#there’s an incorrect quote i found where it’s talking about hugs & one says like“he hugged me but it was like he was reaching for something
unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
🖊 for Tadhg?
— Tadhg was never big on physical affection. He gets more comfortable with it the closer he becomes with his buds, but hugging is still a touch awkward. Of course, it’s less awkward than the first ones and are less awkward when initiated by someone other than Tadhg. For him, though, the most comfortable is an arm around the shoulders.
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Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC!
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klm-zoflorr · 10 months
Incorrect quotes..... Parthogenesis
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Eren: This revenge shit is very unrewarding it turns out. I have lost all my friends and am devoid of the sweet sweet burn of anger now that I've accomplished my goal. Everybody hates me. I'm not allowed less than 50 meters from a government building. Help.
Eren: Well, good for you!
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Commander Magath: *driving down the road*
Hange, driving up the same road: *yelling out the window as she passes him* PIG!
Commander Magath: *yelling back at Hange* BITCH!
Commander Magath: *rounding next curb, he crashes into a hug pig in the middle of the road and dies*
Ymir Fritz, watching on: Ah, if men would just listen
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Sasha: "sex" literally isn't real. "ohhh i just had sex" you "had" sex? where did it go? did it grow legs and run away?? idiot
Marcoco: Stop saying sex when what you mean is gender!!
Connie: I had gender with your mom
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Mikasa: Are you sure this is legal?
Annie: Why, are you taping this?
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Hange: God I do not like a single thing about you
Zeke: Tell me more
Hange: This isn't sexting
Zeke: It's better than sexting tbh
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*Mikasa getting ready for her date with Eren*
Levi: Tell him if he breaks your heart, I'll nail gun his.
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Eren: Your future self is talking shit about you right now.
Annie: Joke's on her. I'll ruin her fucking life.
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Jean: Connie, Sasha! How could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?!
Connie: It... It didn't take us the whole day...
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Hange: The bad news is you've lost a lot of blood
Sasha: What's the good news?
Hange: Well we've found most of it!
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Grisha: *Calling the doctor* My wife is going into labor what do I do I have forgotten all of my medical training
Doctor on the other end of the call: Is this her first child?
Grisha: No this is her husband
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Kuchel: You are so incredibly full of issues, you should do something about it! Go see a shrink, I don't know!
Kenny Ackerman: Oh yes!
Kenny: I've always been a big fan of head shrinking!
Kuchel: That's not-... That's not what it means...
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Falco: Why is "dark" spelled with a K and not a C?
Zofia: Why not?
Falco: Because you can't "C" in the dark...
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Kenny, at the therapist: Well, that is disappointing
Therapist: What is?
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Levi, at Mikasa's funeral: I need a moment with her... Alone. Please.
Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Levi, leaning over Mikasa′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I'm not fooled by your cadaver palor and unnatural stillness. I know you’re not dead.
Mikasa: Yeah, no shit.
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Connie: Me and Annie, we get along fine in my beat up honda civic. We just don't have room to disagree.
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Sasha: It's been hard not having Ymir around. I never thought I'd miss being waterboarded so much.
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*Annie and Porco on their first day as coast guards*
Boss: 7 people died on your watch today
Annie, looking off into the distance: Yes but the coast is fine
Porco: They were all very mean and refused to tip. So, we just threw them back in the water.
Annie: Also you only found seven. We killed a lot more.
Porco: Yeah, but you didn't have to mention that tho
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Therapist: Kenny, you have a problem verbalising your emotions
Kenny: Can't say I'm surprised
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Hange: Love the train so much.... ...... I sit... ..... It goes........ ........ We arrive!!!!!
Connie: I understand that, but it still doesn't explain why we get to carry all the rails in 40 degree* weather while you sit in the shade and drink a monster energy on the rocks
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Carla: Can I have a private talk with you?
Grisha: Sure, as long as it’s not about tampons, because I just don’t understand them.
Hannes, wearing tampons as earplugs: How? It's so obvious what they're used for!
Carla: I asked for a PRIVATE talk with him!
Grisha: Oh, you just can't separate me and Hannes. We're a package deal!
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Eren: Don't you think you're being a little dramatic about me letting your cactus die?
Floch: Dramatic? Perhaps a little.
Floch: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look out the window with a grimly satisfied expression.
Floch: I paid this skywriter a lot of money to write “Eren likes pineapple on pizza” in the clouds.
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Levi: The sexual tension between me and self-destruction
Kenny: Nothing has sexual tension with you, kid
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Eren: You can diffuse any situation by saying, "are we about to kiss, right now?"
Historia: Eren, not only is that completely false and a ridiculous concept, but it's also not appropriate at all, we are at your trial for global genocide for fuck's sake-
Eren, leaning towards her: Are we about to kiss, right now?
Historia, beet red: Nevermind.
Gabi: Can we PLEASE find another judge for this?!
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Jean: I've got a joke for you. What's "Ereh" short for?
Armin: What for?
Jean: He's got little legs
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Annie: Im a lesbiab
Annie: Lesbiam
Annie: Less bien
Mikasa: Its okay take ur time
Annie: Girls
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Mikasa: Annie and me buried the hatchet, figured you could try doing the same?
Ymir: I don't bury hatchets
Ymir: I sharpen them.
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Eren: I don't like being an adult
Carla: Yup I told you
Eren: You remember how you told me you put me in this world and you can take me out?
Eren: Take me out.
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Mikasa: So, you want to be the Sun in my life?
Jean: Yes.
Mikasa: Good, then stay 92,935,700 miles away from me
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Mikasa: Eren, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Eren: Well of course I have.
Eren: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Eren: It's boring.
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Ymir: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. One for your foe, one for yourself.
Zeke: What a stupid fucking quote. I'm killing way more than two people idiot
Eren: Don't even bury them. Let them rot.
Zeke: Plus it's not like I'm gonna bury myself anyways? Why would I provide free cleaning labor like that
Eren: Maybe you're supposed to die in the grave?
Zeke: I'm not gonna dig myself a grave so someone can push me in and I can die as the biggest idiot that ever walked this Earth
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Udo, watching Gabi: If you were religious, that would be straight-to-hell behavior...
Gabi, putting scorpions in Zeke's dresser after he called her a shitty little kid: I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I do believe in Revenge
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Armin, about Eren: If karma doesn't hit you real quick, I fucking will.
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Falco: You know how in greek myths the people that die tragically sometimes get placed among the stars by the gods?
Colt: Yeah?
Falco: Call that a constellation prize.
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Sasha, taking care of Reiner after he got injured: It's okay Braus, stay calm, stay calm
Reiner: My name isn't Braus, it's Braun
Sasha: I know, I'm talking to myself.
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*Pieck sliding $5 to the zookeeper*
Pieck: Maybe one of those penguins ends up in my car?
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Historia: Fun fact: Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color
Armin: Starfruit
Historia: So close! That's a shape <33
Mikasa: Orange
Historia: Try again! <3 The color orange is named after the fruit.
Connie: Grape! "Gra" for gray! 🍇🤲😊
Jean: You also forgot blackberries
Sasha: You idiot, black isn't a color.
Gabi: What about raspberries
Ymir: Green beans?
Falco: Lemons!! ♥️🥰☺️
Reiner: Wait aren't berries not fruit?
Historia: You all are so fucking stupid.
Zeke: What about dragon fruit
Historia: I am going to stone you
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Mikasa: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Connie: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Historia: Orange was first used to refer to the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until around 1000 years ago.
Eren: What was the color called before then?
Sasha: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!
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Hitch: "I'm kind of in a weird mental place right now" I say, as if there are times when I am not in a weird mental place
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Erwin, bleary eyed at 7am: Why are you opening all the windows?
Levi: We have to let air in
Erwin: But it's raining!
Levi: You're not made out of sugar, are you?!
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*Eren getting into Mikasa's car*
Eren: Let's go
Mikasa: Uh... Uh... Hi? Nice to see you too?
*Armin getting into the backseat*
Armin: Wait, she's our Uber driver?
Mikasa: Uber driver? I thought we were going on a date, Eren!
Armin: I thought this was a guy's night out!
Eren: There's been a change of plans.
Mikasa: You could have just asked?? You didn't have to trick us?
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Porco: I'm not a 🚩 i'm more like a ⚠️ cause I do warn you, you just don't be listening
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Pieck: I'm not a 🚩 I'm a 🏁 cause you winnin' over there
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Hange: I don’t know the first thing about fashion. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This titan? Not clothes.
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*Thru the phone*
Erwin: Hey, I need your help, can you come back?
Hange: Uh, I can't, I'm buying clothes.
Erwin: Alright, well hurry up and come back to base.
Hange: I can't find them.
Erwin: What do you mean you can't find them?
Hange: I can't find them, there's only soup.
Erwin: What do you mean there's only soup?
Hange: It means there's only soup!
Erwin: Well then get out of the soup aisle!
Hange: Alright you don't have to shout at me!
Hange: There's more soup!
Erwin: What do you mean there's more soup?
Hange: There's just more soup!
Erwin: Go into the next aisle!
Hange: There's still soup!
Erwin: Where are you right now?
Hange: I'm at soup!
Erwin: What do you mean you're "at soup?"
Hange: I mean I'm at soup!
Erwin: What store are you in?
Hange: I'm at the soup store!
Erwin: Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?!
Hange: Fuck you!
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Zeke: And then we'll be transported to the Paths dimension, and we'll meet Ymir Fritz, that's our long-dead ancestor...
Eren: I can barely tolerate the living, why would I want to commute with the dead?
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Armin: Does necromancy only work on animals? What do you do if you accidentally necromancy a fence and then it starts growing branches?
Armin: What if I accidentally necromancy a vaccine and then someone gets an armful of very live pathogen?
Annie: Armin.
Annie: are u ok
Armin: NO
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Colt's contributions to meetings: What about the impact on civilian populations? Do we have enough ammunition, provisions in storage to not rely on outside help?
Falco's contributions to meetings: Do you think stars have feelings?
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Grisha: It's been ten year since my beloved son Zeke died...
Zeke: I was never your beloved son! And quit telling people I'm dead!
Grisha: Sometimes it feels like I can still hear his voice...
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Historia: *wearing a shirt reading "cunt era"*
Eren: *wearing a shirt reading "I'm high as fuck and have a gun in my backpack"*
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Grisha: The bad news is that you have a really rare disease
Rod Reiss: Oh, no. What's the good news?
Grisha: Well, you get to name it!
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Eren: What's a good starter vice for someone who wants to get into ruining their life?
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Gabi: Smarties
Yelena: Heroin and mass murder
Levi: You're both at very different ends of the spectrum yet I don't think either of you understood the question
Levi: The real answer is Erwin Smith
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Zeke, getting up in the middle of a meeting: Pieck and I are not longer dating
Pieck: Zeke, that's a horrible way to tell people that we got married
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Zeke: My mother and I spent some quality time together. Got our hands dirty.
Pieck: Gardening?
Zeke: Grave-digging.
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Historia: Food trucks but instead of food, it's therapy and they're called automofeels
Rod Reiss: I know you're my last living descendant but with that kind of suggestions, I feel like I'd be better off picking a manged rat off the street
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Floch: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're impressed.
Yelena: But you do know better.
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Eren: I wanna be a reverse tooth fairy where I rob people and then scatter human teeth on their bed
Sasha: a dentist
Eren: I don't know what your dentist is doing to you but I think you need to go to the police
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*Pieck is coming back with McDonalds*
Zeke, reaching for his happy meal: Sorry, but there's no "we" in "fries"
Pieck: But there is an "I" *she steals all of his fries*
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Jean: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
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Mikasa: The feminine urge to be ominous & terrifying...
Hange: Mood
Mikasa: You are like if a moth was wearing clown shoes.
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Eren: A fun fact about me is i have never forgiven anyone for anything
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Bertholt: Have you ever been told you can be a bit intimidating?
Annie: Yes, every day of my life since kindergarten.
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Sasha: Being alive is great because there are so many different great vegetables you can sauté. But then there are also The Horrors
Falco: So true
Falco: Actually no. This is weird.
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Uri Reiss: What is a sex drive where is the sex going does it even have a licence
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Levi, to Erwin: You're gay because you like men
Levi: I'm gay because I hate women just a tiny bit more than I hate men. We are not the same.
Hange: Yaoi vs shounen
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Annie: What’s it like being tall?
Historia: Is it nice?
Armin: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Reiner: I live in constant fear of the short people, who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
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Eren: I don't know whether to bail you out, Mikasa, you've been in jail three times.
Zeke: Dad, Eren is cheating.
Grisha: Calm down, son.
Zeke: You are supporting him just because he bought you a hotel on Park Place
Eren: Someone has to take care of him in his old age? Who is going to do it but me? You?
Mikasa: *slyly knocks the Monopoly board off the table😼*
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Reiner: Hey girl ive been yearning for you the normal amount
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Grisha: Great. Here comes the woke mob to cancel me for killing and eating several people.
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The 104th, Hange, Erwin, Levi, Grisha, Carla, Hannes wearing party hats, popping confetti cannons and cheering: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Eren: Uh. Thanks I guess?
Historia: You don't like being celebrated?
Eren: I prefer to be villified, my name invoking fear over a great cloud of darkness...
Carla: Muffins, Overlord?
Eren: Thamk you
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Connie: I like you lets go to hell together
Sasha: Hell? More like HELL P!! Ahah
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Rod Reiss: We need back-up with the military police!! Are you free?
Kenny: No actually, I am very expensive.
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Connie: Since when are drapes flammable?
Historia: Since always, Connie! Drapes have ALWAYS BEEN FLAMMABLE!
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Mikasa: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
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Parental figure: Don't go into the forest, it's full of lemon-stealing whores!
Teenage Hange: Ooh, spooky!
Teenhange: What specific parts of the woods are they in, so I can avoid them extra hard?
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Reiner, in front of Sasha's grave: Rip i was always into you
Sasha, popping out from behind a tree: ? Worst confession ever
Reiner: You're not dead??
Reiner: I lied
Reiner: You are nothing to me
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*Gabi and Falco looking over the bones of Rod Reiss*
Falco: What happened to him?
Historia: Ah well, he tried to outpizza the Hut
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Falco: I heard it's supposed to rain
Colt: Oh, yeah? But look at this sun!
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Pieck: Brr, getting a bit cold, uh?
Gabi: Yeah, it's supposed to rain later
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*Zeke passing through next to Magath adressing the kids*
Commander Magath: We're not gonna do the lesson outside today, it's supposed to rain
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Annie: Galliard, mind helping me set up the tables outside for my mind reading scam?
Porco: Don't start this now, it's supposed to rain this afternoon!
Zeke: I heard it's never going to rain again.
Porco: What is the fucking matter with you
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Pieck: I decided I'm actually not gonna break up with you over your corny jokes, Porco convinced me otherwise.
Zeke: What a re-LEAF. I should get you flowers. I know it STEMS from a place of love, now our relationship can BURGEON out of bounds.
Pieck: I changed my mind.
Zeke: Ok, but Porco avocated for me?? Really?
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Annie: Zeke? What was that message you sent me?
*Shows him the phone, with a garbled texting mess on it that reads as follows: pleusr bereing qi 2 auffce chabi goht pik 🏹. shi went hair glleiteur pin. kiuk houry aim worrded*
Zeke: "Please bring the key to the office back, Gabi is threatening Pieck at gunpoint, she wants her glitter pen back and I seem to be the only one worried about it."
Annie: I read serial killer diaries with better punctuation than this
Zeke: But do you have the keys?
Annie: No.
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Annie: What about the bow emoji?
Zeke: They censored the gun on my phone
Annie: No, look there's the little water gun...
Zeke: It doesn't convey the urgency of the situation
Annie: Nothing in your message conveys the urgency of the situation since you need a degree in foreign languages to understand it
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Commander Magath: Do you have any children?
Dina Fritz: Yes, I have one that's just under two.
Commander Magath: I know how many one is
Commander Magath: Is he big enough to man a cannon yet
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Yelena: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
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Reiner: Be myself?? The person who got me into this mess???
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Ymir: Will I find a purpose?
Annie, posing as a fortune teller: No.
Ymir: u didn't do the thing with the cards
Annie: *flips one card, maintaining eye contact* No.
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Pieck: *unbuttoning shirt* Oh my god, it's hot as hell in here.
Yelena: Yes, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?
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Connie: You into cars?
Ymir: Yes, it truly was a masterpiece of a film
Connie: No i mean are you a cars person
Ymir: I'm a human.
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Connie: I tried making my own Red Bull with crushed up caffeine pills, twenty-one shots of expresso, carbonated licorice water and gummy vitamins. The doctor said I'm lucky to be alive.
Connie, 24 hours before: I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and am fighting my own soul. I'm winning by the way.
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Levi: i am at a loss for words to describe how absolutely stupid this plan was!
Sasha, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, the Captain yelled at us for the next thirty minutes.
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*Hange getting ready to go on an expedition in the titan forest*
Hange: If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm enjoying myself.
Levi: ...figured that one out
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Mikasa, when Eren leaves for Zeke's side: You're leaving me? I'm coming with you.
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Gabi: What's the difference between Reiner and a magnet?
Gabi: A magnet has a positive side!
Reiner: Ah-Ah. Very funny.
Falco: A magnet would have laughed at this quality joke!
Reiner: I wish I were an household item
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Hange: You know, you look pretty fit yourself. What do you play?
Erwin: Anybody that gets close enough.
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Mr. Xaver: I'm sorry Zeke, your dad was pronounced dead
Zeke: *tearing up*
Zeke: I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time??!
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Historia: I tried your "salad" thing today, and Ew. I only ate one of those red and white nasty apple things, and I couldn't handle it after.
Pieck: Radishes, Historia
Historia: Mini dirt apples
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Kenny the Boomer, looking at his dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
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Floch, lovingly, to Eren: You inspire me to be so much worse
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Floch, interviewing people: What do you want for Christmas?
Annie: Uhhh... for me to be alive
Levi: You know those microfibers cloths they have at big stores?
Historia: I just want Captain Levi to have a great time. Cause, he's been really really sad and angry lately. And you know, that's all I really need, more happiness in the world.
Connie: I'll say I want a big booty hoe, sitting on my face right now. Blrrr!
Sasha: Free weed!
Eren: Uhhhh.... World peace
Mikasa: Dick
Hange: *Pouring everyone a big glass of her special cocktail* Mental stabilityyyy baby!
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Jean: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Jean: *moon-walks out of the room*
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Annie: I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded dilapidated training camps, taught by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism.
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Yelena: I've tried some eyeliner, thoughts?
Floch: Sorry but someone already has swag in this enimity and it's ME
Yelena: You? Cool? You are like if a moth was wearing clown shoes.
Floch: Where did you even hear that expression
Yelena: Idk
Floch: Well you look like you could stab someone with these anyways
Yelena: The clown shoes?
