#and he replied with “both” & another said “our 1st hug was so awkward that we didn’t make eye contact for a week”
unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
🖊 for Tadhg?
— Tadhg was never big on physical affection. He gets more comfortable with it the closer he becomes with his buds, but hugging is still a touch awkward. Of course, it’s less awkward than the first ones and are less awkward when initiated by someone other than Tadhg. For him, though, the most comfortable is an arm around the shoulders.
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Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC!
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xsturniellax · 1 year
my small heart, for big love.
Feminine reader x matt sturniolo
Warnings: anxiety, fluff, kissing, 1st person.
Summary: you and Matt have been dating for 3 months, it's coming up to be your 4 month anniversary. Something happens between you and Chris, will it change your perspective of you and Matt?
A/n: please dm me if you have any ideas you want me to write, and I enjoyed writing this! :)
I woke up, the sun shining on my face. My head was layed on Matt's head; I could hear his heart beat going smoothly and steady. He was awake before me like always. I look up at him and smiled, as I snuggle into him more, wrapping us in the warm duvet.
"I never want to leave." Matt says, rubbing my head and playing with my hair. He would always say this in the morning, and it would still make me blush.
"Do you want my hoodie again y/n?" Matt asks, blushing and laughing. I laugh along with him and nod my head. He gets up slowly and grabs a black and green dinosaur printed one. I put it on over my pajamas and we hold hands and go downstairs.
"Morning guys." Nick smiles at us whilst ording our breakfast from McDonald's.
"Goodmorning." I say to Nick, giving him a thank you afterwards. Yet again, I'd try to pay but he'd always reply with 'no way, this is my treat'.
Down comes Chris, he looks like he had a rough night.
"Did you get any sleep Chris?" I ask his, whilst hugging onto Matt. He'd answer with a groan. Definitely not.
"So, y/n, still up for today?" Matt asks me, booping my nose. I give him a smile and a nod as he kisses me on the cheek.
"Single lonely people over here! Take it to somewhere we both can't get jealous!" Nick laughs and so does Chris. I can hear Matt giggling in my ear as he twirls my hair.
"I'm gonna go get ready, okay?" I go up the stairs, putting my hands out like I'm going to miss him, even though I'll probably see him in a minute.
I get dressed in a pink, floral dress. I pair it with some white sandals and a cute white bag. Then I do my hair; curl it, put a hair band in it, and a matching bow to the dress. Then I hear a knock.
"It's me, Chris." Chris says, still sounding like he's been awake for a year.
"Come in!" I say, packing away my hair pins and the straightners.
"Woah... I meant to say Matt went out for a bit, something to do with Madi." Chris scratches his head still admiring me.
"I'm dating your brother Chris, no need to stare." I say, rolling my eyes. He gives an awkward laugh, as he walks closer to me.
"Matt said he'll be 2 ish hours... " he looked at me sad. I look at him a frown.
"Oh, so im guessing we aren't going out then... " I sit down, looking at myself in the vanity mirror, packing away some makeup.
"Well maybe you and me can go out... As friends?" He asks, trying to reassure me that my hard work didn't go in for nothing.
"Sure, I'd like that." I say, turning back to look at him and giving him a smile.
*1 hour later*
Matt: hey y/n I'm so sorry, madi needs me to stay the night, she needs help with this stupid science assignment. we can definitely do something tomorrow.
Y/n: oh okay, me and chris are going out anyways to make this day a bit more exciting, have fun with stupid science!
Matt: i mean we'll try, and have fun with chris!
Y/n: i will :)
Another knock again. I put my phone down and open the door. There stands Chris. He's actually done something with his hair for once. It looks nice...
"Ready to go out?" Chris asks, still admiring me.
"Yeah, and remember, I have a boyfriend who's your brother, and it isn't the gay one!" I say, laughing again. He does his little head scratch and gives a nervous laugh. I grab my bag and we go.
I have no clue where he's taking me, or for how long.
"We're here!" Chris looks impressed with himself. He's brought me to a secret part of the beach, you could see the sunset perfectly.
"Wow..." I say, admiring the sunset like Chris once admired me. Our hands brush past each other. His pinky, interlocked with mine, causing us to end up holding hands. He then spins me round and I turn to face him, holding his other hand. We look deeply into eachothers eyes. I completely forget about Matt.
It's my phone. I let go of Chris and go to my phone.
Matt: hey gorgeous, coming home now since we've finished it already, meet at the beach? x
Y/n: yay! yeah, I'll wait there. x
"That was Matt. He's coming back home now, he wants to meet me at the beach as well... Just me." I look down, trying not to maintain any eye contact from what just have happened.
"Okay, thanks for a nice time..." I can tell Chris is hurt by the tone of his voice. I have to tell Matt what happened.
*30 minutes later*
"Y/n!" Matt come running up behind me, hugging me from behind and spinning me in the air. I gave a huge smile, but my eyes caught something. Chris, he was looking at us through the window with a worried face.
"How was your little friend date with chris?" Matt asks, looking at me all cute.
"It was... Good!" Dammit. I need to tell him somehow.
A few minutes go by and were sat on the beach.
"Matt... I need to talk to you about something." I say, anxiety filling my body, causing my hands to shake with fear.
"Yeah?" He looks at me like he knows something is wrong.
"When me and Chris had our little walk on the beach together... We, well. We almost kissed." I say, looking away.
"Oh?" Oh? Is that it? There's no defensiveness in oh. I nod at him, my eyes filling with tears.
"Hey it's okay y/n, mistakes happen. It's not like you meant it. And you know how my brother is, he can get jealous sometimes. And I don't have to talk to him if you don't want me to." Matt pulls me in and hugs me tight, tears flowing from my face. I let a very stuttered 'are you sure' and he nods silently.
"I love you." Matt hasn't said that yet. Like ever before. I stop crying and get out of hugging. We look at each other, deeply in each other's eyes.
"I love you too..." I say, smiling at him, still shaking from what's just happened. He leans in and wipes my tears away, then he gently pushed my hair behind my ear. We share a kiss under the moonlight. But still in the corner of my eye, I see Chris in his window still watching...
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you want a part 2 to the story, and please dm me if you have any ideas for another upcoming story!! 💗
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filterjeons · 4 years
he loves me not | jhs
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“did you ever fall in love with me?”
✦ pairing: jung hoseok x reader
✦ summary: he was the man who caught your eye ever since he smacked your face with a soccer ball in elementary. you loved him for over a decade....but you can’t find yourself to confess.
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut, i’ll let you guys find out what the other genre is 😏
✦ word count: 4.9k
✦ warnings: college au, soft dom!hoseok, fingering, oral, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, get ready for an emotional ride <3
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He loves me, he loves me not…
Those were the same words that you kept repeating for a few days now, a flower representing if the man you have a crush on likes you back. To any other person, it seems stupid that a flower will judge your love life but you heartily disagree. Flowers and love have always been associated with one another and from a viewpoint, it makes sense on why picking petals off of flowers can determine your fate with the person you love. 
Jung Hoseok. You two knew each other but at the same time you didn’t. The first time you two caught each other’s eyes was during elementary school. He was one of the popular kids: with his cheery smile, bubbly personality, and warm aura, nearly everyone became friends with him. You, on the other hand, were more of a wallflower. You only had a few close friends and you spent your time reading books instead of playing games. Some people call you boring but who cares about them. 
During recess in 1st grade, you decided to read in the middle of the field. It seemed ideal, the grass was green and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. There wasn’t even a cloud in sight. All of a sudden, a soccer ball came speeding towards you and hit you straight-up in the head. You couldn’t remember what happened but when you opened your eyes, you saw a worried Hoseok hovering face-to-face on top of you in the nurse’s room.
“Y/N-ah! You’re okay! I’m so so sorry that I hurt you! I should’ve known you were there.” 
“It’s okay. Uh, my head kind of hurts…”
“I’ll go get some ice for you!” When he passed the “ice bag” (which was basically a frozen paper towel), you felt a peculiar feeling. You didn’t know why but there were sparks when you grabbed the ice bag from him. What was it? Eventually, he had to leave for his classroom but when you were free to leave the nurse’s room, he offered to walk you to class. By then, you figured out what that feeling was. And it became a 12-year crush on the boy who hit you with a soccer ball. 
Like some coincidence, both of you attended the same college together. You didn’t expect to see anyone from your school during your freshman orientation but when you saw the familiar sunshine smile, a wave of relief and fear washed over you.
Hoseok being the extrovert that he is made friends with nearly the whole campus, is in a sorority, and hosts the biggest parties the university has ever seen. You continued to be the loner that you were but luckily you found a close friend in Nayeon. 
As you and Nayeon were strolling across campus, you saw Hoseok and his girlfriend talking and chattering with Starbucks in their hands. You felt a pit of jealousy in your stomach, internally yelling at yourself for not having the guts to tell him how you truly feel. 
However, you expected him to go out with someone. He can’t stay single forever just for you because he barely knows you and your feelings. If he did, then you would move to another state out of embarrassment. 
“Y/N, stop looking otherwise he’s going to think that you’re creepy!” Nayeon giggled, pushing you away from the couple. “Why won’t you ever talk to him?” “I can’t. We didn’t really interact during high school.” “Look, college is about starting a new life. Come on, you’re 18 now! You’re an adult! Don’t let your fears get in the way of having fun!” “Besides, they’re dating!”
“So? You can be friends with him!”
“Not now, I have class. I’ll see you around!” You made way inside the building and into your sociology class, the professor setting up his computer for a lecture. You didn’t know a lot of people here and the person who sat next to you dropped out. 
All of a sudden, a guy with rainbow-styled clothes and a vibrant aura entered, giving a high-five to the professor and waving to your classmates. Your eyes widened, the man who has been invading your thoughts is actually in the same class with you. 
Hoseok scanned the room for a place to sit, his face brightening when he saw an empty seat next to you. Your heart started to race, he’s actually going to sit next to you! “Oh, Y/N! I didn’t know you were in this class! I just got moved here and I’m so glad I found someone I know!” 
“Yeah, uh, hi. I thought you were gonna sit with someone else.”
“Nah, actually I wanted to talk to you ever since orientation but I never saw you around. However, I saw you walking by and staring at me and Julia.” Oh, that’s his girlfriend’s name. Interesting. 
“Heh...no..you didn’t see anything!” “You’re cute. I hope we have more classes together!” After everyone has settled in their seats, the professor started going on about the lesson but you couldn’t care less about what he had to say. The way Hoseok was so invested in the powerpoint but occasionally stopped to play games was more intriguing than whatever was going on. No, he must think you’re crazy. You snapped out of it and attempted to focus on the screen. 
“From this week’s lesson, I am going to assign you all a project. Your will be grouped by pairs and they will be determined by the place you’re sitting in right now.” You internally counted down the pair of seats from the row you’re in and sure enough, you’re paired with Hoseok. He smiled at you, holding your hands excitedly. You obviously reciprocate the feeling but your head didn’t let you show it. 
“Yay! We’re going to be doing our project together! This is going to be so fun!” You smiled and nodded, trying to come up with things to say but your mind was blank.
“W-wait, would your girlfriend be okay?” Wow Y/N, that’s the first thing that you say? Way to get your man. 
“No, I think she’ll be chill. Besides, you’re like one of my childhood friends so it’s cool.” At least you’re a friend in his eyes. 
The session ended 15 minutes later and you couldn’t wait to get out. As you quickly stuffed your books and laptop in your bag, Hoseok tossed a little airplane at your head. 
“That’s my number if you want to talk about the project and...other stuff. If you’re free tomorrow, do you wanna get started? There’s a party I want to go to at the end of the week and I want to get this out of the way.” “Uh, sure. I’ll text you later,” you said shyly, zipping your bag up and exiting the room. You felt your body sweat and your heart pound rapidly. Your brain still can’t wrap around the fact that Hoseok sits next to you and you will be working on a project together.
“Hey, what’s up? You look like you just got out of a haunted house,” Nayeon said as you approached the familiar bench where the two of you always sat. 
“Hoseok just transferred to my class, he sits next to me, and we’re doing a project together!” “Ooh, go get your man!” 
“No no, this is bad! I always act so weird around him! Plus he wants us to work on it tomorrow! What should I do?” “First, relax. Take a deep breath,” Nayeon instructed, placing her hands on your shoulders as you slowed down your breathing. “Next, don’t worry about a thing. Try to push aside your feelings for him and talk to him as you would with another person.” “Only he’s my crush for about 12 years!” 
“So? I know it must be awkward due to your feelings for him but if you act awkward, then you wouldn’t be close to him. And you want that, do you?” “Yeah…” “You got this, don’t worry!” Nayeon’s words gave you some hope and encouragement, which made you feel better. She was right, you can’t keep acting this way for long. Even though he was dating someone else, at least you’ll have him close as a friend, right? 
You never told anybody this but you secretly kept a daisy and you picked off the petals every day. It was down to four petals and you decided to take two off.
He loves me, he loves me not. 
However you didn’t want it to end with a negative note so you picked one last petal off. 
He loves me.  
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The next day came and you were sitting at a local cafe, waiting for Hoseok to arrive. Since you arrived a few minutes early, you had enough time to go over what you want to say and if you look good enough. 
Surprisingly, he came on time and even gave you a mini hug. You watched as he placed his bags on the ground and pulled out his laptop. 
“Hi Y/N! I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” “N-no, not at all! You came on time actually!” “Good, well do you want to order anything at first?” “Sure, I really want coffee right now!” As you two waited in line, you shyly gazed over at Hoseok who shined brighter than any sun in the world. You accidentally brushed his hand with yours, causing him to laugh. 
“How come we didn’t talk much throughout high school? I can’t remember the last time I really talked to you except yesterday.” Hoseok asked, scanning the menu for a drink he’d like. “I don’t know, I guess we had different classes and you were more popular than me…” “But I would’ve been friends with you no matter what.” 
“Would you? I’m not exactly the most popular girl in school.” “Yeah. You seem chill and it’s nice having a reserved friend against all my loud and hyper ones. I hope you take it as a compliment.” “Uh, I do. What are you gonna get?” “I’ll have a vanilla latte. It’s a classic but it’s iconic at the same time.” “I’ll get what you’re getting.” You watched him order and talk casually to the cashier, a common thing you’re scared of doing. It must be nice dating him, he sounds like the guy who can be the life of the party but still has an eye for you. 
“Do you want me to pay for my-” “No, I shouldn’t have to make you pay. I mean they say the gentleman pays for the first study date,” he replied, swiping his credit card. Oh my god did he just say-
A few minutes later, the cashier gives you your drinks with your name scrabbled on the cupsleeve. You and Hoseok grabbed them at the same time, accidentally bumping together. You blushed at the proximity, jumping back with fear. Geez, why are you acting like this? You really are a fool. 
An hour later and both of you made decent progress on your projects. Hoseok decided to take a break and scroll through his Instagram while you worked on some slides. 
“Hey, Y/N, do I follow you on Insta?” “Uh, I’m not sure. I think so?” He checked his phone again, a frown on his normally joyful face. “No I don't. What’s your username?” “I’ll type it in for you.” 
He nodded and passed you his phone. You quickly typed your user, hit the follow button, and went back to his profile. He had a lot of followers due to his popularity and personality, which shocks you considering that you’ve never met someone with over 5,000 followers. 
“Y/N, ever since I saw you yesterday I wanted to get to know you. I feel bad that we barely interacted throughout high school and I want to make up for that. So just hit me with what you got.” He leaned forward, interested in hearing what you have to say. 
Your mind immediately stopped working as you quickly tried to come up with an interesting conversation. And the only event you could think of was the time where he hit you with a soccer ball in elementary school. 
“Actually Hoseok, we have known each other since we were 1st graders.”
“Really? Were you in my class back then? God, I can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday but you manage to remember that.” “Yeah, there was a time when I was reading out in the middle of the soccer field. I was the perfect target to be hit which is what you did. I don’t remember what happened after the ball smacked me in the face but when I woke up, I saw you waiting for me. You offered to give me ice and walk me back to class when my headache stopped. We barely saw each other after that but that was still one of the most significant moments in my life.” “Oh yeah, I still feel bad that I did that-” You took a deep breath, trying to work up the nerve to say what you’ve always wanted to say to him. It’s now or never, just do it! 
“Hoseok, ever since that day, I’ve loved you since.” Your words shocked him, his mouth dropping open and his eyes the size of saucers. He tried to comprehend what you said when all of a sudden, you burst into tears. 
You shouldn’t have said it, it was too soon. Your vision blurry of tears, you stuffed all your stuff in your bag and ran out of the cafe. 
“Wait, Y/N! Wait! Hold on, we need to talk about this!” “I’m sorry Hoseok, I shouldn’t have-” “No, this is important! Y/N, look at me!” He spun you around and forced you to look at his face. You tried to blink away your tears and he quickly flicked them away. 
“Y/N, are your feelings true? Did you love me for that long?” 
You nodded slowly, tears threatening to spill from your eyes again. It was so scary waiting for him to either reciprocate those feelings or walk away. 
All of a sudden, he gave you a kiss. And it wasn’t like any other peck, it was one full of want and passion. He quickly pulled away and gave you a tight hug. 
“Thank you for telling me how you feel. And I like you back.” 
