#they feel done with great care and attention to detail and i love that very much
torgawl · 5 months
sometimes i think about how crepus probably wasn't father of the year and i go a little insane. the way he pushed diluc into becoming a knight of favonious at such a young age; diluc receiving his vision so early in his life; how he saw his accomplishments as both his and his father's; crepus planning to gift or getting a delusion for his son despite his vision; and, the way diluc's namecard references him as crepus' creation, which is such an impersonal and cold way to put being someone's son. not only that but, again, referencing his strenght specifically. i'm not saying crepus was a bad father, diluc loved him dearly, but the projection he did of his own dream onto diluc's life and the efforts he went through to make sure diluc was "strong enough" doesn't appear to have been the healthiest thing.
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we obviously have little to no information about diluc's relationship with his dad outside of a few mentions here and there but from his character story it just seems that even the praise crepus gave diluc was always because he did well in, somehow, living his father's dream and not necessarily because of who diluc was. it's a little bittersweet.
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kaijutegu · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day! When you think about love and the animal kingdom, are alligators an animal that comes to mind? No? Well, they should be, because they have some of the most interesting courtship behavior of any non-bird. (Bird displays are something else entirely.) I think it's time that you all are introduced to the Big Gay Alligator Sex Study, more properly known as Courtship Behavior of American Alligators (Alligator mississipiensis), written by Kent Vliet. You can get the paper at the link below!
This was a study done over a 3-year period in the 80s with a population of captive American alligators to look at how they interacted. Alligators are incredibly social and have complex behavioral dynamics, and their courtship rituals and routines are pretty dang interesting. In general, crocodilians spend a great deal of time interacting with each other when compared to other reptiles, and the courtship behavior of a few species is well-documented. But in this post, I'm mostly going to talk about the American alligator (with a quick detour into Cuban crocs).
Why Do We Care About Courtship?
So before I dive into talking about this study, let's talk about why we care about courtship (the social behavior that leads to mating) and mating (sexual interaction that could, hypothetically, lead to reproduction). Courtship and mating are extremely important when studying animal behavior- honestly, they're extremely important when studying zoology in general. In some cases, understanding this behavior actually a major conservation concern! For example, the Cuban crocodile is an endangered species. They're largely constricted to two swampy areas of Cuba, both of which also have American crocodiles present. And unfortunately, the female Cuban crocs find the male American crocs really, really sexy. This is a big problem, because with only about 3-4,000 Cuban crocs left in the wild (possibly even fewer), they need to be breeding with their own species to make more Cubanitos.
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These. Make more of them.
But what scientists have found is that not only are there hybrid crocs in the wild, the Cuban population of American crocodiles is more closely related to Cuban crocodiles than other populations of American crocodiles, suggesting this has been going on for a very long time.
You can read more about that here if you want, but back to the gay alligators.
Alligator? More Like Alli-GAY-tor, amiright?
(actually that IS wrong it's more like alli-bisexual-tor, but that doesn't sound like alligator)
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So how does a study like this happen? Back in the 80s, the American population was Feeling A Way about alligators. Something that you gotta understand when you're doing any kind of conservation is that people protect what they love, and they love what they understand. Alligators are a major conservation success story today- there's millions in the wild- but they were in serious danger of extinction in the 1960s, and it was a combination of legislation, awareness campaigns, and captive breeding at both zoological parks and commercial gator farms that helped bring them back. As a result, they were one of the first species to be de-listed from the ESA!
All of this attention meant that alligator science was flourishing in the late 70s and 80s, and that's where this study comes into being. This post is long enough so I'm not gonna go into all the details and methodology- you can find that in the paper I linked up top!
However, there is one piece of methodology we should talk about, and that's the choice of study population. It's part of what makes this particular study so interesting!. See, in a lot of cases, captive behavior really differs from wild behavior. This can be impacted by captivity conditions- what other animals the study animal has access to, what behaviors the animal has learned in captivity, even down to things like how the animals are fed. For example, some courtship behavior in captive animals can be the result of unnatural habitat conditions or limited social groupings. If you only have access to a couple of conspecifics, you don't have the same choices that you do if you have access to something closer to a wild population. If you've got a breeding group with one male and a handful of females, you can't ask or answer any questions about male/male interactions! Crowding is also an issue- too many animals in a space can be stressful, and lead to atypical sexual behavior.
But that's one of the cool elements of this study: the alligators in question live in a large social group in a lagoon that's basically just natural habitat with a boardwalk going around it. It's about as close to studying a wild population as you can get, with the advantage that it's far more accessible. And what this leads to is that that the researchers were able to see a really wide range of behavior, because all of the alligators had lots of access to lots of different mates. They were able to make choices that you wouldn't see in a smaller group. There's a trade-off that Vliet notes, and that is the population density and captive situation means that results might not quite work out the way they do in the wild- but in the years since, the results of the study have been vindicated with research into wild populations.
So, what are alligators into? Gay sex, group sex, yelling real loud, and lots and lots of... gentle caressing.
that's not a euphemism they spend a lot of time gently rubbing each others' faces
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So first things first, it turns out that the vast majority of alligator mounting, which occurs after courtship behaviors like jaw rubbing, bellowing, head rubbing, and swimming together is male/male. Over the three year study period, an average of 68% of all sexual interactions were male/male. However, what they don't really notice is exclusivity, because when it comes to the sex of their sex partner, alligators... well. They aren't all that picky.
Another fascinating aspect of alligator courtship is what's called courtship groups. These are readily observed in captive settings (and in the wild, too, as mentioned in Dragon Songs), and are mixed-sex groups that spontaneously form. As other alligators approach a mounting pair, the original pair will happily split up and switch partners. Usually what happens is that the alligator on top slides off to initiate courtship with a newly-arrived individual. What's really interesting here is that, as the author notes, "males engaged in courtship with a female readily terminate that interaction and initiate interactions with males." Another fun element of alligator courtship is that while in most vertebrates, males approach females, alligator females often approach males. Usually it's the males approaching, but for many crocodilians, courtship initiation is an equal-opportunity affair.
Alligators are also really vocal during courtship! This is pretty unusual for a reptile- usually they're a quiet bunch. But crocodilians are pretty chatty. And during the breeding season, something pretty spectacular happens: infrasonic communication, better known as bellowing. This is sometimes called water dancing, due to the ripple patterns it makes. It's a loud, low-pitched rumble that conveys information about size and location, and is used for territorial displays and as a mating call. During the not-breeding season, a bellow means "stay away!" During the breeding season, it means "HOT ALLIGATOR SINGLES IN YOUR AREA."
Here's some pretty spectacular videos showing you what this looks and sounds like. The vibrations make the water above their backs splash up.
Alligators are also extremely tactile during courtship. The study has detailed analysis of touch in specific tactile zones along the head and neck of the alligators. Vliet notes "These sites have increased numbers of swollen pustular scale organs, the function of which is unknown."
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What's kinda funny about this to me is that now, the functions of these organs are known- they're highly innervated tissues that help alligators detect prey in murky water. An alligator's jaws are more sensitive than a human fingertip due to the sheer number of nerve endings! So of course these areas are going to be highly sensitive, and to me it makes perfect sense that they feature so heavily in courtship.
So what can we take away from this 40-year-old study? Quite a bit! First, it's a great reminder that humans aren't special. We see same-sex mating behavior in pretty much every species we look at. We see it in cockroaches, spiders, and butterflies. We see it in sheep. We see it in alligators. We see it in every other species of great ape. Of course we also see it in humans! There's nothing that special about same-sex sexual behavior. It's a part of... pretty much everybody's evolutionary history.
Another thing I think is really important is that while this is an old study, it was absolutely pivotal as a turning point in helping people understand alligators. Remember how I said earlier that we protect what we love, and we love what we understand? This study showed the world that alligators weren't just mindless eating machines. They're socially complex! Understanding alligator sociality and how they choose mates and interact helped us care for them better. It told us more about how to keep them happy in captivity. Alligators are smart, communicative creatures. They don't always get along, but they don't always fight, either. (Don't get me wrong: they will fight each other, and they've actually evolved some pretty specific anti-other-alligator defenses... but they don't always fight, even during the breeding season.) This is interesting to me because in mammals, it's hypothesized that same-sex sexual behavior may have evolved for prosocial reasons; that is, it helps reduce conflicts. Perhaps it does the same for alligators.
In conclusion:
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If you want to know more about alligator courtship and mating rituals, I can't recommend Vladimir Dinets's Dragon Songs: Love and Adventure Among Crocodiles, Alligators, and Other Dinosaur Relations highly enough. I know I talk about this book all the time, but it's easily the most accessible writing on crocodilian social behavior. It will change the way you think about and understand these animals.
Another phenomenal book is Alligators: The Illustrated Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation by Kent Vliet. (Hm, wonder if he's written anything else...) This is basically the Bible for gator behavior. The photographs are absolutely gorgeous, too.
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coralinnii · 7 months
Congrats on 2.7k followers!! You deserve it! :D For the event, may I request Malleus, Azul, Jade and Floyd with a gentle giant S/O? As you can already guess, S/O is super tall (you can change this detail if you’d like, but perhaps they’d even be noticeably taller than Malleus?) and maybe even kind of intimidating because of it, but they’re very friendly, quiet, and gentle. 
Again, congratulations on your achievements!! Keep up the great work you’re doing 🥳
‧₊˚✧ My Statuesque Sweetheart ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Tall Gentle Giant/Reader
feat: Malleus ❋ Azul ❋ Jade ❋ Floyd genre: fluff note: no pronouns were used with the reader, I love beluga whales (it’ll make sense in Jade’s ver.),
Sooo…being someone that can’t relate to being tall :I, I went around to ask some of my taller friends to know what’s that like, so this took longer cuz of research. I also got into Genshin to prep for another prompt someone asked me and dang, do I gotta research on that too.
Similar prompt: Tall!reader who loves hugs
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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You were certainly a surprise to him. In his long years, rarely does he find people where he doesn’t have to tilt his head down for once.
Despite your height, you were as cute and friendly as a woodland creature, a contrast to Malleus who exudes regal power without much effort. He’s fascinated by you as your stature can command the room yet your energy has a rather soothing effect on him and those around you. 
Man is saying you have zero scary dog energy, and that is adorable to him.
If you’re the affectionate type, congratulations! You’d be one of the few to be able (and allowed) to reach his horns. What started as curiosity soon became a habit as you made it your love language to care and clean Malleus’ iconic features. As a bonus, everytime you are done it’s fun to lay your head gently upon Malleus’, between his horns which catches him off guard no matter how often it happens. 
Having a tall man with money certainly has privileges as you now have access to his personal tailor as well. Was there a pair of pants you really like but it only reached your ankles? Not anymore, let the royal tailor deal with that and add some matching accessories to that. 
However you feel about your height, you are a sublime creature of beauty to Malleus. When he looks up to you smiling at him with the shining moon behind you highlighting your tall outline, he hasn’t seen anyone more otherworldly than you. 
You stand out amongst every human I have encountered. Hm? Ah, I do not refer to your stature but rather… the way you effortlessly capture my attention and ensnare my thoughts with visions of you.
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Azul being around an incredibly tall person? What else is new? Azul doesn’t feel all that insecure about his height, before or after meeting you.
Well, you’re definitely the most pleasant person he knows that towers over him, at least. He knows that many, him included, would use your sort of stature as an advantage over others. Instead, he likes your rather sweet nature and way of conduct. 
If you have stretch marks due to your rapid growth spurts, Azul would feel absolutely touched if you trusted him enough to show it. Azul would genuinely praise your resilience to may have been an aching and painful experience to go through. If you let him, he could create a potion to get rid of the marks if it truly makes you insecure, but he finds you beautiful no matter what. 
Watch him flinch and get flustered anytime you wrap your arms around him, smothering him with your taller form. You would laugh to see him so easily out of sorts if you press your weight onto him. He can handle it of course, but the heat of your all-encompassing hugs is vastly different from his time in the cold sea. 
Azul would provide certain things that would suit your needs that others may overlook. Suddenly, you would find blankets that can cover you entirely, or you were gifted a coat that is actually a long coat that doesn’t awkwardly cut off at a weird length on you. Mirrors in Azul’s private room are always suspiciously up to your eye-level whenever you visit. 
He’s happy to know that you see him as someone reliable regardless of that. He has an interesting way of showing his appreciation
Do you like the new decor of the Mostro Lounge? The new additions are quite beautiful and eye-catching. The tall but dazzling designs were inspired by you, after all.
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Oh my. What a sight to behold, you are. 
Jade doesn’t seem like the type to brag about his advantageous height, but he is aware that not many can reach his stature and even fewer actually pass him in that regard. 
He still treats you as courteously as he always does, even more so as the two of you start to grow closer. 
A nice bonus about having a tall boyfriend is that most of the things in his room are perfect for you! Beds you can fully stretch out in, actual full-length mirrors that don’t make you bend down, and furniture that doesn’t require you to squish yourself into. Jade’s (and Floyd’s) has become one of your favorite places to visit.
He does find it amusing that some people may find you intimidating because of your height as he knows that you were far from any definition of that word. Jade would chuckle to himself whenever he sees you getting happy or excited, like watching a playful beluga whale squeaking in joy. Your gentle features and bright smile shines through any misconceptions of your intimidating form. 
Though not quite used to it, Jade doesn’t mind having to crane his neck to meet your gaze. Especially not when he could watch your adorable quizzical expression as he asked you to lower your head to him, only to whisper teasing words into your ear. He especially finds it fun to watch you jump to your full height in flustered surprise, even occasionally bumping your head on a hanging decoration. 
Really, how could he resist you? 
Do you need rest, my love? Perhaps a cup of tea can soothe your aches and joints while you sit.
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Oh, Floyd would have no issues with you being taller than him. Probably the opposite, really.
Don’t @ me but I fully believe Floyd has a thing for legs, be it his own or others. He’s so fascinated by these human features that you may even catch him blatantly staring appreciatively at your legs. 
“What’s the big deal? They’re right there, who can blame me?”
He will however, with full confidence, laugh his lungs out if you hit your head on the door frame or trip on an ottoman seat you didn’t notice. Maybe he’ll rub the ouchie away but he’ll be laughing while he does.
Be prepared for impromptu fashion shows with custom made shoes to show off your gorgeous mile-long legs. Floyd could spend hours looking through online shopping with you, showing you websites that specifically cater to tall drinks of water like yourself.
