#and everything was super cool until nya got her powers back
k233-0 · 1 month
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who am i without my powers?
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honestmouse20 · 9 months
Okay, personal thoughts on dragons rising under the cut. Spoilers ahead!
I didn't care too much about Wildfyre going into part 2. she was cool but not really a character I was fully invested in. That is, until her and Kai went on their little quest/mission to get the dragon energy core. They were so Sweet! I loved how Kai had to be the responsible one and how Wildfyre had to learn how to thikn before she acted. They're a really good dynamic and I their relationship growing during this season felt very natrual and good!
Zane! also not one of my favorite characters. But him speaking to a broom with Pixal's photo taped to it got to me okay? I do wonder now where she is.
Mr. Frohicky (idk how to spell things, i've been up all night. give me a break lol) I did Not expect him to return after the crossroads episode back in part 1. He's actually grown on me a lot. It's still kinda weird bc the tone of this show is just a Bit different than previous Ninjago. But it's not bad and I wouldn't hate seeing more of him in the future
Lloyd. God he got so much character develepment this season but especially in part 2! From him trying to do everything on his own to upkeep the Monastary and then finally excepting help, to getting much better at teaching the new ninja. I really loved all the scenes with him an Arin and how their relationship has gone from Arin being a fanboy, to genuine respect and friendship. 10/10
Speaking of Lloyd. What on Earth was all that stuff he saw Again when he acted as the conduit again? I really hope we get more info on those vision in the next season. That's the one big mystery that they havn't really touched on
last lloyd thing, mayeb it's just the angst lover in me, but I really hope there's some kind of conequence to him acting as the conduit. Maybe it starts really draining him or maybe it just makes accessing his power a little harder. I hope they explain it or at least like, mention it.
I'm actually kinda glad they didn't go the whole route of having Nya distrust the Djinn guy who'se name i can't remember lol. It was a nice expectation subversion. Bc my first thought was that he was gonna be evil/ have heard that *she* was the one who tecnically destroyed Djinnjago. I really like that they helped him the way they did and the lesson it taught Sora
Speaking of Sora. I love her. I still fully belive that her power is creation but if it is just 'tech power' i really like how they're handling it. LIke we all Knew it was never Ryu's power she was using but the moment *she* figured that out still felt genuine and deserved because we saw her go through the process of realizing whta was holding her back. 10/10. no notes
Freaking COLE! So him and Lloyd are tied as my favorite charaters bc yee. But holy shit even tho it was 5 am when i got to his episode and i was exhausted. I sat up on the couch and just lost my shit. One, he's still so good at finding people in trouble/captured and deciding he's their protecter. I love him so much. and two. was it just me or was that whole episode so freaking queer coded it isnt funny? Like, even more so than his true potential episode back in S1.
Shipping aside, I really like how on par with his character his episodes were. Even tho they were short and I really crave more about him, they did a good job of leaving just enough questions to keep us interested while also showing us the important parts. Plys the new ability rock monster thing is cool
in that same vein. what the fuck does 'the earth is screaming' mean? hello that shits terrifying? My theory atm is that its' the realms fighting the merge bc it's like unnatural or something. but idk. i would have liked to hear more about that
Zane's car!!!! I own that set and holy fuck it did not dissapoint! At first i was kinda bummed it didn't do Actual spinjitzu, at least I don't think so. But him spinning wildy and saying 'this is adequate' or whatever, is so freaking funny! also it's super fast and looks epic. no notes lol
and Jay! we see him! I'm not really a big jay fan but I am curious what theyr'e gonna do with him next season
and finally, i Really liked all the references to past seasons/events! Even if it wasn't in your face, it was still really nice to be able to see all the pices of the past sprinkled throughout. It was also funny to see Sora being surprised Lloyd is the FSM's grandson. 10/10
If i think of more I'll make another post lol
god i need to re watch the season already
i have SO many thoughts. HOw am i supposed to go to work later and be an adult while ive got these little plastic ninja running through my head at full speed
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chococrystal · 3 years
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She’s been through a lot huh
Anyways, some Nya appreciation over here amirite? (long worded appreciation under the cut haha)
 fr I really love her, as a character and her values that she struggled with throughout the series. The value of Identity and Failure is something that was handled very maturely imo, and I esp love that she’s badass without being mean at all. I really like how Nya is just cool just because she's self made and fights her way to the top without that mean personality that’s associated with badass female characters sometimes... (I also see the appeal in cool hardcore girlboss characters haha I have some favs that are like that too, it’s just all I see sometimes like bro... ;-;)
Rewatching recently made me appreciate her even more, ignoring the funky love triangle stuff in s3 ahhahahaha, I liked how she was really mature as a friend at the start of Skybound just outright rejecting Jays feeling so he wouldn’t be lead on. She regularly has her moments in the show, and I love her relationship with everyone on the team (albeit lacking in sibling bonding ahu). I like that she has so much personality beyond being the inventor or “the girl”, she’s hotheaded at times, can be a bit impatient but overall a competent member of the team.
She literally brought herself up by being samurai X, and holds a special attachment to it. Someone on twit pointed out the scene in s7 when she’s packing up the samurai X gear and is legitimately sadden by inheriting her powers. Like you feel bad, along with the fact someone else took up samurai X also proved she can’t even go back to it even if she really wanted to was a huge step for her as a character.
I will always find her dying breath in s6 stuck w/ me,
 “It was always a boys club” 
like zamn, you’re dying and that’s what you really feel. None of that “girl wants to be a part of the team trope” at all, she wanted to be her own person and it shows. 
Which is something viewers kinda feel too? Crisis on what defines us as a person, is it our interests/hobbies (samurai X)? our professions? (water ninja) whether self imposed or forced upon us, what dictates a pass or fail to as a person? We want to be in control of our lives despite everything else is out of our control, we have to learn to not dwell on it and let it drag us down. I think out of most of the characters she’s the only one that is really cared for?? like she gets developed and goes through her arc consistently despite not having a focus season until seabound.
So speaking of HAHA I enjoyed seabound, was super stoked that Nya got a focus season but DAMN! Do I wish(haha) her end quote wasn’t the cookie quote but something similar from Maya and the Three:
 “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” 
 bc that was her whole arc, fighting to define herself from what she WANTS to do against what she HAS to do. 
The cookie quote just had a layer of being so defeatist about the whole thing when that’s not Nya at all, I really just wished her final tie in as a character was resolving this identity value in her own way and not giving up her everything just because “that’s how the cookie crumbles” like zamn. :(((( It felt like the whole Nyad sacrifice thing was supposed to be a “I chose this” moment, not because she was supposed be like nyad, not because she’s the daughter of maya, not because she’s the water ninja but only because it was her choice in the matter to become Nyad, save ninjago and those she loves over her own future. Would’ve been a perfect call back to skybound too (in EP The Last Resort) when she threw Jay into the travelers tea:
Nya: But if I'm ever gonna have a say in our future, it's me who has to protect you because it's you who has the wish.
Jay: What are you doing?
Nya: I'm speaking up for my future. And it's never felt better... (then the whole save me Jay stuff)
because she’s once again back into that position of having a say in her future, along with saving Jay, but at the cost of what she holds dear since the beginning, her own Identity. And it just so... AAAAAAAAAAA really love Nya man. ;-;-;-;-;
Anyways, this is long now and I don’t want this to turn into a full on rant about seabound HAHA bc i still enjoyed it and teared up at the end too ahu 
SO yea, Nya is great and will always have a special place in my heart. I miss her greatly ;w;)b 
girl literally gave up her identity for the world guys, that’s real girlboss AHHAHA
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
A Future Family Au
I need some fluff and I want to talk about it, so have all this. Note: This includes Lavashipping & Jay. Pixane exists too but I have yet to decide to give them a kid or not. Lloyd just lives the single life.
Takes place years later. The Ninja in their late 20s and starting their 30s.
Jay & Nya end up having twins (Yes, Jay did faint when they learned it was twins.)
Nya and Jay struggled coming up with their names and ended up settling on two gender neutral names: Raine & Skye. (Who end up being she/they and they/them nonbinary kiddos anyway) also mainly because I couldn't really decide myself, but nonbinary good.
Wu is still hanging around, just not as strong as he used to be, but he's super happy to witness their birth and hold them. Good ol' Grandpa.
They still have their Ninja duties so they have to work around Nya, and/or Jay, not being around a lot of the time while Nya was pregnant and while they take care of their kids.
If Nya and Jay are absolutely required, one of the others stay behind at times to babysit. Of course though if all of them are needed they call Skylor or somebody as well.
Kai & Lloyd are the best kind of Uncles.
Raine & Skye does make Cole highkey reminiscence that feeling of being a "parent".
Cole & Kai have a talk about finding a way to get their own kid.
One day while out in the city during the Winter, Kai is running an errand and a shopkeeper recognizes him, asking for help to scare off this "stray animal" he's been hearing in the alley.
Kai reluctantly agrees, thinking he'll actually bring the animal to the shelter or something, only to find a little boy, not older than 6.
The boy quickly hides from Kai, who notices the kid trembling from the cold and coughing, showing signs he's sick.
Kai gently coaxes the kid out, and when he finally comes out, Kai hugs him and the boy sinks into the warmth radiating off of Kai.
The boy's name is Milo.
Kai goes home with Milo basically like: "Hey Cole?? Remember when we talked about getting a kid?"
Milo is a very anxious and timid kid so he takes a bit to get used to everyone, basically latching onto Kai all the time.
They all learn Milo is very prone to getting sick a lot, and that led to his parents abandoning him.
Kai basically has to be held back from murdering his parents as they manage to track them down and go through a bunch of legal work to officially adopt Milo.
News of the Ninja fighting for custody does spread which ends leading to a baby being dropped at the Monestary doors one day.
It's a little girl and they're unable to find her parents. While figuring out what to do, they notice Milo bonding with the baby, leading to Kai & Cole to adopt her as well.
While figuring out a name, Kai ends up suggesting that they name her after Cole's Mom, Lilly. Makes Cole want to marry Kai all over again-
Milo is the oldest of all the kids. Raine & Skye are 3 years behind from Milo. Lilly is the youngest.
Milo inherits Kai's Fire and it ends up helping him no longer get sick so often. Lilly inherits Earth from Cole just like her Grandma.
It does freak Kai & Cole out a little when they first start showing signs of their powers until they remember how Zane got Ice without being related to the previous Ice Master.
Raine inherits Water. Skye inherits Lightning.
Ultra is still alive and the Monestary has a Dragon Stable for them and other dragons because I said so, so the kids grew up a lot around Dragons.
Lloyd is basically a the kids' cool older brother/Uncle/Cousin? It's complicated but they all love him.
Lloyd is the main caretaker of the Dragons, and he loves to take the kids out on Dragon rides.
Nya & Jay are super supportive as Raine & Skye work out their identities and pronouns.
Kai is a big Mother Hen, wanting to give his kids the best life growing up and everything that he didn't get to experience after his parents disappeared.
Nya has a bit of that problem as well, just not as bad as Kai's.
Zane & Pixal are the main babysitters, aside from Skylor.
Zane & Pix also love to help to take over when they notice either pair of parents getting exhausted so they can get some rest.
Lloyd lost his babysitting privileges when he thought he could balance babysitting with Dragon caring and Green Ninja duties, leading him to collapse in exhaustion at the end of the day. The kids say they had a blast though-
Milo definitely breaks out of his shell when growing up, but still can't help but be more introverted and closed in.
