#and i get multiple thirst traps
littlemaple · 11 months
fuckin hell my guy
käärijä and his antics are now why im not gonna check social media in public anymore lmaoo
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Charles Leclerc - Arthur, you are not French...yeah Charles, drag his ass!
I’ve been excited to write this chapter! I know that reader is a Red Bull driver, but I am a Tifosi through and through. Charles holds such a special place in my heart (but so does Max). I feel like one of those “breaking my silence – how I got into F1,” low and behold, I got into the sport from that one Ferrari thirst trap where Charles is lying on the couch. Yeah, you know, that one. 
Anywho, I write these little things before I even get to writing the story and sometimes I don’t even know where I’m going with it. I know it's not Christmas yet, but the people spoke - SO HERE WE GO!
Sadly, the tag list is closed to do us reaching the 50 people mark! I never thought that I’d get there though with my story! So thank you to every one of you for making that happen! 
Like always, comments, questions, concerns, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated! Love you all <;3 
Your beanie had started to itch. You had needed it outside due to the cold weather, but now that you were in the car with the heat cranked, it was starting to get a little too warm. As you pulled up to the red light, your hand quickly yanked the hat off. Not to your surprise, your hair was sticking in all directions. That’s ok, you could fix it before you walked into the house. The light turned green, and you had to remind yourself that this was a regular car, on a regular street. Not a hybrid-engine-ran rocket ship that exceeded 300 kilometers per hour on sweet Grand Prix asphalt. 
This year, you had finally accepted Arthur’s invitation for Christmas. Earlier, you had done Christmas morning and afternoon with Max, Kelly, and Penelope. It was everything you could have wished for. And now you were going to spend the rest of the evening with your best friend and his family. You were a tab bit nervous. Sure, you had met them on a handful of occasions, but you tried not to get too close. They were always at grand prixes for Arthur, not you. 
You glanced at the presents that were stacked on the passenger side. The most important one, however, was placed in a bag on the floor. You were not about to let that fall over and possibly break. You knew it was made to be sturdy, but you couldn’t be sure. Arthur had given you the gate key. You pulled up to the little black box and pressed the numbers. You rolled your eyes as you realized that it was just Charles’s and Arthur’s racing numbers squished together. 
Arthur had also reminded you that Lorenzo was not going to be joining due to him being at his wife’s family’s for the holiday. That was one less person to impress you had told yourself. 
You pulled into their driveway and parked your car. It was not as impressive at Charles’s custom 488 Ferrari Pista Spider. It wasn’t as if you were almost drooling at the sight of it. Knowing yourself, you’d probably be too scared to drive it to actually enjoy it. Max also had a Ferrari, maybe he’d let you drive it. 
In a parking lot and not exceeding 5 kph. You snorted. Yep, that was Max. 
You did however, have your eye on two special cars. But you wanted to wait a bit before purchasing. You Pinterest board was full of different ideas, but you had to be careful. Maybe Christian could help you out with purchasing. You technically hadn’t bought this car, it was a gift from Lorenzo. You wouldn’t trade it for the world, but it might be nice to have more than one car. Besides, multiple drivers had multiple cars. You’d just join their ranks. 
Juggling the presents, you walked to the front door and pressed the doorbell. Your face was hardly visible over the tops of the boxes. The door opened and a familiar voice sounded. 
“Mon Dieu, let me help you.” Presents were being taken from the big stack. 
“Thank you Charles.” You prided yourself on being one of the few people who could recognize the difference between Arthur’s and Charles’s voices. He didn’t reply as he took the presents farther into the house. You followed him through the door and toed off your shoes. Your eyes caught all the lights and decorations in the house. Growing up, you didn’t have such things. Your family always said that being in karting was always going to be your present. Nothing more, nothing less. There were no cookies for Santa and no tree to decorate. 
As you walked more into the warm house, the decorations just kept getting better. Where Max’s house was decorated by Kelly who like a clean Christmas aesthetic, the Leclerc household leaned towards the warmer decorations. The lights didn’t necessarily match and flickered colorful light. The stockings weren’t the same color: they showed personality that matched their owner. Even the ornaments weren’t all from the same container. You found Charles staring down at the presents that he had taken from you. 
“Who are these for?” he turned his head to look at you. 
You snorted, “They’re for your family.” His eyes widened as he rubbed his chin. 
“You didn’t have to.” 
You only shrugged as you began to take off your coat, “I felt like I did. You all have been so kind to invite me here on a holiday that I couldn’t come empty handed.” Charles gestured for your jacket and you gave it to him. 
“You can look around some more if you’d like to. Arthur and maman will be back from the store soon.”  Your cheeks heated at the thought of him catching you ogling at his home. You shook the thought away and looked at everything a little bit closer. 
Like all homes seemed to have, there was a wall filled with picture frames. Some were of each child; some had the full family. It was nice to see all 5 of them together in the center one. You cocked you head at one of them though. You all but tiptoed to get a closer look. It was one of Charles and Arthur, and then an unfamiliar but familiar man stood between them. 
“That’s Jules. If you were wondering.” 
You jumped in place, not noticed that he had snuck up behind you. You looked over and saw that a sad smile had graced his face. Arthur had told you little about him. Charles and Lorenzo would always have been much closer to him. 
“I met him once. During karting,” you trailed off. Charles raised his eyebrows. 
“Really?” It seemed as though the breath had been knocked out of him. 
You gave him a comforting smile, “Yeah. My race was right after yours. I think it was back in 2010,” you looked back at the picture, “and you won that day. I watched him cheer for you like he was the proudest person there that day. He was in a racing suit and had a helmet. I thought that he had come straight from a race or something. But, I only remember wishing that I had someone there for me like you had.” 
Charles now had a guess as to what day that was. He vaguely remembered finally beating Max and feeling so happy. But, he didn’t remember Jules having a helmet. He took the picture down so that the two of you could look closer. It was definitely not taken the day that you were talking about, but the way you talked about him intrigued Charles. He gave you a head nod, silently saying to continue. 
“That day, I also won my race. It hadn’t been the easiest, but the boys were too busy pushing each other off that they didn’t even notice me. I was able to overtake and win. The boys though, weren’t the only ones who didn’t notice. My parents weren’t around when I looked for them. I must have turned around so many times, just trying to find them, but I never did. I had taken my kart back to my station when someone tapped me on the shoulder. He scared the ever-loving crap out of me, but he held my shoulder and told me that I did a great job.” 
Your eyes were slightly watering at the confession. Charles just continued to look at you. 
“I knew who he was. He was the man who always cheered for the Justin Bieber look-a-like who liked to push a certain Dutchman off the track, into a puddle, and claim it was just an inchident.” Charles snorted. 
“I did not look like Justin Bieber.” 
“Whatever floats your boat.” He gave you a look. “American expression. Anyway, after he said that he gave me a hug before my dad came stomping over, complaining about something, I don’t even remember. But all I know is that he made my entire day. My godfather wasn’t able to visit that much or come see me race. So, it was nice to have someone in my corner, even if they weren’t truly there for me.” 
Charles hung the picture back on the wall. The two of you stood there for a quiet moment before Charles spoke up. “How’s your godfather?” 
You inhaled sharply. “He died in 2020. Caught some illness in 2018 and wasn’t able to recover.” 
It broke Charles’s heart to hear you talk about it so nonchalantly. 
“Does Arthur know?” 
You nodded your head. “He caught me crying the first year of his anniversary. Made me spill the beans about what happened. He thought he needed to go beat someone up.” You let out a wet chuckle. When did you even start crying? Looking at Charles, you saw that he was crying too. You continued, “Lorenzo, he, uh, died the day before I debuted in F2.” 
Memories hit Charles like an 18-wheeler. That was you? He remembered that most of the F1 drivers had been invited since the F1 and F2 races were so close together. Hell, even Max was given the opportunity to give the winner the trophy. He remembers watching you dominate that race. He watched you offer that trophy to the sky. He saw a hunger that he hadn’t seen in a long time. 
He finally spoke up, “You were incredible.” 
“Thank you,” you paused before adding, “he’d be proud of you. Jules, I mean.” You looked back at the picture and how it seemed right at home amongst the others. 
“Lorenzo would be proud of you as well.” You flashed him a grateful smile, full of teeth. He mirrored, dimples prominent. 
You threw your head back and laughed. Charles cocked his head. 
“What’s the matter?” he barely got out as he began to laugh as well. 
You poked his cheeks, “You and Thur have the same dimples.” Charles rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair. You pouted. “Rude.” 
He was about to reciprocate but the sound of the door opening caught the two of yours attention. Charles quickly pushed you into a dark room. You gave him a confused look before he put a finger to his lips. You smirked back and stayed silent. 
Pascale walked in first followed by Arthur. Charles greeted his mother and then brother. 
“I saw Y/n’s car in the driveway. Where is she?” Arthur looked around the house. 
“She went to the bathroom, but hasn’t come back. I think I scared her off,” Charles faked a sad look.  
Arthur flashed a comforting smile to his brother. “I’ll go find her. Hopefully she didn’t fall in or something.” That almost made you laugh. 
Arthur flipped on the lights to the hallway. This was your chance. He barely got past the doorframe before you jumped out onto him. 
His squeal echoed through the room, laughter following it. In your grand scheme, you had accidentally fallen on top of him. Your giggles continued as Arthur tried to push you off. He finally gave up after a few moments. You knew you probably looked ridiculous, but honestly you didn’t care. You swear you heard a click of a camera, but you disregarded it. 
“Are you done?” Arthur sarcastically asked. 
“No, I’m actually quite comfortable. Thank you for asking though,” you smirked. After a few more moments later, Arthur quickly rolled you off and got up. You let out a huff before making grabby hands at him. He rolled his eyes and pulled you up. 
You were finally able to greet Pascale. She brought you into a hug and did the two kisses. You reciprocated. It came naturally after being teammates with Arthur for so long. You smiled at the memory of him doing it to you for the first time. He was so embarrassed after until you calmed him down enough to say that you didn’t mind. You knew it was a part of his culture and that he shouldn’t feel embarrassed to do so. 
“Thank you for inviting me.” You shot her a shy smile. She rubbed your back before exiting the hug. 
“There is no need for thanks. Arthur has been begging for years.” A noise of protest rang through the air. 
“I have not.” 
“Non, it’s true. He has.” Charles looked at his brother. Arthur had a look of betrayal that sent you spiraling into another laughing fit. 
By the time you were finished, Arthur gave you a look. 
“Where’s you Christmas sweater?” You looked down at the one you were wearing. You thought it looked just fine. It was a nice dark green and Kelly had complimented you many times. 
“I thought this looked nice?” You were beginning to doubt. Maybe you couldn’t do this Christmas thing. 
Arthur shook his head before disappearing down a hallway. 
You glanced at Charles and whispered, “I ruined it didn’t I?” You looked down at your feet. 
“Non gosse, you didn’t ruin anything. Just look.” You looked back up and saw that Arthur now had another sweater in his hands. (translation : no kid)  
“I can’t believe I forgot to give you this. Sorry Y/n, we normally wear ‘ugly’ Christmas sweaters to celebrate. The one you have on is fine, but this is the Leclerc celebration now.” He all but shoved you towards a bathroom so that you could change. You slipped the other dark green sweater on after you took off your first one. 
The front made you laugh. It wasn’t ugly per say, Arthur must have toned it down for you. On the front was the Grinch. It was actually kind of cute if you thought about it. You folded your first sweater and walked out. Now you noticed that Charles’s had a bright orange sweater with a gamer Santa on it; Arthur’s actually lit up; and Pascale had a cute one with a reindeer on it. 
When he noticed your return, Arthur’s arms shot up. “Now you look festive!” 
“How long did it take you to find that one TurTur?” You motioned your finger up and down, pointed at his sweater. 
His arms crossed protectively around it as he let his jaw hang. “I’ll have you know that this is imported.” 
You gave him a bombastic side eye. “Sure.” 
Pascale clapped her hands, “Picture time by the tree!” 
You kind of awkwardly stood there as she took pictures of the two boys. You warmly smiled as she gushed over the two of them. You made your way to the kitchen and picked up two bottles. Were these alcoholic? You squinted at the label. 
“Y/n!” You froze and looked at the family of three. Arthur was snickering. 
“You know you’re not allowed to drink yet.” You rolled your eyes. 
Charles shot you a mischievous smile. “Gosse, come, we’ll send a picture to old Maxy. Maybe give him a heart attack.” 
You smirked back as you walked with the two bottles. You posed in front of the tree with the glasses on either side of you. The four of you laughed as you set them down. You wanted to make a run for it, as to not ruin the pictures, but Pascale insisted that she wanted one of the three of you. 
Your heart swelled as she took a picture of you in the middle of Arthur and Charles. She also insisted to get one of just you and Arthur. Your cheeks heated as you caught her muttering about a picture to show your kids one day. You only hoped that Arthur hadn’t heard. 
He did and his heart soared at the thought. 
Once the pictures were done, everyone was able to have a few snacks and drinks, yours of course being non-alcoholic. 
Then it was time for the presents. The thing you were worried about the most. You soon found yourself seated on the floor in a half circle. Pascale was the only one in a chair, but you didn’t blame her. The boys were the ones to pass out the presents. To your surprise, you had received three presents. Your eyes wanted to water, but you blinked the tears away. 
They all opened the ones from you first. 
Arthur lit up like a Christmas tree (pun intended) when he saw what you had gotten him. The two of you had been shopping earlier in the year, when you had come across a watch shop. Arthur had wanted to buy a specific one, but was heartbroken when they said that they were sold out. But, while Arthur was having a crisis about it, you secretly asked to be put on the waitlist. They had said that they couldn’t be 100 percent that you’d get one, but there was no harm in asking. 
Surprisingly, when you got back for a small break, there was a package from the store waiting for you. You had also taken it to another watch store to have something added. 
“Turn it over,” you whispered, scared of his next reaction. He inhaled sharply at what the engraving read. 
January 25, 2020 – Best Friends for the Rest of Our Live, Keep at it TurTur! 
Arthur quickly clamored over to you and wrapped you in a deep hug. Again, you heard the sound of a camera, but dismissed it. 
Next Charles opened his. It wasn’t as sentimental as Arthur’s but you tried your best. Before hand, you had asked what type of jewelry Charles likes. You knew he was a ring and bracelet guy, but had rarely seen him with a necklace. So, you got him a simple one that he could wear with any outfit. 
He thanked you with a warm smile. 
Pascale was very happy with hers. Knowing that she had a hair salon, you googled many gift ideas for her. But every sing one of them to come up was always a pair of scissors. Wanting to do better, you did some more digging. Finally, you decided on one of those fancy circle vacuums that moves by itself. You knew how your back hurt after sweeping up a floor. You couldn’t imagine how her’s might feel. She also gave you a hug. 
Now it was your turn. 
The first present was from Arthur and it had you in tears. There in a rectangular box was a new pair of Lightning McQueen crocs. 
“You know this is like my third pair right?” 
He only nodded, “Yes, but are those pairs signed by Lightning McQueen himself?” Your eyes bulged as you turned them over. 
You were expecting Owen Wilson’s signature, but when you read it, you laughed even harder. There on the bottom, in fancy script, was Charles’s signature. You looked over at Charles as you wiped your eyes. 
“I’m honored sir.” 
Charles rolled his eyes, and touched his heart, as to accept the thanks. His present wasn’t as funny, but it was appreciated. You guessed that Arthur had told him what your favorite restaurant was because his gift was a hefty gift card. Your eyes widened when you saw the total. 
Pascale’s was very sentimental though. In her present were multiple pictures in frames. Some you noticed that she must have gotten from the internet or had Arthur reach out to Vito. The one that made you tear up was one of the last pictures taken of you and Lorenzo. Your smile was so bright as you held you trophy. You were looking into the camera, but Lorenzo was looking and smiling down at you. Your fingers traced his face. 
You placed the pictures down and brought her into a giant hug. After you were done, you wiped your eyes, overcome with emotion. Arthur clapped his hands to bring everyone’s attention to him. You almost jumped out of your skin. 
“All right, party time!” He raised his arms and started to walk toward the kitchen. 
Your eyes widened as you remembered something. “Wait!” 
The three of them stared at you. You inhaled. 
“I have one more thing. For all three of you.” They looked at you with a puzzled look. You walked over to the counter where you had placed the black bag that you came with. You gestured for them to come over. 
Arthur cocked his head, “Y/n, why’d you bring a helmet bag? We swapped helmets already.” His accent got thicker as he got more confused. 
You shook your head slightly as you let out a shaky exhale. You carefully started to unzip the bag. It was true, what Arthur said. The contents were a helmet. 
“Gosse, is this your new helmet for next year? It’s very outdated and I don’t think this is safe, ” Charles questioned, confused as to why you’d bring a helmet to Christmas. 
However, Pascale let out a gasp as her eyes danced over the helmet, now in your hands. She put her hands to her mouth. She had recognized it immediately. 
“Is this?” The rest of the question went unsaid, but you knew what she was going to say. You nodded you head and handed it to her. She turned it around, expecting all the angles. She let out a wet laugh as she carefully and slowly handed it over to Charles. Arthur stood close, looking at it as well.
“Arthur, before you got here, I was telling Charles of how I was able to meet your godfather,” you started. “And I wanted to tell you how thankful I was for his encouragement. I knew that he had come straight from a race, because he was still wearing his suit and he carried a helmet.” 
Charles made a confused face, “But he didn’t have a helmet. His hands were both empty, because he caught Arthur when he ran over to him after he showed up.” You could tell that his mind was trying to connect the dots.
“Well. He wouldn’t have had the helmet,” you trailed off. Arthur’s head shot up. 
“Because he gave it to you,” Arthur finished. Charles inhaled sharply as he looked over the protective gear in his hands. 
Pascale had come close to you, a hand around your shoulder that rubbed up and down, trying to give some comfort. 
The two boys looked as if they were going to cry. Charles let Arthur hold it. 
“How? Why?” Charles questioned, tears threatening to fall. 
“Well, I thought it had gotten destroyed or thrown away. I left it at my parent’s house, and when I told them I was moving out for reasons, they didn’t react well.” You didn’t want to give too much away. “I was sure that they were going to burn all of my things. But, I went back to see just in case. I was mostly correct; except they didn’t touch my closet. It was hiding in the back behind some clothes.” You remembered crying when you found it, holding it close for comfort. It had been one of the few things that you took from the house back to your apartment in Nice. 
“I also wanted to bring it back, where it belongs.” 
Charles glanced at you and then the helmet between Arthur’s fingers. “But, he gave it to you. You need to keep it.” 
You shook your head. “Jules told me to keep it safe and to hold onto it for safe keeping. I always thought that I’d be able to give it back to him one day. I guess this is the closest thing I can do.” 
Arthur gave the helmet back to his brother and walked over to you. You looked into his big blue eyes, filled with tears. Unable to hold back, he tucked his face into your neck, holding you tight. You squeezed your eyes closed, tears falling down your cheeks. 
You knew that Arthur always felt bad about not being as close to his godfather, like Charles and Lorenzo had been. He had been 15 when Jules died, and you always wished that the family had had more time with him. Pressure was added on your other side. Looking over slightly, your eyes caught sight of Charles’s brown hair. You managed to put your other arm around him. You held the two brothers close, your heart melting. 
Is this what a family is supposed to feel like? 
Max’s family was a different dynamic. Yes, they enjoyed hugs and being close, but it wasn’t like this where you could hold each other for hours. Well, maybe Max would let you, he was so overdue for a giant group hug.
Arthur couldn’t get over the fact that you were so close. He hoped that you didn’t hear his heart racing. He’s waited this long; he can wait a little longer. His tears had dried up, but he never wanted to let you go. Your heart was too big and too fragile for anyone else to have it. But here you were, opening it up to his family. He couldn’t have asked for someone better to hold your place in his heart. He could only dream that you held him close to your heart, as he did with you to his. 
You would never tell him, but you did. 
Charles on the other hand could not stop the tears. He wondered how long you had waited. Shy, quiet you. Before this, he had seen you a couple of times before with Max at the beginning of the break. He’d often run into the two of you shopping or getting groceries. You’d always find a way to give a small wave, before turning to do something else while Max talked to him. He wondered what was so special about you. Max, in all his life, had never looked at something as he looked at you. It was different than the way he looked at Kelly. Heck, he even looked a Penelope differently. Charles had rolled his eyes a few more times than he’d like to admit whenever Arthur would bring you up in conversation. But now, as you tried to comfort him and his brother, he finally understood. You were the family that they were missing. 
Pascale watched as the three of you broke your little hug. Smiles adorned your faces as you held the other close. She wished Lorenzo would have been here to meet you. She had a feeling that he and Charlotte would like you, as her other two sons did. 
Their little celebration started moments after, the helmet at the center. Your smile never left your face for the rest of the night. You were sad that they didn’t let you sneak in one sip of the bottled drink. 
“It’s probably not even good,” you told them as you took a sip of your drink. 
“Y/n it is good. We French know what good alcohol is,” he took a sip. You raised an eyebrow and smirked as you saw Charles gawk at him. 
