#and i didn't want to write any of the other prompts sooooo
mumms-the-word · 2 months
Day 19 of the BG3 Fic February Challenge
This is going to be less fic writing and more…exploratory character stuff, a bit of a stream of consciousness deal where I’m finding out stuff as I go. It’s like a glimpse into my brain, kind of
I like writing stuff like this and coming into fun little snippets or turns of phrase that weren't planned but hit just right. There's some of that here, so I hope you like this little exploration of my silly, flawed BG3 children
Check out my masterlist of BG3 fics!
19. Describe your Tav/Durge's flaws, how companions respond
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If you ask Invi personally what she considers her biggest flaw to be, she would say that she doesn’t remember, and that her memory loss itself is her biggest flaw. But if you were to watch her from day to day, you will eventually notice little quirks about her that even she doesn’t seem to recognize just yet.
Her indecisiveness, for example. Operating on an almost empty memory bank of herself and the world around her, Invi spends a lot of time in her own head trying to make sense of the people she’s met, the information she’s learned, the landscape she’s navigating, and the decisions that need to be made. It’s a lot to process and so she spends a lot of her time thinking and less of her time acting or reacting.
It drives companions like Lae’zel and Shadowheart up the wall. Lae’zel literally says “Action, not reaction,” as one of her passive phrases (Invi hears it all the time, and eventually it starts to feel like Lae’zel is saying it for her benefit, and not as a personal mantra). Shadowheart likewise prefers when people make decisions and stick with them, no matter the consequences. Both of them might be seen tapping their feet or prodding Invi to make a move whenever Invi gets stuck in her own head and doesn’t know which way to turn.
But in Invi’s defense, she doesn’t want to make the wrong move. She’s already made several “wrong” moves, and that’s not even counting the horrors of her past that she can’t even remember. The fewer mistakes she makes, the better. At least, in her opinion. It takes people like Wyll and Karlach, even Gale, to remind her that mistakes aren’t the end of the world and that dealing with consequences doesn’t have to be so dire when you have friends to help you out. It helps, a little, with her indecision, though it doesn’t fix it.
Astarion, of course, couldn’t care less what happens, so long as something does happen and Invi isn’t letting herself get duped by some sap with a sob story. Invi is clever, observant, and careful, but even she can get sweet-talked into situations. Astarion likes to be there whenever she looks like she’s about to be a little gullible and remind her that ruthlessness is an option, too. She doesn’t always listen (sometimes she does), but she appreciates that he’s looking out for her. Kind of.
And she can be gullible, though not nearly enough to satisfy Astarion early in the game. He chooses her as his mark for seduction because he thinks it’ll be easy. And it is—she finds herself drawn in by his charms almost immediately—but he soon realizes that she isn’t going to say yes to everything he desires, either. Like ascending, for example. She’s inherently distrustful of power, almost to the point of sabotaging herself and her friends’ by trying to stop them from going mad with power, but that’s a story for another time. 
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Freyr has so many flaws. Freyr is nothing but flaws. Freyr is the big, giant red flag that flies at the top of a citadel of flaws. Look up Red Flags in the Faerûnian urban dictionary and it will have his picture there.
He’s cruel. He’s ambitious. He’s really, really into murder. He’s callous. He’s tactless. He’s apathetic about most things. He’s sadistic about everything else. He is Not a Good Man.
He does, however, not act like that towards his friends. While he is dismissive of Gale and Astarion, viewing them as inferior to him, he is immensely respectful of his female friends. When Shadowheart expresses a desire to become a Dark Justiciar, he supports her every step of the way. When Lae’zel decides she wants to murder Orpheus in service to her queen, he thinks it’s a little silly that she wants to be beholden to her goddess, but he’s going to make sure she returns to Vlaakith with Orpheus’s head anyway. He will do anything Minthara asks him to because he trusts in her leadership and thinks her lust for power is sexy as hell. He supports his friend Seraphine’s goals to become an all-powerful necromancer and eventually a vampire consort to an Ascended Astarion. That man drinks Respect Women Juice like water and you can’t stop him.
He only sort of likes Astarion and Gale when they both talk about their ambitious goals. He smiles to himself, thinking they’re pettier goals than the murder-tyranny he’s about to agree to as one of Bhaal’s Chosen, but that’s beside the point.
For the most part, the companions respect him and trust him to work for their benefit, but they also keep their distance a little. Minthara and Seraphine are the only ones who fully trust him. Shadowheart and Lae’zel appreciate many things about him, but they both also sleep with a knife under their pillows, just in case. Astarion thinks Freyr is amusing, and a means to an end. Gale…well. Gale hates Freyr, and Freyr couldn’t care less. 
Freyr does find it grimly satisfying that Gale becomes a god of ambition in the end, though. In a world where Freyr rejects Bhaal to pursue his own ambitions, he makes a rather tactless joke to Gale that he ought to be making sacrifices in Gale’s name, now that he no longer does so in Baal’s name. Gale just laughs in his eerie, newly-metallic voice and says that Freyr is like a tressym bringing pigeons to his doorstep as a show of fealty. They depart disliking each other just as much as before.
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Dani is motivated by a selective greed, operates on her own brand of stubbornness, and can occasionally be reckless, despite her best efforts not to be. She’s as flawed as they come, but she’s also kind of endearing in her flaws since she makes up for it in loyalty, humor, and support.
That said, money is one of the main motivators of action for Dani. She will absolutely shake down a rich patriar for his coinpurse (or distract him with a few tricks or songs while Astarion picks his pockets) simply because she feels like he deserves the shakedown. She views tasks with a mercenary’s eye for wages and benefits rather than agreeing to help just because it’s the right thing to do. She has to get something out of it. Wyll and Karlach might be seen shaking their head while she ponders whether or not to agree to complete a task, since they’d rather she just say yes and get on with it.
She won’t extort refugees or people in need, though, because she feels like those are her people. She doesn’t mess with her people. And anyway, helping them out feels like it helps her out too, so she doesn’t feel like she’s working for nothing.
Her greed grates on some of her companions’ nerves. Astarion and Shadowheart find it amusing and are ultimately in favor of it since Dani’s greed trickles down to their pockets too. Others, like Gale or Karlach, find it dubious but sometimes warranted or necessary. If it’s a practical sort of thing, Gale usually doesn’t mind, for example (what’s a few stolen health potions in the grand scheme of things?). Karlach sort of evaluates Dani’s actions based on whether she thinks the person deserved it or not. She and Dani rarely disagree, but it’s possible that occasionally Dani’s target for theft doesn’t actually deserve it in Karlach’s mind. If pressed about it, however, Dani will stand her ground and defend her choices with sometimes unrelenting stubbornness.
Her stubbornness could rub any of her companions the wrong way, depending on what she’s being stubborn about. Is she being stubborn about not going to a certain Githyanki creche location, for example? Obviously this creates tension between her and Lae’zel. If she’s being stubborn about how she wants to handle particular encounters, this can distance her and her other companions. Her stubbornness about not wanting Gale to use the crown of Karsus becomes a source of much argument until they eventually find common ground on the matter. Most of the time Gale finds her stubbornness adorable. When it comes to the crown, not so much.
As for her recklessness, well. Everyone’s gotten annoyed at her at some point about it. Like that time she stole the Blood of Lathander before realizing it would set off a self-destruct protocol in the temple (which she promptly put an end to, before the temple actually exploded). Or that time she called Nere a Twat-Soul and triggered a fight before they were actually ready to fight. Or the time she blew up blew up the top floor of a fireworks shop in Baldur’s Gate, conveniently ending a Banist explosives operation at the same time but also very nearly setting the guard on them. Or every time she’s accidentally triggered a trap because she rushed in before she used her eyes. 
Her companions love her because she’s ride or die for them, but sometimes they wish she would think a little more carefully before she makes decisions.
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She’s not a perfect person, but her flaws are a little more on the subtle side. Ardynn is a very independent person, especially in the beginning, since she’s used to living on her own. She forgets that she can ask for help for things, which exasperates those who can usually do the task better than her. Lockpicking or disarming, for example. She can do it, but Astarion can do it better, and break fewer tools in doing so. Her companions soon learn to ask if they can help her do something if they want that task done faster, since otherwise she’s try to tackle it until she gets it done.
