#and i had to survive this turn to get even a CHANCE at reviving him you see
wpmz · 4 months
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yes i died after this no i dont want to talk about it
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they weren’t the first| finnick odair
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anyone else random get thrown onto hunger games tik tok? 
summary| after the jabberjays it’s revealed that peeta and katniss weren’t the first pair to make it out of an arena alive part 2
“whose y/n?”
Johanna couldn’t help but chuckle at Katniss’s question. When the jabberjays attacked Katniss ran after what she thought was Prim, meanwhile Finnick ran after an unknown voice that he called Y/N.
Everyone's attention gets turned to Johanna in that moment, as she stared out at Finnick sat in the sand where the waves reached him. Beetee looked at her as if he already knew the story of the mysterious Y/N, while Katniss and Peeta sat waiting to be told the lore.
“She was the female tribute in the 65th hunger games.” “Finnick tried protecting her in the games, she was only 13 at the time.” Beetee continued to clarify once Johanna stopped talking. Katniss and Peeta looks at each other in confusion. “You didn’t think you two were the first did you?” Johanna’s question confused the pair even more.
“Both Finnick and Y/N survived? I feel like we’d know of her then.” Peeta questioned. “No no Peeta, she means the first to fall in love in the games.” Katniss gasped, sudden sadness washed over her. Finnick didn’t deserve to lose someone he loved. At the silence that took hold, Beetee spoke up feeling the need to explain Y/N to the unknowing.
“I was Y/N mentor, as I said she was only 13 when she was reaped... the youngest in the arena. She didn’t have any hopes of winning those games, but she wasn’t going to give up easily. She ran and hid for the beginning of the games, in a tree much like you Katniss. Finnick was killing tributes so fast I knew it was only a matter of time until he found her, but when he did he didn’t kill her-”
“How was I supposed to do that?”
Finnick’s voice startled everyone, looking up he stood and joined the group in retelling the story of Y/N.
“Y/N was too young, she had no chance of survival with the tributes that we had. She never trained, she knew the method of hiding she was going to use and she did it.”
“How- How did she die?” Peeta almost didn’t ask, but it was something he wanted to know, needed to know.
Finnick sighed, his head dropping at the memory of it, “Once she knew we were the only 2 left, she- she ran off and jumped off this-this waterfall, she couldn’t swim. She drowned. I tried to save her, but.”
Finnick stopped, he couldn’t bring himself to continue the story, “she made me promise her that when she had to die to make it painless but I couldn’t do it, she killed herself in one of the most painful ways.” “Drowning.”
“You went after her Finnick, you tried to save her.” Beetee tries to comfort the boy, but Johanna wasn’t having it, “And what Beetee, he revived her and then what? He’d just have to kill her anyways or kill himself. Who's to say she wouldn’t have killed him?-”
“Y/N wouldn’t have kill me, Johanna you know that!” Finnick snapped before retreating into himself. “I could’ve sworn- I felt her move.” He started as if he was questioning his memory but the sentence ended as a certain statement. They all looked at each other with sadness in their eyes. They and Finnick all know that if he was right, and Y/N was alive when they were taken from the arena, she was long gone by now. The Capital wouldn’t let 2 victors leave the arena.
“I felt her move. When we got taken from the arena. She moved.”
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the-raven-lady · 2 months
a gift for @men-want-me-fish-fear-me !! it told me about its mpreg AU and got me thinking about the complications that would have for someone like Konrad
this one's a bit heavy on body image issues so please be in a good state of mind for this!!
please read the warnings!!
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Character: Konrad Curze
Song Inspiration: Real Men - Mitski [YouTube] [Spotify] "Real men don't need other people / And real men suck it in / Real men don't flinch or bleed in public / Oh, I think I'm a real man."
Warnings: mpreg, pregnancy symptoms, self image issues, self-inflicted gore, lamenting dark realities, implication of potential non-con, mentions of infanticide
Word Count: 643
Konrad groaned as the weight shift nearly threw him off balance and crashing into the stones below. Had the nausea not been enough? Blackened nails and coarse fingertips drag over the sensitive flesh of his aching abdomen, the skin taut against the growing life beneath. The Night Haunter loathed his natural urges. Being bound to a biological clock beyond his control was one of the many gifts of his father that he would rather have ripped out long ago.
As if he hadn’t already tried. 
It was easy enough for him to sink his clawed finger tips deep into the putrid skin of his belly. The iron tang of blood spilled had only served to spur him on, ripping and tearing and pulling as the offending organ until it was nothing but fleshy pink viscera on the floor. How miserable it had been when it had not even taken a week for the gland to revive itself. The regenerative nature of primarch biology seemed to leave him no choice in the matter.
Righting himself on his perch, Konrad elected to take a break from his prowling to calm the waves of nausea washing over him. He would never get used to it. A zing of electricity shot up from his tailbone when he sat against the stone ledge, drawing a gasp from him, then several curses. He gently rubs the base of his spine to soothe the ache.
Konrad felt delicate. Every little action that he would normally perform without effort could prove to be too much on his pregnant body. Perhaps he would be fine with it if he chose when the urges to breed took him, but his genealogy couldn’t even grant him that. Throne save the next helpless serf that wandered in his path when it kicked in, for Konrad knew their chances of survival were slim at best. This was a part of his father’s great vision? Bouncing on the cock of passers-by then birthing sons into a legion of murders and scum? It infuriated the primarch to no end. His only saving grace was that he never seemed to inflate to the size of his expecting brothers, remaining more gaunt and lithe.
Perhaps if he were Guilliman or Fulgrim, he could try to find an ounce of pride in bringing a new life into the world. Maybe then, he would see a purpose to all of the lost meals, cramping, and searing pain of the birthing process. Maybe then he wouldn’t hate the changes to his body, losing the ability to bend and contort as he wished. Maybe then he would want to hold the boys as they came out and coo at them as his brothers did.
His legion would never be grateful for the effort he put in for them. He would spare all of his blood children the mercy of ever having to integrate into the Night Lords with a quick snap to the neck if they weren’t always taken from him so quickly. Darling of his brothers to chain him down each and every time he neared emergence after they discovered the fates of the first several cycles. Fulgrim had been mortified hearing about how Konrad had disposed of the newborns like waste.
The Imperial Palace was always quiet at this time of night, nobles and Astartes alike turning in by this hour. Only Custodians remained, silent watchers they were (at least they could mind their own business), and his brothers would rarely come to check in on him. Konrad let out a weary sigh and tucked his legs the best he could against his swollen belly, protecting the fetus within. Emotions threatened to boil over in his chest, and Konrad Curze had to choke back a tired sob.
Things would be much easier if he didn’t still love each of his sons anyway.
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onskepa · 16 days
Hello hello hellooo! I got a request for a fic. Its an atwow and across the spiderverse crossover.
So what if one the radioactive spiders ended up in one the labs in Hells gate, and Spider gets bitten by it. He starts acting weird cause he hides these new changes from everyone, he doesnt know how to even begin to talk about it. ( the bite also makes him able to breathe pandora air)
Then  Miguel sees something is wrong and sends Miles to check it out since he is an anomaly "you're not right but I got a job for mistakes like you" and Gwen tags along cause she wants to
ask you shall recieve!
P.S: cover made by meeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!
Planet 2154
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“Alright my little darlings, lets see how well you can handle the new world” a young and ambitious scientist to his mass collection of spiders. Rare and many nearly endangered species of spiders. The young man was given a once in a lifetime opportunity. 
He was given a mission to see how small creatures can adapt to the planet called pandora. See how they can develop and grow. His precious spiders are all he has of the damned world. To be given such an opportunity was something he simply could not pass. 
Too bad he was unfortunately in the middle of a war that took his life in pandora. Leaving behind his unfinished work. His spiders? All gone. Well, almost all of them. One survived. Thrived in the new world. 
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“Junk, junk, junk here, junk there, what's that over there? Junk, what are we looking at? Junk, oh see that? JUNK!” maxed shouted the last part, clearly at his wits end of having to do more clearing out. He and other remaining humans were clearing out what was left of hellsgate. Looking for anything salvageable to reuse, fix, or make something out of. Anything else is considered junk which can be used as a burning fuel. 
It has been days and they have reached the last few sections. 
One of the rooms was opened and Norman walked in, instantly recognizing it was a specific lab. 
“Hey I remember this place” he says while looking at some old, dusty files. “Yeah, this belonged to that insect guy”. 
“The weirdo who had a thing for spiders?” Max asked. They remember the odd young man. Tasked with an interesting mission but to die in a fight he wanted nothing to be part of. 
“Yeah but he wasn't hurting anyone, just an oddball. Too bad he is gone” norm said as he observes the old spider cages. Many broken, some spiders are now old skeletons. It really saddened me. The young lad had a chance to revive dying species and now it is sad to know and see, spiders are now gone for good. Both on Earth and pandora. 
As they looked around and loud crash was hard. Norm quickly turned around to see Max moving away from a pile of now more broken cages. Norm sighs and gives his friend a disapproving look, “you are cleaning that up”. 
Max curses silently. 
However, unknowest to them, when the cages broke, one little creature of 8 legs crawled out. It was alive, and it was free. 
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“Come on! Last one to get there is a shit head!” lo’ak shouts out as he makes a run towards a desired destination. Kiri, tuk and spider were running while giggling. The wind hitting their faces, fresh crisp air, the energy flowing through them Another fantastic day for another fantastic adventure.  
Spider did his best to catch up, he is human after all. Running at full speed to beat his best friend. Last time he lost, spider was forced to carry baskets either full of fruits or other heavy materials. No way was he going to do that again. 
So he tries to run as fast as he can before-
“YEAH!! I WIN AGAIN!” lo’ak cheers as they reach their destination. 
Spider pants heavily, catching his breath. Sitting down in a soft moss, letting his feet rest. 
“No fair! You had a head start!” tuk accuses her brother. 
“No I didnt, I just reacted faster than all of you” lo’ak defended himself. 
Spider chuckled to himself, laying down enjoying the breeze. 
“Sleeping already monkey boy?” kiri teases as she bends down, smiling at him. Using her tail to tickle his side. 
“Hey! Can't help but enjoy the sky, you know. Pretty good stuff” spider says. 
Kiri rolls her eyes and goes off to do something else nearby. 
It was good for a few minutes until a sharp piercing pain was felt on his shoulder. 
“OW!” he shrieks. Quickly slamming whatever was causing the pain. 
Kiri heard him and was quick to be at his side. 
“Hey, you ok?” she asks concerningly. 
“Something bit me. Damn I felt that” spider grunts as he rubs off the pain. Looking around for the biter. 
“What is that…?” kiri asks, pointing at a small little creature. Dead by spider’s brute force. 
“I dont know, never seen anything like it” spider replies. Grabbing a small leave near a plant, he carefully wraps it around the dead thing. 
“Gonna show it to norm later, maybe he might know what it is?” spider suggests. 
“What if it was poisonous?” tuk asks. 
Kiri quickly inspects the spot, “its a bit red, might be swollen from the bite. If you feel anything funny, we head straight back to base” 
Spider nods in agreement. Though it was such a tiny thing, highly doubtful it can affect him in any weird way. 
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After a long day of running and doing other stuff, spider returned to the base feeling well exhausted. Its nice to use all that pent up energy in good exercising ways. Though spider wishes he had enough energy and strength like the na’vi, who are capable of more stuff. 
But that is merely wishfull thinking. 
After his shower, spider inspects the area where the weird thing bit him. 
The redness is gone and so far nothing has happened in his body. 
“Should I tell them…” Spider asks himself, he still has the little creature. 
“Maybe not, was probably harmless” spider shrugs it off and heads off to bed. Already thinking of tomorrow’s adventure. Tuk said she found a good spot to fish, they all plan to head there. Maybe go for a swim. Who knows. 
So spider closes his eyes, and lets sleep take over.
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Earth 1610
“Ok the black laces go on that one….so what shoe do you go to?” Miles Morales asks to the simple red single shoe lace. 
He was in the midst of reorganizing his closet, only to make a bigger mess and find lost and uneven pairs of everything. Like the laces that goes on his shoes. He paired them all with their rightful shoe place, but found one single red shoe lace. Other red laces were already in his shoes. And no other shoes are missing. 
“Yeah I'm gonna deal with it later” he mutters as he shoves the lace in his pocket. 
“MIJO!! Your friend is here!” his mother calls out to him. 
“COMING!!” he shouts back. 
Quickly shoving the last remaining stuff into his closet to make it seem he did finish cleaning. While shoving whatever else is needed in his backpack. Checking one last time that he has everything, he rushes out to the kitchen. 
“Mnn!! This is so good Misses Morales” gwen stacy happily compliments. Rio smiles proudly as she feeds this young skinny girl. 
“There is more where that came from” Rio says as she readies a plate for the girl. 
“Sorry ma, but we gotta go” miles intervenes as he starts to shove gwen towards the door. Rio slightly frowned. 
“Mijo, you didnt even eat breakfast, at least take a bit” she pleads. 
