#and having to accept and clutch that truth in his hand because if he's honest with himself - he always knew it would come to this
justafriend-ql · 1 year
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This is the problem I will face for the rest of my life. NEVER LET ME GO Episode 10
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blondedmuse · 1 year
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phil wenneck x famous!reader
synopsis. ꩜ taking phil to celebrate you best friend’s birthday in monte carlo. and the morning after.
author's note. ∿ broke my hiatus just to write about this man. fluff
word count. ⨾ 1.6k
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“You’re staring,” You tell Phil while he watches—stares at you as you get ready, putting on your earrings and the final touches of your look for the night.
“I can’t help it, baby,” He grins, walking up to you, his hands landing on your dress-adorned waist while his head perches on your shoulder as he looks into the reflection of the en suite bathroom mirror.
“You of all people should know what you do to me,” He whispered and you could feel his grin by the way his teeth grazed your ear. And you knew it wasn’t going away any time soon.
“How crazy I am about you.” It was the truth. The whole truth and nothing but. He was a lucky guy and he was reminded everyday. Especially now he thought, unable to keep his eyes off the way the dress hugged your curves in all the right places. However, that’s not to say you weren’t a lucky girl.
It was hard to find someone genuinely interested in you; not interested in your status or solely for the fact of being seen with you. Phil didn’t care in the slightest. You thought maybe he’d change, that maybe he’d end up using you, that maybe his interests would turn elsewhere, that maybe he was just like the others. But they stayed the same, he stayed the same. The same english teacher you spilled your coffee on in a cafe in California, and the same english teacher who had no clue who you were then.
Truth be told, he didn’t like the limelight. It wasn’t made for him the way it was made for you, he would say. And so you kept him out of that part of your life as much as you could and he thanked you for it.
Albeit, It was harder than it proved to be because the paparazzi always seemed to get their way and there wasn’t really any way around it. You could stop some photos from circulating, but not them altogether. So, when you asked Phil to come to Monte Carlo with you to celebrate your best friends birthday and watch the Monaco Grand Prix, it was safe to say you were a bit hesitant.
“F’course, I’ll go.” But he wasn’t. He would do anything if you wanted, and he made it clear that all you had to do was ask. And who was he to turn down the opportunity to watch F1? You and he were content with the private life you had—as private as it could be. But there were some times where you wanted to show off. Especially when he looked the way he did.
“I could say the same about you,” You whisper back, turning to face him in his hold. “You’ve always looked good in all black. But to be honest you look good in anything—preferably nothing.”
He exhaled, trying to grasp onto to the self control he felt slipping through his fingers.
“What time does the party start?” He asks looking down at you and you swore you saw his pupils dilate with need.
“Eight.” You answer and he smiles. “But the driver’s here already,” you continue and his head drops.
“We have fifteen minutes-”
“For the drive,” you tell him, leaving him in the bathroom to grab your clutch. “We always have the way back.”
He scoffs light-heartedly, following after you. “Yeah, if you’re not gonna be fucking hammered, baby.”
“No promises,” you laugh, taking his hand, dragging him downstairs to the car that was awaiting your arrival.
The drive was quick and smooth and when you arrived the venue was bustling with people, but to your luck, void of any flashing cameras. Taking notes of this, Phil took his time as he got out from his side of the car, circling around to yours and opening the door for you. He offered his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted, exiting the vehicle.
Your arms wrapped around his right as you walked into the club and past the line of people out front, where you were immediately spotted by your best friend, Mia.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” She exclaimed, hugging you.
“As if I’d miss it.”
You both laughed and she turned to Phil, greeting him. “Nice to see you again, Phil,” she smiled, giving him a brief hug as well.
He sighed playfully. “I wish I could say the same thing about you.”
She laughed. “Dream big, they say.” You talked for a few minutes before she took you farther back into the club.
You wish you could say you’d remember the night by the time you woke up in the morning, but with how you’d spent it you weren’t so sure. With the way you drinking it was like you had your sights set on blacking out. You were having the time of your life, evidently so, and alcohol was just conveniently within arms reach at all times. Eventually (and surprisingly), Phil was the one to cut you off to save you tomorrow’s embarrassment, but that didn’t stop you from dragging him to the dance floor. He had his fair share of drinks, so the option of denying you was already out the window.
You danced until your feet hurt and you danced some more. You knew you had to go back to the hotel when the pain was too much and you had no champagne to keep it down. But by then it was early morning and the party was on its last legs, people leaving as they pleased.
As you were saying your incoherent goodbyes to Mia, Phil sobered up the best he could, eyeing the paparazzi that appeared the entrance.
“You ready?” He asked, walking up to you, marveling at how you were still standing. You replied only with a nod, leaning into his frame as he accepted yours with open arms.
“There’s paparazzi out front, do you wanna go out the back?” You weighed your options—the best your melted mind could—before shaking your head.
“No, I told the driver to be out front, so either way we’d have to go out there anyway,” you answered, trying your best not to slur your words, but your attempt remained unsuccessful.
“Great. Okay, let’s go.” He waved goodbye to Mia, while planting his hand firmly around your waist, walking you out the club. The moment the doors opened, the two of you were met by blinding lights. Phil’s arm immediately went to block your eyes the best they could while guiding you through the sea of people.
“Fuck, it’s so bright,” you slurred, but only loud enough so that Phil could hear.
“I know, baby. Stay with me, we gotta get to the car, okay,” He told you before he checking his pockets for the sunglasses he kept for times like this. Once he found them they were yours, blocking out the lights obstructing your view ahead of you. The camera’s couldn’t catch it but your expression shifted to one of confusion.
“Wait who are you again?”
“Your boyfriend, honey.”
You laughed. “That’s funny, I already have one.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he mumbled to himself as he opened the car door for you, grateful it wasn’t to far. He got in after you, the car taking off right as soon as he was settled.
“So…do you have a girlfriend?”
He couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah but she doesn’t know how to drink.”
“That’s a shame,” you giggled, followed by a hiccup.
“Here, have some water,” Phil told you, handing you a bottle he grabbed from the side of the car door. You obliged blissfully as he reached for your feet, undoing your heels in his lap and you squealed as you felt his touch. It was so soft but so distinctly his.
“Where is she tonight, your girlfriend?” You lifted his sunglasses from your face, letting them sit in you hair as you talked.
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
You took one more sip of your water before capping it and putting it on the floor.
“I could if I knew. I could also tell you that I could show you a good time,” You moved your feet in his lap, dangerously close to the place you wanted then the most.
He shook his head with that same grin he wore all night. “You are so wasted right now, baby.”
The rest of the night was hazy and the morning arrived with a pounding in your skull. You woke up before Phil for the sole reason of sticking your head in the toilet to empty the contents of your stomach. Phil woke up quickly after, your empty spot on the bed subconsciously telling him you weren't there. He looked for where you could've been which didn't take too long once he heard you from the bathroom.
"I see last night caught up to you," He spoke softly as he sat down next to you on the floor, his voice low and raspy. He held your hair back as you retched, wincing a little.
"Good girl. Let it out, baby," he lulled as his free hand rubbed your back. He stayed like that, comforting you when heaved just a little too hard and he would continue to do so whether you wanted it or not. When he didn't hear you anymore he got up from the floor to go to the sink, filling up one of the many complimentary cups the hotel offered with water. He sat back down again and handed it to you.
"You okay?" He asks and you nod, drinking the water. Once you're done the two of you sit like that for a few moments, soaking in each other. Your head rests in the nape of his neck, your body in his lap, and his head on yours. The early morning is calm in Monte Carlo and so are you.
"We should get breakfast, yeah?"
"Yeah." You agree.
"Get you some coffee for that hangover," He suggested, mumbling into your hair. While sobriety had kicked in and the effects of alcohol were long gone, there was a part of you that always felt the way you were when you were drunk. He felt it too. Or maybe you were just in love.
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itsmeyaspider · 2 months
Leeches and fishes~
Roose Bolton x female Manderly reader
>>All credits go to the artist!!<<
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Cold. That's all what the beautiful Lady with the name (Y/n) Manderly feels, her body has stopped to shiver a long time ago. She knew the journey was going to be cold and complicated, but she still was shocked that it was going to be that cold. After all, she was used warm weather, but that was the way it goes when you get forced to marry. (Y/n) knew how important this wedding was, she was no fool and both houses would profit from it. Her father Wyman Manderly had been very loyal to House Starks, he fought for them in the war and even lost his dearest son but after King Robb died at his own wedding the North had changed. Those are scary times and she knew it, so it would be the best if she allies herself with the strongest house of the North to protect her family and free her other brother from the clutches of the Lannisters.
She pushes the blue curtain away to take a closer look at the lands of the North. Traveling in a carriage wasn't quite as bad as traveling on foot, but at a certain point various parts of her body began to ache. She decides the best would be to ignore the pain as much as possible and hope that her men will bring her to Dreadfort soon.
After a long and unexpected journey, the coach suddenly stops. A cold wind blows over her body as the door opens. "Lady Manderly, we arrived!" Says one of her loyal guards, with a small annoyed sigh, she slowly stands up, causing her body parts only arching worst. 'Finally, it's taken well to long', the guard offers her his hand, which she accepts with satisfaction. Carefully, she descends the stairs as her (e/c) eyes meet strange white eyes, paler than stone and darker than milk. For a short moment of time, she thinks she can't breath any longer. She is quickly released from her state of shock as she hears a small, soft voice. "Lady Manderly, it is an honor to welcome you. I'll hope your journey was pleasant. "
The Lady just nods, taking a closer look at her future husband. Lord Bolton has pale skin without any wrinkles, his body is rather unremarkable, neither plump, thin or muscular. His hair is long and black but still light in color. What stays in her mind are those damn white eyes, it's like he's looking right into her soul. No wonder that everyone calls him the Leech Lord. Next to him stands his bastard son, who doesn't really look like his father, but even he had these white eyes. 'Those eyes are going to take me to hell'
Now (Y/N) sums herself up and finally starts to speak. Her voice is the exact opposite of Roose's, it sounds rather lively and loud. "It could have been better, but I arrived Lord Bolton" Her words sound sharper and honest, that's how she is the Lady of Whitewater Harbor.
The Bolton did not expect such a choice of words, most of the lady's he met were all the same, they were sweet and nice but they would never dare to tell the truth. "You must be exhausted, Lady Manderly. A room has already been prepared for you." A small smile forms on her lips. It's true what they say about Roose Bolton. He is not a man of many words, instead he is cold and cunning. But she didn't mind it, she prefers a man who is direct. "You are too kind, Mylord. But you are right, I am very exhausted. My body hurts and I am really tired." She confessed honestly, the Leech Lord nodded as he snaps with his finger. A few of his men run to him as he gives them a command. However, she couldn't understand anything what he told, because he spoke so quietly that is almost impossible to understand him at all.
"Follow me, Mylady. I will show you your chambers. Your servants and guards will also get chambers." The voice of the guard, who seemed to have survived several wars, suprised her even more. She thought the Lord would accompany her at least. 'Well better for me' she thinks to herself as she and her men's start to follow the guard through too much snow. But suddenly she hears a voice again. "I will see you at dinner" (Y/n) just nods to the words, that sounds more than a command than a nice asks, as she took her blue dress in her hands to avoid destroying it completely. As she finally arrives in her big chambers, she immediately orders her servants to leave her alone and let her rest. 'All I want is sleep and some wine can't hurt either' With theses thoughts, she sits herself down on the much too big bed, as she begins to take off her clothes.
A loud, thunderous knock awakens her. "Lady Manderly. You must wake up and get ready. Lord Botlon will be expecting you soon" Annoyed, the young lady stretches her arms as she slowly pulls herself together. With a grumpy "Come in" two servants from House Bolton come in. At least one familiar face followed, it is her personal Maid. "Lord Bolton was so gracious and had a dress made for you, Mylady. It's really beautiful, and it will look so breathtaking on you. Lord Bolton would be pleased if you would wear it." The woman has to pull herself together first, but she is taken by suprise by those words.
'Of course he did, this man is clever and he knows exactly what he is doing' And so it happens, the maids took care of her and prepared her, she feels like a chicken that had been stuffed with grains to please the butcher. After she is finally dressed up, she looks in the mirror, she too has to admit that she looks very beautiful. The dress he presented her is decorated with the pink and red colors of the house, the sigil of the flayed man is in the center between her breast's. Her neck is adorned with a red necklace and her (h/c) hair is braided into a ponytail. After a few minutes of contemplation, she decides to leave her chambers. She takes two of her personal guards with and went to the large dinning hall where the Lord is already sitting on his throne. (Y/n) is suprised that his bastard is near where to see. 'It is better this way, I don't need another monster'
She decides to sit herself opposite Roose, as she speaks slowly up. "Thank you for the dress Mylord. I appreciate it." Lord Bolton just nods at her words and even though his expression is not clear, she knows he likes it, or at least he thinks so. The door opens and various kinds of food are brought to the table. There is everything what a heart would love to eat, from lamb to lemon cake. She decides to try some of the pork pie, glad that there is no fish for once. Back at home in Whitewater Habor, they ate everyday many kinds of fish, and one day the young Lady wondered if she would become one herself if she ate so much of them.
"Lady Manderly, we will marry soon, if all goes planned, it will be in two days." (Y/n) swallows the pie down with a sweet wine, losing very composure for a brief kind of moment. But she immediately pulls herself together, putting down her goblet with wine. "If that's your wish, Mylord, there is nothing to say against. Just tell me one thing, do I have your words as my husband that my brother will be delivered alive to Whitewater Harbor?" Her words sounds sharp, like a blade cutting into skin. However, the lord of Dreadfort is not deferred by this.
"Your brother will be released soon, as agreed. The king has approved this" These few words were enough to make her a little happier. As long as her brother gets home safely and her family doesn't get into a war, she is glad with everything. "Then I'm looking forward to our weeding." It's more of a lie than anything else, but she wants a little, naive girl anymore, she knew she has duties and responsibilities and if that means producing a heir for the Lord of Dreadfort, then so it be.
The only thing that worried her was his bastard son. After all, Roose had legitimized him as his true born son and this was bad, pretty bad. She knew the stories that the Northman told about the Boltons bastard. They were cruel and malicious stories. At first she laughed about it, he was a bastard and he couldn't hurt her, but when she saw him yesterday and stared in his pale eyes she recognized something evil. Maybe she could convince her soon to be husband to send Ramsay back where he came from and if even that didn't convince him, she would just have to give him as many sons as possible. Anything to get rid of him and make sure her family will be safe.
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free-for-all-fics · 11 months
Phantom of the Opera AU Prompt inspired by Disney’s The Haunted Mansion! (The lore surrounding it rather than the movies.) Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of this and I’d love to read it! ⚰️🤎
On the desk was a music-book covered with handwritten notes in what you hoped was red ink. You asked to look at it and read, “Don Juan Triumphant”. Yes, Erik said he composed sometimes. He must’ve worked on this piece as seldom as he could, since he told you so himself that he sometimes would work on a composition for fourteen days and nights together, during which he lived on music only, and then he’d let it rest for years at a time. In the middle of his room was a canopy, from which hung curtains of red brocaded stuff and, under the canopy, was his open coffin where he’d sleep. He had the ability to go for weeks without eating or sleeping and, when he did sleep, it was always in his coffin. According to him, one had to get used to everything in life, even to eternity. He began composing “Don Juan Triumphant” more than twenty years ago and swore to you that, when he finally finished, he would take it away with him in his coffin and never wake up again. He meant every word with the utmost sincerity.
Erik proposed to you but wedding rings were expensive, so his ring was quite old and rusty. He told you that you mustn’t lose it because he didn’t have enough money to buy a new one. This ring was his poor mother’s wedding ring and one of his most precious possessions. This ring deprived his poor mother of her freedom, instead gifting her with a hideous son. But for you, this ring symbolized the promise of freedom. You came to him with your beautiful eyes wide open, and swore to him that you consented to be his living wife! Until then, in the depths of your eyes, Erik had always seen his dead wife. It was the first time he saw his living wife there. You were sincere, you would not kill yourself. It was a bargain. Yes, you were waiting for him. Waiting for him erect and alive, a real, living bride.
You accepted his proposal and lived with him forever in that cold underground, like a scorpion. You cried with him out of genuine sympathy and compassion. You even put out your forehead a little, oh, not much, just a little, like a living bride. And when he came forward, more timid than a little child, you did not run away. No, no. You stayed and you waited for him. And, and he kissed you! Erik kissed you on the forehead. He kissed you just like that, on your forehead and you did not draw back your forehead from his lips! Oh, you were a good girl! You were a good, honest girl! He-! He-! He-! And you did not die! Oh, how good it was to kiss somebody on the forehead! You couldn’t tell! But He-! He-! His mother, his poor, unhappy mother would never let him kiss her. She used to run away and throw him his mask! Nor any other woman ever, ever! Ah, you could understand, his happiness was so great, he cried. He broke down in front of you, kneeling at your feet and stooping down to kiss them.
But he told you that, as you had turned the scorpion, you had, of your own free will, become engaged to him. You let him kiss you, and both of you wept: Erik because he'd never been able to kiss someone before, not even his own mother, and you because you realized this tragic truth. Erik sobbed aloud and you yourself could not retain your tears in the presence of that masked man, who, with his shoulders shaking and his hands clutched at his chest, was moaning with pain and love by turns.
This man, this murderer, your husband only ever wanted love! Yes! He was your husband and he loved you! He had invented a mask that made him look like anybody. People would not even turn round in the streets. You would be the happiest of women and, together, you would sing, all by yourselves, till you swooned away with delight. He romanced you and made you his wife so that he could buy you nice things and take you out on Sundays. Erik himself may have described his courting as childish and, despite his multiple talents, he wasn’t interested in sex and never consummated your marriage. He only wanted to have a beautiful wife and a life like any other man. It was only when he actually triumphed that he realized how impractical his dreams were.
He released you of your promise, he told you that you could go. You were set free, but you had already made your choice to stay when you married him. You would never break or betray your wedding vows because you loved him. It started as a cruel marriage of convenience, but turned into the best friendship you'd ever had. Erik bowed his head. He was going to die. He was going to die. Of love. He was dying of love. That was how it was. He loved you so! And he was dying of love for you. He…He told you! How beautiful you were when you let him kiss you alive. It was the first time, the first time he ever kissed a woman. Yes, alive. He kissed you alive and you looked as beautiful as if you had been dead!
Erik had once asked you to bury him by the lake when he died, if you thought of him as a human being. He had told you where you would find his body and what to do with it. He had asked you to submit his obituary to the newspaper when you received a letter from him. You were fidgeting with your wedding ring and turned it three times around your finger. This triggered a secret compartment in his desk to open and an envelope fell out. You found him in his coffin, clutching “Don Juan Triumphant” to his chest. He wasn’t breathing, lost to death’s cold embrace. You buried him in the greatest secrecy with his magnum opus and the gold ring he gave you. Up until that very moment, you had worn it on your finger every day with great care. You cherished it and kept it safe - much like you did with Erik’s heart. Now it was returned to him, in its rightful place on his finger, while your finger would remain bare until the day you died. He would always be your first and only husband, ring or no ring.
Three weeks later, the Epoque published the advertisement: "Erik is dead."
You were on your death bed, surrounded by your loved ones. You had held onto Erik’s final letter for thirty years, though you never opened it. Thirty years is a long time. Why hadn’t you read it? You’d tried to read it many times, but you couldn’t bring yourself to even open the envelope. Did your next of kin think it would be easy for you to spread the news of Erik’s death yourself? Even if he wouldn’t have wanted it, you- you should have stopped him. You asked a loved one if they could read Erik’s letter to you.
They started reading aloud: "My wife. If you are reading this, I must be dead…”
Feeling a pang of sorrow and a sense of moral obligation, someone thought the best thing to do with Erik’s corpse would be to finally reunite him with his bride. Barely anything had survived from the time of the Phantom of the Opera and his reign of terror. So many documents, stage set pieces, costumes, and other antiques had been burned up when the Opera House caught fire. Even after hours or days spent researching in libraries and inspecting the objects that had been salvaged and preserved in museum archives, there wasn’t much to go off of. No one even knew who Erik was until fragments of old records, once believed to have been lost, were uncovered: Old newspaper clippings telling of a ghost haunting the Opera House, a forged wedding certificate, a forced marriage, a tragic love story. It was extremely difficult for your next of kin to locate where he had been buried. You never divulged the secret or wrote it down, wanting to uphold your promise to Erik and take it with you to the grave.
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It has been only darkness. All sides are closed in around him, solid, unmoving, and cold. Erik thought he’d be burning in Hell, eternally hanging from the iron tree in his torture chamber surrounded by mirrors until he succumbed to insanity like the fate he had condemned many others to. But instead he’s underground, a living corpse in death just as he was in life. He has no headstone, no epitaph. In accordance with his wishes, his grave has remained unmarked. Erik internalized his appearance as a living corpse and slept in this very coffin in life as he does now in death.
