#and even though diluc doesn't seem to be that impacted by it or at least they haven't explored that it's still a pretty interesting detail
torgawl · 5 months
sometimes i think about how crepus probably wasn't father of the year and i go a little insane. the way he pushed diluc into becoming a knight of favonious at such a young age; diluc receiving his vision so early in his life; how he saw his accomplishments as both his and his father's; crepus planning to gift or getting a delusion for his son despite his vision; and, the way diluc's namecard references him as crepus' creation, which is such an impersonal and cold way to put being someone's son. not only that but, again, referencing his strenght specifically. i'm not saying crepus was a bad father, diluc loved him dearly, but the projection he did of his own dream onto diluc's life and the efforts he went through to make sure diluc was "strong enough" doesn't appear to have been the healthiest thing.
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we obviously have little to no information about diluc's relationship with his dad outside of a few mentions here and there but from his character story it just seems that even the praise crepus gave diluc was always because he did well in, somehow, living his father's dream and not necessarily because of who diluc was. it's a little bittersweet.
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dandelion-wings · 4 months
A quick little very self-indulgent warmup for this morning, featuring an OC that @theabysscomeshome will recognize (because if you can't make up self-indulgent OCs with your friends, what's the point of fandom?), but in a somewhat different scenario.
Diluc is just past Springvale, at the entrance to Drunkard's Canyon, when the assassin attacks.
His only warning is a flicker of movement overhead. He flings himself to the side just as they dive, hitting the ground blade-first and landing in a crouch a second later. The shockwave makes him stagger, but he'd dodged far enough from the point of impact not to fall.
They're up again and moving in before Diluc has time to do more than draw his blade. He parries the first few blows, trying to get a good look at his oppenent, who's moving far too fast. His first impression is that they're small, and dark, and human-shaped, or at least humanoid; that they wield a blade, and with such precision, tells him that this is no hilichurl, though the horned mask they wear bears more resemblance to a hilichurl's than those of the Fatui. If they're a human, though, they're very short for it.
Or a child, and the high adolescent voice exclaiming angrily in response to Diluc's first counterattack gives him a second's pause. They take advantage of that to step under his extended claymore, stabbing at him with their own thin needle-pointed rapier. Diluc turns away, the blade catching nothing more than the flaring edge of his jacket, and seizes the initative again in the moment they lose yanking their sword out of the fabric.
He doesn't hold back because they seem to be a child. The House of the Hearth sends its agents out shockingly young, at times, and there are beings of the Abyss that can take many forms. Besides, to do so would very clearly be to sign his own death warrant. They attack with deadly fury, every strike made with all their strength behind it. Their swordwork feels eerily familiar, though Diluc can't quite place it, and through several exchanges neither he nor they make contact--they dodge with almost supernatural speed, and that eerie familiarity is just enough for Diluc to anticipate each move and turn it aside.
Then they fling themselves forward under his swing again, stabbing instead of slashing. When Diluc steps aside and back, there's an odd shiver to the air around them, and on pure trained-in instinct Diluc spins about as they appear, with no prelude, at his back. He catches the slash that would have gotten him in the kidneys on his claymore and throws them staggering back.
For a second they study each other, both breathing hard. Diluc's gaze flickers from their dark clothing, seeming almost more a shadow around in this evening light, to that dark horned mask, to the hood above their head, and somehow he knows, too, to leap aside as they raise their free hand and hiss something in a familiar harsh language and a point of ice slams down where he'd been. An Abyss Mage, then, or some monster spawned or trained by one. Diluc lets flame run down his blade and leaps towards the assassin.
And then there's a taller figure in front of them, a sword coming up to parry a blow that thin blade couldn't possibly hold back, a single diamond-pupiled eye wide in old remembered fear despite the set jaw beneath it. Diluc twists aside, feeling something in his back wrench as he forces the heavy claymore off its path. It rips free from his hands, swinging off sideways to set an abandoned stall alight. Diluc doesn't care. He is never setting his brother on fire again.
Kaeya drops his sword, too, as the assassin tries to dart past him with their blade bared. He snatches them up, pinning them to his chest, murmuring something Diluc can barely catch beneath the assassin's furious cries--both in a language that Diluc recognizes, though he understands it better written than spoken, and far more in the assassin's sharp accent than in the soft, almost gentle one that Kaeya is using. He doesn't have to understand it perfectly to pick up that the assassin's shrieking is mostly about killing him. While they're vigoriously kicking Kaeya in the shins, though, they don't turn their tightly-held blade upon him to get free, and so Diluc steps closer to his claymore but doesn't torment his screaming back by bending to pick it up.
In their struggling their hood falls back, and Diluc can see the shock of dark blue hair, a few paler strands running through it. Kaeya adjusts his grip under their armpits to get a hand up and tug their mask free. Beneath it, the face is almost as familiar as the swordwork--though in this one two blue diamond-pupiled eyes meet his in a defiant glare. The adolescent shrieks again about killing him, and Diluc recognizes Kaeya's answer, sterner this time, as a 'no.'
"A relative of yours?" Diluc asks.
"Ah." The smile Kaeya gives him is oddly apologetic. "If I don't miss my guess, this is my little sister. Though she was much smaller the last time I held her."
"I'm going to kill you!" she shrieks at Diluc in heavily accented but perfectly correct Mond. "You took him, and you ruined him, and then you hurt him, and I'm going to kill you and take him back! Put me down so I can kill him and take you home!"
"She still screams just as loudly, though," Kaeya says, with a sigh. "Quiet, systir, you're hurting my ears. And you're not killing anyone. Except maybe my shins."
"How did you know she was here?"
"She used the sloppiest Abyssal gate I've ever felt. Half of Teyvat must know she's here. Lisa certainly does, so I don't think we'll be alone out here for long."
The girl drops out of Mond to say something low and vicious. Kaeya ignores her abuse, and so Diluc does, too, much as it sets his teeth on edge to hear her hiss those insults at his brother. His brother; if she's part of the family who abandoned him, he doesn't see how she has any claim.