“Yeah miles? Come on, it would be a bit rude to just leave, don't you think? I like to be honest "Gwen sides with rio. Checking the time, mile sighs in defeat. 
“Ok, ok, just a bit”
1 and 35 minutes later 
“I cannot take another bite….” gwen huffs at she pats her stomach, 
“Me neither…” Miles agrees. 
Suddenly, at the same time their watches rang at the same time. Miles clicks on his faster. A hologram of lyla appeared. 
“You two better come up with a good excuse for being so late. A heads up, Miguel is already extra mad. Good luck!” was all she said before ending the call. Miles and Gwen shared a look of horror. 
“Hey ma? Can we take some more for the road?”
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Spider HQ 
“Haven't seen the big man so red before” Hobie was the first person miles and Gwen saw when arriving at HQ. Smirking while fist bumps the two. Miles released a nervous laughter while Gwen just looked like a nervous wreck. 
“We tried to leave on time but you see my ma, she made food and we couldn't leave, by the way you want some?” Miles offered the tupperware to hobie who gladly accepted the free food. 
“Let me guess, you brought some as a peace offering to the big man? That didn't work out well the first time, "Hobie reminded miles. 
“Yeah but it's gonna work this time. Gwen tried it out and she liked it!” 
“It might work” Gwen gave her response. Though secretly she wishes she had more to take home. It was so good. 
Lyla appeared again in the watches, “great you two are here. Miguel is still waiting for you guys, try to be on his good side” and disperses once again. 
“When does he have a good side?” miles questions. 
Hobie gave him a pat on the back, “I leave you to it. Let me know if anything good comes out of it” and leave them to go into the lion's cave. 
As dark as it can ever be, Miles and Gwen enter Miguel's office [cave?] where he stood there menacingly while staring at some holographic charts. 
“About damn time you two show up. Do you have any idea how much time was wasted waiting on you two? I better hear a good excuse from your mouths or else it is toon dimensions for a week! Miguel shouts, his eyes bright red and claws out just ready to slick anything to relieve a growing headache caused by the two unruly teens in his eyes. 
Miles quickly takes out a tupperware, “my mom made dinner and she insisted we ate before we left. You know how latin mothers are. Anyways, she made Ajiaco with croquetas on the side. It's very good” he says rather quickly. Gwen nodded to confirm. 
Miguel shoots out his web to grab the tupperware, opens it try a bit. 
“Fine, excuse accepted” 
Miles and Gwen took a long sigh of relief. 
“Anyways, what is the mission for us today?” Miles asks. Ready to start his work. 
“Lyla, show them” Miguel says as he continues to eat. 
Lyla appears before the teens, “when you have a mission in Earth V98, a variation of you is about to have a canon event within 3 days time. Your job is to make sure it happens with no interruption” 
“Alright, easy enough,” gwen shrugs. 
“Miles, you have a special case on your hands” lyla turns to miles. 
“Alright, feeling good about this” he grins. 
“Couple hours ago we received a signal that a dimension with no known records or even a name, that a canon event happened” 
Lyla pulls up some one hologram file with many blanked out parts. On the top where the name of the Earth is, it was glitching. 
“Something 2154??” miles read. 
“Shouldn't it say Earth 2154?” gwen asks. 
“That's the interesting part” lyla smirks as she expands the file. 
“Miguel thinks that a canon event happened on a completely different planet. One that is not an earth variation. This has never happened before. Already this is under the ‘anomaly case’ and it needs to be investigated immediately” 
“Oh, it seems interesting. Though, why me?” Miles asks as he turns to miguel. 
“You are an anomaly yourself. A mistake, and so is this new planet already in the system, I believe its a perfect job for you "Miguel responds as he finishes the food. 
“Wow, thanks” Miles replies with a deadpan expression. 
“Your welcome, now, you are to leave as soon as possible. Prepare whatever and often report to me. We don't know what kind of planet that is or the new spider person” miguel informs. 
“Cool, give me an hour and I'm off” Miles shrugs. 
“Hey im going with you” gwen touches his shoulders, smiles for a new adventure. 
“I don't think so girl, you have your own mission remember?” lyla reminds her. 
“You said in three days. We can finish this before that canon event. Besides, it does seem much and I think he could you a little help” 
“Fine, just hurry up and leave” Miguel sways his hand, wanting them gone already. Gwen and Miles do so happily as they start to pack their needed equipment. 
“Another spider man anomaly, kinda excited for this” Miles says as he walks with a slight bounce. 
Gwen shakes her head a bit, “we do have to be careful, this is on a whole unknown planet. Not an earth. I think we need some more back up” she suggests. Miles quickly waves his hand. 
“No no, I wanna prove I got this. That we got this, alright? C’mon, I'm sure this new spider person might be going through the same thing as we all did” 
Gwen raises an eyebrow, “and that is….?”
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Cold sweat, stick hands and feet, very loud thoughts, heart racing like a loud drum, anxiety and fear building up. 
Spider was standing upside down from the ceiling of his room. How did he even get up there? He woke up feeling very odd, feeling like he might have a cold or something. But no, this is much worse. His hands felt so sticky, clinging onto his clothes and walls like some tough clue. This can't be puberty, he already went through that a long while ago. So what is this? Spider was sure he didn't eat anything bad that could affect this. 
“Ok…ok….one step at a time” spider whispers to himself as he slowly takes his time to walk down from the ceiling. 
He needs to get out at some point, Norm or max will start to worry and might get into his room. Maybe visit mo'at to see if she can help him. So quickly he gets dressed with just his loincloth and other items, he does it so fast that he makes a run for it towards the exit of the lab. 
“Spider wait!!” he hears norm shout. 
“I WILL EAT AT THE VILLAGE!!” spider shouts back as he makes it out. Still running and not stopping until he reaches the edge of the village, catching his breath. Rubbing his rose and under his eyes to wipe off the tiny beads of sweat. 
Wait, his nose? 
Touching his face spider immediately realized something. 
He isnt wearing his mask, and he is breathing in the air. He is breathing pandorian air! 
Just what is exactly going on? 
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Woa…..” miles and gwen say in unison. 
They arrived at the unknown dimension, landing in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic place. Tall buildings covered in trees, plants, metals now rustic, vines covering what used to look like roads. 
“They sure this isn't an Earth variation…? Cause….kinda looks like Earth….did a zombie breakout happen?” miles questions as he observes everything. 
“I never see plants like these in any Earth variation…” gwen replies as she bends down to observe a very odd yet beautiful flower. 
“Signal is kinda weak. Gonna be tricky to report to miguel or lyla calling in” miles says as he taps on his watch. 
Standing up, gwen goes back to miles, “we better lie low. We better not catch any attention if there are humans or other life forms” 
Nodding, miles and gwen put on their masks and hoods. Shooting out their webs they start to swing away. Taking in the whole sight of whatever the area was. 
“Kinda reminds me of that one game I play, ‘The Few of Us’. Its like a zombie based game but man those zombies were terrifying! They made this weird noise that makes you want to-” 
“MILES HIDE!!” Gwen shouts. 
Miles turns to see a very large, terrifying winged creature coming straight at him. 
Quickly he swings the other way, trying to get out of that things view. 
“WHAT IS THAT THING!?” he shouts. Going zig zag at the tall buildings. Gwen shoots her webs at the wings but it was flying too fast, the wind was making it worse. It weighs like a ton  against her chest. Making her web rip. 
The creature roared out. Making sharp turns and following miles really closely behind. He makes a high flip and lands on top of a dome like building, quickly turning himself invisible. The creature landed right beside him, roaring out in anger. 
Miles stood still, trying to calm his breathing. 
The creature leaned down to look around in detail. This gave a close up of the creature. It had 4 eyes, two on each side, its skin was mixed of blues and black. Having very large wings with razor claws. Its sharp teeth, sharper than any creature miles has seen. Truly terrifying. 
After moments, the thing gave up and flew away. 
Miles released his breath, falling down on his knees. That was so close. 
“MILES!” gwen lands in front of him, checking for any injures on her friend. 
“Just what the hell was that?!” she asks. 
“Hell if I know…but lyla was right……this aint earth. No earth of any type would have a thing like that in their world..” miles says in between panting breathes. 
“So…where are we…?” gwen asks. 
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“This is so groooooooooooss!!” 
Spider felt disgusted shivers all over his body. 
He just wanted fruit, ok? He was reaching for a good banana fruit but it was too high. He wanted it really badly, so in a thrust of his arm, something came out. It was white but also transparent, and very sticky. 
It came out of his wrist. 
“What the hell is this?!” spider asks himself. 
He kept shooting more of the sticky stuff around trees and plants. The more he did it, the more gross and disgusted it was. 
He can't show this to his friends. What will they think of this? Norm and Max will want to check it out no doubt, though they might give him answers. Them being the nerdy and curious scientists they are, will want to experiment. That is something spider does not want. 
No, this is something spider has to figure out on his own. 
Could this be a gift from Eywa? Has she blessed him with something? Breathing the air without the mask is amazing, but did not expect to come with more stuff. 
Kiri might help but spider is scared she will be freaked out. 
So spider keeps on shooting, practicing his angles while figuring out just what to make of this new found ability. No na’vi has this. Not even the dreamwalkers. Maybe this is something only spider has? He isn't sure. 
“Only one way to find out” spider says to himself as he begins to cover the area with the weird stuff.
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“Ok, I think we can agree we are on an alien planet,” Miles says. 
“So alien” Gwen says while having a traumatized look in her eyes. 
Miles wandered around the large forest area. Having seen creatures that can only come out of the minds of  mad people. Large beasts, creepy looking insects, plants they have never seen before. This is more weird than anything they have ever encountered. 
“How the hell are we even going to find a spider person around here?” miles ask while climbing over a big tree root. 
“Is the spider person even human….” gwen whispers. 
“Are those webs…?” 
Gwen catches up to miles to see what he is seeing. 
There in front of them were large spider webs, plants and the ground covered in it. 
“We are getting close…” 
Before anymore can be said, their legs were lifted up high in the ground, making them hang upside down. More webs were wrapping them together, back to back. 
“Woa woa woa! Hey!! We arent gonna hurt you!!” Gwen shouts. 
“Mask! Mask!” Miles tried to take his off but his hands were tied. 
“Who are you?” a voice was heard. A figure landed before them. 
Gwen and miles looked to see who it was. A tall muscular young man with dreads and wearing nothing but a loin cloth was standing before them. The stood stared silently. Their spider senses were going wild again, telling them that the person in front of them was the other spider variant. 
“Who are you!?” the person asks again. 
“I-im miles! This is my friend Gwen, "Miles replies quickly. 
“Why do you look like that?” the stranger points at their faces. 
“These are our masks! We didn't want to re-” 
Without saying much, the stranger took off their masks. Revealing their real faces. 
“....you can breathe without the oxygen masks?” the stranger asks. 
“What?” Gwen and Miles ask at the same time. 
“No, look, this is gonna sound weird but we came to look for the spider variant. Im guess that is you” trying to get on to the main subject, miles chooses his words carefully. 
“We came from another world looking for you. Can you please let us go?” he pleads. 
The stranger crosses his arms, not impressed. 
“Why should I trust you?” he asks. 
“We can do the same thing, look” miles shoots webs near the strangers feet, gwen doing the same. 
“See? We have the same ability” 
“Well, almost all the same” gwen adds. 
“Can you let us go? We came just for you” miles says. 
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“Ok clearly we started off on the wrong foot. How about a redo, yeah?” Miles suggests as he rubs his wrists from being freed. The stranger agrees. 
“Alright, for starters, what is your name?” he asks. 
“Spider,” the stranger replies. Miles shook his head. 
“No, like your real name. Im miles” 
“Miles,” Spider says. 
“Yeah see? So, your name?” miles goes on. 
“Miles” the stranger replies. This kinda irked miles. 
“No, your real name” he pushes. 
“Miles” the stranger says as if the was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Boy are you a parrot? I said your re-” 
“Miles, I think that is his real name” Gwen intervenes. Miles looks at her, then at the new guy. 
“Your name is….miles?” he asks. 
“That's what i'm saying” the stranger says while raising his shoulders a bit. 
“You have a nickname or something?” Gwen asks. 
“Spider” the stranger replies. 
“Yeah that's not helping….” 
“I'm told I am also a ‘half Latino’...?” the stranger says. 
“That's worse” miles says while rubbing his forehead. 
“Miles, I think he is a variation of you” Gwen teases. This seemed to horrify him. 
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Spider was a bit conflicted. He hasn't seen these people anywhere, telling him they are from different dimensions? Is that even possible? On top of that, they know exactly what is going on with him? This day really is stranger all over. 
“Ok….um…spider, can you tell us where we are exactly?” the blonde girl, gwen was her name, asked. 
“You came here, shouldn't you know?” spider asks back. 
“We should but this is not earth, so it's not so easily readable and no records are kept. If you can tell us, we can write down what you know "Gwen reasons. 
“No” spider said. 
This came as a surprise to Miles and gwen. 
“What? Why?” Miles asks, not liking the answer they were given. 
