#and i feel so apathetic sometimes it's like i only go to get some attention bubt iikebwhat to i need it for
cookie-kat777 · 27 days
4 Minutes and the Great Depression
Now that we have seen Great's experiences in the original timeline and get to see more of Great's "true" character, I feel like people are really misunderstanding him and his behavior. I see a lot in the tags about his actions being that of a spoiled and selfish asshole rich kid--and he probably is--but I think there is more going on here.
Maybe people aren't seeing it because they haven't personally experienced this, or at least not in this particular way, but I have: Great is depressed.
Depression doesn't always present as rotting in bed and being unable to perform basic self-care. Sometimes depression can look like a generally functional person, who underneath the facade is numb, self-destructive, apathetic and overall disregarding of his or her own well-being. Depression can feel like you are anesthetized to reality, like there is a barrier between you and the world around you. You aren't fully present, things don't fully feel real; even your reaction time can be slower (ex. Manee, Dome, Nan).
I believe that Great doesn't appear to care about anything that's happening because he is experiencing all of the above, and is also maybe a little manic (judging from his impulsiveness).
There are clues that he is indeed affected by what is going on: he can't sleep, he needs anti-anxiety meds, he's drinking alone. He doesn't express this more obviously because, as we've seen, no one in his life really gives a shit about him. Not his parents, not his friends. Who is he going to talk about his feelings with? Korn might be the exception, and we do see that they spend time together, but Korn also has a lot going on; he doesn't have a ton of time for Great.
It seems like Great has been emotionally neglected for quite some time. He desires acceptance, love and attention from his parents so badly, but he only ever gets scorned and rejected. A situation like that is the perfect cocktail for depression.
The biggest indicator for me that this is not some cut-and-dry case of rich kid entitlement is that, in the 4 minutes timeline, Great expresses a different personality. He is not just going over his past decisions that led him to this point of near-death and correcting them, he is also adorning these visions with the things his heart yearns for. He gets to be softer, more open, more vulnerable. He reaches out for connection, care and intimacy with another person and finds it returned. He (ironically) starts to come more alive again inside as the clock ticks closer to his death.
I think 4-minutes Great is who Great could be (or thinks he could be) if given the opportunity. Someone who is braver, more upstanding, more gentle, more sensitive. Someone who gets to go on cute dates with cute boys and take home matching cat doll souvenirs. Someone who gets to have tender sex in a glamping tent with soft lighting.
Anyway, I'm not bringing all of this up to excuse his actions or defend him. I just think Great has a few more layers than people might be giving him credit for.
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c0la-queen · 6 months
Heya, I just sort of stumbled across your blog and I’m genuinely so impressed by how good your writing is! I ended up binge reading a bunch of your works lol. I was wondering if I could request something for Eddsworld? Honestly, your last Tord piece has been stuck in my mind so I was thinking of a situation where the reader is either uncomfortable because of some other guy or even something more dangerous like being followed and Tord ends up being involved. I know it’s really cliche but I’m interested in how he would handle it and what he would prioritise first. Obviously, I know you’re gonna be busy for a while so don’t feel pressured to get this done soon or at all if you don’t feel up to it. Hope you have a wonderful day/night ❤️
HIII OMG reading this made me so giddy!! I had free time this weekend and your request got my neurons firing so I HAD to write a piece for this right away!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words, and I hope you enjoy it! Mwah mwah!
Scary Dog Privilege | Tord x Reader
Warnings: Creepy incel guy, heavy misogyny, homophobia if you squint, I cringed writing this guy, Tord makes a threat
Words: ~1.9k
The windows were down on Tord's car, letting the breeze in. It whipped your hair around, sometimes blowing a few strands into your face. It only made you giggle. A huff to your right drew your attention to the driver's side. Tord had one hand on the wheel, his other arm rested on the windowsill. His vape was in his hand.
"What are you laughing about over there?"
He blew a cloud out of the window before answering you.
"You're being silly. It's cute."
You settled back in your seat as you came to a stop at a red light. Without the rumble of the engine, the music playing from the speaker floated out into the town around you. You glanced at the display screen on the radio. fuK u lol by CORPSE. Your head bobbed as you took in the sights of the town. There was an older couple in the lane beside you. The woman seemed to be eyeing you suspiciously. It didn't bother you, though. You looked down, smoothing down the fabric of your outfit. White skirt, black tights, strawberry cardigan, and pink converse. Heart shaped earrings danged from your ears, and a matching heart shaped purse was at your feet. You felt cute and happy. Tord had, at least, put on a different outfit for your date, rather than wearing his usual red hoodie combo. It was still red themed, but you didn't expect any less. If your boys were anything, they were consistent.
You and Tord had always been opposites in most things. He was all doom and gloom, ice cold glares, vapes and cigarettes, black clothes and heavy rock music. He was blunt, he seemed apathetic, and often was rude. You were energetic and sweet. You loved bright colors and cutesy things. Cake and frappes with lots of whipped cream. You loved to share compliments with others, had a big heart, and cared deeply for others. That's not to say that you and Tord were incompatible - your relationship had been going strong for a couple of years now. Your opposite traits seemed to balance each other out. When you got too overwhelmed or worked up, he was there to douse you with a healthy round of realism, grounding you back to the present and calming you down. You were there when he started to feel like he wasn't himself, when he started to slip back into the person he was forced to be in the cold winters of Norway, you reminded him of the warmth of home.
And, over time, you developed similarities. Before you met him, you had dipped your toes into anime, but he let you watch them with him and soon it became a tradition of yours to binge-watch shows together. Tord had stopped drawing since high school, but watching you mindlessly doodle on blank paper while he tinkered away at his work desk reminded him of the joy it had brought him as a teen - so he started again. Plus, he had a brand new muse this time. Or if there was things that one of you enjoyed doing that wasn't quite the other's thing, that was okay too. Tord would sit at the kitchen table while you baked, scrolling away on his phone and occasionally showing you Tik Toks that you'd like. You would sit on his lap while he played PC games, either playing calmer games on your Switch or watching his gameplay until you fell asleep.
It looked strange to others, but for you and Tord, it worked.
You zoned back in as the car pulled into a parking space. Tord turned to you as he parked.
"Where'd you go, hm?"
"Nowhere. Just thinking of you."
Tord gave you a scrutinizing look, attempting to see if you were lying to him or not. (He always said you had a knack for downplaying your feelings. You insisted you had no idea what he was talking about.) Seemingly satisfied with what he found, he hummed and shut off the engine. You climbed out of the car, stretching out your legs.
The manga store that you and Tord liked to frequent was only a 20 minute ride into town from your neighborhood. It wasn't a little hole-in-the-wall, five sets of aisles in a tiny room type of place. This store was actually fairly popular, seeing an average flow of customers throughout the day. It helped that the owners had implemented a café area, where you could order anime character themed drinks.
The girl working the café counter waved at the two of you as you walked in. You smiled and waved as you walked over. She was familiar with you, since she worked on a lot of the days that you came in. You and her got along really well.
"Hi, Ruby! You dyed your hair a new color! The lavender looks really good on you."
"Thank you! I did love the red, but it was starting to get a little boring for me. Thought I'd spice it up."
She set down the equipment she was cleaning and walked over to the register.
"You guys gonna have your usual or do you wanna try something new?"
Tord was likely going to just have his usual drink, but you decided to give a new drink a chance. You looked up at Tord.
"I wanna try the Squirtle Sour Candy Boba."
He nodded, then ushered you off to the aisles. That's how things usually went during your outings here. He'd order your drinks while you went wandering off into the aisles, and he'd find you after the drinks were ready. It had taken a bit of argument between the two of you for you to give up trying to pay for your own drinks - he was just as stubborn as you were sometimes. You came to a compromise, though, when he let you buy your own manga and merch.
As usual, your first pit stop was to the romance manga. There weren't too many other customers - an older alt couple looking at the Jojo manga, a teenage boy at the BL section, and a small group of teenage girls giggling softly in the isekai aisle. You hummed softly as you looked over the covers, seeing if anything new caught your eye. You stopped once you reached the section you were looking for. Komi Can't Communicate.
You crouched down so you were level with the more recent volumes. Most of the time, you bought three volumes at a time. You huffed softly when you realized that this time, they were missing one of the ones you needed. Volumes 12, 13, and 15 were there - but no volume 14. With an exasperated sigh, you reached out and picked up volume 12, only to nearly drop it when a voice startled you.
"You know, there are more tasteful series that you'd probably enjoy more than that one."
You looked to your right. Someone had walked into the aisle with you when you weren't paying attention. It was a man, looking to be in around his 30s or so. You could feel yourself fight back a physical reaction to his appearance, and not in a good way. He had on what you could recognize as a Deadpool shirt on underneath a black zip-up hoodie that looked like it hadn't been washed in far too long. The ensemble was topped off perfectly with a leather necklace cord and a metal pendant that you would've guessed was a Naruto symbol of some kind (admittedly, you had never watched Naruto, and Tord mentioned that it wasn't really worth it in his opinion.)
Alarm bells were going off in your head at the sight of him.
"Oh. Is that so?"
As you stood up straight, you gave him a smile that you hoped wasn't too obviously forced. If he noticed, he didn't care.
"Since you're here by yourself, clearly you're a female of sense. You should start off with Dragon Ball. It is the very zenith of anime culture, and anyone who hasn't experienced it doesn't deserve to call themselves an anime fan."
Your alarm bells got louder.
"Actually, um, I know what Dragon Ball is. I've watched it since I was little - my older sibling showed it to me."
You hated the way an excited glint flashed across the man's eyes. He stepped a little closer to you.
"It seems I was right about you. You do have taste. It's not every day I meet a female who is familiar with real anime. Usually its only females who have been brainwashed by social media to think that they're bisexual, who come in here to read trash like Haikyu."
He stepped closer again. You tried to subtly shift backwards.
"Shows like that shouldn't even be categorized as anime. Its all woke propaganda that makes females change their dating standards for submissive men. But I can tell that you're different. You-"
"There you are."
Something solid and warm pressed against your back. You felt yourself immediately relax in Tord's presence. Turning to him, you gratefully took your drink from his hand.
His eyes weren't on you.
Tord was staring down the man in front of you, eyes the color of cold steel. He was easily taller than the other man, and definitely stronger. The man seemed to cower slightly.
"I was, uh, just talking to the lovely girl here-"
Tord cut him off by saying your name. Only when you tilted your head back to him did he finally glance at you.
"Get your other two volumes."
He didn't need to tell you twice. Ignoring the now blubbering man, who was once again the focus of Tord's piercing gaze, you dipped down and grabbed volumes 13 and 15. You could look for 14 some other time.
"Go to the plushie aisle. I'll meet you there."
