#and have ideas for how UTB would go
s0ckh3adstudios · 4 months
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Wow guys I sure love Undertale Blue what a great game that exists hahahahaha
( Alexander belongs to @capt-summer )
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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UTB (Up to Boy) Magazine, October 2023 Issue (Vol. 330) ft. Yuzuki Hirakawa Interview and Photo Shoot (translation below)
Publication: August 23, 2023 (between episodes 25-26)
"If you could look back on it alittle, please tell us how you felt when you passed the audition."
Hirakawa: I've auditioned for the Sentai series afew times in the past, but I never made it through that many rounds of judging. For the first time, I was nervous and anxious as I realized that as the judging proceeded, I would be a finalist. When I received the results, with a great sense of relief I though, "Ah, thank goodness…."
"Please tell us about Rita Kaniska, the character you play."
Hirakawa: Rita is the international judge, and King of the country Gokkan. They're calm, composed, and rarely talks, and while they seem like a very serious person, I think they're a character with a cute side, like when they're alone and act like they're talking with their "Moffun" plushies.
"Due to your costume, you can only see with one eye, do you ever find any challenges playing such a role?"
Hirakawa: At first, I felt like it was difficult to convey my emotions through just my visible left eye. I would try squinting my eyes alittle, pulling my chin back, it was alot of trial and error, and I gradually felt like I was reaching a breaking point. When I discussed it with the Director, he told me, "You don't have to try to act with just your left eye. If you express your mind and feel the scene, it'll come out naturally." From that point on, I thought I was able to get in front of the cameras without having to do strange poses.
"Rita doesn't talk much, doesn't show much emotion, but, it's a cool role to play, are there any aspects that overlap with your own?"
Hirakawa: I've been told by the staff and cast around me that I resemble them quite abit. At first, I didn't think I was like them at all. Rita doesn't talk at all, while I'm the complete opposite. I talk all the time and am the type to become excited easily. However, I think they're similar in that Rita has an unexpected side to them, like when they're alone in their room talking to plushies.
"What's an unexpected side of Hirakawa-san?"
Hirakawa: In terms of a gap, the first impression of me is often that I look quiet or shy, but that's not true at all. I'm always really excited (laughs).
"At first glance, she looks cool, but her personality is the complete opposite! By the way, how did Hirakawa-san get into the entertainment world?"
Hirakawa: I joined my agency when I was in my second year of high school. Before that, I was attending a business high school in my hometown of Kumamoto, where I studied bookkeeping and various other subjects, all while thinking about becoming a tax accountant in the future…..
"A tax accountant! This is once again another contrasting world."
Hirakawa: When I started my second year, I thought, "I'd like to start doing something." At that time, I happened to learn about LDH (Hirakawa's agency) on TV and decided to do an audition. Before that, I had no desire to be in the entertainment industry, or to even give it a try.
"So now you're on a path that you never would have imagined yourself on previously. Did things go well once you joined the agency?"
Hirakawa: No. First off, I had no idea about the entertainment world, and while I had gone to various auditions, I was never selected. I thought I had understood that, "It's exhausting, this isn't an easy job afterall." But, slowly, I've been able to participate in dramas and stage plays, and now that I'm finally appearing in King-Ohger, I feel that I can now say with pride that I'm an actor.
"In a way, this could now be called the "starting line." The Sentai series is long running performance that lasts a year. How do you hope to grow over the course of the series?"
Hirakawa: In the previous productions I performed in, I did kind of bad with scenes where there were large groups of people, and it was a challenge for me to show my movements in such situations, but, now that I'm mostly in similar kinds of scenes, I'm able to get around naturally, and I hope I've overcome these challenges. If you haven't watched King-Ohger yet, I hope you'll check out Yuzuki Hirakawa's growth and development!
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not-poignant · 7 months
Hi Pia. Not sure if this has been asked before but what makes you decide how long a chapter is going to be? I noticed that the chapters in your stories like FFS and TIP have really long chapters whilst stories like the current UtB have shorter chapters, and I was wondering why that was.
Hi anon,
So... it's mostly down to two things:
First -> Engagement. People just generally comment a lot less on longer chapters. The longer the chapter, the less comments it gets. I don't know if it's reading fatigue or what, but The Ice Plague taught me a lot of hard lessons and longer chapters do not get the engagement to justify that level of effort (I love love love the comments I get, don't get me wrong, but I also make money off this writing to live, I do have to think 'longer chapters mean I eat less and can't see all my medical specialists' - that's not nothing). People might say they love them, but they don't show the authors love for them in the same way, and that's the only way I can justify doing them.
Second -> From a labour perspective, I can release more chapters for different stories if the chapters are shorter. There was a time when the average length of my chapters was around 6-8k per chapter. That works out to maybe five chapters for like, possible one or two stories at once per month. The editing took longer and was harder to do, and it was also more laboursome for my beta as well. Shorter chapters are easier to edit, even if you're doing two and a half in the same amount of time. Stories like Palmarosa, A Stain that Won't Dissolve, probably most of the Underline stories like Gold and Red and Blue would not exist at all if I was still writing longer chapters. Because I could never justify the time it took simply to write a single chapter, and it would be - like so many of my story ideas - just a pipe dream that I sometimes talked about.
So if you like some of those stories, they are literally in existence in part because I went to shorter chapter lengths, which allows me to be more experimental with different story ideas to see what ones I really enjoy, without impacting my monthly wordcount and schedule too severely.
There's other factors too. But engagement was a huge, huge part of it. These days my chapter length ranges from around 2.5-4.5k which seems to be the sweet spot (it's also still about 2-3 times as long as what's recommended in serials, which sadly is like 500 words to 2k, which to me is like, damn, I can't live like that). And a lot of later FFS chapters are actually around this length as well. In fact I think at least one chapter in FFS is 2500 words. So I was already experimenting then with shorter chapters and was already finding that the shorter chapters had more engagement. I think one of the chapters that had the most comments of all of them, was actually one of the shortest chapters.
There's a time and place for really short chapters so I don't like to do them too much, so instead I'm around the 3-4k mark.
There's also the fact that when it really suits, I will write longer chapters. Though I don't ever want to write chapters over 6-7k again outside of epilogues, simply because of the sheer amount of labour that goes into them, and the fact that they seem to fatigue readers a lot more overall.
The other thing is, anon, I used to be very ashamed of how long my stories were, so I used to prefer - out of shame - shorter chapter numbers but longer chapters so it 'felt' like the story was shorter to me even though it wasn't. Realistically, Game Theory should - pacing wise - have 100 shorter chapters. But this embarrassed me so much I shoved a lot of different things into chapters that would have made more sense broken up. When I gave up that shame, I could pace the stories better in a way that made more sense to me. In longer chapters, you'll see a lot more chapter breaks (the asterisks), and some of those are where many writers would logically just have started a new chapter.
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u-t-b-e · 10 months
"You deserved better."
A story draft by:me(UTBE)
TW: Implied Child SA and sad stuff.
Important notes:
Hi there, I'm UTBE or Evans and this is an original short story I made with a not so original idea. This is only a draft and this actually means a lot to me, so I would appreciate it if you didn't repost without permission or say this story is yours. Also feel free to listen to the song bellow while reading, since I think it fits most with this story.
Thank you and enjoy!
So in the story, a character we will call 'Present' finds themselves on a Cliffside near the sea and its almost sun down. There, Present finds a younger version of themselves and they decide to go to them. They sit down and start conversing with 'Little them', talking about their day or fun stories. But the kid keeps mentioning people who hurt Present which obviously triggers them, despite this they keep talking.
Soon into the conversation, the kid mentions they're going to have a friend come over to their place. It's all fine until the kid says the friend's name, and the Present realizes that's the name of a 'childhood' friend that sa'd them. To go further into it, Present asks the kid how old they are, and the kid says they're 5 years old. Which is the exact age Present got sa'd by the friend.
So, Present obviously tries and convinces Kid to no longer be friends with them. They keep trying this, even though if they succeed they will no longer exist. But the kid refuses since that friend is their best friend and the kid just met Present so they don't trust them completely. Soon, the kid's mom calls them for its time to leave. Present and the kid say their final goodbyes as they will never see eachother again.
As the kid dissapears into the distance, Present looks out onto the horizon with the sun setting.
Then they speak to themselves as if they're talking to the kid.
"I would've given you the whole world, even my life for you to exist.
You smile and play with no worry or guilt, you're not ridden by anything.
Your mind was pure and full of good intentions for others, you never wished anything bad to happen to anyone.
You loved to tell stories, make others happy, and make your family proud.
You don't deserve the things that are going to happen to you, I wish...our childhood wasn't killed off so early.
I would've done anything just to see you grow up happily, even if it meant me dying.
You deserved the world, you deserved better."
Tears fall down slowly from their face as the sun sets quickly, signifying how fast their childhood went and how long their trauma will stay with them in their life.
The end.
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survivorsunsetrodeo · 3 years
Ep 11 | No Regrets. No Mercy. It's Happening. - Ari
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Y'all.... the way I just.... asked Emma if she had an idol flaksjlakjfakls
She said no at first, but now she's saying yes lmao. OMG. I literally don't know what to do with this information other than like sit on it? Emma seems to be okay with me knowing this and as much as I want to tell Ari..... god idk this is so big.
