#and he offers resources in terms of money connections etc to the people in his life
iavanr · 11 months
im so frustrated every time I talk to my dad and it somehow devolves into him spouting transphobic sentiment (usually in a huge reach leap of logic that immediately devolves our conversation). This is a new development. I'm so tired. Transphobia is what it is but I hate how it's genuinely rotting people's brains and stopping them from having more nuanced conversations bc they think whipping out their transphobia card is this huge gotcha. U fucking dumbass you've gotten stupider. Love how he was using it to argue for eastern culture being superior bc we're more controlling and disciplined etc etc "look what happens when westerners give their children too much freedom"
#surprise motherfucker your own kid is definitely queer#and also most likely trans#it's hilarious bc he keeps bringing up how he thinks this thing is dumb (suicide. Called the ppl who did it idiots and wasteful) and how#this other thing is disgusting (hates gay people. Doesn't want to exist in the same space as them)#laughs openly at every fat person he comes across#my father is a good man all things considered#he will be civil in the presence of everyone even members of the communities he is prejudiced against#and he offers resources in terms of money connections etc to the people in his life#and he treats his family and friends well#but it's shocking how alienating random conversations with him can be#I remember listening to the news on the radio when he drove me to school one morning and they were talking about a kpop idol who#had committed suicide#and he immediately started disparaging the idol#as a casually suicidal person I never forgot that#I still don't understand why people have such violently negative reactions to things they don't agree with#doesn't help anyone#just stops ppl from talking to u#also the most fucked up people I've met are the ones who came from the background of this 'superior and disciplined' Eastern culture bc the#parents were controlling freaks and abusive#and we have all the same problems just expressed in different ways#but there's always gotta be sides in these kinds of conversations right#fuck I just hate everything I'd be happy to just stop rn tbh there's no point to the rest of my life#I'm already doing everything I want to#I'm good man someone flip my switch#suicide tw#transphobia tw#homophobia tw#yells into void#I hate how every one of my friends have similar stories#just fucking . Let us live. We're never gonna impact ur lives that much I fucking promise
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Not only do I not regret asking you to "RELEASE THE RAMBLES!", I'm sending you requests for more. Below is a list of questions that I asked @bihansthot , and enjoyed their answers, but because you are so thorough, and answer in such depth, I'm re-asking them to you.
Brace yourself, it's a list. I didnt have time to sort thru them, I just copied and pasted, so if any are questions you already answered before, please feel free to include the links.
In the spirit of potential future writing,  I'm trying to find a building that  would make a good substitution for Lin Kuei temple.
I've tried looking up ancient Chinese military barracks/forts, and have found some stuff,  but is all exterior.  Anyone know of any locations (or several I can cobble together) that would make good inspiration fodder?
So, uhm, religion? What's the Lin Kuei's take on that one? I know they are aware of Gods, they team up with/ encounter Raiden all the time,  and have literally worked for/against Shinook, so I know they recognize higher powers... but I  guess the question is,  do they care?
Do they have a religion,  or spiritual practice that resembles religion? Or do they have a more practical approach "gods exist,  but we just consider them very strong people"?
Which segues into... do they recognize and participate in holidays, or things like birthdays? Or are all their celebrations work related (I.E. successful missions or levels of combat mastery)?
Food.  What foods do they normally eat? What foods do they like?  What foods don't they like? What foods do they absolutely love so much they'll stop what they're doing to get it?
If you had to match the Lin Kuei with a dynasty,  what one would it be? (I know the 2021 movie has the opening in the Ming dynasty, so the Lin Kuei is at least that old,  but given that movie Bi Han hasn't aged in 400 years, and was taken is a child,  its probably much older) (and also know the game probably cherry picked random Chinese things it liked).
What do you think the Lin Kuei's view on artistic culture (probably not the right word) is? I know they are heavily militaristic,  but in the game,  Kuai Liang offers Hanzo tea and he properly prepares it the Japanese way, that says they have something of an education other than just related to fighting?
Lastly,  in the movie,  everything Bi Han does is "for the Lin Kuei", but the Lin Kuei is on Earth (assumedly),  and he is working for a guy who wants to enslave Earth, so what do you think the deal is?
Question about the Cryomancers. I know the game lore says that they are supposed to be rare, but I also know that the Lin Kuei have had at least 5 (grandpa, papa, older, and younger Sub Zero,  and Frost). 4 of which are part of 3 generations that inherited it even with mixed blood (I'm assuming Mama Sub Zero wasn't Cryomancer since they left her alone).
That's a lot of generations in a row for a rare trait... So do you think the Cryomancers as a group have figured out they're being hunted and have chosen to live in hiding?
Lin Kuei society question? I like writing so I also like world building and I think about these things.
Is Lin Kuei society ever covered? I know there is a Grandmaster, a handful master assassins (Sub Zero's, Sektor, Cyrax, etc) and the  movies always have a bunch canon fodder lesser assassins.
And they live in the very isolated Lin Kuei Palace/Temple in Arktika (or wherever it used to be)
But is Lin Kuei (we'll call it "village") ever covered?   Do they have willing servants, kidnapped slaves, or a mix of both? Are there women (non fighter women,  I know there's Frost) or do they employ strictly male help? If there are women, what's their role, and are there children born there? What about Elderly? What about resources,  is everything (from food, clothes, weapons, and the raw materials to create them) grown or manufactured on sight by skilled laborers or do they import/interact with the outside world? How vicious or civil is this society, could you be killed for looking at Sektor wrong or do they value your services to a degree? What's the degree? This is obviously a combat culture,  but is everyone expected to know martial arts of some variety, is it optional, or do they prohibit it among the servants/slaves? How strict are they on things like clothing, food, alcohol,  drugs, "luxuries", or pleasures? Money? If they interact with the world do they recognize and use $$ currency, commodity currency, or a mixture? Internally are the Lin Kuei payed or just provided for? What about illness or injury,  if you're not a master and it a serious injury/illness are you taken care of or do they just give you a quick death?
Etc. That's all the questions I can think of,  but please feel free to answer questions I didn't ask,  if you think of anything else.
Thank you for this wonderful list to talk about! I’m gonna split the answer into smaller parts, for better focusing on each aspect but also so I don’t feel bad for keeping you waiting for ages, lol. For now let’s focus on asks about the religion!
So good questions! I do think they have some spiritual practice(s) because in martial arts the state of a mind is as important as the physical body and religion is one of many ways to shape someone’s mindset from a young age. I do, however, think that Lin Kuei does not worship the gods. They are aware that the gods exist (with Raiden as the thorn in the side) and may even respect their supernatural powers and battle skills but it never has stopped Lin Kuei from desecrating holy places, murdering people and stealing stuff for the best price. So, it seems to me that whatever religion the members of the clan follow, by nature it is rooted in nontheism.
Of course, there is also a chance that Lin Kuei worships some forgotten deity or deities (as a remnant of their ancient connections with Outworld / realms conquered and destroyed by Shao Kahn?) or may even practice ancestor worship which seems like a good way to uphold a widely understood tradition that plays an important role in the discussed community.
The closest thing to religious practice was seen in Mortal Kombat X, when Sub-Zero and his warriors seemed to pray together before statue of god / deity / ancestor / legendary warrior / personalized thing they value the most (sadly, my knowledge about Asian religious practices or faiths is very limited so I don’t have idea if the statue is supposed to represent any real god/religious symbol).
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At the same time, it could be just a bluff since Grandmaster was aware of Cage’s team infiltrating the Lin Kuei territory and used this moment to lure them into a trap. Additionally, Mortal Kombat X comics presented once Kuai Liang sitting before the same statue albeit in a completely different (devoid of reverence?) position.
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Of course, if we take into account Mortal Kombat Armageddon, the game states that Lin Kuei Temple placed in Arctika was actually once the Temple of Delia (the great sorceress & wife of god Argus) that at some point get abandoned and re-used by Sub-Zero’s clan.
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(In the background, we can see a statue of Delia that Lin Kuei does not worship but did not remove for whatever reason. Mixing both old and new games, we can only wonder if MKX!statue is also the remnant of someone else's faith/religion?)
Beside that, Kuai Liang was pretty vocal about Lin Kuei not worshipping the Elder Gods, what was seen in MK11’s intro dialogue with Cetrion
Sub-Zero: The Lin Kuei do not worship the Elder Gods.
Cetrion: We seek gratitude, not worship.
Sub-Zero: I see no distinction.
and personally did not have any reason to pray to the goddess:
Sub-Zero: Why should I pray to you?
Cetrion: Why does a bird flap its wings?
Sub-Zero: I asked a simple question.
In all fairness, in MK11 Kuai Liang seems the most passive-aggressive toward the Elder God while Frost is focused on her ambitions and Noob!Bi-Han just wants to be left alone when bothered by Cetrion. Similar thing happens toward Raiden. Despite gratitude for saving him, Kuai Liang does not spare the god criticism (can’t serve both Elder Gods and Earthrealm, isn’t fit for his role of protector) and in MKX outright says he does not fear divine beings:
Raiden: Sub-Zero...
Sub-Zero: I fear no gods, Raiden.
Raiden': That's why you shall lose.
Surprisingly, Kuai Liang’s interaction with MK11!Fujin sounds less accusing than with Raiden and Cetrion and it is connected closely to their ties with Bi-Han. And maybe Kuai Liang did seek in the past Fujin and other elements to make a peace with them, like he planned to do so in Mortal Kombat 4 Limited comics?
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"I came here to make peace with the gods of the elements that you fought [...]"
Anyway, the accusingly behaviour toward Raiden and Cetrion could be just Kuai Liang’s personal dislike for gods and serious authority issues, which makes sense considering how much he suffered because of their meddling and conflicts.
But honestly?
The available examples of Lin Kuei attitude toward gods, demigods and supernatural beings suggest how little the warriors - especially cryomancers - care for them.
Like, we have Bi-Han in Mythologies, who asked Quan Chi about details of mission:
Sub-Zero: If it's so precious, why don't you get it yourself?
Quan Chi: I cannot enter the temple until the four elements within its walls have been defeated. And I am not on the best of terms with the gods of your realm... especially your god of thunder.
Sub-Zero: Tell me about these elements.
Quan Chi outright said he and earthrealm gods weren’t friends and Bi-Han, reading between the lines, could get the idea that he may end on bad terms with Thunder God. Yet he was interested only in elements (lesser gods than protector of realm?) guarding the temple.
Then Bi-Han beat down four demigods and met a displeased Raiden after Quan Chi got the Shinnok Amulet. His reaction? No fear, like meeting an angry god was a normal occurrence.
Rayden: Do you realize what you've done??
Sub-Zero: I was just earning my living.
Rayden: Your clan's ignorance and greed will cost this entire realm. You must now set things straight.
Sub-Zero: Quan Chi could simply be a lunatic sorcerer. I've never heard of an elder god named Shinnok or of a place called the Netherrealm.
Rayden: Well, you'd better start believing in both, because you're going to the Netherrealm and you're going to bring the amulet back. We must act quickly. I have no dominion in the Netherrealm... You are reality's only hope.
Sub-Zero: I'll do it, Thunder God... but only because I have no choice.
And once he came back from Netherrealm, where he was fixing what he messed up in the first place on Raiden’s order, his abrasive attitude did not change much:
Sub-Zero: Here... the amulet.
Rayden: Impressive, Sub-Zero. Perhaps you will reconcile your reckless past after all.
Sub-Zero: That's it? Not even a thank you?
Of course, to some degree Raiden’s words did have an impact on Bi-Han but even the god’s warning about his soul tainted with evil did not stop him from coming back to Lin Kuei. Bi-Han’s attitude and/or approach to gods seems to change somehow once he was reborn as Noob, but that is a different matter for different times.
Anyway, Mythologies!Bi-Han and MK11!Noob act less aggressive toward gods than Kuai Liang. But then we have Sub-Zero from from the MK novel by Jeff Rovin, who not only is not afraid of gods but outright insult them:
“Wait! Be warned, Shang Tsung. He is cursed!”
“Cursed? By whom?”
Ruthay wailed, “By the immortal Yu.”
Shang Tsung felt cold spiders crawl up his spine. “The demigod Yu?”
“Yes… he who is said to dwell in the underground caverns of Horse Ear Mountain… which is sacred to the goddess Kuan Lin. He who protects the canals… and the tunnels… and looks after all who use them, human and animal.”
“What did our brash friend do to Yu?”
“He… killed a man,” said Ruthay.
“What man?”
“A toll-taker… one who had given up a life of crime… one who had been a partner of the man… you… seek.”
“And how did that crime come to the attention of the spirit of Yu?” Shang Tsung asked.
“The man was killed… slowly disemboweled with a sword… while accomplices forced his wife and his son to look on! After his murder… the man’s remains… were dumped into a canal!”
Shang Tsung raised an eyebrow. “Is that all? I was expecting something truly terrible!”
“It was!” Ruthay shrieked. “When he disposed of the body… in that way … he profaned one of the sacred waterways… of Yu!”
Shang Tsung smiled now. “Then he is definitely the man I want,” he said. “Anyone who is impudent enough to insult a demigod won’t be afraid to attack a member of the White Lotus Society, or the gods who watch after them. I will send Hamachi, Ruthay. When he nears his goal, see through his eyes and guide him!”
Book!Sub-Zero was impudent enough to insult a demigod which is why he was one of Shang Tsung’s favorites. And to be clear - book!Sub-Zero did not regret insulting the demigod at all. Even more! He found humor in it!:
He dwelt in a cave two hundred feet up the face of a cliff by the sea. The mouth of his home was barely wide enough to accommodate a slender adult, and was accessible only by climbing the sheer wall of rock, a feat that was impossible for most adults and daunting even to the few arachnids and marsupials that tried it.
Maybe some of them were even sent by Yu, he thought with a smirk, little assassins who would chastise me for having spilled blood in his precious canal.
The less abrasive attitude toward gods was shown by Cyrax, who talked a bit with Raiden over Bi-Han’s remains. He wasn’t outright antagonistic but wasn’t overall respectful either. He talked with Thunder God like he would talk with any other human being that wasn’t actually Scorpion. Frankly, from the named Lin Kuei only MK9!Smoke actually addressed Raiden in respectful manner, with proper bow and the name of lord
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albeit did he do so because he respects the divine beings or just out of gratitude for saving him, hard to tell for sure.
So yeah, it seems like no matter what kind of timeline or age or medium of the story, Lin Kuei does not fear gods nor pray to them. And the clan has a long history of dealing with Raiden, so the Lin Kuei had first-hand experiences with supernatural beings. Somehow, cryomancers are the most impudent warriors when it comes to dealing with or criticizing the gods.
Interestingly, as much as Lin Kuei warriors don’t care for gods, most of the known to us named characters believe to have - and to care - for their own souls. Sektor and MK11!Frost embraced the Cyber Lin Kuei idea but Kuai Liang, Cyrax and Smoke were opposed to C.I. project out for concern for their souls among other things. Even Bi-Han, to some degree became concerned about his soul after trip to Netherrealm.
Believing in souls is usually a sign of belief in the afterlife, albeit after all of them went through (the change into cyborgs, death and change into Revenants) this is less a matter of faith (religion) and more first-hand experiences. And let's not forget that regularly dealing over the centuries with Shang Tsung who steals people's souls on a daily basis makes it really hard to not believe spirits are real.
Also, an interesting matter of Lin Kuei practices that could have a religious/spiritual ground and/or be an example of ancestor worship is the clan’s funeral rites. I don’t think we actually saw any Lin Kuei to bury their own (especially after warrior’s failure?) and for sure MK9!Cyrax and Sektor did not bother to take care of Bi-Han’s remains. However the sources provide examples of Lin Kuei keeping corpses, most likely of their own leaders or warriors.
And so, we could see human remains:
put in two coffins on each side of statue
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hidden / kept in a block of ice(?) in chamber of Fallen Lin Kuei in which Frost’s frozen body was also laid, but on the altar
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Cyrax’s cyber body was kept and guarded by Sub-Zero (and this is like the only thing that Kuai Liang and Cyber Sektor so far agreed on)
and even Cyber Sektor’s remains, even if just for pragmatic reasons, are kept in what seems to be respectful manner:
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It could be just Kuai Liang’s good nature to honor fallen of his clan (I’m still not sure if Lin Kuei Palace is the new place for Sub-Zero’s clan or the ancient hideout) but even in MK Conquest TV series, after Grandmaster was killed by then-currently-Sub-Zero, there was the farewell ceremony with clothes on display (cause there was not much left of body after freezing and shattering) while new leader gave the speech promising to punish the guilty.
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Which makes me think that Lin Kuei did honor their fallen warriors (especially those exceptional, deserving). Such custom and apparently common belief in soul could also support the ancestor worship - both as some ancient, mythical ancestor(s) connecting warriors into one clan (family) and tradition to follow in the footsteps of forefathers (Bi-Han taking place of his father [old timeline] or grandfather [current timeline] or Kuai Liang taking Bi-Han’s place as Sub-Zero).
