#and even if someone's personal lore is inspired by another person there's still differences in interpretation
I don’t know if you’ve already covered this, but I had a question to ask about the VDC in Book 5. To clarify, I understand that RSA needed to win for thematic and character arc purposes, and that in-lore it was an audience vote not a professional one. The story beats line up. But the choice of cutesy and childlike RSA performance over the more refined and professional NRC performance still doesn’t quite click with me. Is there some kind of cultural difference that didn’t translate to explain why one performance was supposed to be understood as preferred over the other? Even if it was an audience vote, the standards should be higher just by virtue of this being a big name competition for teenagers held at a prestigious school.
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Very quickly, I want to add a couple other points that help to explain why RSA won over NRC! Book 6 opens early on with Vil noting that NRC was not able to perform as well as they wanted to since they had just come out of a difficult battle against his OB form. (Because of this, he accepts responsibility for their loss.) Thus, the NRC performance may not have actually been as "refined", "professional", or as polished as we imagine it to be.
Additionally, it’s stated in book 5 that RSA’s song choice had universal appeal whereas NRC’s did not. We see this effect on the production crew when Neige and the Seven Dwarves do their practice run; their performance has a refreshing and soothing effect on what appears to be an older audience (as it plays to their nostalgia); we must consider this when evaluating RSA and NRC. For example, I know that I really disliked NRC's performance (sue me/j) because it sounded very oppressive and therefore unrelatable to me. The lyrics are literally about how NRC will dominate their opponents and win 😭 Sure, the music and lyrics for Neige's song aren't complex, but they're at the very least accessible and easy to follow along with. (That's not to say that I prefer RSA's performance though; I'm just explaining why someone might not find NRC's performance appealing.)
Lastly! We as players are looking at the two song + dance numbers from an omniscient perspective. We need to consider our own biases when judging, and accept that it may differ from the characters in-universe view things. Maybe you prefer NRC’s performance. That’s fair! But how much of that is informed by your personal music preferences? And how much of that comes from your attachment to the NRC characters, since you’ve followed their stories up until this point? As Rook points out in book 5, he’s aware of how hard NRC has worked to get here… but he’s also aware of Neige’s hardships too (er, in terms of his lifestyle; ie living with the dwarves and doing chores, etc.). Consider then, would you honestly not have a bias for RSA had Twisted Wonderland’s story centered on them instead of NRC?
It’s also worth noting that how things are seen in Twisted Wonderland may reflect its own unique culture rather than how we in the real world may perceive it. Maybe the people of Twisted Wonderland just prefer a cute, nostalgic performance. This may not necessarily correlate with west or east at all and that has always been a possibility! (While TWST does take inspirations from the real world, it’s not a 1:1 with the real world.)
dkhlbaiyfadvfoad Okay, NOW onto the actual question being pitched!
When you look at media from different countries, there are some stark differences in how the same information is presented. One example is like... any Gordon Ramsay show yes, I am using him as an example. Compare the American cut and the British cuts; there are much more loud sound effects, dramatic music, yelling, and cussing in the American cuts. The British cuts, by comparison, are notably quieter and contemplative, with hardly any cursing. Another example! Looking at variety shows from the east vs the west, they're quite different as well. Eastern variety shows tend to be "cute", usually using various cute sound effects or edits which make the guests appear more bashful (like drawing blush over their cheeks or something). We don't see this in western TV shows, which are louder and more boisterous. I've noticed a similar trend in the music industries of the east vs the west as well, where eastern stars tend to emphasize their youthfulness and playfulness and western stars try to be more "mature" and grown-up. These are just my personal observations and may not reflect reality, especially seeing as I am not involved in music-oriented spaces.
I asked friends and personal contacts in both eastern and western pop music fandom spaces for their own insights (which is also in no way representative of both fandoms, but at least this gives us other perspectives for consideration). To summarize, most of them replied that they did not think cultural differences account for this situation, since equating a preference for a "cute" aesthetic is not the same as RSA performing what is basically a nursery rhyme. There's no real-world equivalent for that (at least none that they can think of), and I agree with all of this. There’s really no point in trying to compare the two.
I remember lots of Japanese fans being upset at NRC’s loss too (when book 5’s ending was first put out), so the impression I got was they didn’t prefer the performance of RSA over NRC either. It was not just the international fandom that was disappointed. I don’t believe TWST ever intentionally set out to present “Everyone Yahoo!” as the “superior” song and dance number, or as the performance we’re supposed to like more than the other. It was very much framed as something pathetic and unlikely to win in most of the eyes of the NRC characters. They make fun of RSA’s clumsiness and claim it’ll be easy to win over them. The player most likely is supposed to think this way too—until Vil, the one with an eye for showbiz, realizes his loss. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what we think. What matters is how this clumsy performance will resonate with the common person.
What I think it ultimately comes down to is emotional appeal to the audience, which is more of a personal/individual level thing than a cultural thing. The competition is decided by audience vote. The average person honestly does not care about quality or standards. No one is giving them rules to evaluate by, no one is going to tell them off for not having strict standards. They will pick based on what they like best or whatever makes them feel good. And what will make anyone feel food, regardless of age, sex, race, education, socioeconomic status, etc.? Something cozy and familiar, thoughts of simpler times… Nostalgia.
Something else to think about is what a powerful motivator emotions can be. There are irl idol competition shows that are high stakes and decided by audience vote just like VDC/SDC… and people will still vote for their favorites even if they gave a technically bad performance. This is because fans are so emotionally invested in and attached to the performer. It doesn’t matter how “bad” they are, the performer/performance makes the audience member feel impassioned, and they will then act according to those intense feelings. Think about what you’re like when you’re in a terrible mood vs a good one. You act completely differently, right?
I hope that perspective helps! 🙏 I tried to be as thorough as I could be in this response, but please let me know if I misspoke or maybe missed a point.
P.S. I happen to be responding to this ask after TWST showed us the NRC Tribe’s dance performance in a MMD video. I wonder if this only made the “NRC should have own” crowd double down on that opinion since now we’re seeing just what their performance looks like 🤔 (though we don’t have a complete MMD video of Neige’s group to directly compare, just this which shows part of the dance and not in the same clumsy way that Neige and co. perform it).
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obitoslover · 3 months
Death Note x Naruto has taken over my brain these days, so I did another au (inspired by a friend's psychoanalysis on Madara who made me like bipolar Madara hc)
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Basically, Madara take Light Yagami's place as Kira, killing criminals. One of the differences, tho, is that he doesn't wanna be acknowledged, since it would make his objective a lot harder
Kaguya is the shinigami, yey!! Should've I used Black Zetsu due to his nonhuman look? Yes, but I wanted to make Kaguya with a Samara from The Ring aspect + Kaguya is the mind behind Zetsu in anime + I like her better = Kaguya won
ANYWAY!!! Some lore points I have for now:
— Izuna takes Misa's place, bc he wants to help his brother getting rid of all the bad people; he seems somewhat more excited/engaged for this whole "new world's god" thing than Madara tho
Unlike Misa, he doesn't have the shinigami eyes, since Madara doesn't want his younger brother to take half of his lifespan away, especially when he already got it. Idk if Izuna has his own death note, so maybe he helps his bro in some other way (like the Oracle from DC vibes?)
— Madara wrote Tobirama's name as a "test" to see if the notebook was true. Why? Because that's his brother's ex who broke up horribly with him so why not (they realized they don't know where he is, so they couldn't possibly know if it work. two dummies)
— L is Tobirama... in the sense of who's against Kira, not who's the detective
"But he's dead way before Kira's mass killing was recognized as someone's doing, how is that possible??" you may ask, and I say
"Tobirama" is a fake name
See, l like mad scientist Tobirama and it's variations, so I needed to put this here. He's a criminal who never got caught, a really secretive one about his personal life, so most of the time he's using a fake identity to prevent people to keep a track on him; so it means Izuna didn't know his actual name and gave the fake one to Madara
"Tobirama" was one of the first people to realize all those deaths were induced by someone, so, in order to prevent his possible death in case he's caught, he started to hunt who could be Kira
— "Tobirama" is Hashirama's brother. He dyes his hair and wear eye contacts (and other things too like, idk, different clothing, some light make up to give a different look on his face) while undercover, so he can take a double life
You can't even imagine Madara's surprise when he finally realize his friend's brother and "Tobirama" are the same person
(I wanna make Itama = Tobirama, with his white hair + red eyes combo being his undercover while he has natural colors in his actual appearance, but I'm still deciding how confusing and cool it could be)
— Near and Mello aren't related to L in the slightest. I haven't decided yet who they could be (Maybe Kakashi=Near and Obito=Mello), but they would still be really close to the government and be, indeed, detective prodigies
Maybe they're chasing Kira at the same time as L? If I decide so, it would make Madara's life way harder, since it's both a criminal (with other criminals' contacts and accessibilities) and the government (two people above it, tbh) against him..... nah, he'd be caught way earlier, I need fun
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horizon-verizon · 28 days
The amount of fanfics I have seen where Jon hatches dragons, takes over Daenerys’ storyline/one-ups her storyline, and becomes the PtwP is insanely high. Daenerys as a man would have been Aegon the Conqueror come again (even though she IS Aegon the Conqueror come again already). People would treat her like Aragorn rather than Anakin Skywalker or Paul Atreides. Her actions would not have been questioned as heavily. Her fate wouldn’t be deemed as one of madness or death.
A lot of fans hate that Daenerys is the one that brought dragons back in the world, and the only hope for survival in Westeros. If Daenerys doesn’t go to Westeros, everyone dies! There’s no hope to defeat the Others without her, but people still think that she isn’t the Prince that was Promised. And please the Song of Ice and Fire is about a war between Ice and Fire, not someone who comes from Ice and Fire (Jon being the son of a Stark and a Targaryen is not a union of Ice and Fire), it’s a war between the side of death (Ice, the Others) and the side of life (Fire, Daenerys and her dragons).
