#and i feel like there's no place these two madmen won't go
xjulixred45x · 11 months
Soft Yandere SatuSugu x Darling Reader: Aditional Headcanons
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral/ some hints of Female
Warnings: YANDERE THEMES, Much shorter than the previous one,SOFT YANDERE GETO SUGURU AND SOFT YANDERE GOJO SATORU, UNHEALTY MINDSET, OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR, MANIPULATION, Gojo's god complex (minor), canon Divergent (Geto doesn't get corrupted...complelty), Gojo x Geto x reader, strange amount of DOMESTIC FLUFF.
IF WE CONTINUE WHERE WE LEFT OFF, Geto and Gojo continue to take you out of the house monthly for nights out. They can even change it to daytime outings and make it a much more domestic family day with Megumi, Tsumiki, Mimiko and Nanako.
going to some amusement park, going for walks around the city, to the dog parks (you and Megumi connect a lot thanks to this)--
SHOPPING! Gojo and Geto become threats in this area, they will buy everything you, the twins and Tsumiki want. In your case you just have to look at something for too long and it's yours. Even if you try to avoid it, it's already yours ;)
(don't notice too much that they feel a little guilty for putting you in that state of depression in the first place but they are too selfish to let you go apart from the fact that you are too adorable and pure to be contaminated by the world ---)
Ejemejem EJEM....Lets continue.
They would also LOVE it if you wanted to try on clothes with them, although of course it will take a lot of effort to keep their hands to themselves.
If someone tries something on these types of outings (whether harassing or flirting with you), rest assured they won't do it again :)
although of course, they won't let you see it, but you know better than to believe it when they say "I'll be right back" that doesn't mean they're going to get water or go to the bathroom...
instead you just try to prevent the children from learning their "bad habits" translation: their possessive and obsessive tendencies, which is a difficult thing to do when 1- literally saved the lives of two of them and 2- literally saved the others for a clan of madmen, they are obviously quite skeptical at first with your warnings.
but because neither Geto nor Gojo make a REAL effort to make it seem that they are WRONG.
Mimiko and Nanako are the least suitable, but at the same time they are the ones who make the most effort to understand you and integrate you. So I don't see it as difficult for them to see through, at least, Satoru's behavior, and since before you used to have very prolonged depressive episodes. So they will be something like your allies and they were your main shoulder to cry on at the time.
Of course, they are not willing to see that Geto is not much better, but rather they are in denial.
Megumi is distant, which makes him the least suited of all of them to see what's wrong with all of this. He's barely with Satoru once he grows up, and yet he holds him in high regard, so the chances of him doing anything to help you are low to zero unless Tsumiki gets involved.
He doesn't hate you at all! You're the closest thing he's had to a stable figure, but he's not willing to risk Tsumiki for you, he's sorry, but that's the way it is.
Speaking of, Tsumiki is kind of like your best and worst option, because she IS the one who stops everyone in this house (except Geto and Gojo) from becoming Yanderes, but she can't do anything for you because she has no curse energy, she's worse than you in that regard. but she will always be there for you when you need a friend and want a tooth and nail ally (although the context is not favorable).
I also wanted to take advantage and delve deeper into Gojo and Geto in a way.
Gojo is much less condescending and more empathetic in this situation thanks to Geto, i had already said that, yes, but to make it clearer, we know that Gojo used to use Geto as his moral compass, distinguishing what is right and what is wrong.
For this reason, Gojo tends to imitate several of Geto's most pleasant behaviors when he realizes that this would be more pleasant for you until it come out in a natural way. I mean, Gojo has a lot of Geto and it is thanks to that that he is more empathetic with your situation, Geto helps him be more empathetic and kind.
While Gojo enhances Geto's positive qualities and removes possible negative qualities or thoughts that may bring them, any insecurity is CRUSHED by Gojo and thanks to this Geto is less paranoid than he could be.
Also thanks to this you are not completely isolated, because Geto fully trust that Gojo and he will protect you.
