#and i chickened out and said i helped my sister and cousin with some extra english classes in the past (i did not)
okay I LIED (sorta)
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seas-storyarchive · 8 months
Brandy's son, Az.
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Brandy was coming over for a barbecue, and she was excited about it. She would be meeting Bandit's side of the family again, having only met them at Bandit and Chilli's wedding. She was excited to see them again, as it had been too long. And, she had a surprise for them all. One that she didn't bring last time because she didn't know how things would turn out.
She parked her car on the street, as there were two extra cars parked in the drive. Most likely Bandit's familly. Hm? Oh, wonderful! There were seats for kids in the back of another vehicle, meant for kids younger that Bluey and Bingo, that meant younger kids. Perfect!
Brandy pulled the bag onto her shoulders, which was a cool bag that held a large covered bowl of chicken pasta salad. And in her other arm was her surprise.
"Okay love, calm down." She smiled as she wrangled him into her arms while he squirmed in excitement. "We're at your Aunt Chilli's."
She walked up to the door, her arms full, when the front door opened, and a familiar little red blur rushed out to greet her first.
"Auntie Brandy!" It was Bingo, hopping about in front of her. "Hi, hi! It's been AGES since we last saw you! What's in the bag and-" she suddenly gasped loudly. "Oh my goodness! Who is that? Hi! I'm Bingo!"
Brandy couldn't help but chuckle. "Hello Bingo, dear. I know it's been a long while since I was last here, I'm sorry about that." She adjusted her son. "This is Az, my son, and your younger cousin." Said pup was following Bingo with interest, Brandy felt his tail wagging as it brushed against her side.
Bingo's high pitched squeal caused Az to howl, which was drowned out by her exclaiming, "he is BEAUTIFUL!"
"Bingo, what wrong?!" Chilli had suddenly appeared, having heard her daughter's squealing from the kitchen and rushing out, apron over her fur and a spatula in her left hand as her eyes went to her daughter.
"Auntie Brandy brought a baby! Look at him!"
"What-" Chilli started to ask, before getting cut off by Bluey popping in.
"What's his name?" Bluey rushed out to see, seeing the baby and following Bingo in making noises at the baby.
"Girls, give her some room." Chilli walked down the steps and drive to help her sister. "Go let your dad know we have two more guests, okay?"
"Okay Mum." Bluey rushed off first.
"Okay mumma. See you and Az soon Auntie." Bingo said with a smile before rushing off to go let everyone else there know.
"So.." Chilli was genuinely at a loss for how to bring this up.
Brandy saw the hesitation, and so she began. "I had him a few years ago, after I did some research into how a woman with my.. condition could have one, if there was hope, anyway. And well, here he is." She kissed the pup, who kept pawing at the strap of the bag on her shoulder. "They said, that because of how much time it took for me to get the procedure going .. and how difficult it was, that he'll most likely be my only one."
Chilli smiled, feeling sad and fear because of how hard it must have been, but happy that she was happy. "He is truly beautiful, Brandy." She said as they walked up into the entry way, watching Brandy shift her son. "You're doing a wonderful job with him."
Brandy hugged her sister awkwardly with one arm, tears in her eyes. "Thank you."
Chilli backed off only when she felt something wet touching her face, "what on Earth? Oh, hello little one."
Az, seeing the woman hugging his mum, decided she was safe and gave the woman a few hello kisses. He gave a soft bark at her, tilting his head curiously.
"May I?" Chilli asked, smiling.
"Sure. I'll go put the salad in the fridge." Brandy said, swapping her son for the bag.
Bingo was right, Chilli decided as she held the boy, Az was beautiful. He looked like his mother, but somehow also his grandmother too, especially with his tufts of fur the stuck out.
"Hello Az, I'm your Auntie Chilli." She said to the boy. Ha! The first boy in their family!
Az barked again, pawing up at Chilli's nose. He liked this woman. She smiled like his mum.
"What's with all the bark.." Stripe had cut himself off, seeing the pup in Chilli's arms as Brandy silently watched. "Uh, hi?"
Brandy looked to the dog silently, before looking at Chilli, as old habits of shyness took over.
"Stripe, this is my sister Brandy. Brandy, you remember Stripe from mine and Bandit's wedding, right?"
"Older sister.. Oh! You were one of Chilli's bridesmaids." Realization smacked Stripe in the face.
Brandy sighed in relief. "Yes, I was. I wasn't sure if you were .. well you, or the other brother.. his name is Bradley, right?"
Stripe laughed, smiling as he said. "Nah, his name is Radley. You were close. He's out back playing with the kids. Come on, let me grab a drink and then we can all go out together."
Brandy nodded with a smile. "I'd like that."
Chilli smiled. "Sounds good. Let me pass Az back, put the spatula in the sink and hang out my apron real quick." She did as she said, passing the pup back and dropping the spatula in one fluid motion before untying her apron.
"Oh, who's this little bugger?" Stripe asked, now having a can of soda in his hand.
"This is my son, Az." Brandy said, shifting her son so he could better be seen. Az gave a bark of greeting, now more comfortable.
"Huh.. how old is he? Trix and I have some unused stuff from when Socks was still in her pup-stage." Stripe said, looking at Az. "It's in a box in the boot, I can see if she wouldn't mind letting you leaf through it before we pass it off to charity."
Brandy smiled at hearing this. This man was definitely related to Bandit, kind and willing to help just about anyone. "I suppose I could, if that's alright. Just to get an idea of what I'm missing, I wouldn't want to take it from someone who otherwise wouldn't be able to get anything like what you'd be donating."
Stripe nodded, "fair enough. Oh, my mum is gonna want to hold him, by the way. Just a heads up."
Brandy looked at Chilli, who had grabbed two bottles of water. "Chris, their mother. Remember?"
Brandy made an "oh" as she shook her head. She honestly didn't, but she had been talking with Frisky for most of the wedding.
They walked out onto the deck, seeing that everyone was already there.
Mort was talking with and Bob, the latter of whom had been out of the hospital for a few weeks after some health complications nearly took a turn for thr worse.
Frisky was talking to another woman, presumably Trix, about something that she was excited about.
Bandit was at the grill, helping an older woman who looked a lot like Stripe flip a burger over.
"Oh, Bandit! Let Mum have a go, ay?" Stripe teased.
"It's an open flame grill, alright? I don't want her to hurt herself." Bandit said, taking his eyes off his mother to glare at his brother.
"Oy! Don't make me go over there!" Bob playfully threatened, but the two knew he would so they left it alone.
Mort looked over to see Brandy there. "Brandy-wine!" He walked over and hugged her. "How are you and- whoa little man!" He laughed, being licked by his grandson. "At ease! Heel!" He laughed as the pup kept trying to get at his hat now. "
"You KNEW about Az?" Chilli asked, looking at her dad taking Az who settled down only when he had the brim of his granddad's hat in his teeth to chew.
"Ah course I did. Brandy made me swear to not say anything." Mort answered, taking the pin from his cap so Az wouldn't hurt himself.
"Why didn't you say anything when you first came over? Where was he?" Chilli now had so many questions, wondering if this was how Bluey felt a lot of the time.
"I didn't say anything because I didn't know how that visit would go. And he was with a sitter, as I was nervous about bringing him after not seeing you for so long." Brandy said to Chilli.
"Where's Auntie Brandy? I wanna hold Az!" Bluey was back, Bingo, Muffin and Socks at her heels.
"Bluey, I don't think.." Bingo began, before Socks cut her off.
"He's silly." Socks giggled.
"I wanna see!" Muffin demanded.
"Muffin Cupcake Heeler! That is not how we get our way." Stripe said as Trix's head was now on a swivel.
"Dear, ask nicely. Remember?" Trix said, seeing Brandy help Mort get his hat from Az's mouth.
Muffin sighed. "Can we please see your baby?"
Brandy, after helping her dad with retrieving his hat from Az, looked over to the kids. "Of course." She knelt down to show them her son, Az looking around as he sniffed all of them.
After a few minutes, Brandy sat down with everyone as the kids all ran about and came back with toys as they tried to get Az to play with them while in his mother's hold.
"I took pictures of everything, to make sure we got it all, so have a look." Trix showed Brandy her phone.
"Thanks." Brandy said, looking from her son to Trix. "Um, would you mind, uh.."
"Not at all. It takes a village, after all." Trix said, happily plucking the boy into her hold. "Oh, you are a delight!" She smiled as the boy stuck his nose up against her cheek and began to sniff.
"Oy! That's my wife!" Stripe teased, at the grill with Bandit.
"Like you could compete with a baby." Bandit said, his voice was teasing, as he pulled the burgers off the grill. "Kid's better lookin' than you, and he's probably not much older than Socks.
Rad and Bob, who had a few cans of not-soda, were laughing so hard they were left wheezing.
"Listen here boy." Stripe said, walking over and putting a hand on Az's nose. "You may be cute but- hey!" Az licked Stripe's finger. "Charm won't save you, ya know."
Brandy looked over at Chilli, who waved them off. This was fine, it was all in good fun.
"So, Brandy, I have a few questions about Az. Just, ya know, grandmother things." Chris said, looking at Brandy.
"Oh? Um, what about?"
"Well, would you like it if I made this little fella a blanket? I mean, I don't want to impose, but everyone deserves a blanket made with a grandmother's love."
Brandy was takenaback. "I- I mean, that's awfully kind of you, Chris.. but I wouldn't want you to feel obligated. I mean, Az and I aren't related to you or anything and.. well.." she trailed off, honestly a bit helpless.
"Tut tut, nonsense. Bandit married Chilli, making you and Mort part of our family. And I insist." Chris said, taking that as the answer to her question. She knew thst their mother wasn't in the picture, and it wouldn't be right, the girls (Bluey and Bingo especially) having blankets and him not. "I've had some ideas for blankets anyway, so this is the perfect time to try them out."
Brandy was holding in her tears. "Thank you, so much." These people, they were so kind. Just so kind, that it was overwhelming. And so welcoming.
"Auntie Brandy?"
Brandy looked down at Bluey, smiling. "Yes, Bluey dear?"
"Can we play with Az? We promise to be careful."
Brandy looked at the other adults, who nodded in assurance, before turning back to Bluey. "Of course, just come and get me if he needs anything." She leaned down and set Az down. He bounced about, before following his cousins, more specifically their tails as they wagged.
The barbecue was good, with only a few calls of help - Az wasn't letting go of a key toy in a game so when they needed it, they called for help.
When the party was over, Brandy was taking a sleeping Az to the car.
"Auntie?" Bluey bounced over to her.
Brandy looked over with a smile. "Yes, Bluey?"
"Are Muffin and Socks Az's cousin?" The blue dog asked, the younger ones were peeking in.
Brandy smiled. "Sure. They can even call me Auntie if they want."
The smile that lit up Bluey's face replaced the sun. "Okay! I'll tell them." She hugged Brandy's legs. "Bye." And then, in a softer voice, she said "bye Az."
Chilli chuckled as Bluey rushed off, before she opened the door for Brandy. "Ah, kids." She smiled as she looked at her sister. "Have a good night. Call me when you get home, okay?"
Brandy nodded, "sure. Today was fun, thanks for inviting me. Have a good night."
Chilli watched from the porch as Brandy got into the car with Az, and they left the street. Yes, today was a good day.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
cw // a little bit of gore and death
oh you think that’s it? nah, it gets worse-
i remember when i was about 11 years old, i saw jonghyun in my dream and everything seemed happy at first.
but then, i saw key with a knife and was chasing him to STAB him. i literally heard kibum saying “you ruined my life” and “i hate you” to him as he finally manages to catch him and tie him up with a skipping rope.
he had a knife to his ear and said “you better repay me or you’re dead” then suddenly taemin tried to save him but failed as he was constantly sliced into pieces.
also yes, there was a lot of gore- but i’m not going to describe it for obvious reasons
jonghyun was there screaming for help whilst taemin tried to get up from the floor and take the knife off kibun and then ACCIDENTALLY killed jonghyun 😩
but it gets even worse-
once jonghyun was just about to die, he literally started by eating his leg until he couldn’t scream anymore. (also he was upside down so-)
the rest was quite gory since i would see shinee literally eating jonghyun until he was down to the bones like he was a piece of chicken and when i woke up, i started crying to my mother and she had to calm me down and put me back to sleep.
here’s a wholesome dream i had!
one time, i saw jinki running towards a farm nude and he picked up a chicken so he could- put some “homemade filling” inside of it and whilst he was doing that, all the chicken grew bigger until they were big enough to kill him by pecking him to death.
that’s probably the most normal dream i could get… i don’t remember any normal dreams i got-
some of my dreams may involve the r word and i honestly don’t want to get into that too much for obvious reasons but i’ll say “jonghyun” so you can put two and two together. also that was when i was about 12/13 when i had been getting flashbacks…
also i get beaten up in my dreams so- fun! very fun!
oh yeah my sister told me last night that she dreamt about seeing jonghyun and jinki doing the nasty when suddenly they got killed by a gun.
then taemin came in and literally said “omg toys! thanks hyung!” before playing their dead naked bodies as toys.
she woke up confused, but not surprised - just like how i would be. we’re literally the same, even my cousins is like that.
you know that cousin that got me into shinee? the one that is about the same age as you? she has the same problem as me where she gets weird dreams that makes no sense that you would wake up all confused.
they were so weird that one time we both had the same dream as each other one time. and boy- i’m not gonna tell you what happened because it is BRUTAL…
so yeah… defo runs in the family.
Oh my gosh, I didn't expect it to get worse. I am sending you so much love and light so you and your family can have nice sweet easy going dreams. Maybe sleep with crystal quartz or selenite to clear the energy and obsidian for protection or even rose quartz for extra love. If you believe in crystals. I always have crystals around me. I very rarely have scary dreams except one a frat guy was chasing my best friend and I down the street with a chain saw after I saved her from some sort of gross fraternity thing. Or I have in dream sleep paralysis where I'm asleep in a dream and get that sleep paralysis effect one dream I woke up so scared and I went down stairs and Grayson Dolan cuddled with me on the couch and we ate ice cream. I use to dream about the Dolan Twins a lot. I really send you nothing but good vibes so you can have super happy dreams. Also Onew is naked a lot in your dreams. That fascinates me. Once one by one NCT 127 took their penis's out in the door way to a living room. That's it then they left. But naked Onew three times is so interesting. Your dream Onew doesn't like clothes
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 22 (The End)
Summary: Witches never die.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Words: 6228
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
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Adapting to being a vampire wasn’t so hard for Brooklynne. Perhaps because she wasn’t really a vampire, but rather a vampire-fairy hybrid who, aside from being immortal, was as human as she used to be.
She didn’t fear the sun, she ate human food and didn’t have to rely on blood to survive. The hardest part of her transition was that everything was heightened. Her sight, her hearing, her strength… She was faster than lightning, and, since apparently it was a hereditary talent, she could fly, like her maker. A talent she’d have to learn to control, and a talent which Pam was jealously unequipped with.
To the rest of the world, Brooke was just another mortal, weird like her sister, maybe gifted with telepathy for those who believed in those sorts of things. But to her family, to her loved ones, she was the strongest creature on Earth, and, therefore, the weakest.
Eric’s worry was loud and made him even more unpleasant than before. With other people, that is. He took extra care of Brooklynne, who felt like a little girl again, who wasn’t allowed to leave her house because she’d get too distracted to even remember her own name.
Fortunately for her, Eric could not control her days, which she spent with her sister at Merlotte’s. It had been a week now, since she had become a vampire, and the only abnormal behavior she showed was an extreme appetite. She could not stop eating, and she almost emptied Sam’s kitchen, not that he would ever complain about it.
“Look at you,” Arlene said as she walked behind the bar to grab a bottle of alcohol. “You wouldn’t be expecting a happy event, would you?”
Brooklynne almost choked on her chicken wing and Arlene laughed as the hybrid coughed and wiped the mess she had made.
“What? No!”
“I’m just kidding ya. I know you can’t get pregnant. Not while you’re with that vampire of yours…”
Brooklynne watched the waitress walk away and disappear in the hallway, leaving a wave of disapproval behind her.
“Fuck you too,” she mumbled under her breath.
“What was that?” Sookie asked, approaching her with a plate she put down on the bar.
“What did Arlene want?”
“To make sure I knew how much she hates my kind.”
“To be fair, you’re the first and only one of your kind.”
“Wanna join me?”
“No, thanks,” she swiftly dismissed the mere idea, “hey, isn’t Eric supposed to be here already?”
“Yeah. I guess there was an emergency at Fangtasia. He’s not answering my texts.”
“Well, that’s weird.”
“Not really,” she shrugged. “It’s Halloween. He says there’s always some shit happening on Halloween.”
“When did you start using those words?” Sookie sighed. “You weren’t always so vulgar.”
Her sister laughed. “Sorry. I’m just repeating what he said.”
“Anyway, I have to take out the trash before I leave, want me to drive you?”
“Sure, why not? I’ll join you outside.”
Brooklynne finished her plate, then her drink in one go, before leaving some cash on the bar. She walked across the restaurant and exited through the back door. There, she found her sister and Holly talking about Marnie. Brooke rolled her eyes.
“What’s going on?”
“Hey, Brooklynne.”
“What’s up Holly?”
“Oh, nothing, honey. We were just talking about… well… we just have a bad feeling, is all.”
“It’s probably nothing,” Sookie waved it off.
“Yeah. We’re just spooked because it’s Halloween and all.”
Screeching tires drew their attention towards Tara’s car who had just parked in a panic. Brooklynne didn’t know if it was the previous spooky talk, or just Tara’s look as she ran towards them, but she was starting to have a bad feeling as well.
“Tara?” Sookie called. “Tara what is it? What happened?”
“She’s back!”
“Who’s back, honey?”
“Marnie’s dead,” Brooklynne rolled her eyes. “I should know, I killed her myself.”
“She killed Jesus,” Tara started crying. “I think she’s inside Lafayette.”
Sookie turned slowly towards her little sister, who oddly appeared to stand taller than her for once.
“Don’t look at me, I’m no witch. I wouldn’t know the first thing about getting that bitch out of Lafayette.”
“No, Brooke… Eric’s not answering his phone.”
If Brooklynne ever doubted her heart was still beating, she sure had the answer now, as it felt like it skipped a beat as she realized what her sister was saying.
“No,” she scoffed in disbelief. “He’d kill Lafayette on the spot.”
“I’m gonna try to call Bill,” the waitress said as she took out her phone.
Brooklynne shook her head, maybe to try and throw the mere idea of Eric being in any kind of danger away, as she took out her own cellphone.
“Bill’s not answering,” Sookie said, now even more panicked than before.
“Eric either…”
“Well, do we know where they could be?” Holly asked.
Sookie took a deep breath as she remembered what Bill had told her earlier: ‘I’ll be waiting for you at home. My men will let you in.’
“Yes. We do.”
 Vampires were supposed to heal fast. So fast that they could barely feel pain. Which is why this headache was doubly irritating for Brooklynne. Between the busy minds of her sister, Holly and Tara, whom she was riding with, her own head felt like it was about to explode. Filled with worry and incomprehension, she kept asking herself if she should just get out of the car and run to Bill’s house on her own. She’d already be there.
“You can’t. If Tara and Holly find out you’re a vampire, it won’t be a secret anymore.”
“Who cares at this point? Eric could die any second now!”
“Pam might already be there.”
“If he wanted either of us there, he’d had already called us. Which means he’s in real danger, Marnie is not kidding around, she’s aiming to kill!”
“Don’t remind me. I’m driving you to her!”
“She won’t have a chance to hurt me. She’ll be dead before…”
“You can’t kill her like last time, Brooke. She’s inside Lafayette. We need to trust Holly, she knows how this works.”
“No, she doesn’t, are you listening to her? She’s got a bag full of salt and a mouth full of ‘maybes’. What if she has no clue how to deal with this?”
“Either way, we’re not killing Lafayette.”
“If killing Lafayette is the only way to save Eric, I will do it myself.”
“Are you hearing yourself? You’re talking about killing Lafayette! Our friend! Tara’s cousin!”
“Sorry, Sook. But it’s not a hard choice. Not even a little bit.”
Brooklynne did her best to shut her sister’s disapproving thoughts out of her head, she knew it all already. Of course, she wouldn’t be happy about killing Lafayette. Of course, she’d rather Holly’s plan worked. But if it didn’t, if she had to choose between watching Marnie/Lafayette kill Eric or kill her/him herself, she wouldn’t lose sleep over it. She stopped for a second, a very brief second, and wondered if she’d had thought the same as a human/fairy. If she had been in that situation a month ago, what would she have done? She knew what she would have done. She’d have been too weak to fight off Marnie. She’d have been too weak to save Eric.
She wasn’t going to be weak tonight.
“Any of you got a mirror?” Holly asked as she did the inventory of her Wiccan first aid-kit.
“You ever done this before?” Sookie asked as she handed her a small mirror she found in her purse.
“Goddess, no,” the waitress replied as she shoved the mirror into her bag, next to the salt and the sage. “Usually, I just light a candle and ask the spirits to make sure my boys don’t end up in jail or knock somebody up.”
Sookie could hear her sister scoff and roll her eyes next to Holly, a “what did I say?” echoing inside of her head.
“But so far, that’s worked out okay.”
“Maybe you’re just a good mother,” Brooke mumbled.
“Oh, thanks honey.”
Brooklynne frowned as the mother of two gave her a nervous smile, her lack of faith in her Wiccan religion completely oblivious to her.
“Sook, you can’t let them hurt him,” Tara begged. “If Bill and Eric find out Marnie’s inside Lafayette…”
“I have a feeling they already know…”
Tara stepped on the accelerator. They were only a couple of minutes away. Brooklynne kept trying to reach her maker through their bond, but the silence she was met with only helped widening the pit in her stomach.
Tara stopped the car at the gates of Bill’s property and the four women jumped out of the vehicle, Holly, her bag of magic tricks on her shoulder.
Brooklynne, though she had been patient until then, didn’t even think twice about disappearing on them as soon as she smelled wood and straw.
She found them tied up together to a pyre, half naked, silver chains around their bare chest.
“What are you doing here? You need to go, now!”
“Are you crazy? I’m not leaving without you!”
“Brooklynne!” Sookie called as she caught up to her sister, Holly and Tara behind her.
“Are you kidding me? You didn’t think to tell us you were a vampire?” Tara started to yell.
“She can’t be, she was at the bar all day long!” Holly said, confused, and a little bit scared.
They didn’t get the time to argue about it any more, however, as Marnie appeared before them.
“As your friend Lafayette would say, what goes around comes around, bitches.”
“I’m gonna kill you, you crazy bitch.”
“You already have,” Marnie replied with surprising calm. “Thank you for coming.”
Marnie/Lafayette raised a hand and waved it once to the left. Brooklynne felt her feet get off the floor and was sent flying across the garden where she collided with a tree.
Eric and Sookie called her name, in useless worry. She was back up on her feet in a matter of seconds.
Tara received a deathly stare from the dead witch inside her cousin, and she gulped.
“… and Marnie. Please, don’t do this.”
“After all they’ve done to you, you protect them?”
“Killing Bill and Eric isn’t gonna make any of that go away.”
“Revenge will never bring you peace,” Eric told her.
“There can’t be peace until there is justice for me, for Antonia, for all the women you tortured and burned for centuries!”
Taking advantage of the moment, Holly started drawing a circle of salt around the pyre as Marnie had her back turned to her.
“All to repress a magic that’s older and more powerful than your very existence.”
“Marnie, what will this serve?” Bill, who saw Holly and understood the plan, asked, to help distract her. “There are millions of us, more being made every night. You cannot win.”
“I’m already dead, vampire. Thanks to you and your friends, I have nothing left to lose.”
Marnie lowered her head and raised her hands in the air as she casted three more words “incendia of sanctimonia”.
“No!” Brooke and Sookie screamed as they tried to make their way to the now burning pyre. But the fire Marnie had just started only grew bigger as they reached it. Brooklynne dragged her sister away from it as Tara joined them.
“Stop it,” she yelled. “It’s still Lafayette!”
“I don’t care,” Brooke growled as she raised a hand, a blinding light coming out of it, hitting Lafayette/Marnie in the chest, pushing them far away. It didn’t stop the fire, to her biggest disappointment.
Holly finished the circle of salt, joining them back to her starting point, as Marnie sat up, now, neither looking like Lafayette or herself, but with a painted face of some sort of creature.
“Give me your hands, now!”
Hesitantly, Tara joined the three women in a circle, taking the hand of the two sisters in her own. Immediately, they started chanting.
“Spirits who watch over us, friends, family, ancestors, guardians of the gate, with this rite we evoke thee through the veil of Samhain, we call thee forth.”
Again and again, they chanted, keeping Marnie out of the circle, however, doing nothing to stop the fire that was burning the two vampires next to them.
As the dead witch growled and the immortals screamed out of pain, spirits appeared in the cemetery near them, walking the earth once more, to join them in their battle. Sookie kept an eye open on Bill, while Brooklynne focused on Eric, doing her best not to break the circle and jump in the fire herself to get him out of there.
The summoned spirits stood in the forest, behind Marnie, calling her, only one, however, getting her attention: Antonia.
Lafayette’s face changed back to normal as the painted face of the creature disappeared, Marnie, making her way to the ghost of her former partner.
