#and i only shower when my hair is stiff enough that i dont need hair spray to do fun hair styles
pr1ncemax · 2 years
okay listen here me out i know how fucking crazy this sounds but 
can u believe
i had an ESA for a reason
and now without an esa
i am actaully doing bad? ?? ? crazy i know 
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fipindustries · 5 months
bojack horse bad again
you know, i was thinking back to this show again, i watched three seasons of it and that was all that i could tomach and you know what? no.
i dont accept it
i dont care, it was a bad show, it was an objectively bad show and i dont accept that everyone else decided that it was good, i dont care, it was a bad show and im going to tell you why.
emotional terrorism
maybe im a simpleton but i am someone who cares quite a lot about catharsis in my stories. this show refused to grant that, adamantly and violently. im not saying i need a happy ending, i am more than capable of enjoying bittersweet or even tragic stories, but i need a sense of completeness, some satisfaction, some release, some sense that things matter or meant something. this show insisted on refusing to give that. all this show was interested in was get an emotional reaction out of you. it was the emotional equivalent of a jump scare. it was convinced that if it made you feel bad enough people would confuse that with beeing powerful and deep. you could get the same reaction by walking up to someone on the street and kicking them in the nuts. and it would take about as much subtlety or artistry.
2. writer led rather than animator led
you could tell this was one of those shows that were made on the writer's room, not by storyboarders or artists, by "comedians". by people with english degrees. so many scenes of characters just standing around and talking. so many "jokes" that were clearly meant to be funny as something you read on a piece of paper or on a tweet and chuckle as you read it but as animation it just gave limp, stagnant scenes. so much dialog that were references and quips and puns and fast witticisms of the type you come up in the shower when thinking of clever comebacks.
there were so many fucking scenes where everything would stop and a character would launch on some stupid profound monologue about life and philosophy and psychology and relationships. it was like the writers were trying on for size paragraphs of their future memoirs or self help books. so much dialog that was begging for an award for writing. so many "mic drop" moments that were designed to be quoted. i find that the best writing is not the one that you can just quote out of context as a cool pithy phrase. a lot of the best writing ive seen in my life is meaningless when devoid of context, is inextricable of the scene and indeed of the entire story surrounding it but in here i can almost see the seams where the writers look at the camera waiting to see if you are impressed
3. inconsistent tone
this show wanted to eat its cake and then still have it. there are stories that manage to deftly weave in and out of comedic moments into serious moments. everything everywhere all at once does an amazing job jumping from the stupidest, most childish jokes into the most profound commentary about human nature, sometimes doing both at the same time and it worked, one didint cheapen the other.
in here though, it wanted to both have a completly absurd world with the stupidest characters ever and then somehow make us care for it all as if the show hadnt shot itself in the foot. it wanted us to see caroline being in love with what is clearly three children in a trenchcoat and then take her seriously as an adult, to treat any forther relationship drama she has as if it werent completly farcical.
4. ugly animation
it continued the blight that is take over adult animation by doing that disgusting repugnant paper puppet rigged interpolated quasi flash animation that only gives you stiff poses and movements and incredibly boring shots of characters standing in 3/4 perspective in front of the camera. it dull and flat and clunky and ugly, and the character designs were ugly. the noses were ugly and the mouths were ugly and the hairs were ugly and the eyes were ugly. it was all ugly. the backgrounds were fucking ugly and the colors were ugly and it was an ugly show to look at. unbearably so. and even the obligatory "weird" stylized scenes put in to shake things off and try to pretend that it was visually interesting (for like one scene per season) were also fucking ugly.
5. it had not interesting point to make
all it could do was insist and belavor and extemporize about how this one guy sucks and also most people kind of suck but specifically this one guy really sucks and he is not going to get better, or maybe he will? eh maybe, but not really, because he sucks. and we are going to make you like him because we are the writers and we are going to make him relatable and charismatic and sympathetic but actually no he sucks, you fell for it! and what does it say about you that you almost kind of liked him eh????. season after season of him, and in case you almost found anything redeemable about him, we are going to make him even worse, painfully unsubtly so, we are going to make him look at the camera and say that he sucks, because that is the level of nuance we think you can handle, dear viewer. this is called "self aware writing" and its postmodern and meta, which means its clever.
i fucking hate this show and the more i think about it the angrier it makes me, and what makes me more angriest of all is that people like it. its popular. it won awards i think. its largely recognized as a good show and its not! it sucks and its bad and if you like it you are stupid.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
Hi if I may I wanna request LS hcs, like what's their reaction to reader getting injured in a mission and calling the bois to drive to pick them up? Like, through the call they could just tell sth bad happened to reader. (And can u make it gn? Thx very much I love ur writings!!)
thank u sm!!! 🥺 and i make everything gender neutral by default so no worries there my love (i want these boys to care for my they/themmie ass)
la squadra helping their injured partner home 🤕
risotto ✂️
the moment risotto heard something off in your voice, a quaver or unsteady breath, his heart stopped. he'll ask if you're injured, and when you say yes, he's already up and on his way
he keeps calm, and first of all he's making sure it's not bad enough that you need a hospital. if you reassure him honestly that it's not that severe, he tells you to stay put and wait for him and he doesn't waste a second. he may insist you stay on the phone with one of the others while he drives.
and he's driving as fast as he can without being reckless. you're so important to him, and even if he's reassured that you're not dying, the thought of you hurt and alone--his heart can't take it. all that mattered was getting to you and making sure you're safe, so he didn't ask yet how the injury happened--but if someone hurt you and they're still alive, they won't be for much longer. and he won't make it quick, he thinks with his jaw clenched and a hard grip on the steering wheel.
but he's all gentleness with you when he gets there. he's relieved beyond belief that you are, in fact, alive, but his heart is in his throat seeing you injured. if you'll let him, he'll pick you up and place you in the passenger seat. he looks you over and does quick fixes to last you until you get home.
he's still tense in the car. he'll ask how it happened; if it was an accident or the target you already dealt with, he'll be reassured. if it was someone else who's still kickin, he's already making plans. but still, his focus is you. at every red light, he's taking a hand off the wheel to rest on your shoulder, your knee, to hold your hand, just to soothe him that you're there. eventually, you just keep one hand on his knee. he can't express how grateful he is for your grounding presence.
you've done well. just... be more careful, amore.
he can breathe again once you're both safe at home and you can be properly patched up. he'll stay with you until you fall asleep, then stay a little longer.
prosciutto 🚬
something is wrong. it's not a question. explain that you're injured, and he's on his way. you're not hospital injured, but he doesn't waste his time. he'll want to know immediately what happened and will scold you for being reckless, but he's just shaken. he's determined to stay calm for you though and keep you calm.
he will definitely get one of the others to stay on the phone with you while he drives (and he's going as fast as he can). he's not taking any chances. if you got hurt again after calling him, when he's supposed to look out for you, he'd never forgive himself.
he's also turning the whole mission over in his head (from what you've told him) while he's goin, and tapping his finger on the steering wheel, because yes injuries happen, but.... he can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. you've told him the extent of it, but he's conjuring up a whole other round of scolding when he sees it in person.
but then he does see you, and all that goes out the window, because his nurturing instincts kick in and all he can think of is taking care of you. he's speaking softly and hushes you soothingly if you make a pained noise. he doesn't want to linger, so he gathers you quickly to the car and takes off again
he's instructing you on breathing through the pain in a calm tone. helping you focus keeps him focused, too. when you get home, he's all gentle touches as you're being treated, and he does the forehead touch to ground himself in your presence.
pesci 🎣
is everything okay? he's all worried, cause you don't sound okay. you say you're injured, and his throat gets tight. he promises you he'll be right there, lay low and keep yourself safe he's getting there as fast as he can!!!
and he rushes. he's kinda freaking out. he's more than kinda freaking out actually because you're all alone and you're hurt and the thought of it makes his eyes prick, but he steadies himself because he can't drive if he's crying and he's gotta get to you. you're his partner, you called him, you put your faith in him and he will not let you down
the moment he sees you he's spilling apologies that he didn't come with you for the mission because maybe he could've prevented this. you tell him not to blame himself. he swallows and nods and VERY gently helps you into the car, he's terrified of getting you more hurt. his hands are shaky while he gets you stable and comfortable but he doesn't half ass it in the slightest.
he glances over at you when he can but he drives Very carefully on the way home, he wants to keep you safe. he'll ask you to tell him about the mission, or offers to just listen if you want to talk about something else, get your mind off it.
he fusses and frets over you when you get home but he's relieved that you're safe. if someone hurt you and you didn't get to them first--yeah, they're dead meat. no more mr. nice fishy.
formaggio 🧀
he'll be like, babe u good??? tell him you're injured and he says not to worry, he'll be right there, hang tight okay? he's gonna get you home safe, he loves u.
he keeps a rather level head because he's just focused entirely on you, on making sure you're gonna be okay cause what kind of boyfriend would he be otherwise?? he can't help but feel like, even when you're down and out, you're his guiding star.
when he reaches you he's showering you in reassuring affection, he's looking you over and doting on you with all his fond pet names, kissing your cheeks. he holds you close as he helps you to the car and insists you take it easy, let him do all the legwork here okay? you're not hospital injured so he's a bit more relaxed, helps you relax, he'll get you home and you'll be all patched up, don't worry about a thing.
he drives carefully, but he keeps one hand on your knee or holds your hand. he'll ask you to tell him about the mission and praise you for your work, and injuries happen so if you're worried about it don't be, you did amazing. he'll generally just fill the space and try to cheer you up, make you laugh. if he does get you laughing, he's smiling and giving you a little squeeze. he loves your laugh.
he makes a big show of ayyy i'll take care of you when you're home, absolutely dotes on you and if he's not cuddling you he's fetching you whatever you need.
illuso ✨
his throat dries up and he goes entirely tense when he hears something off in your voice. what's wrong. he'll say it in a way that's both hushed and sharp, more an insistence than a question, he's not mad he's just extremely fucking apprehensive. tell him you're injured, and he'll feel more rigid than a statue for a moment. he'll ask how bad, you say not hospital bad but you need help getting home, and then he's moving fast and direct and telling you he's on his way right now, do not move.
oh honey he is speeding. he's speeding and taking any detours he knows (and he knows everything he's the info guy) and probably flipping off whoever honks at him without even a glance. his eyes are straight ahead and glaring at the road because you're hurt and he wasn't fucking there so on god he's gonna be so fucking there now.
something in his chest twists seeing you hurt. he's insistent but gentle in checking you over, not wanting to overlook a scrape, and is extremely careful helping you to the car. he doesn't speed home, but the only thing on his mind is getting you there so your wounds can be treated. he's still very stiff and he doesn't say much, but he will quietly ask what happened. hearing about how you got hurt makes his jaw twitch, especially if someone hurt you.
expect him to hover. he only really relaxes when ur all patched up, and he'll sigh and play with your hair, and once it's just the two of you he'll gently kiss your forehead.
if you were hurt by someone and they're still alive, he will find them and make sure they are very much not alive with his own hands, probably by the end of the night if he has any say in it
melone 🍈
he's very calm. tell him you're injured and he's in medic mode, gently telling you to give him the rundown. he's already making quick assessments about it, decides based on your injuries/your preference whether he takes a car or his motorbike (the bike is faster but the car is more stable). he'll ask one of the others to stay on the phone with you and keep you calm while he gets there.
stay put, amore. don't strain yourself, and don't worry. i'm on my way right now.
he keeps his level head but he's still going as fast as he can. if he opted for the bike, he's taking detours through alleys to get to you quicker. he doesn't give himself room to worry, he knows how to stabilize himself so he can take care of you.
when he gets to you, he's methodical and efficient but sweet, speaking softly and praising and encouraging. he gets the most immediate stuff out of the way so he can get you home, and once you're settled in the car/on the bike, he kisses your cheek before taking off.
if you're on the bike, he has you in front with your back to his chest, and feeling comforted by holding you close. either way, he drives carefully and still keeps his calm, gentle tone. once you're all patched up at home, he gives you a long, loving kiss.
ghiaccio ❄️
he'll say you sound off, and there's a spike of worry. say you're injured and he's bolting up and going WHAT!!!!! stay there and DONT FUCK URSELF UP MORE he's on his way rn
ghiaccio already drives like a maniac (which is ironic considering how protective he is of his car) but YOU'RE hurt and alone? nuh uh. not on his watch. he's running red lights, leaning over the steering wheel with his eyes on the prize, and grinding his teeth. he's kicking himself for not coming with you on the mission.
when his car screeches to a halt he's just vaulting over the open convertible to u and demanding let me see let me see what happened etc. he's not harsh at all tho especially in how he checks you over and fusses, he gets ur ass in the car and takes u directly home. he wants to be fast but he also doesn't want to jostle u so he drives like, marginally carefully, by his standards
if someone injured you and they're still alive, he shouts he'll get the bitch himself. he'll also say in his ranting that he should have been there with you. you tell him honestly that it's not his fault; he just grumbles.
he hovers and snaps at the others if they're not extremely gentle with you as you get patched up. once it's just the two of you, he clings (carefully). be more careful, dumbass, he mutters, and kisses your cheek.
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
reach sorbet first, and his eyes will narrow at your strained voice, as if he could just glare at whatever was bothering you to make it go away. he's already up and his hands are twitching when he asks what's wrong, and at that point gelato pesters him to go on speaker. reach gelato first, he'll just ask right away if you're hurt, and when you say yes, he puts you on speaker without sorbet having to do anything.
they're already on their way, and one keeps you on the line while the other drives. and no matter who it is, they're driving like a fucking crazy person, running every red light and tires squealing. gelato does most of the talking, like always. he's asking you about the injuries, trying to keep your spirits up, and praising you for a job well done on the mission. he'll ask how the injury happened, and his tone is still light, but you know your boyfriends have murder on their minds if someone hurt you. and if someone did, and you didn't get to them first, gelato will go, hmm. we'll fix that. sorbet agrees with mmhm.
once they're there (and they're there very fast), they're both looking you over and doing quick fixes with gentle hands. gelato will coo at you for how brave and tough you are, and sorbet may just pull you into his lap and nuzzle your cheeks together. he will probably carry you to the car even if you can walk fine.
whoever isn't driving will gently cuddle you and cover ur face in kisses in the backseat, and they're driving more carefully now so as not to throw you around. gelato will chatter about whatever to help you feel alright, and sorbet will get his quips in. getting you to laugh is a victory.
one of them is literally always touching you. if someone else is tending to your wounds and they try to fuss about one or the other being in the way, they'll tell em to deal with it as long as it isn't bothering you. get ready to be squished (carefully) between two cuddly boyfriends until you're better; they love you so much and just want to care for you, it hurts their hearts that you got hurt without them there, so they're not letting you go now.
if someone hurt you and they're still kickin, they'll ask if you want to be there to do em in, or if they can go ahead. if you want to be there, they'll pace about having to wait because the thought of someone who dared to hurt you still breathing makes their hands itch, but they Will wait until you've healed up some. you take the reins on the hit in that case, and they'll be happy to follow your lead. if you say they can go ahead, they both grin. they're gonna leave that fucker as a smear when they're done.
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doyumacy · 4 years
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*gif not mine
PAIRING: donghyuck x reader bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of yuta. swearing, blood (gunshot to the head) guns, shooting, death of a character (not important), violence, angst, smut; unprotected sex, shower face.
The sun was shining through the window and the beige curtains gave the room a yellow hue. You slowly woke up to the feeling of a hand on your hip and a warm body against your back. Donghyuck. You put your right hand on his and casually caressed his fingers before lacing them together. Donghyuck responded by moving closer and snuggling his face into your neck. You could feel him smiling, and you could also feel something poking your ass.
"Again?" You whispered a bit hoarsely. Donghyuck chuckled and hummed and moved his arm around your torso and hugged you tightly. "How do you even have the energy to keep fucking me? You kept me awake until 4 am." You teased.
"I never heard you complain about it," he said kissing your neck. "In fact, I remember you screaming 'give me more, Hyuck!'"
You giggled and bit your lip. "Shower sex?"
"Your wish is my command," Donghyuck kissed you. He stood up and you smiled at him. He was all bare in front of you and he wasn't ashamed of it. "You like what you see?"
"Very," you winked at him and he chuckled.
"Come here, baby," he pulled your legs, lifting you up and walking towards the bathroom.
Streams of hot water washed the exhaustion off of your body from last night while Donghyuck massaged the stiffness of your neck away. You hummed in appreciation when he pulled you against his chest and lips took the place of his hands.
You turned to capture his lips in a kiss, soft at first as your arms wrapped around his neck. He groaned as you tugged on his wet hair, strong hands going around the back of your legs to pick you up.
You were pressed up against the tile-covered wall whilst the kiss deepened. Tongues dancing in harmony, tasting and exploring each other. Hot traces over your body sent your senses to overdrive; carnal needs long pushed away were resurfacing with every passing second.
He pushed his erection against your dripping core making you gasp. One hand found your bundle of nerves while the other held you up with ease.
He plunged two fingers inside while his thumb slowly circled your clit, making you whimper in pleasure. The cascading water subdued the sounds you were making.
“Donghyuck please.” You cried out, desperate to have him inside you.
"Someone is eager," Donghyuck teased you, biting your lip.
He removed his fingers and aligned himself to your entrance, equally eager to be one with you, he pushed in gradually making you shudder. He remained still for a while, cherishing the feeling. "I guess I didn't fuck you enough last night. You're so tight," he groaned against your lips.
Heavy pants and gasps filled the shower as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. You clenched around his cock as you felt your orgasm approaching. His thumb returned to rub your clit in fast circles as his own hips faltered, losing their rhythm.
Both of you reached your climax together, your eyes rolled back as you cried out in bliss. He groaned loudly as his hips stilled and you felt his cum spill into you.
You slumped in his arms, body going limp, as you caught your breath. He held you against his chest as he recovered from his high all the while pressing soft kisses to your skin.
Carefully he pulled out of you and carried you out of the shower after cleaning you up. Wrapping you in a fluffy towel he began drying your hair with a smaller one. "I'm starving," you pouted.
Donghyuck chuckled. "And what does my baby want to eat?"
"Whatever is good, I'm not picky," you smirked and gave him a peck.
After you two finished eating breakfast, Donghyuck and you were washing the dishes and you thought you could get used to that. But then you realised maybe it was too soon to start thinking like that.
“(Y/N)?” Donghyuck called you.
“Mmmh?” You hummed, drying the dishes.
“I don’t want Yuta near you,” he looked at you.
“Is this you being jealous again? I told you, he’s in the past.” You told him.
“I’m not being jealous and I know you don't see him like that anymore. I simply don't trust him.” He confessed.
“There must be a reason why you dont trust him.Is there something i need to know about him?” You inquired.
Donghyuck bit his lip and then pressed his lips against each other. If he gave Yuta away, then he would go down as well and the last thing he wanted was to break your heart. He needed to find a way to protect you from your father and Yuta, and needed to do it fast.
“So?” You stared at him.
He sighed. “Fine, I'm jealous.” Donghyuck lied.
You chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Can I confess something to you?
He nodded. “You fucked me way better than him.”
Donghyuck rolled his eyes and his tongue went to his cheek. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him. “I know. The way you react to my touch pretty much says so.”
You smirked and planted a kiss on his lips. “If I didnt have a meeting in 10 minutes I would let you fuck me right here.”
“I can definitely make you cum in 10 minutes, baby,” he kissed you back.
“I know, but I don't want other people to see my face after I get fucked,” you laughed
“Right,” Donghyuck chuckled. “I’m gonna go outside and talk to Soungho, okay? If you need me just call me.”
You nodded. “Donghyuck?” You called him.
“Yes, baby?” He turned to you.
“I’m glad you came into my life,” you smiled at him.
He smiled sideways and cupped your face gently in his hands giving you a kiss. “I’m glad I walked into your life.”
A week passed and you were cleared to come back to the office since the police did not find evidence nor the person who had sent you the letter. However, two men were now standing out of your office and two in the parking ground watching your car. Donghyuck thought it'd be a better idea to stay inside of your office with you.
After a long day, you finally told Lia to go home and get some rest since Yuta would go to your office and discuss the arrangements for the contracts. And the next morning, after an almost three hour meeting, you and Yuta finally reached an agreement and on Friday you would sign the contracts.
Donghyuck asked you, no, begged you to not sign those contracts and when you asked why he simply told you he didn't trust you, but you couldn't call off everything just because he didn't trust him. And on Friday, you signed the contracts and Yuta had a toast with you. You were thrilled.
On Monday, you were still inside your building in the computer lab with Yuta and the robotic engineers that were working with you two. Yuta left to catch a break along with the engineers, leaving you alone in your office.
“Not again.” You groaned, sliding down your chair.
“The mouse again?”
You perked up. “You're still here?”
Donghyuck smiled for a second. “I told you I'd stay. And I asked you if you wanted food. You went ‘hnuh’ so I knew you were busy working.”
You pushed your keyboard away and turned around in your office chair. “If you kissed me, I would have snapped right out of it.”
“I doubt that. Let's go home, it's late."
"I can't," you pouted. "We're still working on the prototype and we're a bit behind. Why don't you go home?"
"I'm your bodyguard, wherever you go I'll go."
"Yuta can give me a ride home, don't worry," you grabbed his hand. "You look tired."
"I wouldn't be tired if someone hadn't been distracting me this morning and let me sleep," he glanced at you. “And no, you’re not going anywhere with him.”
You rolled your eyes. “Back to jealousy.”
“Let's go home, (Y/N)."
You groaned. "I can't. You go home."
He shook his head. "I'll wait for you here."
“You’re so stubborn,” you giggled and put your arms around his neck. “But I like you.”
“I like you, too,” he kissed you.
Back to your house that same night, you changed into your pajamas and went to your bed and after rolling for a couple of minutes, you sighed sitting on it. You and Donghyuck had been sleeping in the same bed for only a week, how come you got used to him so quickly? You couldn't sleep without him. But you didn't want to wake him up. He seemed tired and you wanted him to have some rest.
You gave up and went downstairs making your way into the kitchen. A cup of warm milk might help you to sleep.
The sound of the microwave startled Donghyuck who had just fallen asleep. He got up quickly and went to your bedroom knocking two times with no response. He opened the door and frowned when he didn't see you in your bed.
He went downstairs and spotted you adding sugar to a blue cup. "I highly doubt you'll be able to sleep."
You startled and whined looking at him. "Don't do that!"
“I’m sorry,” he giggled and walked to you. “What are you doing awake?”