Milo does take a liking to dancing and Cole teaches him. He tends to take his learning to his future battle training and fighting.
Lilly grows up a lot more extroverted and likes to be more optimistic in the group.
One time the family visits Shintaro, the Munce and Geckles of course take a liking to her from being named after her grandmother. Gleck even ends up giving the locket to her after much thought. Lilly treasures it and nearly never takes it off.
Milo and Lilly's relationship are basically just the equivalent to "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
Raine & Skye both grow up a perfect mix between Nya & Jay. Both can be pretty loud and talk a lot like their dad, while also being headstrong and stubborn like their mother.
The twins take a liking to inventing just like their parents as well. Taking and using it in their battles as well, and even to do little pranks here and there.
Raine & Skye are basically inseparable.
Here is the basic looks of the kiddos in their possible Young adult years, made in @sangled 's Picrew
Milo & Lilly
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Raine & Skye
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kaihatemail · 3 years
Episode 41 script vs episode
Dan recently sent out emails to the international donators that got an episode script. Of course I got episode 41 because,,, y’know,, There are quite a few differences in the script that I wanted to talk about. However, I wasn’t sure if it was legal to show it. In the end I’ve decided to just describe the differences. 
(Please note that the script I was sent was the 2nd revision. There was most likely at least one more revision, so the stuff I’m talking about is obviously stuff that was taken out in the final copy).
A lot of the differences from the script and final episode are mostly slight quote changes, which I don’t think is big enough to note each one. However, small differences in the actual events include,
Skylor wearing a “maroon dress that exposes her Anacondrai tattoo,” at the beginning ceremony. It could be this dress that Tommy showed in Skylor concept art.
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An exchange between Kai and Jay that didn’t make it through to the final episode. 
MASTER CHEN: Zugu, leave the red one. I want a word with him.
Before the chain gang is led out, they unshackle Kai.
KAI (whispers to Jay): I’ll figure a way out of this.
JAY: No offense, Kai, but you don’t have power; I don’t trust you. I trust Lloyd, he’s the Green Ninja. You’re always just getting us into more trouble.
KAI (offended): Fine. Then I’ll find him.
(Jay is literally why Kai is insecure LMAOOO)
Chope’s name was initially Chope-Chope, apparently
Chen is described to be acting like a cat during his fight against Lloyd lol
In the episode, Clouse pulls a lever that releases poison ontop of Lloyd, which Kai shields him from using Lloyd’s element from the staff of elements. In this script, Kai actually shields himself, because he was apparently the one under it??
The roto jet comes into the room from under Kai, which is what separates him from the staff
 There were two (imo) big differences that was super interesting to read, and what I think really makes buying this script worth it.
While Chen is showing him around the relic hallway, Kai grabs a jade blade and plans to attack Chen with it, but gets distracted when he brings up his parents. He drops the blade in front of Nya later on to show that he hadn’t actually betrayed the team (Which was too far for her to reach anyways…). Nya gets the blade when the roto jet group saves her and Garmadon, and is actually the one to break the staff of elements after Kai is separated from it.
Kai’s plan with the staff was to get it before Lloyd’s power was taken. However, Eyezor saw that he was trying to get closer to it, and held onto him. That’s when Skylor stood next to Chen. Skylor initially wasn’t meant to be involved at all! Kai telling Lloyd that he, “Had it all under control… well, almost,” was referring to his initial plan failing.
And, of course, the corruption scene itself. I’ve always wanted to find out how this scene was written, and actually reading it didn’t meet a lot of my expectations. Not in a bad way! There’s a few things to note.
The script doesn’t say that his eyes went red. After noting that Kai “seems to be enjoying it (the power) a little too much,” a darkness is described to slowly fall over him. The script describes his corrupted voice as “possessed-like” and says that Kai almost seems as if he’s displaying split personalities.
Because the script doesn’t say that his eyes went red, normal and corrupted Kai are differentiated by caps lock. When normal Kai is talking, the script is in lowercase and italics. When it’s corrupted Kai, everything is in capitals.
This part of the script is identical to the episode, besides from a small line from normal Kai that I assume got cut out in the final script. In the episode, red-eyed Kai yells at Lloyd saying, “No one is taking my staff! You had all the power, now it’s my turn!” In the script, however, Kai goes back to normal between the two lines and says,
“Just, a little longer –”
He lashed out at Lloyd for saying they had to get the staff away from him, then said he just wanted it, the power, for a little longer, before irrationally yelling at Lloyd again. It wasn’t until Kai started verbally attacking Lloyd personally that he realized that, hey, maybe having this staff isn’t a good idea.
Something about that is so cool and ties a connection to normal and corrupted Kai. If Lloyd hadn’t said that they had to get the staff away from him, then there’s a chance Kai wouldn’t have targeted Lloyd. And if the reason Kai started fighting back the staff was because he was targeting Lloyd, then there’d be no reason for him to want to let go of the staff, and he could’ve, maybe, been fully corrupted.
Am I reading too into this? Yes. I don’t even know if my wording makes sense. Regardless, this script was a very interesting read, and I’m happy to have received it.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (4/4)
Here we are! What a journey, and while perhaps this season wasn't at MoM level it was REALLY good, with great new villains/allies, great little throwbacks and an awesome story! 🤩
How to get this was very good to great? Give me a very good ending Seabound!! 💕💕
Alright, here we go!
I genuinely got too much into this remaining four episodes and forgot to put any general thoughts 😅 So you'll see me rambling at the end, see you there 😉
This title really summarize my feelings so far, like, I'm seriously wondering how it will move on from now, but I do expect the outcome to be CRAZY 🤯
Aaahhhh, yep, the one in Shintaro is a fake 😅 I wonder when did the change happen? How did Kalmaar pulled that off, wow
Heeeeyyy, it's youuuu... huh... *watch scribble on hand* google snake guy, huh... Glucose... yep, good old Glutine and everything 😅
Are we having a "I may have made a mistake being evil" with this guy?
Jay: ah, Prime Empire! I was in that game you know! I fought for my life and the ones of all of Ninjago and I've seen my best friends and the love of my life die before my eyes... good times 🙂
Jay and Nya having fun at DDR has to be one of my favorite thing, they are so in sync and so lovable ❤💙❤💙
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MY SHIP 💙❤💙❤ They even gave each other high gives... this is neat, and it means something awful will happen right 🙂
Commissioner: he's saying something about a giant snake... and the end of the world... didn't we already have something like that?
Okay yep, he did the trick while fighting Nya, dang Kalmaar is sneaky! Not too shabby... but I gotta say, the summoning of the Great Devourer was a lot more dramatic 🤣🤣 Props to the serpentine, still my favorite snakes 💪💪
Wojira seems to be a little smaller than the Devourer maybe? His head way bigger than the bounty, while hers is not that massive even in comparison with Kalmaar
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I might be wrong but at first glance, I stand by my opinion and by the superiority of the OG giant snake 🤷‍♀️
Yep Glutine guy did have a change of heart, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Jay doesn't do engineering anymore, okay... HOW IS KAI A BETTER SOLUTION??? 🤣🤣🤣 Lol look at the messy brothers, love Lloyd and Kai so much I miss them interact 💚❤💚❤
Thank you Kelly for the alert 😗
It makes me wonder if they actually do have simulations of evacuations often, it would be pretty smart considering the city 🤷‍♀️
OKINO IS THERE HI DUDE!!! 😍 I hope he's doing great! 🥰🥰
Gail Gossip! Been a while!
WOW, this is going Deluge like, my first Spinjitzu Master! 😱 How... how do we go with three episodes from here? Like, I'm guessing Nya will have to do what Nyad did before her (which TERRIFIES me), so are they going to struggle trying to find another way? IDK BUT I'M IN LET'S GO!! 🤯
Alright, pretty straightforward title, let's see what we got here!
Tourists?... that actually makes sense, I mean, I would want to visit all the places where history was made on this island 😍 Aww nice to see they remember the battle against Garmy of Hunted, also that it is known that Jay was the one who faced Unagami 👍👍
DARETH!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Where have you been you knucklehead, I've missed you! 💕 I think I've last seen him in a commercial from the Fire Chapter?
This is a terrible guide 😵 Not knowing the brown ninja? Owner of the dojo the Green Ninja had trained in? Brief commander of the Stone Army? Master of makeup and puffy potstickers? Unforgivable, someone fire this woman ASAP 😡😡
LOOK AT DARETH TAKING CHARGE!!! 🤩 He's right, he should get involved every once in a while, come on guys!
Ah okay good, I'm not the only one struggling with that google snake name 😂
Yay Bentho is fully integrated with the team! He is a great addiction, like, I know he'll probably take the throne at the end or something but I do hope we'll need his help again in the future! 💙
Sometimes I forget how much I love Kai and Zane interacting 🤣 The brainiac and the airhead 🤍❤🤍❤
Oh right, Cole came back from Shintaro! So... now in this extremely secret city there is a fake amulet hanging into a highly secured place... how is it always Shintaro the keeper of flukes? 😂😂
A bath as a boat but it has a whole 😂😂 I love this show's randomness
What ears are they supposed to cover 😅
I LOVE THIS ATMOSPHERE!!! 😍😍😍 Between the gray sky of storm and the sea underneath, this is the perfect scenario for Wojira and it's not even forced! I love how they are handling backgrounds for Ninjago recently, I really hope it gets as good as in the finale of Prime Empire 💙💙💙
AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh okay for a moment I was scared Wojira was going to eat Jay 😅 After The Island this is already the second time Bluebell risks it... STOP
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NUUUUU WHAT NOW??? 😱😱😱 We have two more episodes, how is this going to end? I DON'T KNOW AND I REALLY WANT TO PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD FINALE SEABOUND!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Daaaang she can just float on that? She got super good at controlling water! Now I want her and Kai just randomly flying around with their powers 😂😂 Kai got missiles in his hands come on 🔥🔥🔥
What would Kai do? WHAT WOULD KAI DO?? DID YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO DIE JAY WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF HIM??? ... although technically Kai is the only one with Jay who didn't straight up die before coming back to life in a dramatic moment... huh... Kai might be the most reasonable choice after all 😅
We grew up from Ninja never quit to NINJA AREN'T IDIOTS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET THE HECK OUT 😎😎 Even our motto got a character development 💪
BENTHO YAAAAAAASSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Did I ever say that I love shark boy? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!! 💙
Master prankster Wu once again, take that empty ship Calamari head 😎 Although the poor bounty doesn't deserve to get destroyed as many times as it did until now, it's my favorite ship... pun intended 😜
Ah more ninjajan, wait a moment
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"Auto Pilot". Fair enough, although I was hoping for a "psych" or something 😂😂
But Cole running to his best friend immediately? HECK yes 🖤💙🖤💙
NYA CARRYING HER BOYFRIEND BRIDAL STYLE THIS IS THE RIGHTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙 Gosh this season gave me amazing Jaya moments, I've been fed 👌👌
Okay Lloyd pacing back and forth? Kai already mad at their enemies? All the guys eager to help Jay? MY FAVORITE NINJA FAMILY BABY!!! 😎😎
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Oh... oh gosh I knew Nya doing the Nyad thing was meant to happen, but this way? My heart is melting already 😭
I remember a post that said that Jay told Nya that he loves her many times, while she never did. Tommy reponded that she lets her actions speak... boy do I see it now, I see all of her love 😢😢
I never felt such conflicting emotions for a villain like I do for Kalmaar, like, he caused so much pain to Nya... but he is voiced by Giles... but he is the reason Jay is hurt... but that startle gag 😂😂😂
Okay this? Is adorable?
