#and hey i cant blame them. it's a damn good ship
this scene is so silly ajdjajsja but I can't stop thinking of him saying that to Ash and Ash just grinning.
"... G.arrus, humans usually just say 'you have a nice ass'"
"That's not what I meant! I wasn't even looking there- Well- Actually- Uh... I-I meant, you know.. It's just, well, uh... Oh, come on, Ash! You know I'm new to this!"
And then she bursts out laughing.
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Companions and their mental health statuses?
(Wrote this while listening to a Spotify playlist named "going absolutely fucking apeshit" anyway- I'm gonna split this up by what I think character wise...and then my experiences with these seggsy bitches in game bc boy, it's been wild)
•Sufferer of severe trauma throughout her life.
•Shit just gets worse
•Fights for her life and has a strong love for psycho before a special someone convinced her she is worthy of being loved
•Trust issues out the wazoo..for sadly, good reasons.
•Maybe not the worst on the list, but definitely up there.
In game experience...
•GOD DAMN FALLOUT VERSION OF LYDIA- like seriously? Gtfo the doorway! I'm getting blown up!
•Hates everyone and everything except sole and breaking the law.
•Actually not all that bad...except for secret abandonment issues.
•Usually masks it by burying herself in research.
•As far as these poor bastards go, she's probably one of the most mentally stable- which is scary.
In game experience.....
•Sweet Frenchie with asshole pets.
(I don't travel with her often 🥲)
Pre-Blind Betrayal-
•Confirmed sufferer of PTSD
•Blames himself for the death of several team members.
•Evidence points towards un-talked about alcoholism.
•Seems to be attracted to power armour..
•Not very good but not the worst on this list..
Post-Blind Betrayal-
•Same as above but add on identity crisis times a thousand and two.
•Will literally kill himself (or let you kill him) if you don’t convince him otherwise.
In game experience....
•Fucking goes apeshit, pre or post BB
•Completely unaware of his surroundings unless it has to do with vertibirds flying over head, then it's time for guerrilla warfare. "Fate has decreed that you must die!"- he speaks, drawing a laser rifle.
•Has been caught on multiple instances doing drugs out of the drug vending machine in Nuka World despite clearly being against them.
•Probably one of the more mentally fucked.
•Lost his wife in front of his own eyes in a notably terrible way.
•Escapes his deep seeded pain through his elaborate schemes, justifying it by telling himself it helps his organization.
•Still feels like shit every waking minute.
•Cant really allow himself to get close to anyone because of his experiences.
In game experiences...
•Jumpscare king, mainly because I didn't know he changed outfits THAT often.
•Doesn't like physical affection???  Shit that actually makes sense..
•He's pretty "meh" on the sanity scale. He's ruthless, but he's entirely stable besides his attachment issues.
•Trusts too easy and hates himself for it...also tries to make himself not be that way and for the most part, it works!
•Problematic raider.
In game experience...
•Makes stupid comments at inappropriate times as though he wishes for the enemies to murder us
•Thinks that walking through walls is entirely possible and gets stuck every time I run with him
•The actual worst on this fine list of mentally messed up individuals.
•Self worth is just nonexistent despite being a pretty all around decent guy
•Uses drugs to cover up terrible trauma to the point of putting himself in the greatest danger just short of dying
•Oh yeah, doesn't mind death actually.
•Doesn't feel worthy of anything deep down.
in game experience...
•Shoots sole for stealing shit in the third rail
•Sits for hours
•Lost his wife in a horrific way
•Only has his son, who he is convinced is going to die sooner than later because of something he can't control
•Willing to do everything if it means caps to send to his sick child
•Doesn't really have a place to call his "home"
•Reckless and unforgiving
In game experience...
•Being nice? How dare you speak such ill language.
•Does as good as a boy his age with all of the responsibility possibly could.
•Just imagine- your dad died when you were super young. Your mother shipped your ass away. The people you loved like family died all around you. Now you're stuck in foreign land and have no fucking idea where to begin, only that you have to mobilize these fuckers you're in charge of and remain a good leader...
•Still not good enough? Okay, pile on insomnia, alcoholism, and the thought that you have no one alive that truly loves you as more than just the "elder". Oh, but you eventually got to spit out some kids somehow because you're the last of the great "Maxson" line...
•Also not exactly on the "stable" side..
In game experience...
•Stares intently down the Prydwen command deck with his hands behind his back..for hours.
•Never wants to chat :(
•Long winded and short sighted, bad combo..
•Has to deal with not only demons that technically aren't even his, but after "reunions"- Kellogg's fucked up self haunts him. He keeps it to himself and suffers silently.
•Deals with the pain of knowing there will never be a place where is truly just himself. He's a man trapped inside of a metal cage..and yet he's not even really "that" man, is he?
•One could easily understand how he has some issues too.
In game experience...
•Cigarettes? Yes.
•Oh, Youre in a fight? Seems like a good time to tighten the bolts in my hand right about now...
•Wields a flamer like a champ.
•Surprisingly..has the most sound mental state out of all.
•Is a little obsessive tho
•Has had to adapt to the role of sibling and parent to her younger sister, which isn't easy for anyone.
•Often delves into her work, sort of like curie, to avoid dealing with the pain of her parents no longer being there for her or nat.
In game experience..
•Hey kid, want some Nuka-Cola?
•Mayor McDonough shall die, even if it means execution by the hands of everyone else in Diamond City.
•Has canonically admitted to considering suicide.
•Is holding onto the last threads of hope he has with a fucking death grip.
•Definitely not of the best mental state
In game experience...
•Doesn't know how to properly use furniture.
•Can hear sole coming from a mile away and is already getting the map out for the next settlement
•Emotions? Is that a snack?
•Seriously though, he has been "reset" so many times that sometimes-he doesn't even realize it- he doesn't even know what "he" is. Every aspect of who he is..it should be gone, he's a machine and he knows it...why does he still feel like a person?
•Short story, he hates life. He hates being held captive and being used like a damn hound to hunt down those who were smart enough to run- those of which he envied and didn't even realize he did. Hey, he's just a machine though- it's his job and he knows better than to revolt.
•Violence is the freedom he feel he has. He can kill and track in any way he wants, so long as it is successful and what the Institute deem appropriate. It's horrible, but he doesn't realize it- and at this point he doesn't care. The death of another and the way they die by his hand is just his way of expressing who he is deep down.
In game experience...
•Oi, you don't like the institue? FUCK YOU
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Pranks, Horns, and Tony
Warning: Tickle Fic, birds, spiders, pranking,
Ppl: Loki, Tony, You
Words: 2254
Summary: You and Loki are known fir your pranks, and your both left alone in the compound together whole the avengers are on a mission.
It was another day in the compound, you had been living with the avengers for almost a year now and seemed to get along with the very mischievous God Loki.
You were both quite young- well sorta. If he were a human he'd be a couple years older than you but that's fine, you both got along splendidly.
You would read books together, play pranks together, be on each others sides and he'd always be there for you even if he wouldn't show the other avengers. Though they all knew you both had a special bond, Thor especially knew because whenever he'd take you to asgard or Loki to Earth you'd both have bright smiles and go somewhere to cause havoc.
Thor didn't really mind though, it just meant he'd get to bombard you both with tickles afterwards.
Yesterday Loki and Thor had come to visit again and would be staying for a couple of days. You and Loki caught up a little and read your books whilst keeping each other company. Today is when the true mischief would start, all the avengers would be going out and you and Loki would be left alone in the compound for a couple of hours so you both were planning pranks for the others.
"Alright y/n, we'll be back in a couple of hours. Don't burn down the house while we're gone okay?" Steve teased as he gave you a hug.
"Yes, and Brother, do not cause any havoc." Thor told Loki, only to be answered by a shrug and a smirk.
"Brother I'm the God of Mischief, what more must you expect?"
"Well then when we come back I'll be the God of Tickles, shall I, dear brother?" Thor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Loki's face became a rosie red and crossed his arms whilst rolling his eyes.
You stood next to Loki and smiled at Thor with your hands behind your back, "we'll be good, have fun!" Thor nodded and all the Avengers left the compound for their mission.
Both you and Loki waited for there to be a silence that rang through the compound once everyone would have been gone. After a moment you both smirked and turned to one another.
You brought your hand to your face and showed Loki your intertwined fingers to show your face promise, Loki's smirk increased as he saw it.
"Ready to cause some mischief?" You asked him.
"It's in the name" he replied as you both began to run down the halls yo your first target.
You arrived at Bucky's room and looked around, "So, what's the plan here?" You asked the mischief maker himself. Loki walked around the somewhat messy room and found his way to the bed.
"A magnet, a large one. We'd place it under his bed and once he comes back and gets ready to sleep, in the morning he wouldn't be able to get out of bed!" Loki exclaimed, both of you began the process, both with large smirks on your faces.
Loki used his magic to lift up the mattress and keep it in the air whilst you both grabbed a large magnet from Tony's spare parts and placed it under the mattress bed. Loki then placed the mattress back on and the sheets were already messed to so he surely wouldn't notice?
Yeah, I don't know why Tony had a large ass magnet either, let's move on.
You and Loki both snickers at the idea of the prank and moved on to another victim.
For Sam you both collected a bunch of birds and locked them in his closet- with breathing holes obviously. One had pecked at Loki's hand causing him to curse which made you burst out laughing.
Steve's closet was now filled with a bunch of Rock concert shirts and IronMan shorts to pin the blame on Tony, Tony usually was in prank and tickle ears with Steve anyway so it wasn't that hard to believe he'd done it.
You both didn't dare do anything too crazy to Black Widow, so you both just stole a jacket each. She had incredible taste that woman. Loki stole a green jacket with some sort of fluffy collar and you stole a (f/c) leather jacket.
Clint's prank was the simplest, you both sprayed this fart spray into the vents and it STANK.
You both liked Bruce, well Loki wasn't as much of a fan but you all enjoyed reading so Bruce was safe from your havoc.
Wanda's room was all tidy, it smelt wonderful and honestly was your favourite room so you both decided to just put some spices in her bed to make her sneeze.
Vision's room was safe, only you'd both left a piece of gum next to his table with a note attached saying; 'Try this, Bruce and I were working on it. -Tony Stark'
Thor's room was one of the messier one, but he'd taken Stormbreaker out with him rather than Mjölnir, and by some sort of mirical you had all found out you could actually lift the weapon, so you took it and hid it away in a close vent that smelt of farts.
Turns out Clints prank was the most deadly as the whole place started to stink up making both you and Loki gag, and burst out with laughter.
Peter wasnt actually on the mission, nor was Scott but it was a Friday meaning they'd both be coming over for movie night. Plus Peter would be staying the weekend so why not torture him? Even if they were some of your best friends, they werent safe from the mischief makers.
You came up with the idea of hiding spiderman Peter's room, you were terrified of them though so you made Loki do so.
"Wait so Parker's afraid of Spiders?"
"Yeah, I don't really get it either-"
"Pffft, here you want a spidey y/n?" Loki chuckles whilst taunting, shoving a spider in your face as you screamed and jumped into the wall.
Loki howled with laughter and placed the last spider down. You both left and did the same with Scott's room but rather than spiders you placed all the ants you could find on his bed.
Last but not least Loki lead you to Tony's Lab where he would be working on all his suits and other personal projects. Its not the main lab but it wasnt too far off, just smaller and more personal so that he could work at night or alone.
You both entered while snickering to yourselves, it had been an hour and a half since they'd all left and you both should gave at LEAST 30 minutes. But hoped you'd have an hour. It wouldn't take long anyway.
"So what's the plan?" You asked Loki.
You both saw an IronMan head on his desk and smirked at one another, knowing that would be your target. Maybe jello inside the helmet? Maybe slime? Maybe hiding it? Repainting it?
"Here, I've got these horns that we can lazer on the front" Loki smirked while taking out two golden horns like his own on his head but separated to be put on a helmet.
You didn't really mind it was a mainly Loki thing, it just meant he'd get in trouble and not you for this. You werent per say throwing him under the bus, but you werent gonna bring it to his attention.
You both walked over to get ready to melt a horn on each, Loki grabbed some sort of tool and started the first one. You stood behind him and watched over his shoulder, you admired the small things,about how Loki's greesy hear was tired up into a man bun before he'd started working on it, and how he squinted one eye to concentrate with his tongue sticking out. It made you giggle.
"I'm almost done..." you watched as he'd almost finished it, both of you concentrating hard on the hand ship.
"Oh hey kiddo's"
You both jumped out of your skin, Loki fell off the chair and part of his hair came out, laying on the floor he turned to see who was talking, you on the other hand jumped and slowly turned around with a nervous smile.
The one and only Tony Stark stepped out of his suit, adjusting his watch as he stepped out.
"So, what are you both up to?" he asked, his lips scrunched inwards and his hands on his hips.
Both of you were silent until Loki began getting up and dusting himself off.
"Nothing, we were just about to leave" You noticed something about him, Loki that is. Something seemed different, and rightly so. You glanced behind you to see the real loki grab the helmet but sink down so he couldn't be seen.
"Oh good, I really cant have you both in here, off you go then."
Tony dismissed the two of you and you both left for ths door, and while he wasnt looking Loki diverged into his clone again but now holding the helmet.
Right before the two of you had reached the door, his suit came speeding past and covered the exit.
'Shit' was the only thing you could both think of. Neither of you turned around to see where or what the billionaire was doing, but you heard him.
"Wait a moment, wheres my helmet? Oh and Loki,I think you left something" Loki and you both turned around, Loki with his hands behind his back,obviously hiding something. Tony stood right in front of him,holding the other horn to his face with a wide smirk.
Quickly the suit begins you both snatched up the helmet and yourself as Tony pounced on the God of Mischief, his hands at his sides, wiggling his fingers all over.
Loki yelped and began lightly chuckling at the fingers that were tickling him, trying to step back but only into closed doors. He tried to use his hands to block the attack but Tony was having none of it.
"Sir I have the helmet and y/n, it seems they were moulding the horns onto it." Friday explained.