“I couldn't sleep,” you shrugged.
“Oh? I’m so sorry this happens to you. Is there anything I can do?,” he said sadly.
“You did last night.”
“Ah. Looks like you’ll have to sleep in with me every night then,” Donghyuck smiled.
“I will,” you smirked.
"But you’re going to have to stop rubbing up against me during the night.”
“I… What…?” you stuttered as you got nervous.
“I’m joking!” he laughed, seeing your face turn a bright shade of red, “please keep doing it,” he added with a wink.
“Wasn’t going to stop anyway,” you smiled, looking up at him shyly. His eyes widened at your sudden baldness, and he grabbed the opportunity to push you further.
His smile grew wider now that he could see your face again and he finally leaned down and kissed you, his lips landing gently. Your embrace suddenly tightened as you gripped harder onto each other, pressing as much of your bodies together as possible.
“Bedroom,” he mumbled against your lips, walking you backwards to the stairs.
“Your place or mine?” you asked as your lips parted again, your feet stumbling blindly towards the general direction of the stairs. You both smiled as you tried to keep your lips pressed against each other, then he quickly pulled back to see which one you were closest to, and pushed you up against his door once you were upstairs.
“Mine,” he whispered, fumbling for the handle beside your hip. You moaned at his low tone of voice and you pressed your hips into his.
“Easy,” he chuckled, finally opening the door and pushing you inside. You twirled around the room, he kicked the door shut behind you both, then he started to shrug his shirt off his shoulders as your kiss turned messy and wet, missing each other's lips as you tried to undress as quickly as possible.
“Oh man, you're so hot” you gasped as you wriggled your pajama shirt over your head.
"So I've been told," he said as he hurriedly undid your bra. His eyes skimming over every inch of your skin. As soon as he had rid himself of his own clothes, he stepped towards you and leaned his lips towards your ear.
"Get in,” he smiled, his eyes darting to his bed. You did as he said, slipping in underneath the covers as you watched him do the same on the other side, your bodies meeting in the middle as they had done the previous nights.
He started to kiss you, your bodies automatically pressing against each other and your legs tangling underneath the duvet, then his hands wandered over your body, one along the side, feeling your curves from the perfect angle, and one gently squeezing your breasts in turn. He rolled back, causing you to now lay on top of him and your hands ran through his thick hair as he now ran up and down your back, grabbing a hold of your butt and pushing you against him with every downward motion. You felt his erection on your hip, then changed your position and started to rub yourself against it as you moaned into his mouth through the kiss.
“Donghyuck,” you exhaled as you started to trail kisses down his jawline and neck.
He flipped you over so that you were beneath him, then duvet bunching up underneath your body a little at the sudden movement, and you let out a giggle as he looked down at you with dark lusting eyes. He grabbed onto your hands and pinned them either side of your head as he leaned down again to capture your lips, and he moved his hips around, his cock brushing against your pussy as you widened your legs as far as they could go. One of your legs hooked around the back of his thighs, pulling him into you in an attempt to get him inside you and he chuckled against your lips at your move.
“Cheeky,” he smiled, letting go of one of your hands and sliding it between your bodies as he lifted himself a little to guide his length into your entrance. With every inch that filled you, a moan escaped your lips, and his hand soon returned to yours, your fingers now interlinking as he started to move on top of you. He watched your face as your eyes closed in ecstasy, your mouth opening into an O shape as he filled you, and he gritted his teeth as your walls enveloped him in a slick warmth. His hips started to move, making you inhale sharply, and his tongue licked along your collarbone, then he started to suck at your skin, finding the perfect spot on your neck when you let out another moan.
“There?” he asked with a smirk.
“Right there,” you pant.
His pace quickened, then slowed, bringing you near to your high then back down again to enjoy the feel of him inside you, and it drove you crazy, your head starting to spin as his teasing rhythm got the best of you. He moved his head to the other side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at your shoulder as his grips got tighter on your hands. With every thrust inside you, your hips now moved with him, your hidden sweet spot now finding some much needed friction against his length, and he too enjoyed the feeling of sliding in deeper. The room suddenly filled with moans, grunts, and heavy breathing as you both got nearer and nearer to your release, then with one almighty guttural groan, Donghyuck held himself still as he let go, his legs shaking against yours. After a few seconds to recover, he started up again, your hips moving along with him, and the as the friction built against your clit, he lifted his head to watch you come undone, a cry of his name signalling your orgasm, then he let you ride it out until you became still and catch your breath.
“Oh,” you sighed, “oh my goodness.”
Donghyuck smiled then pulled out and finally let go of your hands, rolling over to lay on his side next to you and sorting out the mess of the duvet around you both. Once your breathing has returned to normal, you propped yourself up on your side as well, both of you facing each other with a smile, and your hand comes up to stroke his back, the soft skin beneath your fingers feeling familiar already.
"I wish we could always stay like this," you said.
"Me too," he kissed your hand and looked at you. "Now get some sleep, love."
"I love when you call me 'love'," you smirked.
"I know," he kissed your forehead and put his arms around you.
The next morning, Donghyuck opened the door for you and greeted you by winking at you. When you were inside the car, he closed the door and went to the copilot’s seat and spoke into the mic, “Sunflower's on the move.“
And with that, the car advanced and behind you the black Range Rover with the rest of the security team. You made a quick stop at Yuta's office and then went to the Prime Minister's office.
By 11am, you were on your way to your office. The traffic was a little heavy, so Donghyuck and Soungho decided to change the route so you could get faster since you had to attend a video conference with the CEO of an important company in France.
You were focused on reading some papers when you remembered you had plans for tonight with Lena. “Donghyuck, I’ll be b…“ A gunshot interrupted you.
A gunshot on the pilot’s window made you scream. Donghyuck and the driver got down, while the driver tried to keep driving.
“Down, down! Go!“ Donghyuck turned -still down- to you.
Another gunshot hit the same window and blew the driver’s head. Donghyuck and you were covered soon in blood.  “Fuck!“ Donghyuck took the wheel, trying not to crash.
The engine reved and the tires squealed but eventually crashed with a parked car. The gunshots continued on and Donghyuck was breathing heavily. He tried to calm down since he couldn't have a panic attack, not at that moment. Not when you were in danger. Your screams got him back to reality, he turned to you again.
“Stay down, (Y/N)! The bullets can pierce the windows but not the armored metal.“
You got down and Donghyuck spoke to the mic, “Nine-four control. Lee Haechan. Status zero, Daehangno street. Sunflower is TA. Repeat, Sunflower is TA.“
“Nine-four, Control, received. All call signs proceed to Daehangno street urgently.“
Donghyuck fixed the rear-view mirror and saw the security’s team Range Rover a couple of meters away, “Seven-Nine. Nine-Four back to back on two,“ Donghyuck spoke.
“Received, Nine-Four,“ said, over radio.
“We’ve lost Soungho. We’ll wait for backup,“ Donghyuck spoke to the mic in his jacket, “I suggest you do the same.“
You were sitting on the aisle between the passenger's seat and the copilot. He groaned when gunshots hit the car again.
“It’s okay, (Y/N)!“ He tried to calm you and handed you his hands, “the bullets can’t get through the armor plating!“
You grabbed Donghyuck’s hand and squeezed it,you were breathing heavily “it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here,“ Donghyuck squeezed back your hand. “Control. Lee Haechan, Nine-Four. We need armed support and air ops to the scene as operational priority,“ Donghyuck spoke to his mic.
“The NIS’s deploying to the scene. Area being cordoned off and unarmed held back. ARVs en route. ETA two minutes.“
“Control, Nine-Four, received.“
Donghyuck looked at you, “two minutes, love. Sit tight. You’re gonna be fine. You’re doing really well. I won't let anything bad happen to you.“
You were so shocked you couldn’t articulate words. More gunshots hit the car and you screamed, getting more down, breathing even more heavily.
“It’s okay! It’s okay. It’s alright, trust me,“ Donghyuck squeezed your hand.
He went to the passengers seats and grabbed your face in his hands, “stay down, okay? I’ll be back“ and before you could say something, Donghyuck got out of the car.
He glanced very carefully quickly but couldn’t see anything, he pulled his phone out his pocket and took a photo from the building behind him. A shot hit the car again, making him get down. He examined the picture and saw the shooter.
“Control. Lee Haechan, Nine-Four,.“
“Go ahead,“
“Shooters located on the roof the Mal of Instant Architecture. Single shooter only. Where are those ARVs?“
“Area lockdown going. ETA two minutes.“
“You already said two minutes!“ he exclaimed, angry at the mic.
Donghyuck opened the pilot’s door and carefully laid the driver���s body on the floor and turned the car on, he looked at you, “I’ll get you out of here,“ he promised. “Seven-Nine. Nine-Four back to back on two,“ He spoke.
“Go ahead, Nine-Four.“
“We’re sitting ducks here. Sunflower in the movie,“ Donghyuck said.
“Shit, what?“
“Follow, close formation.“
His ballistic vest would have withstood around at about ten meters, sustaining several more at twenty. Would have redistributed the force of the bullet instead of allowing it to pierce through. Such a distance would’ve merely knocked him off his feet, caused some serious bruising, maybe cracked a rib or two in the process.
But the gunman had been less than five meters away. The calibre of his round was much too significant at that distance to be deflected. And so he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his vest would fail.
The engine riveted and went reverse swiftly. The shooter kept shooting at them while they were going on reverse.
“Stay down, (Y/N),“ He asked, “the roof armor will protect us. He won’t have a line of sight.“
He kept driving on reverse for a couple of seconds until you were under a roof and the shoother couldn’t see you. Donghyuck grabbed a bigger weapon and looked at you, “you’re safe now, stay here.“
“No, no, no, no!“ You screamed.
“Take care of her!“ Donghyuck gave directions to the security team.
He entered the Mal of Instant Architecture and went to the roof where the shooter was.
Time slowed. Donghyuck caught a quick glance of the sniper’s eyes and cold and narrowed. Set deep within a middle-aged, flushed face bathed in sweat. The shooter’s hand barely shook as he raised the rifle, aiming it directly at Sehun even as those deadened eyes widened at the sight of the rifle aimed right back at him. His finger moved to squeeze the trigger.
"One week." The shooter told him.
Donghyuck didn’t hesitate. Exhaled hard. Aimed for his skull, right between the eyes, and pulled the trigger immediately.
Donghyuck felt the impact of no less than three bullets striking his bulletproof vest just as he saw the back of the shooter’s head blown to pieces. Heard the lifeless body hit the floor just before his own did. Nothing braced his fall. Donghyuck landed hard on his back, gracelessly, on gritty concrete. The pain seized him then, fierce and unrelenting; he gasped for air in desperate heaves, unable to breathe as the fall served to knock the wind out of him and the pressure on his lungs felt unbearable.
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atsunflower · 4 years
Hospital for souls — Tokyo nights.
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Rated: SFW
Author note: Man, this one took me ages to write. And I don't even know how I could write this much for the second chapter, this is about 3,2k words. I'm tired because I decided to change lots of things in this chapter and I hope you all like it. Also, feedbacks are much appreciated!
Warnings: This chapter contains cursing, swearing, graphic descriptions of blood, violence and surgical procedures (Kind of inaccurate but only for writting purposes. Don't do it at home, kids). Also, there are slight mentions of anxiety, OCD and PTSD.
Enjoy the reading!
II — Tokyo nights
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You felt anxious.
Everytime you walked through Itachiyama halls, the hairs in your nape would stand and your skin, prickle in fear; a bitter taste would take over your mouth because everything was too much.
"Look, you don't have to worry. Itachiyama wouldn't dare to lay a hand on you because it would mean war." The memory of Suna's voice did nothing to soothe your nerves.
You knew that Inarizaki did not care. If anything, Itachiyama harming you would be like killing two birds with a stone: the Miya would get rid of your existence and then, have a excuse to go after your husband. "They know the twins' intentions, you know. It's not like Sakusa is dumb. Being honest, the guy is the most cautious man I ever saw" you recalled Suna saying it in your wedding's eve.
But one month after the deal, you still felt suffocated.
You opted to lay low and don't wander around the house; Sakusa's men were still suspicious of you and kept sending nasty glares in your direction whenever they saw you.
Since you weren't allowed to work anymore, boredom was killing you. At least, the maids were nice enough — or just too afraid to go against the lady's will — and let you do as you pleased. You then took over some house chores to busy yourself.
Cleaning, tidying and baking.
Sometimes gardening when you needed some fresh air.
"What a shame for Oyabun-sama, his lady is lowering herself to the peasants' level" you would hear some gossip here and there. Not that you cared, though.
"Sakusa-sama" you heard the housekeeper calling, the new name still foreign to your ears.
"Kaede-san? Do you need something?" The old woman wearing a green hakama stood in front of you, accompanied by a girl with dark blond hair.
"This is Kuribayashi Runa, the new maid working here" she said presenting the young woman by her side. The latter politely bowed at you.
"New maid? Why?"
"I'm afraid it's not appropriated the lady take care of house chores. These are strict orders from Komori-sama" her tone was dry. Kaede was never hostile towards you, but you could tell she wasn't fond of your presence either. "Also, remember you're having lunch with oyabun-sama today"
You released a shaky breath, dismissing their presence.
Why yakuza was taking even the smallest things from you?
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Prying to the clock on the nightstand, you realized it was past noon and the lunch hasn't been served yet. Sakusa didn't show up either.
After being destitute of your duties, you went for a shower and killed time by reading in your bedroom.
Did something happen? You wondered.
Punctuality was something very fancied in this household and everything inside the mansion functioned like clockwork.
But how come Sakusa didn't show up yet? Why the food isn't set?
"[Name]" The door to your bedroom was open without ceremony, Komori's voice sounding harsh when he called you. The look on his face wasn't amicable either. "Sakusa wants to see you. Now."
The brown haired male did not spare you another glance, turning his back to you. You followed the tall man in an auto-pilot mode, already dreading whatever was going on.
The Kobun was taking you to Sakusa's office.
The large doors always made you feel unsettled; you never were there before. Being called to this room sent shivers down your spine.
Komori knocked the door only to the faint voice of your husband acknowledge your presence. Getting in, you were stunned. The whole mansion held a modern architecture with a minimalist design, and this room was true to Itachiyama's style.
The walls were pristine white and the floorboards were dark and shiny. The furniture held the impersonal style your husband seemed to appreciate and was clean to the eyes. Everything millimetrically positioned, aesthetically appealing.
By the glass wall, Sakusa stood proud. His back facing you, body clad in a black suit. The way he admired the stunning land through the windows held a power you never saw before.
Right now, he looked like a god rulling his own creation.
"Komori, go" his stone cold voice ordered the other male. The kobun did as he was told, leaving you two in this sinister room.
"I don't know if you are too brave ou just too dumb" he didn't turn to face you. The cold tone boomed loud within your ears and you felt cornered.
Forget the god thing. The man in front of you was the demon himself.
"What do you mean?" You asked, brows furrowing when suddenly, his enraged features loomed over you, even from afar.
"Don't fucking play dumb. I've warned you to stay out of my way" his menacing stare made the breath hitch in your throat "Where is the fucking folder?"
"I don't know what are you talking about!" You meekly replied, seeing his body growing close to yours.
"Thats it. You have a death wish." He merely stated "You're the only enemy inside this fucking house"
Without knowing what was going on, you didn't stand a chance to defend yourself. You tried opening your mouth in protest but your brain didn't come up with anything.
"Listen. I don't have the time to play whatever game you and those brothers of yours are planning." Sakusa scowled "In the first opportunity, you get to screw up. Fascinating."
"I don't even know what you're talking about" the cry left your mouth and your body trembled. The man before you grimaced at your outburst. He let out an exasperated breath, still trying to keep his cool.
"Do you expect me to believe you? Fine, I'll play along, then" He sat at the imposing chair behind his desk "The manila folder that was on this desk was stolen. You're the only one inside this house who has reasons to take it."
"It wasn't me! I never entered this room before!" You retorted, anxiety crawling in your skin. He fished his cellphone from his pockets, reading whatever on his screen
"Can't be proven, though it looks like we didn't find anything in your stuff–"
"Wait! You fucking messed with my things?" You cut him off in rage, observing him reaching over for a flask on the wooden surface.
"Well, you messed with mine first." He said while rubbing some hand sanitizer on his palms.
You rolled your eyes at his antics.
"Whatever" and then turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" The sarcastic voice filled your ears, making your steps to halt "As much as I despise it, you won't be out of my sight anytime soon"
God, You trully hated it here.
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It was nighttime and true to his words, neither Sakusa nor Komori left you alone for the whole day.
Their presence was unnerving, to say the least, and everytime they talked to each other, you body went stiff.
Their speech wasn't explicit as you thought it would be. Both of them treated the matter as if they were making normal business instead of some yakuza stuff.
It didn't sound violent.
But you knew better.
"Have Fukuroudani made contact yet?" The Oyabun asked.
"Yes. Konoha told me they will be waiting by eleven" Komori peered at his watch "One hour to go. We should get going, then"
Sakusa turned his attention to you.
"Go get changed. We're leaving in ten minutes."
You did as you were told; black would do, you decided. Grabbing a wool coat and a satin scarf, you were ready to go.
Why the hell Tokyo nights were so cold at this time of year?
In the living room, Sakusa and Komori were waiting for you.
"Man, bringing [Name] along will be a pain" the brown haired male said while stretching.
"The stolen docs were about this meeting. We gotta bring her along if Inarizaki tries to do something" The taller one reasoned.
"Ah shit, this is so fucked up. I dont know how you agreed to it" Komori lamented.
Being honest, neither Sakusa did.
"Why do I have to tag along?" Your voice startled them. Your husband scowled at you while Komori opened the front door, both males ignoring your question.
A sleek black car was waiting for you three. Komori took the driver seat and Sakusa sat on passenger's side. You found comfort in the beige leather of the backseat, appreciating the warmth provided by the air conditioned.
"Shouldn't we bring more men with us?" The Kobun asked.
"There's a back up car in downtown. They can reach us in no time if something comes up" Sakusa said while covering his face with a mask "Also, I doubt someone would dare to mess with both Fukurodani and Itachiyama" He spared a glance at you through the rearview mirror.
You sighed. Anxiety didn't let you be for the whole day and now, fear was taking its toll on you.
With your temple resting on the window, you observed the city lights.
You loved Tokyo and how bright it was, although, you loved the suburbs even more; the industrial aesthetic and the narrow streets brought you the comfort you didn't feel in the last three months.
You lived here for your whole life, after all.
It wasn't a surprise when you spotted the building you used to live in.
A surge of homesickness found its place in your guts and your chest constricted in longing.
The drive lasted five more minutes before Komori parked the car by a hangar. When you lived in this neighbourhood, the place was deem abandoned with its vandalized walls and rusty gates. But inside there, you found our the interior was really neat, proving you wrong.
"Sakusa-san, Komori-san!" A blonde male came into view, eyeing you with wariness. "I see you brought your lady tonight. It's a pleasure having you here, miss" the indifferent tone of his voice said otherwise, tough.
You merely noded at him while the heads of Itachiyama greeted the man.
"Shall we start, then?"The blond asked before opening a door to your right. You felt unsettled knowing they wouldn't want your presence there.
"As you wish, Konoha-san" was all Sakusa said while a woman appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm afraid your wife would be pretty bored in our meeting. Yukie here will keep her company for the time being." The man Konoha pointed at the brunette with short hair. Sakusa sent you a hard stare before entering the room.
You both sat on some wooden boxes filled with god knows what. You eyes wandered through the hole place, trying to find something entertaining.
The woman hadn't said anything for a whole eternity before breaking the silence.
"So, Miya-san, huh?" The way she said the damned name tickled you off.
"I'm no Miya"
"Yeah, I know. I've heard of you" Yukie chuckled, looking at you with despise. You cocked a brow ate her.
"Sure you did" She was about to retort before the door was open again.
"Well, it's always a pleasure to make business with Itachiyama. We will see you off, then" Konoha said before reaching for the exit.
It was long past midnight when the meeting ended. The five of you were by the gates, Konoha and Komori doing some chit-chat, when four people appeared out of nowhere, knives in their hands.
"Ara, ara. look at these yakuza big shots" A man with an undercut said, fidgeting with the blade between his fingers. In your periferic vision you saw Yukie running back to the hangar and the three men by your side reaching for the guns by their hips.
Among the other four, a figure seemed familiar to you.
"Kuribayashi Runa" The name left your lips in a whisper. The female let out a mocking laugh and Sakusa frowned at you.
"Explain" Your husband immediatelly demanded, grimacing.
"She is the new maid working in your house. Today was her first day." Runa scoffed at your reply.
"Do I look like a maid to you, bitch?" And then, everything went into slow motion.
The woman came in your direction, holding the knife high in the air whilst you stepped backwards, being cornered by the gate.
You saw the blade glinting under the street lights and saw it aiming for your chest.
But it never came.
A hand pushed you downwards and you fell to the ground along a clattering sound. Sakusa's shadow loomed over you, trying to evade the knife.
By your left, you saw Konoha and Komori fighting the other guys, their guns useless in a hand-to-hand fight.
The adrenaline rushed through your bloodstream, your mind going frantic. It felt like one of those life or death situations you faced in the surgery room.
How can I save someone's life right now?
You saw Sakusa's pistol laying on the ground next to you. He and the woman were a couple of inches from your body.
You knew what you had to do.
With your leg reaching forward, you made her trip. The knife she held was kicked away by your husband.
"Sakusa! Watch out for Komori!" And you threw the gun at him.
A second too late, the bang echoed and an agonizing scream ripped through the night.
By your left, Runa and two of the guys were already running away.
The man Komori fought collapsed to the ground clutching his leg and cursing under his breath.
But the most disturbing sight was the way Komori held his arm, whimpering and cursing while his right hand clutched the knife's handle.
The blade tore his flesh and crossed the limb right next to its joint, in a weird angle.
Yukie came back, carrying a rope and a pistol.
"I sent some of our men to their direction." She said while helping Konoha to restrain the guy who attacked you.
"What the fuck you guys want?" The blond asked before kicking the man in his guts. The latter spat blood, giving a crooked smile at Konoha.
"Johzenji is coming" Was all he said before passing out.
"Yukie, carry him to the basement." He ordered "Since it happened on our territory, we will be investigating the incident. We count with Itachiyama's cooperation and will keep you updated" Konoha bowed at Sakusa, before rushing back to the building.
Komori was still on his knees, head hanging low. A grunt went past his lips and you knew what he was doing.
