#she was a feral beach child
liveandletrain · 1 year
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I am absolutely fascinated about what might give that impression. Genuinely curious this is so cool.
I am actually a feral country child from the middle-of-nowhere rural texas, who grew up 30 minutes away from the town that my mailing address said I lived at, 45 minutes from the nearest Walmart, about the same distance from the county fairgrounds. (Where I won runner up best of show for my cinnamon rolls when I was 13-ish)
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Oh my god, you laid out freelance inventor perfectly for the justice league to mistake Danny for Batman, especially with John Jones already making his thoughts known that Bruce wayne would be the perfect himbo for Batman lol. Does the entire league pull together to make a beach day seem intentional and end up making so many mistaken assumptions along the way? Either way, I adore what you have going. I'm kinda curious if you had any thoughts on Damians' first reaction to meeting Danny? If not, that's okay. I just love the thought of Danny bonding with Damian in a feral way or through sparing like ghosts tend to in this fandom
The first time Danny meets Damian Wayne is when he comes to the Manor for a surprise visit. He usually would have called ahead or messaged Alfred, but it was a last-minute decision to stop by Gotham on his way to Metropolis.
Initially, Danny was going to a technology expo hosted by Lexcorp, but it was delayed due to a giant fight. A robot had flung Superman through the convention hall, causing severe damage.
Since he now had a weekend free while Lexcorp searched for a new venue, he figured he would spend it with his favorite one percent. Imagine his surprise when he noticed the first thing he noticed was that Bruce had a biological son, one he had told to stay hidden.
He had told his displaced son not to venture out of the manner because he didn't want the public to know about him. Danny hadn't felt this angry in a long, long time.
The glare he sent Bruce had the man flinching, causing Damian, fresh to the Manor and not used to seeing his Father as anything but commanding, to raise an impressed eyebrow. "Kids. Bed. Now. I want to talk to your Father."
"No." Bruce cowered. "Please stay, kids."
"Sorry Bruce, I actually have to touch up some photos for this month's photo op," Tim was quick to say, jumping from his seat.
"I also really need to get started on some paperwork for the gymnastic gym." Dick laughed nervously, dropping out of the handstand he was in. Danny never understood how the young man could randomly spring into flips and handstands.
Damian did not inch from his chair, though. He meets Danny's gaze with a cool upturn of his nose and crossed arms.
"You have no control over me or my actions, Harlot," Damian hissed, but a pale Dick and Tim pushed him out. Jason had been out on some far-off island trip with his friends- Roy, Kori, Artemis, and that delightful Bizzarro who spoke like it was an opposite day every day.
He was the only person to whom he would not talk to Damian. Everyone else would look Danny in the eye and justify why they would assume that a child should be treated as a secret was the correct thing to do.
"Well?" Danny asks when all Bruce does is sit there, hands on his lap and sweating. He narrows his eyes, crosses his arms, and watches the sweat drip down Bruce's head. "Explain yourself."
"Danny, I swear I wasn't aware of Damian. His mother told me she had a miscarriage. If I had known, I would have told you-" Bruce started but was cut off by Danny marching across the room and practically snaring into his face.
"That's not why you're in trouble, Bruce. Why are you treating a nine-year-old boy like a dirty secret?!"
"um..well, that's...you need to understand he's a bit unstable-"
"Choose your next words very carefully, Bruce." Danny cuts him off, recrossing his arms. Bruce swallows before he seems to gather unknown courage and straightens out his back.
"Danny, I don't think Damian needs to be a secret forever, but he needs to adjust before he can go out. He had a hard life with his birth mother and tends to lash out in violent outbursts. Just last week, he pushed Tim off the stairway!"
That's alarming. In fact, it isn't very good to think Tim would not be safe in the same household as Damian. They talk more about it, especially the part where Damian makes clear he wishes to replace Tim and would do nothing to remove him.
Damian is a threat to Tim's well-being. He mentions this to Bruce, who waves it way like a damn fool.
"Tim can handle it."
"Just because he can doesn't mean he should," Danny growls, throwing his arms into the air. "I can't talk to you right now. I can't even look at you."
"Danny, please-"
"Nope. I will tell Tim to stay with me, and I will make plans to take Damian out and about. If you treat someone like a criminal, they will act like one. I'm going to help that young boy settle here, but I will not do it at the expense of another. Don't call or message me." Danny growls, strutting out of the room only to practically run into Damian.
The boy raises his chin as if daring Danny to tell him off for eavesdropping. For one second, Danny is reminded of Jazz, back when she had been so insistent that she was an adult.
His eyes soften, and he knows Damian can see based on his surprise blink. "H kid have you had the chance to go into Gotham yet?"
"Why would I waste my time with the peasants? I am an elite warrior, destined to rule over them."
Huh. He reminds Danny a lot of Jazz now, with her anti-social tendencies- not that she refused to be around people, more like she refused to make friendships with people her age because she thought herself too mature for them- and a little of the battle-hungry ghosts in the Zone.
He can handle that.
"You are to be a general, right? Why are you acting like a common foot soldier?" He asks, watching the boy's entire demeanor freeze over. "A good ruler is not just combat strength. They can take command and can easily step among their fighters. How can you do that if you do not understand the common folk's way of thinking?"
Damian opened and closed his mouth before narrowing his eyes. "You mock me."
Danny shakes his head, falling to his knees so Damian won't need to strain his neck. He keeps the baby talk out of his voice but only barely. He gets the sense that like his sister, Damian would prefer to be treated like a mini adult. "Never. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts, but you must know that all knowledge is power. Know thy enemy..."
"...as one knows thyself," Damian finishes his quote, looking vaguely intruded. He considers the offer before nodding. "I shall accompany you on your outing and gain valued observations of the average American child."
"Only after you apologize for attacking Tim and tell him to his face how you will not be doing that again," Danny warns, raising a finger at Damian's clouded face. "A good leader does not want insubordination. Attacking Tim did not prove anything but how unreliable you are and how much you fear Tim."
"I do not fear Drake!"
"Then why does his presence so threaten you? Bruce told me how out of all his kids, you seemed so sure you could take him in a fight but not a battle of wits."
Damian's eyes grow cold before he lashes out a hand. Danny catches it quickly, much to the boy's shock. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Not bad, but not what a regular American child would behave. You would have been singled out as a spy the second you stepped in the street."
"....I shall work on my reaction and emotional regulation." Damian yanks his arm free, striding away but not before glancing back at Danny. "You are strange."
Danny smiles. "Thanks, kiddo."
The boy vanishes from sight, and Danny sighs. He must now find Tim and help him pack to stay with him. He also needs to yell at everyone in the Manor, including Alfred. Honestly, that man enables Bruce far too much.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
imagine the little family but reader gets hit on by one of the new campers and the rest of the camp is waiting to see ivy and clarisse reaction 🌚
no bc this is specifically so funny and dear to me bc imagine
you’re like sitting with ivy and playing in the sand on the beach having a fun time
and then hi harry from better than revenge in an alternate universe
clarisse has been so busy lately bc it’s the start of summer and there’s all these new campers and things
so you haven’t been around each other as much 💔
dumbass harry walks over to you and is like “it’s so sweet how you treat your younger sibling like your own”
and ivy is preening at the attention of this nice boy who quickly realizes the way to your heart is through ivy
you just think he’s nice and playing with ivy in the sand and making a killer sand castle tbh….
then he says smth a little flirty like a compliment but neither you or ivy think much of it at first
then he’s like “oh hey here you have some sand on your face” and leans so close to you to brush your cheek with his thumb
woah buddy 😟😟😟😟😟
ivy is like ok what the freak (she’s not supposed to swear) (let’s be real she still does)
bc like she’s not dumb….. she knows the only person who touches you like this is clarisse and yeah this guy is nice but she doesn’t like him THAT much
he doesn’t look that strong he can’t be her jungle gym she’s not liking it
you’re sitting there in shock and ivy is getting mad bc HE SHUFFLES CLOSER TO YOU
she climbs into your lap and starts SCREAMING bloody murder and kicking out wildly at harry
so you pick her up and rush your little butts out of there and harry is trying to follow you bc THIS BITCH WILL NOT GIVE UP DAMN
and you’re looking over your shoulder like GO AWAY
after another second you think he’s gone so you set ivy down
you crouch down and you’re pretty sure she just didn’t like harry flirting w you but you just wanna make sure smth wasn’t actually wrong
“hey are you guys okay?”
“RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” is ivy’s war cry as she jumps on top of harry and starts screaming and kicking and hitting him
eventually everyone kinda heads towards the commotion of this 10 year old screaming and attacking harry and you desperately trying to pull ivy off of him
that is when clarisse walks over
she just stares at the scene for a second in absolute shock
then harry finally pushes ivy off of him and she FLIES into you like he pushed her HARD bc he’s a BITCH
and you weren’t expecting it so you fall back w ivy in your arms
she runs over but harry is like NO NO NO MY CHANCES ARE RUINED
so he’s desperately trying to help you up and you’re like oh my god i think i’m gonna die
ivy starts attacking him like a feral dog again
you need a leash for her atp
but by the time clarisse makes it over to you she realizes what’s going on
she crouches down next to you and says ivy’s name really intimidatingly and ivy is like
and after she looks over you and sees that your find just a little shocked and very tired (motherhood is hard) she decides to glare at harry
“okay and what does that mean?”