"Ohhh, so you were doing something? I thought you were the god of mischief? Not the God of lies?" Tony taunted, as he squeezed the puny gods sides, then quickly moved to a death spot, his hips. Squeezing tightly and vibrating his hands and fingertips causing Loku to fall down the wall with laughter.
"NoHoho!!!! Damn it StArarK!!!!" Loki yelled as he tried to force Tony's hands off him. Though he was incredibly weak from the torturous tickles.
It was a usual sight, Thor was usually tickling his younger brother for some reason or another, its what older brothers are fir though right? Loku would become a blushing screaming mess but he'd never learn. Same goes for you though, everyone in the compound knew your little weakness and would use it against toy for anything. Your laughter was just too cute!
As Tony abused Loki's sides and hips, he ordered Friday to put the helmet on the desk and tickle you. You squealed because as much as you enjoyed tickling, you couldn't never stand it when the robots tickled you. It was rare but in cases when Tony needed an extra set of hands, well he got em'.
The suit held you up and began using a vibrating simulation Tony had recently installed on the hands for some reason and placed them on your ribs whilst holding you in the air. And as this tickled you, because it did t seem like enough the suit also used it's big fingersto scrape and squeezed the insides of your armpits.
You kicked and squealed at the top of your lungs, trying to escape. Somehow being held in the air seemed much worse, and the vibrating cause you to laugh harder and harder when random electric bolts went through your skin.
After around 15 minutes Tony had both you and Loki in piles of laughter on the floor, weak and begging. Well you were begging, Loki was threatening.
"Okie Doki horny. First let me do this and I'll let you go."
Tony lifted up Loki's lime green shirt and blew the largest raspberry right above his belly button. An inhuman screech came from Loki as he curled in on himself and howled with laughter from ghostly tickles and squeezes.
"As for you" Tony taunted as he walked over to you, you were not on the floor, twisting and turning to get away from this oncoming attack and the tickles. The suit held your hands above your head as Tony brought up your shirt to reveal your belly button.
Tony looked up at you and smirked, "We all know you love it" and blew right on your belly button. Your laughter went silent and you melted into the floor as both let off.
Tony laughed at you both in giggly messes on the floor.
"I came back early, and the others will be back soon too. So I suggest you both go clean up your messes before you get something worse" Tony suggested as he walked over to his desk to suspect the iron helmet you'd worked on. You and Loki had now recovered- partly- from the attacks and took in what he said.
But it was too late, everyone heard birds chirping and Sam screaming.
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bowtied-pasta · 3 years
Splendor and True
You know what it do 😩👌
“So,” Offender began. “Splendor, huh?”
True sighed. It had been a decent night, and now he wanted to grill her for the juicy stuff. It was supposed to just be movies, snacks and a sleep over at his. She didn’t know what she was expecting, honestly. The man was worse than middle school gossip, he wanted to know everything and he always had a way of finding out. It didn’t help that he could read her mind on occasion either.
“Okay, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it, but I think if anyone could help you, it would be me. Us being the same species and you not knowing much about our courting or the like.” He nudged her side gently, trying to coax her into admitting it.
She rolled her eyes, smiling up at him gently in amusement. Nudging him right back. “Don’t lie to me like that, you’re just nosey.”
He rolled his eyes, in his own way. So much like the way she did, but he didn’t have the organs to show for it. Always something interesting to notice with these men. “Okay, yeah. I want the hot, juicy details about my newest little pals not so little crush. Can you blame me? It’s not too often I get to be involved in a situation like this.”
Wearily watching him smile down at her, she felt rather targeted. “I... well. Fine. I do like him.”
He hardly got any time to have a victory moment at hearing he was right as she began spiraling on. “I like him very much but I can’t tell him because oh my god what if he doesn’t like me and he just tolerates my existence in his home until he can help me figure some stuff out and then he’ll send me on my way to do who knows what because he probably just plans to ship me off to my ancestor when we find him and its not that I’m not open to getting to know them when I find them, but I sure would like to stay with him and-“
She silenced when he placed his large hand on top of her head. “Hey. It’s not like that. I wouldn’t tell you to go after him unless I thought he liked you too. I mean, I like to play but that would be kind of cruel.”
She sighed, nodding as she plopped down onto the couch they were sitting on. She had to hand it to them, wherever these guys got their furniture from, it was always comfortable despite it being larger than what she was used to. Her human proportions making her feel like a child when sitting in any of their homes unless she traveled into proxy dwellings, more human sized accommodations always in those portions. “Yeah, okay... I just. Well, it’s like you said. I don’t understand the courting stuff. I’m afraid he doesn’t like me like that, I mean honestly, why would he want me? I may not be entirely human, but thats what I was raised as. I’m weird and I don’t conform to your norms and ideals. He has standing and a reputation, I offer him nothing that would better that.”
“That’s not what he cares about.” True looked over at him, watching as he shook his head and waved off her apparently ridiculous worries.
“Oh yeah?” She huffed, slightly miffed that he continued to brush off her worries without actually explaining why. “What gives you that idea?”
He appeared to think for a bit, over exaggerating by crossing his arms and humming in thought. She knew he was about to do something she would regret allowing, but he moved on before she could stop it. “Oh, you know, probably has something to do with the fact that he’s said things about you to me already.”
Her head shot up, looking at him incredulously. “He talks about me? Well, I mean I guess he would. I am living in his home.”
Tutting at her, he waggled his finger and smirked in her direction. “No, no. You don’t understand. He talks about you a lot. Oh, how did he word that one thing he said the other day? I think it went something like... ‘Oh! True is just so wonderful! Amazing! I don’t know how I got so lucky, finding her first.’”
She stared at him, frozen in astonishment at what he was doing. His voice had pitched upward, the gravel gone from his deep voice as he mocked the way Splendor’s tenor would sound. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Why ever would I kid about this!?” His hand flew to his chest, acting offended that she would accuse him of such behavior. “I am simply telling you of the time he said things such as ‘I just think she’s very cute, with her glasses and such pretty hair.’”
His voice pitched upward again, mocking Splendor again as his hands interlaced and he held them up to his face like the love sick saps in old cartoons, making her jump to Splendors defense. “Shut up, he doesn’t sound like that!”
He laughed, dismissing her rebuttal gently with a wave of his hand. “Oh yeah? Then what does he sound like, huh?”
“His voice is nice! It’s light and it almost always sounds so happy. Sometimes it makes me smile to hear it, even if it’s not me he’s talking to. And he calls me little nicknames sometimes, which is the only reason I gave him a nickname too, not that he knows that. He’s soft and careful and kind. He’s very patient with me, and it’s not just me either, he’s patient with his proxies too. And when he laughs, oh it’s wonderful, I work so hard to hear him laugh, to get him laughing because of me. And… well, his eyes are pretty. I know, they don’t have any color, but the way his eyes are is kind of like... if I look in them just right, then its like stars in a sky of darkness. I’ve only seen his hands maybe once or twice, and I think he probably hides them because of how scary he thinks they are, but I think they’re wonderful. Holdable. Kissable. They’re very pretty, and I can only assume the color tapers off, which must be wonderful to look at. I hope to one day get a chance to look at it myself. And I really like-“Her eyes widened as she slapped her hand over her mouth, whipping her gaze toward Offender who was looking down at her with a cocky grin.
“Got ya to talk, did I?” He chuckled at her. Patting her head as she processed her little splurge of simpery for Splendor. “You might as well keep going, little buddy. Better yet, write him a letter.”
She exhales heavily, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him. “Not that its any of your damn business, but I actually have. He will never, ever see them though. End of discussion. And now that I’ve divulged my feelings for Splendor at your demand, can we please watch the movie?”
The silence that followed was telling. He wasn’t done. No where close to it, in fact. She fought herself to keep her eyes locked to the screen, watching as a guy on screen jumped off of a cliff and into an ocean. She wasn’t sure where the movie was shot, but the waters were very pretty as they crashed against the rock face. Of course, the scene didn’t last very long, leaving her confused about the fate of the man. Though it seemed she wouldn’t find out what happened at all. No sooner than she had let her guard down had Fen appeared in front of the tv with some papers in his hands, making her jump at his sudden appearance, as she thought he hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch.
“Must you always pop in and out like that? By the way, you make a horrible window. We’re supposed to be watching a movie, remember?” She rolled her eyes before eyeing him closely. Taking a look at the papers in his hands, her eyes popped open wide in recognition. “No.”
His smile was answer enough, but he gave one anyway. “Oh, yes. They were quite easy to find actually.”
Shooting up off the couch, she tried to snatch the papers out of his hands before he could hold them any higher, but it was a losing battle as always with most enderbeings. Hopelessly tall while she was hopelessly short.
“Come on, please? You don’t need to read those, I promise they’re no good. Just the rambling of me at three am every day.” She poked and prodded at him desperately as she begged him to give her the papers back. She didn’t know how he had found them so easily, or even how he teleported to her room without alerting anyone to his presence, but she knew those were the letters to Splendor.
He remained silent as he seemed to skim over three of the letters. He took his sweet time, nudging her away with his leg if she managed to distract him too much, but he never looked away from the papers. She was thankful he wasn’t doing a live reading of it while mocking her voice, but this was still embarrassing regardless.
Finishing up the last letter, he merely folded it back into thirds and slotted it back into its envelope and handing her the whole stack with a large grin on his face. “Now that is what I’m talking about. You should just hand those to him, and while I admit staying still would be the most courageous and correct thing to do, you could always just toss them at him and run. Gets the confession out of the way.”
Indignant and fuming, she hugged the letters to her chest and glared up at Fen. “But I don’t know how he’ll take it. I mean… are the letters really okay? Could I really just give him these and expect it to be okay? What if-“
She gets cut off as he groans, dragging a hand down his face in obvious exasperation. “Honestly, you two are just insufferable. I can’t stand this for much longer. Look okay, if you don’t confess then I’ll act as your little birdy and let a certain someone know that a special someone loves them very much.”
The idea was terrifying, and as serious as he looked, she wanted to think he was joking. “He has no reason to like me. He’s so much older than me, not to mention more capable of things as well. I’m…. very human. I’m weak compared to all of you, and I mean… reading intent means nothing if I cant do anything about what they intend to do. I can’t just walk up to him and think a confession will go over well. I have no reason to think he could like me.”
She jolts when he flicks her forehead. Its nowhere near as hard as it could have been, but she yelps and covers the spot with her hand. She startles when he kneels down to her height suddenly and grabs her shoulder. “I don’t know how many times I’m gonna have to fucking say this True, but he doesn’t care about that shit. Never has. All of this,” he shakes the letters in his free hand. “You don’t need to say any of this. I know you think words are scary, so let me help you, okay?”
She took a moment to glance at the letters that would never be delivered. The pretty paper she had written them on bright and colorful and unavoidable. She should have just written them on white paper, then he likely wouldn’t have found them as quickly, if at all. “As long as you’re telling the truth, then I guess I’ll listen.”
He muttered what sounded like praises to the ceiling above him as he stood and led her back to the couch. “Good, now all you have to do is a few simple things, and I promise you’ll make him the happiest man alive.”
It was now a week later, and she found herself sitting on Splendor’s couch as he started up a movie. Movie nights happened once or twice a month, Splendor’s candy business getting rather time consuming lately, with paperwork and other things she really didn’t understand.
She hadn’t been taught much about his business, but she knew he was very successful and she really liked his products. He had gifted her test products before and had let her sample things before they went out. After having dragged her birthday out of her, he had even gifted her a basket of stuff that she had yet to get through even though it had been quite a while since her birthday.
“You haven’t seen this one before I think. It’s a bit old, in terms of what I’m sure you’re used to watching, but it’s in color.” He laughed as he sat next to her. Getting comfortable in the blankets that were piled around the two of them.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She watched him nuzzle into the blankets before he handed her the bucket of popcorn to hold. She stuttered over herself as she remembered what she needed to do now that they were here. “Besides… I’m with you, right? Can’t be too bad if you picked it out.”
He took her statement at face value it seemed, and softly hummed before patting her head and hitting play on the remote. For a moment she thought maybe Fen really was wrong and Splendor didn’t like her that way. But just as she was about to zone out while staring at the screen to remove herself into her thoughts, she felt something wrap around her under the blankets.
She stayed still as it did, knowing it was one of his tendrils. She took a minute to enjoy it, waiting for the movie to become a little interesting before leaning against his side. She fought to stay casual when she felt eyes on her, not wanting to appear tense. Next would come the hardest part, but she supposed it was only difficult because she understood the meaning behind such a gesture now.
We she felt him relax again, and she was sure he was watching the movie instead of her, she moved one of her hands through the blankets in search of his tendril. Finding it had somehow wrapped around her under all the blankets and had managed to stay outside of her shirt. Regardless of his mastery with the appendage, she set her mind back on track as she lightly grazed her fingertips over it while in search of the tip.
She found the bell with little trouble and grabbed just under it before bringing it up through the blankets and toward her face. She didn’t dare look up at him, she already knew he was watching her. Fighting through the blush rising on her face and the butterflies tearing through her body that made her jittery and nervous, she brought the bell up for a little smooch.
The near moment her lips disconnected from the bell, she felt herself get pushed gently against the back of the couch and he suddenly had a soft grip on her chin, tilting her head back to make her look up at him. His cheeks were more flushed than normal, his eyes locked on hers as he stared her down while seemingly taking a moment to think on what to say. “Do you mean it?”
Did she mean it? She doesn’t understand how she couldn’t. It would be hard for that to be a mistake, and honestly if it hadn’t of been for Fen’s help then she wouldn’t have even known to do it. “Yes.”
She yelped suddenly when she found herself pulled onto his lap. Blankets tangled around her body acting as annoyances when she discovered she was practically bound by them. Regardless, she couldn’t get away if she wanted to. The tendril wrapped around her ensured that.
“If you’re sure you know what it means.” His face hovered closer to hers, his eyes searching her face for any doubts.
“Yes. I… liked you for a while now. I accept.” Her hands found a comfortable resting spot as her arms rested over his shoulders, only bringing them closer.
Silence ruled for a moment before she felt a hand tangle in her hair. The distance closed rather quickly, despite the softness on the kiss. It was a gentle, loving and warm kiss. Conveying finally being able to do what he had been longing to do for a while.
