#and his death is the begging of paul's addiction??×?'
shivieroy · 6 months
I'm obsessed with the symbolisms of midnight mass
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romanarose · 7 months
For The Longest Time: Because of You
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Lorelei calls her dad.
Warnings: Abandoment issues, daddy issues, a little bit of ptsd from physically abuse (v minor), Lorelei being very angry and trying to push Will away, shitty behavior, brief addict shaming. ER visit. mentions of Benny's episode and Will's dads death
a/n: takes place in two parts, after Mr. Miller's funeral and then the day after ben's hospitalization. They ALMOST talk about their feelings. Almost.
It had been a few days since Will’s dad’s funeral, and he seemed to be doing well enough. Ben had been taking it much worse, as to be expected, so did Jenna so that’s where Will’s attention was. He had told her he didn’t really care that he died, although Lorelei wasn’t sure that was true. Thing was, Ben wasn’t out to his family yet outside of a few cousins, was the thing. Will was pretty sure everyone guessed as much, but their family didn’t talk like that. Now, Will didn’t have to worry about Paul clocking Ben in the face for bringing home a man one thanksgiving. And Will did hope Ben would bring someone other than Alice. Ben had two committed relationships in his life, Cameron and Alice, and Alice had stuck around much longer than Will wanted. The rest had been a slew of one night stands of men and women he met in his MMA fights and Miami nightclubs. 
However, the whole ordeal of the funeral had left Lorelei’s thoughts reeling. Of course she cared about Benny and Will, she loved them dearly. Mrs. Miller was very kind and the death had left her shocked. Lorelei had them over twice at her and Will’s home for dinner, trying to alleviate some of the worry. Jenna was stressed, trying to sell the farm, but it wasn’t making much progress. Will didn’t want her to sell it, but he didn’t want to run it either, leaving them in a stand-still. 
Ben wanted it gone. There had been a time he thought he’d take it over, once… Ben was good at farm work, he was strong, enduring, hard working. But that was when him and Cameron had dreams together, dreams of a Brokeback Mountain lifestyle, away from the public view, dreams of a life where they just pretended they were partners running a farm and never had to worry about the outside. That was very going to happen, so Ben wanted every memory of his dad and Cameron erased.
Lorelei had worked another long day, 6 AM to 6 PM and Will had asked her, begged her really, to stop working over time at least. He understood her need to stay independent but god, at what cost? She refused, saying she’d put her foot down when she no longer could take it, but at a little over 4 months, she could still take it. Lorelei was concerned that while Will seemed all in with their child, she still worried she’d be left in the dust when he got bored, so she was saving up as much as she could while she still had free rent.
Since she wouldn’t stop working long days, she did, however, allow Will to take care of her after a shift. Her feet were beginning to swell up, so she acquiesced to Will rubbing her feet with magnesium lotion while they watched a movie. Today, she was showing him  “Some Like It Hot” starring Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
“He reminds me of Ben” Will commented about Tony Curtis’s character who, while in drag, immediately made a group of friends with the women.
Lorelei chuckled. “Yeah, this would be a very Ben thing to do. He ever do drag?”
Will stopped massaging her feet, turning to Lorelei with a perfectly straight face. “Why, because he’s gay you think he does drag?”
“NO! Nonononono!” Lorelei was quick to defend, panicking slightly as she sat up. “No it’s just he’s very outgoing and-”
A bright laugh filled the room, Will waving her off and going back to work and giggling a bit. “I’m just messing with yuh, Lore.”
Lorelei kicked him, but smiled as she laid down again. “Can’t do me like that!  I thought you were about to cancel and call Jana over to beat my ass for being homophobic or something.”
“I wouldn’t wish Jana or Santi’s fury on my worst enemy.”
They watched the movie in a comfortable silence for a while, full of the chicken parm Lorelei made and sleepy, both their eyes were drooping by the time Lorelei spoke again.
“Do you know how to track people down.”
Will, who had sunk down on the couch much like Lorelei had, her legs propped up on him, peaked an eye to her. “Well… yeah, that was kinda part of our job.”
She started slowly. “Can you find people that maybe… no ones heard from in a few years?”
“Possibly… We were able to find Laci’s ex who trafficked her.”
“Did Santi kill him.”
“So yes.”
“Who are you looking for, Lore?”
She turned to him, the credits from their movie beginning to roll. “My dad.”
Will propped himself up on his elbow. “Like… your dad dad?”
“No, like my step-dad who called me last week to remind me that he’s disappointed in me and doesn’t want anything to do with this baby and how my sister would never do anything like this, even though I was the one that helped her get on birth control.”
“Jesus. Yeah, we can find him. Ben’s really good at that kind of thing, knows someone in every city. What’s bringing this about?”
She sighed, ready for bed. “The funeral. I just, I dunno. I don’t want my dad to die without meeting his grandchild…”
“Do you… think he wants to?”
She glared at him. “What, because he didn’t want me that means he doesn’t want them either?”
“No! Jesus, Lore, I didn’t say he didn’t-”
It was her turn to laugh. “I’m just fucking with you, relax.”
Will’s panic dissolved into a warm smile. “C’mon. Let’s get you to bed. You can give me what you got and we’ll track him down.”
“Thanks, William.”
He pulled her up, sleepy and pliant and dragged her stumbling form to her bedroom.
The day after Ben’s hospitalization, Will came home to see Lorelei cleaned up the entire apartment, exactly how Will liked it.
When he entered the kitchen to see her making lunch, Will simply drew her into his arms, her belly preventing him from fully embracing as tight as he wanted to, but she loved being helped by him like this. He felt safe to her. 
She was about to talk to him, to ask how Ben was to talk about what Will said, that his type was pretty, short brunettes…
“William-” Her phone rang. Her heart hurt when he pulled away, nd she was going to decline it when she saw the number. Unfamiliar number, but… “it’s a Philly area code…” She continued watching it ring.
Will knew what this might mean. “Is it your dad?”
She answered. “Hello.”
It was.
Will watched and Lorelei’s face lit up, a smile brightening his shitty day. He guided her over to the couch to talk, then took over lunch for her. She deserved this. Excitedly, she told him about the pregnancy.
“We’re naming her Chloe Sen. Yeah, that’s what I thought, William picked the first name. I think so too! Yeah, he treats me really well.”
This was good news. Lorelei’s mom and step-dad had almost no involvement in her life, and even less since the pregnancy. Despite her mom also having gotten pregnant outside of marriage, she seemed to regard Lorelei as a failure. Her mom had gotten married before her birth, so technically she was born in wedlock, which Lorelei refused to do. Will not proposing to her made him the bad guy in her family's eyes. The apparent excitement from her dad was good news.
Then it tumbled.
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah I get it. Sure, I can do that. Um, you’ll call later, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, it was nice talking to you too… um, bye…” All her excitement deflated.
Will turned to see her on the couch, lip quivering and chest heaving as she furiously pulled up cashapp and typed in Kyle Giang. $500
“It’s fine, he’ll pay me back” He never paid her back for the other several thousand she’d sent him over the years. “He just needs to get his car back, it was repossessed and-”
“I’m sorry.” He tried to say, he wanted to tell her she deserved better than a step dad who thought she was a failure when she was an ER nurse, and a damn good one. She deserved better than a dad who ran out on her and asks for money. He wanted to reassure her that he’d never to that to Chloe, that Chloe would never have to feel the way she did… But Lorelei had already switched, and it felt like all the progress they had made together went out the window.
“Oh fuck off, I don’t need your pity.” Hobbling and stumbling, Lorelei wobbled off the couch and towards the door.
“C’mon, don’t do this, talk to me-”
She attempted to shove her feet into her flats, but they had gotten so swollen they weren’t fitting. Usually, before a shift or going anywhere, Will helped her put on her shoes and tie them up since her belly had gotten so big. Chloe was gonna be a big baby, the doctor said. Got that Miller blood. It made Lorelei feel like a princess, Will treating her as worthy of the title he only spoke to her in their most tender, most quiet of moments… the way he looked up at her as he knelt on the ground, blue eyes so bright on his face… she loved him so much. But moments like these, moments where she’s reminded of how badly her father hurt her and how if she could trust her own dad then who the hell was she supposed to trust… 
“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” She screamed, hating the way she sounded like her mom. “FUCK!” Lorelei refused to go outside shoeless, so she shoved her feet into Will’s slides. They were obscenely large on her as she waddled out the door, looking fucking stupid as she felt.
Will followed her outside. “Lorelei, please just talk to-”
“FUCK YOU!” She shouted, hobbling away, to where she wasn’t sure.
“C’mon! Don’t do this! I want to help-”
Lorelei whipped around, nearly tripping on the shoes. “I don’t need help! You do! You and your germophbia, your obsessive compulsive disorder, YOU NEED HELP! Your alcoholic suicidal brother does, your multiple addict friends do, so go fucking deal with them because they are clearly more important than our family!”
There was a flash of anger in his eyes. “What the fuck did you just say?” He spoke softly, like a calm before the storm and Lorelei braced herself for a screaming match, braced herself to take him on the same way she took on Tyler… But the storm never came. 
“Please don’t talk about my family like that.”
Lorelei’s defenses could not be laid down. 
“Are you going to address the OCD or are you going to keep ignoring it?”
He rolled his eyes a bit. “I dont have obsessive-”
“OH-ho-ho-ho my GOD Will! Yes you do! Jesus christ! You couldn’t even help your own fucking brother as he was dying!”
Will spoke evenly, refusing to match her tone. “He wasn’t dying, he only took melatonin-”
“YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT! Fuck! I can’t do this, I can’t do any of this. I’m moving out!” The shocked hurt crossed Will’s face, looking so heart broken at her rejection and threat to take herself and their daughter away. “I don’t fucking need you for anything so I’ll just go back to Philly” She turned on a heel to walk across the lawn, but got tripped on on the oversized shoes.  “so you can pretend this never happ-” Lorelei was spinning, falling over onto her ass on the grass. She started crying before she could stop herself. And she would have stopped herself. She never cried in front of anyone, nonetheless a man.
“LORELEI!” Will shouted, running to her. If she was in a better state of mind, she would have noticed the worry in his voice, the panic, but instead she just heard the noise. She just heard him shouting her name and worried she had gotten what she wants, that she pushed him too far and now he was mad at her.
When Will reached her, Lorelei looked up at him and it was so small a less observant man would miss it… a small flinch. He eyes wide and wet and she flinched. “Hey now,” Will spoke calmly, carefully crouching down slowly to not startle her. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
“I know.” She sniffled, expression calming as she realized this was Will. Just Will. Will would never hurt her, no matter how much she pushed him.
“You fell, anything hurt? Your ankle?”
She shook her head, tears quickly drying.
“Okay, I’m gonna pick you up and we’re going to the ER.”
“I’m fine.” She insisted, voice quiet. “I’m 5’3, it’s not a far fall.”
Will chuckled softly. “I know, but let’s just go, for me okay? So I don’t obsessed over it? Since you’re so worried about my OCD.”
“Okay.” She consented, and Will scooped her up bridal style and began carrying her to their car, her arms around his neck. “So you admit you have OCD.”
He smiled. “Well, I can’t exactly diagnose myself but… if you want me to get seen, okay.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
She was completely fine. The ER doctor knew Lorelei of course and checked her out thoroughly, assuring her that both her and the baby appeared well and healthy, but to come in if there’s any pain or bleeding. Will picked up some Whataburger for their lunch since the food they were making had gone cold. Still very worried, Will held her arm as they walked into the house, taking her to her room to nap.
“Can you stay with me?” She asked, oh so quiet, so quiet he thought he didn’t hear right… but he did, and he said yes, of course, anything for you.
That’s how they ended up like this, cuddled up in bed together. Lorelei was on her back, Will resting his head on her chest and an arm wrapped around the belly protectively. It didn’t feel wrong or sexual, the idea his head was on her boobs. It just felt right. Will was just there for her and Chloe. 
“I’m really sorry, Will.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“No, William, let me apoligize. That was really shitty. I shouldn’t have said any of that, I didn’t mean it. Well, outside the OCD. You gotta take care of that.”
“I will” He assured.
“I mean about the others. I’m sorry I called Ben a suicidal alcohalic.”
He shrugged. “He is.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have said it. And I’m really sorry I called Jana, Frankie and Laci addicts. I’m a nurse, I can’t being saying shit like that. I’m not trying to shame addicts. I love those three.”
“I know. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you… I know I’m not… I’m not always easy to get along with… I shouldn’t have yelled at you, that was wrong.”
“You’re trying.” Will kissed her swollen belly. He looked sad, worried like his mind was reeling. “You had a bad day, and we both had a long night. You didn’t sleep at all. It’s okay.”
“Thank you.” She whispered. Lorelei wondered how she could possibly have raised her voice at someone so gentle, so loving, so adoring…
Will subconscious squeeze the arm he had wrapped around her belly. “Did you mean the other part though?”
Lorelei wasn’t sure what he meant. “Hm?”
He climbed off her, propping himself up on one arm while she looked at him. “About moving out.. About leaving… because if you want to go to Philadelphia, you can but… I want to come… I don’t want to be away from you and Chloe, baby.”
His eyes looked large and wet, like he might start crying at any moment. She forgot about the threat. It was empty. There was nothing in Philadelphia for her anymore, certainly not her dad.
“Oh honey…” Lorelei brought him to lay down on the pillow with her, their faces a breath apart. “I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry, I won’t threaten to walk away again. No matter what, I’ll never keep you from our daughter…”
His voice was sleepy, a little grovely, almost like a morning bedroom voice despite it being 1 PM. “I don’t wanna be away from you either, Lore.”
She wanted to trust him. She did… she wanted to lean over right there and kiss him, to make him her and suck his perfect fucking cock and have him bend her over and- she wanted to be with him… but there was the inkling, that fear, that nagging voice in the back of her head that he was just like everyone else, and if she got to close, Will could rip the rug out from under her, tagging away him, her new friends, and leaving her and Chloe alone, like Lorelei and her mom were.
“I don’t wanna be without you either, Will.”
They laid there together, slowly drifting off.
“Can you get me one of those giant pregnancy pillows?”
She felt the bed shake with his laughter.
“Anything for you, princess.”
She's trying. She really is she's just scared.
The entire inspo for this series was Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson, which she considers a sequel to her amazing song Because of You. please check them both out to get what Lorelei is going through and Feeling, trying to push will away despite how tenderly he loves her.