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What the HECK? The police in this city is generally not very helpful, but the Commissioner is very wholesome 💜
Nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I didn't think it was possible to love her even more, she was ignored for so long during the show, but now we finally see all of her. She is an amazing warrior, a selfless person, and a real hero 💪💪 And coming from such a mature girl that doesn't like to act irrationally, this means so much more
Jaya grew up so much, it went through some very questionable phases yes, but what they have here? It's the result of all they had lived together 💙❤💙❤
I have chills, this is amazing so far, I'm legit scared of going further 😱
SHE SAID IT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay this moment, everything, EVERYTHING, is absolutely marvelous. Nya said I love you without a voice, alone, showing again that she values the actions more, but still her feelings are 100% truthful. Then the transformation (THERE IT IS HER BEAUTIFUL WATER FORM 😍😍😍), Jay getting saved, the realization of what she just did from everyone... DANG IT IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO THINK OF THIS SCENE???
*slow clap for Bragi, Tommy, and the Ninjago crew*
Jay and water Nya with their hands together gives me big The Form of Water vibes... LOVE THAT MOVIE WHO'S READY FOR AN AU??
Jay wants to help her, I had no doubt 💙 They always help each other in these BOUNDs seasons 😍😍😍
Kalmaar: where are the ninja??
Commissioner: I don't know, they are ninja!
Oh, curious title? It feels a little vague, I don't really know what it could be
YES GIRL GO GET HIS CALAMARI BUTT HECK YES!!! Just how cool can you be for walking slowly while the attacks go straight through you? 😂
Hey Nya still recognizes Jay! 😃😃
HEY NYA GOT VAPORIZED WTH 😱😱 It's too early, I don't believe that's it!
WHOA JAY WENT BERSERK JUST NOW!! I don't think I've seen this before, this is the coolest thing! 💙💙💙 I just love when he shows how strong he is, you can be a comic relief AND kick butts 😎
What the- was... was that a cameo of the lightning chicken? Ninjago what the HECK I love your randomness 😂😂
BENTHOMAAR TAGS IN!!! Showing off why he is best boy of the season 💙 These fightings are very cool but I can't help imagining Wojira just chilling while there are midgets getting very angry at each other onto her head 🤣🤣🤣
WHOA, CALAMARI BITE! Kalmaar got the Pythor treatment... might change color by next season if he returns 😅
(Please return I loved having Giles' voice in this season 💙💙💙)
NYA IS A DRAGON!!! I REPEAT NYA IS A DRAGON!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I was wondering where the dragon moment was, this is Ninjago after all 🤷‍♀️
Head empty, just Jay smiling softy at Nya because he loves her 💙💙💙
IT'S RAINING NYA, HALLELUIA IT'S RAINING NYA, HEYE!! ☔☔☔ This fight is MASSIVE! We had finales with big creatures before but now one of the ninja is big enough to face them and that's 🤯
NYA DID IT!!! 🤩🤩🤩 ... now onto the angst that I KNOW it's coming
Kai being unbelieving is tragic, and Jay's "don't leave me" broke my heart. Please end this misery, where is the deus ex machina that solves everything?
Wait she left?
Omg the grief in this is beautiful, nice to see Jay and Maya so close to each other! Also Kai leaning onto his mom while Cole is comforting his best best friend? Amazing, they really do these scenes great 👌
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EVERYONE SHOWED UP I LOVE THIS CITY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Aww Ed and Edna, wasn't this such a sad situation I would be so much happier to see you guys 🥺
Master Wu even mentioned that she built Samurai X, you really want to make me cry now do you? 🥺🥺
Omg look at Cole being there for his best friend, he is amazing 🖤💙🖤💙
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I have such Rebooted vibes from this... is it hopeful? That Nya comes back like Zane? She's no nindroid but still... oh my gosh they got her symbol on the vase I just noticed, I need more tissues 😭😭
"In loving memory of Kirby Morrow". Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I'm speechless... like that's true, have A LOT to write over here 😅
This type of plot twist reminds me of our early seasons. Zane sacrificing himself, Garmadon giving up his life, those moments that made me so curious and excited about the following. I have no idea what will be the outcome for this, but I can't wait to find out
With that out of the way, AMAZING SEASON 😍😍😍 I think this finale beats MoM's, just because it was really unexpected and opens up a SEA of possibilities... yeah too soon 😭
I'm still shaken, my world, they did something HUGE and I do hope it will be a good shake to the entire Ninjago plotline. Nya is "gone", we still don't know about the person behind all that vengestone, we haven't heard from Garmy in forever, there are so many good ideas out there now that they've set the ground for more 🤩🤩
Voice acting was *chef's kiss*, not only for the villain which I already stressed enough about, I think Kelly reached a new level of emotional intimacy with Nya and I'm so happy she showed her skills 💜💜
Animation is TOP, there's little to no point into saying anything else since they showed it very clearly in the latest season ☺
This was the emotional, witty and engaging writing I was looking for! Good jokes, meaningful dialogues, emotional scenes, everything was really good and I'm gonna rewatch some scenes especially for that 😍
It turned out having Maya and Ray back was kind of a distraction to fool us all 😅😅 Well played actually, and it was very cool seeing them again in any case 🙋‍♀️
And now? Jay lost his love, I have no idea if the show will work on him getting over her or hold onto her memory (thinking of Jay probably the latter, although I do think that handling the first would be an interesting idea). KAI LOST HIS SISTER 😢😢😢 I have no doubt he's gonna beat himself up for it, like he did when Zane was gone too. Everyone lost their friend, she had become such a vital part of the team and now she is not here anymore it will be hard...
They are back with the four plus one green savior formation, I sincerely don't know how I feel about that 😅 I'm always happy when we get the OGs, but this is about going on without Nya... maybe Skylor will be called? Or Pixal will be more active? That could be interesting to see, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Gosh, how are they going to handle the next season? It will have to give A LOT of answers to the millions questions we all have right now. Man I can't wait, it could be anything!!! This is a Ninjago revolution!
But if I have to mention a little complain, and I'm a fangirl so I absolutely have to, Kai didn't show much of a reaction to Nya's "departure". Okay, she didn't straight up die like in Skybound (I'm gonna fear all BOUND seasons from now on 😱), but he's her brother and he loves deeply his family. Either we're gonna see him go all out next season, or the writers really did only focus on Jaya. A tiny bit salty... but you got me a fantastic finale so I'll move on 👍
Outstanding, I'm blown away. Whenever I think I'm used to this show they do stuff like this. I'm so glad and sad you guys 😅 But mostly happy that despite everything I still get very strong emotions while I watch this long time favorite show of mine 💜💜💜
What else can I say at this point? ONTO NEXT SEASON!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you for reading me freaking out over LEGO spinning ninja as always! It helps me calm down but this time it might be harder thant the others... *sobs*
I need to lay down and process all of this, I'll be on my way 😂😂 BYE!!! 💜
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takeyourhands · 2 years
i feel like,,, im probably there since the beginning bc im just like that when it comes to s/i's hfgjfhgjhfgj-
i just kind of live with them but not for any special reason, like im not training or anything. im kind of like nya in that im just vibing there except i dont have the excuse of a brother training all the time and also living there
honestly i think i'd be there before anyone else FHGJHDGJHF like i just went on a hike up the mountain someday but because im not very good at physical tasks i probably just ended up lying down on the ground for a while until sensei wu found me
he'd bring me to the monastery (was it a monastery,,,,, i dont remember,,,,,,,) and let me rest there for the night but then i just never left
a father-aged man was nice to me ONE (1) time i decided to never leave him
(except i DO visit my family on the weekends, at least as much as i can between all the action of each if the seasons)
also i just. i REALLY wanna have a cool power but i still dont know what i should have-
like ive got a few ideas in my head but i cant figure out how a lot of them would work fhgjfhgjfhgh
but anyways
the ninja,,,,, my best friends in the whole world,,,,,,,,, wwWWAAAAAHH
i am everyones best friend and everyone loves me bc i am cool and awesome actually. its true trust me i swear i am a very cool and awesome person
lloyd is my #1 super bff tho,,,,, i was definitely the maternal/big sister figure he needed during the first two seasons and i am ABSOLUTELY still like that w him now
i think he would get grumpy about it on occasion (especially in like. season 1) bc hes a big boy >:(( stop embarrassing me in front of the bad guys TARA
but he rlly appreciates the affection and that ive mellowed out abt it over the years
btw nya is a super close second to lloyd on the bff scale to lloyd bc i LITERALLY care her so much
ive not even talked about my story role im sorry im just very happy to talk about my buddies
i think i play moral support through most of the first two or three seasons. i imagine i actually started like. TRAINING in between seasons 2 and 3 but im definitely still not a fighter, i can really only do basic self defense
i help out where i can, but im definitely still pretty useless when it comes to battle. im like a,,, weird seventh arm that doesnt rlly do much and sometimes just kind of gets in the way HFGJHFGJHDGJ
i either have to stay back at homebase while the ninja go out and do stuff or im just sort of There in the background doing my best
so im definitely much more of a person whos most helpful on a mental battlefield rather than a physical one, at least when it comes to other peoples struggles
im like,,, sort of vaguely everyones therapist FHGHHFHG
like i just listen to them talk about whatever and do my best to give advice and epic wisdoms.
im a bit. aggressive. sometimes when it comes to helping others. like even when its not with emotional struggles or even a struggle at all i will literally do everything to help u no matter how much it inconveniences myself. like if u ask me to get u a glass of water bc ur thirsty i will bring u back a bucket like "i got u bestie >:3"
theres definitely been multiple times where the boys complain about like, not wanting to do their chores or something and i just go "DONT WORRY >:D I'LL HANDLE IT." "wait no thats not-" and then ive done all their chores for them in like two seconds
theyre REALLY trying to get me out of that habit since they dont want me getting taken advantage of or doing everything for them and its like "oh no its no problem im happy to help :)!" "TARA THATS NOT WHAT WE MEAN"
they literally cant ask me for any kind of favor or anything bc i will always go Too Far
oh god im getting very sidetracked
season 3 for me is definitely like. Oh Boy. i am juggling everybodys problems for them at once and im falling apart. like im trying to listen to love triangle problems and then im helping zane and then im trying to help stop the overlord and there is SO MUCH GOING ON
after the s3 finale i think i just sort of. check out. like i just got too overwhelmed by everything, and after the last battle with the overlord i just wasnt back to normal until season 4. like only half of me was around and the other half was lying in a muddy puddle in the corner
but dont worry i get back to normal <3
i think id be a pretty big help during s4 and 5 actually. i get a lot more directly involved in the action, because there are specific people who i care deeply for who need help and being able to be with my friends is the whole reason i even wake up in the morning
*sniffles* ANYWAYS
i cant think of what else to talk about lol its 6am
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
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afsdgfdhgj!! thank you sm, i’m so happy to hear that :’D that is...something i do very much need to work on actually, i’ve been trying to kick the talking-self-down habit for a while now, it’s just!! it’s tough, guys.
on a lighter note, i know exactly what trope you’re talking about and i’m an unapologetic sucker for it afdsgfdh. unfortunately this probably isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, but i got bit by the idea and it wouldn’t let me go, so here’s a somewhat-short (somewhat) fic about it!
