#when hed recovered enough to like. not be completely out of it like he was when i found him he was all confused
cherry-shipping · 2 years
I HAD A DREAM ABOUT SANS AND PAPYRUS......!!!!!!! i dreamt papyrus got really sick and then sans got even more sick from working himself too hard trying to take care of everything. so i took care of them both and tucked them into bed and read them stories and talked to them and made them food and everything. it was really nice
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jettorii · 1 year
ninjago main four tk headcanons :]
this is my overly large collection of hcs that just either popped in my head or were taken from asks ive gotten so thank you to everyone that gave a little contribution!!!(and to rico MUAH thank you for letting me plagiarize some of your hcs >:]
- you cannot tell me they all dont get into tickle fights all the damn time
- as a welcome gift for kai becoming part of the team, the three ganged up and tickled him (all of them made sure he was fine with it first, asking what he thought about tickles and kai just turned bright red)
- theyve turned saturdays to their annual tickle fight competition, where they all gather in the room and see who can last the longest without tapping out
- (winner gets to skip out on chores for the entire week, but typically gets tickled the most throughout it because everyone is a sore loser LFMAO)
- casual cuddle nights where it always somehow turns into tickling. idfk at least one of them decides to start something, let it be accidental or not one of them tickles another then suddenly its a pile of lego men laughing
- like theyre so close to falling asleep but cole decides theyre not sleeping and slowly claws along jays tummy waking everyone up with a screech
- suddenly the two are in this mosh pit of a tickle fight while zane and kai are groaning about how they just want to sleep
- but eventually they do get dragged into it farewell zzs 😞😞
- extremely touch starved but scared to actually engage or ask for it himself
- which was before he met the ninja
- was flabbergasted when he saw how physically close everyone was with each other
- not just the constant tickle fights, but hugs, cuddles and occasional kisses theyd give
- which is basically how they found out he was ticklish
- like the three would be so touchy with kai like, hugging and inviting him over to cuddle with them but kai would get so flustered hed just. quickly spit out some things and run
- they all didnt want him to feel uncomfortable so they never pushed, so when kai did willingly join them at some point cole got wayy too hyper he went crazy peppering kais neck n ears with kisses just to hear kai shriek
- then things really turned forward
- is the biggest blusher omfg its so cute
- panicked, boisterous laughter while making multiple attempts to hide his face hes so blushy
- of course the ninja didnt let him hide his face, they once trapped kai in a cuddle hug with his arms trapped under two of them, while at the same time all were giving him tickly kisses
- with kai in this position he wias so fucking red lmdao they love him too much
- cant take tickle kisses, nibbles or gnaws for the life of him omfg
- which all the ninjas know and take complete advantage of
- they not only tickle really bad but get him super red at the same time bonus bonus
- has to be super careful when cuddling with cole because one time he trapped kai in this monster lock hug from the front and nuzzled his tummy with kisses and nibbles
- kai never recovered from this he was screaming so loud
- stubborn and cocky, so everyone likes taking him down a peg by melting him into a puddle of giggles
- hes super susceptible to slow teases + tickles
- aggressive tickles are ones to get him howling, but the gentle ones drive him crazy
- in reference to what i said earlier, monster lock hug from cole. then slow, wiggly fingers grazing along his hips was enough for kai that day
- he couldnt do anything but slap on coles shoulder, make several attempts to hide his face and made these funky unintelligible grumbles
- and to make it worse, cole was monstrous with the compliment + teasing combo
- never recovered from this
- didnt even know this but he has horribly sensitive feet as well
- bruggghh who let him decide it would be a good idea to provoke zane by poking him with his dogs
- kai did and hes stupid
- zane didnt even blink when he grabbed kais ankle and proceeded to tickle the daylights out if his sole until the others rushed in confused
- i dont think i talked about his hips but yeah. genuinely terrible spot for him. i dont even feel bad hes a little loser
- once again. screaming when jay decided it would be fun to pin kai down and squeeze his hips like no tomorrow
- the ninja just all love to tickle him to pieces okay
- i may have gone a little insane on the lee hcs but hes also one hell of a ler
- super big on teases + pretty competitive ler
- pretty sure hes made zane short circuit from teases solely at least once
- like his ultimate goal is to fluster the shit out of whoever hes tickling
- ((mainly because he wants revenge for all the times the other ninja had made him all blushy because hes a loser
- he will never feel satisfied unless he is able to be as mean as he can fr omg
- like he once picked on jay by locking him in this weird ass position where kai could freely claw at his tummy while having the freedom to say as many teases as he can WHILE noting down what got him more frantic
- like this man takes tickling so seriously its hilarious he will always have some sort of mental note on what teases work on the other the best
- everyone hates him for this. absolutely despises him
- would get into absolute competitive rounds of tickle fights with cole where the two would literally be at each others throats for first place
- kai found this little technique where he'll climb up behind cole, wrap his legs and arms around him and tickle him senseless until he gives up
- works majority of the time because cole cant shake him off unless hes able to grab kais knee
- kai is crazy stubborn so he wont give up until cole is at his death spots??? but either way kai is still going to try his damn hardest to flip things around again even if hes shrieking
- shrieker, screamer and snorter
- babbles when he notices the others about to tickle him he will freak out
- nearly bust kais eardrums when he snuck up and tickled jay for the first time
- yet kai still does it because he finds the whole situation fucking hilarious
- chasing or any sort of anticipation gets him SO bad
- jay despises it when cole decides to chase him because he is SO jumpy and frantic and literally cannot deal with the anticipation
- like he'll be dashing around but be much more giddy than usual because. adrenaline.
- cole would be trying to make the air much more tense with teases while hunting him down, but jay literally yells throughout giggles for him to stop LMFAO
- "when i catch you, im going to-"
- most tickly tummy out of everyone
- its his immediate death spot, he'll be scream laughing right away
- cole decided it would be fun to nom on his belly and jay died
- goodbye boy you will be missed
- even zane joined in on the fun, making cole hold jays arms above his head to allow zane to slowly claw his cold hands along jays skin
- bro was SO loud and frantic shaking his head like crazy he basically shook the entire room
- he also remembers how kai walked in on this entire scene happening, took one look and immediately walked right out
- jay got him afterwards for leaving him in the dust
- big unintentional thrasher
- hes probably given wayy too many injuries to everyone unintentionally LFMAO
- kicked kai in the stomach once, smacked cole in the face and elbowed zane in the shoulder
- probably laughed harder at this happening than being tickled
- even gets sparks of lightning that shoot out his hands when hes laughing
- they can come in waves either being strong or weak, but either way when it hits his ler, it tickles
- jay loves when this happens and would purposely aim his hands towards the spots of whoevers tickling him
- which is why all the ninja have learned its best to pin at least a hand over jays head before wrecking him
- also has extremely high pitched panicked giggles that they all find extremely endearing muahmfuah
- like his voice will go so high pitched they all call him the squeaky toy
- used to be a little bit insecure about his laugh because he thought it was weird when hed squeak
- but all the compliments and sweet teases say otherwise so jay shuts up when hes about to say something negative about his laugh
- he said it once and got tickled with so much love from the three
- its just soso sweet im going to go cry he <3
- absolute mean ass gremlin ler
- was the one who introduced tickling as their daily thing to bug each other with
- and started a shit ton of tickle fights throughout their time together
- he was the one who introduces the idea of having a tickle tournament because hed thought it would be fun
- hes been tickled so many times so dont think he wont remember all the different techniques he picked up
- i feel like everyone actually underestimated his ability to tickle others at first because he was just a silly little guy but noo they were all so wrong
- uses his lightning to tickle others because hes a little shit that is able to use his powers to his advantage
- everyone hates him for this because 1. theyre salty they cant use their powers for this intent and 2. it tickles like crazy
- uses this specifically for poking/ tazing people with his powers or just grabbing at ribs
- jay tickled cole so bad with his tazes once and cole in return gave jay one of the most intense chases hes ever had in his life
- like full blown tickle monster chasing after a banshee
- also found out zane is the most susceptible to his tazes because they affect him much more than normal tickles
- and WILL take that to his advantage because when jay does use his powers, zane is scream thrashing which he almost never does
- hes also pretty big on anticipation because he knows how bad it gets him so he just has to do it to the others
- coos and laughs along with who hes tickling because he finds it super silly and sweet
- looves squeezing because he feeds on seeing the person hes tickling thrashing around while hes just having a good time
- literally always the first one to start any tickle fights
- unprovoked will sneak up behind one of them and squeeze their spots until they crumble
- kind of just. takes the tickles unless it gets to a very specific spot
- has a really soft, breathy laugh that the others swoon on
- when you get one of his bad spots, he'll glitch a bit along with a high pitched squeak, but it wont hurt him
- he'll also uncharacteristically thrash and squirm!!!! gets more frantic n giggly which everyone loves
- in a way his little glitch like a high pitched squeak/snort that makes zanes movements much more reactive, like he'll gently push at hands and slowly try to slink away
- the first time this happened everyone freaked out and zane had to reassure that he was okay and just another way of laughing when things get a bit hysterical
- now they all think its the cutest thing ever and tickle him just so they can hear his laughter and his little squeaks
- all the ninja are SO soft about it too, always checking in to see if anything may be too overwhelming for zane as its a completely new sensation
- he is fine, he likes having this little bonding moment w them
- jay bullies him a lot solely because his electricity has been by far one of the most effective ways of getting zane to crumple to the ground
- zane is known to kind of just let out his little breathy laughs and squirm a bit, which is why it was incredibly surprising to both parties when jay snuck up behind him, tased his ribs and the next second zane barked out a laugh and fell down LMFAO
- they both looked at each other for a second before cackling because it was funny, then the next it was a whole different type of laughter because jay did it again but with full on tickles
- also has very sensitive ears and hands!!!! jumped a mile high when cole decided it would be a good idea to breathe down his neck and the story ends there LDMAO
- actually used to be. pretty neutral about tickling until it became a daily bonding activity hed do with the others
- tickling makes him feel more human as well and acts as a comfort to him that he knows he can be tickled just like the ninja can
- was actually worried at first he wouldnt be ticklish but cole was not taking that and did his silly little experiment and now :]]]]
- AND didnt know he could be this panicked and flustered while being tickled, because his system never really had to experience this type of emotion before but he liked it a lot
- although it did make him even more blushy because it was a good realization he had
- cold and calculated movements when tickling otners
- tickles the others the least, but when he does or is about to, everyone sprints
- found this function where he can jitter his fingers really fast along any spot which drives all of them insane
- zane gathered everyone so he could demonstrate and used jay as his guinea pig only for him to scream and jump a mile high
- they all ran afterwards
- AND along with this he also uses it on his lips when hes giving raspberries
- when i say jay dies this man dies on spot when this happens
- zane had him pinned and jay saw him prepping to turn the feature on and he was SCREAMING before it even started LMFAOO
- he picks on everyone when they least expect it because when his attacks happen, theyre brutal
- like once jay wrecked the absolute living shit out of zane
- and in casual zane style he let jay be on his toes for a week expecting revenge
- buut forgot about it afterwards and let his guard down
- which is when zane casually just walked up behind jay when he was talking to nya, scoops him up and takes him away for sweet sweet revenge
- jay didnt even know it was revenge until zane pinned him down and pulled his shirt up to reveal his tummy then immediately began to screech
- likes 'chasing' kai and shoving his hands under his shirt with his reasoning being "my system needs a warmup"
- they both know its bullshit so it just turns into this overdramatic chase around the room where kai is SPRINTING while zane is casually walking towards him because he knows he'll catch him
- in the end zane always catches him one way or another and wiggles his fingers where its nice and cozy
- gets kai the worst because of this sole reason,, the icy hands just make him much more sensitive to zanes tickles
- super brutally honest with his teases
- its not even teases its literally just him pointing out the obvious yet everyone seems to??? hate it more when its the truth?????
- never really understood it when each time hed do this theyd tell him to shut up but at the same time he found it really amusing
- solely because it would make their reactions even more sillier and he found it v endearing
- WILL ALSO reveal anyones spots without any warning like hes stating a fun fact
- and just. knows. he knows.
- he’ll take one look at someone and make his silly calculated guess and itll always somehow be a spot that makes the person rush into a panic
- none of the ninja know how he does it but they all collectively agree that it is both amazing and terrible at the same time
- loves doing it because he says “i like learning about anatomy”
- which is bullshit he just likes being mean
- like he’ll pay extra attention to each and every rib when tickling the life out of either of the ninja
- found a very specific rib on the higher end with cole that has him howling and has kept this information to himself for the longest time
- mainly because no one has asked yet because he exposes everyones spots when asked LFMAO
- at some point all the ninjas thought this hoe wasnt ticklish because he was so good at hiding it
- and absolutely loved keeping his reputation as the high and mighty tickle monster out of all of them
- like hed dodge the question by tickling the person asking to pieces so they forget or would just drop the question
- or the ninja would poke him, but since cole was expecting it, he could control his reactions pretty well
- buut no secrets are hidden in this household
- and if you live with a few other curious ninja i dont think anything will be left unsettled
- zane literally unprovoked and out of nowhere sneaks up behind him and claws at coles ribs making him let out one of the loudest shrieks everyones heard
- mind you this was when they were all casually chatting in their rooms
- theres like a moment of silence for everyone to process this until its absolute chaos
- jay is screaming "YOU LIAR" while kai wrestles cole to the ground with zane whos smirking at the situation unfold
- has ridiculously ticklish thighs that no one knew about until jay was being a little silly and ran his fingers along coles inner thigh
- the two were lounging on the couch with cole who had one of his legs on jay just for that to happen and nearly kneed him in the face
- jay immediately gasped in shock and started laughing, gave a few more squeezes up on his thigh until cole pounced
- cole literally had to tickle the shit out of jay to keep him from telling the others (theyll find out eventually)
- not too much of a thrasher or one to get away, but he'll say things that mean the opposite yet the ninja can clearly tell hes enjoying it
- which gets him horrendously flustered that they all noticed it
- "get AWAY!!"
- "then why arent you running??"
- or one time zane had cole all propped up in his lap and was slowly circling his finger along his ribs driving him into a giggling frenzy
- but zane being zane noticed immediately that cole was leaning more towards him than away
- "if you say you hate this, then why are you leaning into my fingers?"
