#and how that can be turned into a magical artform
nozunhinged · 7 months
My Top 5 BL Kisses of Jan (& Feb) 24 + why
Okay, okayyyyy I'm doing this, no backing out. I offically accept that analyzing kisses takes up so much of my brainspace that I can write about it — so here it goes. I'M NOT HIDING ANYMORE BUT OWNING UP TO IT! (lol, chill)
Last year I complained that I didn't get a single perfect kiss since I started watching BL TV shows (until PhayaTharn turned up) and now we're not even a quarter into the new year and I already got FIVE I'm absolutely in AWE about!! FIVE!!
I don't know if it's the actors, directors or coaches who upped their game (probably all of them) but hot damn, all of these are beautiful.
And don't ask me why I'm into kiss-acting so much I have no fucking clue, my first guess is that it's an artform in itself to make this amazing, wonderful, intimate form of touching look as beautiful as it feels — bc let's be honest here, irl kissing rarely looks pretty no matter how great it is! So I think it's just dope when you can see this beauty translated on screen.
So I guess this is peak romance genre for me and with that being said, enough talking, lets get to the kissykissies!
5. TenPrem - Cooking Crush EP. 11
I have to be honest with you, I was a bit confused by the kissing in this show. The tippytoe kiss was cute as heck but we all saw how Off AND Gun awkwardly blinked because they probably had to stay like that for a looooong time. It took the whole magic out of the whole first-kiss-moment. Same with the forced in, reshot makeout-scenes. But the kiss in the kitchen? Looks like they FINALLY got to show what they got.
Ten gently pulling Prem closer, them smoothly moving against each other, Ten closing in even more, the slightly open-mouthed kiss with their lips perfectly caressing each other, Ten with a bit more force, Prem with a bit more heat resulting in the perfect mix...Loved it, mwah.
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4. PromNont - Playboyy EP. 12
They are my one Playboyy-couple where I'm like "if they don't end up married and running Playboyy together, starting the revolution of well-payed, insured and safe sex workers I'm gonna riot" even though I know this show will not end nicely for ANYONE.
Anyways, this kiss. Holy smokes they had so many good scenes but this one took the cake. Not just the sheer length of it (but still with perfect timing and breaks).
The slightest suck on Nonts upper lip, Prem literally making Nont sway, Nonts hidden desperation for Prom surfacing from his lips, them slowly but surely turning up the heat and last but not least, Prom grabbing Nonts face just to lean against him...UGH THEM!
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(I made those)
3. Myungha & Yeowoon - Love for Love's Sake EP 8
I know I'm not alone in how this show swept me off my feet and hit me right in the feels. But I've gotta say, this kiss hit completely different. Again they kissed for so long but not a single moment felt wasted. It felt like their whole story put in a single kiss. And — I mean that in the most loving and positive way possible — they kissed so amazingly gay. Do you know what I mean?!
There's just this level of love, care and happiness that only queer couples can convey. Sprinkled with a hint of tongue (I saw that Yeowoon 👀) — they absolutely nailed it.
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2. AlanJeff - Pit Babe EP. 11
The kiss that made me consider doing this post in the first place. I saw them and shouted THIS IS PERFECT just to realize that I did this a few weeks ago already and it made me spiral a little. In the best way possible because I felt truly blessed once again to have discovered the genre of BL in their golden era!
Because this right here is how you nail an open mouthed kiss my friends. Take notes BL producers. Put this in your textbooks! They both go at the same rythm (slow, careful but so, so loving JUST LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP UGH) and same level of touch so their lips caress each other perfectly. Furthermore, Alan knows exactly how to meet Jeff which is also a PERFECT EXTENSION OF HIS CHARACTER! Alan leads, Jeff follows but they meet perfectly and equally. TEN OUT OF TEN NO NOTES!
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1. PhayaTharn - The Sign EP. 9
I don't understand the meaning of the "Roman Empire"-thing but I think if I say they are mine, I am correct because they will be the end of me and that's what that means right? I may be biased AF but objectively speaking, this is just an insanely well acted-out scene, PERIOD! And we all know it's thanks to Billybabes out-of-this-world-chemistry!
Phayas desperation translated into this gorgeous lip-clash, so much yearning but softness at the same time but what really got to me was how Tharn immediately melted after their lips touched, how he immediately opened up to him and got completely overwhelmed by Phayas feelings. Chapeau to Babe for showing so much range in a single second. My favorite kiss of the whole series ❤️
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I also just realized all these kisses have one thing in common....hands on faces lol.
Well that was fun peeps, thanks if you made it until the end!
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anoddrock · 5 days
I can’t believe anyone thinks special effects are the only way to do certain things. Like bro. There is magic everywhere.
Go to a science museum that has interactive exhibits.
I got to make a miniature tornado in a plexiglass pillar. I got to control faux levitation for some spheres. I saw sand become as fluid as water due to a plate under it vibrating. I got lost in an infinite maze of mirrors, and saw solid blank walls in that maze turn into information boards and display boxes.
Learn about different artforms.
There are branches trapped by glass in an infinite state of burning. There are dancers who seem to be Jedi as they dance with their leviwands. There are illusions so powerful that they seem real when you see them on their own, but when someone walks by this breathtaking feat of nature, you realize the whole thing is much, much smaller than you though- but it’s still massive.
Just. Go outside. Marvel at the thousands of ways the impossible are very, very possible. Watch stone seemingly burst into flame with the aid of a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol and a lighter. Think about the tunnels of bugs and rodents under your feet. Did you know there’s a type of critter that seems to break physics? Look up velvet worms.
Look up how massive, multiple-person puppets are made and operated to seem like they breathe just like us.
Did you know an earlier version of Aslan was a robotic puppet operated by three people, two in the suit and one controlling his facial expressions?
Did you know that the animators of the 2005 Narnia said they spent approximately ten hours on each frame. Each frame. It was not a light, easy, inexpensive CGI. They got a clipping from an actual lion’s mane. They spent hours deciding how the hair would move. And in the death scene, once Aslan is tied down, did you know that that’s a puppet? His breath, his head moving, his grief and resolve- it’s a remote operated puppet.
Did you know they built entire indoor snowy sets, and that they made a faux waterfall above a pool to help create the river effects? Did you know that while they did use green screening, the actual sets they interacted with, and the foreground of the background, that was nearly all real?
Did you know that I fell in love with worldbuilding when I was seven, and that I would’ve watched the behind the scenes for the Narnia movies more than the movies themselves if my parents let me? Did you know that artists pour their souls into these things? That special effects that aren’t cared for as well as or more than the actual practical versions will age like milk in a cave? Did you know the same level of love was poured into the first Star Wars miniature and true scale sets? Into the earlier beloved shows like Doctor Who? That everything that breathtaking that you can’t find in real life from before the 2000s was near certainly a work of souls via the hands of those who loved the story and their craft?
Did you know that it can feel like automation and ease and computers are taking the love and care and joy out of the lives of people who really care about the things being made? That quality and craftsmanship are dying everywhere for the sake of cost efficiency?
I. I don’t know what my point is anymore. But I think it might be that some people need to stop short selling artists and the beauty of the world we live in. And that everyone just needs to marvel at the world we live in now and again. Go to a science museum. Imagine a current unconventional art as magic in space. Daydream about magnets and rigging fake flying islands. I dunno. Fall in love with existence and take my hand as I partake in the holy act of creation. Or whatever
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llondonfog · 2 years
twstober '22, Day 24
Prompt: "Potion"
"Good morning, Your Royal Highness— I trust you slept well?"
Silently, he bemoans the faded splendor of this forgotten safehouse, a tragedy that their prince should have to awaken to such tattered sheets and dust-caked window panes. But it is a blessing that he is waking at all, and miracles are so few these days that a gift so precious could not be understated.
Pale lashes struggle to lift from the thick veil of sleep (and what a troublesome curse that had turned out to be—) and he approaches with slow, purposeful steps so as to not frighten the young man. "I apologize for not informing you of our nightly move, but I feared our enemies had once again learned of our position. I know you must find this slumber such a burden, but your guard are so thankful that it allowed us to transport you without trouble."
Opalescent eyes stare at him with an inhuman exhaustion as he approaches the prince's bedside, those slender fingers curling lightly against the worn covers as he struggled to speak against the tiredness in his voice. " . . . Were there any injured?" Ah, how grateful they were to have a prince who cared so deeply for their well-being, knowledgeable in the artform and casualties of battle. At least the fae had taught him something of use— not everything was a loss to be wiped away.
"Minimally, they are being treated now," he soothes with an easy lie, no need for their prince to know of the devastation wrought in the previous town. No need to distress him with the knowledge that they had lost nearly half of their small contingency to that monstrous fae and his two companions, that grotesque demon alone who had forgone magic and sought to disembowel his men with the sheer strength of his claws, shrieking with a horrific and wild rage that they release his son.
His son? What madness had seized the world, that a fae would lay such filthy claim to their lost prince?
The mere thought was too inconceivable to behold, and he withheld a shudder as he coaxes the young man into a sitting position, brushing those silver bangs away from his face before reaching into his coat pocket. "Come now, your Highness, we must make haste before we're discovered—"
"I had that strange dream again," the soft voice cuts across his own, brows knitting together in frustration at the fast fading images melting into the dim shadows of the room. "The one where I'm standing in front of a small cabin in the woods. But someone else was with me this time, a man with pointed ears—" "Your Highness, do you not remember what I told you?" He tuts reassuringly, pulling out a glass vial from his pocket a third full of a dull, viscous liquid. "I asked you to trust me that this would restore the memories of your kidnapping, that it would combat against those false impressions that the fae had given you. And you've already recalled so much, please do not be led astray by such visions now when we've struggled through so much to find you."
Silver wonders if he's right as the bittersweet taste of the potion coats his tongue and the older man prepares for their leave. He must be, this was the guard that his parents had entrusted his safety to after all, before the war had destroyed everything—
but why had he reached out in his dream with such desperation to the man with pointed ears and screamed for his father?
Concept: Silver, the lost prince of a human kingdom that had fallen to a feared fae commander, is discovered and spirited away by the last remnants of those fevered loyal few of the royal family. It is rather unfortunate that he's been living among the very enemies that slaughtered his bloodline, but surely whatever brainwashing can be undone?
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sam-keeper · 1 year
Put out a new article on my Patreon
It's about some old articles entitled "Classics of Fantasy" that were published on the Wizards of the Coast book publishing hub site, back when that was a thing in, uh, 2003. Here's a cut from the piece about why I find these articles so interesting to revisit 20 years later:
Personal significance aside, I think the articles have a notable place in the history of Wizards of the Coast: they're from a period when Wizards harbored bold plans for the future of their publishing line, plans that ultimately fell through. With all the author interviews, craft discussion, and inside scoops into the industry, the articles from this period radiate a sense that WotC hoped to cultivate new authors. This makes sense: they were putting out calls for original fantasy fiction at the time and clearly aspired to be a "legitimate" publisher. They even published some original young adult fiction, though unfortunately I haven't been able to track down evidence they ever published independent fantasy fiction for adults. (On the Magic side too optimism reigned about the future of Magic's fiction--optimism that then head of Creative Brady Dommermuth would later tell us, after the cancellation of the entire novel line, was never backed up with solid sales numbers.)
I think we can see this series as fitting within the logic of cultivation that WotC has since abandoned. Their belief at the time was that things like the Open Game License would ultimately drive more players to their monopoly on Dungeons & Dragons, would further D&D as THE table top role playing game, and marginalize non OGL systems like World of Darkness. Their recent attempt to simply retroactively rewrite the OGL out of existence suggests they've long since abandoned this perspective. But the Classics of Fantasy series attempts to use older and often public domain works to broaden the horizons of their player base and indeed reader base, under I suppose the presumption that a rising tide raises all ships.
It's this spirit that feels bygone to me, much more so than any individual website. A loyal fan base with broad interests can't give you meteoric exponential growth.
The articles are weird, too, because while most have that tip section for Dungeon Masters, encouraging them to incorporate these books into their game, those sections can get pretty vestigial and half-hearted. Evidently, it was hard to imagine how to turn the fairy story Hobberdy Dick into a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Others, even more weirdly, don't bother with the pretext that "your game" is going to be D&D at all. One early article freely and confidently argues that "any MR James [ghost] story is a top-notch ready-made Call of Cthulhu scenario focusing on conventional horrors rather than the Mythos (thereby confounding those who see a Great Old One behind every mystery)." Not only is he reccing the work of Chaosium, WotC's competitor, he's got enough familiarity with the game to suggest ways of subverting player expectations! In fact, in the Unknown Kadath article he exclusively points DMs to Chaosium's products. Interestingly, in the MR James article he offers another suitable system: Gaslight, which as far as I can tell was a third-party, Open Game License powered Victorian setting. The setting apparently is still going, with a 5th edition D&D compatible OGL book released last year. The primary interest, though, seems to be in cultivating tabletop roleplaying *for its own sake* and as an artform unto itself.
This makes some sense given the author. John D Rateliff apparently is a doctor of literary studies, with a focus on Tolkien and the other "Inklings" that Tolkien hung out with. What do you do with a degree like that? Apparently, write a bunch of stuff for Dungeons & Dragons books. It feels like maybe someone at WotC had the thought, hey, we've got a literal doctor of fantasy fiction here, maybe we should get him to just write about books for us for a while. imagine that! a company actually utilizing its talent pool instead of squandering and burning it out!
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Rainbow Witch
Sometimes they are eccentric and mysteriously rich patrons of the arts who live in decrepit but garishly-coloured mansions, sometimes they are aspiring young painters creating bizarre worlds on their canvases, sometimes they are wandering muses with seven-coloured-hair who always disappear once the rain clears. Whoever they are, Rainbow Witches are vibrant, ambitious magic-users who have mastered both the art of magic and the magic of art. They are dreamers, always chasing new projects and new ambitions.
Rainbow Witches' Emotional Focus is the emotion of Inspiration. Rainbow Witches are all creators and artists of some kind. Whether they are painters, writers, musicians, choreographers, Tattooists or practicing some strange magical artform - Rainbow Witches are driven by their desire to create, and express their colors to the whole world. Rainbow Witches are generally motivated and positive, but not disconnected from the hardships of life. They are simply driven to weather out the storms of life and reach the Rainbow.
Like how a raindrop can turn sunlight into a dazzling display of colours, Rainbow Witches can turn almost anything into Inspiration for their art. Due to their creative skills, vibrant personalities and unique outlooks, Rainbow Witches are also great at motivating and Inspiring others as well. Every Rainbow Witch is both an artist and a muse, although they each balance and prioritise these two sides differently. Some Rainbow Witches make it their mission to mentor emerging artists and create Inspiration for new forms of arts. Others focus on their own creations, confident that their art is gonna drive others to create as well.
Many Rainbow Witches are benevolent, or at least non-hostile. Driven to spread more colours and vibrancy to the world and help others express themselves, or perhaps just interested in pursuing their own art and infusing it with their magical abilities. Even the more sinister Rainbow Witches are generally harmless as long as you don’t stand in the way of their art, and only reveal their true sadistic colours when someone damages, harms or insults the Witch’s works in some way. The most wicked Rainbow Witches are those who turn other people into their art in the most literal way possible.
As Rainbow Witches are deeply creative individuals, who are Inspired by others and Inspire others in turn, they are great not just at creating art themselves - but flourish especially in cooperative creative projects. Although even the friendliest Rainbow Witches tend to be eccentric and reclusive and are extremely picky about the kind of people they would tolerate working with long-term. Some Rainbow Witches go with their guts, and others create needlessly elaborate magical quests to ‘test the worth’ of other artists. Even though what they truly test is less one’s artistic skills and more of their personality.
The magical and mundane specialties of Rainbow Witches usually vary wildly from Witch to Witch, depending on which types of art they are interested in. However, in general they tend to be good at Illusion Magic - as these types of spells interact well with the Witch’s own boundless creativity. Their affinity toward positivity and encouragement makes many of them skilled in Healing, Blessing and Enchantment spells. They also tend to be very good at Communication Spells, since art is a form of expression. They have a slight Elemental Affinity towards Water and Light.
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kamenstranger · 2 years
Review: Japanese Special Effects Cinema:Godfathers of Tokusatsu Vol. 1
Over the past Holiday season I was gifted a book I had been wanting to read since its release in April; Japanese Special Effects Cinema:Godfathers of Tokusatsu Vol. 1 by J.L Carrozza.
As the book's title suggests, it's a comprehensive guide on the history of Tokusatsu. Vol. 1 spanning from the early 1900s to the end of the 1970s, progressing in a linear fashion with each major release while also providing context when needed. The start of the book gives a general overview of the special effects landscape in cinema from the earliest days, with works from international filmmakers laying the foundation that would eventually lead to Japan's own contributions and unique visual styling developed in the 30s.
The book truly picks up in the second chapter spanning from the late 30s to the end of WWII, when the concept of scale miniatures was truly crafted into an artform all its own and early suitmation was coming to fruition. The general presentation is to give historical context and background information on an upcoming project, followed by a particular film including its title, director, the film's release date, and the production history of the film itself.  Carrozza then delves into his own general analysis and thoughts on the film or series, with a particular focus  on (but not limited to) the special effects quality. Finally ending with more information about the film when applicable; contemporary reception, if it was a debut director, or if the film was seen by and noted as a big inspiration by a well known person. Anno of course comes up a lot, but he's far from the only one. These analytical segments carry themselves with both a professional earnestness in examining the works, while also being fairly casual. One may even get a sense that Carrozza’s sanity is being tested by some of the later Gamera Films, probably some of the funniest moments within the book and one I find incredibly relatable.
Unsurprisingly,  a great deal of the book deals with Eiji Tsuburaya. The man simply was incredibly prolific and damn near everyone in the industry was either directly taught or inspired by him until his death- which even then his many proteges would carry on the tradition and inspiring others in turn, which is one of the most intriguing parts of the book, particularly the aftershocks Tsuburaya’s death had across the entire industry.
However, I do want to point out that the book doesn't pay much service to Tsuburaya's personal life outside of providing context or important details, nor should it. After all, Master of Monsters is already a deep dive into the man's life overall. So while details such as his change in name and conversion to Catholicism are mentioned, they're not the focus point; the movies are. And of course, as major of a player as Tsuburaya was, he is not the only one given the spotlight in regards to their contributions. The Yagi brothers are regularly mentioned for all their monster creations, Noriaki Yuasa of Daiei is regularly talked about, even Tomio Sagisu and his weird Cat obsession. And the list continues to grow and change as new talent emerges, becoming famous in their own right.
By and large Screen Writers, Producers, DPs, pyrotechnics, prop and set builders, and various other units are brought up and given background information whenever possible and always a name to those behind the magic. The information is detailed, yet concise. The sheer dense nature of the book comes from how much is covered and the broad scope of covering every notable Tokusatsu production until the end of ‘79. (I generally can read a novel in about 4 days, this took two weeks)
Quite frankly, it's refreshing to see so much condensed into one space for so many seldom talked about figures in the industry, where they got their start, ended up, etc.
Equally refreshing is a wider focus on not just DaiKaiju films or just one studio, but a plethora of Toku from various genres, production teams, and how the industry shifted over time– to say nothing of the influence major Hollywood films would have on the medium. War films, historical films, disaster movies, even Yokai films, occult films, space films, psychedelic horror, all are covered. And because the book goes in chronological order, the topic is always changing. 1965 kicks off with None But the Brave, then it’s The Retreat from Kiska, followed by Frankenstein Conquers the World, Zero Ace, and then over to Spy Catcher 13 on Television. It's not just about Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman. It's also Watari The Ninja Boy, Goke, Wind Velocity 75 Meters, The Bullet Train, Zero Fighter, ESPY, and Japan Sinks-- the film that inspired Shinji Higuchi. 
We’re not just focusing on monsters and Super Heroes, even if that will always be the bread and butter of the medium, nor is it even just Japanese films. As long as a Japanese crew was involved in some capacity, however limited (i.e. Inframan) it’s covered. 
This is by far the most appealing part of the book for me personally. Not only is its information a goldmine, but it can perhaps serve as an even broader introduction to more than just your typical idea of what Tokusatsu is.
The comprehensiveness and thoroughness of the information contained makes this both a captivating history lesson, and valuable resource to rely upon to gain a better understanding of Japan’s film history– at least in regard to the medium in question… With one exception that I have to get into, and boy do I really hate that I have to do this because 99% of this book is really great.
As mentioned, a large amount of the book revolves around Tsuburaya and those around him, those who could carry on his teachings, and those who would go even further with what practical effects can do. I'm very pleased to say the book doesn't just stop being engaging with Tsuburaya's passing, it's very much interested in where and how the industry gets on without such a prominent figure. Carrozza clearly has a deep love of miniatures in particular, you can tell by the enthusiastic writing this is his favorite aspect of Tokusatsu as it is with most people, and it plays a part in how much information is present. Because of that Tsupro, Toho, and even Daiei have a lot more readily accessible information to their history, just in general. It's why something like Spectreman can have four and half pages of production information, but you're lucky to get one or two on Ninja Arashi. What is there to say about something like that?
That's not to imply any of this information is easy to get, by no means. It's very hard work, particularly to sift through and condense everything- not to mention filtering possible contradicting stories or dated sources. But some things are easier than others. I will say it's impressive the amount of info that's presented for other studios, particularly P Productions and even Toei. They're given adequate attention, even in the early days. The back of the book features a full bibliography of all the sources and citations for this information, and a vast number of books pertaining to Tsupro, Toho, Daiei, even a few on P productions. Given their long and vast histories, it's not too surprising that there would be dozens upon dozens of books on the subjects. However, Toei and more specifically Kamen Rider are the odd ones out with the least amount of books, which also isn't surprising.
But this does lead to what is quite possibly the most egregious part, which is Kamen Rider '71's segment.
Now, just to be clear, I don't wanna dunk on Carrozza. What he's done is truly magical and I am deeply appreciative of all that's here. But this part is flawed, and it's putting wrong information out there.
There are some good aspects. The book mentions early production concepts that are often glossed over, like how Tiger Mask was partially the inspiration, and even early concept names like Maskman K, Kamen Tenshi: Masked Angel, and Cross Fire. It covers Masaru Igami, Shinichi Ichikawa, and Shozo Uehara being brought on as writers. Although there's no mention that both Ichikawa and Uehara left to work on Return of Ultraman due to conflicts with Producer Toru Hirayama, while Masayuki Shimada and Hidetoshi Kitamura would take their place.
What is noted is that many of the concepts under Cross Fire were maintained, which is true. The Scars that show up when angered, Ruriko Midorikawa as the daughter of a dead professor, the Spiderman. All of that was under Crossfire-- Shocker as a villain organization goes back even further. A surprising amount of the concepts were attributed to Toei's creative department, even the scars which ended up only appearing in the manga.
Now the book doesn't get into all those fine details, it starts and stops at "Many concepts from Cross Fire were maintained" which is fine. Gotta keep things condensed and a lot of that information is superfluous for this type of book. We don't need to get into Crossmask: Kamen Rider or Hopper King. That's too much of a deep dive.
Where things take a turn is in regards to the design aspects. A popular and incorrect over-simplification of the story involves  Toei wanting a Skullman show or something like it, but then it was decided that would be too violent so Ishinomori came up with the Grasshopper look. Another is the inverse where Ishinomori wanted a Skullman show and Toei said no to the premise/design.
Both of these are wrong with an inkling of truth in them. But the book presents a tale I've never heard. The way it's told here is that Toei wanted a Skull motif to replace Crossfire, but Ishinomori felt it was redundant since he just worked on the Flying Phantom Ship in '69. He created over 50 designs and his son Joe picked the Grasshopper, which played well into some environmental themes Ishinomori was pushing for. There is ZERO mention of Skullman made just a year earlier, which is such a bizarre missing piece and the only version of Kamen Rider’s creation that I know of with no Skullman.
As with the others, there are true parts in there.
The actual tale is that Ishinomori wanted something downright grotesque and felt that Crossfire's design was limiting. Ishinomori proposed the Skull motif to Toru Hirayama, who in turn relayed it to fellow Producer Yoshinori Watanabe, who despised the proposal. Watanabe felt it was too derivative of Skullman and wanted something original, while the Broadcast Station, MBS, felt it was too scary for their family friendly time slot. Ishinomori made over 50 designs, liked a Grasshopper one best because it was still creepy and helped play into an environmental theme of nature fighting back that Ishinimori was fond of.
There was still doubt around the design, but Ishinomori's son, Joe, went through the designs and picked the Grasshopper, so it was sent for approval.
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Now, this book mentions that Hirayama felt the insect design was weak as bugs are small, but eventually came around. Although it's claimed by Hirayama in his own book that it was MBS' Tetsu Shouno, who felt the insect design was weak, while Hirayama defended it. Hirayama did however have some reservations about the design possibly scaring children. When the helmet was finished, it was shown to a little girl, nearly driving her to tears, much to Hirayama’s horror. But it was too late to change. The rest of the book’s segment is largely what seems speculative, like The Hulk being an inspiration because...transformation? One part also mentions that they originally wanted the character to Grow a la Ultraman, but Ishinomori talked them out of it- I've not been able to find anything to support that. The closest I know of off hand was many years later in Kamen Rider J, which Ishinomori was supposedly against with exception to if it was treated like a one off miracle at the end of the movie. That doesn't mean it’s not true to ‘71, mind you, but I can't say that's an unheard of gem of information, given the flaws elsewhere.
What's weird is everything following is fine. The analytical section doesn't really get into the human themes of the series, but it rightly points out the grittier overall tone and appearance of the series, noting the first 13 episodes are among the best of the era. Specific designers at Equis are also mentioned, including Akira Takahashi, Tsutomu Yagi, and Masamitsu Sakuma. Information like that isn't often discussed, it's just a shame that so much the preceding info is garbled if not outright wrong.
But it's also not all too surprising as information on Kamen Rider has always been extremely muddled, and there aren't a ton of solid resources in comparison to other productions, despite how notable the franchise is. I think the best example of that might be that goddamn Zone Fighter has more detailed information on the production side than Kamen Rider does (Though it doesn't hurt that Zone Fighter is more effects focused than Rider to begin with).
In stark contrast with the rest of the book's well researched material, Rider feels like the information is half remembered and lacking the details of other productions. Even when we get into V3 which has much more readily available information thanks to airings in Hawaii and a DVD release, it has a fairly sparse section on the production end.
And there may be some truth to the half remembered details part. One of the books listed as a source is Fujioka's The Truth about Kamen Rider and Takeshi Hongo, published in 1999. And I would not be shocked if some of the information contributed to not only the odd information contained here, but the general murky history overall. There's a solid chance Fujioka's recollection may have forgotten some details, or gotten some wrong. I would've hoped that another book cited; Toei x Ishinomori would've corrected that, but there's no telling how detailed that book gets.
Regardless, other works like 2007's The Men Who Made Kamen Rider tell the story above, in addition to Toru Hirayama's 2012 bio: Crybaby Producer's Last Words - 50 Years of a TV Hero's Steps. Neither of course are in the bibliography. Even if we were to very generously assume that Hirayama's book was incorrect or embellished, I think it would be worth mentioning and getting into the varying scenarios instead of relying on a limited source when the information is out there, just not utilized.
It's a shame because I do truly feel this is an invaluable book with solid information, especially for lesser known productions, one that also gives a look at how trends would shape the industry. Hell, I finally have a name and photo for the damn machine Toei used for all its composite shots; the Totsu ECG system.
I still highly recommend the book to anyone interested in Japanese special effects, a ton of love was poured into this. But I also can't overlook that a major franchise has a mess of garbage information that only further clouds the murky waters. I hope this is corrected in a 2nd edition or at least updated info is mentioned in Vol 2 due in March. As is, do not cite or rely on this as a source for Rider history, it's the one spot I can definitively say is bad.
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trustclick · 2 years
Pixelstick bmp bird images on a black background
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Bitbanger seemed quite determined that they would produce a robust piece of kit.
For those who aren’t sure how to manipulate a bitmap, Bitbanger provide a few pre-loaded test patterns that don’t even require an SD card, and they also have a few pre-prepared bitmaps for download from their site.Īnother major consideration that formed a large part of the pre-release update emails for the Kickstarter is the build quality. There’s minimal assembly, slap a bitmap onto an SD card and away you go. There’s no mucking about with soldering irons, no banging your head at a screen trying to program arduino code. The main thing that stands out is the Pixelstick is pretty much plug-and-play. Bitbanger are marketing it as a game changer, claiming it will ‘Change the way you take photographs forever’. Happily for them, they reached their target with 5 weeks to spare, and the Pixelstick went into production in early 2014, and started shipping in the late summer. But this still requires the user to self-build, and this puts a lot of people off.īitbanger Labs filled the gap in the market in October 2013 when they launched their kickstarter project to produce an ‘off the shelf’ version of this concept. Subsequently, other versions of the concept were tried, such as the LightScythe by ‘Mechatronics Guy’ in Australia, and more recently electronics component suppliers Adafruit have published online tutorials on using the latest versions of addressable LED strips with Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. The amount of technical effort made doing this quite a headache, and despite Mike’s excellent online tutorial describing how to build what he dubbed the ‘Digital Light Wand’ many people who were keen to try it, were put off by the headache inducing complications of self-build.
( Mike’s first example of this is here: )Īt the time, this required some tricky manipulation to generate the code to ‘paint’ a bitmap, and the hardware had to be self-assembled. The first such light painting tool appeared a few years ago and in January 2010, pioneering work by Mike Ross (TxPilot on Flickr) used the open source Arduino platform to send the instructions to the LEDs. With the right set of instructions, the LEDs can be used to mimic the pixels of a bitmapped image, so as the Pixelstick is moved through space, the LEDs effectively ‘draw’ the bitmap in midair and can be captured during a long exposure photograph.Īs a concept, this is not new. This means each LED can produce almost any colour, and each one can be instructed to flash on and off at a particular speed and colour sequence. Now it is a real product, and is one of very few commercially available dedicated light painting tools.įor those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the Pixelstick is an array of 200 addressable RGB LEDs. It seemed that almost as soon as they’d set up the kickstarter for the Pixelstick, it had exceeded it’s required target and was set to become a real product. I’m not sure how well kickstarter projects usually do, but Bitbanger Labs must have been pretty pleased with how their second one turned out. So by writing this, I’m doing nothing more than calling it how I see it. I want to share my thoughts with others who take the artform seriously, and are not simply looking for a ‘magic bullet’ style device to turn them into spectacularly competent light painters overnight. I have no axe to grind, nor am I an evangelist for fancy tools, but I am passionate about light painting. Ian was kind enough to put The Pixelstick through its paces and write an in depth, honest and impartial review to let us all know if its worth the $325.00, check it out below. The Pixelstick is that light painting tool that looks a lot like Michael Ross’s Digital Light Wand created around 2010, huh hummmm… The Pixelstick received mass exposure and raised nearly 6 times its Kickstarter funding goal, a total of $628,417.00 to go into production! That was in December of 2013, well just about a month ago veteran Light Painter Ian Hobson got a hold of one of the first production models. Unless you have been living under a rock or in a comma for the last year you have probably heard of the light painting tool called The PixelStick.
Night Photography: Finding Your Way In The Dark.
Camera Rotation Light Painting Tutorial.
Light Painting Workshop by Patrick Rochon.
Fire Tutorials by Van Elder Photography.
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clavicuss-vile · 3 years
i really really wish there was a way to make like. custom skyrim followers easy on xbox. i wanna play kin'aru and marrow delving into dwemer dungeons together :((
what i usually do is just substitute followers for ocs and put a hood on them, 'miraak' on ime's save is just belrand in a hood bc the i dont like how actual miraak uses shouts all the time in the mod we have but
1. there's 0 ohmes-raht characters in skyrim full stop so i cant substitute kin unless i wanna use a bosmer
and 2. theres no dunmer followers that use the khajiit speech!! so they'll talk and i'll be like :( that's not Marrow :(
very upsetti i wanna figure out what their fighting styles would be since they're both more academically minded than arcane minded
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chateautae · 3 years
maybe i do | kth. X
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➵ summary :  maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
↳  part of the high-class series!
➵ pairing : taehyung x reader
➵ genre : arranged marriage!au, ceo!tae, s2l!au, eventual smut, fluff, angst
➵ rating : 18+
➵ word count : 36k  
➵ warnings : swearing, alcohol consumption (both parties able to consent), mentions of a toxic past relationship, vulnerability, mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation in said relationship, mentions of some force (very mild, though please read this scene with caution if that is triggering), mentions of a panic attack, anxiety, but comfort scenes, he comforts her so, so much ;(, sexual content, dirty talk, so much teasing, oral (f. receiving), mentions of male oral, dom!tae, sub!reader, massive cock!tae, brat-taming, punishment, slight exhibitionism, cum eating, friendly ass smacks, hitting it from the back, finger sucking, cum stuffing, nipple/breast worship play, reverse cowgirling, missionary, face-riding, mentions and use of daddy, office sex, plane sex, window sex, balcony sex, so much sex, biting, loads of praising, discipline, rough sex, passionate sex, slow sex, overstimulation, mentions of edging, crying, begging, name kink, impreg kink, creampie, loads of suggestive flirting, squirting, scratching, tooth-fucking-rotting fluff, a disgusting amount of domesticity 
➵ a/n : i’m back with another chapter folks and it’s the highly anticipated chapter 10!! pack your bags lovelies we goin places with the mid babies 😎 please excuse me if this sounds terrible I edited this while suffering from the damn pain of my covid vaccine (i reacted horribly to it). for the best reading experience, listen to the playlist!! thank you to my lovely beta-reader @hantaev as always 🥺 and feedback means the world to me <3
➵ playlist : “warm” by dre’es ft. mia, “slow down” by chase atlantic, “levitating” by dua lipa, “temperature rising” by tory lanez  
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chapter ten : “how could i know, one day i’d wake up feeling more?”
prev. ↞ || ↠ next || masterlist
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“Tae, hurry up, we don’t have a lot of time.”
“Don’t rush me, babe. This is an artform here.” 
“It shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes to eat me out!”
He’s utterly ravenous, and it’s hard to keep still. Taehyung licks up and around your folds so teasingly it has your legs incessantly shaking. His large palms splay across your thighs and grip you wide open, fingers boring into your meat to quell your squirming, Taehyung never letting up his dangerous kitten licks.
He lines your opening only to drag his tongue upwards, clamp his lips down around your mound and circle around your buzzing clit, moaning out lewdly in your office.
“Taehyung..” you arch into him, tugging his face closer as your body relaxes in your office chair. You lurch when Taehyung presses the tip of his scheming tongue against your bud, sighing out louder.
“Tae.. fuck.”
“And this is exactly why I don’t rush.” He smirks in between your legs and suckles on your clit, pulling you back into your upright position as he pushes up your skirt for better access.
“Tae.. we don’t-there’s not enough time.” You whimper out feeling his tongue swipe through you, the wet muscle supplying you eons of heavenly pleasure while you also feel the small anxiety of knowing lunch is almost over.
But Taehyung only grasps you harder, shoving his face deeper as he captures your folds between his plushy lips.
“There’s always enough time to eat out my wife.” 
He angles himself better to consume you, no doubt ruining the iron press of his Ralph Lauren suit as he remains on a knee before you, handsome face happily stuffed in between your thighs, watching his jaw repeatedly flex and mouth work your pussy effortlessly. 
“Besides, Princess,” he coos, smoothing your thighs. “This is for sucking me off after my conference call yesterday.” 
“You were stressed, baby.. wanted to help-nngh.” You muffle your own moan as Taehyung wets your aching pussy with his tongue, swiping through your pulsing folds. 
“And that’s why my perfect wife deserves to have her cunt licked.”
He then snakes his devilish tongue into your hole, shivering your insides as he drags the slippery muscle up your slit again, pad of his thumb stroking your bundle of nerves as you whine, shudder under his touch. 
“Taehyung.. we can’t have the quickie you want if you keep eating me out.. fuck!” You moan sharply as Taehyung rubs tighter circles against your clit, pussy palpitating as he laps at your nether lips like his favourite dessert.
“I can make you come in 5 minutes. We’ll have time, Princess, trust me.” His arrogance is scoff-worthy in tone but sends hot spikes of arousal through your core, Taehyung working magic on your pussy like he knows every pleasure of your body.
“Tae, shit.” You moan, throwing your head back as your hips develop a mind of their own, riding up against his face. “Y-you’re making me too loud, just.. just fuck me already-ow!”