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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hauntedandmurdered · 5 months
memento mori - A Hannibal Lecter & Clarice Starling fanfiction
When Krendler woke up again, it took him a few seconds to figure out what had happened to him in the first place. He was mutilated below the waist, that much his clouded mind could still perceive. By now, however, his physical performance had reached such a limit that he could no longer focus his blurred field of vision. As a result, he was no longer able to judge whether it was dark or bright. One could almost say that he no more lived, but merely existed. He was vegetating like a deer that had been shot and was being watched as it died an agonising death. That was precisely how he felt.
Somewhere in the distance, voices were thundering at him, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. It took too much strength to keep his eyes open. So he let the darkness swallow him up again. He was probably as neglected as a homeless person who had to be swept off the street. Hence, he bet he reeked of piss and filth for miles around.
“Ready for another sip of your broth, Paul?”, an inhumane voice whispered to his ear.
Krendler couldn’t tell if that voice was familiar or not. Broth didn’t sound all too bad, did it? Attempting to nod, he snorted like a slobbering pooch.
“Clarice? Our friend’s a tiny bit thirsty. Let’s provide him something to drink.”
Clarice. Krendler didn’t know a person called Clarice.
“I can’t remember to have invited a lady called Clarice home”, he croaked, then his body was shaken by a coughing attack.
“Don't worry, Paul. Everything is going as it should”, someone answered.
“Fine”, he hummed. “Fine.”
Then his head fell forwards because he could no longer balance its weight. When a straw was pushed between his lips, he began to suck on it. Damn, the liquid he ingested tasted disgusting. He couldn't think of anyone who would drink something like that voluntarily. His idea of broth was far from that. Be that as it may, he and this booze just didn't seem to be compatible.
“Food...may I...have some food?”
“Sorry, the remains of your liver were eaten up by some boars last night.”
“I see. I see”, Krendler softened his tone, leaning his head back with his eyes shut close. White dots were dancing like splendid stars in the black mist that surrounded him. “No food, then.”
“Exactly, Paul”, a velvety smooth voice stirred in the dark. “Memento Mori.”
Next, fatigue caught up with him and he was carried away by a dreamless sleep.
“Good morning, Paul. How are you feeling?”
“Who's Paul, man?”
“That's a really good question. Who is this man who thinks he can take whatever and however much he likes? Who is the man who assumes that the whole world is his oyster? Who is the man who dares to touch a woman against her will? And I especially wonder who this man is who expected to get away scot-free after all his sins?”
“Sounds like he's a rotten asshole, doesn't it?”
“You're absolutely right, Paul. I couldn't have said it better myself. How do you propose to deal with this man? How would you hold him accountable for all his actions?”
“I...I don't know.”
“I would fuck his mind until he literally begs me to let him die.”
“Sounds reasonable.”
“Doesn't it? Thank you for your candour and advice, Paul. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”
He was woken up with a bucket of water that was emptied over him. A tremor seized his body.
“Starling? Are you still here?”
“I am, Mr Krendler”, she answered monotonously like a robot. He had not the slightest idea whether she was standing in front of or behind him. Maybe she wasn't there at all and his mind was just playing tricks on him. Maybe everything he had experienced down here was just a hallucination.
„What time is it?“, he whimpered. He sounded like a chain smoker who had lost the colour of his voice through years of nicotine addiction.
„Time to regret.“
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nothingleftofyou · 4 months
( PAUL WESLEY • HE/HIM• MALE • 18/163 •) did you hear I STRUGGLE TO STAND BUT DON’T ASK FOR A HAND; MY PRIDE TELLS ME NO YOU’RE BETTER ALONE? it reminded me of STEFAN SALVATORE. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a VAMPIRE, that explains why they’re loyal to THE FOUNDER’S COUNCIL (until they find out about the vampire thing but that’s a future problem).
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for details following the original timeline, click here.
born in 1846, stefan salvatore was primarily raised by his older brother damon. their mother having died when stefan was young (or so he was led to believe) and their father being only capable of neglect and abuse without ability to offer anything else.
though he himself didn't escape their father's scathe, damon purposely bore the brunt of it in an effort to protect him. as a child he always thought it was peculiar how damon was only obtuse and belligerent in their father's presence but rather kind when it was only he and stefan or acceptably adequate even to a stranger. it was only as a young man stefan realized damon's purposeful actions in inciting their father's wrath to protect stefan from it.
looking back, stefan often wonders if it was in protecting him that that rebellious streak within his brother was born or if it had been naturally there from the beginning. it was hardly the last cause of grief he'd caused for damon however.
when stefan was 18 years old katherine pierce arrived in mystic falls. stefan was hastily taken in by her, even falling in love with her. he was however, frightened once she'd shown him her true self as a vampire. stefan wanted-- needed, to know more. it haste katherine compelled him to not to be afraid, and without fear stefan returned to the love he previously had for her. it was the inability to make the choice of if her vampirism changed his feelings that led to resentment, among other complicated feelings, for katherine in the future.
in a slip of his tongue, his father's suspicions fell upon stefan. an action that led to giuseppe lacing his food with vervain, and when katherine fed on stefan --- her capture by the town council. alongside damon, stefan attempted to save katherine but was easily thwarted. he and damon were both shot dead.
awakening within transition, stefan learned that katherine had been feeding him both he and damon her blood and been preparing for their transition. she'd even arranged daylight rings for them both. damon, however, did not plan to live an eternity without katherine. stefan went to bid their father goodbye, only to find out that he himself had been behind the gun. giuseppe attacked him, and in the leading scuffle he bled. stefan fed. the scent of human blood turning him into a frenzy, though that was only the beginning of what it would do to him.
he begged damon to transition as well, not wanting to be alone for eternity. turning to manipulation and then force in his desperation to keep his brother by his side. not wanting to have transitioned without katherine, damon vowed an eternity of misery for stefan's transaction. a vow that was that kept when they occasionally met up among the following years.
the change from human to monster was too much for stefan's previous soul to take. the bloodlust that overtaken him, that he was unable to control, was too much for his mind to take. so stefan dissociated, and turned into something else. a being that would eventually be called the ripper of monterey.
the follow decades of his long life consisted of stefan meeting his eventual best friend lexi branson, who helped him convert to an animal only diet. learning his own inability to drink human blood in moderation and a single drop led to a relapse (lexi called him an addict. stefan knew she was right, he just didn't like it). encountering klaus and rebekah mikaelson without his humanity in chicago and the experience being compelled away. fighting in various wars, learning the new versions of history as time passed, traveling to various places, and encountering damon several times. each encounter ending in tragedy (often by accident).
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ingek73 · 11 months
Will ‘close pals’ rally around Dan Wootton as he faces down catfishing allegations? He’d want that, surely
Marina Hyde
The GB News presenter has always offered a very tabloid form of support to celebrities in difficulty. ​They can’t desert him now
Fri 21 Jul 2023 13.03 BST
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Dan Wootton, centre, standing behind Andrew Neil, with other GB News presenters in 2021.
What is the most shudder-inducing tabloid tone? I think it’s probably fake sympathy. Let’s see a master of it at work. “Danny Dyer’s friends fear he could be ‘heading down the path to sex addiction’,” sympathised Dan Wootton in the Sun in 2017. The next year, pals were fearing again – this time the possibility that the late Caroline Flack may reunite with a boyfriend. “Friends fear she is preparing to give their relationship another go,” commiserated Dan. An unnamed friend apparently told him: “Nobody wants to see her hurt.” A year after that, Dan voices “fears for Ricky Hatton” after the boxer is filmed stumbling in Tenerife. A fan supposedly tells Dan: “What a fall from grace for such a great champion.”
And so to this week’s revelations, after a Byline Times story alleged Wootton offered current and former Sun colleagues large sums of money under a pseudonym in return for sexual material. The Guardian newspaper has spoken to seven such individuals, who say they were contacted by a man named Martin Branning. (Though Wootton has not denied the allegation that he was “Branning”, the Guardian has not been able to independently establish the link between Wootton and Branning. Wootton’s lawyers have, however, made a legal complaint to Byline Times’s publisher.)
Anyhow. Pals fear the GB News presenter and MailOnline columnist could be on the brink of karmageddon after a nutso opening monologue to his show on Tuesday night. For all the seriousness of the “unspeakable” criminal allegations, at which Wootton only vaguely gestured in the course of denying them categorically, this monologue was in many ways the most mesmerisingly peculiar six minutes of TV this year. They should show it at the Baftas. It was the telly equivalent of an Only God Can Judge Me tattoo.
Behold Wootton, a sideboard made of ham, with efit eyes, dropping quotable quotes so fast there was no way you could possibly digest the last one before the next one was being gnashed out through his veneers. I want to say it was like watching a washing machine play King Lear, but I think it’s somehow even more ludicrous to say it was like watching Dan Wootton play sincere.
Still, let’s go: “Smear campaign by nefarious players … like all fallible humans, I have made errors of judgment in the past … being in the middle of this witch-hunt has made me think a lot about the sort of journalist and broadcaster I aspire to be … I mean, who doesn’t have regrets? Should I be cancelled for them many years later? Or do you accept that I have learned and changed?”
No. I don’t. I’ve seen your show and I can read your columns.
‘The tabloids’ disinclination to report on the story thus far means coverage is not coming as thick and fast as it did when, say, Dan was obsessively pursuing ITV over Phillip Schofield’s affair.’ Photograph: Paul Jeffers/AP
“Over the past few years I have grown professionally and personally,” continued this … victim statement, is it? “And I have found the meaning of true love.” Oh man. Amazing that the serial tormentor of so many women in the public eye should attempt to make this a hymn to personal growth. I don’t think – how to put this carefully? – I don’t think that line is going to hold, sir.
All in all, the spectacle of Dan Wootton begging for nuance and empathy is the heat death of irony. The two crucial things about people like Dan is that they are, without exception, monstrous hypocrites – and they also reduce the world. Their entire business is making human experience smaller. There are about six or seven basic story templates into which they believe all other people’s lives must be squeezed, whether or not they want them to be. So to find the high priest of the reductive suddenly asking for an acknowledgment of complexity feels a little much.
Others, it should be said, are asking for different things. The Sun is asking its staff to contact its lawyers if they have any information about the “very serious” claims, and not to talk to journalists(!). MailOnline is also looking into the claims.
Are they part of the “dark forces” Wootton railed at, when he cast the whole business as an attempt to cancel GB News for being “the biggest threat to the establishment in decades”? To make it super simple for Dan: GB News is not “anti-establishment”. It is a London telly channel owned by a hedge funder and an investment firm. The deputy chairman of the governing Conservative party is one of its presenters, as is a recently knighted former cabinet minister whose father was a long-serving editor of the Times.
Amusingly, though, the Wootton story was seized on by someone soon to present his own show on GB News: John Cleese. “The mainstream press must check this out,” stated Cleese, declaring that failure to do so would be “final proof of their complete corruption”. Will John’s own fearless new employers check it out? Or is Cleese himself one of the “nefarious players” trying to cancel Dan?
A lot of threads yet to unravel, it must be said. The tabloids’ disinclination to report on the story thus far means coverage is not coming as thick and fast as it did when, say, Dan was obsessively pursuing ITV over Phillip Schofield’s affair with a much younger colleague. Or indeed when his GB News co-hosts were ranting round the clock about the BBC and Huw Edwards, only for Wootton to react to news of Edwards’s hospitalisation with a poll asking “is this a crisis of the BBC’s making?”.
As we wait for developments, then, perhaps convention demands we ask: is this current situation a crisis of Dan Wootton’s making? I think the answer would have to be … friends fear so.
Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist
What Just Happened?! by Marina Hyde (Guardian Faber Publishing, £9.99). To support The Guardian and Observer, order your copy at guardianbookshop.com. Delivery charges may apply.
Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.(see article)
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Without You
Hi love, me again. Any chance you'd be up for writing an imagine with Angel's girl getting kidnapped and him trying to get her back? Literally obsessed with you're writing and curious to see how you'd put a spin on that :) if not no worries!! I don't want to be wicked annoying lol - but either way thank you! @sickofbitches
Thanks again for the request! ❤️ I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading!
Part 2
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Angst. Violence, drug use, mild sexual assault, death
Angel sat on the steps with Rosco on his lap. He looked down at the dog rubbing his head gently when a light in the house across the street flicked on catching his attention. Tucking the sonogram into his cut he pat Rosco in the head before slipping out from under the dog. “Stay here.” He instructed Rosco. “I’m just going to go ask a few questions.”
Standing up he looked down the street as he made his way across the road and up to the front door of Paul’s place. He beat on the door repeatedly rather impatiently. He knew Paul was home, he always was. There was no way the piece of shit that happened to be your neighbor didn’t see or hear something.
Angel kept telling you he wished you’d move in with him or at least to another neighborhood but you were addicted to the claw foot tub your bathroom contained and would tell him that he’d have to pry it from your cold dead hands. The one luxury made it all the more worth it, and hey as long as you were happy he could look past it.
Now though, after all this was through and he hopefully had you back in his arms the two of you were going to find a place together even if he had to install a damn claw foot tub in it himself. There was no way you’d be staying here or away from him another day. Not after this. Once you were home and safe in his arms again he was never going to let you out of his sight again.
He just had to find you first.
Angel huffed, beating on the door even louder this time. “Open the fuck up Paul! I know you’re in there.” Every second wasted just decreased the chances of him finding you whole and safe but he was trying so hard not to think of that right now.
After a few moments of silence Angel had had enough. Busting the door open he charged into the home, ignoring the filth of the place. “Where the fuck are you Paul?!” He called out. Angel found the living room empty as well as the bedroom. He ran his hand through his hair feeling defeated when he saw the light shining from under a closed door down the hall, the same light he must have seen from outside. Angel kicked the door open not caring anymore.
There he found Paul, back resting against the bathtub, needle limp in his hand with fresh track marks on his arm.
Angel was livid.
Paul looked at Angel, his face scrunched up. “What the hell are you doing in my house?”
Angel stomped over grabbing Paul by the shirt and lifting him to his feet. “What the hell am I doing?” He barked the question back at Paul. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He shook his head, sneering at the young man. He couldn’t believe how Paul was just across the street getting high when his girl was defenseless, being kidnapped without any care from those who lived close by. He was disgusted.
“You’re the one who came barging into my house man.” Paul defended, trying to hide his fear. He knew you were Angel’s girl, and that he was a Mayan, but he just couldn’t refuse the men’s offer. Heroin for keeping his mouth shut, for looking the other way.