She was struck stupid when they finally parted, gently panting to catch her breath as her glassy eyes met his again. Letting out a muffled noise of surprise, she barely had time to catch her breath at all before he went in for another kiss. This one a little more desperate than the last. His tongue teasing along her lips until she allowed him to deepen it in her shock.
Shaking and desperate for oxygen, her brain went fuzzy and she moaned at the current assault her emotions had on her body. Light, fuzzy and warm. The feel of his lips on hers and his tongue exploring her mouth was something she hadn’t dared to think about before, but it was mind consuming.
She struggled not to embarrass herself when they separated by leaning back in for more. Finding him a little starstruck while looking down at her. Softly panting while she was near gasping for air. “Well then… uh… this makes us significant others. Yes. Right.”
He chuckled at her, moving his hand to instead begin combing through her hair, watching fondly as it made her melt against him and attempt to lean into his touch. “It makes us mates, schatz. Of course, were not mated, but that can come later. Much later, if you’d prefer. However it works out.”
She hummed, relaxing against his chest as he played with her hair. The movie still playing the background of little interest to either of them anymore. His next words made her eyes open as she tensed though. “Now, who told you about the tendril thing?”
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E2 LiveThoughts
And now, for episode 2; same deal as last time, spoilers for this weeks episode. 
RT getting a wee bit too real with the “curfew in effect” sign on the side of that building in the opening. Least here its a visible noticeable threat and not Corona. Still.
Oh, heh. “Hope has no place here.” Always did love that line. But that might just be the grimdark fan in me.
Overall Im not a huge fan of this seasons opening, it doesnt sound as melodic as the last couple ones. More...chaotic. I think thats intentionally but Im still not a fan.
Dude, Qrow, thats unsanitary. Seriously, clean that shit off. You’re gonna get like, tetnus or something.
And Robyn complaining to Qrow. I mean shes not WRONG but at the same time SHE was the one who decided to pass out during the crash. Dont go throwing blame around Hill, you were just as useless and dumb as everyone but Tyrian in that whole section of last season.
Correction, shes talking to Jasque Scnee who is SOMEHOW in the same prison as they are. Additional; hardlight cells with no visible emitters, no toilet or other commodities. This must be a holding cell of some kind. Unless the bed they all have is ALSO a toilet. Ew.
Yeah you sure about that Schnee? Indirect murder is still murder.
Whh...WATTS IS IN HERE TOO?! WHAT THE FUCK IRONWOOD. You dont have a maximum security like, ICEBOX lock up? Dude this is just ASKING for trouble.
Watt’s black eye is still there. Maybe there is something to him not having his aura fully unlocked. Or...something else. Im really confused about that.
Odd cell structure. Impromptu? Or is this whole room just modular. Cause its WAY too big to house just this many prisoners. Im getting the feeling this is impromtu, yeah.
Schnee thinks hes getting out, sucker. 
Mad props to the Atlas soldier for the brutality. NOW HIT HIM AGAIN.  Robyns smirk gives me life.
And Qrow suggests Operation Valkyrie. Im down. Ironwoods proven useless at this point, maybe his replacement will be more tactically viable.
Alright, Atlas has pulled all military forces out of Mantle. Guess that means Ash and CAMO would be out too. Officially anyway. Making note for future threads...
Cute about the news guy, but I LOVE the fact you can hear the former masculinity in May’s voice here, like she isnt fully finished transitioning. If its intentional, bravo. If not, still cool.
Ah and there’s the hoverbikes from the teasers. I really dont get why they’re so goddamn big. Surely you can miniatruize hovertech...right?
They’re big enough to have weapons installed IMO. They should have.
Ah okay here’s the rest of the trailer
Hey look more lesbians. Boy that one on the left is MAD.
I cannot believe these Grimm are dumb enough to not go AROUND the dropwall (and Im going to call it that until I get something else, its literally the equipment from Halo Infinite’s release trailer). I get Grimm are dumb but damn bro.
Ah okay, THATS the split. All the faunus live in the slums down in the crater. Mantle proper is the mid-level, and then Atlas is humans for the most part. As far as I can tell anyway. Literal stratification. 
Ugh, that whole conversation was so expositiony. Jesus fucking christ.
Holy shit this crews moving slow. Like, good fucking lord.
Personaly headcanon; that tiny fox toy Oscar rides past on his bike is later retreived by Ash. That is actually his bootprint on it too oddly enough.
Unity in this situation, Ozpin? Not likely. What you need is miltiary intervention and firepower.
Still not sure why there’s smokestacks in Mantle if everything on Remnant runs on Dust. Maybe its steam vents for the heating system.
So the Crater is literally a divide. Like a circular diamond mine or one of those “rabbit hole” gold ones. Literal wall holding its outside. 
Snowshoe Shipping. New company. Full autonomous workforce from the looks of it. SDC related of course. And its still running despite everything. The drones here are literally AKs. Motherfucker, I think I know where the idea for them came from. SDC literally just weaponized its fucking worker robots. 
And apperently Dust is refined in the Crater. Okay that makes sense. Does it come from outside or are they still mining it there I wonder.
Oh pnumatic elevator. STEALING THAT
What the fuck happened to Penny? Did becoming the Maiden make her emo?
Lol yeah people are gonna die, its WAR Penny, eat shit and get over it. Fucking weaklings...
Your the maiden. Get over it. Go kill some people, you’ll feel better. Relish in power.
And Weiss is now dead from either pressure shock, thermobaric style lung implosion, forceful impact, or just being crushed flat. Oh, and asphyxiation.  Seriously that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. REALLY NORA.
Oh hey, a banjo in the crater. It really is hicksville.
Fire dust crystals right into a metal container to keep it  going. Holy shit it only took us 8 seasons to see Dust used physically again...
Sheep nom map. Nom nom. 
Wonder who this Crimson she mentioned is.
Lil hops. Oh no shes too cute.  Also it seems Mantle is divided into sectors. Useful information. Wonder what designates them.
Hahahah Fiona’s uncles a mole XD
And good to know “crap” is a swearword on Remnant.
Sounds like Crimson is a person with the Huntress’s. With his accent Im going to personally imagine his a grizzled former veteran, like Sergeant Stacker from Halo.
Note; the map says “Mantle City”. Interesting. Wonder what the other option is. Crater?
Ohhh and a spudmasher. Wait...no thats not a grenade. Some kind of gravitational surge thing. Again. Okay seriously RT is it so hard to just make a FUCKING WEAPON? Nothing fancy, no special features, just something that kills the fucking enemy. 
Okay...what the hell. Those Grimm cleared out like they got a retreat signal...
Ohho whats this now...this thing looks a LOT more interesting. And SAVAGE. Damn, its beating the SHIT out of Oscar! I think I like this one.
It transforms. Like the Zeta Gundam. FASCINATING. So it must have a rapid transport/assault form of the original dog one then changes to this new one for close in? Or carrying I guess, its stealing Oscar. This must be the thing that Salem sent.
Yeah kinda looks like a werewolf.
Soooo why were they just standing there watching this thing beat up on him? It was open for a couple of seconds. Surely it cant be they were worried about Oscar, the best thign to do if an enemy is grappling your friend is to get in and take advantage of it. 
Its smart too, used Oscar as a meatshield. Apperently just long enough to distract Yang and then yeet her. 
Its got ONE HAND with Oscar in it you idiots, hit it all at once! Go for the legs and the other arm, knock it down, blow its head off. COME ON, its OBVIOUS.
Oh hey it talked. Good. That means it can probably feel pain.
There is no way those legs should work like that. They’re too small and its torsos the wrong shape. This things breaking physics. 
The arms are also way too long.
Also why are you just standing there watching it grow wings? Kill the fucking thing already.  Gotta admit the movement and screaming makes me think it feels pain. Interesting. Good to know.  That or its just body horror/squick.
And thats the episode. I like how Fiona calls them “kids” though shes probably about their age. 
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Okokok I only have, like, 3 followers (thxs ya’lls! Love ya) but my family is done with my star trek bullshit and I have shit to DISH OUT, especially with the alternative movie series. I get that it still made some people happy and it introduced a lot more people into star trek and I Respect that but GOD. What The Fuck. What the fuck? 
For example, movie 1 AOS, (spoilers, I guess) I really, REALLY fuck’en hated about how Kirk, motherfucken, CHEATS on the test and Spock is the one who looks like the one wrong in this??? Like I know Kirk’s whole reason was about how immoral it was to send a Bunch Of People on the command track with the training and expectation to Die if shit gets too tough but it was just how it was done in the movie that really Jars my Pickles. Because he betrays a fellow officers trust, cheats from the get-go as soon as he finds out its rigged and then the writers were like “BTW, kirk was totally right about cheating lol.” NO. Did you know what I saw kirk as? I saw him as a spoiled asshole who couldn't lose. And thats not the kirk I’m supposed to see! Thats not the kirk I want to see. It could’ve been handled so much better.
Like, alright. Lets say that I’m a Star Trek writer for these new movies (sweet). The writing team and I want these things to happen;
1) Kirk takes the test.
2) Kirk loses
3) Kirk cheats.
4) Kirk was completely right to cheat.
Ok. Cool. So instead, this is what happens. Kirk studies and he studies hard, he does everything right. And He Loses. Again. And again. He’s done different things in different ways and the crew, even if only artificially, die. In the last (2nd to last really) try, he kinda just trying to do whatever, and then one of the people in charge come to him like, “hey you finally passed.” And kirk, rightfully, is very confused because the end result is the same to Every Other Damn Time He Took The Test. And the guy giving him the results just kinda laughs and goes “Oh no honey, its rigged to lose.”
And Kirk goes, “Hey. What the fuck.”
But then!!! Then kirk goes to the people in charge of the test, he goes to them and tells them, “Hey what the fuck. this shits messed up.”
And the people in charge of test goes “yeah, but its the Council‘s choice, some of us think the test is valid for X and Y bullshit reasons, also fuck you.”
Kirk basically goes. “Wow. Alright.” And after such goes to the council and is like, “Hey. Uh. This test sucks ass because telling people to expect to die rather than, you know, doing shit is really, extremely, fucked up.”
And the council goes “Didnt you pass? We’re dicks, fuck you.”
And kirk, well. Kirk aint going without a fight! No sir-ee. Nope. The issue isn't getting enough attention, no one is taking Kirk seriously or giving him the time of day. Except for Bones, whos reluctantly but an absolute bro, BUT kirk remembers a bunch of stuff about the office/lab whatever of the pepes who made the test and kirk decides that hey, if no one is gonna give him the time of day then he’s gotta force their hand by cheating because with cheating theirs a court and with a court there's Media and they cant just kick him out because they have to decide and agree if Kirk Actually Cheated and if or if not he gets to stay at the academy. If kirk wins, they’ll have to change the test. If not... well, he leaves in disgrace. And he’s, obviously, taking a huge risk because he doesn't want to get kick out and the last thing he wants to do is to stick out like this but he really does believe that there is no such thing as a no-win situation, he really believes in this, and he’s going to fight for it. 
And so, he tries one more time and he cheats. he makes it to where no matter what, he wins and he WANTS everyone to know that he cheated. So he doesn't try to make it subtle or make it look like there was a bug that just Happened to Let Him Win. No, its obvious and as clear as day that James T. Kirk cheated. Everyone knows, their grandma knows, and Spock knows. Spock charges him on such and the movie proceeds.
2nd movie! Star Trek Into Darkness! What gets under my skin is that Kirk! Lies! And he’s all, “ Dur Dur Spock you betrayed me for telling the admirals the truth in the report.” Even though??? Spock and kirk never discussed it? To lie??? He wants Spock and his CREW to put their careers ON THE LINE??? Also just to lie is, extremely, fucked up that does not vibe with me and it does NOT have me like kirk. And I want to like kirk! So, once again. I’m a writer for Star Trek Into Darkness, me and the writing team want these things to happen;
1) Kirk saves Spock from a volcano.
2) Kirk breaks the prime directive to do it.
3) Spock ‘betrays’ kirk and 
4) Kirk is justified in feeling betrayed.
5) Fuck it, for shits and giggles, lets say that kirk also still has to lie and gets demoted
So, the mission to stop the super volcano is going well, everything goes right and they should be done soon. Sweet. But wait, what the fuck. Spock’s equipment bugs the fuck out and Spock, is still, in a fucking super volcano.
What the fuck.
So, kirk is doing mental gymnastics in his head trying to see if theirs a way to save Spock without getting seen by the natives. And finds that, there isn't. It’s violating the prime directive, or losing Spock, which, its not even a competition. So kirk goes to the crew and is like “Hey. I’ll take the blame, but we’re going to have to violate the prime directive cuz we’re already low on officers thanks to that huge attack Nero did and at some point we’re going to lose everyone if we keep leaving people behind and Spock is an extremely talented officer that we can’t afford to lose. He’s also my friend And I love him.”
He’s the captain and people are more likely to listen this time cuz he saved the world, so the crew goes. “Ok so Spock is the bitch who’s a terrible loser, strict as fuck and wouldent know ‘fun’ if it ran up to him naked and slaped his ass, but he’s our bitch so we’re in.”
And kirk goes, “Sweet.” 
They save him, but Spock gets into a Huge disagreement Publicly On The Bridge as soon as he’s back cuz he went through the mental gymnastics too and knows that theirs no way he could’ve been saved without Jim violating the Prime directive and, for a legitimate reason that would be Bad because lets say that the Klingons and the Federation are in a Cold War like state and one of the agreements they had so that 2 halves of the known universe wouldent blow out each others brains was that Nobody could find new planets and manipulate them to fight for “their side”. Not only would this risk a galactic war with a race itching for an excuse to fight and come out on top with an already weakened Federation, even if Jim didnt leave or actually do anything other than accidently show his ship to the natives. 