All true. And I think people purposefully "misunderstand" what the Prince that was Promised & Azor Ahai's roles are in ASoIaF's world's legends so they can deny they both refer to the same person AND that Dany is ultimately neither. That bc the term "ptwp" is used more often by Westeorsi and the term "Azor Ahai" is used more often by Essosi people, that these are two completely different entities. That because the Azor Ahai has a specific mythic story to it (Nissa-Nissa being the sacrifice for AA's sword, the gods in the Yi-Tish [but not exclusively] and how they/humans/Amethyst Empress-Bloodstone Emporer brought about the first Long Night), that the Prince is completely unrelated to Azor Ahai...even though the Valyrian word meaning "prince"--which is where the word that is part of the term in the first place--is a gender-neutral and can refer to a woman.
Other than the word, it is rather because comparatively the "PTWP" has less information or place of origin than the lore for AA that it actually always stemmed from the myth of AA AND is actually just another name for AA. We know Essos and many of its present societies are far older than any Westerosi civilization and we know that both the FM and the Andals came from Essos in their separate migrations and at least the Andals have lived at one point under Valyrian exapnsion and rule. When humans migrate, they bring with them the most relevant or inspiring stories for their cultural and mental survival, not to mention that the stories of AA have existed for millennia in most of Essos, from the Narrow Sea to the where we could touch Sothoryos. Many Essosi cities are inheritors of Old Valyria's rule or have developed their own socieiites much from the remnants of Valyrian rule. Through old Valyria's wide colonization and empire, places with great distances b/t them would have had stories and other things translated through Valyrian or carried through Valyrian devices and for hundreds of years. Much of Westeros' commerce and other sorts of exchanges--we hear several times in AWoIaF of maesters learning some tidbits about some Essosi, scientific, legends of Westrsoi travelers like Lomas Longstrider, etc. Even just the knowledge of how people continue to travel b/t Essos and Westeros provides another way as to how the AA prophecy reached Westeros and just as in real life people develop different names for either the same thing. Melisandre, who travels to Westeros from her mission given to her or iparted to her by the Red Priests uses "PTWP" and AA interchangeably, and says AA more often bc it is the most familiar and the older of the two.
Thereby, that the PTWP prophecy came from Essos and is thus just the most recent iteration for AA is proven and very obvious but people are in extreme denial, ignorant, and/or just purposefully sexist. For god sake's, we have THREE separate sources linking the PTWP to AA: Melisandre, Maester Aemon, and Archmaester Marwyn, with the same refrain of "bleeding star", under which Dany is told to us has already hatched her 3 eggs. PTWP is often pictured as having some sort of sword...a principal part of the AA prophecy contain a story about a "sword", and both often have "light" and fire symbolism to connote driving away the "cold" and "dark" of an all consuming, destructive evil. The "last hero" that supposedly drove away the Others with DRAGONGLASS/obsidian (again, a material often shown to be from Valyrian origins and very connected to Valyrian steel swords).
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But even with all this reference to an actual sword, we know a singular sword is not gonna do much against a force such like the Others and even a whole army isn't enough (dead bodies coming back and all): magic and fire that come in the form of dragons--who are fire embodied as well as just magical creatures--to utterly obliterate and "purify" the threat is necessary. The fire x "light" creates swords but is a weapon in of itself, not just an "ingredient", as the Others are a mass elemental problem that needs and elemental solution--fire spreads, swords cannot, when we want to get literal.
It's ironic bc in the metaphorical language and paradigms of fantasy and other sorts of fiction narratives in the West, eomen are constantly relegated as "material" to be used by men and either they or whatever makes them strong or notable is shaped for another thing so the man/boy can use the new creation to defeat evil...and in ASoIaF, Dany is creator, material, director. In our own formula, she really manifests more as a "goddess". which is why people are so eager to relegate her back to being "material" for Jon.
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mamuzzy · 1 month
I took my sweet time to continue but here we are, the last segment of Chapter 1 where meet the another two members of the future Omega Squad, Niner and Fi!
Links to the previous posts
Prologue <- If you want to follow me through you can start here ^^
Chapter 1.1 Post-Geonosis Darman
Chapter 1.2 Etain Tur-Mukan
My other Repcomm Blurbs
What you will find here
- Brief mention of the similiarities between the Omega Squad, Nulls and Bad Batch
- First introduction of Niner and Fi
- Niner and Fi's survivor's guilt
Now with reaction gifs.
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People are saying that the Bad Batch are based on Delta Squad, which can be true, given they are both Commando Squads, have specializations and there are a lot of similarities between Crosshair and Sev, but after reading the books, I can say, The Bad Batch was more likely got inspiration from Omega Squad + Null ARCs. The Batch are deviant compared to other clones, they don’t respect authority unless they like the person, they have special abilities (Nulls shared all, the Batch had these abilities divided between them), and most importantly: THE BLACK ARMOR.
Omega Squad is horribly underrated, and if you never read the books there is a chance that you will miss these wonderful boys in black, the actual guys who inspired the Bad Batch’s black armor. (mind that in the first book it's still white, and they will get the black one in Triple Zero.)
I forgot to mention in the Darman post that with the TCW, ARC Trooper lore was completely rewritten in the show, and the Clone Commandos were completely erased from canon UNTIL the reintroduction of Delta Squad as a small cameo in the Witches of the Mist episode. TCW then came up with their on original clone commando squad, the Foxtrot, tied to the 212th, and with it, we have our beloved Gregor too and the Bad Batch is also a Commando squad. Commandos remaining with the empire in The Bad Batch is also inspired by the entire Imperial Commando: 501st book which has never had continuation due to lore incompatibilities with the at-that-time airing TCW.
Okay~ LET’S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
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We start with Niner - RC-1309 - and I will point out every occasions throughout this re-reading where he is cleaning his equipment, because when they are not on mission or in cryostasis, he usually cleans his gear. My poor anxious baby.
After the disastrous loss in the Commando ranks, reorganizing was needed, and lot of pods were merged to together to fill out the empty spaces - replace their dead comrades. Omega Squad are like this. While Niner, Fi and Darman were all trained under Kal Skirata, they were all in different pods, and because these four-people groups were so tight-knit, they didn’t form close connections to others.
So let’s just say, Niner and Fi’s first meeting wasn’t too friendly. They are both grieving, and they have to deal with the fact that their dead brothers are replaced with someone else, someone stranger.
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You may know Fi as a jokester of the group but this entry scene weren’t funny at all. It was heartbreaking. Niner didn't accept the courtesy gesture of handshake.
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Fi accomodates himself and Niner is constantly reminded that his podmates aren't here and never will be.
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Niner had a podbrother, named Sev who is not the same as Delta Squad Sev. Choosing numbers as names are very common among the clones so there is a chance that you would meet with others with your own name.
Also I find this lore about the socialization of the CT-s compared to RC-s.
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Meaning even if a CT lost someone important, comfort can be found in other familiar faces around him. When an RC lose his entire squad, he remains alone and completely alone. We saw how Darman was lost in the sea of strangers.
Niner lost a brother before, so loss for him is not something unfamiliar.
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Commando cadets died during training.
Also I really loved this conversation between Niner and Fi.
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Niner casually talking about how they weren’t used as they were intended. The total miscommunication between them, because Niner doesn’t want to say it out loud that he miss his squad and he blames the whole battle for losing his brothers. Niner is in pain, and want to talk about it, he just… can’t.
Also the revival Fi mentions is getting out of the cryostasis.
More about Niner’s cleaning “ritual”.
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Another clashing between Fi and Niner.
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They are so awkward with each other, I love them.
What finally broke the ice between them is when Fi started to sing the Dha Werda Verda. This song is from the OST of Republic Commando game and was played during Kachirho Bridge on Kashyyyk. The song along with the Vode An is mentioned and sang a lot throughout the books. ^^
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A song they both now. The values they both know very well. A commond ground when nothing else works, when words fail, when you feel alone. Maybe they are not so different after all.
While singing, Niner’s survival guilt is manifesting.
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Fi once again helds out a metaphorical hand to Niner. And Niner accept it.
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And this concludes the whole Chapter 1.
I'm trying to make these blurbs shorter, and maybe doing the lore-detours in separate posts to not make it overwhelming.
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bridgetoesoteria · 8 months
✨Toxicity✨: What would have happened if you stayed?
Helloo. So this is going to be for anyone who feels in two minds about their decision to walk away from a situation.
Sorry in advance, the piles are so long! I really meant to be more succinct. So, grab a snack or break up the reading ahah 😅.
This can be used for any kind of situation: professional, romantic, platonic, etc. Options are left to right. Hope it resonates :)
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For the collective: P.S.I took time out to do a guided meditation to connect with my intuition. So some of you may benefit from that. Some personal messages came through for me as well. So your guides probably want to connect with you too. I used a guided meditation on YouTube but feel free to do whatever resonates best with you.
Without further ado 🙇‍♀️🎩 ...
Pile 1
**TW: Substance Abuse**Off the bat: So before I even really began the reading, I was channeling Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's. So idk if that is relevant somehow. I was thinking of a lot of early 2000s songs. I feel very eager and excited. So maybe some of you left home behind to chase your dreams in someway. So, every win is a little bittersweet. Honestly, its such a vibe rn. I'm feeling chill, room is dimly lit, there's thin swirls of smoke coming from the burning sage...
4-card spread: Ace of Disks, The High Priestess, Prince of Cups, 7 of Disks. Bottom of Deck is Knight of Wands.
So, for context I'm using The Urban Tarot Deck. I feel like the imagery really helps with this pile. Its a Thoth inspired deck so the names for the cards are a little different. I read Knights as Kings and Princes as Knights.
All right, so right away I feel kind of confined. I don't think you would have had a horrible life or situation but it would not have been all that you needed. You would continue secretly dreaming of the life that you truly want. Whatever that means to you. I say this because the woman on the high priestess card looks very dreamy. Like she stole away and ran herself a bath just to have a few moments of solitude. But with the "knight of cups" right next to her--which is another card that can signify illusions, fantasies, daydreaming--it feels like she's dreaming of what could have been. And what could still be!
I always read this knight of cups as an amateur filmmaker. Someone just starting out, perhaps a little pretentious, but their intentions are in the right place. The fact that its a card that isn't fully mature, like a king of cups for instance, makes it seem tangible. So the woman isn't jumping to the ultimate end goal, but what could reasonably happen. This dream just lives in her head. Something she keeps for herself.
