#and i don’t want to be a debby downer i mean the fandom is pretty small i’m not going to fill it with rant posts
hsslilly-blog · 7 months
i know nothing about coding but if i did i'd rip the damn game apart and pull out all the dialogue for quests and put them in a. idk spreadsheet or google doc or something. i HATE how this high school story and hollywood u are so badly perserved and documented, partially through the fault of its creators. i get that these are niche games that a grand total of five people even remember them but if i think about how an ENTIRE HALF OF THE STORY IS GONE BECAUSE THERE'S A REQUIRED SERVER CHECK it makes my blood boil.
i am too passionate about this
hi! this is not a bad idea at all, especially since hwu is… very lost. i’ll get to work on something like this as soon as possible! i’ll also make my hss screenshots available.
i’ll use this ask to rant. i simpatize with you… way too much. i try not to speak about this very often because it just makes me angry and because, well, it’s a super niche game and we had around four years to organize and archive it but… it is a niche game. by 2022, who even was active in the fandom besides like… me and five other people? not to mention it was very out of the blue, with such a small window between the announcement and the shut down it was impossible to archive everything. i spent full days trying to screenshot as much of high school story as i could. and now i regret i didn’t spend this time archiving hollywood u instead. but what is done is done.
i think… i mean, as much as it sucks, high school story is still fully playable if you have the .apk (or if you have it in your ios). what really, really bothers me is how hollywood u is essentially… lost media? the game itself, yes, but over 20-30 quests are missing from the files because they were released after pixelberry (apparently) decided to store some of the assets on the online server and not locally anymore. even if i were to drop the quests in a word .doc, it still wouldn’t be fully available. and that makes me angry. hwu was last updated in 2018 with a “fix”. why couldn’t they have used the opportunity to make these files available locally? it was pretty obvious at that point the games were sunsetting one day. might have given the chance for the fans to preserve it in some way since hwu would be locked behind a server check forever.
i don’t know. i’m not a dev. but i’m pretty sure they had the tools and the means, they just didn’t see it as worthy of their time. and i get it a little. they were very busy with choices at that time. these games were very dead. pb was past them. but come on. hss and hwu were part of pixelberry’s history and i like to believe these games deserved more than what they got. ~30 days between the announcement and the shut down? please. a little bit more of respect for the art they themselves created!! i think it all just boils down to me feeling… angry, sad and… heartbroken that one of theses games is completely unplayable in 2024 and forever. just like that. to expunge and deprive people from the art you once delighted in creating and sharing is sad!
sorry for hijacking the ask. i just wanted to get this out. i’ll work on making the quests dialogues available.
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keigosbirdie · 4 years
I love everything about Hawks...Except that time people decided he's a cheater and created cheater!Hawks content. He would never. But the problem is, Hawks is such a great canvas that he can take on many topics and characteristics and it feels natural. Nerd, virgin, playboy, nice, warm, cold, unfeeling, cheater. He can be all of them.
ahh not to seem like a Debbie Downer, but I kinda disagree with the last bit. It doesn’t feel natural to me when I see “scumbag” hawks, as one example. Hawks has a very distinct personality and goals. he doesnt fit into some of the fanon roles people assign to him, though I guess that could be the case for pretty much every character. Any character can be made to do or be anything fandom decides, but that doesn't mean it isn’t OOC hha But that’s just my opinion! People should make whatever content they enjoy, I think. If people enjoy fanon!hawks that's their prerogative, and they’re well within their right to like and make anything they want to! no skin off my bones ya know?
The cheating thing really hurts me personally though
personal and emotional rant about said cheating under the cut fyi
But I can handle pretty much all of it. When I see things i think are really OOC i just appreciate how much people enjoy reveling in it then go about my merry way. The only one that really really gets to me is the cheating thing. I’m a lot older than a lot of people in the fandom, I’ve noticed. I’ve been married and divorced, and I know exactly what it feels like to walk in on something you really don’t want to see. Its not fun. It’s not cute, and from the way ive seen “cheating hawks” portrayed it’s rarely written with tact, nuance, or understanding. its probably that way for most fics written about the subject, though. Not exclusively Hawks ones. 