Floch: The eyeliner.
Yelena: That's the goal
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Zeke organising a play about his life: Porco, I think you should play the role of my father.
Porco: I don't want to be your father??
Zeke: That's perfect, you already know your lines!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marcel: I don’t know why I do the things I do. Never did. I’m a damn mystery to myself. It makes my existence... Exciting, you know. You never know what's gonna happen. Am I going to jail, am I getting a medal for bravery? Am I driving on the highway at three in the morning to ruin my life and everybody in this town's again??
Ymir: Are you gonna get caught, cooked and eaten by a random girl in the woods?? Who the hell knows.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Porco, in his jock attire, yelling at the tv*
Bertholt: You're yelling like the players are actually gonna listen to you
Porco: You're in love with a girl who doesn't even know you exist
Bertholt: Never talk to me again
*Bertholt goes to his room to try and glue back the shattered remains of his ego*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: I think my dad never loved me.
Zeke: HA! Loser. I always KNEW my dad never loved me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha, leaving the Training Corps in s2 to go save her family: There I go side questing again!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on the plane?
Armin: Yes, but I'm not that kind of...
Flight attendant: The pilots are debating the merits of the terminologies of "the dark ages" vs. "late antiquity" vs. "the early middle ages".
Armin: Okay. I'm here.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bertholt: Annie... I need to tell you something.
Annie: Alright?
Bertholt: You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in and you're out, you're up then you're down, you're right when it's wrong, you... I guess what I want to say is you're incredible and I care about you. You're so good... At everything. I deeply admire you. I could get lost in the blue of your eyes, I feel like I'm flying when I look at you. Your hair is a golden crown, which you deserve because you are a queen. Your laugh is rare and dry like an oasis in the desert, it's the only thing in the world that can quench my thirst. What I'm trying to say is... I love you.
Annie: Alright.
Annie: Thanks. You... Uh... You always fill a room with your presence... Like a stately sequoia tree.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: *sees a ghost* omg are you dead
Ghost Gabi: Of corpse
Ghost Gabi: The other ghosts said they'll beat my ass because of this joke. Grave mistake.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Oh yes, my uncle is out of town, said something about tying up loose ends?
Uri Reiss:
Kenny: *tying up the ends of a black bag filled with a dead body*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Gabi: I don't think you know what this sentence means
Gabi: But yes, it's a gun.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: Are you alright?
Historia: I'm fine.
Connie: No, but really?
Historia: I mean yeah i carry around an immense sadness that destroys my will to live more and more everyday but like im fine
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: I rarely find cocaine jokes funny.
Erwin: But occasionally, an one-liner makes me snort.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: We have an issue. Most of your bleeding is internal.
Marcel: Well, isn't that good news?! That's where the blood is supposed to be anyways!
Pieck: I don't think it's in the benefit of humanity as a whole to try to save him...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: I act as if I don't care if people dislike me. But deep down? I secretly enjoy it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes, do believe good cop/bad cop is the essence of the MikAnnie dynamic
Yes, I know titans aren't supposed to leave bones behind. I'm gonna need you to get allll the way off my back about this!
Yes, I did watch the Wednesday series recently. It's a good show, innit? Full of punchy one-liners!
Yes, this end note is getting entirely too repetitive.
Yes, there's more?
*: 104° F for you eagle people
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unholy-t-rin-ity · 3 years
Blog Masterpost
Omega copies her brothers
Tech and Crosshair insult eachother
Hey clanker!
Crosshair is protective of tech
Crosshair has oral fixation
Obiwan crying in spanish
Obiwan falling on cody
Drunk Obiwan
This is why jango didn’t fucking love you
Obiwan fell down a mountain
TBB doing haka
Supervising fox’s breakdown
Fox radio broadcast
Echo misusing scomp link
Don’t leave anakin unsupervised
I loved you
Fives fighting Ahsoka
Fives found a bug
Commanders went out drinking
Croissants found a lightsaber
Bly has a competance kink
Calling Cody dad
crosshair moment of weakness
Obiwan sits like he’s posessed
Clones are good bois
Space hooters
Tech being neurodivergent
Wolffe avenge you
Tech can’t see shit
Tech swearing
Don’t name the twi’lek child
plo koon being Dad
Jedi leave their robes around, clones have fun
~Text posts~
AZI in rice
Cody the WIFI boy
Scared Wolffe
TBB season 2 hopes
Sexy obi wan costume
Obiwan tries to quit the order
C3PO is impressivly annoying
501st incorrect quotes 3
Echo one inch taller
Imperial march playing from another room
501st incorrect quotes 2
tbb incorrect quotes 1
tbb incorrect quotes 8
tbb group chat fuck word
Wolffe whos this clown
Din and space dogs
Wolffe hates anakin
TBB incorrect quotes 6
The entire fandom to crosshair
Limited vocabulary
Tbb incorrect quotes 5
echo 501st brain activated
tbb incorrect quotes 3
Trooper cottontail
Fives barcode on thigh
tbb incorrect quotes 7
Anakin starts hearing background music
501st incorrect quotes 1
tbb incorrect quotes 4
tbb incorrect quotes 2
oddly specific star wars headcannons
Fox seduces the chancellor
Hunter is short, tech holds on hip
Tup recording documentary
barracks on fire
goodnight kisses
Obiwan is gay confirmed
What was really said
Day one seminar on how to command clone troopers
palpatine’s fourth zoom meeting
501st don’t get the joke
IG-11 and boba fett
Not all men
Greef Karga
Fox’s ct number is 1010
501st headcannons
Humorous scenes from the book
about the 104th wolfpack
How to write smut
Why tech’s armor is lighter
how tech got his name
tbb tag yourself
Wolffe being a mood
Clone wars how do you like your coffee
If fives met the bad batch
Plo is clone dad
Clones what non-military career do you think youd be good at
O66 if their chips were secretly removed
Clone wars ‘bloopers’
Palps made a shiny cry
You ignorant slut
Hunter selling echo
Caleb kicking crosshair
Tech is angry cat
TBB fuck tier list
Star wars fuck tier list
TBB and omega as text posts
How to negotiate a higher salary
Fox in VR
On all levels except physical I am a wolf
Fives didn’t connect shit
Rex and fives relationship in one still
Two bagels
TBB madagascar penguins
the senate meeting was cancelled croissants
Wrecker as text posts
Omega as text posts
Hunter as text posts
Crosshair as text posts
Crosshair as text posts 2
Tech-st posts
Echo as text posts
Right on schedule
They’re just dancing don’t worry about it
tbb as quotes from the office
regs as quotes from the office
Anakin becomes a problem
Look at all the fucks I don’t give, anakin
Clone troopers as memes
Inhibitor chip removal at claire’s
murder is okay art
TBB spoilers without context
Starwars characters as mulaney quotes
Tech is bigfoot
Tbb as bird memes
Hands are for echo
Fives careless whisper
angry cute echo
Tech and Omega
Tech in blacks
Crosshair doesn’t miss but CT-9904 does
I won’t leave you, not this time
Rex is a good listener
Tech is a confident nerd
Wrecker the gentleman
Echo needs a hug
Where is my grumpy grump
Tech panics over info
We were brothers once
TBB 1.14
Crosshair in battle simulation
This reg we like
Tech in clone wars
Clones with real face
Every named clone trooper so far
Cody and obi like meercats
Crosshair smile
Crosshair tbb
Echo watching Rex
Echo in the sun
Echo and tech
Bad batch back together
Bad batch in civvies
Tech and Wrecker
A wild tech appears
Tech and Echo fixing stuff
Badass Obiwan and Cody
Cody in suit
Echo and Fives
Clone trooper armour
Hunter and Crosshair
Drinking coffee
Loth cats and wolfpack
Wolffe and Plo
Wolffe is ready to kill C3PO
Trooper shenanigans
Ahsoka and Obiwan
Neon Rex
~Photos/ Screenshots~
Hot Echo
Tech smiling
Echo is Majestic
Angry sexy hunter
Wolffe’s legendary eye roll
TBB barracks
Crosshair icons
Rex dad joke
returning from the dead is easier said than done
Rex kissing reader without thinking in front of people
Stress relief
Tech Savvy
The coffee house
Keep your captains close
Random tech headcannon
Omega and Cross and Lothcats
Bad batch headcannons
Mama wolffe
Routine affection
Talk about it
Soft echo headcannons
Mistletoe mishaps
Unexpected kiss
TBB game night headcannons
flirting with clone troopers
Deaf crosshair headcannons
Tech x reader
Echo and pop
Fives misusing protection crystals
Clones giving bad relationship advice
Don’t give five’s vodka
The TILF awards
Clone dad’s and the weird/creepy things their kids say
Annual jedi council holiday party
Anakin’s hand
Wolffe’s eye
Coming out to mando
Helping wolffe shave
SW characters watching shrek
put your clothes on fives and echo
Echo good baker, fives good chef
Echo’s missing blasters
Get the captain to rest
Night before thanksgiving poem
~Fake texts~
Commanders accidentally texting you
TBB fake texts
How tbb would react to you wanting a baby
SW writing resources
152 notes · View notes
theonlygamergost · 4 years
Comfort cookies - Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Tubbo hangs out with the Pandel so much that he became the secret fifth brother, and Phil will not hesitate to treat him as such
Warning: Swearing, mention of bullying, a bit of angst, fluff, Phil is a dad.
The giggles of the two joyful boys coming from the staircase could be heard from the kitchen, Phil was humming songs of his teenage years while mixing some ingredients in a bowl, reading from his laptop (placed a safe amount away from any type of liquid or powder) the recipe of what he was making.
Phil loved cooking, he had always enjoyed preparing hand-made meals for his brothers, not only because it was cheaper, but because he genuinely liked it and was pretty good at it… at some meals, that is.
He never got into baking cakes, cookies, or any type of sweets, that’s why he was using a recipe and following it by the book, “Hm… pour small quantities in the tray, leaving spaces between each cookie…” the jingling of the keys and the door opening announced that the two friends had arrived through the front door, “Hello Phil!” “Hello, Philza Minecraft!” Phil smiled at Tubbo calling him his Minecraft nickname, “Hello boys, how was practise today?” they both left their backpacks by the couch, Tubbo was untying his shoes while Tommy ran straight for the bathroom, “Pretty good! Tommy surprised everyone today, he flexed on the class hard” Tommy peaked from the bathroom with a towel in his hands, “Pffff- No no I didn’t do anything fancy- you- you are just complimenting me Tubbo” he sarcastically scuffed it off, “What do you mean?!” Tubbo crossed the living room, passing in front of the kitchen and into the bathroom, turning the sink on, “You literally beat the ten-lap BEST TIME by ten seconds! How is that NOT a flex!?” Tommy laughed, “Oh really? I’m proud of you Tommy” he blushed lightly, “T-thank you Phil”.
After they both washed their hands and sat down at the kitchen counter where Phil was baking, Tubbo asked: “Can I stay the night here? Tommy and I have a project to do and it would be easier than meeting up somewhere else” Phil carefully took a spoon of the brown-ish mixture and placed it on the tray,” As long as Eret knows about it, you are free to stay whenever” Tubbo smiled, half-yelling a “Thank you Philza Minecraft!!!”
Tommy turned the pc covered in a plastic film towards him, “What are you baking big P?” Tubbo leaned over Tommy’s shoulder to read the monitor too, “ I found this cookie recipe on a blog I follow and I thought they would be a good alternative to the cookies we usually buy” Tubbo’s eyes started shining, “OH! OH! CAN WE TRY THEM ONCE THEY ARE DONE?!”, smiling at the excitement of the boy, he nodded. “yes…” he quietly whispered.
“Wait- On a blog you follow? OH MY GOD- Do you follow cooking blogs?!” Phil blinked a couple of times, “Yes?” Tommy burst out laughing, Tubbo and Phil were left in confusion, “Wait, what’s so funny about it?” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT’S SO FUNNY ABOUT IT TUBBO?!?! COOKING BLOGS ARE FOR GIRLS!!!” Phil shook his head, “That is sexist and incorrect Tommy, plus how did you think I come up with new ideas every time I make dinner!? I follow many of them” Tommy kept laughing, finding the thing hilarious, Tubbo tried to explain multiple times how it wasn’t “a girly thing” and how he shouldn’t go around saying thing like that, but Tommy had this thing with girls and all, no quote could ever surpass “Just killed a woman, feeling good!” After all.
After Tommy calmed down, they poured themselves a mug of milk and moved to the couch, playing Super Smash Bros while waiting for the cookies to finish baking, Phil had warned them that it would take forty minutes or so, but they were both determined to be the first ones to try Phil’s experiment.
Between the cheers and salty screams, Phil was texting with friends, most of them were either married or already had a child, but he was happy with his situation, living with his brothers and happily single, so jealousy was the last thing he felt towards them.
At one point, Tubbo’s phone started buzzing, pausing the game he looked at the screen and his face immediately got serious, “I’m going to the bathroom” Tommy was too preoccupied being salty about a combo not working how he thought it would to notice his best friends mood dropping.
Phil noticed the brown-haired boy closing the bathroom with a gloomy face, but didn’t ask anything for the sake of privacy.
It had passed fifteen minutes from when Tubbo left the living room, Tommy was starting to get bored by mindlessly scrolling through the Instagram “for you” page and Phil was getting worried since no sounds could be heard from behind the door.
Tommy got up and yelled while walking towards the kitchen counter to pour himself another cup of milk, “TUBBO! HOW LONG WILL YOU STAY IN THERE?? I’M BORED” Phil smiled at the words of his younger brother, but no reply came from the other boy.
So Tommy, as the inpatient gremlin he is, walked up to the bathroom door, but as he was about to knock on it, quiet sobs came from the other side.
Tommy instantly turned towards the older blonde boy that stood up as soon as he heard,” Tubbo?” Tommy asked while Phil gently knocked on the door, more quiet sobs replied.
“Tubbo are you ok?” as Phil’s voice reached the brunette’s ears, he finally spoke, “Phil?”
The older brother opened the door to reveal Tubbo sitting on the small carpet in front of the sink, his arms wrapped around his legs, holding them close to his chest: their red puffy eyes were everything Phil needed to see.
Without waiting for permission to come in, Phil walked up to the boy and picked him up, Tubbo instantly wrapped his arms and legs around him as he got carried to the couch. Tommy took their phone and followed.
Phil grabbed a cushion and the fluffy comfort blanket that Techno always used when reading, wrapping it around Tubbo, he asked him what was going on, “N-nothing… It’s… really Phil It’s nothing…” Tubbo looked away, Tommy sat down next to him and hugged him, surprising both Tubbo and Phil. “If someone made you cry it means that is not “nothing” Tubbo, please… I want to help you” And to that, Tubbo started crying again, Tommy did his best to tightly embrace him meanwhile Phil rubbed soothing circles on their back.
Tubbo then started explaining how a guy in his class found out about his bee plushie and made fun of them for it, to the point where if he doesn’t do his homework for him, he will say it to the entire class, but at the same time he was really mean towards him and it was pretty nerve-wracking.
“Tomorrow I’ll accompany you two to school and I’ll talk to the principal, we’ll show him the chats between you two if he doesn’t believe us. For now, ignore him mate, ok?” Tubbo dried his tears on his sleeve and nodded as Phil got up to take the cookies out of the oven, “How dare he…” Tommy was spaced out but his tense features and clenched fists were signs that Tubbo knew oh too well, “Tommy please don’t get any wrong idea-” But the blonde’s mind was already set, “Don’t worry Tubbo, I’ll make him pay…” but before the brunette could argue, Phil arrived with a plate full of steaming cookies and placed it on the coffee table, “Why don’t we watch a movie? Techno and Will won’t be home for a while” Tommy instantly proposed watching a post-apocalyptic movie.
They ended up watching “Mean Girls” while eating what are now nicknamed “comfort cookies”.
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Okay so I know this is a SDV Incorrect quote blog but I really wanted to show off my SDV headcanon’s so you may ignore this post if you wish (I’ll go back to the normal posts after this, I have like 13 quotes queue’d up right now) 
Headcanon’s under the cut:
1.Alex’s real first name is Alexander he just prefers to go by Alex
2.Alex is a trans male so he was born female but transitioned to male at age 13
3.The bachelors ages are (listed youngest to oldest):
 Alex: 19 
Sebastian: 19 (one month older then Alex)
Sam: 20
Harvey: 25-30
Elliott: 36
Shane: 38
4.Despite Sam being older then him Alex is taller (if you put them side by side Sam looks taller but that’s only cause of his hair if you flattened it you could see Alex was taller)
5.Sebastian is secretly a vampire (He does look like one anyway)
6. Haley and Alex kind of have a Hazel and Xander from Bunk’d relationship where they’re kinda friends but one of them *cough cough* Haley *cough* has a huge crush on the other to where it’s at yandere point- Haley is not QUITE as crazy about Alex that Hazel is about Xander and unlike Hazel Haley can hide the craziness she does have around people but when it’s just her and Alex she’s all crazy and clingy- 
Like, she’ll call him pet names like “My jock prince” or “Alex-zandy-” or “My knight in shining armor” Etc. etc- or hug him and never let go until someone LITERALLY prys her off- Talk about nutty nutty nut-so-
7. My headcanon voices for the bachelors are: (Well some of them, if a name is in strike through that means I don’t have one for that one- yet)
Alex: Shining Armor from MLP
Sam: Rottmnt Leo/2020 Sonic the Hedgehog/Dewy from Ducktails (this one might change)
Harvey: Fozzie Bear (Harvey: WaKa WaKa (I’m sorry))
Elliott: Gunther from Shake It Up
8.Shane is basically the god of chickens he’s such a good caretaker of chickens that he could summon an army of chickens to peck the eyes out of everyone in town with one “Babock” CHICKEN ARMY!!
If you decided to read this post and you liked my headcanons then this is it for now more might be added later as I play the game and scroll through the SDV tags on Tumblr more 
EDIT 1: More headcanons!:
9: Elliott is an amazing actor but a horrid horror-movie actor (It’s just his screams are unrealistic he will literally just say “Aaaah” otherwise it’s the same as the rest of his acting) (This scream-glitch is an easy fix if you yell “Ghost” more on that in 10)
10: Elliott is TERRIFIED of ghosts even those cute and/or clearly fake ghosts (Why else do you think Spirits Eve/Halloween has Skeletons every year and not ghosts? No one wants to scare anyone Too bad.) Actually Alex dared Elliott to watch the Disney Junior show Vampirina which went fine until Demi came on screen- Elliott literally wet himself and screamed for 3 whole hours- (Poor Alex who had to listen to that the whole time-)
11: Elliott treats his pocket crab as his ACTUAL son, not as his pet but as his actual biological son (it’s actually really cute)
12: The portraits in this video for a portraits mod is how the characters actually look to me (Excluding Elliott Sam and Sebastian they still live in my brain with their cannon looks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmBW8BzSZpU&list=WL&index=1&t=5s
13: Krobus is Sebastian’s father (yeah you THINK it would not make sense along with Hc numb.5 but if you think about it if his father is a monster and his mother is human he’s gonna be born as a human-looking monster! Which is a Vampire!)