He broke the hug and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two walked towards campus. You felt your heart slowly relax, he likes you as well! Maybe all that pining and worry was for nothing! “Y/N, it’s getting dark so do you want to stay at my dorm? I don’t have a roommate so it’s okay,” he said, heading the opposite direction from the path that leads to your dorms. 
“Sure thing. It’s okay as well.” You were totally freaking out inside, you’re going INSIDE his dorm. After a few minutes, he opened the door and you carefully walked in, your nose wrinkling a bit. Iwas messy due to the overflowing trash bags full of takeout and beer bottles but overall it wasn’t too bad. You hung your bag on a random coat stand full of jackets and baseball caps. There was a blanket and a pillow on his couch where you could possibly stay. 
“Sorry if it doesn’t look too appealing, I’m kind of lazy to clean my room,” he sighed, stuffing the full bags in a random corner. You shook your head, carefully sitting down on his couch. Hoseok sat down next to you, loosely laying his hand around your shoulders. 
“So, what do you want to do Y/N?” “I’m not sure. Is it bad that I want to stay like this?” “No, I do too.” He moved closer to you, your bodies touching and you felt heat rise up to your cheeks. You lied down on your back and you felt his presence above you as he slowly leaned closer to you. “Do you want to do this?” You couldn’t think of the right words to say, were you really about to do it with your crush? It’s now or never, Y/N. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. 
“It’s okay, I want to do it. But I’m not experienced in this type of stuff,” you confessed.
“Then I’ll teach you. I’ll go slow with you, I promise.” He kissed you again, the same feeling like the one outside. It was slow and romantic, just the way you imagined. He probed his tongue in front of your mouth, asking for entrance to which you let him in. Hoseok started to remove your T-shirt but stopped immediately to ask for your permission.
“Are you sure this is okay with you?” “Yes, I promise. I’ve always wanted this to be with you.” “Good. I’ll make you feel so good.” He pulled off the shirt and carefully took off your white bra, a mundane action that made you feel butterflies. After everything was taken off, you immediately covered your chest. You weren’t used to being exposed to someone like this, much less the guy you love. 
“Don’t worry baby, you look beautiful. I promise,” Hoseok assured, gently removing your arms. He latched his mouth on one of your nipples, sucking on them feverishly. You let out a loud moan before biting your lip to stifle them. What if someone was there? “Don’t hide those moans for me, baby girl. I want to hear them,” he murmured, his mouth still on your breast. After hearing his words, you started to let out a series of moans and whimpers. While his mouth was on one, he was using his fingers to play with your nipple and tug on it a bit, a loud whine escaping your mouth.
“Please…” “Aww, does it hurt, little girl?” You shook your head as he slowly made his way over to your jeans, cupping your covered heat. You could feel yourself become more wet since no one has ever been near that area before and you wanted him to touch you more. Hoseok hastily pulled off your jeans and underwear, throwing them off to the side. 
You felt embarrassed that you were completely bare in front of your crush and you wondered if it was too soon to back out of this. But what’s done is done and you’ve wanted him to see you like this for a long time so you decided to have some confidence. That’s what Nayeon told you, right?
“Did you ever have something in you?” 
“No, this is my first time ever doing this. I’m kind of worried.” “It’s okay, I’ll help you. Now, I’m going to do a bit of foreplay to get you ready for my dick. It’s basically like warm-ups before the actual thing. Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt.” You felt his fingers linger near your entrance and you nodded at him to enter. He suddenly purged a slender finger inside you as you let out a moan, him slowly thrusting to make you comfortable. 
“You look so cute, taking my finger like it’s my cock. I don’t even know if you’re ready to even take it.” “I am! I’m ready! Please, keep moving!” You felt a wave of confidence overcome you, surprising yourself and Hoseok. He turned his shocked expression into a smirk, curling his finger and adding another one inside you. 
He was stretching your walls out well to later accommodate his dick, making scissoring motions inside and finding your g-spot. All of this pleasure was too much for you as you held onto Hoseok’s arms and fed his ego with mewls and whines. You couldn’t form a single word due to the pleasure he was giving you, even though it was only two fingers. 
“Ah, ah, Hoseok, I-” He suddenly adds a third finger and keeps thrusting quickly, his palm rubbing your clit. His palm was quickly replaced by his mouth as he sucked on it harshly. 
“You gonna be a good girl and cum for the first time? Are you close?” he teases. 
“Oh my god, oh, Hoseok…” You felt tiny beads of sweat drip down your forehead from the heat and pressure, your walls tightening around his long fingers. 
You felt a knot in your stomach which you assumed that your orgasm was coming soon. Hoseok could also tell and kept going faster, making fast come-here motions and playing around with your clit. 
“You’re close now, are you? Such a good girl as I stretch your tiny pussy out for my big dick. That’s right baby girl, cum for me now. Cum all over my fingers and face.” His words were your breaking point as you felt that knot snap, your orgasm arriving. You moan out Hoseok’s name as he stares at your cum flow out of your system. He sucked on his fingers before taking some of your juices and bringing it to your mouth. You suck on them wantonly, causing Hoseok’s dick to twitch. Maybe someday you can suck him off with your cute mouth.
“Good girl, you did so well baby,” he praises, making your stomach have butterflies from his words. You watch as he strips himself to his boxers, your eyes widening on what could be under them. He palms his cock for a bit, staring into your eyes seductively. 
“Are you ready for this?” You nodded rapidly, wanting to have his dick inside you. He slowly pulled down his boxers and his cock immediately sprang up, looking erect and large. You gulped at what’s going to enter you, Hoseok smirking at your reaction. 
“Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. I’ll go slow at first, I promise,” he assured, the tip of his cock slightly brushing against your pussy. 
You braced yourself for him to enter you, whining as you clenched around his length. 
“Oh my fucking god, you’re so tight. You’re doing well baby,” he groaned, slowly pulling out and pushing in. You found yourself at a nice pace but after a while, you signalled him to go faster. This is really it, you’re going to be losing your virginity to him! He started to ram into you quickly, his dick filling you up and hitting many different nerves inside. You clawed on his back, trying to keep yourself steady from the insane pace he was going at. 
“Look at you trying to take my cock, such a cutie,” he coos, toying around with your breasts again. You let out a mewl at his words, lewd sounds filling the room. Your walls started to clench around him tightly causing Hoseok to let out low grunts and moans. 
The now familiar feeling of your orgasm started to make its way again, the knot returning as you approach it for the second time. Hoseok could tell that you were close as well with the way your cunt was tightening around his dick.
“You going to cum again, baby? That’s right, make a mess on my big dick,” he grunts, slowly reaching his own high as well. 
You let out a moan as your juices came pouring down again, your whole body shaking and your cunt sensitive from cumming twice. Little white stars started to appear in your vision from how much pleasure you had. Hoseok started to thrust faster and suddenly pulled out, stroking his length to release all of his seed onto your stomach. After it stopped spurting out, he took a minute to catch his breath and leaned down to kiss you on the lips. 
“How was it, sweetie? Was it okay?” he asked, caressing your cheek.
“I-it was great. Thank you so much, I didn’t expect it to be like this.” “I’m going to get a towel to clean you up and some clothes. I’ll be right back,” he smiled, leaving the living room for a bit. 
You stared at the ceiling, thinking about what you’ve done with him. Even though many people your age think of sex as just a way to get pleasure, it meant a lot to you because you were giving your body and trust to a person. Obviously, Hoseok was very special to you and you were grateful that it was him who took away your virginity. You loved him enough to let yourself be exposed to you and you knew that he must’ve had sex with other girls but did he feel something special with you? Was it only you who were feeling this way. 
Hoseok came back dressed in a T-shirt and shorts and in his hand was another T-shirt and a towel. He carefully wiped off the cum that landed onto your stomach and thighs, making you get goosebumps from the touch. You put on the T-shirt he gave you, the bottom of it reaching your thighs. 
“So am I going to stay here for the night?” “Of course! Why would I let you go back home at this hour?” “Uh, am I going to sleep on the couch?” “Hell no, it’s too stained for you to sleep there. You can sleep in my bedroom with me.” 
You felt your heart beat faster from the thought of sleeping next to him. He picked you up bridal style since you were too sore to walk and laid you down on his bed. Since it was late and there wasn’t anything you needed to do, you decided to get ready to go to bed. 
Hoseok watches you go to sleep and decides to join you. He stares at the ceiling, thinking about what he did with you. It was nice seeing his childhood friend again and he definitely enjoyed having sex with you but he felt different after. When you confessed your feelings for him at the cafe, his heart felt relieved for some reason. It was different than when his exes and current girlfriend confessed. 
Do I love Y/N? 
He leans over to you and lightly strokes your hair, finding you adorable. He wishes he found you sooner since that day in elementary school, he wishes he asked you out earlier. Maybe tomorrow he could ask you to be his girlfriend. But that would mean he’s cheating and he was never a big fan of breaking someone’s heart just to be with another person. It made him less of a person and all of a sudden, he felt guilty about what he did today.
You were such a sweet person and he didn’t want to harm you by rejecting your feelings...but he doesn’t want to break the trust of a person just because you were a childhood friend. 
Hoseok’s heart ached as he decided to let you go due to the guilt of cheating on his girlfriend, even though he would much rather have you here beside him. 
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The next morning, you found yourself awake with Hoseok sitting next to you. You smiled as you remembered what happened yesterday, feeling better than ever. 
“Good morning, Hoseok!”
“Ah, good morning, Y/N!” “Do you want anything for breakfast?” “Listen Y/N, I need to talk to you about something. It’s important so please listen. Uh, yesterday shouldn’t have happened and I feel like you shouldn’t have slept with me.” 
“Wait, why?” “Do you remember that I have a girlfriend?” “Did you break up with her?” “No...so that means I cheated on her.” 
You felt your heart break as Hoseok avoided eye contact with you. Your first time was with someone who had a girlfriend and he cheated on her with you. 
“You’re right. This shouldn’t have happened. Why was I stupid enough to let you take my virginity?” “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t think we can see each other anymore.” You felt hot tears drip down your cheeks, feeling embarrassed and foolish. The man you loved took your virginity but it meant nothing. It was just a one-night stand. 
“I’m going to go now, I don’t feel comfortable here. But I have a question, you know how much I loved you for over a decade. How much that night meant to me and how much you mean to me. Did you ever feel the same way? Did you ever feel something between us during that time?” 
You looked at Hoseok’s face, scanning to see if there’s any emotion. He looked into your eyes but he shook his head. Hoseok desperately wanted to say yes but he just couldn’t. He couldn’t hurt someone else for you.
“N-no, it meant nothing to me. I guess it was just a one-time thing. This shouldn’t have happened, I’m sorry that I never told you before.” 
You let out a sob as you made your way out of his bedroom, grabbing your bag and putting on your shoes so you can leave. You looked back to see if Hoseok followed you but he still remained in his room. With your heart torn into pieces, you trudged out of his dorm without a final goodbye from him. 
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It’s been a few hours since you and Hoseok saw each other. Luckily, you didn’t have class together but you stared at him talking with his girlfriend like nothing never happened. He locked eyes with you and there was an intense connection for a moment but you broke it since that’ll never happen again. 
You pulled out the flower which only had a petal remaining. Even though flowers don’t accurately predict your love life, this one knows what will happen between you and Hoseok. You thought he loved you back but it turned out to be nothing. A tear fell out of your eye as you pulled out the last petal, the answer evident from the now-lifeless stem. 
He loves me not. 
a/n: hope you guys don’t hate me too much over the ending! love y’all <3
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politics-notmything · 4 years
We fell in love in November
YEah, we back at it with another one shot... I don’t normally write these but after my recent post and the Parrlyn discord, now could I not 👀 Anyway, this took wayyyyyy longer than i thought it would - Part 15 of She Used to be mine is out tomorrow :)  
Tw- implied nudity (nothing over PG-13), bad language, coming out. 
The euphoria Cathy Parr felt around Anne Boleyn was extravagant. Even now when they lie in bed together trying to come down from their high, Cathy still felt energised. The writer rolled over to face her girlfriend, with the bedsheets pulled up to her neck and subtly smiled. Cathy ran her left hand through the Boleyn girl’s hair and cupped her cheek with the other.
“You look so beautiful,” Anne opened her eyes and grinned when she met with Cathy’s.
“As are you.” she simply replied as she moved forward to tenderly kiss her girlfriend. No one could’ve expected that Catherine Parr and Anne Boleyn would become a thing in their second life. Heck, they didn’t even know they had the possibility of a second life! Anne paused their kiss and Cathy looked unexpectedly at her gremlin, “You should tell Aragon.” 
The moment was ruined. 
Cathy tensed as she sat up, pulling the duvet with her and laughing when she pulled too hard, so Anne was left bare, “What?” 
“I said-” Anne smirked as she deliberately rolled onto Cathy’s chest, making her blush, “You should tell Aragon.”
“What if I don’t want to tell Aragon…” Cathy whispered, not looking away from Anne’s eyes.
“You can look at my tits, Cath, I don't mind.” 
“ANNE!” Cathy profusely blushed and shoved the Boleyn girl to the side, 
Anne snickered and pulled the writer into a cuddle, “It isn’t like you haven’t seen them before.” 
“But seriously,” Cathy hummed when she went back to being serious, “I don’t want to tell my godmother, she might not like it.” 
“But she came to pride last year and threw confetti at that proposing gay couple?” 
“That’s different. Not only am I her goddaughter, but I’m also dating the woman who stole her crown.” 
“Yeah, I feel a little guilty for that,” Anne confessed.
“You shouldn’t. ‘Lina isn’t mad about it now because we know you were forced to do it,” Cathy snuffled closer, “but it still doesn’t change history.” 
“She’s family Cath. I told Kat, now you should tell Aragon.” Anne gently kissed Cathy’s curls before removing her grip around the writer’s waist, allowing her to go downstairs. 
“I might.” Cathay smiled as she grabbed her underwear and a towel from Anne’s floor, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Cath.” 
Both queens had been dating for a significant amount of time, and their story started when they ‘accidentally’ made out in Cathy’s dressing room after Anne trapped them for an hour. After that, there had been a series of confessions, secret glances and planning from both parties, so they didn’t come across as suspicious. Then, once they felt ready, Anne told Katherine who has been a useful distraction when the lovers want some alone time. 
One of the first things Catherine proposed was developing small ‘habits’ that the others would believe. For example, Anne was known to sleep in, so they both took advantage of that when Cathy would sneak out of her room and cuddle Anne in the early morning before heading downstairs for breakfast. Another trick was when Cathy ran out of coffee and needed to take a last-minute trip to Tescos. Anne would always hide the coffee and midnight then plan a Tescos trip the next day when Cathy would happen to tag along. 
And it worked surprisingly well. 
“Morning Mija.” Catalin de Aragon was at the head of the kitchen table, reading a novel and drinking tea, alone. 
Cathy walked over to her coffee machine, “Morning ma, where is everyone?” 
“They decided to go on a walk. Katherine said something about trees helping you live longer,” 
Cathy suppressed a laugh, Anne...
“Yeah, I read that too.” 
“Of course, in our second lives, no one wants to take any chances!” Aragon continued, oblivious, “Knowing Kat, she probably just wanted to look at the dogs.” 
Catherine picked her fingernails, and her stomach churned over, “Can I confess something?”
“Of course…” Her godmother removed her reading glasses and gestured for Cathy to take a seat. 
“I’ve been seeing someone,” A beat, “romantically.” 
The confession slipped out and jumping the first hurdle was surprisingly easy, but unfortunately, it wasn’t as straightforward as that. 
The godmother corrected her posture and licked her lips, “Oh? For how long?” 
“About 4 months.” 
“And you never told me?” 
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” Cathy replied, sheepishly. 
While Catherine may not be her mother, it didn’t change how she acted like one. One of Cathy’s strongest memories was when Aragon comforted her every night after she was reincarnated.
“What’s his name?” 
Another hurdle appeared that Cathy had to somehow jump over - the gay hurdle. 
“He’s a she.” Catherine wouldn’t say she was scared of her godmother, but she certainly valued her approval and beliefs. 
The Spaniard paused to think this over before leaning back in her chair, closing her eyes, and smiling. The smile grew, and a flower of hope blossomed in the Survivor’s chest. Aragon then opened her arms for Cathy to hug her, and the writer reacted all too quickly. 
“I’m happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me.” 
“Does this mean you’re okay with this?” Cathy mumbled into her shoulder, 
“Of course Mija! Now, who is she?” 
“Okay, okay” Cathy could burst with excitement! Even though her godmother didn’t know it was Anne, Cathy could still describe her lover in perfect detail. “She has dark brown hair, which has a subtle wave at the end. She is pretty pale, so her freckles stand out but her cheeks are always red because she is somehow always blushing!” Cathy continued to gush, “Her eyes are grey, but they change with the light, and her favourite colour is green-”
“You told Aragon yet?” Anne Boleyn leaned in the doorway with a giant smirk on her face, “or are you just going to keep describing my facial features?” 
Anne stopped as she realised what she’d said. 
Cathy looked between Anne and her godmother. She loved the gremlin, but she really needs to learn to read a situation.
Aragon stood and looked between Anne and Cathy. Her brain slowly puts the puzzle together in an organised fashion. The hair, the skin, the freckles, the blush, the eyes and finally, the favourite colour. 