I’ve had the rug ripped out from under me. I’ve had to change back my last name and throw out my ring and leave the house I thought was my home. I cried on the floor of our empty bedroom and lived for years in a painful, numb fog. Its exceptionally strange to me that people fantasize about living in that hell. An it’s even more strange that people almost fetishize and glorify it, and exceptionally upsetting to me when its done using my most precious comfort character.
Thinking about Hawks being like my ex wife who destroyed me and my life  makes me want to commit not alive, i guess is what I’m trying to say. Sorry that’s such a personal thing for me to talk about on here, I’ve just mentioned before that I don’t like it, and I thought maybe I should clarify why so people who do like it can kinda get where I’m coming from? 
I’m not saying people shouldn’t write that stuff if they want to! It obviously has an audience. I just wont be reading it hhaha.
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weebsinstash · 4 years
This is gonna sound stupid but I like that you think critically about the stuff you’re really into. A lot of bnha blogs are really bad about that. Like they’ll like one character or one group of characters and if someone says something like “this character did something shitty, and I don’t know if they’ll get/if they deserve a redemption arc” their response will deadass just be like “OKAY triggered ANTI.” and it’s like, look homie, you can be horny for whoever you want, I myself am horny for all the bad boys from endeavor, to hawks, to AFO, but like, you have to at least acknowledge that the other person might have a point about the actions of one character and the way they’ve affected the story and other characters. And then the conversation shifts to “its FICTIONAL LMAO it doesn’t matter” which. Is just a shitty argument all around, because yeah no shit something happening in a story isn’t the same as it happening irl but we can do this neato thing where we analyze the writer’s choices and the message they push, especially for a show that is literally centered around asking bigger more profound questions about the story’s universe and ours because fiction doesn’t come from a vacuum. Like i’m not asking everyone to 4D analyze every little detail, I know fandoms are an escape for a lot of people, I just wish more fandom blogs (this really can apply to all fandoms, but especially anime and bnha) could consume literally anything critically. N e weighzzzz I love you and your blog, have a nice morning and i hope your coffee stays hot ❤️
Well, I'll be perfectly honest, I have plenty of personally-biased takes myself. I'm definitely not like, good at looking at this series critically 24/7, especially because it's actually starting to piss me off. I actually really, like, without a doubt absolutely HATE this plot line of "societal corruption" because I don't actually expect the problem to be addressed in any way whatsoever and like. It's boring to me. I don't fucking care about a story based on the moralities of good vs evil (especially when they're being preached to me by literal children, Deku) because that's all extremely subjective. This is all especially frustrating in My Hero Academia, because it's trying to tackle issues that are cemented in culture and society and law which, I'm going to be honest, are kind of... fundamentally impossible to change? Like not to be a Debbie Downer but this entire plot line of "reforming hero society, the system is broken" is completely pointless because it is not actually something that can be changed. Just like in our world, the societal injustice is deliberate, and changing it would require a level of lawmaking and overturning that just isn't going to happen. That's why I made the comparison to Naruto: at the very end of the series it brought up the inherent corruption in turning children into ninjas, showed you how gritty and violent it was for children to fight in wars and said "there is something wrong here" and then did not change anything about that problem whatsoever and then actually released a sequel where the problem is arguably even worse.
You get what I mean? This entire thing about "Hero Society bad" is all bullshit because uh it isn't actually going to change so to even address it, let alone make it a focal argument in the series, is actually a pretty bad decision, and you could argue it was childishly naive.
Like deadass, spoiler warning for the newest chapter leaks that were released today, but [[spoiler starts here]] Deku literally made some dumbass comment to the effect of "Endeavor is different than he used to be and he's trying to be a better person, the person who was an abuser is no longer here" should honestly tell you everything you need to know. I know this is ultimately a manga for children but the idea that intentions alone make everything ok or just the insinuation that Endeavor doesn't need to face consequences at all is. Dumb. Like Jesus fuck, all this talk about being a better person and helping others and we're told "yeah this guy is blatantly a criminal for multiple reasons but he's on the Good Guy Side so as long as he says he's sorry he doesn't have to go to jail" like literally just Endeavor himself undermines the entire discussion altogether.[[end spoiler]]
Horikoshi created a story about Heroes vs Villains, then said "actually what makes Heroes and Villains different? Heroes can be pretty scummy and some Villains can do pretty good things" and then he turned around again and said "actually nevermind, even though there may be just a few bad faith actors, the Heroes are always righteous and just :)" and honestly I'm sick of it
Dkfkfkfkf anyways thank you! I've tried not to nag too much over here cause I don't want to you know, ruin anyone's good time or anything, but I've been having uh. A lot of issues with the decisions being made for this series so I've been occasionally just... throwing my opinion out there and seeing what people think
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hanji-is-life · 4 years
Ok so to the anon who mentioned mirrors in the bull AU. Like I feel all your interesting questions. (I'm the bull AU question anon from like 5-7days ago). Like I know it's fandom and I know it's an AU and like I shouldn't worry about logic.
