#and how desperately i craved and desired and wanted something like that as the child of an abusive home
redactedresearch · 2 years
i wonder about the modern retellings of persephone's abduction and how it reflects society's (children of all ages) views of their mothers
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shakingparadigm · 5 months
I love how often Ivan is referred to as childish, not only by the characters in-universe, but even more by the creators themselves. The juxtaposition of the perfect man (tallest of the roster, bearing the deepest voice, dressed in sleek and masculine outfits, known for his more matured and intelligent disposition) expressing his love and desire in such a shameless manner, one befitting of a little child who doesn't know what to do with the myriad of feelings bursting in their chest. Even as he grows older he vies for Till's attention in such convoluted ways. Ivan is beyond his years in intellect, yet emotionally immature. Carrying responsible maturity as a mask and nursing a childlike desperation underneath. The need to be seen, constantly craving attention. To keep something as yours, holding it close so that no one can take it away. The selfish indulgence of touch. Always pleading to be noticed, acting out when you can't get what you want. Hands outstretched for someone who doesn't want you, someone who doesn't need you like you need them.
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starshipsofstarlord · 2 months
parental advisory | daryl dixon
summary. at the beginning of the strenuous outbreak, you never thought there would ever be the opportunity to build a family. it was never safe, that was until you reached commonwealth. all you want is a baby of your own, but you are unsure if daryl would agree due to the impractical risks and unspoken label of your relationship together (5.8k)
warnings. smut, unprotected sex, cumming inside, fingering, slight handjob, some angst, fluff, reciprocated love, mentions of death, swearing, scars (on both reader and daryl), petnames
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
It was difficult to keep striving on and forwards after so many of those that you had cared for were gone, taken by the harsh circumstances of which you had fought to survive. You’d never forget a single one of them for as long as you lived, they had made you realise that the world still had things to offer, even if you had to look past the traumatic bloodshed and the dead walking to see them.
Your hands weren’t clean of blood by any means, but you had done what had been necessary, and because of it you remained breathing. And so did Judith and RJ, of whom had fallen under the care of you and Daryl amidst the cold and imposing effects of the reality that they had both been born into. It was never expected for your mind to conclude on the realisation that you desired a child of your own, however it was constantly plaguing you, like a fever that you just couldn’t shake.
But it was another daunting responsibility that you would need to protect, and it was more important to prioritise those that were already around you. Whilst you had never sought out something for yourself after the end of the world unless it was a product of vitality, you couldn’t be selfish in that way. You were well aware that with time your clock was ticking, for each day you were getting older, and at any moment the unexpected could end your life, but seeing the parents walking through Commonwealth with their own bundles of blood in their arms forced your heart to yearn.
You loved Judith and RJ, and of course Dog, with your entire being, and you would do anything that they required from you, and so you became mercilessly frustrated with yourself for secretly wanting more. There was no conclusion on how, if you were to, to mention your maternal cravings to Daryl, you were companions who had been through hell together and shared the same bed. To those on the outside, it would look like you were the parents of one small but happy family.
And to some degree you were. But they knew that you were auntie y/n and uncle Daryl, and sadly enough, the last family that they had, apart from Carol. Everyone else was gone, either cooped up in the rebuild of Alexandria, or dead. All that remained was unceremoniously precious, and you weren’t willing to so much as give up even a smidge of what you had desperately salvaged. The earth was in in-emendable ruins, but parts of your own world remained, and whilst your ovaries wanted to expand the metaphorical horizon of which you loved, you were content even whilst you were passively brooding.
Your thoughts were instantly shaken from your skull when you heard the front door open and close. It was late in the eve, Daryl had been out completing his responsibilities throughout the daytime, whilst you had been occupied with your unrealistic daydreams, and doing absolutely nothing else besides keeping a watchful eye on the Grimes children. And your lack of incomplete household chores made you feel disposable, and you were aware that Daryl wouldn’t care, but you still felt pathetically guilt ridden.
Dog abandoned his resting place which had been beside your feet to greet the archer, his tail excitedly wagging, as you remained in your attempts of forcing your lonesome pondering away. You stood in defiance to appear as though nothing was bothering you, it was a routine on your part to wait for Daryl to get home, even if the kids were in bed like they were tonight. As you neared the door where the man was ruffling the fur behind the loyal canine’s ears, you could see the exhaustion that weighed heavily beneath Daryl’s eyes. It hadn’t been a good day for him, clearly it had been long and agitating.
“Supper’s in the kitchen.” No doubt he was hungry, and so you had scraped together whatever was edible so that there could be food on the table. It was still strange to you that you no longer had to ransack empty homes and stores, or hunt to keep your stomach full. Times had certainly changed, and you sent Daryl a small yet somewhat forced smile as you hugged your middle with your own arms. The man stood up straight as he squinted in your direction, examining your form. It was stupid to think that you could try and hide anything from him, your wishful thinking was a detrimental shield for the unrealistic desires that lingered on your mind. You were only taunting yourself further and worrying your domestic companion.
Dog watched with tilted ears as Daryl strode toward you, tipping your chin upwards with his forefinger to subdue your eyes with meeting his. “Somethin’s botherin’ you.” It wasn’t a question, he needn’t have if there was a live wire alight in your brain, he knew you too well. “Y/n, you can tell me anythin’, ya know that.” A part of you felt guilty, he was exhausted, and if you’d have just gone to bed rather than waiting up for his return, then he would have been none the wiser. You were certain that he would view your dreams as circumstantially foolish, he not only knew how great the responsibility of caring for and protecting a child was, but that were too many risks that threatened the the health and overall life of the mother.
Without strict medical structures within the communities that had formed after the outbreak which was dealt with a tough comparison against the government ran hospital facilities, options that could aid during a pregnancy were very slim. Almost nonexistent in fact. The both of you had bore as mourning witnesses to Lori’s fate which was sympathetically horrific, it was an enormous gift that Judith remained well and breathing considering that she would have cut it close to a short and youthful life if it hadn’t have been for Maggie, who was now a mother to her own son.
Everyone had moved on somehow from the dark events that had implored themselves with terrible timing, and now you were ready to do the same. Nothing could hold you back, other than the sadistic rejection that you feared Daryl would meet your idea with. Your mouth felt dry, as though somebody had rubbed sandpaper upon your tongue, as you opened your lips, preparing every imaginable possibility to spew desperately in the form of many passionate words. But there was only a straightforward statement that abjured from you. “I want a baby.” You said with your head bowed down in a likeliness of shame.
The silence that prevailed had you feeling resentful of yourself and uncomfortable. It coiled in a cruel grasp around your shoulders, and you could only apologise profusely for your honest communication. “I’m sorry Daryl, god I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have sprung that on you like that.” The tears that dwelled in your eyes befuddled your vision; things were more than fine the way they were, and you just had to go and ruin it with your selfish impulses. “Forget I said anythin’,” you fearfully demanded, rubbing your damp eyes with the curve of your palm.
The dream that you had was nothing more than an epiphany of your greatest delusions, it was never going to happen. Whilst you felt largely incomplete, you felt guilty for the plague that you had erupted in Daryl’s mind, you couldn’t even dare to look at him. It was expected that if you did you would only be met with a flavour of emotions. The worst of them would be disappointment. You had never let Daryl down, and you had always been profusely loyal, but you deemed that all to be over now. If only you hadn’t been poisoned by the sins of greed, you wouldn’t have felt significantly judged by your better half.
With self sufficiency blending the lines that your sight gravitated towards on the floorboards as you attempted to brush past Daryl and escape the suffocating room, you felt his hand grab gently at the inner crook of your elbow. You became tense from the contact that you were normally no stranger to, afraid that he would guide you to the front door. But he didn’t, his stature remained still as he hoisted your chin up with his pointer finger again. “Don’ walk away y/n/n.” He inwardly gulped as you failed to recognise the glint that twinkled in his oceanic eyes. His mouth wavered as he too tried to pronounce the reeling of his brain. Daryl cleared his throat, attracting his body closer to your own.
You were almost shaking from the desolate nerves that scrutinised worrisome aura; he’d confided in you about the hardships of his youth. Had been selfish of you to have shared such an intimate aspect of the inclinations that your inner demons harboured. “Shit.” The curse fell from his lips, and you were no to being a witness to Daryl struggling to express how he was really feeling. Your expectations were for him to condone you with a faucet of repulse - he’d never have the intention of being your sexual partner again out of fear of putting an infant bun in your abdominal oven. There were always risks of an unwanted pregnancy in the apocalypse where any preventions were scarce. But you wanted this, and you highly doubted that he ever would.
“I don’ know how ta say this…” He had you hanging off the edge of a cliff with dreaded suspense. His exterior was a nervous wreck, he chewed with irrational refuge at his thumb as he was lost in a purgatory of speechlessness. “I…, um.” He stuttered over his southern accent, shaking his head at himself. There was never a time that he couldn’t confide in you, so why was he suddenly so apprehensive? All he needed to do was ogle in the familiarity of your eyes, and then the torturing weight was removed from his chest. “I’m ready to be a father and you’ll be the best mother.” He confessed nervously with tenderness, his heart beating with pure and innocent love.
Each of the survivalist quirks that you had adapted throughout were attributes that Daryl adored about you - he had never perceived himself to be a man that would fall in love, but here he was, gouging the elated expression that had cracked unto the lines of your face with his eyes. In the swallowing depths of the devastating apocalypse, there was no need for labels, reciprocating live for one another was enough. It was rare and pure to have love like what you and Daryl shared even before the world had fallen into unmendable shambles, you were so very lucky on the planet that had been overtaken by the dead.
“I love you Dixon.” Your confidence had returned to your previously nervous bones, as you licked your top lip in a moment of sultry thought that would condemn you from entering a church without sunning, and the notion did not go unnoticed by Daryl. His piercing azure gaze imbedded wistful daggers into your naked tongue, which only prompted you to teasingly stroke it against your opposing lip. In little to no time the strong archer shot forwards, grappling your maternal hips in his sturdy hands as he fought effectively to suck your tongue into his own mouth.
He stroked it passionately with his own vocalising muscle, making your head spin from the excitable onslaught of thoughts of what was to come. Hopefully him inside of you, the filthy corners of your mind prayed like a desperate whore, as the prospect of growing his child within you hit your hormonal drive hard. The process of procreating the baby that you desired so much hadn’t even resonated as a priority as silly as it may have sounded. Just carrying that bundle of untarnished flesh and infant limbs would bring you joy enough, and fulfil all in life that you had assumed would surpass you. “Love ya too y/l/n.” He said as he broke away from the impactful, rhythmic collision course of your conjoined lips.
Daryl missed the feeling of them already, but he knew how your mind had a habit of running wild if it wasn’t grounded securely, and thus his palm steadied a hold upon your waist, pressing you’d chests obscurely close together. “Bedroom.” The word escapes you as an instinctive order, filling the brief break that hung in the air as you shared a heavy breath. With no coordination, your feet stumbled through your home, careful to keep some quiet on your intentional route as to not disturb the the kids from their slumbers. Somehow you had navigated yourselves to the room that was occupied by the bed that Daryl often held you in as you drifted off into a rest, and he closed the door in an attempt to be as silent as possible behind you both.
Being in here with a lustrous purpose awoke something inside of you; this could finally be it, the amorous event that turned you into a mother! There was nothing that could contain your excitement, including your comfortable cotton panties, you were pathetically soaked from the arousal that pooled with momentous desperation in your underwear. Your skin was boiling to the touch, and only Daryl would be aware of the flush temperature that your body was running. His large fingers brushed down your inner thighs, eliciting a shuddered gasp to puncture through the bared enforcement of your clenched teeth. It almost felt scandalous as you touched one another with an intention of more than sex.
The reality that had been nothing else but a tempted dream was to be possible, that was if you could in fact carry a child to full term. This was the fear talking as a devilsome voice in your head, there was no contending culprit, however the sadistic qualms that it brought up had a viable point. Those trained in the medical field were scarce to come by, and whilst there was a resident doctor in the Commonwealth, there were still the hurdles of limited medicines. It made sense that that you were becoming a worrier, you had been enduring the role of the strong yet cautious guardian for Judith and RJ in a time that felt so long that preventing any arising risks had almost become second nature to you.
“Don’ think about it sunshine.” Daryl knew you better than the back of his hand, and his observations of your overthinking behaviour had paid off, you could feel the weight from your shoulders fall as you listened to his words. They were soothing, a wave of calmness across the storm that crashed in your brain, a constant reminder that he would keep you and the living legacy of your old friend Rick Grimes alive. That was why you had fallen for the redneck in the first place, he was not only a loyal soldier whom was willing to risk his own life for his friends, but he also was your source of all reason. “Jus’ feel, don’t think.”
His words held a temptation that you couldn’t resist, as did the grip of his hands that swallowed the curve of your hips; there was hardly an occurrence that he could not hold you steady during, although the rare moment was creeping upon the two of you like the overhanging shade of a tree’s natural canopy. “Make me feel all of you then Daryl.” He did not restrain himself, you’d offered yourself to him, and he was never one to resist your body. There was a burning and wanton aggravation pooling in the destination of his chest, the archer lunged forwards with a distinctive growl.
The weight of his body launched yours back so that you were positioned on the mattresses just as the man wanted, laid out all vulnerable and ready for Daryl to prevail merch within your form. Simply the thought of impregnating you had the ability to make Daryl’s head dizzy, it was an arousing image to picture you full and round with his little redneck spawn. He already thought you were ethereally beautiful, but the prospect of you being the physical shelter for your human creation would transform you into a literal goddess. He was becoming rabid, like a starving animal that hadn’t eaten in weeks, and you were the only present source to quench his damning hunger.
The tip of his tongue tantalisingly stroked along the column of your throat; you looked intoxicatingly pretty beneath him, and Daryl was getting impatient with the long and drawn out foreplay. Your left breast was fondled in the side grasp of Daryl’s palm, and your face felt flush from the chaos whisked tsunami that rotated your blood within your body. All of this touching with no orgasmic outcome was making you not only disgruntled and impatient but lightheaded too. “I need you to put a baby in me.” You spoke with the intention of sounding dominant and full of copious confidence, however it escaped form you as a tender whimper. The tone that you had used seemed to spur Daryl on, prompting him to finally get to work.
Swift motions left you in a state of undress, distorted in the bare exposure of nudity that made Daryl fixated on every inch of your flesh. He kissed each limb, every scar until your shoulders were shuddering from suspense, and eventually his mouth drifted lower, causing your thighs to tremble. Daryl was face to face with your sopping centre, his eyes ogling at your perfectly constructed folds as he salivated from his own thirst to lather your sweet juices on his tastebuds. It felt like a precious moment to spark pleasure through each cell in your body; there was a chance that spilling his cum into your walls could depict a new path for the both of you - parenthood. Daryl needed to feel the breathtaking vice grip of your tight cunt squeezing his girthy cock, however it was his intention to make you already have the blissful aftershocks of an orgasm prior to him entering you.
This was your special moment, and you deserved to be treated like a queen during it. Lingering butterfly kisses were sporadically placed on the inside of your thighs, his teeth delicately scuffing on the meat of your legs, provoking your desires until you began thrusting your hips towards his face, trying to instigate Daryl into speeding up his loving touches until it escalated into something more. You must have been blessed with some kind of grace since Daryl stroked his slick tongue across your pussy, moaning onto your mound from your addictive wetness. Without any warning Daryl slithered a thick finger through your welcoming entrance, which made your skull fall defeatedly into the pillow that supported it.
It had been close to a fortnight from the last intimate instance that you and Daryl had exchanged, and that lacking span of time involving your sex life together had made you tight. Your pussy walls were hugging onto his singular digit as it worked its way in and out of you, refusing to release it in fear of having to survive without Daryl’s hands for another two weeks. That wouldn’t be the case in your present circumstance, the presence of his mouth joining in on the fun that his right index was having as his lips wrapped around his your clit vowed just as much. To observe that with a quietened moan and harsh bite to your lower lip, it was a signal to Daryl that you were enclosing to your high. It wouldn’t be long now, and adventurously he added another finger within you to be company for his other.
The stretch that his fingers made you feel almost had you in tears. You were already threading your hands through his wavy locks, tugging at the roots to express the sweet contortion of pleasure that belittled you. Daryl was a practised genius when it came to knowing the landscape of your body, his eyes gouged every reaction that he pulled from you into his memory. He was addicted to making you feel good, and so he acted begrudgingly with a forlorn huff as he withdrew his fingers from your heat. They were sewed with your own personal glaze, shiny from the interior of your count which he was eager to impale with his aching length. To be inside of you was an escape from the dystopian reality that mankind was haphazardly tossed into, and he relished in every break from it that he was able to spend with you.