"Komori! Don't!" But again your shout came too late and the man ripped the knife away from his limb. Blood rushed through his fingers and dampened the suit he wore. "Fuck" you rushed to his side, Sakusa's features going livid.
"We gotta take him to a hospital" you said.
"No!" Komori croaked out, getting a hold of your arm. You knew what he meant, but you also knew what could definetely happen if he ignored the situation.
Sakusa was frozen in front of you two, unsure of what to do. You took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage you had.
"You have to trust me, then" you held the brown haired male by his torso and gave Sakusa a determined glare.
The oyabun noded at you and it was all the assurance you needed before ripping out Komori's blazer and transforming your scarf into a tourniquet.
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In your old apartment, you ushered the two males inside, taking them both to your kitchen.
Sakusa sat the Kobun in a chair while you went to another room. A minute later, you brought two metallic cases, some flasks and a first aid box.
In the cupboards you took a flask of alcohol and squeezed it to the table, wipping it with some gauzes.
Positioning Komori's arm over the wooden surface, you sterilized his wounds with povidone and then turned your attention to Sakusa.
"I'll start it now" before proceeding to the sink. Sakusa admired the movements you made while washing your hands "I need you to do the same" and he complied.
The male helped you to put the gloves and mask on and to set your instruments over the table.
Looking at Komori, you realized he passed out in spite of the pain. The blood loss wasn't huge, but you did not knew why he fell unconcious.
You prepared two syringes of anesthesics. Sakusa sent you a weird glare, brows furrowing at you.
"Don't look at me like this. I'm a surgeon you know" and then you did the infusion. "Its not that weird if I have some hospital shit at home".
You opened the cut with a scalpel. Scrutinizing at the wound, you saw the artery was hit.
"Thank god." You let out a breath of relief, realizing the damage was little. It didn't need an anastomosis, so some stiches would do. "The ulnar artery was hit but it won't be too hard to fix. Although, I can't tell if there's a nerve damage" and you started to close the vessel's lesion.
You observed if there was any muscle or tendon damages and proceeded to suture the gashes, making sure the procedure was well done. You then patched it up and imobilized the limb with a makeshift splint, before undoning the tourniquet.
"Let's take him to my bedroom" With that, you both carried the unconcious man to your bed. "I need to check him overnight and– Shit! Your face!" It was just now you realized he had a gash on his cheek.
Sakusa flinched, feeling the blood drying over his skin and dampening the mask he used. He removed the cloth and observed the cut with the front camera of his phone. He frowned at the sight.
"It can get an infection and leave a nasty scar. Do you want me to patch it up?" You offered after checking Komori's blood pressure and his heartbeat.
A please left his lips in a whisper.
You both went back to the kitchen and you used a new set of tools. Holding his face between your gloved hands, you admired his facial features.
Sakusa was pretty.
Almost ethereal with his thin nose, almond eyes and thick brows. In addition, te two moles on his forehead complimented his beauty.
You snapped out of your reverie, getting to work.
"Finished. This kind of suture won't leave a visible scar" you said cutting the thread and reinforcing the stitch with tape.
Your finger lingered a bit longer on the apple of his cheek. Sakusa grabbed your hand and held it for a while before getting away from you and settling himself on your couch. You ignored the ghost of his touch on your skin and went back to check on Komori.
That night, Sakusa realized that no one ever handled him with such care, as if he was made of fine china.
I like that touch, he decided.
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❥ taglist: is still open. Send an ask or use the commentary section to let me know if you want to be added!
@ukaiwachin @keekee-732 @chiibichann @shinguchi @captain-shittykawa @fortheloveofbakugo @daisyjaebae @jihoonspout @floodinginstars @fl4mepillar @trash4sportsanime @translucentthoughts @starrystanze @teaanbiss @hqxreader @sunboikyo00 @yskomiii @ly-nia @shadyjinyoung @julimausi1311 @idiot-juice-enthusiast @hyoonx23 @keuromi @differentballooncollection @re-zerohora @onigiriimiya @ayaeushi @wolfiepirate @sekshi-namjas @tomo-uwu @flodaisez @jh-bee @kemochie;
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bratkook · 4 years
clairvoyant. (m) part seven.
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pairing: taehyung x reader (briefly) jungkook x reader 
word count: 15k+ damn my bad
warnings: nsfw, spanking, dirty talk, unprotected sex (dont do this) but otherwise pretty tame at the end
authors note: i know i said this would go up monday but im clearly a liar i stayed up late last night writing this and it’s partially edited so if something looks fucked up dont come for me :( ill edit it later i just wanted to get it up lmfao im thinking another chapter left, maybe 2 anyways lmk what u think
Its Monday afternoon and you’re sat at your desk at work, your fingers mindlessly tapping on your mousepad as you retouch a portrait on your desktop. To be honest, you weren’t really paying it any attention, your mind kept drifting over to the text Jungkook had sent you the other night while he was drunk. Sure he had asked you to help him get his dick wet and a part of you knows he meant help as in_ help me find someone new_ but the perverted side of you hoped he meant help as in let me fuck you.
“Okay, unless you’re trying to make her skin look like plastic you need to ease off.”
Your hands jump at Yoongi’s voice and you realize the monstrosity you created on the models face, wincing as you delete the layer entirely to start over.
“Oops, thanks.” Yoongi just laughs, resting his arm on your shoulder and slouching over your seated frame as you resume editing with a slightly clearer head.
“Did you sleep okay last night?” He had been watching you during your entire shift together, today was an easier day, only slight organizing and retouching being the things on the to-do list but you had been very spacey. You were misnaming files and not being able to find them on the desktop, forgetting basic commands on photoshop that were second nature to you and you had mistakenly put coffee grounds instead of instant coffee in Yoongis morning cup and hadn’t realized.
Your hand came up to scratch your temple as you thought back to yesterday, waking up at three in the afternoon hungover as fuck in Jimin’s bedroom. Both of you had managed to go to sleep in the same exact clothes you went out in and your body was stiff which lead you to believe whatever sleeping position you chose had been very unfortunate.
Both of your phones had died in the middle of the night since the pair of you had been way to drunk to even think of plugging them in and when Jimin finally waltzed in from the bathroom, his hair damp from the shower, he suggested going out to eat so you let your phone remain dead in your pocket as you went about your day. You were blissfully unaware of Jungkook’s text sitting pretty in your inbox.
In turn Jungkook was sat in his own bed, a massive headache pounding so hard he swore his eyes were vibrating from the force. He remembered the text, hell he remembered jacking off in the shower before sending said text. So when he was finally able to sit up without wanting to vomit he was expecting his phone to have a notification from you, your typical response backed with a handful of suggestive emojis because you knew it made him blush.
But when there was nothing he felt his eyebrows furrow together, his finger locking his phone and tossing it beside him in bed as he lay back down. Had he crossed a line? His message was tame enough to leave it open to interpretation but Jungkook knew how he meant it when he sent it, he may have been high off his orgasm but he knew.
He continued to lay in bed for the majority of the day, only leaving to go to the cafeteria with Taehyung once he finally awoke, equally as hungover. He ate as much as he could stomach, not accustomed to hangovers that left his stomach feeling queasy. Unlike you who was currently stuffing as many breadsticks in your mouth as you could in the restaurant you and Jimin occupied, only leaving once your stomach was at capacity. You didn’t get a chance to see Jungkook’s text until eight o’clock that night and when you did see it your mind first went to sex. Jungkook was asking you for sex.
Sort of.
Slapping perverted thoughts from your head you responded with a simple of course i’ll help you. Leaving it at that, you knew he had sent you the first text while wasted so you were giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Those cursed perverted thoughts haunted your dreams though, images of you riding a shy Jungkook on your bed until he came noisily playing over and over and over you were surprised you hadn’t woken up with your underwear covered in remnants of an orgasm.
You hadn’t slept well at all.
You tell Yoongi this with a tight lipped smile and he nods sympathetically, “What are you doing after this?”
Looking at the clock you see there is twenty minutes left before the end of your shift, Taehyung had already messaged you earlier in the day asking to hang out and whether that meant actually hanging out or hanging out you weren’t sure but either way was fine with you. You needed a distraction to help you stop seeing the image of Jungkook cumming replaying in your mind.
“I’m seeing Tae.”
You don’t look up to see Yoongi’s reaction, not wanting to see any facial expression of judgment when you mention Taehyung’s name. Thankfully he only hums in response, watching you save your current file and start to shut down the computer and going to his own workstation to start doing the same.
When the time comes to leave you say your goodbyes, Yoongi getting into an uber to head to Jimin’s, telling you if you wanted to join them after you were done with Taehyung you were more than welcome. You hug him and tell him you’ll think about it before hopping onto the bus and heading back to campus.
The weather was getting colder in the day, its nearing the end of the first week of October and the fallen leaves decorating the sidewalks made that obvious. Once you hop off on campus you take note of the flyers plastered on bulletin boards, big posters taped on the sides of the buildings to announce the various Halloween themed events going on and you grin at all the activities that you love. This was always your favorite time of year.
As you trek your way into the boys dorm you greet Baekhyun at the front desk before entering the elevator with your phone in your hand. Your eyes are downcast as you scroll through your campus portal, skimming through the various assignments you had due this month and starting to feel the small tingles of stress creep up on you.
The elevator dings and you step out, your fingers tapping on an assignment due later tonight. Your eyes are glued to your device so you don’t notice Jungkook stood a few feet away, frozen in spot as he sees you. It’s not until you’re about to run into him that his shadow snaps you out of your daze, your eyes flicking up, “Oh, Jungkook!” You throw him a charming smile as you wrap your arms around him in greeting.
Jungkook relaxes when he feels your embrace, the nerves he’s felt since sending you that text vanish, his own arms wrapping around your body with a gentle squeeze. “Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?”
In retrospect he knows what you’re doing here but he needs to hear you say it. He needs to remind himself that you’re not here to see him to fulfill any sick desires he has.
You pull back still smiling, slipping your phone into your back pocket to give him your full attention. “Taehyung text me wanting to hang out so,” you spread your arms out widely, “here I am.”
He can only grin at that, of course you weren’t here to see him. You were here to see Taehyung. The man you fucked. Constantly. Not him.
You take note of his appearance, a giant black hoodie swallowing his frame and his school bag draped over his shoulder, “Are you heading out somewhere?” You speak again when he says nothing in response.
“Yeah, just to a study group at the library.” His eyes give you another once over, he wants to keep talking to you but it’s clear you have other things to get to, “I don’t want you to keep Tae waiting so I’ll be off.” He shoves his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie with a small smile and steps around you awkwardly.
You can only mutter out a small okay because he’s acting a little strange but thats typically how Jungkook acts. He’s relatively shy, only speaking when spoken to and whenever he has bouts of confidence where he jokes and laughs and says things you’d never imagine him saying it only lasts for a moment before he’s back to shy Jungkook.
You wave at him and continue walking down the hallway to Taehyung’s room. Jungkook manages to take two steps towards the elevator before stopping and turning back around, “Y/N!” He shouts, flinching a little at his own voice and cringing when he sees you jump for a second, turning around with a curious face. “Do you think we could hang out soon? Like…” he rummages in his brain as he thinks of something else to say, “maybe after all our classes tomorrow?”
You think for a moment, you have a few classes after the creative writing class you share with him and another work shift right after so that won’t work. “I can’t tomorrow but after classes on Friday I’m free.” Jungkook doesn’t even think about his schedule, shouting out that Friday works for him as well and now your beaming smile is back and Jungkook can feel his stupid heart skip a beat at the sight.
Now he can finally leave in peace, a small pep in his step as he enters the elevator but that doesn’t stop him from aggressively jabbing his finger against the close door button so he doesn’t have to see you walk into Tae’s room.
Luckily the week passes by quickly, Jungkook had nerves bubbling up in his stomach the entire time. It wasn’t like he had never hung out with you one on one, you guys usually hung out during the free period you had after your shared class but it was something that was sort of routine. This time he had explicitly asked to hang out, he wasn’t sure why that felt so different but it did so as his professor recites his final sentences Jungkook is totally zoned out, only coming back when he hears he’s dismissed. And then hes shooting up out of his seat, throwing his backpack over his shoulders and speed walking out of the building and onto the quad.
He passes the stupid cafe and ducks his head, walking even faster to avoid the possibility of Jisoo spotting him through the giant windows. When he feels he can no longer be spotted he lets out a breath, his shoulders relaxing and his pace slowing down. That gross feeling he had in his chest after Jisoo had slammed the door in his face hadn’t gone away, he still felt like he had done something horrible even though he knows he hadn’t but the small glares Jisoo would send him whenever she would spot him on campus just made that feeling linger.
He was counting down the days she would graduate, or at least until she’d set her eyes on someone else because he wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. She hadn’t resorted to shouting things at him or anything too out of pocket but it was clear to Jungkook that she was telling her circle of friends that he had done something despicable and they were telling their friends. The whispers and small huddling that would happen when he would pass them on campus or in the rare occurrence that they shared a class made that obvious. He hated it.
Once he finally makes it into the girl’s dorm Joy greets him with a smile and he tries his best to return it. Letting her simple question erase the worries in his mind, “Are you going to the bonfire tonight?”
He grabs his id back from her and looks up with a nod, that was actually what he was going to suggest the two of you do. He had seen the abundance of posters around campus advertising the event and it sounded like fun. “Yeah actually, I’ve never been.”
Joy smiles with a clap of her hands, knowing it’s his first year at this school, “It’s a good time, lots of snacks and someone always finds a way to sneak booze in. You guys will like it.” She refers to you when she says that, already knowing thats who Jungkook was here to see. Jungkook can feel someone behind him so he shuffles away to let the person sign in, waving at Joy as he makes his way up to your room.
The hallways of your floor are covered in fake spiderwebs, skeletons draped over some girl’s doors while others had plastered colored paper and drawn up their own version of spooky designs that reminded him of his years in elementary school. It was cute and honestly the boy’s dorms could take some notes because the only decoration they currently had was a skeleton sitting on one of the toilets in the bathroom.
As he stands in front of your door he takes note of the white board you and Wendy have hung up and he laughs softly when he sees whats written on it. In red marker it says *dracula voice* we want to suck your blood with some poorly drawn fangs underneath it and in the corner beside it the word dick is written with an obnoxious arrow coming up to point at the word blood to replace it.
His knuckles knock on your room door, hearing shuffling from behind it and some laughter before it’s thrown open and you’re greeting him with a smile, “Hey Jungkook.” Your lips shimmer back thanks to the clear lipgloss you’re currently wearing and his eyes zero in on them.
“Hey.” He mumbles out and you catch his eyes giving you a once over, finally making eye contact when you step to the side to let him in. He steps into the room and notices that you and your roommate must really love this holiday because you both have decked it out in halloween decorations. There’s a giant spiderweb rug in the center of the floor between your beds and a string of bat fairy lights hung behind your beds where you pinned more polaroids onto it. Theres a soft orange glow that fills the room and he notices you two have even gone as far as sticking led tape to the ceiling for the ambiance.
“Love the commitment.”
You chuckle, pointing over to your roommate with a smile, “She’s a slut for halloween and so am I so we had to. It’s not fully finished yet, we gotta grab some more stuff don’t we?”
When he looks over at Wendy’s side he spots her sat on her bed as she ties her shoes, “You bet your ass we do, I’m thinking we need different curtains or maybe a full on skeleton like Yeri has hung on her door.”
Jungkook can’t imagine how much more effort you two could put into your room but the determination set on Wendy’s face shows that she’s not joking. “Alright I’m off to go be a slave to the systems of education, pray I make it through this four hour lecture.” You laugh and clasp your hands in faux prayer, laughing harder when she rolls her eyes at you with a smile, telling you and Jungkook goodbye and dragging her feet like a child as she leaves.
“What did you wanna do today?” You ask him as you go back to your mirror to finish fixing your hair up. Jungkook sets his bag on the floor beside your bed, rolling his shoulders as he sits on it and shuffles backwards until he feels the cool of the wall against his back.
“There’s that rooftop bonfire happening later on, I was thinking maybe we could go to that?”
Your face perks up when he mentions that, immediately saying it was a good idea. That yearly bonfire was always the best, last year they had managed to bring up a giant blow up projector and played some classic halloween movies while everyone sat around the bonfire and made s’mores. Jin had snuck in a few flasks full of vodka so you and your group had been nice and drunk, bundled up in blankets while Hocus Pocus played.
“That actually sounds perfect, did you wanna head down to the store to grab some stuff?” Your attention was back on the mirror, your fingers coming to wipe at the corners of your mouth to fix any smudges of your gloss so Jungkook felt like he could stare at you and not get caught. You had your hair in messy waves, one side tucked behind your ear as you leaned forward and the cropped grey crewneck you had on wasn’t going to do much to protect you from the cold but it was obvious the outfit was for purely aesthetic purposes.
“Sure, lets go.”
The both of you head back out onto campus, two reusable bags in your hand to help you carry whatever you decide to buy. The bonfire usually had enough snacks for everyone but it was always good to go out and buy stuff you knew you liked as a safety net. The walk was nice, the sun had finally set, the last remaining hues of purple peeking away behind the buildings, allowing the floor lights to illuminate the path you were walking on.
Jungkook seemed to be out of his usual shy shell, his hands flailing around as he talked to you about the project he was working on in his intro to ceramics class. He swore he had no talent in it and was only taking it since he needed the units the class came with but you found it hard to believe since the photos he would post online said otherwise.
“You’re so full of shit.”
His mouth dropped open, his arms freezing in the position they were currently in as he tried to show you the motions of making a mug, “I swear. I’m gonna make you a mug and it’s gonna be the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen and you’re gonna have to love it because you doubted me.”
That just makes you laugh and he smiles down at you, “I’d love that, make it extra big too. Big enough so I can pour two cups of coffee in it and I’ll treasure it forever, no matter how ugly it is.”
He nods in thought, his lips pursed together because he was definitely gonna do that now. He really wasn’t the worst at ceramics but now he was determined to make you a half decent mug to drink your morning coffee. “Deal, give me a week.” He pulled the door open for the store and let you slip in first, the bells dinging up ahead to notify the worker of your presence.
You went for the chips, stuffing two bags of spicy tteokbokki chips into your bag as your first choice. Jungkook roams over to the sweets, grabbing a few of the chocopie for himself, calling your name out as he holds one up and when you nod he grabs a few more for you as well. It takes you both a few minutes to raid the shelves, huddling in a corner with the bag pulled apart to inspect the damage, “Is this enough?”
Jungkook hums as his eyes scan the contents, spicy chips, seaweed crisps, chocopies, some sausages, two small containers of banana milk for himself and a few cans of sparkling soju crammed at the bottom for you two to conceal. This seemed like enough, and you kept saying there would be more options once you got there so he didn’t think you should load up on too much. “Yeah, I think we’re good.”
Satisfied, you pay for your goods and make your way back to your building where the event would take place. You hop into the elevator and click the very top floor, he could see your big smile in the reflection, your feet tapping excitedly and he feels a smile spreading on his own face, happy that he chose an activity that made you this giddy.
When the doors open to the roof you step out onto the hallway and walk up three steps through the doors that lead to roof access. Jungkook had no idea either of the dorm buildings even had roof access so he’s amazed at that fact alone. The entire perimeter is blocked up by a cement border to prevent anyone from falling off, a plethora of plants covering it up to make it look more pleasing to the eye. Right in the middle of it all was the bonfire, thin and long and already lit up with people sat on the surrounding couch.
Besides that were a handful of bean bags and comfy chairs in case there wasn’t enough seating on the couch and if that wasn’t enough either there was a giant space open up in front of the blow up projector for anyone to lay a comfy blanket down to chill.
The snack and beverage table was placed to the left which was where you were currently dragging Jungkook to. You pulled out a few of the treats you had bought to leave them for anyone to enjoy and Jungkook couldn’t resist grabbing a piece of chocolate that was meant for the s’mores, letting the candy melt in his mouth as his eyes roamed the place some more.
“Hey, isn’t that Jimin?” He spoke slowly, not wanting the melted candy to drool out of his mouth. You were munching on a cinnamon cracker, your head turning to where he was pointing and low and behold it was Jimin. He was currently sat on the grey couch in front of the fire right next to a girl you recognized as Chaeyoung, she was holding a marshmallow on top of the fire, laughing as Jimin surely teased her for burning it.
“Yeah it is.” You smiled to yourself, seeing your best friend behaving uncharacteristically flirty, accepting a bite of the slightly burnt marshmallow smushed between the chocolate and crackers in Chaeyoung’s hands, licking his lips and plucking the snack out of her grasp to feed her the rest of it.
Jungkook walked towards them, seeing a few empty spots to their left on the smaller couch by the fire, he noticed the metal basket by the couch containing blankets so he snagged one out before he took a seat, handing it to you when you sat beside him.
“Y/N, Jungkook!” Jimin notices you two the second you sit down, popping the tip of his finger into his mouth to lick away the sticky residue from it.
“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be here.” You tease him, setting your bag in front of you and Jungkook and draping the blanket over the both of your laps for some added warmth.
“I wasn’t going to but this one,” he drapes his arm over Chaeyoung and she blushes at his display of affection, covering up a side of her face, “convinced me to come. Something about them playing The Lost Boys.”
She looked up at him and smiled, “It’s my all time favorite movie, I can’t believe you’ve never seen it.” Jimin just shrugs, a teasing smirk on his face and you wanna scream at how cute hes acting but you really don’t want to embarrass him. Park Jimim was not one for dates or romantics so seeing him on what could arguably be described as a date blind sided you.
“Oh, I’m Chaeyoung by the way.” She leans out of his embrace and reaches over with an extended hand. You lean over Jungkook to reach it, a giggly handshake being exchanged between you two, “Y/N. You’re a third year right? Political science major?”
“Yes, I am! I saw your photography exhibit by the way, super amazing.” Your hands come up to cup your cheeks at her compliment, suddenly feeling like you two are drunk strangers at a bar ready to spit compliment after compliment at each other.
“And you’re Jungkook right?” She speaks again, sitting back in her seat as she stares at him with an unreadable expression and you can feel Jungkook tense up slightly at being recognized because how the fuck would a third year know who he was. He wasn’t a social butterfly at all, he only knew you and your group and his other small group of friends that he studied with.
“Oh, yeah I am.” Jungkook reaches his own hand out to greet her and she does the same. Pulling her hand back after a moment and crossing her leg over the other in thought, “Weren’t you just dating Jisoo?”
