#and he compares his hand size to hers and is like ya got tiny hands Tano
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Hmmm.... eek!
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kasssscali · 10 months
Hi hi! I’ve got Digital Circus brainrot and I need to share this idea with you
What about some headcanons of Jax with a really tiny s/o? Like when they showed up at the circus, they’re just automatically tiny (I mean like small enough to ride on someone’s shoulder tiny, like toad sized)!
And they’re super chill- very go with the flow, just vibing. (Like someone picks them up and they just like “OoP I’m up here now)! I think it’d be a silly concept! Big asshole rabbit and his tiny s/o
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
A/N: yaasssss i gotchu
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When you first arrive to the digital world, everyone is in aw of your size, yes they have seen and witnessed numerous things Caine has put them through
however, you are the first shock. At first everyone thought you where an npc given your small size
once Caine informed them that you where indeed NOT an npc you were quickly surrounded by everyone asking you questions you couldn’t even answer yourself
The tall chess piece named Kinger even asked you if you wanted to be apart of his insect collection given you’re small size
of course you said no.
“Looks like you got a little competition Pom Pom”. Jax said, now that you officially introduced yourself as the smallest of the group, you basically threw Pomni off her short throne
secretly Pomni didn’t mind at all, for her it was tiring to literally look up to basically everyone in the digital circus
but now it was your turn to receive that attention
and no, its the the type of attention you want at first, the attention feels similar to a situation where all your aunts would pinch your cheek and make remarks about how big you have gotten
obviously it wasn’t as direct as THAT, but the constant babying for a while was really annoying
but eventually it went away, your personality was a go with the flow type of vibe. And once everyone stopped gawking about how short you were, it was easier to bond with everyone
People picking you up? You were all for it
Even though the babying stopped overtime, it didn’t FULLY go away like you wanted
just that one particular had to make it more infuriating, and yeah ya’ll know who this ass rabbit is already
“how’s the weather down there?”
”OOP- sorry shorty! Didn’t see ya there!”
the lack of creativity was enough too drive you insane, your relationship with Jax wasn’t the best obviously. Jax didn’t have a structural relationship with ANYONE
it took some time, it took a lot of time actually but you were able to tolerate his existence after a while
your feelings from annoyance, to friendship, quickly enhanced to romantic feelings towards him
and once he realized that he shared romantic feelings with you too, you’re relationship between the two of you changed
the teasing of course didn’t stop, hell of course it would never stop
once Jax learned to be more affectionate with you, he would start surprise picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder
your so light compared to him, it’s hard for him to resist that urge to just pick you up easily
Because of your size, often you have a hard time keeping up with everyone in the circus
Jax will gladly throw you on his shoulder and let you enjoy the ride
while you’re sitting on his shoulder, he’ll have his hand over your thigh just to keep you safe and secure
he might drop you purposely for the fun of it
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s1desn4cks · 11 months
Jax Snax (v0re)
Pomni is stressed out after the latest adventure, and Jax decides to help calm her down by hiding her in an unconventional way.
Aka, my little headcannon that Pomni will physically shrink if she’s stressed enough, as a way of making herself literally smaller to avoid problems and stay out of the way.
“Why am I the one who has to?” Jax complained to Caine, who had told him to gather everyone for the day’s adventure.
“You’re the one with keys to everyone’s room!” Caine floated over to him, throwing his arms up in a gesture of exaggeration. Jax rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Whatever.” Jax started pulling keys from seemingly nowhere as he walked towards the hallway of rooms. He knocked on everyone’s doors, and unlocked anyone’s who didn’t answer, making sure they were awake. His sarcastic attitude annoying the others as they quickly pushed him out of their rooms, or grumbled and told him they’d be there in a bit. When he got to Pomni’s room, he leaned against the door and knocked.
“Newbie, c’mon. Ain’t got all day.” Jax rolled his eyes when there was no answer after a few minutes. “Pomni, c’mon. It’s been a week already get used to it.” He snapped, annoyed. “Look I don’t want to be waking you either, but you can’t just ignore me.” Jax grabbed the key to her room, unlocking it quickly and opening the door. “Pomni-“ He stopped, not sure what to make of what he was seeing. In front of him was a tiny Pomni, only about half her normal size if even that. “Damn and I thought you were short before.” Jax joked. Pomni looked at the ground nervously, and Jax took a step back as she shrunk another good few feet in front of his eyes. “Well, that’s new.” He stared, not sure what else to say. A small glitch made its way onto Pomni’s hand as she looked up at Jax.
“Hey-“ Pomni quickly hid her glitching hand behind her back. Jax however, wasn’t stupid. He’d seen the glitching hand, and the fact that Pomni had quite literally shrunk in front of his eyes.
“Okay yeah. What’s wrong.” Jax leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed as he stared at Pomni.
“I uh, don’t know what you mean. Besides the obvious, you know, stuck in a literal digital nightmare, heh.” Pomni spoke quickly, refusing to look directly at Jax as she shrank another few inches, wanting to get away from the conversation.
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a bad lier?” Jax tilted his head, his eyes narrowed at Pomni. Pomni let out a nervous laugh, hugging herself and shrinking another few inches. The glitching on her hand became worse as she stressed. Jax raised a nonexistent eyebrow. “Keep that up and you’re gonna disappear.” Even with his sarcastic attitude, a small bit of worry creeped into his tone. “Ya cant go disappearing, newbie, I’ll be the one who’s blamed. I was sent to getcha after all.” Pomni just continued to look at the floor guiltily, refusing to look Jax in the eyes. “Now tell me, what’s got you glitching. Literally.” It didn’t seem like a question, more like Jax demanding answers.
“Just stressed. That’s all. Wouldn’t you be? I mean, weren’t you?” Pomni finally looked up at Jax, who was now much taller than before from her perspective. A small tinge of fear ran through her, as Jax seemed almost like a giant now compared to her current size. “I mean, crazy adventures every day, things literally glitching all around you, never being able to go home, the chance of turning into… whatever that was the first day I got here, a completely new body, it… it’s just so much to deal with.” Pomni became smaller and smaller with each thing she described, the stress physically transforming her. Jax watched as she shrunk, dumbfounded on what to do.
“Look ya gotta stop talking or you’re gonna turn into a spec of dust at this rate.” Jax sighed, bending down. Pomni was small enough to fit in his hand now, and as much as he hated to admit it, he understood her stress. It reminded him of when he first showed up. Jax reached out a hand, setting it on the ground next to Pomni. “You’re going to be expected to show up, but at this rate I think you really will disappear if you’re forced into todays ‘activity’.” Jax looked away from her. “I can help you, if ya want.” There was a sincerity in his voice that Pomni hadn’t heard before.
Pomni looked up at him, cautiously stepping onto his offered hand. Jax carefully lifted her as he stood back up to his full height. “This is going to sound really weird.” Jax began. “But I know a place where I can hide you, where you’d be out of the way of everyone and no one but me would find you.”
“That… doesn’t sound weird at all?” Pomni questioned, looking at Jax with confusion.
“Yeah, that’s the normal part.” Jax rubbed the back of his neck. “The weird part is where the spot actually is.”
Pomni looked at him before sighing in defeat.
“I don’t care. I can’t handle any more of Caine’s $^]]#*%! activities right now or I might literally loose my mind.” Pomni’s hand glitched again and she sighed.
“Alright, but you asked for this, and if anyone asks I’ll have no clue where you are.” Jax shrugged before closing his hand around the tiny Pomni, who let out a small yelp. He slowly lifted her above his head, looking up and opening his mouth. Pomni let out another cry of fear and surprise as she was suddenly dropped, straight into Jax’ awaiting mouth.
“Wait-!” Pomni cried out as Jax closed his mouth, trapping her inside. She crawled over his tongue to the front of his mouth and began banging on his ‘teeth’. “Jax let me out!”
Jax hummed in acknowledgement but did not open his mouth. Instead, he tilted his head back and began to swallow. Pomni was quickly thrown to the back of his mouth, letting out another small yelp as her legs were squished into his throat. A panic overtook her as her hand glitched and she tried to grab into his tongue. The slippery muscle didn’t provide much to grip on as Jax swallowed again, pulling Pomni down up to her waist. Jax swallowed one last time, pulling the last of Pomni’s body into his throat.
Pomni closed her eyes as she began her decent, squirming and trying her best to make Jax spit her up. She could hear his heartbeat as she traveled down, the constant, rhythmic thumping being a surprising comfort. Meanwhile Jax had a hand on his throat, pressing in slightly on Pomni’s form as she traveled downwards. He sighed in relief as he finally felt her plop into his stomach, placing a hand over where he could feel her form.
“You good?” Jax asked, pressing his hand onto his stomach. There was no answer for a moment, until Pomni began to squirm. Jax cringed at the feeling, although something about it was rather enjoyable.
“Jax what the #^$@?!” Pomni yelled, banging a hand against his stomach.
“Calm down, I told ya that I had a place to hide you. You’re out of the way, and only I can find you.” There was a sincerity to Jax’ voice, though his usual slyness was still there. “You’ll be fine. We don’t really need to eat, so there’s no reason to freak out. It’s not like these bodies have stomach acid.” Jax said nonchalantly, as if it were common knowledge.
Pomni stopped squirming, seemingly considering Jax’ words.
“So, I’m completely safe…?” Pomni asked, concern clear in her voice.
“You think I’d do this if you weren’t?” Jax replied sarcastically. “Jeez I might be that guy, but I wouldn’t set out to kill the newbie.” He prodded at his stomach playfully, jostling Pomni.
Pomni let out a sigh of relief, taking a moment to fall backwards and let the walls cradle her. Jax began walking, presumably to whatever ‘activity’ was planned. Jax’ stomach rocked gently around Pomni, his heartbeat and breathing creating a calming and constant rhythm. Pomni, for the first time since they’d gotten to the circus, felt relieved and… secure. There was something about this experience that calmed them, although they would never admit that out loud. Their hand has stopped glitching, the stress seeming to melt away as they relaxed into the walls. Jax would be hearing hell from them when they got out, but for now, they might as well enjoy this break.
Jax sighed, placing a hand over his stomach. He felt Pomni relax, and closed his eyes, smiling. Whatever Caine had planned for today, they would just have to deal with doing without her. For now, Pomni was getting a well needed break. He knew he’d be getting hell from her once she was spit up, and he’d probably never get this chance again, so why can’t both of them enjoy this? Jax pressed in on where he could feel her form, Pomni squirming slightly at the new pressure. Jax smiled wider, and continued walking. This might actually be a good day.
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beanswrites · 2 years
"The Mouse and The Hawk" Hawks x Reader, from MHA
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Hey everyone!! Here we have a cute little fluffy one-shot for Hawks, and a tiny, shrunken reader! Now, I wanna apologise to @lucky-foxface, since they have been waiting for a month and a half, which is absolutely not acceptable. I promise I'm not this slow, I just had to take a two week break for personal reasons!! Sorry!!
This wonderfull idea was requested by @lucky-foxface! Hope you like it!!
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompts list
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Word count: 1198
Pairing: Hawks/Keigo Takami x fem! Reader
Trope: Fluff
Warnings: none
Requests are open! If you have a wish, check out my rules for requesting, or just pick something from my prompts list!
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Pro heroes have seen the weirdest stuff out of anyone in Japan. Villains with the most ridiculous motives, unpredictable quirks, they've seen it all. Hawks, well.. Nothing fazed him anymore. After more than five years in the industry, the winged hero was pretty much prepared for everything.
Well, until today.
He came into his office in his hero agency, expecting a normal day of patrols and paperwork. Meaning he certainly was surprised when a guy from management informed him that he will be interviewing somebody for the position of his sidekick.
His golden eyes almost rolled to the back of his head.
"C'mon, you know that I work alone!"
The management person handed him all the necessary documents.
"Yes, yes, always the "no sidekick" deal with you.. But boss, give her a try! She's great!"
"Fine, fine! Let's just get this over with.."
As he was walking to his office where the interview will be held, Hawks read through the files and the documents about the girl.
'Says here she's got an interesting quirck.. Wonder what that'll look like!'
The 2nd most popular hero in Japan was told that the girl he will be interviewing is quite shy, sometimes even scared. For a 20-year-old who's being interviewed to be a pro hero's sidekick, it sure was weird!
He walked into his office, looking around. Nobody was there. To make sure he wasn't crazy, he checked once again and then left.
"Umm.. Hey, Akari, are you sure that she's already arrived? There's nobody there."
The blond asked his secretary. She nodded, not even taking her eyes off her computer.
"Yes, boss. She came in around 10 minutes ago. She should be in there.. Maybe she's left to go to use the restroom?"
Hawks hummed in response, walking back in. Just as he was about to sit in his office chair and wait for the applicant, he heard a loud whimper. Turning around, he spotted something - or somebody - small, basically shaking from fear on the chair opposite his. The winged hero leaned down, and the small thing fell over.
Suddenly, the realization washed over him. This is the applicant! And by "interesting quirck" they meant that she was pocket-sized!
"Oh, hi! I'm sorry, didn't see ya there! Are you.. Are you here for the sidekick thing?"
You still were shaking, not being able to look at him. Why were you so terrified? He was the 2nd most popular hero, somebody who helped the common folk, there was no need to be afraid of him! Was it.. Because of the height difference?
Hawks was tall. He sure was. Not extremely tall, but his blond head did stand 6ft off the ground. Compared to you, however, he was massive, a giant almost.
As for you? You might have just been small enough to fit in the pocket of his jacket. You were the size of a mouse! And he was half a hawk. Maybe it was normal for you to fear him.
"Are you okay, kid? If you're uncomfortable with me, I could get you someone else to do the interview-"
While saying that, he slightly opened the door to go look for someone else, but a shriek "NO!" stopped him. He turned on his feet, looking back at you. Even though you weren't shaking as much, you still looked terrified.
"Okay, then.. Uhh, make yourself comfortable I guess!"
The winged hero sat back down in his leather black chair, leaning back. After a few more long moments of silence, he sat upright and leaned forward.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You also sat upright, slowly nodding.
"Why would you apply to be my sidekick if you are afraid of me..?"
Your eyes went wide, and your mouth fell open. Honestly, at first, you couldn't even respond, his whole presence feeling like it was towering over you. As soon as he saw the way you leaned back in the chair with fear in your eyes, he started apologizing.
"No, no, no, that's not what I- Look, it's okay, see? I'm not gonna hurt you, kid. Yeah, sure, I do have wings and all that, but you wanna be my sidekick! So, here, can we at least shake hands?"
He experimentally held out his hand, trying to get you comfortable with him. You were skeptical but still obliged. Just as you were about to shake hands, you tripped over your feet and fell into his palm.
He thought it was funny, cute almost. You did not. Embarrassment and fear washed over you, quickly reddening your face. With his signature flirty grin and a slight chuckle, he said:
"I can tell that I'm gonna like you, kid"
A couple of weeks later…
You got the job as Hawks' sidekick! Not long after the job interview, you were introduced to the public, which has accordingly named you "The Mouse and The Hawk" duo.
It all started with a simple joke Hawks made:
"You were great out there, birdie! Or.. I guess that birdie doesn't fit ya'.. How about mousy? Yeah, that seems like you!"
The two of you made a great team while battling villains. In the office, however.. It was a different story. Even now, Keigo is still terrified of walking into a room whenever you are there.
"Um.. Akari? Is Y/n here?"
Once again, his secretary was there for his questions.
"Yes, boss, she's in the room. For the last, billionth time, you won't step on her. Now go in there and finish that meeting!"
Even though his fear of hurting you or stepping on was constant, your fear of him and his height was getting smaller and smaller every day. Most of the days you'd be perfectly fine with him as long as you are on eye level, however, there were days he'd have to hush and comfort you.
"Hey, hey, hey, mousy! It's okay! It's really okay! It's me, yep, still me. Look, ya know I wouldn't hurt ya, kid."
But your favorite times were the silent patrols with him, when there weren't any villains roaming the streets. His agency didn't know (because it was considered unprofessional), but for every patrol, he'd put you on top of his head, because he knew how much you like watching the sunset.
Honestly, he grew quite fond of you during those times. The blond was determined to make you face your fears of heights, so he'd regularly take you for a flight around the city. Those fears and your quirck (and height in general) made you insecure, feeling like you weren't cut out for the sidekick gig.
Hawks couldn't stand that. One day he just burst and yelled at you:
"How do you not see it?! Y/n, even though you may be short in size, you have the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever met! And that's the most important quality of any hero!"
That was the moment in which that big heart of yours was stolen by the winged hero. Maybe this whole sidekick thing will turn out alright for the both of you.
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evieismol · 3 years
I am finally turning my idea turned into obsession about giants/tinies working in National Parks into a story, and I wanted to share the first chapter one here! This is the first g/t story I’m sharing publically so any feedback is much appreciated, first chapter is a little slow and expositiony in my opinion and I may edit it if I decide to post it else where.
Content warning for mentions of giants being rumored to eat ppl, nothing comes of it
Word count: 1646
Every footstep seemed to echo off the walls of the harshly lit walkway. Angie followed a few steps behind the tall, dressed man as he strode down the hall. They reach a metal door halfway down. He opened it, motioning for her to go inside. She did so, scanning the room as she entered.
It looked akin to an office breakroom. Chairs with faded red cushions surrounded a folding table. 3 men sat at various positions around the table. She recognized one as Dave - a seasonal ranger she’d worked with a year prior. She hadn’t been close to him, but they had been on friendly enough terms, and any friendly face was nice to see. A sat over from him sat an older gentleman who reminded Angie of Santa Claus. Two seats from them, a tall, pale man with a neatly groomed beard sat stiffly. Finally, at the head of the table, an older, tan man sat.
“I take it you’re Angela Smith?” The man at the head of the table asked. He stood up from his seat, going to shake Angie’s hand. Angie returned the handshake.
“Daniel Perez. Head of Operations at Big Bend National Park,” he said. “This is David Goodman and Gus Stevens, interpretive rangers like yourself, and John O’Riley senior agent from the Interdimensional Management department.”
“It’s great to meet ya!” Gus said. Dave gave a restrained wave, and John a professional nod.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Angie said. She took a seat across from Dave. Daniel stayed standing.
“Well, now that we’re all here, I suppose we can get this meeting started.” Daniel said. “I’m sure you’re all aware of the Interdimensional Management Agency, and what they oversee, already?”
The three nodded. Angie glanced over at John, who gave her a tight smile.
“Was there an incident?” Dave asked. Angie had been wondering the same thing - it was usually incidents of some sort that drew the attention of the IMA. Despite their name, they did handle more than cases that were strictly interdimensional. Anything sufficiently strange typically got tossed their way, from unauthorized interdimensional travel to kids who thought they were psychic. It was something of a kitchen sink of an agency. If the kitchen sink in question was hidden behind a nearly infinite layer of red tape and heavy black curtains, that is. Angie had dealt with them a couple times in the past, albeit only in passing. She’d never been called in for a meeting with one before.
Stranger still, she didn’t have the faintest idea of what this meeting could be about. The other times she’d talked to them it had been to ask her about something she’d been tangentially involved. Something in a ranger station levitating, once. Someone claiming they saw a river siren in a resort swimming pool another time. She couldn’t recall anything like that happening recently though, especially not with the other two rangers here. She hadn’t even met Gus prior to this.
“Not an incident. More, an opportunity. You three came highly recommended - I believe all of you have had some level of interaction with various beings that the IMA oversees,” Daniel responded. Angie’s brow furrowed. The looks on Dave and Gus’s face revealed they were just as confused as she was.
“I believe you’re all familiar with - layman’s terms - giants.”
If Angie had felt confused before, she was entirely lost now. She had, of course. Beings from another realm who looked mostly human, save for their comparatively ginormous size. ‘Giant’ was indeed the layman’s term for them, though it was also something of an umbrella term. There were technically several kinds of beings from various realms that were referred to as giants. Some more humanoid than others, some larger than others.
“Yeah, I’d say we all are. Where’s this headed, Dan?” Gus asked. He leaned back in his chair.
“Well, more specifically, how familiar are you all with Aphirial?”
Well indeed. At this point, Angie felt like she needed to stop thinking she couldn’t get anymore confused.
“The giant realm?” She asked. She was vaguely familiar with the name. A bit more than vaguely familiar, actually. Aphirial, along with Tyastryon, were arguably the two “main” places people would refer to when talking about humanoid giants. They had become somewhat infamous, for almost opposite reasons.
Tyastryon had historically been associated with being the root of legends of war mongering giants, a la Goliath. Nowadays, globalization and politics had resulted in a number of peace treaties and pacts brokered with them, and it wasn’t unheard of for Tyastryons to live in the human realm or vice versa. Inhabitants looked quite similar to humans, save for their pointed ears and typically gold or silver eyes. And, of course, the small key difference of them looming somewhere around 50 feet tall.
Aphirial, meanwhile, was somewhat shrouded in mystery and a number of - to put it frankly - horrifying rumors. Unlike Tyastryons, Aphirials were a huge deal larger than humans. Somewhere in the 200-300 foot tall range. That, along with a few more ‘threatening’ traits such as fangs, had led them to be considered the source of legends of man-eating, city stomping giants. Legends that were widely thought to be based somewhat in reality, thanks to several historical records detailing rampages. The historical accuracy was somewhat up for debate, though, as hard evidence had showed that Aphirial and Earth interactions were minimal at best. More conservative scholars tended to think that visitors from Aphirial were rare at best, and that stories detailing giants of their size may have simply been exaggerated accounts of Tyastryons. Portals to Aphirial were few and far between, current research showed. And the majority of stories recounted flashing silver eyes and a notable lack of fangs. However, some more provocative scholars (along with the occasional show on the History Channel) tended to blow up such rumors to drastic proportions. Paint Aphirial as the land of blood-thirsty, man-eating giants. A painting that had remained the general public opinion of Aphirial until the past couple of decades, when some tentative treaties and political outreach had occurred. That had caused the tide to turn somewhat, and slightly more actual information was known about them these days.
Their society - or more, collection of societies - was strikingly similar to humans’. They had cities, schools, politicians, teachers. It wasn’t unheard of for Aphirials to visit Earth or vice versa as of recent times, though there was definitely still a stigma stemming from previously mentioned rumors. All of that to say, Angie wasn’t sure why Daniel would bring Aphirial up.
“The giant realm.”
Angie thought she saw Dave tense at Daniel’s confirmation. Daniel seemed to hesitate for a moment.
“We’ve been presented with a…unique political opportunity. To put it bluntly, someone from Aphirial coming to work in our realm. Higher ups think it’ll be great for outreach, publicity, the budget, so on and so forth-”
“So by coming to work in our realm you mean, like, with the Park Service?” Dave cut the older man off.
“Yes,” Daniel said.
“And by someone from Aphirial you mean one of those rumored man-eating giants?”
Daniel sighed. “I assure you, we have taken every precaution and done a thorough screening of the individual in question. There’s nothing to indicate any intention of violence towards humans. Let alone eating them.”
Dave exchanged a glance with Angie and Gus. The was a distinct air of nervousness in the room now as pieces began to fall into place.
“Which leads us to why I’ve brought you here. We decided it would be best to have a solid, core team, so to speak. When we’ve had other situations like this-”
“You mean a contingency team. We’re not exactly special ops, Dan,” Dave said. He seemed to have a penchant for interrupting.
