#and he doesn't treat papyrus like a baby
obsessivefangirl · 2 years
I'm sorry but if you think Sans would get upset at Papyrus for cursing or think Sans thinks Papyrus is too weak to do something or whatever any of your thoughts on them means nothing to me
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
How would your Sanses act when they are getting sick and MC takes care of them?
AWW we've done so many scenarios about the boys looking after a sick Mc. It's long past due their turn to be sick!
Sans: When he's sick, he just absolutely koalas onto you. He loses all his inhibitions and sticks to you like glue. It doesn't matter what he's doing, how aware he is, how weak or sick he feels, he will follow you to the ends of the earth to cuddle you. Cooking? He's hugging you from behind the whole time you cook. Doing laundry? He's sitting beside you, snoozing with his head on your shoulder. At first, you might try to encourage him to lay down and go to sleep before you try to sneak off and do something, but as soon as you get there he appears like a half-asleep ghost to hold onto you. There's no escape. Even Papyrus can't save you.
If anything, it's a nice opportunity to wind down. You have to - you have no choice. It's also very cute when Sans is woozy and snuggly.
Red: For very obvious reasons, Red does not like being sick. He's a macho man!! He doesn't need babying!! Red frequently hides/downplays how unwell he feels, and the more sick he gets the more snappish and foul-tempered he becomes. He won't admit he's ill until he's absolutely wrecked. Even when he's figuratively on death's door, he's extremely combative and aggressive, he refuses pretty much all help. Being sick means being weak, and he cannot be weak.
... Unless it's you. When you're around, he's a big delirious flirty idiot, and he'll do whatever you say. If his brother so much as gently suggests he should have some water, Red bristles and starts a fight. But when you tell him to lay the fuck down and take his medicine like a big boy... well, who is he to argue with a pretty face?
"hey. humans can't get monster sicknesses, right? maybe you should give me a kiss. right here. might make me heal faster."
"Be quiet and drink your soup."
"yes ma'am."
Skull: It makes a lot of sense for Skull to get sick around you, if you think about it. His mind and body have been in a constant state of stress for such a long time, never allowing him to slip, not even for a moment; being with you finally allows him to relax enough to get ill.
Despite his generally eeby nature, Skull isn't very good at 'turning off'. He always wants to be helping, doing something for you, making something or fixing something, providing. He feels like a bad husband if he's not helping. He'll regularly need steering back to bed - he shuffles into the room, half-aware and with his blanket still draped around his shoulders, wanting to help with whatever you're doing despite absolutely needing to rest. If you leave him alone too long he'll start quietly doing chores.
Fun fact, it's actually scientifically proven that Skull heals faster if you treat him like the big baby he is. Put a blanket over him and a cup of tea on the coffee table, give him kisses while he drifts in and out of sleep. Turn on your favourite TV show and stay with him all day, pet his cranium when his head hurts, gently sing to him until he falls asleep. He spends so much time being the provider, the caregiver, the hunter, the gatherer, the protector. And as much as he adores caring for you... he completely forgot how it felt to be the one being cared for.
He doesn't mind being reminded. He doesn't mind at all.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
Rate UT characters on likely they are to eat spoiled food
premise: as monster food does not spoil, this speculation is based on how i think they'd treat human food in the post pacifist ending
frisk. trash burger. enough said. (also i hc that they grew up on the streets, so... not a lot of chances to be picky with your food.)
sans. second most likely. there's milk in the fridge bought specifically for him to drink out of the carton whenever frisk's or papyrus' friends come to visit, like a stereotypical disney channel older brother (he loves being annoying on purpose). it's been there for a month. he's still not done with it. it's probably rancid. enjoyer of food and lover of even shittier food. mr worst burger on the menu. he is ESPECIALLY gross about food and he is gross about it on purpose, he will peel an apple for papyrus and then take a bite out of it before cutting him a slice. and then call him a wuss when he acts disgusted. ("stop being a baby bones, we have the same germs anyway" "NO WE DON'T. *YOU* HAVE GERMS! AND I DON'T WANT ANY OF THEM!!" "why? they're pedigreed" "OUGH!?!!"). he mostly uses it as a chance to make a gag (or a lack of gagging, lol) but his strong stomach did also come in handy in the early days of papyrus' interest in cooking
mettaton, of sequins-and-glue hamburgers fame. he's technically tied for 2nd place with sans, but i put him in third because i feel like sans does it on purpose, for mettaton it's more like... a side effect of starting life off as a ghost. few people question it since he's a robot now.
alphys. she doesn't go out of her way to do it, but she buys her snacks in industrial pallet-fuls to reduce social interactions to a minimum, so by the time she reaches the last 3 or 4 packets of blue takis, they're well past their expiration date. not that it stops her. now, this wouldn't happen on the surface because she gets better and has a solid support system, but if monster food could spoil back when she was going Through it with the amalgamates, i feel like she'd either be too depressed or tired to care and eat it, or she'd tumble into a "g-god. you can't even take care of your own f-food. is there anything you can't fuck up" self-deprecation spiral and lose her appetite altogether
flowey. did it to see what would happen. nothing did. never did it again. tbh I just don't think he eats much of anything, spoiled or not.
undyne. getting into the "wouldn't eat spoiled food" tier. she actually thinks it's really gross but papyrus tricks her into doing it by challenging her machismo. she gets SO sick from it. they do this aprox 3 times a month. rinse and repeat
asgore. he's a gardener, and i can see him working in a community garden on the surface, so he'd have access to a lot of fresh produce, for both himself and to give away. however, if some of it were to go bad, he'd probably cut off the affected bit and eat the rest so it doesn't go to waste.
toriel. she is SUPER careful about expiration dates and mold and checks to make sure all she owns is still safe to eat almost weekly. this level of care, however, is mostly meant for other people, not herself, but she would really rather not eat anything that's gone bad. same reasoning as alphys', IF monster food could spoil when she was still in the RUINs, i could technically see her biting the bullet, if only because 1) she was also heavily depressed and struggling to take care of herself, though i think she might sooner skip out on the meal altogether, rather than eat something spoiled, and 2) the awkward stares from the other monsters in the RUINs supermarket might not be something she's willing to deal with on any given day.
papyrus. he would NOT. no way. master of cleaning, germophobe extraordinaire papyrus (well, not really, but he plays the part). if toriel is meticulous, papyrus is obsessive. there better not be a SINGLE spot on his food. and no lines or plaid patterns either!! he WILL wash it untill it goes away. with soap probably. canonically a picky eater to begin with (his picks are just weird as balls). can should and WILL get on sans' ass about his unhealthy eating habits, and that includes eating food that's gone bad.
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insanelyadd · 1 year
#LetSansRest Day!
Hello everyone and welcome to year two of Let Sans Rest Day! Same as last year it's August 9th.
Before we get into some prompts, a little bit of a mission statement. Last year I said this day was for everyone who's a fan of Sans Undertale or anyone who's tired of every image they see of him being him Suffering. This is still true, but I do want to additionally address something I saw a few different people mention.
I have actually received criticism for daring to suggest that Sans not be tormented to the point of insanity, and that this day where I implore people to make realities where Sans doesn't become a creepypasta insane murderer man from the agony he is subjected to, isn't a stand against ableism like Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day is. *stares in bipolar psychosis and PTSD directly into your eyes* Obviously that's a load of shit, and even though Sans is more popular than Papyrus (I say, as a Papyrus Enjoyer) a lot of the content around Sans is very specifically about him suffering. So simply out of spite for these comments (including someone who saw last year's announcement and directly commented "No <3" on the post) I will be continuing this holiday indefinitely, just like LetPapyrusSayFuck Day. Die mad about it.
Just like how I have ADHD and relate to Papyrus and see the way the fandom treats him as the infantilization of neurodivergency like autism and ADHD, I can look at works in this fandom of Sans that demonize traits of mental illness like trauma, hallucinations, delusions, and mania. And I can say these are both bad actually. Not going to call anyone a bad person for engaging in these things, of course, that would be a bit goofy of me, I'm just saying the imagery used for these things is Very Loaded and a lot of people are mishandling them.
So anyways August 9th is the day we let Sans Undertale out of his Torment Nexus so he can:
Have lemonade at the beach or pool
Go stargazing while camping out in the woods with friends and family
Get smothered in cute baby kittens and puppies
Go to therapy and play with one of those magnetic sculptures all therapists seem to own
Take a nap on an inner-tube on a lazy river
Get to see the leaves change color for the first time
Play basketball with Papyrus
Fall asleep in a basket of freshly dried clothes
Go to a public greenhouse to look at all the different flowers on the surface
Perform stand-up for humans who all love his terrible puns
Please tag the post with #LetSansRest, #Sans, and #undertale as well as any other applicable tags for characters, relationships, etc. This day is primarily for classic Sans but it's not like I can stop you from drawing Fell Sans not being subjected to his own, personal, goth-themed Torment Nexus.
This is meant to be a day for everyone who wants Sans Undertale to go to therapy and feel better. People who want to put him in a hamster cage with plenty of things to prank for enrichment. People who want to win him one of those massive stuffed animals at the county fair.