"Anyone we need to worry about other than the Knights?"
"Ah. Well. If Faðir is still alive, I imagine he'll be right behind her as soon as the local leylines reorder themselves out of the mess she made." Kaeya's smile goes wry. "Which means that now that we've established that no one is killing anyone, we may want to move this discussion elsewhere."
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rosietrace · 2 years
Lancelot Novellion
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“.... Your assistance is unneeded, however, I appreciate the offer.”
— Lancelot Novellion, the second son
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General Information
Full Name — Lancelot Winchester Novellion
↳ Lancelot; Possibly a French diminutive of Lanzo. In Arthurian Legend, Lancelot was known as the bravest of the knights of the Round Table, while also for being the lover of Guinevere — ultimately leading to the destruction of Arthur's Kingdom.
↳ Winchester; Taken from the English place name, derived from Venta, of Celtic origin, and Latin castrum, meaning ‘camp, fortress’.
↳ Novellion; Taken from the word ‘Novel’, with additional letters.
Japanese ver. — ランスロット ウィンチェスター ノベリオン
Romaji ver. — Ransurotto Winchestā Noberion
Twisted from: Sir Lancelot
❐ — Arthurian Legend
V/A(日本語): Yuki Kaji(梶裕貴)
↳ Voices Todoroki Shoto from Boku no Hero Academia
V/A(英語/EN): Sean Chiplock
↳ Voices Diluc from Genshin Impact
Age: 18
Birthday: June 19th
Horoscope: Cancer ♋
Species: Human
Height: 177 cm
Hair color: White, Gray
Eye color: Amber
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Dominant hand: Right
Extra Information
Homeland: The Blackheart Empire
↳ Formerly known as the ‘Lucretian Empire’
『 Family:
Mordred Lucretius — Father
Antoinette Winchester Lucretius — Mother
Davidson Novellion — Older Brother
Roya Callistis — Cousin 』
Dormitory: TBA
School Year: 2nd Year
Class: 2-A(seat no. 2)
Club: None
Best class(es): Physical Education
Worst class(es): Herbology, Alchemy
Like(s): Family, protecting those he cares about, sparring with Davis, spending time with his mother, knitting, swordsmanship, derby racing, listening to music, board games
Dislike(s): Davis' disdain for Roya, his father, being unable to protect others, the scars on his face, memories of his past, the inability to forget things he wants to forget, alchemy projects exploding, rusted armor, grenade launching, underestimation
Hobbies: Sparring, swordsmanship, relaxing near the palace lake, tending to his armory, cleaning his weapons, playing board games with Davis, derby racing, listening to music, knitting
Talent(s): Swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat, multilingual-ish, equestrianism, knitting
Flaw(s): Pessimistic, over-dependent on his family, protective, aggressive, thinks about others before himself, self-conscious
Lance is significantly less…. Social, then Davis is.
He isn't much of a talker. He lets his accomplishments, his failures, and his actions do the work for him. At least most of the time.
Though Davis is the significantly more popular one of the brothers, Lance has quite the following as well….. Not that he seems to notice that, at least.
Lance, in all honesty, is hard on himself.
He can't seem to see the version of him everyone else sees, in himself. He looks into a mirror and sees nothing of what the people around him see.
With the way he grew up, the way he viewed himself was something he was accustomed to over the years. The smallest sign of praise would've sent him over the edge, but shortly after he'd start looking for ways to earn more.
Praise kept him going, just not in the same way it fueled Davis. They viewed the world differently (at least at first glance), and so, they viewed their pride differently.
In the case of mercy, Lance is about as aggressive as his brother. Just not as vindictive, much to the relief of many of the people he deals with, funnily enough.
Lance is considerably dependent on the acknowledgment of his parents, and especially Davis. He knows that his brother cares about him, but at times, his pride can get in the way of that care — often leading to moments where it feels like Davis doesn't even know who his own brother is.
Lance would do anything, anything, for his family. Getting hurt is just part of that process, and that's a risk he's more than willing to take for them.
Thoughts on them
“Ah, my sweet, beloved brother… He needs to learn to stay away from what isn't his business. I love him, truly, but there's no harm in teaching him an important lesson.”
— Davidson Novellion, Lancelot's Older Brother
“Lance doesn't speak much, but then again, I'm no better. We both often stay in the far corner during banquets and other social gatherings, but we're always dragged into the crowd that wants to seize our attention….”
— Roya Callistis, Lancelot's Cousin
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: I'm Not Angry Anymore (interlude) by Paramore
✑ Backstory: 『 The Second Son 』
✑ OC Playlist: TBA
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ㅤ† . ↨
↨ In all the Swordsman Solstice competitions he's competed in, Lance always played third fiddle to his brother — and Victoria.
↨ …. Lance is somewhat intimidated by Victoria, not to mention her friendly ‘rivalry’ with her brother. He doesn't even know if what they have is a rivalry.
↨ Compared to Davis, Lance doesn't hold any sort of animosity toward Roya. Unfortunately, given how much Lance loves his older brother…. That isn't to say he doesn't assist Davis in his plans against Roya.
↨ Much like his Mother, Lance is an individual capable of producing magic — he just hasn't activated his Unique Magic yet. And that definitely doesn't bother him!..... Probably.
↨ There's an uncharacteristic childlike wonder in Lance's eyes whenever he spends time with his Mother. Growing up, he never saw her much, so he does his best to treasure the moments when they can spend time together. Especially since Davis already had so many opportunities, when compared to his younger brother.
↨ Is very much aware that his brother is capable of wielding a sword, even if it's gorilla glued to a rock. It's somewhat terrifying for Lance, actually.
Lance's Tags
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#lancelot novellion • #『 lance 🛡️ 』
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r0-boat · 2 years
Monster Island au genshin impact Edition
Some kind of Phoenix harpy.
The only one who wasn't interested in humans and he doesn't get the appeal. Until one day he broke his wing and despite how dangerous he could potentially be you still took him into your home and nurse him back to health. Diluc at first was not happy his brother is bursting into flame burning off of bandages when he tries to fly again. Eventually, he gets used to being around you trusting you enough to let you touch him.
