#and he’s still a rat 🐀
ratatouille spiderbit au but instead of cooking roier uses cellbit’s hands to Do A Lot Of Killing to get them out of [danger]. this goes well for both of them and they are Mentally Sound about it
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dudefromtheooze · 2 years
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some feral leo doodles inspired by @cupcakeslushie ‘s au bc it’s all i can think abt lately
he’s definitely .2 seconds away from biting something someone in all of these. ..at least reptiles can’t get rabies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
you are dragging me back to my cphil obsession please this bird angel is all i can think about now
eheheehee Gotcha >:)
looks like u got too close when i was losing my mind the other day… now you’re infected with cphil disease :) ur welcome
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 6 months
Slashers with a sleepwalking s/o
AN: totally based off my personal experiences sleepwalking lol asked my friends and family what their favorite sleepwalking episode was.
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Jason Voorhees 🏕
Jason is already paranoid AF about you unknowingly wandering into a trap during the day.
But the first time he comes across you in the woods at night? When you should be asleep?
He is not a happy man. Many thoughts run through his mind. Are you trying to leave him? Trying to get yourself hurt? Would you rather die then be with him?
It takes him a good while and a lot of explaining for him to understand what's happening. That your not intentionally doing this. Science shit™️
He sets up a system. Maybe a bell or two. Something loud to let him know where you are. Maybe some trip wires.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: He watched you eat a entire sleeve of saltines while standing in the shower.
Michael Myers 🎃
Michael's seen some shit. So this is nothing. All those years in Smiths Grove have prepared him for this. So you sleepwalk? Cool, his neighbor at Smiths Grove used to eat cockroachs.
That being said, the closer you're relationship grows, the more worried he becomes. What if you fall down the stairs? What if you wander into the road? What if, what if, what if??
He doesn't have the foresight to set up traps, like Jason does.
Uses his fucked up sleep schedule to his advantage and often stands over your sleeping body. Jumpscare.
Will definitely tie a bell on you while you sleep. Totally not a collar what are you saying? Don't make it kinky.
The strangest thing he's seen you do: Put all of the remotes in the refrigerator because they needed batteries.
Thomas Hewitt 🥩
Poor sweet man. You're going to give him a heart attack one of these days.
However, he's probably one of the more better prepared of the lot. His house is set up to keep people in and out. So there isn't much danger you can get into.
Unless he forgets to lock up the basement. Which has happened once. And only once. You were fairly unharmed if not a little traumatized.
Has taken to locking your bedroom door. Also installs like 10 latches. AND puts a bell on the doorknob. And maybe sometimes you.
Look, he's already scared of losing you to somebody else, he doesn't want to have to worry him losing you to you.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Him, Monty and Hoyt sat and watched you stand in front of the sink for a hour and a half. Just standing there. Menacingly
Brahms Heelshire 🐀
Oh, poor baby is confused. Especially at the start of your situation-ship. You don't know he's there, you just think you're babysitting a doll for a sad old couple. Not their grown ass son who lives in the walls.
The first time Brahms finds you sleepwalking, he's pissed. You trying to leave him, he knows you are. But... did you just snore?? Wait, you're asleep. He feels a little better about the situation.
Until you start walking towards the stairs. Boy's never moved so fast in his life. He knows if he wakes you up it's game over. So he gives you a gentle nudge back to your room.
Now after you find about the rat man in the walls, things are different. Brahms, even in the deepest REM cycle, will never let you go. Man is a koala and you are the tree he's clinging to for dear life. It's almost impossible to escape his arms at night.
Almost makes you sleep in the walls instead of the bedroom so you're safer. Like ain't no way you're getting out of those without him waking up.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Sat up in bed, complaining about the maracas in your mouth??? He cried.
Billy Lenz 🎄
World's worst caretaker 👑
Especially before yall start dating because, at that point in time, he's still trying to decide if he wants to kill you. He won't lie, he very briefly thought about pushing you down the stairs.
But? After you win him over? Yeah still kinda sucks ass at keeping you from hurting yourself. He'll keep you alive, mind you, just a little worse for wear.
He asked you once if he could tie you down in bed. You didn't like the look in his eyes so you declined. Billy pouted for the next three days.
TBH he might do it anyways. Look he's just trying to keep your silly little self safe, S/O. Get your mind out of the gutter. Haha, jk...unless 😏?
The strangest thing he's seen you do is eat a entire bag of gummy bears while standing outside. He joined you.
Vincent Sinclair 🖌
Another prepared king 👑
His workshop is dangerous. Upstairs is dangerous. The whole town is health code violation. And bby cannot stand the idea of you hurting yourself.
But other then the constant anxiety that you'll some how end up falling off the stairs or falling into the wax or the any other number of things his brain comes up with, he's very level-headed.
Child safety locks. He buys that shit in bulk.
But hey, gives him a excuse to hold you at night. (Vincent, they're literally your s/o)
The strangest thing he's seen you do is stand over Bo's bed, chanting tomato. Bo almost cried.
Bo Sinclair 🔧
Definition of "Look at that idiot...oh wait that's my idiot!"
Honestly, probably the worst. Not like 'let's you just walk around' worst, but more like 'Imma gonna chain you to the bed' worst.
Dude's so scared of losing you, pretty much the best thing that ever happened to him, that his willing to go to drastic matters to keep you safe.
Don't try to explain the science behind it, you'll only give him a migraine. Just let him keep you safe. K, bby?
Bo's gonna lose sleep some nights, he's that scared. No doubt you will wake up to the feeling of someone watching you. Just comfort him, ok?
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit up in bed and start singing 'Livin La Vida Loca'
Asa Emory 🪲
Number one prepared king™️
I'm not saying he may or may not, kinda sorta perhaps placed cameras around your living situation before you two even began dating. But yeah he did.
So he knows all about the crazy shenanigans you are up to at night.
He reads the books, watching online lectures 👏all👏the👏research. You can bet your sweet ass he knows exactly how to wake you up in case of emergency.
In the same breath, despite how much he does love you, science. Prepare to be studied like a bug under a microscope.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is standing with the refrigerator doors open, telling him how much you love this show.
Norman Bates 🚿
My poor sweet innocent murder bby. He doesn't know what to do.
Yeah, keep you safe, he's got that much down. But at what cost?