If you want to participate please be mindful of some things:
I will be monitoring the tag to reblog things! I have ptsd and would appreciate if ships involving Papyrus or Frisk (and similar) with Sans are avoided. This is simply for my mental health and I greatly appreciate it. <3
Do Not post angst to the #LetSansRest tag. It is meant to be an angst free tag for him.
Don't worry if you can't participate on the exact day! Just like with #LetPapyrusSayFuck Day you can use the tag and post to it any day! :>
Hope you're able to participate and have fun! <3
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derangedanomaly · 7 months
Hi, I was hoping to request a scenario with undertale bros, underfell, underswap, and horrortale. (Ignore horrortalenif itsnalready to much) and in this, reader is blind. People have the ability to heal blindness now since monsters got to the overworld because of the healing magic, but there's that 1% of people who just can't be healed. I would love to see how they would act when first meeting them and how they eventually grow to see them as best friend or lover. You can depend d if it's best friend or lover I'm fine with ether!
Thank you for reading this, and please have a nice day/afternoon! Also stay safe!
This is really interesting! Y'all are getting really creative with these scenarios. I like it! I also hope you have a nice day/afternoon, and stay safe! Enjoy! (Also, sorry for the delay)
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(Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Horrortale)
Warning: mention of cannibalism in the Horrortale part (not very detailed though)
They're both so considerate of you. They want you to have absolutely no problems while walking around anywhere. (Papyrus is your own assigned shield )
They're both very surprised when they found out that you're one of a kind with this 'defect'.
Papyrus will immediately want to be your friend! He will try so hard to gain your friendship.
Sans on the other hand will kinda avoid you. Unless you need help with something. He WILL help you. No matter if you're friends or not. He just has this respect towards you.
Who knows. Maybe- they'll want to become more than friends 😉 (Depending on your relationship with them) (this goes for all the following AU's!!)
Sans feels this need to help you out a lot of times. Which makes you in turn feel a little "pathetic".. but you know he means well!
Papyrus will be around you quite a lot, because he wants to help you out whenever. (Similar to Classic, just without avoiding you)
They both just help you out. Though Papyrus does so in secret, while Sans...not as much.
Since Sans keeps in contact with Error, he introduces him to you! You and Error immediately click together, Error's short sight and your blindness is the core reason for your friendship. (Even though they're not really the same thing)
Sans is delighted that you two get along so well! But after a few interactions...he starts to feel jealous. (Lmao, you started this though 💀)
Papyrus doesn't want you to have any sort of connection with Error. He wants you to stop interacting with him immediately. It's worse enough that Sans keeps in contact with Error. (Let the besties be! 🙄)
Lmao, they don't give a shit about your defect. They'll still treat you as if you never even HAD any blindness. (That's so sweet though, wtf?)
Sans will probably make lots of jokes about blind people. (They're pretty much dark jokes)
Papyrus on the other hand will sometimes forget that you're blind, and will "accidentally" slip up. (Many times)
"You seeing this shit Y/n?" <- Papyrus 2024
Papyrus and Sans will accompany you a lot though. You'll be squished between them a lot. (What dream-)
They act like such brutes, but once they're alone with you, they'll turn into soft puddles. (Lmao. Imagine that.)
Horror actually likes the fact you can't see him.. he thinks like that because he knows you'll probably be very terrified of him if you would've seen him in person. (Poor baby-)
Papyrus is kinda oblivious to your blindness, until Sans has to point it out to him.
They're both very much- worried about your safety.
Look, they don't doubt your abilities, it's just that you being blind makes you an easy target. The solution? SKELE-BROTHERS PROTECTION SQUAD!! (Papyrus came up with the name 💀)
They're very violent towards the people that cross ways with you. I swear- they don't hesitate to kill people for you.
Papyrus kinda turned you into a cannibal accidentally- he fed you his famous spaghetti 💀
But you know, you didn't know the contents of the meal, and was enjoying it too much. And you know... The more you had it the more you became addicted to it. (I mean, it's Horrortale. What did you expect?)
You knew that you were eating human meat at some point, since Papyrus and Sans kept dropping hints. (Aka. Making it obvious) but you were too far into eating it, this being the 10th time Papyrus served you Spaghetti. What's the use in stopping now?
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S/O is the owner of a cat Cafe. They let Skeleton order stuff and hang out with the 10+ kitties for free anytime.
Undertale Sans - It was fun and all until you came back in the dinner room and found no Sans, nor cats. After looking after him for half an hour, you see him curling up in one of the cat scratching posts, napping in a small ball, and cuddling with the cats. No cats is interesting in any of the customers, they just want to nap with the giant weird-looking skeleton cat.
Undertale Papyrus - He loves to help around the place! Even though he's not working here, most customers think he is because he's taking orders, feeding the kitties, and even doing the dishes. After all, he thinks it's fun. You feel bad he's doing all of this for free and end up making him the co-owner of the cafe.
Underswap Sans - He's not there often, but he's glad the place exists when he's stressed between two shifts at the police station, which is just in front of your cafe. He's there during all his breaks, just to vent and pet the kitties for a few minutes before going back to work.
Underswap Papyrus - He's banned from the Cafe, but that doesn't stop him. Being allergic to cat, staying around a lot of them can be dangerous for Honey. Unfortunately, Honey also loves cats and will do everything he can to sneak inside your Cafe to pet the kitties, sometimes with the craziest disguises. He can't hide for long though, first because he's not exactly small, and second because he starts sneezing non-stop after three minutes and he can't breathe, literally. You put a forbidden sign with his face on the door. So now, Honey stays behind the window, staring at you with sad puppy eyes, all day long until you accept to let him in.
Underfell Sans - Finally! Normal cats that are not trying to kill him! He's taking a break from Doomfanger in your cafe and he finally lets his cat-person side flourish. He actually loves playing with the kitties. And he also loves free food, so it's a winning-winning situation. For him, at least. For your money though...
Underfell Papyrus - The cats all come from the shelter he's working in and he's encouraging people to adopt them. He's glad it's working, and it gives him more time to stay around his S/O so he's very happy. The only problem is Doomfanger, who beats the shit out of you both every evening because you dared to cheat on her. Now you have a routine where you have to change clothes as fast as possible when you get home before Doomie comes to the door to inspect your pants. You can only enter the house if you smell normal.
Horrortale Sans - You stopped counting how many customers asked if they could see the cat purring so loud it makes the walls shake. They're all so confused when you point the big skeleton behind the counter, eating cupcakes with like five cats on his lap and shoulders, making tractor noises. Oak is hanging there all day long. There are food, cute cats, and you, that's all he needs, really. He's keeping himself occupied all day long, playing with the cats or bothering you while you're cooking to have a treat. Just another cat, really.
Horrortale Papyrus - He loves to hang out in your cafe to chat or to bring old people he's taking care of at the retirement house so they can do something else with their day than just watching boring TV games. He loves cats, it's no secret, and he even convinced you to adopt some of the cats from your own cafe because look at them. They're baby. He's a menace.
Swapfell Sans - He comes here when he wants to work in silence, far from his brother's antics. It's hard to resist telling him he looks like a super villain with his suit, old man glasses and distractedly petting a cat like he's plotting against the government. It's hot though. You are working with a nice sight and it could be far worse. You're even sad when he's not here.
Swapfell Papyrus - When you can't hear him, you know it's bad. Like that time he made all the cat's souls blue so they could catch flies on the ceiling. Or that time he puts sunglasses on every cat in the room or that time he made a pile of cats on the head of a kid, or that time he tried to stuff his hoodie with all the cats... Each day is something new. He can't behave, you swear. He never runs out of new ideas somehow.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't like cats so it's rare he comes. He really must be desperate to have your attention actually if he dares to walk in. You can see him sitting awkwardly in a corner, trying really hard to escape your cats that are somehow all attracted to him. If he finds cat hair on his clothes, he's burning them lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You made him a quiet corner in the cat restroom so he can hang out all day, paint, and have kitties to cuddle with. He's very happy and he's mostly there all day, sometimes randomly getting out of his room to hug you before going back away from the people to watch some Disney movie cuddling with the kitties. He's happy he gets to stay near you all day.
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didderd · 4 months
As a neurodivergent person, do you think this fandom (utmv) can be weirdly ableist at times? I'm neurodivergent myself and i couldn't help but notice certain 'portrayls' that are targeted to more obvious neurodivergent-coded characters
tbh, i haven't come across much myself (least not in a while), since i stay in this little corner of the fandom, but. yeah. though not really any more than just about any other fandom would, i feel like. (under the cut bc it got long)
ADHD sans (Duck) is one. i'v seen some good rep for him, but i've heard a lot of the time he's portrayed very stereotypically. i tried doing a comic with him about executive dysfunction (which i never finished bc.. executive dysfunction lmao) n if i remember right, i got a few comments on that abt him not getting good representation usually. (made me happy to be one of the people to give him some.) more commonly, and prob what i shoulda started with: Papyrus often gets infantilized. people baby him really bad. he's very autistic coded. so it sucks to see him treated like a kid. and swap sans (Blue), being similar to Pap, gets the same treatment, if not worse. but i think the fandom has gotten better at that. Blue and Paps seem to be treated better (least than before). likely bc of the spread of awareness and info on neurodivergencies. (and let Papyrus say fuck day.)
similarly, but never talked about. something that i personally don't like, (but take this lightheartedly, this isn't me getting mad at anyone specific): sans is often treated like he's just lazy. which anyone who's suffered with executive dysfunction knows how much that sucks. it's obvious he's depressed, and maybe has some ADHD/ADD. he might play it up like he's just lazy, but he's really good at hiding shit, and probably doesn't wanna worry his brother. but idk, mby this's just my own trauma with that talking kjhbhk.
