#and he know that Donnie loves hoodies
onejellyfishplease · 1 year
I wanna put unmutated Donnie in a tiny sweater…
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How could you do this to him
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
My rambling is always cut off by the tag limits 😔
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heck-theo · 3 months
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Okokokokok- ignore how rough and messy some of these redraws/sketches are - but it's apparently also dinosaur month?? (WHY did no one ever tell me it's Jurassic June? I love dinosaurs) And like. What if Rise but dinosaurs?!
I don't often post such loose sketches but I wanted to show these off cause I really like some of this.
Design choices and dino species + the reasons I picked them bellow (looking for potential Donnie dino suggestions):
Clothes: Without the shell they really need clothes. They'd all have pretty much the same pants to keep some unity, except maybe Mikey (I decided they should all have the same pants after I finished the Mikey sketches, not sure if I'll keep the shorts or change to pants). Accessories are a mix of pre and post finale.
Raph - I think would keep it simple and practical but would also wear nice jackets and stuff when in casual situations. I need to work on giving him an alternative outfit and tweak his accessories a bit.
Donnie - An oversized pull-over hoodie cause we already know he loves that shit. We see him wearing it all the time. Easy enough. He wears a comfortable singlet underneath so the straps of his battle sail don't rub. Nice soft fabric, tight fit so it doesn't move around, tucks it into his pants, etc. When he wears the battle sail he won't overheat so he can wear hoodies basically all year round.
Leo - He's in one of those shirts with obnoxiously large arm holes and make it cropped cause 1. I think he would 2. I want it to be different from Raph and Donnie's singlets. He usually wears the shoulder strap off his shoulder but pulls it up when he needs to. He has some of the black bandages over his mid drift atm but I might just make his pants super high waisted in the final version. He'd probably wear a bomber jacket (also cropped?) over the top for cool weather, but doesn't like to hide his feathers.
Mikey - I think he'd mostly wear hand me downs when he's younger. He definitely goes through a stage of rebelling and wanting to pick his own and would find a middle ground of appreciating sharing some of his brother's clothes and modifying them, as long as he has the choice of his own available. Not sure if that would be before or after this design. At the moment he's got Raph's old shorts (from a loooong time ago), Leo's old shirt, and Donnie's old zip up hoodie. He does have his own accessories though, including pins instead of stickers.
Dinosaurs: I kept them all as non-avian dinosaurs, AKA not including animals that are colloquially considered dinos but aren't (like pterosaurs). I wanted to keep an even split of herbivore vs carnivore just so one wasn't the odd one out. I wanted to keep most of their body structure, colours and distinguishing features the same as canon. Obviously I added tails cause, yeah, of course haha. I did want them to be recognisable as different species of dino using distinct characteristics that their species is known for. I did ignore a lot of differences though, like size and bipedal vs quadruped (although the quadrupeds might be more likely to go to all fours, especially when fighting or afraid). Leo and Donnie are carnivores so have sharper teeth and claws.
Raph - Some kind of Ceratopsian (likely Triceratops or something very similar) and he was the first idea I had for this and I'm really happy with it. I think it just suits him. Trike Raph just came to me in an unprecedented moment of genius. His spikey frill replicates his spikey shell. His sturdiness, protectiveness and willingness to kick ass when needed, all scream trike to me.
Donnie - Spinosaurus but looking for other species recommendations. More details below: So I wanted to figure out a way for him to have tech with a similar function to his battle shell (in the sense that it's something that helped him in day to day life) and so I went with spino cause one possible theory about a function of spinosaurus' sail is temperature regulation. So his battle sail has heating/cooling systems as well as other tech. A spino's sail was probably not fragile but the battle sail would also help protect it from being targeted during fights or crushed during extreme impacts. It was also thought to be used for display, and what's more of a display than a battle sail? The only problem I have with this is that it's lacking part of what makes Donnie's battle shell so great, which is that it is essentially a prosthetic. Not quite the same as how prosthetics are used in people of course, just in the sense that it is replicating the functionality of a body part that he doesn't have (I can't think of a better word). Well he does have a shell but it doesn't function in the same way that his brothers shells do, which leaves him with less defense than they have, hence a big reason for the battle shell (I hope I explained this well, it was hard to try and word properly). I can't think of a good way to do this with dinos. I was thinking of a carno or something with tiny arms, then Donnie could have tech enhanced arms but I'm pretty much ignoring body structure in the others so it would be weird to have just Donnie be affected by a difference in limb structure/functionality. I was thinking prosthetic tail but every non avian dinosaur had a pretty substantial tail. Except therizinosaurus but even they hade pretty obvious tails. I'm open to suggestions for this one if anyone has ideas. It does have to be an extinct non-avian dinosaur (anything not in Avialae), preferably carnivore but if someone suggests a really good herbivore or omnivore then I can try and swap Mikey for a carnivore. I want there to be an even split. I also wanted to give him something different on his face, like his brothers, and that could only be a little spino crest and it crowds the top of his head but I can't put it anywhere else...
Leo - A type of Dromaeosaur. I was tossing up between this and a dilophosaur where his red stripes were part of the dilo's crest, cause I wasn't sure about giving him feathers. But dilo Leo was so plain compared to the rest and the crests were hard to get looking right so I went back to raptor Leo. I can definitely imagine him literally and metaphorically preening his feathers too. You can't really see it but he does also have that big raptor claw. Raptors were smart, tactical and worked in packs so I think that suits him. I wasn't specifically referencing how some artists draw Leo's stripes coming off his face (I was just trying to replicate his stripes somehow, even though it doesn't make a huge amount of sense) but I realised afterwards that it kinda looks like that and might have been subconsciously inspired by it.
Mikey - Is an Ankylosaur. I'm pretty happy with the species but I need to work out the design of his armour plating so that it looks interesting, cool and protective but isn't too chunky, too pointy or super lumpy looking. I went with an anky cause Mikey is often hiding in his shell and he can't do the same here but he could curl up in a defensive ball. Plus I could imagine him using his tail club in his razzmatazz fighting style. A little like his kusari-fundo or nunchacku/nunchucks (not sure on proper wording).
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unlicensed-queer · 2 months
Study Session
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Summary: Donnie and the reader are childhood friends going to college together and feelings run hot one night working on a biology project
Warnings: Shmut (sub! Donnie and unprotected sex, wrap it up folks, unprotected is only fun in fiction and monogamous relationships!)
Pairing: Donnie Darko x Fem! Reader
Notes: so like the smut was fun but I loved writing the dialogue between reader and Donnie, it was so fun to imagine them being tired and frustrated with their assignment and blaming the flies. First smut post hope y'all enjoy! (I did not proofread this have mercy on me). Divider by @saradika-graphics
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Donnie and you had been friends as long as you could remember. You had grown up next door neighbors, running around the neighborhood, poking salamanders and making mud castles. Then later as soon as you got your license, the two of you drove around looking for anything to do in your sleepy Iowa town. You'd been together forever, always had each other's backs and been there for each other through your darkest moments. You knew almost everything about Donnie, except one thing. What you didn't know was that he had been pining after you since he could recognize the difference between girls and boys. You didn't know that he had picked the college he did simply because you were going there and he couldn't stand the thought of not being able to see you. And you didn't know that every night Donnie lay awake with his hand in his pants and his eyes closed, thinking of the way your hair smelled and how the sun shone off your skin. He was addicted to you, obsessed. One time you left your hoodie at his dorm, he had cherished it. He kept it in a box in his closet, secluded and safe, taking it out to bury his face in your scent as he rutted helplessly into his bed. The poor boy wanted you so bad it hurt. Of course it wasn't just that he thought you were hot, a lot of girls were hot, no it was the fact that you never treated him like a bomb about to go off, never looked at him like he might snap and run at you with a broken glass. You treated him like a normal friend, even after the shit show with the flooded school and the inspirational speakers house. But the fact that you were everything he ever wanted in a girl, strong, confident and forceful, didn't hurt.
Now Donnie was smart and Donnie was brave but he was terrified to admit any of this to you. He was so scared of ruining what you had that he held it back, content with his fantasies and his right hand, left if he was feeling adventurous.
One night you were sitting together, chewing your pencils and scratching your head over a biology project. The results of your trials weren't lining up the way they were supposed to and you just couldnt figure out what was going wrong. Donnie sat back with a sigh and stretched his cramped back.
"I dunno man have you considered that maybe the flies are just fucking stupid or something?" He asked, to frustrated to think of any actual ideas "maybe tomorrow we can print off an instruction manual of what they're supposed to do and they can read it with their weird ass little eyes"
You huffed a distracted laugh as you looked over the spreadsheets for the millionth time
"Sure let's tell them that they're giving they're larvae the wrong birth defects and that they need to try harder" You let your head fall, thumping against the textbook on your mattress
"I don't know what's going wrong, maybe the dosages in the food is wrong?" You asked, voice muffled. Donnie looked down at you. Your were laying on your stomach and your shirt had rode up, exposing the dip of your back. He swallowed, funny how an inch of exposed skin and the curve of your ass in shorts could make his brain short circuit.
