#now he walks like when u put shoes on dogs
onejellyfishplease · 1 year
I wanna put unmutated Donnie in a tiny sweater…
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How could you do this to him
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sguidwards-bestfriend · 8 months
Young Old Things
I like the thought of a deaged Dan causing a misunderstanding between Danny, Vlad, and the batfam.
TW: sexual assault hinted at
Danny, Dan, and Ellie go to see Jazz in Gotham. They've been waiting to "visit" her for weeks since she moved out. Only waiting for her to get a big enough place for all of them. Danny already said he'd share a room with Ellie and Dan, especially now that they found out if she is her true age she'll start to stabilize more permanently with Danny's ecto. Plus, having Dan be the same size helps, or so she says (he might be desperate for a new family and Ellie is trying to help, Danny and Jazz never bring it up in front of him).
The Fenton parents don't know about Danny being Phantom, instead believing that some big ghostly event caused Danny to have a ghost daughter.
And that he tried to clone himself mixed with a ghost to use that body to stabilize her. They may be proud of their scientist son, they are not proud that he won't let them experiment on his ghostly "creations".
Of course they are entirely wrong:
Ellie is one of Vlads' attempts to clone him, the only one that survived.
And Dan is an amalgamation of Danny and Vlad from an alternate timeline. He doesn't know why he's keeping that from his parents. He owes nothing to that scumbag, but Jazz says many victims try to keep their abusers safe from facing consequences. Before Dan was deaged, and much before he met the Fenton parents, he'd pointed out that he'd be scared who his parents would have chosen to believe too.
Jazz gets a full ride scholarship with Gotham U, the Wayne's new massive donation to the psychology department, as well as her well written letter about being the head of her home, helped immensely.
She felt bad using a slightly blurred version of their story to get a good scholarship, but Danny pushed her to go for it.
Hence her, Danny and his 3 year old "twins" were at a gala for the university.
It was being held in the museum after closing hours. The invitation she got had specified that her brother was invited, each with a plus one.
They couldn't exactly get a babysitter for two super-powered toddlers in the city known for hating metas. Besides it wasn't like they had time to get dates anyway.
The night started out fine. There were scholarship students, student council members, some Gotham U staff, and a few rich folk mingling and eating tiny foods that both Ellie and Dan adored.
Ellie fell asleep in Danny's arms almost the second she'd finished eating, and Dan was overly protective of the both of them as always. Of course the dense crowd and constant noise wasn't helping calm him down.
A Wayne, he wasn't sure which one exactly, had brought Danny a plate of food and sat with him as he tried to distract Dan. At first Dan didn't care for him at all, but he mentioned reading about the constellation on Dan's shirt and he loosened up. He never let go of Danny's pant leg though.
The night turned sour when all three's ghost sense went off. There was no immediate threat, but even the Wayne kid noticed them tense and turned to the hallway.
Dan was the first to spot him. "Vad."
"Bad?" The man mimicked.
"He has trouble with his Ls."
"No! I can say Ellie." Dan huffed, poking the side of her sparkly green shoe.
"Vlad, the guy that walked in." Danny said, decidedly looking down into his daughter's sleeping face, squished into his shirt and drooling.
"Vladimir Masters?"
He nodded, before he could continue however Dan spoke up.
"He is bad. He's the reason I was born. And Ellie too." Dan put himself in front of Danny, his little legs going over Danny's feet like a guard dog.
He could see the Wayne's hands tighten into fists, he tapped the inside of his wrist a bit and watched as he squirmed in his seat.
"Hey, Tim." Another dark haired light eyed Wayne and a girl came up to them. "Who's this?"
"Danny, these are my sibilings. Dick and Cass. Guys, this is Danny."
"Hi, nice to meet you Danny. I'd shake your hand but it looks busy." He gestured towards Ellie. As his hand swept nearer, Dan tried to swipe it away. "Oh, and who's this."
"I'm Dan. You can't touch Mommy." His little face contorted into his best toddler attempt at scaring them off.
"I would never do that. No one here would." Dick said as he crouched down to be eye level with his son.
"He would." Dan pointed at Vlad, all three turned to look at the man. Before anyone else noticed, specifically Vlad himself, Danny pushed his arm down.
"Don't point, it's rude."
"He's a rude butt." Danny laughed softly and Dan continued. "It doesn't mater that I'm half of him, I'll never be evil like him." He yawned and laid his face on Danny's leg.
"I think that's enough signs that we should head home. Thank you for talking with me, Tim."
"No problem, it was m-"
Dan grabbed around Danny's legs and whined "I don't wanna gooOOOooo. I want more of the tiny hot dogs."
Danny looked up to see Vlad infront of the food table. The Wayne sibilings followed his gaze "I'm sorry buddy, but-"
Tim stood up, "I'll get you guys a whole mountain of the tiny hot dogs. Why don't you guys wait for me at the door." Ever so softly he heard Tim whisper, "Go with them." To his brother.
"Where are your things? I'll help you get ready." Dick looked around like he didn't know where the coat closet was. He'd probably been to events like this hundreds of times, but Danny appreciated the sentiment.
"Their stroller is at the entrance, I have to get my sister though."
The girl who hadn't said a word hummed and went off, "Cass can find her, I'll help you and we can meet at the entrance."
"Alright, thank you."
It wasn't until they had both kids in the stroller with their coats on and Dan had a bottle of milk (with a lot of ectoplasm in it) that Danny realized he'd never mentioned who his sister was.
Dick waved towrds the end of the hall and saw his sister and the two Waynes he'd met walking with Brucie Wayne himself.
Jazz looked down and pat Cass' hand. "Thank you for getting me."
"Danger." Her voice was soft, but she didn't seem shy like he had expected.
"All four of you seemed to get along well with my kids. Would you like to come by for dinner next week?" Brucie asked as he looked between the four of them.
"I'd love to!" Jazz said enthusiastically. "Would Tuesday ight work?"
Danny could see the gears start to speed up in her head and he huffed a little. "Jazz, I need to get them in bed."
"Right, of course. Thank you again, for everything."
"Tuesday night works perfectly," Brucie Wayne said with a massive smile on his face, "we'll send someone to pick you up. Have a good night."
With that they walked down the ramp and down a few blocks to their two bed room apartment.
"Jazz," She looked over to Danny, "I think they know more than they are letting on."
She lent over the stroller a bit to check if the kids were asleep, before adding, "I agree, I think there is something up with them, but I don't think they're bad."
"Dan was okay with them mostly, and Ellie was fast asleep even with then around."
"I guess we'll just have to find out, then. Besides, it would be good for you to make friends your age and not at the car shop."
"Yeah, alright."
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milesmolasses · 1 year
nah nah cuz HEAR ME OUTT, that lipstick kiss trend on tiktok with e42!miles and he would usually disagree but he loves when the reader kisses him so he gives in <3 (love your work, btw!!)
kisses for miles (e-42 miles x blk!reader)
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— besos para él💋
— ⚠️: reader talkin crazy, use of military time, cursing
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y/n: hey lol
mookie 💋: …yes u need sum?
y/n: can u come over please?
mookie 💋: what u tryna get into?
y/n: ur nasty 😒
mookie 💋: dgmt why am I coming over
y/n: baby pleaseeee just come over it’s a surprise
read 18:27
“nah I know he did not..” you said aloud. miles was always talking about not leaving him on read and now he wanna play games?
you swiped up on your phone, leaving the messages app to check Life360. he made sure to leave his location on at all times for you to find him, especially when he was in prowler duty. checking for miles location, you saw he was on the move to your direction.
rolling your eyes, you took a screenshot and sent it to him captioning it, “u coulda just said i’m omw.”
you rolled out of bed and put on some house slippers. before leaving your room, you threw your bonnet off and played around with your hair, putting the braids in a side part. walking to the living room, you heard a knock on the door; mind you, there was only ever one person who knocked on your door.
going straight for the door, you unlocked it so he could enter on his own. walking back to the living room of your house you yelled, “It’s open!”
you heard two clicks from the door, indicating to you that someone had opened and closed it.
“take off your shoe—!”
“I did.”
sitting crisscrossed on the couch, you looked behind you to the front door to find miles dropping his shoes off near the door. he walked over to you and grabbed you by both hands, pulling you up from the couch. still holding your hands in his, and your lips being mear inches apart he said in a low, deep voice, “so why you call me over here?”
you wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I can’t ask you to come over no more?” you asked, raising both your eyebrows with a small smile.
he reached for your back, tugging on your braids which lifted your head back and left your neck exposed to him. placing small kisses all over your neck, he smiled as he said between kisses, “of course you can esposa, but why so late is what i’m asking.”
“I wanna do something with you,” you said, pulling away from miles lips on your neck. plopping back down to the couch. miles joined you sitting down as you reached for your phone to pull up the video you wanted to show miles. once you found the video, you gave miles your phone and turned up the volume so he could hear it.
it was a video of a girl putting on lipstick, and “accidentally” smearing some of it under her lip. some random hand came and wiped the makeup off her face, and soon the camera panned to where the hand was coming from— a guy with lipstick stains all over his face and a dopey smile coming on screen.
miles re-watched the video again in silence, eyebrow furrowed to watch the video more intently.
“hell no—”
“but miles, please it’s gonna be so cute,” you pleaded grabbing his hand. you were slightly bouncing on the couch, your face decorated with a puppy dog pout. “you don’t even wear lipstick baby. so whatchu gon’ do?” he challenged.
“I can use lipglo—”
“hell no,” miles said again as he laughed. “that shit is sticky and a pain to get off. ion even like you kissing my lips with that on, let alone my face.”
“why don’t you ever wanna do cute couple stuff wimme?” you whined. miles pulled you onto his lap and kissed your lips again.
“what do you mean? we do cute couple shit all the time. I just don’t want gloss all on my face,” he reasoned as your head forehead came in contact with his chest.
miles remembered all the cute things you made him do with you as a couple; matching nails, the two of you baking, the cute arts and crafts you made him do with you— he remembered all of it.
if he was being honest, he enjoyed all the cute things you made him do with you. he would have never even thought of doing half the shit y’all did together, and now, he has a cute fungo pop that looks like you on his windowsill.
“think about how cute it will be; i’ll sit on your lap—just like i am now— and put kisses all over your face. that don’t sound like heaven to you?”
his hands gripped your waist as he slid them a bit under your shirt; he liked skin-to-skin contact with you. he looked at you with his head tilted to the side, like he was contemplating on whether or not to say yes. “aight, how bout this; show me how you’re gonna get that shit off my face when it’s over.”
you smiled as you scrambled off his lap to go to your room. going straight to your vanity, you opened the first drawer and pulled out a makeup bag with all of your supplies, as well as your micellar water and cotton pads. running quickly back to the living room, you found miles with his legs spread widely and his arms sprawled at the top of your couch.
“ew you look like a man,” you said as you approached the couch.
“you better talk to me nice ‘fore I get the hell up outta here—”
“ok ok i’m sorry!”
he smiled at your reaction as you placed yourself back on his lap facing him. placing the water down next to you, and opening the small pouch, you pulled out your red dior lip oil. “alright, so here’s what imma do; i’m gonna swatch some on my arm, and then i’m gonna show you how to take it off.”
opening the lip oil, you removed the wand and held up your arm. running the wand over your skin ripped a hole in your heart, feeling like this was such a waste of such a good product.
“what’s wrong ma?” miles asked as he saw the small pout on your face.
“i’m wasting my shit for this,” you whined looking pouty. miles raised your chin up to look at him and pecked your lips. “i’ll buy you another one ma, it’s all good,” he said.
whenever miles offered to buy you anything, you got a little shy and bashful, telling him he didn’t need to do that for you. however, he always does it anyway and tells you not to worry about it.
with a downturned smile, you averted your eyes from him and said a small, “okay.” turning back to what you were doing, you showed miles the two swatches of gloss on yours arm. picking up the bottle of micellar water, you told him that this is how you were going to take it off.
opening your box of cotton pads, you grabbed one and put some of the water on the pad. whipping off your arm, you showed him it was cleansed of the lip oil.
“see, good as new. that’s gonna be your face soon too,” you giggled. he grabbed your arm and felt where you whipped the oil off. it felt damp, but not sticky. he raised an eyebrow as if convinced and said,
“i’m still not letting you put that shit on my face mami.”
“Miles-uhh!” you said, dragging out his name.
“ay i’m kidding, relax! i’ll let you do your lil trend, aight?” he laughed as he slid his hands further up your shirt, hands caressing your back, and his face leaned into your chest.
“boy don’t play wimme,” you rolled your eyes and pulled his braids back, making him look at you.
“I am not the one.”
he smiled and leaned back into the couch.
“just put on the gloss and kiss me,” he laughed. you opened back up the lip oil and grabbed your phone. swiping left, you opened up the camera app and rubbed your lips with the wand. miles watched your lips intently as his grip on your waist tightened.
“don’t get too excited, i’m only kissing you.”
putting the want back in the tube, and your phone back on the couch, you grabbed miles face and started with a kiss on the cheek. then, a kiss on the chin. and then before you knew it, he had kiss marks all over his face.
you had to re-apply the gloss to your lips a few times, but when you saw miles entire face and neck smothered in remnants of you, you bit your lip and said, “you look sexy like this.”
“focus on the damn video mami,” said sounding annoyed. he obviously didn’t like the feeling of the gloss on his face because he was scrunching his face up every two seconds.
