#and furina inside the opera epiclese
https-furina · 1 year
i never said goodnight so here i am at 1am saying goodnight <3
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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They comfort you while you’re having a difficult time.
ft. Childe, Lyney, Albedo, Shikanoin Heizou x gn! reader.
cw/genre: hurt/comfort.
for my dear @https-furina I know you’ve been going through trying times lately, so I hope this can comfort you a little <3 I also struggled a lot with Heizou’s part, so I apologize if it’s no good at all…
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Linen sheets feel like ropes on raw skin against the morning chill.
Its warm cream color, ashen, nothing like the mirror sunrises you were used to witnessing right after you opened your eyes.
What’s the point in opening them anymore? You wonder.
You bury your face against the pillows. In any other occasion, you would have been grateful for the coolness of its silk.
Now it’s just an iceberg. Like a missing shard of your shallow beating heart.
“Someone’s sleepy today.” A familiarly perky voice greets, the mattress dipping slightly with new weight.
You rolling in the other direction is all the greeting that meets him.
“Hey, love! It’s time to wake up!” Childe chuckles, his hand gently shaking your body.
Yet something already tells him this is not right; you usually would have already shoved him away by now.
But today you’re just… unresponsive…
The dull oceans of his stare rise in dangerous waves at your state.
Hesitant, he calls your name, his tone more like a question.
And this time, he does get an answer.
Familiar arms he adores wrapped around him loop around his middle, your face burying against his chest.
You’re warm, yet you feel so… faraway… as if the pain of past memories was seeping out your light.
Ajax is no stranger to the despair palpable in your strong grip around him, he’s endured it himself, through years robbed of him by an abyss that turned him into a master of all weapons.
So because he’s known the cold of endless nights where all he had was a tattered red scarf to remember the warmth of a distant home, he now holds you.
And for someone whose hands were tainted in the filth and bloodshed of a lifetime of slaughter, Ajax is undeniably gentle.
His fingertips ghost over your skin, easing the burning anguish of bed covers that felt too rough, too suffocating, too wrong.
When your lover’s hands get lost in your hair, combing it, you swear sun rays filter through the deep sea you’re falling through.
And then, suddenly, the choice to swim upwards presents before you, scarred sun-kissed hands extended towards you.
You take them.
When you open your eyes, russet sunsets and constellations over your beloved’s skin greet you.
His lips find yours, a bit chapped but gentle; not his usual playfulness, but soothing aquamarine waves.
You swear Childe’s kiss tastes salty. And that’s when you realize the dry tear-tracks down your cheeks.
He made them dry, sunlight evaporating puddles after grey days.
You break the surface, the waters now turquoise beneath Ajax’s light.
He won’t let you sink again.
A whole audience’s cheers fill the Opera Epiclese. Lights shine upon every smiling face, every vigourous clap of hands after the magician’s grand finale echoing through the theater.
However, the illusionist’s gaze of amethyst is focused on the sole grim expression amongst millions of joyous others.
Your hands move, clapping together, as if automated; your eyes stare at everything, seeing nothing; your mouth is a taut line, your lips devoid of their usual vibrant tint.
Lyney doesn’t like that being his last memory before the curtain closes.
When you step out of the Opera House, an infinity of starfields is abloom across the crepuscular skies.
What a mockery; a cruel jinx on display, for you to see the unfulfilled sparks dimming inside your heart.
A sigh escapes your dry lips, a small cloud forming when it meets the late night chill.
“You’ll catch a cold there, mon coeur,” Someone you know, tricks and all, utters behind you.
Welcome warmth tinted in lavender envelops you the instant your eyes meet the magician’s starry ones.
A small smile tugs at your lips, the curse of melancholy still clinging to you through it.
“Lyney…” You start. The twilit breeze picks up around you, your arms instinctively wrapping around yourself for some semblance of a warmth you haven’t felt in days.
“That won’t do, ma chérie.” Your lover chuckles.
Then, with a wave of his hand, a piece of the night sky itself seems to become tangible in his grasp.
“Here,” he offers, draping it over your shoulders.
Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s a shawl; the cloth feels delicate to the touch, quite fine too, and yet, you feel the warmth of a thousand suns. If you had to describe its color you would come up empty. Silver glitter seems to be embedded in the fabric, but at the same time, it looks like multiple tiny lights had been stitched to the material. You suppose you’d call the hue, dark; a myriad of indigoes merge into violets, threaded together with navies and cobalts. And yet, when you move it, the colors seem to shift, almost like the clouds drifting across this midnight.
“I take it you liked it.” Lyney smiles, softer than his usual cheshire-like grins, when he observes your wonderstruck features.
“Very…” You muse, awestruck at the magical silk.
“It’s a châle de ciel,” your beloved explains, “It will change depending on the state of the sky at each time of day.” He pauses, eyes, the color of lumidouce bells and rainbow rose petals merged, glinting as he admires how the garment fits you. “But I can guarantee,” your illusionist steps closer to you, plucking something out of your hair. “That it will always keep you comfortable… warm or cool, whatever you need.” He finishes, handing you a pluie lotus.
You take a few seconds to appreciate the second gift of the night. The flower’s petals are the same color as Lyney’s eyes, yet not as vivacious.
“Shall we go, mon amour?” Your boyfriend inquires, already offering your arm to him.
Together, you leave the opera house behind.
You hope for light blues on your new cape tomorrow morning. And somehow, you know that’s what you’ll find.
You squeeze Lyney’s arm gently. The sun will rise soon.
When he sets foot on his camp in Dragonspine, Albedo finds the heater already on.
The sun hasn’t even quite awoken yet, the snowy peaks outlined against skies still clinging to dreamless cloudy nights; shards of ice, embedded in the softness of dawn clouds. An accurate representation of the region of freedom’s snowy mountains: menacingly beautiful, brimming with lethal charm, for one step in the wrong direction, and the cold might as well consume you for good.
At this hour, no one was ever already working at his lab, making of these moments calm sunrise-tinted memories in the alchemist’s mind, before the day’s hustle and bustle began.
However, today, the running heater is not the only out of the ordinary salutation to greet the chalk prince.
The acute sounds of clicking vials, books being rearranged and crunching snow are confirmation enough that he is, indeed, not alone.
With silent steps, Albedo advances, keeping one hand hovering over his trusty sword. Then, he finally lays eyes upon the cause for the commotion, and despite the lack of danger, the sight doesn’t calm him any better.
“My dearest?” He calls. The instant your gaze meets his, your condition scares him more than any bandits ransacking his research material. Your hair is messy, falling on your face; dark circles are etched beneath your lower lashline, darkness clinging to you like remnants of turbulent nights; and you’re shivering, whether from the cold or because you’re distempered he can’t quite discern, although it’s most likely due to both.
“Hello, ‘Bedo…” You mutter, the flesh of your lips bitten, flecks of Dragonspine’s freeze coating them, the cold lacing with your bones, chilling you to the core. Your eyes widen when you notice your lover’s teal gaze scrutinizing you. You quickly busy yourself with classifying some potions, by color and texture, whatever takes the longest for him not to worry about your less than ideal condition.
However, perhaps you underestimated his attention to detail; for he has a skilled artist, after all.
“My love, are you feeling alright?” He questions, gloved hands gently taking the crystal vial-filled wooden box you were carrying off your trembling hold.
And in that instant, you don’t know if it’s the warmth of your prince’s hands on yours; or the comfort of his voice, like honey on bitter tea, but you find yourself taking a deep breath, the fresh air of a midwinter’s sunrise filling your lungs.
And then you talk. You spill every worry and bad dream, your shadows opening up to the gilded starlight of him.
And through it all, the alchemist’s hands warm yours, fingers interlocked, very much in the way your souls are undeniably so too.
Because no matter how daunting the river seemed when you faced it alone, when you were with Albedo, its typhoons calmed down, stone bridges and his outstretched hand painting safety and comfort in hues of gold before your eyes.
While the kreideprinz grounds you, the sun reaches its peak, a canvas of aureate and cornflower blue grazing the mountaintops.
You would be okay.
Emerald eyes read through you as if you were made of clear glass.
The way you worry your lower lip between your teeth; your fingers almost going white at the knuckles as you clutch a pencil, its wood creaking in your grip; and the general absentminded state you’re in, papers scattered over your desk, several case files stacked in disarray.
Something is clearly weighting on your mind.
“I think a break’s in order, wouldn't you agree, sweetheart?” Heizou suggests, standing up, those striking eyes of his fixed on you.
The detective’s voice is enough to stop the quickening clock ticking in your mind, regrets and dark spirals momentarily coming to a halt.
When you rise your furrowed brow, shades of maroon and viridian flood your sight, vivid as summer and warming your up just as much.
Nodding, you stand up too, limbs feeling heavy despite the comfort of your lover beside you.
The brown shades of your office turn into blue skies and soft pink sakuras not long after, the scented tree branches swaying above you, like fragments of dreams someone had given up on, waiting to be picked up by another soul who dared to imagine.
Your back rests against your lover’s lean but strong torso, the sweet smelling breeze combing through your hair, as Heizou’s chin rests on your shoulder.
“So will you tell me what’s wrong, darling?” Are the words of his that break the birdsong-filled calm.
A pang settles on your chest, you didn’t want to take away that cheeky grin that most of the time decorated his quick-witted lips.
“I…” You hesitate. “Well, it’s- it’s complicated, Heizou…” Your lids flutter closed, a shaky breath raking through you, as you turn around in his embrace, your hands bracing on his shoulders. “I don’t want to bring the mood down, you know…”
The detective places a thumb on your lower lip, smoothing over the bite marks you left there earlier.
“You never, ever, bring the mood down, dear. Never.” He leans in, brushing a soft kiss over your forehead. “My intuition told me right away there was something up.” He takes a stray cherry blossom petal from your hair. “So, why don’t we take the rest of the day off, love?” Your partner proposes, as he takes your chin in between his fingers, mischief flashing in his features.
And perhaps your lover’s smile was more infectious than you had ever given it credit for; and maybe the way he flashes his green eyes at you has your heart trembling in ways that have nothing to do with the fear and guilt you’ve been festering, but you find yourself retorting back, with a grin of your own:
“Don’t you have cases to solve, detective Shikanoin?”
This time, he takes a full sakura flower, delicately placing it behind your ear.
“I have something more important to solve right here…” He smirks, cheekily, as he admires your now flustered expression.
When you lean the side of your head against his chest, he cradles it with one of his hands, the other playing with the ends of your hair.
It would be unfair, if gloom were to take your soul captive when spring seems to linger through Inazuma’s breeze.
With a last look at you, the detective’s maroon lashes flutter closed too. He hopes, at least for today, he managed to protect precious you from the crimes of cruel sorrow.
He leans his head on top of yours.
The case is solved.
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ilovelyneysm07 · 5 months
Shooting Stars - SAGAU!Lyney x Player Part 1
Summary: Shooting Stars were always a weird occurrence in the world of Teyvat, so when they suddenly stop, certain magician can't help but wonder if it has to do with the strange aching in his chest.
CW: Self Aware AU, NOT Cult AU or Creator AU, Angsty, the Reader is referred as Player, Based on my own Genshin Account, Pretty Self-Indulgent, GN!Player, Cross-posted on AO3, English is not my first language and I'm not an experienced writer
Taglist: @yurislilygarden @yurislotusgarden
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Lyney had a weird feeling in his chest for a while, like a strange ache that won’t go away, it didn’t affect his shows in any kind of way, having perfected his stage persona, a little ache in his chest is not going to make him fail, but in the back of his mind, he can’t help but wonder what’s going on.
It all started a few months ago, the once bright blue sky turned dark and shooting stars fell from it, a golden star different from the rest, falling towards the Palais Mermonia, or rather, near it. Many people were worried about what was going on, but many others were already used to the phenomena that was the strange “shooting stars” that happened from time to time. Some stars fell into Inazuma, some others into Liyue, even some fell into Sumeru. Nobody knows why this happens, only that if a star falls on you, you receive a strange aura around you.
After that month’s event, and Miss Furina was walking around freely and with a smile on her face, the shooting stars suddenly… stopped, the sky returning to the usual bright blue. No clouds, no movement, just blue.
With each passing day, the ache in Lyney’s chest increased, the lack of dark skies made his mind wonder if it had something to do with the ache he felt in his chest. Why did the shooting stars stop falling? Does it really have something to do with him?
The magician went over to his dear sister, to ask her if she felt something similar, but she just shrugged, saying that she suddenly felt an aura surrounding her, no shooting star needed (Lyney failed to notice the way her eyes avoided his gaze, slight frown in her face).