- cole just buried his face hes not dealing with that question
- then zane asked why this question got to cole so bad in front of EVERYONE and suddenly jay and kai are also mildly flustered but now know what gets to cole
- was and still is extremely embarassed over how ticklish he is in his little specific spots
- like. hes so used to people perceiving him as the tough big guy so he tries to live up to those expectations only to crumble under a few wiggly fingers
- which everyone except for cole LOVED because they thought it was so sweet n cute
- they all dont really make fun of him for this but they just. yeah they love tickling him n hearing him giggle
- self proclaimed tickle monster out of the bunch which pisses everyone off because hes right
- absolutely no mercy when hes getting any of the three fr they all know when his mind is set on tickling someone they are going to get tickled
- which always leads into this gigantic tickle fight which begins with cat and mouse, or if its kai this man wont even run he'll try to fight back which just results in even more chaos
- has this little signature smile or look that everyone knows they have to prepare for
- like they could literally just be watching a movie and cole will dramatically look to one of them and they KNOW shits going down
- big on tickle kisses, bites and nibbles nom nom nom
- he likes pretending whoever hes tickling is his food and does these little playful growls when nomming on them
- done this way too many times to jay because it gets him the best
- or just casually grabbing someone, picking them up and wrecking the absolute life out of them
- likes manhandling his lees because all they can do is just kick their legs and hope he'll go easy on them
- like hes literally thrown kai over his shoulder and scribbled his knees
- mf couldnt do anything except lightly pound on his back
- once tickled all three ninja at once it was wild
- beat them all at a video game and as "losers punishment", he made them lie down next to each other back against the floor
- then proceeded to give left hand to kai, right hand to zane and raspberries to jay who was dubbed the shitty shitty loser
- he was so good at it too???? sir how and why would you do this to them
- it got so loud to the point where lloyd ran in and started shouting at them to shut the fuck up
- man needs to play his roblox in peace without them screeching in the back
- he scared off lloyd when cole yelled he was going to get him next
- cole and jay would be having tickle fights in some of the worst situations possible it was both ridiculous and entertaining for kai and zane
- like theyd be having a lecture from sensei wu and cole would sneak jabs at jays ribs making him shriek
- sensei wu was not amused
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas
Meat, page 38
DAVE: hey
DAVE: want to get drunk
DAVE: i went and got all this fucking booze
DAVE: yeah check it
DAVE: yeah i walked into the boozery all pigeon toed and embarrassed
DAVE: like some fuckin hooch noob
DAVE: was all like yo whats the most pathetic thing you got to drink yourself to death with
DAVE: passed right by the box wine
DAVE: the bagged wine
DAVE: the shots they put in those little blister packs by the register
DAVE: the wine in the little sippy cups with the disposable plastic straws like juice for fucking babies
DAVE: i made that last one up i dont actually know anything about alcohol
DAVE: anyway two plastic soda bottles of vodka cooler seems to be about where were at right now
DAVE: i think thats what this is anyway
DAVE: i dont really care long as it gets the job done
DAVE: i decided that im an alcoholic now
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: its never too late to develop a substance abuse problem
DAVE: ive been thinking about it for a while and it seems like its time for me to finally get on the wagon of not being on the wagon
DAVE: thanks
DAVE: anyway hows the inauguration
DAVE: you having a good time dwelling on every tiny little factor that cumulatively led to our electoral defeat
DAVE: and how if just one thing had been different it would have been us up there
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: i mean, like
DAVE: i just keep imagining what wouldve happened if that absurd rube goldberg machine of life ruining humiliation had been stopped at any point
DAVE: maybe just being backstabbed by his endorsement alone was something we couldve recovered from with some rigorous counter campaigning
DAVE: but what if i had been fast enough to cut him off before hed even said anything
DAVE: what if i hadnt accidentally fallen on him on the stage when i was rushing over there to stop him
DAVE: what if he hadnt freaked out like i set off fireworks next to a nam vet and started trying to fucking scrum me
DAVE: what if id just backed away from his punch with my legs like a normal person instead of warping the flow of time to escape causing him to become so startled he shit his pants
DAVE: what if i hadnt gotten so visibly grossed out by the smell that even the people watching it on tv could tell what had happened
DAVE: what if he hadnt started sobbing when the audience in the front rows started throwing up
DAVE: what if wed had better security and stopped that lady from running onstage during the fracas and announcing that jake has been dodging paying child support for their 3 kids
DAVE: like what was the LINE
DAVE: you think
DAVE: yeah see thats why im an alcoholic now
DAVE: want a drink
DAVE: dude come on
DAVE: wait was there a troll obama
DAVE: karkat
DAVE: you wouldve been so much more than obama
DAVE: yeah buddy whats up
DAVE: hey dont worry about it
DAVE: you dont have to explain yourself to me
DAVE: i get it
DAVE: it makes sense. id always felt the same way kind of
DAVE: like about all my shit with sburb and whatever. the reluctant heros journey
DAVE: that feeling where youre being dragged along to being a kind of guy everyone is saying you have to be but youve never felt like theres any way you can really BECOME
DAVE: where every second you feel so sick with your own self doubt and fear that you cant bear to even imagine the future
DAVE: and you think
DAVE: why me
DAVE: even though you know it cant be anyone but you
DAVE: and thats why you do it
DAVE: lol
DAVE: huh
DAVE: for what
DAVE: me too
DAVE: felt like what
DAVE: so what youre saying is you believe in me who believes in you
DAVE: i know
DAVE: oh
DAVE: same
DAVE: so...
DAVE: huh
DAVE: no
DAVE: sorry i just had an absolutely insane train of thought that kind of sent me for a loop
DAVE: no its extremely better that i dont tell you
DAVE: i kind of forgot what we were talking about because it was so awful
DAVE: oh right
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: all that shit you said about us being friends and on the same level or whatever
DAVE: yeah i feel the same way basically
DAVE: or like
DAVE: well
DAVE: im not sure that i like...
DAVE: hm.
DAVE: im kind of getting the feeling that... maybe...
DAVE: theres a level to what were thinking that isnt entirely coming across in words
DAVE: and since we dont have the right words we arent getting to the right actions either
DAVE: like maybe we feel the same way about certain things
DAVE: but what were saying and what were feeling
DAVE: maybe those arent exactly the same thing
DAVE: and maybe... we should...
DAVE: maybe its time to
DAVE: talk
DAVE: about... that
DAVE: yeah, like
DAVE: how... when you say were friends
DAVE: what... does that mean
DAVE: yeah but
DAVE: is that it?
DAVE: just friends
KARKAT: YOU’RE MY...........
KARKAT: B......
DAVE: oh
DAVE: i see
DAVE: well
DAVE: ok then
DAVE: karkat
DAVE: i think i
DAVE: wait
DAVE: fuck
DAVE: no
DAVE: i just cant
DAVE: shit
DAVE: it just feels like
DAVE: what the fuck is going on
DAVE: this feels really off
KARKAT: ????
DAVE: idk
DAVE: i just keep having thoughts i know id never think
DAVE: i have no idea
DAVE: im sorry
KARKAT: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAVE: dude
DAVE: come here...
0 notes
souryogurt64 · 2 years
is there any proof that Pete has recovered from his misogynist era or do I just have to trust him 🙏
he hasnt said anything thats seriously annoyed me in like ten years. unlike when i was a literal child i understand now that he was kind of a completely awful person and people not might like me or want to associate with me for being a fan or whatever. but at the end of the day im not (that) terminally online and i understand most people outside of childrens cartoon discourse websites think its much cooler to like a rock band
he talks a lot about how hes grown as a person and he realized when he had his son that he had spent his entire life being shitty, on loveline he said he realized for the "past 29 years hed been the most selfish creature thats ever existed" and he said about tttyg “It would be fraudulent for me to write piss-you-to-put-you-out lyrics anymore. I have better self-examination and I am in a better place. I know people hang onto that, but it’s not real. It’s not me anymore.” ashlees new husband or whatever speaks very highly of him which a lot of people think is telling since she was the one that left him and he had a history of being violent jealous and controlling
the whole time ive been a fan hes had the same girlfriend and hasnt had any scandals or even rumors of scandals and just seems focused on being a father. and like people really do hear about those things if they get bad enough, another high profile frontman in a similar music genre for example has had some episodes over recent years where hes yelled at a waitress and called her a bitch or theres been insane public arguments at his house, and i dont think that guy is a bad person either but my point is nobody really hears that about pete but they used to which makes me feel like he just doesnt act like that anymore. if that makes sense
i do think hes probably still kind of sexist in general because old habits die hard but i think hes matured a lot and is less of a dick about it and just tries to be a decent normal guy these days
i think the biggest thing is that i got a message from someone who was a young female minimum wage employee in chicago in like 2004 and she described him as an absolute nightmare that came in with his friends and they made a huge scene and loudly ranked waitresses out of 10 and told them to smile and didnt tip. but i recently got a message from a different young female minimum wage employee who works at a store that he regularly shops at now and she described him as very kind, polite, quiet and socially anxious/nervous.
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chalkmarkers · 3 years
hq characters and how they’d react to you holding their hand for the first time pt. 1
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includes: karasuno and nekoma
a/n: this is my first headcannon and i honestly did NOT expect to write this much but i was having a big brain moment so i hope you all enjoy :) part two will include fukurodani, aoba johsai, and shiratorizawa <3
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hinata - this boy is dramatic about everything, his face turns beat red as your skin makes contact with his. he will look at you, look at your hand, look back at you, back at your hand, at least 4 times. After calming down from stuttering for almost a whole minute, he realizes hes not imagining it, and his face lights up with joy and pride as he continues to walk- no, SKIP to your destination swinging your hand enthusiastically. all you can do is giggle at the bright ball of joy and skip along with him
kageyama- this man does not know how to react at ALL. all he knows is he has to look cool. at first glance he looks unphased, but upon closer inspection you can see the tips of his ears are bright red as hes trying to hold back the giddiest smile. eventually he gives your hand a nice lil squeeze of affirmation and looks the other way as you continue walking
yamaguchi- a flustered mess honestly, and adorable at that. he’ll flinch a little as your hand first grabs his and his face will light up. hes not sure what to say or do about it but on the inside hes just so happy to have you, so after a few seconds of him trying to hide his obvious blush and calm his composure, he’ll interlock your fingers and give you the softest smile ever
tsukishima- tsukki isnt really one for physical affection, so it takes a while before you can get the courage to hold his hand. youre walking to school together and youre still quite far from the building, so there arent many people around if any, so you decide its the perfect opportunity. once your fingers first meet his, he flinches and pulls away ever so slightly. he’ll slightly glance at you questionably and see your expression drop after his rejection. he hates seeing you even the smallest bit upset so this hurt him a bit. his face softens as he looks away and grabs your hand ever so slightly. your surprised look then beaming smile at him is something he can’t resist and his lips form the biggest smile you’ve seen from him yet (which is still pretty small). you hold his hand will joy and pride all the way until you get closer to the school and more people start to gather around, which signals his release from his grasp. he truly appreciates and adores how much you respect his boundaries and if youre patient enough, he’ll be holding your hand all the way to the classroom
nishinoya - similar to hinata, noya is very dramatic about this encounter. He will stop dead in his tracks and simply stare at your interlocked hands for a while, wiggling his fingers and inspecting your hand, almost to confirm that what is happening is real. After a good minute he’ll look up at you and give you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen as he literally jumps with joy and pride as he too will skip to your destination, dragging you along with him as he screams in excitement
tanaka- tanaka.exe has stopped working. He’ll be pretty casual about it at first, not really noticing the contact, but after a few seconds he finally realizes that you are in fact holding hands. This simple interaction is enough to fill tanaka to the brim with joy, pride, excitement, and embarrassment. He’d be a blushing mess, but, like kageyama, he will try to keep a cool facade. He’s now switched into protective mode and is glaring daggers at any man you pass by, causing you to laugh and adore how protective and sweet he is. After this, you can expect him to be holding your hand everywhere you go from now on ;)
daichi - Daichi isn’t as reactive as the others, but on the inside hes just as flustered and happy as he can be. He’ll be surprised by the sudden contact at first, giving your hand a glance as you interlock your fingers with his. He takes a moment to really notice how small your hands are compared to his and he finds this absolutely adorable. He’ll look up at you and simply take in your beauty, truly appreciating that you are now his as he brings your hand up to his lips and places a soft kiss on the back of your palm, causing you to slightly blush. Your gaze never leaves in front of you and yet you can still see the soft smile daichi has on his face as you continue to walk
sugawara- suga would be a nice combination of daichi and noya, immediately blushing the second your hand meets his. Hed be stuttering for a few seconds after that, trying to really take in just how adorable you are. This simple interaction pulls at the poor boys heart strings so hard he has to grip his chest just to calm down his racing heart beat. All it takes is one look at you and that precious smile to calm him down almost instantly. He takes a minute to just gaze at your features, taking in the entirety of your beauty. The boy can’t help but smile lovingly at you as all he can say after that is a simple but heartfelt “i love you”
asahi - much to your surprise, asahi is calmer than you thought he would be. As soon as the tip of your finger meets his, your hand melts into his, almost like he had been waiting for it. He grips your hand so softly as this time, you're the one to be surprised at the sudden gesture. You look down at his hand to see him gently rubbing circles against the back of your palm with his thumb. You look up to see him already staring back at you. A soft grin planted on his face, one that doesn’t leave for the entire duration of the walk. While on any other day, asahi would be nervous and flustered by the sudden interaction, something about today told him all he needed was the touch of your hand in his, and he was more than happy to accept your hand fully
kuroo- kuroo had been teasing you all day, leaving you quiet flustered as the two of you walk to the train station after school. He had finally given it a rest as he went on talking about just about anything he could think of. You listened in adoration as he went on and on about one thing after another. Almost instinctively your hand reached up to grab his, which shut him up IMMEDIATELY. You looked up at him confused to see his face painted red all over, simply staring at your hand interlocked with his. This boy’s reaction is absolutely adorable, reaching his free hand up to cover up his face as he seems to subconsciously squeeze your hand,,, a little too tight. He notices your fingers loosen in his hand as he realizes hes squeezing too hard and immediately softens his grip, wanting nothing more than to have your hand in his forever. He tries his best to recover as quick as he can as he goes right back to teasing you, this time twice as much, leaving you to look away in embarrassment. All kuroo can do is chuckle and look at you with the most adoration ever. He’s so lucky to have someone like you in his life and he doesn’t intend to let you go.
kenma- of course mans always has his game in his hands when going anywhere, so holding his hand was a bit difficult to do. You had to somehow get him to put his game down so you could even get the chance. You had absolutely no idea what could possibly get him to put that thing down, so you thought the best thing to do would to be to grab his hand before he could even reach for his game, and thats just what you did. You couldn’t do it in school knowing that kenma wasn’t the biggest fan of pda, so you decided to wait for him to pick you up one morning to initiate your plan. He never has his game in his hand when he first comes to your door, simply out of respect, so right as you open the door to greet him, you take your chance. Greeting him with a smile, he asks if your ready to go, you reply with a giddy “yup” as you grab his hand and start walking. Kenma is baffled to say the least by this sudden interaction, and at first he’s not sure how he feels about it. But seeing the smile on your face as you were finally able to hold his hand clears his mind almost instantly as he simply smiles at you and gives your hand a soft squeeze. He didn’t even think about his games once on your walk
yaku- yaku is very similar to suga, except more cocky. He’ll be walking you to school, simply checking up on your health, asking how you’ve been, if you ate, drank water, etc. which made you really appreciate how much the small boy really cared about you. It was an almost subconscious reaction to reach for his hand and once you realized what you were doing, you hesitated ever so slightly, buuuuuut it was too late as your fingers were already touching his. Noticing your slight hesitation yaku takes initiative and grabs your hand firmly, still going on about your health and other daily things. You look up to see a faint yet very noticeable blush spread across his cheeks and ears, causing you to smile, yaku notices, which only makes his blush grow more as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. Little do you know the man was internally screaming the second he felt your fingers touch his
lev- lev had been resting his arm on your head once again, teasing you about your height as if he himself wasn’t a walking beanpole. Quite frustrated with his constant teasing, you simply grabbed his hand from atop your head and held it to your side. Lev is of course taken aback by this, his face burning up. But hey, he;s stopped teasing you, so it’s a win for you,,, orrrrrr so you think. As soon as lev regains his composure he immediately goes back to teasing you about how you’re so short your have to reach up just to hold his hand, which of course being the petty one you are, makes you let go, causing lev’s personality to do a complete 180 again. He almost instantly grabs your hand once again, quite embarrassed, this time only walking in a comfortable silence as all he can think is how cute you look holding his hand, he of course wont say this to you though
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sagetsukimura · 3 years
Dropping a Naruto drabble here, completely unedited for anything approaching coherence or clarity, because I doubt I'll ever actually do anything with it. Spelling errors abound, and I have. It been in this fandom in so long pleas forgive mistakes! Head cannons involved include...
Hinata Hyuga did not go quietly
Hinata Hyuga suffered nerve damage from electrical ninjutsu when she was kidnapped
This had lasting effects such as muscle weakness, trembling, numbness, and confusion
Her father does love her but is very, very bad at showing it and forgets that's positive affirmation is important to teaching
Politics are bullshit (how do page breaks?!)
Here's a secret only a dead man knew; Hinata Hyuga did not go quietly.
When they took her, when she realized what was happening, she was not quiet. She screamed. She yelled and threatened and howled until a painful blow sent her spinning into unconsciousness. A capable abductor knows to prepare silencing seals beforehand.
She screeched when she woke the next time, shoved in a corner of a dilapidated shed as her abductor peaked threw the cracks in the wooden walls, hiding from the search. He'd whipped around and hit her so hard she'd lost a tooth. She'd kept screaming.
He didn't hit her after that. It was the lightning instead.
She was uncouncous again when her uncle found them. Her shouts had done little good. When she woke the temors and stutters came with, and always, always, the feeling of a hand over her mouth and burning pain in her bones as someone said, over and over, 'stay QUIET'
She didn't feel safe after that. For a little while it seemed ok, everyone was very patient and kind. But eventually even that ran out. She took to long to recover from the 'scare'. It 'destroyed' her, 'look how frightened she is ot everything, she's trembling like a leaf!'
She shook so often, fumbled kunai with numb fingers, and stuttered, always stuttered. Frustration turned to contempt. Clan elders turned their hard eyes away to focus on her sister. Hinata was too fragile to be of any use, too terrible at speaking to act as any reputable kind of clan figure.
