#and firmly believes in the benefits of growing up like that
liveandletrain · 1 year
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I am absolutely fascinated about what might give that impression. Genuinely curious this is so cool.
I am actually a feral country child from the middle-of-nowhere rural texas, who grew up 30 minutes away from the town that my mailing address said I lived at, 45 minutes from the nearest Walmart, about the same distance from the county fairgrounds. (Where I won runner up best of show for my cinnamon rolls when I was 13-ish)
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thekatebridgerton · 7 months
I feel like with Daphne and Anthony seasons family was more anxious about their drama, cause they're eldest siblings and there's a lot of pressure by default. But Colin is just... Their local clown? Not really in derogatory way, but more like "Oh, yeah, this is Colin, he's been an idiot when it comes to Pen for the past God knows how many years. Nothing new here. It's not gonna cause royal size of a scandal". So they all just lay back and enjoy their pop corn, and then it's turns out that Pen is the most chaotic and unhinged addition this family is about to have.
This is so true I firmly believe that Colin and Penelope getting together was supposed to be a good thing on paper because #finally. Everyone thought she was going to ground him, get him to grow up and be a more mature guy, and all that, because pen is so shy and would benefit from Colin's energetic enthusiasm.
but in the long run it was like trying to rein in pack of horses. They're so unbelievably unhinged sometimes that I'm convinced they were responsible for chaperoning Hyacinth the year she met Gareth. And you guys can't convince me otherwise
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
i think i'm gonna love you (for a long, long time)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Word Count: 3.2k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, oral sex, unsafe PIV sex, enemies to lovers, rivals with benefits, love confessions, slightly sentient Room of Requirement
Summary: request: "what if seb and reader have been academic rivals since they’ve started hogwarts, are basically enemies, and seemingly can’t stand each other. meanwhile everyone knows of their rivalry, BUT what they don’t know is that the two take their aggression out on each other by sleeping together … and maybe seb eventually admits his feelings when someone tries to flirt/sleep with reader and seb gets pissy and jealous…"
But not even three days had gone by before you were at it again – this time with Sebastian lifting you onto an unused potions stand and burying his face between your thighs. Afterward you heard yourself saying filthily enticing nonsense to Sebastian to coax him into pressing inside you, fucking you so hard that a whole stack of empty cauldrons next to you tipped over – and even then you didn’t stop. You have not and will not talk about it. "Take out your wand," you growl. "Take off your clothes," he counters.
To this day, neither you nor Sallow will admit which one of you found the Room of Requirement first.
If you ask him, he’ll swear up and down that he found it first. As his story goes, he’d been wandering the Astronomy Tower in a frenzy, pacing back and forth in front of that batty tapestry with the dancing trolls and thinking that he desperately needed somewhere where he could grow magical plants with the same kinds of results he would get back home in Feldcroft.
Sebastian isn’t exactly a green thumb, but he’s nevertheless determined to excel in Herbology, just like he does in all his classes. Magical plants are overflowing with life and therefore especially challenging to someone like Sebastian, who firmly believes that he can track down a book that will help him solve just about anything. But to succeed in Herbology, he needed planters, and good soil, and most of all a consistent climate like the temperate hamlet in which he grew up.
Then the Room of Requirement appeared, offering a spacious greenhouse-like room full of empty planters, limitless fertilizer and a shelf full of books on Herbology.
You, on the other hand, contend that he’s utterly full of it.
You had obviously found the Room of Requirement first because Professor Sharp had specifically mentioned its existence to you. (Of course, it was an attempt to stop you from lingering in his potions classroom at all hours trying to improve your brewing skills.)
When you had entered, you were greeted by an array of squeaky-clean cauldrons, a dozen potions stations, shelves of exotic ingredients in glass jars – even a hopping pot!
Neither of you had known that the other was aware of the Room’s existence until one late autumn evening in your sixth year when you’d both arrived at the same time to do some after-hours studying.
To say that you and Sallow had a complicated relationship is a severe understatement. Academic rivals, occasional friends, frequent adversaries… no one really knew where the two of you stood on any given day. By your sixth year, you both were competing to be at the top of your class and your friendship was extremely tenuous at best. The stress of your upcoming N.E.W.T. exams was tangible, and while neither of you said anything to the other, both of you felt overwhelmed – and you needed that Room.
You’d nearly dueled for it right there in the hallway, but then the door to the Room quickly appeared and inside you’d discovered that it had efficiently rearranged itself to suit both your needs.
You made a pact that the east wing full of bubbling potions and self-cleaning cauldrons was to be your domain, and the west wing’s long rows of planters bursting with plant life would be Sebastian’s. For the rest of the year, you’d simply tried to avoid each other as much as possible.
“You’re a right foul prick, you know that?” you tell Sebastian as the door to the Room slams shut behind you.
“What is it this time?” he asks lazily, trimming a few leaves off of a dittany plant without sparing you a glance.
“You cheated today at Crossed Wands,” you insist.
You shrug off your robes and drop your school bag to the floor, leaving your belongings in a messy heap feet from the Room’s entrance. As soon as Sebastian hears your bag hit the ground, he sets down his shears.
“You’ve finally gone mad,” he says simply. “That’s what this is about, isn’t it?”
“You cheated,” you repeat. “Even Lucan thinks using Diffindo was a step too far.”
“I missed, didn’t I?” he reminds you as he turns around. “Though judging by the state of you, that’s hard to believe.”
Admittedly, you are quite disheveled. You’d practically sprinted up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower to give Sebastian a piece of your mind, and now you’re red-faced, a bit sweaty and your hair is a wild mess.
“I have half a mind to hex you right here, right now,” you seethe.
Sebastian rakes his gaze down your body and smirks.
“Did you come all this way just for a rematch?” he asks, his voice low.
That’s all it takes for the energy in the room to shift wildly.
You are not proud of this, but ever since the beginning of your seventh year, you and Sebastian have been sleeping together. It’s just a ridiculous amount of sex, really.
You can’t even remember how it started. You just remember that one day, the two of you were standing in the middle of your shared Room arguing ferociously about whether you could help yourself to some of the lacewing flies flitting around Sebastian’s Mallowsweet bushes.
The next thing you knew, your back was against a bookshelf and your arms were wrapped around Sebastian’s neck while he kissed you breathless. Moments later, your skirt was pushed up around your waist and he was pressing two fingers inside you and it was bloody brilliant.
After he’d deftly gotten you off and you’d returned the favor with your mouth, you quickly sprung apart and didn’t say a word to each other.
But not even three days had gone by before you were at it again – this time with Sebastian lifting you onto an unused potions stand and burying his face between your thighs. Afterward you heard yourself saying filthily enticing nonsense to Sebastian to coax him into pressing inside you, fucking you so hard that a whole stack of empty cauldrons next to you tipped over – and even then you didn’t stop.
You have not and will not talk about it.
“Take out your wand,” you growl.
“Take off your clothes,” he counters.
Your hands twitch at your sides as you consider your options. Wand or skirt? Vengeance, or satisfaction?
Sebastian looks entirely too satisfied with himself when you mumble a curse under your breath and reach behind you for the clasp of your skirt.
He quickly unbuttons his own shirt while you step out of your shoes and roll down your stockings. Lately whenever the two of you strip off your clothes, it turns into an unspoken race that Sebastian wins almost every time, though you insist it’s only because he doesn’t have to wear corsets.
At least he’s not too much of a prick to make you take off the offending garment yourself, even if it’s mostly an excuse to get his hands on your body as soon as he can.
Sebastian is still wrestling with the last hook on your corset when a door appears in the middle of the back wall of the Room, creaking open with absolutely no subtlety.
(You had both been horrifically embarrassed the first time the Room had offered you a bedroom, but since then you’ve grown to appreciate it.)
Sebastian roughly marches you inside and pushes you down on the bed. You snap at him to watch it, not so hard up for him that you won’t go and get your wand.
He simply raises an eyebrow at you like he doesn’t believe you and joins you on the bed, turning you over onto your stomach.
“I’m not a dog, Sallow,” you protest.
“Let me get a look at you first,” he explains. “Got you in the back at Cross Wands, I just want to check that it’s closed up.”
You fall silent at that. Rather than firing off a witty retort about how it’s so typical that he’d cast a spell at you with your back turned, you reach for a pillow and wad it up under your head, letting him trace his fingertips over a sensitive, freshly-healed burn wound on your shoulder blade.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright on your back?” he asks quietly.
“Yes,” you answer, just as softly. “Poppy put some salve on it for me, it’s fine.”
“Good,” he murmurs.
Before he lets you turn around, he presses a soft kiss over the wound. It’s unsettling at first. It feels sweet, apologetic – possibly even claiming. Those are not words you associate with Sebastian Sallow of all people, who is brash and unrepentant and certainly not dependable.
(These are all things you remind yourself daily to try to stop being so stupidly, foolishly in love with him.)
Then it’s over, and he’s got you on your back with his hands on your tits while he’s determinedly tonguing at your clit, stubbornly set on making you come with just his mouth as if to prove that he can.
You’re in an especially foul mood several weeks later when Leander pulls you aside after Charms class.
“Can I help you?” you ask annoyedly.
Your patience for Prewett has gone down significantly since you were younger. As a spoiled young man about to enter the wizarding world, he’s become haughty and pretentious and remains not particularly talented.
