#and i love wearing florals because FLOWERS duh
hadesoftheladies · 22 days
being unwilling to accept degradation on any level as a woman makes people so mad at you lmao. no i will not exist and walk around like i am here to be performative art and not a human being fuck you
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avalil18 · 3 months
Flowers and Lace
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Summary: you and Joe attend your friends wedding but little did you know what the night would turn into!
Warnings: fluff
It was a cool summer day in Cincinnati. Your childhood best friends Rose and Tommy are getting married and you couldn’t be more excited! Joe and you are going together since both of you are very good friends with the bride and groom. You have always had feelings for Joe but you never knew he felt the same way about you.
You were putting the last final touches of makeup on your face in the bathroom when you heard a familiar voice radiate through your apartment. “Y/n?”Joe asks. “In here!” You say. Joe walks in wearing a navy striped suit and white t-shirt underneath with black dress shoes. He looked so handsome. You turn around to face him and you give him a look. “What’s the face for?” Joe asks. “You look fancy!” You say in a joking why trying to make him laugh. Joe smirks and says “why thank you”. but then he pauses to look at you top to bottom and he was left speechless. You were wearing a floral dress with lace cut into it and a long v-neck showing some cleavage. You smile knowing very well he didn’t know what to say which made you blush. “You look gorgeous” Joe says with a smile. God that smile. “Thank you Joey!” you say.
Once done with your makeup you make sure your curled hair looks good and you leave your bathroom to find Joe sitting at the edge of your bed on his phone looking at some outfit ideas for this upcoming football season. You always love seeing Joe on the field and you are so proud of him for what he has accomplished. “I like those pants” you say in sarcasm. “Really!” Joe says.
“No.” You laugh and give him a smirk. “Haha so funny” joey says in sarcasm. “Alright let’s get going” you say trying to put your heels on. Once out the door you and Joe walk to his car and he opens the car door for you. “Thank you”you say. “Of course” Joey says closing the door to get to his side. Once in the car Joe turns on his playlist filled with his favorite songs. “You still love your Kid Cudi!” You saying knowing joe still listens to him every day since middle school. “Duh!” He says.
After an hour long car ride to the venue you two get out. You wait in the car knowing Joe likes to give you a hand out of the car and would be mad if got out yourself. “What a gentleman!” You say. “Why thank you!” Joey says. As you two walk into the beautiful venue filled with flowers and guests you link your hand with joes knowing he gets nervous with all these people around. You look up at him giving a, you ok? Look. He gives you a smile and a nod which reassures you but you still know he is a little nervous. You and Joe go your separate ways for bit greeting your old friends from your childhood. As you are talking to one of your old high school friends Anna you notice Joe is looking at you from the corner of your eye which grabs your attention and you tried to stay focused in your conversation so you turned your head quickly back to Anna. Anna quickly grasps on to what you were so distracted by and says “so you and Joe huh?” She says with a smirk. Oh! Haha no still just really good best friends!” You say. Oh! I thought you guys were a thing because of the way I see you guys look at each other. Anna says with a laugh. What do you mean the way we look at each other? You ask with a little laugh intrigued with what she is about to say. “You don’t notice y/n? You guys look at each other like you are in love!” She says. “Really? I don’t think so.” You say surprised at what Anna just said. “Oh you guys look like you are in love with the way you guys have kept looking at each other all night.” Anna says while drinking her champagne. “God I’ve never really noticed.”You say. “Go over to him I bet he has been wanting you because he’s been looking over here every second.” Anna says with a laugh. “Haha fine! I will catch you later!” You say. “Go get your man y/n!” She says and you give back a smirk. Once you reached Joe who was at a standing table talking to one of his best friends Zach with a drink in hand he quickly notices you and turns to Zach and shakes his hand and they both say catch you later. “Hey! Where’s Zach going?” You say confused to why he left. “Oh he just went to go catch up with some other friends and get another drink.” Joe says with a smile. There’s that smile again. “Oh ok!”You say placing your drink down on the table. “It feels so weird seeing everyone again.” You say with a laugh. “Tell me about it! Everyone looks so different but the same.”Joe laughs. “Yeah! And it’s so weird seeing our best friends get married! God where did the time go!” You laugh. “I know right!” Joe says. Joe then gives you a smirk and says “do you remember when everyone thought we were going to get married first? Crazy right?” Joe laughs awkwardly. You look up at him and say “haha! I do and everyone thinks we are a couple since we came together.” “Yeah! People have been coming up to me saying so you and y/n huh?” Joe says. “Really? That’s funny!” You say fidgeting with your ice in your drink keeping eyes on Joe then looking down. “Yeah I guess it is!” Joe says with a little laugh and then says something you never thought you would hear come out of his mouth. “Do you ever think of what it would have been like if we dated?”Joe asks. You look up at him surprised that he said that and you say “only when people ask me if we are a couple. But it honesty would have been weird.” You say kinda disappointed that you are even saying this because ever since you were 9 years old you thought Joe would have been your boyfriend or better yet your husband by now but you are both 25 and you know that he would never like you back after all these years you thought. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of weird.”Joe says awkwardly with a little laugh. After a moment of silence and complete awkwardness you ask “do you want to dance?” Once you said it you knew it was the alcohol talking and Joe does not like dancing but to your surprise he say yes and took your hand. Once on the dance floor a slow song came on and it was one of your favorite songs ever. “The night we met” by Lord Huron. You smiled and wrapped your arms around joes neck.
Authors note: it’s maxed out so go to part 2! Sorry!
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funnyjb · 2 months
Flowers and lace
You were putting the last final touches of makeup on your face in the bathroom when you heard a familiar voice radiate through your apartment. “Y/n?”Joe asks. “In here!” You say. Joe walks in wearing a navy striped suit and white t-shirt underneath with black dress shoes. He looked so handsome. You turn around to face him and you give him a look. “What’s the face for?” Joe asks. “You look fancy!” You say in a joking why trying to make him laugh. Joe smirks and says “why thank you”. but then he pauses to look at you top to bottom and he was left speechless. You were wearing a floral dress with lace cut into it and a long v-neck showing some cleavage. You smile knowing very well he didn’t know what to say which made you blush. “You look gorgeous” Joe says with a smile. God that smile. “Thank you Joey!” you say.
Once done with your makeup you make sure your curled hair looks good and you leave your bathroom to find Joe sitting at the edge of your bed on his phone looking at some outfit ideas for this upcoming football season. You always love seeing Joe on the field and you are so proud of him for what he has accomplished. “I like those pants” you say in sarcasm. “Really!” Joe says.
“No.” You laugh and give him a smirk. “Haha so funny” joey says in sarcasm. “Alright let’s get going” you say trying to put your heels on. Once out the door you and Joe walk to his car and he opens the car door for you. “Thank you”you say. “Of course” Joey says closing the door to get to his side. Once in the car Joe turns on his playlist filled with his favorite songs. “You still love your Kid Cudi!” You saying knowing joe still listens to him every day since middle school. “Duh!” He says.
After an hour long car ride to the venue you two get out. You wait in the car knowing Joe likes to give you a hand out of the car and would be mad if got out yourself. “What a gentleman!” You say. “Why thank you!” Joey says. As you two walk into the beautiful venue filled with flowers and guests you link your hand with joes knowing he gets nervous with all these people around. You look up at him giving a, you ok? Look. He gives you a smile and a nod which reassures you but you still know he is a little nervous. You and Joe go your separate ways for bit greeting your old friends from your childhood. As you are talking to one of your old high school friends Anna you notice Joe is looking at you from the corner of your eye which grabs your attention and you tried to stay focused in your conversation so you turned your head quickly back to Anna. Anna quickly grasps on to what you were so distracted by and says “so you and Joe huh?” She says with a smirk. Oh! Haha no still just really good best friends!” You say. Oh! I thought you guys were a thing because of the way I see you guys look at each other. Anna says with a laugh. What do you mean the way we look at each other? You ask with a little laugh intrigued with what she is about to say. “You don’t notice y/n? You guys look at each other like you are in love!” She says. “Really? I don’t think so.” You say surprised at what Anna just said. “Oh you guys look like you are in love with the way you guys have kept looking at each other all night.” Anna says while drinking her champagne. “God I’ve never really noticed.”You say. “Go over to him I bet he has been wanting you because he’s been looking over here every second.” Anna says with a laugh. “Haha fine! I will catch you later!” You say. “Go get your man y/n!” She says and you give back a smirk. Once you reached Joe who was at a standing table talking to one of his best friends Zach with a drink in hand he quickly notices you and turns to Zach and shakes his hand and they both say catch you later. “Hey! Where’s Zach going?” You say confused to why he left. “Oh he just went to go catch up with some other friends and get another drink.” Joe says with a smile. There’s that smile again. “Oh ok!”You say placing your drink down on the table. “It feels so weird seeing everyone again.” You say with a laugh. “Tell me about it! Everyone looks so different but the same.”Joe laughs. “Yeah! And it’s so weird seeing our best friends get married! God where did the time go!” You laugh. “I know right!” Joe says. Joe then gives you a smirk and says “do you remember when everyone thought we were going to get married first? Crazy right?” Joe laughs awkwardly. You look up at him and say “haha! I do and everyone thinks we are a couple since we came together.” “Yeah! People have been coming up to me saying so you and y/n huh?” Joe says. “Really? That’s funny!” You say fidgeting with your ice in your drink keeping eyes on Joe then looking down. “Yeah I guess it is!” Joe says with a little laugh and then says something you never thought you would hear come out of his mouth. “Do you ever think of what it would have been like if we dated?”Joe asks. You look up at him surprised that he said that and you say “only when people ask me if we are a couple. But it honesty would have been weird.” You say kinda disappointed that you are even saying this because ever since you were 9 years old you thought Joe would have been your boyfriend or better yet your husband by now but you are both 25 and you know that he would never like you back after all these years you thought. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of weird.”Joe says awkwardly with a little laugh. After a moment of silence and complete awkwardness you ask “do you want to dance?” Once you said it you knew it was the alcohol talking and Joe does not like dancing but to your surprise he say yes and took your hand. Once on the dance floor a slow song came on and it was one of your favorite songs ever. “The night we met” by Lord Huron. You smiled and wrapped your arms around joes neck.
Authors note: re-post
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maddipoof · 11 months
☙Coraline❧ I didn’t post this originally because I forgot but then i didn’t want to but then i did so now we’re here, SHIPS, I love ships, tell me as much as you’re comfortable with about yourself, send a fandom and gender preference, and I’ll ship you and give you some head canons <3
could i please have one of these for newsies the musical and can it be for one of the boys??? ❤️‍🩹
prepare yourself because this is gonna be detailed 🤭
i have long curly blonde hair (it’s nearly at my waist now and is blonder than normal because of the sun) i love it sm now it’s like princess hair 🤭 i have downturned doe eyes that are constantly switching between blue, green and grey. i always curl my lashes and wear mascara because sadly naturally i have very straight pale lashes. i have a slim, slight figure and am tanned because it’s summer!!! my face has a lot of freckles now and but so does my body. i have a small ring of freckles on my knuckle which i love!!! my cheeks are always flushed and i have baby blue braces. the way i dress is very coquette, girl next door chic. think white lace blouses paired with jean skirts or pretty floral dresses. simple, girly angelic and preppy. basically rory gilmore if she was one of the lisbon sisters.
i’m extremely physically affectionate. my friends irl will tell anyone that because i’m nearly always holding their hands or looping my arms with theirs. my love language is definitely physical touch. i’m an infp and a libra. i also get told that my personality reminds people of miss honey or cinderella. so i guess that means i’m pretty soft spoken and kind. i’m very quiet when i first meet people but once they probably know me i can ramble for ages about my hyper-fixations.i can be kinda naive but only because i always wanna see the good in people!!! i don’t really get angry or when i am angry i just end up crying. 😔
i really love classic literature and vintage books!!! along with vintage movies (especially audrey hepburn movies, i’m literally obsessed with her) i love alternative music from the 80s. think the smiths, blondie, echo and the bunnymen + not from the 80s lana <333 though to be fair i just adore anything from the past. but also i thrive listening to vintage love songs. i love pressed flowers and journaling! basically any hobby that is typically old fashioned is my kind of activity 😭
thank you ever so much for doing this, i’m genuinely so interested to see which one of the newsboys you ship me with!!!
It took me a minute but now i have it,
I don’t think it would work with Jack, he needs someone like loud and can argue with him and stuff and i just don’t see you liking that. I think,,,
Spot Conlin (maybe because he’s my favorite, but stay with me) I think that you would be a tailor for Medda, like not a show girl, but you make their costumes and mend things and yadda yadda. And one day Jack brings Spot to a show, just because. And they go through the back door and you’re walking past in a gorgeous light pink dress you made yourself (i feel like you’d look good in light pink) and he’s so used to seeing everyone in brown and dark colors that it immediately catches his eye, But! what really grabs his attention is the armful of bolts of fabric you’re carrying, especially since they’re in front of your face and you run right into him, so of course he couldn’t ignore you. So he helps you pick everything up and you’re apologizing left and right and he’s like “I should be apologizing to you,” in his silly little accent, and when you don’t believe him “I’m serious, youse too pretty to be sayin sorry to me” then you giggle and blush because duh. And then he tries to pick everything up for you and bring it wherever you’re going and you’re like “No, you don’t have to do that, really.”
But he does. And then he makes Jack take him to every show just so he can see you and eventually he asks you out and so he takes you out for dinner and even if it’s not the nicest place you’ve ever been, you still really love it because of how sweet he’s being to take you out. And maybe on one of you’re later dates, after you’ve been together for a little while, some randos on the street try catcalling you because you’re in such a pretty dress and you look so nice, especially standing next to Spot, even if you’ve started mending/making his clothes. So he doesn’t care that they’re insulting him, that doesn’t matter, but what matters is they made you feel bad and he cannot have that. So he walks you home and he tells you that he’s gonna start selling more papes and trying harder and build a better life but you’re like “You don’t have to do all that just for me.” BUT HES LIKE “I’m doin it for us”
and it is love 🥰
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candygrlsworld · 2 years
Guide to my Style🍭🎀
Intro ♡
One thing about me is am the ultimate girly girl. Tomboy styles and insta baddie styles are cute but not me at all. I love lace, , frilly things, dresses, the color pink, rhinestones etc. Everything soft & girly I love!!! Now let’s start:
I love Pastel colors. But my signature color is Baby pink. And I love recreating or wearing fashions from the 70s 90s & Y2K. But recently I have been obsessed with nymphet fashions which is more remeniscent of the 50s.
As for motifs I love flowers (like daises but I hate floral print, it gives grandma vibes, ew.) I love hearts. Argyle print & plaid. (It’s very Cher Horowitz cute & preppy.) I love ruffle and frilly things & bows too.
My style icons are:
Cher Horowitz & Dionne Davenport from clueless (duh!)
Maddy Perez from euphoria season 1 (another duh)
Lolita from the 1997 film (I just like the fashion the contents of the film make me🤢)
Ashley banks
Chanel #1 and 2 in scream queens
Bratz dolls
Doja cat (sometimes)
& here are is a tik Tok I made that shows pictures of my style
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Hair ♡
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I have been through a lot with my hair. When I was younger I permed it & a lot of my hair fell out so I wore braids & weaves for a really long time, to grow it back. Up until recently I have permed my hair again & have started wearing wigs.