EDIT 2: Damnit. I was scrolling through this and I realized I missed a Hc and it slipped through the original post and the EDIT 1!
14: Alex has Dyslexia (this bugger Hc belonged in the original post but it slipped through both edits)
15: Both Abigail and Sebastian used to have hair to match their parents (Abby’s was brown (Like said in game) and Sebastian’s was Ginger) but due to their “Unusual” parents (Abigail: Wizard Sebastian: Krobus) their hair changed color when they got older and their mothers just pretended they died their hair so both the towns people and Abigail and Sebastian themselves would not freak out 
16: Sebastian has snake bite piercing's but he only wears them when he’s alone (he got them in the first place cause 1: Sam dared him and 2: he decided it would be a fun way to rebel against dead to Sebastian Demetrius, he didn’t have to keep them but he ended up liking the look) 
17: Sebastian owns a giant frog plush, it’s twice the size of him, is really soft and is incredibly fat (it’s to the point it’s just a circle that has stubby legs) he loves it more then anything Excluding Alex but he does not want anyone finding out he loves it let alone owns it so he stuffs it under his bed when people are in and/or near his room
18: Sebastian’s first word was literally “Froggy”
Robin: Can you say “mama”?
Baby!Sebastian: ...Froggy!
Robin: Out of all words your first word is “Froggy”? Really?
19: The shortest to tallest Bachelors are:
Sam (If you take his hair and go *Squishes flat*)
Sam (If you count the added height from his Mullet)
Elliott (Tall stinky sea dude)
20: Sam got Sebastian to scream “Bubbles” for 5 hours straight 
Details on that:
Sam: It’s impossible to say “Bubbles” threateningly
Five munities later:
Robin: Uhhhh Sam? Why is my son on the roof screaming “BUBBLES”?
21: Sebastian owns a biker jacket but he only wears it when riding his motorcycle cause the jacket makes him look way more goth then emo and he prefers the emo look over goth look despite he acts more like a goth
22: One Feast of The Winter Star Sebastian got everyone an empty box and when they opened it Seb said: “It’s a void of nothingness. Just like life.” He did not get in trouble or nothing cause your allowed to give what you want but he did not do that again
23: Sebastian requires glasses to read, he can see perfectly but when it comes to reading on a computer or on paper he needs glasses
24: Sam does a perfect Darth Vader voice and Darth Vader breathing noises
25: Sebastian has vampire powers (cause he is a vampire (Hc 5)), he knows about them and is chill about it but he does not use them unless necessary cause he just does not feel the need to use them otherwise (His powers include, immortality (he also can’t be killed cause on my take on Vampires the stuff that “Traditionally” harms/kills them is just a mith and actually does nothing to them), super strength, increased speed, fast self-healing, telekinesis (I know this is not “Traditionally” a vampire power but Seb does have it) and the ability to change into a bat)
26: Both Sebastian and Elliott are actually pretty jacked (Not Alex level jacked but still) you just can’t see it unless they’re shirt-less (but in Seb’s case at least loose the hoodie)
27: Harvey’s doctor’s mallet weapon is just as heavy and as big as himself so he rarely goes into combat cause he has trouble welding his own weapon- 
Harvey: Time to explore the mines! *grabs his giant doctors mallet*
Harvey: Nope going down. *falls backward with a thud*
28: Elliott carries at least one very sharp pencil with him at all times so if he sees a very annoying person or a slime that escaped the mines he’ll grab it and go *StAb*
29: Everyone else makes Hermit jokes around Elliott which he finds funny and annoying at the same time (They used to do the jokes about Sebastian as well but they stopped cause when they did Seb strangled them Darth Vader style) Ex of the hermit jokes:
*singing* Someone’s on the beach with a hermit! There’s a hermit on the beach I know I know! Someone’s on the beach with a hermiiiit! And the hermit’s name is Elliott!
30: If you think Elliott’s cannon SDV schedule is anti-social you should see how anti-social he gets when writing a book-
EDIT 4: Surprise, there’s more
31: Elliott is a mermaid merman (he’s a human by day half human half fish by night but he’ll change forms sooner if you dump water on him- found that out by Haley throwing water on him in hopes he’ll melt-)
32: When in ‘fish’ form Elliott’s tail is incredibly strong (if you get hit by it you’ll go flying 900 feet in the air in 5 seconds at full strength)
33:Elliott only lets Harvey call him “Elly” if anyone else does so expect Elliott to dump water on himself then hit you with his fish tail)
34:Vincent will sing The Little Mermaid song “Under the sea” around Elliott and Sebastian (Sebastian cause think about it and Elliott cause he’s an IRL Mermaid)
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krackheadkulture · 4 years
Broken Compass
Pairing: OC X Bang Chan Word Count: 6K+ Genre: Soulmate AU (compass)
Introduction: In an alternative universe, you have a tattoo of a compass on your wrist which points to your soulmate. When you meet your soulmate, the needle on the compass will start to spin.
A/N: You're probably expecting your typical Xin to be here apologizing about the very long delay of this story but here I am, sharing on her behalf because her laptop decided to give up on her RIP. Anyways self promo but follow me on @isaloveskz for skz incorrect quotes ;)
Tumblr media
“This is stupid,” you groaned for the nth time. “Why does the needle not move? Like literally, no matter how many times I turn, it’s still pointing to the north!” You stared at the small compass tattooed onto your wrist for a second before dropping your arm down with a sigh, but unfortunately, you hit the table as your arm went down, making a loud bang.
“Oof, that must hurt!” Changbin winced as you let out a yelp.
“You know what would hurt more?” You glared at the boys surrounding you, some were laughing and some were in shock. Your hand was throbbing but you showed no emotions of pain on your face. “This fist in your f-”
“Okay, that’s enough everyone!” another voice out of the group interrupted your conversation, walking straight into the group. “Please leave Y/N alone and Jisung!” he stared sharply. “-Do not make another joke mocking Y/N alright? Because that fist would not be the only one in your face.”
“Why am I always the one getting threatened when Changbin was the one who commented on Y/N?” Jisung pouted as he too dispersed from the group. “Chan hyung, please love me instead.”
“Hah, fat chance, Jisung,” you mocked and rolled your eyes annoyed as the boy took his seat in the classroom. You folded your arms and sat straight on the chair, facing the table.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” the same kind voice said as he took a chair and sat next to you. You glanced to find Bang Chan’s eyes searching for yours. “You’re in no rush, I’m sure your needle will start directing you- look at the entire class! No one has found their soulmate yet, just do your things at your own pace alright? You got this.” He winked and gave you a small pat on the head as he headed back to his own seat in the classroom.
Your eyes soften as they follow Chan as he sits down at his place. He kept doing that. He has been comforting you since the first time your compass appeared on your wrist but instead of moving around, it was stuck at north. You did not know why and you have no way of figuring out how to operate the small tattoo lingering on your wrist, but he was the only one who could always bring a smile onto your face with those little words.
You sighed, taking a small glance at the still tattoo before starting to get a little annoyed at it once again. You let out a groan and rested your head on the table, hoping that closing your eyes would make you forget about the few things.
“Maybe you don’t need a soulmate,” a voice whispered in your ear. “This is a sign! Be your own independent person!”
You lifted your head up immediately, staring straight at the boy across the classroom. “Han Jisung, I am going to kill you!” you growled.
“Hey! I wasn’t even near you! It was Minho!” He exclaimed, looking almost offended at the accusation.
“You better run now, Jisung,” Seungmin muttered under his breath, shaking his head with a sigh.
“Does it even look like I have a choice?” Jisung groaned as he stood up, preparing himself to escape the classroom. “Goodbye world!” He exclaimed dramatically before disappearing from the class.
✯ It was the end of the school when you met up with the eight boys once again. All of you have decided to watch a movie that had just been released and it was actually one of the common things you share with one another: movies. You were pretty excited despite being exhausted from school as this was one of the few times you guys could actually meet up from your busy schooling schedules.  “Are you guys ready?” You asked with a grin as the others continued to converse within themselves. They immediately stopped to look at you and nodded. “Let’s go then!” “Wait, not yet,” someone interuppted you.  “If that’s you Jis-” you immediately said.  “That’s the thing, it’s not,” Jeongin replied, looking a little scared at the sound of your threat. “He’s not here… he’s never late before.”  “Then where on earth is he?” Felix asked. “We’re surprisingly all on time and he’s… nowhere to be seen?”  As it at cue, a message rang in all of your phones and you fished out your phone from your pocket, looking at the message that had brighten up the glass screen.  Jisung: guess what guys!
Seungmin: you’re late? Felix: a dragon has caught you? Hyunjin: You realised you were adopted? Jisung: Hey! That’s not nice :( Jisung: But anyways, I found my soulmate!  “Wait, what?” Minho exclaimed. The others also looked as confused as Minho had as they stared at one another for a couple of seconds before another message from Jisung popped out. Jisung: erm… I hope no one has died yet… why is no one replying to my messages?
Y/N: where are you now? Jisung: oh thank god you’re still alive! I’m with my soulmate now! Jeongin: How on earth did you meet your soulmate in the middle of nowhere? Jisung: long story short, I bumped into my soulmate as I was rushing to meet you guys. Mr Park decided it was a good time to drag on our class… but at least I got to meet my soulmate! Jisung: oh yes, the compass on our wrist started spinning at the same time  JIsung: and oh yes, one more thing, I can’t make it for the movies I’m sorry :( Y/N: heart has been broken so many times already… Minho: ^ Felix: ^  Seungmin: *Jisung has been kicked out of the group chat* Jisung: Hey! That’s not nice!  Seungmin: were we ever nice at all to you? Changbin: can we invite your soulmate instead of you? Chan: Have fun lovebirds! <3 “What kind of text is that, Chan hyung?” Changbin exclaimed. “Jisung is leaving us for his soulmate!”  “Honestly, all of you would do that too,” you pouted, looking down at your shoes. “And guess who would have to go to the movies alone… me.”  “Hey! Hey! Hey! Who said we’re going to do that?” Felix asked, rushing towards you as he wrapped you into a tight hug. “Stop thinking of the future! Right now you have us, so let’s make the most out of it and watch the movie shall we?”  You let out a slight smile before nodding your head. “You’re right,” you whispered as the group started moving down the street to your destination. But Felix was right… it was the last time you would ever have a complete group of friends anymore. One by one, day by day, everyone started to find their soulmates and as the days go by, you realised how fast your friends have disappeared from your group as they got to know more about their soulmates and the more you found yourself being left out from everything and everyone. Your friends rarely appear in class during their free breaks as they were off hanging out with their soulmates and even if they were in class, you were never in their mind as they had started texting their soulmates. Soon, only Changbin, Chan and you were left with no soulmate yet.  “Do you have the feeling that… our group has become smaller and smaller?” Changbin asked one day.  “Wow, Changbin! How did you figure that out?” You asked sarcastically, forming the widest grin ever as you glance at the boy in the classroom. It was lunch break and as everyone headed down to the cafeteria, the three of you stayed in the classroom, eating the snacks that Chan had gotten in the morning.  “Hey!” Changbin pouted before getting a slice of apple slapped across his cheek by you. 
“You’re going to miss me once you find your soulmate, because I wouldn’t be doing this to you anymore,” you sighed.
“What?” He asked, bending down to pick up the apple slice that you threw from the floor. “You being a meanie?”
“Well, yes,” you grinned a little as you continued to munch on your apple piece. Your eyes followed Changbin as he made his way towards the trash bin, mimicking you when he halted immediately.
“Changbin?” Chan turned around when the complaints of Changbin had stopped.
“Guys… you’re not going to believe whatever I’m about to say…” he started.
“Well, if you don’t tell us, how would we know?’ you asked, stuffing your face with more apple slices.
“My… compass is… spinning,” he replied quietly.
And that made you stop eating for the first time since the beginning of your lunch break. “WHAT?” you jumped up, rushing straight to Changbin who was standing there. He was right. His compass had started spinning aggressively. “D-does that mean t-that… your soulmate… is the… trash bin?”
“What? No!” Changbin glanced at you in disbelief. “It means my soulmate is right here…” he drifted off, slowly glancing at your wrist.
You could feel your heart beating through your ears as you glanced at your wrist as well, pulling up the sleeve, but your compass remains motionless.
“Changbin?” The door beside the trash bin opened, revealing one of your friends. Her face widened as she glanced down her wrist. You could see the tattoo moving as well. You were speechless; Changbin too as the boy continued to stare at his apparent soulmate. “Hi,” she smiled slightly, stepping towards the motionless boy when she realised that she was going to be the one to initiate the meeting. 
“Y-you’re my soulmate?” Changbin gasped after she had spoken. She smiled shyly, giving another small nod. “We-we have so much to talk about-” he stopped abruptly and glanced back at his two friends: Bang Chan and you. “I-I have to go- there’s so much to talk ab-”
As you were too shocked as well, Chan nodded his head with a grin, motioning them to continue. “Yes, go on!” With that, the two of them disappeared and the classroom stayed quiet.
“I guess… it’s just the two of us now…” you whispered, sitting down. You had no more appetite to finish your apples already and Chan noticed the shift of mood in the room. As if it was a muscle memory, he walked up to you and enveloped you into a hug.
“You still have me… don’t forget that,”’ he whispered.
You realised that the sadness you felt when the boys had left you when they found their soulmate disappeared gradually the more time you spent with Chan. He too had yet to find his soulmate but he did not look desperate as he really enjoyed his time with you. You had never felt happier to be with him and he had taught you to ignore the compass because it did not decide your life and that you were in control of it. He was the kind of person that was inspirational, he changed the negative perspective of your life into meaning connotations. The more time you spent with him, you realised that your heart tends to skip a beat whenever he looked at you, laughed or even just smiled and it did not take long for you to realise that you really like him.
You were hesitant about your feelings at first because of one thing: the compass. You knew his one was still spinning, pointing to the direction of the soulmate he had no rush finding and you did not want to ruin his chance of finding his soulmate. You knew it would be useless to tell him that you liked him but you remembered his words, his own words… that you were in control of your own life and it is not decided by anyone or anything else.
That was the final push you needed to gather your courage to finally confess to him.
You took a deep breath as you looked away from your phone. He had texted you to meet up at the shopping complex in the neighbourhood and you had never felt happier on that day. You knew what you were going to say. Everything was going the right way today; from how the sun was shining brightly against the bluest skies you have ever seen, your outfit and hair actually looking how you pictured it to be… everything was just perfect. You quickly entered the mall and saw the familiar back of your friend. Your smile grew bigger.
“Chan, I have something to tell you,” You started as you walked up towards the boy. You were too excited to even reach him before blurting out words… that’s why you did not notice the other person Chan was talking to. “I like y-”
You could not help but stop.
“Hey Y/N! Guess who I met! My soulmate!” He greeted you with one of the biggest smile you have ever seen. He stepped aside to reveal a breathtaking girl… she was perfect in every way possible… who were you in comparison to her?
“Oh,” your smile flattened a little, but you composed yourself rather quickly once again. “Hi there, I’m Y/N.”
She greeted you with another pretty smile before Chan continued to talk to her, completely ignoring you like how your friends had once they found their soulmate. The same sadness you felt when they had left you rejoined you. You quietly walked away when you realised that they were too absorbed into their conversation to notice you.
As you walked out of the mall, you took a quick glance at your wrist. Instead of a motionless needle, the needle on the compass was spinning aggressive, and that was when you realised, your soulmate was him. Bang Chan.
Losing Chan took a toll on you. He was the last of your friends and the fact that he turned out to be your soulmate? Whenever you were home, you would find yourself hiding in your room, crying your eyes out despite not wanting to, but that feeling was just so conflicting, you felt helpless. What could you do now? The person that had warmed up to you was with someone else. You had no one at all…
Ding dong.
Your crying soften as you lifted your head up. The doorbell never rings because no one ever visits you or your parents so you quickly disregard it. No one would even visit you. They were too busy anyways. However you were wrong when you heard soft knocks on your door. You sniffed as you glanced at the door, still not moving from your bed.
“Y/N?” A soft voice asked. “It’s me… Changbin.” Changbin, you thought to yourself at the same time. Despite not hearing that voice for a long time, you obviously still remember. He was one of your best friends.
“Changbin?” You whispered.
“Yes,” he replied. “Come on, open the door. It’s weird having a conversation with the door… your parents are watching me and if you don’t open it, I think they would kick me out.”
You quietly made your way towards the door and opened it. The click pushed the door open and lights started streaming into your room. Despite the sudden change in lighting, your eyes found Changbin’s face, his face was just like how you remembered. You could not help it but immediately wrapped your arms around him.
“I’m sorry you have to go through this alone,” Changbin returned back the hug. “I’m sorry for getting carried away. I made you like this…”
“I’m sorry too,” you heard another voice and then another and you realised that it was all your other friends, all except Chan of course. “We shouldn’t have gotten carried away with our soulmates and forget about our friend.”
You felt a smile return to your face. You giggled at the sight of your friends again as some blinks pushed tears out of your eyes. Despite losing Chan, you got back your friends.
“Hyunjin! Hurry up! Seungmin is about to start practice!” Felix shouted as he pulled you along through the school’s corridors. The final bell had rung and all of you had met up at Seungmin’s baseball field to cheer on him. It has been a routine for the group now… all except Chan, but you never really noticed if he was there or not because he was always preoccupied with his soulmate.
“Hey Felix, slow down,” you chuckled as you fell behind. “You’re going to yank my arm off anytime now.”
Felix stopped, catching his breath. “I-I’m sorry, I’m just excited!” He smiled and you nodded your head in agreement. “You were the first person I saw when class was over!”
“Even though Jisung was right next to you?” You raised your eyebrow as you proceeded to walk.
“Yeah, even when I was right next to you?” Jisung joined the two of you. He pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. “I am disappointed.”
“Hey! You were making fun of Seungmin’s baseball stance once! So I take it as if you were less interested in baseball than Y/N!” Felix defended himself.
“Guys, I collected Jeongin from his class and you guys are not even halfway to the baseball field?” Hyunjin approached them. “And you asked me to hurry up, Felix?”
“I’m sorry!” Felix chuckled, grabbing onto your arm. “I was just excited!”
“Yeah! Can’t Felix be excited?” Jisung added, grabbing onto your other arm. You rolled your eyes as you got dragged by your two friends.
“Minho and Changbin are already there. They’re asking you to hurry up, slowpokes,” Jeongin pipped up.
