#and he can't handle it. but i dont want to be an asshole and leave him alone during this time.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
the notes... the notes....
they start off so sweet. art almost thought it wasn't meant for him until the second one showed up. the first one showed up on his gym bag. he'd left it on the bleachers. inside is a full page of just saccharine praise and admiration and a rave review of him. i learned about tennis just for you. you're so beautiful out there, so beautiful period. i've never seen someone like you. it's like watching and angel. the praise fills him up so much that he can't notice the glaring concerns. i know you're gonna be one of the greatest. you won't forget me then, will you? i don't know if i could live if you did. it's just the start of his fan mail.
the notes seem to follow him. it's not just on his gym bag. it's under his door, on his car windshield, the seat he always sits in for this class, and in his locker in the locker room (that's when he starts to get a little concerned). he knows he should throw them away. that he should be creeped out and disgusted even but... he likes them. he finds himself excited instead of scared when he spots the familiar envelope. they comfort him.
he loses a match and goes to a party to blow off steam. when he returns to his car, there's a note and a bag from a nearby store. his favorite candy inside. you go on and on on the note about how he was wronged. you were so amazing out there. those people know nothing. that asshole will get what he deserves. don't be upset baby, mommy will make it all better. your still the best. still my favorite. he finds himself re-reading the notes when he's upset. it doesn't reach him that the guy he lost to had his tires and windows smashed.
he isn't sure how to handle it at first when your notes become lustful. you'd never hid your affection for him. i mean, the back of your letters were always covered in kiss marks. but then you mention how turned on watching him play makes you. can't resist it for long, have to get my fingers inside me soon enough. you just sound so good. when you groan or when you curse. are you like that in bed? how you just know you could make him feel good. feel better than any other girl could make him including that fucking bitch girl he's "dating" (because in reality, he's dating you). i would never let anyone else touch me. won't use anything other than my fingers because i want to save myself for you. i'm only yours even if your confused about being mine.
art knows they shouldn't turn him on but he can't help it. finds his cock getting hard while he reads them. it's even worse when you start sending him polaroids of your tits and cunt. you look so slick in the photos, some your just spreading yourself open for him and others your fingers are inside of you. art feels guilty when he jerks off to them but he always adds them to the little box where he saves everything you've sent him.
- ☕
i literally had a dream about this that's how insane i am about being arts little creep <33
he keeps them in a shoebox under his bed - if anyone found it he'd say hes 'collecting evidence' to turn you in but really its because they mean something to him. he reads them on days when he cant even leave his room he feels so shitty, the sweet notes that tell him how amazing he is. you dont know it, and its oddly touching, but you've gotten him through the worst of his self hatred - the days where he could fucking shrink in on himself and fade into nothing, and then he reads your notes and he remembers there's someone out there who thinks this highly of him. who sees him and likes him - it gets him out of bed. he finds himself hoping that if you're having a bad day - that seeing him out and about is enough to cheer you up.
Its like this weird kind of bond that form even though he doesn't fucking know you. you become codependent anyway. he finds himself wondering about you more and more, in lectures, he'll idly glance around the room and wonder if any of the people his eyes bounce over could be you - he wonders if there's something about you that would give you away if he really really studied each and every person around him.
one day his eyes do land on you - you're taking notes because to stalk art you have to actually stay in college which means you do have to learn and study, unfortunately - and you feel his eyes on the side of your face, and you burn up inside. your palm starts sweating and you're half panicked half excited, is he gleaning anything? what is he thinking when he looks at you? you want to know so fucking badly. but you dont look up - sure that if you did you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from communicating everything with your gaze. and its not time.
what art is thinking is - you're cute. he hasn't really noticed you before, but he thinks you have a cute nose. he notes a birthmark next to your mouth. he thinks the glitter pen you're writing with is endearing. but you dont look up at him, so you're not his girl (his girl, when had he started thinking that?) - and he looks away, the small moment fades from his mind by the end of the lecture.
and when you start sending him pictures - he can't help it. there's been a worry, of course, that his stalker could very well be some greasy man or someone completely grotesque - but, god. the gleam of your cunt - the way your pretty fingers hold yourself open - he can see your little clit -
the note makes him groan i can't hold back anymore. i want you to see what you do to me - its not enough just to tell you. you make me so wet. i dont even have to warm up for it just thinking about you is enough to get me messy enough that my fingers just slide in. just my fingers though, i promise. i want my hymen to be broken on your cock - i want you to be my first. i belong to you.
beats his dick raw to the picture you send him over the weeks and eventually it gets to the point where he's wondering if he can take this - he feels insane - really insane - he thinks about writing you back. about putting a note of his own in the places you always leave one for him, so that when you go to put it there - you'll see his.
he thinks better of it. talks himself out of it. jerking off to pictures of your pussy you willingly send is one thing - actively engaging with you is a whole other ballpark. unless it was to tell you to leave him alone, there's absolutely no reason to. he'd be telling you its okay - he'd be enabling this obviously concerning behavior. he wont do it.
its just. you said you'd do anything for him. anything at all. would you send him a video, if he asked? would you show him more of you? he's been thinking about what your fingers would look like pumping in and out - the sounds of your pussy - if you said his name - would you get into degrading positions for him? how far would you go while still concealing your identity?
he doesn't need to know. it'd be fucking deranged to push you.
but you said you'd do anything. he's your prince, isn't he? if he wants to see more you'd have to listen. you'd have to.
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fennecfiree · 3 months
Why do I see so many people hating on chubby Kyle and saying it doesn’t make any sense? They say, “He's fatphobic! He makes fun of Cartman for being fat! He can't be chubby!” But then they go on and headcanon Stan as being chubby, even though there's more proof of Kyle being chubbier when he's a kid than Stan. (I'm aware post-COVID Stan is chubby, but I'm talking about the kids.)
The same people who tell me my headcanon makes zero sense and that I “made it out of nowhere” (which I didn't—even if I did, why does that matter?) say chubby Stan is so canon, and it makes sense. When your excuse is “Kyle makes fun of Cartman for being fat!”—uhm, Stan does too? What the hell. Can you just let me headcanon something without trying to find something wrong with it? If you don’t like my headcanon, leave me alone. It’s my comfort headcanon. It makes me happy.
“Kyle's probably really buff, though, because he plays basketball.” Stan plays baseball? But you use all this stuff to prove me wrong. Let people have fun. And yes, I do have proof for Kyle being chubby. If you can’t let me have fun with a headcanon, leave me alone and block me. Here’s my PERSONAL proof for MYSELF (you dont have to agree, this is shit that makes it more real to me), so you all can stop saying I made it up from nothing.
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And no, i dont headcanon Kyle as taller, then that would mean his height would be why he weighs almost as much as Kyle. I hc him as short.
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Btw, this isn't hate for the chubby Stan headcanon. I would feel the same way if someone was being an asshole to people for headcanoning that. I'm just pissed about this. Just let people have fun. wtf. i only hate a hc if it's stereotyping, just weird, or some shit like that.
i just think ppl should stop attacking ppl for harmless headcanons in general.
I am aware that being weak and non-athletic is a stereotype, but I don't portray him like that in my AU. I don't make him weak or unable to defend himself. I understand he's strong, but I just don't make him the strongest in the class. I feel like he's the third strongest. He's not weak at all, and he is athletic. I headcanon him as a jock.
"Well, then how is he chubby?" Chubby people can be strong and athletic. I don't have any negative intentions behind this.
I like adding my personal insecurities onto characters.
There's actual evidence to support this headcanon.
If you don't like it, just leave me alone and block me. It's my comfort hc, and I'm really attached to it. Don't harass me for a headcanon.
Also, why do people think that when I say 'twink Kyle,' I mean the regular Canon Kyle? What the fuck… I'm referring to him being sexualized and people making him into A TWINK. LMAO and making him not able to defend himself.
I swear to God, if you don't like it, leave me alone. Don't harass me over a fucking headcanon. That's really weird. I'm 13, just go away. I'm seriously considering leaving Tumblr because you guys can't handle a fucking headcanon. i don't want to be in fucking drama OVER MY HEADCANON.
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isha-4b2 · 1 year
Do you remember?
Movie: the maze runner
Couple: reader x newt
Warning: smut, fluff ig, unprotected sex, anoying minho.
*it about newt wants to know about you and him before the maze and he gets to know on a very very fun way. ( this is my first time writing yk smut so sorry if it sucked)
You were working in the gardens with your lovely boyfriend newt today. Honest... he looked hot .. just so hot. Not forget to mention it was like 1000 degrees so him being shirt-less wasn't helping very much. Your were so caught up in your own tought that you didn't realise you were staring.
N: enjoying the view love
He said with a wink..
When you shot out your daydream you felt your cheeks burning and turning bright red.
N: aw no need to getting flusterd love.
Y/n: ohh shut up asshole
N: what did i do wrong?? You were the one staring
Y/n: well stop being so goddamn handsome and i will stop staring!
You said with a sight smile..
You saw newt turning pink and you were about to tease him for it but you were cut off by a anoying, sassy rather i say teasing minho.
M: ohhh get a room you two
Y/n: shut up minho
M: someone is in a bad mood. Newt i let you handle your lovely girlfriend. Y/n always a pleasure to see you.. newt my man get it!!
He said sending newt a wink. And with that he walked away.
The moment minho walked away i stepped closer to y/n. "Gosh isn’t she the most cutest thing you ever saw" i said to myself. She was just getting back to her work but i just couldn’t look away. The way she makes a difficult face when she can't get the tomato out of the ground it just so adorable. I zoned out and was lost in my own thoughts i couldn’t help but wonder if we were something before the maze. I never thought about it i mean we felt the conection the moment she came up. We were one of the gladers that were the longest here along with alby. I knew she was different but did we had something before?.. i didn't knew. I really wanted to know tho so i maybe i should ask thomas, we grew lose and i knew he was having visions of the time before the maze.
N: y/n, love do you know were thomas is?
Y/n: i dont know maybe in the maze suckface you made him a runner.
You said laughing at him for forgetting.
N: oh yeah right.
He said laughing with you.
Y/n: why tho.. it there something bothering you??
What am i going to say should i tell her?? What if she things im doubting our relationship.. would she leave me..
N: nope im perfectly...
I was about to finish my sentence when a saw thomas and ben running out of the maze.
(Pretend like ben wasn't stung..)
Y/n: newt you were saying...??
She ask with a questioning tone.
N: nothing thomas is back im gonna talk with him i finished my work so just scream when your done.