He’s nothing like Sebastian, your lovesick brain tells you, which makes you sincerely sick of yourself as well.
“Perhaps you can,” he says teasingly. “I was thinking about going down to Hogsmeade this weekend and I wanted to invite you to join me.”
“I don’t have time, I need to study,” you tell him, trying to beg off.
“You do seem particularly aggrieved today,” Leander points out. “Why don’t you let me take you to the Three Broomsticks for a Butterbeer?”
“Leander, I’m just not interested,” you insist, moving to duck around him.
“Quit being ridiculous, we’ve been playing this little game for far too long,” he says arrogantly, reaching for your hand to stop you from walking off.
Before he can touch you, a fiery spell arcs through the air and lands squarely on Leander’s palm. He yelps in pain as he pulls back his hand, cradling it to his chest.
“What the bloody hell was that?!” he demands. “Did you do that?”
“I did, Prewett,” you hear Sebastian’s voice say.
You glance behind you and notice that he’s leaning far too casually against the wall outside of class, lazily spinning his wand in his fingers.
“You seem to have a really hard time understanding the word ‘no,’” Sebastian observes. “That thick-headedness, is that something all Gryffindors have, or is it just you?”
As a Gryffindor yourself, you shoot him a look.
“Bugger off, Sallow,” Leander replies. “This is none of your business, you prat.”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Sebastian says, his voice formidably even. “If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, that’s very much my business.”
“Since when do you give a damn about her?” Leander challenges. “You two hate each other, everyone knows that.”
“We don’t,” you mumble. “Sebastian, he just – we’re competitive, that’s all. But we’re friends.”
“‘Competitive?’ He’s nowhere near your level,” Leander sneers.
Sebastian scoffs, and you brace for him to go on and on about his many accomplishments – all earned, of course – but instead he says, “Obviously, Prewett, as there’s no one in this entire school who’s good enough for her, myself included. But you don’t have to try so damn hard to fall to the bottom of the list.”
Good enough?
You blink, stunned. Leander looks bewildered as well, but then he demands, “Is that what this is about? You’re in love with her?”
“What?” you laugh. “Of course he’s not.”
“Of course I am,” Sebastian says easily. “Hopelessly, in fact.”
You must have fallen and smacked your head off the statue outside of class when Leander tried to grab you, you think. That’s the only way any of this makes any sense.
“You’re pathetic,” Leander guffaws. “Merlin, Sallow, I actually feel bad for you!”
Again, you brace yourself for Sebastian to throw a litany of devastating curses toward Leander, but instead he simply shrugs and tucks his wand away.
“Go right ahead, mate,” he says, reaching for your hand.
Mindlessly you let him take it, lacing his fingers with yours while Leander just gapes. Without another word, Sebastian leads you toward the stairs up to the Astronomy Tower, the small crowd of students who’d gathered to watch the whole debacle swiftly parting for him.
“Sebastian,” you hiss. “What were you thinking back there?”
“Evidently I wasn’t,” he says under his breath.
“You have to apologize to Leander, and tell him you were just joking,” you say anxiously, fretting the whole way up the stairs. “He’s going to tell the entire school otherwise, and they’re all going to believe that you–”
“That I’m in love with you?” he cuts you off. “Good.”
“Good?!” you sputter. “But it’s not true!”
Sebastian comes to an abrupt stop feet from the room to the Door, a dumbstruck look on his face. “What do you mean?”
“You aren’t in love with me,” you say deliberately, as if you’re trying to communicate with someone who’s been concussed by a Bludger. “You don’t even like me, you can barely stand me.”
He’s wordlessly watching you pace and rant at him, his expression drawing tighter.
“It’s different in the Room, that’s not – that’s just physical,” you insist. “I understand that, Sebastian.”
“That’s what you want?” he asks, his voice sounding rougher than usual. “Just meaningless sex?”
“That’s what it’s always been, hasn’t it?” you ask desperately.
You feel like you’re going a bit mad. You never talk, you just strip each other bare and cling to each other unrelentingly like anchors while you get each other off, you thought that that’s all you could ever expect from him.
“Not for me,” Sebastian says bitterly. “Not for a while.”
“You… you never told me,” you breathe, your fingers twitching at your sides as though your hands have to reach out for him.
“I was scared!” he shouts. “I knew you didn’t feel the same way and I didn’t want to stop, I couldn’t stop, so I didn’t tell you.”
Merlin, you’re both so damn stupid, you realize.
“But you’re wrong,” you tell him, still tensed up like you’re both about to draw wands at each other. “Sebastian, I’ve been in love with you for ages.”
Before either of you says another word, the door to the Room of Requirement swings open unprompted, and you become keenly aware of the sound of fourth-year students stomping up the stairs to their Astronomy lesson.
“Inside,” he murmurs, and the two of you quickly duck into your Room.
Sebastian reaches for you as soon as the door melts away. But this time instead of tugging off your tie or fumbling with the waistband of your skirt, he simply holds you against his chest, nose buried in your hair.
“Say it again,” he pleads.
“I love you,” you confess, lips pressed to the hollow of this throat. “I’m mad for you, Sebastian.”
“I need you,” he growls as his hands slide down from your back to your ass, easily sliding underneath your skirt. “I need you like this.”
He pulls you into a desperate kiss, and you can’t help but smile against each others’ lips when you hear that bedroom door creak open.
He marches you inside just like he had before, but this time you appreciate that his hands are gentle on your body as he maneuvers you toward the bed. You step out of your skirt and stockings and let him take off the rest, helping himself to slow, lazy kisses in between pulling garments off of you.
“Sebastian,” you eventually whine. “Hurry up.”
“Merlin, you’re still the same as before,” he laughs delightedly. “I’ll never catch a break with you, will I?”
“Never,” you grin.
Sebastian divests you of your corset and you lie down on the bed to watch him take off his own uniform. You’ve known him for so many years now, but in the past year, you’ve closely watched him grow from a boy into a man – solid, broad and deceptively tall.
“Come here,” you whisper, and he practically throws himself onto the bed.
“Can I ask you something?” he whispers against your jaw.
“Anything,” you breathe.
He pauses for a beat before murmuring, “Do you think it will be different now? Since we love each other?”
You pause to consider, but then you tell him, “I don’t think so, no.”
“Why’s that?” he asks curiously.
“Because we’ve been in love with each other this whole time,” you tell him softly. “So it’s not that different, really.”
Sebastian makes a heartbreakingly fond sound before he starts kissing down your body, single-minded in his quest to pleasure you.
You lose track of time while he’s licking you open, deliriously babbling words of praise and pleas for more until you realize you’ve both certainly missed your last class of the day. You don’t think you or Sebastian has ever missed a class, certainly not since your O.W.L.s, and now here you are with your legs spread and your love’s tongue on your clit and you can’t even remember what class you just missed.
He makes you come twice before he entertains the idea of letting you catch your breath, but he doesn’t give you much time to recover before he’s throwing your legs over his shoulders and sinking inside you, his brow furrowed and his mouth hanging open.
“Bastian,” you whine. “Please.”
He’s perhaps a touch too gentle with you at first, romanticizing your first time together as actual lovers rather than rivals letting off some steam.
But by now you’ve done sinful things in this bed more times than you can count, and you need the Sebastian who routinely whispers pure filth in your ear until you’re trembling on the edge of your climax – and he’s happy to deliver.
You’re nearly bent in half by the time he spills inside you, softly groaning your name. You slide a hand down your body to rub your clit and make yourself come one last time, desperate to reach your peak with him still inside you.
“Let me,” he grunts, nudging your hand away so he can finish you himself.
You’re completely spent by the time Sebastian pulls out of you and collapses next to you in bed. He tugs you against his chest and nudges a leg between yours, and that’s the first thing you notice that’s different than before.
You get to stay with him.
Despite knowing full well that you’ll surely miss dinner if you fall asleep, you both quickly drift off curled around each other, soaking in the peace and quiet of your Room.
The next morning, you and Sebastian wake up in a very different Room than the one you’ve occupied for the past two years.
Instead of a strict divide between your space and Sebastian’s, your bubbling cauldrons and bursting planters are tucked up together in thoughtful pairs — dittany next to the Wiggenweld cauldrons, knotgrass by your simmering Invisibility potions and so on.
“This is brilliant,” Sebastian observes after you get redressed and pace the length of the room together. “Why didn’t we do this earlier?”
You shoot him a withering look. “You know precisely why, Sallow.”
He laughs brightly and bumps his shoulder against yours.
“Regardless, good luck separating them now,” he murmurs. “What’s mine is yours, love.”
“What’s mine is yours,” you agree, a content smile on your lips.
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superkooku · 1 month
I see it as a personal theory but it saddens me that Maomao's parents didn't really love eachother but instead wanted something to gain from it, both resulting terribly for them.
In worse it had an impact on their own child, with her not really being showing emotions, especially viewing love in a negative light. Not to blame her growing up in a environment where women are mere objects for men to desire.
That's a sad but interesting take. And honestly, it's pretty realist too considering Maomao's life isn't a fairytale. Though I see it in a different way. A different taste of tragedy.
(rant incoming)
To me, Lakan and Fengxian made some form of bond, at least friends with benefits.