“what, you don’t like my kisses?” you said with a pretend pout.
“of course I do baby, but this feels so nasty on my face,” he said leaning his head back whining a little.
you grabbed your phone off the couch and told him to stop acting like a baby. going to tiktok and opening your favorite sounds, you clicked on the sound and started recording.
as you re-applied the lip gloss to your lips, you “accidentally” smudged the wand below your lips a little.
after miles reached and used his thumb to wipe the gloss off, you turned the camera to show miles with his head leaned back slightly, and kiss marks all over his face.
grabbing you by your neck, he pulled you in for a kiss just before the video ended. he gave you an opened mouth kiss which you happily returned before pulling back with a loopy smile.
“that wasn’t part of the video…” you said, still inches away from him lips.
“I know.”
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— lol I got a lil lazy so I don’t really like his this turned out
— I don’t think miles likes ur lipgloss (*´-`)
— however, e-1610 probably would. he would eat this shit up🤭
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Hii i love ur work i was wondering if u could do an angst story when ur the fem 9th member and jyp adds another fem member and they start ignoring you yelling at u and acting harsh and only one member is by ur side all the time
-9th skz
Warning: yelling, panic attacks, harsh tones, angst
Pairing: I.N x 9th member
Summary: a new member joins your group and it seems everything starts crashing down when you realize your being slowly replaced.
!not proofread!
Hey thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy this short story lol! Have a good day 🩷
"Chan? I don't know where you are but I've been outside. Waiting. You promised to pick me up remember? Just text me or call me when you get this." I send the voicemail and let out a frustrated sigh. Had he forgotten to pick you up again? This was starting to become really annoying.
The last time he forgot because apparently the new girl, Haneul, needed help recoding something for the album. I let it go because it was the album after all and I want what's best for the team. But this time I had no idea why he wasn't texting or picking up.
The sky starts to drizzle and I let out a sigh. Slowly starting the walk home. I knew I was going to be soaking wet when I arrive at the dorms so I just put my phone in my bag to avoid it from getting spoilt.
The past few weeks, the schedule was really busy especially now that their was a 10th member. Everyone was trying to make her feel like home even offering her MY room as I took the couch until we were transferred to our new dorm. It was frustrating because now everyone's attention was on her and the fact that the boys were excited for a girl joining got me thinking that maybe they were tired of me.
The rain was pouring heavy now and my tears were too. Last week Han forgot to practice with you because he was with Haneul teaching her the rap part for the new song. Last week Felix forgot that you were making brownies with him and decided to do it with Haneul instead. Last week Changbin double booked his schedule with the recording studio and told me to come at a later date because Haneul needed more attention. LAST week Leeknow took her to the new game park when he had promised me to go with.
Haneul was slowly getting me replaced. The less I talked the more nobody would notice me.
My phone vibrates and I quickly pull out my phone.
"H-hello?" I say into it while snifling.
"Y/nie? Love? Are you there? What's all that noise?" I hear I.N's voice booming through the phone obviously panicking.
"I'm walking home." I sadly say looking at the puddles that had completely got my shoes wet.
"But it's raining dogs and cats outside! Yah! You're going to get sick."
"Chan forgot to pick me up again but it's okay I'm like 2 minutes away from the house."
"Oh baby. Let me make you some hot chocolate and run you a bath."
"You don't have to babe-"
"No I will! Now hurry along please. I want you home safe."
I say a little bye before rushing to get home.
My shoes let out squishy sounds against the hard wood floor as I make my way through the house.
"Where's Chan?" I glare at Changbin who's walking to the kitchen.
He stops and his eyes go wide when he finally sees me. "Oh my God. What happened babydoll?" He gasps at the state I'm in.
"Where. Is. Chan?" I ask one more time. Angry wasn’t even the word that could explain the emotion I felt at the moment.
"His in the studio-"
I walk past him and charge at the studio where I open the door to find him with Haneul laughing at something.
Was he being Foreal right now?
"Chan how could you?!" I say hurt at him causing him to jump and look up at me.
"Y/n? Oh my God what happened to you? Why are you soaking wet-"
"You fucking forgot to pick me up from schedules Where were you huh? Huh?" I frown and glare at him.
He looks panicked as he picks up his phone to check his reminders but his eyes open wide in realization.
"Oh my God- y/nie I'm so sorry. Haneul-"
“It’s okay,” I say not even bothering to fight with him. It wasn’t worth it. It was tiring.
"What’s going on guys?" Leeknow says coming into the room confused.
“Yah! Y/n your getting the whole house wet with your clothes? What’s your problem?” He scolds me.
“I had to walk through the rain and you don’t even care, no need to yell at me.”
The boys all start piling up into the room trying to figure out what the matter was.
"Y/n! Your wet!" Han exclaims
“Yes I think I get the point people!” I groan and shiver as the cold air hits my body.
“Y/n go get change please, now I have to clean up your mess,” Leeknow’s tone is harsh. I can hear it with a tint of frustration.
“Jeez Leeknow you won’t even bother to ask if I’m okay?” I roll my eyes trying to avoid the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks once again.
He just dismisses me with his hand and walks out the room to do whatever he had too.
“Anyways, Haneul do you still wanna watch riverdale later?” My neck snaps at the direction that Hyunjin stood. Did he just say riverdale?
“Yeah yeah, I hope it’s not too much work but I was wondering if we could also make those little friendship bracelets-“
“Hyunjin did you just say riverdale? That’s our show,” my voice is now soft and quivering. Why would he watch our show with her.
“Y/n don’t be selfish, she’s just watching season one. It’s not a big deal.” He didn’t care. He didn’t care at all.
“We can alwyaks watch another series Hyunjin I don’t mind really-“
“Nah Y/n will be okay she’s just being dramatic like always,”
My breathing started to pick up. I couldn’t hold in the tears anymore. I was cold, tired, hungry and emotional. The sob that left my lips represented all that.
Chan’s eyes go wide when he notices the distress I’m in. “Hey, why are you crying? Are you okay?”
I don’t even bother to answer and just walk past the boys that stood by the door looking confused and worried.
“What’s the matter Y/n? Is it because of riverdale? Please don’t tell me you’re crying over that!” Hyunjin says as his hand grabs mine.
“You guys treat me like such a bother ever since she got here. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I’m I boring to you guys now? All of you have been mean or pushing me aside for her. I don’t even ask for much but to have my friends back. If you don’t want me in the group anymore just tell me.”
I’m a mess, I’m a mess. I free myself from his grip before walking up the stairs where I run into I.N. He gives me a smile and realizes the state I’m in. His smile drops.
“Hey- woah woah woah, what’s wrong?” He asks but he was the only one that knew the current position I was in. I had told him the day he saw Chan snap at me when we were learning a new choreography and I had messed up.
“I’m- I’m just tired.” I cry as he automatically pulls me into his arms.
“Don’t cry hmmm. It’s okay I’ve got you okay? Let’s go upstairs and get you showered and changed. Then we can talk about it okay?” He whispers in my ear and I just nod in response.
He pulls me up the stairs and into my room where I find my pajamas laid out and some candles lit. The bathroom was running.
He slowly undresses me and guides me into the bathroom where I sit in the hot bathtub.
“Join me?” I ask well basically whimper. Craving his touch.
He chuckles. “Yeah sure my love. You miss me hm?”
“Yeah,” I softly say before blushing.
He gets undressed and gets into the tab. He leans back as I sit in between his legs. My body slowly meting into his.
He leaves tiny kisses on my naked shoulders while slowly massaging my neck. I find my body relaxing and slowly shutting down.
“Hey do you wanna talk about it now?”
“Mmm, it’s just that Everbody’s been acting so different towards me eve since she joined, I told you this last time but now it’s worse. Sometimes they don’t even acknowledge my existence.” I sigh feeling the sadness start to rise again.
“Baby, I told you last time to talk to them about it. What happened?”
“I don’t know I geuss, I geuss I just don’t want to make them feel like they’re picking.”
“But it’s your feelings that matter
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michibap · 1 month
drunk cooking stream with schlatt
-the goal is to make some stupidly elaborate recipe
-like macarons or those stupid 24 hour cookies
-it starts off pretty well, the two of you having developed a system where you measure out the ingredients while schlatt mixes them
"Like a well oiled fuckin' machine," he'd boasted, carefully folding the merengue mixture as you sifted in the almond flour
-until schlatt insists you go shot for shot with him and you’re struggling to keep up
-you get tipsy a little quicker than he does (bc he’s massive) and start getting a little clumsy, fumbling with kitchen tools
-and the system devolved into him watching you like a hawk while you flit around the kitchen, easily distracted and giggly
-he confiscates your knife while you’re in the middle of chopping up strawberries because you almost lobbed off one of your fingers one too many times and he thinks he’s going to have palpitations
-he’s scolding you for being stupid bc he was worried and you’re not hearing a damn word it’s just like “blah blah blah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff”
-chat tattling on him for eating the ingredients while you’re not looking and he yells at them
-yells at them more once they clock him being drunk bc he’s getting rowdy
-trying to goad you into bickering with him and being generally menacing
-obnoxiously petting your hair like you’re a dog while you’re trying to do something
-practically hanging off of you while you’re trying to move around the kitchen
-inhibiting your ability to get anything done bc you have to drag a grown man with you everywhere you go
-he’s shuffling close behind you so he doesn’t have to unwrap his arms from around your waist, occasionally stepping on the backs of your shoes
-turning giving him a horrified look when he aggressively sniffs your hair and being like “alright you’re done”
-it only gets worse when you make him let go of you 😭 bc now his hands are free
-he’s picking things up and moving them when you’re not looking as a little pranky prank but forgetting where he puts them and having to help you find them
-very obviously fucking something up and blaming you for it
-like he knocks a cup of flour you’re standing next to over with his elbow and glares at you like it’s your fault
-catching him trying to steal ingredients again but this time he just feeds u some, grinning when your eyes light up and you’re like mmmm!!
-cannot have nice things bc it quickly turns into a food fight
-it’s all fun and games until he breaks an egg and u get mad so u banish him to sitting off to the side
-and he’s griping and huffing and puffing, trying to distract you from the task at hand
-it comes as a relief when he shuts up, allowing u to work in peace and chit chat with the viewers
-what u don’t see is him fighting his demons in the background
-eyes fucking LOCKED in on your ass while you move around the kitchen, u can almost see the loading circle spinning in his brain
-everything comes to a full stop when it sounds like a fucking GUN SHOT goes off and you’re yelping
-hearing his obnoxiously loud laughter over the sound of your whining while you press your forehead to the counter and try to soothe the tender flesh for a moment
-until you whirl around and use the half empty bag of chocolate chips as a melee weapon and get him across the head with it
-it’s your turn to laugh when he ends up on the floor with a pained groan
-does not last long bc he’s jamming his fingers into the sensitive area behind ur knees and you’re collapsing next to him in a fit of giggles
-on some spy vs spy shit
-once you collect yourselves, he’s up first, dragging you up after him
-walking around with a flour hand print on your ass for the rest of the stream 😔
-his head going empty again as he very intensely watches you aggressively tap the baking sheet on the counter to get all of the bubbles out of the batter before putting it in the oven
(AWOOGA? i haven’t heard that name in years….)
-forgetting said cookies in the oven while you make a ganache that turns out too light because SOMEBODY ate HALF OF THE FUCKING CHOCOLATE CHIPS
-he keeps on insisting it’s fine and you’re being dramatic until you show him the contents of the bowl and it’s like,, very light brown sludge
-when you take the cookies out they’ve become this gross brownish red, no longer the cute pink batter you put in the oven
-they end up being fugly and borderline inedible
-and you’re so sad bc you guys worked so hard (no u did NOT)
-he’s trying to make you feel better by forcing himself to eat one
-but the grimace on his face as he struggles to crunch on what was supposed to be a delicate treat just makes it worse 😭
-after stream he ends up door dashing u guys a sweet treat to make up for it
“Even though YOU fuckin’ ruined em.”
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yandere-class-1a · 10 months
Also can you do normal yandere class 1a head canons if that's ok? (and can u add mic and aizawa)
Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to complete this ask, I got burned out about halfway through and needed to take a little break. I hope you like them though! I wasn't exactly sure how you wanted me to do them so I did all of class 1-A (+ platonic Aizawa and Mic) separately, they do have some connections in them though. There are a lot of words (3,895 to be exact) so I'm gonna be adding a read more button.
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Shoji is absolutely the type of yandere to try and protect you from the bad in the world. If anyone so much as looks at you wrong he will turn into a big guard dog. He wraps you up in his arms and death glares at the person that looked at you funny. If you comment on it he will turn back into the big teddy bear that you know and love. He will not limit your internet access but you bet he will watch over you if you look up triggering or problematic things for your mental health. He won't restrict it but he will have a big talk with you about how it's better to consume positive media instead of negative media. He loves to cuddle you with all his arms, and it's absolutely heavenly. He might be the tallest in class, but no way does this man not like being the little spoon. He loves feeling you wrapped around him actually a little bit more than him being wrapped around you, he just loves the comfort you give him.
