#and human skin tends to not be mauve
celestiachan · 11 months
forever insane about how cream blush, lipstick, lip balm, cream foundation, and stick eyeshadow are all marketed as different things. all they do is take wax (usually multiple kinds). oil (usually multiple kinds). and in the case of stuff that isn't most lip balm, colour (usually multiple). they melt it down. mix it together. pour it into a tube. sell it to you for 85 times the price it took for them to make it. sometimes they add other stuff like shea butter or silica. that is it
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harajuku-cookie · 4 months
IkeVamp OC Profile: Carina
The Beloved Songbird “Wherever I may go, the melodies will always follow.”
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Name: Carina Sakamoto Pronouns: She/Her Voice: Nana Mizuki Birthday: May 3 Race: human (becomes lesser vampire later on), half-Mexican/half-Japanese Hair: Long, wavy pink (light mauve) hair Eye: raspberry Skin tone: olive Extra Features: hourglass figure with large bust Orientation: pan
More info about her under the cut!
Notes: •Eldest daughter to a Mexican mother (Milagros Pilar) and Japanese father (Tadashi Sakamoto), both actors/theater performers. Also has a younger brother named Kou, both of them were born in Japan. •Her parents met in Paris for a theater production that they were taking part in and fell in love and eventually got married. It was a whirlwind romance, but it felt like fate to them and to this day they're still deeply in love. Even though it was a little unstable to raise children while traveling, they made it work. So Carina and her brother grew up surrounded by the performing arts while being homeschooled. •She traveled a lot growing up because of her parents' careers and started acting in various productions, movies, and TV shows since she was little. This is also where she developed her love of traveling and learning new languages because she wanted to be able to communicate with others wherever she went. •Classically trained in opera like her mother as well as piano like her father •Knows a little bit of most dances. Usually when a role calls for dance, she works hard to learn the type needed. And sometimes when her family have get-togethers, they all love to dance for fun. Some of her favorites are ballet, paso doble, flamenco, waltz, and ballet folklórico. •Since her brother, Kou, works as a music producer and composer, they tend to work together and collaborate on music •Instead of being a travel agent like the canon MC/Mitsuki, she is a theater performer/actress and singer who doubles as a travel vlogger. She travels a lot for her work, so she loves to save her memories via video recordings and an online blog, especially to share with her extended family back in their home countries. •Grew up in a healthy family, her parents being the best example of a healthy relationship. They always made sure to teach her and her brother how to be kind and respectful of others, to always communicate clearly, to never let anyone talk down to them, and stand your ground. •Her nicknames are "Cari" and "CariBear" because she loves bears (also a play on Care Bear). Some people also like to call her "Cupid" because of her hair and eye color reminding them of the colors of love and how much of a romantic she is. •Knows self-defense and is pretty strong despite her stature. Also has a black belt in taekwondo. •When she goes back in time to the 19th century and decides to stay there, she eventually adopts a Pomeranian and names her Oso ("bear" in Spanish) •Shipped with Isaac. The best way to describe their relationship dynamic would probably be like “golden retriever and black cat”, with Carina being the bubbly social butterfly who helps Isaac out of his shell (but never pushes, always gives him a choice and space when he needs it), while Isaac is the calmer, more introverted of the pair who helps Carina enjoy and appreciate the peaceful quiet moments together. •She does make a contract with Comte to become a vampire within a year of her and Isaac’s relationship. At first Isaac felt really conflicted with Carina's decision to become a vampire. On one hand they would have more time together, which he loves since he loves her so much. On the other hand, he's worried about the possibility of her becoming an aberrant like him. It causes him grief to be one and he doesn't want her to go through the same thing and regret her decision. Although he's unsure, he does realize that ultimately it's her decision. Carina hears Isaac's concerns and understands where he's coming from and offers to come up with a plan in case the "worst" case scenario happens. She reassures him that if she does become an aberrant, she'll find a way to work through it. Plus they have the support of Comte and the others, so they'll be okay. After talking it out some more with each other and then with Comte, Carina finally takes the plunge and becomes a vampire, and to Isaac's relief, is a normal lesser vampire just like the others. It's a bit of an adjustment period to get used to her new form, but he and the others are with her every step of the way.
Extra Note: Outfit is still pending. I may go with the one on the in-game avatar, just in warmer colors. I just wanted to add a picture in for reference.
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shanksflower · 2 years
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Chloris Desrosiers
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𓆩 Appearance
General physical traits
Age: 18 (when she met Shanks)
22 (Foosha village)
32 (pre-timeskip)
34 (timeskip)
Height: 159cm / 5’2
Physical stature: short, petite, feminine, long legs
Race: Human
Skin colour: pale
Hair colour: primrose pink / pale mauve
Eye colour: pale lavender
Defining Features: beauty marks under both eyes, flowers in hair, long lashes
Fashion choices
Personal style: anything cottagecore, elegant and feminine (cutesy isn’t her style)
Standard outfit: Pre-time skip she wore a cream blouse with a v cut at the front, criss cross string at the front where the v cut is, she still wore a brown skirt but she didn’t have a pattern at the hem yet, and an apron that only went around her waist, and brown boots
Her main outfit is an off the shoulder cream blouse paired with a green corset, a long brown skirt, the hem of the skirt of which has a light brown leaves pattern with red roses, and a white line going all around beneath it, and brown boots with green laces and a green fabric with a floral pattern on them
What is noticeable about her presence: She has a gentle and nurturing presence; kind eyes, and a soft gentle smile, she has this warmth about her, those that meet her are often shocked to find she’s a pirate saying she isn’t very pirate like
Body language: She usually has her hands in front of her or behind her, hands together, respectful, reserved and more of a listener. Not as wild as the rest of the crew but is often the voice of reason if Shanks or anyone on the crew is reckless or is about to do something a little too stupid
How’s her coordination: she’s very graceful and elegant in how she moves
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𓆩 Biography
Full name: Chloris Desrosiers / Chloris Figarland
Japanese name: クロリス・デロジエ
Moniker: The Green Witch
Gender and pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Origin: Elysian Fields, Grandline
Bounty: $3,767,030,000
Crimes: Piracy, Married to a Yonkou, Tamed a Sea King, Had said Sea King destroy Navy ships, Gaining territory for Shanks, Dangerous devil fruit, Turning people against the Government, Assault of an Admiral, Stole from Big Mom
Haki: Advanced Armament
Advanced Observation
Devil Fruit: Logia / Flora Flora no mi / Awakened
Favourite colour: Green and Red (how could she not love Red)
Favourite food: Salmon Sashimi and Pavlova
Least favourite food: TOMATOES
Hobbies: Gardening, flower arranging, flower pressing, tea blending, foraging, sewing, embroidery, cross-stitching, reading, sketching (she tends to draw the plants she studies in her journal so she’s got a real nack for it now)
Does she drink?: She’ll have a glass or two of red wine when the crew has their usual parties; sometimes she’ll drink more, but usually she remains the sober one. Tending to the hung-over crew in the mornings
Personality: Chloris is a kind, calm, nurturing and intelligent woman, with a strong sense of morality, believing in moral justice, something the Navy often fails to take into account. She’s an incredibly intelligent woman, having grown up studying plants and learning the science of plant biology and medical properties of plants from a very young age, which is what led to her opening her herbalist shop on her home island before joining Shanks’s crew, tending to the residents of the island, dropping remedies and medicines off to the injured and sick, sometimes not even charging for her assistance, just knowing she was able to help, that’s what matters to her
She's a humble person; she's aware of her strengths and weaknesses but doesn't let these inflate her ego or define her. She's a very gentle and loving person, when someone is down she'll be by their side to listen to anything that plagues their mind, she is described by others as having very gentle eyes and a compassionate persona. Very doting towards her crew and especially Shanks and Uta, a calm smile on her face, her eyes softening even when the crew is messing around, loving their antics, even if she isn’t as wild as them, laughing along side with them, always feeling at home
(She’s a lot like Hinatsuru from KNY)
Main Traits: Nurturing, Calm, Empathetic, Strong Willed, Intuitive, Introspective
What's their relationship with Routines & Rituals?: She likes to have routine, she isn’t overly stressed about schedules but she’s overly and organised, she isn’t to upset if her routine is interrupted, which happens often with how rowdy the crew can be; she’ll be doing her face care routine and have to come running out when she hears a crash and end up having to help one of the crew out of a barrel (that they somehow managed to get stuck in)
Are they more compliant or rebellious?: A mixture of both, she’s more compliant, especially with the Red Hair Pirates, they’re more than a crew, they’re family
How do they react to authority figures?: She doesn’t like the government, hating how corrupt they are but she has mixed feelings about some of the marines, knowing some genuinely want to do good and don’t realise how corrupt the system is, while others she finds shameful, how they use their status for themselves, she is kind and doesn’t see the world as black and white knowing there is that grey area, though she still detests the government
Are they more likely to see the best in others, or the worst?: It depends; she personally doesn’t like to put it that way, there’s good and bad in people, no one is perfect after all, there’s sides of us we don’t like, but she likes to look at the good in people, though she isn’t naive, she’s aware some people don’t have that in them, and that some people are just rotten to the core, the world as it was was proof of that, the suffering people endures was proof of that
Do they struggle with depression or anxiety?: Chloris suffers from anxiety and depression from her childhood, it’s something that comes up every now and then, she use to hide it from the crew when she was new, her past making her feel like she was a burden, until one time Shanks found her tears streaming down her face, hyperventilating, he sat by her side putting his hat on her head and pulling her against his shoulder telling her she doesn’t have to hide, that the crew is her family now too, and they’ll be there for her
Since then she’s able to deal with it much easier, her found family helping her heal; when she feels an upcoming panic attack the crew is immediately by her side, Lucky making her comfort food and favourite tea, all the crew wrapping their cloaks and coats over her, while her teary eyed and smiling with a soft laugh, saying there’s too much on her now, appreciating the thought but she physically can’t wear all of them
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𓆩 Goals and Motivation:
Dream: To restore Eden throughout the world, restoring vegetarian to barren lands, leaving no one sick or hungry, making the earth alive once more
What’s standing in her way: The world as it is
What motivates her to keep going: her desire to help those sick or hurt, for no one to
Biggest Fear: Losing her found family, she can’t bear the thought of losing any of the Red Hair Pirates, she already lost her daughter, she can’t lose anyone else.
Dying without truly living, she wants to live her life to the fullest, feel the wind through her hair
Also Spiders
Biggest strength: Strong willed, she knows who she is and what she wants, and she sticks to it despite the storms of life.
Biggest weakness: She has a hard time opening up and being vulnerable about her struggles, not wanting to be a burden. She’s gotten better to some extent, allowing herself to be vulnerable with the crew, but even then she’s still a reserved woman and she keeps a lot to herself.
How does she respond to stress / pressure?: She’s already a quiet person, but she gets a little more quiet, she has a certain look on her face, she’ll over think and worry and it’s Shanks that usually brings her down, a firm hand on her shoulder helping her racing heart calm down
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𓆩 Relationships
Shanks: Shanks and Chloris got close fast, as she took care of Uta, Shanks was always in the room with her, wanting to be there for his sick daughter, the two talking as Uta slept, her learning about how Shanks found Uta, how since that day, he’s taken her in as his daughter, the woman finding her heart grow soft at how loving he was, how much his daughter meant to him. Shanks asks about her, learning about her dreams and her telling him a bit about her devil fruit since he was curious. The two grew close. When Uta was better Shanks had grown fond of her and seeing how his daughter didn’t want her to go either it felt like fate for him to ask her to stay, and she happily accepted. Time went on and Shanks feelings for her depended as did hers with him, him confessing his love for her on the deck at night, when it’s just the two of them, her confessing she’s felt the same, both of them having this quiet understanding that their love is mutual, and since then they’ve never been apart, it wasn’t long after that when the two got married, her dear Uta being her flower girl. The love they have for each other is one that happens once in a lifetime, something rare and they both cherished it, they exchange soft glances, understanding each other without words, they always did. Subtle gestures between them could tell a hundred stories, a kiss could say more than any words could ever say. She loves her husbands antics, how freely he lives and his carefree nature, despite her being rather different from him, more quiet and calm, she isn’t wild like the rest of the crew but laughs and enjoys the chaos and antics firm all of them, often sitting in Shanks lap as he drinks his sake, her with a glass of red wine, the drunk man peppering her with kisses unashamed to do so in front of the crew, when he’s busy with his Captain duties she’s always close by, she helps him where she can bringing him a drink and kissing his cheek for working so hard, and him joining her when she’s busy with her herbalist/ botanist work, laying in the hammock in her workspace, asking her to join him for a break (is childish at times and plays the Captain card to get her to relax with him) his fingers running through her hair, bringing it to his lips, just taking in her natural floral scent, the both of them always relishing in one another’s company, pure, strong love, one that can never be replaced. Shanks takes great care of his wife, if you see how much he cares for his crew and friends, just as he was for Luffy with the mountain bandits then you know how he’d be if anyone tried to cause harm to his wife, he trusts her strength and knows she can handle herself but he won’t have anyone mistreating her, he keeps a water spray bottle in the room misting the flowers in her hair when they reach summer islands knowing she and her flowers need to stay hydrated, and making sure she has water herself too, that spray bottle alone won’t keep her hydrated after all, always taking care of his wife, when she’s out of little jobs for the crew he tells her to make sure to call him each night so he knows she’s okay, when she returns he hugs her in his arms, just relishing in the fact he has his wife back, even if she wasn’t gone for very long, he loves her and the crew has to deal with a mopey Captain when she’s out perhaps gaining a territory for him, keeping her den den on her and him calling her asking her to come back already
Uta: She got especially close to Uta with her time on the ship, after all, she was there to take care of a very sick Uta. Uta came to love Chloris fast, the sickly girl finding her touch to be comforting, the woman’s touch and love is completely different from the mens. When Uta was better and able to walk around on the deck she was practically clinging to Chloris, hugging onto her, singing to her a happy blush when Chloris praised her. Uta wishing for her to stay, to ever let go of the soft and gentle hands that nurses her back to health, hugging her legs her little hands grabbing handfuls of her skirt as if she was afraid she’d slip out of her grasp and away from her, begging her to stay, her wish being granted when Chloris became a member of the crew. Her and Uta have an incredibly close and deep mother daughter relationship, ever since she joined Uta always sung for Chloris, Chloris singing for Uta too, lullabies would often consist of the two singing together until Uta’s voice would grow quieter as she drifted to sleep. The two had created many little routines, doing her daughter's hair was one of them, as much as she loved her husband Shanks wasn’t very good at it, definitely improved a bit from Chloris’s help, but Chloris was the best when it came down to it, sometimes even putting flowers in it which Uta loves because she gets to look like her mother in a sense. Thanks to her mother Uta because incredibly curious about flowers and plants, often peeking her head into the garden and watching her mother tend to the lush green, Chloris always noticing those curious little eyes and ushering her in, teaching her about the language of flowers, calling Uta her pretty little blossom, Uta grinning from ear to ear from her mothers praise, scooting closer listening eagerly, helping her mother with the garden, humming soft melody’s together. When Uta sings for the crew Chloris will sprout flowers all around her, after all, her beautiful little diva needs a beautiful stage. She loves to hold her daughter close, kissing the top of her head and forehead, Uta kissing her mothers cheeks, a soft and loving bond. It absolutely destroyed Chloris having to leave Uta behind, the way they did it too, unable to even say goodbye to her daughter that she had watched grow and raise for 5 years. It was a devastating time, Shanks drank away his sorrows, meanwhile Chloris spent a lot of time in the garden, looking over at the flowers she and Uta looked after together, grieving and in deep mourning, missing how her daughter would run up to her calling out ‘mom!’ jumping into her arms as Chloris spun her around in her embrace.
Luffy: When Chloris arrived at Foosha village she never expected that she’d end up meeting and adopting a young boy from the island; their first meeting him practically telling them to leave since they were pirates, she found it rather cute, trying to defuse the tension building between Uta and the boy whose name she didn’t yet know. The time spent at that island she learned his name was Luffy, finding it cute how fast he had taken a liking to everyone, often putting a hand on Utas head assuring the girl she wasn’t being replaced, she could tell her daughter was a bit jealous and pouty having to share the attention she usually got with this boy, Shanks telling her it’s good to have a friend close in age and Chloris agreeing saying it isn’t good to be lonely, she has the crew yes, but having a friend is a little different, the two later having a strong sibling bond, despite their rivalry at times, they were close and loved each other dearly, that was plain to see. Now Chloris and Luffy had a close bond; she saw a lot of Shanks in him, with the things he did and said, making her soft spot for Luffy grow even more, she was the calm and gentle presence he needed, while Shanks often riled him up, Chloris was the one that calmed him back down a soft laugh leaving her lips every time Shanks teased him and that angry look on the boys face determined than ever to be a pirate, she and Shanks both believed in him and his dream dearly, it’d take plenty of hard work but hearing him talk about his ambitions when she spent time with him, she couldn’t wait to see the kind of man he’d become, she was often the one that’s patch him and Uta back up when they’d come back after an adventure in the forest (sometimes Shanks too since her join them sometimes). She attempted to teach Luffy how to make flower crowns but he seemed rather distracted, he attempted and they often would turn out a bit wonky but every time Chloris would praise his work making him grin, accidentally calling her ‘mom’ a few times, just showing how much he holds her dear to his heart. Sometimes in the tavern Luffy would hug Chloris’s leg with a pour to Shanks saying he was going to steal her and she’d join his crew Chloris not having the heart to turn him down. Leaving the island was hard, watching as Shanks parted with his straw hat making their promise, following the paper at his accomplishments and bounties, Chloris keeping every bounty poster being so proud of him
Red Hair Pirates (Found Family)
Benn: Benn is one of Chloris’s closest friends, since she is married to Shanks she would end up spending a lot of time with the First Mate too, as he is Shanks’ right hand man. When she first was on the ship tending to sick Uta, Benn’s a playboy and loves women, so when they met for the first time he was pretty soft with her, testing out the waters and trying some of his moves on her. She got rosy cheeked, taken off guard, but not swooning, after all, she had taken an interest in the Captain. Though when Benn noticed Shanks was in love with her, he backed off immediately. No longer flirting, but still showing he cares about her, he tends to be a bit over protective of her, since he doesn’t want to see women getting hurt, especially her being Shanks wife he makes sure she’s safe, she isn’t just incredibly important to Shanks but she’s important to the crew, they’re all family after all. She and Benn talk often, the man often joking that it was thanks to Shanks his hair went grey. It was actually Chloris who pierced his ears, he had been thinking about it for quite awhile but when she said she thought it’d suit him and he’d look good that sealed the deal, Choirs was an honest woman and she had a great sense of style, so if she said that he’d look great then he would no longer doubt it and got them done straight after that discussion, he had to have a certain kind in for a bit until they healed and helping him take care of them, reminding him to use the spray, she also bought him his first pair, the pearl earrings he’s always seen wearing (I’m assuming it’s pearl) they’re his go to, the two have a deep and close friendship, it was funny how their friendship started and where they are now.