“Daryl!” The meandering frustration spewed out from your mouth which the man half atop of you adored, but his reflexes were fast enough to cause him to slap his hand over your mouth, aware that your noise was a risk of waking the sleeping children in the household. They were far too young for the talk, and Daryl ironically felt the same when it came to explaining it. He wasn’t a father… not yet anyway, and it felt almost intrusive to be the one as to decide when Judith and RJ had adult activities explained to them. He’d rather get on with being their remaining guardian than stepping into the shoes of their father whom had been a dead friend of his. He hoped the same as you that Rick was alive, and in the case of that, he would reserve the dreaded talk for him.
“Ya gotta be quiet peach.” Daryl reminded you, foreseeing the morning that followed the current eve where you would be kicking yourself if your whines sparked curiosity upon Judith. He gently released his clasp that his palm had over your mouth, softly running his moist thumb across the area of your bottom lip, vigilantly slipping it to be resting on your tongue. You suckled delicately on the calloused pad of flesh, staring with faux innocence that drove him mad. “Think yer cute, don’ cha?” The rasp of his voice rumbled in his chest as he leant down, allowing his lips to mumble against your flesh. “You’re real fuckin’ cute sunshine, look even cuter when I fuck our baby inta ya.” There was no room for him to deny it now; he had without a singular doubt thought about beating you with the gift of a child previously, if not multiple.
Daryl could be guarded at times, but even if he wasn’t vocal about the runnings of his mind, his actions always showed that he cared. There’d been nobody that he could open up pre-apocalypse, not even Merle as he had had the habit of oversharing his judgemental opinions without concern for upsetting the feelings of others. But with you, he could lower his walls and still feel safe. He was enamoured by the beauty of your soul, he felt like the luckiest man alive to have you by his side. You were like an angel whom was stripped of her wings and forced to walk among the walkers and remaining humans.
“Do it.” You begged desperately once he had removed his thumb from its balance on your tongue, tears pricking with threat in your eyes. “Please, please, please fuck me Dar.” Whilst your words were sharp with gouging intent for Daryl to mercilessly rail your insides into orgasmic obliteration, your tone was hushed, since you knew that the bowman would force you to wait even longer if you ushered above a whispered sound. And if that were to be the prevailing sentence which you served, then you would surely combust. You could not wait any longer, and so you could do no more than continue your symphony of begging. “Jus- just need you to cum inside me and keep filling me up ‘til you knock me up. I need to carry your baby…”
The world was spinning, your dream consciously making every avid sound cascade with profuse focus in your eardrums. The metallic clank that riveted around the room had your bloodstream flowing with wild vigour; it was the noise of Daryl unbuckling and discarding his belt, the rugged sight of witnessing him undress causing another wave of lustful discharge to lather your lady parts. Your own body was on instinct preparing itself to physically wield his mushroom tipped length within its walls, and you were grateful for that, seeing as his wife girth to this day after countless times of fucking throughout your years of companionship still took adjusting to.
His scarred flesh became uncovered as he stripped piece by piece of tethered clothing, the old marks strained atop of his skin in the gloomy shadows of the room. Daryl was aware of them, but only vacantly in your presence. As he shoved his boxers and utile trousers down and off his hips, he rose his head to be glowering at you. But it wasn’t with dominance, it was a fluorescence of tranquil ice blue that heart-fully admired each minor aspect of your appearance; from the crinkles created from expressions of joy on your face to the speckles of randomly dotted freckles around your pores (some of which were so minuscule that he had to squint as though he were looking through a telescope), Daryl always felt like his breath had been taken away each time that he turned his head in your direction.
It didn’t help that you were as naked as the first day of when humans began to roam the earth, your flaws were bare to the eye as were the streaked memories of past injuries. Those very scars however were evidence that throughout the difficult hardships that you had been cruelly handed before and after the dead had risen in ungodly ways, you remained. There had been no justice, and some all at the same time; the sick minded individuals that had strewn chaos upon the surviving communities as though they were swimming through oxygen had met the dire consequences of their dictating actions. Vengeance that you and Daryl and others had rationed out was never swiftly executed, despite earning victories with expenses, none of you had got away without more than scrapes. Immense torture contaminated you all mentally and physically - a harsh line was sharply drawn from the thinner flesh along your rib cage, the violent line work meeting at the middle section of your sternum.
It was one of many marks that you carried, however the biggest mark you had was on your heart. It was like Daryl had precisely struck you through the heart as though he was Cupid with one of his crossbow bolts, he had tainted your affection towards him without even having to try, he had just been himself and that was the best version of him that there was. He had changed and that was for certain, but you would be concerned if he hadn’t after all the shit you’d faced. You weren’t the same person either, the thick and thin of your triumphs moulded an armour of resilience. In the past life that you had lived you had held no priorities of mothering children, you had ensured through reliable contraception and carefulness that the possibility would not present itself.
It was made that in an ended world that your desires could shift so dramatically, it was the unexpected that forced you to carry on towards a brighter future. And that path was in the process of being mapped out, there was no blueprint, only two bodies that could harmoniously create another. Flesh on flesh when it came to the living was a profound risk for conception, there were methods that you and Daryl followed previously that had complied to avoiding the inevitable that meandered the both of you away from being parents. Now all of that wasn’t necessary, you had earned yourselves a grand slice of piece, and this was it.
“Ya ready sunshine?” The chalky rasp of his voice gently pried as he shifted to manoeuvre atop of you on the simple bed, his eyes that held years worth of every emotion that silently telling you that it was okay if you changed your mind or wanted to reschedule your sexual efforts of conceiving. Rather than speak straight away, you ran your hand across his curved hip, the notion was intimate as you reached to grasp his pulsating cock in your palm, softly applying pressure as you twisted your wrist in motions to grant Daryl a rush of adrenaline throughout his nether regions. He bared his teeth as he hissed, infinitely having flashbacks to the first time you had manhandled him.
“Yeah. I think that we’re both ready Dixon.” You had always had a smart mouth, and Daryl huffed and rolled his eyes at the little ‘innocent’ giggle that you had gifted his ears with. He moved to brush his thighs against your own as he reevaluated his position of straddling you, pulling your legs apart so that he could slot his body straight between them. Your centre was enchanting to his aching erection, and Daryl could not await any longer. He had been diversely patient, and somehow had managed to control himself all through it. Daryl held his length in his dominant hand, running the engorged tip along the outskirts of your vulva and dragging the head around your clit.
It made you squirm frivolously under Daryl as he sweetly teased you to make sure that you were ready to take him. But your words put a stopper to his tantalising game, and finally give each of you what you were hungering for. “Put it in Dar, please. I fucking need you inside me so bad.” Whilst your voice was not loud it spoke volumes to Daryl’s brain, and finally he prodded his cock at your slick entrance, taking his time sliding into you. The twitch of your cunt’s trembling walls as he began to sheathe his girth into you was making your lover lightheaded, you were so tight and it derived animalistic and strung out groans from his warm throat.
He had sank so deeply into your cervix that you were already feeling close, it was heaven to feel so full. His sternly knuckled fists framed a bracket on either side of your face, his hair was draped and hanging down like the branches of a soulful willow tree, some of the sun kissed strands tickled at your nose. Your hands found their resting placement on the bouldering structure of his defined shoulders, the nails on your fingers leaving indented crescent moon shapes on his skin in their wake. There was no distance in between your abdomens as you were pressed together, your legs tangled around Daryl’s waist, appreciating the motionless moment that you were sharing.
“Gonna move now,” Daryl made you aware so that you would not be surprised by his administrative thrusts that would undoubtedly churn a pool of ecstatic pleasure in the pit of your stomach. The crossbow archer leant slightly back, dragging his wide cock closer to the exit of your pussy, you grappled with needy loss and misery at his muscled arms, wantonly needing him to return to reaching the sensitive spot inside of you. Your agonisingly aroused pleas and prayers were answered when Daryl pivoted forwards, knocking all oxygen out from your lungs as you frustratedly chewed your bottom lip, needing to scream out and wail his name but knowing that you couldn’t.
He had started a pace, one that was not too fast or too slow. He was quite literally rocking your world, obscuring your vision with dizzying light spots in the corners of your eyesight, as you laid there restlessly, your nerves indignantly contorting the control that you had on your own limbs. Daryl chose to handle the battle that your legs were putting on his own terms, raising your legs in the air so that he could wind your ankles around the behind of his neck. One of his large veined hands sloped onto your calf, holding you captive by your own free will whilst his tense balls roughly slapped against your ass.
From the altering of your intimate position, the upper half of your body was pinned flat upon the mattress, your hands now empty of Daryl’s broad shoulders. Your torso and above it was completely on display for Daryl to appreciate, and to distort his beaded pupil focus even further, you teasingly cupped your breasts that wee already bouncing with perkish sin. Daryl’s tongue stroked his dry lip, as he tried to refrain from insulting any expectation that you had held onto for the length of your creative lovemaking session. “Y-y/n, I ain’t gonna-“ With an outstretched arm, you grabbed his bicep with as much strength that you could muster, frantically nodding your head in muted agreement.
“Me too honey.” Your strained sentence fell gracefully from your lips in the same smooth fashion as an upturned sand timer, the grains of your bliss swiftly contracted within your centre, strangling Daryl’s struggling cock with the labours of your orgasm. “Fuck.” You stuttered out as your eyes crossed and then closed, causing you to accidentally miss the state that Daryl was in; flushed temples, dripping sweat and a crinkled nose from trying to hold off his inevitable release. He almost pulled out on methodic impulse, but remembering what this was all for compelled him to refrain. And so, once the aftershocks of your high hand roused you into an ordeal of sensitivity, he let go.
Rope after rope of his release entered your maternal system, it was the first time that he had ever down so, and Daryl realised that he would never be able to cum elsewhere every again. He’d give you a million babies if it meant he got to do it every time. “Holy shit.” Daryl moaned with your legs still around his neck. He laid his chest atop of you, nuzzling his face against your collarbone. You laughed lightly and breathlessly whilst combing your fingertips through his hair. “Ain’t nothing holy about it baby.” You countered, watching astoundingly as he raised his head and your eyes met. “Same time tomorrow?” You queried, feeling hopeful at the prospect of something new and in the shape of a newborn.
There was nothing left to live for in this estranged life where infection was not the greatest risk, being mauled apart by walkers was, or the graphically dark libation of execution. You had to find some light that would make your eyes shine with illuminated happiness until you died, otherwise none of the consequential hurdles were worth the masterful sorrow that they had eternally etched behind your eyes. It all had to stand for something; the possibility of not only having a future but also creating one for the younger generations. You would do anything for the child that was not yet formed in your womb, nothing would happen to them on Daryl’s or your own account. Whenever they presented themself as a life form inside of you, it would be the peace that you and Daryl had each searched for even before the outbreak.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
The diference between love and obsession
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[ YANDERE COMPARISON ] [ Aventurine ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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The obsession inmense love I have for this man is half to be propotional to the amount of things i have wrote for him, I mean this is the first one 💀
I'm not sorry for what I have just wrote, this is the way I want it see Aventurine and no one will change my mind, take it or leave me enjoy my Aventurine
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Aventurine's love is sincere, caring and almost shy, even when Aventurine doesn't even try to hide and is loud about his atraction for someone his love is the complete opposite, he is a gambler, he knows how to hide what he truly feels so the others in the table won't notice his weakeness when playing, but love is diferent
Aventurine's love make him weak and vulnerable, make him truly wish get something, and that something is your safety and happiness, Aventurine's love is loving and caring and thats all he has for you, when he is in love what he wants to most is your happiness
Aventurine's love makes him a mess, it take him a while to fully comprehend his feelings, he is able to reconize the attractions and is evident with it, but when he relice that he is truly in love he becomes a flustered mess, its being so long since last time he had someone who was close enough to his heart to love them and he doesn't know what to do or react
Aventurine's love make him feel freedom but also make him like a teenager in love, he is flirty, teasing and even touchy with you, putting his usual facade to cover up the complete mess he is in the inside, carefully selecting his words to don't mess things up and hiding at his best the inmense blush that threaten to come out everytime he is the one who makes you smile and laugh
Aventurine's love is what lead him to wish more, what lead him to slowly start finding more reasons why living is good and what lead him to slowly find a meaning to life, if he can find someone to truly love again maybe life is not as bad as he thought before
Aventurine's love lead him to care for you, directly or indirectly he is always watching over your well-being, wanting for you to never lack on anything and be only happy, wanting to be able to protect you and take care of you (if you let him and are comfortable with it), but also wanting to be protected and cared by you. Aventurine's love is what make him aware of how truly hurt and lonely he feels and is what makes him crave for your comfort, what lead him to wish for you to care for him, however those are unspoke desires, he will not dare to talk about it unless he is completely sure you reciprocate his feelings
Aventurine's love is what make him fear for your life, his luck has never being exactly kind to him, giving him all he has now but taking away what he truly cares for, so he obviously fears for you, Aventurine will find a way to protect you with his luck and from it too, but if at the end if you decided that he is not the one you love he will accept it and cheer for you, he will be hurt but he will not dare to take your freedom away from you
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Aventurine's obssesive love is troublesome for both parts, is like a torture for him to be away from you, the raising anxious thoughts of something bad happening to you hunt him down, leading him to seak your precence in a desperate way
Aventurine is lonely, he has friends and people around but his is truly lonely, last time he had a person that mean for him was when he was a child, or that was until he met you. Aventurine's obsessive love grow slowly, at first you were only another acquaintance, but as time pass and he got to know you better he slowly grow to love you, to need you, to want you
Aventurine's obssesive love make him desperate and needy, he is working by one of the most powerful corporations in all universe, having all the riches he could ever want and yet nothing of that could compare to you, the one and only thing that actually gives a meaning to his life by now
Aventurine is painfully aware of his obssesive love, he knows his feelings are something unhealthy, he noticed them as they started to grow and is being painfully aware of them but those feelings slowly grow and consume him, it makes him feel bad diferent ways and yet, he wants to do things right and win your heart over in a good way, he wants you to truly love him
Aventurine tries to win you with everything he has, trying his best to hide his desesperation, putting a facade of simply attraction at first, slowly making his way towards your heart with his flirty attitude, with beautiful and genuine compliments and even gifts, but if at the end he is not enough to be able to win your heart the right way it will be Aventurine's obsesive love what lead him to forcefuly make stay with him, desperately keeping you close
He is so desperate for your love that it will reach one point where he doesn't care anymore, Aventurine's obsesive love will lead him to be reckless, he is willing to give you all he has and all he is as long as you stay with him, he is willing to stop gambling and even spend all his money on you, he will give you all you ask him as long as you stay at his side
Aventurine's obsesive love is what lead him to idealize you, he had met you as a simple acquaintance, you were just someone he cross paths at first, but at this point you are his all, his only and real reason to stay alive, you are what give a meaning to his life and he need to keep you at his side at all cost, willing or forcefully it doesn't matter as long as you stay at his side, where he can make sure nothing harms you, where he can love you and keep you safe
Aventurine's obsesive love makes him so desperate and needy to the point that he can even accept that you don't truly love him, if you accept to show the affection and care that he craves so much by faking it he will take it and pretend that is fine just to easy the pain of his heart
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takerfoxx · 10 months
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Personally, I feel that the reason Suletta and Miorine work so well as a couple is the same reason why they didn't work for me at first: they're just such fundamentally different people, with total opposite personalities, upbringings, values, desires, needs, strengths, weaknesses, traumas, the list goes on. If it weren't for the very strange set of circumstances that forced them to form a connection, I honestly doubt that they would even be friends, so much so that for the first few episodes, I found myself feeling weirdly disconnected from their relationship, and even found myself wondering if they even liked each other.
I mean, take a look at Suletta. She's a country girl from Mercury's mining colonies who never had any friends of her own growing up. She's a clone created in part to replace her older sister, in part to usher in her mother's plan to free her sister, and in part to be a weapon of revenge, leading to an extremely bizarre relationship with her mother that is equal parts affectionate and neglectful. She loves being around people, but is so socially anxious that any sort of interactions sends her into a stuttering fit. She's terrified of confrontation, and yet is larger and stronger than most, and put her behind the controls of a mech, and she will turn you into mincemeat. She's a total klutz when it comes to dealing with other people, and yet stays cool in a crisis and isn't phased by dead bodies. She trusts with her whole heart, measures her relationships by the value she gives to other people, blames herself whenever others let her down, can and will take a life without flinching to protect those close to her, and is delighted by something so simple as having others laugh at a joke that she made.