Koda is absolutely a cinnamon roll yandere. He doesn't want to hurt you or anybody else for that matter. He feels like the type of yandere to worship the very ground you walk on. If you give him a gift he will put it on a special shelf and cherish it forever. Once he accidentally forgot to put it up on his shelf and one of his animal friends accidentally broke it, he cried for hours until you managed to calm him down. Whenever you can't sleep Koda will send over a bird with a beautiful song to lull you to sleep. If you confront him about it he will try and deny it at first but end up cracking under your gaze. He tells you how he just wants to make sure you get a good amount of sleep, he didn't mean to upset you. If you aren't angry at him he will be so happy, if you are he will honestly turn into the poutiest baby you've ever seen.
Sato is the type of yandere to give you anything and everything you want, especially if it's something to do with baking. He and you probably have a designated day to bake at least one thing. If you don't feel like baking that day Sato will definitely sit you up on the counter and just talk to you well he bakes. If you love to lick the spoon he will definitely bakes the batter specially without eggs so you can eat as much of it as you want. He might look big and scary to some people but he is actually a absolute sweetheart. If you get tired from walking, even just a little bit, Sato will pick you up and cradle you like a baby so you don't have to walk. He feels like the type of boyfriend that will give you his shoes if yours are hurting your feet. Either that or he will carry around a extra pair of shoes in his bag. He doesn't care what people think when he does stuff for you, your his precious angel and he's willing to do anything for you.
Ida's obsession with you stems from a deep-rooted sense of duty and responsibility. He becomes fixated on protecting you at all costs, believing it's his duty to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to extreme measures. Now Ida does not want to hurt anyone, however if they were to hurt you then he most definitely would be willing to bend his morality a little bit. He is smart enough to do full background checks on anyone close to you and is willing to use that against them if they try and hurt you. He will have Aizawa set up security cameras all throughout the dorms saying he wants to protect his classmates as class representative. He does use the cameras for that, however he mostly uses them to keep tabs on you. On a side note he keeps the kitchen stashed with all your favorite foods so you never go hungry.
Sero is the type of yandere to be possessive of you but still lets you have friends (He definitely doesn't have Ida run background checks on them or anything like that... oh who am I kidding he most definitely does). He will definitely get close to all your friends and family if you want. If someone you grew up with shows him your baby pictures you he will definitely internally fan boy. He has a pretty laid back attitude, so he's not super controlling or manipulative. However this man definitely makes up for it with his obsessive ways. He will definitely want to do the spiderman kiss at some point or another, once you start dating it happens all the time. ⚠️Next part of Sero's headcanons continues slightly suggestive things, just thoughts and not actually doing anything⚠️ He's best friends with denki so we can guarantee he's at least a little bit of a pervert, at least to you. He would love to either see you shirtless or in a sports bra depending on your gender. He knows you're not ready for the next step so he's not gonna force you, for now he's fine with just resting his head on your chest or sitting you on his lap.
Todoroki is the type of yandere to be so obsessive for you that it hurts his heart to not be with you. He can be so possessive sometimes that he'll lock the two of you in a room and hide the key. He knows it's a bit over the top, he just can't help it. To him you are a living breathing God, you are so amazing that he just has to be next to you. However he does know that you might try and grow distant if he gets too possessive... To make up for this he tries to be as lenient with you as possible in most things. He will definitely stalk you, but he's pretty open about it. He will be like "He darling! You went to the ice cream shop yesterday and left your notebook. Don't worry though, I picked it up for you". Him and the class decide that kidnapping was out of the question... but sleepovers with the class that "accidentally" last for a week aren't uncommon. Todoroki will invite you over to his dorm all the time, sometimes just to cuddle. He desperately craves physical affection... Please give him some.
Momo is one of the yanderes with more common sense. She makes sure to match how fast she eases you into her yandere tendencies and how well you take them. If your reactions are on the more positive side she will move up a few levels in about two to three weeks. However if you seem uncomfortable she will ease them onto you slowly, conditioning you so it all feels normal. She feels like the type of yandere to invite you with her instead of stalking you, though she's not against it either. Like if she goes to the Mall or even the Library she will definitely invite you. If you don't really want to go she will tell you that you can get your favorite food or stop at your favorite place on the way. If she goes shopping by herself you can 100% guarantee that she returns with at least two gifts for you. If you go shopping with her however you both will definitely come back with bags full of gifts.
Bakugo is on the extremely possessive yandere side. He used to want you to be only his, but after a lot of convincing from the class he realized that they all loved you as much as him so maybe just maybe they could share you. He still can't be in the same room when Izuku's or Todoroki are being lovey with you though, he's working on it though. He used to call you only his and use words like my darling, now he calls you the only theirs and names like our darling. If anyone that isn't in class 1-A gets too close to you, even simple things like brushing against you in the hallways, he will quickly and without thinking grab your hand and not let go until he feels better. Bakugo here is definitely not shy about pda (public display of affection). He will hug and kiss you all he wants no matter where you are, though it's a bit more rough out in public to keep up his tough boy appearance.
Kirishima is the type of yandere to obsess over every little thing you do. He notices every little detail about you and points them out to other classmates. Like one day you came into class and Kirishima just casually tells the bakusquad that your breath smells slightly different than it normally does, probably because you ran out of your favorite scented toothpaste and had to replace it with your second favorite. They all looked at him funny. Not because of the obsessive sound of that sentence, but because he somehow managed to notice something that no one else did. The minute you walk into the room Kirishima's eyes find you. He can somehow keep a good conversation with a person well-watching. He is always telling you how manly you are, even for the littlest things. He is almost constantly wanting to give you affection. His affection ranges from quick kisses on the nose to cuddling for hours. He wants to wash you in the bath soooo badly. Not in a perverted way of course! He just wants to take care of you, you're his darling after all! He would have Momo make a bathing suit to cover up your privates so he could even just wash your hair for you.
Ojiro is the type of yandere who literally just wants to take care of you. He will buy you whatever snacks you want, no matter how hard they are to find. He hates to see you sad so he will almost always have a funny or cute video saved on his phone to cheer you up. He honestly buys the most thoughtful gifts in all of class 1-A. He will teach you martial arts if you ask him to, though he's absolutely gonna baby you if you get hurt during training. He likes when you play with his tail. He will definitely wrap his tail around you while you're both sitting down. He is extremely shy about telling you his love for you. Him and Koda can sit together for hours and just talk about you, but when it comes to actually telling you about it he gets all shy. He once managed to get out the words I like you but before you could even respond he tried to cover it up with a like a friend.
Aoyama is the type of yandere to constantly compliment you and not be shy about his obsession. He loves to do Mini fashion shows for himself and You. He will invite the whole class and they all show up. Bakugo might take a bit more convincing but he cracks when Aoyama shows him one of the dresses/suits you will be wearing. If your having a self conscious day where you don't like something about yourself fo to Ayoama. He is always ready with a list of things he loves about you. The list doesn't have only things about your body either... It has little habits you do, your tone of voice, your passions, your different styles, your personality, ect. He is always ready to make you any type of clothes you want. He can make the comfiest bra's and/or panties if your comfortable with that. He knows how to make binders and breast forms for trangender darlings as well. He gives you your favorite type of cheese randomly, and if you don't like the taste of cheese he buys cheese scented candles for you.
Denki is the type of yandere to follow you around like a lost puppy. He is super duper protective of you to the point that he will do his best to remove anyone and anything that has the potential to harm you. At some point you got a splinter in your foot and this boy convinced everyone that soft carpeted floors were a necessity to have in the dorms. He may not be good at numbers or other academic things, however he is amazing with people. He would never hurt you, that includes manipulating you, but he'a not above manipulating other people. Half the time nobody even notices he's manipulating them, and if they do, Denki will manipulate them more to think it's all in their head. Denki is a naturally cuddly person so cuddle sessions are a must have. If you ask him for cuddles he will drop everything he's doing and cuddle you. He isn't the type to get jealous cause he knows you love class 1-A and only them romantically. He is more the type to get to show the other person that you belong to him.
Izuku is the type to know everything about you, even things you don't know. Izuku definitely has at least 3 notebooks full of all your information. The first one starts of pretty standard, just your name and quirk, same as everyone else. It then gets more in detail about your quirk until it's basically entirely explained as far as to your family tree to compare the quirks to your own. It then sorta just kept on going from there. He definitely has a secret shrine to you. It has little things like pens that you left behind up to pictures of you at all times of the day. He keeps it hidden in a locked drawer so no one can find out about it. He’s a huge stalker. He almost always knows where you are and when he doesn't he panics and searches the entire city for you. He likes to watch you sleep secretly, only for about half an hour though.
Mina is the classic type of stalker that watches you from a tree. She will absolutely positively have a wall covered with photos of you in her room. Now she's not a complete idiot, so she buys a pretty tapestry and covers up the pictures with it. She is super bubbly and friendly so she has no problem talking to you. She will listen to you talk about something you love for hours if it would make you happy! Of course if you preferred to listen she has tons of stories to tell you, even if she might bend them a little bit to make herself sound more amazing. She definitely sends you good morning and good night texts, just not at normal times. Her good morning texts range from 4:00 in the morning to 12:00 noon. Her good night texts are around 10:00 in the nighttime to 2:00 in the morning. She definitely posts all about you on her social media's. If your not comfortable with pictures she will just post all about how amazing and beautiful/handsome you are. If someone says something like "Oooo what's their number" or "I bet I could date them" Mina will instantly block them. If they something more, suggestive to straight up filthy, Mina will not hesitate to break their online profile. She has a passion for coding and knows how to hack into accounts without leaving a trail.
Tokoyami is the type of edgy but soft yandere. Tokoyami loves it when you listen to his poetry. He could go on for hours with edgy (yet very cute) poetics about how you are his beautiful Shining star. Darkshadow also likes to talk to you. However theirs are more asking you questions and listening to your answer so they can store it in their mind. Tokoyami is really shy when it comes to physical affection, Dark Shadow is definitely not though. Tokoyami will be sitting next to you in the common room and Dark shadow will just pop up and be like "Tokoyami wants to hold your hand but he's too scared to ask". Tokoyami isn't that great with speaking words, mostly prefering to write instead. He will write cute little notes for you and leave them on your desk. He makes handmade black envelopes and seals them with a red wax stamp. Dark shadow likes to put little random questions at the back of the card, like what's your favorite color or do you have any pets. Dark shadow likes to write in pretty pink glittery gel pens just to mess with Tokoyami.
Uraraka is the type of yandere to be so caring that you hardly see the obsessiveness because you're too happy from all the love she gives you. But let me tell you that the obsessiveness is 100% there. She's very careful that nothing can hurt you. If you do somehow manage to get hurt she will take care of the wound extremely tenderly. It could range from a splinter to a broken leg, it doesn't matter because she treats you so sweetly it's impossible to top it. At times she will become quite clingy, wanting cuddles and kisses galore. If your just not a touchy person or maybe you don't like skin on skin contact she will try and back off. However she needs some type of contact or she gets super pouty and sometimes depressed. If you want to bring her out of this state all you have to do is link your pinkies. It's not much but it makes her super happy that you're even touching her. Be careful as when her emotions get super high her quirk gets out of control and you might float up to the ceiling.
Jiro is like the edgy to everyone except you girlfriend. Once you found a cute and fluffy pink key chain and gave it to her. She paused for a second and you panicked thinking you messed up. When you offered to take it back she snapped out of it and hugged it to her chest tightly. She gently smiled at you and said she absolutely loved it. After that she placed it on her bookbag and hasn't taken it off since. She is super flirty to you but if you so much as say she looks pretty she will turn into a blushing mess and not be able to look at you for at least 10 minutes. If you ask her to teach you and instrument she will absolutely agree. If you are a slow learner it's ok, She has all the patience in the world for you. If you learn quickly she will eventually start playing musica with you. It doesn't matter what type of music you like she definitely has a playlist of all your favorite songs that she listens to when she misses you.
Hagakure is definitely the type of yandere to stalk you any chance she gets. She would have major problems approaching you cause she thinks you're too good for her. She honestly thinks that you are absolutely one of the most perfect beings in the universe. Her quirk literally makes her invisible so she could stand directly next to you and you would never know. It may sound a bit creepy, and she is well aware of this, but she likes to watch you sleep. She loves how peaceful you look when you're having a good dream. If you were to sleep walk/sleep talk she will let you do whatever it is you do as she finds it adorable. If she thinks you might hurt yourself in your sleep she will gently lead you back to bed and tuck you in tightly. She will sometimes follow you for hours. When people ask her what she likes to do her reponse is "being with y/n". It sounds normal enough to not cause suspicion but it's still the truth, she does love being with you! You just Don't know she's there most of the time...
Tsu is the type of yandere to be extremely sweet to almost everyone but if they so much as look at you wrong that switch flips fast. So basically Tsu is overprotective central. She will protect you from any harm that comes your way. She has a dead serious glare that is honestly scarrier that original Bakugo. She loves to cuddle up next to you in the sunshine on a warm day. She doesn't like intense heat but she loves sunlight. She will curl up next to the pool and just sunbathe with you if you want. If you love swimming she will take you swimming all the time. She uses her excuse of being able to breath under water as a way to kiss you. Let me explain, she will press your lips together and blow air into your mouth so you can stay underwater with her. She will 100% take selfies with you any chance she gets. She actually has a locked folder on her phone called 🐸 ~ My Darling ~ 🐸 with over 500 pictures of you.