This could really shake up the game for me and split up some of the big people in my alliance lkfjalkfja. GOD. Why did I even ask. Well knowledge is power and she wouldn't just like tell me if she didn't trust me???
I know I can't beat Ari and I think against Taylor it would be super close, but I also love them so much, so I would feel so bad if one of them went home bc of me lfkjalkfja. Like what is even happening rn!!! I just. Can't breathe. 
Taylor calls me right. And says oh btw Jacob, Ari, and Ali pooled money at swap in order to get the REVOLVER. Which they neglected to tell me. Which is so cute. But THEN! She also tells me that Ali wants to go for Ari this round flshjsjshaa which is kinda hot and I’m BITTER AF because I literally fucking spilled my entire anxious heart to Ari and felt like they were my number 1 and NOW they’ve been hiding shit from me??? Goodbye. So then I tell Taylor about Emma having the beer and now we know where both idols are this round so woo!
So then Ali starts to call me to tell me goodnight and that he loves me (he’s such a sweetie) and I was like Ali what’s the tea? And he just SPILLS everything to me about all the alliances he’s in with Ari and how he knows we don’t stand a chance against Ari at final tribal council. WHICH IS ALL FACTUAL. And definitely things I’ve been thinking about, but also haven’t had the guts to say anything about. So basically a plan was hatched in order to get the 3-2-2 vote to still happen but have it land on ARI with the idol in their pocket this round. I am literally going to go ALL OUT for the next immunity comp bc Ari cannot win.
Sorry Ari, this town ain’t big enough for the both of us. 
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got my third idol probably gonna waste it thanks nic hehe <3 Its funny that i was on the very bottom of the tribe now that these people found out i have the idol they want to be my bestie and vote with me i am gonna try very hard to win this immunity so i could only maybe play the immunity idol on josh or he can play it on himself ASDFGH also f2 with 8 people jury just say that redemption island is happening i guess my game plan i hope is to get out ari (pain) then maybe flip and get out maybe dan/jacob i have a feeling after this vote that dan/jacob are probably gonna flip get one of me or josh out probs josh but i dont want that to happen so i am gonna try to make sure i keep on trying to build my relationship with taylor more like i did last tribal also noted wow my biggest weakness in orgs is not my emotions its honestly my self confidence damn also talk to ali more my goat brother <3 also i really miss brandi she was really nice also i feel bad but not super bad that jabari was out i wanted to work with them last vote but they were throwing me utb that wasnt good.. Idk maybe if i hella play these last few rounds then make a very convincing case maybe i do have a small chance of winning idk fuck touchy subjects AHHH it shouldnt effect me now but tribal made me remember again ASDFG even tho theres people who havent made moves like me.
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The way I was complaining weeks ago that I was gonna go 16th place...I have to laugh. Me and Emma seems to be in a power position this round since the majority alliance is probably starting to turn against each other according to Ari which is great because I'll have options. Last round I told Emma to distance ourselves and search for cracks within the majority alliance. That led to Ari creating The Clementines alliance with me, Ari and Taylor. Now I'm on board on this group but Tay's been doubting keeping me over Jabari as soon as they found out Emma bought another idol. I'm lying to everyone that I didnt give Emma money (which I did) and told them Nic gave Emma money before he left (which was true but it wasn't enough to buy a $500 idol). Emma got close with Dan and Jacob (separately?) but after all the disassociation with Emma people still think we're working together because they keep bringing our names in private conversations. Emma thinks it's Ari & Tay vs Dan & Jacob but Ari tells me that they are willing to vote with me and Emma this round (with Jacob? idk) but I'm not really sure what the dynamics is on their side but Ari wants to go after Tay and Dan which I'm totally on board with the idea. I would rather have Dan go first because I think the Ari and Tay thing can still be useful and Dan has more pre-existing relationships than Tay I think. The best case scenario is for me to win Immunity and with Emma having the tier 2 idol the majority alliance is forced to turn against each other prematurely. Signs have already been forming when Jacob and I called a few days ago about "Taking out the threats". If I can pull off pretending to have an idol too that'd be great because it appears that NO ONE knows where the t3 idol is which is weird. One more thing is that someone noticed about the finale being a F2 with 8 Jury Members. That really doesn't sound right and people seemingly getting money out of nowhere it's possible that some sort of Edge of Extinction or Redemption Island could be at play here. I wonder how far it goes....Premergers feel like they've been gone for far too long to have an impact in the game but hey I could be wrong.
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lolz i need to win immunity or josh idk josh is probably good at math i hate math but im gonna keep on trying hehe also if i see something in the saloon brought i know alis ass brought the idol im just gonna keep on trying to remind ali like hey bro if u want a chance of winning dont vote me off aha 
trust list you probably know 1: Josh > everyone else i need more ideas to make confessionals i am kinda tired at this point but dont give up until its over but honestly my tiredness is probably why i am in the retirement home also not me winning like 75 dollars when i almost wanted to abstain because this challenge is always a nightmare this challenge is more fun the emoji math maze... i think ali probs has the idol if he has 135 left when i told him if not if i see something in the saloon brought ill assume ali brought a tier 2 idol i know this tribal is gonna be crazy so i am gonna mentally prepare for it i also told dan i have the idol which is an L but everyone knows that i have it because why would they say they want to work with me when they hella lied to me during the nic vote  also its the fact they seem me hey best person to take to f2 next to ali thank god for this idol honestly i guess another thing im worried about i need to distance myself from josh but thats impossible because i know jacob was straight up with me and told me he wanted to work with me and josh also dan also was kinda like that as long as i can get myself safe this vote ill be fine but like i said in my other confessional  i know dan is probably gonna flip next round maybe i am thinking about targetting them if ari wins immunity o.o also i belong in a retirement hope random thing live finales make me wanna kms because what if i cry live thats so sad and my biggest fear im kinda okay at talking at finales.
so  u can score like 100m in this challenge good bye brb gonna try to get the most points..
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ok here's the status report before i go off to bed:
dan is almost definitely tryin some funny business so he has got to go. i'm working with josh and emma on this one and i truly believe they are genuine, and jacob is obvs with that so it'd be four votes dan, three votes whatever the heck happens with the adoption centre split-vote plan. i don't think i even need to play my idol however im debating whether i should do so anyway because taylor is very much on the don't-break-ranks-just-trust bandwagon and i feel like she is going to be angery if i break that to go after dan without it looking like i felt very in danger? i dunno tbh. i could just pin it all on jacob and pretend to be shockedt but that feels a bit dirty and i'd like to own my moves thank u very much.... guess i'll play it out tomorrow and see how i feel
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Not me waking up at 3am to a message from Taylor saying that Ari is feeling sketched out by me because I’m being calm.
Oh yeah Ari? Do you want me to act paranoid? I can do that, but maybe I’m not paranoid bc I know where both idols are this round. It just makes me think that Ari likes that I get paranoid and freaked out.
Part of me actually wants to tell them everything about the plan to get them out but at the same time I feel like that will get me voted out. I feel like the mind games are becoming a little too much for me and I don’t even really feel like playing anymore.
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lol of course the person i wanted the least to win immunity wins immunity. Things are definitely starting to get spicy and i might've pushed it a little farther when i lied and said Dan is coming after Ari and I mean he might be but it's the push i needed to make for Ari TO STOP BEING VAGUE TO ME.
Bebop (named after Cowboy Bebop don't call me a weeb) has been formed yesterday and it's me, Emma and Ari. What a Galapagos reunion. Ari told that the majority alliance's plan is to split the votes 3-2-2. The 3 is possibly me because it's no secret Emma is going to play an idol. If no shenanigans happen it should be 3 for Dan, 2 for me and 2 for Emma with Dan going home but I do not feel good about this plan because if an idol is played then there's a high chance another one will. I plan on taking Emma's idol and playing it for myself with the reasoning is that there are people willing to keep Emma because of her goat status over me.
What's interesting to me is that Ari told me that Jacob doesn't like Dan and I'm not exactly sure why but if Jacob is open to voting Dan then I more than welcome it. Me, Emma, Ari and Jacob is the alliance that I've been wanting since merge started and how that hasn't been solidified yet is tragic. They're the three people I enjoy talking to the most. I mean, Taylor's great too but she's coming after me so she gotta go! The way that she messaged Ari saying "Are you sure it was the right choice to keep Josh?"....ARI OF ALL PEOPLE. Well, I'm glad the secret pair beware of #TeamLasagna is still going strong. Now that Ari has become less vague I know I can trust them a lot more.
