#and i gotta be like henny no
huffle-dork · 20 days
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 1: Swapboys
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
JJ leaves the venue's stage area, walking out into the main entrance. It 's starting to get dark through the windows outside. Other crew members are heading out as well, chatting about how well the rehearsal had gone.
"Jems!" Marvin waves, grinning. "I t'ink t'at went well today, didn' it?"
JJ smiles back, walking over to the bench where Marvin is waiting. I think it did, too. But I'm exhausted. Even though he wasn't using any actual magic for the rehearsal, going through the same steps over and over again, pretending that he was, took a lot of energy.
"So exhausted t'at you didn' notice you're still wearin' the costume?" Marvin says, raising an eyebrow.
Oh. JJ looks down, realizing that he's still wearing the cape. He sighs. I forgot. This was the first dress rehearsal, I'm not in the habit of taking it off yet. Here. He digs into his pocket and pulls out the car keys, handing them to Marvin, who takes them. You can wait in the car if you want.
Marvin shrugs. "Better t'an waitin' all by myself in the entrance. You'll jus' be a minute, t'en?"
Yep. Be right there. I really just need to drop the cape off.
Marvin gives him a little salute. "Message me if anyt'ing comes up."
I will. JJ nods, smiling, and turns around, going back into the venue.
The lights are all still on in the auditorium. JJ quickly runs up the aisle between the seats and got onto the stage, passing behind the red curtain to the backstage area, where he could access the dressing room he was supposed to leave his stuff in (though that never stops him from keeping his stage mask with him at all times.)
He leaves the main backstage area, heading for the back halls where the dressing rooms and prop storage places were... but then he stops. What's that? Is there a crack in the wall? Since when was that there? It definitely wasn't there at the start of the rehearsal.
Curious, JJ walks up to it. It doesn't seem to go all the way through the wall. He can't see through to the room beyond, just seeing blackness inside.
Suddenly, the crack widens. It makes no noise but the movement is so unexpected that JJ jumps back in fear. There's a breeze coming from the crack. No, wait. The air is going into it. Into this black space beyond the crack.
JJ turns and starts to run. He's not sure what's going on but he knows bad news when he sees it! But it's not enough. He feels himself getting pulled backwards. Frantically, he tries to think of a spell that will help--maybe if he blocks it off? But any magic he sends that way just gets sucked into the fissure.
And before he knows it, he's pulled in as well.
"Are you sure you don't want to come, Jackie?" Frederick asks, waiting at the front door to the house.
"I mean... I'll go if Chase wants me to." Jackie glances over at Chase, also hanging around awkwardly at the front door.
"N-no, that's fine, really." Chase shakes his head. "This is... it's my business."
"Yeah, and? You're my friend, so you're my business," Jackie says.
Chase laughs. "Thanks. But no, really, it's fine, I-I'm sure these magician guys are, uh... trustworthy. I mean, if you're dating one, they have to be."
"Wh--we didn't say--You don't--H-how'd you figure it out?" Jackie stammers.
Chase grins. "You two are pretty obvious."
"No we're not," Jackie grumbles.
"Ooookay, let's head on out, we want to get there soon," Frederick says, hurriedly changing the subject before Chase can notice his blush. "Come on, Chase."
"Right." Chase nods. "I'll see you later, Jackie."
"See you." Jackie waves. "Bye, you two. I'll still be here when you get back."
Frederick chuckles, and opens up the front door. "Be back soon, hopefully." And he and Chase head out.
Jackie watches them get in the car and leave through the living room front's window. He's really glad that Chase is recovering after all the shit Marvin and Jameson put him through. It can't be easy. Apparently the ABIM healers were stunned at how deep the mental magic went. But now, about a month later, he's almost back to his old self. Almost. Jackie still notices him blanking out a lot. But that'll heal with time.
This will be the first time Chase is actually going to an ABIM place for an appointment. Previously, Frederick arranged it so that the healers would come to the house. But Chase told him this week that he's ready to start leaving. That's a good sign, Jackie thinks.
He looks around the living room, unsure what to do now. No, wait. Maybe now that he's alone he can get some exercise done without worrying about bothering the other two. Yeah. That works out. He grabs his staff from the table by the front door--uncollapsing it in the process--and makes sure that he's standing far from anything that can be knocked down.
...wait a minute. What's that?
Jackie stops, staring at the middle of the room where something... black has appeared It like of looks like a spot where wallpaper's started to peel... but it's in the middle of the air. Where there's no wallpaper. Or wall. "The fuck?" he mutters, pulling out his phone to call someone about this.
The rip expands quickly, a yawning black hole in the middle of the room. Jackie jumps and quickly backs away, not wanting to take his eyes off it. A breeze rushes through the room as the air is pulled towards the rip--and Jackie can feel himself being pulled as well. He puts his phone and staff away, grabbing onto the doorway--fuck keeping an eye on it, he needs to get out of here!
But it's too fast for him. The pull increases rapidly, and Jackie just can't hang on. He flies back through the air and disappears into the blackness.
It's a quiet night tonight. There's been a lot of rain lately, but today, Schneep doesn't hear the familiar sound of rain against the windows. Only the sound of the tap running as he washes up the plate and glass he used for dinner. He's found that it's helpful to get that done right away, so that he knows where all the dishes are.
He turns the tap off and grabs the towel from its spot next to the sink, drying up the dishes. It really is quiet tonight. He can't hear his neighbors in the flats above or below, and he hasn't gotten any texts or calls from his friends. Well, that's fine. One quiet night might be just what he needs.
After putting the dishes away, he heads to his office and starts booting up his computer. He's really happy that Chase helped find a good screen reader, it's been such a blessing for his online studying.
...The hair on the back of his neck prickles.
Schneep spins around. "Hello?" he calls, despite knowing that no one is in the flat with him. Even though he wouldn't be able to see them, he would be able to sense their souls.
But if it's not a person, then why does he feel like something's... wrong?
Is it that breeze playing through the room? The office doesn't have windows, so did he leave one open somewhere else? He starts walking back out of the office--and then stops as alarm bells ring in his head all of a sudden. He gasps, stumbling back. What's happening?! Why does he suddenly feel like something is wrong?
Hold on a minute. Why does he feel like something pulling him forward?
He scrambles backwards, instinctively reaching to the side for a weapon--but then that wrong feeling grows stronger and he stops. He has to get out of here! He has to--maybe he can jump away? He tries to, using that strange magic that allows him to teleport places--
But oh no, that just made it worse. The pulling is stronger--did he get closer?! "H-help!" he gasps out, reaching for something to grab hold of--
But then he loses his balance. He feels something pull him back... and then he starts to fall. Down through darkness that he cannot see.
The darkness doesn't end of course for Schneep- but after a long fall he finds himself falling onto hard solid ground. But it's... almost plush? Like a soft carpet.
Then, the sound of a door swinging open is heard- followed by a confused whine. That whine quickly morphs into a bark that comes barrelling towards Schneep- and the fuzzy mass crashes into him, almost pinning him down for a second. Then, it pauses- almost... confused.
"Sahne! What on earth are you doing?!" Schneep hears a voice call. ...why does it sound like him?
Schneep yelps, pushing the dog back—because clearly it's a dog. He scrambles backwards, heart pounding, adrenaline immediately spiking. It's fine it's fine dogs are friendly it's just a normal dog it just wanted to be friendly— "A-ah... H-hello?" he calls out, turning towards the voice, sensing a person there. "I-I am sorry, I—I did not mean to intrude—"
"I am so sorry!" The voice cries, hurrying towards Schneep and the dog. "She normally does not lash out like that! Sahne- bad girl!" He scolds gently, sounding quieter as his head is pointed towards the floor. The dog makes a slightly pitiful noise.
Then, there's the sound of shuffling as the man gets up to his feet, "I am sorry...! are you hurt-" Then, there's the sharp intake of breath. "Oh Heiliger Strohsack! You- you are looking just like me!" The man suddenly giggles brightly and goes to grab Schneep's hands in his own, "Are you another doppelganger!? Wow! Are you also called Henrik, then?! You must be, ja?"
"N-no, I am fine, I promise." Schneep pats himself down. "Do not blame the dog, I am sure I just appeared out of nowhere... wait, H-Henrik?" He processes what the stranger just said. "Yes, I—I am. Another doppelganger? Wait, are you—am I--?" He squeezes the stranger's hands and laughs a little. "I am sorry, this is... very disorienting for me. I-I am blind, actually. So if I look like you, I must take your word for it. Where... am I?"
"You are?!" The other Henrik gasps, "Oh! ... I am so sorry- if it helps I am deaf- a bit better now but..." He laughs, "If you'd like to ... i dunno- feel around to confirm, you can! But, yes! I am... lets see differences, differences- Oh well, I have teal hair instead of your brown. And- oh! I am taller! And- oh i quite like your coat..." He shakes his head, "Ah- that probably is not helping...! Uh- This is a city called Brighton! And this is my flat, and I am Henrik von Schneeplestein but you know that~!" He giggles again, swinging their hands, "But all my friends call me Henny! If that helps- I know all our similar names must be confusing! Where are you coming from?" He asks brightly.
Schneep can feel Sahne curling around his feet, sniffing at his pants and shoes. Her tail is wagging- he can tell by the loud thumps as it hits the couch that's next to where he fell.
"Ah... Brighton, yes, I have heard of that place, i-it is not too far from my home in Mirygale," Schneep says slowly, shuffling slightly as he feels the dog at his feet. "But I think... I am very far right now, yes? Hold on a moment." He reaches to the side, wondering if his abilities still work. They seem to, as he finds his cane quickly and pulls it out. To Henny, it looks like Schneep's hand disappears into thin air and then reappears holding a white cane. "It is nice to meet you, Henny," Schneep says, giving him a small smile. "I-I have never met another me... I am assuming that... this is some other world?" He finds the nearest wall with his hand and starts feeling out the rest of the area with the cane.
Henny gasps in delight as he sees Schneep's cane appear. "Oh! You have magics too! how funny!" He starts to wander a bit after Schneep but in tighter circles to not get in his way, and pushes and leads Sahne away as she tries to trail after him too. "Oh yes is it very strange is it not? I am more used to this now though, I think. Ever since my friends Alt and Chase started to travel around so and even bring us along! But, I remember the very first time we appeared in a new world it was very very strange!"
As Schneep walks around, he loops across the living room and finds it a fairly tiny space. Looping around the couch he finds what feels like a bookshelf and then a window with potted plants sitting in the sun. Then, turning once he hits a corner there's an open door. Henny warns him quietly that that is the bedroom. Walking from there Schneep finds a low sitting entertainment center with a tv on it. Then, a dog bed. Following the rest of the wall, he feels a hallway- then from there leads straight to the front door where Henny and Sahne entered. Turning from there- he feels the slick tile of a kitchen... this place must be mostly open concept? And then a half counter with a couple barstools underneath before he finds the carpet and couch again.
Ah, okay, he's got the layout now. He's guessing this is an apartment of some kind.
"Alt and Chase?" Schneep repeats, eyes widening. "Wait a moment! I know them! They came to our world! Me and my friends, I mean. Certainly gave us a surprise. And I am not sure it was, um, an entirely good time for them. This villain came with them, ah, Magnificent, but who cares about him. Th-they said they were lost—Alt and Chase, I mean—did they get home alright?"
"Oh they did??" Henny grins. He snorts at the comment about Mag and laughs, "Oh yes- do not be giving much thought to that mangy cat! Oh I wonder which world you came from then! Alt and Bro have been on so many adventures now! They started using that machine they had so often to visit places! If it was when they said they were lost.... maybe the first time? Hmm... they've told us about so many worlds now- Oh... but it broke recently-  the thingy. Alt has been so sad about it..." Henny seems to perk up and dig in his pocket. "Oh! I can text them! They would wanna know all about this!" Listening to Henny speak is almost like verbal whiplash- able to go from one emotion to another in a blink of an eye. Maybe he's a performer? 