Lucky Roux: When she first joined and was tending to a sick Uta; her first interactions with Lucky was when he dropped meals off for her and Uta, making some soup for Uta to help her get better and a serving for Chloris too since she was the one tending to her, the two being able to talk a bit during those moments, though he was rather awkward around her at first, Lucky isn’t really good with women. Even when she joined the crew Lucky still had moments he was tense, red faced and awkward around her (not having a crush but he just didn’t know how to interact with her) She was incredibly patient with him not pushing interactions, she didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable around her, never taking it personally, what helped their friendship grow was cooking; she would come into the kitchen making her herbal teas, Lucky would be in there cooking, while waiting for certain leaves to dry out she’d pause and ask what he was doing, and sometimes he was curious about the teas she was making, if something is in the oven or needs time to cook he’ll watch her but the blends together, him even suggesting some blend he thinks could go well together her teaching him how to make certain ones. Lucky getting to the point he didn’t feel uncomfortable at all with her, he’s still bad with women but he’s better with her. He’s one of the few that’s actually closer to her in age, being only a year older than her. He cooks her favourite meals without her even asking, dropping it by her herbalist office if she’s busy making sure she’s eating and drinking, looking out for her well being
Yassop: Chloris first few interactions was when Yasopp would tell Uta stories, her sitting at the kitchen with the small girl as Uta happily kicked her legs as the man often told exaggerated tales; he was good at both making up stories on the spot and telling stories of adventures of islands that they had been to before they had found her, stories of the mischief her father got into making the small girl laugh. It came to the point where Yasopp told her stories; afterall there was plenty of stories that happened when Chloris wasn’t around and Uta was, and he was more than happy to tell her the tales, once again often exaggerating what actually happened, Chloris could somewhat tell it might not be as intense as he made it out to be, but even so his stories were always so interesting, it eventually became a habit, she would end up making a pot of tea for them to share. Watching Uta do something cute he couldn’t help but think of his own son, telling her about his son Usopp, which she happily listened too, even if the stories got repetitive, she always loved listening to them, after all when you’re a parent you can’t tell one story enough times, her sharing things that she and Uta did and something Uta did or said, though after losing Uta, there was a time where those stories were filled with laughter, teary eyed smiles, missing Uta all to much; over time with much needed healing is the crew able to talk about the times they had without heavy grief, the sadness is still there but they’re able to smile and laugh about the times they had. Sometimes he’d make up lies (like father like son) about things he’s done, he’s never serious about them and tells them for a good laugh
Hongo: Hongo is one of Chloris’s closest friends as well, as they work together often, with him being the ship's doctor and her being the herbalist, but also since they both work with medicine they’d have a similar mindset with wanting to help heal people, Chloris’s devil fruit comes in handy, being able to sprout the pants needed to make up some remedies, her making her own and Hongo being able to make his not having to worrying running low on a certain herb since he can just ask Chloris if she can sprout some, and the garden on the ship has never been more green since she joined the crew, her knowledge in plants helps keep them all alive and from the others eating a plant they shouldn’t, even if they did she and Hongo would be able to help them get better in no time,reminding them not to eat it again, Shanks is often dropping by, sometimes pretending he didn’t feeling to well, which neither of them fall for, Shanks just wanting his wife’s attention making Hongo roll his eyes at his Captain calling Chloris over to give their attention seeking Captain some love. They also both love cleanliness so the infirmary and herbalist workshop is never messy. Both of them being organised and some of the more quiet members of the crew, they’re also ones that wake up early as they go through the medical supplies, Hongo’s asking her to make up certain herbs and remedies when they’re running low. But other than their positions, they’re rather close, Chloris often waking up a bit after Hongo (as Shanks wraps his arm around her and makes her stay with him) and she’ll make him a coffee and herself a tea, setting it down on the desk.
Lime Juice: Chloris and Lime have almost a sibling like dynamic, when his hair started to grow out a bit she offered to trim it but he said he was grow it out, as he grew it out she would trim the split ends, making sure his hair grew out nice and healthy, it eventually it getting as long as it is now, when they’re on the deck she will sometimes do Lime Juice’s hair, braiding, or styling it in a way to keep it out of his face, she knows the struggles of wind and long hair (perhaps that’s why Benn cut his) while she does so she’ll put his beanie to side and put his sunglasses on her head while she works on his hair, sometimes he tries to do hers after she does his, deep concentration on his face, trying to be delicate of her flowers, he snagged one once and despite her telling him not to worry and it’s okay he felt terrible since plucking the flowers does hurt, but ever since then he hasn’t snagged them again. When they’re together and she’s doing his hair, Lime will tell her about something stupid the someone on the crew said or did, the two laughing as they share stories of what they caught someone doing, the two having inside jokes as well (Shanks wants to be in the loop and gets pouty when he doesn’t understand) He usually comes to her when he gets hurt, if it isn’t too severe, he can be pretty stubborn and not want to go to Hongo when he’s been reckless, he doesn’t want to be lectured, though she will lightly ask him to be more careful
Bonk Punch: Bonk Punch and Monster are usually together so when she’s with one the other isn’t too far away, vice versa. She has a certain hair care routine using her herbalism and he’s joked about maybe she could make up something for him, never failing to make her laugh. When she’s having a tiresome day and she comes to the deck with the rest of the crew slumping against Shanks, Bonk and Monster will play Folk music knowing she likes it and it will set her heart at ease, a soft smile is her way of saying ‘thank you’. She will also sometimes join in with them singing along as they play their instruments; Bonk giving her lessons on how to play certain instruments since she wanted to learn, she especially got good at the mandolin, which became her go to instrument. Now when Bonk Punch and Monster play, she’ll sometimes join in. Bonk Punch felt proud that she got so good and loved playing it so much that he went and got her a personalised Mandolin, which she absolutely loved and treasures with all her heart, her reaction alone to the gift made Bonk smile widely feeling even more happy and proud that he gave her a gift that made even the flowers in her hair react joyously
Monster: Monster usually would sit himself on Bonk Punch’s shoulders but sometimes like to seek out Chloris’s company sitting himself on her shoulders, she’s the only woman on the crew so Monster likes to seek out a more gentle touch. He’ll at times drop by her herbalist workshop, Monster likes watching her work and she likes the company. Sometimes she talks and explains what it is she’s doing, what she’s making and shares some fun facts about the plants, finding it cute how he listens and seems focused on her hands. If he’s by, she’ll ask him to hand her some things if she’s focused on something. She has a hammock in the room; some comfortable cushions in it, when Monster drops by he’ll sometimes lay in the hammock as she works, if she finds he’s fallen asleep she’ll get up getting a blanket and covering him before sitting back down and working again. The two will sometimes play music together too, her playing the mandolin Bonk got for her, her singing as they play. Monster will also sometimes pick a flower from the garden for her if he can tell she seems to be a bit sad, she happily takes them assuring Monster she’s okay
Building Snake: Chloris and Snake are good friends, he taught her a bit about navigation, teaching her the basics. He sometimes asks for her help as she can fly up to the crows nest level and get a good look at the vast sea coming back down letting him know how the sea is, he’s still able to see and know what to do from the deck, but thanks to her devil fruit she’s able to fly around to the masts, often doing so with Lime Juice as he is able to jump in mid air (like sky walk and geppo) Snake often will rely on the two of them to furl and unfurl the sails if need be, since the two of them can get up there the fastest. When he’s at his desk reading over the charts or drawing them up, she will make him a coffee or will bring him his liquor of choice since he should be able to drink something while she’s working leaning over looking over them herself and asking him about how the sea will be, smooth sailing or will it be rough waters, wanting to know if they need to make a pit stop to get more supplies. She also will do his hair too sometimes, the men with long hair on the crew enjoy having her do their hair, it’s relaxing for both of them, she often does it to keep it out of his face while he’s working with the charts
Howling Gab: Gab and Chloris are really close; she’s what she likes to describe as a gentle giant, some might look at him and think he’s rough or even scary, but she always says he has one of the gentlest hearts. She will sometimes sit on his shoulder, talking to him from there, it’s easier since he’s tall and it won’t throw her neck out from looking up at him. Gab likes her calm nature; sure there’s other members of the crew that are calm as well but it’s different with Chloris, he’s a bit of a timid man and likes the gentleness of her, how she doesn’t tease him when it comes to his fear of ghosts and bugs nor baby’s him, just respecting him, when the crew tells ghost stories, she’ll make him a tea and talk to him until he’s feeling calmer and not so tense from the story. Though the two do share that fear of bugs, in Chloris’s case it’s mostly spiders, she doesn’t mind some bugs, she quite likes bees and butterflies as they both tend to be attracted to the flowers in her hair, if he’s close to her and bees start to try collect pollen from her flowers, she’ll gently usher the bees away, sprouting some flowers away from them which gets the bees to go for those flowers instead not wanting to unintentionally scare poor Gab. Now when it comes to spiders it’s a completely different story, Gab will pick her up and run out of the room, or if they’re on an island pick her up and run from the area, he isn’t leaving her behind even if he’s scared.
Rockstar: He’s new to the crew so she hasn’t had as many interactions with him compared to the rest of the crew; not as close just yet but that doesn’t make him any less family, she, like Shanks, reminds him that his life is worth more than his pride, she is empathetic though, telling him that she understands how he feels, his sense of justice is strong, it makes sense why he’s apart of the crew, they all feel the same way. But she lets him know that none of them would want him getting hurt, and even if he did they’d all be by his side, they’re more than a crew, they’re family, and they have eachothers backs. He at first was seemingly trying to find his place in the crew, since he seemed somewhat nervous but she tells him that he doesn’t need to prove himself, that Shanks asked him to join the crew because Shanks already saw greatness in him. She’s soft and kind, being someone that can help calm him down when he feels like honour has been damaged, not wanting him to feel to hurt or do anything that might get him hurt
Ceto: Chloris met Ceto before she had joined the Red Hair Pirates; she had found the injured Sea King when she was walking by the ocean side, she was foraging for herbs, despite being able to grow them herself she enjoyed collecting them herself, and good thing she did because she found Ceto propped against some rocks severely wounded, the poor thing looked like it had gotten so badly injured it fell sick too, rushing over to tend to the creature. The Sea King not trusting her snarled, snapping at her trying to get her to stay away, but way too injured you really do anything to harm her. Despite that, Chloris didn't leave the Sea King's side, making herbal remedies for her wounds and medicine to help her get better, nurturing her back to health. The Sea King grew fond of her, Chloris’s kindness and how nurturing she was had tamed the creature. When the Sea King was fully healed it returned to the sea, but what Chloris didn't expect was for it to stay, to roar out to her wanting the woman's company, becoming a loyal friend to Chloris, the flower adorned woman naming her as it felt rude to call the Sea King ‘Sea King’ and decided to give her a name Ceto. She now joins Chloris with her adventures with the Red Hair Pirates becoming a member herself, helping them fight by tearing down enemy ships upon her order (she’s stubborn and won’t listen to the others just yet)
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art by @allblueseeker
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𓆩 Skills and Career
Her position: Chloris is a member and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, she’s the ships herbalist and botanist, often working with Hongo, with her devil fruit she is able to grow the herbs they need for medical supplies, helping make remedies for the injured and sick, making Hongo’s job a lot easier too.
As the ships botanist as well she studies plants, extremely knowledgeable in plants able to point out a plants species and making sure the crew doesn’t go eating any plant that they shouldn’t, but with her knowledge she’s able to not only restore islands by giving plants the nutrients they need to thrive but help the residents to know what to do to keep their islands plant life alive and well. Despite being able to rely on her devil fruit she’ll make up remedies for the plant life and teach the residents how to make it themselves, by doing so she often helps Shanks gain territory under their protection by saving their island's natural life.
She works on finding the cause why some islands' vegetation suffers, conducting fieldwork, collecting and testing plant samples, and recording observations. Testing the effects of weather, pollutants, pests, and other problems on different plant species. Analysing plant responses and reporting possible trends, benefits, or concerns. She’s incredibly intelligent in her area of work, making her known as a world famous botanist and herbalist, earning her title as the Green Witch
Combat: Chloris wields a scythe which she uses alongside her devil fruit, she also uses her legs to fight too, twirling and swinging her scythe sending out her vines, she’s incredibly fast and able to move in a blink of an eye, using her Observation haki to also mask her presence
She’s Awakened her devil fruit and in this state of being she seems almost like a deity, white eyes and more flowers of all sorts growing in her hair
With her scythe in hand she’s able to cut straight through bullets using her Advanced Armament haki, though when they’re made of seastone that’s a different story
With her Observation haki she can predict moves, enter a state of calm and be aware of everything around her focusing on the aura of both human and plant
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envihellbender · 1 year
Hunt Michael
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Michael’s face becomes more pointed and angular, his teeth become sharper particularly when it comes to his canines making them look like fangs. A mauve liquid drips from them when he is hunting or when he is focusing. Michael can lick it up with no problem, but for anyone else it is deadly.
His eyes are brown and narrowed, his pupils are black slits, and the whites of his eyes are amber. They are obscured by his high cheekbones which give him a more serpentine look.
His pale skin is cold to the touch, he doesn’t like to be too warm, being most comfortable in cooler temperatures. It’s oddly smooth, slippery, and wet, meaning he doesn’t tend to have any friction alongside others.
His hair is a bright golden colour, it has brightened exponentially since he became closer to the hunt. His curls are entwined with copper and red, as if his locks are bright like a poisonous animal.
Michael omits a venom from his teeth and nails which elongate into claws when his abilities grow stronger. It’s a mauve colour, and if someone else touches it it burns their skin. If it enters the blood stream or someone drinks it then it causes their heart to pump far too much blood into their body. It keeps going until their lungs fill with blood or their heart gives in.
Michael sees things in ultraviolet light and in more frames per second meaning he can move terrifyingly quickly.
His body is extremely long and bendy, his bones act as if they are not completely connected meaning his body is like a snakes or as if it is made of rubber. It means he can dodge very easily as well as suffocate people with his body like an anaconda or pounce on top of them to sink his teeth into their neck.
He can unhinge his jaw, making it so huge he can swallow human beings whole.
Michael is unsure when his abilities started, what he does know is that ever since he was first hurt by the priest who touched him he has had the craving for blood. His skin itched and ached until the man who hurt his small adolescent body was dead beneath him, a bloody pulp. Slowly his methods of killing became simpler, and far easier to act on. However, when his body started to change, and he began omitting venom, he knew he needed to know why.
Since he could regain a human form unless his desires had been triggered, getting a job at the Magnus Institute seemed like the obvious thing to do. For a while it worked quite well, he was surrounded by information to do with his abilities and he figured out ways to deal with them. Gertrude was horrific, and Elias was suffocating, but spending time with Gerard and the work itself made it worth it.
Of course it didn’t take long for the urge to kill to rear its ugly head. This time of course, there were two obvious targets, two obvious prey that the Hunt could play with. Gertrude, the woman who bullied and tormented Michael mercilessly, and Jurgen Leitner, the man in the tunnels who had caused Gerard so much agony.
The tunnels were quite a remarkable place to hide after this, he could use them to get to Gerard’s flat, and even though they were pitch black he could see through them perfectly. Plus it helped him meet his next target: John Sims.
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altairtalisman · 3 years
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"Ah? You've such a unique face... h̵̩̓̐̆͜Ỏ̶̭͉̌̿̽͛w̶̛̮̻͍̘͓͔̿ ̴̹͎̘͇̰̲̎̋̔̃̎n̷͙̥̈Ḯ̴̡͔͗̇̑̈́c̷̗̍̐͐͑̐̔͜E̵͉͚̓̀̒..."
Spared by both Owen and Geo despite vaer misdeeds as the Dark Curse, Rook Ayeran was given a new face and a name of vaer choosing to atone for vaer past actions.
Vae now spends most of vaer time following the Great Sage as their apprentice, which involves travelling the world and learning more about morality... the latter which vae doesn't enjoy.
Rook's bio is under the cut.
Name: Rook Ayeran (pronounced Ae-year-ahn)
Age: Looks 19, chronologically 300+
Height: 178 cm
Re-birthday: 13 November (Scorpio)
Pronouns: Vae/Vaem
Likes: Savoury food, freedom, control over events, being by vaemself, rabbits, crows, stars, children (when they're not extremely hyper and in a non-sexual way), Gladen Xenos (in a non-romantic way)
Dislikes: Bland food, people dictating what vae should do, socialisation, insects
Hobbies: Playing chess, finding treasure, travelling, stargazing, entertaining children with vaer tattoos
Clothes: Tight black high neck sleeveless top accompanied with a pair of black slacks and black slip-ons. A black mandarin collared long sleeved jacket with light mauve trimmings is worn over the top.
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Description: Tall, slim build with short pale pink hair that barely covers vaer electric blue eyes accompanied with dark circles on vaer pale skin. Vae usually has a tired look in vaer eyes along with a slightly crazed smile, however this doesn't mean that vae is happy all the time. Vae has an eye tattoo on each arm, and they, along with vaer arms, glow when vae is in vaer Ascendant form.
Background: Thanks to vaem fusing with Owen's magic while still as the Dark Curse, Rook is reborn as a human while still retaining vaer previous semi-omnipotent abilities. Vae specialises in cosmic dark magic, which is why when vae enters vaer Ascendant form, vae exhibits cosmic like physical traits along with a signficant boost to vaer already immense power.
Throughout the game, Rook actually does remember vaer previous life and how vaer first story ended. However, vae doesn't recall how vae used to look like or vaer name, citing that vae was so plain that even vae couldn't recall neither vaer appearance nor vaer name.
Post-game, vae accompanies Owen as their apprentice but vae is actually far more powerful than the Great Sage. Rook doesn't mention this fact to them, and listens to them as while vae is more powerful, vae doesn't want to risk being obliterated as vae genuinely does want to live out vaer second story. It is one of the reasons to why Rook lets Owen teach vaem despite not agreeing with their opinions.
Vae doesn't like socialising with others, and as such has almost no friends. The people vae considers as people vae talks to often enough are Owen, Gladen, and Geo. Gladen is the exception as Rook fears Owen's and Geo's wrath while lowkey respecting the latter, vae actually enjoys talking to Gladen. Vae tries to avoid Luna after what vae did to her, but usually fails as Owen frequently meets with the party.
While Rook seems like a jealous and intense person after a few interactions with vaem, vae is actually just meticulous and calculative. Vae doesn’t do things half-heartedly, and nothing is out of the moral question when it comes to further vaer objectives. Rook tends to feel for things strongly as a result of vaer experiences in vaer first life, which is also the reason to why many people view vaem as intense.
Rook also explicitly expresses that everyone else has unique expressions in a disturbing tone. This, plus vaer default expression is why vae gives off the impression that vae is still extremely jealous of other faces. This is actually the opposite as now that vae has a face of their own with extremely unique physical traits, vae no longer feels jealous towards others with regards to faces. Rook never bothers to correct anyone about this as vae enjoys the reputation earnt, though vae doesn't understand why children adore vaem.
That doesn't stop vaem from interacting with children when they approach, and vae even show off vaer Ascendant Form at night as the children find it to be extremely pretty.