If Daniel was bothered, he didn’t show it. “In a way, yes. But not in a defensive sense. John here is more than capable than handling that portion. We were merely thinking it might be beneficial to everyone involved to have some stability. We could offer each of you a permanent position here at Big Bend, with the potential for transfer if you’d prefer this arrangement come to an end at some point. You three would simply be tasked with being the first point of contact between the individual in question and our fellow humans. Just like your jobs now, with a slightly more…unconvential coworker on the team.”
“They’re going to work as an interpretive ranger?” Gus asked. “I’m not saying I’m opposed, I just figured government would want an asset like that in at least a law enforcement position. Military, ideally.”
“That is the current plan. He doesn’t have any military experience or interest - he’s a botanist.” Daniel said. “We’re thinking we do a trial run. See how things go. If everything goes smoothly, this could be a huge stride between Earth and Aphirial relations. Any other questions?”
“So…we would be working directly with him?” Angie asked. She was no stranger to interdimensional visitors - hell, her childhood best friend had been one. She still felt a small twinge of nervousness at this situation. She’d never actually met an Aphirial before. She was decently confident that the worser rumors were just that, or at the very least, individuals not representative of the entire species. Still, the idea her mystery future coworker loomed - pun intended - over her.
“That’s correct. If you agree this is something you’d be interested in, we would introduce you this afternoon. So, what’re you all thinking?”
“I’m in,” Gus said. “Don’t get too many adventures at my age - might as well take the one that just landed in my lap.”
Angie took a moment longer to respond. “Yeah, I agree as well.”
Daniel looked over at Dave. Dave was silent for several painfully long moments. Finally, he answered.
“Fuck it, yeah.”
Next Chapter
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hey!! I love your writing. Can you do a Yandere! Ranboo, Tommy , and tubbo. where they are all in love with the reader and they kidnapped her to ‘keep her safe’ and the reader doesn’t know at first, then she slow realized they are obsessed with her. she like them back but she also want to live her life, so she tries to make agreement? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
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The Ranboo gif is just beautiful and I love it. Lemme see what I can do for ya! I wrote a bullet point Platonic fic if that's fine? I'm still worried about writing the minors in romantic relationships, even if it's the characters.
Sorry, it took so long... My burnout got really bad and I refused to even write basic stuff. But I'm back now! Well. Mostly.
Safe Behind Glass (Yandere!Plat!C!Bench Trio x GN!Reader)
You were a little groggier than normal when you awoke, but it was nothing to alarm you immediately.
Just simply brushing it off as you weren't feeling the best that day, you rolled over to fall back to sleep, but quickly noticed something wrong.
It didn't feel... Right?
The blankets... The mattress... The pillow... They weren't yours...
You peeled your eyes open and your expression went blank with fear.
The room was beautiful mind you.
But it wasn't yours either.
You were laying on a fluffy (f/c) canopy bed, surrounded by quartz walls that were dimly lit soul lanterns that prevented you from being completely swallowed by darkness.
Slowly dragging yourself off the bed, you heard a metal 'clunk' that hit the cold quartz flooring below you.
Turning your head to face downwards, you saw that a decently thick metal chain was cuffed to your ankle.
Somehow, your panic became worse as you immediately grabbed onto it and started to yank on the solid metal, but it refused to budge.
You had no idea how many minutes or hours you spent in that room. Reaching at the iron door desperately, yanking at the chain around your ankle that kept you from reaching the exit, searching the blue lanterns for anything...
But then, the white metallic door slowly swung open, revealing Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy.
You weren't that close to them, save for a couple interactions here and there, but hey, they came to save you! That didn't matter in the slightest!
You almost cried upon seeing them and moved to walk over, but the chain stopped you from reaching them, and you noticed that they weren't moving to help you.
"You're awake!" Tubbo chirped softly, his tan goat ears wiggling with joy, "I'm glad the potion didn't stick for too long... You could've wound up starving if you stayed asleep."
Horror slowly began to set into your heart as Ranboo nodded and walked over to the dark oak table in the corner of the room and set down a basket of food.
"Ran...Boo...?" You whispered, watching as the monochrome male turned and curiously tilted his head in your direction, "Why... Am I here?"
Instead, Tommy stepped in front of you with a bright cheesy smile, the same one that resembled when he would find a new disc or start a new adventure, "For your safety, (N/n)!"
"Safety?" You choked out softly, Ranboo quickly guiding you to sit in the oak chair, "But... I'm one of the richest people on the server... I have god armour... Nothing could kill m-"
"Techno and Dream can." Tubbo interrupted sharply, halting you mid-sentence.
Right... That masked man... Or whatever he was... He was extremely dangerous, as well as Techno. They could likely pierce your netherite chest plate without even flinching at the number of thorns you had enchanted.
"We don't want anyone to bring you any harm... There's no problem with that, right, (Y/n)?" Ranboo smiled, flashing his sharpened teeth unthreateningly.
No... You wanted to say, but you wanted freedom! You wanted to expand your house to the size of a mansion! You wanted to bicker with Quackity about the stupidest of things! You wanted to get building advice from Phil!
Not be locked away because your safety was a tiny bit compromised!
"Tommy... Tubbo... Ranboo... Please, I'm not going to just stay locked away because I-"
"You'll see things our way soon... Eat up, get your rest." Tubbo smiled and gave you a hug, ignoring how you froze suddenly, before turning and skipping out of the room with the taller two following behind him.
Despite... How screwed up the three were with their methods of making you be their friend, it was working...
They were actually incredibly friendly and funny. It made life in capture bearable! Even though you were incredibly snappy and cruel to them in the beginning, they never held it against you.
Although... Despite their kindness and your quickly blooming friendship, you still had a craving to go outside. Even if what the three told you about everyone forgetting you existed was true.
"You look sad, (N/n)..." Tubbo murmured softly, watching you stare off into the blank quartz wall, "Are you okay?"
Tommy straightened up from his handmade scribble of a map, turning his head towards you in confusion. Ranboo stopped writing mid-word likely and looked in your direction as well.
They never liked it when you were upset.
You pursed your lips silently for a moment, clearly unsettling the males around you, "I just... Haven't been feeling too great... Both mentally and physically I mean... I need sunlight..."
"Yeah... I was reading about that earlier..." Ranboo hummed softly, adjusting his crown as he looked up at the ceiling, "But the issue is..."
"My safety... Yes, I know. What if, I wear my full netherite armour and keep a totem AND a Rapple on me? And also not leave your sides?" You bargained nervously.
That hadn't worked before. But then again, You weren't as close to them before...
The silence that fell upon the room was unsettling and caused your heart to race quickly. If they didn't like what you said, you would be alone for a few straight days... You didn't like it...
That worked?
You just had to ask?!
You watched as Tubbo stood up and pulled the small ender chest from his pocket and set it on the ground, causing it to grow to normal size.
Standing aside, he made a gesture for you to open it and get your stuff.
Hesitantly, You walked over and kneeled down in front of the ender chest. Looking to Tubbo and the others for confirmation, you slowly opened it once they nodded.
Carefully, you began pulling out your armour but paused seeing the lack of golden apples and totems.
Right... Before you had gotten kidnapped by the group, you had used a totem when you fell into the L'Manhole where L'Manberg once was.
That what caused them to kidnap you...
"I-I used... My totem... And Fundy stole my Rapple..." You murmured hesitantly, feeling ready to cry.
Your only chance to escape and you couldn't grab it...
"Hey! Hey! Don't cry! Here!" Ranboo eagerly held the two golden items out towards you at the first sight of tears gathering under your eyes.
"(Y/n)! We want you to be happy! If being outside, even with god armour, rapples and totems, makes you happy, then damn well we're bringing you outside!" Tommy grinned.
After a few tears and lots of hugs, Tubbo helped you hop into your armour while Ranboo unlocked the chain cuff from around your ankle. Tommy had left, leaving the door open for once, going to scout the area for any dangerous mobs.
"Ready?" Ranboo smiled, linking one of his arms with yours, the one that you held the totem in to be more specific. Tubbo happily linked his arm with the other one.
You could only nod, your voice caught in your throat as they began to walk you out the door, Ranboo had to duck down a lot, before leading you to the quartz stairway.
Once up the stairs, Tubbo pressed in a code to the iron door and it slid open quickly, causing you to flinch and pinch your eyes shut at the bright painful light of the sun.
It took about twenty minutes of trying to adjust to the sunlight with the two males encouraging you before you were able to look around.
It was everything you had missed...
The sunlight...
The trees...
God, it was perfect...
Tommy eventually came out of the tree line and sat down beside you as you took it all in...
Months, you were down there. And sure, they gave you plenty of decorations to prevent you from experiencing sensory deprivation, nothing could ever compare to the beauty of the outside world.
A voice cut through the air -calling for someone or something named Fran?- and you almost didn't recognize it. But then the owner came out of the trees, almost a similar direction that Tommy came from earlier.
Sam? He looked so... Different now...
The creeper hybrid slowly lowered his gas mask to show his mouth dropped in shock, "(Y/n)...? You're alive...?"
Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were freaking out, trying to bring you back into the bunker, as they called it, but you weren't budging. You hadn't seen another being in ages... And while you did platonically love the three boys, you enjoyed hearing a new voice.
"You... Remember me? But... Tubbo you said-" You frowned at the goat hybrid as they stopped suddenly, realizing that you weren't moving.
"You three... Kept them locked away... For almost an entire year?" Sam's voice was getting a little bit scary now, but it wasn't directed at you, instead, at your best friends...
"Sam! It was to protect them! Please!" Ranboo tried, but he wasn't making it better.
"You made Quackity believe they ran away... Made Philza wake up every morning and walk through the SMP for any signs of them... Gave Puffy false information on where you have last seen them... lied to everyone... Only to be the reason that they were gone." Sam growled out, gripping his trident, "Then you proceeded to make them think we all forgot about them..."
"S-Sam... You've got this all wrong big man..." Tubbo tried next...
The warden wasn't listening as he pointed his trident at them, his communicator in his other hand next to his mouth, then he started speaking, causing his voice to come out of Ranboo's, Tubbo's and Tommy's pockets. He was speaking on the public channel.
"Tommy Innit, Tubbo Underscore, Ranboo Beloved... You are being placed in the prison, Pandora's Vault, for keeping (Y/n) (L/n) imprisoned in a bunker and lying about their whereabouts."
It felt like someone splashed you with cold water...
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
My Everything
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Rafe throws a party and his ex shows up...
Note: I realized that I have not written anything for Rafe and plus size reader so here we go🥰
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I wouldn’t call myself a Pogue or a Kook, I’m just Y/n. I grew up here in Outer Banks in the middle of The Cut and Figure Eight. I guess I never really fit in either group because no one really took interest in having me around. That was until I met Rafe Cameron…
I met Rafe at a kegger one night a little over eight months ago since everyone was celebrating school being out. Truthfully, I had always known who Rafe was, but I was too afraid to ever talk to him because he was among the popular crowd who weren’t all that fond of me. You see, I’m not like every other blonde girl that lives here, I’m not what society considers the standard beauty.
Rafe however made me see my worth, he treated me like I walked on water. Not to mention he was completely obsessed with my body and just me in general. I had never felt the things I feel being with Rafe.
Rafe was having a house party tonight and begged me to go so he wouldn’t have to listen to his friends all night. I couldn’t deny his puppy dog pout that got me every time he wanted something.
“Please, please baby come! I don’t want to be by myself.” he whined through the phone, the camera right up to his pouting lips as he FaceTimed me.
“Rafe, you have your friends and your sister, why do I need to go?” I complained, truthfully not wanting to go.
“Because I want you to,” he scoffed, as if I had just asked the stupidest question.
“What’s in it for me?” I asked, smirking slightly.
“Whatever you want baby I swear!” Rafe grinned, knowing he was getting his way.
“Hmmm...maybe we could Netflix and chill after the stupid thing-” I suggested.
“Deal,” he said with no hesitation.
“You didn’t let me finish handsome,” I chuckled, smirking evilly at the camera.
“Oh my god if I have to watch Harry Potter again baby I swear-” he said as he glared at me.
“You know you love it, don’t even try to deny it.” I giggled, shaking my head as his cheeks flushed.
“So you’ll come then?” Rafe sighed, smiling his real genuine smile that made my heart melt.
“Yes baby,” I said softly, giggling more when he cheered loudly.
“I’ll be over soon sweetheart so don’t start getting ready yet!” He grinned, jumping into his truck.
“Why?” I asked, curious to his oddly specific request.
“I want to help you get ready,” he smirked.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure you’ll be real help Rafey.” I nodded sarcastically.
After Rafe came over, we headed back to his house where the party was already in full swing. Kooks crowded every corner of the Cameron house which made you shrink back into Rafe a little more. Since the two of you started dating, people knew better than to even look at me the wrong way.
Still, I couldn’t help but to flinch anytime one of them came near me. Rafe took me to the sitting room where some of his friends and their girlfriends were. I sat with Sarah who I found I was the most comfortable being around in the whole room aside from Rafe. We had become quite close within these months, so I immediately planted myself beside her.
“Hey girlie! I’m so happy you came tonight, I thought I was going to be alone with all of these boys and their bimbos.” Sarah smiles, hugging me as I sat down.
“I’m hoping not to be here long, I hate parties.” I mumbled, scooting closer to her as more people tried to squeeze on the couch to get a line of blow from the stash sitting on the table.
Rafe had calmed down tremendously since with the drugs since meeting me, he admitted once that he wanted to be 100% into our relationship with nothing coming between us. I smiled thinking of the memory, but was quickly ripped away by a very loud voice.
“Hey Kooks!” Bri shouted, making me sink back into the couch more.
Bri is Rafe’s ex, she was absolutely gorgeous. I didn’t know their backstory, never really cared to bring it up either. Their past obviously bothered him still as he would almost flinch every time he heard her or saw her.
Rafe got up from his seat before she could sit beside him, rushing over to where Sarah and I were. I smirked as he came closer, biting down on my lip as he towered over me.
“Miss me already bubs?” I teased, smiling up at him.
“I’m going to get a drink my love, I was coming to see if you wanted one.” he chuckled, leaning down and kissing my lips sweetly. Sarah left after that immediately, claiming we were ‘gross’.
“I’m probably going to head up for a shower, I’m partied out.” I admitted, standing up from the couch.
“Oh, um ok...I’ll see you in a little bit then.” he said, but it sounded like more of a question than a statement.
“Yes baby, I’ll just be in your room.” I giggled, getting on my tipey toes and kissing him again.
Rafe had a huge shower, and I used every opportunity to use it not only because it was aesthetically pleasing, but because it felt nice compared to the tiny shower I share with my whole family. I was lost in thought until I saw a familiar blonde head through the glass of the shower door.
“Hey, are we ok?” Rafe asked hesitantly, an almost scared look in his eyes.
“Yeah...why wouldn’t we be?” I asked, confused where that came from.
“Well because um...Bri was here.” he said, looking down at his feet as if he were guilty.
“I saw her Rafey,” I chuckled.
“And I-we...we ya know, used to have a thing.” he said cautiously.
“You told me love,” I said, still confused where he was going with this.
“She still hangs out with our friends and I um-I just don’t want you to be mad at me.” he whispered.
“Baby I have no reason to be mad at you.” I spoke softly, stopping what I was doing to walk a little closer to the door.
“So we’re good? Everything is good?” he asked, pouting slightly which melted my heart.
“Yes everything is ok honey,” I reassured with a smile.
“S-So I can come in?” He asked.
“Of course you can, it’s your shower.” I giggled, watching him strip from behind the fogged glass.
Once he stepped inside and under the water with me, his shoulders relaxed immediately. I reached my hands up and massaged them lightly, feeling the tense knots under his tanned skin. His arms went around me, pulling me as close as possible.
“She broke my heart,” he blurted, opening his eyes as the water ran down his face.
“Rafey,” I whispered, my heart breaking as I could see the hurt in his eyes.
“We were together for three years and-” he started, but stopped as his words seemed to get stuck in his throat. I ran my hands up his chest, stopping at the base of his neck and resting them there.
“Baby you don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready.” I said, softly kissing his cheek.
“No I-I want to.” Rafe nodded, leaning his forehead to mine.
“Ok, so what happened?” I questioned, trying to help him get started.
“She had been cheating on me our entire relationship.” he revealed, my eyes widening at his statement.
“I’m so sorry Rafe,” I sympathized, moving my hands to his cheeks and rubbing them lightly with my thumbs.
“I broke up with her a few months before I met you, and you...it was instant.” he recalled, shaking his head and staring at me in awe.
“What was instant?” I pressed, wondering what exactly he meant by that.
“Falling in love with you,” he confessed, smiling.
“Rafe,” I beamed, heart skyrocketing.
“You put my pieces back together baby, you’re my everything, my savior.” Rafe professed, sealing it with a sweet kiss.
“I love you Rafey,” I whispered against his lips.
“I love you forever angel,” he whispered back.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Seven / Decaf
W/C: 4k
Warnings: language, dirty thoughts, all of the dirty thoughts because Javi is a horndog, male masturbation... general spice. pining that could make a pine cone tremble.
A/N: welcome to pining central, enjoy your stay :) (ps when Steve says “Javier Peña” I need you to read that in the voice of Anthony Mackie going “SEBASTIAN STAN”)
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ordinary coffee that has had most of its caffeine removed from it before the beans are roasted.
You are a goddamn test on Javier’s self control. He feels like those biblical stories of men fighting back against temptation to prove themselves to God, except the only thing he has to prove is to himself. To you.
He’s always been enraptured by you, captivated by your smile and laugh but since you went ice skating, he hasn’t been able to get your body out of his mind. The way you fell asleep on him last night, nuzzled in like it was the safest place on earth. He could feel your breasts press into his skin, the warmth of your thigh hiked across his abdomen. If the past week has been some caffeine-induced fever dream, it’s becoming real now. You, a figment of his imagination before, maybe, are all flesh and blood and God, is he desperate for it.
Javier hangs around your apartment when you’re gone at work. He doesn’t have much else to do, considering you’re gone and he knows hardly anything about the city. He watches the daytime television on your couch, usually meanders to the coffee shop for a drink, spends some time there, and returns to the apartment.
He feels like he’s couch-surfing, like he did for a summer in his college years. He feels guilty occupying the space in your home, especially without payment. As he walks to the bathroom, he takes a long glance into your bedroom. The queen-sized bed is mussed, unmade before you left for work. The fitted sheet is pooled in the middle beneath where you sleep, the various blankets tossed about. It looks like the coziest damn thing he’s ever seen, especially after a couple of nights on a couch.
Javier almost thinks about giving in, waiting for you to ask him to sleep in your bed tonight then jumping at the chance. Maybe he will, if he’s tired enough. Maybe he won’t, but maybe he will. He can think of nothing better than the endless whir of the radiator as your perpetually-cold body nuzzles against him, brushes your nose against his bare chest.
It’s been a long time since Javi has fucked anyone, and he’s starting to feel it. He’s a little antsy, and the image of your body, your ass as you ice skate past him, haunts him like a bad dream- or rather some illicit fantasy he knows he shouldn’t be having.
Would you want him yet? You’ve told him you love him, but that was an accident. When he kisses you, you kiss back harder. Hell, you initiated the first kiss. You seem like you’ve been all-in on this relationship, taking things at a rushed pace that Javier certainly doesn’t mind. He spends a lot of the day contemplating that, standing on the tiny balcony of your apartment and smoking a couple of cigarettes.
At this point, he needs a distraction or he’s going to have to take matters into his own hands, quite literally. What better to kill the horny buzz making his head spin than to call Murphy?
The phone is in your bedroom, on the nightstand. Javier dares to sit on the edge of your bed, and actually moans aloud at the plush comfort, the way his ass sinks into it. Goddamn, he’ll have to get one of these. He wants nothing more than to lay back and fall into the bed, wait for you to get home and pound you into the comfortable mattress. But he doesn’t. He stays strong and picks up the phone, dialing the new Murphy residence in Miami.
After a couple of rings, a familiar voice answers. “Murphy’s.”
“Hey, bastard,” Javier chuckles, and he can hear the blonde man’s laughter from across the receiver.
“Javier Peña,” Steve drawls, dragging out the name. “Good to hear your voice, man. You finally come out of a ten-day celebratory drunkenness?”
“Don’t talk to me about binges,” Javier teases, but he smiles a little. He’s missed the man. He’s glad neither of them got in any trouble over the entire Los Pepes situation- God, that feels like ages ago now. It’s hard to believe he’s only been in D.C. what, eleven days? If Steve’s math is right, yeah. “No. I’m in D.C. still, if you can believe it. Just… bored.”
“Oh really?” the man scoffs, leaning against his kitchen counter in Miami with Olivia on his hip. “And why’s that? What are you still doin’ up there anyway? Thought you were goin’ to visit the old man.”
Javier shakes his head. “Plans changed. There’s, uh… there’s a girl.”
Steve lets out a wolf whistle, laughing. “And how much does she charge a night?”
“Not one of those. She works at a coffee shop around here,” he informs him. “She’s… she’s really something. Nothing I ever thought I’d be into. She’s gorgeous, man, and so energetic all the damn time. Seems like she has an IV of coffee from her shop,” he chuckles, looking off into space. He takes a pause. Steve doesn’t speak. “I wanna be with her Steve. I don’t… I don’t know if I can go back.”
He’s silent a little longer. “This is some kind of practical joke, right?” Steve says after a beat, barely holding back a laugh. Never has Javier been so sincere, so real and honest and open. And more specifically, he’s never been like this over a girl. Almost… mushy. Soft. “Tell me more,” he says, hoping the joke will give up.
Javier talks about you, describing every little detail with a grin on his face. He tells Steve about Tie Guy and ice skating and your piece of shit car, how you can spin in circles on the ice and how you remind him of a busy little bee, fluttering about the coffee shop.
Steve is genuinely rendered speechless; a hard thing to do. He blinks down at Olivia then straight ahead at the refrigerator, covered in photos and magnets and drawings. He can’t imagine Javier ever wanting something like this, like what he and Connie have, but he sure sounds like it. “That’s… something. Good for you, Javi,” Steve chuckles, resigning to sincerity. “I’m happy for you.”
Javier grumbles back. “Don’t get too happy. I have to go back to Calí in three weeks. She doesn’t want me to leave… I don’t know what to do, Murph. I can’t bring her with, you know that, but I can’t just leave her here. And I sure as hell can’t quit.”
“You could quit.”
“I’m not going to, how’s that?” Javier huffs and crosses his arms, annoyed by Steve and his goddamn wording loopholes. “I just… fuck. I’m gonna go think about it before she gets back.”
“She comin’ to your hotel? You sure you aren’t paying per night?” He smirks.
Javier’s quiet and Steve isn’t sure what it means until he talks. “I’m, uh, staying at her place. She insisted.”
Steve whistles again. “Damn. You’re whipped, Peña. Well, I’ll let you go. Call again soon. I miss ya, bud,” he tells Javier in a moment of earnesty then hangs the phone back on the receiver, bringing Olivia to her nursery to change her diaper.
Javi sighs and falls backwards on the bed, admiring the way the mattress holds his body compared to the couch. Yeah, he’ll definitely need to sleep in here tonight or he’s going to crack his spine.
The issue will be you. He could handle it on the couch; it was like a soft, adolescent form of love, innocent and warm. Of course, it could still be the same in your bed. But would it? Is there not a different set of implications that come with the two of you sharing a bed?