Taehyung brings his perfect teeth down on your clit and bites you. Your body jolts, an audacious crease to your brows as you watched him peer up at you with dark, scheming eyes and a shit-eating grin.
“You’re gonna be a lot louder when I fuck you, baby. Behave.” The bass in his voice is so, so low and authoritative you’re on fire, fingers curling in his locks of hair just to hear him groan against you; and the vibration it sends is to die for.
You moan as you feel your stomach bubbling, needing to feel him inside you and come undone like a wind up toy. You grow too taxed, too impatient as you grab his collar and pull him away from your gushing pussy, meeting Taehyung’s distraught eyes and glistening lips as you tug him towards your face.
“Shut up and kiss me, loverboy.”
You crash him against your lips, Taehyung humming in satisfaction as his palms curl around your waist. You devour him, kissing him greedily as you taste your essence on his perfect lips. You groan from the back of your throat, mouthing at him languidly as you dip inside to tangle with his tongue. 
Taehyung smiles against you when you moan, making out shamelessly. “You taste so sweet, don’t you?” 
You pop off his mouth for air, face flushed as you meet his amorous eyes, hands snug on his ruined collar. “Not as sweet as your cock.”
A lop-sided, smug smirk is on his lips as he eyes you like a meal, running his tongue over his set of teeth with pride. You take the opportunity to shove him back onto his feet, rising to yours and abruptly grappling and tugging him towards you by his belt, attempting to undo it.
Taehyung is tugged forward by your force, quirking a brow. 
“Damn, my girl needs me that badly, huh?” His tone is condescending, but he fails to hide the way his dick rapidly spikes with blood at the action.
“You wanted a quickie, and we haven’t had sex in a long time.”
“We had sex up against my office window yesterday.”
“Yesterday, as in not today. I’m a brand new woman today.”
“A woman that loves my cock this much?”
“No, a woman that loves you this much.” You bat your eyelashes with a pout of your lips. “Now get this out and make me yours, baby.” You coo at Taehyung as you find his throat, beginning to mouth at the perfect junction of his chiseled neck as you unbuckle his belt.
Taehyung sighs out, relishing in you for a second before he’s twirling you around and you’re shoved onto your desk in a second. He looms behind you, Taehyung propping a leg of yours up on the surface as he bends you over, explorative palm skimming over your ass as he bunches up your skirt.
You giggle feeling his touch, ticklish as you stifle your laugh and Taehyung brings his hand down for a reprimanding smack to your ass. 
“Don’t laugh, Princess, it’s too fucking cute.” He chuckles softly, the sound beautiful to your ears. 
His big hands scheme for your flimsy stockings that rode up and now hugged around the flesh of your ass. You anticipate him to tug them downwards, except all you feel is Taehyung fiddle with them until you hear a very, very telling rip.
You gasp when the cold air hits you, peering over your shoulder with scandalized eyes. “Kim fucking Taehyung, you did not just rip my stockings.”
Taehyung’s unbothered, only continuing to rip the thin material with a shrug of his shoulders. “Faster access, and you’re wearing a skirt.”
“Skirts make you a weak man?”
“Very, only when it’s you.”
Taehyung dips down to cast your hair away from your neck and presses open-mouthed kisses along your neck, hand tugging down the ripped fabric of your stockings as he touches your underwear. You shiver, writhe a little as the pleasure feels orgasmic.
“Tae.. o-only 10 minutes, please.. please fuck me.” You ask politely as you squirm, bucking your hips backwards into his hand for friction, to beckon him.
He pressed one last, deep kiss behind your ear, feeling the smirk that creeps up onto his lips. “Well, when you ask like that..”
Taehyung this time slides your underwear aside, bringing his slender fingers to run through your sticky, wet folds.
“Mmm, so wet, just how my wife should be.” He coos, slowly stroking your cunt as the bass of his voice resonates in your ear. “Is this for me, sweetheart?”
“Use your words, Y/N”
You sigh out, fingers scratching against your desk for control. “Y-yes, Taehyung. Just.. just want you to fuck me.”
His lips canvas to your ear, low and husky. “How do you want me?”
“Fast.. and-and hard.”
Taehyung kisses your shoulder as a reward before he fumbles with his belt, the telling sound of the metal unbuckling as he no doubt frees his hardened cock, and your pussy gushes at just the salacious thought.
He holds your hip with one hand as his other cups around his shaft, smoothing your skin as he instructs.
“Ass up for me, baby.”
You comply when he presses down on your back to arch you, offering your backside to him like a full-course meal. Your spilled breasts from the confines of your blouse meet your desk, supplying heavenly stimulation to your perched nipples.
You then feel the head of Taehyung’s member prod your hole, letting out a heady moan that resonates too loudly in your office. and your head dips in pleasure.
Taehyung immediately maneuvers his hand over your mouth to hush you, bent over your whiney figure with a low, gruff tone. “Shh, not so loud, Princess. Can’t have your entire office knowing I’m fucking you in here, now can we?”
You nod your head, sure it’s spinning by now. His large palm was clasped over your mouth as Taehyung peers to where your bodies meet, carefully gathering your slick over his tip for amusement while you squirm at the sensation.
He then begins pushing against your entrance, hand curtained around your mouth loosening as he trades it for hooking onto your exposed shoulder. 
He invades you deliciously, and immediately feels the thick fleshiness of your pussy as you moan out, the heft of his girthy cock absolutely perfect. He sinks in slow and steady with a low moan, like he wants to savour the wet, tight warmth of your cunt and never grows tired of it.
“God, Princess, how are you always so tight?” He continues to shove himself inside you, enjoying the usual way your small walls flutter open for him. “Even after all the times I’ve fucked you open?”
“Clearly it-hasn’t been enough.” You choke out a moan once he bottoms out inside you, feeling his massive cock prod the base of your stomach, no stranger to how divinely big Taehyung is.
Taehyung groans too, pleasured and heady, but not without adding a scoff at the end. “I’ve been fucking you almost everyday for two months, and you haven’t had enough?”
“Like I said.. baby,” you moan when he pushes himself a little deeper, breaching your cervix. “I can never get enough of you.”
You hear him breathe through his nose, hand palming your ass. “My dirty Princess.” He whispers deeply, moving out of your quivering cunt until his tip, just to draw himself back in with a harsh thrust.
You gasp, no matter how many times you’ve felt the same weight of Taehyung’s cock inside you, still able to manifest the same indulgent feeling; deep and thick and long.
“My little sub, always so needy for cock.”
“Only if it’s yours, Mr. Kim... nngh.” You silence your moan as Taehyung pulls out of you slowly, only to smash himself back in, your hips producing a lewd slapping sound together.
“God, I fucking love you.” Taehyung swears. He anchors his hand on your hip, elevating you as he begins a tight, quick pace just like you asked.
His dick feels thick and makes your pussy walls clench, their slicked wetness allowing him to glide with ease, feel his length so deliciously you let out a moan from the back of your throat, throwing your head back in blissful pleasure. 
“I love-“ A hard thrust. “you more, Tae.” You moan out when he neglects preparation and hits you hard, fingertips digging into your hip for leverage as he sets a vigorous speed.
He stands behind you tall and proud, small grunts and little encouragements escaping him as he fills you up in all the right places. It could sound animalistic, could sound as though you and Taehyung have gone days, maybe even weeks without each other and decided to indulge in reunion sex. 
But that hasn’t been the case for the two last months, and it’s only because Taehyung fucks you that good and that often. Fucks you so good your body shakes, so good your throat runs raw moaning his name over and over again as he strokes against that one, perfectly spongy spot inside you that has you seeing stars. 
That’s all you can think about as he pounds into that very spot from behind, takes you right on your office desk as if there isn’t 10 minutes left until your lunch ends, yet here you are having your guts rearranged by your husband. 
Taehyung hits you with vigor, with a little more roughness in his thrusts as he hoists your hips even higher, so much so that he begins angling himself differently, brushing against that g-spot inside you that never fails to have you screaming out his name. 
Your clit is already buzzing from before, pulsing and aching so badly you want to moan so audibly, but instead need to shut yourself up. 
“Tae.. I-I need.. ugh-something to bite-down on.. fuck!” You try to speak as he repeatedly penetrates your cunt, beating it up like it’s his. And just when you think he’ll only leave it at that, he slowly snakes his two fingers past your hips and touches your mound, beginning to stimulate the engorged, sticky bud. 
And you quite literally have never loved a man more. 
“Told you you’d be louder.” He snarks. 
“Just give me something, you asshole.” 
“Maybe a mouth full of cock?” 
“I have teeth, and I’m not afraid to use them if you don’t give me what I want.” 
You hear him laugh through his nose, feeling the cool metal of his belt meet your ass every so often as he supplies you with quick, hard fucks. 
“My little fucking brat, aren’t you?” The edge of his authoritative tone turns you on. “Need something to keep you quiet?” 
And that’s all you get before Taehyung leans over, his front snug to your back as he shoves two fingers into your mouth and silences your moans, lips brushing your ear. 
“Bite my fingers, and you don’t come for three days.” 
You immediately attempt to control yourself knowing he’s not kidding, soaking in his heavenly onslaught as your insides burn and ache and palpitate, but it’s everything you could’ve wanted. To feel the euphoric drag of his monstrous cock, to feel his pretty veins and how much he throbs inside you, no doubt managing his own orgasm as he edges you towards yours. 
“Princess, I need to tell you-something.” He grunts in between his words, giving it to you fast and hard as he licks at your earlobe, sucking on his fingers as he breathes heavily in your ear. 
You lightly nod, signaling him to speak. 
“There’s a-” He thrusts deeply. “A business trip, I have to go on.” A grunt. “But I don’t-” The sound of skin slapping resounds hard in the office, Taehyung penetrating you deep. “Want to be away from you for too long.” 
Taehyung continues to supply heavy and hard strokes as you moan around his fingers, fucking up your pussy as your orgasm builds in your stomach, threatens to release with every pump he buries into your stomach. “So I wanted you to come with me.” 
You quirk your brows at the news, surprised for a mere second before Taehyung begins losing cohesion in his speech, getting lost in whatever cloud nine he’s on right now as he fucks you. “Fuck, fuck. Princess, shit, how is your pussy this good?”
He asks rhetorically as he groans, harmoniously moaning out with him as he presses his fingertips deeper into your clit, stimulating it in delicious circles that have your insides restricting, legs shaking and body buzzing with arousal. 
“Will you go-on the trip with me?”
That doesn’t even require thought or contemplation, nodding incessantly as tears threaten to spill from your eyes, his dick so good and hard you’re teetering on the edge of an delicious orgasm. You need better leverage, and your hand hooks onto his that stuff two fingers in your mouth, Taehyung readjusting to lace your fingers together for comfort. 
“Okay.. okay, my Princess. Be a good girl and cum for me, come all over my cock, baby.” He holds you carefully and gently as he coos, but his thrusts say otherwise, quickly snapping up into your g-spot as you begin squealing, whimpering, weeping out an orgasm that hits you so hard your vision blanks out. 
You lurch forward, body convulses as you release all over Taehyung’s throbbing cock.  You resist the urge to clamp down on his hand, but instead squeeze his fingers as you tremble. You breathe harshly as you try to resupply your lungs with oxygen, winded and wooed as your mind comes back down to Earth. 
You can still feel Taehyung’s dick throbbing probably so painfully inside your pulsing pussy, no doubt controlling himself as he soothes your hips and lets you come down your high first. 
His rugged breaths tell you he’s close, he’s close and he’s waiting for you, being the same patient man he’s always been and your heart blossoms with adoration, fills with determination to satisfy the man you’re so disgustingly in love with. 
You boldly grip his hand tight over your mouth and begin a steady motion backwards, your sticky, wet mess all over his cock allowing for an easy glide. You can feel his hips stutter behind you as you softly fuck him, groaning uncontrollably with a light scoff.
“Shit, you’re so fucking perfect.” Taehyung reciprocates your movements as he swears, grasping your hip as he smashes into you faster and harder, purposefully clenching your aching pussy around his engorged cock, twitching inside you as he approaches his release. 
You haul his saliva-covered fingers out of your mouth, speaking in between his filling thrusts. “You’re so fucking-hot, Taehyung. You fuck me so good, always fuck me so good.” 
You coax his orgasm, Taehyung aimlessly fucking into you at a harsher pace as he chases his approaching high. 
“Taehyung-ah!” You cry out sharply when he specifically rams into you hard, insides constantly flooded by his gifted length as you beg him.  “Taehyung, baby, come inside me, please. Make me yours, I wanna be yours.”
He keeps driving himself inside, hearing his grunts and fucked out moans by your ear as he works to flood your insides. “Wanna feel you cum, Tae. Fill me up like you always do, cum inside me-!”
And that’s all it takes to have Taehyung spilling inside you with a feral groan by your ear, his chest rising and falling deeply as he releases all he has, painting your insides with strips of milky white. 
He breathes hot in your ear, your hair having frayed across your face as your head dips for much needed rest. Taehyung collects the tresses and tucks your hair behind your ear as he holds it away, leaning his temple against yours. 
“Princess..” He swallows, wetting his lips. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah.. yeah, I’m good.” You assure him. “I feel.. really good.” You smooth over his hand that cradles your tummy, turning over to meet his lips for a kiss. 
Taehyung complies, turning inwards and connecting your mouths for a lazy kiss. It’s sloppy and a lot of needy tongue, but it feels good to catch his bottom lips between your teeth and tug on the pillowy flesh, releasing with a light smile. 
He kisses the apple of your cheek and lifts himself off you, coming to his full height as he carefully draws himself out. You feel empty once he’s fully abandoned you, letting your body fall against your desk as you feel stretched out and frail. 
You’re too exhausted to stand upright, inclining on your desk haphazardly as you try to catch your breath, until you suddenly feel bear-like arms wrap around your midsection from behind.
Taehyung gently picks you up off the desk and into his arms, supporting your weight as he bear hugs you, pressing mindless kisses to your bare shoulder where your blouse dips. 
You laugh lightly. “Is this your new idea of aftercare?” 
“Maybe. Just wanted to kiss you, too.” He says as he relishes in pecking your skin with feather-like kisses, sensual as his big arms cuddle you from behind. 
“And the mess between my legs?” 
Taehyung simply hums against you, bringing a hand down to your abdomen as he rubs slowly. “Was thinking you keep all of me inside you today.” 
You quirk a brow. “All of you?” 
“Mm, like knowing my cum’s dripping out of you during the day.” He canvasses up to your neck, sweet and honey-like kisses as you roll your eyes and bump him with your ass, his hold faltering from you. 
“Easy for you to say, you ripped my stockings, asshole.” 
Taehyung drawls. “You didn’t need them, your legs are sexy.” 
“And what if other men stare at my legs?” 
“As long as they know I’m the one in between them every night, I’m good.” 
You scoff a little, adjusting your skirt as Taehyung similarly tucks himself away, buckling his belt again. You opt for discarding your stockings all together, tugging them off as you toss them in the trash and fix up your chiffon blouse. 
The time comes to your mind, quickly taking Taehyung’s wrist to peer at his Rolex as he straightens his tie, watching your eyes pop open. 
“Holy fuck, there’s only a minute left, I’m gonna be late!” You begin freaking out as you try buttoning your Godforsaken shirt faster, forgetting you grow clumsier the more panicky you get. 
Taehyung immediately begins scrambling too, ruffling his hair the right way before he smooths down your skirt. “You won’t be late, I’ve got you.” He starts adjusting your blouse back into your skirt, you still fumbling with the buttons as you attempt to collect your breasts that were previously in Taehyung’s mouth. 
“Hey, what was that you said about your business trip?” 
“Hmm?” He mindlessly answers as he scans over your makeup, ensuring nothing was out of place as he spotted some mascara pooling at the corners of your eyes. 
“Your business trip, are you for real? You want me to come with you?” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s an annual one week getaway the top CEO’s in the technology market attend. I want you to come with me.” He thoughtfully wipes the pad of his thumb at the corner of your eyes, removing the small black smudge of mascara. 
“A one week getaway? Only with you?” 
“Only with me.” He assures, fixing your other eye diligently. 
You smile joyfully, the thought of a vacation getaway with Taehyung quickly filling you with excitement, unable to help your cheeks from rising. “Of course I’ll come.”
His eyes then shift to you, grinning as well once he meets your radiant ones, hands coming to rest on either side of your face. You simply gaze at each other when you hear a loud knock to your door, startling you and Taehyung. 
“Y/N! Hello? Meeting’s in five, we gotta debrief soon!” You hear Yeji’s annoyed voice shouts on the other side of the door, filling your nerves with panic. 
“Awh, shit.” You mutter to yourself. “Yeah, yeah! I’m coming, Yeji, just wait!” You call out to her as you get your last button, rushing as you quickly caution Taehyung. 
“Tae, you have to go, make sure you have your phone and everything, too.” 
“Okay, okay.” Taehyung picks up your speed and begins bustling around too, letting go of your face to nab his phone on your desk and slip it into his jacket pocket, collecting some papers that had fallen off your desk. 
You haphazardly comb your fingers through your hair without much thought, pulling your skirt down a little further. You see Taehyung fixing up some other things on your desk and you hurry towards him, tapping his shoulder. 
“It’s okay, baby, thank you. Now go, you’re gonna be late for work too.” You peck his lips as you get to urging him towards your door, both of you stopping just before. 
You turn Taehyung around to face you, scanning over his suit as you pat it back in place. Taehyung also stretches out the sleeves and positions the jacket better. You tippy-toe to reach the few strands of hair that ruined the sweep of his locks from his forehead, carding your fingers through his fluffy hair.
You then find his tie and even it, hands clasping around his biceps as you come up to kiss him again. “Okay, I’ll see you after work. Don’t work too hard today, and we’ll talk more about your business trip later.”
Taehyung nods. “Mm, I’ll tell you everything. Don’t work too hard today either, and you can text me when you’re bored.” He grips your forearms to plant a few heartfelt kisses, lips leaving those precious smacking noises. 
You both warmly smile at each other, Taehyung turning around for the doorknob and nearly cracking it open, until you suddenly exclaim. 
He whirls back around, curious eyes meeting yours and your small palms find his face, capturing his cheeks. 
“I love you, Taehyung.” 
Taehyung never fails to hide that one, beautiful smile he always harbours any time he hears you confess that, eyes glistening with an ocean of love. 
“I love you more, Y/N.” He dips down to peck your cute lips and playfully rub your nose with his. You giggle adorably, letting him go and Taehyung’s swinging the door open before you can be anymore late. 
Taehyung abruptly stops spotting Yeji right outside the door, her hand in the air where she was seconds from knocking. She stands there frozen, eyes bugging out. 
“Hello.” Taehyung greets her with a kind smile, holding the door open. It seems Yeji’s malfunctioning, being too obvious about her staring as she panics in silence. You clear your throat purposefully loud and she’s blinking, snapping out of her trance. 
“I apologize if she’s late. I’ll try to make my exit soon, though I wouldn’t want to hurt you in the process.” Yeji then realizes Taehyung’s politely referring to her standing in his way, and she immediately scrambles. 
“Oh, sorry, my bad.” She coughs, casting herself aside. Taehyung nods courteously with a bow and steps out of your office, adjusting the lapels of his suit as he turns around.
“I’ll see you after work, Princess.” He leans over and kisses you who stands in the doorframe, plastering the stupidest smile on your face as he disconnects and begins making his way down the hallway
Taehyung walks with a smug spring in his step, and watching his God-like figure from behind leaves you leaning against the door and biting your bottom lip, staring dreamily at him. “God, he’s so fucking hot.” The thought slips past your lips.
Taehyung’s got the smirkiest of smirks on himself, rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek as he passes by everyone in the office that happens to fall silent and stare at him. Maybe it’s his breath-taking looks, or maybe because everyone can tell what was really going on in your office just by him leaving it in such a fashion. 
And Taehyung’s next words when he’s sauntering down don’t do much to quell anyone’s imagination. He sees Alex all of a sudden, who flashes Taehyung a quick glance before he’s stiffening, obviously trying to avoid his eyes as he returns to his work. 
Taehyung quirks a brow, laughing to himself as he turns around and addresses everyone’s ogling eyes. “Well, good morning.” He greets radiantly as he buttons his suit jacket. “Hope our um.. conversation wasn’t too loud.” 
It takes 0.5 seconds for you to snap out of your trance, immediately festering annoyance at Taehyung’s so obvious allusion. You whisper-yell at him as you gesture rebukingly. “Taehyung!” 
“Sorry, Princess.” He whispers back. “Just remember when you get home we’re packing our bags together.”
“Yes! Just go already!” 
“Okay, okay.” Taehyung acquiesces, but not without that mischievous smile of his. “Also, you should fix your hair, Mrs. Kim. Wonder who messed it all up.” Taehyung acts stupidly innocent as he smirks and turns away from you as you scramble around with your hair. Taehyung’s eyes meet Alex’s, and he purposefully swipes his thumb across his bottom lip suggestively, sure he can still taste you on him. 
He sees Alex actually glare back, and it leaves Taehyung nothing but grinning proudly. 
Taehyung’s suavely strolled out of your office after flashing some more condescending smiles, all while Yeji attempts to literally hold you back. “Y/N, you can’t jump him, we have a meeting!” 
“Just once, let me at him just once.” 
“Y/N, get your damn papers and let’s get going. I’m not getting chewed out because of you!” 
You take a deep breath, calming yourself down. “Alright, alright, I’m cool.” 
Yeji believes the coast is clear and she’s on her way to the meeting room. You return to your office to clean up some more sheets with a grumble, locating the significant ones you actually needed. 
You’re busy with that task when your phone buzzes on your desk, nabbing your attention. You pick it up and take a look, screen illuminated by two annoying text messages.
Taehyung ♡ : so, did you want me to drop off some new stockings? 
Taehyung ♡ : wonder what happened to your old ones :/
And all you remember in that moment, is contemplating the millions of ways you’ll throttle your husband. 
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“Babe, we gotta get going!” Taehyung shouts from down the stairs. “Our driver’s already here, I’m gonna be outside waiting for you!” 
“Okay! I’m coming!” You try to last minute shove your essentials into your suitcase, collecting things you believe to be crucial and necessary. Your clothes for the trip were already packed and inside the car, Taehyung having carried and loaded your suitcase for you with his strength. 
You wanted a carry-on for yourself that you personally assumed important for a one week getaway, packing things in as you check off the last couple items on the list; medications, toiletries, miscellaneous though important objects like a nail clipper. 
You sling your purse over your shoulder once you’re all finished and adjust your outfit, zipping up the small, lavender suitcase as you lug it down the stairs with you.
You were still unsure of where you were going, Taehyung having taken advantage of your poor knowledge on the trip to instead transform it into a surprise. All he really told you was that the place was warm. You weren’t certain where your destination was, yet you still nabbed the new Ray bans Taehyung bought you a couple days ago all as a part of your bubbling excitement. 
You’ve not been on vacation since you were a teenager, and you couldn’t have been more over the moon.
You tote your suitcase down the steps, reaching the main floor as you make towards your front foyer, knowing Taehyung’s waiting for you. You’re seconds from stepping onto the marble flooring when you catch a view of the housekeeper’s closet in the corner of your eye ajar, most likely a result of Mrs. Choi or Seo working away. You remembered why the certain area was so important to you, sparking your memory of the camera.
‘Should I?’ you think to yourself, surely he still doesn’t know about it, and Jimin’s been one hell of a liar. You bite your lip contemplating, would the trip be a good time to give it to him? 
“Princess, you may be the love of my life but if you’re not outside in the next 5 minutes, I’m calling you by your real name for the rest of our trip!” Taehyung calls out into the house as he hovers outside, holding him up.  
“Okay, okay! I’m coming, genius!” You reply as you scurry towards the closet after a split second decision, removing the camera from the gift bag that wouldn’t fit in the suitcase and only inserting the box inside. 
It thankfully fits and you note you’ll never allow Taehyung to invade  your carry-on. You quickly step out into the foyer and slip on some cute sneakers, perfect for your outfit today. 
You swing the door open and you’re met by Taehyung, his attention falling to you with his hands tucked in his pockets. “Why’d you take so long?” 
You paint on a wide smile. “I was thinking about how much I love you.” 
Taehyung scoffs. “You can think about that in the car, sweetheart.” 
“You’re lucky I’m practicing self control right now and saving us time, or else I would’ve been having you right here on our porch.” 
Taehyung quirks a brow, amused. “And you think in that outfit I’m not thinking the same?” 
You glance down at your Chanel outfit, a fitted crop top paired with a black mini skirt that exposes a tasteful amount of skin, all topped off with your cute Vans. “What, is my sailor’s flagpole acting up over it?”
“No..” Taehyung clears his throat, clearly trying to hide the way it turns him on. “It’s just-you’re wearing a skirt.”
You perk up immediately. “Oh? Your thing for skirts again, huh?” 
Taehyung nods lightly as he swallows hard, trying to avoid eye contact with you, hands in his pockets as he hides his uncharacteristic embarrassment.
But you smirk right away. 
With a hop and spring in your step your hands splay over his chest, your front pressed all against his as get on your tippy toes and Taehyung glances down at you. Your lips reach for his ear, whispering hotly. 
“Wonder what would happen without that self-control, sailor.”
You breathe a puff of hot air, and you feel Taehyung tense in seconds. Suddenly he switches gears however, and he tugs you both into your entrance, hiding you from the vision of Taehyung’s driver and assistant in the car. 
Your back presses against the cobblestone and Taehyung’s invaded all your personal space, lips tucked against your pulse point he skims. He lightly scoffs against you with a small smirk, your nerves crackling at the hot air he puffs when he whispers. 
“Something like this.” His hands canvas down to smooth over your ass, palming at the flesh. He then slips them underneath the material of your skirt, finding your bare cheeks he grabs at greedily. You moan when the tips of his fingers dance across your panty-clad core, bracing against his broad chest as he touches you in places that leave your heart racing. 
“Tae..” You breathe out as your body feels a shot of arousal, the proximity of his own intoxicating. Your nose is filled with Taehyung’s expensive cologne, his breath fanning your neck as he remains inches from you, your hands lost in his hair.
“You should plan your outfits wisely, Princess.” Taehyung breathes. “If you look too sexy, I’ll end up fucking you senseless instead of working on this trip.”
“Mmm, is that so? Maybe that’s what I want, Mr. Kim.” You press yourself further into him when his finger glides across your clothed folds, clasping his locks with a tug. “And did I ever tell you this new haircut is sexy as fuck?” 
You reference the undercut he had the audacity to nonchalantly stroll into your home with a few days back, resulting in feral sex against your dinner table until you two broke the vase atop it. 
Taehyung laughs, putting space between you two. “A good hundred times. And you’re always up to no good, aren’t you?” 
“Where do you think I learned it from?” You’re mere centimeters from his lips, teasing him as you flit between his mouth and entrancing eyes. 
Taehyung bites his lip as he eyes you playfully, giving in. “Mmm, maybe that’s why we’re perfect together.” 
You both chuckle at that, Taehyung’s hands loose on your hips as you hold onto the nape of his neck. “Perfect we are.” You prop yourself up to kiss him, Taehyung smiling widely against you as he deepens the lip-lock and his arms wind around your waist.
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“Can you tell me where we’re going now? Aren’t we almost there?” 
“Not yet, you’ll have to see when we land.” You puff your cheeks and cross your arms when he writes you off again. You currently sit next to Taehyung in the back of an Escalade on your trip to the airport, watching him dodge your questions as he remains immersed in emails on his stupid iPad. 
“You’re so mean, how do I know you’re not taking me somewhere to kill me?” 
“You really think in any lifetime I have the capacity to kill you?” 
“Maybe if I wrecked your Mercedes.” 
“Debatable, but I can just get a new car, I can’t get another you.” He dismisses once again as he clicks on his screen, scrolling and occasionally conversing with his assistant through the partition. 
“You’re so cheesy.” 
“And you love it.” 
You roll your eyes, seated impatiently as you watch the world outside swiftly pass you by. You’re still boggled at how little you know about this trip, prodding Taehyung once again. 
“I don’t know, maybe you’re into some super kinky shit.”
“We’ve been fucking for two months, Y/N.” 
“And?” You quirk a brow. “It’s been vanilla as far as we go. What if you’re taking me to some sort sex dungeon in another country? It’s best I know where we’re going.” 
Taehyung shakes his head disapprovingly, laughing a little. “A) I don't have a sex dungeon, although if I did, you'd love it and B), did you really just call our two months of kinky shit vanilla?” 
You lift a finger to retort but retract once you realize he’s right, angrily pouting as you lean back against his arm with frustration, legs and arms crossed. 
“That’s what I thought, not everyone likes being tied up and dom’d like you. Very opposite of vanilla, baby.” 
“What’s vanilla is you not telling me where we’re going, asshole.” 
All you get is a laugh through Taehyung’s nose, quietly returning to his work as you recline on him with annoyance. You huff, this car ride getting boring again, so you prop off Taehyung just to scrutinize him. 
“How long will the flight even be?” 
“16 hours? Maybe 15.” 
“Will anyone else we know be there? Shouldn’t Jungkook be coming considering the success of Jeon Entertainment last year?” 
“He should’ve been, but he’s stuck here tasting wedding cakes with his new bride-to-be.” Taehyung explains. “Why are you asking about Jungkook anyway, hm?” He scrutinizes you with a playful glare. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m not interested in younger men, baby. I only like older men” You bat your eyelashes as you cling to his arm and remember he’s a year older than you, sending him a wide, awe-struck grin. 
Taehyung ticks his head proudly. “That’s what I thought. And he’s thoroughly pissed about it, though, usually he comes with me.” 
You rest your chin on his shoulder with a sigh as his eyes return to some long email, staring at him with your big, expectant ones. 
“Tae.” You call him, waiting. 
No response. 
“Tae..” You draw out as you wind your arms tighter around his bicep, growing pouty. 
He’s still silent, too focused on his work and all business as he types. He may look incredibly sexy wearing his dark grey, three-piece Armani suit with that focused crease to his strong eyebrows, but that’s when one of your hands has a mind of its own and slithers down to his thigh, cupping the inside of the muscle.
“Tae, please tell me more about this trip. Where are we going?” You pull out the puppy dog eyes, your mischievous hand catching his attention as he flashes to your fingers around him, then at your pleading face. 
You see his expression remain predominantly blank, evading you. “Later, baby. I’m working right now.” 
He returns his eyes to the screen again and you grow desperate for his attention, letting your neediness take the spotlight. Your hand quickly inches to his crotch area and you grab him through his dress pants, Taehyung immediately twitching in his seat. 
“Tell me right now, or I straddle you this instant.” You threaten near his ear as you feel Taehyung stiffen, your hand occasionally groping him enough to leave him biting his lip. 
“You’re gonna regret this later, you know?” 
“I’m not vanilla, remember? Now spill, Kim.” You add more pressure, stroking his shaft teasingly as he twitches once again, screwing his eyes shut. He then takes a breath, hand clasping over yours. 
“You already know it’s an annual convention, CEO’s running the top companies in technology attend. You get an invitation based on your profit for that year. I’m invited every year, but the location changes and I want it to be a surprise for you.” He elaborates, squeezing your hand in his.
“It’s one of the largest networking events, but it’s basically a huge excuse for everyone to lay back and relax. It’s just a vacation us CEO’s go on for a getaway, and I’ve been wanting to take you on a vacation for some time.” 
“Ooh.” You nod understandingly, lightly blushing at the fact that Taehyung wanted to take you on a vacation. “So it’s basically an excuse to drink and party and do whatever the fuck you want as rich people?” 
“Basically, but I usually used it as an opportunity to network, build relationships with people to ensure investments and sometimes secure more international shareholders. I didn’t just have fun, usually Jungkook did so I was alone often.” He lets go of your hand to scroll through the multiple documents on his screen, busy eyes trained on blocks of text. 
“Well..” You latch onto his bicep tighter and peer at him excitedly, arms curling around the muscle. “You have me now.” 
Taehyung glances at you and smiles, the curve of his lips infectious. “You’re right, I have you.” 
The moment could be frozen in time if it weren’t for the car coming to a stop, realizing the scenery around you has changed into somewhat of an airport. You look around curiously, eyes scanning the odd area. 
“Are we here, Tae? Why aren’t we in the front of the airport?” 
Taehyung shuts off his iPad and hands it to his assistant, a playful grin plastered on his pretty face. “You’ll have to shut your eyes and find out.” 
With small protest, you agree to close your eyes and have Taehyung carefully escort you out of the car with his hands casted over you, gently guiding you somewhere you had no clue of. You two seem to walk for a while, turning some sort of corner and feeling the wind gust around you, curiosity sparking. 
“Taehyung, I swear if you’re seriously taking me somewhere to kill me-”
“Princess, I told you I could never do that. I love your annoying ass too much.” 
“If I get the mischief from you then you best bet I get the annoying from you too, genius.” 
“Oh my God,” Taehyung drawls as his palms remain secure over your eyes, finally halting you both. “Just open your eyes, your damn highness.” 
You’re a mere second from arguing when Taehyung finally removes his hands, revealing quite possibly the largest private jet you’ve seen in your entire life. You choke, understanding you were now standing in a gigantic hanger with a pristine, near glimmering plane in front of you. 
The grand size of it alone leaves you terrified, though excited, cowering into Taehyung. “What-what is.. is this yours?” 
“It’s ours. Our private jet for the trip.” Taehyung’s hands wind around your hips, holding you against him as he watches your ogling reaction. 
Your big doe eyes are doing that thing where they shine in any light, the golden sun allowing your eyes to reveal their true, deep hue, and it’s not long before Taehyung’s gazing. You’re still marveling, wondering how this massive, extravagant plane is only meant to be shared by two people. 
“Taehyung..” Your mouth is struggling to form a sentence. “You didn’t have to.” 
“I didn’t have to, I wanted to.” Taehyung dips to kiss your cheek, noticing something when he does so and your nose scrunches happily at the action.
“How’d you even.. did you buy this?” 
“Eh, kind of.” Taehyung shrugs. “Namjoon and Seokjin helped me out.” 
You remember they’re both co-CEO’s of Korea’s largest private airline, impressed by the connections Taehyung’s lovely circle of friends had. “That’s fucking amazing.” You comment, beaming at what the deluxe jet has to offer inside with the clap of your hands. “Can we go inside?”
“Of course, after you.” You squeal like a child shown a new toy, thrilled this is your ride for the exciting trip. You’re making your way towards the extended staircase that leads into what you could tell was a palace inside, though you’re abruptly stopped by Taehyung. 
“Y/N, wait.” He clasps onto your wrist, pulling you back. You whirl around, curious eyes on him as he brings the back of his hand to your nose suddenly, then feels at your fingers. 
“You’re cold.” He notes, peeling back the lapels of his suit jacket and he rounds your surprised figure, draping you with it. He adjusts it to your size as he captures your hair and takes it out from the jacket, smoothing it over to frame your face. 
“There, you can go now.” He grins at you sweetly, tucking his hands into his pockets. You hug the jacket around yourself as his warmth and scent envelopes you, growing soft he even noticed you were cold. You run up to him to kiss his cheek like a glowing fool before scampering off towards the stairs, not able to view the way Taehyung bites his lip shyly.
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You swing your legs as you peer outside the window, your flight having taken off over an hour ago as you excitedly await all there is to come. Your explorative eyes could never falter from the grandiose interior of Taehyung’s private jet, luxurious and opulent in its look and quality. The seats were of high-end material, fit to provide optimal comfort along with the clean, lavender scent offering relaxation at its finest. 
You lean back into your chair, the day’s early morning lulling at the back of your eyes, though you remain awake watching the stunning man in front of you. Taehyung’s seated across where he’s diligently been reading a book, something along the lines of business and what’s its face. 
You’re fairly uninterested, though, more so distracted by the fact that with his jacket on you, he’s rolled up his sleeves and you’re now left to watch a sexily focused Taehyung, who mindlessly glides his index finger across his bottom lip as his eyes scan text. 
You bite yours feeling something spark inside you, maybe it was all the tension from this morning, you didn’t really know. Nonetheless, you’re clicking off your seatbelt quietly and you stand to your feet, stepping over until you stand just before him. 
You grab his attention and he peers up at you, confused. “Babe?” 
You lock an amorous gaze on him, eyes lustful as you grab his book. Your eager hand slides onto his strong shoulder and you swing a leg over his thighs, the book disregarded and straddling him graciously. 