There it is. Of course thats how she would know who he was. And that only proved his suspicion that Jisoo was spreading his name around.
She had a defensive cast over her gaze, her eyes boring into Jungkook to analyze him. It clicked instantly that Chaeyoung and Jisoo were best friends so theres no doubt that right now Chaeyoung is ready to chew Jungkook out for being what she thinks is a dirtbag.
You can see how wide Jungkooks eyes get at her question, readjusting himself on the couch while his mind sorts through any possible answer he can give her. How could he clear his name without sounding like the jerk she thinks he currently is?
“Uhm,” his eyes drift over to her for a moment and when he sees her unwavering gaze he looks at Jimin instead, seeing him with his lips pressed in a firm line, “we just went to dinner and the art exhibit. We weren’t dating.”
Chaeyoung’s look softens at that, his answer being a stark contrast to what Jisoo had told her. She had said Jungkook had made her his girlfriend and went on this amazing date and when she didn’t put out he told her they weren’t dating.
Jungkook continues to ramble, thinking that answer doesn’t satisfy her, “Jisoo’s a sweet girl, don’t get me wrong. We just weren’t compatible so it was best if we…moved on?”
Your hand comes up to pat his thigh on top of the blanket, comforting him slightly because you can see how nervous he got. His own hand comes down on top of yours, fingers gently wrapping around it and giving it a squeeze.
“Totally fair,” Chaeyoung finally speaks, “just wanted to make sure you didn’t dump my friend and quickly moved on with Y/N.” Her eyes flicker over to your hands and then up to you with a smile. Jimin cleared his throat beside her, his own hands coming up to rub together to try to clear any awkward tension.
“Okay,” he starts, eyes coming down to look at the plastic bag set by your feet, “please tell me you brought any sort of alcohol.”
You lift your hand off Jungkook’s thigh, leaning forward to rummage through the bottom of your bag and pulling out colorful cans of soju. You wave two of them in your hands in offering, tossing them both to Jimin when he cheers obnoxiously, pulling out another two for you and Jungkook to enjoy.
The four of you crack open the cans, bringing them together in cheers to prepare to down the entire thing as fast as you could before anyone could possibly rat you out. You manage half of it before having to pull back, the carbonation in the drink burning your nose and throat more than the soju in it, “Fuck, why did you get these?” Jimin coughs, fingers coming up to rub at his nose.
“They look like soda cans, I was trying to be inconspicuous.” Jungkook laughs at your pained expression, setting his drink on the floor to get up and grab some of the snacks to make s’mores.
Chaeyoung raises her finished can in the air in victory, licking her lips with a slight grimace, “Done!” She crumples up the can for dramatic effect, you and Jimin staring at her in shock and then looking at each other to see who could finish the rest of their drink faster.
Jimin manages three more gulps until he pulls back again, “Nope,” he coughs, letting out a burp as he pounds onto his chest, “can’t do it.” You finish your own can, tossing it into the second reusable bag you brought thats not being occupied. Chaeyoung jokingly calls Jimin a baby, taking his own can to finish off herself.
When Jungkook returns with his snacks & two metal skewers they fall into their own conversation and Jungkook is thankful because even though Chaeyoung seems okay with him he still feels like if he says the wrong thing she’ll turn and call him a fuck boy or something of that nature.
You reach for a skewer, popping a fluffy marshmallow onto the top of it and leaning forward to reach the fire. He mimics your actions, the both of you giggling when he drops his hand too low and his marshmallow burns a little too hot for a moment.
“Do you like your marshmallows well done?” He asks you as he looks at your fluffy snack hovering over the fire way too low since you were focused on staring at his, a teasing grin on his face, “‘Cause that shit is charred.”
You gasp as you pull back your now black marshmallow, frantically blowing on it when you notice its now entirely burnt and Jungkook cant help but laugh at the frown on your face. He pulls his own perfectly toasted marshmallow up towards your face to mock you, only laughing harder when you bring your own burnt one up beside it to compare them.
“I can still salvage it.” You try to convince yourself, your fingers trying to scrape and pluck away the burnt edges but Jungkook knows as well as you do that it’s beyond repair. While you focus on your failed attempt Jungkook prepares his own s’more, putting two pieces of chocolate around the gooey marshmallow and sandwiching it between the cinnamon crackers.
When he brings it up to your face with a sweet smile the frown on your face deepens at the nice motion, you take a small bite of it and let out a sound of satisfaction when the sweetness hits your tongue, “So good!”
He motions for you to finish it but you just take it from him and force feed it back to him, your hand cupping his cheek to push his lips open and its not until he lets out another laugh that you’re able to pop the rest of the treat into his mouth with no resistance. His cheeks are puffed up and he has a bit of chocolate smeared around his lips, looking absolutely adorable and you really can’t stop yourself from cupping both of his cheeks like an annoying auntie and cooing at him which only makes his cheeks warm up, his mouth coming to life to munch away to get his cheeks to deflate again.
The following week goes on like normal except for the fact that now you’re slammed with work and school, barely getting a moment to see any of your friends between the chaos of it all. Jungkook has a small moment where he thinks he did something wrong since you seemed to drop off the face of the earth after the bonfire. You had both had a great time, a small buzz coursing through you from the soju and you had convinced him to cram with you on the oversized bean bags to watch the movie playing but your lack of communication even after your shared class has him slightly worried.
He’s currently sat at his desk, fingers tapping on his laptops keyboard as he tried to finish the last 300 words needed for this essay. Taehyung is sat at his own desk and it’s not until he starts to groan and furiously key smash that Jungkook stops what he’s doing to turn around and check on his roommates mental health. “You okay?”
Taehyung groans with his cheek pressed against the buttons on his keyboard, a constant string of the letter f being typed onto his own essay, “Sorry.” He apologizes when he realizes how loud he’s being, “If this is way more information than you were looking for I don’t care, but I haven’t gotten laid in over a week so I’m dying.”
Jungkook just laughs at the vulgar behavior that just comes naturally to Taehyung, until he realizes that his roommates statement of recent celibacy means he hasn’t seen you either. Taehyung lifts his head up, his fingers coming up to scratch as his faded red hair, deciding he should get to work and stop distracting his roommate with information on his personal life.
The tapping continues and Jungkook slides his phone out to send you a text to see if you were doing okay since he wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen you recently. He sets his phone down after pressing send, letting the screen stay lit up as he goes back to his work, his eyes constantly darting back to check for any sign of life on your end.
When it vibrates against the desk he peers over to read your response, saying that work and school were ending your social life along with a photo of your current view at work being a desktop lined up with photos you were sorting through, a few textbooks to the left of it to show you trying your best to multitask.
Yoongi looks up from his own spot, peering over his computer to watch you stop whatever it is you’re doing to grab your phone the second it vibrates, small giggles leaving your body as you banter back and forth with Jungkook for the remainder of your shift. Yoongi knows you’re a sucker, he’s just waiting for you to realize it too.
It’s not until nearly a week and a half later that you have a minute to spare, your time already being occupied by Taehyung since he had begged and pleaded for you to help him with his hair dilemma. He’s determined to be Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and desperately needs to bleach out the faded ass red form his hair while also tackling his roots.
You’re sat on his desk chair while he sits on the floor between your legs with a bowl of bleach being held in his hands. You have teeny tiny foils in his hair to focus on the red ends first, your hands coming down to dip the tint brush into the thick bleach to coat onto his hair and then securely fold up the foils. “I really hope this comes out.” You mumble out as you fold up the final piece of foil, placing the brush into the remaining bleach for later.
“Me too, that costume is the only thing holding my life together.”
He reaches over to set the bowl onto the desk beside the two of you, coming back to get comfortable again between your legs, “Whys that?”
He whips around dramatically, an exasperated look on his face, “Whys that?” He mocks, his fingers coming up to grip your thighs, “I haven’t fucked you in ages.” He whines out, fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs harder. The foils on his head crinkle as he drops his face onto your stomach and you just roll your eyes at how he’s acting because it’s only been two weeks.
“You have a hand Taehyung.”
“It’s not the same!”
“Wow,” you laugh out, your hand coming up to awkwardly pat his tinfoil head, “I’ve just been overwhelmed with my current work load.” You explain your current situation, how all your professors were assigning massive projects back to back combined with the extra work at your job, it was taking its toll on you. You enjoy your classes and love your new job but you haven’t been able to catch a break lately.
“Let me help you ease your stress.” He mumbles out against the fabric of your shirt, his hands trailing up from their spot on your thighs up towards your center.
“I’m not fucking you while you have that shit in your hair.”
And just like that he deflates, his arms dropping like deadweight as he crumbles back to the floor like a child. “Fine.”
He stays in that same position, letting you pat your hand on his head as you both scrolled through your phones, only standing up after you had applied the bleach to his roots and deemed it ready to wash.
You make your way to the boys restroom, Taehyung shoving his head underneath the weak stream of water coming from the sink as you help him rinse the bleach from his hair. He stays with his head bowed forward, his eyes squeezed shut as you applied the purple toner you had mixed.
When you step away to rinse your hands he stands back up to stare at his reflection in the mirror, the skin around his hairline is red from irritation thanks to the bleach and the toner had turned a very scary shade of purple but he trusts you so he doesn’t panic.
“Just fifteen minutes max and then you’re good to go baby.” His eyes move to stare at you from the reflection, seeing you staring at him with a smile, he looks so cute with his hair balled up on top of his head, his eyes wide and curious.
“Then we can fuck?” Yup, and that cute innocent look is gone, but that tiny smile spreading on his face makes you crack, “Yes Tae, then we can fuck.”
So when the timer goes off Taehyung rips off his clothes, surely staining his shirt with the dye on his head but thats a problem for a later date, the shirt laying forgotten on the floor in the corner as he approaches the showers with his hand wrapped around your arm. “In here?” You shout out, your voice bouncing off the tiled room. It’s currently not occupied but you’re not sure how long that’s gonna last for.
“Why not? I don’t wanna wait any longer.” He shrugs, throwing open the shower curtain and letting out a loud scream when he comes face to face with that cursed skeleton everyone on his floor keeps moving around. You burst into laughter and he joins in, his hand clutching his chest to try to slow his heart beat. “Okay, that one’s occupied.” He closes the curtain and moves to the very last one instead.
You pick up his shirt and ball it up to toss it on the bench in front of the shower stall he chose. Your eyes roam the room again, seeing the coast was clear as Taehyung fidgets with the water temperature. He peeks back out to slip out of his sweats and boxers, wiggling his eyebrows as he kicks them to lay beneath the same bench his shirt was on. Your mind was made up, your hands lifting your shirt up and off of you, sliding down the comfy lounging shorts you have on and Taehyung groans when he notices you don’t have any underwear on.
“You knew this was gonna happen didn’t you?”
You kick your clothing over to join his, “Wishful thinking?” You respond with a smirk, squealing loudly when his arm wraps around your waist to drag you into the awaiting stall.
“Wash that off first!” You warn him, pushing his face away from yours. He sighs and crouches down, tilting his head back so you can help him rinse the toner out of his hair. When he’s all clean you pat his cheek, letting him stand up properly and tower over you. He’s giving you that half smirk, his body backing you up against the shower wall, his back successfully blocking the stream of the shower from you because he knows you’re really not trying to get your hair wet.
“You know, you look kinda hot with silver hair.” His eyebrows raise up at your statement, his head tilting slightly, “Kinda like-” You gasp when his fingers make contact with your waist, starting to trail them down, that teasing smirk still on his face as he waits for you to finish your sentence, “like a real life anime character.”
He hums, “Oh? Does that turn you on?”
You just nod, your teeth chewing on your bottom lip as you stared up at him. When his fingers pass your hips and dip down to part your lips his mouth opens up in fake shock, “Messy baby, you weren’t lying. You’re so wet already.”
The groan you let out hardly gets muffled by the noise of the shower but thats the last of your worries right now, your mind too focused on the feeling of his fingers gathering up your arousal, trailing up and down your slit teasingly, “I can’t help it, it’s been too long.” And he knows this, stepping even closer to lock your lips in a heated kiss, it’s been way too long.
He starts to circle his fingers around your entrance but you shake your head, your lips pulling back from his with a small gasp, “No, just fuck me please.” He rests his forehead against yours, his cock throbbing at how desperate your voice sounds. Something about how eager and hungry you always were for sex fueled him, always kept him wanting more.
“Whatever you want baby.” He plants a small kiss on your forehead as he places his hands on your waist, twirling you around and pressing your chest against the cold tile. Then theres a loud wet smack echoing from his palm connecting against your ass, another squeal being heard as a giggly but hushed sound of his name leaves your lips.
And as Jungkook stands at the sink, washing his hands after using the bathroom, he feels his heart stop. He had walked in a minute or so ago, hearing the sounds of a couple talking with the shower running and he knew they were gonna fuck because thats honestly a common occurrence but he didn’t know it was you.
The tap keeps running, his hands still stuck under it as his neck cranes to look to the far left where the shower section was. He sees the ball of clothes you two must have kicked off to the side. The white shower curtain being short enough to see the two pairs of feet in the shower and the position they were currently in made it glaringly obvious that Taehyung was pounding into you from behind and as if he needed more confirmation, you just moaned out for him to fuck you harder.
It was when another loud smack echoed out, mixed in with a grunt from Taehyung that he decided he needed to get the fuck out of there. So he did, not bothering to wipe his hands dry as he scurried away, his cheeks burning up and a mysterious feeling in his chest that he could feel spreading to the rest of his body. He never let you guys know what he had witnessed, not even when you both walked back into the room with your clothes clinging on to your still damp body.
The next time you see Jungkook is a few days later as you’re about to enter the cafe. You don’t speak to him because you spot him a few feet away, walking out of the arts building and in the direction of the schools cafeteria. It takes you a moment to even realize it’s him because his hair is no longer black and you have an inkling that Taehyung is the one that helped him with this.
You decide you’ll find him after you get your coffee and enter the shop. Instantly you spot Jisoo stood behind the cash register and she looks flustered when you make eye contact. Regardless you walk up to her and order a caramel macchiato, adding an americano to the mix since you plan on seeing Jungkook right after this anyways.
Jisoo raises her eyebrows when you order the americano, no doubt knowing its for Jungkook since thats always been his drink of choice here. “Thank you by the way.” She speaks up after you finish telling her your order.
Her comment catches you off guard, “Thank you for what?”
She scribbles on the cups before handing them off to her coworker to get started on. The cafe doesn’t currently have anyone else waiting to order so she stays at the register to chat. “For helping Jungkook with our date.”
You’re about to play stupid but she raised her hand to stop you, “Look, I know you’re the one who suggested both dates to him so thanks.” You’re stunned to silence, not really sure how you should respond but she keeps talking, “It’s just a shame isn’t it?”
“What is?” Your arms are now crossed defensively across your chest.
“That all boys want to do is get in your pants, no one likes romance anymore. I thought Jungkook was nice, goes to show all men are pigs.”
You don’t know why that irritates you as much as it does but you can’t stop yourself from snapping at her, “I’m sorry what exactly did Jungkook do to you that was so horrible?” That wasn’t the reaction she was hoping for, her eyes widening slightly at the sharp tone in your voice, “Because from what I know he took you on two very nice dates and you were the one that cornered him in your hallway, beyond ready to get into his pants without even speaking to him. Sounds like you’re the pig here Jisoo.”
Her face blanks, obviously not thinking you knew the details of the date. She was expecting to be able to spill whatever fake warning she had been telling all of her friends to stay away from Jungkook. “If he was truly as horrible as you’re making everyone believe he is he would’ve slept with you and left the second he got what he wanted.” At that moment her coworker came up with both drinks in hand and a grimace on his face at the interaction he had witnessed. You gripped them both and thanked him before walking out of there as fast as you could so you wouldn’t do something irrational.
Your face felt red, not from embarrassment but from holding in your anger. Jungkook didn’t deserve to have someone talk about him like this, he wasn’t a pig, he was the furthest from that. He was a very sweet gentleman who went out of his way to be as polite as he could. Jungkook was very much boyfriend material and it wasn’t fair that Jisoo could bad mouth him all she wanted because she was salty about being rejected.
You were marching down your campus, some of your drink was sloshing out of the opening in the lid, splashing onto your hand and burning the fuck out of it but it wasn’t processing in your mind as you entered the cafeteria and hoped Jungkook was still here.
You pause at the entryway to scan the room, it was full at this hour since most students came here after their 6pm class to catch a bite for dinner. Eyes roaming over each table you spot the new half blonde and half red hair that belongs to Jungkook, he’s sat next to two other boys all of them laughing and goofing off with their trays in front of them. And now you’re unsure if you should approach him, his back is towards you but one of his friends glances up and makes eye contact, offering you a weird smile. Jungkook notices and cranes around to see what the hell his friend is staring at, noticing you standing awkwardly with your two cups of coffee. You expect him to just give you a half assed greeting before he turns around but his smile gets bigger and he’s waving you over.
You shyly smile and make your way over, slipping between the occupied tables to sit in the spot beside Jungkook. “I uh, I saw you coming this way so I got you a coffee since you know.” You motion with your hands and he understands, he hadn’t had his favorite coffee in weeks because he had been avoiding the cafe like the plague.
“Thank you.” He accepts the cup and takes a gulp, exaggerating a moan to show how much he missed it. That makes his friends and you laugh as you mumble out a no problem, your hands cupping your own drink. At the thought of coffee he pauses, grabbing his bag and sorting through it to pull out the mug he promised you.
You gasp when he hands it over, its a slightly bumpy jumbo mug that he had glazed in black, the inside of the cup being glazed white with a small bat being put on the bottom. You flipped it over to analyze it some more, your thumb grazing over the engraving of his initials he put underneath it, “Oh my god, its perfect!”
Jungkooks friends see the way his ears redden the second he handed you the gift and they want to tease him but theyre scared of the beating they’ll get when you’re gone.
“It’s big enough for two cups.” It definitely is, it was deep and pretty wide. You would be putting it to use tomorrow when you needed a morning cup at work. Jungkook watches the way you stare at the mug like its your newest prized possession and he smiles, picking up his cup of coffee again to take a sip.
“Jisoos a bitch by the way.” You blurt out before you can help yourself and the entire table stays silent, your eyes wide in shock that you even said anything at all.
He holds the coffee cup by his lips, his eyebrows furrowed and the cutest pout on his lips, “What do you mean?”
You push your cup a little bit away from you, tugging your sweaters sleeves over your palms, “I mean she’s a bitch.” Point blank period. “When I ordered these she tried to take that opportunity to talk shit about you to me, called you a pig or something.” You fake disinterest, “So I went off on her.”
His friends holler at that, no doubt knowing what happened between him and Jisoo, one of them offers you a high five which you awkwardly accept. Jungkook just stares at you, in disbelief that Jisoo was trying to make him look bad to you of all people, but he was even more surprised that you had been so quick to defend him.
“You didn’t have to do that, but…I appreciate it.” You shrug, a small smile on your face which he reciprocates.
“Oh,” he puts the coffee down again and gestures towards his friends, “by the way, Y/N this is Mingyu and Eunwoo.” They greet you respectfully, Mingyu whispering something into Eunwoo’s ear before he nods and they both start snickering and then Jungkooks swiftly kicking one of their shins under the table, causing the cheap thing to shake.
You jump at the action and Jungkook glares at his friends before looking at you, “Sorry, weird spasm. Are you hungry?” He quickly changes the subject, desperately trying to get you away from his friends before they say some shit to embarrass him in front of you because he knows they will. They had been the ones subjected to the endless texts in the group chat where Jungkook went on mini rants that switched from trying to convince himself and his group that he did not have a crush on you to asking them for advice on how to best approach you.
At his question you realize you are in fact hungry so you get up with him and follow him to the food options, his now empty tray in hand, you grab a tray from the stack in the corner as you see what catches your eye. Jungkook reaches for the mozzarella sticks, plopping a good handful onto a plate and setting it on his tray with a smile. You copy his actions and grab another plate, putting a regular cheeseburger on it along with some fries. Since Jungkook had already had a burger before you got here he settles for a few chicken wings instead, grabbing a drink for himself and another for you when you motion that you want the same one.
“I like the hair by the way.” You finally speak when you’re both swiping your student cards.
He picks one hand up to ruffle his freshly dyed hair, the red and blonde strands falling slightly over his eyes, “Thanks, it’s for Halloween. I was just gonna spray paint it but Tae convinced me to dye it.”
Just as you figured, “Who are you going as, Todoroki?”
He nods quickly, his face showing his obvious excitement, “Yes! Thats exactly who I’m supposed to be. Have you thought of your costume yet?”
With both trays in hand you start the walk back to the table, “Yeah not as nerdy as yours and Tae’s but close enough.” You tease him, not aware of the stares Jungkooks friends were currently giving you two, “I’m dressing up as Raven from Teen Titans.”
He gulps at that, Raven’s costume wasn’t down right in your face sexy but something about you being in a tight black leotard with your legs bare and a cape covering you up has Jungkook’s weeb ass sweating.
And he didn’t have to wait long to see it since Halloween landed on the upcoming Saturday. All of you were gathered at Jimin’s apartment, all in full nerd gear with shot glasses in hand. The party was being held at one of his friends places which meant expensive booze and a nice house, a drastic change from the dirty parties at the delta fucking whatevers so needless to say you guys were all pumped.
It was currently 10:30 at night and you were about to order a few ubers to head over, your body was buzzing from the two shots you’ve taken, enough to loosen you up.
Jimin is currently dressed in full Joker attire, the new version, his blonde hair is temporarily dyed green with paste, slicked back off of his face and it kills you that hes able to rock any look. “You’re the bane of my existence.”
He has his hand wrapped around you with a smile, raising his eyebrows and making the painted red ones lift up too, “It’s not my fault I was blessed with beautiful genes.” You just roll your eyes, declining the third shot he hands you and he just shrugs and takes it instead, keeping his arm around you as he grimaces and slams the shot glass down on the counter in front of you two.
Jungkook is sat on the couch in the living room beside Yoongi who’s dressed liked Naruto and you finally realize what a giant bunch of losers you and your friends are. Namjoon is stood over by the record player that has music filling up the room, dressed up as Gudetama in a comfortable looking onesie, beside him is Jin and his girlfriend Arang who are dressed in matching pumpkin costumes looking adorable as ever. Hoseok is stood next to Taehyung by the liquor bottle a few feet away from you and Jimin, dressed like an inmate, a pair of handcuffs wrapped around one single wrist for show.