Aizawa is like a father type yandere to you. He's gonna be super duper protective of you. If a villain tries to attack you while your in class (because Class 1-A is just a villain attack magnet) you’re the first one he thinks about protecting. He knows it's wrong to have a favorite student but he just can't help it. Your just such an amazing person to him how could he not favorite you?! He absolutely is not afraid to show his favoritism to anyone. If Nezu comments on it aizawa will just be like "What are you gonna do, fire me? Who else would be willing to take care of those problems children?". If you accidentally mess something up he will just simply forgive you and tell you it's ok. Like once you and denki had a sleepover and forgot to do homework... Denki had to do 10 laps around the field and you got asked if you needed help on any of the questions. He definitely teaches you privately different skills that aren't related to your quirk.
Present Mic is like an extremely proud father. At any game or contest that he announces he scream out praise at every little thing you do. He's been asked about it before and his answer was just pure confusion. He doesn't understand that he might be focusing more on you than the actual thing he's supposed to be announcing, he just thinks that you're doing amazing and wants everyone to know. Mic is extremely handsy with you, of course in a fatherly type of way. He will often be seen with some type of contact with you. He will pat your back, ruffle your hair, hold your hand in crowded areas, ect. He will hangout with you and Aizawa in your dorm room as you all take turns picking a song to listen to. If you really like a certain band or singer Mic will get you both tickets to one of their concerts.
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6okuto · 1 year
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ushijima, suna, hinata, akaashi, sakusa, kita, atsumu with their kids ^__< reader is never mentioned so u can imagine them as single dads if u'd like 🫶
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USHIJIMA’s tall, to say the least. his daughter finds this incredibly beneficial to her every few days. all she has to do is walk up to his spot on the couch and look a little fidgety, biting her bottom lip, for wakatoshi to smile. “is something high up again?” “yeah…the cereal’s on the top shelf again! i didn’t put it there last time though, i swear.” she furrows her brows as her dad stands up to his full height. “well, let’s get it down from there together, then.” he easily pulls her into his arms and she giggles, maneuvering her way to sit on his shoulders with practiced ease. “make sure not to bump your head,” he reminds her, slowly walking to the kitchen. “i won’t!” she carefully holds onto him, and wakatoshi’s glad she hasn’t figured out he’s the one who’s been putting things high up whenever she’s finished with them.
SUNA holds his daughter's hand, his phone with two tickets to the barbie movie open in the hand that's free. they had gotten ready together—rintarou had let her put her cutest pink clips into his hair, and made sure to get a shirt that matched the shade of her dress. he took her to buy a whole outfit for the occasion, from the dress to her bag to her shoes. the pair had taken photos and videos, one currently posted on his story that had her face out of view, but bow in her hair shown off. “can i get the barbie popcorn combo, too?” she asks in line. “yeah, you wanna get a photo with the barbie cut-out after?” “yeah, yeah! she looks so pretty.” rintarou hums and lets her swing their arms back and forth, careful not to hit the people around them. “i think you’re even prettier, though.”
HINATA has always supported his son in decorating and expressing himself, which is why when he wanted to decorate his room, he couldn’t say no, even with his lack of artistic skills. instead, they worked together to fill online shopping carts with different merchandise and furniture and got temporary wallpaper that would fit the bill. a couple of weeks later, and now shoyo finds himself sitting on the ground setting up a new desk, surrounded by boxes and different figures that will hopefully fill the bookshelf they built a few hours earlier. “dad?” “yeah?” “do you think i could get some of your team’s stuff, too?” “my—” shoyo fumbles with the screw in his hand in shock. “like, like your shirt? or something signed by uncle bokuto?” the question could make shoyo cry, he thinks, and he makes a noise of excited agreement. “of course you can! do you want to check my old high school stuff, too?”
AKAASHI’s a fan of thunderstorms. his daughter on the other hand, is not. so he’s made it a little game. they’re sitting together in a blanket fort, legs touching and hands on their lap.she fidgets slightly at the sight of the lightning, but starts to count out loud for the thunder. “one, two, three, four…” keiji joins and they watch each other carefully. at eight, the thunder rumbles the house and his daughter reaches over—not for a hug or comfort, but to try tickling her dad who does the same. she squeals as he reaches for her sides, and keiji laughs as she, maybe a little aggressively, tickles him back. when he picks her up to sit her on his lap, she yells, “no fair! that’s cheating!” between giggles and yelps. in mock indignation, keiji replies, “cheating? i would never do that.” yet stops anyway. his daughter jokingly huffs. “i’m gonna get you next time.”
SAKUSA’s eyes widen as his daughter runs up to him, only to hide behind his legs. instinctively, his hand moves to hold and comfort her as he scans the park for what could have scared her. it’s when two large dogs bark that he spots them playing with each other and the dots click. he turns to squat in front of his daughter, who looks at him with wide eyes and a pout that make his heart clench. “dad,” she says softly. “hm?” “do you think i could play with the dogs? they’re…big.” she sends a pointed look to other kids walking up to the owner and their pets. kiyoomi hums again and gently rubs her shoulder. “ it looks like they’re being nice with the other kids, right? why don’t we go together and ask?” his daughter nods and grabs his hand, and kiyoomi’s eyes crinkle as he smiles before walking over with her.
KITA’s son is adamant that his bed is the comfiest in the house. shinsuke’s happy to hear this, of course, even if he’d have to personally disagree. he’s about to rest in your own bedroom, when his son catches up to him in the hall. “do you wanna try my bed?” shinsuke blinks, processing the question. he laughs a little. “i don’t think i’d fit properly.” “we can both fit!” and before he can object, his son is pulling him into his bedroom and onto the bed that was definitely not made for the two of them to fit. but something tells him that he won’t get out of this easily, so he lets out a breathy laugh before crawling in, leaving space for his son to curl in with him. his back will probably hurt a little when he wakes up, but he pulls the blanket over the both of them anyway with a soft smile on his face.
ATSUMU rolls up his sleeves and pretends to crack his knuckles. “y’ready?” “yeah!” his son says with determination. the carnival game worker counts down, and they both get ready with their basketballs. the grand prize, the largest teddy bear, was locked behind a rigged basketball hoop, but the two of them refused to give up. and apparently atsumu’s mind is on another level right now, honed in as he succeeds with most of his tosses, and gets the last needed shot for that damned bear. “dad! you did it!” his son cheers and excitedly pulls on his arm. “ha! and who said i couldn’t play a sport other than volleyball?” “...no one?” “aw, come on,” atsumu whines, “work with me here!” the both of them are play-fighting when the worker manages to get the bear down and hand it to them. there’s huge grins on both of their faces as they shout a thanks. “can i put it in my room?” “and hide this success? it’s goin’ in the living room.” “you can do that?” “majority of the family says yes, we can do anythin’.”
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @the-midnightskies @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia @mitskiologist
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marksmelodies · 10 months
bratty fem reader & idol jaehyun BUT!! reader is way more nicer 2 the members nd jaehyun gets jelly and fucks her 🙈🙈
idol jaehyun x bratty fem reader
genre: fluff, smut, bit of angst
warnings: suggestive, rough sex, oral (male receiving) cussing
minors dni
“jaehyun” you whine to your boyfriend as you change into your dress getting ready to hang out with him and his members today
“what princess?” he says coming up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist
“put my shoes on for me” you give him puppy dog eyes as you bat your eyes at him
“what do we say pretty girl?” he looks at you raising his eyebrows
“now?” you answer in a slight bratty manner
“nope try again princess” he says as an intimidating look wipes across his face
“please jae” you say with a pout
“there we go, see sweetheart that wasn’t so bad” he picks you up sitting you on the bed as he kneels down to your feet putting your shoes on
“all set love” he says standing up as he places a kiss onto your lips
you were rich as rich could get, not only that but you were so spoiled, your father was pretty absent from your life due to work so he “made it up” to you by spoiling you with endless luxury items, anything you wanted, you got. you expected everyone to treat you like gold, that’s why you and jaehyun worked so well together, with him you got the best treatment there is. he devoted so much to you, and let’s not forget he was so incredibly sexy which was a plus
on the way to the dorms jaehyuns hand doesn’t leave your thigh as he lightly traces his thumb back and forth
arriving to your destination jaehyun quickly gets out of the car, running to the other side to open the door for you, walking in the door jaehyun slides his shoes off before taking yours off for you as well
“hey guys” mark says dabbing jaehyun up before he hugs you
“hi markie” you say smiling widely before making your way to the other members, leaving jaehyun in the distance
jaehyun cringed at the nickname you gave to mark before brushing it off following you to where the others are
“johnny it’s been so long” you say as johnny stands up hugging you as well
once saying hello to everyone you begin to talk to taeyong leaving jaehyun to fend for himself
“oh my god yeah that’s so funny” you smack taeyongs arm playfully before looking over to your boyfriend who’s on another couch
“jae get me water im thirsty” you say before turning your attention back onto taeyong
when jaehyun walks back from the kitchen he notices mark and johnny had now indulged in the conversation as well
“oh my god mark remember when we went shopping and i saw that bag i just had to get but i forgot my wallet so you bought it for me, it was like thousands of dollars” you say smiling up at him
jaehyun was pissed
he knew every member you were talking to wanted nothing more than to pounce on you like an animal, mark was the worst of them, and jaehyun knew that
“it was nothing really, just a present for the princess” mark laughs as his hand slightly touches your lower thigh
that’s when jaehyun snapped, the sound of him calling you princess sounded like nails on a chalkboard, the sight of him touching you made him sick, you were his princess no one else’s
“i mean, i get what i want when i want it” you say
“y/n come here” jaehyun says sternly from the other couch
“no, i was talking, don’t interrupt” you say brushing him off
jaehyuns face becomes slightly red with anger as he walks over to you grabbing your arm with force dragging you across the room “ when i tell you do something you do it” he says bringing you to his room which he barely used since he was always at your place
“you just love attention don’t you” he says slamming the door
“i mean yeah of course i do” you smirk at him
jaehyun pushes you against the door as he grabs your face harshly
jaehyun wasn’t very rough with you, he was quite gentle, always such a good boy for you, doing everything you demanded.. but the thought of mark thinking he had a ounce of a chance made jaehyun blood boil, the way you egged mark on made jaehyun even more mad
“you’re such a fucking brat” jaehyun says harshly grabbing your wrists as he makes his way to the edge of the bed
“get on your knees” he demands as he pushes your shoulders down causing your knees to hit the wooden floor, jaehyun quickly unfastened his belt as he shoved his pants down along with his boxers causing his dick to spring up hitting his stomach
“open your mouth” he says grabbing your face again, you listen as he lets go of you before he lines his cock up with your mouth roughly shoving it down your throat
your screams are muffled by his dick in your mouth, tears stream down your face as jaehyun shoves your head deeper causing you to choke
“yeah choke on my cock slut, god you’re such a whore” he said loving the way your tears streamed down your face as your cheeks puffed a bit stuffed with his dick
he harshly pulls your hair as he yanks you off his dick, he pushes you into the bed as he rips your clothes off your body
“you’re such a bad girl huh” before you could answer jaehyun shoves his member deep inside you quickly taking it out before shoving it back into you again causing your head to lean back attempting to push him off of you as you smack his chest with both of your hands as he finds his rhythm slamming into you rougher than he ever has before causing you to dig your nails into his skin leaving scratches all over his back
jaehyun is quick to trap your arms above your head as he hovers over you, locking eyes with yours “ open your mouth” he demands as you immediately listen to him, jaehyun spits into your mouth before closing your jaw for you as you swallow his spit “ good girl” he groans leaving marks on your collarbone moving down to your boobs as he harshly sucks them and bites the nipple causing you to yelp
swiftly he turns you into your stomach telling you to arch your back for him but instead of him slipping back into you he leans back looking at the position you are in as he chuckles to himself, smacking your ass as hard as he could leaving his hand imprinted onto your cheeks causes you to scream
“shut your mouth” he spits before slamming his dick back into you this time hitting it from behind, pulling both of your arms behind you as he hold onto them he continues railing you
he feels you squeeze around him hinting that you’re about to finish, jaehyun slows down his thrust causing you to whine “you don’t deserve to cum, why should i let you?” he says“ jaehyun let me cum” you cry
“beg for it” he says as a smile creeps onto his face as his thrusts remain painfully slow “ please daddy let me cum, i’ll be a good girl, please” you whimper, jaehyun kisses your lips before picking up his pace again causing you to moan loudly into the pillow
one of his hands slides down to your clit as he rubs it causing your back to arch even more, “fuck daddy i’m coming” you moan soon after your legs and hips begin to shake, jaehyun chases his own high as he feels the familiar knot in his stomach releasing as he cums inside of you “fuckkk” he says before you and him both collapse on the bed
jaehyun is laying on top of you as your face is smothered in a pillow, he leaves soft kisses to your bare back as he rubs your butt that is still slightly raw from his spankings earlier “you did so well for me princess” he whispers before cleaning you up, you’re completely fucked out underneath him, barley able to respond back to him
once you both have your clothes back on he picks you up bringing you back out to where the boys still sit on the couch, jaehyun sits down with you on his lap, wrapping your legs around his hips and your head rests in the crook of his neck, the members look to you and jaehyun with wide eyes before jaehyun speaks up “ this is my girl, don’t you forget it” he says purposefully holding eye contact with mark a little longer than the rest of them.