He watches you with fire in his gaze, entertained as you settle over his lap. “Princess up to no good?” 
“Well, when you look like that, how can I resist?” Your lips meet his for a deep kiss, leaving no room for tastefulness as Taehyung’s tongue already dips into your mouth, swiping across your bottom lip as he soaks you in with an indulgent hum. You open up and let him in, sucking on his tongue he uses to explore your mouth. 
His hands are eagerly on your hips, smoothing you over as yours canvas down his chest, rubbing his broad frame as you press yourself into his expansive frame, grinding down on his crotch area as his cologne fills your nostrils. 
Taehyung hisses, disconnecting from you. “My sub wants to play a game, huh? What did I say about playing them?” 
“I won’t play unless you want to, Mr. Kim.” You whisper against his lips with an innocent timbre, clutching the fabric of his shirt with a sultry gaze. 
“And I don’t like being a good girl.”
You capture him again, feeling your body jolt with electricity as he presses your body up against his, mouthing hungrily, passionately. Taehyung’s large hands then knead your ass, lifting up your skirt and your cheeks are exposed to free air. 
You gasp, leaving his wet mouth. “Tae, right here?” 
“Why not, baby?” 
“A-anybody could walk in, they’ll see us.” You grip him as you flit around to the curtains that easily hide other portions of the plane, and at anytime a flight attendant can walk through. 
Taehyung then soothes your back, stroking you gently. “It’s okay, angel. All they’ll see is how I make you feel.” He whispers by your ear, laying slow kisses underneath your jaw. 
“I don’t know, Taehyung.. it’s really open.” You grow a little apprehensive, not knowing if you could handle the embarrassment of being caught. But Taehyung  lightly tugs at his jacket on you, speaking in between kisses. 
“You have my jacket, baby. We’ll cover you.” He’s then at your pulse point, hand holding the nape of your neck as he mouths at you like a hungry vampire, sensual and lustful in his movements, and desiring every part of you. You feel yourself and your worries melt away under his sinful touch, the same touch that always managed to drive you insane. 
You suddenly can’t hold yourself back anymore and you dive for his neck, beginning to mouth and bite and suck as though he’s your only meal, all while listening to the mellifluous way Taehyung groans out because of it. 
Your hands are scrambling for his belt when he missions for the buckle himself, letting you focus elsewhere. You’re sucking a deep hickey onto his neck when he’s home-free.
“Come back to me, Princess.” He says breathily as your lips leave his neck to return to his mouth, making out amorously as he fights to free himself quickly.
Taehyung’s monstrous cock springs out, igniting your core at the very sight of what makes you see stars. You’re getting ready to elevate yourself for him until Taehyung mouths disorderly underneath your ear, instructing you. 
“Turn around.” 
You’re in a little shock, not thinking he’d be so bold to try this position right now. 
“It wasn’t a question.” 
Your heart speeds up, filling with nerves at the idea of reverse-cowgirling but also excitement as you swiftly turn around on him, settling back into his lap. You seat yourself that way and Taehyung collects your ass over his crotch, feeling at you indulgently. “Mmm, so gorgeous from the back.” 
“Don’t make me blush, asshole.” 
“You’ll be blushing when I’m fucking up your insides.” Your hands curl up against your thighs getting horny, about to retort until Taehyung brings his fingers to your weeping cunt, feeling at your wet underwear from the front. 
You twitch and sigh out, bracing against your bare thighs as you remain perched on him like a trophy he loves touching. “Mm, is this for me, baby? I don’t think you’re wet enough.” 
“Taehyung, I’m literally fucking leaking alre-” You’re cut off by your sharp moan when Taehyung presses into your clit, drawing stimulating patterns over the bud as his other hand cups your stomach, regarding the mess in between you with a satisfied smirk over your shoulder. 
You try speaking again but he’s quicker with his movements, smoothing over your tummy until he slips underneath your shirt, tight circles on your aching bud and pulsing folds too good to be true. You let out a whimper, which melts into a loud moan as Taehyung’s by your ear in a second. 
“You don’t want anyone finding us, do you, baby?” 
You shake your head, breath hitching when he draws another tantalizing pattern. 
“Then keep quiet, or my good girl doesn’t get to come.” 
You throw your head back against him, leaning into his body and relaxing in his hands, letting him work you like magic under his control. It isn’t long before his scheming palm cups your bra-cladded breast and slips past the offending material, his index finger rubbing over your hardened nipple. 
You immediately gush, the combination of such an open position and trying to remain silent as he works his big, masculine hands all over you has you screwing your eyes shut. Not to mention the press of his hardening cock you feel underneath you, the enormous head already making you salivate at the idea of him inside you.
“Tae.. please, please put something inside me.” 
“So needy already? I’m still playing, Princess.” 
You stifle a moan when he casts your underwear aside and slips into your sticky folds, other hand pinching and running over your nipple. You begin a mindless grinding motion over his crotch, yearning for any sort of friction as your pussy walls palpitate, palpitate for him. 
Your hand comes up to grip around his bicep, squeezing the muscle as you look for even a semblance of control, watching the way his hand fiddles around in between your outstretched legs. “Baby, n-need you now. I can’t- ah..” You moan when Taehyung’s fingers begin teasing your hole, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. 
“Say it again.” 
You let out a shaky breath, losing your power over everything as he makes your head spin, but you heed his request nonetheless. “I-I want you, I need you, baby.” 
“Beg me with my name.” 
“Taehyung, please, please put your cock inside me.” You whimper out again, his movements sinful and brimming with fire. “I just-fuck, I want you inside me.. so badly.”
Taehyung abandons you then, hands retracting as he curls one around his shaft and pumps his hard member a few times, tapping your thigh. 
“Lift up for me, baby.” 
You push yourself upwards and Taehyung guides you over his cock that’s hard, stands tall and proud in all its girthy glory. His engorged tip leaks pre-cum, your walls dripping the rawest of honey and he’s pushed your panties aside once more, rubbing the head of his member in between your stained core. 
You jolt feeling the smooth head, clenching your walls as you want nothing but to feel him drag inside your velvet walls. Taehyung kisses at the nape of your neck before he speaks, a low, mellow order. 
“Put my cock inside you, Princess.” 
You bite your lip, white hot electricity shooting through your center as you listen to him, grabbing his cock from in between your spread legs and lining him up. You still feel nervous, feel scared a flight attendant could easily walk into you about to take your husband’s cock inside you. 
But when you feel his hands curl around your hips, his dick prodding your entrance as he lightly moves against you, hot breaths on your shoulder he kisses, you throw all care out the window and let Taehyung breach your weeping hole. 
His dick pops in with ease, the tip thick and heady as you soak him right in, slowly sinking down on that meaty cock of his and it feels like a heaven you craved every minute of everyday. You let out a drawn out moan, biting your lip to keep quiet as you feel Taehyung stifle his own fucked out groan. 
“Fuckkk, just like that, baby.” He whispers as he smooths over your hips, still unhurriedly sinking down as you feel him hit spots inside you that have you twitching, Taehyung always having been a little too deep in this position. 
You press your lips together to manage as you whimper, faltering from holding his shaft. “So deep, Taehyung, too deep.” 
“Shh, I know, Princess.” Taehyung coos, bringing a hand to comb your hair from your face, caressing your tresses affectionately. “But she can take all of me, can’t she? She’s my good girl, isn’t she?”
You nod as you keep going, taking small, baby steps as you try to fit him all inside, tensing up around him. 
“Relax, baby, go slow. Relax your body for me, you’re doing so well.” Taehyung’s hand winds back around your waist, holding your stomach as he presses his front to your back, embracing you as he encourages you. You do simmer down, calming your body as your walls flutter more open and you absorb him, feel his perfect veins and girth inside you with a pleasured sigh. 
You finally bottom him out as a result, feeling him in your stomach as he breaches you long and deep, wide and thick. You moan lightly, clutching his hand over your stomach as you feel him stretch you indefinitely, Taehyung’s baritone voice praising. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me, fuck.” Taehyung swears as he kisses your neck, smoothing your tummy. “You’re okay, Princess?” 
“Yeah.. I’m good. I’m so fucking good.” You feel Taehyung in all sorts of places like this, now slightly exhilarated by the vulnerability of the current situation. To say the least, this is hot, the possibility of being seen so fucking hot you don’t even need guidance, and already begin moving yourself over Taehyung’s cock, an intoxicating up and down motion that leaves you near rolling your eyes back and him marveling. 
“Fuck, that’s my good girl. Keep going, baby.” Taehyung’s voice comes out near out of breath, hearing his soft grunts and groans as he reclines in his seat and holds onto your hips and stomach, watching you work yourself out all over him. 
You use your knees to elevate yourself, only to drop back down on Taehyung’s delicious dick, the drag, the wet slide of his big cock inside you the epitome of the good stuff. You let out a garbled moan when you decide to press him inside deep, the feeling of his tip nestled in your damn cervix beyond your wildest dreams. 
You encase his hand tightly, Taehyung clutching your fingers back as comfort, as your love language. 
“Shit, angel, how are you so dirty? This is so fucking sexy.” 
“Not as sexy as you, God.” You initiate a bouncing motion over him, feeling him pump you in places that spell your delirious descent, practically high off the pace and motion you set, occasionally gyrating your hips to stimulate your clit. 
“You wanna know something funny?” 
You furrow your eyebrows, speaking up through rampant breaths. “What?” 
“I told all my staff to never set foot in here unless I ask.” 
“And how’s that funny?” 
“Because,” Taehyung suddenly grips your hips hard and locks you in place, abruptly stopping your movements as you gasp. “They’re all just a click of a button away.” 
Your mouth falls agape, looking your shoulder at him with panic. “Tae, what are-” 
Taehyung then pushes your hips all the way down on his gifted, throbbing length and he propels his hips into yours, pressing himself inside you so deep you gasp as though air is leaving your lungs. 
“Tae-!” Taehyung immediately drapes his hand over your mouth quickly, hitting the button above him that alerts a flight attendant. You protest through his hand on you but he only grinds your hips further down on his dick, practically fucking into the base of your throat as you moan out blissfully. 
“I told you you’d regret fucking with me.” He near growls in your ear as you let out a fed up scoff. “You’re lucky I’m even letting you come.” He’s referencing your little act in the car, rolling your eyes as you glance down at the fact that you can see Taehyung’s whole cock nestled inside your pathetic little pussy, where he’s just called upon a fucking attendant.
Just when you’re going to kick and scream at him for it, he drapes his jacket over you both and conceals the lewd, pornographic image, absolutely nothing being bared as he inches towards your ear and orders gruffly. 
“Make one fucking sound when the flight attendant arrives, and I’ll edge you until you cry.” 
You immediately suck in a breath knowing he’s business, shutting yourself up as Taehyung unclasps his hand from around you and both hands settle on your hips, leaning back nonchalantly and assuming a blank face. 
On cue, a flight attendant passes through the curtain, tensing as another person enters your private area with Taehyung, having absolutely no clue what in God’s name is going on right now. You see the attendant a little taken aback by the intimate position you’ve both assumed, though to her it only seems like a wife perched on her husband’s lap. 
Lord bless whoever this woman is.
“You rang, Mr. Kim?” You tried to level your breathing, managing your aching and pulsing pussy walls that feel an orgasm buzz them, feel Taehyung’s monstrous cock stuff you to the brim as you attempt to stifle a reaction.
“Yes, I was feeling a little thirsty. Weren’t you feeling thirsty as well, Jagiya?” Taehyung regards you saccharinely over your shoulder, your cheeks flushed and body on fire, but remain as calm as possible with a deep breath. You’re so caught up in that single task that you don’t register his question, Taehyung suddenly jutting his hips up into yours in a discreet way and your sputter at the lewd contact, smacking your hand over your mouth to stop from crying out
Your eyes land on the flight attendant and you can tell she’s confused, but you take a breath and shake your head, heeding his request to remain silent. 
“What’s wrong, Princess? You were thirsty earlier, what’s happened now?” You’re a second from scoffing at his obvious play to your shenanigans, but Taehyung moves his hips again, feeling his tip hit your g-spot and your body near turns into jelly, clutching your hand over your mouth so tightly you could combust.
“What? Are you feeling too full, baby?” Taehyung brings a hand to smooth over your stomach, wanting to throttle him right now but you know he’s the one in control now, and your twitching body enjoys every second of it, while your mind runs high on insanity. 
You nod, Taehyung letting up slightly. “Ahh, of course, I do like keeping my wife satisfied.” He adjusts himself for the last time and you use every ounce of your fiber to not squeal at the deep way he penetrates further, taking a meditative breath through your hand.
This smug ass bastard. 
“We’re okay, actually, I’ll let you know when we’ll need anything else. Until then my previous orders stand.” 
The flight attendant nods her head with a light, lost crease to her brows. She quickly flashes her puzzled eyes towards where your bodies connect and even if she knows what’s going on, she doesn’t say anything, simply makes her hasty exit with a respectful bow. 
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” 
You grow angry, scoffing at Taehyung’s audacity. “Fuck you, you jackass. That was completely on purpose and she totally knew!” 
“Good girls don’t talk back.” Taehyung coos with a condescending lilt. “Watch your mouth or I’ll really make you regret it.”
“What, am I walking on thin ice?” 
Taehyung laughs without humour, lining the seam of his mouth with his tongue. “You’re a piece of work, you know that?” He smashes his hips into yours, whimpering as you feel him infiltrate all the insides that exist in your body.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” Taehyung secures your hips in his hands and maneuvers you over him, a light gyrating motion that presses him deep and stimulates your aching clit as you shudder, faltering forward. “Or do I have to teach you a lesson?” 
You smirk as you manage the burn, a condescending chuckle escaping you as you buckle your knees down, hands reaching out for him behind you. “Let’s brush up on our manners, Mr. Kim.” 
Taehyung runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek, curling his hands over your outstretched arms with a scoff. “Oh, a bad girl you are.” 
“Like I said, I don’t like being a good girl.” 
And all you remember of that mind-blowing session, was Taehyung tugging on your arms for leverage as he fucked you into complete oblivion, driving his hips so far and deep inside you you were driven insane, edged until you cried and begged him to let you come, all for him to keep going and coax however many orgasms he wanted out of you. 
And you enjoyed every last bit of it, because after all, in a private jet like this and a sinful husband like yours, the sky was the limit, now wasn’t it? 
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“No.. no way.. I hate you. I really do.” 
“Can I take that as an I love you?” 
“You did not just bring me to Mykonos, Greece!” You squeal, immediately blown away by the tropical sights before your eyes. You’d already caught your eager glimpse through the plane window, bubbling with excitement as you buzzed beside Taehyung, shooting around destinations as Taehyung laughed at your little guesses. 
You had never imagined he brought you to Mykonos, though, a southeastern European dream fit for the Gods. The waters were a crystal clear, shimmering blue that reflected light rays of the warm sunlight, the exotic nature scattered across the small bouts of city you could see from way up high. 
The city itself had you far more intrigued than the average person, European architecture having been your favourite ever since your first exposure in a ninth grade class. You marvel at everything, the brightest of smiles on your face as you poorly attempt to contain your excitement. 
“We’re staying here for a whole week?!” 
“Yes we are.” You turn to Taehyung exasperating in disbelief, sure you’ll never get used to how much he spoils you. 
You can’t even iterate a decent sentence, left speechless as you simply come rushing in Taehyung’s direction and leap onto him with all your might, arms and legs clutching around him as he catches you in arms, clinging to him like a koala. 
“Thank you, Taehyung, thank you, thank you! This is so cool, this is-this is amazing!” 
Taehyung chuckles, a hearty and content sound, unable to help himself from bear-hugging you. “Like I said, what my Princess wants my Princess gets.” 
You draw back and meet his coffee eyes, illuminated by the perfect rays of sunlight that allow you to admire the speckles of brown in his irises. “I’m so excited, what are we even gonna do for a whole week?” 
Taehyung supports you in his strong arms, playful contort to his lips. “We’ve got everything to explore, baby. You’ll have to wait and see.” He presses his lips to yours, kissing you for kicks. 
“Isn’t this a business trip, though? You have work to do.” You pouted as you left his mouth.
“I told you, angel. This trip is for fuck all,” He brushes away some hair that blew onto your face. “and the real event doesn’t take place until tomorrow night.” 
“Oh my God, does that mean I’ll get to keep you for longer?” 
“I’m all yours, babe.” You cheer a little too excitedly, but you can’t help the bubbly, girly feeling inside knowing you won’t have to spend time away from your Taehyung. 
“Why don’t I show you where we’re staying?” Taehyung asks. “It all starts there, and I’m pretty sure you’ll lose your mind when you see.” 
“Oh God, don’t you dare tell me you own a whole mansion here.” 
Taehyung stifles a laugh, biting his lip. “I could, but I was thinking something more quaint and vacation-like.” 
You narrow your eyes. “In other words, your sex dungeon?” 
Now Taehyung does laugh, a treasured, joyful sound, and you can’t help but giggle too. “No. It’s a bit of a travel to get there, actually.” 
“Is it far?” 
“You could say that.” Taehyung shrugs, sturdy arms holding you securely. “We’ll have to get there by a boat.” 
Your eyes bug out. “A-a boat? Are we living across the water or something?” 
“I don’t know, are we?” Taehyung gets condescending, wanting everything to be a surprise just so he can see the adorable way you’ll react. 
You hit his shoulder. “Tae, didn’t I tell you I’m afraid of water? Boats scare me.” You pout as the idea fills you with some anxiety, growing apprehensive about the rocking motion of a boat, even more so travelling on one. 
“It’s okay, Princess. It’s a small one like a yacht. I’ll stay with you the whole time, how does that sound?” 
You teeter on the answer, but one look at his gorgeous, soft face does you in, letting any trivial worries slip away. “Okay.. that’s fine.” 
“Good girl.” Taehyung praises as he soothes your back and pecks your lips. “Besides, I can’t have you falling overboard, how am I supposed to take you to my sex dungeon then?” 
“So you do have a sex dungeon!”
Taehyung only wiggles his eyebrows with a coy smirk, and you gasp scandalously as you yell a theatrical ‘I knew it!’, all while he sweeps you off on an adventure.
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A golden beach, nearly iridescent water and an entirely beautiful, stunning vacation villa is what you currently marveled at, mouth comically agape with an unmovable figure. And what was really doing you in? 
The fact that it was completely secluded on its very own, private island. You knew Taehyung would have an impressive, expensive trick up his sleeve, done the absolute most he could for you. 
But this? This, as you stood with your brain malfunctioning, warm breeze kissing your skin as the fresh scent of the sea filled your nostrils, you really had no idea your heart could fill with any more joy.
In summary, Taehyung was able to purchase one of those completely secluded vacation homes, located on their own small island with all-exclusive luxuries. A jacuzzi sat outside with its adjoining pool, its very own second floor balcony and a strip of beach large enough to house a multitude of people, more than just a couple. 
And to think it was all meant to be for only you and Taehyung. 
“There’s your key, Mr. Kim. Everything’s been set in place like you asked.” The driver of the yacht handed over Taehyung his key for the home, having helped Taehyung load all your luggage inside. 
“If you have any concerns or questions, there’s a designated landline that calls straight to the mainland. Emergencies also have their very own button, if need be we are available 24 hours, and will arrive via helicopter in safety situations.” 
“Thank you, that sounds perfect.” Taehyung shook the man’s hand politely, sending him a small smile. “I just wanted to make sure, are there extra blankets? And the floors are heated? My wife gets cold easily.” 
“Of course, Mr. Kim. Everything is in place for you.” 
“There are also satin sheets?” 
“And the correct safety measures for the balcony? She’s afraid of heights.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“The pool isn’t too deep either, right? My wife doesn’t do so well with water-” 
“Ookay, sailor, that’s enough.” You looped your arm around Taehyung’s, tugging you to him with a sweet smile. “Thank you so much for your service, sir. We’ll stay in touch if we have any concerns.” 
“Of course, have a great stay!” The worker saluted you both brightly before he’d put the small yacht into gear, reversing and off on his way. 
“Tae, what are we gonna do if we need to get to the mainland?” 
“There’s another boat docked over there, baby. We’re allowed to use it whenever we need.” Taehyung pointed towards the luxurious looking yacht that hid behind the luscious palm trees, nodding understandingly. 
“Ooh, but who’s going to drive us?” 
“You’re looking right at him.” 
Your eyebrows shoot up. “You can drive a boat?” 
“Of course I can, I own a bunch.” Taehyung remarks proudly before he’s walking arm-in-arm with you towards the lovely villa, bowing for you when he quips. “Would you like a tour of your castle for the week, m’lady?” 
“I very much would, kind sir.” You bowed back, abandoning his arm to instead hug around his torso. Taehyung’s arms found purchase on your shoulders, clutching you gently as you both walked. “This reminds me of when I showed you our house for the first time, you couldn’t stop freaking out over everything.” 
“What else did you want me to do? I’d quite literally never seen a closet the size of a whole room.” 
Taehyung laughs, feeling his body vibrate in your hold. “That feels like ages ago now, we barely knew each other then.” He reminisces. “It was kinda cute, actually, your eyes kept doing that sparkling thing. It just got funny after I heard it 47 different times.” 
You pout up at him, challenging him. “In that case, when you show me around this home I’ll just stay completely nonchalant about everything.” 
“You can try, Princess. Don’t think you have a great poker face, though.” 
“Yes I do, I’m a natural, look.” You halted the pair of you along your impeccably detailed stone pathway up to the home, hands on your hips as you completely school your face. 
Taehyung merely blinks as he stares at you, trying your damn hardest to not laugh as you stare back. A laugh begins to creep up on your lips and you squish your lips together, hand over your mouth to stop yourself until a giggle spills out anyway, Taehyung chuckling at the cute sound. 
“Oh my God, why the fuck are you so cute?” He asks rhetorically as he kisses your forehead, rounding your figure and looping his arms around you from behind, holding your waist. 
“Alright Princess, onwards we go.” He begins walking you both towards the beautiful doorway, though not without tickling at your delicate sides with nimble fingers as you both laugh together. 
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“We’ve got a completely automated jacuzzi, has all the settings you need and you can use it whenever you want.”
“Yeah, cool.” 
“There are also beach chairs on the balcony if you want to tan, one of our couches out there also has a massage feature, so you can relax and get a massage too.” 
“Sure, that’s normal.” 
“Any other questions, babe?” 
“Nope, I’m totally fine, this is all normal.” You crossed your arms and tried to conceal the choke that tickled at your throat. Taehyung did not pull a single punch with this, your private vacation home was jam packed with everything, the epitome of living for the Gods. 
You didn’t even want to discuss your master bedroom together, putting all extravagant suites to shame as it not only features nearly it’s own entire living area, but also separated into the more secluded, actual bedroom that included the master bath and an Alaskan king-sized bed. 
Access to the balcony was granted all across your grandiose room, marveling at its decadent size and deluxe design. Heating and air conditioning, a built-in home theater, its own spa treatment, hell, the chandelier in the kitchen alone was leaving you gawking at the crystals. 
You were near losing it when Taehyung showed you the spacious, beautifully put together art studio, equipped with everything an architect could ever need. It was like your dreams were all sitting in a room, using the most high-end of products and tools, all making your little artistic brain fire off. 
“Still holding onto your poker face, Princess?” 
“Y-yeah. Everything about this place is normal, totally normal.” You tried to dismiss, maintaining your ruse pretty well as you nodded to yourself. 
“Hm, wonder if you’ll be able to keep the same face when I show you these.” His bracelet-clad hand reaches into his trouser pocket. Taehyung had on a fresh new outfit where you both changed on the plane upon arrival, now adorning beige chino’s and a nicely fitted white dress shirt, the first few buttons on his chest undone. He had his sunglasses sitting atop his head, revealing two strips of paper to you.
You zero in, recognizing the similar look of tickets. “What are those?” 
“How much do you like wine again?” 
You contemplate. “Mmm, enough that I nearly drank the whole bottle on our first dinner date.” 
Taehyung smirks here, proud and smug. “What if I told you you could taste the finest European wines with me until your heart’s content?” 
Your mouth falls agape here, eyes lighting up with exuberant excitement. You rush over to Taehyung, taking his hand to peer at the text on the tickets and distinguishing the place’s name. 
Corks Winery and Tasting.
“Oh my God, you’re literally the most perfect husband to exist on Earth!” 
Taehyung ticks his head to the side self-satisfyingly, suave roll of his tongue inside his cheek. “Guilty as charged.” 
“I’m serious, Tae. I swear I’ll suck you off every morning for this. Not that I already wasn’t planning to.” 
“And you’re calling me the perfect significant other?” Taehyung gestured towards himself. “You’re getting eaten out everyday, ma’am. Actually, I’m hungry right now, let’s get you naked.” Taehyung unexpectedly swoops you up his arms and your legs grapple around his torso, his lips latching onto your neck as you call out through laughs. 
“Tae, wait! Tae!” You giggle as he carries you both towards the couches in the main area, secure in his hold as he walks like a man on a mission. “Taehyung, just wait a second, let’s go out into the city before we do anything!” 
“You want to see the city?” 
“Of course! Do you know just how insanely beautiful Greece’s architecture is? Especially age-old structures that stood hundreds of years ago?”
Taehyung leaves your neck then, peering up at you. “Okay, okay, if it means your eyes are gonna sparkle like that, then for sure, baby.” 
You roll your eyes at his cheesiness, smacking his shoulder before you dip down to mouth at his neck for kisses. “But can I eat you out before we go?” 
“Taehyung, if you’re hungry, you can have real food.” 
“But I wanna hear you moan my name, Princess.” There’s a clear pout in Taehyung’s voice, disconnecting from his throat to hold his cute face. 
“Babe, you already banged me on your private jet.” 
“Nuh uh,” Taehyung wags a finger. “We made love very aggressively. And that’s not the same, let me make you feel good.” 
You peck his lips a few times, talking in between kisses. “You must be tired after the flight, Tae. You should relax, not work yourself more to eat me out.” 
Taehyung smooths  his hands where he grasps your thighs from underneath. “It’s not work, it’s my relaxing time.” Taehyung’s lips kiss underneath your ear, his mouth intoxicating and sensual. “Just wanna taste you, baby. And besides...”
He trails, nibbling at your earlobe while you sigh out, head spinning when his deep voice whispers.
“You can be as loud as you want, it’s only us here.”   
You feel a shot of arousal slither down your core, now ignited by the feeling of your crotch against his torso. Your eyes roll shut as you feel his tongue against your pulse point, licking and sucking at your sweet spot. “Mmm.. I- shit, Tae, why do you always go for that spot?” 
You brace yourself against him, clasping onto his shoulders tighter as he only stuffs his face further into your neck, kissing harder as you moan. “Because it makes you moan like that.” 
You let out another drawn out one on cue, feeling Taehyung stroll you both towards one of the grand, soft couches. He lays you down gently, broad body caging you in as he crowds you above, mouth hot on your skin. 
Your hips jut upwards to connect with his, hands gripping his shirt desirably as you tug him closer, needy moans spilling out into his ear. 
“Tae.. how long do we have-fuck, until the wine tasting?” 
“4 hours.” 
“God, eat me out, eat me out and then fuck me.” 
You feel Taehyung smirk against your skin, hands inching into your blouse and reaching behind for you bra clasp, mouth slipping down the valley of your breasts with addicting kisses. 
“Anything you want, Princess.”
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“Say cheese!” Taehyung cheers as he holds his phone before the bubbling pair of you, taking a dazzling selca by the river that glistens under the radiant morning sun. The breeze was still light and airy, weather the absolute perfect condition for sight-seeing as you and Taehyung leisurely strolled hand-in-hand in the city. 
“You know, I would’ve made us say sex dungeon, but we may have seemed weird.” Taehyung admits as he reviews your photo together, cracking a smile at it.
“They’d just be jealous of our sex life, and my sex beast.” You nuzzle into Taehyung as your hand squeezes his, free arm wrapped around his bicep as you peer at the photo too. 
“This outfit looks cute on you.” Taehyung compliments, admiring the jean short overalls you wore over a black and white polka-dot, off-the-shoulder blouse. 
“Thank you, you look even more handsome in regular clothes.” You mirror him, internally flashing back to when you’d ripped open the same shirt and pants when he was balls deep inside you.
Taehyung smiles down at you, warm and sweet as your attention shifts to his hidden eyes. “I like your sunglasses, too.” You reach up and carefully steal them from him, placing them on yourself. “How do I look?” 
“Beautiful.” Taehyung remarks. “Think the sun and post-sex glow are making you look like a Goddess.” 
You gasp as you land a hand on his chest. “Tae, don’t be so loud!” 
“Thought you said people are just jealous of our sex life?” 
“My God, at least have some decency, you’re a CEO!”
“CEO of this pussy-” 
You smack your hand over his mouth, immediately silencing him. “Manners, Kim.” You watch Taehyung roll his eyes, but communicate an unenthusiastic ‘okay’. 
Your walk continues, having agreed to get a feel for the city before deciding on any invigorating or real activities. Your eyes canvas all the architecture you can, simmering with excitement each time Taehyung inquired you about the features or design or look of a building, thoroughly interested in anything you said. 
“God, you just had to be smart too, huh? Such a sexy woman.” 
“I mean, God did need to make a perfect match for you, so He sent me.” You contorted your lips with pride, Taehyung’s bashful chuckle escaping him. “Did you want to go shopping, Princess? Are you hungry? We can grab lunch together.” 
“Mm, not really. Was already filled to my stomach an hour ago.” You hop up to kiss Taehyung’s cheek as he deadpans, shaking his head. 
“Dirty girl.” 
“Your dirty girl, though.” 
He accepts defeat, slipping his phone back into his pocket as you perk up. “So what’s on the list today?” 
“Well, I assumed you wanted to go shopping or eat, but you’ve foiled my plans.” 
“Hmm, we still have loads of time until the wine-tasting. I wonder what’s fun and could take up enough of our time.” You canvas your mind as you breathe in the cool, fresh air, admiring the change of scenery from the usual bustling Seoul. 
“Oh shit,” Taehyung suddenly remarks, peering up at him curiously. “What?” 
He paints a near evil smirk on his lips, tugging you along playfully. “I have the perfect idea.” His expression sends alarms throughout your system, scrutinizing him instantaneously.
“What in God’s name are you thinking about?” 
“You’ll see.” Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows before he’s dragging you somewhere, quick on his heels as you fill with anticipation. 
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“Kim Taehyung, I’m going to kill you!” Your legs tremble with fear as you stand like a baby lamb on the dock, clutching onto your life jacket like a vice. 
“It’s okay, baby, you’re riding with me.” 
“Yeah, on a fucking jet ski. Didn’t I tell you I’m afraid of water?!” The wind picks up near the sea, your hair flying all sorts of ways as you contemplate what in right hell got you into this situation. 
“Princess, you’ll be okay. I’m driving us and it’s going to be fun.” 
“No way am I riding that thing, you asshole! What if I fall in the water?” 
“Then I’ll dive in and save you, baby. Just trust me.” 
A pout grows onto your lips as you peer sideways at the open sea, seeing other people letting out fun-filled screams and hollers alike as they glide across the water. You clutch your life jacket tighter, apprehension filling you once you see the speed they’re driving at. 
“I’m.. I’m scared, Taehyung.” You stare at your wet-suited feet on the ground, trying to muster up the courage to take your leap of faith onto the jet ski Taehyung sits on, but they remain rooted to the wooden dock. 
“Jagiya, I’ll be with you the whole time. You’ll sit in front of me, so if we somehow fall I’ll immediately protect you.”  Taehyung pacifies as he looks at your saddened figure, your worried eyes meeting his. “Besides, I’ve been on a jet ski before and I have a boating license, you don’t have to be scared with me.” 
He reaches out his hand, warm and welcoming as he speaks kindly. “Let’s do it together, Princess.”
Your eyes soften, sniffling as confidence fills your chest at his sincere words, allowing yourself to bravely take Taehyung’s hand and advance towards him. Your foot stretches out onto the vehicle and Taehyung quickly secures his hands around your waist, tugging you safely onto the jet ski until you plopped down in front of him, nice and snug between him and the handle. 
“Alright, riders, make sure you’re both comfortable in this position. Usually we have the less experienced rider behind the driver, but I understand holding on can be scary for a much smaller person.” You instructors politely relays, beginning the important factors you both need to know about jet-skiing. 
“Mr. Kim seems knowledgeable about jet-skiing, so this makes things a lot easier. I’m sure you understand the rules about speed and turning, along with understanding the throttle of your jet ski.” 
“I sure do, sir.” 
“That’s great. Just for clarification, may I ask of your relationship together? Just so I know how to address you both correctly. ” The instructor asks. 
“This is my pretty wife.” Taehyung brings a hand to your torso and lightly rubs as he smiles at you, feeling all fuzzy inside with shy cheeks. 
“Perfect. Mr. Kim, please make sure to communicate to your wife when you’ll be making turns or speeding up, the most important thing about two people riding a jet-ski is communication.” 
“Of course, communication is always important.” Taehyung grins, adjusting his grip on the handle. 
“Alright, let’s get you set up with your lanyard. I’m sure you already know it’s to kill the engine if you two were to ever fall.” The instructor goes on to approach Taehyung with his lanyard, who extends his hand for the task. 
You try to remain calm by taking deep breaths, knowing you can trust Taehyung. He’d never put your life at risk and wouldn’t foolishly go too fast for your liking. The mention of capsizing still gets to you though, certain in your position if you did fall over you’d land in Taehyung’s arms, however you didn’t want Taehyung to potentially harm himself protecting you. 
Taehyung attaches his lanyard to the key and places his feet in the footrests. Both his hands round your figure in front of him to grip the handles, securing his palms around the rubber. The action causes him to completely cage you in, butterflies filling your stomach feeling his body near entirely cover you. He leans forward for leverage on the vehicle and his chest presses into your back, his face right beside yours as you become shy.
He’s so big and strong. 
Your turn to look at his side profile, worriedly wondering if you’re really going to do this. You catch Taehyung’s attention and he discerns the small fear in your eyes and lips that pout a little, softening to the delicate features of your face. He leans forwards and plants a kiss on your lips. 
“We’ll be okay, Princess. I’ve got us.” 
“I know..” You say tentatively. 
“Then why are you scared, baby?”
“I’m scared you could get hurt.” 
Taehyung didn’t know his heart could grow any more larger than it already has, a gratified smile framing his lips. 
“I’ll be fine, Princess. Don’t worry about me.” He grins assuredly, securing his feet and hands as he glances up at the instructor on the dock. “Are we okay to begin?” 
“You got it, Mr. Kim. Whenever you’re ready.” Your chest fills with anxiety once Taehyung revs the engine, clasping your hands together with fear. 
“Y/N, you need to hold onto the handles tightly, and never let go either, you’ll really get hurt otherwise.” 
“But I don’t know where to hold.” 
“Here,” Taehyung turns his hands palm up and you plop them in his warm palms, grasping his fingers. He maneuvers your hands onto the handles and then drapes his own larger ones above yours, his hands big enough they grasp both your hands and the handles of the jet-ski. 
“I’ll tell you when we’re going to turn, when I do you’ll have to help me lean in towards the turn, okay? With jet-skiing we have to make sure our weight and center of gravity is even and intact.” 
You nod understandingly, gripping the handles hard as Taehyung clutches along with you. “Got it.” 
Taehyung cracks a smirk, ticking his head to the side with pride. “Alright, let’s give em’ hell, babe.” 
Taehyung’s already got the jet ski ignition switch on, and he slowly pushed the throttle in as the jet-ski immediately jut forward, spilling out a squeal when it does. You hold on securely, feeling the wind in your hair as Taehyung begins a slow, steady speed cruising over the water. 
He’s already an experienced driver, so Taehyung doesn’t need to pay heed to the obstacle courses for novices. He wanted to opt for the open sea, but decided to practice turning with you as much as he could. 
Taehyung slowly approaches buoys in the segment of a line, speaking by your ear. “We’re gonna practice turning together, alright babe?” 
“You’ll never have to guess which way I’m turning, even if it seems obvious I’ll still always tell you so you lean with me, okay?” Taehyung advises as you both cruise towards the obstacles. 
“Okay!” You shout over the sound of the engine, readying yourself with a confident breath.
“Alright, our first obstacles coming up, we’re gonna turn left, then right, then left and so on, got it?” 