Father remained distant. He did not lighten her load any either. He only told her to try again, to get up. The last time was not good enough, she was to do better come the next. He did not, however, call her pathetic. He did not remove her status as heir. He did not coldly suggest she look into the more civilian directed aspects of clan relations, because surely she would be better suited? She may struggle to hold a kunai steady, but it still feels more right than any pen ever could. The leader of a Shinobi clan must be a Shinobi. In the days where the frustration boils away her patients and exhausted she imagines cutting off a kumo ninjas fingers. She is kind, she is not passive, she did not go quietly-
Some nights, when she was feigning sleep (it never came easily, always light, always watching, waiting, for rough hands and hard strikes) her father would come by late at night, after all his meetings, and stand in the doorway. Once, she swore she heard him half whisper, half pray. 'you are stronger than you think'
Father does not share her medical records. He does not let the elders know about the nerve damage. They will demand her removal, claim her too week. So she is pushed. Possible too far. And often. Her baths are tested with special salts and half her 'therapy' sessions are careful medics attempting to slowly, so slowly, repair her burn out nerves in a more physical way. Eventually, claims that her mental state is too fragile put an end to even that. She is all but on her own, except for the physical therapy her aunt gives her, played off as extra training in flexibility and dexterity.
Her father does not pull her back a year in class. He does not let her sit inside on the days when her nerves decide to quit functioning properly. He does not do a lot of things. Hinata spends most of her free time walking the street of konoha, because he refuses to 'have a recluse as a daughter'.
'you are capable of better' he says, when she cannot best Hanabi in a spar. 'i expect some kind of improvement by next week's session'. It hurts and makes her wish she could curl up and die some days. When she grows she holds the words close. He is not perfect, but he is her father; at the time they felt like judgement. She did not know her father well, he was always away for work, always speaking to important people, while she trailed behind and focused on keeping her legs straight. After the exams she gets to see him outside of training, learns to understand. He believed in her when it felt like no one did. He apologizes for a lot.
Once, when she is 14, he enters the kitchen looking very satied and a little embarrassed, and shows her a book he's been reading. 'on teaching and improvement'. Hed forgotten about positive feedback, he said. Hed forgotten to tell her good job after she did improve, because she had. Because she really was strong, and he hoped that she could forgive him because 'the book says that the lack of positive affirmation can have a negative impact on a student's self-esteem, and-'
She just hugs him tight and revels in the knowledge he did not think her lesser. She also tells him, very kindly, that next time h just needs to do better.
Kurenai-sensei is the one to drag her to Tsunade, when the tingles in her fingers no longer slowly improve as they had been. Thenew therapy her damaged nerves are given changes everything.
She's learned a lot by then. Silence can be loud, and greatness can be quiet. She works hard, and though she is not the genius her cousin is she is capable and strong. She is smart, and she has learned how to breathe again. Her tongue still gets fuzzy, but her fingers are clever, and the near suicidal determination that had dragged her through years of training, drove her too far during that first chunin exam, it bears fruit when she is 15.
She learns many a battle cry, and burns away the memories that might her chest go tight, and decides, as once again invaders enter her home, that she will not go quietly this time either.
Her hands do not shake.
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Do u think Alec and raphael would have good relationship on the show after the finale? You have good metas about Raphael and I wanted to ask do you think Alec punching him was justified? Or could be redeemed?
ive talked about the punching before and i think the punching... was definitely not in any way justified, it wasn't rapha's fault, it was IZZY who fucking roped him into addiction not the other way around lol. but also alec didnt know that so i kinda get why he did it cuz that's his little sister and at the end of the day if you see your little sibling in a situation where it looks like they're being hurt it's punch first ask questions later
at the same time, i cant pretend racism didnt have something to do with his immediate assumption that it was rapha's fault (both because he's a vampire and because he's latino and of course latinos are All Predatory Sexy Drug Dealers) despite the fact that rapha wasn't hurting izzy at all. but there was also a lot of context that would point in that direction cuz he knew izzy was suffering because of addiction and that she was roped into it and then he saw a vampire feeding on her so like. i wouldnt ask questions either y'know?
so like alec definitely wasn't right about it and it wasn't justified but i don't exactly fault him for it either. i fault the writing for never questioning the whole "rapha was the one who roped izzy into it" narrative or the punch, and for having MAGNUS of all people be judgemental or rapha. magnus who knew rapha back when he was addicted. magnus who helped him recover. magnus who KNEW he had been clean for decades and how hard he worked towards that. magnus who knows rapha's heart better than anyone and knows how much he cares and that he'd never ever do this... just fucking assumed it was rapha's fault. bullshit. sorry that's just complete and utter bullcrap
so i don't find the writing redeemable but i do think the punch is something they could have worked out, if alec apologized to him and said that it wasn't his fault and they actually talked about it. but that would have to happen, you know? it cant just be like, we move on now. especially because obviously a part of rapha blames himself for the yin fen thing which is INSANE. izzy was the one who triggered and used him, not the other way around. that couldnt have been more obvious, its not debatable and the only reason ppl even entertain the idea that rapha was at fault is racism
and like look izzy is not a monster or whatever she was literally desperate enough to put her life on the line for vampire venom (like when she showed up at the den) but that doesnt make it any less true that she triggered rapha's addiction on purpose several times. the circumstances make it not be Pure Evil on her part, but they dont make it any less awful for raphael. and while i still mostly like izzy and think she's "redeemable", i fully understand those who don't and even agree with their reasoning honestly, especially because sh never acknowledged her fucked up actions and the fandom treats that plotline in a completely izzy-centric way despite the fact that rapha was in a way, WAY worse position than her
and i only find her redeemable assuming that she 1- took the full fault for what happened; 2- apologized to rapha; 3- tried to make things right. not in a catholic Feeling Guilty way but as in like trying to help raphael way - like finding him a support group for example. which is what i hc happened in my version of sh where things make sense and the writing isn't racist shit
anyway anyway. yes i could see alec and rapha working it out. i can't really see a close relationship, tho. first, because at the end of the day alec is on izzy's side first and foremost even if he's willing to admit she was at fault, and while i think that obviously rapha has forgiven her and they have like, positive feelings for each other, distance between him and izzy is not only present but good for them both and especially for rapha. so i can't see them being close. beyond that, i don't see much rapha and alec have in common besides loving magnus with their whole hearts and being autistic
i guess they have similar senses of humor so i could see them having some whispered conversations where they roast the attendees at a clave event or something, but they dont last long and mostly rapha is focused on, you know, his friends, partners, family, his clan. and i also think it would take rapha a loooong time to fully trust alec with magnus, because well... alec did fuck up plenty of times lmao and rapha knows better than anyone that as good intentioned as the lightwoods may be they have a lot of potential to really fucking hurt downworlders, and he's seen it happen to magnus already. but also alec does have magnus' happiness as his first priority and more and more so as time goes by, so i think eventually hed grow to trust alec. he was obviously happy at their wedding and he knew how much that meant for him, so
so i think they'd have, like. a neutral-to-positive relationship with each other (especially as time goes by and rapha begins to trust alec more and the yin fen thing feels less raw) and might even team up and trust each other to have their backs in battle and stuff like that, but i cant really see them being super close. but like thats okay and it works, and besides, neither of them would want to have magnus choose, so they interact with each other just fine and as long as magnus is happy, theyre happy, really
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gerrydelano · 4 years
what are your disability (or mental illness) headcanons? id love to hear em if you got any!
boy do i! i’ll list the ones we use in the gtcu under the cut ^_^
DISCLAIMER: assume everyone on this list has PTSD, that’s why georgie’s not listed because that’s mostly what we give her/it’s deliberately canon. sticking to major characters/the ones we write that have a strong bearing on the stories we personally tell! 
jon (comorbidity legend! and by that i mean - ouch!) 
neuro: autistic, ADHD, osdd-1a, OCD, schizoaffective
physical: hypermobile ehlers-danlos, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), also i write him as a cane user following an injury to his left knee when he was 22! and of course any applicable neuropathy following worming, etc. 
notes: he’s had chronic pain all his life, it’s just There for him. also, he did speech therapy as a kid for his stutter and sometimes it comes back out when he’s stressed!
also, comorbidity really is a major thing. it does not get taken seriously enough. the fact of the matter is, if you have one thing, you are very likely to develop more things! especially with something like EDS, too, where you’re more likely to get hurt and get into shit that will worsen your health as time persists. 
and mental health wise, just try and tell me personally that it’s Not Realistic to have 5 diagnoses when that’s literally half the amount of my prof. diagnoses myself. it honestly just makes sense for him and he shows major symptoms of literally all of those things Right In Canon it’s not even a reach JVHBKFDN.
neuro: autistic, ADHD, c-PTSD [meta], BPD [meta], OCD (with a heavy leaning on moral scrupulosity)
physical: nothing major! arthritis maybe
notes: i also have strong feelings about him with disordered eating due to his lifetime of poverty and abuse/neglect, it would do a Number on him. let him HEAL.
neuro: ADHD, BPD [meta]
physical: deaf! and also in terms of canon any applicable worm neuropathy, etc.
notes: he didn’t really believe he was ADHD for a while because he was used to danny’s particular presentation of it and was like “pfff i don’t have that” except that he so does. borderline wise, he got some help for that in uni and has been managing himself as best he can for a long time, before y’know, shit breaks bad in canon. 
in terms of his hearing, he had otitis media very young and as a result had some repeated ear infections, it wasn’t As Bad at first as it could have been but worsened with time due to some genetic predisposition. if he had been born completely deaf his parents would have gone for a cochlear implant which SUCKS and boy does he hate that. he decorates his hearing aids with nail decals, it’s great. 
also, his canon way of speaking supports this! he enunciates very clearly and speaks with a sort of loud deliberation that we personally HC as being partly due to wanting to be able to hear himself speak/know he’s being clear. when he mumbles, he mumbles. either he’s audible in the next country or he is speaking to ants.
neuro: autistic, ADHD, PTSD (specifically from her parents’ deaths)
notes: huh. wow. elias really did just hire a shitload of people with ADHD because it’d be so fun to watch them run around like headless chickens didn’t he
gerry (another comorbidity legend everything is a nightmare)
neuro: dissociative identity disorder (surprise! you don’t get raised by mary keay without developing that, sorry! check this tag for more on that.)
physical: hEDS, POTS, limps with his right leg due to a childhood injury, other various effects of scars and such
notes: i also HC him as a recovering addict, and in PBR i’m going to be writing him as eventually becoming a partial wheelchair user because of his POTS - it makes it hard to stand/walk for long periods of time, and even if he can get through something intense in the moment, it’s gonna have consequences and he needs to be able to recover from stressing his body out. i think we need more protags in wheelchairs, and i also like tackling it being partial because of the stigma surrounding people who use chairs being able to walk sometimes? like. it doesn’t mean they don’t need the chair and that the chair doesn’t benefit their life shut up
neuro: autistic, bipolar 1
physical: obviously her canon blindness when applicable, chronic pain from Slaughter Leg when applicable (sometimes things go differently for her in the plot depending what we write)
notes: we also give her a history with disordered eating but we’re a recovery household okay! she did spend some time institutionalized as a teenager, following the death of her mother which caused her burgeoning mood disorder to snowball in a Bad Way.
danny (because we might as well put him in here due to how we write him!)
neuro: ADHD, a major helping of PTSD 
physical: the after-effects of scars received during his time at the circus
notes: in HLM, his PTSD manifests most loudly with the trauma bond to the circus/the contortionist and he age regresses/dissociates when he’s triggered! age regression is not at all some inherently creepy thing and has nothing to do with Stuff you might see online, it’s very common and he just needs a safe place to be able to come back to himself.
adelard (the ones i use for him in PBR, since his being alive AND disabled are both important to his role there!)
neuro: generally you don’t get to the point in life he has without some PTSD, but he’s honestly managed to process it better than uhhhh. most of the rest of these guys!
physical: lower leg amputation and deformity of three fingers following his encounter with amherst
notes: i write him as using a prosthetic and a cane, but the two times that’s happened have been outright emergencies that he pushed himself to be present for in ways that have consequences (both physically, and from his very concerned wife.) overall, he’s stepped away from the field to recuperate at home with his family and so tends to leave it off and spends more time sitting, and in a wheelchair that any number of his family members are insistent upon pushing him around in. let the man rest.
i also imagine d*isy would have some fibromyalgia at the very least following the buried considering the atrophy and stress but eh. also, basira’s autistic, as well. i don’t plan on doing anything with that going forward personally.
i keep feeling like i’ve forgotten people but overall these are the major ones i am Constantly thinking about and actively portray! 
the best part of all of this is how extremely likely and common All of these things are and how much sense they make with the characters’ canon experiences!!!! comorbidity is not rare at all! people have more than one thing going on! and there’s WAY more than one or two disabled people in a group i can Tell You That Right Now. i love realism and organic representation it’s just very easy to spot these things when you’re also mentally ill/neurodivergent and disabled yourself pbthth. i love to have fun
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kpurereactions · 4 years
Hi Hun! I hope you’re doing well!! Thank you so much for taking your time to do such sweet things for us. I honestly appreciate and love you so damn much 😭😭😭 I was wondering 👀👀 , could we maybe have a Monsta x reaction to walking in on their crush changing/showering? I didn’t see this on your master list and I know it’s really cliche so if you don’t wanna do it or it’s too similar to something else I totally understand! I hope you have the greatest day!! Thank you again! 💕💕
In his mind, he was walking to your office to ask you your opinion on something that wasn't really important, but he liked to see what you had to say about things. In your mind you missed your mouth trying to shove the last bit of heavily dressed salad you had for lunch with the dressing dripped down your entire front and you were freaking out because you had a meeting in 20 minutes. You shirt was on the couch in your office, wet from the water you poured out of your bottle while you searched around your office for the extra top you had left behind after a quick outfit change you needed one day. Shown opened the door to see you in nothing but a bra while looking through a cabinet. Before he could back back out and close the door quietly to hide his red cheeks you whipped around to see him, falling back slightly at the spook. Hed lift the folder that was in his hand to cover his eyes and apologize, closing the door behind him instead of leaving. He would realize that just walking back out would be more appropriate because he felt like holding the door shut while you reached for your jacket to throw on would be better. 
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When you gave him your apartment key to watch your plants while you were home for the holidays you expected him to leave it on the counter the last time he would come over, but he wanted to be able to see you and chat about your time away. Neither of you expected your first encounter back would be him using the key to open the door with out knocking and you to be stripped down to your underwear in the middle of your living room surrounding by everything that was once in your suit case as you sorted it all to be washed. You screamed, he apologized loudly and turned around, but there was no point in keeping turned around, so while you rummaged around the dirty clothes to find something easy to throw on, he’d peek just a bit, wanting to see you in a way that was only left up to his imagination up until now. 
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He’d know exactly what he was doing when he entered your hotel room without your knowledge, but what he thought he was doing was scaring you. He figured at this point in the morning you would be dressed and getting your makeup done, so hearing the fan blowing in the bathroom he positioned himself at the door ready to jump through and scare you. When he opened the door and yelled, his yell turned into a shriek as he realized you were 100% naked. He’d cover his eyes as you recovered your body with the towel you were using to dry off, but he wouldn't move. When you yelled at him, asking what he thought he was doing he would just bring his eyes down and look at you with smug eyes. 
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The two of you had agreed to meet at your place at noon sharp. So Kihyun sitting in your living room should not have been a surprise when you walked out of your room. But it was. Because you were in your underwear. “Woah!” he’d say, not looking away from you as you gasped and scurried and ducked behind the door leading to your laundry. You apologized for not remembering that he would be there as you reached for the clothing you had initially came out to get. Hed laugh at you and tell you were okay as he settled back into the couch, almost smug for being able to see you like that. 
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Seeing you in your bathing suit didn't seem to be that big of a deal, even though he tried to look at you as discreetly as possible while the bunch of you were all swimming around. What was a big deal was how you left early to shower and he could see you as you stripped of your bathing suit in the bathroom that connected to the pool. He’d be frozen, not sure if he should yell at you and have you turn fully toward him or leave it be so he only saw you from the side. He’d tell himself to stop looking, and eventually the others would start to catch onto his staring. Thankfully you were already into the shower once they all looked over. Later once he had a moment he would shyly tell you what he saw, and tell you to be more careful next time before walking away, completely embarrassed.