With that i walked over to thomas and i saw that y/n was looking at me with a weird look. I brushed it off. and approached thomas.
T: newtt whats up..
N: hey thomas i just kinda have a question.
T: well shoot it.
N: its about the visions you get.. how do you like get them...
T: well usually its a dream... well nightmare i guess. But i think its about being in the moment..
N: oh well thank you.
T: why do you ask is there something??
N: i just wanna know things about me and y/n before the maze you know.
T: ahhh i get it i wanted it with theresa it worked when we you know got intimate.
N: when did you get bloody intimate!! how did you find time!! were did you-. You know what i dont what to know please don't give me details.
T: hahaha but i do know my story with theresa now.
N: thanks thomas i will try it
T: hmm well good luck get it ;)
With that i walked back to y/n and lucky for me she was done.
The moment newt left i felt something was bothering him. A couple minutes later i was done and saw newt laughing with thomas. What am i lucky to have him. I wanted to go to him but i saw he was already walking over to me. When he was finally here ( his damn limp ) he went for it just like that.
N: y/n i want to have sex with you..
I was damn shocked i mean 4 monthes of a relationship but it wasn't going more than heated make-out sesions. When he realised what he said he turned red no scratch that he turned deep red for shame.
Y/n: newt don't be ashamed its normal don't worry.
I saw him relief a sigh.
Y/n: but so suddendly you were in need to find thomas and then this....
N: i uhmm i just wanted to know about our past before this before the maze...
Y/n: why didn't you tell you know i would've understood.
N: i know i just overthink...
(Tw spicy)
You knew newt had a problem with that it were personal traumas. You saw his face turned to the ground so you grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you. And with that you kissed him loveing and sweet, slow and passionate.    
You felt his tongue beg for entrance but you remembered you were in public and everyone could see you.
"Newt they can see us" you said rather moaning. He didn't care he took his chance to stick him tongue in your mouth when you talked. He grabbed your waist and picked you up. He took you took his hut and wrapped you legs around his middle.  You moaned at the feeling of his now his hard member.
"Love that sound you make love" he said with a groan.
At this moment you just wanted him to take you right there and then. You grabbed his shirt in order to take it off. He let you undress him while he was undressing you (i dont know if that posibble just imagine). When you were both naked he looked at you.
"Are you 100% sure love cause i might think i can't stop if you dont stop me here."
You let out a chuckle and say "i never was so sure about something."
And with that he enterd you with a moan from you and a groan from him he let you adjust to him. You really needed him to move
" newt please move" you say as you couldn’t take it.
And that was his sign he pushed himself in and out you at a steady pace. " bloody hell woman you feel so good" he said. You never felt so good.
I was so happy she felt so good i got want i wanted. I felt her become tight around me so i knew she was there. I trust and i felt it to. My trust became sloppy and our noises fill the room. I was so desperate and i closed my eyes. But i didn't expect to see what i saw. We were in a lab... i saw y/n she was looking at me. I took her with me i saw walls im telling her something.
N: please remeber me im next to go i will not see but i will wait y/n i love you so much and then i kissed her.        
And went back to reality. I saw the position we were in and y/n her closed eyes. She said my name and i feel her loseing up. And ride our highs out. I walked over to to my hammock and layd us down and wrapped my arm around her. We were catching our breathes when she askes me "did you saw it to?" She ask a litte out of breath. I did love, i did... we loved.. well i loved you before this all." I said because i didn't heard her say it back.
"Newt i loved you to im so happy i remebered we loved eachother before and we always will."
" i promise as long as i will live"
and with that said you both fell a sleep in eachother arms.
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glassofspoiledmilk · 11 months
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Going gold | Yuri P.
Chapter 6 | Victor and the Airport
After we got our nails done, I thought about what Mila said. She made the point of how I would only get this upset if I wanted him to like me. I don't think I like him? I guess I overreacted a little. I think I'm going to give Victor a call and see what he thinks later, but first I think I should apologize to Yuri for being an ass towards him yesterday.
I walked out of my room and took a deep breath as I knocked on his door. I looked down at the ground as I heard him tug on the handle.
"Im really sorry for being an asshole yesterday, I was in a really bad mood." I said looking up from the ground.
"It's fine, I get it" he said giving me a slight smile.
"So, we cool now?" I say hopefully.
"Yeah I guess" he replies.
"Good" I say, walking back to my room. I wish Victor were still here, but he's out in Japan with his "friend" Yuuri. I really miss him. He would always help me when I didn't understand something, and I really need his guidance right now. I sat down in my bed and pulled my phone from my pocket. I tapped on victors contact and held my phone up to my ear as it rung.
"Hello?" Victor said
"Hi Victor it's Y/N, I need your advice on something" I asked him.
"What up?" He replied
"Yesterday, Yuri invited me to watch a movie with him, I thought it was because he actually liked me and wanted to hang out, but turns out he only did it because Lilia told him too. I got really upset, and I can't figure out why" I said.
"Can you describe how you felt?" Victor added.
"It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach... I felt betrayed?" I replied.
Victor slightly laughed and said "Y/N, Im not going to tell you what I think because it's better for you to figure it out yourself. Think about Yurio and think about that heart drop feeling. When have you felt that before?".
I thought about it for a minute, and got nothing.
"Hey it's getting late here so I'm gonna go to bed alright?" Victor added
"Goodnight Victor"
"Goodnight Y/N"
Victor hung up and I couldn't help but feel like I was still in the same spot I was before.
After a long while of staring at my ceiling I decided that I was going to get no where. I rolled over and checked my phone again. It was 9:30. Time flies when your contemplating your life decisions.
I turned onto my side and shorty after I quickly fell asleep.
~ the day we leave for Paris ~
I woke up to the sound of Yuri pounding on my door.
"Oh my god Yuri it's like 3 in the fucking morning our flight isn't until 7" I replied rubbing my eyes.
I had completely forgotten today was the day we left for Paris. I got up and loudly yawed. My room was a complete mess, there were clothes thrown everywhere and my suitcase was only half packed. Before heading downstairs to eat breakfast I fixed my issue with the suitcase and cleaned up a little. When I got down stairs I made myself a bagel and quickly ate it because I knew damn well if I took any longer Yuri would be on my ass. I took a shower and put on a comfy pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt for the plane.  After I was done getting ready, I loaded my luggage into Lilias car and then waited on the couch until we left. Yuri was sitting across from me watching something on his phone and he was smiling.
"Watcha looking at Yuri?" I said getting up to look over his phone.
"Mind your business!" he stuttered, quickly turning his phone out of my view.
"Jeez calm down, we're you looking at a girl you like?" I said jokingly.
"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't" he said turning so the back of his phone faced me.
I felt my heart sink a little.
I frowned and silently moved away from him, retreating back to my original spot on the couch.
"Yuri, Y/N, let's go" Lilia said as she stood at the entrance of the living room.
Me and Yuri both stood up and followed her out to the car. When I stepped outside I felt the cold air engulf me. I quickly ran into lilias car and strapped on the seatbelt and turned on the heater from the back seat. Everyone got into the car shortly after, and then we were on our way to the airport. I put on my headphone and listened to some music to help pass the time, and before I knew it we had arrived. Yakov dropped us off at the airport entrance so he could go park. Lilia walked me and Yuri into the airport and over to TSA. The line was long and I was so tired I could barely stand. While we were waiting I sat down on my suitcase and went onto my phone. I checked my Instagram and saw that Yuri had viewed a few of my posts, including the shared post I had made with Mila yesterday. After a long while of waiting we finally made it through TSA with no problems. Lilia pulled me and Yuri off the the side so she could call yakov and see where he was. Apparently he was already at our gate so we headed over there. Lilia lead us around the airport for about 10 minutes before we finally made it to our destination. She got a little lost, but in the end we made it.
"Y/N , Yuri could you go get me some coffee please" Lilia asked.
"Uh sure..what kind?" I asked.
"Medium black coffee" she replied.
I grabbed my phone and started walking towards the nearest Starbucks. Yuri followed just behind me. When we got to the shop I walked up to the counter but before I could talk Yuri interrupted me.
"Can I get a grande black coffee?" He asked the cashier before turning to me and asking for my order.
"Um can i get a tall latte" I asked the cashier. He hit a few buttons and then Yuri ordered what he wanted. While he was ordering I started to pull out my wallet to pay but he stopped me.
"Cmon Yuri you don't have to pay I got it" I insisted.
"No I got it" he said handing the worker some cash.
"Cmon Yuri now I'm gonna owe you double from that one time at 7/11. Just let me pay!" I pleaded.
"You don't have to pay me back it's fine" he adds.
He then pulled me over to the side to wait for our order. I couldn't help but take slight glances at him. He looked so...sweet? I don't know how to describe it. I felt my face heat up a little bit, but thought nothing of it.
When our order came Yuri handed me my drink and took the rest. On the walk back to our gate I opened up Instagram and viewed Yuris page. Most of the pictures he had up were him at competitions, and his cats. As I was scrolling I accidentally liked one of his posts.
You would've thought I was the god damn flash with how quick I scrolled out of his profile.
A moment later i saw him pick up his phone, give a puzzled look, and look back at me.
"Why'd you like a post of me from last years Grand Prix?" He asked as we approached the gate.
"Uh no i didnt" i lied.
"Your an awful lier" He replied, continuing to walk.
Yuri gave Lilia her coffee as I sat down next to Yakov. Shortly, Yuri came back over and sat to my right. There was about an hour before our flight, so I decided to take a short nap.
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hepaidattention · 2 years
the scene where JJ calls Kie a Kook, regret washing over his face instantly, says so so much.
JJ is saying all of this because he doesn't want Kie to love him. He's trying to convince her they won't work, and no matter how much he throws stuff at her she just turns it back with "I care" and "I'll help." Basically, hes saying "I suck I suck I dont deserve you no one should ever love me" and Kie is just saying, "I love you I love I love you" and he can't take it. 
Then JJ pushes so much that he ends up saying something he doesn't really mean to push her away, and he ends up hurting her. I think that's why he ended up running away. 
He thinks he's destined to hurt her, because he thinks how his whole life his father hurt the people he loved, and everyone in OBX tells him he's destined to be just like his father. 
So he's pushing her away to protect her, but by trying to convince her they're not right for each other, he hurts her, and he can see the hurt he caused. He hates himself because he can't handle the idea that he hurt her in any shape or form. He thinks of his father, and how he used to say shit he didn't mean to him when he was mad, the shit he would say to his mom. 
He saw himself being his father and he couldn't do it anymore. 