I don't need to say it, but I will, you are VERY spoiled. They are slowly turning you into a spoiled child (only without infantilization, that would be uncomfortable, they have children for God's sake) in the sense that everything you could want, you get (except maybe going out without any supervision). In general, one of their love languages is that, spoiling you.
That's exactly what they did when you first "moved" with them at first, they we're just so excited to finally having you that they wanted to do all at once, give you love, take care of you, spoil you, they even carried you from one side of State to the other just because they could.
Although at first being pampered is strange and somewhat nice, it quickly makes you feel somewhat useless by not being able to do ANYTHING yourself, add to the isolation (more or less about 2-3 whole years, you don't know, only that they graduated in that time) and you have a severe depressive episode(the one i talk about in the first part).
when you went into a that state, both of them, although they didn't show it, were TERRIFIED that you would try something....extreme, so to speak. So they spent a solid week helping you bathe, change your clothes, feed you, brush your teeth, etc.
Gojo seriously thought about giving you antidepressants, but at the same time he was scared by the possibility that they would fuck up your mind even more. That's when they made the plan and fortunately it worked.
They try to take better care of your mental health after that. Nowadays you can even go out apart from the monthly outings even with just one of them! something like more personal individual dates, for example, if you go to have coffee with Geto, chances are that that same week you will go to dinner with Gojo. Maybe these types of dates happen mainly when one is on a mission and the other stays at home.
They try to intersperse certain things to prevent you from being left alone, but when you do, they are constantly calling you or making calls on Sky. If they have to leave while you're asleep, they'll leave a joint voicemail saying how sorry they are that they can't say goodbye properly but that they'll make it up to you when they get home.
and you don't doubt that they will get home.
(You once tried to leave while they were on a mission together, but Geto's curses followed you everywhere, so nope, Even if they are physically there, you have no possibility to go out completely alone, although they are honestly not bothersome.)
When they get Home, expect the already high level of clingyness to increase and you won't be able to move all afternoon or AT LEAST until dinner time. but at least they tell you about the interesting things they did on the mission, bring you some (many) souvenirs and generally "make up for lost time" away from you.
If you had plans to start a family before, both Geto and Gojo definitely remember it and will want to know if you are still going with it. Of course, they were different circumstances, but surely you would like to start your own family with your husbands, right?
(all strictly consensual obviously, even if all this is quite shady, I REFUSE to believe that they would commit r@p3 against you)
If you don't want to, that's fine! They get it, they're a little disappointed not to see their little versions combined with you, yes, but they already have Megumi, Tsumiki and the twins, they can live with that.
If you don't want children but feel a little lonely, they can get you a pet! a cat or a dog to take care of all three but its main function is to keep you company. It's cute when they both arrive and see you snuggling with said pet (they definitely took photos and added them to the collection of cute moments)
their love for you does not diminish because you do not want children, if necessary it will multiply.
And additionally, if you take this route they would probably be filled with doubts about what would happen if they had accepted (things like possible miscarriages, postpartum depression, the possibility that you would die, etc.) and they feel WAY calmer about it.
If you decide that you are comfortable enough to have a child with each of them(and being an actual family someway)....god it would be chaos, in a good way?
Gojo would already be thinking of names, whether for his child or Geto's, it doesn't matter! He loved them the same, apart from the fact that he bought many MANY things for the children (the child was not even born and is already going to be spoiled).
You practically signed a deal with the devil, during the first months you can't even get out of bed! They practically bring you everything and are close to you 24/7.
Tsumiki gives you a hand to have some time alone at least. Megumi comes by from time to time to guard the house when Gojo and Geto leave, additionally asking you if Gojo is giving you trouble (fortunately not) and even leaving some cute stuffed animals (with protective seals).
Mimiko and Nanako are by far the most excited about this, although rather than asking Geto about the situation, they are more interested in what YOU have to say (obviously, Gojo and Geto too, but it's nice that the girls are so up to pending without being suffocating)
✨Scary Dog Privilge ✨ when everyone goes out for a drink when you start to have a baby bump, it's like a switch from "fucking scary" to "hiii sweetieeeee"
Gojo will shamelessly put his hands on your belly, but at least he'll be very careful when he does it. Geto always asks for permission, although if you say no often he will seem like a kicked dog and eventually you will have to give in.
once you have the baby, expect a LOT more gifts not only from Geto and Gojo but from their companions and members of other clans now that the Strongest have children, at least the twins, Megumi and Tsukimi take care of that while you, Geto and Gojo spend some time alone with the baby (no matter who it is).