The the part of me that used to show livestock in 4H and likes to overanalyze everything just.....so many questions!!!!!
And please I don't mean this in a bad way!!!! I am absolutely NOT saying anything bad or trying to be critical!!!!
I fucking love you're writing and all the content you are giving us!!!!! My brain is just weird and my background in large livestock really asks more questions than anyone could ever answer. But thank you regardless.
Also, may I just say, how funny it is that like collectively most people here are saying they don't want kids but like if it hot 2D anime Dilf/bull/hockey player etc we'd give em have a dozen?
I get it's all imaginary but also, at least for me, just knowing that your partner absolutely loves and adores you and them treating you like you hung the moon and stars just.....does something.
I'd just be so curious to know if it's just like 'yea I could imagine having kids in a fictional universe with a fictional character cause it's all fictional' or 'my parents and other people parents relationships were generally so shitty I never wanna possibly bring a kid into that, but if it was with someone who truly unconditionally loved me I'd pop out a few brats?'
And I mean I'm sure there's a million other reasons and shit, and as stated above I over think shit.
Its not like I use fanfic to work through my personal traumas and feelings. 👀
Please return to your previously scheduled thirsting. Sorry for the Debbie downer break.
It’s totally fine!!!! I don’t mind the questions at all :)) and thank you bby!!!
I’ve always wanted kids more than I wanted a man, but when it comes to 2D men I would NOT mind both!!! might even pack shit up to be a housewife!! the thought of actually being one is icky tho bc being at home constantly and ESPECIALLY with kids would make me have a meltdown lmfao
like I have the comfort of 2D men knowing that they will love me. Idc what any other fan says, whenever they spew bullshit like oh they won’t like black women or women with some chub or sensitive gals like me!! it’s just comforting knowing that these 2D men will love me regardless of my flaws. real men have always just given me so many problems and I’m OVER them lmao
mine is more like the first one!! I imagine it because it’s just comforting and fun and something to distract me. I have pretty good relationships in my life, so it’s not any worry about having real kids. It’s more or less who I’m having them with!!
And it’s okay bby!! your questions are always welcomed :)
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bellamyblake · 4 years
Hi Iva! First of all I would like to say - thank you for loving Bellamy so much, it means so much to me to read your posts and feel the same love I have for him. The way I wholheartedly with your every word... about his tragic life, his immense love, everything. On the other hand, you must hurt a lot judging by myself - I honestly cannot stop crying multiple times a day. I do not know how to make the pain stop. I dont know how much more I can handle, its not getting better but actually worse p1
P2 when I think about in details about his life like you did – his life had no happy beginning, or middle, and certainly not the end. Maybe only as a baby boy before O was born. I don’t know how to deal with the fact the character that I genuinely believe had it the worst ended up with the worst possible ending as a reward for honestly trying to do better. Like if he at least experienced love and understanding from O or SOMETHING… but she never got to tell him sorry for beating him up,
P3 that now she understands what he did for her… I am gonna go crazy over this, honestly. I wanna stop crying and enjoy fanfiction with much better ending for him. Where should I find solace? Was his death at least quick, maybe he did not have time to think about what happened? Is there an afterlife where Aurora waited for him? Was that what I can hope for when Aurora was NEVER explained, she was not an alien so what was she? But he also sow Cadogan in the same scene and he was alive then?