So, just like he always does, he takes himself out of the equation. If she stays he might just keep hurting her and he can't do that, and no matter what he says she won't leave, so he leaves. 
And when he goes to the dock to have his little anger fit, kicking a few buckets before breaking down, I think he's beating himself up because despite his best efforts he still manages to hurt the people around him, just like his father. 
And becoming his father is a self-fulfiled prophecy mainly put on him by OBX itself, one that he has deep down started to believe. 
But JJ finally got away from that mindset on the island. No one telling him he was useless, no more poverty to force him to steal, no more house of beaten memories. JJ could be his whole self, he could be who he wanted to be. 
But the moment he comes home he's faced with every mistake his father has ever made thrown in his face, and he's reminded again that as long as he's home, he is seen as absolutely no one else but his shitty father (Mike and his old boss to verbally tell him this themselves). 
So, he can't understand why Kie doesn't see that, because everyone sees that, even John B has said it before, even JJ believes it.
But Kie just sees JJ for JJ.
The more she pushes, it breaks down his walls because she's not just saying "I care" and "I love you" she saying that she sees JJ for JJ, not his past, not his asshole of a father, but for the guy she knew on the island and the guy she's known since they were kids, and she loves him. 
and that's scares him, because he doesn't even know who that JJ really is. but the most beautiful thing about them is Kie helps him see who he is, really, because she believes in him enough to actually start believing in himself. 
and then she confesses her real feelings for him and if you notice, he decides to be soft and gentle with her. She's saying she loves him and she shouldn't be saying that because there's nothing to love but god did he want to say it back, and so many different responses run through his mind, all of which are self destructive.
Then he remembers how his dad would have handled this and he shakes his head and gently looks her in the eyes says that they won't work. He won't be his dad. He wont intentionally hurt her again just to push her away. He's done it twice now he refuses to become in father, he won't.
Every response possible runs through his head but no matter what he says, he knows he's hurting her. But he'll tell the truth, his truth, to minimize the pain. She'll move past it, its for her own good, and he'll do anything to make it as painless as possible.
Little did he realize that rather than being an ass and denying his feelings, rather than telling her that she'll get over it, rather than telling her she needed to stop loving him, all options he considered... His way of gently just saying the truth in his mind, telling her they would never work despite what both of them wanged, was also telling her he loved her back.
He didn't deny his feelings, all he denied was the possibility of both of them being able to actually be in love and happy for once. This let Kie hold on hope, this let her know he was just scared, and this met her confess her feelings again to him. She wasn't expecting a reply, but she knew he loved her back now.
JJ saving Kie from Kitty Hawk and apologizing and confessing his love was all actions he took that were something his father would never do.
Because John B said, "I think we've all done some things thag we regret" and JJ felt it in his soul. He felt the regret as heavy as a ton of bricks, the feeling weighing him down and making him want to do anything to not feel like this. Not to feel like his father.
So he didn't. He wouldn't live in regret anymore. Never again.
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marcusoseman99 · 6 months
songs of the isle pt.14
*Apollo starts walking toward the green light stepping through the trees*
Apollo: You can’t.
*Apollo goes into a full sprint after the words leave his mouth as he gets to the clearing he grows more hair all over his body and he starts to fill his baggy clothes (barely) and by the time he reaches the clearing he is more animal than human.
His face is cover with fur that is the same shade of red of his hair the only exceptions being his nose bridge and mouth however his forearms are completely cover in fur with no skin visible.
His fingernails are replaced with claws and the same happens to his toenails as his boots finally give out falling off his feet as he sprints pass the green flames in the clearing, Stefán sees Apollo as he falls out of the sky closing in on Apollo. *
Apollo: A little closer just a little bit more.
*As Stefán gets above Apollo he shots out a green liquid fire but Apollo stopped running as Stefán fired narrowly avoiding the deadly blast, Apollo runs around the fire until he drops to his knees while Stefán circles back around to see where his adversary went, Apollo hits the ground three times then says*
Apollo: Hades I give prays.
*Apollo runs into the opening and as he does it closes behind him Stefán turns around and roars angrily breathing out his green fire into the sky, Apollo slowly reverts into his human form as he walks over to his weapons and Armor.
Apollo puts on a black greek cuirass thats barely holding itself together then he ties his dirty and knotted hair back with a louse bobble. Apollo starts picking up three spears, his shield and his xiphos then he heads for the exit to face Stefán with his full might till Reegan steps in front of him*
Reegan: You need Vicks help.
Apollo: Didn’t ask.
Reegan: We both know that the only way he has gotten close to you this much is through some tracking spell. You need someone like that on your side.  
Apollo: Thats obvious but I can handle this i dont want him to get involed, i dont want anyone getting hurt.  
Reegan: YOU ARE GOING TO DIE DOING THIS.... and i can't help you. He wants to help and he can help so let him.
Apollo: I am expendble..... He isnt.
Reegan: You stupid asshole.
*Apollo walks passed Reegan back into the clearing where Stefán is still patrolling for him as Apollo walks into the middle of the clearing Stefán roars and breaths more flames all around their battlefield.
Apollo stabs two of his three spears into the scorched mud under him then he readies to fight with the spear he kept in his hand Stefán acknowledging Apollo starts to fly directly toward the young man that still holds his ground.
Vick walks to the tree line reluctantly seeing Apollos game of supernatural chicken begin Apollo lowers his stance as Stefán flies toward him like a whirl wind of death.
As Stefán opens his jaws and his green flames start to form Apollo throws his first spear into his mouth Stefán crashes into the ground, Apollo tries to run out of the way but is clipped by his tail launching him into the burned ground.
Apollo stands up to see Stefán cough and wheeze as green flaming liquid pouring out of the sides of his mouth, as Stefán turns his head toward Apollo sees the inside of Stefan’s mouth which is covered in cuts and pieces of wood logged into his mouth.
Stefán roars in agony and runs at Apollo, Apollo takes a deep breath and draws his xiphos and locks his feet into the ground as he lowers his stance ready for whatever happens next*
Apollo: Reegan was right again.
*As Stefán is closing in, Apollo readies his weapon and starts taking deep breaths in and out but before Stefán can reach him all four of his legs break and Stefán slides over to Apollo. Apollo looks around only seeing Vick with a candle in his hand with his eyes close chanting to himself.
Apollo laughs and falls to his knees where Stefán has return to dwarf form*
Apollo: Are you going to stop and give up what you took.
Stefán: *coughing* Never it was me and my family who earned this
*coughing Stefan holds up a gold coin thats coverd in his blood*
Stefan: But they were afraid.... so i made the hard choice.
Apollo: *whispering* fuck.... fine.
*Stefán opens his mouth but before he can speak Apollo sticks his xiphos into Stefan’s mouth the blade exiting through the base of his skull, Apollo pulls out the blade and stands up as Vick runs up to them, Vick looks at Apollo in shock and disbelief*
Vick: Why.... what the fuck.... he needed help,
Apollo: Some people don’t want to be saved...... Vick I tried.
Vick: Or was it just the easy option?
Apollo: Are you that naïve you think that was easy...... it’s just what I have to do to make sure that the fort is safe.
Vick: Maybe if you let me help then he would be alive and the fort colud be safe.
Apollo: Dont fucking start..... he was a person not a way for you to work with me
*Apollo grabs his waist then looks to his hand seeing blood pouring out of his wound from the Kappa battle*
Vick: I didn't mean- Apollo?
0 notes
spade-club · 9 months
Mental health update of sorts. Heavy stuff under readmore!!
Summary: still upset about getting cheated on forever ago but I'll be okay
Guess who's self harming again!! Its meeeee~
Read through some texts between my partner and one of the guys they cheated on me with. Most of it was in person (fun fact: they were roommates at the time!) So it wasnt much of it but it was still fucking uncomfortable!! I dont feel bad for reading it. I think they gave up their privacy when they did what they did tbh. But I know I shouldnt have done that because now its so easy to picture and to get the day-nightmare scenes set just right.
Me doing this was prompted by seeing him in passing at the store today. He was just shopping with his kid. As if he wasnt the gross pathetic asshole he was in those texts. And here my partner is shopping with ME, as if they werent the avoidant cheating asshole they were in those texts. All while I still dont know shit about what really happened between them!!
I have to remember that most of the time I do still love them a lot. Its just really hard to believe that they just,, got better. That they realized they were in love with me and they'll never do this again. It feels like a line. They still willingly disrespected the O N E rule I gave them. With MULTIPLE people. All while trying to convince me that I dont ACTUALLY want them to tell me if they are having sex with other people (real thing they did!! I was telling them the whole entire time "i might be okay with you sleeping with someone else but you need to tell me as soon as possible" and they kept telling me that they didnt believe I wouldnt be cool with that (which I would have been!! Duh! Or I wouldnt have said it!!) All while still actively PLANNING on NEVER telling me they were talking to two other people!! And slept with one of them!!)
I know things are better lately between us. But I cant help but think theres such a thin line here keeping me from getting hurt again. I'm afraid of trusting it, and I'm tired of having to consider it. Always having to think about it. Every time they go out, having to ask what they're doing and if I'm not sent a picture from wherever they are I panic.
The girls (which is to say the other parts of me that consider themselves my partner's girlfriends) can talk forever about how happy and safe they feel in this relationship. Genuinely, they could all go on and on and on! I know I'm sticking around here for good reason (and not just because I can't afford rent on my own!) I think its important to remember the good things and what this is all for. I wouldnt struggle this much here if I didnt love them. They make me coffee every day and open doors for me and we laugh and make music and share our little hobbies and interests together and we have such cute little patterns & routines. We're a family and we're here for eachother. We cry together all the time. They've comforted me though some wild shit. We host our little parties and get togethers as a team! We spend pretty much all of our time together (not just because I'm afraid of leaving them alone but also) because we really truly love being around eachother.
I just wish we didnt have such a rocky start that 7 months later I still can't get over it. It kills me every day that things didnt turn out just a little bit different. I would have liked going my whole life without having to have experienced how shittily they handled that. But its too late for that now!! Gotta just keep moving forward I guess! Relapsing into hurting myself over this situation is, realistically, just a slip up. These happen. I'm still recovering. I am still going to be okay. Things will be better again!! I was just triggered today but things will be better again!!
Gonna go to bed now maybe... yeah... its weed and homestuck time until the Z's drop or whateverr. Goodnight everypony!