We see Lakan's POV. Him literally crying and going towards Fengxian even if she's sick proves that he loved her. She's the only one (with Maomao) whose face he can see, her playing partner in go and shogi (they share hobbies, which is a great way to create bonds imo).
We see him running in the rain, begging to see her, his desperation when he sees the letters and the fingers. It's pretty clear to me he loves her.
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It's more ambiguous on Fengxian's side, as we don't get her inner monologue, but she seems to have missed him too. Though their reunion is shown through rose-tinted glasses, as she never recovered from syphilis in reality. Just Lakan's imagination.
So I'd have less trouble believing she didn't fully love him but I think he's pretty much smitten (I'll watch the series again soon, to refresh my memories).
They're also a parallel to the couple from episode 4, the concubine who faked her (mental) illness to go with the man she loved, trapped in a world where she'd only be a pretty object.
Though I agree with the fact that both had something to gain, especially in the beginning, and as the feelings changed, none of them were able to communicate correctly.
Fengxian was known to be a very proud woman after all. And Lakan likes strategy and twisted games. So they're both terrible at communication and then he's sent in foreign land and she's pregnant. It's too late.
I completely agree about what you said on Maomao, though. The environment she grew up in, especially before Luomen picked her up, was terrible for a child.
She ended up very reserved, taking any emotional display as putting too much attention on herself, something detrimental.
Because of her upbringing, she refuses to be sold by the madam because she knows what to expect. She still has nightmares of her mother cutting her fingers, puts fake freckles to seem uglier. She knows how dirty men can be, she saw lust, STDs, assassination attempts, poverty.
What an awful childhood.
And I COMPLETELY understand why someone like Jinshi makes her uncomfortable. She doesn't like the attention and just wants to live quietly with her passion as an apothecary. And he's clingy as hell, like in that honey scene.
I firmly believe that if he learns to leave her alone, she'll warm up to him faster, because she won't associate him with lecherous men anymore.
It's fortunate Maomao had Luomen as a positive father figure and Meimei/Pairin/Joka as "motherly sisters". She wasn't alone in this terrible world.
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
Can we talk about how the buddy system is so good for them (even tho I hate the m1l1tary with all my forces)? Like I saw people talking about how it was good for Jimin and how Jungkook looked sad for not being with another hyung 🙄 but like, I feel that the buddy system almost benefits jk even more than jm... Jk always talks about how good it was for him to grow up around his hyungs and how he doesn't know how he'd have turned out if it wasn't their influence on him.. him being around Jimin is really nice for him, so I believe it was good for both of them, not just Jimin!!
I firmly believe that doing that was what BOTH wanted and needed. I have never thought that one of them did it especially for the other but that they both did it for themselves. Jimin and Jungkook have talked for years about how they have been a great emotional help and support to each other. We have seen how they support each other when they are sad, sick. How they encourage each other, how they entertain each other. How they like being together. So applying for the buddy system was probably a natural decision for them. And that's what we should think about.
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eivor-wolfkissed · 1 month
Replaying dragon age now that I'm older- I've actually changed my opinions about Anders a lot and honestly? I *hate* Anders. There are certain things about his character I do like, and I like the tragedy of it all. But honestly I'm just not the biggest fan of him anymore. I think he's a good example of a bad activist who ends up hurting others more than enacting good change. He's more of a selfish accelerationist, rather than someone who listens to the people and fights for change that actually benefits them, but in the long run, his actions end up hurting mages even more in my opinion. He was a better person before he ended up getting jaded and possessed by Justice, then later, Vengance.
I think another thing that fueled my dislike of him is watching his hardcore fans do terrible things on here to other people (like watching some of his chronically online white fans accuse people of color within fandom of supporting police brutality just because they liked certain characters or held nuanced opinions about the templar/mage stuff, and misgender/exclude trans fans from queer fandom spaces for the same reasons stated above, to name a few things). All of these things combined have lead me to just be extremely annoyed by Anders overall. Not to mention his dick behavior towards other companions- like supporting Hawke selling Fenris into slavery, while pretending to be a freedom fighter? Lmao. Cringeworthy. Anders is not a morally good character by any means. For the things I do like- I do always side with the mages in DA2, and I fully support the actions taken to help mages escape the Kirkwall circle specifically. I really enjoyed doing the side quests with the mage underground. I love Anders' refusal to be caged and his determination to live freely (just wish he respected that in others and didn't support selling Fenris into slavery simply because he didn't agree with him. That's beyond selfish and straight up diabolical. Again, another thing that reminds me of IRL white leftists who refuse to deconstruct their bigotry). I just think the final action of destroying the chantry only invited chaos and didn't actually help mages at all (see the violence in DAI and how many innocent less powerful mages get killed by mobs of non mages because they no longer have protection. The circles needed a lot of changes but ripping them away completely and suddenly left a vacuum and invited way too much chaos imo).
And to be clear, this isn't a post with intent to shame all Anders fans. Not all of his fans act in the way I outlined earlier- just a particular, small but loud subset of them I have observed up close and interacted with one on one in the past. I don't think it's wrong to like this character at all- it's silly to claim that someone is morally wrong for liking a fictional character. There are things I still enjoy about his character! However growing up, getting a little wiser about activism, and watching *some* (not all) of his fans act like genuine bigots towards other dragon age fans, have made me lose more and more enthusiasm for him overall. It's also extrordinarily tiring to watch extremely sheltered and privileged people who have never witnessed acts of mass violence say that his final act of blowing up a church is Good and Moral when in actuality, it ended up murdering people who had nothing to do with the conflict. I do firmly believe that people who are gung ho about that action have a very idealized view of violence and do not actually comprehend how horrific and traumatizing these acts are on societies as a whole. It only ends up hurting the most vulnerable people and does nothing but invite violent chaos. I will fully admit I used to be one of those people, until I actually talked with and listened to real life refugees and other people who have experienced acts of terrorism and violent revolution in their respective home countries. These things always impact the most vulnerable members of society in horrific ways, and never actually holds people in power responsible... and all too often, pushes societies into even more authoritarianism.
Anyways. That's my essay on why Anders now annoys me greatly as an adult fan and why I veiw him more as a tragically doomed character rather than a freedom fighter. Anders, to me, is a terrorist in it for him and his. Not a freedom fighter. Everything stated here is my personal opinion- I'm not interested in debating people on my post, only sharing what I now think of this character- any kind of combative harassment added to this post will be ignored, blocked, and deleted.
It will be interesting to see what happens after I post this. If this post upsets you, please ignore it and do something healthy with your emotions, please do not engage in bullying.
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deuxcherise · 1 month
Operation Otterly-In-Love
C/w: Possibly OOC Neuvillette, cooking soup, suggestive behavior, dramatic!Reader, male!Reader
A/n: So… is he an otter or is he a dragon? It has been answered in the game, but as with many, many others, I suspect otherwise! Hehehe. Anyway, I realized I haven’t really written a story with a male!Reader so I decided to for a romance with our favorite Hydro Otter— I mean Hydro Dragon!
Everyone knows that there are many rules in the illustrious region of Fontaine, where wonderful engineering meets sophisticated art. There are some odd ones such as it being illegal to eat ketchup on its own, or that it is forbidden to release anything flying during the first three days of the month. But there is one particular rule, among the normal ones, that almost all prolific families follow, lest they allow any accumulated wealth and property to fall through their fingers… like some unscrupulous members of society unfortunately ailed by gambling or overindulgence of spirits or— may their souls find peace— illegal activities.
When it comes to inheritance, the rule states that the heir shall be the eldest child of the previous title holder.
Quite simple, is it not? And quite modern in some books, seeing as potential female heirs were often looked over for the benefit of a male heir historically, even when said ladies proved more capable than their gender counterparts. Nowadays, all that it requires is that one of  your parents possesses the particular title and that you are the eldest child (and of good health) to inherit it.
In this time and age, there are more and more families who have allowed the tides to turn and accepted this rule as is. However, there are still some who find it better to continue the traditional way. Such as the Vernon Family, whose older members have firmly stated that they would rather die than bypass a proper male heir.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t care less. If it were possible, you’d rather let your sister inherit the Vernon Viscountcy. Except that you are not only the eldest child of the eldest child but the only son of the Vernons, among cousins who are all daughters, thus you fit all of the qualifications to inherit everything. And so will your first son, should you ever consider settling down and finding a decent wife to make pregnant, as your parents constantly feel the need to remind you ever since you turned the adult age of 21.
Luckily for your despairing mama and papa, after much, much, much consideration for a handful of years, you have decided that now is that time.
You give an elegant twirl before you hold your hand out and dramatically declare, “Marry me, Neuvillette.”
It is less of a question, and more a command… or a suggestion if you’d like to put in gentler terms. However, you are confidently assured that he would say—
“No,” Neuvillette objects. Your sudden proposal did nothing to sway his attention from the ever growing stacks of paperwork on his desk he has yet to tackle, thanks to Furina. He didn’t so much as look up at all, much to your slight disappointment.
Quite understandable, really. Who in their sane mind would say yes to a sudden proposal when you haven’t courted each other yet? Even you would answer the same, though not as coldly as he did, especially to someone he’s known for a while. That being said, all part of the plan.