The hotel looks like a a daycare center now. Baby proofing everywhere (ask him about getting locked out of the bathroom, it's funny)
Suggested a collar once as a joke, wasn't expecting you to agree. Got flustered. Dropped his cup, maybe got a bone.
Another koala sleeper, so good luck escaping his embrace. Will go as far as following you to the bathroom to make sure you're actually awake.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit down in a fake potted plant in the living room and talk about dinosaurs.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Demiurge - GN SB Reader Sleeps on His Lap
This is a bit short!
I hope that this is something near what you wanted 🐀Rat anon! I did my best! I was a bit preoccupied with other things at the time as well, so I decided to make this a shorter one. —Benny🐰
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Just how in the new world did Demiurge end up in this situation!? He's unworthy of such an amazing honor as this! Unworthy! The poor arch-devil is only a mere speck floating about in the sea of denizens that make up the Tomb of Nazarick... and yet...
.....and yet.....
...his most treasured one has chosen to slumber on top of his legs! It's like a dream come true! They depend on him to be a stable headrest as they sleep! He's so honored!
But, truth be told, Demiurge had lost his usual composure quite some time ago. Hours, really. His normally gray skinned complexion was now stained a deep crimson red, resting upon his bespectacled face. His whole body seemed to tremble lightly as he fought the instinct to move and readjust his position. Steam was practically shooting from his ears .
"C‐could I bring myself to be so vain..."
The arch-devil mutters to himself; holding a trembling hand just above the soft looking lochs of hair that sprouted from his most cherished one's head.
Just when his fingers are about to graze the snoozing supreme being's head; they stir and shift in his lap and turn their head to face him; grabbing his wrist and trapping his hand palm side up underneath their face. Demiurge's eyes widen as he felt the softness of their cheek. He could feel his face get about 20° warmer than it already had been.
He could feel his breathing rapidly pick up in panic, it was to the point that he was huffing and puffing like a spooked animal. He was touching them without their consent! How would he ever gain the confidence to show himself in their presence once they had awoken! But now... he couldn't move his hand without risk of waking them.
"How have I found myself on the cusp of such a difficult decision..."
Demiurge whispered to himself as he wracked his brain for a fitting solution to such a bizarre situation.
On one hand he could gently lift you from his lap and allow them to properly continue resting on one of the many plush pillows that decorated their bed. But then there's a possibility that he may wake them up or go against their potential unspoken wish to stay in the position they fell asleep in; head on his lap and all.
But, on the other hand, he is still a floor guardian and he has his own responsibilities and duties that come with that title that must be attended to at some point. In addition to that, Demiurge has no business encroaching on such a sacred place as his most cherished one's bedroom in the first place. But if he doesn't stay in place he might risk disappointing them.
"Mmnh.... Demi...urge..."
The slumbering sepreme being slurred with a goofy smile on their face, drool staining his red suit pants.
It seems Nazarick's strategist....
C R I T I C A L H I T ! ! !
...was found incapacitated by unknown means.
In the end, it seems Demiurge didn't have to make such a hard decision after all due to losing consciousness. His brain simply couldn't keep up with how hard it was working to subconsciously keep him from flipping out. His steaming 'corpse' was later discovered by Mare after he hadn't shown up to a summons from Ainz.
Mare reported that Demiurge was hunched over in a squatting position in his room, mumbling something about 'dreaming of me, they were dreaming of me, so honored, I'm so honored' and he also didn't seem to react to outside stimuli of any kind for a good few days.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
Hey, hey, @tmntbestsibscompetiton here! We don’t currently have a description or picture for your entry into the competition yet! You don’t have to send one in, but if you’d like to, just answer this, or tag us so we can make sure it’s ready for when the competition begins! Thank you so much for joining, and good luck. 
falls down stairs IM HERE IM HERE SORRY IM SO LATE
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in which Master Splinter is a wise and silly old tortoise, and father of four skittering, chaotic, ninja rat children. <3
(inspired by that one background moment of the 03 series! 🐢🐀🐀🐀🐀)
there will be lots of similar plot points as the 03 series (like 'tales of leo' and 'good genes' etc etc) but there are also a lot of fundamental changes in the foundation of things too — like the guardians and ninja tribunal and the hamato family line etc etc. content wise tbh its probably mostly just gonna be snapshots of random moments throughout the boys lives, but i do kinda have some plot concepts? so we'll see 👀
(embarrassingly long) introduction under the cut if u'd like to read!
Years ago, Oroku Saki defeated Hamato Tang Shen in battle, and finally brought an end to the family that would deny him his power. He ordered her homestead be razed to the ground, and all mystic artifacts to be delivered to him. Particularly, the Hamato’s prized pet tortoise, which was rumored to be itself a conduit for the family’s legendary mystic abilities. With the creature in his possession, along with the new rapid-enhancement chemical he commissioned from laboratory familiar with mystic properties in New York — at last, he would be granted his godhood, and guarantee the legacy of his fathers clan. The Hamatos could deny him no longer. He had won.
Or he would have, had the fools at the lab not ruined everything, the precious mutagen spilling all over the tortoises crate and the fool handlers who carried it. The contaminated men morphed into horrific, animalistic monsters, attacking the scientists and wrecking the laboratory itself. And, most crucially, in the ensuing madness, the crate which contained the tortoise, his last possible connection to the Hamato’s power, lay shattered, and empty…
Meanwhile, Hamato “Splinter” Yoshi, who until this point had quite enjoyed his extended existence as a simple tortoise and family pet, found himself fleeing the eyes and hands of the man who killed his human family, and the lab that granted him this new shift in consciousness, to instead face the terrifying chaos of the streets and alleys of NYC. His transformation into something more bipedal had hurt considerably and left him aching and disoriented, but still he could not pause. He could not falter. Not until he found somewhere safe to hide himself and the four squirming, impossibly small rat-pups in his arms. He hoped the chemical that washed over them had not warped and hurt their young bones as it had his own. He hoped he could find somewhere safe to care for them. He hoped they could survive the night without their mother. He hoped, he prayed he could protect these precious, squeaking, peach-fuzzed ruminants of his family. He did not think he could survive any more loss.
For now, he would do what he could, and slip into the shadows of this city. Having lived so long among ninjas had its benefits there, at least.