This man will be floored by the experience of being the little spoon of a hug. To be able to lean into your arms and rest his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat while you  lovingly pat his hair? You can be unknowingly smothering him and he’ll be loving every moment of it. 
Regardless if you’re confident or not, Floyd loves to take you dancing. If you’re not confident in your dancing, Floyd is more than happy to lead you with every beat until you have fun. The man just loves to see the flashing lights paint your body, with your smile being the brightest of them all.
Did you get taller, Shrimpy? Aha ha, just pulling your leg there! Though, wouldn’t make a difference to me. You’re still a hottie even if you, hehe!
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Are u able to do how certain Venus signs act when the like someone??
I hope u mums doing well now and ur car is doing ok no rush tho I understand 😊
Hey, my mum and car are doing okay and thank you for your patience because you requested this a VERY long time ago.
Disclaimer: This is based on traditional astrology and for delusional purpose only. Do not take this seriously.
Also someone's Moon Sign will also have an influence in how they show their affection for you so you're better off looking at both Moon AND Venus signs.
The Rizz Of Each Venus Sign:
Aries Venus:
These people yearn with PASSION and they're one of the easiest to figure out if they like you. You can just SEE it in their gaze when they're in your presence. Agreeable. Will instantly respond to messages and more likely to confess their feelings rather quickly.
Jeongin from Stray Kids is an Aries Venus and this manifests in the EXCITEMENT he has around his members and how he beams at them on the stage or when in his ending-ment when he talks to Stays.
Taurus Venus:
Will absolutely scrutinise and discover what you like and are interested in understanding the SMALLEST of details about you. Will also pay attention to your body language and figure out what makes you comfortable.
A great example of a Taurus Venus in action was when Yunho had a fancall with Vanessa and noticed how her make-up style changed and asked if she moved because her background changed.
Gemini Venus:
They love to play games and play cat and mouse. The type to offer you a beautiful compliment and then dip because they want you to think about them. Will ask you personal questions about your life.
Cancer Venus:
A healing presence will envelop you with the love of a Cancer Venus. Provide you with comfort and warmth. Will deliberately radiate an energy of homeliness so you feel safe in being vulnerable and expressing your deepest thoughts.
Leo Venus:
They just become the biggest simps and end up fawning and gushing over you. Will find any excuse to spend time with you. May make compliments about your hair and make-up and be extra touchy and giggly.
San from Ateez is a Leo Venus and he is so Leo Venus coded with how he is so attentive towards Atiny's. You can feel the care in his gaze and presence.
Virgo Venus:
The type to love quietly but unconditionally and it might take you awhile for you to realise they like you. Will give you gifts or do minor tasks for you and then act like it's nothing even though you know they don't do this for anyone else.
Mingi from Ateez and Changbin from Stray Kids both have a Virgo Venus and Mingi creates crystal bracelets and Changbin is always bringing food to his members.
Libra Venus:
Might want to take lots of photos of you or want to know about your artistic abilities. People with a Libra Venus are typically VERY physically affectionate so lots of hugging, petting, smiling (consensually) etc.
TEASING is a huge thing as well!!! Others might think you're bullying each other but you both know the humour you share is special between you two.
Han, Felix, Seungmin from Stray Kids and Wooyoung from Ateez are all Libra Venuses and massively tease and play around with their members but it's done so in a way that's harmless and cute.
Scorpio Venus:
Will pine for months before even making a move on you. Quality time. It's difficult to define how a Scorpio Venus shows their interest because you can just FEEL it and SEE it with how they interact with you. Heated gazes. Sudden bouts of confession. And of course, if they get jealous and possessive.
Bang Chan, Lee Know, Hongjoong and Jongho all have their Venus in Scorpio and a lot of their admiration is non-verbal, you can just see the way their eyes sparkle when they talk about something/someone they adore.
(I'm also biased b/c my Pisces Venus loves my Scorpio venus ppl, y'all get what it means to love someone with your entire body and soul).
Sagittarius Venus:
These people are CHEEKY with their affection and can become overly flirtatious and then avoidant within minutes of knowing you. Might put more effort into their appearance when they're around you and try to act non-chalant with their affection (though it gets pretty obvious at times).
Capricorn Venus:
Will prioritise and give advice over your health and well-being. Classic tsundere vibes with affection and if they like you and you ask them for a favour...they might complain about it before rolling their eyes and doing it for you anyway.
Minghao from SVT is a classic example of a Capricorn Venus. Carats always ask him to do certain Tiktok dances and he says he won't do it but then he rolls his eyes and ends up doing them anyway.
Aquarius Venus:
It's difficult because they treat their romantic partners and their friends in a similar manner BUT I've noticed they show their care for you by showing up and being there for you in your darkest of moments. Will send cute memes and gifs to you online. Might check in on a regular basis for no obvious reason.
Park Seonghwa from Ateez and DK from SVT both have a Venus in Aquarius and they are dedicated to their lives and HOBBIES! They love showing off their hobbies to Atiny's and Carats.
Pisces Venus:
I am a Pisces Venus and let me tell you the LIMERENCE we experience!!! Will ask questions about your personal life and remember certain details about you. Will do all they can to make you feel extra special and a top priority.
Hyunjin from Stray Kids is a Pisces Venus and I've noticed he always tries his best to make Stays and his members as comfortable as possible around him.
Let me know if this resonates and if there's anything else I should include or know about!
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bethanysnow · 5 months
How I think Stray Kids would date a Plus Size Girlfriend!~ Makenae line!
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Hyung Line
This man is going to deny his feelings so hard???? Like my god- he is gonna flirt with you, hold your hand, be an absolute adorable pain in your ass. Let you in, and if asked about it? Nahh, we are just friends. And its gonna crush you. But he knows as soon as it left his face he shouldn't have said it. He is just protecting his heart and he is scared.
He is so internal about his deep feelings that most people wouldn't be able to tell if he was upset, but if you see that his eyes are gonna light up like fireworks. We see how aware he is around Leeknow, how in the SKZ show he did with Minho he was able to tell like 'wait 10 seconds and if he sighs or huffs he didn't really wanna do it' THIS MAN IS SO DETAILED?! Like we know he is an angst boy, and loves writing heartbreaking songs, I don't think that he would change that about himself, but he would write about your troubles. How he is so desperate to see yourself the way he sees you. Which I think if he was to date a plus-size girlfriend it would unironically be a like Noona thing? We all joke and tease that this man is subby and needs a minho or a dominate woman, but I think he just likes to not have to be 'the pants' as it were. I don't get a super typical masc vibe so having someone who is on the other side of the spectrum is helpful. He isn't a dominant person, he doesn't like the attention a lot of the time. He reminds me of like very calm and collected kinda he will be your peace. He will remind you to drink water, and hold you when you're sad, but also wants to be held.
He will fall in love with you internally and grow to love your body. Which is a pain, but its true I think. First thing out of his boys mouth is how cute you are, and prepare to have your cheeks squished. Lots of demanding kisses, lots of hand holding. If you can carry him? OOO YOU'VE GOT HIM IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND! He loves to be baby, but don't let that fool you that he is any less man than changbin or Channie or anyone else
I think out of everyone (this may be controversial) this man is the one that is going to have the most internal problems with the idea. Where for hyunjin its a lot around his perception, but for felix its all internal. I say this because like Chan, he lived in Australia, and moved to Korea. He is going to have a lot of complexes regarding his looks. He went and starved himself for 5 ish days because he felt he needed to for a fashion show. (which isn't true) He did martial arts and as someone who dated a person who also did martial arts with a similar amount of awards, there is so much conversation around what your body can do? In that culture? Pushing past those limits, finding your inner strength. This is great in theory, but not so in practice if done poorly because it forces you to think far more critically and not constructively about yourself. He has on record talked about how not great he thinks he looks and it breaks my heart and I very much think that it would affect a relationship. Not that I think he is worried about public reception, but he might buy into a lot of the bad science that's out there around plus-size bodies. I also think him and Chan would make jokes that aren't that.... well-received?
But if he gets through all of that, you have an absolute dork on your hands. He is so ready to skip chapters and be 4 years married going to your daughter's dance recital. He will dote on you and lay on you, and just hold your face in his hands and squish your cheeks to make duck lips. He is I think like Han in that softer masculinity, not that it's any less masculine. He's just not gonna be very dude-bro about it. If you want to take the lead he's all for it. If you want him to be the lead he'll happily step up. I think like some other members of SKZ he wants to provide for you, he wants to make sure you are happy and taken care of and feel loved. If you have a love language or a attachment style he will research it, or if you have an interest he will look into it to try and talk to you about it. Being plus size I think it wouldn't affect him much and if you needed to sit he'd sit with you.
He knows shame, and so if you were stuck in a situation where you felt shame like going to dinner with friends or being invited to do a day outing and getting winded? He would defend you or try his best to make it suck less. He is such a quiet reliance that he will be your security when the world falls apart.
This motherfucker doesn't give a single flying fuck about how you look. Or how you think you look or if you think you look bad. It will always go like this
"Whats wrong?"
"...It's nothing"
Punches you in tiny "what's wrong?"
"I just don't feel pretty okay? Or like I deserve you or just gahh!"
"..Well that's dumb. Of course you deserve me. We love each other."
and he will walk away, run back ruffle your hair or give you a kiss and walk away again. THATS IT! I think if it was really serious he would listen and try to help, but he knows hes not gonna change how you feel about yourself in some grand gesture. We know he teases a lot of people, but if you made him aware that 'hey lets not' I think he'd be considerate about it. He'd then tease you about something else, but he knows not to super cross lines set up. If someone around yall makes a 'joke' or tries to make fun of you I believe he'd either try and spin it in a way where its not bad, or he'd play threaten violence but you know its not as...play as people believe it to be. He is I think also in the line of softer masculinity, but is more leaning towards the hyung line of masculine than someone like Felix. (everyone has their moments of course)
He is one of those people that I see wanting an equal partnership, someone he can have banter with (not just be rude and see if you put up with it) but like actual witty banter. He is simultaneously baby but also is happy to hold you close. He doesn't care about looking stupid in public so don't let you think for a moment he wouldn't hold your hand in public. He would bring you up in any conversation, just so proud of you and your accomplishments. He is rather shy of a person, until you get to know him then he is a twerp so if you can bounce with that energy you've got a good relationship in spades.
This man is such a dweeb! In a good way! But his clumsy ass would actually be falling head over heels! I dont think hes gotten a lot of outside experience in the dating scene due to school and then just instant idol life? So someone with similar youthful energy that matches his would do really well. I think he'd need someone his age too, unlike Han who would be interested in a noona. Noona stuff for him I feel is more kidding than real relationship material.
This is where I have to apologize to Jeongin stans, I do not have a single romantic or interested bone in my body for IN other than 'he is baby, let me feed him food'. I wanna take care of him like a big sister, not a girlfriend. Though because of this I will link some fics to hopefully make it better. (I haven't read these so be warned)
@7ndipity @kaciidubs @itshannjisung @dreamescapeswriting @moonlightndaydreams @cutesyh @maymayribee @hanjisunglover @ldysmfrst
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annwrites · 3 months
a house in hawkins. part five.
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: a local boxing match is held in town, & afterward, you have the worst night of your life.
— tags: you finally see scott for what he is. billy brings you home with him to keep you safe.
— tw: rape (there is a very graphic & heavily-detailed sex scene in this one, which was hard for me to even write. i considered skipping past it & just getting to reader's reaction once it's done, but decided against that. you have been warned.), suicidal ideation
— word count: 7,931
— a/n: i fucking HATE these men, oh my god (says the person who created them).
yeah, i'm not in a great place rn, so if that comes across in my writing: kachow.
— tag list: @stoneyweezin @ganjas-shit
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You ride with Scott to the fight, staying pressed up against his side the whole way over to the local rec center where it's being held. It's just amateur boxing—bare fists only—with only three weight classes and four contestants in each.
Winners in each weight class will go up against each other after defeating their initial opponents, and whoever wins gets—what you assume will be—a cheap belt to show off, and bragging rights. 
Scott is going to be fighting for the heavyweight title, which makes heat pool in your core. Just the thought of him shirtless and throwing fists with another man had gotten him lucky before the two of you headed over. 
You wrap your arms around his own that’s not atop the wheel and just stare at him, making his lip twitch.
“Somethin’ on your mind?”
You drag his hand between your thighs and he chuckles. “Again?”
“Do you want to pull over somewhere?”
He grins. “I’d love nothing more, sweetheart, but you’re going to make me late if you keep it up.”
You keep his hand in-place, but don’t push it any further. You’d only been joking, anyway.
Well, half-joking.
“I want you to know that no matter what happens, even if you lose, that I’m really proud of you just for trying. Putting yourself out there.”
He smiles. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
You wonder how he doesn’t seem nervous. You're beyond jittery on his behalf. Worried something will go wrong and he’ll end up seriously injured, if not having to be taken to a hospital. But he’d told you that they would have medical care, and an ambulance as well, on standby tonight just incase. But he was sure he’d be fine.
You prayed for as much.
When he pulls into the parking lot, the place is already packed with people milling about, generally having a good time, and having little tailgate parties before the fighting begins.
You smile, feeling excited.
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“There’s the big man!” Joe calls as you and Scott get closer to his truck, which has an open cooler sitting upon the tailgate, numerous tallboys sitting on ice inside of it. 
You release Scott’s hand, so he and Joe can embrace with smiles and laughs. 
You glance to your left and see that Travis is here as well. He smiles at you, and you do the same in return. 
Rhett is absent, but you’re not wholly surprised. He’d been making himself more distant from the group for awhile. Now, you supposed, you understood why.
You really do wish him all the best once he leaves for Indianapolis. You're sure he’ll make the most of it.
You then turn your full attention back to Scott, pressing yourself up against his backside, wrapping your arms around his middle and closing your eyes, smiling warmly at the feel of him; the rumble of his voice through his back as he speaks to the other guys about tonight.
Finally, he turns back to you, cupping your face in his hands. He leans down, crushing his lips to yours. 
When he pulls away, you beam up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you. And I’m proud of you either way,” you remind him.
He smiles, kissing you one last time before heading inside. 
You watch as he disappears into the crowd, only then turning back to the rest of them, watching as Joe retrieves another beer, popping the tab on it before taking a long drink, his eyes trailing along your tight body. 
You’d done your hair in braids again, worn jean shorts that hugged your waist, and a black Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt that was cut into fringes at the bottom, a pair of flip-flops on your feet, numerous bracelets on your wrists.
You glance to Travis and see that he’s already looking at you as well, smiling.
