#and i do love bouncing off olivia's characters; it is always so fun
sleepaway campaign finished... very good overall (clearly! since it had queenie GMing and olivia playing!) and also my first real issues with character bleed both positive and negative, which is a fascinating experience. do recommend the game if you want horror games! die! become a strange entity! protect campers with your life and treat counsellors as a renewable resource! name people 'Ash' and 'Penelope' as is tradition!
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Can I request for Asher Adams or Olivia Baker or Spencer James with a biracial reader
October prompts — 10. Spencer James ; All American
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Prompt: don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark. ❜
A/N: yeah this was supposed to be out yesterday but living life was more important in the moment lol. Hope you’re all enjoying this spooky season if it’s your thing? If not…I still hope you’re enjoying this fall season then. This is a short one since I still have 2 (maybe I’ll do a bonus one to make unlucky 13 but we’ll see) more prompts I think left in my drafts that I want to get out before I take a break from writing or until inspiration flows again for me!
This was originally a prompt for Olivia but I decided to switch to spencer because he needs more love…after all is he not the main character? 😂 also this is a fuck Billy baker account—OFFICIALLY! + I watched the newest paranormal activity last night so you may see a touch of inspiration from that in here.
You were being fake.
Faker than hell, except hell was not fake. (Depending on who you asked but whatever) You were positive about that since you’ve seen some things…back when you would spend time with your grandparents in Pennsylvania. Long story short about that? You always thought Pennsylvania was eerie whenever you visited and that didn’t help your suspicions since your grandparents lived close by a Amish community.
You meant no harm on your judgments about the community but one tale about a family in particular didn’t sit right with you.
Let’s just say that.
See, your friends had set favorite holidays: Layla and Simone loved Valentine’s Day, Jordan and JJ both loved April Fool’s day, Kia loved black history month, Coop and Patience loved Thanksgiving, You and Olivia shared the same love for Christmas, Darnell always boasted about news year eve, and lastly and surprisingly Spencer, Asher, and Chris all shared the same love for Halloween.
It was their fault this whole halloweekend trip was a disaster…at least in your eyes. Spencer brought up the idea to you first and you tried to play it off that you were listening while you actually Dissociated from the conversation once: touring a haunted place was brought to the table! Spencer picked up on the vague responses almost immediately but waited to address that.
“Black people don’t be doing this shit and it’s safe to say we’ve done had enough fear in our lives,” Patience started with her arms crossed, “but…it is spooky season and we deserve some fun.”
And here you thought the curly headed girl would be on your side. Or at least Simone and Kia but nooo with very little persuasion they were on board too! Layla was already looking up places and writing down suggestions that Asher already began researching but Chris kept shutting everyone of them down.
“Why not just go to Hollywood Horror nights for a night?” You spoke up while your group of friends fell into easy conversations of excitement.
Olivia hummed, “We did that last year, y/n.”
Shit you did? You must have been so triggered from the last experience that you forgot all about that.
Spencer wrapped an arm around your waist bringing your frame close to his, ready to question what was up but Layla suddenly stood up with a grin and a notepad?
“I’ve got it, I know this perfect place where we don’t even have to leave the state. I can’t believe I forgot!” She bounced on her toes.
Chris waved his hands around, “well spit it out girl, what is it?”
Which made Olivia flick her boyfriend’s ear who failed to dodge her attack and complained at her action.
“It’s this haunted hotel in the outskirts of California. Its definitely driving distance, a good hour or two tops. My dad knows the owner of the place quite well so I’m sure he’ll give us a nice discount to stay for a night or two or however long we want.” Layla informed.
Darnell shrugged, “I’m with anything if there’s a good bargain price.”
Chris gave the boy some dap in agreement while Coop should her head at them, a laugh flying past her lips as she mumbled up to Patience, “broke boys United.”
“Yo, whatcha one hit wonder ass say?” Chris was on her ass and before any bickering could start, Spencer let out a whistle to shut everybody up.
The group turned to Spencer who moved his arm from across your waist to lean against his knees, “Layla, thanks for the recommendation. Let’s make it happen, we’re three days away from the weekend and I know this is probably pushing it since places get booked fast.”
Layla fanned her hand as she reached into her back pocket to grab her phone, “oh please, Bram loves me, he’s never too busy.”
“Did you say bram as in the same name as that doll movie,” Jordan asked just before he tossed some m&m’s into his mouth.
Layla already stepped away, phone pressed to her ear, with her business woman voice on as everyone fell into chatter again.
“Are you good?” Spencer nudged your shoulder to get your attention.
You immediately nodded, “yeah, great. Never better!”
That was a lie.
Which is why it’s always important to be honest even if the truth hurts or someone can’t handle the truth. Maybe if you were honest, you currently wouldn’t be losing your mind right now in this hotel room with Spencer.
You had your arms and legs attached to his back, clinging to him the minute the room went completely dark. This blackout made you feel as if your heart was trapped in your throat instead of your chest.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark?” You could feel the smirk in Spencer’s voice, as he held onto you with ease.
You huffed squeezing your arms tighter around his throat, “shut up, you. What the hell is happening?”
“It’s probably part of the haunt experience? They did give us walkies and night vision goggles.” Spencer said just as the hotel door slowly creaked open.
In that moment you almost forgot how to breathe.
When you first settled into your room for the evening, after having a welcome dinner in this large ballroom-like area, each guest would be locked into their rooms until the big event occurred.
“Guess that means it’s show time,” Spencer moved his hands from underneath your thighs to rub his hands together.
You hopped down from his frame as Spencer moved around the room grabbing the correct equipment. While you stayed close to the window just in case you suddenly have to turn into catwoman and leap from the room, with or without Spencer at this point.
He did the honors of slipping the goggles against your forehead, leaving you to slip them on if you chose and handing you a walkie. He then moved his fingers through the dark in search of your face, “you know I gotchu right? Nothing bad will happen to you as long as you stick by me.”
“What if that’s what this place wants you to think? What if they purposely try to separate us then what? This could all go wrong like those horror movies I desperately hate.” You sighed as you felt Spencer place his forehead against yours, followed by a caress to your cheek.
He said next, “then I guess it was fun while it lasted then, hm?”
And that’s when you shoved him as he let out a laugh.
“I’m just playin’, damn, if you were this scared then you should of said something. I had a feeling you weren’t really vibing with this too.”
You scowled, “and be the only loser left out on this? I don’t think so.”
“I mean…I don’t think anybody would have clowned you that hard if you wanted to sit this one out. At least, I wouldn’t let them to do that to you, baby.” Spencer gripped your forearms, rubbing them gently.
You took a deep breath before listening to light patter of footsteps in the hallway followed by some familiar voices that most likely belonged to your friends.
“If I die tonight—
“You’re not gonna die, y/n.” Spencer interrupted you.
You continued as if you didn’t even hear him, “my soul shall forever haunt this place, you, and each of our crazy ass friends.”
“I see vengeance is one your…traits.” Spencer chose his words carefully.
You smiled in the dark, “you got it! so don’t ever think about breaking my heart.”
Walking forward you could tell Spencer was watching as he slipped on his goggles, his vision illuminated in pale green. He wouldn’t dream of it and before he could tell you that, a knock on the side of the wall sent you falling onto the floor, right on your ass along with a scream ripping past your lips.
Spencer balled up his fist to cover his laughs as he went over to help you up.
“Damn y/n, it’s just me.” Simone commented with her own goggles on, “I was just coming to get you guys so we can all stay together while we walk through each floor.”
Now that plan? Made perfect sense.
Continue along with my anthology October prompts here
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drakeandkatherine · 3 years
Reunion- Ch 2: alstroemeria (Drake x MC TRRAU FanFic)
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Hello! I am so excited to show you guys the second chapter to Reunion!
I’m sorry this took sooooooo long to upload. My personal life has been super hectic lately, and I haven’t had time to really write! 
(Drake, Liam, Hana, Maxwell and any other The Royal Romance characters belong to Pixelberry! Katherine Delacroix belongs to me!)
Series Overview: Reunion is a short series about Drake Walker and Katherine Delacroix, along with their friends, Maxwell, Hana and Liam. In this series, we see the gang at a high school reunion, five years after they’ve graduated. There will be flash backs, taking place up to nine years ago (the start of high school) up to when they graduate. You’ll get to see how the gang came together, and how they fell apart, only to come back together, and the main focus is how Drake and Katherine come back to each other after years apart.
All chapters of this series are named after flowers, with certain meanings. This chapter is named “alstroemeria”. It has meaning of friendship, love, strength and devotion. They're often thought to represent mutual support. And the ability to help each other through the trials and tribulations of life. This chapter, it flashes back to where the group of five became friends.
Word count: 1578
Warnings: adult language, mentions of death and drinking
Tags: @burnsoslow​ @drakewalker04​ @marshmallowsandfire​
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
Katherine and Hana spent the rest of their first day back after five years in Cordornia preparing for the next night. They tried to plan out just how long they would stay and who they would talk too if those people showed up.
“Hana, are you really sure we should be there that long? I feel like two hours is more than enough time to say hi, have a drink and get the fuck out of there.” Katherine complained as she fished for her pajamas in her suitcase.
“We came all the way here for this reunion, we might as well stay longer than two hours; possibly even the whole time, Kat.” Hana said, a small chuckle escaping her lips. “Besides don’t you wanna see Olivia again?”
“I don’t really want to see much of anyone to be honest, Hana. I’d rather go get a couple drinks and maybe say hi to Olivia, if she even shows up and then I want to bounce.” The truth was, she did miss Olivia and all the fun nights the three had during junior and senior year, she just wasn't going to admit it.
Hana shook her head and continued to put away her clothes in the dresser that they shared in the room as Katherine changed into her pajamas. “Should we order room service?”
“I think a better question is, can we order alcohol?” Hannah laughed.
The next day as Katherine was preparing herself mentally, her mind wandered back to sophomore year of high school, the year that Hana and her became friends with a few others who soon had become the closest thing to family she had had in a long time. Family, she sadly remembered, that barely talked to her or Hana anymore.
8 years ago
Liam and Drake were two of the most popular boys at the high school. Both were star football players and in the winter, star basketball players. A lot of the girls tried their best to get the boys to notice them, but sadly none of their efforts worked. It wasn’t until one Saturday in detention that they met two other girls who would soon become their best friends, as well as another man who was known for his shenanigans.
“Alright, this is Saturday detention. All of you know why you are here. Your assignment for today is to write an 1000 word essay on how you recognize that your actions have consequences. I will be in my office which is just down the hall and I will come check on you periodically to make sure you are writing quietly. Once the bell rings at 3 o’clock, you’ll be dismissed and can go home for the day.” Dean Constantine told the teenagers, a strict tone in his voice.
All of the students rolled their eyes but complied nonetheless. After about an hour of trying to focus on anything other than the assignment, a tall boy with sandy brown hair finally spoke, breaking the silence that hung in the room.
“All right, I’m kind of over the silence. Not sure if anyone else is, but hey guys, I’m Maxwell. I’m in here because I made a stink bomb in science class and the teachers weren’t so happy about it and neither were the other students.” He smiled triumphantly as if he was proud.
“That was you? I’ll never be able to get that smell out of my nose. Good job.” Katherine smiled. “I’m Katherine and I’m here because Hana,” she paused and pointed to Hana who sat next to her. “and I decided to go off campus for lunch and they found out and caught us when we were coming back.” She looked at the two boys sitting side-by-side a few rows behind them in the classroom. “What about you two?”
“Someone on the junior varsity team was giving me some lip, so, I punched him in the lip.” The darker haired boy said, holding up his hand to show the bruises on his knuckles. Katherine eyed him, wondering how strong he was.
“I got in trouble because I tried to break up the fight but the coach thought I had helped start it, so thanks to this one I am in yet another Saturday detention.” He playfully shoved his friend.
“Oh please, Liam. You would’ve been here regardless just because your dad makes you come here.” Drake laughed.
“Who’s your dad?” Hana asked.
“Well as Drake so helpfully mentioned, my dad would put me in Saturday detention regardless because it’s his way of keeping an eye on me. My father is the dean of the school, Dean Constantine.” Liam said, a somber look on his face.
“No shit, are you serious?!” Katherine asked, her eyes wide.
“Sadly.” Liam replied, expression flat.
“So what you’re saying is that you can leave whenever you want because you’re just gonna be here next Saturday anyway? Why are you here then?”
“Let’s just say it would be hell at home if I ditched.” Liam grimaced.
“And what would he do to us if we just got up and left?” Katherine asked, Hana giggling next to her.
“He probably would just give you guys another Saturday detention to be honest. Most of the students here never do anything that would require suspension or expulsion.” Drake explained.
“I think it would be wise if you guys just got through this day and not provoke the beast.” Maxwell chimed in, not wanting to get into any more trouble, as he was in Saturday detention almost as often as Liam.
“Really? Because I say that when it gets to lunch time we all sneak out, get past him and then ditch this place and go to the beach or something.”
“Katherine as much as I love that idea I really don’t wanna have another Saturday detention. My parents would literally kill me.” Hannah said with a frown on her face.
Katherine didn’t much care what happened to her but she did care what happened to her best friend, so, even though it frustrated her and as much as she wanted to leave this hellhole, she nodded, agreeing, before saying “You’re right, Hana, we should probably just stick it out and then go back to my house.” She looked at the three men surrounding them. “I know we just all met each other but you guys are welcome to come with us to my house afterwards. My grandma is a nurse and she works mostly night shifts so she’ll be gone, meaning we can raid the liquor cabinet.” Last year, Katherine would have never asked this to anyone besides Hana. Becoming friends with Hana had made her enjoy life again, made her want to make friends again.
“You drink?” Liam asked, sincerely.
“Usually Hana and I will sneak a couple drinks sometimes but we don’t usually drink.”
“Well if your grandma has some whiskey, I’d be down.” Drake said. “My old man, before he passed, would drink whiskey all the time. Sometimes he would let me have a little sip. I always told myself once I was old enough I have glass in his honor.”
Katherine’s felt tugs on her heart strings. She felt for Drake since, she too, knew the pain of losing a parent. The difference is that she lost both of hers. Though she didn’t really know him so she didn’t know if his mom was still in the picture.
“All I know is is that I don’t want to deal with my brother when I get home so I'm gonna go where you go, Katherine.” Maxwell said, saluting her as if she was the group’s leader.
“And then there was one.” Katherine smiled at Liam.
“Well I have nothing better to do and it’s better than going home to my dad who's always in a bad mood, so, sure I’m down.” Liam smiled softly, a hint of sadness showing before he quickly looked away, hiding his emotions.
“All right, it’s settled then. After we get out of here we will follow Katherine back to her place and we’ll have a good time.” Hans said, clapping in her hands in excitement.
As soon as 3 o’clock came around and the bell dismissed them, Katherine took off running as soon as she was out the door, the rest running close behind her. ”Come on guys, what are you? A bunch of snails?” Katherine laughed as she ran on ahead.
Drake and Liam quickly caught up to her. “You wish we were snails. Not our problem you decided to choose a race between two star football players.” Drake smirked. Maxwell caught up to them a minute later saying “And I’m on the track team!”
Katherine slowed down matching Hana’s pace, chuckling. “Jokes on them, they don’t know where I live.” The girls laughed when the men came to a stop, wondering where they were going. Katherine then proceeded to show them the rest of the way to the house and instead of running they walked.
“Hey, Kat, are you okay?” Hana’s voice snapped Katherine out of her memories. She turned her head and looked at her best friend in the entire world, who had a worried look on her face.
“I’m just having a little anxiety about tonight. What am I going to say to him if he shows up?” Katherine said, panic showing on her face. If he showed up, she didn’t know what she would do. Katherine wasn’t sure if she was ready to face the reality of what happened to them.
“I think you’ll know when the time comes. I can’t tell you what to say, it wouldn’t be authentic.” Hana gave her a small smile. “Now come on, it’s time to put on your make up and get dressed!” Katherine threw a pillow at her, making both of them laugh.
“Okay. Let’s do this.” She said, rising from the bed and walking to the bathroom to start her make-up. Katherine wasn’t sure how tonight would go, but she couldn’t run anymore. She had to finally face him.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Grow As We Go (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: Denali and Rosé face some ups and downs as they wait for their baby to be born.
A/N: This is another idea that came into my head and just had to be written. It’s pretty much all fluff, and I really hope you enjoy! Please leave some feedback if you like, I really appreciate it! Thank you to Writ for beta-ing!
Title from the song by Ben Platt.
Read on AO3.
“Can you look at it?” Rosé asks fearfully. “I just—maybe if you do it—“
“I got it.” Denali quickly rises off the bathroom floor and grabs the pregnancy test off the counter. She knows Rosé is hoping that if Denali looks at it first this time, it will bring good news. Not like the last two tries.
She resumes her position at Rosé’s side, leaning against the bathtub. Rosé’s legs are pulled up to her chest and she’s chewing her lip to shreds. Denali slides an arm around her shoulders.
“Whatever happens, it’s okay,” Denali says softly.
Rosé gives a stiff nod, squeezing her eyes shut so she can’t peek, and Denali turns the test over, the tiny thing like lead in her hand.
The world is silent except for Denali’s heart pounding in her chest. The air is thick with tension, the knowledge that once she reads what the test says, there’s no unreading it, no changing or undoing the information. Either Rosé is pregnant, or she’s not, and the whole world teeters on the edge of this stick. Denali doesn’t breathe as she stares at the test, trying to make sense of the pale blue lines—they really should’ve picked the test that just tells you if you’re pregnant or not—and matching it to the instructions on the box.
“Rosie,” she gasps, “Rosie, it’s positive!”
Green eyes fly open, not daring to hope just yet. “Are you sure? Should we do another?”
“I’m sure, baby.”
She opens her arms and pulls Rosé into them, everything full of hugs and kisses and excitement because they’re having a baby.
Rosé is really sick of starting each morning with her head in the toilet.
She always thought morning sickness was just something that popped up in pregnancy montages in movies, not something that would send her running to the bathroom every day, Denali trailing behind her to keep the hair off her face and rub her back.
Rosé groans as she releases her shaky grip on the sides of the toilet, leaning back and taking a glass of water from a worried Denali.
“Thank you.” Rosé sighs, grimacing at the bitter taste lingering in her mouth. “I’m sorry you have to start every day watching me puke my guts out.”
“Hey, we’re in this together, remember? A little vomit won’t scare me away.” Denali wipes sweat off Rosé’s forehead with a cold washcloth, and Rosé melts into the touch. “The doctor said the morning sickness should go away soon.”
“Fuck, I hope so.” She doesn’t want to complain, because she wanted this, knew she wanted to carry their baby. But she’s really sick of puking.
“I wish I could help you more,” Denali says wistfully. She keeps the washcloth in place, eyes scanning over Rosé’s face, searching for any signs of pain or anything wrong. The love Denali has for her warms Rosé’s heart, even if it’s a little strange to see her so cautious, so careful.
Denali’s no stranger to stress or anxiety or intense focus, to long hours perfecting everything she does. But she also has no trouble climbing on a pile of books, which are in turn piled on top of a chair, to change a lightbulb, or walking around with a self-bandaged broken toe, because ‘I’m at three months without an urgent care visit, Rosie, and why break the streak?’ She’s the reason their medicine cabinet is as well-stocked as a hospital supply closet, the reason ‘we can’t have nice things, Denali,’ after deciding that turning cartwheels was a valid way to test the size of their kitchen and knocking over a row of wine glasses.
Rosé’s the one who reaches for her soup recipe when Denali so much as sniffles, the one who insists on all the urgent care visits, just to be safe. A kind of nervous care she always has for Denali even if she herself is guilty of going to work when she should take a sick day, never wanting anything to stop her. The pregnancy has changed things, and now Denali takes notes at Rosé’s doctor’s appointments and looks at her in worry anytime Rosé has a cramp. Rosé’s just going to let herself be cared for, because there’s no one else she’d rather have care for her.
Rosé manages a smile, squeezing Denali’s hand. “You do help me. So, so much, Denali. Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m just being dramatic.”
Denali opens her mouth in mock surprise. “You being dramatic? I never would have guessed!”
Rosé swats at her gently.
“Really, though, you deserve to be dramatic. I mean, you’re carrying a baby, Rosie. Like, a little human.”
It feels special, to hear it like that. It’s been frustrating for Rosé to move slower than she normally does, to back out of their normal weekend shopping trips because she’s just so tired. Frustrating to feel so useless, barely able to help Denali make dinner without having to go to the bathroom every five minutes or take a break because her legs are sore. Part of her wants to push through, do the things she normally does. But she’s learning to give in, to let herself rest while Denali dotes on her, because it’s not just her anymore. She has a little human inside her.
Their little human.
“I love you,” Rosé says.
“I love you too.”
