#and how it keeps zooming in on his eyes as he becomes blind
ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
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jinkougyou + eyes
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lemondoddle · 2 months
what happens when you type into the computer (BOOK OF BILL SPOILERS)
HELLO THE WEBSITE HAS UPDATED and different things happen when you type things into the computer on the screen. if a character/word isnt relevant the computer gives a red X. so far i've found:
stanley: takes you to an ebay search for brass knuckles, entering his name repeatedly will take you to various grunkle-related eBay searches until you get to bill's wheel of shame with much more to click
mabel: adds stickers to the set. you can keep hitting enter until the the room has been "fully mabelized"
ford/sixer: a case file on ford's extra digits
soos: a long set of notes about how soos is doing running the mystery shack
dipper: a note presumably from bill to dipper "informing" him that he can decode messages by staring into the sun. if you enter his name multiple times bill urges you to keep looking with words of encouragement as each note becomes progressively blurry and splotched with black until the entire notecard turns black
bill: this youtube video (and no it's not a rickroll)
gideon: an audio recording plays of gideon humming/scatting to the tune of "we'll meet again", ending with a whispered message of "i love you, mabel"
wendy: a note pranking you with the the 👌 emoji
mcgucket/fiddleford: the cotton eye joe music video
pacifica: a warning note about the book of bill mabel made her write
robbie: chat messages between him and thompson as they prepare to summon bill (as mentioned in tbob) with an image of their encounter
tad strange: the computer plays clips of bread being sliced set to jazzy instrumentals. this enables the glowing red button on the computer to turn green to switch the bread videos on and off at will
blendin: a message appears on the screen reading "time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
weirdmagedon: a newspaper page from the gravity fall's gossiper utilising the "nevermind-all-that-" act and stating "nothing happened" that day
axolotl: text onscreen appears: "you ask alotl questions"
T.J. eckleburg: text onscreen appears: "never mention that name again"
cipher: links to a wikipedia page about triangles
blanchin: pulls up a youtube tutorial on how to blanche vegetables
triangle: one half of a parenthesis appears on the computer ")", will also pop up with "tri harder"
dippy fresh: links to this image
mystery shack: links to a google search for confusion hill
gravity falls: text appears onscreen reading "never heard of it"
portal: text appears onscreen reading "portal.exe has been deleted. i bet you could build one"
theraprism: a notice sign appears- "in case of (coded words) do not use elevators" with a graphic of a person and a cthulu like monster on stairs
blind eye: an eye chart utilising the same string of letters- "WKHBOOVHH" that gets smaller each line, paired with blocks of color- the cursor turns into a "zoom in" tool that actually just makes the page blurrier with each click
creepypasta/horror: an entry on the urban legend "the always garden"- a liminal space/backrooms style restaurant anomaly
alex hirsch: links to a google search for flannels
toby determined: links to a google search for restraining order
dorito/chip: a dorito slowly enlarges on the computer screen and then becomes a jumpscare of a toothy bill, who periodically screams for a bit before the video finishes
love/boyfriend/romance: pulls up the parody romance novel, clicking starts an audio recording of the book
death: text appears onscreen: "life's goth cousin"
book of bill: text appears onscreen: "hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
life: text appears onscreen: "life: 72% complete. now loading: death"
baby/lalala: an ultrasound of a baby bill in a womb and a message congratulating you
pines: text appears onscreen: "a good family tree"
weird: a video of weird al yankovich appears on the screen, he's confused and shouts for bill to get him out of there
waddles: links to a pig adoption website
mickey/disney: text appears onscreen: "rat.gif censored for your protection"
ducktective: text appears onscreen reading "ducktective stars in 'love, quacktually', coming to 'oi, it's the cockney channel innit?' this fall"
mason: a note from dipper about ford teaching him anagrams, plus a coded message with that technique
tyrone/clone: a picture of the janky dipper clone with a message that he's yours now
matpat/game theory: a video of matpat and a conspiracy board, he turns to say "hello internet, you're on... you're own... good luck" as he holds the book of bill
skeleton: text appears onscreen: "the one with the sword! he found you!"
scary: pulls up a parody goosebumps book "spookemups", clicking on it starts an audio recording of neil cicierega reading a section
divorce: pulls up a logo for "o'sadley's'"
music: enables you to click the dial, clicking the dial plays loud static
math: bill recounting an encounter he had with plato
conspiracy: a video of charlie day in a tin foil hat rambling about the website's previous state, holding the book of bill
okay that's enough from me, there's SO MUCH MORE that I just can't keep up with!! Happy searching!
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maternity-morningstar · 2 months
Lucifer, he's going to exploit you and your unborn babies!!!! Please PLEASE be careful!!!
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CW: mature content ahead!!!
**Lucifer is standing in the middle of the set, the bright lights blinding him momentarily. His bare chest is exposed, his growing belly prominently on display. The crew buzzes around him, adjusting cameras and lights, preparing for the shoot. Valentino watches with a smug smile from the director's chair.**
Lucifer: *taking a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves* This is for Angel. This is for his freedom.
**The camera crew gives the signal, and the shoot begins.**
Camera Operator: *behind the camera* Alright, Lucifer, just relax. We’re going to start with some close-ups.
**Lucifer feels a wave of insecurity wash over him. He’s always prided himself on his strength and control, but now, standing there with his pregnant belly exposed, he feels vulnerable and exposed in a way he never has before.**
Lucifer: *thinking* What am I doing? I look ridiculous. They must all be laughing at me behind those cameras.
**The crew’s whispers and the click of the cameras seem louder in his ears. His mind races with doubts.**
Lucifer: *thinking* I’ve never been this exposed. What if they see me as weak? What if this doesn’t even work and I’ve humiliated myself for nothing?
**He glances over at Angel Dust, who’s watching with a mix of concern and guilt. Seeing Angel’s worried expression gives Lucifer a momentary boost of confidence.**
Lucifer: *thinking* This is for him. I have to remember that. I’m doing this to free him.
**Valentino steps closer, smirking as he surveys Lucifer.**
Valentino: *voice dripping with mockery* Look at you, Morningstar. The mighty king of Hell, reduced to this. How the mighty have fallen.
**Lucifer grits his teeth, trying to ignore Valentino’s taunts, but his insecurities gnaw at him.**
Lucifer: *thinking* He’s right. What have I become? I used to command armies, and now I’m standing here, pregnant and vulnerable, for a deal with a sleazebag.
**The cameras zoom in on his belly, capturing every curve and stretch mark. Lucifer feels a pang of shame.**
Lucifer: *thinking* They’re seeing everything. Every flaw, every sign of my pregnancy. I feel so exposed.
**Angel notices the discomfort in Lucifer’s eyes and takes a step forward, his protective instincts kicking in.**
Angel: *calling out* Hey, Luci, you okay?
Lucifer: *forcing a small smile* I’m fine, Angel. Just... a bit overwhelmed.
Valentino: Ignore him. Focus on the camera, Morningstar.
**Lucifer takes a deep breath, trying to center himself, but the insecurities keep creeping in.**
Lucifer: *thinking* I can do this. I have to do this. For Angel. But what if they all see me as weak now? What if this changes everything?
**He stands tall, forcing himself to remain composed, but inside, he feels a storm of emotions. The shoot continues, each click of the camera feeling like a blow to his confidence.**
**Lucifer mentally blacked out during the rest of the “shoot”**
**Hours pass, and finally, the shoot wraps up. The crew begins to pack up, and Valentino approaches Lucifer with a satisfied grin.**
Valentino: *smirking* Well done, Morningstar. I’ll have the contract ready for Angel’s release soon.
Lucifer: *exhausted, nodding* Thank you.
**As the crew leaves, Angel Dust rushes to Lucifer’s side, concern etched on his face.**
Angel: Luci, are you okay?
Lucifer: *giving a weary smile* It’s done, Angel. You’ll be free soon. That’s all that matters.
**Angel Dust wraps his arms around Lucifer, holding him close.**
Angel: Thank you, Luci. I’m sorry you had to go through this for me.
Lucifer: *leaning into the embrace* It’s worth it. You’re worth it.
Angel: *whispering and picking up Lucifer* Let’s get you home. You need rest.
Lucifer: *nodding* Yeah, let’s go.
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honeysucklewriting · 2 years
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Restoring greatness to Rome.Simon Riley x afab! Reader!
AN: The new campaign got my juices flowing and I’ve literally had no thoughts other than this man I hope you all enjoy, Honey.
“Ghost get out of there you have five heavily armed tangos closing in on your position” you heard price over the comms taking a
“Sir I have a clean shot” you said scoped in on your husband and the man who had him pinned against the wall
“Don’t” Ghost barked down the line, which stunned you as you sucked in a breath turning to another enemy and two simultaneous shots rang out.
“Good kill Brutus” you heard price say a smile evident in his voice “same to you captain” you smiled looking for the last enemy and saw him rounding the corner as you zoomed in and lined up the crosshairs with his head “bullseye” you whispered squeezing the trigger and by the time his body hit the ground you realised Simon was nowhere to be seen
“Anyone have eyes on him” you called desperate to find your husband through the scope
“Negative” you heard Gaz, price, and soap call out
“Motherfucker, tell a man one thing and they throw caution to the fucking wind” you griped putting the sniper to your side, you stood up wiping the dirt off you making sure your pistol was loaded and ready to go.