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lm-tomatito · 4 months
Omg... magical girl rats 🐀 ✨️
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This counts, right? :')
I was planning to draw a magical hedgies au but I really wanted to work on the designs first lol so I went with this instead. Amy was probably fangirling about one of her favorite shows and he just thought the protagonist was really cool (maybe relating to her a lot?) I might do more magical girl rats in the future, I'm not sure but I really like that sort of stuff✨
Also, the idea of my ship as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask is still running wild in my head, I want to draw that so bad 😭
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ghoulettalie · 3 months
(This is gonna be really random things I have on my mind lol)
BUT HE DIDNT - HE IS NOW FATHER IMPERATOR AND HE HAS A TWIN??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally GAGGED.
Frater Copia my beloved he’s gonna run the clergy so well mwah mwah my baby is all grown up🥺🐀
There’s a part of me that thinks the twin is Terzo LMAOOO I know that’s like impossible and silly but I’m delusional and I miss Terzo
Speaking of Terzo I thought they’d show the ghosts of primo, secondo and Terzo but I guess not :(
If you have ghosts performance…Screaming.
The creepy twins from before are dead??!! I wonder what happened?
They have a new remodelled ministry! I hope we see more of it in future Chapters…More in depth scenes to come?!?!
Papa Nihil farting in the box I can’t 💀
Speaking of Nihil - him acknowledging that he’s Copia’s father and Copia calling him dad…. 😭🥺
“Congratulations you just became a father” SEESTOR ATE THAT.
Copia crying literally almost made me tear up can I hug him please 😭
at the time I didn’t think this but I guess he was hallucinating that
And then seestor died so 😅
RIP SEESTOR - you absolute queen even tho u were complicit in the deaths of Terzo and Secondo and Primo…. But you let Copia live so I forgive you a little bit
Just anytime Rain/Dewdrop were on screen I was SAT.
They live in my mind rent free
The fact that the concert was good quality as well like yes let me thirst over the ghouls yum 😵‍💫🫡🛐
Okay I think this is all but let me know your thoughts and/or theories!!
Btw my inbox is open!
Oh and me and my ghestie brought a fake rat we named Ratalie (see post here) 🐀 We couldn’t NOT bring her like we did this for Copia✨❤️
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sugaringjungwoo · 2 years
Five Minutes...
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FemaleReader! x SneakyLink! Haechan
Word Count: 3,157k
Genre: Smut
Author: Miss Rat 🐀
Summary: You invite Haechan over for one of your regularly scheduled hookups. But once he finds a vibrator in your drawers, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Upon finding the object, Haechan decides to offer up a bet. Never one to miss out on some good competition, you reluctantly accept his wager. 
Tags: Haechan x reader, sneaky link Haechan, both reader and Haechan are a little bratty, competition, masturbation, voyeurism, dirty talk, slight degradation, masturbation (male and female), oral sex (female receiving). 
Warnings: Smut 18+, Minors DNI, very slight degradation kink.
Authors Note (Miss Rat ): Hi everyone! This is our very first fic. We’re so excited to start this account, and have a lot of great stories we can’t wait to share. We love writing, and are always open to fic/pairing suggestions. Please feel free to hit us up if you want more! xoxoxo Miss Rat 
Nothing pissed you off more than the fact that Haechan always seemed to strut into your room like he owned the place. He’d walk in and busy himself with whatever caught his attention first. Whether it was messing with the jewelry on your dresser or rearranging the books on your shelf, he always busied himself with whatever caught his eye first. Anything to make it seem like you were the last thing on his mind. Despite this, you knew that he would inevitably find himself racing to your house as soon as he got the “You up?” text.
He loved finding the most random thing and criticizing you for it. A sock underneath your bed? He’d tell you next time you should think about cleaning up the place a little before inviting over a guest. A water cup on your night stand? You should really think about doing the dishes.
All of this was enough to push your buttons, but it was Haechan after all. You two were always like this. You’d find something equally annoying about him, and point it out. Until eventually you both got tired of the snide remarks, and the soft touch of his lips would take away almost everything about him that you found annoying.
Neither of you wanted to admit how much you enjoyed hooking up with each other. At first, it was all about the chase. Haechan wanted you, but you didn’t want him. A few months later, you wanted him, but he didn’t seem to want you anymore. Finally, perhaps by fate, one drunken night sealed the deal.
He made it seem like you were one of many booty calls, but given how much he was over, you doubted that. He always acted like he was busy every night, but told you that maybe he would be able to stop by. But there wasn’t a single time that he wouldn’t, so eventually you called him on his bluff.
“Come over if you want”
“I’m busy”
“Fine, I can take care of it myself”
Haechan left you on read. That would scare most, but you weren’t faint hearted when it came to him. You knew he wanted you, that he couldn’t say no.
You figured he must have known how hooked on you he was, and that’s why he still pretended that he was standing in your room for any reason but what was completely obvious to both of you.
This time, he must have decided that he had already hit every corner of your room. Because eventually, he started rummaging through your dresser drawers.
“Um, excuse me?” You said annoyedly as you sat on your bed. You leaned back against your elbows, hoping to give him a scenic view of your perked nipples through your white tank top. He didn’t notice though, he was too occupied with his most recent discovery.
“Found it” Haechan grinned mischievously as he held up an expensive looking purple vibrator.
“Yeah Haechan, I have a vibrator. Most women do?” You rolled your eyes, ready to hurry this whole charade along. You were much more impatient than you usually were. Normally, you loved poking his buttons, and secretly loved when he did the same to you. It was pretty much foreplay at this point. But right now you were horny, and you wanted Haechan to quit playing around and put his mouth where you needed it most.
“Is this why you said you didn’t need me tonight” Haechan raised his eyebrows as he inspected the purple object, still refusing to make eye contact with you.
“I spent good money on it, of course I don’t need you,”
Haechan gave you a wicked smile, and flattened his palm. Nonchalantly, he slapped the vibrator against his open hand.
“Hey!” You screamed, jumping off the bed to rip it from his hands, “I told you, that’s expensive”
“I’m free though baby,” Haechan cooed as he walked backwards, keeping the vibrator just out of your reach.