You place your hand over your heart and act as if he had shot you in the chest. “Augh, you wound me, Neuvi… But I understand, which is why I have come here to propose that we–”
Cut off, you take a moment to process. “No? I haven’t even asked the question yet,” you pout.
Neuvillette puts down his pen and pinches his nose bridge, letting out a heavy sigh that weighs on you more than expected. He finally makes eye contact with you, his dark blue slit eyes daring you to annoy him further than you already have. “(Y/n), as much as I entertain many of your jokes, I do not believe courting and marriage are topics one should play around with.”
You gasp, offended. “Pardon? I should have you know that I am being very serious. More serious than I have ever been in my life, in fact. I am asking to court you. I. (Y/n) Vernon. Want. To. Court. You. Neuvillette. I'm serious.”
You almost grin once you see a certain light enter his widening eyes, a signal of understanding. However, it suddenly goes away just as quickly as it had arrived, before he exhales a tired sigh and picks up his pen again. “My sincerest apologies,” he says, returning to concentrating and scribbling on his current paper. “I apologize if I have ever possibly led you to believe that I am interested in any sort of courting with anyone. I do not ever wish to court you or be courted by you.”
It is one thing for your intended person to forsake romance of any sort, but to add words specifically mentioning that he would never be interested in you… Well, it certainly makes your heart bleed a bit.
Oh ho, but not nearly enough to dissuade someone like you!
Although pained, your face doesn’t fail to turn that melting frown right side up, a new determination traveling through your veins. If he is not interested in courting you or being courted by you, then isn’t this simply a challenge you must face in order to win his heart? All good romances have to start somewhere, yours will just have to start from zero.
Your silence piques Nevillette’s attention once more, prompting him to look up and take notice of your expression. He has witnessed that mischievous smile and those glittering eyes before whenever a fresh new idea pops into your head. The kind that tends to cause chaos.
He begrudgingly stands up from his chair intending to prepare for whatever your head has concocted, when he is stunned at a thrown white glove to his face. You place your hands on your hips and declare with a pointed finger, “Neuvillette, I will capture your heart one way or another! Prepare yourself, good sir!”
And so begins, Operation Otterly-in-Love.
The target: Neuvillette. The challenger: You.
The setting? A picnic table by one of Fontaine's many beautiful lakes under the shade of a large tree.
The objective? Culinary seduction.
Anyone who is anyone in Fontaine knows the stoic and righteous Neuvillette as the Chief Justice, the Iudex of Fontaine, and a man of unknown origins. With how long he has held the position throughout generations, if not a god or divine being then he was most definitely blessed by divinity at some point.
You, among a select few others, are fortunate enough to be privy to the fact that the subject of your heart is none other than the blue-haired, stone-faced judge. Despite that truth, you cannot help but have a strong belief that he is something else entirely. The edges of your lips instantly curl upward at the sight of those lovely, fluffy creatures swimming about in the sparkling waters of Fontaine.
Their blue coats and their darker blue markings, their love for water, and cuteness are extremely reminiscent of your Neuvillette. In your humble opinion, of course, which he does not share.
Speaking of which, the subject in question exhales audibly, miffed at your distracted form. “(Y/n), I believe you said that there was something in dire need of my attention?”
“Dire” is certainly a polite description that severely downplayed how thickly you had laid upon the supposed details of a possible disaster should he not allow you the opportunity to drag the hard worker away from his work and out of his stuffy office.
You direct your brilliant smile towards him and place your hand on top of the cloche’s handle, and lift it up to reveal one of your lover-to-be’s favorite dishes in a simple yet very elegant bowl: Soup. 
Not just any plain old soup, mind you! It is a painstakingly and lovingly homemade Consomme Purete, made with only the finest fowls, eggs, and vegetables in only the purest, chilliest waters from the highest mountains that you could get your hands on.
The method by which you somehow acquired these ingredients, well… you have already sent many prayers towards a dear friend of yours who at the moment might be busy occupying the capable hands of a certain Lord of the Fortress of Meropide. You'll have to find a suitable gift worth a million thanks for the noble sacrifice.
“Consomme Purete,” you cheekily introduce the dish as you place the cloche to the side and rest your elbows on the table, your chin on top of intertwined fingers. “A fine day to have it, don't you think?”
His narrow eyes widen just a tad at the sight of the soup. He hasn't eaten yet, and his stomach is already taken by a whiff of the savory scent. The dew of the soup reflects the gentle sun shining in the sky accompanied by a few fluffy clouds. A fine day indeed.
“And whatever is the occasion for your efforts? You know that I do not accept bribes,” he says, elegantly taking a spoonful of soup but not yet a taste.
You bat your eyes. “Should I need any occasion to feed you, my dear?”
He lowers the spoon. “If you are still going on about your ridiculous proposal, I should have you know, once again, that is a meaningless endeavor.”
You hold back a click of your tongue. “Again with that…” you wave a hand. “Well, at least have a taste. I put in my blood, sweat, and tears just to make this.”
He raises an eyebrow.
Your eyes bug out at his silent implication. “Not literally! That's gross!”
“If you say so,” he says, but still decides to take a sip.
“How is it~?”
You watch intensively as the spoonful of soup disappears behind those lips of his. The lack of wrinkles on his face seems to indicate acceptance. You spy the tip of tongue peek out for just a split second to lick whatever glistening essence hadn't made it into his mouth. This tiny seductive display sends sends a bit of blood down to your—
“It is… adequate.”
Instead of heading downwards, your blood shoots upwards. “WHAT?? Adequate!?” You shriek. You place a hand over your heart and the back of your other hand on your forehead. “Neuvillette, please. I'll allow you to step on my heart, but do not jest when it comes to my cooking.”
“Unfortunately, you and I both know I do not jest when it comes to a dish like this. I applaud you for your efforts, but you may have over-steeped the vegetables a little too long for this to be called Consomme Purete.”
Your jaw drops.
You knew it! You turned your back on the stove a little too long when you were arguing with your parents. Stupid, stupid, stupid. To think you had presented this special dish to your love interest with such confidence! Augh, you wish you could go die in a hole right now.
Plan - Culinary seduction: Failure.
Will you give up?
You give out a disheartened sigh and reach towards the dish. “In that case, allow me to clear–”
Neuvillette blocks you from reaching his bowl with his arm. “I didn't say I was done, did I?”
You tilt your head in confusion. “Huh? But– Oi!”
The Iudex lifts the bowl and gulps it down in one sitting before delicately placing the bowl down and wiping the corners of his lips with a napkin with as much sophistication as a gentleman could muster. He then gets up and leaves the table with only a simple, “thank you for the meal”.
You sit there, dumbfounded as you watch him head back towards his office.
Plan - Culinary seduction: Failure Success…?
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annabelle-creart · 9 days
Life of Rescue Bots Shenanigans Part 21:
This is long, so, take your time
“Bigger?” the little bot asked to the bigger, which was the reason for the nickname, a normal height but tall compared with the sparkling “there´s something wrong?”
“What- no!” the bigger bot replied, which made Heatwave put his typical suspecting look, raising the corner of his lip and an elbow “Hehe, don´t put that face, I promise, everything´s okay, Little one.”
“Where´s Sunset then?” Heatwave asked, clearly hesitating.
“Ah… he´s into something, but I don´t what is it, but he´ll be okay. And you are supposed to be recharging.”
“I hate when you lie” Heatwave crossed his arms and took his gaze away, “It´s like if I´m stupid or something.”
“No, you´re not! You´re just too little to know certain things” the bigger bot offered his servo to guide Heatwave back, and so he did, he knew his tutor was lying but had the bad habit of never telling him why he lied, which made Heatwave worry, he deeply hated it, it was unconscious, but he promised he would never be like that when he grow up, to lie.
“In that case, start telling me!”
“Fortress, don´t make me start, you know I can´t!”
“Actually, I can, I-”
The door screeched suddenly, interrupting the two, Boulder tried to hide but no matter how tiny they were, their frame was too long not to notice.
“Boulder, why are you awake?” Gear asked, softening his tune and getting close to the sparkling.
“Great, you waked him up” the femme bot said sarcastically, but he just replied with an angry gaze.
“Are you fighting?” Boulder got closer to tell Gear on his audial, not wanting Fortress to hear them, it was a strange habit they developed, not replying was easier when she was mad.
“No, no” Gear replied with muffled voice “just a little… misunderstanding, but don´t worry, we´ll get a solution.”
“Boulder, please, go” Fortress said firmly, she tried to be soft but still was too mad for it “we´ll tell you in the morning, but I need him now.”
Gear rolled his optics and gave Boulder a pat on the head to say goodbye, Boulder turned around and go away, nonetheless, his snooping didn´t do any benefit, once again, the two bigger bots started yelling at the other. Maybe it was just a quick thought, but Boulder promised on his processor not be like that when they grow up.
“I don´t believe you!” Mac again was furious, it wasn´t nothing out of normal but for some reason the other sparklings had their head low, Soundwave was the one who got more on problems for some reason, they were actually glad the others could get a little of all they pass when Mac is mad “I will ask again, where´s that disk!”