You only spared one last glance at the man before slipping past Tord, heading around to the aisle filled with plushies and other merch. You couldn't see or hear Tord and the man, and you weren't sure you wanted to.
Standing in front of the bin of plushies, you slid your phone out of your purse and pulled up your private messages with Edd. You typed out a quick message to him.
'Tord might beat a guy to death.'
Edd, who was working on some commissions today, replied fast.
'Nothing new. What was it this time?'
'Creepy guy wouldn't leave me alone. Gave off incel vibes.'
'Yikes. I'm on Tord's side. Hope he kicks the guy's ass.'
Before you could continue the chat, you felt arms wrap around your waist. Tord rested his chin against your shoulder.
"You shouldn't tattle on me to Edd."
"Edd doesn't care, as long as you don't get yourself hurt. What did you do to the dude?"
Tord huffed. He was grumpy.
"Told him that if he was ever a creep to you again, I'd saw his balls off with a rusty scalpel and shove them down his throat. It was effective. He ran away, like a little bitch."
Despite it all, you couldn't help but giggle. You turned, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
"My hero. Let's go look at the Jujutsu Kaisen section."
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Wait but can i please ask for a darling that can speak a language that her captor( especially Nobunaga or Uvogin) can't ? 🥹
Like she speaks Vietnamese so everytime that dude try to hugs her or random shit and she said "Cút ra coi" ( please fuck off) and he can't understand! Maybe he will be mad since her tone is carrying alot of attitudes.
Since Vietnamese have ALOT of cursed words so i think i can bullied them and get away with it sometime...
You don't have to do this if you don't want to but if you did, thank you alot. I recently go crazy with your blog, you are so talented 😭🙌. Love and support from Vietnam!
As a preface, my native language is English, I speak a passable amount of Spanish, and I'm minoring in German at my university but I'm not nearly proficient, so I'm not exactly the expert in being fluently multilingual, but I'll try my best with this one!
As with most things, different yanderes have different feelings regarding this ability of yours. By and large, they find it wonderful - you're just so smart, so capable and wonderful and hearing the way the syllables and phrases fall from your lips gets them shivering, their heart racing in their chest because god, you sound heavenly. Even if the language is harsher sounding, or isn't considered the most alluring - it's seductive to them, sensual, sexy.
But, of course, you're only supposed to use the other language(s) at certain times. On their terms. When they want to just admire you and not understand what you're saying. When you're just supposed to look pretty, to be gorgeous and wonderful and perfect.
But the rest of the time, speak what they understand, yeah?
Because really, the worst nightmare of most yanderes is to be unable to understand what you're saying - they crave your attention and interaction with you so deeply and desperately that they can't stand not having a clue of what you're saying. Every thought you have feels precious to them, like some sort of cherished, rare commodity that they absolutely can't waste.
But of course, each yandere is different, so let's discuss!
Some are genuinely ambivalent. The lucid yanderes really fall into two main categories; apathetic, and paranoid. The more apathetic, laid-back yanderes think it's good that you're speaking in a language that makes you more comfortable. They want you to feel comfortable and happy around them, after all, and if this is the way to make that happen, so be it. This is a very small price to pay to make you like them more - they can't understand what you're saying, sure, but it's good for you to be able to vent, to be able to speak all your feelings - even if they wish they could hear every single word. Besides, you look nice when you're speaking - they like to watch your lips, the different sounds making them pucker and smack and look soft and warm and delicious. A few yanderes who react in this way include Franklin Bordeau, Pakunoda, Uvogin, Hajime Iwaizumi, Gyomei Himejima, and Shouta Aizawa.
Some of them are paranoid that you're saying things about them, calling them horrible names and expressing your hatred for them. Mostly, this stems from the yandere's own lucidity and shame for how they feel for you. It's wrong to be so obsessed with you, and even further wrong to have kidnapped you and forced you to stay with them for the rest of your life - of course you're angry, and it's healthy to vent your feelings. Except, there's this sense of diminished control when you're ranting and raving in another language, because even though you sound pretty, what are you saying? You aren't using their name, sure, but you sound mad, and they're the only possible cause. Are you calling them a monster? Telling them they're hideous and disgusting and some sick freak? You're well within your rights to do so, sure, but they want to at least know what kind of insults you're throwing their way. Overthinking and anxiety get the best of them, and they start forbidding you from speaking another language - on the grounds of it being unfair or some other horrible, childish excuse. Mostly, they just don't like the idea of you harboring hateful feelings for them without even knowing about it. It's scary, and even if it sounds pretty and makes them gush over you, it's not preferable. A few yanderes that come to mind for this category are Feitan Portor, Obanai Iguro, Tobio Kageyama, Kenji Futakuchi, and Tomura Shigaraki.
Some are utterly fascinated. Watching you speak another language can captivate them for hours, and they'll be bugging you to explain everything you're saying, perched at the edge of their seat because they want to understand this piece of you. They'll want you to teach them a little bit - just a few phrases, to start, but you'll find that they've gone and done some research of their own, quickly getting a feel for the language because it's your language and they want to impress you - and will begin actively trying to use it in their everyday interactions with you. The phrases they prioritize are I love you, you are beautiful, you are mine, and come to bed with me. (And of course, depending on the language, that last one can have a whole wealth of different connotations.) It makes them feel connected to you, like there's some special thing binding you two together - particularly if it's a language that's less commonly spoken. It's like some secret you two share, and for the more possessive yanderes, it's just another claim of ownership over you - they can be involved in every part of your life, slowly seeping their presence into every little thing you do - even something as natural and personal and raw. A few yanderes who take this approach are Chrollo Lucilfer, Kurapika Kurta, Koushi Sugawara, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Hizashi Yamada, and Taishiro Toyomitsu.
By and large, most yanderes have positive feelings towards your ability to speak another language - it just makes you more special, and convinces them that you're even more worthy of their attention and attraction.
Besides, when you say their name with the accent it would be spoken in your language?
Well, it's your fault when they're throwing you onto the bed and kissing you like they'll die without you.
(Also I am sending you hugs and kisses, thanks for supporting my blog from Vietnam!! As for Nobunaga, I have mixed feelings about where to place him on this listing - I think he'd like the idea, initially, because you just look so damn cute when you're speaking your language, especially when you're cursing or frustrated. But the moment that you say something he thinks might be about him and might be even a bit negative, suddenly those endearing feelings are changing. Suddenly he's growing defensive, hostile, suspicious, demanding you tell him what you said and thus falling into the second category mentioned above. I think he's a hard yandere to categorize for most things because his delusional mindset makes him a bit unpredictable, but that would be my guess!)
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Little late to the party as always but I'm here for the father's day prompt.
Geez… The fathers of Moral Orel….
First of all, I agree that I want to see Karl's character expanded.  I mean, he's a really bad father, but mostly I want to know why he's a father.  Why did Karl and Kim decide to have Doughy?  Was it an accident and they carried to term, took care of him for a while, then abandoned him because it would lead to less judgment than not keeping the baby would have?  Or did they have Doughy on purpose because it's the logical next step after getting married, and all the cutest couple have a baby because babies are cute, and then they realized that a child was a lifelong commitment and a responsibility they didn't want, so as soon as he was out of that cute baby phase and didn't make them look like an adorable couple with something helpless to nurture, they pushed him to the side?  Karl certainly doesn't like him in the house, so maybe he liked the idea of a baby before he realized a baby demands a lot of attention from its mother and he got jealous and angry and kicked him out as soon as he could?  Idk, but it's a question I would love to see answered.
Another father in the show that I think is super underrated is Sal Figurelli.  He has two kids, his wife ran out on him once, and he's part of the only black family in Moralton.  And yeah, the Figurelli's are the focus of God's Image, but it's not actually about them.  It's a criticism of using religion as an excuse to be racist, which is a good message, but I think it raises more questions than it does answers.  We know Mr. Figurelli is a hard worker and business owner who doesn't let things get to him despite the odds the town throws at him, but we don't know what his relationship is with his children beyond 'they work with him sometimes' and 'Billy trusts him enough to run to him when Susie hits him', but their mom wasn't home when that happened so who knows who he chooses when the opportunity arises.
I also wish we had seen more of Tommy's family in general, especially his dad since his mom was shown much more in "God's Blunders."  They seem to really care about their son, they're just so mired in the dogma of Moralton to actually put that love into action.  And Tommy being so smart and curious makes me wonder if his dad used to bring him home books because he asked for them.  I can really see Tommy's parents getting him the science books he asks for to make him happy, even if they think his IQ is too low to actually understand what he's reading (even though that couldn't be further from the truth).  Idk, I know the Littlers aren't the best parents to Tommy, but given the other parents of Moralton, they actually seem like some of the good ones.  I mean, they could stand to listen to their son more often, because if they did they'd realize just how brilliant he is, but at least they're willing to spend time with him and they do things to protect him when they think he might be a danger to himself.  I demand to know more about Mr. Littler.
Then, there's my obvious curiosity about Art Posabule.  If he's the Bloberta to Christina, I wonder what his brand of neglect entails.  I like to imagine that Art is largely apathetic to his family and would rather lock himself in his study and drink.  The only reason I even think Art spanks Christina the way Clay spanks Orel is because Poppet tells him to and he doesn't care enough to argue about it (my big headcanon about the Posabule household is that Poppet feels that she needs absolute control of her family, from choosing what they wear, to dictating where they go, to even wanting a lock on every door so she can control who can come in/leave rooms, and Art is a huge enabler who never says no to her because he doesn't feel the need to).
Also, Bloberta's dad.  I would say that he seemed like a good parent that was only held back by what an abusive relationship (to what extend, I don't know, but definitely emotionally), but I do think he might actually be playing favorites also.  Maybe it's out of spite; a sort of "my abuser like these children, so I'm going to choose the one she doesn't like as much" but even so, I feel like the roles would be swapped if he were the one in control instead of his wife.  He was a good dad to Bloberta, which is great!  But I feel like if he had his way, then Lunchbox and Modella would have been the miserable ones.  Maybe I'm wrong, and he would have loved them all equally, but it's hard to see, since we only see him after he's already been broken into a nervous wreck who can't even accept love from his own daughter because he's so anxious and traumatized. Kinda wonder if his choose to marry his wife was just as pressured onto him and manipulative as Bloberta was to Clay. It would be interesting because then his beloved, favorite daughter would have turned into the same monster that hurt him so much, and seeing her neglect her kids the way her mother neglected her might actually break his heart, given how much he cared for her. I'll bet he feels really sad and guilty because he couldn't get his wife to treat her better, and then Bloberta wasn't able to break the cycle. I know Bloberta is a grown woman who made those choices on her own, and there's no one to blame for her neglect towards Orel, Shapey, and Block besides herself, but I get the feeling the abuse he went through would make him think it was his fault. I just feel for the guy so much, tbh. His wife is a horrible abuser to him and Bloberta, and given the way she snapped at Modella when she thought she sang off-key, possibly all her children, and he seems to blame himself for not stepping up even though nobody, not even the viewers, knows what she might do if he does step up.