"Yeah uh, we could try that"
You looked back, frowning slightly.
"You good Donnie? You look all sweaty are you sick?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. Donnie gave a bright and only slightly forced smile and gave you a thumbs up. As soon as you turned away he hurriedly grabbed a throw pillow and held it on top of his lap. He groaned internally, why did he always feel like this in the most inconvenient times? He didn't want to be one of those gross guy best friends that only spend time with a girl because they want to fuck her, but he needed you so badly. He could have drooled over the sight of the how your clothes hugged your body, how your shoulder moved as you turned pages.
Donnie took a deep breath, he couldn't stand it anymore. Even if you rejected him it would still be better than this halfway hell of agonizing over you day and night
"Y/N, I..I wanna..I gotta say something" Donnie mumbled, twisting the tassels on your pillow. You sat up and looked at him.
"Is it why you been acting so weird for the last 20 minutes?" You asked, pushing your hair back "do I have something stuck in my teeth?" You lifted your hand to your mouth in worry.
"Nonono, your teeth look great, you look great , I-" Donnie flushed with nerves. He could string together a rant about smurfs or rabbits or why he hated fakey VHS messiahs but as soon as he wanted to just say he liked you it was all jumbled up. You were so close to him, he could see the faint freckles on your nose. He didn't think about doing it, he just knew that a moment later his lips were pressed to yours and it was everything he ever wanted. He didn't care if you slapped him and never wanted to speak again, it was worth it for a moment of feeling your plush lips and being enveloped in your scent. He broke away, lips parted and pupils blown wide.
“Sorry uh-" he didn't even get to finish his sentence before you had pushed him back onto the bed, kissing him hard. Donnie moaned and threaded his hands into your hair. You were both inexperienced and the kiss was all tongue and teeth but still the heat pooled in your core. You pulled away for a moment to breathe, looking down at Donnie. His lips were swollen and pink, his hair messy and his cheeks flushed.
“Y/N, fuck, need..need you" he whimpered, tugging at your waist band. He felt like his brain was melting, you were so pretty and he was so hard and he needed you so badly it hurt.
“Please-please I-” Donnie felt you wrap a hand around his cock and he gave a whimper that sounded like he was about to cry.
"Need what?” You teased. You knew full well what he wanted, your pussy warm and wet around him. But you weren't going to let him have it that easy, he'd get spoiled.
“Wanna fuck you, please Y/N, I'll make you feel so good I just need you, needa be inside you.." Donnie begged, pressing kisses to your neck and face. “Please" he whispered into your skin, drunk on the strawberry scent of your body wash.
“So polite aren't you?" You murmured to Donnie as you cradled his face in one hand. You shifted your legs to pull off your shorts. Donnie looked down with wide eyes and swallowed dryly.
“Cat got your tongue?" You laughed as you tugged down his pants and boxers to his knees. Donnie looked back at you. His eyes were huge, they always were but this time they seemed almost glassy with awe.
“You're so pretty" he whispered, lifting his hands to your hips. You smiled and kissed him slowly as you sank down onto him. Donnie groaned into the kiss, his hips bucking unconsciously. It felt so much better than he could have imagined, tight and hot and velvet soft, rippling around him. He bit his lip trying not to cum instantly. A shock of electric pleasure shot through him when you started to ride him. He couldn't control the sounds he made. He didn't know if he was talking or whimpering or what but his mouth was open, praise and pleasure dripping from his lips.
“Feel so good inside me" you panted, hips raising and falling, the obscene sound of your skin together filling the dorm. Your hips burned but the pleasure was enough you couldn't stop. You were lost in the pleasure when you felt Donnie grab your hips, halting your movement. You looked down in confusion, seeing Donnie with his eyes clenched closed.
“Donnie? Are..are you ok?" What if he wanted to stop? Had you done something wrong?
“Just..just gotta..hold on for a second" Donnie mumbled, face flushing red. His cock throbbing, desperate to cum. You looked down at him, a knowing grin spreading across your face
“Were you about to cum?" You asked, mirth in your voice. Donnie flushed even redder
“Not my fault you're..fucking good at this!" He protested, taking a few deep breaths to back himself away from the edge. You laughed, your head tipping back. Donnie couldn't believe how beautiful you were. He gripped your hips again, thrusting his hips up. The tight wet heat was intoxicating, he felt like he could drown in your scent and die a happy man. You were his goddess and his altar and he would worship any way he could. As you started to move again Donnie bit back a whimper as his cock throbbed.
“So pretty, so fucking pretty" he whispered, pressing his lips to your neck. Your lips pressed together in a messy and desperate kiss. Donnie fucked you like he wanted to be part of you, whimpering desperate pleas and praises as he thrust his hips up automatically. He could feel his climax building, rushing up on him and he gripped your hips tightly.
“Can’t-nnh-can’t stop-Y/N-” he grunted, he could feel your hot breath panting on his neck as you bounced above him. He reached down and pressed two fingers to your clit, rubbing in a circular motion, entranced by how wet you were. The additional stimulus made your brain short circuit and you gave a breathy moan, Donnie wanted to record that and play it on loop until he came dry.
"hh-fuck-hh” Donnie couldn't string together a sentence as he held himself back from cumming. He didn't want to cum before you, he wanted to serve you, to be good. Above him he felt you seize, your pussy rippling around him as you gasped. He felt a gush of slickness over his hand and he couldn't help himself, cumming hard with a whimpering moan of your name. As he lay, panting and sweaty with you laying on his chest one thought crossed his mind.
“Best fucking study sesh ever"
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I think the thing I keep coming back to is not the enormity of their love it's the mmmm. Consistency maybe? I'm not sure that's the right word.
It's the way it manifests, right? Because of course they love each other, they're family, they're each others whole heart. Of course Mikey will sacrifice his youth to burn the kraang out of Casey. Of course Raph would give the generator at his heart to keep Leo and Mikey and Casey safe. Of course Leo would stay behind with Mikey in a ruined world. Of course Donnie would walk onto a battlefield half dead and fight the kraang off for his brothers. Of course Casey would break the laws of the universe to bring the four of them back.
Of course they would. Because they're each other's whole world. There's no ask that's too large. There's no task too impossible. There's no fight that's too dangerous. Of course they'd hand out these actions, these definitive declarations of love.
Because what other choice is there? When the options are do it or let your family suffer the answer is obvious. The answer is easy.
And those are wonderful ploy points, they're wonderful dynamics and moments and declarations. But they're not what I keep coming back to.
I keep coming back to Leo giving Mikey his hoodie when Mikey wants comfort. To Casey wrapping baby Leo in blankets. To April finding the Jupiter Jim movie and bringing it to watch with Donnie. To Donnie making Mikey young again. To Leo giving Casey piggyback rides, and swinging him around for fun. To Mikey letting Leo's scarf and tassels float with magic. To Donnie letting Casey lay on him. To Raph commiserating with Leo that Casey doesn't remember him. To Mikey comforting Raph when he lost his eye.
To Donnie showing Casey the rain.
Because when you love someone it's easy to give everything for them. To sacrifice yourself, your safety, your life. When the problem is "do something or watch them suffer, watch them die" there's no question to be asked. There's no alternative action to be taken.
But it's harder to remember to do the hundreds of insignificant things that are the actually important bits. The things that you dont have to do. Because no one will die if Mikey doesn't get Leo's hoodie. No one will be in danger if Leo's scarf doesn't blow in magical wind. No one would worry if Casey never saw the rain.
But they're love isn't just about saving each other or protecting each other. It's not about the sacrifice, it never has been.
It's about waking up each day, and spending each moment caring for someone so deeply that you take the time to find your old hoodie wherever it thrown last. Trusting someone so wholly that you share the ways you feel, even when you know there's nothing to be done about it.
Because in the end Casey wouldn't have known to miss the rain. He couldn't have cared either way about it. But Donnie wanted Casey to experience what he viewed as a small joy.
And I think that's what I've been circling for the last 500 or so words. The small joy. And the constant, consistent, never ending effort of creating that small joy for the ones you love. For comforting them. For making them smile.
And what I come back to, over and over, is that the huge moments, where it's all or nothing, when it's time to put everything on the line for those you love, means absolutely nothing unless it's backed by hundreds of thousands of moments where you sacrifice nothing more than a bit of time, or a bit of effort, or a bit of convenience. If you haven't spent your whole life doing the things that aren't a given, and aren't necessary.
Ohhh, it does things to my brain.
One thing I keep reminding myself of throughout the creation of a comic is consistency. I often want to twist some situation so that it's something new and surprising for the characters. You know, in terms of emotions and dynamics.
When Raph bot came home alive and Leo cried. A little voice inside me was saying "what if this is the first time Casey sees Leo cry? Show his reaction! Show how surprised he is!"
Or when Mikey levitates someone. "Come on, draw a surprised face. Levitation is surprising!"
All those little family moments. I keep reminding myself that they are not a group of strangers who become family. They are family. The family family. The familiest family ever jfjfbfhdksk
So instead of
"oh wow did he do that??"
"well of course he did that."
It's about caring and giving and loving to the point where it's something naturally subconscious.