(It goes without saying, if you have a baby, there is no WAY IN THE WORLD you can get away from them...although it's not really like you want to if you choose this route.)
I would like to say they don't teach their children their unhealty mindset, but again, they see nothing wrong with what they do bx you are happy(now) so it's your job(and maybe also Megumi's and Tsumiki's) to teach them how to love properly.
At least they won't stop you, they see it as the "old times way" but not neccesary Bad. They will still love their children (even if they're not yanderes or share the same view of love and world in general, they are their kids).
In short, they are not bad life companions at all! If only they could have started the relationship normally and controlled their jealousy, overprotection and paranoia in a healthy way......but they undoubtedly love you.
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Hope You like it❤️
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anonymergremlin · 1 year
I want to feel you
Well there you go guys. My smut oneshot with P x Fem!Reader. You could say it has a certain naughty plot that ends up with I think romantic and sexy... well S€X. I hope you like it and as always thanks for reading my stuff. WARNING! SMUT
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It has been like this for a few years. [Name] would leave the safety of the hotel in the morning, two blades in each hand, a firearm strapped to her hip, and the desire to fight again. Fight for the people of Krat, who had suffered far too long. Fight for the memory of her dear friend and the one she loved so much. This motivation was the only fuel left in her body to participate in this nightmare, even if it meant returning to the hotel exhausted and tired. But after the arrival of the good puppet, things changed, there were fewer puppets to fight, the number of madmen decreased and the hope in the people's eyes began to flicker again. Geppetto's puppet, P, is a blessing to everyone.
At first, [Name] kept her distance, watching the puppet from afar. By the way Lady Antonia looked at him and spoke to him, [Name] knew that the lady had the same thoughts as she did. His pretty face, his long chestnut hair, and the way he was built all looked way too familiar. Over time, she began to close the distance between herself and the puppet, to let him into her life and to open her heart to him. P is a useful companion, P is a chance for the desired end of chaos, P is a new beginning for her broken heart.
[Name] hadn't planned to go this far. She didn't think that she would end up kissing him after he came back from a dangerous mission, she didn't think that she would whisper sweet nothings into his ear every time he visited her in her little workshop in the basement of the hotel, and she certainly didn't think that she would want to take him back to her room to devour every part of his body. The young woman had opened her heart to him and he embraced it completely. As he became more human, he began to lean into her actions, becoming needy and romantic himself. He showed the effect of her gestures and words. It made her desire burn even more. Soon [Name] had to devour him.
The two lovers entered the hotel covered in blood and oil. It was now normal for her to be accompanied by him on what she called her hunts. P has to protect her, he wants to protect her, so [Name] had no choice but to let him go with her. Step by step they climbed the stairs, both of them heading for her room. [Name] opened the door slowly and walked in, taking off everything heavy from her tired body. Her coat hit the floor while her blades and weapon were carefully placed on a table. A sound of displeasure escaped her lips as she turned her head from side to side to relieve some of the pressure on her muscles. "Ahhh, it really hurts today. I should have been more careful."
"Mia cara."
[Name] turned around as the pet name finally reached her ears. Oh, by whatever god there is, she loved to hear him call her by that name. Her orbs focused on his face. She watched as his soft lips parted slightly and his eyebrows lowered to show his concern. "Oh, my love, it's all right. A little pain didn't stop me then and it won't stop me now," she said softly as she moved closer to him. Her left hand found its way to one of his cheeks, her thumb stroking the skin. She watched as he leaned into the gesture, moving his head slightly so that her touch reached every little spot. They stayed like this for a while before she moved in for a kiss. Their lips pressed against each other, both of their hands searching for a spot on each other's bodies.