Now, take Miorine. A rich girl from an extremely powerful family, she lost her mother, quite possibly the only person to ever show her genuine kindness when she was a child, was "raised" by her contemptuous and neglectful excuse for a father, and grew to resent everyone and everything around her. She hates being around people, but has the confidence and social knowledge to play the game. She's tiny and physically weak, but also angry and assertive. She openly loathes her father and will insult him to his face, but also desperately craves his approval. She's been used as a commodity her entire life by people who see her as a stepping stone into power, and is bound and determined to make everyone who tries damned to a living hell. She was raised in luxury in space, but dreams of running away to what is essentially a refugee camp of a planet. She wants so badly to be allowed to stand on her own two feet and be respected for her own accomplishments, but has no real idea how to do it. She views relationships as transactions, has exactly zero patience for other people's nonsense, can and will sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of the select few that she cares about, will run headlong into the most harrowing of political battles, but also fall apart completely when confronted with the reality of death.
And, like I said, for whatever reason I just didn't feel the sparks between them at first. Their whole relationship just felt like a mutually beneficial arrangement, like it was said to be.
But then we got to that magical episode, where they had that amazingly written misunderstanding in the greenhouse, followed by that incredible argument on the space station, and I realized that this was the plan all along, and Suletta and Miorine are actually perfect as a couple...once they've managed to bridge the gap between their extremely different life experiences and massive communication issues.
See, what's so great about them is that while they are extremely different, those difference are also perfectly compatible. One's strength is the other's weakness, and together they make each other better. In a way, they're less opposites and more of two halves of one complete whole. It was Miorine's confidence that allowed Suletta to start standing up for herself, to learn confidence and make real friends, to figure out what love is. And it was Suletta's bravery that inspired Miorine to find a way to make something of her own, to seek out ways to use their families' legacies to help people instead of hurt them, to bridge gaps long carved out by blood. And in the end, they were two desperately lonely girls who just wanted someone to truly, honestly, and unconditionally love them, and they found it in each other.
Granted, it was rough going for a bit. Like I said, they had such different ways of seeing the world, they didn't communicate in the same way, they didn't see relationships in the same way, and they ended up hurting each other just trying to do what they thought was best. But they also forgave one another. They strove to better understand one another. And they came to realize just how much they needed each other. And though it took even greater loss and pain in order to achieve it, they finally found their happy ending. They found each other.
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shmlnbstrcnd · 26 days
How AOT's main trio set Ymir free
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all taught the Founder Ymir valuable lessons, and were instrumental in setting her free. All three of them caught Ymir's attention and she made the effort to reach out to them personally in different ways, observe them, learn from them.
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First Eren reached her in the Paths and told her that she's her own person, and can choose what SHE wants rather than follow orders. This was the first time in her long, miserable life, that someone called her a human being. The first time in 2000 years (that would have felt even longer in the Paths, closer to millions of years), that she was told what happened to her was wrong. In her life, she had spent her whole life as a dehumanized slave without any acknowledgement of her own humanity. Eren opened her eyes (literally) to the injustice of her situation and taught her autonomy.
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Then Armin arrived to fight Eren, and Ymir watched his every movement closely, even stealing him into the Paths with the Okapi and trapping him there. She watched his conversation with Zeke where he shared that the meaning of life is in appreciating the little moments and the love you already have rather than chasing an unattainable dream. In her life, she longed for an unattainable love/validation from King Fritz who was incapable of giving it to her, since he's a monstrous psychopath. She lived and died yearning for something she would never receive, rather than living for what she had (her daughters). Armin taught her the true meaning of life.
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Lastly, Mikasa. From the moment Ymir noticed Mikasa's love for Eren, she was intrigued. She began to peak through Mikasa's lifetime memories, causing her headaches. Then Mikasa killed Eren despite loving him, knowing it's the right thing to do and proving she's not a slave. Ymir herself couldn't do this in her own life, instead choosing to die for the monster she loved, instead of killing him. Mikasa taught her that love does not equal submission.
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In the end, all three of the main trio were instrumental in setting Ymir free. In her last appearance, Ymir had a vision of what she wished she had done, what she WOULD have done had she received these three lessons earlier in her life. She would have protected her beloved daughters, the truly important and precious things in her life, rather than being a slave to the abusive king. If she were given another chance, she would have let him die.
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In the end, Ymir's deepest most primal desire was a pure and loving human connection, some semblance of tenderness and care, something she was so deprived of. This desire was so strong that it bled into every single Eldian, connecting them all to Ymir through the Paths. One lonely, abused little girl's desperate need to be loved, enveloping every one of her subjects, binding them all to her in an all-consuming web. She has always been desperately reaching out to other people.
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In her ill young mind she mistook the king's sick """rewards""" as that love she craved. Eren made her realize "what he did to me was wrong and I have a right to my anger", Armin made her realize "I shouldn't have waited for love from him that would've never come and instead cherished the love of my children", Mikasa made her realize "I should have let him die/killed him myself". Acknowledging all this and making peace with her tragic life and the decisions she made, allowed her to let go. She finally moved on, and in this moment, she appeared not as an immature child, like she did throughout the Rumbling, but now as a grown adult woman.
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Ymir's story in the finale is essentially a coming-of-age story from the perspective of a mentally ill, dehumanized slave. She starts the finale as someone with arrested development lashing out at the world, and ends it as an adult at peace with herself. Eren invited her to indulge in her rage. Armin helped her consider what was truly important. Mikasa healed her and allowed her to let go. All three protagonists were valuable and influential in freeing Ymir.
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Hey hope you're doing great ❤ I wanted to ask, how do you think Naoya would react if his beloved wife is infertile? I think it would be pretty interesting considering he's a traditionalist and heir and all 🤔
I am doing fine thank you 🥰!! I hope you're doing well too.
And omg this ask.... it was just what I needed, angst. Or at least that's what I wanted to take it as hahahahahahaaaaaa thank you so much for sending in this hehe. The perfect excuse to write down some thoughts I've been having for a while.
warnings: mentions of infertility, adultery, self doubt. Naoya is somewhat ooc I guess but he's your loving husband nontheless.
Happy reading!!!
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Discovering you were infertile quickly becomes one of your worst nightmares—and not simply because of that, which is severe by itself, but rather all of the things that ensued; notions that your mind convinced you of … the insecurities it awakens.
The moment you and Naoya decide to finally try out for a baby, you completely dedicate all your efforts to it. It was only all you ever wanted, after all: to have a family with the man of your dreams.
Thus, believing your prayers to be answered in just a matter of time, you and Naoya began to make all preparations, from buying clothes to choosing which room to transform into a nursery… you were enthusiastic as enthusiastic could be! Your husband nothing but indulging to your desires.
But even with all your persistent attempts, those typical symptoms associated with pregnancy failed to present themselves. Weeks passed and you haven’t felt either nauseous or tired. No odd cravings, nor anything else…
A part of you didn’t want to admit it; feared that doing so out loud might make it true, but perhaps… perhaps you were one of the women that were fated to struggle when conceiving, regardless of how much you desired a baby; still hoping you’d be placed above such chances and have your dream conceded.
Yet… it didn’t. And with much fear in your heart, you’ve decided to go to the doctor for a checkup. A second opinion, the reassurance that everything was fine, you were just bound to struggle a bit before becoming a mother.
Maybe there was something else you were failing to consider, skipping over when together with Naoya…
Desperately hoping for literally anything else but the gut-wrenching revelation that soured your heart for the rest of your life.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, but the reason why you haven’t been able to get pregnant is because you’re—”
You knew exactly what was coming and yet, you didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t think yourself capable of—it just… it just never occurred to you that it would happen. That it would be true.
But that awful word felt like it was being imprinted on your forehead, with bright red ink for the whole world to scrutinize, when she said it. When she sentenced your fate and marriage in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
So that’s why you weren’t able to have a child. That’s why no matter how much you tried, how much desired it, you weren’t seeing results.
Oh, what a simple solution.
“But that—that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it, right?” Naoya frets soon after, perhaps to give you hope, encourage you to seek solutions. Medicine has advanced so much in recent years, certainly there must be something to consider before closing this chapter!
Yet, to you… his words unwittingly igniting a new insecurity in you as you’re reminded that you weren’t the only one who wanted a family as well, with Naoya seemingly having much more to lose if unaccomplished.
There was nothing, ever, in his actions to lead you down this path, but you couldn’t help but worry about it, especially the circumstances you were surrounded by.
If you weren’t able to conceive, then… what was your purpose as his wife?
What kind of scrutiny awaited you once you returned to the Zen’in estate, once his family knew that you were unable to have children? They’d figure out in time, perhaps it wasn’t even necessary to tell them personally…
Not that it mattered, this would only highlight what they already thought of you:
A failure.
“A woman that can’t have children is no woman at all.”
“It’s the only thing we had hopes she’d be able to do well, and not even that was she capable of. What a disgrace”
“Oh, poor Naoya-sama… hopefully he’ll be able to deal with this issue before it’s too late.”
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N.” Your husband, all too aware of the inner workings of his family, was quick to defend you. Either by openly scolding them, punishing those he could, or removing you from those dire situations, away from the comments of people you really shouldn’t bother considering, and surround you with those that truly cared for you. “They don’t know what they’re saying.”
Clearly, for how could they even imply he was angry at you? Disappointed? Instead of worried given how dimmed you behaved nowadays, lacking the happiness that always accompanied you whenever doing your daily duties or talking with your staff and family!
Naoya worried, naturally. So much so that he decided to reassign all his missions and duties to someone else just so he could keep by your side, tend to you, let you know that you aren’t alone and that he understands what you’re going through—to the best of his ability.
Your husband hoped that his company would make you happy, it always did or so he supposed by the way you clung to him whenever around.
But not this time around. If anything, having him near proved worse than he anticipated, as if his presence was a constant reminder of whom you failed, and what you would have to sacrifice in order to fulfill your role.
“Y/N, my love… you have to eat.” Naoya murmurs, kneeling to your level as he gently holds onto your hands, hoping that this gesture would be enough for you to raise your eyes to him and, well… see him.
Acknowledge him. Like your husband, the man who swore to accompany you through thick and thin—instead of purposefully ignoring him, like he wasn’t even there.
Had he done something to bother you?
Or was there something else prickling at the back of your mind?
“I’m not hungry.”
“…I know.” He breathes, pressing his lips together and squeezing your hands. “But at least try to do it a bit. You can’t go on for hours without eating.”
You don’t respond, not even lifting your eyes to him.
“At least do it for me, please? I… I worry for you, my love.”
“…Why?” You eventually respond, giving him a look of unprecedented anger that takes him by surprise. Though he was still able to see that deep within, you weren’t mad, rather… sad.
“What do you mean why?” he repeats, hurt by the implications behind your reaction. “You’re—you’re my wife. Obviously, I care for you.”
“…perhaps it would be better if I wasn’t. Then someone else could do the job.”
“Y/N?” Naoya blinks, frightened by your words. “What are you—"
“I’m not hungry.”
Naoya leaves with the conclusion that perhaps it’s best to not touch the subject anymore. Perhaps you just… needed some time along to come to terms with this unwanted predicament, for his words seem to only make everything worse.
He won’t leave you unattended—never. Your husband would leave your care to your attentive staff, who had been nothing but amazing friends the moment they knew what happened at the doctor’s office.
“Please keep a close eye on her. And tell me if anything happens, please.” Naoya silently confides to Mariya before heading over to you, seconds away from his departure.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Is what Naoya always says when deployed to those tedious, seemingly senseless missions he often questions why he even bothers. His family has enough money to support you and himself, so why does he have to keep on?
In moments like these you would’ve reassured him that it was all for his career; for the sake of proving himself to the clan and HQ that he’s a worthy sorcerer to guide the next generation—though you’d agree that him being away was just as dreadful as it sounded.
But not this time around. No, instead, you just keep quiet, demure as Naoya steps closer to press a kiss on your forehead, a good luck charm that was normally bestowed to him by you, yet given the circumstances, you needed it far more than him.
“Take care, I’ll bring your favorite, ok?”
Naoya presses his lips together before entering the car, disappearing into the horizon.
Your husband considered himself to be very focused when it came to his work, although he won’t deny that ever since he got married, he’s unable to keep you out of his mind—today was to be no exception, though not how he would’ve liked.
Ever since he left the estate, there has been a dreadful sensation gnawing at the back of his mind, the presumption that something bad was to happen, and yet, he was unsure whether it related to his missions, or worse, the estate—you.
Naoya anxiously checked his phone whenever he could, believing that whatever bad news he was to endure would come through there.
And he was right, for it rang during the times Naoya specifically asked to not be bothered unless it were an emergency, quickly taking it out of his pocket and reading the caller ID across the screen; heart sinking when realizing it was none other than the estate, or more like the line assigned for you.
“What is it? Is it Y/N? Is she ok?!” Naoya breathes against the speaker, not even muttering a hello.
“No, Naoya—she isn’t. I don’t even know how to begin to explain but she—she started packing her things.” It’s Mariya in the other side, with an unmistakable tone of fright that spirals Naoya even more.
“What?” Naoya breathes, heart thundering against his ears. “What do you mean she’s packing her things?!”
“I don’t know, but that’s what she’s doing! I tried to talk her out of it, or at least get her to tell me where she’s planning to go but she’s not saying anything!”
A million thoughts cross Naoya’s mind at that moment, but one perseveres above the rest:
Is she leaving me?
The mere notion of a separation is enough to make him mad.
“Stop her!” Naoya demands. “I don’t care how you do it but stop her!”
“I’ll try stalling her, but she’s—she’s very determined to leave, Naoya. You have to come back!”
And that’s exactly what Naoya does, careless with what happens on the mission, he drops everything on the spot and rushes his way back to you. He was lucky that his latest mission didn’t place him too far from the estate, so when he finally returned home you were still around.
Though it seemed that if he had taken just a few minutes later, you wouldn’t be there anymore, as you’d managed to escape your staff’s persistent attempts of stalling you, a small suitcase by your side, as you headed to the exit with them just right behind you.
“He—Hey, honey, what—what are you doing?” Naoya asks with a nervous chuckle, gesturing to the staff to leave the two alone, which they obliged soon after, elated that he was finally there—but worried he couldn’t be of much help.
“I’m leaving.”
“And where—where are you going, my love?” He goes on, his heart squeezing in pain as his worst fears seemed to materialize before him. Yet, Naoya still hopes to be wrong. “Did… did your family need help with something? If so, maybe I could drive—"
“…No.” you say, not even looking back to him. But he was still able to hear the pain in your voice. “I don’t—I don’t need anything, because I’m never coming back.”
“What?” Naoya freezes, hands trembling as his mind tries to understand what you just uttered. “Y/N— you can’t—”
“I… I no longer have a place here.” You say. “After this I… I realized I was never meant to be with you”
“That’s not true.” Naoya swiftly interjects. “None of the things you’re saying are true! I cannot envision anyone else to be my wife, less to share my life with! Where did you even get this idea?!”
“What do you mean where?” You frown, looking back at him. “Have you not been aware of what’s going on around?!”
“Y/N, I—I get that you’re upset because of what happened. I can only imagine, really, the pain you’re going through. You have no idea how much I wanted to have a family with you too but— but if it’s not meant to be then… then I guess we just have to live with that!”
“That’s easy for you to say, isn’t it?” you hiss. “It’s just so easy for you to simply move on, because all you have to do is look for someone else to do the job!”
“And who told you I wanted to do that?! I never implied, not even once, that I was interested in having another woman just for the sake of having a family! I don’t want to! If it’s not with you, then I don’t want anything!”
“Then I guess you didn’t want it as much as I did.” You murmur, Naoya freezes.
“What’s… that supposed to mean?”
“…Nothing. I’m leaving.” You say, attempting to walk away. But before you were able to do as much as take the first step, Naoya grabs your hand, keeping you in place. “Naoya—”
“No, I can’t let you go. I won’t let you.”
“Let—let me go!” You tug at his arm. “You wouldn’t understand anyways!”
“Then help me understand.” Naoya pleads. “Please—please tell me; I’ll do anything you want, whatever you want, it’s done—but please don’t… don’t leave me.”
This is why you wanted to leave before he came back, because you knew that at the sound of his trembling voice, and the teary-eyed look in his face, you’d succumb.
You’d crumble, wanting nothing more than to stay with him.
Because you wouldn’t take it. You couldn’t take the notion of hurting him even more than you already seemingly done.