I have never been a natural hair girl because my hair had fell out & it just wasn’t long enough to. Now of course my hair goes almost an inch to my shoulders. So as to my preference I love perm, ponytails & weave. It’s not that I want to be white or anything. It’s just that:
1. I get bored with braids. I do ponytail & buns etc. & once I run out of updos. I’m done with it.
2.I have never worn my hair natural. Idk how to take care of it. Idk how to style it. And idk what styles I would be able to do with my length. (But for the summer I wanna get clips ins and wear my natural hair out so well see how that works out)
So as for hairstyles. My signature would be two ponytails (long or short). And always swoop bangs and my baby hairs layed. And any hairstyle I wear has the swoop bangs & edges layed. Whether it’s one ponytail. Long or short and straight. If my hair is curled I usually just go for a middle part with my edges done. And if it is curled it’s body waves, or just curled on the ends. And the only hair colors I have done/would do are blonde and baby pink. Otherwise I like my hair black. I usually don’t like to wear my hair down unless it is body wave. I have always had a thing about hair in my face.
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Fashion ♡
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My colors are white, baby blue, baby pink, lavender or pastel purple and black but I don’t really like black all that much but it is just an essential color.
I want to wear only skirts and dresses. But alas that is not possible for everyday (especially in NY winter.) So when I do wear pants I like them to be bell bottoms. Because I like the brats dolls silhouette. And the rest of my style goes along the lines of keeping that brats doll silhouette.
Bell bottoms
Graphic and/or plain baby tees/crop tops
Tennis skirts
Baby doll dress
Platform shoes
Matching sets
Brands I shop at
Dollskill ( I buy second off Mercari & depop, because I don’t want to support them)
Rainbow (it’s a store in NY some locations are better than others though)
Mandee (another store in NY)
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Nails ♡
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For nails as much as I’d like to wear long ass nails. I simply cannot. I do a lot of sewing & art & I haven’t figured out how to do those things with long nails yet.
When my nails are long i love the decora type look. And I only like Patel colors. But really only wear baby pink & white. I like French nails (who doesn’t?) or just having them plain baby pink and short, same thing for my toes.
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Accessories ♡
Accessories are literally the key to a good outfit. They elevate the look so much. You could have the simplest outfit but if you accessorize it will look so put together!
I personally like y2k accessories
Hoop earrings
Little mini initial necklaces
Name plate necklace
90s hair clips
Butterfly clips
Belts (chain belts, black ones with the silver rings)
Knee high socks
Short ruffle socks ( I like to wear these with sneakers)
Statement jackets ( furs, leather, denim etc.)
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ crush on you - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | fluff | 1.4k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, idol au, love at first sight au, mature language/cursing, westernartist!reader, mark is a shy bby, soft!mark, lowkey shy!reader bc lol, ANOTHER REQUEST YAY!!
REQUEST | “love your writing! do you mind taking a request of mine? it’s where mark sees a western artist at an award show or function and he has a crush on her and wants to get with her before nct goes back to korea… thank you” - anon <3
SUMMARY | his little heart has a crush on you :)
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “crush on you” by soul fro and dum di dum! IM SO EXCITED THIS IS ANOTHER REQUEST!! THANK YOU ANON ILY <3 hopefully this meets your expectations :) i actually don’t know how award shows in the states work even though i’m literally from america so this might be slightly inaccurate lol. anyways thank you for supporting me crappy writing ahfkjdh i love you <33
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mark had no idea what it was about you that captured his fragile little heart. you, the tiny first time nominee at the ama’s.
nct 127 was once again nominated for an award at the western convention, the team touring around the area as well. the red carpet was flooded with cameras, flashes and intense yells for attention was the only thing mark could hear.
but the moment you started walking down the silk road, it was like all of the sound buzzed down to a silence.
❝ my heart has a little crush on you ❞
you were the only thing the boy could see.
your soft pink gown clashed with the intense red on the floor, the pretty floral print around the chest and waist of the dress all the more brought out your skin tone. your hair was left in pretty curls and mark could’ve sworn he saw a pink flower pin somewhere in there too.
the shy smile you let out the moment the paparazzi noticed you made mark’s heart race, hearing them ask you how you felt about your first ama’s since your debut.
so she’s a newbie, mark thought knowing that was the reason he’s never seen you before.
“how does it feel to be nominated for your first award?” a man asked, flashes all around you. your heart was racing with fear.
don’t fuck up now, you thought to yourself before smiling.
“if i’m being honest, i’m terrified.” you answered truthfully, watching as the group of people in front of you nodded in understanding. “but i’m super excited and grateful to be here, so the nerves don’t really matter.” you awkwardly continued as some cooed at your shyness.
“now i must say that’s a beautiful dress you have on.” a woman with a microphone said causing you to blush.
“ahh thank you!” you gushed, turning to her with warm cheeks. “i was scared it might be too much but my stylist insisted i wear it.”
“well you’re stunning.” the woman winked before a certain group of boys caught her eye. “good luck today y/n! hopefully this will be your first win.” she said before floating to the korean boys a couple feet away.
“thank you!” you called out, watching her go to the group of boys ahead of you.
curiosity struck you knowing you had no clue who they were. once you made it past the runway, you sneaked a look at the group only to have your breath taken away.
they were gorgeous, especially the one in the front.
his big brown doe eyes were shining under the lights and even though they were all wearing the same back suit and tie, this boy seemed to stand out to you.
❝ so immature but these butterflies they keep me laughing ❞
“hey lauren?” you nudge your manager. “who’s that?” you secretly point, not wanting to draw attention.
“oh that’s mark lee from nct 127. they’re the korean boy group that’s nominated for an award.” your manager replied.
she then pokes your sides as she smirks. “don’t tell me you have a thing for the canadian dude!” she says and you yelp from the impact.
“HE’S CANADIAN TOO?” you whispered-shouted to the girl, a little taken aback. so he’s handsome and most likely knows how to speak english?
“it’s always the damn canadians.” you grumbled under your breath as your manager laughed knowing this might be the start of something new.
“hyung remember that girl from the runway with the pink floral dress?” mark asks one of their managers. the man nods, a little confused by the question.
“how can you not?” the man jokes, mark nodding with a small smile.
“do you happen to know her name?” the boy asks as
his manager gives him a look. “where is this going mark?”
“no where i swear i just want to know who she is.” mark said, holding his hands up in surrender.
“hmm okay well i’m pretty sure her name is y/n.” his manager responds before being asked by another staff member for something.
“y/n.” mark said hazily, liking how your name sounds on his tongue.
mark was in love. there was no other way to describe this feeling. while waiting in their waiting rooms for the show to start, mark took the time to look up your music.
and god was he mad he didn’t know who you were before.
your songs were incredible and your voice held a certain fragility that made mark wanna give you a hug.
she better win, he thought to himself as they were ushered out of the waiting room and into the award show.
“oh my god oh my god oh my god.” you whispered to yourself as your heart raced. the award you were nominated in was about to be called and you wished you could hide in a hole and disappear from the crowd.
your manager sensed your nerves and squeezed your hand, silently letting you know she’d be there for you through anything. you softly smiled as you felt your nerves subside.
“and the winner is…” the man called out, purposefully slowing down a bit to create suspense.
mark knew this was the category you were nominated in, and the moment they were about to reveal the winner he held his breath.
please be y/n, he thought in his head as the announcer took another breath.
“y/n!” and if it wasn’t for his self-strength, mark could’ve sworn he would’ve jumped up in joy.
❝ my heart wrote a little song for you ❞
mark couldn’t keep his eyes off you throughout the entire award show. in fact, he was a little worried someone would notice because of how painfully obvious he was being.
but it’s not like you were any better. whenever mark would look away, you’d be looking at him.
“just talk to him.” your manager lauren complained, sick of the heart eyes you’d send to the boy.
so oblivious, she thought rolling her eyes. even she had seen the way he’d sneak glances at you as well.
“shhh.” you hushed her, looking around. it was nearing the end of the convention but you didn’t want to risk anyone over hearing her.
“i don’t know laur, he probably hasn’t even noticed me.” you quietly sighed feeling a bit down.
why would he? you’re just a newbie while he’s been in the industry for years.
“oh you’d be surprised.” the girl responded, shaking her head at your stupidity.
“are you y/n’s manager?” a man asked, stopping the woman. raising an eyebrow lauren motioned you too keep walking backstage to your dressing room.
how odd, you thought walking away.
“yes i am. why what’s going on.” lauren replied hesitantly.
the man let out a sigh of relief before continuing. “i’m one of the managers for nct 127 and let’s be honest,” he said letting the woman relax. she saw where this was heading.
“mark and y/n are head over heels for each other.” they both said at the same time.
“you noticed mark’s glances?” he asked in surprise.
“duh who wouldn’t?” she replied causing the man to laugh.
“y/n wouldn’t.” he said back causing them two to formulate a plan.
“y/n i have someone i’d like to introduce to you.” your manager said walking into your dressing room. you sat lazily on the couch still in your dress, your toes aching from being in those heels for hours.
“what’s up lauren?” you asked looking up from your phone.
“meet mark from nct 127.”
and just like that your heart jumped.
❝ won’t you take a listen ❞
the two of you stood awkwardly in front of each other not really knowing what to say. your managers had set you up, playing off the fact that they themselves have gotten along quite well and would like for their artists to meet.
you both started at the same time. you immediately flushed rushing to let him go first.
“uh you can go first.” you timidly responded.
“no you.” mark replied just as embarrassed.
“good grief just ask for each other’s numbers.” the two managers hollered in unison, cringing at the awkwardness in the air.
“y-you wanna get lunch sometime soon?” mark asked with sudden confidence.
❝ and dance with me to the rhythm ❞
you smiled causing him to smile back. “duh.”
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
Ice Cream Pt. 2~
ꕥPosted: 9/23/20
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Seonghwa
ꕥWord Count: ~2k
ꕥWarnings: Oral (f recieving), Unprotected sex (sort of, reader is on the pill), Reader has a thing for being teased, Praise (are we even surprised at this point), Language, Size kink if you squint
ꕥA/N: I hope you all enjoy this one! I’m going to make this a five part series and I’m really excited to write the rest!! I’ll be posting part three on Saturday! You can read the first one here. Happy Wednesday everyone :)
Pt. 3 here~
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Your POV
I read over the words on my screen for likely the twentieth time, trying to come up with a solid response. Any response at all, really, that didn’t sound completely ridiculous.
[Choco Boi] Those are big words, doll. How about you come see for yourself how good I am?
Choco Boi—or Seonghwa, as I affectionately named him in my phone—had been bragging to me about how good of a cook he was for the past hour. So I, in all my infinite wisdom, told him I was an incredible chef. I mean I wasn’t necessarily a bad cook, but I certainly wasn’t Gordon Ramsey. And now, I he was inviting me to his home for us to cook together.
My fingers were hovering over the keyboard of my phone when I received another text from him.
[Choco Boi] No pressure tho, only if you want to :)
[Me] That’s okay! I’d like to. Maybe the 6th?
Surely someone can learn to cook in a week, right?
[Choco Boi] Sure. I’ll pick you up at 5?
[Me] Sounds good :))
With a sigh I set my phone down on my night stand, tucking myself into bed. I had work the next morning and I knew I should be getting some sleep but my thoughts continued to drift back to Seonghwa.
Two weeks had passed since we first met and there wasn’t a day that passed that we didn’t text, FaceTime, or call each other.
I couldn’t help but be attracted to him. He was just so...alluring. He had the most precious mannerisms and I felt like I melted everytime he smiled. Especially when it was because of me.
I recalled the first official date we went on. He took me to a gorgeous restaurant I had never heard of. I teased myself for being so nervous because conversation flowed so easily with him. We held hands nearly the entire time as Seonghwa pretended to know all the foreign dishes and everything about them, making up the most ridiculous stories as he went along. I smiled and laughed with him to the point I had tears in my eyes.
I remember so clearly when he drove me home and we ended up making out in his car for an hour, the fat raindrops pounding on his car. It wasn’t intentional, at least on my part, but god if my feelings weren’t strong before, they certainly were now. The cologne he was wearing was no doubt expensive and he looked so heavenly in his blue button-up shirt with the rolled up sleeves exposing his forearms, his silver watch on display. I wouldn’t have been surprised if my eyes were literally forming hearts when I looked at him. I felt comforted that his eyes reflected the look in mine.
Closing my eyes I gradually lulled myself to sleep, but not without thinking of him as I did.
The next day passed relatively quickly, and I felt slightly anxious about meeting with Seonghwa. I knew he wouldn’t instantly lose interest if I wasn’t a good cook, but I still wanted to impress him.
Setting down all of my groceries with a thud, I let out a sigh. I was pretty confident I bought half of the store’s cooking materials. Seonghwa refused to tell me what we were making so I wanted to make sure I got all the basics down. I had no problem with baking and I was certain I would be fine if we ended up making cookies, brownies, or something similar.
I just wasn’t too sure about...well, essentially everything else. So I spent my week trying new recipes and failing, trying them again and still failing but less so. I couldn’t help but feel frustrated, still not completely sure of what I was doing wrong.
I spent most nights cooking, trying to get the hang of beginner and intermediate dishes. Only a few actually turned out okay, but honestly it was better than where I started, and time was running out so I just had to accept it.
The day finally approached and I did everything possible to calm my nerves. As the clock ticked closer to five, I checked my outfit again. My favorite long sleeved shirt was tucked into a pair of slightly ripped shorts that tightly hugged my thighs. Simple pearls rested on my ears. I didn’t want anything too dramatic or revealing, especially since we’re only planning to cook.
Looking good girl. You can do this. Just remember to breathe and it’ll all be alright.
The doorbell shook me from my thoughts.
As I opened the door I saw Seonghwa holding a bouquet of roses, a loving smile on his face. My heart grew at the sight. He made me feel so cared for.
“There are for you, doll.”
I pushed the flowers aside and kissed him, jumping into his arms. “I’m so excited! It’s so good to see you!”
He laughed. “It’s good to see you, too.”
I took the flowers from his hands and welcomed him into my house, placing them in a jar.
“They’re gorgeous. Thank you again, Seonghwa.”
“No problem. You ready? My car is parked out front.”
I nodded, biting my lip. “I’m ready.”
Seonghwa’s POV
As we climbed into my car she spoke, her voice a little small, “So what are we making, Hwa?”
I smiled at the nickname she hadn’t used since the last time I saw her in person. “Well, love, today we’ll be making soufflé. That should be no problem with you right? You are an incredible chef, after all.”
A flash of fear shone through her eyes before she made a feeble attempt to suppress it. It was almost comical.
“Duh, of course.”
I smiled to myself. I doubted she’d made anything more complex than cookies but I was curious to see how far she was willing to take this.
My house wasn’t too far from hers so it took maybe ten minutes before we were at my house. I knew she’d never been to my home before and hoped she wasn’t too nervous.
I wouldn’t admit it, but I was more nervous than I led on. I’d brought a few girls to my place, but I didn’t have the instant connection with them that I did with her. She was special to me, as cliché as it sounds.
“Your house is pretty.” She said with big eyes.
I smiled, “Thank you.”
I held the door open as she walked in, and she instantly let out a gasp. It scared me, thinking something was wrong until I saw her run over to a little plant sitting on my windowsill.
“It’s so cute! Does it have a name?”
“Uh...can’t say it does. You name plants?”
She scoffed, “Of course! Frankly I’m appalled that you don’t.”
I watched as her eyes squinted, carefully examining the plant.
God she looks adorable. She’s literally just fawning over a plant and my heart is pounding. What are you doing to me, sweetheart?
“I think it looks like a Unice.”
“Yeah! I can’t explain it but it looks like a Unice.”
“Fair enough. Let’s head to the kitchen, I’ve got everything set up already.”
She nodded and waved goodbye to the plant.
“Bye Unice!”
I couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“So I know how to—of course—but you know I just want to see if you know how to make a soufflé so you should probably explain it.” She batted her eyelashes.
I raised a hand to my chin. “Actually, I’m not quite sure, now that you mention it. I could probably use a refresher. Would you mind telling me?”
I laughed at her stunned appearance. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a recipe.”
The woman giggled like a child, likely out of nerves.
“So first I need you to grab some milk and butter from the fridge.” I told her while preheating the oven.
“Okay!” She opened the fridge, “Oh my gosh you have chocolate covered strawberries? What are those for?”
“I have a sweet tooth. You can have some if you’d like.”
“No, that’s okay. I don’t wanna steal your food.”
“I don’t mind. They’re there if you want some.”
“Aw thanks.”
Everything went smoothly and I was surprised that she was doing so well. Soufflés weren’t easy to make for beginners and I was happy to see her trying.
That was until she started to stir the egg whites and accidentally knocked over the bag of flour sitting next to her.
“Okay I give.” Her brows furrowed as she threw her hands up in defeat, “I’m not the best at making food and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
I glanced at the powder covering her clothes and pressed my lips together to hide my smile.
“You don’t say?”
She cracked a slight smile, despite her best efforts to remain serious. “I’m trying, okay?”
I walked over to her and tilted my head down to look at her tiny frame.
“You’re so cute.”
Her eyes widened and she buried her face in her hands almost immediately, whining at me not to say such things.
You have no idea how endearing you are to me, darling.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
I gently removed her hands from her face and was greeted with a cherry blush forming on her cheeks. Just like when I first saw her, it was so easy to make her blush. I seemed to grow more and more fond of her flustered state every time I saw it.
Tucking a few fingers under her chin, I leaned down to kiss her soft lips. She tasted of the chocolate covered strawberries I saw her eating earlier when she thought I wasn’t looking and smelled of floral perfume. It was an intoxicating combination.
I smiled against the kiss when I felt her melt into my touch. Kissing her harder I ran my hands down her back, unintentionally playing with the hem of her shirt. I didn’t have any intention of taking things further. I was more than willing to take my time with her. I wanted her to be comfortable more than anything.
And then she whimpered into the kiss. I felt myself twitch in my jeans at the noise. She sounded so beautiful and everything in me craved to hear it again. I broke from the kiss and ran my lips down the side of her neck, taking my time to see how she reacted. She leaned into my touch and began to pant heavily, gripping onto my biceps.
I heard a breathless whisper of my name fall from her lips and it spurred me on. I gradually led her back up against the island in my kitchen and pinned her in place with my arms on either side of her, pressing on the granite. I littered her neck with kisses, paying close attention to the areas that were most sensitive to her.
Before I got ahead of myself I drew back to tell her we should stop. I didn’t know how far she wanted to go and I didn’t want her to think that I was only after her for sex. And so, I told her as such.
Her hazy lust-filled eyes darkened. “I don’t think you’re that type of guy. I want this if you do.”
“Wait! The oven!” Her eyes grew.
“Oh shit you’re right.”
I ran to turn off the oven and wordlessly picked her up, letting her legs wrap around my waist. All I saw was desire in her eyes. I led her to my bedroom and set her down on the soft sheets of my bed.
“Let’s find out what you’re into, sweetheart.”
She giggled and grabbed my shirt, forcing her lips against mine.
“Why don’t I show you?”
Your POV
I felt the fanning of his hot breath on my skin and I shivered, temporarily forgetting how to speak.
“Shirt off.” I demanded.
Seonghwa raised a brow but complied. When his shirt came off I couldn’t help but stare, practically drooling at the look of him. Without thinking I reached out to run my fingers along his abs.
“Damn. You’re really attractive.” I could barely speak above a whisper.
“And you look absolutely stunning, my darling.”
He quickly removed my shorts, leaving my black lacy panties exposed. His eyes devoured me, and any dominant feelings I had within quickly disappeared. His hands ran up and down my thighs and made the warmth inside me spread.
“Tease me please.” I begged.
“Oh,” his mouth quirked into a smile, “You’re one of those, huh?”
“Shush. I don’t need—ah fuck.”
Seonghwa’s fingers danced across my clothed clit and I arched my back off the bed. His fingers were gone as quickly as they first appeared. I couldn’t help but groan at the lack of contact, but I loved it. He continued this a few more times before my whines became much louder. His lips met mine in a heated kiss and I felt his fingers tickling my sides.
“Seonghwa!” I spoke through uncontrolled giggles.
I kissed him even harder as he continued and tried to catch my breath through the sensation.
He stopped and I wiggled under his stare, feeling so, so small.
“It’s your turn now. Shirt off.” Normally I would have been embarrassed with how quickly I removed my shirt and how eager I likely appeared, but the wetness I felt between my thighs was growing quickly and I needed release.
“Good girl.” Seonghwa removed my panties at an almost painfully slow speed and when he finally did, he tossed them aimlessly behind him. He raised my legs over his shoulders and I shuddered as his mouth slowly approached where I so badly needed him.
“So wet for me already and I’ve barely touched you.” His voice dropped several octaves and I whimpered.
My head fell back as I felt a few kitten licks on my clit. When I didn’t feel anything more, I looked back at him to be met with a shit-eating grin.
“Seonghwa!” My voice sounded so needy I barely recognized it.
“What? I thought you liked to be teased.”
“Well yes but actually no.” I joked, “Not when I need you this bad.”
“Hmm.” Was all the response I got before he went back to running his tongue along my clit and opening.
“Fuckfuckfuck.” I chanted as he picked up the pace, slowly entering a few fingers in me.
“I didn’t realize you had such a vulgar mouth, doll.”
If I had the ability to process any of what he just said I’m sure I would have had some retort ready, but in all honesty I couldn’t think about anything else except the stimulation that I was feeling.
I could feel my orgasm rapidly approaching and I had no doubt that he knew it too. My hands found his hair and gripped onto his dark locks.
“Seonghwa! Oh my god please don’t stop.”
Then, the bastard stopped. I groaned and bucked my hips up, desperate for anything.
“Patience is a virtue, you know.”
“Fuck off.”
He let out a hearty laugh and reached to his nightstand. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.
“I’m on the pill, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure? Like really sure?”
“Yes yes I’m sure. Please, Seonghwa.”
He quickly discarded his clothes as I removed my bra, his eyes quickly darkening.
“Tell me if you want to stop at any time, okay?” Even though I could tell how bad he wanted this, his eyes were kind, putting me first.
I really found a good man. It’s too early to say I’m falling for him, but I definitely can see myself loving him.
“I will.”
He let out a low groan as he entered me and I clenched around him, loving the sound.
“Fuck. Don’t do that.” He warned.
“Do what?” I asked with a smirk, promptly repeating the action.
He groaned again, “Babe I’m trying to last for a while here and you’re not making it easy.”
I bit my lip, pleased at his response, when he quickly thrusted into me. I moaned, my breath leaving me.
“Not so talkative now, hmm?”
I didn’t have the ability to respond and simply grasped his face to pull him into a kiss as he continued his movements.
“You’re making me feel so good, babe.”
My legs were shaking and I closed my eyes, not being able to keep them open any longer.
A deep voice called out to me, “Hey. Hey look at me.”
Fighting my urges to close my eyes I made eye contact with him. A sweet look was conveyed by his eyes, starkly contrasting the fact that we were literally having sex.
“You look gorgeous.”
My face turned pink and in response Seonghwa kissed both of my cheeks, leading down to my neck.
“Hwa, I’m close.”
A dazzling smile lit up his face at what I assume was the nickname.
“Me too.”
With a few more thrusts I was shaking, cumming around him. He let out a low growl releasing slightly after me.
Both of us remained still, trying to catch our breath.
“Same time next week, love?”
“Seonghwa oh my god!” He laughed along with me.
“Honestly,” I thought aloud, “Sure.”
He slowly pulled out of me and grabbed a warm towel from his bathroom, cleaning me up.
“I didn’t necessarily plan this to happen, but I was planning on asking you at the end of today anyway: Would you want to be my girlfriend? Maybe?”
I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Translation: Muku Sakisaka’s SSR [Mankai Encore] - Encore: Florence
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translation under the cut.
Kumon: Haa~...
Muku: The water feels so good…
Kazunari: Real onsen is indeed different!
Misumi: It has a nice element for the body~.
Tenma: I feel refreshed.
Yuki: It also has a nice atmosphere.
Kumon: A'ight… Take this, water gun attack!
Kazunari: Whoa!
Nice one, Kumopi! Okay, I'm gonna launch a counterattack!
Misumi: Me too! Me too~!
Kazunari: Let's attack Tenten too!
Tenma: Whoa!
Kumon: Ahaha! Tenma-san, nice reaction you have there!
Kazunari: You look good with the water dripping on you~.
Tenma: Damn y'all… Fine, take this!
Yuki: So noisy…
Muku: Fufu, they look like they're having fun.
Misumi: Say, say! Let's take turns washing each other's backs~!
Kazunari: Sounds great! Let's do it, guys!
Yuki: Keep in mind that we won't be able to go onstage if we slip and get injured.
Kumon: Got it!
Tenma: For crying out loud…
Kazunari: But man, given how nice this feels, it surely makes you wanna go on an onsen tour!
Muku: If I'm not mistaken, the health benefit for each onsen is different.
I've read this on a shoujo manga called "Let's Love ☆ Steaming Onsen". It's said that each onsen also has different types of water.
Tenma: I didn't know an onsen-themed manga exists…
Yuki: Makes me curious what kind of story it is.
Kazunari: Looks like there's also a place where we can do rafting nearby! Isn't that like, super interesting!?
Kumon: Rafting is that one activity where we cruise the river with a boat, right!? I wanna try it!
Misumi: It seems fun~!
Yuki: I got super tired just from hearing the description.
Kazunari: Don't say that, Yukki! C'mon, join us~!
Misumi: Let's do river rafting~!
Kumon: Oh, speaking of, didn't you say there's a place you wanna go to, Muku?
Tenma: Hm? Is that so?
Muku: Ehehe...yeah. The truth is, there's a place that I've been interested in--.
Izumi: Whoa…!
Kumon: Amazing~!
Kazunari: Dude, this castle is no joke!
Misumi: It looks like the one in fairytales~!
Tenma: It's a Muku-like place.
Muku: This place is used for the live-action adaptation of my favorite shoujo manga.
It's also used for other works so I'd like to go visit it once…
Izumi: That means, this place is like a holy land to Muku-kun.
Muku: Yes! Now that I see it in person, this castle is really beautiful…!
Izumi: (Muku-kun looks so happy. His eyes are sparkling.)
Kazunari: Hey, guys, look! The people over there are walking around in a dress and a suit!
Misumi: They look like a princess and a prince~.
Muku: You can borrow costumes and experience being a princess here.
Kazunari: In that case, why don't you try wearing one, Muku!?
Yuki: Not experiencing being a princess, but a prince.
Tenma: And it's not everyday that you get to wear costumes at a real castle.
Izumi: Even though you can be a prince on the stage, it's not like we can build a real castle like this to accompany you.
Muku: But… But since we're all here, I'd like to…
Yuki: Oh, please. A group of men walking around in suits will stand out like a sore thumb.
Kazunari: It's okay! We're fine just seeing you in a prince costume, Mukkun!
Misumi: Prince Muku~!
Kumon: How about we play rock, paper scissors and the loser has to accompany muku in a dress!?
Kazunari: Sounds great! It seems fun!
Tenma: Huuh!? We can just have Director-san wear it.
Izumi: Huh!? No, I'm fine, guys.
Yuki: Besides, it'd be more interesting if you guys wear one.
Kazunari: That's it~!
Misumi: You won't wear one, Yuki~?
Yuki: There'll be no damage even if I wear one.
Tenma: Ugh--.
Muku: But is it really okay to decide it with rock paper scissors?
Kazunari: No problem☆ Let's do it right away!
Summer Troupe: Rock paper…
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Kumon: Uuhh…
Tenma: That's your karma for bringing it up.
Yuki: Do you really have to be that arrogant?
Kazunari: Kumopi, you're totes adorbs! Let's take some snaps for commemoration!
Misumi: It looks good on you, Kumon~!
Izumi: While you still look very much like a boy, you guys sure go all out with the wig, huh.
Muku: Kyu, Kyu-chan, I'm sorry…
Kumon: ...You don't need to. I'm gonna try to be a princess that is perfect for you!
Muku: Kyu-chan…! Me too, then. I'll escort you properly!
Misumi: Good luck, you two~!
Yuki: The heck is this?
Kumon: Okaay! I'll do my best to be princess-like…
--Huh, whoa! Walking in heels is so hard…
Izumi: Kumon-kun, close your legs a little bit more and try to walk on your toes.
Kumon: Huh, like this? Oh, I think it's a little bit easier than earlier!
Izumi: That's right, you're doing great! If you pay attention to this, the way you walk will also look beautiful.
Kumon: I see!
Muku: Shall we go, then, princess?
Kumon: I shall be in your care, my prince!
Tenma: Why do you have to speak like that…*
Izumi: (Fufu. This is somehow heartwarming.)
Muku: Be careful, Kyu-chan. There's a steps here.
Kumon: Thanks, Muku.
My legs are already killing me… Makes me realize how amazing girls are to be able to walk in heels.
Muku: It's even more amazing since there are people who can actually run in heels.
Oh, Kyu-chan. Do you have a moment?
Kumon: What's up?
Muku: This is the place where the hero and heroine met in the drama.
Kumon: Heh, I see!
In that case, let's take a pic that Kazu-san--huh?
Muku: ...Don't tell me we got separated?
Kumon: What, what should we do? Sorry, this is because I'm walking slowly…
Muku: No, it's totally fine. Let's take our time.
Kumon: …
Muku: Kyu-chan?
Kumon: Muku is really a prince. You're a kind and cool prince that is loved by everyone!
I'm so happy that I can meet your Prince Florence again!
Muku: Kyu-chan…
Me too! I have a lot of fun performing with your Broto.
Kumon: Hehe, glad to hear that. Let's do our best for the repeat performance, Your Highness!
Misumi: Ah~! Muku and Kumon are here~!
Tenma: I thought you got lost.
Yuki: They're not you, duh.
Izumi: Sorry, we were busy searching for a place to shoot we ended up getting separated…
Kazunari: I've found a suppeeeeer Instagrammable spot over there! Let's take the snap there!
Kumon: Okay!
Izumi: Kumon-kun, are your legs not hurt? Can you keep going?
Misumi: Shall I carry you, Kumon~?
Yuki: How about Muku do it?
Muku: Huh!? I-I don't know if I can do it…
Kumon: I'm, I'm fine!
Izumi: (Thank goodness they looked like they were having fun.)
Izumi: Phew, the dress rehearsal ended without any problems! All that's left is the show…
Muku: Ah… Since I'm such a frozen ham, I may cause you all troubles by standing in the wrong position…
Kumon: Me too… What if I go onstage without my cloak…
Izumi: Looks like their pessimism has been activated, huh…
Tenma: You're nervous again? Seriously?
Yuki: Just get used to it already.
Misumi: You'll be alright~! You'll be alright~!
Kazunari: Let's take on the stage with full motivation!
Muku: You, you're right.
Tenma: So, what are we gonna do for our huddle today?
Kumon: Both of us came up with something again!
Muku: First, put one of your hand forward… Like you're asking for a dance with the princess!
Yuki: Oh my god, not the cringy stuff again…
Kazunari: That's totes prince-like!
Misumi: As expected of Muku~.
Kumon: Let's go, Muku!
Muku: Yep!