He masqueraded around as an Angel of Music, a Phantom, an Opera Ghost to torment and manipulate all within the Paris Opera House into doing his bidding. Yet, in his final moments, he was afraid to die alone. As he laid dying, he wondered, was there truly nobody in the world who could truly love and understand him? If you had wished for him to suffer even in death, surely you would’ve forgotten about him forever. He just had one last question for you that he never had the courage to ask: What was he to you? Maybe that made him a coward in the end, but he loved you. He still loves you.
Suddenly his coffin is forcibly opened and warm yellow light from oil lanterns shines down on him from above. He has to resist the urge to recoil and shield his empty eye sockets, wanting to turn away and hide from the disturbance. Light doesn’t affect him anymore, but it’s a force of habit leftover from when he was alive. A woman is gently lowered into the ground and laid down beside him. His lungs are long gone and he hasn’t felt the need to breathe in decades, but his absence of breath catches in his throat out of reflex, trying to hold onto something, but the air just passes through his neck bones.
The lid is slammed shut and he’s once more plunged into the familiar darkness he’s grown accustomed to. He can hear the dirt being shoveled back into place over top his coffin. He can hear people talking, reciting both a prayer and a promise to take the secret of where you and the Phantom are buried to the grave. Tears are shed and fall like raindrops onto the dirt. He can hear footsteps become quieter and quieter as they get further and further away, retreating to he knows not where. But he can’t focus on that now because, God help him, your hair is the same color. It’s you. His Angel of Music, his wife!
You’re on your sides, facing each other since there isn’t enough room for you to both lay on your backs. You can't miss the eyeless sockets that you swear glow yellow and pierce the darkness. Your hands are around your knees as you attempt to draw them up, trying to curl yourself into a ball and press yourself as far into your side of the coffin as possible. Erik never thought he’d share his coffin with anyone, so it’s awfully snug and narrow for two adults to fit. There’s such a small amount of space that it’s hardly worth mentioning, but it’s cushy and comfortable enough with the soft pillow and velvet fabric lining the inside. Despite your best efforts to make yourself small, you’re forced to lay halfway on top of him. Your head is resting on his chest, in the crook of his neck and shoulder blade. If Erik could blush, he probably would. He’d never been this close or intimate with you in life; you’d never even shared a marital bed. But he can’t dwell on that now. You’re terrified, just as he was when he had first awoken after death.
He was expecting to burn in the fiery pits of Hell for eternity, subjected to the death traps and torture devices he had built and murdered countless people with when he was alive. But instead he found himself in this soft darkness of nothing, in all of its shadowed velvet embrace, a Purgatory of sorts. For he belongs nowhere else but a gloomy vault bereaved of light such as this, in a coffin like blackness itself. For he is blackness itself, isn’t he? He’s merely existed here for…He can’t remember how long it’s been since he died. Ten years? Fifty? More? He’s grown used to eternity. But you…you’re a fresh corpse, still made of flesh. Your hair is still in place, your cheeks are still powdered with blush, your fingernails are still polished in your favorite color, and your lips are still plump and smeared with your favorite shade of lipstick. They look oh so inviting to kiss.
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"It's okay."
Is that really all he can bring himself to say in this moment? Every day since his death he’s dreamed of this exact scenario. You’ve been on his mind for God knows how long and he’s thought about what he’d say to you. But now that it’s finally happened, now that you’re finally here, words are failing him? What’s okay? Nothing that he can think of. Or maybe everything because you’re both dead and together again. He had never been a patient man, and waiting for you was certainly not pleasant, especially since he could never be certain that you’d ever find him again.
Doubt creeped in and tormented Erik as he felt suffocated by his fears and insecurities - that you’d find another man, one much more handsome than he. That you’d start life anew with this other man, have his children, and be buried by his side, while you forgot about your first husband forever and left him to rot, to suffer alone in death as he did in life. Even if you had been a hundred years late to your own wedding, Erik would’ve waited for you to come. False hope seemed better than harsh reality. Really, did any of it matter anymore? You’re here, you came back and are with him at last! His beloved bride!
"It's okay."
You’re scared and right beside him, and he wants to hold you, to comfort you. There are openings in his coffin but they’re very small. Through one of these openings he raises his hands to your face, wanting to console you with his touch, brief yet kind. But you, his faithful and loving wife, his beautiful bride, can’t recognize him and recoil from his touch, believing yourself to have been buried in a common grave in an unfamiliar cemetery next to an unfamiliar man. Erik never thought he’d miss having his face. His face which was not really a face at all but only the semblance of a face no one could bear to look at. His face that cursed him at birth and was so deformed he had to hide it with a mask all his life. In death he got his wish and now looks like any other man but, in this moment, he detests being equal to them.
"Hush, my love. Still your tears. Shh, it's okay, it's me-".
What exactly is that supposed to mean? He’s nothing but bones and the tattered remnants of a stolen suit that’s covered in dirt and maggots. It was much too big on his lithe frame when he was alive, and it nearly swallows him now. He could be anyone. The skeleton beside you could be Raoul de Chagny or Joseph Buquet, for all you know. But to you he is, who? The Phantom, as he had terrorized Moncharmin and Richard, nearly driving them to insanity? The Angel of Music, as he had tutored Christine Daae? No. To you, he is-
"-Erik. It's Erik, your Erik. Just me, still me."
It’s only murmured, rather breathlessly as if your throat is clogged by thick dust and your voice is strained from lack of use.
Spoken with stronger conviction now, and a hint of relief. You did not recognize him by the ugliness of his head, for all men are ugly when they have been dead as long as he, but by the plain gold ring which he wore and which you had certainly slipped on his finger when you buried him in accordance with your promise. It shined in the darkness, a spot of warm color within the pitch blackness, like a beacon of light.
"Erik, you're-"
"I'm dead, I know. Yes, my flesh and hair, what little I had, have fallen away and I'm not much more than a skeleton. A living corpse as I’ve always been. But I have you. It’s not till death do us part, after all. Maybe neither Heaven nor Hell wanted us, or maybe our love has transcended death itself, but I won’t act a fool and waste eternity questioning it. Oh, how I’ve waited for something to happen, for something to change, but every day was the same and blended together into an endless hour. It’s been so unbearably long…but now we’re together again. This eternity is not just yours and it’s not just mine, it’s ours to share, and we may spend it however we like!”
He can hear you crying, and he can’t tell if you’re lamenting your fate or overjoyed by it, still scared of the dark as you had been in life, or if crying just seems like only thing you can do at the moment. Now he’s crying too, but neither of you are capable of shedding actual tears anymore so it’s just dry sobs. His arms are around you, one hand in your hair, brushing your locks.
"I'm dead," you gasp, as though the thought has suddenly just dawned on you.
He knows, he knows. It’s a shock, isn’t it? It’s a shock that’ll take time to get used to, but you’ve done so well so far already. So well. And you have all the time in the world to get used to it, and then some.
"And I'll stay with you, this time forever. I'll not abandon you again. Forgive me for my past selfishness and cowardice. I chose death to escape my fear of living aboveground. I couldn’t find the courage to leave the Opera House. But here in the cold, hard ground with only you, I— You’ll forever be my wife and never again my widow. I love you, and I’ll love you until the end of time, and then some.”
The embalming fluid that was pumped into you will still keep you preserved for a short time. Erik will love you in death as he did in life, even after your body decomposes and the insects eat away at you until you’re just like him and are nothing but bones and baggy, tattered clothes. When that happens, you won’t feel a thing just like he didn’t. Perks of being dead, Erik supposes. He brings your lips together, but he has no lips and one day you won’t either, but even then your kiss will taste just as sweet as it does now. He’s your living corpse and you’re his corpse bride. You’ve never been afraid of the dark so long as you were with your husband, and now you’ll never have reason to fear the dark ever again.
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 17
That night I dreamt of him again.  He was wearing a black nike shirt, running shorts, and running shoes.  He was completely sweaty and had his earbuds in while trotting around the park.  I saw him from my bench as he made his rounds while I read a book.  He hadn’t seemed to notice me.  In fact, I didn’t realize it was him until about his 4th or 5th lap around.  
Rather than bother him, I let him be, figuring he’d rather enjoy his privacy.  I was in the middle of a good chapter when something or someone covered my eyes, startling me so much that I almost screamed but swatted them with my book instead.
He was laughing at my response to his sneakiness and moved to join me on the bench.  “Did you miss me so much that you followed me to the park?”
I took a moment to catch my breath.  “You son of a….I’ll admit you got me there.  To be honest, I didn’t even know you came here.  I didn’t recognize it was you running about until just a bit ago, but I like to come here sometimes to read.”
He looked at my book, curious as to what I was reading.  “Jane Eyre?  Good book.”
I smiled in return.
He hesitated for a moment then continued.  “I was wondering.  I know a lovely lady such as yourself probably has plans, but if you’re free, would you like to grab some breakfast?  I know this place nearby that has amazing scones.”
Blushing at him calling me lovely, I accepted.  I didn’t have any plans for the day, seeing as it was a Saturday.  “I’m surprised you’re out and about yourself, not having a lay in or something.”
“Running is something I enjoy doing, even when I’m not working.”
“I’ve never been much of a runner.  I’m afraid I’d explode a lung or something,” I retorted.  “I’ve never been very athletic.  Never really had the coordination for it.  I’m more of what you call an indoorsy girl.”  He bent over clutching his stomach, laughing hard at my last statement.
“Truth be told, I’m more of a homebody myself.  I enjoy running or jogging because it helps clear my mind, and sometimes I like to observe those around me.”
I smiled at him.  “I completely understand.  I like reading at a park, sometimes just people watching, wondering what their lives are like, occasionally making up stories about them.”
What I didn’t realize was that as we were talking, he was guiding me towards the restaurant and, at some point, had begun holding my hand, not that I was going to argue with that.  When we arrived, he sat right next to me, not letting go of my hand.
“So,” he began, “I have to ask.  How does a lovely lady such as yourself not have a boyfriend?  Surely your datebook must be filled out for weeks and weeks on end?”
I turned red and buried my face in the menu.  “I mostly keep to myself.  To be honest, I’m usually shy and pretty much a homebody myself, but surely a good man such as yourself has women lining up down the block and around the corner vying for your attention?  I’m sure you have dates lined up through the end of next year.  I’m surprised you have time for a breakfast date this morning?”
He smirked.  “So this is a date?”
“I’m just going to go hide now.” I reached for my purse, but he grabbed my hand which is when I realized he or I had let go at some point.  “I’m just teasing, darling.  I haven’t really been on a date in a while other than with you the other night, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.  Before that, no one really captured my attention.  I would love to get to know you better if that’s ok.”
“I would too.”
Rather than just letting go of my wrist, he slid his hand down to take my hand again.  “Is this ok?”  I shyly grinned and nodded, both of us feeling like awkward teenagers.
I didn’t know it, but Tom was enamored, wanting to spend every minute together that he could and had an idea and decided to go with his gut, hoping it wouldn’t scare me away.  “I was wondering…..”
I looked up at him with a soft smile, seeing the hope in his eyes.  All I wanted to do was stay with him, but I didn’t want to spook him or make him think I was some weird stalker.  Maybe he was just being sweet to me and trying to find some nice way to let me down?
Tom took a moment as he was really nervous.  I wondered if he liked me as much as I liked him. We didn’t know each other very well, but he wanted to very much.  Before he could lose his nerve, he pushed himself again.  “I was wondering, if you’re not busy, that is, if we could spend the day together?”  He held his breath, but I wasn't sure why. If anyone should be nervous, it's me; however, I was screaming with joy internally and trying really hard to contain the excitement that was threatening to burst out of my chest like the thing in Alien.  Anyone could look over and see the broad smile could be seen across my face as I nodded.  “I would love that.  I’m free as a bird.”  
“I just need to shower real quick and change.  Shouldn’t take me more than 30 minutes once we’re finished here if that’s ok?”  I agreed.  Once breakfast came, we continued to chat.  Once breakfast was over, he walked me home, promising to pick me back up at my place in the promised 30 minutes.  He took my hand, kissing the back of it, and bid adieu.  
Once he was gone, I ran inside to change into my cutest blouse along with a pair of linen pants and comfy but completely adorable shoes.  I had just finished applying some soft makeup and was grabbing a light sweater as I heard a knock on the door.  It had been maybe 20 or 25 minutes.  He was a little early but was excited and ready to go, wearing his trademark blue sweater with skinny black jeans and his gray Italian leather shoes along with a light gray sweater of his own.
I didn’t see a car and quickly discovered that he had walked.  As it turned out, he lived maybe a few minutes away.  He gave me a hug, asked if I were ready, and then took my hand without thinking about it (not that I minded anyways).  
Neither of us had any particular destination in mind, walking around aimlessly and chatting, continuing to hold hands.  If he saw someone who looked shady, he went into protective mode, getting closer and putting his arm around me, resting his hand on my waist.  By the third time, when he went to move back away, I wrapped my arm around his waist, placing my hand on his back.  It was very comfortable being this close to him which was very unusual for me.  Normally anyone, men in particular, made me nervous, but with him? I felt comfortable and wanted to be closer to him.
When I placed my arm around him, some of his nervousness seemed to melt away, and he visibly relaxed.  The comfort I felt with him?  I wondered if he felt the same about me.  Whenever we stopped at a crosswalk at this point, I leaned my head on his shoulder which he seemed to enjoy.  
As lunchtime approached, I saw a food cart that looked interesting.  I refused to let him pay (he would get me back for that later), but he also let me pick whatever I thought looked good for us to eat as neither of us had dietary restrictions (it was one of the many things we already talked about).
By the time dinner rolled around, we ended up back at the park where we had run into each other that morning, sitting on one of the benches and watching people.  It was starting to get dark when someone approached Tom (when the occasional person had done this throughout the day, he smiled and took pictures with them.  I even offered to take the picture for them).  This time, the person approaching them had a basket.  I seized up, getting really nervous.  Tom looked to see what was causing the anxiety.
“Ah, Luke!  Thank you so much!  You didn’t have to bring this yourself.  I really appreciate it.”
“It’s not a problem.  I was passing by anyway on my way home.  I hope this meets your request?  I don’t mean to be rude, but I must be going.  I hope you both have a lovely night!”
I started to relax since Tom knew who this was and waved at Luke as he took off.
“That was Luke, my PR person.  I’ll have to properly introduce you two sometime.  He’s so busy all the time which is why I was surprised he brought this himself.”
“Thomas, what did you do?”
He grinned and picked up the basket.  On top was a blanket that he spread on the ground.  He then opened the basket and started unloading the contents of various types of picnic foods, cheeses, and a couple of water bottles.  He then took my hand and guided me over to sit with him to eat and stargaze once the sun had gone completely down (even though we couldn’t really see any stars in the city).
Out of nowhere, it began to rain which was nowhere in the forecast.  We quickly threw the picnic items and started running.  He grabbed my hand and, without thinking, started running towards his house, going slowly enough that I could keep up with him.
Finally reaching his house, we were drenched from head to toe.  He grabbed towels and showed me to the closest bathroom.  He ran to his room to dry off and change, then brought me one of his shirts and a pair of joggers to wear while he washed our clothes.
Once dressed, I curled up on the couch.  He joined me shortly, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch to help warm me up.  I adjusted, curling up into him, resting my head on his shoulder.  He wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on mine.  The more comfortable we became, the more sleepy we felt  especially with the blanket and body head warming me up.  Soon enough, we fell asleep.
Chapter 18
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ivy72376 · 24 days
"Tox and detox seem to be our everyday real matters;
For life is consistent, exposing us to burdensome people and situations,
While providing respite with good friends and fun encounters,
To measure our resolve, our faith and convictions.
In one, we learn how to help the world heal and be better,
In the other, we learn that we are loved and appreciated.
And so we gain strength, to grow, to enlighten another,
While we gain confidence and contentment, that we are always amply provided.
May we learn wisdom, to care and help, but not burn out,
Because we need all the strength and life we can for the journey.
And so, we must always move forward with purpose, not running back or roundabout,
For our ultimate rewards await, ready to be enjoyed for eternity."
"We do what we can with what we have,
And it may not be much, but always sufficient enough.
What beautiful words to hear for those who need grace from above,
Constantly being buffeted by life, regularly having it tough.
Because yes, sometimes we fail to see what we're given,
When we look and compare ourselves with others,
But may we remember each of us is unique, with gifts freely given,
And what's important is not how much a person has accumulated, but that he gathers.
May we always be working toward promoting truth, justice, what's good and right,
How we can make lives better for others too.
Because stewardship is our ultimate purpose, not fame, earthly recognition and might,
But an eternal system of reward and reckoning awaits for me and you."
"Consistency marks the person who truly believe
In what's good, true, just, honorable and right,
Better than any professions of faith, or certificates that give
Degrees, recognition, accolade, tokens of outstanding performance and might.
For out of the heart the mouth speaks,
Out of the mind, the hands do the deed,
Even coated with sweet words, selfishness and greed come out in leaks,
And evil motivations, if unchecked, will strive to take the lead.
May we be people one with our words and actions, reflecting our Father's love,
Living examples of how to live as His kingdom's citizens,
Confident of His mercy and grace, bottomless peace from above,
Salt and light, to this world's confused denizens."
"Go-getters can't wait, but that's stressful,
While slowpokes may seem un-driven, but actually content.
And we see this most in waiting, a task un-beautiful,
But for many, great rewards await, with honest intent.
Yes, it doesn't pay to always be on call, on-the-go,
That's just pretending to be busy, without real, lasting results,
While a life waited on God's timing is better for me and you,
Where there is eternal, deep peace, despite derision and insults.
May we learn to knock off from the world beyond our paid, clocked hours,
Be content, wait on His proper and good timing.
That there may be hope for this life and soul of ours,
A reward for good, honest, efficient, diligent servants a-coming."
"It's unfortunate that many of us are so gullible,
As to be fiercely loyal to wolves in sheep's clothing,
So passionate in defending old biases and prejudices, unable
To accept those who critique or question our unenlightened thinking.
But the Word says we have been prayed for,
Loved much, cared, preserved and provided for life,
We mustn't let ourselves be swayed therefore,
By those who are only after our purse, free labor, peaceful life.
May we open our eyes to wisdom and light,
Allowing the presence of our Heavenly Father to fill us in heart and mind,
Not let the evil one trample on what's just, good and right,
But to leave the clutches of our base and selfish nature behind."
"There's this kid in the neighborhood who seems to never half enough
Attention, loudly syllabizing, screaming, even simple conversations until late evening.
Exasperating, yes, especially on days that are tough,
But sobering too, a reflection of where the world is heading.
If we can deaden our kids to respecting community and boundaries,
How can we teach them respect for self and proper esteem?
Our Word says we each are given chances, to improve our life's stories,
But to do so at peace with all around, journeying through life like a team.
May we raise children with much love, attention and support,
That they feel confident and at peace with our presence,
For then, our every struggle won't be wasted effort,
When they pay forward, live lives accountably, responsibly hence."
"A student essentially wondered allowed why,
If some of our ideal business practices have been there a while,
Yet actually still not observed and followed by
Many industries, leading to the same problems, old leadership style.
It makes us think that indeed, it's normal human behavior,
To espouse and preach what's good and better,
But fail to follow through, losing the fervour,
Failing to see that incremental changes need to be a consistent matter.
May we ponder and heed on today's Word and our current predicament,
As we go through life's journey, alone and in community.
Whereever we go, in each precious irreplaceable moment,
How our actions and words affect others and determine our destiny."
"In class we talked about the nepo babies,
Abounding in service, in commerce, and everywhere.
It's nice to have the career path paved well for little lords and ladies,
Though counter-culture to diversity, talent, merit, skills that matter.
But in our life's journey, we too can have the privilege
Of having our concerns sorted out, as we strive
To do our best, understand, seek wisdom and godly knowledge,
Believing our God whom, with His sure promises, also can keep our hopes alive.
May we always find strength, wisdom, hope, joy and love,
Always ready to uphold what's true, just and fair,
Becoming good stewards of life and creation, as mandated from above,
Knowing our Heavenly Father knows, listens, and is always there."
"It's amazing how a martyr's death forty-three years ago,
Could still hold power over the fight for freedom and democracy today,
That it was moved from its actual anniversary, probably to
Diminish the potency of its symbol in some way.
Indeed, like the Word and story for the day,
A life lived for others can bring an eternal legacy,
Of love and light, desire for peace and justice to stay,
And sacrifice if need be, to stop oppression, tyranny and unlawful supremacy.
May we learn from the life of our modern hero and remember
To stop living only for ourselves, our recognition and affirmation.
But at each moment, our Saviour's Words we always remember,
To show our love for Him by giving ourselves, promoting truth, justice and right in any situation."
"The words of a late teacher are timeless,
That literacy is not knowing all the answers,
But knowing where to look, how to address
Issues and concerns; this knowledge one generously shares and transfers.