“You are humans, how can I trust you that you won't use the information for terrible things? This place and the people have been through enough” spider was getting slightly angry at the moment. Despite being similar age, spider can't risk trusting these strangers. Eywa forbid they do something terrible. 
“We promise, we just need enough so it can be put in our records files. It is where we store all information of all dimensions and the different earths there are. Your world is a special case spider. And so are you "Gwen tries to make peace and she can tell tensions will rise soon. 
“Special?” spider repeats. 
“Yes, special, like us. You went through what is called a canon event. A very important moment where all spider people go through” miles adds. 
“You're losing me, what the hell is a canon event? Spider person?” Spider couldn't process what they were telling him. Is any of it true or just utter bullshit? 
“Maybe we should try another method,” Miles suggested. Nodding, Gwen and miles show their watches to him. 
“I am Miles Morales, and I come from Earth 1610, where I am….”
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It was so much to process, so many things to absorb. Spider man? Dimensions? Spider HQ? Canon events? Spider felt his head was going to explode. That was so much to process. On top of that, now he is part of this whole spiderverse? 
“So…..what now?” spider asks. 
“What now? Now you are the hero of this world, man” miles nudges spider’s shoulders. 
But spider shakes his head, “no, I can't be a hero. I'm only seen as a burden to everybody. They already have a hero in this world, and that is not me. I probably will mess up this whole thing” 
Gwen and Miles share a look, seeing spider this insecure touches a very familiar feeling to them both. Hearing these same words and understanding. They have been there. 
“No one is a burden spider, whoever says that, well screw them alright? If this world has a hero as you said, who said they can only have one? If anything, two is better” miles says, trying to uplift spider. 
“It's not that easy” 
Gwen leans a bit more, “its a big change. Trust me, it just happens. Waking up, feeling weird, not feeling like yourself. Finding out you can do things no one else can. It is a hard thing to accept, hell, we are still kids. But it is something that does happen. Sadly not a choice we can pick. But we are chosen for a reason. You were chosen for a reason” 
Spider looks down at the ground. Can he even be worthy of such power? Can he handle all the problems and situations that can occur? 
“Best part though, you are not alone. Yeah you might be the only spiderman in your world but not in the universe. Here, with this, you can contact us” miles puts a high tech watch on spider’s wrist. 
“I thought I was alone in this, thankfully I'm not. I have Gwen, and other friends. You have us too” 
“There is a saying that we spider people follow,” gwen smirks. 
“With great power comes great responsibility” she and miles say in unison. 
 Spider chuckles at that, responsibility. Oh he knows that very well. 
“Hey, about how about we make a little deal?” miles offered. 
“We help you with the basics on controlling your new powers, and you give us a detour of this place. Sounds good?” 
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Miles and Gwen were in such awe of this place. Pandora as spider said, was so astounding, something straight out of an alien movie! Well, it is an alien planet. 
The creatures were so beautiful yet terrifying. Spider explained the creature that chased them is called an ikran. Majestic things. Yeh nightmare fuel. Actually, that is almost all of the creatures in pandora. Beautiful yet scary looking. For miles though, he took a lot of pictures so that he can draw them later. 
“Let me take you to the village! But we gotta hide so they won't see you” spider says as he happily shoots his webs and swings from tree to tree. He has gotten better in how to shoot his webs, still can't get over how freaky it is. But amazing nonetheless. He can do so much more now with his new found abilities. 
Following his moves, Gwen and miles land on a giant tree and begin to crawl around. Spider was really silent, making sure to hide in the shadows. Gesturing them to come closer, spider pushes some branches aside so they can see. 
“This is the Omatikiaya village, its where my friends live and I come to visit” he says. 
“Oh my god….” 
Moving around were large, tall blue people! They have tails, 4 fingers, all wearing simple clothing and everyone was doing something. 
“Woa….” was all could come out of Miles' mouth. 
“They are called na’vi. Very peaceful and amazing” spider says, enjoying his new friend's reactions. 
Gwen was carefully recording it all. 
“Spider, this is incredible. I cant believe what I'm seeing” gwen whispered, surprised she can form words with how speechless she is. 
“Can we go down there?” miles ask. 
“Spider scratches his head, “I wish I can say yes but the people arent so keen on meeting new humans. They tolerate me and a few others because we aid them and the chief is close friends with the other humans” 
“What about the other humans?” gwen asks. 
“Also not a good idea. They too are effy about meeting new people, they get suspicious very faster” spider replies. 
“Its a long, long long story” 
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Spider showed more until it was time for miles and gwen to go back to HQ. But not before doing something special for spider. 
“Every spiderman has their symbol, their identity. They may all seem similar but everyone has their own twist to it” miles says as he is careful with the blue paint. 
“We cant wait to see you again, and this time with more friends for you to meet” gwen adds as she paints spider’s back. 
Hearing all of this made spider really happy. While he hasn't seen the HQ, he looks forward to seeing other people like him one day. 
“I get the feeling you might get along with our good friend Pav, he is super funny but loves tea” Miles chuckles a bit as he finishes up. He puts his hand in his pocket to grab his phone but felt something else instead. Pulling it out, it was his red shoelace! 
“I completely forgot about you” 
Spider turns to see miles holding out a red tiny rope. 
“You had it this whole time?” gwen asks. 
“Yeah, I was cleaning my room and found it. Couldn't find any shoe missing this” 
Miles looks at the shoe lace and at spider. His dreads are really long, while he isn't one to advice a haircut, perhaps an alternative. 
“Here, let me try something” was all he said before gathering spider’s dreads. 
“Hey, what are you doing??” spider says while trying to shove miles away. 
“Hold still! Let me tie it!” 
After a few short seconds, miles backs away. 
“There we go, now the spider is in full view and your dreads won't get in the way when swinging” 
Spider touches the red lace tied around his dreads, it was like a weird low poney tail. Though miles was right, he can swing without the worry of his dreads hitting his face. 
“Thanks…” he said 
“Hey, dont think this will be the last time we see eachother. We will come back, I promise” miles fist bumps spider as gwen opens a portal. 
“You better…” spider pulls both miles and gwen for a tight hug. 
“Thanks…for everything” he whispers. 
Gwen and miles hug him back. 
“Next time, Imma bring some of my moms food, you are gonna love it” 
“I look forward to it” 
Pulling away, gwen and miles wave one last time before entering the portal as it disappears. Spider smiles in happiness of this new path that he welcomes.
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Spider’s pov 
Alright everyone, lets do this! 
My name is Spider Miles Socorro. Or just spider for short. I was born on my awesome home planet, Pandora. Panet 2154 in the files. I was bitten by a weird mutant spider. Woke up feeling weird and all of a sudden I have powers! It is super cool and fun. Now I can do so many things. I can be as free than I ever was. Even better, I can protect my home. Fight alongside my friends and the people who raised me. 
Now I may be new to this whole spider thing, and I am learning as I go, but I know I will use this newfound ability to its full potential. 
So, until the next issue, this is spider the blue monkey! Out! 
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH~!! I like how it turned out!! Both in story and my cover! I hope you all liked it cause I out it all in this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! Until next time! See ya!
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jsabtdfandtsoec · 2 months
I honestly have no idea if anyone will read this entire thing but. I was bored in school, then I suddenly think of JSAB, and uhhh, I basically just think of a story for a new JSAB au that I randomly think of, I'm surprised I still even remember this lol, so basically the story is like this, cyan is actually a reincarnation of a old hero from the past, the tree of life is just something that the old hero created, the tree have his energy, and also created a tiny piece of the tree who's whole purpose is when the hero died, and they got reincarnated, the piece would be the reincarnated hero's guide or mentor, in the lost chapter blixer had been sealed in a cave, and how blixer got sealed is when the hero and blixer had a intense fight with each other, with cause the hero to use all of their power to stop blixer and sealed him, but because of that, the hero died not only from his injuries but also because he had used all of his power, years later. Cyan, who's the reincarnation of the hero just got created by the tree ig, and with no memories or recollection of his former self or former memories, a while after cyan got created, they become curious about the strange cave where the hero had sealed blixer, the story pretty much goes exactly like in the lost chapter, and when blixer got free from his seal, when he noticed cyan, he recognized who cyan was, the hero who had sealed him but they strangely look a bit different from what he remembered(blixer didnt know taht the hero can reincarnated himself) and blixer wanting to kill cyan, but then was stopped by the crystal rubble, oh yeah btw I always had wondered why cube was in a jail cell in the lost chapter and I thought of this, what if cube was a friend and a comrade of the old hero but cube betrayed the hero at some point, making cube got jailed in that cave and cube feeling guilty and regretting their choice to betray the hero. Anyways, cyan gets out of the cave and with cube too of course, oh yeah, the tiny piece of the tree also appears in after cyan beat the levels and I think it would be cool if each time cyan collects it, the more cyan will remember his former forggoten memories and the more he got his old powers back, oh yeah I forgot to mention, blixer in this au is the creator and king of the corruption from the very start, anyways, now to the start of jsab, in my au, the start of jsab happened like a two years after that, and cyan had completely forgotten blixer, it basically goes as normal, and blixer's hand had turned into a gray flower, not corrupted nor pure color, just a lifeless color, the rest goes the exact same as the original jsab storyline, and when at the end when cyan died and cube having their treeangle ears, it glows, cube already knows what it means cause they had seen this before when they still working together with the hero, cube use the treeangles on cyan, and cyan turns to his T.I.O. form, the T.I.O is the hero's strongest form, and basically it goes the same like in the original jsab, but after everything turns back to normal, cyan finally fully got all of his former memories back, and then blixer revives himself, cyan still thinks blixer can redeem himself, and give him a second chance, and that's it. Oh yeah forgot to mention, the other hero characters are not reincarnated, because they had survived that incident after the hero who is cyan before reincarnating died after using all of his power to seal blixer, every after years after that, they still looked the same, and they know cyan is the reincarnation of their old friend, oh yeah heli and boat is also the old hero's friends too. And that's actually it So uhhh, do you like my jsab au story? It was a random ass idea I got from school because of how bored I was lmao.
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moonliched · 6 months
Hello pretty
I remember you talked about the bad ending of 3th chapter where Moon would successfully lure Meryn under the water ( rip, very sad alternative universe, glad we are in the other timeline) what would happen if Meryn didn't survive the first encounter with Sun? If they didn't retrieve their breather? Would Sun realise sooner than Moon? Would they drown? If they did would Sun even realise? What would he do? Would he hide it from Moon? Or swimed searching, for him terrified with what happened? How would Moon feel? Would he blame himself for keeping Meryn a secret? After all maybe if he told Sun about them, that they are different, can't breathe like them, that wouldn't happen. What would Bon-Bon feel? I think it would hit him hard, not only his only friend is gone, but their last conversation was an argument. It really hit me how badly for everyone it could end if Meryn wasn't sneaky and smart.
Sorry for angst lol just curious after I read about Moon really drowning reader
Good thing they both know now <3
Also can Meryn digest more things than normal human can? Are they more resistant to food poisoning? Like could they eat raw meat without worrying about anything?
Also did Moon realise after some time ( for example after he bit reader ) how badly he hurt them during their first encounter? Rereading the fic I see by his standards and world view ( him having scales and thinking Meryn does too, therefore them being tougher) he handled them pretty well and softly you can say, considering situation they were in. But after learning how soft their scaleless skin is did he had the realisation moment? Like he is in his nest just thinking and bam, he realises how hurtful it had to be?
Love yaaa sorry for rambling
ehee hiii bby, kicks my feet <3
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this turned out long so it's under the cut✂️
sadly Meryn would have absolutely drowned in that scenario😭 Sun had noticed enough to hear that any sounds they were making were coming from behind the breather, but he only realised its purpose after Meryn retrieved it from him in the fic.
in this alternate timeline, after they drown he might not entirely understand how they died - from his POV, they would have been fighting and struggling, then weakening, then limp and unconscious/drowned. maybe he'd consider the mask and put the dots together.
he would have tried to wake them up and failed. keeping them in the water runs the risk of other creatures eating the body, and he wouldn't want to bring a corpse back to the nest, so Sun would likely place them above water (plenty of air bubbles in this fic.) he would wait for Moon to return and gradually become more and more frantic and agitated, blaming himself and panicking. he'd check back on Meryn in the hopes that some miracle has revived them, and tug painfully at his head fins. he'd be too frightened to leave the warm environment.
around this time Moon is only returning home to rest and drop off supplies he has hunted, so Sun would have a hard time catching him. when he finally finds him, Sun would lead Moon to Meryn, hoping he can do something to fix this. he'd be babbling too hard for Moon to immediately understand what had happened, and Moon might even jump to conclusions that Meryn has done something dumb to scare his partner, and get annoyed with them. sneaking around, entering his home without asking - his human is so much trouble!
then he'd see the body and feel so much worse.