You step closer to him, desperate to have his hands on you instead of Joe’s. 
You smile up at him. “Hi.”
He runs his knuckles along your cheek. “Hi, baby.”
“Is your friend coming?”
He raises a brow. “Already got your eyes on Cy, huh?”
You smile, laughing lightly. “No, I was just curious. I just figured if you were here, he would be, too.”
He nods toward the direction behind you. “Well, looks like you’re in luck.”
You glance behind you for only a moment to see Cyrus climbing out of an older model Chevy Impala; sleek and black and shiny. 
You then turn back to Travis. “He kind of scares me a little.”
“He can seem intimidating at first. But once you get to know him, you’ll see that he’s a pretty laid-back guy.”
You step closer to him, pressing your hands against his chest. “Like you?”
He smiles. “Difference is, I’m also fun.”
“Oh, really?”
“What?” He asks, gesturing toward himself. “You think I’m all work and no play?”
You shrug, studying him with a smile. 
He turns around then, bending at the knees. “Hop on.”
You laugh. “What? On your back? Are you serious?”
“Yeah, it’s a pretty serious piggyback.”
You step closer, gripping his shoulders, then hop up and wrap your legs around his waist. His arms support you under your calves, hands clasping at the fingers as you wrap your arms around his neck to keep yourself securely in-place as he stands straight once again. 
Honestly, being wrapped around him makes you feel just the least bit more secure since you’re going to be around Cyrus in just a moment. 
Travis turns his head to the right. “You good?”
You nod. “Mhm.”
He pretends to consider for a moment. “I don’t know. Maybe I should readjust.”
He pretends to drop you for a moment, quickly bending down, loosening his hands and you squeal, laughing, hugging yourself closer to him. “No, stop!”
“Yes? Was that a yes?” He does it again.
Joe jumps into the playful banter. “I don’t know. Think those shorts need adjustin’. What do you think, honey?”
He walks around behind you, squeezing your ass cheeks in both of his hands, humming his approval at the feel. You just laugh louder. “Joe!” 
You playfully kick off a flip-flop and then another and he chuckles, giving you a firm smack before retrieving both, stuffing them in one of his back pockets.
Travis then whirls you one way, then the other, and he pauses for a moment as Cyrus comes over. 
And then you spot him across the lot, watching you. 
You can’t make out his expression. It seems…unreadable. You wonder if he’s ashamed of you. 
And then you think of your conversation from yesterday. That you’d warned him of this, so he’s aware of what’s going on. Why you’re…this girl tonight.
That this—this moment of your eyes meeting—is you saying hi; that you can’t wait to be with him again. And he’s replying; telling you that he sees you. Not the you you’re giving the boys this evening to make them happy. The you from the house. Your house—as in both of you. 
Travis whirls you back in the other direction, Billy disappearing from your line-of-sight.
You glance to Cyrus and he watches you with dark eyes, only a nearly-undetectable smirk upon his lips.
Music then blares from the entrance of the rec center—Saturday Night Special, even if it is Friday—and the boys turn in that direction. 
Joe quickly shuts his cooler, pushing it further back on the bed of his truck before slamming the tailgate up and the four of you make your way inside.
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Your seats are nearly ringside, and, even if you have a ticket, meaning you have a seat, Joe just pulls you onto his lap instead. You bite back a groan and an eye-roll at the gesture as he bounces his thigh under you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his hand settling atop your thigh.
You just instead smile like a happy little idiot, and he seems pleased. 
You drown out the conversation between he and Travis and Cyrus while you glance around, pretending to just people-watch, when in reality, you’re trying to spot Billy.
And then you do. In the nosebleeds. You nearly feel guilty at your far-superior seats.
You see him before he sees you, but when he does, he merely greets you with a gentle nod and you just blink at him in response, before turning back around. You hate that you can’t even give him a smile, but God-forbid one of the guys are watching you while you watch him and you don’t know it, and then questions start getting asked.
You’re doing it to protect him.
It’s perhaps ten minutes later before someone comes onto a microphone, welcoming everyone to the event and stating that the first fight will commence in another ten minutes, essentially telling the crowd that now is the time to go to the restrooms and concessions if they so need it. 
You turn back to Joe. “I think I’m going to run to the restroom.”
He nods. “Grab me a couple beers while you’re up, honey.”
You stand on bare feet, waiting as he retrieves his wallet, and then handing you a five. “I’m going to grab a pretzel, too.”
He nods. “Just use the change from the Buds.” 
You stuff the money into your pocket, then stare at him with a soft smile. 
He smirks. “Somethin’ else you need?”
“My shoes.”
He crosses his arms. “And what do I get?”
You lean in toward him, gripping the back of his chair with one hand and you can just feel the other two’s eyes on your ass. “I’m getting you your beer, aren’t I?”
He smirks. “Alright.” He slips your shoes from his back pocket, setting them on the floor and you grip his shoulder for a moment as you slip them on. 
Just as you go to head out, Cyrus stands. “I’ll go with you. Grab something myself.”
You smile and nod, heading out into the bustling crowd of people grabbing snacks and making last-minute bathroom breaks. You head in the direction of the lady’s room, quickly giving yourself a once-over in the mirror before relieving yourself and heading back out…to find Cyrus leaning against a wall, waiting for you with crossed arm.
You blush. “You didn’t have to wait.”
He shrugs, pushing off the wall. “It’s fine.”
You follow him to the concessions and have to assure the young man running it that the beer is indeed not for you, until Cyrus grabs the cash from your hand, shoving it in his direction and telling him to give you whatever the hell you want.
And he does.
You turn back to Cyrus. “Thank you,” you say sweetly.
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, taking a sip of his own beer. “You got it.”
You know by this touch alone that he already has his eyes on having you next. You wonder what all Travis has told him about you. Or Scott when they went out drinking.
You return to your seat in Joe's lap and wait for the first fight to start.
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During Scott's match against his opponent, you, along with the rest of the guys, had cheered him onto victory. You'd stood for most of it, breath caught in your throat as you watched him; his body, his footwork, feeling every blow he took yourself, clenching your hands tightly against your chest, gasping each time he ended up close to the rope, terrified he was about to get pinned.
But he always got out of it, and then you'd screamed in happiness—relief—as the other man finally fell. One more round—Scott against the other heavyweight fighter that had also beaten his opponent—and then the fighting as a whole would be over.
He would be able to leave—to go home. He was going to be just fine. Just one more round and it would be done.
One more.
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There's a brief intermission, so you run out to grab Joe a couple more beers, and yourself a small bag of gummy bears.
Cyrus follows you out, pulling you over to the side once you've made your purchases.
You stare up at him with a pleasant smile, hoping he doesn't notice just how on-edge he makes you feel.
"Heard a lot about you," he says, eyes flitting between yours.
"Mhm," he says, a muscle in his jaw feathering.
"Like what?" You ask, taking a tiny step closer.
He smirks. "Scott told me a few things I think I'd be interested in finding out for myself."
Hearing him mention Scott in this context makes your stomach twist. You just blink up at him.
He reaches up, running the pad of his thumb along your lower lip. "Like all the things this mouth can do. Just how wet you get without any effort, always ready to be fu-"
You hear the announcer come over the microphone, informing everyone that the match will begin in less than two minutes.
Cyrus drops his hand and you feel your heart hammering, but are glad this moment is now at an end.
You make your way silently past him, back to the row the both of you are seated in, and Travis reaches over, grabbing your hand, pulling you into his lap now.
You easily wrap an arm around his neck, preferring him to Joe, who's now on his way to getting drunk.
He slides a hand along your thigh, settling it there and softly smiling at you. "You look really good tonight, baby."
You turn toward him and smile in return, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Thank you."
You then reach into your bag of candy, holding a gummy bear up to his mouth. "Want one?"
He opens and you place it on his tongue and he chews.
You hear the bell ring just as you're gently brushing your thumb along the corner of his lips, his eyes staying trained on your own, and then Joe stands up so quickly from his chair that he nearly knocks the thing over as you hear him yell "beat his fuckin' ass, Scotty!"
You jerk your head back in the direction of the ring, just in time to see Scott punching his new opponent without mercy, like he's suddenly fighting in a black rage.
You don't think you've ever seen him so angry before.
The man falls, and Scott gets on top of him, pounding away with his right fist, blood flying. You cover your mouth, worried he's about to kill him, until the referee pulls him off of him just in time, the bell dinging over and over again, signaling that it's over.
All you can think about is how...if the tables had been turned...
The referee holds up Scott's right fist, deeming him the winner of the match by knockout, and you stand, squealing, cheering.
He turns to you and you throw a probable rule that you're not allowed in the ring to the side as you climb up and jump into his arms, crushing your lips to his, running your fingers through his sweaty hair, pouring every ounce of love that you have into the embrace.
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You'd been right in Scott being awarded a belt, but it'd been just the least bit nicer than you'd previously expected. Gold and red and black details, a pair of fists holding a banner between them that state 'Hawkins Heavyweight Champion '84' as the design.
Scott leaves the arena with the rest of you with the belt slung over one shoulder, you holding tightly to his opposite arm, staring up at him, completely infatuated.
You were so glad he was okay. A black eye, and some swelling in the face, but other than that he was just fine. Perfect.
Your whole world.
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The four of you stand in the parking lot near Joe's truck—Cyrus having already left, due to needing to be at work soon for a late shift—talking and drinking and joking. Scott gets numerous congrats from passer-bys, while you cling to his right hand, holding ice to it as you just stare and stare, in disbelief that this man—he—is all yours.
You're so enamored that you hardly notice that he barely bothers looking at you in return; speaking to you.
Nor do you see the glare he eventually gives Travis.
Joe glances to you with a smirk and you decide you don't like the look on his face, your stomach twisting. "What'd'ya say the three of us get outta here and go have ourselves some fun?"
You blanch. He'd had far too much to drink tonight. Did he want Scott to put him on a stretcher next?
You lean back against the truck, staring up at Scott, waiting for him to shoot Joe's offer down promptly, but he just stares back at you.
Your brows furrow for only a moment. Why wasn't he...
You look down then, shrugging. "I'm not really in the mood right now."
Scott scoffs and your head shoots up. "Guarantee that's bullshit. Maybe I should check."
He shoves his free hand down the front of your shorts, plunging two fingers between your folds and you gasp in shock, wrenching his hand out and he just laughs at you.
He laughs.
He turns to Joe. "Oh, she's definitely in the fuckin' mood, man."
Your eyes sting. Maybe...maybe it was the adrenaline from the fight. Testosterone could make men act...different. Right?
They both turn back to you and Joe leans in toward you, resting an arm atop the side of the truck's bed. "His place or mine, honey?"
You look to Scott again. He can't...he can't be serious. He's never done this before—shared you with another man. When you had sex, it was just the two of you. No one else got to be involved in such intimate moments.
"Isn't your wife home?" You ask, barely turning to look at him.
"Mine it is, then," Scott replies.
Joe chuckles, looking at you. "You ridin' with him or me, then?"
You don't reply before heading in the direction of Scott's truck. You needed to talk to him. This wasn't happening. It...it couldn't.
Not this. Please, not this.
Once you're both inside the cab and the engine roars to life, you turn to him. "What...what're you doing? We-"
"Heading to my place to have a threesome, or were you not payin' attention?"
He looks behind the both of you as he backs out of the lot.
Your eyes sting again. "We don't do that. When we're together, it's just us. Please. Please don't. I don't want-"
He peels out of the parking lot, heading in the direction of his trailer. "You want to ruin a good night? Think I deserve a reward after the fight. You about to tell the both of us no?"
He barely glances to you before looking toward the road again.
Your chin wobbles. "Why're you acting like this all of a sudden? I thought you were happy? I don't understand. I...I don't want to. Please, Scott. Just...tell him you changed your mind. You're tired or don't feel well, or-"
"Feel just fuckin' fine. Great, actually. But you keep runnin' your mouth and you'll just ruin it."
Your lip trembles. "I...I love you."
He stays silent.
"I don't want to. Please, Scotty, I love you. We can, if you want. Just...not with him. I'll do whatever you want-"
"Then you'll do this."
"Stop fuckin' whinin', Jesus."
A tear slips down your cheek. He's never acted like before. Never. Had...did he have a concussion?
"Are you sure you feel okay? You don't seem like yourself."
"Never been more clear," he spits back at you. "Sorry Trav' couldn't tag along. I'm sure you'd be jumpin' for fuckin' joy if he was to be the third instead."
Your brows furrow. "What? What're you talking about?"
"I saw you. Both of you. Siting in his lap. Just...fuckin' staring at each other. Guess you need a reminder of who you belong to."
Your bowels turn to water. "That was nothing. That's all I did was sit in his lap for a minute or two. I...I had been sitting on Joe's all night. You didn't seem to have a problem with that?"
He shakes his head. "Joe's a different case and you know it."
What was happening right now?
"Scott, I told you: I love you. Only you. Please, don't punish me like this for...for sitting on his lap. I haven't done anything-"
He pulls up outside his trailer, Joe already having parked, waiting on the porch with a smug look.
Scott exits the cab, coming around to your side and opening your door.
"Please, Scott, I don't want to. Please, I'm begging-"
He grabs your upper arm, squeezing so hard that it hurts and he pulls you from the cab, causing you to stumble before he grabs you again. "You forget who's fucking in-charge around here? You do as you're told. And you're about to."
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Joe grunts from between your legs, hands sliding up your thighs, Scott's cock buried in your mouth as you suck silently, praying it'll all be over soon.
It feels like you're watching yourself from afar as you let them have at it, doing as they wish. Whatever will please them.
What you want doesn't matter.
Maybe it never did.
Joe chuckles as Scott grips the back of your head, forcing himself deeper and you gag, unable to breathe. He moans, bucking his hips.
Joe slaps your clit, then circling it with his thumb and your body jerks, betraying you.
He looks to Scott, grinning. "Sure did teach her how to suck fuckin' cock, though, didn't I?"
Scott pulls out for just a moment, leaving you gasping for breath before he shoves himself back in. "Damn straight."
"Fuckin' fourteen was the first time I had her on 'er knees. Gotta start 'em young," he says and they both laugh.
You feel sick.
How could he do this to you? Punish you like this for simply sitting on Travis' lap? Did you really deserve this?
You think him beating you within an inch of your life like he had his opponent to be a kinder punishment.
Scott pulls his cock out, slapping it against your face, humiliating you. "Open up, sweetheart. I got somethin' to keep that mouth quiet."
