#and fandom related sorta
bylightofdawn · 1 year
Alright, I got about 3K written and the next part is gonna be a doozy Jaster's about to get some not happy fun news...hell it's not like it's a HUGE SURPRISE but he's going to find out Montross betrayed him and it's gonna be a s h i t s h o w.
And absolutely no one but Jaster was surprised, especially with the less than subtle hints I've been laying down. So that's going to take a while to write and since it's 12:30 I'm going to be a good girl and call it quits even though I high key cannot wait to write this terrible confrontation.
EDIT: Also, I'm gonna take a sec to edit and interrupt myself. I WROTE 3K WORDS IN ONE NIGHT. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT? And I've been regularly pumping out that word count which is how I've written like prolly 70K words in like 3 months. Maybe more I need to go back and look and see how much I'd written a few years ago when I started Seeds before my writing urge ran away from me.
Just did the calculation and it's rough but I'd written 11K of Seeds. With chapter 21 (not including 22 since I'm not adding stuff to the master doc until I'm done with a chapter) I'm at 103,000 words. I've written 92,000 words SINCE JANUARY. I can't even comprehend that. Like my brain cannot wrap itself around that large of a number. I get PANICKY thinking of a number that large and wondering how the fuck that happened. I wrote that? Me? It does not compute.
I am allowing myself to pat myself on the back for that accomplishment. I set out with an unofficial New Year's resolution (which I studiously never make because I feel like I always fail) to try and write a little bit a day. Well jokes on me because I've exceeded that expectation and resolution with flying colors. So this is me giving myself some well-deserved back pats and acknowledgment that I am awesome.
I'm not the greatest author out there, I have a lot of room for improvement but I am working on honing those skills, and that deserves to be acknowledged.
OKAY back to blathering on about Hot Toy's displays and diorama shit.
Instead I will write it tomorrow and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I want to take a second to blather on about something totally different. I've got three Star Wars Hot Toy's figures, my favorite boys Rex, Obi-Wan and Cody that I've picked up over the past few years. They live in an Ikea display case at the top and I love looking inside and seeing them but man I get so bummed at how shitty my display skills are.
I legit watched a Tested video today and Norm did this amazing customer display of like the new Bo-Katan hot toys figure displayed hanging from the ceiling seemingly in mid-flight descending on Mando. He apparently did it BEFORE he saw Mando S3 and he like a lot of us thought there'd be this huge confrontation between them. Anyway it looks amazing and I know I could never do anything that cool because 1) I lack the skill or experience. 2) I'm not backed by fucking Tested and have access to a $4,000 glowforge laser cutter to make custom acrylic cuts etc. Or a high end 3D printer etc. Suffice it to say that shit is an EXPENSIVE barrier to entry.
I have debated off and on spending a couple hundred dollars on a 3D printer and teaching myself how to do 3D modeling. I think it would be hard but I think I could teach myself how to do it. But it's justifying the price to even start. I have no interest in teaching myself how to do this and flipping shit on etsy with dozens of other people selling diorama pieces or turning it into a business. I don't think there's a lot of money to be had that way to be brutally honest and there's again dozens of sellers already doing that.
So I'd be literally investing a couple hundred dollars just to creatively challenge myself which isn't a bad thing. There's the satisfaction of learning a new skill and in learning. I just cannot justify the price just to satisfy my curiosity. I HAVE debated starting smaller. Like trying to do custom diorama bases all old-school and such. But I feel like there's still prolly a lot of up front money for supplies, prolly need more tools than the simple dremel I have. I don't even own a drill LOL I've been using my poor dremel as a drill for projects around my apartment and that has a very limited size of bits it can fit. Hell I wrestled with justifying buying that years ago, it was like 90 bucks and I've prolly realistically used it less than 10 times in like 5+ years.
I might still try it. I think I'd like to do a sort of desert /Utapau-inspired base for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Cody's figure actually came with a sandy textured base but Obi-Wan's was smooth. I ended up getting some 'action posable' stand off of Amazon which are hexagonal shaped and click together so I could display them together. Rex I'm just using the stand he came with which already has the bendable 'action' pose so he looks like he's flying. In a very lame and totally uninspired way. But we make due with the skills we have until we are willing to put for the effort to sharpen them and improve.