Anyway, this is far too long and SO wordy but I'm very curious about the side families in Moral Orel.  They all seem to have their own problems, so it's interesting to see fathers like Mr. Figurelli and Tommy's dad, who aren't always fantastic but do seem to genuinely love their kids.  It's a shame we didn't get to see most of them as fathers.
(Also as an extremely side note, it would have been interesting if they expanded upon Marionetta's family, since we know she has a baby sister and a dad, but we never saw her mom.  So shout out to Marionetta's dad for being the only other single father in Moralton besides Putty?)
god this needs to be explorered more in this fandom!!
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Craig from South Park romantic concept, please?????
Sure! Aged up as usual, this may take place after a break up with Tweek but it's left vague. Up to you! Hope you like it anyway.
Yandere! Craig Tucker Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Threats, Murder, Slight jealousy, Forced relationship.
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Craig is someone who's hard to read.
He's stoic and apathetic, he rarely shows emotion unless it's something like anger.
He's also rarely smiling and often looks bored.
In fact he prefers to be left alone.
If he had an obsession it would be under the radar for a long time.
Craig wouldn't show it to anyone including his obsession.
Craig would be observing and slightly jealous at times.
It's really hard to get a yandere behavior for him as he isn't very emotional.
He's unpredictable which makes him a bit of a wild card to his darling.
Not even close friends really know what he's thinking in terms of you.
Craig would stalk but not really obsessively.
Some days he just wants to follow you.
If you ask about it he'll say it's a coincidence or tell you not to worry about it.
You'd think he hates you as he has such a blank and bored stare.
He also flips you off sometimes.
Craig does care for you, it's just in his own way.
Unpredictable yanderes can be dangerous.
They're either so insane they're unpredictable...
Or they are nearly unreadable in personality.
Craig happens to be the second one.
Although the obsession is there.
He keeps note on who's around you from a distance.
Craig is a skilled fighter and is sometimes violent when pushed.
If he didn't like someone around you then he'd plan a way to beat them up.
Only then do they know how obsessive he is of you.
Craig has a crush on you but not many know it.
Mostly because if they did then they run the risk of Craig finding out-
Craig feels he'll tell you when he wants to.
For now he's happy just watching you from a distance.
Although at some point he is going to show more hints.
Craig is around you a lot more when he feels ready to ease into his crush.
You even become part of Craig's gang (Clyde, Jimmy, Tolkien, and Tweek I think).
It's strange to join the group but Craig says you'll fit in.
It's really just a way to get you closer.
When he is eventually affectionate, it's minimal.
Quick hugs, a kiss, arm over the shoulder, he isn't really one for it.
Craig just likes your company when he eventually gets you to date.
It takes awhile for him to show you he loves you.
Although he continues to beat people up around you in private.
His gang actually begins to fear the rumors about him.
Even Tweek starts to fidget more than normal.
You have no idea how dangerous Craig can be and he's next to you all the time.
Even when you're dating he's still violent.
You can only hope someone doesn't set him off.
He doesn't have anger issues, in fact it's hard to tell.
You just have no idea when he decides he's jealous enough to bother.
Craig is the type of yandere that's dangerous when he wants to be.
He'd pick fights or even murder in private and there's enough rumors that people stay away.
Which is fine for him, it keeps people away from you.
He likes that.
Craig probably would not kidnap unless he needs to and he's only affectionate in small amounts.
If you tried to leave him, he'd threaten you.
Not like a threat full of anger or sadness...
But a threat so void of emotion it frightens you.
In the most deadpan voice ever, Craig could threaten to lock you in his house or hurt your family if you left.
Which leaves you silent, almost peeing yourself, while Craig goes off to do something else.
While Craig is unpredictable he'll watch his behavior if you keep your attention on him.
You don't really have a choice anyways with his threats... which he will definitely see through to the end.
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bchanslvr · 2 years
hey! can i please request some fluff with harry potter? it can be anything you want! 💘
strawberry shortcake [hp x fem!reader]
word count — 2k (2, 954)
warnings — kissing, anxiety? overal no warnings
summary — you get a bad score and your loving boyfriend comes to the rescue to comfort you.
a/n — thank you for the request!! i couldn't think of an idea so i just came up with one from my own life. basically i had this test that i failed so my math grade from a b to a d.. and so i thought why not just use that and your request to create a fluffy harry x reader where he comforts the reader after a bad grade. i hope you enjoy. also i think i'd like to start writing on here again. and i swear i'll actually do ideas that you guys send me so please send any interesting ideas for me to do. also i tried to check for all grammar errors but im only human after all <3
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you felt like your eyes were going to bulge out of your head when you saw your history of magic score. god save me, you thought.
you were stupid. you had a week to study, yet like you always do, you procrastinated and studied for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
and of course the material didn't stick in your head, so you got a poor score on the test. gosh not even poor, it was a tragedy. 13/45? come on. your grade was going to be a disaster. especially so close to break and finals. what were you going to do about it?
your mind was racing a million miles per hour thinking of anything that can help, but you kept running into obstacles.
how about i go during my free time for tutoring? you thought. yes that'll be great! oh wait. i need to go on my plant in herbology. scratch that. how about i beg for a retake? oh who am i kidding? he hates me he'll never let me re-take. maybe i can tell him a sob story, and then he'll have to be sympathetic and help in some way. i know he doesn't do extra credit but-
"hey y/n" harry said walking over to you with his messanger bag in hand.
you stood there frozen for a minute before looking up to say "oh.. hi harry..".
and well, harry could be oblivious sometimes. well, most of the time, but he saw the apathetic look on your face, and he just knew something was wrong. he was smart enough to know he couldn't ask you head on so he said,
"listen, y/n, i see something bothering you, so do you think you would want to go to hosmead after school with me to help you feel better? after all that's what i'm hear for" harry said.
"um... well... i... oh, forget it; yes, I'll come. meet me near the willow tree at 5 and we'll head there. maybe it will clear my mind. thank you again, harry," you said with a wide grin because at least you had someone who cared about you.
"no problem sugar, try to keep your head up till the rest of the day. ill see you later!!" harry said before winking at you and leaving the classroom.
you simply smiled back at him and began packing up your stuff to head out to your next class which was at the oppostie of the end of the school so you had to hurry before you were late.
the rest of the day passed by in such a blur. you didn't pay attention in any of your classes and just sat there in your seat like a statue. you almost ended up falling asleep in charms, but your partner bumped your elbow in time before professor flitchwick came by your seat and harassed you.
you couldn't wait to go to hogsmead with harry. you were having a terrible week, so you really needed this.
so you got to your dorm, did the usual stuff. put away your things, took a long shower, spent more than 10 minutes figuring out what you were going to wear, and just barely ran to the tree on time.
lucky for you, harry was just arriving as well, so you weren't late.
"hi sweetheart! im glad you made it" harry said after giving you a peck kiss on your cheek.
you felt your cheeks heat up, and pshh, whatttt that's just because of how cold it is outside since it's the beginning of november. totally not because of harry's gesture.
you still couldn't believe you scored with the pride of the school. everything that happened between meeting him and dating him was golden. you once believed that love would be black and white, but it's golden.
anyways you need to stop going back to the past and try to stay in the present more.
".. so i was just thinking we'd hit up the leaky cauldron and get a drink and then we can go anywhere you like. like if you have any errands to run. we could do that."
you smiled at him and said, "yes, butterbeer sounds great. "
he smiled back at you and intertwined his fingers with yours.
you tightened your grip on his hand, and smiled to yourself. walking hand in hand to hogsmead.
you guys window shopped until you got to the leaky cauldron. harry being close with the bartender, got to get booth seats and two butterbeers for free cause it was "long over due".
you sat opposite of each other. playing tootsie and giggling at each other's stories about random things like first years.
you stayed there until your drinks were long over, and you guys just talked about whats going on in your lives.
and all too soon it started getting darker, so you had to start leaving. harry gave the bartender a big tip after he once again intertwined his fingers with yours.
you arms swang together as you shuffled closer to stay warm.
kicking the snow on the ground and living carefree.
walking and talking all the way till he reached your dorm door.
 "so.. this is it for today. tomorrow we can go somewhere else, okay? so i guess it's good night love, sleep well-" he started before being interrupted.
"but i want you to stay!" you said, pouting.
"what?" he said, confused.
"yes, harry you heard me, i want you to stay." you said adamentally.
"but what about the enchantments?" he asked.
"oh don't worry hermione got those removed for all of us a long long time ago when she started dating ron"
"your kidding. you absolutey joking with me right?" he said looking ludocrus.
"no honey, im being 100% serious right now" you said smirking at his dumb expression. 
"and nobody told me???? i wanted to sleep next to you the entire time, but i though the enchantments were going to block me. why didn't you say anything?" he said, now being the one who was pouting.
"i don't know why my love. and i'm so sorry; can we cuddle now?" you asked. eye lashes fluttering at him so pretty he just had to give in.
"oh alright, i forgive you" he said smiling.
"yay!" you said as you dragged him by the hand and onto your bed. he would've still be mad at you but how can he be when he sees those eyes of yours that just stare at him full of love, every single minute of your day?
"...and then eat and-hello? harry? HARRY! are you even listening?" you asked, snapping your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention
"oh! woops i'm sorry dove, i got lost in your eyes"
"oh please" you asked, blushing.
"no love, i'm being totally serious right now. they're my favorite part about you. they tell me everything i need to know before it even comes out of your mouth," he said, bringing his hand to caress your right cheek in a loving manner.
"well- i-" you sputter, trying to think of something to say.
"shut up"  he says, in a demanding manner.
he pushed you onto the bed, so that your back was against it and he was on top of you. he was smirking and checking you out as you layed there.
and, to be honest, it made you.. feel things. warm cheeks and a fluttery feeling inside
you loved harry, he was a wonderful man. but God, he was so slow.
he never got any "action" in the love department before you. which you enjoyed because you liked the thought that you would be his first everything.
so far, nothing more than a heavy make-out session with some clothes off has happened. and you would never ever push him or force him to satisfy you until he comes to you.
and you'd wait as long as he made you but he was so dense sometimes.
like now. he doesn't even know the things he does to your insides as he looks at you like that.