Schneep laughs. "You are a fast speaker, hmm? Ah, not that I mind, of course. My friends are much the same way." He sits down on the sofa. "Yes, I remember they said they had a device, though at the time they didn't know how to work it. So sorry to hear about it breaking." Hearing that does send a shiver of anxiety down his spine. If the device to travel through worlds is broken... how is he going to get home? "Texting them would be wonderful. I'm sure they would at least have some insight into all this. I am not sure how I got here... I felt something pulling me, a-and then I was falling, and then I was here."
"Hm... that is unusual..." Henny comments, pacing as he texts, "I do not think I have heard of anyone coming here in such a way... oh- but Alt did mention there could be... rips? Rips coming but he also said do not be worried so- maybe not? Hm..." There's the rapid sound of clicking on his phone screen.
"Rips?" Something about that feels right to Schneep, though he couldn't explain why. "Perhaps that's what happened. I was in my office in my apartment when I felt that. Alone. I can think of no other explana—" 
A cool nose touches Schneep's hand and the sound of tail wagging can be heard on the floor. Then, a gentle slightly sloppery tongue tries to lick his arm. 
He yelps as he feels the dog tongue and quickly jerks his arm away. "A-ah... good dog. Good... Sahne, was it?" Cream in German. "That is a nice name. She is your dog, then. Does she have a light colored coat?"
"Sahne!" Henny gently scolds, like a father telling off a toddler kindly. Sahne barks in return, her tail wagging faster. Henny laughs, "Oh yes- she is a cream golden retriever! And she is mine- she is my hearing dog! For me deafness, you see. And I know, I know... not the most creative name but- it suits her!"
Schneep chuckles. "I bet she is a cute thing. And a good working pup." And friendly--completely friendly. 
Henny bends down and whistles, "C'mere you zukerpuppe~" He coos towards her and Sahne comes bounding over to him. He gives her lots of big pets, fluffing up her fur as Sahne makes little happy whines. "Oh yes sorry- you were in your apartment and you felt the rips? Hm... Alt might know about this... he is in a show right now though so- we might need to wait a bit for him to answer. ....are you hungry?"
Schneep tilts his head at the mention of food. He just ate dinner, but it would be rude to refuse an offer, wouldn't it? "Ah... perhaps a snack would be fine. Something small, I do not want you to go to too much trouble. Alt is at a show, you say? Is he a preformer or some kind or is he attending a show? That did not come up during their brief time in our world."
"Oh he is a performer!" Henny say proudly, "He makes illusions in the uh... oh... what do they call it here now... the ravvvehhs?" Henny butchers the word as he waves his hands, "Oh! The big places with all the lights and flashing and drinking and dancing- Alt says its loud but, I only feel it. He works in those places! He gets very into them so he's hard to get to when he is doing them." He chuckles. He pats Sahne's head and then points to her bed, "Sahne? Go settle in bed please." Sahne does what she's asked and flops down onto her bed. But, when she looks in Schneep's direction he can hear her tail thumping.
Henny's voice grows more distant as he walks to the kitchen, "Oh! Let's have some sweets! I think Jackie's kids made me some cookies..."
"Oh! Raves." Schneep laughs. "Yes, I think that does fit him! He seemed very energetic. I understand those can last a while, but this place seems comfortable, I am happy enough to wait. Cookies sound fantastic." He takes his phone out, going through the memorized motion to unlock it, and then he realizes what Henny said. "Your... Jackie has children...?" he asks quietly.
"Oh yes! 3 in fact, darling little things!" Henny giggles, "Oh yes-  I believe Juwel- oh, that's what I call our Jameson, is over on a playdate with them right now!"
"Three? Huh." Schneep goes quiet for a second, thinking. "I cannot see my Jackie having one child, let alone three." It's probably good that he doesn't. The events of the past couple years would've been hard on them. Then again, if he had kids, would any of it have happened...? He shakes his head. "Juwel? How sweet. I hope they are having fun."
A couple blocks away, in a completely different apartment, Jackie falls into a... well its a scene for sure.
He's fallen into a big apartment in what looks like a living room. He's sitting on a carpet that's boxed on 3 sides by brightly colored leather couches. On the side not blocked by seats is a big gaming entertainment center, filled to the brim with gaming consoles and all sorts of games. The bright blue carpet he fell on looks like an ocean- and is littered with toys and stuffed animals, and... teacups? Following the trail of empty plastic teacups and fake food- oh, and some real food on plates, Jackie's eyes meet... his own. They stare at him, big and wide like the saucer he's holding. ... but he couldn't be more different than the ex-vigilante. Besides, the same blue eyes, red hoodie, brown hair and general face shape and body- this Jackie has his hair up in pigtails, scribbles of a child's attempt at makeup on his face. He's wearing a tutu and has a plastic crown on his head. He's holding a saucer in one hand, a fake teacup in the other. He blinks comically at the stranger from where he's sat crossed legged.
Two little girls are sitting next to him on either side. One looks just like him- same fair skin and brown hair (though his copy's has some green dye fading at the end of his bangs) and she's dressed in a mixture of a superhero costume and a hastily put on dress. The other one is a lighter brunette and a bit older, wearing some plastic jewelry on her fingers and in her hair. She gasps as she sees the other man. The tinier brown haired girl however laughs in delight and points at Jackie, "Daddy! Daddy too!"
".... okay yeah- this... this is happening-" His copy deadpans.
Jackie scrambles to his feet, quickly taking in the scene. "Hah. Um. Hi? I just—hello?" This is a lot. His eyes dart around. Maybe this is an illusion? No, there are all the little details that you'd expect in real life. So—he just fell through a black rift of some kind... and ended up somewhere else? With another him? ...Wait a moment. "Oh! Oh, you're the other—oh." He slowly raises his hands, showing he means no harm. "I, uh... I just kinda... showed up here? I'm not—don't mind me. I think I'm not supposed to be here. S-sorry for interrupting your, uh..." He gestures at this ridiculous sight before him. Wait, did one of the kids call him 'daddy two'?
"Hey! Me and Dr. J are done with the cakes!" Another younger voice calls out, rounding out from an open door near a nicely tucked in counter dining space with tall bright red stools. Kinda like a diner, with a window space like where you place an order. "Ollie tried to eat all the frosting!"
"I did not!" Another smaller male voice calls out, and a small boy with black hair and glasses comes out, licking a spoon with bright pink frosting on it, icing on his face and fingers. He freezes as he sees the new man in his living room. "...whaaaa?"
"Ow! Ollie!" The other voices exclaims as she bumps into the frozen boy's back. This girl is older than the other two by a long shot- long dark hair bundled up in braids. She's wearing a sparkly rainbow dress with a kitten apron on top, and a black beanie-baby kitten on her shoulder. "Why did you stop in the middle of the-" She then looks up and screeches in slight fear and almost drops the tray of tiny cakes she's holding. "S-Stranger!"
"No Stranger! Daddy!" The littlest girl says happily, clapping her hands. She then makes grabby hands before trying to push herself up to her feet. The strangely-dressed Jackie yelps and pulls the small girl into his arms and jumps to his feet. "Ohh no Penny- let's wait a second...!"
Jackie looks a little overwhelmed by all the new people showing up. He backs away, keeping his hands up. "H-hey I'm just—I'm not—" 
The other Jackie’s eyes widen as he takes in the look of him. "You're... from another world...? Oh! Oh- you're... you're the one who-" He swallows shakily and backs up, holding Penny to his chest protectively. "okay uh... hi? Shhhh... itake- okay uh... how did you get here... exactly?"
"What's all the commotion?" A gentle voice joins last, wiping his hands on a tea towel. This man is dressed quite professionally, slacks and a nice sweater over a buttoned top. But, he also has a too-small-for-him kitten apron on as well- and a slightly askew crown on his head. He has brown hair and round speckles and a brown neatly trimmed mustache. He looks up and then pales slightly at the sight of the visitor, staggering back. "...y-you're-!" He grabs the kids' shoulders in front of him quickly- quick enough to knock the ridiculous crown off his head  and tries to pull them back towards the kitchen, looking fearful.
Jackie flinches a bit at the other Jackie's reaction, and even more so at the other Jameson's more extreme actions. But... well, it's not exactly undeserved, is it? Given how things went when these guys came into his world. "I'm not... I-I know what you're thinking, but I-I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not—I don't—" He swallows a lump in his throat. "I don't know how I got here. There was this... I-I don't know how to describe it, it was like... someone tore a hole in the air? And it sucked me in. And now I'm here. I-I'm really not going to hurt you, I promise..." His voice gets quieter and quieter as he talks.
Jackieboy's eyes widen. "...a hole? ...fucking shit-!" He then cringes and looks down at his kids. "... don't tell mum I said that and never repeat it, got it?" He then looks back at Jackie with understanding eyes. "... the rifts found you. And they brought you here..." He then looks to Jameson and then back at Jackie. His shoulders deflate a bit as he sets Penny down. "...it's okay Jay I... I think he's good. ...Alt did say this one was a lot nicer last time he saw them."
Dr. J doesn't look entirely convinced but he lets the other kids go. Ollie stays by Dr. J's side- and soon the older brunette girl runs over and goes to hide behind the doctor's leg. But, she peeks out her head to watch curiously. Dr. J hugs her close, and pats Ollie on the head.  The older girl reaches up on her toes to put the cakes down on the counter and then approaches the stranger. Her bright blue eyes sparkle slightly, so much like her dad's. "Are you one of the other versions of my dad that Alt met?! Oh! He and Uncle Chase have been telling us all about your adventures!!" She sticks out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Kelsie! Kelsie Mann!"
Jackie jumps in surprise as the girl walks over to him. He's not used to kids approaching him. Especially now that he has all these scars. Chase used to joke that the kids could sense he was scary, but that really upset Jackie so he quickly stopped with those sorts of comments. "O-oh, um...hi, Kelsie," he says awkwardly, trying for a friendly smile. "Y-yeah. That's exactly what I am. Um... you can just call me Jackie, if you want." 
"Kels sweetie- give him some space to breathe..." Jackieboy warns gently. He looks back at the other him and knits his eyebrows in concern, "... I dunno how the rifts work exactly but... uh- you haven't happened to be like- doing a lot interdimensional travelling recently...? Cuz- that's what did it for us... I think. Honestly- it was super confusing for me..."
Jackie looks over at his other self. "Um... no? It literally just opened up in my house—well technically not my house, but I live there with my—a-anyway, I don't know what the fu—frick is going on." And now he looks at Dr. J. "I'm um... not here to... do anything. I'm just... I-I should probably get home. Other me, do you know anything about these... rifts, you said? Do you know anything about them? Are they just gonna appear? Do you think they might've—might've pulled anyone else from my world here?" Holy fucking shit he hopes they didn't. That would cause all sorts of problems. Chase might start blanking out again if he got pulled to another world suddenly, Schneep wouldn't be much better, and not to mention what Marvin and Jameson might do to get back home.
Jackieboy looks worried, "...that's really not good then... I-I only thought we got sucked into them cuz we were strangers in those worlds ahhh frick- I'm not equipped to handle this! Lemme- lemme try to call Alt uh- h-hold on." He pats at his pockets underneath the big frilly tutu he's wearing and then jumps over the couch like the parkourist he is, shouting as he rushes down the hall. "I left my phone in my office hang on!!"
Dr. J nods slowly, "... I can tell from your demeanor... your body language is genuine. Just... hard to see you with... all of..." He cuts himself off, hoping his meaning is got.
"Hah... no, i-it's fine," Jackie says to Dr. J. "I-I get it."
Kelsie doesn't seem put off by Jackie’s appearance, "Woahhh! Your hair is so long! Daddy says he had long hair once but Mum made him cut it off cuz he looked funny!" She giggles.
"What do you do in the other world...?" Ollie asks quietly, "... are you a daddy too? Or do you jump around like... like our daddy does. Jump and take videos?"
"Is that how you got those funny markings on your face?!" Kelsie asks.
Dr. J visibly winces, "Ah Kelsie... remember what they tell you at school... if someone can't fix something in a few minutes then we shouldn't comment on it."
Kelsie does look embarrassed as she steps back and hides her hands behind her back timidly, "Oh! ...I'm sorry Mr. Jackie..."