“ok so we were playing in the sand and then harry comes over and he’s nice and he’s helping me build my sandcastle and then he starts TOUCHING Y/N and getting all CLOSE TO HER and i was like woah wait hold on what the freak so then i threw a tantrum so we would leave BUT HE KEPT FOLLOWING!!!!!!! I JUST WANTED HIM TO GO AWAY BC YOURE THE ONLY ONE WHO TOUCHES Y/N LIKE THAT SO I ATTACKED HIM AND THEN HE PUSHED ME SO I ATTACKED HIM MORE BUT NOW YOURE HERE!!!!!!”
harry is just horrified bc that’s exactly what happened this child was just throwing a tantrum 5 minutes ago how is she so articulated
she’s just smart like that tho
clarisse is like “oh so you’re flirting with my girlfriend? are you dumb? literally everyone knows.”
harry just accepts defeat and mutters a few choice words under his breath and walks away
clarisse debates about punching him but decides that ivy has already done all of the work for her
ivy hugs clarisse so tight
“you are so amazing my little warrior you did such a great job protecting y/n i am so proud”
then you join the hug “yes you’re my little knight in shining armor but please remember violence is not always the answer”
ivy and clarisse share a look like “this crazy lady just be saying stuff”
you try to actually make ivy skip dessert for a few days but she’s so adorable so you give it to her anyways
clarisse teaches her how to properly throw a punch and kick someone
you are not pleased
ivy is ecstatic her new passion is fighting
harry stays far away from you
also percy is now campaigning to bring awareness to the clarisse and mini clarisse epidemic
he is very concerned.
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex
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jogetsobsessed · 1 year
Electricity - Paul Lahote x reader
This is a longer one, I plan on writing a small blurb based on the ending! -jo:)
The waves were crashing against the jagged rocks that stood above the waterline of the second beach. There were different groups walking along the coast, and a particular family, one that had stopped at the market before heading out to the beach, caught your eye. 
It was a younger couple with their two young children. A baby was strapped in a carrier to the woman's chest, happily kicking its legs as the mother cooed down at it. The father was a few steps ahead keeping up with the toddler. A little girl with bright blonde pigtails bounced as she ran ahead. Collecting seashells and stuffing them in the pockets of her pink polka dot raincoat as she went along, every once in a while turning back to show her dad the newest treasure that she had claimed. 
It was a picture-perfect image, one that made your heart swell. You had never had that as a child, your parents split just months after your birth. And in an unusual situation, they each took a child. You remained in the care of your father while your older sister was in the custody of your mother. 
But you never did mind, and you feared that you would never get to experience that with your future family. 
You grew up in the woods. Running barefoot clad in jeans and second-hand t-shirts coming home when the street lights turned on, dirty like a feral child. The children that you were surrounded with when you were younger had the same spirit as you. All of you ran together, creating your own realities that didn't have anything to do with the real world. 
Growing up spending more time on the rez than in town was frowned upon for most non-members of the tribe. But you were one of the rare exceptions. After your father became a single father to an infant while also being the chief of police he turned to one of his longest friends asking for his help. 
This ended up being a best-case scenario because you were then placed into the care of an elder in the Quileute community. She ran an informal home daycare, helping out members of the community when they needed it. 
There you grew up alongside a group of kids who accepted you from day one, even though you weren't from the reservation. It didn't matter to them, children are not born with the biases that plague the minds of adults. 
The lot of you ran wild and were known all around the reservation for being thick as thieves. You all did everything together, one person's experience was everyone's experience. The ups and downs of living in a small community, family problems that no children should have to experience, and more. 
Many nights were spent jumping out of your bedroom window and riding your bike to the reservation crashing it in the front yard of whoever house you were spending the night at. Crawling into the dog-pile sleeping arrangements where you always had your best nights of sleep. 
The friendships that you made as a child filled the void of absent family members. You made time for your father but no matter how hard he tried you could never be his top priority, since the town you called home and the surrounding communities relied on him. The pain in his eyes was always present when duty called and he had to leave you, but you knew that he felt better when you spent time with your friends, he hated leaving you alone. 
The door crashing open tore you away from the window and brought your attention to the front of the store. The bodies quickly ran into the couple rows of shelves and you knew who it was immediately. 
Not wanting to rain on their parade you acted oblivious, shouting out your usual greeting for customers and rolling your eyes. 
There was some rattling and you heard hushed arguing before four bodies jumped out shouting. Not even caring at your lack of a reaction, all four doubled over in laughter. You could have sworn your eyes were going to roll into the back of your head but you were used to their stupidity by now. 
Slowly they all came out of the laughing fits and came up to the counter, Jacob hopped up on the counter and you gave him a quick shove off, Embry and Quil laughing at your actions. Paul leaned against the counter, opposite of where you stood, with Embry and Jacob mirroring his actions and Quil hopping on the counter this time. And when you didn't march over to push him off Jacob started to bitch, causing you to roll your eyes at him again while Embry was the one to shove him this time. 
“Come on Y/N what are we doing tonight, we were talking about driving into Forks and going to the drive-in?”, Quil said as he absentmindedly organized the postcards in the little display stand. 
“Yeah they are showing Dazed and Confused, way better than that romcom crap that they show all the damn time”, Embry laughed. 
“Why the hell do you even know what a romcom is?”Jacob teased. 
They began to argue and bitch at each other, Quil chiming in when he found it possible. You watched the argument waiting for them to be done when a rough hand tapped yours. 
Paul was still standing on the other side of the counter in front of you, one of his fingers was ever so slightly grazing your own. 
This was normal for both of you. The feelings that you had for him were mutual, though you would never admit it. Terrified at changing the dynamic of the group when you inevitably break up because the fairytale of high-school sweethearts doesn't work out more than it does. And staying friends with him was more important than the love that grew each time you saw him. 
You gazed at him, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. This always happened to him too. Sure you felt safe around any of the boys and trusted them all, but in the past year or so something changed about the way you felt towards Paul. And it wasn't because of your crush, since that had been around well since you entered your teenage years. 
Maybe it was because Paul had been the one tasked with explaining the existence of the shifters since you had accidentally found out when you witnessed Jared and Paul getting into it over something stupid one of them had said to the other one summer evening while you were sitting on the porch at Paul's dad's house. 
This was during the time when your friend group was split. 
Jared and Paul had been cast out, spending more and more time with Sam Uley after they underwent inhumane transformations at record speed. You had hardly recognized Paul when you saw him after a few weeks of not seeing him. His long hair was gone, and his physique was impressive, and a tattoo now decorated his arm. And when you saw Jared a few days later, he was the same. 
They both had given you the cold shoulder at first, but you weren't going to put up with their crap. They could have their little catfight with Quil, Embry, and Jacob but that was none of your business. Something must have happened that you had not been let in on, which pissed you off but you weren't going to lose friends over it. 
So you split your time between the two groups now, seeing them only on separate occasions, never telling the others that you were hanging out with the opposite group. 
So there you sat on Paul’s father's porch, it had been a normal day and then something was said and the day was ruined. 
You had watched in horror as both of their bodies contorted and spun and their human forms were gone and giant wolves appeared in their place. As they snapped and lunged at each other you stood up from the porch and sprinted to your bike. Pedaling as fast as you could all the way out of the reservation and to your house. 
Ignoring calls from both of them for a couple of days until Sam Uley showed up at your house. He held a bag of Harry Clearwater's famous fish fry that he was delivering to your father. No doubt running the errand for the old man to get the opportunity to talk to you. 
You didn't know him the best, only hearing more about him in the recent weeks when Embry was referring to him, Paul, and Jared as hall monitors on steroids. 
So as you tried to stick to your death glare towards him you relinquished after he asked several times for you to come by Emily’s, guilt-tripping you saying that Emily missed seeing you since you had stopped helping her out with working at the market.  
That night Paul had sat you down on the back porch and explained that the legends you had grown up hearing as you crashed the bonfires as children were in fact true. It was a hard pill to swallow but you felt a sense of importance being one of the few interested in the secret. 
Over the next few months, you watched as the rest of your friends went through the transformation as well, being able to comfort them when they wanted nothing to do with the other boys. 
“Y/N please tell Jacob that he's an idiot”, Embry pleaded. 
“Jake, you’re an idiot” 
“What the hell Y/N?”
“And Embry you're an idiot two, the both of you are idiots”, Paul and Quil both let out hoarse chuckles as they tried to stifle their laughter, at the two idiots with their jaws dropped. “And besides I can't do anything tonight, as soon as my shift’s over I’m out of here. My sister got here today. Charlie’s making me be there when he gets home from picking her up”. 
“Ah, that's right Isabella is making her grand return, how long has it been, four, five years?”. Quil wondered. 
“Try seven or eight”, Paul answered before you had the opportunity. You hummed in response and you began your end-of-shift duties, counting the money in the till since you were the closer. Greedy hands tried swiping some money as you counted and placed it all in the envelope. Handing the sealed envelope to the most responsible of the bunch which was Paul after he was given the strict instructions to hand it directly to Emily you bid your farewells as you hopped in your car and sped off towards town. 
The old wooden clock slowly tickled by as you sat on the worn-down couch waiting to hear the familiar sound of the worn-out brakes of your father's squad car pulling into the driveway. Your phone was lighting up every few seconds indicating new text messages coming in, no doubt from the boys and Leah begging you to meet them at the drive-in. 
There was no use in telling them no, none of them took the answer “no” very well. And even if you wanted to meet them, your dad had asked you to be there when your sister got here, and he hardly asked you to do anything so you felt like you couldn't bail this time. 
Picking at a loose string on the couch you were dozing off when finally the squeaky brakes could be heard signaling a sign of relief. 
