#and he got sick and couldnt move but kept trying. i tucked him in and told him id take care of everything
cherry-shipping · 2 years
I HAD A DREAM ABOUT SANS AND PAPYRUS......!!!!!!! i dreamt papyrus got really sick and then sans got even more sick from working himself too hard trying to take care of everything. so i took care of them both and tucked them into bed and read them stories and talked to them and made them food and everything. it was really nice
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Trophy chapter four
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Warnings: Adult Themes Dubcon,Controlling Behaviour, Swearing, Smut +18 Only
Chapter 0ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter five Chapter Six
Your escape doesn’t go as planned as Henry reveals just how much power he truly has.
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You were just over a week into your 'stay' at Henry's manor and had just about had enough. Youd spent the last few days in a constant fit of frustration. I had become very clear in the first few days that you were nothing more than a toy, a doll for him to coo over and manipulate. Or maybe a better way to discribe it was the girl in a childs music box being made to dance when ever the owner decided to open the lid. Either way you felt trapped used and helpless, at first he made sure you spent as much time as possible together taking you to the office when he had to work, sitting you on the sofa with a book or parade you around the house.
After that he would put you in what became your daily cell tho never alone if he wasnt with you kal was. Day after day you were left in here a freshly decorated room that youd heard the guards refer to as the play room, it was like a large airy living room like somthing from pintrest a plush looking corner sofa around a light coffee table,large tv on the wall above the fireplace with games consoles neatly tucked away,two floor to ceiling book cases either side ,there was a cabinet full of dvds and games behind the sofa opposite there was a sideboard filled with sketch books, pens and pencils ect and a two seat small dining table sat between the two cabinets. The room was a mix of soft pale pinks and blues and was chock full of soft furnishings pillows and various blankets draped here and there and huge faux fur rug . The window was locked being ground level ,that was the first thing you checked when left alone ,not that you'd get far across the gravel drive he had made a point not to give you shoes. The saying bare foot in the kitchen sprung to mind.
He would visit you when you were in here at lunch forcing you to eat with threats of spanking sometimes worse. Being treated like a child was wearing thin and to be quiet honest you were becoming scared,finding it easier to go along with his insanity, you called him daddy without a thought somewhere in the back of your mind you knew it was wrong but after just over a week he had managed to drum it into you. It was frighteing just how quickly you could be conditioned you had to get out soon. He was overbearing always helping himself to you, kissing ,touching and generally trying to act as if you were a couple until you did something he didnt like then it was back to threats and reality hit.
Today was slightly different you woke up curled on your side his henry lazily running his finger through your hair you squinted rubbing your eyes as he leant over kissing your shoulder before running hi hand across your tummy spreading out his fingers and pulling you back against his crotch, he rocked against your bottom groaning quietly into your hair as you felt his cock springing to life he grinded harder against you before shuffling pinning you flat on your back straddling you pulling your legs to rest either side of his hips you whined in protest trying to shuffle from under him when he pulled you down tight against him he just tilted his head raising and eyebrow. The warning was clear behave. He rubbed against your mound sliding his cock along the seam pf your pussy. You closed your eyes tight already feeling the arousal build inside of you dreading what was to come, you couldnt help how your body reacted you tried to just let him get on with it but each morning he managed to coax you into participating a little more, not letting you distance yourself any longer. He grunted low i his throat as he pumped himself against you resting his weight on his hips one hand cuped the top of his cock squeezing it against you as he pushed it against your clit. You gasped as you felt his throbbing cock against you pulling high pitched moans and whines as you bit your lip trying to keep quiet. He chuckled
"Oh fuck... thats it baby girl ...come on let daddy hear you." You shook your head back and forth as your pussy weeped onto him soaking both of you you found your self panting hard when he groaned grabbing one of your hands replacing his over his cock you tried pulling away and he growled at you.
"Stay still baby.... fuck thats it good girl.. your so good for daddy" he groaed deep as he sped up before leaving wet open mouthed kisses on your collar bone then kissed up to your lips trying to pry your mouth open you turned your head away. He sighed moving his hand into the boxers that you wore finding your swollen clit flicking and pinching harshly causing you to buck and cry out, he quickly took the opportunity to invade your mouth tasting your tongue sucking you into a passionate kiss he let go of your hand placing his hand pressing your knee up to your torso spreading you out for him rubbing his cock faster with jerky thrusts skimming your opening with every movement you gripped the sheets twisting them as you felt your walls trying to clench onto him desperate for him to fill you you rocked back against him looseing yourself in him as he smothered you he released your mouth biting down on your neck leaving a mark alongside yesterdays. You became hot, to hot as you flushed under him chasing your own end grinding up against him
"Oh! oh god please! Please i cant" you babbled incoherently as he repositioned his hand thumbing your clit and thrusting into you harshly with his fingers bouncing your body across the bed you let out a load moan as his hand worked furiously rubbing amd curling his finding your soft spot befor zeroing in and running his fingers harshly across it you cired bucking out at him unsure of you wanted hi to go faster or get off your climax built and he chuckled as your clamped down on his fingers to the point of pain
"Aww baby you want to cum dont you? Thats it good girl so good is it to much?" he didnt relent still masaging that spot you nodded and cried tears falling down your face you couldnt breath it was to much
"Then cum, its ok you can cum, cum for daddy ,all over daddies fingers" you hated how his wods pushed you over the edge and even then he didnt stop he seemed to double his efforts when you arched violently with a silent scream gushing over his fingers he continued moving draggin out your orgasm he moved higher running the underside of his cock across your mound with stuttering hips.
"Oh..OH shit YES YES fuck! OH GOD Little one fuck" he let out a long gruntle moan as he finished spraying cum up your front you both laid there panting. Shame washed over you like it had done every morning he did this. You felt dirty and used he rolled on his side tucking you in his arms kissing your head praising you for how good you were and telling you how much he loved you as you curled ijto him wetting his tinto him overwhelmed. After a few moments the saddness past and you laid stock still against him as he pulled you to lie across him head on his chest stroking your hair once again.
"Iv got to go out today pet. I trust youll be good whne im gone and if your lucky I'll get you a treat" you froze at his words gojng out... that meant youd be alone the thlught filled you with dread and anticipation.
"If your naughty you will regret it when i get back."you both laid there for what felt like hours he wouldnt let you move. Tho he finally let out a breath and ushered you to the bath room showering with you. After getting dressed and having breakfast he left and you noticed he didnt put you any where. You dread to think what he was doing. But you were left the run of the house. So here you sat in the kitchen alone in the huge house apart from the security he kept on site. 'This was it.. or was it a test?..' you raced to the living room window and watched an expensive car leave the gates at the bottom of the drive as it dissapeared behinde the wall that clossed off the property. You debated in your head if he was just waiting to see if you were going to try and run or not. You had to try, somthing was happening to you here ,you didnt like how complacent you were getting with him. It was cruel really the only person that was aloud to interact with you was him, you find yourself almost craving him, you enjoyed his praise lapping it up liike a love sick school girl.
Deciding that this may be the last time you could escape before it was to late you walked into the kitchen slowly as not to alert anyone to your plan even tho your heart was racing ten to the dozen. Quickly and quietly you pulled a small packet of plasters from one of the draws. Throught out your stay you learnt a few things all the doors leading outside and your 'play room' had pressure alarms built in you'd set one off on your forth day trying to get out into the garden resulting in another painfull and very embarassing spanking in the kitchen then experienced your first corner time, the other thing you learnt were all the guards had shifts and patrol routes the house ran like clockwork youd freighed interest in him and he'd waffled on about how it wasnt all bad and he'd take you out when you'd acclimated to your new life then boasted about the cars he had in the basment garage but you'd 'never get to drive one as driving these fast cars is to dangerous for his baby girl'. Tho you hadnt made a thing of it you kept the information locked away youd been behaving hopeing he would let down his gaurd. Once you got the plasters you put them in the pocket of your cardigan and grabbed a butter knife hooking it in the back of your jeans wedging it just under the tight waist band.
"What are you still doing in here? Get to the playroom" you screamed in suprize as the voice came out of no where you spun round faceing the man and nodded walking past him quickly.