My general conclusion about Lin Kuei is that its members believe in souls, have respect and use of spiritual matters (meditation?) and maybe ancestor worship. Whatever the religious / spiritual practices they have over the centuries, it is not something they will share, as the Lin Kuei by nature are secretive people who keep personal things mostly for themselves. The people that joined the clan (Cyrax and Smoke) maybe kept their old, eventual religious beliefs but overall, Lin Kuei warriors did not fear, care for nor pray to gods. They may respect god (Raiden, Fujin) as a person but not because of their divine nature. And even that would not stop them from criticizing said god. Which is pretty much how Kuai Liang and Raiden’s relationship looks like. Grandmaster is grateful to Thunder God for saving him but he won’t blindly follow his authority.
(Kuai Liang has serious authority issues, hasn't he?)
As for holidays, I can’t really see Lin Kuei to follow any specific religious (theistic) special day cause they don’t care much for gods in the first place. Unless they worked undercover and needed to act as normal human beings, religious holidays would mean nothing to them. The warriors may however celebrate their mission success, combat mastery or promotion between themselves or in secret, I think. Like, Lin Kuei did forbid friendship because it was considered warrior’s flaw yet we know some members either were blood-related (Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, previous Sub-Zero - father or grandfather, depending on which timeline is correct) or considered each other a family (Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada) and most named characters worked in duos so they have both opportunity and knowledge about each other to celebrate important matters. If they managed to remember anything from previous life, that is. Because from ancient to at least Great Kung Lao’s times most(?) adepts were kidnapped from biological families at a really young age (something around 6 years old). And Mythologies: Sub-Zero takes that even further:
Its warriors are chosen at birth to be raised apart from the workings of day to day civilization and are stripped of their former lives. Only the clan knows their existence. Each of them posses certain skills and abilities that set them apart from normal men. These abilities are passed on from generation to generation and honed throughout the experiences of life.
So, celebrating birthdays doesn’t sound like happening much, unless those with family around could allow themselves such luxury. The clan may however celebrate the day of becoming a fully trained and sworn warrior? Or the fallen warriors? Who knows.
Also, something worth thinking about: in Mortal Kombat Conquest TV series, when the Grandmaster presented newly appointed Sub-Zero to the rest of the clan, he “celebrated” the cryomancer's first official performance as the execution of two men who failed their mission. So, yeah, celebration of something special in (old) Lin Kuei does not necessarily mean anything nice.
(The next part of answer most likely will be focused either on food or architecture / origin of Lin Kuei. Let's hope I will get it written sooner than later)
<><> EDIT <><>
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stellocchia · 4 years
So, I’ve been thinking: where do the characters of the smp actually fit in the morality spectrum?
We’re all always pointing out how everyone is “morally gray” in the smp, but it’s not too hard to see that the level is different in different characters, for example: Puffy’s light griefing when she first arrived on the smp is in no way comparable to Dream blowing up a country 3 times... so how about we take an objective look through this characters actions?
First let’s establish what are the categories we’ll be talking about:
Morally gray characters: they are the intermediate between a villain and a hero. They are neither wholly bad nor good. 
Anti-Hero: someone who may perform moral actions but always for selfish reasons. Basically morally gray but with bad intentions.
Anti-villain: someone whose desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable. Basically they think they have good intentions, but they’re actually villains. 
Sympathetic villain: an immoral character who’s backstory/character arc makes them sympathetic to the viewers. We can’t agree with their actions, but we can understand how they got there.
This is more or less the spectrum we will be moving in, as it would actually be rather hard to define anyone in the smp as a classic black and white hero or villain (with 1 exception). Also I believe we all kind of understand what the definitions for those terms are.
In this I will be only going over the characters I know the most about as there are way too many people and, I’m afraid, it’s impossible for me to cover everyone properly as I would need to watch their povs. Anyone though feel free to add on to this! 
Also I won’t be going in any precise order because that would take more effort then I’m willing to put in, so here we go: 
Tommyinnit: He is a bit of a trouble-maker. He has been involved in the most conflicts out of everyone in the server (although he didn’t start the big majority of them). He has griefed, stolen and caused a whopping total of 3 canon deaths (1 to Jack Manifold and 2 to Dream). He has however sacrified himself multiple times for his friends (both literally and by giving up his possessions) and he apologized and tried to make amends for his worse actions. He is mischevious but he also often proved that he can be very selfless. No doubt he earns a morally gray stamp.
Willbur: He is a difficult one because of the big split between his character pre and post election. That said, while Willbur was rather power-hungry before the election he also was very caring for those under him (sometimes slipping into being downright demeaning towards Fundy). He upheald his principle of “words over violence” and mostly wanted to build a peaceful nation. After the election however (because of his declining mental health) he did turn to violence and manipulation and ended up blowing up his own country. So I’d say he went from a morally gray character to a very sympathetic villain
Ghostbur: This one is being considered separatedly from Willbur, as it has been said multiple times that they are separate entities. Ghostbur, you would think, has never done anything bad in his life, he has however hurt some people. He refused to have an actual talk with Fundy or with anyone really when it comes to what Alivebur did, hurting them as a consequence and while they are separate entities, they’re still very much connected. His intentions in general though are good, he just wants everyone to be happy, he just doesn’t realize his incapacity to fully understand other people’s struggles can hurt them at times. He has however never intentionally caused harm to anyone and tried to help whenever he did so unintentionally. He lacks the qualities that would make him a “hero” but he’s morally good 
Tubbo: While people in this fandom have a tendency to portray him as a poor innocent bean he’s not entirely squeacky clean himself. He steals regularly, he has partook in Techno’s scuffed execution attempt and organized a festival with the clear intention of killing Dream. He has however, more often then not, done what he thought was right and what he felt he needed to do in order to protect his people. Even now he’s built a safe heaven away from everyone because he wanted a safe place for anyone wh needed it. So there you go, morally gray stamp of approval.
Techno: And here I already know there will be some contentione... oh boy... anyway! Techno undoubtedly thinks he’s always doing the right thing. He thinks that destroying the governament was the only way to get rid of corruption. He thinks he’s doing something good. He has however released weapons of mass destruction (aka withers) in L’Manburg 3 time, caused the most canon deaths in the server (yep, more then Dream) and he’s been manipulative (wether intentionally or not doesn’t really matter here). In general he’s caused so much pain to so many people that it cannot go ignored. For this reasons he gets an anti-villain stamp
Phil: He’s also one of the characters deserving of a split, in his case it’s pre and post Techno’s attempted execution. Pre execution he was a mostly uninvolved member of L’Manburg, he did however help greatly with the rebuilding and tried to give a family to Fundy when he realised he needed one. He did also kill Willbur. ater the execution however he joined Techno in committing atrocities for what he percieved to be something good (”teaching how bad governament is” was his perceived goal). So I’d say he went from morally gray to joining Techno in the anti-villain gang
Quackity: He is a very complex character and I’m sure opinions about him are rather split. He joined the election to insure it’s fairness. He stayed by Shlatt’s side to try and make the governament fair until he realised that he would never be litened to and then he joined Pogtopia to take down a tyrant. He tried to protect L’Manburg in every way he could, but did get carried away with the attemted execution and the festival, even arriving to suggesting executing Ranboo. Now he wants to build capitalism and is trying to fight the Egg in his own way. He is the definition of a morally gray character
Ranboo: Another split opinion incoming here! Ranboo does mostly have good intentions (at least in his non-enderwalk state, which we won’t talk about here, because there still isn’t enough lore about it to understand it). He would like to have a united server with no conflicts. In trying to achieve this however, as he noticed himself, he actually went against every single one of the people he cares about: not sticking up for Tommy at the trial, assisting with Phil’s arrest and Techno’s execution, giving back Techno’s weapons and armour with no fight and, in general, giving him resources, helping to plan the Green Festival and so on so forth. That said all this things are “bad” from one side but “good” from the other. He has also kept company to Tommy in exile more then anyone else and he was there in the final fight against Dream. In conclusion he gets a morally gray stamp as well
Punz: Punz fights for money and his own self interest. He showed before that his alliance was with those who paid him, even though he actually seemed to care and consider Dream his friend until a certain point. He fought in a few wars but was never overly involved in the petty conflicts. He did however end up being the reason Dream was defeated (athough that was also for money). This was also before the Egg’s corruption as we won’t be considering that as part of the character since, you know, the Egg literally mind-controls people... anyway he gets to be in the anti-hero club
Sam: The warden of the prison is someone with a great work ethic (though he doesn’t seem to care much were the money are coming from once a project gets commissioned to him) and a very kind individual, always ready to offer pumpkin pie or his help to anyone who seems to need it. He’s also building a bank with the express purpouse of building an economy to take control over the server... he is morally gray as well is what I’m trying to say here
And, our final one:
Dream: This man also actually needs a split to better understand him, and that split is before and after he received the necromancy book from Shlatt. Before that he started a few conflicts (Declaring war on L’manburg and the whole railway skirmish thing) nut in general he had mostly sound objectives. Toward the start he didn’t want trouble in his server and he went to extreme leghts to ensure there wouldn’t be any (stealing Tommy’s disks, the whole declaring war etc). He did try and help Pogtopia at the start for this very same reson, because he was hoping that the two indipendent factions would cancel out each other. At one point however the objective in his actions seems to have shifted between wanting to obtain unity for the server to wanting to obtain control for himself. It’s after this shift happened that he committed his most heinous crimes (blowing up L’manburg other 2 times and all the manipulation that went on). After the shift there is not a single redeeming thing he did. He went from an almost anti-villain to a straight up villain, he is, in fact, the only one aside from the Egg that I’m willing to deine as a true villain.
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mariacallous · 3 years
Hey, could I get your opinion on something? Feel free to ignore if this is not something you want to deal with or answer! My good friend that I've known for years is coming to stay with me for a while. We've been mostly texting the last year, cause of life changes and covid, and even though he never let on, shit has hit the fan for him. He lost his job, dropped out of school, lost his housing, and developed a gambling and drug addiction. In the past he gambled and did drugs recreationally, especially when he invested more time in his drag career and they are super available in his circle. His mom, who is super weird about him being gay, would only offer assistance if he moved back in with her, multiple states away. I am happy to offer my couch while he works his shit out, but I'm a little concerned. I have chronically ill and have controlled substance pain meds in my house that I rely on daily and can not replace if they go missing. Usually I would never think that he would doing something like that, but he has been doing things that are out of character as of late. I figured I would just stash my meds out of sight, in an odd/private location. Idk, I guess I'm just having cold feet about him coming to stay. I want to help, I have the space, and I DO NOT want him to have to live with his homophobic mom, but I just keep thinking of how this could go wrong or bite me in the ass. He's moving in Saturday and I'm sure it will be fine, but do you have any advice for setting boundaries in this sort of situation?
I first want to commend you for helping your friend, as it sounds like he really needs it and it's not easy to deal with something like that even at the best of times.
I think that having second thoughts or being worried is normal, both in general and also specifically in this circumstance.
I think it's a good idea, at least initially, to do what you were thinking and keep your meds in a location where only you know about them or can access them, if only because it might help give you some peace of mind.
I think the other thing would be to, if you haven't already, gently and supportively figure out a timeframe for him to stay with you, and/or some next steps or plans - whether it's helping find resources to help with the addiction, coming up with a plan for him to go back to school, finding employment opportunities and something to help him have some money and things to focus on, getting him connected with SNAP and other public assistance programs. etc. That way he's got some freedom and options of his own so that he doesn't feel totally stuck or totally reliant on you, and it helps you not feel burdened or completely supporting two people on your own.
I would also come up with or go over house rules and expectations - for both of you, so that way you're mutually respecting each other and have a baseline for both of you to operate from, and to also try to minimize potential sources of friction.
I also think it's important to, gently but firmly, reinforce that this is to help with the reset and figuring things out, and isn't necessarily just a potentially long-term hangout.
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neologix · 3 years
Enterprise resource planning: An important tool to manage everyday operations
These are some of the advantages of a web-based ERP system.
Planning is very important for an organization to function efficiently. With the help of planning, it is possible to provide a proper shape for one's organization, planning is necessary to do every basic task. If one is having everything like the resources and materials for making an apartment, but the planning of the structure is not framed appropriately, then it is of no use. 
Imagine working at a company that requires you to make an item on your own. Then, One also needs to know the cost of raw materials, delivery costs, and marketing costs. After close calculation, one realizes that he will be losing money after selling it in the market even if it is sold at a higher price. This type of business can never survive.  One has to find a way to cut down the cost so that the product's price will cover its cost. This is where the role of Enterprise Resource Planning comes into action.
ERP system helps businesses to manage their operations on a large scale because it automates all their operations from inventory management to accounting processes without involving too much manual work or calculations. 
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Listed below are some of the benefits of enterprise resource planning solutions.
 It provides centralized information to multiple users
ERP offers a central database to managers, supervisors, and employees. The database contains all the necessary data including financials, customer details, business activities which are shared by all the users at the same time. Therefore every individual within that company can access important reports relevant to his area/role anytime any day even if they are not close to their PCs or laptops. One can gain valuable insights without spending too much time on calculations or other manual work. This will save lots of time for us and make the decision-making process smooth & fast.
 It reduces manual work and makes one more productive
ERP system cuts down lots of manual work which makes people more productive because it does all tedious & time-consuming tasks automatically. It takes a few minutes to input data into the system, and the software will do the rest like payroll calculation or inventory management. When there is no or less manual intervention, it reduces the chance of human error significantly. So if the business is growing in terms of the number of users, workforce size, and geographical expansion; The software can handle it with ease.
It offers Integration between different departments within an organization
Integration is very important for the smooth flow of information throughout the company so that everybody will be able to take action based on it without putting too much effort into waiting for another person's response. The following software system helps businesses in this area by integrating all divisions like Marketing, Sales, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing or after-sales service through its single database which is accessible by all users. This way the employees can take appropriate actions based on situations when there are changes in demand, supply availability, etc. So when one integrates his operations with ERPs; He can see significant improvement in company productivity. 
 It reduces the number of backups
ERP systems are designed in such a way that one doesn't have to back up his data manually because it automatically creates daily /weekly backups even when there are no users connected to the database. So if there is any mistake or disruption during an update process or while taking some action, then one can restore the system by using the latest available backup without any problem. If one is working with a manual accounting system, then he will be needed to make sure all his documents are backed up every week but this task will get done automatically in the system of software.
One can meet business requirements in a flexible manner
ERP is a customizable solution that responds to one's business strategy and provides relevant functionality when needed. 
In traditional manual systems, one has to wait for new functionalities till the next release or update of software because they are developed by a dedicated team on scheduled time with a predefined set of features. But in ERP systems, customization is a key benefit that helps one to meet his unique business needs by acting as a part of the solution instead of having its code and database like other software systems.
 It allows you to work from anywhere
The software systems are web-based applications that provide a browser-based user interface so that users can access it from anywhere without the need of installing any client-side software on their system. One can log in to his account by using a browser and take necessary action related to his business process which will be communicated with the application server in real-time for updating data on all connected systems.
 It provides better security and offers a one-stop solution to all one's business needs
Security is always a major concern for ERP buyers because they tend to store data like customer information, product details, etc in one place so it should be secured and organized in such a way that only authorized people can access it. ERPs use various security standards like two-factor authentication, audit trails, etc to meet industry-specific compliance requirements. So if one implements an ERP system in his business; then he doesn't need to worry about customer data security anymore because there is no chance of losing or leaking any information even when some unexpected incident takes place. Moreover, all business modules like HR, Finance, Sales, Purchasing, etc come under one umbrella which offers one end-to-end visibility of his business activities.
 It offers better integration with third-party software or applications
As discussed earlier, ERP is a single platform that provides all business modules like Sales, Finance, Purchase, etc but if one wants to integrate with any third-party application or software then it might be difficult for a manual system because they are developed with different code bases using different technology. So integration is an easy task in ERP systems because it offers interface-based architecture that can easily communicate with other applications in real-time by using standard technology.
It helps to improve business efficiency
ERP systems are capable of improving workforce productivity, minimize errors and automate complex tasks with the help of workflow and rules whenever possible. 
These are some of the advantages of a web-based ERP system.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Part of the reason I lean so hard into the juvie origin for Dick in particular, as well as why his cop storyline pisses me off so much in light of that (given they were both the work of the same writer and wtf, why would a kid who got screwed so massively by the system ever grow up wanting to become PART of it? even to ‘fix it’ given that would require still working in service to it at least part of the time, in order to move up the ladder to positions of power within it in the first place? BUT I DIGRESS).
Where was I? Oh yeah. So part of the reason for that is because I view each of the Batkids as having their own specific metaphorical niche, based on their origins.