In the same manner maturity and wisdom are manifested in humility,
Knowing we don't have monopoly of talent, skill and effort,
Because everything is always the result of an act of community,
And each one a significant contributor, with appropriate support.
May we respect each other's convictions, freedoms and individuality,
As we live the heavenly love and light we have been given.
That our lives bear fruit, deeper than attention-grabbing superficiality,
More substantial, slices of the Bread of Life without leaven."
"The tale of King Saul's relentless pursuit of David's life
Is immortalized in the Word, in history and literature, read far and wide.
It speaks of the darkness of one's soul being the source of strife,
Of evil influences and imaginings giving life to the demons of envy and pride.
But it also shows that light wins at the end and saves the day,
Where someone with the light of God's love is preserved,
Living to rule and reign victorious on the proper day,
Earning recognition and a good legacy, that's well-deserved.
May we strive to fight the darkness that daily threatens our peace,
And find hope and strength in our Father's love.
Believing and trusting His promise to restore what's broken into one whole piece,
And living each day with mercy and grace from above."
"A sobering meme that's meant to be funny goes around,
That the right way to ask for money is not to beg nor ask,
But to start your pitch with a Hallelujah to those on the ground,
Preaching, proselytizing passionately first, until soliciting funds in the name of offerings become the main task.
Yes, the horse or cattle that threads the corn must not be muzzled,
For everyone must strive to live and eat the fruit of their labor.
But fattening up the line without caring about the donor's welfare always have me puzzled,
Especially when such giving diminishes the cheerfulness, becoming a burdensome obligation, not favor.
Thankfully we can look forward to a promised better day,
When those who worship and lead in humility, truth and faithfulness are rewarded.
May we always be true, accountable, promote peace and goodness in every way,
Our responsibilities to our God, His creation, our fellowmen always accounted for and minded."
"If only the world has less selfish and greedy people,
Who only look out for what they can take.
There'd be less strife, more progress, less trouble,
When each do their best in whatever their hands can make.
And so we are reminded by the Word to help and understand,
Work hard and diligently to earn our keep,
Deal with others in love and an honest hand,
Celebrate with those full of joy, mourn with those who weep.
May we truly be people worthy of our stewardship
Of life and creation, of our relations and abilities.
That we might persevere and grow stronger amidst all kinds of hardship,
While keeping our faith strong, sane and healthy in all our faculties."
"A classmate once recited during Family Living class,
That there's no privacy inside the family.
Sad but true, for sharing space may give us a good pass,
While sometimes leading to lack of boundaries and toxicity.
And unfortunately this is magnified these days in social media,
Where some people try to put down other's achievements and good deed,
As nothing more than bragging, clout-chasing idea,
Even if these were posted for memories, yet trolls and haters abound indeed.
May we learn from our Saviour's experience,
Never to stop preaching truth and doing our best, upholding what's true and good.
For that is our key to a better future, giving wisdom and good sense,
Whether appreciated inside or outside our community and neighborhood."
"Authenticity always pays, that's what we learn,
Being honest, faithful, transparent, its own reward.
For there is peace in honest labor, a good turn
Comes to those who are genuine, sans recognition nor award.
And the Word says because there's reconciliation with our Father,
When from our mistakes and shortcomings
We are humble, we acknowledge when we falter,
And correct or give retribution, without much ulterior imaginings.
May we always be authentic, honest, transparent and true,
Our deeds consistent with our words, our motives pure,
That there may be peace and love, each receiving what's due,
And even through life's uncertainties, our eternal future made sure."
"We know it's wrong to wish ill of callous people,
But we can't help but feel offended when short-changed.
Unfortunately though, life actually chastises the uncaring, no matter how subtle,
And at some point we realize, something in them unravels, goes unhinged.
And so, much as the world demands forgiveness, no matter how undeserved,
And some of those who've been offended, truly hesitant in giving,
We realize that passing up on resentment when offended,
Shows the better person, leads to more joyful living.
May we then strive to live each moment in justice and right,
Knowing we've done our best, given our all, no task uncompleted,
With clear conscience, sleeping peacefully at night,
Having offended nor deprived no one, our responsibilities all accounted."
"Sometimes life gets sticky, this world gets slippery,
So that we realize old habits and thoughts become useless.
Thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father who's there, ready
To provide and guide, and give us chances.
We may be racked by doubt and fear,
Anxiety may hound our deepest needs and grandest plans,
But we learned and experienced about a love so near,
In spite of uncertainties, giving us courage to advance.
May we always hold on to this hope in faith,
Never forgetting that He who designed, also sustained and gave wisdom.
That all our days be filled with joy, encouragement, patience as we wait,
Full of mercy and good fruit, until we reach our heavenly welcome."
"If there's one thing to learn as we grow old,
It's that we should have matured more towards an open mind;
To face life with faith and courage, be bold
To be the change, to be respectful and kind.
It is a testament too, to the life changing power of our Father's love,
If we can seek to understand more, rather than judge;
If we can open our hearts to the fact that each of us is uniquely gifted from above,
And that from our biases and prejudices we must definitely budge.
Then, we would have fulfilled our being salt and light,
For we can make life better for others, be that spark
That leads the way in being fair, honest, doing good and right,
Bringing others to wisdom and reason, from a life that's dreary and dark."
"There are many ways of looking at things,
Just as there are many ways of interpreting the Word.
But we can't put our biases and imaginings
Ahead of what it says, for it cuts like a sword.
And a sword it is; but like what an anime says,
A sword is either meant to kill, or to protect.
Therefore, the Word to darkness and ignorance, it slays,
But to humility and wisdom, only life and grace we can expect.
May we give time to read and listen to the Word regularly,
That it may give us discernment, understanding, knowledge.
But not forget to study it against background sources, with history and living daily,
That we might feel its power; and for the journey--gain hope and courage."
"Blessed are those who consider themselves fulfilled and strong,
As they may not need much help from outside,
But more blessed are those who reach out as they go along
Life's journey, for they may not lack for those who stand beside.
And it's not always a significant other, but maybe physically unrelated,
Whom God will send to help, encourage and strengthen.
For with prayers and faith, we find our supplications granted,
Our needs met, doubts eased, questions answered, burdens lighten.
May we never fail to pray and seek for our Father's mercy everyday,
For His promise to sustain and never abandon is true.
As we acknowledge His goodness and grace every step of the way,
He will always be there for me and you."
"In a status-obsessed world, it's sad to know,
That many people always act with ulterior motive--
Impure, serving only their interests, vanity, ego,
Dishing out flattery, compliments, without love to give.
But such should not be for the believer,
Who is fully aware of the daily grace given.
For our words and actions should be honest, wherever,
Respectful, mindful, ever aware we are accountable to heaven.
May we speak no careless word, do no thoughtless act,
May our motives be only for peace and good.
May we uphold truth, promote justice, decide and choose on fact,
Grateful to be blessed, every blessing counted and understood."
"At the end of the day, people just want peace.
To know that the day has been worth it;
Confident that they've done their best, survived in one piece;
Believing that everything will work out well, to the last bit.
And for this end, nothing beats honesty;
Being fair and just, leaving no regrets behind.
For we know we've done our best, fulfilled our duty
To God, people, country and life, with all our heart and mind.
May we therefore spend our days mindful and circumspect
Of our responsibilities; handle everything with wisdom and maturity.
For only then can we reach the end we expect,
Leaving this life with a good legacy, with love and integrity."
"Some voices are better silenced, they speak nonsense,
But then, they invoke the freedom to express;
While some need to be heard, their convictions intense,
But because of ignorance, we disregard them nevertheless.
Because wisdom shouts clearly in the soul's quiet,
Imploring all to slow down, stop and hear.
It needs good and clean motives as diet;
A pure heart, no malice, greed nor fear.
May we truly be people of wisdom;
Showing true progress and maturity as a people.
Heed the call of reason that bids all to come.
For from its Source, our Heavenly Father, its supply is abundant and ample."
"We have been indoctrinated on the self-made man,
And true, if we strive, we eventually prosper,
But life is so much more than doing what we can,
Because some things are beyond our control, even the ever-after.
On such times, we look up to Someone infinitely higher,
Who knows the past and the future, while holding the present,
Who exists from of old, in whose hands is forever,
Who knows our coming and going, ascent and descent.
Like Job, may we have both the faith and integrity,
To believe and worship the One who wills us to be,
Knowing our purpose is to proclaim His kingdom, live lives of substance and quality,
Making peace, doing good, leaving a good legacy."
"It doesn't stop at the reprimand, but beyond
That are stronger and clearer reminders to live
The faith we profess, through peace, an honest hand,
In humility, not self-righteousness, but love to give.
'No condemnation' is two-pronged, not just for the believer,
But FROM the believer, in seeing and treating others.
For now we know our God can save whomever,
The last can be first, the first to be circumspect in all matters.
May we live in peace, bring hope and light,
Not sow misunderstanding, fear, threats, hatred,
Not insist that we know better, are always right,
But to be mindful, awake, fruitful by more than a hundred."
"Some bit of sadness is suddenly known,
About a beloved champion estranged from family,
Because of the latter's money mismanagement issues, shades thrown,
When all should have joined and celebrated in unity.
Reminds us that in this life and the next,
We are all just stewards, not material profiteers,
But to always be honest, faithful in context,
Transparent, accountable, to what's true and just always steers.
May we prove to be faithful in the little and the lot,
May we be kind, respectful, understanding, discerning, giving,
Honest and true, promoting what's good, ourselves not,
That there'll always be a chance to be forgiven and forgiving."
"The current Olympics had a unique way of passing the torch,
Going over roads, rooftops, rivers, tunnels, bridges, arches,
Honoring history and tradition, calling forth unity through sports,
And calling attention to diversity and solidarity as every athlete marches.
But there will always be unfairness and unequal play,
As surely as there be good winners and sore losers.
These are games after all, but for which the athletes dedicate during training, their every day,
While being a venue to politicize, with real issues and imposters.
But in the real and eternal arena of life we learn,
That torches, tasks, responsibilities, issues are no laughing matter.
We need to be serious, responsible, take them with much care and concern,
For they will all determine our destiny in the ever after."
"It's timeless and never fails to show,
How we raise and make our children grow.
Those treated with love and respect,
Grow up kind and good, as what we expect.
Those raised under the impression of wealth and privilege,
Often can't do away with entitlement, even with little knowledge.
Those trained and disciplined in a craft or sport,
Often become more skilled, achieving greatness with proper support.
May we as a community, raise kids in goodness and godliness,
That they become people full of generosity and kindness.
May we teach them to be broad-, open-minded, and understanding,
That wherever they go, wisdom, love and peace they bring."
"We get them every election time, that indelible ink,
But thankfully, it lasts only a few days.
What doesn't get erased was the votes we hope and think
Would have made our country better in many ways.
Similarly, the choices we make as we go along
Life's journey leaves a mark of who we are
And whom we serve, the God whom we praise and belong
Who goes with us no matter how far.
May His presence in our lives leave a good trace,
Showing we have done His will, spreading His gospel,
That people be blessed, not harmed nor hurt, given space
To grow and learn, embrace and enjoy the light and life He brings so well."
0 notes
arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Can we get the brothers and undatables being at one of Diavolos parties and a nobles starts telling MC that The brothers and undatables don’t really care about them. They start telling them that they are just Diavolos pawn and Lilliths replacement. BTW I love your writing it’s honestly some of my favorite pieces in the fandom.
Some of-of your f-favourite pieces in the fandom??!! Um Chile anyways- OMG!! Y'all are too sweet to me!!! Thank you so much!
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I'm not going to lie, I got shocked when I saw another requested this as I just finished writing section for this ask but my brain is dumb and really focused on one sentence and read it utterly wrong
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Part 2 - ending
"ah, so you're the human I've been hearing so much about."
You turned around to see a Noble, you bowed at him with a smile.
"oh- hello, who are you? If the human you've been hearing about is (Y/N) then Yep! That's me!"
"splendid! I'm so glad I finally get to meet you, I've heard so much from Diavolo and news sources, you wouldn't mind humouring me for a dance and talk?"
"it'll be my honour." You took his arm, letting him guide you to the dance floor.
You could feel the brothers eyes on you, watching closely to how you rested your hands on the demons shoulder. All of them slowly stalking as you two danced.
"what is it like being a human in the Devildom?"
"scary...at first but now I feel like it's my home! I really can't imagine being anywhere else."
"free housings, connections to the most powerful beings in this realm and outside, pacts with the the 7 brothers and having them do anything you desire."
"I mean- I guess? It's nothing like that or that I'm using them, it's a long story - I love them all very much."
"you may not be using them but they're definitely using you, we're demons after all and there is nothing more precious to us than a soul likes yours."
You were suddenly pulled through the crowd, his dancing becoming quicker and sharp as if sensing the brothers watching him.
"don't you realize you're just the princes pawn? A small piece of a puzzle of his 'plans' - do you really think a demon of his importance would really care about bringing peace?! It's all but a ruse and you're just helping him fulfil it."
"that's not true! Diavolo is a kind and thoughtful man, he wants peace and I will be a stepping stone for that to happen - after all I am a link to all three realms."
"human with demon pacts and ancestral connections to both the brothers and angels - how is it being the ancestor to Lilith? I heard she was a real doll but such a shame she risked it all for some moral, have they ever compared you two?"
"how do you know about my ancestor? They've- never properly made a comparison and I'm sure they mean it in an affectionate way-!"
"don't you ever feel like a replacement? I heard since the discovery they've treated you even better, that can't be a coincidence."
Your blood went cold as your heart collapsed into your stomach. Your eyes glancing to the brothers In the distance. You knew he wasn't right but apart of you was scared. After all, he knew so much that you didn't think anyone outside of your social circle would know. How did he know all this?
"we went through something really traumatic together, it was bound to make us closer-"
"just admit it, you know you're being use but you just won't accept it because you're scared of facing and truth and being left - is there something unpleasant waiting for you in the human world? Is that why you're so willing to be preyed upon?"
"it's not like that..."
He suddenly dipped you, you clutched to his shoulder as tears glazed your eyes.
"isn't it? Can you confidently say it isn't?"
"yes.." your voice came out shaky and distant, you wanted to be confident but you couldn't.
"they don't care about you, all they want is to use you, make it easier on yourself and leave, run as fast as you can and never come back to the devildom."
He was the first to reach you after your dance with the Noble
He twirled you so you would face him
"what did he say to you? You're crying."
"it's nothing..."
He opened his mouth to press on but he saw you grit your teeth
Glaring at the dance floor as you two stepped to the music
"If he threatened you then I'll handle him, it's no issue for me to do so."
You just shook your head
"stop being so overprotective, I know you don't actually like having to look after me, just stop forcing yourself."
"That's not true, I look after you because I care about you, it's become more than a duty."
You just clicked your tongue, pushing yourself away from him, disappearing into the crowd
Mammon held your hand, hugging you from behind as you two swayed
"You don't look too happy, are you overwhelmed?"
"I am now that you're here."
Which wasn't a lie, you felt so conflicted and betrayed, having him around just made you want to cry
He frowned, spinning you around
"oi, what's that all about? If I did something you gotta be honest with me,I swear I didn't steal nothing."
"I'd prefer it if you did, then being mad at you wouldn't feel so horrible."
He raised a brow
He was completely confused on why you were acting like this
"Was it that noble guy? Did he say something to you? I swear when I find him-"
You shook your head, moving away from him
"You're not going to do anything, you're a coward - just stop pestering me."
You felt awful but you didn't do anything to fix it, just running away from the shocked demon
"You here to take a break? Join you, I will."
He pointed to the empty spot smiling at himself for his Yoda voice
You wanted to feel bad but right now you were extremely upset
"Yeah, I do, I don't want to be around anyone right now."
"I get that but Lucifer said someone's has to be with you but I don't blame you for not wanting me to do it-"
You snarled
"can you not make this about you?! I just don't wanna deal with anymore demons!"
You shuffled closer into yourself, eyes subconsciously finding the noble you talked to
Levi followed your gaze, his Insecure angst turning into annoyance
"That noble did something....it's okay to speak up, we can go to prince-"
"go away! I don't want to keep hearing you pretend to care about me!"
He was stunned
You suddenly stood up and trudged away from Levi, seeking out the bathroom
You ducked away from the crowd of demons
Sticking close to the wall as you clutched your arms
The nobles clawing at your mind as you stared to the side
"Did you enjoy the dancing? You look tired, I know a good hiding spot."
"Where is it?"
"I'll take you there-"
He went to grab your shoulder but you just shrugged him away
Not daring to look at him
"just tell me where it is, I'll get there on my own just fine."
Satan turned his head, trying to get a better look at your expression
But you just stepped away from him
"if you're not going to tell me I'm going to go find it myself-"
He grabbed your wrist, cutting you off
"Was it that noble? What did he say to you?"
His anger flared as he glared at the noble
You Yanked your wrist away, frowning
"wouldn't you like to know?! Just let me- just let me breathe-!"
He paused, inhaling a deep breath
You took that moment to run off, wanting to escape the situation
"oh (Y/N)~!! I'm so glad you're finally free, when I saw that guy dancing with you I got so jealous, I thought you were going to give me all your dances?"
He playfully pouted whilst holding your hands
When he saw you weren't smiling his chipper mood immediately dropped
You moved away from him, Unable to pull your thoughts together
"what's wrong..? Did he say something?"
You shook your head
Should you tell him? But what if they treat you different?
What if it really is all a fake?
"I just need to get some air."
"oh! I'll come with you!"
He springed up, grabbing your hand once again
You threw yourself back in panick
"NO-! I mean- no thank you."
You quickly dashed to the nearest balcony ignoring the murmurs in the ballroom
You bumped into one of the many buffet tables
Avoiding an active ballroom wasn't easy
"you're not dancing anymore? Want to sit with me?"
You jumped, somehow surprised Beel was at a buffet table
"no....I'm good, I'm going to the dorm."
"Already? Do you need me to walk you home? It's pretty late."
You shook your head
You wanted to chew him out for being so kind of you
Your overwhelming emotions rising as you tried to stay dismissive
"Just tell the Brothers I'm leaving, I think I'm going to head back home."
Beel raised a brow
You looked away from his confused expression
"my real home, I need to leave the Devildom."
"you're upset from your dance with the noble, we can talk about instead of you leaving-"
"I need a break."
You repeated, your voice becoming irritated and cold
You held back your frustration and left the party
"Are you leaving?"
You yelped, knocking your hand on the main door
You just wanted to slip out of the party but it seems you'd have to confront one of the brothers
Belphegor yawned, rubbing his eye
He was sleeping in the coat closet until you woke him up by your footsteps
"yes- I'm tired of this party."
"I'm tired aswell, let's go together, I'm ready to sleep."
He shuffled out of the closet but you put your hands out Infront of you
"go sleep in the palace, I don't want to be around you or-or any of you-!"
"Was it that noble? I felt jealous when I saw you two dancing together but now it seems I shouldn't of, he said something to you, didn't he? What did he say?"
You didn't even realize he saw you or was awake when that happened
You backed up until you bumped into the door
Belphegor cornered you
Wanting his questions answered but you just shoved him back
"leave me alone-! I know you're just see me as an replacement!"
You slammed the door after you and sprinted back to the dorms
"I see you're expanding your circle, I'm glad- why do you look so upset?"
"it's nothing, my Lord-"
You both stopped
You haven't referred to him like that since the beginning of the exchange program
He leaned down to get a better look at you, eyes darting over the conflicted and slightly Horrified expression
Both of your gazes landed on the noble
"What did he say to you? If he made you uncomfortable or threatened you, I'll deal with this-"
He tried to give you a comforting pat on the shoulder but you pushed your body away
"Quit it! Stop trying to act like you care."
You were sure if people saw your interaction they'd be glaring at you
Thinking of your audacity
But Diavolo was worried about you
He knew that Nobel has hurt you
"I do care for you, we all do - please tell me what happened."
You covered your ears, tears pricking your eyes
You shook your head and ran away
Needing space to figure out your thoughts and your emotions
You trudged past Everyone, growing irritated with yourself
Were you really going to believe that guy? But it seemed to make sense
If it wasn't right then why did you feel this way?
"here, you look as if you need it."
He hands you a handkerchief
You took it slowly, looking at him with distrust
You frowned as he just smiled at you patiently
"why do you even care? Is it because of the prince?"
"I'm simply helping because I desire to, it seems Someone is causing an issue with you."
"Don't you know everything? You should know exactly what's wrong....you don't have to keep acting all vague in hopes it'll throw me off, I know you all are-"
He tilted his head, eyes squinting with an almost annoyed expression
"nevermind....Just leave me alone."
"I will but it is best to remind you that the Noble you're trusting Is not the type of man you want to be around, he is using you not the other way round."
Your froze
Unsure how to respond, you clutched the handkerchief as you gritted your teeth
You quickly ran off not wanting to confront your emotions
Isn't this Fun? I've even made a few pacts whilst here-"
"why are we even here? Do you ever feel like we're not actually wanted? Just being used?"