Jackie looks at all the kids. "Um—i-it's fine, Kelsie," he says. "You're little and still learning. Just, remember what Jameson said for next time. I... got these marks because someone hurt me. But that was a while ago. I'm better now." He tries for a smile. "As for what I do, I, uh... actually haven't figured that out yet." It's kind of true. Once he dropped out of college he never got another job, devoting himself wholly to the vigilante thing, depending on other people to help with the money stuff. ...holy shit, he was a freeloader, wasn't he? How come Chase or the others never complained about that? How come Frederick wasn't currently complaining? Well—the second one was more understandable, he'd been held captive for months, but still—
Meanwhile- it seems tiny hands are trying to reach up to dig through his pockets- tiny toes trying to scale his leg.
Jackie looks down. "What the...? Child?"
Penny is trying to climb up his leg and reaching to try to grab his staff in his pocket. Kelsie gasps and goes to pick Penny up, struggling a bit at holding the nearly two year old. Penny hiccups and makes grabby hands, wanting the shiny. "Ahh I'm sorry for Penny, Mr. Jackie! She's kinda grabby."
"Oh- That's okay. I just kinda thought you looked like a hero," Ollie says, shrugging. "Like Bro is. You're kinda all muscley like he is."
"Sorry you got hurt.... those look really owchy-" the other brunette girl says quietly. Dr. J smiles warmly and ruffles her hair, "...that's very kind, Alice."   
"A hero?" Jackie chuckles. "I mean--I'd like to be like a hero one day. But for now, I just... I get lots of exercise." He likes staying in shape. He likes that he's able to do that, and not... stuck somewhere. "It's okay about Penny, I just... didn't know kids that small could climb stuff. And thank you, um... Alice. That is very kind."
"Which world are you from again?? Alt has told us so much about them!!" Kelsie asks excitedly.
Dr. J winces again. "...I don’t know if he would have... said too much about this one..."
Jackie squirms a bit at the mention of his world. How to explain all the shit that went down there to a little girl? But luckily, his other self interrupts him.
Jackieboy yells out something in the other room then hurries back to the living room, looking miffed. He's taken off all the tea party clothes and fixed his hair though. "Alt isn't answering! The one time I need his sorry ass on his phone! He's always on it!"
"...didn't he have a show tonight?" Dr. J muses quietly.
"Ahhh frick! Of course he does! Arghhh!" Jackieboy yells in frustration. "Just when we need the wonder twins! Why are they both busy now?!"
“A show?” Jackie repeats. “Wonder twins? Oh, uh, that must be Alt and Bro, then? Yeah, they would know the most, wouldn't they?"
“Yeah- they’re kinda experts now. Alt more so. I think Chase gets it but it also goes over his head. I still barely get it…” Jackieboy grumbles.
“And Daddy went to a bunch of them too!” Ollie explains happily.
“Like the one with the mermaids!!” Kelsie adds excitedly.
“Merms, sunshine. They didn’t like being called mermaids,” Jackieboy chuckles.
Jackie shakes his head. "Well, um... I can just... go, if you want. I mean, we'll probably have to stay in contact cause you guys are the only people I know who'd have any idea about the universe stuff, but I could go find a place to stay in the meantime." Would his debit card work in another world?
When Jackie mentions going elsewhere Dr. J waves him off, “Nonsense… you should stay in one place. Or hm… let’s contact some of the others to see if they’ve seen anything…”
“Oh yeah… if there are guys from your world here-“ Jackieboy pales and quickly opens back up his phone, “I’ll try to get Bro but he’s on an Overdose case right now! So uh- try to see if you can get to Henny, Jay!”
“Already on it-“ Dr. J says, flipping out his phone.
"An overdose case...?" Jackie repeats, confused. Then he shakes his head. Clearly, this isn't the time to get fussed about details. "Um... if you guys are sure, I'll stay. I guess this Jameson is right, you're supposed to stay in one place if you're lost." Maybe he could try calling Chase? They got him a new phone and phone number recently. But he didn't know if calling worked in other dimensions.
While the two men are typing away and calling, Kelsie looks up at Jackie and then tugs on his jacket. “…while we’re waiting… do you wanna join our tea party? We have actual tea in the kitchen… and cakes!”
Jackie looks down at Kelsie. "Um..." Honestly, he's going to be super fucking embarrassed about being in a tea party. But he just can't bring himself to say no to that cute little face. "S-sure. I might not be very good at, uh, tea party stuff. But I can try. T-tea would be great, thank you so much for offering."
Kelsie giggles, “You don’t gotta dress up like Daddy did. He did that cuz he’s silly. And Alice bullied her dad to wear stuff-“
“It was gentle encouragement!” Alice calls with a bit of huff. Dr. J laughs.
“But you just looked like you could use something sweet for your nerves- that’s what I did for Alt when he first showed up here! We had cake then too!” Kelsie beams.
Jackieboy looks up at this and gasps dramatically, pointing at Kelsie, “That’s where the last slice of cake went!! I thought I went crazy!! You gave it to Alt??”
Kelsie bursts into giggles, “it was secret breakfast cake! We couldn’t tell you!”
“Betrayed by my own daughter… can’t even believe this…” Jackieboy mutters, going back to try to contact Bro.
Jackie chuckles at the familial banter. Man... if he had kids, would this be how it was like? He couldn't see that happening anytime in his future, to be honest, but maybe he'd warm up to the idea eventually. 
In the meantime, Kelsie hurries over to the kitchen and soon comes back with a true cup of tea and a small plate with a tiny un-iced bundt cake on it. She hands them to Jackie. “You can sit down on the couch to eat if you’d like! We don’t mind! Or the dining room is over there- or the chairs by the kitchen-“
Jackie looks down at Kelsie and takes the tea and cake. "Thank you Kelsie. I'll just sit on the sofa here, that's fine." He smiles and goes over to sit down. "Well... guess we just wait for a bit." He took a sip of the tea. Mm... usually he was more of a coffee guy, but sometimes tea really hit the spot.
This wouldn't be a bad place to wait, he supposed. He could handle staying here for a little while.
Ollie comes over to pick up Penny now, leading them both over to go play with some toys so Penny doesn’t try to steal anything else of Jackie’s.
Eventually, Jackieboy sighs and stuffs his phone in his pocket. “No use- I can’t get a hold of Bro…”
“Oh! I got a reply from Henny!” Dr. J says. Then he frowns in confusion and looks back at Jackie. “Um… Jackie… did the same thing that happened to you… affect Schneep in some way….? …some way that would make him… blind?”
"Huh? Oh, you mean to cause this?" Jackie gestures at his face. "Um... no, h-he was safe from that—well, safe being a relative term—wait, is Henny okay?!" He vividly remembers Schneep's reaction to his other self when these guys visited their world. Schneep had been very fascinated with there being another him, and very eager to try his hand at 'fixing' deafness. And with what Marvin and Jameson had done to Schneep, he'd be even worse now—!
“Huh…oh yes, he’s fine. ” Is all Dr. J says in reply. “Curious…”
“What is it Jay?” Jackieboy asks. “Is it the other Schneep?? The other you??”
“…I don’t think so. I think… could it be… someone else?” Dr. J looks up with confusion. “Henrik says this other him is… nice. A bit jumpy but- that’s because he’s blind. Uses a cane and everything ‘just like in the movies’.”
“What?? That… that doesn’t make any sense!” Jackieboy says in confusion, “…is this because of the rifts…? Are they just.. grabbing random people from other universes now?”
"I... y-yeah, as far as I know, that's not my Schneep," Jackie says. "Unless something... really drastic happened to him lately..." If Marvin or Jameson actually fucking blinded his friend he'll kill them. It won't matter what Frederick says, he'll fucking kill them. "I-I guess that bit about grabbing random people... is the best bet? Because... I-I can only think that he's from a third, different world." He shakes his head. "Should, uh, your Henrik bring him over here? So we're all together? Is that, uh, possible?”
The kids watch the adults exchange back and forth, all sitting on various parts of the rug and either eating some of the cake or playing with their toys.
The swaps exchange glances. Then, Jackie deflates with a sigh. “…I’ll call Stacy- she said she’s been wanting  more hours here than at her other job anyways… We’ll meet up in the studio office.”
“So funny that place has become a lot like a headquarters for these situations.” Dr. J chuckles, “Alright, kids- let’s clean up for now.”
Jackie hurriedly finishes up the tea and cake, almost choking in the process but managing to hide that fact. "Here, I can help." The sooner they clean up, the sooner they can head out, and the sooner Jackie can know what the fuck is going on here.
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dykefever · 2 years
hello hello, numbers 33, 44 & 77 please for the wrapped <33
hi hi!!
33. fake id - riton, kah-lo (certified banger)
44. chiquitita - ABBA
77. labrador - WAAX
send me a number and i’ll tell you the corresponding song from my spotify wrapped
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chloeworships · 2 months
Just because they opened they mouth God is going to make your channel go VIRAL like Covid 19 💉
Be blessed
SN: I had a vision of a doctor holding up a syringe with gold liquid. Not sure if this is related but he was testing to see if it was ready to be used… he looked like Ron Rivera (my fav NFL coach). I couldn’t exactly see his face so this could also be God testing to see if YOU are ready to be used by him for HIS purpose.
The liquid kinda looked like Hennessy lol. I love me some henny bwoyyyyyyy. Listennnnnnnnnnnn henny is only for special occasions okurrr because ya girl needs to be behave. I’ll be doing handstands in the club when I wheel out the henny so LOLLLLLL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥃🇯🇲 I don’t wanna get in trouble with the LORDT ok?
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Yes babes, the LORD wants to use you for something ✨SPECIAL✨
Maybe you recently stopped drinking or became sober in the last year or two. Maybe God wants to heal you in some way but let me tell you child of God, I only buss out the Henny when I really want to CELEBRATE and turn up [my inner child is still a little wild and unhinged sometimes, don’t judge me 😜].
But yes!!! Congratulations 🥳
Disclaimer: This is not for the demon worshipers.
Have a lovely day babes.
PS. I heard the song below 🎧 and wow it has 14 M views and the number 13 is there. We keep seeing that number ⤵️🕺🏾🪩💃🏾
Right after posting this I heard God say
“Be authentic”
People like that babes. Real recognize real.
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xoxovalrea · 4 months
Jaded - suguru geto + fem! reader
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Sypno: Your dumb boyfriend “becomes” friends with the university’s drug dealer and does hardcore drugs on video. So you help him out by..fucking your edgy dealer‼️
A/n: dont do drugs kids⁉️ listen to digital bath- Deftones
Warning: words like slut & whore r used & drug and alcohol use. Also CNC & rough sex ( lmk if i missed any )
Wc: 1.3k
                        💜Minors DNI‼️💜
You’re on the couch with your boyfriend travis per usual when he all of a sudden starts getting really touchy which he only does when he needs something. 
You roll your eyes and say “whats up what do ya need” he rubs your thighs and finally says “baby can you please go over to sugurus place n give him money” you ask why out of curiosity and you instantly regret it. He tells you he was doing hardcore drugs with suguru and he got it on video threatening to send it to the school board. You sigh and tell him to leave so you can go over to getos place. You don’t even know why he is so serious about it, like he’s not even good at football or basketball or school in general all he does is beat up kids and cheat on you. You change into a crop top and some white sweats and start walking to a small trailer park. 400$ in your pocket is a small pocket knife and your phone so you don't get kidnapped or lost. 
As you're walking you see the trailer with the number 0197 on the mailbox and walk up to the door once you get there you hear a faint sound of a guitar so you knock even harder three times and the music finally comes to a halt. Geto walks out with blood shot eyes sipping Hennessy and his hair falling randomly on his face. “hey baby how can i help ya ? want the usual or nah and tell ya shit faced boyf-“ you sigh and let yourself in plopping down on his couch taking out the money and hold the money up towards geto he takes another sip of the drink and grabs the money laughing
 “His bitch ass really sent you here for him” he finishes the rest of the henny and puts it down“ I know don’t even bro“ you sigh as the couch sinks farther. You look up to see geto lighting a blunt. He notices you staring “what don't act like you don’t smoke ms cheerleader“ he lights it and takes a hit leaning back man spreading. You take a hit after him and he laughs “so I guess he want that video posted” you look at him confused and nod your head no even though he cheats on you how else you gon get money.