What I mean by that is like: the true villain of Jason’s origin and backstory is poverty as a whole. The impoverished status of his parents and his surrounding community are definitive stressors that lead directly into all the most critical elements of Jason’s origin: his father working as a henchman for various crime lords, which pretty directly loops back and into his alcoholism and abuse of his wife and son....his mother’s spiral into addiction after turning to drugs as a means of self-medicating for all the stress and shit in her own life which she needed an escape from....Jason’s own lack of options as a child seeking to support himself on the street and with petty crimes, as well as his unwillingness to put his faith in foster care or any adults in general, given how they as a whole tended to look at him, specifically due to his impoverished background and thus making assumptions about his intellect, potential, and overall ‘value’ to society.....
Jason is who he is as a character for a variety of reasons, but none moreso or more directly than the poverty that acts as a direct anthropomorphized antagonist for him....and thus, is the focal point of where Jason directs his attention and his own antagonism as an adult. When Jason seeks to take control of crime in Gotham, when he targets drug dealers, etc....its really the deliberately inflicted and perpetuated impoverished state of Gotham’s lower class that he’s combating. And that works perfectly for Jason as a metaphor and a character direction, and gives him a clearly defined niche in the Batfamily.
Then we have Tim, who I would argue has an origin and backstory defined by the apathy of the upper class as an antagonist, and thus, the perfect metaphor for him and his character direction. The self-centered tendencies of his parents, his history of neglect and the necessitated self-reliance and independence it instilled in him from a very early age - which could have very easily turned him into a copy of his parents, with that self-sufficiency turning into a mirror of their self-centeredness and repeating the cycle if he hadn’t actively broken the mold with his actions by seeking out Batman and picking him as someone, ANYONE to try and help, rather than focus entirely on himself and his own needs....and in near adulthood, Tim has become someone whose chosen focus tends to be on trying to repurpose his wealth and resources for the good of all of Gotham...essentially, the very people that for so long his parents and fellow upper class ignored and exploited.
Of course, Tim is still a product of his background as much as he’s aware of the flaws in it, much like Bruce himself, so similar to Bruce, Tim will always look at his wealth/resources in terms of the good he feels he can do with it, which he sees as more than any good that would come from just directly giving it away. In contrast to Jason and Dick, who come from entirely different backgrounds and have always prioritized their own more modest or otherwise-gained means of income or resources, even when investing in projects intended to help others - they look at things in terms of the good they feel they can do WITHOUT needing money, or as much money. Its the result of coming into resources from entirely different directions....which are sustained even as they then continue their trajectories in those opposite directions but now with added resources under their belts.
Cass and Damian are the two Batkids I would love to see explored more in juxtaposition and contrast to each other, because I feel they occupy very similar but opposite niches, the same as Jason and Tim represent the stresses of poverty vs the apathy of excess. Because Cass and Damian represent the two flip sides of parental expectations....BUT in their case, they start out on the same page. What I mean by that is the metaphorical antagonist of both of their origins and backstories IS the bogeyman of parental expectations taken to the absolute extreme. They both exist in at least one of their parents’ eyes to essentially be what their parent wants or expects them to be. An end result of carefully planned and executed molding of a next generation, with no real consideration for what that next generation wants for themselves.
They simply diverge in how they both break free of those expectations and the limitations built into them, and where they go from there. Damian finds his niche (or comes closest to it IMO, since I feel a lot of writers, at least lately, have regressed him from the considerable progress he made in this regard, and where and when he was his most fully...DAMIAN).....essentially, Damian is most fundamentally Damian, I feel, when he’s able to put aside what he thinks Talia and Bruce want or expect him to be...and instead simply prioritizes figuring out what HE wants to be and what that looks like, even if it ends up having no connection to the League or even Batman at all. Or at least not in the ways he always expected those connections to look like, as a result of the expectations that were drilled into him from an early age. Damian’s metaphor is pushing back against selfish parental expectations by saying I no longer care what your expectations are, they have nothing to do with me.
In contrast, Cassandra finds her niche in the fulfillment of not the expectations precisely, but the HOPES of a NEW parental figure, aka Bruce. Cassandra, out of all the Batkids, most fully CHOSE Bruce and everything he represented and offered, as much as Bruce chose her. She was the oldest of all the Batkids - except for perhaps Duke - when she met Bruce in the various continuities, and she had the maturity and life experiences to at least be able to recognize the different life path Bruce stood for and offered, as a contrast to the one David Cain had laid out for her and forced upon her from birth. So Cassandra differs from Damian in that while Damian grows the more he breaks away from the mold of Batman, Cassandra finds herself the closer she gets to what Bruce has always wanted Batman TO be, in the example he puts forth and holds up to show her that there’s more to life, to her, to what she can be, than simply what David told her existed.
Its no coincidence that she’s so often cited both in universe and out of it as one of the, if not the, ideal successor to the cowl.....not just because of how much she embodies the specific ideals and yes, expectations, that the cowl holds....but because she CHOSE that, with INTENT. Unlike even Dick, who Bruce has at times said is what he always wanted Batman to be....Cass is this as well, but Cass is this deliberately, because Bruce found her, and then he held up these ideals and convictions and said ‘this is what I prioritize, this is what I think is important’ and Cass looked at those and said yes, good, I like those, I like what they stand for, I want to BE those.....and she found fulfillment in fulfilling Bruce’s hopes for a next generation even without either of them FORCING that fulfillment on her, unlike what David did or tried to do. And that’s what makes all the difference in the world in Cassandra’s situation and in her and Bruce’s dynamic....and is a large part of the reason, IMO, that they have one of the strongest and healthiest dynamics of any that exist between Bruce and one of his kids.
Duke is a very unique niche as well. In short, the true villain of Duke’s origin is an ACTUAL supervillain....which coincides thematically with the direction of Duke’s character as a meta with superpowers himself, something that historically is pretty unprecedented within the Bat franchise, at least as far as Batman’s allies and direct family go. Bruce’s distrust of meta’s, or at least discomfort with them, is well established and longterm, so Duke represents an extreme break in tradition for Bruce, as well as having hallmarks to the sphere of thought that Batman and other vigilantes, by their very existence, bring about the existence of supervillains like the Joker and the Riddler. I’m still working out the kinks in this metaphor, tbh, in part because of how relatively new Duke is, he doesn’t have even the decade worth of content and story direction that Damian has by this point, to point to how some directions serve a character better than others....but overall, I see the most potential in Duke as a metaphor and niche in the Batfamily as like....as the Signal, he’s the embodiment of potential, once allowed to be REALIZED, rather than shied away from because of pre-existing beliefs or perspectives. Of course, the fact that Duke is black can’t be disconnected from this, which is part of things here as well....I’m not at all the best person to explore this particular metaphor to its fullest, so anyone who wants to take it and run with it more thoroughly if they see any validity in it at all, I’d very much like to see your thoughts if you ever write them out.
Which brings me back to Dick’s metaphor and niche in the Batfamily and franchise, and why the juvie origin works best for him IMO.....because the specter of Dick’s origin and backstory, the true villain even moreso than Tony Zucco himself, is the system as a whole. The way it is built and structured to exploit less advantaged members of society to the benefit of the upper class...such as the Court of Owls. Everything about Dick’s individual character direction falls pretty neatly into this chain of thinking, IMO....Tony Zucco murdered Dick’s parents, yes, but it was the system that took Dick away from his extended family, his planned life direction as an entertainer, everything he was familiar and comfortable with...and said it was for his own good, they knew best, he was better off this way. It was the system that ‘lost’ him in juvie when it was just more convenient than figuring out what to do with him, or just plain didn’t care, or due to the actions of a single racist case worker perhaps, or maybe even done at the behest of the Court of Owls in an attempt to wear away at the morality and resistance their future Talon might have to their plans for him. Bottom line is, everything about how Dick ended up where he was and on the course he ended up taking through life, is a direct result of the system’s manipulations of him in service not to HIM and what was best for him, as a member of society himself, but entirely at the whims or discretion of others.
Which is why Dick’s choice to become a cop both works and doesn’t work....I can see how at eighteen he might have briefly entertained the idea of trying to change the system from the inside...BUT it only works if the stories that result from that make no attempt to glorify or romanticize the work or character of any of his colleagues, and instead simply make him realize that he can’t change the system by becoming a cog in its flawed machinery, no matter his intentions...and that’s why he’s best served operating outside of it, as a vigilante. Bruce is a vigilante because he feels he exists to pick up the slack where the system fails, or is broken, because Bruce is someone who the system actually is meant to work FOR, and thus the times it doesn’t work that way, such as with the deaths of his parents....IS a result of a failure on the system’s part. In contrast, Dick, for all the superficial similarities in their origins, is someone who the system was never meant to work for, and IMO, Dick is best served as a character at the times and points when he’s allowed to RECOGNIZE this....and thus Dick is a vigilante for the sole reason that he’s someone who puts his faith in individuals rather than institutions. He’d much rather trust in the morality of singular people that he KNOWS and VALUES, rather than the morality of an uncaring system of bureaucracies and red tape.
And again, IMO Dick works best as both a metaphor and a character with a clearly defined niche and purpose when he targets the system directly with his actions. Whether its fighting their embodiment as the Court of Owls and their attempts to exploit him, or pouring his own time, energy and resources into trying to buy and renovate the former entertainment district of Gotham and turn it into a sanctuary for impoverished Gothamites to visit cheaply as a break from their stressors (I’ve talked a lot about how similar I view Jason and Dick being, at their core, so its no surprise that I see their metaphors and niches as being so closely linked, even if not entirely the same). And of course, even if you hate Dick as a cop as much as I do, his focus there still fits what I’m laying out here, for the same reasons, its just the actuality of it that doesn’t work as intended, for the reasons I already mentioned.
So yeah. That’s my post. That was a post. This post is concluded. Man I suck at denoument.
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this-isnt-magic · 5 years
you always talk about casting spells and looking for unfalsifiable proof afterwards, so i was curious what have been occasions in your personal practice or just any examples you could give of casting a spell and being proven 100% right that it worked?
In terms of operative magic specifically, here are a few from recent years:
Target A was extorting Friend B for a large sum of money. He had been hounding him daily asking for the money which B absolutely did not want to pay and frankly had no reason to owe. B asked me to make A forget about the money. Within two days of the ritual, not only did A completely forget him calling B, the cash, and the original situation that arose that made him go after him in the first place, he also randomly sent B the same amount he had been asking for over PayPal just because he felt like he owed him money, though he couldn’t remember why. He never contacted him again. 
Someone had been harassing a good friend of mine. Through a series of well-timed curses taking advantage of immigration bureaucracy, his own lawyers and closest confidants within the system began to ignore him past every deadline and he was unable to renew his visa. Needless to say, he was Hot Footed out of the country. The list of residual misfortunes that waited him upon his return is extensive.
I had an extremely specific list of characteristics, personality traits, ambitions, qualities, etc. in a romantic partner which I included in a petition to draw an ideal lover. I met my now-boyfriend out of the blue shortly after enchanting it under the guidance of a guardian spirit and the archangel of Venus, and he checked off every single one.
I have also repeated this working for a friend, who met his now-wife the week after. They now have two children as well. 
I conjured a demon to bring me the monetary resources and personal connections to knowledgeable and powerful adepts of a particular tradition I knew was obscure and difficult to initiate into, whose personalities I would get along well with, respect, and genuinely care for. When the individuals were made known to me, I confirmed their validity with a corresponding angel. I have since then become close friends with these people and have learned secrets and ingress far beyond what I had initially even hoped for. 
An abusive landlord was trying to evict a friend of mine who lives in Nigeria. He had hired men to intimidate him and tried to bribe other individuals to testify against him as well. My friend asked me for help, and I began my court case work, targeting the judge, the landlord, the landlord’s lawyer, and my friend’s lawyer all separately. The landlord didn’t show up for all three court hearings, his own lawyer began to give advice to my friend and advocate on his behalf, the hired thugs disappeared, and the case was decided massively in my friend’s favor. 
I personally do a lot of weather magic, which is a really easy way to test for results. I check to see report so I know what’s likely to happen, and then do something radically different. Pulling hail in the summer, sudden rain, precise winds up to a desired strength, etc. are all possibilities to practice with. 
There are a lot of asks floating around this blog that essentially repeat the same question: what is the most powerful spell for X goal? I would offer that it is more helpful to consider operative magic along a spectrum of factors far beyond recipes. The actual structure and technique of the ritual is one aspect, but so is the divination done prior to working magic to see potential outcomes and how they would change if you adapted the spell differently; which targets you focus on and how (who do you charm, who do you curse, who do you bless, what do you do to which area first and in which order?); the physical links you have (hair, nails, spit, etc.); and most importantly the relationship you have with the spirits you are relying on. 
If a stranger asks me for $500 on the street, I’m not going to give it to them. But if my best friend did, I happily would. Look at who you already have relationships with and ask them - if you needed to manifest this result, how would you do it? I would caution anyone from shopping around for different spirits for every single ritual, and similarly to not over-assign roles to spirits. You can conjure for money using every single planet, not just Jupiter. Sol can make you outshine all your competitors for the job, garbing you in brilliance so bright only you remain visible in the eyes of those who have the power to award you what you seek. Venus can sweeten all parties to your favor, while Mars grants you victory and expels all opponents. Absolutely do explore other spirits and powers you’re interested in cultivating working relationships with, but do not forget how nuanced and deep your existing alliances go. Always divine on what you are missing, what information you need that you lack, how your working would be improved upon, etc. Where is there room for what you are looking for? Oftentimes I’ve enchanted directly for the financial success and prosperity of my bosses and academic advisers, so that the new money and grants they received would both relieve them of stress (making them more useful for me in the long run) and have more resources immediately on hand to pass on to me in the form of raises, new opportunities, projects, travel funding, and so on. 
Now with that out of the way (and I’m aware I’m giving way more than what the OP was asking for, but I do hope it will be helpful for people!) - there’s an implication in questions like these that relates to more than just verifying spells, but rather about proving that magic itself is real and tangible. I would offer that the possibilities of spirit contact described in both literary grimoire magic and among traditional oral lineages of witchcraft and sorcery are most definitely not being exaggerated in their testimonies. What follows are examples I have either personally seen or facilitated through conjuration:
A spirit manifesting visibly so that everyone in the room could see and hear it. It could also catch objects thrown at it and suspend them in the air plainly for all to see. 
A spirit physically manifesting an object from thin air that I to this day keep as a powerful amulet. It can move on its own and never rusts or tarnishes. 
A spirit manifesting to fill the sky with its body, with numerous witnesses who did not believe in any kind of non-physical entities witnessing it. 
Spirits manifesting as physical, concrete shadows that could be picked up with the hands and manipulated plainly for all to see. 
Within the context of mounting/spirit possession in ATRs, mounts (or horses, aka possessed persons) when incorporated with spirits have: spoken languages fluently they have no knowledge of but which the spirit speaks; been cut with knives/stabbed/had their hands placed in boiling oil/hot peppers rubbed on their orfices and so on without any injury, pain, or wounds/blood; defied gravity; suddenly healed major diseases and illnesses; caused all the animals in the room to die suddenly at the same time upon possession, physically transformed in skin and eye color; and more.
Not every working requires physical spirit manifestation. Not every magical goal requires the same amount of effort. But it is always possible to push deeper, as we are inclined to do. For as occultists, we pursue the hidden, especially what is hidden from us, no matter how practiced we are. That hunger for knowledge and ingress into the unknown defines magicians of all skill levels. Whether you end up initiating into a living tradition or working a grimoire that promises visible spirit manifestation by the book, there are myriad ways of discovering just how viscerally tangible and “real” magic is for yourself, if you’re willing to put in the time and exercise the diligence and cunning for it. 
- Mod D
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theoi-crow · 6 years
Hello! If youre not comfortable answering this please just delete it! ❌Tw: transphobia, self harm.❌ My fiance is a trans woman and we unfortunately live with her transphobic parents. Theyve made her mental health decline to the point that shes started self harming again. We're trying desperately to get out but in the meantime do you know any gods that we can pray to for protection/guidance in this situation? Possibly any specific prayers I/we can say? Thank you in advance either way.💖
I’m so sorry you and your fiance are going through this…
Reading this made my heart ache so I will do the best in order to give as much information as possible: Also, this turned into a:
Greek Gods and The Trans community master post
Please do what you can to get out of that situation and cut ties with them; I know people say things like “blood is thicker than water” when trying to convince others to stay with their toxic relatives but the full quote is:
“the blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb.” Which means that if people are being abusive, cut them off, even if they are family because your chosen family will understand better.
Because you are currently unable to get out of that situation, please do everything you can to support your fiance by creating a safe environment within your room (Try to keep her parents from coming into the room if you can.) Also, try to have your fiance have as little contact with her parents as possible but if she has to please, have her prepare herself by breathing deeply and mentally saying to herself:
“they are misinformed and projecting. I am protected and loved. I love myself.” Have her mentally say it every time she is around her parents and make sure to also whisper it to her whenever you can: “They are projecting. They are wrong. You are so beautiful. I love you.” It will help.
