#and i have a load of hcs
caraphernellie · 3 months
people should write more about ellie being rly goofy in the middle of sex idk... she just would be very goofy i think... i don't think she takes herself that seriously... that idiot is going to laugh at everything. and that makes it fun !! no use being embarrassed by upsetting sounds (like queefs) or accidental farts or anything. she prob calls u some name like queef queen after
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Miles 42 bullies the bullies at his school, never making a big show of it, but stepping between a bully and their victim with a cool, calm, collected demeanor, scaring the bully off one way or another, giving the would-be victim a quick nod, and then walking off. Does he corner those bullies later as the prowler for unknown reasons? maybe, whose asking?
he may not be the friendliest guy at school, he may not have many friends, and he might give most people who try to get close to him (outside of Ganke) the cold shoulder and bare his teeth; but he hates bullies with his whole chest, and he will be doing something about it.
he's also the type of person to "not have many friends" but he has many "acquaintances". like he knows the boy with glasses in his math test saves his seat in the back corner. he knows the girl in his english class will always tell him where they are in the book they're reading if he gets lost. the tall kid who sits at his table at lunch leaves behind a snack for him when he leaves, cause he looks too skinny. he always repays the kindness, in his own way, but he will never call them his friends. friends are dangerous and time consuming and they make him soft, but he's also so desperate for interaction, that he breaks his own rules just a bit.
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fraudulent-cheese · 2 months
Wait there are people that actually dislike the Caleb aro HC???? Huh????
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asexualsimonsnow · 4 months
A Shortened List of Simon Snow's Autistic Traits
because a full length list would be too long of a post.
1. His love of magic could easily be interpreted as a special interest
“No ones loves magic like I do,” (Carry On, page 9).
2. He is shown to have poor spatial awareness
“That’s when we hear the first scream. I stand up, knocking the table over and breaking the teapot more conclusively,” (Carry On, page 235).
“...before she starts treating me like a Great Dane who can’t help knocking things over with its tail… You’d have to be incorporeal not to knock anything over,” (Carry On, page 267).
3. He is always interpreting things literally
“‘Let hardship sharpen your blade, Simon.’ I thought he meant my actual blade… Eventually I figured out that he meant me,” (Carry On, page 9).
It even affects his magic: “And sometimes when [Simon] casts metaphors, they go viciously literal,” (Carry On, page 119).
4. He has his whole thing with lists to help him process things
“I keep a list—of all the things I miss most—and I’m not allowed to touch it in my head until I’m about an hour from Watford. Then I run through the list one by one. It’s sort of like easing yourself into cold water. But the opposite of that I suppose—easing yourself into something really good, so the shock of it doesn’t overwhelm you. / I started making my list, my good things list, when I was 11, and I should probably cross a few things off, but that’s harder than you’d think,” (Carry On, page 11).
^ Not only is the list thing autistic, struggling to take things off because he's grown used to the list as it is is autistic.
5. He has difficulty with verbal communication
“Half of Snow’s sentences are shrugs,” (Carry On, page 354).
“I’ve never been good with words,” (Carry On, page 107). They mention this like a million times.
This is the bit that really convinces me: "I don’t remember when I learned to talk, but I know they tried to send me to specialists… I used to see a counselor and a speech therapist. ‘Use your words, Simon.’ I got so bloody sick of hearing that. It was so much easier to just take what I wanted instead of asking for it. Or thump whoever was hurting me, even if they thumped me right back," (Carry On, page 108).
“Simon seemed conscious, but wasn’t saying anything. And he wouldn’t make eye contact,” (Carry On, page 427). The eye contact thing in here is also pretty autistic.
6. He does a lot of stimming
“Simon groans and rakes at his hair,” (Carry On, page 362). He messes with his hair a lot.
“Simon was pacing around my bedroom, swinging his blade,” (Carry On, page 454).
“I intentionally slam my shoulder into the wall next to the door. (People who tell you that slamming and bashing into things won’t make you feel better haven’t slammed or bashed enough),” (Carry On, page 274). This one especially stands out to me.
Again, just a short list. There are plenty more quotes for these traits, and other autistic traits that Simon has.
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womp-womp-waa · 1 month
It was a beautiful day. The sun shining, not a cloud to be seen. Tree-kun was out buying a birthday present for Ceiling-chan, her birthday was just around the corner and he couldn't wait for it. He had so much stuff planned for them. But first he needs to buy her an amazing gift. Walking around the corner, he scanned for a good shop to buy the gift. Ceiling-chan loves Stardew Valley (he's never played the game himself, but she keeps on begging him to get it) maybe he could get her something related to-
Wait. Who's that? Is that Tyler? And who was that boy he was with? Hang on, are they... holding hands?!
