#and gaaras like ‘oh no’
crows-and-cookies · 1 year
New headcacnnon: Gai is actually apart of a mlm (verging on cult) and he spent all of his jonin paychecks on the green jumpsuits (first level buy-in). He’s desperate to move up to the next level and be let in the cult, but Kakashi sees through the whole thing and fights against him trying to involves the students at every turn. Kakashi has been trying to get him out of the cult for years but Gai can only think of the 120 boxes of jumpsuits that crowd his apartment. Everyone once in a while the other jonins and students all join together and try to have an intervention. ‘This is madness’ they say, gesturing to the couch made of cardboard boxes covered with jumpsuits he’s sprawled on and the green pillows he’s made of jumpsuits. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ Gai says, propping his feet up on a coffee table made of boxes full of jumpsuits. ‘Lee, don’t you agree with me?’ He asks. ‘Don’t you drag Lee any further into this!’ Sakura cries. Yamato and Sakura lead a sobbing Lee out, and Tenten stakes out his apartment and has to stop him from going back to Gai’s later. Kakashi is genuinely at his wits end until Tsuande steps in and dispatches an ANBU unit (with Kakashi pulled out of retirement, of course) to go destroy all of the jumpsuits. Yamato and Genma go and shake down the mlm contract holder, and once he agrees to let Gai free of his debt, they let Sai and Sakura run him out of town.
The mission goes perfectly and though Gai is distraught, and they can all breathe easy. Until Gai discovers essential oils 2 weeks later.
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biblical-angel · 2 years
Naruto Characters as Text Posts
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orangelemonart · 6 months
Hi OL!
I’ve been a huge fan of your art for such a long time and I always keep coming back for more. Your post today was gorgeous and heart wrenching. It made me go back and look at some of your old art and then I had to go study your snippets on patreon. That’s when I saw the sketches you had for part 8 of sannin swap and I was wondering if you have plans for the rest of the story (or the super secret project you were working on a few years ago). So much love and admiration for you, I always bring up your art when I’m talking to other people in fandom spaces and I think you deserve so much praise and credit for all your hard work!!
Oh my gosh thank you sooooo much, you have no idea how much this means to me 🥹
I am literally working on sannin swap as we speak. I’ve decided not to post part 8 until everything is done in order to kick myself into gear (it’s been a rough year and a half irl…. Sorry things got delayed so long)
The war arc is also insane, because there’s so many little moving pieces. Just realized I might have to scrap a whole section because Naruto and Bee can’t fight A and Tsunade logically if I want to get Naruto over to [redacted]. Although, maybe I don’t have to trash that part, maybe they just….. also when is Sasuke gonna wake up and when exactly will he get to [redacted]……… or maybe he has to fight them instead….. But if I cut the fight with those two kages entirely, I can’t have [redacted] and [redacted] fulfill the arcs I set up that kishimoto dropped the ball on……… Fucking war arc
(I’m planning on revamping patreon too and to just make it a flat small donation without tiers, will be updating that soon)
If I don’t finish the secret project in time for the ten year anniversary of Naruto ending you can go ahead and send me to the guillotine
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aaslwooo · 1 year
Favorite outfit
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Favorite hairstyle
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Favorite weapon
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brown-little-robin · 9 months
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vhvrs · 9 months
am the person i am today bc i was so devoted to being different all my fan ocs i made to ship w my favs were either very violent to them (within canon bonds) or tsundere n thats why i like ships where they might kill each other now i think
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bananaman-mp3 · 1 year
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so that means…..
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this kid hasnt had good nights sleep in his life
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levbolton · 1 year
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take this shitpost i made in 2020
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luckycaricature · 5 months
Honestly I love Vriska Homestuck because she seems exactly like the kind of character I would've been obsessed with as a teen, but thank fuck I didn't read Homestuck until way later
Like I was out there internalizing lessons from Bass.EXE and Gaara, it would've been cool to have a #FemaleRoleModel (none of these people have any business being role models. except maybe older Gaara? idk I didn't keep up with the show), but yeah. Yeah no I would be a fundamentally different person if I'd been exposed to Vriska as a teen, I think
I was an edgy teen who was obsessed with The Cool Villain Who Blows Shit Up. I would occasionally participate in the Woobification, but no I was mostly there to see Violence and Chaos. Vriska is like. ??? "The Narrative" rewards her for this, I think. Meanwhile Bass is mostly there to be a Really Fucking Cool Obstacle, and Gaara is like. A funky mirror of Naruto, he's like some kind of storytelling metaphor that I don't know the name of.
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on-the-edge-of-dune · 2 years
Temari: okay, so you can grab it with your left hand-
Kankuro: a dick
Temari: shut the fuck up and let me finish..you can grab it with your left hand, but not the right
Kankuro: its a dick
Temari: its not a fucking dick!!
Kankuro: well im right handed, so left is what i usually-
Temari: dont finish that sentence or i swear to god i will kill you on the spot
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Idol au Naruto and garra
You are so correct and and accurate
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
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Sorry this just occurred to me.
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ironmanstan · 2 years
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tobimina · 2 years
I just heard Madara's English VA for the first time I'm gonna throw up from laughing
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fagmegumi · 2 years
im on naruto ch110 (gaara vs sasuke chunin finals) and i wish i had more comments to make but so far all i have to say is i keep stanning rock lee
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quadrilioquy · 1 year
...Naruto for dashboard osmosis...?
TWELVE YEARS AGO, a nine-tailed fox suddenly appeared…
if you believe it B)
Here I am with my ninja clan.
Ninja clan, here we stand.
I’m on my way.
I’ll be okay.
something something,
something something,
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