You also want to surround your partner with trans positive things. Here is a few things that can help:
-This is the Trans Lifeline: This organization can help provide direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. (LINK)  
-Susan’s place: This is a transgender resource place that has a chatroom which I think is important for support because it’s easy to feel alone. (LINK) 
-Susan’s resources: (LINK) 
-GLAAD transgender resources: (LINK) 
-Meetup is a site where you meet with groups near you. This could be nice for meeting others in your area who can further support you and your fiance. Please be careful if you live in a country or state that is very religious and does not support trans rights. (LINK) 
Other things that can help:
-Look up the LGBT center near you or find a place that provide trans support like groups of those who might be in a similar situation and can provide understanding.
-Look up trans women positive videos on YouTube. There is a whole community who use YouTube as a medium for support and finding friendships.
-Tumblr tags for Trans positivity.
-Gather trans women success stories and print them. Put them around your room. If the parents are allowed to come in the room (which I strongly advocate against this) hide them behind something and pull them out when it’s just you two.
There is a lot more information to find but the goal here is to show her that she is NOT ALONE, she IS LOVED, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH HER, she is SUPPORTED and THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHERS WHO WANT HER TO BE HEALTHY AND STOP CUTTING. 
The gods love her and there are plenty that immediately came to mind when I wondered who can help. 5 gods came to mind and it feels like they want to be a support group for her. All five can help and you can offer prayers as thanks too.
Here is a link on how you can share food with the gods without having to put it on an altar or spending extra money on food for them if you can’t (LINK)
There are a lot of gods you can pray to but here are the ones who immediate came to mind. Aphrodite, Hermes, Hermaphroditus, Eros and Ares.
Before I continue I want to point something out. A lot of people in the trans community are uncomfortable with the name Hermaphroditus because it sounds like Hermaphrodite. 
The word Hermaphrodite has been used to insult the Trans community which is a shame because Hermaphroditus is the protector of the trans and gender-fluid/neutral community. He identifies as male but has a gender non-conforming body. He will often hide behind Eros and send Eros to the ones he protects because he’s also timid but will kick ass.
Here is the story of Hermaphroditus and why Aphrodite, Hermes and Eros are gods you can immediately pray to:
-Hermaphroditus: (LINK): Hermaphroditus was born from Hermes and Aphrodite (which is why his name is split between theirs.) He was so beautiful and looked like a male version of his mom (please keep this in mind because it will become a key point when I’m talking about why Aphrodite is a protector of the trans community as well.) 
One day he was bathing in a spring when he caught the eye of a naiad nymph named Salmakis. She was hitting on him but he wasn’t interested. She got so desperate that she clung to him and begged for a god to answer her prayers (no one knows who answered, but some guess it was Zeus). She begged to be forever united with Hermaphroditus which is exactly what happened when they merged into one. When he got out of the spring his body had more feminine thighs, breasts and long hair. He was so upset he started crying to which Aphrodite and Hermes ran to his aid (because they are AMAZING parents).
Because Aphrodite wanted him to forever feel loved, he became one of the Erotes (so she can also keep an eye on him and mess up whoever dared harass, threaten or insult him (she is such a mama bear).
Hermes on the other hand, did not want him to feel alone, so he enchanted the spring and made it so anyone who bathed in it would have extra features from the opposite gender. This was in Ancient Greece but over time Hermaphroditus saw how gender problems caused dysphoria and he decided to protect those who experienced it.
He is drawn to those who are in the transitioning stages of their life, are having problems with society accepting their gender (or non-gender), are still getting used to life in their new gender, etc. But he does not do it alone. That is his myth but as an actual god, Hermaphroditus is a boss when it comes to kicking dysphoria’s ass. 
He KNOWS what that feels like, he has lived it. So praying to Hermaphroditus or imagining him hugging your fiance can help. He sends his followers ideas on how they can calm dysphoria or get rid of it. 
He will often send his brother Eros for a number of reasons. 1. Eros is the leader of the Erotes and will often act on their behalf. 2. Hermaphroditus is very shy and prefers to have Eros, who is very vocal, speak on his behalf. 3. A lot of people confuse Hermaphroditus with Psyche because they look very similar so he often prefers sending Eros. 4. Hermaphroditus is the reincarnation (kind of) of Aphrodite’s male version which I will talk about in more detail in a bit.
Here is my prayer to Hermaphroditus:
“Hermaphroditus, god of gender and beauty, who understands this dysphoria better than anyone else. Send me love, comfort and allies. Send me peace and confidence. I am beautiful, loved and unstoppable.”  
-Eros: Eros is the leader of the Erotes, messenger of Aphrodite and god of love.
While Hermaphroditus has a quieter timid nature, Eros inherits his ferocity from his father, Ares the god of war. As the leader of the Erotes, many people confuse his brothers for Eros himself, this is because Eros’ energy encompasses ALL of the erotes. Hermaphroditus will often ask Eros to send messages to the people he watches over.
STORY TIME: My wife (they/them, hates it when I call them “Spouse.” They asked if I could keep calling them “wife” but prefer gender neutral terms for everything else.) was having massive dysphoria for weeks. I grew up with dysphoria and was lucky enough to go to an after school program for LGBT youth where they gave us so much information on everything LGBT related including dysphoria and how to spot it and ways you can lessen it, so we sat down and figured out they were gender-neutral. Before realizing they were gender neutral, my wife kept seeing Eros everywhere. They finally connected with him and learned that it was actually Hermaphroditus trying to connect with them. This made sense because after learning about their gender-neutral nature, they could no longer accept male or female pronouns. Hermaphroditus wanted to help them get ready for a world with a “you gotta be a guy or a girl” mentality. So Eros will often act as a messenger for Hermaphroditus, especially because Hermaphroditus knows they are not 100% comfortable with his name.   
My prayer to Eros:
“Eros, god of love, passion, confidence and self assurance, help me love myself, give me confidence, and fire. The fire of self-assurance to incinerate my fears. I am everything I want to be.”
Aphrodite: The goddess of Love, Beauty and a lot more. 
Remember when I said “Hermaphroditus looks like a male version of Aphrodite”? And then I mentioned “Hermaphroditus is the reincarnation (kind of) of Aphrodite’s male version”? Well Aphrodite is a fierce protector of the trans community because in one of her earlier forms she had a male version named Aphroditus who was gender-non-conforming who eventually turned into Hermaphroditus (LINK). 
During his celebrations, men and women would switch genders and clothes in Aphroditus’ honor. (LINK)
I want to mention this first because I know there are a lot of TERFs who use her as a hate symbol for their twisted agenda but it couldn’t be further from the truth! (LINK). 
Aphrodite not only promotes romantic love but self love and love within the family. I would have your fiance focus on the self love and healing aspects of Aphrodite. As cliche as this sounds, her parents are probably reacting out of fear (I’m not excusing their actions, I’m just saying that fear makes people do horrible things and love can help counteract it.)
Aphrodite might also help foster a more loving environment and send inspirational pictures, stories and quotes from trans women who have also had problems with their family. She will also help in getting rid of loneliness and find friends who are/have been in a similar situation. Aphrodite will help you and your fiance find her community so she does not have to do this alone.
My prayer to Aphrodite:
“Aphrodite, goddess of love, laughter and a loving home. Bring me comfort in my time of need. Hug and kiss me with reassurance that I am loved. I will love myself because I am worthy of love. Protect me from those who are blinded by fear. I am loved, loved, loved!”
Hermes: As I mentioned earlier, Hermes is the father of Hermaphroditus and a damn good father who takes care of his kids. In fact, he is such a good dad that he takes care of other people’s kids too like helping raise Dionysus and saving him on various occasions or adopting Pan when no one wanted him for being too ugly (depending on the myth). He is cunning and smooth, able to outwit the gods in order to save humans or just for fun.
Not only does Hermes have a soft spot for the trans community (since his child helps them) but he also takes in those who are having problems with their parents, those who need help or anything else really. (LINK) 
Hermes is the god to call when you are having bad communication problems with your family (or anyone else).
Her parents are not respecting her so I would ask Hermes to please assist you and her whenever either of  you are talking to her parents. Hermes is also the god of being cunning and since you can’t separate from her parents right now, I encourage you to ask Hermes to give you ideas on how to better the situation in order to outsmart her parents or how to better avoid them.
He is also the king of comedy and I believe comedy heals the heart so honoring both Hermes and Aphrodite can help since one produces laughter and the other one is laughter loving.
Here is the prayer for Hermes:
“Hermes, god of comedy, communication and luck, help me communicate with my parents. Help them see my point of view and teach them to be better parents. Bring laughter into my life and help ease the tension. Help us reach an understanding.”
Ares: He may be the god of war, but he is first and foremost a defender.
Ares is the protector of marginalized groups, whether they are facing, racism, sexism, homophobia or trans-phobia. He also helps with trauma, past aches, fear and more. 
I am clinically diagnosed with PTSD and use to have intense attacks. Ares has helped me learn how to ground myself.
Ares deals with deep pain and betrayal, especially when it comes from family. Zeus and Hera hated him in myths even though he is shown to work hard to impress them. Here is another person talking about how Ares has helped them. (LINK) 
Despite the bad reputation of being bloodthirsty, Ares only declares war when his loved ones are in danger. Here is an ask I responded to that I would like to quote:
“He reveals himself to victim’s and turns them into warriors. He defends the weak and teaches them to find their strength. He teaches them to look within themselves and find that fighter that will not let their abusers get to them… Ares has made Spartans and Amazons… Ares is the god of emotional turmoil and he will help you ease yours. He will lend you his spear and shield whenever you need them and will teach you how to move in the middle of a panic attack so you reach a safe place.”(LINK) 
My prayer to Ares:
“Ares god of self-defense, power and protection, protect me from the turmoil in my life. Remove the fear holding my parents. Lend me your shield. I am a warrior and this is my life.”
Here are other posts I’ve written that can further help: 
-How to write a prayer: The original question was for Aphrodite but this can count for anyone. (LINK)
-How to connect with the gods via Journaling: (LINK)
-The gods will send a lot of signs here is a post about how you might get those signs: (LINK)
In order to recognize the signs, I highly suggest you become familiar with what is sacred to the gods, I highly suggest using Theoi (LINK). 
I know it was a really long post and I hope this helps but ultimately have your fiance do what is most comfortable for her.
If my prayers resonate with her, that’s great! If they don’t, I encourage her to rewrite them in a way that feel most powerful to her because she will need them to touch her soul in order for them to truly work.
Support her as much as you can and remind her that she is not alone. There are plenty of amazing people here on Tumblr alone who understand and will help (And if you are reading this and are one, I encourage you to show your support in the comments!) 
I hope this helps!
May the gods watch over you both, ease your home and bring in the light of love with warm hugs.
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donnasaufley-blog · 5 years
Public Accountability For Donna Saufley; Or, Why I Quit Working At Hiker Heaven (2019)
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In March of last year, I was sitting in the southern California desert trying to find direction after years of travel and exhaustion from studying communal spaces. I decided I would take on a simpler spiritual pursuit of walking across the country and rather than walking on the shoulder of highways, I decided it would likely be more scenic to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. I had about $20 in my pocket, an ILBE marine bag, and had a sharpie made sign up in a public counter-culture tourist location known as Slab City seeking donated gear for a PCT attempt. The hike in itself is a different story of its own and I invite you to follow me on social media if travel for greater meaning without allowing money to prevent it interests you, but the contents of this article surrounds how I ended up working at a famous hiker spot known as Hiker Heaven during the last couple seasons.
Hiking the PCT without finances took a great deal of creativity and ethical approaches in being honest with trail angels as I made my way up the trail. I tripled my money working at Carmen’s Garden, did worktrade for StillHouse Hostel, moved firewood for Trail Angels in Big Bear, etc. I dumpster dived and hiker boxed scored most of my calories. I had written an email and planned to stay a week volunteering at Hiker Heaven, in order to rest before continuing on was the original plan. When I finally did reach Agua Dulce, my perspective of the trail had changed a great deal. I found the rugged desolate nature I once read about on the trail was nowhere to be found in this new boom of thru-hiking popularity where every 15 minutes another person in a puffy is passing by asking how many miles you walked so far for the day. Being someone who decided to hike for solitude and ecological connection, I found the time alone rare and felt more like I was contributing to a form of unsustainable eco-tourism that made me feel ashamed. When Donna Saufley invited me to stay and offered to pay me for my help, I saw my safest route to exit the thru-hike attempt. I ended up staying for a month and a half, which turned out to be profitable to me at a rate of $100 a week for more than full-time work and access to lots of hiking gear.
I decided as Hiker Heaven closed its doors to northbound hikers on the 30th, I would take a train to Portland to work with radicals at OccupyICEPDX protesting the recent family separations and militarization of the border. When that ended, I combined my skills of frugal travel mixed with the endurance of long distance hiking to attempt bike touring down the coast. At the end of my trip, I went a route that put me through Agua Dulce on my way to visit friends in Tucson. While there I was invited to return for hiker season. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to work out as well as the year before, but had nothing better to do and no other prospects for replenishing my supplies. I kinda went out of my way to get a train ticket back from Tucson a month later, but had high hopes the season would make up for the loss.
It turned out upon returning the Pacific Crest Trail was facing very high snow levels at elevation in southern California due to the polar vortex, which pushed back the arrival of hikers by over a month. This is an uncontrollable thing for all parties involved, but meant for me I had a whole month of draining resources to take care of myself in the expensive nowhere mountain town of Agua Dulce. By the time the first groups of hikers began to show up, I’d already drained more resources than Donna was going to pay for the whole season. In a way, it began to feel like an entrapment to work anywhere from 30-60 hours a week just to make up for the net loss of getting into the situation in the first place. I began to notice more details than my short time at Hiker Heaven the year before. Suddenly the comments by Donna about supposedly “barely scraping by financially” became entangled (sometimes within hours) with talk of selling their house at a market value of $500k to move to the pacific northwest, increasing the workers’ of Saufley Electric’s pay, the possible $10-30k in donations from PCT hikers that would be flowing in, and their incessant shopping began to grate. Especially when said to someone who has been living out of backpacks (and now a bike) for nearly a decade of their life. It would be nothing for her to pay all their volunteers a stipend, but she chooses not to for her own benefit. It’s also not hard to imagine when draining resources just for the chance to listen to Donna’s opinions and finally learning some semblance of the economy behind everything, how my bohemian work gig I once thought great to avoid contributing to military violence by doing “volunteer work” for a possible $100 a week “gift” began to feel more like exploitation than the cheat code to avoid taxes to a murderous government it once was.
To make matters worse, those endless opinions from Donna were more politically fueled this year. As last year they had a “no talking politics” rule, most likely because they were an employing a hiker at the time with anti-Muslim and transphobic prejudices than for herself. An example of new frustrations began when Donna started to interrupt and point out my using gender neutral terms for everyone as “wrong.” When explained to her grammatically they/them has existed longer than he or she as a pronoun, with suggestions to learn this by googling some things her response was, “Well, at least I’m only going to be doing this one more year.” This alongside my constantly being referenced as a he/him was one of many annoyances (though it was something I was expecting to suffer for a couple months in exchange for the resources I thought I would get). It seemed I was just nodding my head at whatever the daily opinions were to get it over with, rather than debate a business owning white lady in a $500k house who gets all her news from nightly viewings of MSNBC that she might not have any clue what is happening in the streets or around the world (let alone gender theory).
Things finally came to a head when a group of rightwing hikers came through. Prior to this season you should know, I had discovered a great organization known as Indigenous Women Hike who had a campaign to bring the racism of John Muir into conversations among outdoors culture and industry. I had even been sponsored a Rethink The Wild shirt from them via an individual to wear for hiker season in order to start the conversation with people hiking across indigenous lands via the Pacific Crest Trail. Indigenous sovereignty is a very important issue for me is the reason why I would quit. I quickly began to feel uncomfortable by this group of hikers as they camped by the RV I was staying in and had late night campfire discussions where I overhead bits of Fox News-like dialogue-isms such as: “It’s not racist if it’s a fact, man” in reference to some statistics they were claiming about black people.
“I was never called a Nazi until Trump was in office and I told people I voted for him.”
And references to, “those antifa fucks” and “race wars.”
Originally I thought I would just wait out their leaving, as in all traveling it is a common occurrence to just have to put up with someone repeating Fox News rhetoric. The following day, however, Donna was taking one of them grocery shopping and I had to go along to get my own groceries. On the way back I was in the backseat listening to their discussion. It turned out this hiker (with a name I cannot recall) was an ex-military white South African and he began talking about his country/ politics. This began by Donna mentioning their liberal centrist views of not being proud of Donald Trump, in which he responded that in his country Donald Trump is considered an international hero. This he said was because he demanded white farmers stop being murdered in South Africa or the USA would intervene. The white genocide myth in South Africa is statistically inaccurate and is a story being spun by white nationalist groups around the world. He began talking about how in South Africa white people are the minority and black people would like to kill him just for his skin color. An example he had of this is how in America people consider Nelson Mandela to be a great leader, but his people call Nelson Mandela a terrorist. He lauded Fox News as the only accurate news representation, said journalists could never be trusted anywhere else and how in growing up surrounded by race wars he had a better understanding of what was happening in the world. Donna didn’t have much to say or counter any of this, other than a statement of maybe she would see things differently if she had lived his life and that, “maybe the South Africa stuff is like how everyone gets upset when Israel fires at Palestine, but never when Palestine shoots at Israel.”