“We are!” You protested as you continued to walk, the two boys that were still grabbing onto your arms quicken your pace but it was not long before they stopped. You did not realise that and nearly tripped, if it were not for their grip on your arms. “Hey! What was that for?” You pouted.
“Hey Chan hyung!” Felix shouted across the hallway, not hearing you. You darted your eyes up at where the boys were looking at and found Chan leaning against the wall. He smiled as the others waved at him.
You did not move as you hear your heart pounding in your eyes. It has been weeks since you’ve seen Chan but he has not changed. His eyes were bent into crescent shape and his smile was just mesmerising. You nervously glanced at your compass tattoo peeking out from your sweatshirt. It was spinning even more aggressive as Chan approached your group.
“We haven’t hang out for so long,” you did not realised Felix was still speaking. You glanced around your group and all of your friends had a large smile on their face. “Do you want to join us? We’re heading to the baseball field to watch Seungmin!”
You gave a weak smile at Chan but he did not notice any difference. The rest of your group too failed to noticed your shift in mood. “Sure!” Chan smiled. “It has been a long time since I did hang out with you guys and I have time!”
“That’s great!” Jisung beamed, releasing his grip on you as he tried to swing his arm around Chan’s broad shoulders and failed. Chan responded by resting his arm across Jisung’s shoulders instead. “Great attempt, you have to admit!” He winked and the rest of the group groaned and rolled their eyes.
It only took you five minutes to reach the baseball field but unfortunately for you, all your friends on cue rushed to find their seatings, leaving the flustered Chan and you behind. Chan paused as he stared at the group rushing off to the benches before placing his eyes on you.
“I guess it’s just you and me now,” Chan chuckled. Despite him trying to lighten up the mood, there was an obvious awkward atmosphere surrounding the two of you. You gave a subtle nod as the two of you headed to the benches quietly. You quickly took an opening seat beside Jeongin who was too preoccupied by Changbin and Hyunjin and Chan sat next to you.
The tense atmosphere still hung in the air and you shifted in your seat a couple of times but the obvious silence remained.
It took you a whole minute, debating with yourself internally to finally turn to Chan to initiate a conversation when you realised that the others were too busy either chattering to one another or watching Seungmin. “How are you and your soulmate?” You asked, tugging on your sleeve once again. Even with the tattoo covered, you could feel it spinning on your wrist.
“Great…” Chan replied, nodding his head… and there was the silence again.
You quickly glance away to look at Seungmin’s pitch but you remembered, your eyesight was pretty bad that you could not even see Seungmin at all. Your eyes drifted to Jeongin- wait, he had been stolen by Changbin. Hyunjin, who was sitting next to Jeongin was busy claiming Jeongin back. Minho was too busy snacking and you found Jisung and Felix’s attention on the game.
“Hey, look, Y/N,” Chan grabbed your attention. “I’m sorry for what happened at the shopping complex. I- it was not right of me, when I asked you to meet with me and I got carried away with my own soulmate… I just couldn’t find the right words to apologise… a-and when I saw the boys with you, I keep blaming myself… I should be about to manage my relationship and friendships instead of just leaving my friends like that… I’m sorry. I know I hurt you and I would do absolutely anythin-“
“Apology accepted,” you cut in. You gave him another smile and looked at him. It was the first time you saw his face closely after a couple of weeks and you felt as if a load had been lifted off your shoulders when you said that. You chuckled a little. “Gosh, that has been the most intense minutes of my life!”
You realised that Chan had also felt the awkwardness when his shoulders relaxed immediately and he gave a small laugh. “You know, you’re right,” he smiled and enveloped you into a hug which you immediately accepted. “I’m never letting our friendship go ever again.”
In just a blink of an eye, everything was back to normal. Your friends were there for you when you needed them and you were able to hang out with one another as well. During the school holidays, you would either spend time in someone’s house running a movie marathon or be out, singing karaoke, be in the arcade or just enjoying food and no matter what you did, they were there for you and that was enough. Sometimes, most of your friends were not available because they would be hanging out with their soulmates but you understood as they knew how to manage their times with their soulmates and with their friend groups. However, you too, realised that Chan has been spending the most time with you, always available for group dates and this was one of the days when he was the only one available.
You were waiting in front of the school gates with Chan as you scowled. The sun was at the highest peak and the heat was blinding. You tapped on your phone as you muttered to yourself ‘come on… come on’.
You were waiting for your group to reply to their messages of meeting up for the new tteokbokki restaurant that just opened and as per usual, Chan was there the easiest so that you did not feel lonely.
“Y/N, calm down! Their classes just end,” Chan tried to rationalised. “Give them some ti- Oh!”
At the sound of your phone’s ding! You glanced down onto your phone screen, trying to read the dim screen across the glare.
“I’m sorry, can’t make it…. Soulmate date… Too much homework…” Chan read from his phone and pouted. “No one can make it.”
You sighed, heading towards Chan and linked your arms together. “I guess it’s just the two of us again!” You giggled and he joined in.
Luckily, the tteokbokki restaurant was pretty empty when you arrived so the two of you were able to choose a seating you preferred. Before you even entered the restaurant, Chan made a beeline straight towards the table you would prefer and smiled at him as you took a seat as well. The two of you made your orders and decided to converse while waiting for your food.
“That was quick of you to spot a table,” you observed.
“I have learned and adapted,” Chan winked. “Who am I if I can’t? Be suffering like Changbin under your wrath?”
You rolled your eyes. “Hey! Come on, I’m not that bad,” you protested.
“Yes you are!” Chan argued back before the two of you burst down laughing again.
Your food came shortly and even before you could grab your utensils on the table, Chan had already blew on one rice cake and placed it onto your plate. “Thanks,” you admired the fast hands of the boy as he added a fishcake on top of the rice cake.
“Just the way you like it,” he winked.
You could feel your heart beating again. It was that same feeling you had felt when you realised that you liked him. Why was he doing this to you? The thought slowly sinked into your brain as you picked up the rice cake he had left on the plate for you and chewed slowly. Your eyes fell onto his face. Something was off… you could feel-
“Is everything alright?” You blurted out before you have time to think or process.
“What do you mean?” He asked, definitely flustered over the sudden question.
“You and your soulmate,” you responded. You immediately cursed at yourself. Think! Think before you speak!
“Why would anything be a problem?” He asked again.
“I can see through people, Chan,” you said. “You have been spending an awfully lot of time with me, I can even say more than your soulmate…”
As if Chan was wearing a mask, his face dropped immediately, but he quickly recovered. Still, you could see the glint of sadness in his eyes. “I miss you, that’s all!” He answered. “And you really need to get your eyes checked. I do not have a problem.” He added another rice cake onto your plate. “Now eat.” And that made you drop the subject immediately.
As much fun as you had with your friends, you realised how time flew by too quickly. It was your final year in high school and the year was shorten to just a mere two months. Hyunjin had the idea of going to Chan’s house to have another movie marathon and obviously, everyone agreed. But what you didn’t know was that they all decided to arrive really late because of a couple of errands (they sidetracked by saying they were buying snacks but you knew that everyone else was at the arcade) so you were the first one to arrive at Chan’s house.
“Oh!” Chan opened the door to see you. “I thought you would be with the other boys.”
“Apparently, they forgot to invite me to run errands with them so here I am,” you replied, walking into the house. Chan quickly tailed behind. “Are there anything I can help out with?”
“Nothing much. We have enough blankets, snacks and pillows for everyone but we just don’t have the kids,” Chan sighed as the two of you took a seat on the long couch.
“Are we watching from Changbin’s Netflix’s account again?” You asked, resting your head on his shoulder.
“This was Hyunjin’s suggestion so the answer’s pretty obvious,” Chan replied you with a chuckle.
You respond with a laugh as well. “I’m surprised your parents allowed you to host this movie marathon,” you decided to change the topic.
“Wasn’t that hard. They were going out coincidentally on the day we planned and... my parents might have a soft spot for all of you.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet,” you grinned. “Who wouldn’t like me anyways?”
Chan rolled his eyes as he stood up suddenly. “I shall get some sausages for you,” he said. His action was quite sudden so you were a little shock at the sudden disappearance of his shoulder that your head was resting on. Before your head fell, you quickly grabbed his sleeve to prevent yourself from falling. “Anything e....” He paused, just realising what he had done.
“A little warning would do,” you responded as Chan tried to help you up. As you removed your hand from his sleeve, you accidentally pulled up his sleeve in the progress where you saw his wrist, the compass tattoo barely visible. Normally, you would not spare a second glance but his tattoo caught your eye. “Chan...” you whispered. “Why has your compass stop moving? How long has it been pointed to North?”
Chan immediately covered up his tattoo with his sleeve and avoided your eyes. “It’s nothing, you’re delusional,” he tried to persuade you.
“I am everything but delusional,” you frowned. “Have you been hiding this from us? How long has it-“
Ding Dong!
The doorbell rang before a pair of knocks accompanied the sound. “Chan hyung! We’re here!” You recognised Jisung’s voice from the door. “Please open it! We’re holding too many things!”
“Chan-“ you got cut off as Chan avoided your eyes once again and opened the main door. The boys immediately streamed in and cheered as they greeted you.
You gave everyone a small smile and responded shortly but your eyes never left Chan’s.
Time went by quickly and it was already the third movie of the series. You were squished between Hyunjin and Jisung who decided to never leave your side at all and at one point, Jisung whispered a little too closely that he had bought alcohol and offered it to you but you refused. Judging by how much alcohol the two boys had shared between themselves, you were sure you cannot even move away at this point unless you wanted to hear whines from them.
You glanced around the room. Changbin was fast asleep on the floor to your left with Seungmin bothering him, on the couch, you had Hyunjin and Jeongin on one side and Jisung and Minho on the other. Lastly, to the right, Chan was sitting beside Felix on the other couch, wrapping themselves in one blanket. Chan was still awake... but how were you able to ask him.
“Y/N... Y/N,” someone whispered a little too closely into your ear, drawing your attention. It was Hyunjin.
“What?” You ask him. He was clearly drunk, you could smell the alcohol in his breath. He had a frustrated look on his face.
“It’s Jisung!” He responded, pouting. “He’s bothering me again!”
You glanced to your other side to find Jisung fast asleep with his mouth wide open, cuddling with Minho who also fell asleep.
You turned back to Hyunjin. “Which part of Jisung is bothering you?” You asked.
“Can’t you see?” Hyunjin whined. “He’s poking me! A-And making weird faces at me!”
You gave him a slight smile and pushed his flushed face onto the couch. “Come on, I have a solution. You should close your eyes so you wouldn’t see Jisung anymore,” you started as your index finger made contact with his forehead. “Close... your eyes.”
As soon as Hyunjin’s head touched the couch, his eyes closed and he wa fast asleep instantly. That’s when you glanced at Jeongin. “Jeongin come on, he’s drunk! Stop poking him,” you joked.
“Snap, I have been exposed,” he responded before returning to watch the movie.
You glanced around at your fast asleep friends. It was the right time to move now since the two biggest obstacles were gone. You quickly kicked the blanket that was wrapped between Hyunjin and you and made your way quietly to Chan. The remaining members that were still awake did not noticed your movement as their eyes were fixated onto the screen.
“Chan,” you nudged the older boy quietly. Chan noticed you and quietly shifted to the right so you had enough space next to him. “I need to talk to you.”
“I shall sit with Seungmin,” Felix whispered, noticing your presence. He quickly moved away and the two of you were left on the couch.
Chan impulsively wrapped the blanket he had around you. It made your heart skip a bit but he still was not making eye contact with you.
“Chan... come on,” you whispered, nudging him again. You shifted closer to him and he froze. “I care for you, that’s why I’m asking. I’m worried for you.”
Chan said nothing else. In the living room, the only sound you could hear was the audio coming from the television. Chan was avoiding your eyes so the lights from the tv illuminated onto his head.
“I... I don’t feel the same as before,” Chan whispered finally.
“What’s wrong?”
“I lost the spark just as quick as how I gained it with my soulmate,” he answered. “It felt like a chore being together with her...  it made me unhappier and unhappier... and before I knew it, my compass stopped moving and... I decided to end it.”
“But she’s your soulmate,” you replied. “What are you going to do now? Aren’t you worried that you will no longer have a so-“
“Remember what I told you about creating your own path?” Chan asked. “I’m making my own path. Why should a compass tell me what to do?”
You bit your lips. Why was everything he said so inspirational? It took you a second to digest his words and then you spoke again. “So what is it for you then?” You asked, tilting your head slightly so you could at least see his face. Chan noticed that and finally faced you.
He smiled. “I mean the both of us... still have our needles pointing north right? We can literally go anywhere and do anything as long as we’re together...”
You pressed your lips together. Oh how badly you wanted to just confess to him. What was holding you back anyways? You didn’t know. Your thoughts were all over your head. What were you supposed to say to him?
“You know,” Chan interrupted. His hand scratched the back of his neck. “I-It was a bad idea anyways, you don’t have to answer me...” His eyes were trying their best to avoid yours.
“W-wait, Chan. That’s not what I mean,” you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. You did not noticed your sleeve had lifted up a little but he noticed the compass on your wrist spinning.
“Y-your compass,” Chan started.
You glanced down and you could feel your heart stop for a second. “I-“ you didn’t know what else to say so you cut yourself off.
“It’s... spinning?” He completed his sentence and looked at you. You could see his eyes soften. “When has this started? W-what... what does it mean?”
You looked helplessly at him. Your heart was beating too fast. You just had to say it. Why were you keeping it inside?
“It means I like you, Chan,” you blurted out desperately. “But I never had the chance to tell you. You were with her... I-I...”
You stopped yourself as you tried to catch your breath. He was staring at you. You knew he was speechless, but you were too. There. You had said it. Now what was going to happen now?
“Your...” your eyes widen as the word drifted off your lips. You were staring at the tattoo on his wrist as well. It was no longer pointing at north. How could this happen? “Your compass is spinning too...”
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writerfae · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes Tag (take two)
I was tagged by @myhusbandsasemni thank you! ^^
Rules: Use this generator for your quotes
Gonna use my characters from Project: Secret Warriors for this one!
Xander: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Nalia: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck.
Charlie: Well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.
Alisha: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them.
The heads of the project: Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice we're willing to make.
(just Nalia and Charlie being chaotic together)
Xander: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Nalia: Okay, but in my defense, Charlie bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Xander: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
*Charlie and Nalia sitting in jail together*
Nalia: So who should we call?
Charlie: I’d call Xander, but I feel safer in jail
Xander, trying to ask Charlie out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
(just Xander loving his chaotic found family)
Xander: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Nalia: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Xander: Yes!
Charlie: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
(Charlie out here trying to buy Xander xD)
Charlie: If you had to choose between Xander and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Nalia: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Xander: Nalia!
Charlie: 63 cents.
Nalia: I'll take the money.
Xander: NALIA!!!
Xander: Nalia, can I talk to you for a second?
Nalia: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Charlie are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Xander: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Xander: I trust Nalia.
Charlie: You think she knows what she's doing?
Xander: I wouldn't go that far.
Xander: Um, Nalia, why are you pretending we're this guy's family?
Nalia: We need money!
Xander: You're scamming him?
Nalia: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him?
Xander: What?! No way!
Nalia: Why not? We already stole Charlie!
Charlie: Hey guys.
Xander: No, we didn't. Charlie can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever he wants.
Charlie: I wanna steal.
Xander: We need a distraction.
Charlie: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Nalia, whispering: My time has come
Xander: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Nalia: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Xander: This is such a bad idea.
Nalia: Then why are you coming along?
Xander: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Nalia: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Xander: What did you do?
Nalia: Nobody died.
(this is actually quite fitting cause Charlie gets shot at one point, ya know?)
Charlie: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Xander, desperately, as Charlie bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Charlie: Oh! B positive.
Charlie: You love me, right, Xander?
Xander: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Xander: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Charlie: Thank you
Xander: I didn't say that was a good thing
Charlie: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Alisha: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Alisha: No! Four to five seconds!
Nalia: Too late!!!
Charlie: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Alisha: I do have a sense of humor you know
Charlie: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Alisha: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.
Nalia: Xander, I'm sad.
Xander: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.
Charlie: Alisha, I'm sad.
Alisha, nodding: mood.
Xander: You're a loose cannon, Nalia.
Nalia: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Charlie: I think you play by your own rules.
Alisha: No way, she thinks rules were made to be broken.
Xander: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Nalia: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Rafael is a loose cannon.
Rafael: *smashes a chair*
Xander: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Nalia: Rude.
Charlie: That’s fair.
Rafael: Not again.
Alisha: Are you going to want this back?
Xander: Time for plan G.
Nalia: Don’t you mean plan B?
Xander: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Alisha: What about plan D?
Xander: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Rafael: What about plan E?
Xander: I’m hoping not to use it. Charlie dies in plan E.
Ethan: I like plan E.
gods, I'm so sorry this... this is even longer than the last one 🙈
p:sw tag list because why not: @thewalkingnerdx @that-one-potato-blep @shattered-starrs @annoyingwritingtrash @deadlycupid @writing-with-olive (if you want to be added or removed from the tag list let me know!)
I tag: @nora-theteawriter and @writing-is-a-martial-art (if you want, no pressure tho! ^^)
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
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These Four Walls And Me - Dick Grayson Imagine
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Summary: Dick, all titans and the reader went to a hard mission against the Joker. Something’s wrong and Dick dies, but is he really dead?
Warnings: Cursing, mention of smut, fights. *Y/S/H/N: your superhero name* *Italic means memories*
Credits: Thank you, @incorrect-titans-quotes​ for always helping me. i’d give up on this if it wasnt u.
Today is D day. The day we will finally do what we’ve been planning everyday for one month. To stop the Joker. Dick has done his best to the team, we train everyday with blinded eyes for hours. Because anything can be taken from you in a battle. I forgot to say that Dick Grayson is also my 4 years boyfriend, i may be suspect to talk about him as a hero and as a lover, after all..everything he does is pretty well done, so if there’s something we are in this moment is ready to catch this fucking crazy villain.
[4 PM. Titans Tower, Training room]
This was our last training, i had Dick watching us and Jason against me right now and it’s not easy, after all, the three of us had been trained by Batman himself. Me and jayson had our sticks so we could practice defence, no attacking. Blinded, i could feel Jason’s breath behind and when i feel the closeness of his stick, i hit it with mine
“Are you asleep, Jaybird?” I mock him
“Wait and see, Y/N”
“Be mad, Jason, but defend yourself, concentrate” Dick said in his particular tone.
Attack followed by defence, the training kept going. Every move was necessary. When both of us had properly trained, we followed to the living room, where we met the rest of the Titans. Dick wanted to reunite us so he could talk about tonight.