… It is also why you took this abrupt decision. Why you needed to leave.
“… I just—I just want to go home.”
“But… you —you are home.” Naoya says, a sad chuckle at the overwhelming pain of you not recognizing his company as home. “He—here, with me.”
“I can’t be here anymore.” You whisper, looking back at him. “I don’t think I—I can take this anymore.”
“Why?” Naoya laments, gently cupping your face and wiping your tears away. “What happened? Did something happen while I was gone?”
Always. The Zen’in could never keep to themselves.
“…I have failed you.” You eventually sob, Naoya taking you into his arms and chest as you let out the sorrows you’ve been dragging along. “As your wife I— I was supposed to give you children, a heir, but I—I couldn’t and that is going to—it’s going to— ruin your life.”
“Ruin my life?” Naoya asks, perplexed. It all becomes clear now, who was responsible of this misunderstanding…
Just what kind of stupidities did his family plague you with?
“If I—I can’t have kids then you—you couldn’t be heir anymore.” You explain. “And I love you too much to do that to you.”
“I wouldn’t be heir—”
Were they truly that desperate that they resorted to doing this?
Intimidating you?
Naoya doesn’t even bother to ask who started this train of thought, knowing all too well where to look.
It probably began with his uncle, the man that never knew how to keep quiet, always commenting in other’s marriage because his was miserable. As if that gave him permission to do so. Always quick to bark first.
From there, the elders. His father too, probably. They probably thought the same as Ogi but kept quiet about it because they had other matters to tend too—or perhaps too drunk to care. But do not be fooled, they were the ones that once suggested him getting a lover, a concubine of sorts, to “secure” the bloodline long ago; way before this issue began. Naoya promptly dismissed them, calling their idea idiotic: but what gave him security that they wouldn’t insist again?
He could see how this happened too, scolded himself for not even considering it before!
Since Naoya was now out of the estate, it gave them the freedom to target the one they considered most vulnerable, and without holding back: you.
If done right, then you would essentially be intimidated into disappearing from their life, giving way for their plans to continue. Or so they hoped.
You were too good for this family, how could he claim to deserve you, when he’s allowed so much pain to befall you?
“If Naoya can’t bring himself to beget a child for his wife, then he might as well pass on the title to someone else.”
None of those words were true, not one bit. But how could he dismiss them if he’s never taken the time to say what he thought of this situation?
Of what he thought of you, and what it means to this marriage?
It was time that he did what he should’ve the moment you stepped out of the doctor’s office.
“I wanted a family with you, I won’t say that I didn’t; that I never found something enthralling about hearing the footsteps of our children running from one side of the estate to the other. To have kids that looked just like you, or maybe like me; though secretly hoped they looked more like you. Ever since I saw you interact with my cousins, that’s all I thought about. You being the mother of my children.” Naoya murmurs, holding you tightly against him. “But… I’ve also accepted that some things are simply not meant to be. And if we are not meant to have a family, as long as I have you by my side, I am fine with it.
As long as we remain together, I will know what happiness is.”
“I—I don’t—” your lips tremble, overwhelmed by Naoya’s, regretful for the way you’ve behaved these past few days. “Naoya, I’m—"
“Whatever they said, it’s a lie. Nothing but things to get under your skin—hurt me.” He insists. “You know how my family is, how stupid they can be—"
“But they—they said things that could be true.” You fret. “If I’m unable to give you a child, then you—you might not be heir anymore—”
“Y/N.” Naoya sternly interjects, cutting through your spiraling mind as he cups your face, forcing you to look at him. “To be an heir is my birthright. It was decided way before you stumbled into my life. So, what happens after shouldn’t worry you.”
“But the Zen’in—”
“Like to antagonize people. Make up things to worry your pretty little mind just for the laughs of it.”
“And what if it is true? What if I do make you lose your title? I know how much you wanted to be leader! If that happens, I—I couldn’t—I couldn’t live with myself!”
“It won’t happen. I promise. I swear.” Naoya insists, kissing your tears away. “But please, please don’t ever think of yourself as expendable or replaceable, because you are not. Not to me.”
“I’m—I’m sorry.” You sob again, pressing your face against his chest. “I’m sorry for disappointing you—I’m sorry for not being able to give you children…!”
“You’ve never disappointed me, never.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. “If anything, I’m sorry for disappointing you. I failed to be the husband you needed in these difficult moments. I… let my fear get the best of me, giving you the impression you were less than enough.”
“Are you… are you really ok with not having a family?” you dare to wonder, one last reassurance.
“It just means I’ll have more of you to myself.” He attempts to jest, successfully making you laugh, but not without a sniffle to follow. “…But we could always… adopt if you want.”
“I… I guess I have to think about it.”
“You don’t have to make a decision now.” Naoya says. “Or ever. Just know that whatever you decide, I’ll agree with.”
“…I think I still need some space from here.” You murmur. “And see my family too.”
“You haven’t told your father, have you?” you shake your head, Naoya sighs. “Do you want me to be with you?”
“You already made your most to be here, I don’t want to distract you any further”
“This is a family emergency; I have to be there. What’s the use of being your husband if I won’t act like one?” He insists. “But if you don’t want me there, I won’t insist.”
“I want you to be there.” You confess. “Please”
“Of course, always.” Naoya promises, leaning to softly kiss your lips. “…Does this mean we’re still… together?”
You nod, another tear sliding down your cheek as you hug him tighter. “I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you either. …I’m sorry.”
“Don’t think about anything anymore; just focus on being with your family. It’s probably the best place for you to be right now.”
“Can you stay over there too? At least until I feel better?” you ask. “I mean, if it doesn’t affect your work.”
“I’ll make all the preparations, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Do you also need me to send your staff?”
“I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a smile, making Naoya’s heart flutter.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He says, pinching your cheek. “I’ll see if I can make time for a holiday too; we could fly somewhere nice, cold to fight this horrible summer heat.”
“I want to take it easy for now.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He nods, kissing your lips once more. “I’ll always be here when you need me. Don’t ever forget that.”
“… I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Little details to note: Naoya has always struck me as the type of guy that never really wanted a family, he just had no interest! That changes a bit when you come along, but the bottom line is that he isn't actively seeking it. Sure, he likes to play with the idea of breeding you, but you know, he had other priorities. (He loves your kids tho when you eventually have them, do not get me wrong)
And once again, the Zen'in estate is not a good place for you lol. Thankfully, I like to think that changes when Naoya eventually becomes leader :) but most of the time you're living somewhere else—and honestly, he prefers it that way too. More... privacy ☺️
I just really wanted to write an argument between the two were both have their biggest insecurities exposed :) kind of extremist in Y/N's part but can't say I didn't enjoy the angst hehe I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Dark HOTD: Non-Con
Dark Daemon, Aegon, Aemond and Jace.
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
(female reader)
WARNINGS: Non-Con; Mentions of Somnophilia; Unconsensual use of aphrodisiacs; Manipulation.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Daemon is witty and cunning and even after you make it clear that you don’t want to share a bed or a chamber with him, he still appears in them. You wake up in the middle of the night, the room swallowed by darkness and you find Daemon between your legs, sucking and licking you. You’re too weak by sleep and pleasure to fight him, even when he enters you.
Or he’d have some special tea sent over to you, so similar to the regular one that you’d never doubt that the maids switched teas under their master’s orders. It’d make you feel hot and bothered, flames of desperation inside your body that craved for Daemon’s cock to satisfy you.
You’d end up begging him to fuck you and he’s obviously oblige, but not before letting you beg for a good amount of time. It’s arousing to see how much of a slut you’ve become for him, when you were the one to shut down his advances. How the tables have turned. 
“Go on, repeat yourself once more. I do not believe I’ve heard you correctly. You need me? Is that so? Lost your attitude already, princess?” 
Aegon is the one that does not hesitate before forcing himself on you. Your body is his, after all. 
More often than not, he barges into your private chambers in the late night, for you to satisfy his hunger and he won’t take a no for an answer. Even if you’re already asleep, he’ll roughly wake you up with the force of his thrusts, uncaring of your sleep. 
Aegon is insatiable and it shows. If you try to repel him, he’ll strike you before shoving you to the bed, manhandling you into doing what he wants. He keeps you busy until dawn and in the morning, you’ll have deep circles underneath your eyes as you attend to your royal duties as Aegon soundly sleeps back in your chambers.
The servants are very well aware of his behavior, especially your personal maids as they are the ones to wake and prepare you in the morning when they find you in a miserable state. 
But no one is capable of helping you, you’re on your own with your husband. 
“You fucking dare to refuse me? I’m your husband and future king, my word is the law and you shall obey me. Now spread your legs and take it like a good wife.” 
Aemond is your husband, so how in seven hells are you supposed to refuse him? He’d  understand if these are rare occasions, but if it’s too frequent then Aemond is going to suspect your motives for denying him. 
Are you not happy by  his side? Do you not feel the same for him as he does for you? Do you have someone else? 
Aemond is quick to realize that something is not right and he starts hovering over you like a hawk. The little freedom you had is readily stripped away and you find yourself smothered in maids and guards at all times, all of them holding down Aemond’s order to never allow you to leave their sight.  
The maester is constantly checking you up for any disease symptoms while Alicent keeps making mortifying comments about your sworn duty towards her son. 
Aemond is so passive-aggressive towards you whenever you decline him, making comments about your responsibilities or about your nonexistent lover.
The whole situation is so dramatic and ridiculous that you end up giving in to Aemond’s desire, allowing him to make love to you whenever he wants, without refusing him. You’re able to regain some liberties back but that also quickly comes to an end as you soon find yourself with child. 
“Do you have someone else, is that it? If not, then why do you keep refusing me? If you won’t tell me the true reason, then from now on you’re prohibited from leaving the perimeter of the castle.” 
Jace is not going to force you but he will get somewhat desperate and end up manipulate you into having sex. 
Is he not a good husband? One that always takes care of you, respects you and he never forced himself on you after marriage even though most men would, then you should also retribute the favor by being nice. It’s this but in sweeter terms. 
And even if you are a bit reluctant, Jace will promise to take it slow and that you can try other things before doing the actual deed but as soon as he has you naked in front of him, he’ll end up convincing you to make love.
If you try to stop him, Jace will just silence you by swallowing your pleas into a deep kiss, quickly burying himself inside you. Once he’s inside, no point of stopping right? Might as well finish off and see if he can fill you up with his child. 
“Do you not love me back? Do I, your husband, repulse you so much that you can’t even take my touch? Have I not treated you with utter respect and dedication? Then why is it too much to ask the same from you, my love?” 
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lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jeno X Haechan X Reader
Warnings: friends to...?, Smut, oneshot threesome(mmf), dubcon, double penetration, mxm action, manipulation, overstimulation, spitting, insecurities, ouija board, demons, usual filth
Word count: 9k
18+ no minors! Read tags beforehand.
so this was meant to be released for Halloween but I went on hiatus for the next couple of months. Since I'm back, I can share this with you all. ignore any errors bc i haven't even edited since.
Summary: When playing with an ouija board goes wrong...
A year ago...
It was completely dark in the room, yet Jeno’s thoughts were feeling corrupted. A mistake he made by becoming curious may have costed him to live an entire nightmare, only to be startled by a familiar presence.
“Jeno..” A soft yet deep like voice called out making jeno snap his head up only to see a bit of light surface. He gasps at the sudden call, almost like his breath got taken away, slowly opening his heavy eyelids to see what’s ahead. He knows too well who this is and he probably thought he wouldn’t come across this once again.
Jeno thought this would be over, perhaps forgotten since it’s been years. But alas. Haechan always made his presence well aware, often times entering his mind throughout the days, reminding him of a particular offer he had placed.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” A loud chuckle is heard as Jeno watches the gorgeous red headed man near him. However he wasn’t just a man, a beauty with horns, devilish. He’s mocking Jeno’s reactions at the sight of him knowing what is to be expected, he was told this would happen soon.
But maybe Jeno didn’t think it’ll come. Maybe Haechan would forget since its been a while but no. He’s tired of the demons continuous counters, reminding him daily about the past mistakes. “Just leave me alone!” Jeno huffs out in annoyance.
Haechan pouts, “But you don’t want me to. After all, who do you even have besides me?”
"No, I have friends!" Jenos inner monologue repeats in his head. The thought torments him. He wishes he never indulged in anything that particular day. Hating how his curiosity lead to this pathway.
A finger is placed on Jeno’s chin lifting it upward, “You needed me. You called for me. And I came. I gave you my company, became a friend, helped you to get whatever you desired.. ”
“Stop!” Jeno shouts, pushing Haechan’s hand away from him completely. ”I don’t need you.”
Haechan shouts back, “You’ve always needed me!
He hates this. He hates how right Haechan is. Jeno was always a lonely child, often finding it hard to fit himself with people. Until he came across the demon, Haechan.
“I- don’t.” Jeno closes his eyes, finding ways to escape the lies telling from his eyes.
Haechan smiles, watching him convince himself from the utter truth. “You could have said goodbye Jeno but you never have. Shall I tell you why?”
He gulped knowing the exact reason why. He’s aware having the ouija board he can end this by saying goodbye, one of the rules to initially do once you’ve finished using it. Anything can be done to get rid of a demon. So why doesn’t he?
Lowering himself as a breath rushes to Jeno’s ear, “Because your a troubled lonely boy who craves company, desperately.”
And there it was the reason to why Jeno even befriended a demon. Though thinking it was harmless at a young age, Jeno grew attached to the presence of the demon. Especially during the times he had no one.
But demons don’t just befriend people without having something for themselves. And that’s Haechan always reminded him there’s a price to pay. What you didn’t know was, that price was you.
It terrfied Jeno once he started taking a liking towards you after finally finding a group of friends. You stood out. You was the opposite of Jeno. Kind but fierce, confident at what you always wanted. Something Jeno wishes he had.
But most of all, Jeno felt flutters in his heart having you around him. He knew he was screwed, who wouldn’t fall for a beautiful person like you?
And that’s when Haechan entered wanting to find a new prey. Convincing Jeno who initially was hesitant. But it worked. Maybe Jeno did have a sick mind to have you in this way too.
Halloween was always something you looked forward to. The moon tonight was illuminating when you stepped outside with the group as you all made your way to a Halloween party.
Dressing up was one of your favourite things to do. Looking like a straight vampire out of the movie, fangs on your teeth with smeared lipstick stain on your bottom lip. An extremely short black dress with see through tights, barely covering you up.
Later that night, everyone returned home from the party to Jeno's house. It's always something the group does, a cosy and huge place to come back to was the best. Everyone was drunk off limits, playing a bunch of card games, ordering food and what not.
The time arrived when everyone began to get up and finally going back to their house. However, you felt slightly lazy today. It's not unusual for you though, having to stay over at Jeno's was a normal occurrence. He was such a great friend, always helping you out during your drunk times, taking off your make up before you doozed right off. You really appreciated having Jeno.
Although this time, you wasn't really too drunk at all. But you still wanted to stay the night over. Jeno's house was huge, thanks to having rich parents. Hence there was always enough room for anyone to sleep over.
And tonight you was staying over.
Laying on the long sofa scrolling away on your phone, your other hand putting snacks in your mouth. Jeno finally enters back in the room but with something in his hand. Your eyes fluttered over at the very thing he’s holding on to, walking across to the table.
“Jeno what’s that?” You asked, brows raised when you shift your eyes away from your phone and on to what he is carrying in his hand.
Whatever it was seemed to be quite rusty, dust scattered above it as Jeno rubbed it off with his hands. It looked like an old board as you watched.
It would be a lie to say that Jeno wasn’t scared. Truthfully this could either work or not. And hearing your innocent voice calling him to ask makes his heart churn. The way you have no idea..
He clears his throat nervously before he speaks, “It’s a ouija board."
Your eyes widen at the statement, “No way, an ouija board?”
He saw the way your eyes popped open, attention leaving away as you dropped your phone down and watched what’s in front. Unable to tell how your reaction towards this is.
You came closer to Jeno, your fingers touching the old board as some dust particles remain on your finger. You’ve heard of ouija boards but never have them in person. You visibly feel shocked. “Wow...” this is...
The guilt slowly forms up to Jeno as he inhales deeply before he speaks up, “It’s okay we don’t have to play—
Only to get abruptly stopped as your hand reaches on Jeno’s arm. Jeno was confused at the reaction, genuinely thinking you felt creeped out by this but the glint in your eyes spoke otherwise.
“I want to play” You quickly shout out.
Jeno’s eyes widen, a fast inhale retrieves out of his mouth, “Really?”