“jae” you whimper in his ear “ yes baby?” he coos
“i want to go home” you say picking your head up from his shoulder, looking into his eyes “ why’s that?” he asks
“i want to spend alone time with you” you say laying you head back down as he rakes his hands through your hair
“i can never say no to that princess” he kisses your temple
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w2soneshots · 5 months
Guernsey -W2S
words: 0.8k+
warnings: none.
summary: you meet Harry’s parents for the first time.
notes: I finally wrote something I like and it wasn’t a request🫢. I hope you enjoy lovelys🫶🏼.
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 501,348 others
y/username: umm hey😉
Tagged: @faithloisak @eatsides
faithloisak: beautiful beautiful girl
-> y/username: 💋💋
y/nfanpage21: the last pic!!🤭
eatsides: supportive queen🍗❤️
user15327094: OMFG IS THAT W2S??
user89130243: herb what r u doin here
Me and Harry have been together for almost five months now. We met through instagram, he followed me, liked my posts, then finally sent me a message. Since then we've been inseparable, texting every day and it feels like I practically live in his apartment since he doesn't want me to leave, saying “no… don’t go, just one more night?” Along with his best puppy dog eyes. I get along great with Harry's friends, especially Tobi since he was so welcoming. After meeting Faith at Tobi's birthday party we became quite close and have had many great conversations. I feel as though I can always go to her if I need someone to speak to or if I just need some advice.
Today Harry's talking me to Guernsey to meet his family for the first time. We woke up early and threw on a comfy outfit then headed to the airport. When we arrived we went through security and waited around for a little while before actually getting onto the plane. After just over an hour we were landing in Guernsey.
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y/username just posted a new story!
"Oh my god, this place is fucking beautiful." I stared out the plane window in awe of the island. Harry chuckled at my giddiness. I'm so excited to meet his family, unfortunately Rosie is at uni and Josh is on holiday so ill have to wait a little longer to meet them but ill get to see his parents. He's met mine multiple times but our schedules have never been clear enough to spend a weekend here, so when we got the chance we immediately booked the flights.
Once we'd collected our bags and were making our way out of the airport we spotted Harry's dad stood leaning against his car. I took a deep breath. "You have nothing to worry about. They're gonna love you." Harry whispered into my ear. I looked up at him "ok let's go."
"Hello, nice to finally meet you. I'm Harry's dad but you can call me Adrian." He spoke in a very cheery voice. My nerves instantly calmed. "Hi, I'm y/n." I introduced myself. "Yes I know. Harry don't stop talking about you." He chuckled. I looked over to Harry, his face was bright red and he'd gotten all embarrassed. "Does he now?" I teased him. Adrian laughed once again "well we better get going, Sue is desperate to meet you."
When we arrived outside of Harry's home my jaw dropped, it's practically a mansion. We hopped out of the car, Adrian and Harry grabbed our bags and I headed inside to introduce myself to his mum. Harry told me that the door was unlocked so I pressed down the handle and pushed it open. I was immediately bombarded by Herb, who seemed very excited to see me. I'd spent quite a lot of time with the dog since Harry had brought him with him back to London a few times.
"Hello! Come on in." Harry's mum Sue pulled me into a hug. I smiled "It's so nice to meet you." She walked me through into the kitchen "Are you hungry? I just made lunch." My eyes lit up "I'm starving and that smells amazing!" She smiled "great." Harry burst into the room seconds later and came to stand next to me. "You hungry Harry?" His mum asked. Harry nodded. "Alright, food will be ready in ten. Why don't you to go and get settled in." Harry gave me a quick toor of the house then showed me to his room. "See I told you they'd love you."
After lunch Harry wanted to take me on a walk to show me one of his favourite places on the island. So we put on our coats and shoes then he put a harness on Herb. "Come on let's go, Herbert!" Harry shouted and seconds later Herb came running towards us. I opened the door. "So where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the street. "My favourite beach." He replied.
"Wow, I can't believe you grew up somewhere like this." I admired the waves as Herb played in the sand. "I didn't appreciate it enough when I lived here, but now that I don't come here as often I realised how much I miss it," Harry said without breaking eye contact with the view. I placed my head on his shoulder and let out a breath. "I love you." "I love you too Haz."
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Liked by faithloisak and 702,539 others
y/username: weekend in paradise💗
Tagged: @wroetoshaw
taliamar: pink is your colour🌸
-> y/username: 🤗
wroetoshaw: ❤️🐶
y/nfanpage21: omg there so cute together!
user80163294: she actually posted harry🙊
user28945110: she met the fam they're definitely serious
189 notes · View notes
munsonsprincess11111 · 8 months
Our loves simple
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Nancy and Jonathan are sat at the hellfire lunch table arguing. You and Eddie come walking over completely oblivious to what's going on. But that's when the gang work out after dating for as along as you 2 have they've never seen you fight.
"OH well you could pretend to care."
"I do care Jonathan god what is wrong eith you today."
The 2 fight like cat and dog hellfire watching the argument unfold. They then see you and Eddie come through the cafeteria doors. Your in Eddie's back laughing looking like your holding on for dear life as Eddie approaches the hellfire table.
"And we have arrived at your destination your highness." Eddie says letting you slip off his back. You were complaining about your shoes hurting your feet so Eddie told u to get in his back while in the halls. You kiss his cheek and sit next to him. When Eddie sits he pulls your chair next to him. Opening his lunch box snd putting his arm around your shoulder.
"What are they fighting about?" Eddie askes the table as he offers u a grape. Everyone shrugs not to sure themselves. Eddie nods putting his attention back on you.
"Eddie y/n when was the last time u had an argument?" Jonathan askes ignoring Nancy. She looks pissed.
"I dunno 3 months ago?" Eddie replies not sure himself. Jonathan looks at Nancy. The 2 had been fighting a lot recently. Only small things they'd make up in minutes but still a lot. "We've never seen Eddie and y/n fight." Gareth states from thr end of the table.
"That's cause our arguments are either screaming matches or one of us cry." Eddie says smirking.
"And we just don't fight. Last time we had an argument was because some guy tried to slop me his number. I rejected him but someone was still pissed." You finally speak up then eating one of Eddie's grapes.
"Now that was a screaming match. And you won." Eddie shrugs stating.
Everyone at the table looks at Jonathan and Nancy who are arguing over Jonathan's test score as he claimed Nancy didn't care. The pair looked at eachother and mumbled an apology.
"Wait a guy slipped you his number?" Gareth askes. You nod not wanting to talk about it. Remembering how pissed Eddie was. Eddie then sits back crossing his arms over his chest no linger having an arm around you.
"Look its no big deal it was ages ago I rejected him and were fine now OK?" You say with a huff.
"Right all of you fuckers stop it. We're not gonna fight. It was ages ago leave it or it'll be you lot ill be fighting with got it Mike." Eddie says leaning forward looking at Mike who try to continue bringing it up. He nods looking at his food.
Eddie slouches back then putting a hand on your shoulder and pulling you back in your chair so your next to him wrapping an arm around you reassuringly kissing your head. You melt into his touch knowing everything's fine. Your hands join and rest on Eddie's thigh.
"Remind me why we keep sitting with these prices instead of in the woods or my van." Eddie whispers to you kissing your head. You giggle and look at him. You look at him like he's the inly person in the world and he melts. He kisses your lips softly and smiles.
"Jonathan say sorry to Nancy properly for staring a petty argument." Eddie says looking back to your friends.
"M sorry Nancy for starting a petty argument. I love you n i won't do it again." Jonathan says looking at Nancy.
"Nance your turn" You say putting your head on Eddie's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Jonathan for not acting like I care I'm very proud of you you did awesome." She says smiling at him shyly.
Jonathan hugs Nancy and she hugs him back. "Cool right now can we have a normal fucking lunch with no arguments and no one getting in my relationship business?" Eddie askes looking at everyone at the table
Everyone agrees. Just as things settle Jason carver approaches with two of his minion friends. "Sup freaks." HE says smirking.
"Fuck sake one day. One day I will have a normal lunch. Hi Jason what will it be today? Cheap insults that I manage to make you shrivel up into a ball too? Or one of us throwing a fist which results in me running ad your minions chase me down?" Eddie says clearly pissed off
He keeps his arm over your shoulder letting go of your hand running it over his face. "You really like that y/n there are plenty of guys who like u in this school. Ditch the freak look at him." Jason says pointing at Eddie who's staring at him.
You turn your head and look at Eddie. "Your hot just saying." You say to eddie so Jason and his friends can hear. Eddie looks down at you smirking kissing your head. "Jason fuck off. No one here's interested in u or your small cock." You say sitting up straighter.
The boy looks stunned by your words. "Fucking freaks. All of ya." Jason mumbles. Before anyone knows it Eddie's up walking over to Jason. But he's running off with his friends before Eddie reaches him.
"Funny thought he wanted to have a chat." Eddie says stood where Jason once was. He looks over at you. "I fucking love you ya weirdo." HE says walking back around to you.
"I love you too ya freak." You say as he sits next to you. "Your words wound me sweet thing thought you loved me." HE says placing a hand over his heart.
"Fuckung he'll Eddie that nickname isn't sticking we've been over this." You smile saying while rolling your eyes.
"And like I said your sweet and my favourite thing. It's sticking" he mumbles eating another grape.
"NIT getting into this." You laugh and gwt up kissing Eddie's head walking off.
"Don't leave me with them. Babe please." HE calls behind u. Eddie then gets up grabbing his tin box running over to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and spinning. The table watch as you take Eddie's lunch box off him and he crouches for you to get on his back. Before he's walking goofing eith you in his back you laughing and screaming.
There's one word to describe how Eddie feels about you. Love. There's one word to describe how you feel about Eddie. Love. And it will be like that forever.
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l0vem41l · 7 months
star stickers and best efforts.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, hurt/comfort but 100% not at all, reader is mildly mean when nervous LIKE A BAD DOG /ref and most definitely written self-indulgently by accident, sun is mildly condescending, they r each others best supporters, mentions of a customer being rude but rly nothing crazy, sun uh... he's an interesting fella, BIGGG dialogue chunks im sorry im sorry 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. the daycare attendant/sun/sundrop
author's note: my wip title was literally just "the one where you're yelled at" :p but... hiiii!!! obligatory return to fnaf real quick becuz,,, no, i still havent gotten into the ruin dlc but YES i do love sun's personality in help wanted 2..... if this is ooc u can erm. shove me into wet concrete. (。﹏。) aaannywayz!! missed this!!! missed this so much!!!! ( ╯□╰ ) sorry for not valentine's day posting,,, scandalous ik since im lit rally Called Valentine. but oh well. enjoy! or dont. if you dont im sorry please request fnaf stuff so i can Fix That /srs
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if you weren't relying on this job to put food on your table and a roof on your head, you’d burn the freddy fazbear’s mega pizzaplex to the ground for a piece of pocket lint and a pat on the head.
maybe it’s a bit dramatic to say that— you're paid well, you like your mostly robot coworkers, and most of the time (emphasis on most and not always) the work is manageable enough.
the customers are another story.
sun notices the minute you walk in the daycare. you look like you're a minor inconvenience away from murder— which naturally, makes him feel inclined to prod a little.
“well, someone’s awfully sulky today!”
while you’d typically crack a smile at the upbeat jester animatronic, his enthusiasm in the face of your misery is grating. there’s no energy left in your body to banter with him— you were using most of it to drag your feet over to the shoe caddy, toolbox in hand to fix up its shelf, now hanging askew due to a busted bracket.
“can it, sunny, i don't wanna hear it.” you mutter, more venomous than you intend it to be. he doesn’t even blink at your grumpiness. instead, he happily holds up the shelf while you inspect it and grab a new bracket to secure it.
at least he’s trying to make himself useful. you think to yourself.
his faceplate tilts slightly, staring at you with that ever present grin. his staring isn’t really helping, but you don’t fault him for it. you’ve gotten used to his antics by now. “woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” sun questions.
you shake your head.
“got yelled at by a customer— now, if you could please just drop the topic—” you sigh exasperatedly, not even bothering to finish the sentence as you sit down cross legged in front of the shoe caddy, slumping slightly in defeat.
much too persistent for his own good, sun decides that inquiring even further about the incident that seems to have you beat down is a good idea. “what’d you do?”
you consider feigning offense as he insinuates it’s somehow your fault. but you don’t. you just shrug it off.
“my job.” 
“ah, they do hate it when you do that.” he tuts.
“it wasn’t even that big of a deal,” you mutter, getting the bracket in place and marking it, “this one kid just so happened to walk up to the arcade machine i was putting an out of order sign on. i felt bad, so like, obviously, i hand the kid a few tokens, apologize politely, explain— and you’d think it’s all good right?”
you pause mid-ramble as you fix up the shelf. in all your misery, you forgot that you don’t even know exactly what caused the shelf to collapse like this. you consider asking.
sun leans in just a bit too close, interrupting your train of thought as you stare at the shelf. when you glance at him, he gives you a little nod.
go on, he seems to say wordlessly. he’s waiting silently for you to continue your story. it’s never not unnerving when he’s quiet.
“...anyways, uh... the kid’s dad came by and got mad or something. didn’t understand why i couldn’t just let him play one game since it looked perfectly functional— keep in mind, this is the arcade machine that literally kept eating up tokens only to not function, and shocked kids when it did— so i kept trying to explain why i couldn’t exactly do that. but for some reason, it was such a big fucking deal—”
“language.” he chides.