Then the magician wanted to ask his younger brother, but he already knew the answer, as the month before the last dark sky, a shooting star fell into Freminet while he was diving in the waters of Fontaine, purple aura surrounding him (Lyney also failed to notice the nervous stare Freminet send his way).
Questions kept surrounding the magician’s mind, while his eyes were glued to the starry night sky, wondering if one of those stars is gonna fall. Maybe fall on him too, please?
Lyney can’t lie that he felt a little bit jealous of his siblings, both being “blessed” (that’s how many people saw it) by the shooting stars, both being surrounded by that weird purple aura. He didn’t want to feel like this again, feeling like he’s falling behind his sister or that he’s not strong enough to be the “older brother” figure anymore.
He can’t help but feel helpless. Will he be blessed like his siblings? What’s so special about this “blessing” anyway?
While looking at the night sky outside the window in the Opera Epiclese, his thought bubble gets interrupted when he hears people muttering among each other in the dressing room. Now, he’s not one to eavesdrop (at least, not when he’s not commanded to), but the topic of the conversation catched his interest.
“Why do you think the shooting stars stopped?” one of the staff members of his shows said, Lyney could hear the sound of boxes moving inside as he got closer.
“Honestly? I have no idea. They were already inconsistent, but to suddenly stop? Now that’s weird.” the other staff member said, their steps giving the hint that they were moving around rather quickly.
“Do you have any theories, though? I heard that the last one to receive the blessing was Lady- Miss Furina, and she sometimes is seen walking around with a golden aura around her! Golden!-” a loud sound could be heard, alongside the kinda loud scream of the staff member. “Sorry!”
“Be careful, but yeah, that never happened before, right? Miss Lynette has a purple aura, alongside Mister Freminet.” some steps could be heard, and more boxes were being moved around.
“Wait- what about Mister Lyney? Did you see any kind of aura in him?” Lyney felt his body tense at the mention of his name. A silence fell in the place, no boxes were moved and no footsteps could be heard. “Wait… does he have an aura?”
“I… don’t think so. Then again, only a few people in Fontaine have it.” more silence, and then footsteps started coming to the door, startling Lyney.
“His siblings do… Why not him?”
The door opened, and the two staff members started walking towards the hallway, some boxes in their hands. Lyney emerged from his hiding place, his gaze strangely blank.
“Why not him?”
On the other side of the screen, an excited player was looking at their primogem count. 296 wishes in their virtual wallet and 20 intertwined fates. They then watched all the materials needed in the ascension planner; everything was good, all of the materials checked, including his weapon’s materials (if they get it).
The player smiled to themselves and opened the wishing menu, seeing the 3 day(s) left message under the iudex’s banner. They took a deep breath and closed the game for the day, determination in their eyes.
Lyney, you will be mine. They thought with a smile on their face.
A/N: In celebration of Lyney's rerun, I made this. It's kinda angsty, but don't worry, things will get better when his banner comes out :P
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cynosfunnyjokes · 1 year
Unveiling Secrets
Characters: Lyney, Reader (Furina and Lynette briefly mentioned)
Relationship: Lyney x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Lyney’s case revealed some shocking information that he never mentioned during your years of being together. SPOILERS FOR FONTAINE’S ARCHON QUESTS.
Notes: Very self indulgent because Lyney’s trial had me fucking SHOOK. My state is currently getting throttled with a massive storm and since I’m stuck inside, I’ve been bored as hell so why not write some of the stuff I’ve had ideas about?? Very short because I’m exhausted but yeahhhhh. Requests are open! :)
Word Count: 1230
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Lyney, the renowned magician of Fontaine that everyone knew and adored. The same Lyney that came home every night, always exhausted but a smile graced his face regardless.
The soft moments shared in the evenings and through the night into the early hours of the day- the memories once were enough to bring butterflies to your stomach.
But now?
A crushing weight fell to your shoulders as you stood in the Opera Epiclese, observing the trial that took place. Of course, you knew Lyney was innocent- there was no way he would've killed someone.
“Tell me.” Furina’s voice cut through your thoughts, “Aren't you and Lynette actually from the House of the Hearth?”
You froze, eyes wide and breath catching in your throat. The House of the Hearth? The Fatui?
Lyney, the sweet magician who always pulled flowers from nowhere as a gift. Your sweet boyfriend who you thought could do no wrong…
Was of the Fatui?
Everyone in the opera house seemed shocked- most questioning Lyney’s innocence. But you sat frozen in your spot, eyes wide and staring blankly ahead.
During the years of being with Lyney, he had never once brought up such a detail. Why would he keep such important information away? Was it all a lie? Some sick, twisted game to him?
The rest of the trial was a blur in your zoned-out state. Everything seemed to blur together and you barely knew what was happening until you were walking on shaky legs from the auditorium.
Hasty footsteps from behind with a soft call of your name fell on deaf ears. It was only when a hand gently touched your shoulder that you finally snapped out of it, eyes flickering up to meet with familiar violet orbs.
“Hey,” he said in a low voice, worry lacing into it, “are you okay?”
How could you be? You just found out that your boyfriend was a part of the Fatui. That wasn't the problem, however. The problem was that such information was revealed by the Hydro Archon herself. In the middle of a court case.
Mouth opening to reply, words seemed to get caught on your tongue, mind drawing a blank.
“Why didn't you tell me..?” You asked finally, voice small and eyebrows furrowed.
The blond swallowed thickly, “I-” he seemed to struggle with words for a moment, “I swear, I didn't mean any harm by not telling you- I just-”
“Chose to keep such an important detail away from the person you're supposed to trust the most?” You asked, cutting him off. Internally, you winced at the sharp tone.
Lyney’s eyes grew wide, “It's not that I didn't trust you! I just- I didn't know how to tell you!” his voice was borderline pleading, “Please, I’m sorry I didn't tell you.”
“I..” You frowned, “What else did you lie about..? Was this... Was this relationship a lie too?” The question left your lips before you could even stop it, tumbling off your tongue like a wave of water.
“Of course it wasn't!” Came Lyney’s surprised reply, his hands moving to grasp yours delicately, “This relationship was never a lie- and still isn't.”
Even with Lyney’s sincere voice, doubt ate at the back of your mind. What if this was another lie? He lied for years about such a small detail- what else did he lie about?
“You..” Avoiding eye contact, your body stiffened when his gloved hands met yours. Holding hands with him once brought so much warmth and comfort- but now it left a heavy feeling settling at the bottom of your stomach.
Lyney shook his head as if knowing what you were going to say, “I didn't lie, Mon Cheri. I just didn't… Tell you this one detail. I’m still the same Lyney as before.”
“But are you..?” The waver in your voice caused you to curse inwardly, brave facade fading away. “How do I know that… that you're the same Lyney..?”
“Darling..” He whispered, eyes softening, “You are the only one who gets to see the real me. The real Lyney. It's reserved for you and you alone.”
Opening your mouth to reply, he cut you off by cupping your cheeks with his gloved hands, warmth seeping from the material.
Unable to resist the urge, you nuzzled into his touch, unconsciously pressing a soft kiss to his palm.
“I promise, I am the same Lyney that you have always seen. I love you and nothing has changed- none of this was a lie.” He sighed, a small smile gracing his lips as his violet orbs watched you place the kiss to his palm.
“I'm sorry I never told you, Mon Amore. I'll make it up to you, I promise.” Lyney’s eyes searched yours desperately.
Eyes drooping with a sigh, you looked up at him, “You better make it up to me.” You murmured, arms reluctantly moving to curl around his waist, “You owe me big time..”
He smiled, arms wrapping around you in a warm embrace, “That I do, that I do- I’ll do anything you ask until you forgive me! … Within reason, of course.” He gave a sheepish smile.
“No more secrets.” You murmured, giving him a stern look, “We need to trust each other… I don’t want to have to find out other things about you from the Hyrdo Archon herself- or anyone but you.” A sigh, “Promise?”
“Promise.” Came Lyney’s reply not even a moment later. His voice was serious, eyes determined. Right-hand raising, he stuck out his pinkie, a small smile forming on his lips.
“What are we, five?” You asked with a joking scoff, but you raised your hand to link pinkies with him regardless.
He smiled, pinkie squeezing yours, “If we are, you just agreed with it.” Gesturing to your linked pinkies, he laughed softly. His free hand moved to behind your ear, pulling out a flower as if out of nowhere.
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful person.” He winked, smiling. The flower was a Rainbow Rose, the scent mixing perfectly with Lyney’s and easily filling your senses. He gingerly tucked it into your hair, drawing a link hue to your cheeks.
“Now,” He hummed, “Shall we go out? I have a lot I must make up for-”
The blond was cut off by your arms wrapping around his waist again, head tucking below his chin and pressing against his chest. The soft thrum of his heartbeat was calming to listen to.
He paused, eyes widening before he smiled. One arm wrapped around you, the other raised with a hand gently carding through your hair, “Hey, hey. What's wrong, Mon Amore?”
“Just..” You whispered against his chest, “Let's stay like this for a bit... Please…?” Hands bunching up the fabric on his back lightly, your arms tightened slightly.
“Of course,” Lyney murmured with a smile, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head, “We can stay like this as long as you need. I’m here.”
And so there you stood, just outside of the Opera Epiclese and comfortably embraced in each other's arms.
Maybe Lyney did withhold details from you, but he was still your Lyney- a conclusion you had come to. While your trust was shattered, he was picking up the pieces and putting it back together.
It would take time, but with Lyney by your side, you knew everything would be okay.
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: in which you find out the truth about lyney’s identity
characters: lyney x gn!reader
wc: 695
warnings: pure angst, established relationships, breakups, reader has a past with the fatui, mentions of physical harm and death, major spoilers for the 4.0 archon quest
notes: i am officially in writers block and want to die because of it. also, i know this idea is a little old since the quest came out a few weeks ago, but i still wanted to write something about his identity. also, yes, i would forgive lyney, but this blog has not seen pure angst in awhile so…🙂
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“You were never going to tell me, were you?” Your voice is barely above a whisper as you finally break the silence. Your arms are crossed as you lean back against one of the brick walls of the Opera Epiclese. Lyney stands approximately three feet away from you.
He’s silent, unable to answer the burning question. It’s been on your mind all night ever since Furina had so proudly announced it to all of the court. Lyney was a part of the House of the Hearth. Part of the Fatui.
“I can’t lie to you,” he carefully picks his words, terrified of further upsetting you.
Cutting him off, you scoff and turn away from him further than you already had, “What? Like you haven’t been lying to me this entire time? Real funny.”
Lyney takes a single step closer to you.
You take one back.
“Please, I wasn’t lying to you. I just left out some parts of the truth, that’s all, I swear!”
“You are part of the Fatui, Lyney. The Fatui! How can I trust you when you’re part of an organization who hurts people, kills people, even,” you frown. Not a single part of you isn’t affected by the hurt you feel. He hears the way your voice is beginning to break too, like the truth of it all is finally beginning to set in.
His hands come together as he pleads, “I promise I’ve never hurt anyone, not ever! Not everyone and everything in the Fatui is evil.”
For the first time tonight, you turn toward him and look him in the eyes. Your arms become uncrossed as you feel anger fuel your every action, every thought, every feeling. Walking toward him step by step, you hold out a finger, digging it into his chest as you speak, “You don’t get to pick and choose when you’re a part of something dangerous, Lyney! I don’t care if you aren’t the one doing the killing or the hurting, you still help them. What about all those people I told you about? My friends and family who got hurt by the Fatui? Did that mean nothing to you?”
He watches as tears form in your eyes at the mention of them. Of course he remembered, how could he not? The day you confided in him about your past and all the misfortune that you were dealt by the Fatui was eternally engraved in his mind. The organization who had taken so much from you that you swore you would find a way to end it one day, even if it meant dying. You had laid everything out to him and the entire time he was on their side.
You take two more steps back from him, voice shaking as cave in on yourself, “No wonder you were so quiet that day. God, and here I was thinking you actually cared.”
“Please don’t say that,” he whispers, tempted to reach a hand out to you, but not willing to scare you off. For all he knows, this could be the last time he ever sees you, “I care about you so much it hurts me. I really was horrified by the things you told me, I promise you that. Understand that I’ve only ever been talking to you as just Lyney. Your Lyney.”
It takes everything in you not to run into his arms and forget all of this is even happening. Give into his pleading words and return to who you thought was the only person who had ever really loved you. You want to pinch your arm to wake yourself up from the cruel nightmare, but somewhere deep inside, part of you has already accepted the truth and the fact that there is no universe in which you could accept his true identity. And so you take one final look at him before you take your final step, allowing the tears to fall from your eyes as you bid him a permanent farewell.
