#and everybody seems to forget that
morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie post a Tiktok of Steve mid-rant about how the party doesn’t use their shared calendar correctly. You can tell this has been going on for a while because Steve is just listing stupid stuff that’s on it now - “On the twentieth, Dustin wrote ‘Moon.’ ???? Is he going to the fucking moon?! Is he looking at it? Max wrote a threat for Thanksgiving, but like, not a descriptive one so I don’t know… I don’t know what it means. Is she threatening us to come over?” The entire time Steve is ranting, Eddie is nodding along while zooming in on his ass.
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evilbeing · 6 months
Im taking for granted that Angrboda and Skjöldr are friends bc they met (thats it, thats my reason idc)
But how would their friendship be like ???
Please I need headcanons for them PLEASE EHAHSHSH
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ereborne · 8 months
What is a Monday? A miserable little pile of obligations.
semester turnover restructure
generate/send out error reporting
figure out how to separate out unique counts
create polite reply to Massive Dick Move email
finish the bad book >:(
bò kho (not an obligation. dinner)
lizard bath
#yapping tag#I spent my weekend trying to sleep and now all my chores are due today and I wanna complain. grump grump grump whine.#the semester turnover restructure actually is a pet project so that part I like! I wish I could take my time with it though#the error reporting is. well it's easy to generate (it's actually running now) and it's tedious but uncomplicated to send out#but then I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting passive-aggressive responses from everybody#in a just world my coworkers would respond to careful itemized lists of all their fuckups with 'thank you Alexis you're so helpful#we really appreciate you flagging our mistakes two weeks before the system final-saves them forever into stone. have a cookie!'#but alas#if I'd been any less stressed and frantic when I first established the error reporting I'd have set up a separate address to send them from#write up some template emails and let the reporting all come out of the mythical 'automatic system thing'#--every 'automatic system thing' in our college is me or IT on my behalf. even the people who hired me for this don't seem to realize#if only I'd known from the beginning that nobody would ever connect me and my systems! I'd be exploiting the shit out of it--#the unique counts is going to be a headache. no idea how I'm going to structure the coding for it. might be fun to invent? we'll see#the Massive Dick Move email response also will be an invention. 'hello Mr Massive Dick I am karma here to smite you' but polite#the bad book >:( I don't want to read any more of but the deal I made with my friend is he sends me free books and I report back#we did not discuss a special 'get out of book free' card for when the main character is a godawful shit sibling. (should've done though)#beef stew is good! mostly it's on the list so I don't forget to set the timers#laundry and lizard bath can wait until tomorrow if they must but they shouldn't wait any longer than that. lizard and I will get stinky
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mitamicah · 1 year
I guess I’ve felt a bit off from the rest of the kääryleet the last few days and I am not liking it very much.
I want to be in agreement with you guys and get excited like you do ... it has just been a bit harder this weekend which sucks since there’s a new song and cool new MV theories and I am here like: slow down would you for the old man? (me)
this doesn’t make any sense possibly but I guess I’ll just say sorry for not being up to speed and for being a bit moody/unamused.
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mask131 · 1 year
You know, there is one thing that annoys me - and I know that is goes against the current, where everybody praises the "death of the author" concept - but it truly does annoy me how fans sometimes decide on their own they have more authority on a fictional work than this work's author (given I am into liteature, we'll take books as an example).
I am not talking about situations such as "The author forgot that they wrote that in the first book, and wrote something contradicting it in the third, and the fans pointed it out and deemed it bad writing" - no I am not talking about this kind of situation.
I am rather talking about situations such as for example: an author's work gets adapted. The author loves very much the adaptation and finds it faithful or at least that it works well on its own. Some fans dislike it and declare it unfaithful and a bad adaptation. And if the author's liking of the adaptation is brought up, the fans will over-rid it as the author's opnion being wrong, and theirs being right.
The first situation (the one I do not talk about) was about facts, textual facts, internal logic, writing problems - and this is all part of the fan's domain. Because the fan, the reader, is all about accumulating the information given, piecing together the elements created, the fan reflects the author's work in that regard, and thus it is the fan's natural right and duty to point out things such as incoherences, bad writing, plot problems and the like. But the second situation (the one I do talk about) is about opinion, and this changes everything.