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i literally do not understand any of these people and it is driving me NUTS!!!
ok ok ok so like. josh tells me this morning that taylor said she wants to make a move on me because she heard i was talking to people one-on-one about her being most likely to flip. i immediately go oh f*#&$&#@ dan because i had SORT OF said that in our call yesterday so ofc he twisted it and used it against me. except!! then taylor herself calls me and says "josh came to me and asked if i trusted you and i wanted to get info from him so i made up this lie about how you'd said i was most likely to flip, i'm concerned he's coming for you" and i'm like oh f*#&$%#@ me. ofc my first instinct is to think she's lying as it seems like far too big of a coincidence for her to randomly come up with this story that is partially true..... BUT why on earth would she be telling me all this then? does she want to flush my idol? did she think the story would come back to me and wanted to get ahead of it? either way it doesn't make sense for her to say anything if she truly wants to vote me out, but the coincidence.... too much....... and should i be less certain of my relationship with josh? or are both their versions of the story true and they both don't want me out? my head is pounding i swear. plus jacob said that taylor told him she's "worried" about me because of what josh was saying, which lends more credibility to the idea she's being earnest in not wanting me out UNLESS she is aware of how close we are and assumes i'd tell him (i did)? I DON'T KNOW I JUST DO NOT KNOW
and then if that ISN'T enough, i have dan over here being completely erratic, first telling me how bad a day he's had that he almost wants to ask to be voted out, then saying that josh had thrown my name out which like ya i told josh he could do that. but dan's like "i'm not voting you ari i would never" and it's frustrating cuz he knows how to get to my emotions and i wanna believe him! i really do! especially since if he truly wanted me out he shouldn't tell me any of that shit. but i can't trust it i can't!!!!!! it's too risky!!!!!! ughhhhhhh
tl;dr this vote is a mindfuck and i'm 99% going to play my idol because i don't trust any of these fools anymore
also if i had a dollar for every time i tell jacob he needs to go be convincing to someone and he's like "ok bet" and fifteen minutes later that person is telling me "idk about jacob he's being so vague didn't really give me anything" i would have enough money to buy back my gun after i use it tonight
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Y’all, sadly I think I’ve yeed my last haw
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Well ignore my last confessional i dont want ari out idc how big of a threat they are or good at the game they are im gonna be loyal as i can to them idk before this i thought big moves and like flipping plus being kinda deceitful was to win i did get pots last year for playing that game tho but its like idk i feel like a new side to me like i rather be loyal to people who i been loyal to from the start and not make a move just to make a big move if i lose 7-0 so be it this game i had hopes of people working with me then being deceitful to me so i am just gonna do whatever tf i want this doesnt mean i dont like the people who i am against i think this merge was full of lovely people but theres people i am more loyal then others i honestly gave josh my idol to play because i rather not be alone without them in this game then be dragged to the end by somebody else also this is funny in orgs i thought years and years back ago me and ari are like oil and water, ketchup and ice cream but playing this game with them has been so much fun!! Also if i some how get betrayed or voted off in any round its okay NNN yeah i wish i had more of a game to prove but its very hard when everyone has different connections i really hope dan isnt super mad at me voting them off i really like dan as a person sometimes im dry in his pms but i did love like playing this game with them!! also i wish i can delete my first conf nnn
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ugh i am just truly unsatisfied with this round no matter how it actually shakes out. i dont know what to say to taylor about dan going and i'm frankly too tired to think about it, i hate that im most likely wasting my idol but i would kick myself if i didn't play it & got stabbed, and i'm sad about the collapse of the adoption centre which is partly/mostly my fault anyway. i would like to get this over with as quickly as possible.
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7th place isn’t something to be sad about I guess. Just wish I could have made it farther. I’m gonna be the most bitter juror out there tbh haha sorry Ari! 
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This round is so scary I feel really bad about Dan 
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i'm so nervous about who is gonna go omg i haven't heard my name at all but i am still nervous and idk who to trust ahhhh
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I came from the best player to the one going home 
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Power Rankings ONE - JACOB (+2) Threat: 6 (+2) Trust: 2 (NC) Looking back on this round, I didn’t realize how much power Jacob really had. Jacob could have single handedly sent dan home, but failed to communicate his intentions with the minority. Had Jacob of done this, I could have easily seen him sitting in the final 2. However, this misstep will have major consequences on his game. TWO - TAYLOR (+4) Threat: 7 (+2) Finally getting myself back into a position of power. Regardless of my downfall last round, I picked myself back up and went out of my way to message josh and Emma to see if they’d like to do something. Fortunately for me, they did. I could have sent dan home this round if Jacob had of talked to me (but he had no service). I would have been sitting pretty is a majority of 3 with Emma and josh. Threat level back up, back on track to win the game. THREE - JOSH (+1) Threat: 7 (+3) Trust: 7 (+5) Just like I predicted last round, Josh realized it was time to start making the right moves to get himself further. He just needed to break up the trio. I credit myself more than I credit josh though because I reached out to him, had I not of, he could have went home. But him joining with me was a good move for his game and he recognizes that. FOUR - EMMA (+1) Threat: 4 (+2) Trust: 7 (+5) Emma, similarity to josh had a good round because of me approaching them. Emma and josh didn’t even realize their games were at risk until I figured out that Ari, dan and Jacob weren’t voting me, rather voting one of them. Emma still left this round, but honestly if there was communication on Jacobs part about a flip on the revote, us 3 would have skated by. https://i.imgur.com/lFtZBsl.png FIVE - ARI (-4) Threat: 8 (-2) Trust: 1 (-1) Ari really lost control of their game at this point. Not only are they the biggest threat to win, but now they’re the biggest threat to win challenges. I also saw a different side of Ari that I can’t say I like. It’s funny because I used to always think to myself, “Ari seems nothing like an Aries, they’re so calm and wonderful and sweet” YEAH throw all of that out the window. Mad Ari is a different Ari lol. Anyways back on track, they for once I think were shocked by a vote, the double tie they had no control over. And finally, finally I think we are starting to see the decline of Ari’s game. Threat level is something I’m still trying to figure out how to control, and if you fail to control it like Ari did, you’ll see a similar result. SIX - DAN (-4) Threat: 4 (-3) Trust: 7 (+3) Dan lands here because of his failure to mend a relationship with me, now that I had Emma and josh wanting to work with me, Ari won immunity, and Jacob had an idol, it really only left me with the option of voting for dan. If Jacob had of said something, dan would have left this round. Because dan chose to link back up with Ari last round, and Ari lost control this round, subsequently that means dan also lost control. The one thing Dan has over is he isn’t seen as the biggest threat in the game.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Sunday's Premier League: Sheffield United v Crystal Palace
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Clinton Morrison
Former Crystal Palace striker on BBC Radio 5Live
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Sheff Utd 0-0 Crystal Palace
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Wilfried Zaha gets his first touch of the ball in the left corner. A few stepovers to tease the full-back before laying it off to Patrick van Aanholt.
Palace could be dangerous on the break today. How important will Zaha be to that?
1 min
Sheff Utd 0-0 Crystal Palace
Right, off we go. Can the Blades get a win on home soil?
Posted at 12:5812:58
Post update
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
The teams are out, led by captains Oliver Norwood and Luka Milivojevic.
Posted at 12:5712:57
Post update
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
The atmosphere is electric!
Posted at 12:5612:56
Get Involved – overlapping centre-backs
#bbcfootball or text 81111 (UK only)
Dempsey Blade:That’s why we will stay up, will take a while to figure us out. UTB.
MoMzii:Lol, let them try that against City or Liverpool.
Posted at 12:5512:55
‘We want to make it special’
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Sheffield United
Sheff Utd midfielder Oliver Norwood on BBC Radio 5live:“It’s going to be special and quite unique. From the heartbreak from when the club were last at Bramall Lane whilst in the Premier League, to now, there is a new generation of fans who will be looking forwards. There is a level of connection between the fans and staff and we want to make it a special day.”
Posted at 12:5412:54
Post update
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
England boss Gareth Southgate is in the house. Wonder if he’s here to steal the secrets of this ‘overlapping centre-backs’ business?
Posted at 12:5112:51
‘Palace will be safe’
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Clinton Morrison
Former Crystal Palace striker on BBC Radio 5Live
I think the squad is good enough to not be in a relegation battle. That squad is good. I think the fans are worried about the strikers but they need to prove the fans wrong. I am surprised that they didn’t get one in the transfer window. Palace always leave it late to make sure they are safe to stay up but I believe they will be safe again.
Posted at 12:4912:49
‘It creates a challenge’
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson on Sky Sports:“Wilfried Zaha trained well – he’s had more sessions behind him now and I’m hoping he’s ready for the game today.”
On Sheffield United’s overlapping centre-backs: “It creates a challenge because they have plenty of players in wide areas.
“If you don’t get enough bodies to match them they will get crosses in. But defenders can’t be forward and back at the same time so if we can play through the initial pressure we can create problems.”
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ReutersCopyright: Reuters
Posted at 12:4712:47
Get Involved – overlapping centre-backs
#bbcfootball or text 81111 (UK only)
Arsenal Related: Fascinating – I’ve never heard the likes of it! Thank god Wenger never got hold of this idea, heaven knows what could have happened!
Posted at 12:4512:45
‘You have to make a fortress’
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Karen Carney
England women’s winger on BBC Radio 5Live
It’s there first home game in two years, it will be full of emotion. It’s going to be amazing the atmosphere. You have to make it a fortress and that is what the manager was saying he wants to do. They had a great home record last season, it’s a big step up into the Premier League but they have to do what they did last season. The fans get behind their team and you want them to make it very difficult to get points there.