You rolled your eyes for probably the tenth time tonight, and said “But a vibrator doesn’t talk back to me, it’s worth the extra cost”
Haechan gave you a look, and you knew he was immediately calling your bluff. “Lay down,” He commanded as he grinned.
You sat on your bed and crossed both your arms and legs in some weak attempt to block your body from his gaze. But his stare burned right through you. His eyes were relentless, you could tell every shift of his gaze was spent undressing you. He twirled the vibrator in his fingers as he sauntered over.
When he approached you at your bed, he kneeled down so that your clothed pussy was eye level with his mouth. “Finally” you thought to yourself, ready to move this along.
He placed one hand on each side of you, uncrossing your hands from your chest to the side of your legs. “I want you to use it, since you love it so much.”
You scoffed, “If I was just gonna rub one out, then I wouldn’t have invited you over”
“But I wanna watch” Haechan tilted his head to the side passive aggressively and smiled.
You sighed deeply, “Haechan, just fuck me already. I’m tired of playing around,”
Haechan nodded, and placed the purple vibrator on your bedside table.
You smiled knowing you were victorious with your words. That was until he whispered, “Beg for it?”
You shook your head in surprise. “What?”
“Beg. For. It.” Haechan said snarkily.
“I…” You continued, still a little confused. Sure, you and Haechan played around and pretended like you didn’t want to fuck each other. But you were never able to keep your hands away for long. The feeling was always mutual. You both would decide you’d had your fun for long enough, and the sexual tension would grow so, that neither of you would be able to hold back. But now for some reason, Haechan wasn’t finished playing this game. He had one goal, and one goal only. Proving to both you and himself that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
When you stuttered, Haechan leaned forward and whispered into your ear again,
“I want you…” He said as he pointed a finger at your chest, “To beg for me,” when he said that he moved his finger to point towards his erection straining in his pants. You were so preoccupied with his words, you didn’t even notice just how hard his length had become in his gray sweatpants. You could feel your mouth begin to water at the sight, and your core twitched in anticipation. Haechan was drawing things out far longer than they needed to be, and the effect on your body was already taking its toll.
Your silence must have been a definitive answer for him. Haechan nodded his head, and grabbed your vibrator off the nightstand again. “If you don’t want to beg, then here you go” he said as he held it out towards you.
With a half hearted smile, you snatched it out of his hand. “Fine. I’ll finish the job myself”
Haechan looked a little shocked, probably because you knew he didn’t actually think you would choose a silicone object over him. But he quickly brushed it off, ready to launch his next attack.
You laid back on your bed and got yourself comfy on your pillows. Haechan moved from the floor so that he was sitting next to you on the mattress. You began taking your sweatpants off slowly, refusing to make eye contact as you did.
Your sheer red underwear left little to the imagination. Whenever you asked Haechan to come over, you always made sure you were wearing your comfiest sweats. You wanted it to look like you couldn’t care less whether or not he was here. That you weren’t actually spending half an hour scrubbing your skin raw and lathering it with lotion before he came over. You never wore a bra, that was a given. But the underwear? You always made sure to put on something he would like.
And it was working, the man was practically drooling when he saw your clothed pussy. The wet spot on your underwear had his mouth going dry, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you even if he tried.
Just to be extra annoying, you kept your top and underwear on. You lowered your vibrator closer to your center at an achingly slow pace, just to keep him on his toes a little. Before you could give yourself the satisfaction of reaching your folds, Haechan grabbed your wrist.
“Give in already?” You smirked as you placed the vibrator at your side and used your arms to lean forward in a sitting position.
Haechan shook his head and lightly pushed your chest back down so that you returned to your lying position. He picked up the vibrator, and pointed it at you. “I want you to use this on yourself, and try to keep from cumming for five minutes. If you can manage to do that, then I’ll fill you up like the good little slut I know you are”.
You had to hold back a laugh, “What? You want me to edge myself?”
Haechan nodded. “And here, I’ll help you start”
Your breath hitched uncontrollably when you felt his hands pull down your lacey underwear by the corners. When he had undressed your lower half fully, he slowly leaned forward. Just close enough that you could feel his warm breath against your now naked skin.
His hands gripped your thighs, and you couldn’t help but spread them graciously for him. He collected a pool of saliva in his mouth, and spit it out onto your now aching pussy. The feeling of the cold drool against your heated core had you rolling your head back and curling your toes.
You took a few moments to collect your thoughts, and ripped the vibrator out of Haechan’s hands aggressively.
“Five minutes” Haechan reminded you.
“Fine” You responded quietly. You decided you would just let your mind wander so you could purposely keep yourself from orgasming. You were horny, and sure, you wanted to cum. But you didn’t want to give Haechan the satisfaction of thinking he was winning. You could wait out five minutes, and he would probably get bored after a few moments anyways.
You started flipping through the settings, trying to land on your favorite one. But when Haechan ripped it from your hands again, you fought every urge to take it back and smack him in the face.
“I chose the speed” Haechan ordered as he began pressing on random buttons, trying to figure out which one was best suited for his mood. When he finally found one he liked, he nodded proudly and handed it back to you.
You rolled your eyes again, and attempted to make yourself comfortable one final time while you prepared yourself. You gritted your teeth as you pressed the object against your folds. The vibrations began traveling through your body, and the thought of Haechan’s eyes watching you while you pleasured yourself made you a lot hornier than expected. When you felt your legs begin to shake already, you squinted your eyes shut and turned your head towards the wall. You decided to empty your brain of anything that made you horny.
“What’s the quadratic formula again?” You thought to yourself, “X equals negative B…plus or minus square root…”
“I want you to look at me” You heard a low voice. Haechan grabbed your chin, and moved it so that you were facing him again. Hesitantly you opened your eyes, and when you saw Haechan’s cock in his hands, you had to hold back a curse.
Then you felt it again. That familiar pleasure that always betrayed you, no matter how hard you tried to shut it down. You jerked your pussy forward in response, and tried to focus on anything that wasn’t Haechan’s erect length.
So you decided to look him straight in the eyes, as if that might intimidate him a little bit. But fuck, it was almost worse. His eyes were half closed with pleasure, and his wet lips were parted softly. His long hair fell angelically on his cheekbones, and you had to fight back the urge to attack his lips with your own.