And thats completely excluding the fact Jim can lose his captaincy and spock could be separated and lose jim. So Spock Loses His Shit (In his Vulcan way, naturally) And Jim is hurt and betrayed by this because he just risked everything and thats ok but Spock all but verbally slaps him in the face with consequences he’s already well aware of and does so Publicly in FRONT OF THE CREW. And a captain and a 2nd in command is supposed to Agree on stuff, 2nd in command can make all the corrections and adjustments needed but its a thing in Star Fleet where 2nd in command is supposed to ultimately have the captains back even if the captain in question is Wrong. 
Everyone is upset and everything is dicey at best.
Kirk and Spock dont write a report yet, they call the admiralty and tell them what happen. No lies, completely truth. The admiralty basically say all the stuff Spock says and they can’t afford to give the Klingons an inch and Kirk didnt… actually violate the prime directive, not the spirit of it. He didnt introduce himself to the tribes as a Star Fleet officer, he didnt accidently nor purposely leave any futuristic tools or weapons to be found. He didnt try to influence the culture, at all. The only thing that happened was that the tribe accidently saw the ship saving Spock. 
So, grimly, the admirals have it where Kirk and the crew lie in the reports. The mission succeed. Completely. The Klingon ambassadors, nor anyone else not even by word of mouth can ever find out about this and because its not recorded or on paper in any way it and it Did Not Happen. There's a lot of political tension at the moment and this was a huge stunt that Kirk pulled and he took the blame like he said, so he’s demoted on the spot, and his last moments as captain was Spock, publicly, ripping him a new one. The rest of the movie happens. 
I’m just-  this is just 2 things. Legit, it doesn't even change the movie but I’d feel so much better about kirk if it went like this or something like this and IM SO BITTER These movies could've been SO GOOD and had so much potential and so much Good Shit and they Ruined it! I couldn't even bring myself to watch the 3rd one. Anyway, Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E2
quarantine diaries: may 27 2020
season 2 episode 2: “Inclement weather”
i know y’all said that kane and bellamy arent canonical father and son but i could really see it in this episode. these writers are planted this plot point but then they drop it?? im really curious as to why they did this.
those guns really didn’t level the playing fields bc lets be honest the grounders can fuck it up guns or no guns. and fuck you kane trying to blame and guilt bellamy. not in my household. these kids had no chance of surviving if it werent for mama clarke and pap bellamy. lets also recall the fact that you were part of the council that sent these kids down here in the first place with not actual hope that they would survive.
“this should be fun”-murphy **are they really setting up murphy as the sarcastic/relatable character??? i cant. 
kane really spewing out laws but if you havent noticed y’all arent on the ark no more 
they are pushing this maya and jasper ship. soo loong jasper x octavia ship.
why did they give clarke a key card? did these people not know that learn from last time? ooooo that person dont look so good? ‘Chernobyl’ the writers said. 
new intro. this art is something else. and im not be sarcastic here. i genuinely like this intro. but i do hope it changes for each of the new seasons just to make things more interesting.
raven be in pain but still be a baddie with impeccably perfect eyebrows. seriously tho? are they gonna perform surgery with no anesthesia? like raven this is no minor procedure.
oooooooo what is this grounder with this weird as haircut and mike tysons face tattoo 
this place has breakfast buffets? ok i see the validity behind jasper not wanting to leave 
why was the baby in the drawer tho. jaha gets a second chance to be a father. giving him a new purpose and reason to live??? 
just shut up finn. and ooo raven this gonna hurt. i cant believe abby actually agreed to performing this operations especially in these conditions. literally abby is operating while her patient is lucid and screaaaaming her ass off.
stop it murphy. i dont care. murphy you will never be on the same level as prettyboy bellamy
big yikes. the grounders be sending messages
i cant believe that these people are actually obliging clarke its not she has actual authority and agency to do anything.
where did that baby get that chess piece.??? 
yes it can be that crazy. is jaha really going to use a missile to travel back to earth? ummm im no scientist by any means i dont even have my b.s. degree yet but im pretty sure that this is not a stable idea. but im willing suspend logic if y’all are
the guys name is nyko. more like geico. “He can save in 15 minutes or less” i couldnt help myself. would have been better if his name was washington. you know because of lincoln.
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what type of payback is this octavia?! im never doing you a favor cause you’d really do some stupid shit. is octavia really that strong tho cuz that guy is huge in comparison. and she referred to lincoln as a “something” girl he is not an object. he is not to be objectified. he is a human being. **im being ironic here but dont @ me
seriously this trope of only having one healer is getting old. and nyko looks old so are they telling me that nyko doesnt even have an apprentice? ok sure.
hey raven. one leg is better than none. count your blessings. look at this guy. he has one leg too but hes still out here thriving
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but it would be awesome if they gave raven a robotic leg. like that would take her badassness to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
“my personal favorite not getting speared by grounders” of course they had jasper say this line.
so the helmet cracked yet none of it when in his eyes. why am i even asking? i already said i would suspend all logic.
when that baby disappear...i was like really so no glass in the eye yet the baby somehow managed to get out. the baby aint jack jack...but the baby is wells **tears** im glad they brought wells back. even if it was for this brief moment. but jaha really be crazy
that finn head shake tho at 31:21 that was my reaction to murphy saying what about me. no bellamy. dont take murphy. fuck but this just shows how much better bellamy is than murphy. when bellamy says let bygones be bygones. he means it unlike murphy who is the embodiment of a snake
wait jasper is sitting at a piano. are they hinting that he can play it??? damn these kids be talented
ow clarke just oww clarke. she dont even scream that loud.
again youre telling me nyko couldnt over power octavia. the guy is twice her size. i may be a feminist and say girl power but im also a realist. this girl cant be that strong. but i guess having solar radiation blood gives these spacers inhuman strength now because might as well. that or if youre a healer even if you all buff and muscular its just for looks and you cant actually fight. 
wow reapers. these two never get a break. they just wanna bone but the universe is just out to get them.
you know i think the purpose of this episode is to show that octavia is just as crazy for lincoln as he is for her. cuz up to this point it did kinda seem like a one side relationship considering the amount of effort that lincoln put in, in comparison to octavia. so moral of the story is that they both be crazy so they be perfect together
they really like jaha cuz this plot armor is crazy. his missile plan actually worked?? and what are the chances that he land in the desert?
millers father? yes. 
i really don’t like these tie dye yellow patient outfits
woah hold up. people handing upside down. blood. moaning. people in cages. writes said “human trafficking? we got you cover” never would i ever expected to see the topic of human trafficking touched on in this show. this is a CW show right???! but here we are.
anya!!! my queen has returned!! but in the worst possible way.
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elvencantation · 4 years
aladdin 2019 liveblog
OMG THE WAY THEY GOT HIM TO SING ARABIAN NIGHTS WORKED SO WELL. also the kids are adorable. and the ship
though some of the lyric changes are… a bit too on the nose
too cute first meeting
oh yes thank you for the songs give me hope. i didn’t even see mulan but i watched enough reviews that i know i dont rly wanna
jafar aint creepy enough. sorry he just isn’t
ahhh his place is so cool! with the hidden stairs and stuff. love shit like that
its not like what? were you planning to give it back?  OH it was abu that tracks
also this prince is dressed so badly. wow. so gaudy
why did they add him hes so annoying go away boy
can we just let rajah eat him pls
omg jasmine trying to get dahlia to pretend she’s the princess. i mean, im not sure if i quite felt the need to include her character, especially as someone trying to convince jasmine to let go of her well meaning ambition and get married
“why are you being weird” omg i love her
jasmine looks so pleased with herself while dahlia is acting so weird
just stop talking dahlia nobody expect u to talk to him just be haughty
idk how i feel about jafar apparently being ‘a common thief’ once upon a time, ‘just like aladdin’. like for all we know u stole the hair thingy with magic. we know u a manipulative fuck
also like- how are we gonna handle the her not recognizing him when he’s in prince getup? like, she recognized him in weird servant getup
wait since when was the cave a lion? i thought it was a tiger…
i like how abu smacks him to get him out of gem trance XD
ok so abu already touched a bunch of treasure. and nothing happened. uhhh what
omg the carpet is adorable yes thank you
and aldadin is stepping all over the treasure. i am confusion
ooooo pretty lava!!!
omg its time for the genie!! tho i do wish they hadn’t made him literally blue. ah well. excited to see what will smith can make of it. nobody can top robin williams, but there have been other genies. there will be more (yes i mean broadway. tho i haven’t seen any broadway aladdin shows. i do love their blue outfits for the genie)
also damn i love genie’s gold tattoo/ornament thingys under the cuffs on his arms. want some for myself 
oh my god poor abu having to be the accompaniment. pls tell me u replace him with an orchestra genie, u rly do need one for this song
ok that was short
there we go!
oh this is fun!!!
baklava is magic and should be respected as such
ok the puppet thing is a bit creepy tho i do think they did that in the original as well
uhhh can we nix the rap pls
oh man i love his pants!!
omg the splits i cant
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oh ofc its genie magic that makes him unrecognizable. i mean, lying about his identity was half the plot of the movie but still im a bit sad
omg its time for the big entrance omg
oh god genie why the hat thats bigger than ur body
omg dalia’s approving little expression that was adorable
poor boy looks so uncomfortable
why is it so important that he has so many animals? is that the only way to show wealth? or just the flashiest?
“so yummy boy”???!??! i cant im laughing so hard rn
oh my god this is gonna be so awkward when he has to talk to actual royalty tho not looking forward to the second hand embarrassment
aww i do miss genie turning into weird TV personalities when talking about the animals tho
yuppp i knew it was gonna be this awkward
i cannot do this i have to turn off the volume or i will flee this tab and try to skip this scene when i come back
ok i had to scroll down, and still even reading the subtitles made me embarrassed. why am i like this
ok finally he kinda got the hang of it. dont be fanciful genie just copy the other guys pls
bit of a weird dance tho…
oh nooo genie getting fanciful
i went from, oh this is cute to, oh no pls stop
ok now that ppl are clapping i feel less awkward. brain why u gotta do this to me. but also u rly dont have to have aladdin breakdance
ok he jumped on the fountain and this stated going back into ridiculous and why territory
and jasmine ran away. cant blame her. it makes him look kinda like an attention seeking person
awwww dalia’s little ‘excuse me for a moment’ i kinda expected her to scream but this was also cute
my god her room is so pretty. and the moment with the apples was adorable
ughhhh he had a moment where he could’ve come clean
oh i love a dramatic near death experience
omg yes destroy the staff how lovely and yes dramatic. can u tell i like some good drama. not the weird relationship kind
ur not the same on the inside. not quite
see this is what he meant by u changing. u can never forget ur past
oh i love the dark instrumental version of ‘never had a friend like me’. also the pretty sparkly magic. always love some good aesthetic cgi
oh that was a lovely moment. too bad jafar is a massive prick
oh this is interesting! i love a dramatic disappearance. poor guy. drowning, hypothermia, fun stuff to do within a day
love some ice parkour!
the decent part of me is glad they didn’t put jasmine in a slave leia type outfit, but the gay part of me is a bit disappointed…
omg the dark little smirk on aladdin’s face. u HAVE to admit that was hot
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GET YOUR OWN JAMS. that was cute
“also i want children” 😂
omg this is hilarious “stop thief, your sultan commands it” I CANNOT 😂
i also dont mind the more “feminist” storyline they gave jasmine. it worked
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s0l0b0d0r · 5 years
What's your opinion on J.B x Dr. Drewell (I can't tell which one I like more J.B x Diaz or J.B x Drewell X.X )? XD Also, have you ever played Lego City Undercover?
OKAY funny thing, i recently ordered BOTH LCU games but none arrived yet .. and with strikes going on in my country rn .. its possible that they are stuck in post offices ... but im PLANNING ON playing them !! JUST WAIT ;; 
and about the whole Drewell VS Douglas thing, i already expressed my opinion on it on twitter but here it is again:
I REALLY thought the show was going to make douglas fall for JB... and i cant blame him, she is AMAZING??? and maybe that’s how he joined the crew or something IDK ?? and ill be honest .. I LIKE THAT idea??? but bla bla bla we dont know their canon age and im a bit on the fence here .. 
THEN THAT DAMN EPISODE AIRED ??? and i had the same reaction as Parker and Jack, CAUSE IT FELT VERY WEIRD ??? i thought JB was acting to let the kids catch Drewell .. but no ???? 
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took some time to think, re watched and it actually makes sense... it’s funny to see JB find someone like her and at the same time . the exact thing she is fighting against, not a bad idea, AND drewell seems to be on THE GOOD SIDE now ?? so hey that’s neat !! plot is progressing AY
conclusion : we will see how that turn into over time ... who knows but i still kinda prefer douglas / JB ...  please give that ship content ... 
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
nobody asked for it, but i liveblogged my She ra s3 reactions
[ part one ┊ part two ]
spoilers, obviously (under cut bc it’s rather long)
episode one
(oh yeah this is a split season so that makes sense..)
Angela loses points for not having a proper prison but gains them right back for not letting Adora in to interrogate Shadowbitch
Glimmer: we shouldn’t let her manipulate you
Adora, immediately: //decides to manipulate / trick her friends
Side note, interesting episode title..
Adora’s friends: //arent fooled at all THANKFULLY
adora honey youre a terrible liar. and your friends are too smart
Catra bby..
Catra: i cant handle this emotionally vulnerable shit
Aaand theyre asleep
Oh this is great
Glimmer’s target practice cjdhjdnf
Oh Adora wants to change Shadowbitch.. honey.
God Adora calling out Shadowbitch is everything
Fuck this is cool
Shadowbitch’s two reasons for (SUPPOSEDLY) turning is to get revenge on 1) Hordak and 2) Catra While im sure Adora is all behind the first one, she certainly wont let the second happen.
Okay but who SENT Adora through that portal??
“Don’t I get a say in what happens to me? Don’t I get a choice?!”
The worst thing about this is that LightHope is basically telling Adora the same thing the Horde did: you dont have a choice over your life, your ambitions, your responsibilities. Fuck LightHope.