Posted at 12:4312:43
Post update
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
Billy Sharp has to settle for a place on the bench despite his late equaliser against Bournemouth.
Posted at 12:4112:41
New paint, new dreams
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Alistair Magowan
BBC Sport at Bramall Lane
There are plenty of signs at Bramall Lane that the club has shifted into a different league. The club has spent £5m upgrading its floodlights for VAR, the press box has been extended to host 100 writers, with 190 media personnel expected today, and the paint still smells fresh on the walk up to the new media centre.
There are new fans too. I bumped into two Chinese students who are at their first game and Gloucester-based Tom has treated his girlfriend Kate to a weekend in Sheffield, which has taken in Meadowhall (or hell as its known locally) before stopping by the game today.
“I never thought we would make it this far, so quickly.” says Tom. Having treated Kate to an away game at Bristol Rovers previously, perhaps she would consider this an upgrade?
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
Posted at 12:3912:39
Dangerous visitors
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
Wilfried Zaha has scored six goals in his last seven away Premier League games.
Of players to score more than five goals last season, Zaha scored the highest percentage of them away from home (90% – 9/10).
And only Manchester City (24) have scored more away Premier League goals in 2019 than Crystal Palace (20).
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 12:3612:36
‘Every point will be prized’
Sheff Utd v Crystal Palace (14:00 BST)
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Guy Mowbray
Match of the Day commentator
Since Sheffield United’s last home Premier League game: Kids have been born and are at secondary school, nine managers have been appointed by the club, Phil Jagielka left and played 385 games for Everton before coming back.
Yes, a lot’s happened – including a last visit by Crystal Palace to Bramall Lane in which a lot happened. Maybe just don’t expect five goals, three penalties and two red cards this time.
Every point the Blades win this season will be prized, and this is a game they’ll think they can get three from, even if Palace’s superb away form this year points otherwise.
If the home team attacks, Roy Hodgson’s side can counter. Step right back up Wilf Zaha.
Read More
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 8: “from now on i’m doing whatever the fuck I want.” - Asya
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kind of a good thing i didnt vote this round because people dont know where i stand in everything
it seems to be facebook vs tumblr but fuck that bc i genuinely dont trust most of the tumblr people and id hope that if i jump on the facebook train that they'll take me into their community AND into their alliance if i become sheepy enough and stop socializing with people so i seem like an ftc goat. lets see what happens :)
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i’m like genuinely irritated lmao like i can’t even talk to these people i’m so mad.
i felt so bad lying to chloe and writing her name down when i genuinely just wanted to work with her in the merge. and these fucking Freaks were so sure that lily and anabel would vote her and it would be fine so i said okay. then what happened? one of those two flipped. i should’ve voted lily last night just to send a message. from now on i’m doing whatever the fuck i want cause fuck these people
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Omgggggggg. I’m livinggggggggg. After completely flopping the last round I’m just so happy that I know That I’m safe. I’m trying to figure out how to navigate the rest of the game and I think it’s about damn time that I get an alliance going. Or at least have myself talk with everyone and make sure we can agree on a vote because if I’m in the minority again and either Johnny or Jared go home I’m a goner. I’m really hoping I can find a way to work with Elmo and Ben for the rest of the game as well. I think if I could be in an alliance with all of them I may just be able to make it far in this game. Also Chloe I’m sorry for voting for you last round. It’s honestly because of how iconic you are and I hope you can forgive me Queen.
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WHEW what a night this has been. Ben decides to make an alliance chat with me, Elmo, Zack and Justin. Okay sure I guess this is happening now. We all be sharing idol guesses with him as well. It's called Anabel's angels, which is kinda funny since she's not in it but apparently Ben does not trust her to not leak it. I also had Jared speak to me and say he wont come for me this round if I don't go for him, I mean sure, I wasn't gonna go for you yet anyway so if this helps to take the target off me for once then fine. But he also mentioned that he spoke to Ben who said he wanted to work with me, which led Jared to say he would be open to as well. It leaves me questioning the bond between Jared and Ben. Not something I'm going to freak about just yet, but will be kept in mind. And I also had a chat with Zack about how I feel I'm being overshadowed a bit right now and a bit stuck. Justin is definitely in a power position right now and I think he knows, everyone sort of knows it, just no one from the alliance really wants to say it out of fear that he will then target him. I do think Justin needs to go soon, he's far too much of a threat the closer the end gets and I feel he definitely will be one of the first to at least attempt to make a move. I feel my first move should be to turn on Justin and if I pitch myself right I really think I could get it to work. Shame though because as a person I adore him, I just don't want him to start running this show too much and then be left scrambling to try to get him out near the end. To finish it all off, Lily has messaged me and said she wants to work with me this round after being totally inactive today. She gave a not fantastic apology compared to the others and did not give me a single reason as to why she voted me. Asya, yet to message me. @ both of them ~ hit the bricks bitch.
I wanna say that I'm really glad for Elmo, Zack and Ben and the fact I know them all. I had a not fantastic time today but tonight we called nd played some roblox, or at least I listened to them because my roblox wouldn't connect. I had so much fun and I feel it did bring us closer as a group and it was something I really needed. So ya I love these guys so so much, they deserve the world and I hope we have more roblox calls to come <3 <3 <3
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honestly feeling like my number is up. i don’t know i just have that icky feeling that i’m joining joey tonight.
i threw around the idea of throwing johnny utb to save my own skin, since he was very Loud last round abt his legacy advantage (which i’m starting to think he didn’t? actually? play? idk i wasn’t at tribal but i watched part of it and i don’t think there was any indication that he played the advantage) but idk how to feel about that. like if i did it would purely be out of self preservation, and not with the hope that he’d will me the advantage he may or may not have faked playing the other night. but anyways i don’t see myself lasting long regardless with the way things are. in a more fluid merge i’d be less worried, but i feel like there are capital s Sides and i’m on the wrong one
and chloe will have definitely told her allies i’m a lying rat by now. i wish i could talk to her but i’m Baby and if anyone is just a little bit mean to me right now i will legit burst into tears
my people still don’t have a name and honestly i don’t have one to throw out. the last time i did i was wholly ignored and it blew up in our faces. now that person has immunity and we don’t have the numbers. i don’t know i cant think about this anymore or i’m gonna concuss myself
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"Hey Elmo? wanna vote Bodhi?"
"Not yet"
Oh we doing this again. I see you.
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ugh. it's getting to the point where i literally can't deal with these people anymore. even the people i'm working with are getting on my damn near last nerve. the only person i've talked to about how i'm genuinely feeling, is chloe. i can't tell elmo and justin how i'm feeling because it's clear as day at how close they are and it's even more clear about how close they are with people outside of our alliance. and i'm glad when i talked to chloe, she felt the same way. everyone we're aligned with are so vocal and want to be in power so it's gonna clash soon i feel like. i don't want elmo and justin to think they're controlling everything and think i'm gonna just be in the background. i will be in the background for this vote though because it seems like justin is the one being in everyone's pm's trying to figure out how they're voting. and hopefully i'm not the only one who see's that and people start to realize how power hungry he really is. so i'll let him do all that right now and let him pick this vote and then when the time comes, people can think he was running it all and if it needs to be done, i'll drop hints here and there about it. i can't help but feel some typa way because i'm seeing it all with my own eyes and i don't think i'm over thinking it. elmo is close with jared and probably has multiple side deals. elmo and justin are closer then they're putting off. justin and johnny are close and justin seems to be trying to talk to everyone so.. all i know is, i need to start making side deals and talking to a lot of other people, and chloe agrees she's gonna do the same. so after this round, i think we're gonna try and get 2 step aheads and start focusing on the future of this game so we can try and have one over on them.. because i know this isn't gonna last.
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haha so remember when i lied to jared and bodhi and asya and lily and voted joey out.. well.. perhaps i am now lying to elmo and ben and justin and zack and chloe and voting justin
why am i LYING so much in this game. is it impossible for me to just. be HONEST. apparently it is bc there’s not one person ive been completely honest w... even johnny..... oopsies!!!!!
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sorry this is a short one but everyone has agreed on asya but im almost like sure that its a fake plan and im NOT SURE IF I SHOULD PLAY MY IDOL OR NOT BECAUSE IM SO WORRIED HISDFHISDF BUT I DONT WANNA MISPLAY IT? I ALSO DONT THINK THEY SHOULD BE COMING FOR ME...
god im nervous jsdfoij
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This is a last minute confessional im legit at tribal rn I think im going home. it was too quiet all day and I dislike what Bodhi has just said. I feel uncomfortable and sick. If I go home then I go home but I will be a bitter jury member.
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this vote was going to be ben, but i tried to get it to split. ive workede pretty hard at this and maybe it’ll work.
Justin is voted out 7-4. He becomes the second member of the jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #8: "stick to ONE STORY, not nineteen." - Zach
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I think missing the Joint-Tribal Council has been a net positive for my game. Both Takagi2.0 and Kato2.0 were unable to put their differences aside to settle the vote, which means Attila is free to come in and play kingmaker. The choice here is obvious. Kato2.0 could use some shrinkage. Hopefully starting with one of the two original Kato members.