Living with you made him feel something he hasn't felt since his last father. He never knew how lonely he was until he felt your fingers run through his feathers and hair it took all of him not to lean into your touch. Everything about you looked so foreign and yet warm and welcoming
he finally gets why humans are such popular Mates
You however we're starting to regret your decision bringing him into your base rather than just attend somewhere because now you have a walking fire hazard around your wooden cabin... at least he seems to watch your base while you're gone.
Diluc is currently the only monster who knows were you are.
( his Legacy form is his full werewolf form)
You felt piercing eyes on you you stood your ground when a wolf boy left at you with quick reflexes you countered and through him off you.
Liking the thrill of the hunt and battle he fought with you. He was strong but it was no match for your ranger training. HQ specifically trained you in hand-to-hand combat so winning was easy.
And now you seem to have tamed him?! The wolf boy that was not too long ago growing and itching for a fight now whines for your constant attention.
He probably sees you as his new Alpha. Well he is a nice hunting ally so it won't hurt to keep him around you can't help but shake the feeling that he has a different motive better keep a close eye on him
(Yes yes we know zhongli is Dragon but have you ever considered naga?)
You were just exploring the island until you came across some ruins that seemed to go underground. Curiosity struck you
The sound of your steps echo through the ruins as you go deeper. You enter into a dark room it seems to be a dead end
But when you took a closer look the end of the room that has door this rusted metal chains whatever was inside that room was valuable enough to keep locked in the chain were rusted so you had no problem getting the door open.
What you saw in that room was no gold or jewels but it was a Naga sleeping. As you slowly stepped concert your presence seems to wake the creature.
Before you could react you're taken to the ground by it "an offering? No... you're the one who freed me?" His glowing eyes bore into yours.you couldn't control yourself you nodding your head. You couldn't control your body your couldn't move they wrapped his coils around you inspecting your body "your... Human? How curious I remember the humans were excellent incubators"
Upon hearing that word it's a goal you will power to break out of whatever spell he had you in breaking out of its coils somehow and running out of the Temple as fast as you could. Even though you escaped him you still get the feeling that he will come for you.
Dog boy
It was odd to see a dog boy on the island he must have belonged to another human but you've checked everywhere that doesn't seem to be any other humans besides you.
Thoma and his human got stranded together on this island sadly his human did not make it and he has been living on the island ever since. Thoma has being doing well for himself but when he saw you his eyes widened. He was so lonely he missed his old human so much.he followed you around like well a lost puppy. Begging you to take him home to wherever you're staying.
He won't let this human die like the last one he'll protect you with his life so please he'll do anything he's a very good cook help clean up and guard your home and take care of your garden.
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blisschi · 3 years
Hello! Since you said that your request box is open I thought that I would request something (^○^) May I request Diluc, Childe and Kaeya with an s/o who gets very little sleep? Like around maybe 3-5 hours of sleep but functions really well throughout the day :0 I'm like this and I wondered how those 3 men would react to their s/o having a terrible sleep schedule ٩(●ᴗ●)۶
My sleep schedule is actually pretty similar! Usually, I sleep around 5 hours a day and then my body wakes up itself,, no matter how hard I try to fall asleep again, it just doesn't let me.. (。T ω T。)
•With s/o that doesn't need much sleep•
Pairings: Diluc/Childe/Kaeya x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff ♡
Notes: I hope you like it! (≧◡≦) ♡
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Even though Diluc himself doesn't have the best sleep schedule, he'd never wish for his beloved to sleep so little.
When he finally gets home after a tiring day, no matter how much he missed you, he wants to see you safe and sound in your shared bedroom - and with that comes, asleep.
It's not always what he hopes to see though. Sometimes you decide to wait for him, explaining that you're not tired at all and wanted to greet him when he's back. He'd sigh and wrap his arms around you, not complaining about your sweet and pure intentions.
He's just worried. Diluc doesn't quite understand how does your body handle only 3 to 5 hours of sleep. On his days off, you're usually the one to go to sleep later and wake up earlier, that somehow makes him feel bad.
Since usually you're awake earlier than any of his maids, he'd try to match his sleep schedule to yours so he's at least able to prepare you breakfast! ♡
He'd honestly try doing as much as he can for you!
Rarely, mostly in the evenings he'd invite you for some cuddling session, believing that keeping you in his warm embrace has even the slightest impact on making you sleepy!
Sometimes he fails miserably, being the one to doze off first. Sometimes though, he achieves this little, priceless victory of finally making you drift into the dreamland.
Childe would probably be the one to nag you about going to sleep earlier and trying to wake up later, no matter how unreal it seems. Afterall, you can't control your body just like that, right?
I somehow imagine his "big-brother instinct" to activate ans even though he wouldn't completely treat you like a kid, he'd still try to watch over you and use silly ways to make you a little bit sleepy.
Since he was raised among younger siblings, Childe catched some tips about putting them to bed and for some reason, he decided it'd be a wonderful idea to try them on you.
In Snezhnaya, nights happen to be really cold. Childe remembers his parents giving him and his younger siblings warm milk or cacao, so he'd totally try preparing one for you every evening!
As to the classical way of putting a kid to sleep - telling a story or singing a lullaby. Childe can not do that.. or at least he can't do that right. It always starts innocent, but whenever he let's himself dive into his imagination, the stories become dark and full of his battle fantasies. He'd chuckle it off and apologize for getting off track, wondering if just telling you about his day was any better option.
Warmth. Childe's sure that warmth is one of the most important things you need to fall and sleep well. You want to sleep in his clothes? Sure, take it whenever you want!
Always more than one blanket on the bed! Whenever he'd travel to another nations because of the fatui matters, he'd think of buying you something to place in the bedroom. If he can't make you sleep more, he'd at least make spending your time in the bed more pleasing.. and who knows? Maybe if you're more eager to stay in the room, you'll eventually fall asleep yourself.