“So you’re over here getting fucking high when my girl is in trouble! She’s fucking gone Paul!” He screamed in his face. “Where the hell is she? Where’d they take her? Who were they?” Angel spit question after question out at him.
“I don’t know man,” Paul’s voice quivered as he tried to sink away from Angel’s grasp. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me Paul.” Angel warned, “I know you’ve been home all goddamn day. You can’t tell me you didn’t hear or see anything! Tell me where she is!”
“I don’t know!” Paul was frantic now. The last thing he needed was to be on the MC’s bad side or Angel’s.
Angel slammed Paul’s back against the wall getting up in his face. “I’ve never liked you Paul,” he spat, “but I put up with your junkie ass because (Y/N) insisted you were a good kid, just troubled. She fucking helped you get clean and back on your feet and here you are shooting that shit back into yourself. You’re fucking pathetic Paul.” Angel's voice was low, full of disdain. He told you not to get involved but your kind and compassionate heart wouldn’t let you. You told Angel your purpose was to help those in need and Paul needed someone like you. That was another one of the reasons you had refused to leave the rundown neighborhood that had become much more than your home.
“I’m done with the game Paul. Tell me where they are!”
“I swear Angel,” Paul began shaking with fear as the tears filled his eyes. “I don’t know anything, please. Please just let me go.”
“I know you didn’t get that H from us.” Angel said nodding over to the needle on the green tile. “Did they give you that? Buy your silence with a temptation you couldn’t resist?”
Paul was backed into a corner, literally. He had two options, continue lying and hope Angel didn’t kill him, or tell the truth and hope Angel didn’t kill him. Either way shit wasn’t looking good for him. “I’m so sorry Angel.” He began sobbing, “please, I’m so sorry.”
Angel nodded a few times trying to hold his rage back. You would want him to be understanding towards Paul but he just couldn’t do that. Paul didn’t deserve your compassion and he certainly wasn’t going to get his. All he could see was you dead in a ditch somewhere because of the selfish fuck in front of him.
Swinging him around Angel threw Paul to the ground getting on top of him and landing a blow to his nose. The blood gushed from his nose, more than likely Angel had broken his nose. Paul laid there sobbing. “I’m sorry Angel. I’m so sorry, please don’t kill me.” He begged, “I’m sorry. They said they wouldn’t hurt me if I kept my mouth shut. Gave me the heroin and said there would be more coming where that was from. I swear I didn’t know what they were going to do. I didn’t know they were going to take her.”
Angel had him pressed against the hard floor feeling no sympathy for the young man. “Who? Who were they Paul?”
“I don’t know.” Paul stammered wiping at his nose. “There were three men. I saw one of them, the bigger one, he stuck (Y/N) in the trunk of her car. The other two followed behind in a dark green Silverado.”
Angel was relieved to have some sort of lead now but still couldn’t forgive Paul for what he did. “So what? (Y/N)’s life is worth less than your next fix?” He laughed but there was no joy in it. “My kid’s life is worth less?” Angel’s heart clenched in his chest as he looked down at Paul. “What did you think they were going to do?” It seemed pretty obvious to Angel that the men’s motives were sinister. Paul just couldn’t see past his own life and addiction.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think they were going to hurt her.”
The pathetic apologies didn”t mean shit to Angel. “Of course you didn’t think.” He spat out pressing down harder on the young man. “Just know Paul, if anything happens to either one of them, that blood is on your hands.” Angel looked him dead in the eyes. There was no compassion or sympathy behind his gaze, just pure hatred. “And I will feel no remorse having your blood on mine.”
Angel stood up releasing the pressure he had on Paul’s chest. He swiftly kicked him in the gut, spitting on him before he turned and walked away stopping in the doorway to try to simmer down some.
EZ and the guys pulled up in front of your place with Angel nowhere to be found. He noted the groceries across the ground as he walked into your yard greeting Rosco by the gate. “Hey buddy.” He said petting the dog’s head. “Where’d Angel go?”
“Over here.” Gilly called out nodding to the open door of your neighbor’s house across the street.
EZ straightened up heading towards the house, Creeper taking his place with Rosco. They got about halfway across the street when they saw Angel come out of the house dragging Paul out with him, a washcloth held tight against the kid’s face.
EZ approached his brother as Angel passed Paul off to Gilly. “What’s going on?”
“Get him in the van,” Angel instructed Gilly, “(Y/N) will never forgive me if something happens to the piece of shit.” The last thing he really wanted was to protect the junkie but he couldn’t just let these men come back and kill Paul either. “And get Rosco looked at too. She’ll be livid if she finds out we went after her before taking care of her baby.” The words brought your unborn child to Angel’s mind once more causing the pain to resurface as it picked at the fresh wound. Angel made off to his bike trying to push it all back. There would be time for that later. EZ trailed behind him trying to keep up with his brother’s strides.
Angel was done wasting time. He was going to find you and bring you home safe even if it took him turning the whole town of Santo Padre inside out. He was not going to lose his family. Not ever and especially not before even getting to hold them in his arms.
“Three men,” He began rattling off the information for all of his brothers. The rest of the details they could figure out later and handle accordingly. Right now they just needed to focus on finding you. “Shit head said they stuck her in her trunk and took off followed by a green Silverado.”
EZ was taking in every detail his brother was telling him. Any way that he could help he would. “We’re going to find her, Angel.” He said, not for the first time, pulling Angel into a quick hug. “No one is going to rest until we bring her home.
Angel patted EZ on the back before pulling out of the embrace and hopping on his bike.
Angel and EZ headed off in one direction, Coco and Gilly going the opposite way with Creeper taking Rosco to the van with Paul and Riz calling the rest of the guys to catch them up on what to look for.
It was going to be a long night, but the men would stop at nothing to bring you home. You were family.
You came to, head throbbing as you tried to take in your surroundings. You tried to stretch out only to find your hands restrained behind your back. The jostling in the cramped space was only making you more nauseous with the realization of your situation coming back to you causing the panic to set back in with a crushing pressure in your chest.
You were obviously in the trunk of your car which made you feel claustrophobic, like the space was shrinking in on you slowly. It was only a matter of time before it crushed you.
You closed your eyes taking a couple of deep breaths. There was no time for such thoughts. You decided to focus on what you could do as a way to calm yourself. First thing being to get out of your restraints.
With much wiggling and squirming you worked at the rope around your wrists, the material burning against your flesh. You were getting stressed and sweaty. You wanted to give up but then you thought of Angel. Of him cradling your son in his arms cooing at the precious angel before looking up at you and smiling that smile that made your knees weak every time you saw it. You thought about how much you loved him and how much you loved your family. You had to fight, for him, and for your family. He was going to find you but you had to help him out too. You were a team and even separated you would be getting through this together.
You couldn’t wait to be back home safe in his arms with your baby Rosco snuggled close. You were going to make sure that happened.
You finally slipped free and let out a sigh of relief. Now that that was handled you just had to wait until you felt the vehicle stop. Then you could reach for the emergency release and make a break for it. You were so thankful for that added feature right now.
You waited for what felt like forever traveling down the dirt road. The ride was far from smooth, jerking your body around uncomfortably. Eventually you felt the vehicle slow down. Reaching for the release you waited until you were at a complete stop.
Popping it open you were immediately blinded by a set of headlights in front of you. Shielding your eyes you slipped out of the trunk stumbling making your way around the vehicle behind you in hopes of finding help. A man stepped out from the passenger seat taking you by the shoulders to steady you.
“Please,” You begged. “You have to help me.” The last thing you were expecting was a smack to the side of the face. You stumbled back reaching for the stinging pain as a result and that's when you noticed the bloody makeshift bandage around the man’s forearm.
“Stupid bitch.” The man snarled spitting down at your feet. “Damn it Tony, I told you to make sure she was tied up tight.” He hollard back at the young man in the driver’s seat. “Got to do everything around here.” He muttered coming back towards you.
You backed up arms in front of you defensively until you ran into something or more like someone. The man behind you, who was driving your vehicle, gripped onto your shoulders tightly keeping you in place. “Now where do you think you’re going, querida?” He whispered in your ear causing chills to shoot down your spine. His voice and words held sinister intentions as his grip only tightened, sure to leave you bruised.
“Now your piece of shit dog did this to me.” The man in front of you said holding his arm up as he got closer. “I think someone has to pay for the damages. It’s only right that that should be the owner, right?” His teeth shined in the dark as he smiled at you creeping closer.
Your heart began racing again as you tried to squirm out of the other man’s grasp. He tightened his grip on you pulling your arms behind your back. Your eyes shot back to Tony. He had gotten out of the car and was now watching on as the events unfolded. You sent him a pleading look hoping he’d intervene but you knew he wouldn’t. You could tell the kid was just as scared as you were.
The man behind you held your arms tighter as the other kept approaching, reaching down to unbuckle his belt as he kept his gaze on your face, licking his lips. You gulped.
Now there was no space left between you. Leaning over he stuck his face by your neck inhaling your scent. You turned your face away from him trying to keep your shaking down. Your stomach was churning more and more with each move he made. You felt disgusted but tried to remain calm. You didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing just how terrified you were.
The man pulled back growling. Grabbing your chin forcefully he turned you to look at him. “You’re gonna watch bitch.”
You glared back at him. You could cry or scream but you knew that wouldn’t do you any good so you kept your mouth shut.
Leaning over still holding your face in place he crashed his lips to yours intrusively slipping his tongue in your mouth. You gagged into the kiss but that seemed to only encourage him. Pulling back he snickered watching you sputtered before reaching down to rid you of your jeans. That’s when you couldn’t hold back anymore, the contents of your stomach rushing out.
You gasped and coughed catching your balance as the man behind you released you and stepped back away from the mess mumbling to himself. Wiping your mouth you looked back at the man in front of you as he was trying to wipe the vomit from him. You don’t know why, maybe you were losing it, but as you watched him you just started laughing uncontrollably.
The man didn’t like that at all, he was furious. “Oh, you think this is funny?”
You tried to protest but couldn’t stop it. Stomping back over to you he swung another blow to your face snapping you out of your fit of giggles. You recaught your balance once more as he pulled his good arm back again swinging for your stomach.
“Stop!” You shouted, taking him back a bit. He halted in his actions as you protectively held your arms in front of your stomach. “Please, I’m pregnant.” You were hoping this would have some sway over the men although you doubted it would. Regardless you had to try. You couldn’t lose your child, wouldn’t lose it.
Angel didn’t even know. You were so excited to tell him. Isn’t it funny how your whole day can change in a blink of an eye?
The man laughed along with his buddy behind him. “And that’s supposed to mean something to me?”
You instinctively looked away, trying to curl in on yourself in hopes of protecting your unborn child as he pulled his arm back once more. You waited anticipating the blow as your body tensed up, but it never came.
Instead a loud shot rang out as you were splattered with the man’s blood. You screamed now as you looked over and found the man down on the ground at your feet, the blood from the hole in his head pooling around him, seeping closer and closer to your shoes. You wanted to move but you couldn't bring yourself to. You locked eyes with Tony as the gun slipped from his hand and clattered to the ground, he was horrified by what he just did.
“What the fuck?!” The other man shouted, pulling his gun out and aiming at Tony.
“Stupid fucking kid.” The man muttered as he stomped over and grabbed your arm leading you past the bodies and to the truck. “Don’t shed a tear for him, querida.” You hated how the man said that. “Fucker got what he deserved.”
The lost look in Tony’s eyes would haunt you forever. Before he could even defend his actions another shot rang out echoing in the night as the bullet pierced the boy between the eyes, his blood scattering across the pick up truck behind him. You let out the most blood curdling scream as you watched the boy's lifeless body fall to the ground.
You were too in shock to protest just letting him take you with him. He kicked Tony out of the way, his body rolling slightly down and into the ditch as he swung the passenger side open disregarding the blood on the door. The scene was nothing new or shocking to the man, just another day in the life.
Shoving you in he slammed the door behind you and came around to the driver’s side. He buckled you in tight before grabbing your hands and setting them on the bar on the dash in front of you. With some more rope he tied them securely to it and you let him. You couldn’t fight, not after all that bloodshed.
All you could do was stare out the window at Tony’s lifeless body wondering what life he could have had if he had chosen another path, if maybe somehow you could have helped him and freed him from this fate as you drove farther and farther away leaving the horrific scene behind you.
Tagging: @jad3djay @fairygardenss @carlaangel86 @briannab1234 @starrynite7114 @agirllovespasta @howaboutash @gemini0410 @naytraydr @knowles-morgan​ @woahitslucyylu​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @ktiz90​ @brothersofmayhem​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @vsfavs​ @scuzmunkie​ @chibsytelford​ @briana-mishell24​ @curvynerdfan​ @wrcn9fvlcver​ @expir3d-l0v3​
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cultofbeatles · 4 years
beginners guide to the beatles
 made one of these a long time ago but i'm surprised by how short it was. so here we go again. doing it right this time lol. 
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pov: you told a bad joke and now the beatles are judging you. 
john winston lennon. later in his life known as john winston ono lennon. 
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born on october 9, 1940 
i believe in astrology bc how does john just happen to be a libra 
when john was four he started living with his aunt mimi who acted more as his mother figure 
his mother, julia, remarried and would visit him quite a bit.
it was julia who taught john how to play banjo and piano. and she bought his first guitar.
they both had a deep love for music and rock n roll 
he never really thought of her as his mother but more as a cool friend i suppose 
aunt mimi was more rough on him and did the disciplining 
his father was never really present growing up and his uncle passed away when he was young 
he thought he was a curse for the men in his family 
he had five half siblings. two of them, julia and jacqueline, he was pretty close to. the other three he barely knew. 
fashion icon.
hated school but loved art 
very early on he was insecure with himself 
teachers always shit on him and said he would go nowhere in life 
he met paul at a church fete on july 6, 1957 
paul taught him how to play guitar properly.
once told paul that he didnt know how paul carried on after his mother died bc he just didn't think he could do it 
john’s mother died from being hit by an off duty policemen. john was seventeen at the time. 
 he took her death really hard and became a bit of a recluse. 
first serious relationship was with cynthia (we stan her) 
once cynthia cut her hair short and he didn't talk to her for two days. 
hate men. kill all men. 
when he asked her to dance at a party she turned him down saying that she was engaged, and so he said “well i didn't ask you to fucking marry me, did i?” 
slapped her once bc he was drunk and another boy was talking to her.
only time her hit her.
read cynthia’s books about john pls. i beg. 
once a psychic told him that he would be shot in the states.
founder of the beatles and also came up with the name.
instruments he could play: guitar, harmonica, rhythm guitar, banjo, keyboard, piano, saxophone, bass guitar, and a little drums. 
main songwriter in the beatles along with paul.
was more open minded to change in the beatles music. 
was insecure in his relationship with paul after a while bc he thought he only needed him for songwriting. 
would bitch about paul all day long but the second anyone else said something about him he’d be on their ass. 
had a lot of issues and needed a good hug. 
suffered from eating disorders, drug addictions, depression, insecurities, and questioned his sexuality bc of the time. 
was super open minded and ahead of his time in many instances. 
once he was called “the fat beatle” and after that he stopped eating as much.
truly loved his first son, julian lennon, and would buy him presents all the time bc he was excited to see him play with them.