Spend a few hours catching up with your sister and then meet the pack at the drive-in and catch whatever movie was playing after Dazed and Confused. 
The door pushed open and you pushed yourself off of the couch, preparing mentally for the awkwardness that was about to ensue. 
The last time that you had talked to your sister was over two years ago. A phone call that had ended sour, led to the two years of radio silence. Neither of you wanted it to go on that long but you both inherited the trait of being stubborn from your mother. 
“Bell’s I’m sure you remember your sister, It's been a while though”, your father laughed with a dry chuckle as he passed by you heading into the kitchen leaving you to stare at your older sister in complete silence, except for the distinct sound of a beer being cracked open. 
“Hey”, you cringed at your own voice, sounding so weak. 
“Hi”, she matched your tone, looking very uncomfortable, more than she usually looked. 
Luckily you were saved by your father who waltzed back into the living room and headed towards the stairs, calling out for Bella to follow him. He motioned for her to head up the stairs while he looked back at you, eyes pleading for you to follow them. It was awkward for all parties involved. Groaning you grabbed the handrail to head up, his hand patting your shoulder in thanks. 
A few weeks had passed since your sister had arrived in town, and luckily she had found a few friends in Forks to occupy her time, but most days you were still forced to spend some time with her and show her around at your father's request. 
She wasn't the biggest fan of the reservation, since she felt uncomfortable. However, it wasn't often that she joined you when you went since a particular pale boy took up most of her time. 
To say that you weren't Edward Cullen's biggest fan was an understatement. 
He was awkward and gave you the creeps. The way that he stared at you was like he knew something about you that you didn't even know yourself. Plus you found it slightly concerning that Bella was spending so much time with someone that she hadn't even known for a couple months. 
Plus whenever you brought up the reservation he instantly became rude and annoyed, even though he too had not been living in Forks long enough to truly have an opinion. 
Bella had dropped you off at Emily’s house since your car had puttered out on route 110 when you were driving to Port Angeles to pick up some groceries you couldn't get in Forks or on the rez. 
Being at Emily’s house was your own personal heaven. Everything there seemed perfect even when it wasn't. The smell of baked goods met your nose every time you pushed the door open and within seconds Emily would pull you into a bone-crushing hug. Many days were spent sitting at the old creaky dining room table. The grooves and scratches that decorated it and showed the years of wear were familiar under your fingertips. You could trace one line and know where the pattern was going to lead. 
Today was no exception, you were sitting at the table grazing on some of the goodies that Emily had been working on, talking about nonsense and listening to the soft melody that was floating out of the old radio that rested on one of the many cluttered shelves. 
None of the pack was in, Sam had sent them on various missions and errands to keep them busy and out of trouble, so it was one of the rare moments where it was almost silent. 
That was until a familiar orange truck came to a screeching halt outside. As soon as you caught a glimpse of it your anxiety spiked, your sister had no reason to be here. Emily shared a similar look of concern as she set down the bowl of muffins that she was mixing and came around to meet you at the table. 
Glancing out the window you saw your sister stumble out of the truck after Embry and Jared, looking like she had just seen a ghost, or maybe a werewolf. 
The boys ran into the house as if nothing was wrong, crashing into the table and snatching some goodies for themselves. Bella slowly made her way up the stairs. 
She had dropped you off and picked you up a few times, but she never left the driver's seat of her Chevy. 
“Who’s this?”, Emily asked in an attempt to break the ice since the two had never formally met. 
“Bella Swan, who else?”Jared mused smirking at you knowing that this whole situation had your skin crawling. 
Bella knew about vampires, you were sure of it. 
The amount of time that she was spending with Edward was inevitable. But you were trying your hardest to make sure she didn't find out about the wolves. She didn't need to be involved in both supernatural worlds. 
Vampires were not something that you knew much about, the basics were necessary since the legends of the tribe reference them. The questions that you had were extensive but you always played it smart and refrained from asking them since any mention of the leeches got the pack all worked up. 
But now you knew your weeks of trying to keep her in the shadows were for nothing. As you learned that your sister had stormed into the Black’s house demanding to see Jacob. 
He was trying to distance himself as well since Bella was getting more comfortable in Washington and was beginning to ask questions that Jacob couldn't answer due to Sam’s gag order and the looming threat that you placed…answers equal his murder. 
Bella had gotten pissed since one of her only friends was ignoring her and decided to find out why for herself after Jacob completely stopped returning her calls. 
This led to her finding Jake outside talking to the pack, and Bella inserted herself into the conversation and argued with Paul before punching him in the face. That led to Paul phasing and then Jacob phasing to protect her.
Bella had been traumatized, rightfully so but now you were in a predicament because she knew, and you were going to have to admit that you had been hiding something this big from her. 
Your sister moved closer towards you, standing next to your chair, taking the muffin that you were extending towards her. No words were exchanged between the two of you as Jared and Embry continued to spill the secrets of the Quileute tribe. 
You were so caught up in the bickering boys that you hadn't noticed Sam waltz in until he was all over Emily. The sight of true love made your heart swell. 
The sweet moment was quickly ruined by two pairs of feet stomping up the steps of Emily’s front porch, the two tanned boys shoving each other and pushing through the open front door. Paul strutted towards his usual seat at the worn table, right next to you. 
He looked past you and towards your sister, uttering a quick sorry. The tone of smugness made you want to gag at how idiotic he was and you could have sworn you heard Sam whisper a quick “oh my god”. 
Jacob was grinning as well, that was until he spotted Bella. You could have sworn your heart was going to pound out of your chest. The awkward tension in the air felt like it was going to strangle you. You didn't dare to look at your sister, even though you could feel her eyes staring at the back of your head. 
Luckily you were saved by the man of the hour after he motioned for Bella to follow him. As she pushed herself off the counter her hand found its way to your shoulder, and the look of anger and disappointment on her face affected you more than it should have.
She disappeared back the way she came and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your head was now resting against your folded hand, trying to calm yourself down. A hand was immediately on your back, rubbing small circles. 
The electricity that you felt let you know immediately who it was. Paul was now standing behind you, even though you didn't even remember him standing from his seat next to you. You couldn't see it because of your closed eyes but no one else dared to speak in the room because of the anger that was displayed across Paul's face. 
“What the hell are you saying?”. 
“Bella, will you just shut your mouth, you are throwing a fit for absolutely no reason. Last time I checked the world did not revolve around you”. 
“It's called common sense Y/N, you knew this secret about people that we grew up with”.
That was it. 
That comment was what had caused you to start charging across the front yard towards her. And if you hadn't been at Emily’s and the pack wasn't standing by you would have given her the punch to the face that was so deserved. 
But you hadn't been so lucky since the minute you took off charging Paul's arms slung around your waist and pulled you in tight. 
Jacob had moved Bella to the side, but it was for nothing since you quickly relented and held up your palms signaling that you were calm. Although you had calmed down, you weren't done laying into your sister. 
“Bella as much as I’d love to come over there and beat the shit out of you for thinking the world revolves around you I won't. You had no right to know, it not only puts you in danger but it puts the pack in danger as well. And also you didn't grow up here so you can shut your mouth with that nonsense”. 
It was silent for a second except for the soft sounds of the forest that blanketed Emily’s house. That was until Jared's voice broke through the air. 
Bella was at a loss for words, for once. Instead of bickering back with you she huffed and puffed for a second before saying something to Jacob. She hadn't whispered it but she was far enough away that you could only make out a few words, most of which were not in favor of you. 
But you didn't care, Bella meant nothing to you. You had found your own family and she had found hers. 
 Since Bella found out about the pack the two of you had been at each other's throats. 
At home, when the two of you were together it was only a matter of time before you began bickering. Charlie had picked up on it and asked you both what everything was about. But it wasn't like you could explain to your father that you were arguing because she had a supernatural boyfriend and you had a supernatural best friend of a different species and they happened to be mortal enemies. 
You know the usual teenage sister drama. 
More and more of your time was spent on the reservation. It got to the point where you were spending days on end at Emily’s or one of the boys not even going home to get more clothes. 
Quil’s grandma had offered for you to move in with them years ago and these days you were truly wondering if the offer stood. 
Because even though Emily offered you the guest room every night you were starting to feel bad, like you were a barnacle stuck to the side of a boat. 
“Do you want any help Em?”. Soft music was playing on the radio in the corner of the kitchen, the house decorated with beautiful flower arrangements that Emily had put together the night before. All of them had bloomed in her garden which she had been buzzing about since she planted them a couple months ago. 
“If you could make the salad that would be amazing my darling Y/N ''. There was a hint of teasing in her voice. Something that the two of you had picked up on, seeing how it amused the pack to see the two of you interact as a fake couple. 
Sam had been annoyed at first but Emily had straightened him out, lecturing him on how she knew he was strong enough in his masculinity for Emily to have fun and joke around with her friends. 
She made Sam apologize to you which was a sight that the entire pack was cruising around to see their leader do what his girlfriend said to do. 
“Of course dear, I will be right on it”, you replied giggling. 
Emily and you spent the next couple hours enjoying the silence before the pack burst through the door ready to eat the dinner that Emily had so graciously prepared. 
After the meal everyone migrated out back, most of the boys opting to play an impromptu game of soccer. 
Sam and Emily were snuggled together underneath a blanket on the old outdoor couch that sat on Emily’s porch. You sat on the porch swing, using your left left to slowly rock yourself back and forth as you watched the game. 