I think Childe would grow to understand that you're not in need of more than 3 to 5 hours of sleep and he accepts that. Yet he doesn't stop trying. Sometimes you'd pout that he's treating you like a kid, but secretly you like the way he's taking care of you, because you know that he truly worries and cares for your well-being.
It might be a little selfish, but Kaeya actually enjoys that instead of sleeping, you're accompanying him in his office whenever he has to stay late at night to finish up some paperwork.
Kaeya understands that you don't need a lot of sleep to feel rested. Afterall, his situation is quite similar. He spends days at the headquarters, eventually being sent onto an expedition, yet no one sees Kaeya ever being too tired to work.
He usually let's you sit on his lap while doing the paperwork! The feeling of having him close to you and being able to push your face into the crook of his neck brings you comfort - and with that, sometimes it makes you fall asleep right in his embrace.
He'd usually stroke your hair while writing with the other, from time to time placing soft kisses onto the top of your head.
Sly smile appears on his face everytime Kaeya gets to see you drift to sleep near him, ready to tease you about it the second you open your eyes.
"Oh? Looks like I'm necessary to keep you well-rested, darling. Well then, I shall consider letting you treat me like a pillow every night. If you deserve it, that is."
As to teasing, Kaeya would totally tease you everytime he sees you yawn!
"Hm? Is my snowflake getting tired?" or "Thought you don't need much of sleep, love.. but since I'm already here.. How about I watch over you while you're resting those precious eyes of yours?"
Overall, whenever you're awake or not, Kaeya just loves to have you near him.
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is-nini · 3 years
Prince of the abyss! Aether x abused Reader
Requested by anon:
Ayo! How have you been lately? Can I request an Aether (like the prince of the abyss or whatever, not aether the traveler) x reader where the reader is being abused? How would AETHER the PRINCE OF THE ABYSS react? What would he do to her abuser? Thank you :> it’s understandable if you don’t want to write this.
A/n: thankyou so much for requesting! Please enjoy!.
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Aether has watch you for.. a little while now, even though he watches and stalk alot of people, you always seems to interest him the most. Aether might be the prince of the darkness, the ruler but that doesn't mean that he can't have a little.. interest towards normal humans.
You has always been an angel, and as the saying goes, opposite attract and in this case. You. An angel has took the interest of the dark prince or lord himself.
Your purity is the cause of your doom.
That's what Aether thinks. Despite taking interest in you he didn't really know much about you. Sure, he knows about your daily schedule, height, weight, everything from head to toe but he never really know about your family. He could've make his job easier by asking the mages or one of his minions to follow you but you are just too rare in his eyes. He doesn't trust his minions to watch over you.
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Aether is looking at you sharply from the hills where you usually walk. Your eyes shine and glimmer as you greets people around you at the dawn winery, people pass by you with a smile on their face. Your smile really is hypnotising. When you smile and the whole rooms lits up, warming the slightly cold aura at the dawn winery.
Aether, without realizing curls up the corner of his mouth, making a ghost genuine smile on his face. He immediately snap out of his head and frown immediately.
What did you do? Did you put a spell on him? How can the mere sight of you makes him smile slightly? How can you, someone he never talks to makes him feel.. warm inside? The warm feeling that he has never felt for a long time?.
Aether narrowed his eye and shake away his thoughts. He will stay with his mission, which is finding out more information about the people around you and your household. The reason? Well he wanted to make sure that there is no.. mortals that will try to take you away and make sure you are okay.
Aether's eyes widen, thinking back to the thought that he just made. Since when is he possessive over you? Since when did he care? Aether looks at your form, seeing you talk to the dawn winery owner makes his blood boil.
You smile at Diluc and wave goodbye to him after giving him the new wine design. Diluc thanks you and gave you the payment as soon as you say thankyou and you make your way back to your home.
The closer you get to your home, your heart felt heavier and heavier. The bubbly aura around you is gone and is replaced with scared, anxiety,stress.
Aether looks at your changing state and furrowed his eyebrow. Why do you look so scared? What happen? Aether is sure he followed you home and didn't miss a thing.. he is sure that no one hurts you, not even the hilicurl.. why do you look so scared?
You never have neighbour or people around your house because you doesn't have that strong economic to live where people live. Even though the winery does pay you a good amount of money, it doesn't cover the whole thing. Your parents keeps piling on debt and it's getting hard for you to keep up.
You take a deep breath and pull out the money from your pocket, before you even knock on the door, the door burst open, your body felt the impact from the door and you fell backwards, you quickly puts your hand on the ground, making sure your head to fall to the ground. Your money flying everywhere as your parents stand Infront of the door.
Aether, who is looking wide eye quickly take a fighting stance. He knows where this is going. He saw the lack of kindness and empathy in your parents eye, despite them just pushing their child, their daughter to the ground with the door.
Aether jumps and as your father is about to hit you, Aether holds his hand and went in front of you, covering you with his body as he hold the sword on your father's neck.
"w-who are you?!"
Your mother screech from behind your father, too scared to move. Aether glares at her and slowly pressing his sword against your father's neck.
He is deep in madness until little whimper came out from your lips as you sob.
"t-take our daughter! P-please let us go!"
You father said. You are shocked at what you heard. They... They gave you to a mysterious man that might kill you in exchange for their lives? You know they are bad but considering you are their income you never thought that they would do that.
Aether furrowed his eyebrows and without saying a word, draw his sword back and looks at your sobbing and shocked figure. He glance at your parents one last time and then quickly takes you princess style.
You struggle against his hold but Aether puts his mouth beside your ear.
"shh, stay put".
He whisper in a gentle voice and then a black galaxy like portal appears as he stepped inside, proceed to disappear in to the portal with the calmer you in his hand.
Your parents let out a sigh of relief and looking at the scattered coins, they picked all of them put in a rushed manner and a smile on their face.
Being deeply engulf in the money, they didn't realize that the abyss herald is behind them until a shadow over looms them. This is the last time they were even seen on the surface of the earth.
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You whimper and close your eyes as you awaits your unwanted death at least that's what you thought when a soft texture touches your bruised skin.