"Wait. What have you been doing in here?" He said grabbing your arm pulling you to a stop you huffed tugging your arm.
"Let go i havent done anything" you twisted around as he patted you down you froze mouth going dry as you thought he was going to find the knife in your jeans he didnt instead his hands found the packet of plasters the cocked an eyebrow
"Im doing some crafts today these are incase i get a paper cut...im clumsy and tthought i should take a pack the keep in there just incase" he eyed you for a few seconds befor smirking at you
"So the princess was sneaking about for some plasters, im suprised you werent trying to sneak candy, would be more fitting for his baby girl." He laughed as you glared at him venomously
"Fuck you ,you cunt" you spat in his face he growled before grabbing your arm in a bruising grip dragging you out of the kitchen down the hall as you screamed at him, a few others poked their heads around to watch asking what was wrong as you were dragged down the hall once outside your day room he stopped pressing a card to the reader next to the handle disarming the door and answered their qeustioning stares.
"Nothing just a temper tantrum im sure she will regret later when Boss finds out." He turned back to you.
"He might even make a show of it, i wouldnt mind seeing her bent over" you growled as he opend the door throwing you in , grunting as you landed hard on the floor he whistled for kal and let the dog enter behind you befor shutting the door arming the device again. Shaking away tears in your eyes as you heard then others laugh about how theyd love to see 'a piece of that ass' kal sat beside you nudging you for a cuddle you hugged him breathing deep nuzzling his thick fur, he was the only company you enjoyed here after snuggling with him a few minuets you pulled away putting your plan into action you got out suome supplies fro the art cupborads scattering them hear and there to make it look like you had been drawing, hopefully if anyone came in and found you missing they would assume that you had asked one of the others to let you use the bathroom as the ensuite to this room wasnt finished. You aproached the door pulling out the knife and lowered it to the door handle, the worst thing about this system was that you werent technically locked in, the door opend but set off an alarm that was indicated by a small red flashing light on the card reading panel. Breathing deep you pulled out a plaster removing the tabs on it sticking oneside to your finger. Gentle you pulled down on the handle until you couldnt anymore easing the knife alongside the door pushing on the plate you pivoted your body opeing the door enough to get your hand in the gap and stuck the plaster over the bottom of the pressure plate securing it down. Holding your breath you waited a few moments before summerizing that it had worked when noone came rushing down the hall you quickly slipped thrpugh the door catching kal befor he could make his way out and shut the door fully. You blinked then jumped for joy you could bearly see the edge of plaster on the frame. Quickly you jogged to the end of the hall ducking low realising that not having shoes might be a god send as you were almost silent as you moved you got another plaster ready on your hand as you ducked and dived behind the counters in the kitchen making your way around to the door Henry had left through.'it must have been to the garage' you though you made quick work of the door not waiting to see if the alarm had set off as you heard foot steps coming your way you slipped through the door closing it behinde you and ran down the stairs into a large garage on the left there was lots of hooks with keys on them you toke shaky breaths scanning them befor looking over the cars there must have been about eleven in total ranging from massive range rovers to calssy two seater sports cars. 'I need on that can blend in, a hatch back or somthing, maybe a saloon' you thought running down the line of cars the most normal looking one was a Jag you quickly ran to the keys looking for a set with the same logo as the car finding two you grabbed them both pushing unlock on one set seing another car across light up you threw them on the floor using the other one to unlock the car getting in quickly you felt your tummy tie itself in knots turning on the ignition and pulled the seat forward you put on your seatbelt out of habbit then dojng a small cheer when you saw it was an automatic you put it in drive wincing as it growled to life louder then it needed to be you pulled it up to the garage door and it opend you pulled it forward going up the bank once at the top you saw a gaurd stopping staring befor shouting out to the others.
"Dont let the gate open!!" You panicked and floored it the car took off down the drive skidding you a stop near the gate the instantly began rolling open. On gaurd was sprinting down the drive behinde you. You looked down for a button to look the doors finding it by the window controls you flicked it on and heard the click at all four doors locked lokking up you saw the gate had stopped half way you spun the wheel throwing the scar around squeezing the car throuh the gate clipping the wing mirror off in the process putting your foot down you gave a triumphant shout as you tore down the road away from that house. Leaning back into the seat relaxing as you made yourway towards the town, it was the only way to get to the motorway that would lead out of the area. You wiped tears from your eyes as as relief flooded you sobs wracked your body the drive to the town took longer than you thought it would and you were suspicious as no one had chased you from the house and had spent the whole drive flinching at every car that pulled up behind you. Pulling up to a round about you stopped recognising the area deciding to take a less busy route pulling off to the outskirts of town you parked up into a superstore looking threw the car for money finding a few £20 notes a tap at the window you screamed turning it was a police officer you gulped looking in the rearveiw mirror seeing a squad car pulled up behind you blocking you in, he indicated for you to roll down the window.
"Yes can i help you?" You asked trying to sound normal
"Miss did you realise your missing a wing mirror?" You followed his gaze and smiled meekly. Getting a bad feeling in your gut.
"Yes, its my boyfreids car i borrowed it and hit a sign back there im going to book it in now hopefully get it done and he wont find out i hurt his baby" you ended with a chuckle patting the steering wheel he didn't look convinced and motioned for his colleague to join him
"Uh huh, so are you insured to drive this car? Sure you didnt hit another car?" You shook your head
" Well i hope im insured he said hed made me a name driver and no i didnt hit anyone, the car caught me by suprize i hadnt realised how much oommf it had and still getting used to the size its a bit wider then mine." You explained hoping you were convincing enough he smiled the held out his hand to you.
"Can i see your licence?" You froze then pretended to look around the car for it
"Oh shit i dont have my bag on me sorry can i give you my name instead and you can look it up on the system?" You pleaded hoping that he would let this one go
"So you dont have your purse on you? When your taking his car to the garage to get it fixed?.... yeah im gonna have to ask you to step out of the car now." He said moving back from the door you looked behind you panicking there was no way to pull out.
"Wh-what? Why?" You cried out as he put his hand in the car opeing the door
"No! No you cant do this you dont understand please!" You shouted at him as he undid your seatbelt pulling you out of the car cuffing your hands behind your back reading you your rights.
"Your under arrest for car theft,careless driving and driving with out insurance , you have the right to remain silent anything you do say can harm your defence and used in court ,Call it in we found Mr cavills car" you froze, hed called in that his car had been stolen. He used the police to track you. You wailed twisting against him as you realised why no one had chased you, he was using the police to bring you back to him.you cried as he dragged you to the squad car.
"NO! You dont understand he kidnapped me! Please you have to let me go! He's mad he locked me up please you have to help me." You kicked out as he forced you into the back seat on the car slamming the door you sobbed in the back seat as they locked up the jag and got in the front of the car.
"Please do make me go back i dont know what he'll do" you cried pitifully they sighed looking at you threw the plexiglass.
"Im sorry love there's nothing we can do for you... i wish there was but its our asses on the line" then he started the car driving towards the station. It wasnt long befor you found yourself in a cell heavy metal door between you and your escape laying on the bed crying and terrified of whats to come. Panicking everytime you heard foot steps down the hall thinking it was him. It was over an hour later when you jumped as the heavy lock on your door opened with a loud bang revealing a calm looking Henry standing beside a sympathetic looking officer he shooed them away.
"Give us a minute" he didnt take his eyes off you as he stepped into the room seemed to take over the small space you shuddered backing away from him sending a pleading look to the officer who ingored you and left.
"Well pet have you got that out of your system now?" He said crossing the cell in large strides his suit jacket hung over one arm that was in his pocket. You shook your head crying
"Pl-please im sorry i-i had to" you flinched as he brought his hand to your face. Smoothing back your hair
"Sshhh shh its ok now everything is going to be fine" he calmed you pulling his outher hand up wiping your tears away before for twisting his fist in your hair you yelped clawing at his hand trying to relieve the pain in your scalp.