Rosé surveys the walls of the nursery, plotting out the arrangements for the jungle animal decals. Denali had painted the walls a soft pastel yellow last week while Rosé watched, because Denali was afraid of her being around the fumes. ‘I’m not gonna huff the paint, Denali, I just want to help,’ Rosé had insisted, because it wasn’t fair to make Denali do all the work, but she gave in and sat in the hallway without much of a fight. She’s always been cautious, and she can’t let anything happen to the baby.
Even if they’re getting the nursery ready, it still feels a little surreal, a little hard to believe that in a few more months, there’ll be a baby to fill it. Her belly is starting to grow, and she has to lean over it to kiss Denali on the cheek.
“We’re really doing this,” she whispers. There were moments after the negative tests when she thought they’d never get here, that the spare bedroom would forever be a spare bedroom, home to odds and ends and the occasional house guest. But now it’s really happening, and Rosé rests a hand on her stomach for proof.
“I know.” Denali leans her head on Rosé’s shoulder, and they stand there together, looking at the walls and picturing everything that will happen in this room. They’ll read to their baby here every night, each trying to outdo the other with ridiculous voices for the characters. They’ll play in here together, sprawled out on the rug laughing with joy. They’ll—
“Guess who’s here, bitches!” Jan’s voice booms down the hall, killing the moment.
The baby kicks, and Rosé rubs her stomach in sympathy. “Poor thing, not even born yet and Jan’s already giving you a headache.”
Denali thought it would be fun to invite their friends to help, but as Jan, Lagoona, Olivia, Utica, Symone, and Kahmora pack themselves into the nursery, the real fun is going to be seeing how many people they can possibly fit in here.
Olivia asks about a hundred questions; Utica gives long-winded answers to all of said questions; Jan and Lagoona argue about turning screws clockwise as they assemble the crib, the argument reaching its peak when Lagoona storms out of the room and comes back with the clock off the hallway wall to prove her point; Kahmora takes an hour to find a spot for one decal; and Symone is the only one who actually gets anything done, artfully arranging books and stuffed animals in a magazine-worthy spread.
When everyone finally leaves, the hall clock replaced and slightly crooked, Rosé and Denali sink to the floor of their baby’s room and let themselves dream.
Rosé’s sisters took their baby shower planning very seriously, and Denali’s eyes keep bouncing around the place, taking in the decorations and balloons and perfect dessert table with perfect pastel cupcakes and perfect pastel macaroons. They even got a freaking chocolate fountain.
Guests rush up to them, nearly trampling Denali in their hurry to kiss and hug Rosé and ask her all about the baby. Denali hangs off to the side, watching and hating the way everyone rubs their hand over Rosé’s baby bump without even asking her. Rosé would say yes anyway—she’s always craving touch and physical affection—but Denali still wishes they would ask. Wishes they wouldn’t treat Rosé like some novelty act, passing her around to each other to touch and commenting on how well she looks at this stage, like it’s any of their business, like her first priority should be how good she looks while seven months pregnant. Denali knows they mean well, but she hates it. And she hates how in public, people’s eyes go right to Rosé and blow past Denali, how often they ask Rosé where her husband is. Like Denali isn’t even there. Like the baby is Rosé’s only. She’s not jealous, not at all—especially not when every part of Rosé’s body aches, when her moods go up and down, when she’s exhausted but struggles to sleep. And Rosé is pregnant, after all—she deserves to have people fussing and fawning over her. But it’s like people don’t see Denali as part of this family, don’t see her as a mom, and it hurts especially now.
“Are you okay?” Rosé asks, and Denali’s heart melts. Even at her own baby shower, she’s still worried about Denali. “Did something make you upset, or uncomfortable?”
“I—“ She doesn’t want to do it here, in front of everyone, but part of her can’t hold back, can’t stop the feelings from running across her face, and Rosé notices, because she always notices.
“Hey, let’s go outside a second, okay? Get you some air?”
Denali nods numbly, letting Rosé lead her outside. The February air is cool on her face, and she didn’t know how hot she was until now.
“You don’t have to talk,” Rosé says gently, “but I’m here.”
She’s always here for Denali, and a rush of affection hits her. “It’s–you’re pregnant,” Denali blurts, every deep emotion betraying her with one of the most obvious statements of the century.
“Wow, really? I had no idea!” Rosé grins, rubbing her stomach, and it eases Denali’s tension, reminds her everything’s okay. “Did I do something?” Rosé asks, serious again.
“No, no!” Denali says quickly. “It’s not you at all.”
It’s not Rosé’s fault, and Denali won’t let her think it for a second. Rosé has been so good about it, always introducing Denali as her wife and telling everyone how excited they both are to be mothers. It’s not her fault she’s the one people direct all their questions to.
Denali takes a breath and continues. “It’s just … you’re pregnant. You’re the one having the baby, and sometimes people just–they make me feel like it’s your baby. Like I’m not part of it.”
Rosé nods intently, gaze turning sad as she listens. “I’m so sorry, Denali.”
Denali shrugs. “It’s fine. I’m not mad, it’s just … hard.” Part of regrets saying it, of putting this extra stress on Rosé when she’s dealing with enough, but another part of her is glad to have it out there, take the weight off her shoulders.
“Let me tell you something.” Rosé’s voice is firm now, and she takes Denali’s hands in a fierce grip. “This is our baby, Denali. Ours. You’re my wife. You’re the one holding my hair back when I puke and coming to all the doctor’s appointments and childbirth classes, and you’re the one who’s gonna be there for this baby and love them their whole life. Don’t ever think you’re not part of this, okay? You’re my wife, and I don’t care what anyone says, you’re our baby’s Mama.”
She lets Rosé hug her then, her arms fighting away all the doubts and fears she has, all the memories of peoples’ questions and stares.
“I love you, Rosie,” Denali breathes into Rosé’s neck. “You’re gonna be such an amazing mom. Seriously. I need to get my motivational speeches on your level,” she adds, pulling out of the hug with a smile.
Rosé grins too. “We’re both gonna be amazing, okay?”
Denali nods, and she believes it. She and Rosé have always balanced each other out perfectly, Denali getting Rosé to loosen up when she’s stressed, Rosé calming the chaos often brewing inside Denali. They could each be firm when the other needed encouragement, soft when they needed comfort. They can do this, and there’s no one else Denali would want to do it with. “Yeah, we are.”
“Good.” Rosé leans over and gives Denali a gentle forehead kiss. “Do you think anyone will notice if I take a cupcake from the dessert table? I really, really want one.”
Denali snorts, taking her hand. “Let’s go back inside, I’ll steal you all the cupcakes you want.”
Denali wakes slowly, blinking through the warm layers of sleep. Rosé is still sleeping beside her, and though Denali wants to surprise Rosé with pancakes in bed, she decides to wait. The back aches have been keeping Rosé up lately, Denali staying up with her watching home renovation shows and stroking her hair until she manages to drift off. She didn’t fall asleep until after 1am last night, and Denali wants her to get as much rest as she can.
They’re so close now. Just over a month away. Denali carefully pulls the blankets back up over Rosé, marveling at the swell of her belly. Pretty soon, they’re going to meet their baby, after all these months of waiting and the two tries before this. Denali remembers how awful those days were, how they had sat breathlessly on the bathroom floor, the pregnancy test shaking in Rosé’s hands as she looked at it. How she kept looking from the test to the box, checking and rechecking the results, how her face fell when she realized she hadn’t misread the negative result. The silence that came after, when Rosé couldn’t get the words out but Denali knew anyway. Rosé insisted she must have done something wrong somehow, her eyes filling with tears even though she never cried, and nothing Denali said could convince Rosé that it wasn’t her fault. But the worst part was that she wouldn’t let Denali wipe her tears for her, like she was afraid something was wrong with her and didn’t want Denali to catch that wrongness. Denali stayed at her side, watching Rosé sniffle and struggle to compose herself, until she finally slipped into her arms and let Denali hold her.
But that didn’t happen this time, Denali reminds herself now. She’s firmly in the present, watching Rosé sleep, red hair a tangled sprawl across her pillow. She’s so beautiful, even in her sleep, and Denali wonders if the baby will look like her, with red hair and green eyes and a wide smile. She’d love a little Rosie running around, she really would. But she wonders if the baby will get any of her too. They had picked a donor that they joked could’ve been Denali’s brother—dark hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, even dimples, for crying out loud. Will the baby have any of those traits, pieces of Denali even if Denali didn’t pass them on herself?
This is their baby, no matter how they look, and Denali can’t wait to teach them things, to share all the parts of herself. She wants to teach them to ride a bike, and ice skate, and make perfect chocolate chip cookies. She wants to help them find adventure and be brave and show kindness. She wants to give their baby all the love in the world, no matter what.
“I love you, baby,” she whispers to Rosé’s belly.
Denali stays in bed, cleaning out emails, until the mattress shifts and Rosé’s eyes flutter open, instantly searching for Denali and brightening when they see her.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Denali teases.
Rosé gives a sleepy smile, snuggling deeper into her pillow and reaching her hands out for Denali to join her. It takes a lot of rearranging, with all the pillows Rosé’s been using to help her back, but they manage, cuddling close together and breathing each other in.
“Let’s have pancakes for breakfast,” Rosé says eagerly.
Denali smiles. “You read my mind.”
The first contraction comes like a lightning strike after they’ve put away the dinner dishes one Tuesday night, a bolt that shatters the fragile balance between pregnancy and birth, before and after, and shoves them toward the latter. They’re flying down the drop of a roller coaster after months of climbing to the top, and it’s more real than it’s ever been. Denali wants to panic, frozen at the whimpers Rosé is letting out, but her wife needs her. She pushes away her panic, grabs the bag they packed at the eight-month-mark, and squeezes Rosé’s hand as they head to the car.
She doesn’t let go until the nurses put a brown-haired, green-eyed baby girl in her arms.
It’s their first night home with Charlotte, and the air feels fragile. There’s no monitor to scream if anything goes wrong, no nurses just a moment away if they need something. They’re on their own now. On their own, but not alone. Because they have each other.
Rosé wanted to have the crib in their room, just for tonight, to soothe both their minds, and Denali agreed. This way they’re sure to hear her if she cries, and they’re only a half-step away. Rosé knows Charlotte will have to sleep in her room tomorrow, but for tonight, she’s here, and Rosé is perched on the edge of the bed, just watching her sleep. She’s absolutely perfect, with thick, dark hair like Denali and a tiny dimple in her chin like Rosé.
After everything, after all the tests and appointments and waiting, their baby is finally here, and she’s worth absolutely all of it.
“We should sleep, Rosie,” Denali says, sliding next to her.
“I know,” Rosé says. “I just–I just want to watch her a little longer.”
“A little longer,” Denali agrees, and she rests her head on Rosé’s shoulder as they marvel over their baby girl.
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demigodreading · 3 years
Rollins’ Gambling Problem
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Special request from @sammymae12 “You should do one of Ella and Amanda involving her gambling in season 13 and season 15.”
This involves Amanda’s gambling in Season 15! Set around the time of Gambler’s Fallacy but no real episode spoilers. Some angst but nothing to bad. Also prepare yourself it is a long one!
Characters: Olivia Benson, Ella Alina Benson, Amanda Rollins, Casey Novak, Fin Tutuola
Relationship: Mom Oliva Benson x Original Character
Warnings: Mentions of smoking and gambling
Word Count: 2.6k
Read on A03
Thursday nights were for Amanda and Ella. Olivia still had some separation anxiety after Lewis but she trusted Amanda and knew that she needed at least one night to spend by herself. She spent most of the night worried about Ella and catching up on paperwork but she was just glad Ella was happy. Ella didn’t have many friends at school and Amanda had quickly filled the best friend role. Even though there was a large age difference Olivia knew the two were thick as thieves. However, this Thursday Olivia was more nervous than normal. She was going to be at a late meeting so Ella was going to be walking to Amanda’s all by herself after she got out of softball practice.
“Are you sure you know how to get to Amanda’s from school?” Olivia asked Ella as they sat over breakfast.
Ella sighed, “Mom, I have walked there before. We even went through a trial run two days ago. I am fifteen. You have to trust me.” “I do trust you,” Olivia reassured her, “I don’t trust other people is the problem.”
Ella got up to clear her plate. Once she rinsed it she came behind Olivia and wrapped her arms around her. She placed a kiss on Olivia’s cheek, “Mom, everything is going to be okay. I will call you as soon as I get to Aunt ‘Manda’s. If I feel uncomfortable I will make Coach take me. Now put the cop away for a second and give your daughter a hug before we have to head out the door.”
Olivia stood up wrapping Ella into a large hug kissing the top of her forehead, “I love you so much.” “I love you too! Now let’s go. If we are late to any class Coach makes us run laps and I am not going to make the whole team resent me.”
“Glad to see Casey is still a stickler for being on time,” Olivia laughed before grabbing her coffee cup.
Ella knocked on Amanda’s door bouncing from foot to foot as she waited. When it opened Amanda was not in her usual pajamas. Instead, she was dressed in tight black jeans and a see-through white shirt. A knot formed in Ella’s stomach, something was not right. The dress code for these nights was always pajamas.
“What are you doing here Ella Bella?” Amanda asked.
“It’s Thursday,” Ella said, “We were supposed to have girl’s night tonight.” A frown formed on Amanda’s face, “Oh I’m sorry hun. I got called into work.”
Ella wrinkled her brow knowing that Olivia would have called her if Amanda had gotten called in. She would have made her go home or come to the precinct and wait for her. Instead of confronting Amanda on her lie, Ella decided to do a little detective work herself. Immediately after Ella excused herself to go home she ducked into the stairwell waiting for Amanda to make her next move. While she waited she texted Olivia.
E: Made it to Aunt ‘Manda’s safe. Hope the meeting isn’t completely boring you to death.
O: I am glad you are safe baby girl.  Don’t hold your breath on the meeting though I am slowly starting to wither away.
E: Well then I need a picture before you wither to dust!
Seconds later a picture of Olivia her head rolled back in her chair with her tongue sticking out came across Ella’s screen. Ella stifled a laugh as she noticed Amanda leave her apartment. As Amanda waited for the elevator Ella squatted down and responded.
E: How did you not get caught taking that picture?
O: You have a very skilled detective Mom. That’s how. Now go have fun. I’ll call you before bed. Don’t stay up to late and stay out of trouble
E: Of course. I love you Mom
O: Love you to the moon and back baby girl
Ella took a large sigh as she rushed down the stairs of Amanda’s apartment to catch her coming out of the elevator. If Olivia knew what she was doing she would be grounded for the rest of her life. However, Ella knew something was majorly wrong and she needed to figure out what it was. Amanda never forgot about their girl’s nights.
Ella followed Amanda all the way to a small abandoned warehouse. She watched as Amanda ducked inside. A bad feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. She had read all about these warehouses when she had done research on Amanda’s gambling addiction. She waited twenty or so minutes to see if Amanda really was working or undercover. When she could find no one else around she slipped inside the door behind another customer. The smell of cigarettes and strong booze reached her nose immediately. She looked around at the tables and the sound of cards hitting the table.
Immediately her eyes caught Amanda sitting at the table letting out a large sigh as she lost another hand. She took a long draw of her cigarette before betting the rest of her chips. Rage built in Ella’s chest as she stormed over to Amanda.
“I thought this life was behind you?” Ella raged stepping next to Amanda pulling the cigarette from her hand and putting it out in the ashtray.
“Ella, what in the world are you doing here?” Amanda asked, folding her cards on the table, “Your mom would kill you if she knew you were here.”
“She would kill you! You are already on probation because of what happened last time!” Ella screamed.
Amanda stood up grabbing Ella’s arm, “You need to calm down Ella. You could get us both in serious trouble.”
“You are telling me to calm down? You lied to me! You promised me that you would never do this again,” Ella screamed, pulling away her arm.
“Ella, please just let me explain.”
“No. No more lies! I’m done with you. Don’t talk to me ever again!”
With that Ella ran out the door, her backpack pounding against the back of her knees. Tears streamed down her face as she made her way to the nearest house that she knew. She knocked on the door trying to catch her breath in between sobs. When the door finally opened she immediately collapsed into the red-headed woman’s arms.
“Ella, what are you doing here? It is Thursday. Isn’t today your day with Rollins?” Casey asked, holding Ella close to her.
Ella stifled another cry as she held onto Casey, “She lied to me. She was gambling again.”
“How do you know this?”
“I showed up to her place and she didn’t know it was Thursday and was leaving. She never forgets about our day,” Ella said and then looked down at the floor, “So I followed her. Then I went inside the building and caught her in the act.”
“You followed her!” Casey screamed gently pulling Ella inside the house, “Ella! You know your mom has you on strict orders of where you can go ever since the kidnapping. You should have immediately gone home or called her.”
“Please, Aunt Casey. Don’t tell my mom,” Ella said, beginning to cry again, “I just had to know the truth. I had to know.”
Casey let out a large sigh taking Ella into a hug, “You are just as stubborn as your mother. Did you know that?”
Ella let out a small giggle, “I have been told that I am my mother’s mini-me.”
“You are,” Casey said, giving Ella one final squeeze, “And I have covered for your mom hundreds of times but Ella… I will only cover for you once. You have to stay here tonight. I will take you to school in the morning. I will cover for you but if asked directly I will not lie for you in front of your mom. Do you understand?”
Ella nodded and then sighed as her phone began to vibrate in her pocket, “That’s her right now.”
“Well, I will go get stuff ready for your shower. Answer her,” Casey said and then walked away.
Ella pulled her phone from her pocket and answered the call, “Hi Mom. How was the meeting?”
“Didn’t kill me, but I was pretty close,” Olivia laughed. When Ella didn’t laugh back Olivia paused, “Baby girl. Are you okay?”
Ella stuttered for a moment trying to form her words, “Not really Mom. I’m just not having a good day.”
“Do you need to come home? I can come to get you,” Olivia said, already standing from her position on the couch.
“No, it will be okay Mom. I promise. I’m just going to head to bed. It really isn’t a big deal,” Ella insisted.
Olivia knew that pushing would only make Ella close off more, “Promise to tell me when you get home tomorrow?”
“Yes, Mom. I promise.”
“Okay but if you need me tonight just remember I am only one call away okay?”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you too. Sleep well, my beautiful daughter.”
Ella hung up the phone, more tears rushing down her face. She crawled into the shower letting the warm water pound against her skin. When she was done she flopped down on the bed in the spare room. Her phone buzzed under her pillow. She pulled it out more tears rushing down her face as she looked at who was texting her:
Amanda: Ella, please answer me.
Where are you, Ella? Please tell me you are okay.
Ella. Just let me explain myself.
Ella Bella. Please. I love you. I am so sorry. Please don’t hate me.
Ella: I’m safe. Now stop messaging me. We are done
After she responded Ella flipped over her phone and cried into her pillow till she fell asleep.
“Casey! What are you doing here?” Olivia asked as she walked out of her office.
“Ella forgot some of her softball stuff at Rollins’ place. I was wondering if I could talk to her for a moment,” Casey smiled, giving Olivia a hug.
“Of course! I have to run but it was good to see you outside of your coach’s uniform,” Olivia laughed rushing for the door.
Casey giggled before walking over to Rollins’ desk. She pounded on the top making Amanda jump as she looked away from her case file.
“Casey… Ella wasn’t at my place last night. I don’t have her softball stuff,” Amanda said sheepishly.
“Oh I know…” Casey said with her fist clenching, “She came to me crying… walking all by herself. Her mother would have KILLED you if she knew what happened.”
Amanda looked down at her hands, “Why didn’t you tell Olivia?”
“Because Ella asked me not to but I will tell you exactly what I told her. This is a one-time deal. I’m covering for Ella NOT YOU. If Olivia asks me directly I will tell her,” Casey said leaning towards Amanda, “And if you EVER hurt Ella again like you did last night. I will personally make sure that you never see her ever again.”
With that Casey stormed out of the precinct leaving Amanda with silent tears running down her face.
Skip to after Rollins’ undercover operation is discovered and Olivia confronts her about it.
“Rollins! My office now!” Olivia commanded as she walked into the precinct.
Amanda got up sheepishly from her desk as Fin’s eyes followed her. Olivia was pissed and she knew it in her stomach that it was about Ella.
Olivia was sitting down at her desk, her laptop turned towards the door. Rollins shut the door behind her sitting down at the chair in front of the computer. Olivia pressed play on the video forcing Amanda to watch Ella screaming at her from that night she had been caught. When Ella turned to leave Olivia stopped the video.
“That’s my daughter. In an illegal gambling warehouse. Before you started your undercover operation. On Thursday. A Thursday when she was supposed to be at your house. Somewhere I thought she would be safe. Yet here she is… not safe and lying about it! She lied for weeks! To save you! I thought it was weird that she stopped asking to go over to your house. Started avoiding you. But now it all makes sense! You betrayed my trust, Amanda. Not only my trust but my daughter’s trust. Neither of which I take very lightly.” “I’m so sorry Olivia. Let me explain..”