Snuggling with you on the couch was nice. Wonderful, perfect even. Javier loves falling asleep with you in his arms. But in your bed, arms curled around him, maybe even being his little spoon… that perfect body pressed flush to his own, your soft ass against his groin, your breathing pushing back into his chest… that would be an entirely different thing. And he wants it, he really does, but he isn’t sure he’ll be able to control himself.
He slept like shit the last night, to be honest. You on top of him prevented him from moving, and Javier is an active sleeper. His neck was at an odd angle and his back twisted. His body feels like it did after that fight with Tie Guy. He can’t- wouldn’t- invade your privacy of your bed without you home to give him the go ahead, but he’s so damn tired. Not even the coffee helps.
So Javier indulges in one of life’s little pleasures he rarely gets to experience: a nap. Curled up on his side on the couch, blankets pulled snug around his fetal-positioned body, Javier drifts off to the sound of the noon news on the television.
That’s how you find him when you come home. He’s peacefully asleep, his lips parted and mustache moving with his exhales. Well, he’s clearly alive. That’s good.
You’re not sure how long he’s been asleep, so you leave him, making yourself something to eat in the kitchen. You avoid the living room as you get settled in, changing out of your espresso-stained clothing and into something more comfortable.
When you’re all comfy, makeup removed and a warm sweater on, you sit at the other end of the couch. Javier’s curled into a ball, his feet just inches away from your legs. You hope when he moves, he’ll feel you there and wake. If not, oh well. He deserves the rest.
It’s gray and cloudy outside, and you snuggle into the corner of the couch while reading your worn copy of The Great Gatsby. It’s the one you’ve been re-reading recently, what you were reading that first day Javi wandered into your coffee shop and subsequently your life.
Javi wakes not long later, maybe half an hour, to the sound of your book crinkling. The paperback’s spine crunches with wear, and his eyes flutter open to see you tucked against a pillow. God, you look like an angel, the light from the cloudy day filtering in and illuminating you from the back. Your face is calm and peaceful, focused as your eyes trace the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald. “Hi,” Javier mumbles groggily.
Your expression turns to a smile and you set down the book. “Hey.” You take his legs and drape them across your lap, tracing your fingers across them. “How’d you sleep?”
He groans. “Okay. Neck hurts.”
“That wouldn’t be an issue if you’d just sleep with me,” you sing-song to him, stroking his legs through the comfortable pants he wears. “My bed is super cozy.”
God, does Javier know it. It felt like your love itself when he laid down and the warmth of it swallowed him, practically whole. “Maybe I’ll give in,” he sighs, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “How was work? Sorry I didn’t visit.”
“Boring as always,” you chuckle. “What did you do today?”
Javi frowns as he thinks about it, his brain fogged with sleep. “Not much. Called Murphy, talked a while. He’s doing good.”
“Good,” you nod and smile. “When will I get to meet this elusive Steve?” You ask, softly kneading at his legs through the blanket and frowning as you realize he’s wearing… jeans. “Wait, pause. Are you seriously wearing jeans?” you ask him and laugh, lifting the blanket to confirm what you already suspected.
He frowns defensively, crossing his arms. “Maybe.”
“Why the fuck would you take a nap in jeans, Javi?” You laugh.
Javier looks away, frowning. The stubbornness shows. “I don’t own many comfortable clothes besides what I wear to work, if you haven’t noticed,” he retorts, but you can’t help but giggle. “Plus I thought I’d only be here to get fired.”
You smile at him lovingly and cup his face. “You sweet, stupid workaholic. Let’s go shopping later, get you some cozy stuff.”
Javier warms against your touch but maintains a pout. “I like jeans.”
Rolling your eyes, you huff out a laugh. “Would a pair of sweatpants be detrimental to your wardrobe, Javier?”
“Stop using big words,” he groans. “I’m barely awake.”
The large mall is annoying to Javier, full to the brim with last-minute (or maybe prepared, he never holiday-purchases) shoppers. He holds your hand, shooting feisty glares at anyone that dares to bump against his or, god forbid, your side. “Relax,” you tease and squeeze his free hand. The other carries a bag containing two hoodies, three t-shirts, and two pairs of sweatpants. “You’re not on a mission, and you certainly don’t have the knuckles to pitch another fight.”
He looks at his hands and scowls. You’re right. They’re no longer black and blue but faded yellows and greens, a spare bit of purple over the bones. The fight wasn’t that long ago, really, even though it feels like an eternity.
You drag Javier into a favorite shop of yours. He follows you around like a lost puppy while you search through clothes. He even hands you one or two tops he thinks you’d look nice in. You kiss him on the cheek and he dares to smile for a moment before returning to his stone-faced annoyance at such a packed area.
The dressing rooms are nicer, much more spaced out and offering places to rest. Javier sits in a chair across from your little cubby as you try things on. Every time you find something, you come out and model it for him. He comments, always positively, gives a little applause and smiles at the twirl you give in the big trifold mirror.
There’s one pair of leggings that hug your ass tight. Javier nearly salivates at them. “I like those,” he comments. “They look comfortable.” The same follows with a pair of jeans, even more flattering. He crosses his legs and nods, giving you similar comments.
Then come the dresses and tops. They’re all low-cut, not the wintery clothing Javier’s always seen you in. They show off your cleavage, and one scarlet colored blouse with a low neckline and fluffy sleeves makes Javier’s eyes simultaneously light up and darken. “How’s this one?” You ask, tugging at the sleeves.
“How much is it?” He asks, leaning back and looking at you through lidded eyes.
“Uh…” you tell him the cost and look back up at him, expecting a comment. “Why?”
“I’m buying that for you myself,” he smirks up at you, eyeing you up and down in a way that makes your skin feel intensely hot. The sight is stunning to him, and your flustered smile makes the smirk a little more devilish.
Javier does end up buying you the shirt, and you purchase a few other things you liked. But that scarlet shirt is stuck on Javier’s mind in replay: the subtle valley between your tits, how they filled out the shirt just perfectly and tugged at the cloth covering them, the way they look painfully soft to the touch, especially through that soft fabric. He wonders if you were wearing a bra under it. Then he has to stop himself.
You eat dinner late, chatting mindlessly over everything and nothing. Javier has no work to speak of now, so he tells you tall tales of the hunt for Escobar, some exaggerated and some underplayed. He mainly listens to you, asks about your past and your future, your family and your job. He could never tire of your voice, the soothing lull that warms him from the inside out, just like your skin flushed in that goddamn red top.
He drives the both of you home, humming softly to the songs on the radio. He’s beginning to recognize more and more of the top-40 hits on a certain preset station, songs he’d never listen to on his own. He glances over at you, gazing out of the window, and feels his body warm again- not just in his heart, but his stomach and lower too. He dares to steal a glance down, at the soft swell of your tits in that sweater. God, he wants to get you naked.
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know what you want and he’s too afraid to ask, too afraid to shatter this blissful phase of adoration without the sexual attraction. He wonders if you feel it too, if your clothes suddenly feel too restricting and too warm when you run a hand down his bare back.
The nightly routine ensues: you shower. Javier changes, this time into a new hoodie but leaves his legs bare, wearing only boxers on the bottom. He waits on the couch, and when you exit the bathroom, he takes his turn. He returns and sits next to you on the couch.
Tonight, when you ask him to share your bed with you, he doesn’t say no. In fact, he doesn’t say much of anything, just yawns softly and stands, taking your hand.
It’s a sacred space, your bed. Javier knows it. He rarely fucks women in his; whether it’s for his own privacy or fear they’ll fall asleep there, he can’t say. But your bed is such an intimate expression of you, and he can see it. He can see the divot in the mattress where you sleep, the way you arrange the pillows just right for your own head. It is a queen size, but it’s single-occupancy: until now, that is, and Javier feels honored you’re willing to share this holiness with him.
He gets into the bed on the other side of you, the warm blankets enveloping him, and he nearly lets out a moan at the comfort. Compared to the hotel bed and the couch, this is sleeping on a literal cloud from the heavens. He lies still, waiting to see what you do first. Not wanting to overstep anything.
His prayers are answered when you snuggle into his side. You rest your head on his chest, kissing his sternum through the soft material of the hoodie. A hand rests on the other side of your face, and your legs both encircle one of his. Javier smiles, wrapping an arm around you. He presses a kiss into your hair and murmurs a goodnight, letting his head fall back. He has no time to worry about this situation before he falls asleep.
He falls asleep almost immediately, which makes you chuckle through your half-conscious state. He seems to always radiate heat, Javier. Your layers of blankets upon blankets suddenly feel unnecessary when a heat source the strength of the summer sun fills your bed. His chest is strong and firm beneath you. The rise and fall of his chest is like a boat rocking on the ocean, putting you at ease and allowing you to rest.
Fuck. He knew this was a bad idea. Why did he do this?
The clock reads 1:48 and Javier is wide awake, staring at your popcorn-stucco-whatever the fuck it is ceiling. He wasn’t able to process this before sleep overtook him, before his consciousness was wiped and with it, his inhibitions.
Your body is pressed to his so perfectly. You sleep without a bra, and Javier can feel his arm being slightly sandwiched between your breasts, the way they press further into it every time you inhale. Your thighs are warm with sleep, and he can feel your core pressed against his hip, even while you sleep and even through the layers of clothing.
Javier feels like the embodiment of slime. You’re asleep and all he can think about is how fucking hot your body is, how much he wants to press you into this mattress and wake you with an orgasm. He wants to palm your tits and make your nipples harden through that flimsy shirt, to slide his fingers beneath your pajama bottoms and-
He can’t take it. He feels so wrong, the smell of you surrounding him and choking him like a thick perfume, even in its subtlety. He does not deserve to sleep next to you, innocently, like someone you love, when all he can think about is his own carnal desires.
Pushing back the covers, Javier gets out of bed before any more blood can flow to his slowly hardening dick. This is all wrong. He should not be doing this, thinking these things without knowing you feel the same.
But the guilt is as strong as his arousal. He watches you for a moment, torn between his options, before meandering through the darkened bedroom and finding his way into the bathroom. He turns on the bright lights and forces himself to stare at the bulbs, to make his pupils shrink from their blown state of sleep mixed with desperation. He’s fully awake now.
He needs to get the hardened length down. He can’t do this, can’t allow himself this suffering while you sleep in the next room.
The sink. Cold water. He gasps silently at the splash of the ice-cold water against his face, dampening the edges of his hoodie. It doesn’t work enough. Again. Nothing. He feels like a teenager, unable to control himself. The cold water is a good idea, though.
Javier strips down, trying to avoid the urge to take himself in hand and fix this here and now. Turning the water as cold as it can go, Javier turns on the shower and steps in.
Agony is the best term he has. It makes him want to squeal like a fucking pig as he shudders from the cold. It doesn’t work to force his erection down, but what use is it when it’s not something physical but mental stimulating him? The cold shock didn’t do shit. Javier’s still achingly hard. He turns the water warmer and sighs as it gradually turns to a tolerable temperature, one that he can relax under and allow himself to let out a deep sigh.
He has no other options, unless he wants to wait it out. Leaning against the wall, Javier strokes himself, biting his lip and hoping the water pressure will cancel any soft moans he can’t avoid. It doesn’t take long when he’s this aroused, when he knows exactly what the fantasy in his head would feel like.
Javier is panting and sweating, from the effort and the growing heat of the water. He feels disgusting but it feels so good, and he can’t help imagining you doing this to him, you spreading your legs and feeding the fire between his own.
It only takes a few minutes. He gasps as he cums, with a force he’s never brought forth with his own hand. He bites his lip so hard he’s sure he might cut it off, not allowing the desperate sounds to reach a level you could hear. When he’s done, he groans and cracks his neck. “Oh, little bee,” he whispers, agonized as he lets the water wash the evidence of his sins down the drain.
When he’s done, Javier walks into your bedroom, silently, in the dark. His previous boxers were stained with a patch of his precum; he can’t put those back on. He drops the towel and puts on different boxers.
After he’s changed, he looks at your bed longingly for a moment. The soft sheets, soft mattress, the soft body between them. But in Javier’s head, he’s forsaken his right to the warmth, the comfort.
When you wake in the morning, hours after you thought you heard the shower running, you find Javier is not in your bed. There isn’t even a warm spot where he lay, just your body shifted further from your normal sleeping position. When you wander out to make your morning coffee, you find him. He spent the night on the couch again.
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A Date With A Plumber
Bowser gently laid white cloths on the steaming bowls of food. While doing so he noticed that a fork was crooked. Alarmed, he quickly adjusted the utensil so it matched the rest of the dishes. The koopa then took a step back to analyze the table. It was set for two, one dish adjacent to the other at the end of the table. Bowser would have liked it if they were positioned across from each other but talking would be proven difficult with how long the table was.
He took a nervous sigh and moved to the mirror on the wall. His hair was a complete mess. Bowser smoothed it to the side with his clawed hands. Once he finished, he smiled proudly in the reflection. A second later though it reverted to its default look.
He growled in annoyance. The turtle then started to fix his silver cravat. He was wearing a maroon dinner tuxedo with a double lapel. He ditched most of his typical accessories, save for his bracelets. It was the compromise Bowser made with Kamek. He glared when he remembered the overwhelming amount of advice the old wizard gave him. “Don’t slouch over the table. Don’t talk with your mouth full. And DON’T for the love of the stars lose your temper!” He began to realize that instead of fixing his neckpiece, he was gripping it for dear life. Bowser let go of it in alarm. He groaned, lightly slapping his cheeks. “Pull yourself together Bowser,” he said in aggravation. “You’re the King of the Koopas! You have no reason to be all shaken up over one silly date!”
No matter how much he tried to convince himself, Bowser still felt like there were fighter flies in his stomach. Even though this was their third date, he was still a nervous wreck. Besides this one was different. Unlike the first two, which were at her house, this date was on his turf. Not to mention there would be a chaperon. “It’ll probably be that tomato colored Mario,” Bowser grumbled. That was a part of the agreement between the three of them. Whenever they would go out, there had to be someone—which was always picked for them by Mario—to keep an eye on the two. Panic hit him like a train when he realized he didn’t make a bowl for the red suited plumber. Before the turtle had time to think, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned; smoke escaping from the sides of his mouth. “WHAT?” The koopa troopa swallowed nervously.
“S-Sir? S-She’s here.”
Like a Bullet Bill out of a canon, Bowser charged passed the troopa, sending the poor thing flying. Thankfully his other minions were able to get out of their king’s way as he ran down the halls. In moments the twin doors were in sight. He slid to a halt, nearly blasting through them. Bowser took a moment to steady his breathing before opening them. His breath was cut short when the koopa saw who was standing on the steps. It was Luciana, adorned with a simple dark green dress with see-through lace sleeves. Her brunette hair, which was normally straight, was curled. When her blue eyes met Bowser’s, he felt like time stopped.
“Hellooooo? Earth to Bowser!”
Bowser snapped out of his daze when he noticed a hand waving near his face. He shook his head and looked back at Luciana. She seemed to be worried. “Is—everything alright?” He nodded rapidly. “Yeah! Yeah, everything is g-great!” She grinned in relief, causing Bowser’s heart to pound like a drum. “Buona!” There was an awkward silence between the two. The koopa then noticed the shorter woman was staring at him. “What? Is there something on my tux?” Luciana blushed in embarrassment. “N-No! I uh—your scarf thingy is all…” She motioned to his neck. He looked down and saw his cravat was still a mess. Bowser wanted to retreat back into his shell. The plumber inched closer to him, hand slightly raised. “Um—may I?”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise but squatted down at her request. She then tidied the cravat. “There! All better! Looks like all those years helping Mario with his ties came in handy!” She said with a chuckle. Bowser winced at the mention of her brother. Luciana picked up on his shift in mood, facing falling a bit. “O-Oh uh—I’m sorry. I shouldn’t—“
“No, no! It’s ok…” Bowser realized that something was missing. “Speaking of, where is your chaperon? I was expecting him to be with you.” She gave him a playful smirk. “I was able to talk him out of it!” He was shocked and somewhat impressed. “How?”
“Well I told Mario that I’m a grown woman and he shouldn’t be treating me like a little kid. Besides I can handle myself!” She then flexed her arms with a semi-serious look on her face. Bowser cracked a smile, finding her display adorable. “After a long talk we came to an understanding.” She horizontally put her finger below her nose and spoke in a deeper tone. “Alright Luciana! You can go on your date alone. But you gotta come home at midnight! Even if you’re a minute late, I’ll break down those castle doors faster than you can say ravioli! And if that slime faced koopa tries anything funny, you take care of him like I showed ya. Got it?” Bowser chuckled, clapping his hands. “Perfect impression. 10 out of 10.”
She did a little curtsy in response. “Grazie!” Bowser leaned against the door frame, feeling a sense of relief knowing it was just the two of them now. “Man, who knew the String Bean could stand up to her brother like that. She keeps throwing surprises at me.”
Luciana started rocking back and forth on her heels. The king koopa realized that she was still outside. He nearly jumped out of her way, bowing deeply. “Pl-Please! Come in!” His sudden movement made the plumber flinch but relaxed once she passed the doors. Bowser followed her in.
Soon the two were in the dining hall. Bowser sped walk toward the table. He quickly pulled Luciana’s chair out for her, causing a loud squeak as he did. He winced at the sound but still gave her a smile. She smiled back and sat down after thanking him. Bowser scooted her chair toward the table and clapped his hands. The lights were turned down low. He then lit the table candle with his fire breath. “Che meraviglia!” Luciana whispered under her breath. “Hopefully that means something good,” he thought to himself. The turtle then brought his attention to the bowls. He gingerly took the white cloths off, steam pooling out from them. “Bon appétit!”
Luciana’s eyes grew to the size of moons. The bowls were filled with cooked rice and beef, a variety of different vegetables, and a fried egg to top it all off. Bowser couldn’t help but be smug with her reaction. She turned to him, eyes sparkling. “What is this?!” He sat down, resting his hands on the wooden table. “It’s called bibimbap.” Luigi scrunched her face as she tried to say the name. “Bimbi—bimbipab.” Bowser let out a hearty laugh at her attempt to pronounce the word. The plumber’s face turned a bright red. “Say it with me. Bi-bim-bap.” She repeated after the turtle, saying it correctly this time. “There ya go!” He gave her a toothy grin. She smiled back, twirling her hair with a finger. Bowser looked to the side with a bashful smile. “This—is one of my favorite dishes. I wanted to share it with you since you shared one of your favorites with me.”
He looked at the corner of his eye to see Luciana staring at him. He blushed, coughing into his hand. “What w-was that called again? Tor-tortilla gardinata?” Now it was Luciana’s turn to laugh. “Tortellini gratinati.” Bowser chuckled, scratching his head. “Yeah, that. Oh before I forget, here’s Gochujang if you want some.” He passed her a small bowl of red paste. The woman cocked her head at the little dish. “Gochujang?” Bowser nodded. “Yeah. It’s a red pepper paste. It gives the bibimbap an extra kick!” Her face lit up after hearing that. He gave her a wink. “I know how you like things a little spicy so I thought I would oblige.”
She giggled, sending a flurry of warmth to Bowser’s chest. “Grazie, grazie!” She at first picked up a fork but then eyed the chop sticks. “You can eat it with those?” Bowser raised an eye brow at her. “Uh yeah. That’s how you’re supposed to eat it.” She let out a soft oh in response. The koopa realized how harsh his tone was. He reprimanded himself in his head. “Um—I can—show you how to use them, if you want that is.” Luciana blinked at him and then smiled. “Sì! I always wanted to learn how to use them!” Bowser got up and moved to her side. He gently guided Luciana how to hold the utensil. The turtle noticed just how small her hand was compared to his. “They’re so tiny—so—delicate.” He looked at the woman, who was staring at their hands. She brought her gaze to him. When their eyes locked, they both blushed crimson. Bowser removed his hand and they both looked away from each other.
He stiffly walked back to his chair, sat down, and proceeded to stuff his face to hide his blushing. After a while he turned his eyes to the green dressed plumber. She was able to pick up a bit of vegetables and rice. Luigi dipped the food in the Gochujang and put it in her mouth. Her eyes lit up as she chewed more. She looked at Bowser with a big grin. “This is amazing! Please give my compliments to the chief!” Bowser glowed by her praise. “Thanks! I was worried that I might have over-cooked the carrots.” The woman raised her eye brows in surprise. “You made this?”
“Yeah! Cooking is one of the few things I like to do.”
“Don’t…you have cooks to make your meals?” Bowser shrugged. “Yeah, but sometimes I do the cooking, especially if it’s for one of my kids’ birthdays.” Luciana stared at him. “You…made this specially…for me?” Bowser was confused by her statement. “Of course! You’re my girlfriend! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t make food for you?” Luciana’s face was red once more. Realization hit Bowser like a blue shell to the kart once the words left his mouth. This was the first time Bowser ever called her his girlfriend or referred himself as her boyfriend. “I—um—.” He took a sip of his wine, not wanting to speak anymore. He felt a hand rest on his. The turtle looked to see Luciana, giving him a sheepish smile, cheeks pink. The king gazed at her for a moment and returned the look, intertwining his fingers with hers. Soon the two were enjoying the rest of their meal, having small talk and telling stories to pass the time.
The bowls were empty while the room was filled with laughter. Both human and koopa were smiling ear to ear. Bowser then got up and moved toward Luciana. He offered a clawed hand to the woman. She gladly took it, Bowser helping her out of the cushioned chair. “I wanna show you something.” Luciana cocked her head. “Oh? What is it?” He winked at her. “It’s a surprise!” He led her out of the room and further down the hall. A few moments later they were in front of two glass doors. Bowser opened them for Luciana, trying hard to contain his excitement. She stepped through them and gasped. The room was filled to the brim with beautiful flowers and plants, some of them the plumber had never seen before. “Oh Bowser—they’re gorgeous!”
“The ash from the volcanos makes for great fertilizer. All of our vegetables are grown here too.” Luciana turned to the koopa with sparkling eyes. He couldn’t help but crack a grin as he brought her further in the garden. They soon stopped at an elaborate stone bench. Bowser sat down, patting the spot next to him. Luciana took a seat, smoothing out her dress. She looked around, taking in all the scenery. She wasn’t the only one taking in the view. Bowser watched her, feeling lighter than air. He couldn’t explain why though. He then remembered why they were here in the first place.
“L-Luciana,” he asked softly. She turned to him, the same warm feeling from earlier hitting him harder. “Yes Bowser?” The king felt his cheeks get hotter when she said his name. Swallowing, he took something from his coat pocket. “I—I wanted to give you these.” He opened his fist to reveal a pouch of seeds. “They’re green cymbidium orchids.” Luciana gaped at the seeds. She then turned to him, bewildered. “That’s my favorite flower! How—how did you get them?! They’re so hard to find!” Bowser proudly smiled, tapping his snout. “I have my ways.” Luciana rolled her eyes playfully. Her expression grew softer as she gingerly took the pouch from his hand. “Grazie Bowser. I’ll make sure they grow big and strong.” He gave the woman a tender look. “I know you will.”
The human and koopa gazed at one another. They both felt a pull, slowly closing the distance between them as they inched closer. Luciana rested a free hand on Bowser’s cheek, making his spiked tail wag steadily. Suddenly, she had an alarmed expression on her face and placed her hand over the king’s mouth. “Aspettare! What’s the time?!” Bowser had to take a minute to process what she just asked. He then took out his pocket watch. “It’s 11:50.” They stared at each other in utter fear. The duo then sprinted out of the room and down the halls. The minions that were still awake never saw their boss run so fast before, unless it was to escape from a fight or for food. Before they knew it, they were both in a lakitu cloud and booking it to Mario and Luciana’s house.