“your famous ex husband”
he enjoyed playing monopoly. 
he once claimed that he saw a ufo.
he had written three books but he always wanted to write a children's book.
 the last song he ever performed in front of a live audience was “i saw her standing there.” with elton john.
he was afraid of the dark. 
found out later in his life that he was dyslexic. 
was also legally blind without glasses.
never could catch a break huh.
said that his best lyric ever was “all you need is love” i agree.
the first time yoko and john met was not at her art exhibit but actually when she approached him about giving away songs for free.
wanted to write a musical with paul. 
once a friend dared him to masturbate ten times in one day and he managed to do it nine times.
would hold circle jerks with paul and a few other friends. 
just dudes being dudes. 
went on a holiday with brian epstein, who was gay, and told some people afterward that they did certain sexual things. but we will never know for sure.
yoko says that john was bisexual.
once in an interview he said that he would of married a rich man or woman if he wasn't in the beatles. 
hated his voice on records. would always ask for effects on his voice for final recordings. 
made a film with yoko where it was just his penis going from flaccid to erect for fifteen minutes in slow motion. 
only beatle not to of become a vegetarian while he was alive. 
murdered on december 8, 1980.
gave his autograph earlier in the day to the man who would murder him.
died at the age of 40.
“all my loving” was played while he was at the hospital.
and its spooky bc a lot of times in interviews he would say “when i'm 40..” 
and it’s sad bc he was finally becoming who he truly wanted to be. 
honorable john moments that i love:
“thanks for the purpler hearts” he says while receiving the silver heart 
“you are the first person from liverpool that i've ever seen” “great”
eric lennon on my mind today 
this come together performance where he messed up the lyrics lol
that interview where paul was sick and john keep checking on him 
john lennon speaking nothing but facts 
when he said that he could see the beatles going separate ways but that they'd always come back together.
“shut up while he’s talking..”
this interview breaks my heart sometimes 
and this interview is great as well 
sir james paul mccartney 
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born on june 18, 1942
if you ever have spare time just check out this man’s natal chart. 
idk how he’s still alive with his chart tbh. 
he has a younger brother named mike and a step sister named ruth. 
his dad thought he was the ugliest baby he’d ever seen when he was born. 
when he was young paul would kill frogs in a way to prepare himself for the war if he ever was drafted. 
the first instrument he ever learned to play was the trumpet.
I don't even want to list every instrument this man can play but trust me when I say it’s a lot.
but for the beatles he mainly did bass, vocals, and piano. sometimes playing the guitar and the drums.
the beatles was just paul moving really, really fast. 
he lost his mother when he was 14 due to surgery for breast cancer.
never really learned how to cope well with loss of a loved one tbh. 
had the cutest chubby cheeks as a kid tbh 
met john and was accepted into his band 
sometimes they'd ditch school together and either work on music or would visit art galleries.
went to paris with john and john bought him all the banana milkshakes that he wanted.
connected over their love and admiration for music, and bc they had both lost their mothers. 
had a girlfriend’s mom who he would make comb his leg hairs. 
was an ass to his first girlfriend.
kill all men again. 
almost had to marry his girlfriend dot bc she was pregnant, but she ended up losing the baby.
was the one who introduced george harrison to john.
practically despised pete best and stuart stutcliffe bc they were bringing the group down. 
got arrested along with pete best bc they lit a condom on fire in hamburg.
still felt awful and a little guilty when stuart died suddenly. 
main force behind the beatles imo. 
without him we’d have not as much beatles music as we do. 
was dating jane asher throughout majority of the sixties. 
when they first met they talked about syrup and paul fell in love.
they broke things off after she walked in on him sleeping with another woman though.
directed magical mystery tour and it was amazing and I don't care what anyone says ok?
when john divorced cynthia he was the only one not scared of john and went against his wishes of not speaking to cynthia.
was a little controlling at times. 
has a good heart though. 
mal evans had to drive him home once after a beatles sessions bc he was crying so hard. 
was talking about getting the band back to touring when john said he was leaving the group. 
everyone kind of turned against him when the beatles were breaking up and i hate it.
he just wanted what was best for the band.
married linda and had a nice little farm. 
we love that story.
linda i'm free thursday if you want to hang out pls.
started up the whole “no meat monday” thing where you don't eat monday on mondays
food meat. not the other kind of meat.
children: james mccartney, stella mccartney, heather mccartney, mary mccartney, and beatrice mccartney. 
rip martha. 
he lost linda in 1998 due to cancer.
 cried for a whole year bc of it.
still has dreams about john and says they're nice.
wrote a sad song about john called “here today.”
really loved john. like..he truly, genuinely did. 
want someone to love me like paul does john. 
“think of me every now and then old friend.”
honorable paul moments:
his story about george’s dad 
“john? he was beautiful. very beautiful.”
humpty dumpty rap 
another story about him and george.
his google search video that I watch every week 
george harrison 
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born: February 24, 1943 
or at least we think 
bc he use to say that his birthday was february 25, but later started saying it february 24. 
why can't we change our birthdays its not like we picked it 
he was the youngest child.
baby of the family and of the beatles awwww
two older brothers named harry and peter. one older sister named louise.
when george’s mom was pregnant with him she’d play sitar music.
his mom was super supportive of his career choice 
when he was 16 he worked as an electricians apprentice.
his dad kind of hoped he would start a family business out of it.
george said nah
would ride the bus opposite way of his house just to spend time with paul 
headbutted a kid bc he didn't think they were worthy of paul’s friendship 
was brought into the band bc of paul insisting to john 
would follow john around like a lost puppy when he first met him 
once had an eight hour erection. don't ask me how idk he said it.
was 17 when he lost his virginity and the other band members were in the room watching and cheered him when he finished 
most sex craved beatle tbh 
once walked into a girls dressing room and asked if they could stand there so he could masturbate 
he was the first beatle to go to america 
got a black eye for defending ringo once 
would make john and paul take turns sharing rooms with ringo when he first joined the band so that he felt more welcomed 
when ringo left during the white album and then came back george decorated the studio with flowers for him 
during the beatles first recording session he told george martin that he didn't like his tie
became a vegetarian at 22 
favorite candy was jelly beans and purple was his favorite color 
used the phrase “grotty” in the hard days night movie, hated it, but everyone else picked up on the slang 
met his first wife, pattie boyd, on the set of a hard days night 
was turned down by her at first 
they married in 1966
wouldn't let her do modeling stuff and was kind of an ass 
a stylish couple but not the best image for a healthy relationship 
got into eastern religion around 1965 
during the Hamburg days he would eat chicken on stage 
had an affair with ringo’s first wife maureen 
got a divorce from pattie in 1977
in 1978 he married olivia who he stayed with until his death and had one son with. dhani.
was the first beatle to hit a number one single and album. 
was buddies with led zeppelin
inspired their “rain song” 
smashed a piece of cake on john bonham’s head and then was thrown into the pool by him 
he financed and produced films. had a production company.
tom petty said that george never shut up once you started talking to him 
but he was often referred to as “the quiet beatle”
formed another band called the traveling wilburys
he’d answer questions online in the 2000′s and it’s the cutest thing ever and his answers break my heart too.
“what do you miss most about john lennon?” “john lennon.”
in 1999 a schizophrenic person broke into his house and stabbed him 40 times 
thank god olivia was there bc she was the only braincell in the room 
had to get a part of his lung taken out 
died november 29, 2001 from lung cancer 
ashes were scattered into the ganges river 
honorable george moments:
this interview he did with ringo 
“i'm sad bc i can't play guitars with john anymore. but i did that...i know we’ll meet again some day.”
when he invented reaction videos 
“the wind was blowing.” “..blowing my girl?”
“what kind of girl do you like?” “john’s wife.”
sir richard starkey aka ringo starr 
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born on july 7, 1940 
oldest member in the group 
has no siblings 
naturally was left handed but his grandma thought it was bad luck so he writes right handed, and plays drums with a right handed kit 
but does everything else left handed
when he was 6 he fell into a two month coma 
was a very sick child 
when he was 13 he was in the hosiptal for tuberculosis and formed a hospital band 
grew up poor 
loves and looked up to his stepfather a lot 
his step father bought him his first drum kit in 1957
wasn't that great in school bc he missed so much of it from being so sick 
he worked for a britain railway for a while 
also served drinks on a day boat for a job 
loves dancing 
Rory storm and the hurricanes 
got his nickname from all the rings he would wear
replaced pete best as the beatles drummer 
dealt with people hating him for a bit bc they liked pete more 
had to style his hair in a bowl cut to be in the band and i'm still mad at them for making him do that shit 
ringo i'm so sorry 
george martin didn't really like his drumming and had a session drummer come in for the first album 
in 1964 he had tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and high fever all at once and had to be in the hospital for a bit.
was worried the beatles would replace him for good 
he’s a cancer don't worry
was the first beatle to try weed 
drummers always go first huh 
married his first wife, maureen, in 1965 
she kissed paul, ringo, and george.
what a champ
honeymoon was ruined by reporters 
was really insecure in his relationship and needed a lot of reassurance 
had a great relationship with pretty much all the beatles 
but a great one with john 
john felt his most relaxed when he was with ringo
was once in a movie with roger daltrey 
divorced maureen in 1975 
his wife now is barbara bach who he married in 1981 
had alcohol problems 
once gotten so drunk that he beat barbara so badly that he thought he killed her 
put himself into rehab after that 
barbara lowkey looks like jan from the office 
children: zak, lee, and jason
zak is the drummer for the band the who 
peace and love 
but don't send me fan mail anymore 
peace and love 
ringo starr and the allstar band (starting 1981)
was the narrator for thomas the tank engine 
will play at paul’s concerts sometimes now for fun 
mad bc he came on stage during paul’s last concert show and it was on my birthday and I couldn't go to it 
honorable ringo moments:
“do you want me to come with you?”
stupid barbara walters 
talking about paul 
giving us a little dance 
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mens-rights-activia · 4 years
According to J. C. McCrae’s Worm, controlling someone else’s body and then having that body kill themselves would be murder, based on how Jean-Paul Vasil is treated. However, J. C. also argued in Ward (the sequel to Worm) that if a drug addict begs you to effectively sentence them to death via starvation in an alternate dimension, you should probably kinda just let them. So like. Maybe his books aren’t the best moral compass.
Akskskjsksksk yeah maybe they aren’t
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monsterfuneral · 4 years
1950 / The Rebellion
Headcanon Series: Paul’s Life Through The Decades
Warnings: Angst, Paul is angry the whole time, brief description of murder, Dwayne being a sweetheart like always, brief mention of parental abuse, mentions of trauma responses 
Words: 748
Author’s Note: This one is a little shorter but I 100% make up for it it in next one! Anyway I hope you guys enjoy these headcanons! 
Questions regarding any of these headcanon posts are greatly welcomed! If you have your own headcanons or questions regarding mine, I would love to hear them! See you guys in the next part!
Series Masterlist
- The 50s was Paul’s ‘rebel teen vampire’ phase, it’s also the decade Paul remembers the least of. This was when he spitefully told David “You made me into this monster, now you’ll have to deal with it.” and started murdering people at random and leaving them for Max or David to clean up. He would tear his victims to shreds until they were unrecognizable, shredded and ripped apart in pools of wasted blood. The amount of missing person’s cases that were starting to get out of hand, and the police were getting far too suspicious. It got so bad at some points David literally had to lock him up in a reinforced freezer for three weeks so they could move locations again.
- This vicious side of Paul was a force to be reckoned with, plowing through groups of humans until the only things left were shreds of clothes and meat hanging from wet bones. There was no more guilt, no more shame, all Paul felt was a numb void that was only sated when he ripped through his helpless victims. It was an addicting feeling and once he got started it was hard for him to stop. Not unless David literally tore him from the bodies and put him into a both literal and metaphorical time-out.
- When they met Dwayne, a kind hearted bartender, Paul didn’t even spare him a glance. He saw how David eyed the almost innocent looking man, and knew exactly what David was up to and he didn’t want any part in his twisted mind games. All he wanted was someone to sink his teeth into. He was almost tempted to make Dwayne his next meal but he didn’t want to deal with the drama. So instead he found a group of young girls at a lake and scattered their limbs in the water, leaving them for his vampire companions to fish out. 
- So it was safe to say Paul wanted to make David and Max’s undead lives a living hell, and he did. 
- Paul paid absolutely no mind to Dwayne or David, in fact he had avoided them as much as he could, not wanting any old memories to resurface and ruin his streak of hatred. So when Dwayne eventually joined their fucked up little family Paul had evaded any and all kind of interaction with the newest member. He was out of their safe house the second the sun went down as a way to keep his distance from the budding friendship. 
- This little petty “i’m not ever talking to you” went on for a solid five years. Until one night when Paul got particularly carried away with a whole bar of victims. He had trapped them inside, listening to their screams and begging as he came for them one by one, forcing them all to watch as he fed, then proceeded to burn the bar down. This was when an impromptu ‘family meeting/intervention’ was held. They told Paul how worried they were but also how much danger he was putting all of them in by being so reckless. He merely rolled his eyes and said "I don’t care, let the danger come.” Which is when they all realized something. Paul literally has a death wish. David knew he hated being a vampire but he didn’t exactly realize how much. Not until now. 
- This was when Dwayne started trying a little more to get to know Paul. He would tag along with him on feedings and would tell him when enough was enough. He was a key point to Paul regaining control over himself at the end of the decade. He would let Paul rant and rave about how much he despised David. He would be Paul’s shoulder to cry on when he would reveal something particularly emotional like the abuse he suffered as a child, or how his life was before he turned. Dwayne was a patient and compassionate person and he was willing to suffer the brunt of Paul’s foul moods if it meant getting through to him and helping him regain control over his spiraling life. 