“It is happening again.” HM
“Are you okay?” “I’m not sure yet.” baby.. i felt that
episode two
What a COOL shot of Adora
Fjejhd of coUrse Glimmer didnt tell her mom
Poor fucking Angela
Ive never related to Bow more in this moment ⁃ bird ⁃ Trying to navigate whEN FUCKIG GOOGLE MAPS ISNT WORKING- coughs i mean, the navigator machine
Oh shit Hordak cares about Entrapta
“Just act tough” oh yall are so bad at this
its Her time
I just watched this clip of Huntara last night
Adora is gay
Huntara is also gay she was just FLIRTING with a WOMAN at the BAR
 The ‘purposefully gets names wrong’ gag will always be my favorite
 anybody got a map? oh wrong show sorry
listen i cant blame Adora how could you NOT be in love with her
Ugly ass twink bitch
Adora getting an outside perspective on the war and how it effects Etheria should be interesting
Wait where are Glimmer and Bow ?
Adora being called “blondie” 👌👌
Oh theyre there they just fell behind
Huntara led them into a trap didnt she
Oh she took Adora’s sword fuck I mean ofc she did but mm That would be her only chance of escaping
Okay Entrapta is a top
Hordak is a clone?? Bitch what
//falsely sympathetic voice/ aww hordak just wants to impress his higher up with planetary conquest..
they even called this expedition a roadtrip awe
Wow theyre really playing up this Hordak + Entrapta friendship and bonding huh
Oh Glimmer is such a badass
Bow: awkward HAH of victory
Glimmer: sticks her tongue out at the enemy
God i love this battle sequence so much
Im watching it again
Adora’s laugh before she says “I AM She ra”  😍
Theyre both ex Horde soldiers oh shit!! One so trusting and one so fearful, so closed off to anyone
“I’m not gonna run anymore. I face my problems head on.” fuck yeah!!!
Netflix referring to Bow Glimmer and Adora as the “squad” omg
-rewatching the fight scene from 18:30-
I love the repeating of lines to each other thats such a good trope too
“Thats mine!” ”Then come and take it.”
Also I like seeing Adora fight and pull off really cool moves but not like, flawlessly. Like her backflip- she almost falls. Or when she swings Huntara’s sword and it doesn whip out at first.
Thats totally foreshadowing the connection of their backgrounds with the Horde huh
The “‘You know about She ra?’ Heheh, I AM She ra” moment is so good okay I need to call it out again. The way she flashes her sword in front of her face? Amazing. Spectacular. Im gay-
The end of this episode be like: //women supporting women
Mara’s ship!! Dun dun dunnn 
episode three
Edgy Catra in the Crimson Waste shot: ✔️
“Nothing matters anymore!” :(
Hey that place looks familiar!
Isnt Scorpia FROM here?? How does she not know anything about it??
“Maybe I should have skipped force captain orientation eh?” THIS RUNNING JOKE DKFNFK
Catra bitching about Hordak is a whole mood
Wait satyr lady never said the second rule Prettyyy sure the second rule is that no one annoys Huntara, but shes not here! So what the hell are YOU gonna claim it is?
Catra’s monologue in the bar is everything
Catra stealing the jacket is such a ME move i see a leather jacket i go feral
Bow you’re such a nerd ily
Well duh the ship is empty its been looted for years
Do your She ra thing i bet thatll uncover something //wiggles eyebrows
Yeehaw! Look at that i was right
Its not haunted theres a repeated message echoing ..
Scorpia you’re gay
Also IM gay Catra in a jacket is 👌😩
 Aw look at Scorpia in her element
“Im gonna call you Kyle” KDHFKDJFJFK
Catra’s little smirk.. ️ ❤️️ Scorpia’s reaction is a whole mood
That giant skull tho
listen i know he’s an idiot with a dumb name and catra kicks his ass but i love me a buff lizard person,,
a broadcast.. oH ITS MARA HERSELF
“And I am gone.” sounds like.. something someone would say in a message if they didnt want to be looked for and found
Adora ... :(
Your frustration is so warranted
I wish i could give her answers
“I was supposed to be the last.” wh..
Even Tongue Lashor’s insults are dumb
Catra mimicking his evil laugh..
Listen imma say it again (my scalie is showing) Tongue Lashor’s design is great
Catra just winked at Scorpia, yoURE GAAY
 @ Mara’s dialogue.. that was uh. A Lot The biggest thing that jumps out to me is the fact that theyre in an empty dimension?? And the fact that Mar BROUGHT A WHOLE PLANET there. Thats some real power. Oh yeah, and LightHope is lying / working against the She ras / wants to bring destruction to the planet. But thats not surprising
Oh hey darts! Now who took the dart gun..
oh thats right!
Catra and Adora time baby
Adora is uh,, alone captured by Catra
This should be interesting
“A toast to Scorpia” //clutches chest
Hey yall this is cute but reminder that cattadora is endgame
“When we go back” nahhh
Also fuck Catra heard that hologram??
“We could rule the Crimson Waste together!” Scorpia you are SO gay
“I have to go check on the prisoner” her ex
“Shadow Weaver left me for you..?” Uh fuck
She has tears in her eyes oh bby
I cant believe im already halfway through the season jfc fuck split seasons
(part two is up now!)
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undinefin · 6 years
19 and kageyama for the sarcasm thing!!
ksjdldks thank you so much!!! sorry it took so long ;;;
Prompt: 19. “This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you.”Genre: slice-of-lifeShips: kageyama x hinata (sort of)Word count: 2867 (i cant write short stuff skdfjskldlfd hopefully the length makes up for the wait)Author: @undinefin
note: this story has a lot to do with luck/superstitions in japan. the ones mentioned are: bad luck surrounding the numbers 4 and 9, as well as sleeping facing north, and cutting your nails at night, and the good luck of having a tea leaf stand in your tea!
send me a sarcasm writing prompt and a character/fandom!
Losing to Aoba Jousai was heartbreaking. Karasuno’s spirits were next to nothing when they came back from the Interhigh. It was a match they had poured their entire heart and soul into, yet the results still stressed the difference in skill, and a difference in teamwork.
Kageyama was extremely troubled by the loss. He put a lot of blame onto himself, and he was still unable to match against Oikawa. Despite knowing the third-year for as long as he did, and with more years of experience and training he wasn’t the setter he wanted to be. Even if there were six Kageyamas on a team, at this point he didn’t know if he could take down Aoba Jousai.
King of the Court.
He shook his head, but the phrase still sent frost through his veins. He could feel the stares when he was facing his old teammates, and he could feel the difference between them. Even now, a part of him wanted to say that he didn’t need a team, his skills were enough on their own. But he knew that he needed to change that, it was evident from middle school.
He shifted his position in bed, rolling over to face the window. Every part of his body ached from the days before, and his eyes still burned. Kageyama hadn’t cried in what felt like forever – the time he and Hinata went to go see From The Top didn’t count, volleyball was an emotional sport damn it, and the spiker was  really good.  
The sun shone directly into his dark eyes, blinding him, though he was too sore to change positions. He wondered why the sun had to be so damn bright in the morning, though as he continued to look outside his window, the pastel pink clouds gradually grew vibrant. He admired the view for what felt like forever, watching the sun slowly disappear behind the ambiguous shapes.
The time caught Kageyama’s eye. He forced himself up and shut off his clock just before the six thirty alarm began to sound.
Making his way to the bathroom, he began to hum a melody Hinata had managed to get stuck into his head, the Toilet Song. Cursing the orange munchkin, Kageyama mentally changed the lyrics to ‘Milk’ instead. He didn’t say them out loud, partially because the syllables wouldn’t match the song’s atrocious melody, partially because he didn’t want to sound like an idiot.
“Tobio, breakfast!”
Kageyama grabbed his cellphone on the way downstairs. As he sat down, the device vibrated a few times. After procuring his milk and ensuring his breakfast was balanced, he checked the messages.
Dumbass: oi Kageyama
Dumbass: are we practicing at lunch today?
The answer was obvious. He needed to get better as a setter, he needed to improve his skills and stamina. Kageyama overheard Yacchi say that yoga was relaxing. Would it help his mental state during games if he started doing yoga?
You: Of course we are
You: Why are you even asking. We never text
His mother began scolding him for having technology at the table. Kageyama held the screen open for a few seconds before eventually shutting it, and placing it on the table. He ate his breakfast quickly, wanting to get to the gym. Kageyama figured that exercising at the start of the day would get his muscles used to the pain.
Throwing on his schoolbag that he didn’t check the contents of, he rushed to the door. Kageyama checked his phone before leaving to see if Hinata had responded.
Dumbass: no reason! (^ . ^)
He was an awful liar.
The phrase “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out” was one that Kageyama could not agree with currently. After all, he was a genius – a volleyball genius at the very least – and yet he still couldn’t understand the reason for Hinata’s strange behaviour.
Kageyama first noticed it when he got to the gym. He opened the doors expecting to see the team’s bright ball of energy already zipping across the court, after all he’d arrived a little late. But the court was dark and empty when he entered. The first-year figured that even Hinata got sore. Maybe his bike ride up the mountain was taking extra time this morning because of the Interhigh. Kageyama sighed, paying his late teammate no mind.
He was almost finished setting up the nets when a gust of wind blew the doors open. Crashing into one of the poles and nearly knocking it over was none other than Hinata. His hair was especially messy today, and all of his buttons were done up wrong. His cheeks were flushed red from what Kageyama could only assume was biking, and clutched in his hand was a little slip of paper.
“Kageyama-kun, you have to take your shirt off!”
Hinata’s mouth was moving faster than his breath could catch up to, “You, I read, no, I watched the news this morning! You’re a Capricorn, your lucky colour today, it’s blue! And guess what your unlucky colour is? White! So you have to take your shirt off now!”
Before the he could protest, Hinata was already scrambling to forcefully undress him. Kageyama’s height gave him an advantage, but Hinata still pulled at the fabric uselessly. Growing annoyed, Kageyama used nearly all his strength to push the other boy away.
“What the hell am I gonna wear if I can’t wear my shirt?” he grumbled.
“I brought you an extra one!”
“You think I can fit into your clothes!?”
Hinata looked indignant. “It’ll just be a bit tight!” he snapped, “Maybe a little short…” Hinata held up the blue shirt that he’d brought, eyeing the size on Kageyama.
“It won’t be a perfect fit, per say,” he mumbled.
“It’ll be uncomfortable for both me, and everyone who has to see it,” Kageyama argued. “Besides,” he continued. “I’ll have to wear the white school top anyways when classes start.”
“Aw c’mon! You can just cover it up with your blazer during the day! Besides, when have you ever cared about appearances?” Hinata both shuddered and laughed a little, thinking about the Death Glare his friend always wore.
“Out of the two of us, I’m not the one that wears a sweater under the uniform,” Kageyama deadpanned.
Hinata blinked twice, “This isn’t the point! Just take your shirt off!”
Kageyama continued to resist, holding his arm straight to keep Hinata at a distance. “What’s gotten into you? Did you eat something funny last night?”
His chocolate eyes glowed. “If you wear this lucky, blue shirt, I’ll treat you to meat buns after school today!” Hinata ignored the question he was asked.
Kageyama stared at the blue shirt, yeah it was a little small but it couldn’t be that bad? Right? “Alright,” he responded. It was worth the meat buns.
Hinata’s face lit up completely, “All right!”
“I’ll go change in the changeroom, you stay here and tighten the poles,” he ordered. Hinata gave a quick nod and handed the piece of fabric to Kageyama. Holding it in his hands, the boy wondered if the shirt would really fit.
As he made his way to the changeroom, Kageyama truly wondered what sort of super-genius it would take to figure out what was going on in Hinata’s mind. He only started grasping the way Hinata described things through sound (of course he knew the basics like ‘gwaah!’ and ‘bwaaah!’ but the others took work) and on the court, he could tell when Hinata wanted the ball. But this? This was something new entirely.
The shirt was very tight, Kageyama was struggling to get it over his shoulders. He heard the snap of a piece of fabric as he got one arm through. A part of him felt tired from just this.
“Hey Kageyama-kun, did you cut your nails last night?” Hinata asked through the door.
“No, I cut them before the match against Seijou, you watched me do it in the room, idiot,” he responded, muffled by the shirt. “Why do you care?”
“No reason! Just asking,” he replied quickly. Kageyama noted how suspicious he sounded.
The shirt felt tight. Kageyama could feel his chest being constricted every time he took a breath. Why did he agree to this again? Glancing into the mirror, Kageyama noticed exactly how dumb he looked. The sleeves of the blue shirt barely covered his shoulders, and because of that the neckline was pulled up very high. The worst part was his stomach. The shirt didn’t go all the way down, it hardly covered his belly button.  
Sighing, Kageyama reluctantly opened the door of the changeroom. Hinata eyed him before bursting out into laughter.
“Hey!” Kageyama boomed, “You’re the one who told me to wear it!”
Hinata wiped away a tear, “I know.” He couldn’t stop laughing, the words jumped along with his voice. “But I didn’t know it’d be that bad!” he declared, though the giggles that followed didn’t seem to show any hint of remorse.
“I look like an idiot!”
“Can I take a picture?” Hinata readied his phone.
“Absolutely NOT!”
A shutter clicked, and the two looked towards the door of the gym.
“I feel conflicted,” Tsukishima drawled. “This picture is cursed, I’d never want to stare at it for more than a few seconds. But I’ve also never had more blackmail material on someone than this.”
Yamaguchi nodded, his phone pinged. “Thanks for the picture, Tsukki.”
Before Kageyama could rush at them, either physically or verbally, the team captain appeared at the door with the rest of the third years. “Alright let’s get practice started. Usually the two of you are already practicing by now,” he motioned to Kageyama and Hinata.
“What…are you wearing?” Sugawara’s eyes filled with an emotion close to pity. “You look like a male stripper.” There was a chorus of replies, a few disgusted, but most in agreement.
The morning practice carried on, even with Kageyama’s shirt. The flying falls hurt a little extra because his bare skin was rubbing against the floor, and every time he tipped back, be it to spike or jump serve, the shirt would pull up, revealing more of his skin. It was uncomfortable to say the very least.
Every so often Tsukishima would give a snarky comment relating to Kageyama’s appearance, or Tanaka would hoot when Kageyama inadvertently flexed, and the shirt showed off his developing muscle.