She’s also a little gullible. Having lived in the woods in isolation for a while, navigating different communities and cultures is a little difficult for her. She’s both slow to trust and a little too trusting at the same time. She’ll agree to help before realizing that she’s been duped. Usually a savvier character, like Astarion, Karlach, Shadowheart, or Gale will point out that she might have fallen for another trick. Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae’zel get more than a little annoyed about it since it drags them into messes too, but Ardynn starts to field dishonesty from others a bit better as she travels with her companions. By the time she’s in Baldur’s Gate, she actually thinks that everyone is trying to trick her, which makes her that much more untrusting. Ironically she might have retained a bit more trust had her companions not cautioned her so much.
She’s also a teeny, tiny bit racist about dating humans, which is a bit ironic since she’s a half-elf who adored her human father. She doesn’t want to date humans because she doesn’t want to outlive her romantic partner, the way her mother outlived her father. She’s scared of that kind of grief, the grief of watching someone grow older while you remain young, and she doesn’t think she can handle it. So she inevitably gravitates to Halsin, who she knows can outlive her, and is a little ashamed to turn down Wyll and Gale, both of whom confessed to her, without granting them a proper explanation. She enjoys their friendship, especially her friendship with Wyll, but she feels she can never admit out loud to them that she refuses to attach herself romantically to a human simply because they’re human and she’s not.
In the end, she still tries to be a helpful person, but her view of all life as existing on an equal plane sometimes gets in the way of her goals. She can, and will, stop to talk to an animal on the way to some important task and very nearly jeopardize the task in the process. Her companions have learned it’s better not to remind her that “they’re just cats” or “you don’t have to talk to every bird you see” since a rare show of stubbornness will activate and she’ll just tell you to go on without her, then. Halsin, of course, thinks it’s very cute and usually joins her conversations with the animals.
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voxmortuus · 10 months
I'm sorry the Hanniheads have been so rude to you. Ironic considering what he dies to the rude lollol. Take your time. There's no rush :)
This is sooooo not self indulgent lmao i was wondering about a yandere Hannibal waking up and his darling is totally gone. Her shoes are still there, all her stuff. He searches every where for her and finally finds her outside, having sleep walked all the way to the edge of the woods.
I sleep walk, I once woke up stirring an empty pot on the stove. Thank God my mom heard the commotion. I was around 12 at the time, now I'm 27 and it's calmed down a lot. I still laugh in my sleep from time to time, bonus points if you could perhaps include the reader laughing in her sleep?
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►PAIRING: Yandere!Hannibal X F!Reader ►UNIVERSE: Hannibal ►WORDS: 650 ►SUMMARY/PROMPT: See Above. ►TRIGGER WARNINGS: Panicked Hannibal | Possessive Hannibal | Worried Hannibal | Sleepwalking Reader | Sleep Laughing Reader | Some fluff | Hannibal Watching You Sleep | I may be missing some, but you get a general idea, so please proceed with caution if there is anything in there that is overly triggering please let me know politely and I will make sure it is added to the list. ►NOTE: Thank you for understanding. It has not been a fun experience, some aren't so bad and I appreciate them and others, well, they make me not want to write for the Hannifans. You know what's funny, is my wife and I were talking about that just the other day! Sleep walking can be terrifying! At least you were safe! Anywho, I hope this meets your request and finds you well. Sorry it took so long, it's been a crazy past few weeks! I hope this finds you well and safe. ►IMAGE CREDIT: I found this gif here. It is not mine nor do I claim any ownership. This gif does not belong to me. I found it on an outside source. ►DIVIDER CREDIT: @nyxvuxoa ►My Master Masterlist | Hannibal Masterlist
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A void, an empty void. He could feel it, the bed felt cold, like it had been emptied for a long while. Hannibal shoots up looking over to see your side of the bed is empty, and cold.
"Where did you go?" He asked aloud, but low and behold no answer. His brow furrowed. "Y/N!? WHERE ARE YOU?!" He called out, but nothing still.
He looks around the bedroom, and all over the upstairs, you've got to be somewhere. He kept repeating in his head. He didn't like that you weren't here, his heart raced, he panicked a bit, and felt this obsessive need to find you. Where could you have gone, you couldn't have gone far. Calling your phone didn't help, you turned it off, but why? Why did you turn it off tonight? That was slightly unlike you.
Hanibal's brow furrows again, finding your phone on the bathroom sink. He leaves it there before he heads down the stairs. Looking around and sees your things are still here, your bag, your shoes, and the front door wide open. Where did you go?
He feels this deeper panic, did you get taken? Did you run away and leave everything here? He started to worry even more, feeling this deeper need to find you. He steps out of the front door and calls for you, but you do not respond. His jaw clenches and he starts to look around outside, walking the property until he looks in the grass and sees footprints, and he follows them.
The ground was wet from the dew, your feet were covered in blades of grass, some dirt specks, your night shirt hung off your body, swaying in the wind as the bottom of it brushed against your legs. You stood there, just staring into the black void of the woods. What were you looking at? What was it you were seeing? What was calling you? You just stood there, watching, swaying slightly, not aware of the chill of the summer night.
Upon following your footprints Hannibal find you, he knows waking you can be a problematic situation, so he guides you back inside. Blinking a few times, you look over at him and tilt your head.
"Were they not calling you, my Love?" you ask.
Hannibal shakes his head. "No, my Darling, they were not, I'm not as special as you are. Come now, back in bed." He states softly.
"Do you think they'll call for you one day?" You ask.
He smiles and shakes his head. "No, my Darling, I do not." He states softly as he gets you back into bed and covers you up.
The moment your head hits that pillow you're back asleep, but afraid you'll wander off again, he takes a seat in the chair in the corner of the bedroom and watches you. Like hell you're going to leave him. The idea of that happening angered him, but he wasn't going to take it out on you. He just truly didn't like the idea, it made him sick and aggressive and overly possessive.
Watching you, he pays close attention to your motions, maybe he can find a way to fix this, you didn't do it often, but when you did, it scared him each time. It was this little bubble in his chest that grew and grew each time he woke up and you weren't there. You scared him, you scared him deeply, and he didn't like that.
With a small moment of silence, he thought he heard you giggle, so he listened a little closer. Sure enough, you were giggling. A soft tilt of his head, and soft chuckle escaped his lips.
"How adorable." He spoke softly, shaking his head he let out a breath and leaned back in his chair and sat there watching you, making sure you weren't going to leave his side again.
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blackhairedjjun · 5 days
staying afloat - k.th
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pairing: kang taehyun x gn reader | genre / tropes: angst, argument -> makeup, implied friends to lovers, office worker!taehyun, the subtlest of love confessions | word count: 899 | warnings: burnout and exhaustion from overwork
part of my 300 followers event (event masterlist)
prompt - HEAT: while engaged in a passionate argument with one another, sender, in the heat of the moment, blurts out “i love you!” to the receiver. think of like, that glorious trope where people have a huge argument and then suddenly sb drops the mic with “because i’m in love with you!” and silences the other person. u know the trope! (requested by anon)
author's notes: HI ANON im sorry this took sooooo long. as i said, this was hard for me to write bc i already did the heat prompt twice before and i didn't want to be too repetitive with the arguments... the argument here is a bit calmer and more one-sided on yn's part but i hope it still works!
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“you are running yourself into the ground, taehyun!” you grab his shoulders and give him a little shake. taehyun watches you closely, and you can see the darkening circles under his eyes. 
he’s still standing before the threshold of your home, right in front of the door. with just one step he could walk in if you weren’t blocking his way. outside, the night air is so cold that you shivered instantly upon opening the door for him. the sky is dark, with neither moon nor stars, and the only light comes from the fluorescent bulb at the doorway.
“y/n, you’re up working too,” he says. his voice is steady but firm. “you can’t tell me what not to do when you’re also working like this.”
“i’m doing overtime for just one night, for god’s sake. but you 一 you’ve been so busy and tired for what, two weeks? you forget to answer my texts. forget!” you throw your hands up. “and you’ve never forgotten before, not in all the years that i’ve known you.”
taehyun stuffs his hands into his pockets and his gaze flickers away from yours for a second before it returns. though he tries to stand his ground, you notice the soft look in his eyes, laying bare the tiredness and worries weighing down on him.
“well, i’m here now. why won’t you let me make it up to you?”