Lyney would never forget the final words you spoke to him. Four words that managed to break both your hearts more than the truth had.
“You’re not my Lyney.”
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝
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it is said that distance makes the heart grow fonder. instead, it only proves to make the water levels rise a few millimeters.
pairing -> neuvillette x gn!reader
warnings -> sfw, sad neuvi & reader, smooching
notes -> reader's position is a non-canon one
character mentions -> lady furina, fontaine npcs, non-canon melusine characters
wc -> 2.1k
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It wasn’t so often that the paths of you and your lover could so seamlessly cross.
As one might assume, governing a nation is not a walk in the park, nor is it a part-time position. It is a twenty-four-seven, midnight-to-midnight, no-matter-how-small-the-crisis job that someone has to take responsibility for— with Monsieur Neuvillette, the Chief Justice, leading the charge of each court proceeding and Lady Furina as its grandest witness, and you, the Maison Ordalie's Directeur Général, helping them to uphold Fontaine’s values and protecting its honour from outside the marbled walls of the Opera Epiclese, Fontaine is a tightly-run ship that seldom allows for its men to enjoy much free time.
Though when it did, finally exiting the realm of your job responsibilities only then meant having to catch up on your neglected home responsibilities— tackling the towers of only partially rinsed dishes; taking out the trash you just knew would be stinking up your foyer since you’d put it there three days ago (which had been the last time you’d even been inside your home); rewashing the load of laundry you’d run out of time to hang up to dry and now was, most likely, moulding from being left in basket, still damp. Ah, and there’s probably so much more you’d been forgetting about.
This cyclic routine of yours had become nauseating a long time ago, only proving capable of transfiguring your already sour mood into something brazenly foul. Typically, there were very few things to exist that could improve it again, but the soft, muffled knocking on your front door by one of your sweet Melusine neighbours when she realized you’d finally returned home, fortunately, is one of those few things.
More often than not, she would bake once the weekend began, knowing you to be around at least long enough to be able to consume perhaps one of her newly learned confections. Somedays, you’d even been lucky enough to sit and enjoy them together whilst enjoying the views from under your shared garden’s gazebo. Being that you lived on the first floor of a three-floored pied-à-terre with three other Melusine living above you, who had also been found lucky to have much more manageable lifestyles, they often cared for the plants of the garden when you could not.
Even luckier for you, though, was having such kind neighbours that would go out of their way to take care of those aforementioned chores for you. Garden tended; garbage bags mysteriously vanished from the inside stoop; dishes sparkling clean and put away in their respective cupboards; laundry thought a lost cause having been hung up, dried, and folded, awaiting your return for them to be returned to their drawers— none of this had been you. Elsie, your second floor neighbour, had been the culprit, you learn, having rounded up her sisters Elie and Eloie two days prior to your return to surprise you.
“Have you seen Monsieur Neuvillette lately?” Elsie inquires, looking up to you from her place on your stoop. When you step aside to let her in, she shakes her head, lavender-coloured ears whipping about. “I won’t be staying. I only came to say hello and to give these to you.”
“Oh, I see,” you say, accepting the circular tin she raises toward you. Cracking it open a few inches, you smile at the soft treats. “Madeleines! Thank you, Elzie. And, to answer your question, no… I haven’t seen him lately… not even for work.”
“You’re quite welcome. Please find time to share them with the Monsieur today, then. Sedene mentioned he looked restless this morning.”
Without missing a beat, your heart skips one of its own, and your expression twists habitually guiltily. You know full well your absence from him, and vice versa, isn’t to be helped, and that the two of you have had this same conversation many times over. But it never proves to help whenever someone else points out either of your miseries.
You’d always thought the Palais Mermonia to be particularly cold, in company’s sense. It never mattered that it was always full of people, of employees, and even of Lady Furina’s raucous, nails-on-a-chalkboard cackle of a laugh, because you knew its Chief Justice much too well. In spite of his assurances that he would be alright, mind occupied by having to organize new cases and sort out the old ones, it wouldn’t be too long of a time later that you found the skies overcast, and yourself drenched by a sudden downpour.
You supposed, after saying your farewells to Elsie, locking your front door, and making your way to the other end of the Court of Fontaine, that today would be no different. Of course, you remembered to carry your parasol on you this time, accompanied by the tin of fresh-baked madeleines you promised Elsie to eat up. Today, the sky was shining blue, quite literally only minutes ago. So, either something sad or distressing has crossed his path, or, he’d been feeling sentimental again, because it’s raining again.
At the very least, you hope the cause for it to be the latter. This way, it can easily be remedied by you appearing before him, rather than him being consumed by the details of a case so heavily, and for an unspecified period of time. And there have been too many of these as of late that compared to last year’s weather, one might consider the possibility of that prophecy coming true just a little sooner.
Clutching the cookies tighter to you and keeping a firm grip on the handle of your parasol, you hasten across the bridge of the Court Region Waterway untoward the Palais Mermonia, greeting Bruneau and Liath and Plessia as you pass. The main doors are heavy, but even with your arms full, you manage to pry one of them open enough to enter the building.
You don’t both to carry your umbrella with you — it would just be yet another mess the building’s staff would have to trail after you for to clean — and instead shove it into the corner to let it drip there, telling the one guard that you would return for it, and them saluting you in acknowledgement.
Inside the Palais Mermonia has always been a plethora of people, staff and guards and visitors alike, but it is as you’d said— there’s a certain degree of emptiness to it that unsettles you whenever you visit here. Perhaps the grave amount of case files that sat in the archives surrounding Monsieur Neuvillette’s office cast such a dreary spell over the place; having been the one to compile many of them, yourself, for his records, you know firsthand just how dark some of their contents had been— to have to pass those off and share them with your lover had been your major grievance for your position. There’d been nothing you hated more than sitting in during his readings and seeing his expression change from the joy of having you appear to him, to the rage and sorrow of taking in the details of a new case. In those moments, you made sure to hold him a little tighter, a little closer, and speak just a little sweeter to him, a little softer.
The rain would, eventually, subside.
You push open the door to his office as gently as possible, and shut it just as carefully so as not to startle him. Without looking first to confirm, you know that he sits at his desk, pouring over the day’s files and records while it pours outside. His stoicism masked the obvious, though at least, this had been to you only— something was weighing heavily enough on his mind that it’d begun to affect the weather outside. Spending enough time with the man made this easy to tell.
“Neuvillette,” you softly call to him when he’d yet to look up. He jerks slightly in his seat, stiff shoulders losing their tension upon recognizing your voice, and the corner of his lips rise before his eyes can even meet yours.
“My love.”
If having you appear in a room filled with such disheartening unkindness is his relief, yours had always been the advent of a smile on Neuvillette’s face. A rare glimpse of the peace you often find yourself daydreaming over while away, the rush of pure joy you feel at the sight of your lover relishing your presence is nearly akin to the blessing of the gods— you only embrace him tightly enough and hope this feeling reaches him.
Nose pressed into the side of your head, hands and arms cradling you almost impossibly close to him, he breathes you in as deeply as physically possible— yes, his gesture promises.
You raise your chin from his chest and peer up at him, grin lazed and tired but pleased all the same.
“You were finally released from your duties?”
“If it were easy to delegate them to my juniors, it might’ve taken less time to escape,” you muse, hands sliding down his robes to claim his hands in yours— he squeezes them gently, grateful. “No one seems to know how to write a proper report anymore; I feel like I’m grading homework.” Neuvillette laments at the sudden shift in your expression, its complete opposite serving to dim the light in your eyes. By the way your grip tightens beneath his fingers, he supposes it must have little to do with your subordinates, after all.
“It’s… been raining for so long now,” you mumble into him, cookie tin forgotten atop his desk. “I tried to hurry to you, I-I…”
Neuvillette’s hand shifts along one of yours, quick to fit thin, nimble fingers in between your trembling ones. He lifts it, and presses your palm and fingertips into the smooth, porcelain coolness of his cheek— few words are found necessary, you’d both once agreed, as he’d always been a man of sterling gestures over forced sentimentality. In each glance, each touch, each curve of his lips upward, his vehemence never went unnoticed; it’d simply been his brand of love— demure and chaste, but abundant. There’d been no questioning his intention.
“I would sooner give up my position if it meant I could stay at your side at all times, if it meant you wouldn’t cry so much. If it meant you wouldn’t suffer alone.” Neuvillette sighs, a would-be defeated sound if not for remembering who he was standing with. “I… feel useless on days like these when I’m not with you.”
“Justice cannot relent so long as villainy works around the clock. It is our sworn duty to see such justice prevail, after all.” Neuvillette swipes a thumb over your lip, and subconsciously, you lean into his palm almost delightedly. “And you have done so beautifully, and without malice. Every word written in those reports from your juniors, while, written juvenilely, speak of your fairness. Your impartiality. Your ability to see both the truth and the good in all.” He turns his hand, pressing his lips into your palm. “It is admirable. It is my pride for you. It is why, as much as I wish you could stay at my side, as you said, I hope you can see the value and honour you bring in helping to protect Fontaine. I can’t imagine many else doing so well as you do.”
You raise your free hand back up to his chest, and push. A fraction of a single second is spent wide-eyed and confused until Neuvillette’s legs hit one of the many couches within the four walls of his office, and he is forced off-balanced into its plush. Your other hand gone unrelinquished, you fall with him, knees parted to either side of his and dipped deep into the cushion; Neuvillette’s breath hitches unnoticeably, yet at your sudden embolden proximity, his pale cheeks burn with vermillion.
“I’m supposed to be comforting you, you know,” your murmur.
A kiss to his temple, to the swell atop his cheek, to the button of his nose, and to the cleft of his lip— you lower yourself into his lap, parted lips dropping to slot between his and hands rising to thread into his strands of falling starlight, pulling him ever closer into you. It’s not enough, simply consuming him. You only wish to drown his sorrows, by whatever means necessary and however possible. If this means only having mere moments to appear before him, to deliver him sweets and treats of various kinds — not including yourself, of course — and holding him as tenderly as you do now for what seconds you must have left before having to leave again—
Tongue posed at his lower lip, your gaze is brought to the side and through the glass of the window. The rain. It stopped.
“And I can promise… you’re doing a fine job of it, my love.”
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© nc-vb 2023 please don’t repost! reblogs & comments are always appreciated.
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stellar-skyy · 10 months
Sir/Ma'am PLEASE I need the readers reaction to furina's announcement you have made ur fic my roman empire.
RUIN — Furina x reader.
i. SUMMARY: The aftermath of Furina's announcement. (Sequel to Court Gossip.) ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Arguments, crying, brief use of pet names (darling, dear). iii. NOTES: Angst, hurt with no comfort, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 1.7k words. iv. A/N: I think this the best compliment I've ever recieved omg... I truly did intend to make a happy conclusion to this but the angst. It was too tempting... there might be a part three coming :3
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The trip from the Opera Epiclese to her home was a whirlwind. Furina’s mind began to stray as soon as she stepped behind the curtains, with Neuvillette’s hand resting on her back the only sensation grounding her. He was kind enough to accompany her to her residence, opening the door and allowing her to trudge inside.
“Lady Furina?” He asked carefully, watching from the doorway as she kicked off her shoes. Usually she would wait until she was alone to begin shedding her layers of clothing, but Neuvillette had seen her in worse states.
“What is it?” She tugged off her gloves and laid them on the coffee table, pausing to pick up the photo frame in the centre. She stared at her own grinning face, chin hooked over her lover’s shoulder. Her finger traced their face, delicately, like the glass would shatter with any harsher touch.
Neuvillette paused. “Would you like me to stay?”
“Whatever for?” She giggled, like it was a silly proposition. “And shut the door behind you, you’re letting the cool air out.”
He obliged, before continuing. “I know that wasn’t an easy announcement to make, and you must be very stressed by what you’ve been through this past day. If this situation is weighing on you, I am more than happy to stay and talk to you. Especially if I can bring you some sort of comfort.” Silly Neuvillette. She wasn’t the one who needed comforting.
“But, it’s a Tuesday, isn’t it…” Furina murmured, half in a daze. “It’s Tuesday. I cook dinner on Tuesdays.”
She blinked. “You can’t stay, it’s Tuesday. I have to get dinner ready for my darling when they come home.”
“…Very well.” A pinch had formed between Neuvillette’s eyebrows, a distinct sign of an incoming migraine. “Will you be alright?”
“Oh, you worry so, Monsieur Neuvillette!��� Furina feigned a laugh, like she was still onstage performing for Fontaine. Something painful sparked in her chest, as she wondered when her own home became a performance. “I will be perfectly fine!”
