#and i CAN
ebi-noodle-doodles · 6 months
Why make miku so obese
Well anon, I started to draw Chubby Miku as a practice. I think as an artist its good to explore different shape and sizes of different bodies. I was pushed by a commission to draw something out of my comfort zone. Round or stick or square, its interesting to learn about the body. I realize that growing up i was surrounded with many “HOW TO DRAW MANGA” books and other dA tutorial heavily focuses on one body type, that I was so heavily influenced by it that I don’t even know how to draw different body types, big, small, wide, tall, petite, round, skinny, etc. , that its fun to draw something “different”but at the i think it shouldn’t be because its normal to see this shape all around us so why focus on only one?
Also maybe she’s been eating fried leek?
If lets say you do not enjoy seeing her beeing portrayed in this shape then I understand, but its a drawing…i dont think it can hurt you…but if it did then I think you need help anon…
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denniisa · 8 months
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me when my boss sets unrealistic deadlines and keeps adding things to my to do list but won't pay me overtime but also expecting me to fill in at other departments instead of having time in shipping to do my super long to do list. when-
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vkeijellyfish · 9 months
i think my obsession with reading unbelievably long books like tgcf (244 chapters), mdzs (113 chapters) and other stuff i forgot the chapter count to is because tacomlu conditioned my brain into thinking long stuff is Good and Scrumptious and now I'm physically incapable of reading normally. i eat through an entire book in a single day. @pattonflower666 and @chambers003, you have truly ruined me and i love you for it
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A very messy and loose traditional sketch of RZ Michael I threw together earlier this morning🫠
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totallynotaterrorist · 3 months
I'm a big fan of makeup being used in a distracting manner, like my highlighter distracts from my undereye bags, and my eyeliner distracts from the terrible crimes I'm commiting
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smol-soop-spoon · 7 months
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me deserved a little treat cause i did lotsa stuff and got my driver's license so me got meself a little mister Winter from @macau1ay bc LOOK AT HIM
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aprillikesthings · 5 days
I made words on the chapter two, I dunno if I like'em but I made them
This part of the chapter is literally just "they go to see Help!, and then Adora helps Catra pick out school clothes" but like, with some "oh no she's pretty, why is she so pretty" thrown in there
I'm going to have to add more later tho
Also, I need more scenes from Catra's POV, like, at all; might have to just rewrite at least part of it and switch the POV
Anyway they're literally both doing the whole "I just think my best friend is the most beautiful girl on earth, which is totally normal, obviously" thing
Also Catra shoplifts a lipstick because Adora says it looks good on her 👀
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leviabeat · 11 months
I'm getting shit for wanting to see Volbeat twice in the same tour because "It'll just be the same concert twice"
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ciervobizarro · 1 year
We know that Cooper can quickly regenerate or can be healed easily. But what about the others? We've seen your characters with intestines out, with amputated limbs etc. (Rubyk for example) and they turned out to be all right (relatively) do they share the same "healing factor" that Tim has or... Whut's going on?
It depends on the story/picture in question. Sometimes I just wanna draw them bleeding out or hurt in general, and it's not something that happened in their story. I make my own fanart lololol
To answer your question more directly: Tim has "canon" self-healing factor; other characters might or might not, but that doesn't affect how I draw them.
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andromedazach · 1 year
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✨ sleepy space twink ✨
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Bit of a vent:
Tw: amatonormativity
Just right now I had a bit of a frustrating conversation with some adults and I am feeling slightly emotional :l
Some of my mom’s friends came over to have a party and they were talking about someone’s daughter starting to really like cooking, and they joked that she was cooking for her boyfriend (she doesn’t have one) and I was listening next to them, so I said
“I don’t understand, why do people have to cook for someone else,”
And one guy replied with
“It’s because you don’t have a boyfriend yet,” (I am very closeted irl, so I identify as a cis straight girl to him)
And I was ever so slightly triggered by that, so I continued to argue with the guy, which was a big ass mistake, because now I feel a bit like shit,
But anyways I responded with
“Why do I have to have a boyfriend anyways? What if I never get a partner in the future?”
And my mom who was also listening piped up, said something along the lines of
“When I was 19 I also thought like that, but I met your dad and I changed my mind,” some shit like that,
And the other guy chimed in
“You’ll want to get a boyfriend when you’re older, just you wait”
And now I feel a bit mad. :(
Of course, there is no way I feel angry just because of some stupid chat, but it really is a problem that I normally have this conversation with some adults. The main two things are
Adults (mostly parents) not taking the things teens an kids say seriously, and
If someone says they ain’t going to fucking date anyone, let them BEEEEE
I’ve overheard conversations where people insult other people for being single or have never dated anyone in their lives before
I’ve had conversations with my mother about me not wanting to have a partner in the future, and her just brushing it off, saying either, “You’ll change your mind one day”, Or “You are just young, your hormones haven’t kicked in”, Or , “Wait till you find someone you like”
I’ve listened to people say how there is ALWAYS that other-half, or special someone, or forever soulmate or WHATEVER THE FUCK, and I’ve had enough.
Fuck amatonormativity.
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justwhumpythings · 2 years
I am going to spend the next few days+ being probably rather bored. So if there’s anything anyone wants to ask me, now’s a good time. I’ll also maybe reblog some ask memes. (I might save any asks for when the boredom really hits though.)
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dreamofyouandi · 1 year
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boys when theyre feeling silly
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oppossums · 1 year
is it an ADHD or autistic thing to need to write things down to understand them i feel like it is. and i don't mean directions or requests from other people (but i write those down too) i mean like...if someone asks me what my favorite bands are and expect a verbal answer i blank but if i can write it down then i know exactly what to say or like....if i need to express a grievance or a boundary it's way easier to do that in writing than it is verbally idk....talking hard sometimes like sometimes i literally start to tear up when i'm talking and i think it's just because it's too much, overstimulating or something idk, but that really only happens when i'm talking in public like at school or the grocery store. i can talk all day and night w/ the people i feel safest with...idk man brains are weird
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doctor-bus · 2 years
I am now realizing I was actually pretty damn good at videogames as a kid
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the reason chrissy didn't recognise eddie was because she only interacted with him before he transitioned
but she's an ally so she just says that his hair was so much shorter and eddie decides to adopt her there and then
Aaaa!! Chrissy and eddies potential friendship really gets me. I just want her to not have died and for her and Eddie to be funky little pronouns together.
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