So really, I feel silly even whining about hating my display skills when I haven't managed to even move past the want and thinking stage of trying to improve it. I could buy a premade stand prolly for 50 to 100 bucks but that's a lot of money. Shit people are nuts, they are charging 50 bucks for what is essentially a full color vinyl sticker. Ya'l are joking, I know what that shit costs thanks to my years as being a printer so I could 100% get that made up for like 20-25 bucks at my local sign shop. Maybe less, I'll be honest I've been out of the game for a few years so it could be less or more.
People are charging stupid prices for those cool looking 3D printed ubiquitous Empire-inspired star destroyer panels. Like to the tune of 70 bucks for one panel like 4x12 panel. Which I'm sure is ALSO way overpriced. So technically I guess BUYING a 3D printer and making my own might end up being cheaper in the long run but....bro.
I think I could prolly get my hands on chipboard and maybe glue together a couple of layers and hand cut out the design though I suspect it wouldn't be as neat or clean. But it's cheaper than the shit they sell on etsy. Pffft I could prolly go by a print shop and see if they have some larger sheets. I do have some sintra left over from years ago when I attempted to make my set of Tobirama armor which is way stiffer but I nearly cut my finger off with the cut off wheel on my dremel soooooooooooo I'm very nervy around using the cut off wheel. LOL
I might find a thinner version online the stuff I used was like 1/4 thickness or something meant to be used for signs. Coroplast would be an excellent choice if it didn't have the visible ribbing where the expanded foam channels weren't so obvious. But that easily cuts with an exacto knife. Hmmmn I wonder if there would be a way of covering it maybe with plastic dip or something they use for foam sealant on foam armor? You can apparently sand that down.
That might not be a bad choice for like flat surfaces. And I'd be covering it with a sandy texture anyway. Just don't know if it can be heat formed. I might have to hit up Juan and see if he'd be willing to sell me a couple sheets of coroplast to experiment with. There are also things like paper mache, but ugh that shit is messy and I've had limited success making props with it in the past. Same for foam clay though I think with a couple of layers of plastidip it might not look as bad as the stuff I've done in the past.
And hell that's prolly less than 20 bucks in materials to just play around and find out. I love I've spent 30 minutes just typing up this long, meandering flow of thought. This is totally the quality content I'm sure people have followed my tumblr for.
But again it's post midnight and post midnight Gremlin brian!El is not responsible for the shit she posts. Maybe I should put that as a disclaimer on my blog. :P
Look it's Star Wara tangential. at least.
Of course, the problem with a small town is the only hobby store in town is Hobby Lobby and I REFUSE to give them any of my money so I might have to drive into San Antonio to Michaels to get some hobby crap. Or continue to support Daddy Bezos which I'm also not super hot on though it's become a sort of necessary evil at this point.
Man I wish I could go back to 10 years ago me when I didn't have to debate ethical consumerism cause it kinda sucks and I miss that obliviousness.
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incessantlark · 1 month
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eef wieners...
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burinazar · 7 months
:( patheticposting
nearly literally reduced to tears rn by how overwhelmingly it feels like nobody cares what I make or like or think about and how meaningless any of my creativity and love and effort is
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bwaldorf · 3 months
also alicole's self-flagellation as foreplay (born out of their guilt & seeing their own desire as sinful) was such a crazy fun concept i ate it up sorryyyyy 🫣
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miramilocamimira · 7 months
Prompt time again!!!
What if instead of the gods going to fight back Typhoeus, only Zeus does, again? What if he's terrified, shaking, and can't show it, as he watches his family run off again? The lingering feelings of resentment and abandonment, the words he wants to say get gagged by his own mind as he watches them leave. At how they are free to run away and stay safe. How guilt bubbles up along with fear.
After all, how can those you love stay safe if you fail? How can he be upset that they choose to cower when it is he who gives them that option? But the relief that comes at knowing they'd be safe for even a minute longer stops him from speaking. He steels his nerves, grasps his bolt, and meets the creature that had nearly ruined him before.
Then Percy asks Poseidon to help him.
What if when Poseidon gets to the fight? He's there just in time to see Zeus on the ground with Typhoeus moving towards him. He can see his brother shaking and concern courses through him.
“Once again they leave you to me.” Gaia’s youngest speaks without emotion. “You fight for those that do not fight with you. A pity, I suppose.” Zeus attempts to scramble away but the beast grabs his leg. “Unlike you, though, I will not make the same mistake.” The sky king responds with a verbal middle finger.