The sound of a key turning in the lock made her flinch. Neuvillette moved away to let in her partner, who scarcely gave him a glance as they entered.
“Furina,” They called, in lieu of a greeting.
“Hello, dear,” Furina said chirpily. It sounded strained. “I’m about to start making dinner. It’s going to be your favourite tonight! I thought I would surprise you.”
“Ahem. I believe it is time to take my leave,” Neuvillette cleared his throat. “Goodbye, Lady Furina.”
She hummed a goodbye, still turned away from the door.
“Furina,” her lover repeated, stressing the word.
“It’s been a long day, a-and I thought we could eat and then—”
“Furina I was there.”
She turned slowly, letting both the plates and her fragile grip on normalcy go. They were standing tall, eyes red and rimmed with tears, and Furina resisted the urge to rush over and smother them in kisses until their face split into a grin.
“Ah. I’m sorry dear.” Sorry. It was too simple of a word to try and mend what she had broken.
There was a beat of silence. Their eyes never left her own. “What for?”
“…What do you mean, ‘what for’?”
“What are you sorry for?” They asked, the barest touch of anger in their tone. “Are you sorry you told them I was unimportant? Are you sorry for what they said about me? Or are you sorry that you got caught?”
“I—I don’t understand,” Furina’s face felt hot. “You know I’m sorry for…”
“I don’t think I do,” They snap. They finally break eye contact with Furina to take off their coat and lay it over the back of their chair. “I thought you would be sorry for saying those things, but if you were actually sorry, you wouldn’t have done it.”
“Darling, I know I have hurt you, but it was a mistake.”
“Mistake?” A huff left their lips, incredulity marring that beautiful face of theirs. “I’ve made mistakes. I haven’t stood in front of the opera and told an entire crowd you were worthless.”
“I-I understand that mistake is a rather silly word, but there isn’t anything else I can say! I certainly don’t think you’re worthless, you’re… you’re everything.” Everything was a silly word too, when she was thinking of the only person to strip back her layers and see her for herself.
“Do you actually love me?” The words hit her like a shot to the chest. “Or was that a ‘mistake’ too?”
“Of course, I love you!” The mere thought of not loving them sent her head spinning. “I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I can’t imagine a world where I don’t!”
“Then why?”
“I had no other choice! They would have said—”
“Let them talk! Who cares about what they think?” They scoffed, hands curling into fists.
“I do! I have to!” Furina’s voice cracked, her composure crumbling with each second they spent looking at her with disbelief in their eyes. “Do you seriously not get it? My reputation is important!”
“More important than me?” They asked.
Furina was silent. The word yes hung between them like a noose around both their necks.
“Yeah… I don’t know why I expected anything different,” they said hollowly.
“Darling…” Furina croaked out, moving closer until they were eye-to-eye.
Her face was wet. When did she start crying?
“I’m sorry for hurting you.” Furina stressed. “I’m sorry for being cowardly. I’m sorry I put their opinion over you. I’m sorry, darling.”
It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. She would never be the attentive and loyal partner they deserved, and they would never be passive enough to be content falling into the shadows. The two of them were doomed to stay trapped in this painful dance, stumbling between Furina’s work and their own feelings towards each other, until one trips over their own feet and sends them falling to the ground. It was a performance of tragedy; one that would leave both in ruin.
The hopelessness of their relationship was not lost on Furina, but it was drowned out by a deep and unshakable longing—to be touched, to be held, to be loved, by them and only then.
Before them, Furina had never met anyone she’d willingly let herself be ruined by.
“Please,” Furina whispered, clasping their hands in hers and pressing them against her lips. Between each kiss to their knuckles was another whispered promise. “I love you, darling. I swear I love you.”
“I… I love you too,” they said shakily, squeezing her hands. “I—I don’t think I can see you right now. I just—I just can’t.”
Slowly, they let go of her and turned to pick up their coat. “I’m going out. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“Darling, please…” Furina clutched around the edge of their clothes, grasping at any part of them to frantically try to keep them from slipping away. “I’m sorry!”
“I know you’re sorry,” they sighed, carefully untangling from her desperate hands.
“Tell me what to do!” She begged. “Please, just tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it. I need to know how to fix this. Tell me what will make you stay.”
Something hollow crosses their face. “I want to stay. But I don’t think that would be good for either of us. You said it yourself, you have to care about what they think.
“You can stay. We can simply keep it under wraps.” Furina traced her thumb along their face, committing each mark and curve to her memory.
They laughed wryly, without a trace of humour. “We tried that, didn’t we? How well did that turn out?”
Furina brought her hands back to her lips, brushing a kiss over every patch of skin she could reach. Her words were quiet, barely a murmur into their hands and barely reaching their ears. “We’ll do better this time, won’t we? Just… please don’t leave me, darling.”
They gently shifted their joined hands down so they were looking straight at Furina again. They leaned forward, close enough that she could feel their breath on her cheek, and for a moment it seemed they were going to kiss her. Their lips paused, about a centimetre away from hers, and began to speak softly. “I’ll put it this way. If you can look at me in the eyes and tell me that you can be in a public relationship with me, without it negatively affecting your work, your reputation, or either of our wellbeing, then I will stay.”
And oh, if that didn’t feel like they had dug a knife into the wound and twisted. Furina bit back the protests threatening to spill over, promising them that of course, they would be her top priority, and it wouldn’t be a problem at all!
Because they weren’t wrong, were they? Furina de Fontaine, Hydro Archon, surveyor of justice. Someone like her could never survive in an ordinary relationship, not without a nation’s worth of eyes keeping an eye on her every move. That was no way to love someone. Perhaps it was for the best, to turn her back now and save them the heartbreak that was to follow; to end it when they were still so in love and spare their inevitable drifting apart.
Furina’s grip on their hands loosened with each passing thought, while they stared back at her with hope in their eyes. It was a look so raw, so painfully tender that she almost fell apart. Such hope would only destroy them if she entertained them with wishful thinking.  
She couldn’t allow herself to destroy them. They were simply too precious to treat so carelessly.
And so—
She let them go.
Their expression fell, and her hand slipped away from theirs. Without another word, they shrugged their jacket over their shoulders and walked away. Unlike Furina, they didn’t stop to look at the photos, nor the shelves covered in an eclectic selection of books taken from two individual’s tastes. They didn’t stop until they were already halfway through the door, hand clasped firmly around the handle.
“Goodbye, Furina.”
Furina waited for the door to close and the footsteps outside to fade, before she collapsed to her knees and let herself fall apart.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Furina Encounter
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Meka Reader x Furina
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 1.1k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Reader is implied to (technically) be a murderer, Furina gets scared, Reader is also implied to know original Hydro Archon
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Imagine Furina exploring the deeper parts of the Opera Epiclese, only to find tunnels between the walls.
These tunnels led to crawl spaces beside vents, they lead to small doorways and openings to different rooms and spaces, some places even she’d never seen before.
After wondering for a while, she came across one more room she’d never seen.
Surrounding her on all sides was broken down and shattered Meka. Meka of all kinds. Dancing, protecting, alarming… and some she couldn’t tell off the bat.
Some that looked like perfect replicas of birds and one that looked like an opera singer. Eel like Meka and others.
It was a room of abandoned Meka.
Old and rusted, decaying and ruined.
As she walked through, every now and then one would scream or twitch, causing her to jump and whimper.
She passed a window and was shocked when she saw she was beneath the surface. Fish swam by the window, and an otter even passed by, knocking on the glass.
What really scared her was when a Meka turned on for a second, music blaring from its mouth before it broke down again.
The only light was from the windows the pointed out into the water around her, giving off an eerie deep blue glow throughout the room.
And then she finally made it to the end of the room.
There sat a thin and spindly Meka. It was tall, dressing in clothes that were a mixture between a circus ringmaster and a jester. Under its top hat wearing head as a face that was halfway between the comedy mask and the tragedy mask. It’s legs ended on needle points, small almost invisible holes on the end.
The most terrifying part, however, was that on its chest was an open window, and the inside was entirely filled with water from the Primordial Sea.
To be clear, its midsection was thin, it was made in a way where it mimicked a starving person, seeing its ‘ribs’ through its skin. On its back you could see its ‘spine’ poking through its clothes.
It was rusted and its once brilliant blue, white and gold clothes were worn and washed out with tears in the fabric. Small chips and cracks riddled its metallic skin, but beyond that, it was in perfect condition.
No missing limbs, no missing clothes - as far as she could see anyway - and over all it just looked a little worn. That’s all.
But as she crept closer, something seemed to flip on inside the odd Meka.
“Gnosis Found. Start Up Sequence Initiated…”
The Primordial Water inside your chest glowed a bright blue as it began to flow through your body.
What the God thought was cracks were actually intricate flowing lines to show the Water flowing through your metal bones. Your mask creaked as the joints in your face warmed back up after years of neglect. The mask spun to the comedy side and pressed down into your head, hiding the tragedy behind it. Your eyes lit up in blue as the water filled your skull.
Your joints moaned as you slowly stood. Furina summoned her sword and pointed towards you, though her hands shook terribly.
As you stood, you easily towered at a height of over ten feet. The smaller could hear the liquid sloshing inside you.
“Startup Sequence Complete. Running Diagnostics… Running All Systems…”
She could now hear mechanical whirling inside you. Then, your head turned a full 360°. Furina yelped and fell the to floor, still clutching her sword.
Then your face did a 360°, the face turning upside down then back. Then it flipped, revealing the tragedy mask, then back to comedy. Your chest did a 360°, your midsection did a 360°, and your arms did a 360° at each joint.
The Water in your chest drained and your chest transformed, metal claps coming out from your back and creating a holding place on your entire midsection. The girl could hear multiple things going on inside, going from flames to something metal.
After a few moments, the cage slipped away back inside you. You raised a hand and watched are your already think fingers somehow became thinner. Then they slipped into your thin hand, and flames burst out causing the girl in front of you to scream. Sharp scissor-like appendages came out and snipped at the air. Finally, a few syringes came out and filled with some kind of glowing substance. Five syringes and five colors. After, your thinned fingers came out before thickening again, not that it made much difference.
You did the same to your other hand, and Furina just watched. While she was scared, at the same time she was slightly intrigued. Though, she kept her sword close to her person.
When you reached your legs, you did practically the same thing with your hands. Thinning, fire, needles- though there were only two - and then back to the needles.
Your body shuddered and small metal sheets pulled away on different parts of your body. Long metal tentacles slithered out. Thin and grey they moved in circles. A few had small claps that opened and closed, and some that suddenly flashed with Electro energy. The metal tubes slid back into your body, but a few more with needles slid out. They filled with the same liquids then slid back in, the metal plates going back into place.
“All Systems Functional. Scanning… Archon Located. Persona Downloading…”
You stood still for a moment and let the Primordial Water flow through you, then stood up straight as you were leaning before.
“Persona Downloaded. One Moment Please…!”
Your eyes lit up brighter.
You jumped, making Furina scooted back.
You did a spin, small wheels sprouting from your feet. Your hat spun off your head. You preformed a few hat tricks, before spinning the hat back onto your head. A cane launched from somewhere on your body and into your hand. You even did a little dance as you wheeled forwards towards the now extremely shocked Furina.
“Hello Mon Archon lumineux, lustré, d'une beauté aveuglante et décoré avec amour! It is I, your Exécution Entièrement Automatisée et Divertissement Meka! At your service!~♡”
Furina stared at you before your hand suddenly disconnected from your wrist, a metal wire connecting the two. It flew to her hand, careful of the sharp points and pulled her up. A soft tune played from your body as you twirled her around before falling to your knees before her.
You pressed your cold, metal lips to her palm, a comedic kissing noise playing out as you lifted your head.
“Happy to be of service once more, Madame la mer étoilée. ~♡”
Furina swore she could hear the crying of a child coming from your Primordial Water Filled Chest.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I had the idea a long time ago for an Execution Meka, and finally finished it! There’s inspo from everywhere in here. A little of Spinel from SU, some Mommy-Long-Legs from PP, a little murder drone (I don’t watch it but know a little), also some Pearl from SU, and a little FNAF in there as well (if I write anymore/if any gets requested you’ll know why!) ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
I don’t know, just thought it’d be interesting, plus I feel like if any Nation had something that was made/born specifically for some type of execution directive, then it’d be Fontaine.
Again, I don’t know why, it just feels right. Also I feel like the laws are almost like the Queens Rules like from TWST, a few that make sense, and many more that are absolutely bullshit, so mixing entertainment and execution seems right up that alley! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
* My luminous, lustrous, blindingly beautiful and lovingly decorated Archon - You to Furina
* Fully Automated and Entertainment Execution Meka - You to Furina
* Madam star-studded sea - You to Furina
(If any of this is off, blame the translator, same goes for all fics I write that have something other than English!)