The talk about all this dissipated as he spoke of his bodyguard work for figures such as Sean Connery, which seemed to delight Donna.
Back at Hiker Heaven the discussions with the rightwing hikers didn’t cease, and they seemed to get wide-eyed or talk of preparation for the future in the face of the race war stories this man had to tell them. The moment I knew I could no longer work for Donna Saufley was later that evening, while standing in the garage doing laundry. I described the kinds of things I heard these people talking about and called them white nationalists, with which Donna responded, “it makes my stomach churn to know there are people with those opinions here, but there is nothing I can do to change them.” She then followed this by describing how there are “some people” in this world who want to remove monuments or change the names of things, but they can’t change the past. Much like she can’t change their so-called opinions on race. This struck my last chord and so I brought up John Muir directly as a historical figure on the PCT and his anti-indigenous work with the Indian Removal Act that led to countless deaths. When she told me this was just the way things are and it’s silly to change it, I asked how returning the name to something as it was for thousands of years before Europeans invaded and put the name of someone responsible for their relatives' deaths as little as a couple hundred years ago was wrong? She became flustered and said it’s just the way it is, “and there’s nothing anyone can do to change it other than accept it.”
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I walked back to the RV I was staying in and didn’t leave it for the night. I halfway packed my stuff up in the realization I had to leave. The next afternoon, Donna came by and asked if I was ready to start working for the day. I told her I planned to leave in a couple days and no longer wished to work for her due to her racist views toward indigenous people and her centrism to (the money of) white nationalists/ supremacists. She then got angry and told me I had ONE HOUR to get off her property. This caught me off guard, as I expected her to at least give me the couple days to get my things in order and be civil about it. I told her no, I’ll leave in a couple days. She demanded I leave or she would call the sheriff. I told her to call the sheriff, as they would have to give me an eviction notice. She stomped off and I began packing to leave within an hour anyways, expecting her to escalate the situation. Within ten minutes she had cut off the power to the RV and turned off the Hiker Heaven WiFi. I’d began separating what could be carried on my bike and tossing useless/ trash items out the door due to the space being small. She then stood in front of the RV and called all the male hikers to gather around, where she then asked them to remove me from the property. Gaslighting and twisting the things I’d said around, such as saying I referred to ALL hikers as “white supremacists” (which thankfully the actual white supremacist and white nationalists had hiked out that morning) and how I had become anti-hiker (in reference to discussions I had with her about the environmental strain of thru-hiking culture over the last years). This is when I pulled out my phone and began to record in case it took a violent direction, as I knew my legal right to be there and how they didn’t have any right to lay a hand on me. I was honestly prepared to defend myself with mace in one pocket and a knife in the other. I hoped making them understand my position in some fashion, my legal right to defend myself in the scenario, warning them of my intention to do so, and the presence of a camera would deescalate the situation. Which thankfully, at some level it did! A few of them asked me if they could help me pack and I said no, plus demanded they not come near me. As I had no idea who these people were or what they might be preparing to do. One became aggressive (older man in back of photo below) demanding I be gone within an hour or he’d make me, alongside the oldest of the men being the most hostile. He even sat in a chair outside the RV while I packed my things telling me how I should be ashamed to insult such a “well-respected” lady of the hiking community. Only one of the hikers (wearing sunglasses in picture below) came up to me before I left and apologized for what was happening, then handed me $15. The rest made themselves scarce. Donna informed me as I was leaving if I shared what happened she would leave a “bad review” of me on my WarmShowers account (an app for cyclists to host bike tourists for free) so I would never have places to stay during my bike tours. As there doesn’t seem to be a depth Donna Saufley isn’t willing to sink to.
After leaving Hiker Heaven, I had to pedal two days to the nearest REI to return some hiking bags I got in order to have some money on the road. All in all, I am traveling again with several hundred dollars less than expected, lost $90 in groceries purchased the day before, and hundreds in equipment I wasn’t given the time to mail off. Not only did Donna prove to be their own kind of racist in the end, exploited labor out of people like me for years, but also ripped off someone with very little in the world for nearly half they own. I’m writing this about a month from the incident, because it’s the first time I’ve had enough of a break to do so. As pedaling 40-80 miles a day and trying to figure out what direction to go in takes up a great deal of time. My hope in sharing this is to encourage people not to support Hiker Heaven if they have any trace of ethics in their decisions, and simply not let such a privileged person get away with doing what they did without it following her legacy.
In the future, I intend to write more about my observations over two years around the thru-hiking industry and subsequent culture. My time spent interacting with such large amounts of hikers and history I learned while working at Hiker Heaven will be used, as well as this event. This article is more to have this specific incident out in the public to warn others ASAP.
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davids69811 · 3 years
Acquiring Prescription Glasses Online Correctly
On the internet spectacles keep not just offer prescription eyeglasses at reasonable price yet also offer glasses of same high quality as you will certainly be able to obtain it at a store near by. Not only has it supplied versatility of choosing variety of glasses at the convenience of your residence you will certainly not have to worry about collecting the glasses by driving couple of miles, the personalized prescription eyeglasses will certainly be delivered at your door action within 5-9 days as soon as you make the settlement.  Eye Exams Melbourne FL
Prior to you buy prescription spectacles on-line you will certainly require a prescription. You will need to go into the prescription online but it is recommended that you fax or send a scanned copy of prescription to the supplier. By doing this you can be assure that the prescription on the lenses will be processed accurately. If the issue day of the prescription mores than 365 days it's advised that you see your doctor and also obtain your prescription updated as the credibility duration of your prescription is for a year.
In addition to obtaining an up to date prescription it is essential that you get your eye frameworks gauged appropriately. All on the internet merchants have the eye structure measurement stated on their web site as well as it is needed to obtain the measurement of your current glasses right to make sure that the framework fits well. All online merchants comply with a conventional measurement format as an example 52-18-135-25-135. The very first # 52 represents the lens width, 18 is the bridge size, 135 is the holy place arm size, 25 is the structure elevation and 135 is the overall size of the framework (that is from holy place to temple). All the sizes are detailed in millimeters and while selecting a frame you would certainly need to make certain that the last measurement (complete size) matches the measurement of your present structure Sunglasses Florida.
The following action is to select a correct frame shape that compliments your face. Numerous online retails do provide assistance material on exactly how to pick a correct eye glasses according to your face framework or you can examine the online try out to obtain a basic overview of exactly how the eyeglasses would certainly look. This will absolutely aid you pick a frames that collections your individuality.
The last point that you would certainly need to examine is the pricing of the lenses. Some on-line shops provides glasses at extremely affordable price but there may be extra costs for the layer that they use like the Anti-Scratch Layer, Anti-Reflective Layer as well as UV protection. Once you pick these options that rate might go greater than anticipated. Some shop offers these covering absolutely free. We would recommend that you do a little study of various store before you buy the glasses to make sure that you will locate the very best price online.
Why Purchase Prescription Glasses Online?
Buying prescription eyeglasses online makes best sense. It is a terrific way to save time and money from the convenience of your house. With help from the internet, glasses wearers are no more at the mercy of local shops when choosing the most recent styles. You also do not need to bother with when the shop is open or shut. If you like to do your purchasing at 1:00 am Sunday morning then do not hesitate. Internet glasses carriers are open all the time each day.
No Boundaries
Primarily, the web provides an essentially limitless selection of spectacles. Numerous optometry patients feel obligated to purchase glasses directly from the minimal supply at their optometrist's workplace. The problem is, there's typically a very limited choice. Nonetheless, by leveraging the power of the internet, you can see the stock from several on-line shops in simply a few minutes. You are no longer bound by what your doctor chooses to carry in his supply. Besides, wouldn't you instead have your medical professional bother with your eye examination than what sort of glasses you are going to buy from him or her? Investing in your glasses online permits you to avoid the awkwardness of this regimen. Think of it. After you see your primary doctor he doesn't try to offer you medicines. Why should an optometrist's workplace be any kind of different?
Conserve Time
As opposed to driving to numerous companies to try out numerous pairs of glasses, you can easily sort with lots of versions in the quantity of time it would take you to walk to your auto. With the net, you likewise would not need to bother with a pushy sales person attempting to make their month-to-month allocation. With just a couple of clicks, you can do alongside comparisons of different versions from the world's best developers. And also, online sellers have a significant advantage over brick and mortar stores in regards to stock administration. What this means to you is, there are less worries about not having your choice in stock Sunglasses Florida.
Save Money
Saving money is of course the most effective part of buying online. Again, you'll conserve gas by not having to drive and in several states you'll conserve sales tax as well. Typically speaking, the cost of the glasses are considerably much less on the internet as well. Internet sellers simply do a far better job of supply administration and keeping overhanging reduced. The savings are handed down to the consumers. It is not uncommon to see discount rates of anywhere from 20 to even 40 percent. At a time when numerous health insurance companies would not cover all vision-related costs, cost savings like this can be incredibly handy to the pocket.
Just How to Acquire Prescription Eyeglasses Online
Prescription spectacles are those that are made as per the prescription of the ophthalmologist. There are a great deal of firms selling prescription spectacles online, for you to pick from. Most of them extol their product, yet you need to be very careful when getting spectacles, because it is one of the most important parts of your body.
Prescription glasses been available in 3 types; solitary vision, bifocal as well as the progressive. Single vision means both lenses have the very same focal size. Bifocal is where both the eyes have various series of flaw and also require lenses with various focal length. Progressive, on the various other hand, is flexible for small variations in focus Florida.
One of the most vital thing to bear in mind while getting prescription eyeglasses, is the quality as well as emphasis of the lenses. When acquiring on the internet you can not put on the glasses and also check the quality as well as emphasis. The best thing is to make certain that the measurements are accurate and comply with the dimensions of the glass you order. Lenses are made from pure glass, fibre glass and currently, there are the plastic lenses. Variants according to the material of lens can additionally take place.
The Alternative of Prescription Eyeglasses Online
Nowadays, a huge percentage of the globe population is being influenced by visual refractive mistakes. The groups of aesthetic defected folks in industrialized nations are also larger than those in establishing countries. An interesting sensation is that those visual troubles seem to trouble well-educated individuals. According to some eye care experts, refractive errors are primarily brought on by eyestrain as well as stress and anxiety which subsequently result from extreme eye usage Sun glasses Florida.
Based upon this theory, the pointed out sensation is after that explainable. With the boosting variety of individuals who have a refractive mistake, vision adjustment choices are also on the rise. For those that want to choose eyeglasses, there are both local eye-wear stores as well as prescription glasses online. Even call lens individuals can additionally have access to those two fundamental resources. Furthermore, there are still numerous freshly developed laser eye surgeries, like LASIK, LASEK, PRK etc.
In fact, those laser eye procedures provided above have been around for only a few years. There are really many surgeons and their connected personnel who always declare the advantages of those medical therapies. The most attractive benefit that is promoted extensively is that visual correction brought by surgical cure will certainly be long-term, to make sure that corrective spectacles and also contact lenses are no longer needed postoperatively. Yet several clients are still under careful factor to consider, rather than get an eye surgery instantly. The majority of them are still concerned about the prospective risks and problems brought by an eye medical therapy. This is never purposeless because even the most safe surgery LASIK is occasionally reported with unsatisfactory as well as even unfavorable end results.
Lots of people who need vision adjustment will certainly still stay in the world of corrective spectacles and also get in touch with lenses. Laser eye surgical procedures are available only from eye doctors. Yet glasses and call lenses are extensively given by opticians as well as eye doctors. Furthermore, also exclusive physicians and also most eye treatment practitioners are sources of prescription eye-wear. These regional resources together with eye-wear shops have remained as the major choice for several years. Given that corrective eyeglasses or calls must be offered under the problem that the consumer can supply a valid prescription, those regional sources have long been thought about as the most trustful alternatives. However in contemporaries, clients are enabled to purchase prescription contact lenses and prescription spectacles online. The only need remains intact: a legitimate, updated prescription. This brand-new network is benefiting a considerable amount of eye-wear users each year. Lower costs and added comfort are widely reported Florida.
Just How to Acquire Prescription Glasses Online
Action 1. Getting your glasses online is the same as buying them at a store, you need to head to the optometrist and also get your eyes evaluated. Also if you have actually had glasses for many years an eyeglass prescription need to be updated every 12 to 24 months. As soon as you have a current prescription the hard component mores than as well as the enjoyable can start.
Step 2. With prescription in hand you, are currently all set to go shopping! Now going shopping online is not the like shopping in a shop even if you can not try the glasses on, but truthfully I have actually been using glasses for more than 20 years and I have an excellent idea of what shape eyeglasses look excellent on me as well as what types do not, as well as I discover that not needing to deal with congested car park and also pushy sales people surpass the ability to try on a pair of glasses. Yet if this is your initial pair of glasses or just are not sure what style of glasses would look excellent on you after that you can constantly most likely to the shopping mall and also try on a few hundred pairs of glasses to see which style compliments your face best and afterwards go residence as well as get them online.
Step 3. If you are not buying prescription glasses you can miss to step 4. Make certain you can understand what is composed on your prescription before entering it right into your order. If you have any kind of questions you can constantly contact the consumer assistance as well as they will more than happy to aid you in this action. Many online optical shops will have extra choices for you to send your prescription with the most typical being by fax or email. Obtaining this info appropriate is critical. If you input the numbers incorrect you will certainly not be able to see with your new glasses, and also will certainly need to return them Florida
Tip 4. This is where lots of sites will ask you if you want to open a complimentary account with them or go right to the check out. It is recommended that you do pick to open an account with them, and I'll inform you why. By opening an account they can maintain all your information on document and following time you intend to get a brand-new set of glasses online you can go back to the area you bought your previous paid enter in, log in and also they will certainly have all your previous orders and also you previous prescriptions. Let's claim you shed your glasses, just log in choice a brand-new set and that is it. Now you have to place in all your personal information such as your name and also address. Make the effort to assess what you have placed in before you go to the following action. One wrong keystroke and your glasses may wind up on the wrong side of the nation Shades Florida.
Tip 5. This is where you are offered the alternatives of just how you can spend for your brand-new glasses. A lot of significant charge card will be approved by any kind of respectable prescription glasses web site, as well as several offer you the option to use PayPal as well.
Spectacles Online - Why Should You Buy Prescription Glasses Online?
There are numerous choices currently readily available for anyone that is looking to purchase either spectacles online or even offline. All the choices offered have their own benefits and disadvantages. For example, many or lots of people that acquire their prescription reading from their lens or medical professionals often tend to initial visit as well as check out the selection that their local optician or eyeglasses shop offers. On the very first browse through, some folks will eventually locate the prescription spectacles or sunglasses that look best on them. Nonetheless, the affordability element then comes into play for numerous. Some individuals, if not lots of, will certainly discover that the best set of glasses for them is simply not within their methods.
With your local eyewear electrical outlet, the fantastic thing is you have the ability to try on as lots of set of structures that you such as. All you need to do is make a short trip to your closest store and you're almost done. Additionally, any set of glasses that you do like, they can be readjusted there and afterwards if it is needed. Nevertheless, as discussed above, the cost aspect for many frameworks and layouts and also specifically the designer makes, might make it un-affordable for some. On the other hand, there does exist an alternative. Actually, buying spectacles online is ending up being more and more of a trend and also attended be expanding rather rapidly in recent times.
The major and also largest benefit for this is the savings that can be made online. Likewise, the choice available in some on the internet stores will certainly be a lot more than the majority of if not all offline shops. The primary factor for less expensive costs (for either the specific pair of glasses you would get offline or very comparable) and also a greater collection, is the considerable price savings that online vendors can make by running an online shop (i.e. reduced operating expenditures etc). These financial savings are then passed on to you the client in the form of reduced prices and also a wider option of items. Florida.
The downside to ordering on the net is that you are just able to try on glasses once you have actually gotten them through the message. You may have conserved quite a bit of money by purchasing online, but do they fit pleasantly and so on. Nowadays, most good Web sellers and also shops provide an in-depth online dimension solution. This is where you can provide details of your current framework dimensions etc and additionally your facial shape or framework. Nonetheless, a few merchants go that little bit more and enable you to publish a picture or image of your face. After that, making use of click as well as drag out the on-line page, you are after that able to "try out" as lots of frames and also designs as you desire. By doing this, you can after that see which designs look best or most suitable on you Sun glasses Florida.
7 Things To Think About When Getting Prescription Glasses Online
Many people never take into consideration purchasing their prescription eye wear online till the doctor gives them the retail price. Many people enter into shock as well as once they recoup they just go residence, go online, start purchasing a much better cost, as well as a reputable company to buy from ... simpler said after that done.