"You've been a very very naughty girl havent you?" He tugged your hair back forcing you to look at him still wiping your face with his other. It summed him up caring and kind yet brutal and cruel. He grinned a sadistic grin
"I should let you know that im not pressing charges, what kind of boyfreind would i be if i did?" He teased you letting you know he was told your cover story you cried in pain as he dragged you the few steps towards him forcing you onto your tip toes
"STOP! Please Henry your hurting me!" He tutted at you looking at his watch
"Three hours away from the house and were back to Henry? What happened to Daddy? Well it doesnt matter i hope now you realise that there is no escape. You cannot run or hide from me love i have eyes everywhere." He lowerd you back down releasing your hair clutching you to his chest trapping you in a strong grip as you sobbed shaking like a leaf more out of anxiety then anything else.
"Shh shh. its ok little one... i know its been a scary day getting out , nearly crashing into the gate and then being arrested? its all going to be ok, now that you've got this out of your system you can finally settle at home. Ihave been waiting for this little blow up from you i was beginning to think the gun fiasco was it" His words filled you with dread as you began to sink in this was it for you, that there was no way out, he would find you at some point. Rocking you backwards and forwards with your arms trapped at your side he tucked his nose into your hair kissing it every so often.
"Tho this is probably my fault it was enavitable for you to try and run again, i havent trained you properly yet, not givin you the attention you truly need, but dont worry we will start once we get home. I want you to know daddies not angry, no no he's just dissapointed" he pulled back draping his jacket over your shoulders.
"I hope you know that your still in serious trouble when we get home young lady i warned you this morning that youd regret playing up" he murmmerd into your ear as he walked you out of the cell down to the reception he didnt hold you because he didnt need to there was nowhere you could go.
"Mr cavill would you sign these ,I assume your not pressing charges?" Henry looked up winking at you
"No no my girlfriend couldnt help herself, she's like a child in that respect no self restraint. Never thinks of her consequences" You shuddered catching the his unspoken threat looking down as tears of humiliation the officer chuckled as Henry said this sighing his name
"Well she does look distraught, dont be to hard on the little thing I'd jump at the chance to drive one of those myself."
Henry laughed out loud drawing some attention from the others in the waiting room
"Oh dont you worry about her, she'll find a way to make it up to me somehow wont you babygirl" he said winding an arm around your waist pulling you against him squeezing his hand painfully tight. You looked down nodding hearing a few snickers and scoffs from women in seats behind you.
"Now apologize to the officer for wasting his time baby." You scowled up at him being met with a shit eating grin opening your mouth to tell him to fuck off thankfully you were interupted.
"Oh now thats not nessasary saving a tiny thing like her from herself isn't wasting time ..I'm glad I could help" Henry smiled at you kissing your cheek feeling please with himself.
"Now isnt that nice sweety. He's happy to help us" you gave a jerky nod as Henry finished the paperwork.
"I will have someone collect the car today" he called over his shoulder as he forced you along side him stopping before he got out of the door.
"Oh baby Wheres your shoes?" He asked smirking at you knowing damn well that he hasnt got you any, you felt the eyes of the other people on you as he shook his head picking you up cradling you recieveing a few awws and judgmental stares from the women. Unable to take it anymore you tucked your face into his neck crying.
"Im sorry please im so sorry i wont do anything like this again". He sighed pushing throught the doors and made his way to the car park climbing into the back or a range rover holding you in his lap as the car began moving.
"Its a little to late for sorry baby, daddy has to punish you for being an extremly naughty little girl. Stealing and damaging daddies car running away and getting arrested lying to the police? What kind of daddy would let you get away with all that?" You shuddered mind wandering what he had instore for you, not just for punishment but the training he mentioned in the cell you squirmed in his lap as you mulled it all over feeling sick to your stomach.
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Stressed Out
You were escorted into the arena by two guards, they each had an arm on you and were pushing their way through the crowd of screaming fans who had collected outside while you were arriving. People were pointing, recording, and taking pictures of you, all while trying to grab onto you and follow you inside. Your body was exhausted, mentally and physically. You were beyond stressed and you felt as if your body was losing the battle of life. You made it inside and took a breath, leaning against the cold brick wall. The guards stood nearby, giving you space but making sure you were okay. Harry hadn't arrived yet, but you wish he had gotten there first. You wanted nothing more than a warm hug and someone to tell you everything was going to be okay. Your body was shaking, your heart rate had doubled and you felt as if you could barely breathe. 
You slumped to the floor, your back still against the wall, your face buried in your knees. You closed your eyes and thought back to simpler times. The days where Harry would surprise you at home, he would walk in carrying flowers and cupcakes, the biggest smile on his face. You would stay inside and watch movies all night while ordering pizza and laughing while he told you all of the dad jokes he had come up with on the plane. You would sleep in until noon, snuggling in bed most of the day and catching up on everything you had missed while he had been gone. In the afternoon you would get dressed only to go out to your favorite park and walk around, ending up at your favorite ice cream parlor where Harry would sample each and every flavor until deciding to get the exact same one he always got, Christmas Pudding. Those were the days. The days when your relationship was still private and fans only speculated what was going on. 
You and Harry had been dating for over a year now, and originally your plan was to keep the relationship a secret and as private as possible. Of course Harry’s fans were dedicated and involved, they had quickly speculated that the two of you were dating but nothing had been posted or confirmed. Thats the way you liked things, you could still go out to the store and not be swarmed with people or have to have guards tag along with you. It had been a month or so ago, you and Harry had gone out to dinner and a pap caught the two of you mid kiss. The news spread quickly and then Harry had confirmed it in an interview and then also mentioned you would be touring with him. Now halfway through the tour, you were breaking down. Fans had taken quite the liking to you, which at first you had been grateful for, but now it was a little overwhelming for someone who wasn't quite used to being in the spotlight and was considered “normal”. 
“(y/n)!” Harrys concerned voice echoed through the walls backstage. You looked up, tears in your eyes as he knelt in front of you. He opened his arms and you climbed into them, breaking into sobs. “Shhh...its okay love.” he whispered into your hair. “Are you okay? What happened?”
You tried controlling your breathing but were struggling. You gripped him tighter and tried explaining. “Th-they-they-they were all around us and-and-they -they wouldn't let go. They just kept pulling on me and I-I couldn't see where we were going. Everywhere I looked-there was -there was a phone recording me and-”
“Shh...Im sorry babe. I should've been there.” Harry pressed a kiss to your forehead and just held you until you had calmed down a little. Your breathing had improved and he had pulled you to your feet, escorting you to the dressing room. You sat on the couch and looked in the mirror. You had big black bags under your eyes which were now red and puffy from crying, you looked a lot thinner, and you almost didn't recognize yourself.  Harry was running his fingers through his hair, you knew you were the cause of his stress which only made you feel worse about everything. He looked at you and sighed, walking over. “I think you should try getting some rest...I have rehearsal but after we can get dinner okay?” You nodded and he wrapped his blanket around your body, tucking you in. He kissed you softly and smiled, “Get some sleep babe, it’ll make you feel better.” you smiled and whispered I love you as he walked out. As soon as the door had closed you sat up. You hadn't actually gotten more than an hours worth of sleep every night for over a week now. Part of it was due to stress, the other part was that you just didn't sleep well when you weren't in your own bed. Normally when you were traveling with Harry he slept with you, making you feel at home and sleep fairly normally. This tour however had been different. He would go from performing to writing and recording, leaving very little time together. On top of not sleeping, you hadn't really been eating either. The thought of food made you feel sick, you felt like someone was always either judging what you were eating, how you were eating, or why you were eating. You had been judged on your weight, your body, and your looks more than you could count. You received more comments on your body image than you ever thought possible and it had made you extremely self conscious. 
A little over an hour later you heard a knock at the door. You stood up confused, Harry would've just walked in... You opened it and found a man smiling. “Hi, you must be (y/n)?”
“I’m Dr. Ken. Mr. Styles talked to me earlier.”
“Okay...is Harry okay?”
“Harry’s fine yes, I’m actually here for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, Harry was a little concerned...he mentioned you may have been feeling overwhelmed lately. You may not be sleeping well, or eating...” 