P4 Should I watch 5x13 on loop to get in my head this was the ending? Should I teach myself to edit and do some manip for the ending? My only way of coping is seeing other people, blogs like yours that love him just as much. But I keep crying and feeling utterly miserable ☹I am 27 I never spend so much time loving any character (fun fact, It must be around 3 500 hours for me reading ff, watching the show and fan edits and tumblr posts). I know Bellamy will always and forever be the one beloved
P5 one beloved character of mine and no one will ever come close. Bellarke, the same – they were my OTP. The only one. I need to do something about this cause I am loosing my damn mind… I could handle almost anything, I would cry, yes, but I was absolutely sure of one thing - no matter their ending, sad or happy, in some sense they would do it together… and we got THAT. Does anything help you? I am so sorry for dumping this on you but reading your posts - its like hearing my soul.
First of all thank you for the kind words and for enjoying my blog so much. 
I really do love Bellamy Blake a whole damn LOT. Like a damn LOT hah. I think that’s pretty obvious by the posts I make even if they’re not as many lately because I’m mentally not doing well right now. But that same love you feel, I feel it too and I’m glad I’m not alone in this.
I also get angry too and I cry a lot still about the way things ended. I also have not spent that much time in my life invested in a fictional character before so this is a lot for me as well and I get how you feel.
You asked me if something helps and for me it helps a lot to write you know? Be it meta or fanfiction, I indulge myself a lot in writing. 
It’s funny that even when I write fics I don’t write happy fics, you’d think that I’d make him absolutely happy in what I write but I don’t. But indulging yourself in a world of your creation with this character helps a lot. And it’s fun too, to do this, to build a world for him, a different one-be it with Clarke or with a family of his own or Idk just with anyone. Giving him love that he never had and joy he never felt. I think that helps me a lot and it helps me forget how he died and how much it hurts (I wanna say that even typing this makes me cry hah, so...).
I also like to rewatch some episodes that were more about him as a character and then meta in my head. That usually gets me sad too but it’s also exciting to think about some of the stuff that happened and dive in the psychologity of his character (which I do a lot) LOL. But that’s mostly painful. I don’t get many asks about him and meta stuff so I mostly do it in my head on my own and dive into the world of direction and how things were done and love making sense of them. 
Headcanons are something I love doing too though I haven’t written (or posted) much lately. In fact I haven’t posted anything lately because Idk...I’m not sure that sharing everything you create is good these days. people got so judgemental over time, the way actors and cast are threated is horrible but it extends to the entire fandom and its participants so it’s ugly and dark and horrible and I think stops a lot of people from posting gifs or fics or anything at all. But that’s another subject.
So yes writing helps me a lot. Reading fics helps me a lot. I’m not sure what the recipe is here because honestly I am in the same boat as you. I love this character more than anything and any other that I’ve loved and been in a fandom before so...this is hard for me too. And it’s fucked up. 
I also love making gifs for him though I don’t make anything good or special. Gifs I think can be lots of fun but also pain too-fun cause when you go to gif a moment you can rewatch half the episode (at least I do) and sad cause it can bring you some pain but at the end giffing is really Idk..rewarding. Except when people don’t reblog shit so that’s discouraging too hah.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a debbie downer.
To tell you the truth after years of being on here and in fandoms I realized this-I can create to soothe my soul from the pain, like from losing Bellamy but I don’t have to seek validation from people and post it. I can do it just to heal myself and not share it. When you share it what? You just get disappointed. That’s why I have 230 drafts. Half of them are unpublished headcanons. some of them are published fics with few readers or readers who yelled at me for writing sad stuff. the other half is stories i’ll never post. So I guess my advice is-
find something to get your hands on, to create, be it editing, giffing, writing, something to let the grief out, to soothe the wound inside you. and then you can decide if you want to share it or not. and even if you don’t it was inspired by the best character ever. 
He was loved, he deserved more, he did. But you can create worlds where he has more.
He can be held by his mom as a baby, he can be tucked in, he can be climbing up her leg and reaching for her arms, he can be cranky when he had his first tooth, or sad when he had to go to day care, he can be scared before his first exam and anxious as he grew up. He can be having nightmares and not sleeping when O was born, he can be terrified and feeling alone. He can have friends and be hugged and loved and have a first kiss, he can live in a house by the ocean with clarke with two beautiful kids and a dog and a cat for her cause she loves cats. Or he can be alone curled up in his bed just crying his grief away.