Your eyes flickered between Diavolo and the noble
Rubbing your arm as you tried to soothe yourself
Solomon followed your eyes
Clicking his tongue
"I see, that nobles gotten to your head, don't fear my apprentice, I'll fix this."
He rolled up his sleeves but you just grabbed his arm
You felt stupid for thinking you two could be on the same thought process
Was it really just the Nobel Getting to you???
But what you're feeling feels so real and so genuine - this feeling of just being a pawn or a replacement to them
"No...it's silly to think we'd be on the same page, they have much more history with you meanwhile all I have is being their sister's ancestor."
You walked off leaving the wizard to mewl over your words
You didn't stay to find out what would happen now that Solomon knew the gist of what the Nobel said to you
As you charged away from the party you suddenly bumped into Someone
Simeon grabbed your arms as he steadied you
But that's when he noticed your teary eyes
"Oh, what's wrong? You look upset."
"I want to leave this party."
You frowned, holding his arms whilst he held you
You glanced at the demons on the dance floor
"Are you sure? The brothers will be upset with your sudden disappearance-"
You huffed
Pushing yourself away from Simeon as. got ready to just leave by yourself
"if you don't take me back then I'll just go myself."
He was caught off by your sudden change in mood
Realizing something really harsh must of happened he grabbed your hands and wiped under your eye
"Wipe your tears, I'm sure Luke will be thrilled to see you in purgatory hall."
And just like that he walked you out of ball
A few shouts from the brothers rang in your eyes but you just sped up your pace
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 12:
ℓєє мαяк
23 days of NCT masterlist.
taglist: @notbeforelong @mrcarbonatedmilk @unknown5tar @whathamelon @ajhdr @curieouscapt @silent-potato @gjheaaa
warnings: baby daddy mark, hidden pregnancy (?, tooth rotting.
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“Dude, isn't that y/n?” Mark’s old friend, John, pointed at you.
Yeah, that was most definitely his ex. You were holding a small girl between your arms, helping her reach for a box of lucky charms. You looked just as beautiful as three years ago, even more, he daresay.
“Go talk to her.” His friend elbowed him. “I’ll go get the meat, maybe you can invite her to our barbecue.”
“We haven't seen each other in a while, don't you think it'll be a little too weird?”
“Go for it, I know you're still hung up on her.”
“I heard your last girl complaining about how you called y/n’s name while having sex with her, it was hilarious, to be honest.” Mark punched him in the arm, earning a small groan from the tall man. “But seriously, though, you broke up with her to focus on your career. Now that you have a stable job, what's stopping you from getting her back?”
“I don't know, man...”
“Give it a try, I'll be with the butcher if you need me.” He winked at the Canadian boy, making his way to another aisle.
Mark took a deep breath before his feet finally started moving. You were placing the small girl in the shopping cart’s seat, tickling her tummy while at it.
“Y/n?” Your eyes almost came out of their caves as you heard his voice.
“Mark...” You stared at him with wide eyes, looking back and forth between the little girl and him. “I thought you’d moved back to Canada.”
“I came back a year ago.” He fiddled uncomfortably with the rings adorning his fingers. “I really wanted to contact you, but since things between us were a little complicated when I left...” By complicated he meant breaking your heart and leaving a day after ending things between you.
“It’s really okay, Mark. No hard feelings.” You smiled sweetly at him, your pretty eyes turning into half moons.
“And who’s this little one? Your niece?” He caressed the top of the girl’s head, who wasn’t even aware of his presence, too focused on getting rid of the wrapping around the chocolate you’d just bought her.
“Mommy, I need help!” Mark froze.
“Oh, sure sweetie.” You tone completely changed when addressing her. “Mark, this is my daughter, EunHee. Say hi, baby.”
“Hi, Mark.” She extended her hand as you tore the wrapping of the chocolate bar open. His surprised expression turned into a big smile, covering her small hand with his significantly bigger one. “Look, mom. His cheeks are just like mine!” She poked Mark’s cheekbones.
You could almost feel a drop of sweat rolling down your forehead.
“Wait, you're right.” The Canadian man pointed out as your daughter smiled at him. “That's crazy.” Thank God Mark was so naive. “So where’s the father of this little bean?”
‘Right in front of me.’ You thought.
“She doesn't...”
“Oh, sorry. It must've been hard raising her on your own.” He reassuringly placed a hand on your arm. “How old is she?”
“Uhm, s-she’s-”
“I’m this old.” EunHee interrupted, showing her three small fingers.
You hoped Mark’s brain capacity wouldn't be enough to connect the dots. But you had to admit, it was pretty obvious.
“Wow, you're so big.” It was heart-warming watching your daughter interact with her father for the first time, even if they didn't know the truth about each other. “So, we're having a barbecue at my place today. There’s always room for someone else, and you can bring EunHee if you’d like. My address is still the same.”
“I’ll think about it.” You handed the chocolate bar back to your daughter, who didn’t even take a second to eat up the whole thing.
“Alright, I guess I’ll see you then, maybe.”
“Mark’s hitting on a mom!” Yuta mocked him, causing the whole garden to erupt into laughter.
“And what’s wrong with that? She isn’t married.”
“Mark, you literally just met with her again after three years, slow down.” Jaehyun interceded, eyes stuck to his phone.
“Guys, stop messing with Mark. He's always loved y/n, so let him be.” Johnny spoke from the grill, turning around a steak. “Besides, I saw the little girl. She looks a lot like Mark, so I bet no one would be able to tell they're not actually related.”
“How old did you say she was?”
“Okay, don’t be mad at me, but did you ever have sex with her without protection?”
“What are you trying to say, Haechan?” Taeil asked bitterly.
“Just think about it, guys. It makes sense.” While his friends discussed the possibility of him being a dad, Mark’s head was rather busy trying to remember every little detail from the last time he was intimate with you.
But as much as he tried, he couldn't remember having worn a condom. And as far as he knew, you weren't on the pill.
The doorbell cut his string of thoughts, snapping him back into reality.
“I’ll get the door.” He didn't expect you to be behind it, holding your -and possibly his- daughter’s hand tightly. “Oh, hey.”
He seemed uncomfortable, had you made a mistake in accepting his offer?
“Hi, I couldn't find someone to look after this little monster. I hope your friends won't mind.”
“Not at all, they love kids.” He stared intensely at your daughter, finally noticing those similarities Johnny mentioned before. “Come in.”
He guided you all the way to the backyard, everyone greeting you with a big hug.
“Nice to see you again, y/n.” Johnny murmured, patting your back.
“She’s like a little doll!” Jaehyun squeaked excitedly, sitting your daughter on his lap. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“I’m EunHee.” He cooed at her high-pitched voice tone. “Your dimples are pretty.”
“Thank you.”
The boys seemed completely comfortable with your daughter, fighting with Jaehyun, who wouldn't let go of her.
“Can I have a word with you?” Mark came from behind you, making you jolt at his sudden presence.
He walked you to the kitchen, away from the noisy men outside. He anxiously twisted his hands, trying to find the correct words to demand for the truth.
“What’s wrong?” You asked worriedly, taking a step closer to him.
“Is EunHee mine?” Well, you were definitely not expecting that. You thought that after meeting him at the supermarket, your secret was safe. Apparently, it wasn’t. “By the look on your face, I’m guessing she is.”
He groaned in frustration, rubbing his face with the palms of his hands.
“I’m sorry for keeping it a secret all this years. I won’t force you to step in and take responsibility for her, we can just leave and pretend this never-”
“What are you even talking about? Why wouldn’t I want to take care of my own daughter?” The frown on his face deepened. “Did you know you were pregnant when we broke up?”
Should you tell him the truth?
“I...” He looked at you expectantly.
Of course you should tell him the truth, he deserves it.
“Yes.” His heart dropped, guilt filling every inch of his body. “I didn’t want to hold you back. It would’ve been unfair for me to use that as an excuse to stop you from leaving.”
“So you’re saying I missed three years of my daughter’s childhood because you didn’t want to be selfish?” With every word his voice grew louder, shouting by the end of the sentence and catching the other guests' attention.
“Mark, we should talk about this another day, when we’re alone.” You tried leaving, but his hand clutched your wrist tightly.
“No.” You could admire tears sparkling in his eyes. “I don't want to miss another second of her.”
“Mommy?” Just then, EunHee walked into the kitchen, holding Yuta’s hand. “I heard screaming, are you okay?” Mark nodded at his friend, as if signaling him he could leave.
“Yes, I’m alright, sweetie.” You swung her up in your arms, coming closer to Mark who had the sudden urge to hold his baby. “Are you sure about this? There’s no backing out.” You mouthed, feeling a pinch of relief as he nodded. “Baby, I’d like you to meet someone very special.”
“This is Mark...” She looked at you with her small eyebrows furrowed, she’d already met Mark. “Your dad.”
Mark honestly felt like crying, your daughter smiling excitedly as she urged you to put her down, letting her father hold her close to his chest.
“Mommy said you were lost.” He felt so warm inside.
“I promise not to get lost again, alright?” His lips pressed a kiss into her forehead, already enamored by the cheerful giggles erupting from EunHee.
You observed them with regret. If you'd told Mark you were pregnant before he left, perhaps he wouldn't be on the verge of tears right now, perhaps your daughter wouldn't have had to deal with her classmates’ non-stopping questions about her father.
“Y/n?” Mark called out for you. “C-can we have a family hug?” He moved his hand invitingly, making space for you to join.
You walked into his arms, every negative feeling vanishing as Mark embraced you, both of you trying not to sob.
“What do you want to do now?” He let go of you, using both of his arms to embrace EunHee.
“Make up for the lost time.”
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melghi · 2 years
This is my first oneshot guys, let's see how the story goes...Either her bread or mine.
"Does it really make you that angry?" Agustin asked incredulously.
"Hah, who says I care enough about you to get angry, you can do whatever you want with whoever you please, we are not even friends." Julieta said with fake indifference, Letting out a puff of air.
Agustin rolled his eyes and looked at her with exasperation, "It's not my fault the baker's daugther was trying to flirt with me," He murmured, seeing how people were staring at them with curiosity. That's when Agustin decided to grab Julieta's hand and take her towards the nearest alley, trying to look as natural as possible while Julieta tried to push him.
With an exaggerated and mocking voice Julieta exclaimed, "I'm sure she did it because you give her permission, you idiot. Oh look at me, I'm Mr. Charming, I know how to play the piano and write poetry. Ohh I love your bread better than that dumb Julie-"
Julieta felt her breath catch as Agustin lunged at her, kissing her hard on the mouth, his hands clutching her face with no way to escape or will to do so, But then.
Agustin touched his cheek slowly, it was already red from the blow Julieta had given him, 'oh so that's how you want to play,' he thought, looking at her with eyes half closed and fingers running through his hair trying to look calm and serene.
Julieta was furious, 'what on earth,' she thought. her hand hurt and she was blushing so hard she might as well be a tomato, if not for her dark complexion.
God, she could still feel the ghost of his lips against hers driven her mad. her eyes betrayed her for a moment as they closed to allow her to think for a second, it didn't help at all. She couldn't stop hearing that little voice in the back of her head screaming, 'God please, do it again!'
' No!' Julieta she shook her head, 'you can't think like that, get a grip woman,' she thought with passion. It wasn't fair, why does it have to be four-eyed Agustin the one making her feel like this?
Gritting her teeth and with all the venom she could muster, julieta opened her eyes and Shouted, "Agustin, You-you animal! how dare you, you piece of-"
Apparently God did listened to her prayers, because once again, Agustin rushed towards her, causing her to take a few steps backwards until she hit the wall behind her. She could only moan when Agustin kissed her a second time, introducing his tongue with ruggedness.
What kind of a barbarian kissed like that, she was a lady, someone who was supposed to be refined and neat and respectable and, the truth was, she couldn't even think clearly anymore what else she was supposed to be.
It was only until the word "perfect" came into her head, that she had the strength to push Agustin a few inches away from her with her hands to once again give him a hard slap.
Agustin, while panting didn't seem affected by the slap, and instead of leaving or getting angry with Julieta, as she thought he would, he gave her a sardonic smile and a challenging look, grabbing her by the hips.
"Oh dear, I assure you that like jesus, I'll give you my other cheek till you get tired, " he whispered slowly in a low raspy voice. "A slap is a promised kiss, did you know that? So, come on, what are you waiting for love?" he challenged her as he  rocked her hips towards him, gently bumping his nose against hers, making her swallow hard.
"To be honest, I'd rather you slap me a thousand times if it means I can steal as many kisses as I can, but if you don't want to, I'll have to accept the baker's daughter invitation, " Agustin said, taunting her with an air of fake sadness.
That's it, all the supposed self-control that Julieta prided herself on went to hell and with a snarl, she grabbed Agustin by his stupid tie and kissed him so hard they almost went straight to the floor If it wasn't for Agustin, drewing her closer to him. Julieta would be damn if that flimsy, shameless, excuse of a baker was going to get a chance to touch a hair of her stupid four-eyed musician's head.
A couple of minutes later and with a voice she didn't even recognise, Julieta growled loudly, "Over my dead body." lips still touching slightly, she continued, "You don't know what i'm capable of mister," Julieta said menacing, as she buried her fingers into his hair, messing it up while staring at him, making Agustin tremble at the fire he saw in those beautiful dark eyes and the words coming out of that irresistable mouth of hers.
That was all the invitation it took for Agustin to pick up Julieta and place her on top of the apple crates left in the alley, getting himself trapped between her legs. If he could, he would run out to meet with Dona Alma and ask her on his knees for her blessing to marry this heavenly vision. Agustin will have to thank that baker girl later, Her attempts at flirting were a godsend.
Julieta for her part, was in heaven or in hell she wasn't sure anymore, she felt light almost weightless and at the same time, very hot all over. Kissing and having Agustin all for herself was an addictive drug, now she understood why her sister gets so despaired when she couldn't see felix, It would be torture. 'Great,' she thought with a whine, now I'm getting dramatic, what are you doing to me Agustin Rojas? I will make you pay you silly man, Julieta emphasised that thought by biting Agustin's lower lip, causing him to sigh loudly, making her smirk.
However, her revenge will be another day as a loud sound brought them out of the trance they were in, making them turn quickly to the source of the noise. "Shit, did someone catch us?" they both thought, a few moments of silence passed before a small brown and white rat appeared, eating one of the apples that had fallen on the way to its final destination. A sigh of relief was shared between the lovers, dropping their foreheads against each other.
"Well, I think that's our cue, Miss Madrigal," Agustin said crestfallen as he helped Julieta get down from the boxes, starting to fix her dress and hair with a careful touch, at the same time she tied his tie with expertise and put his hair back into place, all with unparalleled delicacy.
"It appears so, i would be right to think that we'll see each other at casita this afternoon for my brother's theatre performance, wouldn't i?" Julieta said in a hopeful tone, Stroking his chest with one of her fingers.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, " agustin said, Wiggling his eyebrows up and down a couple of times, earning a tap to his chest and an exasperated smile.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
Loving You (Part 5)
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4
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Because exams make me stressed. But I did get through some of them. And I think I only have one more to go! So here comes an update!
Warning : Omegaverse. Beta!Reader x Omega!Wanda Maximoff. Curse Words. Mentions of Bullying. Indication of Self-Harm.
Also, just tell me if I need to add more warnings so I can edit as quickly as I can.
Taglist : @mitchiesdungeon / @upsidedowndanvers / @trikruismybitch / @fayhar / @madamevirgo
Monday comes and you stretch your body. You were spent yesterday. There was an emergency at the firm, so your Mom and your sisters had to be there. So you spent half of the day cleaning the house with your Ma but then she also had to go because the emergency got bigger so you had to go do all the cleaning and chores by yourself. You also didn’t get to talk to Wanda because your phone was inside your room all day. The morning was a blur and you snap out of your daze when someone talks to you.
“Did I do something wrong?” Wanda asks before you could even go to your locker. You furrow your eyebrows and shake your head.
“What? No.”
“Then why didn’t you talk with me yesterday?” You yawn.
“Do I have to?” Wanda gets taken aback as you push past her. She looks shocked at your question. She thought that things were going well? Did she really do something wrong? She clutches her chest as she goes to her first class. Pietro pushes you away from your locker and you let him. It was like the old times where people just shove you or push you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you an idiot?” You don’t answer. You just get your book and close your locker. “Y/LN!” He grabs your arm and you have had enough.
You haven’t had enough sleep.
Your body hurts like someone just smashed it with a sledgehammer.
People are suddenly talking to you.
Your own family doesn’t trust you.
Janine just tried to bully you again last week. You had a nightmare about all the things she had done last year.
You got mad so suddenly because people think you’re trying something when you just want a quiet life.
You’re falling faster and you can’t risk it if Wanda is not your soulmate because you knew that if you do fall then that’s it. A one-time deal that you had no say in.
You dread every day that you get older because it’s just a step away in proving to everyone that you won’t get accepted to colleges.
You’re a Beta who doesn’t deserve to live.
Tears fall and you take a deep breath. Pietro lets go and you thank the stars. You don’t need anyone trying something with you today. You were silent as you wipe your tears away while going to your class.
“Y/LN.” Natasha calls out during lunch and you sigh. You were inside the library and people still somehow found you. You look up to her and sigh as you pack up your things and get your bag. She drags you outside and you just let her. Will this be the day that the Avengers would finally bully you? You just hope they don’t drag along Wanda… damn it. It’s your fault again. Your stomach falls as Natasha drags you to the cafeteria. Will they publicly humiliate you?
“Natasha! What are you-“ Natasha stops as you both get to their table.
“Explain.” You stop as Wanda hides behind Pietro.
“Why are you suddenly being a dick?” Angel holds out her hand for them to stop.
“Why are you wearing a jacket?” You pull down your sleeves to hide your wrists and both Wanda and Angel lunge at you, you try to push them away but Natasha tackles you down. She holds you down as Wanda and Angel look at your wrists. They let go as they gasp. You stop resisting and sigh. Natasha checks and glares at you.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” She shouts at you and you don’t even flinch. You look at her with blank eyes and she gulps. What the hell happened?
“Get off me.” You mumble and Natasha complies. You get your bag and get the letter that you received yesterday. “Here.” You hold it out to Wanda and she shakily gets it. You stand and try to leave but Angel stops you. Wanda opens it and cries as she reads. She hugs you and gives Angel the letter. You don’t hug her back.
“What the hell!? Who the fuck sent this!?” Angel shouts and Natasha snatches the letter out of her hand. “You fucking assholes!” Pietro holds Angel back as the Avengers read the letter. Their faces get angrier by the second.
“Who the fuc-“
“Does it matter?” Wanda pulls away and you snatch the letter up. “It’s the truth anyways. Hope you had-“ Angel slaps you and you scoff. “Is that-“ Pietro grabs your collar. He snarls at you.
“This isn’t the truth! For fuck’s sake!”
“It is.” You mumble and Wanda grabs your hand. She drags you to the courtyard and pushes you on the bench that you two always hung out on. She straddles you and you immediately feel calm. She whispers comforting words and you can’t help but hug her. You realize your actions while in daze and you can’t help but cry. You whisper your apologies over and over but Wanda just keep shushing you and rubbing your back.
You groan as the school bell rings. You went to the nurse and got your wrists bandaged up. You’ve been out of it and only went to classes like a drone.
“You okay?” You nod at Angel and get your things into your bag. It’s a good thing that your hand just wrote notes automatically since you knew that nothing got inside your head. “Let’s start tomorrow, okay? Rest up.”
“Thanks.” You mumble as you get out of your last class. You realize that two people were waiting for you and Angel.
“Hey, babe.” Angel greets and Natasha smiles as they hold hands. They kiss and Angel turns to you. “Bye, Y/N, Wanda.”
“Bye.” You both say and wave at them as they leave. You sigh as you face her.
“Wanda. I’m really sorr-“ She hugs you and you hug her back.
“Don’t be. Just.” She pulls away and flicks your forehead. “Tell me next time.”
“The letter and the thoughts.” You nod and sigh. You both walk outside.
“It’s just.” You sigh as you run a hand along your hair. “My thoughts got out of hand and there was just no one else in the house.” You clench your fists. “They spiraled before I noticed.” Wanda holds your hand and you calm down.
“That’s why tell me. I’ll run to you if you ever have them.”
“Why?” She smiles and pulls you closer to her.
“Because I meant what I said. I don’t think I could live without you.” You kiss her and she kisses you back.
“Aren’t we moving too fast? We just met a month ago.” She chuckles and pulls away.
“Maybe. But I don’t care.” She intertwines her hand to yours. “This feels right. You feel right.” You smile at her words.
“I love you.” Wanda’s heart beat faster and you smirk as she blushes. “I love how your hand fits with mine. How your scent calms me down. How kissing you feels like I’m on cloud nine.”
“Sweet talker.” She kisses you.