“Got it!” 
Taehyung then pushes the throttle further and the speed picks up by at least 10 kilometers, getting near sent back into Taehyung until you steady yourself. Taehyung approaches the first buoy and instead of fear, you fill with eagerness, listening for Taehyung’s instruction.  
“Left!” He tells you, and you lean in accordance with Taehyung’s body, applying the same amount of weight he does and you both turn smoothly, the jet ski’s center of gravity intact. 
“Holy shit, we just turned!” 
“Hell yeah we did. Let’s keep it up, Princess.” 
Taehyung then yells a sharp ‘right!’ as the second buoy approaches, swiftly leaning with him to the right as you both clear the obstacle. You exclaim with excitement as you both pass by, advancing to the third, the fourth, and lastly the fifth, taking your last left turn together and you’re met by the stillness of the open sea water. 
“Oh my fucking God, we just did that so smoothly!” 
“See, I told you it’d be fun!” 
Your nerves flood with enthusiasm as you feel Taehyung lightly cruising the water, buzzing with elation for more. “We totally have to go faster, this is insane!” 
“Are you okay if we go fast?” 
“Fuck yeah, I am. Speed up baby!” You secure yourself on the jet ski better and grip the handles hard, Taehyung cracking a smile at how pumped up you seem. 
“Alright, here we go!” Taehyung doesn’t pull a single punch and kicks the jet ski into high gear, picking up a couple dozen more kilometers as the vehicle glides over the water. 
It feels surreal, your hair blowing in the wind and Taehyung leaned over you, chin nearly kissing your shoulder as he pushes at the throttle to increase the velocity. You squeal when he performs a sleek turn on the water, both of you leaning in accordance with the jet ski and soon, you’re gliding across the lively waters like you were born to do it. 
Taehyung then accelerates even more, driving so fast the water feels like air and the wind hitting your face is exhilarating, your heart rate at high speed. You cheer as you fall in love with the feeling, whisked away in only a reality where Taehyung and you exist, where it feels like life is too short to be afraid of something and all you need is a little fun. 
“How do you feel, Princess?” Taehyung shouts for you to hear him. 
“I feel.. I feel like I’m alive!” You exclaim gleefully when Taehyung’s turning again, rounding the jet ski to see the ripples of water you leave in your wake. Your lungs fill with air faster than you can speak, your nerves ignite and your heartbeat’s on a highline, giving in to the captivating sensation of all your worries slipping away. 
This is the most fun you’ve had in ages, and absolutely nothing can make it better than being with Taehyung, thankful he dragged you to do this crazy ass idea no matter how scared you were. 
“Keep going, Tae, and don’t you dare stop!” 
“Wasn’t planning to, Princess!” Taehyung declares with his own pump of energy as he whizzes off, only your elated screams and laughter being left behind. 
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“Oh God, is it just me or is your balance still off?” You sniffle as you wait with Taehyung in the cue for the winery, both your tickets secure in his hand as your fingers remain laced with his other. 
“I’m pretty okay, maybe it’s because you’re smaller.” 
“That makes no sense, asshole.” You lean into Taehyung as your inner equilibrium falters, still winded by all the water-sporting you did today. “Is my hair okay? I think it got ruined.” 
Taehyung peers down at you and inspects your hair, tucking some behind your ear. “You look perfect.” 
You pout. “Hey, don’t lie just ‘cause you love me. I don’t want to look bad at the winery.” 
Taehyung becomes disappointed. “When have I ever lied to you? Your hair looks fine, Y/N. I would’ve made fun of you otherwise.” 
You roll your eyes, checking the time on Taehyung’s watch. “Oh my God, it’s almost time, I’m so excited! I’ve never done this before.” You nearly buzz on your spot, Taehyung watching you with a fond smile. 
“Does my makeup look okay? I had to touch up really quickly.” You ask with caution, remembering you had to redo most of it in the restroom at the jet-ski dock, the wind and water having made you appear like a hot mess. 
Taehyung scans over your face closely, finding your eyes. “Oh, some of your mascara smudged.” He identifies as he brings his thumb to swipe the corner of your eye.
“Thank you.” 
“Ah, wait, your lips too.” Taehyung ticks as he cradles your chin. 
“Oh? Is it my lipst-”
And suddenly Taehyung envelopes you in a kiss, pressing his mouth to yours in mere seconds. You breathe in his intoxicating kiss and reciprocate it, mouthing at him equally hard. Taehyung disconnects from you and gazes, thumb stroking your skin as you remain winded.
“Mmm, that’s better.” 
You blush, not really used to PDA, but also feeling all fuzzy about his kiss. “Y-you’ve got some lipstick on you.” 
“Nice, evidence I’m yours.” You roll your eyes, about to make a snarky comment when the doors welcome yours and Taehyung’s group to enter for the wine tasting, hopping next to Taehyung who smiles at you with creasing eyes.
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Taehyung swishes around the wine in his glass, smacking his lips as he contemplates thoughtfully. “Hm, dark, has some cherry in it. More fruit forward.” Taehyung declares, taking a second look at the wine. “I think it’s more your taste.” 
You pucker your lips as you take a swig of your wine, the astringency hitting your tongue hard as you react negatively. “Oh God, it’s savory, I think blackcurrant? Maybe some damn rhubarb? Dry as fuck.”  You relay as you grimace at the drink. “I think you’ll like this.” 
You and Taehyung exchange drinks then, you taking a sip and he does so his, and your agreeable reactions to either means you made the right choice. You melt into your spot by the counter of the large bar, a grandiose, yet homey feel to the winery as bottles of wine stretch for as far as you can see. Dark-stained woods of cherry and oak build the foundation of the snazzy place, the chandelier above your heads fit for a queen, luxurious windows providing warm and plentiful lighting of the afternoon sun. 
Taehyung and yourself were seated closely together, propped up on bar-counter chairs as you both tasted all kinds of European wine together, scrutinizing and talking away. 
“I’m more of a fan of red wine, white wines are too dry to me.” Taehyung explains with his face resting in his palm, elbow leaned against the counter as he regards you. 
“Same here, but I’m more into fruit-driven wines. I like my wine sweet.” 
“As sweet as you?” Taehyung quirks a brow. 
“Haha, very witty. But if a wine was as sweet as me you’d need to visit a dentist, dear husband.” 
“Oh, trust me. I already know how sweet you taste, dear wife.” Taehyung curls a palm over your thigh, inching his scheming fingers towards your core and you smack at his hand with a tut. 
“Bad Mr. Kim, we’re in public.” 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, but with no real malice. He settles around his wine glass instead, sipping a nice swig. “You know, good thing I’m not an exhibitionist. Would’ve done something real dirty real publicly.” 
“And why aren’t you an exhibitionist, Kim?” 
He scoffs, dark eyes landing on you. “You think I’d want everyone to see my Princess’ face when I fuck her and make her mine?” 
You fill with arousal immediately, trying to swallow it down. “Does that bother you, sailor?” 
“Very, only I get to see you like that. I already have enough dreams of murdering the unworthy men that have.” 
You laugh, finding it endearing how he seems annoyed for you. A hand of yours finds his thigh when you speak, cupping around it. “What other fantasies roam around in that sexy brain of yours, Kim? Other than vengeance, that is.” 
Taehyung stifles a condescending laugh here, attempting to camouflage his smile. 
“Hey, the fuck? Why’d you laugh like that?” You furrow your brows. 
Taehyung pulls his lips back guiltily, sugarcoating his confession. “Baby, if I told you about the fantasies in my head, a) you’ll get horny, and b) you’d really think anything I’ve done to you so far is vanilla.” 
Your cheeks blush here, fluttering at his admittance but also feeling something fiery tickle at your gut. “Try me, daddy.” 
“Ouu,” Taehyung hisses, pleasurable crease to his handsome features as a few pieces of his hair fall into comma. “We’re calling me daddy now?” 
“Depends on if you like it.” You shrug. “You’re the very definition of a daddy.” 
“I usually like hearing my name during sex, but if you sound like that saying daddy I might wanna hear it more often.” Taehyung’s somehow shifted closer to you as he radiates pure sin, still leaning onto his palm as he eyes you seductively, and you narrow your eyes playfully.
“But seriously, what have you got in mind? I’m curious.” 
The expression on Taehyung’s face demonstrates he’s thinking, teetering on giving his answer until he gives in. “You really wanna know?” He asks for sure. 
You nod your head, leaning closer to him for the exclusive details. He drums his fingers across his cheek, other hand reaching for his glass of wine he swishes around. 
“I’ve thought about spilling wine on you and licking it off your naked body.” 
Your pussy floods with a spike of arousal as he drinks his wine, rubbing your thighs together when the erotic image paints itself clear in your mind. You imagine Taehyung dragging his long, skillful tongue across your coated skin, shuddering as he spills wine over you like you’re his canvas he’s painting, licking in places that leave you moaning. 
You’re thinking about the intimate, skin-to-skin contact and begging for more when Taehyung snaps his fingers before you, pulling you out of your trance. He chuckles, light and airy. 
“Told you you’d get horny.” 
“Whatever,” you hmph. “At least now I know how to make your dreams come true.” 
“You already do by existing.” 
You pout at him, face filling with bashfulness. “You’re adorable, you know that?” 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, index finger dragging across his bottom lip. “What about you?” 
“Your fantasies, do you have any?” Taehyung directs the question towards you, gauging your response as he takes a sip of his wine. 
You blow a raspberry, mindless finger against your temple as you think. You do have an answer, but you feel way too shy to even speak of it, hiding the truth of what you want behind a façade of poker face. “I don’t have any.” 
Taehyung scrutinizes you playfully. “Liar. You’re doing that thing with your lips.” 
“No I’m not.” 
“You just did it again.” 
“Excuse me, lying is a sin, Taehyung. I would never do that.” 
“And you’re sin on legs, spill, my dirty Princess.” 
You give him an angry look before you acquiesce, taking a sip of your sweet wine as you line the rim of the glass. “I’ve always thought about riding your face.” 
Taehyung’s taken aback, not expecting that. “Damn, really?” 
“Mhm,” you nod. “You run your mouth too much, sometimes I just wanna sit on your handsome face and shut you up.”  
Taehyung rolls his tongue on the inside of his cheek, entertained. “Why’d you never tell me that?” 
“Because you probably wouldn’t want to do it. Most men don’t-” 
“Did I say I wouldn’t do it?” 
Your eyes snap to his, a surprised crease to your brows. Maybe you thought Taehyung would at least agree, but not with the dark glint you see in his irises, playful, but almost anticipatory, like he wants it to happen, and was just waiting for you to bring it up. 
“I’m not most men, sweetheart. You can ride my face any time, you just have to ask.” 
You’re struggling for a sentence, mouthing falling open and close. “Are you-are you serious?” You try to hide your rosy cheeks about it, the idea of sitting on his face quite embarrassing, like it’s too much but it lights a lusty fire in your stomach. 
“Baby, having my head in between your legs is my favourite pass time. I’d give anything to see you fuck yourself out on my face.” Taehyung brings a hand to the back of your head, stroking your tresses affectionately. 
Your cheeks feel warm, and you attempt to shrink into the smallest thing possible to hide your face, feeling embarrassed. “O-okay.” 
Taehyung finds it endearing, tucking your hair behind your ear to see you better. “If it makes you feel any better, my fantasies aren’t just the wine thing.” 
Your eyes shift to him, a glimmer of curiosity in them. “Really?” 
Taehyung nods his head. “Mhm, there’s something else I’ve always thought of.” Taehyung leans forwards until there’s no space between you two anymore, his full lips by your ear as he whispers deeply. 
“I want you to myself for a whole night.” 
Suddenly you’re hyper aware of how his body presses into yours, curling up your palms against your thighs to manage the shock of electricity he sends throughout your system. “But you’ve already-” 
“No, not like that.” You take a shaky breath when he places his arm on the back of your chair, somehow closer than he was before, his voice husky. “I meant where you see me as a real dom.” 
You swallow hard, the bass of his tone rippling through your ear. “All I think about is showing you that side, what I wanna do to you when nobody’s watching.” His voice is low and gruff, dripping sin in your ear as he draws closer. “When you’re all mine, when it’s only our naked bodies and you’re my needy, little sub.” He drops an octave so dangerously you can barely manage when his hand inches onto your thigh, very aware your overalls bared your legs to him.
His hand feels rough and masculine against your skin, his lips skimming your ear as you bites yours. You imagine what other places he could be right now, paired with his words that teased so much more you’re missing out on, and itched to taste. 
He’s smug and coy, but you’ve always been Taehyung’s match, turning your head to instead brush against his ear and whisper deliberately slow. 
“Then try me, daddy.” 
And Taehyung cracks shit-eating smirk, releasing a puff of hot air against your skin. 
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You yawn, the day’s shenanigans and activities catching up to you as you rest in Taehyung’s arms, who caught you falling asleep on your boat as he drove you two back. 
Your stomach was full after eating dinner with him, bordering 9pm as Taehyung docks the boat as carefully possible, mindful of your figure that keeps nodding off. 
The boat settles and Taehyung swiftly leaps off, gently telling you to wake up and follow him back inside the house. His hands curl around your waist as he securely helps you land on the dock, rounding your shoulders as he clutches you close. You remain attached to his side, arms hugging his torso as the cold air by the sea shivers you awake, cowering into Taehyung’s warmth. 
Taehyung takes it as his signal to pull you closer, covering you from the chilly breeze as you both enter your villa. Your shoes are off and it takes no communication for the pair of you to understand the bedroom is your destination, having expended most of your energy for today. 
Taehyung lets you enter first as you trudge towards the bed, Taehyung plopping down on the mattress as you stand in between his manspreading legs, rubbing at your eye with another fatigued yawn. 
“Damn, why do I feel so sleepy?” 
“Jet lag. It’s a bitch, remember?” Taehyung pays homage to his old punchline, leaning back on his palms as he yawns as well. 
You whine a little at the annoying exhaustion, throwing your legs over Taehyung’s thighs and straddling him. Your arms coil around his neck and you envelope him in a hug, snuggling into him like he’s a nest and you’re his little bird. You melt into his broad, protective frame, tired eyes falling shut.
“Mmm, sleepy baby.” Taehyung hums, arms wrapping around your torso as he embraces you in return. You two remain like that for awhile, feeling the warmth of each other’s bodies, basking in the sheltering feeling that comes with such intimacy. 
You’re not sure why, but kissing him feels like something you want to do. You draw yourself away from his neck and bring your face before his, looking into his eyes with unabashed innocence, until your lips press against his slowly. 
He welcomes you openly, arms winding around you tighter as your hand snakes up into his hair, tugging at the ends that sweep the nape of his neck. Not long after your tongue’s dipping into his mouth, Taehyung swirling his own around yours as the tempo remains slow and relaxed, unhurried and sensual. 
Taehyung’s hand then inches towards the button of your overalls, unclipping until both pop off, pushing them off your shoulders. The garment pools at your waist, sucking in a breath at the exposure you gain. You unintentionally grind down on Taehyung’s lap when his hands slide inside the jean material. 
He grinds you over his crotch for a while, making out lazily as your core repeatedly glides back and forth over his hardening cock. Taehyung palms your ass before he’s slowly tugging your overalls down your waist. He pulls them past your moving backside until they settle at your thighs, helping him work them off. 
They’re discarded and you settle back over Taehyung’s lap, core buzzing when it makes contact with his member that now lightly prods your slicked folds, already dampening your panties. 
You moan at the feeling, gripping onto the nape of Taehyung’s neck as you mouth at him languidly, like you want to savour the taste of his mouth even after thousands of kisses. Taehyung’s fingers then canvas towards the bottom of your blouse, playing with the hem until he begins stripping it off, raising your arms for him to remove the useless material. 
He throws it somewhere and you’re left in your bra and underwear, ignited by the intimate sensation of your bare skin against his clothes. His palms curl around your waist, rocking you with him in a motion that’s intoxicating, head-spinning as you make out. 
Your underwear is his next target, stripping off the dainty fabric until it’s just your bra, where his hand slithers up your spine and fiddles with the back, unclasping it. It releases open and he lazily slides the straps off your shoulders, slinging the navy blue coloured garment on the floor. 
You’re left completely naked and undressed on top of a fully-clothed Taehyung, something about your slick leaking onto his clothes exhilarating, arousing. You press your body further into his, knees digging into the mattress as you lean forward for more contact and he manages all of you, takes each lick of your tongue and grind of your hips with his own. 
You’re so drunk on kissing and making out with him you’re painfully unaware of what he’s housed in mind. 
He suddenly stops, pulling himself away as he gazes at your flushed cheeks, hooded eyes that communicate the lust the pumps through your veins. He breathes against you hard, your breaths mingling together as you remain close and intimate, hands all over each other. 
You bite your lip as he lightly removes a piece of hair from your face, your doe eyes anticipating him as Taehyung feels himself fall harder for you. 
“Y/N... I want to try something.” 
You tilt your head, him using your name piquing your interest. “What is it?” 
He licks his bottom lip and secures an arm around you, carrying you both to the top of the bed as he leans back against the headboard, perching you comfortably on his lap again. 
“Tae-” You call out in question but you’re interrupted by him suddenly shifting himself downwards, shuffling into a laid out position on the bed as you lift up for him, using the headboard as support. 
Your eyes go wide, watching him settle onto a pillow as you straddle his stomach. “Taehyung, what are you-”
“Ride my face, Princess.”
You fill with instant butterflies, suddenly very aware of what he’s asking you to do, and you become embarrassed. “B-baby, you don’t-you don’t need to do this.”
Taehyung regards you softly with the shake of his head. “I want to do this.”
You become shy, so painfully shy to need to conceal your face. It’s burning up, and you’re so aware of how candid this all is you feel yourself near implode. “I-I don’t know, Tae. It’s a lot of work for you, and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed or hurt you.”
Taehyung’s hands slide up to your hips, smoothing over your skin as he coos at you, sweet and warm. “It’s okay, baby, come sit on my face. It’s not too much for me at all, I wanna taste you.”
You’re still burning with embarrassment as you shake your head ‘no’, hiding behind your hands as your courage runs away from you. Taehyung’s heart grows too soft, wondering what’s got you so nervous.
“Princess, you don’t have to be shy with me. It’s only me, just you and me.” Taehyung rubs over your smooth, bare thighs, voice mellow and honey-like. “Let me give you what you deserve, baby.”
You peek between your fingers, finding a reassuring, sincere smile on Taehyung’s lips down below when you do.
Taehyung’s endeared, watching you all shy and flustered as you sit naked above him, his hands coming out to gently take yours.  “Come here, my angel. I’ll guide you through it, and I’ll go slow.” He coos as he kindly pulls your hands to his shoulders, carefully hooking them on as he looks into your gorgeous gems of eyes, patient and waiting for you.
You shuffle towards his face after a deep breath, Taehyung slowly winding his arms underneath your thighs to tug you closer. You extend your legs and up you go, not finding the bravery to plop down on his face just yet.
“Tae..” Your voice wavers as you peer down at him, so unfamiliar with this you’re a nervous wreck. “I-I’ve never done this before.”
“That’s okay.” Taehyung says, pressing a kiss to your groin as he encourages you. “Just a little further, Princess, I’ll take care of you.”
You shuffle some more, directly above him as you peer down with anxiety, scared about what to do next, and your hands hide your tomato-red face again, burning with embarrassment. “Taehyung, this is so embarrassing, I can’t-I can’t do this.”
Your heart’s about to pick up speed when Taehyung begins rubbing pacifying circles into your thighs, soothing you as he provides words of affirmation, words of comfort. “But you’re so gorgeous, baby. What’s there to be embarrassed about?” He asks softly. “I wanna taste you, I wanna feel you like this, Y/N.”
Maybe it’s the abundance of raw love you can hear in his sincerity, or the melted caramel his voice is laced with, or maybe the unfettered, pure look of sheer desire and admiration you can discern in his coffee eyes. Whatever it was, your chest fills with butterflies, the kind that have the power to embolden you, to provide you with small confidence as your hands slowly falter from your face.
“You can trust me, baby.” Taehyung affirms. “I’ve got you.. always.”
You feel light, feel as though your body’s come to a tranquil state as your hands cup his soft face lovingly, pads of your thumbs gliding across the apple of his cheeks, your eyes communicating gratefulness.
You nod to him shyly, securing a hand on the head board as your other curls around his on your thigh, squeezing for comfort as you flip your hair from your face.
You fill with bravery again and jut your bare, leaking core before his mouth, Taehyung hissing and groaning pleasurably. “Shit, Princess. You’re gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous.” He praises as he pressed a kiss to your wet clit, licking the taste off his lips. “Get to taste the prettiest pussy like this.”
You smile like a daft idiot, clamping down on your lip as fuzziness invades your chest. Taehyung holds you above his mouth, awaiting you with patience and care with a small smile.
You finally suck in a reflective breath, lungs filling with confidence as you sink down on him and your weeping, pulsing core touches Taehyung’s wet, plushy lips beneath you.
You shudder immediately, the sensation of his lips wrapped around your bare, leaking core the epitome of your wildest dreams. You grip him and the headboard hard, keeping your legs from already shaking at just how fucking good he feels.
“Tae, baby, oh my God-” And just when you think this is heaven, Taehyung swipes his tongue through your folds and you squeal, digging your nails wherever you hold as your body twitches, that scheming muscle of his the sheer work of the devil.
Your pathetic breath hitches to manage the abundant arousal that shots through your veins, Taehyung glancing up at you with those entrancing eyes of his as he smirks against your pussy.
“Does it feel good, Princess?”
“So good. Oh God, Tae, so fucking good.”
Taehyung chuckles softly, eyes locked on you as he glides his tongue up your slit again, the tip playing with your clit before he detaches. You sigh out so loudly it’s sharp and gets cut off, blood rushing to your head as you feel heated, maybe even sweat collecting on you already. You keep yourself hovering as you try to manage his downright sinful mouth, always lifting off him at even just the slightest lick, and Taehyung enjoys every passionate second of it.
He smooths over your thighs up to your unmoving hips, speaking in that low voice of his. "Try sitting down, baby, I promise it'll feel good."
You're swallowing as you heed his request, gazing down at him between your legs and you dip your core, as if testing the waters that is Taehyung's mouth, and his tongue simultaneously juts out to lick at your cunt. 
You moan out lewdly, gripping the headboard like it was your only lifeline. Your eyes are screwed shut so tightly you were seeing stars, opening them to stay in contact with Taehyung's bewitching eyes as you dip down once again, this time Taehyung running his tongue so deep into your folds you're like a popsicle he's licking on a hot summer's day.
"Tae.. oh my God."
"Move whenever you feel like it, baby. Whenever it feels good." He speaks between your legs and you're unsure what washes over you, maybe the arrant horniness of this entire situation as you take a deep breath and declare a triumphant 'fuck it'.
You are sitting on your husband's face.
And you're going to drive yourself insane.
You gently plop your pussy down on his mouth and Taehyung happily greets you with a low groan and a lick, the fatal combination of both making you weak in the knees. The vibration of his voice ripples through you, looking down to see Taehyung's shut his eyes as he lightly sucks as your pussy, occasionally providing tantalizing kitten licks.
You're so enamored and in love with his enjoyment of eating you out, you fill with excitement instantaneously, arousal pumping through your blood as it fills your heart.
"Taehyung.." You call him, letting out light moans as he gently licks at you. "I-I want more."
Taehyung opens his eyes as you admire his irises, painted over with a colour of lust and desire. He runs his fingers over your thighs, feeling at your skin as he gives you a deep swipe in between your wet pussy lips, his eye contact deadly.
"Try riding me, Princess." He presses mindless kisses to your dripping cunt. "Grind down on my face."
You feel fire ignite in your stomach, the idea of grinding on Taehyung's gorgeous face doing you in. You've always wanted to shut him up and have him licking at you like a mad man, so what exactly was stopping you now?
You nibble at your lip as you elevate yourself once again, only to set yourself right down on his mouth. Taehyung's tongue from hell licks a nice, long stripe up your quivering slit, lips lightly suckling around your pussy as you twitch above him.
Your naked chest rises and falls, revved on by your horniness as you lightly begin moving yourself in a back and forth motion, caving when you feel Taehyung's tongue glide across your sensitive pussy lips in accordance. You’re only testing the movement, and yet it has you moaning out without a care in the world as you grasp the headboard with need. 
"That's it, baby. Move just like that." Taehyung encouraged, his mouth capturing your pulsing pussy as you attempt to get a feel for the motion with experimental gyration, becoming lost on any further action.
"Tae, how do I.. I don't know how to move.." You get out, feeling your body high off this divine sensation already, but you crave so, so much more.
"Imagine it's my cock, angel.” Taehyung advises. “You're riding my cock, but you don't have to bounce up and down for me, just back and forth for yourself." Taehyung explains as he flaps his tongue over your little clit, kissing and sucking in portions. "Move as much as you want, don't think about me."
"But Tae, I'm worried about you-"
"Don't be, Princess.” He pacifies. “I'll be okay, just chase your pleasure. Chase your high until you come all over my face, that's all I need." Taehyung adjusts his grip and shoves his tongue deeper inside you, tasting the sweet nectar that drips out of you. You see the way he enjoys it, letting out little moans and groans that buzz through your body, and you've never felt so eager in your entire life.
"Okay.. but please, please tap me if it's too much. I don't want to make you take too much for me."
Taehyung's heart could've exploded, not familiar with such care and consideration for him during sex. So all he can do is smile fondly, and hope it communicates the love he feels for you in the very depths of his heart. "Of course, my baby. Now fuck yourself out on my face."
You giggle a little, feeling your chest blossom with comfort, with familiarity and warmth. You bite your lip before slowly beginning another back and forth motion over Taehyung's mouth, feeling yourself lose your mind as his long, thick tongue surfaces to lick you in between.
A few riveting, and experimental minutes later you've began a sensual pace, rocking yourself over Taehyung's face as you sigh and moan out, feel ecstasy fill your veins as Taehyung draws his wet tongue all over your palpitating pussy, matching your speed.
You clutch the headboard harder, moving quicker as lewd sounds escape you and increase in volume, chasing the sensitive touch of his wet muscle meeting your leaking, aching pussy. You feel your clit sometimes brush up against his lips or nose and it feels like you're vibrating, buzzing with arousal that rips through your insides.
“Taehyung.. fuck.”
"Mmm, that's my girl, keep going." Taehyung encourages, arms holding you open wider as he stuffs his face in between your legs, laps and licks with vigor as you use your knees to ride his face, for unwavering leverage. You grind down on him, feeling his tongue penetrate deeper and you're in your own euphoria. Your head's thrown back as you lose yourself, immerse yourself in the heaven Taehyung crafts in between your shaking thighs, feeling an orgasm bubble in your gut as you increase your movements.
You can feel your pussy secreting your sweet essence like waterworks, clenching and fluttering as you take Taehyung’s masterful tongue in between your fleshy folds. 
Now you're desperate, needing, wanting more. He feels so good you could cry, so good your toes were curling against the ruined sheets and your eyes were screwing shut. Your pussy was on white hot fire, feeling it rake and itch with burning pleasure only Taehyung has the power to call forth.
You don't believe in scarcity anymore, bracing your hands on the headboard as you begin rocking over Taehyung with all you can muster, grinding and riding all over his face until your legs lose strength, until your stomach begins to coil.
"Oh fuck, atta girl, just like that." Taehyung swears as he groans out in disarray, in pleasure as he eats up all your fast, untethered movements. "Fuck yes, baby, you’re so sexy, keep going."
His words only add to your arousal, feeling your every erogenous zone light up as Taehyung laps and licks and sucks at your pussy disorderly, a sloppy, wet mess he enjoys every second of. "My fucking God, Y/N, you’re so wet, you taste so good."
Your slick is drenching Taehyung’s mouth, and it has your heart thrumming in your chest, blood pumping in your ears so loudly all you can think about is your orgasm, think about the coil wrapping itself up in your gut with each time Taehyung licks at your pathetic cunt with skilled and delicious stripes.
Your pussy aches and pulsates and vibrates for more, losing your hold on reality as you’re sent to cloud nine. You yearn for him to keep going, keep licking and letting out those grunts and groans of satisfaction, chase your high until the damn sunrise with your own moans and groans so unfiltered and loud, you're incredibly glad only you and Taehyung reside on this island.
"Taehyung.. Tae.."
"What is it, baby?"
"I can't-I can't fucking stop, you feel so fucking good." You cry out with tears in your eyes, the dull ache and pain your pussy buzzes with doing something to your wellbeing. Your eclipsing orgasm is so strong and it thrashes around in your stomach, wanting to release and snap like a twig.
"Then don't," Taehyung coos. "Don’t stop until you come. Until you come all over my face and you shut me up."
You moan out sharply when Taehyung locks you down on him, roughly grinding you over his mouth as he shuts his eyes and immerses himself in you, puppy-licking and stuffing his tongue so deep within your pussy lips you're the replica of his lifeline, and it only initiates the beginning of your end.
You can feel it, it's roping and bunching up in the pit of your stomach so harshly everything is drowning out around you, only feeling Taehyung's mouth underneath and in between your legs as you ride his face like a madwoman, dig your knees into the matters until you realize your pace is erratic. You're all over the place, absolutely no pattern as you gyrate and rock and grind so much your clit repeatedly hits Taehyung's nose and face.
"Keeping going, Princess, I know you're close." The formidable tip of Taehyung’s tongue flaps all over your throbbing pussy, supplying all kinds of pleasure and a wet mess that has you on your last thread. "Come all over loverboy’s face, pretty girl. Wanna taste your cum."
Taehyung talks dirty in that deep, deep voice of his between your legs and the added stimulation collects in your gut, coils. Coils to no end, coils so tightly you desire to give yourself one last tendril of sanity by grinding down so hard he’s completely stuffed full of your cunt, remaining in control. 
That was, until Taehyung sucks so harshly on your pussy, his nose prodding your engorged clit, tongue driven so far into your weeping hole you come undone like a useless piece of string.
You release, and you release hard. So hard you see white spots in your vision and your body completely convulses, twitches as your orgasm ripples through your sloppy pussy. Your movements come to a slow, relaxed pause, Taehyung leisurely moving his tongue up your leaking folds as he watched your fucked out face above him.
You feel like you're floating, having released all the tension in your stressed body as you breathe out rapidly, hooded eyes coming down to peer at Taehyung eating up all your cum. You're completely taken by the sight, cheeks flushed and warm as you realize how much you lost yourself, how much you threw everything away just to relish in his mouth and face and you were nothing but grateful, so in love with him you smiled like an admiring fool.
You're beginning to lift off him to shower him with affection, until you peer carefully to see there's a confused crease to Taehyung's eyebrows as he slowly mouths at your core, like something's wrong.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"... you didn't squirt."
"Huh?" He's barely above a whisper, attempting to hear him better as he still pries you open and you gush your slick.
"You didn't squirt… this-this is a fucking crime."
"Taehyung, what? So what if I didn't-" You would've finished your sentence if it weren't for Taehyung suddenly hooking onto your thighs and dangerously locking you back down over his mouth, sputtering immediately.
"If your legs aren't shaking, we're not fucking done."
Then ensues another 10, 20, for what you could think was a 30-minute session of Taehyung absolutely going to town on your pussy. He sucks and licks and you're sure he even bites at one point, overstimulating your clit and pussy until real tears escape you this time, near screaming out in pleasure.
"Taehyung.. Tae-!"
"I'm making you squirt again, you will squirt again." Taehyung's ruled by a determination you can see burning in his eyes, feeling your overstimulation melt into a subtle, buzzing orgasm in your abdomen, nearly crying out moans that sound like music to Taehyung's ears.
"Tae, I don't have-you have to breathe!"
Taehyung shakes his head a vehement ‘no’, slithering his long tongue all over your messy pussy. “I need to make you squirt again. It was so fucking hot the first time and I've never forgotten it since." Taehyung confesses, trying to pry your core from his tongue but even if he's the one underneath you, he's in complete, and utter control.
"I'll destroy this pussy, eat this pussy up like it's mine."
"It's yours, Tae, it's all fucking yours, fuck!" He's moving so fast, and his tongue feels so wet and slippery you're burning brighter than the sun, so needy and horny and an utter mess for the man underneath you.
A man you so gladly got to call your husband.
"Taehyung, please.." You beg him. "I-I want your cum inside me, put your fucking kids inside me and I'll come again, I promise."
Taehyung's breathing is running rampant, out of control as he moves ferally and like an animal, eating up your pussy like his favourite meal and he’s been starved for weeks. "You want me to fuck you, Princess? Put our kids inside you and make you a mom?"
"Yes, daddy, fuck yes. Just want your cum, Tae.."
"Oh, oh fucking shit." Taehyung chuckles dryly, a dark and humourless sound. "You did not just do that."
You chuckle yourself, riding him like a madwoman as your body goes into overdrive, losing your sense of all fucking reality. "I just did. What else..do you expect to become.. with your cum inside me, daddy?" You lose air as Taehyung rocks you hard and heavy over his face, abruptly stopping to peer up at you with the evilest of eyes.
"Oh, you want it feral, don't you?"
"Don't forget hard, sailor." Taehyung scoffs with amusement as you wink, quickly changing gears where in less than a second, he's off the bed and shredding his clothes. His fast movements invoke your own and you both viscously tear off Taehyung’s clothes; him working his belt and pants as you rip off his shirt.
He's finally naked and dips down, securing his hands underneath your thighs as leap up into his hold. Your legs grapple around him and your bare pussy meets his torso, the sensation riveting as your mouth connects with his in a flash.
You groan, tasting yourself all over his addicting mouth, making out with him sloppily and messily, cum and saliva slathering all over your lips. Your hands are everywhere, groping and grabbing each other so aimlessly you don’t even notice Taehyung rushing your bodies towards the nearest surface; your floor to ceiling windows to be exact.
You're shoved up against the cold glass as you let out an enjoyable noise, kissing and breathing hard as feral noises escape both your lips, sucking on each other's face, tongue's down each other's throats. Your hands mess up his perfect hair as Taehyung pushes you up against the window, your fronts pressing into each other as it shoots arousal through your core, turns you on by tenfold.
"Shit, Taehyung, fuck me hard, fuck me so hard.”
"I will, I fucking will, baby. Put our kids inside you and never stop fucking you." You can tell you're both insane, so high off each other's drug the air crackles with burning sexual chemistry, tension and intimacy that rakes both your bones.
It's just so passionate, so loving and full of fire you don't even remember when Taehyung breached your pussy walls, when his tip sank right into your dripping cunt that aches for him in every possible way. He's already begun the perfect pace from the get-go, fucking you nice and slow until he begins angling himself for that perfect g-spot inside you, watching you writhe and weep and whimper in his arms.
"Taehyung.." You moan and throw your head back against the window, feeling so hot your nails dug into his shoulders. You know you leave red trails of scratches on his sweaty skin as you moan out, addicted to the sensation of his inside you until Taehyung rips your hands off him. He forces your wrists against the glass above your head, a single hand of his enough to ensnare them completely as his lips dive for your neck.
You sigh out pornographically at the rough action, feeling his cock hot and heavy and thick inside you, the drag like your own personal heaven. "Fuck, holy fuck, Taehyung!"
"Nobody fucks you like I do, huh? Nobody pounds your pussy like this, makes you come like this?"
He's growling and he's right, so right your walls are fluttering and clenching so bad tears pool in your eyes, threatening to spill out. "God, oh God, yes, Taehyung."
"This pretty pussy is mine, gonna make you mine with my cum inside you." His words are filthy and rev your engine, feeling him thrust into you so hard and deeply all you can do is scream and speak gibberish, make absolutely no sense as Taehyung fucks you up against the window.
“Ugh, Taehyung.. Taehyung-!”
"Louder, baby, be so loud everybody knows how good you're being fucked right now."
"Taehyung, oh my fucking God-!" You're insane, he's insane and you could care less. “Fuck me harder, fuck me like I’m famous, Tae-!” 
He smirks against your skin, “Okay, Princess.” and he draws toward your mouth, repeatedly jackhammering into your pathetic pussy as his lips brush against yours with feral grunts and harsh breaths.
You feel him everywhere, in every crevice of your body you're set ablaze, crying tears as you feel so, so euphoric and you're burning bright. Your gut is so taxed, twisted to its very limit as you spill whatever comes to your mouth while he pounds into your cunt, hips smacking against yours.
"I love you, Taehyung, I do. I love you so much it hurts."