This is supported by the ace of disks (pentacles) and the 7 of disks. The 7 of pentacles can show patience as you wait on your investments or considering whether you invest or not. Aces are new starts. So, you would still be thinking about whatever alternative option you rejected to stay. Maybe you would know its still on the table and that's why you toy with the idea as a contingency plan. You know your growth is being stunted. Honestly for this group I think you were meant to leave. I don't think you would ever have been able to throw away this opportunity.
The king of wands is passionate and action oriented. This is how you would yearn to be. An energy like this cannot be contained. For some of you this may be referring to leaving a family dynamic or hometown behind. Right under the king is the 8 of cups reversed. With the imagery, I'm getting substance abuse problems. Maybe its common where you're from, alcoholism in particular. With it reversed, I think you would want to cut ties once and for all. Like just ghost friends, cousins, maybe even a partner. Like its the sort of thing where there may be all this lore associated with your name back home.
You will see what you could turn out like and decide to just go. For some this could relate to a job too. Maybe you see how the job consumes people around you, people lose relationships, some may get depressed, start drinking. You might have "noped" out of that and decided to carve your own path.
For those resonating with more of a family dynamic, I think you might experience some kind of loss. The kind of loss that acts as the straw that breaks the camel's back. Like I'm hearing "well, if Granny G/GG ain't here anymore, wtf am I doing here?" For others you could experience some kind of deep betrayal like a cheating spouse, a backstabbing best friend. And it will just make you go "fuck it" and choose yourself. You might not even be about all that lovey-dovey crap anyway.
Oracle Message: The oracle cards basically repeated the same message: Imposter Syndrome, Forever a Phoenix, and Emergence. Its literally what I- like look at this: "Sometimes you can't save it. Sometimes you have to take what's left and what lessons you have learned and simply just watch the rest burn to the ground." (Forever a Phoenix) The message of feeling confined comes up as well. The emergence card depicts a butterfly woman emerging from her cocoon. It's giving...I REST MY CASE.
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Pile 2
Off the bat: A lot of you could be watching for an academic or professional situations. It reminds me of when I had to choose another school over my first choice. In hindsight, that was the best decision I could have made. I now can truly understand the saying "thank god for unanswered prayers." A move could be significant in someway so maybe some of you relocated or chose to stay where you are.
4-card spread: 9 of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Moon, The Hanged Man. Bottom of deck is The Fool.
I immediately started to feel a lot of anxiety. My chest feels kind of tight. If you hadn't left maybe you would have dealt with a lot of anxiety or panic attacks. I feel like the environment would have been stifling. A lot of major arcanas in a spread can sometimes signify stability or a lack of change. So if you are watching for a professional situation (academic counts too), you might not have progressed. This could look like never being given promotions. For others I am getting a combo of work and school like a dance academy or something. In a situation like this may always skip over you when it comes time for assigning solos. There is also a lot of romantic energy coming through but please consider how it resonates for your situation.
I also think something about remaining in whatever this is, would have caused you to doubt yourself. The moon and the wheel of fortune side by side could hint at emotional or mental instability. While I do read the wheel as a positive card, because it is something that is always turning, it can also represent a certain predictable unpredictability. The 9 of wands reinforces the message about being on guard. I think it would have been really exhausting to keep up with this toxicity indefinitely.
If this represents a romantic "third party" situation, the affair would have continued in the same way it was going. This applies regardless of which side of the third party you fall on. So if you were in a relationship with the person already, they would keep cheating. Or you would never be able to relax because you'd always be waiting for the next shoe to drop. Always on the look out for signs they're back to their old ways and never fully being able to trust them. No relationship can thrive in the those circumstances. So it would leave you frozen in this state of constant misery.
For others, if you resonate with being the person they snuck around with or if you were one of the many people they were entertaining, they would have kept that up, unfortunately. You would probably get resentful eventually. You may not even get any kind of title that would hint at some kind of significance to your relationship. They would not show the kind of effort that makes you go, "wow, they really value me and want to make this connection work". Nope, with the wheel and the fool. They would want to continue popping in and out with no thought to how it could throw you off balance. They could ghost. Your self-esteem and ability to ground yourself would really suffer.
This could also apply for situations where cheating wasn't the issue or at least it wasn't the only one. If the other person was rude, or controlling, or just awful, that would have continued. It would be you giving up parts of yourself and your peace to keep things afloat. They would still poster like they are "self-made" and like they're a great person.
Oracle Message: I haven't pulled anything yet but some of you may benefit from meditating. If this is something you have been practicing and wonder if there's any point, there is but the benefits are cumulative. So, you have to stick with it. Same with therapy, fitness journeys, or health journeys. Any kind of self-care. You just gotta be consistent. I am pulling from my affirmation cards deck. I'm going to insert a pic. "Today I am responsible" and "today I am at peace" came out together. My intentions were to read these cards as if they came out reversed. So with that in mind, you would have continued being in a lot drama and back and forth. The situation would be detrimental to your mental health and possibly physical health. Think a partner or friend that uses substances and so it makes it easier for you to get into. You might not get as much joy out of life and work would be unfulfilling. Overall, you would not experience much growth as a person.
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Pile 3
Off the bat: I am getting more relationship and love energy. But if you are here for something nonromantic, just change the love stuff to fit your situation. Many of you are here for friends or significant others. For some of you, this reading may not be "that deep." Like perhaps this is just a crush that you moved on from and you're wondering what could have happened with them. Others you might have left a party and you're trying to quash the feelings of FOMO lol. Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls could be significant for some reason.
4-card spread: 10 of Swords, Ten of Cups, Ace of Swords, King of Pentacles. Bottom of deck is 4 of Cups.
I just want to note that the king of pentacles came out sideways. So if there is a flakey or unreliable person in this situation, they would have let you down. So for some resonating with a party or a gathering, if you wanted to stay because a friend or a crush was there, they might have ended up ditching you anyway. You could have stayed and realized this person was not even available, so perhaps they came with someone else. You might have just ended up bored, in your feelings, and way too drunk.
Next, if this was someone that was breadcrumbing you or kind of one foot in, one foot out, they have the potential to really disappoint you. I say this because of the sideways king of pentacles, ten of swords, 4 of cups, and the 6 of pentacles right under the 4 of cups. So you could have ended up feeling unfulfilled emotionally or practically (e.g. quality time). This other person could be kind of cocky, especially if they have a lot of other friend or dating options.
For others of you, staying could have led to pregnancy or children in some way. So this could be a partner or spouse that you considered staying with. A few examples I am getting: Having a child with this person, staying with them and starting a family, finding out they had a child or family with someone else.
The storyline is kind of splitting at this point. Some of this could resonate or none of it, so trust your gut. There's a group of you where things would not have been that bad. This is only for people who had a decent relationship with the person. Maybe the main issue was that you both weren't mature enough or stable enough to have a baby or a super serious relationship. This pregnancy would make you two very happy and would bring you closer together. Even if you ended up co-parenting, I think it would be okay for the most part.
Now, for the other half of the storyline...it's not such a happy ending. If something told you this person was not reliable enough to have a family with, that was likely the truth. They seem like the sort of person that would seem cool to start. They would act like they are going to step up. Think coming around your family more, being present for first ultrasounds, looking at apartments with you. I do think there would still be an air of detachment though. Unfortunately, this person gives me the vibe that they would just go cold. Like they may start off seeming bored, then escalate to "no call, no show" type of behavior, culminating in them ghosting or being very hard to reach. They aren't as ready as they seem and you would be mostly on your own. Whether this means as a single parent or them letting your relationship fall apart. They could continue posting online with their friends, when you were supposed to go to an open house, or crib shopping, or having your baby shower...you get the idea.
Oracle Message: I am pulling from a non tarot deck. I will insert a picture of the cards. It would be a lot to type out in order to explain properly. 😅You could resonate with certain cards more than others. (OMG you know what I just realized. I was getting Bubbles earlier and isn't that what Summer Walker calls her baby? If you know about her and her relationship drama, that could be more confirmation.) For some of you, you could see "what could have been," reflected in one of your friend's life. Maybe they made the opposite decision than you. The cards talking about fate lead me to believe that maybe things worked out in your best interests. In hindsight, you might be able to see how you dodged a bullet. Perhaps you would have had to sacrifice your goals, boundaries, or self-love. The other person seems really messy. The first, third, and sixth card make me think that. The first card is again making me feel like they could have a group that they run with that probably isn't the best influence. Maybe they have a lot of run-ins with the law. Impulsivity and recklessness could be the norm with this person. Also, it would probably be very hard to trust this person. Specifically, it would be veryy hard to trust they will change. You could have the same conversations and just go around in circles with no results. The trust question makes me think of couples counseling and the card next to it reminds me of individual counseling. You would probably get more out of one-on-one counseling. Whatever decision you made here was the right one.
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I've been considering offering personals. I would probably put a quota on certain readings just so we are all "consuming responsibly", so to say. It would also just make me feel more a little more comfy. Boundaries were the main reason I stopped doing readings for anyone besides myself. I need to have my ducks in a row so for now it's just a thought.