Once the cloud stopped, the king and plumber quickly jumped out of it. Bowser whipped out his watch. Luigi watched on in anticipation. He showed her the clock. “11:58,” she gasped out in relief. Bowser wiped his forehead, feeling ready to collapse. They walked to the front door, slowly catching their breath. Bowser leaned against the wall while Luciana fixed her hair. Bowser loosened his cravat, clearing his throat. “…I hope you had a good time.” The woman nodded happily. “I did! The bi-bim-bap was excellent!” She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear with a small blush. “It was nice—to be alone together.” He agreed in silence with a small grin. He licked his lips nervously. “Also—you can visit the garden whenever you come to the castle. That way we can spend more time—alone.” The plumber was surprised but giddily replied, “I would love that.”
Without thinking, Bowser leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Good night, Luciana.” The human blushed profusely, touching where he kissed her. She looked up at him in surprise. Bowser started to sweat bullets. “Oh no. Did I go too far?! I-I didn’t mean-“ Suddenly, Luciana gave him a warm kiss on the cheek as well. He felt like his whole body was on fire. “G-Good night, Bowser,” she said with a bashful grin. The koopa watched Luciana as she opened the door to her home. Before she closed it, the woman gave him a dreamy expression. Bowser swore he heard music as she gazed at him with those beautiful eyes. He gave her a blissful grin, waving good bye. She waved back, leisurely shutting the door.
Bowser jumped onto the cloud, gushing so hard that fire was peeking out of his mouth. Once he returned to his castle, the koopa’s heart was racing. He was astonished that he was even tired that night. Regardless, Bowser got ready for bed. After he put a pair of pajamas on, the king then climbed into a large bed, pulling the blanket over his chest. He let out a happy sigh, his last thought before falling asleep being his girlfriend’s pure smile.
I wrote this like--last year. Sorry it took so long to submit. Characters (c) Nintendo
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Part 2 of Taken
Child of the Nein (Mighty Nein & Child!Reader)
I really hope this turned out as well as I imagined it to
You were honestly surprised to see your old caretaker again after so long, ever since that scuffle near Nicodranas you never did know what happened to them when they disappeared, forgetting about those worries when you met Jester not too long after. Yet here they were, after accidentally wandering away from Jester they come out of nowhere and whisk you off to who knows where, and they seemed to be in a hurry about it too. Throughout their little road trip you hoped that every turn or small stop would reveal Jester waiting to rescue you along with the rest of the Nein, sadly this wasn’t the case. Had you bothered to pay proper attention you’d know which city you were approaching but being dragged off the cart and through a variety of underground tunnels didn’t really help pinpoint things for you. You finally stop but at this point you'd decided to just keeping your eyes to the ground trying not to let fear take control over you.
"Alright! Here they are, just like I’d promised." Your caretaker, though now you scoff at the idea of this person ever caring for you, roughly pulls you forward into view, you keep your eyes on the ground. "Sooo… everything should be settled now, right? My debts payed and I’m free to go?" There’s a silence that feels like it lasts an eternity before a new voice, one you recognized speaks.
"The 'special cargo' you mentioned was… this child?" You peek up from your position and are shocked to see that the person your caretaker was negotiating with was none other then the Gentleman. He didn’t look surprised to see you but you hoped that was just so he could keep up with his appearance, you look to him with pleading eyes hoping that he could help you and you think you see a slight change in his expression as he leans over to whisper to one of his associates. When he’s done they hurry off somewhere and he turns his attention back to you. "And you speak the truth when you say they don’t have other connections or family?"
"Goodness no, this little thing has never been with anyone else but myself the whole time." They reply with a laugh, making you scowl at them. The Gentleman narrows his eyes and their laughter dies down quickly, getting a more nervous look.
"I don’t take kindly to those who think they can get away with lying to me." He says in a threatening tone, then snaps his fingers and two large henchmen grab the caretaker firmly by both arms.
"No, wait wait! Please! I-I'm not lying, the kid hasn’t been with anyone else but me!" They stammer, trying to sound convincing.
"Then I’m sure you have a reasonable explanation as to how this child in your possession looks exactly like my… one of my subordinates kids, or should I let (y/n) explain themselves." At the mention of your name the caretakers face completely drains of colour as realization creeps in. The Gentleman, completely unfazed waves his hand and his bodyguard, Sorah, walks over and frees you of your bindings while the others who still had the caretaker in their grip drag them off with them kicking and screaming that they were cheated and begging for another chance.
"Thank you." You say in a hushed voice, rubbing at your wrists.
"I’ve got someone to inform Jester of your whereabouts. You’re free to wait here until you’re retrieved, just don’t make a mess." You nod and go sit at one of the tables, pulling out a little notebook Jester gave you and begin writing and drawing in it to help pass time…
"(Y/n)!" You look up from your drawing to see Jester bounding up to you, easily picking you up and twirls you around in a big hug that you are more then happy to return. "I was so worried about you. We tried to follow but you were already so far away I didn’t know if I’d find you again." She wipes a few tears away and places a kiss to your forehead, you just snuggle into her more. "Thank you for helping them dad. See you do care!" She turns her attention to the Gentleman who in return gives an exaggerated sigh and rubs at his temples.
"We’ve been over this already… but you’re welcome." The second part came out more as a mutter. The two of you happily wave, and you quickly pick up your notebook before Jester makes her way out of the bar with you securely in her arms.
You’re thrown into a pit very much against your will, the pit itself was 40 feet wide with you on one side and on the other side of it a snarling owlbear chained to a wall, though the chains didn't look like they’d hold for much longer. Oh why did you have to let the allure of sparkly things get the better of you?
"Ladies, gentlemen! Place your bets!" One of the hosts called to the crowd. "Our fierce killer Dezmo or the half pint!"
"What kinda dumb name is Dezmo?" You mutter to yourself. You don’t have a lot of time to think about it as a high pitched whistle rings in your ears, irritating them. By the looks of it the sound was irritating the owlbear too, as it thrashes and roars in aggravation, the chains give way and the owlbear instantly starts charging for you. Thinking fast you dart under the beast, which compared to your tiny size towers over you, and start looking for any sort of escape route or places to hide. The beast spins around and swats at you, you managing to just barely duck out of the way and the crowd goes crazy for it.
"Come on folks, if you’re really confident place your final bets now and let’s see if the half pint can keep up." They blow that stupid whistle again, further aggravating the owlbear as it try’s charging you again, the audience hoots and hollers over it. These people were awful cheering for a large monster to attack child, then again they probably saw you as a monster too which disheartened you to know you were nothing but entertainment for them. You’re struck by a heavy blow from the beast, crashing into a wall and left teetering on the verge of losing consciousness, the beast stalks forward, rears up for a final strike but it ends up screeching in pain instead. A familiar goblin mom steps in front of you as a barrier between the monster and yourself, hissing menacingly at the it. The owlbear try's rearing up again, this time more focused on Nott who shoots another bolt from her crossbow nailing the beast in the eye. Your picked up and handed to Jester by Yasha as she and Beau also enter the pit, the audience were surprisingly enthused by this, cheering for a good fight, the only people unamused by this were the hosts to the whole ordeal.
"Oi! What'd ya think you’re doin'! That was our money maker you just shot!" One calls down, they’re answered with a bolt lodging itself into their collarbone and they cry out in pain.
"That’s what you get for using a child to get your sick kicks!" Nott yells ferociously. With Yasha and Beau having made swift work to the owlbear, Nott climbs her way out of the pit, going over to Jester as she finishes using Cure Wounds on you. "Are you alright? Do you need me to carry you?" She asks, already taking you into her arms and placing kisses all over your face. You just wrap your arms around her neck and hide your face in her shoulder, she takes this as her sign to leave and with the others following not far behind walks through the crowd towards the exit.
"Oh yeah, we also called the local guard, they should be here any minute!" You hear Jester shout before you all hurry away.
This strange woman had come out of nowhere, took you by the hand and walked off from where Caleb told you to wait without a word, you tried to pull away but her grip was firm as she tugged you along. She lead your unwilling self through alleys, stopping every now and again, waiting for areas to be less populated before heading off again.
"Where are we going? Where'd you even come from?" You been asking these questions several times but the woman would just ignore them.
"Hush now dear, if I let go you’ll try to run from mommy again. If you did that mommy would have a hard time finding you like the first time. Now be a good kid and stay close, we're going home." You knew for a fact this woman wasn’t your mother and this "home" she spoke of was not where you wanted to go. Using your head you tried to think if there was any spell you could use to free yourself of the woman’s iron grip, you try to reach for your little bag but the woman snatches it and slings it over her own shoulder. "No need for that, you can play when we make it to the boat." Wait… boat? Was she trying to get you off Wildemount?
"No I don’t want to leave! You’re not my mom, let me go I don’t want to go with you!" You try shouting to get someone’s attention.
"Oh you and your wild imagination, enough games, let’s go." She had a weirdly sweet voice but it only furthered your unease around her. You try thrashing, pulling and reaching for your bag multiple times but still the woman’s grip held firm as you were dragged to the docks. Fear started creeping in, you couldn’t free yourself from her steely grip and who knows where she’s trying to take you. Worst of all if you couldn’t get away you might never see Caleb or anyone ever again, that thought alone made you start to cry. "Oh, don’t cry dear, see we're almost home free." Up ahead was what you’d have to assume to be the boat she was talking about, you tried one more time to wriggle free of her grasp to no avail.
The woman’s steps come to a halt making you pause and also look up to see a wall of fire blaze across the docks, blocking entry to the boat. Your fears dying down when you see a rather angry Caleb march his way towards you, the rest of the Nein not far behind.
"You," Caleb raises an arm pointing at this woman, his voice coming out almost as a hiss. "Get your filthy hands off of my child."
"They’re not yours they’re mine! I will not let you take them from me!" Those who were on the ship must’ve worked or had some relation to this woman as they join her and get into an offensive stance. Before long a fight breaks out between the Nein and the ships crew and once again the woman tries to drag you along with her. "It’s alright dear, they won’t get you." Her sweet demeanour was breaking, getting more and more crazy every time she talked. You butt you head against her as a response making her loosen her grip, you try to bolt as far away from her as you could, calling out for Caleb as you do. There’s a sudden grip on the collar of your shirt and you're yanked back into the woman’s arms, her face full of fury.
"If I can’t have a child of my own… Then they won’t either!" The woman screeches like a psychopath and throws the both of you into the ocean, you shrieking in fear. There's the hard impact from the surface of the water followed by a feeling of figurative and literal sinking into the dark depths, you try and wriggle yourself free but this crazy woman refused to let go and with smaller lungs you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep this up before running out of air. As a last resort you take your chance and bite the woman’s arm as hard as you can, ending up drawing blood, her screams of pain muffled in the water but you’re able to break free of her grip, manage to grab your bag and kick her down farther as you try to swim for the surface. Flailing your legs and arms to propel yourself forward was harder then you thought, your cloths weighing you down quite a bit, but before you completely lose hope and air there’s a dulled splash and soon something grabs you, hauling you out of the water. You gasp for air again and cough up a bit of sea water noticing you’re soaring high in the sky, looking up over your shoulder at the giant, orange eagle and instantly know who it is, a smile placing itself on your face.
Having safely made it back to land you’re carefully placed down and shiver from the chilly ocean air that blew in, trying your best to squeeze out as much water from your cloths as possible. There’s a ruffling of feathers before you find yourself wrapped up by two large wings, the head of the giant bird nuzzling itself into you and helping warm you up again. You always like when Caleb polymorphed into animals, he was always more willing for cuddles that way, with that said, you wrap your arms around his neck as best you can and nuzzle him back with no arguments.
These people were heartless, taking "exotic specimens" to be sold or traded for their own selfish needs, you used to not be the only one occupying your little cell but the others didn’t stay long and you feared you’d be next. Of course being a druid meant you could use something like Wildshape to escape, and of course you would’ve loved to use it too had it not been for some sort of magic nullifying enchantment on the restraints you were shackled in. With no means of using magic to your disposal and no way to call for help with the gag in your mouth you resorted to try thrashing around, attempting to tug free of the shackles that chained you to a wall. All this lead to was having your wrists rubbed raw, still you fought through the pain praying they’d eventually give, the stinging feeling only getting worse and harder to ignore until you felt something warm and wet running down your arms. You're hesitant to look, but see that your insistent tugging caused the shackles to cut into your wrists making them start bleed, badly. You take in deep and slow breaths through your nose to keep yourself calm, seeing as you had no way to cast any healing spell in your situation you try not to panic and slow the blood flow as best as possible. Tears stream down your face, the pain wasn’t helping with your wrist this sensitive it only amplified the feeling of the shackles digging into them, and you were starting to feel lightheaded.
A commotion and the sounds of people fighting catch your ears whipping your head in the direction it was coming from, then instantly regret that choice at the dizziness it caused. You try to make a sound, only muffled noises getting passed the fabric covering your mouth but you persist hoping someone hears you. The fighting dies down as silence takes over, making you worry whoever was here had lost the battle or left, until the cell door opens and two familiar people step in, hurrying over to you. Caduceus helps to remove the rag over your mouth while Nott makes quick work of the shackles seeing the bloody mess on your wrists. The second your wrists are free you feel a gentle, soothing sensation spread over them looking down to watch the lichen cover up the cuts before crumpling away, leaving behind hairline scars. You gently rub at your wrists to help regain circulation in them before leaning your full weight into Caduceus with a soft sobs.
"Shhh, it’s going to be okay, I’m here." Caduceus hushes you, wrapping his arms around your smaller form in a secure embrace.
"They-they were gonna try and sell me away." You hiccup through your tears.
"It’s alright now, we took care of them, they won’t be taking anyone anymore." He calmly reassures, you give a small nod and cuddle yourself into his chest more. Finally feeling safe and secure you let yourself pass out from the exhaustion you’ve felt.
You kicked and flailed in hopes of wiggling free from this thugs grasp on you, all this while screaming at the top of your lungs in the hopes that your cry’s of distress would be loud enough to alert the rest of your sleeping group. Sure your voice would be ruined for a while but that was a small sacrifice you were willing to make if it meant freedom.
"Oh would you shut up! Why haven’t you gagged them yet!?" This groups leader calls over his shoulder getting very agitated with you, good that means your plan was working.
"They won’t stop squirming."
"Then hold them still idiots!" The one that had you thrown over their shoulder try’s using his free hand to hold you down, you swing your head over and bite them without hesitation, they retract their hand and slightly loosen their grip just enough for you to move your arms, perfect. The other two goons come closer to try and restrain you better, you focus and when they’re close enough in range…
"Thunderwave!" You shout, using the newly gained mobility in your arms to flick your hands out and cast the spell. The two goons are knocked back and the one that was holding you is knocked to the ground releasing their grip in the process, a loud thunderous boom shakes through the trees, if that didn’t alert anyone you don’t know what would. Knowing you weren’t a match against 4 men at once you sprint in the direction you came as fast as possible, trying to stay close to the path while using the trees for extra cover. You take a second to catch your breath, all the screaming and shouting did a real number to your throat, it felt dry and it hurt to even attempt making a noise now.
"Keep searching, the brat couldn’t have gotten far!" You could hear the bandits approaching and go to make another run for it, but are caught and thrown harshly to the dirt path. In an attempt to push yourself off the ground you feel a foot press heavily against your back, pushing you into the jagged gravel. "Didn’t ya hear my warning?" They mockingly ask, pressing the cold steel of their blade against your neck. "I’m not against killing you kid." They slowly start to press the blade deeper into your neck, feeling it pierce the skin and draw blood. The feeling of the blade suddenly leaves you, but your left still bleeding and having a hard time controlling your breath from the panic of almost having your throat slit.
A calming sensation eases in and your breathing starts improving again, even the dryness in your throat feels a little better but you’re still not well enough to talk. You look up at Caduceus, being the one who healed you and give him a smile and a thumbs up, he returns the smile and ruffles your hair before helping you back on your feet properly. Fjord soon comes up to you and kneels down to your height, placing his hands on your shoulders, a heavy look of guilt on his face.
"Are you alright?" His voice wavered a little. You rub your neck a little as a ways to show it was sore but give a small nod. "Thank the Wildemother, I was so worried. I’m sorry I let this happen to you, I should’ve…" He trails off a bit, tightening his grip on your shoulders. You just lean forward and give him a hug, locking your arms around his neck as your body shakes a little from the whole encounter, he lets out a breath before returning the hug, securing his arms around you and lifting you up in the process. He then starts making his way back to camp, the rest of Nein in tow.
These ninjas, if you could even call them that, must’ve really underestimated their opponent, sure they were able to capture you but that was because they had numbers on their side while you were just one kid, that didn’t stop you from breaking free and taking them on. What did they even want with you anyways, you saw one drop a note by accident, did someone hire them? Either way you had to be careful the longer you took them on the more exhausted you were starting to feel. You go to land another hit on one of them when a sound you knew well hits your ears and makes you freeze on the spot, and suddenly feel helpless. That sound was the chime of a silver bell, not bronze or gold no particularly silver, you knew that chime all too well and you hated it and the effects it had on you. How did they even- you cut off your own thoughts at a terrifying realization… did your parents send them? Having lost focus you get socked in the jaw and lay limply on the ground, trying to process what was happening. You then hear pained grunts and look over to see Beau fighting off the enemies with some backup from Caleb and Caduceus. You push yourself off the ground but can’t make yourself do more them that, just watching the fight come to an end.
"No one messes with my kid." Beau growls angrily before making her way over to you. "You doing alright (y/n)? If you need any healing I can get Caduceus to check on you." You shake your head, a few stray tears escaping you which Beau defiantly didn’t miss. "Whoa! Hey, you sure you’re alright?" She asks with more concern now.
"I know who sent them." You speak just above a whisper, voice quivering as you do. An arm wraps around your shoulder as Beau joins in sitting next to you, finding yourself leaning into her side as she rubs your arm in a comforting way.
"Tell me who." She spoke with a serious tone, clearly ready to take down whoever caused you this type of grief.
"My parents." You look away from her and shrink a little into yourself.
"What? How can you tell?" She asks, surprised by this. You point over at the discarded bell left laying on the ground.
"Before they sent me away that was how they 'trained' me, they’d ring a bell whenever I’d misbehave… It was always a silver bell." You shift uncomfortably at the memories and feel Beau tighten her grip on you.
"Well, if they want you back so badly, they’re gonna have to pry you from my cold dead hands themselves." You look up at her in shock, she gives you a side smile. "You’re my student and technically my kid now too. Don’t think I’m gonna let 'The Man' take you that easily without a fight." You smile at this and she ruffles up your hair earning a small laugh from you too.
It was terrifying to be without Yasha for this long with these dangerous brutes, what did they even want with you? It’s not like you could offer anything valuable to them or were they just doing this for their own sick kicks. You didn’t want to think too much on it, instead looking for any sort of opening to escape but finding nothing that wouldn’t lead to a confrontation. You could try and test your luck and just snap free of your binding, but it’s never faired well in the past and you didn’t want to end up on the end of a stake, that thought alone makes you shudder.
"Intruders are here!" You hear one shout as the others leave the room, this was your chance, now that they were distracted you easily snap out of the rope they’d tied you in and go to grab your weapon they left discarded on the floor, how rude of them. Being a sneaky as possible your make your way towards the exit and see the brutes fighting against the Mighty Nein. Yasha was facing off with the largest of the brutes well in a rage, screaming at them to tell her where you were. You weren’t sure how battle ready you were at the current time, but you wanted to help so gripping your sword in hand you charge at the brute from behind and take a large swing, slicing into the back of his knee. The brute roars in pain and does a wide sweep with his battle axe, you try to jump back but your earlier forward momentum makes you stagger and get hit by the blade, knocking you backwards by the sheer force.
You skid across the ground gripping tightly to your gut, slowly being surrounded by a puddle of your own blood, it was excruciating as you pitifully try to stop the heavy blood flow by holding your stomach tighter. You try to focus on staying conscious as an angry roar like thunder tears through the cave, you could only guess it to be Yasha having seen what just happened. It feels like an eternity before the pain slowly starts to disappear, the soft light of Jester's healing magic makes you blink open your eyes and look up at her, she gives you a smile and helps you to your feet. You wobble a little but catch yourself and walk back over to the group where you see them finish off the last of the brutes, Yasha taking a big swing bisecting them from the shoulder to their waist. When she looks over and sees you standing there she drops her weapon and runs to you, scooping you into her arms and lets out a few sobs.
"You had me so scared. I thought I lost you too." You grip tightly to her and just share in this sweet reunion.
"I’m sorry I scared you." You apologize, but she shakes her head.
"No, you have nothing to be sorry for, and you’re safe now that’s what matters." She breaths out, with a sigh of relief. She then carries you out of the cave and finally back together again you go to join up with the Mighty Nein.
Numb, that’s all you could feel right now was just numb, these Iron Shepherds had no mercy no matter the age and it showed from the various scars and bruises you received. You lay in the dingy cell they’d placed you in, if you could you would’ve taken this time to think back on your decisions that lead to this moment but you were just too mentally and physically drained to care anymore. As numb as you were everything still hurt, and you felt so exhausted, you just wanted this to end or for something to happen. So stuck in your own head the rest of the world was drowned out to you making you miss the sounds of footsteps and shouts ring throughout the hideout.
There’s a screeching sound of a cell door being opened, you curl in on yourself in a hopeless attempt to prepare for whatever beating may be coming your way. There’s no pain just a hand placing itself on your shoulder, you instinctually flinch away from the touch, they were playing cruel mind games with you now, they had to be, there was just no other explanation for someone trying to be so careful with you. Whoever it was they were persistent, gently taking you into their arms and lifting you up, feeling a strangely comforting warmth wash over you compared to the cold stone floor you were just laying on. They were whispering something you couldn’t quite catch but you try your best to focus and listen.
"Everything’s gonna be alright now love, I promise. They’re not going to hurt you anymore." There voice came out softly as you’re held in their protective grip. Slowly you regain more and more focus and finally notice the familiar colours of a very elaborate coat, feeling tears well up in your eyes at the relief that this wasn’t some cruel trick by your captors and was in fact reality. With the small amount of strength you still had you carefully raise your arms to return the embrace and start weeping uncontrollably, letting out all the tears you’d been holding back. Molly's grip on you tightens slightly, being careful to not hurt you as though you were fragile and could break at a moments notice. "We had ourselves a long day, haven’t we? Let’s get you out of this hellhole." With that he exits the dingy cell and carries you out of the Sour Nest.
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beskarberry · 4 years
Krayt’s Teeth
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 3 (The Mandalorian x f!reader)
The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead of you, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 6.7k
Content warnings: Canon typical violence, killing in self defense, headcanon angst, FLUFF, sensory deprivation, body worship, oral sex (f receiving).
A/N: These are my headcanons regarding Mandalorian culture in terms of sex, I didn’t find much lore on it so whether it’s accurate or not idk but I like them and that’s all that matters! Enjoy~
<-Previous Next->
You could have slept forever, even on that horrible little cot you were so comfortable that you could have been out for days, but the only one on it was you. You did’t know when Mando got up from the tiny space you both shared through the night, or how he managed to get out from your tangled bodies without waking you up. You opened your eyes to tiny green baby hands tugging at your fingers. 