He can be anything that you wished for him, anywhere you wished for. 
Hope I helped some! 
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gemsofthegalaxy · 5 years
Disclaimer: I genuinely don’t mean to be a debbie downer, but I reserve my right to critique the stuff I watch on my own blog here on tumblr.com. If you don’t like that, feel free to block me or mute me with xkit or something. 
I totally get not liking to see negative things of stuff, I don’t like reading tons of negativity about stuff I like either But I also don’t like sitting quietly or being policed when I have critiques or negativity to express. Critique is allowed to be part of any fandom, and I have very strong opinions below, so consider this your warning. 
With that, I’m gonna share my overall thoughts and feelings on Flynnposter, and I’d say they land pretty neutral-to-negative when they’re put together. 
Was the episode entertaining? Yes. Did I have a lot of little problems with it that kind of add up to me being overall underwhelmed and a bit unimpressed? Also yes. 
What I liked most about the episode was that it was funny, and charming, and Eugene looked VERY good in that new outfit. 
But there are just too many little irksome things!! I get so frustrated with this show. 
First of all, it IS a slap in the face to Cassandra, and honestly the rest of the guard, to make Eugene and then Lance Captain and Acting Captain, respectively. As usual, the motivation comes more from the writers just wanting Eugene to be the Captain more than anything within the narrative, in my opinion.
I do not agree with the sentiment that Eugene has developed a lot as a character, I don’t think he’s super responsible, and I don’t think he’s done anything to deserve being Captain or even earn the trust of the (former) Captain of the Guard, at least not any more than anybody already on the guard. I find him one of the most static characters, which honestly isn’t even a negative assessment of him? It’s okay for him to remain relatively stable, Cass and Rapunzel are the ones who need the growth. More on this later. 
I want to take a moment to say a bit about the Former Captain. I have an extremely difficult time pinning him and his motivations as it is, and this ep is no different. My honest opinion is he’s a rather weak side character who keeps doing these plot-important things that don’t line up with how important he actually is, but that’s getting on a tangent, so I’ll leave it at that. 
Back to Eugene. I reblogged a post earlier saying he’s a doormat and that is SO true, and I want to dive into that a bit more. If he did develop some, I’d like for him to grow more of a spine, but I don’t think he has a choice when he’s opposite to Rapunzel. 
Eugene doesn’t even want to be the Captain much, but Rapunzel wants him to, so he does. As well, at one point, he gets upset about his ‘legacy’ being co-opted by another person, essentially identity theft. That was his life, and his identity, and then he has jokes made about his Ego and Rapunzel just completely shuts him down by moralizing about how being a thief is bad so he shouldn’t feel connected to or positive about his past, despite the fact that was his life for literal years and years. I was not a fan of that. 
On that note, I have some very serious problems with Rapunzel’s characterization, and they were showcased in this episode. I don’t think she ever learns a lesson, and she’s incredibly selfish. This show has taken one of my favourite Disney princesses and made her somewhat insufferable at times. Everyone says she’s so considerate but she really, truly is not. It’s her way or the highway, at all times, and why? Because she’s gonna be Queen? Sorry if I’m not on board with the total rule of the monarchy, and she doesn’t deserve to make 100% of the decisions for her friend group at all times. Okay, another tangent over. 
Eugene isn’t even GOOD at being the Captain. The first thing he does is make Lance, his best friend, Acting Captain. And do not get me wrong, I love Lance, I always want more of him, and I know because this is Disney it was all played for laughs, BUT- as Acting Captain, Lance caused a huge fucking explosion in Corona. He was a terrible danger to the Kingdom and he hurt himself? And Eugene never even found out about it? What kind of Captain is he going to be? I know, I know, hilariously funny goof I guess and this show is for Children, right? It has to be Funny!!! 
And, time for the last tangent: But if the show is for children maybe it should do a better job of writing morals into the story that aren’t, oh, I dunno, “If you’re a Princess everyone should listen to you at all times and you don’t actually have to take your friends feelings or opinions into consideration or actually grow as a person ever”. not even to mention the underlying tension of Cassandra’s whole storyline being about her trying to rise above being a servant. I guess “don’t repress your emotions” is a fine moral, but there were in fact times Cass tried to talk to Rapunzel about her feelings of being in the shadows all the time, and it got her nowhere. So. Not great morals there either, as I see it. 