Olivia cut her off, “I don’t want your explanation. You are on desk duty and placed on probation till further notice. You have a lot of trust to build back Rollins. It will not be an easy road.”
“I understand,” Amanda said, nodding her head before she whispered, “What about Ella?”
Olivia let out a large sigh, “I won’t stop you from seeing her but I won’t make her see you either. If anyone deserves an explanation about this situation it is Ella.”
Amanda nodded and rose from her chair. Before she left Olivia called out to her again, “If you want to talk to her Fin took her to interrogation one where she will be staying until I can gather her to go home. Or until I need the room. The little stunt you both pulled got her grounded for three months.”
Amanda entered the interrogation room, her arms filled with Ella’s favorite snacks. Peanut butter cups, bbq chips, and a Dr. Pepper. Ella glanced up from her homework but once she saw it was Amanda she quickly looked back down.
“I brought you something to eat,” Amanda said, placing everything on the table in front of her, “Figured you were hungry in captivity.”
Ella tried her best to remain straight-faced but let out a small giggle. Amanda smiled at this sitting down across from her. After a long moment of silence, she finally spoke, “Can we talk Ella?”
Ella looked up momentarily grabbing the peanut butter cups before looking back at her lap again, “About what?”
“Why didn’t you tell your Mom that night that I had stood you up and you found me gambling? You could have been free right now.”
“Because you are my best friend,” Ella said slowly unwrapping the candy, “Best friends look out and care for each other. I wanted you to get help. Not get in trouble.”
“I did get help,” Amanda told her, “I am going back to meetings. Found a new sponsor. Seeing a therapist.”
Ella nodded, “Good. I’m glad to hear it.”
“Are you going to ever forgive me?”
Ella looked up at this comment, “Of course. I could never hate you. You are my Aunt ‘Manda.”
With this Amanda began to cry. Ella scrambled from her chair, taking Amanda in her arms hugging her close. Amanda buried her head into Ella’s shoulder.
“I love you Ella Bella,” Amanda whispered.
“I love you Aunt ‘Manda.”
As they stayed like that for a couple more minutes Fin and Olivia stood outside the room looking through the window.
“Are you going to forgive her, Liv? Everyone makes mistakes,” Fin commented.
Olivia sighed, unfolding her arms, “My daughter has always been more forgiving than me. Maybe it is time I take a page from her book.”
“And it has nothing to do with the crush that you have on that cute blonde partner of mine?” Fin asked her.
“Don’t you have real work to do with your partner?” Olivia asked before heading back to her office and closing the door.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Sixteen- Cordonian Ruby chapter 4
Pairing: Olivia x Bastien; Ruby Rys; Beau Larkin (OC)
Word count: 1,562
Warnings: angst, fluff (two weeks of no warnings! Look at me!)
Summary: Bas and Liv learn they might have to start letting go on Ruby’s sixteenth birthday.
A/N: A major thanks to @sirbeepsalot for all your graping, prereading and editing. I love you boo!
Series warnings: character death, blood, surgical procedures done by non medical personnel, may go NSFW in the future. May contain gun violence, knife violence, threats, not sure how dark this will go. By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: Ruby, Galen, Lovett & Beau all belong to me, the rest I’m borrowing from PB.
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Ruby stared at the man who raised her, hope inscribed upon her face. “Papa please,” she repeated.
She loved him, he was the only father she’d ever known, but sometimes he acted as if she was still a child. Both her parents had ensured she could protect herself, and yet they treated her as though she’d easily break like glass.
Bastien sighed. “Goose …”
Ruby rolled her eyes at the nickname, proof he still saw her as a child. “You know I can take care of myself, Papa. Beau is sweet, he wouldn’t try anything, but if he did I’d make him regret it.”
He raked a hand over his face, he’d expected her to say that. She didn’t understand, she couldn’t understand without him telling her how her parents had died. Olivia and he agreed, the facts of Carolyn and Liam’s deaths would only lead to too many questions they wouldn’t be able to answer without her finding out that she was royalty.
She was too young, not ready for what knowing her position would mean. Ideally, she’d choose to return and take back her kingdom from Bradshaw, she still had two more years. Two more years and she could know. Will two years really be enough time to ensure she has the skills and knowledge needed to shoulder the responsibility?
“I know you can take care of yourself, that’s not the issue, Goose.”
“Then why? Why do I have to be driven around like a little baby when Beau could easily pick me up and drive me?”
Bastien stared at his daughter, gone was her cherubic face, the small innocent child who ran to him with her problems. Before him stood a young woman who fought him and questioned him. Her ability to stand her ground and stick up for her own beliefs would take her far as a leader. He was proud of the young woman she was becoming, but he found himself torn. He could still see the small child he clutched to his chest, the little girl who ran to him with tears in her eyes, but he could also see the strong woman she would soon become. “Goose, Mama and I would both be more comfortable if a more experienced driver took you.”
It wasn’t a complete lie. It was close enough to the truth that she would hopefully drop it. They had never allowed any of their children in a car with anyone other than them.
Her face twisted in indignation, reminding him once more of the small child who had a fiery spirit and strong will. His heart clenched and he nearly folded, nearly saying the words: sometimes even experienced drivers fail at keeping you safe, I know because I was unable to save your parents. He couldn’t, she would only question what he meant, it wouldn’t be long until she then figured out who her parents were.
“Papa that’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?” Olivia questioned as she walked into the living room.
Ruby’s sapphire eyes lit up, if anyone could convince her papa it was her mama. “Mama, tell Papa he’s being overprotective.”
“She wants Beau to drive her on their date.”
“Absolutely not, out of the question.”
“Just tell us where he’s taking you and we’ll drop you off and pick you up.”
“Well …” Ruby bit her lip, “he said he wanted to surprise me … maybe I can get him to tell me.”
Olivia and Bastien shared a look, both knowing what the other wasn’t saying; this didn’t feel right. “No, give me his number and I’ll find out.” Olivia replied.
Ruby grimaced, her mother talking to the boy she liked certainly didn’t bode well for her, though she knew if she didn’t comply she wouldn’t be going at all. She wasn’t sure what was worse, telling him her parents changed their minds or allowing her mother to call him. Each of her ‘options’ would result in the same outcome: complete social suicide.
She heaved a sigh as she passed her mother her phone. Please don’t embarrass me too much.
- - -
Ruby sat back in the cracked leather seats of the old blue and white pick up. She still didn’t understand how Beau had been able to change her mother’s mind. Her mother rarely changed her mind, even for her father.
She caught sight of Beau continually glancing down at the speedometer. Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Why are you doing that?”
“Doing what?” Beau responded, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Why do you keep checking the speed?”
He gave a nervous laugh. “Well, I promised your mom I wouldn’t go over the speed limit.”
Ruby twisted her body to face him. “That’s how you convinced her to let you pick me up?”
She’d been dying to know what he’d said to convince her headstrong mother. She had hoped to learn when he picked her up but both of her brothers’ had to make sure that Beau knew not to make their sister cry. At ten and seven they were both well on their way to be as apt at defending themselves as she was. Both boys were fiercely protective of their sister, it was sweet, but sometimes they went overboard.
“Yea …” he lifted his hand from the wheel to scratch the back on his neck, better not, he thought, replacing his hand on the steering wheel. “I also had to give her my number, promise to call when we got there, told her where we’re going, she has my mom’s number as well as the number of the place we are going and I have to call her when we leave.”
“Oh. My. God.” Ruby exclaimed slumping forward, her face falling into her hands. Her mother had gone too far. She surely would never live this down at school. “I’m so sorry.” Her words were muffled by her hands.
She had never before felt such embarrassment. She willed the floor beneath her to open up. Bouncing along the paved road sounded so appealing at the moment.
“Relax Ruby, it’s fine.”
Her head snapped up, “really?” The words escaping her mouth a second before she realized that she was in his car; he had agreed to the conditions.
“Yea, I mean my parents nearly lost it when my older sister started dating. It was slightly better when I did, and it took forever for them to allow me to drive by myself.”
She looked at the window, taking in the landscape as it passed by. Large stretches of fields, occasionally dotted with a home or barn. Her eyes widened as he turned down a long dirt lane. “So where are we going?”
“This is my grandparents' property, they let us practice shooting out here. Your mom said I shouldn’t be too upset if you school me.”
Her sun kissed cheeks tinged pink. Of course her mother would brag about her ability. She was usually proud to show off and show any boy up. The girls at school teased her that she’d never get a boyfriend if she insisted on being better than them. Her mother always said any guy worthy of her wouldn’t feel insecure if she outshined them. She was torn, should she give it her all or hold back?
She glanced over at him, could he handle her showing him up? He’d planned this date before speaking to her mother, so maybe he could.
“She did tell me I better have you home in time for your birthday dinner … I’m surprised they let you come out. My parents always insist we stay home on our birthdays.”
“Yeah,” she tucked her hair behind her ear. “They let us pick one thing to do for our birthdays. Plus Papa made his special birthday pancakes that Mama hates. He started making them when I was eight and Galen was three. He wanted something special for breakfast and it just became tradition for all our birthdays.”
- - -
Ruby slowly lowered the shotgun, a small smile playing on her lips as she pulled the noise canceling headphones off. Beau’s excited hoots and hollers filtered in spreading the smile wider.
“Look at you Eagle Eye, I don’t think any of the grandkids ever hit that target with such accuracy.” Beau said, his hazel eyes shining brightly.
Ruby shrugged, “I’ve had a lot of practice.”
Beau stepped closer. “Why do you do that?” He asked carefully removing the safety goggles from her face.
“Do what?” Her mouth suddenly grew dry at how close he was to her.
“Deflect my compliments. You do it at school too.”
“Oh.” She fought the urge to lower her gaze. Would he understand or laugh if she told him the truth? Sometimes it’s tough being good at almost everything and having all eyes on me.
“You don’t have to do that with me.”
She stared up at him in awe, the sincerity on his face clear. For a moment she envisioned the following year walking in the halls with him laughing.
Would she still be there in a year? She pushed the worry away.
She’d deal with it if and when the time came. For now she’d live in the moment, have fun getting to know a guy who liked her and didn’t want her to hide herself.
This might be the best birthday yet.
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star-spangled-eyes · 5 years
Forbidden: Part 2: Someone You Loved
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Some content in the first part are direct words from TRR Book 3, Chapter 16. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: The Queen of Cordonia as an adulteress  
Pairing: King Liam x MC / Drake Walker x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this series: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, heavy angst, drama of course, very steamy sex scenes in each part -- IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, DO NOT READ THIS SERIES. Also, if you do not like reading smut, especially mine, please do not read this series.
Series Description: Forbidden is an extremely steamy story that takes place in Cordonia picking up the night of Bragnae’s bachelorette party in Las Vegas. She accepted King Liam’s proposal, despite also being in love with Drake. But when Liam gives Bragnae permission to have one last fling before they’re hitched, she chooses Drake.
Even though Bragnae tells him their dalliance is for one night only, Drake can’t seem to let it go. Once they return to Cordonia and the King marries his betrothed, Drake convinces Bragnae to embrace the forbidden pleasure of being with him in addition to filling her role as queen – consequences be damned.
Master List
A/N: I definitely don’t condone cheating in a relationship, but I have to say this is more a love story, than a lust. And it is delicious! I’m just having fun with this fic (but don’t worry… drama will still ensue), and I hope you are too!
Warnings for this chapter: NSFW, Adult content, sex, angst, suggestive and strong language, (I’m amping up the sexual language in this series!)
Word Count for this chapter: 9408 – Sorry, not sorry. It all needed to be said.
Setting for this chapter: Bragnae and Liam have some fun on their honeymoon, and Drake copes with his decisions.
Permatags: @burnsoslow​​​ @cora-nova​​ @dcbbw​​​ @thorfosterlove​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​​ @edgiestwinter​​​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​​ @msjr0119​​​ @notoriouscs​​​ @drakewalker04​​​ @pedudley​​​ @desiree---1986​ @choices-lurker​ @kingliam2019​ @loveellamae​​ @drakexnadira​ @flutistbyday2020​ @indiana-jr​
Series Tags: @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​​​ ​@silverofdreams​​​ @texaskitten30​ @mskaneko​​ @jemrmax2love​ @nomadics-stuff​ @queenjilian​​ @yukinagato2012​ @ravenpuff02​ @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog​ @moneyfordiamonds​
Part 2: Someone You Loved
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The first few days of their honeymoon went by in a blur. Leave it to the King of Cordonia to own his own private island. With only a few staff around to cook their meals and tidy up the villa, Bragnae and Liam were virtually alone. It was a refreshing change after the whirlwind that was her life once she stepped off the plane in Cordonia for the first time.
Getting a moment alone with Liam was more difficult than she would have liked, but she understood. First, she’d been competing for his hand with five other women. So, he had to be fair to share his time with them all. Next, he was engaged when he didn’t want to be, and Bragnae was branded as a harlot, so having Liam seen with her would have looked bad on him.
Once they were engaged, they had the freedom to be with each other more, but with Liam’s duties as King, Cordonia always comes first. Bragnae accepted that. She knew what to expect with him, but it didn’t make her want him any less. If anything, the moments they could be alone together were that much sweeter.
The honeymoon was a particularly special treat because it was truly just about them. In the days they spent on the island, their pleasure was of the utmost importance. A true honeymoon. They’d eat, have sex, sleep, wake up, have sex again, eat some more, and the cycle just repeated itself. Far from being an exhausting routine, they enjoyed every minute.
After they intimately explored every square inch of the villa, Liam took Bragnae out to discover the island leading to many impromptu erotic moments. In a quiet oasis towards the center of the island, Liam bent her over a downed tree, making her come hard twice while the wild birds scattered from her ear-piercing screams. They had also found a beautiful waterfall to make love under, letting the power of the water invoke many sensual and heightened orgasms.
As if Liam had placed it there himself, a large, smooth bolder sat in the shallows of the ocean, which was the perfect place to enjoy the silvery glow of the moon bouncing off the water while Liam pounded into her. The crashing waves lapping against their lower halves only enhanced the experience. With miles separating them from the nearest person, especially after the staff left the island for the night, Liam encouraged her not to hold back with her pleasured cries, and he made sure she didn’t.
Aside from the frequent, mind-blowing sex, Bragnae and Liam had grown even closer than they ever had before. There was actually time for them to talk about their interests, relax without any major distractions, and just be with each other. It was all she could ever hope for – the perfect honeymoon with her new husband, the King.
Bragnae finished getting ready for bed with a quick spritz of perfume. She looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the black and red negligee that hugged her curves. She knew it wouldn’t stay on long, and being naked made more sense, but the King liked a challenge.
Flipping off the bathroom light, she strolled back into the bedroom to see Liam sitting up in bed with a laptop resting on his thighs. His brow furrowed as his eyes scanned the screen. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and she hoped he was bare even under the sheets. She’d soon find out.
Bragnae got on the bed, and crawled seductively towards him, catching his attention. “How’s the kingdom, Your Majesty?” Her tone was flirty and playful in hopes to get his mind on her instead.
He smiled at her. “It’s running smoothly, although it looks like we’ll be a bit busy when we return.”
“Why do you say that?” She straddled his knees, and leaned over his computer letting her ample cleavage tease him. His eyes immediately shifted to her chest with an appreciative look.
His gaze returned to her eyes. “Well, for starters, we have to have your coronation. Since you married the king, you automatically fill the role as queen, but Cordonian tradition states that there must be a coronation for you to be officially considered a ruler of the country. It has to happen within a month of us getting married.”
“That sounds nice. I’m looking forward to it. What else?”
Liam sighed. “As soon as we get back, I have to go to Lythikos.” He ran a hand through his silky, blonde hair. “Olivia needs some help with something in her duchy. She’s being vague as to the details, but needs my assistance.”
“Can I go with you?”
“Normally, I’d say yes. But I want you to get settled in at the palace, and start getting to know your role as queen. There will be a lot for you to adjust to, I’m afraid.”
“What’s a queen without her king?” Her lips transformed into a sultry smirk.
“You make a valid point, but I won’t be gone too long. One night, maybe.” Her smirk faltered at the thought of not being with him. “Trust me, I don’t want to leave you either. We can make up for it now, and when I come back.”
Bragnae nodded assertively. “Fair enough. And speaking of now, what do you say we put the country’s needs aside, and focus on ours instead?” She slowly pushed the laptop closed, and put it on the bedside table, making it a point to hover over him in a sexy feline sort of way.
Liam grinned, using a finger to pull down her top for a better view. “I don’t even know why you’re wearing this. I’m just going to take it off of you anyway.”
She inched herself closer, still on all fours. “Maybe I wanted you to work for it.” Leaning forward, she slowly and barely brushed her lips against his before sitting back again.
“I will always make an effort to work for it when it comes to you.” Just then, Liam sat forward grabbing her by the waist, and pulled her on top of him like it was nothing.
“You’re so strong, Liam,” she said biting her lip. Flattening her hands onto his well-defined chest, she admired his physique. “You have such a sexy, toned body. I can’t get enough of it.”
“A king should be strong to defend his kingdom… and his queen.” Liam pushed the satin fabric above her hips before running the back of his hand across her pelvis.
Bragnae tingled at her core. No matter how many times they’d slept together, his touch always inspired such a reaction. Not to mention staring at the blonde Adonis sitting beneath her already made her wet and ready for him.
“Well, on behalf of the citizens of Cordonia, we want to thank you for every chiseled muscle on your body for the betterment of our country.” Her finger outlined his pectorals, dropping down to trace each of his defined abs as she spoke. Her hand slipped further down beneath the sheet to gently grip his already hardened cock.
A low groan rumbled in his throat. “That particular muscle is not for Cordonia. It’s only reserved for you.”
“Yes, but the citizens are rooting for me to have a very pleasurable honeymoon, and this,” she paused to peel back the sheets to expose his monumental erection, “plays a vital role in that.” Bragnae slowly stroked him, mesmerized by his mouth-watering dick.
She briefly wondered if all Cordonian men were as well-endowed as he was. A recent memory breached her mind of the other massive cock she encountered and who it belonged to, but she quickly pushed it away.
Liam smiled, shifting a bit under her touch. “The people are already rallying around you, huh? It makes sense. They, like me, want you to be completely satisfied.” He rolled her on her back, so she was underneath him. “Over and over and over again.”
His mouth crashed against hers, kissing her with everything he had. That was Liam – full of passion, devotion and eagerness to please her. She moaned as his hands moved down her body. He gripped her hips, and tugged her down the bed a bit before lifting her negligee up. Instead of removing it completely, he made it so the fabric both covered her eyes and restrained her arms. She was bound by her own outfit with her body bare and entirely at Liam’s mercy.
She squirmed a bit just to play along. Seeing nothing but darkness made her other senses spike, especially when Liam caressed her breasts, loving each one of her taut nipples with his tongue and a gentle tug of his teeth. Bragnae gasped, her breathing increased.
“God, Liam that feels so good.” A surge of heat rushed to her core as he loved her body.
After assuming he’d move south next, Liam surprised her by capturing her lips once more. “You ready to scream, my Queen?” He bit her lower lip, slowly dragging away from her before his mouth worked its way down her body.
Bragnae moaned deliciously. “You know that I am.” If there was an award given for ‘most skilled at oral sex’, King Liam would win it every time, hands down. He not only was exceptional at it, but he liked doing it as well – almost to the point of obsession. It was thrilling and unbearably hot. A man with such a skill should be afforded as many opportunities as he wanted to perform, and Bragnae would happily and shamelessly enable his pleasurable addiction anytime.
It didn’t matter what position he had her in – because it did vary, she would reach her climax hard and fast, and would soon be putty in his arms. Worthless to the world for at least two minutes, sometimes longer. He was that good. Thinking about it in more depth, it made sense that he excelled in this particular area.
Liam was charismatic, a well-spoken man, and he addressed the public on an almost daily basis. His tongue assisted him in speaking five different languages, negotiating with diplomats and other foreign leaders, and her most favorite, talking dirty to her. It was no wonder that when he flicked his tongue at just the right speed and pressure that she’d fall apart around him.
To add to the suspense of it all, he would always include an extra move that pleasantly surprised her whether that be using his hands to assist his skilled mouth, humming into her, or even biting. Yes – biting. Where she thought it might be too much for her sensitive skin, the way Liam did it made her toes curl. Whatever combination he decided to use never failed to elicit the same response in her – glass-shattering screams, soaked sheets, calling to God… it was all amazing.
Liam spread her legs wide, placing tender kisses on her inner thigh. Bragnae gasped as she felt him blow lightly on her hot, aching center. He chuckled at her reaction.
“I could stare at you like this all day. Spread eagle, your hot, wet pussy in my face, your beautiful breasts moving up and down along with your ragged breathing. You’re. A fucking. Work. Of art.” Liam punctuated each word with a lap of his tongue, making Bragnae writhe with anticipation.