“Arthur, you are not French,” you watched as Charles put an arm around Arthur’s neck. You were quick to grab his drink so it wouldn’t stain the carpet. “Yeah Charles, drag his ass!” 
Arthur held out a hand, dramatically going down. “My best friend betraying me for my brother. Could this day get any worse?” 
“Charles, you should have heard all the times he said that he was French when we would do videos.” You smirked evilly at the two. 
“Y/n! You weren’t supposed to tell him!” 
“Arthur, how many times to I have to tell you? WE ARE NOT FRENCH, WE ARE MONAGUESQE!! 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog
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borathae · 3 months
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↳ Full Art
"You run in on Yoongi touching himself in the shower and he begs you to punish him because of it. Hard."
Pairing: Yoongi x n.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut
Warnings: sub!Yoongi, masochist!Yoongi, rough Dom!Reader, he is naked and wet, CBT, cock slapping, safe ball busting with a knee, leaky cocks, dirty talk, degradation, he wants to be called dirty/bad slut, hair pulling, subby boy tears, drool, praise, handjob, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (m.receiving), Yoongi has a kink for being manhandled, male masturbation in shower, nipple sucking, cuddly aftercare, he's just a cute lil masochist who wants his balls busted and get hugs after <3
Wordcount: 2.5k
a/n: okay so, I'm trying trying the new format. istfg besties, Patreon is so stressful I might actually cry. idk how to do it so I'll like it 😭 okay so, my idea is that i'll post the story and a very cropped art preview (as seen on the header) here on Tumblr and if anyone wants to check out the full art to the story, they have to go to my Patreon. Engagement as far as stories is concerened is very bad on Patreon *glares* and I really miss yelling about the stories with you guys. So for my own peace of mind, i'll keep the stories on Tumblr and give all my true connoisseurs something extra spicy to thirst over on Patreon hehe <3 thank you for being patient with me. I promise to keep drawing and improving and to feed y'all thirsty hoes (affectionately) as much as I can 💜 also lmao those are long a/n fjajsdf have fun besties sorry it took a lil longer today, i tried to figure out how i wanna do sexy art of the month from now on fajdjfs
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The bathroom is fogged up and smells heavily like Yoongi’s soap. Masculine, clean and expensive. You find yourself hazy because of it. What truly seals the state of you, however, is the view. Mirrors misted up, air milky from steam and right there in his expensive walk-in shower, Yoongi is having his throbbing cock in his tight fist. The water is turned off right now, but his body is still wet. His dark hair is slicked back, his silky skin is glistening and his head is tilted back in bliss as soft sighs slip past his pouty lips. 
You walked in on him touching himself. You really didn’t plan on doing so, but can’t seem to get yourself to leave. Or to stop staring for that matter.
He has a languid rhythm going. Slow, but clearly skilled. His long fingers are wrapped tightly around his veiny cock. His thumb is drawing circles on his flushed tip and pretty frenulum. He is sensitive there, likes it especially when someone is being gentle with it. His dark nipples are hard and the pale skin around them is flushed as if he had played with them moments before. Knowing Yoongi, he did. He is such a slut for nipple play. He is so fucking tender there. 
“Fuck”, Yoongi presses out breathily, gliding his left hand up his own torso as he fucks his cock slowly. 
He is tensing and relaxing his stomach, broadening his stance as his knees wobble. He furrows his brows, biting down on his lower lip as small mewls leave him repeatedly. His long fingers close around his own biceps, giving it a needy squeeze. Look at the marks he leaves, look at how he is tensing his muscles.
You find yourself gulping and taking heavy breaths at the view.
What made him so goddamn needy? 
One thing Yoongi rarely does, is to jerk off. He sees it as something useless because if he gets horny, he has you to take the burden off his shoulders. He also rarely gets horny without you in the first place, so there is that. So to have him so incredibly lost in masturbation is rare and therefore insanely addicting.
What made him so needy? Was it a memory? A fantasy? A picture or video? Was it nothing of that sorts and he merely touched his cock wrong as he cleaned himself? Did the water hit the right spot and trap him in the delicious sensation of its wet massage? 
What did it to him?
“___”, Yoongi moans loudly, leaking onto the floor.
Your stomach clenches. Holy fuck. You did it to him. You did. The thought of you, the memory of your touch and the image of you did it to him. You let out a small gasp at the realisation.
Yoongi startles at the sound and opens his eyes. He stops, tenses up. You freeze, holding your breath. The air between you and him is tense and electric. He blinks at you, mouthing your name quietly.
“I uhm”, you begin, clearing your throat loudly.
He drops his hand from his biceps, tightening his fingers around his cock. He can’t seem to leave his trance of shock. The only indicator that the view of you is turning him on, is his increasing breathing and how needily his long fingers still hold his cock.
“I uhm, sorry. I wasn’t staring, I mean, I was but I- sorry, I uhm, I’m gonna leave now”, you stutter and turn to leave.
“Help me.” 
You halt, wobbling slightly because he is making your knees buckle. You turn around, dancing your eyes over his body.
“Help me. Please”, he begs and tugs at his cock weakly, biting down on his lower lip as he does. Look at the needy kitten eyes he is making at you. 
“Really?” you get out, feeling dizzy at the view. You want to ruin this man. You really do.
He nods his head, lowering his eyes at you. He is taunting you as much as he is begging you.
You do not bother to take off your clothes, he only has to nod his head twice and then you are already in the shower, eating him up with just your eyes. 
Yoongi cups your face and kisses you. He mewls needily as he does it, sucking on your lips and tongue more than he actually kisses you. It is so lazy, so slow and yet so intensely passionate. He is so lost in you, so entirely addicted to your taste that he is solely running on it. Whatever he fantasised about before really did it to him. You feel up his torso hungrily, moaning at the delicious taste of him.
He is shivering with each touch, chasing the feeling of you with wiggles of his hips which force his cock to grind against your clothed stomach. The fabric of your hoodie feels rough against his sensitive tip. He craves the silkiness of your skin like plants crave sunlight.
He breaks the kiss with a sigh of your name, resting his forehead against yours. 
“I was bad”, he breathes.
“You were?” you are kneading his waist, staring at his flushed face with hazy eyes.
“Yeah. Thought of you ‘til I got needy”, he rasps and mewls quietly, mouthing at the tip of your nose, “touched myself to you.”
“Fuck, Yoongi.”
“Punish me.” 
“Punish you?” 
You step back and pick up his cock so you could slap his tip. Gently for now, to test the waters. 
Yoongi moans loudly, squeezing your cheeks softly. His knees buckle slightly.
“Like this, mhm?” you ask, slapping him again. Soft. Careful. Get him used to it. Or needy for more. You are fine with both options as long as it ends in your boyfriend panting and needy.
He scrunches his face in pleasure, letting out a shaky “mh-hm” before he follows it up with a breathy, “don’t stop please.” 
“Fuck Yoongi, you’re driving me insane. You’re so hot.”
“I’m a bad slut”, he croaks.
“Yeah, the fucking worst. Bad slut, such a bad slut”, you growl, giving him harsh spanks. Now that you know he wants it, you are so happy to give it to him.
He takes each of your spanks with a blissed moan and a twitch of his cock. His pink tip got so much pinker ever since you started playing with him. His chest is flushed as well, looking so untouched.
You take his heavy cock between your fingers and pick up his favourite rhythm. Then you step closer to litter his chest with kisses. Wet and sloppy. You need to mark his skin as yours and taste him in the process.
Yoongi arches his back, dropping his head against the glass behind him. Your name slips past his lips, his hands grab your waist and squeeze. 
“You’re a bad slut, Yoongi love, but you’re such a pretty slut at that”, you rasp and take his left nipple between your teeth. You tug on it, making him moan. You suck on it, making him mewl. You lick it, making him sigh your name.
He is tender there. Just as you said.
And as you give him heaven with just your mouth, your hands are busy feeling him up. Your right hand fucks his cock like it deserves to be fucked, while your left hand feels up his waist and hips. He fits so perfectly between your fingers. It is like he is made to be touched by you and only you. His skin is so soft and warm, leaving behind wetness on your fingertips from the previous shower. His cock is twitching so cutely in your hold.
You lift your lips from his right nipple after worshiping it as well, tilting your head so you are looking at his pretty face. You cup his pink cheek.
“Look at me.”
Yoongi obeys, fluttering his lashes at you. He is breathing so heavily, gazing at you as if you were his fucking everything.
“You’re a pretty slut. You know that, don’t you?”
He nods his head, choking out a shy “yeah.”
“You do. Good. Don’t forget it, kitten”, you order and slow your hand around his tip. It sits between your fingers. You increase the pressure slightly and move your hand again. Just a little, just enough that he’s getting fucked so good.
Yoongi gasps, widening his eyes for just a second before rolling them back.
“No, no look at me.”
Yoongi obeys with a mewl of your name.
“That’s better. I wanna look at your pretty eyes.”
“I have to cum”, he moans.
“Cause you’re looking at me?”
He nods his head, leaking all over your palm, “can’t hold it…like…this.”
“God, you lovedrunk slut, you”, you tease, giving his favourite spot a good rub.
“Please”, he begs, “please, can I cum?”
“Mhhm, don’t know. Do you deserve it?”
“Please I, mghm, I’ll give you head later”, he bargains with the prettiest kitten eyes.
“Obviously, you’re gonna do that anyways. Do better, Yoongi slut”, you warn, slowing down dangerously.
“Please”, he begs louder and thrusts his hips into your fist. 
It earns him a harsh spank, “behave.”
“Fuck please. I-I’ll cockwarm you, promise I, I won’t move. Please.” 
“But Yoongi, where is the fun in that? I’ll do that anyways. You know that bad, dirty jerk off sluts get cockwarmed”, you coo as your skilled fingers torture his flushed tip. He is burning up, smearing his precum all over your digits. 
“I have to cum so bad”, he croaks and spills tears, “please can I cum? I’ll be so good please.” 
“Fine. You can cum”, you say calmly even if your hand is giving his cock such a good fuck. He didn’t convince you, you just simply have a better way to ruin him how he so clearly craves.
“___”, he moans and closes his eyes sensually. Moments later, his swollen cock releases all over your hand. His knees buckle, he finds support by grabbing your shoulders and arching his back. His moan is loud and drawn-out.
“Look at you”, you moan with him, speeding up your hand now that he is giving you such a good show, “good slut, cum for me. That’s my good slut.”
Yoongi is shaking and trembling in bliss, but soon begins shaking and trembling for other reasons. You aren’t slowing down. His balls are empty, his cock so overstimulated, but you aren’t slowing down. You jerk off his cock as if it has a debt to pay, giving him burning heaven in the process. 
He finally realises what he signed up for and that your sweet words were nothing but deception. He didn’t convince you. You aren’t done with him. One wasn’t enough. 
“Please, please, pl-please”, he begs, trying to flee you as much as chases you. 
“One more, kitten. Give me one more.” 
“I can’t. Oh god, I can’t”, he mewls and stumbles as he tries to flee.
You grab him and pin him against the glass harshly, knocking a weak gasp out of him. His knees buckle, his teary eyes gaze at you with all the devotion he can muster. He loves when you’re rough with him, when you show him that he is yours to manhandle.
“Give me more”, you growl, speeding up around his cock.
“No please”, Yoongi mewls and tries to wiggle away just so you can put him back in his place. He parts his legs, hoping that you take the silent hint.
You do. Of course you do. You lift your knee against his balls hard enough that it hurts. Yoongi folds into himself with a pained moan, grabbing your waist. He is already so fucking hard again, throbbing in your hand as if he never released before. 
“Stop fleeing me”, you growl and knee him again, twisting your hand around his burning tip at the same time. 
Yoongi sobs, burying his face in your shoulder. It hurts so much. He has never been so fucking high on pleasure before. It feels so good. Yoongi swears every second is the best second he ever experienced.
“Understood? You do not flee me”, you give his tender balls one last harsh nudge with your knee, then grab his hair to pull his head back. 
He coughs out a sob, spilling tears and drool all down his pretty face. He can barely even keep his eyes open, let alone stop them from crossing. 
He is so pretty. 
“What’s with that pretty face?” you challenge, pumping his overstimulated cock quickly as you grind your knee against his balls at the same time. 
“Yours”, he croaks.
“That’s right. Mine. My pretty slut.”
“You’re making me cum.” 
“See? I knew you could give me more. Don’t hold back, slut.”
“Knee. Please.” 
You knee him a fourth time. Yoongi wails up, folding into himself in both pain and pleasure before spilling all over your hoodie and his stomach. So his balls weren’t empty yet. Of course they weren’t. You are proving to him how much of a slut he actually is.
He melts into you, shaking on your knee as your name leaves him like his prayer of bliss.
“Good slut, give me everything. Such a good slut. That’s so much better, I knew one wasn’t enough. Your pretty balls are never empty after only one. That’s it. Good slut”, you talk him through it, holding him safely as your hand milks him dry.
Soon Yoongi slacks into you, grabbing your wrist to stop your movements.
“No more.”
You don’t listen just to tease him, giving his burning tip a tight massage. He trembles and writhes, squeezing your wrist.
You are going to stop, but first you need to tease him just a little more. A few more squeezes and rubs, a little pump and tug.
“Please”, he begs breathily, wiggling his hips away from you.
“You’re so cute”, you coo and finally drop his ruined cock.
“Thank you”, he sighs and sinks into you, hugging you tightly as he recovers.
You hug him back, tracing his spine.
“How was that, mhm?” you ask him, speaking in a soft voice.
He nods his head slowly, humming. 
“Yeah? Was it good for you?” 
“Was perfect”, he lulls and purrs contently, “thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh god, I need to lie down now”, he says and chuckles, “my balls are so fucking tender.”
“I can imagine. I kicked them really hard. Are you okay? Should I get something for the pain?”
He shakes his head, “you did it so right. Thank you so much.”
You smile, “that’s good to hear. You’re such a good boy.”
Yoongi nuzzles his nose against your neck and purrs softly, melting under your praise. You know exactly how to love him.
“I love you so much”, he mumbles.
“I love you too.”
“I actually wanna lie down though.”
You chuckle, “okay, okay let’s get you cleaned up and cozy. You’re gonna get back scratches in bed”, you say as you lead him to the shower head.
“And ear rubs.”
“And ear rubs. As my prince wishes”, you say and turn on the water to wash away the mess he left. Yes, you will change into different clothes, “how’s the temperature, love?”
“Good. Nice.”
“Yeah? Is it good how I’m touching you?” you ask as you clean his cock and balls with gentle fingers.
He nods his head, “hm.”
“Good. God, Yoongi love, you’re so handsome.” 
Yoongi blushes, lowering his eyes shyly. Yeah, you definitely know how to love him.
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jacesvelaryons · 5 months
english love affair
social media au
kpop idol!reader x tom blyth
fc: jennie kim
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i love making these and have some in my drafts so feel free to send requests/face claim requests/suggestions
(ps: i had to redo this bc the first time i posted not only did it not post, it didn’t save any of my changes so i had to do it again. 😭)
Requests are OPEN for both soc med aus and blurbs for Tom and his characters
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liked by zendaya and others
hunterschafer beautiful girl
liked by yourusername
↪️yourusername that’s you babes 😘
taylorswift so proud of you hon
lola.tung can’t wait to see your pretty face all on the billboards AHH
tomblyth ❤️
liked by yourusername
↪️ user23 OH?
↪️ fan98 they know each other?
↪️ user9 and she liked!
user8 insert olivia wilde nodding meme
random56 when you’re that girl!
username7 y/n world domination she’s a singer dancer rapper songwriter producer model like what can she not do
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liked by randomuser and others
y/n has now followed actor tom blyth who has recently stared in the new hunger games movie the ballad of songbirds and snakes!
he has previously liked and commented on her recent post, and she’s stated previously that she’s a fan of the trilogy and has watched this new movie multiple times!
ynfan98 this is interesting bc she barely follows ppl as it is
user76 the way she’s barely active on social media and does this she’s so old lady coded 😭
↪️ user8 HIS WHAT?!
↪️ username6 YES SKDKDK not even a few hours since she followed now he’s like this
↪️ random87 real because i’d be thirst trapping to get her attention
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liked by yourusername and others
outtakes from my recent vogue italia shoot
user1 ok thirst trap
↪️ random488 HES SO REAL
rachelzegler you look okay i guess 🙄
↪️ tomblyth i’ll take it
mayahawke looking good my boy
↪️ tomblyth 👍
↪️ random5 his millennial ahh reply 😭
liked by mayahawke
yourusername stunning
liked by tomblyth
↪️ user12 not him acting coy after that thirst trap when she followed him 😭
↪️ user9 he thinks he’s slick when he’s probably fangirling she’s noticing him
user12 how did they meet not my worlds colliding
↪️ random1 probably rachel introduced them yk how rach is a social butterfly
liked by rachelzegler
↪️ user9 see? rach liking just confirms it she set them up
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liked by tbfns and others
tom’s now deleted story (1.12.2024)
user097 not him deleting this naurrr
tomfans wait my friends said they saw him in london what is he doing there if he ain’t filming anything?
user64 wait the shoes he’s holding look like something yn would wear at the recent gala in london hold on 👀👀
↪️ username678 you’re so right cause coincidence i think not
↪️ random75 maybe he went as her date! it’s a big night for her and her career. how sweet!
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liked by naomi and others
A huge honour to receive the Honorary MBEs and attend the South Korea-UK State Banquet at Buckingham Palace 🎖️💂‍♀️
onyourm_ark congrats y/nnie!
↪️ yourusername thanks markles im gonna cry omg
↪️ johnnyjsuh so proud of you y/n 🎉🥳
dualipa you’re one of us now 🥰🥰
↪️ yourusername kisses kisses hugs hugs
↪️ user87 one of us like 👀interesting
↪️ person97 cause she got an english man too
oliviarodrigo congrats my love!
liked by yourusername
↪️ yourusername thank you angel ✨
↪️ random97 wait both my girls booed up by english boys they’re on the same wavelength
username188 am i dreaming or does the shoes on tom’s deleted story match her dress
↪️ ynfan I SEE IT OMG did they go together
↪️ fan65 my cousin who works at the palace apparently heard he entered through the private back entrance to attend the ball and seated where he’s not visible by the camera
↪️ user97 so cute for her to bring him as a date! must be serious tho
↪️ randomuser7 great he attended and supported her during one of the biggest nights of her career but didn’t hog the spotlight
↪️ user121 a real man wouldn’t be threatened by a woman’s success
liked by yourusername
↪️ user53 exactly yn deserves someone who knows his place and that she’s a star and not to be jealous and try to stifle her talent and creativity and personality
yourusername posted a story
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azulock · 4 months
Asking the boys for gym photos with Oliver, Reo and Nagi, pls?
You know if I were a man I'd abuse the power of gym thirst traps, and the power of being shirtless too, I'd be a huge bisexual manwhore
Seishiro Nagi
You ask him for gym photos thinking of thrist traps but he is too slow to get what you actually want, so you are getting random, non sexy photos. Just snippets of his time in the gym.
Doesn't understand you want sexy pictures so he isn't gonna be showing skin. You get the photo and he is in a pump cover, the large shirt covering all the way down to his elbows. He also wear long gym shorts so the most skin you get is calves, forearms and hands.
He isn't doing that in bad faith, he's just too dumb. So sometimes you get a good angle, something that looks nice despite all the clothes. Rarely, if he forgot to put his pump cover to wash, you gonna get some more arms and shoulders from him wearing a sleeveless shirt.
It's useless to try and buy him something tighter, he isn't big on tight fitting clothes, so no muscle shirts. Also not big on short shorts, he loves his baggy clothes and doesn't wanna feel uncomfortable, specially while working out. Get used to the random silly snippets of his workout, I guess.
Reo Mikage
He knows an invitation for a thirst trap when he sees one. But he is classy so you gonna get something very a esthetically pleasing. He makes the gym thirst trap into an art form.
You'll get multiple photos through his time in the gym, and they'll get progressively sluttier. He doesn't wear baggy clothes, it's not like he is wearing the tightest or smallest clothes possible, but his are nice and form fitting. Also very expensive.
His photos start with a shirt on but will end up shirtless - but only after he thinks his muscles are looking their best. He doesn't pose explicitly, but rather tries to make it look casual, like a stretch, a lean or something. Tho, if you think about it you know it's a calculated pose.
If you don't ask for photos he might just send you one, like just for good measure, but if you ask he is gonna send a bunch. Just ask tho, really, he gets sad if you don't. He wants to feel wanted.
Oliver Aiku
You are getting a gym photo even if you don't ask for one. He is a slut, he is drawn to the gym mirror like a moth to a flame. The photos are already second nature to him, and he will shamelessly pose in them if he feels like it.
Honestly, if he is just looking to get in your bed, you get the basic package, only the slutty ones. Only the ones where he is clearly doing the casual posing to making himself look sexy thing. If you are in a relationship you get the stupid photos with the over the top poses, and silly videos too. Ask him to do a Jojo pose, he will.