“My sister.”
“You came back to me…” she said, and the witch smiled. “I knew you would.”
Antonia’s eyes moved from Lafayette/Marnie to the burning pyre, and from where she stood blew out the fire as easily as she would have blown off the candles on a birthday cake.
“Antonia, no!”
Brooklynne didn’t wait one more second as she made her way to her maker, ripped off the silver chains tying the vampires to the still hot death trap. Eric’s knees were too weak and she caught him as he fell. However, no one was there to catch the King, who fell off the pyre and onto the hard ground. Sookie was quickly by his side.
“Are you okay?”
“Why the hell didn’t you call me? Or Pam?”
“So you could have burned with me? Not a great plan.”
“Not asking for help isn’t a plan at all!”
Off the pyre and back on the ground, Eric enjoyed the feeling of his burning bare feet on the cold grass. Brooke helped him kneel down.
“What the hell am I supposed to do without you? Don’t you dare die on me now that I’m immortal!”
“I’d rather die knowing that you’re safe, than die after watching you get killed.”
“And I’d rather die than spend immortality without you, so don’t you ever do that again!”
“Alright. I’ll try not to get burned alive by the crazy ghost of a witch again. That I can promise you.”
“Shut up and drink,” she rolled her eyes as she kneeled beside him and offered him her wrist.
The witches were still talking on the other side of the circle, and whatever Antonia was saying, Marnie didn’t want to hear it.
“All creatures have their purpose, even vampires.”
“How can you say that? They murdered us!”
“Their cruelty served its purpose: to bring you and I together. And now I am here to take you home.”
“I’m not finished yet.”
“Oh, yes you are.”
That voice. Brooklynne knew that voice. She turned her head, but whoever it was, she was hidden behind the pyre. However, Sookie could see her perfectly.
“Holy Goddess.”
“Holy shit.”
Eric released Brooke’s hand so that she could get up and see for herself, Adele, her grandmother, make her way to Lafayette, put her hand in his mouth and reach down his throat. She took out a black fog which she threw away behind her. Once it reached the ground, it turned into Marnie.
“I don’t wanna go. I am not ready. Please!” she begged as she stood up.
“I was trapped between world for 400 years… lost and driven mad by my rage. I do not want that for you.”
“And what about what I want?! Nobody cares what I want! All my life, I’ve been afraid. And who wouldn’t be? With dead people murmuring in my ears, making me deliver your messages… making me into a freak! A creepy, pathetic, terrified mess muttering to herself in the corner.”
“But that is not who you are anymore.”
“No. That’s right. I’m not afraid anymore. I’ve got real power now. And you want to take that away from me?” she cried. “You want them to win?”
“Oh, Marnie,” Antonia said as she took Marnie’s face between her hands, “Marnie, can’t you see? Life is pain. But soon, all you have suffered and feared will be meaningless. You will be at peace. But them…”
“… they’ll be stuck here. Forever.”
“And there is no victory in that.”
A tear or two fell down Marnie’s cheeks as she screamed. “Oh, this fucking sucks.”
“Come on.”
Antonia took Marnie’s hand and led her down to the forest where the other spirits were waiting for her. Adele followed them.
Sookie and Brooklynne called after her, hoping to make her stay.
“Please don’t go,” Sookie cried.
“I have to, dear.”
“I’m so lost without you. I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes, you do. Look at your sister. She’s got it all figured out,” she said as she smiled, proudly, at Brooklynne.
“Oh, Gran… I’m so sorry.”
“For what, dear?”
Brooklynne sniffed and shrugged, hoping her grandmother was proud of her, of who she had become.
“Answer’s where it always is. In your heart. Being alone, it ain’t nothing to be afraid of, my girls. We’re all alone, at the end.”
She smiled at them one last time before joining the spirits back to the cemetery and her granddaughters watch her leave them with tears in their eyes.
Brooke felt a hand slide on her waist, and she took it, as Eric pulled her towards him.
“No offense to your grandmother, but neither one of us will be alone at the end.”
Brooke chuckled as she wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand.
“This is the worst night ever.”
“Well,” he said as he turned her around and wiped one last tear with his thumb, “the night is still young.”
 Eric had no idea how right he was. Well, maybe he did, a little. He knew what was coming. For him, for Bill. For Brooklynne. They were coming for their heads.
He hadn’t said a word, but Brooklynne knew too. She wasn’t used to being able to read his mind, and it mostly just happened, she couldn’t control it. He was thinking about it, so hard, as he was drinking her blood, in Bill’s living room. She could hear her sister break up with Bill in the other room, and she just wished she could tune them out. Hearing Bill cry made her feel sick.
“Are you sure they’re coming after you too? It wasn’t your fault.”
“They don’t care. I was caught on camera.”
“They destroyed all of that footage.”
“There are witnesses.”
“Glamour them.”
“It’s too late.”
“Then we should leave. Now.”
“And go where? They won’t stop until…”
The vampire-fairy hybrid turned to see her sister enter the room. Her eyes were red. And wet.
“I’m going home.”
“Okay. I’m staying here, with Eric.”
“You should go with her. There’s no reason for you to be here when…”
Brooklynne shot him a look that told him all he needed to know. She wasn’t going anywhere. She’d save him. Or die trying.
“Have a good night, Sook.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” her sister nodded as she waved, before she walked away.
“The AVL doesn’t know I’m a vampire. They can’t kill me. It’s against their own rules.”
“If you get in their way, if you show them what you can do…”
“Eric,” she stopped him, taking a step forward and placing a hand above his, “either we’re leaving town, or we’re staying. But we stay together.”
Eric sighed, defeated.
“Like you said, neither of us will be alone at the end.”
 Bill was back to being a cold bastard when he joined them in his living room. He sat in an armchair next to them, and they all kept a dreadful quiet as they enjoyed the last hour of their life.
Bill had nothing else to lose. He had just lost the only thing he wanted, the only thing he needed. Without Sookie, he had no reason to live. He wouldn’t fight the Authority, if they came knocking on his door with a true death warrant. Eric thought about his human life. His immortal life. Godric. Pam. Brooklynne. He thought about the life he had and the one he would never get. The life he dreamt of having with Brooklynne, and the one he could never give her. But Brooklynne wasn’t done fighting. She had barely started. She’d use all of her powers to kill them all, if need be. She felt strong enough. She never even took the time to ask herself if she could.
When the cars arrived, disturbing the silent night as they drove on the gravel driveway, they all felt like time had stopped. Like it was all decided, and they would either leave the house alive, or not at all.
Brooklynne suddenly felt like she had forgotten so many things. Her siblings. She should have said goodbye to them. But instead, she let Sookie go without even telling her she might never see her again. She was almost certain Eric was thinking the same way about Pam. But he knew if he had let her know about any of this, she’d had come, and he couldn’t do that to her. She deserved better.
At least, Bill had said his goodbye.
“This is it,” the King of Louisiana said as he straightened his suit.
“It’s been a crazy thousand years.”
Brooklynne scoffed dryly.
“I thought immortality would last longer.”
They followed Bill as he took the direction of the front door. He opened with a polite smile, a smile Brooklynne had dubbed “Bill’s political smile”.
Nan Flanagan was standing on the porch with a handful of heavily armed men and she looked pissed. She looked furious.
“Ms. Flanagan, we’ve been expecting you.”
Eric and Brooklynne appeared behind their king. It somehow seemed to make her angrier.
“Hi, Nan. And gay stormtroopers.”
Eric’s ability to make stupid jokes in moments such as this one was one of the reasons Brooklynne loved him so much.
“Perfect. Two birds, one stone,” she said as she entered the house, taking the direction of Bill’s office, followed by her guards.
Though Eric stayed silent, Brooklynne could feel his relief. Whatever Nan’s orders were, Brooklynne didn’t seem to be included in them.
The couple stepped in the crowded office, joining Bill’s side.
“The Marnie situation has been resolved, if that makes any difference,” Bill said.
“Ding, dong, the witch is dead,” Nan replied with a tone so sharp it would have given the true death to any vampire who got too close. “Yippee.”
“His Majesty showed great leadership in extremely perilous circumstances. You should be kissing his ring.”
“Why bother when your tongue’s already so far up his ass?”
Eric contemplated his options as his desire to kill the bitch grew stronger. Brooklynne was glad he controlled himself.
Nan gestured her guards to close the door and they stood before it, blocking the only exit. Brooklynne looked up at Eric who seemed to be as nervous as she was. This meant nothing good.
“I wish for one fucking night you could experience the litany of bullshit I’ve had to deal with. Then you’d have some idea of how little I give a fuck about your small-town witch infestation, or your whole backwoods kingdom, for that matter.”
“For someone who cares so little, you seem awfully pissed off.”
“Do I, Bill? Maybe that’s because I quit my fucking job!”
“You quit the AVL?” Eric asked, as baffled as Bill was.
“And the Authority.”
“No one quits the Authority,” Bill chuckled nervously.
“Quit, fired, same difference!”
“We assumed we were the ones to be terminated.”
“Oh, there’s been an order issued on your heads.”
Hearing those words, Brooklynne instinctively seized Eric’s hand.
“My last duty was supposed to be delivering the True Death to both of you. Of course, I realized I’d be next.”
She sighed, trying to control her anger. Failing.
“I have been alive for eight hundred and sixteen years. I refuse to be retired like a fat first wife!”
“Let me make sure I got this straight,” Eric said. “You’re mutinying against the American Vampire League and the Authority?”
“And you expect us to join you?”
“We won’t be alone,” she assured them. “There are factions inside the regime who have never been completely on board with the current agenda. Sheriff Northman knows what I’m talking about.”
Brooklynne frowned. So did Bill.
“What’s in it for us?” the Viking asked, undisturbed by the accusation.
Nan laughed. “Aside from surviving the night? How about your little fairy toy over there? And her sister.”
Their silence and cold stares didn’t faze her.
“Oh, come on. The mind reading, the microwave fingers? You didn’t think I knew what you were? There are at least a couple thousand vampires who would do almost anything to get a taste of your blood.”
“They’re welcome to try,” Brooklynne smirked.
In the next second, she had seized Bill’s paper knife and cut the throat of all of Nan’s human guards. Eric had wanted to do it, but she insisted, as it was her sister she was protecting.
“You’re a vampire?” Nan gasped, looking at her like she was an alien. Which… she was.
“Don’t. threaten. my sister.”
Bill armed himself with the fancy stake that was on display behind his seat, and stabbed Nan who exploded on the spot. There were pieces of her everywhere, the vampires were covered with her blood. Brooklynne took what looked like a tooth from her hair and threw it towards the pile of blood at her feet. She grimaced, then sighed.
“Can we leave now?”
 Leaving a voicemail to his progeny, Bill didn’t help Eric clean up the mess he had made of Nan Flanagan. Brooklynne stared at the fake window as her maker made sure to get rid of any evidence that would work against them in case of a trial. Though, if they ever got caught, they would not get the luxury of a trial. Their fate was already sealed, killing Nan was just going to buy them a little bit more time. Or so they thought.
As soon as they stepped out of the house, they fell into a silver trap. They were surrounded by a dozen heavily armed men who threw silver nets at Bill and Eric. They both cried out of pain and Brooklynne’s first instinct was to help her maker, but she was quickly pinned against the wall with unhuman strength.
The soldier took off his helmet and stared at her, right in the eyes, as he said: “go back inside, sit down and forget this ever happened”.
Her eyes grew big as she realized he was trying to glamour her. She could see in the corner of her eye that they were taking them away, towards the trunk of their black vehicle. There were too many soldiers there, all wearing protection gear and weapons that could kill a vampire in a second. She did her best to put the loud voice inside her head to rest. It killed her to ignore it, it almost destroyed her to not try anything to help Eric, but she knew if she tried anything, if she showed them she couldn’t be compelled, if she showed them what she really was, they’d either kill her or take her too, and she would never be able to help anyone again.
So, she did as he asked. She went back inside Bill’s house, sat on the first armchair she could find, and watched as they drove away.
She got up as soon as she was certain they wouldn’t be able to see her follow them. She stayed far enough away, running fast, faster than she ever thought she could run. She even tried to fly, but to no avail. She followed them out of Bon-Temps and into an empty road. It was the middle of the night, so there was no one else there, but vampires.
She tried to think of a plan, of a way to get them out that wouldn’t get her and them killed. But there was no way she could free them without alerting the Authority soldiers.
But, suddenly, the black van in which all of the soldiers had gotten into took another road. It confused Brooklynne for a second, until she realized they were probably going back to their base, which meant Bill and Eric were going somewhere else. Somewhere like New-Orleans, to the Vampire Authority Headquarters.
She ran even faster now, so she could catch up to the single car, in which Eric was trapped. She positioned herself in the middle of the road, in front of the vehicle, but far enough away so that they could see her before driving into her. She rose a hand and the brightest light came out of it, blinding the driver. He immediately, out of instinct, turned the wheel, causing the car to roll over three times before it stopped in the field on her right.
She rushed towards the trunk which was already half opened. One kick was enough to open it wide.
“Brooklynne,” Eric breathed out as he crawled out, “what are you doing?”
“Saving your life? You’re welcome. Come on.”
They helped Bill out but didn’t get the time to do anything else as a vampire, whom Brooke recognized to be the driver, showed up behind them, holding a gun, no doubt loaded with silver bullets.
“Who wants to die first?”
Eric pushed Brooke behind him, screaming at her mentally to run the second she can, to not think twice about it. As soon as he turned into a pool of blood, she had to make a run for it.
But he wasn’t the one who exploded into a disgusting pile of bloody body parts.
A woman stood where the vampire used to be a second before, his spine in her hand.
“You, Hayes,” she said, looking down at the pile of blood, “you die first.”
“Nora,” Eric breathed out.
Their savior threw the spine on the ground and shook her bloody hand, trying to get the remaining pieces of Hayes off of her skin.
“I had arranged for our car to be conveniently ambushed when we hit 310,” Nora said, she had a British accent. Our attackers were going to take out my driver there. Unfortunately, wonder woman over here came 12 miles too soon.”
“Um… sorry?”
“Don’t be. It was badass.”
“Eric, you know this woman?” Bill asked.
“Yes. She’s my sister.”
Brooklynne thought she had misheard. Eric never mentioned a sister. She felt confused and… betrayed?
“Your sister? You have a sister who works for the Authority?” Bill says, both surprised and suspicious.
“I’m a Chancellor,” she replied proudly.
“I don’t understand,” Brooke said. “If you knew they were coming for Eric, why didn’t you warn him?”
“There was no time. The Guardian wanted Nan followed to make sure she carried out his orders. I saw an opportunity to save Eric, so I took it.”
“So nobody in the Authority knows about your relationship?” Bill asked.
“And they never will. We were only connected through out maker, Godric. And Godric is gone,” she said with obvious sorrow.
“As a Chancellor of the Authority, you’re taking a huge risk,” Bill continued, still not trusting her fully. “Why would you choose to…”
“Because I’d do anything for Eric.”
“And I’d do anything for you,” the Viking said as he took a step forward.
He went to hug his sister, whom he apparently hadn’t seen in decades. She smiled as she hugged him back. Brooklynne thought it would have been nice to know he had someone he cared about so much other than Pam. Though she could understand why keeping their relationship a secret was for the best, perhaps he could have trusted her enough to share that secret with her.
“And,” Nora continued, “because you did what you did protecting us from the necromancers. That we would reward you for it with the True Death speaks volume about how out of step the Authority’s current agenda is.”
So, Nan knew. Nan knew of Nora and of her relationship with Eric. Which meant Eric did keep in touch at least a little bit. Brooke tried to keep her anger to a minimum.
“I’m not alone in this belief.”
“Factions within the Authority?” Bill asked, making the connection with the information Nan had given him earlier that night.
“Mm-mmh,” she nodded. “So, who’s wonder woman?”
Nora looked at the fairy with interest, but Brooke didn’t answer, uncertain of how much she should say. She turned to Eric for guidance.
“Nora, this is Brooklynne, my progeny.”
“A pleasure, I’m sure…” Nora mumbled thoughtfully. “What is she? She smells amazing.”
“She’s…” Eric pondered. “… complicated.”
“Right…” she said, suspicious. “And I suppose that light is part of the… complications.”
“What light?”
“The light that came out of your progeny, causing Hayes to drive us into this field.”
Eric looked at Brooklynne with regret. She exposed herself to save him, putting herself in danger.
“Like I said. It’s complicated.”
“Well,” she sighed, resigned to stay in the dark, “’complicated’ is an improvement from that whore you keep around.”
“Nora!” Eric hissed, threateningly.
Brooklynne frowned. Perhaps her contempt for Pam was what kept the two apart for so long. She couldn’t help but wonder if Eric trusted any of them. She thought she knew him, but she just realized she had many, many things to figure out about him still. The fact he kept her true identity from Nora meant he didn’t trust her entirely either, or perhaps, it was just the Authority that made him nervous. But finding out about Nora’s existence that night rose many questions that she didn’t have time to ask at the moment.
“Help me turn the car around,” Nora asked Bill. “Let’s see if it can drive us somewhere safe for the day.”
Eric gestured Brooklynne to follow him and they made their way to the road in silence. She tried hard not to explore his thoughts.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a sister?”
“We don’t tell anyone we’re related. It’s for everyone’s safety.”
“Okay. Why didn’t you tell her who I was? She thinks I’m a vampire.”
“She saw your speed and strength, she already knew you were a vampire.”
“But you don’t trust her enough to tell her the truth.”
“She works for the Authority. If she ever gets caught for being ‘against the current agenda’ she’ll get tortured and asked about everything that she knows. I told you, you can’t trust anyone.”
“So what? I’m just supposed to pretend to be a vampire now? To sleep all day? Pretend I don’t eat human food?”
“Only around Nora, which you won’t be for long.”
She sighed. “Right. So… what do we do now?”
“We do nothing. Nora will get Bill and I out of here. We’ll have new identities, we’ll be safer once we get out of the country.”
“What? What do you mean? I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not.”
Brooklynne gasped as she took a step back. It felt like a slap in the face.
“The Authority has no knowledge of your existence, there is no warrant out for you arrest, you can go back to Bon-Temps, be with your sister.”
“No! No way.”
He put his hands on both her shoulders as he looked down at her.
“It’s not safe to come with me. They will hunt me down until they catch me.”
“So, you’ll be safer in Bon-Temps. Stay with Pam. I’ll be in touch, I’ll call, I’ll…”
“Eric, I am not going back to Bon-Temps without you. I’m not going anywhere without you. You promised! We promised.”
“The life that’s waiting for me is not worth living.”
“No life is worth living without you, how many times do I have to say it?!”
“No! I have no life without you, Eric. You are my life. You gave me immortality and you better be sure I’m going to spend it with you. You will not abandon me here!”
“Brooklynne,” he sighed as he brought her to his chest.
He placed a kiss on the top of her head as he hugged her.
“This isn’t what I wanted for you.”
“I know. But it’s better than nothing.”
He backed away and placed his hands on both sides of her face.
“I love you,” he said as dark red tears appeared in his eyes.
She gave him a sad smile. “I love you too. More than anything.”
He leaned over to kiss her. His lips capturing hers like it was the first and last time they would do so. He held her tightly to him, as to stop her from slipping away.
He released her reluctantly, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs, and returning her sad smile.
“Forgive me.”
She frowned. But she didn’t get the time to express her confusion as he swiftly twisted her head, breaking it in a horrible sound that will haunt him forever.
The end… ?
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @colie87 @heavenly1927​ @abbey7103​ @with-love-maddie​ 
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nekojitachan · 4 years
I just read armies for the third time and every time I reread is just as fuckin amazing as the last time... Also I saw an ask once mentioning a collection about Aaron visiting Andrew in London, just wondering if you have any plans of posting again? I'm just so weak for my minyard boys. Hope you're good! Love your writing please never leave us ❤️
Ah... I went looking for the link to the story but I’ve been unable to find it yet (I know I would have used something to tag it, but that’s not working). I do have it saved, but not the link (on a side note, I found a twinyard prompt that I’ve forgotten about). So here it is again (until I either add it to Armies properly or do an Armies side stories post on AO3):
Abram smiled at Ashley as he leaned gingerly against the top of one of her monitors with his chin resting on top of his folded arms. “So, I sent you the file last night, and let me tell you, it was rather difficult reining in Andrew while I corrected the few grammar mistakes – he wanted to make a couple comments on the paper.” That had surprised Abram, his husband’s interest on the topic, but Kimberly had picked an interesting book for once.
Ashley laughed as she leaned back in her chair and toyed with her long, dark brown braid. “I appreciate your efforts since I can only imagine what he’d have put in there.” She shuddered a little which made Abram smile in shared horror. “She’s doing better?”
“Yes, I imagine soon enough you’ll have to come up with something else when I ask for a favor.” Ashley smiled at that, a mixture of pride for her younger sister and delight in thinking up a new ‘price’ for Abram when he needed certain things done; he didn’t mind because Ashley was a minor miracle worker and usually asked for small, easily to do things in return such as proofing her sister’s uni papers or bringing back certain items from their travels.
“I’m sure I’m up to the challenge,” Ashley said as she tapped away on her keyboard. “As is, I’ve just sent you my part of our latest bargain. The email contains all the information you need in regards to the reservations I made for your dinners and a private appointment at Barts Pathology Museum.” She gave him a pleased smile as she once again toyed with her braid. “Anything else?”
“Don’t let the place descend into chaos while we’re away, yes?” Abram asked as he stood up and gave her a jaunty salute.
“I’ll do my best!” Ashley called out as he walked away, voice bright with laughter. Maddy and Rita (who was back in the office while she did some research before her next mission) wished him a nice ‘holiday’ as he left the office to meet up with his husband.
Andrew was standing out in the hallway with Lloyd and Kathryn Ambrose, one of the higher-ups who handled the EMEA region. Despite Lloyd’s occasional grumbling about the woman (he tended to grumble about anyone ranked above him), Abram never had a problem with Kathryn, who always treated him and Andrew with polite respect. “Hello, Abram,” she greeted him.
“Hello, Kathryn. Everything all right?”
“Yes, I was just talking to Lloyd and Andrew about how there’s a potential situation in Hungary. I know you’re about to go on holiday, but I just wanted to give you a head’s up that we may need to send the two of you there once you’re back.”
Lloyd nodded as he motioned to Andrew and then Abram. “Bit of a special request, but some people feel that you two could help out the agents already there.”
It wasn’t as if they could say ‘no’ when it was their jobs; Abram shared a look with Andrew who gave a slight nod after a moment. In a way, it might be better for them since someone else would be taking the lead on the mission and they would be providing support, would be more in the background. Though it meant that they’d have to do a bit of research before they left even though they were supposed to be on break.
“Send us all of the necessary information,” Abram said as he went to stand next to his husband.
“Though we’ll need an extra day or two to prepare,” Andrew argued as he stared down Lloyd.
“Of course. I’ll have Maddy put together the intel and send it to you by tomorrow.” Lloyd knew better than to fight with Andrew by then, especially with Kathryn right there (and when she appeared pleased by their agreement). That dealt with, they said their ‘goodbyes’ and left.
It wasn’t as if Andrew’s brother and sister-in-law would want to see them the entire time they were in London – they were visiting for a medical conference, after all, so they should have plenty of time to go over the material. If anything, the extra day or two they’d won from Lloyd would be spent by themselves to ‘recover’ from the visit.
Abram had the suspicion that they would need the days to recover, considering how Andrew was already on edge from the approaching visit, which was why he’d done everything he could to ensure that Aaron and Katelyn had an enjoyable (and busy) time once they arrived. He’d enlisted Ashley’s help on the matter, since he didn’t want the family too involved with Andrew’s brother ‘just in case’.
The Minyards were due to arrive the next day, and were staying at some hotel in central London where the conference was being held (along with a couple of ‘minders’ from the family), but had agreed to meet up with Andrew and Abram during their free time. Nicky and Erik would come to visit in a couple days for a mini-reunion, so there were dinners arranged and Abram had planned for an excursion or two for the couple to enjoy (by themselves).
Things between the brothers had improved since the wedding in South Carolina last year, had been tense phone calls at first before the two had moved on (somewhat) from the past, but Aaron and Andrew spending time together like this was a big step that Abram wasn’t certain that they were ready for just yet. Still, it was what it was, and in a few days Aaron would return to the States and soon after that Andrew would have an excuse to vent any disappointment by killing someone (more than likely).
“What idiocy are you contemplating now?” Andrew asked as he drove them home.
“Hmm, just that you’ll probably have to wait a week or so to commit therapeutic homicide, hon,” Abram confessed, and laughed when his husband heaved a weary sigh.
“Should have had the damn judge say ‘until insanity do you part’, could have gotten out of this marriage ages ago,” Andrew grumbled even as he held out his hand for Abram to entwine their fingers together.
“You like my mental instability,” Abram insisted as he smiled. “Keeps things interesting.”
Andrew did the sighing thing again but didn’t disagree.
Stuart and Davis were in the townhouse when they arrived, which drew a displeased frown from Andrew when he caught sight of Abram’s uncle standing in the kitchen with a purring King in his arms. Davis grinned while he held up his hands in a placating manner. “Just dropping off a few things and checking in on the kids.”
