#and his daemon looks so different because of how they've both changed
snowyleopardess · 1 year
I don't have the confidence to write it, but eeeurgh I'm being haunted by skk daemon AU
No one at the ADA has ever seen Dazai's daemon, and he always gives 'mysterious' answers or jokes when asked. A lot of people just assume it's small, like an insect, and learn to ignore it. Sometimes interacting with Dazai can be hard, their own daemon awkwardly standing around, unable to connect their hearts. Every interaction with Dazai has a shallow feeling. He kinda creeps regular people out.
Chuuya's daemon never really seemed to suit him. Any time he met new people, there would always be a split second where they paused when they looked at chuuya's daemon. It wasn't scary or concerning, just...off somehow. Like a puzzle piece you can make fit but doesn't line up right with the picture right.
The thing is- Chuuya doesn't actaully have a daemon. Dazai left his daemon with Chuuya when he left. Chuuya doesn't even remember his daemon... if he ever had one. (more fuel to the poor guys' clone trauma)
I'm thinking crow for the daemon, very smart and capable animal, and it seems to suit Dazai.
But I've also thought of an... elephant. They're smart too, but also the sight of Chuuya using his gravity to float his daemon up to the window of whatever building he's in so they're not left out makes me want to cry laugh. You always know where Chuuya is because of the fucking elephant floating outside the building. Chuuya's even more powerful in this AU from constant practice floating the elephant and having to deal with more attacks because people always know where he is.
I've also thought of a bat, but more just because Chuuya would look so fucking cute with a bat hanging off his hat taking a nap.
Still not sure if the daemon should be male or female.
Dazai has always kept his daemon at arms' length, physically and metaphorically. He separated from his daemon at a very young age. Seeing dark era Dazai without a daemon made him even more terrifying.
Dazai hates his daemon. He never seemed to feel comfort from his daemons like others did, he never seemed to feel much of anything around them. His daemon could be even more stoic then him. Daemons were supposed to be beings of emotion, the manifestation of your heart. So Dazai resented them. In his worst moments, he even hurt his own daemon himself just to feel
s o m e t h i n g.
But Dazai was right- his daemon is the manifestation of his heart. His heart is just so hurt. It can't hide like the human half of him can. So his daemon is very quiet and avoidant. Dazai hates that vulnerability being on display.
But there are some times that Dazai feels through his daemon. And that's when Chuuya touches them so gently. Chuuya is absolutely fascinated with daemons because he never had one. Dazai was never one to uphold boundaries or social rules, so he practically goads Chuuya into touching his daemon after an accidental brush one time. He's reminded that he even has a heart, because it feels warm, not just numb. Chuuya loves his daemon so much. Chuuya's touch is so addicting its terrifying, but it chases away the crushing apathy for just a moment.
So when Dazai leaves, he leave his daemon with Chuuya. Chuuya's so panicked at first, what does it mean when someone gives you their heart but still leaves you?
So he loves and cares for Dazai's daemon like Dazai couldn't. And Dazai's heart and mind finally start to heal.
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What do you think about Baela refusing to inherit Driftmark? And about the fact that Rhaena is seemingly forgotten in the equation?
To start with, it's helpful to look at how the book handles Driftmark's succession. We know that in Fire and Blood neither Baela nor Rhaena end up inheriting Driftmark, instead, Corlys legitimizes Alyn and Addam, and eventually Alyn inherits. The show, of course, has to get to this point too, but the difference between the show and the book is that in the book, the possibility or Baela or Rhaena inheriting is never mentioned. The betrothals between Rhaenyra's sons and Daemon's daughters are made when the children are still babies, not as a some bid to get Rhaenys to support Luke as heir to Driftmark, but likely by Laena as a way to help her brother out of a difficult situation.
Now here's where it gets tricky. In the book, by the time Rhaenys dies, Corlys has had enough. Jace talks him down from his range, makes him Hand, and when Addam and Alyn's mother, Marilda comes forward claiming the boys to be Laenor's sons, and Addam's claiming of Seasmoke seems to prove it, he asks Rhaenyra to legitimize them, which she does. Now, since the boys are officially Laenor's sons, the same as Joffrey, and they are both older than Joff, this puts them ahead of Joffrey in Driftmark's line of succession. This way Corlys can change the succession without repudiating Joffrey, which is important, because if Joffrey is passed over, that's as good as declaring his bastardy. So this way Corlys gets an heir of his own blood, and Rhaenyra still saves face.