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constablequodo · 1 year
Tbh I feel as if the Undertale fandom infantilizing Papyrus has a lot to do with how he's treated in the game.
In my opinion, Papyrus is absolutely not an innocent baby. He is extremely energetic yet fully capable of defending himself and really quite caring and protective of his loved ones. He isn't stupid, nor is he completely clueless (no matter how hard they try to keep him that way) and thinks that life is all sunshines and rainbows.
He's just been sheltered from things his entire life.
All throughout the game, we see people constantly try and protect and shelter him from harm and the harsh reality of everything going on around him.
Sans , while his heart is in the right place, is incredibly overprotective of his brother's feelings. We especially see this in Genocide, where instead of letting his brother tell the human how he's feeling himself, he instead keeps hinting to us (the player) about how "it would be good if you just played along for a bit to keep him happy, okay?".
I know Sans is his older brother and cares about him a lot, but it is very clear that Sans doesn't think his brother can stand up for himself when it comes to conflict snd confrontation.
Undyne doesn't even give papyrus a chance when she "trains" him for The Royal Guard. She says to him that she'll shape him up to be a member of the guard one day, but she never bothers to give him a chance to really push himself.
We can also see other times papyrus seems to be sheltered, such as when he talks about going up to the surface. I know a lot of the monsters in the underground are trying to keep their hopes up on the off chance that they will escape, but it's as if no one ever really sat down and told Papyrus about what actually goes on up there.
If they so much as bothered to give him the slightest bit of information instead of sugar coating everything, maybe he wouldn't seem so innocent and baby-ish to everyone around him.
What I'm trying to say is, I really just think someone needed to give Papyrus a fucking chance to show what he's really capable of and I really wish they all treated him like he wasn't a child. He's obviously not truly as clueless as everyone thinks he is, and he would've probably found out about everything they kept from him eventually.
Sincerely, me.
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Debunking the “Lancer is a little kid” belief
After years and years of not shipping anything (not in video games, movies, or TV shows), I finally came across a particular pairing in Toby Fox's "Delatrune" that immediately caught my attention. In case you're still guessing even after reading the title, I'm talking about Susie and Lancer here. Specifically, how Lancer is portrayed in the Delatrune fandom.
Now, what you're about to read is me being as objective as possible, but if you still see Lancer as a literal kid (even after the very last point, taken straight from the game itself), go on and believe what you want to. I mean, isn't that what works of fiction or supposed to be about? Letting our creativity flow and taking whatever we want to take from the actual work, so that we can interpret it in any way we want to? I won't even stop you from posting hate comments (they're inevitable). Just prepare yourselves for a reality check, folks.
Enough rambling. Let's get straight to the point. And that point is that whenever I went on the internet to look for fanart/fanfiction of these two, I could barely find any for one reason: 99% of the fandom saw the pairing as pedophilic. I must stop you all right there. Let's take a not-so-well-deserved break from my little discussion and look up the term 'pedophilia.'
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In short, a pairing can’t be pedophilic if neither one of the characters is an adult. Or, if they're in a romantic, but non-sexual relationship. Like, you can call a couple with an age gap weird/gross all you want, but if it's not sexual, the term 'pedophilia' doesn't apply. That's my whole point. Except... Susie and Lancer are *peers.*
About Lancer's height. Saying that he's a child just because he's short is like saying Papyrus is much older than Sans just because Sans is short (heck, if you compare the heights, you'll see he's even shorter than Lancer, and yet Sans is an adult, and no one has ever questioned it).
Let's look at an actual example: Monster Kid/Teen. I found a picture containing them as a child (right) and teenager (left). See the difference? Okay. 
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Now, I did the same thing for Lancer, and... if he were a child, he'd look something like this:
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If you look up an actual height comparison for every character in the game, you’ll see how Lancer and Monster Teen are the same height (Kris and Ralsei too as far as I can tell). Still not convinced? Let's look at Susie. Most people follow this logic: She is taller and, therefore, must be older than Lancer. To that, I say: she's a dinosaur-like monster; of course, she will be taller than the others. Who knows how tall she'll be as an adult? As for Lancer: his dad may be tall, but that doesn't automatically mean he will be as huge as him when he grows up. Nothing weird about that.
Now Let's look at Lancer's personality. He's an immature and spoiled prince, but for a good reason: he spent his entire life being treated as a baby/toddler/child before he met Susie. No wonder he lacks confidence, needs 'babysitters', and is terrible with directions. Lancer... doesn't know any better. He's never been told that he can be his own individual. He's never been told that he isn't useless. That he doesn't need protection. Remember when Lancer told Susie that he had never eaten the Dark Candy hanging way too high on the tree because he wasn't allowed to get it himself, and she decided to let him try it even though she was hungry? Or when he stated that he wasn't allowed to swear? Lancer was even surprised that the trio's "collective dad" "lets them" swear. I'm sure people growing up in a strict household would understand when I say how this doesn't explicitly have to do anything with Lancer's biological age, just his upbringing. And Susie trying to get (the word they used was not 'teach,'  just 'get') him to swear more is similar to what some of my friends do sometimes when I'm too shy - get me out of my shell. That doesn't make me younger than I am. She teaches Ralsei sarcasm too in CH2, and I don't see anyone treating him like a little kid.
There's an interesting post about this here on Tumblr (https://at.tumblr.com/rainy-poppy/lancer-is-literally-a-child-why-are-you-shipping/d3kpxj3hpn1j). Basically, the person is saying that Susie, being the tough badass she is, wouldn't be hanging out with an actual child (despite calling him 'kid,' which I'll be getting to after this). Let's look at Anne and Sprig's friendship in Amphibia for a second since both of their ages are confirmed. She's 13. He's 10. The difference between Susie and Anne here is that Susie was a bully. Someone who was actually threatening, and not just a typical, friendly teenage girl like Anne. A bully like Susie would NOT willingly team up with a child. Instead, she'd say something like: "Whatever, kid. Scram!". Not only that, but she would not threaten to bite a child's face off, or beat him up (Lancer was literally the first person she actually beat up, according to what Monster Teen and Snowy tell us about never having seen her do it to anyone before), try to kill him twice (and almost succeed the second time), or call him 'man,' 'dude,' 'idiot,' and a 'wannabe tough guy.' And Lancer's face? I don't know if it's a joke. If it is, I'll ignore it, but if that's his actual face, then no. Him being a child is impossible. And considering that he has already made this particular face three times (once in CH1 and twice in CH2), I'm pretty sure it's canon. I can't get behind how someone could look at this face and think "That's a baby/toddler/little boy!" I seriously can't.
And it's not just that. We see that he and Susie made a literal game in which we (Kris) and Ralsei are supposed to ‘thrash our own ass’. I don’t know about you, but I highly doubt a child would have the mental capacity to contribute to the project or keep up with Susie in general. Additionally, Lancer shows an uncharacteristic level of maturity, ordering his troops to imprison us. Heck, they put him as the king of the entire Card Kingdom! Would they have put a 10-year-old on the throne? If they were smart, then no, of course not! Rouxls Kaard would have been in charge instead until Lancer was old enough. The comment one of the Rudinns made about him being their new king went something like: "We didn't know who to make our new king. Lancer's always been annoying, but seeing how nice he treats you guys, I think he'll be fine". There isn't a single mention of him not being old enough. The only canon information we have about Lancer’s age is that he isn’t old enough to ride a motorcycle, so he’s 15 max. Not an adult, but not a child either. And considering how the rest of the gang are teens, he is at least 13 (although, this is still too young imo).
Lancer understands the concept of death damn well; he just doesn't let it bother him. A child would scream, beg, cry, or run away in terror if someone threatened or tried to kill them, or become paralyzed from fear. He was even willing, no, EXPECTING to die during the Susie fight and said "Susie, you... you missed." He was willing to make this sacrifice just to keep her safe from his dad. The same guy who only used to care about being useful to King and making him proud (despite clarly having a soft heart) finally found something more imporant than proving himself, and that's having, being, and remaning a true friend to the end. This is both heartbreaking and beautiful. And from this one scene on, Lancer's remained 100% loyal to his friends, especially Susie (but also never had a single thought about leaving Kris and Ralsei behind).
A child like Monster Kid was clearly naive in UT. They said how they want to be like Undyne when they grow up (all Lancer said was how he wanted to be like Susie, without the "when I grow up" part). Not only that, but Monster Kid isn't even old enough to fight and needs Undyne to protect them, while Lancer is a skilled fighter compared to the rest of the Card Kingdom inhabitants (minus his father). Lancer, as immature as he sometimes is (and for a good reason, if we consider his upbringing), isn’t naive and clueless about the world. Bonus points for his jokes being not only silly but clever and sarcastic. He's like the perfect combo of Papyrus' goofiness and Sans' sarcasm. A child wouldn't be able to ride their bike as well as he does, think of such witty comebacks, or make up creative new words on the spot. A child would babble some stupid stuff, unfunny to teenagers. But Lancer's actually the only person who can make Susie laugh (besides herself).