Anywhoo 🦉 I've got soo many more readings planned. The last one from the poll will be a classic love reading. I will probably do another poll so keep an eye out for that! 💋
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caelesblues · 1 year
across the universe (part 2)
⋆。°✩ what it’s like to love a member of the astral express, even when you’re universes apart ⋆。°✩
c.w./t.w. fluff with bits of angst, lowercase intended, intense word vomit, an attempt at comedy at march's part
word count: 2057
characters: march 7th, stelle, caelus
gn!reader, title is inspired by “across the universe” by baek yerin, notes at the end
part 1 (with welt, himeko, dan heng)
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10 photos were sent 
2 videos were sent
the date-able lady: looklooklook! this is the new planet we’re stopping by! we finally had some time to just kick back, relax, and finally do some sightseeing! 
seen: 12:22 pm
15 photos were sent
the date-able lady: ugh it’s so pretty here! the food is also really good, we had lots of fun trying out the different cafes they have here! also do the photos look good? i tried some new settings to make the photos really pop!
seen: 12:30 pm
3 videos were sent
the date-able lady: you gotta see some of the shenanigans dan heng and our newest member got into! although it’s kinda concerning how they seem to have an affinity for trashcans….
seen: 12:46 pm
the date-able lady: hey! why are you ignoring me!?
seen: 12:47 pm
annoying person (affectionate): oh sorry i was taking a shit
the date-able lady: what the? so this entire time you were just sitting down on the toilet!?
annoying person (affectionate): yeah pretty much, but i also got sucked into the gaming hypothetical’s video explaining the lore of 6 nights at bobby’s
the date-able lady: …..why are you the way that you are?
annoying person (affectionate): you love it though
the date-able lady: you’re right  (•̀⤙•́ )
annoying person (affectionate): ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
being with someone like march is like going on an adventure without really going on one yourself. surely it would feel that way if your partner was an intergalactic traveler, who liked to constantly share about her journeys with you all the time. her trusty camera and phone will always be there to capture various moments of her adventures with her fellow crewmates, ranging from the mundane to the absolutely wild (the amount of photos you’ve received wherein it was apparent they were in the middle of a mission, it’s astonishing).
video calls were also a common occurrence as well, sometimes as a means for her to play as a virtual tour guide for you or  just catch up with her during downtimes. either way you always look forward to these moments.
you truly appreciate the effort march always puts into making you feel included in her adventures, getting to see even just a glimpse of the vastness of the universe you’ve also longed to see. you’ve even become acquainted with the other members of the astral express, becoming familiar and friendly with all of them to a point they’ve considered you an honorary member of the crew (they also promised that you’re always free to join them if you so choose to partake in trailblazing as well).
and so through your lover you also get to be a part of their missions, be embroiled in the numerous intergalactic gossip, meet new people along the way, and feel as though you’re never really apart.
being with march also meant that there is a comfortable sort of stasis encompassing the relationship. stasis in the sense that no matter how far apart you’ve been from one another in such a long time, the very nature of your relationship, how you interact with one another, and how you’ve come to know each other does not change whatsoever. it is a testament to the strength someone like her possesses, not letting things change between you just because she’s no longer beside you.
it’s evident in the way you still go about your interactions, almost as if you aren’t galaxies apart. the initial insecurity of how such a massive distance will change you both and the relationship was quelled just as easily as it had formed in your mind, with the both of you just as naturally going about everything just like how you both easily fell in love. 
people always warn you that lovers who stay apart from one another are an easy breeding ground for them to become strangers eventually, but it’s not like that with march. there is no room for either of you to become estranged, not with the constant updates, efforts to always include one another in activities, making time for little virtual dates, and never once changing in spite of the distance that people said will break you apart.
and although she may have left your home planet a long time ago already, only making the occasional stops when they can, it’s never felt like she was ever gone in the first place to begin with. 
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it isn’t easy being born yesterday, abandoned by your mom, be found by strangers, said strangers then inform you that you have the cancer of all worlds implanted in you, and now you join said strangers to travel across the stars-and oh yeah you’re hailed as the savior of an entire planet, and you’ve become an esteemed personality aboard a starfaring ship. well for most normal people the aforementioned things definitely are not an easy feat to accomplish, and that’s without taking into account that those things aren’t so far apart in the timeline of someone’s life. but stelle isn’t just anyone, if you weren’t paying close attention she’s somewhat of an anomaly but also a bigshot already. 
somehow preternaturally gifted in combat, has a knack for getting into mischief, already finding themselves in world changing events, and being the talk of the town wherever she goes-that’s your stelle for you alright. a lot of people are awed by her, either by her talent in fighting, the ability to say the wrong things at the wrong time, or by just being the gremlin that they are; stelle is never without some admirers (and detractors) along the way. 
being such a hotshot would surely get in someone’s head, no? not her though, no one can really quite grasp what’s going inside their head (except you). always sporting a cool and indifferent look on her always-even when in the midst of imminent danger-stelle is able to keep her composure in check. never letting nary a speck of emotion taint their visage, thus never giving others an insight to what they may think or feel.
it makes them seem like that she’s unbothered by everything that surrounds her, but you most certainly know that that isn’t the case. it’s quite evident to you how much is brewing inside stelle, but can’t really let them out one way or another. with news spreading of how immensely capable stelle is, it’s no surprise that people have sought her out for whatever they need help with. running from one point to another, shouldering other people’s workload, getting caught up in others’ personal affairs; it’s a daunting task for someone who’s already carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“oh! you’re that trailblazer right? can you help me with something?”
“it’s the savior of belobog! just in time, come help us for just a bit”
“is it true that you’ve been helping the seat of the divine foresight with the issue about the ambrosial tree? that means you must know your way around the artisanship commission, correct?”
“trailblazer, over here!”
“honarary member!”
“stelle! do you have a minute?”
“hey youngster, you’re not just gonna stand there let them get away with it!”
“stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stellestellestellestelle-“
“breathe in, breathe out. slow and steady breaths, count to ten then name ten things you can see around you. you’re ok, you’re going to be just fine.” these words are what stelle keeps replaying in her mind, a reminder and comfort from you that has helped her in moments wherein she feels like slipping away.
she wonders how you do it, how you’re able to tell so easily when she’s starting to get bogged down with everything. be it through messages or calls you know when to help her calm down, soothing her frazzled state with gentle reminders and helping her get grounded again. 
in stelle’s eyes you’re basically an aeon, with your supernatural ability to always be a stable presence for her even if you’re both so far away from one another. even if she’s seen as someone who is cool and aloof (even being called a menace), you see pass through those and see someone who is still trying to get their footing in this world, and you’re willing enough to stand by her and be the unchanging pillar she can always rely on.
no matter the immense changes she’s constantly facing, stress she’s undergoing, or the turmoil that finds her, you’re an unfaltering constant in her life that she desperately needs.
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wonderkid, the boy from beyond the stars, the savior of belobog, general jing yuan’s esteemed guest, the underworld’s boxing champion.
those are just some of the many nicknames caelus has collected across his adventures, always seeming to pick up some more along the way. he is never short of admirers whenever the astral express stops, people instantly in awe of his innate martial prowess, his rather unique (for a lack of a better term) personality and charm, as well as his admittedly good looks.
they cannot help but stop and marvel at the grey haired man, drawn in by the various situations he always seems to find himself in and the sheer aura of confidence he exudes (not to mention that he has an affinity for…being a gremlin that may or may not dig through dumpsters and wayward packages). 
without a doubt caelus has become some sort of celebrity in the places they go to, with some even saying that his name recognition alone can rival that of super popstar ast rickley. even his haters cannot deny that that man can talk the talk, never one to just brag about things but not deliver.
it’s why even his enemies have decided not to take him head on, unless they really had no choice but engage him in a fight-although it isn’t really a surprise that caelus would come out unscathed each and every time. the boy from beyond the stars truly is out of this world (get it?), shaking up the systems of the places he touches upon.
even as his lover you are not immune to gushing about caelus, taking every opportunity to shower him with praises and affection (also because that boy is so easy to fluster, which is just the cherry on top). i mean how can you not? there is so much to him that just warrants all your attention, from his insane fighting skills to how utterly loveable he is.
don’t get him wrong though, caelus loves the fact that you’re not exactly shy with your love for him, but he also feels like he might just explode from all of your loving (not to mention the teasing he gets constantly from march and sometimes himeko). 
but for caelus that isn’t even the best part of being with you, even as fantastic as it is to constantly be showered with your love, his favorite part of being with you is how he can just be himself. no more is he the savior of belobog, the luofuo’s most important guest, the undisputed boxing champion-he can be just caelus, not some kind of otherworldly being that just sprung up out of nowhere, going on fantastical adventures and building up a reputation across the stars. even if you tease him from time to time about this very fact, he knows that deep down to you he is just your precious caelus, the boy you fell in love with when they happen to stop at your home planet.
with you caelus feels like he doesn’t have to be anything that anyone wants him to be, he just has to be your lover, your best friend, and your biggest supporter. it’s possible for him to just be another guy that’s deeply in love, with his significant other that makes him feel like he can take on the entire galaxy (he can’t but he’s getting there). your love does not require him to do anything for you to see him as something worthy of such affections, no need for him to wow you with anything to receive even just an inkling of your warmth. 
so while caelus will be constantly be collecting new nicknames, continue to outdo himself with each new adventure, and ultimately become some sort of celebrity across the universe, with you he’s just another boy in love.
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AAAHHHHH part two is also here now! i can finally put this piece to rest ಥ◡ಥ idk if you can tell but i definitely ran out of juice writing these part, since i was already so tired and brain dead writing everything. likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
caelesblues @ 2023 | do not steal, copy, plagiarize, or repost on any other platform
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adel-memes · 3 months
OKAY SO I already posted the fic inspired by this HC but HEAR ME OUT
Ok OK so Shadow's revivals post manga is USUALLY through 'xxxxx revived Shadow to give him a chance' examples that come to mind are: Vio, Zelda, Red
While I love that take and DEFINITELY used it myself! Hell, I got story ideas based on different colors / characters reviving Shadow and what story unfolds from there. I LOVE that HC!!
But, I still personally think this kind of puts Shadow in an unfair position / not a good start and I definitely have an idea we could explore together <3
There are two main reasons and 1 extra ??? reason I believe this headcanon/piece of lore/etc would suck for him and it's:
1. Power Imbalance
2. Pride and his personality
3. Dark Mirror Shards or dark magic?
On the first point. I don't think the right term is power imbalance but it's the closest thing I got. Because him being revived by the heroes for example feels like 'oh I'm depending on Link' when his whole motive is behind separating and showing he could stand on his own and be a big threat even with or without Link.
It puts him in a 'oh do I have to forgive this person for reviving me after betraying my trust?' with Vio or 'She is another person of authority much like Ganon, do I have to obey/listen to her since she revived me?' with Zelda.
So it feels like some kind of imbalance, he can't ever view them fairly because that 'favor' puts him in a 'I owe you' position. It's sort of like a trap and EVEN if they don't want anything or are genuine, Shadow's pov and personality would clash and disagree with that sentiment.