As much as he enjoyed the act itself, it seemed he relished teasing her beforehand as well. She didn’t mind it because she knew what was coming – aside from herself, that was a given – and it was worth any wait she had to endure.
She smiled, exhaling a giggle that turned into a moan. “I wouldn’t mind this all day, but I’m pretty sure the country would need your attention sooner or later.”
“Such a pity.” Bragnae could feel his hot breath before his expert tongue grazed the soft skin between her southern lips. He always knew the right place to start.
Bragnae dreamily sank into the incredible and hastened strokes of his tongue, which he would use in all the cardinal directions as well as the occasional swirl. Her hips would have rolled with him if he hadn’t held her firmly in place.
Just as she felt the warmth start to build, Liam hummed as he licked, making her entire core vibrate. She pressed her head back against the mattress, tensing her body as the flood gates were about to open. His name left her lips in a breathy whisper as he helped to unleash the blissful fury she had expected.
Her body convulsed as her still restricted hands grasped at the pillows above her head. Liam kept up with his mission until her long screams subsided. An overwhelming sensation of pleasure, love and comfort filled her – almost as if she had floated out of her body and was left hovering on cloud nine.
She tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her, and removed the negligee so that it no longer held her captive. Her eyes fluttered open looking at her husband who wore a big, accomplished grin on his face.
“I love when you scream like that. Makes me so hard.” Liam winked at her before hopping off the bed.
Still in a euphoric state, Bragnae barely noticed as Liam tugged her towards the edge of the bed. He picked up one of her legs letting the other rest on the mattress, and stroked himself as he looked at her. Her gaze met his – those blue eyes dark as an ocean with desire.
“I’m going to be useless to you for another minute or so.” Still panting, she barely managed to speak.
He lined the tip of his engorged member to her, teasing her dripping wet entrance. “Hmmm, not completely useless. All you need to do is relax and moan like the goddess that you are.” He pushed himself inside her with ease prompting a throaty moan of agreement from Bragnae.
Leaning over, pumping slowly in and out of her, he smiled. “That’s it. How do you like my dick, Bragnae?”
All she could do was whimper from the wonderful feeling of him stretching her out.
“Tell me you like it,” he demanded in a low, hoarse voice. He increased his pace a little.
“I love it. I love when your big, hard dick is inside me.” What wasn’t to love about that?
“Such a dirty mouth you have,” he said chuckling before bending down to kiss her again. “And I love your tight, wet pussy.”
She smiled. “I remembered to do my Kegel exercises for you too, big boy.” As if to emphasize her point, she used her internal muscles to contract her walls around his cock, giving him a unique, sexy hug.
He smirked down at her. “I do appreciate that.”
“Harder, Liam.” He answered with a powerful thrust that she felt in her throat.
“How’s that?” He did it again. She hissed a sharp breath through gritted teeth.
“Good. Now, faster.”
He kept his eyes on hers as a determined look spread across his face. His abs flexed with each thrust he made into her, pounding at rapid speed. Her leg pressed against his chest as he held onto it with both hands, squeezing her thigh.
The position of her leg and the slight curve of his dick made for the perfect position for him to rub in just the right spot. She felt the hot pressure in her pelvis swiftly change to the promise of more.
“Liam, I’m close. Oh, my God. I’m so close.”
He moved his thumb over her clitoris, lightly rubbing as he kept up his pace. “Go on. Soak my dick, baby.”
The added stimulation sent her over the edge. Gripping the bed sheets with both hands, she squeezed her eyes shut, and became consumed with all that encompassed her sensual release. Seconds later, Liam set free his own climax draining himself into her.
Still nestled safely inside her, he leaned down again to kiss her. “I love you, Bragnae.”
“I love you too.”
Empty bottles that once contained alcohol and used glasses littered Drake’s otherwise tidy room. He laid in his bed, fully clothed, as rays from the sun shined on his face. This was the way he’d fallen asleep every night for the past week – drinking until he was good and drunk, and then passing out on his bed with the lights on. He felt a pounding headache throb at his temples that hadn’t seemed to go away since the night of wedding no matter how much whiskey he drank.
Of course, he knew the alcohol wasn’t making things better, but he didn’t care. He needed two things: to be comforted, and to forget. Since he didn’t have the woman he wanted to warm him with her touch, the whiskey sufficed. And because that particular woman was on her honeymoon, likely getting fucked in every position imaginable – and if he knew his friend, he wasn’t far off, he needed to get her out of his mind.
He had grown to realize that even after nearly drowning himself with all that he consumed in alcohol, it hadn’t been as reliable as he’d hoped. Still, through the mind-altering haze, he found himself thinking about Bragnae. There wasn’t an inch of her body he didn’t see in his mind, not a single detail of their dalliance that he didn’t obsess over.
Hoping to find some solace amidst the pain, he even tried to use the thoughts of her to inspire a release of his own built up sexual tension and strife, but knowing he couldn’t be with her took the thrill of the fantasy out of the equation. Frustrated, horny, sad, pissed off – this is what his life was now. He was already a bitter person, but somehow in the last week, he was able to dig down to a whole other level of disturbed.
He wanted nothing from life but Bragnae. Being with her made him happy, in ways he didn’t even know he could be. She challenged him, laughed at his sarcastic jokes, and went out of her way to make sure he was having a good time. They had bonded to the point of friends, which he didn’t expect at first.
But with his desire for her coupled with her reciprocating need for him, they had entered a new plane of existence between platonic friendship and romantic relationship, which was confusing as fuck. And because of his incessant need to put others before him, he missed his chance to be with her for good. He hadn’t even told her how much he loved her, and had loved her since the beginning.
  A knock at the door startled him. It sounded as if a bomb had just gone off, making him cringe. There was a pause before another repetition of knocking came. He drew in a deep breath, heaving himself off the bed to stop the head-splitting noise.
On his way, he stumbled a bit, still feeling the effects of last night’s binge. He opened the door to see the small, but fierce Hana Lee looking up at him in surprise. Why the hell is she surprised to see me? This is my goddamn room.
“Drake, you look awful.” Her mouth had gaped open as her eyes raked over his disheveled appearance. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, so his dark stubble became more than that. His wrinkled clothes hadn’t been changed in a day, and his longer hair hadn’t seen a comb in twice that amount of time. Maybe he shouldn’t be so shocked that she had that reaction.
“Thanks. It reflects my mood. What do you want?” His voice was low and grumbly. When she pulled back, appearing to have been offended, he retraced his words. “I’m sorry. I have a headache. What can I do for you?” His eyelids felt heavy, probably from the lack of decent sleep he’d gotten, but also from the anguish that plagued him. He hoped she didn’t notice too much.
Hana placed a gentle hand on his arm. “I just came to tell you that Liam and Bragnae come back to the palace today. And I thought it’d be nice for us to be there to greet them when they arrive.” As soon as the happy couple was married, Hana stepped in as Bragnae’s Senior Lady-In-Waiting, and she took her role very seriously. “It looks like you could use some time to… freshen up. How about I grab you some coffee, and then you can do what you need to do?”
Hana also grew to be one of Drake’s few friends. She was sweet, caring, talented as hell, and could knock a guy’s block off if she wanted to – even if her confidence told her she couldn’t. Standing at just over five feet tall, he towered over her small frame at his own six and a half feet. She was half-Chinese, half-Cordonian – gorgeous. She’d make any man happy, any man that wasn’t already infatuated with someone else like he was.
He looked into her compassionate, brown eyes that pleaded with him to comply. He hadn’t wanted to leave his room today, except maybe to find something to eat, but he couldn’t say no. Plus, they were coming home today. It wouldn’t look good if Liam’s best friend wasn’t around to welcome him back.
“Sure, Hana. That’d be great. Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll meet you in the dining hall. And I take my coffee black.”
She nodded. “I’ll order some food for you as well. Twenty-minutes, Drake,” she said, pointing at him with a stern look.
He chuckled at her sudden assertiveness. “I promise. Thanks, Hana.”
“You’re welcome, my friend.” He closed the door as soon as she walked off.
Leaning against it, he sighed. Now, he had to do the impossible: prepare himself to face the woman he loved as she hung on the arm of another man. All the while, he had to look presentable as if her marriage to his best friend had not transformed his life, now wrought with despair.
An hour or so later, Drake had showered, shaved, and eaten a bigger breakfast than usual. Having a strict diet of whiskey over the past week would surely make a person ravenous. The coffee was strong, just how he liked it, and it gave him the energy he needed to brave the rest of the day. Maxwell and Bertrand had even come in from Ramsford to greet the King and Queen.
Hana had caught them all up with the day’s festivities. They’d have a dinner with the royal couple celebrating their return. Drake grumbled inward – all the royals did was throw parties, it didn’t matter the occasion. He tried to mask his bitterness, but felt like he was failing. His intention wasn’t to snub his best friend and his new wife, but the situation dictated a different response. He felt like an asshole.
His headache had gone away with the coffee and stomach full of food, so after everything was said at breakfast, he excused himself to go back to his room. He had a little over an hour before he was needed in the Grand Hall, so he took some time to clean up his room. The trashcan filled up quickly with the embarrassing amount of empty whiskey bottles. He made his bed, and picked up his floor.
Checking the clock, the cleaning had only taken thirty minutes of his time. He sighed, sitting on his bed, feeling antsy. Normally, when he hadn’t resorted to poisoning his liver with endless whiskey, he would go to the gym to exert his tension, stress or just for the fun of it.
He couldn’t do that now, there wasn’t enough time, and he’d have to shower again. He decided he’d go later. Late night work outs were nice to clear his head before bed, and he’d most likely need it after being forced to be in the same room as Bragnae.
He leaned back, thumbing through his phone. First through social media, then over to a game that could let him escape reality for a bit. His fingers twitched before moving to the other app. What he really wanted to do was look at the few saved pictures of Bragnae he had on his phone.
Some of them were some they took together over the engagement tour, when Liam was still betrothed to Madeleine, and the others were some he’d swiped from her social media. She had modeled in a photoshoot for a friend in New York once, and the second Drake discovered those photos, he was a goner. He’d incorporate them into the background of his phone had it been acceptable, but of course it wasn’t. Still the guy on the outside looking in, he had to hide his desire for her.
Luckily, the game had done its job, and it was time to head to the Grand Hall. Drake slipped his phone into his pocket, and left his room.
When he reached the meeting area, Hana, Maxwell and Bertrand were already in place along with many other servants and guards. Select members of the press too.
“You’re just in time. Their plane landed twenty minutes ago, so they should arrive any minute,” Hana told him. She looked happy, as she should, for their friends’ return. He wished he could be that happy.
Drake acknowledged her, and proceeded to cross his arms over his chest. After a few seconds, he realized the way he stood made him appear unapproachable, so he shook out his arms, and let them rest at his sides. He fidgeted a bit more, feeling uncomfortable.
Loud applause and cheering spread through the room as Liam and Bragnae strolled through the double doors. Camera flashes went off and the crowd swarmed them. Drake and the rest stood in the back allowing the media a chance for their questions and pictures before the palace guards would shoo them off.
After a few minutes, the crowd began to dissipate, and he could now see his friend, the King. Liam wore a polo and shorts, his aviator sunglasses hung on the V-neck of his shirt. He looked relaxed, care free. Why wouldn’t he? He just got to spend the week doing nothing accept his wife. Drake clenched his jaw at the thought.
Finally, the persistent media goons left, allowing Drake full access to look at the new queen. He dreaded this moment just as much as he craved it. No matter how much pain sat in his heart, not seeing Bragnae was worse than seeing her. He missed her – he wasn’t afraid to admit that. She had been such a big part of his life over the past several months, and being away from her for a week was excruciatingly difficult – obviously.
He drew in a sharp breath as he saw her face. She smiled brightly at those around her. Her skin looked tanner than usual, and her long, black hair was tousled in a breezy sort of way. She wore a strappy sundress that extended to the floor, and a long gold necklace, drawing his eye to her impeccable breasts. God, that dress looked great on her.
Drake felt stirrings of arousal hit him suddenly. He wanted to deny them, but they were relentless the more he looked at her. The high slit in her dress gave him all kinds of naughty ideas, and soon he was daydreaming about the things he’d love to do to her. He wasn’t even concerned with anyone else in the room. All that mattered was her.
Liam stepped up to Drake first before greeting the rest. “Hey, buddy. Things been well while we’ve been gone?” He pulled Drake into a bro-hug.
He cleared his throat. “As well as can be expected.” What can anyone expect of a man with a broken and lust-filled heart except that things were all they could be? Unchanging and depressing as fuck.
Liam clapped him on the shoulder. “Good to hear. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.” He quickly moved on to Hana and Maxwell sharing similar greetings.
Drake knew Bragnae was close just by the smell of her sweet perfume. Her scent was intoxicating, both graceful and seductive. It suited her. He watched her traipse over to him with a bright smile. It awakened his heart to see her looking at him like that.
“Your Majesty,” he said with a slight bow and straight face.
Bragnae lifted an eyebrow at him. “Come on, Drake. You don’t have to do that. ‘Bennett’ is just fine.”
“That’s no longer your name.” His responses seemed callous. He didn’t exactly plan on them coming out that way, but it did reflect his mood.
She scoffed. “Fine, Drake. Call me whatever you want.” As she turned to walk away, Drake grabbed her hand. He couldn’t let her leave like that. He had to make it right.
Bragnae snapped her head in the direction of their joined hands before glaring up at him. “What are you—,”
“I’m sorry, Bennett. How was your honeymoon?” He hoped she’d tell him it was terrible, and that she thought of him the whole time, but he knew that wouldn’t happen.
She visibly relaxed, but didn’t pull her hand away. “It was nice. Thank you. How’ve you been?”
“Well enough.” He looked into her amber eyes. She stared right back. He noticed her breathing had quickened, and knew it was a result of holding her hand from the way her gaze dropped to it. She swallowed, trying to hide being flustered, but Drake could see it. He saw everything.
He still affected her with a single touch, even after being a rude asshole to her. He, too, felt the electric current running through his veins stemming from their joined hands. He knew she was experiencing the same thing. Seeing her react that way gave him hope. A hope for what? What would he do with it? He didn’t know just yet, but he had a feeling he’d soon figure it out.
Bragnae cleared her throat and shook off her entranced expression as she gently pulled her hand out of his. “That’s good, Drake. I’ll see you later.”
He nodded, keeping his heated gaze on her. She took a step toward Hana, but looked back at him once more. The end of his mouth curled up into a smirk. Bragnae quickly averted her eyes and focused on Hana instead offering her a warm greeting.
After a week away with her husband, a single touch from Drake still muddled her composure. He decided he would test the waters further telling her what he wanted, and maybe she’d want that too. The night should prove interesting.
It was good to be back at the palace, even though she already missed her alone time with Liam. After greeting the welcome committee, they went back to their suite to shower and get ready for the dinner with their friends. Liam, as insatiable as he was, caught her before any other clothes could shield her body, and made love to her in their king-sized royal bed. Good to be back, indeed.
Bragnae slipped on a pink, chiffon dress that stopped at her knee, and stepped into a pair of peep-toe heels before her husband escorted her to the Dining Hall.
Everyone was already waiting for them when they walked in the room and took a seat. Liam at the head of the table, and Bragnae to his left. Out of courtesy for their position, their friends waited for them to sit before taking their own seats. Hana sat next to Bragnae, while Drake, Maxwell and Bertrand filled in across from her.
Her eyes flicked over to Drake as he settled in. He was looking particularly handsome today. She didn’t know what it was, but still she tried to ignore that. So, she turned to look at Maxwell, and thought about how nice he looked, and even Bertrand.
Maxwell, the hilarious party-guy she had come to love, was extremely good looking. He styled his hair, in what she considered was purposefully carefree, but he always looked good. He smelled delightful and warm, as a man should, dressed nice, and was toned and fit. Despite all of that, Bragnae had grown to love Maxwell as a brother-figure than anything else, which was probably best as she already had two men, specifically at this table, that she had romantic feelings for.
Bertrand was handsome in his own way. As Maxwell’s older brother, he was the Duke of Ramsford. He had been the indignant man that always gave her a hard time during the Social Season when she wanted to act like her ‘carefree American self’ – his words. Over time, however, he had become something more to her, like an older brother or even father-figure. Raised as an orphan, she was grateful to have him and any of her friends to consider part of her close-knit circle, part of her family.
Drinks had been served, and the servants presented them all with their meals. Everyone started to chat, especially Maxwell with his seemingly endless, but adorable questions about the island they just spent a week on, already making plans for them all to go back.
As she continued to listen and eat her meal, she felt like she was being watched. After taking a bite of the savory pot roast, she looked at Maxwell again before shifting her eyes to Drake. It was him. He was looking at her. But when their gazes met, he didn’t look away. In fact, he made it a point to deepen his stare.
Bragnae had to avert her eyes as a shiver shot down her spine. That was the second time that day one of his looks affected her that way. She took another bite. Maybe he was done staring. Of course, she’d need to check. Looking back in his direction, he had a glass of his favorite libation in his hand, and before he took a drink, his eyes flashed over to her again.
She could feel her heart race. Drake, with his dark eyes, could slay any woman with a single look. Well, so could her husband. But there was something to his smoldering and always brooding expression that made her tingly. She wondered why he was so attentive with her today. Before the wedding, it felt like he did all in his power to avoid her eyes, perhaps so she wouldn’t see the hurt inside him.
But now? He was eyeing her like a predator stalking its prey. Not that she ever felt threated by Drake, but his looks now definitely were intimidating. Mostly because she didn’t know what they meant.
Liam put his hand over hers on the table. Startled, she jumped slightly at his touch.
“Are you okay, Bragnae? Your face is a little red,” Kindly, he lowered his voice to a whisper not to draw the attention of the others, but they all still honed in on her.
Suddenly feeling self-conscious and needing a moment to sort out the mixed emotions running through her head, she stood. “I’m fine. Thank you,” she told him with a soft touch to his arm. “I’m a little warm. I think I’ll go splash some water on my face.”
The men at the table stood, chivalrous as they were, as she left the room. Once she was out of their sight, she headed to the nearest powder room. Closing the door behind her, she walked up to the sink, leaning on the counter as she took a few deep breaths.
She raised her head to see herself in the mirror. She was a bit red in the face. Damn Drake. No matter how hard she tried, he would always get a rise out of her. She shook her head, partly in disgust at herself as well as frustration. How could she move on from him if she saw him every day? He lived at the palace, same as her.
It would have been fine, and easier to deal with had he not started to intentionally capture her attention with his sexy, determined eyes. She put a hand to her chest feeling her heart beat faster than normal. Even her breathing was ragged. That wasn’t good. It was too soon to be around him again. How would she get around this?
Bragnae sat down on a cushioned tuffet she pulled out from under the counter, and gave herself another minute to regain her composure. Then, there was a knock at the door. She sighed. This was how life would be as the queen. She’d never truly be able to escape for a moment alone without someone coming to check on her.
Stubbornly, she let the person knock again before she called out. “I’ll be right there.” She stood, pushing the seat back in its place, and looked herself over once more. Taking another deep breath, she opened the door to see Drake staring down at her.
Her heart rate skyrocketed again. “Drake, what are you doing?”
Without an invitation, he gently pushed his way into the small powder room, closing the door behind him. “Shhh, Bennett. I’m sorry but I’ve got to talk to you.”
He’s got to talk to me? No way. I’m doing the talking. “Why do you keep looking at me at the table like you are?”
The room felt bigger before he was in it. Now, standing over her, crowding her a bit, the room was shrinking. She backed up against the counter, and he continued to step forward. Summoning all her strength, she tried her best to appear confident instead of the reality of her about to melt on the floor in a lustful puddle of herself because of his presence.
“That’s what I want to talk to you about.” He paused to study her for a moment. “I missed you… and I’ve been an idiot. I should have told you this sooner. You’re everything to me. You’re my last thought before I fall asleep, and on my mind immediately when I wake up. I love the way your smile lights up your entire face, I love that you laugh at all my stupid jokes, and I love that you push me to be better — you make me want to be a better man than I was.”
Drake took a small step forward. “I care about you so much, and… I want to be with you. It hurts,” his hands clutched at the fabric of his shirt over his heart, “it physically hurts that I’m not the one you call yours.” He visibly swallowed. “I love you, Benn— Bragnae.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her eyes frantically searched his for an ounce of humor or sarcasm, but there was none. He was sincere. He was pouring his heart out to her, telling her everything she wanted him to say before, and he chose now to do it. What a nerve. Suddenly she felt hurt and irate.
“How dare you say this to me now? You’ve had plenty of chances to tell me how you feel, and you wait until the day I get back from my honeymoon?” Her voice had raised a bit on that last word. “What is wrong with you, Drake?”
He dropped his hands to his sides again, and straightened his posture. “Plenty. And don’t think I don’t know it. But I’m not going to apologize for telling you this now.”