Moon would definitely blame himself for not communicating with Sun. he'd turn it around and around in his head, considering everything he could have done differently. he'd try to revive Meryn in any way he can, but eventually have to give it up. Sun would feel even worse - not only has he killed the first chance of outside contact they've had in a long time, but it's someone Moon has already formed a bond with. Moon would be tempted to keep the body, but ultimately the mers would return them to the platform. the decision would take a while.
BON-BON would react very badly. the body showing up would extinguish all hope that Meryn is somehow alive out there, waiting to be rescued. his friend is gone in exactly the way he always feared, and he would take it out on the team by manipulating the building and the robots. he would also become extremely aggressive and mistrustful of the mermaids, and utilise the facility's external machinery to scare them off if they ever return (e.g. the subs.) eventually, his behaviour would grow so abrasive and overt that he would be discovered as a sentient AI.
hope that was fun, a bit more angst for you :3c
Meryn is a mixed bag! they can eat some things regular humans can't, but also other things aren't suited for them - like dairy. they're a lil lactose intolerant, and the ice creams they feed Moon don't contain actual milk. they could absolutely eat raw meat, but they're intensely aware of how badly people react to that sort of thing😣 however, i don't know if that makes them less susceptible to food poisoning - since this is future sci fi fic, some of the food they eat is alien in origin, so there isn't a blanket answer on that :0
Moon is now aware that Meryn is softer and more fragile than a mermaid, and has gentled his actions to accommodate. biting them definitely kickstarted that realisation, and he felt bad after thinking over their past interactions later. buuuut he still doesn't fully understand, as of chapter 13. mermaids heal quicker than humans, and his bite has permanently scarred Meryn's shoulder. he hasn't had the opportunity to see that... yet :)
thank you for the big ask, mwah mwah mwah❤️❤️❤️ ppl like you make me feel so happy, you're thinking about my story and theorising! hugs u😋
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yuseirra · 3 months
**Oshi no ko spoilers** !!
I've been looking over the lyrics for onk S2 op "Fatale" since yesterday, and I'm getting this hunch that this song is from someone who is almost desperate for Ai's love, with her being the "Fatale". There could be multiple ways to interpret the song and I think it'd appear to reflect the perspectives of the many characters coming forth in this arc, but this is the first thought that comes into mind for me
It'd be natural to assume the speaker is Aqua, but what it says seems even more extreme than what he'd feel toward Ai, the lyric feels like there is a huge longing to the point of obsession. This person is willing to give everything up for their love and is declaring they can't survive without them, the type of love aqua has for ai is different, I feel. It should be more tender and familial.
I think it'd make sense for this song to be written fron hikaru's perspective. IDOL was written from Ai's, right? And it conveys her desires to love more sincerely... It could also have conveyed her feelings towards hikaru if she really held some desires to build a more genuine relationship with him as she did for her fans. Perhaps the opening for the second season displays HIS feelings towards HER in comparison. I have a feeling they cared about each other when they were together but there was some miscommunication that's led to a tragic outcome. At this point, maybe the feelings kamiki has for Ai's become something quite huge and twisted, like what nino has for her? Something like what this song says.
He might be even more similar to Aqua than we think, in terms of mentality. What if he feels regret and despair after Ai's death and has given up on his chances to live a normal life like the way his son's doing right now? His motives and purpose for living could be tied to what he THINKS is for Ai's sake.
Mephisto and Fatale both seem to have lyrics that have implications of giving up the speaker's own life and trading it for their loved one, the person wishes to bring them back, and they won't mind giving themselves for this purpose, it seems. So what if those parts of the lyrics are from hikaru's thoughts? What if hikaru is actually trying to go through with something like that? The whole plot of onk starts out with two people being revived from the dead so it IS something that's possible in this universe. Maybe he knows about that after having came to contact with a god himself.
I wrote this yesterday, but he could be a version of Aqua who went to the point of no return. Aqua still has a chance to live normally and happily, but kamiki just can't because he has too much blood on his hands. Aqua can be saved by his friends and companions, but Kamiki only had Ai and she couldn't stop him from going down that path(rather, she became his drive to continue what he's doing the way it is for his own son)
Having Ai love a serial killer would make things seem like she chose the wrong person to love, right?; After what all Ai's been through.. that seems really off. Kamiki should have some type of reason that could appeal to the readers if he REALLY is one in the first place. Did he really kill in the first place... Idk about that, I don't know how extreme he'd get for Ai's sake, but it is likely that the new op could be how he feels about her, and if that is the case, he'd be the guy that'd be able to throw himself away and risk anything if he can have her back. I've only looked at the first verse, but this seems like a REALLY powerful song in terms of the type of emotions it has. I rather have him REALLY loved ai, it'd be sad if the one she wanted to open up to more after all her struggles turned out to be someone who didn't care... The plot makes more sense for me if he did too. Then we'll see why and how desperate he is and understand him as a character and why he is a match for Ai. Honestly everything will start to make more sense as a whole, because there were some parts that felt very confusing. It'd all start to click if the story goes like this.
Looking forward to anime S2! The op seems great!! I can't wait to see the lyrics in full!
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bibbykins · 2 years
Moonlight Reign Ch. 3
A/N: here's a continuation of the pain lol hopefully next update will come quicker and I hope you all enjoy! Be warned here and the series as a whole is pretty heavy emotionally, so heed all warnings and put yourself first! Also as usual shoutout to my lovely beta reader @rapline-heaux who read this forever ago lol ily
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yandere! Mafia! BTS x Reader
Words: 5.0k
Warnings: crime, sensory flashbacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior, pining, violence, past abuse, past neglect/academic neglect, talk of stitches, wound description, panic attack, acrylic nail slips on a keyboard but doesn't break, brief suicidal thought, lip biting until it bleeds, abandonment by male parental guardian, lots of crying
Silence threaded into the air, making it that much harder to breathe as Jungkook’s hands limply slid from you and back to his sides. The bubble of ignorance you shrouded each other in, now effectively popped as the world was de-muffled as your hands were now clasped in front of you. Tears welled in the back of your eyes, stinging more than usual, and no matter how much you blinked to keep them at bay they just came back. Nothing could shroud the horror that was your reality. 
It’s funny, really, you remember learning about how to create a safe space for your patients in college. You learned how important it was for children to feel safe in development. You studied all the reasons safety was so vital to survival, and yet, you never once felt safe growing up. It was only in this moment you realized you had found your safe place. 
It was only as you watched the weekly dinners, cramming sessions, and mutually intoxicated affection go up in smoke that you realized you had just lost it. Everything you never thought you could have was in flames, and one would think you would be used to the feeling of your life on fire by now, but your throat still burned with the agony of it all, no matter how familiar the taste was on your tongue. 
Hurt flooded your eyes along with tears that Jungkook wanted nothing more than to gently brush away. But he knew shouldn’t, and now more than ever, he couldn’t. He didn’t know how you knew what it meant to be the head of Bangtan, and it was so hard for him to care as your fear and sorrow burnt a hole in his heart in the very space he kept the friendship you both shared. The gaping wound was only furthered by how much it took over his being. You both cared about each other much, much, more than you both let on to one another properly, and it’s only now he’s regretting that with his entire being. 
Finally, he couldn’t bear to look at you anymore, not when he was part of the reason you were looking at him like that. He looked at the beaten faux hardwood of your apartment and could feel an ache when he noticed the scratch from when he helped rearrange your living room furniture. Truly, he’d give anything to go back to that day, or even to when he got here so he could turn off the TV and delay the inevitable. 
He didn’t even get a chance to try and pretend there was no reason to be scared. He wanted so badly to pretend he was a sugar baby who has no idea who he was dating, but he just couldn’t. You both have lied to each other enough to last a lifetime, and he knew it was too late. What you both had has already slipped through his fingers before he even had a chance to try and catch it.
You exhaled a shaky breath, and he looked at you again. There was not even a semblance of hope on his face, and it made the part of you he revived die all over again, “...should probably go, huh?” Your voice was too mangled for Jungkook to hear the first part of what you said, but it certainly didn’t take a genius to figure it out. 
Your form grew blurry as tears clouded his vision, preventing him from committing your feature to his memory properly before it was too late, “You’re right.” He settled solemnly.
Neither yours nor his tears were helped when you each noticed the other was crying. You wanted so badly to be angry at him for lying to you, but you weren’t nearly that much of a hypocrite. You both used the other as an escape from the ugliness of reality. Around Jungkook you were nothing but his friend and vice versa. It was a sweet escape, a nice vacation, but certainly nothing more than that, not anymore. 
You had to figure out if you should disappear or if you could survive with simply moving out of the building. You had phone calls to old contacts to make, you had a million and one things to figure out, a million and one pieces to move and yet you threw your arms around the man in front of you. 
Jungkook wasted no time in holding you to him with an intensity you’d never felt before. No one had ever wanted to keep you this badly, and you didn’t know what to do other than ball your fists around his shirt and silently cry into his shoulder. Your arms tightened around his neck as you counted down the mere minutes before he also figured out who you were. You knew he would leave you, replay each moment leading up to this, and figure out who you were talking to. You just didn’t know what he would do with that information. You didn’t even know for sure how much it meant to him, but it was so hard to focus when his body shook against yours with a silent sob that you echoed with ease. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be gracious enough to look the other way for just a little bit so you could touch the bedroom wall you both shared and pretend it wasn’t there tonight.
You don’t know how long you stayed wrapped up in each other’s arms, soaking in the finality of the embrace, bones heavy with melancholy. You only remembered the look you gave one another, filled to the brim with tears, longing, and an insincere hatred of everything beyond the four walls of your apartment. Slowly, you leaned up and pressed a quivering kiss to his cheek. 
A harsh breath left Jungkook and you could feel his tears on your lips when you pulled away, “Close your eyes.” He pleaded, voice barely above a whisper, “I don’t want you to see me leave you.” The plea for him to not leave was on the tip of your tongue, but you choked it down with another cry.
You nodded, and he granted you one last smile before you let your wet lashes touch each other. Your world was shrouded in darkness and part of you knew it would remain this way long after you opened them to an empty apartment. Still, you squeezed your eyes shut, not too keen on seeing Jungkook leave you either. You swallowed back a cry when he pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of your lips as you counted the steps he took to your door. Your body quaked when you could feel him giving you one final look. Your lips struggled to give him one more smile, and then the door closed. 
Your knees hit the floor with no one there to catch you anymore. The shock waves slid up your thigh as you cried into your hands, wondering how many people were going to leave you before you stopped letting them in.
“Let go of me, please,” It was the first time you had heard your father say please, and it was one of the last things you would hear him say. Byungyeol looked at you, eyes filled with a mix of pity and sorrow that you couldn’t decipher if it was for you or the empire that lay in ashes. Regardless, it was an order and you weren’t raised to disobey, so you finally relented and released his torso from your arms with a trembling lip and a river that flowed freely from your eyes. The last time you cried in front of him like this had been when your age was in the single digits, but he didn’t patronize you this time– he no longer had any reason to. 
“I can’t… You can’t… Please, stay with me.” You begged, very becoming of the heir to nothing as you clung to the last person who could prove you were even alive before today, “I’m so scared of being alone-” You sobbed into your hands as you both sat in a car outside of a restaurant owned by a family friend. You had nothing but a backpack with cash and two days worth of clothing, but your biggest fear was leaving this car. 
“Daughter.” His voice commanded, and you straightened up. You looked at him, eyes bleary and wide, still a puppet waiting for orders. He regarded you with a sharp glare, “We do not show fear.” His tone was finite, it alway was. He always spoke in simple commands, because even now, he didn’t expect you to say anything in response.
However, you sniffled, “I am scared.” You admitted, the closest you’d gotten to defiance in over a decade, “I can’t do this alone.” 
“And yet, you will.” His voice was the same amount of cold it had always been, but it burned you nonetheless, “You must.” Something in his voice tapered off that made you look at him a little closer. He looked so… old. You could see the years in his eyes and in the deep rivets that framed his frown, and it made something in your chest twist. 
“Should’ve left me with them, huh?” You asked, and he looked at you with confusion, “Should’ve never taken me in, I bet?” You tried to ask again, but he couldn’t understand you. It was often hard to understand if you were asking if that’s how he felt or if you were admitting that’s how you felt. You were never taught how to make it clear, after all. No one ever cared for your words. 
Instead of prying or correcting you, he shook his head. His hand on your head quieted you. “I love you,” He whispered, kissing the top of your head, and the notion made your body freeze. The feeling was foreign, and the action was something that was usually reserved for holidays, “I rarely ever say it, but know that I do, my daughter,” He said softly, but he opened your door all the same, not wanting to entertain this goodbye for any longer, “We will see each other again, I promise, give me three years and we’ll be together again, a normal family.” 
You knew now it had all been nothing but a lie to get you out of the car so he could watch you grow smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror until you dissolved into nothing but a memory. You didn't think your father was even really capable of love in the first place. You’d give anything at the moment to be that cold, but you could certainly fake it. You let in a shaky breath as you looked to your fingertips, your ring one brushing along the scratch on the floor you were not looking forward to letting your security deposit go to. Brushing away the tears away from the streaks that have undoubtedly dried on already, you took one last moment to be upset, to be human, before you stood to pick up your phone. 