"well are you gonna do something or just stare at me like that?" you ask.
he smiled and pressed his lips against yours. his soft velvety lips that have been bitten and chewed on were perfect against yours.
you ran your fingers through the side of his hair and pulled him close till he was one against your boobs.
his hand traveled to your neck, holding you until you had to break apart to breathe.
you giggled at his dazed expression and then pushed him over and straddled him so now you were on top.
now it was his turn to chuckle as he looked up at you with those gorgeous green eyes.
sparkling admised the red curtains and your bed sheets.
you couldn't help it as you smashed his lips into yours once again. it was safe to say you were completely mad for him as he grabbed your waist closer to him.
his hands roamed all over your body. squeezing and pinching and holding any part of your body he could reach. his hands werecoming over to squeeze your ass when-
"Y/N!!! Y?N?? WHERE ARE YOU I NEED TO TELL YOU THAT ME AND RON ARE- ohhhh..." hermione said as she barged into your shared dorm.
you broke apart so fast you must of his hit his head with your chin. ron stood behind hermione shell-shocked and she stood there with the doorknob in her hand speechless.
"im so sorry y/n oh my gosh. i can stay in ron's dorm tonight. don't worry about it. i-uhm have fun you two?.. hahaha bye."
and they slammed the door after that and you could hear them running away frantically. trying to erase the memory of each of their best friends getting it on.
you just sat there on his lap not knowing what just happened and he broke out in a loud laugh. that kind of contagious laugh that cheers everyone up.
you joined him in it and rolled him over so you were both lying on your sides facing each other.
"the l0ook on ron's face i- cant-t"
soon enough the laughing simmidered down and you both just stared at each other.
he was thinking of how lucky he was to have you when you interrupted his train of thought to say: "i actually have the matching pajama set that you got us for christmas last year remember? we couldn't wear it because we were so busy. why don't we wear it now?" you inquired.
"oh yeah! i remember! that's a great idea y/n!" he said, grabbing your cheeks in both hands, squishing them together "my baby's a genius isn't she" he baby talked to you and made you smile and laugh till your jaws hurt.
he then went to get the clothes for you. before yelling about how the girls dormitory had more room than the boys to which you giggled at from where you were on the bed. he then finally brought them back to your bed.
it wasn't anything much it had a snowman and snowflake print on the pants in a velvety soft material, and a ringer tee that said "oh deer"
you went into the bathroom to change happily. thinking about how you still went somewhere else to change even though it has been almost a year of dating him. you were still scared of him seeing you all barren like that and he didn't mind.
but if he was to say, he wouldn't mind you looking like that.
he cleared his throat and looked around to distract his thoughts of you before you showed up dressed looking the most perfect holiday angel.
he couldn't help but blush slightly as you sauntered over with a goofy smile on your face. he didn't like that it rendered his muscles into jello and his stomach to jump around like it did.
"come on now don't make me wait!" you said, giggling and jumping onto your side of the bed.
he smiled at you before joining next to you on the bed. he made himself more comfortable before he thought of something.
"do you want to go down for dinner love?" he asked
"hmphhh, i frogot about that. ughhhhhh do we have toooooo?? m' to comfortable." you said, pulling your blanket higher over you and melting into harry's side and the pillow.
he chuckled again, "that's just what i was about to say. don't worry i have it all sorted out"
he clapped twice before winky the elf walked out of thin air and bowed down to harry.
"hi there winky, how have you been?" harry asked genuinely.
"i've been good sir. how has master harry potter been?"
"i've been good. listen now, i have a request. can you bring us our dinner to our bed? i don't know if it's allowed but me and my girlfriend here don't want to walk down to dinner. can you do that?"
"sure winky can bring food for master harry potter and his girlfriend! winky would be delighted to be of service!"
"thank you winky i know i can count on you. could you also bring us two glasses of water and any dessert you have?"
"yes sir i'll be back here as soon as i can!"
and just like that she disappeared again leaving you guys in silence.
"well well well... look at you, with your own personal elf huh? what will hermione think?"
"shut up, winky actually likes to work and i'm just helping her to be in service" he said, and with that he pinched you.
"oww!! harry!! i know i was just teasing you. and you know actually in my house when you clap two times you either turn on or off a light not make an elf appear"
"oh yeah well-"
winky appeared out of thin air again with a tray in her hands
"here you are sir and sir's girlfriend. for your dessert like you asked i brought you somthing we had left over, strawberry shortcakes!! is this okay for master harry potter?" she asked.
harry grabbed it from her hand and placed in the middle of the bed.
"it's perfect winky thank you. you are dismissed now. "thank you sir. if there is anything else you would like me to do winky will be glad to service you again!"
she disappeared out of the thin air she came from.
"alright then dig in my love" he said.
"thank you harry, you're a dear" you say.
he blushed at the nickname but ate nonetheless. until you got to the dessert, you guys sat in a comfortable silence. but just when you were about to dig in on the cake both of your utensils clinked as they were reaching for the cake at the same time.
you looked at each other and laughed. "how about we do this? i know this might be a little cringe but i can feed you and you can feed me"
"ah yes be romantic in our bed with pajamas on, sure let's" harry said chuckling.
you shook your head with a smile and grabbed a piece on your fork, his mouth wide open and waiting. you gently pushed it into his mouth and brought it back out.
then it was his turn to dip his fork into the cheesecake and feed it to you like that. that kept altering until the cake was done. when it was done and about to be cleaned up you observed a small piece of frosting hanging on his chin.
you smiled to your self before putting your thumb into your mouth to collect wetness before wiping away the smudge.
he seemed surprised at first and then finally came to his senses.
he grabbed your wrist when it was just about to leave and pulled you closer. you look at him startled before he smashed his lips onto you once again. he pressed himself against you and warmed you up from the inside.
he tasted like strawberries and smelled like the leftover smell of a fireplace that's been extingushed.
you closed your eyes and gave in to his ministrations. allowing him to place you on your back on your bed again and kiss you like no tomorrow. you were panting as you broke apart.
that went on for a few more minutes till the high went off and he seemed embarrassed of what he did.
"harry. darling. don't worry. i liked it. if you hadn't started it, i would've" you said, caressing his arm.
he seemed to be reassured in your words and smiled at you. he put the tray away for the elfs to get in the morning along with your clothes to be washed.
you both set yourself comfortable and snuggled into the warm covers.
you wanted to face him but your back demanded to be faced the other way. you swore you had a back problem, and you were not even twenty!! so you faced your back to his face. thought he didn't mind. he actually preferred it this way because he could put his leg on top of you pull you closer to his chest.
you could feel his breath down your neck and his hand inching over your stomach lacing with yours. his face hidden among your soft hair.
you layed there content and belly full with the love of your life and delicious food. your bad score from the morning is a faint memory in the back of your mind. you can worry about that when exams come but for now life was good.
harry taglist - i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like works, because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @elleblxck @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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the-eyemunchies · 4 months
A small discussion. We all know ghoatbusters is autisti media, but can we talk about how all the ghostbusters are definitely neuroatypical (except for Winston).
So this is my Thread(i will only be using the movies but i could add so much more with the Real ghostbusters):
So let's start with the easy one, Egon is Obviously Autistic, he is the steriotypical autistic person, blunt, which shows difficulty in communication, has a hard time with socialization and has repetitive and behaviour. (Yes, those are the main 3 traits to define autism according to the dms-5 ), but we can add in some other stuff like he restrictive eating and hyperfocus that arent defining traits but are also associated.
Now let's go for Ray, i see a lot of people mentioning of autistic behaviour related to Ray and well due to Dan himself being autistic. but i will throw a thing out here, Ray has ADHD Not autism, specifically the mixed adhd which brings in the lack of attention along with hyperactivity. (i know the spectrum shows differently in each person but this is my headcanon and what i observed) So lets start, he is very impulsive, and take actions sometimes without even thinking, plus very active, childish, and he lacks a lot of attention like they'd be talking about a thing and stantz would trail off or even start something without even considering causes, like with the proton packs, ray was the first one to offer himself even if it is a nuclear weapon. He could go overboard like when he is asked to scream to the mood slime and goes over the top, and now that's not necessarily a adhd characteristic, but it's common, he is very adoptive and quickly witted.
Now, for the one no one ever talks about when mentioning about neurodiversity in ghostbusters and my favourite Venkman.
Oh, how do i start with this one, thats the most AuDhD person, in the movies the phrases like "Good or bad is a bit fuzzy in my mind" or "dont stare at me you have the bug eyes, im sorry" both the situation, of not exactly understanding the morals or social effects and of not liking to be stared at, (he barely looks at people faces while talking to them) The lack of feel and being rather apathetic, being calm to react to stuff, like on the second on thr mocie when they were being judged and he was telling louis exactly what to say and yet extreme impulsive action, like the way he behaved with peck, his extreme sincerity and plus even tho he is very communicative his ways of communication are very directed as in the need to alrewdy have a theme or create a move. he needs a topic to communicate with people, like i found it so stupid that he used the experiment to hit on the girl on the first scene then he used jokes to die out his anxiety and he is not very expressive and to actually talk to dana he used the excuse of the ghost hunting, and the way he began to freak out about the ectoplasma (now obviously im over exagerating) could be seen as sensory issues, much like ray he also gets side tracked and distracted a lot. It's hard to have two voices in ya head telling the most logical and other one telling the impulsive intrusive thought, and he shows the mixture of the two perfectly. and if you want to push even farther in, we can discuss dislexia. The fact he has to ask Ray to read certain words for him and tell him what it says is already very interesting. (Adding in Bill murray is not openly autistic, but there were mentions about it in old interviews and some stuff in different people mentioning the possibility. but for the section of factuality, let's say no)
It could've been an accident or not, but here we have it. this is my belief that none of this is canon. im not Dan nor Harold remis im just a person who really likes those characters and is also Autistic.
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i love this picture of ernie hudson its so silly
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justalittlesolarpunk · 9 months
Hi there! I'm writing this in hopes that you'll have some advice. Lately I've been struggling a lot with concern for climate change. Mainly because I fear that I won't have a future, that when I'm older I'll live in a planet where you can't even go out because of the heat and everything is completely destroyed. And it's been affecting my day-to-day life. And no matter how much I try to avoid bad news they'll show up to me and I relapse into the anxiety and lose all the progress I made.
The bad news and the things that are happening (for example this thing going around of flowers growing in cold places, the one that probably worries me the most) make me feel like maybe the good things won't be enough and I won't have a future, no matter how much I hope. All I want is to be certain I'll have a life and things will get better
Do you have any advice to stop feeling this way? Thank you in advance!
Hi there. So firstly, thanks for reaching out. Anxiety can make us want to isolate ourselves and so you’ve taken a brave first step in seeking connection. I felt like you feel for a long time, and still do sometimes. It can feel like the change is so huge, so rapid, so irreversible, and human responses so weak, so slow, so apathetic. But I’m here to tell you that however reasonable being frightened is, it doesn’t have to be the end of the journey. Grief and fear are a good start for your environmental affect, because it means you’re keyed in and you care. But stopping there will only paralyse you.