I've re-connected with all of my allies. A lot of them were scared for me during my little tie incident. But now that we're back together again, we have nothing to worry about. ;)
Ally told me everything about the Joint-Tribal vote, and how Kato2.0 seemed unwilling to flip on itself. She even went so far as to tell me Zach seems more loyal to Kato2.0 than she originally expected. Maybe she'll be down to vote him out sooner than I expected. Karth also told me about the vote, and the dynamics of the Kato2.0 tribe. Jake seems to be the odd one out in all of this. It sounds like he's starting to isolate himself socially by being too sketchy with both the StephenW/Federico votes. I wonder where Miguel/Zach/Tim fit into all of this.... I guess if Karth flips, it won't really matter anyway.
It's weird to feel this safe with my alliances right now. It's honestly a new feeling for me in ORG's. I'm finding myself questioning whether I'm being arrogant or if my position is really as good as it appears to be. I put a lot of work into my relationships in the pre-merge and I feel like my social/strategic bonds couldn't be stronger than they are right now. I just hope it all starts to bare fruit here and I can be a serious winner contender.
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Luke is a crackhead confirmed.
He literally is as messy as a Sloppy Joe. His stories literally don't add up in any way, shape, or form. He first began by letting me know that: Karth, Aly, and, Zach are in alliance. (He's basically trying to get me spooked about those three potentially working together in this game. K cool. FINE. Spooked? barely?).
BUT THEN he goes on to say the votes for Stephen Z were 5 to 3 and that Aly voted in the minority... but? if she had this alliance? wouldn't she have known where to fucking vote? Weird, right? Why would she flip on her "alliance" of Zach, Karth, and herself. THEN he proceeds to tell me that Aly flipped between voting out Zach and Stephen all day?
In conclusion, Luke is too messy for my taste and needs to go.
the end.
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OMG I feel so happy we finally merged! I feel like I have options to work with in this merge as I think Zach, Karthik, Jake and Tim could stick together. I also have the option to work with Luke and Jake later on the game as og Kato (I have 0 interest in playing with Alyssa). If I had to choose someone to leave next it would be either Jess, Stephen (Bc I don't know em) or Alyssa who I never trusted. Also the joint tribal was a mess but it ended up going the way I wanted with an og Kato gone. (why do I want an og Kato gone?) well most of them are liars and players, but I don't wanna close the option to play with em, so like the least og Kato members there r the best bc no one would expect that probability. I also reaaally like Ally but I'm not exactly sure if I can trust her.
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Well the joint tribal was intense as expected. Glad to have come through it and made the merge without facing much trouble. I learnt a lesson not to trust someone just based on past relationships. I had been looking forward to meet Luke as I have played with him on EM and he is lovely. But the first day we meet on this game he has been going around saying Zach,Ally and me are an alliance that would run this game. Not cool Luke! But I can't blame him for this as he is playing his game. I trusted Ally a lot too but off-late things seem odd with her. She told me she was voting Stephen W but then she tells me that she changed her mind at the last moment as Stephen W told her that he had an idol. I am not sure if I could believe her on this. I cannot feel comfortable anymore in this game and have to start reconsidering my options. I have been on good terms with Tim and I am planning to try and improve on it and be his best buddy. Feel things are gonna get real intense now with the merge and I am hoping I could lay low and somehow survive the next couple of votes and plan from there.
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I actually made merge? shook.
I'm not too sure how exactly I am going to navigate this merge at this current moment. If you would have asked me 10 days ago who I would want to work with in the merge I probably would have had a different answer as I currently do. Honestly I found myself working with... Alyssa somehow again. However, I feel like we both know we want to end each other's game but none of us can do it just yet. So that's going to be a problem down the line and It'll be fun to see what happens. However, I'm more worried about ending Stephen's game than I am at ending Alyssa's. This dude has COME TO PLAY. I can see him making it far in this game. You can already tell he's socially connected, strategic, and I'm sure he can bring the physical when needed.
... but... I can't start killing my alliances games just yet. Right now I need to build relationships with everyone and I'm STRUGGLING to do so. I don't know if it's just these people in this game or if it's me? I've been attempting to talk to every single person in this game but.. I'm not getting much. I know this is going to sound horrible but.. trying to socialize with some of these people feels having to go to the dentist. It's unpleasant.. but I have to do it.
To build some sort of trust with certain people... I used what Luke told me about the "alliance" of Zach, Aly, and Karth and let them all know in order to build some trust. However, Alyssa randomly already knew about it (I didn't tell her) and so did Tim? So? Big Mood Energy.
There are rumours of a Kato 2.0 alliance going around currently. I want to end that "alliance" BAD if it really is a thing. However, I really don't want to step on Tim's toes and blindside him. Once I lose Tim's trust in this game I think my game is going to become significantly harder to play. I'm just not too sure what the fuck to do. I'm already flopping hard here.
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Well, to the basement once again and it sucks. I never find any luck in stuff like these which makes it terrible. A lot might happen during the merge vote as its an important vote and being left out of it is not so good for me. I can feel that Ally and Stephen have lost some trust in me which makes me sad and worried as I have been considering them as my core allies. I dont feel so good atm and I get a negative vibe which tells me I could go home tonight :(
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AHHHH so merge!!! Im so happy I made merge!! Stephen won immunity as well as Alyssa!!  I hope I can survive!!
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I find myself in a fast forming majority with Ally, Jess, Stephen, and Alyssa. Ok the flip side I’ve been speaking with Karth, Jake, Miguel a lot and with Tim and Zach a bit. I’m feeling okay right now as no one seems to want me out and it’s looking like I have possible moves to make, the vote is set on Miguel at the moment but by tonight who knows what could happen. Idols are a big risk as well at this point so while I’m feeling safe im also highly nervous. I’ve been to the most tribals of anyone left in the game I believe so I have learned to expect some sort of drama in the last hour or so before tribal that could change the vote entirely so I’m not totally locked into a vote but I have my ideas, we will have to see what happens
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i'm NOT FUCKING SURE what's going on. anyway, here's a recap of the past few days. -- STEPHEN VOTE -- stephen's a king, i love him. however, he handled this round very poorly and that got himself booted 100%. i'm happy he's on jury though i don't think i stand much chance at his vote. let me go off about something: i wanted jake out. i was so close to voting jake because i don't trust that kid really and i knew the perception would be "kato 2.0 5 are STRONG" - which it is currently. i'm WOKE! ally even told me this and it's common sense. HOWEVER, stephen threw my name out and basically threatened me (briefly, vaguely) about voting me out and i don't like that. you do not try to get me to flip by threatening to vote me out. that is not how i operate. so to the people who think we're strong - know that's not the case. i dont want to get cocky, but i think i was a swing in this vote (i could've gotten any combo of karthik, tim, and miguel to vote jake with me, or even tied it alone) but i didn't because stephen decided to throw me UTB and luke decided to be messy. stick to ONE STORY, not nineteen.
-- MERGE -- we  made merge. it was really exciting to reach this stage of the game, as well as jury. at least if i get brutally blindsided ever... i'm getting to vote for a winner!!! that's really all i could ask for at this rate. but now that i've accomplished two of my goals, it's time for the next step: winning. i find this cast to be dry. by that, i mean... not super active until the time is appropriate. now, before i get dragged, i understand - why be super active when you don't have to be. but it's just been boring for the most part and no one's really utilizing the 24 hours of freedom to secure bonds (but neither was i so i can't fully complain). i got to reconnect with people & meet others. jess is great, and i missed her so much. stephen is still the same for me - sketchy but fun. alyssa is one of my favs and within minutes of speaking to her i understand why she is a force to be reckoned with. was there someone else... no. so everyone's great. anyway, alyssa and i made a pact to not target each other due to being known as 'big players' or whatever. she might've been stroking my fatass ego but... it worked.
-- IMMUNITY -- when immunity comes around, people are still staggering when it comes to socializing. some people, however, made deals with me. jess/alyssa/karthik/miguel are all legends. if i forgot someone, rip. anyway, i stayed mostly true to my deals, maybe giving it off 1 point value from where i promised. i know that i can easily win this immunity but i kind of don't care and give alissa the +3 (i thought about giving her -3, which means i win - and that would've been the case).  now, before i get voted out tonight and flamed, ill say that i didnt want to win this immunity and it wouldve made me a bigger threat regardless. immunity results happen, and alyssa/stephen win. that's fine. i wasn't planning on voting one of them out this round.