The line only rang once before it clicked, “Thank you for calling The Rose Palace, how can I help you?” A sweet feminine voice hardly touched with the age she was filled your ears.
“Eunhwa?” You breathed, wanting more than anything to feel her maternal embrace but settling for the concern in her voice.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” Your eyes fluttered closed when your one last tie to your previous life spoke.
“No.” Your answer was far too honest, but you grew so sick of lying today, “I, uh, need you to tell me how fucked I am.” You sniffled, pressing your eyes shut so you would stop looking at that damn scratch on the floor.
Jungkook was thankful when he found his apartment empty as he slid his back down the door, slumping against it on the floor defeatedly. His head hung low as he rested his arms on his knees. He shook his head, wanting more than anything to wake up from this nightmare already. 
Every moment with you this morning circled in his mind like a broken record. It was torturous, but it was all he could do to face the reality of the situation. If he couldn’t keep you in his life, he had to at least figure out why. Had Bangtan done something to hurt you? Or had they hurt your family somehow? Did you even have any family for them to hurt? Fuck, where did it all go wrong?
He got himself stuck in this loop of questioning for an indeterminate amount of time as he ran through every millisecond of his time with you today. Every time he circled back, he always got stuck on that phone call. That phone call was the catalyst of the ruin he was in the throes of right now and something about it just… didn’t sit right with him. How often did coworkers call you for it to make sense? Sure, you could’ve lied, he’d hardly be in a place to judge, but then who else could it have been? 
Suddenly keeping as much of yourselves private from each other felt like a mistake. Now that the people you both became in the presence of one another have effectively died, he’s left with nothing to do but cling to the you he never got to know. It’s an addiction, really. He should just be mourning the civillian distraction of his real life, but he knew you were so much more than a distraction, it’s just the first time he’s really feeling it. He couldn’t let you go, and he refused to even if he had the ability. He needed to figure out why it all went up in flames before he even considered mourning. 
“I won’t lie to you, darling, but I will ask, do you want the good news or bad news first?” Eunhwa finally spoke after listening intently to your panicked word vomit.
You blew out a shallow sigh, “Bad news.” It would be pretty difficult for your day to get any worse at this point. 
“Right.” Your former nanny had a nostalgic lilt to her voice before speaking, “Since the capture of your uncle and with the anniversary week in full swing, it would be pretty difficult to find someone in the underground willing to help you… in the way you may need help.” She spoke delicately, “The whispers suggest Bangtan isn’t going to stop with your uncle, and the whereabouts of your father and even you are… well, high ticket items, if you understand what I mean.” 
“Yeah.” You struggled out. You knew all too well what she meant. In a world where the most important currency is power, almost anything was for sale in the Underworld’s market, especially information. You knew firsthand there were few things people wouldn’t do to get in the good graces of the syndicate in power, and you were more thankful than ever that the only active tie to your life before wouldn’t sell you out. Not that she would ever need to. Eunhwa was and always has been a well-respected figure in the underground, and she’s mastered the rare skill of neutrality while maintaining respect. 
“And unless you have your father’s whereabouts to offer, it wouldn’t be wise to voluntarily come forward.” Or else they’d kill you on the spot. She spared you the detail, but you understood what she meant, “Good news is, after all of the mayhem of anniversary week cools down in a few weeks, we’d most likely be able to find someone to help.” Her weak attempt at trying to sound joyful was comforting regardless of how not effective it was on you, “Plus, Jungkook may not even add two and two together before then. I doubt he would be too keen on putting his best friend to death.” 
“Except I’m no longer his best friend.” Your voice cracked with your heart, and you couldn't help that pitiful laugh that left you at how childish you sounded, “So I’m not sure if that would help me.” 
Eunhwa sighs, and you can hear the pity in it. It should make you sick, but this was your last human connection in your personal life, so any care towards you was welcome right now, “Feelings don’t just go away the moment they should, you know that.” She softly chided, “We’ve all loved people for longer than we should’ve, and that might be the fact of life that’ll buy you the time you need.” 
You hummed, not able to say much as her words soaked into your wet cheeks. You loved your father for much longer than you cared to and with Jungkook… Well, the pain would be one you were sure you’d feel for ages.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” She said, her voice going up an octave now that the logistics were out of the way, “Right now, just keep your head down and live your life like normal, okay?” 
You hummed again, defeated, “What if I just packed a bag and left?” You mused, looking out the window. You knew why that wasn’t an option. There was no such thing as leaving the underground, especially not on your own. Not with the trail of bodies you’d have to leave behind. All it took was one call, and it would shatter you completely. How would you pay for anything? You were only given enough of a payout for school, everything else was given up. You’d be caught before you even made it to the airport or snuck onto a ship.
“You know better.” Eunhwa breathed, “You would be calling even more attention to yourself, and that would piss Jungkook off and tip him off to who you are at the same time.” You nodded. She always had a point. The fact was that Jungkook didn’t yet know who you were, but you feared it was only a matter of time, “I’ll call you when it’s time.” Was all she said before the line clicked. You almost laughed at the fact that before Jungkook, you were convinced your interactions with Eunhwa was the highest form of affection. Not that she didn’t care about you, it’s just the world she knew was one of keeping those she could love at an arm’s length. It was safest that way, and no one, not even you, was worth jeopardizing her safety. You couldn’t blame her for that, and you could only hope Jungkook would feel the same if he did find out about who you were. 
Even more, you hoped you were long gone before the day came.
“I hear you, Sohee, I do, but you cannot just punch at full force everytime you get upset.” You looked at the 16-year-old as you tossed her ice, which she caught with ease and a pout in your direction. Kang Sohee was someone you’d consider a regular in your office. She was a bright student with poor emotional regulation– like most high school students already had– add that to the pressure of being in the top percentile in the nation, meant she was routinely in for her ibuprofen or a pack of ice. 
“Would you rather I hit people?” She challenged but shrank when you gave her an exasperated look as you sat at your desk to type up the incident.
“Raise the bar, kid.” You sighed, “I’d rather you take those deep breaths we’ve rehearsed or punch a pillow or a folded hoodie like we’ve also rehearsed.” You gave her a pointed look, “I don’t want you to break your hand or split your knuckles to the point of needing stitches.” She winced at the thought and you nodded, “Exactly, it would be gruesome and only make you more upset in the end.”
She sighed, nodding, “It’s just…” She trailed off, and you nodded empathetically even though you had no idea what going to high school was like, from what you could tell it was no different than any other cliquey group with a hierarchy. There was significantly less bloodshed, which you were thankful for. 
“I know.” You sighed, “Exams are coming, and emotions are running high.” She nodded at this, “And I’m glad you’re allowing yourself to feel those emotions, I just want you to express them in a way that doesn’t get you or anyone else hurt.” 
She nodded once again, but snorted, “Okay, school counselor.” You sent her another glare as you paused your typing, making her smile. 
Even though you rolled your eyes, you were just glad she was feeling better. These kids had a million different stressors that landed them in your office and led you to need to provide some kind of emotional support. You never figured yourself as good with children, but the students liked you well enough, so you figured you were doing something right. Maybe all that therapy you did during college came in handy, just not in the way your therapist might have thought. 
“You have any significant others, Nurse L/n?” Sohee asked, making your typing cease. 
Your eyes bulged as you blinked at her, “Now how did we get here?” You asked, making her giggle. Truthfully, you should’ve been used it by now. These kids rarely had any sense of decorum or minding intrusive questions.
“So no?” She tittered, chipping at your flimsy dignity a bit. 
You snorted, “How mean, but no, Ms. Nosey, I am not… involved with anyone.” Jungkook’s face flashed in your mind for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint nor wanted to entertain. Especially not now. He was a friend and nothing more. Keyword: was.
Sohee thought for a moment before speaking again, a true rarity for her, “Well, Mr. Kang totally has a crush on you.” She blurted, and your fingers tripped along the keys, making your nail sink in the space between two of them.
“Sohee!” You gasped, erasing the series of semicolons that populated the page, “Wh- I-” You took a moment to breathe, “Mr. Kang does not-”
“Well, thanks for the icepack!” She called as she slipped out the door, leaving you with your mouth agape, “Oh, hi Mr. Kang!” She sang loudly, making your chest seize. 
In walked Changhyun Kang, the history department head and advanced history teacher with a smile on his almost unnervingly handsome face. Living in the city on your own as you navigated adulthood came with many culture shocks, but one of them were how pretty some of the people you came across, Changhyun being one of them. He was nice though, because of course he was, and he came in every day to steal some ice for his mid-day coffee. He could very well go to the cafeteria for some, but your office was closer– barely. Regardless, you were in no state to pry into why he insisted on coming to your office. Jungkook had done his best to give you a rundown on how to talk to your fellow coworkers, but you elected to only use that advice when absolutely necessary. Now you couldn’t help but wonder how he even knew to coach you on that. 
Changhyun’s eyes darted to the door, giving you a questioning brow, “Sohee is awfully chipper today.” He observed, “Especially for a Monday.” He chuckled. You never understood the fixation with announcing the days of the week among your coworkers, but you played along nonetheless. Right now, it just served as a reminder that you had a mere two days before anniversary week would reach its crescendo. 
You sighed, “That she is.” You simply left it at that before changing the subject, “Thank you for reminding me it is nearly my lunch time.” You chuckled, continuing to type up the report. 
He nodded, thinking for a moment, “Are you ever able to take your lunch early?” He asked curiously, before moving to get some ice.
You didn’t look up from your screen as you spoke, “Well, sure, I guess I just keep my usual time for the sake of routine.” You responded thoughtlessly. 
“I see.” He spoke and the typing off your keyboard suddenly sounded way too loud. 
You gulped, not sure how to fill the sudden awkward tension, “Why?” You asked, insistent on looking at your computer still. 
“W-Well, I was just thinking maybe we could have lunch tomorrow or something?” He rushed out, and you paused, blinking for a moment. The urge to overthink the invitation was strong, especially since you weren’t sure how long you were even going to be here with everything else in your life going on. However, that was all the more reason it didn’t matter. Plus, who’s to say he was intending anything other than friendship. Changhyun was a good-looking guy, so it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be so bashful when asking for a date– not that you would even think to count an in-work lunch as a date in the first place. Obviously you were overthinking the situation anyways and for a bit too long as he continued, “I mean I bring my lunch, and you bring yours, and I come in here anyways, so we could just eat in here? –But if you prefer not–”
“Sure.” You turned to smile at him, “I could use the company.” You did your best to brighten your smile, and he returned it tenfold, “Maybe then the students will stop asking me if I have friends.” You tried to joke lightly, and surely Jungkook would be proud of you as Changhyun let out a hearty laugh. 
“Same here.” He chuckled, but it did little to simmer the sting of Jungkook on your mind. Just before your coworker could notice your smile fall, you phone started vibrating. You looked down at it with a frown, “Well, I’ll let you get that. See you!” He gave a polite wave that you mirrored just as Jungkook told you to do. 
Changhyun was kind enough to close your office door, which you were thankful for as you picked up the phone, too nervous to check the caller ID, “Hello?” 
“Was it Byungjoo?” Your blood ran cold as Jungkook’s voice sliced through the receiver. 
You’d seldom heard him sound like this before, but you can hardly register his tone when the name he uttered slices through your skin. 
“Wh-What are you–” You tried to say something, but Jungkook couldn’t bear to hear you try to lie anymore. 
“Who you saw at the fight. It was Byungjoo, wasn’t it?” He demanded, but something about his voice sounded… off. Like the way it would sound during finals week when he’d join your marathon studying. Has he… been up all night? Or longer? It’s Monday now and you both ended things Saturday morning. 
Suddenly, Byungjoo fades from your mind and you’re just a friend again, “Jungkook, have you… slept?” You asked, and flinched at the sound of his sharp exhale, letting it sink in that he’d no longer be your solace from your past. 
“Answer my question.” He demanded, but you pressed your lips together. You can’t answer his question, so that left you with one choice.
“I don’t know who–”
“Aren’t we done lying to each other?” He snapped, making your eyes widen, “Here, I’ll go first: I’ve watched every fucking frame of the crowd footage of the fight and cross-referenced them with every teacher in the goddamn city, and the only one’s that were the only ones that were in that footage for even a second hadn’t called out of work that day.” 
It was like the air knocked out of you. Why? How? It didn’t make sense. What the fuck did Jungkook do for work? Is Namjoon more than just a boyfriend? The thought was too much to bear, “Please, it’s– it’s–” You had to take a semi-stabalizing breath, “Don’t do this.” You whispered. 
“I wish I didn’t need to.” He spit, “But I can’t fucking do this without you–”
“Yes, you can–” You cut him off desperately despite how much you wanted to agree. He had no choice. Neither of you did. “Well then I don’t fucking want to!” He yelled, making your throat nearly close, “Look, you don’t have to worry about Byungjoo anymore–”
“It’s not Byungjoo I’m worried about.” You spoke honestly, not wanting to hear about your uncle’s fate any further,  “It’s… not safe for me to be around you, Kook.” You admitted and it felt like pouring hot wax down your throat.