Your eyes move back to Jungkook, he’s decked out in full Todoroki gear, a blue tracksuit on with the white accents and belt, even similar boots and the damn burn on his face to finish it off. The way hes sat on the couch with his legs spread out is like an open invitation to be sat on, you always forget how buff Jungkook is but seeing his thick muscles pulling the fabric taut around his thighs is making your mouth water.
“I knew it.” Jimin whispers in your ear when he catches you staring at the younger boy.
“What are you talking about?”
“You are into him, Yoongi mentioned it to me and I noticed it a while back but I didn’t believe it.”
You trust Jimin, he’s undoubtedly your best friend but you’re not ready to admit to feelings you aren’t even sure you fully have yet so you shrug indifferently, “Honestly, I’m just admiring his juicy ass thighs.”
He peers over and stares at them as well, humming in appreciation, “Well you’re not wrong.”
Taehyung pours himself another shot, letting it overflow a bit as he watches you and Jimin staring at Jungkook. He has his Kaneki face mask partially tugged down to not interfere with his ability to get hammered so the weird grimace he sports is visible for anyone to see. He got it, Jungkook was attractive and muscular and Taehyung had offered to help dye his hair for his costume in hopes that it would land him a chick tonight so he’d back off of you but his plan seems to be backfiring on him.
Taehyung hates that he feels the jealousy blooming in him when he sees you walk over to Jungkook, offering him a shot with a grin, sitting down beside him and laughing at the way he crinkles his nose. He swears he doesn’t feel jealous because he likes you deeper than the current arrangement you both have, its just that stupid territorial mindset he never fully grew out of taking over. He was currently still sober enough which is why he was trying so hard to squish it down, thats all it was.
He knows if you turned around and decided to stop sleeping with him and moved on to Jungkook for that or even a relationship he wouldn’t fight you on it because you could do whatever you wanted but he was hoping what you two had would have lasted longer than a few months and you wouldn’t be setting your sights on his roommate of all people or at least had the decency to tell him. Its not until Hoseok swats his arm, giving him a weird glare, that he snaps him out of blatantly staring at you and Jungkook.
When the ubers finally come you all split up to make yourselves fit into them, Taehyung lucking out and getting stuck in the uber you, Jungkook, and Jimin were in, leaving you sandwiched between him and Jungkook in the back row while Jimin occupied the passengers seat. Taehyung is tense in his seat and you can feel it, his hands clenched and resting on his lap as he stares out the window, counting down the seconds until you all pull up in front of the giant house party.
“It’s my friend Taemin’s house, he’s honestly probably hammered already.” Jimin says once your whole group is gathered on the front lawn. He takes the lead and walks up the path laid out, opening the door to enter the booming house, loud house music being blasted from the giant speakers in the corners.
“Holy shit.” Namjoon speaks out, his eyes taking in how enormous the house was. The ceilings were stupid high, an expensive looking chandelier being the main focus in the current room but it was clear the home owner didn’t pay it much attention considering the shiny diamonds were currently covered in those fake cobwebs.
“How many people are even here?” Arang speaks up as you all make your way deeper into the house. The place is swarming with people, all in their own costumes and you don’t believe that Taemin even knows everyone here.
“Probably a few hundred people, a thousand if he’s fucking insane.” Jimin laughs, his hand coming up to point across the room as he finally spots Taemin in the second living room area he had. He was sat on the couch, looking pretty drunk but the second he spotted Jimin he sprung up and met him halfway in a clumsy hug.
“Thanks for coming out you guys.” He speaks up like he actually knows who you all are even though you’re all strangers, “Feel free to drink whatever you want, theres no rules just please don’t break my shit. Theres also a costume contest happening at midnight with some cash prizes.” When he finishes his little host speech he bows dramatically before someone else calls out for him and he’s gone.
You and your friends don’t need to be told twice, instantly gravitating towards the drinks to get as drunk as everyone else seemed to already be. The array of pricey liquor has you wanting to cry, you absolutely loved the rich for this reason only. The one thing you’re all good at is getting absolutely sauced so it doesn’t take long for you guys to catch up.
Little by little everyone slowly splitting up when the night progresses, there was too much going on in all the different areas of the house, along with who knows what happening in the backyard but you’re pretty sure theres a pool out there, something you would definitely be avoiding because it was freezing.
Hoseok and you end up together as you usually do, being designated party buddies. You’re stood at the back of a room thats currently having a very drunk karaoke concert going on, a very dramatic rendition of Dont Stop Believing being the song of choice and you’re both clapping your hands anc cheering along when the six foot tall Ash Ketchum goes out of his way to make his own adlibs.
You tell Hoseok you’ll be right back as you venture back out of the room to go grab another mixed drink. On your way there you spot Jungkook sat on the couch beside Namjoon, a very pretty girl stood beside him, trying her best to get his attention but he’s either not interested or completely oblivious to her advances because he brushes her off and starts a conversation with Namjoon instead. You’re pouring your drink into your cup when the girl walks away from him with a roll of her eyes, saying something to her waiting group of friends before they all make their way outside.
Just as you’re about to go over to him Taehyung pops up on your left, slinging his arm over you in the sloppy way that lets you know he’s been throwing back way more shots than you have. “Can I ask you something?” He slurs into your ear, choosing to stand in front of you, putting you between him and the counter behind you.
“Sure.” You say as you take a sip of your strong drink, your eyes looking up at him and seeing them glazed over, a hint of uncertainty in them.
He looks down at the floor for a moment before looking back up at you, the three tequila shots he just took minutes ago doing nothing to stop him from squishing down his emotions now, “Are you fucking Jungkook?”
You quickly swallow the liquid in your mouth so you don’t spit it out, your face showing how absurd you think his question is, “What? No?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you, not entirely believing you because of how you two have been acting recently, he sees the way Jungkook acts whenever you text him and he knew you two had started to hang out more on your own. And he would’ve thought it was a normal hang out until Jimin had uploaded a video of the bonfire and he had seen you two making cutesy eyes at each other as you fed him a s’more.
You can see the gears turning in his head but you speak up again before he has a chance to say some stupid shit, “How drunk are you?”
“Drunk enough!” He shouts back and thats confirmation enough for you to know that whatever conversation he thinks he wants to have right now will have to wait.
“Okay you weirdo, get a grip please and back off.” His current attitude was getting on your nerves only because it’s something you’re not used to dealing with when it came to him. Even though you’re half kidding at your statement there’s still some truth to it and he hears it loud and clear, stepping back like a toddler and giving you some space. He mumbles something out about going to find Jimin but you don’t pay it any mind, just nodding along as you drink more of your concoction and go back to join Hoseok in the karaoke room again.
Another hour passes, a few minutes shy of midnight so you know the costume contest will be taking place soon. You and Hoseok have drifted away from each other, him deciding to go join the dance floor at the front of the house where as you find yourself watching an intense game of guitar hero being played. The giant flat screen lets any onlooker clearly see the battle happening and you don’t notice Jungkook beside you until he’s nudging you with his hip, a goofy smile on his face when you stumble over slightly.
“You really suit this character.” He’s standing there with his arms crossed and for one of the first times since you’ve known him he has this very confident aura coming from him. Maybe it’s because he’s had too much to drink to care or maybe it’s because he feels like he’s in his element in this dorky costume but confidence looks good on him.
“Should I just live my entire life as Todoroki then?”
His eyes are glassy from the alcohol and his cheeks are pink but he can tell you’ve had a bit more to drink than him, your tongue becoming too loose to hold anything back, “I definitely wouldn’t mind it.” When he notices your eyes raking up his body and back down, stopping at his thighs once more before looking at his eyes again, he just blushes and chooses to uncross his arms to take a sip of his drink.
He’s been noticing your constant eyeing of his thighs, having caught you staring at them at Jimin’s place earlier tonight, and now that you were drunk you were doing a worse job at trying to play it off. “Has anyone ever told you that your thighs are beautiful?” You finally address it.
Jungkook raises both of his eyebrows, looking down at himself, shifting his weight between both legs and stretching one out. “Can’t say they have.”
“Just wanna bite em…” You mumble under your breath and he chuckles, catching your words but not speaking on it. The shots are definitely seeping further into your blood because your hands are coming up and out, grabbing the meaty skin of his right thigh and he’s yelping from the shock, jumping slightly before balancing out so his drink wouldn’t spill.
You’re grinning sweetly as you give his thigh another quick squeeze and retreat back. You only hum in thought, your mind wondering what they look like under the pants he’s currently wearing. Jungkook is still too caught off guard, any words he wants to say getting stuck in his throat as he observes the room to see if anyone saw that.
The reality of what you just did slowly sinks in and he catches the switch, your eyes sharpening up and you take a very small step back, “Are none of these girls good enough for you?”
You nervously swallow more of your drink which probably isn’t wise because look at what you had already done with the alcohol already in your system, “I promised you I’d get you laid by the end of this month and i’ve seen like four girls come up to you and you blew them off.”
That was true, he had done that all night but it had been such an automatic response that he wasn’t sure why he had, something about sleeping with a complete stranger in another strangers home felt wrong. That and the fact that he wanted to sleep with you was also getting in the way, but his inner self currently had that thought in a headlock, a very loose and slowly weakening headlock but a headlock nonetheless, so he was ignoring it.
“They didn’t even know who I’m supposed to be.” He lies as an excuse and it makes you laugh, tipping your cup up and pouring the rest of its contents down your throat.
“Is that you’re only reason?”
He nods stubbornly, sticking with his horrible excuse until it turns around and bites him in the ass. “Well I know who you’re supposed to be, so what does that mean?”
He blanks at that, really not expecting the turn this would take. You watch him, his big doe eyes only getting bigger at your words. He rolls his lips together in thought, his mind sorting through all the appropriate responses he could say. During his distraction he doesn’t notice his inner self releasing the headlock grip he had on his feelings until it’s too late and they’re spilling out into the open.
“It means I wanna fuck you.”
Yeah. That wasn’t what he wanted to say, at all, but his filter had clearly been lost a few shots back and when you don’t immediately slap him he doesn’t think he fucked up entirely.
“You wanna fuck me?” You repeat slowly, stepping closer to him. You had a feeling he did based on that drunk text he had sent you but you had to make sure he really wanted to and this wasn’t just a nervous response. Jimin and Yoongi were right in their observations of both of you, you wanted to sleep with him, you have ever since that night in your room and the realistic dreams involving him haven’t stopped so maybe once you sleep with him everything will mellow out in your brain.
This isn’t a crush, you try to convince yourself, this is just your hormones talking. It’s not your fault that imaginary Jungkook would moan such sweet praises in your ear while you dreamed, thats why you were stuck wearing i’m horny for jungkook glasses, and once you slept with each other all would be fine.
His eyes look around, he could see Tae and Jimin stood near the kitchen, Tae doubling over in laughter at something being said and when you see who he’s looking up it only annoys you. Taehyung didn’t have this claim on you and you knew Jungkook was just worried because he didn’t fully believe no feelings were involved between you and Tae but you were sick of people thinking you belonged to him.
You raise your hand up to cup his cheek, bringing his attention back to you, “I asked you a question Jungkook.”
He looks back over to you, seeing your own eyes staring up at him and he finds himself nodding his head. Sure you both aren’t sober at all and will he be embarrassed about this once he is, probably, but he knows he’ll regret not being completely honest tomorrow morning if he says no.
At his confirmation you smile, you had spotted the staircase nearby, knowing there would be rooms you two could occupy but when you start to tug him in the direction of it he resists.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, I just don’t feel right using someone’s room to do this.” Jungkook wasn’t a virgin so you knew he wasn’t wanting this to be a certain way for his first time but he’d only ever been intimate with one person and it hadn’t gone the way he wanted at all so if he didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with you in this house it was fine by you.
“Do you want to go back to mine then?” The urgency that usually came with party hook ups was missing, you didn’t feel rushed to get in a room and tear his clothes off without speaking to each other, he wasn’t just a hook up.
When he nods his head you don’t think twice to pull him in the direction towards the front door, a loud tapping noise stopping you both in your tracks. Everyone stops talking, turning towards the source of the noise and seeing Taemin stood on top of his coffee table with a microphone in hand, his finger tapping the top of it to check it.
“Okay, fuck it works dude!” Jimin shouted out, everyones hands coming up to cover their ears when Taemin just laughs loudly into the mic.
It was time for the costume contest and as much as you wouldn’t mind seeing who won or even potentially winning the cash prize yourself, the thought of finally getting to sleep with Jungkook wins. You look back at him, your eyes asking him if he wants to wait but he shakes his head, his fingers giving your palm another squeeze. You choose not to notify your friends that you were leaving, they were all drunk enough and were already planning on sleeping at Jimin’s after this anyways so you had a few hours before they even noticed you had both disappeared.
Jungkook feels oddly calm, the nerves that had overtaken him when he was in this position the very first time not coming up, even the small sense of uncertainty he felt when it came to Jisoo was gone and he likes it. He likes the feel of your hand in his as you wait for the uber. He likes how you rest your clasped hands on your thigh, your thumb rubbing the back of his palm soothingly and when you finally manage to sneak into your building he likes the way you push him against the elevator wall, your lips slotting between his in the first sign of urgency.
When you lick your way into his mouth he tastes the strong tang of tequila that he’s sure you can taste from him as well but he doesn’t mind it. His hands coming up to wrap around your waist, the thin material of your leotard letting you feel his touch as his fingers dig into your waist to pull you closer to him. You’re on your tip toes and he’s leaning over to match your height, the sound of the elevator ding making you both pull apart with heavy sighs.
You twirl back around, your head peaking out of the elevator to make sure the coast was clear since you technically weren’t allowed to have Jungkook over at this time. Once you saw the hallway was clear you wrapped your hand over his wrist, tugging him to your door in a haste to get out of the open. You make it a few feet when the sound of the bathroom door opening makes you both freeze, Jungkook has his eyes screwed shut as he waits for someone to start to scold you both. You’re waiting for it too, especially when you turn around and spot Jihyo, your RA, standing in the middle of the hallway right in front of the bathroom door.
She’s currently rubbing her eyes, tipsy and in a revealing Sailor Mars costume. When she spots you and Jungkook looking just as tipsy and your lips swollen she just sighs, throwing her head back dramatically, “Go, hurry up and get in your room. I didn’t see anything.” You throw her a thankful look and she just shields her eyes as she makes her way back into her room, you don’t waste anymore time as you slide your key card out of your bra and unlock your room.
“Wait, your roommate.” Jungkook whispers, just now realizing that she existed. He’s stood right on the door’s threshold, refusing to come in until you literally force him, your hand tugging him in. His hands grasp your shoulders to not knock you over from the force of your pull, he finally gets a chance to look around when you flick your light on and he notices Wendy is no where to be found.
“She’s went out of town for Halloween, we’re fine, now please kiss me.” The door shuts behind Jungkook, that answer satisfies him, his hands moving off your shoulders to cup your face and bring you in for another kiss. Your mind feels like its floating as he starts to walk, leading you backwards towards your bed.
Your hands slide up his chest as you make your way to your bed, your fingers clasping the zipper of his costume and tugging it down, revealing his bare skin. He had decided not to wear anything underneath his tracksuit, he always got hot and sweaty when he was drunk so he didn’t want to add more layers than necessary, and luckily it worked in his favor.
Your fingertips leave a hot trail on his skin as you work on getting this article of clothing off of him, his hands coming away from your face as you push the sleeves down his arms, the material falling onto the floor in a heap. His lips never part from yours, his actions getting more confident, his kisses getting more urgent because he can’t seem to get enough of you.
His hands trail up to unclasp the cape around your shoulders, letting the crushed velvet garment join his top on the floor, and then its a race of getting the rest of your clothing off. You pull back from him your lips smacking together one final time when you step back, your eyes finally getting to see him shirtless for the first time.
Is he for real? Was he sculpted by the fucking gods themselves because this wasn’t fair. You always knew Jungkook worked out like a madman but you never expected him to look like this. His chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath, the muscles in his arms rippling as he fidgeted with the stupid belt he had on and when he finally got it off and was able to slide out of his boots and pants your wishes were granted in the form of his thighs.
You had forgotten about sliding out of your leotard and belt, your boots were kicked off to the side but when his thick thighs were exposed you dropped to the floor in front of him. Jungkook wasn’t expecting that, part of him thought you might of passed out or something from how suddenly you collapsed but when your hand come up to trail his thighs he knows you’re fine.
“Are you joking?” You mumble out, your mind acting on it’s own accord, you press open mouth kisses on his thighs, your fingers giving them small squeeze as you kiss your way up to the band of his briefs.
Jungkook had fantasized about this so many times put now that you were sitting right in front of him on your knees, your mouth kissing his dick over the fabric of his briefs, he wasn’t sure he could stop himself from blowing his load the second you put it in your mouth.
“Have you ever had a blowjob Kookie?” The nickname is new but he likes it, especially when he sees how you look at him when you say it, your eyes widening slightly when he shakes his head. No he’s never had a blowjob and as much as he wants to experience his first one from you he won’t ever let himself live it down if he cums before he gets a chance to fuck you.
“Can I be honest?” He mumbles out as your fingers slip underneath the band of his briefs, beginning to tug it down slowly, his legs stepping out of the material as it bunches around his ankles.
His cock springs out without the restraint of his briefs and your mouth salivates at the sight of it. Of course Jeon Jungkook would have a beautiful big dick, its veiny with a slight upward curve, the girth of it making you bite your lip in anticipation of it stretching you open. Your eyes move back up to him and you smile gently, “Yeah of course.”
He moves his own hands to cover your smaller ones, his fingers wrapping around your fingertips to lift them off his skin. “Can we…do that next time,” it slips out before he can catch it, indication of this happening again and you take note of it, the lust clouding your mind not being against that happening, “I just really wanna fuck you.” He confesses, his body bending over, his arms hooking under your arms to scoop you up from the floor with ease.
“Yeah,” you breathe out as he stands you up, his hands cupping your cheeks with care, his thumb tracing your skin as he stares down at you, “we can do that next time.”
You reach out and let your hands touch his waist, the feel of his bare skin making you realize he’s the only one naked right now. You turn him around so his back is facing your bed, your hands gently pushing him back onto it.
He catches himself with his palms, sliding back onto your bed until he’s laying against the pillows you have set up. He watches as you reach back to unclasp the ruby belt you have, letting it fall with a clank as you move on to unbutton the top of your leotard, slipping the skin tight fabric off of your body.
Jungkook can feel his dick twitch against his abs at the sight of you, you crawl onto the bed, your fingers trailing up his thighs as you straddle him in a similar way that brings back memories of a few weeks ago. The feeling of you sat on top of him with no barrier is something he never thought he’d experience and when he feels the slick glide of you grinding down on his cock his stomach caves in, a groan leaving his lips. His fingers come up to grip your hips, your own hands wrapping around his neck as you smile down on him.
“Feel good?” You ask him, a tiny gasp escaping you when you repeat your actions and his cock nudges your clit.
His eyes move down to stare at the spot where you connect, seeing how shiny you’re leaving him as your arousal mixes with his precum makes his mouth drop open in awe. “Yeah, feels good.” He whispers out, his hands gripping your skin tighter to make you rut on him faster.
You can see the desperation growing on him, the shy Jungkook you were so accustomed to nowhere to be found as he rolled his hips up to meet your motions, his head dropping back into the pillows with a moan. With his neck wide open you lean forward, kissing and licking your way up to his jaw, your teeth gently nipping at his skin, making his hips stutter.
Blame mistake number one on you wanting to see Jungkook fully fall apart underneath you but you’re not thinking too much when you reach down and grasp his cock, letting the tip of it nudge your entrance. You know you’re clean and on birth control and unless he’s been lying to you, you assume he should be clean as well.
His head snaps up at the new sensation, and Jungkook may be inexperienced but he’s not stupid, “Wait–“ You think he’s stopping you because you haven’t pulled out a condom so you pause, giving him a curious look but his mind is too full of want that he doesn’t even process the fact that there isn’t a condom “it’s gonna hurt you.” He wants to finger you, stretch you open and let his fingers explore your body until you falling apart.
“It’s okay, I like that.” You admit, giggling when you see his cheeks flush. You go back to nudging the tip of him into you, the feeling of it breaching your entrance has you moaning and Jungkook drops one hand off your hip to clutch your comforter instead, his fingers clenching around the fabric as your walls wrap around the tip of him.
“Fuck,” you groan out, he was big but the feeling of him stretching you out had another gush of arousal slip out of you, only aiding in letting you slide down another inch or so. Your hands come forward to rest on his stomach as you wait a moment, Jungkook can feel you clenching around the first few inches of him, his eyebrows furrowed together tightly at the feeling of your warmth enveloping him all around.
You relax your muscles, letting the rest of him slide into you, the tip of him just shy of nudging your cervix when you’re fully sat on him. You give him a moment to adjust, waiting until his eyes open up again, “Please move.” He croaks out, his hand coming back up to your hips to get you to do anything because the feeling of you just clenching around him was killing him.
His desperation turns you on and you start to move instantly, grinding on him to let yourself get used to the size of him before you start to lift yourself up, slamming back down, the slap of your skin connecting filling up the dorm room.
As you stare down at him you have to pinch yourself because the visual of him whimpering underneath you is an exact replica of the dreams you’ve been having. A needy Jungkook kneading the flesh of your hips, rutting his own hips up to meet you, his big eyes blown out with lust and adoration in the same damn way you’ve been dreaming about and you know you’re done for.
Jungkook can say the same, the countless times he’s dreamt of you doing this to him has him thinking he’s stuck in a dream, ready to wake up to his roommate tossing a pillow at him but it never comes because you’re actually here. You’re here on top of him, riding him like it’s something you’ve always wanted. His hand trails up from your hip to grasp your bouncing boob, giving it an experimental squeeze, his thumb and index finger tweaking your nipple and enjoying the way you moan from it.
He can feel your arousal dripping down his length every time you lift up, the remnants of it pooling around the base of his cock, he can see it as his eyes are glued to the way your lips part to take his length in. He can feel you start to get tired from the constant motion, your movements slowing down slightly so he takes it upon himself to wrap his arms around you and bring you closer to his chest, successfully flipping you over underneath him.
Your hair fans out around you and you stare up at him in shock, never thinking he’d do something like that but it only lasts a minute before hes sliding back into you. His hands are by your face, caging your body underneath his as he pounds into you.
His jaw is clenched tightly when he feels you wrap your arms around his shoulders, your fingers trying to cling onto his back from the force of his thrusts. “Do you want it harder?” He grunts out, looking down at you to see you nodding frantically, your legs wrapping around his waist to push him deeper into you.