Ascendant Form:
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medisinals · 2 years
dnd verse headcanon:  tiefling eyes.  (under the cut there be some close-up photos on animal eyes, mind your step if that sort of thing makes you uneasy)
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[ID:  a crop of an illustration from the Players’ Handbook, showing a tiefling with mauve skin, black hair, and featureless eyes - one solid silver, the other solid gold.] (source)
        Tieflings are often depicted with “blank” eyes, often shining or reflective, commonly in colors of gold, silver, red, white, or black. The wiki describes these eyes as “solid orbs,” but in my interpretation, tiefling eyes do have distinct sclerae, irises, and pupils. However, these features are almost always hidden behind a third eyelid, called the daylid.
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[ID:  a series of photos showing a bird blinking with its nictitating membrane.  In the first photo, the bird’s eye is clear, with the membrane barely visible at the inner corner.  In the second photo, the membrane covers half the eye, sliding sideways towards the outer corner.  In the third photo, the eye is completely covered by the membrane, giving it a milky, fogged-over appearance.]  (source)
        The daylid is a thin membrane similar to mirrored sunglasses or two-way glass- from the inside, it’s translucent, allowing the tiefling to see, but from the outside, it appears opaque, giving tiefling eyes their blank appearance.  Like human eyes, tiefling eyes have pupils that can dilate and contract within a certain range to adjust for the amount of light in the environment.  Unlike human eyes, the range of tiefling pupils is much more suited for darkness or low light than for daylight or bright lanternlight.  The daylid serves to protect the sensitive eye from bright light, hence its name.  In the dark, the daylid retracts, allowing tieflings to make full use of their darkvision. It’s possible to voluntarily retract the daylid even in light, but it’s uncomfortable, like a human trying to look into a bright light without squinting, and it can lead to vision damage.
        Under the daylid, tiefling eyes tend to exhibit tapetum lucidum, that thing that cat eyes do in the dark.  Because it contributes to seeing clearly in the dark blah blah blah but also because this is my house and I think it looks cool.
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[ID:  a photo of a housecat crouched on stairs.  Its eyes reflect light eerily, making the pupils appear to be a glowing, pearlescent blue-white.] (source)
        Yes.... ha ha ha.... yes!
        Anyways.  Because of the tapetum lucidum, and because the daylid only retracts in darkness, it’s rare to get a clear look at the color of a tiefling’s eyes underneath.  Most non-tieflings don’t even know about the daylid, taking its surface to be the whole of the eye.  It’s possible to get a glimpse of the true eye underneath if you happen to be watching a tiefling the moment a lantern is lit in darkness, and happen to be at the right angle to see past the eyeshine, but it really is a (pardon the pun) blink-and-you’ll-miss-it situation.
        Eidgar’s daylids are a muted blue-silver with an organic opalescence, similar to the interior of certain mollusk shells.  The eyes underneath, rarely seen as they are, are a pale, bright blue.
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ficsnroses · 4 years
Prompt Fic #25
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Prompt[s] : “holding their hands when they are shaking” & “lightly kissing the top of a freshly formed bruise”. 
Summary : When John comes home bruised and shaken, you help calm him down and soothe him, despite his efforts in keeping you from seeing him this way. 
Warnings : fluff! mentions of blood.
Word Count : 1.6K. requested by some of my favourite ladies, @omg-imagine​ & @ meetmeinthematinee 🖤 I combined two requests as they were quite similar!
It’s a quiet night in the house, the trees out the bedroom window shade in large silhouettes, the gentle hum of the evening breeze purrs at the glass frames. John hadn’t made it home yet, leaving you discontent and worrisome. Each time John left for a job, you’d sense the seams of your heart tear, as if part of you would leave with him, desperately hoping he’d bring it back-
that he’d be back.
John is efficient, frighteningly capable in his field; yet the thought of him, alone and fighting, murder wringing his fingertips, left you less than at ease. The wallowing dark outside threatens to fall deeper, the pitch, shadowy dim a mirror to your qualms. Sucking in a deep inhale, you feel your temple pulse with a shivering ache, John’s wellbeing never parting your thoughts. Dog sits at your feet, head of his matted gray suit fur tucked under his paws, silently glooming the hallow of the room. He felt it as well; he missed John each second he was away from you both, too.
“Up, boy.” You sweetly coo, patting the vacant spot beside you on the edge of the silken bedsheets. When a yearning whine escapes his mouth and his tail ceases to wag, your hand rakes through his coat, gentle assurance coated, knit into to your touch. “I know, baby. I miss him too.”
Just as a dull & empty exhale emits your breath, the mild turn of the bedroom door catches your ears in a perk, heart springing well known, that John had finally made it back. Yet, as you catch the first glimpse of his weary boned frame, cautious of a slight limp on his left leg, your heart tumbles into a trench again; tears forming before the remains of your mind had even registered the scene.
John shuts the door behind, and with his thin lips offers you a small smile, dreadfully endeavouring to hide his wilted stance. A slash, gushed of mahogany red clears to the left of his pec, the slice in his suit coat and dress shirt frighteningly nerve-wracking. “Hey, sweetheart.” He offers, a rasp to the tip of his tone. To the look of terror shading your eyes, he draws closer. “I’m alright.” A white lie, covered by a searing wince. “Nothing some sleep can’t fix.”
In disbelief, you bite back a whimper to the sight of him, bruised and battered in front of you, yet his vanity proves strong, striving firm to keep himself presentable to you; to make you not worry.
If anything, John wants you to never worry about him. She doesn’t deserve this, he thinks to himself, doesn’t deserve to wrangle over his misfortune, wallow in the sin that is his life. She’s better than that. She’s more than that.
Yet, in the midst of the endurance, John often forgets, that he too, hurts.
John hurts; a never-ending scald left to perverse through each vein of his frail body. John bleeds, John bleeds plenty. But for you, he shields it. He keeps that part of him shielded away, in hopes that you’re never left to fend in his calamities.
Nevertheless, John often also forgets the headstrong of your nature. You’re compassionate, and for John, you’d face any ruin. Hold his hand each step of the way.
With your movement slow, calm and collected, you fight back the scorch of tears that threatens the gleamed corners of your eyes, a gentle hand placed to his shoulder, with your other finding place to the small of his back as you guide him to your shared bed. Eyes holding a desperate weep break back, you divert all the negative reveries that capture at your mind, blinking away each cynic thought of harm to your John.
With your hands holding a slight quiver, you fight back the urge to hold him right then and there, stipple each inch of his face with loving kisses, assuring him that you’d nurse him back to health from any length. But right now, in this moment, you needed to be swift – tend to his injuries before any nasty taints made home.
“Y/N, I’m fine.” John argues, gentle movements, heaviness of his palms pushing your hands away as you try to strip him of his suit jacket. Through half attempted gestures to shield you away, prevent you from seeing this part of him, John utters a little louder than intended, the tense to his forehead carving lines of distress to already dreary features. “Y/N, stop. I’m fine.”
Fingers unsteady through a tremble, you reach your breaking point, astonished at his dominance to keep you away. “John!” You yell, connecting your eyes with his much deeper, burnt sienna returns.
He looks fearful.
You see right through him.
“John, please let me help you. Please.” You empathize, watching his coffee gaze falter, complete, utter sadness to his soft features. “I need this. I need to help you.” His shoulders barely fall, weary frame crumbling in front of you, defeat evident in his collected measure. Your eyes move down, tracing his hands that rest on his lap, shaking, trembling.
“Baby,” You allow to fall off your lips, your own eyes softening with hurt. “Your hands are shaking.” Whispering, your gentle hands move to hold his, secure, in a firm grasp. You bundle his bruised knuckles, thumbs gently grazing the calloused skin of his touch. “You don’t have to hide it from me, John. I’m going to be here with you, each step of the way. But you need to let me in. You need to trust that I’ll be okay.” you contend, words assertive, yet holding a delicate care. He merely nods, refusing to meet your eyes.
He’s ashamed that this, is how you have to see him.
Gently soothed to the skin of his shaking hands, your smaller, softer ones trace inch by inch, his palms, his wrists, his fingers. You often hold John’s hands, ensure he remembers the feeling of being touched with love, with adoration. With fondness, and care.
You never let him forget the feeling of being touched. Something so simple, yet so impactful, delicate for a man who hadn’t known the power of human touch, until he met his one person. You.
Stroking softly, you sit with him, skin touching delicately as you offer a firm, yet uniquely assuring hold to his hands, carelessly peppering in a few gentle, subtle kisses to his knuckles as you please. Eventually, John’s shaking nerves calm enough for you to remove his suit jacket off his arms, buttons of his dress shirt undone in your fingers. He watches you intent, gaze downcast in infamy. Dark eyes hold pools of regret, a river of gloom, shame.
Noticing his plight, you dot a kiss to his beard coupled cheek, lips staying put a tender moment longer to remind him that you’re there. “Baby, it’s just me.” You assure him, his cheek cupped in your hand. “I want to be here for you.” Promising, you peck a small kiss to his lips, offering him a gentle smile.
As you peel off his shirt, a small, yet fairly audible gasp enticed your lips, and much to your attempts at the opposite, your expression falls stoic; before reverting to a frown. He lingers there slightly, shivering, looks soft and hesitant. Ashamed that this is what he has to offer; bruises. Cuts. Impurities. This is all he felt, all he was.
A reminder of the dark that won’t let him go.
John’s chest is peppered in bruises, a delicate mix of deep black and purple hues adorned on his skin. The freshly formed cut of today’s job falls small, much to your joy. He won’t need stitches, thankfully. Yet the thought of the pain he must be feeling pricks tears at your eyes, as you fight back a sob. With a knowing sigh, John’s orbs cease, lowering his gaze yet again.
He didn’t want you to see him. Not like this.
“Does it hurt?” You bite back a flow of tears, index finger so softly, so gently smoothing over a bruise to his pec. John’s head returns a gentle response of ‘no’, taking hold of your hand now, executing his best attempts at biting away all traces of pain to his features, for you. “Not at all, sweetheart.” His hoarse voice promises. You chuckle lightly at your own question, suddenly feeling silly.
Of course it hurts. He’s been cut, beaten to shreds.
Gently, your fingers smooth over a fresh bruise, intently glossing your eyes over the shaded discoloration, reverting your curious orbs to his when he lets out an exhale of contentment. He sighs, melting further into the touch of you skin. John loves your touch dearly; his favourite antidote. You move in slowly, full, rosy lips brushed against the deep mauve bruises on his chest, each kiss filled to the brim with love, all the love he deserved,
Whether he’d acknowledge it or not.
Your hands stay held to his, and you feel him relax into your touch, earthy orbs drifting shut to the feel of you against him. You move deliberate, leisurely, making sure to softly drench each bruise with pure love for him, let him know you’re here, with him, in this moment, and you’d be always. As long as the skies allowed.
Finally, you bring his hands up to your lips, planting small kisses to his palms, voice soft and comforting into the evening light. “Let me help wash you up first, then I’ll bandage you up, alright?” you ease, cupping his bearded cheek again. He nods, placing his rough palm over yours that rests on his face, as he pulls you in to his chest, ignoring the slight buzz of pain it brought to the bruises.
To feel you close, he’d endure any pain.
His embrace was a cocoon of security, shelter and love, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Tonight had been a milestone in your relationship, and John felt closer to you now, than ever. Found himself deeper fallen in your wholeness than before; if even possible. Tonight, John felt sure. And he knew, without doubt,
You were it for him.
With the hum of his chest a gentle reverberation to your skin, you hear his voice as he strokes gentle soothes up and down your back, mindless kisses placed to your hair as you hold him, sure to avoid his wounds. And though, John was a man of few words, there were three he’d never falter to express to you, three you’d hear until the breath in his lungs would cease. “I love you.”
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foursideharmony · 4 years
The Cat, the Prince, and the Doorway to Imagination (Chapter 5)
Summary: Roman confronts the other Sides.
Pairings: Platonic/familial LAMP/CALM, Platonic/familial DLAMPR
Content Warnings: Violence and threats of violence, nightmare imagery
Word Count: 3,194
Read on AO3: here
“Won't be long now,” said Mr. Beaver as the group rounded a low hill. The sun was just starting to sink, and the resulting shadow made them all the colder. They had been on the move for nearly twenty hours, with only brief and infrequent rest stops, and had long since begun dragging their feet. Their trail made a continuous ragged line through the snow.
“I can't feel my anything,” Patton moaned.
“Well if nothing else,” said Mrs. Beaver, trudging alongside him and patting his hand, “they'll at least have decent campfires where we're going.”
Another twenty-five or so minutes brought them around the base of that hill and the next one, and then the Beavers led the group up the slope of a third and tallest hill. “And here we are,” said Mr. Beaver once they reached the summit. “The hill of the Stone Table.”
The hilltop was a broad space, clear of trees, with a grim gray construction in the very center: the Stone Table itself. It seemed like the whole snowscape of Narnia spread out before them, all the way to the twinkling ocean. It would have been a lovely view if not for the circumstances that had brought them there.
No one greeted them. They thought at first that no one was even there, but Virgil pointed to a hunched figure crouched on the ground some distance away from the table, tending the embers of a small fire by means of an awkwardly long poker held at full arm's length, as if she were afraid to go too near it. She was very slender, with lightly tanned skin and misty pale green hair that stuck out from her head in bristly locks, falling down to merge with her dress, which was the same color and texture.
“Ailim, is that you?” said Mr. Beaver.
“Oh!” said the woman, rising to her feet in one motion, more gracefully than any human could manage. “Beaver...I wasn't expecting you.”
“Ailim...where is everyone?”
She shook her head with a sound like leaves rustling in a breeze. “A few are nearby, keeping to cover. As for the rest...they are safe in their homes. Where else would they be? Aslan has not come after all. Of my people, only my conifer siblings and myself are even awake. The rest of our cousins still sleep.”
“Ailim is a dryad,” Mrs. Beaver explained. “That's the spirit of a tree. In her case, a fir tree.”
“And you must be the humans of the prophecy,” said Ailim. “Do you know why Aslan has not returned?”
“B-beats me, Miss,” Patton said, teeth chattering. “The story seems to have hopped off the rails at some point.”
“Oh, how rude of me not to notice how cold you are. Do come sit by the fire. She crouched to poke up the flames, and used an equally long-handled set of tongs to add another log. Soon it was crackling nicely, and the Sides were clustered around it, sitting on small boulders that had been cleared of snow and soaking up the warmth.
“It doesn't bother you?” Virgil said as Ailim fed the fire again. “Burning wood? I mean, if you're a tree too...”
“This was all fallen and dead already when it was gathered,” she explained. “No Narnian of good heart would ever cut down a living tree, or even take so much as a single branch. Sometimes an aged dryad who knows she will die soon will bequeath her wood to those who need it, but living trees are sacrosanct. Or,” she added sadly, “so it was before the White Witch came.”
“We'll figure something out,” Patton said. “I think…I think the Witch is hurting someone we care about too.”
“In the meantime,” Mr. Beaver cut in, “this lot needs food and rest.”
“Of course,” said the dryad. “There are shelters in the thickets on the southeastern slope, and provisions. Tap three times quickly and twice slowly on the large boulder and the fauns will let you inside.” She met each of their gazes in turn. “In the morning we must hold a council of war.”
At least Jadis's bed was comfortable enough.
Roman had found it eventually, after wandering the frozen castle for what felt like hours. It was only a broad, thick slab of ice on the floor, but it was heaped with enough blankets and furs that he was adequately shielded from the worst of the cold, both from the frigid air of the castle and the bed itself. He crawled in, his head still spinning, and wrapped himself in layers of bedding like a caterpillar forming its cocoon.
Sleep came quickly, but proper rest did not; Roman's dreams were full of ice and crystal and stone and snowflakes that came spinning down out of a black sky like tiny sawmill blades. Where they touched him he flinched and bled, and his blood was the pale turquoise of a glacial core. It whispered to him in sounds that were almost words and phrases in a language he only partially understood.
Perhaps he thrashed or cried out in his sleep, but if so, no one noticed or responded.
And with the coming of the dawn, Roman opened his eyes...and knew who he was. And what he was.
The war council never happened.
After their long trek, the Sides had just enough energy left to swallow a few mouthfuls of the stew  the fauns had prepared and fall asleep on rough cots in a den of sorts excavated from the hillside. The Narnians hadn't the heart to disturb them, and they didn't wake until the sun was well over the horizon, and then only because a strange, piercing sound was blaring from outside the shelter, coming from some distance away. It was like a horn, but shriller, and it set their teeth on edge.
Bleary-eyed from stolen sleep, they bustled out to find their hosts interrupted in the act of preparing breakfast. “What's going on?” Patton yawned. “Is it time for the council meeting thingie?”
“We're not sure,” said one of the fauns, whose name escaped him. The peculiar sound continued at intervals of a few seconds, and seemed intended as a signal of some kind.
“Something is approaching!” came Ailim’s voice from the hilltop. “Let us all gather as a show of our numbers!”
“What numbers,” Virgil muttered, but he joined the other two, and the Beavers and fauns and other handful of Narnian citizens now emerging from their respective shelters, in hiking back up to the summit, where Ailim was waiting with another dryad, taller and wirier than herself. They got there just in time to see, bursting through the trees on the northern slope, a Dwarf they barely recognized as the White Witch’s driver. He was blowing on some kind of wind instrument that appeared to be made from silvery crystal—or perhaps ice—which was of course the sound they had all been hearing. Behind him, further downslope, there was some kind of commotion that wasn’t yet visible through the brush and piled snow.
“Narnians!” bellowed the Dwarf. “Make ready to receive your most exalted ruler, the White Warlock!”
“What?” Virgil growled.
“White Warlock?” said Patton. “No, it’s supposed to be the White Witch. A scary lady! I remember that part!”
“'Warlock' is a semi-archaic term for a male witch,” Logan observed.
“Guys, I have the worst feeling about this…” said Virgil.
More creatures were emerging from the trees on the hill slope, and it took the Sides a moment to realize that they were looking at a procession of monsters. First was a group of Goblin heralds carrying gonfalons that seemed to consist only of crosspieces crusted with masses of icicles. Then came a formation of Dwarf archers, and then several Ogres bearing clubs. Following this were a few Hags, hissing and pointing threateningly into the gathering.
(“What is this, the whole bloody entourage?” whispered Mr. Beaver. “Dear! Mind your language!” Mrs. Beaver retorted.)
As the procession reached the hilltop, it broke to its right, circling the space counterclockwise and fanning out along the other side of the Stone Table from the Sides and their allies, effectively corralling them—they could retreat, technically, but there was only one direction available; they would be easy pickings if they tried.
Finally, the White Warlock himself appeared, lounging in a fur-lined sedan chair on the shoulders of four massive Minotaurs. His crown glittered as he moved in and out of patches of shade and his robe was made entirely of ermine, with a train that trailed behind the chair for ten yards, held off the ground by a team of Yew-dryads, their short shaggy hair speckled with scarlet berries. The Minotaurs crested the hill, and one of them kicked snow over the smoldering campfire, extinguishing it. They eased the chair down, and the Warlock rose from his seat, stepped lightly to the ground, and turned to face them.
