he runs forward. This would be a move, only someone new and desperate would have come up with in reality.
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It would throw off any master because of it's sheer recklessness. But once again, Yamamoto isn't a master and thus it's major advantage, is lost. Regardless, Squalo used to do the same as Yamamoto did and that's how he won there, but he made the mistake of believing his move set as perfect thus stagnating afterwards. His pride in his success and abilities, were his downfall in this match. Additionally Squalo's pride affecting his fighting was evident, in sword fighting you never dodge if possible it's really bad to because typically, you will not fucking succeed. Your legs are last in the orders of operations it's generally better and safer to block, parry and counter your enemy than it is to dodge. The fact that Squalo dodged a strike he knew was coming shows that he was over-estimating his own abilities and understanding of this style.
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Finally the argument that Yamamoto would not be as strong as squalo is. Incorrect. In fact baseball actually engages the same muscle as sword fighting, and terrifyingly, there's one difference people do not typically account for when cross examining weapons. Which is, blunt objects naturally need more force behind them to do their work, while blades will typically have less resistance against the body. This means Yamamoto likely has a much higher swing strength than Squalo does with how violently he plays it, Yamamoto is like on, 'exploding a bird with a baseball pitch' level of play, and that WILL go into his swings.
If we were being realistic, should have broken Squalo's bones several times over with his back of the sword hits. It should be noted, the back of the sword while an anime trope of not being as dangerous, is actually just as dangerous or more so especially in the hands of someone used to using a blunt type of weaponry(in this case a baseball bat) the thin metal is heavy and powerful enough that the pressure on it would instead focus all the energy there, causing heavy bruising in the best of cases and something to break in the worst. Yamamoto's final move against Squalo, should it have hit his neck could have completely paralyzed the man from the neck down, or if it hit his skull, could have easily cracked and caved it in, and that's not bringing the additional momentum from it being a a strike with power added to it in the air. It is that bad. Notably, in the manga it appears Yamamoto switches the blade to the flat(not the back, this is the wide part of the blade) halfway through the strike so that it hits like that on the impact.
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While this does typically lessen damage, it's mostly because striking like this creates more air resistance and slows down the blade before impact. However switching like Yamamoto does cuts down the slow and it would in fact do a lot of a damage. As even when it has more air resistance, a strike on the head like this is typically at minimum hard enough to stun a person. Which does explain why Squalo wakes up a few seconds after. But regardless, Yamamoto is perfectly capable of wrecking Squalo's shit even without physically training for the sword(which he did in fact do before this too but you know) in fact the fact he didn't kill Squalo in this match is impressive.
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I want to additionally note the above, that Yamamoto's sword in the manga after is warping up and down like a door stop with so much energy put into it. Swords do wobble a bit when hit like this they have a bit of bend. But not THIS much typically. With the amount of force you'd need to do this to a sword you're more likely to fucking shatter it, now imagine doing that with solid metal against someone's fucking HEAD. The only thing preventing Squalo from dying from that is well the fact he is a cockroach and can't fucking die.
Now that we got that out of the way, we will now be looking at what type of fight this is. Battle manga focuses on battles it's in the name. But the important thing to know, is that there are several types of fights of which they can be categorized. I usually use 3 types(Narrative, Show, and Goal), though they can be mixed and matched but they cannot replace each other. They have different purposes and replacing one with another can in fact incredibly negatively impact how the story flows and character arcs grow, especially if you replace it with a show fight(one that focuses on a. character skills or b. entertainment value). But fundamentally what's important to know, is that the above that I've picked apart doesn't actually matter due to the type of fight it is.
You see, this is what I call a narrative fight(it is also mixed with a "goal" fight.) A narrative fight is something that explores the character and teaches them something that changes their character. It also is set to show something to the audience about the two characters fighting. Not their strength and their abilities, it's about their personalities, beliefs so on, things that can't actually be quantified. Almost all of the Varia arc fights are narrative fights. Fundamentally, in order to achieve what needed to be achieved, Squalo would and should never be able to get his hands on that ring.
Aside from the fact that Squalo would just kill any opponent he wins against if he doesn't have a reason not to(and in the case of the rain battle there's nothing there protecting Yamamoto). The rain battle is a battle of a lot of things. It is to teach Yamamoto humility, it is to show Yamamoto's progress from when he got his ass beat by squalo, it's to show the intense flaws of Squalo's pride, it's to show that insurmountable odds are possible to beat. Remember they're going 1 - 3(due to tsuna losing the sky ring) they're at an intense low point if yamamoto loses it's 1 - 4, which is more than half of the rings. But it's also about change. Yamamoto's entire style is about change. Squalo's isn't. Squalo's is incredibly ridged and stuck as it is.
For Squalo to win is to deny change is important, to say he is completely correct in being a prideful dick. To teach Yamamoto that this is correct, is very bad, because if Yamamoto were to fully follow Squalo in this? He would also stagnate the same way Squalo had. By breaking free of the competitive nature and seeing past the boxes of most sword styles with one that continues to evolve and encourages this. It's a battle of self reflection, and Yamamoto does this looking back over the battle, his last statements of it being flawless and invincible, is not a statement made to genuine belief that it will never change, but is a statement that because it changes it can always become something that will never truly be killed. But it's also something that pisses Squalo off, and Yamamoto is purposely saying it as a response, to goad Squalo into attacking. To blind him with his own pride and rage, to the new changes to the style, for Squalo to not see that Yamamoto has figured something out and isn't just being stubborn.
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It never mattered who was truly better, because this fight is to double as a lesson. Should Squalo win cleanly or not punished for his pride, for being blinded by it, Yamamoto will not learn to grow. The battle is tailored to this, and changing it without understanding the narrative reasons as to why it ended up this way would ruin it's impact. It's not perfect it needs to be cleaned up a little with some dialogue changes and such, but honestly, the only thing that changing it would succeed in at best is a side grade should you make it so Squalo still loses. Or it loses it's impact should Squalo win.
I love the man I truly do, but this? This is one of the only fights where I will say he should lose. Other fights with him are much more arguably loose on which way they should go, but this? This one is a narrative battle that had complete purpose to his loss through and through. Squalo losing here serves a great purpose. He didn't even learn from it much which is a shame, but not surprisingly due to his character and what he represents. Which may be why he doesn't win any further up, because he does refuse to self reflect in any capacity.
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Chibi Wataru but make him ✨@fadefromthelight’s✨ version
Based off of Fade's drawing
I’ve been wanting to challenge myself and draw other characters (pls don’t be jealous Takeshi lol)…but it’s also hard for me to draw characters that I’m not very passionate about. But there’s a character that’s become very special to me and that’s Wataru. And we all know who loves Wataru…and Nobuhiko, he deserves recognition too! I told Fade I wanted to draw Wataru, but I didn’t tell her I was going to draw her version. Of course that didn’t stay a surprise for long, I’m really bad at them 💀 But I love Fade’s version of Wataru so much and how she draws him with piercings and fluffy hair. She also gives him amazing outfits and puts so much personalization into her drawings which is very inspiring to me as I always draw from canon. When I think of Wataru, I automatically think of her version of him. I really wanted to pay homage to her style with this chibi!
This was such a fun piece to draw and it means so much to me as well. Fade was actually my first follower in the Initial D community and we ended up becoming friends. All because she made a post comparing Sam from Stardew Valley to Keisuke because they have similar hairstyles LOL. And we’ve probably talked every day since then 🥹 Whether we are sharing our works in progress, thinking up headcanons for our boys, or talking about what foods we love from Trader Joe’s…I’m just so thankful to call her my friend.
Thanks for being an amazing friend, Fade ❤️
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shimera · 2 years
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hair brush can be a mic for karaoke too if you're broke
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destinedtobeloved · 10 months
Broken Angels is finished and my heart is literally shattered
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yaminerua · 1 year
I’m losing my mind!!! Someone on Twitter posted some pics of one of the comic genki issues that featured Duklyon on the cover and they were showing things that were in it that were to do with Duklyon and 20 Mensou
And in the top right was this
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And I have never seen this before!! I wish I could see it more close up to get a better look but it looks like a face towel and toothbrush set with duklyon and 20 mensou and it’s adorable!!!!!
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niwatari-rei · 2 years
A Dream for Evil
Based on an idea by @keikotwins It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Sure, he argued with Takeshi plenty of times. But normally it wouldn’t get this physical.  Ah…the scent of the corpse was starting to get to him.
His hands trembled as Masahiro eyed them…The same hands that pushed his friend down the stairs.
Panicking, he looked around to see if anyone saw the incident.
“Thank god no-” Masahiro froze, hearing footsteps headed in this direction.
As they got closer, he held his breath.
“I must say, I didn’t expect this.” Immediately turning around, Masahiro saw what appeared to be the Azumano police commissioner, or rather Hiwatari-kun's father.
Glancing back at him with a look of desperation. “I-I can explain…It was an accident. Please don’t take me away.”
Strangely enough, Hiwatari-san looked at him with an amused smile. “Take you away? Now, why would I want to do that?”
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rotdistressxox · 3 months
Can you a list, about if the kengan boys prefer ass or tits??? Can you add as many characters as possible pls🥺
Kengan men: Ass or Tits (and other assorted body parts)
Content: 18+, Silly body parts haha
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Ohma Tokita
• Ass.
•Eats it like groceries, not kidding.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• Tits
• Likes it when their pressed against him. Bonus points if they bounce when you walk
Raian Kure
• Ass
• Mostly because he likes spanking it
• and thighs
Gaolang Wongsawat
• Personality
• ....
• Tits
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
• more of a tummy and waist guy
• if ya catch my midrifft ba dum tss
Kanoh Agito
• Legs
• loves leg muscles, especially quads and hamstrings
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Tits
• Sideboob, underboob, cleavage, boob spill, you name it and the man goes bonkers
Okubo Naoya
• Tits
• I mean, look at him
• ass man in denial tho
Imai Cosmo
• Thighs
• Wants to be crushed by some, maybe while playfighting with an S/o
Himuro Ryo
• "PeRsOnaLitY"
• Boy shut up- Ass ass ass ass ass.