We live in an era (well mostly Internet era since it all happens over the Internet nowadays) where, as I said before, the "death of the author" becomes a rule and is encouraged. And the death of the author itself is not a bad thing - in fact, it is the "natural state" of reading a work. When you discover a new author, a new book, a new series, you don't know who made it, what this person is about or for. You just read a story, judge it, and make your opinion out of it. We also live in an era where fan-content (fan-art, fan-fiction, fanzines, fan-games) are even more visible, encouraged and thriving than ever before. They are even reused by the industry (for marketing purpose) and by creators themselves (to share the love and appreciate between them and their audience). But somehow, with such a mass-valorization, with such an effort to make it all common and mundane, something changed, and fans started to think themselves equals, rivals or even superiors to the creators.
We live in an era where fans believe their headcanons and theories can be used as rightful demands, as words of command, as orders over creators of content. We live in an era where fans are somehow so mad at authors they actually insult them for not following their fanfction ideas and for not doing what the fan wanted. This is a new form of tyranny where fans that get invested too much in something mistake their "fan-creator" rank for "co-creator" and believe in some sort of delusion that the work they are a fan of belongs to them and that they can dictate how it goes, as if it was their story and not one someone else created and placed their blood, sweat and tears into.
I do wonder if this bizarre switch of thought on the Internet wasn't partally due to the "Potter-trauma", when J.K. Rowling's political comments completely destroyed and ruined the perfectly "united, happy and peaceful" Potterdom, this entire subculture that had grown over the Harry Potter books and dominated a few generations. This faced the people of the Internet (but especially Americans, who didn't had centuries of literary wars behind them) with the dilema of "What do I do when I love a work, but I hate the person that makes it?". And one of the many answers, one of the many "solutions" to this problem, that was widely accepted, was "Well, make the work yours. You have centered your life around it, you love it, you study it and know it better than the author herself. Just ignore her, ignore her words, cut her off and make the books yours." An answer that was logical and reasonable at the time, in front of the given situation - it is the very simple "Consider the work, not the person behind it" logic behind fiction that is however still hotly debated today.
But ever since, it seems that people have taken this logic to its most extreme ways, and turned into some sort of mania. A mania where people will claim to know better what the author truly wanted to say than what the author themselves say ; a mania where people will contradict what the author says about their book in interviews, promotions, and the like, and clearly consider that the author's words have no weight outside of their own book ; a mania where people will see whatever they want in a story, and completely ignore things such as the context or the intentions behind the release of the book.
I know things are not all simple or black and white. My example about the author's opinion on an adaptation of their work is one that works generally well - because who is on the better position, and on the first-line, to judge a book's adaptation? The author of the book of course! However, to very example there is a counter-example, and I have one right there. Stephen King hated Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining, despite Kubrick's movie being one of the greatest horror movies ever made in America, and King's book being quite flawed (great book, but there's definitively big flaws typical of early King in there). This is a counter-example where myself include I recognize the author can be wrong about such matters of opinion, due to the author's own biases, own personal involvment and vision of their work. In The Shining's case, it is because there is the very nuanced situation of a movie that is objectively great on its own, but is actually a bad adaptation of a book (it does happen sometimes that you have good adaptations that are bad works on their own, and bad adaptations that are great works).
But here's the catch and the result of this discourse: doesn't matter that the author is right or wrong, the importance is that an author's opinion MATTERS and should be taken into account when it comes to their own work. Because they are the FRIGGIN CREATORS and MAKERS of this work - you are not. It is their work, that came out of their mind and hands, it belongs to them, they can change it and decide its fate until their disappearance from the surface of the human world [not accounting for the editors ex machina], and you can do nothing about it. Because it isn't "your" work". If you dedicate your entire life making excellent fan-content of a book, it won't make it "your book". All the fan-content will be yours, for certain, but the original material will stay "not yours".
Yes an author can leave things open-ended, leave questions unanswered, encourage theories and head-canon, and people coming up with their own answers. But it doesn't mean that when the author eventually decides one day to solve their own mystery or resolve their own riddle, you get to insult them and harass them because it isn't the one you imagined! Of course you can criticize an author for coming up with a bad solution - because as a fan you will note for example how unsatisfying such a resolution is, how anti-climactic it feels, or how a story worked better with an open-ending. But only some spoiled bratty child (or child-minded person) would come up to an author and say "I don't like your idea, because it isn't mine, and it doesn't fit this drawing I made of your character - which by the way is mine now". I said it before and I will say it again - we live in the "Misery" era. Stephen King's Misery, where Annie is walking everywhere down every streets, and where all popular authors are at fear of being locked in a bedroom with their feet broken by some lunatic wanting them to write an "official fanfic" with their OCs and personal planned "happy ending AU".