It was Roman...and he was wrong.
They knew what “evil Roman” was supposed to look like. The fans loved to imagine him, for some reason, and they tagged Thomas in their fanart of the concept often enough that the Sides were familiar with the consensus image: the haughty expression, the gaudy gold crown studded with rubies, and especially the transformation of his suit from pristine, heroic white to Disney Villain black.
It wasn't...it wasn't supposed to become even whiter. It wasn't supposed to gleam almost too bright to look at in the sunlight, so that even the ermine barely looked white by comparison. The gold braid wasn't supposed to be replaced with silver, nor the noble red of his sash with a dusky grayish mauve like dried rose petals under a veneer of frost. The crown was not supposed to be made of silvery ice, with only a single huge diamond set under the central point.
His hair was not supposed to be shot through with white strands that turned out, upon closer inspection, to be ornamentation of impossibly delicate ice filigree. His eyes were definitely not supposed to be gray, flecked with blue-green. And he was not supposed to be pale, but he was—paler than Virgil, if such a thing were possible, lacking even a cold-induced blush to his cheeks, yet without looking the least bit unhealthy. It was as if he had been molded out of ivory.
The only hint of warmth in his appearance was that diamond, which flashed all the colors of fire.
He was wrong.
“Hark! You are all guilty of high treason against the Crown!” he said without preamble, and his voice at least, if not the disdainful tone, was familiar. “Except you three,” he added with a curt nod at his fellow Sides. “However! We are in a lenient mood! Abandon your rebellion at once, and swear fealty to us, and you will not be punished...this time. As for you...” He addressed the Sides again, and for just a moment, his cold arrogance retreated, “...in exchange for your fealty, I will make you all lesser Kings in my court. Think of it! This glorious winter kingdom could belong to all of us!”
The Narnians shuffled on their feet, making no reply. The Sides traded glances, Logan frowning uncertainly and Virgil shaking his head with a haunted expression. Finally, Patton spoke.
“Roman...this isn't fun anymore, with you acting like this. This isn't how you said the story was going to go. Can we just...go home? We can talk out whatever's bothering you.”
It was shocking how quickly Roman's eyes hardened. “I will not be mocked,” he said, low and dangerous. “You have one day and night to change your minds...or else prepare for war. And these—” he made an expansive gesture at the creatures he had brought with him, “—are merely the outermost tip of my armies.” He returned to his sedan chair and the Minotaurs hoisted it up. The procession began to descend the hill.
“Down with the White Warlock!” blurted the taller Dryad, Ailim's companion. “Aslan is King!”
Roman's head whipped around to glare at her. Without a single word, he nodded to the nearest of the Hags, and she lunged at the Dryad, shrieking and making a throwing gesture. There was something like a flash of light in reverse—a flash of darkness—and the tall tree-spirit sank to the ground with a sigh.
“Muricata!” Ailim cried as one of the Ogres stepped forward and lifted the fallen nymph in one massive hand.
“Find her tree,” growled the White Warlock. “Cut it down while she watches.”
“No! Please!” Ailim begged. “She is my sister!”
“Take the other one as well. Let them both watch.” A second Ogre seized Ailim and began dragging her along while she screamed in terror and grief.
“Roman!” Patton gasped. “H-how could you?”
“Don't make me punish you as well!” Roman snarled. “Move out!”
The procession withdrew back down the hill, leaving the Narnians devastated and the Sides both bewildered and appalled. “So now what?” Virgil said, pacing erratically and pulling at his hair. “This is really bad, you guys. Super bad. We're not just talking rail-jumping here. Roman's taken a flying leap off...off something, I don't know, but there is something wrong with him. I thought maybe he was just throwing a surprise twist at us, but did you see him? That look in his eyes? This is so bad—”
“Virgil, you are spiraling,” said Logan. “Try one of your breathing exercises.”
“I don't understand,” said Patton. “Why would Roman go this far? Do you think he's mad at us for something?”
“It is possible,” said Logan. “He has undergone a number of upsetting occurrences recently, and his mood has not been the most stable. Then again, with his talk of 'swearing fealty'...perhaps he is simply craving validation.”
“Should we just give it to him then?” said Virgil. I mean if it's the fastest way to get him off the crazy train...”
“Unfortunately, I have to advise against indulging him in this,” said Logan. “While it may work in the short term to, as you say, 'get him off the crazy train'—which does not sound like a practical or enjoyable means of transportation, by the way—the likely long-term effect would be to encourage him to continue these destructive methods of addressing his self-esteem deficits.”
“Patton, you're the 'should' guy around here...what should we do?”
“I'm honestly thinking we should just leave. The best way to send a message that the game is no good, is to quit playing. He can grapple with his feelings as long as he needs to, and we'll be there for him when he's ready to come out and talk.”
“I would tend to agree,” said Logan, “but I doubt there is any way for us to leave the Imagination without Roman noticing, and in his current state he would be certain to take steps to stop us, possibly violently.” He began to pace rapidly, wearing a tamped-down groove in the snow. “However...perhaps one of us could make it back to the door undetected, leave, and come back with...additional resources.”
“What kind of 'additional resources' did you have in mind?” said Virgil.
“It occurs to me,” Logan said, still pacing, “that Roman is rather...comfortable, with the three of us. That may cause him to take our points of view for granted, which ironically makes him less likely to listen to us than to someone with whom he might experience more interpersonal friction.”
There was a beat while Virgil and Patton took that in. “Oh, no!” Virgil said after a moment. “If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, then...no. I can't agree with that.”
“Just so we're on the same page,” Patton said carefully, “you want to go get Janus? You think he could help?”
“I think his presence might shock Roman just enough to shake him out of his assumptions about how this story is meant to go,” Logan explained.
“You could be right,” said Patton. “Roman arranged all this because he hasn't felt much like a hero ever since we started including Janus in our discussions. But somehow he wound up going completely the other way, to being the villain. Maybe seeing Janus will remind him of what he's trying to avoid?”
“Okay, cool, so I'm outvoted. Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool. So which one of us should go?”
“I was planning on doing it myself,” said Logan. “It would not be fair to ask you to carry out a plan to which you object, and between myself and Patton, I believe I have a greater chance of making the trek without getting sidetracked or losing my nerve. No offense, Patton.”
“None taken. It's an awfully long way to go by yourself, though. Are you sure you even know the way?”
“I have an excellent head for navigation and I believe I can triangulate the location of the door based on our travels thus far. I would feel more confident if I had some form of transportation, however.”
“I can carry you, sir,” said a deep but young-sounding voice from among the Narnians. It was the largest of those gathered, a Talking Bear not quite full grown but undeniably burly and powerful. “Name of Stoutpaws, sir. I'm not as good as a Horse but I'll do my best.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Stoutpaws. My name is Logan. If we start now, I estimate you can get me to my destination before sundown.”
“You're leaving already?” Patton said, fretting.
“Roman has only given us until tomorrow, Patton. Given the round trip, I need to use every minute I can to make sure I bring Janus back here before the deadline.”
Patton strode up and pulled him into a hug. “You be careful.”
“Likewise,” said Logan.
“I'll guard him with my life, sir,” said Stoutpaws. He crouched on all fours so that Logan could climb onto his back and then loped away down the westward slope of the hill.
“Gosh, things are happening fast,” Patton said, watching them go. “It all started so simply.”
“Come on, Pat,” said Virgil with a lopsided smile that got nowhere near his eyes, “you should know by now that nothing in this mind of Thomas's is ever simple. And on that note...we should probably pull this bunch together and come up with some contingency plans, just in case Logan doesn't get back in time.”
“Yeah,” Patton agreed noncommittally. “And someone oughta buck them up. They just watched two of their own get dragged away by the bad guys to be...” He trailed off.
“Don't think about it too much,” Virgil said. “Just...yeah, don't think about it.” The gathering was breaking up, the Narnians returning dejected to their hillside shelters. Patton and Virgil joined them.
Unseen in the snow-dusted brush nearby, someone was watching...
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juniaships · 4 years
✨Paige Walters Bio✨
Full Name: Paige Walters
Age: Teens/Young Adult (exact age ambiguous)
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Black
Nationality: American
Faceclaim: Unknown/TBD
Appearance: Paige is a chubby teenager of average height with brown skin, curly black/brown hair and brown eyes. She typically wears an orange hoodie, blue jeans, and brown boots. Her alternate outfit is a mauve blouse, jeans, and purple sneakers. Her accessory is her shimmery orange Rune Translator (worn as a keychain/Tamagotchi)
Special Item: Rune Translator, notebook collection
Personality: Initially a bookish woman of few words, Paige often struggled with her self esteem, particularly with the lack of support for her interests. Throughout her time at Auradon she become more open and willing to accept help with her issues. While she doesn't see herself as a leader, there are times where she is willing to rally her friends and the people of Auradon in times of trouble. Paige does have a temper if pushed too far and can be too much of a people-pleaser.
Powers and Abilities: Paige lacks inherent magical powers but she has studied runes to the point of being able to translate some of them on her own. However, she utilizes the Rune Translator in case she comes across symbols that are unfamiliar or hard to decipher. She also trains on self defense fighting through Soraya and Lonnie's lessons, though mostly she tends to rely on whatever she has on hand. Among Paige's skills is her photographic memory and deductive reasoning. She possesses human weaknesses and not immune to the effects of magic. She learns a few basic spells and even accessed powers of the Runes, but those required vessels (wands, potions, her Translator).
Love Interest: Ben is her closest friend & love interest, sharing her love of art & literature (and wit). Paige supports Ben's plans on keeping Auradon as its own state, and Ben actively helps her with settling on Auradon and on missions whenever he has the chance. On the downside she did get annoyed by his over-idealism, and Ben was put off by her aloofness in their initial friendship. However each learn to communicate with each other; slowly but surely they develop romantic feelings despite their flaws.
VKs: Surprisingly the VKs were the first group Paige truly got along with at Auradon. However she doesn't see herself as part of their circle. She does have a healthy respect for them, with Carlos being the closest connection she has (she helped him cope with his fear of dogs).
AKs: The AKs did took quite a while for her to get used to, particularly Audrey and Chad (what does Soraya see in those two?) She is aware that not every AK is a privileged jerk and tries her best to maintain an amicable relationship with them. She has befriended Lonnie and Jane.
Family: Paige has had a rather tense relationship with her parents, which explains her hidden eagerness to move to Auradon. However she does come to appreciate them after learning their perspective. She has three brothers.
OCs: Paige considers Princess Soraya, Aggie and Arthur Baker to be her best friends and they formed their own friend circle. Paige is seen as the "mage" of the group because she is the one who works the best with magic.
Paige replaces Mal Bertha as the lead protagonist in Descendants because I feel like Mal was a huge Mary Sue who was unlikable, selfcentered and didn't really care much all for anyone even her own boyfriend. So I created Paige to have a more likable and relatable MC. Deal with it Mal stans.
There is a Canon Compliant AU where Paige's backstory stays the same and she's still a main character.
She doesn't really have a signature color; the closest would be orange (to compliment Soraya's blue) and because there hadn't been a Disney Princess with orange as their main color.
The reason why Paige shares no relation with a Disney or fairytale character is because she is meant to be the normal Everyman of the cast. That's also why she isn't a VK or an AK; she's neutral and tries hard to get along with EVERYONE.
Her style of dress can be seen as an odd mix of AK and VK; she doesn't buy into such nonsense & thinks people are allowed to wear what they want.
Paige is a pun on the word "page" and her last name is based on Walt Disney.
Paige's favorite authors are Octavia Butler, Brother's Grimm, and Ursula le Guin.
Soraya waa going to be the lead but I decided that a commoner would've worked better as the audience surrogate
Inspirations: Mia (The Princess Diaries), Hermoine (Harry Potter), Emma Swan (OUAT), Elisa Maza (Gargoyles), Princess Annika (Barbie Magic of Pegasus), Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow), Dorothy Gale (Wizard of Oz), Graveheart (War Planets: Shadow Raiders)
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years
Diamonds and Voodoo
You Do Voodoo
A mysterious visitor comes to Morioh. Paths diverge and intertwine with the various townfolks of this crazy, noisy bizarre town. And it all started with a good deed touched by a bit of magic.
Good deeds tend to create ripples throughout what we know as life. Sometimes an act of kindness can lead to great rewards. At rare times the road to hell is often paid with good intentions. Nevertheless, this type of charity has a habit of changing the future of one or many individuals. For sometimes, a grand adventure begins with that very act of kindness.
"Look out!" Morioh, a small town amongst the middle of nowhere quite unlike many cities found in Japan. A type of place that tends to be quiet but also hosts some oddities within its dwellings. Unlike many small towns, Morioh would become ground zero for a strand of very bizarre events and each with their own level of danger.
A car was parked awkwardly sideways between the road and crosswalk. Upon closer inspection, this was a crash as the front end was inward from the telephone pole currently wedged inside the bright red metal. To the side was an abandoned bicycle alongside a police officer and what many from this town could call a foreigner. The officer holded the visitor close to his chest almost awkwardly, the telltale of being grabbed.
The officer was an older and surprisingly buff male, darkened grey hair hidden under his cap, eyes that had a natural glint of kindness despite the concern now shining for the person in their arms. A would-be victim of the car accident was a young woman around her late teens, between 16 or 17 from the bits of remaining baby fat still left on her face.
Her skin was slightly tanned in a more climate related basis, such as sun exposure than natural skin tone, hair a short messy lime green hidden under the top jaw of a dinosaur-esque skull, a 5'8 body that was slim, lean and had moderate bust along with curves, but it was her eyes and her arms that drew the most attention.
The young woman's arms were decorated in wavy almost vine patterned tribal markings with a four toes pad on each shoulder and her eyes had a unique case of heterochromia with the right being a normal orange but the entire left eye was blue except for a single white pupil. Her outfit consisted of dark blue fingerless gloves, red sneakers, light brown cargo shorts, a black bra and opened orange vest outlined in red.
"You okay there missy? That car almost hit you if I didn't pull you away in time." The officer questioned, his voice soft and kind in a sort of grandfatherly way. She merely looked up at him with a large impish smile. Not even scared or off-put that a speeding car almost made the teen paste on the street.
"I'm good mister! Just glad no one else got hurt either. Car accidents aren't something normal folks can handle and I rather get hurt than somebody else! I'm more than capable of taking some nasty hits!" The woman's peppy, slightly loud and light chuckle paired with the slightly morbid words had thrown the officer for a loop before he strangely found himself chuckling too.
"Hahaha. Well aren't you an odd but thoughtful young lady? I wish some of my friends on the force had that kind of energy. Everyone's been down as of late and honestly needs a pep talk or two." The greenette looked at his badge for a moment as if scanning for his name. Something that was quick to find apparently as it read 'Ryohei Higashitaka'.
With that in hand, she then reached into the pocket of her cargo while silently whispering his name. The officer or Ryohei honestly looked a bit surprised when the youth produced a peculiar item. It was a small brown wooden charm carved into a smiling mask. The mask was painted with red lips, yellow with green outlined eyes, large reddish eyebrows and four small feathers ranging from yellow, orange, purple and red.
"Please take this mister as a sign of gratitude. It's a good luck charm carved into the likeness of Aku-Aku, a spirit of protection. This charm shall ward off a great disaster in your future." The older man took the odd charm with a soft smile and looked it over. He softly chuckles before patting her head.
"Why thank you! It's pretty adorable and well crafted! I'll make sure to keep it close. Good luck is something a lot of people nowadays…" His eyes widened a bit upon realization. "Whoops! Careless me! I forgot to ask for a name. I am Ryohei Higashitaka, an officer of the Morioh Police Department. What's your name missy? I need it to file a report for ya and if you want to press charges." She merely gave an impish smile with a bit of her tongue sticking out.
"It's Taki-Taki, Taki-Taki Bandicoot."
Budo-ga Oka Middle and High School, one of the few schools within Morioh. A joint school where grades between 6 and 11th are together instead of being separate. It was also a place that had a quite an amount of delinquents which make up some of the school's student body.
Walking towards this destination from the local town square was a mountain of a man in very odd clothing. Hair was jet black and well groomed, eyes a bright ocean blue, body sculpted like a Greek God from every single inch out of 6'5 and a natural scowlish look on his face. Nearly all his clothes, from his coat, pants, shoes and torn back hat with golden pins stylized to spell Jo were white except for the man's shirt which was pitch black.
The man was currently looking over a paper, a report or letter from highly detailed it was in both text and a few select photos. His brows wrinkled in aggravation before muttering a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Godamnit old man. You're too old to be causing this type of bullshit." He hissed, rough, husky and slightly aggravated tone to his voice making a few people steer clear of his vicinity.
Well… not just that. Unknown to the raven in question, there was something odd looking over his shoulder. This peculiarity was a mask of sorts. It looked vaguely human but the light blue material used to craft it was spectral from how it softly glow like wisps in the night sky.
An Aztec type crown at the top with four flat points as if it was a piece from a gear, large carved ears with faint spiral at the center, pure white eyes and mouth outlined in mauve, and the same mauve color to imitate flat eyebrows. Bystanders seeing the mask either quickened their step or blamed this bizarre sight as 'too much coffee' or 'no more liquor in the morning.'
"Huh. Guess an old man in his late 60s can get laid. Oh, so that's where the gardens are!" The young man nearly bit his tongue in shock from both the raspy, light and almost nerdy sounding male voice but also the fact it came from a floating tiki mask that took a closer look at his document.
He couldn't get a word out of his mouth as the mask flew off with surprising speed. "A Stand?! That means there's a Stand User nearby! You ain't getting away from me!" A bright golden aura began to burn around the adult upon giving chase to the airborne oddity. On the sidewalk, the man's shadow grew with the addition of a more peculiar one.
A few minutes passed when the chase was called off upon the mask being too far in the air to pursue, the extra shadow vanished as the adult male let a growl in annoyance. He lowers his hat with a curse. "Damn it. If that thing's responsible for the recent incidents going on in this town…" The man then went to a payphone before dialing in a number.
"This is Jotaro Kujo. Tell the heads of the Speedwagon Foundation that there is confirmed Stand activity in Morioh. Look into the database about a Stand in shape of a glowing blue mask and the possibility if it's connected to Dio." The phone was slammed down as the white coat of the man fluttered while he left.
"Poke!" A finger poking the little snout of a box turtle that had swam up from the water of the makeshift pond seated by a small bus stop. Sitting on the curb of the pond beside was the odd Taki-Taki, currently petting the small reptilian much to its pleasure. "You're a handsome turtle, aren't you? Much nicer than the big ones back home." She cooed while the turtle rubbed itself against her hand clearly in love with the kind contact.
A little whimper had the young woman look around in utter confusion. Soft heterochromia eyes soon met bright baby blue ones tinged with a bit of fear. That fear directed to the little reptile nipping at the greenette's fingers.
A 5'11 muscular young man with blue violet hair tended neatly into a large pompadour, a dark violet gakuran pinned with a yellow heart and gold peace on each side of his chest, sunshine yellow shirt that peeked through the gap of his uniform coat, and dark boots were the owner of these baby blue orbs.