“No. Just being honest.”
You go to school next day with your bandaged wrists exposed and you feel everyone stare at them. You go to Wanda’s locker.
“Hey.” She smiles at you and closes her locker. She takes your hand and you kiss her.
“You’re not covering them.” You hum as you both go to your locker.
“Mom and Ma got angry which is why I’m going to Therapy later. Sorry I can’t meet with you.” She shakes her head as you take your books.
“Your emotional health takes priority.” You pout as you close your locker.
“But you’re my cure.” She pushes you away and you chuckle.
“Shut up.” She mumbles as you take her hand.
“Y/N? No jacket?” Angel asks as she, Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Pietro approach you two.
“Nope.” You show them your wrist and shrugs. “Why bother?” Angel smiles. “By the way, can we start on Thursday for the project? I have a session today and a date tomorrow.”
“Oh? So it’s official now? You two are dating?”
“Oh. They are if they’re not then I’m going to beat up Y/N.” You chuckle as Wanda rolls her eyes.
“You’re only older by twelve minutes, Pietro, don’t push it.”
“Older is older, Wanda.” You laugh as you all get to class.
Lunch comes and Wanda picks you up from your classroom. You both go to the cafeteria.
“Finally eating like normal people?” Angel asks as you and Wanda sit on their table.
“We do eat.”
“Sandwiches and juice. The cafeteria offers much more.” You shrug as you eat.
“Convenient is convenient.” Angel shakes her head at you.
“Y/LN.” Tony calls out and you look at him.
“What’s up?”
“Sorry for being sexist assholes.” You stop and so does everyone else around you. They wait with bated breath. “We judged before we even knew you.” You smile at him and before you could even reply, Natasha says something first.
“Sorry for getting jealous. I don’t like it when anyone else asks for Angel’s number.” You chuckle and nod.
“Thank you for apologizing.” Tony holds out his hand and you accept it.
“Y/N!” Alsie calls out from her car and you turn to Wanda.
“That’s my ride. See you tomorrow?” She nods and you kiss her.
“I love you.” You grin.
“I love you too.”
“So what do you think was the cause?”
“Two phrases. It was ‘always your fault’… and-“ You mumble the last part and your therapist, Dr. Martin lean towards you.
“Y/N. Speak up, I’m af-“ You cut her off.
“Wanda is just pretending.”
“And you believed it?” You laugh.
“Yes. That’s why I was in a daze. I believed every line and every word.”
“Why is that?” You sigh.
“I was afraid.”
“Of what?”
“Everything that was happening.” You take a deep breath. “People were being nice to me. My sisters suddenly visited. My mom and ma started getting interested in my life… I guess everything was changing and I didn’t want to believe it.”
“Or rather you were afraid of it.”
“I know changes are a scary thing but they are inevitable. You have all these happenings, what do you think is the root of them?”
“Well, she’s-“ You take a deep breath. “I think I’m falling for her.”
“Think?” You shake your head.
“I already am.” Linda smiles and you sigh. “I just- I think it’s too fast. Everything that’s happening.”
“And why is that?”
“I’m just a Beta! I don’t deserve-“
“And that’s why you’re so afraid. You’re second gender.” You nod.
“It’s the reason why I got bullied. Why teachers are ignoring me. Why people avoid me.”
“Why you also got disconnected with your own family.”
“Yes. I believed that I deserved everything because of something that I cannot control.”
“It’s good that you do remember our past sessions.” You chuckle.
“Things are changing and I have to accept them for what they are.”
“Yes. And you’re second gender?”
“Is something I did not choose nor should be ashamed of.”
“How’d it go?” Alsie asks as you stretch your body after leaving Dr. Martin’s office.
“Good.” Alsie nods then stands.
“Where’s the letter?”
“Why? What do you need it for?”
“You’re going to find who wrote it, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” You comply and give her the letter.
“Tell me who it is before you destroy their life, will you?”
“I might want to get in a punch or two.” Alsie grins and nods. You both get out and go home.
You go to school the next day and stretch as you walk down the hallways. You see Wanda and smile as you approach her.
“Hey, gorgeous, good morning.” “Morning.” She yawns and you take her hand.
“Is something wrong?”
“Just tired.” Pietro chuckles as he approaches you two. “Mom made her clean our garage all night.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“She was caught sneaking out.”
“For what?”
“You. I wanted to see you.” You grin and kiss her.
“You could’ve just video call me.” She pouts.
“That’s not the same.” You laugh.
“I guess not.”
You hum as you sit on the bench. You just finished your date with Wanda and you were both on a stroll around the park. Wanda straddles you. You hug her and she hums.
“Don’t you have curfew today?” She frowns at you.
“Do you want me to leave?” You shake your head.
“Of course not, but I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“I don’t want to be a bad influence.” You kiss her. “When I meet your parents, I want them to know my intentions with you.”
“What intentions?” You hum.
“That’s for them to know and for you to find out.” She pouts and you chuckle.
You yawn as you and Angel hover your laptop. You were at the cafeteria with the Avengers. You’ve brought your laptop for the day so you two could start the project. Both Wanda and Natasha are fuming with your and Angel’s closeness but you just ignore them. This project costs about quarter of your grade in an AP class. Both you and Angel love them. Really. But priorities need to be put first.
“You two are serious about that project, huh?”
“Quarter of overall grade.” “AP Class.” You both answer and Natasha sighs. Wanda holds your hand and you look at her.
“What’s up?” She shakes her head and you give her a small smile.
“Just wanted to.” You chuckle and kiss her hand. You spend the whole lunch holding her hand whilst paying attention to Angel and making plans for the project. “Y/N.” She calls out and you look at her. She was holding up your meal’s spoon with food on it. “You need to eat.” You sigh and nod. You accept the food and hum. She smiles as you finish it. You kiss her cheek and get back to Angel. She eats her own food as she makes random patterns on your palm.
You groan as you and Angel spend your last class, just researching for the project.
“Miss Wanda that much?” You glare at her and she snickers.
“Shut up.” You grumble and focus on your research.
“That was good.” You hum as you pack up your things and laptop.
“We’re already halfway done.” You both get out and both Natasha and Wanda were waiting for you two. And you flinch as Natasha approaches you.
“Y/LN. Here.” She gives you a book and you look at it.
“An apology for the last time. I got jealous and was immature. I should’ve trusted you and Angel more.” You sigh.
“You should.” You cross your arms. “She’s your soulmate, woman.” She groans.
“I know. My instinct just told me that you were a threat.”
“Why? I’m only a Beta.” Wanda hits you softly and you smile at her. “Besides.” You take Wanda’s hand and kiss it. “I only have eyes for her.”
“Okay. We get it.” Angel gets Natasha’s hand. “You two are running for the cutest couple.”
“I’m pretty sure you two won that last year.”
“Well now, we have serious competition.” Angel smiles and she holds up her hand. You slap it with yours. You both laugh. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“See you too, Gel!” She and Natasha waves at you and Wanda before leaving. Wanda holds in her laughter and you turn to her.
“Gel?” You scoff at her as you two walk together.
“It’s a nickname!”
“What’s that?” You hum and raise an eyebrow at Alsie. It was already Saturday before you knew it and you had a date with Wanda tomorrow since she was busy today. “New book? That’s not your usual genre.”
“You mean her usual documentary, mystery or thriller?” You glare at Valerie who smirks. You sigh as you keep reading.
“Someone gave it to me.” Your two sisters look at each other and they both hum.
“Wanda?” You shake your head and they get taken aback. You had more friends?
“Then who?”
“Natasha? You’re friends with Natasha Romanoff.” You nod and they gasp. You close your book and glare at them.
“WHAT?” They get up in front of your face and you shield yourself with the book. They barrage you with questions and your eye kept twitching as you get more annoyed. The hell is wrong with them? “Stop!” They both back off as you glare at them. “What’s with you two?”
“You know her parents?” You raise an eyebrow as you nod.
“They just switched to our firm last week.” Oh.
“The emergency?” They nod. Alsie gets up and Valerie nods at her.
“They were the reason why we were all needed there.”
“Even Ma?”
“Ma was there to calm the employees down.”
“Ah.” Alsie comes back and holds out a brown folder to you. It says Romanoff Airlines on the side and you take it. “This is?”
“Open it and read it.” You nod and Alsie turns on the TV.
Romanoff Airlines. Opened in 1956 and has been one of the Pioneer Airlines in both Europe and America. This is because of their partnership with Stark Industries who provide the latest technology to Air Transportation through them.
Current Owners: Melina Vostokoff and Alexei Shostakov. Both are Russians and ex-spouses. Although they are divorced, they still live together with their two children.
Heirs: Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova. Both are adopted and have decided to take their biological parents’ surnames but are still living in America and with their adoptive parents.
Natasha Romanoff. Currently attending high school. Can speak many languages (Exact number was not extracted), is friends with Tony Stark, Vision Stark and many others. Is a helper of martial arts clubs. Martial Arts Expert. Is a gifted student, passing all of her classes with flying colors. Decided not to take any AP Classes because it was ‘time consuming’.
Yelena Belova. Currently attending middle school. Can speak many languages. Martial Arts Expert. Gymnast. Gold Medalist.
You read everything before closing it.
“You okay?”
“Why switch to our firm?”
“Apparently because their previous firm was shady and we were recommended by Natasha.”
“Did you ask her why?”
“Yep. She just said that we know why.” Their words click inside your head and you look shocked.
“Most likely.”
“Huh.” You give the folder back to Alsie and hum.
“You good?”
“Yep.” You say as you open your book and continue reading.
Because Angst makes me feel things.
I don't think I would ever write a series without an ounce of angst.
Thank you for Reading!
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cotccotc · 3 years
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♡ 1:26 am ; lonely
set in the domus amoris universe !
genre/s: comfort/angst to fluff, established relationship/domestic au, hyunjin x gn reader
wc: ~1.1k
warnings: reader is shorter than hyunjin but that’s all !!
a/n: omg d.a. is back 🤭 jsd i haven’t been able to write for hyunjin for while because of ,,,reasons...... so i’m a little rusty. it’s a wee bit messy and poorly/sleepily edited BUT i hope y’all like it :)
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“what do you do when you feel lonely?” you ask. there’d been a brief moment of silence leading up to your question, during which hyunjin put his arm around you, pulling you closer as the two of you stand beside the bedroom window. neither of you could sleep. the sweeping sound of the nightly breeze is tranquil. but it’s not enough.
despite the chill of night, his presence is warm. he’d pressed a kiss against the top of your head, bringing you in to rest it against his chest before you spoke. when you did, his brow furrowed. concern. “lonely?”
“lonely,” you repeat. “like when i’m not around. when it feels like nobody’s around.”
he pauses. he didn’t expect such musings from you. perhaps, he thinks, this is why you were having trouble sleeping. with you under his arm, he begins to sway, gently shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. you wrap your arm around his middle, leaning against him as he guides you from side to side. “well… i’m not sure.” he’s telling the truth. he understands the feeling more than you might expect. “i usually come and find you.” after a beat, he continues. “but sometimes, if i don’t know how to get to you, i’ll try to concentrate on something else. listening to music, drawing, making something...” he trails off, looking at you. your gaze is pointed straight ahead. “lovey, what’s wrong?” he asks.
you blink a few times. you didn’t realize how serious you might have looked. you quickly flash him a forced smile, muttering a hasty “nothing” before turning your head back toward the window. he knows you’re lying. he stays silent for a little while, holding you close to him and continuing to sway. the wind lets out a soft howl. hyunjin worries for you. maybe he’d done something wrong. though, if that is ever to happen - which it very rarely does - you wouldn’t hesitate to tell him about it. there’s too much love and trust between you for such petty discourse.
“i wouldn’t be upset if you told me you were lonely, you know,” he says.
that’s when it clicks. all the tears you couldn’t bring to the surface finally rise to grace your eyes, blurring your view of the navy blue night outside the window. slowly, as the first droplet descends upon your cheek, you turn to face the one you love so dear. his eyes widen.
immediately, hyunjin wraps his arms around you, prompting you to do the same. you can no longer conceal the weight of the remoteness with which your mind has plagued you, letting your sobs emerge in full intensity. there’s something so freeing about being held so tightly - so tenderly - during a time like this. you can do no wrong. you may simply let everything out, molded back into shape by his engulfing presence like clay in the hand of a sculptor. he shuts his eyes tightly, listening to your choked expressions of anguish and feeling as you shudder in his arms.
“i’m sorry,” you mutter into his chest as the intensity of your weeping begins to diminish. “it’s not your fault.”
he pulls you away from him, looking into your eyes with deep sympathy as he holds onto your shoulders. “it’s not yours either. baby, everybody feels lonely. i do, too, when you’re not with me.”
you sniffle, lifting your eyes to look back into his. your hands remain on his waist as you absentmindedly fiddle with the fabric of his t-shirt. you’re vulnerable. “really?” you murmur.
scoffing, he replies, “of course! i’m obsessed with you!” you giggle. that was his aim. he smiles back at you, admiring your features. he loves it when you smile. when all the world grows silent for but a moment, allowing for his favorite soul to shine. the life in your face is pure enough to bring tears to his own eyes. he cups your cheeks with both of his hands, surveying you closer. his smile diminishes, turning urgent. he then continues, “i love you. you know that right?” you nod in response. “good. don’t forget it. and never forget that you’re not alone either. feeling lonely and being alone are two different things. it’s okay to feel lonely sometimes. but as long as i’m alive, i’ll be with you. you’ll never be alone. okay?”
hearing his words and gazing into his honest eyes, your heartbeat comes to a steady pulse. you love him more than anything in the world. he always knows what to say. you sniffle again. “okay.”
“and to prove it to you,” he adds, pointing a finger toward you and taking your hand in his, guiding you back to the foot of the bed. “i promise to hold you all night long. and all day tomorrow, if you’ll let me.” he smiles. though his tone and expression are playful, you’re aware of the truth behind his sentiment.
“you promise?” you ask, a smile forming on your face.
“i promise.” his voice takes on a mockingly villainous persona as he grips onto your waist, quickly pulling you to him in one swift motion. “you’ll never be able to escape my clutches!” his eyes widen to a comedic degree, squinting in playful villainy. but alas, his growing smile does little to hide his inner goodness. his love.
“luckily for you, i’d never want to,” you tease in response. you’ve nearly forgotten that which had kept you awake all this time. he just has a way of making you forget about your troubles. it’s an indescribable gift.
he does his best evil cackle, lowering his voice and puffing out his chest. as he does so, he slowly lets himself fall backward onto the bed, taking you down with him. you let out a small squeal as you land on top of your giggling lover, surprised by his actions. as you join him in his laughter, he raises his hand to pull your face down to his, connecting your lips in a spontaneous, unfeigned expression of his love for you. kissing you is always more of an instinct than a decision. he can’t help it. there’s no other way, in his mind, to express the depth of his emotions toward you. and with each kiss, you accept and reciprocate his affections.
he pulls away, flipping you onto your back with his hands on your hips. as soon as you land, he’s quick to climb on top of you, wrapping himself around your form as if his life depends on it. you let out a full belly laugh, mainly due to the new pressure he’s applied to your body, as he proudly and wickedly exclaims, “you’re MINE!”
so you are. and he is to you as you are to him. he always will be, no matter how lonely you might feel. what he said is true. as long as he’s here, all of your intrusive thoughts are just that: thoughts. there is a clear distinction to be made between what you think and what you know. and, as bouts of laughter arise from both yourself and your predestined beloved, you know that you are truly never, ever alone.
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @cyberskz​, @seungminsaidsta, @somethingrandomworld, @ethan806, @siedhr​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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danddymaro · 3 years
Take My Hand |Loki x (Asgardian) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Quick and easy because as much as I would love to make a whole series, I don't have the capability to do so regularly and not disappoint.
With that being said this might just be left open as a single shot so I don't have to pick lol.
Word count: 5097
A/N: Have I mentioned I love drama?
-  because I love drama. 
Loki is a serious drift between romantic and platonic, and I just... I just love it, because you're like, hmmm. 
Is there something there?
Am I overthinking it?
Who do I pick?
Long-term friendship W/ Loki
Reader is Asgardian (as mentioned)
Bucky is in a half and half state. He’s somewhat good, but dealing with his stuff.
A lot more Loki W/reader. 
 Take My hand
She was a perfect woman, and he wholeheartedly believed it. 
In his eyes she was the embodiment of everything he could ever ask for, but, even then, that didn't mean he couldn't be a stupid man.
‘It’s really for the best,’ He told himself, all in order to convince himself that what he was about to do was for the best. 
‘ - Because right now...it’s not the best time for any of this,’ He thought to himself, biting his lower lip as he felt her reaching for him for warmth.
‘-It’d been in the heat of the moment,’ He inwardly spoke, wanting to take away any special meaning that the moment could hold.
‘yeah,’ he went on, wishing he could go back in time before they let themselves get carried away.
‘It’s just that...’ he went on, in a desperate attempt to convince himself that it was just like with any other time, and any other woman.
Though, in truth, as much as he tried to fight it, it was anything but insignificant. Far, deep within his being he did not want to forget the lovely moment now that it had occurred.
It was then that (f/n) pressed her cheek to his chest, her ear landing just a few inches off from his heart.
Her arm was then draped over his stomach, allowing her hand to land at his side, the woman seeming fully contempt with life as they cuddled.
‘It didn’t mean anything,’ He added with a long exhale, trying to convince himself as much as he could, hoping that if he repeated it enough, it would somehow become easier.
‘(f/n),’ He started, ‘Is this how you are with everyone else?’ He then wondered, asking himself if the cuddly nature was meant just for him, or for just anyone that lay next to her.
 ‘(f/n),’ He then added, his heart weighing down, ‘If I tell you a lie....would you just believe it? Will you just believe it...not having expected anything else from me but a single moment?’ He added, the same muscle tightening as the woman seemed to be at compete ease. 
The sentiment was infectious and as he felt her melt, it was hard for him not to do the same. Even if his mind was far too plagued by a tornado of torment, his body got the message.
Naturally, the tension in his body melted, and it only made things more difficult, because it just meant that his heart was responding to her embrace, knowing that this time, it was different.
‘I know I’ve got a nasty reputation right now,’ He started, ‘ but it’s because, really, I don’t care about seeing them the day after.’ He silently admitted to the (h/c) haired woman.
He’d somewhat gone back to his old ways, though, not quite entirely because it was hard to fall back into being the same charmer he used to be when he’d gone through such a long-termed torment.
 But, at the very least, he was graced with good looks, and it did plenty for him when he lacked the proper social skills to woo a woman.
He’d shamelessly had little hook ups here and there, and that was just what they were, and nothing more.
‘They know what to expect, and for me,  it’s a routine.’ he thought idly, finding the arrangements he had  better than spending the time alone in silence with his own thoughts.
‘I care about you a lot.’ He thought with certainty, pointing out what separated her form everyone else. ‘I think...that maybe... I might have actually fallen in love,’ He then corrected himself, finally admitting it. 
‘If I think about you so much,’ He started, knowing it wasn’t right how frequently she came to mind, well aware that what he felt wasn’t something that he could feel for just anyone.
‘if you’re the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the good things in life...’ he then trailed off, filling it the rest with a silence that reached his mind.
‘ (F/n), I choose you.’ He declared. “ I’d always choose you,’ He thought with determination. ‘I just hope you know...that right now, (f/n), I’m choosing you. 
Above me. 
Above everyone else. 
I’m choosing what’s best for you, and not what I want instead,’ he thought with lament.
‘ Right now, I’m no where near where I want to be.’ He went on with the same sorrow. 
‘ There’s a reason I never stay overnight. 
There’s a reason I don’t get too close to any one else...because it’s better for people to think I’m some asshole than some crazy psychopath.’ He told himself, not wanting to share his misery with the lovely woman.
‘You deserve more,’ He thought with certainty. ‘You’re meant for better things,’ He told himself, never forgetting her origin, knowing that she’d always be much more than he deserved.
She was a literal goddess, and he was just some broken down old fool.
“(f/n),” He started before closing his eyes while he let a deep breath leave his nostrils,
“(F/n),” He then said again, letting his mouth do the work, disconnecting himself from it all to make it more believable, because if she saw the misery that threatened to overtake him, she’d have doubt.
She stared at him with widened (e/c) colored eyes, the happy glow to them fading as he continued to speak, giving her an excuse to why he couldn’t stay, and much more, why he wasn’t one meant to settle down.
"- You understand....right?" He questioned her, and throughout his speech, it took all the power he could muster to not look back at her heartbroken expression, even though  it felt like his duty to ease it.
‘When you’re upset, I feel like I have to put you at ease,’ He thought with tenderness, knowing the pain was there, and that it existed on her beautiful face.
  He knew he'd caused it and instead, chose to cower, biting his tongue as he heard her take in a long, strong breath through her nostrils.
She’d long let go of him, and had chosen to distance herself the more he spoke,
"Of course," She responded, the hand that clutched the covers shaking before she released the fierce grip, finally collecting herself enough to hold back her melancholy.