Overall, Flynnposter was just fine and pretty funny on the surface level. But it doesn’t hold up to my deep-reading of it, because it ends up feeding into the same gripes that have really weighed on the show during the 3rd season. And i know there are people who agree with me, but it’s fine if others don’t. I just want a place to talk about it. 
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effortiswhatmatters · 4 years
Do you have to be such a methodical Debbie Downer in people's art? Like how dare you try to squash someone's creativity on FICTIONAL characters. Sanders Sides are supposed to be imaginary... If someone wants to give a bit of detail and background to a character THEY CREATED based on a FICTIONAL character. Why do you feel the need to invalidate it?
Here’s the thing, anon, I don’t feel the need to invalidate it.
You make it seem like I had some evil plot to police what AUs people can post on Tumblr. I would never dream of doing that intentionally. If you scroll back on my Tumblr, I’ve made some pretty canon-divergent AUs too.
Having said that, I realize that the comment I made was uncalled for and does make it sound like I’m trying to invalidate OP’s amazing art and epic description with my pedantry. My blog is very small and usually only my close friends would look at my posts and they’d understand that I like the art and am just being a smart-alec for the sake of posting a substantive comment. Even though I know it’s a public reply, it slipped my mind that people would actually look at my reply and take it the wrong way. It was in no way methodical.
You are valid for seeing my comment the way you did, though. It does read as very mean on second look. I deleted it. It’s hopefully not there anymore. If Tumblr still shows it somewhere, just know that I don’t stand by that comment anymore. I know now that I should think about what my posts mean before I post them and not after I get mean anon asks about them that ruin my day. I’m sorry.
@rondoel I don’t know if you took my reply to your King Creativity artwork the way anon did or if you even saw it. When I saw the description, I wasn’t thinking “the idea of an old Dark Side legend doesn’t make sense in canon and therefore this description is invalid.” I was thinking “the idea of an old Dark Side legend doesn’t make sense in canon but it would make such a cool AU and I want to see where OP goes with this. I’m very sorry that I wrote something that sounded like the former. Words can hurt, and I stupidly chose the words that hurt. I love the art you make and I would be crushed if you stopped making it because of something I said.
Or any artist or writer, really. This fandom has so much creativity in it and I’ve taken that for granted so often.
My comments aren’t always expressly appreciative, even though they should be. A key smash is how everyone else expresses their extreme appreciation. But I can’t do that because it doesn’t feel genuine when I’m the one that’s keysmashing. I often go for just “I love it!” but then I look back on my blog and it looks to me like that’s wrong too. So I try to think of unique ways to show my appreciation. Something that relates to the content itself. Sometimes they’re poorly thought out and they backfire, like the one anon saw. It’s like when I giggle during a serious occasion and I’m a bad person for not taking it seriously, when I am taking it seriously and I really could not control that giggle. I don’t always have the energy to sound enthusiastic enough about the media I love, when I owe it to the creators of that media to be enthusiastic. I’m really, really sorry to everyone who I’ve been a bad fan to.
Sorry for such the long post. I’m really emotional right now and I’m so scared that any response will be read the wrong way and you guys will think my apology is fake. I also cannot be concise for the life of me. If I missed something or there’s something I could have explained better, my askbox is still open. Yes, even on anon.
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thelegendofclarke · 5 years
You're 100% right about Sansa being alone but that's why the open ending is good imo! She's crowned queen, that's the last we see of her, we don't know what happens one week from then. Or month or year. Who returns. Someone new or someone old. Anything is possible! I refuse to be sad for the qitn because I know she'll find her happiness!
oh man lol, okay… this is really difficult to explain to people who aren’t like this (and trust me i wish more than ANYTHING that i wasn’t Like This), especially in fandom. but omg i am TERRIBLE with open endings; they drive me I N S A N E.
i know (trust me after the last few days, i know) that this is not a popular position to have lol. but it’s just how i am. i know most people in fandom ARE, but i’m just not a creative brain; some cute word play in a legal memo is about as creative as i get. to me the end of the story is the end of the story. so technically i don’t know that Sansa finds her happiness. we can hope it, we can assume it, we can headcanon about it, we can hold prayer circles and chant incantations for it, but i will never know for sure.