You didn't answer just crossed your arms and stood in the doorway. “I’m sorry but-”
“Dr. Ken.” Harry’s voice cut in from around the corner. He was sweaty from rehearsal, his shirt slung over his shoulder. Harry shook Dr. Kens hand and invited him into the room. You stood in the doorway not moving or talking and he came over with an exhausted look on his face. “Babe...”
“Harry what the hell.”
“You're not okay! You need to talk to someone, you are actually scaring me. I worry that one day you're going to drop over dead from not eating or not getting any sleep. Its not okay...I don't want to lose you...I don't want you to go home..but you cant continue on like this. I cant watch you kill yourself. I cant lose you.” You bit your lip, tears forming in your eyes. You had no idea Harry was so worried. You hadn't even realized that he had realized you weren't doing well. Harry hugged you and gripped your hand tightly while pulling you over to the couch. “Let him help...” Harry whispered. 
You looked into his green eyes and nodded. You never wanted to hurt or stress Harry out. Dr. Ken sat next to you taking your vitals. He seemed a little concerned but didn't say anything. Harry stood behind the couch pacing anxiously. “(y/n) your body is extremely dehydrated...when was the last time you had some water today?”
You thought about it, and weren't exactly sure. Normally you drank more water than your body every needed but you had no idea the last time you had taken a drink. “I’m not sure..”
“Harry, why don't you grab her a water. She needs to get fluids into her body..” Harry nodded and grabbed two bottles of water. He handed one to you, and dropped the other next to your side. You took a sip, appeasing Harry for a moment. 
“So why don't you tell me a little bit about how you've felt the past few weeks.” Dr. ken asked. You looked back at Harry anxiously. You were afraid at how he was going to react.. you knew he loved you but what if he thought you couldn't handle the spotlight...what if that was the end of the line and he ended things with you because of it. Dr. Ken sensed your apprehension and nodded to Harry. Harry didn't want to leave, he was very reluctant but after an encouraging nod from Dr. Ken he sighed deeply. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I have to get ready for the show. If you need anything, don't feel bad about interrupting okay?”
You nodded and he kissed you softly. You smiled and watched him leave. Dr. Ken looked at you again with a gentle smile. “Lets try again, what have you been feeling lately?” You sighed and let it out. You told him about the stress with fans, your body image, being perfect, being someone Harry should date. You told him about not being comfortable on tour, not spending time with Harry, your anxiety about being overcrowded when out and about. Everything building up in your body was spilling out. You felt a weight roll off your shoulder. Dr. Ken said nothing, he wasn't taking notes, wasn't judging you. He was just listening. He listened to you talk for almost an hour. You shared how you were afraid to talk to Harry about everything because you thought he would leave you. You mentioned how you felt that you couldn't live up to fans expectations. You cried about missing simpler times with Harry. He handed you a tissue and smiled. “(y/n) has Harry ever seemed unhappy with you?”
“No, but-”
“Has he ever said anything about fans not liking you?”
“Have you talked to him at all about these fears?”
You sighed. “No.”
“And why’s that?”
“I don't want to stress him out. I don't want to throw off his game while on tour. I don't want him to hate me...”
“Has he ever said anything about hating you?”
“(y/n) I think something that might make both you and Harry feel better is talking to him about everything.” You nodded and looked down at your feet. “I also think that you may benefit from going home and not continuing on with the tour..” You didnt say anything. You knew he was right about both things. You needed to talk to Harry. You also needed to go home. You couldnt continue on like this anymore. 
“I know..” you sighed. He smiled and patted your hand.
“Your health is more important than up keeping his expectations of you. If he's that upset about you leaving...he's not the one anyway.” You smiled sadly at him and nodded. 
“You're right... Thank you.”
“You're welcome. I’m going to leave you my number. Call anytime okay? I mean it..even if it's just to complain about Harry. I don't want you holding things in like this anymore. Understood?”
“Understood.” you smiled as he stood up and collected his things. “Thank you Dr. Ken.”
“Anytime.” He walked out, leaving you alone in the room. You waited for Harry patiently, trying to think of what to say. You were so involved in your thoughts you almost didn't hear him walk in. He sat next to you and ran his fingers through his hair. “How was the show?”
“Not my best...I had other things on my mind.” He smiled sadly and you nodded. 
“Harry I need to talk to you about some things...” Harry looked sick, but he nodded. You grabbed his hands and looked at him. His green eyes were searching yours for clues. You took a deep breath. “I think...I think I need to go home.”
“Go home? Like as in leave the tour?”
“Yeah...” you bit your lip and Harry looked confused. 
“No...Haz I really need to get everything off my chest. The last month has been so hard-like harder than I ever thought. I don't feel like we have spent any time together...you don't even sleep with me...On top of that, I don't feel like I can live up to your image. I cant make fans happy. I’m not pretty enough for you...”
“Babe thats insane.” Harry cut in. “You are beautiful. I love every part of you. And you make fans happy, they all love seeing you-”
“Harry. People send me death threats daily. They say I’m ugly and fat, and they say I bring down your image and well maybe they are right maybe I-”
“You make me the best person I can be...You are the most beautiful thing about me (y/n)...I’m sorry..I didn't realize this was happening but I want you to understand that none of that is true.” you smiled and nodded.
“I know but it's been hard. I feel like I want to be better for you, and I know you love me. I know you think I’m beautiful. But in this environment I just feel like I need to be more. I cant get away from people. I cant even go out to lunch without people taking my picture and posting it somewhere online. I know thats a part of you. I know you're used to it but I’m not.” You took another breath. “I don't want to leave...I really don't. But Harry I cant go on like this. My body feels like its giving up and I-”
You were crying. You wanted Harry to understand. He pulled you into his arms and cuddled you closely. “I understand.”
“You do?”
“(y/n) I want you to be okay...I want us to work and if you need a break from this...well I am going to support that...”
“Youre not mad? You don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you. I don't want you to be stressed out all of the time. I want my happy, smiley, goofy, girl back. I want to see you stuffing your face with cookies and fighting me for the last piece of pizza.” You laughed and nodded. “If going home helps bring that back, I’m all for it. And I’m sorry I’ve been absent...I should have spent more time with you.”
“It’s okay...I know you're busy.”
“Thats not an excuse though...”
You kissed him softly and smiled. “I think-I think I want to go home tonight.”
He nodded and nuzzled your cheek with his nose. “Then we will get on a plane tonight.”
“I cancelled the last few shows of the tour...you're more important. I want to be home with you...I want to make sure youre okay. I want us to get back to where we were. If I have to take some time off, then thats worth it to me.”
You smiled but shook your head. “But the fans?”
“They will understand...”
“(y/n) Its not negotiable.... We are going home.”
You nodded. “Let’s go home then.”
This was a request. Idk how I feel about it yet lol
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It never hurts to spoil your pokemon- a pokemon au story
Another headcanon/ little fluff story for @sugarglider9603‘s pokemon au! This time it focuses a bit more on thomas and his adoration of the boys. It also takes place time wise after my previous fic, so this could be considered a continuation( but you dont have to read it to understand this)
I hope you enjoy!
and hey, @notveryglittery, I heard you were having a rough day and I know this probably isnt the fluff you were expecting but I hope, none the less, that it helps cheer you up( I feel you about 8 hour shifts, and I believe youll get through it!)
Thomas gave a happy hum as he walked along the neatly kept sidewalks, enjoying the bright fall summery sun and the sweet salty breeze. He was tired, but who wouldnt be after traveling through a long mountain pass. But Thomas figured it was worth it to reach a small riverside town on the other side of the mountain base, a lovely place surrounded by nature and flowers. It was worth it but the journey itself had been pretty rough and upon reaching the pokemon center he let the boys rest in the room they were staying in and went out to explore and restock.
“ Lets see....oh boy thisll be a big shopping list...” He muttered to himself, rummaging through his bag.
“ Potions, max potions for emergencies, revives for emergencies that we cant reach a pokemon center, antidotes, burn heals, full heals for big emergencies,parlyz heals, and some medicinal herbs in case the boys get sick...along with more food and drinks for the road...ok!” With a firm nod Thomas smiled and found his way to various markets, surprisingly speeding through his shopping despite his fatigue. He waved to the cashier as he stepped back into the sunshine from the last store on his list, humming even happier than before.He started to make his way back to the center then stopped seeing a bunch of berry stalls. It only took a second to think about before he moved and started looking through the stalls. 