-- TRIBAL -- i have talked about most of this in my conf chat so i'll just regurgitate it: ally told karthik the vote was miguel (or his name was going around). he told me. stephen told tim same news, tim told me. i think this is a decoy vote. why? because why would you tell everyone the vote, especially given that there is fear from multiple people about the Kato 2.0 alliance staying strong (it's not even alliance. BTW, POST -SEASON -- YOU WILL SEE THAT THERE WASN'T AN ALLIANCE.). am i close to them? yea, most of them, but that's the same with any combo of people who are on the same tribe for a few days/rounds. i tell jess about hearing miguels name, she asks who, i leak tims name. this was a mistake because i dont really trust jess 100% but... anyway. coincidentally, after i do this, stephen comes into my pms. he explains that miguels name has been floating around alongside the rumour of kato 2.0 being strong. this would be smart if i was dumb but it's clearly to save face. i'll credit stephen/co. tho. it's smart. i should want to vote out one of the five to secure myself and make the target fade. but have it be known that i don't see the benefit of tim/miguel/karthik leaving this tribal, especially given my target size. it's just odd. i also realize jess told karthik what she told me - about how the rumour of me/ally/karthik are a tight trio - is going around. she told me she was informing me of this info to 'have my back' but girl told other people too so i aint important LOL. alyssa tells me my name is going out now by stephen, and he allegedly has numbers. these numbers would consist of ally/stephen/luke/alyssa/jess + maybe some kato 2.0. i'm worried now. i don't anticipate jess/alyssa would vote me this soon. ally shouldn't. it'd be dumb bc i can leave at any tribal if you dont let me get to like f5/6. but i can't expect these people to always play to their win-con bc they may think their win-con is something different.
so at the moment, i struggle as im full of confusion and stress once again. maybe i should've won immunity (but also i felt like alyssa couldve beaten me easily so i didn't bother). i think the vote could be me, it makes more sense than the vote being someone like miguel (and everyone knowing said information). ill have to reassess the situation soon, but i may idol tonight. i want to trust that the following people wont vote me: alyssa/jess/karthik/tim/miguel - but can i? idk. if i could have my way, one of jake/luke would leave tonight . or stephen but sisters immune so.
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this tribal has been so quiet i hate it
miguel’s name has been kinda drifting around the whole time
luke’s name is coming up a bit now
we officially formed ~the samurais~, which is me stephen luke jess and alyssa
and the 5 of us are gonna try to blindside zach
idk how well this is gonna go but i have my fingers crossed !!!!
i will NOT let these kato 2.0 bitches keep dictating votes on my ALLIES!!!! LEAVE LUKE ALONE!!!!!
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Miguel is voted out 5-4-1. He becomes the second member of our jury.
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #8: “hoebi hears ALL things shady...” - Tobi
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Ok I’m super excited because we finally got a challenge involving something I’m good at which is aesthetics. I fucking love moodboards and I really wanna win a challenge so I’m hoping I can win this.
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So I am absolutely not creative at all so this challenge is gonna be a struggle for me so love that
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So Wes was just voted out. Im neutural about it. Yes wes was a number, but it wouldve done too much drama to try and save him.  Im playing my game not his. He didnt do himself any favours.
This round my target is david. He seems like someone who isnt central to everyone. So therefore I think he would easier to get votes on. Plus scott has mentioned david annoys him. So im hoping that now i can managed to pull 2 people our way to vote our david.
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people sure gettin feisty..
lets start off with missus dani and mr michael the obvious f2.. like bitch if ur gonna leak things i tell u dont make it obvious!! LAMFJHFG and now dani wants to flip the script on felix bc She Doesnt Want To Do What Shes Told. like gtfo :) ugh im sick of them both i wanna blindside them so bad..
and then i might get caught leakin if this shit gets out more.. hope the vote stays at felix vs david tho bc its bye bye david :)
uhm idk wha t more to say. im done with these mercia people..
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Today... the tea... is absolutely STEAMING!! so initially the plan was for david to leave bc felix also wanted to blindside him... but scott's told michael who TOLD david about it and now david knows about it so the target is switched rn... Also more tea is that dani thought she was slick and told scott that she wanted to blindside felix along with scott, david, michael, some sweyn, and said ahrre would do whatever she said... what she said also insinuated that me, mo, and felix were on the bottom of our og tribe... guess she doesn't know that hoebi hears ALL things shady... looks like im flipping off of my og tribe for a 3rd org in a row ladies
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im such a fucking  mess.... but thank god i have rhys/jones/ryan pickin up the pieces and we still blindsidin.. ALMFJBG
GOD I HOPE ITS DANI THO IM DESPERATE FOR HER TO GO. and i wanna show michael u dont fucking throw me utb n get away with it.. i may be inbred but im not completely dumb n i have the social bonds to stay aMJFHBG
im so dumb like i deserve nothing good after this.
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pleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewin i w a n t t h i s
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SO MUCH HAS BEEN GOING DOWN GUYS this tea is HOT SO since before the Wes vote, Felix, Mo, Tobi, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys and myself were planning on voting for David for the F11 vote - because he's a comp threat and seems pretty set on not flipping on OG Mercia BUT when Scooty was chit chatting with his Canute bff Michael, MICHAEL SPILLED THE BEANS and basically threw Scooty under the bus, so David found out about the plan! I had to play dumb when David asked me about it, and I told him I had no idea (and he totally fell for it >:3c), BUT Felix heard about it and went to Ryan and it became A [clap emoji] CLUSTER [clap emoji] FUCK [clap emoji x3] Scooty also got tea from Dani that she wants to flip the script on Felix with Scooty, me, David, Michael, and Ahrre (she said Ahrre would follow along with anything bc they're paranoid asf) - SO she basically layed out the Mercia tribe Dynamics and indirectly said that Mo, Felix, and Tobi were on the bottom. Which honestly we knew, but that works perfectly for us Sweyn ;) So after I cleared everything up with Felix that Scooty never spilled the beans to David and that Michael is a total snake, we were thinking about what to do next -And because David knows his name's been mentioned, we had to tread carefully. So then we thought,, why not use this paranoia to our advantage? We can make David feel like he's a target so they can possibly play an idol on him (which is a HUGE possibility) but in actuality,,, we're voting for Dani or Michael. It's pretty obvious to everyone that they're a really tight duo and it would be great if we could split them up now before they go far. Right now everyone would definitely prefer to vote Dani (and so would I) because apparently she's a possible comp threat, and also she's v messy so there's that. but if she possibly wins immunity then the vote's changing to Michael. As long as that duo breaks up then we're solid. BUT THAT'S THE TEA FOR NOW I'll try to make another confessional if my dumbass remembers to <3
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So I didn’t win, which makes me sad but I did come in second place. Another good thing is that Jones won and I’m allies with Jones so I’m very happy about this. Overall I’m happy.
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Hey ya boy is back now I'm gonna recap last week cause my flop ass forgot to do it as it happened. Basically I didn't win immunity which is good. Then I went take a poopoo and when I come back everyone is saying Wes, so hey guess I don't work this week, a nice change compared to the week jose went home.
As for Wes well he hadn't been the most active and I really didn't had a bond with him so that seemed as a convenient vote to me. Aparently he was also targetted cause he was one point away from winning immunity? idk how much of a factor that was but hey kids all the more of a reason to throw them early challenges.
Now talking about tribe lines I'm doing my job talking with the other guys and letting them know I'm willing to work with them. However I'm keeping my eyes on them, specially Scott who seemed to have charmed Michael and Dani in after having flipped on Malik. Add to that the connections he probably has with his OG tribe and make no mistake he could very well be in the best position in this game, which means I will probably have to take a shoot on him sooner or later.
Tobi could also be in a similar postion since the other guys saved him when they had a 4-1 tribe divition advantage, but idk how much was up to Tobi chatting them up instead of Madison being a liability, but I will also keep an eye in him.
Additionally Michael is def not fully in with the idea of staying og tribe strong, which is fair enough. But he also told me Felix told him last week he wanted david out next week, so that would basically be this week. So I'm gonna have to learn more about that, also I never knew who originally threw Wes's name out and no one seemed to know but something tells me Michael had something to do with that as well.
So all in all that's a bunch of stuff I'm gonna have to act upon while keeping a low profile, but hey lazy week was last week so it's not time to get confortable and sit around without doing anything.
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sooo i came online today to some messiness lmao. apparently danielle/michael/david all found out about felix's plan, and michael went to Felix and basically threw Scott under the bus about it lmfao. and they want to pull in Ahrre + some Sweyns to flip it on Felix and uh.... yeah no afkdsf. i was able to get felix back on the right page and i think we're good to go him/Mo + Sweyns and blindside Danielle or Michael hehe, because felix thinks an idol could pop up or something idk
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so the new plan is blindside miss dani.. thank god LMAOAOAA i been wantin her ass out forever and i wanna have michael stay shook bc if he thinks im gonna be loyal to him after this.. lmao
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Okay, so Jones won immunity. Great! Sweyn on the immunity train.
So David was the original plan. However scott went around trying to swing it to david to people who cant keep their gob shut. Michael went to tell David, and david has come full circle and started asking everyone if they had heard my name. So now The sweynians have tried to swing the vote on Dani. As its seen that her and Michael are a pair & Tobi finds Dani annoying.
So we are going to keep the facade that its still David and try to keep telling Michael its David etc and get votes on David. When in reality thats a big fat lie. And Dani should be getting votes.
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So tonight the vote is very simple. To vote Ryan however the complication comes from whether or not I go with the og sweyns to blindside David in an attempt to really open the game up and have less of a tribe vs tribe dynamic. Also complicating matters is the fact scott wants me dani and David to form a voting block with Ahrre and someone else to really control this game. It seems to me that I need to really think about my decision.