“Hey booger, is it time for breakfast? Where’s your papa?” You started to sit up, but the horrible sticky mess underneath you made you reluctant to move, a mix of passion and pain from the day before. “Yikes. I’m gonna run all his water out if I have to keep using the fresher. Come on, let’s get scrubbed up.” The baby gibbered excitedly at you, though you weren’t sure how much of what you said he actually understood. You scooped him into your arms without looking back at the sad little cot and all its stains. “You’re water proof, right?”
The ship’s engines were rumbling away, so you guessed tin man was up in the cockpit flying you towards your next bounty. Or Nevarro. You would have to find Mr. Mystery later, the grossness that was you had to be dealt with. Between you and the child your shower took forever, the two of you getting water and soap bubbles from top to bottom. You didn’t care. You had been on Tatooine for months without having a real shower, being consigned to the sonic freshers that vibrated the sand off of the moisture farmer’s bodies; and this was the second real shower you’d gotten to have in twice as many days. You spent a good deal of time trying to get your chatty friend to hold still long enough to be dried off, the little fart squealing with joy every time you went for him with the towel.
An ordeal later you were both fresh and presentable, but your host was still nowhere to be seen, though the ugly sheets had thankfully disappeared from view. The ship was quiet now, without the engine running you knew you had to be back on the ground, and you could hear a distinct hum of activity coming through the walls. Space port? He flew us into town? The thought was replaced immediately with a rich, savory smell coming through the air vents: FOOD! Your gut grumbled loud enough to resonate through the cabin and earn you a confused look from the baby. When was the last time you really ate? You’d been living on ration packs for the last couple of days. That was going to change right now.
“Ya hungry buddy? Me too! Maybe that’s where your dad is, hmm?” Grabbing your old backpack and hooking the baby under your arm you started punching buttons on the wall to get the door open, sending walls sliding and cabinets opening before you got one of the access ramps open. Bright double sunlight nearly blinded you, and on reflex you covered the baby’s giant googly eyes. It took a moment for your own to adjust to the radiant light of the Tatooine morning, and the smell of cooking food hit you like a ton of bricks, making your mouth water. As your eyes adjusted you were able to take in your surroundings: though it was bright outside you were parked low inside a maintenance bay, the walls of which soared high above you; littered with engine parts and humming with droid activity. Sound was the last input your hungry brain could process, but when it did you didn’t like what you heard. The sounds of an argument echoed around the hangar, high and shrill.
“I already told you, you can’t park here! You’re bad for business!”
“I just need to park here long enough to get supplies.”
“Well you’re gonna have to pay up, Mando! I’m not running a charity here! You got credits for supplies you got credits for parking! Up front this time!”
Oh no.
Of all the mechanics and docking hangars in Mos Eisley he had to pick this one. The fireball of a woman barely came up to your partner’s chest, but she made up for it with unbridled fury; and the giant cooked animal leg she was swinging around like a club between bites made her look even more formidable. She noticed you coming down the ramp and stopped grilling your comrade long enough to glare daggers through your skull.
“Oh NO! No nope nuh uh! You can turn right back around and get back on that ship, missy! I knew it! I knew you were bad for business, Mando! What’re you doing running around with her? I hope she’s your bounty because she’s your problem!”
“Peli.” Your words were cold as ice, but the squirming baby in your arms took all the malice out of your stance. He wiggled until you set him down, and he ran towards the mechanic with open arms.
“Baby! You can stay but your dad’s gotta take the mean lady somewhere else! She cheats at sabacc!”
“You lost fair and square, Peli! Try playing a better hand next time!”
“Ladies please!”  Mando cut through your bickering, holding his arms up between the two of you like he was trying to corner a pair of wild blurgs. “If I let the child stay with you for the day, will you let me park the Razor Crest here? Just for a couple hours?”
Peli bounced the child on her hip, offering him a bite of her breakfast. The baby squealed happily while he sank his little teeth into the mighty snack, though the size of it comically dwarfed his itty bitty hands. “I’ll tell you what, you let me keep him and then maybe I’ll let you park here in a week.” Mando cocked his helmet at her with disdain and she huffed loudly, “Well if you put it that way, I guess you can park here, but you gotta put five hundred credits down, and not a cent less!”
Mando reeled, stabbing his hands to his hips with indignation. “Five hund- absolutely not! What am I going to buy our-” You interrupted his tirade with a hand on his shoulder, waving a slew of credits in front of his eyes. Peli snatched them out of your hand, fanning them out like cards to count them.
“Who’d you cheat these outta?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You leaned casually against your metal man, eyeing Peli with a smug look on your face. “Let’s go, Mando. Bye baby green bean, have fun with Auntie Cheats-at-Sabacc!” You spun him around by the hand and dragged him towards the exit, ignoring the insults being slung at your back. “We are getting breakfast and that’s final!”
The Mandalorian allowed you to pull him along a few feet before grinding his heels into the sand, shaking his head. “You have to stay here.”
Now it was your turn for sassy head tilts. “I just paid for your parking, buckethead, that makes me in charge and I’m hungry! I’ll buy you breakfast too if you want.” He didn’t budge, fixing you with that intense stare of his and grabbing you by the shoulders.
“You are still being hunted. Mos Eisley isn’t safe for you.”
You knew you could look after yourself, and he himself had compared you to a ferocious rancor just yesterday. You groaned loudly, “Shit balls of hell. But dad, I’m huuunngry!” The man bristled at your paternal harassment, sighing heavily and letting his helmeted head fall to the side like the world was ending. He glanced around the hangar exit, his shiny beskar snapping to each object of interest until he located a protocol droid corpse that was missing everything from the waist down. He strode over to it and held it down with one boot, yanking it by the head until it popped off. He began prying the droid’s vocorder apart at the mouth, pulling it wide until the droids face plate broke off with a snap! Tossing the rest of the logic processing unit to the ground, he held the face plate up to the light, inspecting the clarity of its photo receptor casings. He bent back down to the junk pile and fished out a stray wire to thread through the ruined audio processors, then tossed the finished creation to you.
“Put that on.”
You turned the makeshift mask over in your hands to check for sharp edges before you pressed it to your face. The bug eyes on the front were dirty, but you could see well enough. Before you could clean them more thoroughly you felt the weight of fabric on your head, his cloak now worn as your own. The thought of how you must look made you giggle. “You make me take my clothes off, now you want me to put clothes on. It never ends with you, Mando. Next you’ll be forging me beskar. Now can we eat something, please?” Without a word the armored man turned on his heel and walked out the hangar exit. I’ll take that as a yes.
Mos Eisley buzzed with life, people and animals and things you couldn’t explain made their way up and down the bustling streets. The smell of food led you to a vendor selling something that could have been a root vegetable, covered in herbs and spices and grilled to perfection. You couldn't wait, all thoughts of self-preservation went out the window as you hauled ass to the stand, waving two fingers in the air. When you had both of your prizes in hand you stuffed the savory veggie under your mask, sighing contentedly at the taste of real honest-to-Maker food. “Hey tin man, I hope you like... whatever this-” You turned to offer your partner something to eat, but he had disappeared from the crowd. “Alright... more for me.”
Taking a newspaper from the vendor you wrapped the extra snack up tight and threw it in your pack for later, continuing to chow down on your own. You would find Mando eventually, and you had credits to spend. You had held onto your hush-money for months to avoid suspicion, but now it was burning a hole in your pocket. Wandering the streets of Mos Eisley from merchant to merchant you began accumulating a small hoard of supplies, ranging from bacta to hand tools, and food. Whatever you could get your hands on that would survive hyperspace when you inevitably left this fucking dirtball for good; though you still weren’t convinced that you wouldn’t be making that flight in carbonite. You picked out new clothes and underwear, a much-needed bedroll, and some soft bantha-wool blankets. Something further down the marketplace caught your eye, and you made your way to the fancier items that glittered in the double daylight. You didn’t wear jewelry yourself, a poor choice of attire for a hunter, but the way the trinkets caught the light still made you wistful. Your hidden eyes danced over the glittering treasures; jewels and geodes that had been found deep in the sands and polished to a radiant shine.
You spotted something opalescent at the end of one table and found a pair of krayt teeth, each about the size of your palm. They had been sanded to a smooth, flat finish and carved with intricate desert patterns. The backs of them had tiny fittings that could be sewn on as buttons, or pulled off to reveal magnets. Something about their shape seemed familiar, though you couldn’t imagine why in that moment. You purchased the unique pieces anyway, something to remind you that even the harshest of places could hold hidden beauty. After a while you had so much junk piled in your arms that you could barely see over it, and tin man was nowhere to be found. You spotted a courier droid and paid for it to deliver your treasures back to Hanger 3-5, though you kept the pricey teeth in your pockets. With your arms free you started looking for your missing comrade.
The streets were busy with people, you would have to get somewhere out of the way in order to scan the crowds. Your eyes went from shimmer to shimmer, looking for his reflective chrome dome. “Big jerk,” you mused to yourself “‘Mos Eisley’s not saaafe...’ If he’s so worried then where the hell is he? Bah!” The scratched-up photoreceptor casings of your mask made it a challenge to see through the crowd, and you took a moment to adjust the iris apertures so you wouldn’t have to keep squinting into the double sunshine when you felt a hand on your back. Finally. “Mando, where have you-”
“Mando? Whos’sis man-do? Nah sssweetheart, I think you got me confused wi’ sssomeone elssse.” The slithering voice in your ear made your blood run cold. Not Mando! You rocketed your elbow backwards, connecting with the gut of the stranger on your back with an -oof! The hand let go long enough for you to make a run for it, and you tore off down the streets of the busy spaceport, smashing into bystanders in your wake. You cast a quick look behind you to see a large reptilian body flying after you, brownish scales catching the reflection of the noonday suns. Though you had your blaster, the risk of hitting a civilian was too great, so running would have to do. You were thankful for the courier droid that had freed your hands just minutes before as you barreled down the busy streets.
Market stalls flew past you, your boots kicking up sand and dust. The mask on your face, as dirty as it was, kept the debris from your eyes as you raced through the sunburnt city. You had to lose this fucker and fast. You turned down an alley, left, right, another right, leaping over supply crates and low fences like a lothcat. You turned to see if you had lost your chaser, breath heaving and heart pounding. Behind you was clear, but you took your eyes off your path for just a second too long, and were taken by surprise when a heavy weight fell on you from above.
The Trandoshan had gone over the low sandstone roofs, chasing you easily through the alleyways of Mos Eisley while you were none the wiser. He pinned you under him quickly, ripping your blaster off your hip and pointing your own barrel in your face. “Tha’ss enough, princesss! Nice n’ quietlike now. You gonna make me a pretty penny you are.” The lizard’s words dripped with metaphorical venom, though you were sure by the look of those fangs that real venom was probably right behind. “Ahm gonna cart yer arse right back to th’ Guild’n I’ll become th’ most famous hunter in th’ galax -urk!”  With a sickening gag the hunter above you grew a shiny new fang in the back of his throat before falling down dead on top of you, a vibroblade protruding from back of his skull.
“Took you long enough!” You hollered at your chrome companion, who was stepping forward to kick the carcass off of you. “Where the fuck have you been? Getting your rifle polished?” He pulled you to your feet, handing you your blaster while readjusting the mask on your face. You swatted at his fussing hands, but when you looked at him you were shocked to see not one but three blinking bounty fobs dangling from his belt. On the ground by the dead lizard was a fourth, flashing rapidly in the sand.
“I told you you weren’t safe! We need to leave right now.”  You were barely able to grab the remaining bounty fob while you were being tugged away by your allied hunter. He had a death grip on your hand, pulling you along behind him towards what you hoped was the docking hangar. You would have to cross the main street to get there, and as the pair of you plowed across the dusty, busy road there came shouts from either side. More hunters, fucking Guild! You didn’t have a single second to assess them before you were lead through an alley on the other side of the street. These were darker than the ones you had run through on the west side of town, and shady bodies moved quickly out of the way of your living locomotive.
At the end of a narrow alley you both burst through a door leading into an abandoned building. The darkness was almost worse than the blinding sunlight, you would need time for your eyes to adjust but the Mandalorian had enough sensory detection equipment that he ghosted through the ruinous building with ease; never once letting go of your hand as you tripped and stumbled through the dark. The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
“There! Get down!” Mando pointed at a pile of rubble, probably big enough to hide behind, but that’s not how you handled business.
“Fuck you! I’m not going down without a fight!” You pulled your blaster out and aimed at the incoming assailants. He growled at you and stepped closer, putting his body in between you and the door. The reptilian hunters burst from the darkness of the warehouse, firing rapid shots of blaster charges that bounced off of Mando’s beskar. You fired over his protective arm, taking out the first one and tripping up the second, who fell over his cohorts limp body. Mando took shot after shot to the chest, reeling with each impact. His other arm cocked back and shot out, sending a wall of fire into the last of the Guild’s hired guns.
Both of you were panting, shaking and sweating from flying through Mos Eisley, but the sound of blaster fire would draw attention and you knew there was no time to waste. You stepped over the incinerated corpse, making sure the fob it carried was melted, the second body still squirmed in the dirt, and you weren’t going to let it get a second chance, firing your blaster through it’s scaly skull. You picked the remaining two fobs and stuffed them in your pockets, making a run for it back through the building with Mando right behind, the blaze of his flamethrower lighting your way.
You took a different door out of the building and were relieved to see the words ‘HANGAR 3-5′ painted in bright blue Basic straight ahead. You skittered through the entrance, rounding the corner and dropping down behind the edges of the hangar doorway. Mando did the same on the other side, both of you pointing your blasters back towards Mos Eisley’s dark heart. Bootsteps behind you made you snap around, and you nearly shot your mechanically inclined host.
“You kids have fun out there?” Peli stood over where you were hunched, and you lowered your blaster to the ground. At her feet your little buddy was holding onto her pant leg, making big puppy dog eyes at you. You looked over to Mando to make sure there weren’t any more coming, but he still held his blaster out ahead. After a few tense seconds he lowered it down until it was back in its’ holster, then pulled himself to his feet.
“We can’t stay any longer, we’re putting you in danger. Time to go, kiddo.” His charred beskar still shimmered when he bent down to pick up his adopted son, who chirped with delight. “Thank you for watching him.”
“He can stay any time! Oh and thanks for all the snacks you made that droid bring me!” Peli called after the three of you as your party quickly boarded the Razor, making you turn around and stick your tongue out at her. She happily flipped you off and started closing the ground entrance to the bay, letting you board the ship uninterrupted. Fortunately, the courier droid’s delivery had made it to the ship, though you couldn't help but notice a few of your most carefully picked snacks had been taken as collateral. Fucking Peli. As much as she infuriated you, there wasn’t another person on all of Tatooine that you would rather play sabacc with.
The old rust bucket rumbled to life, taking off into the midafternoon sky and pointed towards the stars. Finally! Bye motherfucker. The hazy atmosphere of the outer rim planet fell away below you until the light of the bright yellow world illuminated the Crest’s stern. The pre-Imperial scrapheap started howling with noise, and you were almost thrown to the deck when it blasted into the safety of hyper space.
Your heart was still racing and you struggled to catch your breath. Once you had yourself in order you started busying yourself with putting the supplies away, filling the food larder to capacity. The child was contentedly telling you about his day with his auntie in his cute baby gibberish, and you picked him up off the ground to give him a much needed hug, pushing your stolen identity onto the top of your head to give him kisses. You almost wanted to ignore the sound of heavy armored boots hitting the floor panel under the ladder, their wearer opting to jump down from the cockpit rather than climb. You could feel the fury coming off of him as he stalked over to where you were sorting your treasures.
“You could have been hurt! I knew it was a bad idea to let you go wandering around, even with your face covered. What if they’d caught you? I picked three of them off before you even saw one!”
“I had it under control, Mando! I’m not some princess that needs you coming to her rescue at every sign of a struggle. And you don’t get to let me do anything, you don’t own me!” The man under your scrutiny paced the cabin on stiff legs with his hands on his hips, helmet snapping with rage.
“I know you can handle yourself, but I need to protect you.” He said with a huff, “And that lizard was... he had you pinned down, had his filthy, scaly claws on you... Nobody should touch you like that! What if.. what if he... I- I- didn’t like that he was...” Listening to the sound of the gears jamming in his head made you realize the ridiculous thing he was trying to say.
“Are you.. Mando are you jealous?”
“No! I- I’m.. Cyar’ika I... ”
Oh no, you don’t get to be cute right now. “I don’t know what that means, Mando! What is that, some kind of sexy little pet name you use on all the girls you take underneath of you?”
“NO! I didn’t- I would nev- I’ve never had... There’s never been- no!” Oh how you wished you could see his face, watching him flail trying to defend himself from your accusation, he was probably white as a sheet under all that armor.
“Never what, Mandalorian?”
“I’ve never had anyone in this ship before!” The Mandalorian’s confession lost steam halfway through as embarrassment and fear crept into his throat, threatening to choke him with his own secrets.
“Wait.. wait wait. Never? You’ve never had anyone in this ship or...” You started approaching him, analyzing his visor for hints of meaning. “Or you’ve never had anyone at all?” The Mandalorian stopped his pacing, but his shoulders looked like they were carrying the weight of the galaxy. His silence told you everything, and the last piece of his puzzle fell into place. “Mando...was I your first?”
“Y-yes.” His visor tilted up to you, hands fidgeting at his sides. His voice was faint and sheepish, a stark contrast to the thunderstorm you were arguing with a moment ago.  Your eyes were full of questions, all racing through your mind so quickly none of them made it to your mouth. The metal man answered them all for you in one singular motion, raising his fist to knock a couple times against his beskar helmet. His creed.
“So, what, you guys aren’t allowed to have sex?”
He sighed his heavy, trademarked sigh and plopped down on the nearest supply crate with a defeated thud, cradling his head in his hands. “No it’s not that. Not... not exactly. In Mando’a the word we use is me'dinuir. It means ‘to give’, specifically to give yourself to another. And... when you give yourself away to someone-“ He turned the black gloss of his single eye up to you, “-you belong to them. That is The Way.”
The weight of his words made your blood cold. He was jealous, but not just because that other hunter had put his scaly hands on you. Everything about his attitude around you suddenly made sense, the way he had looked at you when you were presenting yourself to him that first day, why he never threw you in carbonite when he probably should have, and how he had stayed with you through the night after you nearly died hunting his bounty. His mysterious way of life decreed that giving his body to you meant that he had also given you his soul, and that made you just as important to protect as his foundling.
Mando reached out to pat the fuzzy green head of the baby you were still holding, who gibbered sleepily up at his armor plated papa. “I’m sorry to put that on you, and I’m sorry for how I acted. You’re not my bounty anymore, and I shouldn’t try to control you. I understand if you don’t want to continue with me to the next bounty. You can take whatever you want from the armory when we land next. I’m.. I’m so sorry.” The monolithic man looked so tiny now, sitting on the edge of the crate with his shoulders hunched. He reached his arms out to take his infant son from you, hugging him to his blast-burnt chest and smoothing his massive ears. "I didn’t get to thank you for washing him earlier, he smells really good.”
You desperately needed to know more, though the sight of him fawning over his sleepy son made your heart swell. “I kinda got the feeling that you were rusty when we met, but that was actually your first time? And what does that mean ‘you belong to them’? How can you belong to me? I don’t even know your name.”
"It means that I’m now sworn to protect the one that carries my soul. I’m not asking you to do the same, you’re not Mandalorian.”
His words made you feel sick, ashamed that you had taken something so sacred from him without a second thought, but how could you have known? He could have stopped at any time, you were the one in cuffs that day, not him. No, out of trillions and trillions of sentient beings in the galaxy he chose to give himself to you, knowing full well what his heritage decreed. Why you? Arms crossed, you dug deeper. “You’ve never seen another naked body than your own?”
He shook his head. “Just... holo-vids...”
You were going to have to ask him about those later. “Nothing? You’ve at least kissed someone before though, right?”
Maker fucking help you. “Yeah you know, kissing? The thing you do with your... oh, right." You reached up and tapped him twice on the beskar. “You need your face to do it.”
He cocked his helmet at you. “Can you show me?”
The innocence of his question made you melt. Fuck you, tin can, you’re not supposed to be cute when you’re in trouble. You reached your hand out, demanding he give you his, and shyly he obeyed. You pulled his hand to your lips, unsure of how much he could actually feel through his thick leather gloves. You pressed his hand to your lips and watched his whole body snap straight. “Kiss, like that.”
He was staring at his hand like he’d never seen it before, and after a moment he pulled your locked fingers to his head, tapping his forehead with the back of your hand. “Kov’nynir, But we do it with our helmets.”  At this rate you’ll be speaking Mando’a in no time. He still held your hand gently, running his thumb over your fingers. “I think I like your way better. Could... Could you do that again?”
So polite, maybe having him stuck with you wouldn’t be so bad. You pulled his hand back to you, giving him another soft kiss on the side of his thumb, and you heard the sound of his breath catching in his modulator. Your lips pressed to each of his knuckles, and then you turned his wrist to kiss his palm. “How’s that?”
“That’s amazing.”
“You like that? Watch this.” Addressing the bantha in the room would have to wait. You tugged his glove off, revealing the warm bronze skin underneath and kissed him again. The hitched breaths coming out of his modulator were honey to your ears, and you turned his wrist over to kiss his bare palm again, hunting for more sweet sounds. His body was so stiff, so tightly wound you thought he might snap. “Are you ok? Do I need to stop?”
“I- I- want to... Can... Can I try?” You nodded, your heart jumping to your throat at the thought of him removing his helmet in front of you, but instead he gently reached up to the busted droid face you still wore on your head. With a twist of a knob the armatures inside of the eye casings coiled shut, and when he slid the mask down into place you were thrown into total darkness. “Can you see?” You shook your head. “Promise?”
You sighed, long and frustrated. “I promise, dark as a sarlacc’s backside.” You were met with only silence. Then, after what felt like an eternity you heard the sliding sound of metal as the child’s pram shield slid closed, then the shuffle of armor being removed, and lastly the dull thunk of something heavy being set down on the crates. His hand found yours again, and he pressed his lips against your skin. They were hotter than you were expecting, and soft, almost plush. You understood right away why he was so rigid when you were doing the same, it was amazing. Gentle kisses made their way over the back of your hand and made heat flood through your veins. He moved slowly over each joint, following the same pattern you had shown him, then turned your hand over and kissed at your fingertips. Something fuzzy brushed along with his lips, and you imagined that he might have a mustache. The shivers that crept their way up from your captured hand knocked all the strangeness of your conversation out of your mind, but when he reached your wrist he stopped.
“Where else do you kiss at?” You nearly fainted at the sound of his unfiltered voice, a rich baritone that dripped with dark intentions and stole all the words from your mouth. You could only point with your other hand at the forearm attached to the hand he held. Again you felt his lips on your wrist, then slowly, inch by agonizing inch he made his way up your arm, each kiss slower than the last until your toes were curling in their boots. When he reached the edge of the tunic’s sleeve that hung at your elbow he paused again. “Where else?”