“Lieutenant, where are you going?” You heard soap ask as you looked to his spot on the ridge
“To get my fucking husband back” you stated making your way down to where Simon was.
“I like her captain, can we keep her?” You heard Kyle giggle down the line
“Sir shouldn’t someone go with her?” Soap asked a little panicked. The last words from Simon he heard were “if anything happens to me, keep her safe.” and he wasn’t too keen on doing that to Simon.
“That’s a negative sergeant, she’s a big girl” price called knowing damn well the woman they watched crouched at the doors could handle herself
“Welcome to Credenhill Lieutenant” Price called over the roar of the helicopter extending his hand
“Pleasures all mine captain” she said her heavy boots hitting the tarmac slinging her rather large duffel bag over her shoulder as she shook the older man’s hand.
“Shepards told me a lot about you, sniper expert, amazing hand to hand combat skills, numerous successful covert missions,” he continued, naming off what he read from her file.
“We’ll just have to see how good in hand to hand you actually are, see how you fair against Ghost and see how well the military over there is training their soldiers” Price laughed as he led the small woman through the base, she was ready to show just how skilled she was It felt like an hour before they arrived at the barracks, Price showing her where everything was on the way.
“Well lieutenant if you have any questions just ask around most of these men are scared to even look at a woman” Price said before turning around and seeing soap looking at him with a bewildered look to which Price only responded “ she won't last a week here” little did he know she was about to become part of his small family.
“Ghost if you can hear me,if we make it out of this alive I’m going to kill you my damn self” Y/N whispered, your southern accent flaring at each word, which sent a shiver down his spine, he loved it when you got mad,as he heard her through the comms.
“Sorry LT couldn’t stop her” he also heard Soap say
“No last time I checked no one attempted to stop me,” you seethed “it was supposed to be a quick intel run easy in easy out” you said scanning the area Inside for Simon as you snuck around you finally saw him and the man that earlier had him pinned, you had to be quick and strategic, as you quickly looked for some form of distraction because if you threw the smoke in he’d be blinded but he would call for backup,only finding a rock to which you threw behind him which caught his attention and it gave Simon enough advantage to slip out of the man's grip taking him down with ease. You heard heavy footsteps near you forgetting you and price only killed two out of five, looking around to see from which direction he was coming from taking your knife from the front of the vest you wore honing in on the obnoxiously loud footsteps coming in closely from your left side, as you pinched the tip of the blade ready to launch it
“If you’re going to throw that knife I suggest you do it now and do it quick” You heard Simon whisper down the line as you raised it above eye level and threw it directly into the man’s jugular.
“And this is why we don’t play darts anymore” you heard simon from behind you as you went to retrieve the knife Wiping the blood on your leg putting it back in the pocket walking over to Simon
“Swear to god you pull this shit again I will be killing you myself” you said grabbing Simons dog tags playing with his wedding band that hung right there with them as he enveloped you in a hug which seemed to be normal for you two
“There’s my girl,”he said, staring down at you.
“I could have lost you and I don’t know what I would’ve done had I lost you while I was here to protect you” you said choosing to play with his wedding band not daring to look up knowing you’d lose it.
“Eh it’s gonna take a lot more than that, but you did save my ass” he chuckled grasping your chin as you pulled his mask up just above his lips
“Shut up and just kiss me” you said as he connected your lips
“Um guys?” You heard soap call over the comms
“You lot still alive in there?” Gaz giggled
“Sergeant” both you and ghost growled parting lips
“Yup right sorry” he said
“I guess we should get going” Simon said as you composed yourself getting ready to leave
“Yeah I guess we should get back to the others before they think we’re fucking in here” you giggled walking ahead of him
I Fucking love my wife Simon thought and he stared at your ass.
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sorrel-haven · 20 days
Well that was a stupid thing to say...
Sooooo Ghost sometimes. Is Dumb! but that's okay we love her anyways. Collab drabble with @ro-valerius under the cut! Fiora, Naria, Hana and Tio belong to her.
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Ghost walked through the Goblet, an umbrella in hand and a basket on her arm. The parasol protected her from the sun today instead of the rain. Venturing outside during the day, while still unusual for her, had become a bit more regular for her. Even so, she was more cautious leaving the guild halls since the events following meeting Naria. Ghost was fairly easy to pick out of a crowd. Especially being a white haired miqo’te in Ul’dah. She didn’t know if she was being targeted for her involvement. Better to err on the side of caution.
She felt safer as she got closer to the Flower house, knowing Etgar was watching the area. As she reached the yard entrance, she put her umbrella away, resting it on the lid of the basket. She adjusted her hair and clothes before giving a polite knock.
There was a soft thunk on the other side of the door shortly before a small figure opened the door. Fiora blinked, blind eyes flickering up and down the shape of the aether in front of the door. She looked sheepishly back at the remnants of aether from the book she had dropped on the floor in irritation, nudging it aside with her foot as she opened the door a bit wider for the Curse woman. 
“Apologies about the mess,” she said, though there was no hint of remorse in her tone, or any hint of anything at all, really. 
“All good, I’m quite used to research making a bit of a mess on the floor.” Ghost smiled and channeled a small amount of Aether to draw a smiley face in the air with her finger - A habit she started when she learned how Fiora saw the world. Fiora blinked blankly at the smiley face, but nodded at the sentiment. 
“Do come in, would be rude to keep you outside in this…sun?” she said with a tilt of her head as she held out her arm past the frame. Feeling the light on her skin, she nodded. “Sun. Yes.” 
“Oh thank you. I was just in the neighborhood and well, I had a few books that I thought might interest you,” she said as she walked in and set the basket down on the coffee table by the couch. “I’ve been sorting through the personal journals of the cult, and I found a few that stood out.”
She took out five books from her basket, stacking them neatly on the table. She took a 6th book out and handed it directly to Fiora. Even the cover of this one was infused with aether. Its runic bindings glowed an angry red.
“This one… its owner fiercely guarded its secrets. It’s got an arcane lock that seems to curse you even if you have the key. Which thankfully was recovered from the cult’s compound. However; I’m not entirely sure what the curse does just yet.”
“I’m already heavily cursed, no matter,” Fiora said, opening the book by force. Whatever curse she received, she’d have to find out later. Without another word, she wandered away, flipping through the pages. If there was even a sliver of a chance that this book contained the key to curing her brother… 
She noted a swirling of red leaking from the book and frowned. That can’t be good for the house. Ghost jumped back from Fiora and the book. With a growl, Fiora slammed it shut. “Daen Lad, bubble this for a bit… I’ll figure it out later…”
“I um… Do have the key…” Ghost said, taking it out of her pocket. “That might help later.” 
She handed Fiora the key as she watched the pixie flutter in from the other room and deal with the book before zooming off. Fiora reached out to take the key, fumbling slightly before giving up and holding out her hand for Ghost to drop the key into. 
“You said it would curse even with the key, and I am not a patient woman. My brother… I have to find a cure before he goes and gets himself killed. It was so bright when they came home… Blomma mentioned that, even when it faded, there was still a mark faintly burned into his chest. He cannot keep going like this. I have to cure him, and now,” Fiora huffed. 
“But I can see that the reckless opening endangered more than just me. I will be more careful from here on. Daen Lad’s bubble should contain it for the time being, and I can deal with the book in a more…secluded area.” 
“I… Have been thinking about the curse affecting Tofu actually. While it’s not an elegant solution and by no means permanent - I had the idea of building… A containment cage around it of sorts.”
She looked at her stack of books and slipped the third one from the pile. She thumbed through and when she found what she was looking for she turned the book towards Fiora for her to read.
“This mage was developing a magic containment circle. And if we adapt it, it might serve to buy some more time for finding a true cure.”
Fiora’s eyes skimmed over the pages, her brow furrowing. “...can we? With as tangled up in his own aether as it is…?” she murmured. 
“Like I said, it will be inelegant, crude even. There would probably be mild pain from the strain on the cage but it won’t attack the rest of him… It would have to be carved… or branded into his corporeal aether as well.”
She turned the page; there was a blood element needed for the mage’s design. Tofu’s own blood would serve as its battery.
Fiora turned furious eyes towards Ghost. “No. If it requires hurting him more, no. I refuse, I’ll figure this out without doing more harm,” she said firmly. 
“F-Fiora…?” a small voice called from the stairs. Hana held both hands on the wall with a concerned expression; Fiora’s arm…the tendrils were reflecting her rage. “Fiora, you can do it. I know you can. Please, calm down…” Fiora closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The darkness in her arm stilled.
“Of course I can. I have to,” she said with steel in her eyes.
Ghost watched as the runes that her eyes saw calmed down from its flare. She closed the book and held it to her chest as she gathered her thoughts.
“It’s not ideal, no. But once we do figure out how to permanently disable the curse on him, the marks left by the cage could be wiped away. Magically.” She was sure that it could work. That they could contain the damage from the sigil for a time. But it was not up to her, this she knew.
“I do not care if the marks can be healed later, I will find a way to cure him without doing more damage,” Fiora said through gritted teeth. “And if that means that I have to follow him everywhere to protect him from magic in the meantime, I’ll do that, too. I’ll do it all, anything, for him.” Her hands clenched into fists at her side.
“It’s my fault he’s like this, anyway…” she whispered.