Kaneda Suekichi
• Tits
• Has dreams about being suffocated by them.
Kiryu Sestuna
• Ohma Tokita
Hatsumi Sen
• Both
• He's a whore for both
• and in general
Goah Ryuki
• Perosnality
• But actually means it. No like actually. He doesn't really see the appeal in body parts
Narushima Koga
• Ass
• Likes an s/o that can twerk. DID I LIE??
Sekibayashi Jun
• Likes a mean set of legs
• Legs that can KILL
Niko Tokita
• Hips, not too shy of a nice badonkadonk
• inhales FEE- *GUNSHOT*
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absolutebl · 7 months
These Weeks in BL - This Is Very Late, Or Right on Time depending on where you sit on the temporal debate team
Sorry I got distracted by work. In my defense: I was paid.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
March 2024 Wk 1 & 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 12 fin - Unfortunately, there was singing. But what can we do?
A soft charming warm hug of a show about crushes and mind reading and self worth, with no-fuss execution from a consummate team and an OG lead pair proving why they remain eternal and deserve to grow up. Look, here’s the thing, Cherry Magic is a great Thai BL in its own right not comparing it to any other iteration. But even when I do compare (and I've seen all the Cherries and read the manga) it still stands. This is a great show, a solid adaptation, and a pleasing take on the original yaoi. I personally like it better than the Japanese live action, but I think that’s because I just really like Thai BL and I LOVE TayNew. I doubted them for this and I shouldn’t have. They did a great job, as did the sides. I will say all the kissing was both present and better than any other iteration. As it should be. Definitely one for the rewatch rotation. 9/10 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 1 of 8 (10?) - Damn it, I love it. And I don't want to. It’s more classic BL than I thought it would be, and far less Only Friends or Playboyy. (Thank fuck.) We got a big cast and a lot of tropes going down out the gate, including SMITTEN popular hot guy versus nerd with secret identity. (Incidentally, Khem did drop into rude / informal when arguing with his Aunt and defending his ma. Bratty boy.) The leads have good chemistry (First always does), and everyone is very pretty. The main boy reminds me of J-Min's role (and look) in Love Class 2.��I am entertained. (And faintly wonder why this isn't a MosBank vehicle.)
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand grey) eps 1-3 of 8- High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite a decade later when both of them have full time jobs (celebrity & doctor). Dr Ji is a familiar face (hi Dream it's been a LONG time) and everyone is way too old for high school, but I guess I prefer this to child actors?
I'm enjoying it, actually, the cast may be older but they're solid as a result and the chemistry is on point for a pulp. Whether our celebrity is on the DL or cheating or something else remains to be seen but he sure is smitten. The way he LOOKS at Ji = hawt.
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Frankly? Celebrity/doctor is a good pairing and this is a solid Thai BL. I hope we have a nice angsty reason for the break-up and we're not in another Promise situation. I like the sides too. Carry on, little show, I'm disposed to be pleased with you.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 12 - I am enjoying it, actually. It’s incredibly silly. But I don’t really mind. STOP SINGING. 
1000 Years Old eps 3-4 of 12 - I love that these kids basically adopted a vampire pet. And one of them accidentally got a vampire boyfriend. This suddenly turned from a PNR into a family drama about domestic gays opening a food stall and I'm not mad about it. Nothing makes sense and I don't care because... rainbow umbrella!
A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV grey) eps 1 of 10 - I don’t love it. I make no bones about the fact that a pining uke rarely works for me, especially if he’s younger (cute supportive besties not withstanding), the power dynamic isn’t good. I always like Kimmon, he’s a stiff actor but v pretty. (I shallow af.) Still it’s time he started acting his age… literally. Having to watch ads again as well… for this? Ooof. I'm not sure I'm strong enough.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 fin - It was very cute. I liked that there was uke instigated kisses. However I have some reservations on this one, much as I enjoyed it.
Adapted from Mayo Tsurakame’s manga, production team included Tadaaki Horai (My Love Mix-Up!) and Takeshi Miyamoto (Old Fashion Cupcake). Essentially Perfect Propose was about finding hope in a person when all other hope is gone. This show focuses on apathy, and perforce is somewhat apathetic and un-engaging especially as the pacing was off (and with only 6 episodes? now) However, this is countered by great visuals, good archetypes, and a clean story of childhood sweethearts reuniting after loosing their way in life. I landed on 8/10 mostly for a demanding younger seme and some great kisses. 
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues Youku YouTube) eps 2-3 of 11 - Oh it’s great. I love it. I’m still worried by how gritty and "Taiwanese short-esk" it feels, but wow does this hit all my favorite taboo tropes and buttons. I also adore the little found fam, they the cutest gay older bros ever. The younger one who wants so bad to grow up and take care of the older one and pushes himself because into self sacrifice that’s the only model of love he has. ARGH. BOYS. Why so much pain, just smooch already! Sheesh. It's on YouTube for some of us, here's the schedule.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) eps 6-7 of 10 - They remain questionably cute, and that is probably going to be my ultimate review of this show. Awe cameo! (Hi babies, hope the ghosts are leaving you alone.) The irony does not escape me that the person in the relationship with the most emotional acumen is, in fact, the robot and not the human. I'm sure that's meant to be deep.
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Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - A tortured second chance romance featuring a reported and a successful celebrity(?) academic. The kid actors look nothing like their adult counterparts, but they do look much younger. So, okay. Ah the utter embarrassment of first love. Oh I like it a lot, so very messy Japanese emo. Sigh. Here we go again.
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 8-9 of 10 - They are a cute couple. They both trying so hard and so confused and awkward and polite in trying to understand each other but TERRIBLE at communication. 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 3-4 of 8 - I don’t know how I feel about this. But I do know it’s not my thing because it’s not BL. I’ll finish it because it’s short but… meh. 
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It's done, ready to binge, but I have no time
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master (Vietnam YouTube) - I will try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will watch eventually.
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It's airing but...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - finished it's run and I won't be watching it. It's horror with BL elements and the ending, well, let's just say that's a "no thank you" from me.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… no. I'm not watching this. I dislike this franchise.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Takumi-kun (2023) movie version AKA Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa released on FOD 3/5/2024. The original project was a 6 ep series. Having seen all the previous iterations and read the (terrible) yaoi I admit to being intrigued. If anyone finds eng subbed please let me know with a link in comments or in a DM? For those intersted in this show, probably the world's first true BL franchise I chat all about it here.
James Supamongkon has withdrawn from the series Love Upon A Time and the NetJames pair is no more. Net Siraphop will continue with the historical BL project alongside a new partner. Can I interest you in Tod Techit... almost as pretty, legs for days...
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The Complete Chronology of the Assault Case Against GMMTV Actor Win Pawin
I'm merely directing your attention to these articles, I do not wish for discussion of this content on this blog. Please don't ask for further info, I don't know the answer, follow the link that's why it's there.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Still Coming
3/21 Two Worlds (Thai IQIYI) 10 eps - announced here. One of those "he's dead Jim so time travel" thingames staring MaxNat. I'm over them but Asia flipping loves this trope and I do adore MaxNat. Phupha (Gun) and Khram (Nat) love each other but Phupha is murdered. Then Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, 12 years ago, Khram and Tai (Max) were in love. However, Khram was killed by Thai’s dad. Now Tai finds alter-Khram apparently alive. But then there is ALSO an alter-Phupha (played by Gun Thanawat who is Khom the repressed butler bodyguard from Unforgotten Night).
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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How flipping adorable is this vampire with his big gay umbrella? SUCH A DORK and we got more vampire dorks coming.
Thailand has found its vampire line and it's awkward and geeky and quite cheerful. 'Bout what we expected, to be fair. It's a good look for them.
And vampires.
In other news...
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That's your random moment of thirst, Lim Jimin shirtless AKA my Just B bias (I mean, I could talk about how good his extensions are and how I love a husky voice in Kpop but really, just LOOK at him). I'm very very very shallow, remember? Full vid is here.
Why am I mentioning Lim Jimin (aside from the obvious)? If Just B doesn't break soon, I could some of them transitioning to BL. Jimin in particular would be a win for us, obvs.
Also, can we talk about Bain (my bias wrecker) KILLING it on Build Up? I had no idea he was that good. Anygay, this has been your Kpop end note.
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Seriously tho, is ANYONE else watching Build-Up?
(Last week - well, 2 weeks ago)
Streaming services are listed how I'm (usually watching) which is with a USA based IP
The tag bragade: @doorajar
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will. Easy peesy.
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Sometimes I think about moms who had kids at 18 or 19, even as legal "adults" they were still so young and must have felt so unprepared. Poor Delia, especially since from what I gathered from your AU Ash's dad was far from helpful she must have been so scared.
Oh absolutely
You can read more about Delia’s story in Pocket Monsters: The Animation by Takeshi Shudo. It goes more into her backstory and how quickly Ash’s dad marries her and how quickly he leaves just to fail at being a pokemon trainer
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gardenofnoah · 2 months
it was never ending (pt. 1)
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wc: 5.3k (pt. 1 only) tags (whole series): bakugou x reader, oc character death (not reader), grief, healing, found family, getting together, slow (medium?) burn, child rearing, descriptions of pregnancy, morning sickness, friends to lovers, confessions, eventual smut
notes: i've had the idea for this in my drafts for the last 82 years. i blacked out and wrote this whole thing in like 12 hours. fingers crossed for the same motivation demon to visit me in my sleep for part 2.
summary: when the father of your child passes away suddenly, you get by with a little help from your friends (and a really intense Bakugou).