“I don´t have it, I promise!” Soundwave couldn´t remember the name of that sparkling, it was really bad after all and probably wouldn´t pass the next round, nonetheless, it was protocol to have her until the end “I don´t even need it!” bad words choice, Soundwave thought, that was the phrase that made Mac ever angrier, he couldn´t stand it, ‘I don´t need it’ was stupid. Mac took both cheek plates of the sparkling with only his fingers and nailed them on her.
“I don´t care if you need it! I don´t tolerate thieves, I hate them!” Mac raised his voice with each word “I already hate you a lot!!”
Soundwave kept firm, they didn´t liked to be yelled or to hear Mac yelling, but at least they weren´t this time, if it wasn´t because Mac was their tutor and their ticket to a better life they would had go out of the place and sneaked to Shockwave´s place, they remembered Shock always talk only the best about his tutor, maybe he was better-
“I will not say it again!” Mac raised again his voice “WHO TOOK THE DISK!” no one replied, but everyone started to sob or cry a bit, he was drastically bigger and stronger than all of them, to low their heads was the best option right now.
Nobody gave an answer, and the cries didn´t helped, Mac finally touched his optics on frustration, maybe the only signal that made Soundwave actually react.
“Okay, this is the trait, okay, I get it” for a moment Soundwave´s spark actually reacted in fear, but things would be worse if they moved.
Back on the pit of their spark they thought ‘I don´t want to be like that when I grow up.’
“Oh frag” Wheeljack exclaimed loud but descendent tune.
“Oh frag? Is that all that you have?!” Bulkhead took Jackies shoulders and shake him “We´re so screwed! If not dead! My- Primus, we´re on our last!” Bulk started to move around and shake his servos to try to calm down, but his processor was already full of possible and horrible scenarios.
"It can be that bad.”
Bulk turned his head quickly to Breakdown with piercing optics, Jackie already knew this trait and Break shouldn´t had said that.
“Calm down, guy! You´re bleeding!” Jackie got closer to inspect, the back of his arm was, in effect, bleeding for an incrusted piece of metal, maybe he didn´t noticed on the adrenaline of the moment, and the anxiety it seems. Jackie took Bulkhead from his other arm and made him sit down.
“We have to fix this first!”
“Ah, no!” Jackie replied to Bulk´s desperate call “You deserve to be treated first!” Jackie took his attention again to Bulkhead´s arm, Bulk growled desperately.
“Why did I pay you attention?!” Jackie didn´t replied to that, Break preferred to sit down too and check for injuries, he was mad at Bulk´s shitty attitude, but he was right, of all the things Slash has done, to kill them wouldn´t be the worst, yes, it was their tutor, and that gave it the right to do with its sparklings what was necessary to educate them, and they weren´t the best or the coolest, the three of them were maybe the worst sparklings that bot had on its care, they were walking disasters, Break and his stupid ideas, Bulk and his shitty attitude and Jackie who never says no to something, but Break was a little hopeful.
What a stupid idea of him to think there was any hope, Slash figure it out about the stolen (and broken) vehicle, they would have died that instant if Slash wasn´t called back to something
“Ish” Break tried to swallow his own cry; the dent was too deep.
“’Ish’ Nothing! I told you!” Bulkhead yelled at the bot.
“Shut the frag up or I promise by Primus’ sake I will end what Slash started!” Wheeljack turned the card to Bulk, who wasn´t walking around because his leg hurt more.
“Sorry for it” Breakdown said from nowhere “I haven´t- I wasn´t supposed to do that, you didn´t deserved this.”
“Nah” Jackie replied disinterested “the same shit would have happened for whatever, one more or one less, is the same at this point for me.”
“I don´t forgive you!” Bulkhead yelled again, piercing Break with his optics, Jackie preferred to shut up this time, but Break felt every bit of that look. Maybe it was just because he never felt alright with anything that happened in that place, but they were wreckers, they were made to be resistant and responsible… nonetheless, Breakdown promised himself to never be like Slash when he grows up.
“Core?” Shockwave called for the bigger bot, who was on a call, Shock shouted a moment to let him talk properly, finally, the bot finished.
“Sorry, Shock, I have to go.”
“But what?” Core replied with a tired look and a soft tune.
“I… want you to have this” Shockwave gave him the piece of paper- oh frag!
“No, no, no, no! Shockwave, I needed this! Frag!” Core looked at the back of the paper desperately, not even looking at the draw Shock made of them on it “I´ll have to leave you a moment” Core ran to the printer for a copy of the document “and please, don´t use the paper of the desk! You already have paper for you.”
“But Nothing, Shockwave” Core took his bag quickly and the new copy of the document “it will be just a moment, I´ll be here later.”
“It has to be now?”
“You´ll learn it when you get my position, Shock, you´re just too little to understand” Core waved his servo and closed the door, he looked like on a run.
What was Shockwave doing wrong to get his attention? He made cute drawings for him but doesn´t even looked at it, he made all his chores but only gets a good job, never a great or I’m proud, he´s as smart as he can be, and also really creative, but only listens to him when he has great ideas that help him on Core´s job and never hears his scripts, yes, he was supposed to learn everything to be senator like him one day but… for one day also he wanted to be his sparkling and not his apprentice… hey! Maybe he was just missing something! And to find out what, he had to get servos on work, but no matter what he felt, he promised himself before he would be like Core when he grows up!
“Why would I know you were referring to this?!” Knock Out screamed with all his breath.
“Shut up! It´s a little sacrifice”
“Little sacrifice?! You killed her, Drive!”
“You were with me!”
“No, I wasn´t! you´re crazy”
“You too, for- Knock Out, I can´t be on prison!” Drive handled the phone with more force “I can´t let you alone!”
Knock Out´s voice stopped, only his vents were hearable on the phone “you killed her, your own conjux, and still insist we need you?”
“Knock Out, please”
No please was replied, Knock Out hanged out and supported himself on the tiny table and the wall, trying to hang the liquid glint on his optic, Drive and his conjux took care of him and his friends since a lot of time, he didn´t expected this would end like this, what actually happened? Knock Out knew everything was off with them but never thought Drive would finally be capable of it- he had to say something, right? Or at least believed it! But she always said everything was okay, there was no way- it already happened but-
“Knock Out?” Vec asked from a corner “is everything okay?”
“…no” Knock Out was tired of all this shit, now their only option was to actually pass the academy exams, or they would lose everything, at least if he passes, he will have part of his problems resolve, same with his friends.
“Okay, what did he said?”
“Excuses, as always!” Knock Out throwed his servo to the air and took it to his face, trying to calm down.
“So, we´re on the same situation”
“Of course!”
“…I know you will pass the test, you´re smarter than you think.”
“But if I don´t make it right, that will not matter!”
“You´re pressing yourself too much, Knock, we can help you.”
“No, you can´t, without Drive to certify my time as his apprentice, I won´t receive my license, it was too damn close for me!”
“He fragged it up this time because he was mad, I get it.”
“No! He fragged it up because he´s an idiot! And now Diamond is dead!” Knock Out´s optics were about to cry all that he hided for himself all the week, Vec opened more hers, impacted by the notice, she took KO close to her and hugged him.
“Knock, I´m sorry”
“The worst part is that I didn´t do anything.”
“It is not your fault! You didn´t had the weapon!”
“But I let it on the view…” Knock out pressed his arms against Vec´s back “Vec.”
“Tell me, babe”
“If I ever do something that remembers you of Drive, can you stop me?”
Vec doubted a bit, the comment was bizarre at first, but she understood Knock Out didn´t need therapy or common sense right now “Of course” he needed comfort, she thought.
“I promise I will never be like him.”
“I believe you.”
The blender started to purr again, and all the strange things they put on it started to mix, wait, it got stuck.
“Ahg!” Skyfell added water on the blender for it to finally unstuck, the blender purred normally again, and when everything took one color and the same texture, they shouted it out and put the weird drink on a glass.
“Blades! Come on!” Blue called for the sparkling.
“But what if my tutors found I did it?” Blades yelled again.
“Uhg! You´re a coward!”
“Blue!” Skyfell took his attention “Don´t pay him attention, you don´t have to do this.”
“No! I can…! But”
“Oh, forgot it!” Blue took the glass from the table “I´ll do it, you´ll see it´s secure and then you will do it” Blades calmed down a bit when he heard that “But I´ll be the brave one for be the first one and you will still be the coward, and Skyfell will be just the witness as she always is”
“Blue, there´s no need to be so mean!” Skyfell interfered “Blade is even tinier than you, he just has like, how old did you say you were?”
“No!” Blades took the glass, splitting some on Blue by accident “And is Blades with S at the end!” Blades took the corner of the glass to his mouth and took a bit-
“BLADES!” a femme´s voice shouted from behind “What are you doing?! Split that, NOW!” the bot took the glass and retired it, not before making sure he didn´t actually drank anything “What were you thinking?!”
“Crystal, we-”
“Skyfell, you´re the big one here! You are supposed to take care of them! You don´t feel bad, right? Are you okay?” Blades replied moving his head as a yes, Crystal made a final look on her sparkling before finally give a final sigh “I´ll talk with your tutors, and I will look at you really closely! First the skateboard and now this!”
“But he just fell from the skateboard! It wasn´t even high!” Blue excused himself, but Crystal didn´t paid attention and go away with Blades.
“But we didn´t do anything wrong!” Blades wanted to escape Crystal´s grip, but she was stronger than him.