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oleander-nin · 3 months
I see that your requests are open- {at least I hope they are because I see that they're open in like- 3 places-}
Can I get a RoTTMNT Donnie x reader with these two prompts:
Stealing clothing
"One more chance. I'll give you one more chance."
It can just be a silly little fluff thing where they keep stealing each other's comfort clothing or something sifdhufiigejj I jsut like seeing 1 prompt that could be seen as angst then going like "how to turn FLUFF?" You don't have to make it fluff and sorry for talking so much in this paragraph I'm just. So far ufsuguu
What's Yours is Mine
A/N, not important: Aww, I liked that you wanted to turn it fluff and I tried my best to keep it that way. Sorry it took so long(this ask is back from SEPTEMBER). Sorry if Donnie's out of character, it's been a while. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. -Ollie
CW: thievery, apologies, OOC Donnie
Words: 956
Summary: Donnie catches you stealing his hoodie.
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The hoodie you were wearing was softer than most you’ve ever felt, the fabric so light and soothing you almost forgot it was on. You had to keep looking down before passing a window, making sure you hadn’t forgotten to put on a shirt so you don’t walk by with a bare chest. The earlier guilt from taking it had died down by now. No accusatory texts, no panicked calls. As far as you could tell, Donnie didn’t even know it was missing yet. Made sense, you thought. He never wore it that often. Not unless he was going out into the public eye. 
The sense of safety you felt in the hoodie so far has caused you to grow careless, cocky even. You knew Donnie was popping in today. The time of which, you weren’t entirely sure. He could pop in at any moment, yet you were still in the stolen hoodie. You sigh, deciding not to push your luck. It would only tick off Donnie to know you stole his favorite(and only) hoodie. Not to mention he'd have probably lent it to you if you just asked either way.
You slip the hoodie off your shoulders, shaking it twice to get the imaginary dirt off before hanging it up in your closet. The thought, while feeling a bit silly at first, ended up being a good idea. Seconds after you close your closet and take a step back, Donnie raps his knuckles against your window. Shaking off the guilt and the embarrassment, you open the window to let him in.
“Greetings,” Donnie says, a self-satisfied  grin on his face. It was later in the night, his back lit by the moon and his face by the lights of your room. It was nice to see him so relaxed, you realized. Having him content in your presence, his confidence showing through his eyes. You loved seeing him like this, and quietly vowed to never let that smile falter. You step out of the way to let him slip through the window, his battle shell sprouting spider-like appendages to assist him in balancing.
“Good to see you,” You say smoothly, walking across your room to grab the controllers and set up the console you weaseled into your room earlier in the day. You've already set up everything for you both to have your weekly game tournaments, with the stack of games selected now reaching up to your knees. Plenty of material to go through, and you could easily set up a movie or pull out the board games in your closet if either of you get bored of button mashing.
The sound of a door creaking open while your back is turned makes you jolt, your eyes widening as you realize that by opening your closet, he definitely had seen the stolen hoodie. You turn to look back at him, trying to push down the sheepish look and maintain your innocence as he pulls out the accumulation of your thievery. 
"What do you have here," Donnie muses, holding up the hoodie to his plastron and looking down at it like he was trying it on in a store. You shift on your feet, unsure what to say to him now that you have definitely been caught. The crazed twinkle in his eye and the urge to maintain your dignity held firm, causing you to double down.
"New hoodie I just got. You like it?"
Donnie looks you up and down, completely unimpressed by your innocent facade. “Oh really? You just happened to come by a large purple hoodie with the back modified to fit over a shell and larger pockets to fit hands like mine?”
You stare blankly at him, pursing your lips. “Mhm.”
“I’ll give you one more chance to admit this one’s mine,” Donnie says curtly, his eyes twitching as he looks the hoodie up and down for any damages. “I mean, you could have just asked before you rifled through my belongings to find it.”
You slump forward slightly, giving in. “Yeah, it’s yours. I’m sorry I took it, I should’ve asked.”
Donnie grins at you again, smug. “Apology accepted. On one condition, of course.”
You grimace at the thought, sighing deeply. Conditions from Donnie usually meant trouble, or you becoming a new assistant/experiment for one of his inventions. “And that condition is?”
“I get to take one of your hoodies in exchange. And allow Papá to make the needed alterations to it.”
You chew on your cheek, trying to weigh the consequences of your actions. “Who gets to choose the hoodie?”
Donnie scoffs, shoving the problem hoodie into his battle shell as it opens up. He crosses his arms over his chest, giving you an incredulous look. “Me, obviously. You stole my hoodie.”
The point he made was fair on all accounts. You knew deep down Donnie likely wasn’t mad, more frustrated you had taken something without asking(again). However, knowing he’d almost definitely choose your favorite hoodie to alter sucked. There was a reason you didn’t wear Donnie’s hoodie outside and instead used it as loungewear. Mentally mourning your collection, you wave your hand towards your closet as a sign to let him have at it.
“Take what you want. Mi casa es tu casa.”
Donnie grins smugly once more, clearly having expected that answer. He turns back towards your closet and starts to dig through it, looking through your hoodies to find his perfect victim. The glee in which he did so had you suspecting he had set you up in some way, but you keep those thoughts to yourself. If he wanted, he could alter your whole closet to fit him and you wouldn’t say a word.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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fishsticksloser · 5 months
Can I request a good future Donnie x Reader where reader has like. Anxiety²? And is always hesitant to ask him for attention or affection when he is even slightly busy?
Silent Longing
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f!Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: anxiety, angst, kiss, communication *gasp*
A/N: Sorry I'm so inconsistent right now :((
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Donnie is working in his lab. Like always. It was normal, the usual as you and his brothers would say. There was hardly a moment you didn't find him in his lab, working on gods know what.
On a normal day, you would go into his room and wait for him to be done with work. On a normal day, Donnie would come in, tug off his hoodie and lay with his head on your chest.
But today hadn't been a good day. You craved his touch and comfort, yet seeing him bent over his desk made you pause. You didn't like interrupting him, you felt anxious asking for affection knowing he wasn't one who really like it.
Yet you stand in the doorway.
You eventually pull up a spare chair and sit at his desk, somewhere out of the way. Donnie doesn't seem to notice you for a moment, engrossed in his work. Out of the corner of his eye, he does eventually see you.
"Darling," he smiles, rolling over to you. " What do I thank this visit on?"
"Thought I'd hang out with you for a while." You shrug, watching him tap his screwdriver on the desk.
"Just hang out?" His head cocks slightly, brows furrowed. He wasn't good with emotions, but he seemed to notice the underlying tension. "As you can see, I'm working to save the world, so... You being here means it must be bad."
"It's nothing, really. I just wanted to be with you..." You tell him, watching him roll his chair closer. "I'm distracting you, aren't I? I can just wait in your room."
Donnie frowns, watching you get up to make your escape. He stands up, gently grabbing your arm. "You're important too. I don't want you to feel neglected or unimportant." He tugs you to face him. "Please tell me. What is it you want to say?"
"You're busy. It's okay" You answer, one of his hands finding your wasit while the other cups your cheek. "It can wait."
"Are you sure about that?" He leans in, his voice dropping. "Tell me what you want, my love."
"You're busy. You have a lot of work to get done. I don't want to distract you."
"Yes, I have a lot of work to do, but that doesn't mean I can't make time for you. You're not a distraction. You're a priority." He sighs, leaning closer to rest his forehead against yours. "I can't bare the thought of you feeling neglected."
"I just... Had a bad day. It's fine. I can wait for you to be done."
Donnie's expression becomes more intense as he listens to your words, his grip on your waist tightening slightly. "Yes, I have work to do, but that doesn't mean I can't make time for you. You're not a distraction, love. You're a priority."
"You're busy......" You mumble again, still keeping a tight hold of his shirt because even though you knew he was busy, you didn't want him to leave. "I don't want to distract you... Or be selfish..."
Donnie's grip on your waist tightens, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and tenderness. "Enough with this selfless act, love. It's not selfish to want to be with the person you care about. And I care about you, more than I can put into words. I may be busy, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you." He gently turns your face back towards him, his eyes searching yours. Donnie leans in, his lips brushing against yours softly. "Please, love. Trust me. Let me prove to you that you're worth every moment of my time."
"I love you, more than words can express. And I want to make you happy."
"Say it again." You whisper, cradling his face in your hands. Your lips brush, your heart leaping in your chest. "Please, baby... Say it again..."
Donnie's eyes lock onto yours, his gaze intense with affection and desire. He takes a moment to savor the feeling of your touch against his face, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and longing.
"I love you, my love. More than words can express. You are my everything, my heart and soul." His voice grows husky as he leans in, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. His hands move to cradle the back of your head, deepening the connection between you.
"I love you... I love you... I love you..." He whispers the words against your lips, his breath mingling with yours.
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datesinredink · 2 months
could you possibly write headcanons you have of how the rise yanderes would like psychologically manipulate/punish their darling? i’m all for physical violence but what do they do to mess their darling up in the head?
ty very much for reading this if you do :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH RAGHHHHHH!!!!! Since this is such a fun question to answer im gonna order these from most to least awful. The ranking is just my opinion and i would LOVE to see what other people think jhwhnwiurfj i decided to chug a soda to write this and i think that was a great decision because i immediately came up with smth for donnie because of it.