But anytime he would suggest talking to David about some of Paul’s grievances, Dwayne would be met with a glare that could probably kill if it were possible. 
- By the time 1959 hit Paul’s kill count went down tremendously. His friendship with Dwayne was a nice, comforting thing, yet his relationship with David was still strained, but on the path of mending. 
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basiccortez · 4 years
Defenseless Ch. 1
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Synopsis: CJ Jackson, looks like she has it all. Fancy car, fancy house, name  brand clothing. Her parents, top boosters to Beverly, with money to make all sorts of situations go away. As well as the Jackson family looks put together, past secrets haunt them. With the new transfer student catching the eye of CJ Jackson, can old friendships be fixed. Or are somethings just meant to stay broken. "I told you, as long as I live, no one would know."
word count: 3.4k 
pairing: Jordan Baker x OC (CJ Jackson) 
warnings: cursing, talk of death, talk of drug addiction, talk of a juvenile being in trouble, high school boys being high school boys 
It was like a heavy cement blocks were tied to her feet. She moved slowly towards the front doors of the place that reminded her of a prison, but with nicely dressed inmates. People passed by her, and just ignored her presence, something she wasn't used to at all. She was used to people flocking to her sides, begging for a party invite, or to be in her next photo shoot, or to be the next guy on her list, or just one dinner with anyone of her brothers. But now, she was blended into the background, like she never existed.
Somehow, she made her way to the front office, just in time for the first bell to ring. It was her first day back, and already half way through the first semester. She had just been released only a week prior to this bright and early Monday morning. Her brown boxbraids were tied back and out of her face. Her makeup was done to perfection, and her clothes; nicely pressed and matched well. She'd rather be dead than look a mess for her first day back.
"Christine Joy Jackson, I'm here to pick up my schedule." She spoke softly to the secretary. The secretary with bright red cat-eye glasses nodded, and pulled out a file, handing a pink piece of paper to CJ.
"You are to meet with Mrs. Riley first, before heading to your classes." The secretary nodded and CJ rolled her eyes, "Welcome back CJ."
"Thank you," CJ sighed and headed down to the office of her favorite person.
CJ made her way down to the east end of the school, where she was too familiar with being in the In-School suspension office. She knocked on the brown wooden door that was covered in papers for recovery centers, planned parenthood, adoption counselors, and local community colleges.
"Come in!" The voice from the other side called out. CJ took a deep breath before opening the door, and seeing Mrs. Riley behind the door. Her dark brown hair was curled and her skin looked flawless. That woman looked like she didn't age a day, but she also meant business, "My favorite parolee, CJ Jackson."
"Mrs. Riley," The teen girl sassed, setting her bag down in the chair next to her, and plopping her body in a chair, "Instructed to see you first."
"Yeah, just some parole stuff," Mrs. Riley said, grabbing a folder out of her desk, and setting in front of CJ. The folder was dauntingly big and felt like it could start a fire at any moment, "As you know, I am your parole officer, lucky for you or not. But know that I don't play around about any of this."
"This ain't my first go around with you."
"Ain't is not a word, now speak like your momma raised you." Mrs. Riley said and CJ rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, "You are on parole for approximately 90 days, as a term of early release from your juvenile detention program. Terms of your parole include, attendance of school is mandatory, unless an absence notice from a doctor. You must check in with your parole officer everyday at 8 AM sharp, and do not be late. You will pass all administered drug tests, and random drug tests can be done as well. Another term of parole is being involved in not only in community service, but as well as a school activity. Your parents have suggested the dance team."
"Over my dead body." CJ laughed loudly.
"Christine Joy, these are the terms unless you would like to serve out the rest of the 90 days in a juvenile detention center." Mrs. Riley said, giving CJ one of her famous glares. A glare that felt like getting the fear of God put in you.
"No ma'am." CJ answered quickly.
"Good, you have till the end of this week to find a school activity. The community service project will be decided for you. Now you'll sign some stuff and be on your way." Mrs. Riley said smiling and handing CJ some papers for her to sign.
CJ's shoes clicked down the corridor as she made her way to her first class, anatomy. The teacher had already started teaching when, CJ opened the door. Eyes fell to her, and immediately the whispers started. The girl swallowed thickly and handed her note to her teacher. She quickly scanned the classroom for an open seat, and found one next to an unknown face.
"All right, listen up, I want you all to do a search on chromosomal DNA and make a slide on how it connects with last week's work on protein." The teacher said. Everyone automatically opened up their laptops sitting in front of them. CJ grabbed her's out her bag and set it in front of her too. The new kid looked around, uneasy about what he was supposed to do. He didn't have a laptop of his own to use, he usually shared one with his mother and younger brother.
"Spencer, right?" The teacher asked, coming over to him. He lifted his head and looked at the teacher, nodding.
"Yes ma'am."
"It's okay if you don't have a computer. Just pair up with a classmate for now."
"Okay, thank you." Spencer said and CJ looked up at him. Spencer tried looking at the boy next to him, who just moved his computer closer to himself.
"Hey, Todd. Keep watching that Logan Paul feed." CJ said to him.
"Whatever, CJ." Todd said and Spencer looked up at the light-skinned girl.
"Uh. . . you can share with me." CJ said lightly, and Spencer nodded. He moved his stuff over to where she was sitting.
"Thank you," Spencer said.
"I'll warn you, my chromosomal DNA knowledge is non-existent at best. And it's also my first day in this class."
"I might be able to help with that." Spencer laughed lightly and CJ moved her laptop in between the two of them. The two of them worked on their assignment, occasionally having to ask the teacher about what some of it meant, since it was both of their first days in the new class. CJ felt like eyes were watching her, and she turned around and noticed an old friend in class. CJ turned back to her assignment and kept her head down, not wanting to draw anymore attention.
When the bell rang, CJ offered to show Spencer to where the cafeteria is. Spencer was thankful that someone besides his new football coach wanted to show him around. CJ was just thankful to have found someone new at the school who hadn't known of her reputation.
"Salad bar, coffee cart." CJ said pointing at various locations in their center quad, "They used to serve sushi on Fridays, not sure if they still do."
"Sushi on Friday? At Crenshaw, we get sushi on Monday, that's all." Spencer joked and CJ laughed.
"Smart, and funny. I'm impressed." CJ said turning to him. But Spencer paused, and his eyes went to a beautiful tall, light skinned girl. CJ shifted uncomfortably as the girl made her way into the quad. Of course Spencer noticed her, she was beautiful and by far the most popular girl in Beverly. A spot that CJ once claimed.
"Layla Keating, Beverly Hills resident sweetheart." CJ said to Spencer, "Dad's some big-time record producer. And I heard they spend every Thanksgiving with the Obamas. And rumor has it, she even smoked pot with Malia last year."
"You must be Spencer," a familiar voice said from behind them. CJ turned and saw the star football player, Jordan Baker walk over to the pair, "Jordan Baker, QB, team captian."
"Baker?" Spencer asked, "Oh so you must be-"
"Yeah, coach is my dad. I'll take it from here, CJ." Jordan said and CJ nodded walking away from the two football players, "Come on, let me introduce you to the team."
"Hey, thanks for the tour." Spencer said before CJ could get too far away from him. She smiled at the Crenshaw boy, and looked down at her shoes.
"Yeah," She said quietly.
"Sushi on Friday?" Spencer asked, and CJ nodded.
"It's a date!" CJ agreed. Spencer looked the Jackson girl up and down before heading off behind Jordan. CJ cringed at the words that she said, before going off to find a table to herself, away from the stares and rumors about herself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"No, I saw her. Like with my eyes. CJ Jackson is back at Beverly." Asher Adams said to the group of friends as they ate lunch.
"I thought she had like a whole year left?" Hadley said, as she picked at her salad in her lap.
"Daddy's money can get you out of anything." Lucy said giggling, "Bold of her to come back after the shit show she created with everything."
"She's lucky she didn't get more time. Heard Mrs. Baker showed up at the trial and basically bailed her ass out. She was gonna get at least 15 to life," Asher said, embellishing the story a little bit.
"Now that's excessive." JJ said and Asher rolled his eyes.
"She's basically a murderer!" Asher exclaimed.
"No one even knows what she did exactly, maybe she was supposed to get out this early any way." Layla said, trying to defend her close friend.
"So. . . did she have an ankle bracelet? A tear drop tattoo?" JJ joked causing Asher, Lucy and Hadley to laugh. Layla rolled her eyes and picked at her food, as Jordan walked up to the group with handsome young man she had seen earlier.
"Meet the crew," Jordan said as he pointed out different members of the friend group, "This is Hadley, Layla, and up top, Lucy, JJ and Asher." Each of them shook Spencer's hand and Jordan took a seat next to his girlfriend Hadley. He greeted her with a kiss, and took his backpack off.
"I think you and Asher play the same position." JJ said as Spencer took a seat next to Layla.
"What's up, man?" Asher said trying to seem welcoming.
"Oh, receiver, huh?" Spencer asked him.
"Yeah, broke the school record for receptions last year." He said boasting about the accomplishment.
"Me, too." Spencer said and Asher just nodded his head, not saying a word.
"So, how are you liking Beverly so far?" Layla asked Spencer.
"It's okay, I guess." Spencer said smiling up at the girl. Asher looked between the new receiver and his girl questioningly, not liking how nice she was being to him.
"I know it probably feels like lost footage or rich kids from Instagram, but it's not so bad once you give it a chance." Layla said honestly, her browns eyes drifting across the quad to where CJ sat, alone and with a book in her hand.
"I'm sure it'll grow on me." Spencer responded.
"So lay it on me," Asher said breaking up the conversation between them, "Crips or Bloods?"
"Excuse me?" Spencer asked him. Hadley  looked questioningly at Jordan and then at Asher, who continued talking, digging himself an even bigger grave.
"I'm dying to check out a Crip walk for real." Asher said putting his arm around Layla, "I've only seen one on YouTube."
"Yo, yo, he's just joking man. Ignore him," Jordan said trying to fix Asher's mistake.
"Asher, you wouldn't know a Crip walk if it bit you in the damn white ass." JJ joked, causing everyone to laugh but Spencer, who was feeling offended by his new teammate.
"Nah, that didn't sound like a joke to me, bro." Spencer said looking at Jordan. The group grew quiet and looked at each other as Asher tried to defend himself.
"Don't be so sensitive."
"Sensitive?" Spencer asked, standing up angrily. All the groups eyes were on Spencer as he grabbed his backpack and pulled it over his shoulder, "Hey, yo, thanks for the welcome." He said as he walked away from the group. His brown eyes scanned the quad, and found a familiar face sitting alone, reading a book. Spencer sat down across from CJ, startling her out of the reading trance that she was in.
"Sorry for scaring you." He said genuinely.
"No, thanks for scaring me. Too entranced into the world of The Field Party series to even notice anything." CJ said, setting her book down. Spencer reached across the table and picked up the book, reading the back of it.
"A small southern town filled with cute boys, pickup trucks, Friday Night football games, and crazy parties to stir up some major drama," Spencer said reading the back of the book out loud, "Can't get enough drama at high school, you need to read about it?"
"It's different to read about it than to live it. Besides, if my parents didn't land here after my dad's retirement, I could've grown up, going to these crazy field parties in so called, Lawton Alabama."
"It makes sense now, Chris Jackson the 3rd, your dad. . ."
"Receiver for the Chiefs, before retiring in 2015, that's the one." CJ said, "And now coach for the LA chargers."
"Wow, that's crazy. I wanted to play under him if he was at Bama, but-"
"Hey!" Layla said, sitting down next to Spencer, "Christine,"
"Layla. I'll see you around, Spencer." CJ said, gathering her stuff and moving tables. Part of her agreement to herself to get better, was not hanging around her old group. CJ still had an hour left for lunch, and went to the only place where she felt welcome in this school.
CJ knocked on the door and waited for the welcome in. The door opened and CJ held up her brown paper lunch sack and had a shy smile on her face, "Can i eat here?" She asked.
"You're always welcome in here, CJ." Mrs. Riley said, and shut the door behind her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was a long pep talk to get CJ to even walk into the girls locker room, and to the dance coach's office. It was an even longer one to get her to open the door and talk to the coach. The coaches and teachers had known about the terms of CJ's parole, and knew that they had to give her a fair chance at trying out for the team.
"Alright, let's see what you can do. You'll learn the dance, and then me, and the other coach, and the captain will give you a mock tryout, and see how you do," The coach, Mrs. Williams said to CJ, "Go get changed, Hadley will give you a uniform."
Hadley stood outside the door, and walked CJ to an open locker. She handed CJ a new uniform and waited for her to change.
"Hey listen,. . ." Hadley started but CJ slammed her locker shut and looked at Hadley, "How are you?"
"How am I?"CJ said looking at the girl who was once her friend, "That's all you have to say to me, after what I went through?"
"CJ, listen, I'm so sorry for what. . ."
"It wasn't your fault, now let me go to practice, since I have to prove to everyone I still deserve to be on a team that I helped build up from literally nothing." CJ said and pushed passed Hadley to the gym. The girl sighed, and could at least tell her friend group that she tried to talk to her.
CJ tied her box braids back, and stretched on the floor with the rest of the team. The girls would stare at her and whisper occasionally, but CJ tried her best to ignore it. Hadley sat down across form where CJ was stretching and faced her. She began stretching too, and CJ just looked at her.
"What are you doing?" CJ asked her.
"Stretching with my captain." She answered and touched her toes with her arms out straight.
"I'm not the captain anymore." CJ shrugged and pulled her legs into the butterfly stretch.
"Well, you and I both know you can out dance Emily Pierce any day."
"She's the captain, oh my god who let that happen?" CJ said and wrinkled her face in disgust.
"Well after your mom stepped down as the head coach, Mrs. Williams took over. Hence why EP is the captain."
"Alright ladies!" Emily Pierce's voice rang out over the gym. CJ groaned and stood up, fixing the black spandex on her body, "We are going to run through Countdown and then learn the new dance. So places!" Everyone moved to their places except CJ, who stood in the back, "Oh CJ, you can um. . . stand next to Hadley."
CJ nodded and stood next to Hadley in the front. When the music started, CJ remembered the dance from the year before. She started moving in the familiar moves that she knew, and obviously caught the eye of the captain who stopped the music almost immediately.