Opening your eyes slowly and looking around the mysterious bedroom your eyes went so wide, thinking that this man will do unsavoury things to you. When your whole body touched the bed you instantly went to the corner of the bed, looking at the blonde man with fear in your eye. You kneel and bow to him, pleading.
"p-please I'm s-sorry if i did something wrong, please don't hurt me-!"
At first you wail and begged for your life until you suddenly stopped when you felt a hand stroke your hair.
"don't... Apologize.."
He, the mysterious man muttered. He looks at you, now that you have a good look at him he doesn't.. seem... Intimidating.. yes, he did threatened your parents with a sword but the gaze that he gave to your parents is different from what he gave you.
His gaze is soft and full of calmness. He kneel Infront of you and grabbed your chin.
"tell me.. what magic did you put to make me like you?"
He asked. You stare at him confusingly. What does he mean? You never learned any magic.. you don't even have power for the lord of barbatos! How can he assumed such a thing?
"i- pardon?"
Aether looks at you and pulled away from you. He started to turn his back on you and started to walk away. You takes all your gut and grab his hand, staring at his eye.
"w-wait-! Why did you asked that question? A-are you going to kill me?"
Your big doe eye looks up at Aether making his heart bump a bit as his face goes red while he looks away. Sighing and feeling his face went back to normal he turns to look at you.
".. your food and clothes will be here shortly.. make yourself at home.."
Is all he said you are too shocked to say anything, you furrowed your eyebrows and just look at him go with a helpless look on your face. Hearing a soft click on the door you instantly rushed to the door, hoping that you did not just get lock. Unfortunately luck is not on your side as you whimper. The door is locked.
You look around the bedroom. Despite the little light around the area, this place seems big and fancy.. you remember the day where you are being thrown out of the house and end up needing to sleep in the grass with the cold night because you didn't bring home enough money to your parents.
You quickly shake your head and looks at the window that leads to what you assume is the abyss. It's black and very galaxy ish, whatever it may be it will not help you to escape or give you any information.
You ponder in wonder.. what will happen to you now? The man doesn't seems like a threat but you won't take chances.. but for now.. you cannot do anything. All you can do is just be patient.. and well.. hope for the better future.
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kachuuyaa · 3 years
##MELANCHOLY'S INTOXiCATiON — genshin impact
g.i, kaeya, fic? drabble?
2GENRE; fluff? i dunno
3INCLUDES; alcohol, kaeya being drunk, kaeya, reader being sick and tired Damn u just want to sleep, u playing the piano because youre a Good Friend 🤣💥😲⁉️😲
4AUTHOR’S NOTES ?! sometimes i want to hug kaeya sometimes i want to punch him 😘🤨 love him though he’s just an asshole sometimes your honor
5SYNOPSIS; was it intoxication that led them to you? They say you succumb to impulsiveness when you drink, but was it really impulsiveness when they showed up at your doorstep? In which, they stumble onto your house, inebriated and miserable. out of pity, (at least, that's what you say) you lay them on your couch and play a piano piece for them. Since when did you play the piano?
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..WAS IT A HARD DAY FOR HIM? HE himself didn't know. Whatever it is, it ended up being one of those nights. his breathing unstable, head down low, fingers entangling a glass of the famous Death After Noon. His memories, however, are what he's trying to forget for the night (as always, but really, he wouldn't admit it.) but, much to his displeasure, while he was trying to drown his life away with his drinks, his memories decide to drown him in. Kaeya liked to call himself confident and exceptional, but with you, his confidence seemed to lessen. How dare you, he thinks, familiar yet in denial with these feelings, how dare you make me able to feel such things, he thinks again, he blames you, it's a daily thing for him now, whenever his emotions go haywire, when he looks at you and feels— nervous, at first, why would he feel nervous? He knew the answer already. Although Kaeya Alberich, ever the cunning liar, thinks—oh, no, he knows, that it's but a crush. Now, though? Oh, how you've swept said Cavalry Captain, he's absolutely smitten for you, and he wonders if you are too. He doesn't know, nor he doesn't care how many ounces he has drunk, but it seems enough for him to get sent out by his beloved brother. A scowl printed on the redhead's face, snatching his brother's cup when he was about to order— again. Seriously, when he's in love, (was that the right word to describe it, now?) he managed to get more annoying, that doesn't make him less irresistible. (at least, that's what he thinks.) Diluc only sighs, however, concern replacing his aloof demeanor. they weren't on the best of terms, per se— scratch that, they weren't on good terms. Have you ever seen Diluc without his scowl whenever his eyes land on Kaeya? "Go home, Kaeya." Diluc warns, but Kaeya only smiles, "Is dear brother worried for me?" He says, slurred— but his stepbrother was able to notice the slight tease on his tone. He clicked his tongue, turning away, to revel in the light the moon provided. It's almost like the sky, the gods, were mocking the cavalry captain. His periwinkle eye shines under the twilight, making his face a sight to those who noticed. He grunts, standing up from his seat, legs a bit wobbly due to the amount of drinking he had done. a few crack of his joints, he managed to stand up straight— for a few seconds, that is. He turns around, back to where his stepbrother was last seen, "See you soon, brother, goo— ah," he spoke, a pained click of his tongue was heard; he gained a headache. "Good night." He managed to voice out, stepping out of the tavern, footsteps uneven and vision blurred. He could only imagine a faint "take care of yourself, Kaeya." from Diluc.