Unintentionally you found a thread sticking out of the cushion on the swing and started to absentmindedly pick at it. You were so caught up in it that you didn't notice the dip on the other side of the porch swing until an unnaturally hot arm was placed around your shoulder, 
“Destroying Em’s property over there are you?”Paul's tone was teasing and if that wasn't clear enough the smirk on his face spelled it out clearly. 
“Keep your voice down, you're gonna work Sam up”, your tone matched his. Both of you peering over at the happy couple lost in their own romance, they looked like a pair of high school kids, sneaking kisses and sharing giggles. 
Slowly you laid on Paul's bare chest and snuggled against him, gladly accepting his radiating body heat. 
This wasn't abnormal for the two of you, sharing such a vulnerable position. 
Sure, you snuggled against the other boys when you were cold, but never like this, never so intimate. 
With Paul, it was different, the connection that you felt with him allowed you to be so vulnerable and comfortable with him. It was an unspoken connection, neither of you acknowledging the sparks that you felt. No doubt the other boys had teased him about how soft he was when it came to you. 
Months had gone by. 
Bella was practically living at the Cullens. 
And you were couch-surfing on the reservation. 
Charlie was dealing with his own mess at the department and you didn't want to risk running into your sister at the house for the sake of your own sanity. 
It was summer time so neither of you ever being home was a red flag to him, but you knew that you were going to have to come up with some excuse once the leaves started to change. 
It was a particularly hot day when you had drug out the kiddy pool from the back of your car. It had been stashed there all summer, something you impulsively bought on a trip to Port Angeles. Never really intended to use it, that was until temperatures soared into the hundreds. 
Emily’s house was kind of the home base for the pack and had become your home base too. That's why you didn't feel weird about dragging the inflatable pool to the backyard and setting up camp for the day, even if Emily was out of town visiting family for the weekend. 
The pack was all supposed to be doing jobs around the reservation, helping make sure everyone stayed cool, so you figured no one would bother you and you would be able to have an afternoon of peace. 
Which worked out for a couple hours where you were able to just float and relax in the tiny pool. 
That was until you got drenched by someone splashing you. 
Aggravated you tore your sunglasses off ready to tear someone a new one, stopping when you realized who it was. 
“You're lucky it's you Lahote”. 
“Yeah…yeah make some room”. Paul didn't wait for you to even react and start to scoot over, instead taking matters into his own hands, pushing you gently to the side so he could recline to the best of his ability in the tight space. 
“Your damn body heat is gonna turn this into a hot tub”. 
“There is literally no need to be so dramatic”. 
You were facing each other, his feat extended past the side of your body while yours was pulled towards your chest. It was a defense mechanism, you were fine being in close proximity with Paul. But for some reason being in the kiddy pool suddenly had you the most self-conscious you had ever been around him. 
And if it wasn't like he had not seen you in a swimsuit before, I mean at this point with your relationship with the pack all the guys including Paul had “accidently” walked in on you changing. 
This felt different. 
The tension was building between the two of you. 
Maybe it was because it was so hot outside or because of the difficult year you had experienced but you felt as if your judgment was a bit clouded. 
Because as Paul scooted closer you matched his actions. 
Suddenly the two of you were face to face. 
You were frozen, not sure of the next move. 
You wanted to kiss him, you really did. But you weren't sure of his feelings towards you. 
That was until he finally made the next move and his lips found yours. 
The rush of euphoria was instant, there was something so satisfying about the kiss. It was like the electric sparks that you had been feeling for the past year were now met with a constant electric current. 
You were the one to break the kiss, instantly hiding your face to conceal the blush that had spread across it. 
Paul stayed still. 
You gave him a few seconds waiting for him to say something…but he didn't. 
And when you moved your face to get a good look at him your heart sank. 
He looked angry. 
And he didn't just look at it, he was all worked up, trying to control his breathing, his shoulders moving up and down at a rapid pace. 
He was gonna transform. 
“Y/N get out of the pool”. 
You were frozen with fear, his tone was so icy. He never spoke to you like this.
“Y/N get out of the pool now”, he practically growled the words. 
It was as if some invisible force flung you backward, you couldn't even process what you were doing. 
One minute you were sitting staring at the man you were in love with and the next you were stepping backwards in horror as you watched his clothes shred and his tanned skin be replaced by silver fur and then he was gone. 
Leaving you all alone, destroyed. 
It had been five weeks since you had seen or talked to Paul. 
It was as if he completely disappeared, just vanished off the face of the earth. 
Although you knew this wasn't the case because none of the pack members seemed too concerned, dodging all your questions when you brought him up. 
It was unbearable, to spend any amount of time with any of them. 
You knew it was because they all had some big secret that they wanted to tell you, but couldn't. 
And frankly, it was just making you mad at this point. It's why you never wanted to get romantically involved with any of them, because of this. 
One day you had reached your breaking point though. 
It was early one weekend morning, one where you had actually slept at Charlie's for the night since you had been feeling awkward on the rez. And you had sent a text to Quil asking if he wanted to get breakfast at your shared favorite spot on the reservation. 
His text back simply contained one word; “Can’t”. 
And when you texted Jared and Embry you were met with the same response. 
So you did the unthinkable. 
Pulling your clothes on and making yourself look more presentable than normal you put your car in gear and drove to an unfamiliar house. 
The only reason you knew where to go was because you had been with your father once when he needed to stop by it really quickly. 
You had intended for the drive over to be a time to think about what you were going to say without having to say that all your friends were being assholes and you just don't want to be alone for the day. 
But instead, you cried when a song came on the radio that reminded you of your said asshole-ish friends. 
So now here you were fixing your makeup that had run down your face giving yourself a monitor pep talk to prepare yourself to be the bigger person. 
Finally getting out of the car and walking to the front door you reluctantly knocked.
Within a flash a ghostly person was standing in front of the glass door, looking at you at first with curiosity and then pity. 
Luckily you didn't have to say your friends sucked, he just knew. 
The Cullens had welcomed you into their home with open arms. 
Something you never would have suspected considering if they only had one hater in the world it was you and if there were no haters in the world then you must be dead. 
But that was before, you had put most of it behind you. 
Choosing to see their positive qualities and attributes and not focusing on the negative. 
Being in their home was such a stark contrast from being at Emily’s 
The atmosphere and the way everyone interacted, which was one of the downsides to the Cullens house, felt so formal compared to Emily’s and you felt so out of place. 
But regardless you made yourself as comfortable as possible, attempting to repair your relationship with your sister. 
On this day in particular most of you were upstairs, lounging in the living room, light conversations taking place, nothing too heavy to disrupt the calm environment. 
Until Edward shot up from his place next to Bella on the loveseat. His brothers followed immediately, his sisters following just moments later. Bella and you remained seated, unsure of what to do. 
She opened her mouth and started to speak but a loud snarl caught both of you off guard. Bella looked perplexed but you knew right away who it could belong to. Jumping off the couch you 
The Cullen-Hale siblings were crowded around their front porch, blocking your direct vision but it didn't matter you knew who it was. 
sprinted downstairs. 
“She doesn't want to see you”
“You need to leave” 
“Get off our territory mutt”
Pushing past the stone-cold bodies shielding your view felt like a mistake. Because there he was. You could see some of the anger leave his face the moment he saw you but it returned as soon as Emmett's hand found its way to your shoulder. 
“Get your hands off her”
“Not happening, you need to leave”
“I’m giving you three seconds” 
“He’s not gonna listen to you mutt” 
“Take your hands off my imprint right now or I am not going to have a care about whatever the treaty says” 
Time stopped still. 
Have you heard him correctly? 
Did he just call you his imprint, I mean there was no way. He had to have been lying. You had been around Paul practically every day since his genes kicked in, minus all the times you had been arguing. 
And not once did he tell you anything about you being his imprint, in fact, he got off the topic every time you brought it up. 
No one dared to move, besides Paul who was heaving his shoulders up and down, trying to fight off the impending shift. 
Carlisle moved to say something to Emmet, something you couldn't hear but whatever it was it made his hand swiftly retract from your shoulder. 
This time Carlise came up next to you whispering, “You better go with him Y/N”. 
How you wished to be a fly on the wall. You wished you could see what was going on right now in Emily’s backyard. 
Paul and you had decided it was neutral ground, and that way if Paul got worked up the pack could hopefully talk him off the ledge. They were all inside, on Sam’s order but you had no doubt that they were listening to every single word that was being said, or better yet the words that weren't being said. 
You had sat down on the porch swing almost five minutes ago, Paul leaning against the railing opposite of you. He had opened his mouth as if to speak within the first ten seconds of being outside but no sound came out. 
“Paul, are you going to say anything?” 
He fiddled with a loose piece of wood sticking out the front of the porch railing, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation. 
It was something new. 
All of your years of knowing Paul you had never seen him like this. Embarrassment actually looked good on him, it was such a stark contrast from his confident cocky self, this whole thing was truly a humbling experience for him. One that you no doubt would be teasing him for once you moved past this awkwardness. 
“I wanna start with I’m sorry” 
“Why did you do it?”, your tone was accusing. 
“Do what?” 
“Paul don't act stupid” 
“Y/N please this is what I didn't want. I didn't want you to find out and then everything we had…our friendship would be ruined”. 
“Is it because you don't like me like that, like the way that imprinters like their imprints?”. 
Your eyes fought to see him, but he refused to look at you. And with the slight nod of his head, you felt your heart shatter. 
Slowly you started to push off the swing, ready to collect your bag from inside, but you didn't make it off the chair. His hand was clamped around your wrist, stopping you. 
His other hand found its way to your cheek, guiding you to look at him, wiping the loose tears away. 