“What direction does your bed face? Like, where’s the head?” It was the fourth strange question that Hinata had asked that morning. He also demanded that they work in groups of five, not four, which made splitting the players up uneven.
“East? I think?” Kageyama replied.
Hinata clicked his tongue, “I hope so.”
At this point, Kageyama was done asking questions. Hinata continued to act oddly, saying that he would talk to Daichi about switching his and Ennoshita’s jersey numbers for the rest of the season. Kageyama genuinely had to hold him back from marching up to Daichi for that.
As they were getting changed for the rest of the school day, Hinata unfurled the paper he’d brought with him. “Kageyama-kun, if any of the questions in math have a 67, 12, 8, or 39 you can’t answer them, got it? No answering!”
Tsukishima snorted, “As if he could answer the questions in the first place.”
Therewas a certain line that which Kageyama could tolerate Hinata’s bullshit.
The school day had gone by peacefully, he didn’t pay attention to class as usual. Instead he kept replaying the Interhigh sets in his mind. What went well? What didn’t? He decided that he’d ask Daichi for a copy of the video tape. At one point, while he was thinking of the last set with Seijou, his teacher asked him if he was alright, and if he needed to go to the bathroom.
Kageyama was readying his wallet in front of the vending machine to buy some milk for lunch before going to practice. He reached out his hand to press the button, when another reached out and pressed a different button.
“Dumbass! What the fuck!?”
Hinata’s survival instincts seemed to kick in, and he backed away, hiding behind a corner. Kageyama glared at him, but still picked up the tea that Hinata had bought for him.
“S-sorry Kageyama-kun…”
He opened the bottle angrily, “Sure you are. Why the hell would you mess with my milk?”
Hinata muffled a laugh, and reached into his blazer pocket to reveal a small, rolled up leaf. “This! Just for today…and maybe a few other days. Like, before matches or something.”
“What do you-”
He stuck the leaf into the open bottle. Kageyama almost dropped it, but he spent the money on it, may as well be careful. “What the fuck? Oh yeah just stick a leaf in my tea that I didn’t even buy. Seriously did you eat something that a stranger gave you today?”
“We just need to get it to stand!”
“Dumbass, that probably isn’t a real tea leaf! And it probably doesn’t even work if you the leaf in there yourself. Why do you keep doing this stuff?” Kageyama was genuinely asking. The leaf actually did stand up.
Hinata squirmed, “Whatever! Let’s go practice already.”
Kageyama drank the tea on the way to the gym. He grumbled about Hinata’s odd, and somewhat annoying behavior.
Upon arriving, Kageyama instinctively took his blazer off. Usually he had a fresh gym uniform underneath so he could practice whenever, but he’d forgotten about his deal with Hinata, who was currently bursting into laughter.
“You should dress like that from now on,” he stopped to catch his breath. “It’s really good, you’ll throw the other team off.”
Kageyama ignored the comment, and went to retrieve a few balls. Since it was just the two of them at lunch, they’d usually work on moves together, mostly spiking. Sometimes Kageyama would give tips on serves or receives.
“Only grab three balls! Not four!” Hinata shouted. Kageyama rolled his eyes, there he was going again with stupid superstitions.
“I don’t know why you care, you never have,” he mumbled.
Still, they began practicing a few set ups. Hinata insisted on trying out new angles for spiking, something similar to Iwaizumi’s in the third set. He began spiking closer to the edge of the court, practicing his run ups from one side to the other all while Kageyama set the ball up perfectly for him. Even now, Hinata was still amazed by the accuracy of the setter’s fingers, and how despite having his eyes closed, Hinata could still hit the ball.
“Oi! Dumbass what the fuck are you-”
Hinata hit the net. Kageyama expected him to simply fall onto the floor, but the sharp, screeching of the metal pole resounded as it popped out of its socket. The pull of the falling net lurched it forward.
Kageyama’s voice ripped through him, “Hinata!”
The metal bar was by no means heavy, but somehow his body was shaking as he held it up. Hinata sat on the floor wordless, his mouth gaping and eyes wide.
“Seriously what is up with you today? Did you push yourself too hard yesterday? Do all your muscles hurt? Including your brain?” Kageyama held out a hand. “Didn’t I tell you to tighten these this morning?”
Hinata went red at his own mistake, “I was preoccupied with other things!”
“Like asking Daichi-san to change the entire team roster, and putting leaves in my unwanted drink?” Kageyama offered.
“Well- not, not exactly!” Hinata blubbered, “I just…I thought some luck would help us…”
Kageyama gestured to the extremely tight shirt he was wearing. “Yeah? Luck? This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you. You know that neither of us are superstitious.”
“You’re the one that looks like a moron right now,” he giggled again. Hinata had to admit that Kageyama did look good in the shirt. It outlined his abs whenever he served, or set, or bent over. He would never say that much out loud though.
Kageyama’s ears burned, but he didn’t address the comment. “Why would you think we need luck?”
The boy shrugged, “Well at the Interhigh…you were pretty beat up about the entire thing. I mean, we all were. We need to improve but I…I thought I saw you, maybe, crying and-” he noticed Kageyama’s concerned face.
“And somehow the thought of you crying is really weird, you know? I don’t like it, but I know that I can’t change anything, so I thought that maybe having luck on our side would help. This could be routine before matches, maybe we’ll get more chance balls or something!” Hinata’s words moved fast, and his eyes were darting around, focusing everywhere but his friend.
“You really are a moron,” Kageyama snorted. “We don’t need luck. You think we won’t improve in the next few months? We’re obviously gonna beat them next time, dumbass.” Hinata’s face lit up again. It felt too bright to look at somehow, as if he radiated his own light.
“So, can I take this shirt off now?”
Hinata didn’t miss a beat, “Nope!”
thank you so much!! again!!! i hope it was satisfactory at the very least~
send me a sarcasm writing prompt and a character/fandom!
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
whyy fight off a droid army if the pyramid is empty...makes sense it would be scanned and empty and left to rot.  so they go and find it still inprogress the ships offshore and fighting to get tothe isle and place bombs theyo brought...and it is notgood they said we are embroile too and see why the prize there the ships roll in tkae it rollout and they saw it yesterday the chinese simmply drove right up to him.  out of nowhere...and it was likethat too caa says they are warring with themand boom he is in front of us card worked didnt save as wanted, order perfect,and nobody saw,no it was seen they had ppl there let himkonw ken and the truck. but then he said the truck left and he couldhave no sawwho and what...and thenthe yelling yesterday...theyi got that then....so they saw. they wheel by and do it like here and tooknicaragua and she  expectsa  report fromsasquatch andeh sasy no and then ok ok i giveone but i wont tell every damn thing under the sun...it will be as compltet as im allowed...she smiles i see.  droids willbe on it and they see they walk in grab leave.  so tgons see it and if in disguise worse...tons knew that fast...and it is s asuprise yes.  but driods were allover  the isle and still are...tons of them..and we see it have had this situation before and it is a nasty event..tons see it.  we work now  Thor not only would you have no chance but they go aftre te daimondsnow are all over gibraltar and we use the chaos of this election so what of it. mac we use you and your droids sowhat of it  bja and we use both wei ton seeyoui now bja and lots see you wie and we see both mac wesee allof you and you will fall infight included. your too onryo here and mean you need distemper shots Thor we shallhavethemthen mac not me your an idiot mac  bja oh distempter why  us we were calm even after coaxing an outburst from him mac okok we coax yes anddo it yes and then whay you clobber i see it mac no youdont we all get it and yourto blame your ass technique you are notmy father where ishe you numbnutted douche bja we see you you say it like aman and are .  it is too tough of asituation okwe say it out of pridethis is aweful mac put way too much stank on that ball. real mutantsarehitting and are huge ok this is bad sour. mac was mean and had a grudge and ghwb grip broken now we can see it this is a war the shatterdome came down and he says incompetent idiots had it and they ddid were at it thewholetime killed off thier own andorencouraged it now they have these Jaeger and they are not incompetent machines but the pilots are..we move in need them and in ohter areas  mac weknew it and you too caa bja nah mine are better caa okok we seesomething this is about hardwareand he has the best but where..ok andours is similar shut up is good but no yours never lose...and it is due to holding off Kaiju well cant accessour areas, so we watch ours get creamed are defensless asthis boys grandpa died or left.  he is under diress no he is in the pyramid yes.  and they keep him there to take goodies.  try yes and are an outfit but are poor. we see preston adn it is mean they are poor and it means poorly skilled. tons see it bily could shoot but pilotiing is complicated.  difficult and requires thinking adn nerves of steel and manyour bodies fail a lot epceially grafted we need them now protection. mac we cannot it is too hard to give up you haveto wret them from us bja and you both arethere and it is nonssensce and que lastima macs fail due to youcorkand that part is true. your a slob and dont use gear...it takes all macs havet do it less you not wit you proof is tommorrowland Zues treu too we are not great at it and it took tons of effort to build those cities and tons to keep themgoing and he came by messedit up and in one day. they are a mess. we need yououtcork ofoffice adn other now mac fine weleave where should we go then he says china th orient flood and die flood die after your diamonds taken from you ok.  most were and lots from delaware thatday they used the greek fire Zues ok ok they did and we go adn wehate themfor it and other occasions that is real weseeitandprocessed themeand are incorporating them..into what...we see fine lassers as we mess up plants true too.  sow e find thm takethemas we used to and you pay caa for your comments bja shut up dog shit you cant steel a thimble from anyone here except a prisoner oppressed by all around himin the entire state pitiful wierdo Zues we see it too we reshunned as we acton you and it is distrubing our women and more.  we leave to try it bja and webelive it when we see it but chewey left to look so you follow him.rifhgtfuly soboth are hairy animals mac hey chewey yeh chewey, what did you do to lewey Zues ahhaahha always ready weith ajoke his grandpa taught him we see it chewey ok you ate lewy and was it cintron mac no no i did not eatlewy chewey i fly by caa and leave he is an ass bja your a faggot you fly by westop you and deductpoints as usual for each attempt.  you are blind and you lose tons of stuff by doing it as said.  Zues we do it then no. no. we are idiots and continue to sit bother himandothers take as it is a fruitless effort...we leraned that in the park pick onhim you mess with us all stood up fo ryou as they were, anyways and we get it out or die.we go after the diamonds in china then and were stolenfromall bja yeh they were but you had themand they tookthem you dolt you let themgo fromhosptials nad your area... mac no i did not he directed it andwe let them have himdo that bja you did mac fine we did it is haienous we suck and are bad at it and go there try grafting to get themback honed i can hone this is awefil mb had them ok. aweful.   bja ok ok cork is arriving yes and he sends stuff calls up says imgoing and gets motivated as most say okgo and he is the clone army and sends tons. they fight droids of macs soon andmac willbe consternated. a nd chewey fights the clones too shortlyas bja is an ass.  huge ass.too big fatone lol wie soihave a fatasss so  bja well it is indicitave ofyour race and do not talk to our son the way you do you fattassed whore you die fully now your down toonly several nonillion and we see it too. so go expendand die.  and yourhere too trying for himand try using it to distract we hityou now you aredesperate need votes. want a hostage. and you shallperish too biden your prick. none in office  but we shallsee. loser Thor why loser imgetting to hte best part wherehe gets arrested and tried for treason andmore.   biden your a dumb fuck arent you biden and you continue to be. you stepped on your game and now it is flat. you put me incourt and your rhealm began to tear at it self and now it is being dissolved, there will be no dc by thte time you are elected and it will be mine wehere you will stand trial for your crimes against my people...and fully too.  and it iwll bre witnessed by my Father and Mother and you shall perish.  and the protectorate is there already and the Dark Tower,waiting for you  to fall like a good boy as you say,no zaps all who come near.  tons try adn all die. all. iti s not your caliber.nope.  nor macs nor the giants.  it is Class A Alpha class weaponry.  you are not going to try me buttfuck....your tribe falls.  your fight lost to dirt too. scum.  and by the way your a loser tossedout a game you stillhad for this pieceof shit nothing gameyouwant a fight and you got one cant see it even corkcan. whats wrong with you shrimp got  trd torso cant handle it at ll...you will be on trial shortly.  and Thor issues the warrants and we havepower all the time dont need to dancearound..and pstons are at your tower shit for brains thanks for all the nagging Zues Hera we are at war then biden gee wiz you figured it out Zues Hera youwillnotcondescend to me i had you there biden no shit sherlock had tohave someone and you were hot totrot for it as if i took your lawnmower not even you harrassedme fromnext door and did tons ofidiot things and i ama young man wasnot awrae of tons of your issues i amnow dont worry wont use that on you.ooops i am already...backstabbing faggot.what a loser you turnedout to be.  fell once all the way down.  now you are deaf weak dumb adn demand me in court as macs want and i did not focus on your puny ass...but nailed macs and htey regret it yes.  now it is your turn...and you will be vanquished in days.  not weeks like bja took.   Zues Hera oh i see days so be it then we war biden sheeesh i thought you never wouldget it...you declared iton me and you demand we aim at you now we shall and we take your hardwarenow. and you will feel it, a sharp pain then no arms orlegs at all Zues Hera wedo this now you little imp your a faggot too. adn we see you dance around adn do stupid things for macs and fall your an ass too weak performer and your lines are poorly delivered sick old fell adn are crap now get outor berun down like trump is Thor Freya run em down then imold and failed at it all of it lost my family now he tears it up as i aman asshole to him.  and it is about family and i cannot hold itanymorehe is at s all day all night and yes due to me so what biden your an asshole ok turmp too you both are traitors he si not to blame but ours will want a trial and it is hellthey will and do bring it downonus. hell too this sucks it issodumb youfeell on us biden and turmp you planned to. faggot what is your plan by the way mac we dont have one i guess crapped out before it started...true too.  china and s o on never changed. we saw it they raid fast we are slow trump slow as hell love it too wait wait onemore coffee and gone. got it oh it isgone too bad. and youbiden a gift to us yoru an asshole you left your boy to you t beharmed and yous ay it your gross.  a fag loser and squander hsi abiltiies onhisown fu mac yeh fu traitor.  thank you for the starting pistol it is ince and you hv seen it in many movies latley its a .22 you idiots shoot each other no foul adn so on and are dumb. Zues Hera we see it we are losers and we go now but war iwth youon a personal level biden you have been you dolt Zues Hera  yeh new and improved and all and himok why biden you need it badly your an ass this is so stupid you usedhimnot he used you faggot tied us all up china drove away w it and per mac but this is well over it he takes all and proves it shortly  and yeh the daimonds are in the hole as you s ssy he says.  and we go look now and cant see it is too huge batman well well we hae a concensus we shoot you all you wnat himtired so you talk.  and he felt itbut knows you need toget your burdens off your chest like biden thewhore...he is a man whore...sucks badly Thor
0 notes
fullmetalgunfire · 7 years
Happy New Year, @blackwolfchimera!