Using his name for you...like that... How could he?
You do as you're told. Like always. And you open.
Joe rams himself between your legs, making you gag against Scott, whimpering in pain. And he does it again, his skin slapping against yours.
"Who's daddy's good little slut? That you, honey?"
Scott looks down at you, smirking. "Think her mouth's too full to answer right now. Ain't that right, sweetheart?"
It feels like another kick to the stomach.
He pulls his cock out, stroking it as he positions his testicles over your mouth. "Think the family jewels need some attention. Why don't you polish 'em up for me?"
You gently take one into your mouth—causing his cock to twitch—and then the other. You gently lick, and suck, before Scott eases back in, grabbing the hair at the back of your head painfully. "Take it. All of it."
Tears sting your eyes as you struggle to breathe once again. You stare up at Scott, desperate for him to make it stop, but he won't even look at you.
This is what you've always been to him, isn't it? A thing. A possession. A toy.
Not a human being. Not a girl in love. Not a young woman, desperate for a different life.
You were going to die in this town. You could see it now so clearly. A horrible truth that had always been there, just waiting for you to see it.
Joe begins to moan and he breaks his condom, finishing all over your stomach, then laughing. "Woo! That's some damn fine fuckin' pussy, ain't it, Scotty? Trained just how we like it."
Scotty slips himself out of your mouth. "Guess it's my turn now."
They trade places, Joe tossing his used condom to the side as he plunges himself into your mouth, Scotty slipping himself into your cunt and you finally go away somewhere else in your mind, unable to take anymore as you feel your heart shatter.
He never loved you.
This fact...discovering it—it's the last straw. The only thing you had left to hold onto to keep you going was now gone. Forever.
You find yourself underwater, in the pond by the house, staring up at the sun from under gentle ripples of blue and green, flowers floating on the surface, even your dolls bob around you. Everything is muffled and quiet.
No more pain. No more sadness. No more anything.
You open, breathing the water in, letting it fill your lungs. One mouthful, then another and another.
At least you can choose this much; your death. How you leave this world to find another of kindness and gentility.
No one can ever touch or hurt or use you again.
You're free.
Or, at least, you will be.
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You retch on the side of the road, your head now feeling fuzzy and your senses unfocused. You've never felt so distant from your own body before. You feel about a mile away, watching yourself slowly break.
This would be the last one. The last night.
You saw it now. Him. For what he is. For what so many others had told you he was. What's he's been all along.
Why hadn't you listened again?
Oh, right, love. That.
It doesn't exist anyway. At least you know that now. It'll make letting go easier.
You take in a slow breath, eyes burning, a sore feeling between your legs. Scott had done it again. He hadn't used a condom.
You and your baby would die together.
You stumble, clutching onto a tree, staring up at the silver moon in the sky, wondering if it sees you. Cares.
Perhaps that's where you'll go when you take that last breath and blink and swallow—into the stars.
At least you won't be alone there.
You hear tires slowly rolling along asphalt and you squint against the headlights blinding your vision, until the driver switches them off and you see that it's a cruiser.
Travis. He...could he help you?
Save me, please. Oh, God, help me.
It's put into park, the driver exiting.
He smirks, taking you in. "You lost, hon'?"
You merely stare at him, realizing: no one is coming.
He shuts his door, heading around to you.
You get a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe you're going to be sick again.
He tips your head back, looking down at you. "Been thinking about you all night."
You don't reply.
He raises a brow. "Hard to get, hm? That's alright, I can work with that." He glances around. This stretch of road doesn't receive much traffic this late at night. Meaning you'll have privacy.
He looks back to you. "How about you finally give me a taste? Heard a lot about it. Maybe I'll finally see for myself what all the fuss is about."
He pulls you in the direction of his cruiser, then pushes you face-first down against the hood. You don't bother trying to fight back. Not anymore.
You rest your cheek against the warm metal, closing your eyes.
You hear a belt being thrown onto the hood next to you, then another being unclasped, a zipper being pulled down.
Next, your shorts are tugged down your hips, your legs—you'd lost your underwear somewhere. You couldn't remember where now.
And then he pushes inside of you, pressing a palm against the side of your head, the other gripping your hip painfully as your toes lift off the ground.
All is silent tonight, minus the sounds of frogs and crickets and his grunting behind you.
You barely even feel it anymore. Notice. They're all the same. All men. It's like they're one homogenous being that seek, hunt, thirst for, and eventually take one thing.
Take, because it's not nearly as good when it is freely—willingly offered. They hunt their prey, striking a killing blow between its legs.
Maybe it's what they survive off of—sex. No.
He grips both your hips then, driving into you from behind, bucking wildly. You wince in pain, silent tears slipping from your tired eyes.
And then he finishes, crying out loudly, twitching between your walls, his hot cum leaking out of you.
Twice now. It had happened twice.
He stumbles back, pulling his pants back up, situating himself.
You lie there for a moment and then you realize you're supposed to move. Supposed to be doing something.
You stand straight then, and watch from a distance as you pull your shorts back up, even as he continues to run down your leg.
You don't look at him when he speaks, saying something about 'seeing what they're all so fuckin' crazy for now' and 'sorry, but I don't do rubbers, hon', he throws in that he 'hopes you're on something'.
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You strip down naked once you reach the house, numbly walking outside, off of the porch and toward the pond, ready to make it stop.
You've nearly reached the edge, you can hear the water lapping, can feel something waiting for you, and then you feel a hand wrap around your wrist.
Not again.
Not again.
Not here.
You stare up blankly at a familiar face. Pretty. Curls. Long lashes.
He's speaking to you, but you don't hear him. You know what he wants. There's no use in fighting. You'll just give it to him. And then he'll let you go.
You reach toward his belt, quickly undoing it, cupping his penis over his jeans.
He backs away from you then and your senses clear, even minimally.
"What're you doing?"
You blink at him, your face blank. "It's ok. I can do it one more time."
You take a step toward him and his brows furrow. "What-"
"I know this is what you want. I see how you look at me. We should just do it." Another step. "I'm really good at it, too. Giving blowjobs. Gave my first one at fourteen. You don't have to use a condom."
"Do you want to know what I did tonight? Maybe it'll turn you on. A threesome. They said I was good. And then he fucked me on the hood of his cruiser. Three in one night is a new record for me. Maybe we can make it four."
The look on his face is that of horrification. What had they done to you?
You reach for his zipper, ready to get on your knees, or on your back, your stomach.
Whatever he wants.
Doesn't matter if you do.
And then he cups your face in his hands, his eyes searching desperately to find you still in there.
"Fuck me," you whisper.
His throat bobs. "This isn't you. This isn't my girl."
Your lip twitches. "C'mon, there's a mattress inside. We can-"
He shakes his head. "No. This isn't you. Come back to me."
You try to press your naked body to his. He'll like that.
He continues looking at you, refusing to avert his eyes. He won't look away from it—from you. He refuses. He won't let you carry this alone. Won't leave you. Because, if he does, he'll return to you lying dead in a watery grave.
"This is the you they want. Not me. I know the real you. I want her back."
You stare at him in silence.
And then you break, your face crumpling.
"It was...so horrible," you choke out through sobs.
He quickly shrugs off his jacket, wrapping it around your naked form, then holding you to him.
"I didn't want to!" You scream against his chest.
He cups the back of your head, your body trembling so hard it's shaking his own. God, what had they done to you?
You clutch yourself to him, terrified that if you let go, you'll be swallowed whole by the black hole that now surrounds you. Or, perhaps, you are it.
A gaping void of nothing.
Billy reaches down, picking you up bridal-style, carrying you back to his car.
"I'm taking you some place safe."
Doesn't he know?
Nowhere is safe. Not anymore.
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Hot water beats down on you from above and you watch as a stream of blood flows down the drain from between your legs. It's not your period.
You shut your eyes, resting your cheek atop your bent knees, wrapping your arms more tightly around them, making yourself as small as possible.
Maybe you'd been asking for it. Look at the way you'd dressed tonight; acted. Giggling and touching them, letting them touch you. Just like they always do.
They didn't know any better, because this—rather, that—was all they've ever known. At least with you, that is.
You wonder if they're thinking about it right now with a feeling of guilt. If they feel as empty as you do. Completely hopeless.
What do you have that's worth going on for now? How, in a few hours, had your entire world fell out from under your feet?
And you just kept falling.
Your chin wobbles, and you squeeze your eyes shut more tightly.
Not all men.
That's what they say, isn't it? When it's implied that all any of them think about is sex.
You want to believe Billy is different. He could've so easily done anything he wanted to you just an hour ago. Instead, he'd not even been hard from the naked sight of you. He'd looked into your eyes, not at your body. Had spoken to your soul, not your ears.
He saw you. And he hadn't turned away at the hideous, broken sight.
Was life worth giving one last try, then?
For what, though? You'd trusted Scott. Had worshiped him. And then he had betrayed you.
You resolve in the moment, knowing: he'll pay.
You'll have to use and hurt another to do it, but that's fine. Because he deserves it, too. They all do.
You'd merely become a product of their own creation. Now, you would finally come to life.
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You stir the chicken and broccoli Billy had made you for dinner idly around your plate while he sits across from you, watching.
"Do you want me to make you something else?" He asks softly.
You look at him, having forgotten he was even there, lost in your own mind. You look around the kitchen for a moment, then back to him. "This is your house."
He's wondering if he shouldn't take you to a hospital.
You gently grip the t-shirt he'd given you to wear for tonight, then run your hand along the soft sweatpants that were too big for you that were also his. "It's nice."
You take a very, very small bite of your food, chewing for a long time before swallowing.
"Thank you," he replies quietly. "It still needs a lot of work, but I'm doing what I can."
He doesn't give a shit about the house right now, but if he can get you to talk at all—he doesn't give a damn what the conversation is about.
You nod, taking another bite.
He wants to ask you to tell him what happened tonight exactly, but knows it'll ruin what little appetite you seem to have just found. So he holds off, watching as you take a sip of water.
"You can take my bed tonight to sleep in." He says with a small smile, reassuring you that it's okay; he won't be joining you.
You look at him, surprised. He...isn't going to send you back there? You aren't sure it was ever a home for you.
"Where will you-"
He jerks his head toward the living room behind him, off of the kitchen. "I have a pullout couch."
"Then I should-"
He shakes his head. "It's okay, really." His lip twitches. "The truth is, sometimes I sleep on it just so I can stay up watching TV."
Lie. The only time he watches TV is when he's eating dinner in there. And even that was only occasionally.
You nod. "Oh."
You eat the rest of your meal in silence.
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You toss and turn in Billy's bed—he'd even put clean sheets on it while you'd washed your dishes; you'd insisted on doing at least that much, even if he'd told you he would get to them once you were in bed for the night—for nearly half-an-hour before you finally relent, knowing you'll never fall asleep like this. Alone.
You don't want to close your eyes.
You quietly pad toward the direction of the living room, hoping Billy is still awake. You assume so, since the TV is casting colors of blue and green and red across the walls. You're in luck when you see him leaned back against the cushions, remote in-hand, his other arm resting atop his head, which he lowers to his side when he sees you.
He should've kept a shirt on. What if seeing him even half-undressed made you uncomfortable?
He fears are quickly assuaged.
"Can...can I sleep with you? I'm..." Tears sting your eyes. "I'm scared."
His face falls, his heart breaking on your behalf. "Of course you can."
He pulls back the covers and you step closer, glancing to him and he gives you a kind smile, reassuring you that it's okay—he won't touch you—and you crawl in next to him.
You're the one who touches him then, curling against his side, desperate to be held by someone safe.
He wraps an arm around you, then his other. "Is this okay?" He whispers.
You nod. And then hot tears begin to fall.
You press your face into his chest, crying quietly and his hand comes up, fingertips rubbing the back of your head.
"You're safe now. It's okay. You can feel whatever you need to feel. Cry, scream. Whatever you need. I'm here."
You whimper, curling your body against his.
"Will...will you tell me what happened? Everything seemed fine during, until that guy lost it. Scott?"
You sniffle, raising your head, curling your fingers around the blanket settled overtop the both of you. "He...he saw me sitting in Travis' lap. He got...so angry. After, in the parking lot, Joe..." You grow quiet again for a moment, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat so you can continue.
You take a deep breath, calming yourself. "He suggested a threesome. I looked to Scott to tell him no. He...didn't. I begged him not to. That I didn't want to. He did it to punish me. Said I needed to remember my place. So they did it. Scott didn't use a condom."
You sob quietly. "I left and then Cyrus—one of the cops—found me. He bent me over the hood of his car. I just let him. I didn't want to fight anymore. Not that I ever do. I let it happen. He didn't use anything, either."
He fights down his rage. He doesn't want you to see him angry. Not for a moment. You'd leave, and then God only knows what would happen to you next.
"What were you about to do when I found you?"
You press your forehead against his shoulder, crying. "I wanted to end it."
He doesn't need you to elaborate as to what 'it' is supposed to mean.
You continue. "I wanted to make it stop. It hurts. I hurt. I don't know if I can...take anymore. I thought he cared. About me. I was so stupid. So stupid."
You cry harder then, remembering. You don't want to remember. Don't want to feel their hands on you—their...body parts inside of your own. You hate him now. Well and truly.
There would be no forgiveness for this. He had finally gone too far.
All because you sat on a man's lap that he dislikes. The punishment didn't fit the crime. Not that it should even be considered that. You had done nothing wrong. Right...?
Billy pulls you closer. "I'm so sorry, angel. You need to understand that it wasn't your fault. It never has been. Nothing you've done warranted any of this. They were the ones that knew better; were supposed to do better by you. You didn't deserve it."
He pulls back, cupping your cheek, looking at you. "Do you understand?"
You shrug, lip trembling. "I'm a worthless whore. I'm so disgusting. Unclean."
He shakes his head, pressing his forehead to your own. "You are anything but. You are so bright and kind and full of life and hope and warmth. You're a dreamer. Don't let go of that. Don't let them win. Because, if you do, their lives go on, while you've chosen to cut your own short for people that just do not matter.
"You're so young. And you have everything ahead of you. Maybe it's hard to see that now. It was for me, too. I get it. I was in a dark place for a time. A really long fucking time, and I couldn't see a way out. I never thought I'd have a home of my own, or a halfway-decent job."
He pulls back, brushing tears away from your cheeks. "Or that I'd find you. But I did. So, stay. If not for me, then for you. Just...lean on me. I can handle it. Can shoulder it. Whatever the fuck you need, give it to me and I'll carry it instead."