Surprised by his confidence, she gave him a questioning look. “What am I supposed to do with that? In case you forgot, you can’t be with me. I’m married now. You were there. You saw it.”
Drake stepped even closer to her. Their bodies mere inches apart. “Yeah, I saw it. Do you want to know what else I saw that day – on your face in particular? Longing, desire, maybe some regret – and that was just a few minutes after you said ‘I do’. Today, five minutes after you return from your honeymoon, I saw it all again. But this time there was more. I know you care about me, Bennett, dare I even say that you love me.”
He shifted his weight, looking down in attempt to gather his courage again. “I wouldn’t be telling you this – I wouldn’t be trying to ruin your marriage if I didn’t think you felt the same about me.”
I do, but I can’t allow you to think that. Not when my heart is still in this fragile state. “Well, I don’t.”
“Bullshit.” He narrowed his eyes at her. He had the gall to call her out, and at a time like this?
Unwilling to let him compromise her emotions further, she started for the door. She got it open a crack before Drake’s hand slammed it shut. She turned around to face him. His arm extended against the door, not allowing her to leave.
“What are you doing, Drake?” Anger and shock filled her voice.
His stature exuded confidence, but his face and words showed his vulnerability. “I know why you’re running away, but I can’t let you leave until I get all of this out. It’s… it’s okay if you don’t want to be with me. I know you said what happened in Vegas was a one-time thing. And at the time, I was so desperate to touch you again that I didn’t give a shit about the consequences. And now, it’s haunting me.”
Her expression and voice softened. “I was afraid of that.”
Drake looked deep into her eyes. “The day you got married, I sat in the parking lot trying to figure out whose life I was going to ruin: Liam’s, yours, or mine. I considered leaving Cordonia for good, but I knew that would hurt you. And to be honest, I didn’t think I could survive without seeing you regularly. So, I chose Liam because I just had to have you for myself.”
Bragnae listened intently. He was opening up to her, and she wasn’t going to interrupt.
“I walked into that church, spotted your door, and made my way to you. Before I could get there, Liam stepped out of his room, and told me it was time to go. And it was at that point I realized that Liam deserved to be happy too, and I couldn’t ruin his life by taking you away from him. So, I ruined mine instead.”
She so badly wanted to reach out to touch him, but something held her back.
“Bennett, you will never understand the level of pain and regret I have for letting you slip between my fingers. I know I hurt you. I know I didn’t speak up when I needed to. I know that I have no leg to stand on, but I couldn’t go another day without telling you how I felt.” Drake ran his hand softly down her arm. “I’d give anything to turn back the clocks, and tell you all of this before Liam proposed, but I can’t.”
“No, you can’t.” A lump of emotion welled in her throat. “Please don’t bring this up again. It hurts too much.” She turned away from him, hoping to avoid seeing the agony on his face. After a moment, Drake dropped his hand from the door, and she left the room.
Later that evening, Bragnae lay awake in bed next to her peacefully snoozing husband. She couldn’t sleep. Even when she and Liam had sex a few hours ago, she was distracted. Drake’s words had imprinted her mind, and she couldn’t stop thinking about what he said, and how he said it.
She hadn’t seen that kind of passion in Drake, when he was speaking, in… ever. The barrier of his friendship and duty to Liam always shielded whatever emotion he’d hoped to convey.
It was half past midnight. Liam had to leave early in the morning for Lythikos, so she didn’t want to disturb him with her restlessness. She decided she’d get up, and walk around the palace to help clear her thoughts. She threw on a camisole before slipping on a pair of pajama shorts. On her way out of the bedroom, she put on a jacket, zipping it up halfway.
Bragnae shoved her hands in her jacket pockets as she roamed the hallways of the palace thinking about Drake. As much as she wanted to hear those words from him, and as wonderful as they were to hear, she was more upset than infatuated. Why did he have to wait so long to tell her?
He had mentioned he wanted to break up their wedding, but changed his mind at the last second. Thinking about her wedding day, she tried to imagine what she would have done had he found her before Liam interrupted his plan. Would she have run off with him, or would she have denied him? Knowing her heart, and how desperately she wanted to be with him, there was no question.
But what about Liam? He wasn’t just this unbelievably attractive guy who was also a king. He was kind, tender, and loving. Even though it had only been about a week, she enjoyed being married to him. Granted, they were on their honeymoon the entire time, but still. He meant the world to her.
So, Drake corralled her in the bathroom to tell her all the things he should have said before, and expected her to jump right into his arms? She shook her head at the thought. Although, she’d be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want to. It was Drake, after all.
Looking ahead of her, Bragnae saw a bright light coming from a room. As she approached, she recognized it as the palace’s gym. The room had a wall of windows looking into the spacious area. She had only seen the gym in passing, never visited it for its intended purpose.
She looked at the vast array of equipment, cardio machines, weights, other contraptions geared towards different muscles in the body. A brief thought came to mind for her to go in there and work out – try to release the stress and pressure she now felt inside her. But before she could make any plans, she spotted someone.
It was Drake. He wore a black, razorback tank top, and a pair of red athletic shorts. She watched him pick up a set of free weights, forty-five pounds in each hand, as he pulled them up and away from the sides of his torso, putting his impressive wingspan on display. His back was turned to her, so he hadn’t noticed her gawking. Thank God.
The muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled with each repetition. His back glistened from the sweat of his hard work. Bragnae’s heart fluttered in her chest at the sight of him. The strength he possessed made her insides ache. Seeing him now reminded her of the few times his strong hands held her, picked her up, and touched her. She wanted more, but it wasn’t right. Not now. Not ever.
And suddenly she was mad again. Mad that she couldn’t have him. Mad that he waited so long to tell her. Mad that he conflicted her already unstable emotions when he confessed his feelings. Before she could think better of it, she opened the door and stepped inside the gym.
Drake set the weights back down, and squirted water into his mouth before wiping his face with a towel. The melodic tunes of American Classic Rock blared in his ears, helping to motivate his work out. He shook his arms out as he rested in between sets. He’d move up to the fifty pounders next.
As he turned back to the weights, he was startled to see Bragnae walk into his view. Why is she here? For only a moment, he froze up, not sure what to do, but then logic set in. He slowly removed his ear buds, one at a time, and gently tossed the cord over his shoulder.
He continued to stare at her, not wanting to speak first. Not after what happened earlier. Plus, it gave him time to catch his breath, both from the work out and his surprise.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she told him, crossing her arms over her chest.
Drake felt guilty. He knew why. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Well, you should be.” Her tone had taken an unexpected direction, and now the softness of her amber eyes burned with ferocity. It had been a very different reaction from what he witnessed from her earlier.
She’s mad at me? He scoffed. “What? Look, Bennett, I know it was a dick move to surprise you with this information, but I do not regret it. I needed to tell you. No matter your response, you had to know.”
“Drake, I was happy!” Her elevated voice stunned him, but he stood resolute as she continued. “After we made love in Vegas, you kept pushing me away. I knew then it was never going to happen with us. I made peace with that. So, I pushed the thought of you out of my mind, and focused on the other man that I love.”
He heard her emphasis, and his heart swelled at the thought of her loving him – actually loving him. The concept was unfathomable.
“I love him, Drake. I wouldn’t have said ‘yes’ to him if I didn’t.” And just like that, her words cut him deep. Now he had to put up his walls again, so he didn’t get hurt anymore.
“So, what? Did you just come in here to rub that in my face? If you did, you can leave. I’ve already been tormented enough seeing you two together.” He turned away towards the weights, hoping she’d take the hint to go before his heart shattered into a million pieces.
“And whose fault is that?!” She screamed at him.
Drake rounded on her, snapping his attention back to her livid face. Even with her as mad as she was, he still wanted to kiss her. “Mine! I fucking said that earlier!” He fumed, staring down at her. With almost a foot of height over her, she had to tilt her head back just to look at him.
“I need you to hear me right now.” Her voice leveled out again. “I’m in love with you, Drake Walker. And if you would have acted on what you wanted instead of trying not to hurt your best friend, I’d be with you right now. I was prepared to hurt Liam’s feelings because you were worth it.”
She was right. Everything she just said, as hard as it was to hear, was true. He hated himself.
Bragnae lowered her gaze, shaking her head. “And now it’s too late.” She looked back up at him, her eyes glossy. “I’m married to a wonderful man who tells me he loves me every day. I’m the Queen of Cordonia. I just can’t erase that. No matter how much I might want to.”
They looked at each other for another moment, letting the words sink in. This can’t be how it ends. She obviously had feelings for him, and desired him still. If his lack of action before was what kept him from being with her, then he wasn’t going to make that mistake twice.
As Bragnae started to walk away, Drake grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. She protested at first, feeling rigid in his arms, but after another second, she melted against him. Her hands ran across his swollen biceps as she pressed her full lips into him.
She felt amazing in his arms, and even better was her kiss. He could feel the love pouring out of her, and the little moan she released told him she was enjoying the moment as much as he was.
Suddenly, he felt the pressure of her hands pushing against him, and the protests returned. He let go of her as she took a few steps back. Both of them breathing heavily, staring at each other. He waited for her to say something or rush out the door, but she didn’t. She just kept looking at him with hunger in her eyes. And he really wanted to finish that kiss.
He took a step forward, so did she, and soon their lips were locked again in a heated kiss. Their bodies pressed together so tightly, it’d take a crowbar to pry them apart.
Drake wanted her. That much he knew. And he also knew he’d do whatever it took to have her. Against his own desires, he tore himself way from her, gripping both of her arms as he looked into her eyes. He needed her full attention.
“You can still be the queen, and be with me if that’s what you want. If I can’t have you completely to myself, I’ll share you with the king. If that’s what it takes to be with you, then so be it. I need you, Bragnae. I can’t live without you.”
Her eyes fixed on his as she contemplated his suggestion. Even he was surprised by it, but he was past the point of caring. His morals were shot the second he agreed to have the fling with her in Vegas, regardless of Liam’s approval.  And now, he was offering himself to her as someone she could fuck on the side of her marriage.
“I’ve got to go,” she finally said, taking another moment to look at him before she gently pushed herself out of his grasp.
Drake watched her leave the gym, as guilt and pain reentered his heart.
The next morning, Bragnae stood on her toes to kiss Liam by the front entrance. He would be traveling to Lythikos, and wouldn’t return until tomorrow. Whether that was a good or bad thing, she didn’t yet know. With Liam away, she could have time to sort through her thoughts, to find out what she truly wanted. But with him gone, she was afraid that would present a convenient opportunity to explore Drake’s proposal.
“I won’t be gone long, my love. Just an overnighter, and I’ll be back in your arms tomorrow.” He smiled down at her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
“I’ll miss you.” She pulled him in for another kiss.
His hand slid down to her curvy tush, giving it a hearty squeeze. “I’ll miss you, too. I’ll call you when I land.” Liam gave another kiss. “Goodbye, my queen. Have fun today.”
She smiled at him as Liam walked out the double doors to his limousine. Heaving a sigh, she turned around to head back to her room. As she walked out of the foyer, she saw Drake standing with his shoulder leaned up against the wall, looking at her. She stopped in her tracks.
Even though he stood several feet away from her, she could see the longing in his expression. She felt it too.
He stared at her not moving a muscle. Everything had been laid out on the table. Now, they knew how each of them felt about each other, and Drake had told her he was okay with being the other man. Still not completely proud of his proposition, he was more than willing to move forward despite it. She was worth the risk and everything else involved.
Bragnae reached around her neck and unclasped her pearl necklace, balling it in her left hand. Curious about her peculiar behavior, he watched as she ascended the stairs, dragging the pearls over the polished banister keeping her eyes down and in his direction. His gaze followed her as she reached the top of the stairs, and turned right down a hallway. Before she walked out of sight, she looked right at him, and that’s when he knew.
Drake waited a minute. He pulled out his phone, and pretended to engage with it in case anyone was watching before casually walking up the red carpet-lined stairs. He nonchalantly looked down both hallways before following Bragnae’s trail. With many closed rooms before him, they all looked alike, but only one had a set of glossy pearls hanging from the doorknob.
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onceinsomniac · 4 years
Snapshots of Her Life Part 2
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                                 Snapshots Of Her Life Part 2
Part 1, Part 3
Jennie was 12 years old when she realized she was different…
Jennie stood in front of her closet with a bag in her hand, shoving clothes in. “You do realize we’re only staying one night, not moving in, right firefly?”. Jennie didn’t seem to hear the comment as her entire focus was now on which pajamas to pack. Lisa looked at her from her spot on the bed where she was sitting. She looked amused at the other girl’s conflict. Lisa got up and walked over to her, picking a pair of pajamas in the drawer that Lisa had brought her for christmas and handed them to Jennie. “Take this, that way you’ll be thinking of me”, she told her, her usual smirk adorning her face. Jennie rolled her eyes at her best friends’ antics before packing them in her bulging bag and closing it.
“You didn’t forget to pack anything, right?” Jennie asked Lisa. “Yes mom, I have everything right here”, Lisa answered, picking up her bag which was lying on the floor. Jennie looked at the rather empty looking backpack in her friends’ hand and raised her eyebrow questioningly. Lisa laughed at her expression. “I promise I have everything I need right here. Just because I didn’t pack my whole closet doesn’t mean I’m missing anything.”
Jennie still looked unconvinced but she let it go. “Fine but I’m not bailing you out when you realize you’ve forgotten something”
“Girls, we’re leaving now”, Jennie’s mom voice came from downstairs. Lisa quickly grabbed her backpack and ran down the stairs, Jennie following a moment later after she quickly shoved another pair of pajamas in her bag.
It was the birthday of a girl in their class and she had invited all the girls to a sleepover. Lisa had wanted to skip out on it but Jennie had been extremely excited, imagining a scene out of all the sleepovers they had seen in movies and Lisa had been unable to say no to Jennie when the shorter one used her puppy eyes on her. Lisa had pointed out that it wasn’t technically her first sleepover since they both stayed at each other’s house more often than not but Jennie had insisted that it wasn’t the same thing. That´s how they ended up sitting in the backseat of Ms. Kim´s car, one girl almost bouncing with excitement and the other one wishing they were back in one of their homes watching tv like they usually did on the weekend.
Ms. Kim stopped the car in front of an impressive-looking three story house painted a light bluish color. Jennie jumped out of the car and grabbed Lisa’s hand, dragging her to the front door. Ms. Kim chuckled as she stepped out of the car at a slower pace, following after her daughter and her best friend. Jennie frowned at her mother, embarrassed at her insistence on accompanying them to the door as she wanted to meet Mina’s mother before leaving.
The three of them waited on the porch for a few moments until the door was opened by Ms. Shon. “Hello, you must be Ms. Kim. I’m Wendy, Mina’s mom” the kind looking woman greeted with a smile. “Hi Wendy, call me Joy, Ms. Kim sounds too formal”.
“Would you like to come in for some coffee Joy? A few other moms are already in the living room” “I would love to” she answered, smiling knowingly down at her daughter who had been adamant about nobody else’s mother accompanying them. “You girls can go down those stairs, the other girls are already there”, Wendy told the two girls, pointing at a staircase on the other side of the room. With one last wave, Wendy and Joy walked off towards the living room, leaving the two girls alone.
“Well, let’s get this over with then” Lisa joked as she started walking towards the stairs. She quickly realized something was wrong at Jennie’s lack of response, as that was the point where she would usually start scolding her for not taking it seriously, which would then end up with Lisa nodding seriously at Jennie’s words while inside she would be fighting the urge to pinch the other girl’s cheeks and make fun at her adorable attempt at glaring.
She quickly turned around and saw Jennie starring blankly into space. Jennie’s excitement had turned into nervousness and she was currently running different scenarios in her head of ways she could get out of it. Faking feeling sick so she could go back home seemed like the easiest of all the ideas that popped through her head and she was just trying to decide whether to fake a headache or a stomachache when she felt a warm hand slipping into her own.
Lisa knew Jennie well enough to know what was running through her mind at that exact moment and she refused to let her go through with it. While she herself had no interest in spending the night with a bunch of girls which she saw every day but almost never talked to, she knew how excited Jennie had been at the opportunity to get to know the other girls better. She knew Jennie could be extremely shy when it came to meeting new people which is why they often spent their afternoons together at one of the two girl’s houses. 
Jennie had tried starting conversations with other classmates at Lisa’s urging but her natural shyness always got in the way and ended up with her running away before anything could really start. It was how Jennie had gotten her nickname, as Lisa had claimed that she was just like a firefly. Glowing and brightening up everything around when it was just them but quickly shutting down whenever someone else approached. This time, however, Lisa would not let Jennie ruin something she had been so excited for.
Lisa’s grip tightened on Jennie’s hand, instantly calming her down. She waited quietly until Jennie seemed ready and then walked down the stairs together, their hands never leaving each other. 
 They entered a large room and stopped in awe of it. A huge plasma tv hung on one wall with a large, L-shaped couch facing it. Beneath the tv laid what was probably every single gaming system in existence. A few wooden shelves hung besides the tv holding what looked to be an impressive collection of video games and on the other wall laid a huge bookcase holding what looked to be every movie that had come out in the last 5 years at least.
The girls were laying out their sleeping bags in a circle formation in the large space between the door and the couch. “You’re here”, Mina exclaimed when she noticed them standing there. “We’re just setting out things down before we start, you can put your things down there” she told them, pointing at a space left in the circle. Jennie walked over and started taking out her sleeping bag when she noticed the guilty smile that Lisa was sending her. “You forgot your sleeping bag, didn’t you?” Jennie asked her unimpressed. “Hey, I’ve only slept over at your house before and we always share the bed” she defended herself. “And what, did you think we would all squeeze into one bed?”
Lisa simply shrugged helplessly. “I guess we’ll just have to share then”, Lisa said, smiling brightly at Jennie, unbothered by the turn of events.  Jennie simply sighted trying to feign annoyance but both her and Lisa knew she didn’t really mind.
 A little while later, the girls gathered in a circle as Mina proposed playing a game of Truth or Dare. The game started only lasted a few rounds and it seemed like all of the truths were basically asking which boy from their class did they think was the most attractive. Jennie couldn’t understand the other girl’s excitement as she had never really thought about things like that. Lisa seemed to be having fun and was participating happily which was more than what Jennie had expected after she had basically had to begged her to come to the sleepover.
The game ended after the food arrived, Mina’s mother carrying the various boxes of pizza down to the basement for them. They sat in the couch and put on the first twilight movie as they ate. Jennie had never watched the movie before and she couldn’t help but think that it was the type of movie that she and Lisa would watch just to make fun of it. The other girls seemed to be enjoying it thought and Jennie found herself almost drifting off as she felt Lisa’s soothing fingers massage her hair while she laid her head on the taller girl’s shoulder.
A while later, after the movie ended Jennie sat up eagerly, thinking it was finally time to play some video games. Unfortunately, the girls had other ideas. Mina had them seat in a circle as an intense debate about who was more attractive between Edward and Jacob began. “Yeah, well at least Jacob doesn’t look like a recently painted white wall”, Rose exclaimed angrily after Olivia had said that Jacob’s tan looked more orange than the sun. “Well I don’t know about you guys but I could barely take my eyes of Edward whenever he came on screen” Mina said. Some of the girls agreed with her while the others said the same thing about Jacob.
As the chatter continued, Jennie was confused when she realized that she had spent the movie watching Alice instead of either the werewolf or the vampire like the others. She reasoned that it was simply because her personality reminded her of Lisa’s and Lisa was her best friend so it made sense for her to be thinking more about Alice like that.
Her explanation made sense to her until Lisa moved next to her so that she was leaning against her and the familiar butterflies started in her stomach, a feeling which she had become accustomed to long ago but that now held a much larger meaning as realization washed over her like a cold wave. She didn’t stare at Alice because she liked her personality or her character, she starred at her because she felt the same attraction for her that the other girls felt for Jacob and Edward.
Jennie was pulled out of her thoughts as the girls started getting up, changing into their pajamas. She took the pajamas Lisa had chosen for her out of her bag along with the other one that she had packed at the last minute. She wordlessly handed them to Lisa whose expression had turned slightly alarmed as she searched through her own bag for a pair of pajamas which she had never packed in the first place, before going into the bathroom to change. Lisa accepted them with a guilty smile and waited for her turn to change.
Jennie came out a few minutes later and exchanged a quick smile with Lisa before hurrying to her sleeping bag and getting into it. The last bits of chatter died off as the girl’s steady breathing filled the room, indicating that they had all fallen asleep already. Jennie starred at the roof as her thought were all over the place, thinking back on the huge realization she had made about herself earlier. Her thoughts were cut off the sound of the bathroom door opening. Jennie heard Lisa’s quiet footsteps walking towards her. She wordlessly scooted over, making space for the other girl in her sleeping bag. Lisa quietly made herself comfortable next to her, wrapping her arms around Jennie’s waist. It was only a few moments later that Jennie heard Lisa’s breath even out as sleep overtook her. They had slept in that position hundreds of times before but something about this time felt different to Jennie now that she knew her true feelings. Comforted by the familiar warmth of Lisa’s arms, she soon fell asleep as well.