A knock on your door, who could it be? At this hour, as well? [Name], ever the overthinker. Capable of replacing Kaeya's position on the Knights Of Favonius, do you think? You really did not have the energy to tend to anyone today. Although you really didn't do anything today, let's gloss over that. The moon— reminds you of that periwinkle eye that never seems to leave your figure. You weren't an idiot, you knew, but what you didn't know, was did he know that you know? He didn't, actually. He tried being subtle; he thought he was being subtle. He was described as observant, yet he still doesn't know that he's not being subtle; was it on purpose? You didn't know, and yet, you can't find yourself to care. You just needed confirmation. To be fair, when you dream about him and when he manages to have the key to your heart, does that mean you love him? Another knock, this time, louder. Letting out a 'tch' in frustration, you get up, walking to the door as slowly as possible. Was it cruel, to make the unexpected and definitely unwanted visitor wait for a while? To you, obviously not. You were about to sleep, for fucks' sake. Turning the doorknob, You were met with quite an unexpected sight. Kaeya, the man you were thinking about just a few moments ago, slumped on the wall near your door, clothes disheveled, lips stained with what you could make out as wine, hair tousled, some strands falling on his face, a slight blush on his cheeks— something you have never seen before, and his hands were placed on his forehead. He was heavily breathing and seemed to have put your attention on you when you oh so softly called out his name. "Hello, darling," the pet name rolled off his tongue before he could prevent it. Was this man trying to kill you? If he is, he's doing a damn good job. (just like he always is.) with his noticeable, yet unique eyes boring into your own, his features being illuminated, courtesy of the moonlight. Quickly snapping out of your thoughts, you turned to the man looking at you. "Why.." you made a circling motion with your pointer finger, to which Kaeya chuckled at. His voice, raspy, entered your ears and led you to the conclusion that he was, once again, drunk. "I think you have an idea, princess." He said, the pet name once again leaving his mouth. You could feel your face heating up, however, that was the least of your concerns. "Anyways.." He trailed off, cocking his head to the door, "Are you gonna let me in?" He really didn't want to entertain any questions relating to why he came to your house instead of his, (once again, he decides to blame it on his feelings-- on you) but he decides to play along; that's what he does best, no?
You reluctantly let him in, hearing a relieved ‘thank you’ from the blue-haired man. Contemplating whether to make him sleep on the couch or in the guest bedroom— did you even have one? You forgot the interior of your house due to how tired you are. Not that you were complaining, thinking makes your head hurt on nights like these. in the middle of your internal monologue, Kaeya made himself comfortable on your couch; a squeak was heard when he was shifting. You quickly shifted your gaze to the man who is now in front of you. Silence fills the canvas that is the sky and your living room. "Remove your accessories," You mumble, hoping that he would hear it. He flicked his head to you, smirking, "At least take me out for drinks," He teased, and you couldn't help but deadpan at him. Oh, you’re taking him out alright. With a sword. Although intoxicated, his teasing was still unrelenting. He obeyed you, either way, taking off his cape, (was it a cape? it looks like so.) and his pelt of fur, placing them carefully on the small coffee table in front of him. Then, his boots came off as well. "Enjoying the view, hm?" He cooed, locking his eyes with yours, and you let out an amused hum, unfazed by his antics. "Right," you really don't want to deal with this today. It's late at night, and this Cavalry Captain decided to barge into your doorstep. You didn't want to ask why, though, he'll tease you relentlessly while avoiding the topic. You grabbed some spare pillows and blankets from your other room. Internally clicking your tongue and cursing him out in your mind, you halted your footsteps when you saw him sleeping. His mouth was slightly agape and his legs were (long, was your first thought) bent so he could fit on your couch. Snickering to yourself, you gently lifted his head up to put the pillow below him, and a blanket on top of him. Thinking about it, you doubted the reason why he came here was to bring false hope. To make you believe that you actually had the chance to be with the Kaeya Alberich, the proclaimed bachelor of Mondstadt. You knew how many people would kill to be in your place right now, but that, you could care less about. Kaeya was unpredictable; you knew. You kept learning new things about him every day, but to others, it may seem that he could read you like the back of your hand. He wasn't wrong, nor was he right, but the things you do are sometimes predictable, some even more so than others. You surprise him, you really do; you could learn things and adapt to certain situations in a snap, and that was probably what allured him. You were attractive, it was obvious, it doesn't take a genius to see that, but what attracted him was the personality you never showed to people. It was a privilege to Kaeya, to him, at least. You sighed, walking towards your grand piano in the center of the living room, light reflecting from its material. You made sure your footsteps were soft so as not to disturb the man on your couch, and you sat down. A melody won't hurt, would it?
your fingers worked their way to the keyboard, and then, you play. Your fingers were like weavers— skilfully weaving a masterpiece and satisfying its client, and you— clearly you weren't going to fail such powerful pianists, now would you? You were painting a canvas using your fingers, pressing on its keys ever so gently; the music traveling with the wind. You had a natural talent for piano, it was obvious, you never had a hard time implementing piano pieces onto your head. Your fingers were single-handedly forming a story on their own on the piano, pressing onto its tiles and carefully playing each note. Kaeya, on the other hand, was never asleep. This was one of the moments where you never fail to surprise him. Piano? Since when were you able to play such an instrument? You never mentioned such a thing to him, nor to anyone he could recall. Could he say that this melody you were playing, just for him, made him fall even harder? It was a pit that he could never escape, he realized that. Maybe the reason why he was here was that he was looking for you. He knew that he loved you, he's not denying it anymore. Who knew that such a simple piece could impact someone's thoughts—
Kaeya's thoughts? Simple, because it was you who was playing it, you, the person who he has fallen in love with, who never fails to make his heart race even when you just spare a glance at him, and you, who has amazed him in more ways than one. He slept soundly to the tune of your melody, dreaming about you, and he wondered, are you dreaming about him too?
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26052021 , © kachuuyaa | do not claim my work as your own.
not proofread.
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justanacorn · 2 years
[Genshin Impact Clown Headcanons #2]
Mr. Diclunk: The Reasons He Has
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What Started It All:
Diluc came into work much earlier than usual, he needed to make sure everything was ready for the monthly inspection on Angels Share.
Everything was perfect, how did things even turn out for the worse?
Well Apparently, a certain tiny alcohol-hater-cat-girl broke in earlier than Diluc could arrive. Not only did she manage to break her delicious drink curse, but she also applied food poisoning in every single premade drink. With no evidence to prove it was her, Diluc's tavern was soon closed down.