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they better make up their minds whether its me or ryan bc i aint agreeing to a 5th name this tribal LAMFJHFG
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So all this is messy and I just start thinking, why don’t I flip like David’s a threat and it would open up the game 100% and also if it was just a case of David vs Ryan id vote ryan but I like Rhys so.
So a lot happened and now it’s rhys but I don’t want rhys I want ryan and with my crazy coo coo plan I hope that i get what I want bc that would be cute and like so unexpected and it would get the game to be opened up
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So I wake up to hear my name being throw around by my own og tribe... I love this tea soooo much... like in the end they settled for ryan but the fact that they have the audacity to put me up as an option AND THEN ask me for my vote... I have to laugh LKJHDFLJ I guess its time to flip the script!! Dani and Michael are coming up with this "genius" plan of splitting the votes between ryan and rhys because they think scott, jones, and I are with them... oh honey... they have a big storm comin... we're using this to our advantage to do a clean vote on Dani and take out one of them mofos... miss piggy gets revenge tonight
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soo i came online to a whollllllle big ass mess lmao. Dani & Michael been scrambling to get out me or Rhys to save David and they have no idea they've dug themselves so far into a ditch.... it's scary knowing i'm gonna get votes but i feel confident that ppl have my back... i feel good that the Sweyns + Tobi + Felix will vote together to get Dani, and I just hope we've done a good job at making them not see it coming... but even if they do and an idol is played correctly by them, my idol 10000% is going to make an appearance hehehe
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Hello here I am,, coming in clutch as the moodboard QUEEN. um,, thank god honestly. bc rn it seems like og Mercia wanted to just pick off Sweyn and I know for a fact David would've wanted to go for me first bc of Ko Chang (which btw, if you target people for past games, choke, it's a new game get over it sweaty c:) but yeah I'm glad I have immunity <3 thank god I ran a moodboard account over the summer teehee So yeah rn the Mercia group is a clusterfuck and I love it,,, I love watching the world burn yk? They really just,,, have no idea what they're doing. first they want to go for Scott, but apparenlty that's a cover and they're going for Ryan, THEN SCOTT KNOWS and they change the vote to Rhys, then they're splitting??? like??? hello????? y'all gotta make up your minds we've been planning on voting Dani out since before immunity came out. this couldn't have been easier honestly. I love this. THEN MICHAEL bless his heart I love him so fucking much but he really told me that David doesn't trust any of Sweyn and wants them out,, like,,, does he not realize,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm from Sweyn. like,,, that makes me want to take you guys out even more. PLUS he's really digging his own grave when he says that Mo and Ahrre can do whatever they want and they don't matter like,, you don't give the people on the bottom leg room. that's really dumb I love Michael to death but he's doing this to himself rn but heres the rundown on what everyone on that side THINKS is happening - Michael, myself, Scooty, Dani and David vote for Ryan - Ryan and Rhys vote for David - and Mo, Ahrre Tobi and Felix do whatever the fuck they want/Rhys apparently. so that would be a 5/4/2 vote for Ryan. HERE'S WHAT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING (or what I think is happening based on my sleuthing) - David Dani and Michael are voting for Ryan - Ahrre is voting for Rhys - and myself, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys, Tobi, Mo, and Felix are all voting for Dani. making it a 7/3/1 split. I really hate how cocky I sound rn but holy fuck Mercia really crumbled and I barely did anything except for keeping Sweyn/Felix/Mo/Tobi on my side. Thank god. plus with all of this info we gathered now it'll be a lot easier to pull in Ahrre so we can take out the rest of Mercia. see y'all at F10 <3
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everyone in this game can stay shook sweyn is runnin this shit..
this is legit my gameplan. be a crazy ass bitch and be a mess and people will never vote ur ass cus they think ull lose in ftc LAMJFBFG
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OKAY. So lets catch up on the vote.
Originally sweyn was going for David. So Scotty was trying to get on it early and get people to swing to him. He told Michael. Michael tells David. David asks all of Sweyn if we heard his name.
We all regroup, and decide Michael or Dani is the best bet. As you know, snitches get stiches. Dani is Michaels ally and I have heard some people have been annoyed with her. So Dani is our new target. We have Tobi, Felix and Mo on board supposedly.
I continue the facade and talk to Michael and Dani about the vote with David. Inorder to keep David thinking its him. Going over whos voting who and blah blah.
Apprently the others, were going to go for Ryan. However Michael told Scotty about it being Ryan, when he was supposed to. This lead to Scotty telling Dani, who told David. So now *apprently* they think Ahrre told Scotty. So now I've been told the vote has been switched to me. But it may be split between me and Ryan.
So right now, I think Dani is going home, with a few votes on me or Ryan. However keyword being THINK. This could be completly a blindside on my half. Just gotta keep fingers crossed.
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Man, so tonight's tribal is gonna be crazy. I got my alliance of Felix, Michael, Danielle and myself voting for Rhys. And I'm gonna use my vote steal to steal Ahrre's vote since he considered himself the swing vote and I'm gonna vote Rhys again with it. If this plan works, Rhys goes home.
We've been telling everyone else that the vote is Ryan, so in case there's an idol being played on either Rhys or Ryan, the other one will hopefully go home.
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Ok so a lot has been going on and I've got a big headache so lets just sum it all up.
1. Scott is a dangerous little fella aparently the entire Felix throwing David under the bus last week story was bs. 2. OG Sweyn are going after David. 3. David is going after rhys but he's telling me to vote ryan for some reason, I assume that's because someone leaked the ryan vote to Scott and for some reason he thinks it was me? Either way he's really risking it considering I'm not sure he even has majority, plus he's alienating my ass so I have no real reason to keep him if I survive this round.
Anyhow I'm paranoid now so wish me gl.
Danielle is voted out 7-2-2.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #10: “Im not his slave im his partner.” -Andrea
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https://youtu.be/StsZDwB6I6E https://youtu.be/_LKpUMGO2jY
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I just feel.. really good? I think anyways. I’ve been talking to Ci’ere a lot today and I’m realising that I don’t even try to have a social game, I just just be good at talking to people??? Idk. But yeah it’s mostly good.. I have a lot of people I want to go far with which means I’m gonna have to let everyone else control the vote so I don’t look like I’m betraying people maybe?? Or I can just do what’s best for me , but I don’t need to worry about that yet I’ve still got og auva to get rid of :)
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Holy wow. Final 9. I made the halfway mark. That's legit scary and I feel like throwing up because I rarely make it this far. I think that I have been in the good graces of everyone... seeing that I am one of the 2 people who still have 0 votes against me. Like my social game is doing that well and as conceited as this may sound- I think that I have a good shot at winning this whole show! But I still have to vote out 6 or 7 more people. Still not sure how this end game will play out, but it is coming and it is coming like a bullet train.
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Well, it's the F9, and I didn't win that challenge like I'd hoped. I'm unsure if there was an idol clue involved or not. I'm hopeful not, but we'll see. Regardless not good for me because I was hoping Drew H would go next.
I think my ideal target this round is Drew T. Just because he threw my name out last time and it was frustrating to heck to hear that.
Beyond that I feel like I'm running out of players I could beat at the end, but maybe I'm underselling myself, and I'm playing a great game. I'm playing in the middle at the moment, which either nobody's aware of that, or everyone is and they either don't care or are planning my demise as we speak...
Let's go find out then shall we! :D
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death. okno but like idek whats goin on. I am tight w just about everyone. With my cool new no lying stage theres more confrontation but i like... still dont think im playing a poor game idk i could be fuck I just know that in 6 days Sam and I hit 1 year of GP. He was my closest ally there and hes turning into it here. I adore Loris, don't think I could vote him out, but Sam just is so similar to me strategy wise and we just click its disgusting. However, when I make my cutesy post talking about how amazing GP is and my #1 ally, we'll be in f7. No gucci. I dont wanna get voted out for him again. Im not his slave im his partner.
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Well, I'm playing a dangerous game, and tonight I can totally see it being me, nobody's giving me any warning at the moment though, so I'm still hopeful that I'm going unnoticed.
I still haven't found that damn idol which I'm definitely gonna want in the near future so that I can make a couple more bolder moves.
I think my ideal F2 is Emma, and my ideal F3 is with one of Loris, Sam, or Ci'ere, which I can think of some valid points against/with all of them. The one I'm less sure of as a 3rd would be Ci'ere, but we'll see how the game shakes down, or if I even make it that far to think about it.
Ideally it's Drew T that goes this round, and then it's Andrea or Drew H next, and the other one comes after that. But again those ideal circumstances, who knows if it'll genuinely work out that way, or if I'll even be around long enough to see anything past this tribal. But I'm making plans, thinking about who's on the jury, what I have to do to get there, it's just a matter of... GETTING there.
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this tribal is sad. that’s all. I don’t feel I have much else to say zzz :(
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I hate being busy everyone is being too quit :(
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Me at F11: Guys we need to vote out Emma, it's the right move!