Now HotD has Rhaenys raise the possibility of Baela becoming Rhaenyra's heir back in S1, but what the show seems to have forgotten is that this was a move which would have disinherited Lucerys, effectively proclaiming him a bastard the same way the crown ruling in favor of Vaemond would have. That's why Rhaenyra was so desperate to get Rhaenys to accept the betrothals between her boys and Daemon's girls (which, in the show did not happen when the children were babies because the show kept Daemon and Laena in Pentos for ten years), which of course she does (forget for a moment that it's not really her choice who the girls marry). However, ever since that episode aired, fans have brought up the idea that Rhaenyra is usurping Baela's right to Driftmark by keeping her boys in the Velaryon line of succession, and further, that Baela should not be content with being Jace's queen, she should want Driftmark instead, as it is rightfully hers.
And on the first part-- well, yes. Putting bastards into the line of succession is a big no, unless they've been legitimized, which requires they be acknowledged as bastards in the first place. However, this isn't news to anyone. Everyone in the extended Velaryon-Daemyra family is, for the time being anyway, in on the ruse. They all treat the fact that Rhaenyra's boys are bastards as a non-issue, and so the kids are not going to be the ones to say something. Baela cannot declare her intent to inherit Driftmark without betraying people who are important to her. Some fans clearly think she should want this, that she should find it insulting to be betrothed to Jace, but that's not Baela's character. Now, granted her loyalty makes more sense in the book, where she had known Jace since they were babies, but the show is going for loyal Baela who cares for Jace, and she's not going to press the issue on her own.
So the show having Corlys offer Baela Driftmark, and then having her turn it down, seems to be a way to shut down these arguments and clear the way for Addam/Alyn by making it crystal clear that Baela doesn't want Driftmark, while keeping Corlys' own hands clean-- hey, he's not the one choosing Rhaenyra's cause and his ambition to have a Velaryon on the throne over his granddaughter, it's Baela making the choice. At the same time, this conveniently avoids the implications for Rhaenyra's succession because Corlys' offer never goes any further. Corlys cannot truly back either of the girls as heir to Driftmark without declaring Laenor's "line" through Rhaenyra illegitimate, and if he does that, he is declaring Jace illegitimate as well. He might as well declare for Aegon II at that point because he'd be effectively dooming Rhaenyra's cause. And this is, of course, why Baela and Rhaena were never considered heirs to Driftmark in the first place in the book.
As for Rhaena, we already heard Corlys tell Rhaenys he didn't consider Rhaena a suitable heir, and Rhaenys also gave her tacit approval to Alyn and Alyn as heirs. It does seem like the show is presenting them directly as Corlys' sons, rather than Laenor's, which, if they were younger than Laenor would still put them behind his "line" in the order of Driftmark's succession, but I think the show will likely avoid this issue by making at least Alyn older (which is probably why his actor is clearly a grown man, and not a teenager like in the book). All in all, Baela's line is there because the show complicated Driftmark's succession by bringing the girls into it in the first place, something that didn't happen in the book for good reasons, and they had to address the elephant in the room in order to move Addam and Alyn's plots forward. Baela and Rhaena were never going to inherit Driftmark, so the show invents a scenario which puts that question to rest for the audience without uncovering any hypocrisies within team black.
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chaotic-beautiful · 2 months
Build up where ??? HOTD
Those who are defending HOTD writing , fighting tooth and nail like obsessed fangirls , are they even watching the same show ??? This show is literally garbage writing , zero characterisation and full of illogical plot holes looking like pot holes on a muddy village road .
Where to even begin ? Atp, a whole 200 page book can be written on the lack of writing and cringe fanfiction OC inserts of showmakers that are not even subtle anymore.
Where's the smartly written dialogs and interesting scenes between small fry characters and MCs ?? Interestingly composed scenes of diverse cultures , grounding scenes of daily lives that are somehow intricately connected to who they are about one or more characters.
Truly , true art can not be replicated or replaced . I'd watch old clips of GOT where it's just two random characters talking to each other and nothing else happening over this entire dump on fire season . Such memorable quotes n conclusions that kept us all on our toes came out of such conversations.