It had been awhile since he had really cooked poffins or any other pokemon treats, since the last time he had tried with MJ Thomas had over half of his( Remus ate them happily regardless, but that wasnt the point). But he still had the recipes he’d learned in a little booklet in his pocket and plenty of leftover money on hand to splurge a little...the trainer couldnt help but smile to himself. His boys had done amazing climbing mountain terrain for the first time,and they deserved some special treatment. With that in mind he began picking out berries that would make treats in their favorite flavors. The older woman smiled watching the young boy try to decide between two different sweet berries with a clueless expression and walked over.
“ Hello young man, can I help you at all?” He gave her a sheepish smile, a bundle of berries in either hand.
“ Ah well...I’m looking for berries that have a sweet but also little bitter taste? Im trying to make treats for my pokemon...” She smiled wider and gently directed him further down the stall, and Thomas was grateful as she gave him cooking advice for different berries. Once they were done and things were paid for he had a nice basket bursting with colorful goodies as he continued down the street to the pokemon center. But once more he stopped when he saw a little accessory store , the window display showing off many different options and goodies. His eyes caught on something in particular though.
A little clip on flower crown made with well made big blooming fabric Gracidea flowers. It immediately made him think of Patton, and the way he always makes flower crowns whenever he gets the chance. Thomas just couldnt stop himself from going into the store and buying it, tucking it safely away in his bag as he continued his way. 
It was about one street over when he stopped again at a store window and went in, coming out once more with a lovely blue and black striped tie and a bright reddish pink bandanna in his hand, as well as a shiny red brush and some glasses’ cleaner. He whistled as he walked as he tucked his new presents into his bag as well to keep them safe, happily imagining the reactions he’d get to his surprises. They deserved this, his boys had been working hard.
Thats what he told himself as he made his next few stops. Grabbing some fidgeting toys he knew Virgil liked to play with to calm his nerves, as well as some soft mareep fleece to line the inside of his hoodie with as summer ended and fall and winter slowly approached. After all it never hurt for him to prepare early. He told himself it as he also bought a small bundle of local flowers from a little girl and her roselia and bellosom, watching the small pokemon cheerfully help his flowers bloom. Patton would love them, he knew it. Just like Deceit would like couple electric gems and little brooch for his cape or like Remus would enjoy couple antique metal pieces, dented and twisted like youd find in a junkyard and a small bundle of break apart pokemon toys that he could happily break and rebuild as much as he wanted.Once he finally decided to cut himself off he got back to the pokemon center and smiled tiredly at Nurse Joy, holding his haul in his arms.
“ Hey um...do you have a kitchen or something I could use to cook?” The woman chuckled and led him to the kitchen and showed him where to find anything he mightve needed, simply asking him to clean up when he was done. With everything he needed sprawled across the counters he pulled off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, tying off his apron with a grin.
“ Ok lets do this! It cant be that hard!” 
Thomas was in there the rest of the late morning and afternoon, up until the light tinted gold, red, and pink across the kitchen. There had been many little mishaps and retries and alot of taste tests from the nurse’s paitent Chansey, but he finally had everything ready. The boy wiped at some flour streaked across his cheek, not noticing it only smearing it even more as he washed his hands and began placing the stacked plate of different flavored poffins, treats, and pokemon safe cookies and fruit goods as well as tin foiled and hot wrapped up dinner into a appreciately provided lined basket and finished cleaning up the mess he made in the kitchen, scooping every up into his arms and half waddling back to his room with Chansey’s help opening the door. The smell of food filled the little bedroom and awoke the cuddled together eevelutions, all of them lifting their heads groggily and yipping at him questioning. Thomas beamed proudly and he sat on the floor and gestured for them all to join him as he set everything down, petting them in greeting.
“ Evening guys! You all were wiped out, so I let you sleep and I went to go restock our supplies. While I was gone I got you all surprises!” He motioned to the poffins and happily exclaimed that he made them himself just for them, and that he also had dinner in the basket too. He felt his chest swell happily as he watched them all pick their favorite flavors and munch happily, leaning on him as they did. Thomas also couldnt help but laugh at the squeal Patton gave as he tackled him and buried his face in kisses when he saw the flower crown and the flowers, wearing his new accessory excitedly. Roman practically demanded to be groomed purring when he saw his new brush as he pawed at his new bandana contently. Once the grooming was done Thomas helped Logan put on his new tie and cleaned both his and Patton’s glasses, as well as attatched Deceit’s new brooch while Remus nawed on his new toys to break them in and nuzzled him gratefully. Then he pet them all as they ate dinner and played, promise virgil that when they found a seamstress they would attach the fleece to his jacket to keep him warm. He was happy and so were they, and that night as he was laying down Logan curled up on his chest licking his hand and fingers appreciately. Remus flopped down at Thomas’s feet, on top of them really, and purred loudly as he nawed on the metal more contently, his eyes half open. Patton curled up under one arm nuzzling the hand not getting licked and happily being petted as Roman curled around his neck under his head to keep him warm while Deceit and Virgil cuddled on his stomach purring. Thomas smiled contently and shut his eyes, falling asleep like that.
Tada! It took a week but I hope its ok! 
@phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @amazable01 @leesacrakon @sugarglider9603
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
cold weather loki laufeyson x reader
i wrote this when i was sick as frick so its kind of short and sweet cause thats really the only brain power i had at the time lol. i kinda like it though. and to anyone who is sick or just tired of all this covid-19 mess, hopefully this makes you feel a little better ^.^
song: Seattle is no place for batman by this day will tell
tag list: @cynic-spirit
this was it, i couldnt focus, and i sure as hell couldnt get anything done. i wanted so badly to work, staying home today to catch up on things. that sadly wasnt going to be happening. i had woken up coughing and breathing heavily, not thinking much of it and getting straight to my computer. i went through three files before it got rougher, making me stop and check my fever. sure enough i had to at least have a cold, it now being escalated from my seasonal allergies. i looked at my tired eyes in the mirror of the bathroom before deciding to join loki on the couch, maybe just chilling for a bit till i felt better at least.
i trudged slowly into the living room where loki was comfortably sitting alone on the couch, drinking his favorite tea and reading the new book i had gifted him. i wish i could be that comfortable, my whole body ached. i groaned as i fell into the couch opposite loki, looking over his as he stared intently at the book. he had been reading all morning, trying not to bother me but i couldnt get anything done at this point. i really wanted to get as much work done as possible but that plan went down the drain pretty quickly. the amount of times id sneezed and blown my nose or went into a coughing fit, it was pitiful, and i was starting to annoy the both of us with it.
"i thought you were trying to be constructive today."
he said not looking away from his book. i groaned.
"i was but im sick now, i dont think i have enough brain power to actually get through any of the rest of my work."
i said in a congested tone. he just nodded and turned the page.
"do you guys not get sick or something?"
i asked, trying to breathe. he just kept looking at his book.
he said sternly. i nodded once, thinking back to the last few months he had been living with me. he had never once been even a little ill.
i said, inhaling deeply before sneezing again.
"bless you."
he said, rolling his eyes and flipping another page.
i groaned out, plucking another tissue from the box on the coffee table and blowing my nose.
"i almost feel bad for you."
he said, not looking up at me. i just pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it closely around my body, shoving my feet under his thigh to warm them.
"gee thanks, that means a lot."
i said trying to keep my eyes open. then he finally turned and looked at me, brow raised.
"how often do you get sick?"
he asked sipping his tea. i just shrugged.
"only during allergy season."
he looked confused.
"when the weather changes from cold to hot and from hot to cold."
he hesitated but nodded in understanding.
"and you do this twice a year every year?"
i nodded back.
he just hummed in response.
i raised a brow.
"what do you mean?"
i said, blinking quickly, trying to stay awake.
"getting ill because of the weather is just primitive."
i shook my head, not caring.
he put his book down and sent me a look.