 You pass the blunt back and he looks at you “look let's make a deal you forget about your shitfaced boyfriend nd spend the week with me yea” you stare at him for a minute then finally respond “sure but keep your end of the bargain” he stares into your eyes instantly reading your every expression before taking a hit then smiling “trust you’ll forget all about him baby” he says before roughly kissing you.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°❀
 He wraps his hand around your neck squeezing softly pulling you into his lap breaking the kiss. “lets see how wet that cunt is” he slides your sweats off and rubs your clit through your panties. you let out a whimper in response as he starts increasing speed and eventually stops “how bout we call your boyfriend yea? make one noise and ill ruin his fucking life yea?” you nod as he picks up his phone and calls travis.
 He slides his finger up and down your slit collecting your juices Travis picks up and you hear a murmur of his voice as Suguru slides two fingers in immediately fingering you fast and hard. “yea she came over” he hits your g-spot and you accidentally let out a loud moan and he mutes his mic and stops fingering you “what I told you ? You're lucky your pretty” he unmutes and continues fingering you squelching filling his ears “my bad just my loud neighbors” your eyes roll back as he whispers in your ear to cum and you cream all over his fingers soaking your panties and his pants “yea we all cool though come over soon I gotta surprise f’ya” he laughs then hangs up still fingering you making your legs tremble underneath him. 
He pulls his fingers out and flips you on your back “awh look at how wet she is f’me” he pulls your panties off and throws them somewhere on the floor. He kisses your thighs up  and down leaving bite marks and hickeys. He stops and looks you in the eyes before sucking your clit and shoving two fingers back into your dripping hole. “Fuck geto I cant fuck take it” you scream out still sensitive from your previous orgasm, hearing this he only goes faster your walls clench around him and you let out another loud moan and squirt all over his face. You feel him smile as he devours you and your juices. “Put that pretty mouth to use nd get on your knees” you follow his orders and get on your knees between his legs he pulls his pants down exposing his huge boner  you bite your lips and lean in to kiss his tip and he lets you tipping his head back with a groan. 
 You take his tip in your mouth and go down a third of the way and gag stroking the parts you can’t get while geto takes his shirt off. He finally takes his shirt off and throws it to the floor. You try to go lower but you gag and your eyes water “uht uht go down you can do it“ he pushes your head all the way down lifting your head up and down. He throws his head back and bucks his hips up into your mouth. He pulls out to let you breathe then shoves it back into your mouth bucking up into your mouth using it as a fuck toy “fuck baby your mouth is so good” he says while creaming down your throat you swallow as he lifts you up by your face and starts making out with you sloppily he gets up and picks you up by your knees and carries you to his bed while making out with you.  
He lays you down “flip over on your stomach” you oblige and flip over face down ass up waiting for him. He rubs his tip on your ass “wait isn’t he coming“ he looks at you puzzles and nods yes “wait we can’t he will literally ruin me” you try to get up but geto holds you down “now you know you want this dick. he doesn’t even fuck good fuck him” you smile at his words still getting that gut feeling that this is wrong. “fine okay” he laughs and shoves his length into you immediately thrusting in and out slapping his balls on your clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he fucks up into your cervix and pushes up onto the bulge in your belly  “FUCK geto its its to much I can’t-“ he cuts you off pushing your head into the sheets you hear groans coming from above you. “awh my pretty slut can’t take it ? That's too bad” he grins and pounds you even harder making you scream and writhe under him. 
Geto flips you over on your back and you can't even look him in the eyes, that's how dazed you are. He slips back in with a groan you don’t know how long its been since you guys started fucking maybe an 10 minutes maybe 30 you don’t know. You dont even know how many times you’ve came around his dick, you snap out of your thoughts as geto slaps your thigh “damn ma I got ya that fucked up” he laughs and starts rubbing your clit.
You feel his dick twitch as you tighten around him even more. He leans down to sloppily kiss you and you tangle your hands into his hair as you spasm all over his dick. After a few more thrusts he finally creampies you. As you're laying down with geto you both hear a knock and he grins “well look at that” he laughs as he kisses your forehead and gets up to put shorts on and get the door.
A/n: intro is too short but oh well & i MIGHT do a prt 2 to Love Galore or update it idk (for the person who suggested) bye lovess🕊️💗
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chaikachi · 10 months
Hey radical spicy hot take but Trapdoor is 100% a ruby song. And. Trapdoor is 100% a oscar song. They are a mirror to each other. They are put on the same pedestal. They bear the same weight. They occupy the same space, simultaneously, impossibly. Do you see my vision?
anono... how does it feel to have such a big brain. all songs are rg songs if you try hard enough. 😤
Yes, Trapdoor is first and foremost a Ruby song, but her and Oscar are 100% mirrors living such similar character arcs. I could talk about all those parallels in a post all their own (one day), but for now a really good example is actually comparing Trapdoor to Sky is Falling (thank you @greenteaandtattoos for pointing it out first).
I'm gonna ramble a bit
Trapdoor is a song about the weight Ruby has been carrying. How she has tried so hard and how it's seemingly done more harm than good. It talks about how she doesn't feel seen or heard or needed, let alone wanted. How she's losing herself. How she feels like a trapdoor, part of the floorboards being walked on and unnoticeable. How one more step is all it might take for her to break and fall further into the depths below. And simultaneously like a trap that will lead all her friends to ruin.
And Sky is Falling (in my opinion) is a song about the weight Oscar has been carrying. How he's struggling with moving forward in light of everything he's been through and everything they've lost. The song itself is cited as referencing the original Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little) fairytale since it's a story that uses the song's title as a cry wolf for fearing the end of the world. But that feels a bit like a red herring to me. Or at least not like the whole picture.
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The original myth of Atlas and the weight of the world isn't actually about the god holding the world on his shoulders. It's about him holding up the sky. So whether you read it as Oscar struggling with what to do given Atlas is falling... or struggling with how to move after Ruby falls, (Ruby, who was holding Atlas on her shoulders. So when she fell, so to did the city in the sky) is up to interpretation.
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Some examples of how the songs mirror each other a bit tho:
Though I try to keep the hope alive
Sky is Falling
Lost all my hopes and dreams
Watch it all Unfold As I Cascade below Frozen In the darkest moment I can't bear the weight I hold
Sky is Falling
Starin' at the casket, hopin' to move past it Knowin' things will never be the same, and that's it Cold soaked as I'm standin' in rain Feelin' nothin' but pain until I see you again
Both of them struggling to hold onto hope. Both of them struggling with the cold of grief. The water imagery in "cascading" and "rain". The feeling of drowning. How to keep moving in the face of it all.
Also just on the topic of them being mirrors, it's interesting how many of these songs can so easily link back together. Trust Love's "open up your eyes" to Sky is Falling's "cover up your eyes". Then Sky is Falling's direct parallel, Touch the Sky. In my opinion, this song talks about both of them. The first verse is very Oscar "Little Prince" Pine, but especially this part:
I'm soarin' like I never have before Flying self-assured and free And I somehow feel I finally feel like me I looked in the mirror and I gotta say It's been a long, long time since I felt this way Right now, I'm just a bit surprised 'Cause I feel just fine and I might just touch the sky
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And then directly towards Ruby's ascension in the second verse:
Open doors and so much hope in front of me Full of confidence, every challenge crushed My heart's electric, racing endlessly Feeling like the stars have all aligned Illuminate the darkness that was blinding me Now I'm positive that it's my time to shineI will explode, you'll see me rise You may not even recognize I just can't wait for this reveal
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But also... very strong argument can be made that both verses apply to both of them. Finally feeling like themselves, the people they've wanted to be, the ones they're meant to be. These kids and their identity issues... But especially cause, um, Ruby isn't the only one that explodes.
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So to summarize, Oscar looked in the mirror - not the mirror that showed Oz's reflection, but the mirror he sees in Ruby - and he became more like himself. Influenced by the hope she inspires.
And Ruby, like Alice, fell through the looking glass. But in the Ever After the only Oscar that was there to stare back at her wasn't a reflection of hope, it was was one of fear.
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So she had no choice but to fall further and looked inward. Until she found the hope that was always inside her. The hope Oscar always knew was there because he sees her.
And the fact that Ruby's hope, her motivation, has always been "the people she hasn't lost yet". And how Oscar is the only living companion Neo 'kills' to hurt her. I'm getting so off track here but...
The Parallels. It's CINEMA.
They make me UNWELL.
Edit: I ended up just talking a bit about how they're mirrors through song and not so much Trapdoor from an Oscar lens. It is so strongly a Ruby song to me that it's hard to apply to him, even if it does fit him in some ways as well. All alone in crowded rooms and all that.
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shellxrls · 3 months
Whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house (hol' up)
I said certified freak, seven days a week
Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge
Extra large, and extra hard
Put this pussy right in yo' face
Swipe your nose like a credit card
Hop on top, I want a ride
I do a kegel while it's inside
Spit in my mouth, look at my eyes
This pussy is wet, come take a dive
Tie me up like I'm surprised
Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
Make it cream, make me scream
Out in public, make a scene
I don't cook, I don't clean
But let me tell you, I got this ring (ayy, ayy)
Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah)
Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (yeah)
I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be
I run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me
Talk yo' shit, bite your lip
Ask for a car while you ride that dick (while you ride that dick)
You ain't never gotta fuck him for a thing
He already made his mind up 'fore he came
Now get your boots and your coat for this wet ass pussy
He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet ass pussy
Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy
Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet ass pussy
Look, I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroke
I need a Henny drink, I need a weed smoker
Not a garden snake, I need a king cobra
With a hook in it, hope it lean over
He got some money, then that's where I'm headed
Pussy A-1, just like his credit
He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it
I let him taste it, and now he diabetic
I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp
I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat
My head game is fire, punani Dasani
It's going in dry, and it's coming out soggy
I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (yuh, ah)
I spit on his mic' and now he tryna sign me, woo
Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes
Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating
Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in
Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating
In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya
If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder
Big D stand for big demeanor
I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya
If it don't hang, then he can't bang
You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain
If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?"
When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
Now from the top, make it drop, that's some wet ass pussy
Now get a bucket and a mop, that's some wet ass pussy
I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP, that's some wet ass pussy
Macaroni in a pot, that's some wet ass pussy, huh
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores
no real bcuz tmi but i do actually carry around a super soaker w.a.p everywhere. truly one of my greatest insecurities bcuz i can't live without literally soaking through all my underwear 💔.
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ilynatsuki · 6 months
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩 : no one
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 : me and nicki real...
i cant think of a title withojt cringing but fem!reader x scaramouche
swearing!!!!!!! ;-;
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Whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house (hol' up)
I said certified freak, seven days a week
Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge
Extra large, and extra hard
Put this pussy right in yo' face
Swipe your nose like a credit card
Hop on top, I want a ride
I do a kegel while it's inside
Spit in my mouth, look at my eyes
This pussy is wet, come take a dive
Tie me up like I'm surprised
Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
Make it cream, make me scream
Out in public, make a scene
I don't cook, I don't clean
But let me tell you, I got this ring (ayy, ayy)
Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah)
Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (yeah)
I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be
I run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me
Talk yo' shit, bite your lip
Ask for a car while you ride that dick (while you ride that dick)
You ain't never gotta fuck him for a thing
He already made his mind up 'fore he came
Now get your boots and your coat for this wet ass pussy
He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet ass pussy
Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy
Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet ass pussy
Look, I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroke
I need a Henny drink, I need a weed smoker
Not a garden snake, I need a king cobra
With a hook in it, hope it lean over
He got some money, then that's where I'm headed
Pussy A-1, just like his credit
He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it
I let him taste it, and now he diabetic
I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp
I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat
My head game is fire, punani Dasani
It's going in dry, and it's coming out soggy
I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (yuh, ah)
I spit on his mic' and now he tryna sign me, woo
Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes
Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating
Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in
Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating
In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya
If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder
Big D stand for big demeanor
I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya
If it don't hang, then he can't bang
You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain
If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?"