It burns inside her. She needs him now.
With all the strength left in her body, [Name] pushed him and herself backwards. A light thud reverberated through the room as his back hit the wall. The tip of her tongue pressed against his lips, waiting for P to understand what was happening, or for a moment where he would open his mouth just slightly for her tongue to slip in. It wasn't a surprise to her that the second option became the true one. Without hesitation, she pushed her tongue into his mouth, swirling it around his as if she wanted them to dance. Unknown sounds, sounds she had never heard from him, left his mouth. The tongue kiss was a strange thing for him, but it felt so good. He began to mimic her actions, his tongue swirling around hers in a dance, playing with it.
They both stayed like this for a while until she pulled away. Thin strings of salvia hung from both of their lips, the young woman was breathing heavily, and from the way he was looking at her, she knew that he would probably be doing the same if he had to breathe at all. Her eyes swept over his body before she grabbed his coat. Helping him pull it off. "Come on, love. Let's take this to the bed," she whispered into his ear as she took his hand. [Name] pulled him close enough to her bed before giving him a little nudge. He felt backwards into the soft mattress, blue orbs still focused on her. If he had the ability to blush, he would look like a ripe, sweet cherry.
P watched as her hands moved over her body, slowly tugging at each piece of cloth that covered her skin. The puppet's eyes grew wider and wider as one piece after another fell off, until she was left with nothing but her natural beauty. "Do you like what you see, my love?" she asked him with a cheeky smile, slowly moving closer and kneeling on the bed right next to his two legs. [Name] sat down where his crotch would normally be and rubbed her lower half gently against him. She knew that P wasn't made like a normal human, that certain human parts didn't exist for him because they weren't considered necessary. But she didn't care, they would have their 'fun' in a different way.
The young woman leaned forward, her bare breasts pressing lightly against his chest. A few strands of his auburn hair found their way between her fingers. She played with them for a few seconds before planting a soft kiss on them. "You are so beautiful P, like a dream in the shape of a person, like a light that keeps you safe in the dark. You are simply amazing, my love". Her attention returned to his face, watching his reaction. Puzzled and enchanted, something she could read in his bright blue eyes. [Name] moved her face closer to his once more, kissing his lips before running her lips down the length of his throat and then stopping at his chest. Her fingers found their way under his shirt, carefully pushing it up to pull it off his body in one swift motion.
His chest was incredible. The skin looked so soft, so luminous and untouched. It felt like she was looking at one of those ancient paintings. A painting that summarised the word 'beauty'. The tip of her fingers rubbed circles into his skin, nudging him just slightly to see his reaction, and to her surprise, he did react. Soft, short gasps left his lips and his back arched slightly the more she touched him. It was beautiful, attractive and erotic, something that made the sensation between her legs burn even more. [Name]'s hands found their way into his trousers, pulling them down by the waistband. Now the puppet lay beneath her in his own naked glory.
Even without any significant human parts, without a cock between his legs, he still drove her crazy. A short moan escaped her lips, a blush covered her face. She couldn't hold back any longer. "P, my love, look at me. Look what you are doing to me." The young woman pressed her knees deeper into the mattress, moving her hips back and forth, rubbing her wetness against his body. The slight bulge beneath her, probably there to express a certain masculinity in the puppet form, felt so good against her needy clit. Her hands gripped his hips, using them to pull herself further into his frame. And he, he watched her satisfy her needs with his body while she made sure to give him a good time in return by letting him watch her. His eyes shone a strong blue, words wanted to leave his usually quiet throat, but they couldn't. The sight took his breath away.
"P… P!" she had moaned over and over again. His name fell from her lips as if it was all that was left in her mind. He watched as her pussy rubbed more and more against his artificial skin, leaving a wet trail that seemed to glisten slightly on his skin. Her two breasts bounced with every movement of her body, revealing what he thought was perfect roundness. The puppet loved to watch her show for him, he could feel a certain sensation running through his springs as he watched her. He was sure that if he were more human he would have felt the same thing, he would have felt aroused.