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There was a part of you that already knew, as soon as the phone rang. At 7pm, there was no reason to assume it wasn't benign, like your mother calling to confirm what you'd already told her you'd bring to brunch the following weekend.
It wasn't, though. You knew it wouldn't be.
The drive is something that happens to someone else. You see it in flashes. Distantly, you think that it's probably not safe, driving in this state with an infant in the backseat. But you don't really have another option—or at least not one that occurs to you.
A nurse—a young woman, who can't be any older than early twenties—meets you in the lobby. She's practiced in her stoicism. There is no forced smile, no apologies—just a quiet invitation to follow her. She leads you with a hand on your elbow, like she's expecting you, too, to collapse, down a series of hallways that you don't bother to notice. You wonder how long she's been doing this, and what the impact of it might be on someone so young.
A doctor is waiting for you in the room. He immediately launches into a lengthy, medical term-laden explanation of the two hours prior to your arrival. You hear none of it, and you're not even looking at him.
Behind him, a thin sheet covers the body of the father of the child in your arms.
You turn your phone off.
You have to, really. The barrage of well-intentioned but poorly timed (and often poorly worded) texts and calls and emails renders the thing unusable.
The number of days that've passed between today and the hospital are of little consequence to you. You've survived on autopilot for however many have passed but the bone-deep exhaustion you feel has spread deeper still. Through the wall, Kaede cries, but there's nothing left in you to get your body to move. Kaede, named so at her father's request.
She was an angry thing, born with no small amount of indignancy at the act of bringing her earthside, against her will. She was red and raging for the first several months of her life, and while it exhausted you, Takeshi had taken it in stride.
"My darling girl," you'd hear him through the monitor, cooing to your daughter as she pitched a fit for the umpteenth time that night, "it won't always be so bad."
How would you convince her of the truth in that now?
The sound of knuckles against your front door jars you out of your half-consciousness. It seems it's only a courtesy, though, because you hear it open immediately after. It dawns on you that you haven't thought to check if it was locked since you've been home. Regrettable, especially now. Some distant alarm ringing in your mind tells you that should be concerned that someone has just entered your home, but there's a wall up right now. In an effort to keep you safe, your brain has blocked out everything.
Through the wall, a voice coos to your daughter. You recognize it as Mina's, and you let out a quiet breath. You brain loosens its grasp for an instant and relief floods you. You'll get up and thank her, when you can.
There is a chorus of voices, telling you that there is more than one person in your house right now, but in the absence of a threat, your eyes flutter closed. The door to your bedroom opens, and you blink hard at the light that seeps in over the massive body in your doorway.
The door closes just as quickly, and in the darkness, the body moves around the room to the other side of the bed—the empty one. There is a weight—your body dips with it minutely, and then settles again. You close your eyes, this time to relieve the sting you feel for the first time since getting home. With another breathing body as its witness, the grief hits you so suddenly you can taste it.
"Katsuki," you whimper, feeling him at your back. Familiar arms reach for you, pull you in.
"Y'r alright," he murmurs, pressing the underside of his jaw into your hair. The pressure on all sides squeezes something loose in you. You suck in a gasping breath, and then it leaves you—broken apart and limp. He holds you while you cry—keeps you there, tethered only to him in this storm.
Once the hurt comes, it lingers.
You suppose you can be grateful for that. People do crazy things under the burden of pent up emotion, and you can't afford to come unglued. Not like that, anyway. But while grief pulls you apart in different directions, your friends flit around your peripheral. You'd feel guilty if you could—for not being able to do what you should be able to—but few things get past the mountain of mourning that keeps you pinned to your bed.
They seem to have worked out shifts among themselves. Mina in the morning to get Kaede up and fed, Kirishima and Denki in the evening to get her bathed and ready for bed. Izuku comes around most afternoons with rattle toys and books to keep her engaged, talking and playing to keep her brain developing in your absence. Shielding her from this.
Katsuki doesn't leave.
He sleeps on the couch. Or you assume he does—you've not ventured out of your bed for much of anything. He's in and out of your room during the day, always with little meals or water or reminding you to shower, to get up and walk around the room if you can. It's hard and you cry often, but right now he's not his brash, abrasive self. He's gentler than you've ever seen him, a hand at your back to steady you, his voice low and grounding.
Your relationship with Katsuki is complicated, but not in a bad way. You'd met him, along with the rest of the group, in college. The civilian track at UA landed you a cushy office job—one you promptly turned down due to Katsuki's outrage at you working anywhere that wasn't with him. He'd gotten you a job as a resource coordinator at Jeanist's agency—which was something you found you really enjoyed. Your quirk was less than impressive—similar to Shouto's but not nearly as powerful, you could really only bring tea just shy of a boil. It certainly wouldn't be saving anyone's life, but in this role, you could help. Displaced families needed temporary housing, victims of violence needed access to affordable counseling, the injured needed connected to hearing aids and wheelchairs and prosthetics, ongoing care.
It was hard work, but you felt a certain privilege in being the one to do it. It was an honor to walk along side someone in their most vulnerable moments, and you tried to do it with as much grace and compassion as you could. When Katsuki was big enough to start his own agency, you followed him there. He gave you room to grow, and now, you head a team of community crisis response workers.
You haven't thought about work since the hospital. It's fascinating, how quickly something that matters so deeply to you can leave your mind. Katsuki hasn't mentioned it—in fact, he's not said much of anything, aside from his quiet prompting every few hours. You know that he's only doing what seems so inherent to him, and if you had the energy to, you'd tell him to go home—to take a break. The energy isn't there, though—all you can do is follow his directives to keep yourself alive.
Katsuki has always been protective of you. You're not sure when it started. You'd always been drawn to him, and there was seldom a time when you were somewhere that he wasn't. Your mother took to making up the spare bed for him when you'd come home for weekends and holidays, because it was a guarantee that he'd follow you through the screen door like a shadow. In your third year, she started asking, not so in jest, when the wedding would be.
When you met Takeshi, it was a surprise to everyone. But he was kind, and personable, and the newly-pro heroes adopted him into the fold.
Takeshi knew what Katsuki meant to you, and you were grateful for his patience. While his relationship with you was neatly defined, a specific box in your heart with his name on it—Katsuki was not. He was in everything that you were, and it was something that Takeshi chose not to interfere with. You're certain it was difficult, but he took it in stride.
He really was a kind man.
Within a year of being together, you found out you were pregnant. It was a shock—but what news filled you with terror, Takeshi received with utter delight. You were only a year out of college and in no way financially stable, but his joy left an impression on you. With each day, your child grew, and so did your tentative excitement. Takeshi was through the roof—as were your heroes.
Katsuki was the one to figure it out first. You'd been absent from a few of the group's weekly dinners at the bar in town. When you finally showed up, dressed in a big hoodie that covered most of you, you'd politely declined all offers of beer and stuck to stealing fries off of his plate.
"You pregnant?" he'd asked, not bothering to lower his voice. You blinked up at him, caught of guard.
"I—uh. Yeah."
You could've heard a pin drop, with how silent the table had fallen. You lowered your eyes—uncomfortable, unsure how to proceed—and reached for another fry. Mina broke the silence first.
"Oh my god!" she'd shrieked, already in tears. The rest of your friends followed in suit, cheering and reaching for you across the table in some strange attempt at a hug, at comfort.
You'd looked back up to Katsuki, who'd been strangely quiet. His eyes held a question—something undeniably concerned.
"It's okay," you told him, smiling softly. Squeezing his knee under the table, you couldn't miss how tense the muscle felt under your hand. "Honest."
A month crawls by, and you find that you can't sleep in your bed anymore.
After a few, agonizing hours of tossing and turning, and pointedly avoiding the other side of the bed, enough is enough. You stumble in the dark to the living room, trying your hardest to be quiet. It's your sniffling that wakes him up.
"Y'alright?" slurred, endearing. It would make you smile if you weren't crying. You shake your head, though his eyes aren't open to see it.
"Move over," you whisper, already pulling the blanket out from under his hip. Katsuki shifts, rolling to his side and lifting an arm for you to slot yourself underneath.
His heart beat, steady and slow, taps against your temple. You close your eyes and imagine the shape of it—the chambers that expand and contract and keep him alive. The wave of gratitude is immense and sudden and brings another sting to your eyes.
He doesn't go back to sleep—you can tell by his breathing.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, watery and broken. The arm around your waist tightens.
"Enough." His voice is gravely with sleep, but that's not all that's there. There's an edge to it, and you know that he's worried. "Try t'sleep."
Takeshi had made it a habit to talk with Kaede before she was born.
Each night, he would shuffle down the bed and speak softly to your growing stomach, filling her in on the events of the day.
"We wanted to go on a picnic today, but you made your mother sick." He'd pat your belly, shaking his head with a tsk. "That wasn't very nice, little girl."
Pregnancy was hard. You'd wished to be like those women that glow—that love being pregnant, that feel all connected to their bodies and the earth and the universe and whatever—but it was awful. Your ankles swelled and your back ached and you were sick all of the time.
Takeshi worked a 9-5 job outside the city, so Katsuki would stop by to check on you. It became something like a routine. You'd spend all morning throwing up, and then Katsuki would stop by and spend most of the afternoon here, feeding you anti-nausea medication and small bites of food (you'd really only wanted toast, which would launch Katsuki into a several minute tirade about how you'd kill yourself and the baby if you didn't eat a god damned vegetable. This was also part of your routine).
Katsuki's quirk was surprisingly helpful. It took some convincing ("You're not going to fry the baby Katsuki, Jesus Christ,"), but you found that if you had a layer between you, his hands could act as a high-powered heating pad. He'd sit behind you on the floor, one hand on your lower back, the other scrolling through his phone. You'd keep your head between your knees to stave of the nausea.
"You nervous?"
It was the first time he'd really asked. You rested your cheek on your knee, looking back to catch the blonde spikes of his hair in your peripheral.