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staar5384 · 1 year
champange problems 2
neuvillette x gn!reader
hurt/no comfort - pure angst yet again - implied wriolette - they/them pronouns - light spoilers for 4.1 at the end
you ask and you shall receive! here's the highly request pt. 2! here's pt. 1 for those interested
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You weren’t aware how long you had left Fontaine when you returned. After you rejected Neuvillette’s marriage proposal, you disappeared without a word. Guilt and shame ate away at you, and you couldn’t bare to face him after you had humiliated him in front of the entirety of Fontaine.
You took a vacation down to Mondstadt, where you spent your days wandering the vast wilderness and your nights drinking your sorrows away in the taverns. You made friends with a few of the locals in your drunken state. You blubbered and sobbed about how much you missed Neuvillette, and how you regretted throwing him aside the way you did. They all told you the same thing each time; “If you love him so much, go to him.”
After some convincing, and a lot of pondering, that’s exactly what you did. The journey back was excruciatingly long. Each day you weren’t back home trying to reconcile with your lover was another day your heart ached for him.
You had hoped that when you returned, people would have forgotten about the events that took place that night, but you were wrong.
Everyone stared at you as you walked the streets. They threw disgusted looks at you, whispered amongst themselves. It wasn’t undeserved, but it was uncomfortable.
You arrived at your shared home with Neuvillette, unlocking the door, and stepping inside. Adeline, your Melusine made, took notice of your arrival, “You’ve returned,” She said, her voice soft. “It’s been so long. The Monsieur and I have been so worried!”
“I’m sorry to worry you, Adeline,” You gave her a smile. “Speaking of Neuvillette… Is he here?”
She shook her head, “No he’s in a trial right now. Then there is a banquet tonight he’s attending.”
Unsurprising. There was always some sort of event happening thanks to Furina. “Thank you, Adeline.”
“May I ask a question?” 
“Of course. What is it?”
“Forgive my intrusion, but why did you say no to the Monsieur?”
You shouldn’t have been so surprised by the question, but it still caught you off guard, “I don’t know. I really don’t.”
You had decided you would find him at the banquet tonight. You dressed up in your finest clothes, then headed for the Opera Epiclese. Just like your walk to your home, this one also consisted of stares and whispers. You kept your head down as you moved along. 
The guards outside stared at you for a moment. You weren’t invited, you knew that and they did too, but they didn’t try to stop you.
The building looked just as beautiful as the night you left it. The purple and blue hues were replaced with grays and reds of varying shades. The flowers that once symbolized love were replaced by strings of stones and crystals that shone in the dim lights of the opera house.
You could feel all eyes on you as you walked around. You picked up a drink offered to you by a Melusine. You thank her, looking down inside. It was a purple color, and it smelled almost floral. You took a small sip. It was iced tea. Confusion struck your face. Since when has anyone ever served tea in the Opera Epiclese?
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Furina. She was ascending the stairs with a black haired man in tow. You vaguely recognized him; he stayed down in the Fortress of Meropide. The two were speaking, the man chuckling as she spoke.
Furina turned her attention toward the crowd below her. She glanced out at everyone, scanning the crowd until her eyes locked with yours. They widened, then she nudged the raven haired man. He focused his attention on you, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you.
You felt your body warm in embarrassment. Why did they have to draw so much attention to you?
You placed the half empty glass of tea aside and rushed into another room. The room was fairly empty, only a few people resided in it. You found a place in the corner to tuck yourself into. All you wanted to do was find Neuvillette, but instead you’ve attracted the unwanted attention of every person there, including the Hydro Archon.
It was going to be a long night.
Neuvillette had spent weeks planning this banquet for his friend, Wriothesley. The man had been his rock after you left, and he deserved the recognition for the hard work he did in the Fortress of Meropide. 
He looked at himself over and over again in the mirror. Was his hair a mess? Did his face look flushed? He had just finished a trial and had no time to stop at home and wash up, so his appearance felt off.
“Checking yourself out?” 
Neuvillette jumped, turning his head to see who was there, “Wriothesley, you startled me.”
Wriothesley leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. “Who would have thought I could scare the great Chief Justice?” He chuckled, pushing himself off the wall and approaching Neuvillette. 
This gave Neuvillette a chance to look him over. The man was dressed in a deep gray suit with a maroon tie that hung loosely around his neck. The suit shirt hugged around his chest, leaving none of his features to the imagination. “You’re staring, Neuvi.”
Neuvillette’s face turned a deep red, “Ahh yes, sorry. You look good tonight. That’s all.”
Wriothesley laughed, “And so do you. Stop freaking out over it.”
“How did you know?”
“Only a person worried about their appearance stares so deeply into the mirror. Well, except Furina. She does it because she’s a narcissist.”
Neuvillette let out a breathy chuckle, “Oh Wriothesley, be careful. She may hear you.”
As if on cue, Furina burst through the door, “Wriothesley! Did you tell him!”
“Tell me what?” Neuvillette glanced at the man.
“Oh. Right. Umm-”
Furina cut him off before he could speak, “They are here.”
Neuvillette’s heart sunk deep into his chest. A wave of emotion rushed through him. “What?”
“We saw them in the crowd. They were entirely alone, but I think they were looking for you,” Furina replied.
“We can kick them out,” Wriothesley shrugged. “They technically weren’t invited.”
“No,” Neuvillette said. “Let’s not worry about them. This night is not about me. It’s about you, Wriothesley.”
“But how can I enjoy my night if you’re uncomfortable?”
Neuvillette was slightly taken aback by his words. He cleared his throat, shaking his head gently, “I’ll be alright. Let’s get out there and have a good time. I’ll pretend as if they don’t exist.”
Wriothesley and Furina just glanced at each other, before giving in. The three left the room and began to engage with the party. 
Wriothesley stayed close to Neuvillette, his hand lingering against his waist, hand, or any other part of Neuvillette’s body. The two were incredibly close, not moving away from each other for longer than necessary.
Furina took notice of this, of course she did, she loved the drama of Neuvillette’s ex being here as she watched what was most likely a blossoming romance.
The night continued on, and so far, Neuvillette had not seen you. Thanks to Wriothesley, he rarely even thought about you being here. 
You had been wandering around the opera house in search of Neuvillette. Has the damn place always been so big? 
People began to take less notice of you as their attention drifted towards the festivities. You were thankful, as it made your night a lot less stressful.
“Where could he be?” You mumbled to yourself before you saw him across the room. He was seated beside the man from before, and he looked so content. 
The two men were chatting and laughing. You saw the man’s hand rested on top of Neuvillette’s, their fingers intertwined with each other. 
You stared at them for a moment, unable to process the scene in front of you. Another person was holding onto Neuvillette’s hand, another person was making him smile in ways only you had been able to. 
Were you too late?
Wriothesley noticed you first. His grip tightened on Neuvillette’s hand as he stared you down. It was almost as if he was challenging you to act.
Neuvillette noticed the sudden tightness of Wriothesley’s grip, “Is everything okay?” He glanced at him, then in the direction he was looking in. There you were.
Tears were in your eyes as you were unable to fully process the scene in front of you. Time felt like it had stopped and there was nothing but you and the two men in front of you.
Neuvillette rose from his seat, releasing his grip on Wriothesley’s hand. He whispered something to him, then began making his way to you.
As his figure moved closer, you almost ran once again. Your heart hammered in your chest almost painfully, as if trying to beat through your ribcage.
Once he was in front of you, the whole room turned its attention to the scene. Neuvillette cleared his throat and waved his hand, “Let’s go somewhere more private.” You nodded, and the two of you left the room together.
Now you were entirely alone. No guests, no Furina, no random man holding Neuvillette’s hand. The silence was uncomfortable as neither of you knew where to start or what to say. 
“Why are you here?” Neuvillette asked, keeping a good distance between you two.
“I,” The words were trapped in your throat. “I’m here for you.”
Neuvillette let out a sad chuckle, “You know, months ago I would have loved to hear those words, but now,” He turned his head away from you. “They mean nothing.”
There was a sharp pain in your chest as he spoke. It felt like dragging a blade through your heart. “Neuvillette, please. I-I’m so sorry,” You tried to move closer, but he raised his hand to motion you to stop.
“Your apologies won’t repair the damage you caused. Do you know what it was like to stand on that stage, watching your lover run away from their heartfelt proposal? Do you know how it felt to become the talk of the city? I was pitied by everyone. I leave my comfort zone to throw a beautiful party, give you an emotional speech in front of so many people, and you not only reject me, but you disappear entirely,” His voice was getting louder, and you could see his hands shaking. “So on top of the heartbreak you caused me, I spent every day and every night worried sick for you. You left without a single word. You could have died and I would have never known. And you only just now feel sorry?”
You could hear the rumbling of thunder from outside, and the sound of rain hitting the roof of the Opera Epiclese. You stood there in silence with your head hung low. Shame, guilt, it was all bubbling inside you. 
“Nothing to say?” He said, his voice cracking. You still said nothing in return. He scoffed, running his hand through his hair. “After everything I said, you can’t say a single word.”
“I shouldn’t have rejected you like that. I should have talked to you about my fears. Instead, I ran away like a coward. I spent so much time sulking and feeling sorry for myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to fix the damage I created.”
“And now you want to try? I fixed it myself, so don’t worry. I don’t need your help. Not anymore.”
Tears were falling from your eyes, your face flushing as you cried, “I still love you, Neuvillette.”
“Well, I’m sorry to say I don’t feel the same.” There was a flash of lightning outside, illuminating the empty room. “I suggest you leave. You were not invited here, and do not expect an invitation again,” Then Neuvillette spun around and left.
You watched the door open and close, leaving you alone in the empty room. A minute passed, then another, and two more after that. Your body and mind had completely frozen. The beating of your heart was painfully fast and hard. You silently cried, listening as the rain fell from the sky.
When you finally had the courage to leave the room, you made sure your exit was quick and unnoticed. Rain was pouring from the sky as you left the Opera Epiclese. You knew why it was raining, and now you had to walk back to your once home in your ex lover’s sorrows.
a/n- i feel way less confident in this than the first part, but you requested a part 2, so i had to deliver. i almost went the less angsty route, so maybe i can make an alternate ending that is actually happy. also i tagged everyone who was interested in a pt. 2. i hope that's okay!
taglist- @soggywafle arccanejj erosdevil just-a-fuegoleon-fangirl @heartfatelust 
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zylophie · 8 months
☔ . 風鈴 — your secret admirer ft furina & raiden ei
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : First Meet[Desert edition] w/ Furina & Raiden !
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff/Platonic
✿ — ↠ NOTE : Wowie, my second(?) time writing Raiden !! For this fic, it'll be ei as the shogun doesn't like sweets ^^
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : @reilly34
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Furina & Raiden x reader
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☔ . 風鈴 — Furina
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𝅘𝅥𝅯 You were an immigrate from Inazuma, who had recently reach the borders of Fontaine. You've heard stories of Fontaine selling many sweet pastries and always wanted to try it for yourself.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Which was why when Inazuma first opened its' borders again, you immediately set sail to Fontaine.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Upon arriving, you immediately went to check out every store while admiring the court of Fontaine as it looks nothing like Inazuma at all.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Now you were in a forest, trying to see if you could make any new recipes with Fontaine's specialties to attract more customers. Which was when you encountered a white-haired girl...
You were currently traversing in the forest near Opera Epiclese to find ingredients. You heard that Bulle Fruit would be a great addition to be added into your recipe, as it was said to be sweet and refreshing.
Based on your brainstorming of innovating new recipes, you thought of using Bulle Fruit to make your deserts feel really refreshing to help cool a customer down or to sweeten things up a bit more healthily for people who have a big sweet tooth.
You also thought of trying to gather some Marcotte's too as they have a rich scent and you've seen Fontainians use them inside food recipes like "Consomme Purete" or "Seabird's Sojourn". However, unlike those recipes which are suppose to be meals. You were going to use Marcotte's to decorate your deserts instead.
"There we go.. I think that should be enough ingredients for now.."
You mumbled to yourself after picking out the last Bulle Fruit from the tree. You placed the fruit into your bag and began counting your gathered goods.
54 Bulle Fruits and 29 Marcottes..
That should be enough to do some test runs and batches to sell. You quickly made a fire and began baking to test out if your recipe needs any adjustment and is safe.
After some time went by, your pastries have finished baking and smelt really good. Which made you check the criteria of it being appetizing. Just as you were about to decorate and do the presentation of the cake..