“Why don’t you change to another speed,” Haechan raised his eyebrow, his hand still stroking his cock.
Maybe changing to a different speed would keep you from going over the edge, so you decided to follow his orders reluctantly.
But this next speed did little to keep your orgasm from creeping up on you. The three short buzzes followed by a long fourth one was one of your favorites for a reason after all. When you heard Haechan spit into his hand again and rub it across his length, you couldn’t help but jerk your hips forward, rubbing your pussy against the vibrator in desperation for more friction.
You closed your eyes again, this time without being able to help it. Fuck, your whole body felt like it was on fire, had it been five minutes yet?
“You have three minutes left,” Haechan said as he looked at his watch, “Think you’re gonna make it?”
You gritted your teeth and nodded. Haechan smiled and placed both of his hands on your knees, pulling your legs further apart to get a better view of your glistening pussy. He moaned softly again, and you had to take several deep breaths in a row to keep yourself from going insane.
While you were basically fighting for your life, Haechan looked like he was the most comfortable man in the world. He moved himself in between your legs and laid on his stomach, using his elbows to support himself as he positioned his face directly in front of your open pussy. You felt so vulnerable. He was right there, only inches away from where you wanted him. He stared intently at you, licking his lips when he saw you squirm. It felt degrading having him stare at you while you did everything in your power to keep yourself from cumming, but you couldn’t lie to yourself. You loved every second of it.
“What are you thinking about right now?” Haechan asked curiously.
When you didn’t answer, he said “Are you thinking about my fingers? How good they would feel curled up inside of you right now?”
You bit your lip and closed your eyes again.
“Are you thinking about my mouth? How good it feels when I swirl my tongue over your clit?”
Haechan always loved dirty talk. But usually it was along the lines of “You’re taking my cock so good right now” or “I’m going to fuck you so good”
But now he was being incredibly descriptive, even for him. And you were eating up every second of it.
You couldn’t help but let your mind linger to the thought of his wet mouth against your pussy. The image alone had you letting out the moan you had been trying so hard to contain.
“That’s it baby, it feels good. Doesn’t it?” Haechan cooed. His hands found their way to your hips, and you used your free hand to grip him tightly.
“Yes…yes” You moaned out softly.
“You know how good I’m gonna fuck you after this, right baby? I’ll make you cum again, and again. And again”
You let out another moan, feeling yourself almost reach that peak of sweet relief.
“Are you about to cum for me?”
You nodded, and finally found the courage to open your eyes. You stared directly at Haechan, his bright eyes burning right through your skin.
And then. It stopped.
“FUCK” You screamed out, throwing the vibrator angrily across the room. You should have charged it last night, but you figured you’d invite Haechan over and wouldn’t need it anyways.
“Times not up yet baby” Haechan reminded you.
“It’s dead! What do you want me to do?” You screamed out frustratedly.
“Use your fingers” Haechan shrugged, still acting casual about the whole thing. Having your orgasm yanked away from you pissed you off, but seeing that Haechan was amused with himself and this whole situation made you even more angry.
But you were so fucking horny right now. You desperately rubbed your fingers against your clit, trying your best to replace the lost sensation of the vibrations.
“Fuck” You moaned out. You realized how pathetic you must have looked right now. Hysterically rubbing one out while you chased your orgasm.
“You're almost there baby” Haechan reminded you.
Thankfully, his encouragement was all you needed to finally push yourself over the edge.
Right before you were about to hit your peak, you felt Haechan’s wet lips suck against your clit. You finally felt the sensation you had been waiting for all night. Haechan licked at your folds furiously, and plunged two fingers deep inside of you before you could even register what was happening. You moaned out one final time as you felt the unbeatable sensation of your walls tightening and your legs shaking.
After you finished riding out your high, you looked at Haechan with glazed eyes. He wiped your release off of his face and smiled proudly.
Still wanting more, you grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him closer to you. The clashing of lips left you breathlessly moaning his name. Greedily, you bit his lips, signaling that even after your orgasm, you still needed more of him.
But when Haechan looked at his watch, you scowled.
He shook his head and made a tsking noise. “I’m sorry baby, but you only made it four minutes and fifteen seconds. We agreed on five minutes, didn’t we”
You were speechless. “Haechan, seriously?”
“Unless you want to beg-”
You pushed him over onto his back, and began grinding your still wet pussy all over his cock.
“Haechan, don’t you see how much I want you?” You cooed against his ear. You could feel his cock twitch against your folds, and knew he was doing everything in his power to hold himself back from launching into right then and there.
“Actions speak louder than words” He smiled as he grabbed your hair. When he pulled it harder and you felt the sensation of nails against your scalp, you moaned again.
“Please…” You muttered softly.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me Haechan…” You moaned louder this time.
For someone who spent so much time trying to always one up the man, there was surprisingly little shame in your voice. You were secretly satisfied with everything Haechan was doing. How he was holding himself back for this long just to hear you utter the words that would send him over the edge.
Haechan smiled deviously as he smacked your ass, “Be a good girl and bend over for me, will you?”
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed ;) Our masterlist is a work in progress so keep an eye out for new things coming soon! XOXOXO Miss Rat
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ramblingoak · 2 years
Them Rats
Copia x Reader - Copia makes a special dinner to celebrate the birthday of one of his rats.
Warnings: none, unless Copia dancing and singing in the kitchen while being a Domestic Rat Dad bothers you, sfw, 980 words
Thank you @tasty-ribz​  for the amazing art, it inspired me to finish 💙🐀
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You heard the singing before you even opened the door.
A soft smile grew on your face and the stress from the day melted away.  Well, most of it.  You were still planning on bribing one of Copia’s ghouls to throw Cardinal Alero down the stairs (Sunshine would do it for a few bags of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos).  
You had been dealing with the arrogant idiot all day, prepping for an event to welcome the new initiates.  Alero wasn’t happy with any of your ideas or your Latin translations.  And he really wasn’t happy when you told him you needed to leave for a dinner date.  He ended up keeping you an hour longer than you had planned.  
Hopefully you weren’t too late, Copia had been practically vibrating with excitement the last few days.  You’d seen the doodle of a rat in a party hat on his calendar all month and you figured today was special.  It wasn’t his birthday so it must be the birthday of one of his rats.  You opened the door and you were instantly hit with the delicious aroma of homemade pasta.