"Honestly? Yeah. Really nervous."
He'd hummed, something noncommittal and gruff. You let the silence stretch on for another moment before breaking it again.
"I'm worried I'm going to poop on the table."
He'd snorted, and you could feel the eye roll from behind you. "That's what y'r worried about?"
"I mean, yeah. And the possibility of irreparably fucking up my child, I guess."
He'd gone quiet again, and you'd let your eyes close. Content for the moment.
"You'll do fine," he'd said, too quiet for him. The heat spread wider, his other hand joining the first at the small of your back. Kneading softly. "Kid's got a good mom."
She sits in front of you now, her chunky legs kicking wildly inside the cloth seat of her jumper. You watch her little toes feel out the ridged bottom, curling around the textures. It might be the first time since Takeshi died that you have really spent time with your child.
Kaeda grunts around the teething ring in her mouth, gurgling happily as Mina sits next to her—pink fingers pressing light up buttons on the tray to catch your daughter's eye. It works for a few seconds, but you sniff, and Kaeda's eyes find you.
"Dah!" the teething ring goes flying as she reaches for you, her head not quite catching up to the jerky movements of her body.
You smile at her, and the stretch of it feels foreign. "Hi, my baby."
It's effort, but you stand, reaching to grab under her armpits and hoist her out of her seat. Her fingers tangle in the strands of your hair. She seems bigger—heavier than she was before. It makes your chest ache. She sits on your hip as you spin her slowly, a sort of sashay around the perimeter of the rug.
"My big girl. Have you had fun with Mina?"
Katsuki watches you with lazy interest from his spot on the couch. Mina immediately busies herself with another task—folding blankets, cleaning up toys. You don't waste your breath telling her she doesn't have to. You'd already tried once, and she waved you off like a pesky fly.
"I'm not doing this because I have to, honey," she reminded you, not bothering to look up from pulling clothes out of the washing machine. "I want to."
At seven months, Kaeda has started to crawl. Or, sort of. It's more like an army crawl, with her little legs propelling her, in a way, across the ground. She gets antsy in your arms, and fusses to be put down.
"I hear ya, I hear ya," you murmur softly, bending to guide her to the soft ground. "Go nuts."
She does, squirming her way across the rug—right to Katsuki. She reaches where his arm hangs over the edge of the couch—and gives it a good, solid smack, her little palm splayed open across his skin.
"What th—y'little brat—"
He peers over the couch at her, and she squeals, clearly enamored by the game she's forced him into. She tries it again—winds up, determined, with her arm up by her head—but he snatches it up before it lands. This time it's a screech that leaves her, all of the air pushed out of her lungs to make room for the belly laugh that she dissolves into when he makes a big show of eating her grubby little fingers.
It was never a surprise to you that Katsuki was so good with Kaede. It was unexpected, though, how much he wanted to be around her. You'd asked about it once, after spending several moments watching him carry her around like a football and seemingly enjoying it, and he'd only shrugged.
"She's cooler than you, so."
You'd laughed, only a little indignant, shoving him lightly. He'd hissed at you to be careful, don't you see the fuckin' baby here, which made you laugh harder. It was absurd, this wall of a man toting around a tiny, slobbering infant.
She was just as enamored with him. She would seek him out anytime he was in her line of vision, often fighting her way out of your grasp to get to him. It reminded you of the way cats seem to flock to the one person that doesn't like cats—she'd picked the meanest looking man in the room and latched on.
Like mother, like daughter, you suppose.
"Do you have a name picked out?"
It was late—your head hung off the edge of the bed, which seemed to be the only position that didn't send acid reflux straight up your throat, oddly enough. Takeshi sat up at the other end, your feet in his lap while he pressed his thumbs into the soles of them.
"No," you told him honestly, "truthfully, I'm drawing a blank."
He'd hummed, hands moving up to get at your swollen ankles. "What about Kaede?"
"Kaede," you rolled the syllables around in your mouth, testing the shape of it. It felt nice. "How come?"
"I just—want her to be strong." It was thoughtful as it left him, hanging around in the air above your heads. "I want her to be like a maple tree."
"Like a tree," you repeated dryly, making him snort.
"You know! Like, rooted and strong. But able to change and sway in the wind, all that."
"Wow," you breathed, smiling, "you are so corny."
He sputtered, trying to defend himself, "It's not corny—!"
"Alright, alright," you reached down to pat the duvet, trying to placate him from afar, "Kaede. I like it."
Katsuki was the first one in the room after Kaede was born.
It was—unconventional—and you were made well aware of that by the open gawking of the nurses, but Takeshi didn't mind. You felt some guilt, fueled by the reaction of those around you, and told him as much.
"I'll have the rest of my life to hold her," he'd said. "I'll go grab him."
How sad it was to remember that moment now.
You'd closed your eyes for only a moment before you were stirred by a familiar hand on the crown of your head. You'd blinked and were startled to find him visibly concerned.
"You look like shit," he'd said, tilting your head to each side, as if to check for injury. It made you smile.
"Yeah, well, you push a watermelon out of the smallest orifice in your body and let me know how you feel."
He'd gagged, which made you laugh, which hurt.
"Oh, don't do that," you exhaled, long and controlled, "Everything hurts."
He'd gone quiet for a moment, watching you shift and settle back into the bed, wires and leads twisting and clanging off the plastic railing.
"Y'r okay?"
It made you smile. "I am. She's so beautiful, Kat. I can almost forgive her for totally wrecking me on the way out."
As if on queue, the child in question let out a grunt from her spot in the little plastic cradle—moving like a grub, swaddled. He looked at you for another long moment before rising to see for himself. He stopped, too far from the crib, and bent at the waist for a better view. You snorted.
"You can get closer, Katsuki. It's fine."
Another step toward her and he'd stopped again, clearly maxed out on his own comfort. The smile pulled at your cheeks so tightly that it ached.
He looked back at you, and then again to her. It was comical, how fascinated he'd seemed by the tiny person in front of him. And then, over his shoulder—
"You shit the bed?"
You groaned, bringing your hand up to cover your face, mindful of the IV. "I think I did."
His laugh was a crackling thing, echoing around the sterile walls of your room, and Kaede didn't stir at all.
When you step foot outside, it's immediately apparent how long it'd been since you last did.
It's a sort of sensory overload—the bright light and the birds and the passing cars and the knowledge that someone has been keeping up with your lawn while you rotted away inside.
From the shaky lines that cut into the grass at odd angles, you have a hunch it was Denki.
Mina accompanies you to the mailbox, as requested. Her arm, strong and assuring, looped through yours as she all but drags you down the short drive to the edge of the road.
You open the box, and immediately shut it.
All of it is for Takeshi.
"Oh sh—sugar," Mina hisses, as if you were not an adult with a fully formed (and often colorful) vocabulary. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't think about that."
You shake your head. It's an inevitable thing that you don't have the energy to waste the tears on. "Will you sit with me?"
You end up on the porch swing, the metal springs above your head creaking with each suspended shove of your toe off the porch. It's a nice day, you think, trying hard not to find that particularly egregious.
Inside, you hear the squeal of your daughter, followed by the grumbling of Katsuki. It sounds a bit like a lecture that Kaede seems to think is hilarious. Another laugh—this time Denki.
"I'm really glad you're all here," you say eventually, quiet under the buzz of the world around you. "I know it's hard to put your own lives on hold."
She reaches for you, threading your fingers together and pulling them into her lap. "It's not hard at all. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I know the boys feel the same."
You lean your head against her shoulder, the gentle swaying lulling you somewhere else—on a beach, maybe. With the wind in your hair and salt on your lips. Anywhere but the home that your child's dead father haunts.
"Has Bakugou left at all?"
You snort. "I don't think so."
She sighs, shaking her head. You can hear the smile in it. "He's a real mother hen, that one."
You smile, feeling fond. A mother hen, and your protector.
The breeze turns colder, and Mina shivers. You focus your quirk into the hand she holds—the first time you've used it in quite some time.
She sighs. "God, that's nice. Way better than Blasty's in there."
Her chin presses into the crown of your head when she opens her mouth to speak, and then closes it again. Suddenly she's a little tense, like she's trying to build up her nerve.
"You can say it," you offer gently.
"I was just wondering if you'd stay here."
You've thought about it. It's been hard not too, with the way you can barely get yourself to open your bedroom door at this point. You'd spent every night on the couch with Bakugou since that night.
"No." You speak quietly, as if it's a secret between you. It feels strange to say it out loud. You think, if Takeshi is lingering, you don't want him to hear this. "I just—I don't know where to go. We'd planned to raise her here."
Here, in the home that you love. In the home that you can't bear to spend one more night in.
"Did he have..." She trails off, reconsidering. "I mean, did you get a..."
"Yes," you say, already knowing what she's asking. "I was paid out last week. I put all of it away in an account for Kaede." You sigh, sitting up to straighten out the kink that now exists in your neck. "With my job, we're fine. It's more...the principle of the thing. This is her home."
Mina squeezes your hand gently. "She's a baby, honey. She won't remember it. This was your home."
You tilt your head back, willing away the sting of fresh tears and the irritation you feel at having done so well today until this point.
"Yeah," you sniff, closing your eyes, "it was."
Time passes in waves. Slowly, creeping, and then all at once.
The longer you're in the house, the more you realize you can't stay. You are certain of it, the first time you're left alone.
Katsuki had stepped out to grab dinner. You'd all but shoved him out the door, assuring him that you'd be fine for the 20 minutes it took to pick the food up.
"Y'need anything, you call." It was the fourth or fifth time he'd said it to you.
"Alright, alright," you tell him, trailing down the front steps behind him. "I will, I promise."
When you shut the door behind you again, there's a feeling of lethality to it—a debilitating silence that you haven't heard in four months.