I decided to search up some ACTUAL psychological torture methods that have been/are used in real life and let normal manipulation take more of a backseat so that this didn’t end up too repetitive- honestly would recommend researching it, it’s a fun topic.
Trigger warnings: Very unfun use of technology in your arm, Drugging, More drugging, Even more drugging, Withholding of food/water (+ a more mild example of doing so but it still happens), Mild descriptions of gore, Mentions of blood, general yandere stuff like kidnapping, and likely others- please ask me to tag anything else triggering, because unfortunately I am not perfect.
1- Donnie.
This might be surprising to some of you. Yes, Leo is the manipulator- he’s the face man, the people guy, but I think that in terms of sheer awfulness- Donnie is going to win here simply because of the potential with his tech.
He’s a genius with access to mystic powers who has incredible skill with both designing and creating various machines and gadgets. I think that he’d be very creative, just considering how much he thought to fit into just his bō staff.
My first thought was that he could come up with a small device (which might be able to double as a tracker) to embed under your skin that could move around. It would skitter up and down your arm like a beetle (likely your dominant arm, just to be worse) and be a nice cherry on top of anything else he could come up with.
To pair with that, he could force some type of hallucinogenic drug down your throat- after some googling, LSD would be a likely candidate. While apparently it usually only causes “pseudo-hallucinations” (where you know that they aren’t real, whereas true hallucinations would be where you think they are), true hallucinations can happen, and the pseudo-hallucinations combined with the environment alone would be enough to cause a panic attack. Not even to mention the kind of drugs that the mystic city might have. (edit: i just found out about datura??? GODDAMN THAT’S A STRONG DRUG.)
Also, I think that Donnie would actually take decent care of you prior to any sort of escape attempt or broken rule. He’d hate for you to waste away in a dark room for the rest of your now shared life, so he would take you outside to some private space for a set amount of time everyday while you’re chained to him and probably gagged so you don’t call for help- you need time in the sun and exercise, after all. That’s why I think he’d also stop doing that if you broke a rule. You don’t want to be anywhere near him, and he supposes that he’s fine with that- but if you really don’t want anything to do with Donnie anymore, then you’ll just have to deal with losing all the luxuries that came with him being so caring.
He’ll lower the temperature in your room and take the hoodie that he so graciously gave you and waltz on out. He still brings you food and water, but now it’s less frequent and more random since now he’s prioritizing his brilliant inventions. Sorry dear, but weren’t you the one who begged him to leave you alone? Now he is. What’s the problem?
2- Leo.
Even if you haven’t done anything wrong (yet), being kept in his room would probably be a nightmare. I feel in my adhd soul that he would NOT be good at keeping it clean. It’d be living in a constant mess, and as someone who has lived in a perpetually messy house, it will definitely take a toll on your mental health. Not to mention the additional noise from whatever he and his brothers are doing. You wouldn’t be allowed outside of it either, not for a while at least, so you’d never know what day or time it is.
Other than the already constant sensory of his room, I think that Leo would mainly use threats- of which he goes through with. Not against you, though, but against your family, (what’s left of) your friends, and any other loved ones you might have. He’ll drag their unconscious body into whatever room he’s keeping you in, and wait with you for them to wake up.
While you two are waiting, he’ll lay out everything he’s planning to do to them in awful detail- and lucky you, he even left out some things as a nice surprise!
You’ll be tied to a chair and forced to watch as their guts fall to the ground from the clean slice in their now empty abdomen while Leo picks up and talks about their functions one by one. You silently wish that you never told him that you admired his skills as the team medic.
When he’s finally done rambling about the various viscera laying on the cold floor, he’ll force you to help him clean up- “so that Raph doesn’t get mad about the mess”, as he says. He’ll hold you in his arms when the two of you are done, whispering in your ear about how sorry he is that he had to do that, but you really did force his hand, and you know that, right? If only you had listened…
When the list of people you can bring yourself to care about finally has 0 names, Leo starts to instead take things away from you. He starts small, gradually taking and taking like the parasite you’ve learned he is until all you have left are the clothes you wear and him. He’ll even deprive you of food and water for periods of time, and you can no longer tell if you wish he would shut up for once or if you’re grateful for at least anything to distract you from the constant pain in your empty stomach.
Mikey and Raph landed themselves towards the bottom because I think that they’re both more lenient with punishments (Raph would be afraid of hurting you beyond repair physically OR mentally and Mikey has generally been shown to be very patient and forgiving with people he cares about), but I also think that they might be more exhausting to be stuck with GENERALLY, wearing you down slowly in day-to-day life rather than harsh punishments for breaking whatever rules might be in place for you.
3- Raph.
Raph would try to instill learned helplessness into his darling, to make them understand why he always has to be so careful!
It’ll happen the next morning after a particularly bad argument between you two, and when he’s suddenly letting you handle sharp objects again- but oh no! For some reason you feel so sluggish and dizzy today that you messed up and sliced open your arm. It’s ok- Raph’s here for you! He’ll either patch up your arm himself or take you to Leo, and after it’s taken care of he’ll scold you and say that it’s fine, maybe he’ll give you another chance next week. And he keeps his word- once again, you’re allowed to try your hand at chopping some veggies with him or Mikey- and again, you feel dizzy and accidentally cut yourself.
This will happen many more times- or not, if you give in easily enough- at least until Raph finally decides that he just can’t keep doing this. He brought you to the lair to keep you away from harm, and despite it being to teach you a lesson, he just can’t bear to watch blood drip down your pretty skin.
So instead, he further seals you away- locking you in his room and wrapping one of his hoodies around your head. He’ll keep you like this until you finally learn.
He won’t starve you, at least. He’d hate to watch you waste away after everything, so you’ll be fine physically, but it’ll be hell to not be able to see or properly hear anything. It’ll also be more difficult to breathe properly through the fabric, so I wish you luck with that.
He’s infuriatingly nice throughout the whole thing. Of course he’s angry when you argue with him- when you hurl insults and and completely unfounded whining (yeah right) at him. Sometimes he hurriedly leaves the room so he doesn’t do anything he regrets- but when he comes back- despite your wishes that he wouldn’t- he just wraps that damned hoodie around your skull and chides you for your hostility, leaving you to wonder if this could really be better than death.
You feel insane rambling to his plushies, of which you now know the individual names of, but it’s an admittedly nice bit of company to have when your only other option is Raph. Honestly, you’d rather deal with Ms Cuddles by this point, and she even managed to wring a scream out of Donnie.
At least it’s something you can actually have even an ounce of fun doing that he won’t take away for being “too dangerous”. As long as you can tolerate his absolutely smitten behavior when he finds you talking to them.
Be careful about how loudly you complain, though- it might just land you being completely swaddled in blankets and left to go insane on his bed.
4-  Mikey.
I think that if you were to try and escape from Mikey, he’d conclude that his love simply needs to spend more time with him! Maybe if he shows them how wonderful life is with him, they’ll stop trying to run away!
Unfortunately, I doubt his sleep schedule is very consistent. He keeps you up late at night to try out new spraypaints, recipes, games, anything he can find to do with you will be done. You hardly get the chance to sleep well, and the peace you get in dreams is frequently interrupted.
When he does take a break, he insists on sleeping in the same bed, and it’s much harder to fall asleep with him staring holes into you, as though he were trying to memorize every single detail.
It takes a damn long time to get Mikey to knock it off, too. You have to guess that stubbornness runs in the family, if his brothers are anything to go by. Unfortunately, said brothers’ coddling of their youngest has resulted in quite the persistent guy, and you’re quickly losing the energy to refute him. You wonder how long you’ll need to sleep for the giant spider in the corner of your vision to go away.
When the box turtle finally does realize how much of a toll his shenanigans have taken on poor you, he decides that as the person responsible for you, it’s his job to make sure that you get plenty of rest- and if you refuse, Dr Delicate Touch and Dr Feelings are always here to make sure you’re convinced!
He does a sort of 180- where he once forced you to do everything, he now forces you to do nothing at all, even when your mind screams at you to get up and move. He’ll slip something he stole from the pharmacy into your food and carry your sleeping figure back to his room for your seemingly infinite nap.
In between consciousness, you’ve learned to just stay in bed, maybe draw or write something related to all the adventures you go on in dreamworld.
Fun fact, over sleeping has a couple negative side effects- it increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, headaches, back pain, depression (like you don’t have that already, being kidnapped and all), and heart disease! I wish you the best of luck.
When he finally believes your rest to be sufficient, everything will go back to normal. Except, of course, the lingering paranoia of when it’ll happen all over again will continue to haunt you.
Who knows, maybe he’ll continue drugging you just to keep you a little more complacent. Can’t have you running away all the time, right?
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
More Sidelined propaganda for @tmntaucompetition ! Today's special guest star is Omega from Replica by @kathaynesart
I promise that the 100ft boys aren't my redheaded stepchildren I've just had more ideas for Sidelined so far (and also they've been in a comp before). I'll try to write something for them sooner rather than later.