Now, about this whole 'kid' talk. Lancer, I believe, called himself like this because he sees himself as a child despite being chronologically older. Why? As I said, because of his upbringing and (I think) because his father always saw him as incapable. And Susie addressing him as ‘kid’? It could mean a few things:
1) it was said as a way to mock him for his height, immaturity, or both, and as an addition to the comedy; it's not that deep
2) She thought that he was a kid, but Lancer explained to her that he wasn't when they started hanging out, which would explain why she didn't call him a kid ever again (and called him 'dude' and 'man' instead);
3) It's meant to imply Lancer is 1 or 2 years younger than Susie, but 3 years younger? I don't think so. More than 3? Definitely not.
*I think the first one is the most likely scenario considering she had called him a 'wannabe tough guy’ during their next encounter, while they were still enemies
I respect if you don't like/hate the ship because you see them as siblings, if you headcanon Susie as a lesbian, or if you ship her with someone else. I'm just sick and tired of this reasoning and not being able to enjoy the ship in peace because of people attacking it and its fans.
Edit: There are a lot of things I either forgot to mention, or want to discuss in more detail, so here they are:
-The reason the word 'kid' is repeated so often during our first encounter with him is because someone from the staff accidentally thought Lancer was much older than he really is based on the headcanon voice he gave him, so Toby decided to highlight that Lancer is a kid just like the rest of them (this was spoken of during the 6th anniversary of UT, there's a video on YouTube). Not only that, but Berdly calls himself 'the smart kid', and Susie says something like 'whether you're the smart kid or not, we couldn't care less (referring to Berdly)'. Basically, they're all still "children" (as Queen calls them) even though they're technically teens, and it's not like Lancer is an exception. Heck, Berdly asked: "Who's this guy?" And not "Who's this kid?" because we're already familiar from CH1 that Lancer isn't an adult, so there's no need to highlight it anymore
-Toby wanted to make 4 slots instead of 3 originally so Lancer could be a part of the gang and appear in the status menu, but figured that it would take too much work (from the stream). This proves that all 4 of them are equals; a child wouldn't be able to or allowed to fight alongside teenagers
-Speaking of my previous point, Lancer is a pretty skilled fighter (can throw a ton of spades), he's stronger than a lot of his people (his attack is 7) and also surpingly difficult to kill (during the fight with Susie)
-He acts a lot less stupid than most people give him credit for and is way more emotionally mature. Sure, he's silly for the sake of the comedy, but also clever and sarcastic. You can't convince me, based on his dialogue and interactions, that he acts like a little kid. Once again, I don't understand how those who had played Undertale are now pretending that they don't know Toby's humor is often exaggerated (like in Papyrus' case). It's not their first time seeing someone incompetent and purposefully goofy in his game
‐ If we look inside Lancer's room, we can see that it not only looks similar to Kris and Susie's, (who are, you know, teenagers), but there are also no "childish" things in there, such as toys, posters and action figures (Papyrus has them, and he's an adult). Also, he has a totally normal, spade-themed bed, while Papyrus, again, has one shaped like a car, yet somehow, Lancer is the one seen as a little kid. Sans reads Papyrus *bedtime stories* I repeat: *Sans reads Papyrus, an adult man, or an older teenager, bedtime stories.* NO ONE does this to Lancer.
-Whenever he and Susie interact, I always get the feeling that they're both on the same wavelength. To give an example of what I mean, I'll compare their dynamic to the one between Applejack and Apple Bloom from MLP:FiM. Even though AJ cares about her little sister, they each have their own friend groups. Saying Lancer is a little kid wouldn't make sense, considering how Susie has always treated him as her equal (heck, they even high-fived each other twice in CH2. If that isn't a sign of equality, I don't know what is). I never got the feeling that she was taking care of her "little brother," like a lot of fans seem to think. Even when she tried to save him from the maze, she got lost herself. I mean, who wouldn't do something like this if it meant helping a friend out? Not to mention the many stupid things they did TOGETHER (in the 6th-anniversary stream of UT, Toby stated how neither of the two knows anything about villainy), so it's not Lancer dragging Susie down with him
-This might sound like a nitpick but I think it's important: how Lancer addressed King as 'Father,' and also how King referred to him as a 'traitor'. A little kid would excitedly run up to their dad and say either "Dad!" or "Daddy!" And I highly doubt a kid would be referred to as a traitor
-Susie actually planned to bite his face off, and Ralsei didn't stop her. I'm sure as hell he wouldn't have let a young child get eaten like that. Also, Lancer called him his 'main man,' once again showing that they are similar in age. And if he were really a little kid, Lancer would have annoyed the living daylights out of Susie once they teamed up (ask her to play with him, ask a lot of questions and be overall annoying. Trust me, I've got younger cousins). But instead of that scenario, Susie says "We got bored, so we're having a snack" What does this mean? That Lancer did not act like an annoying little kid, simply because he isn't one. Don't even get me started on how people draw him, because holy hell, it seems to me that 1) most of the fandom is actually blind and doesn't see that he, Ralsei and Kris are all roughly 4 feet tall in the actual game or 2) they try to capture Lancer's childishness by drawing him as a toddler (except, the personality they give him isn't his real one in the first place, considering how he's never acted like a toddler once, so I really don't know what the point of drawing the poor guy like this even is)
-An argument I saw against Susie x Lancer was how "they've never acted romantic with each other" All I have to say in regards to that is how they've literally known each other for roughly 2 DAYS (+ Toby seems to want to make Suselle canon). I can't get behind how people think that love can blossom over such a short period of time. Not everyone believes in 'love at first sight,' and I'm one of those who don't. Crushes, yeah, but they are usually short-lived and always shallow. What we learn about Lancer is that he values sincerity and is very sincere himself (as we can see when Kris tries to compliment him twice) Plus, Susie never had any friends prior to Lancer, so jumping from friendship to romance just like that would be not only bad writing, but also unrealistic. The very reason I love Lancer is how there's no sudden romantic subplot linked to him, like Noelle's obsession with Susie and Ralsei's crush on Kris (I find both of these ships toxic as hell, but I don't want to talk about them here). Just to add something here: despite not moving any romantic subplot forward or being associated with one, Lancer isn't unfamiliar with the concept (as seen in CH2 when he calls himself handsome and admits to 'having fallen in love'). I honestly think that, much like Papyrus, Lancer isn't linked to any kind of romantic subplot simply because he's the comic relief, so it would affect the comedic part of his character
-Why is everyone complaining about this ship, but not a literal child (Frisk, who most people see as 8-12 years old), going on a date with an adult skeleton, Papyrus? (at least, people usually percieve him as a young adult, but he could also be a teenager) Either way, it isn't a small age gap. Also, why is Frans such a popular ship even though one character is a child (Frisk) and the other clearly an adult (Sans)? You could argue that Frisk's age hasn't been confirmed, and skeletons don't age because they're undead, but still, Papyrus and Sans were not introduced as, you know, skeleton boys, and yet somehow both ships are acceptable, but Susie x Lancer isn't? Not just that, but people age Frisk up when it comes to the Frans ship and there's far less hate for it than the ship that isn't even pedophilic?
-People are also totally fine with ships like Dipper x Wendy (Gravity Falls), Aang x Katara (ATLA), Toph x Sokka (also ATLA), Spike x Rarity (MLP:FiM), and such. There is a clear age gap in all of these pairings, but they're not seen as problematic in any way
-I bet that, if Ralsei had a childish personality, or literally any other character, they'd also be seen as a kid/toddler. Even a baby for some reason? I don't understand this. The way people perceive Lancer, when it comes to both height and personality, is completely different from how he acts in the game. Sure, he's loud, flamboyant and obnoxious, but also chill and sarcastic. And sure, Lancer does have the tendency to act dumber than average, but THAT'S THE POINT of a character who's a COMIC RELIEF
-"But King doesn't allow Lancer to say tier-two swear words!" Neither does Greg from Steven Universe, and Steven was 14. You know, a teenager. In case people are curious about which episode I'm talking about, it's "Beach City Drift". Basically, Greg doesn't allow Steven to say words like 'hate' and 'creep'. That's even worse than not allowing your teenage son (who is still a minor and therefore you still have authority over him) to say tier-two swear words!