He is a slut and his gym wear doesn't hide it. Wears tight compression shirts or lose tank tops and his gym shorts are actually short for real. He worked really hard for those huge thighs he is gonna show them off. Will end up shirtless sooner than later so you'll get to see a lot of skin on the photos.
On days he has to lift he will be wearing fingerless gloves to protect his hands. He sure as fuck doesn't need to use his teeth to take off the fucking fingerless gloves but he still sends a video of himself doing it anyway. The little wink he gives makes sure you know he knows what he is doing, as if it wasn't obvious before.
todays sponsors: @tinnaagine @loser-vxbez @kiurona @bentolover @bevernats @weirdbutpr3tty @ada7201 @vollereix @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @qichun @true-latverian-baklava @oliveraikusweatyshirt @mariyumemi @fivenightsatwhoreville
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chosetherose · 2 months
"The Alchemy" = Karlie's POV of how she's going to take Taylor from Travis?
"I haven't come around in so long
But I'm making a comeback to where I belong"
Karlie showing up at the Eras Tour! Taylor didn't spend long enough with either of the beards for "so long" to make any sense as being about them. How do you make a comeback when you're barely a thing to begin with? Karlie's comeback was headline news though.
"So when I touch down
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team
Ditch the clowns, get the crown"
Her football fan baby ("fly like a jet stream") is touching down and coming to sweep away the understudies, users, narcissists and clowns. King of my Heart coming to reclaim her crown! We can only hope 🙏
"Cause the sign on your heart says it's still reserved for me"
Taylor can rewrite history all she wants, but Tratty was never a thing and no-one with a brain can buy the idea that he was the love of her life ten years ago, while Kissgate was happening right in front of him. Peak Kaylor era. When we all saw with our own eyes how she looked at Karlie! But, no, it was Matty all along! Sure, Jan.
Meanwhile, even the "anyone but Karlie" Gaylors who hate her can't deny Taylor has been writing songs about Karlie for a decade now. Even they think she's not over her. So who "still" has Taylor's heart and could make a comeback? Mmhmm.
"I circled you on a map"
Flashback to Taylor highlighting Kaylor-related towns on the weather map in the Lavender Haze music video. Uh-huh.
"Who are we to fight the alchemy?"
Alchemy is the process of turning things into gold. Are we really going to sit here and pretend this isn't Ms Gold Rush, Ms "it's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold"? Are we really going to pretend Karlie hasn't been gold coded since the beginning? But no! This is about Travis! Totally! Does your blindfold fit snugly enough, babe, or do you want me to tighten it some more for you? 🙄
"Hey, what if I told you we're cool
That child's play back in school
Is forgiven under my rule?"
The child's play is the bearding. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's getting so old to never grow up. Karlie is saying it all means nothing.
"These blokes warm the benches
We've been on a winning streak"
Her British beards have just been keeping Karlie's seat warm. While she and Taylor have privately been on a winning streak.
(Seriously, the construction of this song makes no sense if you believe it's about Travis. How could she have been "on a winning streak" with him, while "these blokes" were present-tense warming the benches? Or are we supposed to believe they're just waiting on the sidelines for Taylor to get back with one of them? Even though things are so great with 🚜 and she's said multiple times she doesn't want that? So . . . how is any of this working, exactly? What benches are they warming? Are we SURE the "we" is Travis? Hmm?)
"He jokes it's heroin but this time with an e"
People are so distracted by this "dig at Matty" they can't see what's right in front of their faces. Heroin with an e = heroine. As in, the female hero of a story. The joke is that the one to "save" Taylor won't be any of these jokers dressing up as kings. It's a woman. A HEROINE. Not a hero.
And then we get a football metaphor everyone will assume is about Travis, even though Karlie's love of football is well-documented. Do we really think Travis cares more about the beard he's made his meal ticket than he does about winning a trophy? Yeah, right. The days of wasted celebration with no Taylor in sight really give that impression. The thirst traps he was liking on Instagram while "dating" Taylor really show he only has eyes for her. Totally.
Meanwhile we have a million songs where Taylor tells us all her obviously-Karlie lover ever wanted was her.
I can't see The Alchemy any other way than as a Karlie comeback song. Bring it home, Karlie! We're all rooting for you! Go! Fight! Win! 🏆
Wow, Anon! I love this take! Lots of food for thought.
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fatale-distraction · 6 months
BG3 Companions Social Media Headcanons Part 1
I was bored at work and couldn’t stop. 🤣 I’ll make another post with Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, Minsc, and some NPCs!
Astarion - Pre-Tav, Astarion's social media is mostly thirst-traps for some kind of nefarious, Cazador-related money-making plot. They barely scoot past the TOS on lewd content. Very little real personal content, anything that isn't a thirst trap is heavily doctored lifestyle content to make it seem like he's living a much more luxurious life than he actually is.
After meeting Tav and getting rid of Cazador, he deletes all of his old accounts and opens up new ones. They're not exactly private, but he's much more careful about who he follows and who can follow him back. The posts become much more genuine. Still a lot of selfies, but they're sexy in the way of a guy just finally living his truth and being comfortable in his own skin. There's more shots of his daily life; waking up with his partner's obnoxious pets strewn across the bed, morning coffee and his current favorite book, new outfits that make him feel more himself. Tav features heavily in most of his posts, and there are probably as many pictures of them as there are of himself.
Karlach - chaos. No rhyme or reason. Lots of parkour and Jack-ass parodies. Constant flood of pictures of her stuffed animal collection. Stupid filters abound. There's several videos of her just flexing. Lumberjack videos. Seven hundred pictures of Tav, tons of selfies together. Videos of her literally sobbing over some cute stuffy she found or a dog she got to pet. "How many times can I say the fuck word before I get suspended." Memes. Memes everywhere.
Lae'zel - She follows three accounts and never posts anything, but somehow she's constantly scrolling through. What does she even do? Her profile picture is still the default. She doesn't have any profile information filled out. It just says "No." Her screen name is just Lae_zel. Every single item in her favorites is a cat video. She has One photo and its a gym selfie. All of her comments seem really mean at first, but they're all weirdly supportive things along the lines of "your teeth are sharp and your visage terrifying".
Shadowheart - total E-girl influencer vibe. Everything is #nofilter. She doesn't need filters. She's god's most perfect princess. You can't even be mad because it's not vanity its just how she Is. Ends everything with Prayer-hands-emoji hashtag Shar'sblessings or Selune'sblessings depending on where she is in that journey. Hairstyle and makeup tutorials and she makes it look so damn easy. "Dye my hair and cut my bangs with me." "Get ready with me" videos nearly every day. Every picture has a comment from Astarion that just says "oh fuck off" because even he can never hope to be as perfect as she is. Or at least that's what her forty-five thousand followers think.
Wyll - The official Blade of the Frontier social media account(s). Fencing videos and promos. "How to polish your horns for newbies" video that's been taken down twenty-seven times for lewd content even though it's literally for polishing actual horns. Accidental thirst traps because damn. Lots of disability advocacy, especially for visual impairments. Weekly Demon/Devil PSAs. Constantly featured in Karlach's vids and vice-versa. Buddy selfies. Once in a while a pic of him with his dad. Pics with Tav are rare, but when he does post them they're the sweetest pictures and he gushes about them for paragraphs. It's a little gross how gushy they are. Astarion comments with vomit emojis and Wyll just replies with an angry face emoji. The purest content. He's so wholesome. Not a swear to be seen. Lots of gentle hype videos. "You've got this. You can do this. I believe in you."
Gale - oh my god he has the most pretentious social media accounts. He's worse than Astarion. "Well, actually" videos with multiple parts because they're too long. Tea and bookshelves. Tara. So many pics of Tara. Tara napping on a book. Tara swatting a fly. Tara in the window. Tara on the kitchen counter. Tara laying in the sun. Tara doing nothing. He has one of those fancy cat terrarium backpacks. Magic tutorials. Mystra simp. Surprisingly few selfies but the ones he has are IMMACULATE. Pretentious book reviews. His only saving grace is that he is HILARIOUS. He's the only one with a reasonable about of pics with Tav as opposed to almost none or way too many, but the captions are always really sweet.
Part 2 here!
Part 3 here!
Part 4
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sinful-lanterns · 8 days
Ok, so I saw the Chelsea pearl cum thirst and for obvious reasons my mind went to oviposition, and then I got the best idea ever.
I present to you...
✨Path to Nowhere Monster AU!✨
Reader a regular, everyday citizen somehow finds herself in the middle of many monsters getting infatuated with her then they proceed to try court reader and make her their mate.
I got a good list of what type of monsters I think the sinners would be, I also wanted to keep a variety of monsters so there aren't any doubles.
Cheif - Witch
Nightingale - Cheif's apprentice or familiar
Uni - Frankenstein Monster
Cinnabar - Centaur
Ninety-Nine - Hellhound
Rahu - Werewolf
Oak Casket - Litch or something else undead/ that affiliates with dead things
Hamel - Puppet or Kraken
NOX - Grim Reapper
Bai Yi - Jinn (I looked it up and jinns move super fast and can phase through solid matter.)
Serpent - Naga
Shalom - Fallen Angel
Lamia - Siren
Chealse - Gorgon (She turns people into gems instaed of stone, she can turn things into gems with physical contact too, oh and her hair can shift between human hair and snake hair.)
Cassia - Vampire
Eirene - Dragon
Stargazer - Geinie
Conquelic - Succubus
Garofano - Drider(Half human, half spider)
Deren - Reality Bending Eldritch Horror (I don't have a name for her monster specifically but she'd be some kind of godly horror.)
This is all I have right now, but feel free to use and change whatever you wish!
This is an old thirst but I’ve been saving it for when I was ready to share my thoughts on it 😌
ANYWAYS HHHHHHH. Monster girls are my obsession rn. Rather than an ordinary citizen though, I imagine Reader could be like a curious researcher who likes to document and explore different territories in which monsters inhabit. As she is wandering aimlessly for her research though, she stumbles upon various different monster women (many of which want to claim Reader for themselves) and it leads to interesting scenarios with them and the poor Researcher.
Researcher! Reader who oftentimes finds herself in the coils of a lamia, trapped in the web of a drider/arachne, or stuck in the middle of a vampire orgy while on her expeditions. Multiple times has she been the object of these monsters’ affection, yet all she wants to do is finish her guidebook on monsters and biology 😅
Oh, poor Reader… unfortunately for her, monster girls are attracted to cute oblivious nerds 😭😭
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jellys-compendium · 3 months
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Only, Minors DNI)
Pairing: Sinister!Vash x f!Reader Word Count: 7.9K Summary: You've been running for a long time, miraculously evading the destructive storm on your heels. But one fateful night you find yourself trapped and unable to escape the humanoid typhoon any longer. He'll make you regret running from him. Cw: blood, gun violence, side character death, noncon to dubcon, predator/prey dynamics, smut, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, semi-public sex, rough sex, p in v sex, gunplay, choking, vaginal fingering, oral (f!receiving), cumming inside, dacryphilia, yandere, obsessive/possessive behaviour, manipulation, mind breaking, pet names, degradation & praise.
A/n: This is a dark fic. Read the content warnings before proceeding. If this sort of writing isn't your thing, please don't read! I will have a softer fic for Vash coming in the near future. Also, just a quick note that for narrative purposes , I decided to interpret Sinister!Vash as Vash turning evil (not as a separate entity).
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The sharp scent of rust lingers in your nose. It couples with the muted dusty air and further serves to dry out your parched throat. Each time you swallow in an attempt to alleviate your thirst, it feels like sandpaper scrapes along your esophagus. Money be damned, you would trade every last double dollar you own for a glass of water right now.
Unfortunately for you, not a single one of the sheriff’s men had come to check up on your sorry state since you’d been caught, cuffed, and thrown into this dingy cell hours ago. They’d locked you in here and thrown away the key as it were. Guess you shouldn’t be surprised, given the bounty on your head.
Heaving a sigh, you lean back against the cold concrete wall of your prison, your movement causing the tattered and smelly cot supporting you to creak and groan. With little else to do, your mind wanders to the earlier events of the day.
How did you get yourself into this mess? 
You’d been so painstakingly careful to keep your head down and profile low in every town you had passed by for the last year. Not a single soul, let alone law enforcement, had ever suspected that you were the former partner of the legendary humanoid typhoon. So how is it that the sheriff of this backwater little town had you figured out the moment you’d set foot in his jurisdiction?
With a metaphorical fine toothed comb, your mind analyzes each and every interaction you’ve had since the morning, searching for clues on how you’d been discovered—but nothing clicks into place. You hadn’t spoken a whisper about your true identity, or about Vash, to anybody since you’d quit and run from his company of outlaws.
On top of that you were careful to cover your tracks, doing everything in your power to erase all that you were before disappearing into the night in a hail mary attempt at a better life—one that wasn’t tainted with lies and blood. 
A gnawing sorrow aches in your chest at the thought of your former lover, and you can’t help but reach up and rub over that hollow space under your breastbone. Deep down you still love Vash more than anyone else but…you will have no part in his cruelty.
You don’t know when it started, but Vash had changed into a person you no longer recognize. Gone was the kind gunman clad in red with a broken smile, and in his place emerged another person entirely. He was vicious, manipulative, and cruel. Taking lives without regard in order to get what he wanted. Within the span of a few months, Vash had truly transformed into the monster that the people of this planet fear him to be—and that had completely and irrevocably broken your heart.
For months you had feared that Vash would pick up on your trail and track you down in retaliation for your abandoning of his little group. But as the weeks stretched on, the suns rising and falling with each passing day, your nerves settled and you surmised that Vash must have had better things to do rather than chase you down.
‘He must have found someone else to warm his bed by now.’
The intrusive thought clings to your mind incessantly, and you desperately attempt to force it away with a shake of your head. No. You’d left that life behind, you’ve left him behind for a reason . 
Vash would have devoured you—consumed you whole and then spit out your bones if you hadn’t left when you did. The way Vash makes you feel is beyond anything you had ever experienced before. He’s intoxicating, addicting, seductive—a devil that beguiles you with sweet whispers in one ear, while holding the barrel of a gun against the other. 
For a time, you had lost yourself in his coils—exchanging your humanity for a burning desire that had scorched your body and soul. But before the humanoid typhoon could corrupt you completely, you escaped.
And…you ran.
And ran,
And ran.
Until that murderous, crimson eyed shadow that followed each of your footsteps surrendered to the sunshine above, and disappeared amidst the blistering sands of No Man’s Land. You were finally free, and although there is a dark and secret part of you that still longs for Vash, you know that you did the right thing.
Abruptly, a distant rumble captures your ear. Perking up, your gaze is led from the dark shadows in the corner of your cell towards the distant door leading out of the jailhouse’s cell room. Your body stills as the roaring commotion gets louder, your muscles sit taut as you listen and try to decipher the noises coming from beyond the bars.
You hear footsteps, shouts and— gunfire .
Gunfire, then screams.
Adrenaline kicks into high gear and you immediately get up from the stained cot, racing towards the door of your cell. Your cuffed hands grasp the cold bars of your prison as more blood curdling screams fill the air. Was it a robbery? Bandits? Or could it really be?
The monstrous possibility of what awaits just beyond that door sends you into a panic. Panting frantically, you use your entire body weight to rattle the bars in a foolhardy attempt to wiggle the cell door free. But of course, the iron door does not budge.
‘No.’ You ram your shoulder against the door.
Your arm screams out in pain as you use your entire body weight this time.
‘This can’t be happening! It can’t be him!’
“Sheriff!! Sheriff!!” You shout desperately. “Let me out! Let me out!”
The terrible thundering of gunshots and panicked commotion intensifies. Pounding footsteps race down the hallway and shake the floorboards just beyond the prison cell door. You shudder when you hear the terrified screams from the men warbling through the wood and concrete, sharp and horrifying but then—silence.
Oh god. They’re all…
Blood pulses in your ears, making you feel faint as the song of more bullets sings through the air. Even from your iron cage, you can tell the shots are precise—every single one effectively ending the lives of the Sheriff's men one by one. Within mere moments, the once lively jailhouse had become as silent as a graveyard. The only sounds you hear now are a single pair of creaking footsteps and…a song.
“Total slaughter~
Total slaughter
I won’t leave a single man alive…”
Oh god—it is him . 
Releasing the bars of your cell door, you frantically begin to look around the dim lit space. A bucket and the cot are all you have to work with. Shit.
The footsteps come closer.
“...La dee da dee die
La dee da dee dud
An ocean of blood…”
You detect a sound of heavy shuffling just outside and you look on, terrified , as the door leading to the jail’s cells creaks open. You freeze, legs nearly giving out from fear, but…it isn’t Vash.
Instead, into the room crawls a man—a man that you recognize as the Sheriff's deputy. He’s breathing hard, petrified little whimpers escaping his lips with each exhale. 
Trapped as you are you can do nothing but watch, wide eyed and horrified, as the man crawls into the room on all fours. His brown vest, white shirt, and slacks are covered with blood. More of it drips from his disheveled hair, leaving a gruesome trail of dark red as he shakingly makes his way across the floorboards and towards your cell. 
The deputy’s face is pale white and pouring sweat as he looks up at you…except he isn’t looking up at you. It almost looks like he’s looking through you.
“M–m–monster…h–he’s a monster.” The man whimpers, his red teeth chattering like tin cans in the wind. Trembling, the deputy reaches towards your cell door with a bloodied hand and his eyes finally lock with yours.
“H—help me.”
The sight of this man near death immobilizes you with terror, but as the man’s fingers wrap around one of the bars of your cell, the urgency in your gut magnifies, overwhelming the piercing fear inside of you. You have to try and save him. You have to.
Moving quickly, you squat down, reaching for the deputy’s hand, you grasp it tightly with yours.
“Give me the keys. Help me open the door so I can get us out of here.”
But the man doesn’t move. Instead he mutters and weeps, his voice strained and high with each incoherent syllable he babbles.
Frustrated and frantic, you bang your hand against the bars, hoping that the jolt will startle the deputy to his senses. 
“Hey! Are you listening?! Give me the keys or he’s going to—”
A piercing gunshot rings through the air and you leap up with a shout as the air rushes out of the deputy’s lungs. The deputy’s eyes turn dull, and you cry out in horror as his body jerks and then falls still at your feet.
“Let’s begin…
The killing time” 
It takes all the courage you have left to lift your gaze and follow the blood stains left by the deputy. Eventually, your eyes land on a black pair of leather boots. Moving upwards, your sight lingers along the familiar dark blue coat tails—their ripped and tattered ends doused with fresh blood. Your attention moves up that infamous coat and finally lands on the face of the humanoid typhoon himself.
Vash the Stampede.
The outlaw’s crimson eyes stare directly into your own, shackling you in place more effectively than the metal cuffs around your wrists ever could. His eyes are intense as they focus on you, possessive and all consuming. It was only a matter of time before he found you, and you were an idiot to think that you could evade him forever.
As if agreeing with that very thought, a sly grin spreads across Vash’s handsome face. Like a ravenous wildcat who had finally caught his prey, the humanoid typhoon exhales a breath of relief and holsters his gun. 
“There you are.”
Vash approaches your cell and all you can do is silently watch as he bends down and yanks the ring of keys off of the deputy’s belt. Vash is methodical as always. Moving like a serpent in water, he never wastes a single movement. Each and every action of his is calculated and designed to lead him towards his ultimate goal.
And tonight, his goal is you.
Vash never takes his eyes off you as he slips the key into its slot with a poignant click. Then with a flick of his wrist the door unlocks, and Vash swings it wide open.
Your body’s response is immediate. Trembling, you retreat blindingly backwards until your body hits the concrete wall of your cell. Vash tsks, following your movements with inhumanly long strides of his own. It only takes a second for him to catch up with you—his body towering over yours once he closes that distance you were so desperate to create.
You jolt as Vash’s hands reach up and grasp your own, leather clad fingers lacing around your trembling digits as he lifts your cuffed wrists to his face. He leans down, and brushes his lips along the cold flesh of your palm, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. 
“Oh my poor little lovebug.” Vash sensually coos, his deceivingly soft and gentle voice echoing along the iron bars. “What have they done to you?”
Gods, you should be repulsed and terrified, but instead of turning your blood to ice, Vash’s touch causes your entire body to instantly be consumed by a sweet and agonizing flame. The cinders that linger in your heart reignite and burn tenfold at the touch of the man that you love so dearly.
Like a siren, Vash’s hypnotizing whisper lulls away your fear—enchanting you.
“So frightened. You’re shaking like a newborn kitten. Come here, let me hold you.”
As if the choice were yours, Vash pulls your body flush against his. You gasp as the familiar sensation of his strong arms wraps around you and overpowers your resolve. His warm scent, the feeling of his lips as he so tenderly kisses your cheek, the weight of his hands as they glide up and down your back in a soothing motion. All of it brings tears of turmoil to your eyes.
No…this can’t happen again.
“I’m sorry, lovebug. If I had known they would treat you like this I would have come for you sooner.”
Come for you? As in, Vash knew where you’d been this entire time?