“No, no baby, I mean Y/N I didn't mean it like that”. The hand felt surprisingly soft on your cheek, giving you instant relief. Looking up at him all you saw was fireworks. 
Your childhood crush, the man that you have loved since you were a child, was meant to be yours. Even the universe agreed. 
“Y/N I have been in love with you since we were fourteen years old, but I never said anything because I didn't want to hurt you. I don't know how to be in a relationship. My mom left when I was a kid, you know that whole story. And I don't have a good track record with relationships so far. I messed all of them up, and I would never forgive myself if I messed this one up too. I don't know if I could physically take it”. 
He was crying now. 
They were soft tears, slowly sliding down his tanned skin. He was pouring his heart out to you, and you had never felt so special. Everything in your life had been leading up to this moment. The moment when the universe aligns for you. 
“We can go at your pace, you don't need to commit to anything you don't want. I will do anything and everything for you, I will move heaven and earth for you, I will walk to the East Coast and back to pick you up if you ask”. 
Now he was rambling. 
“Paul I love you too”.
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rowanberrypop · 4 months
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my next-gen lupgang, i call them fourgang! 💛 introduction bios under cut :3
☀️ LUPIN IV, call her four! she’s the daughter of lupin III and fujiko mine, the leader of her gang. she’s very silly and likes to brag with pizazz — after heists, she’ll set off fireworks! she is always setting out on her hearts’ desires; to have fun!☀️
🍂 PIERRE D’ANDRÉSY, four’s cousin! she’s the daughter of albert d’andrésy and tickey pasco. as an ex-ICPO agent, her skills with technology serve greatly within four’s gang! though, she’s a bit too smug and snide for her own good. 🍂
🌊 MIYAMOTO MUSASHI XVI, four’s best friend and goemon’s apprentice! he was found as a feral child, but now he lives up to his ancestors with his skills in niten ichi-ryū. musashi’s always found relaxing on the beach after a heist! 🌊
🚨TOSHIKO ZENIGATA, four’s rival! she’s the daughter of inspector koichi zenigata, with twice his temper! when she’s not hitting up bars to flirt with women, she always seems to be scowling. well… ever since pierre left the ICPO, that is. 🚨
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shiveringgroovy · 1 month
done with the boys s1
my current notes:
KIMIKOOOOOO she deserves the entire world and a nice beach house with frenchie where they bake together and sip iced tea and live a happy domestic life with no pain or suffering ever
hughie should be at the club
homelander's oedipus complex is wild i'm so obsessed with his psychology. ohhhh homelander the psychological freak of nature you are. schrodinger's feral child. beaten animal put in a platnium suit and muzzle. he's so fucked up
mother's milk didn't deserve That
annie :((((
hughie's soliloquy about pussy. he was simply spitting facts. pussy is badass
butcher's cockney accent that's it that's the bullet point
"you can call me uncle billy :)" i love you butcher but she should be playing and drawing and doing homework and not being soaked in blood every five minues
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
So...how would Mikos Mom and Dad Seduce Starscream?
Other!AU or otherwise.
Definitely Cyber!EarthAU. Izumi would be interested in the flyer that kept her feral, bitey daughter of little War-Forged Seeker relatively safe in the strange new world.
It's funnier (at least for me) because Miko's dad (I'm trying to figure out names. Sasuke? Kenichi? Hanzo? Arashi?) had a plain human appearance but as a Cybertronian? Whoo boy, the man is a War-Forged Praxian. He's very pink: plating, visor, and biolights with dark oragne optics. His history is literally slapped brightly upon him like the most Barbified warning label.
Izumi is the mix of a dark Seeker femme with the eerieness of the sea-folk. The Cybertronians of Cybertron would be really creeped out by her, especially with her fanged smiles and cheeriness, shimmering optics and biolights, the constant subtle tweaks in her frame, the twang in her voice, and the way she suddenly appears, lounging upon fountain seats or the rocks on the beach.
Starscream would need to be careful because Izumi has no qualms dragging him into the sea or any nearby water surfaces to spirit him away.
She would like to comment to Starscream that "The moon is very beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
Her husband would chuff, thinking she's being romantic to sing to a sky creature as he goes secures the perimeter. Unlike the Autobots and Decepticons, he actually knows the dangers and how to circumvent them. After all, he was stolen as a young child and survived to adulthood as a mercenary in Elsewhere.
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gollldrush · 6 months
@exquisitexagony sent: [ fears ] sender talks to receiver about their fears & [ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding | arthur and leo.
The gentle waves lap at the shore, sand cold beneath her body as she stares at the stars. One hand is twined with Arthur’s, both engulfed in silence. The only light trickles down from the moon, reflecting hauntingly across the water. Behind them, the dune grasses dance in a soft breeze.
She had been to the beach plenty of times, both as a child and as an adult. Summers spent on yachts, trolling boardwalks, and getting kicked out of bars for being underage. A completely different life than the one she was living now. This life where she had somehow found peace even if on the surface it was more chaotic than the previous.
Her hand releases from theirs as she props herself up on her elbows. She looks at them once, then back out across the sea – back again, except,
They’ve become taller. Their curly hair replaced with a short, side-swept style – no longer Arthur at all, in fact. Eric rolls on his side, a wicked smile on his face. His hand closes around her neck so quick there’s little time to react. He drags her under him, choking, choking, choking –
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Leo wakes up gasping for air and hideously clawing at invisible hands on her throat, catapulting herself backwards and off the bed. A few kicks have landed against Arthur’s skin – a terrified scream peels from her mouth as she hurriedly shoves herself into a corner. She flails against the wall, hitting a nail head that’s jutting out and ripping her skin. She doesn’t notice the blood – only thinks she sees Eric when her eyes pop open and Arthur is in front of her.
“No, no, no, NO!” She kicks at them, terrified – trapped in the throes of her nightmare. “Don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me.” Eyes are wide and wild, feral almost. “Eric I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
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Didn't sleep last night, and I have no idea why. It happens often enough that it doesn't bother me so much anymore, as long as we don't have much planned the following day. Body clocks are weird and we've always been pretty nocturnal, long as nobody inside was obviously distressed, I wasn't gonna sweat it.
Raz tried to make herself present in the morning. She put on comfy leggings and a strappy tank top, had some coffee out on the deck. Raz things. Tried her damnedest to organize her thoughts for therapy in a few hours--read through the last month of journaling, looked back through our blogs for clues, reached out to anyone inside who might be listening.
And, in true Raz fashion, abruptly got tired and suddenly we were changing clothes in our room again, pulling on my jeans and slightly less-strappy tank top.
Therapy came and went. We hadn't seen our therapist more than one time in-person before covid lockdown hit, and have been doing phone sessions since. I'm face blind on a good day, but I wouldn't be able to pick her out of a lineup, gun to my head.
Still, she knows us, and she's learning about Us in the differentiating-between-parts sense. Me personally, I'm not a fan of therapists in general, but ours is a good egg. Raz was doing most of the talking during the session, but I hung around to add wonderful insights such as "Fuck, this is gonna make me sound crazy to talk about…" that really just add a certain je ne sais quoi to the therapy environment.
After therapy, it was off to the beach. Gotta keep moving, got shit to do, got bars to fill like in the Sims: eat a food, consume a caffeine, photosynthesize, touch a Big Water (the ocean, in this case.) Sweat my ass off in the last of the summer sun. Listen to the feral child in my brain begging to kick off our shoes and walk in the tide. Mutter about seaweed clinging to my calves and sand between my toes, but it makes her happy, so whatever.
Come home, hang out with our roommate slash best friend on the deck. Try to practice our new hobby, embroidery, because what's more fitting than to pick up a hobby all about untangling masses of knotted threads and trying to make something beautiful out of it.
Or something. I fucked it up and admitted defeat after two failed bullion knots.
We slip back inside and hang out in bestie's room for a bit while my sleep debt repeatedly elbows me in the face, reminding me I can't stay awake forever. The kiddos inside my brain, usually present later at night, hover closer as it gets harder to keep my eyes open.
Nope, fuck, not time for that yet, gotta get up, gotta make breakf….lunch? Food. Meal. Shuffle out to the kitchen while Abel stands off to the side, rattling off The Plan for making food. Do this, do that, then start this, then go back to that, and while you're doing this make sure you--
I nod along with the occasional grumble when she seems a bit Too nitpicky for someone who's intentionally not taking charge of moving our body around. I'm tired goddammit, I don't care that I was supposed to put the bacon on a different way.
Inside, Raz pats my arm sympathetically. Of course she knows all about being tired.
Wake our sleeping husband, feed everyone, clean up the kitchen. Feed the ferret and rat. Let the ferret out to run around like the little boneless dork he is.
Sit. Stare into space for a minute. Start writing this post.
I don't do well without a Thing to do. All I know are my little tasks. It's time for someone else to take over, I think. Maybe I've done enough for the day, y'know? What a concept.
- Tris
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
The Boys
In order to build up their forces, Jake begins reaching out and visiting some of the other clans. As they grow older, the kids end up acting as diplomats
Spider ends up on an extended stay with the Ash clans when he's about 17, a stay that influences him a lot in helping him to understand himself and grow in his comfort within his body
The Ash clans are a people of oddballs, some rejected from their first clans, others raised in the clan of outcasts, and all of them creating a clan focused on bettering oneself ]
He befriends a Na'vi named Rutu.