You can argue one thing against this entire speech: But, aren't critics, and literature historians, constatly imagining new meanings and new messages inside literary works? Aren't university teachers and literary students constantly reappropriating works in new ways the author never intended to? Aren't they all just placing their own ideas and biases and interpretations inside books, and then proclaiming it the "good way" to read it? Aren't they the one who decided that a curtain isn't just blue? And to that I will say yes and no. Yes because, indeed, it is their job, as researchers, as studiers of literature, as investigators of the life and works of authors, as theorizers of the book industry, to constantly bring new things in old stuff, and to unravel ad dig up things the author themselves did not plan to have in their work. So "yes". But also "no", no because such a caricatural view only comes from a simplistic overview of literary criticism and literary studies, and even from some anti-intellectualist ideas.
Because this entire world of literature teachers, and profesionnal critics, and scholars of authors, has something that (at least in French) is called the "fairness of the researcher". These people can say the wildest, craziest theories, interpretations and readings of a work, as long as they recognize that A) it is their words, their puzzle, their solution to a mystery they sometimes make up themselves B) there is a context, a life behind the work and things such as publication constraints that were involved in the shaping of a book and C) they have proof, evident and obvious proof of what they advance, and that encourages such a reading.
People who just waltz in with their own personal theories about why "X author wrote a subtle criticism of the sausage industry throughout their three main novels" need to have something to back it up, else they will be mercilessly mocked, ignored and have the door slammed in their face. This is why literature high-studies is such a competitive and "harsh" world, because people constantly look at each other in a rivalry designed to keep in check those that would go a bit "insane" and make everybody doubt their words and recheck their papers to make sure they are not imagining things. On the bad side, it also explains why university-critics and book studies are so slow to change and evolve over time, because due to this need to take into account every influence and context, and to bring solid proof to back up one's reading or theory, it can sometimes take a century or so to realize what is obvious from the beginning if you know where to look.
But even then - even in this context of encouraged, widespread and even accepted interpretations of text, people still do NOT believe the works of these authors somehow belongs to them! This is the true aberration that is festering on the Internet today, and the apex of the "bad fan" behavior. You own your fan-made content, you own your physical copy of the book, you own your hand-written copy of the novel you took five years writing with an ostrich feather - but you do not actually own the book until you bought its rights from whoever has it! And even beyond a mere question of "owernship" - because we all know how big corporations just buy over the rights to everything and fuck them over massively due to not understanding a single thing about what makes them great - it is a question of the author's symbiosis with their work, something that cannot be questioned and that only truly stops when they die, because the author can't create more of the work or express any more opinion or control over it. But before this death, people seem to have forgotten that authors are creators - that they made the work, that without them the work would not exist, and that they made this work with a certain goal, a certain plan, certain intentions more or less subtle. And that the fate of a work usually should rely within the hands of this author, not within the hands of the fans, who are only here to support, love, criticize, hate or judge a work, not act as some sort of board in a big company!
Authors are not your pals that can do you a favor if you offer them a drink (well... scratch that, there's a lot of authors who would do a lot of things to you if you gave them a drink). Rather - authors are not your employees. Yes, authors will work for you technically because they will write for their audience and for their fans - but authors also write primarily for themselves. They are selfish beings who write because they want to tell the stories they have in their head, and they want to do the work they always intended to, and they only want to use their character with their tory, their world, their plot. If you want to tell your story, become an author, but fans should honestly stop pretending they have just as much authority and owernship of a work as their creator just because they spent too much time daydreaming about it.
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sophielovesbooks · 2 years
Almost every time I talk to people about my wedding dress, they mention weight loss. They ask me why I am buying it so early and I tell them that it is custom-made and I am in fact *late* for a July wedding, as most places recommend buying it a year early. And almost invariably people respond by either hinting at or saying outright that they expect me to lose weight until July and "it won't fit you anymore then, will it?"
And honestly, it is so triggering for me, because what I hear is that they believe I should lose weight for my wedding, that I can't get married looking the way I do right now. And that is so incredibly hurtful to hear.