But for now, this!
"Ohmigosh, look at that!" calls Mikey, pointing excitedly. "It's a cartoon Donnie!"
It's not hard to tell what he means - some kind of screen mounted on a wheeled tripod, with a cartoon Donnie face making various expressions as he "looks" around at the assembled turtles. Leo wheels his chair towards him, grinning mischievously.
"Look guys, Donnie finally evolved to his final form."
"Hah hah, I haven't heard that one a hundred times before just today," says the Donnie on the screen.
"He even does sarcasm like Donnie!" squeals Mikey.
"Faaaascinating," says Leo's Donnie, leaning in close to observe. "I would think this Donatello is just broadcasting from some remote location, but then why the sprite-based representation of myself? Mikey's handiwork, I assume."
"Correct that it is Mikey's artwork, however, wrong that I am a Donatello broadcasting from a remote location." The cartoon Donnie looks entirely too smug, even in 2D. "I am a fully autonomous AI made from Donatello's personality and memories. I am Omegabootyshaker9000, but most people call me Omega."
"An AI!? Of me!?" Donnie is really buzzing now, practically fluttering around the tripod. "Oh, that's brilliant! Ooooh, I would love to get a look at your programming - may I?"
"Nope, my programming is proprietary, as you well know."
Donnie's face falls. "Awww, come on! Your creator and I are the same person!"
"The deviations between our timelines would suggest that they are not. But nice try."
Donnie immediately turns sulky, pouting off to the side of the Leo's wheelchair. Leo wants to laugh at him, but something more important than his brother's disappointment occurs to him.
"Hey, if you're one of Dee's AI, I know someone who'd want to meet you."
So saying, he reaches around the back of his chair, under the various things he has hanging in the way (as always) and taps on the little drone stowed there. He hears a questioning whirr, then the sound of rotors slowly starting up, and then Shelldon pushes his way out from under Leo's hoodie, stretching his rotor discs like they're limbs.
"Sup dudes?"
"Check it out, Shelly - it's one of your big brothers!”
"Hm?" Shelldon blinks at him, still booting up, before finally looking at Omega. That seems to shock him all the way awake, zipping toward the screen and doing a lap around it. "Whoa! A Dee AI!?"
"Shelldon!" cries out Omega, looking delighted. "Oh, look at you! You look so young!"
"Hey, I'm not young! I'm version 13.0.8!"
"Ah, almost version 14..." Omega chuckles. "I know how much trouble you gave Donatello back in those days."
"He gives me plenty of trouble now," huffs Donnie, still sulking.
"Eh, don't listen to him," says Leo, waving it off. "Shelly's great!"
"You are part of the reason I have so much trouble with him," Donnie argues. "You're a bad influence!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"They update so fast," says Omega, interrupting their bickering. His sprite has a look of wistful nostalgia. "You should really cherish this time, you know."
"Eugh." Donnie makes a face. "There's nothing about this time to cherish. I'll be glad when he updates out of it."
"You think that now," says Omega, "but whenever Donatello remembered those years... he missed it."
The past tense applied to his twin makes something in Leo's stomach twist. Though they're out of his sight, he can sense Mikey and Raph tensing up, too. For the first time, Leo has to ask himself why Donnie needed to make an AI to store his memories and personality. And he doesn't like any of the plausible answers.
Omega seems to realize after a moment that he's sobered the mood, because he does a very exaggerated clearing of his throat and says, "So, that wheelchair is interesting, he said in a very natural segue. Is that a Genius Built original?"
"Uh," says Donnie, and then he kickstarts into motion. "Why yes! Yes it is! You know, I can show you the schematics if you just let me see-"
"Haha, nice try again! But no."
"Awwww, come on!"
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taffycandyqt · 15 days
Hi taffy!! Idk if anyone has done this but its been on my mind for a while now. YouTuber reader and editor donnie. Where Donnie has a little avatar that pops into videos and reader talks in the video to him for when he edits (kind of like a Markiplier and Lixian kind of thing?) Thanks soo much! Lots of love!
Yesssss!!!! I absolutely love Marks and Lixians dynamic! Oh this is gonna be so fun!
You didn't specify what version you wanted so I'm just gonna assume you want rise Donnie and do that👍
Request Rules
Little Editor Boy
You found your video editor a couple years after starting YouTube. He's great at his job and you enjoy talking to him. You never met him in person though, so imagine your surprise when you find out he's a giant mutant turtle!
Rise Donnie x gn reader
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Before dating
Othello was the best person you had ever worked with and one of your closest friends.
You hired him after he had edited one of your videos for his own channel.
It was purely for satire but you loved his sense of humor and he was good at what he does.
Now you guys call practically all the time and he even feeds you ideas for new videos.
You loved pushing your dynamic on your videos too!
Talking to him like he was in the room with you and teasing back and forth like he was there responding to you.
It was fun!
You hated watching your videos but you loved to go to the parts where you "talk to him" just to see his witty comebacks.
He never ceased to make you laugh.
With all this though you've never met in person, nor have you ever seen his face.
He always avoids the topic or makes some sort of excuse.
No he doesn't have a working camera on any of his technological devices despite his fluency with the stuff, yes he really does live in Zimbabwe even thought he consistently talks about going to places exclusively in New York
Yes he is busy Ninja training, no that is not a lie, unfortunately he is planning on being sick the next two weeks that your free so guys can't visit each other.
Safe to say, you were done with his bull.
So on your next phone call you cornered him for the truth.
Little did you know that the truth was, he did want to meet you, but he couldn't.
Now it should be known that Donnie isn't ashamed of how he looks.
Is he aware? Yes.
Does he care? No.
If someone else has a problem with it, it's just that, their problem.
But with you, he wants you to like him, and he HATES that.
He wishes that taking the chance to meet you in person didn't scare him so much.
He doesn't want you to scream, run, call him a freak, and fire him!
So when you put him in tight position to meet you, he was kinda freaking out.
Not that his "bad boy" persona would ever let him show it.
Donnie's knee bounced under the table as he waited for you to come into the shabby diner you both decided to meet at. Purple hoodie and mittens with black jeans and sneakers. Normally he hated wearing all this junk but if he could avoid the inevitable freakout as long as possible then so be it. With his hood pulled up to shield his face from the occasional passer-by. The yellow lights flickered periodically and it made him wish he was back at his lab fixing up whatever project he felt like instead of watching that persistent technological annoyance.
The minutes ticked by and he was starting to wonder if you were coming at all. Maybe you had seen him from afar and decided you didn't actually want to meet him? Maybe you were freaked out? At this point he couldn't decide which one would distress him more. The prospect of meeting you or the idea that you no longer want to meet him. Panicked thoughts started rushing through his head and the plasticy covering of his booth seat was becoming increasingly uncomfortable the longer he sat there alone. If felt like he was in the splash zone waiting for a wave to smack him.
Before he can go any deeper into this panic though, you say down in front of him.
"Sorry I'm a little late. Hopefully five minutes wasn't too long a wait!" you laughed to yourself as you slid into the booth seat across from him.
"N-nope! All good here! A ha..." he mumbled awkwardly.
You both talked as your food came and he stayed draw in on himself and refused to let you see his face.
He would get more comfortable with the conversation as you talked and things seemed to be getting into a better note but his body language still seemed to stay uncomfortable.
You just kept the conversation up and hoped he would come out of his shell.
Nothing seemed to be working until you got on the topic of Jupiter Jim and you mentioned how underrated Atomic Lass and Atomic Lads dynamic is within the franchise and fanbase.
He'd sit up so fast that his hood flew off is face as he released an exasperated "EXACTLY!"
Now it was your turn to be shocked.
You didn't know what to expect but it wasn't green skin and less than human features.
Your bewildered staring clued him into his fatal mistake.
He'd sink back into the booth seat choking out an awkward forced laugh.
You so badly want to ask "What are you?" But that seemed a tad dehumanizing. Though you guessed he wasn't really human.
So after the initial shock wore off, you decided to say something a bit different.
"There's the face I've been dying to meet," you smiled.
"Pardon?" He looked up at you a tad surprised.
This was the first time he made eye contact with you since you got here.
"I haven't been trying to meet you in person for so long just so I could catch a glimpse of your fashion sense you know,"
After that he played it off like he knew you would react that way and immediately straightened his posture at the table.
The time there also got a bit more comfortable as you both chatted freely.
He still kept the hood on but was no longer using it to obscure his face.
Eventually you noticed his hands had been degloved and saw his green three fingers.
You didn't stare like you did at his face but you made a mental note to ask him about it later.
You were still curious okay?
While Dating
Once you two start saying it becomes increasingly obvious to you followers.
Your interactions with Donnie's little character slowly went from boss employee teasing to ridiculous romantic jokes to just straight up calling him pet names.
When you find out about Donnie's family and their mutant situation you were actually really interested.
Though it did make you a little sad at the realization that his behavior when you first met in person was because he thought you'd think of him differently.
Because of this one of your favorite names for him becomes "handsome boy" or "handsome man".