Rutu is an older, Ash-raised Na'vi with a strong personality
He's stubborn, straight-forward, but a goofball and relentlessly loyal
He basically corners Spider into a friendship, arguing that a good diplomat will stick around and make friends and that, as a warrior of the clan, Rutu is necessary to focus on
Truth be told, he's full of bullshit but loves to see how people tick. Spider, being human and 'damn near feral', he latches onto him until a tight friendship forms
He's mated to a traveler woman, Neipx, who is a nomad Ash woman. Being as she's gone so often, he spends a lot of time helping Spider and ultimately travels with him to some of the other Ash clans.
He is also the one who convinces Spider to mate officially with Rotxo and helps him to come to terms with his weaker body and shorter lifespan - he's missing a hand and has come to have no fear left of death
He convinces Spider that Ewya will take her children when she's ready - there's no point in fearing what cannot be changed, nor in living in fear when peace waits behind death
So when he gets a message that Rutu was killed in a skirmish with a stray human camp at the base of their mountains, he rushes there
Rotxo stays behind with Anea and the clans, wanting to travel with them but unable to safely with a 6 year old human
No one expects him to return with a 3 year old and an infant in his arms
Wiaklik is the older and Vipeì the younger; their mother was killed in the air raids and, with Rutu being lost so unexpectedly, they're alone
Spider didn't expect it but Rutu left a letter detailing his will for them should it come to it and wanted them to grow up to see the world as an adventure to explore as he did
So he sends them to Spider, to Rotxo, and hopes they can offer what he no longer can
He tucks them into their marui and sits on the beach for hours with Rotxo, sobbing and explaining who they were to one another. How, in another life, maybe they would have been one and the same. Finally, he admits that Rutu left the boys to them
Rotxo is scared at the premise but doesn't hesitate. He's worse about taking in strays so to speak and knew they would be theirs from the moment Spider carried them across the sand
They give the boys their family name, a wish Rutu gave so that they wouldn't feel as alone as Spider and himself did growing up
It's an...adjustment to say the least, but they make do
Wialik wants his Daddy, or his Mama, and doesn't understand why his Uncle Spy is here and they aren't
He becomes their trouble child
Even as he grows up, he doesn't always feel quite like he belongs, but he does love his family
He rebels, argues, fights, but he always comes home
He gets into more fights than Lo'ak over his Uncle and sisters humanity
Rotxo is Uncle Ro, Spider is Uncle Spy, and Rutu is Dad
Rocorro are his dads but he struggles with the name, seeing as Na'vi have better memory, and only really calls Rutu his Dad unless he's really upset
Surprisingly, he gets along well with Neteyam
Neteyam calms him easily and soothes his temper, he also helps Wialik to cover his rebellions up if he thinks he actually regrets the behavior
Wialik becomes a warrior to help him get a grip on his temper and his energy, when he can't do that, he hunts
He's one of the best in the clan when it comes to a spear
Rotxo is the one that helps him with controlling his emotions and Spider the one who helps him work through it
Despite his temper, he really does love his family and is fiercely protective
Especially of his baby brother and later sister
He tries to big brother Anea but she shuts that down real quick - smaller or not, she's the oldest
They aren't the closest, but they share their responsibility well
Vipeì is who he is closest to, even when their personalities are so different
Like his Dad hoped, he becomes an avid explorer when given the chance. Though he stays with the Metkayina, he spends a lot of his childhood exploring the woods when he can
It helps him feel more balanced
When he first comes home, he's fussy and when he leaves home, he's still fussy
Spider likes to point that out but he's secretly very proud of his sons backbone
He has a very bantering relationship with Spider
They both bicker constantly but it's their way of being close without having to get mushy (cause Wialik is 100% that teenager who can't say I love you)
Rotxo has a more laid back relationship with him and he's who he goes to for advice
He stayed up with him a lot when he was little and confused about his parents
Rotxo would sneak him away to visit the ancestors and hold him afterwards
Despite having not lost a parent, he has a good relationship with his moms and understands the love a bit better than Spider can
He's pivotal in helping Wialik come to peace with where his life is heading
Raising Wialik is the team effort for the ages
Vipeì is the opposite
He's a newborn when they adopt him and latches on to his Papa and Da
Wialik is his protector his whole life, but he's very close to Anea
He's soft-spoken and shy - more like his birthmother than Rutu
While most expect him to latch onto Rotxo, he's Spiders shadow
He doesn't really remember either of his parents as he was so young when he lost them
Wialik and Spider help keep the memories alive along with regular visits to the spirit tree, but he feels more like he's hearing about an uncle than his dad - the opposite to his big brother
Anea is the only one who knows those feelings
He was a very quiet, very cuddly baby
He wanted to be held near constantly
They have to carry him around in a chest wrap as soon as they're back to working
Spider works more on land and has to carry him more so there are A LOT of pictures of him with a child the size of his entire torso strapped to him
But he loves the water as soon as he's safe to enter it
He spends his childhood in the tide pools and with the ilus, who he grows up to care for a lot of
Similarly, he spends a lot of time making maps of the reefs, coast, and the travel routes Spider and Neteyam take on diplomacy trips (which he jumps onto as fast as he can)
He is very close to Kiri who pushes him to be a bit more proactive in defending himself and speaking up but also encourages how entranced he is in with the world around them and the places he goes
Homie is decent with a knife but looks like a toddler with a gun when you hand him a spear
It looks ridiculous and does even worse with it
His official job is mostly caring for the animals and gardens, but his mapping also takes up some of his adult life
Spider helps him with it a lot in his free time and will help him improve them while Rotxo is the one to help him plan out excursions and how to do them safely
He finds a mated pair he ends up with as a teen and travels with his mates once Spider is convinced he's a decent enough diplomat on his own (aka once he's sure he'll actually do diplomat things and talk to people rather than just explore)
He's a good big brother to their youngest sibling but does end up with a bit of baby brother syndrome
Overall he's a very laid back boy, he's responsible and their easiest child while his brother is their hardest
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kittydragondraws · 1 year
Dead End
panic attack ensues
rambles under cut
Ads... bootiful
more... waiting
ooh thing happened and it hurts
Nice... beach
aww look at those cubicle
no trauma D:
ice stance
omg uzi's so cute
oof ominous face
teaser image :D
how did they not get hurt by the fall
aww they're bird people
N's so silly
on the other hand male dd references :]
omg tessa's so cute
why didn't she fight
oh mah gosh no child
oh my she's kinda coot actually
darkness woman
did that say sister?
oh my god this chick feral
haha magnet
wow she axin
bro really said valuable
just an oven...
oh my goodness UZI
ooh the w word
why is tessa there
aww mamby what the hell
why is he not afraid?
oh my god are we gonna get like 100 more worms
oh wow she repaired herself
this chick kinda cool
liam and his wendigos
oh good they live
is this just torture?
haha i'm scared
bot went 0.0
...and uzi?
he siad it haha
wht the hell was on that screen
wait i just realized her eyes are orange, Teacher
woah they look kinda coot
she's just enjoying this
wait so earth is gone?
so uzi wil die, okay
oh my helling gosh nah
why is she insane
oh no uzi
cowboy baby feels remorse
flashbaning her wont work scrub
httyd moment lol
oh no stuff is happening
no not cool girl
they're sounds are nice
wll he's gone
haha v
wakey wakey....
human blood :D
baby girl
i cannot breathe
they're gonna reactivate
why u red boy
this music kinda nice ngl
i regret every fanfic i've ever watched
bro this song slaps
it's like opera
hehe hiding
my hand is shaking lalala ha ha ha
i love her accent
awwwwwww hand holding
noooooo.... YAS
these two are so dumb
guns brandished lady
oh good god doll is okay
wow she kinda cool
why must they sound so gosh darn cute
my god the boss fight begins
these things smart
v gto the killer reflexes frfr
glasses woman :D
aww she swore
if v dies i'm so gonna cry
smart is the new cool
not the actual hell woman
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deadmomjokes · 9 months
Betwixt Christmas gift cash and Steam Family Sharing workaround shenanigans, the husband and I have finally started Baldur's Gate 3.
Went in basically blind except for knowing the names of the companions and the fact that Astarion is a vampire (couldn't miss that cultural osmosis).
We also came in on two different meta-levels as players.
He is very familiar with D&D, D&D-based games, computer games in general, and these sorts of games specifically. He's also that kind of person that plays things on Extreme Difficulty Mode for fun. He quits when something isn't challenging enough. His idea of relaxing, rewarding gameplay is ultra-hard-mode Elden Ring and Dark Souls.
I, on the other hand, am bad at games. Full stop. I have lost Wii Mario Kart to a 6 year old, repeatedly. I get hopelessly lost even when there's detailed maps, trackers, compasses, and flagged waypoints. I also panic in combat situations and have no strategic ability aside from "stand there, hit it, and hope it doesn't move." I'm more of a low-stakes visual novel sort of gamer. Stardew Valley is as intense as I get.
He is playing a Seldarine Drow warlock in a pact with an archfey. She's a noble with a ridiculously high Charisma score, a perfectly balanced spell loadout, and an even more balanced overall stat build. She's DPS without being totally squishy and helpless, and has advantage to almost everything. She also has an impeccable fashion sense and always looks put together, even when on death's door to a brain worm. Or, to put it in a way my husband would loathe, she got that drip.