-"Why does King make his people take care of Lancer if he isn't a little kid or allow him to eat from the Dark Candy tree?" To make sure he's acting like a proper prince and not the goofball he is deep down, if you ask me. And because he doesn't take the poor guy seriously. As for the Dark Candy; once again, eating sweets isn't considered 'princely' and, as I mentioned above, Lancer is still a minor, so King still has the authority to tell him what to do and punish him in whatever way he wants (having to take a shower every time he reads a swear word, possibly being starved, according to a few lines, and even being emotionally and physically abused). Emotionally, in the sense that King belittled him, made him feel worthless, ignored whatever Lancer had to say and used him in a manipulative way to achive his goal of serving the Knight (the first two points are guesses, while we saw the other two on screen). Physically, based on the fact that he becomes worried when he realizes his friends and his dad are gonna fight. I have no doubt that King was phyiscally violent towards him at least once, considering how terrified Lancer is. He knows what King is capable of because he himself experienced his wrath. I see Lancer's upbringing as that of a lonely, overprotected person, who's also royalty. There are a lot of examples of this type of upbringing, whether we're talking about real people or fictional characters (like Rapunzel, for example)
-Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender took over the Fire Nation at 16. This makes sense. I don't imagine Lancer being much younger when he took over the Card Kingdom
-"The reason why the guards obeyed Lancer when he told them to imprison Kris, Susie, and Ralsei is that King made them obey his every order!" Then why can Lancer make his own laws (+ he knows what the word means, which wouldn't be the case if he were too young) without asking RK for permission, and why do Lancer's people listen to him without complaining when he orders them not to attack/kill us at the beginning of CH2 (if we attacked the Darkeners in CH1)? King isn't in charge anymore, so it's not out of fear. They all clearly grew to respect Lancer and his authority. They wouldn't respect a child like this
-"In the stream, Toby said Lancer is a boy!" So what? We've got Ralsei, who people call 'fluffy boy,' and Susie, who's known as 'purple girl'. I bet Berdly and Noelle would also be known as 'bird boy' and 'reindeer girl'. Even Lancer refers to Kris, Ralsei, and Susie as 'boys or girls' In the same stream, when they got to the part where we first meet Lancer, someone said something along the lines of "Now it's time to replace the fluffy boy (Ralsei) with another boy (Lancer)" In other words, they're both referred to as boys and therefore must have similar ages. Yet SOMEHOW it's acceptable to ship Susie x Ralsei but not Susie x Lancer
-The Fun Gang (Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer, Noelle, and probably Berdly too) is their friend group, right? It wouldn’t make sense for the five of them to be teens, and for Lancer to be the only one who’s a child. Deltarune is clearly a story about teenagers finding their place in the world
-King wouldn't have trusted a child with something as important to him as destroying Lightners
-The Jack of Spades (the card which Lancer represents) is associated with a young man, not a child
-The thing I absolutely can't stand is how people who headcanon Lancer as a little kid act like their headcanon is canon and somehow think that 'they're right while others 'are wrong'
-Him not understanding what a 'mom' is, if we really want to look too deep into this (which I doubt we should since Toby's characters are often comically exaggerated and act sillier than 'normal'), could have something to do with how Darkeners are created in the first place. We don't know anything about them if you think about it. Whether they are 'born' or not, or if they even age. Maybe everyone in the Dark World will always remain the way they are physically. We don't know yet
-Queen adopting him in order to take care of him makes sense, considering he is, you know, a minor. Saying he doesn't need a mother figure is like saying Kris doesn't need Toriel
-In the live stream I mentioned earlier, the team talked about Lancer's original concept art, and announced how he was originally going to ride a motorcycle (making him 16). I don't imagine that they'd age him down from 16 to, let's say, 10 years old ↓
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-Another thing that might contribute to people seeing him as a "little kid" is his design. What I mean by this is how Lancer's "eyes" (if that face he made was canon and not just a meme) are not in alignment with the eyes of, let's say, Kris and Ralsei. I'm certain this has to do with his species (the spade he has for a head isn't a hoodie but a part of his body; I came to this conclusion after I saw how he can move the top part of his head up and down when he's happy/sad, kind of like what a dog does with its ears). And, let's imagine for a moment that the rest of the gang were the same species as Lancer; they'd all be the same height then, if we apply logic here. They'd also all be the same height if everyone were a human/goat/dino. In other words, Lancer is of completely average height for a spade. There's this logic going on in the fandom that, since Lancer isn't that tall + is goofy + isn't skinny, he's a little kid. But if he weren't chubby or immature, even if he remained on the shorter side, I 95% believe he'd be drawn normally, just like Kris is drawn
-I'm no good at math and numbers, but let's try to think logically once again. In Berdly's flashback, he and Noelle are seen participating in the spelling bee, making them 8 years old (that's the youngest kids can be in order to participate). In the present moment, they're roughly twice the size they used to be back then, right? That would make them around 15 or 16 currently, because 8+8=16. The exact same comparison can be linked to Lancer. When he was 8, he was shorter than he is now, as a teen ↓
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-Also, here's a comparison of Monster Kid, Frisk, Sans, Lancer and Kris. It's clear, looking at the image below, that the first two are children, that Sans is a simply short adult, while the last two are teens ↓
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-In the stream, Toby showed us some more concept art for Lancer. In this particular picture, we can see that he used Kris' height to design Lancer. Since we know Kris is a teenager, that must mean that Lancer is one too ↓ 
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-Why does everyone think Lancer is younger than Susie? He could be older than her, but we don't know it, and probably never will because ages in UT were never canonized either
-"But Lancer looks up to Susie so he must be a lot younger!" I once again have to draw parallels between two fandoms. In Kung Fu Panda, Po looks up to Tigress even though they're on the same team and have similar ages. There's nothing weird about looking up to someone, whether they're older, younger, or the same age as you. Lancer idolizes Susie because she's tough, tall and physically strong (I repeat, it's all because of her species and NOT because she's older). Her age has nothing to do with her physical appearance
-Also, why do people think that when someone says 'I ship these two characters,' that automatically means they want them to do something sexual? Ships can be just romantic and sweet, you know?
-During the sleepover after chapter 2's pacifist route, Susie mentions how cool it would be if Ralsei and Lancer could come to visit the Light World and explains how Ralsei could be mistaken for Kris' cousin, as well as how Lancer would live under Kris' bed. Right after this, she excitedly says how all of them could walk to school together and be an unstoppable team. This is proof that all four of them are not only high schoolers, but also that the age gap between them isn't larger than 1 year (sophomores are between ages 15-16, so that would mean that Lancer (and probably Ralsei) is 15, while the other two are either 15 or 16). They must be sophomores because Catti has a job (Berdly too); you have to be 16, at least. Maybe 15. But definitely not younger than that. Again, no pedophilia here
-A little theory I have is that, in the end credits of the final chapter, we'll finally get to see Lancer riding a real motorcycle, but that's just what I'm hoping to see, and it may or may not age well. This would mean that he would have turned 16 by the end of the game
-Typical teeage behavior ↓
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-And, most imporantly, THE TIME THE GAME ACTUALLY DEBUNKED IT. Now, I don't know how many people actually payed attention to this little moment (I found it on accident) ↓
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Let's break this down into a few segments to understand it better: Lancer challenges Kris, Susie, and Ralsei to a race to their new rooms. Instead of saying "the last one there is a rotten egg," he, for the sake of the comedy and his unique speech pattern, says "the last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg" We can say that there is no deeper meaning behind this particular choice of words, but to me, a "fresh and fragrant egg" represents youth (adolescence).
Ralsei asks him why he's standing if they're supposed to be racing, and Lancer replies with: "I wanna be the egg!" According to my interpretation, he's trying to say how he wants to be "the loser," "the failure," "the underdog," or something similar. In other words, he wants to be the last/the worst.
Finally, he adds: "You won't get through your teen years without at least one Egg." Whether this is referring to how he wants to experience failure/ being the loser and finds it to be an important/essential part of growing up, or maybe there's some other meaning behind being an "Egg," it's clear as day now that he's a teenager. Any of them (Kris, Susie Ralsei, or Lancer) could have been "the egg" in this race if they had ended up last. We know that the other three are teens, and if Lancer is saying how he wants to experience being "the egg," and associates it as an essential part of being a teen, that means he's in the same boat as the others and is also a teen. "One Egg" is probably linked to failure as well, so if we translated the dialogue into a non-metaphorical one, it would go something like this:
"The last one there is a loser!"
"I wanna be the loser! You won't get through your teen years without being the loser at least once!"
So yeah, that's all the reasons why Lancer is NOT a little kid. Thanks to anyone who read all this. And if you're still gonna be a hater, then ok. Waste your time insulting random people on the internet and make them feel terrible about themselves for having an opinion (though, it's not even an opinion after the final point) about a work of fiction, instead of enjoying the things you want to enjoy and minding your own business
P.S. I may have forgotten to mention a few more arguments: 1) Lancer is strong enough to carry Susie's entire weight on his back/head; what little kid could do that? 2) Lancer's attacks are numerous and strong enough to make SUSIE, THE PHYSICALLY STRONGEST member of the team, FLINCH. 3) At the hospital, Rudy mentions something about Noelle playing a "children's" game, I think it was in ch2, gotta go check, but the point is, Rudy (and Queen, by calling them children a few times) considers these teenagers to be "children" Which honestly makes a lot of sense since they're all still under 18. 4) There is not a SINGLE "little kid" in this entire game. Let's see here... we have Kris, Ralsei, Susie, Noelle, Berdly, Temmie, Monster Teen, Snowy, Catti and Jockington... who are ALL 'big kids' (teenagers). And you're trying to tell me the only person who's 10 years old is Lancer?? Get outta here. 5) It makes sense that Deltarune is about teens. Why? Because it is supposed to be a 'more mature' game than Undertale. Teenagers go through all the stuff DT characters go through (family problems, depression, loneliness, crushes, feeling clueless about who you truly are etc.) Lancer has family problems, he used to be lonely, and he was completely misguided because of his dad. Typical teenage problems he's experiencing here. 6) I don't expect a kid who's 10 years old or less to be into motorcycles. That's logically a teen thing. Otherwise we'd see him ride normally on a bicycle with a helmet on, just wanting to play, like, you know, a child. 7) Oh yeah, and Toriel mentioned something about Susie being a bad influence on Kris, so there's that. Lancer and Noelle ("I wish I could do crazy stuff like you...") willingly look up to Susie, while Kris and Ralsei are unwillingly influenced by her (at least, Ral was). This is called *peer pressure* Because they're all teens. But Susie's dominant. So... yeah.