“Your curse… The one that makes you… Unbreakable as you’ve described. It won’t save your mind if you work yourself into madness… You should give him the choice.” She set the book down on the table. “If he chooses to have it done, then you have one less thing to worry about as you figure out how to cure him.”
“My mind is already gone! They took it from me long ago… there’s nothing left…” Fiora’s nails dug into her palm, but couldn’t draw blood. “I will not hurt him.”
“If your mind was truly gone, you wouldn’t care so much.” The darkness in Fiora’s arm swelled, but not out of anger. It was plain that Fiora was distressed.
“U-um, Ms Curse Lady…? I think… I think I need to talk to Fiora. If she…the…darkness. I need to talk to her, calm her down,” Hana said softly, stepping over to Fiora with light taps of her feet. She took Fiora’s face in both hands and pulled her face towards her til their foreheads met. 
“Fi, I’m right here… it’s alright, I’m right here, and you’ll figure this out. You’re right here. It’s alright, it’s alright…” she murmured gently. “If anyone can figure this out, it’s you. Ms Curse Lady is trying to help. Just breathe, and talk about it later, alright? There’s time.”
“This sigil… It’s a timebomb. There will be something that he can’t bounce back from.”
“You are not helping!” Fiora had never heard Hana raise her voice so angrily. 
“Unfortunately, this is the reality. This is what cursebreaking is, finding ways to mitigate before a curse can be its nastiest.” She looked to the pile of books. “I’ll leave these here. Maybe you’ll find better inspiration in them.”
“I’ll find a way to break his curse, and I’ll do it without hurting him more. With or without you,” Fiora said stubbornly, resting her hand on Hana’s head gently. 
“I never said I’ll stop helping. But I clearly upset you.”
“If your help involves hurting him, keep it to yourself.”
Ghost sighed. “It was an idea, one that I recommend considering, sure, but… There will be other ideas.”
“Of course there will be. And there will be ideas that do not cause him further harm. Those will be the ideas I will take into consideration,” Fiora snapped. 
“We can always put him in a bubble.” Ghost shrugged.
“I do not know who we are putting in a bubble but what is with all of the shouting…?” a very tired looking Tio said from the stairs. He noted the way Fiora and Hana were both glaring at Ghost. “Whhyyyy are the blind kids angry at you, woman, what did you do?”
“I suggested a… temporary solution involving a little blood magic… Um. sorry I don’t believe we’ve met.” Ghost tilted her head.
“Tio- What do you mean ‘blood magic’?” he responded, briefly giving his name, but furrowing his brow at the strange words the woman was saying.
“She suggested harming Tofu in order to contain his curse. I refuse. I can find a way to break his curse without hurting him further.” Fiora was still fuming, and even Hana’s gentle hands on her arms were starting to fail.
“I-” Ghost stopped herself and sighed through her nose. “I won’t argue on this anymore. You are adamant, I’ll think of something else.” Tio stepped towards Ghost, gently guiding her towards the door, glancing at Fiora with concern. 
“Yes yes I’m sure you’ll think of something better I think you should be not inside of this house right this moment DAEN LAD, RO!” His words tumbled out of him quickly as he opened the door.
“Fiora, calm down…” Hana murmured, cutting through the rushed words as Tio guided Ghost out the door. Ghost offered no resistance.
Right then, don’t piss off Fiora, Ghost made a mental note.
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Could you write a prompt about Brandon being bullied for his royal status (and assuming he's not good enough for a princess) by some other students and Stella defending him before he has a chance to?
Don’t mess with my Brandon
Set during S2 – after the press revealed brella engagement – after EM2 chapter 5
“Have you heard the news?”
“What news?”
“Come on, man! Don’t you read?” The first Specialist took out his phone and turned the screen towards his friend. The cover of Magix Entertainment showed a paparazzi picture of an extremely attractive blonde girl and a tall brown-haired guy, walking hand in hand. Then, in the top corner of the page, a circle enclosed the zoomed detail of a ring – the Ring of Solaria – which had an interesting placement.
“She’s engaged? To that?!” He didn’t even pretend he cared to keep his voice down, and pointed straight at Brandon, who was working on his wind rider. He had rolled up his sleeves almost to his shoulders, and was kneeling on the ground, some tools in his hands, torn jeans, messy hair. Riven was helping him with the repairs and they had been having fun chatting and working until they noticed someone was talking about them. About Brandon, specifically.
“Yep.” The other one laughed out loud. “Can you imagine? Probably he’s gotten her pregnant or some shit.” Riven pushed himself up, ready to beat the shit out of those two idiots.
“Sure. And now she’s stuck with him. She wouldn’t have had the same problem with me. I know when to pull out.” Brandon stood up too and grabbed his friend’s forearm. It wasn’t his fight.
“And your brat wouldn’t be a fucking commoner.” They weren’t paying attention to the pauper, as the article The Princess and the Pauper (a lame title if there ever was one) had dubbed him.
“Hell no! If they ever allow him into the Royal family, he’s going to disgrace them all.” Riven looked like he was ready to throw a wrench at them.
“Hasn’t he already?”
“Ehm – ehm.” Someone, a girl, cleared her throat, and the Specialists turned around to meet …
“Princess Stella! How are you doing?”
“Good, up until you ruined a perfect sunny day.” They hadn’t noticed, but the sky had become dark with clouds, the same clouds that had darkened the Princess’ amber eyes. “Don’t ever speak to Brandon like that ever again, or I’ll make sure you two are never allowed into any royal family in the Magic Dimension.”
“We were just fooling around …”
“Besides, no one cares about the plebs.”
“No one asked for your opinions.” She replied, and soon her face lit up with a smile! “Shnookums!”
“Hey, babe.” Brandon had reached them, oil stains and all, and Stella had almost flown into his arms, greeting him with a kiss on the lips. The faces of the two Specialists showed obvious disgust – Riven’s too, but they were used to him – and the Princess, while still kissing her love, snapped her fingers.
A flash of light and the two Specialists found themselves on the ground, hands over their eyes.
“What the fuck?!?!”
“I can’t see!!!”
“What? You thought I’d pretend I haven’t heard you talk shit about my Brandon? Learn some manners.” She took her fiancé’s hand and walked away.
“Stella …”
“What? I haven’t actually blinded them! A couple of minutes of agony and they’ll be fine …” She smiled an angelic smile. “I guess.”
Brandon couldn’t help but laugh, before he took her in his arms and kissed her again. “My Princess in her shining clothes!”
Stella giggled, and Riven, once again kneeling by his friend’s bike, snorted. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Would you cut it?”
“Rude, much?” The Princess rolled her eyes.
“You look like you need a change of clothes.” Riven commented.
“Oh, I know, but Brandon is going to take them off in a minute or so.”
While Riven screamed in exasperation, Brandon stood there, grinning like an idiot in love.
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober -  Day 11: “Deserted Isolation.”
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Day 11:
-Toby Rogers X GN!Reader “Think! For once!” X "Caught in the Rain"
-I do not own "Toby Erin Rogers" and do not take credit for him.
Notes: Hello, I apologize if this chapter has any grammatical errors my schedule is currently packed with a lot of stressful things. Nonetheless I hope you manage to enjoy the chapter the same! :D
Massive Trigger Warnings: Angst, Toxic relationship, Miscommunication, Description of Death.
You couldn’t take it anymore. And you wouldn’t. You couldn’t stand any of it anymore. You didn’t want to hear his voice anymore. You didn’t want to be locked away in isolation again. You didn’t do anything wrong. He was just struggling again. And he wanted you to help him, which you did, but it always ended with you saying the wrong thing. And when you did that, he usually didn’t speak with you for days at a time. He was always isolating you and making you feel like you needed him. which you didn’t. You never did in the first place. You thought you did way back then, but you could hold your own now. And today you decided it’d be it. You were going to break things off with him until he could sort himself out.
And you knew he wouldn’t take things well considering his state of mind and how he thought. But, you didn’t expect it to go that badly. At first, he was shocked and pleaded with you not to do it. But, you couldn't find it in yourself to change your mind, so, instead, you put your foot down, which quickly led you to where you are now, which was running. Running far into the deep forest, with Toby not far behind. He allowed you to outrun him just because he wanted to watch you run for the hills. He was going to kill you, but you weren’t ready to die. You could feel the mud on your feet and you could smell the harsh pine enticing you. The past of you two intruded on your mind as you relentlessly thought of anything but right now. You could remember him asking you out while you were at work. He seemed harmless and you were into him with his fluffy, innocent-looking hair and his soft features. But, only if you knew. You felt rain pour on you as you just went for it. You could hear his rushing increase as you tried to do the same. You knew you couldn’t outrun him. There was no possible way you could, but you couldn't stop running.
You could hear his emotions change rapidly from behind, only to be blinded by rage again as he gripped his axe tightly. You felt it raining rapidly on you as you tried to keep moving as fast as you could. You could feel your legs growing sore and every breath you took felt like a knife impaling your lower abdomen. You knew your adrenaline rush was running out and soon you'd pass out completely. You could see the clearing of the trees and it only motivated you to keep moving. You were close to hitchhiking your way out of this one. You could hear thunder booming in the distance. However, you weren’t affected by it. You only wanted to get out of the hell that you were currently stuck in. You could feel your feet getting torn by the tiny rocks and pebbles. But, the pain burning in your feet could never compare to the look in Toby’s eyes. He looked so betrayed, and that hurt more than the fact that he was chasing you down. You knew, somewhere deep in your heart, you were fighting for both of you. You knew if he chopped you up, he would never forgive himself. He would become even more of a shell than he already was.