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When he walked into his apartment, the first home of the group, he wasn't expecting to see you napping on the couch in your underwear in his apartment. But you were since your laundry machine was broken and they said you could use theirs. He’d walk quietly up to you, smiling to himself at how you seemed to kick the light blanket that was supposed to cover you off just enough to expose you down to your knees. He’d kneel down and laugh, causing you to stir onto your back and sigh. He’d tap your shoulder softly until you started to stir, because for what ever reason he wanted you to see him see you practically nude. When you finally woke up and were confronted by his child like gaze he’d make a point that it was him finding you and not another member, but deep inside he knew that it wasn't because he wasn't going to tease you to hard or make things weird, it was because he wanted to be the only one to see you like this. 
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You had texted him to come over to watch a movie, but because he wasn't actively watching his phone it took him a while to see it. You had given up waiting on him and decided to just get ready for bed, taking off a majority of your clothing and slipping into a thin oversized t-shirt and a fresh pair of underwear. Plopping back onto the couch you decided to just watch tv until sleep over came you, which happened pretty quickly. Once Changkyun finally saw your text he quickly made his way over to your apartment and punched in the code, already saying his sorries before he even noticed you were passed our on the couch. with your shirt up so hight it was exposing your lower half and the bottom of your chest. He’d smile to himself and think about leaving for half a second before walking over to you and pulling your shirt down just enough to cover your bare chest, but not enough entirely. He’d think about waking you up, but if did that he would regret not looking at your beautiful skin longer, so he stayed. Once he realized it was getting weird he’d cover you with a blanket and leave a soft kiss on your forehead before turning all the lights out and leaving. 
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chikkou · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Brad?
im assuming u mean brad from lisa, so i will respond with that assumption in mind LMAO
as a character, i think hes fucking fantastic. austin jorgensen did an absolutely AMAZING job making brad both empathetic and deeply fucking flawed, but flawed in such a way that it is really difficult to blame him for being how he is. he didnt get to choose any single thing that happened to him, except taking buddy in, and even that was something he managed to screw up. there is something very poignant about seeing a man who has been through so much pain and suffering struggle to do the right thing, to help those in need, to take care of someone and raise them with the love and kindness he never got... and fail. 
he fails completely in everything he ever set out to do. the daughter he swore to love and protect both fears and hates him. he kills scores of innocent people for naught. he never manages to overcome his addiction (but in fairness to him, this is largely buzzos fault as he forcefed brad enough pills to guarantee that he would overdose eventually). all of his friends, even TERRY, turn away from him at the end because he is doing the wrong thing. 
again, in fairness, SOME of the party members will reveal that they only agreed to help brad to get a “shot” at buddy themselves (rage is the only one i can think of rn, though i know there are others) - but there are also a sizable number of them (terry, shocklord, queen roger, and olan immediately come to mind) who were genuinely loyal to brad and cared about him, and only work against him because they sincerely feel he is morally in the wrong. and when brad fights those people, they barely fight back - they have unique, miserable-looking sprites for the final battle and spend most of their turns crying, being scared, or throwing out weak attacks that do little to no damage. they dont want to do this. but because of how far brad has fallen, they feel like they have no choice. 
as a PERSON, i am highly mixed on brad, as one is obviously meant to be. as i said previously, i do sincerely empathize with him. he has experienced an unreasonable amount of trauma, to such an extent that its difficult for me to judge any of his actions, but that goes right out the window the minute he chose to adopt buddy. it was his decision to raise buddy instead of taking her to rando, someone who he could trust and who had the resources to keep her safe for many, many years. brad wanted to prove to himself that he could be better than his father, that he could love and treat a child as they deserved to be treated. but he couldnt. he never recovered from what happened to him. he is haunted by his father and lisa, with no means of tackling it in a healthy way, and he never trusted anyone enough to share his pain with them. we even see it in the flashback where he tries to buy painkillers off of sticky - sticky point blank refuses because brad is clearly unhinged and needs HELP, not more drugs to mask the pain. 
he never should have adopted buddy. it was selfish of him to think he could simply fill the void in his heart with a child and that everything would be fine. by refusing to accept that he is broken beyond repair and in need of some serious help, he unwittingly perpetuated the cycle of abuse, and did unto buddy what his own father had done to him. its a very sad reality, but some people simply do not have the capacity to be good parents, and brad is one of those people. hed already adopted one child, and then abandoned him when the reality of parenthood hit too hard - why would he try to do the exact same thing all over again?
now, i wont be too harsh - i do believe that some part of him did sincerely love buddy. but his love for the real buddy was always overshadowed by his regret over lisa, and even up until the end, i know that when he looked at buddy, he only ever saw lisas ghost. that said, the boss battle that buddy has with brad in the joyful is so fucking perfectly written and full of love and sorrow that its making me emotional just thinking about it LMAO.... it was very clear there that even buddy, for all the resentment she felt toward him, knew how much he loved her and wished things had been different. it was a story that could never have had a happy ending. brad tried, that much is true - but perhaps things would have been different if he had accepted that he couldnt be the parent buddy needed right from the beginning.
tl;dr brad tried but he really shouldnt have
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
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Aizawa was beyond annoyed
He had been interning at this hero agency for a while and it was his last year at UA
And he wouldn’t call himself arrogant or anything but part of him
Felt like a job like this was beneath him or at least he wasn’t going to learn anything from it
It was basically a glorified babysitting job
Some big politician was going to be in town and they had a daughter
And somehow it became his job to watch her
The whole thing was silly according to him
He would be doing this while his friends were outgoing on bigger missions and getting real experience
And he felt that he could be doing something way better with his time like that
So he wasnt that interested in every little detail the higher ups were telling him
He got the basic point you weren’t allowed out of the hoteroom while you were in town and he and another hero would be stationed with you and taking shifts
Easy enough
But when he saw you he got a feeling this job was going to be anything but easy
For one he had assumed you were a young child
But you differently weren’t
You had to be about his age
But you had an air about you that just screamed trouble
It was a complete contrast to your father who walked beside you
He walked like he demanded respect from everyone and that he was an important person
You just looked like you were irritated and couldn’t be bothered to listen to them when they were telling you the plans of the trip
“Eraserhead” he acknowledged you telling you his name but again you weren’t playing attention
This was routine for you for the last few years of your life
You went somewhere with your father (it wasnt like you had a choice)
And hed lock you in some hotel room because it was safest there until it was time to go somewhere new
You couldn’t remember the last time you were actually home
But at this point in your life you didnt care anymore
It was clear that this would be your life until you went to college in the fall
Something you couldn’t wait for Cause you knew you’d finally have some freedom
One of the other bodyguards tried to make a small conversation with you but you rolled your eyes
“You dont have to talk to me. All you have to do is show me my prison for the week.” You told him with your arm crossed looking it the window
Your father cleared his throat, “you all have to forgive her, y/n tends to be cranky after a long flight.”
You only clicked your tongue as a response
Aizawa hadn’t said anything
But he had already judged you
Bratty, spoiled, mean, and probably moody, and simply not pleasant at all.
This was going to be so annoying
When you all got to the hotel you and your father went your separate ways
And Aizawa simple followed you to your room, “If you need anything I’ll be out-.”
You slammed the door before he could finish
You had been to japan a few times before so you knew the area
So you had no plan to stay in
As soon as you got the chance you called your friends that you had in the city and you set off
Aizawa just sighed deeply outside your door
At least you didnt seem like your were interested in making his life a living hell
At least that’s what he thought but he didnt know how wrong he really was
It was when Aizawa came back for his second shift that he realized something was up
“Has she came out at all?”
They just shook their head, “Shes been pretty quite.”
“Have you checked on her?”
They shrugged, “I’ve knocked a few times but no answer I’m sure shes just sleep.”
Aizawa didnt think anything of it but something in his gut told him he should
A little after the other hero left
He knocked on your door to check on you again but no answer
He felt like he should have known better but he’d go to open the door only to find the room empty
He called out your name a few times but no answer
But then saw that your window was open
And like something straight out of a movie he saw you used your bedsheets as a rope to escape
Dread covered his face
He was done for
What was he supposed to do? How was he going to tell them he lost you?
Did someone kidnap you? How long ago did you leave?
So many questions ran through his mind
But before anything else he had already jumped out the window and started his search for you
You couldn’t have gone far
And you weren’t
You went out with some old friends and was hanging with them in a local club
You had no business being there
But this was the most fun you had in months
Aizawa was a good tracker so it was just his luck that it didnt take long to find you
He just thought of all the places a teenager would go
So that brought him to the club where he saw you dancing on the floor
He sighed in relief
At least you were safe
But that relief was short lived as he approached you
Because as soon as you saw him you took off
It was annoying enough to have to leave and find you
But now he was going to have to chase you
You were fast but he was faster
He followed you all the way out of the club and after having enough
He used to capture scarf to catch you
You faced him enraged
“Let go of me!”
“No way, do you have any idea how much trouble you could have got in? That you could have got me in?”
“That’s more of a you problem. Now let me go.” You said fighting against him but you couldnt set yourself free
“Not until we get back.”
And so he dragged you back to the room
He was lucky no one was there to see him bring you back
Once back into your room he let you free but he didnt make any move to leave himself
“You can go now.”
“Theres no way I’m letting you leave my sight. You could have lost me my job.”
You narrowed your eyes at him
You were going to leave again but you saw it was going to be a lot easier said than done
The next few days would go by dreadfully long for you
Aizawa watched you like a hawk
It was almost impossible to do anything with out him being 10 feet away from you
Most if the time whenever you were out you could escape
But Aizawa wasnt having any of it
He was going to be a hero and he wasnt going to let you or anyone else get in his way
“How’s your babysitting job going?” Hizashi teased him one day while he was at school
Shouta only rolled his eyes and just explained how much of a pain you were
“Have you tried to talk to her? You know shes pretty cute. I saw her in the news.” He went on talking
But Aizawa didnt care
He didnt want to know you but part of him did have to admit you were very nice on the eyes
But one day something changed
Maybe you were just bored when you saw him just sitting in your room
But you started a conversation
“What’s it like going to UA?”
Aizawa was surprised by your question
Up until now you seemed to have hated him
But he answered your question anyway
Which lead on to more talking
Which lead to a new appreciation for each other
Aizawa learned about how much you had traveled with your father and had never been to a real school or a stable home
And that you hated it
He actually felt bad for you
He couldnt imagine living like that and having someone always watching you
No wonder you were always trying to run away
It would the night before you were going to leave the country again that Aizawa was talking to you out on your balcony
It wasnt like the two of you were friends now
But you did have to admit Aizawa was funny and you liked him
Not to mention he was hot in a tired bum type of way
“So I guess this is the last night of me babysitting you.”
“I guess it is…”
Dispite starting off so rough the two of you did grow closer In a last few days
“So you gonna give the next guy as much trouble as you gave me?”
You laughed, “Of course. And besides the only reason why I stopped trying to run away is because you aren’t ass boring as you look.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes, “Sure…it wasnt because I’m actually good at my job.”
The two of you went quite, “I dare say I’ll even miss you Aizawa.”
Aizawa looked at you, “do you think you’ll be back?”
“Donno… I start college back home in the fall…who know what will happen till then.”
Aizawa just nodded “Well, if you do come back…I dont think I’ll mind babysitting you again.”
“Nice to know…”
The tension between the two of you was thick
And you being bold moved over and kissed him
He was shocked at first but he quickly recovered
The kiss was light at first but quickly got intense
But you pulled away when you heard someone knocked on your door
The two of you didnt speck the rest of the night
And when morning came he would be with the team escorts you to your plane
You stop and secretly gave him a piece of paper with your number on it “Keep in touch eraser.”
You whispered in his ear and wink before boarding the plane
Aizawa didnt know what to think at first he assumed the moment you shared last night was because you were lonely
But now…he wasnt so sure
He just gave you a little smile as he saw you bored the plane
And he’d laughed to himself you were really a lot of trouble
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luvbug724 · 4 years
hiii ive been thinking abt neil running post-tkm whatre ur thoughts on that 🤨 i feel its not Too common but it comes up often enough in fandom and is always triggered in neil by something so he runs and either comes back or doesnt but i cant rlly see that happening? also similarly do u think neil would have some troubles w accepting permanence in his life? i was thinking hed def have some habits he wouldnt need anymore but w main threats gone + a life he wants to keep it wldnt be a huge issue..
WAIT my last ask when i say like permanence ex: neil panicking abt captaincy in tkm do u think hed have similar experiences later on w similar aspects of living in one place? (and this maybe triggering the need to run in turn)
holy cow first of all i got so excited when i got this ask you don’t even know. this has definitely been something that’s been sitting in the back of my mind but it was never something that bothered me enough to share online. SECOND of all, i mean absolutely no disrespect to anybody who might disagree with me on this or has written neil in this scenario-- it’s all fiction we’re all having fun here and my characterization may differ from yours and that’s fine! even if i might not be a fan of the concept i still read and support fics that include it if i like the writing :) this got very long and some people probably won’t be interested in reading it, so my response is under the cut :’)
but as for your question, anon, i completely agree with you. when i got this notification the first scene my mind went to was chapter nine of tkm right after wymack offers neil the vice captaincy. this was, probably, one of the worst sequences of events that could have possibly happened to neil: some of his most fundamental lies are exposed to his team, he’s confronted with his past, he has to reveal some truths that he never planned on saying, and now here’s his coach insisting on a future he so desperately wants but doesn’t think he’ll live long enough to have. neil should have already had a new name in a new country three months ago and instead he’s at palmetto state in the public eye right for the moriyamas and wesninskis to watch. 
and what does he do?
He didn't remember pulling it from his pocket or making the decision to dial out. He lowered it and tapped a button, thinking maybe he'd imagined things, but Andrew's name was on his display and the timer put the call at almost a minute already.
Neil put the phone back to his ear, but he couldn't find the words for the wretched feeling that was tearing away at him. In three months championships would be over. In four months he'd be dead. In five months the Foxes would be right back here for summer practices with six new faces. Neil could count his life on one hand now. On the other hand was the future he couldn't have: vice-captain, captain, Court. Neil had no right to mourn these missed chances. He'd gotten more than he deserved this year; it was selfish to ask for more.
He should be grateful for what he had, and gladder still that his death would mean something. He was going to drag his father and the Moriyamas down with him when he went, and they'd never recover from the things he said. It was justice when he'd never thought he'd get any and revenge for his mother's death. He thought he'd come to terms with it but that hollow ache was back in his chest where it had no right to be. Neil felt like he was drowning.
Neil found his voice at last, but the best he had was, "Come and get me from the stadium.”
andrew grounds him, comes for him, and makes sure that neil can’t run. but this was just one very extreme situation, so here’s how i think his future may play out: no matter how much neil wants to go, he needs to stay even more. and, unlike the above situation, neil now has explicit permission (a command, even) to stay with the foxes, to stay with his family. i think he will be fine for a long while until there comes a moment where he realizes that he’s here to stay and he has a home and he has the foxes and he has andrew and it’s honestly a toss up as to how he would react. the first option would be that it’s overwhelming in a very, very good way and nothing much changes. the second option (which seems way more in character for neil) is instead: he panics, and he needs something to keep him tethered to psu. he might seek out andrew like he did in canon or he might try to hide it to not worry him, but i’d place my bets on somewhere in the middle where he makes sure andrew knows whats going on but tries to downplay its importance. 
anyways, i wrote all this before i even checked with nora’s ec to see if she’s said anything in a similar context and she DID and and it was pretty much compliant with my ideas which i am very happy about:
“He’s more likely to walk away or tell Neil to get over it or look right past whatever existential/psychological crisis Neil is having. Neil’s grumpiness after a loss are brushed aside unimportant, and his aggravation over uncooperative teammates is nothing to pity him for. 