"You okay? Look like you're about to pee yourself." Taki-Taki questioned upon the fidgeting male still looking at the turtle as if it tried to eat him. He immediately calmed down a bit now noticing he wasn't exactly alone, cheeks dusting a bright red. "I'm so sorry! Reptiles just give me the willies that's all, mostly turtles." His soft and slightly rough almost if still adjusting practically rattled with nervousness.
She merely chuckled whilst waving off any concern. "It's alright! Everyone is afraid of something so no harm done. Plus this little handsome fellow is much more kinder than the ones I've seen in Turtle Woods. Those turtles were mean and one tried to steal my hat!" Her spare hand pointed at the dinosaur skull on her head since the other was still petting the shelled reptile.
The pompadour wearing young man shivered upon the two words 'Turtle Woods' but was honestly thankful that she wasn't making fun of him for his phobia. Taki-Taki then stood up whilst petting the turtle's head one more time. "I better go! Promised to get some stuff with my friend Lani-Loli and we're supposed to meet up at the gardens! Chou!" And she was gone with a pep to her step.
"My name is Josuke Higashitaka… And she's gone. Maybe I'll see her again." The sound of male cursing grew as the purple pomp prince noticed a bunch of male students coming over to him. Delinquents from their rude, downlooking and glaring faces, something that only made him sigh. Days like these tend to suck.
The Higashitaka household, home to the Higashitaka family which consisted of the older police officer Ryohei, his daughter but also single mother Tomoko and Tomoko's son Josuke. A lively place from the unique personalities of the three living inside. Well, it wasn't like this right now.
Peculiar water slipping away from the house window almost like a cobra finished with their prey. A fact so true upon the still body of the family matriarch lying lifeless on the floor. Face carved in blood coated horror slowly changes to a pristine clean outlook through a soft golden aura. Almost if the man died in his slumber and not of gruesome supernatural murder.
The golden aura belonging to a bubblegum arm coated in crystalline diamond armor soon vanishes inside the body of Josuke. Behind Josuke was Jotaro, the man clad in white being a relative, his nephew shockingly taken into consideration that his grandfather was the pomp prince's father. Who knew?
And the older man could only look at the teen that was his uncle trying to coax his dead grandfather back to life with sympathetic pity. Aquamarine eyes that always seemed stuck in a perpetual glare now softened at the scene. The look of someone who had seen a death like this before. Or to be more precise, had experienced such a grizzly sight.
Jotaro knew that this wasn't the time for grief fueled hysterics. There were more pressing matters and dangers ready to drown them from the inside. "Josuke…" Any further words from the older man, alongside any actions from the teen immediately stopped upon one thing. Subtle movement originating from the chest of the officer's corpse before them.
A sickly sweet scent reminiscent of cherries filled the air along with the soft sizzle of something burning. Thin wisps of smoke coming from the body's chest pocket spurred Josuke to go into the clothing's pouch. Baby blue eyes widened seeing a small brown tiki charm in his hands but specifically the feathers that were turning to dust.
"A voodoo charm?" The purplette's attention immediately went back to the corpse of his grandfather. His still chest slowly began to rise and fall almost as if… "He's breathing." It was the only conclusion Jotaro came to upon the subtle movements. The charm in the teenager's hands fully became ash once his previously deceased grandfather sat up looking purely confused.
"Ooh my head… I don't remember my favorite booze having that strong of a kick. Josuke? What are you doing here since I thought you were going out? Who's this guy? And why are you crying?" Ryohei didn't expect to wake up to such a scene or his own grandson to hug him so hard thinking he was about to kick the bucket.
He was quick however to notice the scent of cherry in the air alongside a missing weight in his breast pocket. "Did someone light a scented candle and where did my good luck charm go? Was I mugged or something Josuke?" The elderly man's inquiry had the two younger men share the same look. They needed answers.
/"You want to know who gave me that charm? Well, it was a young girl around my grandson's age. She had green hair, heterochromia with her eyes being orange and blue, and had what looked like a dinosaur skull on her head. Said her name Taki-Taki Bandicoot and came into town looking for ingredients. The charm was based off of a guardian of protection... Aku-Aku I believe she said."/
Information that had both Jotaro and his younger uncle running through the streets of Morioh in a hurry. Ryohei had been put into protective custody with a short call from whoever the raven had pretty high connections to. Something that man would have refused if it wasn't for the fact his son was crying. Josuke only cried when things were at the absolute worst. This made it easier to search without the man being in danger once more.
"I never thought my life would have gotten this insane. First an escaped death row inmate capable of killing his victims from the inside with water and now a Stand User capable of bringing back the dead! Things weren't like this until you came to town!" The highschooler quipped as if to ignore the harsh ache going through his legs.
"Your life was bound to become bizarre the moment you awakened your Stand, no, the moment you were born with Joestar blood. A curse everyone in this damned bloodline has. So don't blame me for the shitshow." Jotaro fired back in absolute annoyance. Their destination was the place mentioned by the woman when Josuke encountered her, Morioh's Springroll Garden.
"Maybe she can remove it? She does know voodoo and it does involve a lot of curse thingies? Do you think Taki-Taki can get rid of my fear of turtles?" The teenager's question was merely met with an eye roll from Jotaro. He was going to shout back an insult until something caught his eyes.
A lone figure standing amongst a large collection of various flora and vegetation belonging to one of Morioh's famous landmarks. More accurately a lonehuman figure and a soft blue floating oddity by them that was very damn familiar to the male clad in white. "There she is and that's the Stand I saw earlier!"
Taki-Taki was currently plucking a few mushrooms from underneath the bushes that provided their moist dark home and placed them into a small straw basket. Springroll Garden was a place where people could pick their vast garden by purchasing a special ticket and take home an entire basket full of items.
"It's kind of cool that the town has such a garden like this. Especially when it guarantees a free basket of fresh goods for first time visitors too!" The luminescent mask said with a big smile while looking at a bush full of white roses. His green haired friend merely let out a chuckle in agreement before speaking. "Same here pal. Makes it a lot easier to find the things needed to work my magic."
A loud shout had the two look up to see some familiar faces running their way. "Wouldn't you know? Hey Pompadour Prince, fancy seeing you here!" Taki-Taki's nickname immediately had the boy stop in his tracks. Face burning in anger until the words finally hitting turned that anger into pure confusion. The sudden confusion didn't stop the mask from cowering behind the greenette.
"Pompadour Prince?" He questioned while pointing to himself, clearly confused. "You kidding? That's the best pompadour I've ever seen. Also, calling you king is going a bit too far since we've barely known each other and aren't in a relationship." Her words caused the male teen to blush a bit paired with a smitten look and cheesy smile.
Jotaro merely elbowed Josuke's shoulder as the highschooler remembered what they were supposed to be doing. "Taki-Taki Bandicoot, we need you to come with us. We already know about you being a Stand User since your Stand is hiding right behind you but also that charm you gave Ryohei Higashitaka before he was attacked."
The greenette merely had a confused look before it immediately narrowed into glare after the words Ryohei Higashitaka and attacked. Her emotions were clearly being felt through the odd mask as it came out of hiding to glare at them. "I knew something bad was bound to happen upon seeing that dark aura. Tell me what you've done to that kind officer before I rip ya putzes a new one!"
Josuke was thrown off guard by the sudden aggression consuming Taki-Taki's features. It was as if a cloak of pure madness just overshadowed that sunny aura of the greenette. The change didn't deter Jotaro who refused to back down at her threat. As if proving his point, a gold aura started to radiate from his body.
"You need to calm down now. We aren't your enemies but I won't hesitate to knock you out even if you're a girl." The man spoke as something appeared from his body like an apparition. It was a humanoid spirit of sorts that appeared to be an Aztec Warrior or barbarian with similar origins.
Just as big and buff as his summoner but a bit more, soft blue skin that outlined a coral inner pink, black hair that flowed like smoke but sparkle as if it was stardust, soft ocean blue eyes and a body armed with white pauldrons painted in gold spirals, black fingerless gold studded gloves, a white scarf around their neck, black knee high boots and a long white loincloth alongside a dark tasset.
Yet, the strange being seemed to only piss off Taki-Taki even further as she went into her pant's pocket to pull out a small crystal orb. "You're going to threaten me with a giant in his skivvies? Alright jackass, hope your ready to party. For this Ooda-Booga Boogie of mine is going to send ya to the hospital!" And she crushed the crystal orb in her hand.
Both men only had seconds until a large blackish pink fist had punched Jotaro's spirit in the face, the ghost and summoner were sent flying out of the garden before kissing the street concrete. Josuke could only blink before seeing the thing responsible for sending his nephew airborne. "Holy shit!" For what stood snarling in front of Taki-Taki was an absolute monster.
A heavily built 9'6 tall slightly deformed anthropomorphic porcupine with vibrant magenta skin overshadowed by a darkish gray hide. A long singular black horn tipped with hot pink, burning crimson eyes that glared down at the man in white, a magenta muzzle overlapped with an giant overbite of fangs, multiple pink tipped black spikes across their back, their right arm covered in black armor in the form of a riot shield, and crimson hakama trousers with a black paw print on the side.
The beast snarled angrily at Jotaro while a trail of drool came down from their razor sharp maw. It then let out a loud and deep inhuman roar almost if challenging anyone foolish enough to face the beast's wrath. Jotaro had gotten back onto his feet, spitting a bit of blood on the road before wiping the remainder from his mouth. Some of it stained bits of his hat a dark crimson. His spirit staring at the beast with an analysistic glare.
"That's one hell of a sucker punch you got there. Quite an ugly bastard of a friend you have, makes me question which one it is though. Is the beast your actual stand or a byproduct of its power?" The question only seemed to aggravate the greenette and the large creature she called upon.
"That 'ugly bastard' is my friend Quill and what is with this Stand garbage anyway?! What I want to know is did you attack Mr. Ryohei?! My charm doesn't just vanish without fulfilling its purpose even if stolen. Now answer me or I'll beat the truth out of you!" Taki-Taki declared with a snarl that held inhumanely sharp teeth.
Josuke didn't have to be a genius to know if he didn't stop these two right now then things were going to get a lot worse. His nephew's Stand went in for a punch while the greenette's large beast followed suit. Neither attack landing their blow as two diamond covered pink hands caught both fists.
The culprit was a giant pink skinned warrior whose body was covered in Corinthian style diamond armor. He was huge with the same type of muscle like Jotaro's spirit, eyes were a bright baby blue that shone through the darkness of the heart top helmet with concern, wires connecting the back of his neck to his back, heart shaped diamond pauldrons with spikes, armor that over lined the side of his arms, legs and back, and diamond plating rings around the fingers.
Unlike Jotaro's Stand or Taki-Taki's giant beast, this one exuded a gentle and kind aura akin to that of a guardian or protector. Something that made sense from the soft magenta aura radiating from Josuke. "Please stop fighting! I don't want to see my nephew or the person who saved my grandpa hurt each other for something stupid!" The pomp prince's words carried strong as they were sincere.
Something the greenette easily felt upon Quill taking a step back as if backing down from the fight since there was no longer any hostility. Jotaro's Stand disappeared soon after while he muttered a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Holy shit… I thought things were going to get ugly there. I don't think this garden deserves to be wrecked by a Spike." The mask's quip not being lost on anyone.
Later at the Higashitaka House, cups of tea were placed on the table. Sitting at the table on mats were Josuke, Jotaro and the odd woman known as Taki-Taki Bandicoot. To their left side strangely enough was the greenette's mask and both men's spirits that were conversing with each other or goofing off upon the playing cards between them.
"I still don't believe that Stands are basically the spiritual energy of someone given form. You sure they aren't warrior ancestors? Jotaro's Star Platinum looks like an Aztec barbarian and Josuke, your Crazy Diamond reminds of those old Greek soldiers from his armor." She said while looking at the three oddities playing Go Fish.
A Scrabble holder was being used for the mask or Lani-Loli's cards since he didn't have any hands. He would ask either Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond to put any of his matching cards down and when he needed to 'fish' a card. "Pretty sure. Couldn't I ask the same thing about Lani-Loli over there? Floating masks that can talk aren't normal either." Josuke quipped while pointing to the mask in question.
"Hey! I'm right here you know and I'm way older than all of you combined! And I would have you know that I was human before becoming a Quantum Mask! If I still had hands I would smack all three of you on the head!" The mask fired back in aggravation, some of the cards disappearing in blue wisps of smoke... alongside Josuke's clothes.
"Eeek!" He panicked immediately covering his crotch, Jotaro hiding his embarrassment under his hat while Taki-Taki turned her head away with face hot red in embarrassment. "Great Tikimon! Lani-Loli! Phase his clothes back now!" The mask quickly undoing his magic in sheer embarrassment. Josuke's clothes and the cards popping back into reality with similar blue wispy smoke.
Poor teen let out a sigh of relief knowing he wasn't nude in front of a girl anymore. "Sorry! Sometimes I accidentally poof things out of existence when I'm stressed! And nothing says stress like an escaped convict who kills people with living water!" Jotaro rolled his eyes at the smartass remark. For an all mighty ancient mask, Lani-Loli was an anxious nerd that was a scare away from passing out.
The reason why they were holed up in Josuke's house was that all of them were targets of the Stand User Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace.
Angelo was a psychopath with a taste of madness and penchant for violence. The man was arrested repeatedly for brutal acts like murder and even sexual assault before he was landed on Death row. Sadly his execution didn't work properly, allowing the maniac to escape the morgue and reach Morioh. He attacked Ryohei as the cop was the reason Angelo got arrested.
Due to the nature of his Stand, none of them could use water that came from anywhere but a bottle in fear of accidentally swallowing the dangerous entity. "And when do you think it's safe for us to go home? Unlike you guys, my dad will go nuts if I ain't back soon. None of us want to deal with an angry father much less my pops, Crash Bandicoot." Taki-Taki wasn't blind to the nervous look on the pompadour prince's face while he took a sip of his tea.
"Until that Stand User is caught." Jotaro didn't foresee the spray of tea hitting his face from the greenette's spit-take. The grown man was growling in his seat while the young woman tried to settle down her coughs. "You nuts?! That is the stupidest thing I ever heard and this is stemming from the fact my partner does insanely stupid stuff on a daily basis!"
Lani-Loli had flown over to the table so fast that the card pile dispersed from the sudden gust, much to both Stand's displeasure. "You said this guy's Stand is pure water right? What do we do when we run out of water? Wait, here's a better one! What happens if it rained? Shelter becomes a deathtrap in two seconds!" Both men's eyes widened upon the mask's words.
After settling down her coughing fit, Taki-Taki let out a soft whisper. "I think this is what that putz wants. Turn ourselves into sitting ducks and swoops in for the kill until it's too late. And it's going to rain in three days." Silence filled the room upon that very knowledge. The convict was planning to turn their stakeout into a trap.
Josuke could only sigh at the difficult hand. Sure, they now know the guy's plan but if they ignore it then finding Angelo would be even harder. It also meant that the psycho will find out Ryohei is still alive and won't hesitate to attack him again. "Then let's turn the tables back. Turn the hunter into the hunted." All eyes were on Taki-Taki in seconds.
She had a goofy smile on her face with her tongue sticking out in an impish manner. There was also the fact that another crystal orb was in her hands. An item that produced the monstrous Quill but unlike that one, this jewel was a shade of toxic green. Lani-Loli, upon seeing what his friend held, grew a mischievous grin of his own. The odd duo clearly had a plan that almost made Jotaro and Josuke feel an ounce of pity. Almost being the keyword.
Rain had finally fallen upon the house once three days had passed by. Taki-Taki had called her father about being home a few days late since some issues had cropped up. Neither Josuke or Jotaro heard the man's voice but what they gathered upon how the greenette talked, 'Crash' was kindly lenient. Although, both males would have to see him once she got back home.
They spent most of their time keeping themselves from getting bored. Board games, reading, or Taki-Taki crafting some… mysterious concoctions and trinkets with whatever she found in the Higashitaka household. Josuke could honestly admit that he didn't know there was a den of possums hiding in his walls but the witch doctor managed to get some possum fur and nail clippings after one landed on Jotaro.
The greenette at the moment was alone in the bathroom, various ingredients that surrounded a lone bucket. Each item was odd in their own right, rat tails, frog eyes, shiitake mushrooms, yew branches, spoiled milk and a bottle of water. Taki-Taki began pouring the ingredients into the vat starting with the rotten dairy.
She was chanting in an unknown language that eerily sounded like a mix of Arabic and Pig Latin. Bucket began to bubble from her words as the color shifted upon every ingredient dropped into the vat. Taki-Taki's water bottle was currently halfway empty through the process and the cap left abandoned to the side.
Unbeknownst to the woman, rain began to patter outside and something opaque began to build up by the window. It looked like water but it held a more bluish hue and moved too much like a living creature to be normal. Then a pair of sinister pink eyes and a grin full of sharp teeth slithered through.
"You sure this isn't a mango?" Josuke currently sat in the front room alongside Lani-Loli who floated over the teenager's shoulder. Standing on the table was a large orange fruit with a yellow bottom similar to a mango but two leaves that hung from a stem. The teenager currently poking at the fruit that had come from Taki-Taki's home.
"Nope! It's a Wumpa Fruit, a pretty common thing to find on the Wumpa Islands. They're much sweeter than mango and the juice is pretty tasty too. Especially when used for a Wumpa Smoothie, those are really good." Being curious upon the mask's words, the pompadour prince took a nicely sized bite of the fruit.
Tangy sweetness was the first thing that hit the highschooler's taste buds then a rich zesty flavor kicked in a matter of seconds. "Holy shit! This is actually pretty good. Yo Jotaro, you have to try this!" The raven poked his head out of the kitchen upon hearing his name. He let out an annoyed sigh before snatching the fruit out of the teen's hand.
"Did someone put salt in your oatmeal today?" Lani-Loli couldn't help but point out at the man's awfully sour mood added by the harsh bite he took out of the poor fruit or the vicious vice grip. "No. None of you are taking this situation seriously and last I checked didn't get an angry rodent trying to claw up your face." He hissed before taking another aggressive bite.
The sound of footsteps had gotten the two humans and mask turning their heads. Approaching them with an eerily quiet and dead stare was Taki-Taki. Her feet moving sluggishly to the point it was close to that of a sleepwalker… or if heavy weights were tied to the woman's legs.
"Taki?" Lani-Loli's voice thick with concern while he spoke his friend's nickname. Her response was to open her mouth slowly with evil pink eyes glaring back at them in the darkness. "Sorry but your little friend's life is now mine!" A vile, raspy and deep male voice coming out of the greenette's mouth, all to the horror of her friends.
"Aqua Necklace?! You bastard, get out of Taki-Taki now Angelo!" Josuke could only burn brighter in rage from the deranged laugh of the psychopathic water Stand. "And get rid of my only hostage?! Hell no! This bitch is the reason why Ryohei Higashitaka is still alive! She has the power to bring back the dead, a ticket to immortality!" The mask could only roll his eyes as if sensing a monologue.