The history hurdle. 
The grinding of Cathy’s chair against the kitchen floor wasn’t enough to pierce the tension between the 1st and 2nd queen. The writer took Anne’s hand, and cautiously walked her over to her godmother. 
“Anne, this is my Godmother. Ma, this is-” 
“I know who Anne is.” Catherine’s voice was a deadly monotone. 
The awkwardness had obviously got to the Boleyn girl who proceeded to bite her lip as she glanced around the room, eyeing the wall tiles with great curiosity. 
“Boleyn.” Anne’s head snapped back to the situation as the Spanish queen addressed her. “Are you dating my goddaughter?” 
“Well-” Anne didn’t know what to say, and thankfully, Catherine didn’t want to hear it. 
“Catherine Mary Parr.” Cathy flinched at the use of her full name. 
“Your middle name is mary?” Anne tentatively asked before Aragon shut her off. 
“Are you dating the woman who stole my husband?” 
“Well, when you put it like that…” Cathy trailed off as her godmother rubbed her temple. 
“After all these years?” Aragon tried so hard to keep her composure, she really did. But some situations are just too much. “No puedo creerlos a los dos!” 
“I can’t fucking believe you both.” Cathy translated. 
“Después de todo lo que hago por ti,” The Spaniard flung her arms around, “así es como me pagas?!”
“After everything, I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?” 
“Mierda, mierda, mierda, odio a los malditos franceses!” She turned to Cathy “Te estas follando ella?” 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I hate the fucking french, and I verbally can’t repeat the final phrase.” 
“Are you?” ‘Lina demanded to know the answer.
“sí señorita.” Cathy’s reply was quick and timid.
Catherine turned to Anne, “First, you stole my husband, then you stole my crown, and now you steal my goddaughter?!” 
“Oh, I stole more than that from her,” Anne winked at Cathy who couldn’t hold her laugh as she remembered the recent events. She buried her head in the Boleyn girl’s shoulder to try and stifle it. Forgetting all about the angry Spaniard, Anne kissed the top of Cathy’s curls and smiled fondly down at her. 
That wasn’t normal. Catherine of Aragon knew how Anne Boleyn worked when it came to a relationship. She would look at her target with a seductive smirk and a classic wink, she would follow them around before leading them out the room in the dark and alone. Anne Boleyn would destroy families and ruin a country. Manipulate the king and destroy the church, but she would never look at someone with such value. 
In all the years Catherine had been alive she has never seen Anne Boleyn blush as much as she did now or look at someone with so much compassion and… love? 
“No me importa que seas gay” Aragon finally sighed. 
Cathy swiftly removed her head from Anne’s shoulder to translate, “I don’t care that you are gay.” 
“And I shouldn't care who you date either.” Catalina looked at the interlocked fingers. “Forgive me for being so crude, it was a shock.” 
“It was a shock to me too!” Anne quipped but received a slap from Cathy. 
“I apologise for my use of language too, it was-”
“Descriptive?” Cathy finished. 
“Extremely.” It was still a little awkward between the trio, but ‘Lina was determined to settle things, “I just want you to know that I accept you both as family and as lovers.” 
“Thank you, ma.” 
“I really appreciate it.” 
“Now, I know the others will be getting back soon so we should really get started on breakfast.” 
“Let me reheat your coffee, babe.” Anne carefully took the mug from Cathy, who whispered a ‘thank you.’ 
“I have to admit,” Aragon cleared her space on the table and handed her goddaughter the placemats, “You make a pretty good couple.” 
“Right?!” Anne beamed with delight,
“Does anyone else know?” Catherine continued, 
“Only Katherine and you. We both wanted to keep it on the down-low, but Anne said I should tell you because you’re family.” Cathy explained.
“Well, I’m glad you told me, even if it took some convincing. And know that I’m here for the both of you if anyone tries anything!” 
“We’re back!” The younger cousin’s voice echoed off the walls, and she bounced into the kitchen to see Cathy kissing Anne’s cheek as she was handed her mug and ‘Lina placing the apple juice on the table. 
“Did the air work?” Cathy asked Kitty as she took her seat next to Anne around the table,
“I feel younger already!” 
“I’m definitely going to be immortal by the end of the century.” Anna threw her hoodie over the back of her chair and poured herself some apple juice as Jane finally walked in. 
Once everyone was sat, Anne nodded at Kat from across the table and tried to suppress and smile as Cathy subtly linked their arms together. A small gesture of affection which had humungous meaning.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 4 years
Childhood friends
Summary: y/n and negan have been friends forever and have done everything togother. When negans wife Lucille gets sick negan 1st tells her. This event leads to hell but also heaven.
Warnings: swearing,rated R jokes,angst
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Recieving a text from negan was a daily occurence for y/n but mosf of them didnt say "get in here. Fast." Y/n walkes into negan office seeing a stressed negan sitting at his desk hyperventilating. "Hey hey breathe" she said running to his side kneeling beside him. She put her hand on his back alarming him to her presence. He turned looked at y/n. "Shes sick" is all he can say as tears fall from his eyes.
She knew negan was speaking of his wife Lucille. Negan had been speaking of this for a while saying how Lucille was getting test done and how he had to work overtime to get the money for some of them. Y/n would help when she could with extra money she had. Due to her living alone and spending most her time passing out at negans she usually ended up with a bit of money left to do as she pleased.
She stayed with negan till he calmed down. "So the test came back?" She asked. Negan nodded. "Its bad y/n" is all he said. The look in his eyes was as if he was begging y/n to do something. "I'm so sorry negan" she said hugging him. She felt negan crying into her shoulder. After a while he pulled away. "Sorry." Is all he said. "Hey...its ok..." she said.
"Want me to come back with you after?" Y/n asked negan. Y/n has known Lucille sense highschool and even introduced negan and Lucille. She really wanted to see Lucille before it got too bad but she didnt want to intrude on negans and lucilles time. Negan nodded. "Please....i cant do this alone." He said softly his voice slightly cracking. Y/n nodded.
School had ended so y/n sat sat with negan while he finished his work. They didnt say anything she knew negan was truly hurting and she didnt wanna bother him. When negan was silent she knew to not speak he was never silent always mouthing off about some bullshit. Negan closed his laptop looking up at y/n who was laid out on the couch asleep. Negan couldn't help but just think of all that had happened within the past few hours.
He looked at y/n thinking about how she was why he met Lucille in the first place and now......here he was. He walked over to y/n picking her up walking to his car. She buried her head into his shoulder. He layed he in the passenger side walking back to the drivers side. He sat down and broke into tears. He felt a hand upon his shoulder not long after. "Its ok. She'll be ok." Y/n said softly. She put her head on his shoulder.
They both knew it was a lie the results werent looking up for Lucille but they had to have hope they had to believe. At the moment negan didnt have much hope and y/n had to hope for them both. After a few negan started driving. They reached negans home in silence.
Negan just sat there staring at the house. "It'll be ok negan." Y/n said. Negan nodded. They walked to the door as negan stared at it. Y/n grabbed his hand and nodded. Negan nodded back. They opened the door to see an empty livingroom. Turning they saw a wasted Lucille in the kitchen. "Heeeeeeeeeeeey y/n" Lucille slurred. "She shouldnt be drinking riight?" Y/n said to negan. He sighed and shook his head. "No. No she shouldnt" he stared at his wife shaking his head before walking upstairs. "Well now is just us gals" Lucille said.
Y/n shook her head. "Lucille..." was all she got out. Negan didnt come down most the night and y/n spent most the night watching Lucille and trying to stop her from drinking more. She babbled on of childhood memories. Eventually y/n got fed up and stood up and started twoard the stairs. "Y/n" Lucille said soflty. Y/n turned. "When im gone......love him the way we both know you do. He'll need it." She said before crashing. Y/n knew what she meant hell anyone who wasn't negan knew what she meant.
Y/n has loved negan sense she was 4 years old. But inevitably life kicked in and negan chose everyone else but her. She walked up stares to see negan laying in bed. His eyes were closed but based on his breathing he was awake. Y/n layed next to him with her head on his chest. "She shouldnt be alone doing that" he grumbled. "She fell asleep" y/n replied. Negan sighed and not long after was he asleep. Y/n sighed. This was going to be hell. Y/n didnt know how negan was going to do it but however she could help she would. She walked down the hall flopping onto the guest bed staring at the ceiling most the night. Why did this have to be so stressful.
Y/n woke up to the smell of breakfast. Grumbling she pulled herself up and out of bed. Walking down she saw negan and Lucille close while cooking. You'd think being in love with your childhood bestfriend whos married would be difficult to restrain feelings but honestly......y/n just wanted negan happy in the end even if its not by her. But now....well Lucille has fucked that up by saying what she did. It repeated in her head all through the night and even now. How could she put that pressure on her how could she have no hope but stand there with negan like nothing happened. Though to her maybe nothing did happen.
Y/n walked to the counter and cleared her throat. They looked and smiled. "Morning y/n" negan said. "Mornin" she replied. "What yall making ?" She asked. "Pancakes and bacon" Lucille said cheerfully. "Your awfully peppy for as much as you drank" y/n said. "Heh well yknow just want to eat" she said giggling. Negan kissed he cheek before walking to the garage to work on his car while waiting.
"Lucille do you remember last night?" Y/n asked more wanting to know if she meant what she said. "I remember what i told you if thats what your asking. I meant what i said. We both know how you feel and we both know i cant fight this. I can feel myself getting weaker and even with your help we dont have the money to fight this. You love him and once im gone hes going to need that. You need to care for him and show him you love him." She said as if it was just another fact. "Your going to be ok Lucille." Y/n heard her voice crack and felt tears start to cloud her eyes. Lucille was still her only other friend outside of negan. Shed known her sense highschool and the thought of her dying.....it shattered her heart. Lucille rolled her eyes. Y/n couldnt take this she couldn't listen to her friend talk of how she was dying.
Y/n walked out to the garage with negan feeling her legs wobble and her heart break. Negan turned and smiled softly then frowned. "Whats wrong.....y/n" negan said walking to her. He grabbed her face making her look up at him. "Nothing." She said. Negan huffed and shook his head. "Fucking hell never one to talk....." he said. Grabbing her he pulled her to the front of the car. He opened the roof showing all the improvements he had done. She adored the car it had so many memories sense even before he could could drive it. She smiled admiring the shiny new improvements. "Heh thought that could get a fucking smile out of you." He said proud of himself. She nodded. "After breakfast lets go for a fucking ride what you say ?" He asked. She smiled and laughed "absofuckinglutely" she replied happily.
Breakfast was awkward well for y/n it was. She sat only with Lucilles words repeating over and over. She felt so much pressure. After negan did as he said and they went for a ride. Eventually he stopped at a park that they went to often as kids. He walked her to their "hiding spot" that now them as grown adults was not so hiden.
Surrounded by trees and plants they sat by a broken down bonfire that was used not to long ago in the week. They sat in silence for a while. "What you fucking thinking about so intensely?" Negan asked. "Your wife." She replied. Negan laughed at how it sounded. "What about her?" He asked. "Something she said to me....." she replied not knowing if she had the right to say what Lucille said.
"What the fuck she say?" Negan said clearly lost what she could've said to have taken up her thoughts so much. "Promise not to tell her i told you." She asked. "Shit y/n........sure.......what is it?" He asked. "She said when shes gone i need to love you the way i truly do." She said. Negan made a grumble and sighing sound before sitting up more. He rubbed his face. "Fucking hell" he said.
"I dont know what to do....." y/n said. "Im sorry" she appolagize. "Dont be sorry she shouldnt have said that.......fuck." he said. He rolled his eyes and turned to y/n. He hugged her close. "This is not on you. Its not on you to care for me and she shouldnt use your feelings like that." He said before releasing her. He held her face. He kissed her cheek before sighing. He walked back to the car y/n following behind.
They returned back later afternoon. Y/n went to take a shower. After she heard arguing downstairs. She knew she shouldnt have but she sat on the step hearing it. "Why would you tell her that?!" Negan yelled. "Well i wouldn't have if i known she was going to tell you like some puppy !!" Lucille said back. "She was worried!! She got nervous with all the pressure you put on her!!" Negan replied. After a while y/n couldnt stand to listen. Negan had broken a promise and the yelling was making her remember things shed rather forget.
She walked into guest room sitting on the bed. At some point.she mustve fell asleep cause she opened her eyes when her bed dipped. She saw negan laying next to her. "Hey" he said softly. "You promised" she replied. He looked ashamed. "I had to say something. She used your feelings and put too much pressure on you. She......she knows our history and she used it. I had to fix it" he said. "But you made it worse......and the yelling......." she mumbled. Negan didnt say anything after.
Negan pulled her closer. They stayed in silence till she fell alseep. Being told to be with negan wouldve been her dream at 15 but at this point with negan married and her being told if said wife dies to love him BY said wife. This hurt her but seeing how casual negan has been the whole time.....that not only hurt but scared her.
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parkjess · 4 years
hello! can i request an astro individual scenario where they try confessing to the reader?
Thank you for requesting! 🥰
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After finishing with his musical schedule, Myungjun, your friend you were there to support every day of his rehearsals, took you to a relaxing day. Sunday morning, sun’s up, he made some sandwiches and drinks for the whole day, taking you around the beautiful places in town, where there is a view almost as pretty as him.
You catch up with one another’s schedule and hard times you had through the past few weeks. “You know, I thought about you a lot during practice.” He says, swinging the basket he was holding and then taking a look at you. You do the same, yet surprised. -“You did?” Asking and taking a seat on a bench, full of spring flowers that fell off the tree behind.
“Yeah. You helped me a lot in my mind, so thank you.” He chuckles, taking the seat near you, “I have been thinking about it a lot now,” he’s slightly getting nervous. You look up at him, locking eyes. -“What is it? You can tell me anything.” “I like you y/n. You are always there for me when I need you, and even when I don’t ask for it, you always know when to find me. I like you a lot.” Your heart added extra beat when he said that sentence you needed to hear so badly, since you are going through hard time now, and didn’t even tell him about it.
-“I like you too Myungjun.”
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Sanha called you last night to invite you to jinwoo’s birthday party that will take place next week in the dorms, and ofcourse you agreed and even helped making the decorations, the cake and little gift bags for everyone.
The whole week you were walking around the mall and town with the boys, every day with someone else. You decided to buy Jinwoo several birthday gifts since you’re never sure if he’s gonna like the last one you bought, and every each of them helped with their own style.
Finally March 14 arrived, you have planned to spend the whole day with Jinwoo and come back to the dorms exactly at midnight, when it’s the 15 already. At first he didn’t want to finish the bowling game you were playing around 11pm so you faked a stomachache, and as you thought, he rushed to take you back to the dorm as soon as possible. It’s 12:02am, you missed the exact midnight because he was stubborn to take you to your place. “Jinwoo...” you whisper when you arrive at the dorms’ entrance, -“Y/n are you okay?” He asks when he notices you are completely fine suddenly, so you place your hand quickly on the door handle as a sign for the boys, and open it. “Happy birthday!” Jinwoo’s five best friends and you, his secret crush that only sanha knows about, shout, scaring the birthday kid. -“oh my god you tricked me!” Jinwoo shout at you with a smile, pointing at your stomach, you can see how he cared about you being in pain. “She planned this all, hyung!” Sanha says happily as you hit his arm playfully, turning red from the credit he gave you. “NO, SANHA, we planned this all, happy birthday Park Jinwoo.” You say and stretch your arm to get your gifts for him, handing 5 different full bags to him.
-“I... I have nothing to say... y/n, you’re amazing, you all are, guys.” Jinwoo stutters, “Just say you love her already hyung.” All of the sudden Sanha says, making all of you turn to him as he realized what he just said, Jinwoo slaps his own forehead with his palm. -“OH MY GOD.” Minhyuk interrupts quietly. “Yes, oh my god, SANHA WHAT THE HELL!” You yell at the younger boy, realizing he was speaking the truth since Jinwoo didn’t deny anything.
“What? You’ll thank me later hyung.” Sanha says nonchalantly and shoves a spoon full of cake into his mouth.
After you all ate cake and Jinwoo called you to his room, you didn’t feel uncomfortable talking to him, not even now, but you felt like your heart is going to leave your rib cage soon. “First of all, I’m so thankful for you making all of... this. You made me the happiest man on earth, you always do. Second, I love you.” He takes your hand once he says he confesses. “Third, Sanha is a dumbass I’m grateful for, because he made me finally say this. I’m sick of hiding my feelings for you, I want you to know it finally. I love you y/n.” Your heart race could be heard from miles away, -“I love you too Jinwoo.” You say back and kiss him on the lips, it tastes like sweet vanilla frosting. -“He was right, you are going to thank him later.” You finally say and kiss him once again, missing the taste of cake on your own lips.
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“Y/n! Finally, I’ve been calling you the whole morning, anyways, we are going to the beach today, wanna join us?” Moonbin, one of your friends calls you when you wake up, peeking at your phone while he’s talking, 12 missed calls from him and Minhyuk. -“uhm, yeah sure? I just woke up so I’ll be there in like two hours.” You reply with still sleepy, crispy voice. “Alright! See you then.” He says and hangs up.