The next morning, Ms. Kim came to pick both girls up. They dropped Lisa at church on the way home, as her parents were really religious and refused to let her miss Sunday mass. Upon arriving home, Jennie ran to her room to unpack, thoughts of the day before running through her mind.
She had had fun and she was happy at the opportunity to get to know the other girls better but in the end, she realized that it didn’t beat the feeling of pure happiness and contentment that she got laying on her bed with Lisa, watching cheesy romance movies on Netflix and making fun of them or sitting on her roof starring at the stars and making up stories about all the crazy things the stars have witnessed throughout the years, each trying to make up the craziest scenarios trying to out weird each other, trying to win the unspoken contest of who made the other laugh the most.
But most of all, it didn’t beat the warm feeling that enveloped her whenever the two were together, a feeling which she finally understood.
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goodticklebrain · 5 years
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Q&A August: Kate Pitt, Pocket Dramaturg
I’m so very excited about today’s installment of Q&A August, because it means I get to formally introduce you to Kate Pitt, my pocket dramaturg and Shakespearean soulmate! I first met Kate when she saved my life by letting me crash on the couch in her hotel room before the closing banquet of the 2016 Shakespeare Theatre Association conference. It was my first conference and, by the last day, I was so sleep deprived that I could hardly function. Despite meeting me in such a ragged and incoherent condition, Kate, who was then working in Public Programs at the Folger Shakespeare Library, decided to invite me to the Folger for a public interview/talk event.
You can read up on my visit to the Folger here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. But, long story short, in Kate I found an absolutely kindred spirit. Within half an hour we were completing each others’ sentences, most because we were conversing almost entirely in Shakespeare quotes. Since then we have gone on several Shakespeare adventures together, including a long-overdue joint pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon earlier this year. Despite having spent extended periods of time in close proximity, we have remained friends, which is something of a minor miracle.
Apart from being a delightful human being, Kate is also a genuine Shakespearean powerhouse, with a vast amount of both scholarly and practical Shakespeare knowledge and experience. You might have noticed that many of my recent comics have included the note “Thanks to my pocket dramaturg, Kate Pitt, for consulting with me on this comic.” This is because I quickly fell into the habit of texting Kate with random Shakespeare-related questions, like “IN HOW MANY SHAKESPEARE PLAYS DO SHEEP REGULARLY APPEAR ON STAGE?” Kate, in her infinite patience and bottomless depth of knowledge, would always promptly text me back with answers, including sources. It was like having my own personal dramaturg in my pocket.
Since then I have often brainstormed comic ideas with her, run drafts past for her approval, and asked for her help when wrestling with particularly troublesome punchlines. (Among other things, she helped me finalize the list of questions I’ve been asking everybody this month!) Creating Good Tickle Brain is a very solitary occupation, and for most of the past five and a half years I’ve been essentially operating in a vacuum. It’s been fun, but it’s also been lonely and isolating at times. Being able to bounce ideas off of Kate, and occasionally commiserate with her on the challenges of being self-employed businesswomen in the Shakespeare world, has made both my job and my life immeasurably more enjoyable.
And so, it gives me GREAT pleasure to turn things over to my pocket dramatrug!
1. Who are you? Why Shakespeare?
I’m Kate Pitt. I’m a dramaturg, writer, producer, and director. I grew up watching Shakespeare films with my parents and saw an outdoor Midsummer at the Edith Wharton house in Lenox when I was about seven. The Mechanicals drove up in a real Jeep, the fairies crept out of the actual woods (I was a city kid – trees were a big deal!), and I was hooked. I’ve also had many wonderful teachers.
2. What moment(s) in Shakespeare always make you laugh?
Orlando forlornly waving his arm and saying “It is my arm”? I’M THERE. A really good (bad) Viola-Sir Andrew fight? SIGN ME UP. Benedict being terrible at hiding? THE BEST. Pyramus’ never-ending death? I LOVE IT. The physical comedy in the plays always makes me laugh. There are lines of text that I almost always laugh at, but I’ve been more delighted when those bits are reinterpreted in ways that sacrifice the laugh, but gain something more interesting in its place. Olivia’s wide-eyed “most wonderful!” is a war-horse, but I once heard it delivered with quiet awe rather than schtick and it was shockingly beautiful. “The dead can live again” rather than “another one!”
Mya interjects: Ok, yes, I also love “It is my arm.”
3. What's a favorite Shakespearean performance anecdote?
A Winter’s Tale where the bear was a puppet, and entered down the aisle sniffing at the audience as it slowly stalked Antigonus. The bear nosed at the handbag of an old lady in the front row and growled at her. She growled right back.
Mya interjects: Don’t mess with old ladies’ handbags.
4. What's one of the more unusual Shakespearean interpretations you've either seen or would like to see?
The opening speech of Richard III done as Bunraku puppet theater, but with a person as the puppet. It showed the pain of being “unfinished” so beautifully while also being horrifying and incredibly funny. This Richard was so close to being a person (“a real boy!”) but knew that he lacked some essential, animating humanity and made a conscious decision to hurt people because of it.
5. What's one of your favorite Shakespearean "hidden gems"?
I love watching the characters on the sidelines – the ones who aren’t the center of attention but are telling incredibly rich stories with their silence. Margaret in Much Ado is a great example and I always watch her when the Prince explains why he thinks Hero is disloyal. Margaret knows in that moment that the ruined wedding is her fault but she says and does…nothing. Aufidius and Isabella also have whole histories in stillness.
6. What passages from Shakespeare have stayed with you?
I’ve had Henry V’s “upon the king” and the Scrivener from Richard III on my mind – the responsibility of leadership and the realization of its corruption – but my favorites are the ones I think as my own thoughts and it takes a minute to figure out where they came from. i.e. on a hiking trip in the pouring rain, carrying a heavy pack, and staring up at switchback #492, I thought, “Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we'll die with harness on our back!” It took until the top of the mountain to figure that one out.
Mya interjects: If you’re not familiar with the Scrivener from Richard III (and there’s no reason why you should be,  since his scene is almost always cut), his one speech goes as follows:
SCRIVENER Here is the indictment of the good Lord Hastings, Which in a set hand fairly is engrossed, That it may be today read o’er in Paul’s. And mark how well the sequel hangs together: Eleven hours I have spent to write it over, For yesternight by Catesby was it sent me; The precedent was full as long a-doing, And yet within these five hours Hastings lived, Untainted, unexamined, free, at liberty. Here’s a good world the while! Who is so gross That cannot see this palpable device? Yet who so bold but says he sees it not? Bad is the world, and all will come to naught When such ill dealing must be seen in thought.
I’ve never gotten over the beauty of this line from Pericles – silence may be the perfectest herald of joy, but if you must use words, these ones are pretty great:  
“Give me a gash, put me to present pain, lest this great sea of joys rushing upon me o’erbear the shores of my mortality and drown me with their sweetness.”
7. What Shakespeare plays have changed for you?
All of the plays have changed as I’ve gotten older, but the ones that deal with grief have altered the most. A friend died suddenly when we were eighteen and I reached out for Cleopatra and Constance without consciously knowing why. My father died five years later, and by then I knew that I would find some kind of recognition in the plays and I deliberately went to them. The words were always beautiful, but now I knew what they meant. I must have heard Claudius’ “that father lost, lost his” speech a hundred times but never understood the obscenity of telling someone “the right way” to grieve until someone did it to me. Cordelia comforting the confused and frightened Lear sits close to my heart now, and Ophelia’s madness has method in’t. Hamlet’s “mirror up to nature” didn’t tell me what I’d see or how to respond, but it allowed me look at myself and observe both the shadow of my sorrow and the thing itself when I needed it most.
8. What Shakespearean character or characters do you identify the most with?
Beatrice. I love her wit, her walls and her willingness to climb over them, her delight in her friends’ happiness and her white-hot fury at their pain.
Mya interjects:  Can confirm, Kate is totally Beatrice.
9. Where can we find out more about you? Are there any projects/events you would like us to check out?
You can follow me on Twitter @katepitt and keep up with me on my website www.katepitt.com.
(Back to Mya)  Thanks so much to Kate not only for answering the questions she helped me come up with, but also for being an unfailingly helpful creative and emotional outlet. Get thee a Kate.
COMING NEXT WEEK: A wonderful woman who is training small children to become the next generation of Shakespeare geeks, and two Shakespeare geeks who regularly act like small children! 
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. neuf.
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tyler with the rainbow flag is amazing <3
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Halloween was Tyler's favorite holiday for multiple reasons. Not only was it colder now for sweaters, but you could dress up spookily and not look weird. You could also watch horror movies and eat copious amount of candy until your stomach is about to pop!
Tyler also loves the holiday because his school does a little Halloween parade where the children can show off their costumes to the rest of the school. They always got so excited and it made his heart swell in fondness for them. He hoped that their joy for the holiday and life in general would remain for the entire lives.
"Ty look!" Olivia squealed as she bounced into the classroom, Hayley smirking at the teacher before waving as she left. Tyler hushed the little girl softly and grinned down at her. They had tried to explain to her that she couldn't call him Tyler at school, but she was still having trouble with remembering.
"Mr. Joseph, love," he reminded her quietly, bending down to help her take her backpack off and put it in her cubby.
"Look I'm Wenesday! On a Wenesday!" She giggled, bouncing after him happily. Tyler smiled at her, leading her back to the carpet so she could get ready for their morning routine.
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"I see, and is daddy Gomez?" He questioned, giggling when she nodded her head in confirmation. Josh had been very adamant that he was not going to be Kristoff and nor was he going to be any sidekick so Olivia had picked her third favorite costume with a pout that didn't last long. Josh had agreed to even dye his hair black so he could match the role better. Though Tyler had feeling that Hayley was going to be dying it again soon.
Tyler himself was wearing a simple skeleton hoodie with matching legging and black vans. He and Josh were going to match, but Olivia wanted to be Wednesday Addams and Josh couldn't say no and who was Tyler to stand in the way of the princess' wishes?
Helping her sit on the carpet, Tyler moved to the front of the class and waited for the bell to ring before he clapped his hands to get their attention.
"Good morning guys! Happy Halloween! You all look so great!"
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Daddy you shoulda seen it! Ty can zip his shirt up and be a real skelly!" Olivia raved, hanging from her father's neck as the elder tried to unlock the door, Tyler unhelpfully giggling to the side. Josh shot him a glare, but finally got the door open and waddled with his daughter hanging from him.
"I know flower, I have one remember?" Josh teased, attempting to place her down, but the girl refused giggling happily into his face. Tyler laughed along with her, reaching over to scoop her off the man before she broke Josh's neck. The elder was dressed in a very stylish pinstriped suit and had grown out his facial hair to match the character of Gomez.
Tyler briefly wondered what it would feel like to have facial hair like Josh's. He had only successfully grown stubble before, outside of other body hair of course, and Josh had a full beard and mustache. The teacher also wondered what it would feel like with Josh's face between his thighs. He shook his head to rid him of the thoughts and bounced the young girl on his hip, listening to her delighted shrieks. Had he not spent all day with five year olds and Olivia outside of school, he'd surely be deaf.
"Candy!" Olivia cheered, attempting to get out of Tyler's hold, but the brunet held her securely. Tyler tutted and moved towards the living room.
"You have to eat actual food first love, and then wait for it to get darker," he explained, not relenting when Olivia struggled in his arms or pouted at him. "What do you want daddy to make for dinner?" He asked after she gave up struggling, slumping in his arms. She mumbled something into his chest and he smiled softly. "What was that love?" He coaxed, rubbing her back gently.
"Nuggets and mac n' cheese," Tyler smiled, swaying his hips slightly to rock the cranky girl to sleep. She didn't sleep at nap time after all, wanting to cuddle with Tyler even though the man was firm that he couldn't hold her like that in front of the others. It would not be right or fair. Josh smiled at his two babies, going over to press a kiss to their heads before going to start on dinner.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Olivia! Stay with me!" Josh sighed exasperated as he chased after his daughter. It was finally time for trick or treating and Olivia was proving to be over-zealous in her route, leaving Josh's side frequently and having to have the older man chase her down. The teacher stood back with a small remembering how his younger brothers used to be with Halloween and how much his mother had pulled out with three boys running from her.
"Honey," Tyler whispered, "You are gonna tire yourself out. She is fine as long as she is in front of us in eye sight," he tried to reason. They had put reflective tape on her to be able to see her in the dark. Josh sighed softly, nodding in defeated as Olivia ran up to another house without them. Tyler wrapped his arm around the older man and rubbed his side. If the house ahead foretold anything, it would probably scare Olivia to their side soon.
"Just don't want her to not need her daddy too soon," Josh whispered back to Tyler, bending awkwardly to rest his head on Tyler's shoulder. The teacher was only a few inches shorter, but Josh loved it pointing out to him. Tyler ran his fingers through the freshly dyed hair, not at all surprised when they came away inky. He had only just dyed his hair a few days okay and the black seemed to bleed a lot.
"She'll always need daddy, how is she gonna make herself chicken nuggets?" Tyler teased, hugging Josh close to him as the older man snickered and rubbed his stubbly face against Tyler's own. It was a new feeling that Tyler had never felt, but welcomed whole-heartedly.
"Daddy!" Olivia's scream had both of them looking up to see in fact Tyler had been right about the house ahead having jump scares. She crashed into Tyler's side first, hiding her face into his stomach, her other hand clutching onto Josh's pants. The older man carefully picked up his daughter and rocked her gently. Tyler grabbed her bag of candy before anyone else could pick it up and smiled at the sheepish home owner.
"Here," he offered, holding out the basket of candy. He looked guilty, but Tyler assured him that it was all in the fun of the holiday and picked out a piece for Olivia seeing as the girl wasn't leaving Josh's neck anytime soon. Tyler made his way back to his boyfriend and raised an eyebrow in question at Josh.
"Wanna continue rose bud or go home?" Olivia shook her head, but they did not know for what option.
"Love, do you wanna keep going?" Tyler asked softly, his own hand joining Josh's to rub her back. She nodded slowly, sniffling loudly.
"Daddy come too?" She mumbled, looking up at Josh and he nodded his head instantly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Daddy will always protect you flower," Tyler smiled goofily at his boyfriend, handing him the bag so he could collect the candy for her. Josh carried her for awhile before Tyler got his turn to carry the still scared girl up to houses, many of the owners smiling in sympathy for the girl's fear.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"My daughter is a sack of potatoes," Josh grunted, placing the sleeping Olivia down into bed. He already began moving around to get her changed for bed and Tyler couldn't help, but watch the tenderness that Josh expressed with his daughter. Sure he saw that tender side of Josh too, but it was nothing like how it was when just him and his daughter. "Goodnight sweet flower," Josh whispered, standing up from the bed and jumping when he saw Tyler standing there. He playfully glared and pushed him out of the room.
After quickly checking the candy and hiding it from the five year old ( whilst eating some of it themselves ), the couple retired to bed, Tyler spooned by Josh in the middle of the elder's bed. This had to be the best Halloween yet.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,436
i'm really happy that this got to come out close to halloween because i really thought it was going to come out like in the middle of november! but i hope you guys like this and let me know because i love comments, even if it is little comments that are "AH JOSH CAN HAVE ME" or anything like that! it makes me smile!
It was amazing and I had so much fun!
that picture isn't mine by the way! i have the whole video of holding onto you because that is my favorite song and the beginning shows him grabbing the flag!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Season 10 Deleted Scenes
All of them, transcribed, for convenience purposes. Under a cut, because it’s like 2500 words. :)
(cut removed during the tumblr nippocalypse of 2018, rebloggable version with the cut: http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/175987262890/season-10-deleted-scenes)
10.05 Fan Fiction
[Dean and Marie descend the stairs on their way to the Boiler Room] Marie: A friend at camp got me into the books, and then I got involved in fandom. I just, I love seeing all the different ways that people related to the story. We’d fight over different interpretations, same as with Theater Troupe. People just really see themselves in the characters. I’m a total Sam girl. Well, you’re a fan, you know? Who are you from the books? Dean: Uh, I guess you could call me a Dean girl. Marie: Yeah, I can see that. What I really love about the books though is family. My, uh, my parents died when I was three. I’ve been bouncing around different foster homes for years. So I’ve never really had anyone in my world that would lay down my life for me the way that my sweet Sammy would for Dean. Dean: Or, you know… (makes a vice-versa gesture with his hand) Marie: My point is, I really admire them. I just… I wish I had a sibling like that in my life. Dean: Well, I mean, it sounds like your friends in your, uh, theater group, you know with all that fighting, it sounds an awful lot like family to me. [long pause] Family don’t end with blood. Right? Marie: Yeah. I guess.
[Sam and Maeve in the library looking through books] Maeve: So you were a theater kid, huh? Sam: Uh, yeah, a bit. Maeve: How’d you get into it? Sam: I, um, my family moved around a lot… Maeve: Military kid? Sam: I guess you could say that, yeah. Didn’t have a lot of time to be kids, you know? Then I remember at one of the schools, I saw the theater kids putting on a show, and it felt like… like playing with toys, but in the real world. You know, like it seemed... fun. A, uh, chance to be someone else for a little while. Maeve: That’s what’s great about theater. Gets you into that sense of play, and then you can use that playfulness to illustrate important social messages, make a difference with the power of story. Sam: Is that why you’re so into Supernatural? Maeve: I like hot guys. And monsters. Mostly hot guys. Mostly Dean.
10.06 Ask Jeeves
[cut between close shots of several sets of eyes, then pull back to show Sam is playing cards against Heddy and Beverly. Sam takes the hand, and then Dean and Olivia walk in. Dean clears his throat to  get Sam’s attention, and he leaves the game to talk to Dean] Sam: You know what, excuse me.
10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls
[Castiel looks around a forest walking path and spots Hannah standing on a bridge over a small stream. He walks over to join her] Cas: What’s going on? Hannah: I’m sorry, Castiel. I’m not going with you. I’m done.
10.10 The Hunter Games
[Castiel walks down a sidewalk at night, passing a man sitting down against a building and several other people walking, and the neon sign for the Astoria Hotel is reflected upside-down on the hood of his car. He’s on the phone, leaving a voicemail for Claire.] Castiel: It’s me again. Claire, I don’t like the way we left things. We need to talk. [he considers hanging up, looks at his phone, then raises it back to his ear] In person. [he hesitates again, and the camera angle changes to just show him against a blurred background] I don’t know what you’re doing, or who you might be with, but I do know you can’t beat the monsters out there by becoming one. [he hangs up the phone, we see a low shot of him against the neon Astoria sign, and he walks off camera]
10.11 There’s No Place Like Home
[“Good Charlie” is driving with Sam at night, in her yellow Gremlin] Charlie: The Mark of Cain? Sam: Yep. Charlie: It is always something with you boys, isn’t it? Sam: I mean, he’s… he’s… you know, he’s working through it. So, anyways, what about you? You went to war in Oz? Charlie: Led an army of flying monkeys. Oh, and I flew a dragon, totally hooked up with Ozma, and that was just the first year. Uh, time passes differently in Oz. Sam: How was it? How was your adventure? Charlie: Did you not hear the part about the army of flying monkeys? And my dragon, who I named Biscuits? [she pauses for a minute and things feel heavier] Adventure is hard. War is… hard. Decisions are hard. Sam: What do you mean? Charlie: I didn’t let my inner Hyde out for a walk just to save Oz. I did it to save Dorothy. She became like a sister to me. A sister I never had. She was captured, they were torturing her. Dark Charlie saved her, and killed anyone who hurt Dorothy. [she is overcome with emotion]  I… I just… couldn’t let anything happen to her, you know? Sam: Sometimes you have to do the bad thing to do the good thing. Charlie: Doesn’t make it right, though, does it?