You turned around to see a hilichurl standing right behind you. It seems like your cake caught unwanted attention..
"Ya, Odomu buka guru-guru.. Mi kucha.."
Before the hilichurl could say anymore or worse, attack you. You quickly slain the enemy down and watched it's ashes slowly fade away.
You quickly swing your sword to where the sound came from. Only to halt when you realised it wasn't a hilichurl again.
"Oh, I'm so sorry about that"
You quickly retracted your sword and held a hand up to the fallen girl on the ground. She had white hair with blue streaks in a jellyfish hairstyle. As well as really pretty heterochromia eyes.
The girl quickly took your hand and got up to her feet again.
"Ehem, that is a felony! I'll have you know I could throw you to the gardes anytime for that misconduct towards me!"
"Ahaha.. Sorry about that. I thought you were a hilichurl.."
"Excusez-moi?! I'll have you know I'm more fabulous than those-"
"Ah no no! You mistook what I meant. I was attacked by a hilichurl earlier.."
You bashfully replied. Feeling embarrassed about this encounterment..
"I'll let you slide just for once. Anyways, I came over here cause there was a delightful smell that I wanted to investigate about. Could it perchance came from you?"
"O-oh! Yeah that was from me.. I didn't expect the Marcotte to work that well to attract this much attention here.."
You replied, lifting up your batch of cake to let this white-hair girl see.
"I-Is that cake?! ..Though I've never seen this before in Fontaine.."
"Ah, that's because I made the recipe myself! It's suppose to be a pastry to make someone feel refresh after a long day. I haven't tested it out yet so I'm not sure if it'll make the consumer feel that way.."
"Well then, allow me to do the testing!"
You cut a piece of the cake and used your mixture of cream you made earlier to quickly decorate the cake before giving it to her. Which she immediately took a bite out of.
"Well.. How is it..?"
"Its' taste is quite astonishing! It is exactly how you described it. Tell me where is your bakery in Fontaine?!"
"Ah about that.. I haven't opened my business in Fontaine yet. I came from Inazuma.."
"That explains your outfit hm.. Well then."
The white hair girl did a twirl before putting a hand on her chest while doing some exaggerated movements.
"From here onwards, I, Folcalors, will give you a place in Fontaine to set up your business for free. In the return of this oh-so generous act of mine. You would have to provide me with some of Inazuma's delicacies once in a while."
'Wait.. Folcalors?!'
"W-wait you're the archon of this nation?!"
"Indeed, however as my future provider of sweets. You shall address me as Furina. As part of our business I'll be taking this sample of yours~"
While Furina was happily walking away with your first batch of baked goods. You were going through a slight mental breakdown for pointing your sword on a god..
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☔ . 風鈴 — Raiden Shogun
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∞ You were an immigrate from Fontaine coming over to Inazuma. Hoping to try and sell pastries from your nation.
∞ You decided that Inazuma is probably the best way to start a business, considering the nation had open its' borders again and that the people living inside haven't tried other delicacies apart from their own!
∞ Upon entering, you decided to check out pastry shops out first as you always enjoyed sweet treats and will give you some inspiration to make your own recipes! That was when you first met a purple-haired girl, who was trying out their Dango Milk with a really scared owner in front of her.
∞ However, already seeing her about to milk the store dry with nothing left to sell. You decided to step in..
You were settling in Inazuma, trying to see where you could potentially open up your own bakery filled with Fontaine's and other regions delicacies. You turned left and right only to see every store to be taken and not up for rent.
You sighed as you decided to give up the search for now to go and get some Inazuma specialties to try and make up your own recipes that may attract Inazuman's to come and try out your future stall..
Only for your train of thoughts to be disrupted.
"H-here's another one!"
You looked up to see a frantic person being frightened by a purple-haired girl's presence.
It seems like she really likes those bottled drinks. You went to the store to look at the drinks and pastries which were really different from all the sweet things you tried.
There was a triple rice ball looking things on a stick while the drinks the women enjoyed were on a lower shelf.
The drinks were labelled as dango milk which was a completely new thing to you. What even is a 'dango'?! Before you got lost in thought again. You saw the women picked up another dango milk to drink over and over.. Till there was only two bottles left. She was milking the store dry!
That was when you decided to save the owner from this mishap..
"Hey, I've seen you drank at least 7 of these bottles. Are they really that good?"
You asked. Only to get the store owner and some passerbys to look at you in terror, which you sweat-dropped about.. What is so terrifying about communicating...
"Hmm? Ah yes, I find them to be quite the delicacy and delicious. It's like a sweet porridge. Here, it's on me"
She said before picking one of the last two bottles to hand it to you to try. You opened the bottle and began drinking it. It was.. Sweet and just like how she had said it to be. It felt like you were eating instead of drinking.
"Mm.. This is pretty good. It's way different from the other nations I visited.."
Coming over was the right choice after all. You got to try something really unique. Only.. What could you do with this information? Milk Macarons?
..No that would be disgusting.
"Ah the other nations. I haven't travelled to any of them in a long time.. I wonder how are their deserts now.."
"Oh? I could totally whip you something up from Fontaine! I was actually trying to find a place to set up my business but that can wait for now. We should probably go somewhere else so I could bake in peace.."
"That'll be delightful. I do know a spot where we won't disturb the others and is quiet."
She said, as she started strolling in another direction. You quickly trailed behind her.
After some time, you both reached your destination. You quickly whipped up 'La Lettre a Folcalor' for the fine lady to try, which you were quite proud of being able to bake.
Once it was finished with its decoration for presentation. You gave it to the purple-haired women to enjoy.
You did see her eyes lit up for a moment before finishing the entire plate.
"I see that Folcalors has a cake named after her.. Maybe I should follow her lead and have one named after me as well.."
The women pondered. Before you could ask what she meant by that she spoke again.
"Ah pardon my manners, may I get your name?"
"It's [name]! Could I get yours?"
"[Name]... Thats a pretty name. You can call me Ei, but the people knows me as the Raiden Shogun"
"You're.. THE Raiden Shogun?! Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder?!"
You have never said a sentence that fast in your life.. If you knew you were baking for a god you would've bought fresh ingredients first..
"Yes, anyways I remembered you said you were trying to set up business. How about setting up in Tenshukaku? I could help promote your stall."
You didn't know if you should faint from this encounterment later..
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hannahlovesluca · 9 months
Morning Dew
| warnings: fontaine spoilers
| genre: i dont flippin know
| summary: fontaine archon quest
| part: 2
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One night, as you lay awake, unable to sleep, you hear a soft knock at your door.
You get up and answer it, and are surprised to find two strangers standing (and one floating) before you.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right?” the fairy-looking one asks.
“Ah, you must be the Traveler and Paimon. I heard of your arrival in Fontaine today. I must say, you have to be looking for trouble if you’re standing against Lady Furina herself.”
The fairy-looking one crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks.
"Excuse you! We're not looking for trouble!"
The other stranger puts her hand on her shoulder.
"Paimon," she starts, “please calm down."
"I'm sorry, Lumine, but that's a big assumption!"
"It's alright," the blonde says, smiling.
She turns to you.
"I apologize for my friend," she says, "she can be a little... over-excited at times."
"No problem," you say.
You extend your hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, the second Champion Duelist.”
Lumine shakes your hand.
"Likewise. My name is Lumine."
She gestures to her floating companion.
"This is my friend, Paimon."
Paimon sticks her tongue out at you.
"Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet ya."
Lumine chuckles.
"Anyway, we were wondering if you knew where we could find Lady Furina," she says.
“At this time of night, she would be in bed. But, tomorrow, I can accompany you to the Opera Epiclese? That’s where she usually resides throughout the day. That is, if she’s not out eating sweets at Hotel Debord.”
"Perfect," she replies.
She turns to her friend.
"Let's go find a place to stay."
"Yeah, Paimon’s beat," Paimon says, yawning.
"Alright," you reply, “take care."
"Thanks for the help," Lumine says.
She and her friend turn and walk down the street.
You close the door and sigh.
That was not a pleasant introduction.
You get back into bed, and try to get some sleep.
Tomorrow is another day.
Morning comes, and you awaken to a bright, sunny day.
As you’re walking to the Opera House with Lumine and Paimon, you see two familiar faces.
“Ah! Lumine and Paimon! And…er? Y/N?”
“I can sense your enthusiasm upon seeing me, Lyney,” you start, “I am solely just assisting Lumine and Paimon, I won’t be staying long.” 
“No, no, no! That’s not what I meant at all, Y/N! I just meant it’s weird to see your face in the Opera House if it’s not being used for trials,” says Lyney.
"I have some business to take care of," you say, evasively.
Lynnette raises an eyebrow, but stays quiet.
"You’re not going to stay to watch the magic show?” Lyney asks.
You shrug.
“I don’t have tickets.”
“Nonsense! Me and Lynnette are hosting, there’s no need for that. I’ll get you three the best seats in the house!”
You frown.
"I can't ask you to do that," you say.
"You didn't," Lynnette replies.
She holds out her hand.
"Come on. It will be fun."
You take her hand, and she leads you inside the Opera House.
Lyney leads you and the duo towards the very front seats.
"We will be starting shortly," he says.
"Thank you," Lumine replies.
"Yes, thank you, Lyney and Lynnette!" Paimon adds.
Lyney smiles.
"My pleasure."
He turns and walks towards the stage.
As the trio sit down in their respective seats, Paimon speaks up.
“Uhh,” she starts, looking to her right at the man sitting in silence beside you.
“Hey, Lumine, Y/N, maybe we should strike up a conversation with the person next to us? Since we're sitting together and the rest of the place is practically empty still, it's kinda awkward if we don’t say anything.”
The man, who was previously staring blankly forward, suddenly turns his head to look at the three of you.
You, Lumine and Paimon look back.
“Excuse me, I did not realize you felt awkward. I am terribly sorry,” the man starts with his deep voice.
“I would be perfectly happy to chat with you, if that is what you would like.”
“Oh... uh... So you heard all of that, did ya? Boy, you sure have good ears, Paimon thought she was keeping her voice down,” Paimon says, once again referring to herself in the third person.
Paimon floats towards the man.
“Ah! Wait, that's not it, Paimon's sorry! Um, Paimon's the one who was being rude talking under her breath like that. Uh, so let's talk, but... uh... what should we talk about?”
You look at Paimon.
“Beat it, Paimon. This is Monsieur Neuvillette, head of Chief Justice in Fontaine.”
Lumine looks over at Paimon and shrugs.
The man looks at Paimon.
"Don't worry, I was not offended," he says.
"If anything, it is I who should apologize. I didn't realize I was sitting so close to you. My apologies."
Paimon looks a bit embarrassed.
"No, no, it's fine! Don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong."
“I am quite surprised to see you around here, Y/N. You are aware that this is Lyney’s magic show and not a trial, correct?”
Neuvillette turns his head and looks at you, his purplish pink eyes piercing into your own.
Paimon and Lumine look between the two of you.
Paimon leans towards Lumine.
"Do you think Y/N's in trouble or something...?"
Lumine shakes her head.
"No, I don't think so. Remember that Y/N is a champion duelist. They work with the law.”
Paimon nods.
"Yeah, yeah. Good point."
You cross your arms.
"I'm not in trouble, and I am aware this isn't a trial, I'm here accompanying the duo," you state, gesturing to Lumine and Paimon.
“Plus, Lyney and Lynnette offered free tickets. Who am I to refuse?”
Neuvillette chuckles.
"A good point," he says.
"It is nice to see a familiar face," he continues.
"Especially a friendly one."
"I would hardly call our faces 'friendly,'" you reply.
He shrugs.
"Perhaps not, but a welcome face is always a welcome face."
"Well, thanks, I guess."
He dryly chuckles.
"You are most welcome."
“And by the way, I should let you know, even though I would prefer not to,” Neuvillette starts, “there's someone sitting up there in the VIP seats that has been striking a pose for quite a while now…”
Furina giggles from up high, sitting elegantly on her throne.
“Huh? Oh, it's Furina, the Hydro Archon. She sure has a smug and satisfied look on her face. Guess she has no idea that you saw right through her act,” Paimon states.
“Ooo, ooo, look, it’s about to start! Paimon can hardly wait!”
The crowds enter the venue, and the curtains open for the show to begin.
“Oh, they’re dimming the lights! The show must be starting!”
Paimon floats around in excitement.
“Ah… Sorry. Paimon will try to stay quiet, hehe..”