--Alright, let's go! Let's go find the flower of destiny!
T/N: Kumon actually uses the typical suffix wa which is usually used by females hence why Tenma is questioning his way of speaking.
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Izumi: (During Florence's journey to find his ideal bride along with his retainer Broto, he helped Rose who got caught in a trap.)
Florence: “Look, you're fine now. Your wound is slight, fortunately.”
Rose: "Tell me, which part of this is fine? And what's with this floral print bandage?"
Florence: "This is a custom bandage that is developed by the royal family household's bandage brand. It's both practical and beautiful."
Rose: "Does it really need to be this flashy?"
Broto: "It's not."
Izumi: (Both Muku-kun and Kumon-kun are finally relaxed after releasing their tension with the huddle just now. Even Yuki-kun is doing great.)
(Muku-kun's gesture and movements are also more refined and beautiful than before.)
Izumi: (Florence arrives in the East Country to propose to a woman of unmatched beauty…)
Florence: "So this is the castle of the East Country. It's really big."
Linkle: "Not as big as mine, though."
Florence: "...You are? I suppose you're living in an extremely big castle."
Linkle: "I'm the second prince of Star Country, Linkle. Fufu. I never knew such a short prince like you does exist."
Florence: "That's right. I'm sure you've never seen such a short and beautiful prince like me, right?"
Shine: "What an overconfident prince."
Florence: "Who are you?"
Shine: "I'm the first prince of Moon Country, Shine."
Florence: "Nice to meet you. I'm Florence from Flower Country."
Sunny: "My name is Sunny. Keep that in mind."
Rose: "...The princes are all weird."
Broto: "I think so too."
Izumi: (Tenma-kun and the others are doing great from the start. They're able to bring out each prince's personalities well.)
Izumi: (In order to break the princess' curse, Florence heads to the Moon Country to search for moondrops that can grant your wish.)
Shine: "Are you looking for the moondrops? You'll get there faster if you use the path over there."
Florence: "I see! Thank you. I'm wondering if it's all right for us to take the left path?"
Shine: "You can. I shall go over there--."
Florence: "Wait a minute! I have no idea where to go after that."
Shine: "Turn right at the end of the road…"
Florence: "Then, after that…"
Shine: "You sure are asking in detail, huh. Do you perhaps have no sense in direction?"
Florence: "You are actually right. Thank you for telling me the way."
Broto: "This is my first time hearing such a thing, though."
Rose: "This is making me worried all of sudden."
Izumi: (By the time they arrive at the place, the moondrops have already been taken by the Moon Prince. That is when they realize that he purposely made them take a detour to buy him more time.)
(They are now heading to the Sun Country to look for the stone that can grant any wishes…)
Sunny: "See, look at this. They're all the sa--."
Florence: "Whoaaah!?"
Broto: "It's shining so brightly!"
Sunny: "This is--."
Florence: "Is this perhaps the stone of the sun!?"
"I have no doubt about it… It's so dazzling just like me!"
Broto: "I can't believe you're still acting like this even during this time…"
Florence: "On a second thought, I was wrong. It's not as dazzling as my beauty."
Sunny: "Quit it with the whole dazzling thing!"
Izumi: (Florence and the others' next destination is the Star Country. In this country, it's said that there's a sand of the star that can grant your wishes if you sprinkle it to the ground.)
(Florence manages to get his hand on the said item, but Linkle appears after that--.)
Linkle: "Say, can you give me that sand of the star?"
"To tell you the truth, my mother got sick. She won't live much longer. I could help my mother if I have the sand of the star."
Florence: "Your mother!? That's awful! You should give this to your mother immediately, of course."
Izumi: (Following a fight with Rose that prompts them to part ways, Florence returns to his home country.)
(There, his parents tell him about the existence of a dream flower that can grant any wish if you drink its nectar--.)
Florence: "It's here! It's here, Broto!"
Broto: "I've never thought that we had such a thing this near. With this, we can break the princess of East Country's--."
Florence: "I wish I could reconcile with Rose--."
Broto: "...Huh?"
Rose: "Are you stupid!?"
Florence: "Rose!?"
Rose: "That's dangerous! What are you doing!? You won't be able to break the curse if you use the dream flower for something like that!”
Florence: "But I wanted to reconcile with Rose no matter what."
Izumi: (After reconciling with Rose, Florence is summoned by the king of the East Country.)
(The other princes are not able to break the curse. However, Florence manages to do it by using the power of the dream flower--.)
Florence: "...Huh?"
King of East Country: "Thanks to you, Prince Florence, the curse of my beautiful princess has finally been broken. I'll let you be the princess' husband!"
Florence: "Rose…?"
"Rose is actually the princess?"
Rose: "The witch's curse turned me into a young boy."
Broto: "I see, so that explains everything."
Florence: "You knew it, Broto!?"
Broto: "There aren't any young boys whose names are 'Rose', see?"
Florence: "I totally thought it's such a sparkling name…"
Rose: "A conceited, good-natured and naive person like you will be hopeless if you don't have a clever wife like me."
"I have no choice, then. I'll marry you. You should be grateful."
Muku: Thank you for coming today, beautiful princess.
Summer Troupe: Thank you!
Audience Member A: That was interesting~!
Audience Member B: My heart skipped a beat after listening to Muku-kun's curtain calls greetings!
Audience Member C: Mood! I feel like he's gotten cooler than before…!
Izumi: (Compared to the first run, this performance has improved in terms of perfection. It's proof that they all have also improved.)
Izumi: Nice work right there, guys! It was really good!
Muku: Nice work. I was nervous, but… I'm glad I could play Florence again after a long time.
Kumon: Same! I had so much fun playing Broto!
Misumi: You were cool, Muku~.
Yuki: I think we wrapped up the show well.
Kazunari: I guess doing an escort was worth it in the end!
Muku: Ehehe…
Tenma: But make sure not to let your guard down. We still have more shows to come.
Muku: Yup!
Kumon: I shall support Prince Florence tomorrow as well!
Muku: Fufu. I'm counting on you, Broto.
32 notes · View notes
camillemontespan · 4 years
ten years from now [AU. drake walker x camille montespan] [part six: emerald green]
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Master List if you want to catch up
Warnings: NSFW.
Another day of lockdown, another chapter!
@moonlightgem7​​​ @jovialyouthmusic​​​ @mskaneko​​​ @ibldw-main​​​ @katedrakeohd​​​ @pug-bitch​​​ @gooddaykate​​​ @princessleac1​​​ @burnsoslow​​​  @loveellamae​​​  @pedudley​​​ @oofchoices​​​ @emichelle​​​ @simplymissjulia​​​ @dcbbw​​​ @sirbeepsalot​​​ @rainbowsinthestorm​​​ @notoriouscs​​​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​​​ @addictedtodrakefanfic​​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​​ @nomadics-stuff​  @gardeningourmet​ *********************************************
Liam and Camille had a very awkward breakfast with the Walkers - it seemed that everyone had heard Camille the night before. Bianca had teased them by saying, ‘enjoy your nightcap last night, then?’ Liam was slightly hungover and demolished the eggs and bacon set out for him, making sure to shower Bianca with compliments. 
Drake focused on drinking his coffee and avoided looking at Camille. If he did, he knew he would be dealing with a boner under the breakfast table.  Camille studiously ate her toast while trying to make small talk with Savannah, to no avail as Savannah kept shooting daggers at her and Liam. Because she hadn’t been able to sleep due to Camille’s groans and cries, Savannah had been awake since 3am and she was not happy. She had her hands full with Bartie, who was being particularly demanding this morning. 
Bianca was reading the Applewood Gazette and announcing the news in a bid to lift the mood of the room. ‘Oooh the Beaumonts are hosting a Bash this weekend!’ Bianca cooed. ‘It says invitations will be posted asap.. I wonder if we’ll get one?!’ 
Bianca had been hopeful ever since her chat with Bertrand. 
Drake rolled his eyes. ‘I hope not.’
Liam frowned. ‘What’s wrong with the Beaumont’s? I liked them.’
Savannah laughed dryly. ‘Nothing,’ she said. ‘It’s just Drake. He hates social events. Such a loner.’
‘I prefer to be a loner than a desperate social climber,’ Drake muttered. Savannah’s eyes narrowed and she kicked him hard in the leg. 
‘I’ll aim higher next time,’ Savannah hissed. 
Camille kept her eyes on her toast, ignoring the sibling squabble. She knew that Drake had overheard her last night and she wasn’t proud of herself. He had been right next door! Why hadn’t she just stopped Liam before he started to get her all worked up? How embarrassing. 
Once breakfast was finished, Liam and Camille bid goodbye.  Drake was relieved to see them go. He was about to escape to see Lone Star when Savannah grabbed him by the arm. ‘Come into town with me,’ she said. 
‘Sav, why?’ he groaned. ‘I need to sort out the horse-’
‘I need your brotherly opinion about what to wear for the Bash!’
Drake sighed. ‘We haven’t been invited.’
‘Yet,’ Savannah corrected him. ‘Yet. I need to be prepared.’
Drake closed his eyes. ‘I know nothing about fashion-’
‘Duh, I know that,’ Savannah said. ‘But I still need a second opinion.’
‘Ask mom!’
‘No!’ Savannah protested. ‘She’ll pick something.. Floral. Or dull. I need someone with me who has younger taste. Besides, we can catch up.’
Drake clocked what she was doing. This wasn’t a shopping trip. This was an interrogation about him and Camille.
Savannah was picky. Incredibly picky. Anything Drake suggested, she would shoot down in flames. 
‘What’s wrong with that one?!’
‘It looks like something a 50s housewife would wear!’ Savannah cried, pushing past Drake to inspect another rail. Drake exhaled, trying to gather patience. 
‘It would help if you told me what you’re looking for. Gimme something, Sav.’
Savannah sighed and perused the rails. ‘I want something that says I’m more than just a mom who got knocked up aged 18.. Like, I am so much more. I am sexy and intelligent. I deserve a seat at the table.’
Drake blinked. ‘I meant a colour but yeah, whatever you say..’
‘I will know it when I see it,’ Savannah said, picking up a dress before putting it back. ‘It will speak to me.’ 
She continued to look through the rails. Drake sat down on a chair, defeated. He would just be patient and wait instead of suggesting anything. Before he could take his phone out of his pocket, Savannah spoke.
‘So, Camille…’
Drake sighed. ‘Yes?’
‘You’ve been hanging out a lot recently..’
God, her tone was so.. probing.
‘Yeah, well, we’ve reconnected,’ Drake muttered. 
Savannah held up a blue dress against her body before tutting and putting it back. She glanced at her brother. ‘I can see that,’ she said. ‘All the inside jokes are coming back. The flirting-’
‘We aren’t flirting!’ Drake interrupted.
Savannah scoffed. ‘You absolutely are! Oh my God, Drake, it’s so obvious! The banter! Calling her by her last name! The looks.. Oh my god, the looks.’
‘The looks?’
Savannah placed her hand on her hip and gave Drake a steady stare. ‘You both keep looking at each other when you think the other isn’t looking.’
Drake reacted in the worst way possible to this information; he blushed.  Savannah pointed at him, looking triumphant. ‘I knew it!’ she cried. ‘You love her!’
‘Shhh, Sav!’ Drake hissed, as if worried the dresses on the rails were going to spill his secrets.  ‘I don’t!’
‘Oh please. The feelings are coming back.’
Drake stood up, shaking his head. ‘Alright. You can get the bus home.’
Savannah grabbed him by the arm. ‘I’m just looking out for you,’ she explained softly. ‘I don’t want to see you get hurt. Or do something stupid.’
‘Like what?’ Drake asked. ‘What would be stupid? She’s getting married, Sav. I’m not an idiot.’
Savannah sighed. ‘Look, I’m sorry. I’m just worried. I don’t think you both realise how big this could get if you’re not careful.’
‘She leaves in a week,’ Drake told her. ‘I won’t see her again until the wedding and then I won’t see her again for the rest of my life so to be honest, Sav, I think I’ll be fine.’
Savannah didn’t look like she believed him. She told him so. Drake let out a frustrated groan and began to walk through the store towards the exit. ‘Get the bus back, Sav!’
‘Drake, wait!’ Savannah rushed after him and continued to walk beside him as they strode through the mall. ‘Drake, stop walking so fast! I was just looking out for you. I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret-’
Drake spun around to face her. ‘Savannah,’ he said, his voice firm. ‘I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions. I’m not an idiot. Just trust me, okay? I’m not going to do anything with Camille. She’s getting married. That’s it. Now, can we please just find you a fucking dress so we can go home?’
Savannah sighed. ‘Fine,’ she finally said. ‘But don’t say I didn’t warn you-’
‘I get it, Sav.’
The siblings entered a new store and didn’t discuss Camille for the rest of the shopping trip. 
The coveted Beaumont Bash invitation arrived in the post two days later. Bianca and Savannah had jumped around screaming happily while Drake dragged himself outside to look after Lone Star. 
She had been his horse since he was twelve. He loved her so much; always had, always will. The horse was keen to get out of the stable for a ride and Drake was happy to indulge her. She needed the exercise anyway. 
He rode her gently down the dirt path, deciding to go for a trip around the ranch. Drake wore a checked shirt loose over a white vest and his grubbiest jeans. ‘There’s a good girl..’ he coaxed her as she cantered down the path. ‘Feels good to be out, right?’
Lone Star cantered further down the road until Drake could see Camille’s grandma’s house. He was about to turn the horse back but stopped when he saw Camille was sitting out on the porch. She waved at him. 
‘Yeah, look, it’s your old friend,’ Drake murmured to Lone Star. ‘Remember Camille? You loved her.’
Lone Star wickered in response. Camille stood up and began to walk towards Drake and Lone Star. Drake swallowed as his eyes studied her; she was wearing tiny denim shorts and a black vest that hugged her breasts and showed a strip of flat, toned stomach. 
‘Hey Drake. Oh my gosh, is this Lone Star?!’ Camille cried, running towards them now. She reached the horse and held out her hand for Lone Star to sniff. 
‘It’s your girl,’ Drake confirmed. 
A wide smile broke out on Camille’s face. She looked delighted to see the horse; her eyes were dancing. ‘I don’t have any apples for you, babe,’ she said softly. 
Drake reached into the bag that was slung around his body and handed her an apple. Camille giggled and held it out for Lone star. ‘Or do I?!’
Drake chuckled and watched as Camille fed Lone Star the apple. ‘You are so gorgeous..’ she whispered, her eyes fixed on Lone Star. ‘I missed you.’
‘She missed you too,’ Drake said, trying to be light. He saw Camille blush and wished he hadn’t said anything. He smiled though as Camille continued to speak to Lone Star in hushed tones, the smile remaining on her face. 
She looked up at him now. ‘Having a nice ride?’
‘Yeah, it’s good,’ Drake said. ‘You just hanging out on the porch?’
‘Yeah,’ Camille said. ‘Liam is napping, grandma’s planting more flowers. I have a few hours to spare until dinner.’
Drake nodded, letting a silence descend on them. He was not going to invite her to join him for a ride. He was not going to give Savannah any more reasons to lecture him. But the silence between them was excruciating..
‘Can I join you and Lone Star?’ Camille suddenly asked.  ‘Me and my girl gotta catch up.’
Drake swallowed. ‘Uhhh..’
Camille turned red. She had realised that it was an awkward suggestion. ‘It’s cool,’ she said. ‘Are you going to the Bash? I’ll be there so we can talk then-’
‘Montespan,’ Drake said, interrupting her bluntly. She stopped talking and looked up at him nervously. 