"I've been watching you this whole time. I saw the giant beast she summoned and that mask phasing things through existence. With her as my slave, I'll be invincible! The world will be my toy box and every single person my toys that I can break for eternity! Once you're all dead, I'll break her until she's a mindless bitch who will follow my every…" The monologue was caught short upon her mouth snapping shut.
Yet, it wasn't the lips that closed the space but an eerie green substance reminiscent to goo. "The hell?!" Aqua Necklace tried to dive down the woman's throat only to run into another gooey green wall. Then he heard laughter. Pink eyes turned to see it was Lani-Loli who was responsible. He was cackling mischievously that tears looked ready to fly from how hard his laughter, much to the confusion of his friends.
"Haha! Hehehehe! You really thought it would be so easy! Taki and I faced way worse than your miserable hide. Oh, and that's not Taki-Taki you putz! Drop the charade Toxic!" Jotaro and Josuke immediately jumped back upon who they thought was Taki-Taki began to melt. All color draining away into a puddle of green slightly clear goo.
Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum were quickly summoned when that sludge started to rise up in the process of a transformation. The slime forming three toed misshapen legs, dripping fat arms with chubby fingers, a large yellow green belly that from its almost clear texture and Aqua Necklace being held inside looked more like a prison, and a roundish hippo like head paired with short pig ears, large deformed inhuman teeth and two alien yellow orbs looking back at it's observers.
The beast or Toxic's appearance could be compared to a 8 ft tall ogre or even an Oni, supernatural beings that tend to punish wicked humans. "Meet the Sludge, a creature made of magic infused ooze with a love for eating utter garbage, like your ugly face! I told Toxic here about your little plan involving my best friend."
Almost on cue, the large oozing beast let a loud snarl before smoke began filling in its tummy. "Aaaaaaah! What the hell is that smell?! It's getting hot in here! Don't tell me this is acid?!" The mask only had a vicious smile on his face that solidified the fact. "People like you make me sick. I've read your entire file and I bet it would even make Uka-Uka himself furious to see your deeds!" Aqua Necklace could only shiver in horror at the mask.
It was like Lani-Loli's nervous self had been overshadowed by pure animalistic rage that his eyes were narrowed slits and teeth were now large fangs held in a snarl. A deity ready to smite a sinner with divine punishment. Even Jotaro and Josuke were taken aback by the sudden shift.
"I may be a scaredy cat but I am still a protector. My name is Lani-Loli, the Quantum Mask of Phase! For ruining the lives of many, threatening my friends and having an unsavory plan for my contractor, I mark you Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace, guilty of your sins! And boy do I have a nice punishment for your wicked soul."
The mask then faced the two Joestar blooded men. "Josuke. Jotaro. Taki-Taki left earlier to find this cretin's owner hence my friend Toxic here taking her place. I know where she is and I'm going to need your help with something."
On a street a few blocks from Josuke's house sat a large boulder. This rock had laid on this spot for centuries after a stray storm left it stranded on the land that would become Morioh. Tied to this very stone was an unsavory dark haired man in a milkman uniform bound by chains and gagged with a black cloth. Bruises decorating his body no doubt from the slightly bloody fists of the witch doctor.
Taki-Taki turned her head and smiled upon the sight of her friends coming into view. Aqua Necklace was still trapped within the prison that was Toxic's stomach, who seemed mighty pleased at the abomination's struggle. "Damn, you did a number on the asshole." Josuke said much to the greenette's pleasure.
"I aim to please. Now then, Angelo, since you made a living of ruining people's lives I believe your punishment should be providing good luck." Taki-Taki then pulled from behind the rock was the bucket filled with her concoction. It was a bright bubbling pink and had a smell akin to rotten lavender. She didn't resist dumping the nasty vat all over the convict much to his displeasure.
The man was struggling in disgust before his movements slowed to a crawl as if his whole body was paralyzed except for his mouth and eyes. Taki then yanked the gag from Angelo's lips allowing the man to speak. "You...crazy bitch…! What have you done?" His raspy dry voice almost sounded like a dying cat from how quiet it was.
"A simple potion made to turn you into an eternal good luck charm for all the folks in Morioh! Bet you now wished that your original execution didn't fail. Josuke, this last part is all up to you. Today you will have to make a choice on how this man goes out." Taki-Taki's eyes narrowed as they glowed inhumanly under the dark cloudy sky.
"Ryohei Higashitaka was the one who put this man in jail and stopped his rampage. In vengeance, this scum tried to rob a righteous soul of his life. As Ryohei's grandson, will you fulfill his task and put an end to the man that escaped the grim reaper's blade? If not, then I will perform the deed with Lani-Loli. What do you say?"
The pompadour prince was a bit off guard by the witch doctor's words. Why would she ask him if he wanted to be the one that dealt Angelo's punishment? "Josuke?! Are you seriously going to let her kill me? Sure I tried to kill your grandfather but if you go along with this bitch's plan then you'll be a killer just like me!"
None of them were blind to the man's false pleas knowing it was a trick to let him go. A rat that will only wreak havoc if given a shred of mercy. Angelo's rants were caught off by a fist breaking both his hand and a chunk of the rock. The shocking thing was that the stone merged and encased itself around the appendage much to the psycho's horror.
"Aaah! My hand!! What are you doing?" Josuke merely ignored the man's painful cries. "You really think that we're going to let you go after all you've done. This town used to be a peaceful place before you came and played with people's lives! So for the rest of your days, you're going to pay back every family that you destroyed! Taki-Taki." The greenette smiled knowing what the young man wanted.
"Let's do this Lani-Loli! Armor up!" The cyan mask flew around Taki-Taki with trails of aqua wispy trails that followed from behind. The mask situated himself onto her back while the ghostly ribbons wrapped themselves around her body. Each wispy streak solidified to form a black jumpsuit of sorts which was highlighted by glowing aqua blue chunks of armor reminiscent of Lani-Loli's crown.
Taki-Taki's eyes were now completely glowing blue while velvet sky blue energy followed through the tattoos on her skin and turned her hair into luminous bluish mist. The sudden change to the witch doctor had the restrained Angelo sweating in terror and nearly pissing himself when Josuke's Crazy Diamond materialized.
"Dorarararararara!!!!" The armored spirit let out a battle cry as both him and the armored greenette let loose a barrage of vicious punches. Each strike was as destructive and fast as machine gun rounds, blowing off huge chunks of the stone and merging to the man trapped in the dead center. Neither of them stopping their assault until every piece of stone had been reassembled.
With one last brutal punch, the stone fragments had fully merged Angelo turning the once human male into a deformed boulder. This new shape of the large stone was a malformed face with wide eyes held in different angles, a large flat nose at the bottom similar to a maui and stress lines just like the person it used to be.
Aqua Necklace, who was still trapped in Toxic's belly, quickly melted away in seconds. No doubt the Stand could no longer survive without the life force of its user, thus following its master into hell. Jotaro could only grimace behind the guard of his cap.
[Morioh Landmark 1: Angelo's Rock. No one knows where this mysterious stone appeared from or why. Despite its unnerving appearance, this landmark is a hotspot for couples both old and new.]
'These three are bat shit crazy and have the strength to back it up. Luckily Josuke has a good head on shoulders but…' The raven's eyes drifted to Taki-Taki, her sludge summon and most importantly Lani-Loli still hanging onto her back. She was conversing with Josuke who took the time to look at her changed form and the living sludge Toxic in rapt curiosity.
'Taki-Taki isn't a Stand User but she's just as dangerous as one. Those beasts, Quill and Toxic, whatever they are no doubt has a connection to her origins. And then there's Lani-Loli. I don't exactly know what a Quantum Mask is but I have a feeling he isn't the only one. Just who are you?'
And that is it! This ended being super long since the story revolves around two whole episodes instead of one. It does take place in the beginning of Part 4 and I wanted to stick as close to canon involving them.
Yes, Taki-Taki can call upon Titans, the enemies normally found in the Crash of the Titan series. Unlike a large chunk of people, I actually like the Titan games. They were the first Crash games I played and 100%. I did play Crash The Huge Adventure for the gameboy advance but it got destroyed in the wash sadly before I got the last crystal.
Any version of Crash of the Titans is good but I suggest playing the DS version of Mind Over Mutant considering the console version is more of an annoying chore with tons of backtracking.
My favorite Titans are Spike and Rhinoroller. I especially love the boss version of Spike from the DS Mind Over Mutant but I haven't found the concept art of it yet.
Just like a witch doctor, Taki-Taki does craft all sorts of potions and charms. The Aku-Aku charm acts like a second chance. If someone who has the charm experiences death, the charm will revive them. Deaths done through murder are a bit different.
The charm will hold onto their soul until its safe to revive the holder. Any extensive damage is done and the soul is returned back to the body once repairs are complete. After use, the charm will disintegrate or dull out depending on how much damage was caused.
The Phase Armor given by Lani-Loli is much different for Taki-Taki when she uses it. Reason for it is that she's contracted to him thus the power and magic he provides is much stronger than someone who doesn't have a contract.
Even if Lani-Loli is quite a skittish character,that doesn't mean he won't get serious when needed. Angelo did a lot of horrible stuff that I bet even Uka-Uka wouldn't do. Uka-Uka may be evil but he has standards.
I wanted to try a different writing style for this considering Part 4 is more of a murder mystery. So I wanted to introduce particular areas, new landmarks and important information in a traversing to the next scene.
Until next time folks! Tell the world that your unbreakable!
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magic-owl · 6 years
NaNoWriMo Day #1: Shadows of Another World
(a random flashback scene from a inter-dimension fantasy novel I’ll probably never write)
I thought I knew what I was dealing with.  I was a fool.  He had warned me.  For over three years he had been intimately aware of what they were capable of.  I guess, a part of me never believed it.
The Dark Others
He had told her stories, gradually at first.
How their veins stuck out along their necks and arms; mauve tendrils twisting and winding their ways in angry snarls along their skin.
Their eyes were always, always green, eerie and glowing like a fire turned radioactive.
She told him to get over himself when he told her that, the day they were prisoners in the cave.  She knew that already.  She reminded him that one had been in her home ten years ago, how she had seen it die.
He had blinked in surprise at her, the outsider.  “You saw The Ventus?”
“Who do you think had to hand the security footage over to the Circle?  I reviewed it myself, I--” she paused, looking away from him.  “I saw what happened to Mir Astasi, what that monster did.  I only watched it once and I deleted it right after I sent it.  It was--”
“--private.” He finished for her.  “I know.  I saw the data too.  They kept it in the archives, under restricted access, I had to hack my way in to access it.”  He shot her a guilty glance, shifting his weight and leaning on the chains shackled to his wrists so that he swung a bit further from her.  “I had to know what happened.  People in the Sanctum had been whispering behind my back about it for years and whenever I asked Zan his face would just, just, go flat.  He’d totally shut down and I hated it, I hated making him feel that way, hated our damn life for making him keep it in like that, hated everyone for not minding their own business, and I wanted something to blame.  I had to know.  So I watched it and I saw Ventus and now I know.”
She watched the furrow in his brow deepen as he went on, felt the room temperature drop, saw his eyes brighten as he spat words at the floor, unable to meet her eyes.  Something inside her squeezed a little tighter.  He was frightened.  He didn’t want to be, but he was.  
That frightened her.
All of a sudden, his glowing gaze snapped back to her.  “So how do you know, Princess?  Dark Others aren’t common knowledge; even if you did see The Ventus the Circle still wouldn’t give you of all people any information on it, not if they don’t even tell their own the truth.  That is dangerous.”
She didn’t appreciate his tone.  “When one died in my home--”
“--as you’ve mentioned--”
“-- I obviously had questions.  When the Circle came to collect Mir Astasi’s body I asked them about what the hell that monster was.  Mir Oxten brushed me off with the ‘never you mind we’ll handle it’ bit and there was no way I was going to bother Zan, he had to be there when it happened, so I had one of my agents look in on the emergency Circle meeting they held in a room in, again, my house, and get me some information with what I was dealing with.”
A bark of laughter.  His eyes softened.  “You had someone spy on the High Circle of the Guardians of the Other Realm?”
“Do you know what my job is?”
“Alright, alright, but you’re human, that takes guts, even if those creaky old asses are too proud for their own good to assume someone would dare spy,” he told her, mouth twisting at the mention of his superiors.  Funny.  If he did hate his job as much as he seemed to, a part of her was seriously tempted to slide an offer for him to work for her his way.  His… peculiarity could be overlooked.  She was the boss.  She said so.
“So what did you learn?”  The renewed seriousness of his tone snapped her out of her thoughts of the benefits of having someone like him on her team.  Put on the spot, she rattled off the small report of details she had composed.
“Dark Others.  Can look humanlike or not, possess enlarged veins, unnatural luminescent coloring of the irises, abilities at least equal to those of the Guardians, tend to drop the temperature of a room--”
“Cute, interesting, knew that,” he cut in, rather rudely in her opinion.  “What do you know about how to avoid them?”
Her cheeks burned in annoyance. “Well, in the particulars about how to deal with them, we don’t know because we’ve only had a couple encounters in the first place, and documented studies--”
“So you don’t.” he interrupted again.  She was about to yell at him when she caught the grave look on his face and how it turned his youthful features into something much, much older.  She didn’t like it.
“Look.  You’re probably one of the bravest Women I’ve ever met, or one of the craziest, anyhow, but you need to listen to me,” he said.  She nodded, taking the compliment as well as knowing when it was smarter to be silent.  
“Run.  That’s what you do if you meet anyone with even the word ‘The’ as a title.  You run.  You aren’t a Guardian.  You aren’t even from the Other Realm.  You cannot handle these guys and you can’t bump into one by accident either because you don’t find them unless they want you to.  If you see a Dark Other, you run because the other option is death.  Either they want to kill you, or they’ll take you alive in which case you’ll wish they did kill you.  Do you understand?”
Not wanting to admit she was shaken by his declaration, she took a moment disguised as staring noncommittally at him before schooling her features into a neutral question.  “Seems scary.”  
His eyes never left hers.  “Promise me you’ll run.”
Surprise prickled down her spine along with another warm tingly feeling she would save for later examination.  “Excuse me?”
“If that’s who has us, like you asked me if I thought it could be one.  I’m thinking it now and I want you to promise me that if I’m right you’ll run.”
“I can’t just--”
“Promise it!”
“Stop interrupting me you--”
“I can deal with it,” he barreled on.  “I’m one of the strongest Guardians, and that’s not bragging.  Zan is somewhere here too, he can help me when we finally find each other, but you need to run if I tell you to, Your Highness.  Please.”
Although they had only known each other for a short while, she was fairly certain this was not someone who said the word “please” that often, if ever, royal presence be damned.  Also the look he was giving her was rapidly melting her inhibitions, which also warranted some later self-examination.  She must be coming down with something.
“Okay,” she found herself telling him, only half lying.  Maybe less, if she was being completely honest with herself.  “Okay.  I promise.”
“Okay,” she breathes as she strides purposefully into the night, inferno blazing behind her.  The bundle in her arms shifts and she holds it tighter to her.  She promised.  She doesn’t want to run.  She promised, all those years ago.  She never got to say goodbye.  She promised she’d run.  
She isn’t running, she tells herself, as she thinks of bonding cords pressed into her hand, Zan’s heartbroken eyes and his jaw clenched tight, the hand she almost reached out to for help before seeing the purplish lines peeking out of the corner of his sleeve and realizing who it was who betrayed her.  
The fire blazes gold and scarlet, pale orange and rust, nothing like the sickening lime of the creature who they had trusted and had ruined them.  She feels a cool wetness on her neck and she can’t hear anything beyond a distant ringing out of her right ear.  But she still walks away.  
She isn’t running (she promised she’d run).  
She is retreating.  Temporary.  She’ll be back, and when she finds them, they’ll wish she killed them.
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djangounchaine · 6 years
New life chapter 2 meeting the gems
"-THIS!" Crona screams but he stops as he looks around and he's in a house where one end it has rock interior with a door in the center and the rest of it is made of wood. Crona just looks up and down and though it was bit weird since the the whole thing didn't mix. Steven and Connie step down from the warp pad but Crona still remains on the warp pad. Steven notices this and looks at Crona
"you don't have to worry its safe," Steven assures him. Crona finally steps down from the warp pad and looks around he weird house.
"So um Steven w-w-where are we?" Crona asks
"Oh this is where I live," Steven responds, "what do you think?" he asks and Crona just looks around again before looking at Steven
"It looks nice. I guess." Crona says in a low tone
"well since your gonna be hear for a bit. Want something to eat? Drink?," Steven asks
"U-uhm no no," Crona responds on impulse with a shock face.
"Uh ok," Steven says. He found it a bit odd the way Crona reacted to the offer but he didn't want to press on so he decided to talk about something different subjects. "So uh what can you tell us about the place you live?" Steven asks hoping Crona knows what type of environment so they can narrow down the places he might live.
"uh I -I live in m-m-many places but t-the one I tend to live most was a place on a forest," Crona stutters in response. Connie starts to think of all the places where he could live and looks at steven
"Hey Steven do you have a globe or map around here," she asks
"oh yeah let me see," Steven says and he went through some of the cabinets. Steven looks through one of the cabinet on the side of his stairs. "hm lets see shoes, boxes, ug there you are," Steven takes a globe from the cabinet. He walks to Crona and presents the globe. "The Gems gave me this for my 6th birthday so that i can learn geography. So where do live?" asks as he brings the globe closer to Crona. Crona looks at the globe carefully and looks at the continents
"uhm I-I-I mostly live hear," Crona points at the US. Steven moves his head just enough to see where Crona pointed at and then looks at him
"Ok where in the US do you live?" Steven asks. Crona is about to point in the US but then the warp pad activates and all three look to see white light coming from the warp pad to see three female figures: one was tall, thin with white skin and her hair leading to a point in the back. The second one is short with purple skin, long lavender hair, she is wearing a black tank top and mauve color leggings. The third on is the tallest of the three she has maroon colored skin, has a cubed shape afro, is the most muscular of the three, she's also wearing a visor. What Crona realize is that all three were wearing a star symbol in their outfits and the thin one had a gem on her forehead while the short one had a gem on her chest but the bottom half is covered by her tank top
"Steven we-" the thin woman stops talking at the sight of Crona. "um Steve who's this?" she ask
"Oh sorry this is Crona," Steven says and then looks at Crona, "Crona, these three are the Crystal Gems," he says with a smile. Steven then walk toward the Gems, "This is Amethyst," Steven points to the short one
"Yo what up." Amethyst says
"This is Pearl." Steven says as he points to the thin one
"Greetings," Pearl greets with a smile
"And this is Garnet." Steven says as he points to the tall one
"Hello." Garnet greets in a stoic manner while adjusting her visor
"U-Uh hi I-I-I'm Crona," he stutters nervously. Amethyst walks towards Crona. She looks up and down taking a good look at him and smiles
"Yo whats with the weird get up," she says
"Amethyst!" Pearl says in an angered tone before calming down and looks at Crona with a smile. "I'm sorry she can be a bit immature," she says with the last word having a dark tone. While Amethyst doesn't seems to care and sticks out her tongue at Pearl.