Abram patted his husband on the back before he went to hug his uncle, mindful of King who was handed over when they stepped apart. “You look tired, is everything all right?” Jamie had told him that Stuart was traveling a lot lately when they’d last talked; Abram had checked a few documents for the family to ensure that everything was on the up and up in the contracts.
“Too much drinking with Camillo last night,” Stuart complained. “Looking forward to being home for a bit.” He gave Abram an exhausted smile as he scratched King’s chin. “I know you’re busy the next few days, but if you’ve some time, call me and we’ll have some tea, yeah?”
Abram nodded in agreement. “That’s doable.” They should be able to meet up while Aaron and Katelyn were busy with the conference.
“Good. There’s some chocolates and jenever for you, and Ravi will show up with the cars when you need one, just call.” Stuart waved to Andrew as he left, and Davis bent over to give a meowing Sir a stroke along the back on the way out.
“Couldn’t he have brought some damn whisky?” Andrew complained as he headed straight to the boxes of chocolates out on the island while Abram shook his head and set King down on the floor.
“Your life’s so hard,” Abram remarked as he picked up the bottles of gin-like liquor and stored them away in the cabinet (he had a feeling he’d need them soon enough). “So, we eating in tonight or going out?”
“In, since we’ll be going out the next few nights,” Andrew said between bites of sweets.
That decided, Abram checked the fridge and cabinets before he settled on a spicy chicken and rice dish to make later, and worked on a few more documents for Jamie in-between calls with his cousin and Nicky while Andrew read a book. They went out to sit by the fish pond for a little while before he started on dinner, a mug of tea in his hands and a glass of whisky in Andrew’s, an enjoyable half an hour where Andrew made his usual threats over the poor fish and Abram slumped down enough to rest his head against his husband’s broad shoulder, content to sit there next to him and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Then he was given a shove to the knee and told to go cook something that wouldn’t poison the both of them.
Abram bit back a smile as he called his husband a prat for the umpteenth time, affection a warm tingle in his chest.
Andrew sat at the island and texted with Nicky while he made their dinner, and had a glass of wine waiting for him once it was done (and stole the damn naan once Abram sat down). It was nights like these which Abram treasured the most during all the years they’d been together, when they ‘bickered’ during dinner then curled up together in the living room (since it was late spring it wasn’t too warm yet for a fire) to watch a few episodes of a baking show they both enjoyed (easy to follow with their schedule) then head upstairs after a few hours.
They were tired, but not too tired. Looks were exchanged and clothes were shed before they sprawled out on opposite ends of the bed, where Abram spent a moment enjoying the sight of Andrew’s stocky yet muscular body (save for the slightest pouch of fat on his belly which he adored) before he gasped as his husband stroked his half-tumescent cock then leaned in to nuzzle it and-
He much enjoyed it when Andrew performed oral sex, but he also much enjoyed it when he could reduce Andrew to a shuddering mess with his mouth and hands, so it was the best of both worlds when they both blew each other. It didn’t take long until they both were shivering messes sprawled out on the bed, and then the bastard dragged him off to the shower to wash off before they tucked in beneath the blankets for a restful night’s sleep.
Andrew was up first, which was a rare occasion; Abram resisted the temptation to follow his husband out of the bed but decided to give him a bit of peace (half an hour) before he got up as well. He found Andrew working out and only put in a mile or two on the treadmill before he went to wash off then began work on a batch of chocolate chip and hazelnut hotcakes. It was right as he finished the last one that Andrew joined him, fresh from his own shower.
“I guess you won’t be fish bait just yet, babe,” the prat remarked as he rested his chin on Abram’s left shoulder and wrapped his right arm around Abram’s waist.
“If it wouldn’t be so traumatic to the cats and Nicky, I’d file for divorce,” Abram teased as he added the last hotcake to the huge stack next to the stove.
Andrew clicked his tongue before he snatched up the plate. “You’ve never had it so good and you know it.”
Yes, Abram did indeed ‘know it’, but there was no need to say it, was there? “Did you hit your head with a weight or what?” he asked instead, and rolled his eyes when Andrew made a rude gesture his way. “I’ve merely decided to wait for you to die from clogged arteries or diabetes instead, it’s much easier than dealing with solicitors and the such, hon.”
“What was that?” Andrew waited until he was seated at the island and his precious carbs set down to reach for his phone. “I’m making note of this so when we’re either divorced or you mysteriously disappear one day, there’s no problem with me taking custody of the cats and Bren – yet another cruel comment bordering on abuse.” He made a show of typing on his phone before he set it down then got up to fetch the whipped cream and syrup for his hotcakes. “How I suffer for this relationship.”
“Yeah, yeah, be sure to tell Nicky – oh, wait, I’ll do it for you.” Abram grinned when Andrew’s shoulders hunched upward at that remark. “I’m sure he’ll be ever so helpful with recommendations on how to save our marriage.”
Andrew gave him a long, level look for several seconds (which was impressive, considering the stack of hotcakes before him) before he spoke. “He’ll torment you just as much as me, you know.”
Ah, a flaw in an otherwise perfect plan. “Uhm… I’ll be off with Stuart?”
“You think the pest won’t rat you out to the family?”
Dammit, there was that – Stuart had actually calmed down on the whole ‘Andrew is bad’ front and all. “He’ll still be worse with you,” Abram argued as he set about making some scrambled eggs for himself.
“Right. Idiot.” Still, Andrew appeared smug as he finally cut into his stack of sugary carbs, so Abram felt pleased as he prepared his own breakfast. Once it was done, he sat down and rolled his eyes at how most of the hotcakes were already gone.
Andrew checked his phone while they ate and reported that Maddy had sent the intel for the Hungary mission, which they’d start parsing through later. Abram had just enough time to wash the dishes and go change before they left for the airport in the Aston Martin sedan which Navi had dropped off for them to use to pick up Aaron and Katelyn since neither of the sports cars in the garage would handle four people and luggage. Since Andrew didn’t trust anyone but the two of them or Bren (who made sure the cars didn’t sit idle too long) driving the sports cars, they didn’t want to have them out of the garage for the few days that Aaron and Katelyn were in town, so Ravi would drop off and pick up the sedans whenever Andrew needed one to drive his brother around town rather than let them sit in the driveway overnight.
Abram waited until they were past the worst of the traffic to speak up. “Aaron’s into general practice and Katelyn’s pediatrics?” He hadn’t paid much attention when Andrew spoke about his brother, other than to note that they were getting along (finally).
“Yes.” Andrew tapped his fingers against the steering wheel then sighed. “They both work at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Guess it balances out us a bit, right?” He glanced aside at Abram with a slight quirk to the corner of his mouth. “We kill people, they heal them.”
“We don’t kill everyone,” Abram argued. “There’s some missions where people live.” He smiled when Andrew snorted in dissent. “Whatever.”
“Whatever indeed.” Andrew’s eyes narrowed at the hatchback driving much too slow in front of them. “I’m about to kill someone right now.”
Someone was probably going to get multiple vehicle violations in the mail within the next few days, Abram suspected, but for once the threat wasn’t directed toward himself so he merely settled a little lower in the comfortable leather seat and used his phone to check the traffic ahead.
They reached Heathrow shortly after Aaron texted to say that he and Katelyn had cleared Customs and retrieved their luggage, and so drove to Arrivals to pick them up. For some reason the two had declared that they didn’t have to go into the airport to greet them, so Andrew drove the sedan to the general arrival area where the two should be waiting and found them by spotting Aaron’s familiar visage.
The couple appeared surprised by the Aston Martin as it pulled up to the curb and when both Andrew and Abram exited the vehicle, with Katelyn breaking into a grin while Aaron shook his head. “It’s so good to see you!” the young woman exclaimed as she made an abortive motion as if to give Andrew a hug then thought better of it. “Thank you so much for coming to pick us up.”
“Ah, yeah, you didn’t have to do that,” Aaron said in a much more subdued manner; he was dressed in worn jeans and a MUSC long-sleeved t-shirt, while Katelyn wore leggings and a brightly colored PSU sweatshirt. “We could have taken a cab or something.”
“But the hotel room won’t be ready for a few hours,” Abram said while Andrew grabbed the luggage to put into the car’s boot. “I thought that’s why-“
“Ignore him,” Katelyn insisted as she nudged her husband in the side. “He’s grumpy because of the long flight.” She gave Abram a grateful smile while Aaron huffed and went to help his brother with the luggage. “We appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”
“Uhm, it’s nothing, really.” Abram motioned toward the car and fumbled for the door handle so he could open it for her. “Let’s get going.”
Katelyn smiled as he closed the door once she was inside, yet Aaron gave Abram a displeased look over the hood of the car before he slid inside. Abram frowned over the reaction then shrugged as he returned to his seat up front.
“This your car?” Aaron asked once they drove away from the airport. “Seems a bit too normal for you, a bit proper and all.”
Abram bit into his bottom lip to hold back a chuckle as Andrew revved the 560 horse power engine to easily bypass the traffic as they merged onto the highway. “It’s not bad for a loaner, but I much prefer the Vantage S Roadster or the Maclaren 720S. They’re not meant for four people,” Andrew stated in a bored tone, “unless you want to ride on the roof.” He gave a look at his brother through the rear-view mirror. “That an option?”
His brother was quiet for several seconds before he made a disgusted noise. “Like rubbing it in that you’ve got money now, don’t you?”
“Aaron,” Katelyn protested in a quiet, unhappy voice.
“I wasn’t the one to bring it up,” Andrew pointed out as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.
That seemed to deflate Aaron’s bad attitude as he slumped back in the seat and was quiet for the rest of the drive to the townhouse. After about ten minutes, Abram spoke out in Chinese. “Perhaps we can be assigned to Hungary a little early.”
“Don’t tempt me,” Andrew replied, but there was the slightest bit of humor in his deep voice and his grip relaxed.
It looked as if Aaron wanted to say something when they reached the townhouse, but Katelyn managed to step on his foot before she walked away from the car. “It’s lovely,” she said in a bright manner as they entered the building.
“Ah, thank you.” Abram was a little unnerved by how cheerful she was about everything, despite being used to Nicky’s exuberant nature; why was she with a dour person like Aaron? “Would you like something to drink? Tea or coffee?”
“Tea?” Aaron muttered as he glanced around. “Can he be any more British?” That seemed to be directed at Andrew.
Katelyn’s smile appeared a little strained at the comment, and then Sir came trotting along, probably attracted to the sound of their voices. “Aw, would look at… him?” she asked as she glanced at Abram, who nodded. “Aw, such a pretty boy,” she cooed as she bent down to pet Sir, who began to purr at the attention. “And coffee, if it’s not too much trouble. We’re trying to stay awake until tonight, we heard it’s best for jet-lag.”
Abram made a quick escape to the kitchen and left it to Andrew to show his family around the first floor of the townhouse. He heard Katelyn’s excited voice as the coffee brewed, and the three returned as he poured the hot beverage in four mugs; it didn’t come as a surprise when Andrew headed straight for the cabinet which contained the whisky.
“The place really is lovely,” Katelyn exclaimed as she leaned against the island as she looked around at everything. “I especially like the backyard. We keep talking about getting a townhouse one day, but we’re so busy with work right now that an apartment is easier to maintain.”
“It won’t be anything like this,” Aaron muttered, but he gave Andrew a slight, grateful smile when whisky was added to his mug. “We’re saving up enough money that we’ll get something nice for Charleston.”
“Just another year or two!” Katelyn gave a slight laugh as she leaned against her husband with an arm wrapped around his waist. “And by that point, we should be able to enjoy the new home! You know what they say about residents and long hours.”
Aaron grimaced at that. “I didn’t think anything could make me feel as tired as Day’s obnoxious practices when we reached the semi-finals, but a twenty-hour shift will do it.”
Abram perked up a little at the mention of Exy, at least until his husband gave him a ‘gentle’ kick in the right ankle. “So lots of long days, huh?” he asked as he got up to fetch a tin of biscuits to go along with the coffee, which he made sure to set close to Andrew. “I’m sure you have stories to tell, yes?”
He might not know how to deal with ‘normal’ people like Aaron and Katelyn after being raised by criminals and murderers, but he knew how to get people talking, especially after going to work for Lloyd. Especially after seeing the flashes of envy in Aaron’s eyes (an emotion so unfamiliar in Andrew’s) since picking the couple up from the airport.
It didn’t take much prodding for the two (especially Aaron) to reminisce about stories during their years as interns and residents, about the patients they’d treated while on the long training shifts and their fellow students. For a while it appeared that Aaron tried to disturb them by recounting the most gruesome stories that he could, but gave up when neither Abram nor Andrew were bothered (that and it seemed as if Katelyn did some kicking of her own).
If only Aaron had a clue what his brother had been up to the last few years, but all he’d been told was that Abram’s family was in ‘shipping and trading’ and that the two of them currently worked for the government.
Abram noticed that Andrew avoided looking at Katelyn directly when she talked, his gaze often cast at the mug held behind his hands, and figured that his husband still had some issues in regards to Aaron’s relationship. He also noticed that Aaron focused his attention on his brother rather than look at him, especially once it was clear that Abram wasn’t the ‘squeamish’ sort.
Andrew wasn’t the only one with his issues, it seemed.
Katelyn was in the middle of talking about some child who’d eaten too much raw pizza dough when her phone chimed. “Oh,” she said when she read the message. “We can check in now.”
Andrew stood up while Abram gathered the mugs. “It won’t take long to get to the hotel,” Andrew said as he walked away (probably for a cigarette before the drive into the city), and Aaron excused himself for a moment, which left Abram and Katelyn alone in the kitchen. He went to put the mugs in the dishwasher and was surprised when Katelyn came over with the tin of biscuits.
“Uhm, we really appreciate all of this,” she said in a quiet voice. “I know you don’t have to drive us around or have dinner with us and stuff, that it probably would have been enough for Andrew and Aaron to just meet up for coffee or something.” She gave Abram a wry smile when he held up one of the mugs. “He might not show it, but it means a lot to Aaron that Andrew’s willing to spend so much time with him after everything, and he’s… he’s trying, honest.”
Abram was beginning to see why Aaron had fought his brother so much (according to Nicky) for this woman, with her cheerful disposition, intelligence and obvious love for the man. “Well, he is a Minyard,” Abram said once the dishes were put away. “I know what to expect.”
She giggled a little and nodded. “Yes, and while they’re wonderful men, they’re stubborn as well. Very stubborn.”
“Ah….” Abram made a show of holding up his hands and shaking his head in a clear sign of not wanting to incriminate himself (at least, not when there was a chance of Andrew walking in at any moment).
Katelyn giggled some more and gave him a sympathetic look. “Right, not trying to get you in trouble, but I understand. I can’t always say that we’ve gotten along,” she rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner at that, “but I’m happy that Andrew found someone.”
“Thank you.” Figuring it was best to change the subject before his husband returned, Abram motioned to the young woman’s purse. “So, there’s a couple of dinners we arranged and a friend of ours lined up a tour we think you and Aaron might enjoy, but do you want or need to do any shopping while you’re in town? Anything to take back home?” There’d been times when some friends of Nicky’s had come for a visit and needed souvenirs and the such. “I’ve a good friend who works at Harrods who can be of assistance.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful!” Katelyn beamed at the offer and went on about a shopping list she’d been given by her coworkers and her mother, as well as a couple items she’d hoped to find before she left; both Andrew and Aaron rolled their eyes as she talked while Abram sent a text to Liliya to arrange an afternoon when the two could meet up – maybe even have Nicky join in since he’d probably enjoy the excursion and got along well with Liliya.
Tension seemed to leave Andrew’s shoulders once the couple was dropped off at their hotel, and it was a quiet ride back to the townhouse. Abram made them some spiked tea and tugged Andrew out to sit by the pond, content to be alone with his husband once again. “That wasn’t too bad, was it? Katelyn seems nice.”
For once, he didn’t think the frown directed at the pond had anything to do with Andrew’s ‘dislike’ with the fish. “She’s still annoying as ever,” Andrew proclaimed before drinking his tea.
“Really?” Abram sighed as he leaned against Andrew. “How long are you going to hold this grudge? I mean, it’s just been… what, almost ten years? Something like that?” Couldn’t he just accept the poor woman already?
“Forgiven Ally for Calais yet?” Andrew asked as he stole Abram’s tea, the bastard.
“Never mind,” Abram sighed as he slumped down on the bench. “It’s going to be a few awkward dinners, how wonderful. At least I’m not driving.” He had a feeling that there would be at least a bottle or two of wine consumed at dinner.
“I put up with your insane family all the time, you can put up with Aaron and the cheerleader tramp for a few nights,” Andrew told him in that ‘agree with me or else’ tone that always made Abram want to grit his teeth.
“I don’t mind the cheerleader ‘tramp’, I just have to put up with some weird, twisted copy of you.” Abram scoffed as he thought about Aaron. “Does he really think he’s getting anywhere with those feeble scowls and insults? After I’ve lived with you this long?”
There was a slight twitch to Andrew’s full lips before he finished Abram’s tea. “It is rather amusing to see him try, isn’t it?”
“Prat,” Abram said as he rested his head on Andrew’s shoulder. “Why do I bother with you?”
“Someone has to remind you to feed the damn fish, babe.”
“More like make sure you don’t try to fry them up one day, hon.” Abram hummed in happiness as his husband tugged on a lock of his hair then closed his eyes so he could enjoy Andrew’s presence and the sound of falling water. It was quiet for at least a few minutes before Andrew tugged on his hair again, harder that time. “Ow, what?”
“Come on, it looks like it’s going to rain and I’m not about to have you get soaked then pass out on me during a mission again.”
“One time,” Abram moaned as he stood up. “One fucking time. Are you ever going to let that go, either?” he asked, even though he suspected he knew the answer already.
“No,” Andrew said in a succinct manner as he gave him a slight push toward the townhouse. “Idiot.”
Abram wondered if he could get Katelyn alone during her visit and commiserate over living with a Minyard (former Minyard, in his case, he supposed) for a good hour or two, perhaps see if she had any advice which may come in handy (other than ‘render him unconscious for a bit of peace and quiet’).
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32. Part 3
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I am trying to keep my composure and I feel like I am doing a good job until I hear Rorrey’ voice, I feel like putting some shit in his food but I won’t, I am literally doing this for Robyn so she can spend time with her family and also I always do dinner anyways so why not now, I won’t let them ruin the schedule for us unless Robyn wants to do that, I don’t mind either but I’m just waiting on the mac and cheese and I make a mean mac and cheese, nobody can tell me anything different. I thought I would do the collard greens, fried chicken and some mac and cheese on the side. I didn’t think there would be so many here but there is so I had to make double, which sucks for me. I never really cook for that many people, just myself to be honest. I thought I would go to the living room, see what my daughter is doing. I hope she is playing up, I want them to struggle with her because it’s fuck Rorrey over here “I said what I said Rorrey, you want to prove you an uncle you can but don’t show her face, I don’t want that” Robyn said, she doesn’t sound happy “it’s the side of her face Robyn, why you got to be like this. They can’t see her face, it’s the side!” Rorrey half shouted, sitting down on the couch “it’s my daughter and I don’t want her face to be shown, only we will show her off when we want. It’s not show off my daughter when you want in this home. Put an emoji over that or don’t post shit” Robyn means it, she ain’t about that showing Fenty off like that “you believe in that rule? He’s shown all his kids off?” Rorrey pointed at me “and she said she doesn’t want you to show her face, so listen to her” I said “I won’t show the face, Jesus. It’s not that bad” Rorrey deserves a kick in the throat and I can’t do shit.
Robyn gets angry but calms down very quickly, she is over it and is now resting her head on Rorrey’ shoulder as Ronald is holding Fenty now “when you going back to America?” Rorrey asked; he’s trying it with me, and I don’t know why “I’m not, this is my home now” I mumbled “ah right, you don’t mind big brother staying with you. I’m bringing my girl with me here” Robyn moved her head back “then you get a hotel, you know that. This is a home now, things are different. Mommy tell him” I am shocked any woman would to be with his ugly ass “Rorrey, Robyn said no. This is her family home now” let me get up and check on the mac and cheese “we are family” Rorrey retorted, I was going to say but you’re not but let me not because I don’t want to start already “Chris, can I come with you!?” Majesty said, she is back to harass me “do you have too?” She grabbed my hand anyways “Auntie Robyn have baby again?” Raising an eyebrow “she just had a baby Maj” she is confused “but she got belly!?” I chuckled “don’t ever say that to her, Robyn is getting better” Robyn pregnancy bump is still lingering which doesn’t bother me, but Robyn is lazy, she works hard but doesn’t work out at all or does much to that. She eats and then snacks a lot, I don’t know why but I think she is just comfortable. Robyn in general has gained weight, this Robyn is different so has much more of a curvier side which I really love.
I shushed Majesty, I let her have a piece of chicken, an extra one “I won’t tell anybody, I love it. It’s nice” I cooed out nodding my head “good, jump down then. We need to prepare the table” I feel like a house husband now, I be doing all this for her. Like I am literally a man in love to be doing the most for her, like I did not imagine myself dishing up family meals. Picking up the potatoes “jump off then” she is sat on the counter “coming” she ran behind me “woah” Noella nearly hit into me “I was just checking on where the little brat went and look at that, annoying Chris I see. And I see you nigga, that ring on her finger. Ain’t just a ring is it” Noella out here knowing “uh it could be, it could be a gift that she gave birth” I tried to play it off “her reaction alone told me that it’s not just a gift, it’s so nice to see her happy. He is looks so good; she is at peace. I love to see this of my cousin. It’s been long overdue for her, for you too. Y’all took the long ass route but let me help with all the set up, I am shocked. You out here cooking meals now!? You are wanting something” shaking my head laughing “I wish, Robyn won’t let me. She is sore still, but I do the cooking in the evening. It’s a thing, Robyn did offer but I thought fuck it. I will” Robyn sniffed the chicken “oh god, this smells good. Who would have thought!” I grinned; this makes me happy.
Staring at my phone ringing, Amikka does ring at the stupid times but if I don’t pick it up then I won’t get another call for a week and I haven’t spoken to my son since “hello” answering the call, I need to go and sit with the family, they are waiting on me “Aeko actually asked for you, shock” rolling my eyes “you really got to stop being so bitter, we was never together, I never gave you that hope either” Amikka laughed out “you piece of shit, you led me on but ok” I sighed out “I need to go, I can’t stay on the phone bye” disconnecting the call, I need to go and eat. Walking into the dining room, I wanted to sit next to Robyn but I am with Ronald, out of everyone but here we are “thank you so much Christopher, this food looks good” touching Robyn’ shoulder as I walked by her, she is sat with Noella but like I wanted her, I really just wanted to be near her. I can hold my own, but I don’t want to do dumb shit, I lost my temper quick. Pulling the chair back “it’s ok, you can eat. I don’t mind” shuffling the seat in “so you are thinking of staying for a while with my daughter now she has had the baby?” Ronald asked me “yeah” I drifted off, I mean of course not everyone knows about Robyn and I being married “I want to be here for my daughter, I just want to do right by Robyn and that is what matters to me” and I mean that shit.
I am impressed that they all like my food “Drake contacted me, he was asking about you and saying that you used him about Chris” Rorrey brings it up now “yes I did, I don’t care either. He deserves it, did you hear that song?” Robyn said to him “I did, I questioned him about it. He called my phone, I goes to him you disrespecting my baby sister. You come to my country and act all cool with me, he apologised and said he was hurt, he loves you and I said that doesn’t flow with me and then he goes oh you let Chris living with your sister flow and I said that has nothing to do with anything, he is there for the baby. And I just cussed him out, I will knock his ass out if I see him” I laughed but I didn’t mean it to be out loud which then they looked at me “Majesty is funny” I lied playing it off “Robyn have another baby?” why is this little girl like this “what we say about this now?” I laughed “she wants us to have another baby don’t you?” Majesty smiled nodding her head “not right now, I will be waiting this out now” shaking my head smiling “so how you suppose you will beat Drake then? I would love to see it?” I am being dead ass “by not losing a piece of chin” Rajad snorted laughing “it’s ok, I am not bothered but least I am not all words, I didn’t hold Drake’ hand around Barbados while he felt that way about their sister, let me catch a nigga calling my sister a whore, I will cut them” Rorrey squinted his eyes at me, we about to go at it “there is a word for those type of people, bitch ass niggas I think?” sitting back in the seat “I guess we on the same boat, what happened to being the man of the house maid?” I pointed at myself “me? A maid? My nigga I am more then just that, Robyn is being kind” I shouldn’t have started “let’s drop it now, Chris” Robyn said “I think you mean Rorrey” I retorted to Robyn staring at her “and him, stop” kissing my teeth “I mean I did knock your ass out, let’s not start that one. I can’t forget having to drag your fat ass, anyways. Let’s toast” but I mean nobody did want to do that “you could have killed me” standing up and it’s like everyone flinched and I was literally getting up “you’re still here, in this home. Right?” downing the rest of the champagne and placing the glass down.