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heeseung-min · 3 years
mafia yandere enhypen reaction someone hurt their s/o
Helo!! thank you for requesting😁 I hope you enjoy this
Mafia! Yandere Enhypen Reaction : when someone hurt their s/o
Warning: yandere au, kidnapping, murdering, abusing & harassing and more (pls do not read if you dont like this) and please like and leave some comment😁
"Hee-I I please hurry!! There are bunch of guys trying to break into our house please hurr- AHHH"
"Baby!! What happen?! Y/N!!"
Your words got cut when you felt someone pulled your hair. It's was your boyfriend's rival, Keith. The man smirked at your scared looking face then he took your phone and switched it to video call.
"Hello there Lee"
"Fucking let her go you asshole. Do not ever hurt her"
"Ohhh scary Lee, what if I do this?"
Keith pulled your hair again and caused you to yelp. Tears started to fall down and you tried to escape from the man's hold.
"Try me Heeseung"
Keith ended the call leaving Heeseung frustratedly screaming. He knew Keith will bring you to somewhere else. He gathered his men to search for your location. Watching you crying for help and got touched by another man made his blood boiled.
After few hours, he walked into an old factory to look for you. He only carried a gun and his men split up to few groups to fight Keith's men. Keith watched him with a smirked and standing beside a bed where he put you to sleep. Heeseung could see there were some bruises on your legs and hands.
"Stop there Lee. If you come close, your girl might getting hurt again. Put that gun down if you shoot me, your girl will not see you again."
"I like to see you try that."
Keith's face changed from smirked to confused. Before he could do anything, he got strangled from behind by one of Heeseung's men. Heeseung watched Keith trying to escape but it's hard since he got handled by four men. He walked to your unconscious body and he sighed when he saw a small wound at your lips, seems like you got slapped. He shut his eyes for a while and when he opened again, you could sense his aura has changed to a brutal one.
"Bring y/n to the doctor."
His tone caused shivers to some of his men. They knew Heeseung's patience has over the limit. You shouldn't mess up with the most powerful mafia. Especially, Lee Heeseung. He will do anything just to keep you safe.
"Oh come on, Keith. Where is your arrogant face just now? You can't fight with my men? I thought you are "the powerful mafia" but now you seems like "the weakest". "
Heeseung sassily said. He smiled but the smile is not a good one. It will be the last smile you see before you die.
Heeseung shot both of Keith's knees caused the man to fall and screamed loudly. The mafia rolled his eyes and walked closer. Before Keith could say something, his face got kicked and there were two of his teeth pulled out and blood dripping out from his mouth. Not only that, Heeseung also step on his neck many times until the man lost his live.
"You should listen when people said you should not mess with me"
It's dinner time and Jay as always prepare the food since he loves to cook for you. However, he noticed that you were acting odd. You tried to get far away from him and when he wanted to hug and kiss you would avoid it.
After done eating, you the first one stood up and went to the sink to wash the dishes (you dont trust dishwasher). You thought Jay would continue eating at the table but when you turned around, you let a loud gasp. Jay was behind you and you can't run anymore since he caged you in his arms.
"Wh-why Jay? Do you want anything?"
"Who did this to you babygirl?"
"What do you mean?"
"Who hurt your neck y/n?"
You can't speak. You were afraid to talk. Jay could see that. He cupped your cheeks and made you look at him.
"Babygirl, tell me. I can make it better"
His soft voice made you let out tears that has been begging to fall. You leaned your body to Jay and crying on his chest. Your boyfriend clenched his fists and hugged your body closer. After few minutes, he let you explain why you were acting odd.
"One of your men, I got harrased by him. He hold my neck and my wrist. He even threatened to kill me if I tell you. Jay, I'm scared"
Jay wiped your tears with his thumb and kissed on your cheeks to comfort you.
"No need to be scared, are you forgot who I am? He can't just live freely after touching what's mine."
That night, you slept soundly while Jay was watching you. He can't sleep when the man who touched his girl is still enjoying his life.
"Sir, do you call me?"
"Yes,Eric. Can you please bring me somewhere without telling other people?"
"Do you...have a problem?"
"Kind of"
Jay and Eric arrived at some hill. Eric parked before at the end of the cliff and watched his boss sitting outside the car and thinking of something.
"Eric, you have a wife and children right?"
"What will you do if someone disturb them"
"Well I will make sure they are hurt too like broken leg, paralyzed or die"
"I see, so why did you touch y/n then?"
"w-what.. i don't know what are you talking about?"
Jay scoffed and walked to the cliff while Eric following him from behind. When he reached there, he stopped immediately and fastly turned back and grip Eric then pushed him off. He just watched at how Eric pathetically screamed before fell at the ground.
"Trying to play bullshit this will what you get in return"
You and your fiance were eating at restaurant. Jake fed you even though you said you can do it by yourself but your fiance loves to spoil you. You guys were enjoying your date but after half an hour you started to feel sick.
"What happen sweet? You look pale"
"Jake, I- I want to throw up-"
You didn't get to finish your words and end up throwing up on the car seat. Your stomach hurts so bad and you crying so much.
"My stomach hurt, I can't handle it."
"Hold on, sweet. I will bring you to the doctor. Please, hold on for me"
When he arrived at the mansion, he carried you and brought you to the small hospital that has been built specially for Jake mafia family. You already unconscious when he gave you to the doctor. He waited for hours while praying to God to make sure you are good and alive because he can't lose you. You are his life. He loves you too much. He nearly wanted to cry but stopped when the doctor finally came out.
"What happen? Is y/n okay? She is good right?"
"Yes, she is in good condition now. Fortunately, you are not late. If not, she will die."
"What do you mean?"
"Your fiance got poisoned. We found arsenic in her but she's still good and we already cleaned inside of her body. Now, it's the best to let her rest."
Your fiance got poisoned
Your fiance got poisoned
Your fiance got poisoned
Jake couldn't stop thinking about that. Who the fuck being so brave to hurt you like that? He let out a big sigh and looking at you sleeping. He caressed your face and left some kisses on you. The fact that people dare to mess with him by using you made him really furious.
He asked his men to find the one who caused all of this. No, they can't just live happily when you got hurt.They should not mess with him from the start.
Jake walked into the room and looked at a woman who got tied up to a chair. The woman begging and crying to let her go. It's so pathetic to watch the scene. He laughed when the woman tried so hard to hold him.
"Jake, please let me go. I'm sorry for hurting y/n, i'm so sorry"
"Do you think that sorry could change anything, you pathetic bitch? I know you are obsessed with me but you are being too much, Liz"
Liz, former assistant at Jake's father company. She's known as her obsession with Jake and when there a news of Jake proposed to you came out, it made her wanted to kill you. Sigh, it's not like Jake are going to lover her if she did that. Stupid woman.
"I I love you so much, Jake. I could make you happier than y/n. She's whore!!! She had sex with many guys before you-"
A sound of gunshot could be heard and there was a hole at Liz's forehead. She died there instantly but Jake still not satisfied so he shot her many times until there is no bullet anymore.
"You forgot that I am obsessed with her too so I know her better than you"
"Hyung!!! Y/n noona got shot!!"
Sunghoon looked at Jungwon with wide eyes. The younger explained you got shot when both of them just went out from shopping mall.
"Where is she? Did you see who shot her?"
"No, since both of us were talking that time and seems like the person shot her from far distance and she's being treated now."
Sunghoon let out a big sigh trying to calm himself. This is why he doesn't let you out sometimes. He doesn't want this incident to happen. This morning, you begging him to let you go shopping with Jungwon being your company since you wanted to buy some potted plants.
"Hyung, what do we do now?"
"I'll find him"
Sunghoon knew who did it. He took his phone and saw a new message from someone.
How do you feel after getting my prize? Sad? Angry that your girl got shot? I told you to not mess with me Sunghoon.
Sunghoon hold your hand and kissed the knuckles. You were still unconscious so Sunghoon can only speak to himself.
"I'm sorry darling, I should protect you from danger. Oh god, please don't leave me. I can't live without you"
Jungwon watched his hyung with guilty feeling inside. He blamed himself too for not being alert with his surrounding. He apologized to Sunghoon many times but the man didn't blame him and instead told him to take care of y/n because he wanted to solve the problem.
"So, what do you think Sunghoon? Do you want to work with us or you want to see your girl die in front of you?"
"Are you capable on doing that? You can't even shoot me because you are coward. That's why you went to y/n instead. You only can shoot her because not many of bodyguard follow her. You are still weak to me, Choi"
"You fucker!!! You need to be grateful that your girl is still safe because if not I would kidnap her, let my boys play with her anf then kill her"
"Can you say that again"
"You are testing my patience. I will kill your-"
One punch on Choi's face at the right side.
"Sorry, can you say that again Choi?"
"you are shitty-"
Second punch on the left side.
"Can you please repeat? Your words seems unclear"
"Stop- "
A kick to his stomach and double kick on the neck.
"What Choi? Haha I still can't hear what are you trying to say"
A kick on the face and a shot to the legs. The situation repeated many times until Choi's face damaged really bad. You can't even recognize the face. Sunghoon scoffed and left.
"If you want to attack, attack me not my girl"
"I told you to not leave the bodyguards right? Now, look at you" Sunoo said as he put your body in a comfortable state. You might curious what happen. This morning, you decided to hike the mountain. Obviously with your bodyguards being your company but you were too excited and left them behind then somehow you fell and nearly broke your leg. Fortunately, you just sprained your ankle.
"I'm sorry. I'm just excited but I'm clearly sure that I watched all my steps. I don't know if it's my imagination or not but I felt someone was pushing me."
Sunoo stopped caressing your hair after you said that. He wanted to ask more but seeing you yawned few times made him just helping you to sleep.
He watched you slept like a log. You must be so tired. He was grateful that nothing serious happen to you but still he doesn't like when you hurts especially because of someone.
"I'm disappointed on how you guys work today. You supposed to make sure y/n is not hurt. You guys only had one job."
"We are sorry sir"
"Haa, this is tiring. Did any of you guys saw someone else at the mountain? Y/n told me that she felt someone pushing her and cause her to sprained her ankle."
The bodyguards tried to remember back on the scene while Sunoo just frustratedly patiently wait.
"I think I had saw a young couple?"
"Be sure of what you say if you don't wait bullet inside your brain"
"Yes !Yes! I'm sure I saw a young couple when we were catching up on miss y/n. They also seems nervous too when they saw us"
"Do you remember what they look like?"
"Not really but I know their clothes"
With his bodyguard's help, Sunoo sucessfully catched the couple and put them at the basement. At first, he hesitated to take them because it might be someone else who pushed you but when he wiretapped their phone, he heard their conversations with their friends and ooo it really made him furious.