Typhoeus grins and Zeus, his brother, his little brother howls. Someone whom everyone called the strongest god, someone who many believed it was impossible to hear scream. To make a sound so haunting, so anguished, as Typhoeus ripped the tendons from one of his legs.
The thing in front of him reaches over for Zeus’ other leg. He doesn't think he's ever felt so angry before. The feeling grows, rising over the limit, Poseidon blasts the beast off of and away from the sky god.
He wastes no time and moves between the two. His baby brother behind him chokes out his name and he can see that the tendons weren't all that were hurt. Zeus’ tear-stained face, the various wounds from battle.
In this moment, he is more thankful for having Percy than any other hero he's sired before. Zeus truly thought he'd lose here and with it, everything. And if his son hadn't brought him out to help…
“You would dare.” Poseidon growls.
The dirt beneath them gives under the fury of the earthshaker. Above it darkens as winds loyal to the Stormbringer, ally with the thundering clouds. The Cyclopes of Poseidon join the fray.
No no nonononono, why was Poseidon here? Typhoeus was dangerous. No. No. He has to focus. This is… it's good- everything is going to be fine. Zeus still has a working leg and two arms. He's not done for yet.
He forces himself up and grabs his bolt. He will not let Poseidon do this alone. Not like he did.
They won. The fact that Typhoeus was once again defeated allows his breath to slow. His good leg, weak from fear, gives way once the adrenaline stops. He curses.
They still need to get back to Olympus and he's so weak that he can't get his body to rise. Zeus hears some movement behind him and yet he cannot gather the strength to care. His body is still trembling as he tried his best to wipe away the tears that had fallen.
Later, he will advise himself to pay more attention to his surroundings. This, of course, is due to his second eldest brother. While he was not paying attention, Poseidon decided to come over and pick him up.
He can't help the noise that comes out. Thankfully, the older doesn't comment but his face still heats up. Poseidon has one arm under his legs and another around his ba- freaking bridal style?!?
“Put me down! Poseidon, put me down now!” The older ignores him, asking his army if any had seen where the tendons ended up. Zeus moves around, well, he tries to. The grip on him tightens and Poseidon takes it a step further by using a hand to bring the younger’s head to his shoulder. A young cyclops, he believes is named Tyson, comes up with the tendons and hands them over.
“Apollo,” says the most annoying individual Zeus has ever had to live with. There's a moment before he can feels his son’s gaze shift over to them. “Meet me at Olympus.”
He tries again to get the sea god to put him down and he gets shushed. SHUSHED. Like a child. The king of gods has never felt so humiliated. Tendons of one leg in hand, held in that gods-be-damned princess carry, and a face he's certain is strawberry red.
It's in that situation that Poseidon teleports them to the building beneath rather than Olympus. A barrier or something must have been placed but Apollo is there and wastes no time in directing them where to go. Zeus would try to ask for updates on the battlefield but his son is in doctor mode and would just refuse to answer anyway.
When they get to where his son has deemed well enough to stitch him back up, Poseidon still needs to be convinced to set him down. Even when he does he hovers over him despites Zeus telling him to go. Multiple times.
Eventually, he gets Poseidon to go on the condition that he is immediately informed when it was done.
Apollo is steadier than Hermes was. But tendons are tricky. Zeus is just glad it was only one leg this time.
“He's worried.” The sky god just barely hears his son’s words. “Uncle P has rarely ever refused to leave when I ask. I- Father, how bad was it that uncle…?”
“It was nothing.” He lies. He still remembers his heart racing, the bolt nearly falling out of his hand from his shaking, the thoughts that plagued him. “He's being weird.”
It doesn't look like the sun god believes him. Yet he is not questioned further. He does not go to Poseidon when Apollo is done.
Instead, he feels the call of the hearth and brings himself to the throne room. He follows it. The room is damaged, demigods before him, and his fellow immortals having appeared. He glances at Poseidon.
Zeus is a king. He is their king. He does not gulp upon seeing the look on his brother’s face.