Which brings me to my second reason:
Shadow being revived by the others does NOT guarantee he's a good guy. Sure he sacrificed and gave that whole speech, but 1 act out of desperation does not equal he is totally a good guy and would do the right thing always.
That feels like it strips away from his character. He had growth but what about the things we love about him? His cocky arrogance, his excessive show-off attitude, his pride? I know a popular take is him and Red being arson buddies, but if he's revived by Zelda.. would he risk burning things if it means the person of authority would be upset with him? I don't think so.
If he becomes dependent and has that 'oh they revived' take, then he will always have his pride threatened as well as sense of security. Because what does he do if he messes up? Does he always need their approval if he wants to live? Would his pride allow him to accept that state of life? Where is the line?
The take comes from not just 'oh I want him to have a chance to live' it comes from a 'oh I can fix him' perspective too.
Which feels.. like it would take Shadow's agency. It gives a 'oh they want me alive but not me, they're doing it out of guilt and want to change everything about me.' type of thinking and..
Would Shadow accept that? Accept ALL of that?
The answer I believe would be no.
And finally the third reason which is using the dark mirror or so to revive him. I definitely think this could be a bit messy for Shadow.
Using a mirror, something easy to break and lose, as his source of life? Something he tried to break?
Would he want something that can be stolen, broken, and easily gone if he lets out of his sight be his source of life?
Again, I don't think so.
Also I don't think the heroes would risk using dark magic to revive Shadow as much as they like him / want him back. (A whole other ramble 🏃‍♀️)
But does that mean Shadow stays dead?
Of course not. Wdym he's dead? No he's not. 🤨 who do you take me for?
So duh, I got an idea. Or a suggestion for what could revive Shadow and it definitely uses references from previous games.
After all, Shadow is a being of magic. So.. if not with the dark mirror.. and not the heroes or someone reviving him..
Then, what? Who? Just who would bring him back?
Or should I say, what would bring him back?
My suggestion is: Gratitude Crystals.
For context, gratitude crystals are a concept in skyward sword where Link has to do good deeds (helping others) and he would get these magic star-like crystals in return. After collecting 80 of them, he trades them to a sad monster who wishes to be human.
So in a way they're like wishing stars that have magic that is strong enough to change a demon to be human.
So if there's a solution made of magic, can't be easily broken, and does not take away Shadow's agency.. then I believe gratitude crystals could help offset the potential power imbalance.
And who was grateful / thankful at Shadow's sacrifice. The heroes. Green specifically.
So imagine with me, their gratitude forms that crystal for Shadow. He, being a creature of magic, attachs himself to those crystals instead of dark mirror. Separating himself from Ganon, Vaati, and Link.
Which brings me to the second point.
Okay, he's revived. He's alive. But what about his character? His motive?
I think it would change to being a good person.
Hear me out, Batreaux needed 80 to change from demon to human. So 1 crystal isn't enough to be someone's life source.
So what if it becomes a challenge for Shadow. Doing good deeds in exchange for the crystals and getting to live.
He gets to change as a person and grow with a genuine reason to why he wants to be good now without taking his agency away. Through that, I believe he would go to the heroes to make things right and they could have their slow-build in friendship or so.
And that is why I believe this is an idea worth exploring <3
Extra: I also like thinking Shadow loves stars, imagine how beautiful it is that his life source becomes starlike crystals too. I think it's symbolic <3
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
I was wondering, what's your interpretation of tTPD as a whole?. I know a lot of people think it's a 31 album dedicated to one main muse minus 2 songs for his ex long term relationship but i was curious about your thoughts.
Also, some theorists are talking about a potential 10 years situationship between taylor and one muse and it makes me feel... weird. Because she was committed to someone else and i don't know how to feel knowing the other muse could be in some of my fave albums... sorry for the long rant
So there’s a lot going on here and it’s nuanced.
I don’t think it’s as simple as “it’s all about one person minus two songs.” There are several muses woven in both the text and subtext of the songs. And what happened with one muse in many cases was only possible because what happened with another. There are some songs that are explicitly about specific people’s actions, but overall things get muddy because situations are muddy.
This is a cop out answer, but ultimately to me the album is about Taylor. It’s about her pain and grief and trauma and also healing and recovery and joy. To reduce it to a man in particular discounts that she is the main character of her own life and story.
I do not think the story she put down in TTPD is one of a decade long situationship. As I said yesterday, I will gladly change my mind if new information comes to light. The story I picked up in TTPD is one where someone entered her life at a very vulnerable time, exploited their shared history to sow the seeds of this fantasy life to her that she was desperately grieving in her very real current life, which caused her to play revisionist history with her memories because she needed to make it “real” to herself as an escape hatch.
But even if that isn’t the case, and if it turns out that yes, she was pining for this person for ten years… it doesn’t take away from the fact that her past music is excellent, regardless of the inspiration. IMO fans would be better served to not always recall the muses when listening to music for their enjoyment. I know Taylor’s music is different because her life is so well documented and she used to be so open about who she was writing about, but very few artists do that and their music still hits. I don’t think at all about the artists’ lives when listening to any other band; hell, even in well-known messy situations like Fleetwood Mac, I’m not thinking about Stevie and Mick, I’m thinking that Landslide is beautiful and Rhiannon is a banger or whatever. If you think too much about the artists’ personal lives, you’re gonna get twisted in knots and may find there are few people you can listen to, because humans are fallible and messy and make mistakes. Like Taylor says, once the songs are out in the world, they’re not hers anymore, and you need to ascribe your own meaning to them.
Which is not to say I wasn’t surprised when I first figured out who she was writing about when I listened to TTPD, and yes the first few listens of the album made my head spin a bit for the lore of it all, but i truly listen to it like any other album now. It’s good music plain and simple.
What I’m trying to say is that you have to set your own boundaries I guess. If it really bothers you then you don’t have to listen to or engage with it. But personally I’m also not going to moralize Taylor’s or anyone else’s music because she’s human just like any of us and we all make choices in our lives. She was just brave enough to share the mess. It’s not a condoning of her actions because she doesn’t need my or anyone else’s approval for her choices. She’s recording a moment of time in her life and turned it into art, and now it takes on new meaning for listeners.
(Also if people are moralizing her choices because of the “commitment” thing well… I think they weren’t picking up on other parts of the album but. Well.)
Also my pet peeve is that I hate the word “theory” when applied to real people. They’re humans with lives, not characters in a TV show. This isn’t directed at you anon, just a general sentiment.
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jiniwae · 11 months
According to LoreMaster (the person on the Just dance team who answers the lore of some dances) Chitsuki (Kill Bill) possessed Michiya (Zenit) to purify his soul. Night Swan probably learned from Chitsuki how to have coaches
I really like the lore in general, so when I saw the story of 24 I was very happy, but at the same time with a feeling of trepidation And honestly, I hope the ending is a season, I don't want to wait a whole year to see how it ends -
I think that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will somehow try to contact Wanderlust's father (since Traveler can travel through the Danceverse) to warn him of what happened to his son and they will both go after the mother of Wanderlust and a few other Just dancers.
I still think that if wanderlust's parents stay together for too long their power could collapse the danceverse they are in (which didn't even almost happen in save your tears)
I literally couldn't sleep with this hook that Ubisoft made in JD2024. I imagine that in JD2025, Jack Rose will actually be able to find someone to help him save everyone. But here come two of my theories: Either the story ends in JD2025, or Ubisoft makes another cliffhanger in JD2025, continuing the end of the story only in JD2026. That's what I say
I had understood from the director's interview with Dina that she tore up the poster at the beginning because only she and Nightswan have the ability to use flow, but Nightswan decided to use this for evil, which disappointed Mihaly, implying For me too, in the past they were united in some way
I think that Night Swan was actually famous in the Danceverse, and that's why Jack rose there has this desire to be famous, because his mother inspired him by being
I have to say the betas Sweet Dreams and Lose Yourself that were removed would have gone well with the lore
-Usually, Odette (white swan) and Odille (black swan) are played by the same dancer. Sara and Night Swan are played by the same dancer
-The wizard Rothbart bewitched Odette to become a swan. In you should see me in a crown, Night Swan bewitched Sara to become evil
-It might just be a coincidence, but Sara has four letters and starts with "S" (swan)
-Sara in Hebrew means "lady, princess, noble woman". Odette is a princess
-Odille pretended to be Odette to deceive Prince Siegfried and get his hand in marriage. In Canned Heat, Night Swan pretended to be Sara to trick Wanderlust (who also has the title of prince) and steal the Discoball.
Ending 1-Siegfried dies trying to defeat Rothbart and Odette remains with the swan curse forever
Ending 2-Odette and Siegfried drown together, their souls are freed from the curse and they can finally be together in the afterlife
Ending 3-Siegfried defeats Rothbart, Odette has her curse broken and they get married
Which ending do you think you will choose for Just Dance 2025?
I would choose 3, the happiest ending. Night Swan defeated once and for all, the Danceverses at peace, and Wanderlust abdicating his responsibilities as the
"Chosen" to live happily on Earth with Sara.
So, I think a song that would go super well with some music for 25's lore would be 'Swan Song' by Dua Lipa, it would be awesome
Yesssss! This song is an anthem, one that Ubisoft could use. I imagine it as being a new solo map for Siha Nova, sad and horrified by what happened with Wanderlust but little by little finding the courage to face her own son and break Night Swan's spell over him.
I still can't believe that the rock your body coach brutalized the levitation coach and left
Went to get a cigarette and disappeared lol
Next year the story should start with lose yourself and after this song he tries to recruit more people in eternyx even maybe
 think that in jd25 the first two songs will show that jack rose became a drug dealer lol with lose yourself and the next one (or even before lose yourself) is sweet dreams showing the past of night swan and the next ones I don't know
which is also part of the story, but this song is the beginning of the future, so I don't know if it will be in the continuation of the next game or if it is part of this one, because there are also 2 more songs from the lore
I saw a theory that says that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will save the other coaches with the help of The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating). Or maybe with a new coach maybe Jack's father
speaking of which, another theory is that Jack Rose's father is Crimson (Sail).