Your mind reels at the realization. You had never escaped Vash’s shadow. Instead it had grown so large and widespread that you’d failed to notice it all around you. 
The people who let you on your way and turned a blind eye to your identity, those kind souls who had given you food to eat and a bed to sleep in when you were weary, even the men of this town who had arrested you as an accomplice of the humanoid typhoon. Every single one of them had been an instrument of Vash’s own design.
Vash places a final kiss upon your cheek. Pulling back, he smiles at your dumbfounded expression.
“Let’s get you out of these cuffs.”
Vash lets your hands fall, his fingers flicking through the keyring until he finds the one he is looking for. How Vash knows exactly which key to use, you are not sure, but it’s no surprise when he selects one and slips it into the cuff’s lock. He frees you immediately with a twist of his hand.
The metal cuffs fall to the floor with a resounding thud and your breath leaves you in a hiss as the dry hair hits your raw skin. But before you can soothe your own pain, Vash takes your wrists in his grasp, thumbs gently gliding over the reddened skin as he pulls you closer once more.
Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest when you feel Vash lean in, the heat of his body encompassing as his lips brush against yours.
“Have you learned your lesson? You won’t run away from me again, right lovebug?”
Vash’s sinister words send a shiver down your spine. Goosebumps erupt all across your flesh as the skin on your fingertips tingles. This man has orchestrated every part of your life for the past year without you even knowing about it. What are the limits to his reach? His cruelty? His obsession? How far will he go to claim you as his own?
In your silence Vash releases a heavy sigh, then places a soft kiss on your lips.
“I asked you a question.”
The words catch in your dry and tightening throat. You swallow, lips trembling as you try your best to speak.
“Vash, I—”
Before you can finish, pounding footsteps vibrate through the jailhouse, and it’s not long before four men appear in the doorway with guns drawn and their expressions terrified at the massacre laying at their feet.
The moment the men lay their eyes on Vash, the four of them let out a roar of fury.
“The humanoid typhoon!”
“You bastard!” 
“Kill him!”
But before the men manage to aim their pistols, four gunshots whistle through the air in rapid succession. You didn’t even realize that Vash had unholstered his own gun before the four men dropped lifeless on the floor.
A fresh wave of despair courses through you and your head spins as the humanoid typhoon—the diablo —reholsters his gun and returns his attention to you. His face is calm and unbothered, as if he hadn’t just murdered an entire building full of people.
“Now, where were we?”
Panic stabs through your chest, kick starting your fight or flight. You have to get away, you have to escape him. Being a murderer, an outlaw on the run, isn’t who you are anymore. You’d promised yourself that you would leave that life behind, no matter how much you wanted the man who’d seduced you into that life in the first place.
Clenching your fists to try and subvert your shaking, you start to move your body to the right, readying yourself to pounce around Vash and make a break for the door. But Vash’s scarlet gaze sees through your every move long before you even conceptualize it. He sighs, rolling his eyes before slamming his palm on the concrete by your head, trapping you in his reach.
Your body jolts at the vibrations of the impact. Then Vash leans in, hot breath on your lips as he whispers a dark promise.
“Don’t run, lovebug. I’ll make you regret it.”
No sooner had Vash uttered those foreboding words, more footsteps pound through the halls of the jailhouse. An irritated growl rumbles in Vash’s throat as he unholsters his gun once more and aims it at the door, hissing between his teeth.
Two more men emerge from the doorway and time slows as you watch Vash’s finger glide seamlessly towards the trigger.
Against all reasonable sense, your body moves. Lightening fast, you launch yourself at Vash, grasping his wrist in your hands and pushing his arm upwards with all of your might. Your sudden movement takes the humanoid typhoon off guard, and the two bullets he had intended to place right between the men’s eyes whistle and lodge into the wooden roof above.
Using your body to knock Vash off balance, you bolt for the cell door, leaping over the bodies on the floor as the two men in front of you turn tail and run as fast as their legs can carry them. 
Your lungs burn as you follow them, racing out of the jail as if it were about to be engulfed in a raging inferno. Following closely behind the men in front of you, the three of you eventually manage to scramble out of the jailhouse. The cool night air hits your face and you pause. The street is dark and empty, and the two men who had just run out before you were racing towards the light of the neighboring town. 
You desperately want to follow them, to find sanctuary in the safe bustle of a populated town square. But Vash has his sights set on you, and you know you’ll only serve to put more innocent lives at risk if you look for help now.
The sudden sound of eerie humming echoes through the jailhouse behind you. You turn, body trembling and eyes wide as you search the darkness. Then almost as soon as that strange tune had started, it stops. 
A cold shiver of fear tingles down your spine at the foreboding silence. Then out of the darkness you hear Vash shout menacingly, his voice morphing into an inhuman two-toned scream that you’d never heard before. 
It curdles your blood.
You bolt, stray tears blinding your vision as you scramble like mad down the dirt dusted path in the opposite direction of town. Your breath rushes in and out of you at record speed as you rush towards the abandoned buildings lining the town’s outskirts. If you could just make it there and hide yourself in the shadows of broken and discarded concrete, you might stand a chance. 
But of course, much like a panicked animal with no sense of direction, your path twists and turns as you mindlessly try to find a good place to hide—only to wind up trapping yourself in a dead end. An empty alleyway illuminated solely by moonlight.
“No, no, no!”
You prepare to turn on your heel to retrace your steps but the moment you spin to face the other direction, your body becomes paralyzed with shock. Vash is standing right behind you . Somehow he had silently kept up with you, hounding your steps like a hungry dog from the depths of hell.
Vash smiles.
“Found you.” 
The unearthly flash of his red eyes shines in the darkness before a rush of wind gusts through the night. It’s then that you notice a single distorted, black feathered wing adorning Vash’s back. It stretches magnificently in the moonlight and you notice a gleaming, razor sharp talon adorning the juncture at the top of those cascading feathers. Your jaw drops. You had never seen Vash with wings before.
Vash takes a single step forward and stops when he sees you tremble. He watches you closely, both of you bodies still. And in that quiet moment, your soul is drawn into those deep crimson pools.
Mayfly…mayfly… lovebug …
Inexplicably, the tension eases from your body, limbs becoming still as if every part of you were surrendering to its fate. A devilishly handsome grin spreads across Vash’s lips as he watches your defiant spark finally simmer into nothing but harmless embers.
“Awww, trapped yourself again, little lovebug?” Vash chuckles darkly, his tone mocking. “Poor, sweet thing. You always seem to wind up in a cage.”
Your jaw clenches. How could Vash say that, when he was the one who drove you here in the first place? When he is the very cage itself?
“Y–you murdered those innocent people.”
Vash exhales a dramatic sigh, rolling his eyes as the large black feathers on his wing bristle with irritation.
“Innocent? I’d hardly call them that.” The typhoon's playful expression falls and then darkens, and his voice shifts into a tone of dead seriousness.  
“They laid their hands on you.”
Before you can even blink, Vash is before you—a great shadow that looms and blocks out all light except that of the eerie glow of his gaze. Vash’s hands wrap around your wrists, squeezing the raw skin and making you gasp with pain. 
“They shackled you and locked you up in that cold, dark place. They hurt you, lovebug.”
Your molars sink into the inside of your cheek as you try to combat your cowardice with pain. You glare at the man before you, and spit out your next words like venom.
“Only because you had orchestrated it. You’re the mastermind here, not them.”
The sinister grin that pulls at the corner’s of Vash’s mouth confirms everything you had suspected. He truly is…a monster.
With a swift movement, Vash yanks on your wrists and jerks your body closer to his. You gasp, straining against him in vain. The heat that radiates off of Vash’s body slams into your skin as his single black wing swoops down to envelop you further. He’s warm—so warm—an ambrosia unlike any other.
“Clever girl.” Vash whispers before planting a chaste little kiss on the tip of your nose.
You shudder.
“Are—are you going to hurt me?”
Your question isn’t meant to elicit any sympathy, but Vash’s red eyes soften once he hears them and his grip around your wrists loosen. As if apologizing with his hands, Vash’s fingers circle and soothe your abused flesh.
“Oh lovebug, never. I absolutely adore you. I’d never let any harm come to you.” 
Vash brings your wrists to his lips, pressing hot kisses against your cold skin. The flames in your belly coil, reigniting as they are fueled by the rhythm of your heart. Vash is weaving his spell again, coaxing you back into that syrupy sweet web of deceit and rapture. 
And…you’re falling for it. Falling for him all over again.
“But,” Vash murmurs. His hot tongue slipping out of his mouth to swipe along your bruised skin. 
“You should be punished for trying to run from me.”
Air gusts out of your lungs as Vash pushes your body backwards. He manhandles you with ease before pinning your form against the frigid wall behind you. The claw at the juncture of where his wing bends pierces into the concrete with a terrible scraping sound and pins your wrists to the wall above your head, rendering you completely helpless.
Then, Vash’s nimble fingers undo the button of your slacks.
Jaw dropping, you cry out with rage, cursing Vash and kicking your feet against his legs as you try to fight back. But it’s as if you are battling against a tornado. Nothing you do phases him, and in one single, practiced movement, Vash rids you of your pants, leaving you in nothing but your shirt and underwear.
“Vash!” You screech, nailing him with another swift kick to the shin. “How could y–”
Words are stolen from your lips and your body completely freezes when you suddenly feel the glide of cold metal between your legs. You look down, and your heart nearly stops when you realize Vash has placed the barrel of his gun flush against your panty covered pussy.
The sound of Vash’s dark laughter turns your blood to ice. He leans forwards and presses his burning lips against the corner of your mouth.
“Ever played Russian roulette?” He whispers.
Eyes wide with panic, you turn your head to look at Vash—silently pleading for him to reconsider, to show you mercy and let you go. But Vash’s expression is calm and resolute.
“How about I make you a deal.” He muses. You watch, tense and breathless, as Vash’s thumb caresses the hammer of his .45 long colt. 
“If you can come before I get to the last bullet in the cylinder, we’ll consider your punishment served, alright?”
No. No, no, no, no.
“Vash, please—”
Brushing aside your protest, Vash presses the gun harder against your cunt, grinding the top of the cold barrel between your folds. You gasp sharply, arching against the icy friction as Vash pushes the gun further between your clenched thighs.
The rear sight bumps against your clit and you whimper as a rush of heat gushes between your legs. Vash grins at your reaction, thrusting the gun harder against your tender flesh. 
“That’s it, lovebug” Vash coos. “Feels so good doesn’t it?”
The hammer of the gun clicks, and you have to stifle a pathetic squeal before it can escape. Vash’s smile widens, eyes alight with excitement—then he pulls the trigger.
Your body sags.
“One.” Vash purrs.
You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing yourself to focus singularly on your goal. You have to come before Vash gets to that last bullet. You have to.
Hot puffs of air leave you open mouth in desperate whines as you start to piston your hips against the barrel of Vash’s gun, rubbing your swelling clit and folds against the harsh metal at his command.
A pleased hum rumbles in Vash’s chest as the obsidian feathers above you shudder with delight.
“Yes,” Vash breathes, leaning down to sample your flesh. His sharp canines tease along the column of your throat, and the feeling of his hot breath fanning across your skin makes you shiver and mewl. Your pussy twitches, nipples hardening as you start to melt in his hands.
“Good girl.”
The cylinder of the gun turns and you groan, grinding your pussy harder along that metal length. All logical thought disappears as the intoxicating pleasure of Vash’s game overpowers your mind. Like a worm on a hook, Vash has you in his grasp—he always has.
Another click of the trigger, another blank.
Vash’s mouth latches onto your throat now, his tongue and teeth caressing and nipping your skin as his free hand rises up to grope your neglected breast, pinching and teasing at your puckered nipple with greedy fingers.
Lewd moans fall from your lips as jolts of pleasure ricochet through your body. A desperate plea of Vash’s name fills the air as you slick drips from your fluttering cunt, lubing up the gun between your folds.
“Mmmm,” Vash moans, pink tongue languidly licking at his bottom lip. His eyes are glued to the spectacle before him. 
“That’s it, rub that pussy, baby. You’re so fucking sexy.”
Vash’s gun clicks once more. Thankfully, it’s another blank.
Only three more changes remain, and one of them is deadly. Knowing this, your movements become more desperate, grinding yourself against Vash’s gun with fervor as sweat begins to pour down your brow and back. Your body trembles, and you try not to think about how you must look, humping Vash’s gun like a bitch in heat.
Oh god.  
You’re scared but you’re positively throbbing for Vash’s touch. You haven’t been touched once since you’d escaped his clutches, and despite everything that has happened and the new life you had chosen, you are still so foolishly in love with him.
The people of this land may have been the ones you have chosen to side with, but Vash is the only one in your dreams. Vash is the only one who can make you feel like this. He haunts you and corrupts you. Fucks you and devours you.
Vash is the diablo you just can’t shake.
Releasing your throat with a hungry growl, Vash’s mouth travels up to passionately kiss your lips. You moan wantonly, accepting his tongue with unrestrained lust as you attempt to arch your body closer to his. Vash’s tongue swirls in tandem with yours, groaning into your mouth as he readies another shot. You whimper against him, fingernails digging into his feathers.
“Four.” Vash pants, his tongue plunging into your mouth once more, matching in time with the thrusts of his gun. Paradoxically fucking you brutally and sweetly at the same time.
Vash angles his gun upwards, teasing the metal shaft against your entrance. And gods, you know you should be terrified—fighting him tooth and nail for not only your dignity but your life. But as the now warmed and lubed metal of his gun plays with your entrance, all you can do is arch and moan like a whore.
An alluringly dark chuckle rings in your ears as Vash’s grip on your breast tightens. You gasp as he pinches your nipple and rolls it harshly between his fingers.
“Wishing it was my cock, lovebug?”
You shake your head back and forth, and Vash’s grin widens.
“Don’t lie, of course you are. You’ve always been such a dirty little slut for me.”
Vash pinches your nipple harder—a punishment for your little lie—and you cry out as the cylinder makes another round. This time, Vash doesn’t wait, he immediately pulls the trigger, eliciting a yelp of fear from the depths of your lungs. 
Sure enough, it’s another blank.
“Five.” Vash chuckles. He releases your breast, and you watch as his hand travels down to the front of his pants, palming the thick hot bulge that sits just underneath his coat.
“Oh, one more baby. You’ve been sooo lucky so far. Think you’re gonna cum before this gun blows your pussy sky high?” 
Your words tangle in your throat, so you elect to nod rapidly instead. Your teeth sink into your lip as you furiously rub your cunt along the length of the gun, purposefully catching your clit on the metal grooves at the base with each thrust.
Fuck. Fuuuuck.
Almost there. Almost there!
The cylinder turns one final time as Vash’s finger glides sensually along the trigger. He kisses you again, his tongue diving deep into your mouth, drinking in everything you have to give him. Vash swallows your scream, and then pulls the trigger.
Both your hips and the gun still, and Vash laughs gleefully at your confused and near delirious expression. He grins like a cat who had just eaten the canary, and then presses a tender little kiss to your lips.
Vash pulls the gun out from between your legs, the barrel glistening in the moonlight with your slick as he brings it up to your line of sight.
“Hmm, soaked it right through your panties didn’t you? What a little slut.”
Vash's long pink tongue snakes out from between his lips, and you watch—mesmerized and aroused to high heaven— as he licks the barrel of the gun clean. Vash’s eyes never leave you once as he purrs with satisfaction at your taste. 
When he’s finished, Vash holsters his gun then wraps that now free hand around your throat while the other lands heavily on your hip.
Your breath stalls as the fingers on your hip snake around and down into the waistband of your flimsy cotton underwear, body jolting as they slip inside and reach all the way down to your messy pussy. 
“Vash,” You whimper as his leather clad fingers toy with your swollen clit. 
The wing that holds your hands captive disappears, and you sigh with relief as your arms fall and land on top Vash’s shoulders.
“Hold onto me little lovebug,” Vash coos, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your forehead.
“Fuck, you are so cute.”
Without reserve, Vash plunges two of his fingers into your sex. Your back arches, and you moan loudly as you wiggle your hips in an attempt to take his thick fingers deeper. You need him. You need him so desperately you feel like you’re gonna break.
Saccharine praise falls in hushed whispers from Vash’s lips as he curls his fingers inside you, hitting your g-spot as he thrusts into your sloppy pussy ruthlessly. The wet squelch of your flesh lovingly sucking his fingers echoes across the empty hallway—indisputable proof oh just how much you want him.
“So wet. Gonna come on my fingers, lovebug? Think I should let you?”
You nod your head frantically, legs straining as you stand on the tips of your toes, thrusting against his hand with a wild cry—your cunt pulses and then practically weeps into his palm.
“YES! YES! Vash—please, please, let me come. Pleeease. ”
Oh, fuuuck. You’re so close. You’re gonna cum, just a little more. 
Vash smiles that dazzling handsome smile of his as his fingers tighten around your throat, cutting off most of your air and making your head spin. Your cunt squeezes around Vash’s fingers as he thrusts them inside, only for him to bully your g-spot until you cry.
“So pretty when you beg, baby.” Vash coos, licking a fallen tear from your cheek. 
His fingers slip out of your puffy walls, and you cry out with frustration, fists banging against his shoulders like you’re a toddler throwing a tantrum.
But Vash just laughs at you, and before you can give him a piece of your mind, he slides off your ruined panties and hoists you up into the air. Your back presses against the crumbling wall as your thighs come to rest on Vash’s shoulders.
He’s so strong.
Without delay, Vash’s mouth dives between the twitching folds of your sex, and you scream up into the starless sky.
God, Vash always knows just how to pull you apart. He always manages to find that frayed and loose thread of your willpower, wrap it around his lithe fingers, and then pull it oh-so-gently. The reward of watching you as you unravel before him must have been the sweetest euphoria, because he kept doing it. Again and again.
“You taste so good.” Vash growls hotly against your sex. 
“Admit it, no one can treat you as good as I do.”
Vash’s tongue flattens along your pussy, red eyes making contact with yours and holding you there as he slowly and sensually circles his tongue around your clit.
“They don’t know how to worship this pussy properly.”
“Vash,” You beg, throat tightening as you choke on your tears. “Please, let me come. I’m aching.”
Wordlessly, Vash laps your clit into his mouth, giving it one harsh suck before snagging it between his teeth. You cry out, fingers burning into his white locks as he releases you.
“There, there lovebug. Spread your legs wider. You can take my tongue for just a little bit longer, right?”
Begrudgingly, you do as he says, and Vash groans as you spread yourself open just for him. The humanoid typhoon dives in again, lapping hungry stripes along your cunt—spitting on your little hole and then collecting every drop of his saliva and your slick that he can gather before readily swallowing every drop.
“I haven’t tasted you for a whole year.” Vash growls against your folds, the tip of his nose rubbing forcefully against your clit and making you see stars.
“It was torture being without you.”
Vash begins to thrust his tongue into your sex, sloppily eating then sucking your throbbing flesh into his mouth. With his body, Vash passionately coaxes out every hidden little secret you’d buried deep. You scream with rapture in his hands, more tears falling freely down your face as you rapidly unravel in Vash’s hands.
“Vash, don’t stop! Please, please, I’ll do anything! Anything you ask! Please!”
But just as you’re about to reach your climax, your pussy clenching sweetly around Vash’s talented tongue, the heat of Vash’s mouth slips away.
The wail of despair that is ripped from your throat echoes pathetically into the desert air.
Vash chuckles at your anguish, giving your pussy one last cheeky lick before lowering you back to the ground. 
The moment your feet touch the floor, your body sways, unsteady and dizzy from the unfulfilled pleasure that Vash had ransacked through your body.
But Vash holds you steady as he pushes his coat to the side and unbuckles himself. Your half hooded eyes fall to the place where he’s touching but before you can catch a glimpse, Vash positions you facing the wall, ass out and hands up—bracing yourself. 
You shiver at the loss of Vash’s warmth. Your trembling doesn’t escape Vash’s notice, but before he decides to comfort you, Vash gives your cunt a healthy slap.
You shriek, tossing a fiery glare at him over your shoulder. Infuriatingly, Vash gives you a flirtatious wink before pressing his body flush to yours and draping himself over you. His black wing and blue coat envelop you and shield you from the moonlight above.
“Cold?” Vash’s hands wrap around your waist. “You’re trembling.”
You don’t respond, your lips pressing together into a thin line as you push your body backwards, rubbing your pussy against his bulge with a wordless demand. You want Vash’s cock. You want him to soothe your ache, to fill you up and make you forget your own name. 
Vash exhales a pleasured sigh as you rub yourself against him, his hands moving from your waist to circle around your back. He traces your spine with the care a sculptor shows his masterpiece. Vash’s scarlet gaze drinks you in with awe as you arch needily under the pressure of his fingers.
“Don’t worry, lovebug. I’ll keep you warm from now on.”
The sounds of rustling fabric and the satisfying pull of a zipper elicit a flicker of heat in your core. You look back, a moan falling from your lips as you catch a glimpse of Vash’s perfect cock. He’s achingly hard, his beautiful pink head leaking a gorgeous, glistening trail of precum down onto the globe of your ass.