[Dean, sitting in the Impala before going in to the realtor’s office, and a security guard on a Segway pulls up beside him and raps on the roof to get Dean’s attention. Dean looks up at him through the window, and sees himself reflected in stereo in the guard’s mirrored sunglasses] Officer: This isn’t a park, pal. You got business inside? Dean: Yeah, yeah, I’m gonna buy a home, a house. Officer: Well, get to it. Otherwise, it’s time to move. Dean: Yeah, yeah. I got it. Thanks. [the security guard Segways away] Dean [sarcastically under his breath]: Nice wheels. [as Dean walks toward the real estate office, the guard follows behind him on his Segway. Dean slows down, knowing he’s being followed, and turns around to give the guard a glare]
10.14 The Executioner’s Song
[in Crowley’s throne room, Rowena and Crowley sit utterly bored by boring demon business. A demon is making a presentation with a slideshow presentation on a tv cart.] Demon: … contract, in perpetuity, binding terms. These are bummer words. So, deal numbers are stable, but they could be better. [the slide on screen wipes to a picture of a crossroads with the words, “Is your life at a crossroads?” superimposed] My focus group analytics suggest if our crossroads demons just avoid these negatively valenced expressions [the slide fills the screen, now a picture of an open road reading “Opportunities for Growth,” and then wiping to a tropical beach reading “Live the dream!” and then a smiling woman’s face and “Guaranteed Results.], instead adopting words from my more positively charged lexicon, we can boost our conversion rate by, at minimum, three percent. [the demon continues talking in the background as Rowena leans in to talk to Crowley] Rowena: Is it just me, or is this one as thick as mince? Crowley: Could be an act. Crossroads demons come across as desperate car salesmen. [back to the demon’s presentation monitor, which is now just a blue screen with some clouds that reads “Awesome”] Crowley: Using the word “awesome.” [he laughs and then sighs] I can imagine it. Eh, I’m all for boosting numbers, but style is still important. Rowena: Tell me about it. Witches today-- I’m sorry, wiccans-- they’re slobs. They think they can pull off the look with one trip to the shopping center for some purple lipstick and a henna tattoo. Bob’s your uncle. Fan is your aunt. Done. Presentation Demon: [standing in front of a graphic that says “Make people want you!] King?  Should I just stop? Crowley: Did I ask you to stop? [simultaneously with Rowena] Did he ask you to stop? [Crowley and Rowena exchange a glance, and then we pan back to the demon’s presentation, with the graphic “Find love!] Demon: No sir. Uh, there’s no reason we can’t achieve the same results here.
[Cas walks into the barn carrying a duffel bag, and sets it down on a hay bale. Crowley is loitering around the barn] Crowley: Looking a little wan there, Cassie. How’s that grace of yours holding up. Cas [his attention pointedly focused on the contents of his bag]: It’s fine, Crowley. Crowley: Fine. Sure. The clock’s ticking again, isn’t it. So heroic. Running errands all over the U.S. , burning through that rather finite supply of grace, all in a desperate effort to save your boyfriend. Cas: What about you, Crowley. Dropping everything, bringing the First Blade. Surely it cost you something to be here. [Cas hands Crowley a can of spray paint] Maybe he’s your boyfriend. [Crowley looks up at the hay loft where Dean is holding his arm where the MoC is and restlessly waiting] Crowley: Not my type.
10.18 Book of the Damned
[Sam and Charlie are in the cabin. Charlie tosses a log on the fire and then approaches Sam and he shuts his laptop, and he’d seemingly been making notes] Charlie: What do you got? Sam: Nothing. It’s, uh, it’s a long shot. Maybe someone who might be able to help. It’s probably a dead end, but I gotta kick all the tires, all right? Charlie: Yeah, uh… I… [Dean returns to the cabin after being attacked by the Stynes at the convenience store] Charlie: What’s going on? Dean: The Stynes. They found me, and I’m pretty sure they followed.
10.23 Brother’s Keeper
[Dean’s sitting in a bar having a beer, where a scantily-clad blonde bartender brings him a shot of whiskey] Bartender [leaning over the bar showing off her assets]: Looks like you have an admirer. Dean: You sure it ain’t you? [the bartender gives him a look, touches the side of Dean’s nose, and walks away, revealing Cas sitting at the other side of the bar, bloody the way Dean had left him in the previous episode. Dean goes to toast “his admirer” with the shot of whiskey, and Cas only gives him a hard look through the blood on his face] Dean: And? Did you come to apologize? [Cas just keeps staring, so Dean shakes his head and downs the whiskey, When he looks back at Cas, Cas has vanished] Dean: Yeah, I didn’t think so. [Crowley, along with his favorite pitchfork-garnished cocktail,  appears on the stool beside Dean when he goes back to drinking his beer] Crowley: So this is how you dream. Really? Stale beer, sticky bar. [he swipes his finger across the bar top] Eyagh, what is this, syphilis? About the only thing you got right was the bartender. Dean [waggling his beer bottle]: Well, they don’t call ‘em dry dreams for nothin’’. Now beat it. This is me time. Crowley: Sorry, squirrel. It’s really me. Well, me inside your dream. Which is about as close as I’m willing to get since Moose tried to cash my chips. Dean: Really? Hm. I’m sorry he missed. Crowley: Apparently, he’s been working with my mom to come up with some kind of cure for the Mark of Cain. Dean: Yeah, well, that’s, um. That’s over. Crowley: Is it? My mother working with your brother to kill me to save you. It’s all become one great big telenovela, hasn’t it? [they both sip their drinks and Crowley hums appreciatively] Crowley: Still, Can’t help wondering how much sturm and drang could’ve been avoided if only… Dean: If only what? Crowley: It is ironic, isn’t it? After rejecting my more than generous offer to be my right hand man, here you are, in a bar, in the throes of the Mark, with me. Again. I hate to say it, Dean, but at the risk of taking this dream in a totally different direction, we complete each other. Dean: Aw, Crowley. I’m nothing like you. I never will be. [Dean sips from his El Sol beer] Crowley: Actually, you’re much worse. Insane man doesn’t know he’s insane. [Dean smashes his beer bottle against the bar and brandishes it at Crowley] Dean [quiet and ice cold]: I’m nothing like you. Crowley: Hey, it’s your dream. Good luck when you [he snaps his fingers and the clip ends]
[pan over the mountain of books in the bunker library that the Stynes stacked up to be burned, to find Sam on hands and knees with a bucket and mop, sponging up the Stynes’ blood from the floor. He notices something in the pile, and stops cleaning to investigate. It’s Dean’s picture of Mary holding baby Sam and toddler Dean in front of their old house. He also finds the picture of Mary hugging little Dean.]
[In the warehouse where Rowena is working and Cas is keeping watch, pacing behind her] Rowena: You’re delusional, tweetie-pie. You really expected Crowley to help yeh. Cas: Well, he said he would. Rowena: Huh. He said he would. That’s practically a blood oath right there. My mistake for assuming otherwise. Cas: Why would you want to assassinate your son in the first place? Under any circumstances? Rowena: Are you joking? Cas: No. That would be uncharacteristic of me. Although I have been told that I’m… I’m getting funnier. Rowena: Well, my son, aside from being a nocht blowhard, suffers from the same malady as you, I’m afraid. Winchester Derangement Syndrome. Cas: Oh, is that so. Well, I feel fine. Rowena: Please. An angel of the Lord, the king of Hell. More power than I could possibly dream of, utterly wasted, shattered at the altar of a Winchester. I may be the one in chains, but the two of you are just as much a prisoner as I am. It saddens me. No. It totally sickens me to see so much power go unspent, so much glory unclaimed. Cas: Glory? Oh, I’ve seen glory. And I’ve seen defeat. But I have seen the glory. I have won epic battles, and I have reaped vast rewards. And none of it has meant as much to me as the relationships that I’ve formed on Earth. Sam and Dean? They are like a family to me. Claire Novak? When she smiled at me? Nothing, no angelic crusade or victor’s bounty, none of that could ever hold a candle to that sweet, crooked smile. Rowena: You can’t honestly think you’re happier now, broken winged suckup. Cas: All I know is that for the first time in a long time, I feel at peace with who I am. Whatever that may be. Rowena: A bitch. Cas: Oh, I can assure you. If there’s one thing I am not, it is a female dog.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you: Chapter 24 - Colder Weather
Summary: Leo heads to Cordonia to stop Madeline and hopefully get Aria back.  Liam has a health crisis and Aria discovers what Madeline is up to. Catch up HERE As always all characters belong to Pixelberry studios... Except those created for the story. Rating: Mature Chapter/title inspiration: Colder Wether- Zac Brown band
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 Leo splashed water on his face, he placed both hands on the sink staring at himself in the mirror of the tiny airplane bathroom. He was tired and run down, dark circles prominent under his bright blue eyes,he looked like shit. His focus was getting to Cordonia and making sure she was ok, he needed to see for himself. He exited the bathroom and sat back in his seat. Leo had been trying all night to reach somebody, anybody, but no one was answering their phone. He couldn’t warn them. He called her number over and over again but it went straight to voicemail each time. Why the hell is nobody answering their damn phones? He looked down at the screen, his thoughts temporarily interrupted by his wallpaper. A photo of he and Aria, the night of the bachelor party. Leo smiling as Aria placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. He stared at that picture until he realized the date. shit, the coronation ball. Damnit, that’s why nobody is answering. He thought to himself. Four more hours until they reached Cordonia.
Liam watched Aria intently, he wanted to make sure she was ok. Praying she was enjoying herself. She had been sleeping a lot, he did not want her to slip into a deep depression. Damn his brother for this. In a perfect world she would want him, but this wasn’t a perfect world, and she loved Leo. “You need to stop staring Liam, people are starting to notice. ” Madeline snapped walking up behind him. “Who fucking cares Madeline” Liam snapped back sitting his glass of scotch down walking across the room to whisper something to Bastian. Anger washed across Madeline’s face as she pulled out the little clear baggie dumping the contents cautiously into his drink, swirling his glass to dissolve the powder. Liam walked back over “Here you are darling.” Madeline cooed handing him the tumbler of scotch. Liam gulped it down in one shot, a smile formed on Madeline’s face that will teach you to speak to me that way she thought to herself.
Aria sat at one of the tables by herself, watching everyone around her having fun. Her best friend came all the way from New York to cheer her up. Granted that may have had a lot to do with the fact that Maxwell had taking a liking to Ellie and vise versa, she watched Ellie laugh as Maxwell spun her around. She caught sight of Hana dancing gracefully with Rashad, she looked so elegant and beautiful. Aria tried her best to put on a brave face but truth be told she was miserable. She missed him terribly, the way he would make jokes about the stuffy older nobles making her desperately try to stiffen back fits of giggles. The way his hand would hold her lower back firmly as they would glide across the dance floor.
 “Ok cut the crap, what is wrong with you? ” Olivia crossed her arms as she sat down next to her. “I’m fine, really.” Aria turned her head away avoiding Olivia’s judgmental stare. “Either you’re going to tell me willingly what happened between you and Leo, or I will force it out of you. ” Olivia threatened. Aria sighed, she knew Olivia wouldn’t let it go. “I seen Madeline kiss Leo Accidentally, his door was cracked open and I peaked in.” Aria blurted out. “Mmhmm, and did Leo lean in? Or put his arms around her as well?” Olivia questioned. “Well, no. Not that I seen.” Aria admitted. “You know Aria, you are a smart girl, usually, but you are being incredibly stupid” Olivias eyes met Arias. “Do you not know how much he loves you? Sure Leo has a reputation, but for as long as I have known him he has never looked at a woman like he looks at you.” “No I guess I never really thought about that. I know he claims to love me, then why kiss Madeline.” Aria tried to argue but she was finding the words hard to find. “Why would he? He wouldn’t Aria. But Madeline, She would kiss him. Think about it.” Olivia grabbed Arias hand. Aria sat back in her chair Fuck she whispered. A smile formed on Olivia’s face “my work is done here.” She patted Arias hand as she got up making her way to Drake. He wouldn’t kiss her, not intentionally. Aria thought to herself. But Madeline Aria shook her head Madeline would kiss him. She should have pushed the door open, she should have given Leo time to react before she ran off and left him. Oh god Leo, the letter, what have I done? Her thoughts consuming her, the sound of Liam’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.
Liam stood in the middle of the floor. Aria stood up and walked to the edge of the carpet. “I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, I have an announcement to make.” Cough cough “excuse me.” Liam apologized. Lady Aria.“ Liam held his hand forward. Aria smiled and walked forward taking his hand. "I would like to introduce our  newest duchess to court, Duchess Aria Hale of Valtoria.” Liam beams as claps fill the ball room. Aria smiles and curtsies. As the applause dies down Liam continues on with his speech. “ I would also like to make another announcement. ” cough cough cough. Liam clears his throat. “I seem to have something caugh-” cough cough cough. “Liam?” Aria placed her hand on his shoulder in concern. Liam erupts in a fit of coughs and he collapses on the floor.
 “LIAM!” Aria screams as she kneels down next to him, checking for a pulse. Madeline runs over falling onto the floor. “Liam? No no no, nooo, you cant die, no to much, I gave him to much, no.” Madeline panics. Aria turns her head to much? She thinks to herself. Her focus shifts back to Liam, his pulse was erratic. Bastian clears the women from Liam as a team of medics rush in, getting him onto the stretcher rushing him to the Hosptial. 
“Hale! hale what happened?” Drake rushed over to a distraught Aria. “I.. I don’t know he just, he was coughing, and he collapsed.” Aria stammered. “Ari,Ari are you ok?” Ellie ran up wrapping her arms around Aria. “Physically yes. But we need to get to the hospital, Drake, Olivia please. ” Aria begged. “Yeah of course Hale, lets go. ” Drake started towards the door. Aria gave an unsure look between Ellie and Maxwell. “Don’t worry little blossom, I will look after my little petunia.” Maxwell assured her as he wrapped an arm around Ellie. “Hana are you coming?” Aria asked, Hana nodded her head and they met Drake in his truck.
Once at the hospital the group had to wait for Bastian to come and give clearance. “How is he Bastian?” Aria whispered. “He will be ok, hes stable, and he has been asking for you Duchess Aria.” Bastian informed her as he walked them down the long halls of the hospital and into a secluded area. Her heart was in her throat as she opened the door and walked into the room. “Liam?” Aria meekly said as she walked over to Liams side. His eyes lit up, “Aria, you are here. I wanted to make sure you were ok, the last thing I heard was your voice, you were worried.” Liam sat up in the bed. “Of course I was worried Liam, I do care for you. We may not be together but that does not mean I will stop worrying about you. ” Aria chuckled lighthearted. “Yes, I suppose not. ” Liam gave a half laugh before continuing “The Doctors are waiting on some lab results but, I will be released this evening as long as we do not get negative results. ” 
“Thats wonderful news Liam. ” she gave hid hand a reassuring squeeze. A knock came to the door “your Magisty I have your results.” the doctor announced as came into the room, Aria excused herself giving Liam a moment alone. A few minutes the doctor came out to address the group. “ The king will be ok, he was a little dehydrated and had some signs of exhaustion but that was not what bothered us.” “Well, whats wrong doc?” Drake demanded. “You see the king had high amounts of scopolamine in his system.” He continued. “Whats that? scopadolpadoo?” Maxwell tried to pronounce the drug name. “Scopolamine, is a drug that can be used to make people susceptible to persuasion.” The doctor said looking at Maxwell, trying to keep a straight face. “So its a mind control drug.” Olivia blurted out, everyone turned to look at her, their mouths agape. “What? She looked puzzled. "Well,yes scopolamine, or devils breath they call it as well, can be used for mind control. ” “ wait, what did you just call it?” Aria stood up, the name sounding familiar. “Devils breath.” The doctor repeated. As if she were having a vision, the memory of the conversation Aria over heard Madeline and the strange man had in the hotel that day. You’ll have the devils breath tomorrow. It hit her like a ton of bricks, It was Madeline, she was the cause of Liam’s black outs, of his odd behavior, Madeline was poisoning him. She needed proof if she was going to take her down. “Hey Drake, I need a favor?”
“Only one more hour.” Leo bounces his leg in anticipation. He had been sitting in that damn seat for hours, agonizing over everything that could go wrong. He just needed to get there. He cruised the web, looking for any recent breaking news from Cordinia each search returning no information, no news is good news he tried to level with himself.
“I just need you to keep watch Drake. Do you think you can do that without alerting half the palace?” Aria huffed as she picked the lock with a bobby pin from her hair. The door clicked and popped open. “Well I’ll be damned. Remind me to ask you how you learned how to pick a lock later on Hale.” Drake chuckled in astonishment. Aria crept into the dimly lit room, praying Madeline was not there. Madeline disappeared from the hospital as soon as the doctor gave the news Liam had been poisoned. Aria dug through drawers, boxes and bags and found nothing. Defeated she stood to leave, her foot got caught on the leg of a chair sending her into the vanity, her hands hit the top with a loud smack as a hidden compartment popped open. Aria could not believe her eyes. Inside were 5 bags filled with a white substance. “DRAKE” She called out, Drake sticks his head in the door “you ok Hale?” “Yeah drake, call Bastian, I found it.” Aria whispers. She had her, she finally got the evidence to take Madeline down. Aria couldn’t help but smile, a victory finally, if she only knew this was the short game she had played, what Madeline had in store for them next nobody would be prepared for.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 6 years
But That Makes You Family Pt. 5
Genre: Fan Fiction (Animal Kingdom) Pairing: Craig Cody/OFC Warnings: Drinking, Death, Sexual Content, Language, Drugs Rating: R Length: Chaptered Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.   
A/N: thank you @ivarlothbroks and @sparklemichele for putting up with me bombarding you over this fic :D 
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Catch Up Here
“You uh, you surf pretty well.” Craig pulled down the top half of his wet suit. Tying the arms around his waist to keep them from getting caught, he laid his board down on the sand falling next to it.
“My mom taught me.” Corbin answered, sinking down onto the sand beside Craig. “She's really good at it.”
“Your mom is a kick as...she's an amazing surfer. You know, Deran taught her right?”
Corbin hesitantly nodded. His mom had mentioned a few times that it was Deran who had really taught her to surf. Something about their friend once considering going pro had been mentioned along the conversations. Corbin sat in the wet sand, the waves hitting the beach in a rhythmic motion.
“Do you like living in Connecticut?” Craig rested his elbows in the sand, stretching his legs out.
Craig asked a lot of questions.
“It's a nice place. The winter gets cold though, my mom hates it. I like playing hockey so I don't mind.” Corbin leaned forward, drawing random patterns with his fingers in the sand. “Sometimes I wish we lived here, it would be cool to have summer all year.”
"It's not too bad here." Craig shrugged, squinting against the sun. "Do you think your mom would ever move back?"
"She says that being here for a few months is enough." Corbin replied. Deran had taken off to talk to a friend that he'd spotted down the beach. Craig was an okay guy, although new people often turned Corbin into an awkward person.
Craig remained silent, his only acknowledgment a slight nod.
Here he was, on the beach, with his son - this wasn't how he had pictured this moment. Any time he had thought about it, there had always been more drama and angst involved.
Corbin was quiet in a subtle way. Olivia had been like that when she was younger. She would sit for hours, hanging around the house, and never say a single word. Other times there was no way to shut her up. Craig wondered if Corbin had the same trait, once he got comfortable.
"Just you and your mom?" Craig shouldn't be asking but he had to know. It wasn't as if he expected her to be a nun or stay alone forever. If he asked Olivia she'd give him some bullshit about his own conquests and shut him out.
"Yeah. My dad isn't around." Corbin told Craig part of what he already knew.
"My dad was never around either. You get used to it, I guess." Craig divulged the personal detail.
"What lies did your mom tell you?" Corbin turned to look at Craig, his face serious.
Craig scoffed. Sitting up and crossing his legs in the sand. "Man, my mother gave me all sorts of bull. Trust me, whatever Olivia has said, it's probably way more truthful than what I was told."
"How...how long have you known my mom?"
"Uh," Craig licked his lips, blowing out a huff. His hands brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Since we were kids, I guess."
Stony, Corbin sat looking out into the ocean. His attention captured by the sun and the surf, his thoughts swimming around like the school of fish that he and Deran had spotted earlier in the shallow waves.
Never would his mother leave him with somebody he barely knew. She was too protective. Olivia had been up to something, Corbin could tell by the sudden shift in her attitude. Sometimes his mom didn't think he noticed, but he did.
He knew her better than she knew herself sometimes. The sneaky suspicion was creeping in, growing the more he thought about it.
How dumb did his mom think he was?
“Can I ask you something?” Corbin broke his silence.
“Do you promise not to tell my mom?”
Craig had heard that phrase more times than he could count. Brows raised, he squinted against the sun. “That depends, what is it that you don't want her to know?”
Did this kid not know who he was dealing with? Keeping things from Olivia could be dangerous, she had a way of finding out, always. Craig would rather have his balls scraped across pavement than keep secrets from that woman.
“My mom has plans for me to maybe meet my dad.” Corbin began, his brow furrowing and his eyes growing dark in frustration the same way Craig's did. “Do you think he'll like me? I mean...it's stupid. Never mind. Deran said he would but I think he says things to be nice, because he's my uncle ya know?”
“O-of course he's going to like you. I'm not the best at giving advice on father and son relationships, but I know your dad is going to like you. Deran is right, not only because he's your uncle.”
If this was the only day Craig ever spent with Corbin, somehow he wanted the boy to know he was enjoying it. Despite Olivia's weird way of throwing them into it.
“One time, I asked Deran if he was my dad. I thought maybe my mom was telling me a lie about who he was.” Corbin shifted around in the sand, leaning back in the soft ground.
“I promise you that Deran is not your father.” Craig laughed with a grin. “He loves your mom, but he's not into women.”