“I believe all of you are fully ready to this. But it’s a dangerous mission and i need to ask you all, one more time to be concentrated in this. Be fast, be confident, we are in a bigger number but it doesn’t mean he has no ace up his sleeve. After all, he’s the joker.” Dick has concern lacing his voice as he tried to make them all understand it wouldn’t be easy.
We had already fought agains many villains, but this one really had got us in alert. The fact is: Joker is a psychopath, nothing satisfies him more than provoking his targets, whether through chaos, fear, delirium. He’s been here in San Francisco, but this is our place, and he won’t mess it up.
“We can do that, we know the old train station, we rule here in San Francisco so i believe we have advantage” Kory said
“Yes, we will do that in the most titan’s style, this is what we do, guys!” Gar said with his notorious excitement.
“Be careful, smart and lithe. We’ve seen things the rest of you can’t imagine, when in Gotham, I don’t want it to happen here.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, we’ll do our best.” Rachel says and hugs me. Since she came in, since the start, Dick had done everything to protect her and i may have got into this with him, because i see her as my own child.
We are a Family, every one of us complete our team, so that’s why 1 month of insane training. We are ready.
[ 10 p.m, Dick and Y/N’s bedroom]
“We will stop him, won’t we?” Dick asks while we were cuddling in bed, we took our bath and we were relaxing right now but something doesn’t seem okay, my black-and-blue Bird doesn’t seem that confident as he Always do.
“We will, love, because we strive for that. You’re our mentor, Dick and you’ve done everything so we could be hundred porcent compatible to him in this mission. Don’t worry that much. You, by yourself would detain him, i blindly believe it.” I tell him, filling him with kissies over all his face.
“Okay, okay, baby, i’ll relax, we’ll be lying here after that and we’ll make love like there’s no other day on Earth.” He says in my ear, I wish we didn’t have a mission to lead.
“You’re such a perv, Dick Grayson” I mock him and he starst tickling me.
“You make me, Y/N” and we kiss.
“I love you, D.” I tell him.
“I love you with all my heart, kitten” the surname he use to call me since we met.
We heard a knock in our door. It was Jason.
“Hey, Guys, C’mon, We need to go, he’s almost out of the old station” He says from behind the door.
“We’re coming.” Dick in his serious tone answer Jason.
“It’s time, love.” And we went to change in our suits.
[10:45 p.m, San Francisco’s Old train station]
We get there, to end it up for once. We recognize the place that we had already beat some bad guys. It is dark but with some old yellow lights, behind the railroad of the train, there is an abyss that’s the reason why this station is closed, there’s 2 trains in the railroad, and a misterious silence.
Dick was the first one to appear, he told us to stay back until the joker appears. We stay in the dark, Jason is already upside the train station.
“Joker, i can offer you a deal. I’ll send you right to arkham and you wont have to fight against all of us.”
When we least expected, he apperead. Not in the way we expected, he had a hostage. He was holding a woman by her neck, she had her 30 years or more, tiny woman with glasses.
“This fucking whore was dealing my penalty for criminal acts in gotham. She was going to send me to arkham, can you believe it? and she ran to San Francisco so she could be safe from me.” The freak laughs out loud in his own typical way. “I guess you all asked yourselves what the hell i’m doing here? This cunt is the reason, now that she’s gonna die, i won’t to Arkham anymore and i’ll be free.” More and more laugh, i can’t bare hearing this asshole laugh like this anymore
He knew we’d be coming, he knew we’d be after him, but he didn’t stop.
“You won’t take a life from a inocent, Joker, let her go.” Dick says, confident and being sure that tonight he has one point: stop him.
“You did surprise me this time, Nightwing. Do you really think i’ll be letting her go? This is the first time i see you so defensive, what’s up? Love has made you soft?”
He draws a gun. Fuck. He points the gun at her jugular.
“Where’s the rest of your team of dumbasses, Little Bird? Are you by yourself? Are you going to tell them to leave or i will have to kill her so fast? I wish I could enjoy a little more”
“We can end up in two ways, Joker, one: you let her go and we will solve it with no inocente lives. Two: i kill you.” I can hear anger, fury in Dick’s voice
We were hiding in the back of the two trains, me, Dawn and Donna.. Jason was up in the roof of the station, ready to act, and now it’s the our. I give him the sign.
In a minute lot’s of things happen, it’s like a movie is passing by our eyes
Jason used the birdarangue to hit the joker in the leg, at the same time Dick pushes the hostage and tell her to go. Dick and the Joker start fighting physically, it gets rough and when we move to get in, a loud noise got us mute.
The joker had a bomb. My ear aches, my head is about to explode, but my only worrie is: is Dick fine? There’s a lot of smoke and i can’t see anything but i try to get closer, i need to see him. Something in my heart say it isn’t good.
“NIGHTWING?” i yell and it only hurts more. I have no answer. I crall a bit more and i call him again. “DICK?” still have no answer.
“Y/S/H/N, I don’t know where Dick is, he was right here, he was fighthing the joker, he..i..don’t know” Jason says still confused because he was also too close to joker like Dick.
The smoke was going away, i could see Jason again, he was all blodied because of the fragments that exploded with the bomb.
I was slowly recognizin the faces around me, and i didn’t see my boyfriend’s face. I started getting anxious, i started feeling bad and i had no more air, where’s Dick Grayson? “DICK WHERE ARE YOU, please answer me, dick” i still had strenght to yell but i felt my vision blur and i have no more strenght to finish the sentence. Where is Dick, where’s him?
“Y/N, I found this, I’m sorry, I think Dick couldn’t make it, i think he fell in the abssys.” Hank gave me a piece of his uniform, the black and blue fabric of his Nightwing uniform.
I couldn’t believe, it was like there was no ground in my feet, i felt everything getting far, i could barely hear anything anymore, this was the biggest pain i’ve ever felt, everything hurted and i felt like had no more air to breath.
I fell on the ground, i called, i yelled for his name but he never came, i can only feel donna come to help me and everything went black.
[6 a.m, TitansTower]
I woke up in our bed, It all felt like a nightmare. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t here, I had to go to the living room. I wish I could have stayed in bed because when i got in the room, all i saw was sad faces looking right at me, and i couldn’t take it, he’s not there.
“Y/N, come here” Dawn says calling me to her side.
“Dawn, it was real, wasn’t it? He couldn’t make it, could him?” I sob and try to think straight but it is too hard. It was like one tonne had fall in my head.
“He couldn’t, Y/N, we can believe it, but he couldn’t” Dawn is in front of me right now. Holding my hands, she was trying to make me feel better but I couldn’t. I could only feel pain but this time something else appeared and it was anger, because the Joker took him from me and he would pay.
“Jason, call Bruce” I said in a serious tone and i left to our bedroom.
When i got there, And I, I wanted the sheets to take me under because I can't help but think, what if I had one more night for goodbye? He won’t be here to turn the lights off, it will be only these four walls and me.
I went to take a shower, and staring at the shower’s wall i just could realize the numb i felt.
“I would give the world for more time to look at you” Dick caressed my face while we were under the shower
“I think we’ll have a long time, baby, because i’m yours and i do not pretend not being yours someday..” He kissed me, grabbing my legs he pressed me against the wall and we loved each other.
It hit me like a truck, the feeling of griefing was taking me. I tried to eat but the lump in my throat got in the way, this feeling, this feeling that i don’t have Dick anymore, it wasn’t human.
I follow to the living room, because i need to do it. Jason has lost his mentor, his old brother, the image of everything he wanted to be. Rachel has lost her image of parent. Gar has lost his leader. I need to be there for him, but the pain crashes my heart in many ways.When I get there, I hug every one of them and I sob by crying because I know how it hurts to understand it, then I left to the training room. I need to put this out, I can’t stand anymore, I’m going to train, I’m gonna make the Joker pay.I start to hit the punching bag, I hit it multiple times and I felt like I was losing my control, I kick it, I punch it with all my strenght.
“You, by yourself would detain him, i blindly believe it.” I told him, filling him with kissies over all his face.
“Okay, okay, baby, i’ll relax, we’ll be lying here after that and we’ll make love like there’s no other day on Earth.” He said
“You’re such a perv, Dick Grayson” I mock him and he starst tickling me.
“You make me, Y/N” and we kiss.
“I love you, D.” I tell him.
“I love you with all my heart, kitten”
“NO!” I yell punch the bag now crying when this memory hits me. “NO, DICK!” I punch it harder “YOU’RE NOT GONE” I keep yelling and i felt my body losing his strenght, until i felt Jason’s arms holding me, helping me and putting me on the ground.
“Y/N, I can’t stand seeing you like this, please” Jason says, after all, he’s like our little Bird, our little brother who’s Always on our feet, Always here.
“He’s dead, Jason, oh my god, he is dead.” I couldn’t believe how much it hurted. It is cruciating.
“You can and you will, Y/N, we need you, you gave the orders when Dick wasn’t here in the tower, you’ve Always been our second command.” I look at the kid’s eye and I start realizing they were needing me. Dick would never want me to destroy myself and give up on Titans, Because I can’t count how many things Dick had done for this team, it was his life. Our life.
“I’m here, Jaybird, I’ll recover for him and for you all. I need to talk to bruce first.”
[9 P.M, TitansTower]
I called Bruce, he was broken. But just like him, we seek for justice and that’s what’s going to happen. I ask Bruce to locate the Joker and me and them would catch him. For once.
“Team, go change, Joker is in the Central Museum, we’re going there.” I tell them the plain, we change and follow to the place.
[10 P.M, Central Museum]
The Museum was already closed, no people in there, only the fucking crazy Joker trying to do more crimes, but he wouldn’t, not here and nowhere.
When we first get in there, silente was dominating, he was hiding but he could show up anytime, so we were ready.
“You’re sure you want to do this, Y/S/H/N? Aren’t you feeling too bad, Darling? Your black uniform fits well your new status, because right now you’re a widow.” The bastars laughs out loud from my pain, but right now, i felt empty, i only had anger and fury going throught my mind.
“Won’t you show up, Joker?” I say so he can hear from wherever he is “Come here, Confront me. You’ve already took the life of the man i love. I don’t feel anything anymore.”
He appears, wth the most sassy and dirty smile in that fucking crazy face. My heart is so tiny right now. This man took my love, the only one i had in life.
“You guys won’t stop trying to detain me until i kill one by one?” He says to us
We get ready to start the Fighting but we get surprised by one of the glasses of the top windows cracking. The noise is so loud
“What is happening?” I hear Donna
“You’re wrong joker, you won’t finish to kill one by one because haven’t even started, you crap” This voice, this so well known voice. My heart pounds in my chest and I ask myself if i’m crazy or it is actually happening.
Then i look to the top of the museum and there he is. Holding on his bat-rope. My Black-and-Blue Bird. Alive.
“Nightwing, I asked myself when we’d see each other again. I believed you’d like to do some mistery but here you are. I have to tell you, your timing sucks.” Joker laughs.
I stay paralised looking at Dick. He was here, right in front of me.
“What can I do? It’s a gift.” He answers the joker, fastly gets down to the ground and kisses me. “I couldn’t die, I fought too much not to die, because I had to come back. To you.” He kisses me.
“Rachel! NOW!” Donna yells, she wraps him in her lasso of truth and Raven envolve him with her black magic. They take him to San Francisco police which was outside the museum waiting to take him to arkham. We did beat him.
[1 A.M, TitansTower]
The going back home was unbeliavable, the guys were crazy about it, Gar and Jason wouldn’t get out from Dick’s feet. Our leader was back.
“Guys, I appreciate your love, You all are my Family and i’m so grateful, I can’t explain how hard it was, but i’m here, and tomorrow i’ll clarify everything. Because right now i’m going to love my girl.” Everyone laughs and we follow to our room.
There’s no words, there’s only two crazy lovers wanting everything the other can give, because the time that passed was too much for both of them to handle.
Dick was home, with me.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Could you do angst 12 and 50 with Joe?
thanks for the request babe!!
A12 - “I can’t trust you anymore,” + A50 - “I don’t need you, I’m fine on my own”
600 followers celebration blurb prompts
When you came home and sawJoe sitting in the light of the reading lamp you thought it was odd. Normallyhe’d be in the kitchen getting dinner started or else he’d be in your room,stretched out on the bed reading scripts or listening to a podcast or somethinglike that. Normally when he heard you come in he’d be quick to ask you how workwas, wrapping you up in a hug. You’d jokingly complained about it once or twice,saying he was too thoughtful and sweet for you to deal with straight after work.But it was really one of your favourite things about him. No matter how badyour day was you knew it’d be better once you got through that door and foundhim. He’d hug you and ask you to taste whatever he was cooking or you’d curl upbeside him on the bed and listen to his heartbeat as he flicked another pageover.
But not today. Today you’dcome in to find a dark house, all the lights still off except for the floorlamp in the lounge room. Joe was sitting there in the almost darkness, waiting.“Hey Joey,” you said, half a question, flicking on the light as you entered theroom.He looked up at the sound of your voice, eyes slightly squinted to deal withthe sudden bright light. His lower lip was cracked where he’d been worrying atit with his teeth.“How long you been sitting there?”“I don’t know, lost track of time. How long have you been fucking Ben?” He spatthe accusation at you, standing from the armchair as he did so and you feltyour chest tighten. The room felt like it was closing in around you, the weightof Joe’s incorrect assumption weighing on you from every angle.“What? I haven’t,” “Really?”“Yes really. What the fuck gave you that idea?” You were angry. Angry at Ben. Angryat yourself. Angry at Joe.“You swear you’re not?”“I swear Joe. I’d never do that to you. Neither would Ben.”“Then how do you explain this?” His voice was soft as he held out the piece ofpaper which only made you more wary as you walked closer to see what it was. Assoon as you were within range you snatched it from his hand and held it outunder the lamp to read it. An email. Dated 2 years ago. Subject: Last night 😉.You didn’t need to see anymore to know what it was.“You’re reading my emails? What you’re checking up on me now?”“No, it was an accident. You forgot to forward me those quotes from the builderlast night and I needed them today and I tried to call you but you didn’t pickup so I thought I’d just get them from your email since I know you keep loggedin. I couldn’t find it at first so I did a search for Benedict Builders and beforeI finished typing the first word things started appearing and this was one ofthem.”“And you read it?”“Yes and the replies.”“So you know I told Ben it was a mistake that could never happen again right?”“Yeah, I saw that I just…”“What? You just what?”Joe was looking down at his hands again and you almost didn’t catch it when hesaid, “I didn’t know you and Ben had ever…that you’d done that. Why didn’t youtell me?”“Because it happened before you and I got together. It was one night, and itmeant nothing.”“But you didn’t tell me,” He was still staring at his fingers, picking at ahangnail, and you wished he’d just look at you.“Because it didn’t matter. It was back when I liked you but you weren’tinterested. I went to Ben for comfort and one thing led to another. He sentthat message the next day asking what was going on, whether it’d happen again.I said it wouldn’t and he said that was probably for the best and that was it.It was done.”“But you didn’t tell me. Neither of you told me.”“There was nothing to tell.”Finally he looked up and you wished he’d look away again. You couldn’t stand tosee him looking so hurt. “I don’t know. I think you’d want to know if I’d fucked one of your bestfriends.”“Jesus Christ Joe,”“No, Y/N,” His voice shook slightly but he took a breath and clenched his fiststo steady himself, “you know how big of a deal trust is for me. After whathappened with my ex.”“Joe, shit, this is entirely different. You can’t punish me for a hookup that happened before we were dating.”“It’s not that you and Ben hooked up. That’s not my problem. My problem is thatneither of you told me. If it really meant nothing you would have told me.”“Are you fucking kidding me? You think I didn’t tell you because what? I felt guilty? I’m secretly in love with Ben? What?. I didn’t think it was worthbringing up because it was never going to be a problem because it meantnothing.” Tears were beginning to cloud your vision, but they were more angrythan sad. You wiped them away with the back of your hand.“Maybe. But I can’t be sure about that. You kept it from me and…I cant trustyou anymore.”All the air left you as you grabbed his hand, tears threatening to spill, “Joe,listen, please. It wasn’t anything. It was before we were together. Don’t throwthis away because of one meaningless fuck.”“I love you Y/N. But I don’t know how to keep this going if I can’t trust you,” He pulled his hand out of your grasp, crossing his arms tightly over his chest, “I’m going to drive myself mad worrying about what else you’re keeping from me. Overanalysing everything you and Ben say to each other. I can’t do it. You can’task me to do that.”“I’m not asking you to do that. I’m asking you to trust me. Believe me. PleaseJoe. How can I make you believe me?”“You can’t Y/N. I’m sorry but you can’t.”“Have you talked to Ben? Will you believe it coming from him?”Joe just shook his head sadly. “Then…I guess there’s nothing more to say.”“I guess not.”
You turned to leave,snatching your handbag up along the way.“Where are you going to go?”“I don’t know.”“D’you want to stay here tonight? I’ve got people I can crash with.”“No I’d rather leave.”“Can I give you money for a cab or something? I do still love you. I want tohelp you.”“I don’t need your money or your pity or your help, Joe. All I need is you tobelieve me. Why won’t you believe me?” You waited for Joe to hold out his hand, to apologise and promiseto make it up to you but all you got was downcast eyes and his head shaking no,“Fine. Whatever. I don’t need you, I’m fine on my own. I’ll be fine on my own.”You heard Joe following you to the front door as you swiped at the fresh tearsthat were forming. You could feel his eyes on you as you yanked the door openand you paused in the doorway, turning to face him so you could get the lastword in.“Maybe I did screw up by not telling you. But I thought being together for awhole fucking year would be worth more than one screw up.”You let the door slam behind you as you as you left without giving him a chance to say anything more. The tears were falling thick andfast already.
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rai-knightshade-art · 5 years
Canonverse AU Metas
(Warning: long post)
The counterpart to my last post about Mac Ever After, these are the two main metas of how Brady might join the canonverse. They're mostly the same story with minor differences between them (and one is written way more angstily than the other) but I'm including both for the sake of completeness. Also bonus Macdalton incorrect quote at the end.
Also here have a Lily Story Mac and Jack to match Brady.