Arriving at the beach, it’s a sunny day in the middle of February, the cold breeze helps your hair tangle itself, and the lip gloss you applied doesn’t make the situation better.
“Hey! Lee dongmin!” You shout when you see the handsome guy sits on a beach towel, covered with his big coat. the others are missing in your eye sight. -“Y/n hii,” Dongmin looks up at you, offering you a seat near him.
“Thanks, are you cold?” You ask him while he’s deep in your eyes, smiling his charming smile that makes your heart flutter. -“Ah no it’s okay.” You say nothing but hand him a hot pack, he thanks you and brings it closer to his neck. “So... where is everyone?” Feeling kinda awkward, you decide to ask something to break the silence. Dongmin was your crush for 3 years, yet not long ago you decided to control these feelings since you don’t want to ruin your friendship, and still, your stomach fills with butterflies every time you hear his voice or look at him.
-“There they are.” He points behind you with his head since his hands are busy holding the hot packs. “You’re here!” Sanha shouts and quickly bends over to hug you. The others just greet you with excitement.
“Guys, why don’t you go buy something to eat?” Dongmin suddenly asks, you look at him surprised since they just came from somewhere. Jinwoo was the only one who got the sign and pulled the boys out of there.
“Y/n, I have something to tell you.” Dongmin softly says, stretching his arms to hold your hand. “I have tried to deny it, but I’m afraid I can’t. You already know where this is going, right?” Dongmin likes your clever brain, in fact, that’s what made him fall for you in the first place.
But you tried to convince yourself that’s not what you’re thinking, only because you’re scared to be denied.
-“I’m not sure...”
“I like you y/n, a lot, and you probably don’t want to ruin this friendship but I don’t mind ruining it with something bigger than that.”
Wow, your whole body twitched at those words of his. -“I’m pretty much shocked now, because I’ve been feeling the same. I like you too Dongmin.”
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Your graduation party wasn’t like you expected it to be. The theme everyone chose was 80’ style, which was different from other proms you have seen.
“Moonbin, hi.” You say shyly when you get close to your friend, still refusing to believe these are the last days you see each other, and then every one goes on his own way.
He turns to you, wearing those shades that make you laugh at him. “Woah, dude chill with the coolness.” You giggle, sticking your thumbnail between your teeth. -“Well, you look wonderful too.” He laughs, grabbing the drink his friend just handed to him. “So... last day huh?” You sigh. -“Yeah,” he follows, taking a sip from what looks like non-alcoholic blue drink. -“Remember when we wished to finish school? Never knew it will be somehow sad like this...” “Yeah well, let’s not spend our last hours together like this upset.” You said, grabbing his hand to the “dance floor”.
All you have done is having fun with your classmates and friends, no getting drunk, no expensive suits and dresses, but good music and atmosphere. Moonbin was one of the last students who stayed there with you until after midnight, dancing till you can’t breathe no more from laughing so much. “Wow, that was a very happy ending, don’t you think so?” He turns his head to you as you pull skewers with marshmallows on it, hand one to him and hold it above the fire. -“I do, I still can’t believe we’re together for years, we went through everything, since 1st grade till now.”
“Y/n...” he whispers, realizing all of these things you just said. -“hmm?” You look at him, feeling too close. “I’m gonna regret it if I won’t say it right now,” he smiles a bit. “I love you.” Your eyes widen from his words, almost burning the marshmallows because you forgot them. -“I... Bin, I don’t know what to say.” You felt the same, but just couldn’t say those 3 words so easily. “Don’t say anything.” He shoves a marshmallow into his mouth and stands up, offering you his hand to do so too. -“Wait.” You stop him when he’s about to go. -“I love you too.” You immediately say and pull him closer for a kiss.
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“Minhyuk, where are we going?”
Your friend grabbed your hand the moment he heard from Myungjun that you are feeling a bit down these days, not able to accomplish anything you want. -“It’ll be fun, I promise,” he stops near his new car, and says with a smile, -“Now get in the car.” He opens the car door for you and you enter, noticing the comfort pillows he has in the two front seats. “Are you kidnapping me?” You say sarcastically, pulling the seat belt while he get in the car from the other side. -“If I would, you wouldn’t know.” Minhyuk smirks his usual charming smirk and drives off the parking lot.
The ride wasn’t too long, it was full with both of your laughter, loud music and screaming because he almost bumped into a cat. -“Were here.” He takes off his seatbelt and says, walks out first to open your door again, like a real banal gentleman. “Starbucks? Oh come on, do you wanna tell me what’s going on? You never take me here, or anywhere alone.” You weren’t lying, he never hangs out with you alone but only with another mutual friend of yours, today he felt like he doesn’t want you to feel unwell so he decided to take you on a ‘friendly date’.
-“So you’re actually saying you want me to take you alone more often?” Here’s that smirk again, and he laughs it off. The place was very beautiful, spring atmosphere it is. He told you to sit near one of the tables with a pretty view while he’s ordering the drinks.
You sat there watching the view, glancing at you handsome friend from time to time, wondering why he buy you drinks all of the sudden, he’s the type to ask you to buy him a drink usually.
-“There you go, and... this.” He places your favorite pastry near the beverage, which makes him more suspicious. “Minhyuk, stop wasting your money on me. What is it with you today?” -“Just shut up and drink.” He laughs, gosh his smile made you forget everything you are going through. You take a bite from the sweet muffin (or whatever you like to eat) and thank him about it. “Okay but seriously now, why are you so good to me toda- I mean, you’re always good but today there’s something different.” Your friend rolls eyes at your stubbornness and sighs. -“Myungjun hyung told me you are having hard time.”
Not enough for you, still, he’s hiding something. He could tell you’re having a hard time several times this year, and yet, this has never happened before. When you both finished drinking and chitchatting about life, the usual conversations with Minhyuk, you went out to breathe some fresh air. There was a beautiful park (minhyuk hehehuhu) nearby so he walked you there without you to notice. -“Actually, I do have something to tell you, but this day was supposed to cheer you up, I don’t know what you are going through, but you know you can always talk to me, right?” He suddenly starts to walk slower, puts his hands into his denim jacket, he looks down on the leaves and then up at you. “Yes, ofcourse, but don’t worry about it. Ah, what was the thing you wanted to tell me?” You ask, locking eyes with him from time to time, it feels great to look him in the eyes like that, he’s shining. -“I’ll just say it like that, right away.” He lets you know first, -“I care about you, I like you, actually.” The way he said those words was like he planned this for a while now, but it came fluently from the bottom of his heart.
“I knew it!” You fist your hand, -“You did?” He asks in confusion. “Yeah, I mean no I didn’t but I hoped so.” His smile appears again, -“hoped... Does that mean you like me too?” His heart beats can be heard from where you were standing. “Well, you know me best, so I guess you know the answer.” You reply and take his hand in yours, intertwining fingers.
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“Yoon sanha! Give me back my camera!” You shout while running after the 10 feet tall guy that every step he makes equals to 3 steps of you.
He runs so fast until he can’t no more and gives up, breathing heavily while holding onto his knees. -“Take your camera, it doesn’t worth your embarrassing pictures.” You grab it right after he says, searching for the pics he was taking of you while eating and talking with the others. “Oh my god Sanha you’re gonna pay for that.” You tell him while panting and looking at your own awkward moments. You didn’t like to see yourself while talking, kinda insecure about it, but he didn’t know it.
“Both of you stop and let’s go eat.” Dongmin appears behind the two of you, scaring you both since you didn’t expect him to be there.
-“Ah! Hyung!” Sanha screams as soon as he hears Dongmin’s slightly deep voice, following him to where you were sitting all together in the first place. “Open your mouth.” You held a fork with lightly burnt, hot, potato stuck on it, making its way to Sanha’s mouth. The others just looked at you shocked, and you didn’t get why. “What?” You ask, sticking the fork in another piece of potato, that’s his favorite thing to eat, especially on camping trips. -“You would make a great couple someday.” Jinwoo says and the rest of them agree. “What? Ew, no he’s my best friend.” You know Sanha is close to you so wouldn’t be offended by your words, even though he wanted you to be more than his bestie.
Time passed and all of them went to sleep, except for you and Sanha who stayed up late singing songs while he plays the guitar. “Did you really mean what you said earlier?” He suddenly asks, looks like he does care about that. -“Which part?”
“The one with the ‘Ew’, do you really mean it?” His voice lowers. -“What? No Sanha, ofcourse not. It’s just, you know what they are going to say if I’d said otherwise. Why does that bother you?” He grabs the Polaroid camera from earlier, handing it over to you. “What-“ he cuts you off. -“look at the third picture.” You take it and roll the gallery to the picture he meant, it was you; but a finger heart at the bottom of the picture. “Sanha, I don’t get-“. -“I like you y/n, more than a best friend. And I wish Jinwoo’s words could make a reality.” Wait... what? “Yoon sanha, are you kid- you’re speaking the truth.” You realize since you recognize his serious face. “I, actually, said what I said earlier... because I was starting to feel the same feelings for you, and I guess I was too scared...”
-“So, you like me back?”
“I guess- I do.”
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suhsuhsuckit · 6 years
Trick Or Treat-
Hyuck x Reader (girl)
Summary: In the school Y/N and her friends attend, they like to have a Halloween month, a full month or tricking and treating. A full month of dressing up to trying to scare someone to death. The day of October 1st, one boy decides to play a trick on Y/N. On October 31, that trick became the biggest treat of all
A/N: I tried my best, I hope you guys enjoy it. (: I hope you guys have a happy Halloween and it is safe but yet really fun. I love you guys <3
The day of October first, Y/N was already aware of people out there for tricks. She would careful sneak around, and would step to the side when she opened her locker. She was like a white tail deer when they feel alarmed. It finally got to the end of the day. She went to her locker, slowly opening it. She notices a note. When she opens it, someone scares her from behind. She jumps but quickly turns around looking to see who it was.
“Hello beautiful” the boy in front of her said. “How’s Y/N?” You smile ever so warm while looking at him.
“I guess I’m doing great, even though I was just scared.. gosh Donghyuck why did you have to do that to me?” He smiles big and shrugs while pulling you into a hug.
“I do have a question for you tho..” you look up at him and he smiles down at you.
“Will you be my girlfriend?..” You nod, kind of aware he may not mean it but you truly like him. He smiles big and he hugs you tightly. “Great, our first date is next Friday after school. “ he kisses your head before walking off.
The next week went by fairly quickly, it was like a blink of an eye and you’re in a café sitting across from your so called boyfriend, Donghyuck. It was fairly quiet at first, then he finally spoke up.
“So, how are you?” He says in a soft voice, holding his hands out across the table for yours. You gently place your hands with is, holding them tightly. His skin was soft and warm against your cold hands.
“I’m doing okay. I’m fairly happy.” You smile big at him and he smiles back at you.
“I am too” He squirms a little, like he’s in a very happy mood. A worker ends up bringing your guy’s drinks. Donghyuck thanks the worker and starts to drink his drink. “You’re so quiet. How come?”
“I don’t know what to exactly say? I’m kind of awkward.” You shrug as you took a sip of your water.
“I haven’t been to the bathroom all day hyuck. I’ll be right back “ You get up to go to the bathroom. Once you finally get into the stall, you hear another set of girls walk in. You don’t care and quickly go to the bathroom, and once you finish your business, you walk out as the girls dump water on you. Luckily it wasn’t a whole bucket, but you chose the wrong day to wear a white shirt. “You girls are obviously stuck in middle school.” You look into the mirror, sighing because your not wearing a bra and it’s able to tell through your now wet shirt. You fold your arms across your chest and walk out to hyuck.
“Hey, can I use your jacket?..” he looks at you confused.
“Why are you wet? “ he asks, giving you his jacket.
“Some girls poured water on me. Nothing much. “ He was about to say something and you sat down. “Hyuck, I don’t know if they go o our school or not, I don’t know their intentions on why they did this. Plus it was just water that got on me in the wrong area on my white shirt. So, it’s okay. Im not melting.” He smiles slightly at what you say and you smile at him.
After the date, things like that kept going off an on. At one point, you were wearing a dress and you didn’t have on safety shorts and someone trips you. Luckily you catch your self and you didn’t get hurt, but everyone behind you saw your underwear that day.
Another time, someone threw food at you, and it went down your shirt. So without causing a commotion, you cleaned up and shrugged it off. No matter what happened, you just shrugged it off. You never thought much of it because life always has its ups and downs plus it’s Halloween, some people don’t trick well.
It was Halloween day, you were getting ready with your best friend Jeno. You finally brought the topic up about hyuck.
“I don’t think this relationship is true, you know? Like I feel like it’s just a big trick. To break my heart or something..” Jeno looks at you and sighs.
“Everything that’s been going on with you is a trick, he wanted to see how you would react. He was really sad when the jumping fake spider didn’t scare you. “ you giggle slightly and look at Jeno, “ He does like you though.” You raise an eyebrow.
“Really now? Mm.. well I don’t know if I want to get back at him now..” Jeno nods, telling you to get back at him and you two talk for the rest of the time for a plan.
It was like in no time, the day went by and you were at the corn maze with your friend group.
It was you, Donghyuck, Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun. You guys walked in the entrance to the corn maze and stayed close together. It felt like hours before you guys got to the first map, and that’s when you slowly walk off with your other friends behind you guys. You swiftly go away with out Hyuck even noticing. The guys kept walking on, Jeno watching them not notice your presence is gone.
Almost half way through, Hyuck reaches back for your hand and noticed you’re not there.
“Guys?! Where is Y/N” He looks at the other guys, having terror written all over his face.
“She’s right-“ Renjun turns around in his spit and looks for you. “She was right next to me.. just behind you..”
“I wonder how long she’s been gone..” Jaemin says, losing his smile. Hyuck starts to back track to see if he can find you. Jeno grabs his wrists and turns him around.
“I know you’re worried. I am too. But I think it would be better to finish the corn maze then see if she comes out. If she doesn’t with in a certain amount of time, we go tell someone. Okay? “ Hyuck nods and starts walking a head of everyone, letting a couple tears go. Every time another person walks by, he looks at everyone to see if he can find you. Every time he sees you’re not there, his heart drops a little more. Little did he know, you have already finished with other people and you’re waiting at the end for him. You are kind of hiding at the exit. Once you see him walk around the last corner with the other guys. You pop out.
“Boo!” You day while smiling big and you see all the guys, but Jeno, jump.
“You’re okay!!” Both Renjun and Jaemin say at the same time in relief. Then Donghyuck just grabs you after he realizes it is you. He hugs you tightly and starts to sob into your shoulder.
“I thought I lost you! I didn’t know what happened.. I promised your family before we left that I would keep a close eye on you.. and I really failed at that and I feel terrible.. I went to go grab your hand and you weren’t there.. Y/N what happened? Why did you leave us?.. why did you scare me?..” You felt your heart melt into as you hugged back.
“W-well I knew you didn’t mean it when you asked me out, that it was just a trick. So I wanted to get you back...” you felt bad for making him cry.You etch the other guys walk off to get food as you and hyuck talk everything out. Once he looks up, you wipe his tears and sigh. “You must really like me?..” he nods in reply, having a little pout.
“I like how you had a positive outcome with everything, and after getting close to you, knowing how warm of a person you are, it just made me fall for you. I knew you were beautiful, but I didn’t know you were so beautiful inside and out..” he sighs and looks into your eyes. “Y/N.. are you a ghost for Halloween?” You look at him in confusion and shake your head no. “Then you must be my boo” He quickly kisses your cheek and then let’s go if you.
“You must be candy corn for Halloween, you’re so corny! “ You giggle and grab his hand. He laughs at your little pun and smiles big.
“Seriously though, do you want to be my boo for..ever?” You nod and nudge him lightly as you two walk over to the guys.
“Wow this trick became the best treat ever” Hyuck says.
“Oh Donghyuck you’re so corny!” Jeno says while hugging Jaemin.
“I know, I guess it’s because you’re so boo-tiful.” Jaemin and Jeno laugh as Hyuck flared at them.
“That was basically spot on though, right babe?” You say while looking at him. You notice his gaze soften and his lips curl into a smile. “You made my Halloween amazing by the way” you say, whispering into his ear.
“You made mine amazing as well” He says back in a whisper. You two just watch the guys make fun of you and tell ‘behind the scenes’ since October 1st. Honestly, you were too busy focusing on Donghyuck to hear them talk about how he always complemented you.
Once again, this trick became the best treat ever.
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tkpro-scenarios · 6 years
April Fool's Game Prize | Scenario #1
Yokai!AU Scenario on how Tsubasa, Koki, and Aoi will save their S/O after being cursed by an evil being.
The 1st of the two scenarios prize for the winner of our April Fool’s Game, @airiatsuki Hope you like it~!
Okui Tsubasa
The blond went flying, back crashing into the tree as he let out a grunt of pain before he fell to the floor, coughing up blood.
“Tsubasa…‼” you weakly called, reaching out a hand to the tengu when someone seized your wrist and yanked you up onto your feet.
“Whoa there~! Do you really have time to be worried about other people?”
“Suzuki-kun…” you breathed, your scream echoing across the forest whilst your classmate wore a twisted sneer.
Tsubasa shakily stood on his feet, golden eyes glaring at the curse mark spreading from your arm to the rest of your body while you cried out in pain, your face losing its color as the last of your strength left you. The raven-haired youth caught you before you fell forward.