"is it not?"
i shrugged.
"i dont know, clearly you think you are the higher up here, you tell me."
i said, getting comfy, eyes shutting slowly.
"well yeah, we are far superior."
i half hummed as best i could in response before falling into a deep sleep.
when i woke up i wasnt on the couch any more. i was tucked deep into our shared bed, many blankets surrounding me. i blinked slowly, looking at the window, seeing the low street light pouring into the room. i coughed, groaning and rolling onto my back. i half smiled to myself seeing loki sleeping there next to me. i placed my hand gently on the bed between us and contemplated reaching out to him. i felt bad cause i didnt want to accidentally get him sick, if i even could, but i also wanted cuddles. he was so good at them when actually gets comfortable enough. i sighed.
"you might as well do it."
he said quietly and i smiled to myself, rolling to my other side and scooting closer to him, hugging him to me. i pushed my forehead into his clothed back and tried to breathe deeply. he ran his hand over mine for a second before rolling over and hugging me to him.
"do you want more medicine? i brought some in after i brought you in."
i looked up at him and nodded before coughing harshly, pulling away from him to breathe. i closed my eyes tightly and clutched at my chest, feeling the harshness building in my lungs. when i looked up again loki was standing over me on my side of the bed with the cough medicine. i sent him a bashful look in the low light and gladly took it from him.
"thanks L."
he hummed in response before kissing the top of my head and walking back around the bed to his side and sliding in.
"do you think you could fall back asleep?"
he asked, pulling the large plush blanket back up his side. i nodded.
i breathed out. he lifted his arm and the blanket for me to get cuddled into his side again. when i was comfortable, and stopped moving, he rested his arm gently over me, stroking my hair.
he said quietly. i breathed deeply, slowly closing my eyes again.
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dragonwitch77 · 6 years
Subcon Apartment ch 3
Looking for a doctor was harder than anyone expected. Not to mention one that specialized for certain conditions the young girl portrayed.
For one thing, she clung to Snatcher’s side like a lifeline. Barely leaving his side even for a moment. He seemed to take it in stride, but they could see, or rather smell, his limitations when he did get those few rare moments away from her. Thankfully, Snatcher managed to be on his, surprisingly, best behavior with the child as she clinged to him.
“You’re taking this surprisingly well Snatcher darling.” Grooves commented at one time. He only got a gruff huff as a response from the taller male.
Another trait the child showed was that she liked to hide when Snatcher was out. It scared the living day lights out of everyone when it first happened, though she did reappear when Snatcher came back. He wasn’t joking when he said she was shy. The girl couldn’t look anyone in the eye much less say anything. Not even Grooves, a people person at heart, could get her to open up to him.
Cookie was the one who worried most about the young girl. She kept asking Snatcher questions like where did you find her? Which abandoned building was she in? Why is she so thin? What had you been feeding her? Where did she sleep? Is that shirt the only thing keeping her covered? Should we give her a bath? Does she tell you if her wounds hurt? Or where she got those scars? Why haven’t you wrapped them in bandages yet?
The look of annoyance was becoming a common look on Snatcher’s face. Even more than the Conductor’s.
However, her heart was in the right place for the young child. Cookie had made it her sole job to put some weight on the small girl and got every opportunity she could to make something for her to eat. Soft foods mostly. She was still worried about the child’s digestive track.
The job for searching for a doctor somehow landed on the Conductor. The old man had numbers of different doctors and specialists on hand. “Back problems. N’ a few accidents on set.” He handed Cookie a list of numbers. “They should be good ‘nough. Or at least know what tae do.” He pointed to the numbers that he circled that he deemed to be good enough to try.
“Thank you Conductor. Maybe we can try calling one of them later.”
“Or never! That’s an option!” The two adults glared into the living room. Snatcher was splayed out on the couch with the child resting on his chest. “What? If they aren’t good enough then we shouldn’t bother.” He shrugged, earning an eye roll and growl from the two.
It was midday on a Monday when a doctor was finally found. An old friend of the Conductor who had once been a doctor to his own kids long ago. He was pretty much retired but he still took house calls time to time.
The Conductor smiled as he opened the door. “Phylum! Nice tae see ya again ya old cougar!” Conductor pulled his old friend into a hearty hug.
“It’s nice to see you too you haywire.” Phylum smiled, patting the Conductor on the back. “So what’s with the sudden call out of the blue for medical attention? None of your little ones have gotten themselves hurt have they?”
“Pfft! Oh no! Not one of mine! They’re all big n’ have their own wee lil’ ones tae worry ‘bout.” The Conductor ushered his friend inside. “Sorry fer the call last night. Ah know it was late but the relief of findin’ a doctor kinda clouded me mind.”
“It’s fine. No troubles here.” Phylum looked about the living room. “So, where’s my patient? You didn’t give me much detail over the phone when we talked.”
“The spook has her.”
Phylum looked at his friend questionably. “Spook?”
“Snatcher. The one Ah told ya ‘bout last Thanksgivin’ visit.”
Phylum nodded his head slowly, humming in thought. “Ah, yes, him. You showed me that scar he gave you from a ‘little’ argument.”
The Conductor huffed but said nothing.
“So, my patient is a girl then? I hope you aren’t trying to set me up with anyone. Maisie wouldn’t be too happy about that.”
The Conductor scoffed, punching his friend’s shoulder in playful mannerism. “Yer awful ya old cougar! Besides, the lass is a weeeeee bit too young fer yer taste. Not tae mention she’s… uh… well… maybe it’s best tae see fer yerself.” He cupped his hands together around his mouth. “OI! SPOOK! THE DOCTOR IS HERE! GET YER SORRY BUM DOWN HERE WITH THE LASS!”
“Was that necessary?”
“Kind of.” Conductor shrugged, leading his friend to the couch. “He stays up in the upper floors sometimes, though most of the time he tends tae live in the basement.”
“Still not much of a people person I take it?”
“Not in the slightest. Can you believe that? N’ the nerve of him! If Ah had ownership of this place, he would be right out the door!”
Phylum chuckled a little. “I’m certain that he would be out on the streets given what you’ve told me. He certainly doesn’t sound like… like…” Phylum frowned, feeling a small cold shiver go up his spine. He glanced to the hallway, finding golden eyes glaring at him from around the corner.
Phylum jumped, his heart pounding in fear as the eyes bore deep into his very soul. “There ya are ya bum!” Conductor’s voice snapped Phylum out of his terror. “Took ya long enough tae get—!”
“Shh!” The other male hissed, stepping into full view. To Phylum’s surprise, this male was tall. Very tall. Seven feet in height or more in fact if he had to guess. His skin was pale and his build was thin. He seemed to have a theme for purple as his pants with a dark shade of violet and his vest was also a dark shade of purple over his white shirt. Shaggy dark hair reached past his shoulders, his bangs hanging over his eyes with their golden shine peeking through between strands.
The whole demeanor of this fellow screamed unwelcoming and danger all around him… had he not caught sight of a small bundle held in his long arms. “Kid’s asleep.” The man muttered darkly.
“Well the doctor’s here. She can sleep after he’s done lookin’ her over.” Conductor huffed, getting up from his spot on the couch and plopped down in a worn-down red armchair. “Best he gets it done n’ tell us what the damage is now then later.”
The younger male glared at the Conductor but said nothing as he took his spot on the couch, turning his focus on Phylum. The golden eyes looked at him questionably, darting up and down that made the old man feel… uncomfortable. “This guy is the one you had called up?”
“If yer questionin’ my choice in doctors, bum, Ah’ll have ya know he’s the best there ever is! Treated all my young ones when they were me grandkids age.” Conductor huffed, crossing his arms. “If there’s anyone we can trust with this, it’s him.”
“You really know how to put pressure on me old friend.” Phylum chuckled, though there was a hint of nervousness as he turned to the other occupant in the room. “You must be the infamous Snatcher my haywire friend spoke about.” He smiled politely, holding out a hand for him to shake.