Drew T.: I don't trust Ci'ere, we can't do a plan that banks on him being honest with us after last time. (Dylan leaves) Me at F10: Guys it HAS to be Andrea, even if we're forcing rocks, like let's fuckin go and play this game Roxy: I actually already voted for John (John leaves) Roxy at F9: I just don't think Kori is the right move, if it's not our call to make we're playing this game wrong YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT WE'RE PLAYING THIS GAME WRONG, WE'VE BEEN PLAYING IT WRONG ALL SEASON BECAUSE YOU WON'T PLAY BALL AND TAKE A SWING, AND THINK IT'S BETTER TO VOTE OUT PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING AND PROVEN TO WORK WITH US BUT NOW THIS IS WHERE WE ARE AND THERE IS ONE PATH TO MAJORITY AND IT'S ALREADY ROCKY AS FUCK SO NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR RIDICULOUS DOUBT. THAT TIME WAS FIVE DAYS AGO. WE'RE HERE NOW. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail again and I"m pretty sure it's because of the people I'm with. I really should've aligned with Logan and Odd…
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bruh this has been such a hectic round. basically im in the complete middle spot as a swing, and it seemed like it was a revati 4 against the auvas and ciere with me smack dab in the middle. but the thing is, I have alliances with everybody now, so I was at a complete loss on what I was going to do. I don't want drew t gone, but I also didnt want kori gone yet either, who the drews were proposing as a vote. The tricky thing is, after results last night kori came to me with a suggestion to vote andrea out, which made me know even more that the "revati 4" aren't this unbreakable tightly knit crew. so it really begs the question for me, what group of people will want to go to the end with me, and what group of people only want me around until like f6 or something
the best part is, I have a f3 alliance right now with loris and andrea, and 2 more secret f2 deals with roxy and kori, who nobody else in the game is aware of. it makes it that much more entertaining when loris and roxy don't trust one another, and it makes me the perfect middle man between these different "sides." then of course there is the obvious wanting to go to the end with drew t, but im not sure yet if I want to do that or not. I love the dude to pieces, but im not sure if its best for my game to stick with him long term or not. but for now, he trusts me wholeheartedly, and I wanted to repay him by working my ass off to save him this vote, since I have no intention of turning on the revatis since I know for a fact they aren't a tight group
so then comes this crazy idea that pops up in my head: why not get rid of ci'ere? he's lied to me once already, and he's in the most "disposable" position for me since I know for a fact right now I don't plan on going very far with him. because I know he'll just lie to me again if he has to. so ive been going to everyone and tryna convince them that drew going now wouldn't be as beneficial, seeing as he's a huge public target right now, and no one really "needs" ci'ere at this point.
so im hoping this works out, ci'ere leaving not only allows this whole auva vs revati thing to continue or whatever and let me stay in the middle, but it also allows me to hide behind people such as kori and the drews who I feel will always be targeted over me as long as they are in the game. ive worked my ass off, and so far I think it's paying off in the sense that im pretty well connected with everyone. but it also means I have to blindside that many more people to get myself to the end
theres also the possibility of the drews tryna use this vote change as a way to eliminate kori, which yeah would suck, and esp since ciere will know I went after him, but can he blame me? he lied to me already lol. and I mean, everyone other than ci'ere will still be aware that I tried to do what was best for them, like saving drew to the auva side, or not voting kori and voting in the minority with the revati side, so either way if this doesn't pan out how I want, I should really only have one person mad at me, and that one person isn't near as connected to people in this game as I am. so come at me bruh
god this has been such a stressful tribal, but whether I vote in the majority this time or not, if everything pans out the way I hope it will, i'll still have the trust of everyone I need in this game to still be able to keep my f2/3 deals I have so far
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Yup, Kori pretty much just confirmed that he’s willing to go to the end with me. At the same time, Drew H. said that at least we know we can work together. From being at the bottom to being in a swing position right in the middle. I’m an important vote for both sides so this is stellar! It would seem that Drew T. thinks he can get Sam to flip this round btw. We’ll see if he can work his magic, but Sam specifically said he didn’t want Drew T. at the end because he’d win and he trusts me way more.
Omg, just when I felt like giving up in the codebreaker challenge I decided to keep pushing myself to find the page because I want a W & I ended up finding it! I believe I was the first person to get to the puzzle, but I’m not exactly sure because it says someone already complete it? I took longer than I had hoped on the puzzle portion & as soon as I finished Kori was being Kori. It seemed like he was trying to flex that he was finished so he might’ve beaten me ugh.
Anyway, Kori got exposed for lying to Auva 2.0 about his vote & all the heat is on him which is great! I’m kicking him under that bus just a bit to hopefully keep that target there.
Sam is telling Auva 2.0 that he wants to flip this round. Now let’s see if he goes through with that.
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So I've been talking with Roxy, and it seems just about a sure thing that I'll be getting votes tonight. Loris was apparently putting my name UTB, and he decided to call me the mastermind for the John vote. WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN WANT JOHN GONE!
But sure let's see how this mess goes, I'm gonna take advantage where I can and do what I have to to come out unscathed.
Drew T is voted out 5-2-2.
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not-poignant · 2 years
ah! (this is the UtB worldbuilding anon) - i see i made the fundamental error of assuming that The Facilities had any actual medically positive societal function in a fic tagged 'dystopian universe' LMAO (/genuinely, am loling at my own self HA) ; id still like to know what the in-universe justification is, esp for the more 'humane' facilities (hv?) but it sounds like we'll get that in-fic from surprise hottie Gary, so!! i am very very much looking forward to it, thank you again for the Content
Yeahhh that tag 'second class citizens - omegas' is a good one for the general direction the dystopian universe is going in as well. :D
Okay let's talk omegaverse and dystopian tropes!
As for the justification: male omegas, because they can't get pregnant, are generally more useful as trophy husbands. Like alphas generally have a biological drive to mate with omegas, most will end up with one, so the idea is to make them as polite and sweet and passive as possible. Many already are those things, but omegas that have been abused can become repressed, or too scared, or 'abnormal' in other ways and in upper class society can end up in rehabilitation centres (most of which just break them so they're at least passive - Hillview aims for something a bit better than that).
In lower class society many male omegas end up working in prostitution, or just end up with an abusive husband and it doesn't matter what they're like or how they're treated. Most are claimed young and have no option to escape their relationship.
It's really common as a trope in a lot of omegaverse content that omegas are generally second-class citizens. They don't have the same rights to jobs, driver's licences, or universities sometimes. They're not allowed to become doctors or other high responsibility jobs. (This is often blamed on the fact that they go into heat on a semi-regular basis (which stereotypically causes them to lose the ability to consent, and they will be fucked by an alpha near them, because they're desperate to be knotted to calm the intensity of a heat - which makes them easy prey for alphas in this state), and a common trope in omegaverse stories is omegas who live on heat suppressants pretending to be betas or even alphas, so they can access the same rights as others, or just don't have to deal with bullshit. This is the premise of my published novel, Blackwood, in my Perth Shifters series).
Efnisien was raised with the hopes that he would 'become' an alpha, and be treated better if he could just be good enough at it - for him that justified the mutilation, the agony, the sexual assault, being beaten constantly by Gwyn, and more - to give you an idea of just how much omegas don't always want to be omegas. Finding out that Crielle has given up on her project and has abandoned him to a place dedicated to making him a soft, passive, complaint omega to be fucked by an alpha in a relationship he has no control over with a spouse he can't choose for himself (arranged marriages are common for omega, and the norm in high society) is pretty mind-shattering for him.
Even if Hillview does it differently, even if he's away from being literally tortured by his family and has people around him who care for him, it's still a pretty profound fall from grace that he's struggling with. And because he's been raised with the worst (but not inaccurate) picture of the worst of the rehabiltation facilities, he thinks he's about to be treated worse than he was growing up.
He's not. But he doesn't know that yet, and we - as the reader (well I suppose I'm the writer but go with me here) - are only learning that over time ourselves.
The fact is, most omegas that aren't Efnisien actually are a lot more placid, docile, gentle, or easily controlled. They are easily taken advantage of. There's less omegas and alphas in this world than betas (though it doesn't seem like it because of the setting, so I need to find a way to get that worldbuilding in there), so they're often left to their own devices, because betas be out here having mostly regular relationships with each other, and the world has generally internalised 'omegas are so helpless they need an alpha to look out for them, so it's better they're in a not great relationship that isn't ideal, than being gang-raped on the streets by random alphas who will take advantage of them' (and sadly, this is sometimes true).
Gary is pretty groundbreaking as an omega psychologist who simply believes in an omega's autonomy. While he's not doing a great job of that in a one-on-one situation, the fact that Hillview is the way that it is already makes it extremely challenging within this dystopian universe. But because he's been raised in a world that has these views about omegas, he has that clash of - this is what I philosophically believe and this is what this centre is for vs. what he's internalised alongside the fact that he's not actually attracted to omegas.
We'll get more into this psychology and the nature of this world as the story goes along! But this is the cliff notes version of where we're at.
I hope that helps anon! As always, you're welcome to ask more questions and some I will and some I won't (mostly around spoilers or what I think is coming up soon in the story etc.) :D
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