I am sick of just being the bad guy, walking back into the dining room but Zeus is out now because I am taking him out for a walk “I just want to say, I am going out now but I am sick of him making some lowkey remarks to me and think he is funny, he thinks he is the boss of everyone, I am trying to just be nice about shit but I can’t. He is making it hard; he shouldn’t be so disrespectful in a home that is not his. It’s not just his sister’ home, it’s not like that anymore” Rorrey laughed, this is what he does. He laughs like he is boss, he’s just so cocky about it all “it’s not even like that, that is just me Chris. I am just like that, like I don’t even hate you like that. Aight” Rorrey got up from the seat “let’s talk it out then” is he really wanting to do that with me “how about we don’t do that” Robyn got up from the chair “I think we do, we need to talk it out because clearly there is shit between us. You think I am getting at you” Robyn shook her head “that is not happening, come on Chris” Robyn wants me to shy away “I love you Robyn but, he’s right. Come, let’s talk then” Rorrey is big as fuck but I will do it again, maybe it is me feeling that way but I feel like Rorrey is too damn cocky for me, I just get angry at him “we talking, Chris is feeling offended by me so we need to have it out. He will be in your life so I will see him again, so let it happen” walking off as Rorrey explained to Robyn but Robyn doesn’t want it to happen “then I am coming, I am not having you both fight” if she wants to come then she can come, I want to hear him out “who fighting, I ain’t gonna even touch his bitch ass” placing a cigarette between my lips, I will beat him if I need too “stupid nigga, fucking with me in my damn home” I grumbled to myself “come on then” Rorrey sniggered “you see I tell you where to go” who he telling come on too “I don’t want this, Rorrey just please for me. Leave it, Chris just listen to me on this” why is Robyn stopping me on this “I am just speaking to him!?” Robyn shook her head “not when you’re intoxicated, maybe when you’re not then yes” she’s taking his side “you said you would be good for me?” Rubbing the back of my neck “I can’t take him in this home, I am going to take the dog for a walk. Unless you going to follow me on that too!?” Robyn shook her head, I need space from them, this.
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thecandywrites · 4 years
As Long As You Want To Be
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Look, my grandfather (in law, he was my husband’s grandfather but might as well have been mine because that’s how close we were) passed away yesterday. He had dementia and alzheimers and we saw this coming (he has been on his deathbed for a week but the son of a gun was stubborn, god I adored him and am going to miss him) and this is how I have dealt with this on top of everything else hectically happening in my life and this is simply my outlet. But with modern orcs because no one can stop me at this point. Is there homework and big projects due that I should be working on instead? HELL YES. But am I avoiding them because they’re making me face reality? YOU BET. So let me have my emotional support fantasy, if you have happened to read part 1 and part 2 of this story then it’ll be nice to see these guys again and see how things have progressed. 
As Long As You Want To Be
You were in your room in front of your mirrored closet doors, getting ready for today, it was your birthday and it was the big 18- legally an adult and you couldn’t be more relieved it was finally here because you had big plans that the only thing that had been holding you back was your age and you felt a sense of renewal today, like today was a turning point and you had been trying to get your ducks in a row behind the scenes so that when the time came, you could hit the ground running. And today was also your graduation party, all rolled into one huge blow out of a party. 
You curled your long golden brown that ombre-ed into a warm golden blonde hair as you had gotten it colored yesterday, a gift from your aunt Sally at your favorite salon. You had just gotten back from spending an hour at Sephora getting your makeup done, a birthday gift from your sister Grace as she gave your littlest sisters just a light dusting of a shimmering nude eyeshadow so that they felt extra pretty for today too. 
Your mom and your “aunties” got things ready in the kitchen because while you came from a big family, your family “adopted” many others so that you had an even bigger extended family. And they all came out today to show their support and your gift tables were already showing signs of overflowing since half the party came early to help set up for the party and your one gift table soon had to be two and was threatening to turn into three because your parents invited everyone you knew and everyone they knew and everyone came and invited their friends. And while you lived in a sizable suburban house that your parents had had custom built several years ago, it felt overstuffed at the moment and there were still more coming. But with it being a potluck, there was an overabundance of food on the many tables in the huge tents in the backyard. 
You had three younger sisters and one younger brother, who was in the middle of all the girls. You were Brianna Richelle, then there was Blossom Grace who simply went by Grace who was turning 16 next month, then your brother Gavin George- who was 13, Adeline Olivia who was 11 and then the baby, Arianna Lillian who was 8 as Ady and Ari had a few of their friends over as did Grace while you had had all of yours come and spend the night with you the night before while Gavin also got to have some of his friends over, so it was already a very full house. 
And you had especially invited Kihro’s younger sister over to hang out too. Since Kihro’s younger sister Shesly who was only 15 and shy but she was a sweetheart and even if Kihro and you would break up tomorrow, you and Shesly would stay friends and to see her with your friends who were helping her put on makeup and curl her hair and dress up and be one of the girls warmed your heart and your other orc girl friends from the other school districts also were here among your halfling friends and elven friends too and it made you so happy that they weren’t all grouped off, instead everyone was peacefully chatty and mixed. 
Gavin was of course in his room playing video games with his friends, also brothers of your friends while your dad and your uncle were inside cutting up whole beef loins to make steaks and your mom was having your cake delivered as your friends hung out and gossiped in your room and you didn’t bother paying attention when you heard grunting outside your bedroom window as Kihro and his friends carried a big package around the house, under your window and you didn’t hear Kihro direct them and you definitely didn’t hear how he then came inside just as your dad left the house out the back door before Kihro asked where your dad was before he went through the house, said hi to your mom and gave her a quick hug before he went into the back yard where he found your dad firing up the grill and pulled your dad aside and talk with him privately away from everyone else as Kihro’s friends made themselves useful to help carry out the heavier dishes from the kitchen before they helped themselves to the snacks that were being set out before your cake arrived. 
Your parents had gone all out for this party. Mostly because they almost lost you last year to your illness because you had spent your 17th birthday in the hospital barely hanging on by a thread and your parents felt they owed you a proper blow out this year and when you had mentioned a few things you had wanted- neither of them would tell you no. Your invitations for this party had been on par with many of the nicer wedding invitations and the DJ had set up in the garage and hung up a disco ball, laser lights and black lights and smoke machines and all kinds of stuff. 
Your parents even had ordered a tiered cake and hundreds of cupcakes from your favorite bakery- Boonzaaijer’s- in your favorite flavors that had been custom created for you in addition to a baker’s dozen cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory and a chocolate fountain with the works. The cake itself was gorgeous. The top tier was a lemon creme cake with limoncello and sugared lemon zest in the cake batter, with ripe strawberries soaked in super sweet pink moscato in the middle layer between the two cakes with a strawberry puree and the frosting was a twist on strawberry lemonade and the cupcakes in this flavor had the moscato soaked strawberries in the puree in the middle and chocolate dipped strawberries gracing the top of the frosting on top. The second tier was white chocolate cake with luscious whole raspberries in a raspberry puree in the middle layer made with raspberry peach Grand Marinier and the frosting was a ruby chocolate frosting and the cupcakes for this flavor had chocolate cups stuffed full and piled high with perfectly ripe raspberries drizzled in a glaze made out of simple syrup and that raspberry peach Grand Marinier. The third layer was a twist on pineapple upside down cake, it was still a pineapple upside down cake but with peaches and soaked in a trio of rums and peach schnapps and the cupcakes for these were little cupcake versions of a pineapple upside down cake with peaches cooked in the rums in the middle. The fourth tier was a “mudslide” chocolate cake that not only had Kahlua and Godiva and Baileys in the cake but also in the frosting. It was hands down the most decadent cake you had ever witnessed in your life and Kihro and yourself were pretty sure your wedding cake was going to be exactly like this. (If he ever proposed that is, but first he needed to get a damn place of his own because your father forbade any engagement if he didn’t have a home to bring you to that was not his parents house or your parents house, much like his rule that you couldn’t go out on any dates in a car that wasn’t mechanically sound and completely paid for which wasn’t a problem because Kihro’s truck had been bought used and he had paid cash for it so it was a “hoop” that Kihro easily jumped through and one that all your dad’s siblings and friends thought was genius to implement much to the chargrin of your cousins and friends.)
Your father had also had the same BBQ joint that he used to cater the employee picnics bring in a few roasted pigs and tons of ribs and brisket too while one of your uncles- Gary- fried up a ton of chicken wings while your other uncle- Larry- who was a butcher- had gotten several whole beef loins at his cost and “gifted” those to the party and your dad and your uncle were grilling those themselves as your uncle Larry manned the grill but kept an ear open to try to overhear what Kihro was talking to your dad about in the backyard away from everyone but judging from your dad’s posture and his beaming proud smile as he looked at things on Kihro’s phone and listened attentively as Kihro was talking and gesturing with his hands, it was obviously going well and when the two hugged each other, he knew something was going on but kept that to himself as your other uncles and aunts and cousins came over as the men started to congregate around the grill and BBQ pits before a few curious ones decided to see what your dad and Kihro were talking about but Kihro quickly put his phone away as the others came over as your dad simply dismissed it as it was a “work thing”. 
Just then the kegs got delivered. While you weren’t wild about beer, you asked for Kihro’s favorites so that he and the other adults would enjoy them as your father and all your uncles, both by blood and by “adoption” cracked into them, grunting growls- Home Improvement style echoing between all of them as they gleefully drank it down as the pit master let them have little bites of the roasting hogs and some ribs as they got the wings from the deep fryer as beers were drawn for everyone, even the DJ made an appearance to grab a beer and some wings and a few ribs as the Pit master and his crew gratefully took a few steins of beers themselves from the portable BBQ pits parked infront of the garage. 
“So how are things between you and Brie?” Your uncle Gary asked as Kihro took a wing from the pile. 
“Great.” Kihro answered as he slathered on Gary’s homemade hot sauce onto the wing as Gary looked from Kihro to your father as your father gave him a smile and a nod and that seemed to be enough for Gary. 
“Have you found a place of your own yet?” Your uncle Larry chimed in from his spot by the grill nearby as he gave Kihro a speculative glance before he gave your dad a curious look. 
“Possibly, just have to run the potential places by Brie to see what she thinks.” Kihro answered as he barely managed to keep the truth to himself by putting the wing in his mouth. 
“Great answer.” Your father praised as he pat Kihro on the back as the rest of your uncles looked at each other curiously knowing that you were one of his favorite daughters and your father was never more protective of any of his kids than he was of you so for your dad to be so pleasant, let alone approving of your boyfriend, was a good sign that Kihro was a good and trustworthy guy. 
“Well if you know of any good places, feel free to share with Max, I need to get him out of the damn house.” Your other uncle Robert instigated as Max just frowned at his dad as Kihro fought not to snort a laugh because the hot sauce up the nose was a bad idea. 
“Same could be said about you Casey.” Carl added as Casey rolled his eyes as he sucked down chicken wings himself. 
Truth be told, your father and all your uncles and your father’s friends were so proud to see Kihro try so hard and jump through so many hoops to court you properly and it gave them inspiration to push their own sons to match the same bar Kihro was making as well as urge their own daughter’s to expect more from their own significant others. 
Then Kidron and Rhiox showed up with the rest of their kids along with the rest of your father’s OG’s, having dropped off their own gifts on the tables as Kidron made a B-Line for your dad and the hot wings as Kihro’s friends finally rallied around Kihro and the wings in the backyard before your friend Tysh noticed her own crush among Kihro’s friends from her spot overseeing the backyard. 
“Oh, Kihro and his friends are here.” She announced before you nearly yanked your hair out trying to get the damn curling iron out of your hair before Melody made you sit back down so she could finish the back of your head. 
“Oh you can wait five more minutes, I have three curls left.” She reminded you. 
“What do you think Kihro got you?” Tysh asked. 
“An apartment for himself would be ideal. Because the only two things keeping me from actually being engaged to him were I was 1. Underage, which starting today- I no longer am and 2. Him having a home to bring me to if we did get engaged and then married.” You answered. 
“He’s had six months, why hasn’t he gotten one yet?” Sasha asked. 
“He can’t find a place he likes. He nitpicks every place. ‘Not a safe area’, ‘it’s too small’, ‘it’s too expensive’, ‘no garage to park the work truck’, ‘the apartment has issues’. You name it. There was even one apartment, it was a freaking duplex and it was perfect but no- he had a really bad feeling about the guy we would be renting from. Which actually worked out because two months later- the house itself sold and the current tenants were kicked out into the street without warning and their deposit was never returned to them. So there’s that.” You explained with a heavy sigh. 
“Borug just got a condo.” Korryn bragged from her spot on the other side of the room, taking snaps on her phone to send them to her current squeeze- Borug which you were sure once his money ran out, she’d be dropping him like a hot rock. Korryn was Grace’s friend and she was a year older than Grace but a year younger than you and Korryn wanted to be close to the center of attention wherever she went and for Grace’s sake, you put up with her at your party. Because honestly- you couldn’t stand her. But you supposed you could be gracious on your birthday. 
“I thought Borug didn’t have any money left after getting his car.” You questioned innocently, knowing Borug had to beg for a downpayment on his favorite car and a raise from his dad so he could afford the payments because he didn’t have the money saved because he had blown it in Vegas the month before clubbing with Korryn who had invited herself to some tech expo his dad’s company was attending and if you were a betting woman, Borug also got his parents to buy him a condo too because the shame of having a peer, that peer being Kihro, be farther in life than him- was too much for Borug to bear. 
Borug was very competitive and had a huge chip on his shoulder and was incredibly entitiled and an ego that you were positive your house was too small to contain it. But he hadn’t always been like that, as a kid he was awkward just like you. And in the classes that you didn’t share with Kihro, you had shared with Borug. He was also quite popular in school, part of the preppy jock group because he played sports too. But he was always nice and friendly to you at least. 
Borug was the eldest son of a man who owned one of the biggest tech companies in the Great Lakes and was always at the home shows for their tech and home security systems and his dad was part of the Business Owners Association, which your dad was also a part of and you had grown up seeing him a lot at the home shows and Association meetings that you had made snacks for that he helped you with when you were younger but once he was ‘old enough’ to be in the meetings himself with his dad, that stopped. 
Almost immediately after Kihro asked you out, Borug asked Korryn out, Korryn had a huge bosom, like each boob was the size of a basketball kind of big bosomed and she had a belly which for orcs, they usually loved fuller figured women so that wasn’t surprising but she had no ass and a richer yet smaller family who lived on Laken Lake which was a lake known for its lavish lake houses, speed boats and water sports while your family lived off of one of the Trinity Lakes that all connected together to form a three lobed lake, which were better for fishing and your family were avid fishers, a pastime you and Kihro enjoyed a lot together. Especially when he would help clean the catch and had a way of frying the fish that was amazing. 
However, something that you didn’t know was once Kihro had asked you out, he literally passed Borug who was also on his way to ask you out, he had even strutted accross the lunchroom but neither you or Kihro had noticed. When Borug had been passed by Kihro and saw Kihro sit at your table, he sat down at the next table over and eavesdropped and once Kihro asked you out to the dance and you accepted and especially once you kissed Kihro, he knew he didn’t stand a chance right then and so he had asked Korryn out to the dance after school since she had a different lunch time. 
It was only supposed to be until Kihro crashed and burned and Borug was supposed to come in and scoop you up and save the day and she was, according to a mutual friend, was just a right now girl. But Korryn hadn’t been happy with that and had insisted that they be an item since Borug’s plan was to treat Korryn the way he wanted to treat you, which ended up being an invitation to a super fancy restaurant that he was sure Kihro would have a hard time paying for and of course lavish Korryn with a gown and the “star treatment” which she had no problems taking absolute advantage of. But the problem was- was you had gotten another flair and hadn’t gone to the fall formal because you were in the hospital so you didn’t witness any of that except through Korryn’s social network feed on Grace’s phone because you weren’t friends with her on any social media which you could care less about. 
And of course by winter formal Korryn’s claws and hooks were fully embedded into Borug as she pushed them to be this picture perfect couple and Borug could only wait until Kihro would fail to jump through a hoop but every one Kihro jumped through with ease and to see you and Kihro be together so naturally and effortlessly and especially so happily, made his gut sour because while him and Korryn looked great on camera, the moments between the camera flashes were awful. Between her difficult and demanding personality, emotional immaturity, nonexistent life skills and zero work ethic coupled with piss poor money management along with her inability to compromise because she had been catered to by her parents and her other friends her whole life- the relationship was incredibly strained. He was stuck with a girl who pushed him to spend all his money on a “lifestyle” and expensive lavish gifts on her and it was something he couldn’t hope to support long term. And the barely mediocre sex he got from her wasn’t worth it but with her being the popular girl, no other girl would go near him for fear of Korryn’s retaliation socially. He literally got a big pair of tits. That was the only positive in that relationship for him. And Korryn was constantly spewing his personal business and every argument he ever got into with her, she told EVERYONE so that she could get “everyone” on her side. 
Meanwhile you had taken her behavior as notes about how not to act as Kihro was eternally grateful for it and every time Borug would complain to their mutual friends, Kihro would simply sit back and smirk that at least his girl didn’t do that shit and if anything, it gave Kihro the assurance that he had made the right decision by asking you out and doing everything in his power to keep you happy and content, if not sated the best ways he could, basically through his mouth and his hands because regular sex wasn’t allowed. Yet anyway. 
While you were open to a degree to your parents about the relationship because you had witnessed how your friends had kept some dangerous secrets from their parents and how that had not ended well at all, so much so that you kept your parents in the loop and were honest with them, so much so that they trusted you more and gave you freedoms that your friends couldn’t even dream of, freedoms that you wisely did not abuse. 
At the same time, you were also very discrete to everyone else- so that on the rare occasion where you two argued, he made sure to never escalate anything so that the two of you could talk it out and come to either an agreement or a compromise and no one ever heard anything about it, to the point that no one knew you had the disagreement in the first place except or your parents when you had simply mentioned it after the fact which impressed your parents and his. You urged him to stick to his budget and not splurge on anything but that if he needed to buy anything, to invest in quality and only buy something once and were just in general, a sweet, supportive girlfriend while he did his best to be as helpful, supportive, gentle and affectionate as he could be. You two got along like you had been together for years and asking you to a dance and dating you had been the best decision of Kihro’s life as well as yours. He had already spent his fair share of sleepless nights in the ER with you because it was important to him and to your parents to really see you at your worst physically and you wanted him to go into a relationship with you with his own eyes wide open.  
By now though, he had gotten you over a dozen beads that you were sure would pull your hair out if you tried wearing them all at the same time but instead you got them on a necklace that you never took off and that you guarded with your life, except for the gold promise ring/ engagement bead, that never left your hair. 
Once your hair was done you practically bolted out of your room to go downstairs to see Kihro, leaving your friends laughing as they followed you downstairs as they watched you having to hug your way through everyone who wanted to wish you a happy birthday and congratulations before you finally managed to get outside before you were swarmed by all your uncles and cousins before you finally got to your dad then Kihro before you glued yourself to his side. 
“So? How’s the beer?” You asked Kihro giddily. Hoping that he got to get his favorite at least. 
“Delicious.” Kihro praised as he offered you the cup to sip it, which you did, a tiny one. It was dark and intense but for the beer connoisseurs, very good because it was a Dragon’s Milk in a seasonal marshmallow and dark chocolate flavor. 
“It’s definitely beer.” You giggled as you handed it back and shuddered before you comically looked down your shirt. 
“Ok, so it isn’t replacing my boobs with chest hair immediately, that’s good.” You teased which got everyone to bust out laughing as Kihro nearly spit out his beer laughing himself. 
“Would you still love me with chest hair Babe?” You teased Kihro who comically grimaced. 
“Sure.” Kihro sarcastically agreed as he pretended to dodge the question and drink more beer which made you laugh as you noticed Tysh give her crush Akhi a beer and judging by the hopeful smile she gave him, she was trying to catch his eye, and judging by the way he bashfully took it from her, he liked her too but you knew Akhi was more shy than Kihro ever was and Tysh was one of your prettier friends before you noticed Korryn zero in on Borug and practically plastered herself on him and kissed him, which was a sloppy open mouthed kiss and you noticed how Borug actually sagged his shoulders in defeat and winced at being yanked down to her level as she pulled his hands to hold her before you looked back at Kihro and lowkey pretended to gag as Kihro watched Borug with amused pity before he turned to you and nearly spit out his beer again snickering a laugh at your reaction like it was the greatest inside joke as he rubbed soothing circles into your back and was grateful your arm was looped around his lower back before he sweetly kissed the crown of your head which made your dad grin at your discrete PDA as Borug’s dad gave Korryn the side eye because he didn’t approve of Korryn at all. He knew a gold digger when he saw one and felt his son could do so much better and was almost to the point of bribing his son to dump her for good because the two fought almost all the time. 
“So how’s massage school?” Borug’s dad Draig asked you. 
“Going great. Getting A’s.” You beamed. 
“Getting proposed to every time she’s in the clinic.” Your dad revealed. 
“Oh really?” Draig blinked but grinned. 
“They’re not serious proposals, they’re all joking.” You clarified.
“But you have to be pretty good if they’re offering, all joking aside.” Draig countered. 
 “Ok so I’m known as Big Touch. Because I have little hands but a big touch because I’m heavy handed and they expect the other orc girls who are strong enough to deliver that kind of touch but so far they’re softer handed than I am. So when the clients ask for deep tissue and firm pressure, they expect one of the other girls to come out to meet them and when they see me they always laugh, not believing I’m Big Touch. But about five minutes into the session they find out real quick I’m the real deal, and about 10 minutes in they drop the “tough guy act” and ask me to ease up and by the end of the session they’re believers and try to get rebooked with me. And as it stands I’m booked out until August and I should have all my clinic hours in by then.” You explained. 
“And he’s cool with you working on other guys?” Draig questioned you with a look at Kihro who simply grinned proudly. 
“Yeah, of course, because she’s a professional and if they can’t respect her and the profession they have no business being her clients and she doesn’t need their business if they step out of line and she has no qualms about dismissing anyone. She already has five job offers and her clientele list that is following her from the clinic to wherever she decides to go is already several pages long. She doesn’t need my ego or my possessive jealousy holding her back from making bank because she can stand to make just as much as I do if not more which I don’t have any problem with at all. It would be like her being so jealous she won’t let me do my job when there’s only a married housewife at home without her husband right?” Kirho defended as your love for him was oozing out of every pore on your body as you beamed a bright happy and appreciative smile at Kihro while your dad, all your ungles and Kidron beamed happily themselves while Draig couldn’t argue with that while Borug outright pouted. Because while he wasn’t wild about Korryn, he totally was jealous of every guy who commented on her instagram pictures complimenting her massive cleavage but wanted to get into fights with everyone who called her “butterface” which you thought was hilarious. 
“So Korryn told me that you got a new condo is that right Borug?” You asked Borug, shifting the attention over to him as you looked from him to Draig who’s shoulders dropped. 
“Yup, it’s at The Glen. Just signed the papers yesterday.” Borug boasted. The Glen was a brand new condo complex that was about 20 minutes away and many of the young people who’s parent’s lived on Laken Lake were snatching up condos there like crazy. 
“So that means we need to go furniture shopping Baby.” Korryn cooed excitedly and you had never seen Borug force a smile so hard before. You actually felt sorry for him. But it wasn’t your business or a problem you should ever try to fix. You could only stand back and watch to see what happened and hoped that they both wouldn’t fight during your party. 
“And how much did that cost you?” Your dad murmured to Draig. 
“Too much.” Draig muttered back. 
“What about you Kihro? Haven’t you been apartment shopping for like half a year?” Borug jabbed. 
“I have, haven’t found the right place yet.” Kihro just shook his head no with a smug smirk because he overheard your dad from his spot. 
“Cause you’re too picky?” Korryn snidely instigated with a smile that you wanted to slap off her face. 
“Well being “picky” can be a good thing. Brie needs special accommodations because with her business, some of her clients are going to be using walkers and wheelchairs and they can’t do stairs and even if she works for another outfit, I’m sure she’ll still do her own thing on the side and I have to be mindful of that. Plus I need a place close to the hospital because of her health and I need a place to accommodate her pets and mine.” Kihro just started to list off as your mom came out to let everyone know that things were ready for the party to go into full swing. 
“Aww, well that’s because you’re so sweet and thoughtful Kihro.” Your mother praised which got a grateful smile from Kihro and you. 
“Party’s ready when you are Brie.” Your mother informed you. 
“Sweet, how are the hogs Mr. Terry?” You asked the pit master from his spot in front of the portable pits. 
“Been ready Sweetie.” He called back. 
“Well then lets do this.” You instigated before the party got into full swing and you pigged out on all the food and got to dance, Kihro never leaving your side for a moment before you were urged to open your gifts and of course you not only had your little sisters to help while Grace was your recorder and even had Kihro’s little siblings help you which Kihro loved and adored that you made an effort to include them and were sweet and nice to them. 
You got all kinds of massage tools and your aunts Sally and Marry, (married to Larry and Gary respectively) hand made you flaxseed pillows to use in your practice and had gone to the fabric store to pick out all this pure cotton fabric in all these patterns they knew you would like and together they got their sewing machines out and had sewn you over a dozen of them in all these different sizes and a few different styles and you nearly cried because you knew this was a labor of love. 