As he watched her continue to fuck herself with his body, a certain desire began to grow within him. He wanted to be more involved in this act. To be a part of her pleasure, away from the spectatorship and the enjoyment of the show. P placed one of his hands on her lower body, stopping her movement. He could see an unpleasant look behind her eyes. It must have been a bad moment for her pleasure, but he had to do it. With his other hand, he carefully pushed her off his body, allowing her body to fall beside him. [Name] wanted to raise her voice but was stopped by the feeling of cold metal touching her clit, rubbing it lightly with one finger while the other fingers found their way into her wet cave. "P! Ahhh… there. Yes, right there!".
His action came as a surprise. But not as much as the fact that he knew almost immediately where to place his fingers. P's movements with his fingers are gentle, exploring her pussy cautiously before having a slight idea of what to do. Fingertips rubbed over the tiny bundle of nerves, the same way his skin did when she rubbed against him. His other fingers entered her needy hole, stroking her inner walls in a circle of entry and exit. The puppet seemed to have grasped the concept of finger fucking far too quickly.
She moaned louder and louder, almost as if she were singing to him. His name echoed through the room. Again and again. His movements grew faster and stronger. The springs inside his body almost exploded at the sight of his lover. She was in total bliss. His lips pleased his lover with wet tongue kisses which followed the same rhythm as his fingers. The puppet desired all of this, and he wants it again and again.
After a while, [Name]'s nails began to crawl into his back, her body trembling and her moans becoming stuttering. With a final whisper of his name, she climaxed. Covering his metallic fingers with her juice. Her eyes closed for a moment before opening again to see her lover curiously holding his juice-covered fingers in front of his eyes. A small smile on his face. Making him look like he appreciated what he had done. To make him focus on her, [Name] pulled his hand slightly away from his gaze. Without hesitation, she placed his fingers in her mouth and licked off her own juices, knowing by the look on his face that his springs were responding again.
"My love… you are so good to me. But I am sure. We could do even more, P."
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tiny-crecher · 4 years
*realizes there’s going to be an Unus Annus April Fools video*
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general-cyno · 4 years
what's your favourite 2ha quote(s)? and if you feel talkative, tell us why?
The way I forgot the entirety of 2ha as soon as I read this ask lmao. But nah okay, I do have a lot of favorites though I can't remember most of them from memory (bc I have a truly shitty memory), thankfully I still have some screenshots in my phone so here we go:
"That's why later on I didn't realize - that as the days passed by, I had grown into the you in my heart." I just love how much of Mo Ran's character growth, even if he was the one who made the active choice to change, was still largely influenced by Chu Wanning. Especially considering all the misunderstandings and hatred from their past life.
"It was I who wronged you, I won't blame you, in life or death." and basically Chu Fei's entire dying speech bc it's so haunting and so heartbreaking. I like pain lmao. Someone made a cool analysis of it recently.
"There are many things in this world that cannot be decided just by looking at the surface. Sometimes, even the layer below the surface may not be the truth." boy, if I had to choose a quote to summarize 2ha it'd be this one.
"You can't even save yourself, how can you save others? / If you don't know how to save others, how will you save yourself?" Yeah babey Chu Wanning going tf off at Huaizui. I like it bc that's Chu Wanning at his core - it's also kinda Ironic since Chu Wanning may be kind to others but he's so harsh with himself.
"Two lifetimes, they belong to you. / No regrets." 279 is an angst fest but it's also one of my favorite chapters. Also the exchange between corpse TXJ and Chu Wanning in the last chapters that's similar to this one. "No matter Mo-Zongshi or Taxian-Jun, they're all you." (paraphrasing)
"I've only realized today that you're a madman, because only madmen can understand me." I think I've mentioned before that a personal peeve of mine is when ppl act like MZS is a whole different sweet innocent Mo Ran who spawned out of nowhere during Chu Wanning's 5 year seclusion. So I love all the reminders in the story that although he underwent a huge character development, his time as TXJ is not something Mo Ran can erase from himself. (Also why I think it's kinda poetic that TXJ stayed in the end but that's for another day).