‘You wanna ride Lone Star?’ Drake asked her.
Camille’s eyes darted to the horse. ‘Uhhh..’
‘She’d love it,’ Drake murmured softly. 
Camille blushed again. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Let me up.’
Drake jumped off the horse and helped Camille climb up onto Lone Star. He held her hands as she steadied herself and helped her fix her feet into the stirrups. ‘Not the best horse riding wear,’ he teased.
‘Says you who is wearing jeans?’ she shot back, raising an eyebrow. Drake chuckled and watched as Camille leaned close to Lone Star’s head.
‘Shall we get him to chase us, girl?’ she asked. 
‘Don’t you dare..’ Drake breathed.
Camille gave Drake a wink and dug her heels into the horse. Lone Star began to trot up the road before increasing her speed, breaking into a run.
‘Camille!’ Drake shouted. ‘Give her back!’
‘Gotta catch me first!’ Camille hollered over her shoulder. 
Drake cursed her and raced after them, trying not to laugh as Camille whooped and cheered.
Camille brought Lone Star to a stop further down the road and waited for Drake to catch up. He was panting heavily as he reached them. ‘You dick..’ he muttered.
Camille giggled. ‘Sorry, I couldn’t resist.’
Drake shook his head, smiling, and took hold of the reins. He began to lead the horse up the road, letting Camille relax astride her back. He and Camille chatted easily, like old times. 
As Drake guided the horse, Camille looked down at him and felt her heart flutter. Clearing her throat, she tried to settle herself and stop the fluttering that she hadn’t expected to feel.
Savannah had chosen a fuschia bodycon dress to wear to the Beaumont Bash. To her, it said she was sexy and intelligent. To Drake, it showed too much of his sister’s skin. 
Bianca was wearing an elegant teal trouser suit with nude heels. Her hair had been blowdried by the best hairdresser in town and she was ready to go three hours before they were due to leave the ranch. Bianca was that prepared. 
Drake had hired a suit. He refused to wear the too small suit in his closet and so had enlisted Savannah to join him at a tailor shop. With her help, he had found a black suit, new black shoes and an emerald green pocket square that added a surprising pop of colour. The suit fit him perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders and chest. As Drake examined himself in the mirror, he imagined being a bodyguard because that was what he looked like.
He whistled ‘I Will Always Love You’ by Whitney Houston as he trundled downstairs to join his mother and sister. They were waiting for the taxi to pick them up and they had agreed to pick up Gisele, Camille and Liam on the way. 
‘Wow, look at you!’ Bianca shrieked, clapping her hands as she saw her son. ‘You look so handsome!’
Drake grinned. ‘Thanks, ma.’
‘Taxi’s here!’ Savannah hollered. ‘Let’s go!’
The taxi drove them down the road to Gisele’s. Drake clambered out of the car and went to the front door to ring the bell. He waited until the door opened to reveal Camille. He let out a breath as his eyes took her in. 
She was wearing an emerald green silk bias cut dress and rose gold strappy heels. Her hair was arranged into a chignon and she wore emerald earrings that dangled from her ears just above her shoulders. 
‘Wow..’ Drake murmured, taken aback. ‘You look.. Wow.’
Camille blushed. ‘Thank you,’ she said softly. She studied Drake now, her eyes roaming over his body. ‘You look pretty handsome yourself, Walker.’
Drake was about to reply but was interrupted by Liam and Gisele who joined them. ‘Sorry, sorry, we’re ready now mon cherie!’ Gisele said quickly, arranging her red silk shawl around her shoulders. 
Liam clapped Drake on the back. ‘Looking good, Drake! You clean up nicely!’
‘You can be my date for the evening!’ Gisele teased, taking Drake’s arm and letting him lead her to the taxi. ‘All the girls will be so envious!’
‘Grandma…’ Camille groaned. 
Gisele shot her a wink and climbed into the taxi, cooing as she complimented Bianca’s hair.  Camille and Liam arranged themselves to sit beside Savannah. Savannah studied Camille and said with a knowing tone, ‘Camille, your dress matches Drake’s pocket square!’
Liam laughed and looked back and forth from Drake and Camille. ‘So you do!’ he said. ‘How fun!’ 
Drake wanted to throw the pocket square out of the window. 
The Bash’s theme was simple: Jewels. Everyone in attendance had to wear an outfit that was a rich jewel jone, hence why Drake had gone for an emerald pocket square. He refused to wear a green suit; fuck that. Pocket squares were as far as he was willing to go. 
Bertrand and Maxwell greeted their guests wearing matching suits made of gold brocade. Maxwell had golden glitter pressed on his cheekbones while Bertrand held a walking cane with a gold diamond set on top. He didn’t need a walking cane; he used it purely for decoration.
‘Drake Walker, you look so suave!’ Bertrand cried, shaking his hand. ‘Good to see you. And Camille, my beautiful little gem stone! Stunning! Green is absolutely your colour!’
Maxwell squealed. ‘You’re both matching!’ 
Drake and Camille both wished everyone would stop commenting on the fucking green. 
Liam was wearing a purple suit paired with a canary yellow tie. He usually wore reserved colours of grey, black and blue but as this was his first Bash, he wanted to push the boat out. As a result, Bertrand instantly fell in love with him. 
‘You look GORGEOUS! Where is this suit from?’ Bertrand asked. ‘And the tie? Liam, we simply must talk. Come to my table.’
He grabbed Liam and pulled him away. Bianca and Gisele were looking around the ballroom of the Beaumont Manor, excited to start dancing. Savannah was looking for people she could talk to that weren’t her brother; she found Madeleine and rushed over to bow at her feet. 
Drake and Camille smiled at each other, now that they are alone. ‘Bar?’  Drake suggested.
‘Lead the way,’ Camille said. Drake chuckled and placed his hand on her lower back as he guided her to the bar area. His touch burned through the silk of her dress. They stood at the corner of the bar and Drake raised his hand at the bartender. Camille let him order; he chose champagne for her, whiskey for himself. 
‘I want whiskey,’ Camille said softly, tugging on his sleeve. 
Drake chuckled. ‘Really?’
Drake swapped her drink and watched as she sipped the amber liquid. He tried to ignore the butterflies that were flying around crazily like they were on acid in his stomach. But right now, she looked beautiful. 
Camille looked up to find him staring at her. ‘You okay?’ she asked.
Drake blinked as if brought back to earth. ‘Yeah, yeah..’
They drank their whiskies in silence. Camille looked around the room, watching people dance and laugh. They looked like they were having so much fun. 
Taking a chance, Camille cleared her throat. ‘Let’s dance.’
Drake laughed. ‘Uh, no. Thanks but no-’
‘Drake, come on! Let’s have a good time. We’re here to party, right?’
Drake groaned. ‘You know I hate dancing,’ he said. ‘I’m awful at it.’
Camille shrugged. ‘Who cares?’
She wasn’t going to give up. Knowing he was defeated, Drake tossed his whiskey down his throat and grabbed her by the hand. Camille let him drag her to the dancefloor as if he was approaching his execution. 
Drake aged 17; Camille aged 16
‘Come on, Drake, shake that thing!’ Camille hollered over the music. ‘The song is telling you to!’
Drake rolled his eyes as he stood with his feet planted firmly to the floor in the middle of the ballroom. ‘I am not shaking my ass because ‘Sean da Paul’ wants me to,’ he told her. ‘Nah, I’m happy to just stand, thanks.’
Camille stuck out her tongue and proceeded to shake her ass. She ignored all the guys who were watching her with their mouths hanging open and she danced for Drake to make him laugh. 
They were at a party being thrown by the Beaumont brothers. There was no reason for this party other than Bertrand was feeling extra fun this weekend and so invited all the people he knew. 
Well. Drake hadn’t been invited. But Camille had and she had been given the option to bring a Plus One so of course, she dragged Drake along. He had told her that he was happy to just stay home, watch crappy TV and play video games but she insisted that he accompany her. 
So, here he was, watching Camille shake her ass. 
‘How about you just go home, Walker?’
Drake turned to see Neville standing behind him with a smug expression on his face. Drake and Neville never got along, mainly because Neville treated Drake like shit on his shoe. Neville’s family were upper class and rich, while Drake’s were… not. That was the black mark against Drake’s name in Neville’s opinion. Camille would have been tarred with the same brush, except Neville wanted to see her naked one day so he didn’t treat her like garbage, in his opinion. 
‘Neville. You’re here. Yay,’ Drake replied sarcastically. 
Neville’s lip curled. ‘Seriously. Go home. You’re not supposed to be here.’
‘He’s my friend so yes, he is supposed to be here actually,’ Camille piped up, ceasing her dancing. ‘So how about you fuck off?’
Neville smirked. ‘Charming. Camille, babe, how about you just keep dancing for us and little Drake here can run along back to the trailer park?’
‘I live on a ranch,’ Drake said tightly, clenching his fists.
‘Ranch, trailer park, same thing..’ Neville droned, examining a fingernail. Camille stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fire. 
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ she said. ‘Seriously, can you just leave us alone? What did we ever do to you?’
Neville chuckled. ‘You haven’t done anything to me, darling. Shame. I can think of some things you can do for me if you were so obliged-’
Drake shoved him hard, making Neville stumble. His eyes widened and he ran a hand through his coiffed hair, making sure it was still fixed in place. ‘How dare you!’
‘Nah man, how dare you?’ Drake muttered, advancing on him. ‘You talk to her like that again and I swear to God, I will come after you.’
‘Drake, it’s okay..’ Camille murmured, trying to pull him back. People were staring now, finding this showdown much more entertaining. She could see Bertrand and Maxwell walking towards them, Maxwell looking terrified while Bertrand looked like he was close to losing it. 
‘You feeling brave, Walker?’ Neville sneered. ‘Hit me.’
Drake smirked. ‘No need to ask me twice.’
Clearly, Neville had expected Drake to stand down. After all, Drake Walker was this quiet boy who stayed in the background. He didn’t stand up for himself. He was an easy target. So when Drake’s fist connected with Neville’s face, it was a complete shock. Neville fell to the floor, clutching his face and swearing. 
Drake stepped forward to do more damage but was stopped by Camille. ‘No, Drake! Stop! Please!’ 
Bertrand had reached them now. ‘Drake, Camille,’ he said in a low voice. ‘My study. Now.’
He grabbed Drake by the arm and together, the three of them strode through the ballroom and out to the corridor where the Beaumont study was located. Bertrand opened the door and shoved them both inside. 
‘Stay there until everyone is gone,’ he hissed. ‘I will come get you. I just don’t want Neville to cause more drama.’
He shut the door, leaving Drake and Camille in the study. 
Drake closed his eyes. ‘Camille..’
‘You idiot,’ Camille said bluntly. ‘You actual idiot.’
She was pacing the floor now, her heels echoing around the room. Drake listened as she began to rage. 
‘I didn’t ask you to hit him! You could have just walked away but instead, you hit him and now he’s going to target you at school on Monday! Do you realise how much I want you to make friends with other people who aren’t me? I’d love it if you could make more friends and be happy but with Neville out for your blood, there is no chance of that happening!’
Camille whipped around to face him. Drake was shocked to see tears glistening in her eyes. ‘‘I want us to just enjoy our last years of school together! I don’t want people insulting you or calling you trailer trash! I want them to see the Drake Walker I see! The kind goofball who has awesome taste in films but shit taste in music! The guy who can ride a horse and is so much fun to hang out with! It makes me sad, Drake. I want the best for you, that’s all I want..’
Drake was over to her in an instant. He grasped her hands tightly. ‘Camille, nobody is ever gonna see me the way you do,’ he told her, his voice thick. ‘Nobody. They see a guy who lives on a ranch, who wears clothes from discount stores and doesn’t have a dad. They see a loser.’
‘You’re not a loser-’
‘I am,’ he interrupted. ‘Camille.. Kids are evil. They make their mind up about you the first moment they see you. This is it for me. I’m gonna be the guy who is under the radar but will still get picked on when they feel like mixing it up a little. You have the potential to be anything here, you could be a fucking cheerleader or prom queen if you just stopped being my shadow-’
‘I’m your best friend,’ Camille bit back, venom filling her voice. ‘I am not your shadow. I don’t hang out with you out of pity, Drake! You’re the best person I know. You’re my best friend. I don’t wanna hang out with anybody else. You’re it for me. You’re Drake Walker, my best friend.’
Drake swallowed. ‘I.. I bring you down.’
‘Stop thinking that,’ Camille said. ‘You are amazing.’
Drake opened his mouth to protest but Camille pressed her hand against his mouth, silencing him. Drake looked into her brown eyes as she continued to speak. 
‘You are clever and kind and funny and cute. You make me laugh all the time and you tell me when I’m being a dick. You protect me and I protect you, that’s how we work. We look out for each other. You have my back. We’re partners. You make me feel like someone, you make me feel like I can do anything. I wish I made you feel that way too, Drake. I want you to know that you can do anything you want and you shouldn’t listen to a damn soul that tells you otherwise. I’ve got your back, always. I’m not leaving you. Okay?’
She lifted her hand away. ‘Okay?’ she repeated.
Drake couldn’t stop looking into her eyes. He hadn’t noticed that they were brown and decorated with gold flecks. They were beautiful. 
His eyes flicked down to her lips. She was standing so close to him. Camille’s cheeks turned pink as she became aware that he was studying her now. 
‘Drake..’ she whispered. 
Drake leaned down, his eyes remaining fixed on her mouth.  She tilted her head up and closed her eyes, parting her lips as she did so. 
The door burst open and Bertrand entered in a flurry of silk kimono. Drake and Camille sprang apart before their lips could touch. 
‘Right, everyone is out!’ Betrand announced. ‘Neville is gone. Now please, get out of my study, thank you.’
Drake and Camille’s faces were bright red and their hands were shaking. They left the manor together and never spoke of their near-kiss again. 
Drake and Camille had danced but he really didn’t want to. He felt self conscious and awkward as they danced to the music, despite Camille’s attempts to make him feel better. 
‘You’ve definitely improved since high school!’ she cried over the music. ‘Like, much more smooth!’
‘I am embarrassing myself!’ Drake said. ‘Fuck it, I’m going..’
He turned on his heel and rushed off the floor to leave the ballroom, not realising how rude it was to leave a woman standing there. He needed space and time away from the crowds and pulsing music. 
He opened a door and let himself in, relieved. 
It was the Beaumont study. It hadn’t changed in years. Drake wandered over to the bay window to look outside at the courtyard, pretending he owned this manor and that this was his study. If only he had a glass of whiskey in his hand..
‘You can’t just abandon me, you know.’
Drake turned to see Camille standing at the door with her arms crossed. She didn’t look impressed. 
Drake winced. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I just got overwhelmed-’
‘I get it,’ Camille said. 'You hate dancing, always have. I should have remembered.' 
She smiled weakly and stepped further into the room, looking around at the paintings of Bertrand and Maxwell's ancestors. The fireplace was lit and the lamps in the room cast a warm, cosy glow. Bertrand's desk stood in the corner, impeccably neat. 
Camille moved towards the desk. Drake watched her body as her silk dress clung to her delicate curves. She always moved smoothly and fluid, like a swan floating on water. Camille leaned against the edge of the desk and faced him, giving him a soft smile. 
'It's been a while since I've been in this room..' she said quietly, looking up at the ceiling. 
Drake chuckled. 'Same. Think last and only time I’ve been in this study was when I punched Neville and Bertrand imprisoned us inside here.' 
Camille rolled her eyes. 'You and Neville, my god.. He was such an asshole.' 
'Still is,' Drake told her, smirking. 'He hasn't changed.' 