“That's what my mom told me. Sometimes she tells me things to stop me asking questions. Are you sure Deran has no interest in girls?”
“I am positive, Deran does not like girls. He's not your dad, but when you meet your dad, I still think he's going to like getting to know you.”
Most of the day continued to go as such : Deran making excuses to disappear or talk to random people that they bumped into. Craig noticed that his brother was giving them more space than necessary, although thankful he was annoyed.
He could only entertain Corbin for so long, before one of them got bored or Craig said something that would lead to Olivia wanting to punch him in the dick.
When Deran was around Craig noticed a change in Corbin. The boy would talk and laugh freely with his uncle present. Not surprising, Deran had that effect on people. He had an easy going way that made people like him. Craig could make people like him, but most of them needed to be looking for a party or a no strings attached fuck buddy. Without loads of drugs and booze, Craig Cody wasn't all that entertaining.
"When we're finished lunch, let's go get the bikes." Craig watched Corbin's interest shift from whatever Deran was talking about.
"You ever ride a dirt bike?" Deran wiped his hands on a salsa stained napkin.
"No, but I've always wanted to. Can I?" Corbin was practically bouncing. Sitting in the hood of the scout, his eyes were wide with excitement.
His mom would have never let him ride a dirt bike. She always had excuses as to why he couldn't do “dangerous” things. Corbin was vibrating as Craig and Deran discussed the potential of taking him out for a ride.
It was early evening when Olivia heard the car in the drive way. Loud, thumping rock music gave away the intruders. Closing her laptop, she went to greet her son. They had held out longer than Olivia imagined they would.
All day she hoped that when Corbin came home, he'd be exhausted from trying to keep up with Deran and Craig.  They could both use a nice sound sleep followed by sleeping in the next morning.
"Hey!" Deran greeted Olivia with a wave, pulling Corbin's board from the back of the scout.
"Evening, gentlemen."
"Hey mom." Corbin tried to fight a yawn.
“Did you have fun?” Olivia asked wrapping her arm around Corbin's shoulder.
“It was cool.” Corbin tried his best to play it off calm and collected in front of his mother. "I had fun."
"Yeah you did." Deran held out a fist to bump. “He nearly pissed himself with excitement, when we let him ride.” A grin spread ear to ear on Corbin's face.
“You let my son ride a dirt bike?”
“He was fine.” Deran shrugged, smirking. “He didn't go fast and we kept him in the parking lot.”
"You need to relax, mom. I came home in one piece." Corbin countered.
"Well then, I guess that's all that matter." Olivia rolled her eyes.
"I'd love to stand around and watch someone else argue with their mother, for a change, but Craig and I need to head out." Deran clapped his hands together. "Tomorrow night, bonfire at the pointe. Both of you, be there?"
Olivia nodded. "I think we can both make it."
Waving Deran off, Olivia didn't bother to stand around too long and watch him leave. Corbin had his bag on his shoulder, sunburned and tired, the boy looked like he was ready for a bath and a nap.
“Alright, you need to go shower, then come down for dinner.” Olivia followed Corbin into the house. “And throw your clothes in the laundry, please.”
“Why didn't you tell me?” Corbin lingered inside the door.
“Tell you what?”
“That Craig's my dad.”
@noobchic, @ivarlothbroks, @sparklemichele, @klinger-verseau  , @hows-my-hair  , @grungyblonde , @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly - if anybody else wants a tag, feel free to ask :)
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alj4890 · 6 years
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Chapter 40 Love Again
The Royal Romance Fan Fiction (Liam x MC*Riley) (Maxwell x OC*Amanda) (Drake x Olivia) (Hana x Rashad)
These characters are from the amazing writers of Pixelberry's Choices stories: The Royal Romance and Red Carpet Diaries. The only character of my own is Duchess Amanda Bridgerton of House St Orella.
Masterlist of The Other Friend TRR
Chapter 40 summary: Hana wants to tell Rashad what's in her heart. Justin begins his courtship with Olivia.
Chapter 40
Hana was sitting in the lobby of the hotel that was housing her friends in Shanghai. If one were to look at her, they would see a lovely young woman that was calmly waiting on someone. If one could read her mind, they would be shocked at the nervousness and tumultous feelings. Rashad would be dining with her and her parents this evening.
Hana desperately wanted everything to go well. She was not worried about her parents approving of him. They would approve of anyone with a title and fortune. She was concerned that Rashad might not be ready to move forward and become engaged. She knew how her father was. He could be very pushy when it was something he wanted. Her mother was no better, though she did possess some decorum when hinting at what she wanted. Hana did not want Rashad to agree to an engagement without knowing how he really felt.
When they arrived in Shanghai, Rashad had to go to a meeting with some clients. Hana had hoped they could talk and perhaps gain some knowledge to his feelings, but that had not been possible. Amanda had noticed her friend's anxious face and invited her to go for a walk. They stopped in a nearby park and sat down to talk.
"Hana...are you alright? You seem like something is weighing on your mind."
Hana had hoped it wasn't obvious. Feeling relaxed around everyone had hindered her ability to hide her feelings. "Amanda? May I ask you something? Something personal?"
Amanda nodded.
"You knew you were in love with Maxwell. How did you tell him?"
Amanda's eyes softened at the memory. "Actually Drake did all the initial work for the both of us. It made it easier admitting to it knowing he felt the same. There were so many times I wanted to tell him, but I thought he saw me only as a friend. I wished I had admitted it sooner. We would not have had to go through all we did if I had. Of course, he could have said something too. So, I will gladly give him part of the blame," she said with a laugh.
Hana grimaced. Too bad Drake had not done the same for her. "If you had it to do over, how would you have told him?"
Amanda could tell her answer was very important to Hana. She took a few moments to think about it. "If I had the chance to go back in time, there was an evening earlier this year where I had an opportunity to say what I felt. Maxwell and I were out and were supposed to have met Drake and Liam. They were held up with something, I can't remember what it was. We were on our own for the night. After eating dinner, we went for a walk on the beach. We somehow got on the subject of relationships. Maxwell said he couldn't see himself with any of the girls he had met at court and all. He described the kind of girl he thought he might want to be with." Amanda paused, thinking of how much it hurt wanting to be that dream girl.
Hana studied her face. "What did you say when he described her?"
Amanda shook her head in frustration. "He wanted someone he could be himself around, laugh with, and trust. Instead of telling him that he had that in me and that I wanted to be her, I described the guy I wanted. I can’t believe how stupid we were. We both had just described each other. If I were in that moment again,  I would stop him. I would tell him that I had fallen in love him and that he was the only one I could ever see myself with. I would say that I could be the girl he described. He would know what was in my heart. Then I would have kissed him. I always wanted to," she said with a smile
Hana swallowed against the lump in her throat.
"Hana, I believe Rashad loves you. Look at all he did for you. He became your suitor so you could remain in Cordonia. He has been thoughtful on your dates. He has done all he can to show you he cares. I do not believe if you told him how you felt that it would go without being reciprocated. His face lights up whenever you are around. I've never seen anyone hold his attention the way you do. If I learned anything from my uncle and my own experiences, it is to not waste time. If you love someone, tell them as soon as you can. You never know when you will get another chance, or if there will even be another opportunity. Your heart won't be able to take it if you miss out."
Hana nodded. She felt better after some encouragement. She was still incredibly nervous, but it had an edge of excitment to it. They walked back to the hotel to find Maxwell bouncing with energy. "I drank two pots of coffee while you were gone. Let's go exploring!" He grabbed Amanda’s hand and pulled her with him. She was laughing as she waved goodbye to Hana. "Have fun tonight!"
Hana jumped in surprise when Rashad touched her shoulder. She had been so lost in thought that she did not realize he had said her name. "Sorry I took so long. That meeting lasted much longer than I originally thought."
Hana smiled and reassured him that everything was fine. They still had a little time before her parents were to arrive. Rashad sat down next to her. She looked so uneasy. He did not know why and was worried it had something to do with himself. Was she thinking his work was a problem? Was she wanting to tell her parents that their courtship should not continue because of it? He did not want to think about not having her around.
Hana suddenly stood up, startling him from his thoughts. "Let's go outside. There is a small courtyard with a lovely fountain. I think I need some air." She walked off without him. He watched her a few seconds and then followed. She was unhappy. He could feel it. He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing her and demanding she give him a chance to make her happy.
Hana was trying to get her thoughts in order. Once they were at the fountain, she faced him. "Rashad...there is something I have been wanting to tell you. I...I don't know if you feel the same way. I hope you understand and don't feel uncomfortable around me after this."
No! No! No! His heart was breaking. He could literally feel the sharp pain in his chest. He thought everything was going so well. Had he done something wrong? Did he move too quickly for her? What could he do to make it right? Could he ever make it right?
Hana looked into his gray eyes, her heart racing. "I'm in love with you."
Rashad froze. "You? You are?"
Hana nodded. "I have been for a while now. I didn't want to tell you and put you on the spot. I don't want to wait any longer. Amanda told me how she regrets not telling Maxwell sooner and her uncle lost his true love because he waited. I don't want to lose you because I was too frightened to admit what was in my heart. I--"
Rashad kissed her. She loved him. Him! He won her sweet, gentle heart. He kissed her like he never had before. Hana felt her heart sing with each brush of his tongue against hers. He pulled back and spoke from his own heart.
"Hana, I love you. I have felt the same for a long time. I've wanted to tell you for so long but was afraid that I would be rushing you. I wanted you to be comfortable in our relationship. I’ve never been so happy. I...I have never felt this way about anyone before. My heart belongs to you."
Hana's smile was nearly blinding with her joy. She could not believe this was actually happening. She had gone to Cordonia to win the hand of a prince and somehow found love with someone else. She never expected love. Her parents had made sure to tell her not to. Though she tried, she was unable to keep from dreaming of it. She watched it happen with Riley and Liam, and then with Maxwell and Amanda. Now she had her own love. One just as strong as the others' but uniquely her own.
They held each other close as they continued to talk of their feelings. Both hearts overflowing with happiness. Hana's parents found them this way. Hana blushed at being caught in such a manner. Rashad held her closer and informed her parents that they would be moving forward with the courtship. He was formally asking permission to marry Hana.
Hana's eyes filled with tears. She did not think she could handle any more tonight. He wanted to marry her. Her dream that had seemed so elusive a few hours ago was happening right before her eyes.
Hana's parents were elated. Her father announced that he would have the contracts prepared. They left the courtyard and went to dinner in the hotel's restaurant. It was a celebratory meal. Her parents were ready to let the court know and begin planning the wedding.
"I want all that left up to Hana. That is my only stipulation with the engagement. It is her decision on when we tell the court. It is also hers to make on when we should marry. This is to be however she wants." Rashad used his business tone when talking to her parents. It was one that led everyone to know that there was no room to negotiate. Her parents sat back in shock.
"You want Hana to make these decisions that need to be done right away?!" her father asked.
"I trust her completely to make the perfect decision on the appropriate time for both of these events. Is there a problem?"
Her parents assured him there wasn't and turned their attention to Hana. They tried to encourage her to follow along with their timeframe.
Rashad quickly nipped that thinking in the bud. "Hana is to think on her own about this. If she wants input from anyone, then she will ask for it. She is by far the most intelligent and capable person I know. I trust that she will plan our future better than anyone else possibly could. Now then, Hana, what entree do you recommend I try?"
Hana was having a difficult time keeping a straight face. Her parents being hushed twice was amazing. She loved him so much for stating his faith in her and giving her the gift of making these decisions. After hearing his tone, she now understood how he had done so well in business.
After dinner, her parents left them alone. Rashad sat back in his chair and looked at her. He was a little nervous he had overstepped by speaking so firmly with her parents. He refused to see her bullied. "Hana, I hope I did not upset you by how I spoke to your parents. I want you to be happy and in control of the planning."
Hana reached across the table and held his hand. She squeezed it gently. "Thank you for doing so. I am happier than I thought possible and it is all because of you. I think I would like to announce our engagement at the dinner for the court tomorrow night, if that is alright with you."
Rashad smiled and kissed her hand. "Hmm. Letting everyone know I won the heart of the loveliest lady, why would I want that? Nothing could please me more than to announce it tomorrow night." He studied her fingers a moment. "This will give me little extra time to get you an engagement ring."
Hana glanced down at her hand wondering what kind of ring he would surprise her with. They left the restaurant arm in arm, dreaming of the future they were going to share. 
Olivia was unfortunately not having a night similar to Hana's. Justin had appeared at her door not long after checking in. He invited her to dine with him that evening. Even though she did not want to do so, she agreed to meet him later.
Drake had been in the hallway and saw the whole interaction. He knew she did not have a choice, but it still hurt. She glanced his way as Justin walked in the opposite direction. She held her door open for him to come in.
Once inside, Drake walked over to her window, looking out at the ocean. Olivia sighed silently. He was going to be his usual grumpy self it seemed. Just what she needed. "Drake, go ahead and say it. I don't have the patience today to deal with trying to pull it out of you."
He faced her with a grim look. She typically went direct to the point which he usually approved of. Now he wasn't sure how to express what it was he wanted to say. He studied her face a moment and saw exasperation. No sympathy there.
"Liv...I don't like it."
"That's nothing new. You don't like anything."
"I like you."
Olivia was caught off guard by that. Leave it to him to pull the rug out from under her by a sudden sweet sentence.
"I surprisingly feel the same about you," she said, smirking.
Drake still looked grim. "It's not enough though is it?"
Olivia rubbed her aching head. Dammit, why was he putting her on the spot? Could he not see how she felt about all this? She had been spending a lot of time with him. On purpose!
"Drake, it is enough. I have to do this. I don't have a choice, at least not until Sir Francis can help figure out what it all means. I do not need you giving me a hard time about this. I chose none of it. Remember that."
Drake ran a hand through his hair. "I know you didn't. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I just..."
"Just what?"
"I fell for you. Who knows why I did? I don't look forward to seeing somone else have your time. I may enjoy sitting on the sidelines during courtly functions, but I won't in this. Not when you are involved."
He walked over to her and took her hands. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I will be waiting for you. And let me tell you, I hate waiting."
Olivia studied his face. She could understand how hard it was to admit all that. She looked at her hands in his. "I...I am glad you will be waiting for me. I hope I won't be keeping you waiting long. For some strange reason, I fell for you too." He tipped her chin up and kissed her. When it ended, he let go of her hands and walked out without a word.
Olivia met Justin a few hours later. He was everything a gentleman should be. He was kind and courteous. He was boring her to tears. He had the proper jokes which she laughed half-heartedly at. All she could think of was how she wished he was someone else.
He escorted her back to her room after dessert. He stopped her from walking in. "Since we will be getting married soon--"
"Might be getting married." She angrily corrected.
Justin cleared his throat nervously. "Might be getting married soon. I will escort you to dinner tomorrow evening. We are scheduled to go to the reserve Lady Hana's father has during the day. If you would like, I can escort you there also."
Olivia reluncantly nodded. "Fine. I will see you tomorrow." She turned to open her door, when he leaned in and kissed her cheek. She shot him a surprised look that he grinned at.
"Good night Olivia."
"Good night."
She shut her door and leaned against her door. She held her head in her hands. She did not want to put up with some entitled man thinking she was his because of some contract made when she was five years old. Olivia knew she was going to have to fight her temper these next few days. She hoped Sir Francis would arrive soon and be able find a way to save her.
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thequeenofcronuts · 6 years
Secret Santas - Part 1
Four Part Series
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Secret Santa's Answers Relieved
Choices: The Royal Romance
Characters: The TRR Gang (My MC is named Kristina)
Type: Fun Fluff, Christmas Related, Game
Word Count: 1,036
A/N: In this four part series play along with the TRR Gang and see if you can guess their Secret Santa along side them.
Pixelberry owns all the characters. I just have fun!
Liam, Kristina, Hanna, Olivia, and Drake are all waiting for Maxwell so they can begin breakfast. It's a beautiful December morning, and the palace is a buzz with decorating, festive scents wafting from the kitchens, staff members humming carols, and just overall merriment. “Tell me again why we are waiting for Maxwell.” Olivia looks to Kristina. “Because, Olivia, he was the one that wanted us all together for breakfast today.” “Well,” Olivia smirks, “ at least I’ve trained you well enough that you aren't always the last one to show up.” She gives Kristina a playful wink just as a boisterous sound comes from the hall. “HO! HO! HO! Look who found me!” They all turn toward the doorway to see what the commotion is all about. “Maxwell, I do believe you found us.” Liam states as he is trying so desperately to keep his diplomatic demeanor.
“Oh my god.” Drake manages to get out while he blinks his eyes multiple times trying to make the image before him go away. “I have never hated red, but if I had, I couldn't have hated it more than I do right now.” Olivia shakes her head in disgust. “Aww, I think it's cute.” They all turn to Hana. “Ahem, thank you Hana. It's a Beaumont original.” Before the group stands Maxwell wearing green and red striped tights, a custom made red elf costume, which includes the shoes, the hat, and in place of traditional bells on the ends of the garments there are red and green cephalopods. He also is holding a red and green basket. “Here before you stands Santa’s herald. Do not be afraid, I bring you comfort and joy, a thrill of hope, and a song for rocking around the Christmas Tree.” “I think you may have got some references mixed up there.” “None the less, Our Queen, my massage is of outmost holiday importance.” “Ohhhh, what is it, what is it, what is it Maxwell? I love the holidays!” Hana claps happily. “Well as my most ardent believer, Hana, I shall tell you first.” Maxwell leans down and whispers something into Hana’s ear. Her whole face lights up like a Christmas Tree and she begins to bounce in her chair.
“I think I’m going to need whiskey for this announcement.” Drake scowls. “Drake, it's only breakfast.” Hana says as she tilts her head at him. “And your point is, little Miss Jumping Bean?” Olivia throws her head back in annoyance. “Oh just tell us what this certain to be absurd plan is, Maxwell.” “Fine Olivia I’ll get to the point.” “Praise the heavens.” “You know Olivia, you can suck the excitement out of an entire room.” She brightens, “Maxwell, that is the best compliment you've ever given me.” Maxwell sighs in defeat.
“Ok Maxwell….let’s see… it's about Christmas, you are dressed like an elf from under the sea, and you speak for Santa, I’m guessing presents are COMING!!!” “Right you are little blossom! Here it goes, we are going to have the First Annual ‘Friend Holiday Fest Secret Santa Exchange’!” Hana and Kristina squeal with delight, the wheels in Liam’s head are already turning, while Drake and Olivia land their heads on the table. “Rules are simple. We each pick a name from the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge I hold in my hands. If you pick your own name you must return it to the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge and choose again” Drake mumbles, “Obviously it's not so ‘Great’ if you can pick your own name.” “Drake,” Maxwell says seriously, “All, I can say to you is ‘Choose wisely’.”
“After we have made our name selection, what is next?” As always, Liam is way too serious about this as his competitive side begins to take over. “I’m glad you asked, My Wise King. Once a week, over the next three weeks, you shall leave the person, which the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge has bestowed upon you, a gift somewhere they will find it. Remember NOT to include your name on your gift. When we receive our third and final gift everyone will wait to open them together and we will guess our Secret Santa!” “Yay! Gifts, intrigue, detective work…you are all going down!” Kristina exclaims as she is hyped and ready to go. “Well it won't be too hard for two people to guess correctly.” Olivia pipes in, “Whoever has Drake for their Secret Santa will end up with three bottles of whiskey, and whoever has Hana will get handmade items, like an entire Christmas quilt.” Maxwell ignores her. “It is time for us to learn the wisdom of the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge!” “Say that again Maxwell, and I swear I’ll…” “Oh my, lets just start before the next color of red is the bloodshed of one of us by Olivia while we watch her eyes spark delightfully from the depths of her blood thirsty soul.” Everyone looks to Hana again. “What? Activities like this bring out my ruthless side.”
“Okaaayyyyy. As Santa’s herald I have decided the order in which we choose…” “… our victims. Heh.” Olivia eyes the group leeringly. “Come on Olivia, you’re excited, admit it.” “No Kristina, I really can’t admit it.” Liam speaks up. “So Maxwell, what is the order in which we choose from the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge?” Olivia glares while Liam just laughs. Maxwell clears his throat. “Of course Their Majesties, the King first and then the Queen, followed by Santa’s loyal herald, then Hana, Olivia, and lastly Drake.” “Why am I not shocked I’m last.” “Before we find out who our recipient will be, one last item. You can give gifts that will throw your person off your trial.” Each person stands and picks a folded piece of paper looking for their person the basket has to revealed to them. “The first round begins next week. Good night and good luck.” They chuckle at Maxwell's reference and finally get to eat breakfast.
Who chose whom from the basket of Great Christmas Knowledge? What will the gifts be? Can you, dear reader, figure out the puzzle with the TRR gang? Stay tuned. Part two will be coming next week!
Check out Part 2 here!
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