There were a few beats of agonizing silence before he spoke again, “I can make it safe for you.” 
You shook your head before sighing, “You can’t.” The crack in your voice mirrored your resolve. It would be so easy to just say the full truth, but you let your mouth close, hoping it would stau that way, “This is… it’s bigger than just you, okay?” 
“No.” He deadpanned, and you sighed,  “No, not okay. This… nothing is too big for me…” He all but promises before adding, “...not when it comes to you.” 
Your heart ached in your chest. How many times had anyone deemed you worth much beyonf what you could give them? And would anyone else do it in the future? Jungkook was all you had and how much that meant to you teared you apart as you spoke, “It’s not worth–”
“Yes, you are.” Was all he seethed before hanging up.
You were stuck there for a moment, frozen with your phone to your ear. Had you not seen the call log yourself, you could’ve convinced yourself that whole thing was just a horrible nightmare. You wished it had been. The last thing you needed was Jungkook to tear open the wounds that haven’t even begun to heal properly and incidentally signing your death certificate. Then again, maybe his tune would change once he found out who you were. You weren’t some unsullied reprieve from his life in the Underworld, and maybe once he realized that, he’d turn his back on you. He’d realize you weren’t worth much at all. Just like everyone eventually does. 
Bitterness filled your mouth and it’s only then you realized you gnawed on the skin of your lips for too long. You huffed out, opening your compact mirror to asses the damage only to find one small red sliver. You placed a small piece of tissue on the oozing blood and put on your mask for the rest of the day. 
If you enjoy my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi (also pls send me an ask, I love to hear from y'all!)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi can i request a scenario where wizard Freader is like a mother and a teacher to jack(btw jack didn't know that she is a wizard ). When jack was a kid the freader is the one who teach him how to survive, fight and sometimes bake him his favorite apple pie so yeah long story short they have a great bond to each other.
In this scene where jack defeated heracules and many people throwing stones, trash and degrading him the reader suddenly appeared and shield her beloved child/student, and then she told them that if they dont want a murderer to fight then why dont they fight for the humanity you f*cking hypocrite? And then she made them shocked by reviving heracules.
Could you also write the ror reactions in romantic type and what would jack do/react when his mother/teacher caught the attention of the god and human fighters? Thats all sorry its too long!
-You watched your darling son and pupil from the stands, eyes wide as you see that he was upset, seeing Hercules fading away, a face adorning his features that you had never seen before.
-You found Jack when he was only a child, after he had killed his father, he was just a young child, struggling to survive, sleeping in an alley, freezing and sick.
-He tried to attack you when he first woke up after you took him home and nursed him back to health. He didn’t know where he was and he instantly lunged to stab you, but was stunned when you caught his hand easily, smiling down at him like you were amused.
-Jack was distrustful of you, not sure what to make of you, as you were hard to read, he couldn’t understand why, as if there was something blocking his abilities.
-The few colors that did peek out that he managed to see was concern, amusement, and a gentle color he had never seen before, the color of love.
-You doted on him, taking care of him, teaching him as much as you could, feeding him, and giving him a home.
-He first regarded you as his teacher and mentor, as you taught him so many different things, as he had never had a chance to go to school before, and he didn’t know if he wanted to go, but you weren’t bothered, teaching him math, history, and more literature.
-He enjoyed lessons about Shakespeare the most, as he had read many of his works when he was younger, and he loved to learn even more.
-You raised him to be a gentleman, with proper manners, so he could be a nice young man, but you did nothing to deter him from his violent actions.
-You knew of his crimes, and he was surprised when you did nothing to deter him, only smiling, almost sadly, “Sometimes humans are the worst type of monsters. I’ve met plenty in my life. But you are not one, Jack, not to me.”
-It was on that day that your relationship changed, and he began to look at you as if you were his mother, the type of mother he always wanted.
-As he walked out, heavily injured, which worried you, you could only see red as people were jeering at him, throwing rocks at him.
-As soon as the first rock hit him, you stood and leapt down, shocking everyone around you and Jack looked up to see you standing above him, your hand on his head, a pale purple dome covering the two of you, a barrier.
-You glared up at them, eyes blazing bright, “You humans call him a murderer, but he’s fighting to save you all! He did his part and now you want to kill him by throwing stones at him! If you’re going to call him a monster then you get down here and fight you cowards!!”
-Everyone was stunned, and Jack’s eyes were wide as he looked up at you, “Mama?” you looked down at him before you turned, holding your hand out to the arena and a ball of light formed in front of you.
-Jaws dropped as Hercules appeared before you, reforming, and as he opened his eyes, he gasped deeply, as if he had been holding his breath, completely stunned that he was alive again.
-You turned with a glare to the crowd who were all gawking at you, “There- he’s alive again! If any of you speak ill of my son again, you’ll be the one to take Hercules’ place!”
-Your words shook them to the core as you waved your hand, lifting Jack up as if he was floating and you headed backstage, Hercules quick to follow after the two of you, curious about what had happened.
-As you patched Jack up you explained to the both of them that you were a witch, and even when you met Jack, you were centuries old, and here in Valhalla, you were even more powerful, which is how you brought Hercules back to life.
-Hercules took your hands in his, holding them as he beamed down at you, “Thank you young maiden! Even though I lost, I am no longer going to fight for the gods! I am in your debt” you smiled softly at him before Jack slapped Hercules’ hands away from your own, pouting like a child, “Don’t touch my mother!”
-You couldn’t help but coo softly, thinking his jealousy was rather cute before you grinned at him, “Don’t worry Jack, Hercules is handsome, but I’m already in a relationship with Kojiro.”
-Jack froze, pouting before he lifted a hand, holding a knife and you put your hand on his, pushing it down with a giggle on your lips, telling him not to hurt your boyfriend.
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Jaal reacting to seeing SAM kill you (and revive you thanks SAM) to escape from the Archon's trap, once you're both safely back on the Tempest (I feel like there should have been a scene with the LI about this, a dramatic you-almost-died-and-I-need-to-hold-you scene)
Funny how I can both not remember a scene well, but also know exactly what to do with it.That being said, we absolutely should’ve had a stronger reaction from Jaal. Even if it was barely contained emotion.
Doing this HC styled for the moment, but feel free to request this as a mini-fic, if that’s more your speed!
In the moment, he tries so hard to be okay with it. SAM said it was the only way, so it has to be the way this happens, right...?
However, Jaal is bitterly realizing he’d much rather bare through being on Kadara for hours on end if it meant he didn’t have to be here. Emotions are choking him up, especially watching your limp body collapse on the ground. Grinding his teeth when SAM is struggling a moment with reviving you.
He should be used to this. The grief. The risk of loss; why else enter the Resistance? One must face loss and still fight on. Even understanding that one’s own life is at risk. To protect the whole...
But just this once... Can’t he be greedy? Can he not wish for your survival? To not have to see you like this...?
Being revived is a relief he can hardly put to words- further choked up at you taking breaths of air once more- but his heart still aches with a fierceness unrivaled.
...For now, he holds his tongue. Stills his arms from reaching out and holding you to the point it hurts. (He’d be sorry for it, but to know your alive and can feel takes precedent over all else, at the moment.) There is still a mission to finish. He can do that much.
(As much as it maddens him to do so. For the first time in his life, Jaal loathes putting the mission first. He almost lost his darling one, and he cannot react until the end? It’s no different from past missions he’s had with other angara; this hurts in a way unlike those, however.)
He gives you some time. Gives himself a few moments to be composed, before you inevitably seek him out... Yet, he cannot still his shaking hands. Hold back a few tears from escaping. How can he find any semblance of peace when he does not want to lose you...?
His back is to you, staring at nothing, when you enter. And when your voice sounds in greeting, he is quick to turn and pull you into a hug. It’s almost crushing, but he seems to have pulled himself together just enough to prevent any further harm.
You still have to ask him to ease up!
Jaal pours out his heart without any further nudging. He loves you so, seeing that was one of the worst moments of his life, how can he bear to know you may end up like that again...?
...And yet, he cannot stop you. He needs the kett stopped as much as you do. To protect his cherished people. For the chance that someday, maybe, on an off-chance... That his creators may return. Because he loves this little “extended, friend-family” that the Tempest is for him, now.
He loves you. And to love you is to know that your people- all those from the Milky Way- need the kett gone, too. This isn’t something to give up on, even though seeing you die in front of him will haunt his nightmares for the rest of his days.
...You both cry. The hug he pulls you into is less constricting, but that’s what your heart is probably doing right now, anyways. His head nuzzles the top of yours, his tears getting on there...but you cannot find it in you to care right now.
Jaal admits that he wishes to not be without you. However, his bunk is...terribly small. Isn’t yours bigger?
You can’t help but laugh and agree. A small cutscene of the two flopping onto your bed, cuddling close. A momentary comfort, for the fight ahead.
“Keep me with you, won’t you, darling one...?”
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Now, I kind of want a post-war IDW SG Megatron trying to help redeem Corruption Arc Rodimus on his cross space journey s
When he finds him abandoned and not realizing the war ends until Megatron finds him, who was Optimus's Special Boy. I can't see Optimus letting himself survive the war and would likely rather die or take Megatron with him. He'd probably fulfill more of a Zeta role or die before he'd let competition happen.
Rodimus being a semi-Tarn figure and tells Tarn to kill him when he realizes Optimus really isn't coming back for him but Megatron refuses and takes Rodimus and his misfits on a cross-universe trip and they bond about both of them not having a place left on Cybertron.
Meanwhile, StarWave is trying to make some functional triumvirate situation with Bumblebee (who Starscream is vouching for and went Decepticon at end of the war and is having issues adjusting), Wheeljack/Ratchet (who have a collection of neutrals), and Prowl (who definitely turned traitor on Optimus and wooed himself the remaining Autobots).
OWO on SG Rodimus entering the picture, Mr Mr "I sharpie on facial hair so I look older". We thought baseline Megs and Roddie had a somewhat turbulent dynamic, dear fuck is it gonna be worse.
I too get the vibe that in this universe SG Optimus dies somehow, maybe he'll do as Optimi tend to do and die in a big sacrificial thing (well I mean this time he's not sacrificing himself for the greater good, maybe this time SG Optimus is given a million and ten chances to stand down and he just. Refuses. Outright says "As long as my ember burns, this war will rage on", and. Well. He was right, even as the fighting stopped. I don't know how any of that happens though.) This may or may not possibly me me suggesting he gets somehow revived later on. Perhaps. Perhapsss
Oooo on SG Rodimus here functioning a lot like baseline Tarn because yeah
I can totally see that
Megs: I can fix him I swear
Tarn: I have my doubts, but it's worth a shot
Do you believe in the concept of medic!SG Tarn because I see the opportunity for him having a similar role to that here on the ship
Oooo on Star vouching for SG Bee, oh how sg Prowl is going to be trouble. So so much trouble. I do feel like the interactions with SG Ratchet and Wheeljack are going to be interesting, especially considering just. Half of the shit going on there that has nothing to do with SG Optimus
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I'm gonna go nuts
Alex can swing between The Hunt and the Slaughter very well, perhaps even The Desolation. I feel like his earlier kills, such as Seth and Sarah, were Slaughter based, kills of opportunity rather than the meticulous planning and chase of the Hunt. Though later down the line, he's doing nothing but chasing them down, stalking, waiting. An ambush predator that's just waiting for you to turn around so it can pounce. His death can also be considered a piece of the Slaughter, a last-ditch effort, frenzied and fearful.
Tim can be difficult to pinpoint, The Stranger, The Lonely, and The Corruption are all ones that stand out. However, I think I plant him into The Stranger the most. Wearing a face that is not his own, a body out of his control, skin that, for a time, is distinctly not his. I usually mix in the Stranger with a bit of the Spiral as there's a lot of overlap. He can't trust his own mind, can't trust that what's happening around him is real, and can't trust others. Post Marble Hornets, he definitely fits into the Lonely more, however. He has nobody left. They're all gone. He's isolated from society at large.
Jay is The Eye, no doubt about it. He needs to know, needs to see and understand, and put together the puzzle for the sake of his own sanity. He watches and learns and uses the tools he's given. I've done post Canon revival stuff where I interpret him as The Lonely as well. He feels he's the only one who can get this done. Walking a road alone, no one in sight, it's foggy and cold, and suddenly, he's not anywhere. For the world itself has Forsaken him.
Brian was honestly the hardest for me, I want to say The Web, but I want to say The Spiral as well, or perhaps even The Buried. The Web feels more obvious than the Spiral and the buried. He's a sort of leader, pulling you along and plucking at strings so you do what he wants you to, pulling people this way and that for his own purposes, antagonizing and guiding at the same time. Though, truth be told, he's long lost it, He's hardly Brian Thomas anymore. All he sees are secrets and code, riddled with lies and mystery. Nothing is just on the surface as it is. There's always something more. The Buried is simply because it seems as if he can not kill Alex. He had plenty of chances, easy opportunities. Yet he is paralyzed by decision, pinned down by the weight of a life on his shoulders. What would he do after Alex was dead? He couldn't move on. He's stuck like this. A corpse in the dirt pinned at the bottom of the ocean, breathing in the salt water.