“because it’s one in the morning and you’ve been staying up late for overtime and extra projects for what, two weeks now? you go home late and you wake up early, your boss dumps all this work on you, and you barely get any time off!” you take a step closer, now fully exiting the warmth of your home, to stand so close to him. “please, taehyun. it’s not that i don’t want to see you, but you’re so, so tired. i can see it in your face.”
you reach out to touch his face, but his expression goes taut and your hand hovers just inches away. he turns away from you before you can scan his eyes for the tired look you saw; a cold breeze blows by, causing both of you to shiver and pushing the bangs away from taehyun’s forehead.
he looks... sadder than what you remember. you remember how easily his face would light up before he took on his new position at his job; he would smile at the smallest of your remarks, his big eyes sparkling like jewels. you thought of the steady stream of texts from him day after day, reminding you to eat or commenting on a silly photo you took, and how that stream soon turned into a trickle. the memories make your body feel heavy.
taehyun says nothing for a few moments and just lets out a sigh. when he looks back at you there’s a pained look that wasn’t there before, and you feel an ache in your chest at the sight.
 “y/n, i... i don’t want you to worry about me like this. i can’t... i can take care of myself. please, please just trust me. i hate watching you worry like this.”
“oh, you hate watching me worry?” your tone rises before you even realize it. “and i hate watching you turn into this! you’re exhausted, taehyun. you’re not yourself anymore. i can’t even remember the last time i saw you smile! do you know how much it hurts to see the person you love lose himself like this?”
you tremble in your spot and your words start to trip over themselves. your emotions pile onto each other, keeping you from speaking straight: some anger, yes, but mostly disappointment, worry, loneliness, fear. “i ha一 i hate seeing you like this, taehyunie. i can’t一 i can’t watch一 i love you too much to see this一”
taehyun cuts you off to pull you into a hug. he holds onto you so tightly, as if trying to wrestle you away from the emotions gripping you. one of his hands makes his way through your hair. angry tears prick at your eyes but you relax in his hold, finally letting out a sob.
“i’m sorry,” he says, his hand combing through your hair then rubbing your back. “i know you’re just looking out for me... and you’re right. i am exhausted...”
something shifts and now you feel his full weight on you. now you’re the one holding him, his head moving to rest in the crook of your neck, his shoulders fully slumped. the weeks of exhaustion have finally caught up to him, and you wrap your arms around his waist to prop him up.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he repeats. “for not... listening to you... for forgetting...”
your hold on him tightens and tears stream down your face, but you manage to speak. “i just don’t want you to hurt yourself...”
neither of you say anything more. taehyun doesn’t let go of you and sinks fully into your touch; despite the chill night air, he’s still warm in your arms. you let your tears fall freely as you keep a firm hold on the friend you love, as if letting go of him means he will sink and drown.
the night is so quiet that the murmur he lets out against your neck still comes out loud and clear.
“i love you too.”
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
Hihi! I just wanted to say I absolutely adore both of your fics sooooo much! The way you write all the characters is amazing :D. I was just wondering do you have any advice or tips for people looking to get into fic writing? And quick q about travelling thieves! We know that mumbo has met pearl but if Grian and Pearl were to meet would they even recognise one another? Anyway your work is incredible and I cant wait to see what you do for the rest of febuwhump!
Hello, hello! ✨
I'm so glad you enjoy my fics and characters!
Tips to get into fic writing? Hmm...I mean, I know it's probably said a lot, but my biggest advice is don't be afraid to start. The first fic you ever write won't be perfect, it'll be far from that, and you've just gotta be ok with that. The best thing you can do is start, write something and post it, see what people think, see what you liked and didn't like about it...then do it again!
As far as like...actual advice, I'd say participate in a writing challenge! Like Febuwhump which is going on right now! 😆 It'll force you to take a prompt, make something of it, post it quickly and then move on. You'll end up with a big chunk of fics and feedback on at least some of them I'm sure, and you can go from there! Also you'd be surprised what sort of storylines might accidentally form during a writing challenge...Traveling Thieves came out of my Whumptober prompts from last year, after all!
My last bit of advice would be to not start with a long fic. By that what I mean is don't try to write some huge overarching narrative...start with something smaller.
Your favorite ship needs to get together, who asks who out? How did that go? What was their first date like? What about their first kiss? How long did it take for them to say 'I love you'? That's like four or five short fics right there. 😛
The reason I write my AU's the way I do is because of stuff like this. It's scary writing a long fic (trust me I've done it a ton of times) because once you bypass a certain point in the story, you can never go back. The fun thing about my AU's being a series of short stories is that I can always bounce up and down the timeline! If you've been keeping up with TTSBC you can see it! I wrote Flower Husbands all the way up to Scott knowing about Jimmy's wings and consistently spending the night at his apartment. They've fought, they've said 'I love you', Scott has been to the under-city and met Jimmy's parents...but I suddenly felt like writing more details about their early game relationship! Before Scott know Jimmy's big secret, before they'd said 'I love you' or anything like that...so guess what? I did just that! I wrote 'Karma Witch' and 'Lovestruck Baby' after I'd written fics like 'Gutterline Sunshine' because that's the greatest part of this set up! I can bounce around! I never get bored or stuck on one plot point because if I don't feel like working on it, then I don't have too! So if you're into worldbuilding and wanna create an AU to have your characters all exist in, I'd super super super recommend using the 'shorter stories in an interconnected series' format.
Pearl and Grian last saw each other when they were sold away form their colony at fifteen years old. It's been seven years since then, but considering they're twins and they were both already mostly grown before they were sold away? Yes. They would definitely recognize each other if they saw each other again. The problem would be if they'd allow themselves to admit they recognized each other...cut ties and forgotten names and all. 😭
I hope my rambling advice helped at least a little bit!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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sunnnfish · 1 month
sunny sunny sunnnfish ask game timeeee any thoughts on miyazawa (miyano-hanzawa) :) also curving out of left field but any thoughts on chilshi dungeon meshi ?
HI MALT. IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. GENUINELY DIDN'T SEE THIS IN MY INBOX.? but anyways. hehehehh. so like. miyazawa. upon my very first reading of sasamiya i had the tiniest feeling that hanzawa could've had a crush on miyano. i can't remember specifically why. hes just kinda... weird about miyano sometimes. so like. it does compel me and kinda makes sense...? but like the thing about hanzawa is that i think he holds his feelings inside him for very very long times. even if he did have feelings for miyano like. that would stay bottled up in a corner of his heart for five years minimum. he also seems like the. if you love them let them go type. if we're in a world where miyano still likes sasaki then he would just. let that happen. as for miyano... hmmm. its almost like. i can't see him ever really developing feelings unless someone confesses to him first..? i have a hard time shipping miyano with anyone else because sasaki is just sooooo perfect for him. like the way it developed couldn't have happened with anyone else. so like. it all does compel me but in a like. hanzawa character study way. and miyano's just kinda there. and like miyano certainly does respect hanzawa a lot !! but maannn i just really can't see miyano falling in love with anyone else. (probably could with prompting by someone much better at writing than i am though... im never opposed to anything)
and then curveball chilshi dungeon meshi.... honestly have never really seen the appeal...? but i think its cause like. dungeon meshi is one of those things that so perfect to me, especially in its existing relationships, that like. i don't want to change any of it. i do think the combined dad power is really funny though. and they've got a fun mutual respect for each other. so its like i do kinda see why people would ship them but at the same time it feels a little bit like pair the spares. and the fact that they don't have any like prominent ship-worthy relationships like farcille and sometimes labru. so its like oohh chilchuck and senshi don't have a super homoerotic friendship with someone... why not just pair them up instead. but it really is mainly i just love dungeon meshi so much as it is that adding like. random romantic relationships to the existing relationship dynamics is so unnecessary to me. BUT all that to say i'm not against it at all and i do like seeing art and stuff of them :3
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allylikethecat · 4 months
hellooooo ally!! i have officially read it’s christmas (so this is gonna be a nightmare) twice lucky me!!! what a treat!!! i have so many thoughts and feelings about the fic you don’t understand how much i love the trope/concept of fic!matty not being liked or accepted by people outside the band because of his “quirks” (serious and personal mental health/ addiction issues) because it’s just so unfair. perfect angst and also very realistic???? being written off as Bad News because he experiences hardships that are more scary and extreme than most people?? so wonderfully devastating and very real.
you aren’t allowed to apologise for the fic not being finished. you’ve done it to every other ask but i’m putting my foot down. no apology please!!! releasing it in parts just builds suspense anyways i love it.
now for the clumsy partner prompts!!! thankyou sooooo much for reblogging the list i feel very blessed. i’d like to request gatty 15, 16, 17 and 18 (they are all pretty similar so you could maybe combine some in one blurb? but obviously im not telling you how to write do whatever calls to you i just feel bad for requesting so many at once😅)
as always have a lovely rest of your day and i’m really looking forward to whatever you post next!!! love ya😇🩷
Hello! Thank you so, so, so much for reading the first bit of the Christmas fic not only once but TWICE! I hope it's lived up to the hype even if it's not finished yet. Poor Fictional!Matty just wants his future in laws to like him, because he's not the same person he was when he was in his early twenties, he's worked on himself and deserves to be given a chance! Also I will not apologize for the fic not being finished by Christmas as requested even though I am sorry that I didn't finish it - it will hopefully be finished by the end of January at the latest!