You could see the occasional light zooming by in the distance. You could see the concrete in the clearing. You could hear him speed up, if that was even possible, trying his very best to cover the ground he let you have. You could hear him crying violently behind you, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to stop running. You pushed through the final thick brush as you made it to the road. You backed up, ready to run down the road if needed. You didn’t see a car on the horizon and felt yourself losing hope. You had nothing to save you as he quickly made it to you. The concrete reflected the sky as the rain only came down harder. "Why?" His voice was strained as his eyes darted at you. His eyes were glassy as he sniffled intensely as he asked you. He was coming down from his high of chasing you. He was returning to his senses. That could be a really good thing or a horrendous thing. "You kept me locked up," you told him the truth, and the truth hurt but, you deserved to tell him.
 "I was only trying to protect you from them." he cried, his voice shaky. His weight was pulled down by the axe he carried as he stood in an uncanny stance. "From what?" he had always been delusional and that’s what led him to hide you from the world. But, all of this didn’t mean you hated him. It never meant you never loved him. You did love him at one point, and you still do. It's just the way he handles everything and the way you're constantly walking on eggshells around him. "From- ‘ ‘From the other proxies and him," he told you again. He never brought whatever proxies were up. He did it once and never did it again. You always knew Toby was unhinged. You know his problems. You just had a feeling he'd killed people whether he wanted you to or not. You looked him up. You couldn’t handle the guilt or the feeling in your stomach when you looked outside. Or when he’d go on hour-long rampages crying about his boss. You knew he was dangerous. You knew the breakup wouldn’t be clean, but you did it anyway. You did it all, regardless of what you heard and what you’ve done.
"Toby, please, listen to yourself," you muttered to him, hoping to reach him in his more temporary calm state. "You don’t get to call me crazy-’ ‘You don’t get it but, you will." his eyebrows furrowed, and he was on the verge of going against you again. "Think! For once!" you shouted at him as your entire body weakened in doing so. You wanted him to hear you, and he did, flinching at your raised tone. You wish he had explained it to you. You wished he didn’t have so many thoughts that he retained to himself. "If you want proof, you’ll get it." he looked at you through his messy hair. Most of his dark brown hair and clothes were soaking in the rain. And so were you. You looked at his brown eyes, which were partially covered by his orange goggles. They glistened with emotion. He felt so betrayed. Out of everyone he’s ever meant, you were the only one to fill the void in his heart. You were the only one to take care of him. You were there more than Tim, more than Brian, and even more than Kate. 
He just couldn’t understand why you had to go. Why wouldn’t you just accept that this was your life now? Why you couldn’t just stay with him? He hated that you always made things so difficult for him, and he hated that he loved you for it. He hated that he was going to lose you to his problems. He didn’t want to let you go. He couldn’t bear the idea of it. He couldn’t grasp the concept of you leaving him. He suddenly regretted the isolation and the snapping he did at you. He couldn’t control his urges, especially at the time he chased you with his axe. He fully intended on butchering you. The thought now made him sick to his stomach. He wasn’t thinking straight, and that's what led you to act like this. To lash out at him and run from him. To hurt him as a whole. It took him so long to see it your way, but, at the end of the day, he never could. And you doubted he ever would. He only regretted his actions when they finally affected him and, ultimately, you. He tried to see it humanly and worked a little to sympathize with you. But, he wasn’t like that, and you both knew that. Though it didn’t mean he was going to stop trying his damnedest to keep you around just for slightly longer. Whether it was straight-up lashing out at you or guilt-tripping you to get what he wanted. 
You could feel the rain roll off your cheek, mixing with the apparent tears lacing your face. You were running out of time. You knew he wouldn’t play nice for much longer and you knew that he probably never wanted this. He never hurt you physically he would never do that. And when he hurt you mentally, you had to tell him it hurt because he could never properly read the room. You were too caught up in staring him down like a predator, trying your hardest to find some way to intimidate him from snapping to hear the buzzing. To feel the humming throughout your skin. "You don’t have to do this." you looked at him as the rain only further drenched him. "You can’t just leave, he’ll never allow it." he referred to someone you knew nothing about and frankly didn’t care about. Right now, it's just you two. You felt your world shatter as Toby reached for his axe once again, looking at you with a merciful gaze. "I don’t have a choice." His hands roughly fidgetted with the sharp tool as you felt your body turn on its heel.
He started repeating what he said previously. He increased the speed of what he said as he started to move toward you. You instantly started running down the highway, feeling your feet burn at the touch. With every pounding step, Toby was walking toward you, slowly quickening his pace as he was deep in thought. You wondered if, in a different life, you and Toby would've completely worked out. If the two of you could fully rely on each other without feeling one-sided. You truly did love him, so why did things have to go so wrong? Why did he have to be the way he was and why couldn’t you fit him? It wasn’t fair, but nothing was. You were far sicker now that you’d been with a killer, but it didn’t stop your heart from dropping every time you saw a missing poster of yourself. People were worried about you and you desperately needed to return, but you wished you could've taken Toby.
You could hear his axe involuntarily sharpen against the concrete, almost as if he didn’t want to hurt you. As if he didn’t have the strength to pick it up and wield it against you. He didn’t feel like he had the energy to do so. But, it also looked like he was distracted like he was hearing something you weren’t. He wasn’t there, and you took full advantage by soon going into a full sprint. You could still hear the dragging of the metal, but not nearly as loud as it once was. You peered behind you to see him walking toward you, his gaze fixed on the ground as you came to a stop in the road again. He didn’t look right. He looked sick, both physically and mentally. His pale skeleton-like frame eerily made its way toward you slowly as he looked up in response to your sudden stop. For a second, you could see a star of fear blare in his eyes. They didn’t look so clouded with rage anymore. Instead, they were filled with regret and real fear like he hadn’t felt before. That’s when light surrounds you from behind. Time seemed to come to a stop for you, but only for a moment. You could feel everything flash at once, from Toby to your entire past.  You could feel the wind suddenly pick up as you turned to be met with two large headlights coming right for you, but, for some reason, the last thing you thought of wasn’t your family, friends, or even Toby for that matter. It was the loud buzzing burying its way underneath your skin and the static blurring your vision.
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notashortblog · 6 months
Save Me
It’s impossibly dark, but it always starts out that way. Lights streak across the darkness, mesmerizing, each one its own universe. She learns quickly, and starts to illuminate as she moves through the darkness. She doesn’t know her path yet, so she follows the closest lights. Suddenly, and without warning, one flickers out. She briefly looks back and sees a small girl, curled up back in the darkness. She notices how none of the other lights go back for her. She slows and her light dims. To her relief, the girl gets back up, takes off, brighter than before, faster, but in a different direction–her own path. 
She looks back ahead, the lights she was with are retreating. Did she hesitate too long? They start veering off of this path as well. She can’t tell which to follow. She looks back, remembering the other girl. Maybe she’ll also find it in herself to take off the way she did. She stumbles, and her light is immediately extinguished. In the darkness, she searches with eyes full of panic. She sees a boy, curled up, looking lost. He’s on a path, so she heads over to him. She pulls him to his feet, and together they take off, but he’s extremely hesitant. He looks at her, confused, but allows her to drag him forward. 
She’s excited as their lights reignite. She thinks this must be the way. He begins to shine brighter, even though he’s lagging behind and it’s her own force pulling him ahead. She quickly finds herself exhausted. She’s focused on the path ahead, no longer looking back to encourage him. She trips, her light goes out, and he doesn’t look back as he takes off. Why would he? He was the one who tripped her. She feels guilt and shame, seeing the speed he can truly travel at–how eager he is now, and maybe he was lagging because she was interfering.
She sees another, and the optimism wells inside her once again. Maybe this time. Maybe if she helps again, she’ll figure it out. The same thing happens. She loses focus. Eventually, all she does is drag every single being she stumbles across on their path until they take off, leaving her. They always leave her. She enjoys seeing them all the same. It makes her happy, even if it does fill her with pain, to know she helped them get back at it as she becomes increasingly lost. 
She learns to let them go before they decide to make her. Sometimes, in the space between reviving those lost lights, she continues the search for her own path. Each time, the desperation increases. She panics. She starts to need to help the others, because if she isn’t doing that, she’s spiraling in the darkness with nowhere to go, no reason to be. The more she helps, the more exhausted she becomes, and the bitterness increases. She stops looking for her path. She stops helping. 
She curls up on the ground, in the darkness, barely noticing the lights, like stars, zooming across her vision. She remembers all the ones curled up, like she is now, that she helped. She can tell no one is coming to help her. A chill creeps up through her chest, across her collarbones. Her eyes lose the light. Her will to move is gone. 