"Try to behave Amethyst," Garnet says, "So Steven care to explain everthing," she asks
"Well Connie and I were trying to watch the new episode of Crying Breakfest Friends when we got a video call from Peridot. She says she and Lapis were being attack but it turns out it was just Crona. In fact he's the one being attack by Peridot but things calmed down we found out that Crona came to the barn by accident. From what Peridot told us it's by a flash of light." Steven explains
"He also says he can find his way home but he needs to be in a certain place in order to get home," Connie explains. Getting the gist of the situation Pearl turns to Crona
"Oh your just lost. Well don't worry we'll get you back to your home," Pearl says with a smile
"o-o-oh ok thanks," Crona stutters while looking down. In the meanwhile Garnet approaches Steven.
"Is there anything you else you know about him?" Garnet asks him
"Uh not much else really. Oh he was about to show were he lived until you guys show up," Steven explains
"Alright what did you use?" she asks and Steven presents her with his globe. While Steven tells Garnet on how Crona lives somewhere in the US. Unbeknownst to the two, Crona is overhearing their conversation, he sighs in relief. He's glad that these people are helping him get back home. Once he's back he find out what happened to him and Rag-
'Oh no Ragnarok!' he screams in his mind, his pupils expand and starts to chatter his teeth and looks down, "Oh no Ragnarok." he whimpers. Steven, Connie and the Gems note on Crona's sudden reaction and are starting to feel concern for him. Connie walks up to him and gently grabs his shoulder
"Hey is something wrong?" Connie asks
"Ra-ra-Ragnarok," Crona stutters
"Who's ragnarok?" Pearl asks
"Right we forgot to mention that. You see Crona told us that Ragnarok is his weapon partner that comes out of his back," Connie explains but after saying that she began to think about it and looks at Crona, "uhm Crona can you explain on who Ragnarok is?" she asks
"H-h-he's my blood," Crona states. Connie gives Crona an odd look and wanted to tell him 'are you serious' but decides to take a much more gentler approach
"OK Crona can you explain that a little bit more please," she asks
"You see h-h-he lives in m-m-my body and he c-c-comes out of my back. Also m-m-my blood is black," Crona stutters. After hearing that, Connie is left dumbfounded. The way Crona explains everything, even though he stutters, he seems to be telling the truth. Connie wanted to know a bit more but she stops when she hears Amethyst laughs
"HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAHA" Amethyst laughs as she rolls on the floor, "Aggh i-i wow you haha you can't make that stuff up." she says as her body lights up and she morphs her body to resemble crona and got up and walks in front of him. Crona himself was speechless as he's staring at himself but being light lilac. "You see he lives in my body and he comes out my back. Also my blood is black hahahahahaha," she laughs and smacks her right hand on the right side of her head
"AMETHYST!" Pearl screams. Amethyst looks at Pearl as her face looks like it would explode form anger and morphs back to herself normal self. Pearl then looks at Crona with a soft look, "I'm sorry for her behavior hehe," she chuckles nervously. "I'm sure your just a bit confused. Based on how you got here, I believe your mind got scrambled," she says with an innocent smile on her face.
"Y-y-you don't believe me?" Crona asks
"Well it's certainly not possible for a human such as yourself to have all the things that you just described," Pearl responds
Crona sighs. He should have know that people wouldn't believe in what he said even if he tells them. Yet this time it was different. Normally Ragnarok would appear and say something rude and bully him by now but what happened. Crona starts to think of the worst case scenario on what if. What if he lost Rag-
Everyone stood still and have their eyes wide open after hearing that groaning sound come out of nowhere
The groan was louder and Connie, Steven, and the Gems are looking directly at Crona.
"R-Ragnarok?" he asks as he looks up. All of a sudden black liquid spews out of Crona's back. Amethyst grabs Connie and brings her at least 5 feet away from Crona. The liquid itself still connected to Crona's back begins to solidify as it morphs into a muscular, humanoid figure with an egg shape head. It has an x in the middle of its face with large ping-pong ball like eyes with x's as pupils, has gloved hands, spikes on his back, and no mouth . It also starts to rub it's head. While everyone just stares in horror at the sight of the thing, Crona sighs in relief. "R-Ragnarok your okay?" he asks. Apparently called Ragnarok, he looks down at Crona with an annoyed look
"Do I look okay to you?" Ragnarok asks with an angered tone. Ragnarok then proceeds to pull on Crona's lips and gives him a noogie
"Ow ow Ragnarok Stop," Crona pleads
"First of all I got a massive headache. Second where the fuck are we?", Ragnarok points out while looking around the house while still bullying Crona. Ragnarok finally notices Steven, Connie and the Gems. "AND WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY!" he yells.
Steven, Connie and Amethyst were just wide eyed at the sight of Ragnarok. Pearl is making gasping noises and Garnet clench her fist and got in front on Steven to protect him.
"Hey bitches mind telling were the fuck were at?" Ragnarok asks rudely while still bullying Crona. Connie recovers from her shock and looks directly at Ragnarok
"Hey!" she shouts and Ragnarok stops bullying Crona and looks at Connie. "Stop that!" she states and Ragnarok let's go of Crona and arches forward
"Stop what?" Ragnarok asks in a mocking tone.
"Stop bullying him. Also what are you?" Connie asks as she tilts her head to the side. Ragnarok didn't answer at first instead he looks at Crona, who in turn look at him as well
"I-i-i told them y-y-your my weapon p-partner and y-y-your in my blood and t-that's it's black," Crona explains. Ragnarok then turns back to Connie and crosses his arms
"There, everything that pinky just said is what I am." Ragnarok says
"Alright maybe I asked the wrong question," Connie says to herself but loud enough for everyone to hear. She was about ask Ragnarok another question before he spoke
"Hey I got a great question. WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!" he yells. The Gems feeling the situation getting more hostile, they summon their weapons and make sure that Connie and Steven are behind them. Ragnarok and Crona can feel things are getting a bit worse and are tense up.
"Wow we got ourselves some bad asses over here," Ragnarok says with his hands in the air. "Hey Crona lets show them what were made of," he says as he morphs into a broadsword. Crona prepares to fight until Steven screams
"STOP!" he screams and everyone stops and look at Steven. Steven looks at Crona and Ragnarok. "Ragnarok you want to know where your at?" Steven asks and Crona's sword manifest lips just above the guard
"Yeah that's all I want to know," Ragnarok responds
"Ok you two are in Beach City, Delmarva," Steven says while giving an odd look over Ragnarok's sword mode
"Alright then," and Ragnarok morphs back into his humanoid form. "Now tell me how the hell Crona and I got here," he demands
"well you two came from flash of light," Steven explains
"Flash of light. Really?" Ragnarok says and looks down at Crona. "How the hell did that happen?" he asks
"I-I-I don't know. I-I d-d-don't remembered," Crona responds causing Ragnarok slaps himself in the face
"Great. Just great." Ragnarok complains
"b-but they s-s-said they're going to help us," Crona says
"well at least you did something right," Ragnarok says rudely and looks at Steven, "alright fatty help us out so I can go back to eating souls," he states causing Pearl to get angry at Ragnarok
"You fowl mouth creature!" she says in an angered tone and walks closer to Ragnarok's face and point her index finger in front of him . "Apologize to Steven," she threatens. An anime tick mark appears on Ragnarok's forehead as he's getting more agitated
"Get your finger OUT OF MY FACE YOU BIRD HAG!" he screams
"Ughh," Pearl says in disgust. She's really getting angry at Ragnarok and was ready to attack him until Garnet puts her hand on Pearl's shoulder.
"Ignore him. The sooner we help them, the sooner they'll leave," Garnet explains
"Uh fine", Pearl grumbles and walks away from Ragnarok. Crona sighs in relief as things finally calms down at least he doesn't have to hurt anyone. Ragnarok pokes Crona's head to get his attention
"W-what?", Crona asks
"Yeah I just notice something," Ragnarok says
"What is it?" Crona asks
"What's with those chicks being all weird looking." Ragnarok says while pointing his thumb at Pearl as an example.
"Well look who's talking. You come out of that guy's back," Amethyst points out. Ragnarok was about to say something before Crona spoke
"T-t-their G-G-Gems." Crona says
"Gems?" Ragnarok asks
"T-t-their aliens," Crona responds leaving Ragnarok a bit baffle
"Aliens? Really?" Ragnarok asks as he looks at the Gems closely. He remain silent before bursting out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA. Wow th-this is new: witches, monsters, demon weapons, soul eating, and now aliens. Wow you learn something new everyday. HAHAHAHA," he laughs. Crona looks down embarrass over Ragnarok's behavior. Steven, Connie, and the Gems look at the two with an odd look. Connie and Steven look at each other and both shrug their shoulders. Garnet rubs her chin and walks towards Ragnarok and Crona
"What are you talking about?" Garnet asks while crossing her arms and Ragnarok looks at her
"uh witches, monsters, demon weapons, and oh yeah I forgot eating souls!" Ragnarok says in anger tone while using his fingers to count off all the things he says. "What do you think I'm talking about." he finish. Steven is scratching his head. Now things are getting much more complicated, Steven can't wrap his mind of what Ragnarok is saying. Steven focus his attention to Crona.
"Hey Crona uhm how normal is all the stuff that Ragnarok is saying?" Steven asks
"Pretty normal," Crona responds without stuttering and without any problem
"Yeah its pretty normal, fatty. Its as normal as breathing and as normal as the sun and moon laughing," Ragnarok states while laying his elbow on Crona's head. Now everyone is just confuse. Connie is just trying to understand if Crona and Ragnarok were telling the truth or was good at lying.
"laughing sun and moon? That's NOT NORMAL!" she yells causing Crona and Ragnarok to look at her with wide eyes. Connie then starts to think of what to say and remembers that Crona showed up by a flash of light. In that moment she starts to piece things together and turns back to Crona and Ragnarok. "Um I want you two to follow me," she says and she leads them outside. Crona and Ragnarok look around as they were in a beach and they walk down the steps. When they got down both of them look behind them and see that the house they were in and behind it was a giant statue of a woman with 4 arms spread out and 4 surrounding the house. Two hands on the left and one on the bottom right are gone. Crona is amaze by the statue's appearance while Ragnarok just scoffs it off for being a shitty statue. Once they reach the sand, Connie turns to Crona and looks above him. "Crona please look at the moon," she says while pointing above him
"Why w-wha-" Crona stops talking and is in shock as he sees the moon
"Hey Crona what are y-" Ragnarok mouth appears and his jaw drops at the sight of the moon. It was round and had no laughing face. Crona couldn't believe what he was seeing why is the moon round. Where was the it's face? Crona starts to gasping for air. All of a sudden he remembers how no one knew a thing of what he was saying. How everyone just look at him and Ragnarok with confusion and more importantly the flash of light he came through. Crona piece everything together and now knows what's going on. He and Ragnarok are in another Earth.
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black-clover-mafia · 3 years
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Robyn Wilson
Welcome to this character's bio
Table of contents
You make it look like it's magic
'Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused
Hey, hey
I'm so used to being used
So I love when you call unexpected
'Cause I hate when the moment's expected
- The Weeknd
First Name
Last Name
Birth date
➥April 22
Sexual orientation
Romantic orientation
➥135 lbs.
Body structure
➥slim, athletic, toned
Tattoos and piercings
➥some arm and upper thigh tattoos, ears, lip and nose pierced
Skin tone
Eye color
Hair description
➥waist length and dark, slight wave
➥e-girl/ alt female style
Distinct facial features
➥chain connecting ear and lip piercing
Overall personality
➥she’s very dramatic and sexual due to her job. she loves to work on her own in undercover missions
Character alignment
➥neutral good
Positive traits
➥very theatrical and brings fun into the room
➥she really cares for those around her, and puts her all into relationships.
➥she has a notoriously amazing fashion sense
Negative traits
➥tends to lash out at people when she’s not in a good mood
➥has a history of bailing on missions, but gets forgiven bc she’s fucking the boss
➥gets jealous easily
➥her job
➥going out on missions
➥being jealous all the time
➥her temper when she’s not feeling it
➥conservative clothing, who needs imagination
➥nail biting, flight risk (?)
➥making wine
➥alls well that ends well for me
➥live each day like it’ll be your last
(insert image)
[Hanged Man|http://aminoapps.com/p/5o3m50]
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ignitesthestxrs · 6 years
reynaud/naida, first meeting
FOR THOSE UNAWARE, reynaud and naida are the parents of jasmine dacre, who is the protagonist of my novel sleeping gayly (not it’s real name because it doesn’t have a real name). reynaud is the human son of a silk merchant, and naida is the lake fairy, fairy of the lakes. they accidentally fall in love.
Reynaud was definitely not supposed to be here.
‘Here’, he mused, had any variety of meanings. His parents certainly wouldn’t be pleased at his being any place not Matakin. The sleepy hamlet of Tarnlock probably wouldn’t be too delighted about his defiling their pristine lake.
The many-legged creature that had just shocked him out of his breathing spell didn’t seem very happy about the situation either. There were tentacles around his wrist and his waist, a thousand tiny suckers pulling at his skin and his clothes and his hair. The texture of its flesh felt surprisingly rough, like the scrape of a cat’s tongue.
A corner of Reynaud’s mind scrabbled for the edges of his spell, screaming something about air, air! but the rest of his focus bent towards the creature, trying to determine the precise colour of it as a fist-sized eye cracked open near his face. Unlike some of her compatriots, the Lake Fairy wasn’t known for dragging unsuspecting humans to their death, and he had already survived his encounters with a number of them.
He opened his mouth to speak, and inhaled half a lung of water instead. Which only served to prompt a coughing fit, and that was when it occurred to Reynaud that talking required air, and maybe he should have paid a little more attention to getting that spell back.
Darkness crowded into his vision, fighting with the beast for his attention. The tentacles tightened around his chest, or maybe that was just the burning of his lungs. He reached, finally, for that spark of energy inside of him, tugging hurriedly at the threads of power he’d wrapped around himself before diving into the lake that morning.
Sunlight filtered weakly through the water, even this far down. It warped strange shapes into existence, dancing into what was left of his sight and out again. Air, his brain screamed, a i r and the single-minded desperation prompted that spark of his to flare into something brighter, enough that he could grab the ends of it and start weaving life back into his lungs again.
Except there was a figure amongst the shapes, loosely human or something more mercy please be something more and the spell escaped him again, swept away by another choking gasp of water flooding this throat.
“Humans,” a voice burbled, almost like a sigh. “Eahtu, let him go.”
Before the darkness won out and it disappeared entirely, Reynaud was pretty sure he saw that giant eye roll at him.
The air was cool over his skin.
Soft, somehow. Or smooth? Reynaud was awake by this time, but something vaguely sensible warned that he maybe needed to adjust to where he was before he tried looking at –
Ah. Water. It was water, not air. That one sat with him for maybe half a second before his body’s panic response finally kicked in; he flailed from his doze into full alertness, clutching briefly at his throat before it occurred to him that he actually wasn’t having any trouble breathing.
“You are not very clever.”
Ordinarily, attacks on his intelligence tended to get Reynaud’s hackles up. Ordinarily, though, he wasn’t breathing water after having nearly been drowned by some sort of tentacle monster.
Ordinarily, he wasn’t sitting opposite the Lake Fairy.
He had settled in some sort of rocky bowl in the lake floor, worn smooth from centuries of water washing over it. Weeds and other plant matter cushioned it into something almost like a bed, although how he wasn’t floating back up towards the surface, he had no idea.
Overhead, the monster that had gotten him into this situation floated, its many limbs streaming out behind it in a lazy circle. It was purple, he decided absently. A kind of mottled mauve. And nothing like the creature before him.
Reynaud had met other fairies before. Korinn had been the first, half-buried in a pine tree in the old forest near Matakin. The Border Fairy, met on a trip to Capet, had seemed almost aggressively human, too sharp and distinct when you looked at him. (He wasn’t sure if he’d actually met the Fog Fairy that one autumn morning, but he liked to think he’d been lucky).
“You’re amazing,” he blurted, in lieu of anything bristly, or hackle-like, or indeed, intelligent. And it didn’t even matter, because she was.
She sat cross-legged on another rocky outcrop, a tangle of blue-black hair floating around an inquisitive face. She was naked, in the sense that her body blurred into the shape of a human female and she wasn’t wearing clothes, but Reynaud had never seen a girl like this before.
At first glance, she was pale. At second, that was the shape of bone under thin, translucent skin, bent to mimic a human skeleton. She seemed green in places, red in others, the shadows of internal organs obvious once you looked closer, all criss-crossed by a lattice of nerves and veins and arteries.
Her pulse caught his gaze, fluttering in her throat. She was stunning. He was stunned.
A frown knotted in her forehead, and he was instantly guilty. “I don’t grant boons for compliments.”
Oh, no. “Oh! No, that - that’s not what I’m here for.”
The frown deepened. “I’m not impressed by liars, either.”
Reynaud thinks about telling her he’s not a liar, but that would probably be a lie in and of itself. He might not have lied to her at all, but he definitely lied to get here. He’s supposed to be inspecting Tarnlock silk and making business contacts. Thank magic for Margaret.
“Um,” he said, wincing when his voice cracked, because of course it did, nothing about this could possibly be easy or smooth. “I actually just - I’m a researcher. I’m here for research? I’d like to talk.”
That was good, right?
Mercy, he hoped it was good. Korinn had had her minions chase him out of her forest. The Border Fairy had barely bothered to blink at him. He was very, very aware that he was currently caught in the currents of this creature’s power right now, and that one wrong move was going to send him right back to drown-town.
So when she threw her head back and laughed, a sound like rushing water, he wasn’t exactly sure whether to be comforted, or terrified. She undulated from the rock, swimming effortlessly closer.
“You must be young,” she decided. “A human child? Men know enough to fear me.”
“I’m sixteen!” he protested which - which probably didn’t help his case. “And maybe it’s men who aren’t that clever. You haven’t done anything to hurt me yet.”
“You nearly drowned.”
He flushed. “I got distracted. By your - Eahtu? It definitely has more than eight legs.”
She darted around him, curious. Reynaud was very abruptly aware that his hair had come loose at some point in the struggle with Eahtu. Did it look good under water? He hoped it looked good under water. He’d been trying to grow it out.
“It didn’t when it asked for a name. What’s yours?”
That was - that was definitely a thread he wanted to track down, but she had just asked for his name. And Reynaud knew that names were precious things and fairies were capricious, knew that just because his eyes keep darting back to her pulse, this tangible sign of life in a creature that had once been pure magic, didn’t mean he should take leave of his senses and–
“Reynaud. Reynaud Dacre. I’m a schol - I’d like to be a scholar. Of magic. Mostly fairy magic, if I’m honest. Which I’m trying very hard to be right now.”
The water eddied around him. She wasn’t touching, but he could feel the echo of her presence brushing his body. A shiver whispered down his spine.
“That was a bad idea.”
“I know.”
“Then why did you do it?”
The urge to just blurt another answer was there, but he wanted - Reynaud wanted to be impressive. Or at least, not a complete idiot. He took a breath, or the closest thing to it in this underwater grove, and tried to pull together a few coherent thoughts.