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Version 1:
Canon based Macgyver au idea; or, how to bring Brady into the canonverse and a proposed ending to the show itself:
Basically Nikki somehow ends up dead, for realsies this time. This obviously sucks and is super depressing for everyone, but more pressing at the moment is that she apparently had a kid, a son named Brayden (nicknamed Brady). And to Mac's utter confusion, HE is listed as Brady's godfather/next of kin in case anything should happen to her. This confusion is cleared up pretty abruptly when Brady shows up at the Phoenix with Mac's blue eyes, Nikki's hair and nose and a penchant for taking things apart to look at them (aka there's less "godfather" to his role and more just. Straight father). They bond and Mac sets to work caring for his kid, with the assistance of the Phoenix team (Jack is a remarkably adept babysitter... When Brady decides not to escape. Luckily Mac is an escape Master and always knows how and when the kid gets out). Eventually though Mac realizes that juggling Phoenix and Brady... Isn't going to work. He has to pick one of the other, and he knows in his heart that the choice will always be Brady. He tries to announce this to the rest of the team only to find that they'd already realized that this couldn't go on forever and that he'd always choose his son first, and reveal that they all have contingency plans for when he decides to leave. Riley is going to stay with the Phoenix, working with the other computer nerds almost exclusively and helping Leanna with her missions. Bozer is going back into movie making, still dating Leanna and always leaving his door open if the Phoenix needs any prosthetics (he and Leanna get Mac's house). Matty is staying as Director of course, and working on putting together another flagship team (not as good as theirs, but still plenty competent). And Jack? Well, Jack figures now is as good a time as any to retire completely from this life. His new home? Wherever Mac decides to go with Brady, whether that's still LA, Mission City, Boston, etc. Where Mac goes, he's sure to follow. It's at this point that Mac, somewhat sheepishly and probably a little tearfully, admits that he wants to raise Brady on the Dalton Ranch.
And that's how Bozer becomes a well-known effects man with a secret agent wife, Riley becomes the lead hacker at Phoenix, Matty eventually becomes Oversight, and Mac and Jack raise a kid in Texas.
Jack: *steps out of a yellow taxi, Mac by his side, little Brady hidden behind them, to see Mama Dalton waiting for them*
Jack: Mama!
Mama Dalton: Jack Jr! You finally come to your senses and decide you better come home and give me grandchildren?
Jack: *sheepishly* Well Mama, about that...
*Both men step aside to reveal Brady, who shyly hugs his Dad's leg*
Mac: Mama, this is Brayden Macgyver.... My son.
Mama Dalton: *coos over the little boy* Well hello there Brayden, I'm Mary Dalton, and I'm Jack's mama. You can call me Me-ma if you'd like though...
Version 2:
The Canonverse + Brady au:
Ok so basically Nikki got pregnant after that last night with Mac before they busted Thornton, but she didn't tell him because she knew he'd drop everything for the kid and she wanted him to continue his work at Phoenix. She raises Brady on her own for a few years, possibly still with the CIA but maybe not in the field as much, but something goes wrong and she's killed when Brady's 5 (because parallels). Mac and Jack are informed by Matty (because Mac hasn't been in contact with Nikki in years) and Matty has to break the news that Nikki had a son and that she's named Mac the father (possibly using pictures of Brady that Jack sees and immediately recognizes as being spitting images of Mac as a young boy). Brady's brought to Mac at the Phoenix and Mac just kinda,,, breaks? Because Brady asks if he's his Daddy and reveals that Nikki had told him about Mac, shown him pictures, but told him that while Mac loved him he wouldn't get to see him unless she had to leave, and well... It's just a super emotional moment and leads to Mac embracing his son for the first time and promising fervently that he'd never, EVER let him go. It's at this moment that everyone knows that this is the end of the team, cause there's no way in hell Mac's gonna keep putting his life at risk when he's got Brady.
("Why didn't she tell me?!?!" "Because she knew the same thing I know, hoss: as soon as you found out about this kid you'd have quit the team for him." "*Spluttering* I wouldn't-" "Angus, look me in the eyes and tell me truthfully that had you found out Nikki was pregnant that you wouldn't have dropped everything for her and the kid." "....*silence*" "That's what I thought. And that's why she loved you, that's why I love you now, but she and I both know that the world has needed you these past few years, Mac. Now though... Now the world could live without you, if it needed to.")
At some point James sees this and finally realizes that he fucked up, has a bit of a breakdown and Jack talks to him.
("My pop always told me that it's never too late to say you're sorry and mean it. But another wise man once told me that sorry doesn't fix everything, it just starts the conversation. And right now that man needs all the help he can get, especially from a dad who knows how 5-year-old Macgyvers work; I only know how 12-year-old Riley's work, man, I'm not gonna be much help here.")
(This is a lie, Jack is plenty of help, especially when Mac says he wants to retire to the Dalton Ranch, and even more especially when Brady stops calling him Jack and starts calling him Papa. Mama Dalton is Mema from the get go and welcomes the kid with open arms.)
And that's how Mac and Jack retire to the ranch, probably James in tow, with the rest of the crew visiting frequently. Eventually Riley sets up shop in the area (possibly with Billy because him cheating seemed really out of character), and Bozer becomes famous as a filmmaker and sets up his own Skywalker Ranch on some annexed land. Matty visits on occasion, more often when she finally retires. Mac goes on maybe one more mission (like, a world-is-literally-ending-and-ONLY-mac-can-stop-it type of mission) and everyone else helps from the Ranch/takes care of Brady so he can come back to his kid without worrying. Not sure what to do about Murdoc, maybe he stays locked up, maybe he dies (though that would kinda suck for Cassian, maybe he dies and they adopt Cassian too? Ooooo that could be good actually). Later on they might also adopt a little girl, maybe one of Brady's classmates who lost her family and has nowhere else to go (two soldiers with abandonment issues know how THAT feels and could deal with nightmares that she'd have after the trauma). And they just. Create their own happy little life on the Ranch. And it's nice. James learns how to be a proper parent and grandparent, possibly with some help from Mama Dalton. Mac and Jack get married sometime after Brady starts calling Jack Papa (he asked at one point if Mac and Jack were dating, and if so why Jack wasn't Papa or Dad too, which led to a conversation about it and Jack's official elevation to Papa status). Brady was the flower boy and ring bearer combined. All of Jack's Deltas came and adopted Brady on sight. In general everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
Bonus quote:
Snippet from canonverse:
Mac: *is about to get hella shot*
Jack: *shows up out of the blue right on time* hey babe sorry I'm late *shoots down two goons* traffic was a bitch man you know how it is *shoots three more goons*
Mac: .....I love you,,, so much
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thetourguidebarbie · 6 years
Written for @itsnotacrimetoloveyou and @arrenemris , inspired by this incorrect klaroline quote. I hope you enjoy!
Klaus watched Caroline out of the corner of his eye as she talked animatedly with the Bennett witch (now vampire) about a television show that they were both watching. They were having brunch at an exclusive New York restaurant that Caroline liked, and Klaus was content to people watch and pretend not to notice Caroline sneaking bites of his omelette as he drank his coffee.
It was their first time in the United States as a couple, though they’d visited various cities during the short time that Caroline had spent with him every decade or so testing the waters. He had been content to wait for her to make up her mind, knowing it was only a matter of time, and when she finally showed up at his door tentatively suggesting they ‘try’ with a sunny smile that would have hid her insecurities if he hadn’t known her so well, he’d done his best to make her want to stay.
They were six months in and it was working out well so far. He didn’t think he’d been happier for as long as he could remember.
He watched her tongue dart over her lips before she took another sip of her mimosa, giving him a bright smile when she saw him looking and grabbing his hand under the table, squeezing it gently. “Sorry, I know we’re kind of going on about this.”
“Caroline, you could read the phone book and it would entrance me,” Bonnie drawled in an admittedly impressive imitation of his accent, and Caroline laughed, taking another sip of her mimosa.
“It’s okay. It goes both ways.”
“You do like the accent,” Klaus drawled, and Caroline nodded solemnly.
“I do.”
“I’m going to run to the restroom before this gets mushy,” Bonnie announced, setting down her napkin. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, Bon! Anyway, we should talk about what we’re going to--”
“Caroline!” a smooth voice interrupted from behind them, and he felt Caroline stiffen beside him, turning around to face the stranger. Klaus followed her line of vision to see a man just a bit taller than him but with a stockier build looking at Caroline with a warmth that Klaus didn’t like being directed at her by anyone but him.
“Hi Brian,” Caroline said, her voice a bit higher than usual, and she glanced at Klaus almost nervously, moving a bit closer to him. Was she scared? Did she feel threatened?
“How are you?”
“I’m good. You?”
There was something awkward in the way she was sitting, the way she was holding herself, and she nodded along with whatever Brian was saying before tangling her fingers with Klaus’s more firmly and nodding to him.
“This is Klaus. My... Klaus.”
Brian’s eyebrows flew up. “Your Klaus?”
Caroline’s eyes widened. “Not like that! I mean...” she glanced at him as he tried to mask the hurt from her words, and she looked a bit flustered. “I mean, yes like that, but not like that. He’s my boyfriend.”
He would have grimaced at the word if Caroline didn’t look so shaken and nervous. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” she said, giving him an affectionate look that he’d come to treasure as his. “I’m good. Brian and I were--”
“We were together at one point,” Brian interrupted, sending Caroline an understanding look. “I didn’t expect to run into you so I thought I’d say hello. I’m happy you’re doing well.”
Caroline gave him a smile that seemed nostalgic more than anything else, and Klaus felt his heart lighten when he realized that she didn’t have feelings for whoever this man was. She’d most likely just been nervous about his reaction.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Caroline turning to look at him and starting to talk. “That wasn’t what it looked like, I promise. I have like, zero feelings for him, okay? I was just surprised.”
He brushed off her reassurances, more concerned about how spooked she seemed to be. “Are you all right?” he asked hesitantly, searching her face for any kind of discomfort. “Did he hurt you?”
“No!” she said quickly, taking a breath as though she were about to say something else but seemed to think better of it. “It’s nothing like that.”
He studied her expression, trying to detect any hint of discomfort, but she didn’t elaborate, just spearing one of his breakfast potatoes on her fork and sticking it in her mouth, laying her head on his shoulder briefly as though trying to reassure him.
“We should pay and leave when Bon gets back. We want to go shopping.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, absently waving the waiter over to ask for the check, still mulling over Caroline’s reaction to this Brian fellow. Bonnie returned just moments later, and they were soon off to wander around downtown.
Caroline had been armed with a credit card linked to his accounts the moment she’d pursed her lips at the price tag of a dress in Milan, clearly doing some sort of mental calculation, and had proceeded to spend what an average person would have considered to be an obscene amount of money on clothes.
He didn’t mind, pleased that she was taking the opportunity to stock the closets at all of his properties with weather-appropriate attire, even the ones she had yet to set foot in. She was pointedly marking her place in his life and home, and he enjoyed her going out of her way to stake her claim. They walked out of a high end department store a few hours later, both women laden with shopping bags.
“I have to head back to my place,” Bonnie said apologetically as they approached where their SUV was parked, officers compelled to leave them alone if they ever approached to give tickets. “Enzo’s flight will comr in an hour, so I need to get this stuff put away before I pick him up. We’re still on for tonight though, right?”
“Of course!” Caroline said, pulling her friend into a hug that was slightly awkward due to the abundance of shopping bags. “I’m sure Klaus can entertain himself for a few hours.”
“What’s that, love?”
“Enzo, Bon and I go out to this bar whenever I’m in town,” Caroline said, squeezing his hand. “You can come if you want, but I don’t think it’s your thing.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow and she grinned. “Karaoke.”
He tried his best not to show his distaste and realized that he probably failed when she couldn’t restrain a snort of laughter. “I’m sure I have work to catch up on,” he said, knowing disdain was creeping into his tone but not trying to push it down.
“I’m sure,” she said, exchanging an amused look with Bonnie.
“I should flag down a cab—“
“Josh will see you home, Bonnie,” Klaus interrupted, the witch’s first name still feeling a bit odd falling off of his tongue. “Caroline, let’s give your bags to him as well. He can put them away at the penthouse while I steal you away for an early dinner.”
He realized that his words might have come off as a bit more commanding than he’d meant when Bonnie’s spine straightened, her lips pursed. “Do you usually order her around like that?”
“Only when I’m naked,” Caroline said without missing a beat. Bonnie’s groan was luckily louder than Klaus’s embarrassingly audible swallow, his head turning to look at Caroline, who seemed a bit sadistically pleased with her friend’s reaction, though a light flush creeped up her cheeks when she turned and caught his eye.
He didn’t quite dare to hope that she was serious, but he couldn’t help but let his tongue dart over his lips at the image her words had pulled up.
He’d been doing his best to give Caroline time to adjust to their new relationship. Though a century wasn’t exactly young, she’d seemed a bit hesitant to be upfront about what she might want to experiment with, and he suspected that she was intimidated by his age and her perception of his experience.
He’d kept an eye out for little tells as he became reacquainted with the pretty sounds she made when he touched her and the flush of her cheeks when he spoke, looking for hints as to what he might be able to coax her into trying first. She’d said once off-handedly that his possessiveness was hot in bed and she liked dirty talk but she’d really prefer that no one died because they looked in her direction. He’d remembered that, stored it away for future use, and it had only fueled his desire to tempt her into fulfilling some of his more salacious desires.
He’d had so many fantasies of things they could try over the years. He longed to tie her up and tease her until she begged, had more than a few elaborate fantasies involving her mercilessly baiting him followed by him bending her over the desk in his study and spanking her until she was dripping wet and gasping.
He kept his eyes on her as they walked downtown to one of her favorite restaurants, and though their conversation bounced around different topics easily, he could tell that she was trying to talk herself into saying something specific.
“All right, sweetheart?” he asked during a lull in their conversation as they waited for a stoplight to cross the street.
She bit her lip, glancing at him through her eyelashes before looking away and taking a deep breath. “Can we maybe go back to the penthouse? Order in?”
“Of course,” he found himself saying without a thought, pressing his palm to the small of her back and steering her down the street, watching her carefully for any sign of discomfort.
She was quiet for the rest of the walk, and he let her gather her thoughts. The second the door to the penthouse shut behind them, Caroline took a deep breath and let it out, looking him squarely in the eye. “Brian was my Dom. We were play-partners for four years.”
Klaus raised his eyebrows, breathing in sharply. He was admittedly a little jealous that she’d explored that sort of thing with another man before him, and for so long, but it had been a century, and he couldn’t deny that he was pleased she wouldn’t have to be eased into it as he’d previously thought. She seemed to only be able to read the first half of that on his face though, and she took a deep breath before more words spilled out in a rush. “It was just physical. It didn’t mean any—Well, it did mean something then, but it doesn’t now. He lives in New York and usually I text to have coffee or whatever when I pass through, so I think he was just curious about why I—non-sexual coffee, obviously—anyway I think he just thought I was mad or something. I just didn’t want...I was worried you’d...” she trailed off.
“Be jealous?”
She snorted. “No, I knew you’d be jealous. I guess it’s kind of stupid, but I was scared you’d judge me?”
“Judge you?” he asked softly, noting the way her spine straightened slightly at the tone. “Quite the contrary, sweetheart.”
She frowned. “Then why wouldn’t you say—“
“I didn’t want to scare you off,” Klaus admitted, a thousand plans and scenarios hatching in his mind about what he could do with the information he’d just gotten.
“Scare me off?” Caroline asked, raising her eyebrows. “Klaus, I’m a hundred and twenty-three. Even if I wasn’t into it I’d just talk to you like an adult. Do you really think I’d bail on you because you had a kink?”
“Do you think I’d ‘bail on’ you?” he shot back, and she pressed her lips together, clearly uncomfortable.
“It’s different,” she said finally. “With me, I mean.”
He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate, and she sighed, looking out the window, unable to meet his eyes. “You’re just like...Everything we do is super hot, obviously. Like, you’re so good at dirty talk and you make me feel sexy, you know? But you’re so old and experienced and I figured that if it was something you wanted you would have told me.”
“Caroline,” he began, trying to gather his thoughts. “There’s truly nothing you could tell me that would make me want you less. No fantasy or wish that’s too sinful or salacious. I never want you to worry that you’re not enough or not who I want, because I’ve truly never wanted anyone the way I do you.”
“But you might get tired of me or change your--”
“You’re mine, sweetheart,” he said firmly, fighting down the small smile at the way her eyes snapped up to meet his at the tone, the way her breath caught. “I’ve waited a century for you, and I think we both know that I’d have waited longer.”
“Waiting for the idea of being with me is different than the real thing,” she insisted.
“Caroline, I want you,” he said simply, searching her face, trying to find the words that would convince her of what seemed so obvious to him. “I always will. I’m quite honestly more nervous that I’ll do something terrible and drive you away than at the slim possibility of falling out of love with you. If anyone should be terrified of being left behind, it’s me.”
She gave him a look that said clearly that she didn’t agree but seemed to decide to save the argument for another day, giving him a small smile and kissing him softly before resting her head on his shoulder, her face buried in his neck as they laced their fingers together. “I love you,” she said quietly. “I love you and I want you.”
“And I, you my love.”
He felt her lips move as she smiled against his skin, her lips brushing over his jugular before she pulled back to look at him, her eyes darkened with want. “So, just to be clear, you’re into it? The BDSM thing?”
“More than,” he murmured, cupping her cheek and smiling when she leaned into his touch. “There’s nothing I’d like more than for you to trust me enough to give yourself to me. To let me control your pleasure and your time. I want your loyalty and your love, and you putting your faith in me to take control is one of the best gifts you could bestow upon me.”
She laughed quietly, her hands sliding up his chest to fiddle with the buttons on the collar of his henley. “I trust you,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving his. “What do you want me to call you? In play, I mean?”
He mulled it over for a moment, fiddling with the ends of her hair with the hand that wasn’t occupied with stroking the soft skin of her cheek. He liked ‘Master’, wanted nothing more than to hear it fall from her lips with a soft sigh as he brought her to the edge and let her pleasure linger there, his to bestow. Then again, he would also enjoy hearing the reverence in her voice when she said his name, the syllables hard and desperate and gritted between her teeth, the ‘s’ a soft hiss between her ‘please’s as she squirmed against his body, begging for release.
“Master,” he settled on after a moment. “Though I might change my mind. Safeword?”
“Hummingbird,” she said immediately, grinning at his raised eyebrow. “You have no idea how many dirty dreams I’ve had about this. I have spent a crazy long time planning super elaborate fantasies about all the things I want.”
“You’ll have to tell me about them,” he said quietly, leaning forward to catch her lips with his, savoring the taste of her, the soft sigh she gave him when he pulled away. “All of them. Perhaps if you’re a good girl for me I’ll indulge you.”
He saw her pupils dilate slightly, a shiver running down her spine as her tongue darted over her lips to wet them.
“Yes, Master.”
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incorrectsanders · 6 years
What Pride Month Means to Me
I’m going to diverge from incorrect quotes for a post to share this experience with all of you since it’s pride month and that’s really important to me.
I have always been vocal about LGBTQ+ rights. I remember once in kindergarten my teacher told two boys they couldn’t hold hands and be boyfriends. We were at that age that giving kisses on the cheeks and calling each other boyfriends and girlfriends was becoming common practice. The problem was that I lived in BFN Texas with small minded people who couldn’t let children develop such *dangerous* habits. My response to her statement? I threw a mega blok at her head and screamed “THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT”. 