Your parents of course had gotten you your ideal massage table and a new car, which meant your current one got to be a hand me down to Grace as an early sweet 16 which she was thrilled with while Draig and his family had gotten you the best massage table on the market along with a damn tool box with all kinds of massage tools, the table itself was fully electric and had all kinds of extra bells and whistles and it made your jaw drop, it had taken Borug, Draig, Kihro and all of Kihro’s friends to carry it since it was very heavy. You got all kinds of gifts from everyone while your sisters and Kihro’s younger siblings had all gotten orders from Kihro and your parents to make sure you opened Kihro’s gifts last and when it came to the last few gifts, the first gift from Kihro was a small box and in the box was a coconut half. 
“What is that? Half a coconut bra?” Korryn sneered. 
“You would need four of those.” Borug laughed as he made to grab her boob but she shifted away so he couldn’t. “Tease.” Borug teased with his nose in her ear, making her shudder and turn back to him. 
But instead you looked at it and immediately knew what it was. 
“Oh no way, you didn’t.” You started laughing at Kihro who was sitting down front and center as you looked it over. 
“What is it?” Your mom asked. 
“It’s a coconut hide for a reptile mom.” You informed her. 
“Ew!” Korryn complained before you handed a second box. And once you took the paper off, it was a reptile shipping box which made you squeal in excitement before you got your pocket knife out and opened it as your brother Gavin was instantly much more interested as he scooted his chair really close to you. 
“Oh you got Gavin’s attention really fast.” Your dad laughed as you had Gavin sit right next to you. 
“What do you think it is?” You asked Gavin.  
“It better be either a snake or a gecko.” Gavin insisted because he thought reptiles were awesome and already had a bearded dragon himself and it was something he and Kihro’s younger brother Mohre bonded over. 
“Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods.” You started to chatter excitedly as you opened the box and found a few bags before you opened up the first bag and peeked inside. 
“It’s a snake!” Gavin cheered before you let him peek into the bag too. 
“What kind is it?” Gavin wondered before you pulled it out before you looked in the box to see the different snake cards. 
“That, is an ivory leopard?” You guessed at Kihro who nodded to confirm. 
“Sweet.” Gavin beamed.
“Aren’t you just gorgeous!” You cooed to the snake. 
“What else did he get you?” He asked as he eagerly. “I’ll hold that, you need two hands to open the others.” He insisted as he held out his hands to take it from you before you handed it over before you looked in the other bags. 
“Oooh, this must be the pastel super coral glow, hello sweetie.” You cooed as you got the snake out of the bag before you passed it over to Gavin who held the other snake in his hand before you got to the last one. 
“And this is a crystal ball!” You cheered when you got them out. 
“Thank you Babe, I love them. Now I just gotta get some tubs or something.” You realized before looking back over at the giant box left by the gift table before you looked at the smug grin on Kihro’s face. 
“You got me a rack system didn’t you.” You playfully accused Kihro before you wrapped the crystal ball around your neck to hang out as you opened up the box and found it was indeed a rack system. 
“Thank you so much Baby.” You cooed to him as you came over and kissed him, the crystal ball sticking it’s head out to sniff Kihro. 
“You’re welcome.” Kihro cooed back. 
“What are you gonna name them?” Your sister Ari asked as she got the super coral glow from Gavin. 
“I don’t know, I’ll take suggestions.” You answered before your sisters went to the office and got a pad of paper and decided to take a poll to what to call the snakes into a basket. 
“How about we go set this up so these precious babies can rest.” You urged Kihro before he and his friends got up and picked up the box and the other gifts and carried them up the stairs while everyone went back to party and you simply sat on the bed with your brother and your little sister, each of you holding a snake as you watched proudly as Kihro and his friends got to work setting up the rack system and getting everything ready and to you in that moment, Kihro couldn’t get any sexier. 
You knew he wasn’t perfect but the gods be damned you couldn’t see any flaws at this moment. Here he was sitting down on the floor, reading the manual and putting it together accordingly and a screw driver in his hand and he might as well have been naked with a dozen roses posing on a bed because you could feel the wetness squish between your legs. You wanted to fuck his brains out is what you wanted to do. But you had to admit that what you wanted more than snakes for your birthday was his own independence but it had not been the time or the place earlier to ask him about it. You waited patiently as Kihro put it together and all his friends made sure each tub was ready to go before you put the snakes away in their new homes. 
“Guys, could you give us a moment please?” You requested to his friends once they were done before everyone else left as the snakes settled into their new homes.  
“What’s wrong?” Kihro asked as he read your face and body language. 
“I don’t want to be ungrateful or anything. But I would have been happier if you had used all the money that you spent on all this getting an apartment.” You answered before you peeked up at him and saw him beam another proud smile at you. 
“Brie, why do you think I got a rack system capable of housing 12 to 40 snakes when you only have three and I only have three?” He questioned. 
“Because ball pythons can become an addictive hobby?” You guessed. 
“That’s true but, because I knew that if I got you this, it would give me a moment to privately give you these.” He said as he reached into his pocket and gave you two business cards. 
One was a bank manager’s business card with an appointment time written on it for Monday and the second was a realtor’s business card. 
“What?” You breathed as you looked at the two as you realized what the implications of these were. “Wait, are you getting preapproved for a home loan?” You asked as your heart started to race. 
“We are.” Kihro corrected. 
“We?” You repeated as a bright smile soon bloomed on your face before you squealed and leaped into his arms and was happy when he caught you and held you up so you could kiss him. 
“Why didn’t you give me these as my present?!” You asked. 
“I didn’t want to embarrass you, just in case, I know we both like to keep our private affairs private.” Kihro answered. 
“Well with the present company, that would probably be wise.” You laughed with a pointed look at Korryn’s things she had left in your room. “That was very kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you.” You thanked him. 
“And I don’t think the bank will approve it if you don’t have this.” He said as he carried you over to your chair and sat down with you still in his arms before he dug into his pocket and pulled out an engagement ring, a mermaid sapphire one and you were instantly crying tears of happiness as he put it on before he produced another gold bead for your hair, a larger one but the same style as the first as you sat there and happily waited for him to add it to the other in your hair. 
“How do I look?” You asked when he was finished as wiped at the streaking mascara under your eyes but your smile shamed the sun. 
“Beautiful.” He whispered before he framed your face and kissed you earnestly and you melted in his lap and returned the impassioned kiss. 
“Pack a bag, I’m taking you on a trip this weekend, after the party.” He urged. 
“What?” You laughed in surprise. 
“Before we actually tie the knot and get married, I want to make sure I can fit in my bride.” Kihro explained as he palmed your belly but reached under you to sensually rub at your center. 
“Uh, I don’t know if..” You began to counter as your cheeks flushed even though in that moment you didn’t want anything more. 
“Your dad already gave me the go ahead, no more chaperones, no more hoops, we can just be together and the only clause was that I didn’t knock you up, so as long as we can be safe about it, we don’t have to hold back anymore.” Kihro explained as you were ready start immediately. But instead you kissed him before you practically leaped off of him to grab a bag and started stuffing enough clothes to get you through the weekend and an outfit for the appointment on Monday, you wanted to look as professional and mature as possible. 
“Ok, let’s send everyone home, I’m ready to go.” You insisted which made him laugh. 
“Easy horndog. The night is still young, we have plenty of time, we’re not going that far.” He assured you.
“But I am going to put this in the truck.” He explained as he took his bag and you left your room with your hand still intertwined with his before your mother was already at the base of the stairs which prompted Kihro to leave your bag at the top of the stairs because he could sense you were about to be swarmed. 
“And?” She asked excitedly since your dad had clued her in before Kihro brought your intertwined hands up to show off the engagement ring before she squealed and as soon as the people around saw the ring, word spread like wildfire though the party and Korryn turned a few shades greener as she looked at your engagement ring before she looked expectantly at Borug as if he had been secretly keeping one for her in his pocket and you were too happy to recieve congratulations from everyone else to notice how Draig gave Borug a warning glare with a pointed look in Korryn’s direction but Kihro caught it as did everyone else apparently as your dad nearly died laughing but happily hugged you tight. 
“You sure it’s ok?” You whispered in his ear.
“Yup, as long as this is what you want, I’ll support you no matter what.” Your dad reassured you before he kissed your cheek affectionately. 
“Thank you, I love you so much Dad.” You told him before you let go and received all the other congratulations from everyone else and if you had thought the party was in full swing before, now it really was. You danced until you felt your feet were going to fall off, you ate until you were stuffed and drank until you were just a little tipsy but so happy and at peace. 
And once most of the party guests finally left, you left too with Kihro. Granted his truck wasn’t nearly as nice as Borug’s sports car. It was still all Kihro’s and you didn’t worry about a thing as you sat next to him and held his hand when he wasn’t shifting gears. You didn’t care where you were going, he could drive on for forever. He drove until he came to a beach house in South Haven which was only half an hour away. 
“What is this place?” You asked curiously as you got out of the truck and looked up at it. 
“An airbnb.” He beamed as he got your bags and his and entered the code on the door to be let in. He had actually spent his morning getting this place ready because he was hopeful that your dad would say yes and he had packed the fridge with enough food to get you through the weekend and your parents had packed you enough leftovers to also get you through too. 
“Home away from home for the weekend.” He said as he managed to pick you up and carry you over the threshold which cracked you up. 
“How in the world were you able to afford all of this?” You wondered as he put you down and the bags down on the other side.  
“Well actually Borug and I had the same amount in savings when we both asked out our girls and so far in the six months he’s dated Korryn, she’s bled him dry while my savings has done nothing but go up even though I’ve been beading you well and the snake thing was something I was going to do either way and since you love it as much as I do- I might as well make it a couple thing, something we can do and enjoy together. Plus even when your health is bad and you can’t physically manage to give massages, this can be a backup for us.” He explained. 
“And even if we don’t make any money with the snakes. They’re still pets to add to our menagerie because honestly, finding an apartment that checks all the boxes we need it to is slim. But a house- we’ll get much farther with a house and the market is pretty big and open right now.” He explained. “Besides if I had gotten an apartment right when we got together, I would be six months of rent poorer and while the house we could get won’t be as nice as a condo…” Kihro began. 
“Oh my gods, I can not begin to tell you how much I don’t want a condo just on the off chance that Borug and Korryn would feel entitled to come over since they’re “neighbors”. No, hell no.” You interrupted him which got him to bust out laughing. 
“Ok, we’re in agreement on that.” He beamed. 
“Let’s get something we can both manage but we can make it our own. It doesn’t have to be brand new, we don’t even have to get something custom, not now, not ever because we had enough headaches with our current house as it is. It would be nice to get something just semi nice- functional, something that we don’t have to bulldoze and start from scratch, but not a money pit either. But something with space, obviously a garage for the work truck and a yard big enough for Kelly that is either fenced in or we can fence it in and we can make it ours over time, it doesn’t have to be picture perfect for me to move in, I can work with anything. And if we’re doing this together, let’s do this together all the way, I absolutely insist on adding my savings to yours for this and all the money I just got from graduation which I know you took all of yours and added it to your savings. I just had the birthday party to end all birthday parties and a graduation party to end all others and we don’t need a wedding to end all weddings ok? No need to go into unnecessary debt, let’s just get preapproved for a home loan and small equity loan for some modest home improvements that we can do ourselves over time so we can turn whatever house we choose into our home.” You urged him and noticed he nodded along with everything you said so you could tell you were both on the same page. 
“So suburbs.” Kihro gathered. 
“Yeah basically.” You nodded. 
“Awesome, I’m happy we’re in agreement about this because everything you just said is what I was thinking and planning anyway. So, want to get naked?” He asked which made you laugh. 
“Hell yeah! I’d thought you would never ask Baby.” You giggled before he picked you back up and put you over his shoulder and grabbed your bags and started going up the stairs as you cackled from your place over his shoulder. 
“Woo! Conquer me Baby!” You cheered which made him laugh before he playfully bit your ass with a flirtatious growl which made you squeal even more before he got to the bedroom and let you drop onto the bed before you bounced, laughing so hard your ribs hurt. 
But your laughing died down to giggles as you sat up and watched Kihro strip his shirt off before he stalked up the bed towards you, your legs were already splayed for him, your wetness soaking through your shorts so there was a wet spot over your core and when he got on all fours over you- you greedily pulled him to you to kiss your nerves away as his weight settled over you as you let that comfort you. The feel of his surprisingly soft but supremely warm skin over his hard, sculpted body was lighting you up just as much as his hands stroking your soft sides from lifting your shirt. His hands, although rougher from callouses from years of hard work, yet there was a supreme gentle reverence in his touch. Like you were a precious gem he was caressing. Like you were his greatest treasure. You couldn’t feel any safer or more comfortable than in his embrace. 
Yet you were so relieved when Kihro slowed down and just laid over you and kissed you until all the tension in your body melted away and when Kihro started kissing your neck and chest, you were itching to get out of your clothes and feel all of his skin against all of yours as you started tugging on your shorts to get them off and that seemed to be what Kihro was looking for before he lifted himself up on his elbows to give you room to remove them and your underwear as he took that cue to take his own pants off and you could only giggle like a loon to see his cock straining in his boxers as you palmed it and started stroking it as you started to lavish open mouthed kisses to his chest and neck as his touch got a little firmer and deliciously needy before he helped you out of your bra. 
“There’s my friends.” Kihro practically giggled once your boobs were free from their constraints before he grabbed them and started kneading them before he started sucking on them as you threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled him closer before he moved one hand to your center and delved in which made you moan and throw your head back. 
Before this was as far as you could go. But now, instead of only getting your feet wet as the waves caressed them and staring at the water, now you could jump right in. You eagerly pulled the covers down and moved the two of you to between the covers before you greedily got him over you and between your legs and it took a little bit of work getting the head in because it was softer and squishier than the rest of the shaft and once it was in you both blew out a shaky breath of relief which got you both to laugh a little breathlessly and with a good and gentle push, your maidenhood gave way but he was in, it was a tight fit, but he fit and you felt your prayers and his were answered and Kihro made sure you were as comfortable as possible for every bit of it and made sure you were ok and made sure that you wanted this and was ready to pull out, literally- at any moment. But you stuck your heels behind his legs and locked him in because you didn’t want him going anywhere but farther in. 
“We made it this far, come on Baby, take me all the way home.” You insisted before he looked at you so softly. 
“I’m already home with you.” He murmured as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Me too.” You whispered as you shared a breath with him as he started to ease in and out as the pain lessoned and morphed into pleasure and the more relaxed and turned on you got the more your canal opened up and the easier it was but at the same time you could tell Kihro was officially on a slippery slope because while you could tell he was bound and determined to get you to cum before he did but you could tell he was fighting his own release as if it was a mighty foe. 
“Baby, get a condom on before you lose your load.” You urged. 
“No, I can...I can last.” He tried to insist as he rested his head on the pillow next to your head as you kegalled and constricted around him as you grinded against him with a meaningful look that said ‘Are you sure about that?’
“Oh fuck, yeah, ok, ok, ok.” Kihro caved as he pulled out and rolled over so he could get into the drawer where he stashed a box of condoms and he had spent last night trying to find the ones that would fit him best and once he was protected you got on and started to ride him and he just stared up at you in awe wonder. 
“You are the greatest vision my eyes will ever see.” Kihro professed and your heart melted. 
“Aww, likewise, I can’t wait to live the rest of my life with you and I don’t care where we live or what we do as long as we’re together doing it.” You mirrored as a few happy tears came to your eyes. “I’m just so happy that you’re mine.” You confessed before he sat up and cradled you in his arms. 
“I’m always going to be yours.” Kihro vowed. “Just like you are always going to be mine as long as you want to be.” Kihro added. 
“I wouldn’t worry about me ever changing my mind if I were you.” You reassured him. “You’re stuck with me.” You giggled. “As long as you want to be.” You added as you bit your lip. 
“I’ll always want to Baby,” he purred before he kissed you and nibbled on your lip because seeing you bite it only made him want to nibble on it himself which made you giggle. 
“You and your lip fetish.” You teased. 
“Not just any lips, your lips, all your lips.” He practically growled which made you squeal in delight as he hiked his hips up with more power that nearly knocked the air out of your lungs but made a moan spill from your kiss swollen lips. 
You let your instincts take control and before you knew it you were so close you recognized the home stretch and by now Kihro had flipped you over and was pounding into you as your body was tensing from the extreme pleasure Kihro was giving you and then with one last push, you were falling into bliss just as Kihro was stuffing that condom full as he slammed into you so deep you felt the head run into the top of your cervix as his fingers dug into the softness of his hips as his growling roar of completion was the most amazing sound and helped amplify your own orgasm. 
“Wow,” you breathed as you basked in the afterglow as Kihro rested over you and caught his breath. 
“Uh huh, wow, well worth the wait, damn baby, that was the best...just...the best...most amazing, you’re so amazing, holy shit that was mind blowing.” Kihro gushed as he cuddled with you and kissed you all over. “Thank you, thank you, thank you for the best sex of my life.” He thanked you which made you crack up. 
“Best sex of our lives so far.” You giggled because truth was Kihro was every bit of a virgin that you were. 
“That’s true.” Kihro conceded before he kissed you before he pulled away and a huge load of semen was ballooning out at the head which made you both giggle. 
“Been saving that for me huh?” You gently teased as he pulled away and very carefully took it off before he tied it off and threw it away and got cleaned up and got you cleaned up. 
“I’m sorry if I hurt you Babe,” he cooed as he helped clean you up. 
“That pleasure was definitely worth the little bit of pain and discomfort, it’s only going to get better from here.” You reassured him before you both got ready for bed and finally got a chance to sleep together in the purest sense. 
When you woke up, you had some amazing morning sex before you made breakfast together, being ever so grateful that Kihro could cook and not just cook but clean up after himself before you walked to the rest of the beach and just talked about everything under the sun and made all kinds of plans before you went back and decided to open all your cards that you had gotten that your parents had dumped into a bag for you as Kihro wrote down who gave what for the purpose of writing thank you cards as you counted up the money and gift cards and come Monday morning, you deposited all that you could and got a bank balance at your bank so that you could take that to Kihro’s bank and to your surprise, your parents and Kihro’s parents met you there for the purpose of co-signing, you knew that Kihro’s parents would co-sign but to have your parents also cosign meant a lot to you that they would give you this kind of support. 
Now the hard parts- finding a house and planning a wedding. 
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silverlysilence · 5 years
The Chicken or the Fish Option?
Yeah, I lied, there is one more thing I gotta do before chasing the elusive sleep.  I once more tried my hand at a one-shot.  Hope you all enjoy my first FanFic post here.
Hiccup sat staring at the invitation in his hands, nursing the first of what was to be many beers that night.  The bar around him was filled with noise, but not to the point it was overbearing.  If anything, the place should have been even noisier seeing how it was packed.  There were still a few empty tables scatter about but they were filling up fast.  So were the other chairs at his high-top table.
“Whattya got there, H?” Tuffnut yanked the thick cardstock from his loose grip while he plopped himself in the chair directly next to the auburn-haired man.  “Hey, this is Astrid’s wedding invitation.  Weren’t we supposed to mail this to her, like yesterday?  Cause, I’m pretty sure she called threatening me to get it to her or Bjorn Boar would end up in the incinerator.”
“Of course it isn’t Astrid’s invite, Hiccup wouldn’t do that to her!  Even after their breakup, they are the best of friends,” Fishlegs huffed, taking the seat directly across from Hiccup.
“Uh, Fishface, that is exactly what it is, I should know, I have mine right here,” Snotlout waved a second identical invite about as he took the final chair next to his cousin.
“What?  Why haven’t you sent it yet?!” the hefty blond demanded, scandalized the stocky brunet hadn’t followed Astrid’s directions to a T.  Blue eyes flickered towards Hiccup as the man took a long drink from his beer.  “Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I mean, there’s probably a perfectly valid reason that someone would be late sending an RSVP to your friend’s wedding. I… just can’t think of one.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Tuffnut asked, waving Hiccup’s invite around, “Astrid and Hiccup were a couple for such a long time and even though they broke up on good terms with our man here assuring Astrid that he’s happy she’s marrying Eret, he can’t go to the wedding.  At least not alone.  If he doesn’t show up with a date, it’ll look as if he was still pining over her and hasn’t moved on, which is sad.  And pathetic.”
Both Snotlout and Fishlegs stared the blonde as he finished his unusual insightful observation.
“Thank you Tuffnut for telling the whole world what a pathetic loser I am,” Hiccup slammed the rest of his beer back.
“No problem H,” Tuffnut completely missed the sarcasm.
“Well, I mean, you cannot not go,” Fishlegs bit his lips, thinking out loud.  “It’s not like you’re going to be the only one from our group to go without a date.”
“Oh, so now you’re dumping my sister?  Have you told her that yet?  If not, I’ll tell her for you,” Tuffnut grinned evilly, rubbing his hands together.
“No!  I am most definitely taking Ruffnut to Astrid’s wedding,” the hefty blonde quickly cutoff whatever scheme was forming in the Thorston’s head.  “I meant you and Snotlout didn’t have dates either.”
“Speak for yourself Fishface,” Snotlout huffed, spinning his invite around to show that he was indeed marked down as bringing a guest and they were having the chicken dinner.
“And I’m pretty sure I filled mine out with a plus one, too,” Tuffnutt sagely nodded his head.
“Who would go out with you two?” Fighlegs blurted out.
“I’ll have you know; I’ve been dating Heather for three months now, thank you very much.”
“And I, set myself up with a blind-date,” Tuffnut triumphantly exclaimed, pounding a fist into his chest.
“Tuff, I don’t think that’s how blind-dates work,” the hefty blond informed the Thorston.
“How would you know? Have you ever been on a blind date before?”
“I’m not sure how to answer that,” Fishlegs responded before another thoughtful look crossed his face. “But that’s not a bad idea, we could set you up on a blind-date for Astrid’s wedding, Hiccup.  That way you won’t have to go alone.”
“I don’t know,” Hiccup shook his head. “I—”
“I know, I can set him up with my blind date and we can all go together.  It’ll be just like when Ruffnut and Fighlegs go out on date night and I tag along.  Though, H, my man, if things start going the hot and heavy route—”
“Tuffnut, no. Really, I appreciate the offer, but no,” Hiccup cut the Thorston off before he could get any further much to the appreciation of the other two occupants at the table.
“What about, Viggo?  You two had some chemistry and you did come out as bi before you started dating Astrid in high school,” Fishlegs offered.
“Isn’t that the guy that tried to kill Astrid because she was monopolizing all of Hiccup’s free time during college?” Snotlout asked, after waving down a waitress and ordering a round of beers for the table.
“No, the police ruled that as an accident,” the hefty blonde denied.  “He didn’t realize the gas can in the back of her truck was leaking, and it wasn’t like she was in the truck anyways.”
“Fishlegs, no,” Hiccup growled out, “I am not going out with Viggo…or his brother.”
The blonde closed his mouth.
“Geeze, Fishface, you got the fishbone to growl, what were you thinking?” Snotlout snorted.
“I don’t see you helping. Oh, wait, that’s right, you don’t have any friends that you could set Hiccup up with,” Fishlegs looked down his nose at the short burnet.
“I have plenty of friends you know nothing about.”
“Yeah, really, are they all imaginary?”
“Ha—fucking—ha.  No, I just don’t subject my friends to losers like you.”
“Real mature, Snothat. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”
“Is that a bet?”
“Yeah, I bet you a hundred dollars that you couldn’t set Hiccup up with a blind-date with any of your so-called friends,” Fishlegs smirked viciously.  
“You’re on, Fishface,” Snotlout grinned, leaning back in his chair as if he didn’t have a care in the world which had Fishleg’s smirk fading and a furrow crossing his face.
“Guys, I really don’t think—” Hiccup was once more cut off by the arrival of a server carrying not only their beers but a tray full of appetizers.
“Hey Snotlout, Fawn told me you were here,” the white-haired man cheerfully greeted the brunet as he rested the majority of the tray’s weight against the table, allowing him to playfully punch the burly man in the arm.  “I thought you said you’re busy tonight and couldn’t hangout? Leaving me all alone to wallow in my loneliness, forced to pick up an extra shift when Periwinkle called in sick and what do I find when I get here? You! Here. Not busy at all. At all. Asshole.”
“Jackson, dude, I am busy.  Can’t you see, I’m being forced to hang out with these losers I knew since high school,” Snotlout laughed, actually laughed, as gestured to the trio looking between the duo with undisguised disbelief.  “You know I’d rather hand out with you and Fawn any day of the week, but it’s Guys’ Night.”
“Guys’ Night, huh?” blue eyes roamed the table, lingering just a little longer on Hiccup than the rest. “Well, I guess I can let it slide this time, but next time, I am so kicking your ass in Mario Kart and don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because Heather tags along again.  I told you, that was a onetime deal.”
“Hm, yeah, whatever you say, you Jack Frost wanna-be,” Snotlout grinned, taking the beer Jackson passed him but eying the food he dropped on the table.  “But, I gotta ask, what’s with the food?  I didn’t order it.”
“Complements of management,” the white-haired man flashed a perfectly innocent smile.  “Now you gentlemen have a good night now, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.  See ya later, asshole.”
“By Frosty,” Snotlout called out to the retreating back, before turning back to smirk proudly at Fishlegs. “Hear that, Fishface, if we need anything, we shouldn’t hesitate to ask my friend.”