Also!! thank you so much for not only suggesting the clumsy partner prompts to me, but also sending in this prompt request! I wanted to challenge myself a little bit, so I actually (I think!) managed to weave all four of them into one fill! Let me know what you think! If this wasn't what you were looking for, let me know and I will rewrite them! (If anyone else wants to send in any prompts, the list can be found HERE)
Thank you so much for reading and sending in this ask and for always just being so lovely and wonderful and supportive! I'm so sorry that it's taken me a minute to get to some of your other prompt requests as well! I hope you enjoy this one though and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Thank you again!!
15. “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble, really.”
“Shhh, stop it. You're no trouble at all, zero.”
16. Their partner sometimes feeling that their clumsy tendencies ruin everything and them, actually finding it endearing. They are sure to let their partner know they love it.
17.  “Oh, I don’t want to mess it up.”
“You won’t mess it up, go on and give it a try.”
18. Makes it clear to their partner and anyone on the outside that just because they’re worried, doesn’t mean that their partner needs them or depends on them. It’s simply their partner allowing them to do the things that make them comfortable because they’re always worrying.
Matty knew he wasn’t the most coordinated person on the face of the Earth. He was always tripping over his feet, his head in the clouds as he bumped into things and other people, stumbling over curbs and spilling cups of coffee. George always had bandages in his backpack, and an extra Matty-sized shirt for when an inevitable incident occurred. His knees were permanently bruised and his palms forever scrapped. Despite George’s endless patience, and “I’ll kiss it betters” Matty wanted to die each time they were late for a meeting because Matty ate it in the parking lot. 
He had been horrible at sports as a child, his limbs never seeming to want to move the way he directed them, despite not being very large he felt like he had never properly grown into his body and developed the spacial awareness and grace that George seemed to carry. He had tried yoga but just grew frustrated at the disconnect he felt from his physical form and had quickly given up, citing some bullshit about not subscribing to George’s crunchy granola agenda. They both knew he was spouting nonsense. 
Thanks to Matty, they were going to be twenty minutes late to their first fully staged rehearsal for the new tour. Matty was so careful focusing on his footfalls, holding his Starbucks cup away from his body so it wouldn’t splash onto his white tee shirt. He wasn’t even wearing his airpods, he was making sure he was aware of his surroundings George until he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. He managed to not only spill his coffee down his entire front, but bang his elbow on the cement so that it was now bleeding sluggishly. Matty sat on his ass in a puddle of coffee trying to comprehend what just happened while George looked on in mild horror.
“Are you alright?” George asked softly, voice thick with concern as he helped pull Matty to his feet, careful of his bleeding elbow, scarlet splatter bright against the white coffee stained fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m fine,” Matty said, his lower lip wobbling in frustration. He wanted to pull away from George’s grasp but wasn’t sure his shaking knees would support him on his own. His elbow stung and he wanted to cry in frustration. If he couldn’t walk down the street, how was he ever supposed to handle thirty nine North American tour dates? 
Today was supposed to be a good day, Matty thought hysterically, an important day, and as per usual not only were they late, it was his fault.
“Hey,” said George, tugging Matty into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Let’s go get you patched up, I think I have an extra shirt in my bag.”
Because of course he had an extra shirt, because he knew that Matty couldn’t be expected to walk normally like an adult without spilling something. Matty should have woken up earlier and drank his coffee at home, sitting safely at the kitchen table. George led him through the doors of  the venue they were renting for rehearsal space, flashing their credentials to the security guard and following the signs in the hallway to lead him straight to the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry,” said Matty, his voice wet, fuck he really was about to start crying, as George helped him sit up on the lip of the sink so that he could clean his elbow with a damp brown paper towel. “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble, really.”
“Shhh, stop it.” said George, pulling away so that he could look Matty in the eyes. “You're no trouble at all, zero.” 
“But I’m always tripping over myself and ruining things,” Matty said with a sniffle. 
George threw the paper towel away and pulled a box of bandages and a small tube of antibiotic ointment out of his backpack. He dabbed the ointment gently against Matty’s scraped skin with a careful kindness that made Matty’s heart hurt. He didn’t deserve George. 
“It’s kind of cute,” George said quietly, after a moment, Matty swallowing a hiss of pain as the scrap stung. “Like obviously, I don’t like it when you get hurt, it makes me quite nervous actually, but you’re cute, like a baby deer discovering they have legs for the first time.” 
“A baby deer?” Matty asked, raising his eyebrow amongst the pain, his eyes still wet even as he tried to force a smile. 
“The cutest baby deer,” said George with a small grin, smoothing the bandage over Matty’s elbow before leaning down to press a kiss to the plaster. 
Matty just snorted in response, and hopped off the counter, pretending he didn’t notice the way George was hovering at his side, ready to reach out and grab him in case something went wrong. 
“Thanks,” he said, taking the offered black tee shirt from George and pulling off the now stained white one he was wearing. He pretended not to notice the way George was blatantly checking out his chest and stomach as if he didn’t see him naked on a daily basis. 
“It’s nice of you to join us,” said Ross smirking, “Even if you’re never beating the diva allegations, Healy.”  Matty sighed dramatically when they finally joined the group in front of the stage, his eyes going wide as he took in his vision come to life.
“I had a little mishap in the parking lot,” he admitted sheepishly, holding out his now bandaged elbow for Ross and Adam to see. 
“You’ve got to be more careful mate,” said Adam, ruffling Matty’s hair as they sat down on the sofa that had been brought into the space, and went over the stage show with Tobias. 
“I want to cut the song on the roof,” Matty said quietly after a moment, when the time came in the first run through for him to put on a harness and climb up onto the roof portion of their set. The music stopped as Matty chewed on his lower lip nervously. 
George blinked, that was a segment that Matty had been dead set on, and excited to perform, having chattered about the visual implications of doing so and how it furthered the story for weeks. 
“What?” George asked his expression of concern and confusion mirrored on Ross and Adam’s faces as well.
“Oh, I don’t want to mess it up.” Matty said softly with a shrug, “I’m so clumsy I’ll probably fall off the roof and traumatize our fan base or something.” 
“You won’t mess it up,” George assured him even if Ross and Adam looked skeptical.  “Go on and give it a try.”
Matty opened his mouth as if to argue but George just shook his head. “No, go on, try it out, there is a whole team of people that are going to make sure you’re okay, and you’ll have the harness so even if you do slip, you won’t fall far.” 
Matty swallowed hard but nodded, having needed the extra push from George, to disappear into the makeshift backstage. 
“You sure this is a good idea?” Ross asked quietly, stepping away from his microphone to make sure Matty didn’t hear him. “I was worried about it when he was all excited about it, but now if he’s even having second thoughts...” 
George shrugged, fiddling with one of the drum sticks. “I’m worried, obviously,” George said, “but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t support him, he wanted to do the song on the roof, so we should at least try the song on the roof, there are foot holes, and handles up there, plus he has a harness on to make sure even if he does fall he won’t fall far.” 
“You’re a better man than me,” said Adam, “I’d have Carly wrapped in bubble wrap if she was as accident prone as Matty.”
George shrugged, smiling when he looked up and saw Matty waving from the roof, before flashing a thumbs up. 
“We’re partners,” George reminded him, “and that means working together as a team.” 
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iheartchv · 1 year
Good Morning/Evening
I always love TMNT Bayverse Donnie 🌿🍒
I kinda like the 'Christmas cliche' on how two characters spends time together, or goes to a Christmas event/party. And after a while they realize they're in love and share a first kiss under the mistletoe.
Or any ideas/prompts you may already have 😊 love your writing.
Alright, lets see...🤔
It's Christmas time. Down in the sewers the ninja turtles and their friends are having a get together. You heard Mikey say that he wanted a Christmas where everyone was together. This morning he got his wish.
"Yes! Best Christmas ever!"