and honestly, the thing about open endings is that they can be interpreted in negative ways too. there’s also the possibility that the Stark kids might not ever see each other again, that Jon and Arya will never come back to Winterfell, that they do end up being separated indefinitely. like, if i am perfectly honest, i interpreted Jon’s final scene as him turning his back on his past life and leaving it all behind to start a new one. we don’t know. fore me, to not really and truly know the ultimate fates of these characters i that love SO MUCH in this story that i love SO MUCH is really difficult. and the fact that GRRM has confirmed on multiple occasions that the ending of the book series will generally be the same doesn’t particularly help me feel any better about it lol.
like, i’m really not trying to be a debbie downer, but for me that is the reality of the situation in an open ending. and i’m NOT sad about Sansa being Queen in the North. i have literally been SO OBNOXIOUS about how Sansa should be Queen in the North over my time in this fandom. i am flipping THRILLED AF about it and it was always part of what i wanted her endgame to be. but just because i am really happy about that part of the ending, doesn’t mean there aren’t parts that can’t make me sad. those two feelings are not mutually exclusive.
i keep seeing the sentiment that people who don’t like the ending are just mad that everything wasn’t “tied up in a bow.” and i mean to a certain extent yeah, that’s true. it doesn’t have to be a neat bow, it doesn’t have to be a pretty bow, it doesn’t even have to be a totally complete bow, but SOME SEMBLANCE OF A BOW would be nice lol. because that’s what endings are; they are meant to tie things up, they are conclusions, they are answers to questions. and because of how i see stories, i really like to know those conclusions and those answers; i don’t want to keep on wondering anymore. even if the ending is one i don’t like, even if it’s one i don’t agree with, even if it’s one i hate, even if it’s one i never predicted or ever saw coming, i like having the ending.
and if i’m being honest here (not that you are trying to do this anon, just in general) it’s starting to really ~grate on my nerves~ that there is this insistence that everyone should be happy about everything about the Starks’ endings. yes, they are alive, and i’m THRILLED AF! yes, they all seem to be in situations that are well suited for them and, again, i am THRILLED AF! i’m not sitting here insisting that the Starks didn’t get a happy ending and that everything is terriblehorriblenogoodverybad. and i’m DEFINITELY not sitting here telling people they can’t like it or love it or be happy about it. but there are things that bothered me, and it would be really nice if the people who are sad and upset about some of the things in the finale were paid the same courtesy.
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I just want to say; I’m really sorry if my blog gets really bitter and negative about ED/Robron. I don’t plan on making loads of catty text posts 284428849 times a day as that isn’t really helpful, but if I get asks or whatever, then what I have to say probably won’t be sunshine and roses, but I’ll try to tag my posts accordingly.
I don’t really have anything favourable to say right now, and I’m naturally quite a....bitchy person. I’ve been filled with a lot of bitterness for a LONG time, just about life/my life and people in general, so....Like I get really really negative about stuff but I try to do it in an almost jokey way and make fun of it if I can.
 I don’t know.....I spoke the other day about how from the moment I threw myself into this fandom I tried to be super positive, and tbh it was always pretty easy for me, because somehow Robron just.....made me feel positive. I had so much trust and faith in ED that I always managed to see the positive side, which really goes against my nature.
That isn’t the case anymore, although I hope someday hope and positivity can return to me regarding Robron and everything.....but right now, I’m not happy. I’m really, really fucking bitter and once I start going on about it it’s hard to shut up right now.
I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I really don’t want to be a Debbie Downer and I’ll try not to be too much. But I just wanted to warn you guys, especially those of you who are somehow remaining positive. You guys make me so so happy, so thank you. 
I’ll tag all my angry/emo/bitter posts with #negativity, and if there’s any other tags you want me to use then please just ask. I’d rather that than you unfollowing me, although I understand if you want to do that (although, like I said, I don’t plan on talking about this too much, as while I believe venting is a good thing, there’s a difference between that and just.....constantly going on and on about something you hate. I mean people need to do what they need to do, but I don’t plan on doing that).
So yeah...this turned out way longer than I intended (as usual) but I just wanted to say something :)
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