He couldn't help but stare in shock at the happy couple. What should he do? Deep down he knew that he should just walk pass them, Tyler isn't a part of his life anymore he doesn't matter. But... what would happen if he talked to them? He could learn more about this new boy that Tyler's talking to. Maybe he could warn him about Tyler leaving him. The blonde looked like he was shy, yeah he's gotta help him.
Luckily, Tyler wondered off most likely to get food but Tree-kun couldn't help but be reminded of how Tyler left him. Standing by himself, alone. He wouldn't let this boy suffer the same heart break.
"Hey there!" He made his way over to the boy who now stared at him confused, did Tyler not tell him about Tree-kun? Okay... that's fine. It's not like it matters anyways. "I'm Tree-kun, Tyler's ex." The last part was spat out bitterly. The boys eyes widen in surprise before looking blankly at him.
"I'm Logan, Tyler's boyfriend." While saying this a smirk was plastered on Logan's lips. Is he... proud to be Tyler's boyfriend? It's so clear that the poor boy doesn't know what's coming and he probably won't know how to deal with the breakup. "Is there a reason why you came over."
Clearing his throat he started to speak slowly as he tries to convey that he only wants to help him and he's not trying to ruin their relationship (not like he would have to do something anyways). "I'm just here to warn you" Logan raises an eyebrow questioningly "about Tyler." He clarifies, feeling Logan's judgemental eyes digging into him, he tries to carry on his speak (hopefully) maintaining the confidence he started this conversation with. "He's not a good guy. Tyler he can easily leave you whenever he wants to. A-And he won't give a shit about your feelings. I think that you should... breakup with him and find someone better so he won't hurt you."
Tree-kun expected to have to comfort the blonde about this revelation, but instead all he was greeted with was laughter. W-Was he laughing at him?! Immediately he felt self-conscious, hugging himself slightly he waited for Logan to finish his laughing fit. "Please tell me your joking." Logan manages to say between laughs. "Maybe you just had that experience because he never actually liked you."
"W-What do you m-mean?" He was stuttering, feeling his face burn with shame and embarrassment. Was his and Tyler's whole relationship nothing but a joke? Something to entertain Tyler? "W-Well if he never liked me then he definitely doesn't like you!"
A small chuckle escapes Logan "Yeah and what evidence do you have to base this on."
"I-I, um, listen I-" logan raises a hand quickly silencing Tree-kun.
"It's clear the reason why you're doing this. It's because you're jealous that Tyler moved on from you so quickly, but the truth is Tyler never liked you. He never wanted to spend time with you. You two only known eachother for what, a night? And then he left you." Logan's stare is cold and hard "He couldn't even bare to spend anymore time with you. Yet he never seems to have this problem with me, so maybe you're the problem"
Tree-kun quickly tried to defend himself "It didn't matter that it was just one night, we were in love!"
Logan scoffed "In love? You can't fall in love in just one night. And how was your relationship love? From what I've been told all you ever did was talk." Tree-kun was about to interrupt Logan's cruel accusations, but the shorter boy carried on. "Thank you for the meaningless warning, but why don't you leave before you embarrass yourself even more."
At that Logan began to walk in the direction that Tyler went. Watching the two boys meet and share a quick kiss as Tyler hands Logan some food. He turned around and began speed walking away after he made eye contact with Tyler. Maybe he could buy Ceiling-chan's gift another day
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t4tpumpkinduo · 20 days
not to hornets nest again so soon but erm. ok. i love when ppl have many different hcs for characters, like with sexuality and race and the like! ithink it's valuable and fun and insightful, and there's just so much to chew on about how different lenses can shape and mold the subject of them. at the same time. however. i do think you have to mb unpack. how certain things reflect and how they can become coded. mb. like we should think about why we think certain things. in my opinion.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
man. being an artist/writer on the internet is HARD sometimes. gaining a following for doing this one thing and then changing it up/doing it less/being busy etc etc and feeling the guilt of not delivering what your audience came here for. you can choose to let go and draw for yourself exclusively but its really not that easy in this economy with likes and algorithm and traction and shit. to artists who truly have a "fuck it we ball" mentality i salute you i wish i were as strong as you
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whimsylace · 1 year
tim headcanons? 🥺
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jay. jay you evil mf. ilysm😈 okay so i only have 17 rn but i’ll def write like fifty more . hope u enjoy pookie !! (also u weren’t expecting this very aesthetic very awesome very high level format were you. yeahf. ive become COOL.)
— he has unnecessarily loud footsteps.