“It’s customary,” he said. “To introduce yourself, when you’re trying to have a conversation with someone.”
“Is it customary to break into their house to do it?” She finished her circle of him, much closer now than before. Her eyes were black. Just the irises.
He held out a hand, rocked it from side to side. It startled another laugh out of her, and he couldn’t help but grin back.
“In my defence, it’s not completely clear where the door was. I would have knocked, if I’d found one.”
“Fairies don’t need doors.”
“Then do they need houses?”
She was smiling at him now, all too-sharp teeth. She tucked her hands behind her back, floating effortlessly in front of him. He tried, very hard, not to think about circumstances in which she might bite.
“Homes,” she said. “They need homes. Even if they might wish otherwise.”
The words struck a wistful note in him, although he hardly had the presence of mind to consider why. She pushed herself back to the rocky outcrop she had been using as a chair, cool water swirling in to replace her as she settled in. He shivered again, but it was like an ache this time.
“My name is Naida,” she said, like she’d reached some sort of decision. “Let’s talk.”
if you like what i do here, please consider buying me a coffee!
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corrahdarling · 6 years
Blood Donor- Chapter 2- The Feed
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Story Summary: Harper Chase is a young woman that is unwillingly drawn into a world that she didn’t know existed. She quickly meets Adam, a vampire, and becomes his life source. Will she discover that she likes his lifestyle, or will she run for the hills?
*Warning: As this fic is about a vampire (Tom Hiddleston’s Adam in Only Lovers Left Alive) it will contain copious amounts of blood… Please be aware before reading!*
A/N: Hi guys! I’ve been thinking about this story for awhile. I have a love for Tom Hiddleston’s Adam, and wanted to write a little story about him. Let me know what you guys think! -C
     Adam paced the hallway in his large, decrepit Detroit home. He had received a call on his television/phone contraption, alerting him that the Blood Bank had received a lovely, young, female specimen. Most importantly, she was O-negative… his favorite. Normally, Adam didn’t get excited about much. After all, he had already lived for hundreds of years, and the state of the world today disgusted him. He thought about the greed and ignorance of the human race and the utter waste they caused…
      “Fucking zombies…” He muttered, as he walked back and forth down the hallway, his striped robe billowing behind him. He normally received filtered blood from the hospital’s blood bank, as he didn't trust human blood straight from the source. There were too many medications and nasty drugs that made most humans taste revolting. He was fine with feeding from bags of uncontaminated blood from his refrigerator, but he was a vampire. That instinct to hunt and feed from a living human would always be at the forefront of who he was. He was made to hunt, quite literally, hundreds of years ago.
      Adam felt the old oriental rug crush beneath his feet as he walked to the window one more time to see if she was here yet. He knew that this encounter would more than likely be terrifying for her, but thankfully, vampires were given a special gift. They could make sure that their meals didn’t remember being meals. Tomorrow, she wouldn't even remember it, and he’d still be sated.
      He had a standing request with an organization called the ‘Detroit Blood Bank,’ that when they came across clean, pure, O-negative blood, he would have first choice. Those opportunities didn’t come around very often, but when they did, he paid the Blood Bank handsomely for it.
      Over his many years, Adam had become wealthy, and spent his money now on vintage musical instruments and recording equipment. He was brilliant in all things, but especially science and math. He loved to tinker with electronics, and had invented things that were useful for his everyday life. After living for that long, you tend to pick up a few things, after all.
      His head whipped around as he heard a car purring from outside his home. He hurriedly went to the window again, and pulled back the drapery just enough to see that he had a delivery…
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      “What’s your name, sir?” Harper asked from the back of the Mercedes. The man’s bald head tilted toward her as he listened.
      “The Courier.”
      “But… don’t you have a name?”
      “No…to you, I am the Courier. I pick you up, make sure you get there safely, and deliver you. That’s it. That’s my job.”
      She sighed as she looked through her window at the passing scenery. They had left the downtown area and entered an industrial area… or at least it used to be. Now, it was full of empty and collapsing automotive plants, that were so spooky at night. It was quite a bit different than Ann Arbor, where she and her friends were from. If she hadn’t come to the conclusion that this was all a dream, she’d be terrified.
      After a few moments, the car slowed as they pulled into a driveway, or lack of a driveway, as the grass and weeds were so tall that there was no way of seeing what was underneath. Harper looked up at the enormous home that lay in front of them. It was built from red brick, and at least three stories tall. Most of the windows had been boarded up, except for a large window in the middle of the house. If she had passed this house on the street, she would swear that it had been abandoned many years ago.
      Suddenly, pale fingers wrapped around the edge of the covering in the window and moved it aside slowly. She saw a glimpse of black hair, and as quickly as it had moved aside, it went back into place.
      “We’re here. Watch your step.” The Courier said as he opened the door and took her hand, helping her out of the car.
      “We’re… where, exactly?” She looked at the creepy scene, noticing a worn path that went through an overgrown trellis around the side of the house.
      “We’re where you are meant to be.”
      “Um… no, I’m not meant to be here, since I don’t even know where here is.”
      “You signed a contract, Ms. Chase. You could try to run, but you wouldn’t get very far. Just do as you're expected, and it will all be over soon. You might even find it exciting.” He chuckled darkly.
       “I don’t think this house is saf-” When she looked back to The Courier, he had disappeared… just like that. The car and everything! What in the world?
      She sighed as she looked back toward the house. This was so weird. She really hoped that she’d wake up soon… she’d have a very interesting dream to tell her friend, Lainie, about.        
      Oh… Lainie! Harper could call her and ask for a ride! She had to get out of this hellhole that she had found herself in. She reached down to pat her pockets, looking to find her phone, but found nothing. All she wore was the short, black, silk dress Cassandra had put her in… she had no bag, no phone, none of her belongings… nothing.
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   She felt a deep pit in her stomach. She was completely lost on this dark corner in Detroit, alone. She looked down the desolate street, and back up to the house, weighing her options. Maybe there’d at least be a phone in the house that she could use. She decided that she’d take her chances, as she breathed deeply and ambled up to the house.
      It was in the midst of summer but it was cool at night, and she felt goosebumps erupt on her skin as she approached the large structure. The concrete porch steps were hard beneath her feet, and the worn wood of the porch creaked as she stepped onto it. She had seen horror movie scenes just like this one, and she could just picture Freddy Krueger or that creepy guy from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre popping up and ax-ing her. That thought made her move a little faster.
      She knocked on the door once, twice, three times… still nothing. She knew she had seen someone in the house when they pulled up in the car. Maybe they had left?
      When she twisted the doorknob, the door opened easily, giving her access to the house. She could hear soft electronic music wafting through the air, and as she placed one foot inside the house, she realized that it wasn’t abandoned after all. Someone lived here…
      She slowly made her way past a set of stairs and down the hall Adam had been pacing just a few moments before. She didn’t see a phone anywhere, and she got the overwhelming feeling that she shouldn’t be in there. One quick look around, and she’d be out of here.
      She walked back down the hallway, and entered a large room that was packed to the brim with things you didn’t normally see every day. In the center of the room lay a mauve-colored, suede couch, and around the couch lay… everything else. In rich tones of reds, golds, and blues, she saw stacked books, vinyl records, recording equipment, guitars, dusty lamps, candles, magazines… and the air was so electric that she could swear the hair on her arms was standing straight up.
      She lost her way for a moment, as she walked over to the vinyls and began to thumb through them. What was she doing? She needed to get out of here. “If this is a dream, I can’t really die can I?” She whispered to herself.
      Adam leaned against the wooden door jamb behind her, and watched intently. She moved quietly, smoothly, and with a grace that many humans just didn’t possess. His eyes moved with precision and stalked her frame as she stepped over to one of his boxes of vinyl records. She thumbed through them for a moment before pulling one out.
      “Huh…Bob Dylan… I know this album.” Harper could remember her parents playing the song ‘Sara’ repeatedly when she was a little girl. She turned the large album around in her hands to look at the track list on the back, and hissed as the stiff cardboard corner cut into her middle finger. She watched a small drop of blood begin to bead on her finger.
      Adam’s body stiffened as he smelled her, suddenly she was more overwhelming than before. He closed his eyes for a moment and willed himself to stay in control. Things got messy when he couldn’t control his actions… this was going to be a quick feed, just something to sustain him for a while… a treat, even… and that was it. No muss, no fuss… she was just a simple meal.
      “What are you doing?” He asked, startling her. She jumped around to face him.
      “Um… I’m sorry. I’m kinda stranded. I thought I could use your phone to call my friend? I didn’t mean to be snooping.”
      “I’ve got no phone, so you’re out of luck.”
      Harper watched as the mysterious, tall man began to saunter toward her. His bare chest was pale, his shoulder length hair was as black as coal… and there was something in his light eyes that petrified her. This dream was getting a little scary.
      Before she knew it, he had stopped mere inches from her and looked down to her hands. “You’re bleeding all over my Bob Dylan.”
      “Oh, yeah… I’m so sorry. I cut myself on the cover. It was an accident.”
      He nodded as he took it from her. “I would expect nothing less...” He wiped the album cover on his black jeans, as he muttered “…zombie…” under his breath.
      She was becoming even more uneasy as they stood there together, and he could tell that she was beginning to shake slightly. Time to get to business. “What is your name?”
      “Uh, Harper.”
      “Harper. Do you know why you are here? Or who I am?” Normally when a human was sent to him, they already knew what was expected of them. In fact, most humans that were involved with the Blood Bank had volunteered themselves willingly… some humans even got off on the whole thing. It was strange that this girl was so un-informed.
      She shook her head. “I wasn’t told anything… I was just dropped outside of this house. I have no idea what’s going on. I keep thinking it’s a dream, but I never wake up, and-…” She spoke quickly as her voice began to quiver.
      “Oh, for goodness’ sake. Do not start crying.” Adam knew he didn’t do well with human’s emotions. He had no time for it.
      “I’m just really scared. I don’t understand any of this…”
      “There, there.” He stepped forward, placed his large hand against her cheek, and let his powers work to his advantage. Suddenly, every ounce of fear in her mind was replaced by warmth and comfort. Even though she was in a strange house, with a very strange man, on an abandoned street in Detroit, she was precipitously calm and happy. She was now toasty warm, where before she had been cold, and she felt like nothing could harm her in her sheltered bubble.
      “Now, that’s better, is it not?” He smirked as his hand drifted from her face to her neck. He knew that it wouldn’t be long before dawn. After that, his ability to feed would diminish and this opportunity, and money, would be totally wasted.
      He was racing the sun and promptly needed to find the spot on her body that he’d feed from. Humans were built uniquely… some had veins and arteries that were easy to access, and some did not. He could distinguish how close the blood was to the surface of her skin, just by smelling her. He could sense her pulse quicken, as he delicately placed his nose against the soft skin of her neck and inhaled deeply… mmm, divine… but that wasn’t the right spot.
      He could feel her body quiver as he moved to the other side of her neck and then inspected each of her arms, none of the spots seemed right.
      Adam had a gift of making humans feel at ease when he wanted to, and Harper was definitely feeling it. He knew that while she watched him move with glazed over eyes, that feeling wouldn’t last forever and she’d eventually wake from her daze. He needed to hurry.
      “Would you lay down, Harper? It will make this easier.” He asked, as he gestured to the suede couch. He watched her eyes move from his to the couch and back again. He could tell that her uneasiness was creeping back in. Adam made his way to the side of the room, took a vinyl record from its sleeve and placed it on the turntable. Soon, Bob Dylan’s gritty voice flowed through the air and the words to ‘One More Cup of Coffee’ began. “There. That better?”
      She shrugged as she watched him amble over to the couch. Why did he want her to lay down? What would it make easier? This was so weird.
       He held his hand out to her. “Well, come on. My patience is wearing thin.”
      She unconfidently did as he asked, and he helped her get perfectly placed on the couch. Even though Adam was strange, he was so beautiful. Lovely, delicate facial features that were sharp at the same time, and his voice was like velvet. It seemed as if she could hear several dialects in the way he spoke, and he seemed wise far beyond his years. His demeanor was unexplainably calming, and he made her feel immediately better about her situation.
      “Now…” He spoke, as he knelt on the floor beside the couch. “You don’t know what I am?”
      “No.” She shook her head and stiffened as he placed his nose against her collarbone, slowly inhaling her. He let out a long breath as his jaw clenched tightly. Control, Adam.
      “My name is Adam. I am a vampire.”
      She snickered. “No, there’s no such thing. Oh, I’m definitely dreaming, and it’s becoming more and more unbelievable. Wait, is it Halloween in my dream? ‘Cause that might explain all this…”
      Adam was dumbfounded. “No, it’s not Halloween, and that is an incredibly rude insult.” He continued to smell her as he chastised her words. His nose wandered up her right leg, and back down. He was getting closer.
      “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. It was just that you said you’re a vampire. We all know that vampires are just medieval fairy tales. I mean, if you think about it, nothing can survive on just blood… it’s scientifically impossible and silly.”
      “Silly? You’ve got to be joking. Vampires are terrifying deliverers of death…”
      “Mmm, yeah, right. You know, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was modeled after Vlad the Impaler… he never actually drank blood, did he? Let me guess, are you from Transylvania? Can you turn into a bat? Do you actually have a reflection?”
      Adam rolled his eyes and scoffed as he listened to her words. “I’m aware of those myths, they’re untrue.”
      She raised her eyebrows cockily. “What about this-- do you burn in the sun?”
      “As a matter of fact, I do, and it fucking hurts. I can see that I’m going to have to request a less mouthy meal from the Blood Bank next time. You’re distracting me.” His nose trailed up her left leg, and when it reached her inner thigh, he stopped. This was it. That was the spot, and he couldn’t contain himself any longer.
      “…and why are you sniffing me like that?”
      “Oh, I’ll show you why.” His voice had taken on a deeper, grim tone, and Harper watched as his eyes changed from a pretty blue to an amber gold. He hissed, opened his mouth wide, and two fangs erupted from the top of his mouth like forceful springs.
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       Harper gasped and moved up to her elbows. “How did you… do… that?”
      “Here’s a medieval fairy tale for you-- Dracula wasn’t real, but I am.” He growled as his fangs sank into the fleshy part of her thigh.
      She screamed and tried to move her legs to get away, but Adam had wrapped his arms around her hips and was entirely too strong. She heard him moan, and when her eyes met his, she realized that this was no dream. It was reality. Vampires were real.
      A trail of deep red blood began to trickle between her thigh and the side of his mouth, providing a stark contrast against his pale skin, and she felt herself begin to grow weak. Was she truly going to die here?
      Adam extracted his sustenance from her thigh, and even though he was in a blissful feeding frenzy, he knew to watch for signs that he had taken enough from her. Her skin began to grow paler and the blood flow slowed… he knew he had to stop.
      He pushed himself from her, and lay supine on the floor. What he was feeling was something that he rarely experienced. This was the ultimate high for him, and nothing else could ever come close.
      After a few moments, he had come down from his high and pulled himself up to check on Harper. She was alive, but still unconscious from the blood loss. He should have stopped before she became unconscious, but he felt lucky to have stopped when he did.
      The dawn was hastily approaching, but he sat there and watched her for a few moments. Her chest rose and fell in a methodic rhythm that put Adam in a trance. Her lovely heart was pumping blood throughout a body that was quickly trying to recover from a vampire feed.
      He looked down at himself and noticed a thick trail of blood that had dried as it ran down his chest. His face was probably atrocious! He found the mirror in the hallway and wiped all the dried blood from his chin… he did, indeed, have a reflection. He wished he would have told Harper that. Maybe, if there was a next time, he would.
      “Harper, wake up! We need to get packed up… hotel check-out is in an hour!”
      Harper slowly opened her eyes and found the drab wall of a hotel room.
      “Did you hear me?”
      “I heard you, Lainie.” She said as she slowly sat up. Sure enough, her best friend was sitting on the bed next to her. Maybe that was all just a dream? She was relieved, and a little bit disappointed.
      “Girl, you look pale this morning. Where did you go last night? I assume you found some hot guy, right? You left the bar and I never saw you come back… but you were in your bed this morning.”
      “Um…” Her head ached, but other than that she felt absolutely fantastic. “I really don’t know…”
      “Since when do you have a Bob Dylan shirt?”
      Harper’s eyes grew wide as she looked from her friend down to her body. She was wearing a t-shirt that she had never seen before… oversized and black, with a white silhouette of the gritty singer that she had listened to the night before. It all seemed so hazy, but she suddenly remembered cutting her finger on a Dylan vinyl cover. Surely, that had all been a dream. The man… or vampire… couldn’t have been real.
      She let her hand drift under the bedsheet to her thigh, and there she felt two small divots in her skin—perfectly spaced like a vampire’s fangs.
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nightspeakswrites · 6 years
Who lives in your world?
Leto, Sho, Ash, Kharwin, and Nyct are all characters who exist in my home D&D5e campaigns. As a result, this prompt (and several others) will cover much of what someone familiar with D&D already knows. (Sorry!)
Leto’Velia is a grey (moon) elf from the forest of Lalven (known in the common tongue as The Elmwood). They’ve been surrounded by grey elves for the vast majority of their lifetime. Orcs have been a consistent threat on their western borders in the form of skirmishes and raiding parties. On rarer occasions humans, dwarves, halflings, and even gnomes have made their way past the eastern and southern border. Once Leto makes their way to a large coastal city, elves of varying kinds become a minority, and humans are more common. Tieflings (humanoids with demonic ancestry), Dragonborn (those with draconic ancestry), Asimar (humanoids with angelic ancestry), and various other humanoids exist, though they tend to be few in number.
Ash and Kharwin grew up in a mountain town, populated mostly by humans with a fair number of halflings. As a half-elf, Ash tends to stick out, although his parentage isn’t super uncommon, given that a clan of wood elves make their home in the nearby woods, and travelling caravans bearing trade goods are frequent. A smaller, more nomadic orc tribe also lives in the area, and a few have relationships with humans and have half-orc children. (Kharwin, being human sticks out in a crowd only because of his charming nature and attractive appearance). Farther out from Hylith, Bullywugs (frog-like humanoid creatures) also exist.
Nyct sticks out in a crowd, plain and simple. As a tiefling, she’s visually distinctive, from her mauve skin and burgundy hair to her curled horns and her tail (recently adorned with a piercing that for all intents and purposes, is a damned jingle bell). In her little town of Laraby, she’s probably one of the only tieflings the other townsfolk have seen. As an infant, Nyct was abandoned outside the temple of Mystra on the outskirts of town. She was found, adopted, and raised by Torlin Swiftstar, the gnome cleric who serves as master of the temple. Nyct grew up in the temple, which houses acolytes of varying backgrounds - halfling, gnome, dwarf, half-elf, and human. Laraby and Westheim (the neighboring city) are run mostly by halflings, and have mostly halfling, human, and gnomish populations. Nyct’s grown up knowing she’s different from most others, but the townsfolk are also used to her, and as a result she’s grown up largely sheltered from the negative experiences most tieflings face in the world.
Oh! Nyct’s best friend is a were-raptor. I suppose that’s also worth noting!
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