"I love you more. I love you so much, so fucking much, baby, my pretty girl, my Princess."
Taehyung coos as he remains right at your lips, watching your every miniscule reaction to him fucking you into oblivion, your harsh, rampant breaths mingling together as you feel your clit brush up against Taehyung's body. 
The buzz and constant stimulation are too good with Taehyung's strong hand holding you up, peering down in between your bodies where his dick disappears into your velvety pussy as you moan like a pornstar. Taehyung swears at the sight, beating up your pulsing cunt as he angles just right and supplies that one deep, direct hit to your g-spot with a rough thrust.
You immediately gush like a broken fountain around him, trapping him inside you as reality dwindles out into a forgotten abyss.
Your vision blacks out, tears spill from your eyes and your pussy's a destroyed mess, but the wet sensation that comes out of you has Taehyung elated beyond words. "Oh fuck yes, there it is, my Princess is squirting! You’re hot, that's so fucking hot I can't-shit, I can't last."
And that's the only warning you got before Taehyung's shooting his cum inside you, white strips of hot semen spilling into you so abundantly you feel stuffed to the very brim, as though you've already got a fucking bun in the oven if it weren't for the birth control shot you received with Taehyung a week back.
He released rough and hard, coming to a stop after he softly fucked his cum into you, Taehyung letting go of your hands as you fall limp against him, only supported by Taehyung's strong arms as your face falters into his shoulder.
You both breathe hard, panting bodies entangled together against the window as your pussy feels like it's been fucked open, throbbing and messy and aching as your body feels taxed, completely out of energy after a tiresome day.
You lose your strength along with your consciousness, Taehyung your only strength as he softens inside you and your eyes are fluttering shut; only remembering the way Taehyung's hand came up to cradle the back of your head, how gently he kissed your hair, and how close he held you in that heated, unforgettable moment. 
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A cool, night breeze fills the room as you stir, the room having filled with the scent of sex.
You find yourself cuddled up in the satin sheets of your bed, eyes fluttering open as you awaken from your unknown slumber, stretching out your stiff muscles. Sleep still riddles your brain, but when you reach beside you out of habit, you realize your favourite person’s missing. You pout groggily, hugging the sheets to your naked body as you realize Taehyung’s not here. You rise from the bed lethargically, making small, tired steps out somewhere in search of your husband. 
You waddle out of your vast bed, cracking the door open slightly to poke your head out into the larger, common area of your master bedroom. You land on Taehyung reclining in the lounging section, his face illuminated by the screen of his Surface. Black-rimmed glasses adorn him as he remains seated with crossed legs and his comfy clothing; white t-shirt, beige cardigan paired with the same coloured, loose-fitting pajama bottoms. 
He seems to be diligently reading through something on his device as he scrolls with a touch pen, curating notes and adjustments on the document. You pull the door open wider, letting yourself paddle over to him as you hug the sheets around you in the chilly room.
The fabrics drag across the floor as your bare feet patter gently approaching him, catching Taehyung’s attention. His curious eyes find you with a small smile, lazily wrapped up in the satin sheets as you rub an eye, fatigued pout to your lips.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” 
You look at him drearily, too tired to even say anything as you simply feel inclined to near him. Taehyung makes space as you crawl into his lap, nestling yourself into him comfortably. You cuddle up against his broad, warm chest, resting your temple there as sleep lulls your eyes again. 
Taehyung peers down at your little snuggled up figure in his lap, cracking a fond chuckle. “Cute.” 
You nuzzle into him with a little noise, curling up into the smallest thing possible. He wraps an arm around you and kisses the top of your hair as he continues to read, embracing you closely as he works. 
Your breathing falls into a rhythmic rise and fall after a silent 20 minutes, descending back into a slumber as Taehyung runs his fingers through your hair, the quaint action meditative. 
He begins to feel you shivering in his hold, however, glancing down to see the sheets are dipping from your exposed, naked top. Taehyung recalls the balcony door is open and mindfully sets his work down, peeling back his cardigan.
He rounds your figure and drapes you with it, wrapping you up in his warmth. You nearly purr like a small kitten, Taehyung yawning with a little laugh as he decides to call it day as well. 
He’s too tired to maneuver you both to the bedroom, instead carefully perching you on his chest as he lays down on the couch, embracing you tenderly as his own eyes fall shut.   
It feels cozy and toasty like this, a small, content smile framing your lips as you snuggle up with Taehyung, enveloped by his comforting warmth as your mind drifts into a tranquil dreamland. 
A dreamland where everything feels safe and right, where there isn’t a single, trivial worry on your mind as you remain in a paradise with the love of your life. 
Except, funnily enough, none of it was a dream, and rather your sweet reality. 
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“We’re meeting someone very important at the event tonight.” 
“We have to meet somebody? Are we introducing ourselves?” 
“Yes and no? He’s an old-time affiliate of my father’s. He’s backed the company for years and we’re meeting him for the first time in awhile. He couldn’t come to the wedding.” 
“Ooh, so I’m being introduced?” 
“Yes, I’ve been telling him over the phone I’ve met an angel, so he wants to see one too.” 
“Ugh, you’re so cheesy. Do you have an idea what should I wear, then? To the event?”
“You can wear whatever you want, Princess, you’ll look pretty anyway.” 
You smacked your hand’s over your cheeks that hurt from smiling like a fool, feeling their hot temperature as you recalled how fucking adorable Taehyung was earlier today. 
Why did he always have to be so loving and kind? All it ever did was make your heart race and fall so much harder for him, contemplating what in God’s name you ever did to even deserve him. 
You smooth over the chiffon sundress you chose for today after Taehyung informed you of tonight’s event, a lilac wrap dress that stopped mid-thigh and was adorned with cute ruffles at the ends of the skirt and short sleeves. Your hair was lightly curled in soft waves, hoping it would fit the more laid-back, tropical atmosphere Taehyung described of the event.
You fiddled with the hem of your dress, checking to see if the light, soft purple eyeshadow and your eyeliner looked appealing, suddenly feeling all bashful wanting to look good for your husband. Maybe it’s because you two never began in such a fashion; you never paid mind to how you appeared to Taehyung, who’d seen you in all your messy or unwashed hair, your ruined makeup and mismatched outfits. 
So suddenly desiring to dress nicely for him, dolling yourself up for his approval felt foreign, but a good foreign. It was new and fresh, something that let excitement tickle at your chest once you consider what Taehyung’s face would look like seeing you. 
You take a breath, ready to present yourself to him who stands waiting in your room together, probably checking his phone. You’re seconds from turning the handle until you spot something in your arsenal of accessories, teetering on adding it to your look until you bite your lip and decorate yourself with it anyway, confidently waltzing out the door. 
You see he has a hand in his pocket, his attention turning away from his phone as he glances at you, and takes a near double take. His dazzled eyes widen, mouthing falling open in shock until it erodes into the cutest boxy grin you’ve ever seen adorn his face.
“Oh.. my God.” His voice is beyond surprised, face lighting up as he soaks you in. He approaches you in small steps, holding his hands out to smooth over your arms. He absorbs your entire look, heart eyes falling to your hair. 
“You’re.. adorable. You’re wearing a bow..” Taehyung’s fingers come up to gently touch the matching-coloured bow in the side of your hair, sweeping it behind your ear. Taehyung marvels at you with a toothy smile, cheeks the epitome of soft bread. “This is so fucking cute.” 
You giggle radiantly, watching him shift his look to your dress. “Oh god, and you’re wearing a sundress. That’s it, this is how I die.” Taehyung brings a hand to his heart as he purses his lips together with a sniffle, acting as though he’s in pain. 
“You’re so cute, oh my God my wife is so cute, I can’t breathe.” He feigns loss of air as he takes theatric deep breaths, practically panicking. “Why are you not in my pocket? Now everyone has to see how cute you are and they’ll fall in love with you and I have to try and keep my hands off you oh my God.” 
Taehyung’s rambling as he brings a nervous hand to his forehead has you laughing adorably, entertained by his show. “Tae, you’re flattering me!” 
“No I’m not, you’re wearing a sundress and a bow? A bow?! And the dress stops at your thighs and I love your thighs and you look so good in this colour.” Taehyung continues to freak out, losing his mind. “Holy shit, I’m going to die, I think I’m having a heart attack. Is this what having a heart attack feels like? Or is it just when you’re insanely in love?” 
“Tae!” You laugh at him brightly, reaching out for his hands he keeps splayed on his chest as though he’s been shot through the heart. “I look normal, baby, you’re freaking out too much.” 
“Normal.. is there a way to hit you on the head that won’t hurt you too much?” Taehyung genuinely asked. “Cause that’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard from you. You’re so fucking cute, so adorable and pretty and holy shit I’m so glad I chose the right woman.” 
Taehyung then shuts his eyes and holds his hands together as if in prayer, speaking to a higher power. “To my guardian angels, I thank you everyday you thought me deserving enough to have one of your own. I can’t believe I’ve been gifted with the prettiest angel wife.”
You burst out into laughter at his hilarious bit, pushing at him to stop and get rid of the bashful, rosy tinge to your cheeks. “Taehyung, you’re so dramatic! Stop it!” 
“No, really, you don’t understand. Don’t even get me started on that thing you did last night by crawling into my lap and cuddling into me like a little kitten I almost fucking died.” Taehyung emphasizes like a mad scientist, covering his face with his palm as he loses it.
“Tae! You’re making me blush, can you stop?”
“Wait a minute,” Taehyung halted all activity and everything fell to a silence. He dramatically walks over to your bed and takes a seat, hands curled over his lips as he sits brooding, contemplating. 
“You have to twirl for me.” 
“I have to what?”
“You have to do a lil’ spinney spin for me in that dress.” Taehyung motions with his index finger. “Otherwise I’ll be six feet under.” 
“Won’t watching me spin send you six feet under anyway?” 
“Yeah, but at least I’ll see what awaits me at the gates of heaven before I die.” He counters.
“And what makes you so sure you’re going to heaven?” 
“I somehow deserved you. If I’m worthy of you then I’m going to heaven for sure.”
You stifle a laugh and feel all giddy and fuzzy inside, watching Taehyung manspread as he watches you with fond eyes and an eager stance. “Give me a cute lil’ spin, baby.” 
You heed his request and cross your foot over the other, twirling around in your dress as you finish off with a little leg in the air and a charming smile. You immediately grow embarrassed and cover your face with your hands, fake crying at your attempt. “Oh my god, I’m so fucking embarrassing!”
“Excuse me? You’re the cutest thing alive!” Taehyung cheers as he rises within seconds and throws his arms around your thighs, engulfing you in his embrace as he lifts you off the marble flooring. He spins you in the air as you both laugh harmoniously, dipping down to press pecks to each other’s lips until you conceal your face in his neck, feeling shy all over again. 
“Oh my God, such a shy baby.” Taehyung quite literally holds you in his arms like a baby, rubbing your back. “C’mon now, let’s go meet new people and make out on our boat.” 
“Awh man,” you pout. “We don’t have time for me to suck your dick, do we?” You grow sad on Taehyung’s shoulder as you hold on tightly. 
“Oh no, we do. I just don’t wanna ruin your pretty makeup.” Taehyung climbs down the stairs with you in his arms carefully, tangled around him like a koala.
“Can I suck you off after the party?” 
“Hm, we’ll see,” Taehyung contemplates. “I like when it’s all about you.”  
You scrutinize him playfully.  “Why are you so perfect?”
“I don’t know, I get it from you.” 
“Incorrect, you were perfect first.” 
“Incorrect, you were perfect first.” 
“Ugh,” you roll your eyes. “We sound so annoying.” 
“Annoyingly in love.” 
“That... is actually correct.” You giggle as you kiss Taehyung for what could be the millionth time, but definitely not the last as you approach your homey little yacht together. 
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“Essentially that’s the case, I ultimately decided we should go public with an IPO to earn more stocks. I consulted my father before I even selected an underwriter.” Taehyung spoke to who you were introduced to as Mr. Gwan, the name sounding familiar for some reason. 
“Ah, that’s smart of you, son. I didn’t think a youngster like you would see the benefits.” 
“You know me, Mr. Gwan.” Taehyung conversed casually, mindlessly running an affectionate hand through your hair to keep the wind from ruining it. “I’ve had my nose deep in stock market books since I was 13.” 
“Those were the days, a young Taehyung asking me questions about IPO’s each time I visited.” Taehyung laughed along with Mr. Gwan, as you smile at the image of a young Taehyung so eager about the business scene. 
“You know, Y/N is quite smart when it comes to business as well. Aren’t you, Jagiya?” Taehyung looks towards you, hand canvassing down to stroke your back encouragingly. 
“Oh please, Taehyung, don’t get Mr. Gwan’s expectations up.” 
“Ah, Y/N, don’t worry at all. Taehyung was right when he called you an angel, you’re a very pretty young lady.” Mr. Gwan complimented and you attempted to hide your stupid smile and cheeks. “I believe I’ve also met your father, he’s a very talented man and I’m sure his daughter is just the same.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Gwan, you’re far too kind.” 
“Where do you work, dear? I hope your talent is being recognized.” Mr. Gwan asks kindly and then ensues a whole 10 minute conversation about your choice of company, why you currently work there and what also keeps you at it. 
“I decided to invest in the company as well, it’s small but being one of the employees first hired I was allocated a percentage of the profit, and that amount’s grown itself overtime.” You explained to Mr. Gwan who listened attentively, genuinely curious about your work at your architecture company and you were uberly glad he wasn’t like others, who usually inquired about your dad’s company. 
You’re too busy talking, so you never see the starry eyes Taehyung watches you with as he admires you talking all business, absentmindedly stroking your hair as you glance between him and Mr. Gwan. 
“You were right, Taehyung. Y/N is a very smart woman. You two are a lovely couple, now I feel upset I couldn’t make it to the wedding.” 
Taehyung waves Mr, Gwan off, quelling his worries. “It’s alright, Mr. Gwan, I’m just glad we were able to meet again after so long. I hope Mrs. Gwan and the kids are okay.” 
“Ah, they’re as lively as ever. Speaking of which, I can’t thank you enough for the donations, son, you know your art program’s really helped the kids out.” 
Taehyung freezes next to you, eyes wide as you grow confused, never having heard of such a thing before. “O-oh, of course, Mr. Gwan, you know how much I love the kids and their love for art.” 
“It’s been a real help, son. They’ve learned a lot about photography recently, even little Do-young keeps asking me for a camera for his birthday.” 
Taehyung smiles genuinely at that, admiring the boxy way his cheeks rise. “It’s nothing at all, Mr, Gwan.” 
“Now that you mention the kids I should probably return to them before they bother their mom too much.” Mr. Gwan’s already peeking elsewhere as he begins on his way. “I’ll see you two throughout the week hopefully. It was wonderful to meet you, Y/N!” 
“You as well, Mr, Gwan, take care!” You waved as he stepped off towards what you could tell was his rambunctious family, uwu-ing at the way they lit up seeing their father. 
Another thought comes to your mind however, turning to Taehyung. “Hey, I didn’t know about that. What’s the art program about?” 
Taehyung clears his throat and adjusts his shirt on himself, scratching at his neck. “Nothing.” 
You narrow your eyes at him. “You’re a shitty liar.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Taehyung acts nonchalant as he tucks his hands into his pockets, eyes flitting over the party. 
You grow endeared, pouting once you realize Taehyung’s getting shy, draping your hands over his chest as you search for his gaze. “Tae, do you personally donate to and fund art programs for children?” 
Taehyung clears his throat again, actively trying to evade you. “Aren’t you thirsty today? Do you want something to drink?” 
You gasp with a hand to your heart, radiant smile on you as you dote on him, wiping away a fake tear. “Oh my God, you’re the most precious person ever.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Honey, I’m serious.” You bring your hands to his face, letting your thumb stroke his cheek. “You’re so generous, baby. You don’t have to hide it from me.” 
He nibbles at his bottom lip, arms crossed as he flickers his innocent eyes to you. “My big mean, intimidating CEO is so kind. If only people knew they’d fall even more in love with you.” You tippy-toe to kiss him sweetly, Taehyung bending down for your height as he pecks you back. 
“And you’re a real-life angel.” Taehyung says as his arms wind around your waist, both of you stood outside in an open space at the tropical, though high-end party offering all the luxuries anyone could ask for. The party was bustling and welcoming, chatter and clinking glasses filling the air as upbeat music played over the sound system, most of the event open to a grand, luscious outdoor space that also provided a party inside a resort.
Taehyung and yourself were outside, enjoying the fresh air and scene of the beach and the adjoining, swishing water that reflected the moonlight. Your arms remained draped around his neck, feeling the light breeze kiss your skin as you come up to boop Taehyung’s nose. “Whatever, you’re still adorable.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes, chuckling as he pecks your lips. “You’re adorable, and do you for real want a drink, though?” 
“I could do with one,” you shrug. “But can I please have alcohol, baby?” You clasp your hands together and beg with your eyes. 
Taehyung narrows his own. “Which one do you want?” 
“Just some tequila, sir.” You salute him like a soldier. “I promise I don’t want anything else.” 
“What did we say your punishment was if you wanted liquor?” Taehyung chastises you as you sigh, deflating as you admit with a sad pout. “You don’t give me cuddles for three days.” 
“Exactly, if you want your cuddles then you can only get a cocktail.” 
You peer up at him with puppy dog eyes. “But the only cock I want is yours.” 
Taehyung sighs disappointingly, hand to his forehead. “God, it’s always the innocent ones.” 
“Please?” You beg him with all you can muster, hitting all his weak points with the pouting, even watery eyes. “I’ll be a good girl, please don’t take away my cuddles.” 
Taehyung hisses as though he’s been shot through the heart, taking the hit as he scrunches his nose and acquiesces regrettably. “Fine, fine... whatever my Princess wants.” 
You cheer as you hug him, but he’s quick to compromise. “But that means no kisses with your cuddles.” 
You gasp as though you’ve been done a great injustice, lips devastated as you speak. “But you always give me my kisses.” 
“I can’t spoil you like that, Y/N. This is supposed to be a punishment.” 
“But I thought you like spoiling me?” You pout even sadder, trying to convince him otherwise. “Don’t be a meanie and take away my kisses.” 
“Kisses are only for good girls.” Taehyung counters with his hands loose on your waist, and your heart grows sad. Tears begin to prick your eyes and your lips quiver, expression reminiscent of a sad kitten and Taehyung panics.
“Hey, don’t do that to me. Don’t give me the eyes.” Taehyung complains as he looks at your devastated face, expression hesitant. “Oh c’mon, don’t make me the bad guy.”
You make a whiney noise, sniffling a little and Taehyung smacks a hand to his forehead, exclaiming in defeat. “Oh God, fine, fine! Do whatever you want.” He acquiesces annoyingly, but you know he’ll adore you forever. 
You let out a triumphant squeal before popping up on a leg to kiss his cheek. “I love you,” You singsong, already making your way towards the varietal outdoor bar by the pool. “I’ll get our drinks, okay? What does my handsome man want?” 
“Woah, wait, I should get the drinks.” 
“Nuh uh, you were working late last night and you let me ride your face. You’re getting treated like a king.” You wag a rebuking finger at him and you see his mouth fall open for an argument, but you shoot him a harsh ‘shh’. 
Taehyung sighs, responding. “Canadian whiskey, rocks.” You blow him a kiss as confirmation and you’re whirling around for the bar, a happy spring to your step. 
You’ve received both drinks and secured them in your hands, making your way back to Taehyung. Your eyes search for where you last left him and he’s standing nonchalantly, appearing as the epitome of a Greek God, except there’s a small hiccup in that observation. 
He isn’t alone. 
Some chick you don’t recognize is chatting him up, Taehyung’s polite though standoffish behavior telling you it’s someone he doesn’t know. At first you feel jealousy overwhelm you, but it’s not long before you take a closer look at Taehyung and realize he’s not having fun. 
He’s reserved and cool, though you can tell by his expression he’s not really having it, a little awkward. Determination writes itself over your face as you approach speedily for his rescue, like a woman on a mission. 
“So, are you single or-” 
“Married.” You swoop in and wind both arms around Taehyung’s torso, smiling as nicely as you can. “He’s married. I’m sorry, but did you have business with my husband?” 
The woman freezes, growing awkward. “O-oh, no, not really.” She eyes you both as if you’re weird, flashing a dirty look back at her as you nearly step forward for a challenge, but Taehyung tugs you by your waist. 
“Woah, tiger.” He encases you in his palms. “That was hot.” 
You roll your eyes, removing yourself from his hold. “What’s hot is you. This is going to be a problem.” You gestured towards Taehyung’s outfit, black slacks paired with a black button-up he tucked in, a small, grey zig-zag print to it.
The black accentuated his manly curves and broad frame, the shirt kept a few buttons down and exposed his honey-coloured chest, perfect for ogling eyes to stare at. His hair didn’t help either, styled with lazy perfection as it revealed some forehead though curled at his brows, some pieces sexily loose. You didn’t want to start on the bracelets he paired with some minimalistic rings, his hands the epitome of crafted perfection.
“Why is it a problem?” Taehyung quirks a brow, running a lazy hand through his hair and you catch a glorious glimpse of his forehead.
“See, that.” You emphasize with a point. “You really think your new undercut doesn’t make you sex on legs? You look way too sexy, everyone’s gonna want you and I’ll have to try and keep cool about it.” You crossed your arms and puffed your cheeks as you attempted to collect yourself over his new hair for the millionth time, bringing a hand to your forehead with a distressed sigh. “God, my husband’s so hot, I’ll have to initiate my gatekeeping powers.” 
“Babe, I’m all yours anyway. It’s your ring I wear.” Taehyung flashes you his wedding band, returning him a deadpan expression. 
“You know that, but other people may not, that chick was example one. Do you know how many women will ignore a ring because you’re literally the spitting image of Adonis?” 
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you, hands tucked into his pockets. “Hmm, you’re flattering me to compensate for the alcohol, aren’t you?” 
“What?! I’m serious, this is going to be a problem. What are you so sexy for? All you have to do is just stand there and people start having breathing problems, I think I’m a few days away from being on a ventilator myself.” You complained about how hot he was, quite literally abstaining yourself from getting horny and jumping him already.  
“You’re cute.” 
“And you’re so sexy, ugh. Someone should’ve told me these are the repercussions of marrying the sexiest man alive.”
“You know, I think I actually won one of those.” 
“And my point stands!” You chime superficially as Taehyung simply laughs, grabbing the drinks you’d placed on the odd table behind you two. 
You both drink and talk away together at the party, engaging in either meaningful discourse or detailing whether raisins should exist or not (you both decided they shouldn’t, you both hated them). 
“They’re disgusting.” 
“Agreed, I’d rather get shot in the foot than find them in a cookie.” 
“That’s a little dramatic, Princess.” 
“Whatever, not as dramatic as you earlier today with how I look.” 
“Do you know how many men I’ve already had to death glare tonight? Not my fault you’re an angel.” 
You roll your eyes as the party grows livelier, having heard an official welcoming from the host of the grand networking event and essentially informing everyone to let loose, all the luxuries anyone needs just a snap of their fingers away in the beautiful city of Mykonos. 
You and Taehyung conversed with some of his associates, being introduced as either his pretty, his gorgeous, his whatever loving adjective he added to your title as his wife, and you two probably appeared disgustingly in love. You were also quite impressed for the umpteenth time with Taehyung’s etiquette and professionalism, having even mastered different languages as he discussed and talked business with multiple people, networking in all its glory. 
You wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t make you horny, because it was incredibly sexy when he got all CEO-like. Though what really did you in was how good he was at his job, watching him with a fond, adoring smile all night. 
You laughed when Taehyung told you a joke, hiding your giggle in his chest as you both stood away from the party, in your own little world. 
“So what’s it even take to be a good CEO?” You ask him genuinely with your back against a wall, Taehyung with a palm leaned just by your head as he stood in front of you, arm caging you in. His Chelsea-booted foot aimlessly toed at the ground, other hand in his pocket.  
“Well, there’s different approaches to being a good CEO. I take the most successful one.” 
“And what would that be?” You gauge attentively as you soak in the scent of his Invictus cologne, admiring him in all his glory. 
“Someone who doesn’t care what others think and gets the job done.” Taehyung explains. 
“What even is the best approach as a leader?” You ask. “It seems difficult to navigate.” 
“Effective leaders are people who don’t always accommodate for follower satisfaction. You just need to be considerate when needed, and initiate structure as much as you can.” 
“Where do you draw the line for consideration?” 
“A CEO is the highest in the chain of command,” Taehyung elaborates. “They automatically hold the most power over anyone else in a company, but they also represent it. Consideration is at my discretion, but I need to be careful with what I allow. Mistakes and errors aren’t just personal hurdles, they ripple throughout the company and that’s detrimental to a generational one like mine” 
You nod understandingly, asking him more. “You seem like a natural at your position, though. Were they things you learned, or they’re part of your personality?” 
“Personality, I guess?” Taehyung answers . “Some things I learned, but most of them are part of my personality. I can read others and I’m a people person, but I did a lot of learning.” 
“How did you even learn all this at your age? You’re so knowledgeable for only a 25-year old.” 
Taehyung laughs, almost as if he’s got something on his mind, but he doesn’t say it. “I’ve been in this scene my whole life, I taught myself.” 
You’re impressed, thoroughly interested in him. “Do you like it?” 
Taehyung’s expression seems to falter for a second here, but he schools himself, picking up on the odd change though neglecting to pay it mind. “I do.” 
He doesn’t really look at you when he says that, deciding to ask him other questions. “Do you.. find it difficult?” 
“Not really,” he shrugs, “Just gets a little annoying you don’t have much of a life. People our age are usually living out their 20′s, exploring the world, you know? I don’t really get that chance.” 
“That’s true, you’re always so restricted as an heir, I know how you feel.” You fiddled with your hands that remained tucked behind your back, a foot propped up against the wall. “What do you think is the most valuable thing to remember as a CEO?”  
Taehyung doesn’t even hesitate, cracking a sound that’s much like a scoff. “Your company is your life.” He states, kicking at some pebbles. “No matter how much you want to give up, even if it seems like too much.. or it’s something you never wanted in the first place..” Taehyung pauses, like his mind’s distracted. His eyes are trained on nothing really, and his voice wavers in volume. 
“You can never leave it behind, you’re bound for life.” 
Something washes over the atmosphere that wasn’t there before, a poignancy, something downcast as the conversation went on with this topic. You notice Taehyung’s eyes are still distracted as he seems lost in his thoughts, snapping your fingers before him. 
“Hey, Tae.” 
He blinks, returning to reality. “Huh?” 
You want to ask him what’s wrong, but quickly shut your mouth once realizing that’s intruding. You’ll never once push Taehyung to reveal things about himself he doesn’t want to yet, and so you trust he’ll eventually tell you with time, deflecting the conversation. 
“Why don’t we dance? They’re playing pretty good music.” You point towards the outdoor, active dance floor, a white platform that flashes with neon and black lights. 
“You wanna dance?” 
“Of course! It’s a party, genius, what else do you do?” The song changed to Dua Lipa’s “Levitating” and you could feel the pop-style beat coursing through you, moving your feet towards the dance floor with Taehyung in tow. 
“Princess, I don’t really dance.” 
“That doesn’t matter! The song’s too good to care.” You shout happily as you begin dancing your way over unabashedly. You move along to the melody as you wiggle your way onto the platform, dedicating every song lyric to your husband that laughs as he watches you, twirling and dancing however you could with the small buzz of alcohol in your blood.
You’re so immersed in the music and having fun on your own Taehyung’s never felt so enamored. All he can see is a pretty girl dancing around in a pretty dress, owning herself like she doesn’t have a care in the world and there’s no tomorrow. He doesn’t know why, but it lights something inside him, gets his heart pumping and his legs moving as he feels his reigns on his image loosen, his mind and body let go of any inconsequential worries.
“Come and dance with me, Tae!” He hears your soft voice cheer as you approach him with outstretched hands, taking his larger ones in yours as you cheekily guide him towards the dance floor, Taehyung grinning with the fondest smile as he follows you.
He falls in love with you all over again, feels adrenaline coursing through his veins as he looks at you, never having imagined love could feel so free, so liberating and so fun. 
You’re gauging his reaction as you dance around to spark his own movements, encouraging him and not long after, you see the widest, albeit slightly embarrassed smile grace his face as he begins to bust out on-beat movements. “Oh shit, the man’s got moves!” You holler as Taehyung lets himself loose, grinning like an idiot at how much fun he starts having. 
“You’re such a liar, you can totally dance!” You shout over the music.
“If I told you I danced too, you’d start to think I’m too perfect!” He stepped around to the rhythm, a lazy beat to his hands as he held yours. 
“You are too perfect!” 
“Says you, nobody told me you danced either!” 
You roll your eyes. “If it’s my jam, I’m the first one on the dance floor!” You respond as the chorus pumps you up, letting every worry on Earth slip away as you throw yourself around to the feel-good music. 
You singsong the lyrics to him, hands landing on his frame as you keep close and sway around with him, hinged on a beat that has you elated and buzzing. Taehyung’s palms encase your waist as the song meets its bridge, laughing as he watches you have the time of your life. 
“Damn, that’s my girl! She knows how to move!” He moves around in tandem with you as he follows your steps, eyes creasing as he thoroughly enjoys himself. You giggle as your arms drape around his neck, dancing and moving with him in perfect synchronicity as the world around you two disappears. 
The exhilaration is infectious, happiness and everything good flowing through both your bodies that bop around together to the music; Taehyung’s hands snug on your waist as yours loosely hold the nape of his neck. 
You laugh at each other the more you fool around, admiring the way the other smiles so radiantly. Maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s the love, but everything felt so right, felt like it all fell into place and the stars aligned; because absolutely nothing could defeat this feeling with Taehyung right now. The feeling like you both owned the world and pure joy resonated in every laugh and smile and hilarious dance move, like you were made to move together, made to dance the night away and love each other for as long as you could. 
You’re giggling when Taehyung rubs his nose with yours to reference you as his sugarboo, bringing your hands to cover your laugh when you suddenly catch sight of a face a little ways from the crowd. 
The familiarity captures your immediate attention, slowing down to the beat as your eyes zero in on the person. Again, maybe it’s the alcohol, but the outline and face instantly tells of you of someone that always managed to make your stomach churn. 
You think it’s him, feeling anxiety bleed into your chest as your heart drops to your stomach, nearly growing sick until the stranger turns around and you confirm it’s not him, rather a completely different person. You catch your emotions in your throat, swallowing down the queasy feeling as your eyes fall to nothing in particular. 
It’s Taehyung’s voice and hands that bring you back to reality, brows creased in immediate concern. “Y/N? Are you okay?” 
You breathe, calming down your accelerated heart rate. “Yeah, yeah..” 
“Are you sure? Do you not feel well?”
You’re not sure why, but your hands clutch onto Taehyung’s shirt, gripping the material with your fingers as you step closer to him, hiding your panicked face in his chest. “I’m fine, I’m okay..” 
“I can get you water, Princess, I’ll get it right now-” 
“No, no.” You halt him rapidly, tugging him back to you. “Don’t go.. don’t leave me.” 
You feel Taehyung’s hands hesitate around you as he hears your voice shake, attempting to bend down and see your face, but something compels you to keep hiding, feeling small and vulnerable. “Stay, please stay with me..” 
You can tell Taehyung’s confused, brows furrowed in that one way but even if he is, he doesn’t push further, just allows you to stay with him as you clutch him like a lifeline, Taehyung returning the action by pulling you into his warm hug. 
You instantly feel comfort flood you, his palm soothing your back as he stays like that, stays with you while you breathe, and let whatever fear you felt earlier disappear. You swallow down your anxiety, drawing back from him to peer at his soft eyes.
He looks down at you, a small, reassuring smile on his face and you don’t know what overwhelms you, what power leads you to suddenly lunge forward and connect your lips with his. 
They collide, dainty hands of yours holding his face as your mouth eagerly feels for his, working against him desperately, like you were in need. Taehyung doesn’t sputter, doesn’t complain or stop you, just simply soaks in your kiss and indulges, like he knows you need it, arms winding around your midsection as he tastes all of you. 
Something passionate leaks into the kiss, a hand of yours faltering to his chest as the other clutches his jaw, kissing and sucking at his bottom lip. You disconnect for air, foreheads against each other as your harsh breaths meld together. 
“I wanna leave, Tae..” Your chest rises and falls, mind a muddled, disoriented mess. “I wanna go home.” 
Taehyung’s eyes flash with concern, searching yours for an answer as to what’s going on, but he ultimately gives in, securing his grip on your waist. “Okay..” He agrees with a nod, worry written all over his face but he contains it, subdues it as he smooths your sides. 
“Okay, Princess, I’ll take you home.” 
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The door busts open with no care in the world, not even paying mind to a light switch as you and Taehyung pile into your bedroom, lips hot and heavy on each other. 
Taehyung walks you back as he kisses the corner of your mouth, trailing down your jaw as his hands ensnare your waist, your own desperately tugging his shirt. Your legs hit the edge of the bed and you both topple over, Taehyung landing on top of you as he mouths hungrily at your neck. 
He’s kissing deep and animalistic, like he’s ravenous and starved. You moan with every second he devours you, sucks at your neck as you rut yourself against him with arrant longing and need. 
He does the same, leg in between yours he presses against your leaking core, face stuffed in your neck with a rocking motion as you moan. He’s urgent and fiery, your own body buzzing with arousal as the heat picks up, hot and sweaty and passionate with your lustful movements, your kisses and grabbing.
Taehyung’s hands abandon your waist, and just when you’re moaning out again as he begins dipping down to your chest for hickeys, his palms start to feel up your thighs. He slowly slithers them up your skin, the action innocent in nature but alarms start to fire off in your brain. 
He hooks onto the hem of your dress and removes it rapidly, harshly as he aims towards your underwear to strip. Anxiety begins to find your chest as the certain movement reminds you of something, of someone. 
You thought you weren’t scared, thought you found comfort with Taehyung earlier, but it turns out trauma is a bitch, and has the inability to leave you alone. Kiseok’s harsh and rough movements somehow make you feel like this isn’t Taehyung anymore, like it’s him and he has access to your body again. 
You feel like you can’t breathe, like you want to stop and the kisses on your neck are foreign objects, his weight on top of you restrictive. 
“Tae..” You say, but it doesn’t catch his attention. 
“Tae.. wait-” His fingers hook onto your underwear, letting out a moan as he captures your neck in his mouth and sucks roughly. 
The pressure is too much, like you’re on the edge and fear crawls into the pit of your stomach. You feel sick all over again, mind flooding with horrifying thoughts as your hands push at Taehyung’s body. 
“Taehyung, fucking stop! Red, red!” In less than a split second, Taehyung leaves your neck as you shove him off, seeing your face covered by your hands as your body breathes erratically, the most panicked and scared expression on his features. 
“Oh my God, baby, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” He scans you all over. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Princess.” He apologizes profusely holding himself above you, your hands covering your face as you try to breathe, but you can’t calm down. “I didn’t mean to-I’m really sorry, oh my God. Did I hurt you?”
The worry in his voice is endearing, but you’re too focused on trying to breathe, draping your arms over your teary eyes as your mind flashes through scenes that haunt your nightmares. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking stupid, I should’ve stopped and been more gentle, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry..” 
Your breathing is running rampant, realizing this isn’t even Taehyung’s fault, and yet he’s apologizing so kindly. “It’s-it’s not you, Tae. It’s me, I-I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not you, I knew something was wrong and I kept going. I’m so fucking sorry, Princess, I’m sorry I didn’t stop.” 
“Tae, no.. please.” Tears did escape your eyes this time, trying to get rid of the anxious, sickly feeling in your throat but nothing worked, voice thick and frantic. “I just.. I thought..” You started, trying to breathe through your words. “I just thought I saw Kiseok.. at the party.. and I got scared. I got scared and I thought he-he could touch me again and I just-”
Taehyung feels your body shaking as he sees tears slide down your face, hears the fear in your voice and his worried heart shatters. “My baby, oh my God, don’t cry, please don’t cry.” He swipes his thumbs against your cheek, attempting to dry your tears. “You’re okay, you’re safe with me, I’m so sorry.” 
Your chest still rises and falls too shallowly, alarming Taehyung as he brings his forehead to yours and shuts his eyes, grasping your hands in his between your bodies with urgency, tight and comforting. “Breathe, Y/N, breathe for me.” 