Licking your lips, your gaze captures his. Even in the dim light, you can see that Vash’s cheeks are flushed as he breathes heavily.
Then, without so much as a word, Vash leans back and shoves every single inch of his throbbing cock inside of you with a single thrust.
Your head flies back as you scream his name in ecstasy. Without missing a beat, Vash reaches forward to grab a fistful of your hair, and the two of you moan in unison as Vash begins to rut feverishly into your sex.
“V-Vash! Vash! Vash!”
Your bodies straining and hips trembling, Vash bears down on you like a storm, claiming every inch of your soft flesh with indiscriminate and unrelenting hunger. The slap of his hips forces your body forward, and you brace yourself against the crumbling wall with all your might as the typhoon ravishes you from the inside out.  
It’s not long before your orgasm builds up again. Fuck, you’re so close—twitching and milking Vash with each brutal thrust inside your walls. And Vash knows how turned on you are . He can feel how your slick insides squeeze and massage his cock desperately, the pounding of your heart under his fingertips, the delicious gasps of pleasure he pulls from the depths of your depravity.
And with one more savage thrust you finally come, screaming and quivering as your body succumbs to wave after wave of unimaginable, white hot pleasure.
But Vash doesn’t stop. He fucks you through your orgasm, holding your hips steady as he keeps pounding into you from behind, using you like a fleshlight for his pleasure.
“More.” Vash growls, fangs nipping sharply against the skin on your back. 
“Give me more!”
You gasp for breath, fingernails scratching against the deteriorating concrete as your pussy squeezes down on him, helplessly barreling your entire body into another orgasm even as you finish the last. The cry of pleasure you release is guttural, primal and sinful as your cunt pulses around Vash's cock once more—desperately sucking, wanting to milk him for all he’s worth.
Vash stills for a moment, moaning openly as he savors the sensation and sight of your helpless body at his mercy. Vash’s chest burns with satisfaction as he feels the pleasure rolling off your skin. Pleasure that only he can give you. 
With a jerk of his body, Vash pulls his cock out of you. Then in a swift series of movements he pulls you upright and turns you around to face him. Your legs are practically jelly and utterly pliant to his whims as he hooks his arms under them and hauls you up in his arms. In response, you wrap your arms around Vash's neck and bury your face against his chest.
Vash buries his cock inside you to the hilt again, and your toes curl as you wail from the overstimulation. Surprisingly, Vash’s thrusts start slow, grinding into you languidly as you whine. The humanoid typhoon hushes your mewling sobs while he fucks you, pampering every part of you he can reach with his tender kisses—like the calm before the storm. It’s not long before Vash grows impatient however, and his pace rapidly quickens as he gives in to the raging lust inside him.
His obsession.
His lovebug.
He’ll never let you go again.
“So good f’me.” Vash moans, fingers digging into your ass as he bounces your harder and faster on his cock. The lewd squelches and ring of cream that forms at his base the evidence of your sinful yearning.
“Gonna make you scream and squirt all over my cock, how does that sound?”
Vash’s unrelenting pace doesn’t falter as he chases your shared highs. You are powerless as you’re pulled into the undercurrent of his desire. Vash slams his dick inside you and his thick and demanding cockhead collides with your cervix. 
A surge of both pain and pleasure knocks the air out of your lungs as you’re sent tumbling into yet another powerful orgasm. Vash grins, utterly pleased with himself as he watches you cry and sing your anguished pleasure in his arms. Then, as if all this weren’t enough, a single large black feather slips between the two of your bodies like a snake, and begins to toy with your clit.
You scream.
“Come again.” Vash commands.
“Vash! S-stop!” You cry out, fat tears filling your eyes as drool falls from your lips from the overstimulation. God, he’s ruining you.
“I–I can’t come anymore! I can’t!”
Vash slams you against the wall, stabilizing you against it before one hand reaches down to pinch your clit, while his other hand wraps around your throat and squeezes.
“I’m not asking you. Come on my cock, now .”
Vash thrusts his shaft pitilessly inside you, the head of him ramming fiercely against your g-spot again before plunging all the way inside you. Your body can’t take it, the pressure between your hips releases, and you howl like an animal as your pussy pulses and gushes, squirting all over Vash’s cock as you come. 
An unabashed, obscene moan falls from Vash’s lips when he feels the rush of your pleasure in liquid form.
“That’s it, my perfect little slut. Sooo perfect. Look down and watch your pussy make a creamy little mess for me.”
And Vash still doesn’t stop. He continues to pound into you, fucking your through your orgasm yet again. He’s determined to thoroughly and irrevocably break you. And as you cling to him for dear life, the words that Vash had spoken earlier that night ring loud and clear in your mind.
“Don’t run, lovebug. I’ll make you regret it.”
You should have listened, but it was too late now.
Near delirious and exhausted, you practically fall limp in Vash’s arms, but Vash doesn’t let you tap out. Not yet. He pulls your head back, forcing you to look him straight in the eye, then he whispers,
“You are mine, do you understand? Your thoughts are mine. Your body is mine. Your pussy is mine…”
Vash slams back inside you with a force that nearly has you passing out. Then, he seals his lips with yours, tongue swirling and consuming everything he can reach.
When Vash releases you, you gasp for breath as his pace resumes.
“Your heart is mine.”
You swallow, your mind nothing but pleasured static and love drunk fog as you stare at him. That devilish smile returns to Vash’s face. He truly is incomplete without it.
“Admit it, lovebug.”
Your body trembles and in a desperate attempt to relieve yourself of this torture, the words escape you in a rush.
“Yes. I love you, Vash.”
Vash’s entire body shudders as he purrs at your confession. His dark wing drapes over the both of you as he claims your lips with yet another passionate kiss.
“Atta' girl.”
Surprisingly, Vash’s pace slows to a gentle grind. Slowly and languidly he rubs himself inside of you, as if he’s savouring you like a worshipper at a temple. The final orgasm that you share isn’t explosive like the ones you’ve had before.
It’s tender and sweet, washing over the both of you in gentle waves. Vash releases the softest and most beautiful moan as he comes, kissing you breathless as he fills you up with wave after wave of his hot cum.
For a brief moment, you wonder if this is the first time Vash had found release after you left. Had you been the only one to…
As your climaxes subside, harsh pants fill the air. Both you and Vash melt into each other’s arms, utterly destroyed and exhausted. Your sex throbs with a terrible ache, and to help relieve some of your tension you wiggle your hips, sliding Vash’s cock out half way in an attempt to get a breather.
But Vash growls, and shoves his cock all the way back inside you, grinding up against your cervix and making you whimper.
“Keep it all inside you, lovebug.” Vash murmurs softly. 
The humanoid typhoon claims your mouth with one more toe-curling kiss, and the two of you moan, slowly indulging in one another’s taste. Sucking and licking, until finally you have to pull away for air.
Vash pouts, but then he pulls back, electing to admire your love drunk expression instead.
“Didn’t you know?” Vash whispers, leaning back in to rub the tip of his nose against yours. 
“Lovebugs stay connected to their mates for life.”
You pause and digest those words. While they may seem romantic on the surface, deep down you see the foreboding promise they hold. Pulling away from Vash’s pampering, you respond.
“Lovebugs don’t live long. They die right after they mate.”
It’s Vash’s turn to pause, his expression quizzical as he looks into your eyes. But after a few beats, a sickeningly sweet smile spreads across his lips. It’s the kind of smile only a god of death could have.
“You’ll be the exception.”
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dividers by @/saradika
225 notes · View notes
lovelyhan · 1 year
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꒰  all writing  ✦  full-length fics  ✦  series  ✦  wips  ✦  recs  ꒱
× all of these contain smut unless stated otherwise
× listed according to order of posting!
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× completed (💐) on-going (🌷) coming soon (🌹)
× personal picks (✨) most popular (🌟)
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✧  series masterlist
doting on you! | 💐🌟✨ × tags: fluff, angst
a svt hiphop unit pets series
inflection point | 💐🌟✨ × tags: polyamory, unresolved emotional tension, angst
a jeongcheol poly series
it’s complicated | 🌷✨ × tags: royalty au, magic, slow burn
one commoner, two princes, and three tales far too complicated to comprehend.
line by line | 🌹 × tags: soulmates, fluff, angst, comedy
a svt vocal unit soulmates series
just one night | 🌹 × tags: one night stands, fluff, angst
a svt performance unit one night stand series
game over | 🌷🌟 × tags: streamer au, eventual poly, sex tapes
a minwon streamer au
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✧  seungcheol
inflection point | 💐✨ × tags: polyamory, unresolved emotional tension, angst
you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in a exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
thirst trap | 💐 × tags: established relationship, phone sex
when your boyfriend posts a deliberate thirst trap for millions to see, you end up feeling just a little bit sulky.
down bad (so, so bad) | 💐🌟 × tags: pet-sitter!reader, friends to lovers, daddy kink
it’s not like you’re curious about how the word would taste in your mouth whenever seungcheol calls himself daddy while talking to kkuma. nope. definitely not.
forced orgasm | 💐
when you’re having a bad day | 💐
“you sound pretty hot when you shut up” | 💐
saccharine | 💐
03:26 | 💐
02:55 | 💐
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✧  jeonghan
inflection point | 💐✨ × tags: polyamory, unresolved emotional tension, angst
you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
ode to you | 💐 × tags: reincarnation, multiple lives, pining, angst, no smut
if there's one thing you've learned from all the lives you've spent together, it's that jeonghan isn't always someone you'll end up wanting. he can be crass. he can be secretive. he can be nothing short of vexing. but in the end, he's everything you need him to be.
every summertime | 💐 × tags: 70s au, hard to get, bad decisions, pining?
you’re not really interested in the record shop downtown. but people aren’t oblivious to the way you keep trying to get into the owner’s pants—not even the owner himself.
sexting | 💐
when you’re having a bad day | 💐
02:55 | 💐
03:05 | 💐
jeonghan as your roommate | 💐
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✧  joshua
bad habits | 💐 × tags: exes w benefits, car sex, pining, angst
it’s common practice to not sleep around with your ex months after you broke up. too bad you and joshua are terrible at doing things by the book.
hoax | 💐✨ × tags: mafia!joshua, strangers to lovers, angst
you’re a hostess that’s drowning in debt, and jisoo is a man with too many secrets to keep. making a clean break for it isn’t as easy as you’d hoped.
eyes meeting, hearts apart | 💐 × tags: prince!joshua, requited unrequited love
you could’ve fallen for the childhood friend who owns a flower shop, the singer who takes the stage of the bar every other day. hell, even the landlord’s flirtatious son could’ve been a better choice. but you can’t really help it if your heart longs for a prince who’s in love with somebody else.
505 | 💐 × tags: coworkers, friends with benefits, angst
i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck; or i did, last time i checked. 
17:12 | 💐
00:51 | 💐
03:05 | 💐
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✧  junhui
the first circle of hell [1] [2] | 💐 × tags: vampire, reincarnation, angst, major character death
the first time you catch a glimpse of jun, you feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before. a magazine cover, a billboard, or a music show you watched in passing. jun, on the other hand, seems to know you a lot better than you know yourself.
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✧  soonyoung
daylight | 💐 × tags: automaton!hoshi, sci-fi, angst
when hoshi first opened his eyes, the singular impulse hard-wired into his circuitry is to dance. a performer in every sense of the word, he simply finds another stage to set foot on in the planet of salax after the escape. people never overstay their welcome here, but he unexpectedly meets you—a mechanic born and raised in a place where no one deigns to linger for too long.
friends with benefits | 💐
untitled | 💐
i knew you were trouble | 💐
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✧  wonwoo
underlying pretense | 💐🌟 × tags: enemies to lovers, sex tapes
being two of the most popular streamers across the board, your subscribers often speculate if your constant bickering with wonwoo has some underlying pretense. little did they know, the two of you have everything on display on a single, unsuspecting twitter account.
favorite poison | 💐🌟 × tags: enemies to lovers, sex tapes
no strings attached sex is easy. catching feelings for a person you supposedly hate is hard. it’s in times like this when wonwoo wishes he can set the dial on his life to easy mode forever, but everyone knows he’s nothing if not stubbornly competitive.
mirage | 💐 × tags: strangers to lovers, one night stands
he loves with a passion that bleeds into his actions, never his words. you can see it in how he doesn’t make a sound. how he’s seemingly on the cusp, teetering dangerously across the knife’s edge. you’re nothing but a stranger to him and yet he looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
meet cute of the century |  💐🌟✨ × tags: meet cute, strangers to lovers, pining
the last thing you expected when you volunteered at your city’s local animal shelter is to meet the hottest cat person in the world. now if only he’d just adopt one of them so you’d stop ogling him every time he drops by.
caught in the middle |  💐 × tags: established relationship, one-sided pining 
mingyu knows. he’s perfectly aware that his best friend’s girlfriend is the last person he should end up wanting. but who is he to refuse when wonwoo invites him to join something he never thought he could ever be part of?
don’t be lazy | 💐
02:35 |  💐
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✧  jihoon
let’s fall in love for the night  | 💐
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✧ minghao
rush hour | 💐 × tags: enemies to lovers, dancer au, public sex
you used to be good friends with the newest dancer in your agency, but your competitiveness gets the better of you when he overtakes your spot as the top performer of the month—for three straight months.
terrified | 💐✨ × tags: established relationship, marriage, having kids
minghao has a knack for keeping the things you tell him in mind. from your favorite brand of wine to how the idea of bearing children terrifies you—he remembers all of it. so your husband is in a bit of a crisis when he realizes that this newfound desire to start a family kind of clashes with something you trusted him to respect.
when it’s cold outside | 💐
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✧  mingyu
again and again | 💐🌟✨ × tags: exes, fake dating, angst
your mother calls one day, asking if you’re bringing mingyu along for chuseok this year. in your panic, you end up giving her an affirmative—never mind the fact that you and mingyu have stopped seeing each other over half a year ago.
vices & virtues | 💐 × tags: enemies to lovers, bodyguard!gyu
being from one of the most opulent families in the city, you’re used to getting everything you want. but when you realize that your hot bodyguard is strictly off-limits, you treat him like anything else you can’t have: with unbridled hostility.
caught in the middle |  💐 × tags: established relationship, one-sided pining
mingyu knows. he’s perfectly aware that his best friend’s girlfriend is the last person he should end up wanting. but who is he to refuse when wonwoo invites him to join something he never thought he could ever be part of?
needy | 💐
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✧  seokmin
20:32 | 💐
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✧  seungkwan
1:12 | 💐
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✧  vernon
divorce child | 💐 × tags: exes to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, angst
you like to think that your most recent breakup with vernon ended on relatively good terms. there’s only one issue left to sort out: who’s getting custody of the cat you got together?
friends with benefits | 💐
01:22 | 💐  
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✧  chan
promise ring | 💐✨ × tags: fantasy, childhood friends, mutual pining
no one would’ve guessed that the only daughter of the town’s royal mage has a soft spot for the clumsiest fire elemental in the entire realm. but when the crown prince suddenly asks for your hand in marriage, you’re forced to consider how you feel about a certain lee jung chan a lot more seriously. 
2:40 | 💐
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2K notes · View notes
fangirl-dot-com · 4 months
Chapter 25 - Release the Ice Bath Thirst Traps
Ok guys! here we go!
TAG LIST IS CLOSED (sorry for those who have asked)
For the very end of the chapter, there's something I made up for Singapore (this fact is made up just for the story)
Like always comments, questions, concerns, inbox messages, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Love you all and enjoy :D
The moment you stepped out of the cool, airconditioned car, your team shirt suddenly clung to you. Beads of sweat dripped from your forehead as you made your way through the paddock. Max had warned you that Singapore and Qatar would be impossibly hot: you just didn’t think it’d be this bad. 
All you wanted to do now was go back to the hotel where it was ice cold. You wiped your brow with your forearm as you got closer to the garage. Giant fans welcomed you with air. It wasn’t freezing cold, but it would do. You were already on your third water today, smartly forgoing the Red Bull that was bound to make you dehydrated. 
You stood next to Max as the team had a quick debrief. The heat was definitely getting to you, as you really couldn’t remember a word that anyone said. You blink your eyes as they were burning with sweat. Your older teammate could only offer you a remorseful smile. 
Max could see that the heat wasn’t going too well with you. You had told him beforehand that some females, including you, just couldn’t regulate their temperatures as well as males could. Women often gave off more body heat than men did as well. This caused the Dutchman to send out a group text, warning the other drivers to look out for you. 
You groaned as you tried to put on your fireproofs and race suit. The more you moved around, the more you seemed to sweat. You kept your suit tied around your waist. You definitely wouldn’t be putting it on until you had to be in the car.
Max was already zipped up by the time you returned. 
“Here.” He handed you another ice cold water bottle. 
“Thank you Max,” you croaked out, making the Dutchman look a little weary at you. You just smiled back. 
“Once we qualify, we can go to the ice baths.” 
Max would have thought that you would hate the idea since you always showered with the water at a boiling temperature. Yet, he could see that you were slightly “warming up” to the idea of a bath full of ice (pun intended). 
From the corner, Mitch watched as you poured the remainder of your water on your head. She had requested a few ice packs to be ready for you when you arrived, but sadly they weren’t completely frozen. She’d make sure that you’d have them for tomorrow. 
Surprisingly, your laps were great with you qualifying in P3, behind Charles once again. Halfway through, you had opened your visor, trying to get some air through your sweaty helmet. Your water pouch had to be refilled multiple times between sessions. Yet, your trainer advised you to try not to drink so much during the race, as they wouldn’t be able to refill. 
Mitch had come over to your car as soon as you were back in. You gave her a big smile as you started to get out of the car. 
“How are you doing kid?” 
You took a moment to look at her outfit. Where a pantsuit should have been, there was a Red Bull Tank top and some very loose pants. You were jealous that she got to wear those while you were stuck with skin tight clothes. 
You gasped a bit for some cooler air once your helmet was off. 
“I’m good. Max said something about an ice bath?” 
Your eyes were faintly glimmering with hope for something to cool you down. Mitch smiled at you. 
“Yep. I put a change of clothes on your bed, but I think you need some help?” 
You nodded at her question before heading to your room. You didn’t want to waste any time getting out of your suit. 
The zipper came off smoothly. Mitch definitely saw that you had sweated through your fireproofs and felt terrible. Surely, there was something that the team could do. 
You giggled. “I’ve probably already lost a few pounds.” 
Mitch rolled her eyes at the terrible joke. If anything, there was truth in that statement. She had seen the numbers after you got weighed and you had lost a lot. 
“Well, there will be lots of food for you to fill up on.” 
“I hope we’re not going to go over the catering budget again.” 
Mitch let out a snort as she helped you out of the sticky fire proofs. She pulled out a bag and handed it to you. You grinned at the sight of the limited clothes in the bag. 
“I didn’t think that you’d want to go out in full bikini, so there’s a sports bra and some spandex shorts. I’ll wait for you by your door and will walk you to the back.” 
Once Mitch left, you quickly peeled the rest of your clothes off. The sports bra and spandex were all black, and covered everything that needed to be. You said a quick thank you to her in your mind as you got dressed. Your skin was definitely cooler with no clothes to stick to, but you were still sweating. 
You swung the door open. 
“Ready to go?” you asked, giving her the bag back with your other clothes. They would definitely need to be washed by tomorrow. 
You followed the woman to the back, going through multiple doors. Once she opened the door to the little outside area, your eyes landed on Max, who was already soaking. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head back on the tub. 
Yours was a bit more like a giant trough, filled to the brim with ice. 
Mitch spoke as you got closer. “We thought that you’d need more ice, hence why yours is bigger. It’s also more insulated with the metal than the plastic. Do not stay in more than 15 minutes. We don’t need your temperature dropping too much.” 
You tossed your foot over and gingerly place a toe in, just to get a feel for it. The temperature was perfect and you found yourself sinking into the ice. 
“You think it’s ok if I dunk my head?” you asked Max. 
He didn’t even bother to open his eyes. 
“Go for it kid.” 
You held your breath as you sunk below the ice layer. Your brain went a bit fuzzy as the freezing water went over your scalp. You let your eyes open under the water, just to feel the cold and relieve the stinging. 
Once you came up gasping for air, Max finally looked over. 
“Had fun?” He laughed a bit. 
You lovingly flipped him off. Your hands came and brushed your hair back. You looked over at Max’s plastic pool, and saw ducks in his. You pouted once you realized that you didn’t have any. 
“What’s wrong kid?” the Dutchman asked at the sight of your pout. 
You murmured, “I didn’t get any ducks.” 
Max rolled his eyes before gently throwing one of his ducks into your pool. Your eyes immediately lit up as you began to play with it. Max just watched as you found so much joy in something so little. You felt his gaze and you guessed that you needed to say something. 
“I never had a rubber duck growing up. It’s so cute.” 
You held the little yellow thing in your hands, right in front of your face. Max had a sad smile as he watched. 
“You have plans for after the race?” 
You sighed as you let the duck rest on the water, not breaking the surface tension. 