Splinter sat back and watched the bustle and hustle in the lair. You and April got the presents ready under the tree while Casey and Vern hung out with the boys, probably engaging in some "guy talk". As you helped get some food together you couldn't help to giggle seeing the guys having a good time.
However your eyes always went back to Donnie. You always had a crush on the tall purple masked turtle. You just couldn't help it; he was so sweet, so kind, and adorkable. From his giggle snorts to his golden eyes, and everything in between, you have fallen in love with him.
April noticed what was happening between you two and encouraged you to go for it. Donnie was probably not going to be the first one to make the move, so she devised a little plan with you in the kitchen. "Here's what we'll do..."
The plan was to plant mistletoe in random places. And since Mikey was finishing up the decorations it didnt seem out of place for a few mistletoe here and there. It was time to put it into action.
"Donnie, can you come here for a sec?"
"Sure, Y/N. I'll be right there."
You and Donnie hid away from everyone; you lead him to his lab, just outside the entrance. You held your hands behind your back, trying to look innocent. Donnie adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
"What is it? Is there something wrong?" he asked, trying not to sound panicked. He was this way with you, wanting to make sure you weren't in any danger.
"Oh, no, nothings wrong, I just"
You looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging. You pretended to not notice it before. However you couldn't help the blush staining your cheeks.
"A mistletoe? You know what they say about them during Christmas?"
He gulped. His throat suddenly felt dry. He then tried to speak.
Donnie stood there, overthinking how this situation could go. His mind was running a million miles, it seemed. The rational and irrational part of him dueled against each other.
You giggled. "It's okay, I won't bite. You know me, Don." You was getting excited, your stomach fluttering with anticipation.
He took a deep breath as if mentally preparing himself, and then his hands cupped your face. His mouth slowly desceneded to meet yours finally. Both of had closed your eyes and let everything go. You were so lost in the moment that the kiss went from sweet to loving.
When his lips let go, you let out a small whine. "Why'd you stop?" You pouted your lips up at him.
"I-I didn't think you'd..."
"Like it?"
"Yeah, but also.... I didn't think you'd like me back."
"Oh, you dummy. I've always liked you."
"Well, now that I know..." His hands settled around your waist, lifting you up to his eye level. "I'll stop overthinking and follow my gut."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself into him, pressing your lips to his again. It felt so right, and sooooo good, to be held in Donnie's arms. You cared so much for this turtle man and now he was yours. Thank you, April!
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some27-url · 2 years
Wip Wednesday
Tagging myself in bc 😭 I need motivation to write, y'all. Finding the time is like ☹️
I can't even express myself w/o emojis rn. That's how 😑😮‍💨 I am.
Tagging the homies @twosides--samecoin and @possumteeths and anyone else who wants to share 🥰
"There's a little cellar right at the foot of the stairs and when we started clearing the area out I suggested Nora take it for her room."
"Right, yeah," Mac said. "Not in her office but close enough. So what's wrong with it, then? Irradiated? Smelly? Infested with molerats?"
Preston blinked at him. "Stairs."
Nora chewed her thumb.
Mac blinked back. "Stairs."
"Yeah, too many stairs. Didn't want to have to take them every time."
Nora interjected with "That wasn't the whole reason," but Mac ignored her. 
"What, she walks the Commonwealth every other day but a flight of stairs is too in the way?"
"They're boring," she insisted, prompting the men to share a look. "And they're not the only reason I don't like that room. The floor outside of it is unfinished, just dirt-"
Mac crossed his arms on the back of her chair, leaning forward. "Aw yeah too bad we don't know any carpenters who could fix that for you, Nor. That's a real shame."
This chapter is also slow going bc scene one is Nora Mac and Preston, scene two is Nora Mac Preston(?), Vee, Seth, and, like, a crowd of nameless Minutemen sooooo
It's a lot of Preston said, Mac interjected, Nora insisted, the other man joked, etc and that shit gets EXHAUSTING to write without being redundant.
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Can you do the prompt "punishment" for yandere Kokichi? You can lean towards spicy territory if you want 👀
This is basically my first time writing a pinch of spice in this form (scenario and not hcs) so I hope I did good.
Warning(s): Unhealthy Dynamics, Borderline Bullying, Degradation, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Guilt Tripping, Unwanted Touching (Just hugs and nuzzling until...) Hints of Smut (Nothing too drastic but Kokichi does give a hickey and bites, sooooo Lime I guess?) MINORS DNI
Punishment - “I know it hurts, honey, but this is what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
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Things do tend to get exhausting as days go by with no indication of being free of the restraints of control pulling you back. But in the case with Kokichi, it just gets frustrating as he laughs at your attempts in defying him. Whether it be through ignoring his teasing remarks or making efforts to just drive him away—it never works. He doesn't relent. All it does is bring him right back because you assume you'd win in this little game but Kokichi seems to be one step ahead of you.
It doesn't get any better when his teasing becomes insults and little pokes morph into tugs. Although he can play along with your protests to leave you alone or stop messing around with your feelings, at times you can get under his skin. And goodness can he get mean when that happens. All he wants is a bit of loving every once in a while. That's not too much to ask for, riiiight? He's so sorry for what he said, but you also spat out some cruel things to him as well, so you two are even!
And you're still so ungrateful, aren't you?
He prevented any one from bullying you. He drove away those assholes away. He is the only one who can accept that ugly part of yourself that you're too afraid to show others out of fear they may leave you. So why do you keep on insisting that you're better off without him and keep trying to push him away? The confrontation with said question is a little scary as he corners you in the hallways; which unfortunately for you, are devoid of people. His usual smile is gone while his voice was low; he seemed peeved but you know he's just restraining himself.
"Okay (y/n). If that's how you want things to be, let me show you pathetic you are without me. Do you honestly want me as your enemy? I wouldn't recommend it." Kokichi laughs mischievously as your expression is guarded. Your on your toes with what he said. This is all some sort of trick. He can't really be letting you off that easy.
"I just want you to stop... Stop tormenting me like this. Stop following me!"
This just causes him to groan and roll his eyes. "You're such a baby. Torment is for those who would slap, kick, or severely fuck around with your head. Have I done that? Besides, you are just being sensitive. I don't actually mean those things!" His eyes perk up and he laughs. "What? Did you actually believe what I said, (y/n)? Awwww, you poor thing. All that I've said is nothing compared to what those cretins would ever say to you!"
Now you're really getting worked up over this. That would be something he'd say as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. If he didn't mean it why did he say those things? Maybe you were too emotional in this situation, but deep down you just couldn't let Kokichi's behavior towards you slide. Even if he's done some good, that doesn't excuse what he has done.
"Kokichi—" "Now stop complaining and let's go do something fun! I'm getting bored of this..."
He made this seem like it was all a joke. Some worthless conversation that can simply be thrown away, but you wouldn't have it.
You didn't like how a deafening silence followed your response. Kokichi just stared at you with an unreadable expression plastered on his features. He still didn't speak a word even after a whole two minutes of silence. You're questioning why you did not straight up walk away when you firmly rejected his offer. Even more so that you have not walked away even now. It was like you were stuck—firmly rooted to the spot as all you can do is stare at the person in front of you.
"No? " A smirk emerged from his lips. "Nihihi~ Are my ears playing tricks on me, or did you actually say no?"
An attempt was made for an answer to his rhetorical question. Though it only made you look more pathetic then how you actually were before this. As if you were a small child making up an excuse or lie to get out of trouble with their parents when obviously they were caught. Knowing he was a person of unpredictability, you couldn't come up with what he might do next at this point. He wasn't fond of being read like a book, so he makes that so, but it's terrifying on your end.
Finally, you shifted yourself to the side, trying to at least get away from him. However, that just had him grab at your arm and shove you back into the wall. It didn't hurt—it just caused you to let out a small noise because of how much force was put into him pushing you. "W-Wait, Kokichi I—"
"Aw, are you going to apologize? Well that's too bad! You had your chance and now I'm not willing to listen anymore." With his hand still on your arm, his grip tightened as he pulled you closer, making you whimper.
"Stop, th-that hurts!"
"I know it hurts, honey, but this is what happens when you don’t do what I say. Now, as your punishment, I'm going to get what you've been neglecting me!" Even in this situation where he has you in his clutched and you're just wanting to leave, he pouts. He pouts and wraps his arms around you just to nuzzle into your neck. "See? Why are you so squeamish to the smallest form of affection? You big baby."