“...fricking deal. of course, i had to be berated for it. i offered to grab them more faz-tokens as compensation and i thought the problem was solved... and then i checked and saw he still left a bad review. definitely gonna hear about that from management.” sun hands you a tool as you continue to speak.
“but now i’m upset, i’m definitely in trouble, and my face hurts from the whole customer service smile i was holding that entire conversation. like seriously, i don’t know how i’m expected to do that 24/7.” you stop at your last remark and stare at sun and his unchanging expression. “...my bad.”
the awkward silence only lasts for a moment, thankfully. you’ve spoken your piece— sun decides to speak his.
“you did your best.” he says simply, as you finally fix the shelf into place. he pats you on the head and doesn't even hide his amusement when you sulk.
“i know that tone, sunny, you're making fun of me—”
“poor thing.” he continues, grinning brightly as he makes a show of patronizing you. sun’s hand continues to pat the top of your head gently, like he would when consoling a child. or when greeting a dog. has he,,, ever seen a dog before? probably not.
you groan and manage to shove his arm away.
“i do mean it though,” he continues, his tone still lighthearted— but notably more earnest as he notes your expression. sun helps you put your tools away neatly back into the toolbox, even though it really is just a one-man job.
“you tried your best,” sun closes the toolbox with a flourish and a click, “...and for that—!”
with a dramatic flick of his wrist, bells jingling as he does, sun produces a gold star sticker from… somewhere. he holds it up for you to see.
and then gently presses it onto the tip of your nose.
“to my favoritest human employee here! and my bestest of friends!” it’s hard to bite back a smile at those words. even if his little show of empathy and affection is much too theatrical for your current mood.
“whatever.” you shrug a little, unable to stop the corners of your mouth from twitching into a little grin. standing up and grabbing the toolbox, you give him an awkward thumbs up.
“thanks. and uh… sorry. for being mean. i guess.”
sun shakes his head dismissively, bouncy and bright as ever. “oh, don't mention it!”
something about his seeming lack of offense towards your prickliness makes you feel even more guilty. still, he gives you a wave as you head out, “bye-bye”-ing happily as you walk away, sticker stuck to your nose and smile on your face like an idiot.
you decide you’ll find a way to make it up to him later. you figure he deserves that much for putting up with everything.
meanwhile, sun is taking mental notes on more stuff to break of whenever you’ve been away for too long. just in case, of course. maybe you’d have more interesting customer encounters to rant about. and hey, you could use the company, couldn’t you?
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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erubescentz · 2 years
I have filth in my head and don't know how to type it out so feel free to add anything you like lmao 🤪
Very interested in masochist!sub! childe but also sub!childe in general
Like this man would do anything for you to step on his cock, it's his favorite punishment, but if you're a soft dom and kinda don't want to do that, he will legit spawn an overstimulation kink 💀
This man is filthy and I'm so down for it
His favorite piece of jewellery is this one choker you had custom made for him! It looks very pretty and so blue so he can wear out and it looks like a normal choker but it has a special hole in the back for his very favorite leash 🥺🥺 take him for walks in the night, he absolutely adores it
His next favorite piece of jewellery is this butt plug he bought impulsively bc you like it so much! You say it looks so pretty like his eyes, and even though he thinks his eyes are like a dead fish, if you say they're pretty, then they must be... right? You always remember to put it in after filling him up so well 🥺🥺🥺🥰
On the rare days he's home before you, he takes a long, warm shower and makes sure to wear his collar and the dresses you call him beautiful in and sits by the door in his very cute red thong 🥰
Do you fuck him? Absolutely.
Djcjfbcjdjfjdjfjdbfjdnfjd I'm so sorry this is already a lot xD
Literally foaming at the mouth
Imagine he’s on his knees moaning like a whore as you step on his dick, switching between harshly pressing down on his sensitive cock, and moving your foot up and down. He’s whining and thanking you for finally touching him as he’d been so needy but you had been too busy all day to entertain the nagging man.
Seeing the way he desperately bucked his hip into your shoe stirred something deep inside you, and you wanted to see more, so you stopped stepping on childes cock, chuckling at the way he looked up at you like you had just betrayed him.
“M’sorry pup, I’m still quite tired, you think you can get your self off on my shoes?”
And of course he wastes no time repositioning himself so he is now grinding down onto you expensive shoe, he’s such a good boy.
He continued to rut against your shoe like a dog in heat till he came, and of course when you instructed him to clean up his mess, he bent all the way down and licked up his cum.
If I had the time I would write drabbles for all of your ideas cause there all so good 🥴 but thank u for sharing ur filth with me i love it am !
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kodaiki · 2 years
mistletoe mayhem.
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summary: christmas traditions are always a joy to celebrate. you genuinely love making the gingerbread houses, seeing the christmas lights, and putting up all the holiday decorations. but why the hell are there so many mistletoe hanging from your friends' apartment?
pairing: fem!reader x bokuto kotaro
genre: friends (idiots) to lovers, christmas!theme, mutual pining, fluff
wc: 3k
a/n: totally forgot to repost this closer to the holidays but here you go!! hasn't been edited since 2020 so beware <333
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“thanks for helping out,” hinata grins when he opens the front door of his apartment. his smile says, ‘welcome! come on in!’ but his eyes, wide and...is that fatigue? say ‘PLEASE, heLP.’
“please, even with four of you living here, I knew you’d need extra help,” you chuckle, stepping inside and slipping off your shoes. you shiver slightly as hinata closes the door behind you, allowing a gust of wind finds its way back to your already cold cheeks. you loved seeing snow on the ground around the holidays, but it’s moments when you have to travel in it that you lightly regret the wish for it.
amongst your friends, an annual holiday party always occurred as a big get-together to catch up with one another. this year it just so happens to be at four of your friends’ shared place. the msby resident dummies + sakusa’s place, as others liked to call it. you’d frown upon it but the fact that the three designated dummies announce themselves as that let you know that they’re not hurt by it. (sakusa’s quite pleased that whoever came up with the nickname made a point to exclude him from the trio.)
sheepishly smiling, hinata nods in agreement. “you’re probably right.”
“where’s everyone?” you ask over your shoulder while hanging your coat in the closet. 
you’re so used to the other boys acting like dogs at the sound of the front door opening, running at you in anticipation. now that you think about it, bokuto did tackle you to the ground (accidentally) at one point. right now, a rough hour before the party of the year, everyone seemed to be focused on getting all the preparations ready.
“atsumu’s on a call with osamu about food, sakusa is cleaning the bathroom...again, and bokuto should be -”
“y/n! y-you’re here already!” he’s tripping over himself as he runs out from a room, tugging a shirt over his head to look the least bit presentable.
you turn around at the voice, a smile already making its way on your face. “’course I am!” he meets you halfway in a bone-crushing hug.
“i missed ya,” bokuto murmurs into the crook of your neck, shutting his eyes.
“it’s only been a few weeks,” you laugh, lightly rubbing his back comfortingly.
“two weeks is a long time.”
“well,” you muse, lifting your hand to pinch his cheek lovingly, “i’m here now.”
he visibly relaxes and slightly leans into your touch before abruptly stiffening. you don’t notice that his eyes are trained on hinata’s who’s looking at him, making kissy faces. he quickly reaches for your shoulders to pull himself back and hold you at arms length, sheepishly smiling at your look of concern. “u-uhm, i should go! ... y’know, get back to hanging the banners...” 
before you could ask if any aid from you was needed, he’s already walking away from you backwards, jabbing his thumb in a direction behind him. you simply nod blankly, suppressing the slight frown that’s itching to spread on your face from how quickly he pushed himself off of you.
“so,” you turn back to hinata who’s smiling knowingly for a reason you don’t quite know. “where do i start?”
“you can come with me to help ‘tsumu in the kitchen! unless you wanna help bokuto-”
“all good here!” bokuto’s voice is an echo from an unknown part of the house and you feel your heart sink slightly. okay then.
shaking your head, brushing off the feeling, you face hinata. “wait, did you say atsumu?” you deadpan, “in the kitchen?”
“dont worry~” hinata smiles lazily, waving his hand, “osamu is telling him what to do.”
you nod and follow behind him, occasionally snickering at some of the photos hung on the walls. they weren’t the traditional photos where the boys would pose nicely beside one another. no, they were mostly from different angles, embarrassing poses and the frames had been vandalized decorated with different colored sharpies.
as you approach the kitchen, a familiar green plant hanging from the arched doorway makes your steps slow and you take a moment to ponder it.
“huh,” you look up in wonder, “i thought it was a tradition to have one mistletoe?” your eyebrows slightly furrow and you instinctively turn your head back to where the front door was. a sparkling mistletoe hung just above the space where shoes go, directly beside where the coat rack stood.
hinata hums in agreement. “yeah, it is.”
“then why have i seen two so far?”
“there’s one by the front door and now here.”
lifting a curious brow, he follows the direction you’re pointing in to take a look for himself. “i’m pretty sure we bought only one...” hinata trails off, scratching his temple in thought. he shrugs after a few seconds and carries on walking to the kitchen, ready to greet atsumu with a grin. he’s standing in front of the stove with a phone tucked in the space between his ear and right shoulder.
“look who’s here!” hinata shakes you by the shoulders in glee.
atsumu turns around and you notice his furrowed brows soften as a smile stretches across his face. “’samu, give me a sec,” he speaks into his phone before straightening his neck. “y/n!” 
you smile back, returning the hug the bigger man engulfed you in. following your greetings and a brief casual conversation, you can hear osamu grow impatient over the phone. he’d been on his break at his onigiri shop and his twin stalling his free time was not the way he wanted to spend his time. only did his tone lighten when you greeted him through the receiver.
“right,” atsumu snaps his fingers as if just remembering he’d been on the phone with his brother, “ok, ‘samu go on.”
the three of you continue working in the kitchen, where atsumu attempts to make the main course while you and hinata arrange several appetizer plates.
“you know bo is going to finish these before anyone shows up, right?” you raise a knowing brow, lifting a toothpick with some cheese stuck on the end of it.
“yeah,” hinata admits, “that’s why we’re making double the amount. we’re hiding the other plates in the fridge,”
“ah,” you nod. “good thinking.”
“i heard my name!” 
bokuto’s head pops out from behind the doorway leading to the kitchen, looking between the three of you owlishly. he’s about to ask what exactly you’re talking about when his eyes fall on the plate in front of you. “ooh, cheese!” he shuffles over and grabs three toothpicks and shoves the cheese in his mouth with a satisfied smile.
you and hinata share a pointed look.
“are the banners ready?” hinata asks after watching bokuto eat four more cheese-sticks.
“mhm,” he hums with a proud, toothless smile. “all done.”
“great, well, we’re just waiting on ‘tsumu and then that’s it,” hinata smiles in relief. the party was to start in a half hour or so, so to be on time with setting up was considered an achievement for the orange haired boy.
two hours later, you’re caught between conversations with different people, some you’ve met before and some new faces you’ve only heard the name of in a conversation. (you finally met the famous kageyama and plan to matchmake him and hinata by the end of the night ;D)
on your way to refill your glass, a familiar mop of disarray hair peaks your attention.
“kuroo, hey!”
“y/n~” kuroo greets with a lazy smile, lightly patting your head. “how’ve you been?”
“eh, you know how it is. good days and bad days,” you shrug with a dismissive smile. 
“definitely know what you’re saying,” he huffs with a nod.
“how’s the office?”
you met kuroo at the holiday party a year ago through bokuto. you remember how excited he was, putting kuroo in a near choke-hold just so you could meet one of his very best friends. (you glance over at akaashi when he says this and he simply nods giving you a clear look saying, ‘i’m the other best friend.’) 
“doing well, lots of paperwork though,” he says before catching sight of something behind you. before you can take a look for yourself, he asks, “hey, you’re over at the boys’ place often, right?”
quirking an eyebrow at his inquiry, you nod unsurely, “i guess? bo invites me to movies night pretty often so i tend to visit a lot.”
“he does, does he? now, may i ask, do you know that-”
“y/n!” bokuto appears beside you, lightly grasping your elbow, bringing you out of your conversation with kuroo.
kuroo smiles wickedly at bokuto whose cheeks are flushed from embarrassment, already knowing where kuroo was going with his question. fortunate for him, you just think it’s from the alcohol.
“hey bokuto.”
“kuroo,” bokuto’s head quickly whips toward the tall man in front of you, “i think kenma’s calling for you.”
raising his hands in surrender, kuroo sighs, “ok, ok. i guess i’ll just go...and find kenma.”
“mhm, yes you should,” bokuto nods vigorously. kuroo gives him a final look and you’re sure they’re having some sort of mental conversation because neither of them look away until kuroo smiles and turns away.
“are you guys okay?” you ask when kuroo leaves. “that was kinda weird.”
“we’re fine!” bokuto grins, gently guiding you throughout the house. “so tell me, updates?”
“updates?” you repeat, knitting your brows together.
“since i last saw you! work, home, i don’t know.” he’s rubbing the back of his neck by the end of his statement. cogs start turning in your head but you’re still unable to put your finger on why everything seems so suspicious lately; hinata’s knowing smiles, bokuto’s obvious nervousness (?), kuroo’s smirk which is more mischievous than usual, what could it all mean?
“oh, well ah, not much? i caught up on that show i was telling you about,” you shrug, “besides that, life’s been pretty boring.”
as you speak, he’s still walking with you, occasionally stopping to look around nonchalantly.
yeah, you’re definitely missing something.