“I can’t.. I’m sorry, Taehyung, you did nothing wrong. I’m just, fuck, why am I so stupid-” 
“Shh,” he pacifies, clutching your hands affectionately. “You’re not stupid, not at all.” He says, voice a soft, quiet caramel. “You’re safe, baby. I’ve got you, you’re safe right now, you don’t have to be scared. I won’t hurt you, I will never hurt you..” 
Taehyung repeats the mantra you both practiced together, having gone through a handful of your panic attacks with him to know what you need, to calm you down and comfort you as much as possible. 
“Let’s breathe, okay?” He begins the breathing exercises you both crafted together, involving you following the stable way Taehyung breathes, slow and steady. You mimic his pace, swallowing down the panic you feel, gradually allowing it to melt away. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to take it too far, I’m sorry you had to use our safe word.” 
“No, Tae, I just.. I got overwhelmed, I saw him and I-I got so scared.” 
Taehyung feels your breaths calm down, your body shaking less. “He’s not here, baby, I’ll always protect you from him. It’s just me, only you and me. You’re okay.” 
You nod as you give him a small smile, the tears in your eyes dissipating, feeling much lighter. Taehyung sees the change and calms down himself, affectionate hand to your hair as his other clutches yours clasped together. 
You follow more of his breathing, coming to a completely leveled pace as you feel relaxed, feel all the fear in you truly run away as comfort washes over you, nothing but warmth and love replacing it. 
Taehyung adores the sight of you relaxing, radiating sheer affection, adoration. “Is it okay if I kiss you?” 
You give him a nod, to which Taehyung cracks a grin and lightly brings his lips to yours, a feather-like touch, not harsh or rough. He pulls back, gauging your reaction as you feel adored, feel your heart flutter in your chest. 
“M-more, Taehyung..” 
He returns, this time adding some pressure as he presses his lips to yours, a sweet peck. You feel bright, as though it’s only you and Taehyung in this reality, only you and him in your own little world. 
Your hands tentatively come up to hold his face, palms cupping his cheeks as you gaze at him like he’s your universe, like he’s your everything and more. 
It’s Taehyung, you realize, not a shitty ex or stranger of a man. It’s Taehyung, the same Taehyung you’ve always known, the same Taehyung you love. 
“Taehyung..” His name slips past your lips, the calling quiet and mellow, but it catches Taehyung’s ears. 
Your fingertips soothe his skin, running a hand through his dark locks softly, affectionately. “Make love to me tonight.” 
He raises his eyebrows a little, hovering above you with caution. “Are you sure, baby?” He smooths your hair lovingly, petting your tresses. “We don’t have to do anything.” 
“No.. I want to.” You say, your chest filling with butterflies. “I want you.. I want all of you.” 
“Is that okay with you?” He inquires. “You’re feeling okay? You feel safe?” 
You nod, letting your hands fall back against the sheets. “I always feel safe with you, Taehyung.” 
“Okay.. okay.” He confirms, coming down to give you a real kiss, letting the electricity spark between you two. You feed into the slow, languid motion of his mouth against you gradually, relaxing into his kiss until you pull away. 
“Just one thing, Taehyung.” 
“What is it, angel?” 
“Can you.. go slow?” You ask tentatively. “With everything.. I’m sorry if it sounds stupid. I just.. I want you slow.. and gentle tonight.” 
“Hey, it’s not stupid.” He tells you, your hesitant eyes meeting his. “It sounds perfect. I’ll go slow, as slow as you want.” 
He kisses you again, so, so slow and tender, like he’s trying to tell you he loves you just by the movement of his lips alone, as though he’s attempting to carve it inside you so you’ll never forget the treasured promise. 
You rise with him, yourself and Taehyung in a seated position as you make out nice and slow, languid and unhurried. You pull away from him after some time, gazing into his gorgeous eyes the moonlight spilling in from the balcony illuminates, biting your lip. 
You swallow before you turn around on your shins, showing your back to Taehyung. You remove your hair from your back, offering the zipper of your dress to him. He shuffles close to you, kissing the nape of your neck when he does. He brings a hand to softly hold your arm, his other fastening on the zipper he pulls down inch by inch, careful and considerate. 
Your dress is unzipped, and with caution Taehyung brings both his hands to cast the material off your shoulders carefully, baring your upper half. He wraps an arm around your torso, hugging you from behind as he lays gentle kisses across your shoulder blades, canvassing up to the nape of your neck where you’re most sensitive. 
You shudder, the feeling of his warm, smooth skin against yours as he encases your stomach intoxicating, kisses affectionate and loving. Taehyung’s hand on your stomach then slides up your body slowly, gradually approaching your naked breast. The touch is tender and soft when he cups you, his masculine hand against your anticipating skin lighting your core with arousal. 
Slick stains your underwear as Taehyung glides the tip of his index finger over a perched nipple, slowly rubbing tight circles as he mouths at your skin, deepens his kisses to instead leave purple blossoms of his love all over you. 
You sigh out and your body reclines into his large frame behind you, the combination of his sweet lips and gentle hand supplying you slow ripples of arousal, arousal that easily gushes out of you. He continues like that as you softly moan, head spinning as he increases the suction of his lips and you tilt your neck for more.
He dips into your pulse point and presses his front up against you, writhing and clutching his hand on your breast with fucked out sighs. “Tae..nngh-”
“How does it feel, Princess?” 
“Good..” You feel your face heat up, pleasure speckling all across your skin. “So good, Taehyung.” 
Taehyung’s free hand plays with your dress that pools at your hips, sparking your need for more as he palms your breast. “Taehyung.. take my clothes off.”
Taehyung complies, turning you around gently so you face him. He gazes at you with nothing but reassurance, with sheer comfort as he slowly lays you back against the bed, your head gently finding a pillow. 
He hovers above you, thumb to your cheek he strokes gingerly as he presses a kiss to your lips, savouring their plushiness. He sucks at your bottom lip a little before he’s kissing down your jaw, lips mouthing at the underside as he fiddles with your dress. 
He comes off you, looking with a hint of something dark in his eyes as he hooks onto your dress and tugs it down with your underwear. He undresses you slow, romantically, his bedroom eyes tender though hold lust in their wake. 
He peeks down once he reveals your core, and your breath hitches when you feel air kiss your skin. 
Taehyung stares back up at you, a more dangerous shade to his irises as he tongue lines the seam of his mouth, eyeing you like a treat he desires, a woman he loves. He crawls back over you, scanning over your moonlit features as he regards you warmly.
You return his look, biting your lip as you flit around his beautiful face. Taehyung glances at your bitten lips before he slowly descends to your pulse point, kissing languidly. You moan, lewdly so, winding your arms around his neck as he mouths pleasurably. He begins travelling down, kissing over your chest until he pecks the flesh of your breast, lips hovering around your nipple until he finally latches on, wrapping his mouth around a hardened peak as his hand fits into the junction of your waist. 
You arch on cue, feeling his tongue slither over the sensitive nerves as you gasp, fingers clutching his hair. “Tae..” 
He licks at you more, maneuvering to the other nipple as he licks sensually, languidly with the tip of his tongue.  You can feel your core growing wetter, your erogenous zones buzzing as you feel the weight of his clothed body above you, working magic on your naked one he knows oh so well. 
He pops off your breast after sucking generously, bringing his face just before yours, lips brushing your delicate petals as he feels you breathe shakily against him, waiting for more. Just when you’re going to ask Taehyung what he’s doing, he slowly glides his hand around your waist over your stomach, snaking down your abdomen until he cups your sex in his warm palm. 
You gasp against his mouth, Taehyung soaking up your every reaction that lights him on fire. He begins rubbing your wet cunt, enjoying the sweet essence that coats his hand. 
“Baby’s so wet.” He coos, rubbing you all over yourself. “Do you want me to finger you?” 
Your core pulses at his words, buzzing and gushing as you imagine the glide and touch of his fingers, giving him an enthusiastic nod. 
Taehyung then casts his finger over your clit, applying pressure against the bud as he rubs, and you twitch on cue. “What do I say about words, Princess?” 
“I-I want you to finger me, Taehyung.” 
“Good girl.” He pecks your lips, allowing his fingers to dive into your slippery folds and your breath hitches against Taehyung’s heated mouth, feeling each other’s breath so close. “You like that, don’t you?” 
Your dainty hands brace against his chest as his deep voice leaves you igniting, eyes focused elsewhere as you nod and manage his slow swipes with a shaking body. 
“Baby, look at me.” Your eyes meet Taehyung’s, painted a near blown out black as his fingers experimentally rub at your sticky folds, playing around with your pussy. 
“I love you.” He says, without a warning or reason, eyes swirling with affection.
“I love you more.” You respond, connecting your lips with his for a deep kiss. He then begins spreading your oozing slick all over yourself, using it to rub your pussy folds as he kisses you with love, kisses you with passion. He leaves your mouth to abandon his hand from your core, popping his fingers into his mouth to taste you. 
The imagine is erotic, beyond hot as he eats up your slick and then brings his fingers before you. “Open your mouth, baby.” 
You comply and his fingers slip inside, tasting a divine combination of your essence and Taehyung, suckling on his digits. “That’s it, Princess, suck them for me.” You increase your suction, allowing your tongue to slather over his fingers as you wet them indefinitely. 
Taehyung watches you with a devilish glint, enjoying the lewd image before he pops them out, mouth kissing yours sensually with praises. “Good girl.” 
Taehyung then absorbs your reaction as he slips those same two fingers through your cum-ridden folds and into your pulsing hole, lips brushing against yours again. You gasp immediately, melting as the feeling of his fingers inside you exhilarate your nerves. 
You arch into him, hands bracing against his chest as you close your eyes, feeling Taehyung softly move his fingers around inside your quivering cunt. 
“Princess, I want see your eyes.” 
You open them, soaking his fingers inside you as your pussy flutters and his voice is smooth. “Look at me when I fuck you, baby, even when I’m fingering you.” 
You nod as you lock your sight with Taehyung, eye contact eliciting something fluffy and fuzzy to inhabit your chest. It feels romantic this way, his eyes amorous but warm, fingers slow and gentle. Your face feels hot, your body buzzing with arousal and your skin feels sensitive to touch, moaning as Taehyung swishes his fingers around inside your thick walls. 
He then begins a soft thrusting motion, in-and-out as the feeling is like ecstasy, the length of his fingers perfect for hitting those spongy spots inside you. You moan out, the eye contact with Taehyung as he moves his hand doing something inexplicable to your insides, feel them flip and tighten with arousal. 
Taehyung speeds up a notch with a groan, enjoying your little fucked out expression underneath him. Taehyung dips to kiss your body, lips on your skin he worships with true ardour. 
“Such a pretty body, so beautiful.” Taehyung murmurs, kisses lazy but passionate. “My wife is so beautiful.” 
“Tae.. I-” You’re cut off by your moan, body ravaged by a euphoric feeling of lightness. “Faster, Taehyung.. more.” 
He complies, beginning a pace that’s much quicker, actively pumping into your leaking cunt as he watches you underneath, watches you moan and groan and arch your pretty back. 
Taehyung speeds up more as your chest presses into his, now initiating a pace where he finger-fucks you, angling them upwards to hit that engorged g-spot begging for attention. Taehyung brings his thumb down on your clit, toying with the aching bud as he fingers deeper and harder, enamored by your panting figure and heated face. 
“My baby loves my fingers inside her, doesn’t she?” Taehyung asks, his voice sweet and mellow, but it has a dark tint to it, a colour that revs your engine as you soak in the delicious drag of his fingers. 
“I do, Taehyung-nngh” You moan when he shoves his long, slender digits deep and presses against your g-spot, nails digging into his neck as you feel his rings infiltrate your hole. “Tae-fuck, I’ll-I’ll cum like that.” 
“Want you to cum, angel.” He kisses behind your ear, taking the lobe between his lips as he curls his fingers inside you, a steady motion that’s edging you to the precipice. 
You’re feeding into the motion, rocking your body with him as your mind gets lost in a pre-orgasm paradise, focusing on the feeling of his fingers stroking your pathetically pulsing g-spot. You begin feeling something rake the bottom of your stomach, your cunt a sticky and slippery mess as you gush. You taste the orgasm, breaths running rampant as you pant for it, face flushes, but it’s not what you want. 
“Taehyung.. baby, wait.” 
He stops his movements. “Yes, angel?” 
“I want.. I want you inside me.” You request, hands toying with his collar as you beg with your eyes. “I want your cock inside me.. please.” 
Taehyung sucks in a breath, absolutely weak for you when you ask like that. “Fuck, Princess, don’t do that. It drives me fucking insane.” 
“Then be insane, Tae.” You cup his face, neediness written all over you. “I wanna feel how big you are, I want you to make love to me.” 
Taehyung bites his lips, flashing over all your features before he crashes his lips against yours, ripping his fingers out of your core. His kiss is hot and romantic, moving in perfect sync with you as Taehyung quickly begins unbuttoning his shirt, rapidly peeling it back until he tosses it somewhere. His bottoms are next, belt coming undone as he shuffles everything off and he’s naked above you, in all his honey-coloured, beautiful glory. 
He interlaces his hands with yours on the bed, checking in with you. “Is my baby okay?” 
You nod, squeezing his hands back. “Taehyung.. one thing..” You gaze into his eyes that resemble a galaxy of stars, becoming lost in his coffee eyes. 
Taehyung clutches you affectionately, encouraging you as he similarly gazes. “Go on, my love.” 
“The balcony.. take me there.” 
Taehyung’s a little surprised, lips contorting with a light sense of impression mixed with confusion. “You want us on the balcony?” 
You nod, that adorable pout to your lips. “I want you to make love to me under the stars again.” 
Taehyung smiles softly at that, remembering the night he made love to you in the back of his car. “Okay, my Princess.” 
He dips down to peck your lips, petting your hair. Taehyung grins when you hug him, arms snug around his neck and he embraces you dearly, a palm splaying against your back. Taehyung then maneuvers off the bed, grasping the satin sheet you remained above and gently wraps it around your body, opting for caution about the chill outside. 
He swaddles you like a baby, securing it around you as he encases your figure in his arms, lifting you up bridal style. He holds you protectively as he approaches your balcony, sliding the door open with his foot as your head falls against his chest, letting him carry you as you admire the ardent beating of his heart, a fond smile to your lips. 
He finds one of the laid out, cushioned chairs for tanning, slowly walking there with you in tow. You adjust to the feeling of being outside, feeling a sense of vulnerability, of openness, but also reminded this island is only yours and Taehyung’s, only a world for you and him. 
The weather is optimal, a light ocean breeze that still holds a sense of warmth, but felt grateful for the sheets around you, keeping you sheltered from the chillier wind. 
Taehyung lays you down on the chair gently, your body settling on the cushions as Taehyung climbs over you, eyes warm and loving. “Is this okay?” 
“Mhm.” You answer, draping your arms around his neck. “Are you?” 
He chuckles a little. “I’m always okay with you.” 
Taehyung kisses you then, allowing his tongue to lick inside your mouth. You suck on his in return, throwing some of the sheets off yourself to wrap your legs around his torso, eager to feel him everywhere. 
Taehyung brings his hand to your sex to feel around for your slick, ensuring you were still dripping like honey from a hive. You were, preparing you as he fingered you a few times to open you up, lining himself with your entrance. 
He glances in between your bodies, his tip nudging your fleshy folds and he peers up at you.. “You’re still okay, Princess?” 
“More than okay.” You assure him, hands smoothing over his chest. “Make love to me, Taehyung, like you always do.” 
He groans pleasurably, hand steadying himself as he pushes into your hole, breaching the entrance and he’s sliding into your warm pussy like it’s his home. He shudders when he does, and you arch your back as you feel him enter you for what could be the 87th time, but he still feels brand new, still feels euphoric. 
“Fuck, Taehyung, how are you always.. so big?” 
“How are you always so tight? Fuck.” 
You both swear as he inserts himself, pushing inside until he finally burrows himself inside, cock nestled within your pulsing walls. Taehyung supports himself above you as he soaks in the blissful feeling of stuffing you, like no matter how many times he does it, he never grows used to it. 
Your walls clench around him as they buzz with your latent orgasm, chest rising and falling as you await him. Taehyung then pulls out of you, nice and slow until he penetrates you again, tip hitting your cervix like always. 
You moan out, which beckons Taehyung to look at you. He loves the way your face remains illuminated by the moonlight, dipping down for kisses on your lips as he once again drags himself out, your leaking walls providing the perfect slide, only to drive himself right back in. 
You’re filled to the brim already, the stretch of his thick cock inside you the epitome of perfection, a heaven you were glad was all yours. You clench tighter just to feel his enormous dick inside you, kissing him harder as you crave to feel him. 
Taehyung then begins a slow, steady pace, his hips rocking into yours with caution, kisses sweet as he softly fucks you. Your hands fall back against the chair and he laces his fingers with yours, squeezing them as he sensually penetrates you. 
You softly moan into his mouth, enjoying the languid feeling of him moving in and out of your dripping pussy, thrusting gently. Taehyung comes off your mouth to breathe, speaking against your lips as his eyes gaze into yours. 
Your heart flutters, your name the prettiest sound when he calls you. “Yes, Taehyung?” 
“I love you.” He says with his baritone voice, kissing in between his sensual thrusts. “I’ll love you all night long, for as long as I can.” 
“I love you.” You mirror him, a meaningful confession as your legs wrapped tighter around his torso, slowly rutting yourself against him as he fucks you. “I love you, for everything. I love more than anything.”
“I love you more, baby.” Taehyung takes your hands and positions them above your head, baring your front to him. “I love the way you breathe in when I’m inside you, love when you shudder and hold me.” 
He feels absolutely divine inside you, your body’s nerves on fire as his hips meet your skin, Taehyung adding a soft rocking motion to his movements that serve attention to your clit. 
It makes you moan, squeezing his hands to manage. “I-I love the way you fuck me, Taehyung. The way you make me yours, the way you kiss me.” 
“God, I love fucking you.. I love you.” Taehyung spills from his mouth, groans escaping him as he picks up the pace a little, cock throbbing inside you as he penetrates deeper. “I love you so much I feel insane.” 
“Me too, Taehyung-fuck, go faster.” It just feels so good, so perfect and heavenly all you can do is moan, moan as loud as you want to communicate the sheer bliss he makes you feel.
“That’s it, baby. Be as loud as you want.” Taehyung groans out, dipping his naked front against yours to feel your skin connect, to kiss and suck and bite at your lips he adores. “Do you feel good, Princess?” 
“So good, Tae. Fuck, you’re so, so big and thick.” You sigh out, stuffed full of Taehyung’s cock. “Deeper.. fuck me deeper.” 
Taehyung had to hold himself back from spilling out into you, increasing his power and now fucking himself into you, driving himself deep enough he can feel the confines of your pretty pussy, your cunt that flutters and aches for more. 
And Taehyung keeps fucking you like, making love as he whispers sweet nothings and promises against your lips, utters words of encouragement and sheer love all while watching you moan and writhe in pleasure underneath him. 
“So good, baby, you’re doing so well.” Taehyung says. “So pretty when you moan, always so pretty.” 
You can’t help but want to kiss him, kiss him and hold him so close so you’ll never have to let go. You free a hand from him and loop it around his neck, drawing yourself closer to him as you hold him intimately, fingers swept in his hair. 
Taehyung ignites at the position, grunting and and now ramming himself into you as he senses your walls clenching, positioning himself against that sweet g-spot he visited earlier, the one that makes your legs shake. 
And they do, pried open as Taehyung fucks you into the night, savours your mellifluous moans and noises as he gets balls deep inside, so up close and personal you could feel the temperature rising, the passionate heat and there’s nothing in the world that could feel any better
You kiss him messily as his hips snap into yours with purpose, chasing that high he knows you’re edging to. “You’re almost there, Princess. Just a little more.” 
“Taehyung.. Taehyung.” You moan, breathing harshly as your body moves up the chair in accordance with his harder fucks, tip hitting you deep enough your stomach feels the nudge. 
Taehyung slips his free hand down between your legs, the other squeezing your hands as he begins thumbing your clit in tight circles, applying sweet pressure as he thrusts into you with head-spinning, eye-rolling pace.
“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my cock like my good girl.” He keeps at it, increasing all his movements as he crashed his lips against yours, mouthing openly and sloppily, in disarray and out of order, but it feels so good. 
You feel your insides constrict, tighten and coil as Taehyung’s pelvis meets yours and skin slaps against skin, the obscene sounding meaning nothing to the vast night above and around you. The breeze was lovely as the stars above you reflected the most stunning of constellations, only to realize once your eyes fall to Taehyung’s, they’re pathetic compared to his sweet, warm eyes. 
The thought comforts you, he comforts you as you melt into his body, enjoying every last pleasure of Taehyung making love to you underneath a captivating sky full of stars. 
Your chest fills with deep love for him all over again, for his patience, his gentleness, so glad you’re able to call him yours just as you’re his, and quite literally nothing had ever felt so right in your life. 
An ‘I love you’ tumbles from your mouth at least another ten times, repeating the phrase as Taehyung reciprocates, fucking and fingering and moving in ways that left your legs shaking and your pussy convulsing with an orgasm, releasing with a loud gasp that melts into a moan as Taehyung allows himself to cum inside you, stuffing you to the very brim. 
You leak slick all over him as Taehyung paints your walls white, an orgasm not able to sever your passionate mouths from moaning into each other. And just when you think it’s over, when he kisses at your throat and relaxes his movements; Taehyung’s hips begin another steady, mellow pace, moaning out again as Taehyung fucks you slow and gentle into the abysmal night. 
“We’re not done, baby.” Taehyung coos as he cradles your cheek, lips brushing against yours. “We’ve got all night, so let’s take it slow.”
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You played with Taehyung’s fingertips as you laid on his chest, who ran his fingers through your hair as he calmly watched.
You measured the size of your hand against his, silently springing your fingers against his as your naked bodies remain entangled under the sheet Taehyung brought you in, the shimmering stars speckling the sky above.
You shuffle closer to Taehyung, laying your leg over his as your fingers playfully drummed over his knuckles, Taehyung softly laughing at the action.
You take a nice, deep breath, soaking in the cool, night air as you cuddled with him, all wrapped up in his arms after rounds of slow sex and Taehyung pleasuring you until multiple orgasms escaped your trembling body. The feeling was all-encompassing, your heart full of warmth and familiarity. 
“You know, I’ve been meaning to tell you this.” You perked up, kissing his hand. “You fuck really good.”
Taehyung laughs, the tender rumble of his chest comforting. “Thanks, you fuck really good, too.”
“I’m serious, you’re like the king of love-making, but you’re a nasty, rough dom. I’ll never get enough of you.”
“Guilty as charged, yet again.” You giggle, tracing a vein in his hand, Taehyung’s meditative fingers massaging your scalp. “I just..” You begin a candid sentence, something about Taehyung that makes you naturally spill your heart.
“It also.. just feels really safe with you.”
You’re not sure how Taehyung reacts, but he does in fact lift his eyebrows a little, before his lips erode into a small smile. “Is that so?”
You nod your head, exchanging playing with his hand to rest it against his broad chest, snuggling into his personal space. “You.. always feel safe. You feel like winter, but you’re never cold. You’re warm.. really warm.”
You wear your heart on your sleeve as you speak to him earnestly, the moment tranquil and intimate. You draw a useless pattern on his bare, honey-coloured chest. Taehyung feels his heart actually flutter, never having been told such a thing, tone soft. “You didn’t feel safe before, though. I’m still sorry you had to use our safe word.”
“It’s okay, baby.” You speak so lowly it’s as though you only want him to hear you, placing your hand over his heart, the feeling of it beating filling you with a sense of calm, of tranquility. “It wasn’t you at all, it was me.”
Taehyung wraps his strong arms around you, encasing your figure in a loose embrace as he leans his cheek against the top of your head. “Did.. I do something that reminded you of him?”
You nearly feel your heart stop, shocked at how easily Taehyung could read you, though shouldn’t have been surprised with how much he always understood you with ease, loving him dearly for it. 
You open up as a result, hand clutching onto his shoulder as you take a deep breath.
“My clothes.” You admit. “He always ripped off my clothes.. really roughly.”
“I’m sorry, Princess. I’ll never do it again.”
“It’s okay, Tae, you’re different, and you didn’t know.”
You swallow a lump down your throat, continuing as you trace his broad, silky smooth chest. “He.. didn’t let me talk most of the time.. during sex.” You bite your lip, eyes focused on tracing the outline of Taehyung’s pec, his scent filling your nostrils. 
“He always told me to be quiet, and always took off my clothes when he saw me.” You blinked frequently, disliking the water that threatened to flood them. “He didn’t like when I didn’t listen.. he would get mad at me.” 
You feel Taehyung squeeze you in his arms, providing you the strength to go on. “I don’t know what I like during sex because.. he never asked, never did anything to me at all. He’d let me lay there.. and used me for himself.”
Tears threatened to prick at your eyes recalling the memories, a suffocating feeling holding your throat captive. “I don’t know I always went back, maybe I’m just stupid.. and pathetic.” You feel Taehyung instinctively clutch you tighter, the sensation of his calm breathing grounding you to Earth. “But it’s hard when someone you’ve been in love with for so long finally tells you you mean more, that you’re their soulmate, and they’ll let you in if you offer yourself.”
You sniffle a little, breathing out a little shakily. “But.. it was never love, you know? I could feel I was just another girl, that I was to be used. He made it clear when he’d tell me we weren’t exclusive, that he believed we were better off living our lives separately before we tied the knot, that soulmates wait for each other, and they do anything for their significant other.” 
Your vision clouded as you continued, eyes stinging. “So I did anything, I waited.. I clung to his words that I was special, that I was different.”
“And I got used it, I got used to him ripping my clothes off, I got used to him silencing me during sex, got used to him doing whatever he wanted until he was satisfied, because he convinced me if I did that, maybe he’d be mine.” Tears pooled at the corners of your eyes, emotion bunching up in your chest so heavily all you could do was talk.
“So I did it, I did it even when I didn’t want to, when I didn’t like to and sometimes.. sometimes I was forced to. Even if in the end I didn’t get anything in return, no attention, no love, not anything. Because I loved him, and I wanted to give him my everything, give him everything until it was enough, because that’s what soulmates do, that’s what he told me they did.”
This time your tears spilled, harsh breathing raking your figure as you fisted your hand against his chest tightly, burrowing your pathetic face to hide. “But I was never enough.” You sniffled, small whimpers escaping your lips. 
“Because I was so stupid, Taehyung. It’ll never matter how scared I was every time he stripped me, every time he forced my hands down and didn’t stop when I asked. It didn’t matter how much I hated myself for always going back, for believing every lie and trying to fit into his mold. None of it mattered, not to him, not to anyone, because I was alone. I couldn’t tell anyone, so all I ever had was myself, because I was so, so alone.” Your larynx closes up, bubbles with a wad of stifling emotion as you release it all in a fit of self-deprecation. 
“Because I’m just not enough, I’m not worth anyone’s time or love. I wasn’t enough for him, I’m not enough for anyone, and I’ll never be enough”
You brought your hands to your face, turbulent emotion ravaging your chest and throat as choked sobs began to spill from you, not sure why all this emotion was attacking you, but you cried anyway, so overwhelmed and hurt it was all you could do. You cried on his chest, trying to search for even a semblance of control because all you felt was an ugly, anxious feeling horrifying your entire system.
“You’re enough to me.”
You froze, teary eyes opening wider as Taehyung’s soft, dulcet voice met your ears. “You’ll always be enough to me.”
Your chest fills with immediate air, as though someone pulled you out of the water you were drowning in. “You’re worth more than anything I could ever give.”
“Taehyung, don’t lie-”
“I would never lie to you, Y/N.” Taehyung says with meaning. “Look at me.” He requests softly as he secures his hands around your face and holds your cheeks, the action causing you to find his eyes.
“You’re worth.. you’re worth more than anything in this fucking universe.” Taehyung’s own voice wavers, thick with emotion as you discern his eyes are watery, his face devastated. “You didn’t deserve that, nobody does. Every human deserves to be respected, to be treated like a human. And you weren’t provided that, and that’s wrong, Y/N, you’re not meant to be used.”
Taehyung takes his own strangled breath, chest overwhelmed with emotion. “You must’ve been so scared, it must’ve been so hard.”
Your eyes rim with fresh tears as your heart fills with sadness, reminded of how much it used to hurt, how much pain used to ravage your insides until you felt numb, until you were convinced that was how love was supposed to be. “I used to feel so ashamed, Taehyung. My insides.. they used to feel used, like they weren’t my own, like I let a complete stranger in and I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t.. breathe sometimes.”
“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, Princess. That’s so, so wrong.” Taehyung immediately pulls you into his arms, embracing you with his whole heart, embracing you with everything he could ever offer as the sheets tumble off you. You fall into him with ease, letting your sobs run free as you remained engulfed by him, all by his warmth and tenderness.
“You didn’t deserve that, not a single bit. You’re not pathetic, and you’re not stupid. A fucking asshole like that doesn’t deserve you, not in a million years.” Taehyung somehow clutches you tighter, conviction in his resolute tone. “I’ll kill him, I swear I’ll fucking kill him, Y/N.”
“No, Tae, it’s okay.”
“It’s not, it’s not okay. What you went through isn’t okay, it’s so wrong.” Taehyung says earnestly, comforting you in the whole sense of the word as he strokes your hair. “You’re.. you’re so strong, for going through it all alone, all by yourself.”
Your arms coil around his neck tighter, stuffing your crying eyes further into his bare shoulder as he speaks softly to you. “But you’re not alone anymore, Y/N, you’ll never be alone ever again. I’m here, even when it’s hard, when it’s ugly,  you have me.”
“But-but I’m broken, Taehyung.” Your voice breaks. “I’m used.. I’m fragile and I’m too much. All I have are broken pieces, and I’m-I’m a mess.”
Taehyung presses his lips to the crown of your head, letting his lips rest there for a long, deep kiss as you feel him squeeze you tighly, feels insurmountable pain pierce his chest for you. “Then they’re my broken pieces, Y/N, and you’re my mess.” He declares, calming your broken heart.
“I’ll stay here regardless. I’ll still kiss you, still hug you and make love to you the same, because I want you and all your broken pieces, because I love you. And I’ll keep loving you, love you until you think you’re enough, until you’re not scared anymore, until all your broken pieces fit back together.”
Tears cascade down your cheeks as he continues, clutching him for dear life. “And even if you’re not the same after, and the pieces don’t fit just right, then I’ll love that too. All your versions.. all those changes.. because they’re still you, still unforgivingly, and undoubtedly you.”
Maybe it’s the vulnerability of being naked together on a balcony, maybe it’s the romantic sensation of only living in a world where you two exist, or maybe the encapsulating, tender way Taehyung held you; held you like you were a fleeting dream, as though if he ever were to let you go, he could lose you forever.
And like the very thought terrified him.
You cried, you cry and cry but this time, with a sense of gratitude, of longing and happiness. You cry until your eyes run out, until your throat feels dry and your chest numbs, until your lungs lose air and your heart races. 
But the beauty of it all, was that Taehyung lets you. Lets you cry, and sob and break down until it’s enough, until you release years worth of bottling every sensation of loneliness, and allow someone in, allow someone to see your pain. 
And absolutely nothing on Earth, no combination of 26 letters could elucidate what you feel in the very fibers of your heart, of your fragile being for that someone who does.
Because he’s warm, Taehyung is warm. He’s a warm hug after a long, tiresome day, he’s the scent of the rain after it pours, he’s the feeling of slow dancing as snow blankets the world in sheets of white. 
He’s the face that brings you joy everyday, the smile that etches ease into your heart, the arms that hold you when you feel like falling apart. 
He is light, Taehyung is any and everything you could’ve ever dreamed of and more, he’s the embodiment of comfort, the manifestation of every beautiful thing this ugly world can offer. The very person you need, the person you’ve begged and cried for to save you from ruin, to finally enter your life and hear your suffering.
And he’s here now, he was here, and he was clutching your hyperventilating, naked body for however long you needed, how much you needed, because that’s just who Taehyung was. He was kind, he was caring, and he was wonderful in any way you could spend a lifetime trying to explain, but it could never be sufficient enough.
He was the very definition of love.
“You’re here.. you’re finally here.” You repeat to yourself in a whisper as you hug him tightly, heart captured by an array of emotion.
“Who’s here, angel?”
And as you remembered all those sleepless nights you cried yourself into a slumber, shook with fear all by yourself in the harrowing darkness of your room, felt as though you were drowning, as though there was no reachable escape and not a single soul to help you. 
Nobody to hear your screams for someone, just someone to pull you out, someone to take your hand and guide you towards light, someone to protect you from all the cruel, ugly things in the world, someone to finally set you free from the horror of your loneliness.
You answered with a light, unburdened heart.
“My soulmate.”
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chapter 11 teaser: 
“I would’ve kissed you back.”
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mitchtheficus · 3 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
okay so our story starts in 2006. Kenny’s been wrestling for a while now, most recently spending a soul-crushing year in WWE’s developmental promotion Deep South Wrestling, and he’s kind of lost hope of ever finding someone who shares his vision for what wrestling can be
because to Kenny, wrestling can be anything. it’s an artform with infinite possibility, as long as you have the imagination and skill to create it
one day a friend shows Kenny a video from the japanese wrestling promotion DDT (Dramatic Dream Team). in the video he sees Kota Ibushi for the first time
and he is thunderstruck
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[ID: Kenny being interviewed for Begin Japanology in 2013: “And I thought: he MUST think the same way I do. He’s doing the same crazy things that I’m doing. He’s SUPER athletic. And, you know, he’s not afraid to make people laugh. A lot of people are too afraid to make themselves laugh. They’re too prideful about looking tough. And he didn’t seem to be that kind of guy. But he IS tough, so I felt like whoever this guy is, I feel like I need to meet him, I need to challenge him, and you know, let’s make some magic together in the ring. Whether it be together as partners or against each other. I felt like my destiny, if there is such a thing, was to come out here and fight Kota Ibushi.” End ID] [LINK]
(isn’t that incredible? can you imagine seeing a stranger a world away and, despite barriers of distance and language, having the certainty and determination necessary to cross an ocean just to meet?)
Kenny sets out to get ddt’s attention. He films this insane “audition” video, a falls count anywhere out-of-ring match (Kota’s specialty) at his cabin in canada [LINK]
(the match is ridiculous in the best way, at one point Mike Angel “drowns” in the lake and Kenny is like “he’s dead! count him out!” only for the supposed drown-ee to make a surprise recovery and attack before the 10 count is up)
luckily for the future of wrestling, ddt’s interest is peaked and they invite him to japan
Kenny films a short promo ahead of their match challenging Kota [LINK]
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[ID: screenshot from the promo, Kenny is standing in some random alley looking kind of challengingly at the camera. end ID]
(he says “ibushi” every other sentence its v cute) 
their first match was August 6th, 2008 - 2 out of 3 falls, falls count anywhere [LINK]
Even tho there’s no belt on the line for this match, Kenny is still fighting for something: if he loses he may never see Kota again. Only a win will secure him his place as Kota’s rival.
Kenny starts out the match being a dick
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[ID: gif from their first match, it’s the start of the match and Kota extends his hand to Kenny but Kenny smacks it away before turning his back on Kota and walking to his corner of the ring. End ID]
(he’s never handled his own fears of inadequacy very well)
despite Kenny’s initial rudeness, as soon as they’re underway the alikeness of their minds and styles is immediately apparent. and both of them are clearly showing off for each other.
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[ID: GIF of their first match. Kenny shoulder checks Kota, who falls down and then immediately kips back up. Kota looks at Kenny and puts his hands on his hips. Kenny looks away. End. ID]
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[ID: GIF of their first match. Kenny fakes Kota out, making him jump for nothing, and then cockily walks up to Kota and points at his own bicep while flexing. Kota looks unimpressed. End ID]
(You can feel how much they’re enjoying this, so clearly excited to have found this new rival, eagerly anticipating what they can do together)
when asked why they don’t have singles matches against each other more often, kenny and kota have said that they’re afraid they’ll kill each other, and watching their matches you can definitely see it. this match is brutal.
In many ways they’re incredibly evenly matched, in fact how perfectly competitively compatible they are is almost the center of the match itself
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[ID: GIF from the match, Kenny and Kota kick each other in the head at the exact same time, perfectly in sync, and then both fall to the ground. End ID]
but there’s this underlying feeling that Kenny is the underdog here.