You don't want to go any further into the house. You do, only to grab Kaede, and then you're right back outside. It starts to rain, and it feels fitting. You sit under the awning behind your daughter as she sticks her toes out into the drizzle, curling them with each drop that falls on her skin. You think about how overwhelming it must be as a baby—how new everything is.
It's less than 15 minutes later when Katsuki pulls into the driveway. He's out of his truck and in front of you in record time, frowning at you like he already knows something's wrong. Kaede reaches for him, and he scoops her up like it's muscle memory. He waits for you to talk. A moment passes.
"I can't be here anymore," you whisper, shaky. He looks at Kaede for a long moment, like she could have something offer on the topic.
"Alright," he says, reaching for the front door with his free hand, "pack a bag."
It takes you longer than you thought it would. You'll be back—you have to come back, because you can't take everything right now—but it feels final. The beginning of the true end. There's a framed picture of you and Takeshi at your baby shower on your nightstand. You consider taking it with you—instead, you turn it face down and move on.
By the time you manage to shove a hoodie, some shorts, a few pairs of underwear and your toiletries into a bag, Katsuki has already packed two bags for Kaede and put her in her carrier. You just look at him, wholly dumbfounded.
"You good?"
You look at him for another beat. "Yeah, fine."
The drive to Katsuki's isn't long. You follow him in your car, not wanting to leave it in your driveway. Kaede is with Katsuki, something you didn't fight him on.
You spend 10 of the 15 minute drive flipping through radio stations before you finally turn it off. You're left in silence, and you're now well and truly alone for the first time since Takeshi died.
You suck in a breath, trying to dislodge the thing that has lived in your chest everyday since.
"You knew something was wrong," you say, out loud, to no one. "You knew something was wrong, and you didn't tell me."
You picture him next you—mouth opening to respond, to defend himself. You beat him to it.
"It was preventable," your heart breaks again. "There was no reason—"
You'd tried to keep this at bay—the knowledge that Takeshi's death was meaningless. You hadn't heard a word the doctor said, but you'd read the pathologist's report. It was too hard, too much to process with everything else that needed tended to, but your brain seems to take advantage of every quiet moment you get.
"You left her without a father," your breath comes ragged, both hands gripping the steering wheel tightly to make up for the tears that threaten to block out your vision, "you—you left me,"
With impeccable timing, no sooner than you pull into Katsuki's apartment complex and park do you dissolve completely, curling in on yourself in your seat. It's crushing, this grief and this anger together inside a body that surely cannot hold all of it.
You don't see Katsuki when he approaches your driver's side door. You don't see him when he hesitates, one arm holding Kaede and the other outstretched as if you grab hold of you and pull you from your suffering himself. You don't see when he decides against it—when he turns around to leave you to do what you need to do on your own.
In a way, you start to feel lighter. Like something has shifted, like the boulder in your chest has fragmented just enough to let a breath through.
You get Kaede up on your own today. You let yourself linger over her, leaning on the side of the pack-n-play to watch her as she sleeps. Her little eyelashes frame her round cheeks, fluttering with whatever dream she's in the middle of.
The upturn of her nose, the slope of her forehead—these are things she gets from Takeshi. The curve of her eyes, the shape of her fingernails—those are yours. She is the most even mix of two people you’ve ever seen, and something about that makes losing Takeshi a little easier. It would’ve been a lot harder if she had simply taken his face. 
She stirs as if she’s felt your thorough examination. “Hey, sweetheart,” you coo, reaching down to pull her up. She lays her head down on your shoulder, sleepy, and something about it brings tears to your eyes so suddenly that you startle yourself. 
This tiny person that relies on you for everything. This little girl that fits so easily in your arms. She is yours, to keep safe and happy and content. She is a promise you made, both to Takeshi and yourself. She is the thing that will keep you going, even when you’re certain you cannot take another step. She is the thing you have to show up for, no matter what. 
“I’m so sorry, baby,” your voice is tiny as it is watery, whispered into her hair, to her already sleeping form. You stand there, in the middle of Katsuki’s spare bedroom, rocking your child and letting the tears fall down in fat drops—and it feels like the most normal thing in the world. “I’m so sorry. I’m here.”
It’s only when you turn your head that you see Katsuki lingering in the doorway. You open your mouth to tell him that you’re alright, but you only manage something wounded, something pathetic and broken and painful. He’s in front of you in an instant, unwinding Kaede from your hold and putting her back into the pack-n-play, still sleeping. It’s only another second before he’s dragging you to him, nearly crushing you to his chest. It pulls another wave of tears from you, because it feels good. To be held, and to be held by Katsuki, who would reduce every source of your pain to ash if he could. He holds you like he means to keep you intact—to put you back together the best he can. The only person who has ever held you like this, meant it like this.
Six months, 13 days, and 11 hours after Takeshi dies, something changes.
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part 2 soon. thanks for reading, love u. <3
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rebo-chan · 2 months
Hello, everyone. To today's episode of Tumblr user Rebo-chan loses her mind and assigns each and every Vongola guardian a flower that I have painstakingly searched high and low for (I wish I was being dramatic, I got too invested in this as I worked on it). Is this done in a state of mania? Perhaps, but I am diseased by COVID-19 as we speak and this is what I will do with the time I am meant to be resting with. Nonetheless we must get started. Content under the cut, because I can NEVER make a short post. It's against my core beliefs clearly.
Sawada Tsunayoshi:
The European Orange Lily (Lilium bulbiferum)
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My reasoning for this starts with the fact that the "lily" itself has a lot of different meanings, but the important aspect of the lily is that its considered the spring flower and represents often meanings of renewal and rebirth. The very messaging for our sweet boy, a life restarted after he meets his mentor. An orange lily specifically has meanings dipped into warmth, joy, passion (In regards to his devotion to those he loves), 'welcoming' to new opportunities in your life (lol), and most importantly - confidence and pride. Something that he grows to be over the course of his renewal, pride in his friends. Confidence in his strength to protect them. KHR is a story about a nobody becoming somebody strong enough to protect them, even and especially when they falter themselves. It should also be noted that in Hanakotoba (Japanese flower language), orange lilies represent 'revenge and hatred'. Which I think is a factor of Tsuna we can't ignore, as sweet as he is, TYL Tsuna's actions become darker the more you think about them. Tsuna can and has killed when a villain has overstepped too far, and never forget that he just wanted to know "who" Yamamoto's attacker was. For no reason, just to look at him, maybe shake his hand lol. Fr though, that boy's made of fire, both to keep his loved ones warm and to burn their enemies. I think the orange lily fits him nicely.
Also yes, I'll do my best to color-code these flowers~
Gokudera Hayato:
A Red Fressia
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So, its quite hard actually to find any sort of 'red' flowers that aren't about some sort of romantic-esque devotion. Just being a red flower inherently puts you in that category of 'passion, love, marriage' meanings when it comes to flowers. It's a real struggle, but luckily he's our only red character amongst the Vongola kids. Okay, so the Freesia is represented by the concept of friendship and ultimate trust. I think it was easier for me to find a flower that represents devotion or duty and tack it on to Gokudera, but I think that's just looking at him on the surface. The story behind the freesia is that the botanist who found them in South Africa decided to name it after his friend as a symbol of their friendship. Very lovely :)<3 For all of Gokudera's dutiful affection for Tsuna, a lot of it is based on the fact that Tsuna was his first friend and the person who he trusted first. His eventual character growth and bonding with the other guardians came as he allowed himself to trust them, when he realized that his 'duty' that he believed to be absolute was above his bonds. Rather, it's his bonds that strengthen his resolve to be the perfect right hand man. Due to the intense representation of friendship and trust, freesias are given to a loved one to represent commitment to them, not unlike Gokudera's commitment to Tsuna and therefore the Vongola family unit. It should also be noted that in Hanakotoba, freesias also have a negative meaning which is childishness and immaturity which I do feel is something that Gokudera has to work through in order to become the best version of himself and has done quite well at by the end of the series. He's our little friendship blossom :)<3 Yamamoto Takeshi: Himalayan Blue Poppy
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Let me start this by complaining that 'blue' flowers are so fucking rare, it took me forever to find something matched and was also color-coded with Yamamoto, that didn't dip into too indigo, because of the rarity of a nicely blue flower. To start, blue as a color has all those lovely Yamamoto vibes of being calming, easy on the mind, tranquility, all that beautiful stuff we know Yamamoto to be. (It's almost like Amano color-coded her characters guys..) Poppies themselves got a bit of cultural significance in the West, being the flowers given to WW1 soldiers after they'd passed as a way of remembrance. They're also known for growing in desolate war-torn areas, just a patch of poppies as well as having many soldiers buried with a poppy with them in honor. With that the poppy itself has themes of death, honor, lessons, tradition and remembrance. With Yamamoto’s connection to the Poppy flower, Yamamoto himself is..pretty death-coded. HEAR ME OUT. HEAR !! ME OUT!!!! Varia arc, Squalo ‘dies’ against Yamamoto. Future arc, Tsuyoshi is killed for Yamamoto being involved with the Vongola, Shimon with Yamamoto himself getting nearly killed and then that big moment where he offers to kill Daemon in retaliation for what was done to Kaoru. While not canon as well, the primo fillers are about Yamamoto dealing with the fact he DIDNT kill daisy and how he felt he had to be less easy-natured and actually go for the kills from now on. And of course, his attempt during daily life when he could not do what he loved anymore. He’s VERY death-coded y’all. But the poppy itself isn’t just some omen of death, but the lessons one can gather from those who have passed. Yamamoto’s own battle style is about taking the lessons of those before him who carried Shigure Soen Ryu and then growing upon that to carve a new and improved future for himself and those he cares about. He adapts to their lessons, what Squalo and Tsuyoshi have to teach him. On the fly, continuing the Shigure legacy and creating more moves to eventually pass on to the one that succeeds him. In general, he carries any lessons he has up until the end of the series and tries to never make the same mistake again. Whether that’s his lessons against the Mists he’s battled, his loss against Squalo for not having a proper sword style, and though he doesn’t get a chance against Gamma again, he’s always understood the importance of teamwork. That being said, he’s not just a poppy. He’s a Himalayan Blue Poppy. You see the himalayan blue poppy has a different meaning outside that of the ones that the other poppies do. With its rarity, it also represents success, potential, pursuit of dreams, and possibility.  Yamamoto is the Vongola family’s prodigy, a natural born hitman, the star baseball player on his team. Stuck at a crossroads between his dream and being able to be in a position to protect the ones he loves. An impossibly difficult choice to make, yet Yamamoto handles it with ease. He just won’t choose! He’ll do both! Which fights very nicely with the Hanakatoba meaning of the poppy. “Fun-loving” “A reminder to remember happiness.” Along with general blue color meanings of tranquility, that is Yamamoto to his core, I believe. When things get their worst, he is there to remind everyone that it is never as bad as it feels. To wash away the blood spilled, that is the role of the Vongola Rain Guardian. His crossroad isn’t an issue to him, because that’s not what he fights for! He fights to make things easier for everyone, so they may remember happiness. That sort of thing doesn’t exactly need him to make a choice on his path. Now, does it? If he’s forced to choose, he will just carve out new possibilities for himself and the ones that he loves with the lessons he’s learnt. 