Everytime he spoke you can feel his breath on your neck. It made you squirm. You only wished that this... "cuddling session" would be done and over with quickly so you can just go back to your room. A few minutes pass by and you're ready for Kokichi to pull away, but nothing. You sigh quietly, thinking he may prolong this for a while longer just to torture you. But when you suddenly felt a certain wetness on your neck, panic came to your senses. Immediately trying to push him away, his grip just became more firm.
"Nihihi~ Wanna get away? Aw, but you can't. You're still receiving your punishment." Kokichi then started to give kisses along the side of your neck and a little too close to your collarbone. Your teeth clenched, preventing any indication of his actions effecting you.
Hearing him groan in frustration, you looked down for a moment. Only to see him bite you. "Ack!" The pain from his bite made you recoil a little while he just started to suck and nibble at the skin of your neck. He hums when he hears you suck in a breath along with the hint of a whimper. You'll be upset with him when you see the big and extremely visible mark he gave you, but that's too bad. He doesn't care. This is a lesson to be learned. You shouldn't have said no and this could have been avoided. Kokichi liked to play games but at this point you were just getting difficult. He knows you wanted to break down and give in but you just kept pushing. Well now, he had to personally break you!
He smirks when he hears a muffled sound from you. "Aw~ You're enjoying this! Of course you would. You are so starved for this sort of affection." Seeing you shake your head and turning away, Kokichi grabs your chin and forced you to look at him so he can get up in your face.
"Stop denying it. You know you're my favorite person, so why are you lying to me?" Your body was pushed further into the wall as his own pressed up against you. "But you know, I'm a liar too, so I know when you are telling me lies. Everything you've been saying: "I want you gone.", "Leave me alone.", "Stay away from me." But I can tell what you are."
Kokichi then pulled you in for a heated kiss; one of his hands going up to the back of your head to give your hair a firm tug. You gasp softly at this, and he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into your mouth. A groan escapes from him while you resist to jerk away. Everything was just becoming a haze the more time went on and as his tongue invaded every bit of your mouth. Time seemed to drag on and you wonder how long it's been. Unfortunately for you, things don't always last for too long; that includes your willpower. After things became too much for you, you just caved in and a moan rose from your throat. And of course, the feel of his smirk against your lips told you one thing; game over. You had lost.
You breath deeply when he pulls away, your face heated up from what just had happened. He was panting too, but he still was able to muster out some words as he reached down. "You're a dam liar."
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
I read a post of yours from Feb 3 where you said that you are stressed with keeping up with your prompts and all, and I just wanted to say that I feel you! I struggle so much to keep up with my own requests because I have attention deficit issues and general busy life, and each time I feel so guilty when I am not capable of meeting expectations, like publishing requested imagines on time. I am still working on an imagine prompt I got back in June of 2021 and I feel so guilty because a lot of people were excited for it yet it's been months! Even though I haven't gotten any complains about it, the voices in my head and the worries of what people think about me not producing work on time stresses me out a lot and makes me feel guilty.
I am sorry to hear that people have been complaining to you for not opening prompts on time or not writing them on time. But the truth is that whatever terms or pace you have as a writer is totally valid! We have our own lives outside of Tumblr that we cannot control, and we all are different as people. So I wish that readers understand that we are not story making machines and we are also real people who love what we do but also cannot meet every single expectation that everyone has.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself and focus on your mental health and personal life as well! Sending much love to you and I hope you will feel much better soon! <3
Hello. Yeah I haven't had prompt requests open for ageeeees because they stress me out sometimes time wise getting them done. I don't want to disappoint.
But I haven't opened them lately and won't be for a while, because I know I won't have the time to do them really. But I was getting a lot of messages asking for them to open, which was annoying and why I put the post out to explain to people why I wasn't opening them right now. To hopefully let them know why.
It is horrible the pressure we put on ourselves sometimes isn't it? Even though we tell others it's all free, for fun, there's no pressure... We can't help ourselves! lol.
I think we're all in the same boat in that regards. And we need to start taking our own advice for ourselves too.
Thank you very much. Hope you won't put pressure on yourself either!
Now that I've told everyone they won't be opening etc and have decided what I am doing, it's sooooo much better. didn't get a chance to write yesterday? No bother. No worries!
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commander-hanji-zoe · 2 years
Sooooo are you willing to write a threesome for Eld Gunther and Auruo?
Hello! I am indeed, even though this took me several months to write it's finally here.
I'm not entirely sure what i've done here or if it's any good, but i hope someone will enjoy it. I skip time during the evening quite a bit as I didn't want to make it too long. I've also spelt Auruo as Oluo, I hope that's okay!
Warnings: 18+ only - Smut - a little degradation/humiliation
Pairings: Eld/Gunther/Oluo Word count: 1623
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Eld, Gunther and Oluo had had many drunken discussions about the exact scenario they found themselves in at 10 past midnight on a lazy summer Saturday evening. Or Morning depending on how you looked at it.
They had joked with words occasionally spilling into a more serious attempt at courtship and flirtation. Where they ended up now was not somewhere they’d ever imagined they’d be, especially for Oluo.
Eld had been the one to suggest it, prompted a little by something Petra had said to him in passing, they were close weren’t they? They were close, they were single, they liked to have a little fun every now and then so would should stop them from giving in to these desires?
Eld had considered renting a room so that no one would know what they were up to but then realised this would likely look even more suspicious.
So they’d gone back to their quarters, Levi was away for the night and Petra slept in a separate part of the barracks. They were certain no one would disturb them.
Eld took the lead, Oluo was quick to join in, Gunther seemed unsure.
The hierarchy between the three soon fell into place without much thought. It just happened as the three of them were on the bed slowly removing clothes, exploring their naked bodies, kissing mouths and trailing love letters across cold thighs and pinched nipples.
There was no rush to get to the climax. No sense of urgency present in the bedroom for the three of them had waited so long to experience this, to allow one another to be so close and witness their bodies as they were intended to be. All three wanted to relish in the moment, enjoying each feather light touch, each passionate and desperate kiss and it was Eld who led the way.
A while later Oluo had already been claimed by Eld. He thought that would be the end of the evening at least in terms of his involvement. Now he could watch as the others fucked and drink in the sounds they would make while he could stroke himself with no pressure to orgasm. Oluo was wrong.
“You know how handsome you are lover boy?” Eld cooed in Oluo’s ear. “Just imagine what Captain Levi would say if he saw you like this…hmmm do you think he would be disgusted, or proud? Or perhaps,” Eld paused toying with the words he would speak next, “Perhaps he’d be turned on…perhaps he’d want to take you before any of us did and claim you as his prize?”
If Oluo had been able to orgasm from words alone that would have been the sentence to push him over the edge. His cock twitched with anticipation, pre-cum leaking rapidly from his tip.
Eld shot him a wicked glance and bent down to lick the glistening head before taking Oluo’s member completely in his mouth. Oluo let out a small gasp, somewhere between pain and pleasure. His eyes were squeezed shut, overwhelmed with how good it felt, imagining it was Levi instead who claimed him, that he would open his eyes and see his black hair tumbling over his cock.
Gunther meanwhile was sat behind Oluo gently stroking his cock in lazy movements, a part of him still couldn’t quite believe he was here or what he had allowed himself to be a part of. God he knew getting drunk with these men would be dangerous.
Oluo liked to get fucked and Eld liked to do the fucking. Gunther wasn’t sure what he liked or what he wanted so he explored both.
Oluo turned and lay face down on the bed his face pressed into the crisp white sheets, once so pristine and now crumbled and drenched in their sweat. He balled his fists up and gripped the sheets like his life depended on it as Gunther moved and positioned himself behind him, his hard and heavy, lubed cock ready to enter into him.
“Are you ready for this Oluo?” The voice that spoke wasn’t Gunther’s however, it was Eld who was instructing the others.
Oluo bit his lip, Gunther was larger than Eld so while he had been fucked already this evening he wasn’t sure how he’d find the stretch in comparison. His cheeks flushed when he realised this was part of the thrill and what excited him about it. The anticipation of what would happen if Gunther was too big, how it would fill, how slowly he’d be stretched how much it would ache and burn but oh much he’d beg for it.
Yes, yes, Oluo found himself rutting and trying anything to get some friction, he heard Eld let out a low laugh, “Gunther fuck him.” He said as if Oluo were nothing, it made him tremble.
Once Gunther had reached a steady pace fucking Oluo and Eld had enjoyed watching for a few minutes passing gentle kisses and words of praise between the two other men it was time for him to join in with the sport.