Suddenly, she’s blinded. An arm wrapped around her waist holds her close. The speed is unlike anything she’d witnessed before. Just as the darkness was about to claim her, he was there. His will felt just like hers did before. Carrying her didn’t seem to exhaust him in the slightest. Inspired, she began to move with him. The path felt…right. Her light returned. She had no urge to drag her feet or break away, she just wanted to keep up. She was saved.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Out of all the haikyuu teams, I think platonic yandere shiratorizawa would be scariest, followed very closely by nekoma. Shiratorizawa has a brick wall for a captain, an insane coach, and tendou. Tendou would be such an effective manipulator without even batting an eye. Nekoma has Kuroo, very intimidating and smart, although I think kenma would be the bigger threat. He likely has extensive knowledge of how to move through online spaces without being detected and making their darling disappear completely.
Sorry for the ramble haha, I love your work!
"Shiratorizawa has a brick wall for a captain-" You did not just call my baby Ushijima that😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But I agree because you really can't predict what kind of mood Shiratorizawa is in, especially Ushijima. Like he's already so intimidating with his looks, and so when he's quite, you really don't know how he'd react if you asked him to let you go home early for once instead of watching them play. Sure, Ushijima sees you as a small frail kitten that he could never hurt, but he wont tell you that. You see, sometimes you ask for things that are too dangerous for you, like going out with some friends or leaving your dorms alone to get something from the convenience store. And so it's easier for Ushijima to just give you his intense stare, telepathically communicate that he disapproves and that you're only safe as long as you're with him or the team.
Then again, sometimes you do miss the hint. Not miss per say, but you actively choose to ignore it by pretending to play dumb when he remains silent. Its time like these that you really test your luck and tell him you're going out and zoom before Ushijima could give you the "The Look". However, Ushijima catches your hand before you could be two feet away and gives it a firm squeeze until you look at him, before saying in a deep voice "No." to really drive home the point. Then you're being dragged back to the bench, pushed down and he drops his lunch box in your lap, telling you to finish it before he finishes practice.
As for Tendou, lying comes very easy to him. He's a master manipulator, not just to you, but to everyone around him. Basically, he not only manipulates you into staying with the team longer, but he also manipulates the team into becoming more yanderes for you. In the shower room, he'd think out loud as he says that he heard that there's a murderer on the loose that preys upon young girls like you, or maybe he'd say that he heard from a girl that you feel so lost and stupid and scared when you're not the team but you're just to prideful to admit it. Surely, Tendou won't lie when it comes to you, right?
Washijo, the crazy coach you mentioned? Yeah, he's in on the whole thing. He's seen how terribly the team performs when you're not watching them, and when he mentioned it, they said they're all worried about you. So, he allows Semi to go and fetch you. Washijo thought that you were some sort of crush they wanted to impress, but it was crystal clear that the team viewed you as a little sibling with the way they treated you. So, he felt at ease knowing nothing perverted was happening to you and thus, he allowed them to bring you to practice and plays. The worst of all is that this old hag actually tells the team that you're trying to sneak out instead of keeping quiet and helping you. Not only that, he makes you sit and asks you volleyball questions and tsks in disappointment when you get them wrong, before agreeing that "fine. I'll tell you everything there is to know about volleyball" and you're just stick there like "???? I- I DONT WANNA KNOW-" shutup, Y/n, you a quiz tomorrow and you better be prepared or get ready for another disappointment speech by Washijo. Good thing you have the whole team to help you study🥰🥰🥰
The reason why Shiratorizawa is so scary is because they're one of the top teams, right? So, the school actually condones their behaviour. I mean, the coach explicitly told them to turn a blind eye because the team isn't hurting you, they're just protecting you. Washijo told them that if they interfered, the team wouldn't perform as well because they'd be distracted by your absence, and if Shiratorizawa let you change schools, then the team would pull out of the games altogether. Thus, the school is forced to look the other way when you're hounded by the team and pushed to the gymnasium. They turn deaf to all your complaints of them bullying you into staying at practice instead of letting you go home. They all ignore it, some teachers even going as far to say that you should be lucky that you have your seniors looking out for you.
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atsumwah · 2 years
when you have cramps.
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featuring : akaashi, bokuto, konoha, atsumu, osamu, kita & suna.
notes : cramps are the worst so if u hv them everytime u get ur period i feel u my dudes <3 also not proofread so just turn a blind eye and I'll fix it when i wake up && reblogs are appreciated!!
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akaashi lets you sleep in more. he knows how tired you feel especially during the first few days so he makes it a mission to be as quiet as possible when he wakes up for the day, not before giving you a kiss on the forehead before he leaves. he even prepares your favourite for breakfast truly the best bf imo
bokuto keeps it quiet. he's known to be very loud and he knows that's one of the things you love about him too but he gets it if you don't want to be pestered a lot, especially when you're in pain. so when he gets back from practice to tell you about his day, he holds himself back to see how you're doing first. he'll spend most of the time listening to you and it's honestly a refreshing thing to see on his end.
konoha knows how to read you. he knows when he should take it easy with the teasing or when to give you some space for yourself or when to be attached to your hip when you're in a clingy mood. this would also be the time where he orders your favourite takeout and surprises you with it, along with your favourite ice cream stocked up in the fridge (he just knows u rlly well acts of services king right here tbh)
atsumu gives you cuddles. he doesn't have the luxury to stay with you in the mornings, but at night you're all his <3 if he gets off early, he's zooming home and prepares to have a night in with you. one arm holds you close to him while the other wraps around your waist to rub your tummy when you're in pain. it's also a bonus bcs he's loves having you in his arms anyways <33
osamu prepares your favourite food. like warm comfort food you don't get to eat a lot and only find it in a restaurant two hours away kind of food. even if its a complicated recipe, he'll try his best to replicate it and add a little samu in it too. will bring it to you if you're in bed or on the sofa.
kita has everything ready. tampons? check. pads? check. extra comfy clothing? check. you have a headache? no worries just lay in his lap and he'll massage it till you feel better. you have cramps? he's got a heat pad with your name on it . you want your favourite chocolate? he's got it all restocked in the fridge. he's prepared for literally anything.
suna becomes your personal butler not that he wasn't a simp for you already but seriously whatever you need, he gets for you no questions asked. he gets how shitty you're feeling (okay not really but he's heard from his sister how shitty it was) so he's not one to complain. you need a blanket? mans up and running to get you one. you don't like the food you ordered? he'll switch with you or even buy you something else. you need more ice cream? brb he's running to the store real quick. you need cuddles? say less he won't move for the next three hours if it came to that.
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mayullla · 3 years
Title: Cries of the gold blood child
Character(s): Zhongli, Baizhu, Qiqi (Genshin Impact)
Summary: Part 2 Cult au, gold blood au; You wanted to go back home to mom and dad, but you cant.
Notes: *Sees how much people like the first post* ....That is intimidating. The second part is here! the same cast but I am gonna add in other characters later on. Thank you for the likes and support for the first post! I genuinely appreciate it!! ^^
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, child!reader, purely Platonic, light angst, yandere themes, cult themes
The Child with Gold Blood masterlist
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“Why is your blood gold?” Qiqi asked, you tilted your head too also wondering why your blood was gold. Visiting the Bubu pharmacy, and getting your finger pricked by a yellow rose, the two adults suddenly started zooming around the place.
The two men were flustered seeing your blood while Qiqi started sanitizing your finger so that she could put a band-aid on it.
"I don't know why?" You said whining when you felt the sting from the cleaning alcohol, your eyes becoming watery as you tried not to cry. You were a big girl now, that was what your dad said and you shouldn't cry!
"Only the creator has gold blood," Qiqi told when she was finished placing the bandaid on your finger. "Creator?" You asked, you didn't understand what she was talking about. Zhongli cleared his throat at that, looking at Baizhu who looked worried as he walked towards Qiqi.
Baizhu had to take the small zombie girl away telling her that he would explain it to her while Zhongli was left with you. He looked confused while you looked at him with a curious expression on your face.
He started to slowly explain to you that you had the blood that belonged to the creator. He asked you if you had any relations as to why your blood is gold and if it was always like this.
You shook your head telling him that you dont remember your blood being gold. You remember a while ago when you were with your mother, you tripped while running at the park and cried in your mother’s arms. Your hands and knees were bloody in the color red.
Zhongli accepted your answer immediately, his eyes held no suspension as if he was already expecting that already.
“When you arrived in this world, the color of your blood changed from red to gold to differentiate who you are to the people of teyvat.” Zhongli explained. It was hard for you to understand, difficult really it just sounded like a fairytale to you which is super exciting but…
“Where are mom and dad then? Their blood is gold too then! That is so cool!” You asked tilting your head almost excited at the idea.
Zhongli froze when he heard that question, unable to answer. In your mind you wanted your parent first, you already wanted to show them your new friends the slimes.
“Mister Zhongli…?” You called out to him.
Zhongli took a deep breath, should he lie to you? He looked at your eyes full of innocence and naivety he knew the moment he says the truth those eyes would start to shine, huge drops of water spill from your eyes.
Unconsciously something in the back of his mind told him to lie, lie to you that your parents hated you and that they left you, maybe that would help you get over them fast sure a few tears would fall and you would be in denial for a few days if not months but at one point you would forget them.
And it would be easier to keep you here then, in his arms. Zhongli wasn't supposed to be attached to you, not really but the moment he saw you at the mountain he did feel something wiggle in his heart and it only grew worst the moment you touched him and he felt the load on his shoulders become light, it just slowly grew even if he tried to control it... almost as if he was addicted to it.