Anyway, I don't care what people ship. I'm fine if you hate susancer. It's not for everyone. What DOES piss me off so much though is the lack of respect Lancer gets, how he's treated as this "bouncy little pumpkin uwu" despite being one of, if not, the most useful character in the game plot-wise so far + a great comedic relief. I'm sick of him being drawn and treated as a toddler. So sick of it.
I get that the kids in the fandom still lack critical thinking, but older teens and adults, too?
In any case, I'm signing off for real this time. Thanks for reading.
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noelledeltarune · 5 months
7,8,13 for mario or pokemon please please please i love reading your hater thoughts
7 : what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? i don't know.... i don't think there's any character i have it in my heart to hate solely because of the fandom.. mario specifically is something i've always been into in a very self-contained way because being a nintendo series with like 200 games will, by nature, give many people many different interpretations of the characters. and i have a very specific interpretation myself so if i disagree with something it doesn't really affect my own viewing of the characters? if that makes sense. i will admit though i don't really understand the geno hype. i have played most of smrpg but he hasn't really done anything noteworthy yet????? (i'm not DONE but i'm at like the cloud kingdom place where mallow found out he's a prince) and a lot of people ship him with mario but i just don't get it yet. idk if it's a fanon substance thing or if it's just my own fault for playing the game too sporadically to really pay attention to the original characters.. but i love booster. i love mallow. i love how mario and peach and bowser are written in the context of this specific game. but geno has just not wowed me. less of a "began to hate because of how fandom acts" but "fail to see the appeal despite how fandom acts". this will probably change but it's my biggest mario series confusion. what do you all see in him 8 : common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about on a light note i will say luigi autism mario adhd. i have always seen mario autism luigi adhd personally. this has never been a big deal i just think that the roles should be switched occasionally on the "mario bros autism-adhd solidarity" posts. on a more annoying but slightly related note people like to write that mario is more impulsive than luigi to a significant extent like "luigi has to hold him back from doing stupid shit" extent and that is WRONG. we are clearly not talking about the same luigi who just randomly slept on a magic bed in a resort's museum and jumped on a glowing magic artifact in the middle of a wedding and published a book about himself where he lied about every single detail and renovated his house to build a secret diary room that he then sealed after like a week... and has literally anyone ever seen mario do something and luigi try to hold him back from it. no he is god's #1 enabler 13 : worst blorboficiation YOU KNOW WHAT. honestly mario. luigi is treated like shit also but mario has it so so bad. like we all know luigi has it so bad but SO DOES MARIO and no one talks about it. he has silent protagonist syndrome where people go "no dialogue? time to project EVERY annoying trope onto him so i can make his dynamic with luigi really weird!" like not to quote my own post but.
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it bothers me so much because people who are obsessed with luigi (SPECIFICALLY bowser x luigi fans) LOOOOOVE writing mario as this like extremely overprotective older brother figure in a way they JUST DON'T ACT LIKE in canon and it's SO BOTHERSOME. it's exactly like how people write sans with papyrus x mettaton and it's just so. aren't we all tired. aren't you all tired.
just. fandom be normal about characters who are twins for 2.7 seconds challenge IMPOSSIBLE. and it's hard to talk about mario's characterization without luigi's because a lot of it is linked to me but dear god there is no shortage of he would not fucking say that. and there's not as much of this now but like. MATPAT. has RUINED my LIFE. that stupid fucking mario is evil theory makes me so mad like NO THE FUCK HE IS NOT.
it might just be me being crazy but i feel like where luigi DOES get treated like an incompetent baby or really resentful/jealous or whatever he's just such a more widely written character than mario by virtue of often not being the player character / protagonist the same way. like with luigi there's always a sense of (barring a few obvious things) "i can imagine him acting like this under certain circumstances" (not always the way that he's portrayed but often enough comparatively) whereas with mario it's like. dude has 7 personality traits and you're fucking it up.
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like did you even read the source material 😔did you play A mario game. once. i just feel like he has it bad in a way that's less surface level. like peach and bowser and daisy also get pushed aside pretty frequently and reduced to surface level characteristics but with mario it's like. that's the protagonist. and the surface level characteristics he's reduced to aren't even ones he actually has. NOT TO MENTION that he has a really bad case of post-movie adaptation characterization 😭 HE IS NOT THAT INSECURE. WHERE IS HIS WHIMSY. HIS SILLY SWAG. PLEASE!!!! IT'S ALL HE HAS!!!!!!!!
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
Mmmm I don't ever go seek out art for TTCC it's all sent to me or I find it thru my recommended or thru reblogs but I think I talked about this before, I'm not sure - but a majority of the Cathal art I DO see here Nad on clash cord that isn't from me or friends/mutuals is... Him drawn as a child/legit a baby... I.... He's employed do you realize he's at at least an older teenager if you want to keep him that young... I have no specific age for him but like why does EVERYONE treat Cathal like just a baby child. Like his personality isn't JUST that he's Allan's son.
If you really want me to pick an age for Cathal he'd be around 19-23, still very young, understandable age for someone to have a First Job like that in my opinion - but already an adult and capable of things... And like just because he's lazy and he sits around and doesn't do anything because he DOESN'T WANT TO doesn't mean he's not capable..... Why do you people baby him so much. I agree he is adorable, and I myself want to be kind and gentle to him and have fun with him, I get it, I also adore Cathal a lot if you Can't Tell, but do people... Seriously have to baby him... Occasional "awe baby" is okay but people treat him just as a child or some Dude To Put In The Background (Which I get we all have our faves and stuff but yknow... Nobody ever fucking does him right when he's in the center)
I'm not trying to say I'm superior here or anything I'm just as flawed as anyone is but at least I want to respect Cathal and. Not baby him? This feels nearly like the papyrus situation again except Cathal is legit often drawn as a baby/kid even not in situations where he's young and growing up being raised by Allan which I've seen on clash cord a few times
Again sorry for the negativity I just want to get this off my chest because I just. Aurgh. I don't trust people for these reasons... This is why I'm my own little corner of SWAG And Cringe here (Also because I'm sensitive to People Treating Him Wrong and also I Am A Bit Possesive Of My Blorbos)
Like pls tell me I'm not the only one who noticed just HOW MANY people do this.... Can we see Cathal for more he is than just uwu cutie babyyyyy
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meglyfer · 10 months
Some character info of my UT AU
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Lost her tail as a child because of the last human before Frisk, and replaced it with a robotic one She's not a fan of humans, and is an absolute asshole to Frisk in all three routes. Every single challenged in Hotland has been put there by her to piss off the human and feed her own entertainment (She says this the first time they met) She is the Royal Scientist, the Regional Commander of Hotland (More on what are Regional Commanders and Peace Keepers at the end of the post), and the main provider of safety to monsters, making her the fourth most politically powerful person in the Underground Her personality is mostly the same to that of the original Alphys, but more secure about her abilities and sarcasting (And an absolute bitch towards humans, god I love her)
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Some real nice human who was passing by Snowdin gifted him a good 'ol nice bullet (He got shot in the fucking head) ("Meg, how did Sans survive if he only has 1hp" For plot reasons, let's say he has more than 1hp, either way you're gonna kill him with one hit on the genocide route) As you may imagine, being shot in the head does not bring you any health benefits, quite the opposite actually. He may have miraculously survived, but now he has vestibular dysfunction, which brings him a bunch of struggles:
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This is also why most of the time Sans is seen using a cane, walking sometimes gets a bit difficult for him, so he uses a cane for support. Because of all this people sometimes treat him like he's made out of glass and may break at any time. He understands their worries and where they come from, but he doesn't like people babying him all the time, it makes him feel like a rag people carry around rather than a person. He has like a thousand jobs and only gets paid on one. He is: · Alhpys' laboratory partner (Part time job, payed) · Casual comedian at Grillby's (Sometimes gets tipped by customers) · Honorary Peace Keeper (Works only when available and refuses to accept any payment) · Sentinel for humans (Payed with Toriel's jokes) · Sometimes offers himself as babysitter (Refuses to accept payment) · Ocationally sells hotdogs · Probably forgetting another job (Yes, he partly does all this to prove that he doesn't need people constantly taking care of him and that he can do stuff on his own) He hates humans (How could he not), but is a fair man, plus he made a promise. He is not to kill any humans that may fall in the Underground unless they are proven to be a threat to monsters Is more passive-agressive towards Frisk than the original Sans
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The nice human that gifted Sans a bullet also gifted him a bullet! (His left tibia is gone. Now he's got a piece of metal in replacement) Unlike his brother, he actually has some hope in humanity. He believes all humans deserve a chance, and a second chance, and maaaaaaaaaaaaybe a third chance. But once the limit is passed, he will kick your ass. Sorry man, but there's a point where even the Great Papyrus can't trust in you anymore He works as a Peace Keeper full time (Payed) Since I love putting my problems into characters, Paps sometimes has trouble speaking. It could be taking ages to say a word (Either new word or one he already knows and usually has no trouble with), randombly starting to stutter, arranging a sentence in a weird way, or just forgetting to say a whole word or sentence while speaking. It's not like this all the time, of course, most of the time he speaks just fine, but sometimes mouth not be mouthing, you know?