“Everywhere.”  Your tormentor hummed at your consenting words and let go of your hand to run his palms down your clothed thighs. When he reached your knees he pulled on their joints, bidding you to bring your legs up over his lap. When you were seated on him he resumed his trek up your arm, kissing at the crease of your elbow and then upwards over your tunic until he reached your shoulder. When he got to your neck you almost buckled over, but his hands were at your back in an instant, wrapping heavily around your waist. Your own hands made their way to the nape of his neck, and your fingers found the edge of his hairline that you had felt before. To your delight you felt that the tousled curls went all the way up, and you tangled your fingers in them, exploring their softness while he explored you.
His journey led him up your neck to the base of your jaw where he nipped gently at the sensitive skin like you had done to him last night, sending a fresh wave of goosebumps from your head to your toes. When his nose bumped the edge of your mask you were suddenly aware of how silly you might look with your big bug eyes. “Can I take this thing off?” you asked in a whisper. “I won’t look.”
“I have a better Idea. Hold on tight.” You dug your hands into his shoulders and felt his arms wrap under your legs as he stood up, lifting you with such ease that you wondered if he felt your weight at all. His boots echoed through the cabin until he stopped at the other end. You hung on for dear life while he climbed the ladder with you still wrapped around his front. When you both reached the top you let yourself unwind from him and scooted on your butt over the floor, listening to the sound of him pulling himself all the way up. You remained seated as your host fussed around the flight deck, the noise of buttons pressing and switches being thrown the only input to your deprived senses.
You were only unattended for a moment, then his hands found your waist, fishing for the edge of your shirt. The tunic was pulled up and over your head, taking your mask with it, and you squeezed your eyes shut to protect his modesty; unsure of what his unconventional oath to you included in the fine print. Your diligence was rewarded with a kiss on your forehead, then down to kiss both of your closed eyes, and then lastly to your lips. The searing heat of his mouth on yours threatened to throw your eyes open, but when they fluttered all you saw was darkness. The transperisteel’s blast shielding had been closed, and the only light in the cockpit came from a handful of illuminated buttons on the dash.
He was lying over top of you on the metal floor, one arm wrapped under your neck for support. The cold decking under you was uncomfortable, but you couldn’t be bothered to care, letting yourself be consumed by his kisses and becoming drunk on the scent of leather and adrenaline. The soft fuzz of his facial hair tickled slightly as he pressed into your lips, and you couldn’t help but smile. Your hands went to his face, running your thumbs over his cheeks and feeling what you weren’t allowed to see. His face was scruffy but not unkempt, and the bristles went all the way from his jaw up to the bottom of the defined nose that bumped against your own. You felt the creases on the corners of his eyes, wishing you could see his smile lines and all the stories they would tell.
You kissed him back, letting your tongue glide over his plush lips and making him inhale sharply. You licked into him again, and this time you were met with his tongue as well, just the faintest touch of its tip. He hummed in your mouth, and the sound of him so close made your belly pool with heat and your kisses bolder, sending your tongue deeper into his mouth until he was almost vibrating with the sensation of you exploring something as forbidden as his human body. He mirrored you as best he could, rolling the smooth muscle over your lips and the edges of your teeth until you were both lost in each other’s taste. He pushed his forehead against yours, pulling his mouth away with frantic breaths that spread fire over your skin. “Everywhere?”
You pushed your lips against his again, giving him an ambitions ‘Mmhmm’ as an answer. His growl made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you realized where his goal was. He kissed and nipped his way down your throat, letting his tongue glide over your skin. He made his way to your breast, taking its’ tender tip between his teeth and making you gasp. He sucked at it gently, rolling his tongue around it while it grew harder for his efforts. The hand not under you groped at your free breast so it wouldn’t be ignored.
An urgent chime echoed in the tiny space, the hyperdrive indicator was flashing its countdown warning: 10 minutes remain.
The Mandalorian’s growl on your breast made your blood turn to ice and your core flush with heat at the same time. He wanted to devour you, taste every single inch of your exposed skin, but time was not on your side; and he became a man on a mission to prove himself worthy of you. Bristles dragged over your skin as he slid down your belly until he hit the edge of your pants. They were yanked off so fast you briefly worried about the krayt teeth that were still in their pockets, but you didn’t have long to think before Mando was poised over the apex of your thighs, kissing at each leg to make his intentions known. Those must be some good holo-vids you’re watching, tinman. You let him push your legs apart with his chin, receiving a soft kiss on each one once they were far enough apart for him to stuff his face in between.
Your back arched, hard, followed by the most ragged moan you‘d ever heard escape your throat. The grip on your thighs kept you in place as he lapped at your clit, sucking and teasing in an experimental way. His inexperience didn’t seem to matter, his hunger for you fueling his efforts and making you squirm in delight. Your hands sought desperately for something to grab onto to keep yourself grounded, finding his lovely curls to bury your fingers in deep. It was all you could do to hold on for dear life, tangling in his hair and struggling to breathe as he worked you into a frenzy.
The noises coming from below your waist were heavenly, wet and greedy in between his hums of contentment. It took you a while to realize they weren’t hums at all, but alien words of worship being prayed at your sinful altar; but the blood pounding in your ears and the gasps from your throat were too loud for you to hear his devotion.
“Beep beep!”  Five minutes remain. Fuck.
The Mandalorian’s efforts doubled, running his tongue almost too quickly in his attempt to eat you alive. You let your hips grind into his mouth, begging him to bring you your release, and it wasn’t long before he succeeded. Stars flashed behind your eyes as you came into his hot open mouth, but he refused to leave until he had drank his fill of you. Eventually he pulled his face away from your spent heat with agonizing slowness, as if he would rather drown than address the impending drop from hyperspace. He kissed at your shaky thighs, your soft belly, and each breast before pressing his lips into your panting mouth, pushing the taste of you onto your own tongue. His breath was ragged, and you could feel the sweat of his brow where it was pushed against your face. 
He lifted away from you, and the weight of the handmade mask was draped over your face, making you groan with the displeasure of your passion being cut short. However, once it was in place, it was almost immediately pushed under by strong fingers to lift its edge, and you were given one last kiss to swear his promise of return to you.
“Din. My name is Din.”
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munsonboy · 3 years
Author’s note: I’ve been thinking about how Loki would act at a meet and greet, especially if he was a giant and what would happen if he met a tiny fan-...so here ya go!! Enjoy!😊
Oh! And before I forget to tell you all, this story is super long! I just couldn’t help myself ☺️
~“You’re a Fan of Mine?”~
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The 2nd Annual Avengers Meet and Greet had started at last!
The team had decided to start this event when Thor and Loki returned to Earth after Asgard was destroyed. More specifically, it was for the sake of Loki’s reputation. He wasn’t popular whatsoever among the humans, especially not after the New York attack back in 2012, but Loki really was trying to become a better person. Didn’t anyone ever hear of the phrase ‘people change’?
Loki just didn’t see the need of being in a room full of tiny mortals to show that he had turned over a new leaf. That’s right. Tiny mortals.
His body grew in size, letting him stand at 90 feet tall. No one was sure why Loki had grown to be a giant, but Loki did. He believed it was because of Odin’s death. The spell that Odin had put on Loki centuries ago when he found him as a baby must have weakened. Loki had grown to the size he was meant to be as a Frost Giant. Since he was the rightful heir to the throne of Jotunheim, he surpassed the rest of the Jötuns’ height by miles.
A room designed and built was given to him in the Avengers Tower. It was a library fit for a giant-..well, fit for Loki, in this case. Book shelves covered the walls with novels that towered over humans, but fit perfectly in Loki’s grasp. He even had his own personal desk and, of course, a bed that was covered in silk green sheets. The meet and greets were always held in Loki’s room only because it was the biggest spot in the entire tower.
After the first successful year of meeting the team’s lovely fans, more and more people found out about it and showed up this year. It wasn’t successful for Loki, though. The previous year, Stark had all of the fans stay out in the common area. So it was up in the air for anyone to go see Loki. He stayed in his room the entire time, waiting to see if one brave soul would enter his bedroom and attempt to talk to him, but no one did. The whole point of the event was for Loki to talk with at least one person!
At the moment, Loki was sitting at his desk in his room, staring down at Tony Stark, who was decked out in friendship brackets and necklaces that the children had made him. Loki rolled his eyes just looking at how pathetic he looked.
The rest of the team was spread out throughout the whole room. Fans were practically everywhere. Most of the fans were little kids and teenagers. The simple sight of the younglings made Loki’s head spin. He was practically glued to his chair, not wanting to get up and accidentally hurt someone.
If Loki had to guess, he’d say there were about 300 kids there and still, not one of them came over to greet him.
“Stark, I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. I mean, what even is the purpose of this ‘Meet and Greet’ you speak of?”, questioned Loki.
“Quiet, reindeer games. You know why we started the meet and greet. Just smile and wave at everyone. Even if you don’t want to be nice, just fake it. And don’t purposefully scare the kids! I can’t deal with a parent scolding me about how a giant god with raven black rock n’ roll hair made their kid cry just by smirking at them. That was a nightmare last year”, said Tony rubbing his eyes.
Loki scoffed. “Well it wasn’t my fault the child walked into my chambers when I was reading. Who would interrupt someone during a Shakespeare reading session?” Tony laughed at how sarcastic Loki sounded. “That must have been a real good Shakespeare book if you brought the kid to tears. Let’s see-..was it Hamlet?”, asked Tony.
Loki grinned. “No, I read that last week. It was Coriolanus”, said Loki, chuckling, as he looked down at Tony, who started to join in on the laughter.
After the laughing died down, there was a pause between the two of them. “Obviously nobody was interested in meeting me anyways. Not one mortal came in here last year to talk with me”, said Loki sadly. He didn’t want to admit it, but Loki really wished that he had a fan. At this point, he didn’t even mind if his fan was a mortal. Loki wanted someone who admired him for who he was and the good that he has been doing with the rest of the Avengers. He didn’t want to be known as the Asgardian who tried to take over the world anymore. He wanted to be known as someone’s hero.
“Loki, listen to me. I bet you one of these kids are gonna come up to you and say hi”, said Tony with a reassuring smile on his face. Loki began to fiddle with his fingers, uncertain if he should believe the small human in front of him. “And what if one doesn’t? Then what am I left to do? Sulk around and remember that no one in this city likes me?”, he asked sounding even more sad than before.
Tony sighed. “Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself. The event just started! Just be yourself, Loki. And I promise you that you’ll meet someone today”, he said. Loki was about to contradict what Stark had just said, but a group of kids that were standing on Loki’s bed started to chant the name, ‘Ironman’.
Loki and Tony looked over towards everyone. “Well, I guess I should get over there, huh?”, asked Tony. He looked up at Loki, who simply nodded at him and waved him off. Tony smiled and said, “I promise. This is the year you meet a fan of yours.” And with that, Tony walked over to the edge of the desk and tapped his arc reactor two times. He was wearing his suit in a matter of seconds thanks to the nano tech he had invented.
Loki watched as Tony flew over to all the kids, getting hugs from each and everyone one of them. ‘I need a miracle to get that kind of attention’, thought Loki to himself. He was back to square one. Loki was all alone again.
‘I knew this was a terrible idea’, thought Loki to himself as he watched the Avengers interacting with all of their fans. They all made it look so easy. ‘Why can’t one of these mortals at least say hi to me? It can’t be that hard’, thought Loki to himself.
Little did Loki know, a human girl named Y/n, who was around the age of fifteen, was watching him from afar on the large bed that was next to the desk that Loki sat at.
Rather than joining the other kids in awing at Ironman flying around, trying to learn fighting combinations from Natasha, or even learning how to properly hold a bow with the help of Clint, she was standing by herself, trying to muster up the courage to go over to Loki and talk to him.
She was a nervous wreck just thinking about what the conversation would be like. Instead of fiddling with her fingers like Loki was doing before, she clenched the hand-made plush of the God of Mischief she held in her shaky grasp. Y/n had decided to make it when she heard that the Avengers were doing a second meet and greet. Y/n finally had the opportunity to speak with Loki! She wanted to show him her gratitude for protecting New York with the Avengers and to tell him that he was her favorite amongst the group. So, what better gift to give Loki than a plush of himself!
She could have written something in a ‘thank you’ card or even decorated a poster, but Y/n wanted to make him something special that took time to put together and this plush toy was perfect.
The plush stood at about 1 foot tall and it was very adorable. Although Y/n didn’t sew on a green cape like she wanted to, she had gotten her hands on a piece of yellow fabric and turned it into a horned helmet. Loki was, without a doubt, going to love it, but Y/n kept on hesitating on whether or not she should give it to him.
‘Oh gosh. What if he laughs at me when I hand it to him? ’, thought Y/n to herself. She couldn’t stop shaking. Her legs were barely holding her up anymore. Y/n just pictured herself standing on the desk in front of Loki and how small she would look compared to him.
“Hello little one! Why aren’t you with the others?”, said a voice from behind Y/n. She jumped, dropping the hand-made plush onto the mattress below her.
She spun around to find out who had snuck up behind her and startled her. Y/n’s eyes widened as she looked up at the tall, blonde haired man. “M-Mr. Thor! I-It’s a pleasure to meet you!”, said Y/n excitedly. Her face instantly turned red. Y/n was very shy around other people, so her burst of energy she got made her backpedal into her shell. She knows for a fact that she’ll be stuttering if she gets to talk to Loki.
Thor chuckled loudly. “It is an honor to meet you as well, little one. Apologies for scaring you.” His eyes trailed down at what Y/n had dropped. His mouth dropped open in awe. He bent down and picked the plush up before Y/n had the chance to hide it.
As Thor held the plush toy in front of him, he admired the precision of the details and traced his fingers along the lines of the stitches. When Thor realized who the plush represented, he gasped.
“Young one, is this-...is this Loki?”, asked Thor, astonished that he was holding a hand-made toy of his brother. Y/n lowered her head down, embarrassed about the whole situation that was happening. “Y-Yes, sir”, she said timidly.
Thor stared at the small girl in front of him and then looked back at the plush. “This is absolutely incredible, young one! Did you make this?”, Thor asked as he stared at the plush toy, looking at it in amazement. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it! Y/n nodded, too nervous to say anything else.
“We must get this to Loki right away! Oh, he’s going to love this! Let me go call him over here for you”, said Thor cheerfully.
Y/n’s heart stopped at the mention of Loki coming towards her. She wasn’t ready to meet him yet. In fact, she wasn’t ever going to be ready! “N-No Mr. Thor p-please! D-Don’t!”, exclaimed Y/n.
Thor stopped jumping up and down, a frown replacing the happy smile he had on. “Whatever do you mean, small one? Don’t you want to give your gift to him?”, asked Thor. He was highly confused as to why the child didn’t want to meet Loki.
“I-I’d love to, b-but-...I’m scared that h-he won’t like it. A-And that he w-won’t like me”, Y/n said sadly. “I-..”, started Y/n. She stopped before she could say anything else. Y/n was afraid that she would start crying. Thor knelt down in front of Y/n, giving her a look that mentally told her to continue on with what she was going to say.
“I don’t have m-many friends. A-Actually, I don’t have any f-friends at all. Loki is the one person that I look up to and-...I just wanted to let him know how much of an impact he’s had in my life”, said Y/n. She bit her lower lip, forcing herself to not shed a single tear in front of Thor. “But I’m too scared to talk to him. I don’t want to look dumb in front of the Loki. I-I’ll be a stuttering mess. I’m not scared of him, his size is just really intimidating.”
Thor didn’t say a word. All he did do, however, was sigh and hand back the plush toy back to Y/n, who immediately hugged it close to her.
He gently put his hand on her shoulder, causing Y/n to look up at him. “My brother needs to know about this, little one. I’m going to have him sit right here-...”, said Thor as he turned towards the edge of the bed and pointed at the vacant space where Loki would be standing soon. Y/n’s eyes became watery just imagining Loki looking down at her.
“I’ll only be a moment”, said Thor. And with that, he summoned Mjölnir and flew off to fetch Loki. As his feet left the bed, he heard Y/n begging him to stop. Thor did feel bad for getting Y/n all shaken up, but he knew in his heart that Y/n needed to meet Loki and Loki needed to meet Y/n. It was time that the two of them finally made a friend.
Loki sat at his desk with his one arm propped up on its elbow resting on the table as his chin laid in the palm of his hand while the other hand flicked through a few pages of a book. Loki was not interested in the meet and greet anymore. He was going to make sure that he informed Tony that he isn’t going to be a part of the 3rd event next year. Loki couldn’t handle not getting talked to for a third time.
Loki had somehow tuned out the noise that was coming from all around the room and focused on the book in front of him. That was until Thor landed on the page that Loki had just started to read. “Hello Loki!”, said Thor as he waved to his gigantic brother.
Loki rolled his eyes. When he said he wanted someone to talk to him, he was hoping that Thor would be the last to come over here. “What do you want, Thor? Have you come to gloat? To mock? Tell me about all the fans you’ve met in the span of one hour?”, chided Loki.
“As much as I would love to tell you about the fans I’ve met, I’ve come to inform you about something”, said Thor, trying to hide the excitement he was feeling so that Loki didn’t suspect anything.
Thor stood there practically bouncing up and down. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Loki’s face when he told him about Y/n. Loki, however, was getting annoyed at the anticipation that was building up inside him. “Oh by Odin, just spit it out Thor”, he said.
“You have a fan that wants to meet you!”, exclaimed Thor. He was more than happy at the moment, jumping up and down like a thrilled, little puppy on a sugar rush. Loki’s eyes widened when Thor revealed the news. “I do?”, he asked with hope in his voice. Thor nodded vigorously and said, “You do, brother! I am so happy for you! She’s standing right over there on your bed near the pillow closest to us.” Thor pointed over to where Y/n stood clutching onto the plush toy.
Thor couldn’t wait any longer to witness the interaction between Loki and Y/n. He was for sure going to ask Stark to take pictures just so he could remember this moment.
Loki slowly turned his head to where Thor had said the small girl was standing. Almost instantaneously, Loki made eye contact with the small, mortal child.
‘I do have a fan..”, thought Loki to himself.
She was staring at him with wide eyes. That’s when Loki realized something. ‘The poor child is visibly shaking’, thought Loki to himself. He looked back at Thor and asked, “Brother, are you sure that she wants to speak with me? She looks frightened.”
Thor laughed off what Loki had just said. “Loki, believe me. She has been meaning to meet you for awhile now. And she even made you a gift!”, exclaimed Thor.
Loki’s eyebrows raised. He wanted to believe Thor, but his conscience just wouldn’t let him trust the fact that someone came to this event to meet him.
Loki looked back at the tiny girl on his bed. Without taking his eyes off of her, he asked Thor, “What’s the little one’s name?” Thor smiled, loving how Loki was practically speechless. “Her name is Y/n.”
“Y/n-...”, said Loki under his breath. He wanted to hear how the little mortal’s name sounded when he said it, finding the name a perfect fit for the little one.
He went to get up from his desk, but looked back at Thor to see if he should go over to her. Thor smiled at him and said, “Go on, brother. Go meet your fan.” Loki partially smiled, afraid that he would scare the poor girl. But he desired to meet her, so he got up from his seat and made his way over towards her.
Y/n felt as if she was going to have a heart attack. Meeting someone you admired wasn’t easy. I mean, just picture meeting Loki. And now picture him being over 90 feet tall. You would be a nervous wreck as well, right?
She watched as Loki lowered himself down to her eye level, kneeling down so that he could see her properly.
Loki rested his hand next to Y/n and began to inch it closer to her. He desired to just hold her in his palm and see how tiny she was, but he froze when he saw her flinch back. “My apologies. I-..”, Loki stopped dead in his track and sighed, closing his eyes so he could concentrate. He wouldn’t be able to make any progress with the small mortal if a mere movement of his hand scared her, so what would be the point in continuing to try and earn her trust?
Loki retracted his hand back and let it hang at his side, offering a gentle smile. “How about if I head back to my desk and leave you be? I could see that you are too scared to talk, little one”, said Loki as he looked down at Y/n. Normally, Loki would have been laughing his head off by scaring such a small being, basking in their fear, but Loki felt horrible knowing that a small child was afraid of him. “I’m very sorry for frightening you, little Y/n”, said Loki softly.
Y/n watched as Loki began to push himself up off the floor to stand up. Her only chance of speaking with Loki was ending quickly. Y/n had dreamed of meeting him and she made him believe that she was scared of him! Y/n had to let him know how much he had changed her life and most importantly, she had to give him her hand-made gift. “W-Wait!!”, Y/n cried out.
Loki became as stiff as a board. He didn’t think that something so little could have such a loud voice. He stared down at her, waiting for a response.
Y/n’s breathing hitched, but she shook her head. She couldn’t let her nerves get in the way of this anymore. “I-I’m star-struck. N-Not scared”, she said shyly. Loki’s mouth hung open just a tad. He was incredibly happy that Y/n had started talking and found it absolutely adorable how she was stuttering when she spoke.
It took Loki a second to process what Y/n had just said to him. ‘Did she just say she’s star-struck?’, asked Loki to himself. “Star-struck, you say?”, asked Loki as he knelt back down in front of Y/n. Surely she couldn’t be referring to him, right?
Loki’s doubtful thoughts were wiped out of his mind when she nodded her head. “Y-Yes. I um-...I-I wanted to come last year and m-meet you, but-..I was too n-nervous”, said Y/n smiling diffidently.
His eyebrows raised at hearing that she was his fan. ‘Thor was telling the truth’, Loki thought to himself. He leaned forward a bit to get a better look at Y/n and asked in astonishment, “You’re a fan of mine?”
Y/n laughed quietly at how Loki wouldn’t believe the fact that someone was his fan. “Y-Yes, sir. I have been f-for a while n-now.”
“What is your name, child?”, asked Loki. He already knew what her name was thanks to Thor, but remember, Loki was a part of a royal family. Manners meant everything to him.
“M-My name is Y-Y/n, sir”, she said, stuttering through her words. Loki beamed at the tiny mortal and awed our loud. Her nervousness was quite entertaining and very cute. “It is lovely to meet you, little Y/n. I am Loki”, he said, still smiling.
Y/n returned the smiled. “I-It’s lovely to meet you as well, s-sir.” Loki’s eyebrows furrowed. ‘Why does she keep calling me that? She does know she could call me by my name, does she not?’, Loki asked himself.
He decided to tell her, “You do not have to be so formal with me, small one. Just call me Loki. I won’t mind.” Loki gently ruffled her hair with his index finger, laughing at the way she giggled when he did so.
Loki was surprised with what was happening in front of his very eyes. Someone actually was a fan of his. Loki was brought out of his shocked state when he noticed that Y/n was holding something firmly against her chest.
“What have you got there, little one?, he asked. He thought that it must be a stuffed toy that Midguardian children carry around, but Y/n spoke up immediately about the item she held in her grasp.
“Oh! I-..I-I have something f-for you”, said Y/n as she held up the plush toy so Loki could see it.
Loki squinted his eyes, trying to even out his vision so he could see the tiny item that his little fan was holding, but he just couldn’t make out what it was. He wanted to rest his head on the mattress in front of Y/n, but he didn’t want to scare her. “I’m afraid I can’t see it that well from up here, little one. Is-..Is that alright if I pick you up?”, asked Loki, nervous to hold a mortal child. She seemed so incredibly fragile from his perspective.
Y/n’s eyes widened. ‘P-Pick me up?’, she thought to herself. She would be extremely high off the ground if she said yes, but this was her shot to finally show Loki the plush she had worked on for weeks now.