Sometimes, the ninja forget they’re technically, kind-of-sort-of, famous. Like, not all the time, because some people are creepy and won’t leave them well enough alone, and some people are just…really enthusiastic…but for the most part, it is easy to forget sometimes, because out of gi they look pretty normal.
(Until Lloyd’s eyes start shuffling through colors like a sporadic traffic light, of course, but that doesn’t happen as much now.)
The point is, sometimes it’s easy to forget that they’re famous.
Sometimes, though — when movie posters the size of the Bounty are plastered all over the city because some wise guy thought making a film about them would be a great idea — it’s harder to forget.
“This feels like an invasion of privacy,” Cole mutters, crossing his arms as he sinks deeper into the theater seat.
“Oh, yeah,” Nya says. “Because trading cards and entire news documentaries with our full names and intimate dating life details were one thing, but a loosely-based movie is where we draw the line.”
“Intimate dating life my foot,” Lloyd scowls, clearly far from getting over that one article that managed to snag a picture of him and Harumi before…everything.
“Well — yeah, fair, but like—” Cole sputters. “They hired actors to play us. They’re gonna be recreating our lives and it’s — it’s weird, okay?”
“I dunno, I think it’s pretty cool,” Kai says, already on his third mouthful of popcorn, and the trailers have’t even started yet. “I mean, it can’t be worse than that play they put on, right?”
“Don’t jinx it,” Zane mutters darkly, his eyes flashing at the reminder.
“I’m with Kai,” Jay says, bouncing in his seat as he reaches for the popcorn. “I think it’s cool that people care enough about us to make a movie, you know? Like, did you see the budget for this thing?”
“Was it as high as the repair cost for the tower we blew up last week?” Lloyd says.
“Uh…maybe. I didn’t compare, exactly. But look, you can’t put a price on lives. A little collateral damage is worth it.”
“A little?” Zane says, his eyebrows shooting up.
“Eh, we helped clean it up,” Nya shrugs. “That counts.”
Jay points at her. “Thank you.”
“Still say it wasn’t my fault,” Kai grumbles, crossing his arms. Lloyd pokes him in the ribs, and Kai yelps, flinching away from him. “Not cool, not cool!”
“We’re definitely not going to make it through this movie without getting thrown out,” Cole groans into his hands. They’re already getting looks from the movie-goers around them, and their patience doesn’t look like it’s going to last very long.
“C’mon, have a little optimism,” Jay placates. “This is gonna be fun— hey, that’s my popcorn!”
“No way, lightning brain, I bought it, I hold it.”
“But you bought it with Nya’s money.”
“Which she stole from Lloyd’s sock drawer this morning, so that doesn’t count.”
“Wait, you stole my sock money?”
“Um…call it payback for stealing the last of the cookies last week.”
“How is that a fair trade, I only took one!”
“Yeah, one dozen—”
“Guys, please—”
“You’re one to talk, you stole all the—”
“Would you all shut up, it’s starting, and — I said shut up!”
It takes a few threats of murder, and one or two threats of open power-use to the face, but they quiet down in time for the opening credits.
The movie begins peacefully enough, with an older man telling some ‘punk little kid’ as Kai describes him, a whole lot of ‘stereotypical sensei mumbo jumbo’ as Lloyd describes it, about himself. Which, to be fair, is pretty accurate to their lives, so they’re able to quietly munch on popcorn for the first few minutes, at least.
But then the plot starts.
“What do they mean, ‘uh oh’, to Lloyd Garmadon?” Kai frowns. “The city loves you.”
Lloyd shrugs, tossing a mouthful of popcorn back. “I dunno,” he says. “I mean, it is tough to be that kid.”
“Yeah, ‘cause he’s the worst shortie ever, like four feet tall,” Nya whispers to him. Lloyd elbows her in the side. Zane shushes them, just in time for the actual movie Lloyd to show up on the screen, in bed and receiving a call from—
Lloyd doubles over, choking on his popcorn.
“Luh-Lloyd?” Kai says, in delight. “Luh-Lloyd?!”
“Pajamas,” Lloyd wheezes, as Nya thumps his back. “Look at his pajamas, I gotta buy my dad those—”
The others are left to giggle their way through the interpretation of one of their greatest enemies snacking on cereal in printed pajamas, telling Lloyd he ‘must’ve butt-dialed him’. It’s hysterical until Garmadon forgets Lloyd’s birthday, and the Lloyd onscreen gets the signature Sad Puppy Eyes Lloyd Look on his face — which, props to the actor, he nailed it — and everyone looks to Lloyd in sympathy.
“That’s rough, buddy,” Jay pats his shoulder. Lloyd rolls his eyes.
“It’s not me,” he says, shrugging again. Really, his dad forgetting his birthday is like, incredibly tame, compared to hurling him through a prison wall or six.
Now, forgetting he existed, that stings. But also, like, this isn’t his dad, so. Eh. He doesn’t really care.
“Is that supposed to be Misako?”
Never mind. He cares now.
“Are you—” Kai plasters a hand over his mouth, muffling this next part. “—kidding me?!”
“Oh, she’s, uh…really present, huh,” Cole winces, as ‘Koko’ encourages her son about being himself, and other really nice stuff Lloyd would have super appreciated hearing when he was younger.
He opens his mouth again, and Nya takes the opportunity to stuff more popcorn in it. Lloyd chomps down angrily, glaring at the screen and grumbling under his breath.
“At least you’ve shown up at all,” Jay comforts him. Lloyd is very much not comforted. He just wants to get through the rest of the movie in peace, and shift the focus off of him as quick as possible.
Oh boy, is he disappointed.
Like, he gets a few minutes of relief as the others are introduced, but that’s all, really. Even if it is hilarious.
“Hello, fellow teen.”
Cole makes a sound like a dying balloon, and Jay almost coughs popcorn out of his nose. Zane just presses his lips into a flat line, his expression unreadable. “I do not…know how to feel about this.”
Jay and Kai are doubled-over on each other by now, choking on laughter. Cole, bless him, is doing his absolute best not to burst into giggles, while Nya and Lloyd have given up and are full-out cackling.
“Well,” Zane says, eyeing them with a gleam in his eye. “Perhaps I should start updating my database with ‘teen lingo’ then—”
“No!” they all chorus in unison, waving frantically at Zane, earning several dirty looks from the people around them as they do.
“You’re perfect the way you are, buddy,” Jay says hastily.
Kai, at least, seems pretty steadily in character—
“Aw, look, I almost snapped your spine.”
“That’s a Kai hug, for sure.”
—and Nya’s thrilled about having a motorcycle. Jay’s a tad indignant at his character’s stuttering, but Cole reminds him he has zero room to talk, so Jay shuts up in time for Cole to shrug at his own portrayal.
“I like that shirt,” he remarks. “And those headphones are cool.”
Then the reality of the scene they’re watching sinks in.
“Wait, why are we in school?” Zane blinks, confused.
“Why are they being so mean to you?” Cole exclaims at Lloyd, taken aback.
Lloyd makes a face at the cheerleaders on screen, jerking his shoulder up as if to say ‘like I know’. Which is kind of a lie, because he does know, the movie told them, but he’s not gonna get into that. Kai is already fuming in his seat beside him, growing steadily angrier by the second. “Who do they think they are,” he hisses. “I’ll show them a number one hit.”
Lloyd rips his eyes from the screen, watching Kai in mild alarm. “Kai, you know that’s not actually me, right?”
“—tear those kids a new one—”
Lloyd cringes at the looks they’re getting from the people around them, patting Kai’s arm. “Chill out, Kai, seriously. This is like, basic Darkley’s stuff, don’t worry. And I walked away from that fine.”
Wrong thing to say. Kai swivels on him, his eyes flashing. “Wait. This happened to you at Darkley’s? For real?”
“Um…” Lloyd sweats briefly, the sounds of Boo Lloyd! coming from the screen really not helping at all. “I mean, I was a brat. I brought a lot of it on myself.”
Kai looks like he’s going to combust. “I swear—”
“Kai,” Lloyd interrupts, trying to quell the storm. “It’s fine. Seriously. I mean, there was this one time that four guys way bigger than me ganged up and hung me from a roof by my hoodie all night, but it wasn’t that bad. I’m fine.”
Kai’s face turns thunderous, matching the roar of Garmadon finally coming into view onscreen. “Wasn’t that bad?” he says, incredulous, gaining them several shh’s, mainly from Nya. Kai ignores them. “Point me to those punks, Lloyd, I’ll strangle ‘em—”
“Wha — oh. Oh.”
“That — that was different.”
“…you — you weren’t there all night.”
“I sure was.”
“Um. Sor…rry?”
Fortunately, both are saved by Garmadon smashing his way on screen in a giant shark mech with a full-scale crustacean-themed army, to which the ninja kind of just…stare. That’s — that’s the best they can do with that one. That, and be thankful Garmadon himself isn’t here to see this.
“I mean, to be fair, I can see him appreciating a song entirely about himself,” Kai mutters, as the chorus continues to yell about Garmadon!. “And — wait, Lloyd, are you filming this?”
“Uh, yeah?” Lloyd says, re-adjusting the zoom feature on his phone. “Now hush, I wanna save this and make it my ringtone.”
The mechs are, admittedly, cool. Their total lack of ability to do Spinjitzu, way less so.
“That’s so not how Spinjitzu works,” Nya scoffs, as Sensei Wu finally makes an appearance, just in time for Lloyd to request wind as an element, which brings on another bout of choking.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Lloyd sighs. He then blinks rapidly. “Wait, where are our powers?”
“Nonexistent, apparently,” Zane murmurs. “Along with our common sense.”
“To be fair, that’s never been a reliable thing in the first place,” Jay points out.
The lack of common sense continues to be a trend throughout the movie, and by the time the ‘Ultimate Weapon’ comes up, things start to go downhill rather fast.
“Which, to continue to be fair, is also pretty in-character. This whole fight kinda is.”
The other ninja grumble in agreement as Lloyd runs off to confront his father alone despite all warning, and Lloyd begins to sink lower into his seat. He has a bad feeling he knows exactly where this is going, and sadly, he isn’t disappointed.
Well, for the most part.
“A cat?” Lloyd yelps, his eyes bugging out. “A giant cat?! How is that fair? All I ever get to fight is creepy part-reptile people who want to suck the power out of me, where do I sign up for this?”
“This is surreal,” Zane remarks, as Meowthra tears her merry way across the screen. The whole scene is a disaster, slo-mo destruction and everything, but it’s pretty much the standard fare they’re used to, so they really don’t bat much of an eye as the cat totally wrecks them.
“Nice to know we can’t catch a break in any universe,” Jay sighs sadly, as his mech is torn apart on screen.
“This movie is really beating the ‘don’t-challenge-dad-solo’ message over the head, huh,” Lloyd mutters, chin in his hand, having recovered from his brief bout of extreme-cat-heart-eyes.
Kai gives him a stink-eye. “Yeah, I wonder why.”
Understandably, the Lloyd onscreen is considerably upset at the apparent destruction of all his friends. The ninja are all incredibly curious as to where the movie is going to go next, though, since this Garmadon celebrates his victory by throwing a pretty sick party instead of building a skyscraper-sized stone Colossi of destruction and wrecking half the city.
“Kind of unfair,” Jay scowls, as the henchman do the conga onscreen. Nya’s got a smart comment to make back, but then the Lloyd onscreen reveals himself —
“In typical dramatic-Lloyd fashion, they got that right.”