“Uh, Phylum? Ah don’t want tae give ya any frights or nothin’ but best tae keep yerself a good distance away from him.” Phylum looked at the Conductor questionably. “New people tend tae make the spook a little edgy n’, eh, they tend tae… ‘lose’ a finger.” He quickly retracted his hand, looking at Snatcher frightfully.
The younger male stared at him before his mouth slowly went into a grin. And not the type of grin that Phylum liked. It was a type of grin that flashed all his teeth and the corners of his mouth reached to heights that he was sure were impossible for normal mouths to do when grinning. And the canines this man had were impressively long if not a little sharp looking.
This was a grin of trickster of dark deeds.
Phylum really didn’t want to be around this man alone.
It was at that moment that small bundle in Snatcher’s arms started moving. The younger adult quickly lost any interest in Phylum and turned his focus on the bundle. “Hey kiddo. Did the old timer wake you up?”
Phylum watched as Snatcher, ignoring the Conductor’s angry sputtering, pulled back some of the blanket aside and revealed a small tired face buried in the fabric. Blue eyes blinked tiredly up at Snatcher, letting out the biggest yawn. “I know I know. I don’t like my naps getting interrupted too. But the doc’s here, so you have to be awake just for a little while okay?”
The old doctor took a chance to scoot a tiny bit closer to Snatcher, adjusting his glasses on his face. From what he could see, her skin was pale too, though not as pale as Snatcher’s skin thank goodness. Her hair was a mess, short and dirty. He could see a scar behind her left ear, though he was sure that it would fade out with time. Little button nose, thin cheeks, dark bags under her eyes… this didn’t paint a nice picture.
“I’m surprised she’s even alive.” Snatcher frowned.
“What’d ya mean doc?”
“I mean with her condition she would likely be dead just about now.” Phylum answered as he set his stethoscope in his bag. “But most of that would be due to starvation. She’s very underweight, smaller than what children her age should be at, and these scars she has.” He took one of the kid’s arms, pointing at certain scars on her skin.  “They looked to have been done intentionally.”
Over in the kitchen, the Conductor did a spit take. “WHAT?!”
“Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up old timer! What do you mean intentionally?! You’re telling me someone do this—” Snatcher pointed to the wounds. “On purpose?!”
“Unless she did it to herself at a younger age with a steady grip, there’s no other explanation for them.” Phylum shook his head, letting on of her arm. “Thankfully those scars aren’t too deep. They’ll fade some in time, but I’m not sure if they’ll ever fully go away.”
Snatcher was in shock. “Someone… did this to her…” He looked down at the small child sitting on his lap. She was curled up with her legs tucked in, staring at the old doctor intently with caution and fear. If Snatcher wasn’t there, he was sure she would have taken off running.
“Peckin’ ifreann!” The Conductor cursed, stomping into the room and taking Phylum by the collar of his shirt. “This isn’t some sick joke tae ya is it Phylum?! No one in their right mind would do somthin’ like that tae a lil’ girl! Ah mean look at her! She’s jus’ a wee thin’! Who would be peckin’ stupid enough tae do such a thin’?!”
“I don’t know! What I do know is that someone did do this to her, and whoever did must be sick in their mind to do such a thing.” The Conductor stared at his friend for a while before releasing his grip, storming off in a fit.
Phylum watched as his friend disappeared behind the corner, sighing sadly before turning to the younger man seated on the couch. Snatcher had his arms wrapped around the girl, holding her close to his body. “… As far as I can tell, there seems to be nothing wrong with her. On the outside. I’ll have the blood samples taken to a lab to see if she has anything in her system we should worry about… If I may ask, how did you ever come across this child?”
Snatcher shrugged. “Found her in an abandoned building all alone. Couldn’t just leave her there ya know?”
Phylum hummed. “Well, it’s certainly a good thing you did. Otherwise who knows what would happen… anyways, I best be off and send these samples in soon. My recommendation would be to put some weight on her and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”
Snatcher just huffed as the doctor left the small apartment.
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rominatrix · 7 years
I missed it. 3 hours and 17 minutes ago, 10 years ago, the doctor was calling me inside an office to tell me that my dad has passed away. I kind of still remember that moment, I was trying to keep it together and putting on a cold mask, trying to be rational and don’t start crying right there. I remember saying “i don’t know what to do now, what do i do know?... i can’t believe it... i just can’t... this can’t be happening” on repeat. I remember the doctor was trying to be sympathetic telling me they couldn't do anything else to save him and I kept agreeing with him. I told him that we brought him with an ambulance full speed the night before because his fever was too high and nothing could bring it down and I can remember there was some music playing on the radio in the ambulance and the siren was loud too and i was touching my dad’s chest and i could hear his breathing and it was an awful noise. It was hard, it was difficult for him to breathe and he was hurting so bad because the cancer had spread all over, inside his bones and the meds he was talking weren’t strong enough. 
I kept seeing people’s faces from the ambulance window and they would look at the ambulance, but they couldnt see inside of course. I wished I was them. Not having to go through this thing that was happening to us. They would go on with their friday night, and my dad was suffering! How dare they!! Why US?!
I thought it was all over again: taking dad to the hospital, him staying for a month or two, us fighting with those nurses that don’t like their job because they are not paid well and they are overworked, fighting with everything and everyone, being exhausted beyond belief and feeling like i couldn’t do enough. Getting upset that my dad wouldn’t recognise ME or wouldn’t drink water or wouldn’t take his meds or his IV would come off because he moved or his diaper wasn’t properly set and it would be a mess. I remember feeling the worst human being in the world for being angry at him. I wasn’t the one with the constant intolerable pain. I didn’t know what was going on in his mind because he couldn’t talk by then. And eventually going back home, and taking care of him with our still limited resources and no money because the person who sustained the house economically was lying in bed just barely there. 
But it wasn’t like that on that cold July 14th, 2007. I remember the night before I got home late because there was a big project we had to finish by monday. I got home and a nurse and she was panicking because his fever wouldn’t lower and my mother didnt know what to do. I told the nurse to go. She was not helping, in fact the opposite. She was being negative af and I didn’t need that right now. She was always so pessimistic and i hated that. I needed someone to calm me down not the opposite. I can’t remember when the ambulance arrived and getting there and talking to the doctor about this nurse and of course retelling the last year and a half of our lives that had been turned upside down. I stayed there for a bit. There was nothing I could do so I said good bye. I was caressing him and telling him he looked lovely and that it was okay. It was okay if he had to leave. That i didn’t want him to suffer anymore and it was okay, that he was endured a lot already. I told him I was going to miss him so much, so much. I would miss everything. That I was sorry that I yelled at him, that I was angry that he was so sick. But that i love him so much. I told him that and then kissed him, tucked him in with the blankets from home, caressed him again, and left. I walked, it was so cold and walked until i got to the bus stop that was very far away. Saw a neighbour there and talked and tried not to cry. I can’t remember that night but i usually used that opportunity when I was alone to cry. 
The next morning we went to the hospital. There was no news. We saw him, touched him. The told us to leave so we went to have breakfast and then I just felt that I had to go ahead first before my mum and brother as they waited to pay. The doctor saw me, the told us they have been looking for us. And that was it. 
I has eating breakfast while my dad was dying. Alone. 
I was angry for a long time and i still sort of am with myself. I was a bit angry at him for being a bloody doctor and not taking care of his fucking prostate knowing damn well about prostate cancer. He just had to keep on working because all of us needed him. I was angry at myself because of that too. I was angry because i got angry at him. I was angry because other people still have their dads. I was angry because of so many things. And now I am still angry because i can’t force myself to visit him at the cemetery. I can’t. I was there when my grandma died 7 years ago and she is buried next to him and we visit him then. But never again. I can’t do it. 
I just miss you so fucking much. I just want to know the you in the future. I want to show you youtube videos, i want to watch hours and hours of netflix with you, there are so many shows you’d love. I want to have a coke with you after work. I want to see you when I wake up late on a sunday and smell the tangerines you loved to eat so much while I kiss your cheek good morning. I want you to be happy that i might be going to London as you tried to help me achieve back then. I want you to try the food i’m making nowadays. I want you to eat sushi, i want you to tell me that i look nice, nobody tells me that anymore dad, nobody. I feel so selfish for missing you this way. I’m sorry.