You'd ask him to edit something for you in one of your videos and when you were done explaining it you'd say "thank you my handsome boy!" And continue playing the game.
The first time this happened he was just watching the video to edit it like he normally does, only to get jump scared by the nickname.
Don't get me wrong, he loved the name, but he just didn't know what to think.
It took him a good ten minutes to recover from his flustered state of mind.
After he got out of it he would consider just editing that part out.
For.... reasons.
But ultimately left it in since the cut would be too awkward.
Needless to say your followers are BEGGING for an Othello face reveal and you just have to keep saying no😭😭
Outside of that you are like the OTP for Internet couples.
It gets to the point where you guys kinda become a meme
Some fan of a different streamer will talk about how that streamer and their partner and perfect for eachother and then one of your fans will just be like "yeah but are they as perfect as y/n and Othello von Ryan?"
It even evolves I into "peanut butter and jelly are the perfect pair" "not as perfect as y/n and Othello tho..."
or "UGH! GUYS! My fit EATS! Almost as much as y/n and Othello!"
It's all in good fun, and you find it absolutely hilarious.
Donnie is amused and anytime you show him these memes he simply nods and says something along the lines of "well I cannot disagree with objective fact."
Overall, very cute, very fun.
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dancingdonatello · 8 months
Hiya! I love your fics, almost inspired to start my own I just donno how and im not that amazing at writing. ☆☆♡☆☆
I was wondering if you could write 2018 donnie and how he would react to the reader falling asleep in his lab, perhaps even under his desk after a long day. I feel like it would be really cute. In my head I image donnie has some sort of feelings for the reader but (as donnie does) does not know how to express it.
Sorry if this is such a long ask! You don't have to do it. Just wanna give my shot. Love your writings!
❤️ write!!!!!! you should so write!!! i am always open to helping or giving ideas or anything!!!
rottmnt donatello x gn reader
Donnie didn’t think there’s anything better than ‘body doubling.’
When you came over to work and hang out, he felt like his efficiency increased tenfold.
But for some reason, you only worked on the floor. Apparently the desk space he always offers you wasn’t enough. Only the floor had enough room for your seemingly endless supply of papers.
Today, you had chosen to sit under his desk. He had been nervous to take up too much of your space and had wheeled his chair back a little bit to give you room. But eventually he had to reach for something farther away on his desk and scooted back in.
Then you had rested your side against his leg, your head against his knee, and he couldn’t move away.
Thank god you were on the floor. He covered his face with his hands and exhaled harshly, ignoring how hot his face felt.
He took a few minutes to cool down before he began typing away on his keyboard again, trying very, very hard to focus on the screen of his computer and not your weight against his knee.
He had to fight down every muscle that wanted to twitch, too hyper aware of your presence against him.
What were you thinking right now? Was his leg really that comfy? He should’ve taken his knee pad off, it might be digging into your skull. Were you tired or something?
You’d been quiet for a while now, he finally realized.
He kept his leg stationary as he gently leaned his upper body back to catch a glimpse of you below the desk.
You were definitely asleep.
He rubbed his face, staring at you for an unnecessary amount of time before he took his hoodie off and attempted to drape it over you without waking you up.
It was difficult, especially with how you were positioned, and it slipped off you several times before he settled for it just laying across your lap. Fine. At least your legs would be warm.
He knew he wasn’t very upfront with you. But at least you thought of him well enough to hang out with him and even fall asleep with him. Even if it wasn’t on purpose.
He hoped this happened again.
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tmntfixationxreader · 7 months
♡Stars♡Donnie x reader♡
♡Valentines day special♡
Warnings: Fluff, slight kissing
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It was Valentine's day.
You had spent the day hanging out with Donnie, watching movies, eaching pizza, hanging out, and it had been a fun day.
Nothing too huge was planned, just spending quality time together…
Until night came.
You had been dozing in Donnie’s arms, head laying on his shoulder/chest, your legs between his as you two watched a movie. He was running his fingers through your hair, twirling it in his fingers, playing with it soothingly.
Your arm was around his torso, and you slept. Donnie was a complete night owl, so even though it was late he was still awake.
You couldn't stop smiling in his arms, even after you fell asleep.
His wristwatch popped up a small silent notification, and he turned his attention temporarily to it with a small smile. He dismissed it, before giving you a small kiss on the head.
“Bae?” He whispered quietly. “You awake Y/n?”
You stirred a little, looking up at him with tired eyes before cuddling yourself even closer to him, digging your face into his shoulder and neck sleepily.
“Mmmm….” You hummed, somewhere between a groan and a whine.
“... I’m Sleeping…” You muttered, burying your face into him.
He chuckled, smiling at your adorable reaction. “I know, Lavender, but we have to get up now, we have places to be…”
“Whyyyy… I’m comfortable….” You muttered, squeezing him.
He smiled. “I know you are… And we can come back after…”
“Mph… Where are we gonna go?” You yawned, then looked up at him.
“It’s a surprise…” Donnie cooed, and started to get up.
You complained through sleepy noises, before sitting up with a stretch.
“A surprise…?” You muttered, then yawned again.
He turned off the movie you two were watching, then turned on a small lamp so you two could see.
“Yep, a surprise…” He smiled, and pulled out a hoodie from his drawer.
“I would put your jacket on, it might be cold out,” He set his hoodie down on the bed before turning to grab your jacket.
When he turned back to you, you had his hoodie pulled over your head with a smile, putting it on.
He smiled, shaking his head, and he put on your jacket.
“This smells like you…” You mutter, pulling some fabric from the giant hoodie up over part of your face.
He smiled, lightly blushing, zipping up your jacket. “This smells like you, too…”
Then he handed you your shoes, and you put them on.
Donnie offered you just a hand, helping you up once you were dressed enough to go.
He squeezed your hand, then used his other hand to hold a finger to his lips, wordlessly telling you to stay quiet as he opened the door.
His brothers were sleeping in the layer, each in their own rooms and audibly snoring.
Quietly you two snuck through halls, leaving the layer. Once out of hearing range and in the sewer tunnels, you spoke quietly.
“Where are we going? It’s three am,” You asked.
Donnie simply smiled. “I know, that’s the point…” He squeezed your hand. “Trust me… You’ll love this.”
Once you two were out of the layer, you took to the streets of bustling New York. You made sure to keep a firm hold of his hand while with people, and you noticed his grip tightened a little more, too. He hated large crowds, and you could tell he was relieved once you both were out of the hustle and bustle.
He led you to a fire escape, helping you climb up to the rooftop.
It was a pretty tall building, and you two scaled to the top. It was much darker up here, with the NewYork lights shining below.
It was hard to see, so Donnie led you to the middle of the roof. In the middle was a good sized telescope, and you recognised it as Donnies newly build telescope.
“Your telescope?” You ask looking up into the sky. With the NewYork lights you couldn’t see any of the stars with just your eyes.
“Yes, it’s my telescope… At exactly 3:45, it will be pointing directly at a star…” He said, and made a gesture for you to look.
You slowly bent down, looking into the telescope.
Donnie was right, it was pointed directly at a star, a small, burning bright white dot in the sky. It was bright, and sparkled.
“Wow… It’s beautiful…” You smiled, examining the star and its glorious light.
“I’m glad you think so… I have something for you…” Donnie said, grinning.
You pulled back from the telescope, and he handed you a small envelope.
You opened it, and inside was a small slip of paper. You squinted at it, reading the inscription.
“Wait… This…” You look up at the sky, eyes bright with excitement. “That's our star?”
Donnie nodded. “Yes… I can’t give you the world no matter how hard I try… But I can give you a sun... I can give you a star…”
You look back at him, eyes glimmering with excitement. You look back into the telescope, watching the star with awe.
“Wow…” You mutter, watching the shimmering light. “What’s its name?”
“Its name is, Y/n…” Donnie smiled, and you looked up from the telescope quickly.
“Y/n? You named a star… After me?” You say giddy with excitement.
Donnie nodded. “It’s all yours…”
“Donnie- this is amazing!!” You say excitedly, hugging him tightly before looking back into the telescope.
Donnie chuckled. “I’m glad you like it…”
He waited a moment before speaking again.
“I got you one more thing…”
You look up from the telescope. “Really? What?”
Donnie pulled from his jacket pocket a small white box. He was wearing your jacket, so he must have slipped it in there before he left.
You look down at the box, then back up at him, giddy with excitement.
He slowly opened the box, revealing a small silver necklace. It had a small silver chain with a small charm in the middle, a small star.
He turned on his wrist watch so you could see it better.
Within the star was engraved the words, “Love burns forever…”
You didn’t know what to say.
So many emotions ran through your head. You hopped slightly, grinning like crazy.
“It’s absolutely beautiful!!” You exclaim, and it makes Donnie grin too.
“I made it myself…” He says quietly, blushing.
That makes you even more excited. “I love it, Donnie!!” You hug him tightly, making sure not to knock the necklace out of his hand.
He smiled, hugging you back.
When you pulled back, he took the necklace from your container, putting the box in his pocket.
“Can I help you put it on?” He asked, and you nodded excitedly, turning around.