“Oh, shut up.”
— and then proceeds to snap at the Garmadon onscreen, “I wish you weren’t my father.”
The theater goes remarkably quiet, as do the ninja. Cautiously, they turn to look at Lloyd, who is staring at the screen with a look on his face similar to if you’d shaken up a soda bottle really hard and were about to take the top off. Then—
“Oh, heck yeah, how’s that for karma, you over-powered conceited jerk of a dad,” Lloyd hisses viciously at the screen, punching his fist in the air. “He’s got the right idea, it’s my turn to start disowning family members. Screw ‘you’re not my son’, I’m gonna pull this one out next time and disown him—!”
“Lloyd,” Nya says, a bit nervously. “You know he’s, uh, he’s crying on screen now, right?”
“Yeah,” Lloyd spits.
“You, uh. You know you are too, right?”
“Therapy,” Cole whispers to Zane. “So much therapy.”
“I’ve already booked us,” Zane murmurs back, sliding his phone back in his pocket. “If the office can simply manage not get blown for one more week this time, we might actually make it."
While they do, however, manage to stay quiet for most of that scene — and isn’t Cole wildly impressed with them for that — the next scene kind of shoots that victory right into tiny little pieces.
“Why are we being so mean to you now?” Cole exclaims, flabbergasted, as the poor Lloyd onscreen looks seconds from tears, the rest of the team staring down at him with firm glares.
“Shh, this is getting dramatic,” Lloyd hushes him.
Nya gets a look on her face that promises murder, and Kai refuses point-blank to be shushed.
“What a bunch of jerks. We’d never do something like that, I’m going to have words with some people—”
“Jamanakai,” Lloyd just says, wearily. “Rooftop. All night.”
Kai deflates, sinking into his seat. “S’not the same,” he mutters, fiercely. “We never said all those mean things to you.”
Lloyd gently pats his arm. “There, there,” he says. “I know you didn’t mean it.”
“I never said it! It’s — it’s that imposter on screen, that’s who!”
“Kai, I know—”
Lloyd is interrupted by an unfortunately-timed declaration from the onscreen Jay.
“Now, we hate you.”
Lloyd blinks, almost surprised at the slight flare of hurt that sparks in his chest at that. Which is stupid, because these directors don’t know them, and that’s not really Jay, but hey, why not play into his worst fears, movie—
Then “Jay!” is hissed in scandalized unison, and Lloyd stuffs said worst fears back into box and tries not to snicker at the look on his brother’s face.
“It’s not me!” Jay defends desperately, waving his hands wildly. “That’s not me!”
“Deleting all data related to treating Lloyd as a friend.”
Jay is saved as everyone turns on Zane, who just buries his face in his hands. “Let it end,” he moans.
Apart from being shocked that Sensei Wu is actually going with his ninja on their quest for the Ultimately Ultimate Weapon—
“It’s ultimate ultimate, did you miss that trip-inducing scene they explained it with?”
—they aren’t as surprised by things anymore after that, having caught on to the movie’s flow. It’s a little more slapstick than they’re used to, all bright colors and quick action, but it’s enjoyable to watch Garmadon and Sensei Wu snipe at each other, at least.
“Ten bucks says he survives just fine,” Cole says blandly, as Sensei Wu goes plummeting toward the river.
Not one of them take him up on that wager.
“Geez, they’re really roasting us for being morons in this, huh,” Jay observes, as their onscreen counterparts take the clearly-a-trap route, as per Garmadon’s advice.
Lloyd, who is still stewing about having his voice made fun of, bites out, “I think it’s pretty valid, for some of us.”
“Oh, suck it up already, Lloyd. Your voice changed anyways, get over it.”
“Are you saying I sounded ridiculous before?”
“Uh, no-o…?”
“Oh, there we go, getting humiliated again,” Nya sighs, as the ninja are cornered by Garmadon’s ex-generals. “I wonder why they didn’t give us our powers. You’d think they’d have capitalized on that, it’d look pretty cool.”
“Who knows. I’m still trying to figure out if my character’s love for music is a clever reference to me and my dad’s singing background, or just a shallow attempt to give me character at all,” Cole muses. They turn back to the movie just in time to wince in unison as the ninja onscreen flee, leaving Lloyd and Garmadon to be captured.
Kai is less than pleased with this development.
“Oh, so we’re just leaving Lloyd behind now? Who wrote this movie, I wanna talk.”
By the time Garmadon’s teaching Lloyd how to throw bricks from a roof to some sappy soundtrack, then relocating his dislocated shoulder in a wild tone change, they’re mostly lost for words.
Also kind of enjoying the movie, though no one will admit it. The expressions are funny, and there are some lines that hit home. Sure, Lloyd spends a good ten minutes alternating between sputtering and gaping when Garmadon describes their family history, and only proceeds to get worse when everyone else receives powers and he gets a cute little tree branch, but it is fun to watch their onscreen counterparts run around to “I’ve Got the Power” playing cheerfully in the background. Plus, no one tries to ostracize Lloyd again, and it’s oddly satisfying to watch Garmadon get eaten by a giant cat, so by the time Lloyd’s trying to hide suspicious sniffling into the empty popcorn tub while his onscreen counterpart is giving Garmadon his big sappy speech about forgiveness, they might actually give the movie a decent rating.
Cole’s just happy they haven’t been thrown out yet, because they’ve really been pushing it this whole time. But finally, it seems like everyone’s settled down and is keeping perfectly quiet—
“What do you mean, he gets to keep the cat?”
Cole’s hopes and dreams go up in sad, despairing smoke.
“Wait, that’s what’s bothering you?” Nya blinks. “Not the whole, ‘this Lloyd gets his entire family back happy’ part, but the cat part?”
“Well yeah, I’m upset about the cat part!” Lloyd exclaims indignantly. “He gets a giant cat! The size of a skyscraper! What kind of raw deal did my grandfather cut me here, I didn’t even get to keep my dragon! This is so dumb, and — and oh look, now my dad’s all happy and stuff—”
Nya and Zane glance around in alarm. The movie-goers around them seem to be losing the last, lingering shreds of their patience, and Cole wisely decides that this might be a nice time to make an exit. The movie looks like it’s about over, anyways, and—
“—and what, they just have happy family dinners together now?!”
Yeah, they’re leaving.
“Well, that was…enlightening,” Zane says blankly, as they exit the theater. He still looks tragically annoyed at the way the producers decided to portray him, but he’s mostly recovered by now. Probably because he torched his little movie poster on the way out, but who are they to judge.
“I think you mean infuriating,” Kai mutters, glaring at the theater as they leave it behind.
“I don’t know, it wasn’t so bad,” Nya says. “Like, they obviously decided to go for Lloyd’s very sensitive personal life as a focus point, so at least the rest of us got off alright.”
“Giant cat,” Lloyd mourns, clearly still more hung-up on that than Ninjago’s apparent obsession with his family drama.
“I just wanna try that lightning thing later,” Jay says. “Know any doors I can practice busting open dramatically?”
“Yeah, the door to the producer’s office,” Kai grumbles.
“Enough, guys,” Cole sighs. “It was a lot better than it could’ve been. Let’s just be happy the city still likes us enough to make us the heroes.”
They all nod at that, placated for now, at least. They fall into silence, carefully navigating their way home, until Jay breaks the quiet.  
“Your heroes on the wa-a-ay,” Jay murmurs. He’s met with five looks of equal disappointment. “What?” he shrugs. “It’s catchy.”
Cole rolls his eyes, and Kai scoffs. They fall back into silence for a beat, their footsteps the only sound on the street, then—
“Something-something save the da-a-ay,” Lloyd hums.
Jay beams, and Kai moans. Nya just grins. “Gonna something-something pla-a-ace—”
“That takes us higher!”
They dissolve into snickers, their mix of off-key singing echoing across the Ninjago City streets. Cole spares a sigh of despair at their attempt, but he can’t help grinning too. It is a catchy song, and, to be fair, for trying to capture their general team spirit, it comes pretty close.
A lot closer than half that movie did, he frowns. Though he does still want that shirt his counterpart wore.
“Hey,” Jay speaks up. “Let’s learn that Garmadon song next. We can sing it to him in battle.”
“Oh, now you’re talking.”
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm: My☆Deco Rainbow Wedding Chapter 13+14
(I'm weirdly motivated to just churn out a tonne of chapters tonight. I may get 2 more out of the way... Anyway, in chapter 13 we get some Rinne lore and general sadness. In chapter 14 we basically get confirmation that Ayami is in love with Chae-kyung. I got whiplash between these two chapters)
Chapter 13: The Runway Needs a Prism Heart
Mia: Aaaand here we are!!
Penguin-sensei: You insufferable airhead, dragging people along without thinking!!
Mia: People?? What are you saying~? You’re a penguin!
Penguin-sensei: Oh yeah, I forgot for a second! Yes, I am indeed a member of birdkind. I am, and always have been a penguin~ Penpen!... Wait, what are you making me say!?!?
Mia: Woah, now, don’t get mad. Anyways, what’s Rinne doing around here? (It’s a snowy tree ice rink type area)
Penguin-sensei: Geez! Rinne is entering a fashion show here today.
Mia: A fashion show!? Wow, that’s the perfect job for her, huh? I wonder what coord and what persona she’ll be wearing. That’s it! Why don’t you enter the fashion show too, Player?
Penguin-sensei: It’s not that easy to enter!
Mia: Huh really... Then, I have a question for you, Player… Does Rinne really enjoy being all alone?
Choice: She’s probably lonely / I think she’s fine
Mia: You really think so? No matter how much power you have, you’re bound to get lonely if you’re by yourself all the time. And she changes her personality so much, she might forget her true self. Let’s find her and ask her ourselves.
Mia: Hm, we still haven’t found her, huh? --??
Rinne: Seven-hued metamorphosis… Change!!! Pop!!! Yaaaay!☆ Today I’m gonna be super poppy and energetic! And I’m gonna work super hard for my fashion show☆
Mia: She’s changed her personality again!? So now she’s pop, huh… Wait a minute, I can’t just space out! Let’s go, Player!! Kaboom!! Excuse us!!
Rinne: Gah! You surprised me~ Oh? What’s wrong, Player?? Ah, I’ve got it! You want to enter the fashion show, right?
Picock: You fiends! What art you doing here!?
Rinne: It looks like Player wants to enter the fashion show too. It's fine, right? Whoo, okay☆
Picock: Poppycock!! Rinne, thou art entering the fashion show alone! Thou art more than enough! You must adorn yourself in the sexy coord next!!
Rinne: Seven-hued metamorphosis… Change!!! Sexy!!! Ehehe♡ Wow, I’m so touched that you came just to visit little ol’ me, Player-chan♡
Mia: And now she’s acting all sexy!?
Picock: As Rinne possess the powers of every variety of coord, she alone is enough to showcase them all. Next… is this coord! Rinne,--
Mia: That’s enough!!
Rinne: Hm…?
Mia: We don’t want to talk to the personas that Rinne uses with her coords… We came here to talk to the real Rinne!!
Rinne: The… real me??
Mia: Rinne, your said that Player has a wonderful heart, right? They use their own original My☆Deco coords. And you both want the Rainbow Wedding. If that’s the case, then fight Player as your true self!
Rinne: Stop it!!! Ugh… the power of the coords is… (she goes back to her normal outfit)
Picock: Rinne’s seven-hued metamorphosis has… reverted!?