The sight of him wobbling his ass in the kitchen was even better though.
He was singing so loudly he hadn’t heard you come in yet so you took off your shoes as quietly as possible and started to tiptoe towards him.  There were a few pots and pans on the stove that he was fiddling with and you saw the remains of dough making on the counter.  Copia was also sporting two perfect flour handprints on his ass despite him wearing his ‘Kiss Your Italian Cook’ apron.
You were about to call out to him but a small face looking up at you from the kitchen table caught your attention.  Little Ravioli was sitting politely next to a small plate full of equally small raviolis, happily munching on one.  You smiled down at the little guy but opened your mouth to scold Copia about having rats on the kitchen table again when he finally swung around while growling out ‘them rats’.
“Ah, dolce!  Finally free from Alero’s clutches, eh?”  Copia walked up to you and brought his hands to your cheeks, lightly rubbing his thumbs across them before giving you a sweet kiss.  “Did you kill him yet?”
You laughed and grabbed his apron to pull him in for another few kisses, he tasted like spinach though so you wrinkled your nose.  “Alero lives, but I have plans to change that.”  He smiled at you and leaned in to kiss the tip of your nose, then used the sleeve of his red hoodie to rub against your cheeks, dusting off the flour his hands had left.  You pouted when he pulled away and rested your hands on his chest.  “I’m sorry though, he kept me too late.”
“No-no amore, you’re not too late!”  He took your hands and led you to your usual chair at the small table.  A kiss was pressed into your hair as he filled your glass with wine.  “Actually today is Ravioli’s birthday so he got a little snack too.”
“I know Copia, you’ve had it marked on the calendar for ages.”  You smiled at his blushing cheeks and he just shrugged shyly and turned to go back to the stove.  Little ravioli had climbed onto his plate at this point, sitting amongst his treats.  Another one was in his hands and you could see some green smeared on his face, spinach was one of his favorites.
You turned to watch Copia untie his apron and then grab two plates full of steaming pasta.  “Don’t worry amore, I’m saving you from the spinach.  These are full of cheese for il mio adorabile topo.”  You raised your eyebrow at the nickname, watching as he set the plate down in front of you and then placed the other before his own seat.  Copia turned and grabbed a small shot glass with what looked like wine in it and then finally sat down across from you.  The glass was put onto Ravioli’s plate and you watched as he dropped what he was eating and then shoved his face in the glass to lap at the red liquid.
“Copia…can rats have wine?”
“Oh no, amore, no.  Cranberry juice, I got some for him today.”  You watched as Copia doted on his rat some more, rubbing the top of his head and then holding out another ravioli for him.  The rat took it and then plopped down again to continue munching away.  Your heart was just overflowing with love for the man in front of you…even if he did let his rats onto the table.
You watched as the reigning Papa cooed at his rat in Italian and then started singing softly again, more from ‘Rats’, of course.  His beautiful voice got louder as he got more into it and even little Ravioli had stopped eating and was watching him.  Copia booped Ravioli on the nose as he growled out the chorus and you knew you wanted to join in at the best part.  You started tapping your foot on the floor and then banging your head a little bit as Copia got further into the song. He reached over to nudge Ravioli’s round belly, growling out ‘them rats’ once more and you jumped up from your seat to join in:
“Ah whoah!”  
Copia turned and gave you the most beautiful, dorkiest smile you’d ever seen and then continued through the chorus while you kept up with your part.  He scooped up Ravioli and then got out of his seat to start dancing around, wobbling his flour covered ass once more.  You moved closer to start dancing with them, but not before putting your hands in the flour still on the counter.
Your Papa needed a few more handprints on his ass.
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For a continued look into my Domestic Rat Dad Copia agenda please read Pancake Breakfast
If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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first-class-feral · 21 days
rat king
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Back on my bullshit 🐀
Another practice piece with a Brad Dourif character (Graveyard Shift exterminator Tucker Cleveland) by way of classical art (Perseus with the Head of Medusa, yeah I know, but it's still kind of a hot statue).
I love his look so much in this movie, and especially this saucy little pirouette he does in Warwick's office.
The leaning pose brings out an androgyny in the character that I find maddeningly attractive. The hair, the loose collar, the play of light on the dangly earring — all highlight the slender lines of his neck, and the pretty divot at the bottom, picked out by the backlighting. The character's chewing tobacco habit shapes his mouth in a distinctive way that, with those downcast eyelashes, make me wish I were Warwick sitting on that desk. (At least, until the spitting...)
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Sweet Jesus, get the spray bottle.
Previously in this series: X-Files x Saint Sebastian and Spontaneous Combustion x Hot Satan! I've made some updates, so maybe they'll all return together soon.
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wosieposiecozy · 2 months
Finally got the balls to post this
Candybats rambles and HC and individual stuff. Turning these freaks into OCs fr
🦇🎀 Rambles under the cut bc talk of mental health, also note pink text is for things that are more personal to me/ based off my life. I project onto these freaks a whole lot, especially streber! The pink text range from silly to not so silly 🎀🦇
-kevin is a nerd/freak, no way he's friends with Radford and isn't a nerd, bro def has a fixation on sonic the hedgehog but only owns 06 (he borrows other games from rad)
- streber is not an engineer but a theater prop maker, he enjoys the stage and probably was in a robotics club in college but engineering/ robotics was not something he wanted to go into directly. He dose prop commissions and is a teacher assistant at an elementary school.
-streber is great at math and calculations, but my boy can't read/spell well.
- streber likes to fidget with Kevin's hands
-kevin likes to just flop on top of streber. Streber likes the pressure. Kevin's like a cold weighted blanket, and streber is a heating pad.
- streber struggles with depression, it's been a year since Bob and while he's doing better, he struggles with not feeling anything sometimes, he's nervous on how his response to his trauma isn't like others. He kinda pretends it didn't happen and continues on, and only really thinks about it when he's alone at night. (Based on my own experiences with grieving a lost one)
- streber has mixed feelings about people who survived Bob, he never blamed them but he's just is extremely upset he couldn't get the same treatment from that monster. He stopped going to support groups and just dose 1 on 1 therapy.