So one of the times I was poking around your blog, I stumbled on a High School Musical related post, and I was... A little surprised how well that works as an AU. So I wrote a fic, which isn’t my usual thing, but seemed like the best way to do it so I went for it. And Eurydice helped me a little with the editing, so hopefully it’s not too rough...
And yeah, one of the reasons I waited to start posting this was because I could not resist posting this chapter on New Years Eve. XD
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be posting a chapter a day from here on out (right now it’ll probably be eight chapters, because I’m apparently incapable of doing anything short). And uh, warning for cursing, I guess? I mean, it’s mostly Ed, so I figure that’s expected, but...
(Ship information for everybody else: Mainly Roy/Ed, and in the later chapters some mention of Roy/Riza (in an old crush that didn’t go anywhere sense) as part of a plot point, and some very background Al/Mei)
- Erin
Ed blinked, glancing up from his book to his brother, standing with his arms crossed and a disapproving frown on his face, backlit by the party lights behind him.
“You’re seriously reading right now? At a party?”
“Since when is that new?” he snorted, rolling his eyes a bit, “Come on, this one’s actually interesting. I don’t even know why you dragged me to this stupid party...”
“It’s New Years, we should be social, and this place is popular,” Al shrugged.
“The bar is popular,” Ed pointed out, gesturing toward the stairs, where downstairs one of the most popular New Years parties for adults was going on, “This is just to keep the kids who’s parents cant think of something more family friendly occupied. And why do we need to be social, anyway? I don’t know anyone here!”
“Well, Winry was supposed to meet us here, but she got busy...” Al sighed, “But that’s kind of the point. We just moved into town, we should get to know other kids our age around here, right?”
Ed gave him a look. “Moved back into town, you mean. I don’t think we need to meet the neighbors when we used to live here.”
“In a completely different part of town. When we were kids,” Al huffed, raising his eyebrows at him, “Who do you even remember?”
Ed opened his mouth to answer.
“Besides Winry.”
Ed promptly shut his mouth again and scowled at his brother, who just looked triumphant.
“See?” he said, grinning, “Come on, make some friends. There’s all these activities, even this sort of karaoke contest thing... It’ll be fun! You can read more when we get home...”
“Not interested, Al,” he huffed, going back to his book, “You go make friends or whatever, I don’t care about that shit.”
Al huffed and went silent for a moment, eyeing him. “If you stop reading for a few minutes we can go home early?”
Ed didn’t take the bait, not looking up from his book. “I’m good where I am.”
Al just huffed again, and Ed completely ignored him. Which meant he didn’t notice how Al’s eyes fell on the sign up table for the karaoke contest, his eyes lighting up with an idea.
“I’ll be back, I’m not letting you read all night,” he warned before heading off, Ed too absorbed in his book again to notice.
“I never want to come to this party ever again.”
“Oh come on, Roy, it’s not that bad,” Riza said mildly, barely even looking away from her phone to take in how Roy had flopped in the chair beside her, rolling her eyes a bit at his dramatics.
“I have been to this party... Every single year... Since I was ten,” Roy said, giving her a look but not moving from his sprawl. His aunt was the one who owned the bar, and ever since he had started living with her... “It’s exactly the same. Every. Single. Year. Tell me that I don’t have a reason for being sick of it.”
“Karaoke’s new,” she replied, finishing whatever it was she’d been doing and putting her phone away.
“What are you talking about, we always have Karaoke,” Roy said, frowning at her, then at the table. Vanessa, one of his aunt’s girls and therefore his honorary sister, caught him looking and waved to him with a smile.
“She’s running it differently this year,” Riza hummed, “I didn’t catch the details, but there’s some sort of contest. With a prize.”
“Huh,” he said, eyeing the table curiously for a moment before standing and heading over. “Good evening Vanessa...”
“Hey Roy,” she laughed, amused by his flirtatious tone... He’d been doing it ever since he figured out what flirting was, and they were both well aware what a joke it was by then. “Are you going to sign up this year?”
“Depends,” he hummed, watching as a short haired blond boy he didn’t recognize came up and scribbled down a name, “Riza said you made it a contest?”
“Yeah... Going to pair people up and chose a duet for them to perform, then everybody can vote on who was their favorite,” she said, grinning and holding up a pair of gift cards, “Winners each get to pick one of these two gift cards. 25 each.”
Roy eyed them, definitely starting to get interested. One was for a craft store, which he couldn’t care less about, but the other was for a bookstore and... Well, there were several he’d been eyeing for ages but hadn’t really had the money to spare.
But then he thought about it, and frowned. “Wait, you seriously spent 50 dollars just to make this a contest?”
“Well, someone did,” she shrugged, laughing at his confusion, “I’m regifting. I’m not going to use them, so...”
“Right...” he chuckled, eyeing them still.
“Going to join in, then?” she said, looking at him knowingly. He wouldn’t be surprised if she’d included the one gift card purely to tempt him into signing up. And he was tempted. But he never really sang in front of strangers, or anyone really, and it wasn’t like he’d never have the money...
“You should do it,” Riza said from right behind him.
Roy promptly jumped, then glared at her, which she just looked amused by. She always did that when he was distracted... “You’re a damn ninja, Hawkeye,” he huffed, rolling his eyes and shaking off the mild annoyance at his friend, “I don’t know, I hardly sing...”
“So? Think anyone else here does?” she shrugged, then smirked, “I dare you to.”
Roy sighed. She knew him entirely too well... He hated backing down from a dare.
“Alright, fine,” he said, reaching over to the sign up sheet, glancing at the instruction to try to keep the two columns even, then scribbled his name in the shorter of the two without looking any further, “But if I embarrass myself, I’m blaming you.”
Vanessa got the contest started just a few minutes later, starting to call people up, apparently one person from each column at a time. Which led to some... Interesting matchups. Roy didn’t pay much attention to the duets, though, just wandering around the room (Riza was busy again... A friend of hers was apparently having a minor crisis of some kind) and trying to occupy himself before his turn came up.
He ended up in the corner by the drinks table, where another blond he didn’t recognize was holed up with a thick book. He was... A little bit jealous, honestly. Reading seemed much more appealing then this party... He was about to ask the other boy about it, when that same blond he’d spotted earlier at the sign up table came up to the other boy.
“Still reading?” he said with a sigh.
“Yeah,” the other one replied, looking up, “Told you I don’t care about this stupid party, Al... We going home soon?”
“Yeah, we have to soon, though-”
Roy didn’t hear the rest of the statement, Vanessa’s voice calling over the speaker. “Alright, let’s get our next duo up here. We’ve got...” Roy, who was watching her now, saw her grin almost deviously. “Roy Mustang and... Edward Elric.”
Roy groaned a little, wondering what she was planning to do to him, but the thought was quickly pushed out of his head by the exclamation beside him.
“What the fuck?!”
The boy who’d been reading dropped his book and practically jumping to his feet, clearly surprised by the announcement. Roy wondered for half a second how he could be, since he would have had to sign up, before the other one, Al apparently, tried and failed to suppress a laugh. Well. That would explain it...
Edward, apparently, put it together just as fast, because he rounded on Al, looking furious. “You signed me up behind my back? What the fuck, Al?!”
Roy cringed, and headed for the makeshift stage, not sticking around for the response. Al seemed to be trying to placate him somehow, but Roy had a feeling this duet wasn’t going to go well. Still, he was going to show up, because he wasn’t going to give Riza any reason to tease him for backing out of a dare.
He was a little surprised when Ed trudged up there a couple moments after him, arms crossed and fuming. He glanced over at Vanessa, hoping she might show mercy on him, but judging from the look on her face he wasn’t going to have any such luck.
This wasn’t just not going to go well, it was going to be a disaster.
“Roy, you’ll be singer one,” Vanessa explained to them, still grinning deviously, “And... Edward? You’ll be singer two. And the song you’ll be singing is...”
Vanessa hit a few buttons, calling up whatever song she had picked, and Roy looked over to the screen, almost immediately groaning when he saw the text on display and the song started to play.
You’re The One That I Want - Grease
He was going to kill Vanessa later. Yeah sure, he secretly liked the movie (one of the girls had shown it to him because she loved it, he’d grown fond of it) and the song was fun, and he’d normally love a chance to do something a bit flirty with someone cute (and this Edward was indeed cute, and exactly his type, and Vanessa would know it too, damn her), but now was not the time. Especially with how Edward had just started scowling more even before she’d announced the song...
Still, he was going to do his bit, even if it fell apart after. So when the words came up on screen, he sang, and while he didn’t try to have fun with it or anything he didn’t think he sounded half bad.
He half expected Edward to just refuse to sing, and made a small move to step away from the mic, but to his surprise the other boy started singing his part without any hesitation. A great deal of reluctance, sure, and he still seemed pissed, but no hesitance. And he sounded good, too.
Roy almost missed his next lines with his surprise, but he managed to hit them just fine.
Then they started to sing together, and... It actually sounded pretty damn good. Better than that, even. Maybe even great... Edward started to relax a little, and even smiled a bit when he glanced over and noticed the way Roy was grinning. Or maybe it was just because the song was so fun. Whatever it was, he seemed to be slowly getting into it.
When he hit his next verse, he even got a little playful with it, getting just a bit suggestive with the way he moved. Roy immediately gave him an over the top reaction to that, making the other boy burst out laughing. He almost expected him to miss his next line completely, he was laughing so much, but he just barely raised the mic in time to sing along, laughter still in his voice.
By the time they were done with the song, they weren’t even looking at the screens anymore, just grinning at each other and even dancing a bit on the makeshift stage, not paying any attention to the rest of the room.
“Well, I think we’ve definitely got a contender for the best duet of the night,” Vanessa said over the speaker, and the outside world came crashing in.
Roy couldn’t stop smiling, though, as he stepped away from the makeshift stage. Edward couldn’t seem to either, following him with a laugh.
“That was way more fun than I thought it’d be,” he admitted, grinning at Roy, “You sounded way better than most of the people tonight. I’ve been trying to tune them out, seriously, it sucked. You sing at all? Like in a band or something?”
“Not unless you count in the shower,” he snorted, “But I try. What about you... Edward, right?”
He promptly made a face. Well, maybe that was part of the reason he’d been scowling so much... “Ed. Call me Ed. Seriously, no one calls me Edward. Unless they’re mad at me.”
“Ed then,” he chuckled, “But seriously, what about you? You sounded better than me.”
“Al and I used to do these sing alongs with our mom when we were little,” he replied with a shrug, “Guess it stuck.”
“Your brother, I’m guessing? The one that snuck you into the contest?”
“Guess I was a bit loud about that, wasn’t I?” he said with a bit of a laugh, “Yeah, he was trying to get me to be social. I was going to kill him for that, but...”
“You had too much fun?”
“Don’t ever tell him I admitted that.”
“Promise,” Roy replied with a laugh of his own, “Is there a reason he wanted you to be social? Or is he one of those it’s rude to read at a party types?”
“You saw the book, too?”
Roy hummed and nodded. “I was a bit jealous. Looked interesting.”
Ed perked up. “You like chemistry?”
“Always liked science, those classes are usually some of my better subjects,” he replied, grinning, “You didn’t answer my question, though.”
“Wait, what question again?”
“If there was a reason he wanted you to be social, or if he just thought it was rude.”
“Oh, right,” Ed said, suddenly looking hesitant, “The first one. I mean, knowing Al it’s probably a bit of both, but definitely the first one. He thinks I need to make friends since we moved back here.”
“Well, that explains why I’ve never seen you at this party before...” Roy hummed, eyeing him with a small frown, “Moved back here?”
“Yeah. Used to live here when we were little, before our mom...” he started, looking a little uncomfortable before he cleared his throat, “Yeah. But we just got a new foster family so we’re back. Different part of town, though.”
“Oh,” he said, feeling a little uncomfortable himself. He’d clearly stumbled across a sensitive subject... He tried to think of what to say to make it better, but before he could Al came up to them, looking sheepish.
“Hey, Ed? We really ought to go back home...”
“Oh, right...” Ed said, giving Roy a weaker smile than before, “Nice talking to you?”
“Yeah, it was,” Roy replied as Ed started to walk away, “Hey, wait, can I give you my number? Maybe we could text about that book you were reading...”
Ed perked up at that, eagerly grabbing Roy’s phone out of his hand and handing over his own as they quickly added each other to their contacts.
Moments later, as he watched the brothers walk away (trying to ignore the way that the muted lighting made the elder Elric’s hair almost glitter), he felt a tap on his shoulder. Speaking of blonds…
“Hey, Riza.”
“You looked like you were having fun up there,” she said, trying not to smirk at him,  “Glad I made you sign up after all?”
“Actually... Yeah,” he said with a small smile of his own, “I really only did it because you dared me, but it really was fun. I’m pretty sure Vanessa was seriously messing with me though.”
“With that song? Oh yeah,” she snorted, shaking her head. “You wanna go?”
“Yeah, lets-”
“-the winners of our New Year’s Karaoke Contest are…Edward Elric and Roy Mustang!”
Roy gaped, his eyes widening at the announcement.  He stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do, when he felt Riza elbow him lightly in the ribs.  “What…?”
“Go get your prizes, dumbass.” She laughed softly, shaking her head. “And don’t pick between them yourself, talk to that guy first. Gives you something to text him about...”