He positioned himself behind Gunther who thus far had never slept with a man. Had he not have been balls deep in Oluo he’d have been afraid but the focus was so centred on pleasure and bringing pleasure to the other that he didn’t even think about what it might be like.
When he felt lube trickle down his ass cheek and between them he shuddered. Then he felt Eld’s index finger gently rub and start to probe at his puckered hole he bit his lip down and gave out a small cry when a finger entered him.
It didn’t take much for Eld to get Gunther ready and in a good position to be fucked, scissoring for a minute seemed to do the trick and from the sounds the other men were making they would soon be spent. But that was how Eld wanted it, he wanted the others to orgasm before him and then he would continue to thrust into Gunther over-stimulating him and making him cry out.
Eld found his confidence easily though he wasn’t entirely sure where it came from.
“Please Eld, I need you,” Gunther begged.
“Really do you?”
“Yes…I….otherwise I’ll cum inside Oluo before you’re even inside me. I want you, I need you to be the one but Oluo feels so fucking good.”
Oluo grunted into the sheets, tears staining his bright red cheeks. How could he bare this level of degradation and humiliation, especially in front of two of his comrades. But he did, he bared it all almost proudly, disgusted and delighted in himself at being so turned on by the other two and being so controlled by them. It was nice to have a moment where he didn’t have to think, he didn’t have to make any decisions or focus on anything he was simply allowed to be in the moment.
Eld slowly eased his length inside Gunther, the other man crying out as he felt his muscles stretched and contract around Eld’s throbbing cock. Even when Eld thought he could push no deeper into Gunther he tried, wanted to sheathe himself completely. One hand rest on the small of Gunther’s back, when Eld noticed he’d stopping fucking Oluo he slapped his ass, “Did I instruct you to stop fucking?”
Gunther stuttered, “I…no…it just feels so good I can’t breathe.”
Eld smirked, his other hand reaching round and covering Gunther’s mouth, “So don’t,” he hissed.
Gunther scrunched his face together as he held his breath and feeling Eld so deep inside him he squeezed himself tightly, snuggling…painfully around his member longing for Eld’s sticky seed to be split inside him and for him to be spoiled. The words from Eld did rouse him into somewhat of a frenzy and once again he started to thrust slowly into Oluo, who had for all this time remained silent, desperate to orgasm but there was such pleasure in staying silent.
Eld was right, it didn’t take both Gunther and Oluo to climax. The sweet moans and cries that escaped their lips as they reached that precious moment only drove Eld on to fuck Gunther harder, rocking both bodies as he did so.
“Gunther you’re so fucking tight, you’re so good for me aren’t you?” Eld said as he quickened his pace.
His hands grasped Gunther so tightly he was sure he’d bruise the other’s skin especially as his fingernails dug into him. But Gunther didn’t care, he’d wear the bruises like a badge of pride if it came to it, this was better than he or the others had ever imagined.
Due to Eld’s constant thrusting, Gunther was unable to pull his soft cock out of Oluo. The overstimulation the two of them felt was like nothing they’d felt before. It was painful almost but so deliciously good at the same time, Gunther cried through it bending down to kiss Oluo’s back as he felt Eld’s pace increase into a fury.
He knew it couldn’t last much longer, knew he’d feel Eld’s hot, sticky seed spill inside him shortly but he didn’t want it to end.
A moment later Eld cried out as he thrust into Gunther deeper than before and then convulsed, thrusting weakly a few more times as he came, his body shuddering.
There was silence for a moment as Eld came down from his high. He kissed the back of Gunther’s neck.
“That may have been the first time my boys, but it won’t be the last,” Eld said with a wicked grin that neither of the others could see, but they could certainly hear it- the sweetest, most exciting proposition.
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Stray Kids AU
Stray Kids soulmate AU
Prompt : The name of your soulmate appears on your body only after that person falls in love with you.
A/N: this was sooooo fun to write but it turned out rather long but please the whole thing,I swear it'll be worth every minute🥺
Warnings : None.
1. Bang Chan
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You met him for the first time when you went to the movies one evening,alone ,trying to take your mind off the upcoming exams.
He was seated to your left,his mind completely focused on the movie . He wore a black tshirt with a black jacket and a pair of baggy pants but you couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked even in the dark.
You also subtly noticed the bandaids around his fingers and the reddened knuckles and the tired and exhausted look on his face ,which you were very familiar with because it is the same expression you see when you look into the mirror.
"Are you like a boxer or something?" You weren't the kind to go around talking to random strangers at movies but this time your curiosity got the better of you.
He looked at you ,confused ,but answered anyway. "No. I'm a musician "
"Then what's with the bruised hands?"
He looks down at his hands and laughs,shaking his head. "Let's just say I overwork myself a little too much sometimes". Fair enough.
"I'm y/n by the way " you offer your hand and he takes it,smiling from ear to ear. "I'm Chan"
You notice his lack of snacks and a cold drink and you couldn't help but offer your extra large bucket of popcorn ,which previously you were sure you could finish on your own but now, not so anymore.
He thanks you,dipping his hands in and grabbing a fistful of popcorn,a small but very noticeable blush tinting his cheeks.
That night,he offers to walk you home and you couldn't say no. You stood at your doorstep,smiling to yourself as he turns around and walks back home.
The moment he is out of your sight,you feel a sudden pain in your left forearm.
Rolling your sleeves up till your elbow,you are stunned to see "Bang Chan" cleanly written there.
2. Lee Minho
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You hated Lee Minho from the bottom of your heart. He went to the same dance studio as you and ever since you guys had a minor argument about something regarding a particular step,he's felt like nothing but a nuisance.
He knew that you disliked him so he made sure to bother you even more. Sometimes he'd make fun of your frizzy hair and sometimes he'd simply grab your phone out of nowhere and run. He even ate your food without any permission.
But one day ,your dance teacher paired you two up together for a couple contemporary dance competition.
You were so close to strangling Minho everytime he looked at you with that smirk on his face as you guys practiced day and night. But you also couldn't help but acknowledge how perfect his every movement was.
It was the day before your competition when Minho fell in the bathroom and fractured his leg,forcing your duo to back out from the competition.
You honestly weren't a bit angry or sad about it since it was a small internal competition but you knew he was upset with himself so you went to visit him at his dorm.
"I'm sorry, y/n " he had said. That's the saddest you've ever seen him look and to be very honest, you hated it.
"Shut up ,idiot. It's not a big deal " you gave him the donuts you bought earlier as he looks up at you ,smiling brightly.
When you were about to leave, he asked you if you could drop by often. His eyes looked at everywhere but you.
"Why?" You giggled. He looked down shyly. "I realized you're not that bad to hang out with "
You laughed, pressing a small kiss on his cheek. "I'll come by often"
When you reached home,you felt a strong sting at your forearm.
And on observing closely at the burning area,you see "Lee Minho" written in big,bold letters.
3. Seo Changbin
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You hated your job ,you really did but everything changed when your new colleague, Changbin, arrived. He was the funniest,nicest and most talented mam you'd ever met.
A few weeks into the friendship,he had already made you listen to the songs he composed. His smile when you complimented him was something to die for.
And Whenever you felt down ,he would make some silly jokes and he'd instantly brighten up your mood.
And you didn't want to deny it,you had developed a crush on him.
It was a rainy afternoon in your office when you saw Changbin walk inside your executive director's cabin. You knew that it could never mean something good.
When he came out of the office,almost half an hour later,his eyes looking down at the floor and his ears red ,you knew he had gotten a nice scolding from your shitty boss.
You knew because a few months ago you'd been in the the same position too.
But instead of coming back to his seat,you saw him walk out of the office. Mindlessly,you followed him into the terrace .
"He's a stupid asshole,don't fret yourself about it" you wrapped your arm around his. He sighed, ruffling his hair with the other hand.
"I'm going to punch that man one day " he gritted his teeth. You were so used to him being a smily ,funny man ,you were scared when you saw him this angry.
"He's not worth your attention,I'm telling you " . He only replied by shrugging.
You two decided to have dinner together that night.
"I hope there's a next time to this" he had said,shyly, His smile doing wonders to your heart. As his car disappeared around the corner,you felt your heart swell with a warm feeling.
The next morning,you woke up with a stinging pain in your forearm and when you checked it out,your heart skipped a beat on seeing 'Seo Changbin ' written there.