-They both have red hair
-They have similar dance moves (Jack may have learned from his father)
-Probably he and Night Swan had a very troubled relationship and they separated....
I have a theory that's a little heavy but it's valid, at the beginning of sail Crimson wakes up tied to the ground and following this theory maybe the night swan trapped him in the boat and also towards the end of Sail the boat starts to pick up and he wasn't the one who put it since he was dancing so maybe the night swan wanted to kill her own
what happened to Night Swan trying to kill her own husband?
I think it's because Crimson and Night Swan had different dreams and goals and he didn't agree with her plans to dominate the
Danceverses and create a perfect universe
What I think could happen: Jack Rose finds three more powerful coaches to defeat Night Swan
I've seen two theories:
-The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating) will help Jack
-Jack will have the help of his father (probably Crimson de Sail, but it has not been confirmed until now who his father is)
I think Wonderley's father will come back The way Ubi likes to recycle, they will probably come back
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nicsnort · 3 months
The Dark Kiss - Lore
All the lore from the larger canon Forgotten Realms setting that I used for my Astarion fanfic The Dark Kiss (part 1). If you have any questions about specifics let me know! Cause I consume too much content about the Forgotten Realms lore.
From part 4
Lore Negative Energy: The Negative Energy Plane or the Plane of Death was destroyed during the Spellplague (when Cryic and Shar killed Mystra - temporarily). It was the plane that provided the "Evil" energy in the world that necromancers and the undead used to power themselves - negative energy enhanced the power of the undead and harmed the living. Shar used some of the energy from the Plane of Death collapsing to create the Shadowfell between 1385 and 1395; interestingly Dame Aylin would have been trapped in a newly created Shadowfell as one of its first inhabitants. The rest of the energy went into the planes of elemental chaos (fire plane, water plane, etc.) along with the Plane of Death's counterpart, the Plane of Life/Positive Energy Plane. Lore Vampires: So, in 2e Vampire Lore it is clearly stated that the bite of a vampire is one of the most pleasurable things a mortal can experience! This is what is supposed to be what keeps most victims from fighting back. There are also various ways that a vampire can be created - it isn't just draining someone's blood. 2e vampires used to drain a person's life force using negative energy aka draining their level and if they reached level 0 they died becoming a vampire. Additionally, vampires had venom in their bite, so if you were bitten, and died (from the bite or soon after) there was a chance you could turn into a vampire as well. There are others mentioned but the guide really just says "Whatever you want DMs, vampires are supposed to be mysterious." LOL. Heraldry meanings: So Bats are actually used in old heraldry and crests. A Bat was a representation of watchfulness while also used to inspire fear in enemies. Stars represent honor or achievement which I think works for Ascended Astarion or even better could represent a divine aspect bestowed upon the family very fitting for a "vampire god".
From part 5
Lore Vampire Ages: In old 2e D&D vampires were more powerful than in modern editions. One of the major things was due to vampires getting more powerful as they age. There was no such thing as a "vampire spawn"; when a vampire drained the life of a person they created another full-fledged vampire. Instead, there were different age categories of vampires that determined their power. Fledgling vampires (those under a century) were the weakest but still super powerful enemies and able to create more vampires with their bite. At a century Mature vampires gained a small amount of magic resistance, more health, and were immune to the repealing effect of garlic. Old vampires (200-299 years), saw a stat boost, more magic resistance, and gained immunity to the turning effect of mirrors - this is what Cazador would be. Very Old vampires at three centuries get a pretty big stat and magic resistance boost. Ancient vampires at four centuries were immune to holy symbols, along with a small stat boost, here too we see that the mere voice of a vampire could charm/compel people instead of having to meet their gaze. Eminent vampires were those 500-999 years old, they could withstand running water, could be in the sun for an hour, got another stat boost, etc. Finally, Patriarchs were over 1000 years old, they could compel people with their sheer willpower, were immune to sunlight, majorly resistant to magic, and got massive stat boosts. Interestingly all vampires still had to be invited into your home and had to sleep in a coffin. Additionally, all vampires were able to control undead including younger vampires - to an extent. The older they were the more they were able to control/summon. Fledglings felt compelled to follow their sire's commands for a few years but could resist (it was just difficult), after a few years they did not feel this compulsion though they could still be controlled through other means. One of the interesting things about the Dark Kiss ceremony was that the "bride" did not feel this compulsion to follow their sire's orders or be charmed by the sire but otherwise was a normal Fledgling vampire. In D&D games I run, I always play this lore conflict about spawn as vampires spawn whose sire is destroyed (or who lets them feed) slowly gain power based on age. Additionally, a spawn that isn't claimed by their sire will become a fledgling after a few years though if they meet their sire they then will have to fight against the sire controlling them.
From part 6
Lore the Dark Kiss: As I mentioned in the first chapter this story is based around the Dark Kiss a ritual from Van Ritchen's Guide to Vampires from the 2nd edition of D&D. The ritual itself is very simple but has some requirements. Firstly, the vampire must bite their intended consort three times (it is implied that this is over three nights but it could be played over a single night). Second, when the intended consort is about to die from blood loss the vampire gives them their blood - the consort must feed for at least 1 minute but no longer than 2 or go mad/feral. Third, the consort dies and awakes a few hours later a fledgling vampire but different than any other fledgling. [the "spell" Astarion speaks is just something I came up with since this ritual is based on that famous passage from Dracula.] There are some interesting points with this ritual which actually makes it dangerous for the vampire. The ritual temporarily drains the vitality of the vampire performing the ritual therefore they need to be at least four centuries old to even attempt it. Also, the consort becomes a weakness for the sire and vice versa; if either is destroyed the other one takes a whole bunch of psychic damage and cannot use their vampiric abilities for some time. However, the consort and sire are more powerful together than most vampires would be - they can communicate telepathically even when miles apart, they can tell if the other is in danger, and some even benefit from other perks as the DM desires. A sire can have only one consort through this ceremony at a time. There are potential downsides more for the consort though. Consorts do not feel compelled to follow the commands of their sire - they have complete free will. However, when they wake they are easily influenced by their creator as they wake confused and unknowing how to use their powers. This means a sire can manipulate them very easily to make their consort reliant on them. Additionally, in becoming a vampire the consort does change - becoming lawful evil, seeing people are pawns and food, etc. - if a vampire turned a consort because of their "innocent" or "good" nature this change could be displeasing to the sire and they may want to destroy their consort. Breaking the bond between sire and consort is possible, however, the sire has to allow it. If it gets to this point the sire being the more powerful vampire will likely destroy their ex-consort afterward. If you are interested in reading about this ritual and other 2e vampire lore the book is available for free online (just google Van Ritchen's guide to vampires, there are a few options). Or else google D&D Dark Kiss and there is a Reddit post in r/CurseofStrahd that has a 5th edition version of the ritual and the associated lore. Lore Undercity: Yeah this is a thing from the first Baldur's Gate game, you can find out a bit more on the Forgotten Realms wiki but there isn't much known about it. Jeheria talks about it and Wyll mentions it when you arrive at the Bhaal temple. I just assume that Cazador is tapping into the same ruins. If you look at the official digital art book there are tons of street-like pathways and other doors making it look like part of a city. I swear they were originally planning on having more vampire content but just like the upper city they had to cut it.
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lovesickeros · 5 months
can we get some tsaritsa headcanons of yours? specifically appearance wise because i gen don't know how to picture her in my head.
YES because i've thought about it extensively and revised it like 20 times. um. don't expect a full descriptor though i run on Vibes tm
the core of tsaritsa to me is a careful dichotomy of archon of cryo + goddess of love. creating the ideal symbol of love and also frigid and emotionless. of a warrior as much as a leader. Childe speaks of this especially (describing her as a true warrior, arrogant and cold in Childe's delusion story, again with Childe but in his "about Tsaritsa" voice line describing her as gentle, "too gentle"). this is the base of her design, to me.
originally i leaned towards "very tall but very lean" at first but i've kind of leaned in the opposite direction lately. still view her as very tall (inhumanely, even), but i've taken a lot of inspiration from marble statues (and sometimes paintings) as a reference (notably and obviously, aphordite) in terms of body structure with the only exception being i view her with broader shoulders then typically painted/sculpted. facial structure is a different matter, but the general view i have is "angular and sharp" (prominent cheekbones, defined jawline, etc).
to be more specific as well, i tend to make the tsaritsa very colorless. the most color she gets is the occasional shades of blue, but most colors i associate with her are very monochrome in nature. i also use this to create a less "human" appearance for her as a personal hc of mine that the archons are all vaguely Off and not quite human in some manner. i portray this specifically in a few ways (extremely pale skin (to the point it makes her veins a lot more visible), white iris, etc) and a few other things i haven't quite settled on. i've considered the idea of her fingers having a black gradient (similar to arlecchino, in a manner) in reference to severe frostbite.
not quite as necessary to the design but i also just give all the Archons big teef on principle. nothing more intimidating then someone you thought was a funeral consultant flashing a set of teeth that can rip out your jugular with no effort!! +1 to unnerving factor. don't piss off the local mondstadt bard, either. it's a bit unnerving to see them when he's laughing like a madman.
speaking of unnerving, i usually write and view the tsaritsa as very stone faced. like, it could put arlecchino to shame. not a single emotion to be seen. you won't even see her face twitch if she's angry. if she smiles you've royally fucked up and you have roughly 0.2 seconds to live. g-dspeed.
another feature i usually add is claw jewelry because it just Fits. in silver, obviously. and she keeps those things sharp. don't get mistaken by the name she can maim a man with those.
i keep clothing very vague because im not familiar with traditional clothing (ill create a mock-up of a design some day. probably) but one of the core parts of it is the veil. don't think wedding veil, though. even if it's white i imagine it's design more as a mourning veil because it fits more with her character (while weddings are associated with "love", the mourning veil suits her better i think in this regard. delusional made up lore things babey!!!!).