Overall, they're all a mess, and they would not survive The Magnus Archives to me. Alex would most likely find himself dead at Daisy's hands, a hunter to kill a hunter. Tim could very easily end up a victim of The Unknowing or even Jane Prentiss. Jay would probably go looking for answers and end up pissing off an Avatar and getting throttled by them, most Likely someone with a firey temper like Jude Perry. Brian might end up in the distortions corridors, going mad with an ever changing layout to traverse and doors that don't go anywhere.
Sorry that this is so long, I went a little crazy, but I just love categorizing characters into the fears it's so much fun.
amazing. i love this
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mlem-mlem · 2 years
DP X DC AU idea
First of all, I've ingested very little actual DC media that isn't fan made (& usually crossovers) so if I get anything wrong let me know please.
Danny's secret is revealed. His parents don't take it great and get in contact with the GIW for help to 'get their son back.' The GIW take him and, like most ideas like this he's tortured and experimented on. He somehow escapes, they let their guard down when he stopped trying to resist the vivisection.
He can't go home. It's not safe there anymore. So he goes to Gotham. One(1) weird kid in a weird city isn't going to stand out right?
An idea I had was that, when they took him, the GIW erased all traces of his existence. Legally, he never existed. The people he knew might remember him but that's all. Of course Sam Tucker and Jazz are looking for him but they aren't really getting anywhere. The ghosts are looking too. He might not have officially been crowned their king, but he's directly in line for the throne and they want him back. As much as they fight, they don't really want him gone.
There's something wrong with his powers though. He's still a halfa, an Gotham has enough death and destruction that finding ectoplasm makes it pretty easy survive, (A headcanon of mine is that he can turn ectoplasam into nutrients so he doesn't need to eat as long as he has enough ectoplasam) but he can't go ghost or use most of his powers. He can do the basics like go intangible/invisible but that's it.
The cause? Selfishness.
With his obsession being protection (with a secondary space obsession ofc) he becomes weak if he doesn't keep up with his obsession. Being trapped so long has kept him from helping anyone so he's too weak to do much.
He has to lay low now too, so there might be obvious chances for him to help people but he can't take them. (Maybe that makes it even worse?) He does what he can as a human though. Whenever his current alley area is getting destroyed he help people evacuate before getting himself out. (Being dissected multiple times makes it easy to realize that he can't really die anymore) this way he's been slowly collected 'karma points' by helping people so he's stronger now. He an creat small ecto blasts with the ectoplasam and create a small amount of ice, but he still can't transform or use his stronger powers (he's been a halfa for a few years now, having eventually been convinced to actually train more than just his duplications abilities)
On one of his many helping trips he gets injured (he might not be able to die but he can still get hurt obviously) Jason (as red hood) find him due to some halfa/revived/ectoplasam shenanigans and is like 'oh shit that's the kid thar keeps escaping Bruce's radar holy shit,' and helps him in a mix of, 'hah take thaft, bruce, I found the kid before you,' and 'oh shit this kid is bleeding out! Wait why is his blood mixed with Lazarus pit goo?' And decides to take him back to one of his safe houses to recover.
Danny wakes up and promptly starts panicking. 'Has he been kidnapped? Where the hell is he?' Then Jason shows up and he's like 'oh shit another halfa? What the hell is wrong with his core tho?'
Shenanigans inuse, eventually Jason and Danny talk it out. They've both got a weird trust as living ghost creatures (which Danny understands and Jason does Not) but anyway they both explain their identities to eachother and agree to help eachother out.
Even if he's weakened, Danny's ghost royalty status seems to calm the pit when he's around so Jason is having a field day with that.
Anyway, Danny agrees to help Jason control his anger and eventually get the contaminated ectoplasam delt with and control ghost powers if they show up. (he eventually gets basic inangeblilty/invisibility and actoplasam blasts along with the white part of his hair getting bigger and his eyes do the glowy thing with all strong emotions not just anger, but doesn't go full ghost)
In return Jason helps Danny help people more so he can recover faster, as well as help him avoid batman as much as possible.
Time passes and Danny slowly gets his abilities back. He still can't transform which isn't really a problem since he's trying to hide, but his other abilities are back, along with the ability to make portals to the ghost zone which he didn't have before.
He visits the zone as soon as he realizes he can and calms down the ghosts looking for him there along with sending a message via ghosts to Sam, Tucker & Jazz to let them know he's safe. (They don't know where he us just that he's safe) He finally agreeing to except the crown. He can't officially become king yet since he can't go ghost but he does so unofficially, starting to form connections with the others, along with starting to clean of the zone. (It is a Mess, with no one really taking care of it for hundred of years it's pretty much completely fallen apart so that has to be dealt with emmediatly)
He drags Jason to the far frozen as soon as possible, where he gets the ghost equivalent of therapy and hot tubs. (which Danny has a pitty party over not knowing exists until now) Danny spend a lot of time going back and forth between the zone and living world helping people on both sides. Still can't transform though which is actually starting to cause problems in the zone.
Somehow Bruce finds out that Jason has become friends with the kid he's been looking for and kind of throws an adult tantrum which consists of threatening Jason, who is Not Taking His Shit, and fucks off to the ghost zone for a mini vacation.
Danny agrees to meet Batman (he knows his and the other kids identites now from following Jason around*) and the rest of the league because he's running out of excuses to visit to living world and 'Forming Conections With Heros' is his last option.
* -Bruce panics when he discovers he'd been followed regularly without noticing, until he is assured that no one would have been able to find Danny anyway since he was intangible, invisible and flying (hc that Danny looses all warmth his body after the tortures and is both constantly cold and invisible to heat vision)-
Danny meets the league and things go about has well as you expect. (He only agrees to go if Jason is there too) they bring him to the space headquarters both as a mix of 'resect' and because that way they can trap him if he tries to escape. (He can phase through the glass and float back to earth but they don't know that)
His space obsession Acts up pretty much as soon as he gets there, and he floats off to investigate before they could even start to talk. Jason just shrugs and leaves the league to their confusion. He find Danny back at his apartment apologing a few hours later.
They meet with the league again. This time on earth so Danny doesn't leave again. They have a somewhat civil conversation (batman is still pissed but the other like Danny so there's nothing much he can do) until someone asks in Danny could perhaps be a batman/other bat-child clone (black hair blue eyes mysterious vibes) Danny promises he's not and they believe him and move on with the conversation, but not before Superman does the equivalent of 'thank God, you wouldn't want a clone anyway.'
Jason explains to Danny that Superman has a clone and insinuates that they don't get along, so he can get more drama. (and throw a clone hater under the bus(jayroy?)) Danny snaps, and pretty much just chews Supeman out for abandoning the equivalent of his own child (Batman is trying to use 'Has a clone' to figure out who Danny is but he still can't find anything) and decides Superman in his least favorite superhero. (batman is close second and his favorite is either greenlantern or wonder woman)
Jason is off on a mission somewhere and Dick drops by because he heard through the grapevine (Bruce has been too busy trying to find some kid that looks like a potential adoptee) Jason has been better lately and wants to check on him. Instead he comes across someone who looks identical to pre-death Jason sitting on Jason's couch eating ice cream and has a Mental Breakdown. ('IS THIS WHAT PEOPLE WENT BY BETTER??? WHAT THE FUCK???')
Danny is like 'who is this man that came through the window and then promptly started crying?' But helps him calm down enough for them to talk before Danny calls Jason who just tells him to just kick Dick out.
Danny Doesn't Do That. Instead he tells Dick everything and makes him promise not to tell Bruce. Dick agrees because, 'wtf Bruce? You don't meet a kid that looks like your previously-dead-son that's friends with said previously-dead-son and Not tell your other children.'
Things go on. Until one day something shows up (power hungry ghost? Doesn't have to be DP related) that the league can't seem to beat. Things are getting desperate and Jason gets severely injured and is about to be killed and all Danny's attempts to keep himself hidden go out the window taking his 'selfishness' with them (cause of course he would consider protecting himself selfish) and he just thinks he purely wants to save his friend.
He goes ghost for the first time in what is probably nearly a year now and pretty much speed runs the process. Becomes king, gets all his powers back with a boost and summons every ghost available (a lot of them have gotten quite attached to Jason the ghost-human (he's not exactly a halfa) and willingly comes to help in a matter of seconds and just tears whatever was threatening his friend (and the world) apart.
The ghosts mostly just congratulate Danny one his Official King status and let themselves be set back (some resist but Danny sends them back pretty easily) he sends Jason too to get healed up in the far frozen and them follows after quickly when he realized that the hero league and their associates are just staring at him with surprised pikachu faces. (Exepted for Constantine who congratulated Danny in an attempt to stay on The Ghost King's good side then fucked off as quickly as possible)
He goes back eventually and thing progress as chaoticly as you expect.
- Bruce is the Last one to find out Danny's real identity and nearly busts a vain (instead he just doesn't talk to Anyone for a week straight. Everyone involved has a great week)
- Danny gets close to the other bat children and starts considering them his sibling, but not Bruce his father so it's just, 'they are sibling, but you are Not The Father.' Everyone other than Bruce finds it hilarious.
- Danny forces Superan to start parenting (or at least being civil) and Connor is confused but the ghost kid seems fine so he doesn't really mind.
- When Dani eventually shows up, her and Connor become best friends
- Bruce is immediately pressured into getting every single ghost law removed, and Danny's parents are arrested for child endangerment. It doesn't bother him much, they aren't really his family anymore.
- Bruce officially adopts Dani and Jazz, but not Danny. Both because he doesn't technically exist, (an easy fix but Danny is too busy with ghost work to really want to deal with human life heis getting his education in the Zone anyway) and because messing with Bruce has become his favorite pass time
-Alfred let's Danny and Jazz into the kitchen. (much to everyone's astonishment and Bruce's annoyance) Having to get by with their parent's (often living) food has made them both food cooks. Jazz doesn't use her privileges very much she doesn't even live in the Mansion since she's at college, (an will eventually intern at Arkham Asylum) but Danny does a lot. Despite not needing to eat he considers cooking very calming and does it quite often.
- Danny Doesn't tell anyone (other than eventually Alfred) he plans to take over Alfred's job when he eventually passes, on the conditions that he will not do so until Bruce is no longer around, (its Mostly a joke) and, if Alfred becomes a ghost (he does) he joins Danny at his palace in the ghost zone. (This offer is given to everyone and their decendents/spouses other than Bruce who is told he will be given an island to brood in peace (again. A partial joke. Danny dosnt actually hate he just doesn’t particularly like him), although he is welcome to visit)
- When Jazz eventually starts working at Arkham Asylum Danny joins her often to make sure she's safe. He also enjoys watching the patients become utterly confused about a doctor that actually wants to help, as well as knowing what ghosts to entually watch out for.
- Danny's first proper decree as king in the Joker's death and End to prevent any further unessiary deaths. as it's legal by ghost law decree batman has no saw in the matter and is forced to except it.
- Everlasting trio. Either romantic or as a QPR, it doesn't matter. Just. Everlasting Trio.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
5 times Arthurs kids died in his arms and 5 times he died in their arms and 5 times they all survived.
Arthur's kids dying:
Alfred dying for the first time. Arthur had been doting at a sick Al's bedside, holding his hand when Alfred takes his last breath. Arthur's siblings had never seen anything break Arthur as bad as that did. They had never heard anyone howl like that. Honestly...They probably had to sedate Arthur to get to Alfred to prep him to make the revival process easier because Arthur is not at all in his right mind (jumping off of I think myrddin-wylt with this idea).
I already did Matt dying in WW2 so...Let's say...Matthew dying of hypothermia after running away in the middle of winter. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, during Matt's childhood he blamed himself for Arthur and Allie arguing all the time. So there is a lot of runaway attempts from him. But his last attempt turned deadly. Arthur and Allie put aside their differences and go looking for him. They find the boy frozen after he failed to build himself a fire. Arthur does his best to try to warm him up, but by the time they get back to the house, Matthew is gone. Allie and Arthur get into another argument, blaming each other for Matthew's death. But then, they turn back to their lifeless little boy and agree that they both had a part to play and actually end up comforting each other in their own weird way as they wait for Matt to revive. From that day forth, they actually make an effort not to fight when Matthew is anywhere nearby.
I'm going to go into a bit more detail with Jack dying from a venomous animal. Arthur and Jack were out on a walk, Jack showing him around. they come across some sort of venmous animal. OH IDEA! The animal gets spooked and lunges at Arthur, but Jack pushes him out of the way and gets bit instead. Arthur almost breaks down in a panic. Because 1) He doesn't know how to treat this kind of thing and 2) It should have been him who protected Jack and got bit not his child. On the bright side, by the time this happens, he's witnesses Matt and Al die many, many times so he's kind of gotten used to it so he can actually be there and comfort Jack when he awakes again. Though it makes him sick thinking he's gotten "used" to it.