“Poor little [Name]-chan…” Suzuki cooed, a smirk splitting his lips at the tengu’s glare. “Really, humans are always so gullible! ‘I’ll stop possessing your friend’s body if you give me your spiritual energy instead’, can you believe she actually believed such an obvious lie?!” He gave a roar of laughter, placing a hand around your chin to lift your face up. “Well thanks to that, I’m almost strong enough to get my old form back so…thank you for the hard work, [Name]-chan~!” He mused, placing a quick peck on your cheek, setting the blond’s temper aflame.
“Why you little—”
“I’d watch your tone if I were you.” The youth warned, pulling you closer to his chest. “I might still need some more power to make a complete revival but that doesn’t mean I still need [Name] for it.”
“Hmph! Big talk from a sealed wimp that had to possess a high school student and trick his friend into giving him power.” Tsubasa replied, the usual smirk on his features despite his shaky voice.
Suzuki narrowed his eyes at the comment, a scoff leaving his lips as he laughed at the blond. “And what’s a lone tengu like you gonna do about it?”
“Who said anything about being alone?”
“What—” The black-haired teen’s confused expression soon changed into one of surprise when he felt another presence, turning his head to the side only to get sent crashing a few feet away by a powerful kick.
Suzuki shook his head, bringing up a hand to his forehead whilst red eyes stared up at the violet-haired yokai standing before him. “Who—?!”
“You think I’d be dumb enough to take on something as troublesome as you without some sort of backup?” Suzuki whisked his head around to find Tsubasa holding your unconscious figure in his arms. “On that note, you’re late! Look at this bruise! I got kicked around waiting for you!” The blond pouted at his friend, pointing to his cheek.
“My bad. It took Soshi some time to find this.” Shiki replied in his usual cool tone, drawing a sword. “He said I owe him half of the reward. You made sure to bring it, right? That ‘super amazing’ sake you were talking about?”
“Is this really the time for this?!” the tengu retorted, golden orbs narrowing at Shiki’s pout before closing with a tired sigh. “It’s waiting back home so let’s hurry up and get this over with?”
The purple-haired oni gave a curt nod, turning his attention back to the red-eyed teen staring dumbfounded at him. “Hold still.”
“Why the hell would I listen to you—” Suzuki barked, shooting out a cloud of black smoke before lunging at Shiki who seized his arm, spinning him a few times before throwing the youth at a tree.
“Hey, don’t rough him up too much!” Tsubasa scolded. “He might be possessed but he’s still [Name]’s friend. I’m the one that’ll get it if anything else happens to him.”
“How troublesome.” Shiki muttered under his breath with a click of his tongue. He made his way to the curled up boy. “Like I said, hold still.” He instructed again.
“Why would I…” Suzuki coughed, shakily standing up again. “…take orders from a mere oni?”
“I’d watch your tone if I were you.” Tsubasa mimicked, a mischievous grin plastered on his lips while Shiki stepped closer towards your friend. “He’s no ordinary oni. He’s Shuten-dōji, you know~?”
“Shuten—” Red eyes glanced up, a streak of purple trailing the air as Shiki swung his sword down.
[E/c] hues blinked at the darkness until you adjusted to it, slowly turning your head to find Tsubasa lying a mere inches away, honey-colored orbs closed while he slept, the breath released by his soft snores hitting against your skin. He furrowed his brows, eyes slowly opening to blink at you before he offered a sleepy smile.
“[Name]-chan, you’re awake.” He sat up, searching the room and pulling a bowl of water closer to him.
“Yeah.” You gave a weak nod, looking around the dark room illuminated by the moonlight. “What happened to Suzuki-kun?”
“He was a pain to deal with it but as expected of Shiki, he exorcised the evil spirit from him with some old sword.” Tsubasa explained, flicking some water at your cheek and wiping it with a cloth with a displeased pout. “He’s asleep in the other room. Eichi’s keeping an eye on him.” He set the cloth down with a tired sigh. “How about you? How are you feeling?”
“Better. Sorry for the trouble.” You gave a small smile, both of you looking down at your wrist where a small mark still remained.
“It’ll probably go away after a few days so use it as a reminder of how dumb you are and reflect on your actions until it fades away.” Tsubasa stated, lifting up your hand to inspect the curse mark when you snorted.
“…What?” Gold eyes stared unamused.
“Sorry.” You held back another snicker, covering your mouth with your free hand. “It’s not like you to be so serious and nagging.”
“Whose fault do you think that is?” the blond tengu retorted dryly. “Honestly, when I did I become such a busybody~?” He sang with a dramatic sigh, pulling you closer.
“Wh-What are you—”
“I took care of your friend and got rid of your curse so it’s the least you can do, right?” Tsubasa’s sigh tickled your ear as he brought you into a hug, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. “You humans call this a ‘recharge’ or something, right? For when you’re tired?”
You blinked, a soft smile on your face as you returned his hug, taking in Tsubasa’s warmth. “Thank you for everything, Tsubasa.”
He gave a nod.
Eto Koki
Azure hues gazed up at the equally blue sky, the summer sun glaring down on the earth while a faint breeze ever-so-slightly rocked the trees and shrubs when his ears twitched at the sounds of footsteps climbing the stairs to his shrine. He brought his head down to blink at the family approaching when he found himself watching a young child of five, [e/c] hues staring back at him. He tilted his head to the side, the child doing the same.
“Can she see me?”
“[Name], we need to go talk to the head priest so be a good girl and wait for us by the shrine okay? But don’t go inside or the fox deity living inside it will get upset.”
You gave a nod, still staring at the golden-haired young man sitting by the entrance of the small shrine, his fox ears twitching as he blinked. A rather awkward moment of silence passed for the young fox when your gaze was diverted by a butterfly. You immediately chased after it, only to trip and fall on your own two feet onto the cobblestone ground.
“Are you alright?!” he jogged up to you, helping you stand back up as he checked for injuries. He dusted the dirt off your hair and clothes, looking around for something to use to wipe your dirtied face when you finally spoke.
“Are you the yeti? The yeti of the shrine?” you asked, pointing your tiny finger to the shrine he was at before.
“Deity.” He corrected, leading you towards some water buckets. “And yes. But I don’t always live there thou—” He jolted at the sudden sensation of something tugging him, whipping his head back to find you giggling as you hugged one of his tails, rubbing your face against it.
“So fluffy~!” you giggled again at the ticklish sensation once it moved.
“Stop that.” He frowned, trying to free his tail from your grasp when you looked up at the young yokai and flashed him a smile.
“I’m [Name]!”
Cerulean eyes blinked at you, expression softening as he returned your smile with a small one of his own.
“I’m Koki.”
He reached out a hand, caressing your pale cheek with the back of his palm. His crystal blue orbs narrowed at your expressionless face, the color fading from your skin with each passing day you spent adrift in sleep.
“She still hasn’t woken up? Even though you already exorcised the yokai that cast the curse?” Burgundy orbs blinked in disbelief, looking down at your sleeping self.
Koki shook his head, golden locks swaying in tune. “I made sure to purify the area and even brought her to this shrine but…” he trailed off, his fox ears curling downwards as his frown deepened. He bit his lip, closing his eyes while his fingers curled atop his lap, digging into his clothes.
“This is just pathetic…”
“I'm always praised and put on a pedestal for being descendant of the god Inari. Always sheltered and taken care of but...what's the point of all of that if I can't even save one person dear to me?" he turned his face away, gritting his teeth in a poor attempt to stop his body from shaking.
“Kou-kun…” Mamoru began when the doors to the room slid open.
“Kou, you’ll never believe what we found!” Kensuke exclaimed, running up to the blond with Ryota in tow. Teal eyes glanced back at the water fairy who nodded, holding out a small bottle which contained a puff of black smoke.
“This guy’s still alive! We found him wandering around the area you exorcised him.” The Inugami explained, cautiously pulling off the cork when the black smoke suddenly turned solid and shot out of the container only to be caught in Kensuke’s paw. “Oh no, you don’t!” he squeezed the strange entity, holding him out to the blue-eyed fox. “You tell Kou how to cure [Name]-chan’s curse right now!”
“Why the hell would I do that?!” the little black blob squeaked, Ryota covering his mouth as he snorted at its high-pitched voice. “Just ‘cos you caught me doesn’t mean anything! Just wait until I regain my strength!”
“Who said anything about waiting that long?” Ryota glanced down at the creature with an icy stare. “I think you’re misunderstanding something. We’re not asking you, we’re telling you.” Garnet eyes narrowed as Kensuke’s grip tightened. “Don’t think you’re our last resort, you’re just the quickest one. You might’ve caused us a bit of trouble when you were big but look at you now. I wouldn’t try Kou’s patience—or mine.”
“Ha! Your empty threats won’t work on me, that weakling couldn’t even finish me off! Some descendant of a deity he is!” The blob squirmed, still trying to break free when Kensuke wrapped his other hand around it as well.
“If he won’t talk, then maybe we should just feed him to Niwa and Sakura?” the teal-eyed yokai suggested with a threatening grin.
“Huh? Are you trying to get my cute snakes sick?” Ryota quirked an unamused brow when ruby eyes sparkled in revelation. “Ahh, now that I think about it…Nozomu did say he wanted a new drum. This thing’s stretchy enough to become a durable drum skin, don’t you think~?”
“Oooh~! As expected of Ryo!”
“Y-You two…” Mamoru chimed in, feeling just a sliver of pity for the cowering blob.
“We don’t have time for this.” Koki finally spoke up as he leaned forward to talk to the yokai. “Exorcising you should’ve lifted the curse, why didn’t it? What did you do to [Name]?”
The squishy husk of a yokai squint its eyes at the fox spirit, beady yellow eyes widening once it saw your sleeping form. “What? That brat’s still alive?” it chuckled, sneering at you. “No wonder I had enough power to come back—”
“What did you do to [Name]?” he reiterated, visibly losing his patience.
It blinked at the blond fox, lips splitting into a grin once more.
You furrowed your brows with a soft grunt, [e/c] hues opening a little only to quickly close at the sudden brightness as you brought a hand to shield yourself from the glaring sun.
You flinched at the sudden voice, a yelp leaving your lips once you felt a push only to fall back onto a wooden floor, something furry brushing past your head. You sat up, still groggy as you turned your head to find the blond pouting at you.
“I keep telling you...if you want to sleep then do it at home, not on my tails.” He chided, running his hand through the tail you previously used as a pillow.
You giggled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head. “Sorry. They’re just so fluffy I end up falling asleep before I know it!” You said with a goofy grin.
“Carelessly touching a fox spirit’s tail will get you cursed, you know.” He frowned, making you laugh again.
“You wouldn’t do that. You’ve been letting me play with them since I was five.” You smiled, glancing down at the floor. “It’s already been ten years…”
Blue eyes blinked at your sudden silence, about to call your name when you lifted your head again.
“K-Koki!” you leaned forward, your nervous expression highlighted by your flushed cheeks. “I-If I s-said I…” you stopped yourself, finding the words stuck in your throat. You stared at the fox yokai, Koki waiting for you to finish when you brought your gaze back down. Shaking your head, you looked back at him with a halfhearted smile. “I-It’s nothing. Forget I said anything!”
“That’s right. That’s what I should’ve done… That’s what would’ve been for the best…”
“If I just did that from the beginning instead of telling him how I felt…then we could’ve just continued on like that instead, without things getting awkward…”
[E/c] hues stared at the acceptance letter in your hands congratulating you and welcoming you to their university. Clicking your tongue, you shoved it back inside your bag when you finally became aware of your surroundings--the shortcut through the forest you often used to go to the shrine.
“I always end up coming back here…” you muttered to yourself, staring down at the dirt path. “It’s not like anything’s gonna change even if I visit…It’s been three years since then after all.” You scrunched up your nose in an attempt to stop the tears from falling, wishing you could go back in time.
“I can do that for you, you know~?” your heart stopped at the voice whispering in your ear, [e/c] pupils shrinking as you dared to turn around.
You found yourself surrounded by darkness, desperately whisking your head around for the owner of the voice. It was then that a small ball of fire appeared before you, a string of them forming a line. You cautiously followed them, walking for a bit before you found the blond waiting for you, removing his fox mask to reveal a heartrendingly gentle smile on his face.
You hiccuped, eyes watering as you ran up and tackled him into a hug.
“Why did you do something like this?” Koki chided, stroking your [h/c] tresses while you cried.
“Because I was scared…” you whimpered, shaking your head as you clung to his kimono like a child. “No matter what I do, I’m going to keep getting older…” you hiccuped, pulling away to look at the golden-haired yokai with teary eyes. “I’ll keep growing farther away from you! That’s why when that yokai said he could make it so things would go back to how they used to be I—” you paused once Koki placed a hand around your face.
“That was all a lie.” He stopped himself, shaking his head. “No, I guess it wasn’t a complete lie. Being trapped in your memories…in a way that does mean you went back.” Azure hues flicked back to you with a disappointed look. “You should know better than to listen to strangers—and yokai at that!”
He pulled you back into a hug. “So what if you get older? So what if we eventually have to part ways?”
“Nothing lasts forever. Not humans or yokai.” Blue eyes closed as he held you tight. “We have to say goodbye someday—that’s why we should make sure we can do that without any regrets.” He pulled you away, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “That’s why, [Name]…let’s go back home?” Koki said, taking you by the hand.
You stopped in your tracks, squeezing his hand as you looked away.
“...I’m sorry I put you at a distance when you told me you liked me but I didn’t know what to do—how to accept your confession.” He stared down at his feet. “I mean we’re different beings after all, and I’m not allowed to be in the human world as often as I’d like...so there’s no future for you trying to be with someone like me.”
“That’s why I—” You began, looking up to find Koki offering you a warm smile.
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you. Even if I can’t grant you the same happiness a human can...in some way or form, I’ll still be with you—watching over you.”
He squeezed your hand back.
“…Until the day comes when we really do have to say goodbye, I’ll be there with you.”
Satsuki Aoi
Aoi let out a sigh as he walked back to the dorms. Arata, who walked beside him, noticed this and asked, “Aoi?”
“Are you thinking of the fox from the other day?”
Aoi stopped walking and sighed, “She won’t move or eat anything I give her... She’s been like that for weeks already...”
“Maybe you could send her to the vet?”
“She’s a yokai...”
Arata shrugs, “She’s still a fox either way... Ah! Maybe she just wants to sleep. It’s almost winter afterall.”
“Yoru suggested I give her something light...” Aoi said thoughtfully, “Or warm... It is getting cold, huh?”
Arata nodded.
Aoi smiled but remembered something and adds, “Come to think of it... When she came back home... There was a nasty wound on her leg-- I was able to treat it.”
“Maybe that’s why? She’s still in pain?”
“Hm... Yeah, but... That was weeks ago...” he said, “Come to think of it... She’s always the one changing her bandages...” he muttered to himself, earning a concerned look from Arata.
You groaned softly as you woke up in Aoi’s room, you were still in your fox form and was cuddled up warmly in the makeshift bed of blankets that he had made for you. You looked down to your bandaged leg and sighed, “It’s still not healing...”
You whimpered when you felt pain from your leg once more and soon heard the opening of the door and a concerned Aoi, “[Name]!” he dropped his things on the floor and hurriedly goes over to you, “Is it still painful?” he asked in worry as he carefully hold your injured leg on his hands.
You slowly nod your head and let out a weak, “I’ll be fine.” The blonde, however, doesn’t think of this and slowly unwraps the bandage, “Wha-” his eyes widened in shock to see your wound, no longer a wound, but a mark of sorts. “What is this?” he looked to you as you looked down on the floor with guilt.
“[Name]!” he scolds and asked one more time, “What is this?!”
“A curse mark...”
“How’d you get this? Where’d you get this?” he threw questions one after another in frustration, not only because he didn’t notice it earlier but because you didn’t say anything of the matter. He took a deep breath and asked in a slight more calm manner, “Is this related to the one from weeks ago? When you came home with a wound?”
You nodded meekly.
“Why didn’t you say anything? This... This is causing you pain, isn’t it?” he asked in concern, he strokes on of your paws, hoping you’d look up and tell him everything. “[Name]? Please...”
“...Some yokai was following you a few weeks back...”
“I noticed it when you came back home with it still tailing you. So... I dealt with it.” you said meekly, still refusing to meet his eye.
He gently picked you up and set you on his lap, “[Name]... But you could’ve still told me... We could had done something... Like ask Shun-san or You or something...”
“I... I didn’t want you to worry... For the past weeks, you guys have been busy right? I didn’t want to add my problem.”
Aoi frowned at your reasoning, “[Name], you’re precious to me. I would help you if needed.” he smiled warmly at you as he stroked your ears, “Okay?”
You finally looked at him and nodded, earning a smile from Aoi. The blonde soon stood up and gently placed you on top of his bed and said, “I’ll go look for Shun-san. Knowing him, he probably has something up his sleeves. Wait for me, okay [Name]?”
You nodded.
As soon as Aoi left the room, you scrunched your face in pain as the pain only grew. You hissed in pain as the mark glowed red and whimpered, “Aoi...”
Aoi sighed in frustration as he remembered that all of Procella was out on a job. "I'll just bring her to Shun-san..." he muttered to himself as he brisk walked towards his room. "[Name]!" He almost slammed the door open and suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw you heavily breathing and in more pain than before.