Stop assuming people are planning to lose weight for their wedding day like that's a given! Stop diminishing a future bride's joy about having found her wedding dress by talking about diets and making her hate her body more! Stop assuming that weight loss is normal or possible or safe for everybody! It is honestly so shitty. Diet culture has done a number on the majority of people and it needs to change.
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
btw controversial but fuckk ptsd dude yohre telling me judt bc my parents shouldnt ever have been parents now i have to be fucked up for the rest of my life .
#i know like..coping mechanisms and ris8ng above and learning to live with it but like its fucking stupid and unfair bc im never gonna stop#having ptsd yk. my episodes might get less frequent i might build happier memories but jm always gonna have these memory blocks and trigger#s and nightmares like. forever. im never gonna get to have had a normal childhood thats the most fuckedbup thing ever#like ik this is whiny but like. why. why me what did i do to deserve that childhood. not that any kid deserves abusive childhoods obviously#it sounds like im like ermmm there r wayyy worse kids who shouldve been the ones to go to the zoo 💀 but like ykwim. why does#thus have to happen to so many ppl i hate it i hate it. i wish i could just Actually forget everything instead of just like. not rly#remembering it but Knowing it..yk. i know everything that happened to me even if its all blocked out#and i still feel like. the effects of it even the stuff thats jncredibly hazy to me. and jm never not gojng to feel that. my personality hs#literally been fucking shaped by the childhood i have and like. yes you can 'change' your personality a bit and your choices blah blah blah#but like. even with that. im still always gonna be like. my first impulse will always be distrust and doubt and fear. even if i train#myself not to Act on those emotions i still will always feel them. im always going to expect people to leave even if they dont even if i#dont let myself push them away its something im always going to be terrified of in the back of my mind. im never gojng to have#proper social skills bc i fully missed out on that stage of development im never going to be like. at the same level as my peers bc i#missed out on those skills. sigh. ik ik ik feeljng inhuman and feeljng different from everybody else is a jniversal thing but i truly think#im like. im missing something that everybody else seems to have and i dont even know what it is but i know i dont have it and everyone#can tell j dont have it and it fucking. sucks . basically
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glitterstarly · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
"That Titi.... It's not OUR Titi... In fact, he's possibly way more powerful and dangerous than we thought..."
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aleynadurmaz · 1 year
Aleyna 📲 Junho 👨🏻‍⚕️
Aleyna: HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYYYYY, JUN!!!! I hope it's your best one yet!! 🥳🎁🎂🎉
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qumiiiquinnquin · 1 year
i do not know what to say anymore because im afraid to be myself and i always think people do not like me when i am being myself. i do not like myself and i try to hide me away from everyone so im better to be around
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
The eternal struggle between wanting to hire the bounty hunter because hnnng sexy and huge combo/mark damage vs like, actually wanting to profit off this expedition
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mossy-rot · 1 year
just had a very intense moment of trans joy bc i just realized like. This week im gonna go to work with short hair wearing my binder and im gonna walk in and my coworkers are gonna say "hey lucien" and i'll put on my trans flag pin and my he/they pin and im gonna introduce myself as lucien and holy shit. man. this is real. i can do things like this. will it always be pleasant? no, i still get misgendered by customers constantly. will I be able to go home like this? no, i'll have to change out of my binder as soon as i get home and hide my pins before i even start my car. but i get to go out and wear them in the first place. people still call me by my name despite knowing my deadname. people call me they instead of she when they don't know my pronouns. i have queer coworkers. I feel safe. the other shoe will drop eventually, but until then, i'm going to bask in what i have
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diari0deglierrori · 1 year
If I ever implied that the worst part of driving wasn’t having to park then I take it back, that’s the worst thing ever and I hate it
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moccason · 2 years
Have you ever come back from a long day of like the internet, y’know, and then get on Tumblr and have that warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach because you’re reminded that actually, the world isn’t all bad?
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marypsue · 2 years
Ahh I’m so excited to see what’s cooking up with former heroes especially bc I know some of the things that bothered you with season 3 were some of the plot points I have the most so I’m excited to see how you change them. Also I’m excited to see the rise of Joyce Byers, love triangle fiancée who is on fire ! (And hopefully not with a hopper that was s3 Hopper) Robin and Steve still scooping maybe?? Nancy and Mike being peak siblings and also Lucas hopefully getting some time shine.