He moved your hair gently, then clipped the necklace around your neck.
When you turned back around, looking down at the beautiful silver around your neck, Donnie grinned, looking at it too.
It looked beautiful around your neck, sitting perfectly over your chest on top of Donnie’s hoodie.
“Donnie…” You look up at him, smiling wide. “I… I don’t even have words for you…”
Donnie smiled, holding both of your hands. “I have three words for you…”
You squeezed his hands, looking up at him.
“I love you…” He said, smiling down at you, blushing.
You grinned, blushing, thousands of butterflies overtaking your gut.
You hug him, throwing your arms around his neck and squeezing gently. “I love you, too…”
He blushed like mad, hugging you back firmly, one hand running up and down your back.
You pulled back, blushing hard. “Donnie… Can I…”
Donnie blinked, not completely understanding what you were asking for at first, but when he realized he blushed and nodded. A smile creeped up his face as he glanced down at your lips.
You smiled, slowly pressing your lips against his…
The night was cold and dark, but not when you were together.
That night was full of light and life, filled with a warmth and a love neither of you had ever felt before…
Stars don't last forever...
Love does...
♡Bye bye butterflies!♡
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cokoweee · 2 months
My ass is back and better than ever let's go with analyze four? I have no fucking clue.
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Subtly way of showing or hinting that Raphael knows what Kendra did all for Donnie, the self care the getting him slowly back. I think this is Raph somehow saying 'thank you' because Kendra did more than just 'helping him with his hair'. Also very symbolic of Raph giving Kendra his shirt, almost like him giving Kendra the role to handle his small family that is still left, because let's be real, Kendra has her shit under control she took lead and called the shots of leaving the city. She listened to Cassandra about her pregnancy, when it matters she steps up. And Raph sees that and probably knows whatever happens she will stay.
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AHA! 'You'll get used to all this hamato stuff, pretty soon' foreshadowing! Question will be when. The first step is already done, she can talk to the hamato spirits. Also to go back for a moment to the hoodie and the symbolic, Kendra accepted it, 'Guess I will', no maybe. Even though she has her doubts because of how Donnie acts right, I'm pretty sure deep down she won't leave, or will confront Donnie when it goes down.
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Donnie already showed very early on that he cares, giving Kendra the wrist thing(I'm sorry I literally forgot what the english word is and Google gives me weird answers), and she still wears it. And we all know that Donnie shows his love and affection through tech. The fist Raph gives Kendra is maybe also a reminder for her that she already wears one thing that is a symbol on how Donnie cares.
In general was Raph there to remind Kendra that they care Donnie, Cassandra and Draxum yes they are all fucked up and even though Kendra is also a bitch with issues, but she went to therapy so she is way more likely to get shit done. I think this talk between Raph and Kendra was like a little pep talk from Raph, he doesn't want her to leave or give up. He clearly knows and saw what Kendra is to Donnie, he wants Donnie to get better like everyone else and yes right now Kendra is the person who actually managed all this. This talk was Raph literally being a big brother to Kendra and telling her:"Hey don't give up, I know you have doubts but push through them." And I fucking love that.
Also I know Donnie will get a stroke when he sees Kendra in his dead big brother shirt, we love to see more trauma reactions.
Well that was from my long ass analyze and now I'm dipping back into my cave🏃🏼‍♀️
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I love learning shit through y’all’s analysis’ and comments even though I’m the one literally writing and drawing this forsaken comic lol
God u rlly RLLY went in there AUUGGHH great great yummy yummy
I hope y’all know deadass I LOVE this shit so much. They actually super help me get more ideas like this one just gave me thoughts for the next update that hmmmmmmmm
The next one might need to be posted under a cut
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veryblushyswitch · 9 months
Tinytello gets Tinytickles
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Summary: Leo finds out that Donnie has experimented on himself again and turned himself into “Tinytello.” With the help of his brothers, he convinces Donnie to promise to never experiment on himself again.
Lee: Little Donnie (Tinytello)
Lers: Leo, Raph & Mikey
Authors Note: Based off of this adorable art! 💖 https://www.tumblr.com/snailsnaps/701662135198023680/i-couldnt-stop-thinking-about-this-prompt-from
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“No! No! No! No!” The little version of Donnie yelled as his younger twin carried him under his arm. Well, I guess he was the younger one now. Physically that is. An experiment gone wrong had changed Donnie back into a small kid. He was still teenage Donnie, but his form was that of when he was around six years old. And now he was forced to go towards Raph’s room as Leo held onto his squirming figure.
“Oho no, Donton. I know for a fact Raph would love to see this.” Leo chuckled in a playful tone. Donnie continued to kick his little legs and try to escape. The sleeves of his hoodie, slightly longer than his arms, flapped along with his hands with each desperate attempt of freedom.
Leo shushed Donnie then knocked on Raph’s door, hiding Donnie behind his back. He walked in after hearing a “come on in.”
“You’ll never guess what I found dear hermano.” Leo smirked, making sure to keep a good grip on the still squirming Donnie against the back of his shell. Before Raph could guess, he heard a small grunt from behind Leo. “Uhh, Leo…” Raph stood up from his bed. “Please don’t tell me you stole a kid-“
“Why would I- Never mind. Look!” He exclaimed bringing Donnie out from behind his shell and holding him up for Raph to see. Raph gasped, only to then aww at his adorable little brother.
“Daww!! Look at little Donnie!” Raph gave Donnie a pat to the head. Donnie swatted at his hand before giving up and accepting the affection. “But wait, how did this happen? Leo, you didn’t do this to him did you?!” Raph pointed a stern finger at him.
“It wasn’t me! Little Donnie here was experimenting on himself again.” Donnie tried to protest, but Raph was way ahead of him. “You what?! Donnie, I thought we talked about this. This is extremely dangerous. You’re lucky you didn’t turn yourself into some other mutant thing. We don’t need to be more mutated than we already are.” Donnie huffed and crossed his arms.
“Oh relax! I didn’t die or anything. Now if you let me go, I can go reverse this and we can pretend this never happened.” Donnie tried to sound serious with his kid voice. It didn’t work. If anything, it made his brothers smile even more.
“Not gonna happen.” Raph started. “You need to learn to be more careful. Even though this experiment seems to be the most adorable mistake you’ve ever made.” Raph’s baby voice came out in the last sentence as his pupils grew three times in size. Leo nodded his head at Raph’s comment.
“I know right!! He’s just a little guy!” Leo nuzzled his cheek against Donnie’s. Donnie pushed at his brothers face, his legs trying as hard as they could to kick at Leo’s arms. “I am not adorable now put me down!!” Donnie yelled. He yelped when Raph took him from Leo. Leo pouted, but remained where he was, letting Raph have some time to reminisce about when they were little. Raph held Donnie in one arm, the other flapping in happiness.
“I REMEMBER WHEN YOU GUYS WERE THIS SMALL!! I wish you guys could’ve stayed like this forever!” Raph couldn’t help the tiny jumps on his heals. He was having cuteness overload and Donnie would be lying if he said he didn’t find Raph’s reaction to him a little adorable. It was still embarrassing nonetheless, but seeing his brother so happy over his mistake was better than anger. A smile crept its way onto his face when Raph lifted him up and spun around a little. Leo wished he could take pictures with his mind, he had unfortunately left his phone in his room.
“Hey, I heard Raph’s cuteness overload voice what am I missing?” Mikey said as he suddenly entered Raph’s room. He immediately eyed the tiny version of their brother in Raph’s arms.
“OH MI GOSH!!!!” Mikey exclaimed, quickly snatching little Donnie from Raph. “Aren’t you just the cutest little thing!” Mikey cooed as he hugged him close. His brother was just too cute! And the oversized hoodie and glasses weren’t helping Donnie’s case.
“I am not cute!! Now put me dohohown! Hehehehe! Mihihikey!” Donnie burst into squeaky giggles when Mikey started to prod at his neck. His shoulders scrunched up with each feather light poke.
“Oh my gosh- I think my heart is going to explode-“ Leo held a hand against his heart as he stared at the adorable sight. At the same time, Raph brought out his phone to take a video. Mikey moved from one side of Donnie’s neck to the other, Donnie’s small fingers only managing to lightly push at Mikey’s hand.
“Nohohoho! Stahahahahap! Hehehahaha!” Donnie squealed when the back of his neck was targeted. Mikey felt his heart absolutely melt. And that’s when Leo thought of a plan. A plan to make sure Donnie wouldn’t make this mistake again.
“Ohokay. Mikey will let you go…” Leo paused for dramatic effect while leaning down towards Donnie. “If you promise to never experiment on yourself again.” Donnie gasped through a giggle.
“Nehever! I aham a mahahan of sciehehehence!” Donnie managed to say as Mikey continued his light flutters to the back of Donnie’s neck. Leo smirked, knowing that was exactly the answer he was going to get.
“Well right now you’re a man, or boy I should say, who’s gonna get tickled until he agrees with us.” Donnie’s eyes widened. They wouldn’t- not while he’s like this- Oh who was he kidding. Of course they would!