Lambo Bovino: Green Envy Zinnia
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Contrary to the title, the green envy zinnia has nothing to do with envy. Quite the opposite, actually. The zinnia itself represents endurance (HEAR. ME. OUT LOL), lasting affection, joy, and various other things. So, the zinnia is super fucking tough, again hear me OUTTTT. They bloom all the way from springtime to autumn, something pretty unheard of from flowers which gave them their meaning. A green envy Zinnia specifically represents growth or a journey. Wishes of a healthy and successful growth. And I believe that is the hope for Lambo, as he progresses through the series. He is quite literally a child, both himself and TYL. But that’s just the thing for him, to the one that chose the guardians (Iemitsu, it’s very implied that it was Iemitsu), Lambo is an INVESTMENT. And a correct one if twenty years old Lambo was anything to go by. Not only that, the zinnia represents a joyous endurance. This doesn’t have to be painful for him, and it’s not as he’s allowed to both be a kid in Tsuna’s care while also holding on tight when told to stay out of the fight. (“You have to take the younger me wherever you go, he wants to go with you.”). And as a bit of an angsty little hehe on my part, the zinnia also represents missing those who have passed, that you remember someone and love them even now that they’re not with you. (“Seeing you all again, I thought the day would never happen. It’s making me emotional.”) Honestly, judging by how Lambo fights when he gets the opportunity to properly do it, he just isn’t weak. Destroying Kikyo’s box animal, fighting against Ooyama, and of course against Levi too. In Hanakotoba, the Zinnia represents loyalty. He is their youngest blossom, enjoying being around the one he considers a brother with hidden potentials to grow into someone with the ability to be Vongola’s shield. If the ones he loves ever make it to see that sight, of course. 
Ryohei Sasagawa: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 
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Okay, so the yarrow is first of all a funky flower. If you’ve never seen OTHER colors of the yarrow flower, I implore you to google it. Especially the red ones? Why are you so pretty? Lucky enough for this flower (and me I’m starting to lose my mind here, this was a much bigger task than I thought it would be) the different colors don’t change the meaning of the flower here which is neat. It also unfortunately has no hanakotoba meaning either. So, anyway. The yarrow. It represents a warrior’s bravery, protection, and healing. The healing comes from the fact that its a commonly used herb for bruises, cuts, and sprains. There’s also huge folklore around it which affects its scientific name, as Achilles used yarrow to take care of the men he was in charge of. This flower was also used as a ward against evil, where people would hang this outside of their homes in order to protect them from evil getting inside. A superstition developed around this leading to Yarrow to be named the devil’s nettle to refer to the belief that the devil would come around and shake the yarrow that people hung up due to wanting to curse them. This flower also represents strong everlasting love, to the point where a little tradition propped up where people would shove this flower up their nostrils whenever they had a nosebleed so if they dreamt about their crush it meant that they liked them back lol. Yall there was so much rich lore on this flower, it’s super neat. More than I could fit in here. Anyway, I’m sure yall see the connection with Ryohei acting as the group older brother, being the motivating factor for them. He was the first to go up during Varia arc and set the tone for the rest of the battles, that the Vongola would win. Last to show up during future, representing that all of them had finally been reunited. A draw against Aoba, again the very first battle, almost symbolizing HOW shimon would end. He’s the strength in their arms, acting as the last person to leave in future arc until they were ready to go. Taught them and helped lead them to make decisions during that arc. It’s almost his duty to protect the younger ones, even getting up on Hibari’s case in the fillers for not helping out his younger classmen. We can’t even dismiss the way he would prefer to shield Kyoko from everything that they go through, and getting aggressive with Tsuna when Tsuna broke something he thought both of them saw eye to eye on.  Not much rattles him, honestly if you pay attention to his scenes, only getting the most nervous and agitated TRULY when he fears he won’t be able to protect someone (Asking Tsuna how Kyoko reacted to the news, Tozaru getting on his case about Lambo coming to the battle) Otherwise, he’s his happy loud confident self ready to tackle on anything for the sake of the family. Destroying the misfortune that attacks the family with their own body, the yarrow represents that duty well. For every bruise the younger one gets, Ryohei has the ability to heal it. For every fear, Ryohei tackles it first. Acting as a ward and protector for his family. Hibari Kyoya
Clematis (Etoile Violette)
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Clematis is a climbing flower, to start with. One of those flowers that grow along walls and vines. It’s a very adaptable flower, able to work with various environments and thrive amongst them. They’re known as the traveler’s joy, meant to wish travelers good luck and act as protection to those who pass by them. While also having a more negative reputation, having “killed” other plants by outcompeting them considered having done the devil’s work. (The plant is actually considered invasive aha oops) The clematis though, itself represents mental fortitude, cleverness, and the ability to find hope in perilous situations. Hibari himself, I mean just that back and forth reputation is just him, no? Acting as Namimori’s protector, keeping a watchful eye on the town while also being utterly terrifying for Namimori students and almost overwhelming to those competing with him. (Dino will only find escape from Hibari in death, Mukuro is the same) But, he is also undoubtedly Vongola’s wall. Similar to Ryohei, not once throughout the series really and truly faltering. The clematis itself with its representation in mental fortitude can be given to someone when they need mental strength. I think the best way to represent this is directing you to that moment in Shimon arc when Tsuna, while not physical beaten, had been mentally tormented by everything that had happened and Hibari came to his battle to Adel. A simple, but strong “Little animal, your face right now is dull. Watch my fight.” It’s in that fight Tsuna gets his mental strength back, being given a hint to answer the question he’s been stressing and faltering over. Then there’s future arc, having been the only one TYL Tsuna trusted with the plan. Kokuyo Arc, Gokudera seeing an already defeated Hibari and taking him to the battle. Varia arc, the gang realizing that if Hibari is fighting next then they may have already won it and refusing to succumb to the poison in the sky battle. Rainbow arc, Tsuna considering them in that list of people he “just expects to help him.” He has the ability to be their hope, to be another factor of their strength. Where Ryohei is holding them up on the physical aspect, Hibari is absolutely their mental strength. (Isn’t it charming that the two eldest are the pillars of their group? I think it is). Also, in Hanakotoba, the clematis represents moral beauty and order. And that’s just the kinda man who could run something like the discipline committee, isn’t? The special thing, finally is that the etoile violette represents a sense of freedom from troubles. A free man, unchained himself and choosing to help those younger than him. Sometimes for the thrill of a battle, sometimes to actually help them with the reputation of a devil. Unpredictable, but still trusted.  It’s the sky that allows the clouds to roam freely, but even someday that sky will be beaten to death. 
Chrome Dokuro
Lupine (Blue Bonnet)
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The Lupine flower is before anything else, a second chance at life. A recovery from one’s trauma and the admiration that comes from that. Its gratitude and kindness put into one. There’s a legend around the lupine flower about a land full of drought where Native Americans had believed would be saved by selflessness and yet no one had come forward to do anything, until a young girl came forward and offered the last of her possessions. The rain came to fall at her sacrifice, and hundreds of lupines had blossomed from the ground saving the tribe from drought and hunger as the seeds of the Lupine could be harvested to be eaten. The Lupine represents that the world will always give back if you are willing to help. Chrome, from her introduction, is told to be a girl who has nothing. With two parents who want nothing to do with her and no friends by her side. She runs forward to save a kitten and is gravely injured. With neither of her parents willing to help her, Chrome wonders if she is going to die here but is offered a deal by Mukuro. It’s here that Chrome is offered her second chance and she spends the whole series trying to return the favor to Mukuro. All while healing from her own trauma, the type of trauma that “no one could care about her”, as she is offered food and bonds from Tsuna, Kyoko, Haru, I-pin, Bianchi, Hibari, and so many others. It's in her second chance that she gets to experience what life truly had to offer her, as thank you for her continued selflessness. It’s that gratitude that she represents and the never-ending desire to give when she doesn’t accept Mukuro’s assistance anymore with her organs because she can no longer give him anything now that he’s out of Vindice Prison. She resolves that she will become someone who can protect the people she and Mukuro like. Her confidence isn’t perfect and she falters quite a bit, not believing that her powers are as great as those around her. But, that’s okay, because her goodness has brought her to people who have got her back until she can figure herself out. She has Mammon to correct her when her illusions are seen through that they are well made, but she’s just dealing with professionals and that’s why they’re seen through. There’s Tsuna who relies on her blindly, never doubting her strength to protect them as he asks her to act as defense during Shimon arc and protect Enma from his attack. Alongside with Fran, she is trusted to protect Yamamoto and Gokudera in the final battle against Vindice and taken with Tsuna against Jaegar. She has a lot of space to continue growing, but Lupin also represents voracity and happiness in Hanakotoba. She has her second chance to learn all about that, or as Mukuro put it to her, “An ending is merely the beginning of another cycle.”