He still cannot believe you want to go ahead with this and tries to find ways of convincing, perhaps the one who needs convincing is him.
You almost looked like a a kid begging to play with their favourite toy, a grin slapped across your face as you pester him more. “Yes, let’s play it! I think this will be fun.”
Fun. It will be everything but fun, Jeno thought. As much as he hates doing this, the sick part of him is happy your wiling to try it out. It’s why he would often mention to not be so willing to do just everything in the pretext of risks. What if these risks put you through dangerous places?
What if it put you to dangerous beings, people like him?
But you was fearless. Always striving to do whatever you can to gain experience. Something Jeno was fond of yet jealous.
However in this context it was far from such. Unfortunately your determined nature just makes it easier for anyone to coy you around.
He licks his bottom lip as he fights back a laughter, “Okay fine, let’s do it.”
Both of you sat down together with the board below. Though it seems like a dusty old board, you could still see the words that are written on it. The various letters in bold with the Yes and No at the top corners.
“Do you want me to go through the rules?” in which you had nodded, waiting for him to tell you more.
Rule number 1 Never use this alone. Always play with others
Rule number 2 Always set the mood during the night, use candles before initiating
Rule number 3 Dont forget to say goodbye
Rule number 4 Be careful what you wish for..
You’ve watched many movies growing up about these things but never actually coming across it in real life. You don’t exactly know how to feel at this given moment except to listen to everything Jeno is mentioning, after all, he knows well doesn’t he?
Going through the rules makes Jeno feel so fake. Because he always end up doing the exact opposite of what was to expect, but could he be to blame? He was just a child. A vulnerable child who knew nothing with a curious mind.
Jeno gets up and retreats to a different room as you waited in the living room, only to come back whilst closing the lights behind him and placing a few candles around the board. He uses a lighter above the candles as it burns ahead.
Now that the mood has settled in you definitely feel a bit nervous about this whole thing, your hands shake but Jeno calms you with his own above.
“We got this’’ He says in comfort making you feel at ease knowing your not alone in this.
You closed your eyes as you inhale a deep breath ready to face your fears.
The planchette is directly placed on the board, Jenos hands merges with yours while you both move it around in circles until you stop. You gulped as you awaited for what’s next. Jeno suddenly speak up.
“Are there any spirits that’d like to come in contact with us right now?”
An eerie vibe comes along as you wait for a reveal, your hands suddenly felt cold, chest slightly heaving on what’s to come ahead. Is it true? Do spirits exist? Does this even work? Slowly, it felt like time was dragging on having no response, no movement to answer the question.
Jeno looked with worry in his eyes but the smile remained still on his face. You can’t pinpoint what he’s feeling, maybe he’s scared?
“I think you should ask a question” He spoke, a small grin on his face. You blinked a couple of times before it sinked in what he had asked, you licked your lips returning a smile back towards him.
“Are there any spirits present here who would like to come in contact with us right now?”
Utter silence.
Maybe this doesn’t work. Maybe these things are just for fun purposes, nothing to indicate how real these things are. It felt lowkey as a relief, because you felt yourself feel light hearted about the situation. So you asked again.
“Are there any hot spirits present here who would like to come in to contact with us right now?” You playfully joked, emitting a laugh from Jeno.
You both giggled, feeling light hearted about what is happening right now, maybe this is just a fun game to play and has nothing real about it. So why not make some jokes?
Both of you were immersed in yourselves when all of a sudden the planchette slowly shoots up the corner, YES.
You felt your heart sank, your stomach feeling physically sick. You cannot believe this is real. This actually works.
“Holy shit” you gasped in shock. So this shit really does work? Surprised at what just happened. Just not long ago you was thinking how this may just be some made up game, only to be shooked to the core.
Jeno just watched your face, as if you’re trying to dim down the effects of being terrified. Its normal for him though. However for you its not. He knows you must be feeling all sorts of ways, once like ye did too.
“Are you okay?” he questioned in concern, not knowing if is something you still wanna go ahead with.
Your pupils dilated, you cough up, “Y-yeah totally didn’t just get scared at that..!” trying to brush off acting as if it didn’t affect you. Your words are stammering as they fall out your mouth, of course your shit scared!
“I.. just.. can’t believe.. this... spirit has a praise kink!” You shouted out. If you really think about it, whoever it was only revealed themselves after you called them "hot".
Only to begin go laugh and making Jeno laugh along. Seriously, even in such situations you still somehow make light of your situations and that’s one thing Jeno really admired about you.
“You’re unbelievable” Jeno shakes his head as he chuckles at your jokes. At least in this way you can make jokes rather than giving up on this.
This is interesting you thought. Halloween night playing ouija board with a hot spirit? Like hell does that stuff really exist?
“Technically I’m right, whoever it was definitely responded because I called them hot,”
If only you knew.
You started feeling bold, wanting to find out more about who this spirit is thats decided to communicate with you both.
“What’s your name?” You asked, but this time the planchette moved rather quickly than last time, spelling the name out as you begin to read what is said.
“Haechan" You spoke up, you don’t think you’ve ever heard such a name before today. Guessing its definitely a male speaking with you right now. What you didnt notice beside you was Jeno’s eyes stayed still on the board, not blinking one bit hearing Haechans name came out of your mouth. Causing goosebumps grazing on to his skin. Things are beginning to feel real once again, feeling sickness in his stomach already.
“Have you ever heard of this name, Jeno?” Looking up to him as he breaks out of stillness, before replying, "No."
Such a liar. Even when Jeno lies, it still does not sit right with him, wondering if you’d be able to catch his bluff. But you haven’t so far, a sick feeling of relief washes past him.
You prompt another question, almost like you’ve gotten the hang of this game. So far whoever this spirit is seems friendly, it seems.
“Why are you here tonight?” You asked further, curious what made this specific spirit is seeking tonight.
Tonight was the day a deal was formed between the demon and Jeno something you’re completely unaware of. You have no idea what your getting into at all. Your innocent and curious nature yet again deceiving you.
The planchette moved, something that still sends chills to your bones, forming a response.
Goosebumps form as the answer shoots you completely. Things were seemingly creepier as you interrogated the spirit more. Collect what and who you thought?
You seemed to still be in shock so Jeno took over and asked. “To collect who?”
It was silent. Unlike the previous times where the spirit communicated rather quickly, this time there was nothing. No urgency of a response, making you frown.
Maybe this wasn’t a good idea to do, maybe the spirit didn’t want to communicate any longer so you sighed and was just about to say to end this, only to be startled by the planchette moving itself towards the alphabets.
You both looked at one another in shock, not expecting such answer which only leaves you both confused on who this is talking about. You kept thinking of multiple scenarios of how this spirit must have had a past lover whom they’re still trying to connect and vice versa.
“Who is?”
You felt your breath get sucked out of your body, panting on the new information. This is becoming worse as it goes on, you have no idea who even this spirit is except his name, Haechan. You look towards Jeno absolutely freaking out, “Jeno.. w-what the fuck!”
Jeno saw the way your eyes bulged out, fear written over your face. You seemed so scared and conflicted, he knew this was to come.
“Maybe he’s just flirting with you,” Jeno snapped back trying to make you laugh, only to watch you huff out. “Well that’s a sick way to be flirting!”
Sick. Everything about this was sick, he thought.
Whilst you're both speaking, not realising the planchette moves once again, catching your eyes below to read out the message its delivering.
Holy shit. No way did this spirit just say this stuff right now. Mouth opened wide trying to process what you have just saw. No way is this spirit really talking dirty to you right this second.
"What the fuck." You froze ahead at what's spelled out, "This is getting weird..." You sighed.
To be honest, even Jeno didn’t like what Haechan just said. Thoughts coming back thinking whether this is a good thing to do, for the demon to have you and do whatever he likes..
However Jeno has to remember what his motive really was, trying to find ways for you to still remain here. “Maybe he hasn’t had any action since,”
Only for you to roll your eyes, “Wow, I mean surely hes on the other side so what action will he be getting." Jeno literally laughs out, a part of him does loath Haechan so hearing things mocking him does make him chuckle.
Your stomach wasn't feeling great about this anymore, all of a sudden your throat began to close up, You whispered quietly, “Maybe we should stop this...”
Before you could even do anything or wrap this up, the candles suddenly leave their flames, darkness welcomes back in to the room. It’s pitch black, not an ounce of light to be seen, you felt restless with your heart accelerating, “Jeno.. I'm-im scared!.”
The silence begins to get creepy, no sound to be heard at all. Now you’re really beginning to feel the effects, not realising your eyes have slight prickly tears formed.
“Jeno..? Jeno..?”
You felt a warm hand tug on to your back, only to aggressive push you in a instant. You screamed, not realising you have fallen into the arms of someone. Face hitting their chest. Not not only is your heart racing but so is another.
Jeno turns one of the candles above his face as you slowly look up “It's me, Jeno" he reassures.
“J-Jeno something.. pushed me i-iswear-"
Jenos coos you on his arms, “I'm here."
The candle light brought out your face, Jeno in awe how you still look so beautiful, even in fear. You was always beautiful to him for sure, but today your features were shown in a different light. Teary eyes and flushed face brought out your cuteness, its kind of sick of Jeno to even see beauty within your fear. The parting of your beautiful lips trying your hardest to exhale with both of your breasts pushing upwards. Your hands tightening as you held on to Jeno’s arm, almost bruising into his skin. But he doesn’t care, his pain doesn’t exist when you’re there. Almost like a cure for him.
That push really shook your core, you perhaps think this may have been the spirit itself. But why would he do that? Matter of a fact you’ve never encountered a real life spirit. Not having any idea how one looks and quite frankly would rather wish not to know.
You stay beside Jeno inhaling his fresh scent, despite partying earlier on with the rest, he still manages to smell great. Like comfort, not overbearing. Your latched against him with his a hand making way towards your hair, giving gentle strokes. He moves you away from him with your face in contact to him, watching him with furrowed brows. His hand moves down towards your cheek, giving slow rubs.
Its the way he was paying attention to your face, like hes searching for something within you. His brows were raised with his teeth grazing his bottom lip. He looked attractive, well you’ve always found him attractive but tonight was different. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this upclose and his strong jawline carved to perfection.
“I’ll protect you” He spoke, unable to help but watch your luscious lips. You look so tempting, hes surprised how well he held off. Whenever you was around him, even giving him light grazes, he would almost flinch. But most of the times it was visits to the bathroom, taking care of his problem of getting hard, fisting his cock completely dry.
How can you claim to protect someone when you invite them to this hell, Jeno?
Your puppy eyes were stilled on Jeno’s face. Admiring his every feature you can see, so strong yet delicate. You lick your lips at the sight of him, thoughts wandering off your head, thinking how nice his lips would feel-
“Don’t do that” Jeno said sternly. You had zero idea of what you was doing to him, making him feel right this second. The way your eyelashes start fluttering with a confused look, is it possible he can read your mind?
“But I didn’t—
“it makes me want to kiss you.” He fought back, biting his lower lip with his eyes below, how managed to contain himself throughout but its seemingly impossible now. Why do you look so frightened yet pretty? How do you manage to have beauty even in darkness?
You swallowed, eyes wide as you hear Jeno’s thought. You can’t believe he would or could ever say such thoughts, you’ve never heard him say anything like this to you. But right now that’s exactly what you want, you lean closer against his body, tipping upwards with a seductive eyes, “Then kiss me.”
Jeno didn’t need to be told twice. No hesitation shows when his lips urgently collide yours. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss inhaling every breath of yours. It felt like giving him revgererance each time he consumed you. You have no idea how desperately he wanted to do this for the longest time and now he’s finally kissing you.
Saliva begins to form below your chin with Jenk sucking it up inside, his tongue grazes all your mouth and lip. Tasting better than he thought. You took him in gladly, letting your hands roam over his soft hair continuing the kiss.
The candles were perfectly lit bringing light into the living room, the inhaling through your nose as it burns away. A chair is placed right beside you both in which you struck Jeno down below and reach above him. He was a taken back from the gesture, eyes wide but dived into you further when you sat below his lap.
You struct back and forth against his pants already feeling his hard on. It excited you to know how hard he’s already become for you, such an easy puppy. He saw the way you moved backwards, rushing to whatever your going for as he snaps you out of it.
"Trying to cum on my pants?” He huffed out, almost making you stop with his strong hands around you, watching the desperation from your eyes wanting more.
“Yes.” Answering immediately, you’re shameless but you love the feel and its exactly what you want.
“Are you always this desperate?” He bucks his hips further up, hitting his hard on against your sensitive clit. Making your mouth part in pleasure.
“No..” You lied, not used to seeing this side of Jeno. From what you knew, Jeno was mostly reserved, the nice boy. But today he’s different. You didnt think he’d have it in him but right now he convinced you otherwise.
“No?” He questioned, moving his mouth lower towards your neck planting a few kisses, making you curl. He brings your palm below, touching his erection directly, “Do you feel that?” He whispers.
“Fuck” “I—” Moans eclict from you at the contact of his length, the material brushing your hand with roughness. His pupils dilated watching you become so dumb for him, his hand holding yours below his length moving you slowly, “This is all your fault, you know that right?”
You’ve never felt so helpless, wanting to rip out his clothes and let him do you right then and there. You’re throbbing underneath him and you’d do anything to feel your release, “Why.. is it?” You fought back, wanting to play along with him.
He chuckles as he bites his lower lip, enough to pull blood, “Who told you to look so pretty? Do you know the amount of times I’ve fisted my cock because of you? Got me so hard?
Shocked was an understatement. You’ve never thought of Jeno doing anything like this. He gets off about you? Since when? Why haven’t you been made aware of this? Why haven’t any of your friends mentioned this? This is complete news to you.
He saw the way your cheeks blushed, your brows were furrowed in confusion and carried on, “The times you came near me and I backed away? The times I had to always run off to the bathroom? Fuck I was so scared of you finding out, biting my lip so hard so you don’t end up hearing me..”
Now all you could picture is the times you remembered him running off never thinking twice why. Picturing how he’d lean against the shower with the water gliding down, a hand on his erection as he pumps himself. Fuck. So hot.
You felt so needy, rustling yourself on him as you let him speak more about what he does when he’s alone. You wanted to play along, teasingly, “That’s not right to do.”
Jeno immediately stops you from trying to reach your climax, “And you? Fucking your cunt on my thigh whilst hearing the things I’ve done is?” You bite your lip as a moan escapes your mouth, letting him put you in your place. Your thighs ache as your body jolts with the
“Jeno I had no idea..” Finally speaking out, only for Jeno to pull you closer to him with your hands held on his shoulders. He looks up with hopeful eyes, “Of course you didn’t.” He smiles until it slightly drops making you feel some way, “You’ve never noticed me.”
You saw the way his light eyes suddenly dimmed down towards the end, a drastic change of reaction. You genuinely never noticed his behaviours until now, maybe because you never felt the need to. He was a friend, after all.
Well you’ve fucked friends before and its nothing you take seriously, he could have asked you if he really just wanted that you thought.
You gasped as you break out of thought when he suddenly lifts you up from him, feeling a loss of contact with his erection. Picking you up with the dimly light ahead, leading you inside his bedroom. Your eyes open as your placed beneath the bed, coldness hitting your back as you lay down.
Jeno crawled over you, breath fanning over before he kisses into your lips once again. He loves how soft you feel. His hands reaching below as removes each piece of clothing off. Cupping your breasts before he sinks lower and inserts one towars his mouth. You immediately falter, loving the way he sucks on your nipples.
He doesn’t stop kissing your body, letting himself consume every inch of you. You smell divine, it drives him crazy how he’s finally gotten you. He’s happy because he can finally feel you, let him touch you in places he’s only imagined whilst in the bathrooms. Perfect may not exist but for Jeno you do. He reaches lower with his eyes up, drawing his tongue below your abdomen to thighs.
You eclict moans right away, hitting the sensitive spot. He loves making you feel good. You deserve to always feel pleasure. And he will be always ready to deliver. Slowly tearing down your skirt below you knees, as expected to see you full of wetness.
Diving in deep with a swirl of his tongue, hitting you out of nowhere. You reached for his hair as you tugged with the pleasure, “Wetter than my dreams.” He states in awe at the sight ahead of him.
He reached up planting kisses before he connects his lips against yours. Sometbing he can’t keep himself to not do. Always wondering how your lips must feel, soft. It feels good to have you against him, allowing him to do whatever. Jeno felt so happy. For once, his dreams were becoming a reality. For once, he’s finally gotten you, or will that reality hit him like a dream once again..