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beevean · 1 year
I don’t know how to express this but somehow I get a feeling that Netflixvania and Netflixvania fans don’t like anime and look down on it?? To me, as someone who grew up with anime and manga, Castlevania is still very much a Japanese story despite being set mostly in Eastern Europe. With the serious ham, the character designs, the enemies, “demon lord” Dracula, etc. Even the early Classicvania games are like a Japanese take on Western media and horror films. That’s why Netflixvania lost a lot of its charm to me and seems like just another grimdark, “mature” take on American (not even European) vampire tropes. So with all this defense of Netflixvania and blatantly ignoring and ripping apart the source material, saying its story is inferior and that there’s no substance, I just feel like they don’t think much of the Japanese creators who have made Castlevania alive. They don’t care for how Ayami Kojima inspired the show design and the character looks, they don’t care for how Koji Igarashi added so much lore and themes to Castlevania (themes they’re claiming the show expanded on and did better), they don’t care for the original Castlevania in 1986 for which we can thank for even spawning this franchise. And with the way Japanese people are portrayed in the Netflix series, it just seems like a more blatant “we can do so much more better than Japan” move. Am I overthinking this in believing the Netflixvania fans and creators are kinda racist?
I wouldn't accuse the fans of being automatically xenophobic if they simply prefer something with a more Western appeal. Even the "games stupid" crowd don't think so because it's anime, it's because they're too lazy to engage with the story. It's elitism against videogames, not "lmao japan stupid".
But the people responsible for the show? Oh yes, you can see xenophobia in their arrogance, in their quest to "improve" on the games, to make it adult in an in-your-face way, to miss the idealism because cynicism is much "deeper", to redesign characters to make them more conventionally handsome (and literally fetishizing and emasculating the few who kept their bishounen looks, no I will not let it go). It's rich of them to crudely imitate Kojima's style to make the show look like an anime, when their themes, characterizations and values are much, much more Western.
Speaking of Kojima! How would you describe her style? Personally, I love it for being so ethereal, dreamlike, fragile, grotesque in part and yes, even erotic in her original work.
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Some non-CV examples:
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And how do the Deats brothers describe it?
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She "brought the horny". And for them, this is the right justification for this shit:
It's immature, it's shallow, it misses the point, it's disrespectful, and I can confidently say that it's painfully American. And Nocturne, with its hyperfocus on politics, is more of the same. It's the same americacentric arrogance that caused so many regional changes in videogames in the '90s, from censoring breasts to rewriting stories in the manuals to changing a cute mascot to make them look angrier to even things like composing a whole different soundtrack for Sonic CD: the assumption that the Western audience can't, and won't make the effort to approach something that doesn't cater to their culture.
And then you add the arrogance of "fixing the stupid games with no story". These shows are made with nothing but spite in mind.
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minquiec · 9 months
A brief intermission as we cut to a bus that has crashed into my life: the bus also known as choso from the Hit Anime And Manga Jujutsu Kaisen
Yknow the fixation is fixating when you start making ocxccs about it
Off topic but I've actually only ever made two proper ocxcc ships with lore and planning in them (the first being my genshin one and the second being jipunk which was THIS year (had my genshin one for TWO YEARS which is crazy) so the fact I'm making another shows how much this man is affecting my mental state rn
But it also means I still love my other ships very much so 🎉🎉🎉 even if I don't draw it as much cause I can't focus on two things LOLOL
I said this on my story but the concept was like, a seperate setting bc I'm toooo dumb to understand jjk lore
but yeah bc of that their dynamic is like
aloof and reserved individual who doesn't quite understand the concept of love outside of the familial one and is actually quite hesitant and shy abt it x a strange but kind person who slowly teaches him the aforementioned concept
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Ok so the idea of how it goes is like choso randomly wakes up in a place
And this is highkey spoilers for like the 'endgame' of this but I'm never gonna make an actual plot sooo (plus I need to explain this before I sound insane)
The inspiration is like Elysian Fields (bit obsessed w this recently, I drew a jipunk piece abt this too) and ITS ALL CAUSE OF CHOSOS NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE IN THE MANGA AND WE'RE ALL FREAKING OUT ABT IT
But yes he wakes up in an unfamiliar field in an unfamiliar place but he's strangely calm about it (dunno why he is but I'll get back to thinking abt it later) but he spots this house in the distance and naturally he goes to it
And so he would meet haruko who's a little strange because she has no last name and isn't bothered by the fact that one. She lives in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and two. That he just shows up
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She's even like "oh I haven't had visitors in a long while ☺️"
Aaannnd then cue a slow burn slice of life romance im gonna force them to have bc ASHBBENBKKKRMENJ SLOWBURN AGAGG cause there's no way someone like him is falling at first sight (imo anyways)
(Just a fun fact I fell asleep after writing this part and then woke up again HAHDHS it was 2 am.)
But yeah the situation is literally just the forced proximity trope where it's "oh I have to live with this stranger while I try to understand wtf is going but oh no I appear to have slowly fallen in love"
I just want someone to be nice :(( and kind :(( to him :((((( hold his hand pls and be so nice and gentle w his heart cause he's new at this :((((((((
Thinking abt how it's a slow burn is making me crazy rn cause it means we have a lot of stolen glances AHEGGEFGGG and like getting nervous HHHRGGGGRHH and shyness YYYRYYHGGRHHH and it's mostly all from choso cause I love it when a man falls harder 🔥🔥
Anyways I think that's mostly it for now cause I can't remember what else I wanted to say 🧚
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jalo-parker · 1 year
Ok I'm making an official post for Estrials. (or well official until I make a better one)
Everything below cut so I don't make anyone scroll past the novel length (/hj) post I'm about to make when they're just trying to browse their dash :]
Alright so Estrials! They're a species I made up (though they are definitely inspired by some other things like atla cause of the elemental abilities) and they can be anthro, feral, or even like catboy esque(?) (for the lack of a better term) (an example of what I mean would be my sona)
Heres some examples of existing Estrials (in order: my sona (he/it/pup) (small child edition), evil xisuma (little creature and non little creature forms), jimmy (again little creature and non little creature forms), and bigb (little creature and non little creature forms) gotta love bigb and his little sweater) (also ex is part voidwalker too which is why he looks so different from the others, so like yeah you go combine Estrials and another species that would be epic)
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Here we have some of my ocs and a few of the others listed above! Ryder is also part voidwalker and technically doesn't have a little creature form, but I did include a little bust shot doodle of him
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If you're still here, now I'm going to tell you how to make your own! (please do I beg I want more little creatures in the world)
Ok so, they are an open species, though there are a few rules (both like actual rules and trait rules so you stay in line with the species)
-First rule: don't be a dick. I will revoke your Estrial rights if you're not a decent person (no like actually I can't take your character but I can make a list of no good icky people so other Estrial fans know not to interact with you)
-2nd rule: have fun! No really I'm not going to be an evil overlord about people making Estrials. Just enjoy yourselves and be kind to others
-3: more of me just saying this than a rule but you can totally have more than one Estrial! Make like 50 of you want I really don't care
Now rules for like traits and stuff
-1: your Estrial has to have some sort of wings (preferably feathered ones but you can do bug or bat wings if you want) (mechanical wings are also cool! Especially if they're meant to be like a prosthetic or something that would be sick) and some sort of horns (literally any horns idc go wild) you can have any number of these traits too
-2: only one elemental ability per Estrial please (or none at all, you can make an element-less Estrial if you want) there's only one Estrial that has more than one elemental ability and he's not even really an Estrial (it's my sona, it's complicated and lore related don't ask unless you want a novel length reply full of lore)
-3: they have to be either based off of some sort of canine or some sort of feline, though you can totally add features from other things (ex: lizards or fish or deer idk) as long as the base creature that has most of the features showing (so like the main body and head I guess?) is a canine/feline you're good (so like the tail, legs, and even ears can be some other creature if you want) (River, shown above, has a fish tail and some fins kinda like vaporeon. So really, go wild)
-4: any patterns and colors are ok, so yeah make that sparkle dog looking thing !! Go wild, be free my friends. Make the shadow the hedgehog Estrial (no actually you totally could)
Ok no more rules! Info time 😈😈
-Estrials can be any size that's bigger than like a small dog (so like chihuahua ish or bigger) and smaller than a horse (yippee big creature)
-The anthro and catboy(?) Estrials can be any human height btw (anthros can be a little smaller than humans too as a treat)
-They can have any length of fur (so yeah you could make a hairless one, I'd actually be real interested to see that someone do it before I do) and be from any region (hence the different fur lengths. Some of them live in real cold places and have to be real fluffy to keep warmth in, and some live in warmer places and have a lot less fur to cool off easier)
-All Estrials can hide their wings (like magic poof they're gone completely and then poof they're back now) and the catboy(?) ones can sometimes hide all their Estrial features (so like their nose, horns, ears, wings, and tails)
-I'm leaving a whole lot up to interpretation so like go wild I guess. Just don't do anything too weird.. I don't want strange things associated with my species..
Ok now the big thing: elemental abilities
So we have 5 elements + no element (though I'm kinda thinking of adding a 6th.... maybe..). Every Estrial falls under one (and only one) of these categories, though their power levels can vary (so like some fire Estrials can only do tiny poofs of flames and others can have like whole fire tornados going on)
Fire, water, air, earth, and plant
They all overlap with others a little too
-Fire Estrials can bend/control/whatever you want to call it magma, lava, fire, and lightning. They can also heat things up, which does mean they can heat other elements enough to somewhat control those (so like heating metal until it's molten and being able to shape it, or heating water enough that it turns into steam. Though steam is a lot harder for fire Estrials to control) though they lose that ability once the element cools off again
-Water Estrials can bend things like water, ice, some gasses (if the gas has a liquid state at a reasonable temperature. So like not things that require to have subzero temps to be liquids like oxygen), and any other liquids (not including molten things if you count those as liquid).