You burst into tears then, wrapping your arms around his neck, burying your face in it.
And he just holds you, telling you that you're safe now. Over and over again.
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The house is quiet, the living room dark, apart from a lamp in the hallway casting a soft orange glow. You'd asked Billy to turn a nightlight on. You were afraid of the dark now. At least for tonight.
He'd not mocked you for it. Hadn't rolled his eyes or complained. He'd simply asked which one you would like best and you'd chosen one with blue flowers painted on the glass shade.
You roll onto your side, your hand resting atop his warm bicep. "Are you awake?" You whisper.
"I am."
You're quiet for a moment, then you whisper. "You saved my life."
His eyes sting from unshed tears. "Just...promise me that if you ever think about that again, you'll come to me first. Or call. In the morning, I can give you my home and work phones. I don't care what time it is, or what day. If you need me, I will be there."
No one had ever been so reliable for you before. Or kind. No one.
"Thank you."
He rests a hand atop yours, curling his fingers around it; you can feel the warm metal of his ring.
"I can't stop thinking about it," your voice begins to raise. You don't want to cry again. You're so exhausted.
He turns on his side, resting a palm against your cheek and your eyes flutter closed.
"Tell me about the house. What you would do if you had unlimited funds; an army of workers."
You reach out, pressing your fingertips against the soft skin of his chest, smiling, your eyes opening. "Cut the grass, for one."
He chuckles.
"Maybe plant some more trees. Lemon and cherry and pear. And I would put flowers and bushes all around the house, which would have a big wrap-around porch. And planter boxes on the windows, once they've been replaced, of course. And maybe have the windmill repainted; the rusted parts replaced. Some bird feeders hanging along the porch, a bird bath in the front yard."
You hum, thinking. "The porch would have sitting areas throughout, and swings in the front and back, maybe one on the side. Lanterns for at night. And on the inside, I would have the wood floors polished and re-stained, the chimney cleaned out and a small pile of wood for cool evenings kept near it.
"I would tear down all the wallpaper and repaint all the walls white and blue and cream instead. New furniture. The only thing that would stay would be my nesting dolls."
He grins.
"Oh, and the outside shutters would be blue, too. The house would be painted white. So, that way, it would match inside and out. And the kitchen would have marble countertops and backsplash. And a rack for pots and pans would hang from the ceiling."
He doesn't see it, but you're gesturing with your hands as you paint him a picture of your dream home.
"And lots of little spice jars on a rack, and I would grow herbs in pots on the windowsill. And there would be sugar, and flour, and tea, and coffee..." You trail off.
"The dining room would have a nice new table, and chairs. Maybe even a tea-set. China. Fine China. And a hutch cabinet full of pretty dishes. And the stairs and banisters would have to be re-done. For the bathroom upstairs, I think I would keep the tub, so long as it can be restored. Everything else can be replaced with white porcelain. And a medicine cabinet for storage could be mounted above the floating sink."
You consider what you would do with the room all the furniture had been stored in, then smile. "The next room would be my own personal library. Every wall would be lined with ceiling-high bookshelves. And there would be rugs and plants and a rocking chair in front of the window. Maybe I'd get a cat."
He smiles at that, pulling you closer.
"The master bedroom would have a big, fluffy king-size bed with a canopy, and I'd have a nice dresser with a big mirror atop it. Matching bedside tables with Victorian lamps atop them. And there would be a balcony off of the room, with chairs on it for sitting in the evenings. Glass doors, and gossamer curtains hanging on the inside."
You grow quiet when you consider the final room.
"And the last one?" He asks.
You know what the first idea that pops into your mind is. Even if that'll never be you; if you'll never have that. Not that you should.
You're the last woman on Earth who should ever consider such a thing. But this moment is for dreaming. About the life you want, even if it's one you know you'll never have.
"A crib. And a mobile. Toys and stuffed animals and soft lights and soft things. And if it was a girl, no man would ever touch her except her father. So long as he was a good man. If not, I have a large yard and a shovel. And no one will ever find him. Ever."
He doesn't smile or laugh. Nor do you.
"That sounds like a beautiful dream," he says, fingers curling around your side.
You wrap your hands around his arm, slowly closing your eyes. "It is. Maybe...I'll find someone to share it with one day."
He closes his as well. "Maybe you already have," he replies softly.
You fall asleep with a smile upon your lips, and warmth in your heart.
A feeling of safety wrapped around you. A feeling...which has a name.
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kedreeva · 2 months
Went to see "Twisters" tonight and it was thoroughly enjoyable!
Some spoilers below the cut
Okay first of all, I'm extremely excited to say that they don't push a love triangle despite there being a girl MC and two main guys. One of them is an old friend who remains firmly an old friend, with no indication that he has romantic feelings. Like they get to be actual friends!!!!! And the other, while potentially a love interest, had just as much potential to be a friend instead, and in an extremely important (to me) way they do not kiss! I was shocked, actually. I expected them to pull out a "gotta have a kiss to appease the amatonormative folks" but nope! Not even in the little mid credit blurb. He stays the night at her childhood home with her and nothing happens. Like not even an awkward moment of tension, they don't even show them going to bed I don't think.
And I feel this to my bones, she was allowed to be the star. She changed her old friend's mind and gave him a chance to choose doing the right thing and he did it because he cared about her opinion of him and wanted to be who she thought he was. And the other guy found out she had dreams/goals of doing something and instead of taking them or doing it for her, he said what can I do to help you, and she chose to let him help her. It was so softly done!! And this guy, he was a full on attention hound with a YouTube channel and loves showing off and he's taking a press guy into the storms to do a story about how awesome he is at tornado wrangling. But when it comes down to it, he tells the reporter she's the real story AND SHE IS!! The article gets written about her instead!
The beginning was. A lot. You get introduced to the storm hunting group, and then immediately 3 of the 5 get killed and the MC almost does, all because she miscalculated. But you know what? She a) keeps her trauma and b) continues doing meteorology stuff, just from a safer distance. Like it's very clear that tornadoes are still this girl's passion, something she loves with every fiber of her being, but she's also been traumatized by losing her boyfriend and two of her closest friends (not to mention her dream project) and nearly her life, in one go. And even still it is something she literally can't stay away from, she still takes a job involved with them through data analysis, and you can practically feel it killing her at the start. The way she lights up at the mention of studying them more closely like she had wanted to, and that excitement immediately chased out by fear. It was nicely done.
They did a really nice thing with the music as well- PERFECTLY captured that kind of moment where the rest of the world drops away and all you can perceive for a moment or two is this thing you love so much it feels like time stops to let you love it more. Except she's looking at weather. At winds moving or clouds or tornadoes. Which is so cool of them to have done for her. This girl loves one thing and it's fuckin WEATHER.
The "villain" of the story is understated and they really don't waste time going into detail about it, which is great because the MC isn't really interested in finding out more about the real estate mogul capitalizing on the devastation. She just doesn't want her friend working for them anymore. She finds out he is, she draws a line in the sand and tells him he should be doing the right thing not the easy thing, and her friend takes her objection seriously and alters his behavior. And that's all the more they really get into that side of the story. Why waste time on it when there's more tornadoes to show? This movie did what Godzilla: King of Monsters failed to do- showed us the monster as much as possible and actually I do care about the people still because none of their problems were irrelevant, none of them were problems for the sake of having problems.
Anyway this movie was enjoyable to me. If you like weather phenomena, storm chasing, chaos, and actually interesting interpersonal relationships, go have a watch!
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egg-but-with-style · 3 months
My last post did pretty well, and if people like it, I figured I might as well try my hand at some more!!!!
This guy literally has the best skin in the world, it's like looking at something carved from marble, everytime you ask about his skincare routine, he just says genetics.
He detests anything made with cinnamon, his older sister once made him try a pie she made, and by the time he was done eating it, he was literally coughing up cinnamon. Didn't say anything though, couldn't be mean to his sister like that.
HE CANNOT SIT STILL!! Gaz and soap are literally the most energetic people on base. Except Price finds Gaz charming and soap less so...
Also I for some reason think he smells like oranges and mangos???
(edited after I saw a tiktok about climate change) GAZ IS SUPER VOCAL ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE, all of the boys care to some degree (get it?) but Gaz brings hard facts and evidence everytime he talks about it, Price is now worried for Gaz's mental health
Where to start? Maybe with the fact he has duplicates of his hats he keeps in his office drawer. Ghost went in there one time to give Price a report and saw Price open his Hat Drawer. Ghost had never seen so many hats
If some of y'all didn't know, if you have a low tolerance to cigars and breathe in too much of the smoke, you'll get sick. So, Price keeps a puking trash can just for the people that come into his office. Is he gonna stop smoking to prevent people from losing their lunch? Never.
When he's not on duty he wears the stupid Hawaiian shirts that middle aged dads wear on vacation. Also cargo shorts. Cause they're tactical
Again, he cannot sit still. He'll wake up in the middle of the night and you'll find him in the armory tinkering with an explosive, and even then he gets up every couple minutes just to pace around
He is very meticulous about his hair. Every morning he wakes up just a little bit earlier then everyone else and hair gels that baby into place. It does not move. It could probably be as effective as a military grade helmet at that point.
THIS MAN DRAWS PORN AND POSTS IT ON TWITTER!!! He uses an alias of course, and a very well hidden drawing tablet when he's on duty. Just ignore the fact that alot of the men he draws look just a tad bit like ghost. Just a little.
Also, while all of the COD men love a woman (or man) with meat on their bones, soap is feral. Chubby chaser all the way. There's also something really hot about a person being around his height and not taking his shit.
He has horrible acne under that mask. It's actually awful how much he goes through just to keep it on. He's done skincare, moisturizing, pimple patches, everything, and nothing work. The worst part is, he thinks the mask is so cool it's worth it
This man is an actual dork. (Idea by @ghouljams) this guy definitely makes those little miniatures. The little details he puts into every bit of his work, whether it's wood grain, the look of water, he just does it all with such skill. The plus side is that it keeps his brain at bay, not thinking and more focused on what's in front of him. He also likes DND. Go figure.
I also do like the idea of trans ghost. He understands what it was like before he transitioned and feeling ashamed of his size when he used to be forced into the stereotype of what a woman should look like. So when people fuck with you about your size, he's right behind you like he's gonna kill them.
Authors note: the only thing I'm afraid of as I start writing is 1. The fan fic author curse, and 2. People actually paying attention to me, my anxiety is gonna kill me, lol. Anyway, hope y'all are having a great day!!! Bye!!!
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thesirencult · 11 months
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Discussing your feminine's general aura and characteristics. Friendly for both men and girls/theys who like girls. You can also pick it to see how your aura is as a feminine ❤️
Book your reading by sending me a private message xoxo S.
Pile 1
7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords
Your DF has the aura of a sweet herbal witch. She lives in her little cabin in the woods and like a fairy she works on perfecting her craft. Greens and purples look great on her.
This is a slow and steady energy. This is someone who loves taking their time. She loves learning and implementing her skills. Making coffee becomes a daily ritual and same goes as washing the dishes.
Her attention to detail is immaculate and that can drive you crazy sometimes but you know that with all that good comes some bad. Very well presented, you can take her anywhere and all eyes will be on her. Very earthy, stable and focused on building a foundation for all things practical before she jumps onto commitment.
Her steady "working on myself" attitude stems from getting backstabbed one too many times. She knows that she has to build herself up and after that all her dreams will manifest. She is into self development and may love going through that tag on Tumblr. She may even be a blogger herself.
She is investing in herself and doesn't shy away from learning about accounting or law. Nothing will stand on her way to that cute fairy cottage *aggressive cute walk* 😉.
Pile 2
9 of pentacles, queen of swords, the magician
Whoever has this DF as a counterpart or has that aura, WOW. Miss Independent. A handful. We love seeing that *sprinkle, sprinkle* here. CEO. That's C-Suite energy!
This woman is someone powerful and dominant. Like a race horse you will always bet on because you KNOW, it will always come first 😉 (pun intended). She works very very hard for what she wants and similar to pile 1 she can be in accounting, finance and law. Good with numbers and her hands. I bet she has a dirty sense of humour.
From the first moment you see her you will know she is the real deal. Others blend in the background while she power walks in the room. Penetrating stare and red bottom high heels, her allure is different. She doesn't have to show dominance, others feel that she is the boss. Mami energy. Ferocious when someone comes for her loved ones. She could even be in law enforcement.
Red and brown. Symbolising high energy that's still grounded and serious. Do not cross her.
Pile 3
King Of Swords, Knight Of Wands, Ace Of Swords
Now, this one? A handful ! Try to tie her down. You just can't. A brat.
This person is very fluid. They don't care about terms and conditions. They are highly intelligent and her mind walks a thin line between spirituality and logic. The most unconventional, they will find a solution no one sees yet it's right in front of them. Highly intellectual and well versed in philosophy and math.
This reminds of a movie with James Franco where he played a start up founder who was into spirituality. A crazy genius. A party is a party and they will be there.
Partying in Ibiza? They've done that. Phuket for a Muay Thai Camp? That did that last year! Eiffel tower to try a croissant with pistachio filling? They just got back yesterday and guess what? They hate pistachios.
This person is the type to run a start up company focused on clean energy and when shit hits the fun they will call an astrologer and ask for recommendations. They respect everyone. They will listen to your mom and dad when they talk about their days and take mental notes of great ideas. They know great ideas come from the most unconventional places and fields.
Pile 4
Page Of Cups, Page Of Swords, The Fool (5 Of Swords + 8 Of Swords + 5 Of Pentacles flew out)
This can be my age difference pile. They will run you to the ground lol.
This is someone with lots of mental capacity. You ask them about World War II and they will tell you how Nazis and Churchill used astrology and why the war happened and after 5 hours you will be listening to them about Ancient Mesopotamia. "How did we get here?" You will think.
Well, it doesn't matter cause you love listening to their voice and their warm heartfelt laugh. They look innocent and pure and even if they try to intimidate you you will let them think they can but in reality they look like a cinnamon roll and they are a cinnamon roll. Their life was not the best and they have lots of trust issues. They may look innocent but their eyes hide a painful past. Like a kitten thrown out and left out in the cold they feel lost and unappreciated.
You listening to them means the world and you will be shocked at how appreciative they are and how loving with you. They are very romantic and they may have great expectations and daydreams about their love life.