Kenny is putting everything he has into this match, both times Kota pins him you feel that those seconds are ripped from him after he has been completely overwhelmed. And it’s not that Kota isn’t also trying his hardest, but somehow you can already see shadows of the dynamic that will play out during their Budokan match.
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[ID: GIF from the match. Kenny hits Kota and it knocks Kota back a step as he shakes it off. When he hits Kenny back Kenny goes down to his knees from the force of it. Kota walks calmly after him as Kenny crawls away and gets back to his feet. End ID]
He gets just as exhausted as Kenny, but he doesn’t get exhausted in the same way. Kenny’s exhaustion makes him desperate, Kota’s doesn’t.
Despite how brutal this match is, you can tell they’re being careful with each other in a way they won’t need to be in their subsequent matches. Kenny takes a good long moment to check on Kota after michinoku driver-ing him into a pile of chairs (waiting a long beat before even trying to cover him). Kota leaves space in his attacks, pausing just too long before a strike or kick to the head to make sure Kenny is ready for it.
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[ID: GIF from the match. Kota is ready to kick Kenny in the head but he pauses a moment until Kenny gives a small nod. End ID]
After Kota wins Kenny just lays there and Kota comes over to kneel at his side
It’s the first time Kenny’s ever cried after a match.
Kenny fought with everything he had, but in the end he couldn’t beat Kota
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[ID: a screenshot of Kenny talking about this match in the 2016 NJPW documentary Second Home he’s saying: “That day I just wasn’t good enough.” end ID]
and because of his failure the possibility of a shared future was put in jeopardy
“Ibushi, or rather fighting Ibushi, was the entire purpose for my first trip to Japan in 2008. DDT had wanted a new challenger for him, a foreign archvillain, and I fit the bill. We killed each other in our first encounter (to this day it's one of my proudest matches), but it was a losing effort, and in that, I thought I'd never be seen again.” [2016 ESPN Interview with Kenny - LINK]
But something magical has happened
Kenny felt this instant connection the first moment he saw kota, and now kota feels it too, from that very first touch
"From that moment of contact in our first match together, I felt he thinks exactly as I do." [Kota Ibushi in the Omega Man: A Wrestling Love Story Documentary]
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[ID: Six screenshots of Kota speaking in the documentary Omega Man: A Wrestling Love Story: “Think about it. For over twenty years, we grew up in totally different cultures, totally different places, totally different environments, and yet there's one brain for two people. This is amazing! Who knew this was possible?” End ID]
And it’s not just kota
their match won Samarai TV’s match of the year award and DDT invited kenny back. kenny and kota had become friends irl by then and they begged DDT to let them fight as a tag team
“[We promised the company] big things -- not to just be two singles guys on a team but to revolutionize the team work aspect. We brainstormed and came up with all sorts of cool double team moves. Fans saw the chemistry, enjoyed the real relationship we shared. We were able to make magic as a team." [2016 ESPN Interview with Kenny]
ddt allowed it and they paired up, and they were clear about what they were about from day 1
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[ID: four gifs of Kota being interviewed for the Omega Man documentary. the first one shows a newsstand with japanese pro wrestling magazines, the second two are Kota speaking while wearing a Golden Elite shirt, and the last one is a drawing of Kenny and Kota shirtless and smirking. Over these images Kota is subtitled saying: “Right at that time a Japanese Magazine called ‘Weekly Pro Wrestling’ labelled us ‘The Golden Twins.’ So when we were interviewed we told them we’re not ‘The Golden Twins.’ We’re ‘The Golden Lovers.’” End ID]
and so the Golden Lovers were born
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adrienscroissantx · 4 years
A list of good underrated brotps (imo)
Alix and nino: (they! Vibe! They have a similar taste in music and nino really digs alixs art and they're both insecure about making a career out of their passions. These are children of the Arts, with artforms that are more misunderstood. They just get each other, and they're going to be in the list of ppl they thank when they win an award for their work later down the line)
Adrien and juleka: (model buds, ok. Adrien supports julekas career and juleka teaches adrien the fine art of ✨ Teenage Rebellion ✨. They also play music together and have fun makeovers. She doesn't force him to be anything or do anything and she doesn't put him on a pedestal, he can be a little more himself around her)
Alya and kim: (a dangerous duo because they talk SO MUCH SHIT. they turn into gossip trains the minute they enter each other's radar. The kind of friendship where, when anybody does something stupid, they look to at each other like a camera on the office ((unless its kim doing something stupid, then alya is forced to break the fourth wall)) )
Rose and kim: (look they get along better than expected and shes the lightest person in class so he can just pick her up and put her on his shoulder and run around. I hc them as unlikely childhood friends who were maybe neighbours and they did a bunch of stupid shit together)
Kim is just a himbo he vibes w wlw coded characters there i said it also alya is bi
Speaking of which
Kim and kagami: (it writes itself. 2 jocks compete, one is arrogant, the others a bit pretentious, but kim just wants to make kagami lighten up a bit and let her know that sportsmandhip can be fun too.)
Max and sabrina: (they were enemies, as kids, every annual science fair event they were situated opposite each other. They become begrudging allies. Now in their late teens, they're just gamer buds who play until 1 in the morning and have random arguments about math and video game lore. They also watch the same tv shows. Absolute nerd out and it shows.)
Max and alya: (look they're both computer kids. Alya codes, max builds, and together they foster the stupidest robot designs they can possibly come up with. They Also just like working together because they can bounce ideas off each other. Max gets alya in the zone, and alya supplies a fresh perspective to maxs issues. Cue nino in the background but instead of being a cool STEM person hes building a tower out of staplers)
Mylene and chloe: (ok i know what ur thinking. What?? But chloe starts getting into activism bc she's fixated on bees and mylene shows her the ropes and she softens chloe while chloe teaches mylene how to harden up. They have a makeover but instead of making mylene glamorous, they dress chloe in Proper Protesting Attire. Also they totally do crimes together when the government process to be useless)
Nathaniel and marinette: (i don't think this is that underrated but just!! They're the true weebs of the grade!! They've been watching sailor moon together since they were kids!! They made their own ocs and drew art of them when they were 12!!! They both watch other anime now but they both have a softness 4 magical girl shows and they're still good art friends to this day "look tokyo mew mew just hits the emotional beats better than Tokyo Ghoul-" )
Ivan and kagami : (theyre the big tough people of the group, nobody mess w them, except when theyre alone together and they faun over their crushes and go to festivals and wear cat ears and ask for outfit advice on dates they're just!!! Wingman and wingwoman they are HOMIES!!! They are talking up their friends to the crush, sprinkling in how they're really cool and nice shirt huh (i picked it mwahahaha). kagami loves the drums n respects the skill needed to play them and ivan thinks fencing is just fucking awesome)
Lila and sabrina (the secret understanding and code, a silent agreement, a sisterhood that only comes from 2 people who used to be horse girls. Only they know what its like. They don't talk about it but they don't need to. They can tell. Don't fuck with them. )
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felassan · 3 years
Thoughts on Dark Fortress #3
(This post is under a cut due to spoilers.)
There’s a lot I thought/wanna say about this final issue, to the point that it’s hard to know where to start!
The cover art is.. beautiful. The symbolic allusion between Shirallas and the dragon (his draconic-y claws, the semblance of a broken collar falling off in the same way, the fire) 👌 On the whole, lined up side-by-side the three covers of Dark Fortress feel really thematically cohesive. Shirallas’ and the dragon’s claws echo Tractus’ sharp metal gauntlet, and as well as the similarities between the dragon and Shirallas, both Tractus and the dragon have a circle of weapons, and the patterning encircles Tractus’ neck and wrists like the collars and shackles. Y’know, like you can just really tell the cover artist planned ahead and put a lot of thought into how the 3 cover arts would ‘flow’ from one to the other, blending elements between them.
I posted some of my fav panels here.
I knew he was my boy but Shirallas’ backstory broke my heart ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) the first panel is so bleak and heart-wrenching. the burning aravel parts.. another Dalish clan met a terrible fate.
I wonder if his clan wandered Tevinter like Clan Oranavra? it makes me wonder if Shirallas and Fenris met in Tevinter. It’s nice to see that another clan took him in. And if Shirallas is a name he took, not his original name, I assume it has a special meaning, maybe to do with his quest for justice/vengeance. Shiral means journey, “allas” is found in vallas, which means set, as in the sun. The “vallas” in vallasdahlen (life-trees, planted in remembrance of those who dedicated their lives to the Dales) means life. in many ways the sun and life are the same thing, and there’s the obvious connection to Elgar’nan, eldest of the sun. So journey/quest - sun/life? Like since the loss of his clan he’s on a journey/quest for the rest of his life to get justice/vengeance, which are attributes of the sun god Elgar’nan? that became his life’s purpose and his direction of ‘travel’ ever since his loss, what he dedicated his life to since then. :’( 
Elgara vallas, da'len. ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
This is our first look at the vallaslin application process, no? what Shirallas is saying in this panel is the Song to Elgar’nan. it’s interesting, in that that prayer kind of resembles what happened, or almost happened, in this issue. a fortress shaken, fire, winged death (a dragon), pretenders to power, “strike the usurpers” (“Red Wraith, dispose of my enemies, kill the traitorous mage”). pretty cool right?
⬇️ me two months ago, look at the tags in red brackets. 
oh my son.. Dalish father roams, and the Dalish son won’t survive the fight   ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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the panel where Fenris and Shirallas shake hands ;; to which experience is Fenris speaking of, I wonder? once upon a time he saw Anders almost lose himself in his own quest for Justice/Vengeance for the mages.
Parallels between Shirallas succeeding in proving himself to Nenealeus and when Fenris succeeded in proving himself to Danarius all those years ago - compare. ;__; an elf surrounded by bodies of people he’d killed to prove himself, and a horrible Magister telling him “well done”.
I love the design of the sword and its use as a ‘divider’ on the first page splitting up the panels is both smart and beautiful. even here there’s pink light around it, the dragon’s fire
overall I wasn’t expecting this issue to begin with flashbacks to Shirallas’ past and backstory, so this whole page caught me off-guard
omg look at the red lyrium ‘veins’ under Shirallas’ skin. when he emerges from the sarcophagus that is a very cool picture of his face
Nenealeus has been taking beard-styling advice/trends from the dwarves
check out the sword crackling and reforming as Shirallas makes contact with it. is the red lyrium under his skin moving in this scene?
in the panel of Vaea running away from the dragon, it’s nice that as she runs Fenris is still behind facing the dragon, to protect her
gorgeous background in the panel with Marquette, and his expression is one of Regret for what he just did and for his part in all this. the dawning realization that I’ve Fucked Up Big Time
as Nenealeus’ weapon is a sword, does he have some Knight Enchanter-adjacent skills (I don’t expect the actual KE artform is exclusive to southern Circles only)? it’s a physical item ofc, not a summoned one. staffs are infused with lyrium to provide a conduit for a mage’s power. so then, mages can channel power through other [presumably similarly-infused] weapons too, not just mage staves/staff-like magic implements or their bare hands
given the color of Nenealeus’ magic and the fact that the dragon was under the control of his magic, it now makes sense to me why the dragon’s fire is that color! o:
Marius is badass (nice touch that his shoulder is smoking pink with the effects of one of Nenealeus’ magic attacks here) and the four panels where everyone’s grim and determined, facing off against each other and Venatori goons made me feel quite emotional. Aaron is Team Dad.. it’s nice to see him having a friendship / paternal moment with Francesca both acknowledging her pain and power while also giving her a pep talk. You can tell when he says too “We all need to do whatever we can in this moment” that he’s talking about himself too and may already be thinking one or some of them aren’t going to make it out of there
Francesca GO OFF!! she’s so powerful, and it’s really cool every time seeing her plant magic in action. it puts in perspective how powerful Velanna would have been with her similar skills (skills like Thornblades), and I enjoy the contrast of the fire in the background and the blue/green of Fran’s magic in action
Fenris is so cool-headed in high-octane combat situations, quickly taking stock, assessing and realizing the odds then coming up with a plan. the look on Vaea’s face when she’s like >:( wtf u can’t just leave is cute
cool pulled-back bird’s eye shot of the Fortress
Karasten continuing with the sass about Tevinter even during a siege
Fenris speaking Qunlat! I love that they brought this lore fact into play and had him make use of this skill, it’s a neat reminder of Fenris’ exchange with the Arishok if you take him into the compound in DA2. in the opening-up the gates scene, Vaea’s worried about letting the Qunari in and going to the Qunari (from her expression), but she trusts Fenris and his judgement enough to open the gate and see what happens
I like that Tessa’s bolts are fletched the blue of her accent color
chills at the panel where Shirallas is walking out of the flames advancing on Aaron. Ser Aaron, who never retreats, not at Ostagar, not now ;__;
the battle-scenes are beautiful, fast-paced and gory, chaotic and colorful, like it would feel to be there 
Fenris then puts himself between Aaron and Shirallas. I could hear “I will deal with this Red Wraith” in my head
Autumn can look so scary. a true mabari warrior! when she leapt towards Shirallas I was Stressed for her safety despite knowing rationally that they wouldn’t kill their dog!
the horizontal combat splash page is awesome
CLEVER GIRL Autumn. she and Fenris are in sync in this sequence.
Shirallas serving super saiyan vibes with the bulk, strength, hair
Fenris bargaining for Fran’s life and then trusting her to use her magic as part of the attack on the Red Wraith
lmao Ser Aaron
smart thinking Fran
Aaron praising her ;__;
Marius was straight-up prepared to die to stop Nenealeus ;__; poor Tessa in this exchange
the face-melting scene  👌
“Ah, Marius... I knew it would come down to the two of us”: this panel is just really cool? Nenealeus looks almost congenial here, which makes him seem all the more colder and more dangerous. and the burning bodies strongly remind me of the bodies at the start of Inquisition which are at the ‘blast point’ of the Breach at the Conclave
when Marius and Vaea’s eyes meet and they formulate the backup plan  👌
nice to see ‘staff’-less magic in action. Nenealeus is clearly a very powerful mage. when he’s frying Marius he has Star Wars Palpatine and force lightning vibes
OH VAEA... you did it, but my heart hurts that she had to kill someone for the first time, even though it was foreshadowed by her discussion with Marius in a earlier issue. & Nenealeus’ look of surprise as he dies says it all
it’s a serious moment but Marius now looks like a cat that stuck its paw in a socket hh
when Nenealeus is doubled over dead, it’s a great panel- the white background taking us out of the chaos that’s going on all-around for just a moment, showing the seriousness of what’s just transpired for Vaea and the realization of it setting in. a pause, the shock. & it’s nice to see Marius being soft with someone other than Calpernia or Tessa
but despite what’s just happened Vaea is still Vaea, she’s concerned about life and immediately wants to save the dragon. I like the part where panels of Vaea and Fran ‘face’ each other as they have this discussion, a lot.
in the moment that it takes off, does the dragon realize Vaea is responsible for saving its life? the ‘eye’ panel feels like an acknowledgement from it, or between the two
Fran’s magic destroying and sinking the sarcophagus into the ground reminds me of what in-world lore says happened to Arlathan, in a way
omg they have to stop Shirallas before he gets over 9000
do you think when Aaron says “We cannot retreat” he’s thinking of Loghain’s retreat at Ostagar?
at this point btw I’m pleasantly surprised that Marius survives, I had sort of expected him to die in this issue
oh Marquette, curiosity killed the cat dontcha know
new lore just dropped: the Red Wraith is able to heal from any wound, which is notable, and he and the sword have a.. symbiotic relationship? with each other. “He feeds energy to the sword from the red lyrium in his veins. And in turn, the sword heals his wounds.” What are the lore implications of this? Just what is red lyrium capable of?
Paragon Branka reference! and later on a Black Marsh reference
:’( As soon as Aaron launched into his story at this point my stress levels went through the roof and I knew it was Time. and then - well. you know :’((( Aaron had death flags in previous issues, so I was logically prepared and not surprised by the occurrence (this isn’t a bad thing btw), but I still wasn’t EMOTIONALLY PREPARED
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nooooooooo.... It was at this point everyone that I burst into tears.. i have never Ugly Cried at a comic before so that was a new experience.. It’s hard to put my feelings about this into words bc rly it just straight-up destroyed me, u know.. Vaea’s “Don’t leave me”, Aaron’s tears when he knows the deed is done, his pendant.. surely the resemblance between the way he looks on this cover and the way he looks in the panel when he’s falling and Vaea is shouting “Aaron!” is intentional. i’m just destroyed okay
On the next page, holes in Shirallas’ shirt where his wounds were before they healed is a nice touch. Autumn’s bite here must surely be shattering the bone in his lower leg. then as if i wasn’t in enough pain already - being separated from the weapon, did that bring Shirallas back to himself for a while? His “Friend?” and the look in his eyes when he looks up at Fenris is so pitiful :’( for a moment just before the end he’s the boy in the wood surrounded by his burning clan again. RIP Shirallas son, we barely knew ye but I loved u :’(((
Having Marquette escape is a smart choice, it means there’s someone still kicking around Thedas who knows what happened here and what went down. maybe we seek him out in the next game when trying to follow up on the plot-thread of the idol/red lyrium/its capabilities/Venatori/Qunari? anyway, can’t help but admire, in a fashion anyway, someone who dips out to save their own skin, and his attempted grift when he’s talking to Tractus x)
we hadn’t seen the last of Tractus indeed. there he is! “This is me, crying over our loss” - he’s such an edgy boi
“Oh, you mean this idol?” feels like they’re breaking the fourth wall and deliberately teasing us x)
when Fenris says “[stay clear of it] Red lyrium can do things with your mind” I wonder if he’s thinking of his experiences with things like Bartrand and Meredith
started to cry again at the final Aaron scenes ok.. when it pans back to Vaea and Autumn on the shore with the dying Aaron, they look so small and lonely set against the backdrop of the gray rock, windy shore, jagged outcrops. it’s a beautifully poignant and incredibly forlorn backdrop for this scene. Autumn in these panels, and again the parallel between Aaron lying here and him on that cover page.. ;; the whole scene is raw and gutwrenching. even in death Aaron was thinking about Vaea, apologizing that she had to take a life, outlining his hopes that she continues to have a positive future and doesn’t descend into any kind of darkness. the fact that all this time he’s carried around a letter addressed to King Alistair in his pocket, to recommend that Vaea be knighted, the fact that he’s crying too, the pendant, the tenderness between them, how proud Aaron is of Vaea, the fact that he goes out telling a story and smiling because he’s so proud of her, here at the end Aaron is filled with pride and looks at peace.. i can’t ( ok i cried again on this re-read when writing this post, Dad Stuff is the ultimate way to get me ok.. don’t look at me _(°:з」∠)_ )
Vaea IS more than worthy. I’m so glad someone recognizes that and sees it in her. King Alistair WOULD knight her, and there’s a beautiful poetry in that fact as the son of an elf. there’s also something poetic in that, if Vaea becomes the first elven knight of Ferelden, well it echoes the Emerald Knights of old in a way. that’s beautiful. I’m very proud of Vaea.
Here we see another parallel - when Francesca is comforting a crying Vaea as her father figure passes away, it directly echoes when Vaea comforted Francesca when she was crying after her own father died. 
Aaron’s hometown of Portsmouth is a real place in England
I’m happy to see Fran and Autumn continuing to travel with Vaea, and Fenris continuing to keep his promise to Aaron to keep Vaea safe, and that Cassé is now Fran’s horse (that’s a lovely touch considering she healed him in Blue Wraith, a full-circle moment)
Fenris is right, they were family. soft supportive Fenris, with emotional intelligence ;; (and he of all people knows about Found Family)
the last panel of Vaea crying is beautiful too, the sun is rising in the east after the terrible night they’ve had, and the ‘faded’ rectangles is a great style/composition choice
even Cassé the horse looks sad
the scene of Fran and Vaea riding double with Fenris smiling in the background is super cute, and I love that the last we see of the party is them honoring Ser Aaron by telling stories like he did, of his exploits. I hope they always tell stories of Ser Aaron ;;
I’m glad Tessa made it out okay, she’ll be able to return to Charter. 💜 I was a bit worried this wouldn’t be the case
Pour one out for Ser Aaron Hawthorne of Portsmouth, Knight of Ferelden.
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A recap on wider plot-points
The Qunari Antaam have taken control of Castellum Tenebris, and Neromenian has fallen to their advance.
The sarcophagus is broken and has been buried deep in the ground. Francesca asserts that it won’t be found.
The Inquisition agents retrieved the broken shards of the weapon, and are going to take its remains to the shadow Inquisition.
Tractus Danarius is alive and in possession of the idol, or was at the timepoint of this comic. He wants to use it to impress the Venatori remnants so that he can rejoin them. Marquette thinks, or said that he thinks (could easily be a bluff or his lack of knowledge about it compared to someone like Solas), that it doesn’t work anymore. (I’m leaning towards it does still work, otherwise why would Solas be interested in it?)
Solas, in what looks kinda like his most recent DA4 trailer gear, was watching the events of this series/arc the whole time and knows what happened. He knows Tractus has the idol. None of the people in this comic plot are “People Solas doesn’t know”. And it seems that he is able to use eluvians to watch people.
There’s a chance that Tractus Danarius is the mage in Tevinter Nights, from Dread Wolf Take You - the mage from House Danarius who went with some slaves to Nevarra to use the idol to perform a ritual with the Mortalitasi. That mage wanted to change the world to help fight the Antaam’s invasion. In the tale at least, he used the idol, a rift opened, the Dread Wolf popped out and killed him. At the time of that ritual the idol was still working.
+ some new lore -
the Red Wraith was able to heal from any wound, which is notable, and he and the sword the idol created had a.. symbiotic relationship? with each other. “He feeds energy to the sword from the red lyrium in his veins. And in turn, the sword heals his wounds.” What are the lore implications of this? Just what is red lyrium capable of?
eluvians can be used to watch people. not just to communicate over long distances or as portals between places
Lastly I don’t know what to do with myself anymore as this is the end of a long-running DA arc and was the final piece of [currently-known about] new canon Dragon Age content that we’ll get.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
what are your thoughts on thruples? cause I keep thinking about Paige/Henry/Coop, especially with Henry and Coop's epic bromance in the comics
ooh that could be very interesting. personally, i'm game for throuples (tho i will say i Hate the word throuple i think it sounds gross just like you know moist or something so i usually just say "poly relationship") but i do kind have beef when it's like. like you know the meme "it doesn't have to be like this [blank] has two hands"? funny meme i do like it but i hate when a poly relationship is just kinda an excuse to merge two couples rather than something that like emerges as distinct relationships between all three parties. like bella edward and jacob as a couple like. shure because bella loves edward and bella loves jacob but jacob and edward really don't like have anything there it's more like roommates who share a girlfriend rather than a poly relationship. one piece of media that i think really did it well was siren on freeform which i highly recommend the first two seasons it kinda goes off the rails s3 and then was cancelled but the first two season it really spends time fleshing out all aspects of the relationships between ben, ryn, & maddie and it also actually goes canon which is lit 🤙🤙
but basically. if i were to do a paige/henry/coop, i think i would start with specifically a paige/coop bromance introduce henry into the mix & let it blossom from there so like. as previously stated. i think each leg of the triangle here needs to be strong n steady on its own so um underneath the cut is i believe a record breaking 6.6k
rip richard but we'll say richard also died in this au rip. and then, of course, kyle also died. idk if he's a whitelighter or not but the point is paige has this weight on her chest like god i can't save these people i can't save the people i love ouch everything hurts
& that's when coop shows up!
and we'll have his introduction plot be a fusion of heartbreak city and the magic hour where coop's got this relationship and it's perfect they're so in love but there's this demonic interference and it's gonna kill one or both of them so he busts down the charmed ones' door like hi you guys are protectors of the innocent right well i have some innocents in dire need of protection
to which this duty gets turfed to paige because piper idk has work and phoebe has a date and phoebe's like i can cancel it to help! and coop's like what no the whole reason i'm here is love go go find love paige can totally handle this
and paige is like :| because she really doesn't want this gig and coop's explaining it all to her how this love is going to be broken up by a magical death unless they stop it and paige is like okay look here coop let's not get our expectations up to high because in my experience almost all relationships end in a magical death and coop’s like !!!
and immediately does like a cupid reading on her and paige is trying to bat him away like ew no i do not need any love guru-ing right now okay let’s just fix your thing and then you can leave okay
and coop’s like no don’t you see? this is fate, the fact that it’s you and me on this, it means i’m meant to be here, i’m meant to help you find love
and paige is like uh no it means piper’s a mother of two and phoebe’s on a date while i am the tragic spinstress of magic school (which is still under her charge just bc it is we didn’t abandon it)
and coop’s like nope. it’s fate. and paige rolls her eyes and coop’s like come on, like you don’t believe in fate and paige is like actually i don’t! and coop just smiles at her bc he knows she’s lying and paige knows she knows he’s lying and she tries to sneer at him but it’s just insanely half hearted bc to be honest her heart kinda skipped a beat with that smile but no
absolutely not
dude, all she gets is cursed love, and now a cupid?
she can’t go through all that she can’t fight for love only to watch him die no she’s gonna ignore it he’s not that cute anyways oh fuck he totally is but whatever!!! doesn’t matter
so blah blah blah paige and coop save the day including one moment where idk there’s an explosion or something they have to dodge something hide for attackers something where they get thrown up against a wall faces inches apart from each other breathing heavy undeniably a moment which they both Immediately break because wooooah that is a little too much chemistry!! better act like that never happened
and you know next episode or whatever coop’s like okay let’s find you love!! and paige is like not now i’m at work and coop’s like in an alleyway and paige is like i need to look after my charge and then after that i need to grade papers and after that i need to order cauldrons and after that-
and coop’s like find love?
and paige is like no. i need to.... but um she forgot the rest of her list
and coop’s like find love excellent sounds great!
and paige is like anyone ever tell you you’re really annoying and coop’s like nope i’m a cupid :0)
and blah blah blah they’re arguing and something something w paige’s charge and paige is like i gotta go talk to him but coop holds her back because wait who’s that approaching him and paige is like fuck that must be his parole officer bc idk he’s doing something that is obviously breaking parole and paige is like aaaaaaa what do we do and then it’s a henry face reveal and both paige and coop are like woah.
but then paige is storming off trying to like try to fight henry and henry’s like what the fuck is this?? and coop’s running up like hi i’m also here and speed’s like i-cannot stress this enough-do not know any of these people and coop’s like you don’t know us yet and paige is like you can’t do this speed’s a good kid and speed’s like yeah!!
and henry’s like he was so very obviously breaking parole and paige is like he’s a kid and henry’s like a kid who’s been to juvie!! twice!!! and who should know the damn rules by now
and paige is like look something something clever talk bargaining whatever puts something of her own at stake and henry’s like you’re really gonna risk it all on this kid and paige is like yes. he’s destined for greatness. and speed is like yeah!! and henry’s like fine. whatever. but when the other shoe drops, you know like i’m gonna cash in whatever wager paige made here
& he leaves
and speed’s like thanks also who are you and idk we get a paige monologue something full of love and spirit and coop’s also there still and speed’s listening to this monologue kinda like um okay bc honestly? just met her five minutes ago this is kind of a lot but coop’s listening to this monologue like wow😍
so idk speed leaves and coop’s like hey so do you pick a fight with all the guy’s you find attractive and paige is like what
and coop’s like well i’m just saying you know with richard with kyle with me and now with henry i’m kinda sensing a pattern there
and paige is like did you just include yourself on that list and coop’s like i mean yeah duh
and paige kinda wants to argue back but her blush is giving her away so it’s best just to change the subject so what you think i should be going for the parole officer?
and coop’s like yes! didn’t you feel it there was a spark there passion energy something that with the help of yours truly can easily turn into love and paige is like yeah no. absolutely not.
and coop’s like come on why not he was hot and paige is like yeah well if he’s so hot why don’t you date him and coop pauses like hmm like genuinely consider and paige is like don’t do that
and coop’s like why not and paige is torn between don’t date him because i actually did feel that spark and i do kinda like him and also don’t date him because if you’re gonna date anyone it should be me but both those are too embarrassing to say out loud to her cupid so instead she just says conflict of interest
and we flash forward to later idk when the point is speed is doing graffiti on public property but not just like stupid pointing a spray can at something la la la like proper graffiti like an artform but as it is unfortunately public property that is Illegal so it breaks parole
so idk henry’s there and busts him and paige senses speed’s in trouble so she shows up and henry’s like good you’re here. i’m not actually gonna cash in the thing that you wagered because that’d be unfair, because i know the kid, i know that he always let’s you down and speed’s like hey man
but paige is looking up at the wall and she’s like don’t you get it and henry’s like ...no and paige is like it’s art. it’s a release, it’s a coping mechanism and speed’s like idk that’s all sounding a little bit pretentious for a bit of graffiti and paige is like you can’t arrest him for this and henry’s like it’s literally illegal. & i already let him walk once what part of this aren’t you getting
and then there’s like a. idk cop radio thing i don’t know how police work that’s talking about how whatever gang speed used to run with just robbed some place but they’re hot on their tail bc their getaway driver sucks and henry’s looking at speed bc speed Is the getaway driver hence the name and henry’s like how come you aren’t driving that car huh
and speed just shrugs and henry’s like no how come you’re not driving that car what you swap out one crime for another you’re getting busted either way and speed like shrugs 
and paige is like he’s creating art instead and henry’s like did they approach you to drive the getaway car and speed shrugs and henry’s did they approach you to drive the getaway car and speeds like yes man they did i said no and henry looks up at the art
and it’s some super nail on the head craving freedom thing a bird breaking free from a cage type shit and it’s gorgeous
and henry looks at paige like what are you, huh
and paige is like freelance guardian angel
and henry just uncuffs speed and speed’s like what are you doing and henry’s like go. next time you do this find a wall that isn’t public property
and speed can’t help it he kinda smiles n runs off and henry just looks at paige bc what the hell has this girl gotten into him bc normally he’s just got such a concrete shell but she’s smiling at him like he just made the right choice and he’s really gotta fight the urge to smile back. what the fuck
so he says something stupid and leaves
and later paige is doing something when boom coop is here invading her personal bubble bc that’s become their new mode of communication is there are one thousand empty chairs and coop is seated in one paige will walk over and sit on that same chair that’s how they operate bc again there’s this sense of longing for one another and they both know they can’t go for it so instead they just opt for this intense intimacy passed off as friendship
and paige is like met the parole officer again and coop’s like oh henry mitchell? and paige is like how do u know his full name and coop’s like did my research<3 and they’re talking blah blah blah idk and it’s both how to land a date with this guy and also heavy flirting at the same time. and then like phoebe walks into the room and they snap apart like magnets with the same polarity i think?? been a while since the fifth grade and their language just becomes so much more stifled
to which phoebe is vaguely aware and this is a change but we as the audience are super aware it’s a change meaning that their constant flirty banter is a choice on both parts they are both very consciously doing this
and then i don’t know there’s something bigger going on in the main plot which has been building and the main villain needs something magical from each type of being so a cupid’s next on the grocery list so idk coop is either out minding his own business getting coffee or he’s out on reconnaissance on henry when all of a sudden he’s attacked!! by idk an arrow seems convenient honestly we should do a bow and arrow an homage to in original cupid iconography
and henry’s in proximity and sees this and idk maybe they’re somewhere where there aren’t that many people just so you know u can be attacked by a bow and arrow and henry’s like what the fuck!??!?! running over to help him and he vague recognizes him as the angel’s friend but is mainly like holy shit did you just get shot with a bow and arrow and henry’s like i’ll call an ambulance i’ll drive u to the hospital
and coop’s like no no uhh can’t go with the whole i am actually a magical being i exist in no databases and also have no money so instead goes with the i have no health insurance and henry’s like hmm. fuck.
so the next thing you know coop’s on henry’s couch and henry’s doing rudimentary first aid and coop’s really trying to hobble away because if he can just get to paige she can heal this because she unlocked that power in like s5 or s6 in a more natural progression but henry’s not letting him leave because dude you have an arrow in your chest
and now we’re doing the hurt comfort schtick with the meaningful glances and also coop is shirtless bc well you know Arrow In Chest and he’s also in henry’s apartment which is offering a very weird sense of intimacy
and there’s also this kind of banter going because coop’s like no i’m fine i can leave this is fine and henry’s like dude. please let me at least try to help you and after that you can walk right out of here and go repuncture your lung. but just. while you’re. let me do what i can
and coop’s like okay because like. well i mean a) gotta keep up appearances like he’s mortal and b) henry’s kinda fine so sure he can play doctor what’s the worse that can happen
and henry’s like okay we gotta get this arrow out of you so um. any ideas on how to do that? and coops like yeah break off the feathered part and then pull the rest through
and henry’s just like yeah? you have experience with this? and coop’s like once or twice and henry’s like what do you do?
and coop’s like ... relationship therapist
and henry’s like are relationship therapists frequently attacked by archers and coop’s like yeah more often than you’d think 
and henry removed the arrow and the actual point stabby bit of the arrow is shaped like a heart just for funsies bc it’s for cupids but henry’s looking at this like relationship therapist hunting arrow??
anyways. henry is pressing some bandages against coop’s chest to staunch the bleeding and there’s a Moment there to which henry kinda falters because woah gay thoughts?? and the pressure lightens but then o shit i’m lightening the pressure don’t do that!! so he pushes hard and coop’s like aa!! and henry’s like fuck jesus and coop just kinda laughs like i guess you don’t patch up arrow wounds that frequently and henry’s like yeah actually you’re my first!!
something something something coop’s patched up and henry gives him once of his shirts because coop’s shirt had to be cut off him bc of the arrow and we get one of the classic how to i look / starstruck moments because hell yeah we do
and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah coop makes it home and paige is like where in god’s name did u get that shirt bc it looks nothing like what coop would wear in fact in kinda reminds her of
believe it or not, henry
hot parole officer henry?
the one and only
and paige is like you slept with him??? and coop’s like close. i was shot with an arrow and he patched me up
and paige is like !!! because you know main plot evil all this that coop takes off henry’s shirt so paige can see the wound and heal it and she’s looking at henry’s handiwork and it really is the old college try but that man is not a medic so now paige is laying her hand on coop’s bare chest and phoebe walks in and immediately turns on a heel like i’ll give you guys some space!!
and paige is like no it’s fine i’m healing him he was shot main plot and phoebe’s like oh
and then later phoebe’s talking with paige like okay you and coop tho. bc like. ik ik healing or whatever. but like. 👀👀.
and tbh paige has been waiting for this because she really needs to unpack bc like i know!! because coop and i have this thing and it’s a great thing but it like can’t be a thing it’s a forbidden thing but i want it to be a thing but at the same time there’s this other guy and i can’t get him off my mind and i’m worried i’m just viewing him as a safer alternative instead of coop but like. idk he was just my backup i feel like i would be more lukewarm about it. but i’m not. like. i’m really not i kind wish i was because i don’t know if i can do a relationship again especially because he’s mortal like i can’t have someone i care for die again so maybe it’s safer just to keep what i have with coop or maybe even to explore that further? and keep henry safe? but like this and that and this and that
and phoebe’s like buzzing because it’s been a while since she’s had such an interesting love mess to tinker with so the first thing she does is go to coop just to see what she can sus out there Meanwhile paige is with speed where you ask? p3. well, outside of it
speed is painting the side of the club with this amazing artwork and clearly there’s this vein of magic running through it with certain symbols all that and he’s using paintcans and paige has her paintbrush and is adding smaller pieces as well
and she’s like hey where’d you get like that idea or thing idea because they’re all like. runes or magical somethings or others and speeds like idk. saw it in a dream maybe.
and henry rolls up because he stopped at the manor looking for paige and piper directed him here and he’s just like. like he sees this amazing work and it’s a big heart full moment and paige and speed finish up and speed adds his little signature at the bottom and leaves and henry says he’s proud of him and speed acts like he doesn’t care but he does
so henry’s like hey how’s your friend and paige is like coop? yeah, no he’s totally fine and henry’s like really???
and paige is like yeah no um. my brother in law! is an army medic. so um. he was able to. yeah : ) which isn’t technically a lie because leo was he’s just also kinda frozen in a block of ice now so whoops
and henry’s like that’s good but the real reason he’s her it to like thank paige for you know like. seeing the light like maybe henry has become too bitter and jaded so it’s good to know that there are freelance guardian angels out there keeping the balance and you know watching out for these kids so thank you for just like. being a good person.