“But—you—him—bet?” the blond kept tripping over his words in sheer disbelief at the happenings that just transpired right before his eyes.
A hand slammed an empty bottle of beer on the table, causing the rest of the table to jump and all eyes to turn towards him.
“He wins,” Hiccup stated, gesturing the neck of the beer bottle towards Snotlout. “What’s his name and would he like the chicken or fish option?”
“Jackson Overland, and he is definitely a fish person.  Absolutely loves Haddock.”
I could not resist adding the last line.
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Viva Cuba
y/n’s POV
I knocked on the Alvarez's door, while Schneider stood next to me holding a chair.
Penelope opened the door and Schneider and I walked in.
"Hey, guys, you're in luck. I finally found a vintage store that had a chair that matches your dining set." Schneider said
"Why do we need an extra chair?" Penelope asked
"It's not really extra. There's six of us." He said putting the chair down at the table
They all gasped
"I know. It's not a perfect match. But it's hardly the sorest thumb in this room." He said
"Not the chair! What the hell are you wearing?" Penelope asked
"Oh crap." I said noticing who was on his shirt
"Oh. Che Guevara? Yeah. Viva la revolución, am I right?" He said
"You are wrong." Lydia said
"Do you have any idea.." Alex started
"I got this. Do you have any idea..." Elena said
"Kids, relax. Do you have any idea what this comemierda did?" Penelope asked
"Grew an awesome beard and modeled for T-shirts?" Schneider asked
"Oh, Wow." I said sitting down
"First of all, He wasn't even Cuban!" Penelope said
"He was Castro's right hand man." Lydia said
"He burned books. He banned music. He personally oversaw execution squads. He was a mass murder." Elena said
"But..He has a cool hat." Schneider said
"It's like if you walked into a Jewish home wearing a Hitler shirt." Penelope said
"Or into Taylor Swift's home wearing a Kanye shirt." I said
"Oh, my god! You guys, I am so sorry! I had no idea." He said taking off his shirt
"We forgive you, Schneider. We know that sometimes you are a bobo and don't know what you're doing." Lydia said hugging him
She started rubbing his chest and I had to look away.
"Okay, now I kind of miss the shirt." Penelope said
Alex, Schneider, Lydia, and I were in the living room so Alex could interview her for his project on Cuba.
"So I had to flee Cuba and come here to America. Your abuelo and I were separated for years before we found our way back into each other's arms. There was an earthquake the day we reunited and I am convinced that the passion of our embrace moved the Earth." Lydia said
Alex and ended the recording.
"Not sure the science checks out, but who cares? That was beautiful." Schneider said
"Oh. Gracias." Lydia said
"What are you doing?" Schneider asked getting on Alex's face
Alex looked at him confused.
"History is coming alive before your eyes! And that's too small a camera for too big a star!" Schneider said
"What?" I asked
"Keep talking." Lydia said
"You're so luck she's here. I know nothing about my grandparents and I never will! And they live in Pasadena! I mean, the traffic's just...Anyway, this is a huge opportunity for you. With the right production value, this might qualify for a Student Academy Award. Oh, yeah. The Soscars? It's a thing." Schneider said
"I could win a trophy? Something for the Alvarez Museum besides my teeth?" Alex asked
"Wait, What?" I said
"Don't forget your umbilical cord." Lydia said
"What the hell kind of museum is this?" I questioned
"I'm gonna make a movie! I'll write a script, cast it, edit it.... Wait, am I making more work for myself?" Alex asked
I laughed
"Am I excited about it? Is this what it's like to be Elena?" He asked
"I will start my beauty regime now. I will be ready at dawn."
"Okay, but we have to go to school." Alex said
"Oh, good. Cause dawn was pushing it." Lydia said getting up and leaving
"Okay. So we're doing this tomorrow afternoon? Ah, I was supposed to have jury duty, but you know what? I'm just gonna call my guy. This is more important." Schneider said
Me and Alex laughed
Schneider was about to leave, when he opened the door and Penelope walked in.
"Oh, Hey, Pen. Do you have a 50-foot extension cord and some dry ice? You know what? I'll make a run to the depot." He said leaving
"Do I wanna know?" She asked us
"Tomorrow, I'm filming the whole family for my Cuba project. It's a lot of extra work, but I'm really excited. What is happening to me?" He said
Alex and I walked to his room.
The next day, Alex, Schneider, and I were in the living room, setting up for the movie.
"Isn't this better? A good camera, proper lighting, and a cast in wardrobe." Schneider said
Elena walked out in a sparkly dress and a fruit hat
"I look like a fruit salad." She said
"I look like cousin Consuelo." Penelope said walking out in farmer clothes and a beard.
"Don't let the beard throw you. It actually looks really natural." Alex said
Penelope walked in front of the green screen.
"Lights, camera......talk now!" I said
"I am a farmer. I grow coffee beans. One of Cuba's most important exports. I work everyday from sunrise to sunset. But I am happy with my simple life." Penelope said
"Cut! Can we do it again? It doesn't really seem like you're a farmer." Alex said
"Cause I'm not really a farmer." She said
"It's not to late to recast." Schneider said
"You auditioned and you didn't get the part. Move on, man." I said
Okay, Elena, you're up." Alex said
"Great. But I have some notes on the script." She said
"Oh, here we go. I hate it when the talent has thoughts." Schneider said
"What are you trying to say about Cubans? You're making us out to be a total stereotype. We're not this different from everyone else." Elena said
"Elena, get over this diversity thing. A committee of people think you're a smart Latina, and they wanna help you achieve your dreams. How is this not a good thing?" Penelope asked
I knew they were going to fight, so I tuned out their conversation.
I zoned back in when it was Lydia's turn.
"Abuelita, you're up." Alex said
She dramatically opened the curtains.
"Oh, hello. I didn't se you there. It is I, Lydia Riera, the most famous dancer in Cuba. I can do flamenco, salsa, mambo, pachanga, and the Funky Chicken." She said
She danced to the couch and sat down.
"Okay. Time for your story. Make me laugh. Make me cry. Get me an A." Alex said
"Well, when I was in Cuba...the people would line up for blocks and blocks just to see me. I was the IPhone of my time. But then Castro took over. My family was forced to flee. And that's when I came to America." She said
"Oh, you know what would be good? Talk about being one of the Pedro Pan kids." He said
"Ah! Pedro Pan was a program that during the revolution to fly children out of Cuba and give them safe haven in the United States until Castro left." She said
"Okay.. so you were put on a plane to a new country where you didn't know the language?" I asked
"Oh, yes." She said
"Without your parents?" Alex asked
"Yes." She said
"And you were Elena's age, which would have made Tia Maruchi my age? And Mimi would've been really young." Alex said
"Yes." Lydia said
"Wow, Abuelita. I can't even imagine. That must have been so hard, taking care of your sisters, since you were the oldest." Alex said
Lydia stopped talking
"Mami, are you Okay?" Penelope asked
"Ah..you know, I am sorry. I'm a little tired. I'm sorry, papito." Lydia said tearing up and walking to her room.
We all looked at each other. I pat Alex on the back.
Later, we were all standing in front of the curtain, listening to Abuelita tell Penelope about her older sister.
I held Elena's and Alex's hand.
Penelope opened the curtain and we all sighed.
"So, I guess you heard everything?" Penelope asked
"It's just a curtain." Schneider said
Elena went into her room to talk to her.
Why they were talking, I slowly grabbed my bag and went back to Schneider's apartment.
I couldn't stand to hear people talking about losing their family.
Later, I was sitting on the couch when their was a knock on the door.
I got up from the couch, and opened the door to find Alex.
"Hey." I said letting him in
"Hey." He said
"Is Lydia okay?" I asked
"She's fine, we actually finished the movie. Are you okay?" He asked
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" I said
"Well, you kinda walked off." He said
"Her story just made me sad." I said
"It reminds you of someone else's story?" He asked knowingly
"A little." I said
The next day, we were all gathered in the Alvarez living room to watch Alexa movie.5
We all clapped after it finished.
"Oh, Lydia, I'm so thrilled to be your date at the premiere of the greatest story ever filmed." Dr. B said
"Oh, Leslie, you exaggerate. Date" Lydia said
"That was great, Alex." I said
"Thanks. And I finally have my contribution to the Alvarez Museum. My script with and A-plus on the cover." He said
We all cheered
"And don't forget your signed headshot of the producer." Schneider said
"That's not going on my wall." Penelope said
"We'll See." Schneider said
"Uh.. but I may have something to add to the wall soon. After giving it a lot of thought... I have decided to go back to school to become—" she started
"No, no, no! Don't become a doctor! Please, I've been regretting it ever since we talked. I'm so sorry I inspired you." Dr. B said
"Relax, Doc. You didn't inspire me. They did. I'm not gonna be a doctor. I'm gonna be a nurse practitioner. It's all the things that excite me about being a doctor, but the training takes a fraction of the time, and it still comes with a pretty sweet salary bump." She said
We clapped for her
"Hey, maybe we could both be nurse practitioners. Nah, I couldn't. I enjoy the white coat too much." Doc said
"Nps get a white coat." She said
"Son of a bitch!" He said+
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faithambr · 4 years
House That Built Me
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(Author’s Note: Based loosely on the song and my childhood memories of my grandparents’ house.) 
Here is the link to the song! 
Those were the things that she had cherished over the years. The memories of her loved ones with such love in their eyes and laughter in their hearts. The memories of her cousins playing in the yard while the other relatives were too busy chatting up a storm on the front porch. The memories of her parents giving them all of the love and attention there. 
However those were only just a memory. A memory that would be in her heart forever.
“C’mon Anna,” a voice had interrupted her thoughts, causing the redhead to snap back into the present, “Grandma doesn’t want to let the cold in.”
“Coming Elsa.” she answers as she made her way through the garage.
Has it already been three years since she was the house? Three long years since her parents had died. Three years of feeling nothing but emptiness and heartache. Three years of feeling alone and abandoned by her sister.
But that had all changed with in this past summer. A rekindling relationship with her older sister, Elsa, and a new beau named Kristoff.
“Anna,” her elderly grandmother scolds her as she stood at the kitchen door, “get inside, before you catch yourself a cold.”
“Yes Grandma.” she lets out with a smile as she entered into the house.
Oh wow. she thought with her heart filled up with love and memories. I miss home. 
“Anna,” her grandmother had whispered into her ear, “I know that this maybe hard for you, but we need to figure out some things here.” 
But what do they need to figure out? Where do things need to go? Who’s going to take what? How are they going to go thru everything?
We’ll just have to take it step by step then. she thought as she was looking throughout the kitchen. That’s what Dad would say.
Her heart was pounding at the memories of her parents creating masterpieces in the kitchen. From the her father stirring the already delicious marinara sauce to her mother decorating the little snowflakes with bright colors and edible crystals.
“Hey sister.” a voice had interrupted her thoughts, causing Anna to snap back into reality.
“Oh hi, Elsa.” Anna smiles back at her older sister. “What are you holding there?”
“Mother’s shawl.” she answers while Anna was softly touching the purple pattern.
“I love it.”
“Me too.” Elsa continues. “I found it in her closet earlier this week.”
“Oh.” Anna had mouthed.” May I try it on? Just for old times.”
“Oh wow.” Anna’s eyes went wide with such memories. “Fits like a glove.”
“Except it’s not a glove.” her sister jokes causing Anna to giggle.
“I know.”
“I think Mother would want you to have it.” Elsa lets out with a smirk on her face.
“Really?” Anna’s eyes went wide as saucers as she held the shawl close to her heart.
“Yeah.” her sister nods. “I do remember you wanting to wear it every time Mother would bring it out.”
“And I remember her telling us stories about trolls and magical spirits.” Anna lets out with a smile as she continued into the formal living room.
“Right.” her sister nods just before she went upstairs to help their elderly grandmother. “Grandma and I are going to be upstairs for a bit. She needs me to go through some old files.” 
“Okay.” Anna replies back just before her older sister had made it up the stairs.
Her mother’s shawl was the only form of comfort to her as she sat down on the white chair. She knew that the formal living room was part of her home; yet it felt rather informal to her. It felt almost unnatural for her to be in there, no thanks to some of the rules that could have been established just for that room alone.
Growing up, her mother had kept the room as the oriental room. “As a room where I could keep my China set intact.” her mother would commonly say to their family and friends. Of course her mother would then go on and talk about how the China set was a gift from some royal ancestor in Norway. And yet we weren’t even allowed to touch them. Anna thought as she placed her hand delicately on the flowery, yet antique plate on the formal dining table. 
She smiled at the thought of her mother taking out the set for any formal gatherings at their home. She knew that all of the formal events were mostly for their family’s business, but yet they were definitely memorable. Maybe if things were different. she thought while she was examining the framed crocuses on the wall above the fireplace. Then we wouldn’t have to sell.
Her heart was beating at the thought of selling their home. She knew that both her and her sister wouldn’t be able to keep it. “But as long as I can keep my memories,” she whispered as she looked up at the family portrait, “then we should be fine.”
And she was right. As long as the memories are with her, the house should be fine without them.
At least it has good bones. she thought as she made her way on out of the formal living room. Good bones mean good structure.
She smiled at the thought of some family buying themselves this home, as she slowly made her way downstairs. She loved the fact that the home was built just for her and her family. It was her own father’s idea to add a second living space right next to her and her sister’s room. “So we can have our family and friends over for any event.” her father had always said before. Well he was right about that. she thought as she was making herself comfortable on the old tan leather lounge chair.
She marveled at the times where she would be watching the big game on TV with her father. She remembered all of those claims of bad calls coming from her father, while she was too busy tallying up the points on a spreadsheet along with Elsa. At least we had a great time. she thought as she leaned back into the chair. Ouch, what is that? 
“Chicken Noodle Soup for the...” she had read aloud while she was examining the book.
Her smile grew by the second as she continued on skimming and flipping through each page. She knew this book by heart and she loved every inch of it. This got me through the rough summer days. she thought with a warm smile on her face.
She knew that the books did keep her busy during the rough summer days, yet there were other things and people that did keep her occupied. She smirked at the thought of seeing all of their cousins come together for the annual family reunions during the summer. She loved the idea of having over after spending the day at the lake. Those were the nights. Anna thought as she was reliving the countless nights where she and their cousins would stay up and do whatever they wanted. From building blanket forts and watching VeggieTales to playing card games and telling dirty jokes. “And some of them were sure dirty.” she smirks as she got up from the large chair. “Even at a young age, Cousin Tom sure knew how to crack a dirty one.”
She continued on making her way through to the downstairs, until she stopped at the stairs to the basement. I wonder if it has already been cleared out. Anna thought while she was holding the shawl again for warmth and comfort. She knew that the basement probably hasn’t been cleared out in over ten years, no thanks to her family having the space to store anything and everything. Pretty much everything we have is probably in boxes. she thought as she slowly walked on down the wooden steps. Possibly from the business, too.
Her heart stopped at the basement door. She knew that anything could be possibly behind that door. It’s just a door. Anna had thought as she slowly pulled the basement door away. 
“Whoa.” she whispers aloud, seeing all of the vast emptiness before her. “It’s been cleaned out.”
She was right. The entire basement had been thoroughly cleaned out. The only remnants of the basement was their great grandmother’s big organ, her mother’s built-in sewing machine, and her father’s old office desk. Maybe Elsa’s planning on keeping them. she thought while she was inspecting the organ. Knowing her, she probably would.
“Hmmm,” Anna had continued on wondering aloud while she was looking around the basement, “I wonder if the hidey-ho is still around.”
As a young child, the hidey-ho was a place where her and Elsa would play in. From dressing up as princesses to creating some fake plastic food in the kitchen. Heck even the cousins were obsessed with playing in the hidey-ho. Oh how I wish that we could go back in time, just to enjoy those moments in there. Anna had thought as placed her hand against the wooden door. Even though she was only a young child, she will always remember being in there playing as a princesses in dress up with her cousins.
But I remember getting older, she thought as she left the treasured memory behind, and wishing just to come back down here.
But they couldn’t go back down there. The basement had grown over the years, even after their parents’ death. The basement became more of the clutter and stuff environment, rather than the extra space for more additions to the house. Maybe somebody could make it work again. she thought while she was making her way through the basement. Just like how Dad would’ve wanted it. 
Originally the basement was to be a space for storage, but then it was created as an office space/ family den area. A place where her parents were able to conduct business while keeping an eye on both Anna and her sister playing down in the hidey-ho. But it’s time to move on. she thought as she drew near the basement door. Time to move forward.
Her heart was aching  at the thought of leaving the basement behind, yet she knew that it was time to move on.
She stood at the steps of the back porch, not knowing what else to expect. Maybe I should go down there. Anna thought as she adjusted her mother’s shawl on her slim shoulders. Just to see everything. She knew the backyard would always be the same, yet her heart was yearning for something more. More memories. she thought with a smile on her freckled face. 
She giggled at the thought of playing their own version of baseball, as she was strolling on down through the temporary makeshift baseball field.
“Play ball!” she could hear one of her uncles call out while she was walking on past the pitcher’s mound.
“Hey Batter, batter!” her father would chant as he stood nearby. “Swing!”  
The sound of bat and ball making contact made her laugh as she was standing at the edge of the field.
“I’ve got it!” she could hear her much younger self say followed by a crash into the bushes. “Ouch!”
“Ooooh yeah.” Anna had mouthed while she watched her much younger self slowly get up from the raspberry bushes. “That day was no fun.”
Of course after that she had somehow got into some poison ivy. “At least Mom knew what to do.” she whispered while she was walking on down the path. “Calamine lotion and special baths for a week.”
“Hmm,” Anna whispers as she stopped to take a look at an old car, “now this does look more familiar to me.”
She knew what it was, yet she couldn’t remember how it got there. Maybe Grandpa gave it to him as a trade. she thought with a curious look on her face. But for what exactly?
Then again it was more obvious to her than before.
“Oh wait duh,” Anna smirks, “it’s the old snow plow!”
How could she forget about the snow plow? Her father and grandfather were the ones in charge of plowing the snow off the roads in town. The snow plow was always my favorite. she thought while she was examining the plow. Only during the winter time. 
She remembered the early mornings of hearing her father pour his cup of coffee just for those long winters. Daddy loved those mornings. she thought as she continued on walking past the snow plow. But this was his little piece of heaven. 
And oh what a piece of heaven it was. From the old blue Vega sitting along the  rustic side of the pull barn to the scattered shrapnel of truck tossed to the opposite side of the path. The gravel on the path had made it more homely for her at the barn than at her own home.
Dad’s garage. she thought as she placed her hand on the door to the pull barn. His safe haven. 
Anna remembered all of the afternoons where she would be running down to the garage, telling her father that it was lunch time.
“Daddy, Daddy!” a faint voice of a child echoes through her mind as she pulled the metal door wide open. “Mommy say it’s lunch time!”
“Oh alright, freckles.” a huff voice had answered followed by a thunk. “Ouch!”
“Oh Daddy,” a little figure giggles making Anna smile, “what is Mommy going to do with you?”
At least Dad loved this place. she thought as she watched the memory of her father hug her all those years ago.
“Anna!” a voice called out, causing her to snap back into reality. “Where are you?”
“I’m in here!” she calls back not knowing whoever it was.
“Oh good.” her sister replies back as she stood at the door.
“You needed me?” Anna asks.
“Oh no,” Elsa smirks, making Anna feel right at home, “Grandma was worried about you. So she told me to go out and look for you.”
“Well I’d figured that you would be here.” Elsa smiles at her sister.
“How so?” Anna gave her sister a confused look.
“Well,” Elsa began as she makes her way around Anna, “to say that this was Dad’s place is an understatement.” 
“Yes Dad would stay in here and work on the cars,” Elsa continues as she sat herself down on a dusty stool, “but you would be here, talking his ear off about school and such.”
“So I think that this was your place, too.”
“You’re right Elsa.” Anna smiles warmly while she was glancing around the garage. “Hey look at this!”
“What” Elsa gave her sister a curious look, while Anna was pointing at something nearby.
“This.” Anna answers as she made her way to the shelving unit near her sister. “Remember this? Daddy used to wear these all the time.”
“Oh right,” her older sister smiled, “Mom hated it when he would wear this into the house.”
“Yeah well these were his favorite pair of coveralls.” Anna lets out with a giggle as she held up the dirty coveralls.
“And they sure do smell like him.” Elsa jokes.
“Yeah well,” Anna began as she folds the coveralls in her arms, “I miss him.”
“So do I.” Elsa whispers as she held her younger sister close. “He’d be so proud of you today.”
“What for?” Anna whispers.
“Well for one,” Elsa began, “ you came back from Hans, and two we are here because of you.”
“Plus,” Elsa continues  with tears in her eyes, “he would’ve loved to have Kristoff around more.”
“But he knew Kristoff.” Anna rolls her eyes at her sister.
“Yeah well,” Elsa shrugs her shoulders, “Dad and I had a placed a bet on you tow.”
“Oh really?” Anna cocks an eyebrow. “What was the wager?”
“Bragging rights.” Elsa had simply answered, making Anna smile.
“Well then who won?”
“Well who do you think?”
“I think,” Anna lets out with a smirk, “that you both have won.”
“You’re right.” Elsa giggles as she held her sister close. “Mom would’ve said ‘I told you so’.”
“Right.” Anna laughs while they were making their way on out of the pull barn. “Say does Grandma have the coffee going?”
“I thought that you didn’t like coffee? Elsa quirks an eyebrow at her younger sister.
“Yeah well,” Anna sighs dramatically, “I wouldn’t mind just enjoying our grandmother’s company.”
“Oh.” Elsa lets out with a smile.
“Now race ya back home!” Anna shouts in laughter as she ran on up the path.
“Oh Anna.” Elsa laughs as she was following her sister from behind.
“C’mon slowpoke!” Anna had shouted while she was keeping her eye on the prize.
“I’m coming!” a faint child-like voice had appeared, causing Anna to tear up.
“Hurry up!” a very much younger Anna had appeared right in front of her eyes. “Mom’s making some lemonade!” 
“Anna! Elsa!” their mother would have called out from the kitchen.
“Coming Mommy!” young Anna had replied as she disappeared into the abyss.
Memories. Anna had thought with her tears flowing freely.
“Anna,” her older sister gave Anna a concerned look as she stood at the edge of the driveway, “you okay?”
“Yeah,” Anna sniffs while she was wiping away her tears, “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” she answers, “I’ll be inside in a minute.”
“Well,” Anna began as she looked down at the path, “Dad and Mom thank you for all of the memories here.”
“You’re welcome, my darling.” she could hear her mother say as she turned around and went inside. 
From then on, Anna would continue to treasure all of the memories there. For it was the house that had built her. 
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luciendurrant · 4 years
Real-Life Fairy Tale ~ @JaydeKnox
Once upon a time, a cat helped a little bird learn to fly. Fast forward to today...our wedding day! Garett kept teasing me that Jayde was going to chicken out and stand me up at the altar. “Chicken, get it?” he laughed as we got dressed. I groaned loudly and checked once more to make sure I had Jayde’s ring before taking a shower and getting dressed. Maybe one day I’d get to torture Garett right back on his wedding day. Stranger things had happened.
I woke to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. I grinned as I stood and stretched. The night before had been perfect. Josie, Hope, and I ordered pizza, watched movies, talked, and just had an all-around fun night. It was great spending so much time with them. I ran a brush through my hair and grinned as I slipped my fuzzy slippers on. It was my wedding day! Luc and I were finally going to be husband and wife. I couldn’t help but skip out of the guest room as I joined an already laughing Josie and Hope for breakfast.
Once I was dressed, I went to the kitchen where I found Zak had picked up breakfast. “Morning,” he said with a grin. “Thought you might need some extra protein today.” I laughed and walked over to see plates piled high with bacon, sausage, ham, and eggs. “You even got those honey biscuits I love! Thanks!” He nodded and got glasses down to pour us some juice just as Garett came in. “Boy, it smells good in here.” I handed him a plate. “You can thank Zak for that.” He took the plate, bowed theatrically to his cousin and started fixing us each a plate. Then Zak brought over our juice and we sat down for a hearty breakfast and great conversation.
Breakfast was amazing. Josie really outdid herself. We ate and laughed, spending a little longer after breakfast just enjoying hanging out and catching up. Apparently, Hope was getting pretty serious with her date, Cal. I picked on her and gave her a hard time, laughing every time she blushed. It was great spending time with her and Josie. I had missed it so much. But before long it was time to get our hair and makeup done. Josie had found someone who was willing to make house calls and had a whole team lined up for us. We set about cleaning up the breakfast mess while we waited for them to arrive.
After breakfast, I volunteered to clean up. I needed to do something besides waiting around. The anticipation was driving me crazy. Garett and Zak tried to give me a hard time, but I finally shooed them away. While I washed and rinsed our plates, I recited the vows I knew by heart in my head and tried to picture my beautiful bride standing before me. It had been quite a wild and crazy ride getting to this point in our relationship, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
When the makeup and hair crew finally showed up, we were ushered into our spots and soon getting fixed up. I listened to Josie and Hope as I was getting my makeup done, wasn’t supposed to talk...or laugh, but I think they missed that memo. When I finally gave up and tuned them out so that Mr. Porter would stop giving me “the look”, I thought about Luc, not that he was ever far from my mind. I couldn’t believe that by the time the sun set tonight, I’d be married to the love of my life! So much had changed since I came here. I went from having no family to having a sister and, soon, a husband! I couldn’t wait to see what was next for us.