“Jeno hyung"
A sweet voice was called out from behind, near the door of the bedroom. Jeno’s eyes snapped back, back to reality. The moments he had shared almost forgetting what the truth of reality was. A nightmare living in a dream. His happiness lasted briefly, eyes bulged out in terror.
You’ve possibly never seen a reaction as such before. Jeno turned almost pale, his eyes widen with darkness but a tint of fear behind. He stopped moving, freezing in time. His hand wasn’t touching anymore, it stilled. You’re absolutely deprived and have been edged for too long, trying to bring your hand up to Jeno’s face. Only for him to snap backwards, completely ignoring you.
You tried to call him out but avail. Something snapped to him ever since someone called him out, only to realise there was also another person present in the room. That sent shivers to your bones, watching ahead in fear. Jeno walks towards the door but stops mid way.
The lighting was dim enough in the room, but whatever was standing near the door blossomed with light. From your angle, you could only watch and notice the bright light entering inside closer and closer.
It appeared closer as you squinted your eyes, however frozen when you see the sight ahead. An alluring red headed beauty, sun kissed skin that beams with light. He almost looked like an angel had you not seen the small horns from the corners of his scalp. A fallen angel, perhaps.
He approached closer to Jeno, lifting his hand as it grazed along his cheek watching him in adoration and glinted eyes, “I’ve missed you, hyung.” Jeno watches in shock, it’s finally hitting him how real this is. The touch felt so familiar with him, something he’s not felt in years as he puts his hand above the demons.
“Haechan..” He breathed slowly, someone who was always with him. Someone who he had shared his moments with, his loneliness with. He grew attachment to him and till this moment, too.
Haechan walked closer as his nose scents Jeno’s neck, before gripping it with his hand and pulling himself near his ears with a whisper, “I told you you could never escape me..” He smirks.
Haechans breath fans all around Jeno’s neck, causing his neediness to rupture. It was always a sensitive spot for Jeno, receiving small sigh from his mouth.
You gulped nervously, did you just hear Jeno call out to Haechan? The same one who you played the Ouija Board with? How is this possible? How does Jeno know him? Millions of questions arise in your mind, mind boggled. Your heart begins to accerlate as each second passes, gripping on the sheet harshly as a safety net.
You felt silenced. Not a word formed in your mouth. Just watching the sight ahead, you lated still waiting to see what happens next.
Haechan’s tongue made presence as it shifted towards Jeno’s ear, slowly moving below to his neck. Jeno moaned quietly as the boy felt pleasure, cock hardening as he swirls away. His nose above his ear before tugging his hair back, “So easy and receptive to my touch hyung, you must have missed me quite a bit.” He boasts.
Jeno immediately rushes his lips against Haechan’s, though his kiss was driven more from his earlier events and the demon itself. He felt more alive as the kiss deepens, the only time Jeno feels out of the ordinary. A sense of comfort that only he has for himself, a feeling like no other to be known. Jeno takes in more and more, sucking the demons tongue like thirst.
Haechan pushes himself hard, throwing his hand below the shaft, forming moans through the mouth. Jeno hissed, throwing his head back as his eyes rolled, letting the demon take control over his body. You watched in complete awe on how receptive Jenos falls in Haechan’s hands.
You should be petrified, you are. But the way your legs have been spread out, left lonely because of Jeno makes you feel needy. The redrawl of touch hits you hard. A scene that should make you run for the hills, but what do you do instead?
Bringing a hand on your aching thighs, dragging it down slowly to gain some sort of touch. The hand moves it’s placement from your ankle, towards your abdomen, causing slight shivers to your body. Biting your lip to not make any sounds, the finger ascends above your breasts, cupping before you massage them.
Jeno’s groans feel like music to your ears and a favourite to the Demon. He walks backwards slowly as Haechan continues his pleasure, nearing towards you. However that doesn’t make you stop, you're absolutely needy. The hand cups your breast before you pinch your nipples, swallowing your moans away.
Your finger slowly makes way down, every touch accelerates your reaction. You can see not only Jeno but the sight of the beautiful demon. Wondering how easy you can fall in to his touch, imagining his fingers running down towards your area. You’re incredibly wet, your fingers moving upwards and down before it stops at your swollen clit.
Mouth parting at the sensitivity down below, you know with one touch you’d literally come. You furrow your brows, lifting your head up to see the sight ahead. You cannot contain yourself much longer, before you begin to rub furiously below.
Small moans erupt from your mouth, breathing accelerates as you move. Hot sweats break out against your skin rushing for climax. You continue, only to stop in almost shock at what you see. The demon kisses Jeno’s ears as he opens his eyes at the sight of your arousal.
You immediately froze. Like someone snatched your breath away. There was fear behind your eyes showing evidently to the demon as he curled a smirk on his face. Your heart was pounding feeling like you got caught. Caught in something wrong.
Your fingers almost vibrate with the throbbing below indicating how close you are. For some reason you just couldn’t move your fingers at all. The shock of seeing Haechan catching you literally get yourself off from them makes you feel ashamed. But, don’t the wrong things feel so good?
Remaining eye contact with the demon ahead as he continues rubbing Jeno, you slowly begin to thrust up. It was subtle at first, but Haechan knows you way too well. The fact that you tried to act innocent by stopping with your fingers, yet you start thrusting yourself against your fingers. You begin to bite your lips, letting the demon watch the way your toes begin to curl. The arrival of the release occurs with your eyes rolling back, legs shivering until you can take the achehis before you drop below the bed.
You don’t realise eyes have always been on you. Haechan whispers to Jeno before stopping abruptly, making their way towards the bed. You laid with wetness as it continues to slip on the bed, eyes closed before you open your eyes once again.
“My angel,” He mutters, watching you as you felt exposed within his gaze. The petname immediately made you flush, hoping you aren’t caught once again. “Is this my angel, tonight?” He questions as he eyed Jeno.
Jeno felt nervous before he spoke up, “Yes.”
He didn’t know what to say to you. He didn’t know how your reaction is to see him this way, with a demon alongside. Jeno wants to say so much but so little comes out, knowing you’re shaken by this. Do you hate him? Are you angry? He doesn’t know because your face doesn’t indicate anything at all.
Your eyes are stilled on Jeno, a million questions on your mind but you can’t think. You can’t think when all you want is to feel a touch from them desperately.
“Jeno always had a thing for pretty things,” His hand travelling to your ankles with light strokes, yet you feel electricity running through as you gasp at the sudden movement. “And I have a thing to ruin them completely..” His fingers almost grazing towards your upper thigh before he widens your legs.
You shudder with soreness, exposed at what you’ve been hiding all this time as you softly moaned. Jeno immediately feels his cock harden at the sight of your open legs before Haechan speaks up, “Spread your legs open."
And you did exactly that despite of the burning you felt keeping still. Thinking you’d be receiving some sort of action, but no. Haechan immediately turns to Jeno before putting his mouth back on his once again. This time increasingly faster and rough as they kiss.
Feeling absolutely ignored, you try to close your legs until Haechan eyes loom over yours, “I said keep them open.”
The throbbing immediately begins, wanting to close your legs but remembering you can’t. So you stay still, suffering as you watch them swallow each another. You wanted to get touched, to feel anything at this point. That’s until Haechan backed away, averting his eyes to your sullen face before he looks at Jeno.
“Open your mouth.” He demands.
Jeno does without hesitation, as the demon connects himself against him before he released himself, spitting in his formed saliva into the mouth of Jeno’s. You almost drooled at what you saw, Jeno mouth dripping with his own saliva alongside Haechan’s, reaching just below his chin.
He looks up to Haechan before he moved away from him, mouth being full before entering his liquids inside.
Your legs wide, aching in pain before you see the demon bring Jeno near you before he draws out, “Spit in her sinful pussy.” He demands. You suddenly gasp at how cold it felt as the fluid travels down towards your throbbing hole, making a trail down your thigh.
You felt exposed how they watched in awe at your hole before the demon instructed Jeno next, “Brim her full of my spit, shove your fingers inside.” Jeno doesn’t hesitate at all, his long fingers already making way and fucking inside of your cunt rapidly, forcing the wetness to be shoved all the way in.
“Fuck Jeno,” You gasped at the harshness of his fingers inside. He showed zero mercy on you and fasten as he kept going, leaving you gasping each second. Jeno loved how pretty you looked, breathless and teary all for him and he wanted to see you being a wreck.
You almost forget that you have another visitor, a hand roams around your body heightening the experience further. Your eyes are shut, breathing deeply as you feel Jeno hitting your spot. Eyes opening slowly as a tongue is felt beneath you, swallowing you as it stays between your breasts.
The pleasure feels surreal, all at once hitting you everywhere. Your nipples have hardened, goosebumps forming on your skin before you slowly opened your eyes, seeing Haechan remaining eye contact whilst he sucks on to your breasts before biting with his sharp teeth, electing pain from your mouth.
You don’t even realise how close you are until streams of tears reach below your chest, feeling overstimiulated from the pleasure from both. The demon already looms above you without you noticing watching his prey looking wrecked and beautiful.
Looking prettier as ever, Haechan almost is convinced you're an angel. How can one look so gorgeous as they cry out? Your cheeks are flushed, lips plump red and skin heated as you felt the breath fanning over your face like breeze, cooling you from the heat.
Jeno loves the way you taste, loving how he gets to be underneath you and suck in your wetness when he dives deeply. His mouth finds contact to your clit and flicks it furiously to make you cum.
Your hand tugs below, tears streaming down your face before Haechan brings his tongue out and licks them away. You felt the cold shiver as he continues his lick when every droplet falls, dark eyes watching you falter completely in his hold. You looked so helpless, as your face scrunched up.
He knows you're wrecked and can sense your nearing just before he shoves Jeno’s face down all the way inside of your cunt, “That’s it, give the boy a treat.” Jeno struggled but still maintained his hands against your skin, tugging into you deeply . He was so excited to have you finish all inside of his mouth, groaning along your cunt.
“I’m going to c-cum—”
Your cut off immediately when Haechan latches his mouth against yours, sucking in every moan your mouth can make. He kisses you so raw, a little different to Jeno. It felt animalistic. He wanted every bit of you, inch, sound of you. Feeling almost selfish, wanting you to consume your moans only to him.
Jeno felt the withdrawal of the hand when he peeks up, coated full of your wetness witnessing the demon and you indulging with each another. He felt his heart sinking a little before remembering he’s the reason why he’s able to even feel you, perhaps even inside of you.
He grew needier as he palms his cock out, giving it a few rubs as he watches you both. “Wanna fuck you.” He meekly speaks, “Wanna feel your warm pussy.”
You look up to see Jeno fisting his cock, looking sensitive as ever. It’s exactly how you pictured him doing you in the bathroom, his arms showcasing his veins as he kept pumping with a bite on his lip. You spread yourself open, the urge to feel a cock inside. He smiles, can’t contain himself parting your thighs open while he enters inside with
It catches you off guard as you scream at his intrusion, his huge cock slowly making its way known inside. His eyes remained stilled on yours, softening as he moved up towards you before kissing in to your neck. You’re melting under his touch, his cock hitting you rather gentle.
Haechan is under watching Jeno’s cock go in and out before he scoffs, “I see you don’t know Angel as well as you thought.” Causing a frown on Jeno’s face at what the demon said.
Annoyed, Jeno mutters, “Shut up.”
He continues to kiss your body away, his lips stilled on your abdomen as he continues thrusting inside. You have no idea what the demon and him are exchanging, you just want to feel pleasure.
The demon loves how worked up Jeno’s becoming, only to tease him further. “Come on, fuck her like you mean it.” He teases, continuing his pace before he slows down completely, “Show her how much you like her.”
The last sentence hit Jeno like a bus. Eyes widening at the statement said, you was never meant to know that and he can’t believe Haechan just exposed him about it. He looks over to you in embarrassment, taking his eyes away before you call out his name.
You was surprised hearing this information come out. Watching how immediately Jeno stopped reacting, almost making himself look small. Youve fucked with friends before, no feelings involved whatsoever, so is this true? Does Jeno possibly have feelings for you?
Your eyes widen, “You like me?”
Jeno forms no response, but seeing how you look so wrecked yet cute makes his heart falter even more. The heat rushes towards his face not realising how apparent his answer is towards you.
‘’Aw.” The demon cooed as he watched. “Look how red your face is. “Did I make you go soft inside her?” He chuckled evily as he pokes a tongue against his cheek.
“Fuck you.” Jeno shouts back.
His pace changes quickly, the cock thrusting deeply inside of your walls as he pushes himself further. You feel your eyelids flutter once he goes inside and out. Almost feeling his cock stretching your pussy all out.
The demon wears a smug face on, annoying Jeno thus more. His hand reaches Jeno’s thigh, just for him to throw it back away.
“You wanna be a fucking brat?” He grits out, watching Haechan under him with thirst before he removes the cock from your hole and inserts directly into the demons mouth.
Abusing Haechan’s mouth as he continues ramming inside, the smile still remains in his eyes whilst he chokes himself on it. It’s definitely been a while since he’s had Jeno inside of him and he loved how he can get under his skin so easily.
Haechan licks and sucks him all over as he kneeled below. Jeno puts his hand above Haechan’s before he pushes him further down on his cock, making him swallow. But Haechan coughs up, trying to breath only for Jeno to keep his hand on him firm.
“Didn’t you want my cock? Come on take it all.”
The dynamic between the two wasn’t something you expected. They both can overpower each other yet fall into each others touch so easily. To know Jeno has this side already drove you nuts, your hand reaching your area to relieve yourself from the loss cock.
You felt so turned on just before Jeno throws your hand away from yourself, eyes darken towards you, “You’re not cumming through your hands, you’re cumming on my cock.” He commanded. Lifting his cock out of Haechan’s mouth and pushed it all the way up inside your cunt.
The demon smirked as he licked off the remaining wetness off him, now diverting his attention towards you.
You throbbed hearing him, eyes rolling back, you felt so wet under that you almost can’t even feel a cock. It just felt like a gush of wetness that slides all over hitting the perfect spot. You’re happy he changed his pace because this is exactly what you wanted. To be wrecked.
He delivered brutal thrusts, pining your arms down to the sides as he pushed himself more and more into you. Tears filling your eyes at being over stimulated, Jeno’s cock hits on the spot, already shuddering from it.
“You take me in so good, fuck—” Jeno groans, loving the feel of your cunt sucking up all up. Youre throbbing against him and he knows your about to climax any second. “Wanna cum with you too, hold on will you?” He asks nicely, his forehead connecting yours before he kisses. You nodded biting your lips harder than ever.
Jeno looked so concentrated, so sexy. You held off your climax just to see him use your hole as he could. His face is against your neck, groaning in pain. A sign of him cumming, you hold on to him and let yourself move to feel the same way too.
“Fuck fuck fuck—” He groans, letting his release spill inside of you as you did too. The gush was a lot mixing along yours, eyes turning as your nails dug into his skin. Your leg were still shaking with the orgasm passing along your whole body.
He lifts off from you as you stay laying, until the demon turns you around. Your ass was planted with a kiss, jolting at the touch as your still sensitive.
He spread your legs wide once again, cheeks on display before smacking your lips in between. “Fuck, pervert.” You screeched aloud. You noticed the demon had a thing for you being spread out entirely, only to make him chuckle.
He placed his lips as he puts a kiss, trying to soothe you. “You humans fascinate me, you know?” Quirking a brow from behind, his hand slowly moving towards your core.
Already faltering to the demons touch as you whimper, “Why?”
His hand stretches you more, allowing better access before he shoves his fingers inside. Jolting in an instant, it feels sore yet pleasurable. As he takes them out and continues to move around over your clit.
“So needy for me already,” He rasps, allowing his hand to get coated along your wetness. “One touch and you’re already faltering.” He smirks behind you. Even a singular touch from him causes you to react so fast.
He removes his hand suddenly depriving you off his touch, making you frown as you look back.
Only to see something you’ve never seen before. A cock this huge, you’re sure he’d rip you to shreds. You begin to wonder how it’ll feel, how deep it can get inside of you.
“Scared?” Haechan teases back, a smirk written across his face. He seemed so full of himself you thought, but it only made you like him more. He knows how well you try and hide how you feel, only for you to shrug it off.
The ache between your legs expands, as you wiggle yourself behind his cock. You can already feel the texture, smoother than you imagined. Moving around emitting groans from the demon.
“Such a tease, Angel.” The demon groans biting his bottom lip sounding almost melodic. He let your body smother his cock all around. Despite it not even being inside you yet, your body heat was raised. Even more when you decide to reach lower allowing the cock to slide against your wet core.