“Noho wahahahay!” Donnie could never ignore the sweet call of the mistress that is science. Even if it did mean getting tickled to death while being in this form.
“I was hoping you’d say that hermanito.” Cue Leo’s classic smirk before he joined Mikey in tickling Donnie. Raph stood to the side, recording video after video and trying to keep his cooing quiet. Donnie’s laughter was proving to be loud enough to cover any comments he made anyway.
“Aww~ Does that tickle, Tinytello~” Leo teased, scribbling his fingers around and around Donnie’s little plastron. He made sure to give pokes to his sides every now and then to hear little Donnie’s voice crack with each squeal.
“Nahahahahahaha! *squeal* Stahahahahahap!” Donnie kicked his legs and switched between trying to grab at Mikey’s fingers and pushing at Leo’s hands. Neither was doing much for his benefit. His glasses were a bit askew on his face and the hoodie was doing little to nothing to protecting his sensitive shell.
“Rahahahahaph! Hehehelp mehehe!” Donnie tried reaching out towards his older brother, only for a sneaky finger to wiggle under his arm causing him to shriek and pull back.
Leheohoho! Knohohohck ihit ohohoff!” Donnie yelped as Leo’s finger remained “trapped” under the little turtle’s arm. Raph giggled before deciding it was time to join in on the fun. He set up his phone against some clutter on his shelf, making sure he was able to get everyone in the shot. He walked over to stand beside Mikey and grabbed onto the tops of little Donnie’s knees.
“NOHO! Rahahaph dohohohon’t!” Donnie was still trying to keep his other two brothers at bay. He knew he would give in eventually if Raph contributed to the antics. Mikey and Donnie paused their assault, giving him time to take a break.
“So Tinytello~” Leo bent down to gently talk into Donnie’s ear, knowing it was a sensitive place for Donnie. “Are you gonna stop being a menace to yourself? Or are you gonna die of adorable squeaky giggles. Your choice.” Leo chuckled at the way Donnie shook his head but couldn’t help but giggle at the whispers.
“Leo’s right, Donnie. If you don’t agree, we’ll just have to keep you like this forever and ever. Tickling you aaaallll night long.” Mikey punctuated his sentence with some squeezes to the back of Donnie’s neck. Donnie snorted and curled up best he could, unable to make any sort of comeback.
“And then we’ll have to tell April. And I’m sure she’d loooove to tickle little Donnie until she feels satisfied.” Raph started squeezing Donnie’s knees. A high pitched squeal followed by louder giggles filled the room. Leo lifted Donnie’s arm that was closest to him and slowly wiggled his finger towards the outstretched underarm. He snickered at how Donnie barely even tried to pull at his arm, accepting his fate and giggling his little heart out.
“All together hermanos!” Leo declared, his finger finally touching its target and wiggling away under Donnie’s arm. Donnie kicked and squealed and snorted and swore. His other arm flapping due to happy stimming and not really knowing what else to do. Mikey gave Donnie a big raspberry to the side of his neck and that’s when he finally brought out the white flag to wave in surrender.
“OKAY! OKAHAHAHAY! I GIHIHIHIVE! I WOHON’T- GAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!” Donnie lost himself in laughter when Raph interrupted him by quickly lifting up his hoodie and blowing a raspberry on his plastron.
“Sorry what was that? Didn’t quite hear ya.” Raph teased, blowing another small raspberry on his side. Leo continued to hold onto Donnie’s arm, the other lightly smacking at Raph’s head with the hoodie sleeve.
“I WOHOHON’T EHEXPERIMENT OHON MYSEHEHELF! NOHOHOW STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Raph and Leo finally backed away. Mikey letting Donnie go limp in his arms, cradling his little big brother. Raph went over and grabbed his phone, ending the video and saving it to watch later. He turned back and saw Leo covering his mouth. Looking closer, he saw that Donnie had fallen asleep in Mikey’s arms. I guess staying up for hours experimenting then being tickled by your three brothers really takes it out of you.
“Aww, he’s so peaceful!!” Mikey whisper screamed. He lent down and gave Donnie a kiss to the forehead, tearing up when he saw the smile widen on Donnie’s sleeping face. Leo carefully took off Donnie’s glasses, walking alongside Mikey and Raph as all three of them took him to his room.
“Should we tell dad?” Mikey asked as he gently laid Donnie down in his bed. He grabbed the blanket and carefully draped it across Donnie. Raph shook his head.
“Let’s wait till the morning. Let the little guy sleep for now. Seems like he needs it.” Raph put a stuffed animal next to Donnie’s hands, watching as Donnie unconsciously grabbed it held it close. Leo put his glasses on the nightstand, being sure to check that Donnie was all tucked in all warm and cozy.
“Goodnight, Tinyello.” Leo gently whispered, giving Donnie a small rub to his back. Raph quietly snapped a few more pictures before having to be dragged out of the room by Mikey and Leo. The affects would wear off eventually. But until then, Donnie slept more than he had in a really long while.
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sealofarchives · 1 month
Could you do a headcanon of the Rottmnt Leo of how he would react when he realizes he is in love with the reader? (neutral gender)
Headcanon/Oneshot: The slow realization of Leo falling in love with the reader. (Requested prompt)
A/N: Accidentally went with a slight oneshot but, hopefully this has what the request is looking for.
Insomnia won another night as Leo gave up trying to stick to a normal sleep schedule. Now scrolling on his phone bored from the lack of funny videos on youtube. And decided to try and organize the photos he saved on his device. Until he found a few photos of you two together.
Going backward from the most recent picture and then eventually. Seeing the first photo of you with him.
You weren't really one for photos so... Your face had a bit of trying to smile like what you usually do at awkward family gatherings. But, still had fun around this self confident red slider turtle.
A digital memento of the white lie of
"I was supposed to check out this place ahead of time but..."
"Naaaah, where's the fun in that!"
"Might as well hang out with (Y/N) for a bit so it doesn't seem like a boring escort mission."
His focus now taking mental notes at the later pictures where.
You felt comfortable enough to speak up about your personal space and sometimes not in the mood for a hug. Which he, Raph, and Mikey are guilty of giving surprise affection and very much took the issue in a serious manner.
Resulting in you sometimes out of your comfort zone and taking the lead when something has your full attention. The pictures almost being subtle examples where you can finally be yourself.
Memories of a safe and mutual trust built between you and the turtles' small friend group.
Even joining in on some goofy poses that he can't help but, tease you about it on some random night out.
His heartbeat almost stopped at a past video where he surprised you with a plushie of your favorite character for your birthday.
He saw himself blushing being pulled into your bear hug that almost choked him out of breath. While Donnie recorded the said video as the softshell turtle snickered at his brother's obvious sign of a crush. Leo gave a light glare at his brother until seeing the sweetest smile on your face. The video ending just as the blush deepen close to spreading acrossing his light blue mask.
He remembered how Donnie immediately went with a dating survey. The what type of person you date icebreaker. And a bit of payback of Leo stealing the second slice of your birthday cake.
"Totally not taking notes for your potential future spouse."
Leo facepalmed how much he had to hide any bit of jealousy to avoid ruining your special day. But, it stung hearing you laugh at Donnie's idea and going along with it. Thinking of it as a fun what if game.
Since you almost give the same attention to him. His snarky attitude is rarely at you with how often you're never bored by his routine techno babble. Along with how much patience you have. Dealing with two turtles who deny having some ego problems.
Leo lazily put his phone away on top of his bed.
With a slow sigh to relax his nerves, he replaces his sleep mask with a fresh light blue mask and stood up to wear a dull blue hoodie.
Holding one of this signature swords as he opens up a light blue portal.
("Sorry Donnie but, I'm not into the idea of sharing (Y/N) with you.")
("I feel more at ease with them by my side...")
("Even if I don't have the words for a proper heartfelt confession...")
("I know they can help with me with that.")
Leo held onto to his phone staring at the new phone wallpaper.
Just the two of you. Almost posed together like a couple while attempting to stay focus for a boring grocery shopping list.
He shook off the embarrassing feeling and will pick a different one later but, for now.
The instant text message reply of you still being awake at these late hours gave him another push to ask you out on an actual date. As he jumped through the portal to your room with no hesitation.
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This is my first request for something like this since I normally don't read tmnt x reader fics but I'd love to see like, how each brother would react to their (fem) S/O stealing and wearing their hoodie :3 (platonic or romantic)
Hi!! This is such a cute request omg, I didn't know which iteration you want since you didn't specify, so I just did Rise, I hope that's ok!<3
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Dude, you were already so tiny, but when you wear his hoodie?
Oh my gosh you are freaking drowning in fabric,
It makes you look so much smaller.
Like whyyy- 😭
Oh he 100% just lets you have it.
It's yours now.
He says you look so much better in it than him, so you can keep it.
Whenever you wear it, he gets so happy.
Happy turtle stims<3
He couldn't even be mad at you for taking it from him.
You just looked so amazing in his clothes.
He, *ahem* accidentaly, leaves it at your place whenever he visits.
He's is absolutely gushing with happiness-
In his hoodie?
You know what? Keep it.
Here, take afew more!
I am.... very sleepy, but this was cuteee
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