“Blades, you could get hurt! What if that drink had something you´re allergic, or you got sick by it!” Blades wanted to reply, but she was right, there were a lot of things that could go wrong, more than if it could go good, Blades lowered his head and just followed his tutor, also wondering if it was a good idea about the drink, he would someday start thinking about what can go wrong like her?
“No, no, of course not, I told you strictly: Don´t-” Mural noticed a little bot at her side, she was glad Chase learned fast and didn´t interrupted her call but it was still kind of spooky to have him watching her directly with his dot tiny optics, she retook her attention to the call and finally finished it “What´s it, Chase?” she asked, bending to reach Chase´s height
He showed her a paper, recognizing it was the exercises Scout made him do before, it also had a smiling face on it, Scout was too soft with the sparkling, she was proud Chase was a fast learner, but he would never progress if they never demanded him more.
“I see” Mural gave a tiny smile and gave Chase a pat on his shoulder “you have made your job, stay like that.”
Chase wasn´t a sparkling of smile a lot, or to express like a normal bot, she never paid attention to it because that didn´t brought him problems, so, at Chase´s neutral expression and no words of reply, she took it as an okay
“Well, I also have a lot of job to do” Mural straighter up again “let´s get to work” Mural goes away with an almost inexistent smile, and of course, Chase didn´t understood it.
The worst thing was that Chase just stayed in that place for a moment, looking again at the paper, it was everything perfect, it even had a happy face, Scout promised him she would smile for him, maybe he just didn´t noticed, but she just says, ‘stay like that’, not a ‘I´m proud” or ‘good job’, why not? He didn´t do anything bad or wrong, it was really good…right? Maybe it wasn´t enough, he just needed to reach the enough she wanted, she was really exigent on her job, she was just the best for something, he could understand she really loves him but not why she never said enough for the good things, maybe the ‘enough’ she wanted was too high
Chase felt light-headed, so, he decided to retire, nonetheless, he wondered something.
Would he be, someday, be as good and as cool as her when he grows up?
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swtorpadawan · 5 months
Sunday Snippet
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“You must understand, Satele, the position the Council would be placing Corellan in were he to learn of these… unfortunate indiscretions.”
As Ulannium Kaarz, Bar’senthor of the Jedi Order, spoke, his change in tone was not lost on Satele Shan. His subtle pause and emphasis left no doubt that he might have considered choosing a far harsher term to refer to the current situation.
Knowing of Ulannium’s own ability for discretion and diplomacy, Satele understood that it was deliberate choice, and that the undertones were deliberate. She had long appreciated the Mirialan’s intellect and his ability to turn a phrase. His growing reputation throughout the galaxy was a tribute to his acumen, and a great benefit to the Jedi Order.
She had never considered that this intellect and acumen would ever be directed against her.
As if to drive the point home, Ulannium continued.
“Were these events to come to light under the wrong circumstances, the results could prove devastating for the Order.”
Satele frowned.
“I do not understand, Ulannium. Corellan Halcyon has been a champion of the Jedi Order. While I have sometimes worried for the path he has followed, I’ve never been given a reason to question his loyalty.”
She nearly missed the small flicker of impatience on Ulannium’s brow and the subtle shift in his shoulders. Impatience? She silently asked herself. Had she missed something the young Jedi Master considered obvious?
“And he has never been given a reason to question yours, Satele.” His tone was like durasteel. “Either to the Order, or in your consideration towards him.”
She paused, waiting for him to continue. When it was clear he would not, she asked the lingering question.
“You believe if these reports reached him, that would no longer be the case?”
This time, Ulannium’s face was stone.
“You are the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan.” He answered firmly. “If you were ignorant of what was going on, it does speak well to your leadership. If you were not ignorant…” his voice trailed off.
“Then what?” she pressed.
“Then you may have opened us up to the possibility of another Jedi Civil War.” Ulannium replied, his tone serious. “One that the Order, the Republic and, indeed, the galaxy itself can ill-afford.”
Satele was incredulous. Ulannium seemed sincere and the man was hardly known for making emotionally driven outbursts. But his conclusion…
“You can’t seriously expect that Corellan would challenge the council if this shameful matter were revealed?” she retorted. “Even if he were troubled by this affair, he couldn’t possibly hope to prevail against all of us.”
Ulannium pressed his hands down against the Council table.
“You disregard three points in your assumption, Satele Shan.” The Bar’senthor’s piercing green eyes had an intensity she’d never seen in him before.
“First, there is now a generation – and perhaps, more than a generation – of Jedi who look at Corellan as more than just a champion of the Order. He is a hero, Satele. As you once were. I can plan strategies and lead others into battle, but I could never inspire them the way he could.”
“Second, he is Corellan Halcyon. He is the Jedi you sent to Dromund Kaas to challenge the Emperor’s Voice. When he believes that he is in the right, that his cause is just, there is nothing he wouldn’t dare.”
Satele Shan absorbed Ulannium’s words glumly. The young Jedi Master had a point; she had not considered either Corellan’s popularity or his conviction in her earlier assessment.
“You mentioned a third point, Ulannium.”
The Mirialan’s eyes narrowed slightly.
“You assume that I would be on your side.”
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Author’s Note: I don’t know if I’ll ever actually write this.
Tagging! @raven-of-domain-kwaad @grandninjamasterren @plotbunny-bundle @kemendin @iacyper9 @darth-bagel @sullustangin @the-tomato-patch @sheyshen @cryo-lily @voidendron @actualanxiousswampwitch @anchanted-one @swtorhub
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richmond-rex · 7 months
Hi there
So I follow the Tudor Trio and Nicola Tallis, Matthew Lewis and Nathan Amin were doing a debate today on the Princes in the Tower with the quote on quote new evidence that has been revealed from Philippa Langley.
I still firmly believe Richard III killed the Princes and find many of Matthew Lewis' arguments bizarre. I'm not sure why he thinks the Princes weren't a threat to Richard but were to Henry VII. If the Princes weren't a threat to Richard then why would they have been a threat to Henry VII? I can't understand why Richard would ever let them escape England of his own free Will. There is almost no chance they could have escaped without him knowing about it.
Also he claimed that Henry VII sent Elizabeth Woodville to Bermondsey Abbey and that she was supporting the Lambert Simnel Rebellion. Is there any truth to that? Thanks!
Hi, sorry for taking so long to reply! Lewis' arguments are so incredibly ridiculous — they largely rest on accepting at face value people's signatures and on the claim that Maximilian and Margaret of York were too blue-blooded to ever lie for political ends: essentially, he claims lying was for peasants. And yes, the princes would absolutely be a threat to Richard III as he found out as soon as he left London after his coronation — there happened a rebellion made by former Edwardian servants that aimed to free the princes from the Tower, very possibly to restore them to the throne. The princes had been raised all their lives to regard the English throne as their birthright — you're telling me they would grow up abroad and would neve try a restoration aided by one of England's political enemies such as France?
The ricardian claim that Richard III sent them to Burgundy is incredibly ridiculous to me as well: even if they stayed with Richard's sister, she wasn't the one ruling Burgundy — Maximilian of Austria, the husband of Margaret's deceased daughter-in-law, was. How could Richard be sure Maximilian wouldn't take the princes the minute Richard did something that went against Maximilian's interests and use them to either blackmail him or depose him so Maximilian could have his own English king? Burgundy had displayed lancastrian loyalties not so long ago in the past and the political game in Europe changed constantly.
It would have been absolutely STUPID of Richard III to deliver the strongest weapon anyone could use against him to a foreign power. Let's also mention that Maximilian at the time was struggling with controlling his own children, the actual Burgundian heirs, because some Flemish cities had rebelled against him and had his heir (Philip of Burgundy) in their power and were up in arms against his regency. From June 1483 to July 1485 Maximilian couldn't have control of his own son. You're telling me Richard would have sent the biggest assets anyone could use against him to that unstable scenario?
The truth is that Ricardians like Matthew Lewis benefit from the fact that people study/know about the Wars of the Roses from an impossibly anglocentric lens, ignoring that the conflict was also the outcome of the multiple iterations of power play between Western European powers: 'the Wars of the Roses were an extended episode in a European conflict, not just a murderous private dispute'. It really is inconceivable, when it comes down to logic, how Richard was one step ahead of everyone during the mounting off to his takeover of the throne (bamboozling and imprisoning the Woodvilles, executing and imprisoning Edward V's strongest supporters such as Hastings) but would commit such a basic political error as sending other claimants to his own crown to a foreign power.
As to Elizabeth Woodville going to Bermondsey Abbey as a way of punishment for her supporting a rebellion against Henry VII, it makes little sense as well. Henry VII carried on with the marriage negotiations with Scotland that involved Elizabeth and two of her daughters until James III's death in 1488. Again, it would make little sense for Henry VII to have found out Elizabeth was conspiring against him but keep wanting to send her north as an ally to Scotland, a country that could easily make war on him and create problems. Why would he deliver an enemy into the hands of another possible enemy, if Elizabeth truly conspired against him? Again, it's the lack of perspective into Europe and international politics that jump out in Lewis' logic.
Do my words make sense to you? I truly cannot comprehend how Lewis can say the stuff he says and no one really contradicts him in his logic.