- streber lived with his parents for a while after getting out of the hospital (the rats stayed with Leon 💪) , and kinda just wanted to rot in his bed, but eventually went to some sort of support. Mainly because of fears of going to the mental hospital (yes, again,based on irl experiences)
-streber refused to talk to news outlets regarding the incident.
- he fluctuates wanting to get a prosthetic arm to not wanting to.
-kevin is on depression and anxiety meds. (Literally hc he has the same as me, bro take them everyday or else bad shit happens!!! )
- Kevin doesn't talk about work when he's not at work, it makes him pissed, mainly because the most interesting thing is skid & pump, police, teens stealing, or killers/demons
- Kevin hates work and dose experience fear of "god, what I'm if I go into day and I die" but the anxiety of having to get a new job and change his norm over powers his fear of death.
- streber bites Kevin, like just a stress and comfort thing, Kevin is okay with it. Streber kinda bites his arm sometimes
- streber and Kevin rent out apartments, they don't live together.
-streber loves his rat children. We got Socrates🐀, motor oil🐀, and Mr. Girl🐀!!
- Kevin had a love at first sight kinda thing but didn't act on his feelings, mainly because he likes to get to know people first before asking them out and bc work has him in a choke hold.
- Kevin would like a pet cat but.... Work 😔
- they met because of Radford 💪 the real hero of spooky month's 18-30 year olds 🫡.
- streber became pretty good friends with Kevin at first then he fell for him, bro just loves cringe fail men (and women). Kevin was beefing with children, no way your gonna find a better boy failure /silly
- streber disassociates during slasher films. He still loves horror and Halloween as it was his comfort growing up, but Bob left a stain that will forever haunt him.
-streber's favorite horror movies are silent & psychological horror.
- Kevin isn't a huge fan of horror movies but he appreciates "Dave made a maze" & probably "Willard", he's like " Dave just like me fr!!!" (Go watch the movie, it free on Tubi 😎)
- both can't drive, streber takes the bus, Kevin takes his bike.
-I like to think they're both touch starved.
-kevin likes physical affection and wants to give it to streber but kinda forgets how to
-streber is very big on physical affection but isn't use to it
- freak 4 freak
-insert Kevin is a fan of young Sheldon here-
🎀🦇 Oki rambles over 🦇🎀
If you liked it, that's kinda epic
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crepusculum-rattus · 5 months
started working on ender’s horns and actually i think ive made this harder than necessary.. i should try doing this Another way
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🐀Junkrat (OW I & II) x (gn) Reader💣
(Confession Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Been wanting to write for him for a while now and I wanted to start up the writing process while the skillet was still hot, hope I convey Junkrat well!)
- Alright, this guy, it would take a bit for the junker to even realize his feelings for you are romantic, let’s all be honest with ourselves.
- Whenever he’s near you and feels fuzzy he just thinks it’s the after-effects of the excitement he has when he uses his bombs and makes people fly.
- He can’t differentiate those kinds of feelings, the difference between platonic and romantic is something that passes him by.
- It’s unclear if he even has feelings on top of that, treating you like a good friend that he’s particularly touchy with, which might discourage some.
- You could say something referencing your feelings to him, like complimenting him sincerely only for him to be like, “Thanks, mate! That’s mighty kind of you!” With that goofy ass smile plastered on his face.
- But knowing the people who are into Junkrat (me included), it’s a temporary setback, a momentary loss before you spring back up and try more for this weirdo.
- After all, I think that consistency and being a constant helps a lot, I mean, look at Roadhog— He’s the appointed best friend and pal to Junkrat, always with him. The reason I ascertain is due to Roadhog being a strong, reliable, and constant aspect to Junkrat out in the Outback.
- Roadhog himself is what I believe would be the knife that pops the tension between you and Junkrat, there’s only so much that a pig can handle. Especially when it comes to you trying so blatantly while the rat remains oblivious.
- On one particular day he just gets fed up and grabs him by the tire before he can run into the mission after seeing you interact and fail to get the point across to Junkrat for the umpteenth time. Makes Junkrat look him in the eye and doesn’t sugarcoat anything when he says, “Reader likes you. Fucking moron.”
- Then promptly drops him and starts making his way out of the building to do the mission as Junkrat is left sitting there on the floor, a baffled look on his face before hastily getting up and running after Roadhog, hastily asking what meant by that as his arms flap around manically.
- After that, he is quick to start crafting a “master plan” (as he so proudly calls it) excitably rattling about ideas swirling in his brain as he slaps together a planning board. Roadhog is subject to this rhymeless madness and gives him the nod and thumbs up method.
- He, as anyone might expect from him, wants it to be a grand affair. You are the subject of his affections after all, so naturally you deserve something grand, so, grand it will be.
- His definition of grand is… Odd of course, but do we expect from him? Yeah, and what we expect him to do is what he exactly does. Making it a spectacle that he tries to invite everyone to, unsuccessfully, and he gets talked out of it by Roadhog because of three reasons: One it’s a bad idea if anything goes south and you get something stuck or some shit, two it would take away the surprise and you’d probably find out what he’s trying to do, and third it would be awkward in front of so many people.
- After that hiccup he still wants it to be grand, and include explosives indefinitely, but more tame variations, like glitter (do NOT LET THIS MAN OBTAIN GLITTER) or smoke bombs with pink smoke that leaves stains.
- With the creation and attention he gives this plan it takes from the time he usually spends with you, but he makes up for it.
- After setting everything up, he excitedly drags you by your arm to a secluded area and promptly ignites a wired construction of said bombs all together creating a big fat heart shape on the floor. Then eagerly grabbing you by your shoulders and basically yells at you when he tells he’s all sorts of crazy about you and how he now knows you feel the same, as well as apologize that it took so long for him to realize it.
- Yeah, mouth full, and when you confirm that, yes, you feel the same he’s fighting the urge to bounce on the walls. Opting to hold your hands tightly, jumping and spinning the two of you around as he looks at you with a lovesick smile and gaze.
- At that point forward, you, him, and Roadhog are joint at the hips if you guys weren’t already.
- He’s so giggly about you, that he makes it a bit obvious that you guys are a thing now and it divides people on how they react to it, for example, one-half are relieved that the tension and pining is over or the other half are straight up horrified that the disgusting, gross, vile rat man that is Junkrat was able to get with someone.