Why was my reaction so strong? Well, on record I lived with my mom, her roommate and her roommate’s son. Really, I lived with my two moms and my older brother.
Personally, I’m straight. I’ve never faced first hand discrimination for my sexuality. But, when I had two moms (they’re separated now) I watched the discrimination they faced on a daily basis. They couldn’t get married, instead they had to have a “commitment ceremony”. We got turned away from almost every house we tried to buy because no one wanted to sell or rent to gay women. They had to hide their relationship from their bosses, from their extended families. My mothers family cut her off because she came out. 
I was born in California. We moved to Texas when I was three and my brother was eight. We moved back to California when I was six and he was eleven. The discrimination didn’t change much between the two areas. In fact, it might have just been because I was older and more perceptive but some things got worse.  
It took us years to find a house. We finally settled on an apartment because the property manager was the sweetest woman ever and we’re still friends with her today, thirteen years later. Her children are like my babies because I’ve known them all their lives. The community was really close knit, we all knew each other and all of the kids were best friends. We used to play red rover in the park together and we’d tie together our jump ropes to make swings out of the monkey bars. 
I loved that apartment complex. No one cared that me and my brother had two moms. No one pointed out that my brother was full Mexican and therefore had darker skin than me, a half Mexican. All of the kids were friends with each other. (“You guys have two moms?” “Yeah.” “Cool! I wish I had two moms, my dad snores too loud”) We were just allowed to exist.
When I was eight we managed to find a teacher who owned a house and allowed us to rent from her. She was the sweetest person ever and she loved me and my older brother to the point where she put in requests for both of us to be in her combination class when we were in 5th and 6th grade (She didn’t get us because we were in an arts program in the school that had special, designated teachers for us. Even if we had been “regular” students though, she would have had to fight with another teacher who adored us and had provided shelter for the two of us for a solid six years when kids were being mean). 
The neighborhood wasn’t nearly as welcoming. There were only three families on our entire street that accepted us completely and didn’t refer to our home as “the gay house”. The rest of them pulled their kids in when me and my brother wanted to play, they glared at us if we were out in the front yard doing something as a family, and they even called the police a few times when we were having parties because we were ‘too disturbing’. (Literally all we were doing was playing Payaso de Rodeo. “Gay and Mexican? In my Good Christian Suburbs?”)
When Prop 8 was being voted on (California’s legislation on gay marriage, circa 2008, that is ridiculous please watch this AD if you have a minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PgjcgqFYP4), a man that lived in the house on the end of our street smirked at me and my brother, who were peacefully riding our bikes, as he sunk a big ‘ol “Yes on 8″ sign into his lawn. Ten year old me and my fifteen year old brother snuck out of the house at eleven o’clock at night, ran down the street, and stole the sign. I said our family faced discrimination, I never said we didn’t fight back. 
As for school, my brother and I were constantly referred to as the two kids with the “lesbo moms”. That is an actual expression I heard from kids my age many, many times. People constantly asked me if I was gay (“No” “But you have two moms...” “And?” “So you have to be gay!” “Says who?” “Your brother is gay!” “Okay, if your brother was gay would that make you gay?” “No!” “Well then *jazz hands sarcastically*”) I didn’t have many friends because children didn’t feel comfortable around me since they knew I had two moms. Many of the friends I did manage to make weren’t allowed to be friends with me once their parents found out that I had two moms. Kids used to laugh at me because I would ask my teachers if I could make two mothers day crafts. (I eventually cried about this to my step mother. Me and her did not get along and even now I don’t like her very much but there are a few precious moments I look back on. One of them is her hugging me, stroking my hair and telling me mothers day could be my mom’s day and fathers day could be her day)
I didn’t meet my Dad until I was nine. Two weeks after I did meet him, he dragged me to church with him and had his priest talk to me. I distinctly remember sitting in his office and playing with my little coin purse that my step mom brought me back from Guadalajara (another one of the precious moments) while the priest told me that I needed to ostracize my mom and move in with my Dad who I barely knew. If I did that and had my First Communion then I could hope that my soul would be saved. 
I was nine.
(Another one of those precious moments was when I came home that day crying and my step mom wrapped me in a blanket and she told my mom that my Dad was not on my birth certificate and if I didn’t want to go back then I didn’t have to)
That tainted religion for a long time for me. It wasn’t until freshman year when I started meeting people who were vocal about both religion and social rights that I started to believe that all religious people aren’t bad. 
Pride parades were always a break from the harsh reactions of others. Every year my mom and step mom would take me and my older brother and they would throw beads and candy and flags and all sorts of things at us off the floats (Condoms too, sometimes. Cue the awkward conversation between me and my brother “Bubba, what’s this?” “A BALLOON *grabs it and chucks it away*” “Nooo, I want the balloon!!”) People would get excited when they saw us as a family. I had a rainbow glass pendant that a vendor gave me because she thought I was adorable with my little rainbow flag and rainbow crocs. June makes me happy because it reminds me of all of those wonderful people who were so accepting and just wanted to have a loving space for a while. 
LGBTQ+ Rights are important to me even though I’m not a part of the community. I speak up. If I hear someone being put down for any reason I speak up. All through middle school and high school I had amazing groups of friends who were largely LGBTQ+ or POC or just “outcasts” that banded together and protected each other. 
I watched discrimination for years. I saw the effect that it had on my moms and as the “kids with the two moms” my brother and I felt the discrimination second hand.
Despite the distressing times and the othering my family often faced when we were still whole, I could have never asked for a better way to grow up. It made me more accepting and loving. (In 7th grade, a friend of mine came out to the school as transgender. None of us really knew what that meant. Others were rude. I simply walked up to him and asked “What does that mean?” “It means I’m a boy inside.” “Oh! Okay, do you want me to start calling you ‘he’?” “Yes, please!” “And should we still call you Dani?” “Yeah, but can you spell it with a y now?” “Okay!”) 
Content like what Thomas and his friends produce makes me extremely happy. They’re not afraid to be themselves and that is lovely. No one should be afraid to be themselves.
Pride month means a lot to me, even though I myself am not part of the LGBTQ+ community. I hope everyone has a lovely one. If you read through this all, thank you. Now, back to the content you followed for!
Happy Pride, everyone. 
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 95
Liz, Allison, and Josie stood shoulder to shoulder, holding coffee cups while staring disdainfully down at the bright pink golf cart in front of them. Their names were written in Dave's handwriting on official CalJam stationary and taped to the glittery pink vinyl seats with Liz assigned behind the steering wheel and Ally beside her.
"Do they think we're the fucking Spice Girls?" Ally finally asked, making Liz and Josie laugh.
"I wouldn't be caught dead in this pink monstrosity," Josie chuckled and finished her coffee, then reached into the cooler behind them and fished out a beer even though it wasn't quite noon yet.
The three had met early that morning and after a quick stop at a decent coffee shop, they headed east to San Bernadino in Liz's truck armed with only Ally's vague memory of where to go and a text from Dave telling Liz to find someone named River. It had taken the better part of an hour, but they had found him and not five minutes later Liz was already eager to be rid of him.
"I'm so sorry," River said nervously as he flipped through the clipboard in his sweaty hands. "It's definitely the cart they assigned you ladies and-"
"No, it's okay," Liz said gently. "Thanks, River, we'll take it from here."
"Okay well, here's your keys, your walkie-talkie and your agenda, if you need me just call and I'll come find you," he stammered and handed over their things, clearly terrified to fuck up his boss's strict instructions to make sure the women in front of him were well cared for.
Liz just nodded gratefully and watched him scurry away then spun back to Josie and Ally once he was out of sight. "Sit in the pink cart until I wave you over," she whispered conspiratorily and handed everything over to Ally before ducking beside a black golf cart emblazoned with Dave and Taylor's names.
Ten minutes later, she punched the gas on the black hotwired cart and they headed off down the line of tents being set up in preparation for the backstage parties in a flurry of giggles and dust.
They spent most of the afternoon just driving around, getting their bearings on the layout of the festival and being generally ignored by the crews at work when they happened to cruise by the catering tent.
"I'm starving, let's go," Josie yelled from her seat on the back and practically dove off the cart before Liz could hit the brakes.
"We're gonna need seatbelts by the end of the day," Ally slurred a little and tossed her empty beer can into the trash just before they ducked into the tent.
Liz stood off to the side, blinking to help her eyes adjust to the dark and crowded tent when she felt arms around her waist.
"Did you boost my golf cart?" Dave purred against her neck.
She smiled and leaned back, soaking up the feeling of him against her since she hadn't seen him in almost three days. "You didn't really think I'd drive that pink nightmare around, did you?"
He chuckled against her ear and held her a little tighter, slipping his hand under her shirt just enough to drag his thumb against the skin at the top of her jean shorts. "I fucking missed you."
Liz felt her skin burn at his touch and was about to turn and kiss him when Taylor breezed past them with a plate piled high with food.
"Not now, Disco," he shouted through a bite. "The Kiszka brothers just rolled up. You can bang her later once the buses get here." He took another bite of his sandwich and grinned at them. "Hey, Liz."
"Hi, Taylor," she tried not to laugh, but she could feel Dave's glare radiating at Taylor from over her shoulder and she covered her mouth to suppress a giggle before turning in his arms to face him. "Go," she smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "You're too busy for me today."
"Fuck that," he grumbled. "Don't go too far, okay?" he squeezed her against his chest before finally moving to follow Taylor. "I'll come find you in a bit!"
She watched him go and tried to shake off the disappointment she felt once he was gone. She knew he was going to be busy all weekend running an entire music festival, but she selfishly still wanted to just be with to him. She was still staring at the tent wall when Josie appeared in front of her with two large bottles of champagne.
"Look what Rami found!" she sang and held them above her head, making Liz laugh.
"Oh lord," she groaned and took the bottles before they were dropped into the dirt. "Tell me you've at least eaten something besides that bagel from this morning."
"Yes, mother," Josie huffed and walked with her to a tall table next to the open wall of the tent. "I had some of that pork Dave made. He's a great cook, Liz. You should really wife that one up."
"Yeah," Liz said sarcastically and began to peel off the foil around the cork, "He'd look great in white."
"I'm just saying," Josie leaned across the table thinking she was speaking quietly, but the large group of crew guys next to them were clearly listening in. "He loves you, you love... oh shit... Liz, ten o' clock!"
Liz looked at her in confusion, trying to figure out what had changed her demeanor and why she was hissing the incorrect time at her when she heard Jordyn's voice.
She whipped around to greet her and felt a pang of regret at how uncomfortable she looked. They both knew they had so much to talk about, to get out in the open and work through, but they also knew that a crowded catering tent was the absolute wrong place to do so. There was a distinct drop in volume around them as the crowd watched their interaction with great interest.
"Hi!" Liz said excitedly, setting down the bottle to greet her with a quick hug and classic LA air kiss. There was no way in hell she would give these onlookers the satisfaction of an awkward moment for them to sell off to a celebrity news site and she didn't trust anyone regardless of how deep in the 'Foo Fam' they were. "Need a drink?" she offered, holding up the bottle of champagne.
"God, yes," Jordyn laughed and nodded a greeting to Josie, who tried to politely smile back. "Dave said you're quite the shot with a cork."
Liz laughed and unscrewed the cork cap, "Yeah. It's a party trick that comes in handy sometimes."
"Do you think you could teach me?"
A slow smile spread across Liz's face, realizing Jordyn was on the exact same page she was. "Absolutely."
Dave poured five shots of Jaeger into tiny red cups atop an amp in the practice tent. The band members surrounding him were barely 21, maybe not quite, and just starting out on the wild ride of the rock star life that Dave been living for thirty years. They hung on his every word, laughing loudly at his bad jokes and stories, eager to learn anything they could from the icon in front of them.
"Okay on three!" one of them yelled and held up his shot.
The five counted down and threw back the liquor just as Dave's sunglasses flew off the top of his head, propelled by a champagne cork.
"What the fuck?"
The kids laughed as Dave whipped around to find Jordyn pouring champagne into Liz's cup next to a hysterically laughing Josie. He met eyes with Liz and she shot him a grin telling him everything he needed to know.
Once the champagne was poured into the red cups and the women were once again in the safety of the catering tent, Josie sloppily announced that she had left her sunglasses in the golf cart and took off in search of them.
"She's good," Jordyn laughed as they watched her walk in the opposite direction of the parked carts.
"She'd be even better if she had remembered her sunglasses were on her face," Liz giggled.
They both laughed for a moment while Jordyn finished her champagne and began to pour another round. "Would you walk with me for a bit? Take a turn about the room, if you will?"
Liz stared at her in surprise, absorbing her Pride and Prejudice quote while desperately trying to interpret it. Caroline Bingley had said it in an attempt to use Elizabeth Bennett get Mr. Darcy's attention, so was Jordyn supposed to be Caroline and... she stopped herself before she could overthink it and stepped around the tall table to her side. Jordyn linked her arm in Liz's and they walked, red cups in hand, out into the harsh sun.
"I want to apologize for Paris," Jordyn said bluntly once they were far enough away from eavesdroppers.
"Oh," Liz tried to laugh it off, feeling incredibly uncomfortable all of a sudden. "It was-"
"Awful, I know," she interrupted. "Dave was a wreck after you left."
Liz stopped short and turned to face her, frantically gathering the courage to speak. "I just... I wanted to give you two some time to figure things out without me there. If there was anything worth saving, it would be worth it to find for your girls."
"He told me you'd say that," she admitted and pushed her sunglasses up into her hair. She smiled kindly at Liz, but there was an obvious sadness behind her eyes. "And we tried, but there's nothing there anymore. I just wanted you to know that I appreciated the sentiment. You put my girls and their feelings above all else and that's all I'll ever ask of you." She paused as Dave's lyrics hung over them and then quickly pulled Liz into a hug. "And thank you for giving me the closure I needed from him. That was... unexpected."
Liz, at a complete loss for words, just squeezed her shoulders before pulling back.
"And really, Elizabeth... you were unexpected. Out of all the...," she laughed a little and rolled her eyes before continuing. "Let's just say I wasn't expecting Dave to fall for someone like you. I was fully prepared for some twenty year old in a mini skirt to show up and try to parent my girls and my claws were ready."
They both laughed at that, each of them knowing what it was to be overly protective of their babies.
"But then he sat me down and confessed that he loved you and I swear, he should have been a fucking lawyer because he pretty much sold me then and there."
Liz slowly nodded, still unable to form words with how much was swirling through her brain and with how profoundly grateful she was that this woman was so understanding.
"So are you okay?" Liz asked before Jordyn let her go and she lost the nerve.
Jordyn tilted her head from one side to the other as if she were tasting her words before spitting them out. "Yes," she finally decided. "Jonathan apparently realized his mistake halfway through my stay in Greece and crawled, literally, to my hotel room in tears."
"Yikes," Liz offered, not wanting to take sides when she didn't know the outcome.
"So I locked him out of his hotel room because karma's a bitch and so am I," she smiled brightly as Liz laughed and once again linked their arms, walking her towards the tent just across from them and pulled back the white wall.
It took a moment for Liz's eyes to adjust to the shade, but when they did her heart lodged itself firmly in her throat.
"Hey, Mom."
Harper was curled up in a camping chair with headphones on and a tablet in her lap, casually smiling at her mother while Ophelia sat at her feet in the grass with a bright green ukelele on her knees.
"Can you pause that a moment, honey? I want you to meet my friend," Jordyn looked around while Liz remained frozen in place, desperately wishing Dave were with her. "Where's your sister?"
"I'm right here, Mama!" Ophelia said sweetly, making her mother laugh.
"No, honey. Where's Violet?"
"Oh, I dunno," Harper shrugged and hopped out of her chair. "She took off with Shane awhile ago."
"I swear to god these kids," Jordyn whispered under her breath in frustration but pulled Liz forward. "Harper, Phee, this is Elizabeth."
Liz tried to swallow the organs that were threatening to choke her and crouched to the girl's eye level. She attempted a smile but was sure she looked as if she were baring her teeth at the poor things when Harper and Phee shared a worried glance.
"Hi," Liz managed, surprised that her voice was even and calm. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
Harper stepped forward first and politely offered her hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Miss Elizabeth."
Liz shook her hand, feeling her heart break a little when Phee hid behind her sister and peeked out with wide, scared eyes. "You can call me Liz if you'd like."
Harper smiled brightly and nodded. "That's what Daddy calls you."
"Phee?" Jordyn asked softly, joining Liz on the grass and holding her arms out when Phee ran to her.
"Mama, that's Annie," she whispered into her mother's ear.
"She's too little to understand," Harper explained in her big sisterly way while Jordyn quietly reassured Phee. "Daddy told me you play the drums."
"I do," Liz nodded, marveling at how much Harper looked like a little blonde Dave. "He told me the same about you."
Harper blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear the exact same way her father did. "He's teaching me."
"You're so lucky to have him as a teacher!"
"Yeah, people say he's the best drummer in the world, but he's just my dad," she said casually and Liz couldn't help but laugh.
Harper's eyes went wide and she kneeled on the grass in front of Liz. "Daddy said you have a really pretty laugh," she whispered.
"Well, that was very nice of him to say," Liz started, but was surprised when Phee suddenly crawled into her lap with a shy giggle.
"I know you're not really the pirate Annie," she said and put her hands on Liz's cheeks to stare into her eyes, "but can we play pretend some time?"
"Oh, I would love that," Liz smiled, "Every pirate needs a good crew."
"Daddy said you have boys," Phee crinkled her little nose in disgust, making both Liz and Jordyn laugh.
"Yeah, sorry about that, but they're pretty fun anyways."
Harper craned her neck a bit to see Liz's face around Phee's mass of blonde curls. "Do they play the drums, too?"
"No, the music bug hasn't hit them quite yet, unfortunately. Maybe you could teach them!"
Harper audibly gasped in excitement and her eyes lit up like Christmas. "When can we meet them?"
"Won't they be here tomorrow?" Jordyn asked. "I bet you all could play then."
Liz just nodded, worried she might start to cry at any moment. These people, who she barely knew, had thrown open their arms and welcomed her and her boys as if it were the easiest thing in the world to do. The four of them sat together for an hour with Phee performing her own renditions of Disney songs on her ukelele and Harper showing Liz drumming videos on her tablet until both girls were yawning.
"Okay, that's it," Jordyn announced and pulled herself up off the grass. "Naptime!"
"Mom," Harper whined with embarrassment. "I'm too old for naps!"
"Don't care," her mother said matter of factly. "I'm not dealing with two cranky girls tonight when this place starts getting fun. Just give me an hour."
"Fine," she grumbled, then gave Liz a tight hug. "See you later, Liz!"