-Air Estrials can control all gasses (unless they need to be superheated to be a gas) and air. They can also definitely move things with air, so like sandstorms and using lots of wind to lift and move big objects. They can even control the weather a bit because of this (though water Estrials also kinda can. They can make it rain at least) by blowing storms around (including hurricanes and tornados, though they can also cause them too)
-Earth Estrials can control anything that's made of some sort of metal or mineral. So like glass (even if it's not molten, they can still change its shape, though they can also control molten glass) any rock, and all kinds of dirt (including compost in case you were wondering. So like if its considered dirt they can control it)
-Plant Estrials can control all plants. And can move things using plants. And can grow plants. Idk what you want from me the name is kinda self explanatory.. they can also grow plants in their fur (or hair if you have a catboy(?) Estrial) (again I don't really know what else to call them..) this does include stuff like coral, mold, and fungus btw so go wild with your biohazard mold guy (omg Ethan Winters ??? Somebody call crumb immediately) (that is a joke do not call crumb cuptoast just because I referenced Ethan Winters..) (though crumb if you somehow see this hiiii you can make an Ethan Winters Estrial, that would be so sick actually)
That's about it for now! If you have any questions feel free to ask away by commenting, dming me, asking them in the reblogs, sending an actual ask, hell you could even dm me on another platform like twt or something idc. Also, if you make one Please.. please show it to me.. I will be so incredibly happy if I saw your Estrial.. as a treat, for me.. please.. (also do credit me for the species if you post about them. You could just tag me or do like a @/jalo-parker just as long as my user is there you're good)
Ok, bye bye now have a good day :DDDD
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tylidae · 11 months
Can you drop some Fred lore??? I'm rlly curious
hi hi yeas sure!! info under da cut. i wrote a bit more than i expectedddd. i tried splitting it up as best i could.
**cw/tw for unreality dealing with death, alcohol**
ok it'll be a little all over the place and i'll give the bare bones because it's a lot. he's a dude that i like fitting into maaaany universes (like most my dudes) but i'll explain the two main ones.
**CW/TW alcohol**
basic info bout fred: he's a 30 something year old fruity german guy who is, unfortunately, a werecat. fred's got a lot of mental disorder type issues (for example he every now and then has explosive self-destructive episodes.) both bc of past stuff and the whole... werecat thing... he uuuused to have a really bad drinking issue, but it's not as bad now.
his personality type is mostly quiet and solitary. he can talk to people if he wants to/needs to, but prefers being alone. he loves being helpful when he can and is def a problem-solver. fred also cares deeply for others even if he generally seems distant!! very righteous guy too who will take matters into his own hands. big initiative taker.
the whole werecat thing isn't something he was like... 'infected' with. i have a couple sketch pages i intend to pretty up and post at some point explaining ailuranthropy. it's either an infection thing or genetic thing. FOR FRED it's like a recessive hereditary disorder that was forced out by like. human interference if that makes sense? ailuranthropy's not necessarily cyclical with full moon phases either. it *can* be by coincidence, but in fred's case it can happen at random sometimes (or on different phases.) say... 80% of the time he's on a schedule with it; the other 20% are the fun moments when he least expects it!!! yippeee!!!!!
and when he's shifted to werecat, fred's like a hungry rabid animal. and it's always a 50/50 waking up to something regrettable (cough cough dead people cough. or ending up on the news somehow as a "panther-like creature.")
ANYWAYS yea he has a lot of issues :-D!!!!!!
#1 ----- the major timeline i think of and have thought about a lot started sometime early highschool? maybe earlier?? in this universe (and the other) fred's kind of like... an anomaly. and there's tons of other people in his same circumstance (with or without the whole werecat problem.)
**CW: UNREALITY /W DEATH** to make a long story short, fred was born quite a bit ago! give or take a hundred or so years. he ended up dying (bc of someone else who's an evil asshole and who also shows up again later on) but some weird shit happens where he comes-to in a different time and place. it's kind of like that theory people have where if u perish in one universe, your consciousness or something will pick up in another (and u dont actually die die.)
HOWEVER he still has some good memory of pre-death stuff. as time goes on it's less and less on his mind (although it does come up in... usually valid outbursts.) he has to readjust to the timeline he's in too.
IT'S MORESO LIKE... death and time travel and not necessarily death + completely different universe (like alien environments or sumn. or soooo far forward into the future that humans dont exist no more.) it's kinda like donnie darko type stuff (not directly inspired, but that's something i can think off the top my head that has a similar time thing going on.)
in THIS universe thingy he starts off having to skip town to town because of stupid werecat incidents. eventually he ends up in a little town (US east coast baby!) that he hasn't had any issues in... yet.
i like to think he probably works as a university philosophy + history professor (adjunct probs) or something in that field. the past towns he was in will have been other jobs... probably not to that level of profession though. my thought process for him being able to land that job (or any really) was that lev (another oc of mine who i MUST make more art of) would help fred forge shit bc lev coming across him was like "OMG HEY I KNOW YOUUU!!!!" from waaay back pre-death time. and wanted to help him! but that also means he's back to gleefully annoy fred 😭
#2 ---- the second timeline type thing was one i thought up with my bf a handful of years ago. still the same death and time switch type thing except he ends up like. way further in the future. he's all nasty and smelly like a dirty sad little stray and the luckiest thing happens to him. world's richest ginger named alfie finds the loser sitting all alone by himself and takes him in <3 and then they get married (yaaay!)
tbh if i were to start a project of sorts with fred, which i have seriously thought about since early highschool, i'd prob go off of timeline #1. i have other ideas and dudes for that story too other than fred. i'm going to start animating (or trying to) a bunch of things having to deal with him. i have an amv/pmv cooking thats like. 7 minutes long. that i HOPE to be able to work on again soon :-p
THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT HIM AND THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!!!!! i tried condensing it down as much i could ; _ ;!!
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cewyll · 3 months
hii! i found your blog by accident and i'm mesmerized. i used to play rp on twitter and i really wanted to start doing the same here but idk where to start. could you please give me some tips?
oh hey, thank you so much for reaching out! :D i'll admit i'm not as active on this blog as on others, but it makes me happy to have reached you nonetheless. <3
i'd be delighted to give you some tips to start out! it's definitely a process that feels a bit alien at first, but over time you get a feel for it. :>
i am soooo sorry in advance, this is going to be super long — you picked a wordy bitch to ask 😂 but i'll try to format this in a way that's easier to read!
take your time to go through stuff & no need to read or absorb it all right away. feel free to keep this post bookmarked to look back on whenever you need it as well.
💖 welcome to raine's stupidly-long guide to starting tumblr rp! 💖 qualification: i've had this blog for 11 years. fml disclaimer: still all just from my perspective, i'm just one gal with opinions hehe
start out by making a new blog for your character. (i wouldn't recommend starting out with a sideblog personally, since you can't send asks from them). choose a url that feels relevant. i'm always a fan of the ol "smush two words together that sound nice" technique — ie, my other blogs are huntershowl and icarusplunged — which never seems to fully go out of style. really you can do whatever feels right to you :)
the most important part of setting up an rp blog is creating a rules page and, if you're writing an OC, an about page. the rules set up your boundaries, your wants and don't wants, anything you want someone to know before they follow you. the about page should give new partners everything they need to know about your character — personality, appearance, setting/lore, any backstory you want to display publicly.
feel free to look around at different rpers' rules pages and use them as inspiration! as long as nothing is copypasted and everything is your own original content, which brings me to etiquette.
'tis largely an Unspoken Thing in the rpc (rp community), and breaching it can def make people feel uncomfortable (even though that's something that Should be in rules pages, most of us forget haha). here are the things i can think of off the top of my head:
the way to reach out to new people is simply to follow them. that's all you gotta do! if they don't follow back, don't push, just unfollow them after a few weeks and move on. it's almost never personal!
in that vein, if someone's blog is private/selective/mutuals-only, wait to interact until they follow back.
once they do, it's up to you how you want to move forward — usually i'll wait until they post some sort of interaction call for you to like. a starter call, a plotting call, orrrr if they reblog an ask meme (which is like a list of sentence prompts! you can choose one from the list and send it as an ask, which they can use as an rp starter.) you can also just IM them though :)
don't reblog non-rp content (ask memes, quotes/imagery, etc) directly from another rp blog, it clogs up their notifications! just reblog from the original post instead.
don't interact with other people's threads (liking or reblogging, but feel free to read them and talk about them ooc!), and only respond to a starter if it's labeled as open — otherwise it was probably written for another rper specifically.
try not to prod people too hard if they haven't responded in a while. some folks are okay with being reminded about a forgotten thread a few weeks after replies stall out.
always tag nsft (not safe for tumblr, the other acronym gets flagged/hidden) and very upsetting content — gore, SA or abuse mentions, etc. i've seen some people starting to use "dead dove do not eat" as a catch-all for super dark content, but honestly that phrase gives me the heebiest of jeebies so i prefer to go with individual tags
general platformless rp etiquette rules apply: don't steal other people's content, don't assume or control the other character's actions/thoughts/etc.
be kind to each other, most of all. communicate when you have a problem with someone, rather than making a vague/callout post about them. that being said, i'm a proponent of the block button — blocking people is okay! it's not a big deal. this is a hobby space and no one is entitled to you. advocate for yourself!!
okay that was a long section, whew! lil break. take a sip of water. have a snack mayhaps.
now: RP STRUCTURE (the fun part)
we don't really do "script" style rp on tumblr — it'll usually, if not always, be in prose/paragraph form. formatting is a fun touch, but not necessary. as you can see, i'm using small text here with some little chunks of text in bold/italic or regular size text to add some visual interest. again, not necessary! experiment, figure out what you like!
lots of people will use icons of different sizes — 100x100 is the most common, but they really do vary. i would suggest going smaller rather than bigger (like don't use full post-width gifs or icons, try to keep them under half the size of the post? that's the most common vibe at least.)
icons can be used to "illustrate" your character's expression among a bunch of text, if you want Visual Spice. but they are soooo not necessary! totally up to you.
here are some examples of my icon styling!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
there are lots of rp resources out here for cool coloring psd's and graphic templates for ya blog. create something fun and pretty that you like! <3
to reply to a thread, reblog it and add your post.
important: i highly recommend downloading and installing XKIT in your browser. it's an extension that lets you trim posts to the last two reblogs (common around here), customize your blog experience, and just makes it a lot easier to exist on tumblr haha.
ummmm i think that's it actually! you're finally free of my rambling. i really hope this helped!! please let me know if you have any questions, and gimme a follow when you start up a blog — i'd be happy to help you out however i can.
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