Camille pulled a face which made Drake laugh. Camille grinned and pulled herself away from the desk to wander across to Drake. She looked out of the window. There was a comfortable silence until Camille broke it. ‘Can I address the elephant in the room?’
Drake frowned, curious.
‘Last night,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry if you overheard..’
Drake turned red. ‘It’s okay-’
‘No, it’s not,’ Camille interrupted. ‘It was rude and I’m sorry. You were next door. I feel embarrassed.’
Drake’s jaw set. ‘Nothing I haven’t heard before, Camille.’
Now it was her turn to go red. ‘Drake..’
Drake awkwardly ran a hand through his hair and chuckled despite himself. He looked out of the window again, placing his hands in his pockets. He sighed. ‘I remember the last time we were in here,’ he murmured softly. ‘I nearly kissed you.’
Camille looked down at the floor, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. ‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘I nearly kissed you too.’
Drake closed his eyes. He didn’t know why he had mentioned that. What was he trying to achieve here? More awkwardness? 
‘If you had..’ Camille said, her voice halting, ‘do you think we would have had more time together? Like.. as a couple?’
Was that a trick question?
Drake bit his lip. The two of them were keeping their eyes focused on the window, refusing to look at each other. For some reason, it made them more honest.
‘I think that if I had kissed you,’ Drake said, ‘it would have been the best decision I’d ever made.’
Camille let out a breath. She listened as Drake continued to speak. ‘We would have been together for longer. We would have had more time to establish a relationship before we went to college. Maybe I would have realised how special we were… instead of fucking it up.’
He was aware of Camille edging closer to him. He could smell her perfume that had notes of jasmine and musk. He took the chance to look at her from the corner of his eye; Camille was staring out the window with her chin raised and her jaw set. 
‘I’ve missed you,’ Camille suddenly whispered. ‘Now I’m back in Texas, I just keep remembering everything. Seeing you again brings it all back.’
Drake swallowed. ‘I’m sorry.’
He jumped when he felt her pinkie finger hook through his. Her eyes remained fixed on the window and the courtyard outside. Drake could feel his heart beginning to hammer against his chest. But he didn’t pull his pinkie away from hers.
Camille looked up at him now, her eyes filled with anguish. ‘Everything is coming back to me, Drake,’ she told him, her voice wavering. ‘Everything.’
Drake’s voice cracked as he replied, ‘Everything?’
Camille nodded. ‘Everything,’ she whispered.
The universe cracked open. Drake’s mouth crashed against hers in a moment of sheer adrenaline. His teeth caught on her lip, making her hiss, and his hand reached up to cup the back of her head as he deepened the kiss, his tongue twisting with hers. Camille let out a groan and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to her. 
Their bodies were up against each other. Drake’s hands swept down from her hair to run down her back, bunching up the silk fabric of her dress in his fists. Camille tugged on his lower lip with her teeth, making Drake let out a strangled groan. 
If they thought this was wrong, they didn’t say so. All of the passion that had fused their old relationship had ignited again, reminding them of how they had been. Their kisses were desperate and their hands fought to touch as much skin as possible, roaving  like wildfire. 
Drake pushed Camille towards the desk and picked her up to sit her on the edge. Camille pulled up the hem of her dress so she could move her legs to wrap around his waist. Her fingers pulled at his suit jacket, throwing it to the floor, before making quick work of his shirt buttons. 
The strap of her emerald dress had fallen down her shoulder. Drake kissed the bare skin of her shoulders, his lips trailing down her arm to make the strap fall down further. Camille’s head fell back as she closed her eyes to focus on the feel of his lips on her skin. He kissed the inside of her elbow which made her breath hitch.
He felt his body react as he heard her breathe his name. It had been so long since he had heard her say it in those low tones. His name was delicious on her tongue.
Drake reached for his belt buckle and unclasped it quickly. He pulled his trousers down, Camille watching him with wide eyes as he stripped. He stood before her now and he could see her eyes darken as she took him in. Without a word, Camille hitched up her dress and pulled down her lace thong. 
She spread her legs.
Drake’s lips crashed against hers again, the heat and desperation engulfing him again. He felt her hand wrap around his hard length, furiously pumping along the shaft.
‘Oh god, Camille..’ he groaned in her ear. 
‘Fuck me, Drake,’ she murmured in his ear. ‘Please.’
Their eyes met. This was the moment to stop. To think about what they were doing and the consequences of this. They needed to breathe, take some time, pull themselves back. 
But as he looked into her brown eyes that were decorated with gold flecks, Drake knew he was too far gone. Camille was too. 
Outside the study, due to the music coming from the ballroom, nobody could hear Drake’s low groans and Camille’s cries. Nobody could hear Camille shouting out Drake’s name. Nobody could hear Drake’s heavy breaths and pants as he brought himself closer to oblivion.
It was just Drake and Camille, caught in this illicit moment, lips desperately seeking each other, hands gripping onto skin, breaths hitching and catching as momentum built. Their clothes lay in an emerald green pile on the floor, leaving Drake and Camille stripped bare. 
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kinghoranshit · 3 years
Tell Me a Lie (NH) Ch 3
Word Count: 2,065
Warnings: Swearing
I snapped a pretzel in half and munched on it. I dipped the other half into the small jar of peanut butter and popped it into my mouth before I flipped the piece of paper to the other side. I was deep in editing mode for Stone Cold. 
I had talked to my manager about the upcoming events since there were red carpet dates already locked down for later that year, and she approved them, along with congratulations on the romance. But I was not able to get any definitive days off to truly work on Stone Cold, so I was still back to my weird schedule to get it finished on time. 
Out of bad habit, I clicked my power button on my phone and looked at the screen for anything to distract me for a short second. There was a message from Niall. 
N: Yoo, it’s go time . 
L: Really? What about publicity photos?
N: This is gonna work better . I’m gonna use one of our old selfies . 
L: Haha You mean from backstage in Chicago? That was like 6 months ago... 
N: It’s the only recent once we’ve got , Kelly . 
It’ll work 
L: I guess you’re right.
N: I am (: 
Be ready for it . 
Now, an Instagram notification came up and I already knew who it was from. I pulled down my notifications bar to see it and tapped it. I swear my heart stopped at the caption. 
@NiallOfficial: You know I don’t like lying to you all, but I’ve kept this a secret . For the sake of wanting our first few months to be only us . Well , those few months turned into a full year . I couldn’t be happier with this woman ! She makes me feel like I’m on cloud 9 . She even makes the golf losses better haha
He’d also tagged me. It was another requirement for social media; all posts had to be tagged. I was suddenly super nervous. This was actually it. There were so many new follows, likes, and comments on my account, and people were commenting congrats underneath Niall’s; though it wasn’t hard to miss a few of the mean wishes. 
K: So…. this is really it?
N: Yup . You got this , Kelly !   
K: There weren’t that many restrictions to the socials, surprisingly…
Do I have to follow people back? 
N: Haha no ! Follow who ya want 
K: Cool
A Twitter notification popped up on my top bar. I pulled it down to see Niall had tagged me in a photo there as well, and it was similarly worded to Instagram. At least it wasn’t a total copy and paste, that wasn’t necessarily Niall’s style. The Twitter notifications also started to flow in and I knew there had to be some way to filter them or this was going to be overwhelming.
K: Please tell me there’s a way to filter the notifications 
N: Absolutely , under your settings there should be a way to just get ones of people you follow 
If you get verified , I’ll help you with those 
K: Who said anything about me getting verified? 
N: Kelly , don’t act so cavalier love . It’ll happen eventually . 
I’ll walk you through it , I had Modest to help me and you’ve got me to help you
K: Duh duh DUHHHH
N: Okay , if you don’t want it I won ‘t give it to ya 
K: You know you will anyway
You loooove me 
N: Augh
You’re right 
I finally gathered the courage to thoroughly go through my Twitter notifications. I figured that the most recent ones may not be necessarily nice since I had been MIA for a few days after Niall’s initial post. But could they really blame me? I didn’t think so. 
My Twitter followers went from literally 450 to 38K. Just cause I was Niall’s “girlfriend”? That’s just… I couldn’t lie, I never followed the boys’ girlfriends or PR girlfriends, whatever they were to them. I didn’t have much to say to this. 
I decided to make a tweet first before doing anything else. 
@kellygarden: Sorry I’ve been MIA y’all. About to get interactive though! How about a Q&A? Hashtag #AskKelly :) 
I used the time of people asking questions to go through some of those following me and follow a few. And when I say a few, I mean a few. I might do a follow spree at some point and do a hundred or a couple hundred people. 
I about shit my pants seeing some of those who were following me that I was already following. Like Tom Holland, all the 5SOS boys, the other lads from One Direction, and Selena Gomez. Holy shit. What? Why? I was having a hard time believing this, but I couldn’t stop a smile from crossing my lips. So unreal. 
I searched my hashtag now and looked at some of the questions, replying to some. 
@Fuckmeniall: @KellyGarden Was it love at first sight? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Fuckmeniall First off, love your @ . It was more like love at first coffee - we met at a cafe in London :)
@DamagedQueen: @KellyGarden Hw old r u? Wt do u do? #AskKely PS luv ur layout<3
@KellyGarden: Aww thanks so much! I’m 24 and a novel editor for a publishing house in London. 
@Jocylnbitch: @KellyGarden I don’t really like you, but I have a question about Niall. What’s he like in bed? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Jocylnbitch: Glad to hear your opinion about me. And I don’t think that’s any of your business. 
@Rylanroll: @KellyGarden R u a virgin? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Rylanroll Are you old enough to be asking this question? But no, I’m not.
@Hannable: @KellyGarden If you could clone yourself, would you? Why? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Hannable I would. As selfish as this is, I’d have my clone to do my work so I could go see the world and be with Nialler.
@Uplousass: @KellyGarden Have you met the other boys yet? Freddie? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Uplousass Props for the @, I’m dying! *laugh crying face emoji* I haven’t... and I’m not going to force any of them to meet me if they choose not to. 
@NiallOfficial: @KellyGarden How far are you up my ass? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @NiallOfficial I would be Hella far up if you weren’t so far up mine already :P
@Michael5SOS: @KellyGarden CAN I MEET YOU?! ASDLFKAS #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Michael5SOS DLKASLGA YEAH IF YA WANT 
@lukecummings: @KellyGarden Have you ever written fanfiction? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @lukecummings I have, but they’re cringy af. I’m not kidding on that. They will never resurface the web. 
@Astheticnolan: @KellyGarden What are you favorite smells on earth? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Astheticnolan COFFEE, books, rain, You&I perfume, flowers, Niall’s cologne
@Haywire: @KellyGarden What’s your music taste? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Haywire My music library is on crack. I could be listening to 1D, then it could go to Skillet, Ed, Counting Crows, M83, etc. It’s a wide range, except no Country.
@Luke5SOS: @KellyGarden Is that lame band 5SOS not in your music library? :(
@KellyGarden: @Luke5SOS Pft yes, yes they are in my music library. It’s full of lame bands lmfao
@Daylight5SOS: @KellyGarden Have you talked with the other boys? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Daylight5SOS Yeah, Louis. 
@Louis_Tomlinson: @KellyGarden Do look forward to officially meeting you. Freddie son says hi.
@KellyGarden: @Louis_Tomlinson I look forward to it as well. Stay safe you two x.
@Penofhope: @KellyGarden Favorite genre to write? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Penofhope Fiction. YA. Mainly Fantasy and Sci-fi. 
@Clotheswhore: @KellyGarden What's your aesthetic? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Clotheswhore By your @ I’m going to assume you mean my clothes aesthetic? I’d say it’s a little bit of everything - I can’t stick to one thing lol
@Niallsride: @KellyGarden Do you drive? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Niallsride I do. Both car and motorcycle/bikes.
@Monaymaker: @KellyGarden Do you drink? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Monaymaker I do socially.
@Harry_Styles: @KellyGarden I look forward to meeting you. Niall is a lucky guy. All the love. H. #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Harry_Styles Thank you so much, H! Soon I hope x.
@Horanyass: @KellyGarden How many kids do you want? Gender ? Would you like to have them with Niall? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Horanyass 2 or 3, any gender, and if I happen to have my kids with Niall then I’d be happy about it :)
@Styleskid: @Kellyiebabes Fave bromances of 1D and 5SOS? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Styleskid All the ones with Luke and Niall, Cashton, and Lilo. 
@5Saucelove: @KellyGarden Pancakes or waffles? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @5Saucelove Waffles all the way! X.
@Horanhasmyheart: @KellyGarden Have you heard any songs off Niall’s upcoming album? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Horanhasmyheart Nope, he’s super secretive about it. I’m gonna be just as shook as all of you! Looking forward to it! 
I looked at all the ones I answered, smiling a bit at a few of them. I didn’t realize how many I answered or how much time had passed. I had to be on a work call soon, which could go until midnight because of the time difference. 
@KellyGarden: Gotta get back to work. Thank you all for the questions! I’ll be doing another one of these soon, yeah?
I didn’t wait for any of the replies before I locked my phone and set my laptop up for Zoom. 
I huffed, observing the cherry patterned and floral dresses in my hands, and the pile of other choices I thought about taking to LA. I was so indecisive right now. How many outfits did I really need? Five days worth, but on top of some clothes for clubbing possibly, and pjs. But if I packed something I didn’t want to wear, I didn’t really want to wear the same thing. Why was I like this?
I huffed once again and flopped down onto the mass. I leave tomorrow and need to get this sorted out. After another half hour of stalling, I willed myself to get back up and actually pack. I decided on six solid outfits, on top of one clubbing fit and pjs. It seemed like the safest route.
N: Get in loser , we’re going to see Paps 
K: Hah hah like oh my god they don’t even go here 
I finally just packed. How’s LA? 
N: Kelly, you’re such a procrastinator 
LA is ready for you 
K: But I don’t know if I’m ready for LA 
N: Ooo so cliche , you’re both ready. 
See you tomorrow x
K: See you tomorrow xo
As much as I’d love to say I could handle getting myself to my flight on my own, I couldn’t. I hadn’t flown in a few years and that had been with a group of others. I was flying by myself now, and I have to do all the checking in and such as well. 
I took a deep breath as I approached the security check line. I set my purse and backpack in one bin and my duffel in another before setting them on the metal rods that would take it through a detecting machine. I waited for the woman to wave me through the detecting machine, and I went through fine. I mean, I didn’t have anything that would set it off. 
Once my stuff came through the other end of the metal rods line, I grabbed it and put the bins in the pile that was started. When I started walking away to find my gate, I realized I was stupid to be so nervous about going through the line. 
Finding my gate wasn’t hard. It helped that the Cedar Rapids Airport was small. There’s like eight gates. I settled myself in a seat to wait until boarding was called. I took my phone out and busied myself with Instagram and Tumblr; I just scrolled through my feed, liking and reblogging stuff. 
“Gate B is now boarding. If you are first class, you have a separate line. If you are G1 for the coach cabin, you can now board.”
That was me. 
I took another deep breath, grabbing my three bags, and I walked over to the woman. She took my ticket, ripping off the part she needed, and then handed it back to me. “Enjoy your flight.”
“Thanks,” I replied. 
I walked through the terminal and onto the fairly small plane. It was more of a jet. I found my seat and settled everything. I followed the directions given by the fly attendant as I waited for the plane to actually take off, and finally, we moved to be on the runway and ascended into the air. 
Next: Ch 4
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👑Princess Party ~
Another post, my friends!!!!
Over the past weekend, I was invited to a cute little “Princess Party” in Animal Crossing New Horizons. 😱🌸 It was my first time going to an island with multiple players, and so of course I was hyped and nervous!