After I finished the dishes, I joined Garett and Zak on the back porch for some fresh air. Each of us lost in our own thoughts. Zak checked his watch, “I better get going if I’m going to pick up Beatrice and Clea. See you there?” I nodded with a smile. “Thanks again for breakfast.” He grinned and clapped me on the back. “Any time.” Garett walked with him to his car while I headed back inside to take another quick shower and change into my suit.
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After our hair and makeup was done, we quickly set about getting dressed. I was in my old room, turning in the mirror once dressed, when Josie and Hope called that it was time for me to come out. I laughed and called back for them to close their eyes and count to three. When they promised their eyes were closed and then started counting I opened the door and walked out. I had to carry my shoes and giggled as I walked, barefoot in a wedding dress down the hall. As they reached three, I struck a pose and waited for their reactions.
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Garett and I had a heart to heart on the way to the ceremony site. He wanted to remind me that Jayde was still fairly new to being a shifter and didn’t fully understand what having children would be like. He made me promise to use protection until could explain it to her and she could decide whether or not she even wanted children. “Believe me, Garett. I have been thinking about that. We’ve been careful ever since she moved in with me. I didn’t want to scare her by discussing it before the wedding. I didn’t want to chance her feeling pressured to answer a certain way thinking I would change my mind about marrying her.” He nodded as we parked. “Just had to make sure. Ready?” I grinned. “Absolutely!”
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Josie and Hope reacted way better than I thought they would. After rounds of Oohh's and aahh's...we finally started slipping our shoes on. Once we were all ready, we took turns posing for pictures, alone, and with each other. The moment the pics were taken, I knew I was going to make a scrapbook of this day, I never wanted to forget a single detail. This was one of the best days ever. Before long, it was time to head to where the ceremony was taking place. It was the first time I’d ever been in a limo. I loved it because we could laugh and talk along the way without fear of causing an accident.
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The ceremony site was perfect. It was simple and elegant. Just the way we wanted it. Garett and I greeted the judge before saying hello to our guests. It was a small, intimate wedding. Only a handful of friends and family. Couldn’t ask for anything better. I felt a tug on my arm, Garett was gesturing to the limo arriving with my fiancée. I grinned, thanked the guests for coming and followed my best man over to the judge’s side. When we were in place, I swear I held my breath as the limo driver opened the door for Hope, Josie and my bride.
Hope got out first, followed by Josie. They blocked me from view and gave me a few minutes to catch my breath. I was so excited. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it down the aisle without running to Luc. When I calmed myself down, I eased out of the limo behind them. Josie nodded and the music started up, signaling Hope to start walking. Once she had taken a few steps forward, I moved to my sister’s side and linked my arm in hers. I couldn’t help but tear up a little, “You’ll never know how grateful I am for you finding me and helping me see that it was okay to be me. I thought  I was going to be alone forever, but because of you, I know what it’s finally like to belong. To have a real family. I wouldn’t want anyone else standing beside me today. I love you, big sister.” Josie gave my arm a light squeeze. I could tell she was choked up. “Let’s get you married before we both ruin our makeup.” I laughed and let her escort me to my future.
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Hope and Josie looked so lovely when they emerged, but they couldn’t compare to the vision that walked towards me on Josie’s arm. Jayde had never looked more beautiful or more confident as she glided towards me as if on air. At some point I felt tissues being tucked into my hand. I hadn’t even realized that I was crying. I was so proud of her transformation into a strong, loving, happy young woman compared to the way we met. So proud to call her mine. So proud to be taking her hand in front of the judge and pledging my love and my life to her.
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The minute I saw Luc, it took everything in me not to run to him. Being separated, even for just a night, was one night too long. The minute Josie placed my hand in Luc’s...nothing else mattered. The ceremony passed in a blur, although I did tear up a bit with our vows. Before I knew it, the judge was pronouncing us man and wife, and I was in Luc’s arms with his lips pressed to mine. We were married!! When the judge introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. for the first time, I might have cheered right along with everyone else. I couldn’t help it. My life was so empty before and now, not only did I have a sister, I had a husband. I had never known what real love was or that I could love someone as much as I loved Luc. And now? I had a man who loved me and wanted to be with me for the rest of his life. I was beyond happy! I was over the moon.
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otheroutlandertales · 5 years
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Anonymous said: How about one of the stories from Grandfather Tales -- the book Jamie printed when he and Claire went back to Scotland?
Author’s Note: This one is loosely based on the fairy tale Tikki Tikki Tembo.
Other Grandfather Tales
by @abbydebeaupreposts
“Da, Da, Da!” Ian Murray glanced down to see his son tugging on his sleeve. It was getting toward nightfall, but the children had been indefatigable. Not even sitting them all down for dinner had quieted them. Still, it was a special kind of joy to see Og with his cousins. As if that thought had conjured her up, he caught a flash of Bree’s red hair mid-swing as she was tagged by Jem. “Yer it!” he shouted with glee and escaped the long reach of her arm. It was so good to have them back on the Ridge. His eyes swept across the campfire taking in the sight of his mother and his uncle leaning against each other in companionable silence, like him, both content to watch all the children running and playing in the meadow just beyond.
His auntie Claire was helping Rachel put things away for the evening and Roger still wasn’t back from the springhouse with the jugs of ale.
He felt another sharp tug and stared into the sun kissed face of his son, “What is it, a bhalaich?” 
“What’s thee names?”
“What? My names?” Ian wondered what he meant. Og still had a tendency to mix his prepositions. 
“No Da, thee,” he said pointing to his own chest, “All them.” Og bounced up and down on his heels and made a wide sweeping gesture to encompass just about everybody in his field of view.
“He wants to know his middle names,” this explanation coming from Mandy who had intercepted her father and was now carrying a jug that looked heavy in her arms. Ian quickly plucked it from her, pouring himself a generous glass. When he didn’t immediately respond, Mandy went on, “I’m Amanda Claire Hope MacKenzie and Jemmy is Jeremiah Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie, Da is Roger Jeremiah Wakefield MacKenzie and Mam is Brianna Ellen Randall Fraser MacKenzie and Grandda is—.”
“Ah, like the way I am Ian James Fitzgibbons Fraser Murray,” Ian noted. 
“And Okwaho'kenha,” Rachel said using his Mohawk name. She scooped Og up and held Ian’s gaze. He could read her like a book, and knew he was going to be fielding this one. 
“Well Og, the plain truth of it is, yer name is just plain Og Murray. We thought we’d pick out a  name for you in the Mohawk fashion when you got a bit older.” The real story was only slightly more complicated than that, but he could tell from the look on his son’s face neither of these explanations were going to satisfy him. What else could he say? It simply did not match with his mother’s Quaker upbringing nor his Mohawk traditions to give children ostentatiousness names at birth.  
Og, unfortunately, had been going through a why, why, why stage -- morning, noon and night -- of late. Now, he could tell his son was gearing up for a lengthy discourse on the subject and had no way to head him off at the pass. 
Salvation came in the form of a gravelly voice from across the fire pit, “You should tell him the real story.” Upon hearing his grandfather’s voice, Og squirmed until Rachel put him back down and he raced across the edge of the fire to strong arms that helped him climb onto his lap, Og pulling himself up by latching onto the man’s thick, white beard.
“Story? Thee tell, Moopa!” Og demanded. 
“Thee wants to hear it, then?” Murtagh gently teased, for prepositions were hard enough for a bairn to figure out, let alone one with a Quaker mother.
It had been Og who’d christened him Moopa and, of course, the name had stuck with all the rest of the bairns as well. He was pleased to have his own special family name. Murtagh accepted a glass of ale from Claire, who had returned and settled down beside him for what promised to be a good tale, if the smiles on Jamie and Jenny’s faces were any indication.
“This is a story about your other grandfathers,” he began and slowly all the other children came to settle around and listen as well, “Yer Grandda Jamie and your Grandpa Ian, ye ken the one in Scotland?” Murtagh look down at Og. 
“Oh, Lallybroch,” he breathed. Og had been told enough stories for the Highlands to occupy a place of almost mystical wonder in his imagination.
“Aye, just so, my lad. Wayback when your grandfathers were around Jem’s age, they had been given charge of the stables, the watering and feeding of the horses.” 
At this Og uttered the Cherokee word for horses and, hearing it, Ian shared a private smile with Rachel. “Well, it was getting to harvest season and yer great grandfather, the one they called Black Brian,” this time it was Jem’s turn to exclaim, “Dubh!” Ian watched as Jamie shot his grandson a look of startled appreciation, it had been a long time since he’d heard anyone call his father by that name. 
“Aye, that’s what they called him,” Jenny agreed. 
“Believe it or no, Granny Jenny’s hair used to be black as night, just like our father’s,” Jamie said, patting his sister’s knee.  
“Ye may be younger than me, my lad, but do ye ken ye have almost as much silver on yer heid as me?” Her eyes danced. 
“The boys, puffed wi’ self-importance at being given such responsibility, began well enough, mucking the stables and getting the hay. But they soon tired of lugging heavy buckets of water between the well and the stables. Yer Grandda got it into his head to have some fun with poor Grandpa Ian and next thing he knew, a bucket had been dumped right o’er his head. That made your Grandpa so angry that he turned quick as lightning and went after Jamie.”
“Aye, charged me just like that daft bull up in the north pasture,” Jamie confirmed.
“It’s hard to picture Ian going on the attack,” Bree laughed, remembering her gentle uncle as more of a peacemaker than a fighter. 
“No… not after the leg, that’s true enough,” Murtagh agreed.
“In his prime, though,” Jenny said, “He was a canty wee fighter. But he got the best of Jamie wi’out landing a single blow.”
“What happened?” Germain demanded. At that, Murtagh snorted and gave all the children a look full of mirth. 
“Jamie was so surprised, he backed all the way up to the edge of the well and the next thing he knew, he went arse over teakettle, straight into the well!” At this the children let out delighted shrieks of laughter, and the adults all smiled at the abashed look on Jamie’s face. “Well, now, luckily he didna hit his head on his way down; but he was trapped, and good. Stuck there at the bottom of the well. He couldna climb out, for the stone was slippery and Ian wasna strong enough to lift him all by himself using the rope. Try as they might, he and Ian couldna figure out how to get him out of there.”
“Aye, the worst part was the chores werena done. I thought if Da came back and saw me trapped, he’d likely throw Ian in after me. So, I told Ian to run quick as he may and get help.” Jamie told them. 
“I was out back, plucking a chicken,” Jenny added, “Feathers all over my hair. I was sweet on him, even then, and thought I must look a fright but even so I kent he looked worse. All red in the face, wheezing and a look of terror about him. Lord, I thought something terrible had happened to Jamie.” 
“Something terrible did happen to Jamie…” Jamie put in and Claire laughed. 
“I meant,” Jenny said with the exaggerated patience of someone who has had this argument many times before, “Something really terrible, and the longer it took him to spit it out the more worried I became.” 
“What did Ian finally say?” Claire asked. 
“He said,” Murtagh cut in, rolling his eyes at Jamie and Jenny for interrupting his flow, “‘James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser has fallen into the well!’ That’s why it took him so long to get it out. Ye ken there were several Jamie Frasers living around those parts back then and so he needed to tell the whole name. And yer Granny Jenny said, ‘Oh my lord, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser has fallen into the well! Ye must go find Murtagh!’ And so poor Ian didna even have time to catch his breath and he had to set off again, all over Lallybroch desperate to get my help before Jamie’s Da came back. And at every croft he has to say the same thing, ‘James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser has fallen into the well, is Murtagh here?’ It took forever for him to get that great long name out over and over again. By the time word reached me, it was too late. Brian had returned. Between the three of us, we managed to get Jamie out of the well. By that time the poor lad was an ice cube. I’m surprised wee pieces of his backside didna crack off with each lash his Da laid down. I dinna think either lad sat down for two days after.”
“God, ‘twas true, there I was shiverin’ and shaking so hard I swear I could hear my balls rattling in-” Jamie abruptly closed his mouth, turning red as he suddenly remembered the women and children. Murtagh gave him a look and he saw more than one of the boys absently touching their own laps in sympathy. 
“The next day, I overheard Jamie and Ian talking, and Jamie says, ‘God man, what took you so long?’ And Ian, still smarting from the strapping he got from Brian and then the ten extra his own Da added, turned around, all red in the face and steaming and he said ‘I’d like to see ye do better! Running around the countryside yelling out a name like James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. If I had been the one who fell, it wouldna have taken ye all of two seconds to say Ian Murray and I’ll tell ye now, if I never ever have to say that long name again it will be too soon!’” 
“Oh Christ, poor Ian,” Jamie said wiping tears of laughter, “I’d forgotten that part.” Jamie nudged his sister’s leg. “Come to think of it, I dinna think he ever did say my full name out loud again. When I became a mercenary in France, he shortened my name altogether, introduced me as Jamie MacTavish.”
“And so, wee Og Murray, not long before yer parents got marrit, Ian went back to see Grandpa in Scotland and yer Grandpa told yer Da that story. Then, made his son promise that he’d take better care and no’ burden his grandson with a muckle-sized name. The shorter the better, that’s the moral of that tale!”
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imchick · 4 years
November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤
Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don’t really like being the center of attention and all. You might say it’s the same since everyone will still be looking at us the entire time. But, with the other half, the reception — people are more relaxed. Everyone will be dancing, talking to each other, singing and eating their hearts out! So, less judging and critical eyes on us. 😀
Our Reception was held at Aquila Crystal Palace. It’s about 30 – 40 minutes from our Ceremony. We had time to relax and just talk to each other in the car on the way there. Mind you, we were still with our bride & groom assistants.
To give you a preview – here’s what it looked like. ❤
BUT BUT BUT! Before we get to that, let’s go back to the start. Shall we? While we were taking our post-nup pictorial, we prepared welcome snacks and drinks for our guests!
Our supplier for this Gabrielle’s Appetizer. We prepared 200 mini sandwiches (cucumber & kani, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg & bacon), 150 mini burgers (chicken and beef), 200 crostinis (gorgonzola bacon, goat cheese & fig ham, prosciutto & brie, smoked salmon) and 2 gallons of cucumber lemonade
I’m so happy to be hearing good feedback from our guests! Their favorites? the mini burgers! But before they can eat, they will pass by our Signages!
I’m proud to say that I designed all the layouts, with the help of my husband, of course. ❤ We decided to maintain the theme of our invitation – White Marble is such a classic and classy design. Aside from the welcome signage, I wanted to add a little extra! – An Infographic of our love story. ❤
While others are eating or taking a photo in our photobooth, we also prepared some games before everything starts!
I personally created a Word Search Game with Startbucks GC for their prizes! I devised a personalized puzzle with words that have roles or connected to our relationship. For instance – Management Trainee (we were both Management Trainees in a bank. This is how we met) 😀 Everything is so much more special when it is personalized. Do you agree?
Before they officially enter the reception area, I also insisted that I wanted a signage for their Seating Arrangement:
I’m definitely proud of this! I’m a huge, huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S! I insisted to insert the friends theme in our seating arrangement! The heading is The One Where We got Married (just like how all their titles are worded). ❤ I also named our tables with all the memorable lines / quirks of the series such as Pivot, Big Fat Goalie, How you Doin and etc.
I also asked our host to ask our guests whether they know what theme our seating arrangement is. I prepared a FRIENDS themed prize also, which I bought online (a Friends Door Keychain).
The One thing that will welcome our guests upon entering the place is our Animated Monogram.
At first, I wanted a White Background with Gold font for our names. But our coordinator pointed out that I may not be seen if the background is also white. 😛 So, we decided to switch to Dark Green, still in line with our theme. ❤
Okay! So when we arrived at the scene, it’s time for our make-up retouch and time to fill our stomach with the incredible feast we chose for our guest. ❤ It was really delicious. While we were having our early dinner, there’s another game inside the reception: TRIVIA GAME where we gave out bags of chocolates for every correct answer. Some of the questions were: First movie together, Who said I love you first, Term of Enderament, Favorite Series Marathon food. (Some of the answers to the questions were posted in our Infographic) 😀 Clever. Huh?
Initally, we wanted the Fireworks at the end of the program. But we were also hesitant to schedule it after since it was Sunday and our guests might leave early.
Proven! Guests really do enjoy the fireworks! It also elevates your event! ❤ After the fireworks, guests were asked to return to their seats for the Grand Entrance. 😛
Our Bridal Squad were introduced in the tune of Dura by Daddy Yankee. while our Groom Squad danced to Boneless by Steve Aoki. 
As you can see, our male squad is definitely more coordinated with Matt Stefanina dance moves. Hence, they won the challenge of who’s better. 😛
Followed by the entrance of our esteemed entourage, our Prenup / Save the Date Video was shown to all of our guests.
And our Grand Entrance in the tune of Good Life by One Republic, inspired by our Wedding Hashtag of #itsJANNAbeaJUDElife transalated as It’s gonna be a good life.
TIP: Please please be witty enough to think of your own wedding hashtags! One, it’s simply fun. Two, it will encourage your guests to use your hashtag. Three, you’ll have an easier time in collating pictures and videos related to your event if it’s clear that YOU are the only ones using it instead of #JudeandJannaforever or #JudeandJanna2019. Maximize the power of hashtag!
For our Grand Entrance, we decided to use our Indoor Fireworks (which is not shown in the photo) plus this heart shaped confetti free of charge from our Coordinator. ❤
Followed quickly by our entrance, we gave a bit of our opening remarks to our family, friends and loved ones who celebrated with us.
Our first ever dance as a married couple is in the tune of Say you won’t let go by James Arthur. 🙂  This is also the song I was singing to when he proposed. ❤ This song is really special. ❤ Again, there were Indoor Fireworks and confetti as well.
Wedding Traditions followed such as Cake Cutting and Wine Toasting!
Our 3 tier carrot cake is designed with pure white with gold highlights with huge floral appliques. It’s so good! I’m actually sad that we forgot that it was in our ref.
The wine that we toasted is free from our package with Aquila Crystal Palace. If I remember it correctly, it was not hard because I finished it instantly. ❤
My sister, one  of the Matrons of Honor started the speech followed by my Brother in law and finally, my Best friend ended the speeches by inviting everyone to offer a toast for our marriage. ❤
After the long speeches, it’s time for the most awaited time of our guests! Dinner time. ❤ The cousins of my groom, Seth and Yohan led the prayer.
While the guests were eating or in line to get their food, some of the music that we chose to be played are the following: The way you look tonight, Collide, The last time, if I ain’t got you, Everything, Perfect and Close to you among others.
Well, you know how this goes already. . .  . . before they can even line up to the buffet, they all have to take a picture with us. ❤ Here are some of them.
While eating, another batch of Speeches coming from our Principal Sponsors.
Principal Sponsor speeches! We had to choose one from each of our side. My God mother, sister of my father gave a speech while it was a Family friend from the Groom’s side. After the speeches, a couple of games again — which is the second best game! Minute to Win It – Wedding edition. ❤
So we filmed a one time, one shot games of: Segregate it, Pingpong Ball, Shoot the Ball etc. Each table have to guess who won whether it’s the Bride and the Groom! Everyone turned out to be competitive at this part. ❤
After an interactive game, it’s the Parent Dances!
We decided to dance simultaneously to the tune of You are so Beautiful by Joe Cocker. 😀 I was scaring my dad and reminding him of their speech! 😛 while I think my mother in law is having the best time dancing with his son. ❤
After a bit serious of dances, it’s fuckin time for another game! Another game? We can never miss out on Single’s Game! To get the suspicion out of their minds, our host called them like they are about to receive a prize.
Men are lined up in front – a music is played and whoever dances the right move first gets to seat down! The following music were played – Watch me whip, Soulja Boy, Teach me How to Dougie, Gangnam, Level Up, Stayin Alive, Thriller and Can’t Touch this.
Then whoever doesn’t dance, will remain in front and the ladies will start searching for the safety pin. The lady who doesn’t find a single pin, loses. ❤
The losers  of both games, or rather the last man and woman standing wins a Starbucks GC which they can use to go on their ‘date’ – a little matchmaker doesn’t lose its touch on weddings!
It’s my husband’s colleague and one of my closes high school friend! ❤ And after this fun game, our host now calls on both of our parent’s for the wise words.
It’s the Welcome to the Family speech! It’s such a cliche but really overwhelming. It warms your heart, right? I felt really happy to hear it goes both ways. ❤ I have no better way of saying this but it felt really good.
Before the night is over, we prepared some awards to be given to our guests.
Cool Tito Award (right picture) and Fab Tita Award where we award the Best Dressed one – we gave them Wine and a Tefal Pan. ❤ We also awarded Dressed to Kill (Upper Right) for the Best Dressed Millenial and we gave them a 6-pack beers and a Make Up Kit.  Lastly, we gave out a Grand Prize (Lower Right) for the best picture and handed them a powerbank.
Then we played our On Site Photo and our Save the Date Video. ❤
Look at our faces!! ❤ Our Photo Team is led by TJ of Timoteo Photo and our SDE was created by Mac by Stories by Supermac! Extremely in awe, hearts bursting with joy and overwhelmed with gratitude and love. ❤
Before our night ends, we said our Thank yous and invited them for a night full of dancing and drinking!
Look at our ceiling treatment filled with an all white embellishments and gold highlights and black draping to make our ceiling pop out! ❤
The night ends as mentioned, with drinking and dancing! ❤ ❤ ❤
Our last picture before our guests go back to Manila! First up, my colleagues!
My brother and his girlfriend before they fled out of the scene. 😛 Haha. Next? Our Wedding Buddies, one week apart and now, we’re all married. ❤
I always come in threes, Don’t I? And Of course, My Bestfriends since High School.
It always put a smile on my face when I see my friends from different groups come together like this. 🙂
And before this day ends, I need a picture with my husband. ❤
I love you so much, husband! ❤ ❤ It’s been five months and it’s still the Best Day of My Life. ❤ 
EVERYDAY: Our Wedding (Reception) November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤ Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don't really like being the center of attention and all.
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urdbell18 · 6 years
Madamspellman Teacher AU: Chapter one: The One Where They Meet
So I got a lot of positive response for this fic that I’m gonna start poasting it. I did get it reviewed by Mostlygayfluff, thank you for indulging me, but if anyone does have any suggestions because we’re only human, then let me know. I’m posting my story without a real title so if you guys think of one let me know! Thanks and enjoy!
Zelda Spellman made a lot of choices in her life. Some of them she made based on necessity, others based on nothing but her own selfish needs. There were the ones that she would stand behind until her death. There were ones that she regretted the moment she made them, the weight of her actions stabbing her deep in her gut. This was not one of them.
With a file box under her arm Zelda entered her new place of employment, Baxter High. After Labor day Zelda would be the schools new language teacher. The superintendent and the principle both drooled when they read over her certification that deemed her fluid in not one language like French or Spanish (which she was), but several including Russian and Chinese. It meant that they only needed to hire her, one woman that can do it all, instead of two or three, to simplify the budget to benefit the whole school. Zelda didn’t believe them for one second, and she felt bad for maybe half a second on behalf of the teachers who might of lost their jobs because of her. Zelda has never denied that she is a selfish woman, and she needed the job.
Zelda’s heels clicked against the linoleum floor, she was supposed to pick up her keys and badge from the school secretary, a sharp angle mousy blonde by the name of Mrs. Meeks. Mrs. Meeks gave her another box, much to her dismay, that had her name along with the number for her classroom, office number, and class schedule taped to the lid. Now with two boxes of considerable weight she turned to leave the office. That’s when she heard Mr. Hawthorne, principal and her new boss, call her name.
“Mrs. Spellman.” Mr. Hawthorne came up to her, a half a step too close for her liking. Zelda just gritted her teeth and held her tongue. “How are you settling in? Do you need help with those?” Before she could protest Mr. Hawthorne had already taken the boxes from her and started walking down the hallway. He talked all the while expecting Zelda to be following and listening to him. Yes, she did follow him, because he took her belongings. However, that didn’t mean she listened to a word he said. She focused more on where she was going, not listening to a life story she never wanted to hear. When they reached her classroom, Mr. Hawthorne opened the door with a smile that made her skin crawl. Zelda entered the space, silently observing the surrounding, her desk, students desk, chalkboards. “I believe I rambled on long enough.” Zelda just hummed and hoped with everything she had that Mr. Hawthorne would take his leave. “What about you Mrs. Spellman?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m a very hands on principal, as you will come to learn now that you have joined our little family here at Baxter High.” He smiled at her again and Zelda fought the mental image of his wormy head popping open like a zit. It wouldn’t be pretty, and she sighed to rid herself of the thought. “And I’m always interested in how one of our members has come to join us.” Zelda froze where she was taking out her things from her first file box and, not for the first time, thanked whomever that he could not see her face as her heart stopped cold. Mr. Hawthorne’s words sounded no different than ones that she’s heard before back when…
“Mr. Hawthorne.” The sudden crashing of the present startled Zelda and she dropped her binder containing her lessons for French 1. Mr. Hawthorne, for the first time, ignored her as he turned his attention to the other woman. “Ms. Glover is looking for you.”