Below are 7 points an individual requires to consider:
Go with an Eye Exam - Before a person starts searching for eye wear, a person must ensure their prescription is up to day. In Florida, a prescription benefits 5 years however every person need to get an eye test every one to 2 years.
Take A Look At Glasses Frames at a Neighborhood Store - To get a feeling of which design appropriates, the very best means is to go to local stores to locate a framework. The worse point to do is go online as well as select a framework that may not fit or be a good seek an individual.
Found a Framework - Now that a frame has actually been selected, view on the inside component of the holy place to obtain the design name, shade code, as well as size off the frame. Simply list whatever that gets on the within component of both temples and also go house to begin looking online.
Research study for a Reliable Online Glasses Store - There are numerous online spectacles stores but which one is great and which one misbehaves. Right here are some points to take into consideration when examining a website:
Examine the web site's score at Better Organization. If they're below a 'C' after that possibly the website might not be trustworthy. If the website is a BuySafe Surefire Site then you're managing a credible web site. Get Safe is a 3rd party business that ensures a purchase for as much as $500. Acquire Safe would not offer their assurance if the internet site was the legitimate Florida. If the site does not look professional after that take into consideration another website. Still have uncertainties, call as well as spoke with an agent as well as questions. See to it a 100% money-back guarantee is provided for the prescription lenses ... very vital. Find the Design Number on the Website - The most convenient and also fastest means to find a version on a website is to type the number/name in the search bar Sunglasses Florida.
Add Prescription Lenses - A lot of web sites offer prescription lenses however a lot of these on-line web sites are ran by physicians however a website using a money-back assurance is possibly a Wholesale Optical Lab which is the best way to go. If there's any type of problems understanding what sort of prescription lenses to buy below are somethings to think about to assist break it down:
Lens Kind - Every prescription lens has a lens type. The different lens types are: Solitary Vision, Progressives, Bifocals, as well as Trifocals. If a prescription does not have an include power then the lens type would certainly be Single Vision. If there's an add power but having a line in the lens is not needed then pick a dynamic lens or else known as "No-Line Bifocal" or "No-Line Trifocal". Many people choose a Single Vision or Progressive lens type Florida. Lens Product - Relying on the strength of a prescription, especially the Ball value determines the material one ought to selected. Every lens has a lens kind and is made is some type of product like: Platic, Polycarbonate, High Index 1.67, or High Index 1.74 (only offered in Single Vision). Selecting the proper material is important so the lens are cosmetically slim. Tinting Alternatives - This attribute is completely optional yet it include Shifts (clear indoors and also dark outside), Tint (can be light tint or dark tint), Polarized Lenses (Perfect for Sun glasses for maximum optics), and Drivewear (combination of Transitions as well as Polarized Lenses). Anti-Reflective Covering - This decreases the glow from a computer system, TV, fluorescent lights, night driving, and also it softens an individual eyes which provides the lens an undetectable appearance. A-R is a feature yet not a necessity. It does minimize the glow so ones eyes do not end up being tired out as quick. Input Prescription - It is best to email or fax your prescription to place all the obligation on the firm to manufacturer the prescription lenses to spec. Check out - This is very vital, ensure the internet site's check out is secure as well as is VeriSign Trusted.
That's it! A site ought to just take about 7 organization days to refine a prescription order. Additionally, ensure that if there are any type of concerns with seeing properly the company will certainly enables a client to return the lenses for them to produce new lenses.
If somebody adheres to the above actions an individual can save as much as 50% off market prices when purchasing prescription glasses or prescription sunglasses. Good Luck as well as Delighted Buying!
Prescription Spectacles - Shopping For Glasses the Easy Means
When it's time to search for new eyewear, you are possibly going to search for glasses the antique way. This means that you will certainly go to the regional eyeglasses shop as well as check out the racks of costly eyewear. You will certainly likewise listen to sales staffs as they try to market you their most costly products. The truth is that there is a better way to purchase glasses. The shops are not the best method any longer, as well as they are absolutely not the only method. What you require to do is browse the web to purchase prescription spectacles. This is the manner in which supplies you the greatest benefit, the most affordable costs, and one of the most control Florida.
When you purchase prescription spectacles online, you are placing the whole experience in your hands. When you most likely to the store, you might assume that the experience remains in your hands, yet you are experiencing a pressure that you may not also recognize. This is because there are various other customers around that might be taking a look at you to see which glasses you choose as you attempt them on. There are additionally sales clerks that might have payment or certain allocations to fill up. This is the purchasing of the past. When online, you take a look at just the glasses you like from the convenience of your very own residence.
One more fantastic advantage of buying prescription glasses online is that it is one of the most convenient method. This is due to the fact that when you are shopping online, you don't need to go anywhere. You can browse as many different sets of glasses as you would certainly like with simply a few clicks of the computer mouse. It actually is the most convenient process. After that you will certainly discover the eyeglasses of your choice in a plan at your front door. This is definitely the most convenient means to look for prescription eyewear.
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dipteshblogger · 3 years
Is it wise to invest time in learning about blockchain now?
Think Smart, Learn Blockchain Before Investing in it
By the end of this article, you will understand Blockchain Technology – Cryptocurrency and the other necessary factors that are connected to this ecosystem. You will also know topics that are very important for any beginner or pro who is interested in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.
In this contemporary and fast swelling world of the internet, gathering knowledge on the latest trending technologies is becoming imminent. And if the technology enables you to invest your funds, then having a deep knowledge is mandatory and primitive. We will have a detailed study of one such technology which has accumulated much traction in recent times.
2020 has been a year for the blockchain industry, New technological use cases, Smart contracts, Defi, and the aggressively growing Interest of millennials.
Is Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency on your mind? Are you struggling to understand how Blockchain operates? Are you looking for core information about this ecosystem that will help your investment ideas? You’ve been on the right Page and at the right time.
Blockchain! A Term that is surfacing on the Internet, Social media, News, and grabbing high volume of attention globally for more than a decade now.
Blockchain & It’s Working
Blockchain technology is referred to as ‘Distributed Ledger Technology’ or ‘DLT’ is a technology that allows digital information to be distributed but not copied. In this technology, the digital information is transferred in the form of ‘Blocks’ which is stored in the public database called ‘Chain’.
Blocks in the blockchain are specifically made up of digital information like transaction date, participant details, etc. Each block stores a unique code called ‘Hash’ which distinguishes each block from one another.
How does the blockchain Operate?
Consider a spreadsheet that can be easily shared with a network of computers where-in thousands of duplicates can be created. You update any data in your spreadsheet and it gets updated on all the computers within the network. Blockchain works similarly.
Whenever a new transaction is requested on the blockchain network, a new block is created with the details of the transaction. This block is given a unique Id called ‘Hash’. The block is sent to all nodes in the network for the confirmation of the transaction.
The nodes validate the transaction and share their Proof-of-Work. Nodes receive a reward for a successful proof of work. The transaction is completed by adding the block to the existing chain.
Why is Blockchain Untampered and Untraceable?
Every block contains three main information: – Data, Previous Hash value, and current Hash value.
When a person called A has to transfer $100 to a person B. A block is created with the details of the transaction and a unique hash value. Further, if person B transfers $50 to person C, a new block is created with the previous hash value and the new hash value is calculated and stored.
As we can see, every new block carries the Hash value of the previous block. And for this reason, the possibilities of any illegal activities would be nullified. If in any case the transaction is altered, the hash values are not replaced but the new block is created with a new hash value.
Find it Interesting -> Read more about the Blockchain technology features, applications, drawbacks, Recent updates, the future, and much more.
Blockchain technology revolutionized the banking and finance markets, cybersecurity space, supply chain management, artificial intelligence, etc. It has been seen that since after its launch it began disrupting many industries through its technological features.
Among all such Use cases of Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency (Finance) is the First and Majorly used domain.
Let’s Read about
The First Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Built on Blockchain Technology
Bitcoin is the first-ever invented Cryptocurrency built on Blockchain Technology. It operates in a decentralized, Peer-to-peer network system with no central authority or bank to manage funds or transactions. BTC is the Symbol of Bitcoin identification.
Bitcoin was created in 2008 by an anonymous person whose identity remains a mystery for over a decade. It is rumored that a Pseudonym named “Satoshi Nakamoto” ( A person or group of people) is believed to be the creator.
It was officially released in 2009 with a Whitepaper( A Document contains structural, functional, and organizational details) as an alternative to the existing fiat money banking system.
There are only 21 Million Bitcoins (21,000,000) ever created, so this is the Maximum supply of bitcoin. Bitcoin transactions are processed using a method called “Bitcoin Mining” wherein a global network of computers use complex mathematical algorithms to verify each BTC transaction to execute the blocks and are rewarded for successful mining.
Today, We have over 7.1 million active Bitcoin users globally who are able to easily store and exchange it easily in multiple forms over multiple platforms under the ecosystem. Just like and more than the normal Fiat currency does.
Bitcoin today is trading at $ 50,109.0000
Bitcoin is not a complex term to understand, it’s Simple and Worth. Read more about Bitcoin working, history, purpose, advantages / Disadvantages.
As of 2020, we record more than 6000 + active cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, which may have different technical setups but all function the same way.
These different cryptocurrencies other bitcoin are called Altcoins ( alternate coins) and are built on Standard blockchain or a blockchain ledger system of their own.
Some of the Popular altcoins are Etheruem(ETH), Ripple(XRP), Litecoin(LTC)……. Altcoins built on Ethereum
The whole blockchain network is depending upon the block confirmations done by the miners(discussed below). And the miners use concepts like Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake to compete among themselves. Let's know more about these concepts.
Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake
Proof-of-Work(PoW) is an original consensus algorithm in a blockchain network. This algorithm is used to confirm transactions and add up new blocks to the blockchain. With PoW miners compete with each other to complete the transactions so that they receive the rewards.
Basically, miners solve a puzzle to form a new block on the blockchain. The complexity of the puzzle depends on the number of users, the current power, and the network load. The most famous application of PoW is Bitcoin. Here the puzzle is the Hashcash and the average time taken for PoW and to create a new block is 10 minutes. The other cryptocurrencies also follow a similar system.
Proof-of-Stake(PoS) concept gives more mining power to the person with more coins. In simple words, if a miner has more bitcoin or any altcoin, he/she can mine or validate more block transactions.
Crypto mining requires immense computing power to solve different puzzles which are nothing but cryptographic calculations. The computing power consumes huge amounts of electric resources. Sometimes, miners sell off their rewards in order to combat the electricity bills.
Therefore PoS attributes the miners according to their holding with an aim to address this issue. For an instance, if a miner possesses 3 percent of the Bitcoin available then he can mine only 3 percent of blocks.
Initial Exchange Offering(IEO)
In an IEO, the cryptocurrency exchange raises funds on behalf of the start-ups. Unlike ICO, the IEO audience is limited to the users of that particular exchange. IEO allows users of the platform to acquire shares in the form of tokens.
IEO is considered a more secure platform to invest as they are carried out with the help of a third party. All the projects that wish to launch an IEO have been examined thoroughly as the exchange reputation might get a pullback with scam projects being listed for raising funds.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms just like the stock market trading sites where buyers and sellers are connected to exchange Cryptocurrencies for other Cryptocurrencies or regular fiat currencies with the current market price.
Cryptocurrencies Are The Hot Topic Of This Century And Quite An Intimidating And Intrigued Topic That Everyone Wants To Learn About. Now If You Are A Beginner Then It Is Strictly Advised That Do Not Perform Any Kind Of Trading Or Exchanges Without Having Complete Knowledge About The Exchanges.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms just like the stock market trading sites where buyers and sellers are connected to exchange Cryptocurrencies for other Cryptocurrencies or regular fiat currencies with the current market price.
These exchanges are generally owned by a team or a person, but they also come from Decentralized exchanges that operate without any central authority in a decentralized peer-to-peer system.
The Exchange platform offers multiple methods of exchanging cryptocurrencies.
There are 2 main types of Exchanges
· Centralized exchanges(CEX)
Centralized usually means an authority keeping a close eye on the transactions and also securing the assets on behalf of the buyer and seller. Therefore,a Centralized exchange is a place where the trade of cryptocurrencies takes place within the monitored environment. The transactions are not recorded on the blockchain.
The customers are also required to submit and verify their identity details in order to trade on this platform. The more details the user provides to the exchange, the more benefits are provided including high withdrawal limits.
Eg of Centralized exchanges are Coinbase, Binance, LocalBitcoins, etc
· Decentralized Exchanges(DEX)
Decentralized exchange, on the contrary, works the same as the centralized exchange but without any interference from third parties. The trader is not required to verify himself, he can keep his identity anonymous and trade.
Unlike the CEX, DEX does not charge any fees for using the platform without having any possibility of a hack. However, DEX is considered more volatile as the control is in the hands of users rather than any platform. All the transactions are recorded on the blockchain.
Cryptocurrency Wallet
A cryptocurrency wallet is a virtual device or physical medium that is used to store and secure cryptocurrencies. The Wallets also allow you to Send and Receive coins to a similar address.
Crypto wallets function on Cryptographically encrypted Public and Private keys that Identify, store, and protect your assets. A wallet can support multiple currencies, each identified by its Unique address.
There are basically two types of crypto wallets
· Hot Wallets or Online Wallets
Hot wallets are virtual devices that are used to store cryptocurrencies. As it is connected to the internet, it is easy to set up and access. But at the same time, it has more chances to get infiltrated or hacked.
The hot wallets are provided by the centralized exchanges also. User can open their account on the exchanges and store the cryptos.
· Cold Wallets or Offline Wallets
Cold wallets as the name suggests are the external devices used to store cryptocurrencies. It works similarly to any USB device. But it is considered the most secure way to store your cryptocurrencies.
However, cold wallets cannot be accessed at your fingertips to carry out any immediate transactions. The most trusted offline wallets are Tresor Wallet.
Cryptocurrency Mining
Cryptocurrency mining is a process of verifying the transactions on the blockchain and adding it to the ledger. This is done by programmed computers(miners) by solving some complex equations.
Each transaction initiated on the blockchain must be verified by multiple computers in the mining network to complete the transaction and then add these records to the Blockchain ledger called Proof-of-Work ( POW).
The mining process is basically new coins in exponential value which is the reward for miners on each successful verification.
Bitcoin mining, altcoin mining, or Cryptocurrency mining has been a very popular term since the time of the invention of bitcoin, it involves interesting factors like halving, Pool, Schemes.
Follow our detailed guide in Cryptocurrency mining to understand more about mining and how to start your own mining setup
What is Defi – The Decentralized Finance
Defi – Decentralized finance is a financial application of the decentralized ecosystem, where-in one can get access to a wide range of Defi features like staking, lending of cryptos, etc. Generally built on Smart Contracts – Blockchain, Defi module can be used to develop a decentralized alternative to any existing financial services.
Defi has emerged to be the most prominent use case of blockchain technology, as all the financial services can now have easy access to decentralize themselves for an untampered, no-hackable, Wide, and high return generating revenue model.
As in decentralized exchange, Defi also has no room for a third party. The buying or selling or lending happens between the two parties and all the terms and conditions are mentioned in a ‘Smart Contract’. The smart contract would be considered as completed only when the conditions in the contract are completed.
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haveyourmagic · 3 years
What Happens In Hypnotherapy
How Hypnotherapy can create real breakthroughs
By gently inviting relaxation of the physical body and the conscious mind (like a guided meditation process) which deepens the brainwaves states, allowing the bypassing the CCF analytical mind, hypnosis can easily facilitate communication with the subconscious mind to discover the root cause of problems.  After therapeutic intervention and re-framing, the conditioned habitual/fear based thought patterns can be cleared and more positive ideas introduced successfully. This can be a transformational process and really help you move forwards. According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are only conscious of about 5% of our cognitive activity. 95% of brain activity is beyond conscious awareness yet affects body functions, judgements, decisions, and actions. Equally certain emotions and behaviours that we often can’t rationalize and that are not alignment with our conscious goals, or can even sometimes even sabotage health!  I decided to train in Hypnotherapy after some fantastic breakthroughs.  I found it so fascinating and powerful and still do, every session. It helped me shift some blockages I couldn’t consciously resolve. I had no idea just how much traumatic experiences in my childhood and even past lives were affecting me!
What can I expect in a Hypnotherapy Session?
After a complimentary consultation call 20mins or so via phone/Facetime/Skype/Zoom etc we can explore what it is you’d like to work on and how many sessions you may need. I’ll ask you to complete a pre-session questionnaire (which frees up time in the first session allowing it to be more productive). All is shared in confidence in a safe space without judgement, to best help you. When you’re ready I’ll guide you into a relaxing safe state of ‘trance’ (reached often in daydreaming, for instance being ‘in the zone’, being on autopilot navigating familiar routes etc). For around 30mins (N.B. Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy  Session is 2hrs) we will work with your inner wisdom through the powerhouse and guide that is your subconscious mind (which has recorded everything and of course keeps your body functioning without reminders). You can still communicate by IMRs (finger signals) or some clients can still speak clearly enough. Your subconscious mind as your ‘protector’ will only take you where it wants to, nothing is ever forced.  I hold your hand, helping you along the way to transformation, encouraging you at each step of your journey.