She believed his deception because until then, she hadn't had a reason to distrust him.
Until then, he’d always been honest with her.
"I understand." She said with a soft, blue breath, her (e/c) colored eyes watching him as he slid from beneath the covers, soon throwing on his clothes in a way that was far too collected for a man that had regrets.
There was no stumble, nor fumble and she looked on with melting shoulders.
Quietly, (f/n) handed him his shirt, offering him a soft, yet broken smile, thinking she had mastered the false expression, though, failing the final test.
"You ok?" He asked her, his voice coming out soft and kind, because he never meant to hurt her.
'No...' She inwardly wept.
"Yeah...I get it," She said instead, her eyes fluttering close as he neared her,  laying a soft kiss on her hairline.
"- I'm heading out now," he informed her, his right hand gently patting down (h/c) colored hair, the affectionate act causing her to shrink as she nodded in acceptance.
'Please...don't,' she silently begged.
 'Not yet. If you're going to go anyways, just stay a little longer,' she added as she watched him go, wondering if she’d been the only one to hold back on calling him, or if he was used to being pleaded.
It didn’t take long for her to finally let loose of the harsh grip she had on herself, choking out soft sob after he left, properly reacting to his rejection once he was out of sight, and problobly off to his same routine. 
And that was the part that hurt most, that in the end, she was just like all of the others.
“Please...” (f/n) breathed, her voice down and tired as she tried to keep the conversation with the man civil.
But, it was fruitless, because as much as she wanted to avoid the conversation, he was detrained to dig deep, going as far as to follow her through the entirety of the empty facility. He  remained hot on her trail with quick, long strides that only ceased when she decided to finally stop and turn towards him with the same defeated gaze she’d wear whenever she was shamed and beaten.
“You are a god!” Loki barked back at her, his emerald eyes shadowed over and dimmed as he roared out the words. 
He spat them at the woman to remind her what was her true title, because he detested how fiercely she tried to play home with a realm that she didn’t belong to.
“You shouldn't be played a fool by an insignificant, Midgardian, lowlife,-”  
“- Loki please,” She cut him off with a weak voice, desperately trying to both calm and silence him.
'Not now,' She secretly pleaded, not wanting to hear the harsh speak, especially with the news she’d just received.
She hardly found the strength to plead with him, and at that very moment, she was certain that it was the last bit of resistance she had left, the hollow feeling that she'd been consumed by only weakening her furthermore as the days progressed. 
Left as nothing more than a walking husk, she cowered, and it was something he could see.
 Her attempt was futile as well as her will to reason, and it only seemed to fuel his means to speak in such a heated tone, because the (f/n) he knew wasn’t so frail. 
 “You still defend him?!” He questioned her in complete astonishment, the tone borderline mocking.
In response she said nothing, and the woman only stared at her feet in disgrace, swallowing down a small wad of spit that would be her defense.
She couldn't find anything to say, or justify herself, and her silence was her only answer at the moment, the only one she could provide. 
 Because what was she to say? 
Yes, she was a fool.
Yes, she simply strung along.
 Yes to all the accusations, however, "Please…" she said softly, slowly lifting her gaze to meet his, finally finding it in herself to look directly at him.
 She couldn't bear to listen to more, because despite everything that happened, it hurt her to hear the demi-god speak of Bucky in such a way that demoted him into nothing but worthless rubble.
 No matter what had happened between them, nor how much bitterness was left in between to savor, she still loved him too much to sit through any ill talk of him. Aside from that, the way Loki threw her own foolishness In her face burned, scathing the warrior that lay dormant.
“No pleading me woman!  I have sat back and watched you gravel and lower your status to an expendable waste of time and space here on Midgard!” He said loudly.
Her self-esteem was already at an all-time low, and his words only stung more, causing her to visibly shrink, her shoulders sinking as she accepted his venom.
All sympathy was left aside as his rant ran, and she wasn't surprised because she knew how heated and stubborn he could be, and by then she was well aware that she might as well speak her feeble plea to a brick wall.
'I know,' She quietly mused.
 He watched her take in the insults with the same grimace and the sight didn’t soften his harsh glare in the least bit, nor deter his speech, and it was then that he made his final decision, 
“I am not pleading you, nor am I requesting this,” he stated lowly, and  the way he looked at her almost frightened her because she knew he had something severe to come. 
Bracing herself, she looked up at him, (e/c) colored eyes wide and teary, waiting for what was to come.
 “I demand you return to Asgard with me today.” he finished, each word spat out firmly. 
His chin was held high as his eyes dared her to defy him, and at that, her heart came to a sudden stop.
“Today?!” she breathed, “ Loki- No, No, No, I can't simply leave like that.” She said frantically, nearly on the verge of tears, the panic she felt rising, momentarily shielding her from feeling the full strength of her sorrow. 
“You can't?”  He said, raising a brow,“…or you won't?” he asked her, silence ensuing after his low murmur.
"What stops you?" He questioned her, wanting to hear her say it, itching for her to face the reality of her decisions.
She tried her best to put on a brave front, but failed miserably and soon enough, tears began to fall down her face. Quickly, she hung her head to hide her worthless state, however, hiding her tears did nothing to stifle her sniffles, letting him know she was breaking down. 
“ Loki..." She breathed.
‘I can’t go now,’ She thought to herself with weakness.
"- I'm pregnant…” she sniffed, her voice as soft as silk, completely delicate and woven with the finest fibers of desolation and helplessness. Through her (h/c) colored bangs, her ( e/c) eyes Scanned his face, only to find It unmoved, the expression giving her unease. 
“And your point is?” He said with a low growl, annoyed. 
The news didn't faze him, nor did it lessen his piercing glare, and it unnerved her, “Did you not hear me?” She questioned him, struck by disbelief. 
  Didn't he just hear her? 
Did he even understand what the implications of her being in such a state meant?
She couldn't just leave, it wasn't right to do so.
“I heard you,” he said placing both hands behind his back, breathing in a soft, mellow sigh that loosened his tense body, “In Fact,” he began,  “I knew before you mentioned it to me.” He said coolly. 
"Y-you knew," she said shocked, though not entirely convinced, "That's impossible..." she murmured with uncertainty written all over her person. 
she stared straight at him for a form of proof that indicated he could be lying, but she got nothing in return, only the same arrogant look he'd mastered. 
“-Three weeks." He said simply, " You are three weeks pregnant,” he said before giving her a satisfied look that was in response to her expression of shock.
"Don't be so surprised,  the question on your face is insulting.” He huffed, “ Need I remind you, that to fool a trickster is of unlikeliness my dear? " he said smugly. 
"Then if you knew, then why give me such an ultimatum!" She furiously bellowed.
Why put her through the pain? 
Why tear her child from a father? 
Why try and force her into leaving?
The questions burdened her as she faced him, but the growing fury she felt forced her to retain them, not knowing where to start. 
He huffed out a dry chuckle before closing the space in between them, slowly stepping closer.
 "As I said before. I am not asking you to come with me, I am telling you, and trust me when I say you will comply," he asserted.
By then his taller figure loomed over hers, making her feel even smaller than before, the sudden burst of passion she had dying out as he towered over her.
"Are you really going to force me? " She murmured dejectedly, knowing that any hope of defying him wouldn't happen if he was fully intent.  
" Only if I must, " He said calmly, seemingly cooled down.. 
She became crestfallen, the woman withdrawn and small by then, “Please don't make me...” she sniffed, looking up at him with hurt (e/c) colored eyes.
 "Think about this, the child will be born on a bed of silk and surrounded by the finest. In Asgard, they will have a lasting life, one of prosperity, of higher thinking and understanding. 
They won't be held back by petty wars and battles, the very ones you attempt to stop. 
What more could one want for their own?" He reasoned with an almost too kind smile, lulling her onto his side, hoping to easily strum her along. 
He then opened his mouth to speak again before she could deny him, using his silver tongue,
“Do you truly believe a child here would not suffer ?" He questioned her. 
" You, more than anyone know how much corruption and danger there is here, especially for a person such as yourself….one who has so many foes." He reminded her.
 " - With that said, would you would allow your child to live here, risking thier life? ” he asked her.
She was wedged between a spear and the wall, because as he stated out the facts, she was well aware of how much more favorable the other realm was, however, there existed a factor that bound her to the place she now called home, 
"My child needs a father. " She said softly, so much so he couldn't have heard her at any farther distance. 
Instantly, the emerald-eyed man turned from her, making an attempt to not capture her heartbroken gaze, and  yet again silence filled the room, the space disrupted by the long, hiss he let escape.
" Oh," he breathed, " And here they have one, yes? " He dared to ask.
The question nearly killed her, because the dagger that had already been wedged in her heart was moving, digging deeper, and rotating in a way it ensured there wouldn't be any healing.
‘ he wouldn't... I know he wouldn't reject a child of his own flesh and blood.’ she thought with a glimmer of hope, trusting the man she'd given herself to.
His heart was good, and she was convinced of it.
She desperately wanted to believe it, however, Loki was a man that knew how to crush one's dreams, the soft-tongued man always aware of what words to use, because he’d mastered the art of manipulation.
" - The man who rejected you, who used you, who humiliated you in the vilest way he could… He is worthy of being a father? " he questioned her, finding a weak point.
'He doesn't want to be with me,' She then thought to herself. ' he doesn't want that life....so of course, why would he be willing to stop? 
For me...For a child that comes from me...
One he never planned...
Why should I force him...right?’
“ Do you believe that if he cared for you, he would toss you away so easily, without even a glance at your way. 
- Watching you suffer, seeing you slowly crumble… and do nothing?
I could never sit by and watch you suffer.” He then told her. 
“How is it that he can?” He then asked her, watching her swallow hard.
“ Much more , Do you truly believe a man such as himself would be safe around a child? Again I ask -
Would you put your own child at risk? “
Her eyes went wide and she sucked in a strangled breath, taking in the words with a fastly thudding heart, 
“You’re wrong !” she said stubbornly, “He wouldn't harm his own child, to any child. To any one!” she rambled. “He wouldn't ! he isn't like that, not anymore Loki!” She said with panic.
'No...you can play with every insecurity I have,' She silently spoke, ' but that is not one,' she thought with confidence.
 “ of course HE isn't, but what about the Winter soldier? what about the ruthless assassin that lies dormant?
What of that feral beast he becomes ?
Is he not unstable still?”
She shook her head with a certain look to her eyes, pride swelling through at the gaze, “ You can't play on a fear I long let go of. I know he is strong enough. 
He is different." she said with borderline arrogance. 
He then sighed, the breath sounding exasperated.  
"Return to Asgard. whatever fool that crosses your path could take the role." He finished, beginning to walk away, not willing to negotiate any longer, growing weary of the conversation.
 "If a father is what you need then find a suitable one once we arrive," He advised her. “You’re still in your early stages,” he reminded her, letting her know how easy it’d be to just push the responsibility onto some other fool.
Her eyes became wide at his solution and her nostrils flared in anger, a sudden burst of fury striking her,
“I will do no such thing !” she growled, quickly pulling him back.
With her quick hand shot directly at him, she managed to grab his shoulder and spin him around roughly. And it was at that moment that he found himself facing a different woman, one he recognized. 
Fire blazed in her (e/c) colored orbs, and by then the tears no longer flowed, slightly pleasing him.
The display of a knowing smirk made its way onto his face as he watched her, preferring her in her current state.
" That is deceiving,  and a much more, a disgusting act. I could never do such a thing !" She said in between gritted teeth, "And for you to expect it from me, I'm appalled." She further seethed.
"You, are simply unbearable," He snickered.
"So are you, darling," she bit back.
‘Just when I think we’ve become strangers...we come to this point again.’ he thought to himself. ‘A change in scenery. A different year and stage in our lives, and yet, it’s all warmly familiar,’ He added, by then certain that he and the woman were destined to be at each other sides.
‘Alright,’ He decided, knowing what had to be done.
"Unbearable woman..." He breathed, " I have another proposition." he informed her.
She nearly tore out her hair at his words, frustrated, because, Could he not just understand?
she couldn't just leave,
"Then I will be that fool…per se."
" …what? " She breathed stepping back from him, anger having disappeared. Instead, she stared at him in awe, as if he had grown a new head entirely.
“Idiot...” She murmured, “Just what are you saying!” She questioned him, still in shock, not knowing how to really react.
" You heard me, I will take responsibility of you both." He said with a low voice, his eyes cast down as he spoke, looking almost hesitant to word his proposal for a reason other than doubt of his own. 
Truly, if there was any reason he looked away, it was because there was a vulnerability to him that he didn’t want to show so openly. 
'Why are you doing this Loki ?’ She gloomily wondered.
“- Why?” She questioned him, “ Just why are you so pent on me leaving with you?” She asked him while taking a step closer to him. 
Her hand reached out to him, her palm gently taking hold of his cheek, easing him to properly gaze at her. 
 “Why?” she breathed, questioning him yet again.
“Could the god of lies and deceit finally tell me the truth?" She challenged him, the words making his lips twitch with the most delicate touch of amusement.
 "- Why not? " He said simply, still not looking towards her, his eyes stubbornly drawn away.
"B-Because !" She argued, not finding where to begin, 
‘ Because I don’t want to hurt you.
Because you deserve so much more. 
Because I love you too much to damn you in any way.’ 
Finally finding it in himself, he pulled up a soft smile, “I see no fault in my plan.” He assured her, the confident comment not easing her.
“It's marriage Loki! A family!” She cried in frustration. “It’s an eternity!” She went on, no longer convinced he knew the true implications of such ties.
“- I understand what it means fully well,” He started, “ And it seems that you do too, so could it be that you simply wish to not bind yourself to me in specific?” he said looking insulted, a hint of playfulness hidden in his words, the childish speak further wounding her, because the lightheartedness he showed only highlighted his true devotion.
His sweet banter only showed how sure he was. 
“No... it's just... what about you?” She whispered with a crooked smile, an imperfect expression that tried too hard to properly showcase all of her inner musings from sadness and loss, to confusion and joy, and even hints of frustration.
“-What of me?” he asked her back, his tone just as sweet as hers. 
“Don't play the role of a fool, because it doesn't fit you well,” she rebutted, the words making him crack a true smile. 
“Do you not see it as sacred as I do?” She said with glittering eyes.
‘To me...this means devoted love. 
This means there is no end. 
This is something my heart has always yearned for,’
“Yes.” He answered her without a shred of hesitance, no second thought hidden between the spaces of the words.
“Then why me…?” She questioned him, “ Why make the sacrifice for me?” choking on her own words when she asked the one question she had begged to be answered.
“ why take me from my home here?” She continued to ask him. “Why put me before your own desires?” (f/n) said while beginning to shake.
“This is my desire,” He said as his hand rose to cover hers, all while his head leaned to her palm even moreso, 
“ I wish you could truly grasp at how special you are. 
How rare it is to find a woman such as yourself, in just about any part of the universe, even while scouring entire realms," he proceeded, grasping her little limb before lacing his fingers with hers, and suspending them in the air between them.
“That child of yours, they will take on my name, and whatever glories are bestowed upon them will be preceded by both of our titles, hopefully with pride,” He said with a small chuckle.
She could detect no lies, and at that, her hand squeezed his, 
“ A child is an extension of you, and so, I could never deny them. They will be mine, just as they are yours.” he spoke before releasing a low, airy chuckle, 
“Perhaps then I can show Odin how a true parent is to treat their son,”
He finished with a snide remark. 
“Son..?” She questioned him, lightly tilting her head as she gazed at him, “A son?” she repeated while envisioning such a child. 
‘Would our son hold resemblance to their father...or would they somehow hold all of me instead?’ She idly thought to herself, envisioning the same beautiful blue eyes that now caused her sorrow being possessed by her child.
“ Yes dear,” Loki said with certainty, “ A son. A boy. wouldn't that be marvelous?” He questioned her, seeming enthralled by the very idea, so much that he slid his free hand down to her upper back, the other that linked with her own held dearly as he took a step to the side, performing a lax spin that was of a poorly preformed waltz, and it reminded her so much of the little dances they preformed as children.
“ Then what if it's a girl?” she interjected, “Would you still be as willing to accept them? ” She said while smugly awaiting his answer, wanting to see him weigh in every possibility.  
“What do you mean if it's a girl ?” He said while stopping their spinning, “ Then there will be a princess born, and she will be a proper lady,” He responded without question, mindlessly falling in sync with her little steps. 
“Oh, and mother will just adore her. We will teach her all sorts of magic and quick Wit.
  She will have both our bronze and brain,
  Your righteous convictions, your every strength...they will be celebrated.
And every weakness she develops will be assured by me,” He swore to her, seeing only a bright path in the wake.
“She will be a gem formed in the same mine as her perfect mother,” He said proudly, but not soon after did his frown overtake him, abruptly stopping their little waltz,
“Which in turn...will mean she will be sought after by just about every man in Asgard,” He mumbled lowly, breaking off from her with a bothered downturn,
“And of course, none will ever be worthy of her, “ he said with a present scowl.
Momentarily, she stared at him, her sight, and mind alike completely taken by the prince who she could only then, describe as precious.
“ Traces of doubt nested within me, until just now, “ She admitted, “You're serious aren't you..?” she asked him with a small chuckle, her (e/c) colored eyes gazing at him with an even brighter light.
“ And I keep asking myself...why?” she said softly, shaking her head all the while, and it was then that his entire face melted into a sweetened softness that was further accented by the gentle smile he presented.
“ You have been with me through and through, just like a shadow, but unlike one, you don’t stand behind me.
You don’t cower yourself, and, instead, show me devotion while everyone else looks away.
 You’ve defended me, despite the many times I've paid you back with everything but the truth. “ he said with shame.
“(f/n), with you, I’ve felt true love,” He admitted to her.
“What we have, to me, has always been treasured.
It has always been cherished. 
I was never doubtful of what it was,” He further confessed. “I do not want you to look at that man more than you have to.
I do not want you to live in the same place he calls home.
- I cannot stand your suffrage.
Do you understand me?
You've always been one to find reason behind my actions and against all logic and reasoning.
You’ve always tried to save me, so now, shouldn't I do the same with you?” He questioned her. 
“(F/n),” He airily murmured, “Would you take my hand, and disappear?” He then asked her, pulling back to just the touch of fingertips.
With an upturned palm, he offered her a sweet smile as he repeated the question a second time,
“(f/n)...Would you take my hand?
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mammons-tax-returns · 3 years
comforting you about your body insecurities pt. 1
beelzebub, mammon, lucifer
:) ! first post back!! (rest of the brothers coming later)
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Lucifer is a very attentive demon, despite being busy with his nose shoved in a stack of papers around the clock
He really does find you wonderful, both just to relax with and to admire.
And he’s known that you piqued his interest ever since you appeared before him in the stuco room. And this is LUCIFER. He normally doesn’t give any human a second glance. Unless ur some powerful and dangerously talented sorcerer with white hair 🤧but that aside
Tonight, he gets a break from Diavolo’s workload because there is yet another ball being held at the castle.
He sprays a faint but expensive cologne on his skin, quietly hoping that you would like and comment on it so he could respond with some flirty line. That would be nice, he thinks.
Then, he’s taking long strides leading out of his bedroom, and heading over to yours beside the kitchen, where he hears his siblings bickering over the best fruit.
He knocks on the door first, waiting for a response that never comes. He only hears your favorite song from within.
He calls your name, only becoming more confused the longer the silence grows
When he pushes open the door, he’s nearly relieved to see you standing in front of the body mirror, fixing the the collar of your outfit. You turn to look at him offer a smile. “Hey, Luci. You’re punctual, as usual.”
He hums under his breath in response. A silent “i know”. He pads over to you, placing a hand on your hip affectionately. “You look good enough to eat, handsome. Asmodeus may have his moments but he certainly knows how to dress anyone with anything.”
You look at your own eyes in the reflection, not able to respond entirely. Lucifer means well, you’re sure of it. He doesn’t know that the past hour of preparation for the ball was spent scowling at the parts of you that you could never quite enjoy entirely.
Lucifer looks questioningly at your expression from the mirror. “y/n? Is something the matter?”
At that, you snap back to reality and look back at him. “Huh? Oh... Right— Sorry, I just,” you trail off, at a loss for words. Was this the right time to mention your thoughts, before a ball? “It’s nothing, just lost in my thoughts, I suppose.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows knit in the way that they tend to do when he worries. “Mind sharing? I’d love to sit and listen.” His hands slide around your waist until he’s hugging you, and you catch a whiff of his cologne which makes you melt. Once again you wonder if this relationship was something you deserved.
“Don’t give me that, lovely. I said I’d like to listen, no?” As you turn your head away, he takes the opportunity to rest his head on the crook of your neck.