"Did you know we meet with Sunoo girlfriend?"
"Sunoo?? The mafia??"
"Yeah, she seems ugly so we decided to prank her. We pushed her to the slope area."
"Bro, isn't that dangerous?? You really dare to do that to the mafia's girlfriend? What if he found you? You will be dead bro"
"Relax. It's not like there are someone else at there. She also didn't notice us because too focused on the nature."
"Please let us go. We didn't do anything wrong."
"You don't do anything? YOU HURT MY LOVE!!!"
The couple shocked at how furious Sunoo was.Not only they hurt you but they also had an audacity to call you ugly. The couple begging him to let them go but Sunoo didn't care about it and jusy giggled.
"Relax, it's not like you can escape from here. I leave you to my men because I don't want to touch shits like you"
Sunoo left the basement and let his men do whatever they want and obviously it's not a good thing.
"Stupid people should not live in this world"
"Riki, can you wait here for a minute? I want to go to toilet."
"Okay, noona. Don't be too long in there or I will come in"
"Gosh, this kid. I know what to do"
Riki laughed at y/n remarks and sit on the bench to wait for her. However, after 10 minutes y/n was still not out from the restroom. Hence, Riki felt nervous as he afraid something bad happen to you. He watched the surrounding as he walked closer to the female restroom to make sure there's no one suspicious. When he came inside, he called your name but didn't get any respond so he checked every single toilet just to know that you were not there.
"Jungwon hyung, noona has been kidnapped" Riki said as he looked at his hand that was holding your phone when he found it on the floor.
Everyone right now tried to track your location since Jungwon had put a device tracker in your watch. Some of them also tried to find you by looking at all cctv that has been put on every traffic light. Jungwon tried to calm down by other members help but seems like it's not working.
"Jungwon, let's calm down a bit. We don't want to make a move on a whim" Heeseung caressed the younger's back. They also worked hard just to find y/n.
After few hours, he got news about you and quickly went to the location. When he arrived, he saw you in unconscious state and barefoot. Seems like you must be escaping from something. There were also small wounds at your legs and hands. He hates so much to see you in this condition. Quickly, he ran to you and picked you up and tried to make you wake up but failed. Fortunately, you were still breathing.
Two days has been passed but you still didn't wake up. The doctor stated that you were too tired and your body still in shock so it would be nice to just let you rest. Jungwon always stay by your side and telling you about his day even he can't hear your respond.
"Do you want to know what happen to the one who kidnapped you days ago?" Jungwon giggled cutely as he caressed your hands and kissed it.
"We put him in punching bag and all my men took their turn to kick or hit it with something. Not only that, we also cut their legs and watch them screamed like a pathetic assholes. Then we burned him until they turned to ashes. I can't believe they have a gut to kidnap you and hurt you. How I wish I could do it again because I'm still not satisfied. I want to stab- "
"Gosh, won can you stop with that?"
Jungwon went speechless. He watched you massaged your head and try to adjust your eyes with the brightness in the room. You laughed when you saw he still in shock. You leaned closer and left a kiss on his lips.
"I'm okay now darling"
"Oh god, baby I miss you so much"
He hugged you tightly. The other members who were just arrived in the room were in shocked too seeing you finally woke up. Riki, the youngest ran and pushed Jungwon just to hug you. Your boyfriend could only glared at him.
"Noona!! I miss you, I'm sorry I should not leave you alone I should just follow you"
"Hey, it's okay. I'm alright. Don't worry too much."
"Yeah, don't worry too much Riki. Also, can you all of you go out because I want to spend my time with the love of my life?"
You were walking alone at the hallway when suddenly you got pulled by someone into an empty classroom. You just wanted to scream but stopped when you saw a familiar face. It was your classmate, John. You were not close to him because obviously you didn't want any argument to happen between you and riki. Your boy literally obsessed with you and willing to do anything just to not let other guy being close to you.
"Why did you pulled me here?"
"I want to say something important, y/n"
"Go ahead" You smiled while waiting for the man to talk. But, instead of talking he leaned close and closer to you until you back met the wall. Now, the feeling is not good. You started to feel scared of him.
"I like you y/n" And after that, John suddenly lunged to kiss you but because of too shook, you slapped him and made his face turned away from you.
"John, I- sorry but when I said I have a boyfriend, I really have. I'm not lying and I'm not planning to find someone else."
John scoffed. He hold his side face that got slapped and glared at you. You can sense something bad will happen when you saw his eyes.
"I can't believe this, me, the popular guy in this college just got rejected by someone's girlfriend. Do you know how many girls want to be with me? You should be grateful and accept me when I confessed to you nicely. I hate when people don't obey me,darling"
"No wonder why Riki hates you. When he said you are assholes, I don't get it. But now, I know. You are indeed bullshit."
After you said that, John slapped you with his big hands and made you fell from the impact. He then pulled your hair and tried to kiss you but you spat at him made he slapped you again. He is huge so is his hand and the slap really really hurt. You were sobbing right now and praying that Riki will find you here.
You tried to stand up to run from there but seems like John was not satisfied with what he had done. He hold your wrist tightly and made you screamed loud. You hit him many times but he is stronger than you so your hit didn't hurt that much.
"What would happen if your boyfriend see all the marks I do to you? He must be so angry because he couldn't protect his girlfriend better. Ack--"
You kicked him at the middle and quickly ran out from there. You ran and ran without thinking, there's no one at the college because it's already dismissal. You became more scared when you heard John screamed your name. When you got pulled to a hug, you screamed and crying there without knowing it was your boyfriend.
"Hey baby, what-what happen? Why are you crying? Why- Who the fuck did this to you?"
You looked up at Riki's face. He can felt your body shaking and bruised at your face because of those slaps. You were too panicked and you passed out there. Riki sighed trying to calm down himself and carried you to the car the told his man to bring you to the mansion to get a treatment.
He took out his duffle bag and went inside the college again searching for the person that did this to you.
"Oh look it's the asshole. I still can't figure out why this college let a retard like you study at here. You really are brave. I gave warning to all the students to not be close with my girl but you still don't understand."
"Please let me go. I will apologize to y/n-"
John got kicked at his mouth before he can finish his words. Riki had shot his right leg and then tied him tightly so John couldn't move. How dare John asked Riki to let him go after hurting you that serious. No, Riki can't let him go especially when he had guts to get closer to you.
"I don't want her name to come out from your mouth. You still don't understand, that's why I said you are retard. How. Dare. You. Hurt. My. Girl."
Riki stepped on John's face at every word he said to the guy. He successfully did broke John's nose and some of the front teeth. Blood coming out but that didn't stop Riki from attacking and hurting John.
If John can hit you why Riki can't right?
If John's slaps made you really scared and bruises, Riki can do more than that.
After all, everyone should know that it is important to not mess with you, the girlfriend of Nishimura Riki, the youngest and strongest mafia.
Yeahhh, you reach at the end🤧🤧 I hope this will satisfy you. Hehe, I think people like my yandere reaction more than my oneshot😂 Maybe I should stick to short drabble only. Anyway, I hope you have a nice day😁😁 Please stay healthy, drink water and eat something healthy.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
god the arranged marriage au is so good
thinking about patrick getting in a physical fight for reader. someone was being a creep or an asshole at a gala to his wife, and he didn’t even thing before punching the guy. reader is shocked and horrified and part of her wants to scream at him that he doesn’t have the right to fight over her but everyone is staring.
the other part of her has never been more turned on in her life, and she starts to think of other ways to get patrick to be possessive of her when she touches herself at night.
a "that's my wife" moment,,,,,,, with his jaw clenched and he's at your side and his hand is at the small of your back, claiming and territorial and it leaves you breathless. the man that'd been bothering you ends up flat on the ground when he says something about zweigs new pet looking good in her dress and patrick lays him flat. it's unbecoming, you know, for a man to be violent, especially a man of patricks upbringing - supposed to handle things with dignity and grace. and yet. your heart flutters. butterflies go off in your stomach. something about a man - your man - going to bat for you - it's hot. something the men in your romance novels do, but you never expected to experience for yourself.
you ice his knuckles when you're home and you say all the things you think you should say, like, that wasn't necessary and, you shouldn't have done that. but he rolls his eyes - "fuck off. I'm not going to let someone diss you like that."
you purse your lips. "people are going to have things to say - we can't escape scrutiny. I don't want you getting into fights over me, I promise I can take the insults. I've prepared for them."
"I dont like that." patrick says. he uncurls his fist and his fingers wrap around your wrist. you meet his eyes, standing between his legs in the kitchen - "I don't want people being rude to you. you shouldn't have to deal with that shit."
you swallow. you have prepared for it, but you have to admit, it doesn't feel nice. "why do you care." he hadn't spared your feelings in the past, you wonder why he's trying to now. you like it, but you wonder.
he tugs you closer - his thumb traces the pulse in your wrist and you shiver. with him sitting he's looking up at you. you try not to get flustered at how close he is to your breasts. "I care about you." he says softly. "you're my wife."
you step back - or try to - but his other hand goes behind you - palm at the base of your spine. he doesn't let you pull back. keeps you still. "hey." he says, "I know I haven't acted it - I'm a fucking asshole -"
"you're sleeping with another woman."
he winces. "do you want me not to?"
you look at him. "it's your choice patrick."
there's something unreadable in his expression. he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth - you look at his mouth. can't help yourself. the stubble around his jaw - the red pout of his lips - everything about him just calls to you. he's so dangerous. dangerous and not even yours. your ring is on his finger, you can feel it at the small of your back, but he's not yours.
"I'll stop." he says. "just ask me."
you look away. "a man has needs -" you flush. "I know you - you want -"
his hand is a searing warmth on you - you can feel it through your dress. he moves it to your waist, your eyes drift shut. "what do I want?" he asks.
you feel lightheaded. "you want.... I know you're a... you're a very s-sexual person - and I'm not. I'm not -"
you wonder if he knows. if it's not obvious. but he's looking at you curiously and your flush deepens. "im a virgin." you tell him. "so I know I'm not what you want."
patrick is quiet. his lips are parted. you're in the middle of trying to sort out his expression when he exhales and leans forward suddenly, leaning his head against your stomach. you blink down at him in shock, hands hovering around his shoulders.
"shit." he breathes. "fuck."
"you deserve better than me." he doesn't sound happy about it. he squeezes your hips in his hands.
I don't want better, you think. I want you.
you don't say anything. you feel him press a kiss just above your bellybutton.