"What are you doing?" Emily asked her.
"My dance, this is my dance."
"Not anymore, this is my dance. I changed things after you up and got yourself arrested. Now stand in the back and follow the group." Emily said and CJ nodded her head and moved to the back.
For the rest of the rehearsal, CJ was quiet and stood in the back, following the moves the Emily was teaching the group, even though she hated every second of it. When practice was dismissed, she was the first in the locker room, taking her uniform off and shoving it into her dance bag. She slammed her locker shut and stormed out of the locker room, running straight into a hard, muscular body.
"Hey, watch-" "I'm so sorry." They both said at the same time. CJ looked up at Jordan Baker, the one person she didn't want to see.
"CJ, you good?" Jordan asked. He could see the red lining of her eyes and nose, as she was about ready to cry.
"Ignore me like you have been the whole day, Baker. I'm fine." CJ said and pushed away from Jordan. She was thankful that her father was waiting at the front of the school. CJ ran down the steps and into her brother who was waiting for her. He engulfed her in a tight hug, and ran his through her hair as she cried. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
That night, at the Baker household, Jordan walked up to his mom, who was unloading groceries into the fridge. He hadn't ever asked his mother about why she took CJ's case, even after everything she had done to his family. But now, that CJ was back at Beverly and constantly running into things in his life. Hadley had said that she seemed civil at dance practice, but Jordan didn't trust whatever CJ was trying to do.
"Hey, Mom." Jordan said.
"Yes, hun?" Laura said and closed the fridge.
"Why did you take CJ Jackson's case?" He asked.
Laura paused a minute and sighed, "I can't discus that with you. Why? What's going on? She try and contact you or Olivia again?"
"No, even worse, She's back at Beverly. Rumors are going around that she got released early."
"And they let her back at Beverly, after all the things she had done?" Laura asked surprised, "Guess money really does get you things."
"Mom," Jordan said somewhat defending his ex-friend, "You know that's not true. Hadley said that she's trying to get her spot back on the dance team, and that she seemed to change."
"Listen to me Jordan, girls like that, who strive off of their parents success and money, don't change. I. . . I defended CJ Jackson because her parents asked me too." Laura said honestly, "CJ didn't want a lawyer or attorney. She plead guilty and was ready for her charge. If you ask me, she should've gotten those 15 years. She is and was guilty for that boy's death, there' no doubt in my mind."
Jordan looked down at his shoes and didn't say anymore. He turned on his heel and walked back up to his room. He hated the feeling that was settled in his chest. He so much wanted to fight against what his mother was saying about CJ. Jordan was one of the only friends in his group to believe CJ. He was also the only Baker who believed her too.
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whitewolfmoving · 4 years
Going For Gold || Bucky Barnes Mixed Martial Arts AU
Summary: Bucky made his choices long ago, now he has to live with the fallout. Can he return to the life he once knew? Can he mend the heart of the girl he left behind? Can he be a better man than he used to be? [Modern au] [Mixed Martial Arts au]
Trigger Warnings: lots of swearing, Bucky Barnes being a whole ass idiot, mentions of character death, mild detail of injuries, arguing, flashbacks, PTSD, alcohol and prescription drug use (non-addictive)
Word Count: 2126
Chapter Warnings: blackmail (should that be a warning?)
Chapter Three: The Best Laid Plans
Bucky had tossed and turned all night.
He couldn’t get what Steve had said to him about Serenity out of his head… Just the mere thought of Serenity begging and pleading with every ounce of strength she had left to let her die, to let her be with her best friend, to let her see Mikey again– How truly broken she must’ve been, and Bucky was nowhere to be found when she’d needed him most.
Guilt was eating Bucky from the inside and had kept him up most of the night, any sleep he’d gotten had been restless and plagued with thoughts of living in a world where Serenity wasn’t. He couldn’t imagine coming home to find the woman he’d give up everything for, not being alive when he got back. He couldn’t imagine never being able to see her face or hear her voice again. Steve was right, Bucky has screwed up. He’d let himself behave utterly childishly when it came time to face the music, and because of that, he’d almost lost the most important person in his life. Not that he’d known it at the time, but knowing it now didn’t make it better.
Around 4 AM, Bucky decided it was time to get to work. He rolled out of bed and headed straight for the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee. First, he’d make a game plan. Then, he’d put that plan into action. Bucky had decided he couldn’t waste any more time, he needed to get Serenity back before she had her heart broken all over again the audacity of Steve Rogers to be seeing two girls at once, the audacity of Steve Rogers to try and tell Bucky that he had no idea what he was seeing. Bucky knew one thing for sure, Steve was going to be in a world of pain if he hurt Serenity. Whether she accepted Bucky back into her life or not, she was too important to let anyone take advantage of her in any capacity. Especially Steve.
By the time 6:00 rolled around, Bucky knew exactly what he wanted to do and how he wanted it to look. Sure, he still had a long way to go but if everything played out how he hoped it would, he’d be back in the cage within the next six months. It was a very concrete timeline, but it’s one Bucky knew he could follow. Six months, and he’d be back in fighting shape. Of course, there was still the matter of his shoulder to figure out—could he really get back in the cage with such a severe injury?—Paul would never let him return to fighting if he wasn’t in prime condition. So he’d just have to make sure that he was in prime condition.
Bucky showered and dressed with enough time to run through his plan once more. Satisfied with his goals, he grabbed his jacket, keys, and helmet from where he’d dropped them in a pile by the front door last night—too exhausted to care about putting them away properly—and ventured into the cold early morning air. It smelled like home, it smelled like all of the things Bucky had missed over the last six years. It reminded him of happiness, of togetherness, of family; it brought back memories of him and Mikey and Steve and Serenity, it brought back feelings of safety and warmth. He’d been so wrapped up in his own shit, that he hadn’t once thought of what losing Mikey had done to Serenity. He’d made mistakes before, but none as big as abandoning her when she needed him the most.
He donned his jacket and helmet, and swung his right leg over the seat of his bike. He had one task for today, just one, and he planned on executing it perfectly—Bucky was going to convince Serenity to let him stay and return to training at Mikey’s. As he rode down the winding streets from his apartment just outside of town, he wondered if he truly could convince Serenity to let him come back. No, to let him come home.
Bucky pulled into the back gate half an hour later, after stopping at their favorite small cafe; since it was abundantly clear he couldn’t win her over just on merit alone, he figured he’d have to bribe her a little. What better way to do so than with her favorite drink on chilly autumn mornings? Well, here goes. He thought to himself, grabbing the thermos from his saddlebag and pocketing the Harley’s keys just as he had the morning before.
The gym wasn’t open to the public at 6:30. Paul had always left it close for Serenity, Mikey, Steve and Bucky to use privately in the mornings. Regular members wouldn’t be permitted to start showing up until 9:00, no one ever seemed to have a problem with it. And Bucky had been lucky enough to overhear Serenity and Natasha tell Paul they’d be back bright and early, “...we’ll be here at 6:30 sharp,” they’d said on their way out the day before.
The overwhelming sense of dread Bucky had felt the previous morning, had been replaced by stubbornness and pride. Now, he left the Harley next to Steve’s truck, and marched himself up to the back door with brand new confidence. Just as he’d expected, he found Serenity and Natasha sparring together on the mats, with Paul and Steve standing off to the side.
Bucky was in awe of the sight before him.
Serenity Corbyn still moved just as quickly and gracefully as she had when they’d started training at 15. When it came to fighting, she possessed the speed of a cheetah and the deadly accuracy of a scorpion. Serenity had always been light on her feet and heavy with her punches. She was good, too good. It’d taken each of the boys years to be able to best Serenity when they sparred together, Bucky had almost forgotten just how good she was. But it seemed she’d finally met her match.
From what Bucky could tell, Natasha might not be as fast as Serenity was, but she was a lot more calculated. What she lacked against Serenity’s speed, she made up for in well thought out steps. Natasha seemed to be one or two steps ahead of Serenity at every turn, even Bucky had to admit the redhead was good at what she did.
“Hands up, keep your hands up!” Steve coached from the sidelines. Serenity brought her hands back up before her face at his urging, keeping her focus locked on Natasha. Steve’s smile widened as he watched Serenity gain control again. “That’s it, there you go. Keep her moving. Nice, Ren. That’s what I like to see.”
Serenity’s movements ebbed and flowed like the changing tide. She lured Natasha in and pushed her back out, had her guessing at Serenity’s next move before she made it. It was nearing the end of the session and both women looked exhausted. However, this was where the young woman excelled the most, this was Serenity’s strongest point. The three men watched as Natasha brought Serenity down to the mat. Before she could stand and regain her bearings, Serenity wrapped her legs around Natasha's hips and locked them behind her. With the other woman now secured in a closed guard, Serenity extended her own hips and pulled Natasha down with her legs. She wrapped her right arm around her neck, clasped her hands together around her trachea, and applied pressure to Natasha’s carotid artery by pushing the blade of her arm and wrist upwards.
“There you go, hold it! Keep her down. Good, Serenity! Nice and tight!” Steve praised her, his voice dripped with pride.
Natasha finally tapped out and Serenity let her go. The two women stood, bracing against each other for support and walked off the mat. They sat on the bench behind Paul and Steve, and celebrated the success of their sparring match.
“I’ve never seen anyone best Serenity as quickly as you do, Nat,” Steve commented, handing both women a towel and bottle of water.
“I’ll admit, she’s tough. Your girl certainly knows what she’s doing, Rogers,” Natasha huffed, gulping down a generous amount of water. “I didn’t account for that last move, though. Guillotine choke hold from a closed guard. Where the hell did you learn to fight like that?”
Bucky took that as his cue to make himself known. He pushed himself off of the wall by the stairs and moved to stand next to Paul. “Me and Mikey taught that to her when we were 17. Nice to see you’re still dipping into my bag of tricks, Moo.”
Serenity stared daggers at the dark-haired man standing above her. “Don’t call me that. What are you doing here, Barnes? You know the gym’s closed for private training until 9.”
“I know, I’m here to train.”
“Like hell you are.”
“I’m just looking to train, that’s all.”
“Then you can pay for a gym membership like everyone else. Private training is closed, for employees only. Last I checked, you don’t work here anymore.”
Bucky sighed. “Come on, Moo, don’t be like that.”
Serenity stood, took a few steps toward Bucky, and stopped directly in front of him. Her brown eyes flashed with anger. “I said, don’t call me that. Pay for a gym membership or get out. You’re not welcome here anymore, James.”
The sound of his name rolling off of Serenity’s tongue was music to his ears; even if she was only saying it because she was angry with him, it was a feeling he’d never been able to forget. His name sounded different coming from Serenity, and he’d missed hearing her say it all those years while he was deployed. It sounded just as sweet coming from her now, as it had before the last time he saw her.
“I know I screwed up, I know I hurt you. But hear me out, that’s all I’m asking.” Bucky held his thermos out for her to take, hoping she’d accept his olive branch. But she didn’t.
“Now, Serenity, he’s family. Family is always welcome here,” Paul said, attempting to placate his daughter’s rage with gentle urging.
“He’s no family of mine. My family didn’t abandon me in my time of need.” She turned to Steve and he could see the pain in her eyes, hidden behind the thick walls of anger she’d constructed to keep all thoughts of Bucky out of her mind. “I don’t want him here. You brought him back here? You make sure he’s gone. Today.”
Natasha grabbed Serenity’s hand, she and Paul led her away from the two men, leaving Bucky staring after them in disbelief. Step one of his plan had failed, he hadn’t even considered the possibility of Serenity rejecting him twice in two days. The woman he was faced with now, was vastly different from the woman he’d left behind. Her heart was cold, closed off, locked away from him. She was just beyond his reach, and he’d failed to grab hold of her. He’d just have to try harder.
Bucky turned to face Steve, his eyebrows knitted together as he analyzed his next request carefully. “The annual local fight is coming up in six months. I want to be ready for it. Let me train here after the gym is closed down for the day.”
Steve scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know, Buck. She made it explicitly clear that she doesn’t want you here.”
“She doesn’t have to know. You owe me this one thing, Steve.”
“Bucky, are you really blackmailing me over that conversation from last night?”
“Listen, Rogers, the solution is simple. After you and Serenity close down the gym for the day, you’ll let me back in to train on my own. I still have my keys, I’ll lock up when I’m done.”
“What makes you think she won’t find out if I do this for you?” Steve asked, curious to hear Bucky’s answer.
“I realized she doesn’t know your little secret. If you want it to remain that way, you’ll help me get ready for the local comp in six months. And if you don’t, I’ll tell her about Natasha myself.” Bucky stood, challenging his best friend to disagree. If being away had taught him anything in the last six years, it was that sometimes you had to fight dirty in order to achieve your goals. And to Bucky, Serenity was worth fighting dirty for. He saw the moment Steve realized he wasn’t making empty threats, and he smirked.
Steve’s jaw tensed. “I’ll do it. Just keep your mouth shut about me and Nat.”
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Remember to like, comment, and reblog if you loved it!
This is just the beginning, my friends.
-Auri <3
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Shitty Masterlist
Don’t feel like scrolling through bullshit and just want to read some of my shitty requests? Then come here, you heathens. This will be updated with every new request so yeah, get excited:
First Date
Big Tiddy Mommy Girlfriend (NSFW)
Autistic girlfriend with body stims 
S/o who’s protective of their food
Ideal Types 
Big Booty Shy S/o (NSFW)
Gonna Be Parents
Short haired and flat chested s/o
Half Naked S/o (NSFW)
S/o crying over kitten
Scout refuses Spy as his father
Best and Worst cuddlers
Friend knows how to speak Russian
Tickled by reader
Emotional or physical chemistry 
S/o rape victim/rapist is female
Accidental kiss
Nonbinary s/o scared to come out
Top 3 Kinks (NSFW)
Wholesome Blowjobs (NSFW)
Fix Shit
Kitten Sneezes
Wedding Rings
Lithuanian s/o with tragic backstory
Affectionate friend
S/o commits suicide 
What Makes Them Fall in Love
Prevented suicide
S/o caught masturbating (NSFW)
Child with tourettes 
S/o who hates being neurodivergent 
S/o self harms
S/o self harm scars
Drink of Choice
First intimate act with crush
Skinny Dipping (NSFW)
Tea Enthusiast Friend aka The Tea Thread 
Wicca Witch Buddy
Merc Playlist
Drug Addiction
Guilty Pleasures
Cute Nonbinary s/o
Prankster crush
First Time (NSFW)
Cunnilingus (NSFW)
S/o with migraines 
Makes Them Blush
How they react after tragedy 
New vs 2 year relationship
S/o drawing them
Short reader
S/o practices shooting
Stole a kiss
Shower routines
Dream Homes
Cheesy pick up line
S/o loves reptiles
Clumsy Assistant 
Polygot reader
Nonbinary partner face sitting (NSFW)
Biker s/o 
Fantasy/Monster Mercs
Share body heat (NSFW)
Halloween Costumes
Halloween Movies
Monster mercs hunting s/o (NSFW)
Scary Movie
Haunted house/pees themselves in fear
Team helping Pyro with period cramps
Reader dated Spy and reveals him as Scout’s father (Part 1)
Scout comforting after dad’s death
Scout comfort after falling out with friend
Reader dated Spy and reveals him as Scout’s father (Part 2)
Friendship with Scout
Speeding Bullet/Scout wears lingerie (NSFW) 
Sniper marking Scout (NSFW)
Imp Scout
Nothing here...for now.