“Logan, Oscar, and Lando wanted to go see the city and I said I’d join them. Something about needing a good drive around Singapore.” 
Max snorted. Of course the group of three would want to invite you. The door opened, which had the two of you whip your heads to it. 
“Oh, hey David,” you greeted the photographer. You sank back into the ice, still enjoying the cold. Max groaned when he realized what David was there for. 
You smirked as you looked over at your teammate. “Ready to do some thirst traps Max?” 
The Dutchman rolled his eyes. “Let’s leave that for Ferrari and Lando.” 
You giggled at the statement. “Yeah, I would rather not show much on screen. Taken woman and all.” 
That time, Max laughed. 
David looked apologetic. “Just need to get some pictures. Trust me, this isn’t my favorite.” 
He took some pictures while you and Max tried to look as non-sexy as possibly. You definitely tried to sneak some goofy facial expressions in. You kept your whole body submerged and thankfully the ice kept anyone from seeing much below your neck. David quickly thanked the two of you for your time before leaving. 
“Instagram is going to have a field with those.” 
redbullracing has posted
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redbullracing splish, splash - racers in the ice baths
liked by arthur_leclerc, y/n.nation, rookie&maxie, landonorris, and 846,294 others
redbullfan what the heck is this?? this was not the thirst traps we wanted
maximillian he's giving "moto-moto likes you"
y/n.nation everyone is focused on the lack of thirst-traps, I'm just focused on the amount of ducks that Red Bull has
oscarpiastri what are your duck's names?
landonorris probably can't top cold, as, and fuck y/n.89 max's is James Pond and mine is Duck Norris landonorris my son?? y/n.89 no - something american so you won't understand logansargeant DUCK NORRIS RAWWRRRRR
f1fan I know admin is hiding the thirst traps
charles_leclerc no thirst traps?
maxverstappen1 we leave that to you and the Spaniard y/n.89 I mean, I could be sexy if I wanted carlossainz55 sure chica, sure y/n.89 who is single? and who is taken maxverstappen1 HA
iamred_iamyellow ducks, ducks, ducks, ducks
You snorted at the Dutchman’s bluntness. 
The timer on the wall signaled that it was time to get out. You let out a giant groan as you stood and climbed over. 
Mitch came in with two big towels. One for you and one for Max. Your skin was finally covered with goosebumps instead of sweat. You quickly had an idea as you walked back to put normal clothes on. 
“You think I could dunk my head in before I get in the car? I think my wet hair will keep my head cooler if I do. It’s something about heat escaping through your scalp when you overheat. If it’s covered by my balaclava and my helmet, it can’t escape.” 
Mitch finished your thought process. 
“So if you wet your hair, your scalp can be cooler longer.” 
You nodded before heading into your room. 
“Ah, Max wanted me to hand this to you.” 
It was a normal Red Bull polo, which made your brows pinch in confusion. But, you shrugged and took it anyways. 
However, once you started changing you realized that the shirt was almost three sizes too big. Yet, you grinned as you put it on. Since it was oversized, it wasn’t sticking to your skin as you started to sweat a little. 
The crew laughed a bit at the sight of the giant shirt almost swallowing you. But, you didn’t care about that. You were significantly cooler and you could follow the last debrief of the day. 
Sunday night came and went super-fast, and you were thankful this time around. You were definitely more cool that you had been for qualifying. Mitch had sent the ice vest to you early, so you didn’t start off too warm. With your hair being dunked in ice water, your head was cooler during the race. The little bit of breeze that you got helped as well. 
That bit really helped you stay focused as you gained another podium. Surprisingly, this was Max’s first time winning in Singapore. Adrian really made sure that the car could keep up with the street race and not end it like 2023. Charles came in a very close second. 
Charles and Max poured their champagne bottles onto your overheating body. Halfway through you needed to sit down. Your body was slowly becoming even more dehydrated and hot as the minutes passed by. You were kind of held by Max as the three of you left the podium. 
The Dutchman had a worried grip on your bicep as he held you upright. He needed to get you some water, quickly. You thankfully weren’t on the verge of passing out, but he knew you were thirsty. He heard your radio toward the end where you were just begging for a drink. Max couldn’t imagine being without water, but he normally didn’t drink as much while racing. 
He gently set you on a seat in the garage, before turning away to get some things. Your eyes were closed as you sat right under a fan. Max soon returned with a cooling towel and three bottles of water.
The cold of the towel made your eyes open as he put it on your neck. Your race suit was tied around your waist and your fireproof shift had been swapped for a thin, random oversized shirt. Max gently cooed as you leaned into the cold water bottle on your face. 
“There you go,” he whispered as you finally were able to take big gulps of water. He unscrewed one of the other bottles before he lightly tipped it over your head. Streams of water ran down your face as you finished off the water bottle. 
The team was glancing at the two of you. In the back of their minds, they were worried about how you’d react to Qatar, which was way worse. However, they held on to some hope that it would be cooler than last year due to it being moved later on the race calendar. 
Your water bottle was on in moments. You flashed a smile at your worried teammate. 
“Thanks,” you gasped, trying to catch your breath after guzzling. 
Mitch came from the back with another woman who was holding a device. Mitch kneeled next to Max and put her hand on your knee. 
“Hey kid, we just want to make sure that you’re okay. Brianna here is going to take your blood pressure and other vitals just to be safe.” 
You only nodded and leaned your head against the wall. The medic made quick work and started to strap the device on. Max stood up and walked a bit away, just to give everyone some space. His eyes caught glimpses of orange, red, and blue and he could only guess who it was. He took one more glance at the situation before walking out of the garage. 
Logan, Charles, Lando, and Oscar were waiting patiently by the opening. They all looked up once they heard Max walk out, but deflated when they realized it wasn’t the Red Bull driver they were looking for. 
“Is she doing okay?” Charles asked first, concerning the other three boys. 
Lando put his arms out, stopping any conversation. 
“What does he mean by ‘is she doing ok?’ Where’s Y/n?” the Brits voice going more high pitched the more he started to panic. 
Max sighed. “She’s just having a hard time with the heat. She got super dehydrated this weekend and really couldn’t get over it.” 
He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. 
“They’re just checking vitals I think, to make sure everything is ok.” 
Logan sighed loudly in concern. He definitely knew what it was like, getting memories from Qatar 2023. 
The American asked, “Is she going to race in Qatar?” 
Max blinked slowly before answering. “She wants to. The team is really hoping that it’s going to be significantly cooler than last year. And they know to get her started on hydration much earlier. I talked to her physio and she thinks that Y/n’s diet also wasn’t right.” 
Oscar raised his eyebrows. “Diet?” 
Max nodded. “Yeah. She was apparently eating foods that might dehydrate the body, like lots of salt. Her physio said that she’ll start her on more fruits and water heavy foods way in advance. And drinks as well, more electrolytes.” 
Lando nodded in agreement. “I remember when I had to do that. They took away my chips for like….months.” 
They had been so into talking that they didn’t notice that you had walked out, now changed into shorter shorts and a bigger top (one that Charles strangely recognized as one of his brother’s shirts). 
“Are we ready to go?” you asked, getting closer. “Lando is driving because I am done for today.” 
The boys looked a bit guilty at your tired face. 
Oscar spoke up first. “We don’t have to go driving if you don’t want to. We know you’re probably tired.” 
You waved your hands and made a sound. “Nope, I’m good. Nothing will ever beat the one time I spent an entire summer on a farm in the middle of Texas.” 
You pretended to shiver at the thought, making the group laugh. 
Charles suddenly remembered why he was there in the first place (well, second because he was worried about you after the podium). He handed you a small bag. Opening it up, you saw a bright colored water bottle. You raised your eyebrow in question. 
The Monegasque smirked. “From you know how.” 
Your face practically melted at the loving gesture as you looked at it. Lando, Oscar, and Logan suddenly got the memo. 
Logan wrapped an arm around you first. “Aww such a sweet little boyfriend.” 
Oscar looked at Lando. 
“Where’s my water bottle?” he mocked whined, batting his eyelashes at the Brit. Your rolled your eyes. 
Lando put his arms around the Aussie. “Don’t worry love, it’s in the car.” 
The Brit puckered his lips before pretending to lean in. You just watched with an annoyed grin on your face. You looked at Max and Charles and winked, the Dutchman and Monegasque getting what you were about to do. You shrugged Logan’s arm off before taking a step toward your teammate. 
But, you purposefully made your knees buckle and fell into Max and Charles’s waiting arms. Lando and Oscar shut up quickly, before yelling that you needed help. Except that they heard your giggles as Max put you back on your feet. 
“I was just kidding.” 
The trio huffed. 
Logan murmured, “That was not funny.” 
Charles snorted. “Oh but it was. Should have seen your faces.” 
Your giggled died out before you asked, “Are we ready to go? I think I’ll melt if I stand out here for any longer.” 
Lando flicked your forehead. “We were just waiting on you.” 
The four of you said your goodbyes to Max and Charles before heading to the parking lot. Somehow, Logan got his hands on a Jeep to take the four of you somewhere. And, he was even able to get the top off. And because he claimed it was an all American brand, Logan begged Lando to let him drive it. Lando reluctantly handed over the keys. 
You claimed earlier that you needed shotgun, because “men can’t be passenger princesses.” Oscar and Lando tried to disagree. 
The breeze from outside in addition to the cool air-conditioning from the car was perfect. You let everyone have their turn with the aux, praying that they wouldn’t pick anything too embarrassing.  
Oscar ripped the phone out of your hands when Logan tried to request Free Bird again.
The Aussie sighed as the American whined. 
“We are not having another shirt ripped or a speeding ticket.” 
You laughed as Logan tried to hit Oscar in the back. At an empty road, Lando grabbed his camera. 
“Bug, put your head out the window real fast.” 
You did as suggested and smiled toward the camera that Lando was holding. 
Immediately you had a sense of déjà vu. Except this time, it was actual friends in the car and not just your manager. You thought back to how far you’ve come since the night before going to Milton. 
Lando laughed as he looked at the camera. 
He spoke, “This reminds me about the time that me and my friends were driving around and then this car pulled up next to ours. They were blasting What Makes You Beautiful and there was this girl in the front seat.” 
Your cheeks were becoming warm as Lando kept telling the story: that was definitely about you. Lando kept blabbing about the night. 
“And then the next morning, I got out of my hotel elevator and I think the same girl literally bulldozed me over. Didn’t say sorry or anything. I just thought it was funny, she seemed like she was in a rush.” 
Logan was laughing at the story, but got concerned at your flushed appearance and sudden quietness. 
“You alright champ? Do we need to get you some more water?” 
At the sound of the question, Lando and Oscar were leaning up, trying to look to see if you were going to actually pass out. Lando was already on his phone, trying to bring up Max’s contact to call just in case. 
However, you started laughing, making the trio at ease. You tried to cover your giggles with your mouth. You had this bright look in your eyes. 
“That was actually me Lando. Sorry about that.” 
Lando’s jaw dropped at the reveal. 
You gave a half shrug. “Arthur was waiting for me in my hotel room and I was excited to see him.” 
Logan’s and Oscar’s shoulders were shaking as they kept laughing at Lando’s facial expressions. The Brit huffed and crossed his arms, mouth formed into a pout. 
“You owe me a race win now.” 
“Excuse you?”
“You heard me.” 
“Uh, guys?” Logan asked, but you and Lando ignored him. 
“Get your own race win. You’ve done it before.” 
“Cause Max crashed out.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“Guys?” Oscar’s voice also sounded, worry in his tone. 
“Lando, it’s really not that hard. You just go around him.” 
“It’s a tractor versus a rocket ship. One cannot simply just go around.” 
“What?” you and Lando yelled at the same time. Once the car was silent, you finally noticed that it had stopped moving. 
“Logan why aren’t you driving?” 
You looked at the American, who was slightly shaking while looking in the rearview mirror. Your eyes glanced at it, blue and red lights reflecting through the glass. You looked behind you and saw the source. 
“Ah shit.”
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y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 Alexa, play free bird by lynard skynard
liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63, redbullrocket, and 725,028 others
box_box_express oh thank goodness she's out
y/n.nation you think she jailbreaked?
georgerussell63 good to see that I don't need to pull up any power point presentations on why you four shouldn't go to jail
y/n.89 good to know that you have one ready? landonorris you think that we'd actually get arrested?? logansargeant oh yee of little faith oscarpiastri it was already ready???????
formulalala_delulu this whole race/day was a fever dream
christianhorner good to see you not in cuffs kid
y/n.89 good to not be in cuffs maxverstappen1 rookie arrest before I was y/n.89 HA I BEAT MAX VERSTAPPEN IN EQUAL MACHINERY landonorris oh that's not...ok
lestappenlove your honor I love them
Race Results
Max Verstappen - 25 points
Charles Leclerc - 18 points
Y/n L/n - 16 points (fastest lap)
Carlos Sainz - 12 points
Oscar Piastri - 10 points
Alex Albon - 8 points
Lando Norris - 6 points
Logan Sargeant - 4 points
Pierre Galsy - 2 points
Daniel Ricciardo - 1 point
Champions Standings
Max Verstappen - 334 points
Charles Leclerc - 304 points
Y/n L/n - 223 points
Lando Norris - 196 points
Carlos Sainz - 157 points
Oscar Piastri - 140 points
Lewis Hamilton - 113 points
Alex Albon - 70 points
George Russell - 65 points
Fernando Alonso - 45 points
Logan Sargeant - 44 points
Daniel Ricciardo - 26 points
Lance Stroll - 17 points
Pierre Gasly - 14 points
Valtteri Bottas - 13 points
Yuki Tusnuoda - 9 points
Zhou Guanyu - 1 point
Nico Hulkenberg
Kevin Magnussen
Esteban Ocon
Constructors Standings
Red Bull - 557 points
Ferrari - 461 points
McLaren - 336 points
Mercedes - 178 points
Williams - 114 points
Aston Martin - 62 points
Alpha Tauri - 35 point
Alpha Romeo - 14 points
Alpine - 14 points
Haas - 0 points
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @fly-me-away @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @33-81 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
887 notes · View notes
4jeagers · 1 year
aki hayakawa’s hands
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⭑ aki hayakawa x afab!reader
⭑ word count: 730
content warnings: partially [mostly] nsfw, fingering [while driving?], somnophilia [dubcon], mention of fillatio, gagging, overstimulation [multiple orgasms], smoking, finger sucking, morning sex
author’s note: i’ve been thinking about aki’s hand’s recently so this is just shameless thirsting with a sprinkle of headcanons honesty. will probably do this for a few other characters as well because i love hands.
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⭑ aki’s hand are so nice. they’re big too. his palms and fingertips are somewhat calloused, and while the backs of his hands are smoother, there’s a few scattered pale scars.
⭑ his fingers are generously sized, long with a uniform thickness from tip to base (like another appendage of his) where his prominent knuckles connect the digits to his palm. his knuckles are so so so pretty, especially when they’re bruised after work. he’ll blush if you kiss them.
⭑ he uses mint scented hand lotion. 
⭑ while he isn’t supper into pda, aki will always hold your hand while you two are out, and of course when you’re alone. he thinks your hands feel so nice in his.
⭑ he keeps his nails trimmed neatly, he used to have a habit of picking at them before he started smoking. 
⭑ his hands aren’t the warmest which he’s slightly embarrassed about. himeno once said they’re as cold as a corpse, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. 
⭑ aki fidgets with his hand’s when he needs a cigarette, he’ll repeatedly run his thumb over the dip on the side of his finger where he normally rests one.
⭑ his hands look amazing when he drives, and yes he does do the thing where he looks over his shoulder as he backs up with one hand on the steering wheel and his other reaches out towards the back of the passenger seat. if he has to break suddenly while he’s driving with you, he’ll reach his hand across your chest to make sure you don’t jolt forward too far.
⭑ aki doesn’t normally wear rings because he thinks they would get in the way during a fight, but if and when aki does wear a ring, or a few... 🥴 his hands somehow look even more enticing. if you get him a ring he’ll wear it at home on his finger, but when he goes to work he’ll wear it around a chain he keeps hidden under his button up. 
⭑ although aki doesn’t think much about his hands, he does take pride in what they can do. whether it’s killing devils, cooking, shoving them in your mouth, doing laundry, there’s just so much he can do with them.
⭑ speaking of fingers in mouths, aki won’t tell you directly, but he really, really likes the way you look with his fingers in your mouth. he’s embarrassed by how much it turns him on. you just always look so pretty sucking on the digits, and your mouth is so warm and wet. aki can’t help but imagine your lips wrapped around his cock.
⭑ aki’s hands are honestly dangerous, he can make you cum in minutes with just one hand. if you piss him off, expect to be trapped in his lap gagging on one set of fingers while the other is knuckle deep inside your pussy and making you beg for mercy as you cum over and over again, until he’s satisfied and your slick in covering his hand and dripping down his forearm.
⭑ you will always cum from aki’s hands at least once before he fucks you. not only because aki is a firm believer in prep, but he loves watching you squirm as your walls stretch and mold around his fingers. he can’t keep his fingertips away from your clit if you keep moaning his name so sweetly.
⭑ he has definitely fingered you while driving. his eyes never leave the road once, but he’s still able to cause your whole body to shake with pleasure. he’ll teasingly tell you not to make a mess on the leather even though he’s completely aware of the fact that your wetness has seeped onto the passenger seat.
⭑ if aki wakes up before you and becomes impatient with how long it’s taking you to wake up, he’ll sometimes press himself against you and start to rub your clit through your panties while leaving open mouth kisses on your neck. if you’re still not awake, he’ll part your legs and slip his hand down the front of your panties, slowly sliding his ring finger inside your drooling cunt. thumb rubbing circles on your clit, he’ll add another finger and speed up every time a soft moan leaves you. It doen’t take long until your eyes are fluttering open and you’re cumming around 3 of aki’s fingers before you’ve even said good morning to him.
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girlschasinggirls · 4 months
i don’t know why some people are desensitised or blind to the fact that bombing people is more than just killing people but is also maiming and torturing people physically and psychologically. there’s been many videos now of people including kids collecting what’s left of their family members and it’s just chunks of meat and a hand. people with their limbs blown off and torn to shreds. what happens to peoples limbs and/or entire bodies in an explosion is basically the same as being thrown into a giant meat grinder, these deaths are not painless even if they’re quick. people are having their limbs torn off and then bleeding to death, being burned alive, being crushed with heavy cement and rubble. being trapped under rubble and sand and suffocating or dying of thirst. sometimes alone and sometimes with their family, sometimes they can hear their family but can’t see or reach them. people having shrapnel launched into their throats has the same impact as slitting someone’s throat, shrapnel in the rest of your body is the same as getting stabbed multiple times. this is not any less sadistic and barbaric just because israel has the luxury of just pressing a button from a plane and not actually witnessing the outcome of what they’re doing.
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boldlyvoid · 8 months
Scare Tactics
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: Surprisingly, Aaron agreed to a darker roleplay this Halloween.
Warnings: Ghostface role play, scene planning and negotiations, taking about safewords and limits, CNC, stalking, stalker phone calls, fake break-ins, handcuffs, oral (male receiving), deep throating, rough sex, degradation, name calling, slight pet/owner kink mentioned, begging, vibrators, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampies, domdrop, aftercare
Word Count: 6100
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When he gets in that night, it’s late. Pushing midnight, late. That’s not really a shock to her, he’s always got something going on. Between driving his son everywhere he needs to be, working on the PTA and teaching night classes at the local college, Aaron Hotchner is a busy man. Always has been, and always will be.
She’s in bed, scrolling through things on her phone as she waits for him to arrive. She is just catching up on the newest trends and celebrity gossip when she hears his heavy feet coming up the creaky old steps of their century home. While it is a beautiful place to lay low in the middle of nowhere, the sounds it made— especially at night— were insanely creepy.
The TikTok she’s watching doesn’t help either… she’s been listening to creepy Reddit stories and looking at home footage of spooky happenings. The videos she’s seen the most tonight, however, are ghost face videos. Be it thrust traps or couples going to the store to buy a mask to enhance alone time later that night, she’s seen them all.
There’s one on her screen as Aaron opens their door, she quickly locks her phone and looks at him with a guilty smile.
His old profiler ways clock in on the awkwardness right away, “What were you doing?”
“Nothing,” she presses her lips together and shakes her head, pretending she doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Wait… were you watching porn?” He asks. Eyes narrowed in on her, waiting to read her reaction.
She laughs, “no? Oh my god? I mean…. It’s not, but it definitely does something to me.”
He sits on the edge of the bed, “well, now you have to tell me?”
She sighs, thinking how she’s going to explain it to him of all people. “You’re going to think I’m insane.”
“Too late,” he teases.
She shoves him, “Seriously, it’s weird… I don’t even like the movies but—
“Oh, you were looking at thirst traps again?” He’s only recently learned that term.
She can’t help but smile, “Yeah… do you know the scream movies?” He nods. “There’s a trend right now where couples are having sex while the dominant partner has the ghost face mask on.”