Chu Wanning's "Hell is too cold, I'll die here with you." line from both 276 and 309 (I think) just. the parallel to TXJ's whole "I'll drag you to the grave with me".......oof
This whole scene which btw was what baited me into reading 2ha in the first place:
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Eight- Part Five
-A Month Later-
"Something's coming. Something angry. Something hungry for your blood," Mike reads out, "it is almost here."
Phina vaguely listenes to the boys playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading her book silently on the couch.
"What is it," Will asks.
"It's the Thesalhydra I'm telling you," Dustin tells him.
Lucas sits back in his chair, "it's not the Thesalhydra!"
"I'm telling you it's the Thesalhydra," Dustin argues with him.
Mike interrupts them and slams down a piece, "the Thesalhydra!"
"Damn it," Dustin yells, making Phina snort loudly at him.
"It roars in anger," Mike yells, "Will, your action!"
"What should I do," Will asks.
"Fireball him," Lucas yells.
Will looks over at Dustin, wanting his input as well. Dustin leans forward and contemplates.
Dustin smiles and looks up at Will, "fireball the son of a bitch."
Will looks over towards Phina, wanting one last answer before he decides. She feels his gaze, all of their gazes actually, and looks up at them.
"What should I do Phina," Will asks.
She glances between all four of them, contemplating for a few seconds. A smirk then graces her lips.
"Well, you know what I would do," she replied, holding up her hand and letting a very small flame dance between her fingertips.
They all smile, and Will nods, grabbing the dice. He shakes them in his palms and throws them to the table, rolling a 14.
Phina laughs as they all yell in victory, running around and screaming like madmen. Mike starts to narrate again, acting out the Thesalhydra's slow death. His dramatic performance ends with Mike on the floor. The boys cheer and Phina claps for them.
"Good job boys," she yells over them, Dustin bows towards her dramatically.
"Lucas cuts off the seven heads, and Dustin places them in his bag of holding," Mike narrates, "you carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Triston, he thanks you for your bravery and service."
"Woah, woah woah woah," Dustin interrupts, "that's not it is it?"
"Well there is a medal ceremony," Mike says.
"Oh a medal ceramon!" Dustin yells. "What are you talking about?"
"Yeah man, that was way to short," Lucas agrees.
"Yeah," Will shouts.
"It was ten hours," Mike argues with them.
"But it doesn't make any sense," Dustin argues back.
Mike shakes his head, "it makes sense!"
"Uh, no," Dustin shoots back, "What about the lost night?"
"And the proud princess," Lucas chips in.
"And the weird flowers in the cave," Will adds.
"I don't know," Mike tries to argue, "it's.."
He's interrupted by Jonathan coming down the stairs, "jesus, whats that smell? You guys been playing games down here all day or just farting?"
That gets giggles from the whole group, including Phina who closes her book and sets it on the table.
"No, that's just Dustin," Lucas jokes, making Dustin lose his smile, "he farted. Dustin farted, Dustin farted!"
Phina shakes her head and lightly hits Lucas' shoulder, "play nice."
He ignores her and she chuckles. Jonathan nods to Will who stands up to leave.
"See ya Will."
Jonathan looks over to Phina, "are you still going to come over for dinner tonight?"
"Yeah, I just need to go grab your guy's presents," Phina smirked.
"My mom's gonna be mad that you bought us stuff," Jonathan laughs.
"Well I knew you guys weren't gonna listen to our deal and buy me something so why would I listen," she laughs.
Jonathan shakes his head and ushers her and Will upstairs.
"I'll be out in a second," Phina tells him as she rushed up the stairs towards her room.
She quickly finds Jonathan's and Will's presents, but Joyce's was not in her room. Phina has a mini heart attack but laughed at herself when she remembered that her and Karen had wrapped it the night before, and it was still down in the living room. She rushed downstairs, passing Jonathan, Will, and Nancy.
"Are you ready yet," Will whined half heartedly.
"One more second," she shouts back at him, laughing at him.
She rushes into the living room, smiling brightly, and almost trips when she sees Steve Harrington on her couch. Him and Nancy had worked out their relationship, and Phina didn't know why that made her heart ache a little.