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He is (Or rather was) just a guy He used to be the Royal Scientist before Alphys, and good friends with Asgore and Toriel. He was kind, smart, and a bit clumsy. One of the best people to have as a friend He was a boss monster that has been around since even before the human monster war happened (He's old af) After a long time in the Underground, he realised he felt a bit lonely and decided to have children, Sans and Papyrus (How the hell did he have two sons without having a partner nor reproductive organs you ask? I don't fucking know, asexual reproduction or some shit). Just as he was an excelent friend, he was an amazing dad He was Alphys' and Sans' tutor when they started studying science and stuff Such a shame he died thought. Like, eight years before Frisk arrived. And such a shame Sans, his son, was the one who found him melting in his lab. Such a shame really, everyone missed the guy (Unlike in UT, people still remembers him)
The Peace Keepers Division (Or PKD) is a sub group of the Royal Guard, with a department on each region of the Underground, that acts as if they were the human police, and the Peace Keepers are the officers. Not only do they protect monster from any external threat, but they also solve conflicts between monsters (That's why they're the "Peace Keepers Division" and not something like the "Underground Defense Forces") Each region has a leader, or a "Regional Commander", to which all Peace Keepers report to. At the same time, all Regional Commanders report to the "Head Commander", aka the leader of the Royal Guard, aka Undyne. Regional Commanders must give her a daily report of what happened in each region and if there's been any incidents The commanders are: · Ruins - Toriel · Snowdin - Grillby ("Meg, didn't you mention that he still has his bar?" Yeah, well, he's both a bar owner and a police man) · Waterfall - Gerson · Hotland - Alphys There is no PKD department in New Home as the Royal Guard does that job (Also, fun fact, after building the whole system of PKD and the Royal Guard, because of some details that I skipped in this explenation, because of her position as Head Commander, Undyne can do a coup with little to no room for failure, she is so fucking powerful, and this is jusr politically speaking. What have I done)
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underjumble · 2 years
Welcome to the world of Underjumble!
I've never really been a fan of most swap aus, because it always just felt like a retexture to me. Yes, they have a different look and name, but I like swap aus where the characters aren't just character A 2.0 but also that they're a different enough character. So here's a dumb little au of my own! Each character's personality is not only or mainly the character they replace are, and I'm hoping I made them rather in character. This does not mean that the characters will always be 100% canon compliant ofc, they're still somewhat different. idk how to describe it ;-;
Don't have any sketches at the moment, but here's some explaining! I have a lot of little bits of world building that's small things that I'd love to share :)
The backstory stays mostly the same, but some boss monsters, afraid for their life, sided with humans. They were granted in because the more the better. After that, though, they were outcasted and were seen as unequal. Although, some reproduced with humans, giving a breed. Most look like normal humans or monsters, but they have certain qualities and they're different enough for both of the races to be able to absorb their souls. Sans is like monsters, but his soul lasts for a little while. He has a very unhappy past and has some problems with emotions and lashing out. He deeply regrets a lot of his actions, but he can't fix it now. He is 12 and his au nickname is Wisp. I can't remember where I got that.
Unrelated to Wisp, but if you have any suggestions for any nicknames or changing it, feel free to shoot an ask! You can also use different nicknames for people but I'd like to know first so I can understand ^^
Papyrus takes the place of Asriel/Flowey! In present instead of a flower he is a dog plush, and the eyes were cracked by being dropped on when he was still alive. He's also color blind like an actual dog, leaving him with subpar vision. With this and the fact Frisk hunches over with their hood on, Doggo mistakes them for Sans. He has a resentment of being coddled and treated like a baby from Sans (who does have a reason, but Doggo doesn't know that. He's not mad at Sans though.) He believes Sans is upset at him for being weak for not continuing the plan. He's 9 mentally, and his au nickname is Angeco. It was originally a mix of French words, but I realized that I chose the parts that are exactly like the English version. It's a mash of ange corrompu, or corrupted angel.
Asriel takes the place of Toriel! Asriel is an adult. He is not a father to Sans and Papyrus, but is the King's past advisor. He was really good with the kids, though, leaving him their babysitter a couple of times. He doesn't hold as much hatred to Gaster as Toriel does to Asgore. Asriel tried to reason with him, but after realizing nothing would work, they went their separate ways. Asriel does not like Gaster due to his decisions, but he's not as brutal to Gaster as Toriel is to Asgore.
Xakial is his au nickname, a misspelling of Zadkiel, the angel of mercy.
Napstablook takes Sans' place! They aren't lazy or really as aware as Sans is. Instead, they're kinda jumpy and scared, which is why they're not the best person to post at a station.
They are better at keeping their promise than Sans. They try to help you throughout it but are too afraid for combat. They met Asriel through venting to the door.
They are the final boss of the genocide route, but don't like it and realizes they have to do it because of how they don't want you to hurt anyone else. You keep attacking and attacking but you don't hit them, until the final hit where Sans takes control. They blurrily know that you can go back in time, and thinks they can stop you because physical attacks can't hurt them, but know not too much other than that.
Valuar is their au nickname. It's a mash of valu pisarad, which means tears of pain
Mettaton takes Papyrus' place. He wants everyone to idolize him and doesn't really care about the royal guard in any other sense, and is less selfless than Papyrus. However, there are still moments where he shines and shows care and love for others, despite being mostly self absorbed.
Maddie takes Gaster's place. She was a mad scientist type where she just fucked around and found out. She isn't too serious of a character lol. She follows around Frisk sometimes but mostly hangs out with her cousins while making crude jokes although they can't see her. She does miss being with her family sometimes though, and would do anything to be able to interact with them. Au nickname is Madcie, based off her name and mad scientist.
Chara takes the place of Undyne! Like Sans, they are one of the very few human monster hybrids. Their soul would shatter quickly, so there's no reason for them to be slain. This brings them a bit more self hatred, that they aren't able to give their soul. They don't know what happened to Asriel, and misses him. It has katana magic, and has some muscle with some scars. In the genocide route, their eyes and mouth get gooey to show that the magic side of them is unable to handle the determination. As you defeat them, their magic becomes melted.
Au name is Lehanial (Perennial, a yellow flower, + Lehanii, a tribute to a friend)
Asgore takes the place of Maddie. He's just a sad little dude who takes care of the flowers in Waterfall. He's an optional fight, as he will only fight you if you nag him. He won't try to kill you. There are two ways to end the battle. Kill him, or wait until Napstablook finds you and gains the courage to tell him to leave you alone (He wasn't really looking to fight and thought you wanted it just as a game, but Blooky doesn't know that)
Toriel takes the place of Alphys! She and Chara are in a rocky relationship because Toriel doesn't agree with the violent approach. Chara argued it was the only way that lead Toriel to try the true lab. They miss each other but believe the other is angry, which Frisk has to make them come together again in true pacifist.
She's also why Asriel and Chara have such high rankings, because she knew Gaster and thus Gaster knew that the two were qualified from them meeting a lot.
Alphys takes the place of Napstablook. She's shy and wants to be your friend, but is scared of annoying you. She looks up to Undyne, they were once friends (well. Crushing on each other) before Undyne got famous. Undyne planned on coming back but always got caught up and was under a lot of stress. Alphys keeps watching and coming to her stuff, hoping to get her attention.
Undyne takes Mettaton's place! Toriel got her a boost in success due to her status and being well known. Undyne believes in Justice and isn't super self absorbed like Mettaton. She always planned on coming back to Alphys but she got juggled in all her work that she lost sight of what was important. She's a celebrity, but doesn't do shows like Mettaton, instead being more known for fighting.
Gaster takes Asgore's place. He isn't as heartbroken over hurting humans, but he doesn't enjoy it. To him, it's a necessary sacrifice. He holds no hate to the human children, seeing it as professional.
These aren't the only ones switched but they're the main and I've gone long enough FUGKXGIDYIDYID-
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
you just mentioned in the tags ''toriel stopping sans from [cutting the humans' journey short] by killing them'' ive always wondered, do you think sans would actually have killed the human if he hadnt made the promise to toriel? i think you mentioned once that the ''youd be dead where you stand'' moment is another one of sans fumbling attempts to seem threatening but despite that, do you think he wouldve actually done it ? if hed seen them kill monsters or during a pacifist run? or do you think it wouldve played out similarly to canon in the genocide route or that he wouldve been just less involved with the human during their journey in a pacifist run?
(ok i found this in my drafts and I don't remember where i was going with this, but i kinda went off so have this as it is lol)
i keep 5 versions of sans that are Ever So Slightly Different According to How I Interpret Different Details simultaneously rotating in my brain at all times. so uhhhhh yes and no.
jokes aside, I'm starting to gravitate more towards the interpretation that like... the threat he made at the restaurant? full on jackassery. shithead extraordinaire. he WAS messing with us.
but would he have tried to kill a human if toriel hadn't made him promise otherwise?