When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
Now from the top, make it drop, that's some wet ass pussy
Now get a bucket and a mop, that's some wet ass pussy
I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP, that's some wet ass pussy
Macaroni in a pot, that's some wet ass pussy, huh
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores-
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sorry i am very sorry 🕊🕊 i cqnt reply tk comments helpa
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aprilskyforever · 1 year
Henny ranks Eurovision 2023 - before the show
i’m kinda late with this this year, i admit. reasons? I guess I can say i’ve been busy, but it’s not all, truth is i’m not that engaged about this year actually... of course there are songs i love, but it’s not a year where i struggle to make a top 10 you know? anyway. enough negativity. let’s take a look, shall we? oh and please not that the songs are not in a certain order within each category.
category: can’t we have two winners please?
Sweden - yeah i’m in my patriotic era again. this is euphoria chapter two, in a good way, and it’d be so cool if she won purely from a statistic point of view... howEVER........ 
Finland - wouldn’t it just be great with a winner that was... a little rough around the edges? dirty, gritty, would scare your grandma only to later make her nod and say it’s quite a bop afterall? and it’d be the proper reward for finland who has brought their absolut a-game to their national final for the past few years - even though they’ve in my opinion picked the wrong winner from it. until this year that is. yeah, i think i’d like that.
category: added to my playlist and played frequently
Norway - mgp really stepped up their game as well this year and sometimes i even question if queen of kings is my winner from it (there’s tresko, ekko inni meg, love you in a dream etc etc) but my god it just goes so hard doesn’t it? although WHEN are they putting the version with the intro on spotify?? WHEN!!
Slovenia - you know sometimes i forget carpe diem is a eurovision entry because it just sounds like something i’d hear from an average band in my library?? idk how else to describe it. i just love it. and i love THEM. bojan’s charisma is.... sigh
Austria - it bops and it’s so CLEVER i love it
Serbia - hello??? i’m obsessed
Portugal - as soon as the beat kicked in on my first listen i was hooked. it’s flawless. and it’s the first portugese entry i’ve been really engaged in since.... uh... i started watching?? obviously i’ve liked entries from them but i haven’t really cared. this time i do.
Czechia - go ladies go!! i really hope this will be as epic on stage as in the mv. please please please
Malta - this is a sort of recent obsession, i didn’t really get it right after the nf, so we’ll see how long this lasts but i’m always having fun listening to it
category: also in my playlist but not as frequent
Estonia - it’s beautiful! but maybe not so original. my winner of eesti laul was meelik /:
Switzerland - i actually don’t mind the lyrics and i love the chord intervals in the chorus
Croatia - chaotic fun. and sticks to your brain like glue. mamaaaa kupila traktora... SC!
United Kingdom - this song was like a bubble gum. lovely and fun the first few listens but i got tired of it kinda quickly, sadly
category: i can recognize the talent here but i guess it’s just not for me?
Latvia - i’ve seen so many people hyping this and everytime i listen it’s like yeah this is good! and then i don’t feel the urge to listen again
Spain - yeah the performance was captivating but... that’s where it ends for me
Italy - it’s nothing Wrong with the song itself but it didn’t grab me and i had so many other options from sanremo i’d rather see here than Another Male Italian Ballad and this time by a returning artist on top of it so uhhhh yeah
France - i’ve listened to la zarra before the contest so i had some hopes for her and they were not fulfilled )): i like the disco beat and the last chorus - because that’s when everything finally reaches a fullness it should have reached WAY earlier in the song. do you feel me?
Moldova - you know i think i just need a few more listens to this and i’ll get around to it
Ukraine - don’t have much to say about it but it’s alright!
Georgia - this is that kind of song that you only hear in eurovision but when you do you absolutely love it and she does have very impressive vocals, i gotta say
category: they’re fine i guess/i don’t care!!!!!!/no that’s definitely not for me
Belgium - song is kinda catchy i’m ngl. but i cannnnnNOT cope with his styling.
Azerbaijan - it’s cute! that’s about it
Albania - i’ve listened to this exactly once and it was alright but nothing core shaking you know?
Netherlands - this one i think is alright everytime i hear it and then i immediately forget how it goes after it’s done. i couldn’t sing it back to you know matter how i tried honestly
Denmark - yeah it’s fine
Cyprus - i don’t caaaare i don’t care it’s alright but i don’t caaare
Lithuania - ehhhhh why couldn’t we have had beatrich instead ):
Germany - i guess i see why people like it but yeah no this is Not my thing at all
Australia - same with this
Armenia - this could go in the other category above here but.. i don’t like it enough actually
Iceland - yeah no. i don’t get it
Greece - for the love of god couldn’t someone have paired him up with an experienced songwriter and/or producer here because there are many great ideas but they just sound like a mess? it sounds so unfinished?? and i think i really would’ve liked this if it just sounded more... polished. worked on.
Israel - again a mess of a song with too many ideas in it and a very weird build. can’t get around to it
category: good god no
Ireland - someone asked an ai to write the most generic song ever and this is what we got
Romania - dude. bro. no.
Poland - this could’ve been a very basic but somewhat ok entry had there just not been the whole story with how it was picked and what kind of person she is
San Marino - this song feels like a threat. and WHAT is with the singer’s posture?? STAND UP STRAIGHT jesus christ
and there we have it! how much do we agree?
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huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 7: Paranormal Preteens
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read PNPT | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched Taglist: @brokentimewatch  
After that split second of falling, Bro lands on a sidewalk. Looking around, he sees a street lined with near-identical houses with small yards, some with fences, some with trees, some with gardens. The sun is high in the sky but the air is cold, and patches of snow linger in the shadows. This is clearly a British suburb on a clear winter day. And it is clearly not familiar. A bit after he arrives, he hears the door to the house behind him open.
Bro rights himself and then tries to suppress a shiver. Oh god- he's in a thin jacket and tank top and ripped jeans. "Fuckkk why is it winter here??" He mutters to himself.
He takes stock of where he is and then notices the others aren't with him but he sighs and nods, "Alright well- def a pattern now... gotta go find the cat bitch and Alt then-"
He then blinks as he hears a door open behind him.
When he turns around, he sees a boy--twelve, thirteen years old?--running towards him. "Da--" the boy starts to say, then stops. And stops running. "Oh. Sorry, I uh, thought you were someone else," he mumbles. He's wearing a snapback cap, a graphic tee, and (insanely enough) shorts.
In the open doorway of the house behind him Bro can see another kid. Sort of. He's hiding in the way kids do when they think you can't see the upper half of their faces sticking out. Most of him is tucked behind the door but he has brown hair and big round glasses.
Bro jumps slightly at the kid running towards him but then stops. He blinks and then laughs. Damn… this kid looks just like he did at his age. “Oh uh- hey little dude! Uh… sorry-“ He awkwardly messes with his hair.
“Hey Um- strange question but… do you know what... city this is?”
The boy looks a bit confused, but accepts the question. "Uh, Hollewych. You mean you don't know where you are? Do you have amnesia?" Like on TV?
Bro knits his eyebrows together. Yeah... definitely not home. "Uh- nope! Still got all my memories just- god it’s a long story... probably too much to explain to a couple of kids." He shivers at the cold breeze and then huddles his jacket around him. He looks around and realizes he probably shouldn't be flying around- that'd just make him colder. "Uh well- thanks kids... sorry to bother ya. I better go... find someplace warm..."
"Uh... oka--" Suddenly something clatters to the ground. A pencil. The kid hiding in the doorway threw a pencil at the boy. He stares at it, then picks it up and turns around.
"Uh, one second... sir." The 'sir' is an awkward afterthought, like he's not used to it. He quickly runs back to the open doorway and starts talking with the kid out of sight.
Bro's super hearing allows him to hear what they're saying, but it's not making sense.
"Ask him why he appeared in thin air!"
"What? No, I'm not gonna do that! What if he gets mad?"
"So? What if he walks away? We could have a very small chance."
"You wanna do it without anyone else?"
"If there is a very small chance! You can call them on your handy if we need to."
"That is not the word, Schneep. Don't you know that by now?"
"It is a hand phone! It does not shorten like that?"
"Fine, fine, just go back and talk to him. But be careful. It might be like the mushrooms."
The boy sighed, then ran back over to Bro. "Hey, uh, my cousin says he saw you kinda pop up out of nowhere. Did you?"
Bro tilts his head as he listens to the boys. Then, he laughs. Henny calls it a handy too... does the other kid have an accent? Huh... he could be a little Schneep- he can see it. Though, way more awkward. Henny was out of time but he was charismatic as fuck-
He's lost in his own thoughts before he sees the first boy come back up. Then, he pales a bit and blinks slowly. "Uh... you two... saw that?" ...fuck of course that's what jumping dimensions looks like-
"I didn't, but my cousin did," the boy says. "And he doesn't lie. I mean, I've been trying to teach him how to pull pranks, but he doesn't really wanna so far." He pauses awkwardly. "So... what's up?"
Bro lifts up his head to look back at the boy with the glasses. Then he sighs and messes with his hair. "Uh... i guess... i can try to explain- but... it's- it's gonna sound a little insane..."
"I mean, you kinda just appeared, that's already crazy," the boy points out.
Bro pauses and then laughs, "Alright, touche! ... do you read comic books, kid?"
"Nnnno, but I watch a lot of shows about superheroes. My favorite is Ben 10. Oh, and I have a friend who really likes comics, too."
"You know what? that works- so you know when superheroes sometimes travel to worlds that are similar to theirs but also different? and they sometimes meet people who are them- but also not them? ...did that happen in ben 10? that sounds like something out of ben 10... wait- ben 10 hasn't been around for a long time... what year is it??" Bro rambles, finally asking his last question with wide eyes.
"It's 2008--no, crap, 2009," the boy says, looking Bro over. "And yeah, that happens, kinda. You mean like a parallel universe? Is that where you're from?" His eyes widen. "Oh! What's your name?!"
Bro's eyes widen even more and he whispers quietly, "...holy fuck im in the past too..?" Then he shakes it off though he's still in shock but he laughs, "Yeah exactly. I... I'm from one of those." He grins and adjusts his hat. "M'name's Chase Brody, kid! Whatcha call yourself?"
The boy's eyes widen further so Bro can see the whites all around. Then he breaks into a grin. "That's my name too!" he shouts, jumping up and down.
Chase looks surprised but then grins wide, "Well what are the odds? Heya little me! ... you're even littler than i was in 2008 i think-" He looks up as he tries to do the math and then nods, "Yup- def younger."
"Holy crap! Sch—Henrik!" He spins around and runs back to the open door, where he forcibly grabs the kid hiding behind the doorway and pulls him out, talking all the while. "Schneep, you're a nerd, you'll like this, he's me! He's me from a parallel universe! One that's in the future, I think, and I think it has superheroes cause he's dressed like that and he was talking about them—Hey, this is my cousin Henrik!" The little Chase grins. "He's great!"
The little Henrik looks a bit freaked out and more than a little overwhelmed, but he waves at Bro anyway. "Hallo."
Bro blinks as Chase drags out his cousin and tilts his head at him. Then he grins real wide. "Oh it has more than just superheroes dude- you guys wanna see something cool?"
"Yes!" Chase nods excitedly. "Yeah yeah yeah!" Schneep doesn't say anything, but he looks intrigued.
Bro digs into his pocket and pulls out his mask- and as he slips it on his hair flares into a bright yellow green. Then, with a huge grin he steps back, then rises up just a few feet in the air, crossing his arms. "I'm a superhero! Name's Bro Fantastic!"
"Oh my gosh!" The kids are completely blown away. "Sch—Henrik, look! Look, he's flying!" Chase is shaking Schneep slightly in excitement. "I grow up to be a superhero in another universe!"
"How are you doing that?" Schneep gasps.
"Because he's a superhero, bro! Oh that's so cool!"
"I—ja, that is—oh wait!" Schneep shook his head, clearing it. "Then—then if you are a superhero from another world, how are you here? And why?"