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copias-girl · 2 years
The Papas vs Technology Headcanons
Ask and you shall receive! @ivyanddaisies
Prompt here
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Ok Peepaw has no use for social media or technology. He’s still marvelling at his vintage tube tv, because he’s old and he was around before the tv <3 And he’d literally rather send a raven with a message rather than text. You pushed him to give it a shot, and being the sweet elder goth that he is, he gave it the good old college try just for you. Alas, he grew frustrated easily. He kept having to whip out the reading glasses to read what was on the screen, and he couldn’t tell if that vibrating in his pocket was the iPhone or if he was having a seizure. Not to mention, he accidentally activated Siri on several occasions and he thought the spirit of a demon was speaking to him and apparently telling him the weather forecast. The only thing he really found a use for was the gardening stuff on Pinterest, but he has plenty of books in the library for that anyway. And as for nudes? He has a Polaroid camera for that. Our sweet old man much prefers the feeling of answering calls on his candlestick phone, and he’ll gladly leave the selfie-taking to you ♥︎
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Alright, Mr. Worldwide tries to be hip and cool, so he definitely owns the latest iPhone. However, he’s had to replace it several times because when he gets frustrated, that thing goes flying across the room. He tried to use the voice dictation one time and his entire text came out hilariously wrong so he threw his phone out of one of the ministry windows. He texts with one finger like an old man, never uses emojis (he calls them hieroglyphics), and he keeps telling you that he wants to “duck your brains out”. He genuinely tries to take selfies, and that can be hit or miss. Sometimes it’s a typical old man selfie where you can see all the way up his nose, but he did execute this fantastic shirtless selfie one time,,, Bone Daddy starts an Instagram where he makes a few adorably lame posts trying to be edgy and dark. But he mainly uses that to post selfies (ones you’ve taken of the both of you) to show you off. He loves when you send him dirty pictures and he’s also found that FaceTime is perfect for some,,, fun activities 👀
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Oh my god, the biggest social media whore. He’s only two months younger than Secondo, but he’s somehow overcome his oldness and mastered the art of the iPhone. He has an Instagram, where he posts pictures of the two of you on dates or in bed together covered in rose petals and lip prints. Dude even has Snapchat, where he updates his story with some chaotic videos every now and then. He can text with his thumbs, but he does make some really hilarious typos which are exceptionally frustrating when he’s trying to sext with you (this man demands nudes from you constantly). He actually knows what most emojis mean- he will literally text you the eggplant emoji next to everything 🍆- and only has to ask for your help to decipher some of them. He rubs it in his brothers’ faces as much as he can, calling them old men because they don’t know how to use tech as well as he does. And Secondo finds his use of emojis really irritating because he has no idea what the fuck ‘🤪😝🙃🫠🥴🙄🥸💀’ means
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Oh, Copia. Sweet pitiful Copia. He tries, he really does, but this man has no idea how to use emojis. He types with one finger, makes plenty of typos, and always uses the rat emoji for no apparent reason. Also, he disperses emojis into sentences so his texts always read like this:
Ciao 👋🏻🐀 bella 😚 I am going 🔜 to feed 🧀 my rats 🐀 want to come 😀 with me?🤝🏻
He’s such a dork and you never ever correct him because it’s just too charming. His selfies are often painfully awkward, because he thinks that just staring dead-eyed into the camera and snapping the picture constitutes as a selfie. And he’ll post those on Insta too, sometimes with captions that he got off Pinterest. Or sometimes the captions will be about rats for literally no reason. However, he does make awfully sweet posts about you that have your heart melting when you read them. This sweet man LOVES when you send him naughty pictures and rile him up via text. It gives him a thrill and makes him feel so special. Copia also surprisingly uses Pinterest occasionally, because he finds it relaxing. He’s such a gentle soul, and he enjoys saving things about pet rats, aesthetic things that he’d like to show you later, or even some recipes that the two of you could cook together. However, he doesn’t use Pinterest correctly. He doesn’t pin things, he just screenshots them (because you taught him how to take a screenshot). So even though he isn’t the most religious social media user or the best at working technology, he tries and has a good time ♥︎
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rollingcrown · 1 month
Replaying Demonheart: The Cursed Trial, Chapter 1
Today I disguised myself as a player and tried to imagine I was playing the Cursed Trial for the first time.
Sharing screenshots and some comments...
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Strong woman Aeryn. I can see why after this introduction, some players were expecting Aeryn to be stronger. But the plot has to plot, at least until the ending gets closer 😶
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"Operate." Vita not being suspicious at all.
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Why did I take so many screenshots of Vita? 🧐
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Added a choice - "No, I haven't." Why were the only choices like "Yes, I have" and being unpleasant? 😅
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Vita roasted by Leona.
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Ah, the irresistible rat daddy finally gets to shine 😂
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Somehow, I found the choices here lacking. The first option was supposed to be the non-rude one. He didn't deserve any better, considering he just tried to punch Ran for no reason, but...
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I still added a "yes, daddy" type of answer. For no reason, other than I know the rat man has his fans. 🥲 Why would we say this? IDK, but we can.
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Ran trying to be dangerous. He's not JUST a puppy!
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One of my weird favorite moments.
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(Inside info: Leona teasing Ran about his crush on Aeryn means she's not in love with him. Also, she's not surprised by his crush, like she already knew.)
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She was so needlessly rude, where did that come from? But it appears Kaisar is totally used to it.
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"Didn't speak much, so that was good." 😭
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The whole game was supposed to be based on this. Seven "companions" + a traitor. Of course, it's just a song, and it's not about them. But it's a nice way to get them paranoid. 😇
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One of the saddest moments in the game 😂🥲😭
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Another one of my favorite weird lines. (I just edited it, it used to say "Let *the* dead dogs lie." I can't seem to decide.)
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If you got this line, you're on the right track 🤣🐀
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Kaisar roasted by Elos. 🔥
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Elos calls Janiya a fury.
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She had to appear with her red feathers to say that.
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I get why he's a bit like Brash 🥲
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It's a wonder someone didn't beat this jerk up sooner. 😳
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Vita, that freak was invited!
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Vita wanting to make me cry. 🥺
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Raze giving a dramatic villain speech be like, "Just so you know, I'm in this game as well!" 😳😳😳
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