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aerithium · 2 months
FFXIV Dawntrail Review!
*Spoilers Ahead*
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★ Score: 8/10 ★ Date Finished: July 3rd, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: I never know where to start with these but I find myself firmly believing you have to have the right mindset about this expansion in order to enjoy it for all that it is. The story is split in two halves, one where the WOL joins Wuk Lamat in her quest to become the next Dawnservant and the second as the whole cast faces a suddenly otherworldly threat to Tural. Both sections are extremely interesting and just as rewarding for paying attention. The start is kind of slow but just having fun with it enhances the enjoyment from my experience. I loved that the first half teaches us so much about Tural from its culture to its many different people, while the second half serves as a more fantastical dilemma to solve. The characters are all very well written and explored through the expansion, it was great to watch Wuk Lamat grow during her journey for the keystones and see what exactly she learns during it. I loved her realization that she alone is not fit for Dawnservant, and rather with the help of her brother they are better suited to take the title together. Erenville and Krile both get some interesting subplots during the expansion that expand on them as characters in their entirety, something that both characters really benefitted from. The area designs are phenomenal across the entire expansion, each one being different from the last but reasonably coexisting with one another. The design of the final area is gorgeous and was well worth the hype. The battle content is probably some of the best out of the game, I enjoyed the challenged presented in the dungeons, trials, and solo duties. They were shockingly a step up from Endwalker difficulty which was already hard. You aren't having fun if there isn't a chance you might wipe first time through...The music was also amazing across the board, not that this game's music ever disappoints. When I consider that this is the ARR of the new story arc its blows my mind, SE did great starting the story a new, a task that was surely daunting. Like I said in the beginning, the expansion isn't any Endwalker, so don't expect that and you'll thoroughly enjoy it I believe
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petitelepus · 4 months
So, I've been seeing these kny match ups and naturally in curious about mine cough um4. So I guess, I just put up the type of paring I want and go from there.
Here's all about spife for a yandere/romantic match up (my gender preference for a partner is men):
I'm a rather positive person, who has no time to spare for those who wish to put me down. Although, at first it may seem like I'm revealing too much (which I sometimes do) I have my fair share of secrets and allow myself to be vulnerable with only those I trust– I tend to shrink back into my little shy hole if I think I'm too much. I like complimenting people, like to remind them to not put themselves down and be kind to themselves even if they make mistakes. I also like helping people because it makes me happy to see people happy (especially those who need to vent, I'm willing to listen and be the shoulder to cry on, even if I'm a complete stranger). However, I am also very emotionally sensitive (I get the urge to cry if someone I really like yells at me or lectures me about something I find funny even if they're trying to help as they make me realise I'm embarrassing or have embarrassed myself). I am assertive when I need to be, although in a calm and composed manner (I lose my temper when I'm frustrated though I think I do well under some pressure). I possess a strong sense of justice and FIRMLY believe in fairness for all and (usually) when I engage in deep conversations with my friends, I tend to pity those who suffer of the cruelty in the world and criticise those in power who choose to do nothing aka corruption. I am a FIRM believer that strength must be used to protect and help others and that people must have an open ear for the broken and hurt (I cry when people cry or for those who are misfortune and end up praying for them at times though very rarely). I am also quite lighthearted, though. I can laugh at myself if I make a mistake and will bring up the memory for fun times. And useless fact, I am a sweet tooth. In general, I'm a sensitive, introverted ray of sunshine who also will uphold their beliefs no matter what anyone says and despite the fact that I tend to be too lenient, I will almost always end up confronting someone. In general, I have been taught by my mother to always be kind to others because you don't know what they could be going though.
That was long. I'm curious to see who I get! Have a nice day (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
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Hantengu is Yandere for you!
Hantengu was scared of you when you first met, but despite being a Demon, you showed him the benefit of the doubt because of how frail and pathetic he was to even look at.
He could deduce that you didn't see him as a threat, not yet anyway, no, you seemed to pity him. The moment Hantengu realized this, he knew he could manipulate you as much as he desired.
He makes you believe that nothing is his fault, that it wasn't his fault he was a Demon, or that he had to kill and eat people to live… And you believe him, because of what your mother said about not knowing what others have gone through.
Oh, you're such a Saint, surely you would pity poor innocent Hantengu! He hasn't done anything wrong, he swears, but people still bully and torment him!
Hearing him wail and cry and seeing him tremble so hard his teeth are clattering, they make you cry for his sake and they activate that protective nature of yours and that is exactly what the Demon aims for.
But Hantengu didn't expect to grow so fond of you. Normally he would eat anyone in your position, but you are strong, not some normal human, and he could use another bodyguard.
…But he falls for you and your chivalrousness, only when Hantengu falls for someone, he will become obsessed with them.
He has to know where you are and what you are doing every single second of the day. If you are gone too long or he doesn't know where you are, he starts to cry so hard and call out for you.
You think you must protect him when it might just be you who actually needs protection.
You're so sweet, he fears that other people might take advantage of that kindness of yours. Just like he does, but he is different! He loves you! What's their excuse!?
You're stunned when you first time meet his clones, and you can tell they are strong. That's when you start to realize that maybe there was more to Hantengu than you thought yet you still stay because they won't let you leave.
Sekido has to be careful around you because he has a tendency to snap at things, but he is obsessed with you just like Hantengu, and doesn't want to scare you off. He will tell you that you trust too easily, but when you ask what he means by that, he goes silent.
Karaku loves seeing and spending time with you. He is the most laid-back clone, but he loves having a good time and highly enjoys teasing you. You're just so cute when you get flustered, he could eat you up!
Aizetsu is probably the only one who feels awful about tricking you into becoming their own personal human, but he doesn't do anything to fix or make things better for you. In the end, he loves you also and doesn't want to let you go.
Urogi thinks it's hilarious how you actually believe Hantengu's innocence, but even Hantengu believes so also; so in the end you are both way too gullible. That works for him though.
The point is, Hantengu won't let you go and if it's a fight someone may want, his clones are there to protect him and his special bond with you.
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I match you with Gyomei Himejima!
The Stone Hashira could sense you before he could "see" you. You radiated this brilliant, genuine, kind, and courageous aura, it nearly left him speechless.
He is happy to meet you and is crying in a matter of seconds, stating that he can "see" your "strength", whatever he meant by that. The two of you hit it off immediately and grow a strong bond of kindness and respect for each other.
You take an immediate liking to Gyomei, and you may feel like you need to take care of or help him because of his blindness, but he assures you that he can "see" fine on his own and how things had been that way since his childhood.
That doesn't help and it makes you cry, knowing how hard life must have been for him. The Hashira chooses not to tell you about the actual sadness and hardships he had to endure because he doesn't want you to cry anymore. If you cry, he might start crying too. This does happen daily.
You don't hold secrets from Gyomei and he feels honored that you trust him so much that you are willing to share so much about yourself with him. He makes small mental notes here and there to remember later, like your favorite book or what sweets you like most so he knows to get you some while he is out there hunting Demons.
Gyomei admires your strong sense of justice and how you want to see the best in everyone and everything... But this can make you gullible and he warns you about it.
You may get a little upset by his remark, but he just wants you to look out for yourself also and think of yourself sometimes first. You are still a human and not a Demon so you can get hurt badly or die even and he wouldn't know what to do if something like that happened to you. He doubts that he could ever heal from that.
He wants you to stay safe, but you want to protect people like he does and he knows he can't change your mind about it... So he makes a humble request to Master to let him accompany you on your missions when he doesn't have any.
This means Gyomei doesn't have much free time, but every moment spent with you is even better than those moments alone in his manor. He loves to hear how you describe things to him and how you laugh at the silliest things.
A day doesn't pass when Gyomei doesn't thank God for lowering you on Earth. He loves you that much and wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
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muttzguttz · 1 year
^to read this on wattpad^
Drive In
steve and billy go to the drive-in, but billy gets bored and now steve can't focus on the movie. wonder why?
word count: 1173
steve couldn't believe it.
he couldn't believe that he agreed to go out with billy hargrove again. so there he was in the passenger seat of billy's camaro, watching back to the future at the drive-in theater.
they had been "seeing" each other for a while now, if that's what you want to call it. friends with benefits, except minus the friend part. secretly meeting up in the boys locker room, steve's house when his dad wasn't home, basically anywhere billy felt like it. steve had no clue where and how these hook ups started, but he had no plan on ending them either. billy had him wrapped around his finger.
steve had already seen back to the future once when he and robin snuck into the theater and watched it after their shift ended, but he just couldn't say no to that pretty face of billy's. he wasn't all that interested in watching it again, in fact, he could barely pay attention the first time. steve leaned his head back against the car seat and looked over at billy, who noticed almost immediately.
"what? not like the movie?" billy asked as he sat the bag of popcorn he had in his hands on the dashboard.
"wha- no, no, no it's not that, i just-" steve stumbled over his words, not wanting to tell the truth, but billy cut him off.
"don't worry, i'm a little bored too," billy grinned and reached his hand over to rest on steve's lower thigh, just above his knee. steve looked down at his hand and his face grew hot, but he quickly turned away before billy could see the red in his cheeks. this happened quite often, but he would never let billy know he made him blush or steve would never hear the end of it.