I know the good things feel small, which is why it’s important to bombard yourself with them so you get a sense of just how much momentum we are building in the movement right now. I regularly check out Positive News and the Good News Network, and follow Sam Bentley and lots of ‘weekly earth win’ type accounts. When you see how much plastic people are clearing out of the ocean, how much solar and wind prices have come down, how Paris is now full of cyclists and London’s deaths from air pollution are reducing, how Europe is slowly rewilding and land is being returned to indigenous people, you realise that quietly, determinedly, good is happening in the background. And you aren’t always not seeing it just because it’s smaller or less important - bear in mind that the media sells on engagement, so attention-grabbing disasters will always hit front page news. It’s hard to quantify people who are alive who wouldn’t otherwise be, oil in the ground because people stopped a pipeline. Justice is often less hypervisible and sudden than injustice.
For me personally, taking action and spending time with others who are doing the same is the single biggest thing that cured a lot of my anxiety. Depending on your age, income, profession and health, I would recommend doing whatever is accessible to you of eating as much plant-based food as possible, reducing your use of aeroplanes and cars to as close to zero as is reasonable, making sure your stove, heating and hot water is being powered by electricity, switching to a renewable tariff, attending regular activist meetings and the protests and public debates these will lead you into, buying fewer clothes, single-use plastic items and other non-essentials, lobbying for change at your workplace, your university or your school, and bringing the subject up as often as you can with friends and family, so discussing climate change becomes more of a cultural norm. (I always find with these conversations though that scaring people is deeply counterintuitive and encourages them to get angry with you and bury their heads deeper in the sand. Why not start a conversation about how much healthier you feel when you eat lentils, or how transnational rail is making a comeback, or how exciting it is what they can do with solar and battery storage these days, or the amazing flood prevention benefits of reintroducing beavers?) I saw a tweet once that said ‘I bet 80% of your climate anxiety will disappear if you work full time on climate.’ Now I don’t work in that sphere yet, but I’m currently retraining, and I have to say a lot of my anxiety has quietened knowing that I am doing all I can and will continue to do so for the rest of my working life. And don’t feel like your skills or educational/professional background hold you back either: solving this crisis isn’t just for scientists and can’t be left to only one sector of society. I was an English Lit grad - now I’m hoping to work in campaigning, comms or social policy to make positive change for the better around climate. If it’s possible for you, I’d recommend starting to consider entering the green sector full time. Just watch out for corporate greenwash!
I know that changing your individual lifestyle isn’t going to save the planet, but it might just save you. Once you feel you have done everything you can in your personal life, it might embolden you to show up in activist spaces, to connect with other people who care, and to remember that as terrifying and agonising as the changes we are causing and witnessing are, there is always still hope, and it is easy to create and nurture that hope if you only keep hold of the right narratives and connect with the right people.
I’ve answered some similar asks on this sort of topic, so I’d recommend scrolling back through my blog and reading them, and also following as many solarpunks as you can across all of social media. Solarpunk Presents podcast does a good job of drawing your attention to the good stuff already happening now. Stay safe, take care of yourself and remember you have so much to offer. We were all born at the most pivotal time in human history. That is a burden, but it’s also a gift. We can have the most impactful and meaningful lives to date, and I think we will. But the fight has to start now, and that means we have to be ready for it. You can’t strive for a better tomorrow if you can’t imagine it, so take some time to look after you and really douse yourself in hope and optimism - it’s out there waiting to be found, if you only look in the right places.
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sunnynoki · 6 months
We don’t talk a lot - We haven’t talked in probably about a year or so now, since I left the fandom space we met in. I’ve changed usernames since then - I went by Wheat on discord. Sorry I’ve been so distant. I never knew how to talk to you since it’s been a while.
Even still, I want to tell you that you were important to me, and still are. I wish we could talk more. I want to talk about your new interests. What are you into these days? I’ve been getting into some older games these days, but I’ve been missing pokemon a bit. I want to get back into it. Do you still draw Sky? I never asked you about them with as much detail as I wanted to. I was always worried about being too intrusive, but I regret that now. Your OCs are really imaginative. I know you’re into tensura now, right? Season 3 is coming out soon. I’m excited for that.
I want to get to know you again. I don’t know what happened with whatever you left behind, and I don’t know if this is a weird message to send, but you’re important to me and I want to let you know that you are. I wouldn’t be who I am if you weren’t there in the beginning. Thank you for being you.
i dont know how to talk either. every sentence i say either feels fake or self centered, selfish. and dont worry about being distant; it happens, especially when interests change. i dont blame you.
youre important to me too. i wish we could talk more. im not into much right now. i just feel empty. i gave up su/bmas, after everything. it was too much, not knowing who i could trust not to fucking ship them, or think its ok in any circumstance. yet sometimes i still crawl back to the tag, despite blocking it a while ago. i dont touch anything though, just look. it doesnt bring me joy anymore. i think im finally letting it go. i dont know how i feel about po/kemon yet. its kinda just. there. maybe im just feeling particularly apathetic right now.
i don't really draw anything right now. i dont know if i can go back. it was my only hobby, yet my therapist said that it wasnt enough, even when i was at my lowest. well, at the time. ive set a new low score at this point. i dont want to draw. i don't know what id draw. i dont think i can. my computer is kinda a no mans land at this point. i don't really touch it anymore. im glad you liked sky though. i never understood why she garnered so much attention. i could never write a good enough character for her. she was a mary sue in that way, with no real character flaws, let alone the... everything else. either way, like i said, im glad you liked her regardless. it means a lot. the attention i got because of her made me really happy.
like i said, im not really into anything right now, but i guess tensura would be regarded as an "interest." im... looking forward to season 3. i read one of the light novels thats going to be adapted a month or two back though, so i guess its gonna be a moment before i get to "new" content.
i dont know if theres anyone to get to know anymore. i was already in a depressive episode before this disaster, now i dont know if theres any going back, if theres any way to recover. it isnt a weird message to send, and its appreciated that you care for me but. im not sure if i can trust anyone again. im not sure if i can even trust myself. even in the aftermath, the people i thought i could trust either no longer talk to me or still interact with those who hurt me. i guess its selfish to ask them to cut off those friends too. but ive always been selfish. self centered. egotistical.
regardless, im glad i had some positive impact despite my mess of a personality. thank you for your words
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kobiiioo · 8 months
a reason why i think hobie likes to mess around lihan
Thinking about hanpunk, the main reason Hobie genuinely takes interest into knowing Lihan has nothing to do with things like “love at first sight” or with her being “different” and “mysterious” or with him just being sociable and whatsoever.
To be reaaally honest, lihan is such a ordinary girl (imo). She has pretty much of a blank personality, adapting different personalities depending the environment, just like a chameleon.
She’s naturally a very quiet and cautious person but her struggle to express herself does affect her in many ways;
She doesn’t engage, she doesn’t talk about her opinion, she prefers to listen and follow orders (unlike Hobie) and she never complains. She likes to observe things and simply do as what people say. You can say she’s very selfless in some way.
In simple words; she’s a wallflower (idk why it took me sm time to find this word in my head)
But then what makes Hobie “see” her ?
This might be kind of ridiculous/weird to say but
He likes to see her vulnerable.
Ik what you’re thinking like huh ?? 😨 bUT HEAR ME OUT !! BECAUSE I DON’T MEAN IT IN THE WEIRD WAY AT ALL ?!?! by vulnerable I mean as in when she breaks from her persona and showing emotions.
As I’ve alrd explained on my other posts, lihan is really like- she can seem very rude, reckless and apathetic imo bc she’s just extremely used to enduring her emotions and keeping a cold facade so she doesn’t get emotional in general but also during important situations because deep down she’s extremely like EXTREMELY fragile.
That doesn’t mean she’s a cry baby but she’s very empathetic if you get to know her more; she’s just an expert at pretending and has lot of self control (she’s sooo dishonest and untruthful to herself and others).
And it’s funny because the only person that’s smh able to break that facade is Hobie.
He finds it amusing that he’s the only one capable to do it and so easily too. It’s so interesting and surprising to see how easily she can break that facade simply by teasing her and getting on her nerves.
Talking to him or just interacting with him in general feels like she’s getting exposed or and since Hobie is the only person Lihan can’t beat, that pisses her off SO MUCH.
So yeah, basically,
It’s the fact that she’s not so different than what others think of her that made him even more attracted to her. And despite her seeming ordinary and being a wallflower, he sees something that not much people see immediately in her.
I feel like Hobie is extreeeemely attentive and perceptive. He’d basically know any secrets and gossip going around HQ because he just sees and hears EVERYTHING. And ofc my man is good at keeping secrets so he just stays quiet 🤭
And while others can be clueless about it and Lihan just hides well among a huge group of people, Hobie sees her. And he notices the things she never knew he noticed (this specific quote on slide 10);
He’d sometimes notice her trying to start a conversation with other spider people and trying to get along with them, helping new recruits to get used to the environment and giving them advices while still being very reserved and restrained,
listening to people carefully and giving them life advices, acts of service without anyone noticing she did for them and gifting people things she simply noticed or that reminded her of the person (the christmas comic ☹️)
Like tbh, he at first thought she was kinda like Miguel, as in her seeming emotionless and just hella cold and restricted almost acting like a robot or sum
But seeing her being more compassionate and simply being human and being so caring was what made him actually go like “damn.. that’s new ?”
Ykwim right ? No ? Alright 😔
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
(Part 2) of ‘Walk you Home’
Morris kicked the dirt and then gestured forward, his shirt was rolled up to his elbows and it was hard not to notice the bruise that coloured the length of the inside of his arm.
Usually she would ask. She should ask. But she’d learnt recently that sometimes asking made people uncomfortable, drew attention to something they would rather forget. She hated the way a question about the bruise that had appeared on Romeo’s cheek had made him avoid her for the rest of the day, or the way her concern at the deep looking cut on Finch’s arm had his gaze darken and a somewhat snapped ‘not really any of your business’ thrown at her. And Morris, the Delancey’s in general, were hardly known for their pacifism. If Morris Delancey wanted to get bruises by fighting dirty with newsboys in the street then it wasn’t her place to comment on it.
“Ladies first.” He said, an edge to his voice, and it was only when she was knocked out of her reverie that she realised she’d been staring.
“Right.” She muttered and started walking in the direction of home, morris trailing along beside her, maybe one or two steps behind which would’ve been uncomfortable if he wasn’t whistling one of Medda’s tunes to himself.
She had told herself she was going to walk in silence, that any conversation would be awkward but Katherine had always been impulsive and had a harder time keeping her mouth shut. It was five minutes later that the question had been asked before she was even finished thinking it.
“You go to Medda’s shows?”
His whistling stopped, but he was still following her, the question hadn’t scared him off based of the sound of footsteps on gravel.
“Course we do.”
“She’s fantastic.”
“Yeah, she is.”