“It is like a full role play? Breaking in? Phone calls? Knife play?” He asks as if they’re setting boundaries already, planning a kinky scene is something they’ve done a few times. He likes to know all the limits, the expectations and what turns her on about it before they agree to anything.
“Wait, you’d do it?” She asks, sitting up straighter. “Seriously?”
He nods, “if it’s something that’ll get you off, why not?”
She tosses the blankets back and gets to her knees, he pulls her into his lap and holds her by her hips. She cups his face and presses a quick kiss to his lips, “so you don’t think it’s weird?”
He shakes his head, “Not at all… mask kinks are incredibly common.”
“And if I did want you to pretend to stalk me and break in and overpower me…”
“I’d need some prep time, I’ll have to have a free day the next day and Jack can’t be in the house that night,” he explains his boundaries. “I’ll, of course, give you aftercare right after and when you’re okay, we can switch?”
She pets his hair and nods, “Of course, my love. I’ll take the best care of you after. I appreciate everything you’re willing to do for me.”
“You just have to get the mask and maybe we can talk about the specifics of a script or series of events for the night,” he whispers, brushing his nose against hers. “Maybe you can get something new to wear during it?”
She likes the sound of that, but she just has one question. “Black or red?”
He gets a burner phone a week before the scene is set to happen. He doesn’t tell her thats what he’s done but when he’s getting ready to leave for work one night he smirks from the closet and says “if you get a phone call from an unknown number… be sure to answer, okay?”
She knows he has a class tonight, he has Introduction to Legal Skills from 6-8 and then Trial Advocacy from 9-11:30. Jack goes to bed around 10:30, so she knows he’ll call sometime after Jack's in bed. Otherwise, he could hear the conversation and either be scared for life knowing his parents had kinky sex or grow concerned that his stepmom had a real stalker after her. And he’s been traumatized enough for a 17-year-old boy.
Sure enough, her phone rings at 11:45 while she’s in the living room, on her phone with the TV on in the background.
“Hello?” She answers, a fake sense of nervousness in her voice.
“What are you watching, Y/N?” He asks, his voice deeper than usual. Almost scarily deep.
“Excuse me?” She can’t believe he’s really doing this. “Who is this?”
“Have you never watched a scary movie before? You should know asking that is a death wish,” he teases. “But you never answered my question.”
“How do you even know I’m watching TV?” She asks, it’s not like the sound is up. She looks out the window to make sure he’s not out there, completely forgetting that they have security cameras inside and he can access them on his real cellphone.
“You’re on the couch, in a cute little black tank top and shorts… aren’t you cold? It’s October.”
“How do you know that?”
“I know a lot more than you think,” he taunts.
“Then shouldn’t I know something about you too?” She asks, turning it back on him. “Don’t you think that’s fair?”
“Hmm… I suppose it would, but isn’t part of the fun all in the mystery?”
“You must know my husband used to be an FBI agent so—
“Ah yes, agent Hotchner,” he laughs. “Retired, haunted, old man, Aaron Hotchner.”
“He can still kick your ass,” she assures. Both scaring this character and stroking his ego at the same time. “And enjoy doing it.”
“We’ll see about that.” He says before hanging up.
It makes shivers run down her spine and all the hair on her body stands tall. If she didn’t know this was actually him, it would be incredibly terrifying. Yet for some reason, she’s more turned on right now than anything.
When he gets home that night, she’s still in the living room. Waiting for him. He puts his bag down, kicks off his shoes and hangs up his coat before making his way over to her and crashing down onto the couch. He lays his head into her lap and she brushes his hair back, “tough class?”
He nods, “they asked so many questions. It’s literally not even that hard.”
“Awe,” she sympathizes. “Not everyone is as smart as you, handsome.”
“How was your night?” He looks up at her with a smile.
“Good, Jack drove us to get some ice cream tonight and he was actually really good at it this time and then I got a weird phone call…”
“Huh,” he raises his brows quickly. “Weird… do you know who it was?”
“No idea.”
“Well, just keep an eye on it,” he advises. The profiler in him wants to say don’t answer the phone again but the game was too fun. He wanted her to answer again, he wanted to tease her, he wanted to make it as real as possible.
This was going to be a fun week.
She gets a call every night that week. The calls last anywhere from a minute to 10, depending on how long she can keep him talking in his sexy deep voice. She switches into a cute little night dress before their next conversation and she sits on the couch facing their security camera with the hem of her nightgown pushed up a bit too high… giving him a show.
“So…” she asks, wishing she had an old corded phone to twirl around her fingers. “What do you look like? Are you cute at least?”
He snickers, “That’s your question today? Really?”
“Yep, I mean if you’re going to stalk me and find me and make me yours, you better be hot,” she teases him.
“I’m… average, I guess?” He struggles to compliment himself.
“I figured you wouldn’t be as handsome as my husband…”
He sighs, “I’m going to make you pay for all these comments.”
She laughs, “okay… I’m sure.”
“Taunting a psychopath is never a good—
“That’s a lie, I know from my husband that sometimes taunting them is what they need. Sometimes they’re such losers that this is all an act, pissing them off makes them slip up and expose themself… so is this all an act? Are you secretly a loser who needs attention? What, did your mommy not love you enough growing up? Or was it daddy beating you that made you this way?”
“You’ve got two days,” he reminds her. “I’m going to get you.”
He hangs up and she smirks, she loves riling him up like this. She knows that once he gets his hands on her, once he has that mask on, she’s in for the ride of her life.
Sure enough, the Friday before Halloween, Jack heads out to a party and says he’ll be sleeping over at a friend's house that night. His phone is charged, his costume is on and his ride is about to pull up to their driveway.
“You remember you can call either one of us, at any time of the night, and we will come get you,” she reminds him. “No matter what state you’re in… I understand that drinking is something you’ll probably do tonight, and I won’t tell your dad, but go easy. Have water between beers and don’t drink from a cup you didn’t pour yourself or one you left unattended no matter how much time passed. And if you feel weird, uncomfortable or you just want to come home, you call me.”
“I know, Mom,” he assures her, looking at her with that annoyed teenager look.
“And drugs… please, please be careful. Peer pressure is real, being curious is okay, but don’t do anything intense. Smoking copious amounts of weed before the age of 27 can stop your brain from fully forming and other drugs can literally kill you because you have no idea what they’re mixed with—
“Mom, I’m not going to do drugs tonight,” he cuts her off, looking as serious as his father can.
“Okay,” she lets out a deep breath just as the headlights shine through their stained glass front door. “Give me a hug,” she says, arms open and waiting for him.
He steps into her space and holds her tight, “I love you, be safe.”
“I love you too, I’ll text you when I’m on my way home tomorrow.”
“And before you go to bed too, please? Even if its just a heart emoji, I want to know you’re going to bed, I don’t care what time it comes in,” she stares him down before letting him pull away. “I love you.”
“Okay, okay,” he smiles. “I’ve got it, I’m going now. Have a good night.”
“Oh, I will,” she smirks.
“Gross!” He calls out as he heads out the door, skips down the stairs and heads out to his friend's mom's car. She waves at them, gets a wave from the driver back and then they’re gone.
She locks the door once he’s gone, turns off the lights downstairs and heads up to her room where she changes into the new lingerie she bought at Aaron’s request and she lights a few candles around her room. She grabs the mask from her closet as well as a black silk robe and black boxer briefs and she lays them all on the table in the entryway downstairs with a note that says “Wear me.”
She goes to the kitchen and gets them some snacks for after, a couple water bottles and his bottle of scotch with a glass in case that’s what he wants after. He needs to be able to relax and unwind and know he did a good job and he’s not a bad guy for divulging in this role-play for her. If anything, he’s the best man in the world being able to do this for his wife.
And she waits in her room.
The first call she gets is from Aaron, 10 minutes after his class ends.
“Hey baby,” she answers quickly.
“Are we still on for tonight?” He double-checked, making sure nothing had changed between his leaving for work and now.
“Mhm, I’m waiting for Mr. Ghostface to arrive,” she whispers, voice low and dark. Making sure he knows just how ready she is.
“And you remember the safe word?”
She hums again, “I do, and we can both use it, remember?”
“I will if I need to,” he says and she can hear the smile on his face. “Did Jack leave okay?”
“Yeah, about an hour ago,” she assures. “We’re all good to go unless he calls and needs to come home.”
“I’m sure he won’t,” Aaron’s positive. “Can you do me a favour?”
“You put my mask downstairs?”
“I did,” she smirks. “And an outfit…”
“Oh, okay,” he sounds so excited. “Can you put my handcuffs down there too?”
“Are they in the safe?” She double-checks, cause the last time she saw them they were in his bedside drawer…
“They are…”
She gets up from the bed, goes into their closet and presses her thumb to the sensor, he could probably hear the lock click as the door swings open. He has 2 guns and his cuffs right there, sitting on top of their important documents and her most expensive jewelry.
“I’ll leave them downstairs for you,” she says as she takes them out and shuts the safe once more. “Anything else you want?”
“Just you,” he teases.
“okay well, I’ve got another phone call I’m expecting, so I should let you go,” she says while heading back down the stairs.
“Can we just pause for a sec?” He asks.
“Mhm, what’s up?”
“So you still want me to pretend to break in? We’re still doing everything we talked about?” He asks again, obviously nervous.
“Hey, we don’t have to do any of it if you’ve changed your mind?” She assures. “I mean it, we can just do something vanilla tonight, we don’t have to do a scene.”
“I want to make you happy—
“I won’t have fun if you don’t,” she resets the boundaries. “You tell me what you want to do and that’s what we’ll do.”
“I’m going to call you from outside, I’m going to make my way in and I’m going to sneak up the stairs and find you in the bedroom where I’m going to restrain you by cuffing you to the bedpost and have my way with you,” he lays out the series of events. “We’ll have sex, I’ll free you, I’ll take care of you until you calm down and then I would like some cuddles.”
“I have water and snacks in here waiting for us to be done, would you like a bath after?” She asks.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” he says and she can hear him smile again. “Okay, good. Good, we’re ready to go.”
“I love you,” she whispers. “I’m so excited to try this.”
“I love you more,” he reminds her and then he’s off. They say their final goodbye and she heads back upstairs to her room to await her hell prince.
She sees his headlights as he pulls into the driveway but she doesn’t hear his door shut, they just go out. That’s when her phone rings again.
“You again,” she teases right away. “Let me guess you know I’m home alone and you just wanna ‘talk’?”
“I just wanted to hear your pretty voice one last time,” he says with his deepest voice, it’s almost a growl.
Chills run down her spine once more. He’s way too good at this.
“What?” She asks, fear on her tongue.
“I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.”
“I’m not going anywhere?”
“You’re right… I’m coming to you.”
The line clicks and all she’s left with is the sound of her heartbeat in her ears… and her panties. Well, lack thereof. This set didn’t really leave much to the imagination. It was perfect to tear off. Easy to cut if need be. And currently, soaked.
Her ears feel like they’re on fire as she tries her hardest to listen to what’s going on downstairs. Either he’s being extra quiet or he’s not in the house yet. But he will be. He’ll change and he’ll climb the stairs and push her door open and take her. And she’ll take him. She’ll take him so good he’ll want to wear this fucking mask all the goddamn time.
And then the stairs of their century home creak, one by one as he climbs them ever so slowly. Slower than ever before. They creek and pop, they whine and echo down the hall towards her bedroom. There are only two times that these stairs sounding this awful are so helpful and it’s during role-plays like this and when their teenager sneaks out at night.
He makes his way down the hallway, towards the bedroom door and he looks through the crack. Mask on, that classic screaming, white face shines through the dark. He pushes the door open, making it squeal on rusty hinges. They really need to fix those.
“Aaron?” She calls out.
“Think again,” he teases, voice muffled behind the mask but still deep.
She scoots up the bed, drawing her knees in closer to her body as she cowers away. Checking him out in the meantime. The way he’s hard in his boxers, how his robe opens to show off his cute tummy and salt and pepper treasure trail… he’s delicious and all hers.
He creeps forward, “Don’t you know the rules to survival in a horror movie?” She shakes her head in fear. “Rule number one, sex equals death.”
“I wasn’t—
“But you were ready for it,” he points at her with his free hand and she notices how he’s gripping his cuffs with the other. He starts to twirl the cuff around his finger while chuckling deep from within. “What a shame he leaves a sexy thing like you home all by yourself most nights…”
“He’ll be home any—
“No, he won’t,” he taunts, and she can hear the smirk on his face. “I’ll be long finished with you by the time he comes back.”
He pounced on the bed, struggled with her to get a cuff on her one wrist and bring them both up to the headboard so he could loop the cuffs around the bars and trap her there. “You’re mine.”
“Please don’t do this,” she begs, trying her hardest to stay in character.
“Boo hoo,” he says, really not giving a shit what she wants or doesn’t. He straddles her waist and walks on his knees until his junk is right there near her face. “You’re going to take what I give you.”
She can’t help sticking her tongue out, wetting the fabric of his boxers as he presses his bulge against her face. Mouth watering, she can smell him under the fragrance of their detergent on his boxers. “Cock drunk already? You’re such a good little slut, no wonder that old man loves you.”
She whines, “Please Mr. Ghostface…”
“Say it,” he growls.
“Let me suck your cock, please? I need it,” she begs this time, watching him pull his boxers down just enough to expose his cock.
It stands tall, he grips himself by the base and taps it against her tongue a few times and she moans before licking at the head and taking him into her mouth. She drags her tongue along the pulsating vein on the underside of his perfect cock. He’s uncut and thick and her mouth is watering by the time she takes him between her lips. She relaxes her jaw, avoids her teeth, and uses her tongue around the head… all things he’s asked her to do for him in the past. This is the only cock she’s sucked and actually enjoyed doing it in her whole life.
The man above her grips her hair tighter and groans, “sweet christ… such a good little slut for me, taking my cock like a fucking champ.”
She hums around him, so content already but the praise mixed with the degrading words… fuck, was it ever good? She gains more confidence, sucking this man's cock like her life depends on it. Wet and sloppy, she gets drool all over her chin and it drips down her neck to pool at the pillows but she doesn’t give a fuck. She takes him deeper, letting the man fuck her throat, breathing through her nose with her eyes shut, she gags slightly but it’s bearable, she likes it… Mr. Ghostface really likes it, too, if his moans behind the mask are any indication.
He drags his hand from her hair, down the side of her face and he cups her cheek as he pulls out, hearing her whine. “If I’m going to fuck you, I’m gonna need this back,” he teases.
She whines again, “but, but?” Her voice horse and her breathing heavy.
“But nothing, you’re going to sit there and you’re going to take it like a good little whore I know you are,” he taunts.
Getting off her and the bed, he lets his boxers go and he tosses off the stupid little robe he was wearing to complete the fit. Now naked except for his mask, he pulls her beside drawer open and pulls out her vibrator and the pocket knife she keeps there for… reasons like the time she couldn’t get the knots undone when she restrained him once.
He tosses the vibe on the bed and flips the blade out of the pocket knife. She squirms, “What are you going to do with that?”
“Cut these new panties off you… never saw these in the drawer the last time I was in here,” he says, building the story more.
“You’ve…you’ve been in my home before?”
He nods, “many times.”
“You’re a sick fuck,” she spits at him.
“Mhm and you’re going to love it,” he says as he climbs back between her legs.
He drags the tip of the blade from her stomach to her hip, down her thigh and back up. “Look at the way you quiver for me, how eager you are to spread your legs… don’t tell me your FBI boyfriend taught you to just give it up like this?”
“Husband,” she corrects him.
“Boring,” he taunts. “Husbands are useless, you get boring sex and boring conversations and then they die.”
He slips the blade under the elastic on her hip and starts to cut it off. Slowly, she feels the fabric snap apart and exposes her to him. He grips the hem on her other hip and pulls her panties off the one leg he didn’t destroy. He flings them off and tosses the knife onto her bedside table but he tosses it too hard and it slides all the way off, behind the table and almost takes the lamp out with it. “Oops,” he laughs from deep within.
He takes the vibrator back in his hand and turns it on, “I can’t eat you out without showing you my face, so I guess I’m going to have to make you cum a few times with this…”
“Fuck,” she whines, legs spread as she arches closer to the sound of the buzzing.
On the lowest setting, he drags the head of the vibe over her inner thigh and over her hip bone. Up her stomach and then onto her hardened nipple. She whines again, “please? Please Mr. Ghostface?”
He hums, “Be patient, slut.”
He runs it over her other nipple, watching as she tosses her head back and bites her lip, hard. She tugs at the cuffs, making them click against the metal bed poles as she soots down the bed, trying to get closer to him, begging for some friction where she needs it most.
He slowly brings the vibe back down her body and presses it to her clit a bit roughly, he presses the button to speed it up, putting it on the second speed and hearing her yelp. “oh my god?” She grinds against it, “holy fuck.”
“Don’t be afraid to make some noise, we’re all alone here tonight,” he assures. “And if we’re not… if your husband walks in on us I want him to hear how much of a slut you’ve been for me. Let him know what you want can’t be achieved by him.”
She moans again, it’s oddly hot pretending to cheat on him… he leans in closer to her, holding the vibe to her clit as he hovers over her. She leans forward, wanting to kiss him even though he’s in a mask, she whines, “Need you,” she whispers. “Please?”
“Cum for me first,” he says, shaking his head. “I want you soaked and trembling when I slip into you. And if you’re good, maybe I’ll un-cuff you for it.”
“Oh god,” she arches her hips again, pressing herself against the vibrator even more, “Oh please?”
“Close already?” He teases, pressing the button again so it can go as fast as possible. “Go on whore, you can do it. Cum for me.”
Her thighs are absolutely trembling as she gets closer. With her eyes tightly shut and her jaw dropped, she lets out breathy moans and rides the head of the vibrator. He’s so close to her, pressed to her side with his hard cock resting on her hip, “you’re doing so good, baby, come on, it’s right there,” he praises her, letting his character slip a bit.
She accidentally says his name as the dam breaks, she cums with a quake, “Oh my god, oh fuck,” she whines as he keeps holding the vibrator to her clit and she can’t pull away from him.
He snickers, “There she is, I love that noise you make when you cum on this thing.”
“You keep asking stupid questions,” he cuts her off. “What part of I’ve been stalking you can’t you get through your thick skull?”
“Please, please stop?” She begs. “S’too much.”
He pulls back just for a second, causing her to sigh and then he presses the vibrator right back to her. “You really thought I’d let you stop at just one? When I know you like to cum at least 3 times… that’s why you got this toy, isn’t it? Cause that old man you’re shackled to can’t go more than one round without getting tired.”
“Fuck you,” she spits, whining and grinding against the toy in her overstimulation.
“Oh, you will,” he whispers. “I’m going to get you all pliant and dumb and then I’m going to flip you over and fuck you senseless like the little pet that you are. Maybe I’ll even keep you forever? Get you a cute little collar and a leash and make you mine.”
She moans again, bucking her hips towards the feeling, he knows it takes her a bit longer to get to the second one sometimes. So he keeps talking. “I know just how much you like that, being fucked in doggy. You like being held down, feeling my balls clap against your ass while I fuck you deep and hard. When I push my weight against you… and when I wrap my hand around your throat to draw you in for a kiss.”
She doesn’t give any warning, she just comes right then and it’s clearly a shock to her too. She shakes like mad and not a single coherent sound leaves her mouth. She’s completely wrecked, cock-drunk and ready for more. He turns off the vibrator and lets her relax for just a moment, he runs his hand over her stomach and up to her boobs, cupping it and rubbing his thumb over her nipple, making her twitch again. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’ve got you…”
She just nods, trying to catch her breath, she can’t find any words to say.
“If I un-cuff you, are you going to run away?” He asks, watching her shake her head. “Didn’t think so… not like you could with your jello legs.”
She smiles, full of euphoria, “yeah…”
He heads over to his own nightside table, the key is in a little dish where he puts his watch and ring at night. Although, his ring is downstairs tonight, to add to the ambiance that this is a stranger fucking her and not her husband in a mask.
He’s quick to get her out of the cuffs and he soothes over the ache in her wrists. “You okay?” He asks, his voice soft and low, breaking character slightly.
She nods, “you? It’s not too hot in there?”
“It’s fine,” he nods too. “Ready?”
She lets him roll her over, he gets her on her knees with her ass in the air and pushes her face into the pillow. “It’s time for the ride of your life.”
He taps his cock against her ass cheek, making it jiggle. He loves her curves and her flub and the way she shakes and jiggles and how he has all this skin to hold onto while he fucks her like this. He grips her cheeks, spreading them apart to see how much of her cum has slipped down from one hole to the other, she’s glistening and wet and so, so ready for him to fuck her. He grinds his cock between her folds, using her slick to coat himself and glide back and forth, teasingly, before he sticks it in.
He doesn’t give any warning, he simply rams his cock into her, making her gasp. “Oh, you feel better than I imagined…” He pulls out slightly and slams back inside again and again, not giving her any time adjust to it. “Been obsessed with the idea of fucking this pussy from the moment I first laid eyed on you. Knew you’d take me so well.”