Also I was wondering you hand any sneak peeks available for the Bodyswap AU or the Vampires+Steve pt3 fic!!
Hello hello nonny!
First and most importantly, I am fistbumping you through the computer screen over season 3. I'm really hopeful that this AU version is going to be satisfying, and avoid the major issues I had with season 3 without being unrecognisable from the canon. While I was considering what changes to make and how, I tried to tie it back more meaningfully to the themes of seasons 1 and 2, and I'm pleased with how that's coming through in the outline so far. Hopefully it'll work in the finished product! (Also, I can promise considerably more Peak Sibling Nonsense, and considerably less of season 3 Hopper. Although I am not making any promises at this time on the matter of dumb teenage romance bullshit.)
Also, because you asked so nicely, from the third and (hopefully) final chapter of don't let the sun go down on me:
“Did you hear? They found the Byers kid.”
Steve doesn’t have any kind of a response to that, beyond a blank stare. It’s too fucking early in the morning for how fucking early in the morning it is. He was up way too late last night, again, thanks to Nancy and Jonathan. The last thing he’s prepared to process is Tommy Hagan’s weird enthusiasm about knowing some piece of gossip Steve doesn’t.
Ordinarily, Steve wouldn’t rise to the bait. He’d play it cool, like he doesn’t actually care. Tommy will fill him in eventually, whether he cares or not.
But ordinarily, Tommy isn’t casually dropping a bombshell that could decide the future of Steve’s sanity. If they’ve found Will Byers – then there’s no reason left for Nancy and Jonathan to stick around. “What? Where?”
Tommy’s shit-eating grin gets even wider, and he slings an arm around Steve’s shoulders, steering them both deeper into the crowded, noisy halls. “Floating facedown in the quarry. Sounds like maybe whatever took a swipe at you decided to go after easier prey.”
Tommy keeps talking, but Steve barely hears him. There’s a weird roaring buzz rising in his ears, drowning out all but the pitch and cadence of Tommy’s voice. Suddenly, the crowded hallway is suffocating.
Steve barely manages to mumble out some halfassed excuse before shrugging off Tommy’s arm and breaking for the bathroom. He tries not to look like he’s running. He doesn’t know if he’s succeeding.
He’s no sooner made it into a stall than he’s hitting his knees on the grotty tile floor, clutching the porcelain bowl as his hasty breakfast makes a surprise reappearance. That bagel hadn’t tasted like anything special on the way down. It’s not improved the second time around.
When his stomach seems to be finished turning itself inside out, Steve sits back on his heels, coughing out the last lingering flecks of vomit as he wonders what the hell just happened. It’s not like he ever actually met Will Byers. Or like he’s known Jonathan for more than two days. And Steve had spent part of one of those days thinking Jonathan was a murderer.
Except. He’d been so angry when he’d thought Jonathan was a murderer. Like Jonathan had personally betrayed him. Steve’s not sure what that means. If it means anything. He’s not sure he wants to think too much about it.
Whether or not Steve actually cares about Jonathan Byers and how hurt he’s going to be by this, though – still. Still. That’s a kid. Will is just – was just a little kid. And – Steve’s memory, unhelpfully, decides to play him the highlight reel of that monster’s teeth, his dad telling him there were bites missing, Tommy saying easier prey, the excruciating pain in Steve’s stomach where the monster had slashed him open –
He wonders, with fresh horror, whether that thing got Will while Jonathan and Nancy were busy taking care of him. Even though that timeline doesn’t make any sense, he still has to dry-heave over the toilet again.
It’s the last voice Steve wants to hear right now. He groans as he twists to look over his shoulder at Tommy, and it’s only half exasperation.
Tommy ignores him. “Hey, man, you okay?”
“You look like shit,” Carol says, with a pop of her ever-present gum, following Tommy into the boys’ bathroom like she belongs there. “Rough night last night, Steve-o?”
She’s giving Steve an out. A way to save face. He flashes her a grateful smile, and hopes he doesn’t have bits of upchucked bagel stuck in his teeth. “Guess I must still be hung over.”
“Aww,” Carol tuts, with a sarcastic pout, as Tommy leans over to offer Steve a hand up off the disgusting floor. “And you didn’t invite us?”
“Hey, I know what’ll make you feel better,” Tommy announces, like he’s about to put a man on the moon. “We skip first period and hit the diner. Get you something hot and greasy to fill that bottomless pit.” He thwaps the back of one hand against Steve’s stomach with a grin.