"[Name]!" The blonde idol rushed to your side and carefullt picked you up in your arms.
"A-Aoi..." you weakfully said, almost a whisper.
"Hang in there okay? I'll bring you to Shun-san!" He said as he frantically looked at his wall clock to check the time. "They should be coming back soon..." he muttered as he thought of meeting them halfway and rushed to the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.
"Aoi..." you softly called his name. "I'm sorry..."
He shook his head, "Why are you apologizing?" He said, his voice nearly breaking, "There's no need to apologize. You're going to be fine, [Name]. You're going to be fine..." he repeated.
The elevator soon arrived at the floor and Aoi rushed to the door. "Aoi." You called out firmly, making Aoi stop just near the door. You felt his shoulders shake as you weakly looked up at Aoi, who had tears on his eyes, "...It's too late, Aoi." He shook his head once again and cried out, "No, it's not! Don't give up-- Don't..." tears began to run down his face as he kept shaking his head in distress.
"The mark... it's only continuing to expand... It won't be long till... it'll take my powers." You explained weakly. "That's why--"
"[Name], don't..."
"--Thank you, Aoi. For everything."
Aoi paused as he heard some noise inside his room. He slowly and cautiously turned the knob of his room and slowly peeked in. Aoi eyed his room and called out, "Who's there?" He thought of who would be in his room and listed off the members whose out on a job and who is not. He also wondered if any of the pets got in somehow.
He cautiously walked in his room and called all the names of the pets of the dorms. When he heard no response, he walked further into his room when someone jumped on him, "Wah!" he yelled as he fell down on the floor.
"Wha--" Aoi looked down to see a female fox. "A... fox...?"
A rambling noise was heard and Aoi looked down at the fox, and chuckled, "Are you hungry?" The animal looked up at him and Aoi smiled at the fox and picked it up and placed it down on his bed. "I'll make you something, alright?"
Aoi lightly chuckled at how obedient the wild animal was and had somehow forgotten to wonder how the fox came in his room. He wondered what they would eat and searched on his phone and soon decided to find some berries after some research.
"There should be some berries in the common room..." he muttered before looking back at the waiting animal and said, "Wait here, okay?" He left his room and went to get some berries from the Gravi common room.
When he got back, he was surprised to see the fox, still patiently waiting for him. "You're an obedient little fox, huh?" He said while petting the animal. "Here, some fresh berries." He got a bowl and poured he berries unto it and served it to the animal.
The animal gladly ate them and in minutes, it was finished. "You must be really hungry..." Aoi said amusedly.
"Thank you!"
Aoi stared at the fox in surprise as the fox sheepishly chuckled and then transformed into a female human wearing a kimono and the fox ears still evident.
"I'm [Name]! Nice to meet you!"
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Always/이 자리에 - Yoon Ji Sung
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In which Ji Sung’s visit to the museum leads to something much more interesting.
“Even if I don’t express my heart, it’s alright
You know everything with a smile
Like the beautiful you
I’ll always be with you right here
Let’s hold hands just like now
Let’s stay together like the word, forever.” -  Always/이 자리에 (Wanna One)
In celebration for Wanna One’s 1st Debut Anniversary, @ongsung an I have decided to release a series of oneshots daily, starting from today July 27th and ending on August 6th (August 7th in KST, and thus Wanna One’s anniversary).
I’ve chosen to write based on a selection of Wanna One songs, and she’ll be writing based on the individual teasers that were released for Energetic/Burn It Up. We will link each other’s stories below, so feel free to read hers after this one. See you tomorrow in our next installments :)
Ji Sung handed his ticket to the concierge, who scanned it before handing it back to him.
“Welcome to the Academy of Sciences, and enjoy your evening here.”
“Thank you!” Ji Sung replied before walking through the doors. He wasn’t normally a museum person, but tonight was a special event for those 21 and older. Not only was the entry fee significantly discounted, they were also serving various mixed drinks all around the museum. Ji Sung’s co-workers had invited him to come, and although he had arrived with them, he found that everyone had gone their own ways. He felt slightly alone, and wanted to leave, but since he was already here, he might as well enjoy the museum.
Shrugging his shoulders, he grabbed himself a rum and coke before wandering over to one of the first exhibits: the aquarium. He looked around at the various tanks, amazed at the variety of animals that the museum had, enjoying the underwater experiences as he walked under the archway of water, with fish and nursing sharks swimming over his head. 
He was looking at the last tank and was turning to leave, but before he could, some hands snaked around his free arm and pulled him close.
“Honey, there you are! I was looking everywhere for you!”
Ji Sung was startled to say the least, however, when he looked to see who had approached him so suddenly, he saw a look of desperation in her eyes.
Please play along her eyes seemed to say before she turned the both of them around, and plastered a smile on her face. When she did, Ji Sung saw another male approach them, his eyes trained on the woman who had decided to snuggle up next to Ji Sung.
“Y/N, what do you mean you have a boyfriend now?”
“I mean exactly that. This is my boyfriend Byeong Ok. Honey, this is...Shin Jae, and we’ve been together for quite some time now, isn’t that right?”
One of her hands which had been hugging his arm slid down to hold his own, their fingers intertwining. Clearing his throat, he grinned and nodded.
“That’s right. I’ve known Y/N for quite some time now. I’m very lucky, you see. She’s quite beautiful, isn’t she?
She giggled and smacked his arm lightly.
“Honey, you’re embarrassing me!”
“I’m only speaking the truth, but I’m sure your friend knows that,” he said before taking a sip of his drink, eyeing the other male over the rim of his glass. He then looked over at Y/N before smiling.
“You have to tell me before you wander off on your own. Who knows what might happen.”
“You always worry too much, honey!”
“Of course I have to worry about my girlfriend,” he said before addressing the other male.
“Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, but we must be off. Come along now, dear.”
And Ji Sung quickly walked them out of the aquarium exhibit before entering another one. After checking the coast to ensure it was clear, she untangled her arms from Ji Sung’s, and started thanking him profusely. 
“Oh my goodness, I can’t thank you enough for playing along! I never thought I’d meet my ex here, and he was so insistent on me giving him another chance.”
“It’s not a problem; you must have been in quite a fix if you had to resort to picking a random guy to play your boyfriend,” he said with a grin. She had the decency to blush, only now realizing how bold she might have been by doing that to him.
“I was maybe a little desperate...but seriously, thank you so much! I owe you one big time.”
Even Ji Sung was surprised by his own actions. Normally, if he were ever in any situations like the one just previously, he would freeze up or act extremely awkward. Somehow he was able to pull that off, and helped this girl get away from an overly-zealous ex-boyfriend.
“You really should have had a back-up plan though. What if I wasn’t someone who could improvise like that?”
She laughed and waved her hands dismissively.
“I was too busy to think of a back-up plan, or the consequences for that matter.”
He had called her beautiful earlier, but hadn’t had a chance to look at her properly due to the dim lighting in the aquarium. Now that they were in a different exhibit, with much more lighting, he could see now that she truly was beautiful. 
“Well, I’m glad I could help.”
“Do you mind if I ask for your name? I want to properly thank you.”
“I’m Ji Sung, and well, I guess I already know your name. Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
She smiled sheepishly and nodded.
“Thank you, Ji Sung. It’s nice to meet you as well, but did you come here alone?”
“I was with some co-workers but they’ve wandered off somewhere. I was just enjoying the aquarium earlier.”
“Me too! They were really excited about the open bar, and since I don’t drink, I decided to start looking at the exhibits by myself. Who would have thought I’d run into my creepy ex.”
They both chuckled, thinking back to their improvisation earlier.
“But really though, I would like to thank you. Is there anything I can do for you?”
Ji Sung thought for a moment.
“You said you were also here by yourself?”
“Yes, why?”
“Well, how about you give me some of your time? We can stay together to look at the rest of the exhibits, and then grab a late dinner. What do you say?”
“Is this...a date?”
“Only if you want it to be,” he said before offering his hand. She looked down at it before flicking her gaze back up at him, and smiled as she placed her hand in his.
“I think I’ll take my chances,” she said and Ji Sung smiled in response. Maybe it was a good decision to come tonight after all.
A/N: Lyric translation credited to popgasa
nothingwithoutwannaone: Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
ongsung:  Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
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peculiar-bonds · 6 years
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind - Chapter 2: Dark Rumours
Synopsis: While Mane 6 are on a research mission in a small town from another world called 'Earth', they learn about an old myth among the inhabitants: the Slenderman. What is the ugly truth of this haunted town? Will they survive the monster's deadly grasps?
Warning: This chapter contains a few swear words.
The girls found the principal’s office in no time; luckily, there was a sign, because the door looked like it was camouflaged within the entire high school, almost the same as a secret chamber, where nobody is allowed to walk into.
“So, who’s going to knock?” Pinkie asked, feeling slightly uneasy.
Twilight sighed. “I will do it…it’s my duty to finish this task after all,” she continued in a dramatic tone.
“The door won’t bite, you know?” Rainbow Dash added, amused by her friend’s unreasonable anxiety.
Twilight glared at her teasing remark, then turned back to the door. She knocked slowly, almost silently. When she was starting to think no one was there, a voice called from inside:
“Come in!”
The youngster startled a little, then took a deep breath and opened the door with her small, trembling hands.
“Good morning, Sir. We’re the new students that transferred here recently, and we have some questions to ask, if it’s alright…” Twilight said nervously, almost staring at the man in front of her.
Xavier Barnes, the principal of ‘Waukesha South High School’, was different from most humans; his skin tone was significantly darker, and he had distinct features unlike the others: thick lips, a wide nose bridge and baldness. Still, his expression showed a hint of kindness and good intentions towards all of the students, even the new ones.
“Yes, of course! You can call your friends in as well!” the principal answered with a calm tone.
The teenager called the others to come inside the office . One by one, they filled the room in no time.
“Please, take some seats,” the principal kindly invited them.
Almost everyone found a few chairs to sit down, except Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but they didn’t seem to mind.
“Alright, girls, so what are the questions that you need to address me? Do you wish to request a tour of the school, or your timetables, perhaps?”
“Yes, we need those too, but we also…want to see our transfer files…if you have them, of course…” Twilight pointed out.
“I just received them this morning. I didn’t actually get the chance to have a look at them and approve them…but considering that you’re all here at this moment, we’ll discuss them together, shall we?”
“Of course!” Twilight approved.
“Alright, then; let’s see yours first…” he said while taking a folder from the drawer and opened it to find a multitude of papers that described their new human identities. Twilight peeked on the documents, fully astonished and confused at the same time; how was it possible that they managed to disguise themselves without any effort? Did Princess Celestia take care of all the details, or is it a phenomenon that usually happens during interdimensional travels? Either way, she was relieved that the humans didn’t sense anything out of the ordinary.
Meanwhile, the principal started reading the papers aloud:
“Name is Tara Sparkle, born on 15th September 199-; says here that you were a straight-A student at your former school; congratulations on your performance, and I hope you will achieve the same results in our school!”
“Thank you, Sir” Twilight replied with a soft smile. “I’ll try my best not to disappoint anyone here.”
“Very well, then…and please call me Mr. Barnes.”
The young girl nodded. Principal Barnes took another folder and looked at Rarity.
“As for you, miss, your name is Rachel Damon, right? Born on 5th October 199-; you seem to have a passion for fashion design, and we’ll surely need students with such abilities; maybe you could come up with a new design for the cheerleader’s costume, who knows?”
“Oh, certainly!” Rarity nodded.
The principal kept looking through the files, then nodded at Fluttershy.
“Florence Woodheart, born on 17th March 199-; selfless and willing to help others, particularly the animals. We have some volunteering activities here, if you’re interested.”
“Oh, thank you! I’d be glad to help,” Fluttershy replied with a soft voice, but feeling very excited on the inside.
“Alright; the next one is Rebecca Dash, born on 1st April 199-. It seems like you have an aptitude for sports in general; we’d gladly invite you to join one of our teams: basketball, voleyball, track, anything that you wish to do.”
“Wow, sounds great!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, truly eager to try all of the sports in the near future.
“And here we have the last two: Penelope Diane Pie, born on 29th May 199-, and Anne-Jay Smith, born on 12th December 199-. I see you both made several contributions to the former school, such as organizing events. I’d be happy to see more students like you as a part of the school's development committee.”
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes! We’ll do our best!” Pinkie confirmed with pure joy. “Right…Anne-Jay?”
“Yep, sure thing!” the country girl replied, almost confused by the situation.
“Alright! In this case, I wish you a warm welcome to our high school! Here are your timetables,” the principal said while handing six pieces of paper to each of the youngsters. “Good luck in these years that will follow!”
“Thank you!” Twilight replied, then left the office along with her friends, each of them wishing the principal a good day.
“Look, Twilight! We’re in the same class! You too, Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash announced with excitement while walking through the halls.
“Woo! This is great!” Pinkie squealed behind them.
“Yay, seems like we’re in the same class, Rarity…” Fluttershy continued on the other side of the corridor.
“Wonderful, darling!”
“Aw, I’m alone in another class though…” Applejack pointed out, quite disappointed by the outcome.
“You aren’t alone, Applejack! We’re still in the same school!” Pinkie replied, then hugged her friend to comfort her.
“That’s true, can’t deny it,” Applejack chuckled.
“What’s our first class, Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked while starting another conversation with the friend in front of her.
“Geography…Oh, great! It’s a good way to learn more about Earth”
“And also a boooooring one!” the reckless teenager sighed. “Did I tell you that I haven’t missed school AT ALL?”
“Oh, come on, we don’t have time to whine about this! Let’s go!” Twilight replied while grabbing Rainbow Dash’s arm.
“Wait for me, Twilight! Bye, girls! See you later!” Pinkie Pie called, waving ‘goodbye’ to her other three friends from behind.
The three girls arrived in the middle of the class, panting and apologizing simultaneously for being late. While introducing themselves, Twilight noticed that the class was filled with a disciplined atmosphere, but for the first time, she felt awkward and very uneasy. After they finished the introductions and occupied their seats, the teacher returned to the lesson. Twilight listened attentively while looking at the World Map. She took notes from any word that her new teacher said, feeling more eager to discover Earth from its depths…
When the bell rang and the teacher left, the atmosphere of the class changed drastically, from calm and disciplined to lively and almost chaotic. Pinkie Pie didn’t wait more than five minutes until she befriended nearly half of the class, along with Rainbow Dash, who started having a conversation with one of the jocks. Still, Twilight remained at her desk, studying the new notes that she took from the Geography class. From time to time, she turned her eyes from the papers to observe the environment; while having a look to the right, she noticed one of her classmates who seemed as lonely and isolated as herself. Unlike the other ones, this girl was of a paler complexion which was in contrast with her short and dark blue hair that had a few faded neon pink and green strikes. Her clothes were also very dark, like she was trying to get out of the colourful routine of ordinary people. The expression, highlighted by the black makeup, showed a slight feeling of disgust towards her classmates, whom she considered ‘ignorant’ and ‘blind’ in front of a potential horrific reality.
Twilight wanted to talk to her and introduce herself, but she hesitated due to the apparently aggressive nature of the strange girl. Surprisingly, it was her classmate who started the conversation:
“You must be new here…but looks like your pals went ahead of you with the integration”
“To be honest, I don’t really care about socializing at the moment. There are more important things for me than having pointless conversations,” Twilight explained, visibly annoyed by the attitude of her other two friends.
“I know how you feel, um…Tara? Right? I usually forget new names at the beginning.”
“Yes, it’s Tara.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Emma, or the ‘emo freak’, as the others usually call me”
“I don’t think you’re a freak…You’re just different from the majority, from what it seems”
“Wow, that’s the first nice thing about me I’ve heard this week…” Emma answered with a faint smile.
“Glad to help, Emma,” Twilight nodded.
“Why did you choose Waukesha out of the other cities from US? Cities that are significantly better…”
“I’m not sure exactly, it seemed the only choice that I had…”
“A bad choice, more like.”
Twilight was puzzled by Emma’s last remark. She paused for a few seconds, then leaned closer to her classmate’s desk.
“What do you mean by ‘a bad choice’?”
“Girl, you have no idea how cursed this place is…Miles away from Waukesha, there is a huge forest, and in this forest lives a grotesque being. It is creepy as Hell, if you ask me: tall as fuck, very pale, faceless, and wears a black suit. Rumour has it that this creature hunts to death the ones who trespass its domain; it also has a thing for children, especially the very curious ones. Once they enter the forest, they’re kinda forced to collect eight pages from different spots; nobody knows precisely who scribbled those pages though. It might have been an unlucky victim, or the being itself. As for the page hunt, if you lose the ‘game’, you’re gonna have a terrible fate, I tell you…even I fell for this shit, and I have no idea how I escaped from that Hell. I swear I saw it RIGHT in front of me, and even though it didn’t have a face, I could sense an expression that almost pierced my damned soul, and then…”
“Hey, emo freak! Are you for real?”
Emma’s storytelling was interrupted by a girl’s call; suddenly, there was an exchange of fiery glares between each other. Right after the mocking question was asked, all the other classmates, including Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, turned their heads to Emma, who felt like bursting with hatred and anger towards the one who interrupted her.