I get that you might start off as friends and meet in a very random way on a daily run or while getting groceries or a tire changed. You will immediately fall in love with them and they will seem like they don't suspect a thing. Let me tell you, they know, they are just too scared to show their feelings and until you grab them and kiss em you won't know how much passion is brewing underneath this innocent and clever facade. They might turn into pile number 2 in a few years lol.
Ready for everything, you will always be a warm embrace and their home when they come back from exploration. You will love how they yawn while reading a book and how they stretch when they wake up showing revealing their tummy. They are cute to you, even if everyone else sees them differently, that's how you view them. They might be a black mysterious cat but you think of them as a tired little kitten waiting for a safe home that will accept them as they are.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Ghost and König s/o headcanons pleaseee, thank you!
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Dutiful lovers
♡ headcanons ♡
König Dominik (cause at this point I will not stop calling him that)
Simon "ghost" Riley
Tw: mentions of Simon's past, mentions of anxiety, canon violence and talks of very inaccurate military stuff, mature language, mentions of insecurities about weight, height ecc
A/N: to think this was a very well respected slasher blog and now look at us, letting this army himbos ruin our taste. Thank you so muuuuuch for the request, I LOVE GETTING REQUEST FOR OTHER THINGS BESIDE SLASHERS CAUSE SOMETIMES I DONT REALLY FEEL LIKE WRITING FOR JUST ONE THING OR ANOTHER. Anywho I hope you enjoy it
This man has never felt genuine and pure love in years
I feel like if you have enough patience you could make it work with him
It took him so much time to come to terms with his feelings
He did little things tho that made you realised he cared
What made him fall for you was how resilient and kind you were
A little treat for you since you have been very good simps, just for funsies we're gonna pretend you already knew about some of the more questionable things he has done
Not his past, I mean the things that he feels bad about
You knew and you saw how he always seemed kind of scare of himself
And you always were there to remind him he was a good person
He started to do more for you in general cause he wanted to feel worthy of your kindness
He genuinely folds every time you just as much as smile at him
He knew he was deep in love when he started to have nightmares about losing you
He will try to, unconsciously, self sabotage the relationship at first
I feel like he has a history of people giving up on him because of how his past affects him and how hard it is for him to live a normal life
He's not like that great with physical affection
Not because he doesn't like it but because he doesn't knows much about it
Definitely enjoys being cuddle and being the little spoon but also likes to be able to be the big spoon too
Listen this man has been burned, shot, buried ecc he has a shit ton of scars and is very self conscious about them
Not only because of how they look but because they remind him of really fucked up stuff
So maybe at first he won't be that open about you touching him in certain points of his body but after a while it will start to make him feel much better
He swears your touch is full of literal magic
Would love to be able to cook for you but he is a public danger with those cooking skills
Can't fucking handle seeing you crying, he shuts down completely
Which makes him feel like shit because he can see how you feel let down by him not comforting you
You will literally gain scary dog rights for being with him. He death glares anything and anyone he deems bad or threatening to you
Ironically I don't think he's the possessive and jealous type
He doesn't gets jealous but he gets insecure because he always thinks about how he is "broken" and "a lot" to put up with and he kind of feels bad to drag you with him and his problems
Doesn't asks for it but needs a lot of reassuring words
He literally melts inside everytime you remind him you truly love him, that you're not getting tired of him, that you care about how he feels
He may not be one for really big demonstrations of love but he always remembers the little details
He remembers your favourite flower, he knows how you like your coffee or tea and if you don't like either he remembers your favourite drink
He knows your favourite book, movie and song
If you really pay attention he's quite romantic and attentive towards you
The good days with him are really fucking good but the bad ones are way over being just bad
He can be quite insensitive with how you feel, not because he doesn't cares tho
He never causes you harm on purpose is just that he gets really scared of getting attached
Definitely the type of person that gives you anything you say you like
You could be just complimenting a shirt of his but he just immediately gives it to you
He definitely compensates his bad traits with gifts
Weirdly enough loves to hold hands and to play with your fingers
And he loves the feeling of your hands caressing his face
If you wear any makeup he takes it off of you and would love for you to the same to him
When he's on a particularly rough mission the first thing he thinks of is you and most of the time that's what quite literally makes him survive
If you're not part of the 141 or the army in general he tries to keep you as far as possible from that part of his life
He has literal nightmares about you getting hurt because of his job
He loves to do normal everyday things with you cause it makes him feel he finally has some sort of normal and healthy life
Doesn't know how to sing but likes to sing along songs with you just because you make it look like fun
With time I genuinely think he would be more openly affectionate with you
Would tell you about his past on accident
Maybe you two were arguing about him being distant or careless when it comes to keep himself safe
One thing led to another and he said he was scared of you because he didn't want to be like his father and you told him he wasn't
Which led him to rant about how many similarities there are while unconsciously telling you about his trauma
Tbh after that things went definitely better
He feels genuinely happy only when he's with you
Loves going on car dates cause he likes to drive and talk with you about anything and everything
He could literally spend hours listening to you and looking at you with that lovestruck puppy dog eyes gaze
Sometimes he looks at you while sleeping and gets somewhere between being happy and sad
Cause he loves you literally so much it hurts and he doesn't always know how to show it to you so it just stays inside him and it aches
Doesn't want photos of you on him but always carries something like a bracelet or a necklace that doesn't have any meaning to you but it does remind him of you
He has pretty severe panic attacks and night terrors and before you he used to spend days alone in his room scared af and on the edge until he didn't force himself to shut it all down
Now he trust you won't leave him and feels so much safer and so much better knowing that you're there with him
Like I said, with time he gets so much better at doing stuff for you
He always leaves you handwritten notes (his handwriting is horrible) if he wakes up before you
Always makes sure that if you're sick or don't feel too well or if in general something hurts you get checked and get the best treatment
He's a very selfless person in that sense, he would do anything for you
If you're having like major life issues or something really big he will take a time off from work to be with you
He did it for his family and he will do it for you too
Always the first to apologise
Weirdly enough I think he likes going out and doing stuff outside with you
He especially likes to go movie hunting and has so many underground titles that are very good which he always get so excited to watch with you
This man is so fucking perfect it's ridiculous
He has the looks like could kill you but it's actually a cinnamon roll kind of vibe
He was absolutely terrified of being in a relationship
He tends to put up this premade personality and has always been scared of being himself because everyone he has ever met has always told him his too much
Much like ghost no one has ever stick with him
Saying him or his problems are too much
Once you show him an ounce of love he is sold bro
This man will be yours forever and falls hard in love so don't think he will be playing around
You're the only one who gets to see the real könig and is something truly amazing
He's incredibly smart and loves to tell you cool facts about the things you like
He will quite literally fuel any obsession you may have
Makes you meet his grandma cause she's a really important part of his life and he trust you enough
He gets self conscious about his body and his appearance but would never doubt you when you say you like him and you find him beautiful
He tells you quite often how he only feels special or handsome with you and you may not get how important that is for him
He never feels like that with anyone, not even his grandma
He always feels like he takes too much space, like he's too loud or too soft
But with you he really feels like nothing can get to him
Loves to cook for you and knows every recipe that you like
He's always so proud of everything you do and brags about you with everyone and anyone
He tends to have panic attacks and mental breakdowns very easily and everytime it happens he goes to you cause he knows he can be vulnerable around you
Enjoys staying at home dates rather than going out
He loves to have book dates, as he calls them, where both of you pick a book for each other to read and comment about it
Takes very seriously any problem or difficulty you may have
He hardly needs to apologise cause he always likes to talk through things instead of just arguing
You could literally give your entire heart to this man and I can guarantee you'll never regret it
Always makes breakfast for both and if he's at home after a long mission he brings yours to bed so you can have a lazy morning
He loves to dance with you while doing house chores and definitely plays piano for you
Naps with you everywhere at any time of the day, he literally uses you as his own personal Teddy bear
He gives me gomez addams in love vibes guys
He literally can and will rip the head off of anyone who dares to say something mean to you
You're gonna have to defend him tho cause he's not doing that shit for himself
If he gets sick, he tries to bother you as little as possible and even if it breaks his heart he keeps away from you so you don't get sick too
Doesn't do the same when you're sick tho
If you're sick he will spend every minute of the day doting over you
100% celebrates anniversaries, valentines days and your birthdays as if they were world known holidays
Unfortunately I do think he would be the jealous type
Specially if you're part of the 141
If he sees you talking with ghost or hanging out with soap he will get a sickening feeling of dread in his guts
He just thinks about all the things they have that he doesn't and how much more attractive or even easier to be are the others in confront
Needs a lot of reassurance for sure
Overall he's like so sweet and so caring that it makes you feel like he has got out of some kind of disney movie
He definitely didn't asked you out but spent months staring at you with that lovestruck look
He followed your every word like a lost puppy
Never expected for you to like him, he come to terms with the fact that you might never like him like he did
Like fr guys he was happy to just be around you
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ranimotia · 1 year
╭┈◦❥ • "Those eyes"
"Stop staring at me with those eyes"
"What eyes?"
・❥Pairings: Jamil Viper, Neige Leblanche, Jade Leech x reader
・❥Content warning: Jade being Jade, affectionately being called stupid, mentions of being shrunken and trapped in jars, POC friendly, GN! Reader, disgustingly sweet, character's are probably ooc.
・❥Authors note:  Yes I know Jamil is a brunette canonically but him having black hair makes more sense in my mind, should I make this a series? VERY LATE EID MUBARAK!
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Neige loves the concept of love, Neige loves you.
He loves everything about you! From the shape of your nose, to the way your eyes crease when you smile, he loves how softly you look at him- everything about you had him entranced, drawing him in like a moth to a light.
He can't help but stare, eyes overflowing with overwhelming adoration. All his life he's wanted nothing more than for his one true love to come and sweep him off his feet- and here you are! Just looking at you makes him feel all giddy and warm.
"Neige?" You said, eyes not leaving the pages of the recipe book as you spoke his name.
You and Neige were baking a cake toghther in preperation for Toby's birthday- such a domestic act had him feeling dizzy with affection. He was tasked with whisking the batter, however his mind and eyes were preoccupied with somthing else; you. You had your frilly apron on, sleeves rolled up and eyes concentrated on the instructions written infront of you. Neige couldn't wait to do this with you when once you're married.
"Yes?" He responded to your call, voice laced with warmth and tenderness.
"The batter." You glanced up from the recipe book to look at the doe-eyed boy then back down at the batter with a smile.
His face instantly reddened upon realising he had been caught red-handed. Breaking away from his haze his attention was brought down to the neglected bowl of ingredients, a spurge of apologies were sputtered out as he quickly got to mixing the contents. You giggled at his flustered state- you too, couldn't wait to spend the rest of your lives together.
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It's no secret Jamil is a stoic guy.
However, what was a secret was how soft he became when behind closed doors, in his own way atleast; if anyone were to see how gently Jamil handled you, they would have assumed you'd switched the raven haired boy with an imposter. (ඞ)
Jamil is diligent with his timing, he stares only when he knows you're not looking, knowing that if you ever caught him staring you'd never let him live it down; he prefers to keep you humble. Though, when he does stare his eyes hold nothing but adoration and care- you two would be considered exact opposites, but you fit each other perfectly.
The room was silent with the exception of soft snoring.
Jamil took pity on you seeing you struggle over Professor Trien's homework so he being the kind boyfriend he was, decided to help you. Jamil was in no way an idiot, far from it actually. He was incredibly smart, that was one of the many qualities you appreciated about him- from his great cooking to his amazing dance moves, to how comfortable his broad shoulders were to sleep on.
A sigh escaped the vice-dormleadee however his perceived annoyance wasn't genuine. He closed the text book infront of him and sat in silence, his eyes were no longer fixed onto the pages of the book instead now focused on your unconscious form. His stonefaced demeanour came crumbling down as a soft smile found its way onto the his face.
His eyes studied your face, from the drool leaking from your mouth to the hairs you missed when plucking your eyebrows- no little detail went unseen and he loved each one equally.
Safe to say you weren't getting that homework done anytime soon.
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Jade loves keeping you on your toes.
One minute he's shrinking you and turning you into a mini exhibition in one of his terrariums for his own sadistic amusement, the next he's fastening a bib onto you and spoon feeding you his best dishes- all the while his signature smile practically printed on his face.
Jade watches you with amusement, your facial expressions and dense  nature has his drawn like a moth to light, though he's nothing but gentle even if he's a little (very) deranged.
"There's nothing in this.. right ?" You spoke, eyes staring down sceptically at the box of cookies neatly presented infront of you.
"Of course not, I'm simply trying to repay you for all the assistance your given me with my garden" Jade replied, giving you his signature closed eye smile.
Though you didn't trust him, it was free food- and free food is free food even if it comes with the risk of mutation and causing you to grow 3 extra toes. Picking up one of the chocolate cookies your stared at it, looking for any kind of suspicious features: strange colour? Nope. strange smell? Nope. Were the chocolate chips actually rabbit droppings? Nope. They were definitely chocolate.
Whilst you were having a stare down with the cookie Jades signature smile didn't falter even for a second, however his eyes were open and didn't share the same politeness as his smile. In his eyes pooled a dark sort of amusement, watching eagerly as you hesitantly took a bite out of the pastry.
A surprised but pleased exhale left your closed mouth, you honestly weren't expecting the cookies to actually be edible, let alone enjoyable.
Stuffing your face with a few more of the cookies you failed the notice the almost sadistic glee that peered through the eel's eyes.
Did he mix mushrooms into the cookie dough? Yes, will he tell you that? No.
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May I request this idea that had been in my mind
What if wanderer remembered hypasia and started telling reader all she had done for him and started comparing reader to hypasia. Reader ignores him until this man gets the fact that reader is jealous and mad because of the comparing so in the end he asks nahida to help him make it up to reader
Ty have a good day/noon/night
Yes ma'am! Sorry for this scenario for taking so long, but here it is! I love you and I hope we can marry our pinky toes together and merge in the woods and then we can die as mermaids together, then go to heaven and find each other in heaven, but then I have to fight all of heaven to get to you in the devil's lava bathtub and then we reunite and destroy all of existence but I'm sorry and I love you. :D
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Scaramouche was walking with Nahida, as he was telling her his current issue with you. He was annoyed as he didn’t know what to do to get your attention, more so, for you to "get over it" per say.
"I don’t understand this childish behavior she is doing, she is making a big deal out of nothing, like what was I supposed to do?" He complained and sighed.
Nahida stopped and looked at him. "So, to restate what you have told me, you talked about Hypasia to your lover, and she got upset and stopped talking to you? What were you saying about Hypasia?"