Bro takes a few more seconds to hover before he feels the chill even stronger and then he touches back down, stuffing his cold hands in his pockets. ...did he have a rip in his shirt where he got injured earlier? ...well that would explain why he's even colder than he thought he'd be.
He messes with his hair with a sigh, "mmmm thats also a long story but- basically. We got a bad guy I fight- and he wants to see other worlds but... not for nice reasons. So- me and my brother, his name is Alt, we gotta try to stop him. Cuz that's what heroes do!" He frowns, "The only problem is- whenever we get somewhere new... we end up separating... so now i gotta look for those two. Anddd since you guys were pretty amazed by me- I'm guessing there's no one who flies on a regular basis around here, huh?"
"No." Schneep shakes his head.
"Oh what about that thing Marvin does with the—"
"That is not flying, Chase, it does not count." Chase pauses. "What about An—"
"That is just floating," Schneep interrupts, already knowing what he's going to say. "He does not fly, it is like...hovering."
"Fine." Chase puts his hands on his hips and looks at Bro. "I mean... no one flies, but we have weird stuff around here all the time. There's uhh... there was a monster in the pool one time. And a big crazy dog. And there are holes in the ground that lead to somewhere else, we're still figuring those out. But like... no one really notices a lot of the stuff. We know, though, and so do a couple of our friends."
"ah well then- probably not good to fly around then. Don't wanna alert the mystery gang~" He gently teases. But, he also means it too. These are just kids... they dont need to get wrapped up in their business. ...Mag has hurt kids in the past. Like Ollie... he's not gonna let that happen to these guys. Though- "wow- thats... a lot of weird stuff though. Supernatural i guess?" He makes a face as he thinks. "Or... magic. which would... not be good- man how would Mag even react if we came somewhere with no magic...?" He muses to himself. Then he blinks and gets back on track. "Well uh... i probably shouldn't take too much of your guys's time- and its cold out here. You could get sick so- I better get walking to find my guys..."
"Mag's the villain, then?" Chase says. "Oh, uh, you don't have to go yet. If you showed up by us, maybe your guys showed up by some of our friends?" Schneep nods. "Maybe."
"I can call them!" Chase says. "I have a cell phone! It's inside. And, uh... it's also warm inside. So you could, uh... warm up for a little bit... before going out again..."
"You could say you are a relative on Chase's dad's family," Schneep suggests. "Our—his mom would not know them all. Und it was Christmas a couple weeks ago, you could be late for visiting."
Bro shifts a bit uncomfortably at this, looking around. Ahhh he hates lying but- it is... really cold. and his clothes are ripped. And- well yeah they had been appearing around their counterparts it seemed. "... lying isnt really something heroes do but uh... I am really cold. uh- sure. Okay- if its cool with you little dudes."
Chase visibly brightens. "Yeah! Mom won't even notice, she's working right now! Come on!" He grins and runs back to the house's open door.
Schneep walks after him, slower. "I think heroes can lie sometimes," he says. "If a bad guy wants to know something they cannot know. Like that. You are very..." He pauses, looking for the word. "You are like on TV. Cartoons. You can be more than that with us. This is real life."
Bro starts to follows them, respectfully listening to Henrik and giving him his full attention. He smiles warmly. " You know what, dude? That's a very good point! You're pretty wise for such a little kid. Though- you're older than my friend Jackie's kids. Maybe a couple years will make em as smart as you~"
"Heheh." Schneep grins. "Thank you." Then, as the walk into the house, he looks thoughtful and says, "You have a friend named Jackie? We do too. Maybe they are the same in other worlds."
"Oh yeah- I guess that's probably right... dang- hard to imagine a littler Jackie. I met him when we were like 20!" Bro laughs. He then sighs at the feeling of warmth in the house and tries to shake off the cold. "oooh thats so much betterrrr~!"
"Mom insisted on getting heating and air conditioning when we moved in," Chase says. "It didn't have it at first. Anyway. Do you wanna snack or something?"
"She's a wise woman- remember having to convince my aunts for those when I moved to England." He laughs. Then his eyes get big and he grins. "Oh hell yeah dude im starving! whatcha got?"
"Uhh I dunno! A lot of stuff. Come on, I'll show you!" Chase grins at him, then hurries into the kitchen, Schneep right behind him.
Bro shares his grin and hurries after them. Man- he remembers 2008 snacks being really good-
After Alt's brief fall, he finds himself in one of the worst places to ever be... a high school. It's a hallway lined with white lockers and the occasional doorway. One end led to a corner, while the other led to a T-intersection. A couple teenagers in school uniforms walked past the intersection, not even bothering to look at the glitching stranger who'd just appeared.
And then a classroom door opened. A boy with a red hoodie over his uniform walked out, a knit beanie pulled tight over his head. He turned--right towards Alt. And nearly dropped the textbook he was holding. "Holy shit."
Alt blinks at his surroundings and then glitches slightly in panic. Is this- a fucking high school?? oh my god- he hasn't been in a school since... since the day he- He instinctively touches his neck and tries to look around- and nearly runs straight into the hoodied teenager. He glitches back and then stares at the boy with wide eyes. "uh-" ...how the hell does he explain this. "...hi?" He attempts to wave- then realizes that's stupid and puts his hand down. "sorry uh- i uh- got... lost...?" Were adults even allowed in schools if they weren't teachers? ... he never finished secondary school he doesn't know- he also wasn't a good student why is this the place he appeared???
"Oh, uh--okay, I mean..." the boy stammers. "You got... really lost, uh... you're a hologram. Why are you a hologram? I mean uh--"
Alt raises an eyebrow, "oh- i guess that's a way to describe that but... uh no I'm... I'm.. real? not a hologram at least-"
The boy glances around. Nobody there? Okay. Good. "Okay. Uh. You're not going to, like, attack me or anything, right?" Stupid question, like someone would tell him if they were going to attack him.
Alt looks surprised. "Uh... no- why would I just attack some random kid?" Alt looks at the teen with a bit of confusion. "... are you in trouble?" He asks with a bit more seriousness, an urge of protectiveness flowing through him. If some adult or- hologram?? was messing this kid up... Alt could do something about it. Probably-
"Not... right now," he says slowly. "Which--okay, I know that sounds bad, but uh... it's weird talking in the middle of the hall, hang on, follow me."
Alt looks a bit more concerned but nods, "Uh yeah, kid.... alright." He starts to follow after him, though he cautiously look around, plotting out exits and memorizing stuff. Just in case. He can tell he's still very drained from running from Anti... he can probably use some magic, but full body glitching? ...not unless he wanted to pass out.
The boy hurries towards the end of the hallway that turns. "If anyone asks, you're my cousin, that's believable. As long as you don't keep doing that... static thing. Anyway. I-I guess you don't...know? About the weird things happening in town? With the greenlight and the Circle and the monster Anomalies and stuff? You kinda look like an Anomaly yourself."
When the boy says all the things towards Alt he just stares at him wide eyed. "Uhhhh... no-" Though god- anomaly- sounds like something Sclera has called him... but point was- he definitely wasn't home. Goddddamnit. He pulls out his phone and starts to type out what the kid said cuz- it sounds important. Could be something Mag is after...oh wait- he pauses after writing greenlight and anomaly- "You said... the circle? Like- a... magic circle?"
"I don't think so? We don't know much about them," he admits. "We got the name 'the Circle' from a... uh... less than reliable person. Sounds like you know less, though. I mean, maybe you are an Anomaly and you just didn't know what the name is. I dunno. Who... are you anyway?"
Alt nods along, "Uh yeah no I'm.... very much out of the loop i think." It was chilly in the halls so Alt had, while they were walking, untied his jacket from around his waist to slip it on. He pauses before answering, "my name's Alt. Alt Brody."
The boy gives Alt a once-over, trying to figure out who this guy is. Are those headphones glowing? Weird. He looks cool though, with a cool shirt and cool patches and pins on his jacket--He freezes for a moment, eyes landing on one in particular. But it's less than a second, just a weird falter in his walk. When he continues, he looks strangely more relaxed. "Uh... I-I like... I like your... pin."
Alt blinks at the kid as he freezes and tries to follow his line of sight- oh... one of his pins? He blinks down- he has a mini collection- random stuff the boys back home had gotten him. Like- the halloween pin with the bloody knife or the tiny pin with bro's logo on it. Or the music pin, dr. J and Henny thought it was classy. Oh- and the one Chase got him- the trans one. A bunch of other random ones too- like the bottle cap he got from Kelsie, and random gifts from his fans at his shows. Alt looks confused trying to figure it out, "Uh... which one? Sorry i- forgot how many I have on here- jesus-"
"Oh, I-I um, oh, the, uh--" The boy's face is slowly turning red. "They--they all look cool, but, uh..." He hesitates, then jabs a finger towards the trans one. "Thatoneanywayyeah my name's Jackie, you know, i-it's funny, there's this kid I know named Chase Brody, that's not really a common last name, do you two know each other, are you, like related? You kinda look like you would be but a lot of his family came over for Christmas and I didn't see you there but I wasn't there that long so I guess you could've arrived later, haha."
Alt blinks at the jab and then the rapid rambling and he actually breaks out into a laugh. But, its a nice laugh. He smiles warmly, "oh- yeah. Got that one from my brother." He takes a second to give a very subtle wink.
Jackie laughs awkwardly. "Y-yeah. Nice that you got that from him. I'm sure my dad would get me one... if we knew where to get them." Anyway. Time to shut up. He probably gets it.
"Hm? well hey- you can get like- anything from Amazon these days... shouldn't be too hard-" Alt stops his rambling to fully register the kid’s name.
"Oh- Jackie, was it? Nice to meet ya, then. I got a friend just like ya- same name too. anddd strangely enough. Chase is also my brother's name." Then he pauses to think- how are you related to your multiverse counterparts anyways? .... that makes it way more confusing. "Iiii dont think we're... related though. Least- not by... familial... blood.. and stuff-" He makes a face. "... that came out wrong, I think."
Jackie lets Alt talk and looks more and more confused. "Uh... okay? That's--" Then a ringtone starts playing. It's a sample from a Fall Out Boy song looped over and over. "Oh, uh, one second." Jackie takes a phone out of his pocket. It's one of those old models that slides open to reveal the number pad...though it looks pretty new.
Alt pauses and blinks and cant help but smile. Man... that's an old fall out boy song- he used to listen to that when he was Jackie's age. Though- he also listened to stuff like- Linkin Park and shit. He blinks even more at seeing his phone.... okay what the fuck..? Those are like- ancient now. Doesn't this kid have a smart phone??
"Oh hey, speaking of that kid Chase I know." Jackie picks up the call. "Hey, little man." A moment passes. His eyes immediately widen. "Wait, really? No, of course I do, it's just--where did he come from? Really? Whoa, really?" He glances at Alt and grins. "Yeah, actually, it's a good thing you did, I think your guess was right. One of them is in front of me right now. His name's Alt. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I don't have work or anything, we'll be right there." He hangs up. "So you're from a parallel universe?"
Alt starts a bit at Jackie's bluntness and then bursts into laughter. You can tell he's not usually one to do that- he grins. "I'mmm guessing your friend found my brother?"
"Yeah, he showed up right outside his house!" Jackie is grinning wide. He's clearly loving this. "This is definitely the coolest thing that's happened yet. Chase doesn't have a brother--Chase here, I mean. But he has a cousin, Henrik, who lives with him, they're basically brothers. Do you have a Henrik where you're from? Ooo, do you have one of me where you're from?! We also have some other friends, Marvin and Jameson and Stacy, do you have them?"
Alt can’t help but keep laughing as he nods. “Ha yeah, it is pretty cool huh?“ He smiles thinking of his friends. “We got a Henrik- he’s an actor and my best drinking mate. And a Jackie, he’s my brother's best friend- and one of mine. He’s the dorkiest dad I know- obsessed with super heroes. Runs a whole YouTube channel doing parkour.”