She whines into the pillow, reaching her hand back, he holds it and goes to reach for the other. Holding both her hands, making her hold herself up with her core muscles as he fucked into her. Her tits dangle and shake with the force of his thrusts, she makes the most whorish moans and gasps. When she gets tired, she pushes her face back into the mattress and arches her back even more.
She mumbles into the pillow and he grips her hair, pulling her back, “what?”
“Harder!” She eggs him on.
Chuckling, “Such a good whore…” he teases. He reaches for the vibrator and turns it on. He slips it underneath her and he pushes on her back so that she can grind against it as he fucks her harder. Absolutely ramming into her, she goes feral for it. Making noises he hasn’t ever heard from her before as the bed hits the wall at a jackhammering rhythm.
She grips the sheets like her life depends on it, drooling into the mattress where her face is pressed, she screams as he hits her cervix hard. She’s so close, he can feel it by the way she clenches and sucks in him deeper, the sounds she’s making and the way she trembles. It’s intoxicating. He’s fucking addicted to it. He’s going to need to do this to her more often if she likes it this much…
She feels so good, but it’s everything else that’s got him so close to cumming deep inside of her. His rhythm changes as he gets closer. He ruts against her faster, making her ass shake even more as he chases his high. He’s breathing heavily, at a loss for words, but he knows how much she gets off on his voice. “Right there,” he pants. “Right fucking there, take it. Take it, whore. Oh, fuck, you feel so good. So fucking good for me.”
She says his name again, chanting it this time, “Aar!” She screams as she cums for the 3rd time tonight.
He fucks her through it, right there with her. He can feel her getting wetter than ever before like she’s managed to squirt and that gets him. He starts to cum, feeling it rush through his body as he fills her up. She lets out another moan, feeling him fuck his cum deeper into her a few times before he drops down onto her. She’s strong enough to push herself up and scoot up a bit so she’s not trapped on top of the vibrator and they both sigh. He takes off the mask and throws it to the side, slipping out of her, he lays on her side with his arm slung around her. She turns to the side, crawls over him and cups his face in her hands. She kisses him, hard. His hands roam her back as she swipes her tongue over his bottom lip, silently asking for more.
She’s always been a kisser during sex, it really killed her to not be able to kiss him during that. It was so hot… it was everything she wanted and now it was her turn to thank him. She pushes his sweaty hair back and hums into his mouth, she kisses the side of his lips and then his jaw over to his ear. “That was everything…”
“I did good?” He asks, fucked out and dropping slowly.
“So, so good, baby,” she praises. “I loved every second of it. You’re so good to me, you always do what I ask for. I love you.”
“I love you,” he whispers back, holding her closer with his big hands cradling her back. She kisses his neck once more and goes to sit up but he wants to cuddle just a little longer. “Stay.”
“Okay,” she rests against him, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. “We’ll clean up when you’re ready.”
He runs his fingers up and down her back, she traces a heart over his chest with her nail and smiles. She’s so relaxed, so tired and so, so happy to be with him. “You’re amazing, Aar-bear.”
“You’re… you’re everything,” he says at a loss for words. “I can’t believe how loud you got?”
She laughs, a little embarrassed, “well, we usually have a kid in the house so I can’t get like that… and if we hit his wall like that at night he’d lose his mind.”
Aaron laughs, “Yeah, I’ve gotta check and see if we chipped the paint…”
“When he goes to college we’ll have to put some foam on the back of the headboard,” she teases. “We can fuck like this all the time next year.”
He lets out a sigh, “Yeah… we definitely need to do more role plays.”
“And you can pick them too, you know?” She says, sitting up to look at him. “Anything you want, we’ll do that next.”
“Right now I just want to have a bath with you and then change the sheets and go to sleep,” he says with a smile.
“Okay,” she agrees. She gets up carefully, a little sore and she’s definitely going to be feeling it tomorrow… she takes the vibe off the bed and finally turns it off, throwing it back into her night table to worry about later. There’s a huge wet spot on the bed where it was. “Did I…”
He smirks, “I think you did… it was hot.”
“Wow,” she’s shocked and amazed.
“You go start the bath, I’ll strip the sheets,” he offers. “Put in whatever you want.”
“Do you want a drink?” She asks. “I brought your scotch up, too.”
“You really are the most perfect woman,” he praises with a smile.
She picks up his mask from the floor, it landed pretty close to where her underwear ended up. She gathers all their clothes and tosses them into the dirty laundry, but his mask… his mask goes into the closet where it will stay until they need it again.
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch
Ghostface Hotch
@hotchsbookshelf @hotchsdoormat @emberfrostlovesloki
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
Count for Me | c.s.c
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Summary: You’re unsure what to get your boyfriend for Valentine’s. Thankfully, he has a plan, and you might just be very spent after giving him exactly what he wants. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works Word Count:  2454 words Pairings: Seungcheol x Female Reader Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: PWP. Smut & Fluff Content Warnings: Smut, fluff. Seungcheol is a dom and wears a suit. Yes, that’s a warning. I’m not sure exactly what else to put, except this is just pure filth. Mentions of Seungcheol’s toned body because that’s its separate warning. Cuddling and bath time fluff. 
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex, overstimulation, hard dom! Seungcheol, use of sex toys, oral (male & female receiving). Squirting, fingering, blindfolds, collars, handcuffs. Spanking? Deep throating, cum swallowing. Creampie. Slight degradation? Multiple orgasms, to the point of it being lowkey spent. Lolol.��
Authors Note: This was written for a Valentine's Day Fic Exchange for my ever-so-lovely @missgeniality. Ilysm, it's been an absolute pleasure getting to torture you with Seungcheol thirst traps and making you simp for him the way I do. Hehe. Authors Note 2: Thank you to @here4btsfics, as always, for beta'ing and helping me out with this fic, that too on Christmas ilysm 💕!! Thank you also to @darlingvernon for reading over this and giving me feedback. ILY and ty for thirst traps.
Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
“Seungcheol, baby, what do you want for Valentine’s Day?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend's toned torso. Seungcheol smiled as he clasped his hand over yours. 
“Princess, I have everything and more. What more could I possibly want?” You sighed against his broad shoulders, humming as you thought about what to get him. Seungcheol grinned as he turned around to face you, his hands on your waist, pulling you into his bare chest. His hand trailed along your spine, making you shiver, and his hand wrapped around your nape. 
“Princess, I have one present in mind, but baby, I need you to be honest in your response.” You nodded.
 “What is it?” Seungcheol’s grin grew.
“I want to fuck you so hard that you can’t walk. I want to cuff your wrists behind your back. I want you on your knees and a collar around your pretty little neck, one with a chain so I can pull on it, princess. Oh, and I want you to call me daddy.” You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
“Yes, Daddy.” 
“Tomorrow evening, princess, be ready.”
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The following evening, you had spent the last hour exfoliating, shampooing, and shaving. You wanted to be clean and soft for Seungcheol, wearing a lace bra and underwear when Seungcheol entered the room. 
Seungcheol was wearing a black suit; he smiled when he saw you. 
“Lie down, princess,” Seungcheol said, his voice low, and you nodded, lying down on the bed. Seungcheol grabbed your ankles and spread your legs apart. You felt two cold cuffs clamp around your ankles, one cuff on your foot and one around the bedpost. You propped yourself up on your elbows and saw Seungcheol undressing down to trousers; you drooled at seeing his naked torso. 
“Baby,” you mewled, and a sharp slap to your cunt made you buck. 
“That’s daddy to you,” Seungcheol said. His eyes were piercing, his voice making you gulp. 
“Sorry, daddy,” you apologised, making Seungcheol groan, his cock hardening at the nickname.  
“Safeword, sweet girl?” 
“Good girl, time for daddy to have fun with you,” Seungcheol said as he pulled your arms together and cuffed them together. 
“Simple rules, princess. You do not touch me unless I tell you to. Address me as anything other than daddy, and you won’t cum. Understood?” You nodded, already feeling yourself grow wet at his words. 
Seungcheol left the room, and when he returned, he had a few things in his hands. He placed a silk blindfold on you, making you feel as if all your senses were heightened at losing your vision. You heard Seungcheol move, and you felt him sit between your spread legs. Seungcheol moved his hands up your body until they landed on your breasts, massaging and fiddling with the lace material; he pulled down the lace fabric to reveal your breasts and hardened nipples. He bent down and wrapped his plush lips around your nipple while his hand massaged the other breast. Seungcheol loved your breasts; every time you wore a tight shirt, he ended up fucking you no matter where you were; he’d find a place. 
Countless moans and sighs left your lips as Seungcheol’s ministrations had you in complete and utter bliss. You felt Seungcheol move his mouth away from your breast. When he latched on your nipple again, you felt a cold sensation as Seungcheol sucked on your nipples with an ice cube in his mouth. You tried to move to feel his mouth on your nipples further; however, the cuffs rendered that attempt useless. Seungcheol dragged the ice cube down to your stomach before throwing it away. 
Seungcheol moved his hands to your lace panties, ripping them at the crotch, groaning when he saw how wet and swollen you were. “All this for me, baby?” You nodded, “Yes, daddy. All for you.” Seungcheol smirked, hearing how desperate you were, how you practically begged; it shot straight to his painfully hard erection. 
Seungcheol ran his long fingers along your swollen cunt, each stroke parting your wet folds, making you whimper as he gently grazed your folds. “Daddy, please, more.” You breathed out, “gladly, pretty girl.” Seungcheol nodded, not that you could see.
Seungcheol moved his fingers away from your cunt and collected another ice cube. He ran the ice cube along your wet pussy, several times until he fixed it onto your swollen clit, running it in circular motions on your clit. Seungcheol kept rubbing until the ice cube melted on your cunt. 
“Daddy, please. I’m so close.” 
“you’ve been such a good girl; let me make you cum,” he hummed as he circled his fingers on your clit, making you cum, and shake. 
You gulped, trying to catch your breath, “one.” 
Seungcheol pulled the blindfold off you, smiling at your fucked out state. 
“What’s your lucky number again, princess?” You glared at him. You know he didn’t forget and were fucked for picking eight as your lucky number. 
“I seem to have forgotten.” 
“Eight,” you muttered, and Seungcheol grinned. 
“Seven more orgasms, pretty girl. We’ve only just begun.” Seungcheol said, and you felt your cunt clench at his words.
Seungcheol undid the cuffs on your wrists and legs, rubbing and kissing where the cuffs sat on your skin.
Seungcheol undressed and laid down next to you, his feet at your head, and tapped your thigh, and you knew what he meant. You crawled onto him, your wet cunt on his mouth while your hands and mouth found his hardened length. Seungcheol wrapped his lips around your clit, and started to suck. You almost forgot about his erection until you felt a harsh slap on your ass. 
“Suck me off, baby girl, make daddy cum,” Seungcheol instructed, and you moaned as you took Seungcheol into your mouth. He was thick and long, and it was easy to gag on his length in this position, but you liked the feeling of choking on him. It made you delirious and turned you on even more. 
You ran your tongue along the side of his shaft, making him hiss. Another slap to your ass made you moan. 
“Don’t you fucking tease me.” You nodded and took his length in your mouth, moaning at his taste; you sucked, circled your tongue on his tip, tasting his arousal and moaning. You always thought he tasted so good. You moved your mouth down, deep-throating his length. Seungcheol bucked his hips into you. You ran your hands along until you reached his balls and started to massage them. 
You moaned around Seungcheol’s cock as he pushed his tongue inside your cunt. Your moans kept vibrating against Seungcheol’s length, making him whine and whimper. You felt him still suddenly as he spilled his release inside you. He groaned against your cunt as he came into your mouth. The vibrations of his groans pulsated against your clit, making you shake and cum onto his tongue. You kept sucking and swallowing his release; he whined in overstimulation as you kept sucking on his now over-sensitive tip. 
Seungcheol slapped your ass, making you take his cock out of your mouth and fall back next to him. 
“Did my baby enjoy daddy’s tongue?” You nodded as Seungcheol got up and started searching your drawers. He pulled out a purple dildo; it could penetrate you and stimulate your clit. 
Seungcheol rolled his eyes, “pretty girl. You remember your lucky number, right? What number are we at now? 
“Good girl, I get to make you cum six more times,” Seungcheol noted, and you felt your cunt clench around nothing at his words. Seungcheol pushed the toy inside you, your back arching. He positioned the clit stimulator on yours and turned the toy on, showing you no mercy as he kept you moaning as the toy thrusts in and out of you.
“Does this toy feel better than daddy, princess?” You shook your head no. Seungcheol pulled the toy out of you, making you whine, and slapped your clit.
“Answer me.” You whimpered as you felt his fingers tracing your swollen clit. 
“No, daddy.” You breathed out. 
“With the way you’re moaning, I’d think the toy is better than I am.” 
You furiously shook your head, “nothing is better than your cock, daddy.” You thrashed about as Seungcheol kept rubbing your clit. 
“Really?” Seungcheol said, moving his fingers away from your clit, making you whine. 
“Please, daddy, please let me cum.” Seungcheol smirked.
“Oh princess, I love when you beg.” Seungcheol placed the toy back inside you and leaned down to wrap his full lips around your clit, sucking and licking the swollen nub. You started to shake as you came. Seungcheol pulled out the toy and pushed his tongue inside you. Moaning as he tasted your sweet release, you fisted your hands in his hair, tugging as he licked you out. 
You felt a sharp slap on your clit, making you buck your hips, “count,” Seungcheol demanded. 
“Three.” Seungcheol smiled, placed a kiss on your swollen cunt and moved away. 
“Off the bed and on your knees, princess,” Seungcheol instructed, and you shakily got off the bed and got onto the floor on your knees. 
“Safeword?” Seungcheol asked as he gently cupped your face in his hands. 
“Peaches.” He smiled and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Good girl.” Seungcheol grabbed a leather collar with a metal chain and placed it on your neck. He pushed a smaller, but insanely powerful vibrator inside your cunt, “you’re going to suck me off, and that vibrator is going to make you cum. This chain is just to ensure that your lovely mouth doesn’t move away from my cock, understood?” You nodded.
Seungcheol turned the vibrator to its highest setting and walked back until he sat on a chair. He motioned for you to come over. “Crawl to me, princess.” You whimpered. The vibrator was already starting to stimulate you, and crawling to him made you dizzy with lust. You crawled until you reached Seungcheol. 
You wrapped your hands around his thick length and your lips around his tip. You started by sucking the end of his cock, red and dripping in precum. You swiped your tongue against it and took him into your mouth. You felt Seungcheol yank on your chain, making you choke around his cock, and making you pull off cock.  
“Don’t you dare tease me.” 
You nodded as Seungcheol let go of the chain and wrapped your lips around his thick length, sucking and moaning as you deep throat him. You began to whimper, moaning around his cock as the vibrator kept moving inside your cunt. You stilled as you came and started to massage his balls, anything to ensure that your orgasm didn’t entirely consume you. 
“Did you cum, princess?” Seungcheol asked, his voice low and staring at you with half-lidded eyes; you pulled your mouth off his dick just to answer him for a second. 
Seungcheol nodded, “how many does that make?” he asked with a smirk., 
Seungcheol nodded, “get up,” you did as he asked. Seungcheol stood up and pulled the collar off you; he placed soft kisses on the tender skin, making you smile. Seungcheol reached down to pull out the vibrator; he brought the metal device to your lips. 
“Open. Taste yourself, princess.”
You opened your mouth and licked the toy until you had cleaned it. Seungcheol groaned at the sight, “fucking hell.” Seungcheol pushed you back onto the bed and climbed on top of you. He lifted your legs onto his broad shoulders and pushed himself inside you. 
“Fucking hell.” You wailed. You were so incredibly sensitive, and his length inside of you felt too much and too good simultaneously as he started to thrust. 
“Fucking hell, baby, you are so fucking tight.” Seungcheol moved his hand down to your clit, and rubbed as he pounded into you. 
“Daddy, please, I can’t.” Seungcheol slapped your clit before resuming his thrusts.
“You picked eight as your lucky number. Don’t complain.” You moaned as he kept fucking you. You felt something snap inside you, thrashing about until you came around his cock, clenching. Seungcheol continued to fuck you through your orgasm until he came inside you. 
“Number, princess?” 
You felt tears of pleasure running down your face, “five.” 
Seungcheol smiled, “you’ve been so good for daddy, baby.” You whimpered and moaned; you were a mess. 
Seungcheol pulled out gently. He moved down your body and to your cunt. Seungcheol pushed his tongue inside you and licked you until he had cleaned his release out of you, making you cum again. 
As your eyes rolled back in pleasure, you sighed, “six.” You tried to pull away from his grip, but his arm wrapped around your thighs, making it impossible for you to do so. Seungcheol kept licking your swollen and felt folds, his lips massaging your throbbing cunt. He kept licking until you came again. You felt a harsh slap on your clit, making you curl up and whimper. 
“Daddy, I can’t.” You whimpered again as you felt your seventh orgasm consume you entirely. 
Seungcheol gently held your face. “Hey, hey. Are you okay? I can stop.” 
Your heart swelled at his concern. “We’re at seven, daddy. Just one more, please fuck me, daddy.” You whispered, and Seungcheol felt his cock harden at your tone. Your heart melted at his concern. Seungcheol flipped you onto your hands and knees and pushed his cock inside you; you fell forward as he did so. Seungcheol caught you and held you up as your legs gave way. 
You were tight, and his length would split you in half at this rate. Seungcheol pounded into you; there was no rhyme or rhythm to his movements; he wanted you to cum. You suddenly wailed as your legs gave way, and you squirted hard, pushing his cock out of you. You shuddered and shook at the orgasm that consumed you. Seungcheol smirked. 
“Princess, you squirted for daddy, good girl.” You nodded, not knowing what you agreed to; you were fucked out. “On your knees, princess.” You tried to protest but shakily got on your knees as Seungcheol started stroking himself. 
“Open, swallow daddy’s cum.” You nodded, and Seungcheol stroked and pushed his cock into your mouth, his grip tightening on your hair as he came to your mouth. His warmth coating your throat. Seungcheol gently pulled out of your mouth.
You whimpered and nodded as you fell back on the bed. Seungcheol smiled at you and went to the bathroom. Moments later, he carried you to the bathroom and gently placed you into the tub. Seungcheol got in behind you and pulled him in for a kiss. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
Seungcheol smiled at you. “God, I’m so fucking glad that your lucky number is eight.”
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
I’ve been losing it over Ei for so long this week outta nowhere so here’s my modern Ei thoughts
She’s your boss…I’m not explaining just know she is she’s also the same boss who bends you over her desk telling you “be quiet it’s unprofessional.” But yet when you hold back she’s mad she doesn’t normally take you over the desk she’s a classy women but when she saw you flirting with the new hire yae Miko she lost it You’re hers she’s never really said that exactly but you should figure it out when she’s fingering you at her desk or your on your knees eating her out maybe ei was just…jealous don’t mention tho if you do she’ll assume it’s brat behavior she’ll get you to the brink of cumming then stop ei will tell you leave now you gotta finish yourself off in the office bathroom…or wait till you get home that being said I absolutely want ei to break my back in half👏
-☀️ (watch out for a Lisa thirst soon I started re-falling inlove with her half way through writing this thirst😭)
so, i actually believe more in bottom ei supremacy but top ei is still hot too ( 〃..)
also…lisa thirst when? (>人<;)
nsfw under the cut —————————
boss ei that gets so quiet when she sees you flirting with new hire yae miko. her eyes narrowing when she sees you giggling softly behind your hand, the other woman’s hot breath tickling your ear and causing you to smile. the sight made her heart burn hot, and she couldn’t stand seeing you all flustered with a woman who barely knew you…
she is better than that…sneaky, conniving woman. she knows what you like. she knows what turns you on. she’s slept with you multiple times to know your exact tastes in a woman, so much so that she believes she’s so much more than a fuckbuddy to you…
“is something wrong, ei…?” you ask during one of your love making sessions. your boss stopping momentarily to stare at you with all the jealousy, pain, lust and love for you. it hurt…but she’ll take it out on you in a way that makes the both of you feel good.
“bend over.”
she says monotonously. not waiting for you to move as she pushes you down until you’re arched over the hardwood of her desk. she catches you off guard and pins you down to keep you trapped beneath her body. warm hands pushing up against your skirt and cupping your pussy softly. she was a lot more quiet, more rough this time the way she manhandled you. making sure each thrust of her fingers had an image of miko flirting with you in order to make sure she was fucking you properly.
“e-ei—!” you’ve never seen her like this, hips bouncing as she kept the speed faster than normal, venting out all the frustration and fear she felt for losing you to that irritatingly flirty woman.
“quiet…” she stops for a moment, long fingers slowly sliding in and out at a pace that made you calm down. breaths heaving when she leans over to whisper in your ear just how miko did.
“whoever is fucking you…i want you to think of me and me only…”
she groans, slowly picking up the pace again and leaving you squeezing her fingers with wet, velvety walls. overstimulating you until all you could see and think of were ei’s eyes staring down into yours…
…i think i got a little carried away with this one. (ーー; )
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