Let me not even start on our female characters. Whichever gave the showmakers this idea that a person who doesn't even identify with that particular gender will be ideal candidate to play a feminist icon in the show ? They do not understand the power that comes from embracing the fragility, gentleness, allure and softer sides of being a woman . And the show makers ?? They've zero idea about Women , their bodies , their hearts , pregnancy, motherhood , marital bond , importance of husband wife bonding and rearing children . They've zero idea what makes a woman strong . I've seldom seen such poorly written female characters, each weak , pathetic , cut board cut outs ( Rhaena , Baela , Haelena ) and unrelatable. They're denied of agency ( Alicent ) , femininity ( Rhaenyra ) , ambition, ruthless strive. Catherine, Sansa , Dany , Cersei , Arya even small female characters that appeared for a season are of fuller blood and flesh , feel like real life and they each embrace different sides of what being a woman actually means.
Show makers have zero respect or true regard for LGBTQA characters. They literally deleted a bunch of canonically established book characters belonging from that group . They treat Ser Laenor like garbage . No body cared about him when he was in the show , he literally proposed to be there for their children and for a fresh start with his wife but was then kicked out from her life because atp, she felt she needed a new husband to secure her position and safety of her children and decided to seduce and manipulate an emotionally vulnerable Daemon mere days after his wife's death.
And now in the show every one has moved on. Where is Laenor?? Is he alive ? Why is Seasmoke so restless and ready for a new rider ?? Can he sense that his rider is gone? Does your favorite girl boss cares ?? No ! Neither does the show.
But nor does the viewers , because hey we've got a hot toxic lesbian kiss that pretty much ruins the essence of both the characters and deviates them so far away from their book selves that they're no more the same characters. They might as well just change their names and introduce them as OCs . Yay for representation. We won ! Not.
The show stinks so badly of racism that it makes me feel sick. The Valeryons are played by a bunch of Bl actors without that having any effect on the story . AND yet those same characters are treated like disposable and insignificant within the story , existing as props to enhance the story of White characters. How typical. 🤔 They erased Nettles whose story reverberated through the heart of Westeros for eons to come and was truly inspiring , because that could not endanger what they're trying to do with their OC Rhaenyra, not comfortable making her human by showing her jealous and possessive of her OWN husband whom she loved crazily and was prepared to cross all limits of morality for him . No , that'd make her a human being and a wife . Can't have that here. Doesn't fit with our narrative. Can't show her to be dismissive and vindictive as she was of Nettles because of who she was and where she came from. Can't have the simp Daemon of the show look outside of his cheater wife, when Nettles was without a doubt the most important person for him near the end of his life.
They ruined another book , ruined great characters and those who have no idea about the book and the essence of these characters are praising and defending this garbage by attacking the books fans . It's indeed an interesting psychological study how like minded people are attracted to like minded stuff.
Mike drop.
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sparklecryptid · 11 months
AtB+bi!Luche AU: I'd love to see how Luche's life would be - different and similar in one with a group of tight-knit siblings who openly care for her.
Luche knows she has siblings. She knows this.
She never plans to meet them, to let them know she is their sister. Luche has no time to stray from the path in front of her - she has no time to consider what could be if they put all their magic and might together. Luche can't leave the future of their world to a flimsy chance that they might be able to change things.
Besides Luche is destined to die a traitor. There is no place for her in the family they will make.
Ace - being the contrary shit he is - seems determined to prove her wrong. He is wary of her at first, as if he knows of who she will be - about who she should become - but then he sees ice swallow a daemon whole and Luche's magic scattering in the air like snow and something like wonder fills his eyes as Ace's own magic - light and bright and horrible - thunders through the air and shatters the ice statues to pieces.
Ace turns to Luche and he laughs. When asked why Ace's grin is blinding.
"I can work with this." That's all he says before telling Luche about their siblings as they head back to the port.
Looking back Luche is sure this is when the threads of fate began to twist and fray.
Thanatos and Ardor are-
Odd. They take one look at her and Luche feels like she's being judged. She is, but not for the reasons her clan judged her. No. Ardor and Thanatos think she's too skinny. They keep shoving food onto her plate from their own plates and Luche doesn't know how two decline politely.
Persephone saves her. Astrals bless her.
"I think our sister has had enough," Persephone says dryly, "At this rate the two of you will be flesh and bone and she'll be the healthiest of all of us."
"I don't think Thanatos can get skinnier," Ardor says with a raised brow.
"His elbows are deadly," Ace agrees as he finally settles down to eat after finishing cooking, "Bony bastard."
"Why are you guys always picking on me?" Thanatos whines and Luche feels a smile tug her lips.
It's a strange feeling.
Not an unwelcome one.
Thanatos likes picking at the tendrils of the Curse. He is determined to find a way to break it; or at least lessen it's impact. It's a shame, he had declared, that his darling dearest sister is unable to feel warmth.