He shook his head, to lie to someone but a small child. He didn't understand what to do but when he looks at you he knew in his mind and heart that you were the statues that decorated teyvat and portraits of their creator.
That you were them.
The blind would scoff at him, telling him that you were just a small child who had yet to even mature yet but Zhongli knew that wasn't the case. You were their creator, he could see it from the slimes that clung to you, to the gaze that Baizhu gave you as he tried to take Qiqi away, to how attached Qiqi suddenly became refusing to even leave your side. That man had a hard time taking the girl away because she was stronger than him.
But both of them recognized you.
“Mister Zhongli?” You frowned and grab his arm shaking it. Zhongli looked at you as you looked at him with concern. “Where are mom and dad….” Your voice was small, almost scared. Zhongli wondered why he thought that it was a good idea to lie to you when you were already scared and how shiny your eyes were.
“....I am sorry…”
Words came out before thinking Zhongli as he looked at you. You started to look scared, not understanding why he said sorry. “I am sorry.” He said again. “Your parents... they are not here…”
Zhongli didn't know if you would understand what he said, that you would understand the implication of what he meant. That you can't go back, you cant return to your home. Maybe it was because of how tense the atmosphere was or maybe because of the sadness in his eyes.
You understood.
And you didn't like it.
Tears started to fall down, your eyes red as you shoot your head. “I want mom and dad!” You cried out louder and louder as if your cried would be enough that they would appear somewhere, in the corner or behind the door looking at you with concern and worry. Taking you in their arms as they tell you that you were safe, that they were right here for you and that you are okay like they always did.
But they didn't appear all you could see is the man in front of you fretting over you, unsure and feeling almost betrayed you cried even louder thinking that it wasn't enough that your voice was not loud enough for your parent to hear and that you need to scream.
“Mom!! Mom where are you!! Dadd!!” You cried, “I wanna go home!! Where are you!!”
Suddenly you were engulfed in a hug, you looked but it wasn't your mom nor was it your father who was hugging you. “I am sorry, ___.” Zhongli apologized again, he didn't say that it was okay, or that you will see your parents soon.
“I promise you I will protect you. And that you would be safe-” Zhongli kept on telling you, promise after promise trying his best to soothe you in his arms, but you weren't listening instead you just wanted to your mom and dad.
His hug was unfamiliar to you, unlike your father’s hugs that you held you whenever he come back from work. Or the soft whispers your mother would say when you were crying after you came back home and another kid bullied you. Telling you that it is okay… His were unfamiliar that you wanted to push him away, but you were too weak and your cries were muffled by his jacket.
leave.. leave!!
But he continued to hold you tightly, as you pushed him even more.
At one point you have given up too tired to push him away, your voice raw and painful from crying and your eyes were swollen red. All you can do is listen to his whispers that it was okay, rubbing you on your back like your mom did after you finished crying.
It was... familiar, that unconsciously you started to slowly fall asleep in his arms and quickly everything became dark.
Zhongli leaned his back on the wall as he continued to hold you in his arms, rubbing you back, your cries turned into whimpers and soon you started to breathe slowly as if you were asleep. He was barely standing, if you were not in his arms he might have already been on the floor unable to stand anymore.
But he cant with you in his arms...
He didn't want to hurt you.
Zhongli had to still his heart as he glanced at your sleeping face, your chubby cheeks resting on top of his shoulder as he made sure that you were actually sleeping. He was glad that he was finally able to make you fall asleep otherwise he was sure something worst would happen.
Your cries were like poison to him.
He watched as Qiqi and Baizhu appeared at the door looking at him and you, Baizhu was holding his heart as if something had stuck him there while Qiqi looked dizzy. They looked awful but instead of worrying about themselves, they looked at you in concern and worry.
The sadness in your heart that you carried effectively twisted their cores, it was more uncomfortable than it was painful like something wanted to choke them yet nothing physical was holding them that they were able to push it away, remove them. It got worst the louder you cried the more it twisted and tighten almost like they wanted to vomit but nothing will come out.
Zhongli had to hold you and bring you in a hug to comfort you to lessen your pain and maybe because of it… because he was holding you that this time it almost felt like he can't breathe as if he was almost suffocating…
It was hard to think, but he knew that this would affect the whole of Liyue if this continued and worst the whole teyvat. It was almost pure instinct did he started to talk, to comfort you that it was okay, that he promise to keep you safe that he would be right beside you, that you would not be alone. He was sure that you were listening, but he hugged as his core felt violently tugged and stabbed when you tried to push him away.
But he didn't let go, afraid that something worst would happen something that you would regret. He promised you that he would show you all of teyvat, that you would see the high mountains of Liyue, the cherry blossoms of Inazuma and the views of Monstade.
He promised that you will never be alone and that when you were lost in the mountains that would be the last time you would ever be alone.
“Is ____ alright?” Qiqi asked in concern looking at you, she wanted to reach you but was stopped by Baizhu who shook his head. “She is resting right now,” Zhongli answered the small girl. "___ are alright."
Qiqi looked at you again, but when Baizhu asked her to look after the slimes she quickly listened. Zhongli almost forgot about them, too focused on calming you down. Glancing at the monsters he saw that they were all over the pharmacy… not moving. ‘But still breathing.’ Zhongli thought to himself sighing in relief. He was sure what would happen if you woke up to see them all gone… dead.
The slimes must have suffered to be in close quarters with your power, that they weren't able to handle it and lost consciousness. Zhongli thought that maybe it was because he was once an archon was he able to handle the overwhelming power and leave without too much damage.
“Do you need any help?” Baizhu asked, Zhongli looked at the man and shook his head before pausing “Sorry can I ask if you could get me water?” Zhongli asked. Baizhu nodded and went to grab a glass of water.
Zhongli took a deep breath and looked at you, your peaceful face as you continued to sleep on his shoulder. He pitied you, you were separated from your parents unable to meet them again. You were alone in a place that you were not familiar with, nor did you know anyone here.
Zhongli still thought that you are the creator, and he has no idea as to why you were a child. But one thing was for sure, was that Zhongli is never leaving your side. He promised you that he would stay right beside and he intends to keep that promise.
Even if you push him away, even if you grow to hate him he will continue to stay by your side watching you. It was a promise he made after all… Zhongli amused himself that you would be too young to understand contracts. But maybe…
He removed the hair from your forehead, cleaning your hair up a bit that has gotten messy after the incident. He gave you another light hug as if comforting you.
“Mom… dad… where are you..” You mumbled in your sleep.
Zhongli frowned when he saw the tears that spilled again and wiped them with his thumb.
“Shh, I am here now..” He whispered to you, even though he knew that you would not hear him. He will give you new memories, bright ones, brighter than the ones that your parents made with you and slowly you would forget about them finding a place,
a home here.
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Quick! Somebody write a fic from that anon but make it where the reader sprays Jake’s cologne and gets herself off while he watches…😈
Now this is very good.
It had become a habit that started when Jake would leave for tour. He had left his cologne with you on accident, forgetting to pack it with his stuff and leaving it on the bathroom counter for you to find. He'd buy another one but this one was yours now. One of the only ways you could feel close to him when he was gone for days on end.
It was incredibly lonely, the nights especially. No warm body behind you, no soft snoring or hands that would absent mindedly wander your body. You made it a habit to spray Jake's cologne on your pillowcase before bed and on your sheets, just hoping to maybe dream of your boyfriend, to feel a little less alone with him gone. But something about the deep musky scent of your lover made you long for him, for his touch.
You didn't mean to make yourself unbearably horny with a little spritz of his cologne but your brain had already made the connection that that scent = Jake and Jake = love and love = sex. And it's been the best sex of your life, and with Jake gone, you've been doing your best to sedate yourself with your own devices, your fingers, your toys, and your own imagination.
So when Jake comes home from a leg of the tour, he innocently asks, "Is that my cologne?" You only nod, Jake smiles sweetly, "I missed you." You respond, "I missed you, baby doll." He says softly.
That next morning, Jake has to get up early for a zoom interview, taking his phone call in the office, leaving you to sleep in peacefully. But with Jake not beside you, and the scent of his cologne still working its wonders on your pillowcase, why shouldn't you have a little fun.
You let your fingers run down your stomach to the edge of your panties, the warm morning sun peaking in through the blinds in the window, you kick your covers away as to spread your legs, Jake should be a while, maybe almost an hour, you think to yourself. You won't even be close to that long, then you'll fall right back asleep.
You pull off your panties, letting your panties hang around your right ankle, you pull up you sleep shirt, letting your eyes gaze down at your already achingly wet pussy. Your fingers begin a slow and soft routine of circling your clit, your eyes begin to close from the sweet pleasure. The deep smell of Jake makes your mind wander, thinking about how pretty he looks when he goes down on you. How soft and gentle he is when his tongue caresses your pussy, the way his hands hold your thighs open, how he moans against you, only making you closer to the edge. You let out only soft whimpers and muffled whines as you try to keep yourself quiet lest your moans disturb Jake's interview in just the other room, trying your best to quiet yourself by turning your face into the pillow beneath your head.
You can't help but breathe it in, "Ah, Jakey." You whisper, picturing just how his back would look when he's laying on his stomach between your legs, the way his muscles move when he grinds against the mattress for friction, hard as can be from the sounds you're making all at his own doing.