You sigh, smiling hopelessly. You hate to admit it, but his response makes you feel jittery on the inside. “It’s silly really, I just wasn’t feeling myself just now. The clothes are amazing! But...” You know exactly what you’ll say next, but the words feel venomous in your mouth. “I’m wondering if Asmodeus understands how wasteful it is to put them on me, you know?”
Lucifer is at a loss, and his heart aches at your words. “Oh dear... Well that’s no good. I can’t have my gorgeous lover worrying himself over something that’s so far from the truth.”
You are already aware that Lucifer will always support you no matter what, and the thought is both heart warming and bothersome. “Yeah, yeah, Lucifer... I’ve heard it all alr-“
“Then what do you not understand?” Lucifer cuts you off promptly and confidently. “Do you really believe that I’d sugarcoat this? Anything?”
You swallow thickly. “N-... No. You wouldn’t...”
“Good. That’s a good response.” He places a sweet kiss on your cheek, ruby eyes flitting up to your own gaze in the mirror. “I’m almost afraid of other demons trying to steal you away in such a dashing outfit, to be honest. Enjoy yourself, but if any of my brothers try anything, I swear...”
You laugh a little, running a free hand through his hair and noting how he almost sinks into your touch. Almost like a cat. “Thank you, Lucifer. For everything.”
Lucifer kisses your hand softly. “You are perfection, darling.”
You look forward to slow dancing alongside the eldest brother now, losing yourself in the music. Lucifer was right, there was really nothing to worry yourself over.
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Mammon, unfortunately, had to cancel date night plans for the weekend for a modeling gig.
You were disappointed, but not mad at him. He told you in advance, offered to make up for it, and usually tries his best to uphold his promises.
He offers to bring you with him, guilty at the thought of your alone in your room.
You don’t know whether to accept it or not. Would you fit in on a set full of gorgeous, picture-perfect demons?
Mammon has his hand on the back of his neck, nervous that you’re too angry at him to want to say yes.
To his delight, you smile and agree to go with him. Maybe, this way, he can avoid others flirting with him when they know that his boyfriend would be in the room.
At first, it makes you feel a little bit happier seeing Mammon light up with joy after seeing him pout like a puppy moments ago.
The day has come that you step onto the modeling floor. The photographers and staff know you well due to Mammon’s insistent bragging about you and your relationship. Clutching your D.D.D. anxiously, you make your way over to Mammon, who is already posing for a camera under bright studio lights.
You keep to the shadows as you watch him intently. Mammon is well known for his idiocy, but he is one handsome devil.
The evil snickering of two demons sound behind you, to which you ignore. You were too nervous to actually move, anyways.
Whatever... It doesn’t concern me... Right?
The giggles don’t stop, and you can’t help but listen in on their whispers. It sounds as if they purposely spoke louder than normal just to bother you.
“Look at how his eyes are shining... Obsessed with Mammon, much?” Oh boy. It really seems like they’re talking about...
“Let’s talk about those clothes, though... Are you kidding me... Does the human world really have that low of standards— or is this the bottom of the barrel.” At that, the two burst into a fit of cackles.
Luckily, a photographer hisses at them, irritated with the noise breaking his concentration. They quiet down, but continue to berate you in ways you had never even considered.
You’re sweating bullets now, itching to use your hand to wipe the oncoming tears of embarrassment. You blink them away, and don’t notice that your boyfriend is now finished with his shoot.
You tense upon seeing him speaking to the camera tech. Your heart nearly jumps out of your throat. The last thing you needed was him seeing you cry right now. He’d be worried sick.
Not even bothering to excuse yourself, you slip into the bathroom and can only focus on the laughter of the other demons behind you. The sound causes you to shake slightly as you shut the door behind you.
There is more than one stall, so you briefly worry that someone would come in and find you bawling your eyes out in the middle of a semi-professional setting. You sigh heavily and turn the sink on to wash your face.
The more you stood in front of the sink rubbing your face, the more vividly you remember the rude comments made about you. Could they have been true?
With a troubled look, you sneak a glance at yourself in the mirror.
You didn’t think that your clothes were particularly “bad”... They said so much, and it’s all coming back like a vicious and cruel tsunami.
No matter what you do, you can’t seem to stop crying.
“Oh y/n!!~ Where are ya’ at?” Mammon crashes through the door, hands on his hip with a toothy and closed-eye grin.
Thinking quickly, you reach over to grab a hand towel and press your face into it. “H-Hey, Mammon, you looked good out there...”
Mammon must have picked up on your wavering tone, because he pauses.
You’re frozen on the spot when he places a hand on your shoulder, although you can’t see him through the towel.
“Uhh... What’s up with you? Don’t tell me that you’re...” It’s too late to react when he pushes the towel aside to find your teary eyes.
“Wh-What?!” His heart drops immediately. “What’s wrong babe?! Are you like... I dunno hurt or something?!”
You exhale shakily, still trying to calm yourself. “Those models out there are just... A little too honest about me, I s-suppose... But it’s really fine. I just... I don’t know... I guess I just needed a minute to... Freak out a little?”
“Honest? What the hell do you—“ A sudden feeling of recognition pulled at his features. Truth be told, he knew those demons personally, having worked with them before. Then the guilt of knowing exactly what happened began to eat away at him. “Oh...”
You shifted, wishing that he would drop the subject. This was getting much too embarrassing to bear, and the way his eyes drooped with sadness made your stomach churn. “Mammon. I-I’m serious, I’m okay—“
Mammon’s arms surround you like a sturdy, calming veil.
“I know you’re not, y/n!” Mammon had no desire to listen to you pretend to act unbothered. “I don’t know what they’ve told you, but I can guarantee that I have been given comments just as bad as those- and I’m The Mammon.”
You grip onto his shirt, avoiding making eye contact with him. “But... That’s the thing Mammon. I’m not nearly as confident or perfect as you.”
Mammon holds you tighter, voice softening drastically. “Don’t you think that’s exactly what I think of you when you comfort me on my bad days?”
A pool of warmth starts to seep from the depths of your chest. And your furrowed brows start to relax. “Really..? You mean it?”
“y/n, you are precious to me, and all of my crazy ass brothers. And there is no way in hell that I’ll allow some scum of the world get in the way of realizing how flawless you are.”
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Beel wants nothing more than to spend every second of the day with you. And Belphie.
But unfortunately, most of his time is spent in the gym, if not the kitchen.
So he asks you if you would like to start working out with him at the gym, or even if you were just interested in hanging around and nothing more. He just wanted your presence.
The idea itself made your heart swell. But after a bit of thinking, you weren’t so sure. You’ve never been to a gym in Devildom before, but you were sure it wasn’t very different from human gyms.
It would be filled with confident and toned bodies that would put you down without even trying.
And as much as you wanted to be there with Beel, you weren’t ready for the prospect of the nasty looks you’d receive sitting beside the sixth-born who is a perfectly sculpted athlete.
After all, he seemed a bit too good for you, as it seemed in your head.
Beel wonders why you turned him down. Had he done something to upset you?
He’d have to get down to the bottom of it, lest he regret ignoring your behavior.
To do this, he takes a day off from the gym, thinking that the answer to this situation would be to spend time together. Smiling to himself, he clutches a bag of sweets to his chest.
y/n has got to love this, he thinks excitedly.
Knocking once, he can barely keep himself from barging in and tearing into his baked goodies. “y/n, I’m here. Wanna share these cookies with me? There’s also pound cake and cupcakes... The mini ones with enchanted apples on them.”
His smile falls a little when there’s a long note of silence. “y/n?” He questions.
“Oh! Uh... Sorry, Beel... Maybe another day. I’m studying for that final right now.” Beel knows you sound sincere, but something about this response seems off.
His heart sinks a little, feeling a little embarrassed after being rejected. He hadn’t expected this.
“Ah... Are you sure?”
There’s a silence from the other side of the door, and the sixth born starts to genuinely worry.
Truth be told, you had been weeping alone looking through images of famous demon athletes that advertised the same gym that Beel attended regularly. It was a dangerous thing to do, but how could you look away?
You take a glance at yourself in the mirror. your eyes were barely puffy. A bit red too. But overall, nothing seemed very different. Maybe— Just maybe, he wouldn’t even notice.
“Hello? You in there?”
You stiffen at the sound of his voice.
“Coming!” Hopping to your feet, you rush to the door and open it.
“Oh man, I was starting to get antsy smelling this bag... Let’s hurry and dig in.” His eyes are trained on the food in his hands, and his mouth is watering.
“Oh, Beel... You have some drool again!” You lightly scold him and wipe the corner of his mouth with a napkin from the table right beside the door.
At that, he finally gets a good look at you.
“Oh, thank y—... ou...” He trails off instantaneously. “Your eyes...”
You sigh and bow your head sheepishly. “Agh... I should’ve known you’d catch me. It’s not anything serious, I just was... I was watching a sad movie is all.”
His eyebrows knit together. “So were you studying or watching a movie?”
He caught me.
He pushes forward, closing the door behind him and taking your hands in his. He leaves the bag abandoned on the floor.
“y/n... What’s been up with you lately? You’re seriously not yourself.”
Your face flushes, and you sigh. Your throat suddenly feels tight. “Uh... That’s...”
He’s noticed this entire time. I’m an idiot.
“Listen, Beel...” You squeeze his hand. “I’ll tell you because I know that if I don’t, you’ll be worried sick.”
He nods hurriedly, heart rate increasing.
“I guess I just...” The words struggle to make their way out. “I don’t understand how-how someone like you; handsome, kind, and strong could end up with...” You pause, starting to tear up. “With someone like me.”
Beel takes a moment to process your situation.
And when he does, his head starts to spin, and his heart feels heavy like a boulder.
“y/n... What are you even thinking?” Is all he manages to whisper. He pulls you into a tight, comforting hug and sniffles.
“You mean literally more to me than anything or anyone else.” He says firmly. “I don’t know what part of you you’re so hung up on, I couldn’t even imagine there being any reason to be.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I do.” He cuts you off firmly. If he didn’t, you may try to deny his definite truth. “y/n, I know i’m all about food and training... I’m sorry I don’t know how to make you realize how wonderful you are.
But I’d like to learn that with you. Is that okay?”
Your tears finally fall, soaking through his tank top.
“Of course... I’d love that.”
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babybluebex · 4 years
everyone loves an outlaw [arvin russell x reader smut]
➽ pairing: mob!arvin russell x fem!reader(y/n) ➽ word count: 2.2k ➽ summary: arvin works for your dad and you have to keep your relationship a secret. ➽ warnings: NSFW/MDNI. smut, explicit language, age gap (reader is legal tho!), fingering (f!receiving), praise kink, breeding kink ➽ a/n: mob!arvin goes brrrr hehe​
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In small towns, there weren’t many ways out. A job was the usual way-- graduate high school and get a job out of town and leave Coal Creek in your dust. Sometimes, though, the job search was fruitless and many people, young and old, were left to rot in West Virginia. That seemed to be the case for Arvin Russell. We went to high school together, him being a senior when I was a freshman, and I remember my father going on about him. “Gonna get him when he graduates,” Daddy said. “Not lettin’ somethin’ like him get outta here.” 
Legally speaking, my dad’s business was in bail bonds. We had family in Chicago that we worked for, and the line of work that my father did was less on the end of selling the bonds and more towards extracting the payments. Coal Creek had a few names for what my family did-- “mob”, “mafia” (which were technically two different things, but the people in Coal Creek had no hope of ever distinguishing the two)-- but we preferred to call it family. 
And, God almighty, Arvin Russell was in need of family. When he graduated, he had a bright future ahead of him, but that flame was put out when his little sister died. Lenora was a year ahead of me, quiet and reserved and very bookish, and it took the entire town by surprise when we heard that she had died. Rumors flew around as to why; she was sick and didn’t want to burden her family with her illness was a popular one. When Lenora died, Arvin lost his way. Wayward young men looking for protection and acceptance was my dad’s type when it came to employment. 
He had me do it. I usually was the one to go out and hire young men. Papa realized fairly quickly that men would do basically anything I asked of them, including signing themselves into our little family, so, one day in my senior year of high school, I went to the garage where Arvin Russell worked. He split his time between road construction and the garage and, when I met him properly, he had grease all over his hands. “Hi, Arv,” I said sweetly. 
His pink mouth had quirked into a smile. “Hey, doll,” he said. “You’re Y/N? From high school, ain’t ya? Ya daddy’s got that bail bond thing goin’?” 
“That’s me,” I said. “I, uh…” I had a script that I had to stick to. “I… I was just wonderin’ if ya wanted to get dinner sometime. Maybe go to a drive-in? That car you’ve got is pretty neat.” 
“You like my car?” Arvin asked, and I giggled out a yes. “Ya sure it’s the car ya like, doll?” 
“Not as much as the driver,” I said, biting my lip. ‘C’mon, Arv, this is takin’ a lot of courage to ask ya.” 
Arvin sat up from the rolling creeper he was at and wiped his hands on the thighs of his pants. “You really wanna go out with me?” he asked. His voice was dripping with absolute sarcasm, but his honey-colored eyes held something more hopeful. I knew, right then, that we got him. 
“Well, yeah,” I mumbled sheepishly, picking at a loose thread on my blouse. “I’ve kinda had my eye on you since… Forever, I guess. I-I just think you’re outta sight, Arvin.” 
Arvin’s eyes glanced over me, still wearing my clothes from school, and he gave me a smile, much more sincere than ever before. “Sure thing, doll,” he said softly. “What d’ya say to Friday night?” 
Friday night came, and it was quickly obvious that the movie would be forgotten. Instead of that, Arvin and I ended up in the backseat of his car, his hand up my shirt, making marks on my neck that my dad would be mad at. I never planned on fucking Arvin and, while I had no qualms about doing so, I stopped when his long fingers began to dance at my panties. “Arvie,” I panted, grabbing his wrist. “I ain’t ever done nothin’ like this before. I-I just--”
Arvin kissed me softly, his hand holding my cheek tenderly. “No sweat, doll,” he told me. “We’ll go as fast or slow as you want. I’m here for you.” 
I was supposed to break it off with him after that, but I just couldn’t. There was a bit of truth to what I said when I asked him out initially, that I had my eye on him for a while. I had always thought that Arvin was pretty cute, and I enjoyed the time I had with him. We had to sneak around, though, because my dad would have cast both of us out if he knew. While I was supposed to fluff up their egos and convince them to join the business, I wasn’t supposed to fool around with the guys my dad hired. Arvin was different, though, in a way that I couldn’t put my finger on. He was kinder, a gentler soul than most, hidden behind a gruff exterior. 
School was grueling, but the sight of the old Chevy waiting in the parking lot for me brought me comfort. Arvin stood near the door of the school, smoking a cigarette as he waited for me, and a smile passed his face when he saw me. 
“Arvin, you know damn well that you aren’t supposed to be here right now,” I hissed quickly. “My daddy’ll kill you.” 
“I reckon he’d have to catch me first,” Arvin chuckled. His smile promised illicit moments in the coming minutes, and he added, “It looks like it’s gonna rain and I was thinkin’ of offering you a ride. Wouldn’t want ya to walk and get all wet and melt.” 
“Why would I melt?” I asked. “I ain’t no witch.” 
“Nah, but you’re all made of sugar,” Arvin told me. “C’mon, babydoll. I know you want to. I might even buy you a milkshake if you’re good to me.” 
“Good to you?” I laughed. “Right, ‘cause that’s my goal in life, Arv, is to please you. Fuck off.” 
“Dolly’s got an attitude today,” Arvin drawled around his cigarette. His dark eyes were full of energy and promised nothing but fun, and the fact that he hadn’t given up his advances yet let me know that he saw right through my fake resistant measures. After all, he knew that I would give in no matter what, just as I always did. “Jesus, woman, you’re makin’ me work for it today, huh? This is fun for you, yeah?” 
“Oh, so much fun,” I assured him. “I love makin’ ya dance, Arvie.” 
“Shit, do I gotta get down on one knee?” Arvin laughed. “I was hoping that you’d be all graduated first but--” 
I tugged Arvin close by his worn leather belt and I silenced him with a kiss to his cheek. My pink lipstick left a mark on his skin, and I said, “We can talk ‘bout that later. Thanks for the ride, loverboy.” 
“Never a problem with you, doll,” Arvin told me. 
As usual, we ended up parked at the river, with Arvin’s hand up my skirt. My hips bucked up into his hand as his skilled fingers found home inside me, and a soft whimper fell from my lips. “Vinny,” I whispered quickly; that name was reserved for moments like this. “O-Oh, fuck!” 
“Such a good girl,” Arvin whispered in my ear, gently nipping at my earlobe. “S’fucking tight, doll. You really ain’t been lettin’ other guys fuck ya, huh?” 
“I only want you, Vinny,” I said. “Nobody makes me feel the way you do.” 
“Good girl,” Arvin told me, and my body went warm with the praise. Arvin had always been so good to me and I truly didn’t want anybody else. But I had always imagined getting out of Coal Creek, leaving my family behind and having a good and honest life. I wanted to get married; maybe to Arvin, but maybe to someone with no ties to my family. I was lovestruck, I’ll admit that much. I was so pathetically in love with Arvin that I had doodled his name during class, even going as far to put his last name with mine. Mrs. Y/N Russell was enticing. If Arvin were ever to propose, I would be compelled to say yes. 
“Vinny,” I said, and I grabbed his strong arms. “I-I’m gettin’ close, baby.” 
“You hold that shit in,” Arvin growled into my neck. “Want ya to come on my cock, babydoll.” His fingers fell from me quickly, and he made light work of undoing his belt and jeans. My thighs were quivering around his hips, and I sunk down onto his hard cock with a satisfied keenness in the back of my throat. Arvin’s moan in my ear was heavenly, and he mumbled, “Pussy’s so good, doll. Fuck.” 
“Fuck!” I squealed as he snapped his hips up into me. “Vinny, I-I--” 
Arvin’s mouth met mine in a greedy kiss, and I whimpered my way through a blissful orgasm. Arvin swallowed every single noise I made, his hands raking my blouse up to feel the skin of my back, and I felt myself shaking so hard in his grasp. “Good girl,” Arvin shushed me, kissing all over my face. “So good for me, babydoll. Gonna help me now?” 
Even though my legs felt like liquid and my hips ached, I rolled my hips down onto him. Arvin quickly got rid of my shirt fully and tugged my bra up my chest to expose my tits, my nipples hard at the feeling of him. His mouth latched into my tit quickly, and I pushed his curls off of his forehead as I watched him suck on my tit. Arvin looked up at me through his dark eyelashes and gave my nipple a quick bite with his front teeth, and I yipped. “Vinny!” I cried. 
“Aw, dolly,” Arvin cooed. “I only do it ‘cause I like the pretty little noises you make.” 
I chuckled breathlessly, and, with his lips back on my nipple, Arvin winked at me. “Arv,” I sighed. “Your cock is literally inside me right now. You can knock it off with the flirting.” 
“Can’t help it,” Arvin said, biting his bottom lip as he cupped his hands around my breasts. “Just an instinct.” 
“It’s a good thing I like it,” I whispered, and I leaned down to kiss him. His breath was hot against my mouth, and I clutched his hair as he continued to fuck into me, and I finally pleaded, “Vinny, please come. Want you to come inside me, Arvin, please.” 
Arvin took a fistful of my hair and tugged my head back to expose my neck, and he kissed all over the soft column of my throat as his thrusts became quick and sloppy. “Fuck,” he whispered and sucked a mark onto my neck, but I was too far gone to chastise him for it. Arvin huffed out a heavy breath then, and I felt him spilling himself inside of me, painting my walls with his hot cum. I gasped aloud at the feeling of it, and Arvin set a kiss to my lips to silence me. “Ya like that?” he whispered. “Like being fucked like this? My good girl, my best girl.” 
“Christ, Vin,” I whispered with a giggle. “I love you, you fuckin’ square.” 
“Hey, I’m not a square,” Arvin laughed. His arms were circled around me, holding me tightly, and his cock was still inside me as he laid his head on my chest and tried to catch his breath. “But I love you too, babydoll.” There was a quiet that blanketed the car then, the only sounds being our rasping breaths and the faint radio that we had left on before climbing into the backseat. Arvin was right; it had begun to rain. 
“Think it’ll take?” I asked softly. 
“What?” Arvin asked. His brown eyes were still blown out as he looked at me, and a smile split his face. “Oh, dolly. Is that why you wanted me to come inside ya?” 
I shrugged sheepishly, and I hid myself in his neck. Arvin laughed and readjusted us so that he was laying on his back, making sure to stay inside of me all the while. 
“You wanna have my babies?” Arvin chuckled. “Your daddy’ll kill us.” 
“I jus’ wanna be yours, Arvie,” I told him. “Want everyone to know I’m yours.” 
Arvin pulled my face from his neck and captured my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “No more hidin’?” he asked hopefully. 
I shook my head, and Arvin smiled. “No more hiding,” I agreed. 