“Please ple–“ you gasp when he slides out before rearing back into you, starting a brutal pace that you didn’t think he was capable of. “Just like that. God Jungkook.” You cry out and he feels his chest fill with pride. You were moaning out his name, he was the one making you feel this way.
You can feel him graze your bundle of nerves every time he thrusts forward, a high pitched moan leaving you and he does another experimental thrust to find the exact spot, angling his hips until you’re gasping and then he’s grinding right into it every time. Determined to get you to cum before him he keeps it up, he can feel his climax creeping in on him, you’re squeezing him so tight its almost impossible to thrust into you but he can tell you’re close when your hand comes down to rub your clit and he almost cums from that sight alone.
Seeing you squirming underneath him as your fingers worked to push yourself over the edge just made him thrust harder into you, a deep groan leaving his mouth when you gasped out, your walls clamping around him even tighter than before as you threw your head back. You had enough sense to clasp a hand over your mouth before you moaned out at as your body twitched from your orgasm, the feeling of Jungkook continuing to pound into you only making more muffled whimpers leave you from the overstimulation.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He mumbles out, his head dropping forward to rest between your neck and shoulder as he starts to rut faster into you. Your toes are curling from the after shocks of your climax, the tingles all over your body being the cause of mistake number two, “Cum inside me Jungkook, please.”
His face lifts back up at your statement, checking to make sure you mean it and when you nod and press your lips against his for another heated kiss he doesn’t hold back. His hips rolling into yours with new found energy, your body being jostled up at his action but you don’t care when all you taste is him, your kisses swallowing the desperate whine that leave him as he nears his end. His thrusts get sloppier until he’s groaning out deeply, his hips stuttering as his cock paints your walls white. You moan again at the feeling of his warm cum inside of you, letting him roll his hips a few more times as you kiss him gently to bring him back down.
His arms fail him, his body flopping on top of you in a heap, his muscles absolutely crushing you but the way he wraps your arms underneath your waist and nuzzles into you makes you forget about your inability to breath. His face is pressed against your neck under your chin, his soft dick is still inside you and he really doesn’t want to pull it out, he’d be perfectly content with going to sleep and waking up in this position.
You keep your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingers gently playing with his damp hair, “I miss your black hair.” You mumble out, breaking the silence that fell over the room.
He hums against your neck, kissing your skin gently in content when you scratch his scalp, “I’ll dye it back for you.”
You don’t know why that statement makes your heart swell but it does, your lips coming down to kiss his hair before laying back down. The both of you catch your breaths like this, Jungkook having his cheek pressed against your skin and you gently massaging his head.
He can feel the sweat on your skin start to get sticky so he decides nows a good time to pull apart, his skin peeling off of you and you’re both grimacing when he finally slides out of you, a small gush of his cum dripping out of your entrance and you squeeze your thighs shut at the feeling.
Jungkook wants to sit there and stare at his cum staining your skin but he can tell you feel icky from your face so he stands up from the bed and looks around your room, spotting your towel by your desk. He picks it up and comes back to you. His fingers gently pry open your thighs as he starts to clean you up, tossing the towel aside and motioning for you to move so you can get comfy in bed.
You shuffle around until you slide your comforter down, letting him adjust himself so you both fit comfortably. The small feelings of being tipsy are gone, your muscles completely relaxed and sleep starts to overtake you as you feel him move behind you, his arm lazily draping over you as you both start to slowly fall asleep.
“You know,” he gently speaks up, “you promised me you’d get me laid by the end of October.”
You hum in acknowledgment, and he’s smirking into your hair, “It’s technically November though so.”
You giggle softly at this, turning around in his grasp to face him, your leg slipping in between his as you get closer, “Oh how could I ever make it up to you for breaking my promise.” He lets out a fake gasp as your sarcastic response, his fingers wasting no time coming up to playfully jab at your sides, succeeded in making you squirm and laugh until his lips are kissing you again, the urgency and heat from before missing but he likes this way better.
He likes the small laughs in between kisses, the shy licks of your tongue and sighs you let out and in that moment Jungkook feels content.
Jungkook doesn’t think of whats going to happen tomorrow morning when you both wake up and the initial lust is gone. He doesn’t think of the conversation that’s gonna have to happen once the sun comes up. No he lets himself enjoy this, lets you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. He’ll worry about that when it comes.
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daddynegandesires · 4 years
My little runaway pt. 2
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(Quick summary: after leaving the sanctuary you started a new life at Alexandria trying to hide away from negan he stumbles upon you while taking half of ricks shit and takes you back to the sanctuary with him.)
Warning: angst, fighting, jealousy, mind control/brainwashing, fluff
So many things have changed here since ive been gone so many more rules negan was more strict than ever and now Simon and arat were his right hand men i had no more existence towards those positions nor did i want anything to do with his killing posse his mind was sick and twisted he wasn't the negan i use to know. I was gone for months before negan had claimed rick after some people at Alexandria had killed down some of negns men. I knew me being gone had caused way more problems than there needed to be and i know i was in deep shit....
We arrived at the sanctuary coming to a hault hearing the breaks squeak as Dwight put the truck in park and turned it off. Negan flung his door open dragging me out causing me to fall on the dirt covered ground.. my hands were tied so i had no way to brace myself.
"Cmon darlin, you're back on your own turf now" negan bent down to my eye level
"But dont think for a second you are getting special treatment.....not after what you did"
his sacastic laugh filled my ears making me shut my eyes tightly. He yanked me up by my arm dragging me to the double metal doors of the sanctuary. He kicked the doors open holding me close to make sure i didnt break free. I was pulled down one of the many hallways untill he came to a stop at a door he opened it with his free hand still having a tight grip on my arm. The room had a bed and a small kitchen in it i wasnt use to staying in these rooms because i was negans right hand woman, his bestfriend before i left so i was given alot of special treatment.
"Home sweet home" negan said throwing you face down on the bed untieing you
You could feel him leaning up against your ass while he freed your hands he then flipped you over on your back holding you down by your throat.
"I missed you....." A grin grew across his face
"...if you think im going to be another copy and paste of everyone else and drop to my knees when i see you....then you are so wrong" you struggled to get the words out breathlessly as his grip slowly tighted around your neck.
"Oh baby....i know..i like the frisky ones. You forget i know you better than you know yourself" he released his grip from you before giving you one last good squeeze causing you to choke and raise up on the bed
"You know nothing about me..." You grabbed your neck rubbing at it
"Quite frankly i dont even know who you are anymore...youre sick..." You stood up getting in his face
Negans tongue slid across his bottom lip then causing his jaw to flex letting out a long groan
"Without me....they are nothing...they all love me" he paused and let out a sarcastic laugh "....just like you without me are nothing"
"You....you are nothing but a fucking monster....lucille never deserved a man like you.." You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes you couldnt believe what had just came out of your mouth after knowing what happend in the past between you two.
All of the color drained out of negan he was furious he grabbed a fistfull of your hair yanking you up to your feet and, dragging you down the hallway your screams were echoing off the walls you were trying to grab onto something to save yourself. He opened a metal door it was dark. There were no windows the room was completely empty. Negan threw you onto the cold floor you caught yourself with your hands before your face clashed with the cold cement floor. You looked up at him through the messy strands of your hair and couldnt see his face only a dark shadow casted upon him. You knew He had no expression just a blank expression almost terrifying youve never seen him like this out of all the years youve known him you didnt even know who he was anymore and its only getting worse.
"You....are going to regret all of this...." Negan slammed the door and locked it you could hear his footsteps trail off.
"AAGHH GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. YOU FUCKING COWARD!" all you could do was scream and yell and cry you were pounding on the door untill you finally gave out and got tired enough to pass out on the floor.
You were woken up by light shinning on your face someone had opened the door and was speaking to you your head was pouding and your ears were rining from all the screaming, yelling and crying you had done from the days prior.
"Get up. Im not gonna tell you again" Dwights voice hurt your ears
"D...dwight....you have to help me" you stumbled to your feet and walked towards him
"This...this isnt negan...hes going to get us all killed we have to go save Alexandria. Please! Believe me!" Your hands were gripped on his t-shirt yanking him towards you. All he could do was stare at you he had nothing to say just a blank expression. Footsteps came appraching up the hallway towards you two... it was negan
"Wellll....rise and shine babydoll!" Negan swung his bat up over his shoulder
All you could do was glare at him no words could come out
"Time to get to work dollface"
negan held the door open for you and you walked out watching him close the door he led you outside and put you on fence duty to kill walkers for half of the day the sun was blistering feeling beads of sweat run down your face you havent had a shower in days. Negan did nothing but stand around and make orders to everyone or he would spend time fucking his multiple forced wives. It was only a matter of time before he shoved you back into that hell of a room.
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You could over hear negan on the walkie talkie he was speaking to rick. It was hard to make out what the both of them were saying but i could tell it wasnt good. Negan always started conflict or maybe it just found its way to him.
"Hey....hey is that rick" you walked over cutting negan over mid conversation
"Well you better find a damn way..." the beep of the walkie talkie went off after negan finished talking
"How does it feel to be on the other side?...working for points...getting yourself all dirty out here. You lost your chances" negan slid the walkie into his belt biting his lip
" let me speak to rick so he knows im okay...please" you begged
"Rick this rick that..ya know im starting to think you are developing a little crush" negan began to walk away
You ran to catch up with him standing infront of him to stop him.
"Why are you doing this to me...dont i mean something to you. You just kick me to the dirt...I THOUGHT WE WERE A TEAM" you screamed at him
"You. Ran. Away. You live here you follow my rules at all times no exceptions! I will not tolerate anything less from you!....things are different now..." negans face grew a frown
Negan pushed past you and walked off you followed right behind him to his room he surprisingly let you in and shut the door behind him.
"I...look....Can i atleast get a shower im filthy..." You said with your arms crossed
All he could do was point over to the bathroom you sighed and walked over to the door after locked yourself in the bathroom you began to take off your clothes and run the water waiting for it to warm up when you heard a knock on the door.
" one more thing.....no locked doors" negan said in a low demanding voice
You swallowed hard and walked over to the door unlocking it hearing the lock make a quick click. Negans footseps slowly faded out as he walked away. You slipped into the shower letting the hot water run down your body watching all of the dirt trickle down the drain. The hot water relaxed you letting out a deep breath you closed your eyes letting the steam fill up the bathroom. The door quietly opened you quickly sprung your eyes open your body went stiff.
"....i layed out some clean clothes for you....i know you could use some" negan said clearing his throat
"Oh...thank you" you replied shocked
"(Y/N)....you know i uh...i still care for you...things are just...different now but im still that guy you use to know. Look..i have to go out on a run just make yourself at home" negan closed the door gently and walked away
The room went silent you your eyes were swelling up with tears it felt like you couldnt get the right words out of your mouth. You knew deep down that warm hearted negan was still there the negan that you missed the negan that use to be your bestfriend. He was buried under all this power and built up rage from before the apocalypse and now. Maybe this was going to be a new begining...a fresh start at the sanctuary.
Just maybe.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Nightsky and tears from his angel's eyes
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"You're going to get sick." He spatted angrily at seing you on the balcony, staring up at the sky above.
You turned around just a bit, blanket over your shoulders and mug on your cold hands as you sended him a sheepish smile at his direction.
"I am not. I have this blanket as a shield!" He arched his eyebrow, unimpressed look and dissapointment writen over his face at your words.
"I thought you would give me at least a better excuse. This was just ridiculous and not scientific at all."
You shrugged, still with that smile on your face as you returned to look at the sky above you, brushing your lips against the mug and enjoying the hot drink you made for yourself.
He walked towards you, ready to just lush you inside before he noticed the cellphone left aside on the tiny table as another mug full of tea was by the side of the spoken object.
It was the one he enjoyed. You knew it he was just going to join you. Such a brat.
You looked up a bit and giggled when he rolled his eyes and took a seat next to you, his muscles tensing a bit when you layed your head on him before he breathed in teh scent of the soap you used to shower.
Great. No germs. It was a clean area.
You sighed when your cellphone buzzed, when you went to pick up, Chisaki beat it you to it and immediately frowned at seing who exactly sended you a message... more than one actually.
"... You didn't told me he was starting to contact you again."
"A few minutes ago that it started..." you sighed and took the phone out of his hand turning it off with a huff and almost throing the device on the table "I don't even know anymore." You sighed.
He looked at you with a frow before he sighed and looked down at the ground.
"I told I can get rid of h-"
"He is still my father Kai." You interrupted him and he scoffed.
"So much of a father." You two stayed in silence while he got his own mug and pushed his mask down. Taking his own sip while watching your features... calm and serene like a river.
How he wondered. If he was in your place he would already be planning this men's death... yet you still looked at the sky, smile on your face back.
"Honestly, how can you get so calm about it?" He sighed "And why don't you let me go after him? He deserves it (Y/n)." He growled the last part as you sighed.
"Maybe he does, maybe don't." You looked at your own drink and your smile simply fell... completely.
He despised your father in so many levels... only the thought of him could take away your happiness.
"...he sended me a message asking me how was I doing. Told me he missed, loved me and such..."
Fucking liar.
"And you believed on him?" He asked in anger, immediately regretting wwhen he saw a drop of tear running down your face and falling in your drink.
"No... not anymore."
He scoffed and brought you to a hug, setting your mug down before the action.
"He doesn't deserve your tears. Hell, doesn't deserve anything." He spatted as you wiped away the tears in your eyes.
"I hate seing you cry..." he breathed in your hair, trying to calm down himself for your sake "Just let me get rid of him angel..."
"No Kai... he simply wasn't ready to be a father... just that. But it just annoying-" you hissed "How many times he pretended to know that he fucked up, and yet when I forgave him on the past he just goes and do stupid stiff again and again."
"He will pay. We are from the yakusa after all."
"Kai I don't want you or the Hassaikai getting involved with this." You whispered, looking into his eyes with teary ones "Please..."
His heart seemed to tear apart from the look you just gave to him... it was so broken and so... desperate. So unusual of his loved one eyes.
"Fine..." he brought you close to rest his chin on the top of your head, rubbing your back awkwardly when he heard your sniffles.
"He knows about our weeding..." he froze, disgust crawling on his skin at the mere thought of that filth. "But I don't want him there...! I can't bare with the thought of him there!" You sobbed as he frowned even more, ignoring the wet on his shirt growing as he hushed a bit.
"He left all to my mom and grandma to do and simply wants to appear on the weeding?! Fuck-!" You fisted his clothing as you closed your eyes tightly... "I am such a fuck up child-"
"Enough." He shoved you a bit away from him as he cupped your wet cheek on his gloved hand "Don't you dare blame yourself for that project of a man's actions (Y/n). You gave him many chances, forgave him many times, try even to love him just like you did as a child." He frowned more at he tears of your face falling before he grabbed his handkerchief to wipe the drops of water off.
"And he wasted. All his chances, he threw it on the trash." He whispered lowly as you nodded along with his words "... You dont need him (Y/n)."
You sighed shakily before hugging him again, gripping on him like a safe boat.
"... then who I am going to walk..? My uncle and my grandfather won't be able to, my family would never let it down..."
And idea popped into his head the exact moment you finished your sentence, the thought alone bringing a smile to his face as he kissed the top of your head lovingly.
"We will figure it out."
You yawned, fixing your hair as you walked the hallway of the Shie Hassaikai's house towards the kitchen.
You got in and started to prepare the breakfast, since last time was Kurono's turn, so might as well ease up a bit his job.
"Good morning my dear (Y/n)." You jerked awake and smiled immediatly when you saw the elder on the door frame with a serene smile back at you.
"Good morning Pops! Any specific wish for breakfast this moment?" The man lift his palm and shaked his head in denial of the offer.
"Thank you very much my dear. But is not necessary at least for now." You smiled even more at seing your fiance entering the room, nodding as a greeting to Pops before he walked towards you.
"Angel. Mind if us have a small talk?" Your smile fell and Chisaki reassured you by rubbing his gloved thumb on your back, pushing you a bit with him to stand in front of Pops.
"I-Is something wrong?" You asked in worry as both man shoked their heads again.
"About the issue from last night dearest. Your father won't appear, right? Is your choice."
Your heart dropped as you looked at the ground, nodding a bit sadly.
Even despite feeling horrible... you couldn't face your father, especially after the atrocities he dared to told you in hope's of making you give up on your marriage.
"Then he is not showing." Chisaki spoke in a manner of fact tone before he made you look up again from the ground to him "Someone else though would offered to replace him."
You arched a eyebrow before he pushed your face a bit to look at Pops, arms crossed and smile present still on his face.
Realization hitted you like a train. Immediately gasping and bringing your hands to your mouth as you controlled your tears.
"My, please don't cry. It would be a pleasure and such a honor to walk the isle with my daughter in law." He uncrossed his arms to grab your shaky hands on his old and rough ones to calm you down.
You tried to brah in but only a shaky sob left your throat as Chisaki smiled. Those tears threating to escape your eyes now weren't like the ones from yesterday... it was from pure joy.
He woke up first only to talk with Pops about it, knowing how much the elder liked you and how much yourself respected his father figurine... the thought of the most two important persons to him walking together on his weeding day brought utter joy to his heart.
You were smilling as you thanked the man through your cries as Pops chuckled softly an soothed you a bit. Smirking at Chisaki when he caught the love struck eyes he had at the person he was going to marry soon.
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
if i time it right, the thunder breaks
Summary: “And he hated himself and hated her, too, for the ruin they'd made of each other.” 
WARNINGS: swearing, it’s getting bad, mentions of (sexual, if you interpret it that way) child abuse, violence, angst, these idiots dont know how to take care of themselves but they know how to take care of each other Pairing: Detective Loki x Reader Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: thank you for the crazy response babes. truly thought this would flop and y’all proved me wrong. this is an important chapter and there’s a lot to say. i am open to tagging people so just lemme know if you want to be by sending an ask. GIF not mine
01 | ... | 03 | 04 | 05
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“Stop eating my shit.”
“Fuck off,” you snap, tossing the container of gummies onto the dash. It’s only half-empty and it’s not like you won’t buy him more. “God, I fucking hate this case.” You pinch the bridge of your nose as he slams the door, shaking rain off his coat. You swallow the gummy, feeling it all the way down to your stomach. The list of level-three sex offenders is like your death sentence as you cross out another name on the list with jagged black lines. “Nothing?”
“Just some German porn. Fuck.” His palm collides with the steering wheel as you try to sink into your chair. The air is stuffy in here but you don’t have the strength to open a window. “Fuck.” He sucks in a breath between his teeth, the cord of his throat pulsing. You lick your lips, turn away.
“You need some coffee?” You lean forward and pull out the giant thermos you have filled to the brim with coffee from your bag, and he snatches it from you, letting the black roast scorch his throat. You press your temple against the cold window before he nudges your shoulder. He offers the open thermos back to you and you down it, the bitterness waking up your mind as you twist the cap on shut again.
“Where next?” Your nose twitches again as you sniff, trying to see straight at the list. Reading out the address, you fold it back into your pocket and lean into the window as the Sedan rolls into motion.
It is raining now, a gentle pattering that you could fall asleep too if you were home instead of here.  David sends you a glance but otherwise focuses his gaze on the road. It’s a long night before you, and you can imagine the thermos would be empty before long.
David’s fingers tap the steering wheel when he drives. You know you’re not supposed to notice such a habit of his, but it’s a part of him, like how you know when he’s under stress, he blinks like someone squirted lemon juice in his eyes, or how he takes his coffee black because he nearly choked on watered down sugar for coffee once when he was fifteen. 
But, you do. You can’t help that he’s part of you and you can’t help but smile at his young face, spitting that awful coffee into the street, one of the brightest memories in your head, surrounded by so much smoke and shadow that pulls, claws, tugs you in and then you are spiraling.
“You’re thinking loudly,” he comments, banishing the smoke for mere moments, and you toss him a look from where it had drifted into the dark trees. Bundling your coat around yourself, you recline into your chair. 
“I’m just thinking about us,” you reply and he lets out a sharp breath, a gesture often paired with him shaking his head in irritation or disbelief or something. You don’t want to look at the ruins of what you’d done. “When we were younger.”
The fingers on the steering wheel pause, wrap tighter instead, and you close your eyes.
“Really?” He is stiff, every inch of him. You’re sure the cord of his neck is hard as a rock against his skin. The line of his reflection is just visible in the glass and you press your temple against the window, looking into your lap. 
“The years you were at Huntington,” you begin, and this time you must look at him. There are only some times you can bring such a time up and by the twitch of the muscles in his jaw, this isn’t the best, but it bottles up inside you that you might… you just don’t want to think about it anymore. “Those were the worst years of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“You haven’t.”
“Well, I hated seeing you there. I hated seeing what they did to you.” 
You can see it play before your eyes, a mere spectator to some biopic film that you are forced to see.
Two figures under the shade of the church, one tall and thin and, another carrying a can and bags and stale bread that spilled over tiny arms, food that could’ve gone to those who didn’t have a home like he did. He’d insisted you take it back, but you simply dented a can against the rock until a tiny hole formed and told him to suck the juice from the mangoes before it leaked into the moist dirt. Moonlight bathed two figures even under the shade of the church as the taller one helped the tiny one over the fence.
“I’ll come back,” you promised in harsh breaths. He held the rest of the food in his arms, granola bars he could eat quietly, bread he could rip apart in small bits and chew on, and you grabbed the front of his ratty shirt desperately despite how much he must feel, a purple and blue plethora underneath his little church uniform that’d been torn in all the wrong places. “My uncle won’t notice. I’ll come back for you.”
You thoughts drift even further back. 
A hospital waiting room, reeking of antiseptic and too much bleach. This boy you met just an hour ago, sitting with his respective social worker in that antiseptic waiting room was the most interesting person you’d ever met. He had cards, and said he’d taught himself magic tricks if you wanted to see. You nodded but played goldfish instead. 
“They’re not my real parents,” he’d told you almost angrily, and you’d balked at the thought. “I’m only here because they have to do something before they bring me to a Huntington Boys Home. They think I have ‘problems’.”
“Oh.” You had frowned artfully and he asked if you had a seven. You shook your head and said goldfish. “Where are your real parents?”
“I think they died.”
“Oh.” You remember the disappointment, the utter sadness compelling you to watch the boy as he looks into his cards.
“Why are you here?”