Steve’s stomach gives another lurch. He swallows bile.
“Thanks, man,” he says, when he trusts himself enough to open his mouth. “But the diner’s been closed since Monday, remember? The owner killed himself?”
Tommy’s face falls. Steve swallows around a stab of guilt. Tommy’s his friend. He’s trying to help.
He just – he has no fucking clue what Steve’s gotten himself into this time. Neither he or Carol do.
And it’s gotta stay that way.
“Good idea, though,” Steve offers, an olive branch. “Skipping. Think I’m gonna ditch for the day.”
Tommy doesn’t totally lose the kicked-puppy look, but he does try for a smile. “You want us to tell Sanderberg you’re out sick? Sorry, sir, he was throwing up all morning,” he says, to the absent first-period teacher, voice pitched up and eyes wide in a mockery of innocence.
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Steve says, knowing Tommy will at least get a kick out of winding up the notoriously suspicious Mr. Sanderberg. “Thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it,” Tommy says, slapping Steve on the back just a little too hard.
“Are you actually sick?” Carol asks, or maybe ‘demands’ is a better word. “You’re acting weird lately.”
Steve forces a smile, hoping it doesn’t look too much like a grimace, as he shuffles over to the sinks to rinse out his mouth. “Nah. Told you. I’m just hung over. Gonna head home and sleep it off.”
Carol, in the mirror behind his head, does not look convinced. But she doesn’t say anything more, either.
Steve does feel a little bad about leaving her and Tommy behind, as he heads out to the parking lot and his car. But they’d never understand. They’d never believe him. Hell, in the cold, bright light of day, Steve barely believes himself.
And, he thinks, as he peels out of the high school lot, there’s no way he could bring Tommy and Carol with him where he knows he has to go now.
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celibibratty · 8 days
It's like Marina said, as bad as the mini fight of that day was, it was necessary, we finally talked about the things we suffered and showed how they also hurt us, and how mom hurts us too, she doesn't understand/doesn't try to understand us, and that's it!, maybe that's just how it is, mom is like that, she's not considerate, she doesn't understand what we suffered indeed
Before that it seems that I/we get it very frustrated with that, even though I didn't admit it, it seems like I wanted her to understand, I/we wanted her approval, but now with this day....we don't need her approval, it's just like that, mom is like that, she'll never understand what we went through, and she's not interested in the things we do indeed, and that's all right, she's just like that, she doesn't understand and she doesn't need to understand, I/we no longer want her to understand and be interested
#reflection#The reason of the mini fight was just that mom started talking about trauma and said that she has afraid of being judged...#We said that we had this fear a lot too but then she question us saying that...#How we have this fear “judged of what?” She said#I snap it what you mean? “Being judged of what?”(Ugh The way she says) I think you forgetting something...#Very important about our life we suffered bullying!! Bullying is basically an phsychologic abuse of judgement💢🔥#We were judged almost our whole life a-and it was in everywhere by people at our age adults kids...#At the english course at school at the street#How dare you say that!!! As if what we being thru was nothing!#I had afraid of going outside I didn't had a voice god and it seems we eventually become a target to judgement just for existing...#People laughed at us i had an anxiety attack almost every day#Are you having amnesia should I get worried? First forget that you liked mine s1fu w0man and now forget that we were victims of bullying...#In a very Young age(these are so unimportant to you that you simply forget)#Then we open up about a very suck day that the school superior screamed at us cuz we didn't find...#People for doing a group project(this story is for another day it was worse than that)well it had a teacher...#That put us in this situation I swear I almost hate this woman till this days cuz of that well mom was saying “ ah it was the teacher job..#She was doing what she has to do?" We fuckin know that it was her job I not saying she was evil I just want you to see how it hurted us...#Marina was the one that fighted more back she said how much frustating it is to open up to mom...#Cuz she always like that she always tries to almost put the blame on us make us understand the other side but NOT OUR SIDE#And we always caring and understanding with her but she is not the same with us that was what marina said...#Then mom just go away crying I guess(I didn't saw my eyes were shut)#Now everybody is okay again time cease those things#....well it was very intense but it was the right thing#I don't understand what mom's being thru and mom don't understand what we being thru....#Cuz we are different people for more similar that “trauma” is we dealt differently....and that's okay we don't need to understand
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