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aviiarie · 2 months
hihi i've never done an ask before but!! saw your new post and i thought "omg this is THE perfect opportunity" soso i wanted to ask for furina + romantic? NO PRESSURE OF COURSE i just feel very starved of content for my beloved wife but anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!!!
(also sorry if i'm doing this wrong or if this is too long or something aaahg not to make it longer just really nervous)
The powder-blue envelope carries a faint, oceanic scent, like it was fished out from the bottom of the sea, signed, and mailed to your doorstep. The letter inside is written on a thick, cream-coloured paper, with swooping letters in the most elegant of handwriting.
To my dearest, darling, love of my life— Where, oh where do I begin? Shall I wax poetic about the sunlight hitting your eyes at just the right angle and making them sparkle? Or shall I list every way the sight of your smile makes my heart soar? Oh, what have you done to me? I'm kicking my feet and giggling into my hands like a schoolgirl, but I can't seem to stop myself. I'm in love! I'm in love with you! I would scream it from the roof of the Opera Epiclese if I could, so that all of Fontaine knows how precious you are to me. I have never felt so much, that it is all quite overwhelming. It's like you've cast a spell on me, scrambling my thoughts and replacing them with a dizzy, lovesick haze. I feel like I'm falling in love for the first time again, and again, and again, every second I spend with you. As much as the thought terrifies me, I don't mind if our story ends prematurely, as long as I get to spend every moment in between by your side. If I get to hold you close—as your lover, and you as mine—then I will cherish every moment. With all my love, Furina
(ask game!)
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sayakasnonsense · 11 months
Fall isn’t complete without you pumpkin spice lattes
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Pairing: Neuvillette x Fem!Reader
Storyline: Neuvillette falls in love with the new drink, and the new cafe worker.
Goofy silly pun: sip sip hooray!
Fall. Undoubtedly Neuvillette’s favourite season. For him, the world gets ten times quieter during fall. Furina is less of a gremlin, less court cases during fall, less of Wriothesley and clorinde squabbling next to him. The world gets painted with that lovely orange-brown hue, and the leaves crackle under his shoes.
As he steps out of the Opera Epiclese, he inhales the warm scent of autumn, feeling his muscles relaxing. Neuvillette makes his way to his favourite cafe, gazing at the vintage exterior. The familiar reddish cobblestone walls have not changed at all, along with the wooden tables on the inside. However, what Neuvillette notices would be the unfamiliar silhouette by the counter.
…she’s awfully pretty…
He watches as you hum along to the jazz soundtrack in the background before opening the door, the jingling sounds of the bells cutting through the comfortable silence. You look up, smiling at him as you lead him to a table.
“Hello good sir, what would you like today?” Your gentle voice floats through the air as he scans the menu in front of him. Instead of ordering his usual earl grey macchiato, a new drink catches his eye.
“May I have… a pumpkin spice latte, please?”
Neuvillette’s eyes trail you as you flutter around the kitchen, looking almost ethereal preparing his drink. He forces himself to look away from you, it’s rude to stare after all.
When his drink arrives, he takes a sip of it, feeling the warm taste of autumn fill his mouth. As you rush around serving other customers, he can’t help but admire your beauty.
After enjoying his drink, he leaves after taking one last look at you, knowing he’d be back for you another cup of pumpkin spice latte.
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o-sn4pple · 12 days
i hope i speak for many when i say we *are* here for the furina fic
oh cool, here's the 4th chapter. i'd recommend going for the 5th and 6th chapter on ao3 here.
“How dare you act as if everything you’d done was justified!”
“Act? Act? I was justified! That bastard dared laid a hand on my brother-”
“Your brother was nothing more than a disgusting pedophile. He deserved to be put down-”
“He served his sentence in the Fortress of Meropiede, stayed well away from the city and any other human and continued his work in solitude. You were the one that encouraged your husband to go kill him. I was only returning the favor!”
Furina nearly giggles as the verbal confrontation continues, settling for kicking her feet so as to not drown out their arguments. A case in which a convicted pedophile is murdered by a high-ranking Maison Gardiennage before turning the gun on himself, upheld only by their surviving spouses. In cases like these, where both sides of the scale are stained with mud, she often finds herself perfectly content with whatever outcome Neuvillette decides. Even though it isn’t dramatic enough to save Fontaine from disaster, it does make for excellent drama.
At least, she assumes as much. When she glances at you, she finds your jaw wired tight, shoulders stiff and poised. Every part of you looks ready to escape the Opera Epiclese; she can only assume that her presence is keeping you trapped here. 
It’s a first, and it’s enough for Furina to scoff, roll her eyes, and shout, “UGH! ENOUGH ALREADY!” Her voice thunders around the chamber, silencing the defendant and prosecutor at once. In his throne, Neuvillette opens his mouth to scold, but she is already springing out of her chair. “I’ve seen these trials a thousand times already. No matter what the verdict is, a grudge will be born. How boring!” With a swish of her skirt, the Archon spins on her toes to you, who has already dutifully risen to your feet. “Come along, my dear equerry. This trial has served as a suitable bedtime story.”
“As you wish, Lady Furina.” 
The sudden transition from the warm, near stuffy heat of the Opera Epiclese to the chilled breeze in the courtyard makes Furina shiver, but she waltzes down the steps with determination while you keep pace. With everyone still inside, only the rush of the surrounding waterfalls breaks the silence. It is when you join her at the base of the Fountain of Lucine do you finally clear your throat. 
“Was that trial truly so boring, Lady Furina?” you ask. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself.” 
Furina scoffs and waves a hand before returning to rubbing her arms. “What enjoyment you must have seen was my anger. All that back-and-forth, spitting the same vitriol and baseless accusations? How trivial.” Her teeth are beginning to chatter, and she takes a deep, cold breath before huffing, “And you looked ready to explode if you sat there a moment longer.” Her cheeks warm from the admittance, but she puffs up further to glare at you. “You should be thanking me, really.” 
You lift a brow, but that familiar, one-sided little smile finally breaks across your face, and you dramatically bow to her. “Ah, yes. Forgive me for not thanking you sooner, my Archon. How may I better express my gratitude?”
Furina rolls her eyes, but she still holds out her hand. “Your coat?” 
Your scent envelops her, your warmth a blissful shield from the cold as you wrap the coat around her shoulders. Though you wear another long-sleeve underneath, Furina opts to hurry you along to the station under the excuse of truly being tired. It is still blissfully empty due to the trial, and as the Melusine activates the rudders, you sit to the Archon’s left, just far enough for her to mourn the distance. She wonders if she can risk scooting into your side, but when she eyes your face, she finds you staring into the distance. 
“That trial must have really gotten to you, huh,” she finds herself saying. Apparently, she doesn’t say it soft enough, because you look at her in surprise. She flushes. “I-I just mean, it’s quite rare to see you so unsettled.”
You nod slowly and…well, Furina braces herself for some form of witty retort. The fact that you just return to staring makes her check the sky for thunder. 
The skies are clear. The world must not be ending just yet. 
Furina sits up and settles into her more authoritative tone. “Then it is only natural that I, Furina de Fontaine, offer an ear to soothe your worries. Tell me, my dear equerry, what is troubling you so?” 
Your lips twitch, the faintest hint of a smile gracing your face as you chuckle. “It truly is nothing, my lady. I am just exhausted from having to sit through such a terrible trial.”
Ah. She recognizes that tone. Unfortunately, you have no physical injuries that she can force you into looking after, nor does it feel right to pry for information when there is another stranger present, even if it is only a Melusine. Perhaps if a door had been in the way, just like before when you had come to check on her…Furina purses her lips and harrumps. She really should consider that offer to build a confessional in the Palais Mermonia. Maybe then you’d finally feel okay with expressing your worries. 
Still, she has learned one weakness of yours, and with you so distracted, Furina scuttles close to your side and sets a hand in your hair. You tense for only a second. As she begins to fuss with your hair, you sink into her palm and allow better access to your head. 
After you are dismissed for the night, though, Furina’s mind returns to the earlier trial. It will take some time for a report to be processed by the clerks, but she doesn’t bother waiting. The second Neuvillette is in his office, she comes strolling right in with her head held high.
“Oh?” Neuvillette looks up from his papers with surprise. “Good morning, Lady Furina. I did not realize you could be up this early.”
Furina nearly trips over herself in her haste to glare at the Iudex. “I am perfectly capable of rising when the occasion calls for it!” Granted, the last time she had, she ended up promoting you to make up for the mess it caused. But that isn’t important! “I am here to ask you some questions about my precious equerry.”
Neuvillette blinks and slowly sets the paper aside. “Are you rescinding their promotion?”
“What? No!” Furina casually pushes aside the stack of paperwork as tall as your broadsword is wide and perches on his desk. “I was just curious about why you decided to hire them. I imagine such an important title demanded much effort to find a suitable candidate.”
Neuvillette’s expression barely changes as he picks the paper back up. “No, quite the opposite.”
Furina’s puffed chest deflates as she gawks at him. “W-What?” 
“They were the only candidate I had in mind when considering a personal bodyguard for you,” he continues casually, eyes flicking across his report. “Much of the effort came from processing the correct paperwork.” 
…huh? You were the only candidate? She knows you had quite the reputation garnered by your fearsome strength, but had that been enough to catch Neuvillette’s attention? Surely not. There had to be more than that. When she asks as much, Neuvillette just looks up through his lashes and sighs.
“There is, but considering the time,” he says while setting his report atop of the mountain of papers to Furina’s right, “I doubt I will be able to provide you the attention you desire. Would their profile suffice?”
Your profile? Furina bites her tongues in hopes of stopping her flush. Of course! How could she forget? As Archon, she has direct access to all sorts of private information, and those who work directly for the Fontainian government waive their right to privacy the day they start working. 
“Tch, of course I know that,” she huffs as Neuvillette hunts down your records in his shelves. “I was hoping you’d indulge me with your company. You’ve been so busy!”
“And you have your equerry for this reason.” Neuvillette sets an oddly thin folder beside Furina before scooping up the stack of papers next. “Leave the folder on my desk when you are done. I will put it away when I return.”
Now alone in his office, Furina takes a shaky, grounding breath. Your name is scrawled in dried ink on the tab, fanciful curls and sharp lines. Neuvillette must have noted it himself. She is greeted with a basic profile when she opens the file: name, age, date of birth, and current occupation. Medical and mental history demark no outstanding concerns, and your service to Fontaine is met with glowing reviews. 
Then she reaches your family history and finds a single line that repeats over and over in her head. 
‘ Trained by Vautrin and Carole, referred to as Master and Sister. ’ That’s it. No mention of a mother or father. 
Still, she knows those names. How could she not? The former Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol who murdered five Fontanian elites after they had driven the Medal of Honor recipient Melusine to suicide to repent for a crime she did not commit. It’d been an exhilarating trial that brought tears to her eyes when Vautrin had screamed and cursed Neuvillette for his impartiality. 
She didn’t bother to look any deeper into it once the verdict had passed. She didn’t feel the need to back then. Now, she has the student of Vautrin and Carole as her equerry and feels guilt bubble in her throat. How terrible must that feel, to attend to the every need of the Archon that represents the system that took away your only Master and Sister?
No wonder you had felt so uncomfortable during last night’s trial. Two sides of the scale are stained with blood, just like before. 
Furina’s fingers curl, curiosity staining her thoughts like ink dropped in water. This specific folder had been Neuvillette’s personal report on you for the onboarding process, but there was bound to be more elsewhere in the Palais Mermonia about your family, especially if you’re an orphan. Granted, the foster care system isn’t…perfect, but part of onboarding included a complete background check, family history included. Why wouldn’t Neuvillette include that in this file? 
Though…why should it matter? She understands now why you’d been so upset over the case. She has no excuse to pry any deeper. 
And yet she finds herself strutting back into the office, poking her head behind the front desk. The fresh-faced Melusine that Neuvillette had hired to man the front is already working away, reorganizing the desk the last clerk had ruined in protest of being ‘replaced’. Furina doesn’t actually remember her name, but she is as sweet and caring as any other Melusine, so Furina feels no fear when she hands over the proper form to request a person’s family records. 
The Melusine just cocks her head and says, “My apologies, Lady Furina, but those are classified.”
“Aha.” Furina’s smile twitches. “Excuse me?” 
“Classified.” The Melusine slips the form back to her with a grimace. “It is very sensitive information, so if you truly need to view it, it may be best to ask him directly.”
“Ask who what?” 
Furina denies yelping when you speak up from the opposite side of the counter, but she does whirl around too quickly to look anything other than suspicious. “I-Hah-Wha-What are you doing here so early?!”
“I…believe I should be asking you that question, my lady. I am normally here to prepare breakfast,” you say, brow lifting. “I assume you are getting a headstart on today’s tasks?” 