"just watch the movie man," steve tried to keep his cool. billy just chuckled and turned back to looking at the movie screen through the windshield.
only a few minutes had passed before billy slid his hand further up the denim of steve's jeans, firmly grasping the middle of his thigh. billy glided his palm up until it stopped right below his crotch, rubbing the inside of his thigh with his thumb. it wasn't long until steve could feel his pants tighten.
billy's hand found its way to steve's growing erection, squeezing lightly and drawing a gasp out of him. then he began palming steve through his pants, who started to squirm under his touch.
"hey, hey! what're you doing?" steve spat out in a whisper, gently grabbing ahold of billy's wrist. "we're in public!"
"it doesn't look like you're complaining stevie," billy said mockingly as he motioned down to steve's hard dick with his eyes, giving it another squeeze.
"billy, i-" he looked around from his opened window at all the other cars and then back to billy. "i can hear the people next to us chewing their popcorn!"
billy chuckled to himself, then leaned forward bc and rolled all of the windows up in the camaro. he looked back at harrington with a smug smile. "quick fix, babe."
steve didn't even have time to speak before billy's hands were back on him. with no hesitation, steve's pants were unzipped and he was pulled out of his boxers. the amount of precum he was dripping was almost embarrassing, but he didn't care. all steve cared about was billy's lips on his dick.
he grabbed billy by the back of the neck and smashed their lips together. more warmth traveled to his crotch when billy's tongue glided against his bottom lip, then sucking it in between his teeth. he pumped steve's cock with his fist, whose groans were muffled in billy's mouth.
billy pulled back from the kiss with a lustful grin to look at steve, who was breathless. he rearranged himself to lean across the middle console and put his face above steve's lap. then billy's lips were on steve's throbbing dick. a rush of tingling sensation exploded through his body as billy's hot tongue licked a slow stripe from the bottom of his shaft, all the way to the tip.
steve let out a deep moan as billy took his cock into his mouth. first he only swirled his tongue around the tip, then sucking it. billy pulled back, making an audible pop as steve's dick sprung out of his mouth, before completely engulfing it almost entirely.
the warmth was so good it was almost overwhelming. steve reached to grab a fistful of curls and bucked his hips up into billy's mouth. as he bobbed his head up and down, billy made eye contact into steve's brown eyes.
so hot, steve thought. eye contact almost made him bust immediately, but there was no way he was going to give billy that kind of satisfaction.
steve's grip on billy's blonde curls tightened as he pushed his head further into his hips. this caused billy to gently scrape his teeth against his dick. it was the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure that almost pushed him over the edge, causing steve to let out a whine.
billy wrapped his hand around the base of steve's cock and continued to bob his head, sucking his cheeks in to create suction.
"fuck," steve bit his lip and groaned, "yeah, just like that."
he was so, so close.
billy kept going, speeding up his hand movements and sucking a little harder.
it was too good, steve couldn't take it anymore. he tugged on billy's curls as he came into his mouth with hot spurts. steve's whole body tightened and his eyes rolled back while this euphoric feeling overcame him.
"bill- ah," steve moaned, shaking with pleasure.
billy slowly pulled his dick out of his mouth, saliva and steve's sticky cum dripping off the tip of his tongue.
he looked up at the beautiful mess he made of steve; face flushed and panting heavily with his mouth open. billy grinned and kissed steve, letting him get a taste of how good he is.
with one hand zipping his pants back up, billy used the other to caress steve's face and tuck his hair behind his face. he leaned in and whispered in steve's ear, billy's raspy voice and hot breath making him shiver.
"fuck the rest of the movie. how about we take this back to your house?"
steve agreed almost too eagerly.
hiii baes
i hope you guys enjoyed this little addition to this. not proofread so my apologies for any mistakes (this was also pretty rushed so my bad lol)
once again, comment any ideas or requests!!
tysm for reading, ily guys<33 mwah
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Uma Triskelion
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Ancestry: Triton
She's Ursula's daughter who is in fact related to Triton.
Tritons are basically Sea elfs. They have traditionally be loners and secluded. Perferring to stick to their own communities or the sea in general rather than adventuring out into the surface world. Of course this no longer applies to Ursula as she was forced out of said community and into the surface world where she had to raise her daughter.
Class: Storm Sorcerer
In a similar sense to Mal, she has inherent magic coming from her mother. While you could make a case for warlock based on the shell necklace, the use of tentacles in D2 and D3 feels closer to inherited magic.
Unfortunately with Storm sorcery, it relies more on wind and lightning rather than water. I searched and searched for something to better fit her water abilities but alas I couldn't find any.
Main Ability Score: Charisma
We see time and time again Uma effect on people whether it be her passion about VKs or the trust other port rats have in the chip shoppe being a safe enough place to store their weapons off of them.
Skill Proficiencys: History, Survival, Insight, and Intimidation
Survival is kinda a given in dealing with VKs especially the more leader types, but we also have proof in the fact that she survived on her own for several months to even years during the time skip of D2 to D3.
Insight and Intimidation go hand in hand with Uma being basically the only leader on the port with an actual will to live (cough The Hooks cough. And Sammy doesn't count on him being a Smee and a statistical anomaly due to Hook exposure.)
I firmly believe that Ursula may not have been a good mother but by God was she not going to let her daughter not know the ways of the world. She at very least would be very educated in sea politics.
Background: Fisher
Uma wouldn't be a pirate growing up. Not with Ursula's and the rest of the Tritons family history. She would have grown up knowing the sea and benefiting off of it but her decision to become a pirate is mire based on Isle politics. How does one survive without become brutal on the Isle afterall?
Feats: Inspiring Leader, Shadow Touched, Weapon Master
One would have to try very hard to argue that Uma is not an inspiring leader
Ok so, my personal belief is that Uma is also Dr. Facilier's kid. I switch back and forth on making her and Freddie twins or Freddie being a slightly younger but still full blooded sister. (It all depends on how old I want CJ.) Thus Shadow Touched.
Weapon Master allows Uma to get a Scimitar. Also firmly believe that Uma would want to know as many weapons as possible to keep up with the Hooks. So double win.
Weapons: Scimitar and Dagger
Fun Fact: A Scimitar is what Uma used in D2, like if you look at It's Going Down that is the Swords that Harry and Uma have.
A dagger is both useful for dramatic effect and for throwing when someone annoys you.
Armor: Mage Armor
While I believe that Uma would use a form of leather armor, leather can be extremely encumbering when moving in and out of water, thus Mage Armor.
Yay! That's Uma done.
Have any questions or better answers or just want me to go more in depth, just ask!
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willxmeyers · 1 month
"Some people aren't meant to be parents and I firmly believe my father fits in that category. He was likely a great man but I only knew him in the context of being my dad."
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"Objectively, he was very intelligent. Very business savvy; strategic. He never did anything without some kind of benefit to him. When he was disappointed, he did a kind of Miranda Priestly pursed lip thing. I saw that look at lot growing up. In my darkest moments, I think we were probably a bit too much alike which is probably why I acted out so much. In my more hopeful ones, I know I'll never treat my kid the way he treated me."
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paragonrobits · 1 year
i firmly believe that the Gems, antagonistic and Crystal alike, are best considered not as an allegory or metaphor but in being taken at face value for what they are; alien robots (or something so similar to robots as to have no funcitonal distinction) built for specific purposes and functions that give them some psychological value to fulfil but ultimately are compelled to grow beyond it even as the society around those functions hamper and hurt them, but knowing no alternative other than to Obey.
Born to be tools. Created not as people but as services, as weapons and accessories. A life with no choice, from the legions of rubies too the quartet-that-was of the Diamonds. Even they have little choice. They might seem to be the leaders of Homeworld, but by all indications they REALLY don't like it, are poorly suited towards it on a personal level, and much of the tragedy is based on them fully buying into everything being tools; every Gem they make, and the Diamonds themselves, created to serve a purpose and nothing else.
And so, this is a cruel system. Any deviations from it is harshly punished. There is no choice in the tyranny of programming; at the top the Diamonds conflate their feelings and lashing out in grief as the proper function of things, and their pain spreads outwards, destroying worlds not in the malice or self-interest a human might do, but because it never occurs too them NOT to. To never ask questions, because they're not supposed to. A saw doesn't get to ask if its supposed to cut this tree, or a lumber mill muse that perhaps it doesn't have the right to destroy the trees these termites live in.
But Gems might be made to BE tools, but that doesn't mean they ARE tools. They are people, with the ability to choose if only they realize the possibility exists.
So that's what the show brings us; a species of robots constrained by their programming, suffering under the compulsion to do as their function demands without any person choice, until Steven does as Rose did before him, introducing the concept of choice inspired by how humans do it, organic and messy and unpredictable but free.
This, I think, neatly addresses all the issues people have had with the show; the metaphors may seem screwy at first glance unless you conclude there ARE no metaphors. The Diamonds aren't a stand in for some flavor of human dictator; they are producer units put into a position of authority they honestly don't want to do, and have screwed up tremendously due to a lack of understanding. Gems in general might be seen as applicable to various experiences, but in practice as a textual element, they're not really allegorical and read best as what they appear to be at face value: alien robots struggling under the horror of being built to serve.
There are certainly some series that benefit from allegorical implications; SU, however, feels that it is NOT one of those.
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