Rokudo Mukuro
Aconitum (Wolfsbane)
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Wolfsbane is also referred to as Monkshood. This is another one with pretty rich lore with its connection to werewolves. It’s referred to as “queens of the poisons” and has a pretty negative message to it on the outside. First of all, this thing’s poison? TOUGH AS HELL. Delirium, frothing at the mouth, vision impairment, and of course the classic coma<3 It’s got an uncanny resemblance to what rabies actually looks like. Fun, right? Okay, fr though onto its meaning. Wolfsbane is an omen that danger is nearby, not unlike the unnerving feeling Tsuna gets whenever he senses Mukuro nearby. Said to have come from Hell itself, the saliva that has dripped down from Cerberus himself. Not unlike our sweet boy. But, being an omen does not always represent something bad. Is he bringing the danger to you, or is he warning you of the true danger that lies past him? It’s a little bit of both. Aconitum represents concealed wisdom and caution in decision-making. But it also DOES represent protection, a proper and true warning of the dangers of the wild. That beauty does not always mean safe. For his twisted sense of vengeance and believing that taking over the world is the only way to destroy it for the sake of what was done to him, he isn’t necessarily wrong for being enraged about what happened to him. Yet, despite his hate, he doesn’t drag those who he cares about further down into it than he has to. He sends Ken and Chikusa away when they are going to get caught, he never uses Chrome for anything besides as a vessel to help her, and he says during Rainbow arc that if he forced Fran to continue past his limits he’d be no better than those nasty adults of his past. Aconitum balances sweetly between light and darkness, similar to Mukuro. He won’t admit it, but he cares for those amongst the Vongola. He infiltrates the Millefiore and sends the Vongola information after Tsuna’s death, he helps Chrome form a barrier around Enma so he could be safe from Tsuna’s X-Burner. And, of course he teams up with Vongola’s team during the rainbow arc. These are undoubtedly kind actions,  but when Tsuna gets angry at Mukuro during Rainbow claiming that he didn’t believe that Mukuro was the type to abandon his allies, Mukuro says that that was just his idea of him. Even though it was Chrome ultimately rejecting him, he instead pretended that he really was some big bad heartless person. Definitely, Mukuro is no angel, but also he’s no demon either. He’s.. just a human at the end. The aconitum’s dance with both light and dark, a flower that tries to warn, can be read both good and bad depending on how you look at it. His rejection of his ‘official’ position as part of the Mafia, yet acting as the Vongola Mist Guardian when their goals align. He’s as confusing as the duty he embodies, but he succeeds nonetheless in ensuring the family is untouchable in his deceptions. After all, the best way to fool your enemies is to fool your allies first.
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
I saw someone else write something similar but I'd love to hear your take on this prompt; "awkward things kengan characters do that ruin the mood during sex" You can pick any characters you want but please include Wakatsuki if you can.
LOL!!! This is gonna be fun.
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Characters : Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Warning : Mention of - slapping, spitting, spanking, choking, biting, degradation, hair pulling, scratching, oral, breeding, gentle sex, bruising
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Cosmo Imai
Playing too much and then getting distracted until he pretty much loses his hard-on.
He'll be too busy playing around, fake punches to your pussy, playing with your breasts like it's jello, squishing your thighs, and acting like his hands are little people as they bounce up and down. You'll keep on trying to get his attention, you'll stroke his cock, get him back focused, play with your clit, and help him guide his fingers into your pussy, but no matter how much you try, some days are more difficult than others to keep his attention and then before you know it, he's lost his hard-on and he's busy exploring your body, playing and goofing off.
He doesn't always do that, some days he's very focused especially when he's pent up or just having a major adrenaline rush.
Jun Sekibayashi
Calling out wrestling moves while he plows you.
Jun is an older man and he's more practiced in the act, he knows how to please you and how to get focus on the matter at hand, but he'll sometimes mess with you, shouting out weird ass wrestling moves that either actually exist or just some random bullshit that he made up at the moment, you'll bust out laughing at the random shouts as he'll pretend to drop an elbow on your back, or when he slaps your ass.
He'll yell out some weird shit when he getting ready to thrust in, making you roll your eyes in annoyed fondness. It was weird and it didn't always ruin the mood, but most of the time it did. It wasn't a normal occurrence, he was usually more in the mood but sometimes he liked to dick around.
Kanoh Agito
Asking weird-ass question
Agito is a sweetheart, he really is, he enjoys the act as a whole, but he also doesn't understand some things and he'll ask you questions like you knew the damn answer to them. "Why does the clitoris, when stimulated, make you cum?"... "Why does your vagina clench when you're feeling pleasured?".... "Why are the nipples stimulus for pleasure?"... "Do all women have this thing call, 'A G-spot'?". You'd roll your eyes, head propped up on your hand as you lay on your stomach, legs gap as you feel him picking around back there.
"Why does my cock pulse?"... "Why is semen white?"... "I understand sex, but I don't understand why certain things work the way they do." ... It was an eye-rolling experience, you wished that he'd ask these questions when ya'll weren't in the middle of the damn act. Kanoh wasn't unknowledgeable when it came to sex, he knew the basics of it all, but he just couldn't comprehend certain things was all.
He didn't always flood you with questions, sometimes he'd get down and dirty with the deed and will be focused on you and himself, but he gets his days when he does.
Kaolan Wongsawat
Having Saw Paing bust in
Kaolan had no issues in the bedroom, he was perfect, ready for the task at hand, prepared to pleasure you and himself, but the only issue is his added package, Saw Paing Yoroizuka. Honestly, if you knew that a monthly check-in was regular for him, you would've made the most of it every time you had sex. And what makes it worst, and that it's random monthly check-ins. He never does it on the same day, it's always random as hell and totally unexpected, but it's extremely rare when it's during sex, but that was the only mood killer surrounding Kaolan.
Having Saw bust in, asking for a fight at the top of his damn lungs will always scare the mood out of you, you'd be too paranoid that he'd come back in again, so Kaolan will be forced to have blue balls.
Kiryu Setsuna
Shouting Ohma's fucking name like he's actually here, like what the fuck?
He'd always have you in doggy style, face down and silent, not wanting you to ruin the illusion that he was under as he'd call Ohma's name over and over again or he'd have you plow him from behind with a strap-on if you're a woman and with your own dick if you were a male. But he'd always be shouting and screaming Ohma's name like the man was actually here.
It was already a mood killer the moment he comes in with his big ass Ohma plushy, like where the fuck did he even get that shit from, the man's origin is unknown and he's already got a damn plush? It makes it worst when he has the toy facing him, wether you're in doggy style or you're behind him.
Ohma Tokita
Honestly, just him taking it as a challenge to see who can either cum the fastest or who can last the longest.
He didn't always do it, he was usually pretty chill, hitting it from the back real good, having you gushing pussy juice and slobbering everywhere while you be dick-drunk off him, but somedays he'd just transform on your ass.
He'll just suddenly go picking up speed, muttering to himself, talking about some crazy shit with his imaginary dead-ass father figure, and honestly the moment you hear that muttering, you already knew what time it was, he was gonna be on that bullshit. You'd roll your eyes, preparing yourself to either enjoy it or just have a quicky. He'd either start giving deeper, longer, harder thrusts or he'd give shorter faster ones. You preferred the deeper, longer, harder ones because you were guaranteed to cum, but the quick ones were just as good... only when you were already close.
Raian Kure
Just being a damn brute of an asshole
You're already prepared for a rough time because that's just who he was and you honestly loved it, but sometimes, he just does too much. The name-calling is cool. Degradation. The hair pulling, scratching, slapping, and choking are also accepted. Masochist. Spitting, biting, and licking was also welcomed. Claiming. Pumping you full of cum was always a guaranteed result so that was already a given. Breeding. That was all a package deal.
But sometimes, he'd get a little too rough. The name-calling would get ridiculous. "Fish-smelling bitch, hairline damn near close to the back of your neck, saggy titty bitch, neck wrinkle game strong today." The 'abuse' would be too rough. Slapping you so hard you feel like your asscheek busted, pulling your hair so hard you hear it rip, the scratching a little too deep for your liking, and the choking almost fucking murderous. The spitting was just downright disrespectful, the biting so deep you think he has watched some damn Baki and was trying to pull a Pickle, and the licking was okay honestly.
Honestly, if he already fucks up with the name-calling, then he is already done for the day because you knew for damn sure that your hairline is not that damn bad, and your neck isn't wrinkly and your titties ain't that saggy.
Rei Mikazuchi
Just being too much of a bitch to handle pussy.
He could usually do pretty good, he was pretty normal, aside from the part that somedays he was more needy and whiny than others, and the moment he enters you and god forbid the moment he sees your pussy he cums on the spot, it was rare but it wasn't nearly exotic enough to where it was uncommon.
Most days he's okay, but he's had too many moments when he's been like that. On days like those you'd just give him a lap dance and call it a day because he'll cum in his pants and then he'll go to sleep.
Saw Paing
Literally screaming your ear drums out or just thrusting too damn hard till it hurts.
Saw was usually pretty tamed during sex surprisingly, he'd usually be more relaxed and quiet, but sometimes he'd get a little too excited. Screaming so loud your ears ring or just thrusting so hard till it just hurts too much.
You'd have to try and calm him down, and most times it worked but somedays he'd just be too railed up, you'd have to push him off and either finish him off orally or tell him to beat his damn meat because you only got one pussy bitch.
Seishu Akoya
Literally just too rough at times
Akoya could be chill when having sex, he can be relaxed and sensual. he knows how to please you, he knows how to give you pleasure, but somedays, he can just be too rough. His grip on your waist is so tight till it feels like his damn fingers are gonna bust the skin, he'd press down on your back so hard you think he gonna literally break it, his chokes are a little too extreme you think your neck is gonna snap from his grip.