Rinne: I… can’t do it.
Mia: Why not!?
Picock: You insolent fool! Thou art going awfully far… In that case, Player, you are to serve as Rinne’s opponent in this fashion show! Fashion a coord that suits your stage, and show us the power of My☆Deco!
Mia: Hell yeah! Player, you need to use your My☆Deco power to open Rinne’s heart!
(prism show yanno the drill)
Mia: Woohoo!!! Your coord and stage were perfect for each other! You didn’t have to change your persona to be able to perform a great prism show!
Picock: How can this be…? How canst thou perform so well without a seven-hued metamorphosis!?
Mia: It’s because Player is in tune with their own heart. My☆Deco is all about decorating your own heart, after all! Changing your persona to match your coord all the time, meanwhile? That's really sad. Rinne needs to realise that.
Rinne: Your own heart… The real me… Aaaaaaah!!!
Mia: Rinne!? Are you okay??
Rinne: I don’t get it… I don’t get it…
Mia: What don’t you get?
Rinne: I… I can’t remember. I can’t remember anything!!
Mia: Huh…?
Picock: Rinne, do not push yourself too hard whilst trying to recover your memories. There is no need to hurry. Once thou can acquire the Rainbow Wedding…
Rinne: ...I’ll remember everything I’ve forgotten?
Picock: Of course.
Rinne: That’s a relief…
Picock: It would be better if you two left for today. Rinne needs to rest.
Mia: But… Won’t she just keep doing her seven-hued metamorphosis? I mean, at this rate she’ll lose more and more of her true self!
Rinne: It’s fine… Don’t bully them, Picock.
Mia: Rinne…?
Rinne: I’m empty. But if I play all these characters… I feel like someone will tell me it’s okay to exist… After all… I’m…
Picock: Rinne, thou must rest.
Rinna: Right…
Picock: Player. If thou wishes to worry Rinne, the least you can do is polish your My☆Deco power first. The child who was chosen by the Rainbow Charm to wield the power of My☆Deco… Perhaps, you might… No, now is not the time for this.
Mia: For what? Now I have to know!!
Picock: Well then, farewell for now.
Mia: They left… Hmm. It feels like we’ve made a step in the direction of Rinne’s secret… But at the same time, her secrets keep piling up… What did Rinne forget? Agh!!! I! Need! To! Know!!!
(sad music still playing. ATARASII HAIR STYLE DE ASOBERU YO!!!! ATARASII KYOKU DE ASOBERU YO!!!!! Ljdkhjkasfj meganee realy knows how to ruin a moment. Anyway im sure it will be a great relief to learn that ive finally gotten my dream hairstyle and hair colour unlocked)
Chapter 14: Writing a Memomemo About the Secret of the Coord
Mia: You seem pretty down, huh Player? I’m pretty concerned about Rinne too, she seemed really sad… When I look at someone making a sad face, I end up feeling sad too… Ah... There’s a cat outside the window. Cats sure are great~ Not like they have anything to worry about. That’s it! Let’s become cats and just purr all day! Now, you do it too, Player! Purr, meow~~~
Mia: AHH!! Stand-up? Or is it stand up?
Ayami: That’s right. Stand up, girls. Memomemomemomemo…
Mia: What the hell, Ayami! I was in the middle of lazing around like a cat!
Ayami: Ah! Cats… A black cat!!! Cats sure are great… And they never have anything to worry about…
Mia: I literally said the exact same thing!
Ayami: Ah… I also want to become a cat.
Mia: Why? Did something happen, Ayami?
Ayami: Um…
Mia: That reminds me, you wanted to participate in Stand Up Girls, right?
Ayami: That’s right. I’m going to form a team with Chae-kyung-san and enter next time.
Mia: That’s cool. You’ll be able to pull off a very celebrity show then!
Ayami: Yes… And I’m happy about that, I’m really looking forward to it… but we decided that I’m going to be in charge of designing our coords.
Mia: But you’re great at designing, right?
Ayami: I really love Chae-kyung, but when I think of the kinds of coords she usually wears… Well, they’re the cream of the crop! They’re out of my league! ...which is what I’ve been thinking as I write memo upon memo upon memo upon…
Mia: Wow… Your notebook's completely full! You won’t thinking of any new ideas like this.
Ayami: I know that. But whenever I think about it… Ugh. Player-san, do your have any good ideas?
Choice: Try to get some inspiration from something around here? / I’ve got nothing
Ayami: Something around here… That’s actually really good advice! Hm…? What are you looking at, Player-san? Oh, Mr. Cat. Look, he’s sleeping with his tummy out, aww. He’s so cute, all relaxed like that. ...Ah!
Mia: Did you think of something!?
Ayami: As expected of Player-san! You wanted me to get inspiration from the cat, didn’t you? I need to learn how to relax my heart just like this cat!
Mia: Is… is that right!?
Ayami: I’ll take a memomemo! I’ve thought of a design! Player-san, could you do a show in the coord I’ve designed? I’ve taken a memomemo of the cute, meowing Black Cat Coord! Hm, that’s right… Powder Snow Park is close by, let’s go there!
(prism show. My nyas?)
Ayami: Amazing! That was a very meowmeow show! Chae-kyung-san will definitely like the coord too…
Chae-kyung: Ayami!
Ayami: Chae-kyung-san! You were watching too?
Chae-kyung: That was a very celebrity show. Ayami and Player are both amazing! With this coord, we’re sure to get a celebrally good result in Stand Up Girls.
Ayami: Ehehe… I’m so happy to hear that. It’s all thanks to Player-san. Carefully thinking things through is important, but freely thinking things through is important too! I’ll make a memomemo of that!
Mia: Wow, Player, you’ve really grown, huh! You gave Ayami design advice, you’re so cool! Your My☆Deco power has to have powered up too, right?
Ayami: According to my memos, by powering up your My☆Deco power… you’ll be able to decorate your prism stones with frames!
Chae-kyung: Being able to create your own celebrity original coords is wonderful!
Ayami: You should try making a lot of new coords with your new ability to add frames. That’s it! If you’re okay with it, why not use this Black Cat Part for your My☆Deco?
Chae-kyung: You’ll definitely be able to make a celebrally cute coord!
Mia: Now that your My☆Deco has powered up, you’ll be able to enjoy prism shows a lot more! The Gold Spiral Cup is coming up soon, too. Work hard up until then!
Chae-kyung: We’re also going to work celebrally hard at the Gold Spiral Cup!
Ayami: Player-san, thank you so much!
(naur bc why did google drive keep autocorrecting chae-kyung to chase-kyung. bitch who tf is chase-kyung. maybe chase-kyung is her mechas car transformation idk)
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Ninjago OC: Enok Tristan Iverson
My new child, Enok Tristan Iverson!! I’m super proud of him and I hope you all like him!
(Side note: I spent a looooong time trying to find a power and I’ve settled on this... I tried finding something not OP or overused, and I don’t think it is, but please let me know if it is or I should change it!!)... also sorry I wrote a lot...
ALSO!! I meant to save as draft and then post this in the morning like at noon but at two a.m. my time but I accidentally pressed post... so I might reblog this in the morning because I made some changes from my doc to here... idk I’m excited and I don’t want people to not see him because I posted it too early haha
~picture in the process~
Elemental Power: Wood
Wood Generation- can create wood / branches / trunks / roots
Wood Attack: can use / release wood to fight others, like a weapon. Can project wood towards someone, release it with hands…
Wood Pillar Projection- related to above, can project woods pillars from the ground
Manipulation of Properties- can move and lift wood, also can do…
Wood Absorption- can absorb wood that they did not create, encasing themselves in wood for armour of sorts or just to block themselves for being hurt— kind of draining, only used in big emergencies
Assimilation Shield- goes along with above: can create a shield that can absorb anything to protect themselves. Can’t perform with wood they made. Very big action, more of a true potential mode vs. any time he wants because he’s not OP
Matter Surfing- can take wood from the ground (sticks and such… or just create I suppose) and can use it to move with, kind of like moving the ground ish
Weapon: Halberd
Color: a reddish brown color, I think
Ethnicity: Danish!
Sandy / super light brown hair, medium length
Bright blue eyes, long lashes
He has glasses, not big hipster ones but smaller ones, he has small eyes
NOSE AND LIP FRECKLES… also probably has a big nose
Not tall, not short… actually, surprisingly, basically the same height as his boyf, Cole. He is 5’7, but Cole is 5’7 ½ and Tristan is 5/7 ¾ so…
Not super skinny, but not super big either. In the middle weight wise.
Goes by his middle name, Tristan, when he moves to Ninjago because it’s just easier to pronounce. Though after awhile, the team kind of goes back and forth. Cole likes calling him by his first name.
Has mild autism and ADHD-- it’s not bad, but it’s there and affects his life
Paces back and forth a lot and repeats words a lot. He also repeats things people say to him to help him comprehend what he heard!
He talks to plants and trees a lot because his power makes him feel connected with nature! Like, it’s a one sided thing because they don’t talk back, but it’s like he can feel them listening and caring and helping / encouraging him.
Tends to be more happy, a very positive person, like Jay on steroids, also super trusting
When he is really mad or regular mad, he doesn’t always know how to react so he throws things a lot. Not important things, just like shoes and stuff because he doesn’t know how to handle anger all the time since he’s not an angry person. He trains about when he’s angry.
Literally obsessed with Hygge-- always has candles
When I say always has candles, I mean always. Literally always. Gets everyone a candle for their birthday / Christmas as a part of their gift— Tristan knows not everyone likes them as much as him so he always get them something else
Also received like a candle from everyone for Christmas and Birthday. Like Tristan loves his Hygge traditions and fully believes in it.
Likes doing dishes for the repetitiveness and finds it relaxing
He feels super aimless in life, struggles to find a purpose in life, really happy when he meets Cole and joins the team
He also always has “old lady” candies on him, like mints and caramels. They make him happy because his mom did that and he misses her, so he does it!
Kind of squeamish, you know? Does not like blood
Also slightly indecisive because he wants to be good and doesn’t want to make bad decisions
This boy be Pansexual
Casual flirt- tucks Cole’s hair behind his ear, making eye contact then quickly breaking it, adjusts collar. Also loves just watching / observing Cole in a not stalkish or creepy way.
History / Backstory:
Lived in Denmark, or Ninjago’s version of Denmark, for the first fifteen years of his life, then moved to Ninjago once he learned he had powers.
His grandfather had the wood powers before him, but skipped a generation and were transferred to Tristan. His grandfather, Einar Schou (name chosen because it means *he who fights alone* and I thought that was cool) moved to Ninjago after his daughter, Katrine Schou, got married (married Mads- pronounced Mes- Iversen) because he was needed in Serpentine Wars because they needed all the help they can get (he was like ‘are you sure you want me? I’m just wood’ and they were like ‘yes! Every elemental power is great and amazing!’) and stuff and his wife had died so he said to heck with it and stayed in Ninjago.
Tristan was sent by his mother to Einar because he could teach him how to harness his powers and such, as he had them before.