“Ah, thank you Ms. Wardwell.” Without even a word or a single glance at her Mr. Hawthorne left, brushing pass Ms. Wardwell. To her credit, Ms. Wardwell did not move from where she blocked half of the doorway, nor did she shrink away when Mr. Hawthorne had to flatten himself to get by her. When he left Ms. Wardwell rolled her eyes but didn’t take her leave, she ventured further into the room, her gaze never leaving Zelda. Before Zelda could yell at this woman to demand why she was entitled to enter her space Ms. Wardwell bent down elegantly at the knee to retrieve the binder that was still on the floor. She was careful of the binders rings falling open, and set it gently down on the empty desk.
“I don’t think there’s anything about Hawthorne I need to tell you that you haven’t already figured out yourself.” Ms. Wardwell’s eyes were a crystal clear blue, her finely shaped eyebrows arched elegantly. A half smirk formed on her lips, which were painted a red color that Zelda found sinful, as well as classic. “You seem like an intelligent woman Ms…”
“Spellman. Zelda Spellman.” Ms. Wardwell held out her hand, her nails were neat and painted a shiny red color similar to her lipstick. Her fingers were warm when Zelda offered her hand to shake, the action was firm and strong, it told Zelda all she needed to know about Ms. Wardwell.
“Mary Wardwell. Spellman, I have a student by that same name. Sabrina Spellman.”
“My niece.”
“Well then, now I know you’re an intelligent woman, Zelda Spellman.” Ms. Wardwell smiled at her in a way that Zelda could just make out a smirk. She turned to leave, her soft brown hair bounced on her shoulder like it was cotton. There was a trail of perfume that was sweet yet sharp, just like Ms. Wardwell. “See you around Ms. Spellman.” And just like that Ms. Wardwell was gone, the door closing behind her softly. Three whole minutes ticked by, before Zelda’s mind snapped out of it. She wasn’t even sure what had happened, and returned her focus to why she was here in the first place.
Zelda left Baxter High around four o’clock. With summer still clinging to life, the sun sat high and round in the sky. As luck would have it, no one else disturbed her and she was able to put the finishing touches on her classroom and office. On her way to the car she called her sister at her bookstore job to see if Hilda needed a ride home. Her sister was working late and the owner offered to take her home later. Zelda wasn’t a fan of Dr. Cerberus, but she bit her tongue for Hilda’s sake. So, she went home where the remainder of her family was. There was something calming about driving through the woods, it didn’t matter the time or the season. Zelda would always roll down the window, and no matter what happened that day it flew away with the wind. She parked her car on a patch of grass and walked up the porch steps, they creaked with her weight but it was comforting, it was home, just like her keys jingling in the lock.
“Mommy!” A little girl no more than four with blazing red hair that fell off her shoulders in neat ringlets sat and waited on the entry steps. Her little body rocked with excitement as she anticipated her sign that Zelda was ready to take her into her arms. Had the car ride not been sufficient in placing her in a better mood, her daughter surely would. She looked at her like she was everything, and it always made her smile. Zelda did not hesitate, she scooped her daughter from the steps, the little girls laugh rang in her ear and her skin felt soft when she pressed a kiss to the child’s tiny cheek.
“My darling, how I missed you. Did you behave for Sabrina? What did you do?” Vida lifted her head from her mother’s shoulder and launched into her childlike details on how she watched a few cartoons. Zelda didn’t approve of much TV and Vida didn’t care much for it. How she did the tree on the puzzle she and Hilda had on the table in the parlor. It was never a rule that no one could work on the Spellman sisters’ puzzle but Vida was the only one that was ever interested. She also proudly described how she finished a page of the workbook Zelda made for her to improve her language skill.
“Hello Auntie Zee.” Sabrina was in the kitchen, reading a book, she looked up when Zelda entered Vida perched on her hip. Zelda placed a kiss on top of the teen’s head as she placed her daughter in an unoccupied chair. “How’d it go?”
“Uneventful.” With Hilda working late it was up to her to prepare dinner. It wasn’t that she minded, it was just that Hilda was better at things like cooking and baking . There was chicken thawed in the fridge, she could work with that. “I did however, meet Ms. Wardwell. Is Ambrose here?”
“Really?” Sabrina perked up, her hands stopping mid motion where she was playing some clapping game with her cousin. “Didn’t I tell you she’s great! She-”
“Sabrina, Ambrose, is he here?” Zelda knew all about Ms. Wardwell, Sabrina hasn’t stopped talking about the teacher since last year. While she was grateful to place the name with a face, plus the help with Hawthorne, she didn’t need to hear more about Ms. Wardwell.
“Oh? No. He left a while ago to do… something. I thought best not to ask.” Smart girl, Zelda learned that it was best not to know where her nephew spent most of his time. “Ah! Before I forget, Aunt Zelda, Roz called and asked if I can go see a movie with her and Susie.” And Harvey, Sabrina didn’t need to say that part, Harvey was rarely not around when she went out with her friends. Zelda was not the most comfortable with her niece dating.
“What time will you be back?”
“Ten-thirty, sharp.”
“Acceptable.” Sabrina squealed and hugged Zelda from behind, she left in a swirl of teenage whim. A sort of melecolly feeling over took Zelda as Sabrina buzzed around the house She understood that her niece was growing up, no longer content with staying home with her aunts, but Zelda still missed her, missed her family being here. She had Vida who, when Zelda turned back around to place the extra chicken back in the fridge, was smiling at her from the back of the chair.
“Am I writing Aunt Hilda’s post-it?” Her intuitive little girl, Zelda nodded and while the chicken was cooking in the pan she washed her hands and gave her daughter the pad of paper from the fridge. Whenever Hilda couldn’t join them, Zelda got things ready for when she got home. It often included a portion of the nights meal in the fridge with a note written by Vida (sometimes with touches from Ambrose or Sabrina), tea leafs in her cup covered with a saucer, and kettle on the burner ready to go. Zelda would admit that she hadn’t been the best, most supportive sister, but Vida, who loved so deeply and knew how to care for others, helped. Along with the chicken, Zelda fixed some rice and broccoli. Vida was like any typical child and didn’t want to eat vegetables, but Hilda was always baking something. This time it was blondies that she spent all last Sunday afternoon making, and they made for excellent bribes. Vida was rarely disappointing, and she was munching on a small square of blondie as Zelda finished.
After dinner and dishes, Vida would read from her book with help from Zelda. Very early on she supplied her daughter with books in several languages, mainly English and French. Vida enjoyed this part of the day, being curled up in her mother’s lap, that strong steady heartbeat and soft breathing that soothed her since before she was born. When she started to show the first signs of sleepiness, which was usually around 8:30, Zelda would take her daughter upstairs to ready her for bed; bath with bubblegum bubble bath and strawberry scented shampoo that added even more sweetness to the air, fresh PJ’s, teeth brushed, and then cocooned in her blankets with her favorite always in reach, Hilda knitted it for her from soft thick blue yarn when Zelda told her that she was pregnant. Last was Oso, her favorite stuffed black bear that was missing one eye, tucked under her arm. Zelda stayed until the small girl’s breathing become deep and slow, leaving one last small kiss on the girl’s temple. Zelda then got ready for bed herself, but didn’t go to sleep till much later. Sometimes she’d go back downstairs and wait for Hilda to return. Other times she would turn on the small lamp so she could read without disturbing her daughter who was in the same room. Before Vida was born, she used to share the room with her sister but Hilda has since moved down the hall.
Tonight, she stayed up reading but not really absorbing what was on the page. Instead she listened, the front door slamming softly shut and the whistle of the kettle at twenty to ten which meant that Hilda was home. Then there was the creaking of the floorboards at eleven o’five when Sabrina tried to sneak back into the house at lights out, thirty five minutes past her curfew. Zelda finally settled down, hanging her robe on her bed post and switching off the light. The room plunged into total darkness, minus the soft pulse of her daughters elephant night light. The night was peaceful and warm, the air was filled with the soft sounds of crickets, Zelda had no problem falling asleep.
Her life might not be perfect, nor one she expected to have, but regret? She had none. 
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
Buffy Summers’s Diary (X)
So my follower count jumped up by a lot since I posted about the Boom!verse, so I’d like to say hey. I will keep thinking and posting about the Boom!verse because I really enjoy it. Hopefully, my recaps/reactions continue to be amusing/useful to you guys.
That said, this side blog is mainly for me to post first drafts of fic and reblog all! the! gif sets! about Buffy and co. And she’s my favorite so I will not tolerate Buffy Summers slander. But I also won’t shit over the other characters, even the ones I’m not as fond of, because again - they’re someone’s favorite. I’m just here to be snarky and occasionally thoughtful.
On with the latest installment of my pastiche!
 Eating dinner at Tara’s was always an experience. Candles lit, the warm scent of sandalwood in the air – I missed those nights when I was invited over for dinner at her and Willow’s place. Tara had a way of making any place feel like a home – lived in and cozy.
I didn’t want to arrive empty handed, especially after such a long time of not seeing her. It was mostly out of guilt – it was hard to reconcile the idea of Willow, my best friend versus the woman who had recklessly lied and imploded her relationship with Tara. Dawn hadn’t been right when she accused me of choosing sides, but I hadn’t exactly done the best job of supporting Tara, either.
After mindlessly wandering the aisles of the specialty grocery store -ugh, I know. So LA. I found a jar of a locally farmed honey. It was packed in a pretty glass jar and there was a handwritten label pasted on it. I remembered the fully stocked cabinet of tea in Tara’s home – the honey would go perfectly with it.
 Dawn opened the door when I knocked. ‘You came,’ she said, with some surprise.
‘I said I would.’
I handed her the jar. ‘Where’s Tara?’
‘In the kitchen. She’s finishing the last dish.’
It smelled delicious, garlic and buttery and rich. I went into the kitchen, where Tara was frowning at something on the stove.
‘Can I help?’
She jumped slightly. ‘Oh hey, Buffy.’ She smiled, and every worry I had that she would resent me faded away. ‘I’m just steaming this broccoli. I’m doing vegetarian tonight, is that okay? I could make you some chicken – I would just have to defrost it.’
‘No, it’s fine. Vegetarian actually sounds really good. I’ve been eating nothing but junk at work this whole week. It’s like we’re sponsored by Big Carb.’
She grinned. ‘Well, I made eggplant lasagna and tofu salad. The broccoli is just extra veggies. Dawnie took care of dessert.’
‘She did?’
Tara laughed. ‘She bought it from the bakery down the street. It’s safe.’
‘Oh, thank God.’
‘I heard that,’ Dawn called from the living room. ‘You’re just not ready for my flavor combinations.’
‘You have the palate of a six-year-old.’
‘I wouldn’t say that. I would say at least eight,’ Tara mused.
‘Tara,’ Dawn protested.
‘Dawnie,’ she teased back. ‘And Buffy, you can just sit, I’m all good here.’
‘So how’s everything going at the studio?’ I stirred around my salad, picking up crunchy noodles.
Tara brightened. ‘Really good. I’m doing a workshop for a women’s shelter – it’s open to the general public too. It’s about surviving a fundamentalist cult.’
‘Really? That sounds cool. I wonder if Kendra would be interested in that – I’ll email her tonight.’
‘That would be great publicity. I’ll let Lily know – poor thing is running that shelter all by herself, I’m sure extra attention would bring in extra money.’
‘I can’t promise anything,’ I said, ‘but I’ll do my best to pitch the idea.’
‘Oh, I know. I still appreciate it, though. I’m also doing a freelance job, so I’ll have some funds to pass on to the shelter.’
‘What’s the freelance gig?’ Dawn asked.
‘I’m doing a decorating job – it’s only one office, so it’s not too complicated. It’s for a law firm.’
Small bells began to sound in my head.
‘Which law firm?’
‘That big one downtown. Wolfe, Ram and Hurt.’
The bells became a noisy choir. I swallowed, not tasting the sesame dressing.
‘For who?’
‘Uh, let me think. Ah, a Mr. Delaney?’
Dawn whipped her head around to stare at me. ‘Delaney? Isn’t that..’
‘Angel. You’re decorating Liam Delaney’s office?’
‘That’s it,’ Tara said. ‘Yes. He set up the appointment last week. Actually, his assistant did, then he called to confirm.’
‘Angel’s our old neighbor. And Buffy had a big crush on him,’ Dawn announced.
‘Thanks, Dawn.’ I gritted my teeth. ‘And for the record, it was not a big crush. He was my best friend’s older brother.’
Tara nodded in understanding. ‘Well, while he’s not my preference, he sounded pretty hot on the phone.’
‘Eh,’ Dawn shrugged. ‘He’s all right if you like tall, brooding guys. And jocks.’
‘Angel’s not a jock.’
‘Yeah he was. He was on the football team!’
‘For one season. He quit and joined the art club.’
‘He did? Didn’t see that on a plaque at Hemery. Anyway, Buffy’s type is a jock.’
‘No it isn’t.’
Dawn rolled her eyes. ‘Okay, with the exception of Billy, every boyfriend you had in high school was a jock. Then there was Riley,’ her mouth twisted with distaste. ‘I guess that was more work-related, though.’
‘They had other interests. I have other interests. This is a slander against athletes. You’re an athlete.’
‘Touche. So have you talked to him?’
‘We met for coffee. Tara, this lasagna is awesome.’
‘I can give you the recipe after,’ Tara offered. ‘It’s pretty easy to make.’
‘Real smooth, Buffy. Way to be all avoidy.’ Dawn snorted.
‘Liam’s fine,’ I stressed. ‘He’s dating my co-worker. We’re acquaintances. Anyway, it’s none of your business.’
‘He’s dating? Oh. That’s a surprise. I heard from Mom he was kind of a wreck the last time she saw him.’
‘Yes, he’s dating. And not interested in me, because I am also not interested in him.’
‘Sure,’ Dawn said, unconvinced. ‘So the blushing is just a side effect.’
Tara stepped in before I threw my water at Dawn’s head. ‘I believe you, Buffy. And there is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. Dating can be rough.’
‘There was another guy,’ I said. ‘Something is going on with him – but he’ll probably have to leave soon. He mentioned he had to renew his work visa.’
‘What? You didn’t tell me this!’
‘I didn’t know I had to, seeing how you’re a regular Harriet the spy,’ I said. ‘Like I said, it’s something, but I’m not sure. He was interested, but Liam kind of ruined it.’
Dawn shook his head. ‘It’s so weird hearing you call him that. I think I was twelve when I found out his real first name.’
‘It’s not like it was my personal nickname for him – his family called him that. Kathy would only use his full name when she was mad at him.’
‘Sounds like we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,’ Tara said. She stood up. ‘Help me clear up the plates? And Dawnie, if you can go get the dessert? It’s in the fridge.’
‘Thanks for the save,’ I murmured so Dawn couldn’t hear. ‘Dawn’s super intense with secrets, especially when she thinks I’m keeping something from her.’
Tara smiled gently. ‘I get it. My cousin and I used to be that close too. I kind of envy that bond you two have.’
I shook my head. ‘You’ve been a better older sister to her than I have – the last couple of years….’ I trailed off. ‘Tara, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. It wasn’t right.’
She reached over and squeezed my shoulder. ‘I’m not mad at you, Buffy. I never was. I’m happy you’re here tonight. Don’t be a stranger, you can come around anytime.’
Her eyes sparkled. ‘Do you want me to run recon on Mr. Delaney?’
I laughed. ‘That’s sweet of you to offer, but I think the less I know about him, the better off I’ll be. He’s moved on with his life and I’m trying to do that too. It just kind of threw me – like, I was seventeen again and hearing about him eloping. It wasn’t anything then, and it’s not anything now.’
‘If you’re sure.’ Tara looked at me solemnly.
‘One hundred percent. Besides, there’s the matter of William,’ I said. ‘He’s pretty charming. In an annoying, cocky way.’
Tara raised an eyebrow. ‘William? Do tell.’
‘What about William?’ Dawn entered with a plate of cookies, each one dusted with powdered sugar. ‘Also, who’s William?’
‘The other guy. William Pratt. Also known as –’
‘Spike Pratt?’ Dawn interrupted excitedly. ‘The author?’
‘You know him?’
‘Yeah, his novels are the best to read on long flights. I can’t believe you’re dating him.’
‘We’re not. We’re just getting to know each other, but he’s cooled off. Liam told me to stay away from him, said he was a womanizing playboy.’
‘Oh right, because Angel was a saint,’ Dawn said dismissively. ‘There were always girls going in and out of his house.’
‘Yes, but I know-knew him better than I do William. And people should have second chances. He’s been very respectful with me.’
‘Pe-people can change,’ Tara said. She bit her lip. ‘Sometimes not for the better.’
‘Right,’ Dawn said quickly. ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater, I say.’ She looked at me sharply. ‘Maybe you should stay away from him.’
‘The Summers’s curse is in full effect, nothing is going to happen. And not everyone is going to turn out like Riley. He seems to be happily married now.’
‘Yeah, well if karma was real,’ Dawn said. ‘I just don’t want you to get hurt again.’
I couldn’t help it. I pulled her into a hug. ‘I know. And I love you for that. But I’m a big girl and …I do what I want.’
She patted my back. ‘Yeah, but I call dibs on I told you so later.’
‘I expect nothing less.’
‘Boys are dumb,’ Tara said lightly. ‘That doesn’t really change with age.’ She plucked a cookie off the plate and offered it to me.
‘They really are,’ I sighed. I bit into the crumbly softness, the sugar dusting my mouth. ‘But I’m tired of talking about me. What else is going on in your life?’
Tara looked down bashfully. ‘Well, I think I’m going to adopt a cat, and I finally finished all the seasons of the X-Files, work is going great, Dawnie is helping me with the apps…’
‘What apps?’
‘Dating apps,’ Dawn said. ‘I let Tara see my profile and then set her up with her own account.’
‘You’re on dating apps?’
‘Uh yeah. Everyone is on dating apps, no one meets in the wild anymore,’ Dawn said. ‘Besides, it’s fun.’
‘But – they’re strangers. They could be anyone. Dangerous anyones.’
‘I’m not stupid, I have filters in place. You’re just paranoid because of what happened with Xander.’
‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Because Xander got codfished. Multiple times. One of them turned out to be an escaped convict.’
‘Catfished,’ Dawn said exasperatedly. ‘And he met Anya on an app. She was nice. Sort of.’
‘I’ve gone on a few dates,’ Tara said. ‘All very nice women. No serial killers in the lot.’
‘It’s perfectly safe, Buffy. Look, I just bypass all the men who have lots of gym pictures, hiking pictures, and golfing pictures. Oh, and if they quote Borat.’
‘That’s like a third of LA. Who’s even left?’
‘Nice guys, I swear. And sometimes,’ Dawn shifted in her seat, ‘it’s not about the dates.’
Tara coughed. ‘I have a book club you could join, Buffy. If you want to meet nice people.’
Objectively, I knew I shouldn’t have been surprised. Dawn was twenty-four years old, I didn’t think she was at home knitting tea cozies. But still. She was my baby sister.
‘I think I need to see your feed.’
‘No way. You have judgment face. You’re just going to say mean stuff about all of them.’
‘I will not,’ I lied. ‘If they’re as nice as you say.’
‘Not in a million years. You can make your own profile.’
‘Ugh. No thank you. I have to have a social media presence for work and it makes me want to burn down the internet.’
‘It’s okay as long as you don’t read the comments. Or check the grammar,’ Tara said helpfully. ‘People generally mean well.’
‘That hasn’t really been my experience. I’ll just have to live vicariously through you two.’
‘Here’s what I’m thinking – if this something doesn’t work out with Spike – you could try the app. Maybe find a nice Joe Normal.’ Dawn shrugged. ‘It’s really not a big deal.’
‘I’ll have to get back to you on that. Can you email me the lasagna recipe, Tara?’
‘Of course. Take some cookies home, there’s too much for me to eat by myself.’
She walked us to her hallway and hugged us both. ‘I’ll see you in the morning, Dawnie. And you,’ she punched my shoulder playfully. ‘You are always welcome to stop by. You’re family.’
I was overwhelmed. ‘Thanks, Tara. I’ll let you know about that article about the shelter. I could volunteer at the very least.’
‘I’d like that. Lily would like it too, I’m sure.’
  ‘Tara’s doing really well, isn’t she?’ 
Dawn nodded. ‘She is. I think she’s moved on.’
‘That’s good. I’m happy for her.’
‘But…’ Dawn said. ‘You have that look on your face.’
‘I thought she and Willow would have made it. After Xander and Anya broke up, they were supposed to be the rock solid couple. I guess that was selfish of me.’
‘Well, you know what I think about Willow. Tara might have forgiven her, but I haven’t. And I don’t like Kennedy.’
‘She’s an acquired taste. And it doesn’t matter what we think – Willow loves her. She sees something in her that is valuable.’
‘She calls you a gringa idiota behind your back, you know.’
‘Yeah. She doesn’t know that I know Spanish.’
‘I just have to remember that Willow loves her. That’s all that matters.’ I clenched my fist. ‘She’s a valuable, worthy person.’
‘If you say so,’ Dawn said doubtfully. ‘I think she’s a rebound and both of them deserve better.’
‘Yeah, but I can’t tell Will that. It’s her life.’
‘Maybe you could just hint at it? Are you still doing those weekend brunches?’
‘Yeah. We have to schedule one soon, she’s been really busy with wedding planning. Do you want to come?’
‘I’ll pass. I have plans for the weekend.’
‘Do they involve sketchy app guys?’
‘You’re being safe right? Mom gave you the talk?’
Dawn grimaced. ‘Yes, and the book and the PowerPoint. Relax, Buffy. I know what I’m doing.’
‘Will you text me when you leave at least? And when you’re on your way home?’
‘Okay. Anything else, Mom?’
‘Mom would have given you Mace to put in your purse – she did, didn’t she?’
‘Yep. It’s millennial pink.’
‘Then we’re good.’
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#Buffy Summer’s Diary
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teciimedia · 6 years
Week -1: Before Orientation.
At the begining of February, I made the big move from St. Louis to Orlando in my Toyota Corolla. I packed my car with what I could fit in it and left. I was able to transfer my job (Whole Foods) which happens to be a mile away from my school. I am renting a studio apartment alone 15-20 minutes* away from School/Work. I am seeking a Diploma and perhaps BA in Video Game Production upon gradating from DAVE School. Fundamentally I am going to school for 3D modeling and animation. I have no actual experience or expertise in this field. I am treating it as a tool in my box of other skills that I have acquired over the years including 2D Design, Music Production and Leadership/social/team skills from the service industry. I visited the school in October, 2018 and talked with the career advisor about my exceptions upon leaving the school and what I should do to prepare myself. From November to January I moved in to my Dads and starting saving and much money as I could. I stopped consuming fast food, alcohol and going out to expensive activities. I wanted to save about $2,500-$3,500. I saved about about $4,000. They don’t teach Blender at the school, instead Maya. But the Advisor said it would be a good way to get the feel of modeling without building bad habits in the wrong program. I took a Udemy Course by Gamedev.tv and it opened my mind to the bridge between 2D modeling and 3D modeling. The last thing to note about this visit is that if I scrape by and am able to land a entry level job at a VG studio. I would be making less money than I am now at Whole Foods, hence, I must be one step ahead and that had to start before classes. For transparency and what have you, my Grandma is helping me financially. My sister, cousins and I share an education account and she was able to take money out to help with my tuition down payment and to take some the burden off rent and such. For the 5 years, prior to living at my Dad’s I’d been supporting myself and it took a lot to realize I COULDN’T do this alone. We’d ran the numbers plenty of times. Up until November I will be able to run off that money if I stick to my current plan, then money will probably come from a personal level. I have a $10 planet fitness membership and a spotify premium account. Beyond those extra expenses I am keeping my life pretty minimal. As of 12/27/2018 until further notice, I am abstaining from Alcohol, Soda and avoiding Fast Food, Bread and cheese. I mainly shop at Aldi and my diet consists of chicken breast, broccoli, ground turkey meat, protein bars/powder, eggs and oatmeal. I average about $20 a week at the store and my caloric intake is between 1,200 and 1,500. I’ve lost 15 lbs since moving to FL and 30 since Xmas. My workout routine changed from being barbell based to machine/dumbbell to eventually treadmill due to switching gyms. Planet Fitness doesn’t have barbells and to achieve the same progress it would require me to spent nearly 6 hours at the gym a week compared to the 2-3 I use to. Over the next year I am focused on achieving a healthy bodyweight and bf% something I’ve never had in my adult life.
Current schedule: Classes go Monday-Friday, 7a~2p. Work availability: M-F: 2:30-Close. Sat/Sun: Open-Close. Gym (Planet Fitness): 30min treadmill run, MWF.
I am currently working Full-Time, hopefully through out only the first 3 weeks of classes. WFM has a tier, p20, that I would only be scheduled 20-30 hours a week. I am also looking at taking Sundays and Mondays fully off from work in order to have time to focus on classes and have a chance to breathe. There is a DND club that runs on Mondays as well. I’d either be involved in that or start a Sunday group with my current classmates. DND and journaling have proven to be extremely beneficial when it comes to dealing with my daily depression and anxiety. It opens my mind in a positive manner and having weekly/bi-weekly meet ups brings stability into my life that is on my terms.
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