I am playing a ginger himbo of a high elf fighter with -1 to Charisma and a -1000 to common sense. He's an impulsive maniac with, somehow, a +3 to intimidation despite being a truly gentle soul that believes every sob story he comes across. He's a sweaty, dusty, grubby little feral child (outlander background) with the world's messiest ponytail and greasepaint-turned-eyeliner that a 90s ex emo kid would be proud of. And that's him trying to look presentable. Despite having an impressive dexterity score, my natural disadvantage to dexterity (and Wisdom and Intelligence) as the player makes it so that this man bumbles his way into everything and only gets out by making horrifying threats he has absolutely no intention of following up on, or by being forced to stand his ground and take it on the jaw.
So this was going to be An Experience no matter what. And boy, it sure has been.
Thus far, we have:
Accidentally pacifism'd our way into every Goblin/Absolute aligned settlement we've encountered on the pure luck of husband's choice to play a Drow because he thought it would add an interesting dynamic. That interesting dynamic, he thought, would be difficulty. He thought being a Drow would make it harder because of the general hatred toward them. He's technically good-aligned, but, y'know, planet-of-hats racism means he was expecting it to work against him, which he likes because he likes when things are hard. Only now it's basically a free pass into all the areas we'd normally have to fight or sneak into. Great for our shared pacifist tendencies, but LOL
Lost a full hour of progress because my computer screen is tiny and bad at graphics and I hadn't learned all the controls yet, so while trying to investigate a hole in the floor of an abandoned church I tripped in face-first and got us into an unescapable, imminent-TPK situation, whereupon the game immediately autosaved for the first time since waking up on the beach. We have since learned to spam the quicksave button liberally.
Accepted a ton of mutually exclusive quests, half of which we have no intention of doing, just to try and get out of situations without combat, so now the mini map now looks like a cubist rendition of a simple sun drawing and I'm SO worried it's going to come crashing down and get us shanked in our sleep.
Discovered husband's character is, build wise, a carbon-copy of Wyll. This was 100% unintentional and he's BIG mad about it LOL RIP
Impulsively pushed a button in a crypt without saving and woke up a bunch of skellies we weren't prepared for, but were somehow also saved by that same impulsivity because I had previously run around the entire area and looted every single skeleton no matter how useless it was to my character, so they all woke up without their weapons so HAH take that I TOLD YOU being a klepto would pay off
Immediately after this fortuitous stroke of fate, having learned exactly nothing, my impulsive maniac opened the shiny sarcophagus before consulting anyone or healing. Luckily it wasn't cursed or trapped or full of enemies (it was Withers, and I'm love), but I'm now not allowed to open or interact with anything bigger than a crate without announcing it first so husband has the chance to go NO WAIT LET ME SAVE FIRST
Sneaked into a secret underground passage, whereupon my husband sent his invisible'd familiar around to carefully scout the area, discovering the button that would turn off the overpowered guardian statue. My character then readied a crossbow shot to hit said button, but in trying to move out of the way of the other party members, stepped right into the statue's attack circle. I panicked, tried to move, but couldn't figure out how to unselect the attack I could no longer use, and tried to fix it by pausing. But all of that just resulted in me standing there, doing nothing, until I finally dropped dead. Luckily I passed my saving throws, and more luckily still, my husband managed to stop laughing long enough to eldritch blast the statue to pieces and come get me.
So anyway, we're having the best time. I know we're late to the party, but it really is so good. I may have even teared up a little during the dream sequence with the psychedelic neon light guardian warriors. This is going to consume my brain for the next few months, and I'm happy to have paid for the privilege. 10/10, absolutely deserves that GOTY and the $60 price tag both.
No spoilers please, we're only level 3 and just encountering the Goblin Camp. (We've met everyone but Karlach, I believe.) But rest assured, as we learn and discover more I will come yelling and seeking those who will screech with me. Probably mostly about my new sons that I've acquired, namely the lying purple sadsack trash wizard with some horrifying kind of chronic illness and/or addiction, and the prettiest most specialist murder machine who definitely won't admit it but is definitely gonna need a hug when I finish breaking down those obviously performative emotional walls.
Also, Lae'zel scares me. Please stop yelling at me, you cranky fish woman, I'm trying my best here 😭
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this is your reminder to talk about how stubbornness runs in the miller family
*cracks knuckles* y’all ready for me to go off about the Millers again?
alright, Patrick’s an obvious example of stubbornness being a negative. He’s stuck in his ways, he’s got an idea mapped out in his head of how his wife and children ‘should’ behave, and by God he’ll make sure everyone follows it to a tee. When he decides it’s time for Ezekiel to learn how to man up and come hunting, it’s time. When he decides Esther’s outgrown her free-spirited and 'unladylike' nature, she’s outgrown it. He’s right, you’re wrong, debate over.
Mary might initially seem like an outlier, like the picture of a docile housewife, but she’s more than that. She’s stubborn as any Miller. More than anything, she loves her children and wants the best for them. She plays her part of domestic femininity on the outside, while quietly waiting for the opportunity to make her move. She may not know how exactly to get out of her situation, but she’ll get a better life for Esther and Zeke no matter what it takes. (And it goes without saying that once she found out what happened on those hunting trips, it would fuel her resolve even more to get Patrick out of their lives.)
Now onto the kids, and oh boy is there a lot to say about them.
Zeke is, again, an obvious one. His stubbornness to rectify his absolute failure in the first season is evident through all of World Tour. He came out the past season with no friends, no accomplishments, no chance of fame and nothing to show for himself at all, and he’s going to do whatever it takes to make this his season. He’s going to get something out of this - he’s going to win. Even as it destroys him.
He gets thrown off the plane before it even takes off? Run and catch up to it, and then march right up to the host and demand to get back on the show. He loses and gets voted off? Physically cling to the outside of the plane and then hide away in the cargo. Put on the best serial killer performance of his life while clinging to whatever’s left of his humanity. Claw his way back onto the plane once, twice, three, four times, then after it explodes? Hitch a ride all the way to Tijuana Beach. If the other finalists can do it, so can he. Getting the million - winning the game - proving to himself that it was all worth it - stays in his brain until it’s literally all there is left of him.
And then he falls into a goddamn volcano to top it off.
But he keeps coming back to the island. Because he’s still trying to get the win. To prove that all of this, sacrificing his own humanity and his entire life, was WORTH something.
And then there's Esther. Throughout her childhood, the more her father tried to get her to conform to the ideal of what a young lady should act like, the more she pushed back. Though as she's gotten older, sort of like her mother, she's learned to hide behind the veneer of a "perfect daughter". It's a front. She's every bit the loud, lively "free spirit" she was as a small child, she just doesn't show it in front of Patrick anymore. Hanging onto your beliefs and identity in an environment like this is not an easy task, believe me, so it's already a testament to Esther's stubbornness, but there's so much more to unpack with her.
From the moment she sees Zeke on TV in his feral form, even as the shock is still wearing off, she becomes determined to find him and bring him home. Even if it seems impossible, even if he's almost (but not quite) beyond recognition, even against the odds, Esther's going to do it. Because that's just who she is. She doesn't accept defeat, and if one route doesn't work, she'll brute force another.
(For example, if attempting to pack herself in a crate and mail herself to Wawanakwa Island doesn't work - yes, she really tried that - she gets there the only other way she can think off. By signing up to join the exact same show that nearly destroyed her brother's life, because that's just how far she's willing to go.)
When Esther first sees Art picking on Lara, she confronts him directly, because fuck no she's not going to let that slide. And when Lara later tells her she's "used to it", and not to worry, Esther just doesn't accept that, because why should Lara be used to it? It's not right, and she sticks hard to that belief, because it's what Esther does.
This is a family trait, and they all wield it differently. Stubbornness and determination are Miller family jewels, and they can be destructive or vital to living, depending on how they're used.
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ik it's been so long since I posted anything about Enderal but I'm going absolutely feral over the thought of Rynéus potentially having similarities to the Prophet's little sister.
you lost your sister years ago and now you meet this little boy who could (maybe?) be the age your sister was when she died. and he's super smart and artistic and just... happy? and you and your sister never got to have a happy childhood cause your father was abusive but this little boy's father looks JUST LIKE YOURS and he's like how your father SHOULD'VE been. he's loving and kind and everything you never got to have from your own father. the house they live in is by the beach just like your home near Ostian was. you play with Rynéus and start to live out the perfect childhood you never got to have. you start to heal your inner child.
and then he asks you to stay. but you can't. you have a destiny you have to fulfill and you have to save the world and you can't stay in the perfect childhood fantasy you've created here. you have to get the Black Stone from him and then you have to go. he made a painting of the two of you because you mattered so much to him and you were the older sibling he always wanted. and you have to end all of it.
you tell him you can't stay and you discover that the stone was keeping him alive. you have to kill him and take the stone. you have to be the one to rip this perfect fantasy away from both of you. you both just wanted to be "normal" kids and neither of you could ever have that.
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midnighttease118 · 26 days
Syzoth/ReptilexFemale OC
(NSFW, Smut, TW! Non-consensual acts & graphic violence)
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I should've been dead.
Bodies were being slaughtered as quick as one would blink; it was happening so fast that all the confidence I held dissipated. I was scared long before this, but I gripped onto what little courage I had for the fate of our timeline. All of my training that I've built felt like child's play when facing fearless Outworlders, sorcerers, and demons. I was just a regular human, thrust into a multi-dimensional brawl that would determine the fate of humanity.
An evil version of myself knocked me off the tower, wishing me a quick death. But, I was saved by a woman with wings that expanded wider than her entire body. She landed me far away from the tower to where it was still in my line of vision, but everybody had shrunk to the size of insects.
I'd never know why this winged woman chose to save me, because right after she released me on the ground, a sharp tongue had wrapped tightly around her throat. Her skin melted like she had been dunked in acid. My knees buckled, and I dropped to the ground, helplessly watching the unceremonious death of my savior.