Liz said her goodbyes and watched them go, sitting stunned in the grass for a moment before slipping out the back. She wandered through the maze of white tents, listening to the voices drifting out from the thin walls and trying to wrap her brain around what had just happened. She had met two of his three daughters and already adored them, but she was most surprised by how much more connected she felt with Dave. Maybe that was how he felt about her when he met her boys, which would explain his almost stifling clinginess in London. Things were beginning to make a little more sense, like the last few pieces of a long and intense jigsaw puzzle were falling into place and the big picture was becoming more clear. When she was satisfied that everything was worked out in her head, she finally looked around and noticed she had strayed a bit further from the backstage area than she had intended. Worried that maybe Dave was looking for her, she was about to head back when she heard a band begin their sound check on stage and felt her heart flutter at the distinct sound of Dave's drumming.
Making her way along the crowd control fences that were still being set up, she tried to stay out of everyone's way while being as invisible as possible, but she was still stopped a few times by people asking for a photo or an autograph. It felt strange to be noticed again, news of her next movie was gaining traction in the press and she knew the madness was about to crash around her once again. Not to mention the fact that she was Dave's girlfriend and he was running the entire festival she was currently traipsing through. That was probably the more likely scenario.
She found a spot on the lawn, just next to the soundboard placed far back from the stage and directly in the middle of where thousands of people would be standing in just 24 hours and settled in. The sky was turning a gorgeous pink color, framing the stage with the sunset when the sound tech smiled and nodded at her then pointed at a cooler beside his chair.
"Hey, there's water and beer in here if you want anything," he yelled over the music and Liz nodded a thank you. She wondered if Dave had instructed everyone to treat her like fucking royalty or if they had all taken it upon themselves to do so. As she mulled it over, a blur of yellow caught her attention when Violet sat next to her in the grass and silently began watching the sound check. After a few moments, Liz dug through the previously ignored cooler and offered her a bottle of water which Violet examined before taking. "Thanks," she muttered. "Nice tattoo."
"Thank you. I like your shirt," Liz nodded to the yellow Scream shirt she had on and wondered if it was the yellow Scream shirt of Nirvana video infamy.
"It was my dad's."
Liz just smiled and turned back to the band when they started another song, hoping they could just sit together and listen to the music, but Violet apparently had a different idea in mind.
"So you're the princess?"
"Only at work," Liz replied, still watching Dave thrash the drum kit. "Off duty, I'm really rather boring."
"Your face was everywhere last time my dad took us to Disneyland," Violet said flatly, still not looking at Liz. "It made him sad."
Fuck. Probably all those Pirate promo posters with Johnny. "I missed him a lot when I was in London," she sighed, not sure how else to respond.
Violet pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "He thinks I can't tell when he's sad. I can, though."
Liz considered this a moment, trying to approach her on a mutual level. "Sometimes dads think they're good at hiding what they're feeling, but us daughters always know."
Violet finally looked over and began to study Liz. "What's your dad like?"
Liz felt herself smile at the thought of her dad and knew she would get to see him in less than 24 hours. "He's pretty great. He's funny and smart, he loves music and books... He's one of my best friends."
"Really?" she dropped her knees and turned a little to face Liz, just slightly thawing her demeanor towards her.
"Absolutely," Liz nodded and glanced over at her. "We text or talk at least once a day, even if it's just to say I love you or send a funny picture. My parents are actually coming out tomorrow and I'm so excited to see them."
"Are your parents still married?"
Shit, there goes the mutual ground. "Yes," she admitted.
Violet blinked and turned back to the stage, effectively closing herself off again. They watched the rest of the set in silence, occasionally nodding their heads to the music, but the wall Violet had thrown up between them was thick and Liz was beginning to worry she might not break through. Once the band left the stage, Violet moved to stand and Liz looked up at her expectantly, hoping she would just say something.
"Will you tell my mom that I talked to you?"
"Sure," she replied and before she could get herself up and off the grass, Violet was gone.
Liz slipped past the giant men guarding the VIP gates and waved to the occasional person that she knew before ducking into the catering tent, relieved and a little surprised to find it empty. She dug a beer out of a cooler and sat in a camping chair to begin overthinking her life.
She was halfway through her beer and lost in her own mind when Dave threw back the tent wall just next to her. "Hey, baby!" he called and reached for her hand, bending down so he could kiss her before moving to the tables of food. "Having fun?"
"Of course!" she smiled and took a long drink while watching him peruse the tables full of food.
He decided on a handful of chips and shoved them in his mouth, then apparently thought better of it and grabbed then entire bowl, chewing loudly as he marched over and sat directly on her knees, almost sending them both to the dirt.
"David!" she cried, trying to keep her drink and herself upright as he adjusted himself on her lap.
"Shit, sorry," he laughed and steadied their chair before leaning back in, fully aware that he was squishing her. "So what have you been up to?"
Liz wrapped her arms around him and rested her cheek on his back, not quite ready to talk about the girls. "Just wandering around. How about you? ... god, Dave. You're all sweaty."
"Yeah, I was kicking my own ass up there," he groaned and rubbed at his biceps.
"I saw that," she giggled and held him tighter, not really caring how damp his shirt was.
"Was that you out by the soundboard?" he asked, swiveling just enough to see her face. "I told Taylor to find my glasses but he just laughed at me."
"Yeah, that was me."
"And Violet, right? I'd know that godawful yellow shirt even if I went completely blind."
Shit. Here we go. "Yep."
"I got to meet your girls!" she said it as cheerfully as she could, but she couldn't kick the tinge of worry in her voice.
He was silent long enough that Liz felt her throat tighten with anxiety, then he suddenly stood and discarded the chip bowl on a table before rushing back to her. She watched in confusion when he grabbed another chair and positioned it close enough that their knees were touching.
"How'd it go?" he asked, matching her worry with the look in his eyes.
"Harper is your clone," she said simply, smiling at the memory of her tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah," Dave relaxed a little and smiled proudly. "What about Phee?"
"Darling," she breathed. "That one might give me diabetes with how sweet she is."
Dave chuckled and reached for her hand, "And Violet?"
"Work in progress," Liz confessed, bracing herself for his reaction. The very last thing she wanted to do was to drive a wedge between the two.
Dave knit his eyebrows together in concern. "What's that mean?"
"We talked a little and I think she's trying to figure me out."
"Was she rude?"
"No," Liz shook her head. "God, no. It's just gonna take some time to get used to each other, that's all."
"Should I talk to her?"
Liz considered this a moment, wondering what Violet would want her to say. "No... I mean, you obviously know her best, but I don't want her to feel like she's being forced into liking me."
"But she kinda is, babe," he pointed out. "I love you whether she likes it or not."
"Don't-," Liz sharply shook her head and set her beer down. "Fuck, don't say that!"
Dave chuckled, apparently amused by her panic. "What? Am I supposed to leave you just because she's annoyed?"
"We've broken up over less, dude," she reminded him and matched his smile. "And I think I've made it pretty clear that those girls come before me."
"She'll come around, babe," he assured her and reached back for more chips. "So you talked to Jordyn?"
"Yeah, we caught up," she said, grabbing a chip when he offered her the bowl. "She's got great aim!"
Dave rolled his eyes but laughed all the same. "Yeah, thanks for teaching her that. Now she's going to launch fucking corks at me every chance she gets."
"Yeah, but from what I hear, you deserve it," she teasingly raised an eyebrow at him, remembering what Allison had told her about Dave straying from his marriage and watched as he cautiously studied her.
"You okay?" he asked quietly, making Liz regret joking about such a thing.
"Just fine, why?"
"Well, I thought maybe you'd be hostile because I kissed her back in Paris."
He said it as casually as if he were stating the weather, but Liz felt as if someone had thrown her through thin ice on a frozen lake. "She actually didn't even mention that little piece of information," she said coolly, locking her eyes on his.
It took him a moment, but Dave's chip halted midway to his mouth and he slowly leaned back in his chair. "Oh, shit."
Liz snatched her beer to avoid saying something she might regret and quickly stood up. "I'm gonna go find Ally. Where are you going to be in fifteen minutes?"
"Where do you need me to be?" he sat forward in his chair as if she would go off the rails and explode at any moment.
"I need you in front of me, please." She congratulated herself on sounding calm, though her insides were roiling.
"I can do that."
"Cool. See you in fifteen."
And with that, she steadily walked out of the tent in search of Allison.
Ten minutes later, she was sitting on a couch in the incredibly luxurious tour bus assigned to her and Dave, while trying to work through her thoughts with Ally and Josie.
"Okay so it's just me, right? Like, I can't even be mad that they kissed. I can't shove them together and then be pissed off when they do exactly what I wanted them to."
"Nope," Ally smiled kindly and went to sit beside her on the plush tan leather. "And because they did exactly what you wanted them to, now there's no 'what if' hovering over them. It's a completely clean slate for everyone!"
"But," Josie added, holding her finger up from the kitchen area, "You're totally allowed to not like it."
"Oh, absolutely," Ally added, then put her arms around Liz's shoulders and held her tightly. "Honey, you know he loves you. No more huge blow-ups, okay? Taylor can't take much more of Dave's sobbing."
Liz laughed and leaned her head into Ally's shoulder, thankful for the friends she had made in the last several months.
"He's here," Josie said, peering out the window.
"Was that fifteen minutes?" Liz asked, looking around for a clock.
"Fifteen minutes, exactly." Ally grinned and went to open the door, then gasped when a soaking wet Dave hurried past her. "What the hell happened to you?"
"Someone gave your goddamn husband a squirt gun," he grumbled and moved towards the bedroom at the back of the bus, hesitating a little when he saw Liz. "Am I early? ... Or late?"
"You're right on time," Ally said quickly and grabbed Josie's arm to drag her outside. "You're good!"
"So good," Josie muttered, watching him as he peeled off his wet shirt and tossed it into the sink.
"Get... oh my god, Josie! Get out!" Liz laughed and pushed her towards the door. "You have your own rock star to maul."
"Yeah but yours has tattoos!" she whined and leaned back from her spot on the steps to get one last look at Dave.
"So does yours!" Dave yelled back but started on his belt anyways making Josie plant her feet on the top step.
"Fine," Liz threw up her hands and moved back to Dave. "You can watch, I don't care."
"Whoa, really?" he flashed a grin at Josie while grabbing Liz around the waist as she passed him.
"Sure, whatever," she laughed and leaned into him, once again not caring that he was soaking her shirt with his wet skin. "You put on a good show. Seems a shame to keep it all to myself."
She held his gaze long enough to know that he was wondering if she were serious or not when Josie finally spoke.
"Ugh. You guys made it weird. I'm out," she laughed and bounded down the stairs out of view.
The moment she was gone, Dave pulled Liz in front of him and threw his arms around her. "Are we okay?"
"We're fine," she tried to nod, but he was holding her too tightly. "Ally got me through it."
"You're sure?" He seemed uneasy about how relaxed she was, making her stretch up to kiss him.
She had meant it to be quick, thinking he had somewhere else to be, but when she tried to pull away he held her to his lips and backed her against the counter, pawing at her clothes and slipping his hand underneath her loose tank top just to feel more of her skin. She melted into his touch and wove her fingers into his hair, trying to get him as close to her as possible.
"Fuck," he grunted, pulling back just enough that he could yank the zipper down on her shorts, but not enough that their lips parted.
Her gasp mixed with his groan when he slipped his hands into the front of her shorts and her hips bucked against him as he curled his fingers into her. He whispered her name against her throat and she felt her insides pool into hot liquid, but a small sound just outside the bus made her head snap up at attention.
He didn't even have time to register what was happening before Liz shoved him away and bolted into the back bedroom just as Harper came up the steps holding her favorite stuffed dragon and a backpack.
"Hey, Doodle!" he yelled and leaned against the counter to catch his breath while forcing a smile at her.
Harper, blissfully unaware, grinned brightly at him. "Can I sleep here with you and Liz tonight? I don't want to share with Violet."
"Of course you can," Liz announced, breezing out of the back room now in sweats and a hoodie. "We can pull out the couch for you."
Harper squeezed her dragon in excitement and tossed her things on the couch while Liz shot Dave a sympathetic look.
Tomorrow, she mouthed and squeezed his shoulder before going to find extra blankets.
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stallingdemons · 8 years
Requested. (I kept trying to write this with winter soldier Bucky but felt so strongly that this quote was more 1940′s Bucky) 
Song or quote : Of course I would date you, who wouldn’t? Who: Bucky Barnes
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“You look absolutely ritzy, [Y/N].” Clare exclaimed once she saw her friend step out from behind the changing curtain, “You’re gonna knock em all dead when they see you tonight!”
[Y/N] frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror, “You sure?” Turning and twisting her body, she scrunched up her nose. “Maybe I shouldn’t tonight, Clare.” Turning to face her dolled up friend, she sighed.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Clare stamped her foot in protest, “We’re going to this dancing joint and we’re gonna find ourselves a couple of big sixes and not some drugstore cowboy, you hear?” 
Nodding her in head defeat, she followed Clare out the door and towards the joint that her friend had been raving about non stop. It took around ten minutes before they ended up waving down a cab and took even longer to reach their designation. Enough time for it pass by for [Y/N] to realize that her going out tonight in her ruby red dress was a mistake. But, she had nowhere but to go except for wherever Clare was taking her. 
“Everyone here looks so spiffy! Don’t ya think, [Y/N]?” Clare linked arms with [Y/N] as they weaved in and out of the place. Lowering her voice but still containing excitement, she breathed out, “So many flappers-oh look there’s John! Remember him, huh? He’s a fly boy now.” If Clare’s heart could have leaped out of her chest and onto the floor, [Y/N] would have bet a nickel that it had just done so. “Do I look okay?” 
[Y/N] pressed her lips into smile, forcing herself into it knowing that the minute she said yes, Clare was going to bound off towards him. “You look always look swanky, Clare.” 
Squealing loudly, Clare tore herself away [Y/N] and sprinted towards John who she had to admit had grown up quite nicely from the little scrawny boy he used to be. 
It felt like hours had passed by as [Y/N] watched Clare and John laugh it up. At least someone’s having a good time, she thought as she ordered another drink. Just as she was about to take a sip, her attention was pulled elsewhere to the sound of a man talking to her.
“Hey there, doll. What’s a pretty dame like you doing all by yourself?” 
Turning her head to face the voice, her eyes lit up to find a familiar face. Standing up from her stool, she winced as she almost knocked over her glass. “As I live and breathe, is that you, Bucky?” 
Grinning, Bucky spun around in his uniform, “It sure is.” 
Without thinking twice, she reached for a hug. It had been months since she had last seen him. She had grown up just down the street from Bucky from the time they were little kids. After a minute of hugging him, she took a step back and admired his digs. “You look mighty spiffy and is that? Would you look at that, Sergeant Barnes.” [Y/N] gently tapped the plate on his chest and beamed, “That’s wonderful!” Sitting back down on her stool, she frowned, “Say, where’s Rogers?” 
Bucky shrugged, sitting down next to her, “Said he was feelin’ under the weather.” Ordering a drink for himself, he flickered a look towards [Y/N] when she wasn’t paying attention. Bucky had always found her to be exquisite, he was just always too afraid to use his lines on her. “Speaking of friends, where’s your trouble maker Clare?” 
Snorting softly, [Y/N] shrugged as well. “Beats me, John probably went to take her to go neck.” Twirling a curl of hers, she sighed, “I don’t know why I keep agreeing to go out with her when all I know is that she’ll leave me when we get there. I’m such a pushover.” 
Frowning, “You aren’t a pushover, come on, stop” He leaned forward, smiling lightly, “Between you and me, doll. Clare’s just lookin’ for a daddy, you and I both know that.” Sitting straight up, he looked around the place, “I’m sure you do just fine on your own anyways.” 
“Oh yeah? Tell me why you’re the only one that’s approached me so far.” Sulking, she sighed again. “I’m just a plain ole Jane whenever Clare’s around. You and I both know that.”
“Says you!” Bucky halfway shouted incredulously. Throwing apologetic looks to the patrons around the bar for startling them, he shook his head as he looked dead straight into [Y/N]’s eyes. “Doll, you’ve got it all wrong. You’re the kind of dame that a fella walks down the middle aisle.”
Shaking her head, she chuckled. “You’re all wet, Barnes.”
He chuckled along with her, “I’m serious. These fellas,” Bucky looked around, shaking his head, “aren’t the kind of fellas you want anyway [Y/N].”
“And I suppose the kind of a fella I should be after is someone like you, huh?” She remarked playfully. 
Bucky smirked, “As a matter of fact, yes.”
[Y/N] froze, “Wh-what?”
Standing up from the stool, he held out his arm, “Come on, baby. Why don’t we go to the Tin Pan Alley and blow this joint. I know how much you love that music.” 
Staring at him with her mouth hung slightly open, she struggled to get the words out of her mouth. “Are you, are you asking me on a date?” 
Chuckling, “Yes m’am.”
“But why?!”
Bucky gently grabbed [Y/N]’s shoulders and stood her up from the stool. “Because doll, you’re the only dame in here that’s kept my focus all night. Took me an hour just to muster up the courage to come over and talk to you.”
“But, we’ve been friends for years, Buck. You know you can always talk to me.” 
“Normally, yes.” Bucky replied, giving her a small smile, “But not when you’re wearing this beautiful dress. I’m stuck on you, doll. So what do you say? Come with me to Tin Pan Alley. I promise you’ll have a good time. I’ll take you dancing another night.” 
“Another night?” [Y/N] squeaked, “You mean there will be other nights with you?” 
Bucky threw his head back and laughed, “What is with you?”
Shaking her head, she nervously laughed. “Nothing, it’s just, it’s strange to hear that you’d date me.” 
“Of course I would date you, who wouldn’t?” Bucky said with a brow raised.
Motioning to the crowd dancing, “All of them.” 
Snaking an arm around her waist, he chuckled low. “Good, because then that means you’re all mine. I promise I won’t be a flat tire tonight, [Y/N]. Give me a chance to turn this night around.” 
Nodding, she smiled. “I’ll give you a chance, but, uh, Bucky?”
“Yes, doll?”
“That banks closed, so no funny business.” She pulled away from his grasp and slung on her coat, giving him a smirk.
“What? Come on, doll. Not even a single kiss tonight?” 
Patting his shoulder, she giggled. “Not even one.” 
Watching her head for the door, he shook his head and laughed. “I see you’re going to make me work for it, it’s alright. I like a challenge.” 
1940′s lingo ritzy - elegant joint - establishment big six - strong men drugstore cowboy - a guy who picks up chicks on a corner flapper - a woman who wears short skirts/dress with short hair fly boy - an aviator  swanky - ritzy (elegant) dame - female go neck - kissing with passion daddy - an older man with money middle aisle - get married to all wet - wrong, incorrect stuck on you - crush Tin Pan Alley - the music district in New York City flat tire - boring date banks closed - no kissing 
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