How he joined the team:
So, he kind of stumbled upon the team, I suppose. This was during season one. His grandfather sent him to the Monastery to train, unaware that Wu was back in business and training and Tristan explained everything and he was just kind of like, friends with the team. He didn:t really join the team until season four. Before then, he was kind of like Darreth, there is they needed him, happy to help. (Age 16, now)
Once season four hits with the tournament, and he is 17 ½ his grandfather encourages him to go. That’s around… four years after he meets the team. He still isn’t super adjusted to distrust and unhappiness that NInjago harbers, as Denmark is a rather happy place, so he is iffy. No one particularly wants to be friends and such, and that’s what he’s best at. He goes anyways and gets out in the first few rounds because he does not really believe in what they are doing.
He ends up meeting Cole down in the noodle factory, and is shocked that he’s out. When they have some down time, he talks to Cole about what happened, and Cole isn’t too like… why are you talking to me new person ahh because he knows Tristan a little bit. So he opens up a bit about how dumb it all is with the Jay and Nya thing and like absentmindely slips up and is like “yeah I’m gay so I don’t even know why I did that” and then freaks because he just came out for the first time.
He and Cole end up hanging out and he helps Cole escape and stuff and talks to Cole more once he found Zane because Tristan kind of knew him and that’s more than everyone else. They end up still talking after all the Chen stuff is over and Wu sees how well they get along and what he can do and how his personality fits with the team and invite him to join.
Relationships with team:
Cole: boyfriend !!! He loves Cole with his whole entire heart and would do just about anything for him! He realizes he likes Cole in Possession when Kai convinces Cole to try Airjitzu on their way to The Cloud Kingdom. He asks Cole out after Skybound, Cole freaks out and says no at first because ahh he’s not ready and he’s scared and stuff. Tristan is cool with it and is like “I’m so sorry, I never meant to make things awkward...” and nothing ends up being awkward between the two. Cole ends up kissing Tristan (and simultaneously coming out) after the events of Hunted, becsuse Tristan was with Nya and Lloyd. Best friends to Boyfriends trope✌🏼
Lloyd: best friend aside from Cole! He really likes Lloyd. Lloyd can read Tristan super well and definitely just found out he liked Cole by watching. They can easily talk to each other, and Tristan introduces Lloyd to the practice and state of Hygge and helps him cope with the events of Possession. Just really good friends.
Nya: another good friend. They both struggle with direction and purpose in life (Nya has the whole water ninja v. samurai thing) and they bonded over that in Possession, actually. They both appreciate each other’s company and can definitely calm each other down at their worst. Also they are both super supportive of each other always !!
Jay: complicated. Tristan loves Jay— he loves him like the brother he is... so that’s one reason why they butt heads so often. Jay is both one of the most optimistic yet pessimistic people at the same time and tends to freak out at little things a lot and that’s just confuses Tristan so much. Jay confuses him. Tristan grew up somewhere where people viewed thugs differently and Jay is always changing his view points and outlooks. They still love each other like brothers, but they butt heads sometimes! Like, Jay likes candles the most out of the rest of the team and loves going candle shopping like these boys could smell candles for hours!
Zane: there isn’t much to say, good friends, brothers, they go grocery shopping together a lot, they’re just... they’re just good friends! There isn’t much more I feel like I can say to that:/ they just have a normal brotherly teammate relationship!
Kai: Kai’s is a lot like Zane’s relationship with Tristan. Good friends, brothers, care about each other a lot... I suppose other than Lloyd and Nya, Kai is the biggest shipper of Cole and Tristan once he finds out (becsuse the team finds out Tristan likes Cole I’m DotD when they realized Cole was gone). Definitely gives him terrible flirting advice!
Some personality stuff:
Tristan’s biggest personality flaws are that he lacks direction and feels aimless, and he is super indecisive. Asking Cole out was one of the strangest moments of his life because he just didn’t think. But a lot of what gets to him is what he’s meant to do in life. He doesn’t always feel like he’s a part of the team because he came later, he doesn’t always feel like he’s doing what he should be doing… heck, his true potential occured when he like, figured out his purpose. That’s what was holding him back. I’m not sure of the details yet, but it happens after March of the Oni in what would probably be a Tristan season.
His indecisiveness is also a problem, it’s one of his biggest flaws when in battle. He strives to be a good person, he was brought up that way and Denmark is a happy, caring place. So he over analyzes things a lot in hopes of making the right decision.
He also really struggles with his powers sometimes. Like, he loves being the master of wood, but he feels like an off brand version of Bolobo (which he kind of is, in a way… also they’re probably related in some way), and that freaks him out a lot. It takes a lot of training for him to be good at creating wood with his powers, and he felt so useless then. Especially since they don’t always fight in places with a lot of wood, so he has to try extra hard to make sure he can make wood and concentrate a lot. It becomes easier with time, but hey, that’s why he went to train with his grandfather. So he gets better. He knows he’s not as powerful as the other ninja, and after awhile he kind of learns that that’s okay. I mean, he is on a team with the green ninja and the four main elemental powers. And Nya who is insanely talented and amazing.
((also feel free to send asks or stuff about him?? I’m always bored unless I’m at work haha... but idk I’m still trying to figure him out and people usually add send asks at the end of these so like I suppose that’s why ?? I feel weird saying that haha))
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Silver and Gold 4--Not Just a Tournament
Chapter 7--Something Forming in the Deep
Fractured once, then fractured again. Four of the heroes of Ninjago have hung up their ninja gear and vainly started anew. And they’ve convinced themselves that they’re not going back.
But as Lloyd and Janet try to piece their team back together, a mysterious invitation to a massive tournament tells them that Zane is alive.
Bonds will be tested. Suspicions of everything they know and don’t know will arise. It all goes down at the Tournament of Elements.
(First chapter)
Cole’s POV
Below me, Des merely flipped over to Kai’s balcony right before Lloyd and I landed on the rail. Why am I not surprised they’re neighbors?
Kai let us in just as Janet dropped in, and I couldn’t believe his room! He has a normal bed! And typical Kai just has to have a lavafall.
“Yup. This has him written all over it. Literally,” Des said as she looked at the picture of Kai.
“Ugh. That’s it. His room’s better than mine!” I summed up. “And look at these!” I gestured to the confections on the small table. “I don’t have these!”
“What’s wrong with your room?” Janet asked, leaning against the dresser behind me.
“Oh nothing, nothing . . . except for a stone hard bed!”
“That’s it?”
“I mean that literally!”
“Sooo I’m guessing you don’t have silk sheets,” Des said wryly.
“Absolutely not!”
Kai suddenly slipped inside and slammed his door shut.
“Where’s Jay?” Des asked, and he poked his head back outside.
“Oh okay, heh! Good night, heh heh!” He closed the door again with raised shoulders, and we all exchanged looks. A couple seconds went by before he went back outside.
“You just had to leave me hangin’, huh, Romeo?” Jay retorted, and he and Kai finally came inside. “Woah-ho-ho-ho! Nice digs!”
“I know!” I complained. “His room is so much nicer than mine! Look. Chocolate-covered shell peas! I love these!” After eating a couple I leapt onto Kai’s bed with the peas. “Ohh and look how soft your pillows are!”
“They can’t be that soft,” Des said.
“Try them out!”
With a smirk she jumped onto the bed. “Ooh you’re right! They are soft, almost as soft as mine.”
“Man, mine are made of rock! What a croc.”
“Okay, it was almost impossible to get here,” Jay said. “This place is swarming with guards! Any ideas on how we search the island?”
“We travel by shadow,” Kai answered. “Cover every square inch of this place until we find him.”
My hand brushed up against the wall, and the next thing I knew, Des and I were seeing nothing but black. Instinctively I grappled onto the sheets and Des’s hand to keep us from falling.
“What did you do?” she interrogated.
“How am I supposed to know?!”
“Well whatever you did, undo it.”
“You try and do something! My hands are occupied!”
Looking around, she randomly kicked to the right, and we miraculously flipped back into Kai’s room. “That was lucky.” A few seconds went by before we looked to each other in realization.
“Uh, guys? This bed is uh—”
“Cole! I get it! You like my bed!” Kai barked. “Will you stop playing around?”
“He just found something!” Des argued.
“Like what, exactly?” Janet asked.
“I think I know how we can search the island,” I said. “Hop on, guys!”
The others exchanged looks.
“Just get on,” Des said. We all crowded onto the bed and laid there for a few moments.
“Okay, I feel ridiculous,” Lloyd admitted.
“Took the words right out of mouth,” Janet said.
Jay sighed. “You’re right. The pillows are soft!”
“Is this a joke?” Lloyd asked.
“I must’ve done something to trigger it,” I said. “I was laying here, then I stretched—”
The bed flipped over a few times before stopping above the same pit of darkness, and we all gasped as we hung from the bed. Well, most of us did. Kai was hanging on to my foot and Des was holding Janet’s wrist.
“Secret passageway!” Jay gushed. “Cool!”
Kai produced a flame for light. “Nice work, Cole. Maybe Zane’s not on the island, but in it.”
Suddenly we heard grunting from another direction, and it seemed to be really close by.
“Quiet! Do you hear that?” Lloyd whispered. Above us were two tiny holes streaming with light.
“Oh! Secret peepholes!” Jay beamed. “Ha hah, super cool!” He scaled the wall to reach the peepholes. “Sounds like someone’s fighting on the other side of this wall.”
“Whaddya see? Who’s fighting?” I asked.
“It’s not a fight. It’s Skylor’s room. And it looks like she’s training.”
“Lemme see, lemme see!” Kai zipped up the wall to get a look.
“Seriously?” Janet criticized.
“Ohhh, looks like Kai’s got the hots for her,” I teased.
“No, she’s competition!” Kai protested. “I just wanna know what powers we’re up against.”
“Ugh, wait your turn!” Jay scoffed.
“We can at least share!”
Janet just face palmed at their antics while Des looked to the roof in annoyance.
“Guys! This is an invasion of privacy!” Lloyd scolded.
“Her room doesn’t reveal anything about her power,” Kai said disappointedly. Suddenly the duo gasped.
“What was it? What did you see?” I begged.
“She’s . . . fire.”
“Wait a minute,” Lloyd started. “If we’re all descendants of elemental masters . . .”
I started teasing him. “Kai’s heart is on fiiire! Kai’s heart is on fiiire! Kai’s heart is on fiiire!”
“Can we please just keep moving?” Kai spat.
“Finally!” Des retorted, throwing her arms up.
“Ooh-hoo-hoo! Looks like someone’s a little jealous!” I joked.
With a growl she doused me with water.
“Let’s just find Zane and get out of here.” She stormed off behind Kai, and the rest of us exchanged looks before moving on. I, on the other hand, have found the shell peas, and I’m enjoying every one of them.
As we walked, Kai and Des kept stealing side glances at each other before he ultimately turned his head away in embarrassment. As much as I like getting on their nerves, those two need to talk things out if this gets messy.
“It’s like a maze down here,” Kai finally said. “Good thing you’re leaving a trail back to our room.”
“I’m what?” Behind me was a trail of shell peas. “Oh! Yeah, heh. I meant to do that.”
“And a trail of water,” Janet added.
“Yeah. And that . . .”
Coming across a shaft, we all climbed down as we ventured deeper into the passageways. Glancing over my shoulder, Des had her arms folded and was tapping her fingers against them. Occasionally her eyes flickered to Kai. After looking to him and her, I fell into step with her.
“. . . You uh, gonna talk to him?”
“Me?” Des asked. “No. I mean . . . of course I’m gonna talk to him, but now’s not the time. We both have other things to focus on, like finding Zane.”
“Can’t be too hard. You’re neighbors.”
“It’s a delicate situation, Cole. I can’t just waltz up to him and talk about it.”