Zee was a bit of a toughy, but Zee dying from getting trambled badly after running into the middle of the road to save an animal. Arthur turned his back for a second and Zee was gone. First was the panic he had lost his child and then he saw the bloody mess in the middle of the street and everything froze for a moment. He wanted to curse out the driver, scream, shout and perhaps a younger version of him would have. But there was still a chance to save Zee so he jumps into action to get them to a doctor. But they're too late. At the very least, he gets to sing Zee off.
All 4 of them died at some point during WWI. Probably really made Arthur wonder if war really was all it was cracked up to be.
Arthur Dying
Arthur dying in Matthew's arms during or slightly after the Revolutionary War. I'm leaning more towards the war is wrapping up and Arthur has lost and he's delivered a deadly blow while stricken by rage and grief. Matthew finds him just as Arthur's fading. The last thing Arthur sees is Matthew running towards him.
Arthur dying during the Blitz. Matthew rushing to England because his siblings are busy on different fronts but they're bombing the island and they can't bear to leave their dad alone. He arrives only to find Arthur is missing. Eventually he's found amongst the rubble, alive, but barely so, just long enough to be reunited with Matthew. Even after he gets revived, things aren't looking good. My history class about the period actually said, for a moment it looked like Britain would fall and if it wasn't for the decision to direct German attacks to focus more on Russia (which gave Britain time to recuperate and gather themselves) the outcome may have been much different. So Arthur thinking he's going to lose, possibly die for real. Jack and Zee sneaking off and coming to visit in the aftermath though unlike Matt who got himself assigned to the same front as Arthur, Jack and Zee had to return to other fronts eventually, but seeing his kids livened Arthur's spirits a bit
I can't think of the context for this but Alfred having to deal with Arthur dying on his own without Matt being there to take charge. Like this is long after the revolution, but Al and Art's relationship is still strained. Something happens causing Arthur's death, and Alfred is the only one visiting/around. And he just freezes for a moment, not knowing what to do. In the end, he just brings Arthur to bed, tries to remember what Arthur had done for him when he died and does his best. It's awkward when Arthur comes back, but there is also a warm feeling between them because they both realize just how much they still care for each other.
Again, can't think of the context, but Jack and Zee witnessing Arthur die when they were kids. Zee is bawling, and Jack has to step up as the oldest (the whole time he's wishing Matt was there), but they get Arthur home, Jack tries to remember what Arthur and Matt taught them to make the revival process as comfortable as possible and they get through it. Their very shaken after it all. When Arthur comes to he sees the two of them huddled together next to him in bed and it's clear they've been crying.
Warning this last one is really sensitive. I got kind of nervous about adding this, but I think it's the best example of all the kids coming together to witness Arthur's death.
5. Arthur ODing in the 80s. I've said it a few times before but I think Arthur hits a very bad patch after the world wars. He's traumatized from the events of those wars and his empire that kept him protected, that gave him a purpose is crumbling. And he's realizing just how many fucked up things he did and his insecurities catch up to him. A perfect storm for a downward spiral. There is some delay to the worst of it as he helps Ludwig back onto his feet, but by the time the 70s hit he's going down. Drugs, alcohol, barely sleeping, not really caring about what he eats.
Matthew is the first to notice the rising issues and gathers his siblings to do something to stop Arthur before he becomes an even greater danger to himself. Alfred's got his own issues going on finding himself in the role of super power around the same time Arthur's power began to diminish. Jack isn't willing to believe it. And Zee...Well...they want to help but they're so far away. Eventually Matt gets everyone on board and they go to meet Arthur together. But they come to find Arthur on the floor choking in his London flat.
Alfred fumbles for his cell, Matthew is on the floor beside Arthur trying to figure out what happened, Jack and Zee are frozen in horror, Jack trying to comfort his younger sibling. Before they can get him to the hospital, he's gone.
And the reset is hard. That damages your brain after all. So for a few months, all the siblings agree to stay with their dad as his body recovers.
And then they all survived. I'm sorry...I was running low on ideas so I could only come up with 3.
WWI. It was rough, even on Arthur who had been in many wars. But never like this. And Arthur had to watch his children become proper soldiers, scared that they would lose themselves like Arthur had in the past. But they didn't, not fully at least. There may have been some deaths along the way, but they came out the other side victorious.
WW2. It was rocky at the start. Arthur had lost all hope in the darkest days, but his children fought, his people fought and he came out the other side with his family.
The turbulence following the wars. With Alfred rising in his power and taking on the role of superpower and Arthur's empire crumbling, both were not in the best place mentally. There were probably some moments where their mental health struggles were winning and almost cost them their lives, but with the support of their family and other loved ones they were able to get to a better place. There are still bad days, but they're no longer a danger to themselves.
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ominasapphirus · 4 months
⠀ ⠀❛ In the pit of despair — I watched you die that day, drenched in blood with their laughter echoing through that room. I, weak then, could do nothing but watch.
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— I wasn't going to die too. He came along, and only to my calling. I wanted to live, I wanted to hold on to that bit of thread of life, a chance... You'd understand, wouldn't you? You'd be surprised what a human could do and is willing to sacrifice just for the sake of living. Selfish things, even animals are more selfless than humans. ❜
⠀ ⠀Pushed to such extremes, the thought itself hadn't been Sirius' favorite, going back to that moment had always brought a foul taste in his mouth with a bitter aftertaste. Just as stubborn as his brother, a mirrored image of himself staring right back at him, with both different fates... the cruel reality that back then they had been torn apart, and now even today they are still being torn apart with their own fates sealed. ❛ And I won't let you get in the way, dear brother. ❜ There was something cruel about those words, something distant... ❛ You really shouldn't cry over spilled tea. ❜
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ℑt was true. Sirius was forced to watch as his brother had been torn away from him and brutally murdered before his very eyes on that cold table. Surrounded by the laughter and hollow chants in hopes of summoning a devil to do their bidding, Sirius had fallen into an abyss of despair, his hope of freedom stolen from him as he gazed upon the deceased body of his only family left, decorated in vile crimson, while he remained caged within the confines of metal, unable to escape.
How lonely he must have felt...
The last moments of Ciel's life flashed before him, dragging his heart down into that darkness where all memory and remnants of life ended. It was the moment his heart stopped. He couldn't remember anything beyond that other than what the former mortician explained to him upon reviving him.
The elder of the two boys could only watch the younger standing mere inches from him. How Ciel longed to pull his brother by the arm, into the embrace of his brother who had returned, but that was impossible now. They were no longer close with each other. And their current confrontation kept them even further apart. So he could only observe with his bottle-blue optics, his undefinable expression concealing whatever sorrowful emotions he held within. He continued to listen, odd as it was that they shared their turns in speaking despite the heated conversation.
❛ You'd understand, wouldn't you? ❜
Of course he understood. More than anything, Ciel would never wish to see the death of his only sibling, but he could not forgive the devil manipulating a child in return for their soul. No matter what method was used, he could not and would not condone that of all scenarios. He would not stand by as his brother accepted his fate.
❛ And I won't let you get in the way, dear brother. ❜
Such cold and vicious words narrowed the Earl's gaze, filling him with a cold emptiness, as if his heart had been ripped out of him.
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‘ You know that I would understand more than anyone the will to survive, but to allow a demon to exploit you in return for your life is not a path you should have chosen. ’
A brief pause as Ciel clicked his tongue, his gaze a disapproving expression.
‘ You speak of getting revenge, but for whom? Yet at the same time you speak of wanting to live. Would you not wish to continue to live if there were another option presented? Are you willing to throw your life away at the hands of some creature and leave behind the family you have left? ’
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furrbbyx · 2 years
M👹NSTER March Day 6: Eldritch (Aladdin retelling)
Lucky me I already had something going for day 6 so here's the outline for a re-telling of Aladdin because I really like that tale and because I wanted to write about hot eldritch entity getting pussy'd down in one of my favorite stories.
SFW-ish. No seggs.
cw: using prisoners as zombies, mentions sex, death, scheming, yandere vibes, Jafar
Do not reproduce, do not copy.
Approx 1000 words
so Jafar is not only the advisor he is also a man obsessed with arcane magic and bringing men back to life so that they can go into the cave of dreams for him and get the lamp.
He ends up killing Aladdin, a very poor man who get put in prison for stealing bread.
Jafar loves prisoners. Homoerotic
Jafar is able to bring back the man back to life, this time his incantations and embalming ritual work, but it turns him in to an eldritch horror of a bare skull, eyes of red black fire, various visible ligaments and muscles from areas where skin has sloughed off. He's only alive for a few moments, stumbling around and screaming in agony before he slumps to the floor, seeming dead again. 
So they throw out his body but he revives and returns to his life somewhat, hiding under many clothes and a cloak that shields his head while he tries out some of the powers he's compelled to use. He kills, he torments, he's a bad immoral hottie who's testing the limits of his power. He roams the streets until the deaths and rumors of his form haunting dark alleys start to raise alarms in the city.
He's surviving tho.
Enter Princess Jamsin who decides to roam the streets to calm the citizens. Stalked by Yandere Aladdin.
He's captured again for some reason and then Jafar becomes even more unhinged and violent at the discovery. With out hesitation he ends up forcing Aladdin to go to the cave for his chance at freedom.
Aladdin doesn't immediately kill Jafar because he's seeking more power as well. There's a gnawing urge to devour everything arcane and then destroy the universe inside him.
Because of some complications Jafar and his minions think he dies inside. Aladdin is trapped and finding it hard to control his eldritch nature. In fact bloodlust, fury, and cunning overpower his flesh. He can also change to have his skin normal but doesn't gain that power until he leaves the cave.
So in the cave he actually find that it's not filled to the brim with precious metals and goods, it's filled with scrolls of knowledge. He basically cums so hard when he realizes this and he stays there for days. He finds the lamp and the djinn. 
The Djinn can sense the horrors of Aladdin and is honestly afraid of him, yet he still tries to trick his way out of the deal by doing some Calcifer bull shit (? steal his heart?). Idk there's something there. I need to come up with something tricky.
Anyway he makes a wish/they leave the cave and ensconce themselves in a nice apartment in the merchant side of town as high class tourists. While he's been gone (weeks?) Jafar's creations have been causing out right panic and a curfew.
Children, grandfathers, guards, all disappear and no one ever sees the creature. Lots of iron starts going up around the city causing an issue for both Aladdin and the djinn.
Aladdin has def dom/sub issues with Jafar and plans to seek him out by getting an invitation to the palace, when the royalty decides it's still going to host a traditional fete to keep the citizens happy. Obvs a masked affair where he can stalk Jasmin again.
Jasmin has been studying how to defeat monsters ever since Aladdin started haunting the fucking place. She spends her time sparring and going out with the guards, becoming a real hard ass, and suspicious of Jafar. She's at the ball to spy  and to test her new acid on any creature that may try to ruin the ball.
Immediately when Aladdin and her meet she' suspicious. Of course on of Jafar's horrors does crash the ball and she melts him. Kick ass fighting scene (needs research), then melt his ass.
Aladdin is alarmed by her, and the iron bb's she has embedded under her skin, and her quick mind, so he flees in the panic. Regroups and gets an invitation to court to help them deal with the issue threatening the kingdom's peace. He's fully human seeming, but still hiding under the cloaks and a face veil. V. sexy.
Ends up getting paired with Jasmin's task group, duh. They patrol but it's quiet for a week or two while Jafar lays low. Maybe he's moving his operation to avoid Jasmin? This gives Aladdin time to get under her skin. They are bratty to each other because neither wants to back down. But she def initiates things with him. They fuck for days, pretending to be locked away and working on a solution. She mounts him like...all the time I mean she is doming him like nobody's business. Bu in the end it's to get him off guard and trap him.
She suspects it's him because he showed up out of nowhere and because she can sense something off. Maybe it's the way he avoids her iron studded skin. Maybe its the fact that he doesn't breathe when he sleeps (she has a dream that he's dead next to her, kind of golem/jinni)and wakes up to find him like the dead.
The attacks start up again and this time they are in the palace. One attempt on the king which causes an argument with the lovers?
Jafar is angling for power and he breaks into the fancy place Aladdin and the Djinn are renting to steal the Djinn. He plans to raise an undead prisoner army to overthrow the king and then invade the neighboring country. So he has the djinn create the correct formula but he forgets to ask for a way to control them?
Anyway some sort of race against time, Aladdin shows his real self , very horrific and no longer able to control his morality. He just kills whatever and attempts to yandere kidnap Jasmin
Idk exactly how this will end because obv Aladdin can't go back to being a good guy. The Djinn and him become friends and are still very much deviants. But how will Jasmin fit in (homg threesome? two unholy spirit cocks? tentacles!). Eh maybe they decide to become monster hunters and travel the continent after the kingdom is basically destroyed in a a wizard fight. That way Aladdin can still amass power and keep Jasmin for his pervy possessive tendencies.
Eventually he will destroy that realm and seek out others. 
But yeah. That's a good one. Thanks brain. 
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