Loki saw the immediate change in her facial expressions. “I will be very gentle with my movements, little one. And you won’t fall or anything like that. I promise”, said Loki softly. He wanted to come off as kind as he possibly could so Y/n could relax.
“O-Okay-..”, she said nervously. Loki rested his hand on the mattress next to Y/n, palm facing up, waiting for her to climb on.
Y/n walked over to Loki’s hand and as much as her mind was screaming at her to not go through with it, she boarded the huge hand and made her way to the center of it. She sat down, waiting to be lifted up high off the bed.
Loki smiles at the small girl and raised her up to his face, staring down at her with his large, green eyes.
Y/n was definitely scared at first, but she calmed herself down. She slowly stood up in the center of Loki’s palm, looking around at how tiny she really was compared to him. She had to tilt her head up just a little bit so she could see the tips of his fingers that loomed behind her.
“Now, what were you trying to show me, my dear?”, asked Loki as he held Y/n in front of his eyes. She was so tiny, not even reaching the height of his thumb.
Y/n held up the plush again so that Loki could see it.
“I-...I made th-this plush toy for you. W-Whenever I had the f-free time to work on it, I did. I-I know it’s sm-small, but I worked r-really hard on it and I wanted to show you my ap-appreciation for everything that you’ve done”, said Y/n. She kept her eyes locked on Loki’s green orbs
Loki admired the small gift that Y/n held. The first thing he noticed were the yellow horns and the fabric armor it wore. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off it Loki’s mind. “Is-..Is that me?”, asked Loki, bewildered.
Y/n hesitatingly nodded her head yes, shuffling her feet around nervously as she waited for Loki’s response.
“May I hold it?”, he asked, holding out two fingers on his opposite hand. Loki hoped that he didn’t ruin such a wonderful gift. He didn’t want to hurt Y/n’s feelings by accidentally ripping the fabric apart with his large fingers.
“Of course y-you can!”, said Y/n as her eyes lit up with excitement. She was more than happy that Loki wanted to see his gift.
Y/n watched as Loki’s other hand approached her. The forefinger and thumb reached out for the plush toy and she happily obliged in handing it over. The two fingers grabbed onto either side of the plush toy and ferried it away from Y/n.
Loki laid the plush toy in the center of his other palm and raised it up to his eyes. He slightly touched it with the pad of his thumb, moving it around to get a better look at it. The whole time he did this, Loki was beaming a wide smile. He looked up from the plush toy and at the small girl who was staring at him with wide, blue eyes. ‘Such an innocent child-..’, thought Loki to himself as he smiled down at her.
“That is very kind of you. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Truly. You do not know how much of an honor it is for me to receive such an extraordinary gift. Thank you, little Y/n”, said Loki.
“You-..You like it?”, asked Y/n, astonished that he liked the present she had put so much effort into making sure it looked similar to Loki.
“I don’t like it, I love it! You have an incredible talent, young one. I could never start from scratch with fabric and a few needles to create such a masterpiece”, said Loki as he ruffled Y/n’s hair gently.
Y/n and Loki spent the rest of the event taking to each other. They had moved back over to Loki’s desk for a bit of privacy. The children that were on the bed were all starting to get Loki annoyed. Every time Y/n would go to say something, she was interrupted by noise from the others her age. So, Loki had carried her back to his desk while the plush toy sat safely tucked away in his shirt pocket.
Out of now where, a feminine voice exclaimed Y/n’s name. “Y/n! Sweetie! It’s time to go home!”
Loki’s eyebrows slightly furrowed together, looking for the human that had called out to his tiny friend. He looked down to see a woman looking up towards the hand that held Y/n, who was holding onto Loki’s finger tips as she peered over the edge.
“Hi mom!”, shouted Y/n as she waved at her mother. Loki’s eyes softened at the adorable sight. He looked at Y/n’s mother and, of course, introduced himself.
“Hello ma’am. It is lovely to meet your acquaintance”, said Loki as he bowed his head. Y/n’s mother smiled up at Loki.
“I’m sorry to cut things short here, but Y/n, we have to head home now honey. It’s getting late”, said her mother.
“B-But..”, Y/n’s mother gave her a certain look to know she meant business.
“Okay.” Y/n turn towards Loki with sadness written all over her face. “I-I..I guess I have to go now. I just want to say thank you. I-I’ve dreamed of meeting m-my idol for a long time and this is by far the b-best day of my life.”
“I’m your-...idol?”, asked Loki. His heart had fully melted into a puddle when she nodded her head yes. Loki could see tears glistening in his little friend’s eyes, for she knew that they probably wouldn’t ever see each other once she exits his room. “I’ll m-miss you, L-Loki.” Y/n broke down at this point. She used the backs of her hands to wipe away the tears.
“Oh my little dove, do not cry. It’s okay. I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon”, said Loki.
He held Y/n close to his chest as he tenderly caressed her back. Maybe they would see each other again, but-..what was the probability of that? Loki came to the realization that they most likely would never see each other anymore. He’s constantly here in the tower and is permitted to always stick around his room. “I-…I’ll miss you as well, my little dove.”
“Oh for heavens sake you two!”, exclaimed a voice. Loki’s gaze shot upwards to find that Tony Stark was hovering way above the desk.
“Always with the perfect timing, Stark”, said Loki angrily. He held out the palm that cupped Y/n protectively and allowed Stark to land right next to her.
“Kid listen. The amount of joy that you’ve brought Loki in a span of two hours is unbelievable. He has been the worst debbie downer for the past few weeks, but you put a smile on the big guy’s face in a matter of seconds”, said Tony as he smiled at Y/n.
“Please, get to the point”, said Loki. He poked Tony in the back, causing him to stumble forward. Tony laughed it off.
“She can come visit you whenever she wants. Here, take this, kid-…”, Tony gave Y/n a card with a number on it. “This here is my phone number. Now whenever you want to come up to the tower and see Loki, you just call me up so I can let him know, okay? I’ll even have a limo sent to your house if you’d like”, said Tony.
Y/n couldn’t take her eyes off of the card. She was in complete shock. “Th-Thank you so much!”, she said happily. “No problem, kid. And no more tears, alright? Loki here looked like he was about to start crying himself”, said Tony sarcastically. He glanced up at Loki, smirking away.
Loki was about to retaliate, but kept quiet because he knew Tony was right. He probably would have started crying if Stark hadn’t come over to them. “Alright, I’ll let you say your farewells to each other”, said Tony as he flew over to the bed.
“L-Loki, could I come see you tomorrow? If that’s okay with you o-of course”, asked Y/n nervously. She really hoped that Loki would say yes because she had so much more to tell him about how she became a fan of his.
“Absolutely, sweetheart”, said Loki. He lightly tickled her stomach, causing Y/n to laugh.
After Y/n had left with her mother, Loki looked down at the plush toy in his palm. “This will never leave my side. Ever. I cannot wait to see my little friend again tomorrow”, said Loki.
Loki stayed true to his word as he as he slept later that night. Next to Loki’s sleeping form was the plush toy Y/n had gifted to him. It sat upright against Loki’s green pillow and sometime during the night in his sleep, Loki reached over and grabbed a hold of the plush toy, drawing it near him. He held it close to his chest, subconsciously smiling to himself.
Author’s note:
This is probably my longest story I’ve ever written! I hope you all liked it!! Do you guys mind if I post long stories like this? Or do you prefer short ones?? Let me know what you think!❤️
Also, here’s what the Loki plush looks like😊:
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I bought this lil’ cutie off of Etsy! I’m so happy I finally got to include him into one of the stories somehow. The seller’s name is “MythfitCreatures” and they have different characters as well!
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
OC-tober day one!
Prompt: Journey
Taglist: @talesfromaurea @hellishhin @thelaughingstag
And a special Event Tag for oc-tober: @oc-growth-and-development
For this one I’m doing two things! First, I finished the maps of the rest of Azeria and I’m too proud of them to wait to share haha. The heroes journey across a significant amount of this map throughout the story.
I’ve also included some snippets of each character leaving home for the first time, as it’s the beginnings of their journeys here.
Maps up first!! Behold, the full continent in all its massive size and glory. Super proud of all of this, I think it looks awesome. Also please excuse the repetition of the name labels and compasses and that stuff, I have the maps all on separate pages and wanted to make sure they can stand alone as well.
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[Image Description: Six hand drawn maps, each showing a portion of a continent. Besides the northwest corner and a small exclave on the west coast, most of the land is of the country Azeria. The other parts are part of Leinos. The continent is covered in deserts, plains, hills, and rainforest/jungle. Off the western coast is the fog-shrouded sea of dragons, and off the eastern side is the vast ocean of Aksir-Atan. To the north is the Ikarron ocean./end ID]
Now for the snippets!
Gonna put them below a cut so this doesn’t get too long.
“Yep. I’m tired, Ardos,” Faulkron said, moving to push past.
“Of what, son?”
“Well first of all, that! Stop saying that, you know I’m not your son,” Faulkron said with a growl.
“Well first of all, that! Stop saying that, you know I’m not your son,” Faulkron said with a growl.
“Maybe, but I raised you, didn’t I?”
“I don’t care! I’m sick of all this! I’m tired of being here, with you!” Faulkron snapped.
Ardos’ face fell further, and his shoulders sloped. “You don’t mean that, do ya?”
Faulkron groaned and leaned against the wall, throwing his free hand into the air. “Maybe I do! I don’t know! I don’t even know who I am, Ardos! This town is all I know, but it isn’t me! How am I supposed to live like this any more?”
“Oh, a simple life ain’t so bad-“
“Yes it is, da— Ardos,” Faulkron quickly corrected, turning away.
“You almost called me dad,” Ardos said, a tiny kindling of hope in his voice.
“We all slip up,” Faulkron said, the coldness of the words making him almost regret saying them. Almost.
“You’re sure you wanna leave?” asked Ardos, voice much softer than it had been before, and laced with pain.
“You even know where you’re goin’?”
“No. That’s the point. I’m tired of the things I know, I want something new.”
“I won’t stop ya, son.”
“I know,” Faulkron said as he turned back to face the door again.
“Come back and visit?”
“Ha. We’ll see,” Faulkron muttered, pushing past Ardos and out the door.
“Be careful!” Ardos called after him.
“I love ya, son.”
Faulkron didn’t respond.
The fog lay, as it always had, like a heavy blanket over the island.
Fuego lit the lamp at the front of his boat with his fire, coaxing it to life and sending the fog hissing back, the slender ship’s front pointed out to sea.
He turned back to shore. His family, friends, the King even, were all gathered on the beach, similar lanterns in hand. The whole island had gathered to see him off as he sailed into what could prove to be a fatal journey.
Fuego took a deep breath, then spoke.
“People of Zul’Zagan! I promise you all, this great journey I’m taking now? It will be nothing compared go the glory of my return! I swear by my life I will sail the sea and find the fire to burn away the Shroud, the gods have decreed it and so that is what I go to do. I will keep you all in my mind, my heart, and my soul. I know these gifts are a thanks for what I’ve done, but it feels wrong not to thank you all as well. This is and always will be my home, and you are my people. I carry you with me anywhere I may sail.”
The king stepped forward, voice regal and booming. “And I pray for smooth seas and a forgiving sky on your quest, Fuego. We will not forget you either, lightbringer.”
The king bowed his head in salute, and Fuego returned the gesture. Waving goodbye to his family, he whooped as he unfurled his sail and his ship leaped forward into the unknown.
“Shakari A’Tusaara. You have violated the laws of the Duulza, your people. You have stolen from the Vhamani, those who are your elders and who wield magic you are not yet strong enough to control. You show yourself to have dangerous hubris. Your ambition could be the downfall of all of us, you know this.”
Shakari hung her head. She couldn’t bear to look at her family, watching from the crowd.
“I am aware.”
“So then you know why we must exile you.”
“I do,” they responded, fury and pain boiling inside their chest.
“Very well. Shakari, you hereby lose your place among the Duulza. You are no longer your mother’s child, and have no home in Duulza lands. You will be sent into the desert alone. If you should return and you have not been humbled, you will be met only with blades. If you should return and have made right your crimes, then you will be welcome once more.”
The elder, a rugged-looking dragonborn with sandblown blue scales, stepped forward, magic swirling around their claws.
“I place this Mark on you now. When it has gone, return to us. Remember, you are not above the world, but part of it. A dragon’s ferocity is wasted on destruction.”
A searing heat pressed into their chest, a white-hot symbol appearing on their scales as the elder placed their palm over Shakari’s chest.
“It is done.”
Still wincing from the brand, Shakari turned her back on her tribe for the last time, and walked into the desert.
Jetra scowled at the man on the street corner.
“Marakos, the Hero! He died for you, all of you! He fought off a bandit scourge, and sacrificed his life! Honor his sacrifice. Be a hero! Join the army of Leinos! Remember him, and fight!”
She was sick of hearing the army talk about her father like this.
Setting her jaw, she slunk through the crowded streets toward the recruiter.
She snuck up behind him where he was standing on some crates, and before he could spew another lie she kicked the crates out from beneath him.
He crashed to the ground, sputtering, and Jetra took off back into the crowd.
When she was sure she wasn’t being followed, she made her way back to their house.
Her mom wasn’t home yet, so she let herself in. She packed her stuff quickly, and when she’d finished, she waited.
When her mom finally opened the door, Jetra had already made a meal.
They ate it in silence for the most part. They were both tired, and their minds were making all the necessary noise.
When the food was gone, Jetra finally spoke.
“I’m leaving tonight, mom.”
“I suspected,” her mother sighed.
“I can’t take this anymore, and-“ Jetra started.
“Hush, love. The less I know, the better, remember?”
Jetra sighed. “I know.”
“You’ve got everything?”
“Come here,” she said, opening her arms and standing.
Jetra walked over and sank into her arms.
“I love you, daughter. Please, be careful.”
“I will, mom.”
With that, she stepped out into the nighttime streets of Anikora.
As she walked through the shadowy streets, she saw a small glowing bird appear on a nearby rooftop. It flapped its wings once, then took off. She smiled, and followed it out of the city.
His parents didn’t say why they were leaving, just that it was today. Alejandro wasn’t sure how to feel. He would miss the village a lot. He waved goodbye to all his friends, his old house, the beach, and the rest of the village, as his dad held him on the horse they were riding. His mother was on another horse next to them, with all the stuff they’d taken with them. It wasn’t a lot, because they couldn’t afford that much more space.
When they’d reached the big city, they stayed for a while, before getting on a boat that took them across a lot of water and to another city. Then they were walking again, and they walked with some other people too, people Alejandro didn’t know. There was another kid too, and they played sometimes, but it was mostly boring. They all traveled for a really long time, and Alejandro quickly forgot which way it was to home.
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pixelwisp-archive · 3 years
Itadakimasu!! | Part 11: I'm Sorry (Written Chapter)
word count: 3.1k
The Mixtape: Thinking of you | CA, 1979
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The music that pooled out of Onigiri Miya was anything but what you expected.  A small smile crept up onto your face - despite your best efforts - and with a featherlight touch, you crept into the restaurant, silently thanking the soft jazz for drowning out the creaks as you pushed the door open in search of a certain chef.
Osamu stood at the sink, hands working some leftover dishes from the work day. He hummed softly along to the music, and it surprised you just how nice  he sounded - how his deep hum complemented the honey voice that dripped through the speakers; rich, thick, and soft like velvet. You padded into the kitchen, clutching the wine and apron closer to your frame so as not to bump it on anything that could give you away, and allowed yourself a few minutes to listen and appreciate before ultimately ruining the moment.
“I didn’t know you could sing, Miya.” You brought a hand up to suppress a giggle as he stiffened and dropped the plate he had been washing with a loud clatter. Osamu bowed his head and cleared his throat, loud enough to drown out the music for a brief moment before it ultimately pervaded the kitchen once more. He grabbed the nearest towel to dry his hands before reaching for the remote, the music ceasing with a quick click. Once he turned around, your eyes immediately fell on the dusted pink that settled onto his cheeks, and you did your best to ignore the warmth that ignited in your chest at the sight.
"So, Etta James, huh?" Osamu coughed awkwardly, turning his attention back toward the sink to finish up the last few dishes that lingered in the basin.
"Ya know Etta James?" An affirming hum left your lips as you placed the bottle of wine and your apron on the island, eyes flitting over the rustic kitchen in search of wine glasses.
The kitchen was a decent size, the bright wooden counters and cabinets a stark contrast to the dark iron of the appliances, but it complemented each other and suited the space well. The soft ivory paint on the walls kept the overall area from being too loud compared to the rest of the restaurant, and you wondered if Kita was behind the greenery that added a lush, vibrant addition to the otherwise plain shop. Your eyes landed on a modest pile of cookbooks stored neatly in the corner, and you let out a huff of victory as you made your way over to the wine glasses that sat in a windowed cabinet above them.
"My parents were big fans, they've always had a funny fascination with America," you explained, and from the corner of your eye you saw him nod. The two of you relished in the, for once, comfortable beats of silence that followed, and you were surprised when he - for a second time since you had met him - decided to be the one break it.
"My Ma used to have this busted up, old, mix tape that she would play every night when she made dinner. Got it at a flea market when she spent a semester abroad in California. She always talked about how she wished she could visit again." The fondness in his voice made your heart squeeze. You busied yourself, listening intently as you placed two wine glasses onto the counter and filled them generously. "Eventually the cassette broke from years of abuse, but I managed to find the songs and make her a playlist. She still listens to it, every night, and I guess I got so used to it that it feels almost...wrong, to cook without hearin' it in the background, even though I'm not home anymore." You slid one glass over to him and he raised a brow at it, a soft smile pointed your way.
"I think ya skimped me a bit," he joked, and you chuckled sheepishly, a hand coming to scratch the back of your neck.
"What can I say, I like my wine." He chuckles as you reach for the small remote. 
"You didn't have to stop it, you know. I love me some Etta," you said, and his smile widened ever so slightly as you pressed play, the smooth voice fluttering through the speakers once more, softer this time as you adjusted the volume. You lifted the wine glass to your lips, taking a tentative first sip. The second the bittersweet liquid hit your tongue, you closed your eyes and sighed into the familiarity. It flashed you back to Tokyo; the seemingly endless nights on the balcony with Tendou and Semi, your drunken laughter rivaling the music in volume as Semi sang along with fervor - but, really, does anyone sound good when they're nearly a bottle deep?
Reality slammed into you like a meteor, and you were instantly struck back into the present moment, meeting Osamu's eyes as he watched you curiously. You felt the warmth crawl up your neck from the embarrassment, and you cleared your throat in the hopes that you could divert his attention to literally anything else.
"So,  are you gonna teach me how to properly make some Onigiri tonight?" His eyes fell on the apron you brought, the one he gifted to you, and his eyebrows shot up in surprise as his lips settled into a playful smirk.
"Who said anythin' about 'teach'? I said I'd show ya how I make it; I didn' say nothin' about teachin' ya."
"And miss out on learning how to make Onigiri Miya's signature dish? No way." Osamu scoffed as you grabbed your apron and began tying it around your waist. His arms folded in front of him, his lips a thin line. You couldn't tell if he was thinking or already disapproving.
"This was meant to be an apology, you know," he started, but you cut him off.
"I know! And what better apology than by helping me perfect my shaping?" The resigned sigh that followed meant a victory for you, the grin proof enough for both of you that you had won. "So, what are we making today?"
"I figured I'd keep it simple tonight. Ya like fatty tuna?" Of course you do.  Who doesn’t? "Great, let's get started then."
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To be honest, you weren't expecting Osamu to be as patient with you as he was. Even though you were decently acquainted with the 'art form' that was Onigiri (as so eloquently and dramatically described by Osamu), you decided to entertain him and pretend to struggle with every step - over shredding the tuna, spilling the spices, adding too much mayo - in the minor hope that you could catch him stressed and maybe a bit frustrated - but to your somewhat disappointment, mostly pleasant surprise, every effort to get at least a furrowed brow or a groan was met with a warm smile, sometimes a breathy chuckle, and a strong pair of arms gently guiding you through the correct steps.
It was as equally frustrating as it was endearing.
"Now ya wanna dip yer hands into the dish of water I left on the side for ya, yeah, great, that's it - now grab a pinch of salt - not too much, just a pinch, and ya wanna rub it into yer hands to prep for the rice."
"What if I have a cut somewhere?"
"Do ya have a cut?"
"Well, not that I know of, but what if there's a cut I don't know about?"
"Well then I guess we'll find out soon, won' we?"
You huffed, but nonetheless pinched the tiny mountain of salt and collected a modest amount before tentatively rubbing it into your hands. Your shoulders were stiff the entire time, prepared for the sudden sting on the off chance the salt decided to acquaint itself with an unknown wound on your hand. You heard Osamu stifle a laugh, and your eyes met his as he smirked at your cautious form.
"Stop staring at me, focus on your own stupid rice ball." He laughed - loudly, beautifully - and you felt your hands tremble the slightest bit as you tried to put all of your focus on making a stupid, dumb triangle out of some stupid, dumb rice.
"Need some help?" You merely grumbled in response as the little bundle of rice and filling crumbled in your hands, despite your feeble attempts at shaping it. He set his own, perfectly shaped, onigiri aside and scooched over to you, his arms reaching around your form, chest pressed lightly against your back. "Yer pressing in too softly, so the rice isn't holding. Cup yer hands like this-" he cupped your hands within his own "-just like that. Now press a little firmer, like this." You were trying your best to pay attention to what he was showing you, you really were - but you couldn't help but marvel at how soft his hands were. You expected them to be rough; calloused from years of cooking, volleyball, and the handyman side hobby, but clearly that wasn’t the case. What kind of lotion did he use to make them feel so smooth? Probably some fancy homemade Aloe Vera lotion Kita made for him, you thought with a scoff.
This new revelation had also made you hyper aware that your hands were not, in fact, soft - countless burns, cuts, and other various acts of carelessness in the kitchen have given your hands a battle worn texture that no amount of hoity toity, all natural Aloe Vera would be able to soften up. He must have been cringing inside just having to touch the absolute burlap that is your haggard looking, stupid hands, oh god-
"Nice job, yer doin' great." The gentleness in his voice plucked you from your inner turmoil, effectively grounding you back to the task at hand. What was once a crumbling mess of rice and tuna now stood a beautifully crafted onigiri, the plump triangle nestled snuggly in between your hands. A gasp left you as you beamed at the finished product, and you whipped your head toward him, twisting slightly within his grip so you could face him properly.
It was then that you realized just how close he was to you.
Whatever words you had planned to say to him died in your throat as your brain tried to comprehend why the hell his face was so close to yours. Osamu seemed to be in a similar state of shock, eyes wide and mouth emulating a fish, opening and shutting when the words weren't coming to him. From the way your own mouth gaped, you imagined you shared a similar expression.
Simultaneously, almost comically, you separated yourselves and severed eye contact, Osamu finding something above you particularly interesting. What exactly, you weren't sure - you were too busy eyeing every minute detail of the remarkably plain tile flooring.
Like an awkward embrace from an old friend you never truly vibed with, the uncomfortable silence settled between you two once again.
It would have almost felt nostalgic, if you didn't hate it with a seething passion.
'And my arms need someone, someone to enfold'
The playful jazz number cut through the silence, and you mentally cursed Etta for clearly not reading the room - your arms were certainly not looking to enfold anybody at the moment, and you imagined it was likely that Osamu felt the same.