A loud snap dislocated her head from her body and was yanked from behind into the mouth of a disgusting creature. It happily crunched down on her cranium, breaking the bone to reach her brain, which squirted blood all over the creature's body. A small dot of it splattered right under my eye, and that awoke something in me. I couldn't die like that. I would rather end myself than become lunch. I got up and mustered all the energy I could to run towards the monster with a battle cry. I actually got several hits in before he caught my ankle with his tail and slammed me into the ground.
"Fuck!" I got up after wiping blood from my lips, "You won't get away-huh?"
My opponent was gone. He seemed to have vanished instantly after throwing me down, but we were in a barren area where if he had run off, then I would've spotted him immediately. Off to fight some other person, I figured.
My limbs were sore, and at this rate, I was really going to encounter someone with no mercy who'll just torture me till my last breath. It was a cowardly move, but I believed the best strategy at this point was to find a place to hide quietly and pray.
"Ahh!" I suddenly felt a heaviness weighing me down, putting me in a kneeling position. I surveyed the area again, bewildered. I swear, something brushed against me, but that may've been my own imagination...
As I tried to stand up again, the pressure from above kept me down and my lips were being pried apart with something slimy and hot.
"Mmmh?!" the invisible object drove down to the back of my throat, making my gag. I could smell it from this distance; it smelled of seawater. Strangely enough, that brought me comfort and I flashed back to a time before all of this chaos, where I'd spend summers training on the sandy beaches away from the city.
There was loud grunting from above, even though I still couldn't see anything. Cautiously, I raised a hand and jutted it forward to feel for anything that could be connected to this invasive object. A rough bed of scales if what I felt, and my touch startled the being so much, it revealed itself to me. It stood at over six feet, wide and dominating from appearance alone. He was green all over; it was very clear that he was some cold-blooded freak that evolved from a regular lizard to a humanoid one. His penis was far from human though. It had a girth that would put my greatest lover's to shame, and the second shaft that rested below my chin was just as hefty.
I tried pushing away from the reptile. His large hand went to the back of my head and brought me deeper onto his cock. The claws dug through my hair, daring to do worse if I disobeyed. I caught a glimpse of my opponent and was stunned at his feral features.
In my world, these creatures were smaller than my hand and usually locked in transparent cages to be gawked at as pets. But here, I was its pet. There were countless fighters defending their worlds, but we were together combining ours. It was unconventional, downright criminal, but the longer I thought about it the more I preferred this form of torment.
"Mmh..." I moaned gently, getting used to the abnormal size of his lizard cock. I found myself vibrating along his length, trying to ask for release. A loud cry came from the reptile and he listened to me, yanking my head back by my ponytail. The tip of his penis was slobbered with saliva and precum, but I wasn't done yet.
The kombatant shuddered under my touch when I lowered my lips down to his second cock and licked at the slit, savoring its salty precum. "Hng..." his chest rumbled softly when I lowered my mouth on his shaft, reaching only half-way on my own. Sensing the issue, the reptile began thrusting down my throat, rolling his head back with an elated roar.
When I was done pleasing both of his cocks, I expected to get one good shot of cum, but it never came. Nothing shot down my throat.
No. He needed more than that. I did too.
The humanoid tore my leggings off in one motion and held me up in the air with one hand like a trophy he was proud to show off. His tongue reached up to lick at my ankle, up to my knee, and then to its final destination that had me gasping for air.
"Ah yes, right there...," I whined. A reaction like that wouldn't stop this beast from going further now. He tasted past my prickly lips and circled around my sensitive clit that became engorged in seconds. My entrance had gotten wet before his tongue had met with it, so when he dove inside, it was less painful and more exhilarating.
"Damn you! You...ahhh..." His tongue felt so good between my walls, and there was no difference when he switched to my asshole that had been craving attention. It was a much tighter fit to swirl his tongue in there, but the results would make that effort worth it. My body yearned to feel both of his dicks to the hilt.
He lowered me to his eye level when he fully prepped me.
"What a slut..."
"You...you can talk!"
The reptile smirked with those sharp fangs of his, and refused to give me an explanation as to how his ability to speak could be possible. All that mattered was the pleasure he sought through my body. The monster kept his large hand around my torso and squeezed it firmly. One of his penises teased my cunt while the other was pushing lightly into my anus. In one swift motion, both had slowly inserted itself, leaving me completely stuffed.
Fully seated on his cocks, the Reptile's hands were placed behind my knees and lifted me up in a folded position, exposing my most sacred areas to the barren field.
"Hng! Ah...oh fuck, mmmh..." Incoherent words spilled from my mouth, and his pace was rhythmic and quick. Either one of us could've been executed at any moment, which is why we both strived to fuck eachother fiercely- like it was our last day.
His tongue shot out again to play with the fabric of my sports bra, the only thing left dividing us from being completely exposed to one another. Of course, he had to tear that off too. I had come to know that the muscles in his tongue were abnormally strong; I should've known it'd be strong enough to rip off clothing too.
"Close...fuck...it's coming!" I grew to miss his cocks plowing my holes, and they weren't even pulled out yet. I fought to bring my orgasm to life, have it reach the surface and destroy me. The kombatant decided at that moment to wrap his tongue around my throat, which brought me back to the moment the winged woman melted from its touch. So, even after all this he really was going to kill me. He was just getting his last taste of ecstasy beforehand, I thought.
"You're trembling..." he growled, "I like it."
He squeezed harder on my windpipe. I was gasping, trying to ignore the hemipenis hitting my sweet spots so I could pray to God to let it end peacefully. But, my skin had not melted off. It appeared that my pussy was melting instead.
"Ohh fuuuck!" It squirted cum in a way that I thought was only possible in pornographic films. I shivered from the after effects. This vile thing actually made me cum.
The creature grunted into my ear and his first spurts of cum entered my orifices. He kept me up by his arms for a few more seconds, to rest his rapid heartbeat, before dropping me to the ground. I was on all fours, sticky from our activity.
"Hehehe..." the reptile eyed me, "You humans really are delicious..."
It sounded like his voice was echoing all around me. Did his choking make me woozy? Turns out, the truth was more bizarre.
Emerging seemingly out of nowhere, an army of humanoid reptiles greeted us. Their cocks were all erect and throbbing, and I was left in the center to face them all.
The battle of Armageddon could've ended by now, all could've been well, but I would've never known with the barrage of primal cocks I would go on to service.
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faereun · 1 year
GENESIS KHALDOTTIR. daughter of the forest queen, mielikki, and an unnamed elven ranger, whereabouts unknown. circle of the land druid.
genesis began communing with her mother at a young age, not long before her father walked out on her. scrappy by nature, she quickly learned how to live off the land, praying oft to her mother and living by her teachings like law. through her mothers guidance she eventually stumbled upon a druid grove that took her in and raised her as their own, delighted to have found such an innately talented soul who was also devoted to the forest queen's teachings.
her mother never visited her outside of dreams and prayers, of course, and genesis never questioned it. her mother was a goddess, of course, she had much more important things than to worry about her many children. still, it stung...mielikki oft spoke to genesis about her last chosen, who had died valiantly protecting their grove. she whispered honeyed - promises to genesis; 'if you prove yourself worthy, i might make you my new chosen,' 'if you serve me well, my dearest earthly child, i will bestow you with powers beyond your imagination,' 'continue to live by my teachings and you will be rewarded greatly,' and she drank in every honeysuckle - sweet word like a feral cat lapping up warm milk.
her father hadn't wanted her, had left her to her own designs the moment she was old enough to lace up her own boots and nock an arrow in her bow. even the grove that had taken her in so eagerly grew weary of her presence eventually, made uneasy by her quick temper and penchant for violence. the only constant was her mother, with her soothing hymns and cloyingly saccharine white lies.
that all changed when mielikki selected her new chosen — and, of course, it wasn't gen. it was the leader of her grove, a young archfey who was still wet behind the ears, if you asked her. in that moment she had been consumed by a godlike rage, something she hadn't known herself capable of. it was as if she'd been possessed by the fury of mother nature herself — her mother's powers. that which she'd hidden from genesis all this time, grooming her to be the perfect disciple, afraid of what she might do otherwise. when she comes to, her leathers are splattered in blood and her fist is raised, the handsome blond elf pinned beneath her. devil child, the grove whispered, did you see how her eyes were glowing? she didn't give them a chance to exile her.
she takes the few things she owns, leaving behind her scripture and her studies and her journals, bringing only what she needs. she barely sleeps, and is thankful for her elven origins in those moments, mielikki unable to traipse into her dreams. she travels aimlessly for a year or so, living off the land just as she had before. after a near brush with death, the crushing weight of loneliness begins to suffocate her, and she aches for civilization. had she died out there, no one would have known. no one would have cared — no one would have missed her. she journeys to baldur's gate, seeking refuge and perhaps and apprenticeship as a healer, using her knowledge of herbs and medicine to ensure her survival.
she's in the city for all of three months before she's taken, infected with an illithid parasite. she wakes up on a mindflayer ship, and in a confusing whirlwind she makes a tentative alliance with a githyanki warrior, and saves the life of a sharran cleric. then, when all seems lost, she wakes up on a beach. she's bloody, battered, and bruised, but against all odds — she's alive. she prays to her mother for the first time in that year between her leaving the grove and winding up in baldur's gate. her prayers go unanswered. and every prayer after that, every dream, is just the same. crushing, devastating silence. she has been forsaken.
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