“My mom can’t take care of me anymore and I don’t know my dad.” Your shoulders had risen, fallen indelicately and the boy smiled with the teeth he had. He was missing one of the lower ones and you had smiled back faintly, nervously. 
“That sucks.”
“I guess. I didn’t like her that much.”
You swallow and close your eyes as if that’ll help bat the image away but it only serves to show you the bloodied knuckles, the bruises on pale, milky thighs and the scars shown in the mist of hot showers and empty locker rooms.
“You, uh, you liked the canned fruit the best. I remembered.” Your voice is faint, barely heard over the rain and rumble of the engine that’s already just a whisper.
He swallows, too, eyes burning into the windshield. You know he’s trying his hardest not to swerve or stop the car, or even look at you, because his arms shake from the strength he holds the steering wheel. You’re quite sure it might detach if he goes any longer. 
“You told me there was life outside of priests and sick fucks like them.”
“Well, I didn’t know. It was just something I heard my uncle say, when he was sober at least. He said there was a life outside of your shitty circumstance,” you reply with that indelicate shrug. You haven’t thought of the man who’d offered a roof over your head and nothing else in a while. “It was one of the few things I learned from him, not because of him.”
“You shouldn’t fucking be here,” he says softly. Your eyes trace the arch of his neck, a feather-light gaze that flickers across his cheeks, the slick-back hair, the hands that loosen on the steering wheel as you travel over a bump on the road. “This town will never be good enough for you.”
“It has you in it.” You know it’s something you shouldn’t fucking say but you can’t help it. That boy in the hospital room with the gap-wide smile sits before you and you can’t do anything about it. You turn your body inwards, towards him, and his hand finds your knee on its own accord as you settle into your new position. “I fucking hated seeing you there.” “I know.”
“I’m glad you left when you could.”
“I know.” His hand, a heavy heat on your knee, squeezes before he lifts it and your eyes dart to the warmth he’s left on you, a warmth that spreads through your body like warm wine. “I’m glad you did too, either.”
Terrible, ugly, screaming and the smell of vodka spits in your mouth. You shake off the feeling and you know that David saw you shudder. He doesn’t say anything more. Neither do you.
Time does not heal all wounds, and you wonder if love could’ve ever built a palace on sand.
You can’t sleep. Even with the father in custody, you can’t sleep. David’s arm tightens around your waist as he sleeps, but you know he is uneasy in his slumber. 
“Sleepin’?” he mumbles suddenly and you close your eyes as if that’ll help you. “Me neither.”
“Get some sleep,” you murmur back, burrowing your face deeper into the pillow. You can still see the dead man’s body in the father’s basement and your nose twitches. You had held the father above the hole, made him look at the darkness of his basement, at the bones of his work. Made him look into David’s eyes, made him see.
Not his work, a voice in the back of your mind whispers. The devastation beside you is not this man’s work. The smell of dust and cobwebs still lingers. So does David’s voice. The boys home. Sweet fruit nectar and the taste of blood form a strange cocktail in your mouth.
That’s justice unserved, too. You suppress a shiver.
“Come on.” His voice warms your neck as he pulls himself closer, nose pressed against the back of your shoulder. You tug his arm tighter around you, fingers slipping to interlace with his. “Close your eyes.” “They’re closed,” you promise. His lips brush against the bare skin of your shoulder before a feather-soft kiss lands on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. His legs press underneath your thighs and the warmth his body radiates drowns you, melts you away until you’re nothing. He digs his fingers into your bare stomach and you can feel him blinking hard against your skin. “Sleep. Please. Don’t think about that anymore.” You utter the words so softly, so desperately you barely recognize your own voice.
“Fuck,” he whispers and something wet touches your skin. You open an eye to stare through the window, at the moon nearly blocked out by the branches outside your window as he holds onto you tighter. You feel the fire burning, an ice cold fire that makes you hurt so much. Makes you want to throw him off and rip those memories from his head. Anything to make it stop. “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, but it is unheard over the sounds of his harsh, hot breaths. More wetness tracks down your bare shoulders as his arm goes taut around you. You twist around immediately, and pull him close to your chest. Your eyes are closed, your hands clutching into his hair, fingers digging into his skull, salt rain sliding over your cheeks. 
He tries to speak, puffs of air that could’ve been words had he not been so choked, and you merely let him try and break you, let his hands grip bruises into your skin and trace the scars people have left behind. You trace every crack in the porcelain of his back, every fissure that you know reaches from his neck to his legs.
Why couldn’t you have chosen something other than some broken little thing? Something that does not remind you of pain and sick and ache.
You don’t know whether you ask this of yourself or to him.
When you wake up, it is hard to even get your eyes to open. You don’t remember when you fell asleep and you wonder if you even had at all.
Three days. Has it really been three days already? You screw up your face to wake yourself up as David shuffles around the room. He’s already awake and you glance blearily at the clock. It’s only 4 AM, that means…
Shit. An hour or two of sleep if you can even call it sleep. Fuck.
Pushing yourself up, you drag yourself out of bed on unsteady legs and wade to the bathroom. 
You’re done in record time and when you leave, David is out of the room and in the kitchen preparing coffee. You begin to poke your head through one of his shrunken dress shirts. You’d stuff it into a pair of looser pants and tie it with a belt today. You just need something looser than one of your own tightfitting blouses. Maybe it’d help you breathe easier. 
He returns moments later to button up his own dress shirt. You can see his eyes rake over your figure, over the shirt you wear, but David doesn’t say anything as you dress. The shadows of the room playing tricks on you, you pull your hair out from underneath your collar and your nose twitches. Sniffing, you try to chase away the exhaustion pulling at your ankles, trying to chain you at your bed. Your hand rubs deep into your eyes as you gather your raincoat and stuff your feet into your boots in the living room.
When the two of you are ready to leave, you a cup of black coffee already in your system and David a piece of chewing gum in his mouth, you grab your bag.
“Here.” You look up. Your huge thermos is filled to the brim with coffee, twisted shut, and you slip it into the bag. 
Letting David press a lingering kiss to your temple before he opens the door, you dig through your bag to make sure you have everything. 
“Let’s head to the station,” he mutters. “I’m not fucking hungry.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Adjusting the straps on your shoulder, you follow after him, locking your apartment door behind you. Neither of you speak the ride to the police station, because there is nothing to say.
Last night is already forgotten.
Not really.
Fiddling with your phone, you run a hand through your hair. You can’t describe the uneasiness, the nausea that swirls in your stomach for the first time in years. Whilst David had left in search of the owner of the home where the RV was parked, you are stuck at homebase. You rewind the tapes, watching the interrogation of Alex Jones. It’s ten hours worth of tape, worth of footage that can mean absolutely nothing and a waste of time, or be a breakthrough in the case. You scroll back as the police officers work outside your dark room.
You can hear them talking, the little tap-tap-tap of their keyboards or the sounds of them laughing at some little joke made in the break room and fight the impulse to scream.
When did you get so fucking tired? When did invisible weights chain you to a desk, make the remote effort of rewinding a task as you watch the footage reverse?
You raise your head, turning only just enough to see Chemelinski standing at the door. That ugly artificial light streams in behind him and you squint at how bright it is outside the dark room. 
“We got something.”
“What?” You stand abruptly and black dots invade your vision as you blink, hand finding the back of the chair as casually as you can. Chemelinski keeps talking and you catch bits and pieces as you walk after him, knuckles brushing the wall just in case your legs decide to give out on you. “What’d the father say?”
“Something. I dunno if you got the sense to make it fit, but it’s something.” The older man opens the door to the interrogation room and you walk in, eyebrows knitting together. The father is sitting there in his grey cardigan, looking rather pathetic for himself, and you sit down.
“Good morning, father.” You lace your fingers on the table, sitting upright as Chemelinski closes the door. “Detective over here tells me you said something specific about the… the child abductor we found in your basement. Care to share it with me?”
“He was… waging a war against God.” One eyebrow rises as you send a glance to Chemelinski who clenches his jaw so visibly you wonder if his teeth are gonna crack. You return your gaze to the father who has yet to look at you. Leaning back into the chair, your hands roll into dragging fists over wood.
“Anything else? About how they were kidnapped or…”
“He said… he took them in daylight. Sometimes, more than one child at a time.”
“Great.” Your knuckles rapping against wood, you wait for anything else. Nothing. Prompting him will have to be the way to go. “Did he act alone? Did he ever mention any family, partners?”
“He said he had a family. He was suffering from a great loss.”
“That’s it?” A numb nod. You stand, the chair scraping against the scuffed floor and you send Chemelinski a foul glare. Blackness swarms your vision and you blink, trying to get rid of it before he notices. “Great. Thank you for your cooperation, father.” Opening the door, you adjust the handcuffs stuffed along the back of your belt and walk down the hall. Chemelinski follows after you but you ignore the detective in favour of jotting down what you’d learned and sending it in a text to David.
Child abductor — took them in daylight, more than one child at a time, had a family. Father decided to talk. 
Text me when you can. -xx
You pause, staring as the text goes through. XX. 
You hadn’t thought about it before you sent it. It was merely an instinct that took over you and hollows you out now as you stare at the letters. Two simple taps of the same little shape, but it means a world of things both of you buried. You pause in the hallway, staring at that tiny screen, the pixels forming the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet. Chemelinski sends you a strange glance, passing by you, but you ignore him as you wait for his response.
I will. -D x
He replies in a manner that means he hasn’t forgotten either. You hold the phone tightly in your fist and lift your head to the ugly artificial light as if heaven has washed you in a golden glow. Leaning against the wall, you press the phone to your chest and suck in a breath, hoping that the wind will not whisk you away.
Heading to the candlelight vigil. Could be a lead. -D x
What makes you think that? -xx
I dont know. Just something I wish we had. Ill see you soon. -D x
Stay safe. -xx
You press the ice pack against the bruising on his shoulder, sniffing with a twitch of your nose as he let out a long, drawn out moan. The coloring isn’t bad; you assume the jacket got the brunt of the damage, but you are sure it’s gonna be worse tomorrow. 
“I should’ve been there for you,” you whisper, fingers brushing over the crisp gelled curls that fall into his eyes. He groans, leaning forward on his knees. The locker room is empty and you leave the ice pack on his shoulder for a second to get the elastic bandage and vitamin K cream. David lets out a huff as you return, moving the ice pack to unveil the red and purple.
“It’s fine. Shit.” Your fingers dipped in vitamin K cream, you smear it gently over the plane of his broad shoulder. “You couldn’t have known someone would’ve jumped onto me.”
“Yeah, but…” you trail off. You don’t know how to argue a point you are too tired to make. “How’s that feel?” you murmur, spreading a thin layer over his skin as he turns to watch your work. You wipe your hand of the excess and ask him to raise his arm a bit. Beginning to wrap his shoulder, you hum to yourself as you work.
“Too tight,” he occasionally says, or he’ll comment on the looseness of a certain round and you steadily make your progress. Forming a figure-eight pattern around his arm, shoulder, and chest, you murmur for him to take a deep breath before continuing. “Thank you,” he utters as you near the end of the elastic bandage. Your fingernails scratch against the fabric as you unfold a lip in the bandage.
“What for?” Grabbing elastic tape, you follow the same pattern to secure the bandage. The rip of the tape fills the silence David does not and you pause to look at him. “Loke.” The nickname feels fucking weird on your tongue. By David’s expression, he feels the same. He doesn’t even look at you as you smooth over the black tape.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“What do you mean?” You take hold of his arm, curling his hand into a fist to test bicep size. Sticking a finger beneath the bandage, you check for room and mobility. “Is it too tight?”
“Okay, try moving it for me.” With your support, he eases into full mobility and you suppress a small smile. “Good.” You cross your arms and move to stand before him. “You need to get some sleep before the Captain calls you in.” 
“You don’t have to do this for me.”
Uncrossing your arms, you step forward and run your hands through his crisp hair. He looks up and, with you between his legs, rests his chin on your stomach. His fingers interlock on your back, his arms swathing you in the heat of his shower.
Your hands run down to his cheeks as you stare into his porcelain blue eyes, all at once so dark and fragile. Purple half-moons threaten to swallow up his eyes whilst you trace the hollows in his cheeks.
There is so much you have to say. So much you need to say. But you can’t. Not now. Not in the middle of this case. You know it’ll utterly destroy the pillars of what you two are if you do and you know he’s thinking the same thing.
Your eyes search his, and you sink down to a crouch before him. He looks so much older in your arms and you wonders if that is your fault, too. Your fingers drag from his cheek to the robin on his ribs and he lifts your inked hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles where you are marked.
“Get some rest, Loke. Go home and eat.” The words taste like blood and wine in your mouth, all at once bitter and sweet and sour. You draw away and his arms fall around you as your lips find the spot between his eyes. His eyelids flutter shut, and you wonder about many things that you can’t put a name to. “I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Come with me.” He grabs your arm, fingers snagging your wrist and your gaze, torn from the door, lands on him. The shadows are there again, and he pulls you towards him. Your boots brush against the tile as you let him pull you between his legs. “Don’t stay here alone.”
“Loke—” Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, and the rough scratch of the bandage on one palm, the silky skin of his other, topple you from within. You remember once, once some version of you would straddle him right here and now and make him yours. When you had room inside your heart for childish little tricks and David and your work. How had you ever done it in the first place? “Loki.”
“Stay with me.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Your heart stops in your chest at the wide eyes, the marble of his cheeks. You can’t. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“We don’t do that shit,” you let out in a breath, tearing yourself away. He stands and you close your eyes as if that’ll stop the heat of him from enveloping you. Even so, David Loki has the body temperature of a nuclear radiator and you can sense him from a mile away. “David, I—” Your words ghost against blazing lips as he presses a severe kiss against your mouth. Your eyes open and you gasp, trying to breathe. He suffocates you, eyes squeezed shut. Urgent and desperate and pleading, his arms hold onto you as if the world will swallow you, take you away.
You wish to tell him that’ll never happen, so you do. Your arms loop around his neck on their own accord, your lips pushing back against his in an agonizing battle of your desire and his as you tug at his skin, fingers raking red over his back. Your palms flatten and touch the scars, tiny little things, the bullet hole from the heist in ‘08, the stabbing from the breaking and entering on Holder Street, some much older than that.
But then he pulls away, and your eyes open, cold air conditioned wind breathing against your burning skin as he tries to stop himself from kissing your aching mouth again.
He only succeeds on the second try. 
His eyes are shadowed with fear and anguish, and you close your eyes, You don’t want to see that again. Not again. You hate the feeling in the very core of who you are. It feels like a personal attack, a graverobber digging up a coffin you want to remain hidden as his hands, on your neck, slide to your waist and he leans forward to kiss your cheek. His breath whispers over your chin. His thumb brushes away smeared lipstick from the corner of your mouth and you press your lips together, desperate to hold it in. Your eyes search his face, soak in every little blemish as his forehead knocks into yours. 
His other hand plays with your wrist, gently pulling until your fingers interlock and he swallows, looking down at the chasm between you two. Your chests barely brush and yet you feel he is at one end of the world and you are at the other. You are at a stepping off point, and he sits on the other end of the lake.
The smell of him is everywhere, stale coffee and gum and Bearglove deodorant he buys whenever it’s on sale. You inhale sharply, softly, and all too quickly when your gazes meet. It catches in your throat, and you don’t know when your eyes began to burn but they do. His hand holds your face like a fragile little thing, and you find yourself grabbing at his arms, his waist, inked skin that runs for miles and scars that once gave you comfort and now give you heartbreak. You hold him because you are desperate and he holds you because he knows.
You beg, you beg him because you can read his mind and know his tongue, his eyes, his taste. You know his heat and wishes and darkest desires. It is why you cannot hear this — it’ll make it too real.
Do not break a broken thing, you plead. Do not stir up dust in the ruins of the dead. We know, we know, we know. We can live in denial. Don’t do it. Don’t, don’t, don’t— 
“I still love you,” he mumbles forlornly, deliberately, at last, and your breath rattles in your chest. The weight that lifts is only momentary before it slams into you and you rip your hands away, fingers burning from lightning. The words barely sink in before your mouth opens, the response so automatic you nearly let it slip out. But he doesn’t let you. He merely kisses your forehead, and his lips press into some sort of smile written in the language of heartbreak and tragedy. It’s a language you wish you didn’t know so well. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”
He grabs his black pullover and shrugs his injured shoulder. You’re left standing there, lips barely parted and still pulsing from the heat of his kiss despite how much you want to yell at him, scream for him to stay for just a moment more.
I want to say it back. I want to. I want you. I will.
I can’t.
Your legs are frozen to tile as he pauses at the door. Your head dips, eyes slipping closed as hot wet tears stream down your nose. He’s waiting. You know he is. He waits for a thing you cannot give him once again.
“I love you,” he whispers again, and this time the words bounce across walls and lockers, metal and ceramic before it reaches your hollow heart. The door swings open and shut.
You wonder how you can patch a broken heart with the very thing that broke it.
“Are you serious? Loki and I specifically said that we need surveillance on this guy.” It’s a bright 8 AM when you spit these words, collar twisted in your fist. “I know you’re stretched thin, but you gotta keep your word.” Your other hand grips a cup of steaming coffee you want to throw into the man’s face. Instead, you toss the dog collar onto his desk and hope the poison in your voice is enough.
“You said he was innocent.”
“And we also said we wanted surveillance on him. Look, you could’ve called either one of us. We’re a team for a reason. I could’ve went out and kept an eye on him. This was a stupid mistake, and I don’t want this to happen again.” You lean forward, fingers digging into the wood as you make sure the Captain is nearly shitting his pants.  “You fucking know how important this case is to the both of us. Don’t fuck it up again.”
“What do you want?”
“You think we can do something different, tell us.”
“Detective, when’s the last time you slept?”
“Unimportant. We need to know where everyone is.” You slam your hand hard against the desk and the pens clatter before you straighten up, taking a long pull of your coffee.
“Point made.”
“Good. Communication lines—” You gesture between yourself and the Captain— “need to be open. I’m gonna work on finding the guy. Communication. You have my number.” Whipping around, you brush past your… the man who had confessed feelings he shouldn’t have and you sigh, leaning against the wall farther down the hall. You suck down the rest of your coffee, the warmth of it chilling your stomach.
He’s in a foul mood, you know, and you’re sure it’s about the dead dog you found last night. Or it could be the fact that you slept in a motel last night. TBD. 
You hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep last night. You had sweated and tried sleeping naked, then got too cold and the covers hadn’t been enough. You tried to blame it on the shitty heater in the motel, but your body ached in a way you had only known to happen once before so you’d instead gone out for a late night stroll around the block to jog out the energy. 
In the break room, you find it empty and you sigh, opening the fridge to check for food that hasn’t been claimed. Nothing. There’s a stack of icecream, but you’ll eat that later. Slamming the door shut, you catch your warped reflection in the metal. Your eyes are sunken and red, purple smearing your skin like someone punched you right in the sockets and your skin is dull and weepy. You gently probe at the swollen eyebags, tossing your coffee into the trash.
“Morning.” Spinning around, you spot him leaning against the door, hands shoved in his pockets. Concern is etched onto his face, but so is every hour he didn’t have as sleep.
“Good morning.”
Your eyes drift back to the trash can. You’d rather get tossed into a dumpster then face him right now. “I have… work to do.” You fucking hate this. No matter how much you try, you know that if your eyes meet his for even a split second, you won’t be able to control what happens next.
“Yeah, so do I.”
And you walk past him as if he means nothing. As if he does not stare holes into your back. As if you will not seek him out later because the two of you are moths and flames, gold to a thief, the moon and ocean, an inexplicable pull that defies the laws of every science.
“You’re only three hours into the tape.” 
The man whips around in the office chair and you cross your arms, the corner of your mouth twitching. He turns around, pressing his face into his fingers as you walk into the dark room. You can see the tapes he’s watching, the ones you’ve obsessed over, and you blink, nose twitching at the sight of Alex Jones.
“You know this shit well,” he mutters. You place a hand on his injured shoulder, you don’t feel the foam padding but he stiffens and not from the pain. Cramps crawl up your arm and your fingers roll into a fist when you peel yourself off of him. “Fuck. I don’t… I don’t know if there’s something there that I’ve missed or—”
“You get any sleep last night?”
“Did you?”
Silence. He runs a hand over his face, leaning into his chair and you look down at him. All hard lines and soft edges, you want to touch him even though you know you’ll burn.
“Why’d you say it?” you ask softly. He doesn’t turn to look at you and you wrap yourself in your arms, squeezing hard enough as a reminder. “We agreed.”
“I know. I know, but— ”
“Detectives.” The two of you spring apart like you’re highschoolers caught fucking at prom and David digs a finger into his swollen eyes. He looks as fucking tired as you feel. “You’ve got a call.”
Sighing, he pauses the tape. “Right. Fuck, you… you don’t have to go.” You step back to give him room, and when he stands, you hate how much he towers over you. Hate how much you want to tell him he’s wrong. But instead, you nod.
“I’ll stay. You, go.” 
Your eyes meet for just the briefest of seconds and he blinks hard. Running a hand over his mouth and chin, he nods and turns to go.
He’s muzzling himself. You hate it when he fucking does this, but now, you can’t do shit about it. Words that threaten to spill out of your mouth slam against your lips as you watch him leave, and you sit down where he did mere minutes ago, the warmth of him still lingering like a mist, a cloak.
You pretend you can’t think about him anymore. Love is not for men and women like you.
He goes to Value Mall every week, buys different sizes for kids -D x
Pays with cash, messes with mannequins. Gave her both our numbers. -D x
Thought I should let you know. -D x
I know. Thanks. -xx
Alright. I can go to a motel or whatever. -D x
No it’s okay. I wouldn’t mind if you were there -xx
David crawls into bed with you for the first time in more than twenty-four hours. His back presses against yours tentatively and you turn, the sheets twisting around your legs. Your arm wraps around his waist, eyes closing. His heart thuds underneath your ear, an echo that fits into the hollow of your ribs.
Peace lasts for two hours before you’re done pretending trying to sleep. For lunch, you grab a coffee from the cart near the hospital on the way to the station.
You don’t talk about what he said, pretend it never happened in some unspoken agreement, but you can read it in his eyes every time he thinks you’re not looking. You wonder if things were different, would he have told you still? Or would he have doomed himself to silence forever instead?
The answer to your question is ashes in your mouth.
tags: @woah-jess @jenlrose @mytinybaguette @arcaneloki
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
Needed Touch (Bucky x Reader)
Summary: They needed you, and he needed you most of all. You became his addiction until it was taken away, and then you were something else to him entirely.