"I'll be better." he promises, and you almost wish he wouldn't try at all. you don't want him to try out of guilt. you think about how he punched that guy for you and how good it felt in that moment to feel important to him. wanted. coveted. you don't want him to be better. you just want him to be him. the him that wants you.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 2
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It was an unusually hot day, so i pulled out Mason's kiddy pool and filled it for him to cool off in. I was sat on one of the sun loungers close by reading my book where i could still keep an eye on him.
"Yeah babe?"
"Is auntie Hannah coming round soon with Lucas? Im bored"
"They should be here soon buddy" i smiled over at him.
"Okay.... im hungry"
"Fine.... i'll go get you something but you have to come out the water while i'm inside...."
"Oh mom i dont wanna get out...."
"Mace come on now...." i rolled my eyes putting my book down.
"Knock knock" i heard a very familiar voice call out from behind, i turned and stared wide eyed at none other than Scott Evans!!
"Scott.... what... what are you doing here?" I asked standing up and walking over to the back gate to let him in.
"Chris told me where you were, i had to come see you! I've missed you! You stopped replying to my messages and wouldn't take my calls...."
"Yeah i'm sorry Scott, that was a dick move" i nodded, I had been friends with the Evan's since we were kids.... best friends with Chris and Scott "i was dealing with some stuff.... guess i didn't handle it well"
"I can see that" he said looking over at Mason who was sat in the pool with his back to us as he crashed some toys around "he yours?"
"He is, thats Mason"
"Well you gonna introduce me properly??" He asked being his usual sassy self!
"Sure, come on over" i led the way over to where Mason was playing feeling my heart racing, i hadn't been this nervous in forever!
"Hey Mace? I want you to meet a friend of mine...."
Mason turned to face us and i heard Scott audibly gasp.
"This is my friend Scott"
"Hi" he said shyly looking Scott over.
"Hey bud, its nice to meet you...." Scott smiled at Mason before turning his attention to me with wide eyes as Mason carried on playing as if we wasn't there.
"Is there something you need to tell me Y/N?....."
I looked away from Scott keeping my eyes on my son, i shook my head in disbelief..... i did not expect to be having this conversation today!
"You know his a spitting image...."
"I know Scott! Im not blind" i snapped.
"But how?? I mean i know how! But...."
"Hey! Its just us...." i heard Hannah call from inside, she always let herself in.
"Hey.... oh shit"
"Hey Hannah, good to see you" Scott smiled with a little wave.
"Scott..... what a surprise..."
"Han, can you watch Mason while i go inside and talk to Scott?" I asked as i shifted nervously on the spot.
"Hi auntie Y/N!" Lucas said loudly as he ran past me heading to Mason.
"Hey buddy" i smiled at him as i led the way into the house with Scott following close behind.
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"Okay so spill it" Scott said breaking the awkward silence between us as he pulled out a chair and sat down at the kitchen table.
"What do you already know? What did Chris tell you about us?...." i asked avoiding eye contact with him.
"Well obviously i know the two of you used to hook up occasionally.... he said he just lost contact with you when you left town"
"Wow....." i scoffed shaking my head "is your brother still an asshole?"
"Why are you calling him an asshole? I thought you guys were friends??"
"We were. Then we were more.....or at least i thought so"
"You two were serious?"
"I guess not"
"He never said anything...."
"Before he made it 'big' with the whole Captain America thing we were serious"
"How serious?"
"Serious enough to get married....."
"Im sorry WHAT???!!"
"How did i not know about this??? when did this happen??" he stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open as he tried to process the information.
"You remember the weekend in Vegas for my birthday, before he started filming Winter Soldier?....that one night you got food poisoning and stayed in bed..."
"You got married in Vegas?! were you both drunk??"
"Nope, stone cold sober" i shrugged "god i loved him Scott.... he was telling me he loved me and talking about starting a family..... we walked past a chapel and he asked me to marry him. Promised we'd do it properly when we got home...."
"My god...... so what happened?"
"Chris wanted to wait until he finished filming to tell everyone.... or so he said. When he came home once he was done filming he told me we had made a mistake. His career was taking off and he wouldn't have time for a wife..... he was getting a lot of attention from women, he didn't want to be tied down with me did he?"
"Did he say that?!"
"He didn't have to, he was pictured with different women all the time" i shrugged.
"What an asshole!" Scott spat sounding pissed at his brother "how could he do that to you of all people??"
I shook my head as i thought back on the time i was heartbroken.... pining for my best friend... my husband, and he had so easily forgotten about me, i quickly wiped a stray tear away before Scott could see.
"I found out i was pregnant two weeks later. I tried calling him but he never answered or returned my messages..... so i made a choice. I decided to pack up and leave, start somewhere new where i could raise my baby. I received divorce papers shortly after which i signed and returned, i didnt want anything to do with him"
"You should have called me! I wouldve talked some sense into him!"
"He didn't want me Scott let alone a baby.... he made his choice and i made mine" i smiled looking out the window at my beautiful boy "i dont regret it for a second, Mason is my world. He's my perfect little boy.... even if he does look like a spitting image of his father. Thats the hardest part.... its the eyes.... he has his eyes".
Scott was suddenly beside me pulling me into his arms and holding me tight.
"Im so sorry sweetie"
"Its fine.... it was a long time ago.... when Chris showed up here yesterday i nearly had a heart attack!" I mumbled against Scotts chest.
"I bet.... why was he here?"
"Apparently we're still married! That jackass never filed the papers! But now he's seeing someone and its getting serious he wants the option of marrying her"
"You should tell him about Mason....."
"I can't Scott, he'd hate me.... what if he tried to take Mason from me?"
"He wouldn't do that, he might want a chance to get to know his son but he wouldn't hurt you like that....."
"Can you be sure? 100% sure that he wouldn't want to take Mason?? I've seen some of his interviews about wanting kids...."
"Don't you want Mason to know his father?"
"Of course! You dont think i wanted my son to have a dad? I tried to tell him Scott but he ghosted me!"
"Look i love my brother you know that, i know what he was like a few years back, he went through a phase of being an absolute douche bag..... but his different now"
"I'll think about it okay?"
"Okay..... i'll be there for you through it all i promise"
"Thank you Scotty, god I've missed you" i smiled giving him another hug "you staying for lunch? Mason's hungry"
"Id love to".
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Scotts POV
Y/N stood at the front door waving me off with Mason, my NEPHEW! I still couldn't believe it.... Chris was a Father!!
I waved to them both as i pulled away and started my drive home. 20 minutes into my journey my cell started to ring, i looked down to see it was Chris calling.
"Hey, what you up to?"
"Just on my way home, i went to go see Y/N"
"Oh.... h..how was she?"
"Surprised to see me, but she was good"
"Good, thats good. What did she tell you?" He sounded worried, nervous even.
"I know everything...." i huffed out a breath "how could you be so fucking stupid Chris?? you married our best friend.... our oldest friend and then left her!"
"I was such an asshole back then.... i know, but i can't change that now can i?"
"No i guess not"
"It was so good seeing her yesterday man, made me realise how much I've missed her. I was hoping we could work things out, be friends at least but.... Scott she fucking hates me!"
"Can't say i blame her....."
"Im not that guy anymore Scott" he said sadly and i knew that, id seen the change in my brother over the years.
"Try and talk to her again, maybe she just needed to get over the shock of seeing you"
"You think she'd wanna see me?"
"I have no clue, but if you want to sort things out with her your going to have to make an effort with her. Let her see your not the same asshole that left her"
"Maybe i should just leave her alone, she's been fine without me...."
"Chris..... i wasn't going to say anything but theres something you should know...."
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 (it wont tag you) @katiew1973 @denisemarieangelina
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bi-lullaby · 4 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts on a few of the very best AND worst traits of each of these characters: Meredith, Jo, Andrew DeLuca, pre-S16 Alex, Jackson, Amelia and Link. I can't wait to read your answers! Meredith in particular is such a phenomenally complex character imo that I tend to have trouble describing her.
Thanks for the ask! I feel I  have answered one about it way back, but Tumblr's wonderful search does not allow me to find my own posts, plus I have a lot of thoughts, so here we go:
I’ll leave Mer for last, then ;)
Jo: Her resilience, her creativity, and her compassion are her best traits, definitely. They are what allow her to keep being a wonderful doctor even when the world is falling on her had, and allow her to distinguish herself in everything she does. For worse, she’s impulsive and has a temper, and is so guarded that she wounds up lacking communication, which is where a lot of the Jolex issues steemed from (made worse by the fact Alex is the same).
Andrew: Best: His kindness, his tenderness, his sense of justice. It’s why I wanted him in Peds (him interacting with kids melts me), why I think he’s perfect for Mer (he’s the softness to her edges), why I think he’ll be one of the best doctors that have been on the show. Worst: Impulsivity, need to prove himself, and, in a lot of regards, immaturity. He can act incredibly mature (like when dealing with Zola’s complicated feelings), but with situations like the Maggie thing or dealing with what he perceived to be Meredith “not respecting” him, his insecurities come out and make him act immaturely and petulantly, almost.
Alex: Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, his protective nature, his adaptability, his desire to helo and comfort and support people. He’s a loving, caring friend, partner, and colleague, and he’s the kind of person you can always rely on, and who will look at a problem and come up with a solution that no one had thought of and which will work. You can count on him to have your back always. The worst ones: Impulsivity, lack of communication skills (can you tell that as much as I loved Jolex, it drove me up the wall sometimes?), recklessness, short fuse. What makes Alex interesting is that while he never outgrew his flaws completely (which makes him human and fleshed out and lovable), he learned to direct his chaos energy into good actions. It’s why the same guy who was violent and reckless and an asshole in the first few seasons became a man willing to risk his job to save a little kid from his religious-nuts parents, but who’s still the man that beat Deluca half to death at the smallest sign of threat to the woman he loved, consequences and being right be dammed.
Jackson: I think Jackson is fundamentally a kind person. His wealth makes him a bit clueless on how to extend that kindness to people, but he’s always willing to help, to be a friend or an advisor, and to share his good fortune with everyone around. His growth also makes me emotive. He’s... Wise? In a way that few other characters are. He counsels Deluca and Jo and Owen, even, and he handles fatherhood, and he does his very best to navigate April-Samuel-War-Divorce. Worst traits are his tendency to shut himself in when he needs to communicate (which I think he acquired after being, understandably, shut-out by April while she grieved, but my memory is fuzzy on that) and the way he tries to shape his relationships and partners to be what he thinks they should be (with April, it was he thought she needed to be less religious and share more because that’s what he did, with Maggie it was she needed to “see the truth” about religion and give him space, it’s confusing and upsetting for everyone involved).