He was left devastated and jobless. But then--one faithful day, a friend he'd known for a long time asked him to fill in for her. It was a clown job. All he had to do was stand outside MsFondent's in a clown costume. It was a simple task. It's not like he had any other choice, so he agreed.
Oh boy, he realized how tiring it was--yet the kids that passed by seemed to find joy in his serious face. How? He couldn't even understand why. But maybe this was truly a good job choice for him?
He tried out more gigs at different restaurants, and soon he became legendary in the entertainment industry.
What is Mr. Diclunk like, you ask? Well...
Although he's used to being very serious, sometime--only ever once in a while--a kid will break his cold exterior and he'll make the loveliest smile ever. This leaves any kid entranced, which causes them to stay longer and come back later.
He's a restaurant clown, so his job is usually to watch or hangout with the kids. He also stands outside and advertises the place he works at the moment.
Usually the thing that really makes him so unique is the fact that he wears the coldest face with hints of warmth, all while he wears a silly clown costume.
Sometimes he even let's kids bonk/boop his nose, and they absolutely enjoy it. He doesn't understand the fascination though. Well, whatever, at least he's doing his job properly if they enjoy it so much. That's a good sign.
What about our dear Mr. Diclunk? What does he think of others? Let's ask him!
Mr. Diclunk? What of your thoughts on Kazuclown?
"Ah, him. He's that clown who mixes literature with his jokes, correct? Well, I appreciate his work. He's very good with writing. I'm quite surprised that wasn't his job choice."
What of Rednoseli? What are your opinions?
"He's that guy who tells super believable stories, if I remember correctly. His reputation precedes him. Yet, I fear I have not listened to any stories of his, so I wouldn't know. But from rumours alone, he sounds great. I'll have to check his work out."
How about Clownamoustache? What do you think?
"I am not a big fan of that one. I've had one too many run ins with him. You'd think after a while I could sense his presence, but nonetheless I can't. I hope to avoid being his future target, again."
Chifeet? Thoughts on him, please?
"Ugh... Him. How I would pay everything to never cross paths with that man. The things he's rumoured to do are disturbing, please never speak his name in my presence again."
@skaramush @scarahours @sevynnee @c0nn0rv8
Masterlist: Genshin Impact Clown AU
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archive-of-bones · 4 years
Addle pate
[Previously From Soil Comes Chalk]
[Established endgame: Albedo]
[Genshin Impact x reader the series]
[tags: Slow burn, isekai, reader has her own life that doesn't revolve around Albedo]
[People wanting to be tagged: @yostresswritinggirl ]
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[Name]'s life had turned a 360° angle in a single night.
She was just the resident gen Z stuck in the middle of a pandemic taking online classes and when she thought 2020 wasn't going to get worse, it did.
It wasn't every day you get to be sucked up into another world after buying some groceries, hopefully, she wouldn't end up like Subaru from Re Zero.
Even just the thought of the shit she could potentially go through and only she would remember it after dying sent a shiver up her spine. She seemed to be blessed enough to be found and taken to safety at least.
And to think that she once dreamed of being "isekaid", that feverish wish came true in the most unexpected of times.
She didn't like it and wished she could curse who in the ever-loving fuck had put her in a world she thought lovely but fictional, she had a family in the real world. Oh wait, could her world even be considered real if the world of Teyvat, a supposed fictional realm was now her reality?
Oh, how she wished she could just punch the god in the face to give her answers as to why they'd grant a wish that was supposed to be nothing but a good joke, aside from giving her existential crisis now of course.
Her brows furrowed as she continuously wiped the wine glass dry, she shouldn't even be stuck in that head-stuck state- they had customers, Diluc would be mad if she were ever to make them wait without necessity.
"Lad! Another round here!" One of the regulars yelled, raising a hand up so she'd know which table she'd be serving again.
Placing the order on three trays, she managed to balance all of them on herself and served it to the man who called earlier. Receiving thanks, she headed back to the counter to continue cleaning cups for the incoming clients.
[Name] does pay attention, the new world she had been subjected to was dangerous. She already had the burden of carrying information she wasn't supposed to know, what more couldn't hurt?
She listened even as she rearranged the delicate glass cups to make a rather fancy display, listening in to things and keeping them in mind in case something were to happen.
She saw a familiar sleeve from her peripheral vision, so she placed the rag down and smiled. "Hello Venti, I'm assuming the regular?" It was the Bard, Lord Barbatos the god of freedom himself.
His emerald eyes glimmered as he flashed a mischievous grin in her direction. "Yes, and thy payment shall be performance." He winked.
She shook her head gently. "I'm afraid that won't be enough of a payment." She chuckled and held her palm out.
Venti pouted and reached for what little earning he got from performing and handed it over to her, smiling in satisfaction she received it. "All of it would be equal to eleven glasses." She had to hold back a snort as to how the bard cheered with the said amount he'd get.
She did end up giving him an extra glass in the end though as a form of sorry.
Hours later, she closed the tavern as per usual in the few days she had started working there. She silently thanked Barbatos for making Mondstadt windy since she could finally get a breather from the thick air the tavern could only provide earlier.
Giving the keys to Diluc who somehow managed to return earlier from one of his vendettas, [Name] graciously bowed and went along her way.
A month, that was how long she had been stuck in this world and counting. She breathed through her nose and exhaled before knocking in a certain rhythm only Klee or Albedo would remember, it was a code of some sort.
The door opened and she was greeted with the face of the chief alchemist. "You're late again, Klee was looking for you." He said and moved to let her in, she entered the house they shared and plopped down onto the couch.
"Is she asleep?" She asked while giving him a glance through her back the best that she could manage, the blonde nodded and closed the door behind him, locking it.
He was one of the few characters she was glad to befriend- if that was the right word, it did feel weird since she thought he didn't actually exist, merely a creation of someone's beautiful imagination.
Sometimes she wondered what kind of luck she had to be living with one of her favorite characters. Alice, Klee's mother had taken a liking to her upon finding her outside of Mondstadt and decided to take her in as she did with Albedo, since she left with her partner she eventually decided to just leave Klee in hers and Albedo's custody while she travels the world.