“F-Feels so.. nice" You winched. This time you tried to even be daring and tried to grab his length, only to get your hand thrown away. Making you annoyed.
“Did I tell you to touch me, slut?” Haechan spoke offended. A pout forms while you still wiggle around him, begging to feel something more.
Your core was dripping in wetness, something the demon was always awed to see. Humans were different from his kind, almost stupid he thinks. The biggest weakness about them was controlling their temptations, a failure that they adhered and especially you.
“This is what a good human slut need” He rasps, his hands placed on your hips, gliding his cock just above your pussy, teasingly moving back and forth as if he’s already fucking you. Instantly feeling stimulated with this way.
“Look at it angel,” He motions your head down just enough for you to see the small gap between your thighs. You watch how his cock manages to slide through it, feeling every vein as it pulses through you.
It felt so good, like hes fucking you for real. Haechan begins to increase his speed each time he thrusts forward, hitting your ass and core. You both were moaning, little groans from his mouth as he continued to fuck into you in this position.
He loves seeing humans break. Be at their absolute wrecked state. No thoughts in mind, just craving pleasure. Just allowing demons to use their bodies for their gratitiftaction.
You looked so flushed, legs unstable as he holds on tight. His cock constantly brushing along your pussy folds, ravaging through. Feeling your pussy already clenching on him as he moves.
“Angel" He mutters, kissing your back with his lips causing you to jolt. “I haven’t even fucked you yet. Want demon cock that bad?” He says mockingly.
“Yes, please m-more—”
And before you can even react, his cock savagely makes it way from behind, emitting a scream from your mouth as it parts away.
“Omg..” It felt so different to normal. As each thrust comes, feeling it grow more and more inside yourself. Haechan bucks himself up, hands tugging on your arms as they stay behind, “You can take it.” He cooed.
And you could. You felt yourself relax more into it as he continued. He begins snapping his hips against you, balls smacking on to your swollen sweaty thighs at every thrust given.
His hand makes way to your breasts, cupping fully then flicking them around, “See these tits? So hard and swollen.” He then stops his hand just below your core, before he slaps harshly. “This pussy you kept touching because you felt neglected.” He smirks, knowing you all to well with the shenanigans you did earlier.
You moaned in pain, feeling the sting below before he soothes it with his palms and rubs. Feeling exposed within his hold, you knew that he was watching you before and you purposely allowed him too.
“I just—” You mumbled.
“You just love attention baby,” He chuckled, kissing your neck as he reaches towards your ears. “Human slut can’t take not having any attention, can you? Need to always get touched, fucked on don't you?”
The hand leaves and reaches your neck, tightening after every thrust. “See why I love humans, my pretty slut?” He whispered sensually in your ears, ticking you as he speaks. Hearing the demon call you that just made you feel heated below, clenching around his cock.
He brings you closer against him, hands roaming all over your swollen breasts and body, travelling towards your cunt. “Because you’d always allow us demons to take what we can from you.” He smirks.
Haechan rolls his hips before he becomes rough, knocking you out of breath, “Made to be used.” His cock was fucking you all up, physically and mindlessly. You couldn’t think straight nor stand without falling, his grip on you was solid.
Taking any pent up tension he had for you, rocking your world. Your legs tremble in his hold, your mind felt hazy as he rams harshly. “This cunt is mine” with his hands rubbing above your clit, increasing speed all of a sudden as you wither with cries.
“Hae-chan.. can’t, fuck—” You cried out, your legs are shivering out of control. His hand doesn’t stop moving around your clit, rubbing it even more just to see you look like a pretty wreck.
You try to move yourself away from him from the overstimulation only for him to grab on to your arm with force, pushing you back against him. His grip tightening on your flesh so you don’t run off him.
“Best fucking human pussy’’ He praises, causing a gush inside of you immediately. Hands spreading around your thighs to open you more, watching the way his cock hammers inside you, "Made for demon cock.”
Your core begins to pulsate at his praises, moans becoming high pitched as they mixed in with his loud growls. He knows he’s nearing his climax so he makes sure you are spread wide apart, holding onto one leg of yours before he fucks in to you further deeply.
You can almost feel the knot inside of your stomach, his cock was piercing through hitting be spot perfectly, “Gonna... cum” You barely managed to wince out. Haechan can already feel you clenching on him, in awe of your pretty pussy pulsating with his cock.
Your body begins to feel tense, shuddering all along as your eyes closed. The stimulation rid all over your body, toes curled up as it hits you in an instant. Your moans were so loud but its what kept the demon going more, watching your hole drip out cum just before he ruts it further in you.
“Human slut wants my cum, hm? Fill you up good? Your eyes looked back him mercifully before you plead. “Please, fuck, want your cum—” whining as his cock pushes further in your walls, just before his movements turn almost sloppy nearing his release. His hips moves just a little bit more before his cum spurts inside of you completely full.
He turns you over as you face him, picking you up before you squealed. Moving his cock roughly in as some of his cum spills down, with some stuffing you all up inside. His growls become softer with a final release, filling you up. You felt the familiar warmth below, just before he rewards you with a passionate kiss.
You're already knocked out completely, sleeping rather peacefully on the bed. Jeno had cleaned you all up just before he put you to sleep. Words coming out rather slurred as you tried to communicate with him before your eyes closed.
He knew he’d have to see you the next day and explain himself. Something that scares him completely. Would you see him differently? But all he can do is sigh, feeling glad that the deal finally ended. Haechan got what he wanted and in the same way sick way, so did Jeno. But why does he feel this uneasiness in his heart yet? It didn’t feel right.
But did it really end? A voice in his head speaks quietly until it becomes louder and clearer, whether it was his imagination or a message he doesn't know. But he froze completely after hearing it come closer, “You’ve never said goodbye, Jeno...”
©2023 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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casasupernovas · 2 years
i am still not overjoyed with child severus snape being described to look at lily 'hungrily' or with 'undisguised greed' on his face. but i think i forgot about how jo was very very poor before she got her break with harry potter.
so if you read these moments with poverty in mind, 'greed' and 'hunger' come across a bit different now don't they? severus snape reeks of desperation and it makes me think of 'parasite' when thinking of 'greed.' it doesn't seem fair to describe him like that because someone wishing to change his situation and desiring something else isn't a bad thing. but it makes me think of the sentiment of the lengths people will go to just survive, hence 'greed'. it's all messy and nasty but that's what poverty does.
it's really easy to just view these words in a purely sexual way but it's a very thin reading and, honestly, lazy. i think severus snape ultimately showcases the uglier side to what really bad circumstance can do to a person. he's not palatable at all, so everyone short circuits when trying to understand his pov.
so it is fitting that harry is the person who ends up understanding. after all, we read book after book of harry wanting something so desperately. to have his parents. to escape privet drive. that's a craving. that's a hunger. harry himself is described to look at his family in the mirror of erised 'hungrily.' and when he sees lily using the deathly hallows, she looks at him 'hungrily' also.
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gigireece16 · 3 months
i know this could be a unique pairing, but i need to get this out of the depths of my mind. especially with no one else talking about it. but villanelle and will graham are more similar than you think. and let me explain.
first off, their attitudes. despite will being introverted and how villanelle was the complete opposite, they’re still analogous. they were outcasts who had to learn how to seem “normal.” they both share neurodivergence traits in my opinion. they were both highly intelligent and used that to benefit themselves. even throughout killing eve, villanelle showcased apathy, she held an understanding of human behavior. just like will. we later see in hannibal, that will can manipulate people in a way that’s corresponding to villanelle. they’re both incredibly stubborn yet determined to achieve their goals.
they were truly disconnected from the idea of a family. and they never knew how much they desired it until it was too late. we are aware that one of their parents left, making them a child of a single parent. from my perspective, it seemed that villanelle and will couldn’t even relate to any family member. they were both deemed as intelligent psychopaths. although, i don’t think they were.
if they had properly written and explored villanelle’s mental illnesses, it would have paralleled will’s. in all seriousness, they were abused by their higher-ups. they believed they were able to cover it up at first yet as it prolonged, they couldn’t anymore. they even begged jack & dasha to make it stop. that they didn’t want to do it anymore.
their self-confidence in willpower dropped vigorously. their past actions and behavior started to make them feel monstrous. they also suffered from hallucinations. whilst, will was seeing abigail & villanelle visualizing herself as jesus, it still displayed to us what they craved. normalcy and a second chance at what could’ve been. they had so much faith in something that was stripped from them.
their relationship with hannibal & eve has resembling qualities. even though, villanelle is more alike to hannibal in this aspect. there are still some straws i can pull at. one of them being stabbed in the stomach by their infatuation. and how it happened by being distracted by them as well. pursuant to eve & hannibal leaving them to die, they still chased after them. they still wanted them. they longed to run away with them. and once the roles were reversed, they had a knife in their hands ready to kill.
as i said before, they desperately wanted a second chance. in so many situations. they struggled with a rational comprehension of their dangerous bond. questioning it various times & eventually getting betrayed by the said alliance. they were manipulated by eve and hannibal when their vulnerabilities were at bay.
and when they broke up with them & “moved on”, they married another woman but never stopped contemplating their former flame. they found themselves crawling back to everything that led them to their past doom. if it wasn’t for eve or hannibal, they would not have gone through this journey. they additionally also dragged their lover into the ocean where they died.
thank you for coming to my ted talk once again!! i hope this makes sense and someone agrees & enjoys this. if someone has anything else to add, please reblog or reply!! i would love to see more connections between these two. (this also could be my projection since i deeply relate to them)
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abarero · 4 months
Mikoto and Hanna (and Love)
(Or Abarero spent too much time thinking about the Greek Types of Love, the Color Wheel Theory of Love based on them and then wrote this in the middle of the night)
Spoilers for Magia Record Arc 2, Sayonara Storage and Memory Drops.
Mikoto and Hanna both pose a unique view into love, because prior to each other, we come to understand they really had no true experience with it. Both their family lives were severely lacking affection from parent to child, let alone between the parents who spent more time arguing than anything else. It comes to the assumption that if they did see or receive any love it would be most likely an outsider’s view of it as opposed to part of it. This may have been via movies and TV shows or even fellow students in their lives that were dating. So we can guess their understanding of love is probably lacking and perhaps a bit biased towards a fantasy view of it from fiction.
Mikoto has her false family, after becoming a magical girl and getting her parents out of her life, but that comes with the added layer that she knew any affection from them was fake. The family even mistaken calls her their actual daughter’s name at times, which would just drive home that feeling that the love isn’t real. She’s playing house, but the familial love she’s seeking is still only on the surface.
It’s interesting then to me that one of the kinds of love Mikoto has is Storge- the kind known as familial love. Storgic love often develops gradually out of friendship and Storgic lovers sometimes cannot pinpoint the moment that friendship turned to love. (Sometimes you will see this type referred to as Philia, but the color theory uses the term Storge for both friendship-based love and family-based love). Interestingly enough, I feel the umbrella term of Storge fits Mikoto better than just Storge or Philia by themselves.
Mikoto has always been about finding a place, a family, where she can be a normal girl. The closest she ever comes to that is with Hanna during Memory Drops, when they spend their days working and living together. This is Mikoto’s ideal love because it’s the one love she’s never had and yet so desperately craves. It’s when she’s the happiest too.
This leads into her other kind of love: Mania. Mania is obsessive love. Lee defines Manic love as flowing out of a desire to hold one's partner in high esteem and wanting to love and be loved in this way, seeing specialness in the interaction. This type of love tends to lead a person into a type of madness and they feel that they "need" their partner. Mikoto really shows this love in Memory Drops, where her last wish and desire is just to have Hanna back. To her, Hanna is everything and her world revolves around her completely. Her love here is intense and possessive, jealousy showing up when Hanna and Nanaka interact.
Given Mikoto’s desperation for love and affection, it’s really not surprising to see her love as Mania. Upon receiving love, she wants to hoard that feeling and person to herself, afraid to lose it. But it’s quite tragic given her background to see how her love manifests as both Storge and Mania- the ideal and the extreme.
Hanna, on the flip side, has Storge as a love but also Agape. Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. This is Hanna, over and over again she’s willing to do anything for Mikoto. Even if it means becoming a villain. In Sayonara Storage, we see Hanna playing along but ultimately sacrificing herself in hopes it can save Mikoto. She does something similar in Memory Drops on realizing Mikoto is the reason behind the strange occurrences.
This also manifests in how Hanna is always forgiving of Mikoto’s wrongs, but resolves to die because of her own crimes. Her love of Mikoto is such that she sees herself as the tainted one while Mikoto is seen as pure.
What I find interesting in the overall picture is that aside from them both having Storge as their core ideal love, their extremes (Agape and Mania) are at almost opposite ends of each other; one self-sacrificing and the other possessive.
I think it’s what ultimately leads to their tragedy. While they share an ideal, their extremes lead them to make choices that end tragically. And I find that quite poignant. Like here’s two girls who only wanted to have a happy life together, but due to circumstances and extremes of their affection, they meet an untimely end.
But it’s why I feel their characters and story are so important. To see them go to these extremes for one another, to see them idealize the one love they never had, is just a beautifully tragic thing. It’s a very Greek Tragedy kind of story, and so I hope I’ve done even a fraction of conveying their depth in this essay.
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glitterguts13 · 5 months
Do you have any favourite of hcs (any kind) of aventurine?
Oh, I have so much to say about Aventurine it's not even funny, so here comes a jumbled mix of thoughts.
TW: topics of slavery, self-harm, sexual abuse, and suicidal ideation. Please read with caution!
Aventurine struggles with genuine physical and emotional intimacy. Having been used, abused, and tortured all this life, mentally, sexually, and physically, he's grown to learn that people are to be kept at arm's length the whole time.
Because of this, Aventurine became very hyper-sexual to deal with the trauma. To him, if he starts it and stays in control, he can't be hurt. This isn't true at all, but it's the only way he knows how to handle people who start getting touchy with him because saying 'no' never worked in the past.
If someone does manage to break down his walls and form a genuine emotional bond with him...he really doesn't know what to do. He showers his partners with gifts and money, is extremely sex driven, and doesn't have any consideration for his own well-being. He's so worried about losing them, that he gives too much.
Aventurine doesn't know how to ask for things he wants. In the sense, he doesn't know how to say "Please, just hold my hand." or "Will you brush my hair?" These simple little acts of love that he desperately craves, but can't ask for because he's worried he's being needy.
For fucks sake just hold this man and remind him that his worth isn't tied to his wealth or his body.
The hand that trembles, hold it tightly and press it to your lips. He'll fall to pieces.
Aventurine is torn between desperately wanting a family and being terrified of having one. He wants a partner, children, and a home to come back to that's filled with love, warmth, and laughter...but he knows how quickly he could lose it, and just how big a target is painted on his back. It keeps him up at night, debating back and forth on if he should pursue his desire or leave it to rot like the rest of his dreams.
Topaz is the closest thing to a 'friend' he has inside of the IPC. While they're hardly besties, she's at least someone he can relax around and share a few drinks with. She's not given him any reason to distrust her, but I don't think he would ever fully rely on her either.
Has played his fair share of Russian Roulette, and leaves disappointed each time he wins.
Also, are we all just going to ignore that little tidbit where they mention he was strapped to an electric chair?? I can't even begin to imagine how that fucked him up both mentally and physically.
That being said, Aventurine has a lot of self-harm and pain-seeking tendencies. I won't go into details, but when he gets low, his mind begins to spiral and he has to find something to snap him out of it or else it just gets worse and worse until he's ready to make sure that gun is fully loaded.
He's grown better about it over the years, but he will never fully be able to heal and recover. Especially not as long as he's in the hands of the IPC. Ratio is the only one who catches wind of Aventurine's self-harming tendencies, but he doesn't have a clue on how to help him, so he keeps quiet.
The brand on his neck is a source of contention. He has the money to have it removed and covered up. He hates to see it, but in the same breath, he's almost afraid to lose it. If he does, will he lose sight of his past? Where he came from? He isn't ashamed of his past, but he also doesn't like the very clear reminder of it either. Jade makes passion comments on it often, and it makes his stomach twist everytime.
Donates obscene amounts of money to children in need. He will never let a child suffer, and while he clearly can't dismantle the entire fucked up system set in place, he's bought the contracts of many child slaves and freed them anonymously. He wants to save them all, but it just isn't possible, and it's one more thing that keeps him awake at night.
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Louis/ Lestat/ Armand: “ I want to go home.” 
for the five sentences writing meme!
in my heart this takes place shortly post-BC ♥
It's nonsensical, Lestat knows this.