But once in a long while Neil will hit a ledge he has to be pulled back from, and that’s what Andrew does. Like in Baltimore, when Neil is trying to say Do you want me to go, and Andrew catches hold and tells him Stay. This is how Andrew comforts: by being a stabilizing force, an anchor to keep Neil at home, a place to rest his weight and his secrets. Honestly, that’s what Neil needs.” (Andrew comforting Neil)
“Impatience kind of worked in Baltimore, but I guess it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of ordeal. Forced eye contact and Look at me and a ruder calm down right now. ((Thanks Andrew, really sympathetic of you)) Andrew gives Neil the weight to connect him to the real world: a hand on the back of his neck or fingers hooked in the collar of his shirt to drag Neil home to him.” (Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks)
now, as for neil adjusting to just a plain stationary life, i think he’d adjust relatively easily. his entire life was fitting in which i don’t think he’d have a big problem with, but the new element of how he’s not pretending anymore, he’s just neil josten, might throw him off a little bit. there’s likely going to be some habits he picked up that he can’t shake and some associations (alcohol isn’t for fun, it’s an anesthetic is one that comes to mind) that he never quite gets rid of but despite how much might get thrown at him, after everything he survived freshman year it’d take a fucking lot to push him to his breaking point.
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:
So I got what I consider good news from my Doctor today.  He wants to make a case study of me.  Yes, I might being a boring introvert that might one day be a bionic woman with all my joints replaced; but at least doctors find me interesting.  LOL.  The study might not mean much for me directly; but it might help other doctors better understand and treat patients with both hEDS and RA, and other illnesses caused by what I call the two big bads. Considering I’ve seen doctors who literally had to look up what hEDS is, this is something I see as a BIG win.  So here I am wanting to celebrate with you all but updating my three main fics.  Apologies to Erase the Shadow readers, I don’t have a lot for you; I promise I’m not drawing out the AizawaxReaderxMic smut scene to tease.  Anyway, here you all go.  I hope these updates can share a portion of my happiness with you.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/55633552
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino
Teris awoke the morning before her birthday to the maids pulling open the drapes and letting in the cursed sunlight.  Squinting, she looked around for Mistress Kleen then remember that the woman had left yesterday afternoon ill.
Just to be certain that the hateful woman hadn’t recovered and returned, Teris questioned trying to keep her hope in check.  “Where’s Mistress?”
“Ill.” A maid said.
“Convalescing in her own home, bed bound.  Another told.
“Yes!” Teris cheered jumping out of bed with an energy she hadn’t felt a second ago.  At the maids startled expressions she sobered, dropping her raised arms.  “I mean, I’m sorry and wish her a full recovery after my departure.”
The maid that had seen to her hair the previous morning fought a smile.
Teris clapped her hands once.  “Thank you ladies, but you are no longer needed.  Accept you.”  She pointed at the tress maid.  “I’d like you to stay if you’re willing.”
With a quick look back at her fellows she turned to Teris pointing to herself.  “Me, my Lady?”
“That’s right.  Unless you don’t wish to stay and help me appear presentable.”
“I’d be honored, my Lady.”
“Teris.” Teris said.
“My Lady Teris.”
“We’ll work on it.  What’s your name?”  Teris asked.
“Celine, my Lady Teris.”
“Everyone out.  Celine and I have work to do.”  She looked at the maid and told in all seriousness.  “I need you to be bold and forceful with me, Celine.  I must show that I am giving my maximum effort these next two days.  It won’t be even half as good as Mistress Kleen could accomplish in me.  But hopefully it will be enough to prove to my brother that I can be relied upon to make the attempt so he won’t ever call upon that horrid woman again.”  She made her way to the vanity and sat.  “Here’s hoping I’m never forced to wear a corset again.”
Joining the Silva’s and her brothers at the breakfast table in the morning room the four men rose from their seats.
“You’re late.”  Fyntch told.
“I’m glad to see you encouraged our guest to begin without me brother.” Teris smiled lightly as she sat in the chair Julius pulled out for her.  She turned to the Silva’s.  “Lord Nathyn, I hope you and your family can forgive my tardiness.  In all honestly, I couldn’t decide what to wear.”
Nozel smiled at her cheery mood and hoped that their time in the wee hours of the morning had played a part in her joy.  While they hadn’t found anything of use, they had looked through quite a bit.  Three of the five remaining shelves.  They probably could have done a fourth shelf if they hadn’t taken the time to get a late night snack and tallied so in the kitchens talking.  It had pleased him greatly to find that not only did they worked well together but when alone, and without a sense of familial pressure, Teris and he got along well and were comfortable just being who they were with each other.
“Your delay is acceptable.”  Nathyn said inclining his head wondering at the change in the girl, but pleased nonetheless.  “You are most becoming in our family’s colors.  Wouldn’t you agree, Nozel? Lady Teris looks lovely this morning.”
“I have yet to find a color the Lady Teris is incapable of making look good, father.”  Nozel told mindful of Teris’ feelings, turned his eyes to his father instead of her; an act, followed by such words would have undoubtedly upset her and ruined what they had achieved last night.
“You gentlemen and your fine words.  You’ll make me blush.”  Teris teased.
Julius’ quirked curiously as he looked at his sister out of the corner of his eye.  While the conversation between Fyntch and Nathyn picked back up, Julius whispered to her.  “You’re in a fine mood.  I take it you found something.”
“Not a even a hint to a clue.”  Teris whispered back keeping her smile in place.
“Then what’s with the proper lady act?”  Julius wondered almost inquiring in jest if the zealots made another attempt at abducting her last night and replaced her with a transformation mage.
“You wound me brother.”  Teris softly said over the rim of her glass of pear cider.  “I am capable of such an act that rivals the finest ladies society has to offer.  I just hate having to preform and so rarely choose to.”
“Very well.”  Julius allowed.  “Then why now?”
“Because,” she said giving Nebra the sweetest smile, “I refuse to have my ribs bruised and knuckles bloodied ever again.”
Julius scowled not understanding her meaning and wanting to demand who hurt her, his eyes flicking over to their brother.  Even if Fyntch hadn’t been the one to harm their sister he would likely have known about it, if not ordered it.
Setting down the glass of cider Teris said.  “Nebra, I know my expulsion and words against the Ladies League won me no favors with you but given that we will one day be sisters I was hoping you would do me the favor of teaching me a dance or two this afternoon.  It doesn’t have to take overly long.  Just enough to get me by so I don’t appear a complete fool during my birthday ball tomorrow.”
Lord Silva stopped speaking with Fyntch and looked over to his daughter. “Nebra.”  He encouraged when she didn’t answer right away.
“But of course.”  Nebra blinked her voice sounding strained.  “I would love to.  Anything for my future sister.”  She turned to her brothers.  “Nozel.  Solid.  You can join us.”
Nozel’s eyes slid to his sister wondering what she was up to.  Whatever it was, he wasn’t going to let her ruin his returned closeness with Teris.  “I would be happy to partner with you, Nebra.”
“You won’t be partnering with me silly.  You are far too proficient to require my guidance.  Where as Solid needs whatever help I can give him.  No.”  Nebra said.  “You shall be partnering with your future bride.”  She smiled violet eyes turning to Teris.  “Think of it as practice for the big day.”
Teris’ smile tightened around the edges.  “Lovely.”
After breakfast Julius, Fyntch, and Lord Silva retired to the study while the other four made their way to the ballroom.
Taking a seat Nathyn said to Julius.  “I hope your father will be well enough to join us for lunch.  He has gotten so thin.”
“He has.”  Julius nodded and looked to his younger brother for answer.
“That’s right,” Nathyn said.  “Forgive me, Julius.  I sometimes forget you left your fathers care to your younger brother along with your heir ship.
“It was a difficult decision.”  Julius said stiffly.  “And though Fyntch undoubtedly faced his share of problems because of my decision, my efforts to become the next Wizard King has certainly afforded him and the family name a significant rise in power and esteem.  I wonder Lord Silva.  Have you noted any benefits due my accomplishments and your name being tied to ours with this intent to see Nozel and Teris wed?”
Choosing not to remind the younger man that he was head of House Silva, the second family of the kingdom, Nathyn smiled coolly.  “None that your sisters actions haven’t undone.”
“If Teris is such an embarrassment why maintain the intent for your heir to be yoked to her?”  Julius asked.
Fyntch glanced quickly at Nathyn.
Nathyn sat back and crossed his legs.  “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were attempting to imply something there Julius. Thankfully, for the both of us and your poor sister who’d be hard pressed to find a suitable husband if I wasn’t a man of my word, I do know better.  Since you have a history of showing little care for your family's troubles and well being when pitted against your own it may come as a surprise to you to find not everyone is like that.  I stood by your family after Lady Resa died.  Even when countless other noble and royal family's distanced themselves.  It wasn’t that I never heard the rumors about Lord Jaxon attempting to follow his wife to her death.  I simply chose not to believe them or care about the stigma even a mere rumor of such an act brought with it.  A man such as yourself would, and practically did, cut ties with your family then and there.  But as I said, I am a man of my word.  After you abandoned your family to pursue your dreams I often visited and wrote Fyntch, offering my advice and ear to his troubles.  It may sound strange given the age and general differences in life, him unwed and me a widowed father of four, but your brother and I became friends after a time.  He was there for me during my own strife after Acier died giving us Noelle.”  He soured at the thought of his youngest child.  “Still, even without the bonds that life's trails forged between our families, Jaxon and I made a pledge to unite our houses in wedding his beloved and only daughter to my heir.  In all my life, I have never failed to keep a vow I’ve made.  As aberrant and difficult as your sister may be, I’m not about to let a girl make me start--”
A tinkling, like that of a small wind chime, sounded interrupting Nathyn.  The three men looked about.
“Oh!” Julius cried feeling a warmth in the breast pocket of his jerkin. “It’s me.  Sorry.”  He pulled out a communication crystal. “Magic Knights duties.”  He told Fyntch and Nathyn standing up. “Excuse me.”  Outside the room he answered the call with a short. “Give me a moment.”  With everyone on the first floor he ran up to the second taking two stairs at a time.  Satisfied this would afford him enough privacy he entered his father’s personal receiving room and walked on back to Lord Jaxon’s study.
“Go ahead.”
“Captain,” Jon’s voice sounded from the crystal, “are you alright?  You sound out of breath.”
“Fine.” Julius assured.  “Did Jax get in touch with you?  What did he have to say?  Have Bronn, Yami, and the others returned from their mission?  What did they find?”
“According to Captain Jax’s letter, they returned the same day you left for home.”  Jon informed.
“The same day?  Why are you only now contacting me now?”
“I only today received Captain Jax’s letter,” Jon said.
Julius sighed.  He would have to speak to both his fellow Captain and his Vice Captain about communicating better with one another.  Granted this wasn’t an urgent matter, at least he hoped the news wasn’t, but still with his interest and concern for Teris and Yami’s welfare he wanted to know any and all information as soon as possible.
He paced the room ordering.  “Summarize their report for me.”  He was quickly distracted by the changes to his fathers study that only Fyntch and his style for the ostentatious would make.  So, he thought with distaste, Fyntch had already taken over their father’s seat of power, so to speak, and made it his own.  Shaking his head he focused again on Jon’s voice asking him to repeat what he last said.
When the Vice Captain was finished Julius rubbed his forehead.  “So they managed to make it appear as if the Wild Fire had been another attempt by outlaws to instigate a war between the Clover and Spade kingdoms.”
“Despite Bronn’s adamant words of disbelief in his full report, even he couldn’t skew the evidence they found that pointed to such a conclusion.”  Jon affirmed.
“And Sir Jorah is content to believe that roving bands of criminals suddenly smartened up and began working together?”
“I cannot speak to the Wizard Kings private musing but that is what he has told the other Magic Knight Captains and Head Sentries.”
“Any Captains other then Jax and possibly Pyter find such a quick and seemingly seamless transition from in fighting gangs to formidable force curious?”  Julius asked.
“Curious? Sure.  Curious enough to question the Wizard King or Commander Greywright?  Not in the slightest.”
Julius sighed pushing his ire at the situation aside.  “How’s the squad? Everything well at base?”
“We’re managing without you, Captain.”
“You sure?”
“I think we’ll survive till you return on the fourth.”  Jon said his smile evident in his voice.
“I can return if you need me to.”  Julius offered.
“And leave your sister alone at the mercy of your brother and the Silva’s?”
Julius sighed again, knowing his Vice Captain was right.
“I know it’s not much of a vacation, Sir, but enjoy your time away. You take so little of it.”
Yami faced Jax in the Captains office and waited for the older man to speak.  As he stood before the Captains desk he wondered if he should take Pilfer out for a run again tonight.  While the ride and hunt only partially succeed in clearing his mind of Teris it had exhausted him enough to the point that after returning to base, he fell into his bed and slept.
“Bronn told me what happened with Iban Halvor and you.”  Jax finally said.
Yami watched and waited.
“Well?” Jax urged after a moment.
“I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t hear a question in there.”
Jax gave a throaty growl of irritation.  “Iban’s attack on you wasn’t in your report.  Why?”
Yami put his hands in his pockets.  “From my understanding, it wasn’t an attack.  Merely a misunderstanding on his part of where certain lines, that shouldn’t be crossed, were.”
“That’s a rather magnanimous view.  Especially since when Iban previously used his blood magic on your comrades Bronn or I heard about it straight away.  And Iban never demanded they break free of his hold or made them choke themselves to provide encouragement.”
Yami’s eyes narrowed.  He didn’t see Iban providing such details.  He hadn’t even told Olsen all that when he had confronted the Water Mage about his pet friend.  The bastard had been awake, Yami realized cursing Bronn for his inaction if that had, indeed, been the case. Yami shrugged.  “You were a young man once.  We play rough.”
“Iban is twenty-six, five years younger than me.  Far passed the age for such careless rough housing.”
“Are we speaking about the same man?” Yami asked.  “He might be twenty-six but his sense of right and wrong or when to stop is that of a child.”
“So you have no problem with him using his magic on you to make you choke yourself while demanding you break his hold on you?”
“I made it clear that is wasn’t something I found fun and wouldn't enjoy doing again.”  Yami told.  “And so far he has respected that.  As long as he continues to do so.  No.  I don’t have a problem with him.”
“Very well.”  Jax dismissed.
He watched Yami turn and exit the office.  When Bronn had told him that Yami had broken free for Iban’s hold he hadn’t believed it, certain his Vice Captain had seen wrong in the caves darkness.  But now that Yami had confirmed he had Jax was amazed.  Granted the will to live and thinking you would be forced to kill yourself if you didn’t succeed were great motivators, but Jax had seen Iban control Magic Knight Captains with his magic and barely break a sweat.  It wasn’t just Yami’s magical power that made the young man formidable.  It was his physical might and strength of will.  And the boy had only begun to stretch and grow.  Jax found the boys possibilities both exciting and fearsome.
The music began again, Nozel and Teris bumping into one another.
“Sorry.” Teris apologized again for stepping on his foot.
It had gotten to the point where Nozel was seriously considering cloaking his toes in mana.  It wasn’t that Teris weighed too much, but that her steps were far from light.  If they hadn’t made peace last night he would have thought she was purposely trying to flatten his toes with her heavy tread.
“You’re not trying to kill a bug.”  Nozel said, once again lifting her head up with a finger beneath her chin.  “Looking at your feet won’t help.”
“I’m not looking at my feet.”  Teris said.  “I’m trying to figure out where yours are going so I can follow.”  It was well past lunch and they had been at it since shortly after breakfast.
“That is what the hold is for.”  Nozel told pressing her lower back with one hand and tapping his fingers on the hand he held, grateful Nebra and Solid were long gone.  Nebra had been full of criticism and nothing else making Teris stiff, and if possible worse then she already was at following his lead.  After their departure, Teris had relaxed considerably making instructing her that much easier.  “My feet may move me but it’s my arms that will tell you where we’re headed.”
Teris stepped away frustrated.  “I’m never going to get this.  I’ll fail miserably and my knuckles will pay the price.”
Nozel puzzled at her last words a bit before stepping to her and turning her to face him.  “You will get this.”  He assured.
“At least one of us can still fake such certainty.”  She laughed humorlessly.
“There’s nothing for me to fake.  You forget how well I know you.”
“And what’s that got to do with my succeeding at this?  Other then the fact that you should know better then to have any faith in my success.”
“Because, I’ve never known you to fail at something you put your mind to,” he said.  He was loathed to lower his arms and release her but forced himself to do so when he felt her muscles begin to tense ever so slightly.  Teris wasn’t so unlike a nervous animal you tried to put at ease as you tried to coax it out of it’s den and accept your ministering hand.  Push too hard.  Touch her at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or for too long and you were back to square one.
“Thanks.” She said feeling self conscious.
“You’re putting too much pressure on yourself is all,” Nozel said.  “Leave us.”  He ordered over his shoulder at the violinist.
“Wait. What.  Nozel.  We need him.”