He falters at the Marvin, thinking of Mag. Though so far… the magician role of their group of friends seemed to be their Marvin’s… and he was kinda that. Or trying to be. He doesn’t want to think of anymore antis right now… he’ll cross that bridge if they come to it. Maybe they wont…
“uh- if your Marvin likes magic or can do it… then I guess. We’re kinda the same? People call me a magician back home but- I prefer illusionist~!” He grins, now back on track. “We got a Jameson too- he’s a therapist. Good Ol’ Dr. j. And uh- Stacy’s dating my brother… damn I should really try to get to know her better… I think she’s finishing her graduates at uni…?” He scratches his head. Then shakes it with a laugh. “Probably very different from how you guys are here I’m sure- considering you look about, half of Jackie’s age right now.”
"Stacy's dating Chase?" For some reason, that's what Jackie latches onto first. He raises an eyebrow. "A couple of kids in their grade have said that ours are dating, but I dunno if either of them are serious about that stuff yet. And yeah, Marvin can do... stuff? It's not really magic but he calls it that. I can't see Henrik as an actor or a drinker, haha, but then again, he's so tiny now. JJ's more of an actor, really, even if he's nonverbal. He likes film and theatre. Oh yeah, also, Marvin and JJ are twins. I doubt that's a thing in your universe from how you're talking. Would I be a dad...? I dunno, I haven't thought of that yet." He shrugs.
Alt hides his giggles. Of course that’s what the teenager latches onto. “Similar but different- sounds about right.” Damn Mag and Dr. J being twins- yeah couldn’t be his. Not since his extended stay with the mad man… “you got a long time to figure that out, dude. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
"Anyway. I told Chase that I'd drive you over to his house where your Chase is right now. They're pretending that you guys are related to his dad. I mean, if you have a license, you can drive, I guess.” Jackie shrugs.
Alt blinks and makes a face. “Oh yeah… driving is a thing. Never got my learners. I can just-“ He opens up his hand and makes a popping noise, “pop up in places usually. I’d… demonstrate but I think that’d cause… problems.”
"Teleportation? God, that'd be so useful. Not here, though. People are still around and stuff. Not even a permit, huh?”
“I mean to be honest… I never even finished secondary school but that’s… a long story.”
“Yeah, I'll drive, then. I drive all the time. Dad says I don't even need an adult, heh." Jackie grins proudly... then looks confused.
“By the way, what's Amazon? You mean, like, the Kindle guys? Are they different where you're from?"
Now Alt looks bewildered. “…Amazon’s not a thing here?” He remembers Jackie’s phone. “…Jackie weird question… it’s not… 2020 right now, is it?”
"2020? What sort of crazy future year are you living in in your universe?" He laughs. "Yeah, it just turned 2009. I guess time isn't the same in different dimensions."
Alt’s face drops. “…oh my god- damn I… I… I would have been about your age- …that’s too weird okay uh- let’s! Go to your friends! Driving- yayyy my favorite-“ the way he says it though definitely shows driving is not even close to his favorite.
Jackie smiles. "We can listen to music on the way, it'll be fun. Or, uh, alright at least. Come on. The front entrance is this way." He speeds up a little, heading for the school's exit.
Alt can’t help but smile back as he follows after Jackie.
After a brief fall through a dark place, Magnificent finds himself in a public park. The air is chilly, matching the snow lingering in the shadows by the trees. It's nice enough, for what's clearly winter. There are paths and benches and a big fountain in the middle. Mag is on the edge of the park, but he can see two boys, barely teenagers, hanging out around the fountain. One is scanning their surroundings with a (to his eyes) old camcorder, while the other is reaching into the empty fountain. That one is wearing a cape over his winter coat. Weird.
Magnificent staggers and then stumbles to hold himself against a tree. Fucking- Damnit… he’s still very injured. Multiple stab wounds litter his upper chest and arms. Maybe he has enough magic for a disguise spell… but he needs to find someplace to heal… this- this doesn’t feel like Brighton. The magic/power we can sense is… strange.
He’s about to look around to see if he can find more information about where he is when- he sees one of the boys on the fountain. He… he looks like… like how he did when-
He feels frozen- just… staring- not quite understanding what he’s seeing.
The boys are talking--or, one of them is, the one in the cape. The other one is silent. He can't hear the conversation from here but he hears faint strains of his voice chattering away. The boy in the cape stands up straight, putting something in his pocket. Did he just... steal the coins from the empty fountain? The other boy smiles at him, panning across the park... until the camcorder stops, pointed towards where Mag is standing. The boy lowers the camcorder, a bit wary. He nudges the other and moves his hands--BSL. Slightly different than what Mag expects, but still understandable.
Magnificent narrows his eyes at the thing the silent boy is holding. That… is that a camcorder? …guess kids these days could still use those. But- that means he's been spotted. He steps back and then disappears into static- but stays close by, hiding in the shadows. Something… felt strange near those boys- could he sense something by them…?
When Magnificent searches for power, he can feel some distant spots, sources of… something. It’s not quite the magic he’s used to. It’s strange, tingling like that feeling when your nerves fall asleep. And, much closer than those distant spots, is the boy in the cape, who is giving off a similar signature. The boy with the camcorder points at where Magnificent was. Then the boy with the cape starts walking towards there before being held back by the other one. They start talking—arguing, maybe—in both voice and sign.
Magnificent narrows his eyes. Why was the magic so…. Fuzzy here? Did they come to a world where magic was scarce? …for all his plotting, Magnificent never once considered a world where that was possible. Magic was his life blood since he first bore breath- a world without it seemed… impossible. But at least something is here… and that boy… if he’s who he think he was… then he’d need to be taken care of. He draws his lip back at the signing- the hand speech his puppets used… a sign of weaknesses. Another thing to deal with… Until he knew more though… and could find a way to lick his wounds… he’d have to observe. He can’t let these children out of his sights. …he hasn’t taken such a small form in a while- but it would be the least suspicious. His forms ripples with colored static and then- a cat slinks out from the shadows, shaking itself off. His wounds still ache but- wait… he has an idea.
After a few minutes of arguing the boys suddenly hear the pained cry of a cat. A little ways down the path, they see a big beautiful black Norwegian forest cat with a big fluffy coat. It has a patch of rust on its back, almost like a cape and a spot of similar coloring on the right side of its face. It licks at its arms, leg and side repeatedly, and they can see it looks injured.
The effect is instant. “Awww!” gasps the boy in the cape. “JJ, look! I think it’s hurt.” He starts slowly walking forward, being cautious as he doesn’t want to scare the cat away. JJ hangs back, frowning. M-twin, be careful. It might lash out.
“I know, I know. But look at it!” As the cat isn’t running away, the boy creeps closer. “We should take it to the vet. Maybe it’s someone’s pet. Oh, but if it’s not, maybe we can keep it! Do you think Sinney will get along with it?”
I think Mam will kill us if we bring home a second cat, our house isn’t that big. JJ frowns. And what about that weird man earlier? He disappeared.Shouldn’t we be looking for him?
“It’ll be fiiiine, these things always come back, right?” Marvin crouches close to the ground. “Message the others if you’re so worried.” JJ nods. He puts his camcorder into his bag and takes out a phone. He slides it open to reveal a keyboard and he starts texting very, very fast. Meanwhile, Marvin reaches out a hand for the cat to sniff. There are scars on his palm and fingers.
The cat watches the boy with one bright green eye on its left- it’s right almost looking blind. It curls up for a second before cautiously sniffing forward. Then it starts to meow earnestly at the boy, pressing up close to him as it limps, hardly able to step down on one of its paws. It looks like something stabbed it on its shoulder- and it’s legs and back are scattered with smaller wounds. It mewls pitifully, trying to rub its face against Marvin’s fingers.
Marvin immediately melts. “Awwwwe! Look at it, JJ! I bet it’s someone’s pet that some asshole decided to take and beat up. Oh, or maybe it was the Circle. Maybe they decided to try using animals.” JJ doesn’t stop texting, but he tilts his head to the side, considering that.
“I’m gonna pick it up now,” Marvin announces. “And you can’t stop me.” He starts to do just that, carefully putting his arms around the cat and standing up. As his hands get closer to the cat’s wounds, the magic Mag senses grows from tingling to buzzing.
Mag tenses up as he’s picked up but once he sensed the growing magic his eyes widen. He then continues his act to meow and press up against Marvin, purring quietly and curling up in his arms.
“See? Nothing happened.” Marvin grins at JJ triumphantly. “Let’s go take this guy to the vet.”
JJ doesn’t answer. He’s scanning his phone screen with increasingly wide eyes. M-twin, he signs. I think that guy we saw was dangerous.
“Wait, really?” Marvin is serious again. “In what way?”
One second. JJ texts something, then puts his phone in his bag so he can sign better. There are these weird guys who Chase and Jackie ran into who are from another world. There was also a third guy who came here with them who’s apparently some kind of villain.
“You mean aliens?”
No, like different dimensions.
“Like the dark place?”
No, more like Earth.
“…Huh.” Marvin pauses. “Well we still gotta take this cat to the vet. We can look for that guy later. He disappeared anyway, so we can’t find where he went or anything.”
Mag’s eyes widen- Um no vet thank you! He presses up against Marvin and starts to mewl in distress and acts scared, even if it pains him to do so. As he does he tries to send some influence to change the boy’s mind- {if that guy is around- he could be scary. I should head home- I can bandage up the cat’s wounds myself. Maybe even take it to a friend’s. And the cat is too freaked out to take the vet but it seems to like me! Keep the cat close.}
Marvin looks down at the cat and frowns, worried, as it mews. "Oh fuck, it's really upset. Uh... maybe we should go home, actually. Or no, wait, we should meet up with the others to talk about this guy. D'you think Chase's mom has big bandages? We can fix the cat there, I don't think it'll like being away from me."
JJ frowns. What the hell are you talking about? You KNOW you're supposed to take strays to the vet!
"I dunno, this guy's probably not a stray, I guess."
Well then it's not our cat and we shouldn't get attached. We should take it to the VET so that they can look at that chip thing.
"But it's soooo cute," Marvin whines. "Please, JJ?"
We can't just bring a cat to Chase's house! JJ says.
"Yeah we can. Look, I'm doing it right now." Marvin starts walking down the path, heading to the edge of the park. There's a pair of bicycles hooked up to a rack, one of which has a basket. "I'm gonna steal your bike for the basket, watch out!"
Shocked, JJ hurries after him, taking out his phone on the way and starting to text some more. Behind them, a shadow flickers in the branches of a tree.
Mag settles down and purrs against Marvin, content he’s on the right path now. Chase huh? Perhaps his own puppets have found their way as well… he could be patient. He settles in against the boy, feigning affection.
Marvin reaches the bikes and carefully puts the cat in the basket, which is just big enough for it to be comfortable. He then gets on the bike himself and waits for JJ to get here.
Your bike is weird, JJ complains.
“Your bike is weird.”
JJ rolls his eyes. I told Chase about the cat. He says we should take it to the vet first but he’d be fine if we brought it.
“No time, let’s go.” Marvin jerks his head at the other bike. JJ sighs, but gets on the bike. The two of them head out. A shadow disappears from the tree, and a faint giggle echoes in the empty park.
Mag let’s himself settle in and kneads at the basket before going back to lick his paws. All while keeping his bit of influence strong. Seems like the other boy was a headstrong one… {Very good Marvin. This cat is very important, very special. This cat needs to be by you. Keep it safe.}
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Timmy’s story
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Hit me up, give no fucks
Gettin' busy out the cut (huh, huh), nigga, what?
And we do it to 'em, it's a pity, sing a song
Shy nigga, but I think she pretty (ah), so it's on, baby (yeah)
Call to the lost, we deep, deep (huh)
Had it all twisted, dead wrong (yeah)
How do I find what I can't see?
Lord, I was born to be strong (hey)
Yes, yes, before I stress, I gotta get that feeling
This is just a sweet interlude, na-na
Amen, and the dices throw, they come in winning (yeah)
What's this hatin'? (Yeah) got no time, my boy (yeah)
Nah, man, no one could've saved me
Look around to see this shit made me (huh!)