Arvin gave a content sigh, and he kissed my mouth once more. “My pretty girl,” he whispered. “My pretty wife, maybe?” I nodded, and he laughed. “Shit, that sounds pretty nice. Having a pretty little wife to come home to, gettin’ all big with my baby… Jesus, I love the thought of that. But you ain’t even graduated yet, doll. Are ya sure…?”
“There’re girls who dropped out ‘cause they got married,” I told him. “I think the fact that I’m engaged and pregnant, and still manage to graduate won’t be a problem.” 
Arvin kissed my forehead, and he whispered, “Just a few more minutes, baby. Wanna make sure, ya know. Then, I’ll get you that milkshake I promised.” 
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misssugarlips · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: cursing, drunk reader
A/N: Hey! This is me again. I really hope you like it. And excuse if there's any mistake, english isn't my first language. Enjoy! Gif isn't mine
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You felt so jealous and so insecure. It had taken you a long time to become sure of yourself, to come out of your shell ... Just for this to happen. You felt like in high school again and all thanks to Bucky and Natasha. You thought Bucky liked you and you were just waiting for him to confess his love for you, but that never happened and instead he and Nat starting dating. You were very confused, your best friend betraying you like that, it wasn't fair. Although you had never told Nat about your feelings for Bucky to be honest, she didn't know. The one who knew was Wanda and that's because she saw you suspicious and by accident she got into your mind discovering that you head over heels for Bucky. Wanda apologized multiple times to you even though you weren't really mad at her, she even cook you breakfast for a week so you could forgive her, you weren't mad at her but it didn't hurt anyone to take advantage of the situation.
You stood in front of the mirror looking for some flaw, it had always been like that, you always tried to be perfect; to dress perfectly, to look perfectly, to speak perfectly to treat everyone perfectly. The truth was, that it was very exhausting, you forced yourself to smile when the truth was you wanted to cry. In fact no one in the compound had seen you cry, you didn't allow it, you always had a smile on your face. Maybe that was why everyone adored you ... Everyone except Bucky. You thought you had him eating out of the palm of your hand, you thought he felt the same as you, you thought he felt that electric feeling every time you two touched. But you were wrong and you hated that, you must have made a fool of yourself in front of everyone every time they saw your heart eyes every time Bucky was around. You wanted to cry but you couldn't right now, you had a party to attend and you pulled out your seductive weapon: a beautiful fitted black dress specially made to hug your beautiful figure, silver heels and wavy hair and you put on a delicate but beautiful makeup. You grabbed your clutch and headed to the party Tony had planned. The reason? You didn't know, and the truth is, Tony didn't need a reason to have a party.
When you walked in immediately Sam greeted you with a compliment.
"What a beautiful Charlie angel" you giggled and hugged him.
"You look very handsome, chocolate" Sam gave a big laugh, he loved your witty ideas.
"You can eat me anytime you want" Sam winked at you and you both laughed. Thanks to your flirting with Sam you hadn't noticed who was behind him, nothing more and nothing less than the boy who drove you crazy; Bucky scowling and arms crossed. You looked around but couldn't find Nat.
"Hey, Buck. How's it going?" You greeted Bucky, since he announced his relationship with Nat you had been distant with him. And he thought that if he pretended he was dating Nat, you would be more interested in him. The plan to make you jealous with Nat was not working, rather it was taking you away from him and now he didn't know how to fix it. He had to "break up" with Nat before things got worse.
"Hey doll, you look gorgeous" Bucky couldn't help but fall in love with you even more. You looked beautiful, of course he loved when you were disheveled and wore your pajamas, he thought there was a charm in that side of you. You couldn't help but blush. He was always so tender to you that the idea that he was now taken made your heart ache in your chest.
"Did you came with Nat?" You asked him looking for Nat with your eyes around the place.
"Yeah she's upstairs" Bucky replied.
"Ok, I'll go say hi" you got ready to go in Nat's direction to say hi.
"You are a big fool, buddy" Sam told Bucky mocking him.
"I know, I know. It's the worst idea I've ever had."
"Of all the bad ideas you have, yeah, this is the worst" Bucky shot a threatening look at Sam and Sam just laughed.
Bucky needed to find a way to remedy this, and confess his love to you, it doesn't matter if you didn't reciprocate he needed to get it off his chest. When you went upstairs you visualized Nat sitting talking in the company of Steve, Tony, Wanda and Bruce. You greeted them with a big smile and sat down to share with them. Every time you could look at Nat, you couldn't help but feel jealous, she was impeccably beautiful, she looked more beautiful than you. And that silly seductive smile of hers, you understood why Bucky was in love with her, she was just lovely and you couldn't compete with that.
Accepting your defeat you began to drink shot after shot, without pausing and without eating some food.
When it struck 11pm you were already very drunk and you were doing a private show for Wanda, your butt was in her face while you danced and she was laughing, spanking your butt. Everyone laughed at your actions and asked you for a private dance too. Except for Steve who was very flushed and Bucky who was looking at you with surprise.
"She has a nice ass, don't you think?" Nat sat next to Bucky while the two of them watched the little show you gave Wanda, when you squatted your whole butt was exposed revealing your beautiful black lace underwear.
"A very cute one" Bucky replied without taking his eyes off you.
"Why don't you just tell her that you love her and that's it?"
"It's not that easy Nat" Bucky looked at her.
"Oh, come on, she is crazy for you"
"How do you know? She told you?"
"No, but, damn, it's very obvious"
"I'll do it when she's sober, not now"
When Steve had had enough he asked Bucky to show you up to your room. He didn't like that you were in that state, plus everyone already knew what underwear you were wearing. So Bucky scooped you up and carried you to your room.
"Here" Bucky handed you a glass of water, sitting on the bed with you.
"No, I don't want water" you crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head. Bucky thought you looked so cute with your hair tousled and pouting.
"Come on doll, you have to hydrate yourself a bit. Or tomorrow you won't be able to bear the headache" he ran his hands through your hair gently combing your hair.
"I don't like headaches" you replied.
"That's why you have to drink water, here" you drank the entire glass of water in a few seconds. "Another!" you smashed the glass on the floor imitating Thor.
"Y/N, what the hell, doll" when bucky was going to get up from your bed to pick up the mess you made you grabbed his tie and gave him a disastrous kiss. Your lips tasted like vodka and even though you left saliva all over his face, he loved the kiss. It was the most tender kiss someone had ever given to him, but he knew it wasn't right for him to let you kiss him.
"Enough doll, you are very drunk"
"I love you, Buck" was what you replied.
"I love you too, you don't know how much. But surely you won't remember any of this tomorrow" Bucky smiled at you and started picking up the broken glass from the floor. When he finished he saw that you had fallen asleep. He knew you wouldn't remember anything in the morning but he would let you know. He couldn't wait any longer. He loved you and he had to tell you. Bucky took a blanket and wrapped you. He left your room and went to his.
The next day you woke up with a slight headache, you remembered what you had done last night, you kissed Bucky and he told you that he loved you and you couldn't help but smile. You knew that his jealousy game wouldn't last long and when you decided to apply the law of ice to him, you didn't expect to have results that fast. You smiled and closed your eyes again. Bucky loved you.
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A family reunited
Summary: Shelby family dinners always bring some drama with them...but none of the brothers expected their sister, Y/N, to join them. After all, she had been missing for 5 years.
Word Count: 3147
A/N: First time writing a fic with a word count over 3000, baby!!! All of the brothers are actually in this but, let’s be honest, Tommy always gets more attention in my writing than anyone else. Let me know what you think of this one, and enjoy!
Part 2
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Sometimes you can be better off not knowing the truth. Because the knowing the truth can make your worst nightmares an inescapable reality. A reality that can bring everything crashing down around you.
And that's how the Shelby clan felt about knowing the fate of their sister, Y/N.
Y/N Shelby was 23 when the war began, one year Tommy's junior. Before her brothers left for France, she left them with the promise of having their Mother's favourite sponge cake waiting on the table for them when they got back. She would have to save her money and actually figure out how to make it, but Y/N swore that she'd do it (somehow, even if it did turn out to be an atrocity).
But when the boys stepped through the door of the Shelby residence again in 1918, there was no cake waiting for them. It had been four years, they reasoned, maybe she'd forgotten. Even that didn't seem to sit right with the brothers, however - Y/N always kept her promises, no matter when they were made.  
It was like a dark cloud was looming over the house, but none of them could see what had caused it. Something wasn't right at number 6 Watery Lane.
After embracing Polly and Ada, who had tears flowing down their faces at the mere sight of them, Tommy immediately asked where Y/N was. Their silence had told him everything. Not waiting for an explanation, Tommy stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.  
It was no secret that Y/N and Tommy shared a close bond; they always had each other's backs and always made time for each other. Despite there only being one year between them, Tommy was especially protective over Y/N, as he didn't want anything to happen that might risk her leaving him alone. He couldn't cope without her, for Y/N was both his rock and his light, even though she carried her own darkness with her.
It was dusk when Tommy finally returned, wanting answers. Polly simply presented him with the letter that had been left for herself and Ada on the night that Y/N vanished, for that was all she knew. It said that she had to go away for a while, to not tell Tommy, John or Arthur as she didn't want to worry them, and that she'd be back home as soon as she could. The letter was dated back to 1916. Two years ago. And no one had heard anything from her since.
Tommy refused to look up at his family after reading the letter over and over again, not wanting them to see the tears that glazed his cold blue eyes. He grabbed his bag (effectively hiding the shaking that had taken over his hands) and mumbled something about going to unpack, before retreating straight up to his bedroom, actively avoiding the pitiful looks being sent his way.
The only other time the family saw Tommy that night was when he walked through the parlour and back out of the front door again. They assumed that he was going down to Charlie's yard, where Y/N and Tommy always went together to talk. It was their special place, for they both possessed a deep-rooted love for horses and always found themselves wandering back to their Gypsy roots. When they were both younger, the siblings would be out for days on end riding in the open air. What a distant memory that was now.
According to their uncle, Tommy didn't leave the yard until the sun was fully risen the next morning.
Y/N Shelby had been well known to the Birmingham Police from a young age: she had a, quite frankly, remarkable ability to escape the officers no matter how tight of a spot she had managed to get herself into. She was a listener, and had an impressive memory for information that could be of use at some point in the future. Her brain, in combination with her physical abilities to slip away from or outrun trouble, made her an absolute nightmare for the coppers of Small Heath.
She built up such an impressive reputation that, during the war, she had been asked to put her talents to good use. Y/N was recruited as a spy by British Intelligence, and went undercover in Germany to retrieve vital information which ultimately helped the Allies to win the war.  
It was an opportunity that she would never have been able to resist. Her brothers had always treated her as an equal when it came to the family business (although Tommy was sometimes unwilling for her to take part in certain activities); it had annoyed her immensely when they went away to fight and she couldn't do anything to help.  
(She had tried to become a nurse with Ada, but was also kicked out because she couldn't stop laughing when her sister had started laughing).  
But this was her way around it and, as far as she was aware at the time, her brothers would never have to know about her dangerous escapades.
However, not even Y/N Shelby was the perfect criminal or spy. In the March of 1918, she had been on the verge of completing her latest mission when the plan had gone awry. Instead of using her limited time to escape, she had ensured that the information she had gained was communicated properly to her associate. This decision left her with an open police case in Germany, and Y/N was forced to go into hiding.  
As that fact hit her, only one word came to mind: shit.
For a year after returning home Tommy searched for Y/N, and turned up nothing. She seemed to have disappeared without a trace. His desperation fuelled his ambition: Tommy wanted to make it big, not just for money but for status and connections. This, he hoped, would provide the opportunities to dig deeper and give him access to speak to the right people, so that he could find out where his younger sister was.  
Because despite the slight shadows that lurked in the back of his mind, he clutched onto his conviction that Y/N was still alive somewhere. He didn't believe in much these days, but he would always believe in his sister.
But in 1920, even Tommy was starting to have his doubts, though he refused to admit them or accept them. His search was beginning to become futile and none of his fucking contacts had been able to turn up everything.  
And so Tommy began to spiral further and further downwards, for Y/N wasn't there to stop it and he didn't have the strength to do it alone.
By the time 1921 had rolled around, the family had pretty much given up all hope that their sister was still alive. However, none of them wanted to be told that harsh truth. What they didn't realise, though, was that it couldn't be further from the truth.
Polly Gray wasn't a woman to be easily shocked. She had seen and done too much in her time for that.
Having been settled in her new house (courtesy of Thomas) for a few weeks now, she knew exactly who had her new address – she had only given it to the people that she actually wanted to hear from and knew that they weren't a threat. So, when she didn't immediately recognise the writing on the front of an envelope, worry took over her. However, upon closer inspection of the handwriting, she stopped. Polly knew that writing, but she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She ripped the envelope open, and what was contained in that letter shocked her more than anything that had happened over the last three years:
DO NOT SHOW THIS LETTER TO ANYONE OR TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT IT CONTAINS. It's not sensitive or anything, I just want to keep it a surprise. A secret between us girls, just like the old days (I've written to Ada as well).
As you can probably tell, it's Y/N, and I'm alive and well. I'll explain more when I get home - I'm on my way back to Birmingham now.
By the time you get this, I'll be arriving in two days' time. I'll come to the address that I posted this to, I know that's your fancy new home. Then, how about we organise a little family get together? You know I've always been one for the dramatics (although I promise me disappearing off for 5 years wasn't completely intentional).
I can't wait to see you again soon; I've missed you all so much.
All my love,
Y/N Shelby xxx
(P.S. in case you don't believe that I am who I say I am, I've enclosed my Mother's necklace that Tommy gave to me on my 16th birthday, to prove my identity.)
And there the necklace was, sat at the bottom of the envelope. Silent tears began to roll down Polly's face and a smile, as big as the day that Michael returned to her, brightened her features.
Y/N Shelby was coming home. And, boy, were those two going to have some fun telling her brothers...
The day that the 30-year-old turned up on Polly's doorstep was a blur of tears, hugs and gin.  
Y/N had been introduced to Michael, who they couldn't really avoid because he lived there, but who was more than happy to keep their secret. Just being with Polly again made her realise that she was finally home.  
Whilst Y/N already knew a lot about what had happened since she left, having kept tabs on the family through her various contacts while she was away, the next day Polly helped to fill in some of the gaps in her knowledge. Polly also told her about how torn up Tommy still was about her absence, and it was enough to nearly send Y/N running straight to him. But then her aunt reasoned that it was probably better for Thomas to pass out in shock in her home, where they could set up lots of cushions as a crash pad, as oppose to on the hard streets of Birmingham.
And so the planning commenced. It was decided that Polly would host a dinner for the whole family, telling everyone that she needed to put her new house to good use, and that they could combine it with a proper welcome for Michael.
As the day drew nearer, Y/N could feel butterflies in her stomach constantly. Her excitement at seeing her whole family again was almost overwhelming. Yet she dreaded having to tell them all the truth about her prolonged disappearance.  
But, honestly, the excitement won over her nerves every time.
When Y/N heard her brothers' voices booming through the house, she had never been more grateful that she was running late in getting ready (as usual) and didn't have her makeup on yet. She hadn't been able to stop the tears falling from her blue eyes as the familiar sounds of her family's squabbling travelled up the stairs like music to her ears.
Everything was ready for the night that she had dreamed of for nearly three full years.
Fuck, I'm still in my pyjamas, Y/N realised, and hurried about getting ready.
Having memorised where the creaky steps were earlier that day, Y/N creeped down the stairs silently, clad in the most gorgeous midnight blue dress that she had ever seen. When she looked in the mirror, with her makeup on and hair done, she had realised how much she had grown up since she last saw her family.
But she had no time to think about that now, for it was nearly her moment.
Lingering in the doorway with a glass of champagne, and sending Polly a wink, she felt her heart rate shoot up as her aunt stood up with her own glass.
"Now, before we have dessert, I'd like to make a toast." She paused, looking around the table, her own happiness threatening to overflow. "To family."
"To family!" The brothers and Michael chorused.
Stepping into the light and leaning against the doorframe, completely unnoticed by her siblings, Y/N waited until the noise had died down before gently repeating the toast: "To family."
It felt like time had stood still.
Arthur, John and Finn's heads whipped around to see where the voice came from. Tommy had frozen completely, tensing up as he heard his sister's voice for the first time in seven years.
"Y/N/N?" Arthur whispered, not believing his eyes.
"Hello boys," Y/N said with a smile and a teasing glint in her eye. "Did you miss me?"
John stood up slowly and made his way towards her, and Y/N stretched her hand out towards him after putting her glass down. Her little brother tentatively placed his hand in hers, and she squeezed it, reassuring him that she was really there. She saw a couple of tears form in his eyes, though he refused to let them fall. John started to laugh, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted Y/N up, spinning her in circles and hugging her tightly. Still laughing, he exclaimed "Oh my fucking God!" and placed her down on the ground.
Y/N was next almost knocked flying with a hug from Finn, who buried his head into the crook of her neck as he cried silently. "Look at you, eh! Almost as big as me now, aren't you?" Y/N placed a soft kiss on the top of her youngest brother's head and rubbed his back soothingly. Over Finn's shoulder, she saw Arthur approaching her, seemingly lost for words. His hand cupped her cheek as he ran his thumb over it, before finally saying "Now what sort of time do you call this, young lady?" Y/N collapsed into giggles as Arthur placed a rough kiss to her forehead.
As Finn and Arthur pulled away, Y/N's eyes found the only brother who hadn't yet greeted her and who she was the most anxious to see. Tommy still hadn't moved, his eyes fixed firmly on the table in front of him, but Y/N could tell that they were cold.
There was silence. After what felt to Y/N like a lifetime, Tommy spoke quietly and slowly. "I don't want to look up and find that you're not really here. That this is all in my head. I don't think I could bear it." His voice cracked slightly as he uttered the last sentence and, for the first time since the war, the family saw their brother's vulnerability as clear as day. It was a stark contrast to the Tommy Shelby that they'd gotten so used to being around.
Y/N cautiously walked over to her beloved elder brother, as if he were a spooked horse, and lowered herself into the seat beside him. She observed his eyes flit over to her as the chair creaked, so quickly that if she had blinked at the wrong moment she would have missed it. She smiled gently at Tommy. "Well I'm afraid you're going to be stuck with me for a while now, Tom, so you'd better start getting used to having me around again."  
As Y/N gently placed her hand on top of his, Tommy's entire body relaxed and at the same time something ignited in him. He felt alive for the first time since the war, and yet so at peace at the same time.
Suddenly, Tommy grabbed her hand in his, pulled Y/N to her feet with him and brought her into a bone-crushing hug. A thousand emotions and lost words were communicated in that one embrace, in that one moment, even. Tommy clung to his sister like she would vanish again if he loosened his grip. It was only when she whispered "I'm here now, Tom" in his ear as he stroked her hair that he relinquished his hold on her.
Tommy pulled away only slightly from Y/N and held her face gently in his hands. "My sweet girl," he breathed, a small smile gracing his lips. Y/N brought her hand up to his and held it there, the sibling simply enjoying the moment of being together again, tear tracks staining both of their faces.
The silence was broken by Arthur, who gruffly announced: "I need another fucking drink." The whole family started to laugh, the reality of the event finally sinking in.
"Yeah, you pour us all another drink, Artie, while I go and get your pudding." Y/N skipped towards the door.
"Y/N/N we don't fucking care about pudding now, you dick, just get back here now," John shouted after her.
"Bloody hell, no need to shout, John boy, I'm only going round the corner." She leaned around the doorframe, making sure to keep one hand on it to reassure Tommy. "Anyway," Y/N continued, "I've got to give you three your coming home present!"
"Our coming home present?" Arthur chortled.
"Yes," Y/N replied, matter-of-factly. "I believed I promised you lot cake" and she entered holding a cake exactly like their Mother used to make.
The three eldest brothers simply smiled fondly at their sister, shaking their heads.
An hour later, the family were all crowded into Polly's living room, having consumed the entire dessert. The gramophone was gently playing music in the background, as no one had bothered to take the record off once Arthur and John had finished dancing with their sister (they had claimed that they needed their toes stepping on to bring them back to reality).
The Shelbys and Grays spent some rare time together as a family that evening. No fighting, no arguing, no business: just talking and reminiscing and laughing.  
But now the night was drawing to a close. Finn had fallen asleep, the overwhelming emotions of the evening having finally caught up to him. Arthur and John were drunkenly singing in the corner of the room, yet they occasionally looked over at their sister, wanting to check that she was still there. Tommy simply felt complete again. For once his silence did not come from an attempt to conceal his true emotions, there was no point in trying that again tonight; he was just cherishing the moment, wanting it to last forever.
As for Y/N herself, she couldn't remember ever feeling so content before. She felt like she was on cloud nine, curled up to Tommy's side as they sat on the sofa together, watching the flames dance around in the hearth. His arm was around her shoulders, holding her close to him, and every now and again Y/N felt him place a soft kiss on the top of her head.
She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do. But that could wait until the morning. For now, they were a family reunited, and none of them could wish for anything more.
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