"Hey Phina," Steve smiles awkwardly as he stands to his feet.
"Hey," she says back, the cold tone she had reserved for him set in place again, less because her dislike of him, and more because she needed to convince herself that she actually did hate him.
His own heart ached at the tone, but he pushed it away, stuttering out, "I was actually about to come find you, I, uh, well."
He shakes his head and pulls out a small wrapped box from his pocket. He walks around the coffee table and stood in front of her.
"I um, got you this, as a, uh, thank you gift. You know, for what happened a month ago," he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
Phina looks at him, shocked, "you didn't have to, get me anything. I don't have anything to give you."
"No no, it's ok, I wasn't planning on it, but I saw it and I thought of you," Steve laughs, "that sounds weird, just take it before I say something stupid."
She laughs, "when don't you say something stupid Harrington?"
He shakes his head and hands her the present, "just take it Wheeler."
Phina adds the small box to her stack of boxes, grabbing Joyce's from the table as well, "I gotta go."
"Yeah," Steve smiles, "sorry for distracting you."
She shakes her head and turns on her heel, towards the front door. Phina hears Steve let out a breath as he sits back down on the couch. Before she left the room, she turned back towards him and smirked.
"By the way, that's a lovely sweater you got yourself there Harrington," Phina says sarcastically, and continues walking before he can say anything.
She passes her sister on the way there, both of them smiling brightly. Nancy gives Phina a small hug, careful not to crush the presents.
They say a little goodbye, which is interrupted by Will pulling Phina towards the door.
   "Okay, okay, I'm coming Will," Phina laughs.
   Will laughs as well, "you were taking to long."
   Jonathan smiles at the two of them, "ready?"
   Phina smiles and nods, "ready."
   They make their way out to Jonathan's car, Will insisting that he help with some of the presents, not at all because he wants to guess what she got him.
   "Nope, if you want to help you can open the door for me," Phina smiles, "you don't get to guess what this is until later."
   Will whines a little but rushes forward to open the door for her. She sets all the gifts down in the back seat, sliding in after them.
   "Phina you can sit in the front," Jonathan says.
   "Nah, Will can have it this time," Phina smiles, "but only because it's Christmas, it's reserved for the rest of the year."
   "Whatever," Jonathan chuckles.
   The two boys get into the front seats, obviously with Jonathan in the drivers side.
   "Alright, buckle up," Jonathan tells Will.
   Will complies, buckling his seat belt as Jonathan starts the car. He looks down at the present Nancy had given Jonathan.
   "Can I open it," Will asks him.
   Jonathan looks down at the present a little bashfully, which makes Phina smirk, and says, "yeah. Sure."
   Will rips open the paper, and Phina sits forward to look at it, even though she already knew what it was. He pulls off the paper revealing the camera.
   "Wow, pretty cool," Will says.
   Jonathan looks at it and smiles warmly, "yeah... pretty cool."
   His eyes find Phina's in the review mirror, "did you have any input in this?"
   Phina smirks a little, "I might have helped them pick it out."
   Jonathan smiles at her, "thank you."
   "Don't give me all the credit," Phina laughed, "it was all Nancy's idea."
   Jonathan blushes, which gets little chuckles from Will and Phina. He shakes his head and starts to drive.
   Phina leans back in her chair as Will starts to talk about the campaign the boys had that night. She watched the two boys interact, Jonathan smiling and being fully intrigued in whatever Will said. She loved these little moments, and she was glad she had them back.
   Phina sat on the couch, watching Will dig through the different presents.
   "Whatcha got there," Jonathan asks Will, "is that one yours?"
   "Yeah," Will says shaking the present he held in his hands.
   Jonathan held his camera to his eye, pointing at Will, "it's pretty big."
   He takes a picture and walks towards the dining table, "careful, you'll break it."
   Phina looks back as he takes a picture of Joyce, she looks up at him and laughs awkwardly, "What are you doing?"
   "Documenting," Jonathan chuckles.
   "Oh why," Joyce laughs.