Pyro fluffy comfort
Daily Headcanon #1
Personal Pyro Headcanons
Pyro appearance under suit headcanon
Nothing here...for now.
Russian s/o 
S/o begs them to fuck them in their language (NSFW)
Werebear Heavy
Nothing here...for now.
Support class fluff with s/o
S/o begs them to fuck them in their language (NSFW)
Reader doesn’t like being touched
More support fluff
Second Opinion
NSFW Medic Headcanons (NSFW)
Lich Medic
Comfort after pet death
Support class fluff with s/o
Affectionate S/o
Reader doesn’t like being touched
Cocky Sniper smut (NSFW)
More support fluff
Speeding Bullet/Scout wears lingerie (NSFW)
Sniper marking Scout (NSFW)
Comforting words from Sniper
NSFW Sniper Headcanons (NSFW)
Comfort after pet death
Feral Sniper smut (NSFW)
Reader dated Spy and reveals him as Scout’s father (Part 1)
Support class fluff with s/o
S/o begs them to fuck them in their language (NSFW)
Reader doesn’t like being touched
Reader dated Spy and reveals him as Scout’s father (Part 2)
Tough s/o has night terrors
More support fluff
NSFW Spy Headcanons (NSFW)
Vampire Spy
Comfort after pet death
Miss Pauling:
Vocal girlfriend who’s very affectionate
Personal Pauling Headcanons
Daily Headcanon #2
Carte Blanche (Morale is born)
Biker s/o
Fantasy/Monster Mercs
Halloween Costumes
Halloween Movies
Fisting (NSFW)
Meet the Morale (Part 1)
Meet the Morale (Part 2)
Meet the Morale (Part 3)
Comfort after pet death
Merasmus relationship headcanons
NSFW Cheavy Headcanons (NSFW)
Saxton Hale
NSFW Saxton Hale (NSFW)
General Bidwell Headcanons
Personal Headcanons
Personal Pyro Headcanons
Personal Pauling Headcanons
Pyro appearance under suit headcanon 
Monster Mercs
Fantasy/Monster Mercs
Monster mercs hunting down s/o (NSFW)
Imp Scout
Lich Medic
Vampire Spy
Playing with the mercpack
Werebear Heavy
Fallout TF2
You are the Wastelander
Mercs in the Wasteland (Offense)
Merc Tips
Merc Tip #1
Merc Tip #2
Merc Tip #3
Merc Playlist
Offical Merc Playlist
Sniper: Who Could It Be?
Sniper: Ratshit Batshit
Pyro: Love me
Pauling or Scout: Cheat Code
Wing Fortress: Fly Away
Soldier: First Date
Pyro: Heart Boner
School Au: High School Never Ends
Pyro: Yumbo Bear
Medic: Zydrate Anatomy 
Scout: No Reason Boner
Daily Headcanons
Daily Headcanon #1
Daily Headcanon #2
355 notes · View notes
hollyoaksloversx · 3 years
The Final Countdown...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (28th December 2020 - 1st January 2021)
When Hollyoaks first announced their ambitious flash-forward episode back in 2019, they likely thought that the biggest hurdle they would have to overcome would be managing Jess Fox’s ever changing hairstyle. How wrong they were! However, one pregnancy, one recast and one global pandemic later, and the flash-forward episode finally arrived! What had Charlie done? Where was Sid? Why was John Paul in such a state? And most importantly, who was in the body bag? 
As the final preparations for Tom and Yasmine’s midnight wedding got underway, Victor was briefing his teenage recruits for what he hoped would be a successful night of dealing. As Victor dished out the orders, Juliet was disgusted when she realised that Victor wanted Ella to complete a drop off in Runcorn, the catch being that she would have to smuggle the drugs inside her body to avoid detection. Knowing how dangerous this was, Juliet tried to extract a confession from Victor to take to the police, but he realised what she was up to, slapped her, and told her someone close to her would die that night. Juliet desperately tried to warn her family to stay indoors and decided to leave the village with Sid that night. Agreeing to meet Sid later, Juliet went to say goodbye to Peri but ended up confessing the full extent of what she was involved in and telling Peri that she loved her. When Peri told Juliet that she loved her too, Juliet decided not to leave the village and, with Sid not answering his phone, went to find him...
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Meanwhile, Victor’s whole operation was thrown further into jeopardy when John Paul saw Charlie dealing drugs to Ollie in the village. John Paul went straight to tell Nancy what he’d witnessed, but unsurprisingly, she refused to believe it. However, John Paul’s warning clearly touched a nerve with Mandy, and she began to worry about Ella’s whereabouts, the worry only intensifying when her daughter failed to answer her phone and Ollie staggered in and confirmed John Paul’s story. Back in the village, Charlie was preparing to accompany Ella to the train station when they bumped into Jordan, who reminded them of the importance of the night’s delivery. However, things were soon about to get a whole lot worse when John Paul told George about what he’d seen...
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Although John Paul begged him not to, George reported the incident to his colleagues, and a search was launched for Charlie. Having missed the train, Charlie and Ella returned to the village, and overheard George putting out a search for Charlie. Realising they were in a whole heap of trouble, Charlie and Ella sought refuge in The Hutch. Meanwhile, Sid was waiting at the agreed location when he was approached by Victor, who smashed up his guitar and lured him and Juliet to The Hutch, where Charlie and Ella were hiding under a table. It wasn’t long before Jordan was summoned too, and Victor ordered him to kill Sid and Juliet, placing a knife on the table before leaving.  However, Jordan couldn’t bring himself to carry out Victor’s orders and let a relieved Sid and Juliet go, promising the pair that he would deal with Victor. Once Sid and Juliet had gone, Jordan spotted Charlie and Ella hiding...
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Although Jordan tried to reassure Charlie and Ella that he wouldn’t hurt them, Charlie was too frantic to listen, and picked up the knife that Victor had left, warning Jordan not to come any closer. As Jordan tried to calm the situation, a knife was plunged into him and Darren later arrived at the restaurant to find Charlie and Ella standing over Jordan’s lifeless body. 
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Elsewhere, Nancy and Mandy returned to their respective homes to search for the kids. The police soon arrived at the Osborne’s to search the place, and Nancy was shocked when drugs were found in Charlie’s games controller whilst there was also a shock in store for Mandy when she searched Ella’s bag and found a significant sum of money. In the village, John Paul caught up with George and was angry with him for reporting Charlie, not only believing that he’d overreacted, but resenting the fact that it would further damage his friendship with Nancy. However, John Paul became aware of the full gravity of the situation when James arrived, and gave George Victor’s name. John Paul immediately ordered George to do something, and George was clearly angry that John Paul was only willing to accept the seriousness of the situation when it came from James. When George eventually caught up with Charlie and Ella later, he deliberately dropped his ID badge next to the bodybag outside The Hutch, thus allowing a devastated John Paul to believe he’d been killed...
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News of Jordan’s murder quickly spread around the village and whilst Sid was devastated to learn of his cousin’s death, Juliet was determined to hand herself in for her role in the county lines operation, despite James warning her not to. Back at the restaurant, Nancy refused to believe that Charlie had had any role in Jordan’s death, despite the mounting evidence to the contrary. When George arrived to interview the kids, Charlie stunned his family by confessing to murder and was taken to the police station. However, a flashback later revealed that it was actually Ella who had become the latest villager to commit murder...
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Elsewhere this week, there was also some drugs drama for Ollie when he turned back to ket after finding out that Imran and Brooke were going to the wedding together. Later, Ollie staggered into The Dog, clearly under the influence and sought refuge in the toilets, closely followed by Cindy. Cindy tried desperately to get through to Ollie and brought a packet of ket out of her bag, saying that she’d found it in the house and was worried that Hilton could have discovered it. Much like Hollyoaks itself, it seems, Ollie didn’t give two hoots about Hilton and ranted about what a terrible Mother Cindy was, resulting in Cindy throwing the ket at him. Later that night, Luke brought Ollie home and, although initially angry at Cindy, acknowledged that they’d both failed Ollie, and would need to work together to help him kick his addiction. 
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In other news this week, Leela returned home and she and Peri were shocked to realise that they’d both been seeing Jordan, whilst Romeo told Cher that he loved her. Finally, despite their wedding night being littered with drama, Tom and Yasmine said ‘I do’.
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This Week’s Cast:
Charlie, Cher, Cindy, Courtney, Darren, Ella, George, Grace, Imran, James, John Paul, Juliet, Jordan, Leela, Luke, Mandy, Marnie, Misbah, Nancy, Oliver, Peri, Romeo, Sami, Sid, Ste, Tom, Victor and Yasmine.
Blasts From The Past:
Holly Cunningham, Kyle Kelly, Alfie Nightingale, Donna Marie Quinn, Buster Smith, Stuart Sumner
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, August 24
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: President Bill Clinton cancer nightmare 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Kit Harington adjusts himself, Mama June Shannon’s dress flies up, Sex Pistols singer Johnny Rotten 
Page 3: Paris Jackson, Caitlyn Jenner, Ray Davies of The Kinks out in London 
Page 4: The movie version of the superhit stage musical Cats was such a train wreck that even its composer Andrew Lloyd Webber thinks it stinks, Elton John confesses his addictions would have killed him if he hadn’t gotten help 
Page 5: Queen of mean Ellen DeGeneres has been dumped by her Hollywood pals and now she’s begging long-suffering wife Portia de Rossi not to walk out on her too 
Page 6: Angelina Jolie has turned into a paranoid witch acting like a tyrant to keep her private life under wraps and now her torment has promoted her to torture her help and increase the hell she brings down on ex Brad Pitt, heartbroken Brad Pitt is desperately begging estranged son Maddox Jolie-Pitt to meet for a father-son peace summit to end the bad blood between them because Maddox is still harboring bitterness over the stars’ breakup even after the pair have made peace 
Page 7: Peeved Joe Pesci wants to whack his neighbors’ plans to extend the docks outside their Jersey Shore homes -- he gripes the new docks which are set to extend 300 feet into Barnegat Bay would block homeowners’ views 
Page 8: A videographer who shot promotional teasers for Suits the hit show in which Meghan Markle had a second-rank role recalls her as prickly and standoffish and says they used to call her the princess, furious Queen Elizabeth lit into grandson Prince Harry after he cursed out a palace staffer for not giving in to the demands of his high-maintenance fiancee Meghan Markle as their wedding neared -- the royal tongue-lashing came after Harry threw a fit at the queen’s closest aide Angela Kelly after she nixed Meghan’s sudden insistence to try on the tiara she was to wear at her May 2018 wedding 
Page 9: Charlize Theron doesn’t need a man and reveals she told her daughters that she’s dating herself, bloated big-mouth Alec Baldwin has been read the riot act by his health-nut wife Hilaria Baldwin who’s demanded the doughy dad get rid of his bevy of bulges 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Cardi B dresses down to run errands in L.A. (picture), Heather Locklear claimed filming the 1996 flick The First Wives Club became gross when on-screen husband James Naughton improvised a humiliating move by circling her nipple area with his finger which wasn’t in the script but James says the move was indeed printed in the script, Reese Witherspoon won the 2020 Award for Biggest Snub of the Year for not receiving even one lousy Emmy nomination for acting in any of three starring roles, former Wonder Woman Lynda Carter still wears the supercool bullet-blocking gold cuffs that were part of her iconic TV character’s wardrobe, Drake ordered custom-made twin pendants depicting his music idol murdered rapper Tupac as a thorn-crowned Jesus figure crying tears made of perfect diamonds and each disembodied heavy gold head dangles from a chain including 70 carats of flawless white and yellow diamonds and worth a reported $600,000 combined 
Page 13: Demi Moore in a fake mustache at her Idaho home (picture), Tom Felton grabs a smoke while skateboarding in L.A. (pic), Brody Jenner and galpal Briana Jungwirth shopping in Malibu (pic), Liam Neeson’s eldest son Micheal Neeson Richardson confides he’s still not over the death of his mother Natasha Richardson who lost her life in a 2009 skiing accident when he was 13 
Page 14: Channing Tatum is producing his own musical take on Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth -- Channing’s take is about a treacherous teenage girl who will have to face the consequences of her ambition with some catchy music of course, Tracy Morgan was fortunate to survive the highway crash that sent him into a coma in 2015 but his marriage to Megan Wollover hasn’t had such a happy ending as they are filing for divorce, Fashion Verdict -- Jenna Elfman 5/10, Kiernan Shipka 2/10, Kristen Taekman 4/10, Joan Collins 9/10, Isabelle Huppert 3/10 
Page 16: Cover Story -- Bill Clinton skin cancer terror -- the former president healing from cryosurgery 
Page 17: The Beatles fans believed the band hated each other when they split up but Paul McCartney insists that wasn’t true, Kelly Osbourne ripped into an internet troll with a curse-laden comeback after saying she’s received a message crowing how great it was that her dad Ozzy Osbourne was dying 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Carrie Ann Inaba, humble hitmaker Garth Brooks has permanently pulled his name from consideration for Entertainer of the Year at the Country Music Association awards show saying it’s time for someone else to have the honor, nine years after leaving Law & Order: SVU Christopher Meloni is returning to the franchise as fan favorite Elliot Stabler in a new spinoff and reuniting with former co-star Mariska Hargitay because he feels his character has evolved 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 21: Proof that D.B. Cooper survived the jet jump -- new evidence reveals loot was buried 6 months after skyjacking 
Page 23: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are so worried about their failing marriage they’ve hired a hypnotist to help sort out their issues 
Page 24: Official police records that could prove Prince Andrew is lying about his involvement with one of Jeffrey Epstein’s teenage sex slaves have been destroyed by Scotland Yard in a shocking cover-up linked to the royal family’s inner circle 
Page 27: Health Report -- test can sniff Alzheimer’s 20 years ahead 
Page 38: Amber Heard believed billionaire Elon Musk bugged the Tesla electric car he gave her as a gift
Page 44: Straight Talk -- nip/tuck knows no boundaries for teen fools like Kylie Jenner and Gia Giudice 
Page 45: Kathie Lee Gifford has revealed that her late Live! co-host Regis Philbin protected her after her husband Frank Gifford was cheating on her with a married woman in 1997, Stevie Nicks has some sobering news for wannabe rockers: stash some cash for rehab stints, cradle-robbing Sean Penn has tied the knot with galpal Leila George who is a year younger than his daughter 
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier in the 1967 movie In the Heat of the Night, Bizarre But True 
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killypool · 4 years
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trigger warnings for discussion of religion - specifically catholicism, wade’s time as agnostic, and finally the denomination depicted in far cry 5. also heavy discussion of violence, death, sex, etc.