They fell into silence again, except this time he was walking next to her, hands shoved deep in his pockets hat tipped slightly to the side and she found herself staring again.
This was confusing. And weird.
She didn’t like the silence.
“Where’s your brother tonight?” She paused, “Oscar?”
Morris shot her a look. “You think I keep track of him?”
“No. I’ve just never seen you without him before, you’re practically joined at the hip.”
His jaw tensed. “He’s out somewhere. What’s it to you?”
She frowned. “Nothing, I’m just making conversation. Why did you stay home?”
“Jesus what is this? a damn interview?” His tone was harsh and she could see his hands squeezed into fists in his pockets.
Maybe she had too much pride for her own good.
“I was just curious.” He scoffed, she felt her frown deepen. “You’re the one who offered to walk me home.”
“God a guy wants to do something proper for once and this is what he gets.”
“Don’t fool yourself you’ve never done anything nice without strings attached.”
“And so what huh?” He looked at her again. “Miss Pulitzer who lives of daddies money judging the rest of us like she’s some saint.” His voice was bitter, the words spits of acid.
“I’m not some saint but I’ve never beat up on some defenceless kids, and I’ve never hurt a boy on crutches.”
“Yeah, you ain’t getting paid to.” His mouth twisted up into something like a smile but there was no humour behind it. “And Kelly’s crip is fine ain’t he? Got the refuge shut up n everything.”
“Crutchie is his own person.”
He laughed, something quick and harsh and mean. “Sure, n’ so are you.”
She could practically physically feel the way he was worming under her skin with every apathetic, sarcastic jab. She knew he was trying to rile her up, it was obvious. But it was also working.
It was a small mercy that the last turn they took brought them to the end of her street. She’s be safe from here to the front door and she turned and told Morris as much.
He shrugged. “If you’re sure.”
“I am.”
She turned to leave, shoulders back, head tilted up and a glare in her eyes but she stopped before she got further than a step, and spoke without turning around. Preceded by a deep sigh.
“Thank you. For walking me back.”
She glanced over her shoulder, he tipped his hat and then was gone. Back around the corner, back into the dark.
And when Katherine arrived at her front door she was glad it was to her doorman, who had been watching from down the street and could confirm to her dad that she had an escort home, and avoid the reprimand she would’ve received otherwise.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Lex Luthor Angst Alphabet
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A = Anger (what are they like when they’re angry?)
Scary. Lex can be terrifying when he’s angry. It’s never a good time to approach him when he’s pissed about something.
B = Break Up (if they had to, how would they break up with you?)
He’d make up a fight and end it all that way. He’d want you to be so mad at him that you’d never take him back.
C = Cry (how often do they cry? do they cry over little things?)
Lex doesn’t cry much, especially not in front of anyone. He’s certainly not one to cry over little things either.
D = Debt (how do they make it up to you when they’ve done something wrong?)
Mostly by buying you apology gifts. He doesn’t like to admit when he’s wrong, but the gifts are his way of doing so.
E = Entrapment (how would they react to you being kidnapped?)
Not well. He’d go in set on destroying everyone involved with your kidnapping and wouldn’t rest until you were safe and they were dead.
F = Fear (how badly do they fear losing you? do they fear for you somehow losing them?)
He greatly fears losing you. It’s rare for him to care for someone so much and to lose that would irreparably damage him.
G = Grief (if you were to die, how would they react?)
He’d immediately start figuring out a way to bring you back. And also get vengeance on whoever killed you if you were indeed murdered.
H = Health (How are they at taking care of themselves?)
Pretty good. Sometimes he overworks himself and it takes you to remind him that he’s only human and needs rest.
I = Insensitive (how do they act when they know they’ve said something that upset you?)
He’ll forget about it for a while, pretend it didn’t happen, but eventually he will find some way to fix his mistake.
J = Jerk (when can they tell you’re mad at them? do either of you resort to name calling?)
You resort to name calling, mainly because you know it won’t really bother Lex. He doesn’t, because he thinks it’s a childish way to release his anger.
K = Knife (how do they feel about hurting others? physically or emotionally?)
He’s totally fine with it. Way too fine with it, honestly. Lex can be pretty ruthless when he wants to be.
L = Liar (are they a good liar? how often do they lie to you?)
He’s a master at lying. He’ll lie to you on occasion, for whatever reason, but he’ll make more of an effort not to if he really cares for you.
M = Maudlin (how do you cheer them up when they’re feeling sad?)
Lex doesn’t really do sad. He does angry and apathetic. Still, he does like having you at his side whatever his mood.
N = Never (what would they do if they knew they could never be with you?)
He’d be pissed and more determined than ever to find a way that he could be with you. Doesn’t matter if it’s self destructive, he’d have to try.
O = Oath (what happens when you break a promise? how do they take it?)
It’s bad news when you break a promise to Lex. If the tables are turned and he breaks a promise to you, somehow it doesn’t seem to phase him.
P = Pressure (how do they handle stress? how do you help them relax?)
He handles stress fairly well, actually. It all bubbles out as rage against his enemies, so no harm done, technically. You can help him relax by distracting him with various forms of affection.
Q = Quiet (do they ever give you the silent treatment? how do they react when you give it to them?)
Lex will sometimes give you the silent treatment inadvertently when he gets lost in his work, but very rarely will it be deliberate. Lex probably wouldn’t even notice if you gave it to him unless he was wanting your attention at the time.
R = Rejection (how would they take it if you were to reject them?)
Lex would take it as a challenge. He’d make you want him. He didn’t care how he had to do it. He would not stand for a rejection.
S = Self Doubt (what are they insecure about?)
Lex isn’t insecure about much. Maybe the fact that he doesn’t have superpowers of his own, but other than that, he’s a pretty confident man.
T = Triangle (what would they do if they were caught in a love triangle with you? would they fight for you or give you up?)
He’d eliminate the competition. If you don’t have another choice, then you must obviously be with him. That’s how he sees it.
U = Unloved (what would you do to make sure they felt loved?)
Just stand by him through anything. Tell him you love him. That’s all he really needs to know you love him.
V = Vault (do they keep their emotions sealed tight, or do they let them out openly?)
His more vulnerable emotions he keeps bottled up, but the less vulnerable ones he lets out in the open pretty easily.
W = Wound (how do they react when you’ve been injured?)
With rage. He will get revenge on anyone who injured you.
X = X Lovers (what happens when they’re confronted with an ex of yours?)
Bit of bragging and making himself seem far superior to your ex, and then violence if the ex makes a nuisance of themself.
Y = Yell (how often do fights occur? how bad do they get?)
Fights aren’t often when Lex is truly devoted, but even so they can get rather heated.
Z = Zestless (what happens if you lose that initial spark with them?)
Lex will do anything to reignite it. And if he can’t, then he won’t be afraid to wipe some of your memory to keep the spark alive.
For @alexandramalbb
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Lex Luthor: @peggycarter-steverogers, @nayarianna1302
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julie-su · 2 months
Megaman, as a series, does something absolutely bizarre to my brain. The first time I really got into it, wasn't so long ago - I believe it was 2017, 2018? It was the month that Tony died, only a month after Skunk died, maybe - I don't remember the timeframe. I was already numb, then number. I was already majorly depressed; I didn't know how to cry, I didn't know how to do anything.
I don't really remember why, I bought a NES. It's all I talked about for a long time, my NES. I was mean, and apathetic, and rude, and I wanted you to know about my NES. I went to the local arcade, I went to their coadjacent 'retro' games store, I bought NES games. I bought NES peripherals. I played Megaman II. I played it a little, then a lot. I felt nothing, still, nothing, as I managed to die in the game, over and over. Am I even paying attention? I don't know. I don't care. It's all just going through the motions; it's always just going through the motions. And then... Defeat my first robot master. Was I always this close to the screen, leaning in so intently like this? I'm sweating from the effort. I start to smile. Just a little, then a lot. I don't know how long I had been playing at that point, but I had been feeling like I was ramming my head against the wall endlessly. In the game? In real life? I haven't felt this much of anything in a long time. It's not failing; it's getting better, each try. You're not meant to win it all in one go; it's designed like this. You get better, you have a margin for error, you're expected to fumble around. It sounds so silly, but I just started to cry about everything. I guess it wasn't so much about it being MegaMan, so much as I just needed the time to sit and parse through my emotions; but it felt almost poetic, how it had happened. They say that playing a game which forces you to focus, can help you to compartmentalise traumatic events. It was the first time I had truly had time to cry about it. I have a hard time with emotions like that; I had cried for show, because it's what you're 'supposed' to do, but I had felt total apathy up until the moment I reduced poor ol' Metal Man into scrap.
The next few weeks, I felt all of those hard-to-feel emotions about love, loss, and every human emotion under the sun. Laugh about the good times, seethe about how quickly it all happened (we lost Skunk to an idiot drunk driver), and cry, cry because it's really sunk in that I will never see either again. Before that, when I was in total apathy, it was like I had pressed pause; in some infinite dimension where they still were alive, and yet dead, at the same time. Like when you're playing a videogame, and you know that your next action will cause the death of a character who you love; but if you stay here, if you don't progress, you're still alive, for as long as I need you to be. I wish it could be forever, but you have to be selfish sometimes, and keep on moving forwards.
The next few months of my life after that were then dedicated entirely to telling anybody who would listen, about everything MegaMan. That sort of happy-flappy-hands no composure half-yelling type of excitement. I travelled further afield to more retro videogame markets than ever. It's a little embarrassing, and I don't get exactly like that for anything else. I was trying to avoid getting back into it now, because I get so embarrassingly head-over-heels, but I decided to indulge myself. I feel my cheeks getting a bit pink, but oh, oh, have I ever been happy these past few months, years, as I follow my nose wherever it'd take me. There's some Sonic fan events coming up soon; I can't wait for those, either <3 everything is coming up beautifully in my little old life.
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depravitycentral · 1 year
I’m begging you to elaborate on Shizuku. Sounds kinda hot (please and no pressure, hot ladies do something for me😫)
Tw: non/dub-con, oral, strap-on usage, fisting, forced cuddling/kissing, Shizuku is a menace and you'd better hope she doesn't get horny in public because she WILL fuck you in front of other people without any hesitation
Sure! I'll eventually have both a general and nsfw profile for her up, but in the meantime, just know that Shizuku (along with a few other women spanning the fandoms I write for - specifically Mirko and, to a lesser extent - and with significantly more grace - Pakunoda) are anything but subtle when it comes to their desire to be intimate with you.
She doesn't try to hide the way she's feeling - regardless of whether she's in the mood to intertwine your pinkies, cuddle you for hours, or shove her face between your legs. She doesn't see a point in trying to hide her desires - why should she? The whole reason she kidnapped you in the first place was to have free, easy access to your affection and attention, and it just doesn't make sense to limit herself.