[Name] does still feel the remnants of the awkwardness in the first days she had been left with the alchemist- not that it ever disappeared, she used to be an only child so living with someone she probably has to call her stepbrother all of a sudden after being ripped off of everything was a little overwhelming. Alice probably knew this and decided to get them stuck together in the means of Klee.
"Drink." Speak of the devil, there he was holding a cup of warm concoction to help her with the obvious stress. And sometimes, she's not very sure if he's either doing it out of his own will or he's doing these things out of politeness, maybe the latter; it made sense for his character the most.
It did hurt a little to think about it though, but she supposed it's the reality she would have to face now and then the days to come after.
She groggily accepted the cup and drank it in one go before repositioning herself to sit down properly, the chilly night air of Mondstadt passing their windows and gently caressed delicate-looking curtains before gingerly touching their faces.
"The stars are awfully nice tonight, ain't it?" [Name] remarked, Albedo's beautiful eyes gave the stars outside a glance. There was an awkward strain in there, but neither of them uttered a single word about it.
"I agree, they seem to shine brighter than last night." He admitted before his eyes diverted back to her.
"We should sleep, you've been tired as of late." He said this in an unblinking fashion, despite it only being a two week equivalent of living with each other, it was enough to let her know it was his way of saying that he cares(?).
At least she hoped he did, there was nothing wrong with a little assumption.
They quietly made their way to Klee after they changed into sleepwear. They slipped under the warm sheets and laid on either side of the little girl, facing each other; sometimes it felt a little too intimate and personal but it somehow managed to feel strangely comforting.
She has no time to think about how surreal everything is, of the weight that's on her shoulders.
Needless to say, they slept peacefully. Leaving only the sounds of soft breathing and the night breeze as a trail.
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tsunflowers · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the Genshin impact character designs? I know there's a lot of characters so don't have to do all the characters.
I think I've said before that they all look really young to me, or the women do at least. even the ones who are definitely supposed to be sexy mature adults seem like they can't be over 25? so I think thats weird. let me look at a list of characters and I'll click on all the ones whose names I've seen people mention
albedo: his hair looks like a lion mane, it's cute. I like his coat. he's not very exciting to me otherwise
beidou: I like her stance and her grin it's just I wish her face looked older. also, put some pants on that beast
diluc: i think he's really cute I like his red hair. and the red insides of his gloves are a nice touch for someone I assume has fire powers since he's labeled "pyro" on the wiki
ganyu: she reminds me of hanyuu from higurashi. the name even sounds similar. I would like to wrap a blanket around her to cover her up some bc her skintight bodysuit and single scrap of fabric are not doing that for her. is she supposed to look like she has a bell around her neck? I can't say I like this design
kaeya: he's pretty handsome. I get the impression that his cape thing is shaped like whatever you want it to be shaped like. lots of guys with ponytails in this game and I'm not complaining
keqing: she looks like a tsundere princess. her ingame sprite is such a downgrade from her portrait bc she doesn't look nearly as cute and fluffy anymore
mona: this is another character where I'm like "what if she had pants"
ningguang: very cute, I like her mature and elegant look
tartaglia/childe: sorry but he just looks like the most generic guy in any idol anime... I feel like I don't care about him just from looking at him... love that his jacket is unbuttoned at the bottom to reveal a sliver of stomach though, and it's bold to give a water themed (?) guy a flowing scarf in crimson red
venti: what the hell is anemo. he does really look like a girl character that would be the hero's childhood friend and he keeps meeting sexier girls on his journeys while she retains her childish innocence
zhongli: I like him. he definitely looks like the tough guy with a strict moral code and a hidden soft side. I love how his outfit is clearly inspired by a tuxedo and also covered in armor that makes no sense. just based on looks he's probably the most dateable guy to me and ningguang the most dateable woman
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devctiion · 2 years
The door to the manor creaks as it's opened just enough for a gift and a man to slip inside. It clicks shut softly and the Captain is welcomed with hushed giggles and greetings. Technically, he was underdressed for the occasion, but this was a rather close, informal affair. It smelled wonderful inside, Kaeya taking a moment to breathe in deeply and appreciate the scent. Different, but nice. Certainly not Adelinde's cooking, though.
With some ushering, he's corralled into the dining area to wait, having been told Polly had gone to retrieve the birthday boy already. He's fine with that and snags a quick snack from the table, earning him a smack on the hand. He regrets nothing, of course, yet saves his snark when the Lady of the Manor can be heard giggling and no doubt messing with a freshly awoken brother of his.
When they eventually make their way in, the shouts of 'Happy Birthday' are cheerful and colorful string is sent flying out of places he really didn't expect. It was a bit shocking, but it didn't stop him from rushing over to steal something precious.
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He claims a hug, tightly, before he can be refused and allows himself a heartfelt birthday wish... before his hands come down to pinch at Diluc's sides.
Well, it wouldn't be him if he didn't cause a little trouble!!
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The thing about houses is that they have a life of their own sometimes. Even before they reach the bottom of the stairs, Diluc gets the feeling that it's fuller somehow. There's a warmth inside that's more than just from the smell of freshly cooked breakfast and the silence is a pregnant one- where usually he could hear at least the staff bustling about, it seems like the whole world is holding its breath.
It's a pleasant kind of tension, surprisingly. Maybe it's because Polly is walking beside him, a smile on her face and her small hand warm in his. Like nothing bad could possibly happen when she's there. He finds an irrepressible smile creeping across his own lips at the thought.
It's been a long while since he knew something was coming and didn't need to brace for the impact.
Doesn't stop him from startling when an explosion of noise and confetti greets him, though. In a one-two-punch maneuver, he gets practically tackled by his brother soon after and his hand slips from Polly's to receive him reflexively, gripping onto both of Kaeya's shoulders. Two pinches make him yelp, "Hey-! "
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Really, it's the captain's just desserts that Diluc gets him into a headlock right in front of all their friends and gives him a thorough noogie. "What do you thinking you're doing, you little brat."
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