He was home.
Home at Auvergne, home in this castle with its stone walls. And yet the thought sprung unbidden into his mind with all the urgency and anguish of a lost child: "I want to go home..." Skittering like an insect in his skull, knocking the breath out of him, almost causing him to shatter in the pen gripped tightly in his hand. The instinct to flee from the intensity of emotion making every muscle in his body tense in expectation of an imaginary blow.
There's something though, some nagging and grudgingly formed sentiment of self-preservation that's guiding him now, urging him to his senses to hone in on the two hearts in the entire castle that mean the most to him.
His refuge, the two beings whom Lestat's hurt the most in his long immortal life and who have hurt him back just as much. The two who have loved him the most over the past two hundred years and whom Lestat has loved every bit in return.
It's a hypnotic sound, galvanizing him right out of his chair and down the corridors—a man in a trance, Sleeping Beauty to the spindle—the dual heartbeats of Louis and Armand pulsating in perfect sync and in close proximity.
He finds them in Louis's rooms, of course. Utterly nude and tucked up into a semblance of mortal slumber in the ornate four-post bed. Lilies in a vase on the bedside table lending a heady perfume to this lovers' tableau.
Lestat bit his lip.
Armand had always been more successful at getting Louis to shed his maddening façade of morality and decorum. But that was Armand's way, wasn't it? The expert seductor.
You're thinking much too loudly, Armand's soft telepathic voice cut through the turmoil in Lestat's weary head.
Am I, imp? there's no bite to it, the events of the past couple weeks having left Lestat feeling thoroughly declawed.
Join us, Lestat. The only thing stopping you is you. Armand batting his sooty lashes up at him from his prone position, a greedy tease.
Auburn hair splayed out over Louis's narrow chest, pale apple cheek pressing onto the dark hair there, bare thigh slung casually over Louis's hip, delicate fingers still clinging to inky curls at the nape of Louis's neck.
And Louis! How exquisitely did his beauty shine with a dark flush of blood highlighting the dramatic planes of his aristocratic face, long lashes casting shadows over angular cheekbones as he dreamt mortal dreams.
An electrifying thrill jolts through Lestat when he recognizes the source of the blood in him, making the connection between Armand's pallid little face and Louis's seemingly living one, blissed in repose.
His throat suddenly burning with the need to taste Louis and Armand as one, as if Lestat's never had a drink in his life. Hunger almost too much to bear because it's really a combination of the three of them that he's smelling: his powerful blood in Louis's veins now melded with Armand's to create the most intoxicating fusion.
He sees himself in Armand's mind as he crawls towards them on all fours like a starving panther, something feral and desperate. Pupils blown wide, mouth open and fangs peeking out in anticipation, delirious with indecision as to which one he will claim first, craving the fervent delight of the conquer.
Lestat's only thought, only idea, only discernable desire is to ravage them, devour them whole, make for Louis and Armand a home inside of himself so that he may never feel homesick again.
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mixterglacia · 3 months
You have been warned.
I wanna clear some things up before I get to the episode. (Yes I will clarify when I get into the ep itself.)
Stolitz in and of itself isn't the issue. Them being toxic, or messy isn't actually a problem. In fact, that can make for very interesting characters.
If you actually put in the effort to do so.
Currently as it stands, they're just a lukewarm, half-thought out, sad microwaved piece of steak. They were once a very satisfying meal. They could POTENTIALLY get back to that point. But you have to treat them right.
My biggest issue with these two is how easy they are to fix. Or rather, how easy they could be. I actually don't hate the idea of them together, I just hate how they're executed.
Here's a few things I would have done, and the problems I have with the current state of things.
One, make it like an addiction. I often jab at Stolas being the architect of his own undoing, but...the biggest risk he's taken has already happened. He's gone through with the divorce. As the child of one, they suck but to put it bluntly, Stolas has lost practically nothing.
If he were risking being disowned, that would be one thing. But you've given no indication that he's dealing with anything short of normal problems. Royalty has to deal with assassination attempts already, so Stella trying to take him out is just a Tuesday for him. (In fact, that would be a very funny potential running gag. "Ugh, Stella you really think I would fall for this? You know I have royal bomb sniffers. Try harder, you witch!")
Instead, make it so he and Blitz never had any real reason to keep getting together. Make it so SO easy for them to get over each other. No matter how many 'last times' they have. It's never going to be enough.
Their motives can be different, sure that's great. Blitz started it in a very shallow way, and Stolas craves the relationship he's always wanted. I agree with you, that's an interesting start.
But the book bribery just makes anything in this whole deal lack a punch. Blitz CAN'T get out of this. He has an entire team, one of which is his daughter to support. He literally couldn't get out of this if he wanted to. He likely still thinks the gem is some sort of trick. Like it's a test.
Instead of what it should be. A deep, unavoidable NEED. Something so addicting that they can't stop. They keep falling together, Blitz clearly struggling with his burgeoning desire to stay. Stolas with his clear understanding that he's going to destroy his daughters life.
Because as it stands, it's painfully boring. We've seen plenty of royals hooking up with servants. And that's what Blitz is/was for the grand majority of this. He was that vision he had. A man on a chain, unable to get away from this rich bastard because he NEEDED his magic.
Give me substance. Give me two deeply flawed men finding comfort in their own ruination. Give Stolas more stake in the game. Make his life well and truly fall apart because he just can't stay away, even though it's as easy as breathing.
Because at the end of the day, Viv and Co can't decide what they want. Do they want us to believe that Blitz wants this too? Because I sincerely haven't seen evidence of it.
There is a difference between showing and telling.
You're SHOWING us that Blitz is desperate to keep what little he has afloat. You're SHOWING us a struggling father who's grasping at every little moment to keep his adopted daughter and two employees fed. You're SHOWING us a man so driven to carve out a niche for himself that he'll subject himself to being a prince's dick for hire.
You're TELLING us that he's growing feelings for Stolas. You're TELLING us he's just as wrong as Stolas is.
Blitz is wrong about MANY things, but this isn't one of them.
You're SHOWING us Stolas is constantly demeaning Blitz. You're SHOWING us he's just moping around his big fuck off castle, not putting in more than the bare minimum for his daughter. You're SHOWING us that he's a petulant toddler in a grown man's body. You're SHOWING us that Stolas has allowed Blitz and his daughter to live in abject poverty this whole time.
You TRIED to show us that he's actually got some level of feelings below all that, but you keep throwing the sincerity of that into question.
You're TELLING us that he's always held him in such high regard/value. You're TELLING us to feel bad when he's arguably worse of an asshole than Blitz.
Give us real character development. Not rushed one-liners that are often so hard to tell if they're genuine or not.
My big issue with the Helluverse in general, but ESPECIALLY Boss, is that the team is so obsessed with getting to the juicy bits that they DON'T PUT IN THE EFFORT TO GET THERE. This isn't a telenovela. This is a early 2000's drabble fic pretending to be a plot.
Your work lacks any true substance. It's EMBARRASSING. You're letting your fans do all the work for you and hardly putting forth any quality writing yourself.
You need to stop CONSTANTLY contradicting yourself.
They're both often in the wrong, that much is true. I won't ever argue that. But I am dreading how this episode is going to shit on Blitz when he was ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED FOR WHAT HE SAID TO STOLAS.
Okay, let's get into this crap.
Let me start by saying this. Viv and Co? If you're going to try and gaslight me, at least make it fun. Or less obvious.
Why is it bad when Blitz says he wants to earn his ticket to earth? He so SO clearly thinks this is just a test by Stolas. It's so plainly obvious that they never communicate, and why are we pretending Blitz has no right to be mad here? Sure Stolas got hurt, but how is that anything other than his own fault?
Blitz has NEVER pretended he was anything other than a booty call for Stolas. It really REALLY isn't his problem that he didn't recognize that.
"We don't do words. We do sex." There we have it folks.
You can't make me feel bad for Stolas over this. He made a deal with a man who NEEDED him to keep his company running. Why should Blitz have to grow feelings for a man that never wanted more than his body?
“Everyone just hates me for shitty reasons.” This is the line that makes Stolas look like a total dickwad. EVERYONE else (from what we know) has genuine, valid problems with Blitz. Stolas just misunderstood him and is mad that he couldn’t coerce this man into being in a relationship. Why should I feel bad that Blitz ripped into him?
You’re SHOWING me Stolas is throwing a tantrum. Then you’re TELLING me to be mad at Blitz? Fucking why? He’s RIGHT.
“I don’t look down on you!” FUCKING PROVE IT. You’ve made literally no effort outside of some throw away lines to show that he actually cares. Everything he’s after from Blitz is sex. He never gives any hints that he wants more until he explodes. He’s always baby talking him and treating him like a toy. You are SHOWING us something totally at odds with what you’re TELLING us.
Why is Stolas acting like Blitz didn’t send M’n’M to save him? Why is he acting like Blitz wasn’t literally in another ring of Hell during this? Blitz was literally doing all he could in that moment, because NEWS FLASH YOU IDIOT! He was being a good dad and taking care of his daughter! Take notes!
I’m getting very concerned that there’s no continuity editor. Because this was either an intentional misrepresentation of the truth on Stolas’ part, (which if that was the case, he’s even more of a prick.) or they just forgot their own show!
Stolas is crying about showing Blitz so much attention and time and care. WHERE? Is it between the sex and hired jobs? When are they spending quality time together? Sex. Is not. A relationship. Blitz was never putting up signals that he wanted anything more, he is not in the wrong here.
I know damn well Stolas isn’t out here asking Blitz if he feels remorse. DO YOU? I refuse to be gaslit into thinking that Stolas isn’t the problem here. Blitz is totally justified when he shouts that he doesn’t owe Stolas anything. He doesn’t. He never signed up to be in a relationship. He’s functionally just doing his job.
The mini-apology tour was actually quite fun. Especially the humans. Good job.
I’m also somewhat confused why the party was held on Earth. At first I thought it was because the others didn’t know Blitz had the crystal, so they did it in a place he couldn’t go. That would have been a pretty decent stroke of writing on their part. But then they said it was the one night any of them could go through? Why bother with Earth? It just seems kinda pointless? If I’m missing some narrative reason, feel free to let me know.
Honestly the one shining star of this episode is Verosika. She was BRILLIANT. I wasn’t anticipating how much I was going to enjoy her writing. She’s going out of her way to basically give these folks a night to let their hurt out once a year, at her own expense. She’s functionally holding a group therapy session. I really adored that nuance.
Unfortunately, it all just makes Stolas look so much worse. These people were wronged by Blitz. Deeply, truly wronged. (Though how he can cause this much damage in what, like thirty, thirty five years is a lil…weird. Unless she’s just inviting everyone he’s slept with.) Compared to them, Stolas looks like a petty ass.
I’m really not that mad at the song, but more so how she’s trying to make us feel about it. Everything Stolas is saying is more or less true. He’s the one that misinterpreted what they had. He’s the one trying to get this man who never showed any actual interest. He’s the problem. But every time you give us a moment of introspection, you then use it as fuel to try and force us to feel bad for Stolas. For once in this show’s life, can we actually let someone be mad at Stolas and not use it for a future pity party?
He is not the victim in all of this.
While Blitz is an undeniable asshole, he’s not the one that asked for this. He made a desperate deal to try and survive. Never once did he pretend to be anything outside of that. Do you seriously expect me to believe this song is what would make him go “oh no i hurt him im a meanie”?
This would GALVANIZE him. “Fuck this royal bird for pretending I’m such a bad person. Like he wasn’t playing with me like a toy.”
Why should we pretend that this apology/confession isn’t totally out of left field? The only one I wanted to say sorry to was you? He wouldn’t fucking say that! He had what, an afternoon of fake sorries and this is the one he actually wants to give? No!
It feels cheap and rushed. While the sequence is decently written (and very well acted, kudos Brandon) out of contex, it feels stupid when you look at the show as a whole. Especially when you follow it up with Stolas directly stating he just wants SOMEONE to be with. He doesn’t want Blitz. He just wants someone that isn’t obligated to be with him. So why does that have to be Blitz? Why are you forcing this relationship when you directly clarify that Stolas isn’t even after Blitz in particular?
I’m sorry but you all have ship-blinders on.
When you take them off and look at everything in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t work. And that’s okay! It’s honestly fine to let a relationship end! They can be a step on each other’s journeys and there’s nothing wrong with that. I truly don’t get why they’re pushing for this to be the end goal when there’s far more weight in letting them move on. Honestly it’d be refreshing to see them tackle it in such a way!
But that’s the problem I mentioned with Viv and Co’s writing before. They excel in drabbles. But when you try to make a show out of drabbles, it falls apart eventually. The narrative doesn’t flow. The characters are all over the place. It makes it all the more infuriating when you get moments like the balcony sequence.
Gods that started so strong. It was so SO well done.
Then you shoot it in the foot by once again trying to force this boring, broken ship down our throats. You know what Blitz needs?
He deserves Fizz. Or hell, he deserves to grow as a person and learn to love himself outside of the lens of others. He shouldn’t have to keep chasing a guy he didn’t like in the first because he thinks no one else will have him.
That’s pathetic and sad. Why should we be rooting for these two? Just because Stolas felt bad that he was using Blitz’s desperation as a tool to keep fucking him? I DON’T FEEL BAD WHEN HE CLEARLY WAS EXPECTING BLITZ TO ROLL OVER AND THANK HIM FOR COMMON DECENCY. You don’t do good deeds to expect anything. Despite them TELLING us he was willing to give Blitz the crystal, come what may, that’s not what they SHOWED us.
Stolas is a total creep and I won’t be gaslit into wanting them back together. Until they actually prove to us that he can value Blitz as a PERSON and not a toy? Hard pass.
Learn how to actually write a good toxic ship and get back to me. Because for how interesting these two can be, you had the unmitigated gall to make them BORING. Christ on a bike, let Blitz be interesting in his own fucking show challenge. You can’t just write the fun bits. You gotta work for it.
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Twin flames.
Daemon targaryen lost his heart to rhaenyra targaryen even so he tried to resist, tried to tell himself that this is a game, a little fun play, that he is in control and she may be his niece but not more.
She consumed his mind even before he really knew it, back in the first episode when he gifted her the necklace and was with mysaria but couldn't relax, couldn't get his mind off her, there was always a glimpse of her and he was frustrated, not yet ready to be honest with himself.
The dragon inside him recognized the dragon inside her and no I don't care at how pathetic this mind sound.
When he stole the egg and she came for him, walked up to him with no fear, keeping her head up and looking him straight in the eyes, he was lost. This was not about the egg, not about viserys. This was about her.
"I'm right here uncle."
When he came back from the step stones, wounded but victorious. He kneeled before viserys, gave him his crown. But the moment he saw rhaenyra again they both where in it again, following each other and desperately wanting each other's company without really knowing what was going on, why this feeling was so god damn strong.
"Only the comforts of home."
The dynamic changed once again, rhaenyra was older know, but still a teenager. There where things happening inside her but she although was lonley and she missed daemon, she missed him not just like you miss a family member, there was more to it but there still where no words for it.
And daemon took her out, telling himself he does this for his own pleasure but the moment he took her hand and watched her, there was a smile on his lips and he could not take his eyes of here. She was so full of fire, passion, fun wandering around and seeing the outside world for the first time. Fearless.
Ant then they where in the borthel and again something changed. The kiss. Grabbing each other, wanting each other. Feeling her skin, touching her lips. Desire. Realizing that he not only wants her body, her title, or causing chaos but that he wants her, wanting her to be his rhaenyra. His nyra.
The struggle of once again craving something that he can not have, not really, not in the way he really needs her. And the little voice telling him to bring space between them because otherwise he will lose his fucking mind.
Asking viserys for her hand and getting rejected. Seeing her again and the wedding party, a wedding but not with him. Her challenging him, being provocative, angry, hurt. And him letting her go, once again leaving without her.
Oh the pain. The depression. The yearning. Laena did her best but she did not even come close, he never felt truly alive with her, no matter how hard she may have tried. She was not rhaenyra. He respected her, he even loved her in a way but his mind was always bringing up rhaenyra, no matter how hard he tried to drown those thoughts in a cup of wine or escaping into books.
Even the books where whispering at him, the story's of old valyria. "I would wed her in the tradition of our house."
Laenas death was traumatic. Having to watch her burn, losing a child in the flames but it brought him back, back to rhaenyra.
And it was all still there. All the feelings. Even stronger because now she was no longer a child. She still wanted him, only him and he still wanted her, only her.
Twin flames.
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