Mercury had agreed and banned Luche from ever setting foot in Niflheim. It's too cold, Mercury had said, And you're already frozen. Best not risk it.
Luche doesn't know how to tell them that she doesn't mind the curse - that her clan doesn't either - they've all learned to live with it after all.
Luche had thought about telling them to leave it be but-
Jupiter had given her a look and Jules had been in the room.
They don't argue in front of Jules. Jules deserves better than that.
Shiva shouldn't be here. Shiva shouldn't be on this battlefield staring Luche down but she is. She is because Luche is stupid and the act of weaving her magic into the curse to strengthen both her magic and the curse might have saved her men - might have won her the day - but at what cost?
Her life. Her life is the cost. Her breath comes slower now and she can feel the frostbite settling on her skin, held at bay only by the way Tredd uses his blessing to fight the curse that seeps into Luche's bones.
Luche doesn't know what her siblings are doing but they're-
Close? Why are they so close?
Something breaks in the air around her and it's warmth that chases the chill away-
Luche faints.
(Her siblings hold a prophecy and a curse in their hands.
They break them both,)
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kiefbowl · 2 years
regarding alicent being hated by neckbeards (and not to sound like some Women Are Worse Actually apologist or something cause asoiaf fanboys are the worst lmao) things are not much better with the women in the fandom. i mostly move in female dominated spaces when it comes to asoiaf and it's been shocking seeing the way they've been talking about her. literally calling her every misogynistic slur under the sun 276485 times a day. and when the actress who played young alicent alluded to romantic undertones in rhaenyra and alicents relationship they went fucking feral and jumped on her saying that if actors wanted to fuck they should do it in their own time and leave the characters out of it.
it took me so much by surprise the intensity of the hatred both for the character and ship bc i can name countless villainous characters that have big fanbases?? not to mention problematic het ships ("problematic" ranging from starting as enemies to straight up shipping male abusers or groomers or pedos with female characters). they're basically treating alicent as the devil incarnate while adoring the man who took his 15 year old niece to a brothel...it's disgusting. i
was in the fandom for a while before i read fire and blood so i got into the book with preconceived notions expecting to love daemon/rhaenyra (cause he's a fan-favourite and fans are really presenting their relationship as some great love story) and hating alicent more than any asoiaf villain by the way they were talking about her. instead i was disgusted by how a male character like daemon could have stans and couldn't get what made alicent different from basically any asoiaf and got character? cause almost everyone in that universe look to save their own skin, gain power for themselves etc etc so i didn't view her as an anomaly just your run-of-the-mill antagonist??
generally liked the changes they made in her character in the show cause she was just too evil stepmothery for my taste in the book and it fell flat but the fandom was foaming at the mouth at the thought that they made her remotely sympathetic. and every time the actors/showrunners etc mentioned that alicent is a product of the patriarchy they'd be screaming about how she's the patriarchy herself and shit like that as if women who cape for the patriarchy aren't oppressed by it? it generally feels like i've time travelled s couple of decades back with the misogynistic takes ive had to read that are widely accepted in fandom . it's disturbing cause they basically switch "feminism" on and off based on whether they like s character or not and if they don't it's free estate apparently? they hate her so much that they can't even empathise with her being married off to an old man as a teenager and enduring marital rape cause apparently that would be excusing her later actions. but they'll happily joke around about daemon murdering his wife...
sorry for ranting lmao i just really wanted to discuss the show with another radfem haha
Omg girl, the takes brewing in the hotd tag on tumblr are ATROCIOUS, I'm right there with you. A week back I got an anon about Alicent where I said she hadn't become the villain yet, but had clearly turned antagonistic toward Rhaenyra. This past episode, she has clearly stepped up her villainy, and like - what about it? Her choices and feelings are completely understandable.
It truly makes me wonder what people watch stuff and read stuff for. Like what do you get out of it? If you don't find characters compelling, what's the point? If evil characters make you hate them like it's personal, perhaps you need a bit of a reality check? These people aren't real lol
I'm also absolutely bemused how angry people are getting that the showrunners are interpreting this book and creating scenes that aren't quite what the book described, because it's the point? The book is a ""history book"" intentionally playing on unreliable sources. Every scene is going to be more fleshed out and a little different, and they're going to create visual parallels within the show. These complainers would make terrible television shows
Alicent is a tragic character, and you don't have to root for her, but I don't understand not feeling sympathy for her.
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