“hm” he hums in acknowledgement, shoving his hands into his pockets and begins lightly rocking on his heels. what’s the point in asking if you’re not even paying attention?
“bo, are you o-”
“huh, that’s funny,” bokuto cuts you off, pointing up toward the ceiling, “mistletoe.”
you freeze, eyes slowly trailing up to the ceiling where, yes, a nicely hung mistletoe was, adorned with pretty red ribbon. 
you’re standing in a spot you and hinata passed earlier and where there was no mistletoe hung then.
hold on a second.
your eyes squint as you look back down at bokuto and analyze his sheepish grin and red ears. “uh-huh. strange, don’t you think?”
“strange?” his eyes grow in wonder. “why strange?”
“because i could’ve sworn it wasn’t there when i walked in...”
“hmmm, that is strange,” bokuto quickly agrees, rubbing his chin. “maybe ‘tsumu is trying to get some or somethi-”
“-alright mister, fess up. i know it’s you who’s putting up all the mistletoe,” you challenge, raising an eyebrow. 
that had to be it, right?
you recall the numerous other times bokuto stopped in the house and you can bet that if you look back, there’d be mistletoe hung somewhere around you.
“wh-what? no, it’s not!” the blush that travels from his ears to his cheeks is enough confirmation.
you cross your arms, giving a pointed expression. after a moment of the two of you staring at each other, he slouches. 
“yeah, it was me. i just...i didn’t know how to...so it’d be easier...and then..yeah.”
“you put up all that mistletoe and intended on staying with me for the entirety of the party and the eventually, inevitably, be under the mistletoe together...right?”
he pouts but nods, “...yeah.”
you’d known bokuto for almost two years now now but recently – well, the past few visits, at least – you’ve noticed something slightly off. when you sit beside him on the couch, he’s unnaturally stiff and more aware of his positions. 
whereas two months ago, this guy would be totally comfortable draping his legs over yours or laying his head in your lap innocently, now even a slight brush of limbs gets him red and apologetic so quickly.
you weren’t sure if you’d done something wrong or he was going through something but to have that level of intimacy, albeit you were just friends, just end so quickly hurt.
you contemplated the reason for frequently yet you could never come to an answer because even though alone, he was more distanced and to himself, he could also be the same bokuto you met months ago. his hugs stayed warm, his smiles stayed bright, and his words stayed true.
but watching him shuffle his feet, staring down at the floor so you could only see his red ears, it all seems to click.
there’s another beat of silence between the two of you.
“y’know, if you just wanted to kiss me, you coulda just asked,” you mumble, feeling a blush of your own paint your cheeks. 
“i wanted to be smooth.”
the utter seriousness of his voice makes you laugh and he finally looks up at you. 
“your smoothness isn’t going to change how i feel about you.”
his head bobs up to face you again. “it isn’t?”
boldly, you take a step closer to him and you voice falls to a whisper. “no.”
you hear his breath hitch in his throat and your own heart begins to race. thank goodness bokuto decided to mention the mistletoe in a spot no one was around in because if you had an audience right now, you’d simply die from the embarrassment of being teased and hollered at. 
he closes the gap between the two of you, pressing his lips to yours for a quick peck. just as quickly as your lips meet, they pull away. bokuto’s entire face has gone red at this point and he’s staring into your eyes with a rather worried expression. 
but after seeing the small smile grow on your face and your own flushed cheeks, a large grin appears and he leans in, this time with more fervor. he holds your face with big hands, bringing you closer so you’re snug against his torso. he leans the two of you slightly forward so he’s holding you up and the only thing keeping you from falling is your firm grip on his dress shirt, which was once nicely steamed. yep, creases were definitely to be shown after this.
it’d be a lie if you said you never thought of your friend in a romantic light.
especially when he traps you in between his beefy arms in a hug. especially when he allows you to talk his ear off to your heart’s content. especially when he brings you snacks and movies during your time of the month.
hell, how could you not notice you were treating bokuto like your boyfriend already?
“okay, bo, i get it,” you giggle as he peppers kisses on every inch of your face.
“can’t. stop. need. to. make. up. for. lost. time.” he leans away at the last word, bringing you back to your feet. the blush on his face is slightly faded, his nerves obviously dissipated, but his grin remains the widest you’ve ever seen. lifting a hand, he lightly caresses your cheek.
“you don’t know how much i’ve wanted to do that,” he murmurs, blinking slowly. 
“what took you so long then?” your voice is soft as you lean your cheek further into his palm. funny that now you were the one blushing like a tomato.
“i...i didn’t want to mess up anything we had.”
you understand his reasoning. the two of you did meet through akaashi, your coworker in your workplace, and your relationship began as strictly platonic. while bokuto didn’t have time to date, you simply weren’t ready for a relationship.
the two of you grew closer soon after your meeting until you eventually became a core part of bokuto’s life. 
you don’t remember exactly when your feelings for him blossomed but you’re definitely aware of them now.
“this means you like me too, right?” he pauses and freezes in place. 
rolling your eyes, you tilt you head. “yes, dummy.”
he leans in again to peck your lips once more before you stop him.
“wait...how many mistletoe did you hang up around the house throughout the night?”
bokuto lets out a nervous chuckle, looking down. looking back up, he sheepishly smiles, “twelve?”
“twelve!?” you repeat, widening your eyes.
“kuroo said the more opportunities, the better!” he defends with a whine.
“ah, kuroo was a part of this plan?” you muse, raising an eyebrow. now the suspicious behavior between the two of them made sense.
“he gave me the idea,” he mumbles, “and he said he’d tell you if i didn’t hurry up and kiss you already...gotta thank him, though.”
“guess we do,” you smile, running your hands along his chest in attempt to flatten out wrinkle marks on his dress shirt. you sigh when it does no help.
you don’t notice the way his lips twitch up in amusement at your slight frustration. “it’s fine. it was bound get messed up at some point. whether it be a salsa stain or wrinkles.”
you laugh, looking back up at him.
“so,” he steps away from you, offering his hand for you to hold. “shall we?”
“shall we what?” you ask, cautiously taking his hand.
“make our debut as cutest couple, of course,” he grins with a wink, “oh! and to kiss you under all the other mistletoe. i didn’t spend all that money to not put it to use.”
“dork,” you mumble but allow him to guide you through the house, only this time shouting, ‘this is my girlfriend now!’ at every face he passes.
(cue you blushing at the knowing wink kuroo sends you and the thumbs up akaashi sends.)
but hey, throughout all this mistletoe madness, you snagged a boyfriend you know will shower you in all the love and affection you could ever desire.
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Lmfaooo I know I already yapped my way into ur inbox earlier but. Sighhhh aroace reader has been on my mind again and I’m literally screaming clutching my torso rolling around on the floor crying thinking about it no joke <///333
I think that aroace reader + stsg comes with SO much comedic potential I physically cannot 😭😭 especially with reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“ LMFAOO BUT THIS ALSO WORKS WITH READER WHOS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW STSG FEEL ABOUT THEM DESPITE IT BEING OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE???? imagine being with them out in public, being all affectionate n shit and then a cashier asks “oh are you guys dating? :)” and before either of them can get a word in ur just like “oh no, we’re just close friends haha!!! I know it looks like we do but none of us having feelings for each other at all haha!!!!” And they just look so fucking dejected like satorus shoulders slump and he puts on such a babyish pout…… and sugus just nodding and smiling along (he’s trying not to start screaming and crying on the floor) or maybe someone comes up to you and asks for your number before noticing suguru with his arm wrapped around your waist and satoru who’s got his arm around your shoulders and is looking at you like you hung the stars with your bare hands n the person is like “oh sorry I didn’t notice you guys are dating!!!” But reader is just like “huh?? No we’re not dating u can have my number!!” LMFAOOO I CAN SEE SATORU PULLING THIS FACE
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They’re so funny I actually cannotttt 😭😭😭 another thing that’s been on my mind is that if sugu didn’t leave and stsg + reader sorted out their feelings for each other, they could all be teen parents to little Megumi ☹️☹️ satoru gets some money from his rich aah family (cause no way they aren’t rich cmon he was spoiled as a kid) and buys a nice apartment for you all, maybe somewhere by the sea… firm believer that suguru is the mother of all time like. He absolutely makes pancakes with syrup and blueberries and whatever else for u all in the morning……. U guys wake up early in the morning sometimes when it’s still a little dark with Megumi in his tiny little raincoat and take him out for walks by the beach….. collecting pretty rocks and seashells….. megumis dogs swimming in the ocean and satoru skipping stones while sugu reminds him not to go too close incase the tide comes in unexpectedly and he gets his shoes soaked…… I gotta stop myself now or else I’ll go on the lengthiest sugu rant you’ve ever seen but. You get the idea. Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
HAAHHAAAAA I SERIOUSLY CANT STOP THINKING AB THEM I NEED HELP 😭😭😭 AS ALWAYS I HOPE UR DOING ALRIGHT N TAKING CARE OF URSELF!!! AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀 ANYWAYS HOW HAVE U BEEN???? UP TO ANYTHING INTERESTING??? :3 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 gives u a flower + pancakes (sugu made them) u deserve it mwah mwah hope ur ok <333 🌷🥞
OLLIEEEEEE IT’S ALWAYS GREAT TO SEE U IN MY INBOX DW !!! we are yapping together 🫂🫂
PHDJDGDHDH THIS CONCEPT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I HOPE U KNOW THAT 😭😭…. aroace!reader makes us all insane god bless. u are so REAL for mentioning the comedic potential bc it’s literally so beautiful….. i think i’m biased towards this option:
reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“
IT’S JUST SOOOO FUNNY AND SWEET…. but i think stsg would also be so smug abt being reader’s exceptions 😭😭 losers. lovesick fools. utahime is just like… don’t you and those idiots have a thing 🤨🤨 and reader just goes well yeah but that’s different. they’re satoru and suguru. <- as if it’s just the most obvious thing in the world and stsg are sitting there all quiet and smug….. mentally squealing……… idk i just lovelovelove the idea of reader being very blunt with their emotions because they just don’t view romance in the same way others would and it flusters stsg Every Single Time. they used to always daydream abt being teasing bfs and making them flustered by acting all lovey-dovey but as it turns out they’re the ones who keep getting caught off guard by reader….
this is rlly just a random thought but. i’m just imagining them in the future, living together, not necessarily labelled in any way but they very much Love each other… suguru is smoking by the balcony late at night (he’s planning on quitting bc he doesn’t want to worry his babies <3) while satoru & reader are keeping him company… and reader just casually mentions that they want to live with stsg forever. that they’re happiest like that and don’t ever want it to end. and they’re just bluntly telling the truth but suguru and satoru are genuinely Losing It bc????? did we just get proposed to ????????? satoru is oddly quiet bc he’s trying to stop himself from blushing and suguru just clears his throat and tells reader that they feel the same way ….. but he’s not nearly as suave as usual bc he is in fact getting choked up LMAOO i love them sm they’re so silly ….. T—T
ok but back to ur lovely thoughts !!!! the idea of aroace!reader being oblivious is also rlly charming to me 😭😭 SATORU MAKING THAT FACE LMAO HE SOOO WOULD ……. i picture suguru just kinda twitching lol like he’s trying sooo hard to keep it together but a part of him kinda wants to kiss reader all over their pretty face so that they get the message. (jokes on him bc reader would somehow still assume that it was just … platonic kissing … just kissing the homies goodnight …..) sigh. it’s tough out here for stsg BUT i think they’d also be really endeared by it …… their oblivious lil reader….
AND WAHHHHH LIL BABY GUMI 🥺🥺🥺🥺 OLLIEEEE YOU’RE KILLING ME a nice house by the sea…….. taking walks by the beach…… and . mommy sugu ..,, our lord and saviour ……. makes u breakfast every morning and wakes u up by kissing u :(((( lets u cling to him while he cooks .. sighhhh. sigh sigh sigh. being a househusband could’ve fixed him idc 😔😔
Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
AND THISSSS PLS u know the way to my heart….. caretaker mommy sugu 🥺🥺🥺 he would thrive off taking care of his babies like truly. he’s the Mother ever. and now he has one lil baby to Actually Mother and two overgrown babies to coddle and tease…… his dream life tbh. now i’m just imagining reader, toru & gumi waking sugu up on mother’s day to celebrate LMAOO they made a cake and everything….. he’s exasperated but secretly very touched :’3 maybe tears up a lil later when he’s looking at the world’s best mommy <3 cup u guys bought him LOL he’s such a sap …..
AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀
PHDJDJJD NO BECAUSE SAMEEEE i still have a couple more mer!sugu asks to get to actually… they’re all so great…… my anons have converted me fully into a mer!sugu stan and now i can’t stop thinking abt him 😭😭 HE’S SOOOO FUNNY U GET IT COMPLETELY LIKE …. he’s just a grumpy little seal man ……. ”you’re one of the good ones” NO BC LITERALLY!! THAT’S HOW HE FEELS…… reader is his emotional support human <33 he doesn’t like anyone else and WILL consider drowning anyone who gives them trouble but then reader gives him a Look and he’s like. sigh. 😒😒😒 you’re no fun. <-… he’s insane actually BUT WE LOVE HIM <33333 silly lil fishy !!