“No we don’t.”  Nozel said stopping her from following the musician.
“Uh, we kinda do—and now he’s gone.”  Teris said letting an arm fall as the ballroom door closed.
“Trust me.”  Nozel said looking at her.
“Trust isn’t easy for me.”  Teris confessed.
“But we’re friends.”  Nozel reminded.  “You should trust your friends.”
“I knew I would rue the day I admitted that to you.  I just never thought that day would come so soon.”
“Turn around.”  Nozel ordered giving a small smile.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”  Teris played.
Nozel grasped her hand and spun her around in a somewhat dance move. “Right now I am your instructor and can tell you to do as I please.”  It was his turn to tense as the desire and implications of his words struck him.
“Very well.”  She laughed.  “But I must warn you.  I can sometimes be an unruly and awful student.”
He forced a smile trying to shake the battling emotions within him. “Just relax, and trust me to lead you where you need to go.”  He said taking her into his arms in a dance hold.
“Do you think I can look even a quarter as fine as Nebra?”  Teris asked seriously.  She forced a teasing smile and continued.  “Or are you not that great an instructor.”
Nozel stared into her eyes and confessed.  “Even when you think you’re at your worst, you out shine every lady there is.”
Teris pulled away and shook her head.  “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”  Nozel asked feeling the blood drain from his face in fear.
“Don’t flirt.  There’s no reason to.  Even the musician is gone.  Don’t do something neither of us enjoy because your family expects it when they aren’t even present to benefit.”
“I wasn’t flirting.”
“Don’t lie to me, Nozel.  I’m not stupid.”
You certainly are if you think I only do it because it’s expect, Nozel thought.  “Sorry.”
“For flirting or lying?”  She asked.
Nozel closed his eyes pressing his teeth together as he checked his temper. “For both.”  He said opening them.  “It’s a habit I have trouble turning off.”
Teris tilted her head.
“How else am I to convince my father?  He’s a hard man to fool and keeps a keen eye on me.”
Teris’ expression turned sympathetic.  “I’m sorry.”
Nozel shook his head.  “I don’t want to focus on it.”  He looked at her and continued.  “Not when we got our work cut out making it appear as if you’re dancing and not marching through the mud.”
“That’s just cruel.”
“You want cruel?  Step on my toes one more time and I’ll show you cruel.”
It was nearing time to get ready for dinner when Nozel announced.  “It will suffice.”
“That’s all?”  Teris expressed.  “We spent all day at this and my efforts will suffice?”
He gave her the cool gaze the Silva’s were known for.  “If you wanted your ego petted you should have said so sooner.”  It felt wrong to disparage her so, even if it was in jest, but she seemed to enjoy it.  If all it took for her to relax around him was some good old fashioned razing he should have done it years ago.  Who knows where they would be in their relationship if he had.
“Thank you,” Teris said.
“For not petting your ego or--”
“For taking the time to teach me.”  She told him.  “I still don’t like following but I think I can manage for a dance of two.”
“Just remember to keep your feet light.  A gentleman can gracefully ignore a toe or foot being stepping on, so long as his toe is not flattened or bones crushed.”
Teris couldn’t help but grimace at that as she promised.  “I’ll try.”
“You never told me why the sudden interest.”  Nozel said casually as they made their way to the doors.
“Yes I did.  For my knuckles.”
“You may have mentioned your knuckles in passing.  A rather confusing statement I might add, but didn’t say how they figured into your wanting to learn how to dance.”
“It’s probably best if I don’t,” Teris said.  “Let’s just say.  In the hopes of never seeing someone again I decided to try to prove to my brother that I can and will make an effort.”
“I hope this someone isn’t me,” Nozel said.  “You’ll be bitterly disappointed when next we have to work together on a mission.”
“It’s not you.”  Teris smiled purposefully bumping him with a shoulder. “You’re not half bad.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re certainly not as bad as Mistress.”
“I don’t know who this Mistress is but I’ll take the praise,” he said.
“You shouldn’t.  It’s not very high praise.  Anyone would be a preference to her.”
“Are you going back to the library tonight?”  Nozel questioned.
Teris stopped the change in subject taking her aback a moment.  “Why?” She asked cautiously.
“If I find I have trouble sleeping again I thought I would assist you.” Nozel said trying to sound nonchalant.
“You don’t have to,” Teris said.  “While I appreciate your help, more then I can say, you don’t have to.”
“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you finish looking? What if something’s there and we just haven’t come across it yet?”
“Alright.” Teris allowed.  “But only if you can’t sleep.”
“Of course,” Nozel nodded.  “I wouldn’t keep myself up just to help you.”
Teris entered the library to find Nozel had already searched half a shelf's worth of books.  “No luck.”  He told her frustrated.
“What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”  He said turning a page.
“Did you even try?”
He stopped and looked up at her blinking.  “What do you think?  I got into my night clothes and slipped on a robe to make it appear as if I had made an attempt should you ask.”
Feeling silly Teris came around beside him.  “Sorry.  I just don’t want to be a burden.”
Nozel released the breath he had been holding grateful his sarcastic tone had convinced her his truthful words were a jest.  Looking at her sideways he muttered.  “You are not a burden.”
“There should be no doubt in your mind that you will never be a burden to me.”  He told turning to her.
“Nozel.” Teris shook her head her expression becoming distant and impatient.
Feel him loosing her again he quickly asked, “If Fuegoleon were here instead of me would you worry he felt you were a burden?”
“No,” she said.  “And if he did I’d kick his butt.”
“Then why question if I do?”
“Cause he’s family.”  Teris answered.  “Distant family but family. Besides, we’ve known each other all our lives.  Grew up together.”
“We’ve known each other for all of our lives.  And practically grew up together.”
“It’s not the same,” Teris said.
“Why? Because of our families plans for our future?  Forget about that. You say it’s never going to happen so it should be easy for you to do so.  I’m tired of fighting you, Teris.  I’m tired of trying to have to prove to you time and again that I am indeed your friend. Can you just forget about the rest and accept me as whatever you want me?  If that is, as you said last night, a friend then let’s be friends in truth.  If it is not.  Tell me.  All I ask is that you stop jerking me from friend to enemy to acquaintance or anywhere else.  It’s tiring.  And I don’t like it.”
Teris stared.  She had never seen Nozel angry at her.  Annoyed.  Yes. Displeased.  Certainly.  A whole host of emotions directed at her had crossed his face and echoed in his tone over the years.  But not once had there been anger.
“I’m sorry, Nozel.”  Teris whispered, her mouth feeling dry.  Fuegoleon, Julius, and Mereoleona had been right.  She was too hard on him.  And now, in his moment of anger she found herself afraid to loose his friendship.  “I’ll try to do better.  It’s just that--”  She shook her head firmly.  “No.  I won’t make excuses.  I’m sorry. I’ll do better.  I promise.”
Nozel swallowed, shocked.  Before she had spoken, in that moment of silence, he had been near breaking and was about to apologize to her for his outburst.  He had never been so glad for not doing something before in his life.
Clearing his throat Nozel gave a firm nod.  “That is all I ask.  Thank you.”
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
when i said it i thought it was true [1] {Ben Hardy}
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where ben is the reader’s ex and they are somehow working together on the set of bo rhap and they fall in love all over again ☺️ could you make it angst-y and then end with fluff? i love your writing so much!!
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where the reader is in bo rhap, maybe playing as one of roger’s gfs or something and she kind of falls in love with ben while filming the scenes with him as roger 💖 very fluffy pls :D
A/N: 3124 words. Super AU version of BoRhap being filmed in the fic. There’s gonna be another part, that will fill the prompts better. This might end up being a series. I hope you enjoy. Feedback would be nice.
When your manager rings you, telling you that you’d landed a part in the Queen Biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, you were elated. Freddie Mercury was a bit of a personal hero of yours, and to be a part of his story on the big screen, it was sort of a dream come true. 
In your first meeting, you sign a nondisclosure agreement, and you’re given the latest draft of the script to start learning, as well as a character brief. The script calls your character ‘Amanda’, the girlfriend of Roger Taylor who he eventually realises he wants to settle down with. You’d seen pictures of young Roger Taylor, you wouldn’t lie, you were excited for the role. Honestly, even today he was still quite a fox.
The point is, you were excited to have a fun time on set with a pretty blonde, make some new connections, and earn some good money. Some really good money.
The other shoe drops when you’re flicking through Instagram, and one of the stan accounts you follow has posted a leaked screenshot of the proposed cast list, and there’s your name, right beside the name of the last person you wanted to pretend to be in love with. Ben Hardy; pretty blonde extraordinaire, and your ex-boyfriend.
The table read is... awkward. 
The two of you are sat next to each other, and barely spoke two words to each other. You feel unprofessional the whole time, but you’d rather be anywhere else in the world, and the delivery of some of your lines falls a little flat. The director casts a concerned look between yourself and Ben as you rattle of what’s meant to be banter like you’re reading the news paper.
“They’ve got no damn chemistry; it’s like watching a celebrity divorce hearing.” When the Director vents to one of the producers in the hall outside after the reading, you manage to catch it where you’re just about to come out of the bathroom.
“They’ll be better on set, I promise, it’s just jitters.” She tries to soothe his nerves, and they’re off soon after, and you’re left with a cold, sinking sensation in your stomach.
“You’re Y/N, aren’t you? How are you finding the set?” The guy who greets you on your first day on the Eastenders set smiles with such casual ease it feels like you’ve known him for a while, instead of having just met him.
“Yeah, that’s me.” You agree with a quick nod, rocking back on your heels as you gaze around the space, trying not to look at him for too long. “It’s a bit overwhelming.” Actually, what’s overwhelming is that he’s talking to you. He’s Ben fucking Hardy, pretty-boy on the soap-opera scene, and he’s talking to you on your first day.
“Yeah, you’ll be right though; if you need any help or anything, just give us a yell, yeah?” And you realise he probably doesn’t know who you’re playing, or how you’re involved in that Season’s arc, but you certainly did.
“I didn’t know you could play drums.” You’re trying to be casual when you say it, but you see Ben tense where he’s sitting on a sofa in the rehearsal room, script and pencil in hand.
“I can now, that’s all that really matters.” He’s giving off such strong ‘please leave me alone’ vibes that it almost hurts, and you have to push through the knot in your stomach and sit down next to him.
“Ben, we need to at least be civil.” You say quietly, and he looks at you, expression a little forlorn.
“Y/N, we are civil, and we’ve done this before. Let’s just keep it professional, okay?” His tone leaves little room for argument, and you nod in agreement with a small smile, and pull out your phone, waiting for the rehearsal director.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” You purr, running your hand delicately over the collar of Ben’s shirt, as his eyes widened and he spluttered to form a sentence, just as the script had told him to. 
Your character was more a plot device than anything, when Ben’s character is at a low point, his main romance is on a break, and he meets you, a temptress in all black. Your job is to give his character a realisation, he starts as your cocaine dealer when his supplier can’t make the drop, and he falls for you. Depending on the audience reaction, you knew the producers were waiting to see if they kill you off or have you recover from your addiction. The point is, your fate’s uncertain at the end of the Season, and Ben’s character realises he has to get out of the drug trade.
“I’ve got something for you, from Oskar. Can we go somewhere more private?” When he speaks, it’s with surprising confidence, and he steps up from the bar stool and into your space, smiling as your face lights up. The director calls cut after a moment, and you step back, smile sliding to something genuine as an assistant comes in and straightens your loose, black silk shirt, and they reset the shot for a new take.
“Ben, could you try less flustered? You’re here to deliver drugs, you’re not a schoolboy.” The director’s voice was kind as she came up to the two of you, and Ben agreed easily before she turned to you. “Great job, Y/N, don’t be afraid to be more even more forward, if you feel it.” As soon as you nod in understanding, she absconds, and you half laugh.
“If I was any more forward I’d be in your lap.” You snickered, voice quiet as you dipped your head to hide how you were faintly flustered. Ben was quiet, just watching you for a moment, but before you noticed, the director called for everyone to standby.
“I’m after Maggie, do you know where I could find her?” Ben starts as soon as the cameras start rolling, brow furrowed as he leans across the bar to speak to the bartender, and that’s your cue to enter the scene.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” And when you say it this time, he smirks back at you, a little cocky, and you can feel the way it makes your heart flutter and you know it’s not as fake as it should be.
Before filming even starts, the producers have essentially forced you and Ben into bonding sessions which, if this were several years ago, would have just been dates. Now they’re awkward and tense, and you tend to bring heavily highlighted scripts.
“I saw you in that Wes Anderson movie last year. It was a really good performance, one of your best.” He offers over coffee. The idea that he’d kept up with enough of your work to label one ‘your best’ has you a little shocked, and something in your heart warms as you thank him softly.
It’s gotten easier to hang around with him, and it’s even easier to pretend to be in love with him in rehearsals. It’s like riding a bike, how easy it is to let yourself smile and lean into him, to let the banter flow easily between the two of you, fond jabs that edge on insulting coming as easily as breathing.
Joe mentions that he thought the two of you worked together before, and when you reply that you’d dated for almost a year, he goes very quiet, eyes going wide. After a beat, he admits it explains a lot.
“X-Men did you real dirty.” You’re half paying attention to an interview with Roger Taylor that the two of you had been instructed to watch together. You’re both in his trailer, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa as you watch in almost complete silence.
“What?” He asks, after a beat, your words having taken a moment to process.
“Killing you off like that; they could have gotten so much mileage out of your character.” The way you say it is far too well thought out to be an idle thought. Ben smirked.
“You just liked the leather pants.” He muttered, but you’re silence is answer enough. You know he sees your embarrassed smile, but you can’t bring yourself to deny it.
“Hey, do you wanna grab a drink after and go through notes and blocking and stuff?” You’re shooting your third episode, and you’re far more comfortable on set by now. Agreeing easily, you let Ben drive the two of you to what he claims is the best pub in town, and you sit in one of the more secluded booths to talk.
It turns out he’s just as much a fan of you as you are of him; you’re known more for your bit-parts in long-running series, it seems like the only show you hadn’t been a part of so far had been Eastenders, it was only a matter of time. It’s an innocent night, true to his word, all you do is talk, and discuss the script. There is one part of the upcoming script that has you a bit nervous. 
“Listen, honestly just go for it; it’s not meant to be sweet or anything, I’m literally taking coke from you.” You tell him, fidgeting, and he’s hums thoughtfully.
“You sure? We can talk to the director, I’m sure-” He offers, but you laugh to hide your nervousness.
“Nah, let’s knock it out of the park, the script says go for it so just go for it.” You assured him, heart rate already quickening at the mere thought of it. 
The next day, before the scene, the director comes over to talk you through it, making sure that if anything becomes uncomfortable, that you can talk to her. Both you and Ben assure her that it’s fine.
“You’re far too cute for this line of work.” You say as you hold a baggie of “cocaine” up to the light, smile playing on your lips.
“Cute? Ouch, you really know how to wound a man, you know.” He says, leaning back against the sofa in the hallway of the grubby hotel your character was staying in. He’s watching you with interest, small smile playing on his lips.
“Cute’s not a bad thing, baby, but you look like you should be making coffees or playing football in the sun, not here, not with me.” And you tap out a little of the powder onto your hand, pretending to snort it before you turn to him, his expression dark and hungry, and he kisses you, aggressive, almost desperate, and you lean into it, almost forget you’re playing a role with his hand on the back of your neck. When he lets go, when he pulls away, your eyes are still closed and you chase his lips for a moment. Eyes flickering open, you see him smirking down at you where he’s standing, and you both know it wasn’t entirely acting.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He growls, and you know you have to smile like you’re into it, like it’s a challenge, but instead, you duck your gaze, giving a small laugh and wiping at the nostril you’d just “snorted cocaine” through, before looking up at him through your eyelashes.
They call cut, and the director announces, almost a little awed, that she’s pretty sure they got the the take, actually says she’s not sure if she could getting a better take if they tried again. Ben seems far too pleased with himself. 
“They want us to tell the public we’re together.” You’re resting your head on Ben’s chest laying at the back of the tour-bus set, and his hand is resting on your waist, which is bare for the crop top and booty shorts they’ve put you in.
“Yeah, I heard.” He replies, voice equally quiet. “I think we’ve got a meeting about it tomorrow morning.” Gwil and Rami are actually playing scrabble at the front of the bus, and Joe is talking to Singer, the director.