   "Because," Jonathan laughs again, "it looks great."
   Phina stands up and walks over to join the two of them. Jonathan snaps a picture of her walking and she smiles at him.
   "This is so over cooked. And the potatoes are," Joyce lifts a spoonful of potatoes which just run off like soup, Jonathan takes another picture, "runny. They're so, runny."
   Phina chuckles, "I'm sure it's great Joyce."
   Jonathan nods towards Phina, "yeah, what she said."
   Will comes over to the table as they all begin to sit down, "it's definitely an Atari."
   "An a-whaty," Joyce asks.
   "The big present," Will says, "it's an Atari. I felt Dustin's today and it's the same exact weight."
   "Really," Joyce exclaims, "wow. Will just have to see. Won't we?"
   They all start to fill their plates when Will stands up again.
   "Hey, no more snooping," Joyce chides.
   "I just forgot to wash my hands," Will says, "I'll be right back."
   "Ok," Joyce says weirdly, "he's washing his hands?"
   The three of them chuckle slightly, but it has an undertone of worry. After what had happened a month ago, Will had changed, not a lot, but enough so that they noticed. They tried not to let it get to them, but they would never truly forget about it.
   So they pretended that it never happened, and lived their life like it was completely normal. It wasn't, they new that, but it was easier to pretend it was then to face what it truly was.
   When Will came back out, he looked a little bothered, but when Joyce asked about it, he denied that something was wrong. Jonathan defused the small bit of tension by bringing up the campaign. With that, they were back to pretending.
   After dinner the Byers and Phina sat in the living room. Phina gave each Byers their present.
   "Phina, we agreed on no presents," Joyce lightly scolds her.
   "Did you follow that agreement," Phina asks pointedly.
   Joyce chuckles, "well, no."
   "Exactly," Phina exclaims, "now open your presents."
   For Will, she had gotten a large pack of colored pencils. He had been using crayons for so long, she thought it was time to take a step up. For Jonathan, she got a bunch of film for his new camera, a new case for it, and a mixtape that she had made. Then, for Joyce, she had gotten her a locket, with a picture of all four of them together inside, and engraved on the back was Joyce-Mother of Three. She also framed a drawing of Joyce and Will that Phina had done a week ago. Joyce may or may not have started to tear up a little bit.
   Then, the Byers gave her their gift. It was relatively large, and Phina wanted to scold them. The Byers didn't have the most money, and due to the events last month, they weren't in the best place.
   "You guys," Phina whines, "you shouldn't have gotten me anything....."
   "No no no," Jonathan stops her, "open it."
   She pouts but starts to pull apart the paper. Her heart stops, inside was a full brief case of art supplies, and a new sketchbook.
   Phina looks up at them and smiles widely, "thank you guys! This is amazing."
   She puts everything down and stands up, pulling Joyce into a hug. Now it was Phina's turn to maybe or maybe not to cry.
   She pulls away from Joyce, only to be hugged by Jonathan and Will. Phina laughs as the squeeze the life out of her. It felt good for everything to be normal again, even if it was just pretend.
Seraphina Wheeler couldn't sleep. While the Byers family was all sound in their beds, waiting for Christmas morning to come, she sat on the porch of their home. She had a thick comforter wrapped around her, shielding her from the cold winter air. Phina had tried to sleep, she really did, but every time she closed her eyes, a haunting image flashed before her. She didn't know what to make of it when it first happened, maybe she was still traumatized from last months horror. No, that would be the easy answer, of course she just had to prove herself wrong.
She looked down at her brand new sketchbook, at the drawing that now marked the first page. A dark sky, lit with lightning, a shadowy figure lurking in the clouds, a single, almost tentacle like, arm of darkness reaching out. At the end of the arm was a small emerald flame, that was slowly dying, being suffocated by the darkness until it was no more.
Phina reaches up towards her neck, were a small silver chain now laid. On the chain was a small emerald flame, Steve's gift to her.
-2300 words-
Aaaaaaannnnnd!!!!!! That's it for season one!!!!! I know I know, sad days, but don't fret, I am in the process of season two.
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