I love you dad, i will always wonder if you knew. 
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pdanno · 8 years
Jess and Rocky
writing assignment for school- needed 1 dynamic character, 1 static, at least. Set in the distant future. 
Jess always taught Rocky it’s not okay to hurt people, because they’re just people in bad spots. Sometimes, Rocky wonders if Jess is right.
She can tell, even if Jess tried to hide it, that they’re definitely in a bad spot. Still, she knows that the two of them have it better than a lot of people. A tiny, tiny apartment that Jess somehow got. It’s better than the streets. Without Jess, Rocky would probably be dead by now, and Jess is like a sibling. Given, a sibling that is very fond of being a helicopter parent.
Rocky sat up in her pallet, yawning quietly so as not to wake Jess up. They must’ve been out late last night. They’ve been doing that a lot ever since they got the apartment, and Rocky always figures that they’re doing some kind of late night work to pay for it. It exhausts them though, and she worries. Regardless, Rocky steels herself. No food in the pantry for lunch, but she brushes out her short hair and starts out for school. It was a dinky little place, looked like it was made out of scraps compared to the shiny polish of the skyscrapers. The white streets were more of an ash gray around here, and there was still the acrid smell of chemicals and fossil fuels despite them being (technically) banned/depleted for years. If it were up to Rocky, she’d go to work to help get money so eventually the two of them could move out of the neighborhood. But Jess was adamant. No working. Jess wants Rocky to have an education. Even if its an education from a poorly funded school, with teachers who probably don’t have degrees.
Aside from that, work is dangerous. It’s pretty easy to get sick or hurt in the slums, and doctors are so expensive you’d be paying for the treatment for ages. Once, Rocky got real sick. Jess panicked and took her to a doctor. The check up alone took a year to pay off, nearly another for the antibiotics. In the end, Rocky was alright but both kids were far more wary about going to a doctor.
So, Rocky went to school. In some classes, she was the only student. There were maybe 3 teachers, and all looked only marginally better than Rocky felt. She pushed through it, and she walked quickly home at the end of the day, averting her eyes from dark alleyways, and sticking to the LED lit paths home.
“Payment. Before the end of the week, Jess. You don’t work this out, and everything’s done. “
“I don’t give a flying rats ass about anything, no excuses. I get my payment. One way or another.”
Rocky hesitated at the rickety door leading into the one room apartment. She’d never heard the mans’ voice before, and it sounded angry. Rough.
“Jess?” She called out quietly, before pushing the door open with a grating screech.
“Rocks! M- I hope school went well!” Jess looked away from a tall man. He was in a clean suit with crisp white cuffs, and he looked out of place. Jess’ eyes were just a touch too big,  their expression strained.
“Who’s this? Rocks?” The man turned, his expression cold and unreadable.
“It’s Rochelle, uh, sir.” Rocky shifted her feet, looking back and forth between the tall man and Jess.
The man offered a warm smile, his stance changing from hostile to friendly in an instant. “Well, hello there Rochelle. It’s nice to meet you. Is Mx. Jess your friend?”
The smile didn’t reach his eyes.
Rocky gathered herself and took a breath before smiling brightly. “It’s nice to meet you too!  Yeah, Jess is real nice and all, they’re my friend. What’s your name?” Her smile was unsteady, and her voice cracked mid sentence, but she kept her expression impressively consistent.
“Mr. Lawrence works just fine. Now, I think my business here has concluded, Mx. Jess, Miss. Rochelle, I hope you have a fine afternoon.” Mr. Lawrence adjusted his cufflinks, and strode out the door. As the screeching stopped and the door clicked shut, both Jess and Rocky deflated.
“Don’t worry ‘bout him, kay Rocks? Just a grumpy old landlord,” Jess attempted to console Rocky who despite her good show earlier, was shaking slightly. She didn't entirely know why. “Now. Got any homework?” Rocky nodded, glad for the distraction. “Here, I’ll help.”
Rocky pulled on her messenger bag, tugging it onto the top of the cheap table in the middle of the room. She took out a small rectangle, pulling the sides out and laying it on the table to reveal a blue screen. The black edges of it were worn and scratched, with the words “Property of District 504” written into the side. Both Rocky and Jess sat at their table, with Jess helping sounding out unfamiliar words and math problems. Before long, the only light in the room was from the screen and a rainbow of neon filtering through the blinds on the window.
Rocky rolled over in her pallet. “..Jess?”
“Yeah?” Rocky could just make out Jess’ silhouette, bending over to tie their boots up.
“Can you tell me a story?” She was having trouble sleeping. Stories always calmed her, distracted her and let her fall asleep and forget everything. Jess sighed.
“Sure, sweetie. Wanna hear ‘bout some princesses? Gotta make it a short one, work starts in just a bit.” Jess glanced at the clock at the same time as Rocky. It was 1 AM.
“Princesses work,” Rocky declared, swaddling herself in her thin blanket.
And so, Jess spun a tale, of princesses living in luxury. Their father was a kind man, until he died and the kingdom fell into despair. After the Queen died as well, their stepfather took over as regent, and the girls escaped to a magical place, where they could spend ages in, talking and laughing and enjoying themselves. They always had to return to their stepfather though, who was cruel and unforgiving. One day, the eldest princess hatched a plan. Eventually, through determination, she overthrew the man, and became Queen. The kingdom was happy again, and the princesses could live happily ever after.
By the end of the story, Rocky had quietly dozed off. Jess sighed again, rubbing their eyes. They were so tired. But Rocky deserves better than this dump, and so do they. So, Jess picked themselves up, made sure Rocky was properly tucked in, and opened their door as quietly as possible. They were lucky Rocky was a heavy sleeper.
Rocky woke up, feeling groggy. Looking over to where Jess usually sleeps, their bed was neatly made but empty. She drew her eyebrows together, but went about her normal morning routine. Maybe Jess got held up? ‘By what?’ she asked herself, worried. She decided, it would be better to just wait. All the same, on her way to school, she looked around a far bit more than usual. She was so distracted that she ran into a muddy puddle accidentally, and cursed quietly under her breath. Rocky looked up sharply, a habit. If Jess was near, they’d have reprimanded her. She was too young to swear and such. Rocky rolled her eyes even thinking about it, though it made her smile.
She continued on. Going home wouldn’t do any good, these were her only pants.
Halfway to school, Rocky heard an unusual sound coming from the nearby alleyway, and despite her instincts, she glanced in and gasped. There were people with gang tattoos on their upper arms, surrounding someone. It looked like it’d been going on for a while, because a few of ‘em were on the ground, knocked out. Whoever was in the middle was definitely holding their own, from the sound of it. Despite herself, Rocky hung near, fixated. She hid behind the wall to the alleyway, only her head visible.
“You-“ Someone made a low, guttural sound. They’d gotten hit. “Need-“ Another. “To get OUT.”
Rocky recognized the voice “Jess!” She blindly rushed into the alleyway, holding her bag with white knuckles, but she tripped on something, falling down the the ground.
“No-no! Rocky-“ Jess was shouting now. Rocky couldnt see them, but their voice went from angry to panicked in a heartbeat.  There was another big grunt, and Rocky heard someone hit the ground, hard. One of the gang members laughed, and Rocky heard their boots scuff the ground before it found its place and someone gasped for breath.
Finally getting the strength to try to get up, Rocky struggled to her elbows, her feet scraping at the ground trying to catch up
“Stay down.” Rocky heard another familiar voice, but was too panicked to place it. She winced, falling back down and shivering. She waited. And waited. She could hear that they were all gone, but... Her eyes were glued shut, she didn’t want to look. She couldn’t. When she finally got enough willpower to open her eyes, she shakily got to her feet and felt the sting of cuts on her elbows and knees.
Jess was on the ground, curled in the fetal position. Their knuckles looked swollen and red, and their nose was broken badly. “Jess!”
“Rocky.” Jess coughed, and struggled to get air. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to protect you, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Rocky.”  
Jess always told Rocky it’s not okay to hurt people. Sometimes, Rocky still believes them.
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