Very unlike you, Furina mentally finishes for you. She smoothes out her uniform and lifts her head. “There are times where even I must lend myself to my people, no? Besides, I was only looking for some files.” 
You hum and walk around the desk. “Then return to your room, my lady. I will fetch whatever you need.”
Furina flushes, grabbing your wrist just as you pick up the request form. “W-Wait-” 
Her protest goes unheard. Your face goes unnaturally blank as the Melusine says, “Worry not, sister.” She reaches over to pat your hand. “I have already told Lady Furina that they are classified.”
Furina stares at your face, pulse climbing the longer you remain silent. Frantically, her mind begins to prattle off excuses: she is the Archon, she is your boss, she has every right to know your secrets! In the other, broken, fragmented mind that hides in the darkness of her bedroom, she begs for forgiveness: she just wanted to help, she wants to know you, she wants what she can never reciprocate. How selfish. How selfish!
Your silence finally breaks with a soft sigh, eyes falling shut. When they open, you look as calm and composed as you always do, nodding to the Melusine. “Thank you, Sedene, I appreciate that. I will continue preparations for breakfast, then.” You squeeze Furina’s hand and pry it from your wrist, then nod once more. “Please excuse me.” 
It is the most polite Furina has ever heard you, and as you disappear up the lift to her floor, her vision begins to blur.
“L-Lady Furina?” Sedene gasps. “You’re crying!” 
Furina blinks through her tears, finger numb as she brushes it away. “Ah, n-no, no. My body must be reacting to a truly dreadful prayer at the Fountain of Lucine. Someone must be in…terrible pain.” 
Sedene tutts and grabs the request for your family documents, crumpling it in her palms. “How awful.”
Yes, Furina thinks as she chases after you. How awful indeed.
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hiddengenshinfan · 8 months
“Are You Really Her….?”
Neuvifuri(Can be Platonic or Romantic)
Major Implications Of Character Death
Sum - Meeting someone you have never seen within years that you were told had passed is quite a….jarring experience. Especially when you can’t talk…or move.
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ALT Prologue - “We Meet Again Under These……Circumstances~”
Everything felt so watery, like she was enveloped in water. It almost felt she was drowning in it but it didn’t hurt. It was all over her, it was inside her it was everywhere. It was within her now after all but it still felt so utterly strange, she had never felt sensations like this in her 500+ years of existence. Maybe this was how you felt after death? A droning sound and footsteps were the only things that accompanied that all encompassing feeling, as well the darkness behind her eyes.
Gentle hands started playing with her hair, and she slowly opened her eyes it was painful to even move her eyelids. This was…..the Opera Epiclese or at least looked like it. It was so bright it felt like it was burning her eyes to look yet at the same time there was a strong feeling to not turn towards the entity playing with her hair. But it hurt so much…..she only had so much willpower. So she finally decided to go against that strange feeling and turned around.
Her gaze was met by identical heterochromic eyes, which made her own eyes widen slightly. Was this another dream?! She was dead, mirror her was dead! Neuvillette said so did he lie?! What purpose would he have to lie about that!?
Then a hand caressed her chin, and then she heard a calming voice that she had not actually heard in so so long. “Calm down Furina~ It will be alright.~” The way the other said it immediately calmed her, it made mirror her all the more real but she couldn’t imagine Neuvillette lying about some a thing. He was always so….honest? Was that the right word honestly she couldn’t be sure more so blunt maybe? He didn’t necessarily have many secrets to hide but she had a mansion of such, she was the liar in the relationship not Neuvillette so what was going on.
But then ‘mirror her’ got up from the sitting position she was in before and spoke again. “I am glad you are finally awake~” ‘Mirror her’ said with a playful smile then started to walk around the stage seemingly unneeding of a response to that. Furina tried to speak she did but the very second she tried to talk, her jaw wouldn’t move and if it did it hurt with no end to the point she stopped trying for now at least. “You must have many questions right?~” She spoke like she knew what Furina was thinking which Furina herself didn’t at all doubt. “…..Well I have many questions too!~ Just not towards you but him.” For once the very playful tone phased itself out especially at the mention of a him. It made Furina slightly curious but she still wasn’t able to even move her jaw so she didn’t try to ask.
“Anyways. That is truly unimportant for what we need to talk about now~ My appearance here is not a dream nor is it a hallucination.~ I am truly here with you Furina!~ Within you’re mind at least!~” She spoke with a certain sense of calm but also nonchalantly with that constant playfulness attached, like that wasn’t just a lot of information. How could she be within her mind but it not be a dream or hallucination?!  As well as the fact she was still hang up on the fact Focalors was supposed to be dead!
“So humorous….~” Mirror her said with a tiny bit of a giggle seemingly unable to stop it fully from being let out. What did th- “I can hear your thoughts, my silly little perfect human half!~” She said full of an affection that made Furina slightly flustered, since she was unused to it. Both from mirror her as well as anybody, she wanted to retort but she still couldn’t regardless of how much she wanted to. “Anyway. We are struck in a rather unorthodox situation. Do you have any clue why I’d reconvene with you?” There was no more playfulness to her tone but it didn’t sound cruel but it sounded much more professional if Furina had to use a word like that.
Furina honestly didn’t know everything was so murky almost like all her memories had been flooded and she had to swim through her own brain to recover them. There were faint acknowledgments of people of situations of stuff that happened. But if you asked her names for whatever reason she’d only be able to say Neuvillette’s, Clorinde’s and Seigwinne’s. Why those three she didn’t even know but that’s all she would be able to say. Mirror her just seemed to sigh and give her a look of…..pity?
“We were once one, through I separated us to trick the heavenly principles. It was a planned inevitability that if that failed or something else strange happened we would reconvene into one again. My divinity with your body and sprit like we originally were. Through my divinity has been lost and givin back to its rightful owner this simple fact that we were eventually meant to reconvene had not changed, through now all we’d both gain was the memories that are probably far too eroded to even recall. That does not matter through, this reconvening process had requirements we had to be in samilar states of existence, which is why I didn’t become one with you after I ‘perished’. But something has fundamentally changed about your state of existence that has allowed me to become one with you again…..”
Mirror her let that linger in the air almost unsettlingly seemingly wishing for Furina to figure out what the former god was trying to say. Furina felt a bluntly sharp pain in her head then she grabbed onto her chest…..
She didn’t remember what happened next, until she finally realized that Focalors was shaking her with a strange look on her face, most of this whole time she had a smile or a straight face but she looked scared, concerned or maybe even fearfully. She only realized the sharp pain radiating from her chest and that she was violently shaking and even that she was screaming and crying. How did she not realize that…? Then she started to feel so distant from Focalors from everything. She felt like she was becoming a simple observer of her own trembling body and Focalors desperate form. Getting further and further from them until she realized she could not see them and only saw murky darkness.
She shot up out of fear everything hurt! Where did she go!? She had only realized the scenery had changed when she frantically looked around for them. It was a room maybe in a basement but that was not the most alarming part. He was here…..Neuvillette! She wanted to run over to him ask him what any of this meant!? Those memories everything! He should know right?! But her body did not obey actually she’d say it was very disobedient after she jerked awake it seemed it did not indeed move. Actually her head slumped over slightly. Why was her body being so traitorous! All she wanted was answers, she was so confused!
All she could do was look at Neuvillette and try and talk, trying to repeat the words ‘Help me’. But of course he seemed stunned, why was he stunned!? The one time she needed him the one time she so desperately needed his help and was willing to actually show it….he’s stunned?! When she is actually able to talk she is going to give him a piece of her mind! Hm….there had to be a way to get him to move right!? She needed him this opportunity to ask questions to somebody that wasn’t Focalors that she trusted was too big of an opportunity to mess!
She tried desperately to left up her hand towards Neuvillette but it wasn’t obeying her. This was far too painful to bare…..maybe just maybe…she could use that excessive of water in her body? It was a strange thought that overwhemingsense of hydro that felt like it encompassed her maybe she could use it. She was unsure if she had her vision on her person she was far too frantic to think that logically. She’d make this work she’d make her arm work no matter what! It simply had!
WORK WORK WORK. She kept on screaming within her own mind towards her hand, she was desperate truly desperate. Archons she had to make so many excuses later about this but that was her future, her now was now. Eventually she felt her arm be encompassed in the hydro on the inside at least, it felt so strange so numb, maybe she could use this weird hydro to force her hand to move at least. She focused on her wrist trying to get it to move, then she heard a crack. Then she saw nothingness.
Her eyes fluttered open but now she was no longer in a basement with Neuvillette. She was back with Focalors on the stage. Through the way Focalors stared at her made her uneasy, was she glaring at her? The former god then bluntly said “Yes.”
She wanted to ask why and what happened back there. “You woke up obviously! Yea broke your own wrist and then someone rightfully assumed you were a danger to yourself and knocked yea back out.” Mirror her said crossing her arm glaring at Furina still. When did she break her wrist…? She didn’t remember the pain, but she had a feeling that cracking sound might’ve been it. “Of course it was. You forced too much of hydro on your fragile bones through your mind alone….which is mildly concerning.” Mirror her started to pace looking at Furina again. Possibly….could her other half no longer be human? It was surely a possibility at least after that display, but what would she be then? It was curious question for right now Focalors simply assumed due to Neuvillette and her own involvement that Furina had become a Oceanaid of sorts again. Considering her dominion over the hydro in her own body, but Focalors was not omnipotent she only knew so much, maybe more then Furina did but even she only know so much and Neuvillette probably had more answers then the both of them which she’d silently curse Celestia for.
Maybe when Furina next awakens to the actual world they can try and talk to Neuvillette together….to get there own respective answers.
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cc-genshin · 10 months
Traveling with Wriothesley: Day 1
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"It's been a while since I came to the surface," Wriothesley said, his voice mixed with forlorn and solace.
"Does it bother you to be here?" The traveler asked while glancing at the Duke.
The man in black simply chuckles, amused by the inquiry. "Not at all," He shook his head. "I'm looking forward to traveling with you." Wriothesley nodded with a small smile, reassuring his new companion.
"It'll be a new journey ahead but it will be fun, even more now that you're with me." The traveler returned his smile, sharing a moment of mutual trust and affection.
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"Oh, this little guy?" Wriothesley stopped and pointed at the otter when the traveler noticed it. "He's always hanging out there. Hah, probably curious about our affairs inside the Fortress." The traveler giggles sweetly, finding the whole situation cute. "It kinda looks like the Iudex, doesn't it?" The traveler suggested. Wriothesley laughs, finding the suggestion hilarious. "You're right. Ah, can't believe our chief of justice is just some otter in the sea." Traveler and Wriothesley kept watching the otter, sharing laughter together while waiting for their boat to arrive.
Together, they walked through the pathway leading to the Opera Epiclese. There was silence between them, but not the kind that felt awkward or uncomfortable.
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As they reached the entrance of the Opera, Wriothesley stopped and turned to the traveler.
"I missed watching performances here." He admitted. But despite the longing in his words, his voice was calm as ever.
"Why don't we go in? No trial or performance is going on." The traveler offered and led the way inside.
As they stepped in, they both took a moment to admire the pristine structure, the way each corner gleamed with beauty.
"It's still the same, just like the day of my trial," Wriothesley spoke and walked ahead, letting the traveler follow his trail.
As they stood together before the Oratrice, Wriothesley pointed at the podium where he once stood.
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"That's where I was questioned and sentenced guilty." He took a deep breath before continuing. "It wasn't a long trial. I quickly admitted everything, after all, what's there to hide?" Wriothesley said with a soft tone in his voice.
The traveler listens intently, staring at the stage before them.
"Lady Furina was even disappointed at how boring my trial was. Ah, how bad I felt to bring dismay to the former archon herself." Wriothesley shook his head as he grinned, finding the thought silly.
"I'm sorry... for all that you went through. No child deserves that." The traveler frowned, showing their concern for Wriothesley.
The Duke faces their way and pats their head. "Sorry for what? It's all in the past now, don't look so down." He chuckled, trying to lift the mood.
"All the things that happened before, led me here today. And now I am standing here, with you."
Wriothesley spoke with a radiant look in his eyes, showing his strength as a person who found his new place in life.
He regrets nothing. That's the kind of person he is. And that makes him even more admirable in the traveler's eyes.
#TravelingwithWrio Day 1: Part One
[Please know this is a Lumine POV fanfic. I will not tolerate any negative comments. This is also a self-insert journey x Wriothesley - where he agrees to travel with you and Paimon is non-existent. Reposting the fic itself is not allowed. Reusing my photos are OK with credit.]
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