Regression Therapy, Inner Child Healing & Past life Regression.
Profound healing work can happen here as I help you to resolve issues and making you feel really safe to regress to childhood to send healing and re-frame traumas that may have resulted in fears, anxieties, self esteem issues, trust in self others and life etc.  Hypnotherapy is powerful work to help you get back firmly in the driving seat of your life leaving behind the sabotage, or extreme bewildering emotions that can arise when a wounded inner child is triggered and ‘freaks out’.  This is why we often see adults having ‘tantrums.’ This upset part of you can be like a sub-personality that feels stuck in time with the threat happening in real time. By offering more reassurance and love from the present moment than was available at the time and with this understanding and reframing, this part is happier and can be re-integrated. This liberating process sets you free from the fears, low self-esteem or habits and reactions you hadn’t been able to move past. Literally going back in time to rescue a younger you and freeing you up to live fully.
Past Life Regression can be the way to heal and show the reason behind more baffling problems, inexplicable fears and sometimes even physical pain from past life wounding and interesting connections between people. Clues to past lives can be instant dislike or that feeling you’ve known someone forever!
E.g. A client couldn’t get over an ex even though his behaviour was toxic for her…With Past Life Regression her subconscious mind revealed a past life centuries ago. They were brother and sister, he was very ill she lovingly promised him that he wouldn’t die to cheer him up. He died and she carried the guilt that she couldn’t save him into this life where yet again she couldn’t save him from alcoholism. After the healing and self-forgiveness and making new vows to look after herself, she has now moved moved on with her life happily.
I’ve led many sessions of past life regression therapy and have also received many helpful past life regression sessions along the way too! I understand how to check for and clear negative vows or contracts that have been made which are not serving you this lifetime!
You can imagine how perhaps past allegiances sworn, lives in service to the Church, vows of celibacy, not accepting money and so on aren’t very helpful if you want a relationship / a thriving business now! I am glad to be able to make you feel really safe even literally hold your hand as we seek the information. It is NOT about re-traumatisation, you can choose witness something on a movie screen / float above the scene. When the healing is complete you are brought back to present day, unless we are guided by your subconscious mind to visit the Inter Life – This can be an incredibly reassuring experience especially if your ‘purpose eludes you or your self esteem is very low etc. I love facilitating your organic empowerment through these breakthroughs. As you feel happier, more inner peace, inner strength, self trust and more capable and as you become in alignment conscious mind, subconscious mind, heart and body then you really can manifest more of your desires more easily.
Future Creation
Once blockages are cleared at this root cause level then I can help you plant the seeds for your new chapters. Inviting the subconscious to magnetise to you the new opportunities, people or projects in line with your highest good  and thus you can experience the changes you desire, easier and easier from now on, over the coming days, weeks and months.
Positive Reinforcement
To enhance positive programming for performance, confidence, and also to remain a Non-Smoker a resource state can be created easily. In NLP this is often termed an ‘anchor’ Using just your fingers it is discreet and easily implemented in public situations. These grow stronger with use.
Is it possible to not wake up?
No. Hypnosis has been around in one form or another for hundreds of years and there are no reported cases of anyone, ever becoming permanently hypnotised! At the end of the session I will gently count you back to the present moment and make sure you’re grounded, feeling ready to for the rest of your day. Clients talk about feeling refreshed like they’ve had a lovely nap.
When will I see results and how many sessions are needed?
Some things maybe one session like treating a phobia. Or Stopping Smoking.
Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand, we have free will and to really experience change we must consciously commit also to better self care, self talk, the ‘stories’ we tell and identify with, these all have a massive effect. Our words are like spells. I believe the more we choose to be responsible for ourselves and develop more awareness, the more we can truly create the changes we want.
Many of my clients like to book three sessions. I’ve often seen clients have beautiful breakthroughs through Hypnotherapy to overcome low self-esteem that is a multi layered issue – we can journey with specific lenses such as- to address self trust, deserving good things, trusting there’s a reason for you to be here and also getting in touch with your purpose.  Creating breakthroughs in relationships problems – patterns of people pleasing and lack of boundaries or always going for ‘unsuitable’ potential partners. Also unravelling anxiety that may have become a pattern, or more confidence and overcoming stage fright. Our subconscious minds know the answers to most things that we don’t understand:-
I offer special pricing to clients who book three sessions upfront.
I can make a recording of the session and send you as an mp3 to listen to and re-affirm the positive suggestions made.
Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy – One 2 hr session  £250 with positive reinforcement to keep you on track.
One stop smoking client was in a high profile /pressure celebrity management role:
“I don’t even think about it and if I do it feels like a weird distant past memory.”
We’ll work together to understand the core reason why you smoke e.g. loneliness, to be accepted, boredom and help re-programme that need as a thing of the past so that this change can be permanent. You’ll be given an anchor – resource state to support you you can do anywhere if triggered. The session is further strengthened with a personal reinforcement audio I’ll record and send  to you as an mp3. Cigarettes are so  harmful and expensive – the investment in your health will free up your budget for other treats you’ll enjoy more instead!
Sessions are now online my time zone is London -GMT
Have Your Magic -Wellbeing Hypnotherapy Sessions after lockdown:-
Also in Nw6  Queens Park.  Some home visits possible in NW London.
Have Your Magic -Wellbeing, Primrose Hill close to Chalk Farm Tube
Have Your Magic -Wellbeing in the City –  Near Liverpool Street in The City of London
Regular Wellbeing Events
I am also a fan of Sound Healing as a Gong Master I offer de-stressing Gong Baths with a guided meditation to deepen brain wave states and activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System giving you deep relaxation mind and body. Weekly – please see events.
I can tailor Hypnotherapy, De-stressing Techniques and Sound Healing for Corporate Wellbeing Events / as luxuriously nurturing Pamper Parties. I’ve provided Wellbeing Events at: BBC RadioLondon, Soho House, The Union Club, Cloud Twelve Club, A Place to Heal, Getahead Festival and Gymbox.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. I welcome your enquiry and sincere questions. Let’s discuss what breakthroughs I can help you with. Contact me here.
To know more about hypnotherapy in london uk please visit the website.
Connect on Social Media Platforms
Instagram @haveyourmagic
Facebook @haveyourmagic
LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicoleharveyuk/
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leiraevol · 4 years
20200319 8:29am
I love him!
And he loves me!
But it’s different than romantic love. I wasn’t attracted to him for sexual purpose. But we are very very close, like we are comfortable holding each other to sleep, showering together, peeing in front of the other, wearing each other’s underwear etc. it’s very unique.
It’s like the love for a really really good friend, like finding “知音”, someone who floats within the same frequency slot like you, yet from a different way. There are not much polarities so to speak (difference in frequency); but like to like.
It’s a very different form of relationship and connection. It confused me with my sex addiction and marriage fantasy issues; so I was trying to put a label on it, yet failed and suffered. If I have to put us into conventional box, or him into a simple value level, I am still being dogmatic and not fully floating.
Yea, if I really “discovered” the secret, then why would I be wasting time waiting for a bunch of late boomers to become awake? It’s best to play the game and show the world myself, first!
Well if they are interested in learning how later, I can then teach them.
He’s the other joker. That’s why we understands each other. He’s more black and white and I am the one with the colors.
Embrace who you are; not judging it. Manuwavering is perfectly fine in a dry fact based system. It’s all a game. Telling different levels of truth, intentionally misdirecting conversations, leaving important parts of the information — is it the same as lying?
As the system gets more and more complex and we are more and more connected, it’s time our judgements flexibility also raises.
It’s really nice because he’s deep in his view of the outter world; and I am deep in my contemplation of the inner world.
I think that’s why we need each other. To experience and understand the others world, thus expanding who we are, together.
He probably will be a long term partner of some kind, probably business, because the friendship is deep and we are both talented and we adore each other, so why not make something happen together to the world?
Maybe real humans are not suppose to have that many sex in their lives? Most animals only do sex to reproduce, right? Perhaps it’s better to focus attention somewhere else, and not let the society media advertisements induced addictions take over? Most of them are fake knowledges and heavy lying with little regards to human well beings. — typical level 5 stuff, right?
Hey, I do not have real many friends. And probably will limit the access even more once I am at the position of choosing. It is an “opportunity” to be my friend, yes. With the juice of Eric I don’t feel I need to extra socialize with many— they are a waste of time.
We are living— either we work hard together, we motivate each other, or we play together and really have fun and live. We seem to be on the same page and matching steps.
Wow if that’s how universe introduce who I needed the most— a business partner to me, I am truly amazed and grateful.
Theories now become real actions and game plans, while documenting and celebrating along way.
If new art forms can be distorted and weird and still being authentic, why not writings? Why not performance? Being weird is the new cool thing. The majority, or all of us, are somehow attracted to things we don’t know, and we want to know them to expand our consciousness anyway . That’s the real “work” on earth, and should really be priceless. But in the capitalism world, perhaps we can input some price label to make people really appreciate the concept.
It’s best to offer some form of ownership — it’s a cool thing, it’s like, even though I don’t have the time or mental capacity to read books, but I like to buy them
And own them so I feel a sense of ownership and somehow connected to the field and the bigger expansion.
There must be energy exchange, then based on that it’s how much I value the interaction.
Ideally people are willing to pay more for what they like more. That’s one order. Or for whatever reason they somehow paid a lot of money for something, then they would start to like that more simply because it’s more expensive, more energy was given out. But energy doesn’t lose or diminish under physical laws, so as they are doing the exchange, new dynamics are formed and energy are added to both the work and the buyer and the creator.
People are on earth to do their “work”— the expansion inner work as well as the the expansion of outer material world. And they strive for balance. So after some one who made a lot of money in the out world, he or she must have an urge to fill her inner world as well to get balanced.
If abstract painting, cubism was a thing to distort a person, and people like it, I wonder if language will also exist not to “make sense”, but to emit “power” and vibes?
It’s good to stay away from all who manipulate you to feel like shit, only stay close to those who make you feel good about yourself— then you can do good. Everyone is manipulating, but the difference is, to what direction? What’s the intention? Is it good for me?
I have a choice about what to follow and what not. Really get to understand who cares and how they care and to what degree.
Under ecology and respecting the other persons world, it’s ok to maneuver to my direction, because it will be mutually beneficial in the long run. It’s a process, wait, the game hasn’t even started.
You have been doing massive amount of prep work, to get you trained, and get you experienced, and more skills, to start the next phase of life.
It’s not about you two anymore; it’s about something from you and bigger than you, it’s about something for the rest of the world who don’t have access to your mental plane. And you, give them the access, and charge for it.
It’s almost like opening up Einstein’s brain and have a tour in his inner world — get to know his thinking process, his emotions, how things interact with him, how he arrived at where he’s at, etc. we have a tendency of being curious about something fascinating and something we don’t know. Thus we read about people’s biographies. But the new way to present a person is probably now both inner and outter— both have work and show the process as well. Something to be put in museums later. Lots of artists got to live for a long time because their inner and outter world still have value to the rest of the world, and thus business people have their shows out of love or profit making.
Yea, can’t stop me from thinking big.
In the “real” world, business people work for true artists, not the other way around. Founders of unicorn companies are some of the biggest artists ever. Then the business people work for them.
It’s about what level what skill you have as an artist, which decide where you will stand in this art-business dance.
Ideas. Concepts. Intriguing. Enlightening. Educating. Empowering.
Or simply beautiful, authentic, even bizarre.
They are things companies and eligible individuals like to own.
In company you work you get paid, quick. With art, sometimes it will take a long time before you see a paycheck that covers generously all of your previous work, known (work came to being) or unknown (the pieces that die during the process). The creation process is part of the effort,and the more you put in, the more that will come back to you in one way or the other — pure enjoyment of it, or even material payment; it’s an adding process.
Con-artists are still artists, they possess different types of skills, the dark triangle of people. If we look at them from purely expansion point of view, and appreciate the craftsmanship, I think we can still derive value out of it. Like a tragedy movie — it still holds emotional value despite not being a comedy, some times tragedy makes people remember it more, and had a deeper ripple for someone who’s due to experience some sort of emotions within him or she.
Ownership huh.
Maybe it’s good to keep things private, first. Before selling for more. Before someone copying things without me being able to sue them back. The criptical currency solve this media plagiarism 尴尬。 it’s helping the art community for sure. Where ideas and concepts all have value, the more closer to the ground the more value it has. Like a tree giving out fruits, but it takes dedication to grow a tree. Yet someone who’s growing a tree with all the patience in the world, won’t be able to if he or she simply doesn’t have the seeds. So it’s critical someone sells the seed in the process. But seeds compare to the fruit, probably won’t be able to charge a lot of money for one, yet can still make a living selling a lot. Wait, or not. Being the only exclusive seed on earth, at least can sell higher than other commodities. You as a buyer are still not sure if the seed will turn into a tree yet, but at least now you own the golden ticket— an opportunity to have a gold tree.
It depends on how you look at it.
Usually the more money one has, the more artistic /creative one is, the more “任性” they can become, and the more willing to present more resources for the things they like. And they can simply afford more of their expensive tastes. That’s it.
I’ve been there. Tested it. It feels good. But gotta make sure it’s your own money first. Not so fun to get in debt.
Perhaps being “sick “ was my entire market research effort— by becoming one of the consumers. Yes I shop weird, but there must be people just like me, maybe not the majority, and they will be the target .
Being “sick” is my natural acting, it’s the price I have to pay to get funding through the resources. Who are motivated by obligations and responsibilities. Pay now, enjoy later. No fun though.
It’s also an investment from a business perspective.
Yea he’s kind like Brendon, or John Strait, but a younger more socially acceptable version. 知音。they really love you but not trying to “hold住” 你。
大女人是拿来爱的, 不是拿来hold住的。
They bring the best version out of your self.
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auto insurance ames iowa
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auto insurance ames iowa
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Condo Insurance
Condo Insurance, who offered renters insurance discounts in 2015 for homeowners who live across from the Great American Hot Rod restaurant. The company said it is working with its insurance broker team to determine if anyone can make a claim on this policy, in addition to an agent. *Please note the information could be changed or updated, and the rates may change without notice. For any questions, to contact the company s customer service department: 1-800-222-7869 We have to make it. The company said it is working with its insurance broker team to determine if anyone can make a claim on this policy, in addition to an agent. The company said it is working with its insurance broker team to determine if anyone can make a claim on this policy, in addition to an agent. *No. The name of the company was changed to Independent Insurance Company And the brand is also changed to Independent Insurance Company of the Month . We.
Personal Insurance
Personal Insurance company Pricing & discounts Auto insurance policies start with liability protection. Liability coverage will protect you in case of bodily injury or death resulting from a crash, as well as your vehicle, property and other losses you are responsible for. Liability insurance will pay if you are responsible for property damage, bodily injury, and personal liability caused by an uninsured driver. The minimum required auto insurance coverage is generally $25,000 bodily injury coverage per person, $50,000 bodily injury coverage per accident, and $10,000 property damage. You may need uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage if you are in an accident with an underinsured or underinsured driver. If the amount of uninsured/underinsured coverage exceeds your coverage limit and you are determined to be a or and have a judgment that you cannot register your vehicle or buy insurance, you may be required to file an Form. The .pdf file contains sample policies and information for sale. .
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Health and Fitness Business Insurance, Business Insurance for Businesses, Traveling Companies, and More. Business Insurance, Insurance for Personal Use and Large Equipment Coverage. Business Insurance Benefits, Employee Benefits, and Expenses can be tailored to protect your business.  Business insurance can be especially customized to meet your specific needs. At Insurance and Finance Solutions we are not always a team of specialists. We do not always have to. This is because we have different tools for different situations. While most companies do have the ability to design their insurance plan to fit their needs, we find it inconvenient to use this option or it’s less convenient. It might be a bit intimidating to be using one of these specialized specialists for one of your clients. Many people don’t even understand the basics of insurance. For many reasons, you might not even know how much it will be. It is.
Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Associates, LLC may receive compensation from an insurer or other intermediary in connection with your engagement with the website. All decisions regarding any insurance products, including approval for coverage, premium, commissions and fees, will be made solely by the insurer underwriting the insurance under the insurer s then-current criteria. All insurance products are governed by the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Please see a copy of your policy for the full terms, conditions and exclusions. Any information on the Site does not in any way alter, supplement, or amend the terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions of the applicable insurance policy and is intended only as a brief summary of such insurance product. Policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the issuing insurance carrier.HomeInsurance.com, LLC, is a licensed insurance producer resident in North Carolina with license number 020773852, with its principle place of business at 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 300, Charlotte,.