“It’s a bad idea.” You’re so frank that you feel Ben freeze, and you heave a sigh. “It’s good for the movie, but Ben...” You trail off, and you feel it when he forces himself to relax. “It wouldn’t be real, it would just be weird.”
“Y/N, we’re actors.” He says very pointedly, and when you turn, resting your chin on his chest, he looks tired, a little exasperated. “It’s just a business deal.” He assured, and you let out a low, thoughtful grumble. 
“We’ll discuss it tomorrow.” You allow, and he nods once, shifting to a more comfortable position, and you go back to resting your head on his chest, eyes fluttering closed as Singer called for the shot to be reset and a bunch of people came and straightened your clothes, and touched up your makeup, all without you having to move much.
You agree to the terms set forth in the meeting easily, the story being that your relationship rekindled on set, and that you were now madly in love, mirroring the relationship you were portraying on screen.
“Wait, does that mean-?” Ben leans forward in his chair, with his heart in his throat as he followed their logic, thinking through the plot of the movie. “Like engaged?” He asked.
“Seems a bit fast.” You agreed, voice level enough that someone might mistake you for calm rather than internally freaking out, and your managers shared a look.
“There will be a public proposal during or after the world premiere, that’s up to you both, and after the movie is out on DVD, you can go your separate ways.” They assured, but your mouth fell open.
“You know he left me for X-Men, right?” You splutter, and Ben’s eyes widen as he turns to you with a scoff.
“You’re the one who said the distance was too much for us while I was in Cairo.” He snapped, and you threw your hands in the air.
“I was offering to come and stay with you instead, but you said you were too busy!” That was enough to shut him up, his mouth snapping closed as he turned away sharply, huffing out a resigned sigh.
“We have a few brands and restaurants who are interested in sponsoring, and the producers are willing to increase both your salaries if you go through with it for the full duration.” Your manager informed you both carefully, and you and Ben shared a resigned look.
“Fake intend to marry me for like three months?” He asked, voice low and bitter, and after heaving a long sigh, you look to your managers,
“I think I love you.” Ben’s character shows up at your character’s door, and you open it in a silk robe. 
“Hello to you too.” You laughed, but he’s so serious, so sincere, and when he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t offer anything else, you step up to him, pressing your lips to his, and he wraps his arms around you, hands sliding against the silk over your hips, and you pull back.
“You’re too sweet for me, baby,” voice so low it’s barely a whisper, he’s the one who chases your lips this time, but your catch his chin, and his eyes open. 
“You’re high.” He says softly, voice raw and a little desperate.
“And you’re my dealer.” You push him back gently, going to close the door and his expression turns angry.
“That doesn’t mean anything; I love you, Maggie.” His words hang heavily in the air, but before you can respond, they call for cut. You’re told to play it more like it hurts to try and turn him down, and you agree, smiling and nodding all the while. Everyone sets up for another take and you close the door.
When you kiss him this time, his hands are holding your face, and you’ve got your arms around his neck, and it’s like the world falls away from around you. It’s not acting now, hasn’t been for weeks, almost months now, not since he’d asked you out officially. Every time you kiss him you’re desperate to drown in his embrace, and he kisses you like it’s just the two of you, no cameras, no scripts.
“You’re-” and he cuts you off with another quick kiss, which has you laughing a little sadly, “Peter you’re too sweet for me.” He rests his forehead against yours, heaving a sigh.
“I know you’re high.” He says gently, and you don’t push him away this time, just lean back, your finger lifting his chin.
“And you’re my dealer.” You tell him, expression falling.
“That doesn’t mean anything, that doesn’t matter; I love you.” And you know that in that moment, the words mean so much more than the script, than these characters, than the show; he loves you. Ben loves you.
You avoid him, outside of filming, until you actually get a call from your manager telling you you’re contractually obligated to be seen in public together at least once a week. Even while filming you’re short with him, and he’s quick to get away from you the moment he doesn’t need to be around you, which was getting to be pretty bad, seeing as how you had been blocking a sex scene.
After the call, you and Ben get a drink. It’s awkward at first, though that’s unsurprising. After a long sip of his beer, he pats his thighs where he’s sitting in the armchair across from you. You make a face at him, shaking your head. 
“It’ll look less suspicious than if we’re shouting at each other across the table.” He hissed, and you groaned, obliging and crossing to sit yourself in his lap. He’s warm and secure, and he wraps his arm around you like it’s second nature. “Let’s not make this weird.” He said gently, and you nod.
“As for tomorrow’s shoot,” you said softly, leaning in to make sure no-one else heard, and he nodded, humming softly, “we’re professionals, and,” after a beat you cleared your throat pointedly, “it’s not like we haven’t done it before.”
“Not in front of a camera crew we haven’t.” Ben says with a smirk, and you snicker in agreement. “It’s gonna go fine; this is all gonna go fine, I promise.” And when you raise your eyebrows at him in surprised question, he just laughs softly, and brings you in for a chaste kiss. “It’s only until the DVD’s released.” He assures you, and you let your expression fall, already weary.
“Ben, that’s over a year away.”
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Laura’s Reading List: RPF x Reader/OFC
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Let me know if you have any other fic recs for me to read & put on this list!
Jensen x Reader
Can’t Fight Fate by @acreativelydifferentlove ***Comp   You’re working in a small bakery to make ends meet when an Alpha walks through the door and turns your world upside down.
Forward by @blacktithe7 ***Comp   Being a single father was never Jensen’s plan, but when his wife unexpectedly passes away just months after giving birth to their little girl, that is exactly what he becomes. His life has been about nothing but his daughter for years. Now Gen and Jared think it’s time for him to move on, and they may know just the right girl to help him do it. Jensen is not so sure. Will he give it a shot? Or will the ghost of his dead wife make him ruin what could possibly be the best thing to ever happen to him and his family?
Silk and Rough Velvet by @blacktithe7 ***Comp   Jensen Ackles is the world’s biggest rockstar. When his hard partying lifestyle threatens to tank his career, his agent convinces him to star in the latest adaptation of Phantom of the Opera. He and his co-star Y/F/N Y/L/N instantly but heads. Their hostility towards each other is so great that it starts threatening the production, so the direct forces them to spend some quality time together. The more time they spend together, the more they start to realize that perhaps there is more to the other than they originally thought.
Crossed Realities by @chelsea072498 ***Comp   Y/N and Alyssa moved to Vancouver shortly after Y/N recovered. They met Jensen Ackles and have become friendly with him
Somewhere In Neverland by @d-s-winchester *** Comp   Jensen Ackles wasn’t looking for love, he had all but given up on finding it. One thing was for sure, he wasn’t expecting to find it in his best friend’s nanny.
Take it All Back by @iwantthedean ***Comp   Jensen Ackles rarely questioned the life he was living now. A successful acting career that had only gotten better over the years, a model girlfriend who was just as down-to-earth as he was, and best friend who never failed to be on his side. There were those rare moments, however, when he found himself homesick and thinking of Journey. Even the girlfriend he had now couldn’t compare to the woman he left behind all those years ago when he decided to move to Los Angeles. Shocking news from home prompts Jensen to bounce a quarter into a whiskey glass and make a drunken wish. The next thing he knows, he’s catapulted into something straight out ofSupernatural. Will Jensen be able to get back to the life he knows? More importantly, will he want to?
Reunited by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes ***Comp   You and Jensen were high school sweethearts, but your relationship ended when he moved to LA to become an actor. Eleven years later, he is back in Texas and coincidentally your new neighbour.
Crack Under Pressure by @mysupernaturalfics ***Comp   Jensen x Reader College AU
Heat of the Moment by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Part 1 4/5) ***Comp   SisterPadalecki!Reader x Jensen
Old Flames, New Sparks by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ***Comp   Danneel Harris moves to Los Angeles to pursue a career in modeling and acting.She had an apartment waiting for her, but by mistake it is already inhabited by a young woman when she gets there. The two women learn to share and as each day pases they continue to grow closer. Life happens and Y/N moves to Nashville. Life goes on for the two women who never completely lost contact. When Y/N breaks up with her boyfriend and needs a place to stay, Danneel is quick to offer her a room in her and her fiance, Jensen Ackles’ Austin home.
Send the Pain Below by @torn-and-frayed ***Comp
Unspoken by @wheresthekillswitch ***Comp   Jensen has known since day one that you were the only girl for him. Problem is, he can never find the right words. Maybe instead of telling you, he can show you.  
Jared x Reader
My Son, Bringer of Storms by @crowleysplaythings ***Comp
Mommy’s Favorite by @impalaimagining ***Comp  After her appointment with Doctor Jared, Isabella wants to see him again, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to see him too. You call him up and he agrees to a lunch date with the two of you.
Love Triumphs by @katymacsupernatural ***Comp  Jared and Gen have split up, but are still friendly. You, the Reader have recently started acting on Supernatural, and have fallen in love with Jared. Both of you get hate due to the fact that you are much younger than he is.
Wild by @kittenofdoomage ***Comp  J2 meets Tarzan with an A/B/O twist. Jensen is a conservationist in West Africa and when his friend is injured, he has to call his oldest friend for help.
Becoming a Father Overnight by @super100012 ***Comp  Jared Padalecki’s life is flipped upside down when he gets a call from a teenage girl saying she’s his daughter.
Misha x Reader
First Impressions and Second Chances by @ruined-by-destiel ***Comp  He never thought he’d get a second chance with you. Life didn’t work like that and it wasn’t something he’d been counting on. But now, being here with you at his side, he felt like he couldn’t thank the universe enough. He wasn’t going to screw it up this time.
13 notes · View notes
arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: A Boat Fire Killed 34 People, and We May Never Know Why
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The distress call came in at 3:14 A.M. on Monday, September 2, Labor Day weekend.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, a man gasped into marine Channel 16the VHF frequency designated for emergencies. His voice was labored and halting.
Conception. Platts Harbor. North Side Santa Cruz.
At Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, one of the night watch standers returned the call, asking the vessel in distress its position and the number of people on board.
Thirty-ninePOB, the man responded. I cant breathe.
Thenthe radio went silent.
Five timesthe radio operator tried to hail the vessel. Finally, the watch stander issued a pan-panan alert to first responders and other mariners that, somewhere in thenight, an urgent problem was unfolding.
The Mayday call came fromJerry Boylan, captain of the Conception, a 75-foot liveaboard dive boat owned by Truth Aquaticsand chartered by Worldwide Diving Adventures. Twenty minutes later,Boylan made radio contact again. The boat was anchored just off Santa Cruz Island, some 20 miles from Californias southern coast and 90 milesas the crow fliesfrom the Coast Guard station in Los Angeles. Distance made theradio connection patchy, so Boylanscall was relayed by an intermediary. As a result, only the followingrecord of the Coast Guards replies remains.
What is the emergency?Over.
What is the emergency? Over.
Your vessel is on fire? Is that correct?
Roger. There are 36 people on board the vessel thats on fire, and they cant get off?
Roger. Can you get back on board the boat and unlock the doors so they can get off?
Roger. And theres no escape hatch for any of the people on board?
A few key details were inaccurate in these radio calls. There were actually 34 people still on board this triple-decker boat:a crew member, a dive leader, and 32 paying customers. They were all in the sleeping quarters, where narrow bunks were stacked three high. The doors into the boat, which opened to the galley and dining area, were not locked. There was an escape hatch, but it led into the main cabin, which was now engulfed in flame. Sleeping on the top deck, Boylan and four crew members were forced to jump off the ship. They used an emergency raft to get to a nearby fishing boat to make the second Mayday call.
But as it would soon become clear, the correction of these few factual errors wouldnt have any impact on the eventual outcome.
In the minutes after that second Maydaycall, the Coast Guard sector dispatched a helicopter from Point Mugu, about 40 miles to the east, and another one from San Diego, along with the cutter Narwhal, which had been conducting routine operations at the Port of Los Angeles. Five other city and county rescue vessels from the regionbegan motoring out to the island as well.
At Coast Guard Station Channel Islands Harbor, in Oxnard, boatswains mate Logan Steinberger was in charge of the station watch. By the time hed pieced together what was happening, he and his crew had just enough time to grab a portable pump and leap into their response boat. The stations second craft would wait for a few county medics to arrive before heading out. They were the closest response team in the area.
We knew from listening to the radio chatter that it was really bad, recalled Steinberger. We kind of knew going in that it may be hopeless, but you dont treat it as hopeless until youre really sure it is.
Two or so miles east of Santa Cruz Island, he could make out the unmistakable glow of fire. It was the only light on the horizon.
When the response boat arrived, the Conception was completely ablaze. Steinberger and his crew swept the area, looking for survivors. Seeing none, they set up their pump. It has a limited capacity, so they had to get close to the burning boat. Steinberger steered the vessel from inside the cabin. Outside, his engineer was shouting directions to keep him oriented away from smoke and the worst of the flames. The coxswain could feel the heat as he leaned out to hear the engineers instructions.
One of the next boats on the scene carried a Ventura County fire captain, who let Steinberger and his crew know that their efforts with the pump were futileit just didnt have the capability of a real fireboat. So the crew of the response boat went back to circling for survivors.
Paul Amaral was at home when he got word of the distress call that night via a TowBoatUS radio-dispatch center. Captain of a TowBoatUS craft, he sped to his Ventura office, grabbed a grappling hook, and raced to the scene. The sea and sky were as dark as Amaral had ever seen them. He, too, was listening to the radio on his way to the Conception, hoping someone had made a terrible mistake when reporting the situation. And then, there it was on the horizon: the worsening fire.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
Other fireboats arrived, one after another. They sprayed the Conception continuously for hours. The flames began to abate in places. But big hot spots remained. One burned through the boats anchor line. Amaral watched as the boat drifted into the jagged rocks encircling Platts Harbor. He knew his small vesselwas the only one that could get in close, so he pushed up against the hull of the Conception, right next to the sleeping quarters. He didnt hear a sound. Amaral knew no one could be alive.
The fire had decimatedpatches of the Conceptions hull. Amaral threw the grappling hook onto the bow and let out 50 feet of line. He pulled the burning boat off the rocks and tried to hold it in deeper water while two fireboats continued to pump water.
As the sun began to break, the bowline of the Conception wallowed lower and lower on the waterline. The Coast Guard began setting up gear to pump waterout of the boat, hoping tokeep the Conception stable enough to tow ashore. But before itcould get theequipment ready, the stern disappeared below the water. Moments later, all but the bow had vanished. As it sank, the boat turtled. Debris quickly gathered on the surface abovecharcoal, a pool of diesel fuel, charred remnants of the boat itself. No one really wanted to think about what else could be there.
First responders from over 14 state and federal agencies had aided in the rescue and recovery efforts. They retrieved 20 of the 34 victims by the end of the day. It took nearly two weeks before the rest of the casualties were recovered and identified.
As the international diving community mourned, crew members and victims families began looking for answers. Federal agencies, including the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the USCG, started to investigate. All indications suggest those answers may never comethat we may never know what caused one of the worstmaritime tragedies in modern U.S. history, or how to prevent it from happening again.
The Conception was one of three boats belonging toTruth Aquatics, a dive and charter company founded in 1974. Owned and operated by Glen Fritzler and his family, the Santa Barbarabased organization was widely considered one of the best in the business.
These were family boats, where the crew and passengers ate meals shoulder to shoulder, often still in their wetsuits. Clients chartered the Fritzlers boats for field trips and family reunions. Customers felt safe on the dives. They felt secure living and sleeping on board.
The Conceptionwas built for Truth Aquatics in 1981. Records obtained by Outsideshow that the boat passed its annual USCG inspections from 2016 through 2019, with just a handful of violations. These included, in 2017, an expired fire extinguisher, some minor electrical issues, and a failure to document both fire and abandon-ship drills,and, in 2018, expired items in a first aid kit.
Other than these citations, the vessel met USCG standards. It maintained mandatory fire-suppression systems, including fire extinguishers and above-deck hoses. Fritzler had installed smoke detectors on board. In addition to the narrow stairway leading from the fore end of the galley tobelow deck, the sleeping berths also had an emergency escape hatcha square of plywood above one of the uppermost aft bunks that also led into the galley.
Truth Aquatics did have a few major safety incidents over the years. In 1992, its boat Vision ran aground in the Channel Islands while carrying divers. In nearly 40 years of service, three customers (out of an estimated 450,000) drowned while diving. For most of itspatrons, however, their experience was overwhelmingly positiveone reason Fritzler was awarded the California Scuba Service Award, a lifetime-achievement commendation, in June 2019.