You can tell her to have things like 'common decency' or 'self respect', but she doesn't really understand why you seem to think she's lacking these things. She's not diminishing her common sense when she grabs your wrist in an iron lock and pulls you against her back, so that you're spooning her and listening as she hums happily and snores lightly.
It's not belittling, like you seem to think, when she makes sure your hand - still trapped by her hold, even in her sleep - is made to cup her breast, so that she can fall asleep to your touch and perhaps influence her dreams into having a more risqué plot. (And sometimes, when she wakes up, forgetting that she put your hand there, she's more than willing to indulge you in some morning sex - you'll feel hair tickling the inside of your thighs as you rouse awake, Shizuku's voice cheering a good morning, baby that gets muffled against your cunt.)
She's not even remotely embarrassed when she looks at you and taps her chin, her voice genuinely contemplative when she asks you if you'd rather have her sit on your face, or ride your thigh? It'll take a while either way, you know , because I'm pretty horny right now and I want to come a few times. Let's go with your face - you'll have more fun that way, too.
(Nevermind that she always drops all her weight on you, and while she's not particularly heavy, she doesn't really acknowledge when you're tapping at her thigh or squirming under her, begging for air because her slick is just everywhere, and you can't seem to find any room to breath - the only thing you seem to be able to inhale is her her her, exactly how she likes.)
She'll always be asking you sexual questions - she doesn't just let things happen naturally (not that you want them to; she's kidnapped you, after all), instead always broaching the topic with the most apathetic, flat expression she can manage. She's not ashamed in the slightest - she's never denied the fact that she wants to fuck you in every way she possibly can, and because she can overpower you without even trying, you won't have much of a choice in the matter.
She wants to do everything to you - except, Shizuku is much more selfish in bed than she realizes, because while she enjoys getting you off, she'd much, much rather receive than give. She wants to be the center of your attention, to be fawned over and worked into her orgasm. She wants to feel the way you caress her skin and kiss every inch of her, your pretty eyes watching as she sighs and hums and cards her fingers through your hair.
She manhandles you, and as soon as an idea comes to her about something sexual she wants to do with you, she'll pull you away from whatever you're doing, free hand already working at the button and fly of her jeans, and tell you, nonchalantly, that we're going to fuck now. Bed or floor? How charming.
A few extra thoughts about her that I wanted to mention:
When you're eating her out, she'll physically pull your face closer to her cunt. Like, fingers grasping your head and pulling you forward with all her strength until your nose is literally buried between her folds, mouth pressed against her and your eyes just barely able to see her biting her lip from over the mound of her pelvic bone. It makes it hard to breath, and you'll always end up getting her slick all over you, making you a sticky mess and always smelling like musk and her. (She won't let you wash your face afterwards, either - she's too intent to cuddle with you when all's said and done, and she'll always giggle a bit when she sees you with the ring of white around your mouth.)
I know I briefly mentioned it in the post you're referencing, but she has this strap she bought a few years ago on a whim - it's a dark purple color and it's thick, enough to get you wincing a bit when she shoves it inside you. She likes watching, because while she doesn't have a dick herself and doesn't particularly like imagining anyone with a dick fucking you, there's something about the way your cunt flutters and sucks the plastic in again and again that gets her drooling and rubbing her own thighs together. She's always thrusting hard, fast, and deep, leaving you sore and nearly screaming because it's just all too much. She's like a man who doesn't understand the concept of thrusting, rather than jackhammering.
Conversely, she wants you to fuck her nice and slow when you're wearing the strap, and she likes when you're facing each other. She'll lay back and let you do all the work, her pillow princess tendencies really shining in these moments. She wants deep, languid thrusts, with lots of touching and pinching at her nipples, hickies sucked into her neck and a finger - your finger - constantly rubbing at her clit. She's high maintenance, and she doesn't even realize it.
She's a little bit into fisting - she just likes testing your limits and seeing how far your pussy can stretch and how much it can take. It's like a morbid fascination for her; she'll lean over your pelvis and stare as her fist disappears inside you again and again, making this squelch noise each time. She's staring, dark eyes boring into your body, and she's talking, too. Her voice is normal, not any hint of her arousal at watching as she tells you that you're taking this so well, you must do this a lot. Did you used to do this, back before we moved in together? I bet you did, and I bet you thought of me while you were doing it, too. At least she's kind enough to only bother shoving her fist inside when you're actually wet enough to try it.
She also kind of has a thing for public sex - there's something hot about the idea of someone watching you and her, and while she'd never let anyone else touch you, she likes having an audience. It's like showing off exactly how much you love her, because you're fingering her and kissing her right in front of a red faced Machi and Phinks (innocents who were merely caught in the cross fire in the public space of their latest hideout, though the prominent erection Phinks is sporting and the clear outline of Machi's nipples through her shirt tell Shizuku they're enjoying the show more than they'd care to admit). She just likes when people watch because it feels dangerous and exciting, and because it means other people can see that you're hers.
Shizuku does have some strengths in the bedroom, though, I promise! It's not all bad - she almost always gets you to orgasm, and she's actually very good with her fingers. She's gotten herself off enough times to the thought of you that she can get aroused and wet very easily when you're involved, and eventually she'll get you to have that same response, too. Honestly, it's a bit of a Pavlovian response - the minute you see her shuck off that black turtleneck, you're already feeling a bit of a warm sensation between your legs, even if it's just your body desperately trying to lubricate itself rather than actual excitement for what's coming.
Hopefully this is what you were looking for anon, I actually love Shizuku! I think she's a good example of an entirely non-self aware yandere who makes everyone in the room uncomfortable, not just you. So at least there's solidarity in numbers. Except, not a single person will be helping you, even if her behavior makes them shift awkwardly and look away. They're all Spiders, and if you're what Shizuku wants, then you'll be what she gets.
Thanks for sending the ask :)
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Can I request rivalry between Marcus and Baird? With wingman ( platonic yandere Cole and Dom)
Man... I love Delta Squad.
This is me spilling thoughts based on the Anon messages before. If you want their singular yandere types please look at the concept below. I wanted this to be longer but I decided to primarily just focus on the wingman idea.
Using behavior from here
Yandere! Marcus vs Baird (+ wingmen Cole and Dom)
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry (Marcus+Baird)/Platonic (Dom+Cole to Marcus+Baird)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Mature language/Swearing, Obsession, Manipulation, Jealousy, Stalking, Coercion, Slight abuse of power, Violence, Mentioned murder, Secret recording, Isolation mention, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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This is probably one of my favorite Gears yandere ideas.
You're a member of Delta Squad who just so happens to gain the attention of two of its members, Marcus and Baird.
Marcus and Baird alone are intimidating and sometimes... well... assholes.
Marcus is hard to read, gruff, apathetic, and seems like he hates you.
He doesn't, he's just not used to being so close to anyone except Anya.
Then there's Baird, an arrogant and antisocial man who appears upset at everyone and everything.
He struggles to connect with others as he seems so hard to get along with.
Marcus and Baird are known for fighting at times, especially in Gears 1-2.
These two fighting certainly puts you off.
Even more so later on when the topic tends to revolve around you.
To quote my previous concept for these two;
"Marcus is a stern protective yandere who is hard to read. Not only that but he often gets help from Dom if there is some issues between you and him."
"Baird can be a yandere who seems to hate you at first to hide his obsession. In reality he struggles with his obsessive tendencies towards you to the point he can't take it anymore and takes control of the situation."
These two often come off strong and intimidating to their darling if you are a new Delta recruit.
Which is why they have Dom and Cole respectively to help them.
The two are way more friendly compared to their respective best friends.
Cole is incredibly charismatic and easy to get along with, unlike Baird who struggles with the whole people thing.
Meanwhile Dom is softer and more open/caring than Marcus who is more closed off.
They are their best friend's opposites.
Which would make them wingmen to their friends since they seem to enjoy you.
You could make the argument that these two would be "platonic yanderes", trying to help their respective friend get with the new recruit they got.
They'd be willing to do whatever they can to help Marcus and Baird obtain your favor.
How this rivalry would primarily go is either Dom/Cole tries to warm up to you first.
Once you trust one or both of them, they'll introduce you to Marcus/Baird.
Dom tries to ease you into trusting Marcus.
He's soft and tells you Marcus means well.
You still struggle to stay around Marcus but Dom is adamant that he cares about you.
Dom may even encourage Marcus to be a bit more open.
Just small things at first... like praising verbally or even small pats on the back.
Considering Dom has a wife back at home and Marcus was with Anya for a few years in this, the two would have some knowledge in the subject of courting you.
Dom promises Marcus will be perfect for you.
Plus, maybe with Dom helping, Marcus will try to be more straightforward with his feelings towards you.
Then there's Cole helping Baird.
Cole is very easy to get along with so warming up to him is easy.
It's when he tries to get you close to Baird that there's struggle.
Baird tries his best to play nice as Cole is acting as a bridge between you.
Cole is being kind to try and win him over this recruit he likes so he'll comply.
Plus internally Baird is excited because you and Cole are the only people he likes to be around.
It's hard as sometimes you frustrate Baird when you still distrust him.
But hopefully Cole can smooth things over enough to finally make you Baird's.
While Marcus and Baird get into arguments about you, Dom and Cole occasionally get tense around each other as they both know what they're doing.
They won't hurt one another but they may also argue.
Cole no doubt knows about Baird's tendency to stalk you through JACK.
As a result he simply helps hide all the folders Baird has of you.
Meanwhile Dom is aware Marcus gets aggressive when your life is threatened or he's jealous.
Which means he'll help hide any evidence of possible murder in the future for his friend.
Dom and Cole are certainly enablers for their yandere friends.
They support their actions and coerce you into getting with one of them.
Ironically, this scares you more than before they got involved.
Marcus comes off as scary yet he tries his best around you to be softer.
In truth he's unsure on how to properly connect with you, even with Dom's help.
But over time it gets to him holding you close and muttering about how much you mean to him in your ear.
Baird's personality is rather volatile but he tries to cool it for you via Cole's advice.
When not being... him, Baird expresses a softer side to you.
He isn't heartless even if he tries to antagonize Marcus to have you.
He is capable of being caring, giving gifts to try and win you over.
Once he has you... he dreams of you and him in a lab, in total isolation, away from everything and everyone.
Then it'll be just you and him.
Marcus and Baird often try to antagonize each other into doing something to scare you while also appealing to you.
That way you'll have to side with one of them.
They are often petty with one another.
However their fights can escalate into physical ones, which often results in Dom and Cole pulling them apart.
They're still a team.
It doesn't matter if you manage to side with one side or not.
The other will still be unhappy and things may even get worse.
If anything, it's best you swap teams to keep things at bay.
Even then there's certainly aftermath.