Amelia: I think Amelia is sweet, and kind and brave, and also willling to go every length for her beliefs and her moral code. Worst are her hypocrisy her tendency to go all in, all out att he drop of a hat (by hypocrisy I mean she’s not necessarily the most stable, thoughtful person but when someone else isn’t thoughtful with her she is outraged, I could go in depth but I feel it’d be too long).
Link: Do we know enough about Link for this? Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but his personality is Golden Retriever. That scene where he is like “I dont ever want to share anything that bothers me with you, but you’re welcome to!!!! :)” I could see the writers patting themselves on the back for giving Amy a wall she could bounce all her chaos off of (not a criticism of Amy at all, but it was a sneaky one).
Meredith: Oh boy. I think Mer is loyal, and she is compassionate and empathetic to almost a fault. i think she’s brave and I think she is strong. I think she has an incredible amount of self-awareness. I feel very protective of that. I also think she’s self-centered (her pain blinds her to others and causes her to inflict pain as well), and incredibly rude. I think she overvalues her own relationships to people in detriment to the person’s other relationships. I think her loyalty and compassion can turn her nosy and “meddling”, as we see with Cristina and Alex a lot of the time. I think she’s emotionally guarded and ends up shutting people out until they’ve become close enough that she attaches to them like glue.
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fluffybunnyartist · 5 years
Hey bae! Again can't get enough of my slasher babes! I'm kinda in a shitty mood so! How would our slashers deal with a grumpy S/O That REALLY got under their skin & really pissed them off! (Of course this S/O is way to weak to fight back if course, kinda all bark but no bite) Again love you! Don't rush! 🤗
Oooh! I hope you feel better!
Excuse me Y/N? Just who do you think you are?
He might try to fuck you into submission so if you're into angry sex have fun. But hes rougher than usual and leaves a lot more marks.
If you piss him off enough he might actually try to choke you or chase you. This will also lead to angry sex. He knows you cant fight back and enjoys it.
He also might just ignore you or leave the house to get away from you. Hes not emotionally inept so he has no idea what you're feeling or going through.
Once he realizes you're just in a bad mood you might find candy or little trinkets around the house for you. If hes feeling really nice he'll cuddle you or bathe with you.
When hes upset he just kills or blocks out the world so he wont be sure if how to handle it at first. Just dont say something you'll regret.
It takes A LOT to get under his skin if you're dating him. He loves you so much and usually only gets mildly frustrated with you. If you do manage to actually piss him off you dont have to worry about being physically attacked like Michael.
He's more of the type to ignore you if you're not physically hurting him or you he'd just not pay attention for you. He'd check in on you and your attitude. Once he realizes you have an attitude bc your just grumpy or upset he wants to make you feel better.
He would try to make you something or just try to cuddle you to make you feel better. If you keep rejecting his help and being an asshole he'll actually become less gentle and put you in a time out or carry you to your room.
He usually does things that his mom did. So if you're behaving like a bratty child he'll treat you like one. He wont revoke his affection though bc he loves you too much.
How? Just how did you piss of Bubba with your grumpy attitude? You'd have to be a real asshole when your grumpy.
If he understands you're grumpy he'll try to make you feel better. Gifts and food are his go to after affection. If you keep being nasty at first he'll be sad. But if you take out your anger on his brothers that's the last straw.
He'll restrain you and put you away. He'll just wrap his arms around you and pulls you into him and hides away in your room. He'll just hold you until you calm your ass down.
He will try to smother you with affection while he has you in his grasp. Afterwards please try to make it up to him. He'll feel bad and emotionally exhausted. He needs your love and you acting like that just upset.
Ignores you. Flat out. Especially when you start acting up. He doesn't want to deal with it. He knows he gets in his moods as well as everyone else in the house and he usually hides away.
Piss him off enough and he like Michael will fuck that attitude out of you. He'll just swipe everything off his desk set you up on it and go to town. Unless you explicitly tell him no and to stop you'll be fucked through the night.
Afterwards he'll cuddle you and kiss you. Hed be so gentle afterwards and see if you learned your lesson or lightened up. If you haven't he'll try to talk to you. Or help you cheer up. Unless hes fucking you he doesn't really attack you or try to hurt you.
Once your mood lifts he tries to find out what pissed you off so you dont get like that again.
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Au: Kaishi
Part: ten
Theme: fluff (hint of sexy talk near end)
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The sound of scratching and squeaking could be heard echoing in the bathroom as you furiously scrubbed the bathtub out. Half of the house was clean, but it was taking such a long time to do it! Pops was trying to help but he was old and couldn't move around as much as he used to. You growled to yourself as you squeezed the rag out into the bucket and ran cold water in the shower to wash the soap away. Afterwards, you shifted you attention to dusting the living room. Kaishi was in there watching cartoons, but he wasn't in the way at all. In fact, he even offered to help but you turned him down. Sweet baby should enjoy his time before school tomorrow! As you angrily dusted the corners of the room, trying to hide your emotion from your distracted son, Kai entered from the lower parts of the house/hideout.
It was already 9:25 p.m???
He silently entered the kitchen before coming back out to approach you. You wiped sweat from your forehead and turned to face him. You figured he was going to say something along the lines of 'good job', or 'I missed you during work' but no. This asshole had the audacity to look you in the eyes and say "You missed a few spots in the kitchen. Have you even cleaned it yet?" Suddenly you dropped the duster and glared full daggers into his golden eyes. He watched with curiosity, and confusion while you grit your teeth. You were trying your best to calm down before you answered him. "I hadn't gotten to it just yet."
"Hmm...Angel you should get up earlier and start then so you have time to get to everything before I get off work." Kai explained as if nothing was wrong. "I'M SORRY, WHAT?!" You broke your calm demeanor and snapped at him. By now, Kaishi had paused the cartoons he was watching and turned to look at you two. "What is your issue? I was simply offering some advice, angel. There's no need to be upset. It was an honest cleaning mistake." Kai continued, not fully understanding the severity of the situation while he tried to hug you. You quickly pushed him off and felt angry tears well up in your eyes. "I woke up at 5 a.m...FIVE A.M to clean up this entire house on my own while you off and go do the same paperwork you've been trying to finish since 7 days ago, but I'm not moving fast enough? Have you any IDEA how much stuff I have to clean?! You expect me to do all of that before you get back? Have you even thought to offer to help me for once? Just because you're a germaphobe doesn't mean you should abandon me in this. I'm doing all of this for you, Chisaki! All of this work and you dont even utter a thank you!!!" You poured your heart out. Kaishi began to shiver a bit at hearing your usual calmness diminish. He suddenly felt a soft hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Pops. "Come here grandson. You shouldn't see this." Kaishi quickly followed Pops out of the room, leaving you two to yourselves. You both argued for a good while and the night ended with you sleeping in the room and Kai sleeping on the couch. Kaishi noticed his father still on the couch when he left to get taken to school by Nemouto and Chrono. The rest of the day was spent between you and Kai giving each other the silent treatment while Pops tried on both ends to mend the damages. There was only so much that the old man could handle before offering final advice to you both and leaving the mess alone.
At dinner Kaishi frowned at the long silence and the thick tension. Finally, the boy spoke up. "Are you two going to get a divorce?" You dropped your fork and Kai choked on his food. You quickly got up to make him a glass of water and retrieve a napkin for him. "Kaishi, what on earth makes you say that?" You asked while helping your husband. Kai finally cleared his throat and also spoke up. "Who taught you that?"
"Ishida. I told her at recess today that you guys were fighting last night and she said that you would get a divorce. She said grownups do that sometimes when they dont wanna be friends anymore. She said I would have to chose who I want to live with." Kaishi started to sniffle up and began crying a bit. "But I dont wanna choose who I live with! I wanna be with both of you! I love you both so..." he was fully sobbing by this point. "PLEASE DON'T GET A DIVORCE!" You and Kai quickly got up and held your son in a group hug. "Brat...don't be ridiculous." Kai tried to console him. "We won't get a divorce. We love each other very much."
"Your father is right, sweety! I love him so much. I love you too, so dont worry about that stuff okay?" You added on, drying your son's eyes with a nearby napkin. "Then you two are gonna make up, right?" He asked before yawning a bit. Crying always made him so sleepy afterwards. You looked at Kai and felt the guilt creep up. He immediately felt the same, his golden eyes showing clear remorse for the argument you guys had. "Of course we will...now let's get you ready for bed."
Within 30 minutes, Kaishi was tucked into bed and you were left with Kai in the living room. You two sat on the couch, not facing each other or speaking for a while until he spoke first. "Y/N, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. I understand that I'm not the easiest to love and I tend to put a lot of pressure upon you. I suppose I honestly don't deserve you." You rolled your eyes at his words and moved to sit closer to him. "Hush with that. You deserve me, you're just a mess sometimes. I love you Kai Chisaki, no matter how annoying you get sometimes. All I ask from this is that you help a bit around the house sometimes." You looked at him eagerly and he nodded in agreement. You quickly pulled him into a tight hug and jumped at the small nibbles you felt in the crook of your neck. "Kai???" You pulled away and watched his golden eyes/expression darken a bit.
"I think we should kiss and...make up, my angel." He teased, a hint of something sensuous in the tone of his voice. His hand traveled up you thigh and he smirked, a soft pink dusting his cheeks. "Kai, we can't here! This is the couch! Someone could see...let's take this to the bedroom." You whisper yelled but he ignored you, continuing to lean over you until your back was on the cushions while his hand explored more of you.
"Oh angel...bold of you to assume I can make it to the bedroom. We'll just have to be extra quiet I suppose."
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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awake-not-today · 5 years
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Yoongi X Reader
Smut. Dom. Just filth.
It's a while since I wrote smut so please forgive me if it's a little bit trash. I'll get back into it, this was more of a practice run. Enjoy. Or don't. I dunno.
“Dont you dare fucking walk away from me.”
"Go fuck yourself!"
It was supposed to be date night. And it had started that way, you excitedly getting ready as Yoongi promised to take you out to that bar you loved so much. But upon arrival things had gone very differently, and you'd been left alone to drown your sorrows on one of the barstools as Yoongi took a call despite your no work talk rule, standing outside as you watched him through the window. The barman keeping you company with a sympathetic ear and a couple of free rounds.
That's where the problem started. Even though you had been just chatting to the guy, about Yoongi and how busy he'd been lately, he had spied you through the window and had misinterpreted your laughter as flirting. This gave him the bright idea to flirt with a fan who'd approached him on his way back to you. Having obviously seen this you laughed a little louder, batted your eyelashes, and twiddled with your hair until finally Yoongi excused himself and had dragged you out of the bar and into a cab. You'd been fighting ever since.