You spun back around toward your work station, a quick roll of your shoulders the only indication that you were gonna keep working, because you sure as shit didn't trust whatever would have come out of your mouth had you chosen to open it. Lucky for you, he seemed to get the hint and moved back toward his own work station, making quick work of shaping what he had left, while you continued to struggle, albeit far less than before.
Not a word had been uttered in the moments that followed, the music filling the awkward rift that split between you.
To be honest, you felt guilty that nearly every interaction between you two inevitably dissolved into a dense, unbearable tension; the once lighthearted mood suddenly cracked open like a fault line, the quiet settling between you like dust, and it always felt so thick that trying to bring the moment back its old, enlightened state seemed to take such an immense amount of effort - effort that neither one of you appeared to want to put forth.
You wondered if Osamu shared a similar sentiment.
While you finished up the last of your onigiri, you allowed your attention to flicker to Osamu as he eyed the leftover tuna filling with seemingly great interest, brows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line. You watched as he scooped the mess onto his finger, putting obvious effort into keeping it balanced as he brought the teetering pile to his lips. Right as he went to close his lips around his finger, the tiny mountain fell, smearing onto his chin and landing on the counter with the saddest little ‘splat’ you'd ever heard. The disappointment he exuded at his misfortune is what ultimately broke you, and you laughed - a bright, gleeful sound that dispelled the suffocating air in an instant, and made you feel like you could finally breathe again (which was ironic, considering how out of breath you were from the incessant giggles that sprung free with absolutely no regard for your lung capacity).
Your hand flew to your mouth in an (admittedly failed) attempt to stifle yourself, as well as possibly save the last shred of rapidly waning dignity Osamu was probably holding onto for dear life. You folded in on yourself, laughter bouncing off the restaurant floor and - again, probably - stabbing directly into Osamu's crumbling pride.
Just as you opened your mouth to apologize, Osamu's loud, beautiful laugh cut through your own, and at the sight of his uncharacteristically bright smile, accompanied with the little smear of mayo on his chin, you realized that, maybe, probably, he was actually doing just fine; and that this - laughing with him - was something you'd never been given the chance to do before, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't something you wished you could do more often.
You hoped that, maybe, Osamu wanted that, too.
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"So, I take it they didn't teach you how to make onigiri at your fancy schmancy culinary school?" He smiled as you bit back a groan. It was embarrassing, how ugly your onigiri looked next to his. Sure, you were joking about your incompetence in the beginning in the hopes to rile him up a little; but when it came to actually forming the balls, well - there's a reason the spite onigiri you made were small and round.
"You win this time, rice man." He boldly plucked one of your creations and plopped it onto his plate, while you opted for one of his. You knew yours were gonna have too much mayo and way too much seasoning, and you weren't about to subject yourself to that.
You took a bite out of the rice ball and audibly moaned - how is something so simple so delicious? He chuckled, lazy smile draped across his features as he watched you eat. The little sparkle in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by you, and you felt a tiny tug on your heart at how excited he was that you were enjoying his food, even if he wasn't being outwardly showy about it like you tended to be.
"'This time'? Does that mean we're doing this again?" You reached for another one of his as you hummed to yourself.
"Hmm, maybe. Maybe I'll force you to bake me some macarons." You were kidding, of course - you wouldn't wish that upon even your worst enemies - but the way his eyes brightened and he agreed with a small but noticeable lilt to his voice had you wondering if maybe making macarons wouldn't be all that bad if you made them with him.
He bit into your onigiri, taking a far more generous bite than you would have, and you snickered at the obvious attempt to conceal the grimace he had involuntarily made upon swallowing. The way he tiptoed around his critique of your failure was incredibly endearing ("It's not bad, just...mayo-y." "You don't have to eat it, you know." "No no, you worked hard, I'm gonna eat it."), and you felt the first little crack form in the walls you had begun to keep up around him ever since the curry incident.
The longer you enjoyed the food, wine, and - surprisingly - company, the harder it became to ignore the guilt that had settled onto your heart earlier in the evening. What started off as a mere twinge had become a sizeable weight in your chest, growing each moment you spent with him that didn't make you want to launch him off the summit of Mount Fuji.
"I'm sorry," you said, quiet and out of the blue. He shot you a confused smile.
"Pretty sure that's my job right now," he pointed out, and you offered a meek chuckle in response.
"I shouldn't have sold the dessert onigiri. Seeing just how passionate you are makes me realize the gravity of what I did. My ego was a little bruised and instead of being an adult about it, I openly insulted you and Kita by making a mockery of your business. I took it too far, and I'm really sorry about that. I'm sure it goes without saying, but I'm gonna stop making them so you don't have to worry anymore." He was quiet, staring at you in a way he hadn't before, and it made you feel far too exposed, playing with the rice crumbled on your plate as you waited for a reaction.
"I'm sorry, too. I only said those things because the idea of you expanding yer menu terrified me. Yer an amazin' chef, and I honestly think ya could run me out of business one day." His voice was soft, too; and you felt the crack grow considerably wider, your vulnerability peeking through pinched brows and hands that you couldn't seem to keep still. "I've always wanted to open up a location in Tokyo, and expand the menu. Onigiri made sense because it's always been a source of comfort, but as much as I love makin' em, there're others things I wanna make, too."
The air between you was...light. The weight that usually settled itself into your shoulder blades seemed to have dissipated, and you couldn't tell if it was the wine, the time, or Osamu. Maybe it was all three.
"I...I like it better when we don't hate each other," you said.
"I never hated you," he said.
"I never hated you either," you admitted.
"Does that mean we can stop pretending we do?" He looked you, and you saw hope.
You smiled.
"Yeah," you said. "We can."
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Fun facts -
Osamu listening to old 60′s love songs just did something to me ok, especially my girl Etta
Kita is 100% responsible for the plants 
Osamu’s mom kept the tape, even after it finally broke beyond repair. It reminds her of Osamu’s father, who she met that summer in Cali
he was another exchange student from Japan. They had a summer fling and inevitably said their goodbyes when the summer was over and he had to fly back home.
They ended up bumping into each other a year after she moved back - and fate has been a big theme for the Miya’s ever since. 
Osamu has always felt a little funny about it - it feels too convenient, and he doesn’t like the idea of not being in control of his own path.
He thought your ugly rice balls were disgusting, obviously, and he was sure to eat his own after the first one lmao
A/n - when you haven’t updated in so long you have to look at past chapters to remember how you formatted 😭. BUT ITS FINALLY DONEEEE, this chapter KICKED my ass oh my god but it feels so good to be finished and we’re finally moving into new territory~ I’m very excited for the next few chapters!! I hope you guys enjoy this latest chapter, please don’t be afraid to shoot me messages if you have questions!! I have a LOT of behind the scenes content that doesn’t make it into the fic sometimes and I’m always eager to share 🤩✨💛
Taglist (bolded cannot be tagged!)-
@larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @fucktheworlddude​ @doctorspencereid​ @keiarma​ @cherriechurros​ @halesandy​ @k3nma-fairy​ @jewlmin​ @tabipleats​ @kaleidoscopekai​ @confusedturtle​ @vintagexparker​ @hoeevern @syaziahvg​ @hallothankmas​ @lilith412426​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @oikawakuns​ @reina-de-tay​ @prettyinblack231​ @snowyseungs​ @darlingkuroo​ @chloji​ @1sillylittlething​ 
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lstories · 3 years
Marin's perspective: Life Under the Sea
I'm still trying to write my other storys and my mind wanted more of tiny mer.
(Safe, soft, vore, g/t, willing prey, semi willing pred, mer prey)
Word Count: 3084
"Come out Marin and we'll take it easy on you"
Marin held himself as tight as he could against the coral, his blue hair waiving with the blue algae it was pressed up against. His joints felt like they were about to snap as he griped the coral branch even harder when the three other mers swam by. He strained his eyes trying to look over his shoulder to see them. A red mer, a yellow mer, and another blue mer were checking the branches and in small crevices inside the trees. His breathing quickened and he could feel his heart beating out of his chest when he didn't see the fourth mer. His eyes darted to the other side of his head. Amara's purple hair swaying in the water next to his head and a light purple hand tapped his chest.
A "Found you"
M "Come on. Why are you always the one to find me"
A "Bacuse I'm the only one who know what to look for"
R "You found him again?"
B "Let Marin be the hunter again"
Y "Mom doesn't want Marin to be the hunter anymore, remember"
M "It's beacuse I suck at it"
A "No, you don't-"
R "Ya your horrible at it"
M "Wow, thanks"
After a while longer of playing their parents called them back, there was no sense of time underwater, but everyone was still getting tired. Their parents had to be the ones to make sure that they didn't get hurt and when to call them back. They were their only source of protection after all. Everyone swam deeper into the forest, eventually the small town was in sight. A few bigger mers were swimming around, some with bigger and slightly squirming belly's. Some shops were opening and some were closing by the time they were entering the small town. Marin swam next to Amara and helped look for her parent's. It didn't take long to find them, Amara gave Marin a hug and a quick goodbye before she swam over to her dad and gave him a hug. He was a bright glowing green with small black lines coursing over the edges of his scales. Marin watched with a bit of envy as Amara's dad gently pulled her into his mouth after returning the hug. He swallowed a few times, her wriggling form slowly shuffled down his throat and into his stomach. Marin jumped as he felt a light hand press onto his back, he turned around and was ready to swim away. His instincts were eased when he saw Amara's mom, her deep purple scales gently rubbed at his arm. She set his head into her palm as he stared up at her.
"So I still cant get any protection anymore"
"I'm not the one getting bigger"
"I-I'm sorry"
"No, No. Don't apologize. Someday you'll be the biggest mer here. I wish I could still protect you so you could stay here, but they won't let a kid stay with no protector. I'll swim with you back to the edge if it'll make you more comfortable"
Amara's mom was right, he was too big, even with his tail scrunched up he was almost her size. Marin fallowed behind her, his tail gently swayed so he wouldn't dart ahead of her, even if it was on accident. Eventually they reached the edge of the forest, Marin swam out just a bit further than her into the darkness. They said their goodbyes and Amara's mom left back into the forest. Marin staired into the darkness, he never wanted to go back but they wouldn't let him sleep in the forest. He never needed to come this far to the edge of the forest before he lost his parents. Marin swam further up the branches, his tail coiled around a branch with some fruit growing on it. He tore off a thin white strip and bit into the juicie flesh. This was the first type of food he had after he clawed his way out of safety so he wouldn't starve. He didn't like to think about it but he wasn't able to complain about what he ate. He staired back into the darkness and thought. It was only one wrong turn and he became an orphan. Marin finished his meal and returned to the ground, he's been doing this for what felt like his entire life but the horror never seemed to dwindle.
A falling branch caught his attention, Marin looked up to see a grey shark slowly approaching him. He could feel his heart start beating faster as he slowly backed away. The shark lunged at him and Marin let out a small shriek and swam as fast as he could to get away from it. He ducked under branches and into small crevices in the trees while trying to get away from the shark, it was breaking almost every branch while trying to bite at him. Marin had to find a place to hide, NOW. His instincts were going off the rails, there had to be somewhere he could go besides the town. Marin darted out into the darkness and slipped back behind a... was that a mer. Marin swam back into the darkness and checked, the shark was still following him. There it was, a pure black mer near the light of the forest. The shark almost bit his tail while he darted back into the forest. It didn't take long for Marin the reach where the other mer was. He darted out of the forest to it, they had to help him.
Marin darted under its arm, it was bigger than any mer he had seen before, maybe it could even protect him. Marin scrunched up even harder while he heard the struggles of the huge mer and the shark. He poked his head out to see what was happening, the shark was biting the bigger mers arm. He scrunched himself tighter than he thought he could when the huge mer reeled its arm back and punched the shark in the nose. The shark swam off into the blackness of the sea, it didn't take long for Marin to lose the form of the shark. He didn't want to be away from the new mer in fear that the shark would come back the second he didn't have something around him. He looked back, there wasn't a drop of blood in the water from the huge mer. The arm around him started moving upwards, Marin dashed to the other side of the huge mer, he needed to stay safe if the shark came back. The huge mer opend both of its arms, Marin dashed around the huge mer to look for a new place to hide. He was confused on why the bigger mer wouldn't hide him, every mer looks out for each other. He wrapped himself around the bigger mers neck, he didn't want to choke it but he needed to stay hidden.
After a bit, the bigger mers hands started waving around him. Marin protested a bit, eventually he let go and swam up to the bigger mers face. It... didn't look like a mer, its hair was golden but it wasn't glowing and it went to his jaw. He didn't have any scales and what looked like pinkish fruit skin wasn't even golden like his hair. Marin tried pressing his hands to its face but was stopped by some invisible force. He was trapped, that's why he kept trying to get Marin's attention. Marin swam a bit away from the giants face and readied his shoulder in front of him before swimming as fast as he could into the invisible prison. The resulting thud made him feel like his arm was going to shatter when he looked at it. The giant cupped his hands Marin and made some low growls. Marin starred up at the giant after a bit of struggling, it didn't look like any other mer he'd seen. "I-I'm sorry, I was trying to free you but now I don't know if your even trapped. I'm Marin by the way" he said while rubbing his arm.
The giant looked confused as Marin talked, could he even understand him. The giant raised a hand up to Marin, it was bigger than most of the branches on the tree's. He wrapped his tail around the arm out of instinct before he realised what he had done. There was a small orange line on the giants wrist, it almost felt like it was made out of the algae on the trees when he pressed his hands into it. The giant let out a light chuckle and some more low growls before moving towards a nearby tree. It layed down and started shoveling sand over itself. Marin looked up at him confused, why was he sleeping in the open, he would get killed and if not, couldn't he at least protect Marin. The giant gently rubbed a finger down his back, Marin recoiled at first but leaned into the warm massage. The giant made more low growls before bringing Marin down and holding him to his stomach. Marin looked up to the giant who was already trying to fall asleep, he could hear a faint growl from the stomach. The warmth emanating from the giant was staring to make Marin a little drowsy. He forced himself away from the giant and started pulling on their finger. If he could keep Marin warm then Marin would bring him somewhere warm.
The giant reluctantly got up from where it was resting and took a step towards him. Marin swam into the darkness and the giant slowly followed him. Great, he had a giant following him, now he needed to find home. Marin raced ahead, making sure that he was going in the right direction and then swimming back to make sure the giant was close behind. Eventually he found the stone wall and followed along the bottom. The giant was slowly stumbling behind him, he was deffenetly tired. Marin hoped the giant would like his home, it was huge compared to Marin and there was a constant warm water falling from the top of the cave. Marin kept swimming along the edge, the entrance had to be nearby. The orange lines were the only indication that the giant was still following him. Eventually the couldn't feel the ground and swam down, soon he could see the familiar orange light of home. He swam back to the entrance of the cave but before he could ascend, the giant fell down the hole next to him. Marin hugged the giants face, happy he could get his new friend so close to home. He was surprised when the giant grabbed him by the waist.
Marin protested and pushed at the fingers holding him. "Hey! Let me go! We're almost there, I can swim there myself!" He yelled at the giant but it didn't matter, they couldn't understand each other. Marin not so reluctantly leaned into the warm massage the giant gave with his thumb. Marin finally got a perspective on how big the giant was. The tunnel Marin used to get to his home was huge and the giant needed to almost crawl to fit through it. Soon the giant entered Marins home and let go of him. He darted over to his bed, and swam up the thin tube. He crossed his arms and watched the giant, they looked over his collection of shiny things. The giant looked up at the light hole on the ceiling and stuck its head out of the hole. The cave started to drown in darkness as the giant pulled himself out of the hole. Marin swam closer to the retreating legs of the giant and followed him threw the hole. The giant stood up in the waterless place, they looked over the empty space.
"Hey, don't leave me, I want to be up there too. Pick me up" The giant turned around while Marin grabbed at their heels. They put their hand in the water next to him, Marin quickly wrapped himself around their wrist again. He didn't expect the amount of weight over his body when the giant pulled him out of the water. Marin was forced to lay down on the giants palm while everything became warmer the higher he was lifted. The giant moved to a wall and laid down, it took all of Marin's strength to hold his chest up. It felt so weird to breath this high up. He watched as the giant pulled off the invisible prison on its face and pulled off what Marin previously thought were scales from its head. Its non-glowing golden hair bounced up slightly from where the black stuff was. Marin was captivated by the sight for a bit before speaking up. "Um, if you can understand me I was wondering if you would be able to protect me until we're not tired anymore" Marin grabbed at the air as he talked. The giant brought him closer to their face, would they actually protect him? He pressed his hands into the giants cheeks, they were so much warmer than any mer.
Marin partially opend the giants lips, a warm air lightly blew over him. He lightly put a hand on the giants teeth. Immediately the giant pulled him away from their mouth, Marin looked up at them confused. "I-I thought you would let me- I'm sorry, I haven't had a protector in a long time" Marin had to hold back a sob while he said that. The giant slowly moved their hand back to the water. Marin grappled to their wrist and pulled himself forward up their arm as best he could. He at least wanted to be near the giant who could keep him safe. He could barely grip the black substance on the giant as he tried to pull himself up, his hands slipped and he fell. The giant caught him as soon as he fell, he looked over the side of their hand to the ground. He hadn't felt this type of fear before, he scotched over and hugged the giants thumb while his tail hung idly between their fingers. The giant slowly moved him around, Marin held his eyes shut until he felt the tip of his tail touch the water. He pulled himself between the giants fingers and tied loops between his tail so the giant wouldn't let him go, he just didn't want to be alone again, was it too much to ask.
Marin couldn't hold back his tears any more. He didn't want to be alone, he wouldn't let the giant leave him alone. The giant held him a little closer to their face, they looked disappointed and angry. He realized their eyes were pure brown, they had small slits in the brown that were discolored as well. Marin grabbed at the air again towards their face, he wanted to see. The giant pulled him closer and Marin looked in their eyes. They looked like mini rainbows in his eyes. Marin scotched closer to the giants face and tried to grab at their lips. After a bit the giant slowly moved him to their lips, did they change their mind? Would they protect him! Marin practically chocked when he saw the giants lips part. His eyes were getting heavy and he just wanted to sleep. With the last bit of energy he still had, he jettisoned himself forward onto the tounge. He landed with a small squish, everything was so warm that his tail felt like it was freezing. He moved further over the tounge to the back of the throat, he hoped he at least tasted good.
Marin reached the back of the giant's throat and tried to crawl down, he was ecstatic that someone could finally protect him. He was pulled out, closer to the edge of the mouth. He was confused, why didn't the giant swallow him. He was pulled out a tiny bit more, they was messing with him, they weren't going to protect him. Marin hugged the tounge and started crying harder, they were just playing with him. He wanted a protector, anyone who could protect him, he didn't want to be vulnerable again. He was pressed up against the roof of the giants mouth, the tounge slightly moved over him. He pulled himself forward down the tounge, if the giant was going to keep him in their mouth then he was going to try and be protected. Marin slowly scrambled to the back of their throat and thought for a bit. What if the giant was trying to protect him a different way, or if the giants stomach was actually dangerous. Marin pressed a hand to the giants throat to try and show he was ready.
The giant gently swallowed, the warm flesh massaged Marin downwards. He reveled in the warmth, this was a dream he hoped he'd never wake up from. He could feel somthing press on him from the outside, the giant was pressing its finger on him until he passed their collar bone. The muscle around him tightened for a second around his head and down his arms and waist as he entered the stomach. Marin gently pulled himself to a wall, his hair was glowing enough that he could tell each ridge between the mussels. The stomach was huge, it would deffenetly be able to fit his entire body. He pushed at the stomach wall, it slightly flexed in and over his hands. He started to knead at the stomach walls, giggling everytime the muscles gently enveloped his arms. He could feel the giant slowly lift the part of his tail still outside up, his tail was so cold. Soon the entire stomach was filled and his tail kept coming, stretching it out more and more. Eventually his entire body was in the stomach, it was so warm and comfortable. He could feel a pressure from the outside again and moved his torso towards it.
The giant gently rubbed Marin, the gentle circles, the warmth, and the soft flesh encasing him drifted him closer to sleep. He pressed his body against the soft wall, he could barely keep his eyes open. "Thank you" was all he could quietly say before he drifted off to sleep. He would deffenetly find a way to help the giant in the future.
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tllgrrl · 2 years
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April Showers Bring Foolery and Shenanigans: The Vacation Edition : Chapter 3, Part 3 - “Daddy’s Home”
Day 8 - Saturday Morning
Rated: E
Relationship: Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Inspired by Sebastian Stan’s cover story photo spread in L’Officiel hommes March 2022
Shucking off the boxers, leaving him in just the robe, he turned off the nightstand lamp and joined her in the still-warm bed.
“Now, Intanda,” he murmured, first teasing her mouth with the tip of his tongue, then kissing her cheek, her jaw, and grazing his teeth down the side of her neck, “…about you…and that knife.”
Because nights on the Pacific coast were tending to be chilly, compared to the Gulf and Delacroix, she was wearing his (now her) blue long-sleeved Henley, its left sleeve now stretched out, the neckband and button bands cut off (for her, by him, with that very knife there on the nightstand) allowing the neckline to settle almost elegantly on her shoulders, framing her long neck and generous décolleté.
This—combined with the sight of her face and hair brushed with gold highlights from the nearby nightlight, the twinkle of the chain and dog tags at her breasts, and the beautiful contrast of the sapphire blue lace lingerie on her smooth, dark brown skin—brought out a delightedly wolfish grin on his face.
Laying his right fingertip lightly on the outer swell of her left breast, he slowly dragged the tip of that finger around and around the curve like he was tracing a spiral.
“The way you gripped that handle gives me the impression you know your way around a knife. Where’d you learn that, intombi entle?”
Fighting her body wanting to push her breast into his hand, she swallowed a tiny moan at the back of her throat, but he heard both it, and the light gasp that preceded it.
“From my mama. Anybody thinkin’ they have knife skills never met Darlene Wilson. I also got some private tutoring from this guy who…knows…a thing or two.”
“Oh! A thing or two, huh?” he chuckled. “Well, I guarantee ya, I know more than just a thing or two, nandi.”
She watched his eyes travel to her mouth, and down to the breast that his finger was on. He bit his lip and watched her nipple start to pebble under that shirt.
She tilted his chin up, bringing his eyes back to meet hers, “Glad you made it back, Sarge.”
“I believe your exact words were ‘You better’,” he winked, then dipped his nose into her cleavage and inhaled, detecting a hint of the soft, warm floral notes of marula oil on her skin.
It soothed and excited him simultaneously.
Then, he took the edge of her shirt in his teeth, and softly growled while pulling it down, revealing her lace-covered breasts.
His antics made her roll her eyes, but she also giggled with delight, wanting to climb on top of him—and that very apparent erection—and fuck him into the overly over-sized mattress, but she put that thought aside—at least for the time being—and just before his lips made contact with the lace directly over her nipple…
“Yeah, no. Hold on there a minute, soldier.”
Continued on AO3
Fade to Black on the Sexy Parts and go directly to the EPILOGUE.
(Previous chapter.)
Note: April Showers…The Vacation Edition is also at AO3: CH 1 / CH 2 / CH 3, Pt 1 / CH 3, Pt 2 / CH 3, Pt 3 / Epilogue
As they aren’t blessed with these lovely photos, instead they’re a bit more descriptive and expanded.
Note: Chapter 3, Part 3 is Rated E for Grownups. Minors, this is your DNI.
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