...yeah i think so. let me elaborate
here's the thing though: i think people put way too much weight on that! i mean it's a fighting RPG, every single other character—bar toriel—fights you to either capture and have you sent to the capital or to kill you themselves. either way they want your SOUL. papyrus... is his own neutral case here with his refusal to kill you.
my point being: every monster you meet wants to fight you. it's through that fight (or what happens afterwards) that you actively challenge their point of view and befriend them.
you don't go through this with sans. he never fights you, so you never need to change his mind because that belief was challenged before we even got to the underground, through toriel's words alone. that's... kind of admirable?
but it does frame his actions in a very creepy way from our point of view in-game. not to forget his dumbass scary pranks. because we go from someone a bit mysterious though ultimately friendly and goofy whom we thought we could trust, to someone who openly tells us he could've been a threat for us... and then never delivers. at least, not in any playthrough where we hear that line of dialogue.
so much of sans' character and appearance stems from tonal dissonance. he's shamelessly comfortable in the game's tone and vibes, but still stands out as an outsider. he plainly doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else, so we don't judge him by the same standards, either.
even more, if he actually kept his promise the way toriel meant it, that would've meant playing the entire game like a tutorial. sure, you can enjoy the story, but did you enjoy playing the section in the RUINs when she's with us? it's basically handholding the entire time. it's BORING for us, and ultimately, Undertale is a game! so it should be enjoyable to its player. which brings me to our next point:
ultimately... yeah maybe he would've tried to kill us. and yes it is kinda shitty that he only kept his promise by not doing that. in a sans characteristic troll way, i mean. but acting like the "sans was happy to watch a baby get beat up and killed" jokes are, well, anything other than jokes is just a plain bad reading. forget about post pacifist. during a gameplay, frisk IS the Human IS us IS the PLAYER. which means capable of RESET and SAVE. which means essentially immortal, at the end of the day. it's the "special power" sans tells us about in his judgement. you can't treat us with the same moral lenses as an NPC. the power we hold over their world in the game is lovecraftian. we can literally destroy it entirely, an outcome that was scientifically predicted by some characters in the game...
...sans being one of them. every interaction with you, every joke and every hand extended in friendship and eye closed to your shenanigans. all of it, the good and the not-so-good. it's all colored with the knowledge that the "human" in front of him could end the world. whether you actually do that or not.
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this is one of my favorite moments in the canon. one time. one second where the mask slips and we see through the cracks in the façade of laid back confidence. and what we see is a mirror, held up to our face.
and it's fucking terrifying.
"waaaa sans is bad because he lets us die" boo-FUCKING-hoo brother! cry me a river then throw ice cubes in it. mans goes through all of this on the daily and still gives us a chance, you should be thanking him.
i have a few other opinions on this topic that i feel are relevant, but I don't feel like putting them into a coherent argument so I'll just list them instead:
there are some collateral factors that i think would've prevented him from killing us outside of toriel's promise. mainly the fact that papyrus was feeling down and meeting a real human would've cheered him up. then he would've befriended us because of course he would, and of course sans wasn't going to kill his brother's new bestie.
so would he have fought us in a pacifist or papyrus-friendly netral run? maybe not! but he WOULD'VE whooped ass sooner if things got out of hand.
it's kind of a given that sans figures out you can manipulate time very early into the game. he works for/with asgore, who knows from first-hand child-murder experiences that it's an ability humans have, he's a scientist who studied the space-time continuum of their world and he's a friend of alphys', the royal scientist who studied human souls and determination (and let's not even get into his connections to gaster). he's a bright lad. he put two and two together.
while he COULD have seen taking a humans' soul as a necessary evil for monsterkind's freedom (promise to toriel aside) he openly sympathized with the anomaly. he's not there to be a time cop. he just wants to avoid the literal annihilation of the universe.
[...? yeah i never continued this. still stands tho.]
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list of everything i didn't like about avatar: the way of water
(sorry avatar head mutuals, love you guys but i have very little positive to say about it)
(this is just me venting because i have Thoughts in my head and nobody i know irl has seen it. i wanna enter the new year with a cleansed mind i guess)
(for context i saw it because i had an opportunity to see it for free and went, fuck it. i am not a fan of the first film and haven't seen it since 2010. i also do not vibe with james cameron movies in general)
ruins the any day now meme by actually coming out :(
is an hour longer than it needs to be and two hours longer than it should be. i get that it's about the experience and all but pretty blue people admiring majestic creatures does, in fact, get old eventually
james cameron can't help himself i guess. the amount of underwater exploration scenes is borderline masturbatory, not to mention the whole finale taking place on a sinking ship
please tell me they didn't use the actual papyrus font for the subtitles. idk how noticeable it is in the original but watching the film subtitled is painful until you get desensitized to it
colonialism is apparently not enough to make us root against the humans. no we gotta show them gleefully murder a space whale momma (who composes music 🥺🥺) and her baby
the fact that the destruction of nature is treated as more heinous than the attempted genocide of the na'vi (who are pretty transparently stand ins for native americans) is to be expected from the franchise... i still hate it though.
bad guy lady disappears like midway through. and i had such high hopes for her after she was shown using her mech suit arm to drink coffee. slay queen
for such a ruthless piece of shit (affectionate) the main bad guy doesn't know what to do with a hostage. buddy you could have ended the fight like four separate times. you even had redundancy because they always manage to capture several kids at once 😭
the character accused by every video essayist alive of being a white savior wears dreadlocks now. idk kinda tone deaf if you ask me
the decision to just have the Na'vi speak english is cowardly as fuck. didn't you guys make a fully functional conlang for the first movie??
it also makes it more difficlut to tell what language is being spoken in various scenes. literally what is going on and who understands whom
neytiri was done dirty. barely present most of the film and underdeveloped.
even though the original movie apparently fucked over the hired composers i can't deny that its music fucked. can't remember a single melody from the sequel though
main villain being able to commune with nature without any self-reflection sucks ass. you could say he just subdued the flying thing through it comes back later and is apparently loyal so what was that
the spider situation is really weird. his adopted family don't really seem to care about his abduction much (was jake sully being more literal than i realized when he called spider basically the family's stray cat?? idk neytiri sure doesn't seem to give a fuck about him). the weirder thing though is how he is not restrained or even really supervised while captured despite being open about his loyalties
not to out myself as a space racist but i couldn't tell the two brothers apart until like halfway through at which point one got a lot more spotlight and it became clear the other was done for. rip son number 2 i literally don't remember your name
does this decanonize the avatar theme park 🥺 (this is a joke. all i know about the park is from that one jenny nicholson video and the lore does not seem all that good)
the love interest girl's character is said like once or twice in the whole movie. i was listening for it since i was crushing on her (because neytiri is barely in the movie)
there are multiple instances of a boat being thrown into the air and none of them look real
i swear they say "four fingers" when they mean five at some point. yeah i'm reaching here
the plot is paper thin and so many of the situations are incredibly basic
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I've been having a thought what if each sans finds a drink that says "do not touch/drink" and for whatever reason they decide to ignore it and drink it and with a 'poof' they are a babybones. S/o finds them first and can immediately tell that's there boyfriend who just turned into a babybones and they waste no time in taking a picture and sending it to there brother papyrus. What are the papyrus'es reaction to there big brother being a babybones for a whole 3 days do they take advantage of the fact that they get to be THE big brother for 3 days. How do they care for sans now? Or do they hand them over to s/o /any other of their friends to take better care of sans for the time being.
Undertale Papyrus - He's dying inside. He had always known his brother calm and lazy, since, well, he's younger by seven years. He didn't realize little Sans was a ball of energy. It's even worse than him. Papyrus didn't sleep for three days, trying to tire his brother but it seems his energy is endless. What the hell.
Undertale Papyrus - He's treating Blue like any of his children and he doesn't care about his temper tantrums. Turns out Baby Blue is very difficult and doesn't like to sleep (which is not a surprise), but all kinds of food as well, throwing plates at his face. Honey has great patience but Blue ends in time out lol. Honey hopes he won't remember that.
Underfell Papyrus - Ok, maybe he deserved it. Edge was horrible as a child to Red, and maybe he is kinda regretting it now that he has to take care of his miniature brother. Red is biting him, screaming all the time, and refusing to do anything he wants him to do. Edge is about to have a mental breakdown. Please go back to normal. He can't take it!
Horrortale Papyrus - It's not that different than usual. He's so used to taking care of Oak all the time that the fact he's now small is not bothering him. He simply has to be a little more vigilant as Oak can now get lost in a crowd and be hard to find again lol. Willow almost had a heart attack when he lost him in the grocery store.
Swapfell Papyrus - He gives Nox to his S/O lmao. He remembers pretty well how was his brother as a child, and he doesn't want to live this again. S/O is going to have three days of pure hell as Nox is basically a gremlin. He's trying all he can to make his guardian lose it, he's biting, he's kicking, screaming and he won't stop. He's also impossible to tire, he has endless energy.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is so lost without his brother. He doesn't know what to do, and thanks Asgore his S/O is there to help. S/O is clearly taking advantage of the thing he's small and powerless to torture him lol. Well, until he grows up back and S/O realizes he remembers everything. Good luck with that.
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