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All of these pics (except for the last one) were taken by me on my Nintendo Switch, and decorated with my favorite app “Line Camera”.
So the excitement was obviously meeting new people and seeing the lovely island, worked very hard by twitter user Courtney. Very lovely person, and I was sooooo flattered to be invited to come visit her island! All the players had lovely and extravagant dresses on, and it was so nice being in an all girl group to do things with (unfortunately I don’t have many friends in real life 😭). I was late 😂 and so everyone was waiting for me before the “party” began! I was mortified! I was busy trying to grab gifts and get my dress, and drop off whatever I didn’t need before “flying” over!
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So the island is simply one word: gorgeous! My jaw literally dropped! Miss Courtney really worked hard on her island, and it just came out sooo amazing, I’m so jelly but happy for her regardless haha! 💕 Here I am on a girl date with one of the lovely players (I couldn’t remember all their names! 😭), in one of Courtney’s tea tables near the entrance. All of us were just “wowed” by everything we were seeing! It was like really from a princess movie! You know with the big courtyards, flowers everywhere, and elegant furniture set up!
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So Courtney led us to the main part of the event, tables filled with party favors to take (only took one lol), and they were wrapped in pink paper. The table cloths were all in pretty girly colors and patterns, and there was a cake, and plates and a jug of cut up slices of fruits! The detail this girl did for the party! I wish I had the time!!! Lol!
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We did get to walk around the island led by her, and we were busy snapping pics and commenting, (I was sooo nervous I could not spell for the life of me! I’m 31 and I was spelling like a 4 year old, my goodness they all must’ve thought I was some illeterate human😂). This is by the beach where we tried to take some photos, looks like a whole wedding photo shoot set up!
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There was also a stage, and we all pretended to watch Courtney sing, and I believe someone else was playing the drums. I loved the fact that we all synced together to do stuff, it was like we all connected lol. I love the Palm Tree lights it really gives off an island concert vibe haha (duh basically you are in an island 😂).
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One of my favorite photos! I don’t remember this player’s name, but she was making me laugh sooo much throughout our princess venture! We both were sitting down at a little picnic area, and I guess she’s waiting for me to pass her the salt hahaha. Love the picnic blanket, I can’t tell if Courtney made it or it’s made that way for the game, but it’s so kawaii!
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Another favorite photo of mine! We were playing musical chairs and so terrible about it! I lost immediately, (because you know I’m a noob), and so as the game progressed, the zelda player was mad because someone cheated or something and she lost! I could not stop laughing in real life! They’re all good people though, and I loved thinking how this would’ve played out in real life! 💖😂
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Another part of the island that I loved was the “Princess Booth”. I love Sleeping Beauty aka Princess Aurora aka Briar Rose and so the pink dress in the background had me screaming with joy! It’s a straight replica from the movie! Courtney really thought of everything for this party! 👑👑👑
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This was around the time before I left the island, as I had eating and studying to do. However, I wanted to take one last photo, and this was one of the last shots I got. My character obviously, (and I say obviously because she’s in every photo posted), is the one wearing one of my designs, the pink and yellow dress with turquoise hair. Look at all those cute booths tho! 😍
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This photo was posted by Courtney who was the host of the party (she’s the one in the middle in purple with a rose in her mouth). Honestly, it was a fantastic little party, and I hope to join many more of different types of parties! It’s good to know there are people like myself that love to just game and love having fun! I didn’t know what to expect, but this venture turned out amazing! It was fun meeting new people as well!
And that’s my Princess Party Adventure! 👑 Please find me on twitter: msnu07, to check out Animal Crossing New Horizons content, and retweets and follow the rest of these lovely players that were in the party as well!
Until next time! Much love to you all reading this! 💕💕💕
Nu is signing out! 🤞🏼💕🌸
#twitter #blog #acnh #animalcrossingcommunity #animalcrossingnewhorizons #love #princess #party #friends #friendship #acnhblog #kawaii #cute #prettyinpink #linecamera #nintendo #nintendoswitch #churippudesigns #tumblr #gaming #fashion #fun #amazing #videogameadventures #florals #acnhdesign #islands
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bennet-darcy · 6 years
Is it too late to participate in your ask game? If not I challenge you to all of the things 😈💖
You’re such a dork, and I love you so much. Also I love that you still sent this even though I’m pretty sure that you basically already know all of these things about me :’) 
This is going to be long, but YOU ASKED FOR IT, PUNK! ♡♡♡
angel; favorite album of all time?
I already answered this one here! 
honey; are you a very affectionate person?
VERY, I didn’t even fully realize this about myself until entering a relationship with someone I love so much. (You, duh.) But yes, I really love cuddling and hugs, and holding hands, and affectionate words, and all of that lovey-dovey stuff, I’m a sap :’) 
moonlight;  do you enjoy museums?
Yes! Very much! I could stay in a museum for days, if it was allowed. 
roses;  what does love feel like to you? describe it!
Oh my gosh, this is going to be very cheesy, I already Know it. Okay here we go.
To me, being in love is definitely a much different feeling than the beginning stages of having a crush, or “liking” somebody. Having a crush is that nervous, butterflies in your stomach feeling, whereas being in love is a deep feeling of comfort and complete happiness when you’re around them. Love is thinking about them throughout the day “she would like that shirt”, “she would think this is funny”, “she would enjoy this movie”, “this song reminds me of her” etc. Love is including them automatically. (Reheating leftovers and grabbing two forks because she might be hungry, too. Filling up both of our glasses because she might want some more, too.) Love is being aware of their feelings and moods and nonverbal cues, and wanting their happiness, always. Love is always being there for them when they need comfort and support, but also understanding that sometimes your support isn’t needed/wanted, sometimes they just need some space. Love is cheering them on and celebrating each other’s victories. Love is understanding how to best care for one other. Love is a very nice, deeply comforting feeling, and I really love being in love. 
shimmer; zodiac sign?
princess; have you ever been to disneyland? if so, favorite ride?
A very tough choice since everything at Disneyland is so great, but Indiana Jones would probably by my #1 
cherry; have you ever been to a psychic?
Yeah, years ago. I forgot what she told me, but it was all very vague, very forgettable information. Waste of money, would not recommend. 
magic; favorite film?
starlight;  have you ever written a love letter?
Yes, twice. Both of them to my gf :’) 
velvet; do you enjoy horror films?
Not really, no. Thriller movies, sometimes, but not horror. 
blush; have you been to a concert? if so, which one(s)?
Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Ed Sheeran (TWICE), and Lana Del Rey ♡
sparkle; dream job?
School psychologist??? I think????? Not entirely positive tbh? Something involving education and psychology. 
witches; how do you like to dress?
I really like to wear dresses and skirts! But unfortunately with the weather in Colorado, dressing how I like is not always practical. I also really enjoy floral print and sparkly things! 
crystal; favorite planet?
Earth, it’s the only planet with cats, and flowers, and my girlfriend, and blankets, and cookies! 
(But Jupiter has 67 moons and that’s pretty neato) 
sugar; favorite pet names? (baby, sweetheart, etc.)
Oh my gosh, that’s another thing I never realized about myself until recently. I really enjoy sappy cheesy pet names?? Sweetheart, honey, love, darling, angel, swertie ;)  I pretty much enjoy all of them EXCEPT for “baby”, “babe” or any similar variation of that. I’m not sure why exactly, I’m just not really fond of it. I don’t think I would like that one. 
hopeless; do you believe in ghosts?
glow; do you have or want any tattoos? what of?
I don’t have any, but I like the idea of a tattoo! If I got one, it would probably be something very small and dainty. A floral design, maybe? I’m just not sure I would ever have the guts to actually do it. 
starlet; what historical period is most interesting to you?
I’ve always been really interested in the Victorian Era, and the Tudor period, in England. Also, on an unrelated note: the 1980s because of the fashion and the music were Top Notch. 
motel; are you superstitious? 
To quote my favorite Dunder Mifflin Regional Manager, “I’m not superstitious, but... I am a little stitious.” 
(No, I’m not superstitious.) 
heart;  do you like the color pink?
HECKY YEAH! Pink is great :’) 
golden;  do you appreciate high fashion?
I really love some of the high fashion gowns, yeah! But some of what is considered “high fashion” is really ridiculous, in my opinion! 
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cellochicita · 7 years
OK SO I GOT TAGGED BY @bananabrianna77 @thiswebsitegavemethisusername @mtt-studios @zephyrus-gryphon @scolipendra91 AND @esmiden
putting it below bc it longgg
1. What’s your favorite inside joke?
This is fine
2. What’s the strangest/stupidest/most interesting way you’ve ever injured yourself?
Naruto running across the street, I tweaked my shoulder something awful
3. What’s your favorite color, and what do you find so appealing about that color?
Lilac purple *star eyes* I’ve always loved purple, it’s very feminine without being in your face, and mysterious, and lilac has the warm red undertones to it that make it feel like a hug. Plus I love the smell of the flower too
4. If you had a million dollars (or whatever currency you weird non-American peeps use) what WOULDN’T you spend it on?
Umm. I wouldn’t spend it on gambling
5. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Whoo boy depends what I can grab as I run out the door. Toast, banana, etc.
6. Hey you now possess the ability to give people superpowers. I, your indecisive trash bag pal, just requested you give me a “random superpower”. What kinda power will you give me?
Hmm, I give you the power of flight bc flying rocks
7. If the roles were reversed, what kind of superpower would you request?
I wanna talk to animals dangit
8. What time is it for you right now?
11 am :)
9. What was the worst homework assignment you ever had to complete?
Oh gosh um, 20 page paper written in one day? That sucked major butt
10. What’s your worst pet peeve?
When people cannot stop to question their own actions.
11. Not a question, but write a short (3-5 line) poem/rap about the closest thing to your left.
Left of me there is
A wall covered in carpet
Why is that a thing
2) Favourite food?
Hnngg all of them? Rice bowls.
3) If you had to choose one song to listen to over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh geez. Um. I could listen to orchestral covers of Asgore’s theme for  hours
4) Favourite singer/band?
Owl City, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Taylor Swift
5) Favourite subject to study in school?
History or music
6) Your favourite thing about the internet?
Heck I love the freedom it gave to me to create music and voicework. I’ve had good experiences networking too :)
7) Have you remembered to do what you need to today?
Ummm I suppose I just did. But I still don’t wanna do it, sooooo
8) What time do you usually wake up if you get to choose?
If I choose? 8 am. Out of bed by 9 (I have to catch up on notifs)
9) Favourite YouTuber?
The entire Internet Remix crew
10) Can you list 5 tumblr blogs you think I should follow right now?
@fishmum, @rileygoldsmith, @kanaking, @asgoriel-stuff, @stariousfalls
11) Who is the most underrated celebrity, in your opinion?
Piano Guys probably, they are great dudes
12) Favourite snack?
Cheese sticks
13) Can you describe your ideal day?
The day I can finally get caught up on all of my recording, then I go and hang out with family and friends
14) Your best tumblr friend?
Riley is bae @rileygoldsmith
15) Can you say the first thing that comes to your head NOW?
Can’t wait until my bf gets home so I can smooch his face
16) Favourite music genre?
Oof. I have eclectic tastes. Alternative I suppose? Not sure. If it sounds good, I like
17) Favourite video game? (If you don’t play, favourite Let’s Play series?)
Probably Undertale duh
18) The worst time someone has betrayed you?
Ex best friend, junior year of HS. But haha jokes on her, I’m dating her ex
19) Could you describe yourself in five words?
Keep enduring to the end
20) Favourite type of weather?
Fall weatherrrrrr
21) Could you describe your favourite place, without using the name?
Absolute peace
22) Favourite inspirational quote?
“Even when you think it's time to give up, don't. Take care of you and find yourself again if you need to” - Moony
1. What makes you feel at home?
My mom usually XD
2.  Favorite soup?
Turkey and wild rice soup P:
3. Sunny or rainy?
Rainy dayssss ftw
4. Other than your family, who is one person who has shaped you?
My best friend
5. What patterns do you like on clothing that you don’t wear yourself (floral, striped, etc.)?
I wish I could pull off stripes mixed with florals
6. Quick, first word/phrase you think of!
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts
7. One trait you envy about others?
The ability to not overthink things
8. What was the first online fandom you joined?
Online fandoms? Hmm, probably doctor who
9. Favorite song from the 20th century?
“The way you look tonight” Frank Sinatra
10. Which class did/do you do best in at school?
The easy ones. I got good grades in history tho
11. Would you smooch a ghost?
1. Waffles, Pancakes, or french toast?
Waffles but on other days pancakes
2. Do you think spiders can be adorable?
So long as they’re not up in my space
3. Best gaming experience you have had?
Solstice ending of Oneshot. It was really the first time I played a game blind, and the ending is masterful
4. Happy song that makes you sad?
5. Favorite adult cartoon?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I KNOW IT’S ANIME SHUSH)
2. Most adrenaline pumping thing you have done?
Bungee jumping was intense
7. Do you believe there is darkness within anyone, can anyone once good be evil?
I do believe, but I also believe the opposite. We all have dark and light in us, it all depends on what we choose
8. Favorite anime OST song, not counting openings or endings?
I dunno haha I do love the whole soundtrack to FMA Brotherhood? Not familiar with all the OST
9. Hade you dramatically lied to someone?
I have before
10. Did you notice I repeated 2 twice the first time you read this?
11. How was your day?
So far, pretty decent : )
1. How are you doing?
Pretty good thanks!
2. What leaves the worst taste in your mouth?
Figuratively or literally? Literally Orange juice after toothpaste. Figuratively, when I have to let stupid people alone to their ways
3. What is the strangest thing you’ve Googled?
Ghandi Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
4. What’s the funniest thing you’ve witnessed in public?
Me doing a perfect double take at a guy pretending to be a mannequin in a store window
5. You are given the ability to solve one unsolved mystery. Which one do you choose?
Amelia Earhart. Where she at man
6. If you could write a letter to your past self, what would you tell them?
Dude, you won’t be lonely forever. It gets so much better
7. Which video game have you played through the most?
8. If you could instantly learn a skill, which one would you choose?
9. What is a song you can never get tired of?
State of Grace, Taylor Swift
10. What is your favorite combination of food?
Breakfast for dinner!
11. What is the pettiest thing you’ve ever done?
Ghosted my friend bc she wouldn’t talk to me
1. Favorite literature or movie genre
Quirky fantasy
2. Top five animated cartoons
Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall
3. If you could choose a fantasy land to stay in for the rest of your life, which one would you chose? Ps. You won’t be able to get back to the real world.
Hogwarts. Gimme. Now.
4. Favorite song at the moment?
Gorgeous, Taylor Swift
5. What is good design for you?
Something simple and clean, but warm and inviting
6. What’s your favorite color scheme/combination?
Lilac, lavender, mint and silver
7. Which feelings effects you the most in litterature/music/film etc.?
I am such a sucker for sister to sister relationships, make me teary every time
8. Favorite game?
Undertale (same as above)
9. What’s most important for you in a good movie?
I need to have fun! And I need it to not drag on
10. What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
11. Extra because I’m out of ideas, if you got a painting. What would you want on it? XD
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xmichaeljacksonx · 7 years
Tagged by @lafilledereves like 10 years ago but finally got a chance to do it
Favorite poet: Maya Angelou
Favorite painter: BOB ROSS
Favorite Shakespearean Heroine: N/A (I don’t do Shakespear sorry)
Favorite God/Goddess: Aphrodite
Favorite Flower: Red Rose
Favorite flavor of cake (& frosting if you have a specific one): Carrot with cheesecake frosting
Favorite book you’ve read in the past 6 months: The Perks of Being A Wallflower
The last movie you watched that touched you deeply (in whichever way): Me Before You
Favorite fabric to wear: Cotton
Favorite perfume: Acqua dell’angelo (I’ve nursed the same bottle for years because I don’t want to run out. Yes I know I can buy more but shipping from Italy takes ages)
Favorite breakfast: Eggs over easy so I can dip my toast in them with bacon OMG IT’S THE BOMB
Favorite Jane Austen OTP: (Also N/A)
Favorite shade of eyeshadow/lipstick: Eyeshadow: Shimmery browns. Lipstick: Burgundy 
Briefly describe your dream home: Two story with a basement, modern stainless appliances, 50s red retro accents in the kitchen, movie posters in the living room, more than one bathroom, king size bed, no neighbors, deck.