Honestly, he was a ride-or-die type of motherfucker, you can never tell when he's gonna be too rough or just right, but one thing will always be sure, he had some good dick game.
Sen Hatsumi
Literally just too damn lazy or not serious enough.
Usually, he knew what to do, if you wanted to get pleasured in ways unimaginable, than Sen was your man, but he was just too damn lazy. However, he wasn't always that lazy, he had the work and the skills, he knew what he was doing, and sometimes he'd do all the work, but most times, you'd have to do it yourself. You have to rub your own clit, finger yourself, get yourself ready, ride him, even pull your own damn hair, it was a shame really. Or he just wasn't serious enough to actually focus on the task at hand.
He'd be too busy focusing on something, his dick barely getting hard enough to actually do anything with it, at least his eating game was always strong.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
Too scared to do anything
Sex was extremely rare with him, and understandably so, but whenever you do have sex, it is always so slow. It was never quick, rough, exciting.. nothing. You loved the man, he was sweet,, but he was just too slow. His fingering was heaven-sent, his fingers so damn thick, but it was slow, his foreplay was yawn-worthy, even a damn sloth would've been climbed down a tree and back up again. It was a strange yet pleasurable thing.
His foreplay was so gentle that sometimes you'd actually go to sleep, you'd feel bad when you'd wake up in an hour or two, but he'd sometimes be sleep too or he'd be off training somewhere. Most days you'd have to take the lead, but he wouldn't touch you on those days, leaving you wanting more, at least the dick was good.
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milky-fixx · 3 months
They looked way too good in suits.
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feat. adult!reborn, adult!skull, tyl!tsuna, tyl!xanxus, tyl!yamamoto
implied not sfw. afab reader. this is a repost of my old work
He always looked sinfully carnal, but tonight he was especially so. He knew you were watching him, if the amused glint he directed your way was anything to go by. That’s why he wasn’t surprised when you led him outside the gala and into a private restroom.
Before you could blink, he spun you around, hands gripped your waist as he pinned you against the wall with his hips. He nuzzled into your neck, chuckling.
“What’s gotten you all riled up, amore mio?”
When you responded by smashing your lips against his, clutching his face desperately, his lips tugged up into a smirk. You gasped when you felt him bite into your lower lip, and when you pulled away, his eyes were dark. 
“I think I have an idea,” he purred. “Why don’t I take care of you?”
You were…surprised by how well Skull cleaned up, considering his default outfit consisted of his motorcycle suit. Even so, it took you awhile of gawking at him in the entrance to your shared bedroom before he became flustered.
“W-What?” He rubbed his arm. “Do I look bad? I knew I should’ve taken out my lip piercing, dammit, your parents wouldn’t like that…” he mumbled, turning to walk away.
He was interrputed by your arms wrapping around his middle, holding him in place. He called out your name, flustered, before you answered. 
“You look amazing.” He shivered at the lust weighing down your words, how riled up you suddenly sounded. “So sexy, in fact, I might have to cancel plans with them….” 
Even though he was the boss of a mafia family, he still struggled with things like putting on his tie. You smiled as you offered your help and he sheepishly agreed.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he admitted, as you looped his tie around into a knot.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Well,” you said, stepping back to survey your work, and discreetly, the rest of him. Tsuna was always a cutie, but he had matured into such a… fine specimen. Especially in that suit. “I think you look… capable without me. Very capable. Boss.” You winked.
His eyes darkened, his hand shooting out to grasp your wrist before spinning you towards him. You landed in his arms with a squeak, his breath warm against your face, his gaze molten. 
“Boss, huh. I wonder what other names you’ll be calling me tonight.”
If he wasn’t so sexy in that suit, you would say he was an arrogant asshole. As it was, he was still both.
Some lackey from a small family had been chatting you up a little too friendly at the gala, and once Xanxus took notice, you can damn well be sure he told that trash to get a fucking life. But not before groping your ass in front of him, before declaring you were his woman.
And now you were in the bathroom, your legs wrapped around his frame, while he held you propped against the wall. His hand groped your breast roughy.
“Stupid. Why the hell are you entertaining loser trash?” He grunted. The sleeves of his jacket were shoved down, revealing his white button up.
You knew you shouldn’t incite him even further, but at the same… the sex was so much hotter when he was. 
“Maybe I just wanted to see you when riled up.”
No one came into the bathroom that night, deterred by the sounds the two of you made.
Takeshi was trying on the suit the Vongola tailor had made for him, and he asked for your opinion. You were surprised when you walked into the dressing room, and he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Takeshi?” You called out, before nearly screaming when you felt a hand wrap around your eyes. 
“Shh, it’s me.” You would recognize that playful voice anywhere.
“God, you scared me,” you said, swatting his hand away, before turning to face him…. Oh. Before ogling the way his slacks clung to his thighs, the way his shoulders looked so broad in that suit.
Yamamato, ever-observant, noticed your stare. You missed the wicked grin that stretched his face.
“Like what you see?” His voice was husky, and sent shivers down your spine.
You were already locking the door. “Very much so.”
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magewritesstories · 6 months
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summary: you and yuji, a couple? no, no way, you're just really close friends tw: none, you and yuji pull an adrien agreste note: in honour of someone asking me and a close friend if we were dating lol. word count: 501 words (small blurb not really a one-shot) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT'S NOT HARD FOR SOMEONE TO GET THE WRONG IDEA. I mean, anyone with an outside perspective seeing Yuji give you a piggyback ride to the school sports field would assume you were dating.
It's especially not hard for Setsuko, since she's been there to see the way you cling to Yuji every time something scary happens.
It's not hard for Takeshi to misunderstand either, not after the multiple times he's watched Yuji take the long way home just so that you wouldn't have to walk home alone.
Now, in hindsight, sure these are things that friends do for friends too but eventually the little acts start to pile up.
You're the one who indulges your pink-haired best friend and lets him rant on and on about the newest Jennifer Lawrence movie he's watched.
Yuji's the one that's already slinging your bag over his shoulder before you even start to—dramatically—complain about the fact that all your books are going to give you back hernia.
So, when that day Yuji shows up to P.E. wildly waving his hand in greeting with you on his back, equally enthusiastic, it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The rest of the day is spent observing you and Yuji. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that any of this is happening, simply brushing it off as your friends being their usual weird selves.
Eventually though, during the occult club meeting both teens sit the two of you down with angry stares (they really don't look that intimidating.)
"Okay, out with it," Setsuko orders, arms crossed, "Are you two dating or something?"
You and Yuji give her a confused look before turning towards each other and bursting out laughing simultaneously.
"Huh? Us?" You manage to reply between laughs, "That's very funny Sasaki-senpai."
Yuji nods, wiping away a tear dramatically. "Is this some kind of early April fool's joke?" He asks with a grin, "'Cause if it is I think you guys should stick to the supernatural genre."
Takeshi stares the two of you down in disbelief, "You're really not dating?"
"Nope, we're not," The pink-haired boy next to you replied, "Wait, what even made you think that?"
Now it's Takeshi and Setsuko's turn to share a disbelieving look. "The two of you act like newly-weds," Your upperclassman replies, "Without all the kissing."
"Really? I thought all friends acted that way?"
"Well, I suppose some do, but it's still weird."
You and Yuji shrug. "Well, we're not dating," You finally reply, "I think it's kinda funny that you thought we were though."
After that, the normal occult club meeting continues and neither of you mentions the strange question again.
And if either of you notices the way you suddenly can't hold eye contact with Yuji as long as you used to or the way the tips of Yuji's ears match his hair whenever you link your arm through his on the way back home, neither of you mentions it.
Yeah, definitely just close friends.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
For the tasea AU
There was this one fic I was reading where Lan xichen realizes no, Wei wuxian wasn't stringing his brother along. He doesn't know how lan wangji feels because his brother really never used his words.
Then I thought of Reborn and Hibari who *also* don't use their words. And wondered "who will bell *this* cat?" 😂
Who's going to be the one to point out to Reborn and Hibari that Skull and Tsuna don't know they care about them. Because that requires actual words. Especially when their actions don't speak for them in Civilian TM terms.
Gokudera verbally praises Tsuna daily, Takeshi shows it through his actions and words too, Chrome has plenty of loyalty and even Mukuro has an agreed upon contract with Tsuna that Tsuna can use as a basis of trust in their relationship. Heck, even Xanxus has shown through words and actions that he likes Tsuna (as family, not just the capital Family) and accepts him.
All Tsuna knows is.... that Hibari barely tolerates being around him. As for a rational reason (like Mukuro), Hibari gets to fight strong opponents as long as he's following Tsuna. There's really no grounds for trust or an emotional connection here. It's a wonder they even got flame bonded.
The less said about Skull and Reborn, the better. That's smh even worse than the mess between Tsuna and Hibari.
They really need someone to 'enlighten' them. And enroll them in communication classes.
Honestly a very large part of me wants it to be Verde who finally hits both of them with the clue-by-four.
He's widely considered the most emotionally inept of both groups combined so the idea of him being the one to casually turn to Reborn and Hibari during one of the now mandatory meetings to trade information on Skull and Tsuna's movements all "well it's not as if either of them are aware of your ,,, affections. You cannot expect them to complete the equation to your satisfactions without all of the variables. Also you're both assholes." and then just wander off all 'mic drop' is so fucking hilarious to me.
But I could also see it being one of the kids
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
There's nothing quite like gals being pals-- especially for bonobos. For adults of this species, roughly 60% of all sexual encounters are between females. Among primates, this is the highest rate of homosexuality, and is thought to create and reinforce social bonds.
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(Image: A group of bonobos (Pan paniscus) grooming each other by Takeshi Furuichi)
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