I glanced over to the others, who were unaware of our conversation. “Look. I don’t want you two to have a similar problem to what Jay and I had about Nya.”
“Okay. We s-still have that problem. But my point is, try to find the time to talk to him. Even though things are getting crazy here, just do it. You’ll thank me later.”
She stayed quiet, and her fingers drifted to her pin. “I’ll think about it.”
“Heh. Don’t think about it for too long.”
She shot me a look.
“All right, that was bad. But hey! If they’re related then you won’t have anything to worry about.”
“Maybe . . .” Man. I wish I could take my own advice . . .
Eventually we came across a stone tunnel, which meant that we were actually making some kind of progress.
“Everyone stop!” Lloyd grabbed Kai’s shoulder and gestured to the trip wire. “Booby traps.”
“Ho ho! Booby traps!” Jay said. “Even cooler, ha hah!”
Lloyd gave his a stern look.
“Or I mean, kinda cool. I mean they’re totally not cool. Y’know ‘cause they’re dangerous.”
“From here on out we have to watch our step.”
“Do you hear that?” Kai asked. “Everyone, be quiet.”
We all fell silent, and we could pick out some form of chanting far ahead of us.
“Where's it coming from?” Des asked.
“Only one way to find out,” Janet replied.
Carefully we made our way further into the tunnel. I wonder if any of Chen’s goons have ever accidentally triggered any of these traps . . .
Footsteps from another part of the tunnel stopped us in our tracks, and we hid behind a boulder. Four of Master Chen’s thugs walked by heading for the source of the chanting. Shortly afterwards, several more followed behind.
“Psst.” Lloyd gestured to the incoming guards, and unanimously we all pulled them aside to knock ‘em out. “Hope you don’t mind if we borrow these.”
We slipped the armor over our suits and put on the snake skulls they had.
“Huh. Good thing we have short hair,” Des said.
“Oh speak for yourself, Destiny!” Janet hissed, pulling her hair back in a tight bun.
“Something doesn’t feel right,” Jay said, unsure. “We got the armor, the hats; what are we missing?”
Lloyd looked down at the unconscious guards in thought. Then his eyes fell onto me, and I stopped mid-bite.
Jay’s POV
So here we were in the heart of the action in plain sight. In front of us was a horde of guards all chanting as they stood in front of Clouse. A giant stone statue of a Serpentine head loomed over us, and torches lit the room entirely.
“Stop licking your tattoos!” Kai scolded in a hushed tone.
“It’s chocolate! I can’t resist,” Cole protested quietly.
“Shh! Just try to fit in,” Lloyd said. Hah! I’m already doing that!
As the rest of us tried “chanting,” I could barely see someone up ahead walking toward the assembled group with some kind of glowing staff. With one pound at the ground everyone dropped to the floor, and we hastily did the same seconds later.
“Bring out the loser!” Chen ordered. Two men came in dragging a struggling metal Karlof to the front.
“Get hands off Karlof! Karlof wish he never signed up for this!” He was thrown at the feet of Chen, and he had no choice but to look up. “What is chanting for?”
“They’re saying ‘Only one can remain.’ ”
“He really likes that phrase, doesn’t he?” Des whispered.
“No kidding,” Cole commented.
“Like I said, ‘Use it or lose it’!” Chen quoted.
The same two guards held Karlof back by the arms, and Chen fired his staff at him. An ice-like mist seeped into Karlof before retreating back into the staff, bringing a gray mist with it. Karlof’s metal skin was gone, and he dropped face first onto the ground like he was drained of energy.
“He’s stolen Karlof’s power!” Kai realized.
“And he used ice,” Cole added. “That means he must’ve already stolen Zane’s power, too!”
(First chapter) (Next chapter) (Previous chapter)
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal Ninjago season 13!! 🖤🖤 (4/4)
Here we are, at the end of just another season of Ninjago! And I've gotta say, until now it has been very good, I think I'm liking this season better than Prime Empire and Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. I liked them too, but this one feels more complete and deep, also LILLY GOT A BACKSTORY HECK YEAH 😍😍
Prime Empire had one really great ending, so I'm very curious how this season will conclude! Spinjitzu burst? Some last minute plot twist? Cole and Vania confirmed...? 🙄
Here we go!!
So I'm guessing the guys aren't doing too good at the moment 😅
I know this is kind of a tense situation, but honestly Kai looking so confused at having to lead cracks me up 😂 "Do I have to say it? Is that what being in charge means?"
Lloyd: YOU
Kai: NOT
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I have no words, that was such an obvious reference in full Zane style so in character, I have tears. Beautiful 🤣🤣
Also they all look SO COOL 💚💙❤🤍
My ninja babies fighting together screaming NINJA-GOO!! Really this season feels like we're back in the old days, so cool! And they are so in sync, Kai lifting Lloyd up and Zane pushing others away and I LOVE THE FIGHTING ANIMATIONS 🤩
Poor Skull dude, he's trying to do his big bad guy monologue and he keeps getting interrupted 😂
It was cute that both tribes immediately refused to surrender, not sure if it was for pride or they actually care about their new ninja friends, but it was nice
Aahh, near death life experiences, the best way to elicit teamwork 👍 Nice scene, nice cute scene
Nnnnnyyyggg, Lloyd, that's the sacrifice look right there 😱 At least they just turned themselves in peacefully after reuniting the tribes... aaand of course he was lying, I hate that Skull dude 👿👿
Back to team Cole! Back to the Upply! 🖤 Quick guys, we're only three episodes left!! NEED TO GO BIG!!
Heeeeeyy, Wu back in business! I kinda missed him a bit taking control of the situation, it used to be him because he was the master. It really is a jump into the past this season! 🤩🤩
Sure let's go with the explosive cart, not like Cole and the other ninja haven't been piloting a falling apart rocket back to Earth before 🤷‍♀️
A Mech on rolleskates, why not? Does Cole even know how to go on those though? He was already out of the Tournament of Elements during Chen's Thunder Blade so I don't really know...
Lolz the monster was actually waiting staring at the wall, guess you don't get much fun in this mine 😅
And a poor old couple of civilians traumatized. They need to be trained by the people of Ninjago City on how to deal with weird appearances 💪
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I guess we're doing this 😅 Gonna be honest, this is the first very evident sweet look I see from these two. I like Vania, a lot, but another classic love interest? Uuuuhhh, Idk, Imma see the rest of the season and see what happens 🤷‍♀️
A baby dragon on a giant spider, one of my favorite things ever on one thing I fear... I'll let it pass just because Adam is a good boy 🕷🕷🕷
I really like these DnD guys, they've grown on me, let's see what they have in store! 😁
Munce and Geckles under chains, ninja in a cage, the Skull dude has the control, we're back when we started... sucks to be a ninja sometimes 😅
Omg I'm loving that this dude is trying so hard to be menacing and he keeps getting ignored 😂😂 Aww cute, you think you're the first that wants to destroy the ninja? Such a special little snowflake 😘 Evil monologue, we've been going for 13 seasons now with various specials and a movie, we heard it already 🤷‍♀️
Also the reveal, and he's all "Your friend Cole is dead" and Lloyd "That's what they all say, buddy" 👌👌
Poor Cole just wants justice for his mom HELP EMOTIONAL AGAIN
I'm all for Cole's personal team, they should do missions together, like Jay's team in Skybound!... that technically never happened, BUT STILL COOL 🖤💙🖤💙
Oh boy oh boy oh boy got the swords, confrontation ready, BRING IT!! Ninja team is all in for this!! ❤💚💙🤍🌊
Swords aren't usually Cole's weapon of choice... BUT DANG IT HE CAN SWING THEM, HOLY GARMADON!!! THIS IS THE FIGHTING SCENES I WANT!!! 😍😍
How is this the episode prior the finale? It already feels like the finale! What else is going to happen?
Oh with a title like this, it's a given that I will not survive. Oh boy, here goes, the FINALE!
Chaos, chaos, beautiful dragon of death and distraction, also gently reminder that Mino is also a very good boy 💕 Are the skeletons connected to the skull? Are they gonna stop reform when Cole defeats the Skull Sorcerer?
The swords are not actually magical? Huh, first weapon in this show that turns out to be a fluke, apart maybe the Dragon Armor of the Firstborne... that one stayed intact at least 😅
HERE COMES THE VALKIRIES!!! *classic related music plays*
THIS. FIGHTING. SCENES. ARE. SO. FREAKING. GOOD 😍 Also wow sensei, full kamikaze with a dragon? I guess the sacrifice gene really runs into that family 😅
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A bit red, could mistake it for Kai's, but it's an orange earth lava burst so I understand
Cole: okay guys, done my part
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Cole: wake me up when next season is out
Okay, since there weren't evident references to Nexo Knights this season, can I pretend Fungus shooting fireworks is one? Merlok used to do that almost at every season finale... IMMA PRETEND 🙃
She is so adorable, I really love her. Wished we've seen more of her bond with her father, it felt a little easy her giving up on him. Idk, Sky and Chen didn't have that much of a bond but she struggled a lot! But she is super cool and cute, I ADORE her 💕
This sounds like a pretty good experience for Lloyd who FINALLY spent a season without being scarred for life!!! He even met a princess who didn't plan his death!!! Montgomery things are getting better 💚
Well, that surprised me, I guess Cole and Vania like each other but not heavily? Just a very light mood, like they care a lot but no other step further. I'm very happy about this choice, you can see it as a couple if you want, but you can also say they are just good friends. Nice 👍
Oh no, Wu got his midlife crisis, SOMEBODY STOPS HIM 😱
Wherever the wind will take them okay, wherever the producers will decide to torture them 😗
Overall, great finale! 😁
I think I enjoyed Prime Empire's finale more than this one, but this season with all of its episodes was absolutely AMAZING 🖤
The Skull Sorcerer wasn't necessarily a bad villain, but the story kinda went into another direction in my opinion so his part wasn't fundamental. Which isn't a bad thing for me, it's actually new and exciting see the attention to the story instead of the villain, and I did enjoy how they made fun of how cliche he was being 😂
Vania was GREAT. Wished we had more time with her father to really establish what kind of bond they had, but overall I loved her, new best girl acquired 💛💛💛
FREAKING ROCK MOM!! FREAKING LILLY!! I'm so emotional just thinking about this family, omg, THIS is the content I want for Ninjago! Impactful, that makes sense, connected to the heart that makes you so much closer to a character! Finally the Rock family is getting more complex 🖤
I think this season really gave Cole justice, we got her mom's story, we've got him leading a team again, we've got him with a cool new power! 😍😍
For the other ninja it was okay, I really liked the shenanigans with the tribes and the cultures were really fun to explore. Was kinda like a side quest and for me didn't bring that much to the main story, but it was fun and it's fair, Cole had all the attention he deserved 👌
Beautiful designs for the characters, in particular the Shintaro citizens, and also wonderful backgrounds and sceneries, that I thought were starting to lack but here seems much nicer to look at 🤩
What can I say? Ninjago still knows how to mess with my heart, and I'm so very happy about it. I think the so wanted Cole season was definitely worth it 🖤🖤🖤
Now, I heard voices about a possible Nya season... ABSOLUTELY YES, YES TO EVERYTHING, QUEEN GETTING HER OWN SEASON YES YES YES!!! 😍😍😍🌊🌊🌊 Besides that apparently Maya will come back, which is a dream coming true, if they give Nya the same attention they gave to Cole this season, I will be happy 😊
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