WAHHH URE SO SWEET OLLIE 😭😭🥺🥺 thank u for the flowers and sugu’s pancakes…….. i am munching on them gratefully…… here are some nice sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻 and croissants 🥐🥐🥐 for u <333 I’M DOING WELLL trying to catch up on asks + cooking up a lil sashisu/reader thingie.. 👀👀 i haven’t been able to post fics as regularly bc of uni but hopefully i can get it out by next weekend :33 and thennnn i think i’ll focus on mer!sugu…
ANYWAY WHAT ABT U ???? how have u been ?? tell me tell me 🎤🎤…… i hope it’s sunny wherever u are, here it’s still cold n gray T—T but spring will be with us soon … stay strong …….
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luvrsofbts · 2 years
Can you write a fluffy jimin oneshot where he gets jealous of your new puppy bc u were drowning the puppy in attention leaving jimin behind.
Clingy, fluffy, whiney Jimin is my weakness 😩
Puppy Love
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Summary: You didn’t think your 27 year old boyfriend would act this way after you’ve gotten a puppy.
A/N: HI BABE idk if you are alive 😭 but here is this long, overdue writing for you <3 forgive me pls I stopped writing for months and then here I am, back ?? Hopefully this goes well. Enjoy!
When Tae and his dog, Yeontan, came over to visit the new apartment that Jimin and you have just finished moving into, you couldn’t help the aggressive cuteness growing in your heart. You decided that maybe getting a new puppy would be good for Jimin and you, and your little apartment.
“Really? That’ll be great! We could have pet play dates!” Tae exclaimed over the phone after you have just told him about your idea.
“I know right! And it’ll be a great surprise too!” You reply, already imagining Jimin’s reaction.
“Alright, I have to go now, but let me know how it goes!” Tae said his goodbye as you agreed.
You jumped off your shared bed excitedly, in a hurry to put on your shoes and get the newest family member today. Jimin was still at work, so you had all day to get a puppy until he came home.
“And this is Levi. We found him on the side of a road on a rainy day, so we took him in,” The worker said, showing you the light brown puppy.
“Oh my gosh, he is so cute!” You grinned from ear to ear, playing with the puppy a little bit.
“He seems to really like you; he’s never this energetic when people come to see him,” She commented, admiring how the puppy instantly started to play with you.
“Really? Wow, maybe he’s the one,” You gasped, picking up the puppy and holding him to your chest.
“Well, if that’s so, then Levi finally has a home to go to!”
You nodded, looking back at the puppy in your arms.
“And this is your new home, buddy! Do you like it?” You giggled as you opened Levi’s cage, letting him explore his new home as he barked happily.
“Daddy’s not home yet, but in the meantime, why don’t we set up your stuff and toys?” You kind of splurged on Levi’s needs, but you couldn’t help it! You loved the puppy too much.
After a long evening of putting up Levi’s stuff, it was already 10pm, meaning that Jimin will be home any minute now.
You picked up the small puppy in your arms, walking to the front door just as Jimin came in.
“Hey ba- is that a puppy?” Jimin gaped, looking at the tiny little creature in your arms.
“Surprise! This is Levi, the newest addition to this family,” You exclaimed, showing him Levi.
“Oh my gosh, baby, he’s so cute. You got us a puppy?” He laughed, taking the puppy from you.
“Yep! I figured since we moved into a new apartment together, why not get a pet too?”
“You are so cute, pretty girl. This is great; I love you,” Jimin smiled before giving you a peck on the lips.
“I love you too, minnie,” You reply before giving a kiss to Levi as well.
“Baaabe, when are you coming to bed?” Jimin whined from your shared bed.
“Soon! I’m almost done teaching Levi this trick,”
“You two have been going at it for almost three hours now! Don’t you miss me?” He frowned.
“I always miss you, you big baby. Just give me five more minutes and then I’ll come to bed,” You teased.
After 15 minutes, you still weren’t in bed and Jimin had become even whinier.
“Levi’s taking up all of your attention and I don’t like it,” Jimin pouted as he stood in front of you, frowning while giving you the saddest eyes.
“Jimin, he’s a puppy, of course he’s going to need all of my attention. You should be giving him attention too, you are the dad!”
“I already gave him a lot of attention earlier! It’s time to go to bed!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll be with you in a minute,” You promised, taking the furball into your arms and walking over to his bed.
“Time to go to bed, buddy. Mommy will play with you tomorrow morning, okay?” You whispered to Levi before putting him down. He circled his bed a few times before finally going to sleep.
You admired your puppy before turning and walking back to the bed, where your cute boyfriend laid in, all snuggled up with a pouty face, waiting for you.
“My clingy baby, have I been neglecting you?” You giggled, sliding into the warm bed next to Jimin.
“Yes. Now you have to give me extra cuddles,” He murmured.
You hummed.
“-and kisses, and hugs, and attention,”
You laughed at his neediness, “Okay, minnie. Anything else?”
“Hmm. No, just want you to love me now,”
“That I will definitely do,” You assured him, running your hand through his fluffy mop of hair.
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eggcompany · 5 months
Hannibal Is Such a Daddy Part 4
Hannibal left, promising to have everything prepared at 5p.m. Will waved awkwardly and nodded. It was almost noon now and he needed to put away the case file and bathe and feed the dogs and find some good-ish clean clothes. Will felt panicked. There was too much to do and what if Hannibal didn’t like what he wore or what if Hannibal thinks he stinks and what if daddy doesn’t think he’s cute anymore or what if Daddy hates him now?
Will had to stop quite a few times in the next four hours just to breathe and calm down and remember what Hannibal had said as he left. 
“I won’t judge you Will. I care more about making you happy than you smelling like dog. Just relax. You could bathe at my place if you’d like…”
“Hannibal! I don’t want you to see me naked.”
“I already have, dear Will. I saw your cute little butt dimples and your back freckles.”
“I will shoot you.”
“See you later then mylimasis.” 
And with a kiss to his cheek Hannibal was walking to his Bentley. 
Will did everything he needed to and he ate a small snack. He made sure to wash twice and he actually spent time on his hair. He thought about shaving but… if Hannibal really liked him he wouldn’t mind. He manscaped a bit (just for a confidence boost) and finally he brushed his teeth and cleaned his ears. He got dressed in a cream color sweater and a pair of jeans and slipped on his shoes. He grabbed up the small stuffed doggy that Hannibal had made sure to let him keep. He was fidgety and nervous the entire time he made his way to Hannibal’s house. 
At 4:52 Will stood in front of the large wooden doors and tugged at his sweater and his pants and almost turned around when the door opened. Will stood there with shoulders hunched and head hung low. Hannibal looked relaxed in his plain button down shirt and a pair of plain looking dark blue slacks. 
“Come on then. Come inside. I tried to make you something nice and soft and war-” Hannibal said once Will had slipped into the door. Once the wooden doors shut Will hugged Hannibal’s back. 
“ ‘m so nervous.” Will said quickly before his breath quickened. Hannibal almost laughed. Of course Will was already slipping. 
“What a brave boy you are for telling me. No need to be nervous, my love. I already got you some softer clothes laid out and some nice warm applesauce and I can draw up a bath if you’d like? I have cartoons on the Tv also, so we can cuddle and watch a movie maybe?” Hannibal said and turned around in the younger man’s arms. He ran his hands through Will’s soft clean hair. Will looked up at him with his big puppy dog eyes. 
“Can I eat? ‘M hungry. Wan Hammibal feed me… pretty prease?” Will said and looked into Hannibal’s eyes. He looked so nervous. Hannibal smiled and kissed Will’s forehead. 
“Of course, dear. Come sit in the nursery. I’ll be right back. Here’s some other clothing option if you’d feel more comfortable out of your jeans.” Hannibal showed Will to a room that was attached to Hannibal’s own bedroom. 
The walls were a light shade of green. There was a small twin bed with soft sky blue flannel sheets and pillows and a large set of white drawers. There was a television on the wall at the foot of the bed and there was a set of clothes laid out on the bed. Will nodded and walked over to the bed. He looked at the blue lamp that sat on the small bedside table. He looked around and noticed a few more things. A cloud shaped light on the wall beside the bed, the green wastebasket, and another door that was plain white. He looked at it curiously. Why would daddy need another nursery?
Finally Will looked at the clothes. There was a large green hoodie that had doggies all over it, a pair of green soft looking underwear, a pair of paperbag green shorts, and a pair of blue fluffy socks. Will smiled and bounced a bit on his feet. Soft clothes! Soft Clothes! Daddy got me special clothes!
Will quickly shucked off all his clothes and started putting on the wonderful soft clothes. He slipped on the underwear that were maybe a little too big but they were so comfy! Then he slid the shorts up his legs and wiggled his butt a little bit. They were also so comfy! Will smiled and giggled a bit. His head was so fuzzy and warm. He slipped the hoodie over his head and struggled for a moment to get it over his head and then struggled more to get his arms through the holes but he managed. He sat down on the floor to get his socks when he heard someone clear their throat. He looked up smiling at his daddy. 
Hannibal stood in the doorway, he had been standing there since Will had put on the shorts. He had a bowl in his hands and had changed into a pair of sweatpants. He smiled as he watched the little work his way into the clothes. And his heart thumped against his chest when Will looked up at him with his tousled hair and big grin and his twinkling eyes. 
“Hi daddy! I put em on my feets!” Will said and showed Hannibal his foot that had one half way on sock. Hannibal gasped and faked amazement. 
“Wow! You did that all by yourself! Good job! Did you get dressed by yourself too?” Hannibal said as he put the bowl on the bedside and picked up Will’s clothes, folded them, and put them on top of the drawers. Will pulled on his socks all the way and smiled from the floor.
“I dids! Cam Daddy come help me ups though? Stuck.” Will said and raised his arms in an uppy motion. Hannibal happily walked over and lifted Will up onto the bed and then sat beside him. Will smiled and leaned onto him. 
“Here baby eat and then we can watch a movie. Come you can sit between my legs and lean against me.” Hannibal explained and pulled the bowl and a spoon into his hands. He scooted back against the pillows and Will happily scooted till he was sitting in between his daddy’s legs and smiled. He was pressed against Hannibal’s chest and he could feel his daddy’s body heat. 
Hannibal wrapped his arms around Will and held the bowl under his face and scooped up a spoonful of the warm cinnamony applesauce and brought it up to Will’s mouth. Will ate greedily until there wasn't any left. Then Will relaxed completely and Hannibal turned the TV on via remote. He flipped through Disney movies until Will saw WALL-E.
“I anna watch rubot movie pwease! And and and um… Can I have blanket please, daddy? ‘M kinda code” Will asked and wiggled a little against Hannibal’s chest. Hannibal laughed and pushed Will forward to sit up. Will whined and held still. 
“Let me turn off the light and get a nice fuzzy blanket. Do you think you need a diaper again? Hannibal asked as he stood up. His joints popped a bit but it was worth it. Will blushed and thought for a moment as Hannibal turned off the overhead and got a fuzzy grey blanket from the drawers. He walked over and put the blanket on the end of the bed and turned on the cloud light beside the bed, it was dim.
“I fink so… I don’t anna mess up daddy’s nice bed…” Will said and looked down, never meeting Hannibal’s understanding gaze. Will rubbed his hands around the soft blue material that covered the bed. Hannibal moved so his knees were touching Will’s. 
“It’s okay to want things like that, Will. you don’t always need a reason. But you can have a diaper either way. Come now, up.” Hannibal said and bent to kiss Will’s forehead and lift him up by his armpits. He got Will up on his hip and walked toward the white door. Will stared at Hannibal’s face with so much affection in his gaze it was heart stopping. Hannibal opened the door and Will looked at the new space. 
There was a large changing table that was a dark green color with drawers under it. The walls here were all dark navy blue. There was a long counter that ran on the wall opposite of the changing table. The room was maybe twelve by ten but due to the lack of unnecessary objects it didn’t seem crowded. Will relaxed down as Hannibal flipped on the white overhead and laid him down on the padded surface. He didn’t feel nervous strangely enough. 
Will held still and watched Hannibal with soft curiosity as he pulled the loose shorts down and off and pulled the oversized underwear off of his legs. He held still and watched as Hannibal pulled a nappy, powder, cream, and a wet wipe out from the drawers below. Will giggled a bit as Hannibal wiped him off and put the cream and powder on his parts. Hannibal smiled at the sound of the soft baby giggles. Will looked at Hannibal expectantly, waiting for the diaper to wrap around his hips but Hannibal was just standing there gazing down at him. He might have been saying something but ‘Daddy loves me I’m such a good baby’ washed around Will’s mind. 
“Will, sweetheart, love, my sweet little baby, you need to lift your hips up.” Finally got through Will’s brain fuzz. Will lifted his hips up and the padded material was slipped under his butt. Hannibal smiled as he did up the sides and pulled the green shorts back up onto Will’s body. 
Hannibal carried Will back out and over to the bed and snuggled him up in the grey blanket that was waiting for him. Will was far too small to realize that anything was happening as Hannibal laid against the pillows and pulled the swaddled baby into his lap. Will was already asleep by the time Hannibal turned on the movie. 
By the time Will woke up in the morning Hannibal had already changed him once and he hadn't even known. Will woke up Big again. This time he wasn’t embarrassed, he was happy, relieved even. He put on his clothes from the day before and went to work. But he didn’t leave without a kiss to his forehead and promise of ‘ again. tonight’
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