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myersesque · 7 months
so like. what is the general consensus abt getting gale's orb tattooed on u. bc i relate to him n his backstory a fuckton and Really Want It (no promises i'll listen to the general consensus, i just wanna know what it is)
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tkbrokkoli · 1 year
i think de could be a fun game to play w friends. like. you play but let them decide which choices to make
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runawaycarouselhorse · 4 months
There are Hunger Games fans so young, they weren't around when the movies first came out and didn't know there was outrage from racist fans who apparently didn't pay attention to how Rue's appearance was described in the book ("satiny brown skin," etc.), zeroed in on how much like Prim she was in Katniss' eyes, and imagined her White, and were upset and shocked and felt her death wasn't as sad knowing she was a Black girl. There's a lot of Hunger Games fans who just don't... take in any of the real positive messages or think deeply at all (in the company of Katniss' actress supporting genocide.)
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Seeing that, you realize why the American editions of Harry Potter bluntly stated Lee Jordan and Blaise Zabini being "Black boy"s even though the British original simply relied on cultural cues. If you don't bluntly say it, apparently... a bunch of people will still default to White for everyone.
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fuzziemutt · 5 months
It's kinda sad to me how much the second a character gets autism blasted, the fandom changes everything about the character
Like now this character can't drive or cook and is always silly goofy never serious/professional with like no regard to actual canon (we see this character cook multiple times and well, is a professional driver/is an action hero type, holds very important positions of power/typically is in neutral external emotional standing)
I know this is the tism website but every time I see it I wonder where it's coming from and I def don't want to just pin the tail on the ableism because I feel there's more factors at work maybe... Hopefully....
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
Where I've Been These Past Few Months
Hello Tumblr. I'm back! You have probably been wondering where I've been these past few months. I mean, no major posts, no re-blogs; I basically went cold turkey. Well, a lot of things happened that kinda drained my energy. I had some hellish friend drama, my family life hasn't been the best, and I just needed to take a posting break from both Tumblr and AO3. I also took a break from the PaTB fandom so I could expand my horizons with other things I'm interested in. But now, for the 30th anniversary of Animaniacs, I'm returning to posting for the fandom until the end of the month. I'm going to be hopefully writing some more PaTB fanfiction (there's an idea in particular that I'm excited about) and my goal is to get ideas that I had planned done (i.e. more essays, ranking lists, other special posts). I also have a few announcements for my followers that are listed below:
After September, this blog will be changed so that all my fandoms can be incorporated. So, this blog will no longer be dedicated to solely Pinky and The Brain. For everyone who came for my essays, I thank you so very much for all your support and appreciation. And I'm hoping you'll stay for all my other hyperfixations. Don't worry! I'm not leaving the Animaniacs community; it's just my blog will include more things I'm interested in. I'm also hoping this will get more people to see my work.
A few ideas I had planned are now cancelled due to lack of interest. Brain Week is the biggest cancellation on my list. I just don't have the time right now and I've lost interest in the idea recently. My fanfiction "When He Loved Me" will also not continue for the time being. I've had so many other ideas for other, much better fanfics, that I haven't have time to work on this one. Some ideas are still ready to go, such as my reviews of the PaTB comics and my ranking of every reboot episode/song. And of course, new essays about certain aspects of PaTB and Animaniacs are in production. Also, I have a new multi-chapter fanfiction currently in planning, so the first chapter will probably be released in the upcoming weeks.
Below are some introductions to a few fandoms I'm planning on exploring (Ps: for some posts I'll make for these fandoms, you don't need to be in the fandom to understand what's going on):
The Owl House is a show that was released in 2020 on Disney Channel. It's famous for it's LGBTQ+ characters and it's insane world building. The magic lore, beautiful animation, and memorable characters have made this show a phenomenon with millions of fans and a dedicated community of people who use this show as a comforting tool. I've been involved with the fandom since 2021, where I fell in love with the show after discovering the LGBTQ+ themes. As someone who recently discovered their sexuality, this show connected with me. I even made some close friends through this show. I'm very excited to start discussing it with all of you, and maybe I can get some people into the show.
The Rock-afire Explosion is an animatronic band dating all the way back to 1980. For people who follow me that are familiar with the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, you may or may not know that these guys are one of the major inspirations behind the video game. The restaurant the band performed at was called Showbiz Pizza Place. The RAE became staples of many people's childhood (including my mom's) and were beloved icons. Though their rival company Chuck E. Cheese would replace the band, their memory lives on through private collections, and even a few public venues. This is actually the oldest fandom I've been involved in aside from My Little Pony. I've loved this band since 2019 and have been wanting to discuss them for a while. I know many people on Tumblr aren't familiar with the band, but that's my goal. To give my followers something they've never seen before, and might become interested in. Seriously, The Rock-afire Explosion have some great music and are so full of character. I might even make a series reviewing their showtapes along with old Chuck E. Cheese tapes. This show is underrated and I believe that giving you guys some exposure to them might give you a new topic of interest or just something new to learn about.