Your fingers dip inside of you to feel even more of your own wetness, trailing it up to your clit and swirling around the sensitive bud. You're so lost in your own fantasy you don't even notice Jake walking in. He watches you, unsure of how to behave or how to announce his arrival, should he? Why would he want to interrupt something so beautiful. The way your hips buck against your own hand, the way your other hand is gripping the sheets beneath you, the sound of your desperate breathing and raspy moans as you're chasing your orgasm.
It's not until you open your eyes to find him standing there, eyes trained on your center where your hand freezes in place at the realization of being caught, "Don't." Jake says abruptly, his voice giving away that he didn't even realize he had said anything. "Don't stop." He say more sure of himself this time as he walks further into the room, a half buttoned shirt and his necklaces paired with his gray sweatpants, giving away that he only ever planned on coming straight back to bed after his interview, half dressed for the laptops view.
You can feel your face is bright red, your breath is caught in your throat. You and Jake have been together a while, this really shouldn't make you so feel so nervous, but you've never touched yourself like this in front of him before, but the idea of him watching you makes you even wetter. You spread your legs even wider, your fingers moving once more over your pussy. "Did you miss me, angel?" Jake asks slyly as he begins unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. "Missed you so much." You half moan as your fingers move faster. "Is that why you sprayed my cologne on the sheets?" "Yes sir, made me think of you. Mmm but it only made me wet... thinking of your scent on me." You whimper your confession. You should be embarrassed. Turned on by only your boyfriends cologne, but you only need him more, especially with him standing in front of you, watching you fuck yourself with your own fingers.
"Aw, my little girl got lonely? What have you been thinking about, baby? What's been helping you cum?" He toys with you again as he comes and sits on the edge of the bed at your side. "Y-Your mouth, mmm the way your cock fills me up, fuck, the way you sound when you fuck me. Ah, Jakey, baby, please." You stammer out, your orgasm creeping in.
Jake leans into you, kissing at your neck, his hand slowly running down your arm between your legs, "Tell me what you need, princess." He rasps against your ear, you shutter at his warm breath against your ear and the words that make your brain melt, a moan rolling up your throat. "Please make me cum, want it to be you." You respond, your voice pathetic and needy. Jake kisses your cheek as his hand lays over the top of yours, stopping your movement, "But you're already so close." He teases, "Please baby. I want you, no one can make me feel as good as you can." You beg. Jake smiles as he kisses you deeply, his fingers grazing through your folds, you moan as he easily sinks in two fingers inside of you, "That's right baby, nobody but me." He whispers as he slowly pumps his fingers inside of you, his thumb rolling over your clit.
You are so incredibly close, your breathing is becoming uneven, your legs are shaking and your pussy is aching for release. "So pretty for me." Jake says as he kisses your neck, you breathe him in, fuck you missed him. Nothing even comes close to his natural scent, so warm and inviting, musky and perfect mingling with his cologne. You cry out his name, your eyes closing shut as you tiptoe along your orgasm. "Look at me, pretty girl, wanna watch you cum for me." He softly commands.
You open your eyes and moan uncontrollably at the feeling of your orgasm slamming into you. Your back arching, your toes curling and your hands clenching the sheets beneath you all while Jake talks you through it.
"Cum for me, pretty baby."
"Feels so good, doesn't it?"
"Missed this so much."
"So beautiful."
"Such a good girl."
"Let it all go, baby."
His voice guiding you through until you're left shaking, your body spasming and your breathing ragged. You pull him down to you, feeling him warm and soft skin against you. "I missed you so much." You sigh. "I missed you, baby." He whispers, giving you a gentle kiss. "Maybe I need to take a bottle of your perfume with me."
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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finelinevogue · 3 years
can you do something where y/n and harry are looking through photos with one another please?
god this has been too long i apologise!! okay!! hope this is at least kind of what you wanted, enjoyyy;
You laughed to yourself as you scrolled past another photo.
Whilst Harry had been in the shower, you had decided to hop onto his phone and stalk through his photos. Harry was very relaxed about you going on his phone, just as you were with him on yours, because you both had a deep rooted trust between you.
Recently, you’d become really sentimental over the past. You’d started a new job and were making a real income now, only having worked part-time previously, and Harry was about to start on his 3rd world tour. The future was creeping up on you far too fast and the present was too real, so you wanted to just reminisce on the times by which everything seemed a little easier and maybe a little brighter.
The current photo was one of Harry sat on a bench by Brightons’ beach, where he was laughing because a seagull had just swooped an stolen all the ice-cream off the top of his cone. The memory was only from 3 months ago and yet it felt like a lifetime ago - it made you frown at how cruel time was.
“Hey, what’s got you frowning, love?” Harry sauntered into the room, towel hung low on his lips so you could see his v-lines very nicely. His hair was wet and messy, yet he still managed to look effortlessly put together. Every time you saw him you struggled to believe he was actually yours. He pouted because you were.
“Just upsetting myself by looking through old memories.” You wafted your hand at him, as if to tell him it was nothing and he had no reason to worry but that wasn’t enough to settle Harry.
He walked over to the bed and climbed on to it, making sure the towel didn’t expose all his bits since the blinds were open and unfortunately the windows were that huge that someone standing on the other side of the country would be able to see you. He sat up against the headboard and pulled you over into his arms, your legs twisting together in their familiar formation. His arm snaked around you and kept you close for mutual comfort.
“Why is it upsetting, hm? Pretty sure all our memories are happy, love.”
“I just get sad looking back on memories that we’ll never live again.” You shrugged your shoulders, not really knowing how best to explain it.
“But we’ll get to make so many new ones.” Harry said, but you weren’t convinced and he could tell so thought it best to stick with you and do this the way you’d set out to do, “C’mon, let’s have a look at these, hey?” He tapped on the side of his phone and you unlocked it before clicking back in the album of you both. He’d even labelled it;
‘my happy album’
It was just filled with pictures of you, sometimes you and him and then even sometimes just pictures of him if it had a meaningful story behind it, but mainly photos of you.
You spotted a photo of you both that sent you back only a couple of weeks ago. It was a photo of the photos you’d taken in the photo booth at Urban Outfitters. You’d wanted new hoodies and Urban was always the place to go for them, so whilst Harry treated you to a couple you treated him to a few rounds of captured memories in the photo booth. They ranged from you kissing each other to you pulling your middle fingers out on the camera. You just remembered how much of a god day that was.
“I still need to wash out that stain in the hoodie actually.” You said, the photo reminding you of the chore you needed to do.
“Still? Y/N, baby, it’s been 3 weeks.” Harry laughed at you, remembering you’d put the hoodie on straight after you’d come out of the shop and only to spill soy sauce on it 15 minutes later when you went for lunch at Yo-Sushi!
“Was too busy wearing your hoodies I forgot that one existed.” You cringed at whether that stain would even come out now after all that time.
“Y’pest!” He squeezed your side playfully and you laughed before returning your attention back to the photos, starting to forget the worries of earlier and completely forgetting that you needed to wash that jumper.
The next photo was another of the both of you. It was a selfie and you smiled warmly at the memory attached to it. Harry was kissing you cheek as your face was scrunched up in a smile at the camera, both of your stood in front of a sign that read ‘Sold’ which was in front of your, now, house. That was such a huge achievement for the both of you and the excitement of that day was truly second to none.
“Still our biggest achievement, hey?” You asked Harry rhetorically, but he answered anyways.
“Not mine.” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. This house purchase had meant everything to you and you thought it had for him too.
“Wh— I don’t understand?”
“You will when you have a rock on your ring finger.” Your eyes widened to his words and you turned to look at him.
“Was that…” You questioned him without really asking him anything.
“No baby. You’ll know when i’ve proposed.” He bent over to give your forehead a deserving kiss and you hummed at the contact.
“And that’ll be your greatest achievement?”
“I’ve not decided yet.”
“You’re full of anticipation, aren’t you Styles?” You chuckled, turning yourself back to keep looking at the phone.
“Just full of hope for the future.”
Time froze for a minute as you took in his words. Harry made you realise, with one sentence, that the future was nothing to be scared of. It was waiting for you to do something so special and crazy with it - it hadn’t planned anything for you yet, only hope that you’d be happy living through it. You sniffled and went teary eyed at the thought, scrolling a little more down the album.
You clicked on a random photo, wanting to see it zoomed in and Harry cooed at the picture. It was a picture of you, laying down on a towel on the sandy beach of Santa Monica and reading your favourite book. You didn’t even know the photo existed until now, but you were happy it did. If you closed your eyes to the image you could feel the warm sand between your toes and the evening sun kissing your skin, as you read over the pages of the book that was worn to pieces it was so well loved.
“I didn’t know you’d taken this!” You exclaimed, turning your head to look up at your gorgeous boyfriend for a split moment and then back to the photo for another glance.
“Couldn’t not. You looked beautiful and just so happy.”
“I was,” you smiled to yourself, before pushing yourself up onto Harry’s chest a bit more and leaning your lips into him, “I am.” You lightly kissed him, teasing him for more. “Always will be with you H.”
“God, I love you Y/N.”
He pulled you sharply down against him, mushing his lips to yours and kissing you breathless. He savoured the sweet taste of your lips and inhaled the soft scent of your rose body lotion. You were an absolute drug to him and he would never be able to give you up. You were completely his, and by the passion within this kiss he knew that he was completely yours too.