“Um, excuse me? What’s your damn problem if I talk to her?”
“None, freak! It’s just that you scare her with your bullshit about the Slenderman, or whatever! He’s not real, for crying out loud!”
“He’s as real as possible, bitch!”  Emma yelled, counterattacking viciously the remarks of her classmate.
“Oh yeah? Prove it, then! If you claimed that you saw it, why don’t you have photos?”
“Because I was too busy showing him this!” the emo girl replied while showing the middle finger to her classmate. “FUCK OFF!” she yelled while storming out of her desk, getting out of the class and slamming the door behind her.
The others suddenly came back to their usual routines, with the addition of gossip about Emma. Both puzzled by the whole argument, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie went to Twilight’s desk.
“What in the name of Celestia just happened there, Twilight? And who is this ‘Slenderman’ they kept talking about?” Rainbow Dash whispered, deeply curious about the situation.
“Can we discuss about it after school, please? You know why…” Twilight replied while subtly pointing her head at the other students, who seemed very offended by Emma’s unusual beliefs.
“Alright, then,” Rainbow Dash nodded, going with Pinkie back to their seats. The bell rang again, and it was time for another class, but without Emma.
*after school, at Twilight’s studio* (dialogue only)
(Twilight prepared some tea for her friends, because a very long discussion was about to start soon.) TWILIGHT: So, how was your first day? Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack? RARITY: Oh, it was really delightful, darling! We’re actually going to stay in the dorms while we study here. Fluttershy and me in a room, and Rainbow with Applejack and Pinkie in another one. RAINBOW DASH: Wow, really? Didn’t have the chance to check that out today. Well, at least I have my own bed from now on. FLUTTERSHY: (sees Twilight with a thoughtful expression while taking a sip from her cup of tea) What’s wrong, Twilight? You don’t seem very content. TWILIGHT: (sighs) Oh, nothing special…just had a discussion with a classmate. She told me a weird story about a local legend … RD: And a whole scandal happened. RARITY: Oh my, what happened? Is the girl alright? TWILIGHT: I don’t really know…Haven’t seen her since she stormed out of the class… FLUTTERSHY: Goodness! There was also a boy in our class today who kept rambling about a man in the woods… TWILIGHT AND RD: ‘A MAN IN THE WOODS?’ APPLEJACK: Can somebody explain to me what’n the hay’s goin’ on? RD: (screaming) It’s a ghost in the forest that takes people, Applejack, like what’s so hard to understand? TWILIGHT: Calm down, please. Whether it’s true or not, I think we should explore that area… RD: Are you nuts, Twilight??? TWILIGHT: Just listen. I’m saying this because Princess Celestia gave us a mission, and she didn’t mention anything else; maybe this is our main task. RD: You got it all wrong! She just told us to study the humans, not solve their issue with that…thing. Plus, we don’t even have our powers anymore, like our wings and horns, your magic… TWILIGHT: Maybe, but we don’t know if we don’t try. RD: I tell you this is a very bad idea! TWILIGHT: Are you scared? RD: Not at all, egghead. It’s just…well… TWILIGHT: I know it’s hard, I’m a bit scared too…but we have to stay together. This is one of the main points that Celestia advised me on in private before we left. (There was a pause. Rainbow Dash thought for a few seconds about the consequences, then the lack of loyalty that she showed in front of her friends at that moment. There is no place for fear when it’s about duty, not at all.) RD: (sighs) Very well, then…I’m coming with you. FLUTTERSHY: If Rainbow is coming, I’ll come too. AJ: Me too. PINKIE: MEEEE TOO! RARITY: Absolutely! RD: But if anything bad happens to us, it’s just your fault, Twilight… TWILIGHT: Don’t worry. Once we see something out of its place, we simply run away. RAINBOW DASH: (mutters in distrust) Ugh, if only it would be that easy…
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sorenmarie87 · 7 years
In The Middle of The Ride (7/?)
Word Count -  3,459
Warnings - None   All grammar mistakes are my own - so if something seems off, please let me know.  Also if you read this and want to see where the story goes, send me an ask and I’ll tag you :)
Tagging - @lovetusk @dragongirl420 @mirajanefairytailmage
By the time the screen door slammed, both of the cars had filled up and they headed back into town.  Lindsey, Lucy, Will and Ryuichi were in the jeep and everyone else was in the other car.  Music blared from the jeep and everyone attempted to sing along with it.
"So what do you guys want to do?"  Lindsey asked watching the road while Lucy tuned the radio.
 "Hey one question," Lucy asked as they approached a stoplight," What’s today’s date?"
"It’s April 1st,” Ryuichi squeaked out then went silent.
"Wait a minute isn’t your birthday today Lucy?" Lindsey asked as the light turned green.
"Oh yeah.. it is.." Lucy replied while smiling.
“How’s about we do this,” Lindsey said while turning into the mall parking lot,” We can get breakfast from the diner then we can either reconvene later or spend the rest of the day with each other.  It’s your choice you guys…”
“Well…” Will said with Ryuichi curled up beside him,” Why not ask everyone in the other car?”
“Why not use the cell phone sticking out of Ryuichi’s pocket?” Lucy retorted back without even turning around.
He slid the phone from her pocket and dialed Jamie’s cell phone number.  For a few minutes, the only sound that came from the car was Will’s voice and Ryuichi’s muttering about pancakes.
“Dude Mrs. Buttersworth all the way,” Lindsey randomly said out loud.
“I feel that,” Lucy replied before flashing the older couple occupying the car next to them.
“Jamie said he saw that…”
“That was Jamie?”
“Whoopsie,” Ryuichi murmured.
“So is she awake or does she always mumble in her sleep?” Lindsey asked laughing to himself.
Lucy in that instant started laughing but every time she took a breath in, she started laughing again.  They pulled into the mall parking lot and stood outside of the jeep with Will carrying Ryuichi on his back.
“Oh yeah… Jamie and Mark are going somewhere so they’ll with us later,” Will said while shifting Ryuichi again.  Both Lucy and Lindsey shook their heads while Lindsey smiled at his girlfriend.
“Hey guys I’m going to take Ryuichi in so I don’t interrupt her sleeping,” Will said quietly as Lucy murmured something as they started walking away.  He sat her down in one of the booths.
A few minutes later, Ryuichi popped up from her sleep shouting, “The Amazons from Georgia are attacking!”  Will and the whole restaurant gave her a “what kind of drugs are you on look.”  Mrs. Houst simply waved at the group of teenagers, while setting a pot of coffee on the burner.  In the corner the older man sounded as though he was having a very unique conversation with whomever he was sitting with.
“Let’s see if I can remember all of this: I lived in Germany, moved to Ireland and then moved back and forth between the war of Northern and Southern Ireland, then went to a boarding school in Scotland.  And do you know what happened while we lived in Scotland?  My mother met a WHITE JAMAICAN!!! Then we illegally went to Jamaica.  Of course by this time she sent back to Europe in an unstable boat and what did she make me get?  Scones and tea!  Of course I screwed up and led this mutiny against them and they kicked me and sent me back in a crate!”
“And where by chance were you born?”
“New Jersey…and that makes me think of another story…”
The whole diner instantly went quiet.  From two stories above the diner, you could hear the shoppers shouting “NO!!”
“Who is that?” Will asked waiting for an answer.
“No idea…” Lucy answered honestly.
“Hope you all like pancakes,” Mr. Houst said carrying a big tray full of pancakes.
“Yay!” Ryuichi cheered while the plates were being placed in front of them.
“Your mother’s idea,” He replied glancing at Lindsey,” I think she knew today was Lucy’s birthday.”
“It’s also my brothers birthday Mr. H, we’re the same age,” Lucy replied with a grin on her face, “ It's also our grandfathers birthday, well it would be if he was still alive.”
“At least Uncle Metz is still here,” Lucas added.
“Great Uncle Metz,” Ryuichi added in while taking a bite of her pancakes.
“Oh Lindsey I forgot to mention, your sister is coming into town this weekend,” Mrs. Houst added coming towards the table.
“Oh peachy,” Lindsey said sarcastically.
“The one who dressed him up as a maid for Halloween?” Lucy asked.
“The same one who made me cosplay as a girl so yes that one,” He replied embarrassed.
“She’s only visiting,” Mr. Houst shook his head,” It’s not like she’s moving here.”
“Oh dear,  you must’ve forgotten…” Mrs. Houst started to say,” She’s moving back down here next month.”
“NO!!” Lindsey cried out and dove under the table.
“You know every time you say something about nudist colonies, you make me think of the time when we lived in a nudist colony,” Sebestyen said to the person he was sitting with.
“I’m not even going to ask…”
“Sounds kinky!!!”
“Who said that?”
Another silence overcame the diner and fingers started pointing.
“Oh I see how it is…” He said looking around,” Too afraid to speak up huh?”
“He’s been in here every day this week,” Mr. Houst said glancing over at the table in the far corner.
“Okay so guys are we going to decide what we’re doing for Lucy and Lucas’s birthday?”
“Not yet…we have to wait for Jamie and Mark to get back,” Ryuichi said as Jamie walked in with a look on his face like someone had stolen his ability to feel emotion.  His face looked blank and was unusually pale.  His eyes were puffy and red.  It looked like he had been crying, but Mark was nowhere in sight.  Jamie had a box in his hands filled with things Mark had given him.  When everyone asked him what was wrong Jamie explained, “He’s gone… I think… he dumped me...He moved and quit his job” Lucy immediately hopped up out of her chair and hugged him.
“Oh Jamie…” She said while comforting him, “He wasn’t worth it anyways, somehow being with an older man never works out.  Take it from someone who knows…”
“What do you mean by that?” Lindsey asked with a hint of anger in his voice.
“Nothing Lindsey sheesh,” Lucy replied, “Well we have to do three things tonight: Cheer Jamie up, visit Grandpa’s grave and celebrate our birthday tonight”
“We can call it Operation Cheer Jamie up!” Ryuichi said jumping up from the table, earning stares from everyone in the diner.
“That reminds me of the time my great aunt Hattie sold my puppy, Roger, to the traveling circus that was in town…” said the crazy guy.
“Uhm, Mr. H!  Can we get this stuff to go?” Lucy asked Mr. Houst, the crazy guy with blue hair was beginning to get annoying.  Mr. Houst smiled and nodded and brought over some takeout boxes and bags.  They packed up the food and walked out of the diner and into the mall that was connected to it.
“So… who’s up for some shopping?” Lucy turned to the group and walked backwards.  She saw a brief look of panic enter the eyes of her friends before crashing unceremoniously into the last person she and everyone else wanted to see, Mark Renart.  Ryuichi and Lucas helped her to her feet, and in front of her were not only, Mark Renart but also one of her ex-boyfriends, Laird Smithers.
Lucy was stunned Mark was with her ex.  She had known that they had dated once, but he left Jamie for Laird!
“Lucy, it’s nice to see you again.”  Laird smiled warmly while he hugged her and gave her a light peck on the mouth.  It was a friendly gesture, but Lindsey was seeing red, no one kissed his girlfriend.
“Hey buddy, keep your hands off!” Lindsey all but barked and started to advance on Laird and Lucy, but was held back by Lucas and Gavin.  He scowled at them but stopped his would be assault on the slightly older man.
“Wow, this is kind of awkward…” Mark muttered as he brushed some dirt from his khakis.  He looked at Lucy and saw her expression change from stunned to embarrassed when Laird kissed her, then to completely pissed off.  He braced himself for any onslaught of rage that would come towards him.
“You left Jamie for Laird!  Why would you do that!?” Lucy shouted with rage and confusion towards Mark.  Surprised at her ferociousness Laird took a step back, trying to make a safety zone.  The look on everybody’s face at the moment was panic, fear and loathing.  It quickly changed to panic as soon as they saw Lucy’s fist strike Mark in the face.  “That’s for Jamie!  And being old!” she sneered and walked away as gracefully possible without stomping.  The group hurried after her yelling congrats and vows of never getting on her bad side.  If they had looked back they would have seen Laird helping Mark off the ground again, while Mark held his eye in pain.  There was a small smile in Laird’s face as he lightly laughed at Mark.
“Wow Luce, you rocks my socks AND underwear!”  Lucas yelled excitedly.  Lindsey and Gavin promptly stared at him like a freak; that was his sister he was talking to!
“Yeah Lucy I totally love you more in that brotherly platonic way.” Jamie added with a happy smile on his face. “I only wish I had gotten to hit him too!”
“Should you have hit him that hard?” Cordy asked curiously with her eyebrow arched.  Lucy laughed and reached to high five Maddie who had said something under her breath that only Lucy had heard.
“Your aim was off though, did you mean to hit him in the eye?” Ryuichi asked like a smart ass and snickered when Lucy mock glared at her.
“If you wondering I was aiming for his nose, but my hand veered when I saw he wasn’t wearing glasses.”
“I think that deserves a good present, where to?” Will asked as they walked towards a big fountain with coins littering the bottom. All around there were small children and even old couples throwing the change from their pockets into the clear fountain.
“Oh everybody throw a penny in for good luck!” Cordy yelled as she reached into her homemade penguin bag for loose change.  She pulled out three pennies and a nickel closed her eyes and threw the change into the flowing fountain.
“Hey I found a peso!”  Lucas yelled as he pulled a peso coin from his jean pockets.
“Where did you get a peso?” Gavin asked as he himself pulled out a Japanese coin of little value.
“Asks the guy who pulls out Japanese money!” Maddie rolled her eyes.
“I know I have change somewhere!” Ryuichi muttered as she dug around in all of her pockets, falling to the ground mid search.  The group stared at her, not knowing whether to laugh or be worried.
“Here have a penny…” Will said as Ryuichi pulled out a big joke coin from her pocket.
“How could you not find that?  And why were you carrying it around?” he asked shaking his head.
“Enough of coin scavenging let's shop!” Jamie announced and drifted the group towards a shop that sold jeans and custom design tee shirts.
Lindsey, Gavin, Lucas and Will spent a period of time making tee shirts while Jamie and the girls tried on jeans and other things.  By the time they were finished everyone had either two shirts or a pair of jeans and a shirt.  Lucy had bought a pair of pale blue jeans and made a green shirt that read, “Medium Pimpin'” in white font.  Cordy and Maddie both bought the same pair of jeans only in different sizes and each had a shirt.  Maddie’s was white and had “BAD SAMARITAN” written in bold black text, while Cordy’s read “If French people are so smart, how come they can't speak English?" in navy blue.  Lucas had put his shirt on; it was a black tee with white letters saying, “Sheep don’t bounce”.  Ryuichi had fittingly bought one that said, “I’m not short, I’m vertically challenged.”  But it was agreed amongst the group that Jamie had one of the best and meanest shirts, his was light blue and said in royal blue "Your shirt may say princess but your face says troll".
“So, who wants to buy me a present?” Lucy asked laughing as she walked.
“What are you getting me sis?” Lucas asked her as he slipped his arm around her shoulders.
“If I knew what I was going to get you, I wouldn’t tell you,” Lucy said removing the arm of her brother from around her shoulders,” How many times do I have to tell you don’t touch my shoulders?”
Lucas muttered something that sounded like ‘Don’t be a priss’ as they started walking through the mall.  He instantly started singing Happy Birthday to himself because no one else was going to say it.
"Hey guys, does the mall have a petting zoo?" Lucy asked abruptly and made everyone stop in the walkway.
“I think they do,” Ryuichi started to say but stopped in thought. ”Anyone know what time the petting zoo closes?”
“No idea honestly…”Cordy answered honestly while glancing at the directory.
“Um guys, it says here that it closes at 3:00…” Maddie said jabbing her finger into the directory.
“Oh man that sucks…”
“Dick James, you have a phone call on line 1…”
“Wait, did that lady just say Rick James, line one?” Lucy asked and everyone instantly started laughing.  
“Okay so the petting zoo is a no go… what are we going to do?” Jamie asked hoping Lucy would reply.
“Why not go paint balling?” A female's voice asked from behind them.  The woman behind them appeared to be the same height as Lindsey and had aqua blue eyes.  She was wearing a black skirt with a black jacket that matched and underneath it was a purple and black striped shirt with matching undershorts.
“I recognize that voice.. oh dear lord no,” Lindsey turned around and grimaced when he seen his sister,” Hi Quatre.”
“What no hug or anything? Sheesh, what a horrible brother…” Hilda said rolling her eyes. He sulked for a few seconds before she turned to him,” If you don’t acknowledge me Lindsey.  I will dress you up in this outfit I have conveniently placed in my messenger bag!”
“Hi sis…” Lindsey said while attempted to hug his older sister.
“I knew that would get you,” Hilda said ducking under her brother’s arms and running behind Lucy.
“So what is all of this, you want us to go paint balling?” Lindsey asked with his eyebrow raised.
“It’s Lucy’s birthday dear brother… shouldn’t she have a little fun on her special day?” She asked as Lucy smiled.
“Okay… this may sound like a stupid question, and it already sounds that way, but who the heck is she?” Ryuichi asked with confusion growing in her mind and more on her face.
“This is…” Jamie started to answer but was interrupted by Hilda’s coughing.
"Well they say you only get one chance to make a good first impression," Hilda stated while stepping away from Lindsey," My name is Hilda Roberts. You can call me Hilda or Quatre... whatever floats your boat. As for how I know Lindsey, well he's my younger brother."