I also might do some reviews for other shows that I want to watch like She-Ra, Dead End: Paranormal Park, Steven Universe, The Looney Tunes Show, Amphibia, The Ghost and Molly McGee, DuckTales 2017, The Dragon Prince, and more. So, basically, this is becoming a generalized animation review blog on occasion, with my fixations being places at the forefront. I'm hoping these expansion plans help to give me motivation for posting more, and will give my followers a wide variety of content to look forward to.
That's about it for updates to the blog. And yes, I changed my username. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my absence in these past few months. This break was what I needed for my mental health and I feel motivated enough to continue posting. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me, I'm eternally grateful. So, to everyone who views this post, I'm back and more than ready to be active again! I'm excited to engage in fandom things again! See y'all soon! Narf!
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flowers-that-sing · 9 months
its been so long since ive written that when i go back i’ll have to reread it from the beginning :’) i hardly have time to read for fun anymore 😭 and i wrote novel length stuff too so itll take forever and ill probably forget half the details by the time i finish catching up 😭
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roboromantic · 7 months
the assignment for art this week is to make 3 character silhouettes and like, in theory I know how to do this even if I can't necessarily draw it all that well, but I just have No ideas for characters. I need some guidelines beyond "must be your own humanoid OC, not related to any existing property" or I get decision paralysis
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girlyliondragon · 11 months
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Rough sketch of something that was originally gonna be my icon for October, but oops the month flew by. o.o' Doubt I'll finish this any time soon in that regard.
Sapphire in the finished version was gonna basically be infected with rabies and there would've been foam in her mouth and it would've looked cool imo (even tho technically she can't get infected but it was for the idea at the time)
Sketch/OC: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me
Do not put this in some AI shit to try and finish, this is my fucking work and my desire regarding whether or not I'll ever finish it should be respected. AI is art theft, fuck off.
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thebrokenbean · 1 year
TFW you come online to 20+ notifications and like 8 of them are likes/reblogs from a user you look up to
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lewditydegreeblog · 1 year
Yui crumbled up the paper, throwing it halfway across their small room. They lay down on their bed, a sigh of frustration escaping their lips. 
They had wanted to draw their wonderful sunshine. Just wanted to perfectly capture her soft hair, beautiful eyes…her smile that kept them up at night at this very moment. 
Oddly enough, Yui got inspired by Kylar, of all people. Earlier that day, they stumbled upon him intruding on their locker, and of course, he ran away once he saw them. A small piece of paper fell from his hoodie pocket, and Yui felt obligated to pick it up.
The paper had a detailed drawing of Yui on it. Yui rolled their eyes upon seeing it, but they couldn’t deny he had talent. They actually liked how Kylar shaded their hair and leather jacket. 
Not enough to care, though. Yui crumbled up the paper and threw it away at the first trash bin they saw, already moving on with their day. Or, Yui thought they would, but…a drawing might be a good distraction. A simple drawing of Robin could help when their sleepless nights got worse, when they desperately want to hold her tight and never let go. 
Yui didn’t have Kylar’s talent for drawing, though. They had thrown five pieces of paper, each drawing looking worse than the last. The hair looked messy, the eyes wonky…struggling to match her warm smile. 
If Robin had seen their attempts, oh how she would’ve giggled and said that she loved them anyway. Yui’s cat ears fell flat in embarrassment at the thought. She was always happy with the simplest things, even when they could be so much better…
Yui’s eyes went to their guitar in a corner. Not wanting to pick up the pencil in futile effort again, they stood up and walked towards it. They weren’t an expert, but they were at least better at playing this instrument than drawing. They’ll settle for this, for now. 
Tracing their fingers along the strings, they sang the first words that came to mind. Words they want to say to Robin, but know they have to keep their lips sealed for now.
Darling sunshine
If only you saw your image in my heart
I want only your kindness and touch
Just say the word, darling
And I’ll be yours forever
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retrospectislame · 1 year
wilbur soot brainrot just hit me like a fucking truck i thought i was done with this what the heck
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