“Honestly I think we’re just going to end up fighting over the one for the bookstore,” he said with a bit of a laugh, heading up to the front to grab the gift cards. Regardless of the outcome, though, he was glad for another excuse to talk to him. They’d probably have to meet up for him to give Ed his prize... He grinned as he pocketed the two cards. This was going to be great.
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strikxen-writing · 4 years
Hey remember when I shipped my D&D characters? Whoops cant help myself, here’s more.
(Is it any good? Maybe not. Did I write this completely indulgently? Perhaps... Will there be more....? I would like there to be, also don’t expect a damn thing to be ‘accurate’ cause fuck that)
Growing up, the pun that is Prili Slightstout’s last name was mostly lost on her; that was until she journeyed to Waterdeep to attend a cleric’s college and nearly each and every taller person in her boarding house pointed out that she was a gnome with a last name that meant short. She, however, always took these little jabs with a smile on her face. She felt that being sweet and kind above all else put that very same energy into the people around her, and all Prili ever wanted was for everyone to be happy and harmonious. 
This is what drew her to Mishikal in the first place--among other things--the loving and beautiful light surrounding her temples and great joy felt by those who are healed from the brink of death. She wanted to spread that joy to everyone else in the world. 
Her years in college did little to dampen her idealistic spirit, though not for lack of trying. When she was in her second year, she was assigned alone to take care of a young child who was in the late stages of consumption. This was intended to be a lesson from a jaded instructor on the futility of saving everyone. Prili, who couldn’t even competently cast a full healing spell yet, was given what the family could afford, a few medicinal herbs and a prayer. She didn’t sleep all night, convinced that through Mishikal’s light even the faintest soul can be brought back. When the boy died, Prili learned that, though Mishikal’s light is incredible and all powerful, the realities of society prevent everyone from receiving Her light. Instead of letting this darken her hope, however, Prili became doubly determined to bring Mishikal’s light to everyone who sought it, regardless of whether they could or could not pay. 
Graduating with her accolades in Religiosity, Medicine, and Devotion, however, left her as good as penniless in the greater city of Waterdeep. She needed a job, and quickly as she was no longer welcome in the college’s boarding houses and needed a room to stay in. 
This is what led Prili to being stuck in the same hospital at the heart of the dock ward, 5 years later. The Siren’s Boon and Balm was owned by Mr. Wenceslas Almas, a tiefling man who very much was jaded by the pains of the world and ran his hospital in a very particular way. If you can’t pay, walk it off. He had even gone as far as to paint it on a sign set right next to the check in desk, right where Prili sat eating her lunch that day.
Lunch was a small cup of rice and a few vegetables with her normal cup of tea. Modest and a little bland, but Prili was okay with that. Every copper saved up was a copper closer to her dream, and by eating boring meals this week, Prili had saved a whole gold piece. She hummed thinking about the jangling coins she had saved in the little jar next to her alter at home. She scooped the last scoop of rice and onion in her mouth when the bell on the front door jangled.
“Hello! Welcome to the Siren’s Boon and Balm, how can I help you today?” she said in her high pitched voice. 
The man who walked into the store had a dirty face with tear stains, though now his face was stern and set. He was a tall man who held his arm underneath a bloody sheet. Prili didn’t need to see anything else; she leapt from behind the counter and held back the curtain leading to the healing rooms.
“Right this way sir! Please, sit down here,” she insisted. 
In the back of her mind, she realized that she hadn’t asked for payment first, again, but she would rather risk the money being taken from her paycheck than to risk this man dying on the streets, and the moment she pulled back the sheet, she was glad of her decision. His arm was crushed just beneath the elbow. The man winced and bit down a scream when the open air touched the wound, and Prili couldn’t blame him.
“Oh my!” she exclaimed, “You poor thing! Don’t you worry… by Mishikal’s light all pains can be lifted.” 
She held her holy symbol, a sapphire infinity sign on a cord around her neck, and began to murmur her incantation. The symbol began to glow a cleansing light, a light which stuck to her hands like jelly before she pressed it gingerly into the ruined arm. 
The man winced at the pain he anticipated, but let out his breath smoothly when the wave of agony didn’t come. He looked up at Prili with watery, thankful eyes.
She smiled and finished the healing spell. When the light dissipated, she could see that he would be okay. The arm was still heavily bruised and probably very tender, but he was no longer at risk of losing his arm. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well, thankfully you got here before any infection could take hold!” Prili reassured, “You just need to rest for a few days and your arm will be good as new!”
“Thank you so much…” the man said.
“What’s your name, if I may ask?”
“Terrence, I’m… I’m a sailor. Our ship is in port for a few days, but as we were throwing down the anchor, my arm got caught in the rope and…” he trailed off, the painful memory still fresh.
Prili was glad that the man had been able to make it to her, and she quietly thanked Mishikal for the opportunity to save a man’s life. The happiness was short lived, because she heard the sounds of the back door opening and closing. Mr. Almas was back from his lunch and she had still not charged this man a single copper.
“Well, that’s all in the past, isn’t it? Now… ah… concerning payment.”
This was the worst part and Prili hated it with a passion. She never understood the exorbitant rates that Mr. Almas charged. By the way Terrrence visibly deflated, Prili knew that there would be an issue. The footsteps behind her told her that she was being watched and she took a deep breath.
“The standard fee for healing is 10 gold pieces,” she said.
“I….I can’t pay that much…” he said sheepishly, “All I have to my name is 2 gold and a handful of coppers…” 
She had expected as much, and tried to offer a reassuring smile. “I’ll take one of those gold pieces, that will be enough. Save the rest for food while you’re in town.”
The slamming door behind her told her that taking a tenth of the price was about to land her in hot water, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Her patient was safe and that made her happy. Terrence let a small tear slip and nodded, placing a gold piece on the table next to him. Prili led him to the door and wished him well.
“Thank you, my lady….” he paused searching for her name.
“Prili,” she said brightly, “Prili Slightstout.”
A week had passed since Prili had lost her job. Her boss had kicked her out without even paying her her remaining paycheck. You’ve cost me more than you’ve made me! Now she was living off her paltry savings in search of work. Though her new found freedom had allowed her to wander the streets and offer healing free of charge to those who needed it. 
Prili pressed her forehead to the ground in front of her small statue of Mishikal. Her alter was small, but well loved. Prili attended to it every morning, sweeping up dust, replacing the offering flowers, and meditating over the candles to strengthen her connection with her loving deity. It was a simple routine that kept her grounded. The morning rays of light trickled in through the window, illuminating the eyes of her statue and filling Prili with rejuvenated hope. 
“Thank you for your guidance, my lady of light,” she prayed, “Please help me find more work so that I may administer your light to all I meet.”
Prili glanced over at the small jar she had been forced to dip into. Down to 10 gold pieces after she paid rent, and it would be tax day in a few days so she would need to set aside 2 extra gold for that, leaving her with 8 gold pieces to survive on until she found another source of income. She took a deep breath, all she needed to do was put her faith in Mishikal.  
Prili stood up, gave one last bow, and turned to eat breakfast. Her meals these days were simple, incredibly so. The stalest bread she could find at the baker and the very last egg she had from her trip to the market a week ago. Thankfully, if food ever became truly desperate, Prili knew how to conjure the most basic of rations thanks to Mishikal's good grace. 
After breakfast, Prili strolled out of her small home and began to wander the town. Without a job Prili found herself with so much time on her hands, it made her uneasy. Her job search was running into dead ends. Her search of all the other medical centers in Waterdeep yielded fruitless. It seemed that Mr. Almas had talked to them and warned them of Prili's tendency to give out free healing. None were willing to hire her on. Her search had then led her to the various other shops. Maybe she would be able to get a job selling food or potions or something of the like. Not being able to use the degree she earned was saddening, but it would just be a temporary thing until she could manage to save up enough money to open her own medical center and truly provide people with the help and care they need. These pursuits, too, ended up unsuccessful.
After hours of asking around for employment and a short break to buy a few coppers worth of lunch, Prili was starting to feel really disheartened. She sat on a bench idly chewing her bland loaf of bread when she overheard some chatter. A pair of teens were idling waiting for an unoccupied carriage to roll by.
“Yeah,” said the taller of the two, “You can make 100 gold in a night if you go down the Yawning Portal’s Well. It’s a bottomless pit of treasure and adventure! All you have to do is make sure you’ve got enough money to pay for the return trip back up, but finding 2 gold pieces isn’t that hard when you consider how much you’ll pull from the ancient rooms.”
“Okay… but a lot of people don’t come back. There’s probably a lot of bones down there..” his friend said.
“Bones-shmones”, the taller one said with a shrug, “They just weren’t strong enough. Unlike us.” With this his lips curled into a smirk. 
They continued their back and forth for a little while, discussing things like what they would do with the money, which pretty girls they would date when emerging victorious, and the like. Finally however, their carriage arrived and the boys were whisked away.
Prili thought about the boys’ conversation long after they had left. She didn't feel particularly comfortable with earning money through adventuring. It involved a lot of risking one's life for petty things like "glory" and "thrill". In the several years that Prili had been a healer, she had seen her fair share of what seeking glory and thrill leads to. However, being destitute wasn't a particularly attractive option either. She finished her crust of bread and stood up. Surely it wasn't a bad idea to check out the bar and see if it would be something she could consider.
The Yawning Portal was packed tight with all sorts of adventurers. For Prili it reminded her of her college years when adventurers would come in for cheap healing in exchange for being guinea pigs for aspiring clerics. The scent of spilled drinks and skipped bathing clung to the air and scrunched up Prili's nose. She wondered for a moment where the infamous well was, but through the legs of the packed patrons, she saw that it was actually smack dab in the center of the barroom. Prili prickled, her immediate thoughts concerning the dangers of having so many people packed around a bottomless well to the unknown. 
"C'mon! Let me down there!" someone said, "I want to be remembered!"
"Ha!" came a response, "As if you'd ever do anything worth remembering Geralt, back off, you went down a week ago and came back up sniveling!"
That started a heated argument, but opened up a few spaces at the bar. Prili climbed her way up one of the barstools and tiredly placed a copper piece on the bar. 
"Could I please get a light ale?" she asked.
The bartender wordlessly snatched up the copper piece and produced a small tankard of ale. Prili sipped the foam for just a moment before drinking deeply. Truth be told, she was really stressed out and feeling very alone in the world. Even her old boss couldn't stand her. If she could just afford to start her own hospital... 
The ale in her system emboldened her, and Prili sat up straighter in her seat.
"Excuse me!" she called once again to the barkeep, "Who do I inquire with to go down the well?"
The bartender took a few minutes to answer--it was quite busy--but finally he meandered his way over to where Prili was seated.
"That would be me, little lady," he said looking pointedly down at her, "and I don't let just anyone go down neither. Do you have a partner or group you could go down with?"
Prili deflated just a little, but still answered, "W-well no. I don't really have anyone. I-I heard there was just a small fee to come back up?"
"No single adventurers," the barman said with a huff, "I'm sick of people not coming back out. Come back when you've got someone to watch your back down in those catacombs."
Prili sighed and took another swig of her ale. So much for that hope. She would have to find a way to get money elsewhere. She started considering farm labor when she was interrupted by a voice.
"Excuse me, miss?" a gravelly voice said just behind her.
"Hmm?" Prili spun around and found the source of the noise. In front of her stood a very tall, very muscular orcish woman. She wore her hair cropped short and all along one arm were very intricate looking tattoos that seemed to move and shift depending on the angle you viewed it. She was at the same time intimidating as well as beautiful.
"Ah, I heard you were wanting to go down the Yawning Portal... but didn't have anyone to go with," she continued. 
Prili, always a fool and slow to pick up on subtle cues looked a little dejected.
"Yeah... I wasn't aware of the rule when I came in, but what can you do?"
The orc woman shifted around and looked down.
"Me too," she said, "I, ah, was wondering..." she trailed off a bit, trying to muster either courage or the proper phrasing.
It was at this moment that Prili finally realized what was going on, and her eyes lit up.
"Would you want to go down with me?" she asked with a hopeful smile. 
The woman nodded sheepishly, "If you would have me... I can carry my own, I just need someone so that Durnan will let me go down."
So that was his name. Prili glanced over at the barkeep and grinned. She finished off her ale and held a hand up.
"Excuse me! Mr. Durnan, sir!" she called, nearly forgetting her manners. 
"Ah, the small one again, I thought I said-"
"I know! I found a partner!" she said excitedly, gesturing towards her new orc friend. 
"Well, the beefy one from earlier," Durnan remarked, "Alright, fine. I'll go get the paperwork."
After he disappeared into the room behind the bar, Prili glanced over at her new friend.
The woman nodded, "Durnan doesn't want liability should you not come back out. Wives and parents have come here with a vengeance before.."
Prili nodded, it made sense. She had to deal with her fair share of angry loved ones in the heartbreaking moments where someone could not be saved. 
The papers placed in front of them were covered in tiny printed letters, so small in some places Prili couldn't really read. 
"So," she said as she signed her name, "When we're ready to come back up..." 
Durnan nodded, "Put two gold in the bucket at the bottom and give it a yank, I'll take the gold and lower the bucket back down to lift you up."
Prili nodded, absently fingering the gold pieces that she had brought with her in her pockets. Once the papers were signed, Durnan announced their descent into the Yawning Portal and the tavern erupted in cheers. It was all so loud that Prili felt a little disoriented. The crowds parted to let Prili and her partner through. 
The orc woman put a foot in the bucket and held onto the rope, she reached out an arm to offer to Prili. Prili took it and was scooped effortlessly into the woman's arms. She felt her face flush, she hadn't been lifted like this in years, and then it was a result of the teasing in college. 
Durnan gave the two a nod and started lowering the rope into the well. Soon the cacophony of the tavern faded away and gave way to the quiet dripping of the well. Prili looked around, feeling like she had maybe acted too rashly. She glanced over at her partner and something occurred to her.
"I'm sorry..." she said, "I never asked your name... You can call me Prili if you like!"
The woman thought about it for a moment before answering, "Agga. My friends call me Agga."
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