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢’𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐲 — mason mount
summary: it had become a chore to bring your things back and forth from mason’s home, so he made your life a little bit easier.
notes: requests are open, just ask! <3
for @stephspurs
“Good evening, bubs.” Mason wearily spoke, walking down his stairs as you arrived. You’d just come from work, stopping at home to grab your things as you stayed at Mason’s tonight. It was a weekly thing, staying over from Thursday to Sunday, and bringing a whole bag of things from home. Important things; like your toothbrush, your skin care products, and hairbrush. It wasn’t so much your clothes you were worried about forgetting, because you always ended up in one of Mason’s hoodies or shirts.
“Hey,” you yawned, putting your bag against the door of the living room and embracing your boyfriend, “how was training?” Mason just shrugged and kept you close to his chest, having missed you since Sunday the week before.
You’d grabbed your bag and trudged upstairs, putting it in it’s usual space beside Mason’s drawers. You’d started to unpack your things, as you’d be here for the remainder of the week. Putting all of your skin care into the bathroom, along with your toothbrush and hair brush. Your clothes just stayed in a neat pile beside the drawer, and your bag would be left empty until the dreaded Sunday evening.
“You know I don’t have work tomorrow.” You announced, rising to your feet and straddling Mason as he sat on the edge of his bed. His devilish smirk had appeared, hands finding the curves of your waist and squeezing them tightly.
“Really?” He questioned, watching the smirk form on your face to match his own.
“Well, I think I could manage to get the day off. I’ve been doing well recently.” Mason rarely gave himself props for how hard he works, that’s why it’s usually your job to do it. He worked too hard, even. Not know when to stop and have a rest, which is why it was so important for you to see him on the weekend. Because God knows if you didn’t, he’d be pushing his body to the limit.
“Wonderful. What do you say to ordering?” You asked, seeing Mason nod his head rapidly and push you off of him. He dived for his phone as you stretched your legs, limbs aching after a heavy day of work. What you needed was a bath, and so did Mason. As he placed an order, not even needing to ask what you wanted, you’d started a bath and rested your forearms on the windowsill to stare outside.
It was raining, your all-time favourite forecast. Mason would be less likely to train, you loved the sound of rain on your windscreen, and it made the best light to cuddle in. It wasn’t too dark that you needed a lamp, just an open blind to let the minimal light in. Mason was lucky enough to have a skylight above his bed, which you’d always look up at as it rained. You’d been caught off-guard when Mason wrapped his arms around you, still able to rest his head atop yours despite being on a stool.
“A bath, hm? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re trying to woo me, Y/N.” He flirted, his hands reattaching to your waist. You’d just rested into his touch, feeling so much better since arriving at his. You’d both gotten into the bath, enjoying the feel of each other’s skin, as well as the hot water surrounding you both. Mason placed a few mere kisses on your shoulder, not feeling anything but peace as he held you close.
A short while after, the pair of you were stood in front of his bathroom mirror and doing skincare. Mason hadn’t the slightest clue on what any of the products did, but he watched you intently as you explained and applied it to his own face exactly how you did yours. He couldn’t deny how clean he felt after doing so, sitting on the couch with you as you ate your food. Nights with you were undeniably better than being alone — if only you knew how soothing you were to be around.
Sunday had come around, Mason had watched you pack your bag for the past 20 minutes. He sat in bed and stared with an obvious frown on his face, as you folded your clothes and shoved them in. You had enjoyed your long weekend at Mason’s, but now it was back to work.
“Mase,” you called out, not taking your eyes from your pile beside you, “could you grab my skincare stuff from the bathroom?” He hummed and quickly jumped out of bed, reading them out as he handed them to you.
“Face scrub,” he named them one by one, throwing them into your hands, “moisturiser,” he almost laughed at how ridiculous the names sounded, “blemish treatment, this has acid in it?” You let out a chuckle and took the tube from him, waiting for the rest. “Skin purifier,” returning to reading their names aloud and pulling faces at them, “anti-redness formula,” his brows tugged together at the thought of all of this on your face every night, “hydrating mist, this can’t be real.”
You groaned as you tugged your large bag to your car, waving at a displeased Mason, before leaving his home for a few days. You knew he’d FaceTime you the second you got home, and wouldn’t leave you alone until you were asleep later that night.
But there were a few hours you were sat at home, without Mason on the other line, as you told him you had paperwork to catch up on. He took this time to sit at his pc, planning to play a game, but instead looking up those ridiculous products you had. He’d slowly added each one to his basket, remembering what each bottle looked like, before paying. He’d even bought a bag with an ‘M’ on it, for ‘Mason’s house’. He’d bought you your own skincare bag to keep here when you visit him. To say this man was in deep love would be an understatement.
The next time you saw him was actually on the Wednesday, two days before you’d planned to go over. He’d asked for you to quickly go to his and wait for a package, as he was at training but couldn’t miss it. So you did. You let yourself in with the key he made you, lounging on his sofa until the package had arrived. Mason following thirty minutes after it.
“Evening, bubs.” He greeted, almost zooming through the door and grabbing the package, heading to the bathroom. You shrugged, continuing your scrolling through TikTok and waiting for your boyfriend to return from upstairs. He’d been a while now, and just as you were about to go up and check on him, he’d strolled down in just some shorts.
“Sorry, I wanted a shower before I hugged you properly.” Mason clarified, wrapping his arms around you tightly, eager to show you his surprise. “Why don’t you stay the night? I mean, you’re already here.” He made a good argument, and it was so very tempting to just do it.
“I have none of my things.” You complained as he led you up the stairs and into his room. He just smirked and stood behind you, the worry on your face becoming clear now. “What are you doing, you freak?”
Mason led you to his bathroom, the bag sitting pretty on his counter. Finally, he’d removed his hands from your eyes as you studied the bag. Slowly zipping it open, everything you usually use was in there. “You bought this all for me?” You were shocked at the gesture, watching as he nodded. The look in his eye was that of complete infatuation.
“I don’t deserve you.” You simply stated against his lips, kissing them a million times over. Mason giggled and smoothed your hair back from your face, a habit he’d picked up since you first began dating. “Do you know how expensive skincare is?”
“It’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means you don’t have to drag that heavy bag around.”
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miekasa · 3 years
god mie, the way you always nail every domestic levi hc!
got me thinking of a little blurb where you both work in healthcare (it’s me, what’s new, i’m a sucker for med aus), both doctors who also teach plus you both have research involvement too, maybe working in different parts of a bunch of clinical trials for possible repurposed drugs for covid. and since you’re working on the same projects, sometimes, you both gotta do zoom interviews for all the press work or speak in conferences with the whole healthcare community, including your medical students.
and you both just use the same account and just take turns sitting on the office chair for when your part comes up. one time during an online conference, you’re sewing a few holes on your shirt close while levi’s delivering his part of the report. and he taps you to switch out because it’s your turn. and you’re both in the frame for a moment when he takes the shirt from you and gives you the side eye for your kinda uneven stitches.
“what, it’s just a shirt i use for bed” “was this also the reason you didn’t go into surgery” “you’re lucky you can sew up cute stuff for me” “as if half of them aren’t you sending me pictures of clothes you want duped”
you smack his arm (affectionately) and sit down to start your part. levi’s straightening out your stitches, and of course, he patches your shirt up perfectly
and turns out you weren’t really on mute and all your students are gushing over you two once again 😌
anyway one order of an extraordinary househusband levi, thank you! 💉
SHUTUPPPP THAT’S SO CUTE he’s gonna have to fight me for making shots about surgery tho but he’s lucky he’s cute 🙄🙄
Your students who (for once) actually know that you and Levi are together, but that’s about all the knowledge they have concerning your relationship. You two keep it professional in the hospital, the most overt affection they’ve witnessed is Levi ordering for you at lunch or helping you slip on your white coat; so to hear this convo has them gushing—especially since it also gives them confirmation that you two live together. And while, yes, your students are bright and the future of healthcare, they are also so easily blinded by hearing their mentors flirt that they fail to realize they are typing their frenzied fangirling in the public Zoom chat. 
Eren Yeager — see i told you they’re fucking MARRIED — she probably just doesn’t wear her ring bc its like a biohazard or some shit
Jean Kirstein  — if they were married then she’d also be dr. ackerman you dunce
Eren Yeager — then why would they live together 
Jean Kirstein — ppl can live together and not be married 😐
Eren Yeager — nah they’re married i’m calling it 
Armin Arlert — wait she could have become a doctor before she married him and never changed her name
Jean Kirstein — eren can’t even spell his own last name right and he’s out here claiming he knows that she changed hers
Eren Yeager — i fucking told u zeke set this shit up for me and i dont know how to fucking CHANGE IT — my mom would kill me if she found out it was spelled like this 💀
Connie — wait they fucking fr  — oh shit good for them
Jean Kirstein — she should kill u regardless
Connie — omg wasn’t that one of our ethical dilemma cases  — about the mom and the kid — feel like saying she should yeet the baby was not the right answer 💀
Hange Zoe (they/them/theirs) — You all should be informed that this is the public Zoom chat. Everyone in our team can see your messages (Levi included), so please keep it appropriate, and related to relevant content!  — (Also they’re not married, but they might as well be). 
Levi Ackerman (Host) — I hope you all like counting boxes and stocking rooms. 
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