Scaramouche looked to the side with his hand on his chin, he had one arm crossed and shifted his hips. "Well, that she and I had shares a consciousness, and that she was the only one who was well attuned of my past, compared to my lover, she only knows it through my words, or well, she doesn’t know it to the extent as he-"
Nahida interrupted him and chuckled. "If I may, interrupted. Haha, do you perhaps not see that your lover, is perhaps...jealous?"
Scaramouche looked at Nahida confused. "Jealous? Why?"
Nahida looked at him with a smile. "Lets say, your lover had an ex lover, but that ex lover knows her very well, inside and out, compared to you. As this ex lover touched her more than you, and knows her better than you."
"I...I woudn't like that, she could leave me to go back to him..." Scaramouche sighed, exposing his insecurities slightly.
"Exactly. That is what you have did to her." Nahida placed her hand on wanders hand.
"But Hypasia was just a follower, not my past lover." Scaramouche argued, trying to understand his mistake.
"Yes, but you have described her in intimate details, and farther more, you have compared her to your lover, as IF Hypasia was your ex lover. Scaramouche, your lover just feels inadequate, you hurt her with how you have been talking about Hypasia, the best thing to do is at least apologize and give her some space. It shows she loves you and cares, so please go forward with that in mind."
Scaramouche looked at her and sighed. He then looked down with his arms crossed, he had a scowl as her realized this was much more complicated then he realized. A part of him wanted to challenge you, and wanted to be resistant and stubborn. A part of him didn’t want to deal with this or take accountability with this.
But the other part of him misses spending time with you and talking to you. He cares and really wants to make things okay again. Two sides tore at him. He just wished this wasn’t something that the great Wanderer haven’t fallen down to, petty things that he had done to ruin his relationship with you.
Later on, Scaramouche walked into your house. Well, no. He walked into your window, as he never uses your door, he would always somehow gets into your house though any other entrances. He had an anemo vision after all, he utilize the ability to fly around. He entered your home through your window, as he walked to your bedroom door and knocked.
Nothing, you ignored. You were on your bed, deep in thought. You were overthinking.
About what? Well of course, your performance as a lover compared to Hypasia. You heard the knock, but ignored it. What is the point of being his lover, when he apparently had a better lover in mind? No point. You closed your eyes and sighed.
Scaramouche sighed and placed his forehead on the door. After a few moments. "Listen...I am...I am sorry for the way I compared you to Hypasia, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I only had you and a few other people in my life, that is why I ended up comparing, but I never meant to hurt you. It was no...excuse of me. I..I love you. And I am sorry...I'll leave you be and give you space...if you need me...I'll be out dealing with business. I won't be coming back until you want me to..." With that, Scaramouche left and stuck to his word.
You widen your eyes and immediately sat up surprised. Pondering for a few moments, you ran to open the door, however, it was too late. He was gone. You stood there in silence, staring at the window he left from. Your arms and shoulders went limp as you slowly started to blame yourself for your emotions and reacting the way you did to the situation at hand.
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tleeaves · 5 months
Folks going "WHAT they made a show about the Fallout franchise?? I've been hearing people say Bethesda messed it up, but I haven't watched it myself, so I'm going to trust the word of other people -- some of which also haven't finished watching it" is driving me insane.
Being a hard core fan of something obviously brings with it a lot of passionate feelings when adaptations come into play. Of course, there's going to be people going "but in 8 episodes of the first ever season they made, they didn't explore Theme C or D, didn't introduce factions E and F and G, and because the source company is notorious for its scams, we and everyone else who's a TRUE fan should hate it".
The Amazon Original series Fallout follows the videogame franchise of the same name. It is a labour of love and you can tell by the attention to detail, the writing, the sets, and YES THE THEMES ARGUE WITH THE WALL. It's clearly fan service. I mean, the very characterisation of Lucy is a deadringer for someone playing a Fallout game for the first time. She embodies the innocent player whose expectations drastically change in a game that breaks your heart over and over again. Of course, she's also the vessel through which we explore a lot of themes, but I'll get to that.
There're some folks arguing that the show retcons the games, and I gotta say... for a website practically built on fandom culture, why are we so violently against the idea of someone basing an adaptation on a franchise that so easily lends itself to new and interesting interpretations? But to be frank, a lot of what AO's Fallout is not that new. We have: naive Vault dweller, sexy traumatised ghoul that people who aren't cowards will thirst over, and pathetic guy from a militaristic faction. We also have: total atomic annihilation, and literally in-world references to the games' lore and worldbuilding constantly (the way I was shaking my sister over seeing Grognark the Barbarian, Sugar Bombs, Cram, Stimpaks, and bags of RadAway was ridiculous). Oh, and the Red Rocket?? Best pal Dogmeat? I'm definitely outing myself as specifically a Fallout 4 player, but that's not the point you should be taking away from this.
The details, the references, and the new characters -- this show is practically SCREAMING "hey look, we did this for the fans, we hope you love it as much as we do". Who cares that the characters are new, they still hold the essence of ones we used to know! And they're still interesting, so goddamn bloody interesting. Their arcs mean so much to the story, and they're told in a genuinely intriguing way. This isn't just any videogame adaptation, this was gold. This sits near Netflix's Arcane: League of Legends level in videogame adaptation. Both series create new plots out of familiar worlds.
Of course, those who've done the work have already figured out AO's Fallout is not a retcon anyway. But even if it was, that shouldn't take away from the fact that this show is actually good. Not even just good, it's great.
Were some references a little shoe-horned in to the themes by the end of the show, such as with "War never changes"? Yes, I thought so. But I love how even with a new plot and characters, they're actually still exploring the same themes and staying true to the games. I've seen folks argue otherwise, but I truly disagree. The way capitalism poisons our world, represented primarily through The American Dream and the atomic age of the 45-50s that promoted the nuclear family dynamic -- it's there. If you think it's glorifying it by leaning so heavily into in the adaptation, I feel like you're not seeing it from the right angle. It's like saying Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck glorifies the American Dream, when both this book and the Fallout franchise are criticisms of it. If you think about it, the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout is a graveyard to the American Dream. This criticism comes from the plots that are built into every Fallout story that I know of. The Vaults are literally constructed to be their own horror story just by their mere existence, what they stand for, what happens in each of them. The whole entire show is about the preservation of the wrong things leading to fucked up worlds and people. The missions of the Vaults are time and again proven to be fruitless, unethical, plain wrong. Lucy is our brainwashed character who believed in the veritable cult she lived in before she found out the truth.
So then consider the Brotherhood of Steel. I really don't think it exists in the story to glorify the military. We see just how much the Brotherhood has brainwashed people like Max (also, anything ominously named something like "the Brotherhood" should raise eyebrows). Personally, I don't like Max, but I am intrigued by his characterisation. I thought the end of his arc was rushed the way he "came good" basically, but [SPOILERS] having him embraced as a knight in the Brotherhood at the end against his will -- finally getting something he always wanted -- and him grimly accepting it from all that we can tell? Him having that destiny forced upon him now that he's swaying? After he defected? If his storyline is meant to be a tragedy, it wouldn't surprise me, because Fallout is rife with tragedies anyway. And a tragedy would also be a criticism of the military. That's what Max's entire arc is. It goes from the microcosm focusing on the cycle of bullying between soldiers to the macro-environment where Max is being forced to continue a cycle of violence against humanity he doesn't want to anymore because a world driven to extremes forces him to choose it to survive (not to mention what a cult and no family would do to his psyche). Let's not forget what the Brotherhood's rules are: humankind is supreme. Mutants, ghouls, synths, and robots are abominations to be hated and destroyed. If you can't draw the parallels to the real world, you need to retake history and literature classes. The Brotherhood is also about preserving the wrong things, like the Vaults (like the Enclave, really). They just came about through different method. The Enclave is capitalism and twisted greed in a world where money barely exists anymore. The Brotherhood is, well, fascism plain and simple.
Are these the only factions in the Fallout franchise? Hell no. But if you're mad about that -- that they're the main ones explored, apart from the NCR -- I think you're missing the point. These themes, these reminders, are highly relevant in the current climate. In fact, I almost think they always will be relevant unless we undergo drastic change. On the surface-level, Fallout seems like the American ideal complete with guns blazing that guys in their basements jerk off to. Under that surface, is a mind-fuck story about almost the entire opposite: it's a deconstruction of American ideals that are held so closely by some, and the way that key notion of freedom gets twisted, and you're shooting a guy in-game because it's more merciful than what the world had in store for him.
I mean, the ghoul's a fucking cowboy from the wild west character he used to play in Hollywood glam and his wife was one of the people who helped blow up America in the name of capitalism and "peace". There are so many layers of this to explore, I'd need several days to try and keep track and go through it all.
The Amazon Prime show is a testament to the Fallout franchise. The message, the themes? They were not messed up or muddled or anything of the sort, in my opinion.
As for Todd Howard, that Bethesda guy, I'm sure there's perfectly valid reasons to hate him. I mean, I've hated people for a lot less valid reasons, and that's valid. We all got our feelings. But the show is about more than just him. My advice is to keep that in mind when you're judging it.
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eeunoia · 5 months
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sinag — psh.
chapter six
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 3k
warnings: a contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: hello, i hope you will enjoy this chapter and give me feedbacks. ily and thank you for reading my works. stay safe.
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“Wow! That’s a really good offer, Ae!” the joy over Lucie’s voice made you giggle. You just arrived at your shared apartment to deliver her your good news. As expected, she’s very much happy for you.
She poured you a glass of water then slid it to your side and you thanked her shortly. Both of you settled at the small dining area to talk about what just happened a while ago. Even when you’re already on your way back to your apartment, you felt like you were dreaming. You left the house with a small hope of getting the job and now you’re already hired.
“Ohh,” her lips formed ‘o’ amused at what you just said.
“The new president must be very generous then? I worked there for a year and a half! I’ve never had that kind of offer.” she continued blabbering excitedly.
You nod your head and the face of the handsome man that interviewed you flashes through your mind.
“He’s very handsome too.” you added that made Lucie smile teasingly. She giggled and you end up chuckling as well.
“Someone have a crush!” she taunts you and you are quick to defend yourself.
“No, I don’t! That’s my number one rule. Not to catch feelings with my boss or officemate.”
She pursed her lips, “Then he can be my crush! What do you think, Ae? Should I quit my job and apply there again?” her eyes looked dreamy when she stared at nowhere, daydreaming.
“You’re crazy, Lucie. You already have a nice job.” and you stood up to start cleaning around the table so you can start cooking for dinner.
She stayed seated while watching you with so much joy in her eyes. You can tell that she’s very happy for you and its unexplainable to have this kind of friendship. It’s been a while since you felt like this.
“But my boss is not a hottie.” she added that made you chuckle while shaking your head lightly.
She then started talking about something else while you start cooking your dinner. She rants about one of her colleagues and you listen to her attentively. After cooking, you two enjoys the food together. You can’t remember how and when you two started clicking this good, but you are really happy.
“Your phone’s vibrating, Ae.” your eyes darted at the left corner of the kitchen where you left your phone.
“Ohh,” you mumbled as you look over the email sent from the boss' secretary. She informs you about the things you needed to know since you will start on monday already.
“What is it?” Lucie asks curiously while putting away the cleaned dishes. Her eyes stays on you, checking your expression.
“They emailed me about my work for monday. And also,” your eyes trailed at the bottom part of the email where some details not involving your work descriptions were typed.
“Also?” Lucie sounds excited.
“The requirements I need so they can arrange the new apartment the company will provide for me.” your tone sounded small. Lucie’s eyes grew and she was cheering about the good news.
“That’s so nice! Where is it located? Will it be close to your workplace?” she struts closer to you, because she’s done already with the dishes.
A pout made it to your lips. “I don’t want to leave you here.” your tone sounded so defeated.
Lucie was the one that accepted you during your lowest times. She took you in and showed care over you despite being a total stranger to each other. Now, she means so much to you and you’ll feel so lonely if you get separated from her.
“Come with me! I’m sure the place will be spacious enough for the both of us.” you walked closer and tugged her hand, giving her a show of your puppy eyes.
Lucie stared at you for a while and chuckled. “Sure! When will we start packing?”
Your eyes grew big in so much delight as you two started jumping around like crazy girls.
“I’m so excited!” you exclaimed happily.
Nobody will believe if you told them how hopeless and miserable you are when you started your day. And now, it felt like everything’s falling in their right places. Finally, things are getting better and you feel like you can start again. This time, you will do better and focus on yourself.
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“We’ll be expecting your presence in the meeting tomorrow, Mr. Park.” the person on the other line tries hard not to sound too demanding. He can feel his breath hitching, his heart pouding and the back of his head sweating.
Sunghoon remained silent for a while before he sighs, “All right.” he shortly replies and he can almost hear the sigh of relief from the other man. Not because he agrees on coming to meet him, but because he didn’t made the mafia boss upset.
Sunghoon drops the call and rests his back over his swivel chair. Moments later, he heard the door of his office burst open, followed by steps from more than one people.
“M-Miss, Mr. Park strictly ordered not to accept any visitor! Miss!” he opened his eyes and watch how a girl wearing a puffy pink jacket, paired with a tube and mini skirt walks inside his office. Behind her was his secretary looking so worried and scared of the consequences she might face.
“Mr. P-Park I tried stopping her but—”
“Shut up!”
Sunghoon sighs and dismissed his secretary. She bowed, clearly terrified after she was screamed at. The girl rolled her eyes as she glances back at Sunghoon.
“What are you doing here, Luna?” he asks and plays with his pen. He stared at her with no emotion over his eyes, bored and unamused with her unannounced visit.
She clenched her fist while holding her small Hermes bag. “You didn’t show up last night at the party.” she looked so upset and anger ooze from her eyes.
Sunghoon remained the same, unbothered. He kept playing on his pen and then tilts his head a little, staring dead at her.
“Why would I?”
His response made her even more angry. She hates how he ditched her last night. She hates that he seems unbothered about it. She hates that he’s treating her this way when clearly she doesn’t deserve this. And she really hates that despite his rude attitude towards her, she still want him.
“Because you are my fiance.” she confidently stated and kept her chin up at him.
Sunghoon scoffs without humor and it made her nibble over her lower lip. Insulted, that’s what the bitter feeling that he’s giving to her at the moment.
“No, I’m not. I never agreed to it.” he sighed, getting bored of this conversation.