Boat Insurance
Boat Insurance (formerly known as Boat Insurance) is a policy that provides a coverage against damages caused by: • Motor vehicle collisions with objects, such as a motorhome, boat, trailer, and other vehicles. • Uninsured motorist bodily injury (UMBI) or property damage (PD) up to your policy limits. • Motor-owned or rented cars. • A certificate of deposit and financial responsibility for any car and/or truck used in the state to prove ownership of the vehicle. • Vehicles licensed for other use. • Commercial vehicles and the use of these vehicles (including trailers and SUVs) in the state. • Vehicles licensed for personal use. This policy provides liability coverage against your liability to other drivers. • Uninsured motorists, and injuries of any passengers or property of which the driver is responsible. • Uninsured motorist bodily injury (UMBI) coverage, which pays for medical bills for you and passengers, regardless of who is at fault for an accident. • Motor homes and businesses.
Business Insurance
Business Insurance quotes include common coverage options, plus discounts if you’re a member of a preferred auto club, and we offer some extra features: We offer the following auto insurance coverages as add-ons on our homeowners insurance: The best part is our policies are backed by our dedicated team of independent insurance agents. They’re uniquely knowledgeable about your home and your insurance needs. And they’re happy to help whenever an extraordinary requirement applies (unless specific circumstances would cause us to issue you a policy). That’s why you will see our savings for as little as $25 per month. At the end of the day, your personal property can be protected by you and your family – from your home to your cars and from the businesses that depend on it. It’s a job of hard work that protects your home and your family. The same insurance policy that covers all of your personal belongings (like your clothesbox, sofa, etc), .
Insurance Resources
Insurance Resources Administration, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In November 2016, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a company must pay $13.5 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that it misled consumers and insurers. The trial was scheduled to begin August. If you’re looking for the best cheap car insurance in Missouri, you also need to be aware of how insurance companies evaluate your risks. Below is a list of the 10 factors that affect your car insurance quotes. The minimum insurance required by Missouri law, however, isn’t low either. It’s affordable if you know where to look. Drivers who go without liability insurance are essentially breaking their law. Drivers who carry only the minimum coverage should expect to pay somewhere between $2,500 and $4,900 in premiums every year for full coverage car insurance — a great deal more than the Missouri minimum. In other words, if you have a clean driving record, you will likely.
Umbrella Insurance
Umbrella Insurance. When the vehicle is uninsured, they offer to pay for your damages, your deductible, and the vehicle insurance. “Bond” or Uninsured Motorist Coverage – An umbrella insurance coverage coverage can provide coverage for you while you’re driving on public roads in the United States. Uninsured motorists may make this coverage optional though it s usually included to protect you if any other party gets into an accident while not legally insured. Uninsured Motorist Coverage may apply only to the insured vehicle when the policy is written and does not apply to a driver who doesn’t have it. There are two ways to buy uninsured motorist coverage: A buyer pays a higher monthly rate for liability insurance that includes a portion of the liability portion, as well as a portion of the collision risk covered by the policy. Purchasing uninsured motorist coverage is not a complete process. You’ll need to ask your carrier for any written notice of your policy cancellation and.
Rental Car Insurance
Rental Car Insurance: Your personal insurance company may offer their own individual coverage. It has to say its policies tend to be more expensive than what a comparable company offers. When it comes to insurance, it is not easy to change car insurance with a simple phone call – the process was cumbersome when I’ve tried. I did the following: I called to speak with an agent to get a quote, and my coverage was being canceled. They asked me about my current auto coverage, and I was a little confused about when a call should be made. One time, I called them on the phone to say that I was covered for the next month, and they sent me a bill, so I wasn’t paying for my current coverage. I sent the bill to the insurance company, and they called me back to say that they were no longer renewing coverage I had with them. I was very frustrated, and I’m thinking of quitting auto insurance or paying to do so. It was.
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parkerjasmine1996 · 4 years
san jose ca insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :bestinsureonline.top
san jose ca insurance
san jose ca insurance for the premium. The rates of the plans will also differ according to the car and where each one will be fitted with. Most of them, even those offered by the companies are priced a little higher to match the need for those with no current driving history. Some have not gone out in 20 years, and others are considered to be no-fail. In addition to the above, if you are driving while facing your license and you don’t have any outstanding debts, you will likely have to use or have replaced as much of their car insurance as possible. It is easy to put down a loan and still get the coverage you need. It depends on the insurer. This can be done in a few ways: In certain situations, it will be possible to get out insurance in the long-term while driving on a car. In some situations, such as when you are driving in the night, it will be an easier option. As a result, a car can be insured by itself. san jose ca insurance in Singapore, we understand the local regulations. Please contact us at . We look forward to servicing your Singapore car insurance policy! We provide all kinds of business insurance such as business liability, commercial coverage, workers compensation coverages etc. We offer many types of insurance and can also help with a small home owners policy as well. Contact us today and we are happy to assist you. You can start a quote with us now. Insurance quotes are important to us, so check out our list of the for you. We have the easiest and most useful features to find cheaper rates on Singapore car insurance. Car Insurance Quotes We work with many of the best insurers in Singapore and can provide you with accurate quotes for Singapore car insurance.  We have worked with several of the Best Insurance companies in Singapore and we know which offer cheap Singapore car insurance quotes. There are so many Singapore car insurance companies as well as many insurers, and we can all find the. san jose ca insurance,  this article is on its subject. Please read the comments and questions before discussing your specific situation. The company, United Auto Insurance Company, is a large and established insurance company in the business of providing low-cost personal automobile insurance through affiliated and voluntary carriers. In addition to providing high-quality claims service, United Auto provides a wide variety of policies and a wide variety of business and commercial products. A.M. Best: A (Excellent) – Standard and Poor s Rating – The United Motor company’s credit rating is A++. American Family – A Rating – Excellent Company –  The company has an A% rated in the BBB and an A- rating in A.M. Best’s rating. J.D. Power – Highest-Incoming World Financial High – is an organization representing the major U.S. insurance groups. In 2019, the company had become among the best in its own segment of the US population. In.
Cheapest Car Insurance in San Jose If You Have Tickets
Cheapest Car Insurance in San Jose If You Have Tickets In San Jose It s Not So Unusual But Some Auto insurance companies require you to have a driver s license for car insurance verification and a driver s license in San Jose. The minimum amount of a driver s license insurance license for San Jose would be: Yes. The DMV requires that all drivers with a valid CA California driver s license register at least and the company that issues the registration has a valid license in California for that region. California state law also requires drivers to have proof of insurance or registration when driving for car services. If your driving privileges are revoked or suspension becomes apparent, proof of auto insurance coverage may be necessary. As of September 2014, the DMV now requests that the person who issued the license, or someone designated as one of the person s rights under the license, provide proof of insurance in the form of an insurance card. If you are facing a license suspension or revocation, this proof is called a certificate of financial responsibility. This proof only requires that you provide a.
Insurify Rankings
Insurify Rankings Driveability scores by our customers Auto insurance ratings methodology All insurance products advertised on are underwritten by insurance carriers that have partnered with , LLC. HomeInsurance.com, LLC may receive compensation from an insurer or other intermediary in connection with your engagement with the website and/or the sale of insurance to you. All decisions regarding any insurance products, including approval for coverage, premium, commissions and fees, will be made solely by the insurer underwriting the insurance under the insurer s then-current criteria. All insurance products are governed by the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Please see a copy of your policy for the full terms, conditions and exclusions. Any information on the Site does not in any way alter, supplement, or amend the terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions of the applicable insurance policy and is intended only as a brief summary of such insurance product. Policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the issuing.
Our Insurance Companies
Our Insurance Companies. It is one of those things where you re like, I don t really know the specific car that my parents want to lease. Should I just put it off sale? And we make sure he keeps his vehicle. So let s say, for example, in these, you are leasing a vehicle. Now, why would there be that concern? Or you just want a car that you don t use? And that is just one example. It would be a very big concern if a car was stolen from his car by his parents. It would be an even bigger concern if other people were hurt on the road. So you want his insurance, but also want to make sure that he keeps his car first. One of the things we do is we give him the option of what we put in the lease. So the insurance is being on his car first so he can legally buy it. The other thing that we do is we list our names on the insurance form. We will list our.
Choosing The Right Car Insurance in San Jose
Choosing The Right Car Insurance in San Jose is simple. Compare quotes from the top auto insurance companies and save! : We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We partner with top insurance providers. This doesn’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own. : We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts. Compare the best rates from 31 car insurance companies in San Jose, CA. While it is not cheap, it is an exceptionally reliable auto insurance policy. While it is not cheap, it is a exceptionally reliable auto insurance policy. Let’s look at the various ways in which car insurance companies can save you money on cover. There are several ways car insurance companies can save you money on car insurance. One way you can see why car insurance companies are doing this is through discounts.
Insurance Rates Per Vehicle
Insurance Rates Per Vehicle $40/month $89/month $250/month $124/month $300/month $144/month $300/month $133/month $100/month $98/month $100/month $92/month $100/month $71/month $100/month $86/month $300/month $121/month $300/month $120/month $100/month $89/month $120/month $71/month $100/month $86/month $300/month $116/month $100/month $80/month $200/month $90/month $300/month .
Average Cost of Car Insurance in San Jose
Average Cost of Car Insurance in San Jose Cost of Insurance by CompanyIn order to take a look at the cost of your insurance policy, check the pricing table below. While some companies require you to take a medical exam, San Jose auto insurance companies require you to apply for an SR-22 form and the required documents are: So, when can I buy auto insurance in San Jose? As we mentioned above, there are many insurance companies for auto insurance in San Jose that will give you the best rates and offers. In order to compare the cost of insurance to San Jose, get your cheapest quotes today in our free tool. If you’re looking for cheap car insurance rates in San Jose, get quick car insurance quotes from top top providers today. The following table shows the rates of auto insurance coverage from many top providers worldwide. You’ll also find the best rates in our handy comparison tool. The table also shows the difference that varies based on your personal requirements. When you want a quick free car insurance quote, it�.
Average Cost of Car Insurance by Postal Code
Average Cost of Car Insurance by Postal Code*$1,000$3,500$26$53$109$85$160$85$230$85$245$94$290$121$125$162$190$225$244$305$290$125$178$222No data available$100$140$205$235$255$322$352$352$362$359$387$426$445$444$444$423$424$429$429$441$429$436$458$460$472$472$472$473$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474$474.
Cheap Car Insurance in San Jose:
Cheap Car Insurance in San Jose: California insurance rates are lower than in other states. But the cheapest insurance is still a good idea. Cheap auto insurance in San Jose can vary by hundreds of dollars, depending on the insurance company. Auto insurance rates in cities like Fresno, San Jarvada, Elgin, Aurora, Glendale, San Bernardino, San Joaquin Valley, San Pedro, El Segundo, San Clemente, San Diego, Santa Clara, San Rafael, and many other California cities. If you live in , your cheapest auto insurer is called . Your rates will be calculated using several factors such as your age, marital status, driving record, and ZIP code. You can get car insurance quotes from six or more different companies in a short amount of time. Then you ll get personalized quotes from multiple insurers. Find quotes from as many insurance companies as you need. Free Auto Insurance Comparison Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates.  Secured with.
Cheapest Car Insurance in San Jose, CA
Cheapest Car Insurance in San Jose, CA San Jose had the , providing average annual auto insurance rates of $1,242.70 for single drivers and $2,132.10 for all couples. This put San Jose ahead of San Jose in the California table. However, California insurance companies cannot use the single driver coverage to provide a quote for all drivers. In San Jose, an insurance company may use a “post-issuer” quote to get a single driver insurance estimate. The quote will vary based on a number of factors, including age, gender, credit, location and driving record. The cheapest auto insurance in San Jose is a company-by-company comparison. California is one of the states with , which is where a man pays the highest insurance rates, followed closely by woman. A woman driver would pay around $4,800 and a man between $1,700 and $3,000 per year. San Jose drivers can take a look at the cheapest rates for a 35-year-old.
Insurance Rates by Credit Score
Insurance Rates by Credit Score Credit scores are the subjective evaluation supported by insurance company research, industry and consumer surveys. Insurers consider their credit score and their history of car ownership (i.e. how long, how far, and when it comes to handling claims) along with other factors. However, insurance companies cannot use your credit score to price a policy. Therefore, drivers should carefully evaluate the relationship between credit score and risk. It is possible that insurance companies use your credit score to price your policy, which can be a confusing process. To make their calculations easier, they use this ratio formula: Credit Score = 72.0 Couples Only: 18.4% Separated Couples: 20.4% Family Remarriage: 20.3% Current Insurance: $4,000 Current Auto Insurance: $4,500 Current Home Owners Insurance: $4,000 Current Liability: $2,500 Current Un.
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gospelmusic · 4 years
Catholic Mass Reading + Reflection: Sunday 18 October 2020 - The Christian And The State
Sunday October 18, 2020
29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Vestment: Green Today’s Rosary: The Glorious Mystery MISSION SUNDAY (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Mass for the Evangelisation of People may be said as indicated in the Roman Missal. Special Prayer and Collection for the Missionary works of P.M.S (Roman Missal chapter2) Theme of the Sunday: The Christian and the State. A Christian has the same rights as anybody else and does not claim exemption or privilege. Like everybody, we must also pay taxes. The first reading throws light on the relationship between faith and politics. God guides history so that everything may lead to the happiness of his people. The second reading is connected to this theme: it shows how in a concrete way the Christians of Thessalonica lived out their religion.
Entrance Antiphon Cf. Ps17:6.8
To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
Almighty ever-living God, grant that we may always conform our will to yours and serve your majesty in sincerity of heart. Through our Lord...
I have grasped the hand of Cyrus to subdue nations before him A reading from the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 45:1.4-6) Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped, to subdue nations before him and uncover the loins of kings, to open doors before him that gates may not be closed: “For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not know me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I clothe you, though you do not know me, that men may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other. The word of the Lord.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 96: 1 and 3.4-5.7-8.9- 10a (R. 7b)
R/. Give the Lord glory and power. O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Tell among the nations his glory, And his wonders among all the peoples. R. For the Lord is great and highly to be praised, To be feared above all gods. For the gods of the nations are naught. It was the Lord who made the heavens. R. Give the LORD, you families of peoples, Give the LORD glory and power; Give the LORD the glory of his name. Bring an offering and enter his courts. R. Worship the LORD in holy splendor. O tremble before him, all the earth. Say to the nations, “The LORD is king. He will judge the peoples in fairness. R. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Remember your faith, love, and hope. The beginning of the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b) Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace. We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father our work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brethren beloved by God, that he has chosen you; for our Gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. The word of the Lord.
ALLELUIA Philippians 2:15d-16a
Alleluia. You will shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life. Alleluia.
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God's A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew (Matthew 22:15-21) At that time: The Pharisees went and took counsel how to entangle Jesus in his talk. And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true, and teach the way of God truthfully, and care for no man; for you do not regard the position of men. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it Lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the money for the tax.” And they brought him a coin. And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. The Gospel of the Lord.
Give the Lord glory and power. PRIEST: God has made us for himself, and our response in love to him gives meaning to our Christian lives. Let us ask him to open his graces To all the world, So that everyone may know And serve him. READERS:  For the Church, pause may she always give praise to her Lord, and be a sign of contradiction to those who live by the standards of a materialistic world. pause Lord, hear us; as we praise and glorify you. We pray Oh Lord. atOptions = { 'key' : 'a7d957da62155c266685b350c95abc35', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write(''); For the leaders of the government, pause may they never claim for themselves the honour and obedience due to God alone, but, by their laws and attitudes, may they acknowledge the existence of a higher order. pause Lord, hear us; as we praise and glorify you we pray Oh Lord. For those caught up in materialism, pause may they look again at their values in life, and realize that man does not live by bread alone, but by putting God first in his life. Pause Lord, hear us; as we praise and glorify you we pray Oh Lord. For a greater spirituality in our community, pause may we respond generously to God’s love, and in everything we say and do strive to give the Lord his due glory and power. Pause Lord, hear us; as we praise and glorify you we pray Oh Lord. PRIEST: Let us make our private intentions in silence to God our Father, who hears our every prayer. Father, you are our beginning and end. May our every prayer give you praise and glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Today’s Reflection
“Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God”. As the Jewish officials begin to muster up evidence for the condemnation of Jesus, there is no better response given to them than what Jesus gave. But the response continues to reverberate in our hearts. It calls us to a sober reflection and self-examination; those moments where we spend the time meant for God to do other personal runs, when we refuse to contribute to parish development because of some other commitment. There is time for everything. We cannot really rob God but we do rob ourselves of some spiritual benefits when we shortchange our resources meant for worship into personal comfort. As it is said, “You cannot rob Peter to pay Paul”. What is the Caesar in your life? That bad habit, that addiction, that laziness – it is time to give yourself back to God because it belongs to God. Whatever we do in life is only a participation in the plans of God. We are vessels of God and we must return to him whom we truly belong to. Hence, we should never be lost in the crowd, advancing a ‘Pull him Down Syndrome’ forgetting that we are nothing but vessels in the hands of the almighty and should return the same to God without prejudice to other responsibilities.
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