"Why don't you go fuck your bartender?" Yoongi yells, slamming the apartment door behind him as you kick off your shoes and flounce into the kitchen, "I'm sure he'd be up for it."
"What?" You retort bitterly, throwing your bag on the counter and practically snarling at him, "Like you almost did with your fucking groupie?” He flinched at that, his fans meant the world to him and he didn’t like you reducing one of them like that. “You know what, Yoongs? Fuck you and fuck this. I’m done.”
You shove him aside, smacking his hands away as he tries to grab you, and storm toward the door, ignoring him as he shouts your name. You grab a pair of sneakers and move to put them on, reaching for the door handle, when suddenly he grabs you and spins you to slam your back against the apartment door.
"You don’t get to walk out on me." Yoongi says quietly, voice low and aggressive. You push him back, shoving his chest with your hand and lean in close to his face.
"Watch me.”
You try again, throwing open the door just to see him slam it closed again, hands pressed either side of your head as your eyes lock onto his. You’re staring each other down, waiting for the other to break, feeling yourself shake from how angry you are at him, and you can see it in his eyes that the feeling is mutual. “God, I fucking hate you.”
Your chest is heaving, hands clenched into fists, and you’re mad. You're so fucking mad, but you can't look away from him, and without any warning he kisses you. Your back is pressed harder into the wood of the door and his hand is grasping the back of your hair, making your eyes water. Somehow you manage to push him way, slapping him as hard as you can across the face. For a moment he's stunned, but he turns and looks at you again, hair having fallen into his eyes and you just can’t help yourself.
You surge forward and kiss him again, fast and aggressive as your teeth pull hard at his bottom lip, making him groan as his hand finds its way back into your hair, the other coming to rest around your throat. You’re pushing against him, albeit weakly as your hands lose function, causing him to push back, keeping you flush against the door as he kisses you back hungrily, groaning into your mouth.
Your hands start to work again suddenly and his jacket is on the floor in a matter of seconds, followed quickly by his shirt, leaving you to finally get your hands on his chest, clawing your nails over his pale skin as he scrapes his teeth over your throat. His hands are under your dress, tearing at your underwear impatiently so he can get his hands between your thighs.
"You’re fucking paying for those." You gasp into his mouth as he tosses the torn lace to the side, making him smirk against your lips as he crouches slightly to grab your thighs, wrapping them around his waist as he rolls his hips against you, the material of his jeans rough against your pussy. You gasp, clinging to him harder as he bites down on your shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up." His voice is deep, rough, making you shiver as he carries you to the sofa and drops you on it, pulling your dress and bra over your head making you grumble about what an asshole he is, before working on his jeans. All you can do is watch, waiting for what you knew was to come. Yoongi looks at you again, stroking his cock for a few seconds before wrapping his hand in your hair and pulling you forward, pressing the head against your lips. “I'll make you shut up.”
Yoongi groans, deep and heavy, as you take him in your mouth, fucking into your throat recklessly as you try not to gag around him. His hand is pulling your hair tight, causing tears to stream down your face, and fuck if you don’t love it when he uses you like this. Your fingers grip onto his hips, fingernails digging in hard enough to hurt, making him wince.
“You gonna stop being a bitch?" He grunts out, stopping movement, and you wriggle free of his grasp, shoving him away from you. He steps forward again, a hand wrapping around your neck and pushing you back further into the sofa, “Or do I have to teach you a lesson.”
"Make me."
Rough hands grab you, dragging your hips to the edge of the sofa as his lips latch onto your neck, biting harder than he should but somehow you can't find it in yourself to care. He spins you around, bending you over, his hand reaching around to grab your throat again as he buries his cock inside of you.
"I don't like being teased." He moans out from behind you, each thrust harder than the last as you struggle to stay up. "I don't like you flirting with other men."
"I wasn't flirting!" You gasp out, hands reaching out desperately to grip the back of the sofa just to keep from falling face first. His hand leaves your throat to make its way into your hair again, holding tightly as he brings a hand down to smack your ass hard enough to bruise "I was making conversation since you left me alone."
Yoongi slams impossibly harder at that, scraping his fingernails down your side, before spanking you hard again. You can barely catch your breath, stuck between pressing back onto his cock, and forward away from each slap. He lets go of your hair, pulling your body up so your back is pressed against his chest. One hand arm wrapped around your waist to keep you there as the other grabs roughly at your breast, pinching the nipple hard.
"You're mine. I don't want anyone to have you. I don’t want anyone even looking at you." He shoves you forward again and continues pounding, working faster than before, his hand slipping around to work your clit as his thrusts become sloppy and erratic. You can barely breathe, feeling completely overwhelmed as he pounds into you over and over, his fingers never stopping as you cry out and quake beneath him.
He feels it when you cum, soaking his hand as you scream into the sofa cushion, barely managing to stay up on your knees. Yoongi doesn’t waste time in letting you catch your breath and grips both of your hips tight, burying himself into you over and over until you can’t see straight. Finally he reaches his climax, filling you up as his thrusts weaken and he eventually stops, slumping over you and biting your shoulder gently.
It takes him a moment to pull away, standing back on unsteady legs as you slowly turn yourself around to face him, melting into the sofa. Yoongi watches you, before leaning down to run soft fingers over the marks he left on your skin, a thumb swiping over the bite marks on your shoulder. You watch him carefully, letting him touch you gently before catching his eyes. “I really wasn’t flirting. I never wanted anyone else.”
Yoongi nods, standing up and leaving the room, only to return with the blanket from your bed. He nudges you along and lays himself down beside you, covering you both up and holding you in his arms. His fingers trace circles over your sweat soaked skin and you chuckle against his chest, making him look down at you. "You're still an asshole." You grin, yelping as he gently swats your ass.
“Yeah? Maybe so. But you're still mine.”
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Rate that character! (Rescue bots edition)
Disclaimer:Since my post got more than 10 likes, ill be doing a review on the bots of rescue bots! Since theres a 10 picture limit, ill be doing JUST the bots in this post. With that out of the way, lets go!
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Heatwave, leader of the autobots. Big red hot boy, ready to kick ass, take names, and love babies. Snarky boy who is constantly ready to throw hands at any second and will defend his family. He takes no shit, neither will his team. Cares but will only admit it via threats. Secretly very stressed.
10/10 good boy that will fuck you up with no hesitation. The kind your parents don't want you to be with, but learn to love, given time. Great in berth.
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Engineer of the group. Smart, strong boy that likes to draw. Not to be confused with tfa Bulkhead, as this one was generally smart, while tfa Bulkhead was more proficient in groundbridge building. Likes birds, flowers, drawing, most human things. Fan of nerdy jokes and supporting his friends. Honest boy
9/10. The pedes fuck me up everytime, its like hes earing Cybertroinian crocs. Petty, but my rating system. Overall you wanna bring this one home to the folks.
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Everyones favorite cop bot. Looks like hes all about beating up bad dudes, but is such a goober. Jokes go over his helm, but he tries to be funny. Tries so hard to do good, take things too seriously. Has good intentions, follows his spark. Is so the best study buddy you can ask for. Not a creative mech, but it doesn't stop him from trying. Is so underappreciated. Most likely makes odd purchases online.
10/10. Has such good lines, and is underestimated in his kindness for others. Also bot you wanna take home to the folks.
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Possibly everyones favorite character. Ironically hates flying, but does it for the team. Can't handle stress easily, but does shit for everyone else's sake. Makes most (if not all) the media references in the series. Would rather eat ice cream and watch cupcake hoarders than go on rescues. Has self esteem issues, needs constant validation. Can be selfish, but he learns from his mistakes.
9.5/10. I love him, but the selfish moments knocks him down a pinch. Calm down baby, world isnt ending! Bring him home to your parents after hes had a few hours to panic.
Optimus Prime!
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Wiser than his TFA & TFP version, this Optimus is essentially the yoda of the group. Knows best, is such a good support and role model. Has faith in his boys. Knows what hes doing, at least 98% of the time. Humble as shit. Sees the glass as half full.
9/10. Crazy hot in this version? But him kiiinda choosing to ignore Heatwave sometimes makes him come off as kinda dick ish. Kinda. If your folks are cool with you dating a silver fox, definitely bring this one home.
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Speedster if the group. Like Smokescreen in TFP, you wanna punch him in the face first. Pretty boy that comes at you way too fast, immediate asshole impression. Fucks up a lot. Acts before thinking. Ultimately cares. Kinda fuckboy-ish, but hes sweet at some other moments. Has untapped potential. You learn to like him, even if he's kinda dense. Also a unique look for a long standing character.
9/10. Blurr's spark is in a good place, and he has had GREAT character development, but im a bit tfa Blurr biased. At least this one didn't die. Bring home to your parents if you want, but it'll take a LONG time for him to cut his bullshit. But he'll make himself worth it. Kinda selfish in some moments.
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Big chonk. Big, burly, boy with a southern tongue. Wants to help. Will help fix stuff around your house if you call him over. Clever boy, hates throwing things away. Likes to scavenge for nicknacks. Easy to buy for. Sometimes his inventions go haywal, but he gets all the points for trying. Probably collects odd things.
10/10. Cute chunkies with accents kill me. Plus he tries so hard for his friends. Even for Blurr, who was gonna leave him to fucking die.
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Spy fem! Is gorgeous. Will insult your face in the slyest way possible, then punch it after. Calm, cool, james bond in training. Clever british. Thinks she knows best, but needs support. Never thinks of a back up plan. Didn't get enough love as she should've. Is cool and knows it
9/10. Id do 10/10 if i got to know her a bit more. Take her home to the folks, just be weary. She might boast about herself, under the impression shes being factual. Be supportive, and she'll return the favor.
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Goodest boy. Beep beep beep. Is handy, eager to help. Cutest boy on the team. Multitool all wrapped in a good boy bundle. Give him pets and love him. Will love you forever. Pls dont scold him.
10/10. Goodest boy. Robo dogs so pure
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Commander of the seas!(and my heart). Old, irish (or scottish. Or maybe im stupid) bastard. Is great with kids, probably has some of his own. Gives shit when hes trying to make you better. Will tease you. Is down to party, often doesnt think of his affects on others. Firm handed. Will accidentally make you feel like shit, but is quick to try again in his mistakes. Sexy as hell.
10/10. Im weak for older, burly bots who talk to me like he would. Wish he had more attention.
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