Every dayhundreds of similarly compliant dive boats around the world depart for multi-day trips, only to return all passengers safely and happily to the dock. But its also true that catastrophic accidents arent entirely uncommon. In a simple Google search, I found reports of at least 11 fires on liveaboard dive boats since 2000. Most of those incidents did not receive widespread coverage, like the Sea Queen II, which caught fire in the Red Sea in 2004, killing an American teacher and two students. Or the Mandarin Siren, whichincinerated in 2012 off the Indonesian coast while its customers were diving directly below (they were all rescued).
On October 26, 2019, less than two months after the Conception fire, the Red Sea Aggressor I, owned by Aggressor Adventures, based in Augusta, Georgia,departed Egypts Marsa Alam for a multi-day diving trip in the Red Sea. On November 1, just after midnight, passengers below deck awoke to the smell of smoke in their forward cabins. Smoke and heat prevented them from exiting the main staircase. They tried to use the emergency hatch but could move it only a few inchesas best as they could later surmise, a crew member had placed a thin mattress beside the hatch and fallen asleep against it. As they tried desperately to wake him, Michael Houben and his dive partner were waking up in their cabin, located in the aft of the vessel. Houben says he spent 20 or 30 seconds trying to find his glasses before abandoning the search and exiting the cabin, followed by his roommate. They made it to the emergency hatch, which had been opened once the crew member awoke. Houben estimates that, had he spent another few seconds trying to find those glasses, he probably wouldnt have survived.
One passenger didnt: Patricia Kessler, 54, a former naval officer and an experienced diver serving with the Justice Department at the American embassy in Tanzania.Her cabin was next to Houbens, who speculates that she must have taken just a few seconds longer than he did before she exited.
I corresponded by email with Wayne Brown, CEO of Aggressor Adventures, in November. He said that his company hasnot yet received expert confirmation regarding the origin of the fire and is cooperating with local authorities in their investigation. He also said thatwhile Egyptian codes do not require a standing watch, his company has implemented mandatory night watches on all of its vessels in the wake of the Aggressor fire. Its also begun testing smoke detectors with artificial smoke to ensure their reliability, and guests are now invited, as part of their orientation, to test the devices and practice using the emergency exits.
We hold our boats and crews to the highest standards of safety and service, wrote Brown. Well continue to do everything in our power to ensure guests enjoy their adventure with us, safely.
But Houben, who has been perhaps the most outspoken of the Aggressor survivors in terms of the mistakes that he alleges were made on board, says that doesnt go nearly far enough to ensure these types of disasters dont occur again. Houben says hes doubly disturbed because he heard there were similarities between what happened aboard the Aggressor and the Conception.
Worldwide Diving Adventures chartered the Conception for a Labor Day weekend tripone that company head Kristy Finstad regularly led that time of year, often aboard a Truth Aquatics vessel. Fritzlers crew handled logistics, meals, and the boat.
Finstad, 41, and her husband, Dan Chua, 42, took the reins of the company from her father, Bill, in 2004. For Finstad, it was a return home. Shed grown up in the water, surfing in Baja, Mexico, and diving with her dad by the time she was eight. After graduating from college, she worked in community-based coastal restoration in Southern California.
The diving industry wasand in a lot of ways remainsa male-dominated realm. Finstad fought hard against that, says Chua. There were times abroadon trips where women leaders didntget the respect they deserved because of their gender, he says. She would battle through itby being smartand kindand thinking out of the boxand knowing her shit. In timeshe became a role model and certified dozens of new female divers.
In the years before the accident, Finstad and Chua took their business international, with trips to places like Borneo, South Africa, Indonesia, and French Polynesia. Those excursions werent cheap, but clients were guaranteed some of the best adventure diving out there.
The Channel Island excursions, by contrast, were structured to be affordableunlimited tank refills and multiple daily dives, family-style meals in the galley, and spartan sleeping quarters down below. It wasnt fancy, but it was fun.
Finstads 32 customers boarded the Conception the night of Friday, August 30. Some, like Sunil Singh Sandhu, 45, an electrical engineeroriginally from Singapore and living in Silicon Valley, were brand-new to diving. Others, like Kendra Chan, 26, and her dad, Scott, 59, both from the Bay Area, were veterans to these Channel Island excursions.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
The boat departed Santa Barbara at 4 A.M. that Saturday.Chua was out of cell range in Costa Rica for much of the weekend. But he says that if the trip followed thetypical schedule, most of the passengers would have slept through a good bit of the slog out to the islands. When they woke up, thered be a continental breakfast and a safety briefing, then a morning dive and second hot breakfast. Guests could take multiple afternoon dives and, if they hadnt been drinking at happy hour, there was usually the opportunity for a night dive. Each daytheyd repeat that pattern.
The waters off the Channel Islands are coarse, filled with rocky reefs and dense kelp beds. Water temperatures are in the sixties. But divers get the chance to swim with sea lions and harbor seals,spearfish for halibut, and harvest lobster.
Its wonderful diving, but its not easy, says Chua.
Sunday night, September 1, Captain Boylan anchored the boat off Santa Cruz Island. After the night dive, everyonestayed up late, celebrating the birthdays of three passengers:Vaidehi Campbell, a water-conservation specialist just two days shy of her 42nd birthday; Michael Quitasol, who was celebrating his 63rd with his wife,Fernisa Sisan, and three adult daughtersEvan Michel, Nicole, and Angela Rose; and Tia Salika-Adamic, whose parents had booked the family trip to commemorate her 17th birthday. Traveling with Salika-Adamicwas Berenice Felipe, 16, one of her best friends.The daughter of Mexican-American immigrants, Felipe had lost her father when she was seven years old. Her mother, Yadira, raised her and her sister alone. Salika-Adamicand Felipe were regular volunteers at theanimal shelter in Santa Cruz, California. And when Felipe expressed an interest in diving, thefamily took her on trips to places as far-flung as Bonaire, in the Caribbean, where they worked on reef-restoration projects.
What happened after the cake and ice cream is murky. (Boylan and the four surviving crew members have refused interviews due to ongoing investigations). What can be pieced together based on reports given to the NTSB is that 34 people, including Finstad and 26-year-old deckhand Allie Kurtz, descended the narrow ladderway in the galley near the bow of the boat to the bunks down below.
The captain and remaining crew members, including Kurtzs boyfriend, Rob McClelland, and Ryan Sims, a newly hired boat steward, eventually settled into their wheelhouse quarters (the two othercrew membershavent been named). A former attorney for the Fritzler family said in September that one of the crew members checked the galley as late as 2:30 A.M. This detail, however, could not be confirmed with the familys new attorney, who directed inquiries about the fire to court documents.
The preliminary NTSB reportsaid that Captain Boylan and four crew members were sleeping in the wheelhouse, on the top deck of thevessel, when the blaze broke out. Just after 3 A.M., an unidentified crew member woke to a loud noise. He says he opened the door, looked down, and saw a fire billowing out of the aft end of the dining area on the main level. He then woke the others. Boylan ran to make the first Mayday call. The others tried to descend to the main deckbut could not because the ladder was on fire. With no other choice, they jumped 20 feet or so down to the main deck. Sims broke his leg in three places and injured his back and neck. With Sims unable to move, McClelland and the other two crew members say they tried to open both the double doors at the dining area of the salon and the fore windows but couldnt access either. As thesmoke began to overtakethem, the entire crewjumped overboard. Next, Boylan and two otherssay they swam to the aft of the boat, reboarded via a ladder, and checked the engine room for firebut saw none.
They then launched the Conceptions tenderand collected the other two crew members, including Sims, who were in the water.There was only one other boat in the vicinity: the Grape Escape, a 60-foot fishing boat owned by Bob and Shirley Hansen, a couple who had anchored nearby for the night. Using the raft to reach the other boat, they woke the Hansens and deposited Sims, who the Hansens say was groaning in obvious pain, and Boylan, who then made the second Mayday call. McClelland also spent time aboard, where he tearfully told the Hansens that Kurtz, the crew member sleeping downstairs, was still trapped below on the Conception.
By thenover 20 minutes had passed since the crew member first noticed the dining room was engulfed in fire. Later, in a press conference, Santa Barbara sheriff Bill Brown would say there was no indication thatanyone on the lower level made it up through the flames.
It was lit from one end to the other. There wasnt a part of that boat that wasnt on fire, says Bob Hansen. The flames were 30 feet high.
A fire of that magnitude and in the sleeping quarters on the lower deck below the hull would mean an instant, deadly crisis for anyone down below, says Dr. Douglas Arenberg, a pulmonologist and critical-care professor of medicine at the University of Michigan Health System.
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Kristy Finstad during a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean in 2017 (Photo: Dan Chua)
With a fire on a modern craft, theres a lot of plastic and materials that are going to release lethal chemicals, says Arenberg. Burning plastics release cyanide, he explains. The polyvinyl chloride used on the flooring and seat covers would have created poisonous plumes of hydrogen chloride. Even just the particulates in that smoke could have obstructed airways before anyone could escape.
Accessing the emergency hatch on the Conception would have required 34 people to hop from their respective beds and orient down a dark, smoke-filled walkway to the aftmost set of bunks. Then, one by one, they would have had to climb a ladder to the top bunk, lieon their back, push open the hatch above their head, and then contort themselves up into itif they woke up in time.
The fire would have rapidly depleted the quarters of oxygen, replacing it with lethal levels of carbon monoxide and toxic smoke. Indeed, medical examinations of the victims, a sheriffs-office spokesperson told me later, indicated they died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.
Its a nightmare scenario, says Arenberg.
Three days after the fire, representatives from the NTSB held a press conference in Santa Barbara, not far from a memorial to the victims of the Conception fire.
The vessel had not yet been raised from the ocean floor, but NTSB member Jennifer Homendy reiterated a comment one of the crew members had made to the Hansens the night of the fire that had since been widely reported by newspapers.
There was a lot of photography, videography, cameras, cell phonesthat were charging on the vessel itself, Homendy told reporters.
Later that week, the USCG issued a marine-safety bulletinurging boaters to reduce potential fire hazards and consider limiting the unsupervised charging of lithium-ion batteries.
These statements and bulletins have done much to encourage the theory that the Conception fire was caused by an overheated lithium-ion battery in one of the passengers devices and plugged into one of the ad hoc charging stations in the dining area or one of the outlets in the sleeping quarters.
There is precedent for this in the aviation world. A recent Federal Aviation Administrationreport lists 252 recorded incidents involving lithium-ion battery fires on board commercial airlines since 2006. The batteries store an enormous amount of energy in a very confined space, explains Feng Lin, a professor of chemistry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. And if multiple people were charging their devices simultaneously and in close proximity, Lin says you could have a temperature escalation that would reduce safety features.
Its a complicated chemical reaction made even more complicated by everything else contained in the seawater, Lin says.
Chua says he gets that. But with no evidence to substantiate the battery theory other than speculation, he thinks making that supposition public was a callous and irresponsible move while the boat was still on the ocean floor and one victim had yet to be recovered.
It was a random guess, with no evidence at the time, and was a slight to all the people who died and their families, he says.It seemed like victim blaming to me.
Fires such as these are notoriously difficult to investigate, because evidence that could be used to determine a specific cause is incinerated. Even if it werent, days sloshing around on the seafloor would render much of it difficult to analyze. Without any such specific evidence at hand, one certified fire investigator told me, the boat firemay ultimately be classified as of undetermined cause.
Nevertheless, in a press conference a day after the fire, Homendy stated, I am 100 percentconfident that our investigators will determine the cause of this fire, why it occurred, how it occurred, and what is needed to prevent it from happening again.
I spoke with her by phone two months later, and she stood by that statement.
This is what we do. We investigate a lot of tragedies. And after accidents, sometimes theres a lot of evidence and sometimes theres little evidence, she said. Theres no doubt in my mind that, at the end of the day, well have a probable cause and recommendations to vote on when we consider the final report.
One reason for her confidence may be the fact that the NTSB considers not only the actual mechanism that ignited the firebut also human behavior and environmental factors. For instance, when fire destroyed the Florida-based Island Lady in January 2018, the NTSB determined probable cause to be an ineffective preventative-maintenance program, along with insufficient guidance for the crew on how to operate the vessel in an overheated-engine situation. As for those lithium-ion batteries, she said the crews statements about the charging stations are factoring into their investigations, but so, too, are other matters like electrical wiring and galley equipment.
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Mourners leaving flowers and memorabilia at the Sea Landing dock, home of the commercial dive boat Conception, in Santa Barbara on September 3, 2019 (Photo: Rod Rolle/Sipa via AP Images)
Were not ruling anything out, Homendy told me.
The NTSB will not speculate on the cause of the fire, as the investigation is still ongoing, but one finding in the agencys final report could be the lack of a standing night watcha violation of UCSG rulessince the NTSBs preliminary report found that all crew members were asleep when the blaze broke out. If the final report confirms that the ship did not have a standing night watch, the captain or vessel owner could serve up to tenyears in prison, according to U.S. code.
Regardless of the cause, the NTSB could also make recommendations concerning the size and egress ofemergency hatches, the types of onboard fire alarms, and the use of personal electronics. But Homendy reiterated that these recommendations could really include anything, and the goal of the recommendations is to ensure an event like this doesnt happen again.
In the meantime, its up to both the criminal and civil courts to decide what happens next for the owners, crew, and surviving family members of the Conception.
Three days after the fire, the Fritzlers evoked a maritime statute from the 19th centurythat limits financial liability to the value of the vessel (which is currently zero) and mandates that all claims be filed within six months of the accident, making it difficult for some surviving family members to seek compensation. In January, four of the victims families, including Kurtzs, filed claimschallenging the Friztlerseffort to invoke the obscure law.Among the safety violations the filing allegesis that Truth Aquatics failed to provide a safe way to store and charge lithium-ion batteries, as required by the USCG.
Meanwhile, Sims has suedTruth Aquatics for pain and suffering, alleging that the Conception was not properly maintained and outfitted with safety equipment. Sims also alleges that he and other crew members were not adequately trained for emergencies such as the one that led to his injuries. A similar lawsuithas been filed by the widow of Justin Dignam, 58, who died in the fire. Her suit alleges that the vessel didnt have adequate smoke detectors or firefighting equipment, it lacked enough emergency exits, and a required night watch was not on duty when the flames broke, according to thelawsuit filed in federal court. (Truth Aquatics and its attorneys did not respond to multiple requests for comment regardingthe allegations made in the twolawsuits andclaims filed by victims families.)
On Capitol Hill, congresspeople are pointing fingers at the Coast Guard. The agency is responsible for creating and enforcing safety standards, inspecting vessels, and launching rescue and recovery operations. In November, after the Los Angeles Times revealedthat the Coast Guard rejected recommendations to improve fire safety, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructures subcommittee on Coast Guard and maritime transportation called Rear Admiral Richard Timme, the assistant commandant for prevention policy, to testify. Members chided him for what they saw as a track record of inaction when it came to requiring changes suggested by the NTSB, particularly those following maritime tragedies.
In December, California senator Dianne Feinstein, along with representatives Julia Brownley and Salud Carbajal, introduced the Small Passenger Vessel Safety Act, which endeavors to shore up safety measures by requiring multiple egresses (which exit into different parts of the vessel), strengtheningrequirements for integrated fire-alarm systems, and restrictingthe use of lithium-ion batteries on board.
The Conception boat fire was a tragedy that could have been prevented had stronger safety measures been in place,said Feinstein.We must ensure that small passenger vessels have the right safety measures in place to prevent disasters at sea.
Chua says hes all for common-sense regulations. But hedoesnt want to see elected officials insisting on knee-jerk changes just to make people feel better. Any new regulation, he says, has to make sense and promote safety.
In the meantime, hes trying to put his life back together. Kristy Finstad wasnt just the love of his life, she was also the heart and soul of their business. Worldwide Diving Adventures has been on hiatus since the fire. Chua says hell run the trips already scheduled for 2020, but handling both logistics and grief has been hard. After these trips are done, he doesnt know whatll be next.
It was always a team effort on trips between Kristy and myself, and its really hard to not have your partner next to you, he says. Sometimes I look to my sideand just see an enormous empty space where she would have been, and my heart just aches.
Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/xJdvi24g2Ao/a-boat-fire-killed-34-people-and-we-may-never-know-why
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