“Your Father promised my family that he will—”
“My father’s words are his and that’s out of my concern. Leave me out of it because I have no intention of getting involve with you or even,” he trailed hise eyes from her face down to her feet. “marry you.” he continued that felt like a straight stab of a knife to her heart.
“You should go. I’m pretty busy.” he dismissed her like nothing.
Her eyes teared up, “You can’t keep doing this! My Father will not let you mistreat me this way! You’re putting both of our families in a hard position!”
“If you’re not planning to leave, then I will.” he stood up, towering over her figure. She kept her glares at him, tears starting to stream down her pretty face.
When he was about to walk pass her, she grabbed his arm.
“Stop hoping for that girl because she’s not here.”
Sunghoon clenched his jaw before slowly facing her direction. The darkness in his eyes sent shivers to Luna’s system. Her hand slowly retrieved out of fear. The atmosphere felt heavy and suffocating, she knew he was pissed and she’s scared.
“Don’t ever touch me.” he muttered sternly before walking away and after he left the room, Luna manages to finally breath.
Fear slowly drained off of her and now she’s pissed again over him. But most of all, she’s mad at that girl Sunghoon’s obsessing on. She couldn’t wait to meet her face to face so she can kill her herself. She’s the main reason why he couldn’t see her love for him.
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“This will be your office. Let me know if you need something else.” your eyes carefully roamed around the spacious office you are taken to.
It looked so simple yet cozy. You have a private space for yourself so it was just perfect. Tho, you couldn’t feel a little suspicious and curious as to why everything about this company is just... favorable to you. A side of you are glad that finally, you have a job again, but the other part of you are feeling so warry of the situation. It felt like you managed to get all of these so easily. The unknown thought kept living at the back of your mind and the worry of something heavy awaiting is somehow haunting you.
“Aelia?” you snapped back to reality when she calls your name softly after noticing that you are silent for a while.
“Is there something wrong? Did you not like it? We can try to check the other office beside this—” you quickly stops her and smiled.
“This is perfect! Thank you so much, I’m just overwhelmed.” her eyes scanned your face, like checking if you’re really saying the truth.
“Are you sure? The office beside this is vacant and more spacious.” she stated.
You smiled even wider, “This is already enough for me, thank you. Besides, I’m just new to this company. I should earn my position first.”
She was caught off-guard when you said that and suddenly realized that maybe she’s overdoing things. The boss did personally asked her to take good care of you and to make sure you have everything that you need. Even if she’s a little confused and curious why the boss is so fond of you, she refrain from sticking her nose into it. After-all, Jake Sim won’t really like it whenever someone else gets in between. Working for him for years already gave her those knowledge.
“O-Okay! Your place is already ready as well. You can move to it right away as you please.”
The delight on your eyes are obvious as you thanked her right away, flashing those pretty smile.
“U-Uhm, can I ask something?” you looked hesitant, but Jake’s secretary gave you her all attention.
“Can my friend move in with me?” you’re a little embarrassed to even ask it to her. They’ve been very good to you and it worries you that they might take this request differently.
To your surprise, she smiled.
“I will ask the boss about it and get back to you, is that okay?”
You nodded your head and thanked her for it. She left you afterwards since she still have a lot of things to do and also so you can look around your office building too. You are having a great time actually. Just thinking about this new opportunity in your life gives you so much hope and happiness.
“Mr. Sim?” his secretary answered his call.
Jake’s currently at the lobby of the airport that owned by Sunghoon, waiting for his flight. He lazily flips the pages of the magazine he randomly picked from the small table beside him.
“Did she arrived already? What does she think of her office?” he asks right away.
Normally, new employees doesn’t get an office all for herself. They have cubicles meant for them, but Jake wants you to be very comfortable as much as possible. After-all, your future man now owns that company you’re working in. He just handed Jake the check last night and he was very delighted about it. It was a very good deal even if his friend cursed him nonstop.
Jake chuckles at the memory.
“Yes, sir. I made sure I prepared everything that she needs.”
“Good. Remember what I asked you to do, all right?” he reminds her.
”Noted, Sir.”
He was about to end the call when she talks again. “Mr. Sim, I have something to ask.”
“What is it?”
“Ms. Aelia asked me if she can take her friend when she moves to her new place?”
Jake pursed his lips and tilts his head over to the side. “Is it a guy friend or a girl?”
It took a while before she responds.
“She didn’t really mention it, Sir.”
He took his time to reply and just sighs. Ni-ki’s been investigating you right after they found you. He did mentioned that you had a boyfriend, but he said that you ended it with him as he had seen your ex-boyfriend fooling around with some other girls.
Ni-ki also did mentioned that you didn’t have many friends. Also distant with your parents for some unknown reason and now living independently.
“Okay, you can ask her if its a girl or a boy. If its a girl, she can do it. If its a boy, don’t allow her.” he says calmly.
‘Don’t let her move in with a male friend or else his life will be in grave danger once his dear friend found out about it.’ Jake thought to himself.
“Noted, Mr. Sim.”
“Okay, that’s all. I just called to know if she settled in well.”
“C-Can I ask something a little personal, Sir?”
Jake tilts his head and hand unconsciously taps over the magazine after what he heard. He doesn’t really like when people he isn’t close with steps over his line of boundary. But since he just received a big check, he’s in a little good mood.
“Do y-you perhaps like Ms. Aelia?”
Jake pursed his lips and almost laugh out loud. He couldn’t believe he’s being asked with this question. But he couldn’t really blame her for misunderstanding his actions. She probably have an impression of him being cold and distant with his employees. Then suddenly he’s been doing so much favor for this new hired.
“No.” he sighs, “I don’t want to be killed by Park Sunghoon.” he whispers under his breath that he’s sure she missed.
“Let’s just say she’s a very important person for my friend so I’m doing him a very big favor.” he added.
“Okay, Sir. Sorry for asking.”
Jake didn’t say anything else and just bid good bye with her. He ended the call and stared at his phone for a while.
He knew how much you mean to Sunghoon and so he’s just trying to help him. His friend went through a lot of things just to find you, now that he did. He needs to keep you safe until Sunghoon’s done with what he’s planning. After that, he will have to do something for you and him to meet.
Jake smirks, couldn’t help but to feel so excited for what’s about to unfold in the future. His eyes caught the big screen when it flashes some of the pilots from the airport and a smirk spreads across his face when Sunghoon’s face flashes through the screen.
“Damn, who will trust a pilot with really bad anger issues?” he clicked his tongue and chuckles before grabbing his things to go leave for his flight.
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ethereal-blossom · 2 years
izaya, dazai, and mori reacting to their s/o experiencing a major burnout to the point where they needed extensive medical attention due to their overall health plummeting due stress and fatigue. this is me rn ;-; im so overworked yet so underpaid lmfao thank you so much in advance! 💗
A/N: Hi, thank you so much for the long wait! I hope your situation has become better :( give my dear their rest and money🔪 I'm sorry Mori's part is a bit short compared to the others, but I hope you like it💖
Izaya loves all humans equally, but you're the exception as his favorite one and Shizuo being his least favorite.
With Izaya's special interest in human beings and his well-crafted observation skills, it didn't go unnoticed by him how you were becoming more tired and less happy step by step. The part of him that loved to observe humans was fascinated and wondered how far you could be pushed, but then again- you are his favorite.
Izaya only realizes you need extensive medical treatment after he returns from an underground job. If you haven't moved in with him already, Izaya will throw all his charm (or manipulation skills, really, who cares about the details?) into convincing you to stay at his place. Being an information broker and professional chaos lover has provided Izaya with enough money to spoil you rotten.
The question is whether he'll let you go back to work. And if you manage to convince him to let you go back to work, he's going to do a full background check on the company and its people.
Izaya has a hard time admitting this to you, himself, or anyone really, but seeing you become this fragile scared him. It's a feeling he immediately tries to shove away, but it only leads to him being more protective of you.
During your assigned recovery, you'll catch Izaya chuckling to himself. There are just so many fun possibilities to ruin your boss' life! Should he destroy it brick by brick? Or should he wreck it in one go? Whatever it is, it'll be cruel and twisted and fun. Your boss didn't think they could get away with treating his favorite little human like this, hm?
One thing is for certain: no matter how Izaya is going to destroy your boss' life, it'll be done through cyber damage. Izaya would rather not leave your side. He has been very cheery and confident around you, never giving you a sign of the fear he felt when he saw you turn into a burned-out version of yourself. But he has you tucked in bed and you just have to say it and he gives you anything you want. Izaya has Namie assist him in taking care of you, too.
Izaya does drop hints here and there about how he's going to be responsible for your boss' life taking a bad turn. If you try to confront him about this or prevent him from doing so, Izaya is going to ask you for a good explanation as to why not. It may even lead to a discussion, however, no reason will leave him satisfied. You've already gotten hurt, so the damage is already done and there's nothing the boss can do to make up for it except pay for it with his sins. Izaya can say he'll let it go, but you know he won't. If anything, he's more excited to start. Nobody messes with his favorite human except him.
Dazai puts great value in the one he gained but would never want to lose. It's one of the reasons he pays so much attention to you; he knows things about your behavior that even you are unaware of.
That's why Dazai is the first to observe how you're slowly burning out. He encourages you to copy his work ethic (lying on a couch and letting your partner do all the work), but he never convinces you no matter how much he tries to tug at your strings.
But when Dazai comes home from a mission he had to travel for and sees you so burned out to the point of needing extensive medical care, he was livid and scared. From the inside, that is. From the outside, he'd be calm and reassuring, even cheery once you feel better.
Dazai would insist that he stays home with you to become your personal nurse. He would cling onto you whenever you want to leave the bed, claiming you were on bed rest, which automatically meant he was on bed rest, too.
He'd take care of you in his own silly way. He makes you laugh, distracts you from the tiredness, buys you the biggest teddy bear you've seen in your life, and prevents you from doing anything.
Nonetheless, there's going to be a time you need to get back to work. Once you do, you notice something strange about your boss. It's like they are a whole new person. They offer you tea or coffee the minute you step in, push out a nervous chuckle that's supposed to sound friendly, and say you can take a break whenever you feel like you need one. It wouldn't take long for you to realize there was something off... and you could tell who was behind it.
When confronting Dazai though, expect him to be packed in denial. "Me?" He answers with doe eyes that scream innocence and surprise, which means he was definitely not innocent nor surprised. "Do I look like someone who would threaten your boss? I was taking care of you all that time!" Yes Dazai, you look like that type of person. But the latter was true since you cannot point out a moment he must have had a talk with your boss. Dazai had taken his role as your personal nurse very seriously to the point he rarely had been out of your sight.
Dazai knows you'd have to let it go eventually because you have no evidence against him. Even if you did find the courage to ask your boss if your boyfriend had talked to him, the boss wouldn't slip up. The only evidence you have is the fear in your boss' eyes when mentioning your boyfriend and the sly but satisfied smile you caught on Dazai's face when he knew he got away with it.
Being the boss of the port mafia is a time-consuming job, especially when you're almost at war with another underground organization. It's why Mori, who is always eager to spoil you rotten, wasn't there to see how work was affecting you for the worst.
Mori made sure the upcoming threat was nothing more but forgotten dust, and one look at you after he came back made him want to do the same to your boss. You could see it in his expression, how it changed from excitement to surprise to deadly and back to soft but cheery in the span of a few seconds.
Absolutely takes this opportunity as an excuse to spoil you rotten more than he already does. After all, who can take better care of you than himself, the doctor who loves you the most?
The doctor in him comes out; checking your vitals, making sure you eat and drink, assigning you time to rest but also to go out and make a little walk with him. And oh, look what a cute thing he bought for you the other day! Yeah, it wouldn't be Mori if he didn't take this opportunity to buy new clothes for you and to doll you up as much as you let him.
Mori will offer to bring harm to your boss as if it's a sweet declaration of love. Whatever your answer, he makes sure your boss learns their lesson.
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taergalive · 6 months
So I'm being brave and sharing some of my self-indulgent scenarios with yall.
So in my self-indulgent scenario, Alastor basically saves some 7 year old sinner and said kid is like glued to his side because he saved her, and he's like, cool, free lackey. And of course, we're a sucker for the old "grows to care for them" trope so that happens. Because you can be a scary overlord and read bedtime stories to your kid. And the kid also likes Lucifer because he's all like "Hey watch this!" And oooh pretty magic~!
(I know. My details are great. I'm being vague on purpose lol)
Well, basically this leads to Lucifer and Alastor butting heads as they co-parent this child. And then whoopsies emotions happen. Alastor's all like "What the fuck is this feeling?" Because as a fellow Ace who was suddenly confronted by feeling sexual attraction for the very first time in your life, I know that feeling and it is terrifying. Like that person now owns your soul because no one else in the world ever made you feel that way what is happening??? So anyway, he and lucifer start a sort of relationship where Lucifer takes it slow so Alastor can assess these feelings and blah blah blah.
That was all just background information for the real thing I wanted to share so if you made it this far, congrats!
The hotel is having a party of some sort. Alastor has like one or two drinks, and Angel instantly notices that Alastor is actually kind of fun when he's got booze in him. So he tells Husk to keep Alastor's glass full. Any time Alastor's drink is done, suddenly another glass appears in his hand. He is bubbly, jovial, and even fun. He and Luci have been "seeing each other" for a lack of better words. Lucifer knows this is all very new for Alastor and is going at his pace while also respecting his privacy, so they've kept in on the downlow. Charlie found out and asked her dad about it, and he made her swear not to tell anyone, and especially not to tell Alastor she knows.
Anyway, Drunk Alastor is really touchy. Like really. And he starts getting all touchy on Luci, which Luci is eating up because he's a little tipsy too and loves attention. Angel notices and mentions it to Husk. "Fifty bucks those two are fucking." Husk likes those odds so he takes the bet.
At some point, Angel gets Alastor over to the bar. Angel's trying to weed it out of Alastor. "You and Short King were getting kind of handsy there." Alastor's all giggly and doesn't deny the accusation. So after a minute or two, Angel's like "So, who's topping?" And Alastor's confused and just laughing because he just enjoying himself at this point. And Angel's like "You know…" And makes a lewd gesture.
"Oh! You mean like intercourse?" Alastor waves him off. "No, no, we haven't done anything like that yet."
And it's that yet that makes Angel slam his hand on the bar top. "I told you, Husk! Pay up!"
And Husk is like "Ah, ah, ah, you said 'fifty bucks they fucking.' THAT doesn't sound like they fucking to me." He holds his hand out. "You owe ME."
And anyway, that's the scenario I had in my head last night as I was going to bed.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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