to really understand why wade was so quickly entranced by joseph and eden’s gate, it’s important to look at his first encounters with organized religion. wade was brought up by his devout catholic mother, though his father was atheist. while wade enjoyed the escape mass provided away from his father, the church he attended did not focus on building a loving relationship between themselves and God, but rather focused on the guilt and shame associated with sinning. wade and his mother were not considered full members of the church, and they were met with scornful looks when they showed up to mass later and later. when wade and his mom moved to seattle, she moved no effort to continue attending mass. 
wade’s memories of religion became angry looks, spending an hour on his knees asking for forgiveness for lying, for not finishing his homework, for not helping around the house. he spent hours begging for forgiveness, feeling ashamed of himself, though his father was never ashamed of any of the things he did. his father showed no regret every time he was abusive, uncaring about the people he hurt. yet wade was meant to beg for forgiveness while his father did nothing. the idea of absolution didn’t make sense to wade. It was easier to step away from religion, forget that he ever believed. 
though wade would say he was atheist if asked, wade still had faith, though his faith was rooted more with his own personal relationship with god than with any organized religion. he did not pray, did not follow scripture, did not read scripture. but when his mother was buried, he felt confident that she was sent to a better place. he thought the same of any of his brothers in combat who didn’t live to see another day. he didn’t know what god took them or where they went, but he always felt as though there was an after.
despite not being religious or pious, wade tried to be a good person. he tried to do good, tried to help the people around him. he didn’t need a religion to give him a set of morals - he developed those on his own and followed them closely. perhaps too closely. when he caught his commanding officer doing something wade couldn’t stomach, he had no hesitation before he pulled the trigger. 
and then he became a villain. an outcast. a dishonorable discharge spat upon by the men he called brothers. for following his set of morals, he was deemed a sinner. there was no forgiveness to ask for, no atonement as wade was sent back to the united states, lucky to be out of prison. his nights are spent with whiskey, his days spent stalking the streets. if his morals led him to shoot his officer, his morals might as well lead him to clean the streets. but not even that filled the empty hole inside of him. new york city. chicago. detroit. dallas. new orleans. cleveland. every city offered him some crime to avenge, hits to take, but the days only darkened, his faith growing ever weaker.
until his world tour led him to hope county. at no point did he consider that what he needed to be happy was religion. and though wade would never really say it out loud, maybe it wasn’t religion that he needed, but the community around it. a meeting with joseph seed turned into an invitation, an offering to be part of something again. the only community wade ever really felt a part of was the military, but he had been expelled from that. kicked out with no chance of rejoining. his service felt empty now, 14 years of his life spent serving with his brothers an empty void in his life. 
he carried his doubts, his fears, his anger into hope county. in front of john, he made no attempt to hide his sins. he made no attempt to excuse his actions. he laid 31 years of violence and suffering and wratch and pride down onto the ground, and he watched in amazement as he was told the henbane river could wash away every sin that isolated wade from the world around him. every kill, every act of violence, every memory of blood pooling around a cooling body was heard, and he was not told to beg for forgiveness. wade was not handed a rosary and told to feel shame. he was offered a tattoo, a reminder to be better, a reminder that he didn’t need to stay angry and hurt and afraid.
wade found a place in hope county. wade found a collection of people with arms outstretched. wade found drug addicts, sex addicts, men and women who resorted to violence to solve every fucking problem the world thrust upon him. wade found his reflection in joseph, in jacob, in john, in faith, in paul. wade saw his reflection and for the first time, wade found hope. the god that joseph spoke of was a god that loved warmer than the cold and spiteful god wade remembered from his childhood. the god that spoke through joseph was a god that would accept him, that did not ask for more than a leap of faith. the price joseph’s god asked for was not too high to pay.
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purplenarwhal19 · 4 years
so, here’s a v short story I wrote for class about the importance of exploration. two of the songs that are excerpted in my story I found through @basic-banshee ‘s fanfic Rebel Rebel which is one the best (probably the best) fanfics ever.
Also I don’t know how to do the cutoff thingy so it’s gonna be a long post 🤷‍♀️ so sorry
enjoy, I guess? 💕
Over the radio, a gentle guitar played, followed by T. Rex’s smooth and repetitive lyrics. I sighed, bliss. We were driving on a California road in our rusty tour bus. Sitting in our narrow duffel bag with my costars, with bemused smiles plastered across our faces. Cool air conditioning blew a soft breeze. We listened to beautiful, alternative music, an epic soundtrack for our journey. This was the life of a performer. A true actress.
It was the summer of 1971. I was an actress and dancer on the television and stage show, Desi Dance. We were a children’s show that taught people all about India’s rich culture and history. Dance, art, poetry, music, and food offered just a peek into Indian tradition. We had been performing and touring for six years, but it felt like we started the show yesterday.
“I danced myself right out the womb
Is it strange to dance so soon?”(1)
The guitar solo came into full sound with the backing vocals. It created a powerful feeling that filled my whole body with true hope and strength.
All my life I had danced. It was my escape, my passion, and my love. It felt like that was what I was made for. Reading also brought escape, when the pressure of being an actress became too much. Reciting poetry for my castmates or singing a song that was stuck in my head was so relaxing and freeing. The lyrics are what spoke to me about music, and while I had quite a large vocabulary, there were often times when I didn’t know what a word meant.
“Beraham, what is a womb?” I questioned the boy next to me, clad in loose fitting turquoise pants with gold embroidery.
“I don’t know, Shrishti,” Beraham said plainly.
Beraham and I both sat there, still enjoying it, yet dumbfounded. Curiosity, a crimson rash that we needed to itch, in that unreachable spot on your back. This infection spread throughout the whole cast, leaving all of us with that same itch.
Maybe I could ask my movement director when we get to the venue… I thought as I drifted off, wrapped up in the comfort of music and friendship.
The year was 1973. In the dressing room, now with a smaller cast, we were practicing lines and getting ready to film. I had been groomed with brushes, painted with makeup and had been dressed in the most gorgeous fabrics. My lengha was brilliant magenta with intricate canary yellow details, and paired with a simple sequinned pearly white top. I loved these days, dressing up, feeling beautiful like a royal queen.
To the left of me, a record player played a Paul Simon favourite, setting our moods to the upbeat song.
“The mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
Oh, the mother and child reunion
Is only a moment away”(2)
A familiar feeling of confusion washed over me. Why is the reunion so important? Why were the mother and child separated? Who are they?
Who is my mother?
Where is she?
Everyone has a mother. Our director, our manager, our movement director, the children in the audience; everyone except me and my fellow actors.
Everyone except me.
I tried to close my perfectly designed eyes, to block out the image of my unfortunate life, but my body refused to listen to my command. Blinking wasn’t even in my control.
I felt so overwhelmed. I had no identity. Who am I? This was a question from too deep in my heart for me to bear.
It was too much. I wanted to leave, I had to get up. I willed my thin, stick-like legs to stand up, pushing, using all the strength I had, just to leave the room.
Nothing happened.
I tried again, hoping for something, some sign of my own independence.
My body wasn’t mine. My will, myself, I could not control it. My life wasn’t mine.
I looked around at my colleagues, chatting, laughing, and totally unaware of their inability to be free. Bound to our employers who dictate and orchestrate our every move.
“Oh, little darling of mine
I can’t for the life of me
Remember a sadder day
I know they say let it be
But it just don’t work out that way”(2)
Paul Simon was right, I still can’t remember a sadder day than that one. My life had changed forever.
As years passed, I began to feel emptier and emptier, resenting my profession, and hating my life. Those years also happened to be our most successful, as a show. The success changed everything. Our bosses got sloppy; high on the fame, as well as their drugs of choice.
Most notably, Arjun, our stage director, became addicted to heroin. It was a horrid sight to witness him become a shell of the person he used to be. It reminded me exactly of that sad, sad Velvet Underground song.
“Heroin, be the death of me
Heroin, it’s my wife and it’s my life
Because a mainline into my vein
Leads to a center in my head
And then I’m better off than dead”(3)
It broke my heart to see him like this. I couldn’t understand how he could inject a toxin into his body by choice. How he could slowly kill himself one high after another.
By then, I had realized that I wasn’t human. I was something else, like them, yet different; stronger, yet weaker.
I spoke with my closest companions, Beraham, Jaidev, and Mitali. They were as confused as I was the day I realized I entered this world without anyone, without a mother. They too began life motherless.
The directors, started our show with shining faces, and now were graying and worn out. We kept the same expressions over the years, never seeing a wrinkle appear, never feeling an ache or pain, never feeling or looking our age.
We hadn’t aged in the past 20 years. We were to be used, like the puppets we were, forever.
“What can we do?” Mitali questioned, urgency overtaking her usual calm nature.
“Nothing,” Jaidev said. “It’s hopeless…”
“I want you to know deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go
There is another world… a better world
Well, there must be…”(4)
I felt like the Smiths were reading my mind; I wanted another world, a better world, and I hoped with all my heart and soul that there would be one.
This was the lowest depth of our depression. We considered “ending it all”, whatever that meant.
Most of the time our directors listened to nonsense music filled with empty, happy thoughts that had less meaning than my life. When we listened to the melancholy music of Miles Davis, Billie Holiday and Chet Baker, that our bosses listened to so rarely, it felt reassuring: someone else suffered as we did.
Determined to solve this problem, I decided to speak with the director about our conditions. I had heard the humans refer to us as “puppets”, inanimate objects who could only recite lines, made only of felt, and paint. This sounded as bad as any slur that I’d heard before. They pushed and shoved us around, threw us in crowded duffel bags. This had to stop. We needed to break away from the chains the humans bound us in.
“Today we will close our show with an excerpt from Keralan poet, Kamala Surayya. “I am sinner, I am saint— I’m sorry. I can’t do this,” I paused, taking a moment to think of the right words.
“I cannot read the words of a woman who has lived and loved, while I am kept here, held captive by you humans!” I angrily burst, far less eloquent than I had imagined, emotion overtaking my composed mask.
My face turned a deep scarlet shade of red, reminiscent of tamaatar; something that had never happened before. The camera people, directors, and executives stood in place, too shocked to move or speak, the puppet that they had manipulated for so many years had finally taken control and spoken back.
Divya, a camera person, pale and shocked, stuttered, “W-what is happening?” She glanced around nervously at the other people in the room to see if they saw the same thing.
“Divya, you aren’t hallucinating. This is very real. My costars and I are conscious beings; we may not be able to move like you humans, but we deserve the same treatment as you. We have thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams. The way you speak about us is degrading. The way you touch and move us is disrespectful. We deserve respect and our thoughts and opinions are as valid as yours,” I spoke with a dignified tone. “The cast and I would like to have a meeting with all of you to discuss our treatment.”
Wide eyed, the crew, obediently agreed and took us to our cramped dressing room. The room was painted a pale yellow with a cheap elephant decal on the wall that was torn and peeling on the edges. This tiny room barely housed all thirteen of us cast members. With all of the behind the scenes crew in our room, we were packed in tight, like sardines in a tin.
“We have called this meeting today to negotiate our rights and responsibilities within this community,” Mitali serenely began. “Our citizenship within our show needs to include us as full members with equal rights and consideration. We understand that your use of us has immense benefits for you, with few benefits for us.”
“You make significant profits from our labor. Your wage is even plentiful enough for you, Arjun, to fund your addiction.” Jaidev scoffed.
With a quivering chin, Arjun begged, “What can we do to fix our mistakes?”
Beraham blustered, “ We want a change in your behaviour!”
“We cannot move on our own, so we expect help and kindness. When you have moved us in the past, even just five minutes ago, you throw around our bodies, like the inanimate objects you believe us to be. We want to go outside and see the world. We want more space in our dressing room, and we expect some real answers about who and what we are,” I demanded.
Afters some discussions we learned that we were the descendants of Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and art. The movement directors, who were called “puppeteers”, had no idea that we could do more than just read prepared lines, until we had all travelled to America. This was too far away from the Pundita, that had given them the divine puppets that we were. They could not receive guidance. They had no idea as to what we were capable of, or how to teach us.
That Pundita was my mother.  Her name was Tavni, and I was given a picture of her.
She had a golden, caramel complexion, with large eyes and hazel pupils. She had a smile that lit up a whole room and round, rosy cheeks.
I noticed the similarities in our appearances, the way she had crafted me to look so much like her.
I had found my identity.
Learning all of this information brought a new sensation to my eyes; something burning and prickly, and a wet droplet traveling down my cheek. I was crying! This feeling brought a warm emotion of relief, of content and of closure.
Soon after these discoveries, I realized that I loved my job. Even though the past years had been rough, this was what I was meant to do. If conditions improved, I would truly be happy.
I was going to do what my mother created me for. Dancing and performing, bringing India to the whole world and teaching about our glorious culture. I would do just that.
“I danced myself into the tomb
I danced myself into the tomb
Is it strange to dance so soon?
I danced myself into the tomb…”(1)
(1) Cosmic Dancer, T. Rex, 1971
(2) Mother and Child Reunion, Paul Simon, 1972
(3) Heroin, The Velvet Underground, 1967
(4) Asleep, The Smiths, 1987
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