If you could be any fantasy type creature: MERMAID
If you could create one potion/spell/curse etc. what would it be and why: Uhhhh I’d cast a spell so the world could finally see eye to eye and wars would end and there wouldn’t be two opposing sides to anything anymore
If you could marry your celebrity/fictional crush right now, who would it be?: TBH I wouldn’t want to. I’d want them to be my best friend though. 
You can travel back to any moment in time but you can’t come back to the present. Where do you go?: ooooo I’ve always wanted to know what living in the 1950s was like. Also the 1980s. 
Dream beach vacation?: The Bahamas because I’ve never been in the tropics before
Favorite candle scent?: Maybe cinnamon spice. Anything that smells like a country cottage in the winter
If you could dye your hair any color- what would it be?: I’ve always wanted to try red velvet/ burgundy. Look up JBunzie. Her hair.
Favorite spice? What do you like to add it to?: CLOVES IS THE BEST ESPECIALLY PUMPKIN PIE
Hero or Villain? Why? What are your abilities?: I’d like to think I’m a hero. Heroes always win in the movies. They look fabulous as well. I’m good with my words and understanding people so maybe I can get into their mind.
Day or night? Why?: I love a beautiful sunset and starry sky. And It takes me ages to wake up in the morning but I’m super awake at night. Also my hair always looks bomb when I’m ready for bed so like wtf
What is the last/current thing that struck inspiration in you?: Gosh, I remember my philosophy professor said “You are the physical, tangible product of love. You are the creation of two bodies becoming one.” I just found that so beautiful and calming idk why.
If you could completely surround yourself in one color, what would it be and why?: Lilac purple. It’s subtle, calming, and pretty.
What kind of garden would you grow/are you growing/would you like to grow? (Cactus, Herb, Floral, Veggie etc.): I love flower gardens. We have many at our house. But the satisfaction of picking that tomato you’ve been watering since seedling is super amazing
Best way to fall asleep?: Breathing in aromas on cool sheets with fluffy blankets
Favorite sound: Tree frogs and crickets
Favorite type of jewelry? (necklace, earrings, bracelets etc.): Necklaces
Film festival or music festival?: Music is life
Favorite non-”traditional” holiday?: Halloween
If you could only eat either popsicles or ice cream for the rest of your life, which would you pick?: Ice cream. But if I had another choice, frozen yogurt
If you could road trip anywhere right now- where would you go? Name any specific places you’d like to visit on the way there if you have any: I want to go to a lake, or a bay, and have a picnic and roll up my shorts to walk in the water. No specific body of water, so hidden gems are nice
You can only wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life, which do you pick? (pants includes shorts, skirts includes dresses): SKIRTS I AM VERY GIRLY
Favorite male Nicholas Sparks character (besides Noah cause duh) you’d date?: Ben :)
You can only eat one style of food for the rest of your life… which do you pick?: Italian. Because. I am.
You have an animal side kick- what type of animal is it?: TIGER
Favorite amusement park?: Any waterpark
Favorite season and why? (be as specific as you want!): Either spring or summer. Spring because of all the beautiful flowers and colors and it’s not too hot, but also summer because there isn’t much rain and it’s warm and cozy
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richardshaver1955 · 5 years
“The Enchanted Oasis” – our official wedding film!
You guys…Sam and I are SOOOOOOOOO excited to invite you to The Enchanted Oasis. Watch our wedding film above and come relive the magic that happened in the desert on October 6th, 2018! Eeeeee!
I’ve been meaning to do a wedding recap for a LONG LONG time, but things got super crazy after the wedding. (I mean, we still haven’t gone on our honeymoon yet!) We are still getting used to calling each other “husband” and “wife” – but every time we do it, we can’t help but smile and say “Can you believe…!!??” 2 months into our marriage and over 10 years into our relationship you guys! I’m grateful that everything still feels super fresh!
Okay, ready for our wedding photo story? Let’s begin!
The morning began with me getting ready in the Master Suite at the Solomon Estate in Rancho Mirage, CA. I felt like a princess in a modern day castle! I mean, there’s a palm tree growing in the master bath for goodness sake! A PALM TREE. Oh there’s a jacuzzi, a sauna, and 2 toilets in there too. The bathroom alone is like the size of my ENTIRE first apartment x 3. Ha!
Here’s my sister Jackelyn and I taking a moment to Instagram Story our Tieks! I mean, gotta capture every moment! We’re using my Galia Lahav veil as a backdrop.
This is when I sat my mom, sister, and Sam’s mom down to give them personal cards, hand carved hangers, and robes to wear for the getting ready part of the day! Apparently I’m a really good writer because everyone is crying.
Jackelyn got these wooden hangers hand made from a vendor on Etsy! How cool right?
I love this shot. It’s me, mom and sis having a special moment before we put on our dresses.
Perspective. The train is REALLY long on my Galia Lahav dress, but you really don’t understand HOW long until you see it next to the other non-bridal dresses. There’s enough tulle for me to live in for the rest of my life.
These are my wedding shoes from Badgely Mischka! They have platform on them too, so they’re not THAT uncomfortable. There are rhinestones all around the shoe which made them SUPER glamorous (plus I love the rose gold sole which matches my ring), however, I did not know that rhinestones + tulle was going to be the worst idea ever for walking. The stones kept catching onto the inside tulle of my dress and made it nearly impossible to walk down the stairs and then down the aisle! It even ripped part of my dress. But oh well! Whatcha gonna do!?
The ceremony dress. This is the Ms. Elle from Galia Lahav, custom designed to have a deep v cut in the front as well as side cut outs.
It’s always so cool to see something go from concept to completion.
Didn’t think I was extra? Well now you know!
Meanwhile, Sam and Sir George played in their matching tuxedos!
Sam’s dad, his best man, Sam, and my dad getting ready for the big moment! Doesn’t everyone look so dapper?
Yes, Sir George sure thinks so, while posing all casual on top of a medieval leather bound book.
Here was the entry way with the welcome sign I wrote! If you get satisfaction from watching people write calligraphy, check out this video I hastily made just hours before we headed out to the venue!
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PART 13: The Calligraphy.
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My personal goal for 2018 was to learn how to do calligraphy! But, I did not anticipate doing it for our wedding! Last minute the person who I thought was going to do the calligraphy for us bailed out, so I had to up my game!
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I watched countless YouTube videos, attended a live calligraphy tutorial, and practiced with all sorts of pens until I felt comfortable enough to take on all the signage for our wedding! I’m still in my learning phase and am trying to develop my own style. Though at times I get frustrated with my lack of experience, I’m truly enjoying the feeling of not being an expert – of knowing there’s a lot more potential!!! It’s humbling and beautiful.
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(PS: The frames you see here I constructed to emulate the invitation. There’s real moss glued piece by piece onto the background – which took wayyyyyy longer and was wayyyyy messier than I thought!)
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What hobby are you currently enjoying right now?
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Music: “I Got a Girl” by Philip E. Morris. #EnchantedOasis #diybride #weddingcalligraphy #calligraphyvideo
A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on Oct 13, 2018 at 10:08am PDT
Did you notice that the frame matches the invitation!? DIY’d it all to make sure we would be ON THEME with “enchanted oasis”!
On the entry way table, we added a nice touch to honor our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. Golden frames with pictures! I took a chalk paint pen and wrote on top of the glass. If you plan on doing this, get a chalk paint pen that is permanent, or else it will rub off. This one from Amazon is the one I used and I highly recommend it.
My sister, the Maid of Honor. OMG she looked STUNNING in her Galia Lahav. She went for Old Hollywood Glam with her look and she served it!
Here’s my mom putting on my veil! I’m about to walk down the aisle!
Speaking of aisle, we had it lined with gorgeous blooms to give the ceremony a “secret garden” feel.
Most enchanted chuppah ever. All florals by Lovesome Blossoms.
The aisle.
This was honestly the highlight of the entire wedding I must say. The moment Sir George drove down the aisle.
Here’s Nola, our flower girl! And Sam’s niece.
When my dad walked me down the aisle!
The ceremony. We began with the lighting of the unity candle. Our love story was written by my sister. We also had a guided meditation that I wrote, which was requested by Sam. We also had family members chime in and give advice on marriage! It was a very unique ceremony that blended both the Vietnamese/Chinese and Jewish cultures!
“You may kiss the bride!”
Walking hand in hand for the first time as husband and wife!!! AHH!!!
Next, the guests were surprised with a carousel that we had built on site just for them! Each horse was brought in one by one BY HAND. Why? Cuz…#ENCHANTEDOASIS. DUH!
Makes for a great Instagram photo :)
The signature drinks.
We also had a matcha bar because Sam and I are matcha FANATICS! Custom blended drinks by Midora Matcha with golden straws to matcha our theme!
The seating chart that took me a FEW tries to get right. It was SO HARD to fit all the names on there.
My 2nd dress! A whimsical gown with custom drop sleeves from Galia Lahav. It’s the Lydia.
The reception tent – made up of thousands of twinkle lights!
Me and Sam doing the Horah! SO SCARY! Also our live band Christien Anthony KILLED IT. They learned how to sing Hebrew in 2 days. WHAT!??? And their music was ON POINT! They brought all the energy onto the dance floor!
Chair decor.
Table settings.
Each guest got their own hand pressed heart napkin. The heart napkin was a big deal during wedding planning. I wasn’t going to budge on this :P
The cake swing.
Mmmm. Berries.
CUTTING THE CAKE! You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting to eat my blue velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.
SO. GOOD. Also, look at the girls’ faces! Adorable!!!
More desserts! By Midori Matcha.
I hope you enjoyed the photos from our wedding! There’s like 3,000 more but these are my faves.
Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!
Wedding Dresses and Maid of Honor Dress: Galia Lahav
Wedding Planner: Laurie Lund of The Events Department
Location: The Solomon Estate in Rancho Mirage, CA
Photography: Kassia Phoy
Directed by: Brad Etter
Video Produced By: Ashla Soter
Director of Photography: Marco Bottiglieri
Additional Camera: Faisal Shah
Edited by: Brad Etter, Cassey Ho
Florals: Lovesome Blossom
Hair & Makeup: Beauty Marked
Catering: Fusion Flair
Matcha Bar and mini desserts: Midori Matcha
Cake: Exquisite Desserts
Tent, Lighting, Chairs etc: BRIGHT Rentals
Carousel: Christiansen Amusements
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proseasmic · 6 years
Inarrêtable - XII
A Few Weeks Later
Everyone was all abuzz about the formal dance that was set to happen at the end of the month. Even Adrien had gotten permission to go from his father. He would have been more excited about it if the girl he wanted to go the dance with was available, but...
“So what are you and Luka wearing to the dance, Marinette?” Alya asked during lunch break.
Sadly she was going with someone else. Adrien frowned as he munched on a carrot stick but continued listening in as Nino busied himself with his computer and some music software.
“I’m thinking of wearing something a little retro,” Marinette cracked open her sketch book to show Alya. “But with a current colour scheme; pastels and florals are really popular for spring right now, and you know how much I love pink.”
“Can I take a look?” Adrien asked, curiosity getting the better of him. He didn’t miss the light pink flush that formed on Marinette’s cheeks. It had been a while since he had spoken to her, as both Adrien and Chat Noir; the black cat of Paris hadn’t been able to find it in his heart to see her on her balcony the past couple of weeks, but he realized he couldn’t keep ignoring her forever when their best friends were dating. He tried to keep it casual and offered her a smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t steal your designs to take back to my father.”
“What?” She said loudly. “Oh my gosh, of course I wouldn’t think that, I just wasn’t—“
“Just hand him the book, girl.” Alya said, snatching it from Marinette’s hands and handing it to Adrien in one fluid motion.
“Okay...” Marinette squeaked as Adrien looked over her design. It was for a 50’s style swing dress, very good for dancing in; the bodice looked to have off-the-shoulder straps and was done up in a pastel pink and white crème colour scheme and a skirt that was dotted with a large flower print. He was sure having the son of her favourite fashion mogul look at her designs was probably a little anxiety inducing for her, so he made sure to give his nod of approval at her work as he read over her design notes, a smile forming on his face.
“This is amazing, Marinette!” He said honestly. “A super clean design; I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.”
“Thanks,” she said earnestly. “I’ve already bought the fabric, so I’m going to start working on it tonight!”
“What’s Luka wearing?” Alya pressed again as Adrien handed Marinette her sketchbook back. He felt himself frown at the mention of Luka, which in turn made him feel guilty. “Are you guys going to match?”
Marinette seemed to wilt just a smidge, something that caught Adrien’s attention. “No, he wants to wear his own thing because he’s going to be playing in the band for most of the night... but it’s fine! I’m sure we’ll both look great, either way!”
Adrien’s heart went out to her. Part of the draw of a dance like this was being able to match with your date, and he knew that matching would most likely be a big deal to Marinette; she was a fan of fashion, after all. The fact that her date wasn’t willing to coordinate with her put a bad taste in his mouth.
‘Stupid Luka.’
He found himself thinking that a lot lately, which only intensified his feelings of guilt. Luka was his friend… even if they hadn’t exactly been hanging out lately…
“Are you playing in the band, Adrien?” Alya asked suddenly, as if she had read his thoughts.
“No, I’m not,” he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “I had too many photoshoots scheduled and too many things going on to continue playing with them.”
“I’m sorry,” Marinette said softly from Alya’s side. He tentatively met her gaze, and saw that she looked little sad. “I know how much you liked playing with them.”
“Yeah,” he said softly, giving a noncommittal shrug. He didn’t want to admit that he’d been the one to take more jobs so he could avoid going to practice and avoid seeing Luka. It just bothered him too much. “It’s okay, though; I’m sure I’ll get to play more sometime.”
“Now that you’re not playing in the band though, you’ll have plenty of time to hang out with us!” Alya said, shooting him a wink. “Right Nino?”
“Huh?” Nino asked, pulling his headphones from his ears. “Did you say something?”
“I said, Adrien can hang out with us at the dance since he’s not playing in the band,” Alya said.
“Duh,” Nino said, letting his headphone settle around his neck. “I’ll be covering their breaks with a few DJ sets, so I’ll need you to keep the ladies company while I’m busy.”
Adrien chuckled. “Sure, Nino.”
“Are you going with anyone special?” Alya asked Adrien conversationally.
Adrien glanced at Marinette at the question, noticing how she seemed to bite her lip and look away. He frowned for a second before Alya waved her hand in front of his face.
“Earth to Adrien!” She said. “You have asked someone to the dance, right?”
“Um,” he answered slowly, not really sure how to answer. “Honestly, I… haven’t really thought about it yet.”
“Well, get a move on! And whoever you do ask, you know they’re welcome to come hang out with us for the night,” Alya said with a smile.
“Yeah,” Adrien said, hoping his smile appeared natural. “Of course. Thanks, Alya.”
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