They think they know me, I think not
Hey, see me, I control the plot (mm)
Healing but I'm living with some things, shit'll never stop
Yeah, caught in the moonlight
In the mirror, I used to hate what I'd see (mm)
Healing but I'm dealing with some things, shit'll never stop
Just another Monday, burning indica with my bruh
See them lames, they rollin', smokin' mid, not me, Kid (yeah)
Never trip, I'll burn that clip then run it back, call Plain Pat
Haters crumble, I'm they enemy, crazy fucker, no, don't envy, get that, ooh
I'm the only nigga standin', no, no, this ain't Henny
End of the days, baptized in fire, ooh, I'll survive for many, dude
And now we found new ground
Phony like to come around, bitches wanna cuff me, wow
And I'm feelin' whole, who would've thought for me?
See, nobody knows, still this hell on me (yeah)
Catch me dip through town, mind racing, rev-rev-revvin' (yeah, yeah)
See, won't count me out, zoomin' while I count my blessings (ooh)
But something's off, I can feel it (yeah)
My angel's gone (shh), and I'm fuckin' loaded
Nah, man, no one could've saved me (mm)
I look around and see this shit made me (yeah)
They think they know me, I think not
Hey, see me, I control the plot (mm)
Healing but I'm living with some things, shit'll never stop
Yeah, caught in the moonlight
In the mirror, I used to hate what I'd see (mmm)
Healing but I'm dealing with some things, shit'll never stop
Yeah, yeah
Mmm, mmm
Yeah, yeah, mmm
Mmm, mmm
Nah-nah-nah-nah, nah-nah-nah
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bleach-your-panties · 5 months
My contribution to Thirsty Thursday💦 I present to you - my favs categorized by WAP lyrics!!
warnings: my opinion, explicit lyrics, explicit sexual language, MDNI, this is for brown ppl😂😂
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"Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge. Extra large and extra hard."
(onyankopon, TOJI, TOUSEN, RENJI, kenpachi, KENSEI, KIRISHIMA, OGUN, taiju)
"Put this pussy right in your face, swipe your nose like a credit card"
"Tie me up, like I'm surprised. Let's roleplay. I'll wear a disguise."
(IZURU, AIZEN, TAMAKI, yumichika, toshinori yagi (all might), AIZAWA, shinsou, LEVI)
"I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm bout to be. I'll run down on him before I have a nigga running me."
(EREN, ZEKE, sanzu, shion, TAIJU, KISAKI, HANMA, mucho)
"Talk yo shit, bite yo lip. Ask for a car while you ride that dick. You really ain't never gotta fuck him for a thang, he already made his mind up before he came."
(that rich mf from that one anime - idk his name but y'all know who i'm talking about, BYAKUYA, GOJO, NANAMI)
"He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet ass pussy."
(CHIFUYU, MIKEY, MITSUYA, draken, takemichi, KENMA, TSUKISHIMA, nishinoya, sugawara, tendou, BOKUTO, KUROO)
"Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy. Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet ass pussy."
"Look I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroker-"
"I need a Henny drinker, I need a weed smoker-
(WAKASA, RAN, CONNIE, onyankopon)
"Not a garter snake, I need a king cobra. With a hook in it, hope it lean over."
"He got some money, then that's where I'm headed, pussy A1, just like his credit"
"He got a beard, well I'm trying to wet it"
(SHUNSUI, starrk, ISSHIN, principal yaga)
"I let him taste it, now he diabetic."
"I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp. I wanna gag, I wanna choke. I want you to touch that little dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat."
"Y'all know I'm a freak bitch - handcuffs, leashes. Switch my wig, make him feel like he's cheating."
"Put him on his knees, give him something to believe in."
"I never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating."
(TOJI, CHAD (sado yasutora))
"If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder."
"If it don't hang, then he can't bang. You can't hurt my feelings but I like pain."
"If he fuck me and ask 'who's is it?', when I ride the dick, Imma spell my name. Ah )
(BAKUGOU, HAWKS, DABI, mr. compress, SHOTO, EREN, megumi, toge, TSUKISHIMA)
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ozwaldmandus · 5 months
i was not born, i was made in a lab to single-handedly reduce the world's supply of henny bud and percs to ZERO. my condition got me itching for a milf to suck. i'll slurp the silicone out a bitch's fake tits like i was inhaling stim video slime through a garden hose. this shit aint NOTHIN to me man. i don't give a fuck if my loud has stems and seeds, i'll straight smoke the dirt it grew on. you invite me to the Function and i'll make that shit mathematically irrational. the zip-22 got the opps squirtin skid marks down the road they run out on. i got so many bitches after me i gotta change my name once a week to keep em off my dick. opps asked for a charitable donation, i beat em to death with a suitcase full of more money than you'll ever see in your life. i've been grinding since before christ was born. this shit aint NOTHIN to me man. I'm sick in the head. im smokin shit granted to me from an entity bearing Mitch McConnel's voice emanating from a storm drain. my diet nothing but bong water, pussy juice, and them proscuttio folds. i'll FUCKIN KILL YOU
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they-callme-ami · 2 years
My white followers, respectfully scroll by this. My black followers, especially @melaninnntae , watch me get on my bs at 3:06 am.
Are you telling me, these three are voiced by black men--all of which seem to have no* black features at all, ESPECIALLY Teppei**--
*(Kagami just light skin y'all, but I'm tryna make a point.)
**(which is shocking cause I couldn't tell, but makes me love him more.)
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But DAIKI?!?
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DAIKI "The only one who can beat me is me" AOMINE--IS VOICED BY BENJAMIN DISKIN?!
No hate to Diskin, but that is a
That is a 🦵🏾🌱. That is a man who likes his Mac n cheese BAKED. That is a man who drinks HENNY.
Ain't no way. I didn't even look up his English VA cause I just KNEW if Zeno Robinson voiced Kagami, they gotta have another black VA for Aomine right??
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pjisskullourful · 1 year
hi! love your works :)
vic and reader showing admiration and love to each other in a lazy morning until things go a little more.. scissory
heyy thanks henny
i gotta tell ya, my first thought was: ugh morning breath
but then i was like: beginning parts of a relationship where you’re in crazy love& you are besotted& feel like you’re in a fantasy. & then the episode of friends that came on tv kinda backed this kind of thinking up
& then i was like: vics morning bed selfies...
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& then i was ON BOARD sis!
imagining spending the night at her place, mostly hanging out in bed. you’re ready to go to sleep, but a new game that shes into has come out& she wants to play ‘just a little bit more’ on her switch before she goes to sleep too. you cuddle up to her& watch her playing til you fall asleep
waking up the next morning, tangle of limbs, making fun of her for being a nerd& staying up so late to play a video game. she wants to stay asleep& you consider letting her do this. but then you’re captivated by her& the lust swells up& you’re playing with her hair& kissing her on the cheeks& caressing down her body& she starts smiling& opening her eyes more& bada bing bada boom: shes awake& feeling(to use your word) scissory
& then afterwards she gets up& makes you pancakes for breakfast, wearing only lacy lingerie
etc etc etc maybe that could be a fic 🤷‍♀️
anyway: everyone should send in their fav vic bed selfies for ahem research purposes
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
We bath in the insanity and flames:
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Inspired by @dragoneyes618 and her ao3 story 'Nightmares' and her ao3 series 'De Vil' child but with a few tweaks. Go check out their blog and. Carlotta belongs to her.
Trigger warning; murder, child murder, spousal murder, animal murder, child abuse, Arson, and a teenager experiencing a serve mental breakdown.
Harry Badun stood in front of an almost empty HellHall, shoulders shaking as he watched the flames slowly begin to swallow it up. Beezlebub the cat sitting atop of boxes of sentimental items beside him. Matches in hand.
He heard hurried footsteps behind him and 5 pairs of feet skidding to a stop followed by a mix of gasps.
He felt hands on his shoulders, yanking him around and found himself face to face with his giant of a cousin, Jace.
Jace, a giant of a young man with curly brown-- nearly black hair-- and nearly black eyes, who looked very freaked out.
"Harry, what have you done?"
The smaller teen let out a small wheeze.
And then a chuckle.
And then he began to cackle, letting out a Joker like laugh as silent tears ran down his cheeks.
Yzla grabbed Beezlebub and held her to her chest, eyes darting to the fire.
Reza grabbed a couple of the boxes and Hermie grabbed the others.
"What are you guys doing?" Jace asked, tearing his eyes away from his laughing cousin. Still very much panicking.
"Dude, grab Harry and run first. Questions later" Eddie said staring at the flames, surprisingly calm. Much calmer than any of them had any right to be at the moment.
"No buts!" Reza snapped "we gotta go!"
"What about Diego and the others?! They're in there!" Jace protested.
"No they're not" Hermie spoke up quietly, not looking at him.
"What?" Jace felt like his head was spinning. As if the world had been flipped upside down. He couldn't understanding what was going on.
First Harry had seemingly lost his mind and now his friends were all freakish calm about it. What the heck was going on?
"They aren't in there. As soon as the bodies were found, Diego informed the others and he, Hunter, and Ivy moved out. The only ones in there are your dad, his dad, and Cruella" Hermie informed emotionlessly. "Now let's go."
Eddie stormed over and grabbed him by his collar. "Jace, do you want your cousin to die?"
Jace jerked back as if he'd been slapped.
"What? Of course not!"
"Then fricking move it!"
Harry's insane laughter didn't flatter as they ran to Eddie's house, though it could be because he himself wasn't actually doing any running. No, he left that all to Jace who had dragged them all the way there as lights flickered on all over the isle.
His friends didn't know what to do as the young detective continued to alternate between laughing and crying madly. They hadn't expected this when they went to find him.
They never expected their strong-willed leader to break.
Though who could blame him after what they had found the day before?
Twenty-six human bodies and over a hundred animal ones had been found under the catacombs of HellHall.
Two toddlers. Three babies. Seven children. Eight women. Two men.
And the worst part was that Harry, Jace, and the isle residing three de vil cousins could identify each and every one of them.
Carlotta de Vil, daughter of Jean Pierre le Pelt and Cruella de Vil.
Baby C. De vil, the daughter of Cruella and Jean Pierre le Pelt.
Henrick Badun, the son of Hoarce Badun.
Harley and Mabel Badun, the daughters of Hoarce Badun.
James and Joseph Badun, the sons of Jasper Badun.
Jacqueline' Badun, the son of Jasper Badun.
Horace's four wives.
Jasper's four wives, including Jace's mother.
Harry's half siblings, Hartley and Harper.
Harry's two step siblings, Henny and Heidi.
Jasper's half sister, Jodie, and his three half siblings, Johnny, Judy, and Josephine.
Jean Pierre le Pelt, Baby C and little Carlotta's dad.
And... James Charming, Carlos' dad.
Harry had taken it upon himself to draw each and every one of them, and dig up the pictures of them for their files as the rest of them relocated the bodoes
And after staring at the dead's faces for nearly 40 hours, he couldn't take it anymore.
Cruella had to pay and his dad and uncle did too for allowing it to go on and if he didn't do it, no one would.
And that's when the matches caught his eye and the idea sparked in his mind.
What a suiting way for a devil to go out?
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Thinking about what you said about how liking something problematic doesn't make you a bad person, but you gotta acknowledge the problematics aspects of it.
I remember arguing with a Gone with the Wind fan who insisted the book and movie weren't racist, even though black people protested it back in the day. She said there was NOTHING racist about it, even though the omniscient narrator talked about how slavery was good, calling the KKK good and heroes..she shut up after I showed every racist passage.
I have more problems with the character of Henny than with everything else and so on. reading Audrina said she was pro confederacy was also a bigger squick than the rest of the book. Also, Audrina is Def my favourite book.
Ahhh yeah some people get so defensive, maybe because they dont want to take a hard look at their own beliefs, afraid of what they’ll find. Ive never seen gone with the wind but i feel inclined to believe someone when they tell me something is hurtful to them, denying it doesnt help anyone.
I think if you love something it can be respectful to that thing to acknowledge the ways it has aged poorly- or maybe was in poor taste all along. Sort of like the way you would tell a friend if they were making a mistake or acting out of pocket. You dont have to denounce it and pretend you never loved it at all
100% agree, Henny’s characterization had me uncomfortable and its a real shame 💀
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