4. Hwang Hyunjin
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You'd never seen a man as beautiful and amazing as Hyunjin. Although he probably never noticed you,you noticed him. All the girls in your college did and you were no exception to that.
You were more than excited when your teacher told you that you two were supposed to do a project together.
Initially, you were expecting him to be a brat ,given his popularity among women ( and men OFC) but he turned out to be a warm person,making you feel guilty for thinking that way about him in the first place.
He helped you all he could ,and you also realised at that time that he was not just a handsome face ,he was pretty smart too.
After working hours on the project at your house,you two would sometimes just spend time talking to each other. It wasn't even forced; you guys just clicked naturally.
On the day the project finished, you decided to bake cookies for him and even packed some for him to take home. "This is a thank you gift"
His whole face lit up as he took the jar of cookies from you. "I should be the one thanking you "
Before he left,he gives you tight hug and then a kiss on your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow "
While you prepared dinner that evening,you felt a weird sting on your forearm,as if a bug bit you. Putting down the spoon,you checked out your forearm for any signs of a bug bite.
Your cheeks turned red when you saw that it wasn't a bug bite. "Hwang Hyunjin " was printed onto your skin in a clean and neat handwriting.
5. Han Jisung
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You were the new producer intern at JYP entertainment and although unfamiliar to most people,you felt quite comfortable at home. You first met Han Jisung when he popped his head through your studio door,mistaking your studio for some else's.
His cheeks turned red with embarrassment, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I thought this room was Mike's."
You smiled shyly. "Its alright. Don't apologize please." He then slowly stepped into the studio,his hands behind his back.
"Are you new here ? Haven't seen you before " You nodded in response . He thrusted his hand towards you,his lips curving up into a smile.
"I'm Jisung. I am a trainee here" he said. "Nice to meet you ,Jisung. I'm y/n,a new intern producer"
You then proceeded to tell him that you have in fact heard about him and his team ,3racha,from other producers. He giggled,clearly embarrassed. "Yeah. I do compose a little, here and there "
Needless to say,over time you guys had developed an unbreakable bond not only through music but also the similar way that you two click with each other. It's as if you both had found a safe haven in each other.
A few months later,he told you that he wanted to show you a song he was working on. And excited, you quickly agreed to it.
For someone who was only a few months older than you,his music style was way more mature than yours. The way every beat,every chord ,every lyric sticks out beautifully, you couldn't help but clap as the song ended.
"That was amazing,Jisung. You're gonna put all us producers out of work!" You had teased.
He gave you his signature smile and shook his head . "You guys are going to be big one day, I can feel it " you told him.
He stopped for a second and stared at you ,his fingers fumbling with his laptop. "But you'll still be here right? Even if we do get big one day,you'll still be there with me right?"
You smiled ,as he took your hand in his. "Yes. I'll be there "
As soon as Jisung left the studio after a few minutes,you suddenly felt as if your arm was on fire. Alarmed ,you decided to check the area .
"Han Jisung" was written on your forearm.
6. Felix Lee
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You loved swimming more than anything in the world and you were so good at it,people at your school saw you as their swimming champion.
But it all changed when Lee Felix joined your school. He was an amazing swimmer and as much as it hurt your ego to admit it,Felix was better than you .
You couldn't help but feel jealous and even though he was in the same swimming team as you ,you never bothered to acknowledge him. He did try to befriend you but your ego was too big to pay heed to him.
On his birthday, when he invited you to his house for a party,you couldn't say no to those pleading eyes. You told yourself you went out of pity but that's not entirely true.
The party wasn't half as bad as you had thought and by the time the party died down,you also realized you were being too harsh on Felix. His sunshine like smile and cheerful personality worked magic on you.
He offered to walk you home since you insisted on walking back home alone . You agreed because your houses weren't very far apart.
"Do you hate me or something?" He caught you off guard as you find the right words to answer him.
You shook your head ." I don't hate you,Felix. I guess...I was just envious"
He chuckled. " you shouldn't be" and you nodded. He was right, you shouldn't be jealous and right now,in this moment you realise how ridiculous those feelings were.
You stopped at your gate and looked up at him,smiling ,and then gave him a quick hug
But before he could say anything you ran into your house.
The moment you close the door behind you,your forearm starts hurting really bad. And when you check it out to see what's causing it ,you see the name 'Lee Felix ' written on your skin.
7. Kim Seungmin
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Kim Seungmin was that one cute boy from your school who dropped by at the library you work at every day.
He always greeted you with the brightest smile on earth and often chatted with you before he left the library. You had gotten used to his positive energy.
But one evening he came in,his eyes tired and mouth pressed in a small smile. He didn't even greet you ,which broke your heart a little.
He sat on the farthest corner of the library, a book open in front of him but his eyes and mind were elsewhere . You approached him.
"What's wrong?" He looked at you with tear filled eyes. "I didn't do well in my maths paper "
You softly patted his back. " hey,it's okay . Everyone knows you're good at maths and plus it was just an internal assessment. It won't hamper your finals "
"But that's the thing,y/n. I'm not good at maths. I am fairly good at the other subjects but I suck at maths,big time "
You looked at his sorry face and realised how much his grades mattered to him unlike you who didn't give too much thought to it . "I'm good at maths. If you want ,I could tutor you "
His face broke into a smile as he placed his hand on yours.
"You would?" You nodded as his smile turned even bigger.
You walked back to the reception after Seungmin calmed down,having discussed the timings for his math tutions and making him promise you free ice cream for the rest of your life in return for your favour.
You suddenly felt a sting on your forearm and on inspecting your forearm ,you saw the name 'Kim Seungmin' written in big letters as your stomach did a backflip in anticipation of what is to come.
8. Yang Jeongin
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Jeongin and you had been best friends since childhood. Your parents were friends too so naturally you grew up to be closer than anyone.
But as you both entered teenage, you started seeing him as more than just a friend . So you distanced yourself from him. Over time ,he stopped trying to earn you back and you two grew apart.
It was the last year of high school and everyone was busy preparing for the Winter Ball. You weren't going(obviously),not just because you had no date but also because you didn't want to see Jeongin with someone else.
The morning of the ball arrived and your friends had given up on trying to convince you to go with them.
You were sitting on your sofa while eating breakfast when the doorbell rang.
"I heard that you weren't coming to the ball,y/n " Jeongin looked at you with sad eyes.
You looked at your feet,embarrassed . "Yes."
He sighed,walking into your house. "Why, y/n?"
You told him that you didn't have a date but he refused to believe that to be the only reason. He grabbed your shoulders,looking into your eyes. You heart was beating so fast you were sure you might pass out any minute.
"You like me,don't you? Isn't that the reason why you stopped hanging out with me? Please tell me its true" Your forearm started hurting badly at that moment but you ignored it,there were more important things to do than worry about a sore arm .
"Yes " you didn't want to lie to him anymore . You were tired of being afraid and playing safe all the time . For once,maybe bravery might be a better option.
He smiled from ear to ear ,wrapping you in his arms and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck. "I do too ,you dumbo. "
While your heart leaped with happiness ,the pain in your arm increased so you quickly checked the area whilst still in his embrace.
'Yang Jeongin ' was written on your skin and you knew what it meant. You knew that he was the one for you.
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taeyamayang · 3 years
I Also have a song rec for you! https://open.spotify.com/track/7BWvtYsoM6KzgsXXVpYPqA?si=35264da265424a06
Wadya think?👀
Also i've gotten the sudden urge to start posting on my AO3 but suddenly that motivation left as quick as it gotten to me-
i really want to post my haikyuu story but hesitating,,,
plus i really want to start posting other stories though i'm sure i'll just end up quitting mid way and not finishing it, taking a hiatus like i didn't left my readers on a cliff hanger lmao
*Insert guy holding up a peace sign and slowly disappearing meme*
the voice of the singer is sooooo warm oh god i feel like they're singing me to sleep I LOVE THIS! i'll add this to my playlist. this song is such a mood, ugh.
if it makes you feel any better, that's what i feel recently. maybe because im drained with uni stuff but when motivation slips i always try to recall how much joy writing gives me.
sometimes you have to look for motivation and inspiration yourself.
the hardest part about writing is starting! 😅
i say, go write that series! maybe if a series is too much (too tired or not enough motivation to keep it on track) do one shots!! when i get tired/drained writing for the same story i try to shift my attention to different ideas. start with prompts or drabbles.
i'll support you with whatever you decide to do, yume. you can do this :) ill look forward to your writing babe ♡
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