Sebestyen was walking out of Shelia’s when he noticed the group of people standing around.  Quietly he watched them for a few minutes, they looked as though they were debating where to go or what to do next, he wasn’t sure.  He was surprised to see that it was the others who were in the diner earlier that day.  He smiled slyly and started walking towards them.  ‘I really hope they don’t think I’m stalking them.’
“Please Lindsey?  Can we please go paint-balling?” Hilda asked jumping up and down.
“Quatre is that you?” Sebestyen asked as she slowly turned around.
“Sebestyen?”  Hilda asked and stared at him for a second.  “It is you!”  She ran towards him with lightning speed and tackled him to the ground.  Everyone was unsure of what to do or if they even wanted to know why she tackled this strange man to the ground.
“Isn’t that the crazy man from the diner?”  Ryuichi asked peering at the two on the ground.
"I'm not crazy! Why do people keep saying that?" Sebestyen asked picking himself off of the floor.
"It's probably your stories Sebestyen, when I first heard them... I honestly thought you were crazy too." Hilda answered honestly before turning to the group of teenagers. They were still discussing what they should do for Lucy and Lucas's birthday. They had to come up with something since things in the mall were closing and everyone vetoed Hilda's idea for paintball.
"Hey Lucy, why don't go back to Metz and Agnes's? You know our parents won't be back until tomorrow..."
"Yeah, we can get more stuff to eat and stuff for the party and have lots of fun... It's up to you though..."
"I like the idea just fine... but... " Lucy started to say before looking at Hilda and Sebestyen.. " What about them?"
"They can come if they want.." Lindsey started to reply but stopped," Hey sis... what about Wolfram? Is he here with you?"
"Nope, he has a fashion show later today and can't be bothered. That's why I came alone.." Hilda replied honestly.
"So why don't we split up and get stuff for the party?"
All together there was three groups. One consisting of Will, Ryuichi, Sebestyen, and Hilda. The next one was Lindsey, Lucy, Lucas and Cordy, then the remaining group was Jamie, Gavin, and Maddie. "So we do our own shopping then head back to the farmhouse right?" Lucy asked curiously as her cousin wrote down something’s in a note book. "Yup, and for each group here's a list of things we need.." Ryuichi replied tearing out three lists she had just jotted down. "Quick question before we split up and get everything..." Jamie asked as Lucy and Ryuichi turned around to look at him.   "Yes?"
"So when we're done buying everything who am I following to get back to the farmhouse?"
"When you're done, just come to Shelia's.." Lindsey taking a look the list.
As each group went off to buy what was on their list, time passed by as if nothing was happening.  Jamie, Gavin, and Maddie eventually met up with Lindsey, Lucy, Lucas and Cordy at Shelia's after they finished shopping.  They were glad this time that there was no crazy man rambling on and on about White Jamaicans or nudist colonies.  And then they remembered that crazy man would be hanging out with them when they reached the farmhouse.  If you're traveling from the mall to Agnes & Metz's farmhouse, it takes about 25 to 30 minutes... depending on the driver.  And there was lots of phone tag, mainly seeing if everything was set up, and if people found the place all right.
A few "fake" arguments broke out, mainly one involving a box of fudge rounds.
"I only had one!!" Ryuichi cried out sitting on the couch.
"I had two...." Hilda replied glancing around the room.
"Oh I had five..." Lucas answered as nonchalantly as he could.
"Presents!!" Someone had yelled out as everyone gathered.  Everyone was sitting on the futon, couch or the floor.  All around, the gifts that people had gotten for Lucy and Lucas were passed around.  Ryuichi grinned as she handed a small box to Lucas.  He unwrapped it and peeked inside.  "What kind of sick joke is ths?" Lucas said shocked.  It wasn't usually in his cousin's nature to give such an indecent gift.  The room was suddenly filled with laughter.  "I'm sorry Lucas...it was me and Lucy's idea.  It was supposed to be a gag anyways," Ryuichi said trying to hold back her laughter.
Just as the night before, the group had played various games, and celebrated the twin's birthday all night long.  Well until it hit night, and then they decided to quiet it down.  The games were tamer than the session of "Strip I never" they played the day before..
Hours passed, then a day went by, and the adults returned home.  Agnes and Metz were grateful that someone watched the house, along with their parrot Geoffrey.  Of course, after they returned home, the rest of the weekend passed, and everyone was so enthused about returning to school.
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An Amazingphil Imagine Phil discovers a new kink of his and wants to try it out. 1st person POV
*warnings*- smut, talk of birth control, impregnation kink, and impure Phil thoughts.
This is my first smut fic so please feel free to tell me that if I should continue writing it or not.    Word count: 3,162
Phil’s POV 
We never really have talked seriously about having kids before, only ever jokingly like what we would name our kid if we had one such as naming the baby Thor, Susan, or Pikachu. Then Y/N and I would laugh it off and never give it another thought.
That was until I saw Y/N holding her cousin’s new baby and how gentle and caring she seemed to hold her little nephew with such ease and how the baby had (y/c/e) just like hers and it really got me thinking about what our baby would look like.  
It started off simply with me just going to those websites where you can mash your picture with another person’s and seeing it that way and then going deeper into the search of pregnancy as a whole and being amazed and grossed out at the same time.
It really got me thinking about my life I mean I was thirty years old now and not getting any younger. Most of my old school mates and friends were married by now and some have even had kids or trying to have kids now.
Having a kid with Y/N would be great just having to imagine her all big and swollen with my kid and plus having to make the baby is the best part of it all. That’s when I noticed I started to get hard from thinking about knocking up my girlfriend.
The more and more I think about Y/N carrying my child, I can just close my eyes and imagine it now with her breasts getting bigger and me sucking the milk out of them.  Grabbing and squeezing my cock through my jeans and wanting to cum soo badly.
No. Phil stop.
My brain shouts at me, this is bad you can’t just think of your girlfriend getting pregnant and then not tell her you want to do those things to her.
Y/N and I have always been open to discussing our kinks, turn-on, and turn-offs it’s one of the few things that we have honestly talked about with no judgment or shame. 
So I decided to text her. Hey if you are not busy I would like you to come over tonight.
I miss you.
She texts back: Ya, I would love too. I already finished my paper and I miss you too <3
 Is Dan going to be there?
“Is Dan going to be there?” Is our little code we came up with to say ‘hey i am super horny and want to fuck you so hard till I scream your name so your roommate better not be there’. Well, at least we were on the same horny page.
I text back: I sadly have to say he will not be here. Also, I’m proud of you for finishing your paper before the due date.   So I will see you later tonight love you. 
Y/N texts: Love you too Philly. 
Well now I just lied to her and now I have to quickly push Dan out of the house somehow. I go out into the lounge and see Dan in his sofa crease as usual.
“Hey.” I say.
“What’s up?” Dan replies.
“I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?” I ask
“No, not really why you want to go somewhere?” Dan asks.
“Well, I was wondering if you might want to go somewhere just by yourself?” I ask thinking if he is getting my hint.
“What? Wait, is Y/N coming over tonight and you want to have loud obnoxious sex without me here?” Dan asks sarcastically. 
I feel my face go red and I nod my head and look down at the floor.
“Hhahaha all you have to do is ask, I guess I can go see a film with James and make fun of that new Residential Evil movie and then go for a pint after, that should give you guys enough time right?” Dan says.
“Yeah I think it should, I can’t thank you enough for being so..” I start to say.
“No don’t say anymore I really don’t mind, I don’t like hearing your sex noises or Y/N’s it’s just awkward.” Dan interrupts. “I guess I’ll go text James and get ready and don’t forget to #rubberupfordan.”
“Ok ya will do.” I say except maybe if I’m lucky I won’t need one tonight.
About twenty minutes later I hear the door bell go off and I know that she is here, so I rush down the stairs to greet my sexy girlfriend.
Your POV
God, I have been soo fucking horny all day. earlier today while scrolling through tumblr I saw one of those gif sets of Phil being ”sexy” and I couldn’t get him out of my mind since then. I was just very glad that he texted me. I need this and I think he needs this. 
Phil is pretty gentle and sweet with our love making, but tonight what I need is just hard fucking and nothing else.  I walk up the and ring the bell then wait for him to open the door.  Phil opens the door and pulls me in tightly for a hug.
‘God he smells good’ Like some vanilla and something manly and rugged.  
“Come on in you must be freezing,” Phil says as he shuffles me into the flat.
“Nah I’m all good your hug is all I need to warm me up.” I say and gesture for him to go ahead of me.
He nods and heads up the many stairs and I get a great view of his ass. 
“So how was class today? Did you learn what dogs think when we aren’t there?’ Phil asks.
“It was fine, and yeah they try to plot a way for to get more treats and practice their begging faces,” I say
He laughs and opens the door to the lounge for me and I put down my bag near the table. I casually look around and ask “So is Dan here?”
“Ya he still is here.” Phil says.
I give him a look that displays ‘Um I thought you said he wouldn’t be’
“He will be leaving soon don’t worry.” Phil reassures me. As he walks up to me and takes my chin and tilts it up lightly and gives me a kiss that is soft and light. I stretch up to wrap my arms around his back to just get a bit closer and wanting to just surround myself in our little bubble.
He pulls away and I chase his lips wanting just some more of this and I can’t wait any longer and I just want all of him now.
“Wait I need to talk to you about something before we go....uhm..into things.” Phil stammers out.
“Ok no problem,” I say and I can tell from his face that it’s about something sexual. Phil can become super easy to read after you get to know him. And I just have to wonder what kind of thing he wants. Gosh, I hope he wants to try something new tonight.
“We can talk in my bedroom,” Phil says tentatively and takes my hand and leads me to his room down the hall. I see that he has grabbed my bag already and takes it and places it on his rug in front of the TV in his room.  I watch him as he closes the door. 
“You can go ahead and sit on the bed, you don’t have to wait for me.” he says.
I laugh as I sit on the bed and say “Oh ya sorry. I just get distracted just looking at such divine beauty.”
He laughs and turns slightly pink from my compliment. “So what did you want to talk about, my love bug?” I ask as I take off my shoes.
He chuckles at the nickname and walks to lay on the other side of the bed and turns to look at me. “Well I wanted to talk about a new kink I think I have and I was wondering what you might think of it.”
‘Wow I got it right’ Mental fist bump. “Well you know you can tell me I am going to be open-minded and no judgment here.” I say as I lay down and take his hands and give a little kiss on his knuckles.
“Well.....remember when we went to your cousin’s house to see her new baby? I just saw you with him and you were just such a natural at it and I got into think about babies and you and I having one.”  “And some fun web things and research later and I got to thinking about you being pregnant with my baby and I got hard about just wanting to impregnate you like I got really hard.” Phil says and his face goes completely red and just looks at our hands held together.
I couldn’t come up with an answer right away all my brain could think was that ‘He wants to have a baby with you’. I look him in the eyes and say 
“Phil for one I must say that there is nothing wrong with your kink and it’s valid.” 
“Second, I am very flattered that you want to have a baby with me, but I don’t want to have a baby right now. I’m going to school right now and I wanted to finish it before I have a baby. I have thought about having one with you and I would love to eventually, just right now I think it’s not the right time.”
“Thirdly I am on the pill and we have never gone bare before, because of having just extra protection but we know we are both clean now and I wouldn’t mind just pretending like we are having baby making sex.”
I say and just look at him and wait to hear his response.
Phil’s POV
I was very happy to hear Y/N’s response she has always been so understanding. I look up to her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes and pull her into a kiss and nibble on her lips till she lets our tongues tangle together. I climb on top of her and slide my hands down her curves wanting to just take her all in.
That’s when I hear a loud yell outside my door “I am leaving now hope you guys have fun.” I can just hear Dan’s smirk from just that sentence. 
We stopped just briefly and Y/N says “Ok and you bet your ass we will.” and gives me the most cheeky smirk I have ever seen. She pulls by my shirt down back to her lips. I let her dominant this kiss and she tastes soo sweet it becomes intoxicating.
I move to her neck and nibble on the skin right under her ear. I lick after each nibble and her moans only egg me on. She tugs on my shirt and I get the message and I shuck it off and toss it to the floor.
I feel her hand at my chest and teasing my nipples as she leans up to lick one and twist the other one then switching over. I feel my jeans get tighter and I just want her to take off her’s as well.
“You too.” I say my voice sounding deeper and huskier. I tug off her sweater and her undershirt all at ounce and toss it with the other clothing we have shed. I then just stare at her and I take my hands and run them over her arms wanting to just live in the moment. I run my fingertips over her breasts and cup them and squeezing and I see she gets goosebumps over her arms.
I reach around and take off her bra with ease and I run my thumb over her nipples and tug at them, she shivers and moans. I go back to kissing her neck with much harder bites and go at her ears tugging and pulling at them with my teeth. I feel her nail scratching my back her breath in short pants.
“Phil I need more.” she whispers in my ear.
I get off her and stand on the side of the bed as I take off my jeans and my socks and I stand there and watch her take off her jeans, socks, and her underwear. She catches me watching her undress and she sees that I am still in my underwear and she says.
“Let me do the last part.” She slides to the side on the bed and grabs and pulls me to her by the hips and caresses my sides and stomach and pulls down my underwear. I step out of them and she takes my cock in hand and runs her thumb over the slit and I moan out. 
“Use your mouth, sweetheart,” I say and she does and wraps her mouth it and runs her tounge up and down and takes her hand to my balls and massages each one. I grab her head wanting to go deeper, I know to go slow so not to choke her. She puts her tongue right at the head and then just sucks at the head and moves her hand to rub at what she isn’t reaching.
She twists slightly and squeezes and I can just feel like going over the edge. “Y/N I’m getting close,” I say and then she stops and looks up at me with the most innocent eyes and says.
“Well we can’t have that we are going to need all of that cum because if not how will we get pregnant?” Her lips pouty.
That’s what did it, I could feel my cock get hard and I leak pre-cum. She slides up on the bed lies down. And gestures to me to come to her. I jump onto the bed and on top of her and go to her breasts and start sucking at her nipples.
“I can’t wait till you start getting milk, for our child.” I say and fondle the other I nibble at the bud and start to work my way down and rub my hands down her sides and grasping her love handles her curves and soft skin are some of my favorite things about her. 
Her move her legs to bend at the knee and spread her her legs and finger her clit.
Her moans are getting louder she screams “Fuck Phil, please stop teasing.”
“I’m just trying to make sure your nice and wet for me baby.” “I need you soaking it makes it easier for you to receive my seed,” I say.
I go down and kiss her clit her move my fingers into her starting with just one and arching them ever so slightly trying to reach that spot. Her legs start to shake I move my mouth lower and add my tongue to her hole. Swapping it out with my finger and swirling and moving it slowly and then putting it inside of her. 
I keep swiping at her clit with my thumb and pinch it. I hear her cuss and sit up to grab at my hair pulling it. At this point I almost rubbing myself off on my sheets. I am soo hard it hurts I need to put it her pussy now.
“How are you, sweetheart?” I ask “Are you ready for me?” 
Shes nods yes.
“Use your words, Y/N. I want to hear you say it.” I say.
“I want you to fuck me senseless until you drown my pussy in your cum.” she says.
“Ok sweetheart,” I say and I line myself up and start with just putting the tip in. I hear her moan long in my ear and I slowly thrust in more and more till I’m all in. Y/N pulls my face to her and we share a ravenous kiss that takes my breath away. I can feel her pussy is tight around my cock, I can feel such a heat and it’s wet and glorious.
I move and thrust harder hearing our bodies slap against each other. I tell her to move around with ass first. She gets on all fours on the bed and turns her gorgeous ass to me. I squeeze and slap it, just to keep it spontaneous. I line myself back up and go all in. I grip her hips and it takes us a second to find a rhythm when we do she moves her hips back and reach around to play with her clit more. 
Y/N is just about moaning louder now and trying to smother them in my pillow. I move my hand to her head and pull it up. “No silencing those moans sweetheart, if you are going to scream you have to let all hear you.” 
She gets up and sits up in my lap and says “Ok baby.” She moves my hands to her breasts and moves her hands on top of mine and having me squeeze her tits more. She starts moving her hips up and down while I take a rest. She lets out yelps in this position we are hitting new spots I can feel her get even wetter and clenching down.
I pinch at her clit again and say my turn again and I lay her down again and I slip back out and back in again. Slow than faster I love teasing her and I know she is super sensitive at this point.  I have been close but now I am ready to explode now. 
“Sweetheart I am very close,” I say
She looks me right in my eyes and says “Baby give me all of it, I want your baby soo bad.”
That's when I cum and I can feel it’s a lot more than usual. I feel blissed out and I just tumble onto the other side of the bed in exhaustion. I can feel the sheets soaked with sweat and other body fluids, but all I care is that I bring Y/N to me and pull her to my chest.
She grabs on to me and makes shapes on my chest with her finger. 
“That was great like really great, you were just soo good.” she says.
“Sorry after-sex brain can’t make full sentences.” she babbles on.
I just laugh and kiss her on her forehead, “You know I don’t think will be home for a little bit longer, how about round two in a couple minutes?” 
“You read my mind Mr. Lester.” she says.
Oh, I know what roleplay she wants next. 
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