— he appreciates his gang but never shows it. one day he said “hey fellas,, youve been doin’ a good job durin’ rumbles lately. im proud to have yall as my gang🙏”. and everyone stared at him wide eyed cause they honestly thought he hated them💀💀
— when he was a kid he used to pray every night that curly would get kidnapped n shit because he hated his ass☠️☠️curly was one of those really annoying toddlers
— he loses his jacket ALL THE DAMN TIME. (its mostly cause curly always steals it to look cool and dal just takes it for fun whenever)
— tim and darry understand each other. they both have dead parents/a dead parent and both had to take care of their kid siblings
— tim and darry also frequently talk to eachother🔥 sometimes darry finds tim asleep on the curtis couch™️ or its the opposite, & they end up chatting.
— ^they talk about parents, taking care of their siblings, and dally. (will elaborate further one day.)
— i think like. tims responsible and more mature compared to the others, right? BUT HES STILL 18. PLEAHS. HE ISNT A DAD. HE HASNT ACCEPTED HIS FATE LIKE DARRY (😭im sorry ily dar) HE IS STILL A HOOD WHO HAS FUN N SHIT DAWG!!!!!!!
— ^like ok imagine how curly always thinks tims like boring n old and all but after the rumble everyone in the reformatorys talking ab it and he hears how tim like crushed 5 guys’ skulls so hes just like 😨😨 (he then proceeds to show off the fact that THATS HIS BROTJER🔥🔥🔥)
— ^like guys even in the book pony says hes “constantly reckless” LIKE CMON. ((okay the main reason i wrote thsi was because i read this fic thingy and tim called dal “kid” even though theyre a year apart.wtf!! tim is not that boys old man!!!!))
— he steals angelas hair conditioners n other stuff because they smell good and make his hair soft🗣️
— he knows how to cook a few recipes, since his mom was never really there and he had to feed curly and angela somehow.
— ^curly calls his cooking ass but devours it every time (he would eat anything tbh)
— he lights fireworks n firecrackers n shit with dal
— was a demon as a middle schooler.
— hes really overprotective of his car. will not let anyone get near it or drive it. dal knows this; which is why he makes sure to slash his tires every 2-3 business days😇
— his nose used to be really straight but now its crooked as fuck cause hes broken it three fucking times😭😭
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compacflt · 1 year
wrt your answer regarding IceMav’s overall perception of women, and how they were both unfortunately, products of their times/military backgrounds: this is a question I asked myself all the time, while reading WWGATTAI — CAN they really only have a truly equal relationship with another man? Back in chapter 1, when Ice was so deep in denial about himself and his sexuality, that he wouldn’t know what (or who) he wanted, even if it rode up-to him on a freight train, and knocked him flat out on his ass, his idea of what he thinks makes sense for him is: a simple woman who won’t ask too many questions, who will wait up for him until his ship comes home, who will purse her lips when he tells her of the violence he’s witnessed but won’t pry, who will wash and dry his uniform for him and kiss him at the sound of Reveille in the morning. ‘Cause, in his own words: Complicated women lead to complicated problems, long arguments, late nights, philosophy discussions, plans for the future.
Now, maybe it’s telling, maybe it’s not, but the closest Ice gets to semi-serious relationship with a woman, is with a PhD candidate: who doesn’t seem to fit into his very-juvenile ideal of a ‘simple’ woman, and the person he ends up choosing over her is Mav: who is a man ofc, but at the same time, is ‘simple’ in the sense that he doesn’t ask too many (or any) questions, does wait up for Ice till his ship comes home (even if Ice doesn’t explicitly want him to), probably has little interest in late-night philosophy discussions, and absolutely-zero expectations for their future. This combined with the fact that Ice confides in Jake, telling him that Mav’s the only person he’s ever been in love with, made me wonder whether Mav’s ‘simplicity’ (LOL), was a part of the reason why Ice loved him, and whether there was a sliver of a chance that maybe, Ice did know himself just a little bit, back when he was in his mid-twenties? In Debriefing, Mav thinks to himself, that he’s slept with a lotta guys, and he’s slept with a lotta girls, and maybe, there was a 50-50 chance who he ended up with. But maybe, for Ice, it was always meant to be Mav—regardless of how many others he slept with. I mean, Mav’s clearly not washing and drying any uniforms for Ice, but he’s probably kissing him at the sound of Reveille in the morning?
lol i literally never thought of it like that but you’re so right!!! in my head it’s not exactly “ice is in love with maverick BECAUSE he doesn’t ask questions” it’s more like “maverick not asking questions ALLOWS ice to be in love with him.”
I really have spent an EXORBITANT amount of time thinking about possible moments in the story they could have talked about it—moments when they could’ve chosen not to “waste time,” depending on how you look at it, and I cannot see any foot in the door that isnt maverick literally dying & coming back from the dead. Like—the most likely moment would’ve been when they hugged each other ~halfway through debriefing when mavericks like ice always leaves—i think maverick (if he were feeling forgiving enough) could’ve whispered I love you, and it wouldn’t have gone TERRIBLY, but I literally cannot imagine ice’s response. “Ok.” Doesn’t know what to do with himself. “Uh. I, uh. Can’t, really, uh…” until mavericks like “don’t worry about it…” & who knows what happens after that.