and he also looks at her art and he’s like this your coping mechanism and paige is like yeah [tragic backstory swap time!!] and both paige and henry kinda realize how they’re like almost mirrors to each other and henry kisses her and paige kisses him back but then stops because she likes him too much which means he’s gonna die
so she’s like sry i gotta go and henry’s like oh :\ because um. well. whoops. because like. god he so rarely goes out on a limb like that and for one moment there it felt like it was all gonna align like he wasn’t gonna get ditched but paige’s green punchbuggy is already peeling out of the lot so guess not
so phoebe’s determined that coop is indeed in love with paige so all that needs is a little nudging okay she’s on mission time to go
and then next thing you know paige is storming in all in a tizzy because she kissed henry and coop’s like this is great news and paige is like no this is bad news! and coop’s like ???
and paige is like no you don’t understand it’s like i’m cursed because whenever i love someone whenever i truly love someone they die and that kiss....... it was..... i can’t have henry die
and coop is like on full cupid mode idk a cupid monologue blah blah blah love <3 and it kind of heals paige both in a sense that it quells her worries but also in a sense that being around coop always seems to make her feel better like she just feels warmer feels safer when he’s around so um. she should probably. figure something out about that. esp in regards to henry. right?
anyways. coop for some reason or another runs into henry again (call it fate) and henry’s like hey r u okay? and coop’s like yeah : ) ! and thank you, by the way, for um patching me up and stuff and henry’s like yeah no problem but um look can i ask you a favor and coop’s like sure
and henry’s like you’re a relationship therapist right and coop’s like yeah 99% sure he knows where this is going and henry’s like like family and relationship counselling and coop’s now only like 40% sure he knows where this is going and he’s like sure and henry’s like great okay so um i’ve got this parolee who [plot background story idk there needs to be some familial healing something or other] is there like. anyway you can help out with that
and coop’s like totally!! and henry’s like oh thank god because like. therapy expensive.
and now we get another one of those moments like seeing someone in their element henry sees coop as he goes basically full cupid but rather than romantic love it’s familial and henry’s like in awe and he’s also kind like wow okay i’d totally make out with that guy like right now but like. like he just kissed paige. and he knows coop and paige are friends. so like. like he can’t do that right? is that too weird?
so family therapy a success and like as established forging bonds of love strengthens cupids so coop’s like word you know if you ever need this on a more regular basis and henry’s like i promise you’re gonna regret offering that and coop’s like not a chance and henry’s like i really have like nothing to pay you with and coop’s like you make these kids lives better. i don’t need payment and henry looks over and gets is Own aha moment of oh i do have a purpose and also i love my job type thing
but. there is another task at hand. because like. are you and paige?? like??
and coop’s like me and paige??? and he’s about to say no because no they’re not but now he’s thinking about it and they are kinda more than they are not but henry’s not asking about the minutiae of it so now henry’s just watching him go on this face journey before going why do you ask : ) and henry’s like no nothing i just thought like well i don’t know what i thought
and coop’s like haha yeah well you know it’s um. haha yeah! you know how it is. i mean. paige is amazing and henry’s like yeah she really is and coop’s like yeah and like she’s just got all this love in her heart and henry’s like i know!! and she’s so smart like you should see what she’s done with speed she got him this place where he can put up his own art and like blah blah blah and at this point it is just coop and henry praising paige to each other for about five minutes before they kinda realize what’s going on and they’re like hmm. well this is kinda weird. cuz now we both kinda sound in love with her.
and coop’s like listen. i know paige really likes you. like a lot
and henry’s like woah i’m gonna stop you there because um. like. i mean i don’t wanna sound weird but like. like we did kiss and then she kinda just ran off and i mean literally ran hopped into her car drove away type thing so. i don’t really think so. so :\
and coop’s like no i mean like okay yeah that did happen but dude you’ve gotta understand she’s had so much loss and henry’s like no i know she told be about her parents and coop’s voice gets real low leans in because this is Top Secret information and he’s like it goes beyond that and henry’s like what and coop’s like her past two boyfriends both died. one from a heart attack, the other was hit by a car (well, no richard was not hit by a car but when all the magic inside you fucks you up that bad evidently the wreck that’s left kinda looks like you were hit by a semi. ouch) and coop’s like so paige kinda just. thinks she’s cursed.
and henry’s like oh. because my god. that’s a lot to process. and that like. like makes so much sense because like if that happened to him he really wouldn’t be able to date again hell that did not happen to him and he’s already barely able to date bc of how afraid he is of getting hurt
but coop’s out here like henry it’s not you like i promise she really likes you i mean you’re a good man and you’re brave and you’re passionate and like you’re hot, obviously and coop theoretically starts complimenting henry from paige’s point of view but then it very clearly starts to dissolve into coop’s pov and we’re still riding that chemical high of the In Your Element passion henry has for coop added onto the good person bonus of yes i’ll continue to help you with this endeavor for literally no benefit and now he’s just rattling off compliments to henry and henry’s just like oh jeez 😳😳🥰
and there’s just like. the briefest moment of henry’s eyes darting down to coop’s lips and coop’s daze is kinda broken and he realizes that he’s just been telling henry how foioine he is to his face and there’s a moment spellbound lookin into each others eyes like damn this is kinda gay & then they’re making out
and then henry’s like ohhh my god what am i doing what have i done oh know because you’re paige’s friend you like paige and i kissed her earlier today and now i’m oh my god this is a bad idea right? this is a bad idea?
and coop’s thinking on it because like okay he has been trying to pair paige and henry together a) because they’d be cute together and she clearly likes him but also b) because he really likes her and he can’t be with her bc he’s a cupid so at least if she’s with someone else who she loves he can be happy knowing she’s happy. but now he’s here with henry and he shouldn’t be because Again he’s trying to pair paige with henry and he can’t be with henry bc as previously stated cupids can’t actually have relationships but he shouldn’t even be thinking that because henry isn’t for him but even if he was which he isn’t it wouldn’t work because he’s a cupid so um. yeah. this is a bad idea
no they’re makin out again.
anyways. l8r at p3 someone else who owns a local business sees the art on the wall outside and is like yo who did that because i would totally pay them to do idk my food truck or something and piper’s like i’ll tell u exactly who did that
so idk i think legally since speed’s a minor and a parolee henry has to be involved in the job getting process actually wait speed just turned 18. idk what any of this means but we’ll say henry needs to be there so piper gave paige the food truck guys digits and paige passes on the news to speed and henry and like. paige shows up at henry’s office to be like good news!!
and to level with you henry thought that like. after making out with coop maybe his feeling for paige would dissipate like maybe he was secretly gay this whole time and paige was just a safe route to project those feeling but paige comes in with this smile that puts the goddamn stars to shame and henry’s like nope!! still in love with her!!
and paige is like okay because like this is all set you know like this could even lead to a career in art for speed like and henry’s like yes absolutely but now that the initial glow of that has worn off they’re both kinda remembering that the last time they saw each other they kissed and then paige bolted so yeah they should probably address that
and paige is like look i want to apologize for just kind of. running out the other day. that really wasn’t. it wasn’t right and i know this sounds dumb but it really wasn’t about you i’m just i’ve been in this weird place and i do like you henry like i really do so i don’t want you to think 
and henry’s like i feel like i kind of apologize too because i kinda made out with your friend and paige pauses because like she really has no friends well i guess besides coop but like there’s and henry tacks on coop to clarify and paige just snorts laughing
like she has no idea why that’s so funny but it just kinda is like. what!!
and henry’s like yeah but it was like. it’s. he really likes you paige he really does care for you i mean i really care for you too and henry’s kind of playing both sides here because he does like. really like paige. and that’s why he wants her to be happy and it’s her choice who she feels who she’d be most happy with whether that’s hm or coop because honestly coop is p amazing henry wouldn’t be burnt losing to him because coop is a great guy and paige is just watching him ramble smiling and henry realizes he doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore so he just kind of trails off and gets kind of lost in paige’s smile because like. wow : )
and paige is just kind of there processing that information because um wow who could have seen this coming and honestly she’s still not over coop kissing henry that’s just so unbelievable entertaining to her she’s so gonna hafta prod coop about it later because dude what?? what? bro. bro. bro. like. like the two guys she’s in love with kissed like bro what!!!! lmao she would pay money to see that how tf did that happen. she would have loved to have been there. that’s insane. she really wished she was there. like. really wished she was there. hmm. should she stew on that a little more?
and henry’s like. this is awkward. i’m sorry. i don’t want things to be weird between us. and paige is like henry i think things have been weird between us since i first picked an argument with you in an alleyway. and henry’s like true!! and they’re laughing and there’s a beat and henry’s like i think i fell in love with you in that moment. and paige is like yeah?
and henry’s just. i mean like. look at her <3 but like. she deserves. like she deserves the best there is and he’s just some guy like some jaded hardass who lives in a crappy apartment and who always forgets how to do the right thing it seems not to mention all his fucking baggage like. she deserves better. 
and paige sees him kinda retreat and like she kind of pulls out of the moment too because she loves henry she does but like that fear that he’s gonna die is still there and she wants to fight it she just doesn’t know if she can but like. she really really does like him.
and now they’re both standing there again another moment turned to dust in the wind now they’re just two people standing there incredibly normal about it yep just two people nope paige is kissing henry ope okay yep they’re making out and boom someone’s knocking on henry’s office door o quick act natural because hi henry heard you needed like the legal paperwork because speed’s getting a job here you go and henry’s like 👍 thank you very obviously flushed and his coworker is like. what the fuck is going on in that office. but like. doesn’t really care enough to find the answer to that question.
so paige is like you should come to p3 l8r tonight to like celebrate speed getting a job blah blah blah blah and henry’s like i will be there
so later paige is getting dolled up in a fire outfit just adding the final touches when coop shows up bc phoebe said you needed to see me? (with phoebe’s strategy fully being in mind that paige looks hella fly right now but also is still in the manor an area paige and coop have kind of curated as their space also like once she goes to p3 it’s simply too loud too crowded to have a heart to heart like what is about to happen here which she would listen all unfold but piper unfortunately dragged her away to help with the boys but i’m sure it’s all going well)
and paige is like ....nope. and coop’s like ah. well. you look great. going to see henry? which he asks that question like he’s walking on very thin ice and paige is like yeah and i gotta say i can’t believe you kissed henry before you ever kissed me and coop just laughs like well!!
and paige is laughing too but there’s this undercurrent of you still haven’t kissed me :/ and coop’s like i take it henry told you and paige is like yep. and then made a very convincing campaign in your favor on how you’re evidently in love with me and you’re probably my better option, he loves me, too, but just can’t seem to hold a candle to you
and coop’s laughing and he’s like that sounds like something henry’d say, he’s really. he’s got a lot of love he just doesn’t seem to think he’s worth it.
and paige is like you think he’s worth it though
and coop’s like i do. you think he’s worth it too. and paige is like i do.
and there’s a moment of stillness because what the fuck are any of them doing and paige is like we can’t keep doing this. and coop’s like gonna hafta be a bit more specific there because i think i’ve broken more rules than i can count in the past 24 hours. and paige is wanna make that one more and coop’s like !? and then paige kisses him and coop’s like okay now’s the time where i would really love some clarification
and paige is like. well. i had to kiss you, right? and coop’s like sure? and paige is like because i’ve wanted to for the longest time because i keep pretending like i’m not in love with you because well you know you know me better than almost anyone else but like. i also love henry. and so i had to kiss you. as a test.
and coop’s like ...did i pass?
and paige is like that wasn’t the test and coop’s like what was and paige is like i don’t know. to see where my love is. to see if i love you or if i love henry or if it’s all just infatuation and relfections distorting how i feel and coop’s like okay. so... what’s the answer?
and paige is like i love henry. but then she kisses coop again and is like but i think i love you, too. and they’re doing that thing where they lack bubble space when they talk i mean paige’s head is basically on his chest and coop’s hands are on her waist and coop’s like okay. so where do you want to go from here.
because he’s a cupid you know his top priority is love in its purest form so if like paige’s love for henry like outweighs her love for him he will pretend not to be crushed and move on like he will. he’s saying he’ll do anything in the name of love but really he’ll just do anything for paige.
and paige is like i think you should kiss henry again and coop laughs and he’s like don’t joke about that because complete candor i totally would he is... amazing
and paige is like yeah, i know, and i’m not joking and it kind of clicks for coop like !! polyromanticism!!
anyways. paige And coop go to p3 and henry’s there and sees paige And coop and he’s like uh oh oh no because if paige chose coop like he’s happy for them he really is except he’s also kind of not because then he kind of loses paige And coop and um. that’s kind of a two hit KO. but wait!! that is not the case! what’s this??
anyways. quirky hijinks of sorts when phoebe sees that paige came home with henry and she’s like damn. my plan failed. and the next morning piper’s like i see ur plan worked and phoebe’s like yeah no need to rub it in and piper’s like ??? dude paige totally hooked up with coop last night and phoebe’s like no?? that was the other guy that was henry
and piper’s like that was definitely coop?? and phoebe’s like piper not every tall man with dark hair looks the same and piper’s like no shit do you think i don’t know what coop looks like he practically lives here and phoebe’s like yeah that’s how i know the guy paige brought home w her was Not Coop and piper’s like do you need new glasses and phoebe’s like shut up i’m right and piper’s like no ur not!!
and later that day they’re like. all brewing a potion in the attic and like while we have you here...... did you hook up with henry or coop last night and phoebe’s like because piper thought it was coop when i very clearly saw henry and piper’s like yeah phoebe hasn’t been sleeping well lately i think she’s started seeing things so go ahead prove me right and paige is just laughing like okay so i guess i gotta introduce u guys to my 2 boyfriends
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anoddopal · 2 years
pick any 5 emojis you'd like and give me those for ms. jenassa :3
🤔What was your first impression of your f/o when you first met them? And did it change once you got to know them better?
I never could have anticipated stumbling across a woman as enchanting as Jenassa the very first time I visited the Drunken Huntsman. She was seated in a powerful stance at her personal alcove, radiating a poised aura as she sharpened a dagger. Our gazes met, and I couldn’t have been distracted from the mer’s greeting even if a dragon started lighting up the city of Whiterun in that very moment.
She had such a way with her words. Any mercenary could advertise themselves as a ruthless and efficient killer, but Jenassa cleverly described her work as an artform. The Dunmer walked in the shadows; her weaponry was her brush. The blood of her enemies was her paint. The world was her canvas. She was looking for someone to appreciate her craft.
It was… different than what I was used to. I was intrigued. My face may have gotten a bit warm underneath my silvery fur. I’m rather sure I gulped audibly.
I was also immensely intimidated. Which is to say the encounter ended with me thanking Jenassa for her time and scurrying out of the tavern like a flustered maiden.
Of course, I’d go back later to take her up on her offer. These days I feel very comfortable and safe with her, but I’m no less awestruck. 🥺
🥰In your opinion, what was the sweetest thing your f/o ever said to you?
"We're one of the same kind, you and I. I'm glad to have met you."
Her voice was so soft when she said it, and her eyes were kind. The feeling is mutual. We’re both so glad we found each other. 💕
🤦‍♀️Did the two of you ever went on a date (or even a vacation) where everything went wrong? If so, how did you handle it?
Sure, if you count the time I was abducted by the Dark Brotherhood on our WEDDING NIGHT!
To make a long story short, I slaughtered their leader in a half-awake-fright-induced-episode (plus there was NO way I was killing any hostages for the Brotherhood’s gain) while Jenassa was on an unstoppable warpath- tearing through the region in order to find me. We were eventually reunited in the early morning hours. After that it was decided we’d take an extra long honeymoon. She was especially protective of me (+ our home) for a while afterwards.
5️⃣Please describe your f/o in five words.
Persuasive 👀
��Who would you say spoils the other more?
It depends on who you ask! I’m always on the search for unique weapons and armor for her. (As it turns out she really enjoys using magical staffs!) I tend to try to surprise her by visiting places she’s been wanting to explore on our adventures. Of course I’m just a soft romantic sap, so I also have plenty of words of affirmation, snuggles, and little love letters for her (that she always keeps on her person when we’re apart). 
Meanwhile she provides enough verbal affection to fill up a library. Jenassa never fails to let me know how important I am to her. Her physical actions furthermore match what she has to say. She’s actually quite the cook, and is more than happy to whip up delicious meals (and teach me a thing or two abt it)! 
She’s ensured that any rabbit or hare that hops onto our property has a serene/safe place to stay, as she no longer hunts them. 
Adventuring can be grimy and exhausting at the worst of times. She plans plenty of relaxing breaks in between quests where we can just chill and cuddle and do lovey-dovey stuff (like run our fingers through each other’s hair). 😳💖
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tlbodine · 4 years
A Horror History of Werewolves
As far as horror icons are concerned, werewolves are among the oldest of all monsters. References to man-to-wolf transformations show up as early as the Epic of Gilgamesh, making them pretty much as old as storytelling itself. And, unlike many other movie monsters, werewolves trace their folkloric roots to a time when people truly believed in and feared these creatures. 
But for a creature with such a storied past, the modern werewolf has quite the crisis of identity. Thanks to an absolute deluge of romance novels featuring sometimes-furry love interests, the contemporary idea of “werewolf” is decidedly de-fanged. So how did we get here? Where did they come from, where are they going, and can werewolves ever be terrifying again? 
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Werewolves in Folklore and Legend 
Ancient Greece was full of werewolf stories. Herodotus wrote of a nomadic tribe from Scythia (part of modern-day Russia) who changed into wolves for a portion of the year. This was most likely a response to the Proto-Indo-European societies living in that region at the time -- a group whose warrior class would sometimes don animal pelts and were said to call on the spirit of animals to aid them in battle (the concept of the berserker has the same roots -- just bears rather than wolves).
In Arcadia, there was a local legend about King Lycaon, who was turned to a wolf as punishment for serving human meat to Zeus (exact details of the event vary between accounts, but cannibalism and crimes-against-the-gods are a common theme). Pliny the Elder wrote of werewolves as well, explaining that those who make a sacrifice to Zeus Lycaeus would be turned to wolves but could resume human form years later if they abstained from eating human meat in that time.
By the time we reach the Medieval period in Europe, werewolf stories were widespread and frequently associated with witchcraft. Lycanthropy could be either a curse laid upon someone or a transformation undergone by someone practicing witchcraft, but either way was bad news in the eyes of the church. For several centuries, witch-hunts would aggressively seek out anyone suspected of transforming into a wolf.
One particularly well-known werewolf trial was for Peter Stumpp in 1589. Stumpp, known as "The Werewolf of Bedburg," confessed to killing and eating fourteen children and two pregnant women while in the form of a wolf after donning a belt given to him by the Devil. Granted, this confession came on the tail-end of extensive public torture, so it may not be precisely reliable. His daughter and mistress were also executed in a public and brutal way during the same trial.
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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? 
The thing you have to understand when studying folklore is that, for many centuries, wolves were the apex predator of Europe. While wolf attacks on humans have been exceedingly rare in North America, wolves in Europe have historically been much bolder -- or, at least, there are more numerous reports of man-eating wolves in those regions. Between 1362 and 1918, roughly 7,600 people were reportedly killed by wolves in France alone, which may have some bearing on the local werewolf tradition of the loup-garou.
For people living in rural areas, subsisting as farmers or hunters, wolves posed a genuine existential threat. Large, intelligent, utilizing teamwork and more than capable of outwitting the average human, wolves are a compelling villain. Which is probably why they show up so frequently in fairytales, from Little Red Riding Hood to Peter and the Wolf to The Three Little Pigs.
Early Werewolf Fiction 
Vampires have Dracula and zombies have I Am Legend, but there really is no clear singular book to point to as the "First Great Werewolf Novel." Perhaps by the time the novel was really taking off as an artform, werewolves had lost some of their appeal. After all, widespread literacy and reading-for-pleasure went hand-in-hand with advancements in civilization. For city-dwellers in Victorian England, for example, the threat of a wolf eating you alive probably seemed quite remote.
Don't get me wrong -- there were some Gothic novels featuring werewolves, like Sutherland Menzies' Hugues, The Wer-Wolf, or G.W.M. Reynolds' Wagner the Wehr-Wolf, or even The Wolf Leader by Alexandre Dumas. But these are not books that have entered the popular conscience by any means. I doubt most people have ever heard of them, much less read them.
No -- I would argue that the closest thing we have, thematically, to a Great Werewolf Novel is in fact The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Written in 1886, the Gothic novella tells the story of a scientist who, wanting to engage in certain unnamed vices without detection, created a serum that would allow him to transform into another person. That alter-ego, Mr. Hyde, was selfish, violent, and ultimately uncontrollable -- and after taking over the body on its own terms and committing a murder or two, the only way to stop Hyde’s re-emergence was suicide. 
Although not about werewolves, per se, Jekyll & Hyde touches on many themes that we'll see come up time and again in werewolf media up through the present day: toxic masculinity, the dual nature of man, leading a double life, and the ultimate tragedy of allowing one's base instincts/animal nature to run wild. Against a backdrop of Victorian sexual repression and a rapidly shifting concept of humanity's relationship to nature, it makes sense that these themes would resonate deeply (and find a new home in werewolf media).
It is also worth mentioning Guy Endore's The Werewolf of Paris, published in 1933. Set against the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian war and subsequent military battles, the book utilizes a werewolf as a plot device for exploring political turmoil. A #1 bestseller in its day, the book was a big influence on the sci-fi and mystery pulp scene of the 1940s and 50s, and is still considered one of the best werewolf novels of its ilk.
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From Silver Bullets to Silver Screens 
What werewolf representation lacks in novels, it makes up for in film. Werewolves have been a surprisingly enduring feature of film from its early days, due perhaps to just how much fun transformation sequences are to film. From camera tricks to makeup crews and animatronics design, werewolf movies create a lot of unique opportunities for special effects -- and for early film audiences especially (who were not yet jaded to movie magic), these on-screen metamorphoses must have elicited true awe. 
The Wolf Man (1941) really kicked off the trend. Featuring Lon Chaney Jr. as the titular wolf-man, the film was cutting-edge for its time in the special effects department. The creature design is the most memorable thing about the film, which has an otherwise forgettable plot -- but it captured viewer attention enough to bring Chaney back many times over for sequels and Universal Monster mash-ups. 
The Wolf Man and 1944's Cry of the Werewolf draw on that problematic Hollywood staple, "The Gypsy Curse(tm)" for their world-building. Fortunately, werewolf media would drift away from that trope pretty quickly; curses lost their appeal, but “bite as mode of transmission” would remain an essential part of werewolf mythos. 
In 1957, I Was a Teenage Werewolf was released as a classic double-header drive-in flick that's nevertheless worth a watch for its parallels between werewolfism and male aggression (a theme we'll see come up again and again). Guy Endore's novel got the Hammer Film treatment for 1961's The Curse of the Werewolf, but it wasn't until the 1970s when werewolf media really exploded: The Beast Must Die, The Legend of the Wolf Woman, The Fury of the Wolfman, Scream of the Wolf, Werewolves on Wheels and many more besides.
Hmmm, werewolves exploding in popularity around the same time as women's liberation was dramatically redefining gender roles and threatening the cultural concept of masculinity? Nah, must be a coincidence.
The 1980s brought with it even more werewolf movies, including some of the best-known in the genre: The Howling (1981), Teen Wolf (1985), An American Werewolf in London (1981), and The Company of Wolves (1984). Differing widely in their tone and treatment of werewolf canon, the films would establish more of a spiderweb than a linear taxonomy.
That spilled over into the 1990s as well. The Howling franchise went deep, with at least seven films that I can think of. Wolf, a 1994 release starring Jack Nicholson is especially worth a watch for its themes of dark romantic horror. 
By the 2000s, we get a proper grab-bag of werewolf options. There is of course the Underworld series, with its overwrought "vampires vs lycans" world-building. There's also Skin Walkers, which tries very hard to be Underworld (and fails miserably at even that low bar). But there's also Dog Soldiers and Ginger Snaps, arguably two of the finest werewolf movies of all time -- albeit in extremely different ways and for very different reasons.
Dog Soldiers is a straightforward monster movie pitting soldiers against ravenous werewolves. The wolves could just as easily have been subbed out with vampires or zombies -- there is nothing uniquely wolfish about them on a thematic level -- but the creature design is unique and the film itself is mastefully made and entertaining.
Ginger Snaps is the first werewolf movie I can think of that tackles lycanthropy from a female point of view. Although The Company of Wolves has a strong feminist angle, it is still very much a film about male sexuality and aggression. Ginger Snaps, on the other hand, likens werewolfism to female puberty -- a comparison that frankly makes a lot of sense.
The Werewolf as Sex Object 
There are quite literally thousands of werewolf romance novels on the market, with more coming in each day. But the origins of this trend are a bit fuzzier to make out (no pun intended). 
Everyone can mostly agree that Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire was the turning-point for sympathetic vampires -- and paranormal romance as a whole. But where do werewolves enter the mix? Possibly with Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books, which feature the titular character in a relationship with a werewolf (and some vampires, and were-leopards, and...many other things). With the first book released in 1993, the Anita Blake series seems to pre-date similar books in its ilk. 
Blood and Chocolate (1997) by Annette Curtis Klause delivers a YA-focused version of the classic “I’m a werewolf in high school crushing on a mortal boy”; that same year, Buffy the Vampire Slayer hit the small screen, and although the primary focus was vampires, there is a main werewolf character (and romancing him around the challenges of his wolfishness is a big plot point for the characters involved). And Buffy, of course, paved the way for Twilight in 2005. From there, werewolves were poised to become a staple of the ever-more-popular urban fantasy/paranormal romance genre. 
“Sexy werewolf” as a trope may have its roots in other traditions like the beastly bridegroom (eg, Beauty and the Beast) and the demon lover (eg, Labyrinth), which we can talk about another time. But there’s one other ingredient in this recipe that needs to be discussed. And, oh yes, we’re going there. 
By now you might be familiar with the concept of the Omegaverse thanks to the illuminating Lindsay Ellis video on the topic (and the current ongoing lawsuit). If not, well, just watch the video. It’ll be easier than trying to explain it all. (Warning for NSFW topics). 
But the tl;dr is that A/B/O or Omegaverse is a genre of (generally erotic) romance utilizing the classical understanding of wolf pack hierarchy. Never mind that science has long since disproven the stratification of authority in wolf packs; the popular conscious is still intrigued by the concept of a society where some people are powerful alphas and some people are timid omegas and that’s just The Way Things Are. 
What’s interesting about the Omegaverse in regards to werewolf fiction is that, as near as I’ve been able to discover, it’s actually a case of convergent evolution. A/B/O as a genre seems to trace its roots to Star Trek fanfiction in the 1960s, where Kirk/Spock couplings popularized ideas like heat cycles. From there, the trope seems to weave its way through various fandoms, exploding in popularity in the Supernatural fandom. 
What seems to have happened is that the confluence of A/B/O kink dynamics merging with urban fantasy werewolf social structure set off a popular niche for werewolf romance to truly thrive. 
It’s important to remember that, throughout folklore, werewolves were not viewed as being part of werewolf societies. Werewolves were humans who achieved wolf form through a curse or witchcraft, causing them to transform into murderous monsters -- but there was no “werewolf pack,” and certainly no social hierarchy involving werewolf alphas exerting their dominance over weaker pack members. That element is a purely modern one rooted as much in our misunderstanding of wolf pack dynamics as in our very human desire for power hierarchies. 
So Where Do We Go From Here? 
I don’t think sexy werewolf stories are going anywhere anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no room left in horror for werewolves to resume their monstrous roots. 
Thematically, werewolves have done a lot of heavy lifting over the centuries. They hold up a mirror to humanity to represent our own animal nature. They embody themes of toxic masculinity, aggression, primal sexuality, and the struggle of the id and ego. Werewolf attack as sexual violence is an obvious but powerful metaphor for trauma, leaving the victim transformed. Werewolves as predators hiding in plain sight among civilization have never been more relevant than in our #MeToo moment of history. 
Can werewolves still be frightening? Absolutely. 
As long as human nature remains conflicted, there will always be room at the table for man-beasts and horrifying transfigurations. 
This blog topic was chosen by my Patreon supporters, who got to see it one week before it went live. If you too would enjoy early access to my blog posts, want to vote for next month’s topic, or just want to support the work I do, come be a patron at https://www.patreon.com/tlbodine
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Nothing if not an opportunist (Fraxus)
Short summary: Freed gets kidnapped and Laxus picks his ass up, bc being together is what nice boyfriends do uwu
A more than agreeable way to start one's morning would be with a nice cup of coffee and some baked goods of choice. Should the weather be pleasant, this delightful breakfast could've been taken in his garden. The flowerfilled wonder would look and smell heavenly in the soft light of the morning sun. But alas, hypotheticals are merely that and Freed is having a far less enjoyable morning so far.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
It goes without question that a group of people ambushing you on your way home is far from ideal. It only gets worse when they decide to tie you up with magic-blocking handcuffs right after that and throw you in the back of some dinky carriage. Rude.
With a sigh, Freed repositions himself, trying to find a posture that doesn't cut off his blood circulation. Thanks to an ungodly amount of yoga sessions with Bickslow, he quickly achieves his goal but it's still a far cry from his cozy couch. Inspecting the space, he tuts in disapproval. No cushions, no blankets, not even a beanbag. They should really level up their accommodations if they wanted to avoid the wrath of their temporary guests. A shame they didn't keep that in mind, but Freed sure as hell will.
While he's debating what exactly the awful stench invading his nostrils is, he catches the men in the front talking about a certain topic that catches his attention. His ransom note. Briefly, he mentally deducts some points from them for not putting silencing runes in place.
As the men talk in a not at all hushed tone of voice, it quickly becomes clear that there's no interest in him personally. It's Laxus they're after. A bit predictable and consequently, a bit boring. He mentally deducts a few more points. If they keep this up, they'll end up becoming the worst team that kidnapped him in the shortest amount of time.
Because he considers himself a graceful man, raised right as well as raised to be a bastard, he puts his face between the bars separating him and his kidnappers. "Good day gentlemen," he starts politely and in return, one of them spits in his face. Disappointing. He'll keep it in mind. Outwardly unperturbed, he continues. "I have been listening to your attempts at writing a threatening ransom note for the past half hour and quite frankly, I am not at all impressed. Please try to be at least intelligible, we wouldn't want them to get wrong impressions right?"
"Shut up, I'll torture and kill you", one of them growls and Freed nods enthusiastically. "That's it! Clear and to the point. Now please describe exactly how you'll do it and I'll rephrase it for you. I want my ransom note to be up to my standards. I expect both eloquence and elegance. Maybe even a hint of cheekiness if we're feeling up to it." As the man starts a litany of threats and curses, Freed carefully paraphrases everything, which only heats the man up more. As he gets his enjoyment out of harassing the man, he catches his accomplice writing down his more concrete, paraphrased version of the threats.
Although he missed out on a nice, peaceful morning he can't say that he isn't enjoying himself right now. Being a pest is an artform he's fully mastered.
Laxus hasn't seen Freed all day and to be honest, he hadn't really been worried. That is until he's sipping on a beer while Bickslow and Evergreen are making themselves a tad bit too comfortable on his couch. They had thrown him off and are currently engaged in a fight for the sole rights to the leather-worn throne. Seeing how vicious the fight is turning, he's glad that he had already been eliminated from the fight.
A letter is shoved underneath his door and although Laxus is lightning fast, he's unable to catch even a glimpse of the mailman. "A secret love letter!" Bickslow exclaims from his place on the floor and Evergreen rolls her eyes in response. "If that was a love letter, I'd throw it in the trash. Look at the shoddy thing!"
She's right, Laxus realises. The letter looks awful, crumpled and stained with what seems to be blood. Worry increasing, he opens it up and quickly scans the content of the text. His concern reaches a peak when he spots the long lock of green hair attached to the letter and as he holds it up, Evergreen and Bickslow hiss in unison. "Our baby got kidnapped again, didn't he?" Bickslow asks and Laxus nods.
"They've included an address and say I should come weaponless and with magic-blocking cuffs already on. They say they have to settle a score with me and if I don't come within the next 48 hours they'll kill him. With every hour the torture also increases."
Bickslow whistles between his teeth. "Guess ya gotta go huh?" Evergreen frowns. "Do you even have magic blocking cuffs?" she asks and he points at the ceiling. "In my bedroom", he says and while Bickslow cackles, Evergreen's frown only gets deeper. "Why are there magic-blocking handcuffs in your bedroom...?" When Laxus returns with the green, fluffy cuffs, Evergreens' disappointment is palpable. "They've got little lightning bolts on them!" he tries to defend himself and it sounds ridiculous to his own ears.
Trying to desperately change the subject, he asks if they want to come along on the rescue mission. The answer's a firm no. "The aftermath of these situations are never pretty", Evergreen whispers, eyes clouded with a distant emotion. "I don't want to see the violence, the effects of hopelessness", Bickslow adds, swallowing dryly. Laxus understands their sentiment better than anyone. "Then I'll be bringing him back", he promises, although he knows he doesn't have to. They know he does it every time without fail.
Laxus arrives at the castle at twilight, light and dark intertwining as he enters the too quiet place. Normally castles of this size should be alive, the hum of the hustling and bustling of servants forming the core of it's sound. Although he can hear people scurrying about far away, there's still the lingering feeling that it is way too quiet. It's as though the castle is awaiting his arrival with baited breath.
Upon entering the hall, he's greeted by a quivering maid. Unable to look him in the eyes, she asks: "Master Dreyar, I presume?" while directing her gaze at the floor. "Take me where I need to be." He doesn't mean to be so brusque, but he has no time to spare for useless pleasantries.
She quickly guides him to the main room and even before he enters it, he knows that the room will be a show of absolute opulence, meant to intimidate him from the get go. As soon as he enters, his suspicions are confirmed.
The ceiling is as high as the ceiling of most gothic churches and the candles lighting up the room are a mere few. Nevertheless, every grim decoration in the rooms is properly lit. The decorative skulls, the chains, everything is immersed in the same eerie glow. In this faint light, Laxus can make out the servants stationed at the sides of the carpet leading to the throne. Behind them, there are scratches on the walls, destroyed tables and what seems to be... bits and bops of human beings. It's like an Ikea set of human remains.
A cough draws his attention to the throne. The glow of the lights reflects of the crown of the man sitting on it. The light also bounces off the bejeweled cape draped across his shoulders and Laxus can't help but stare. Perched on the throne like a lazy cat who has very much made a place formerly belonging to someone else is his own, is Freed Justine. "Hello Laxus, I was wondering when you'd show up. Did you like my letter?"
As Freed slinks of the throne and walks towards him, with every piece of jewelry that comes to light as he draws closer, jingling softly. The sound matches Freed's natural sound well and the lavish jewelry take his already handsome looks to another level. That and the horns accentuating the crown, the little tinge of red left on his too sharp teeth as well as the glow in his usually hidden eye.
He's not surprised at this situation in the slightest, as this is how Freed's kidnappings usually go. The man is simply too charming, too cunning and too powerful to be contained by a few simple bandits. The only reason Laxus comes to pick him up, is because he knows Freed enjoys being walked home. It's the simple things, like this form of domesticity, that makes their relationship so enjoyable.
"I asked the servants to prepare us a meal before we set off? Would you join me Mister Dreyar?" he asks teasingly. "It is our date night after all." With a smile he agrees. "It is, this is very considerate of you." Freed gives him a chuckle and a wink in return. "I'm nothing if not an opportunist." They toast to that later on.
Once back at the guild, Makarov flags them down, concern evident on his face. "You've got to take better care of him", he hisses at Laxus and before Laxus can tell him that he really doesn't have to, Freed smoothly cuts in. "Please don't worry about it master, he already does such a splendid job of saving me every time. A man can't ask for more than a splendid hero, right?"
Although it's a lie totally dicrediting Freed's own skill, Laxus doesn't correct him, even though he wants to. He knows Freed by now, knows that every lie, every piece of omitted information is probably part of a scheme of a sly mind that never stops working. He knows that the image of a mage depending on Laxus makes him a walking target and Laxus knows that the man enjoys nothing more than a good fight. Maybe there's more to it than Freed's hobby of beating up people, maybe there isn't. Either way, Laxus loves watching Freed's plans unfold, even if it means that he has to hold his tongue sometimes.
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