Truthfully, your fate was most likely decided once you joined the team.
Leaving now may just cause problems...
But staying may not change anything either.
Perhaps you were stuck here ever since you joined and they laid eyes on you.
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yarugawitch · 1 year
Nnoitra/Reader: "Caged"
One-shot, SFW (blood and some dark themes present), love-hate, arrancar!reader, bird arrancar!reader Nnoitra is very fucking confusing with his feelings
A very old work of mine. It's been in my drafts for god knows how long so I mean why not share it? I wouldn't say I'm proud of this one but it's not bad either. It doesn't look finished though but oh well
You made whatever coursed through his cold, dead veins boil. 
At first, he’d thought that you were just like Nelliel, a damn pacifist, kind soul, here just to make his existence harder, but shortly after you’d reached the rank of an Espada he realized that he was wrong. Somehow you were even worse.
It didn’t take long for you to gain everyone’s attention. Confident, up to the challenge, and skilled enough for it not to be just an empty phrase. Aizen was ecstatic with how you turned out. You were a perfect noble warrior, suited for his army. 
To be fair, Nnoitra too was tempted by the idea of fighting you. No one was sure if they ever saw you injured so drawing your blood both for fun and out of pride seemed even more exhilarating. 
Every duel had to start with a little game of hide and seek. You were either already going for each other’s throats with Jaegerjaquez somewhere, or sitting in one of the chambers in the tallest tower of Las Noches, your home. With his enhanced pesquisa locating you wasn’t a big deal, however, the erratic and swift nature of your fighting form made getting to you a lot harder. Especially if your opponent was someone as mobile as you. 
This wasn’t very fun. 
Sometimes you even proposed a game of tag yourself and without waiting for his response darted in the direction of the horizon, while almost making him fall over with the sheer power of the gust of wind your huge wings created. Well. He did fall the first couple of times this happened. Not his proudest moments.
You’d probably sensed his ill intent from the start, you smart thing. The way you handled him was different from what your fights usually looked like. It was both insulting and… Well, somewhat interesting. You didn’t cut him any slack but still decided to toy with him like a bird would toy with its prey, constantly throwing him around, making distance, and closing it just to deal a single blow. And then the same thing over and over.
And the worst part was that you did just have fun. All of this wasn’t in a hateful or mocking manner. Every time he found himself lying on his back half-buried in the sand you just laughed and offered him a hand.
“Nice one. But make sure to flash me at least a single smile when we meet next time, though. Your bitter expression is starting to make me pissed.”
“Go to hell.”
Yet, he returned every time. The need to avenge his lost pride was far stronger than his dislike towards you and your cocky smile. This was the only reason he wanted to make you hurt, however. He didn’t feel the same hatred, the same frustration and annoyance he felt towards Nelliel with you, no matter how similar you two sometimes seemed. 
Seemed, that’s the key word here. He absolutely despised her and only just didn’t like you. You actually saw him as an opponent, even though that was just a game for you. You saw him. Not as some idol, not as some evil that must be purged but as…him.
Nnoitra was yet to make you take him more seriously, though, but he was adamant on doing everything in his power to change that, whether you liked it or not.
Another fight between you and Grimmjow ended abruptly. You just rushed to your tower without a word despite winning again. Usually, you were more energetic and talkative once the blue-haired asshole was out of breath but you’d been slow and apathetic for quite some time and now you just left. Which was odd.
Nnoitra happened to be near and witnessed the whole ordeal. Naturally, he was curious about what happened, but not that curious. It took him about half a day to finally notice that you didn’t return yet. No one had seen you after what happened before as well.
Seemingly never-ending stone stairs leading up to the topmost chamber made some time for him to think. It was strange that he passed the hall which only you had been taking and out of nowhere felt a need to check the tower. He almost turned back a couple of times, but the feeling that he had the right to know what was the matter got the best of him. And he definitely wasn’t disappointed when he reached the final flight of stairs. You were sitting in the center of the huge circular room and tending to… a wound. A nasty one at that. It had stopped bleeding a long time ago but still was burning hot and crimson from fresh blood. The smell of flesh hit his nostrils and almost made his mouth water out of long-forgottenl instinct.
Now he was starting to understand. He never saw anything or anyone hit you to suspect that something was wrong with your hierro. It would take at least triple the force Jaegerjaquez used on you for an average Arrancar to bleed. And you deflected and parried attacks suspiciously frequent for someone who was supposed to have impenetrable armor. There was no point in lying anymore. He saw it. 
Your hierro was flawed from birth, which made you so keen on improving your strength and skills. It did use to pick up its density and hardness after a certain amount of damage dealt but the more powerful other hollows started to become the fewer reasons you had to just stand there and take blows some of which could as well be lethal.
Nnoitra couldn’t keep himself from laughing. How pathetic! To think that everyone including himself saw you as an equal! You were no better than a soft-skinned shinigami. And it turned out Aizen knew about the way your hierro worked, too. What a fucking farce.
“You know that nothing is stopping me from taking your life right now or telling everybody about this to make you an easy target, yes?”
He felt somewhat robbed of his chance to make you bleed in a fight, though. Jealous, even. This damn stray cat…
“Go ahead. But what does this knowledge give anybody anyway? It’s not the mystery that makes me strong.”
Nnoitra ground his teeth but then smirked.
“Whatever. Now I’m at least certain you can feel pain.”
He never told anybody about it in the end and this knowledge made whatever interactions you two had much more intimate for some reason. A fleeting connection because of the information that he possessed. Just him and almost nobody else. It wasn’t just an advantage in a fight, it was a more personal matter and he HATED it. Curse his curiosity. It made him sick to his stomach how your own vulnerability caused him to let himself run his big fat mouth and just say whatever came to his mind. Why did he even want to talk with you in the first place? 
You, on the other hand, felt relieved. Despite his own displeasure with the way he acted around you, Gilga was surprisingly good at small talk and cracking jokes. You tried to pay as little attention to this fact as you could because you sensed his discomfort and knew how hard it was for someone like GIlga. Well… Most of the time you acted like you didn’t catch on to anything. It was too funny not to point out sometimes.
But nonetheless, you always listened. And this time you made encounters with him outside your conversations count and hurt, just like he wanted. 
You fool. You absolute fool.
How could you let this happen?!
He should’ve known from your conversations - no, from the fucking start - that this good nature of yours and blatant opposition to being involved in anything Aizen was planning was going to do you no good. This absolutely disgusting naivety that made you think everyone would leave this unnoticed now was leading you straight to hell. Not being interested in pledging your loyalty is one thing but openly saying no while being a fucking Espada was stupid beyond words. You obviously wanted to get hurt, Nnoitra was sure of it. And he had nothing to say when you were on your knees before Aizen while he was contemplating what to do with you.
The man was deciding for longer than he should’ve, though. In any other situation, be it anyone else, they would’ve already been sprawled on the floor with their head exploded into a million pieces for all the angels above to see. But you were alive and well, shooting the nastiest glare possible in the direction of your master. This should’ve been the reason Aizen gave it more thought. You were useful, powerful, had a talent for getting into people’s heads and no one would be surprised if it turned out he had some twisted favoritism towards you, so he needed something other than killing you. Something other than stripping you of your ranks. Letting you get away with this wasn’t an option either because this would be a good lesson for all the Espada watching.
And so confinement until you were to change your mind with Ulquiorra as your torturer was chosen. Nnoitra was almost clawing at walls upon hearing the verdict. He just didn’t know what to feel. Anger? Relief? 
In the end, he just convinced himself you deserved it. You should’ve known better and kept yourself safe without trying to be some kinda martyr. Why didn’t you just take care of yourself? Why did you have to think about someone else?
Ironically enough the tower you considered your home was now your prison. The fact that they did nothing but chained you to the wall was even more infuriating to Nnoitra. As if this was going to do something for a hollow. But they knew you weren’t gonna escape. Doing nothing, being a damn pacifist was your goal from the start, as if you were making some stupid statement. As if you were here just to make his existence harder. 
Nnoitra had to see it for himself. Almost every other day ended with him visiting the tower just to watch you sit there. Sometimes bleeding after Ulquiorra’s cruel manipulations. He had nothing to say except some nasty comments and insults. You said nothing in return as if you knew what he actually felt. And this made him visit you less and less. It was fucking unbearable.
Today wasn’t much different. Nnoitra found you in your usual place with your back against the wall. There was a huge bloodstain on the previously perfectly white wall above you, with a drag mark leading to where you were as if you got the back of your head bashed on the wall and just slid down. You gave him an almost sinister smile and it made his skin crawl. But he just scowled.
“You’re back. I almost forgot what you look like.”
“Of course you did. I’m surprised you remember anything at all with Ulquiorra painting walls using your head like this.”
“Oh come on now, it’s not that bad.”
“Shut up.”
And you even had the audacity to downplay this and joke with him. Disgusting, absolutely, utterly disgusting. The fact that he wanted to fight you and saw you as his close one at one point was hardly believable. With the pitiful sight you have become he lost all respect he had for you. It almost made him want to join Ulquiorra in teaching you a fucking lesson.
“Say, why are you still here?”
“I’m chained as you can see. I can’t exactly leave this place just because I want to.”
“Stop playing with me. We both know you can break the damn thing just fine,” he spat. “What are you even trying to achieve?”
“I just don’t want to be involved in any of this.”
“Even if it means your death?”
Your smile grew even bigger. 
“So it seems.”
You said it so calmly as if you already accepted your death. 
“Why you…”
With a few long strides, he reached you and roughly dragged you by one of the legs just so you were lying on your back in the center of the room now. One of his hands deftly pressed your head to the floor to immobilize you as he got on top while the other acted as a support. Nnoitra was almost shaking from all kinds of emotions. If you wanted it so badly then he would gladly help. In fact, he was the only one who had the right to.
He opened his mouth to rip into your throat with his teeth, but as they made contact with the skin on your neck there was only a clinking sound. Your hierro. It was hardened. Just how many times did Cifer try to cut your throat?
“Sorry… That’s a bad spot to try to gnaw into now.”
Feeling as if he had just been punched in the gut, Nnoitra lowered himself, panting from shock and frustration. This helplessness was too much for him. He felt caged with his anger and defenses slowly crumbling away.
“Why do you have to be like this…” he whispered. “What good is this whole scene to you?”
The way you smiled despite all of this happening to you deserved respect. He probably would’ve done the same. He would never surrender, even with his soul enslaved. But he didn’t like seeing you like this. It made him wonder if he could’ve done something to change it. It made him angry beyond words. It made him miserable. But he would be killed if he did something. And he can’t die like this.
“Why are you doing this to me…”
“I’m sorry, Nnoitra… I know we could’ve been good. We were good together. But you know better than anybody what is a principle to the likes of us.”
“That’s what is killing me.”
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