I think the ONLY way i have come up with that actually works is—maverick nonchalantly asking anytime, “do you like me? Like, as a person. I know some people don’t like me. I don’t know. Am I a likable person? I know we’re stuck together but. Do you actually like me?” And ice going, “yeah, of course i like you! :) i didnt used to… u used to be a fuckin twerp… but…” blabbering on about how “You have no idea how respected you are… You walk into a room & everyone’s faces light up… ur so much FUN… ur the life of every party… it used to make me jealous but now it just makes me so proud to say yes i used to fly with maverick Mitchell, yes im friends with him, yes i know him… :)))” like, the truth! & then, kind of insecure, “i know some people don’t like ME…. too cold hearted etc… idk as my best friend how do you feel about ME…” & maverick goes “come on. You know how I feel about you.” and ice is like… “oh! you love me!” & “oh shit.” More complicated than that obviously but that’s literally the only way ive come up with (besides TGM doing the work for me and killing Maverick off so Ice realizes he can’t live without him) that doesn’t end with ice going “uh. uh. Well we can’t. I don’t know how to respond to that. Uh. We can’t be in a relationship because I’m not.” And maverick going “yes you are!” And ice saying “fuck you, navy first!” and leaving. (The possibility that would’ve happened if mav wanted to ask questions. my Ice has to figure it out for himself.)
idk if this is really answering ur ask. But—i love that reading wrt mavs “simplicity” and the quote from ch 1. i literally wasn’t thinking about it that way at all (like I wasn’t thinking period when i wrote it) but it makes me feel smarter than i am so thank you
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tibli · 7 months
there's something about dirk that is just so transgender....................
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epiphainie · 1 hour
i almost entirely agree with everything you said about tommy but my hc is that his dad is a veteran as well and going to the army was kind of expected of tommy
this is also acceptable lore. for me his father is this tough conservative pro-military guy who's all talk but would never serve himself (a coward himself if you will who honed how to project this image) so tommy thinks it could be both a way to remove himself from his dad's immediate vicinity and also maybe, with teeny tiny bit possibility, make his dad proud? or at least be something he'd approve of?
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ethobslabbin · 1 year
watching back today's tango vod and ????
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the desk mat image glitched out and showed as an "anime girl thigh" jar????????
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curi0uscreature · 9 months
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* Noticed how their energy is coming from the eye on their necklace instead from his head like everyone else…….hmm
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thrilling-oneway · 11 months
Also shout out to the person who said in the tags of that airi post who said that half the debates in this fandom are over gender or sexuality because that’s true and it pisses me off immensely
#all the debates over whether VBS is gay coded or not and that their fans are biphobic if they don’t like m/f vbs pissed me off enough to#make me leave the fandom one of the times i left it. it’s also the reason I dont really like interacting with the fandom anymore LMAO#the thing is I don’t think it really matters lol#like mizuki is canonically trans but no one else is and I genuinely don’t get why people get so heated when ppl don’t have the same gender#hcs as them like it’s a HC not everyone has the same one as you. obviously this happens with airi a lot but with the boys being hc’d as#tfem as well? like I’ve seen people get SO up in it about them being called boys and it’s like full respect for your HC but#…they canonically are?#sexuality is a bit more complex bc while nothing is canon there definitely ARE things implied and since nothing is canon I don’t think it#really matters what ur HC is but at least be able to recognise what’s in the game? like kohane and minori showing attraction to multiple#girls but never to any guys. or an being canonically interested in kohane romantically or bad dogs being implied soulmates#and like it doesn’t matter what you ship or HC but loads of ppl try to claim this doesn’t exist for the sake of winning internet arguments#which is just So stupid#specifically i see this in the wxs fandom a lot over ppl HCing them as not mspec. especially with rui like ive seen loads of arguments#caused by people pointing out that he is actually gay-coded and then people trying to counter that. usually with shipping as evidence lol#and like sure ship him with emu or nene who cares but the coding is there so maybe don’t pretend it isn’t#this fandom is weird there’s like two sides to it of ‘everyone is bi and if you don’t HC that or like m/f ships ur biphobic’ and then#there’s ‘every character should be exclusively gay and if you disagree ur homophobic’#both of them are wrong#also i doubt clpl gives a shit about any of this#tag ramble over this fandom annoys me
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codgod · 1 year
what if i change my tango design. what if i de-twink him
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MyS but the whole time Lily just has Aaron on a backpack-leash because if she lets him go he’ll end up buying something he doesn’t need, even if he doesn’t have any cash or cards on him.
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