Anon Request: Can you do a platonic!avengers x wolf!reader, maybe a specific ship like bucky x reader would be fine as well! Since the reader can turn into a big wolf, she often cuddles with the avengers to help them relieve stress, and they all really like her, and once they sent her onto a mission something really bad happens and really angsty stuff?
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Wolf!Reader
Warnings: Angst and fluff!, things get intimate for a hot minute
Word Count: About 6k
A/N: Thanks for the request darling! One of my favourite Bucky lines I’ve written is in here, and it makes me weak my dudes. Still a lil wrecked from surgery/pain meds so sorry for any typos, I’ll come back a fix this sometime
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Tony had an anxiety disorder. Bruce had, let’s say, explosive anger issues. Steve struggled, however valiantly, with depression. Natasha was obsessively striving to undo a past that couldn’t be undone, losing her identity and life in the process. Thor- when he was here- was in denial of the brutal grief he had suffered. Sam had a crippling case of survivor’s guilt that would strike hard without warning and stop him dead in his tracks. That was just scratching the surface of your team members, and there were more damaged people where that came from.
And then they added Bucky. You couldn’t even begin to get into the near century of trauma there.
But at least they all had you.
However much love and loyalty there was among you, you were what was holding this team together. Mentally and emotionally they needed you as much as they needed oxygen, being the balm and breath of air to them, outweighing their combined trauma.
You were human and wolf in one, each side of you forming one whole. A mutation, curse, and gift wrapped together, much like the various parts of the others on the team. And quickly from week one you had found you belonged among them.
Maybe it was the protective wolf in you. Or the feeling of companionship you exuded with every encouraging word or soft smile. Or the loving brightly, happy feeling those around you felt when you laughed and played, young and free like those cute little puppies in those cute little videos. Or maybe it was the ferocity and barred teeth you showed on the battlefield, unwavering in your aggressive defense of your team. Or maybe it was your other ability that did it.
Whatever the combination, it had made you a perfect- and necessary- fit to this team.
Tucking back your hair, you absently brushed fingers passed your subtly pointed ears. Settling into to a grey afternoon and a cushy couch had been easy enough, with a half decent book in one hand and the other placed on Clint’s head.
He was lying down on the couch, head on a thin pillow in your lap, feeling the calm of your other distinct ability seeping into him like custard into bread pudding.
Your legs crossed, Tony pressed a pleasant pressure against your knees, his anxiety held at bay by both you and the focused energy of tinkering with a delicate piece of paper-thin metal and razor-thin wires in his hands.
The people changed, the positions changed, but the constant presence of your team- your pack- around you was constant and most welcome.
As the slow afternoon silence stretched, you flipped to the next page in your book but didn’t continue reading. Head shifting slightly you paused, brow raising up ever so little before settling back into place as you understood what your senses had zeroed in on.
“Wonder when they’ll be back,” Clint said lazily, eyes closed and breath easy in his chest.
“They just pulled up,” you said absently back, eyes back on the text in front of you.
“Hmm,” he replied. “Hope it went okay.”
“Yeah, seems like it went just fine,” you said, shrugging a little. “No blood anyway.”
But in the back of your mind and in your ears you felt a nagging. Something off. Something not exactly quite right.
The wolf in you wasn’t separate like Bruce was to the Hulk. Your appearance may shift as you directed it to something akin to a large and black apex predator, a wolf in body and eyes and fangs. But that didn’t mean you were any less you in that state. Even now, human form with only little touches of something slightly “other” marking you like your ears, you still heard and smelt and saw with the enhanced senses of the shadowy beast you formed into. Not exactly as enhanced as in your other form, but still there nonetheless.
And sitting on the couch, listening intently to the sounds of Steve and Bucky return from their mission while your eyes were down in your book, you thought you could hear someone... limping maybe? The metallic, distinct smell of blood was absent though at least. Or maybe there were just too far away for you to smell it yet.
“And how would you know that?” Clint said, stretching and leaning up a bit to lock those hazel eyes to yours.
You wiggled your nose at him from behind your novel in teasing exaggeration.
“I can smell them,” you said, though Clint well knew that by now, though he loved to hear it. He was endlessly fascinated by who you were. That or he had taken a knock to the head too many times and really was that forgetful. “Sweat and quinjet exhaust, but nothing else really.”
Sitting in wait while Clint moved off you, you heard one set of footfalls approach nearer.
Now, however terrible it sounded, you hoped it was Steve that broke his leg and had sent Bucky to find you to help him. That would make this easier.
So, so much easier.
But when the blonde walked in your lips ticked down with a bit of a frown for a split second. Steve sat down beside you, limpless stride firm and precise though clearly a bit exhausted. He grabbed your hand as he sat and the both of you broke out into a smile.
“How’s our resident second super soldier?” you asked, subtly squeezing and moving your hand in his, caressing his palms and fingers. Comfort visibly eased into the lines of his friendly face and liquid light blue eyes.
“Hurt, but not much help there,” he admitted. “Unless you want to try again…?”
“Try again” made it sound like you had only attempted to corral Bucky once to indulge in that other specific ability you had. The man was unwavering like a marble statue, though you’d find a way to whittle him down. Or maybe he would do that himself.
“You know I will, Steve,” you said, standing up with a last pat to his hand and pat to Tony’s head as you shimmied passed him. “He’s one of us, even if he doesn’t yet think it.”
Because Bucky wasn’t the only one who could be considered unwavering and stubborn.
The door was open slightly like he was expecting you. He always expected you because let’s face it, he was smart enough to know persistence when he saw it. They others saw it as caring, but you didn’t think Bucky was quite ready to use that word just yet.
His room was somewhat clean, low lamps on instead of the main overhead lights, exuding a softer glow and casting darker shadows. It was small and comfy and how Bucky liked it, despite those descriptors being the opposite of the man himself.
He was peeling off his thick leather coat, arriving just before you did for one glaringly obvious reason. He had been slowed down to a snail’s pace by the broken leg that had somehow managed to make his whole body scrunch up tight and coiled. It was supporting no weight as he stood, held at just slightly an odd angle. Not to mention what you knew to be a pale and pain-hardened face if he were to turn around.
You leaned against the door frame, arms crossed with a bit of a huff you weren’t sure was from sympathy or exasperation.
“I could help with that, you know,” you commented, nodding to his limp as he glanced behind his shoulder to you, though his eyes remained low and didn’t yet meet yours.
You were tired of playing this game with him, but you knew by the weary lines and stiff way Bucky held himself that he was always far more weary of it. He had the ability to end that weariness and strain, if only he would reach out and simply touch you.
“I’ll heal,” he said, short and gruff.
Not because he was mad which you knew, though a flash of something- maybe guilt- sprung up through the pained look, and he took the time and effort to swivel on his good leg to face you more.
“I’m fine, Y/N,” he said, trying again and sounding a little more like himself. Seemed to take effort though. “You don’t need to keep checking on me.”
“I’ll stop checking on you,” you said. “When you stop leaving the door open for me.”
You stepped in silently under his watchful eyes, moving and sitting on the bed, back resting against the backboard. You didn’t snuggle down or sprawl out, wanting to be just a little respectful of his space you were invading, but clasped your hands in your lap and crossed your ankles neatly.
Bucky waited for a time before, with a bit of pain crumpled look on his face, turned to the bathroom and closed the door. You closed your eyes as you heard the shower, tried not to listen to him struggle and groan under his breath. When the streaming sound of the water stopped, you flicked the switch beside you and the lights went off, leaving you in semi-darkness with blinds closed tight.
The tiny amounts of grey light that came in was like that of the moon, beaming in cool and gentle. That was his kind of comfort. Bucky still enjoyed the darkness, able to move and stay shielded by the black murky shadows. To hide away from enemies and people and pain.
When he emerged from the bathroom, the light from it shone bright before he clicked it off, his frame clad in a black shirt and grey sweats turning shadowy. Though it was the afternoon, the room itself looked like it was the dead of night, with just those soft beams pooling on the ground at his feet.
“Are you going to wolf out on me?” he muttered through the space between you, though it was good-natured in tone. As much for him as for you.
You snorted quietly under your breath, a smirk on your lips.
“I’m not the Hulk, I have some control over myself.”
There was some hesitation after that from him, wavering there with weight on the one leg. It heavied the air that had been briefly lightened with jokes and teasing a second before.
You didn’t push or pry more than you already had by simply being here, but just waited. After another few moments the pain of standing seemed to outweigh the emotions keeping him from you.
Very slowly, he walked to the bed as you moved up your feet, giving him space to sit awkwardly but firmly on the edge.
He faced out for a few moments before placing his hand in the small space on the sheets between you, eyes refusing to turn to your own. Gently you placed your hand on top of his, ever so carefully entwining your fingers in with his. A minute passed before your other hand moved slowly and measuredly to the middle of his thigh and was held still.
He tensed as you did, but for much different reasons. He flinched at the contact of your fingers brushing his thigh. You at the familiar feeling of this process as it hit you, stark and bare and shook a little bit of your soul as your ability begin to work within him.
“Why do you do it?” he said quietly, face hidden in the darkness. “Why care?”
Everyone here knew what your ability was, even Bucky, though he refused to speak it.
It wasn’t healing, exactly. It was just taking the pain, giving them time to rest for their muscles to ease, for their teeth to stop grinding as they gritted through the pain. They could rest and their bodies would better heal themselves.
They sensed it when they were close to you. Felt it when they touched you. Relief and comfort and freedom from torment.
But the pain had to go somewhere. It couldn’t just evaporate and you couldn’t push it out, you could only pull it into your own body. So you took on their stabs and wounds, feeling the invisible injuries on your skin and in your muscles. At least with you, the second the connection was broken, it was gone. So you just breathed and you bore it.
“You’ve got it all wrong, Bucky,” you started softly, taking a moment as you felt like your femur was snapped in half inside your leg. “It’s not “why care”, but because I care. I know that’s foreign to you. Uncomfortable. And that’s okay for now.”
Your words were met with silence as there was no real answer for it, and none needed. It was truth and that caring he would call persistence. Because you weren’t going to let him live a pained life. Not when you could take it away from him and even if at a cost.
But for now, this was was okay. You could go one step at a time and nudge him along with you.
You stayed long beyond that, until the troubled man unclenched his muscles and his eyes drooped where he sat. Until his breathing became slow and deep and his head lulled. Until you gently laid him down when deep sleep took him over, painless and free.
From there on, things started to change. Bucky had a hard time with your ability at first, clearly. He wasn’t particularly touchy or trusting to begin with, however cordial, which was pretty essential for your ability to work.
The next time it was a broken arm. How a super soldier could keep breaking bones like this, you didn’t know.
You went to his room and waited in the doorway just like before but you didn’t fully enter, leaving him alone instead. He was probably confused as he clutched his lifeless looking flesh arm, probably wondering and hoping you’d be your usual persistence self and silently insist again. But you hadn’t been.
You had gotten through a little to Bucky, even if only once. He had felt it and accepted it. Felt and accepted you, in that moment, finally. It was his turn now, to make the next step and you weren’t sure he would do it. But later that next night you heard a knock at your door.
“Can you help me?” he had asked, quietly, still holding his arm which close up looked almost shattered.
After the next mission and the next injury, he asked when you came to his room as you always did, almost steely look like he was fighting himself on saying something so vulnerable again. But the second he spoke that melted from his face, as though the words would have killed him to say but he survived, relief flooding him once uttered.
“I’m in pain, Y/N,” he had said, gruff and almost desperate. As though through all the years of pain he had reached his limit now that he knew what real comfort felt like. “Can you take it away?”
Soon enough as the weeks rolled by, he was coming to you for everything.
You expected this really, it had happened to everyone for a time.
Everyone hit a point where they clung to you at first, however subtly or not, until they realized both consciously and subconsciously that you weren’t going anywhere. That you were here to stay and this feeling was too. That you could be a reprieve to their pain and demons.
Bucky was different though. He had had no comfort, innumerable demons, and exclusively pain for much of the life he could remember. Now to be able to have physical hurts relieved and not inflicted, and with a simple touch feel comfort in his soul not anguish? It was massive for him.
He was addicted to you now. You were like the sweetest of drugs without overdose or side effects. Though you were beginning to wonder about withdrawal...
“This is really why you need me right now?” you said, in his bright bathroom on one late evening, months after that broken leg.
Bucky found quiet, intimate moments alone with you when he needed you close, always away from the eyes of the team. Pain he could admit to you now, but not them just yet, if ever.
But now whenever you walked into a room you saw the way he twitched, as though his automatic physical reaction was to reach out for you and it took his conscious mind a moment to stop himself.
But in moments alone with you he didn’t hesitate anymore. He let himself touch you and be touched, like a craving filled and peaceful contentment enjoyed.
“Yes,” he said simply, pleasant sigh on his lips as he sat on the bathtub ledge, head leaned up to you, standing in front of him. His eyes were still waters, glassy and serene, framed by those long lashes that matched his deep chestnut hair.
Your hand was placed on his neck, thumb moving across the line of his jaw. Just above your stroking was a small cut from shaving of all things, almost unnoticeable. You were surprised he had even felt himself do it.
This was a man who had been tortured. Shot. Stabbed. Forced to fight. Forced to kill. You would think one little nick would hardly be enough to call on you so late at night.
But a smug unheard purr settled somewhere in your soul, finally and truly having him trust you. The others could sit down beside you and hold your hand or give you warm smiles as your presence eased their soul. But from Bucky you had needed more. You had needed this.
And obtaining it was that same kind of hit Bucky got off of you.
“I think I’m just spoiling you now,” you smirked, his slow blink matching pace with your slow, caressing fingers.
“Then please keep spoiling me,” he whispered, leaning into you.
He rested his head on your stomach, nose and breath and lips pushing gently into the thin fabric draping your soft skin.
Steve had always ran hot, made into a super soldier in the warm New York summer heat. Bucky you thought was always deliciously cool, like the chill of Russian snow where he was made, clinging to him still. It reminded you of clean ice, fragrant pines, and a cloudless moon.
You could feel it all on his breath now, the cool air he sighed into your stomach making your skin tingle underneath. Without thinking your hands found their way into his hair, moving through the thick chestnut strands. Absently his hands moved up your calves to behind your thighs, hooking you lightly into him.
A slow sigh released from him into you, and you slipped one hand under shirt collar at the base of his neck, hand and nails lightly trailing down his spine. He clung to you all the more, a groan caught in his throat as you felt the delicate quiver of his skin under your fingertips. An arm wrapped around the small of your back, the other at the top of your thigh, constricting and binding you in.
You and he practically hummed in sheer contentment at this connection, a shivering pleasure between you both. Countless minutes rolled by, and also no time at all it seemed.
It was only when you pulled away that you saw his blissed and beautiful face, his hand moving up and bunching his shirt above his heart as he stared back at you. Those serene eyes were bright now, with a bright and beautiful smile to match.
“G’night Buck,” you murmured as you stepped back, voice with a bit of a wobble.
You turned, a little off kilter and touched down on the bathroom counter to steady yourself. As you walked out you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror above the sink, eyes half-lidded, a lopsided smile on your face. And it wasn’t from sleep-drunkenness.
It was from comfort.
It was from him.
“Then please keep spoiling me.”
The words ran in your mind like cool water lapping at a shore or warm fingertips trancing delicate lines on soft skin. That was what you dream of that night. It was only when you woke up, room filled with darkness and that comforting feeling gone did you respond to them.
Okay, you thought in silent response, I’ll keep spoiling you.
“Good, we’re just about to start the new mission briefing,” Clint said to you as you walked into the small group by the couches.
When you entered the lounge the next day, several of the team had already gathered.
You expected that telltale flinch from Bucky where he said, wanting but stopping himself from reaching out to you. You had wondered after the closeness of last night if it would be worse. If your junkie would be craving you all the more now.
But he didn’t. He saw you, blue eyes behind brown hair sitting to himself on the side. But didn’t acknowledge you beyond those glassy ocean eyes connecting to yours. Not a flinch. Not a hello. Not a nod.
A frown fell on your face as your heart fell in your chest, and head filled with confusion.
Had last night gone too far? Should you have stopped it?
Well the answer to both of those was probably yes, but he had wanted it and you had wanted to give it, so why would have have been bad?
“We’re moving in on the Serpent Society tonight,” Steve said, looking out to everyone.
You achingly turned from Bucky, a shame and heat on your face now, looking instead to Rogers. Your eyes were intense and trying to hide it, focused on the blonde before you, but you weren’t seeing him.
You weren’t hearing the shuffles or sways of the team as they listened into the briefing. Didn’t smell the gunpowder coming off of Natasha, the steaming coffee in Tony’s novelty mug, or the clean crisp lemon of the freshly scrubbed floor. You didn’t notice anything outside of your focus: Bucky Barnes.
Steve talked on, background noise to you as you focused your senses to a sharp, steel point. Your body altered in response, the wolf in you showing in slight form little by little as you balanced walking the lines to stay on the right side of human-looking so as not to give yourself away.
A golden hue to your eyes began to shine, that liquid gold bright and deep. Nails grew and pointed, turning ever so like claws. You could hear and feel your body change just enough for your sense to enhance enough to zero in on the man you held last night. The one who had held you.
Then you heard it, a deep bass sound vibrating in your ear. A beating, low and rhythmic and pulsing.
A heartbeat, sped up and beating loud. In that moment you heard nothing else.
But you couldn’t feel eyes on you so you cleared your throat, and Bucky flinched, eyes snapping to you as you kept yours dead ahead on Steve, looking down and slightly away to hide the telltale glimmers of the something “other” always under your skin that was starting to show.
The moment his eyes were on you, the sound of his blood pumping and heart beating became thunderous, like the pounding beat of the drum. You heard him swallow, could almost hear his skin tighten, and lungs expand and deflate at a rapid speed.
All because he was looking at you.
You could feel his eyes detached from you, reluctant and pained like dropping a weapon in a fight. His breathing rightened, muscles unclenched just a touch in his shoulders, That modicum of calm was shot to hell when Steve spoke.
“Y/N,” he said, the shift in Bucky palpable to you, practically make you clenched your own muscles. “You’ll be on the west side with Bucky and Clint. They’ll sharp shoot if needed, you’ll watch their backs.”
At your name Bucky’s eyes were transfixed again, thunderclap heart beats almost filling the room and drowning out the sound of the others. You felt him swallow again, heard the creak of his chair as his hands gripped it tighter, felt the heat radiating off him like a heavy summer sun.
All because he heard your name.
You turned and left immediately once the briefing was over, under the excuse of prepping for tonight, but once out in the hall you rested against the cool wall. Again you eyes glinted gold, sense focused on the man inside that room.
He had walked closer to the door- perhaps following after you?- but had stopped. You heard a sigh, the wisps of fingers through chestnut hair as he stood on the spot, stopped by some thought or feeling.
You could hear the downturn to his voice as he answered a question, hear the shuffle of his feet where he stood. You could almost see his expression now, a miserable look, one trying to hide under a blank stare.
You walked down the hall, for the first time not knowing exactly what to do with feelings someone had about you.
This wasn’t about seeking your touch for ease. This wasn’t about comfort or calm. It wasn’t about a physical reaction to you at all, this was about you.
You could sense it, feel it, hear it, see it.
Bucky had feelings for you.
“Are you going to stay like that the whole night?” Bucky said, peering to his side.
The woods were quiet, and most likely through decades of practice, Bucky’s voice lowered and morphed into a tone and volume that matched his surroundings. The forest was old and dark, with near-black greens from the tree mixing with near-black ground and sky.
In this space both you and he found the familiar darkness reassuring, both battle tested and trained to the bone on nights just like these ones.
Right now this wasn’t training, but a mission. You were a sentry and guard for Bucky and Clint, either positioned a distance apart with a gun or arrow pointed towards their targets base.
Bucky had found a bit of a cliff to set up on, body on the ground with sniper rifle pointed diligently and ready.
“Not that I don’t like it,” he continued quietly. “But I did want to talk with you.”
You made no movement or even acknowledgement that you heard him, though there was no way you wouldn’t have.
Tonight you were the wolf in full form, changing into a black beast of the night as soon as was possible. The rest of the Team had barely stepped off the quinjet when you were feet into the woods, shifting with ease like the shedding of clothes.
Black fur, long and silken, lined your frame and blended like a shadow into the half mooned night. Only golden, glowing eyes could be seen now, some feet away from Bucky, half watching his back and half watching for an enemy to emerge.
“I had the distinct impression…” he started after a minute of silence followed, pausing briefly before continuing, turning from his position to look behind himself at you. “That you ran from me this morning, and have been avoiding me since.”
The shift was silent, the darkness still hiding you. A human form, still hidden, save those golden eyes, was your form to answer him. Claws were still out and extended, ears at a point, senses picking up everything.
“What makes you think that?” you said, low and quieter than the wind.
Bucky’s jerked back to you in surprise, trying to find your golden eyes in the black.
“Well, usually you at least acknowledge me.” At that your eyes narrowed a little, and he caught their gleam.
Was he upset like you had been that he didn’t even say a simple hello or give a nod to you this morning? Not communicating had not been you forte, as guards tended to come down around you, making speaking and opening up easier. So this may was just a small thing, but it didn’t feel like it. And that explanation didn’t seem like it was the whole picture…
Bucky’s finger went to his ear piece as he stood, eyes locked on yours. “Clint, I’m moving positions. I won’t have eyes on this for minute. Will confirm when I’m back in ready position.”
“I’m not… I know when…” Your sigh came out almost as a hiss, struggling with the words. You focused back up at him, his shadowy frame in the darkness just an arm’s length away. “I’m not exactly clueless about what… feelings and attraction are. I can sense when someone has them for someone else.”
“And?” Bucky said. You went sure if he said that cluelessly or brazenly.
“And,” you said, quiet and firm. “You have feelings for me. I felt it this morning- I feel it now as you look at me- your heart catching and beating like thunder in your chest when you hear me or sense me. Your breath quickens, your skin flushes, you can’t stop blinking, you can’t help but move to get closer to me… I can practically smell the rush or hormones and chemicals racing through you when I’m close. It’s- it’s overwhelming.”
“You can sense all of that?” he said, before stepping closer. “What about now?”
You swallowed, brows pulling together, confused. “I… well, yes.”
“And now?” he asked softly, taking another step. This time it set his body right against you, his framed pressed to yours.
You had touched him before. Held him. Felt his skin to yours in quiet moments together. But this was much different.
You didn’t respond, just watched with throat tight and eyes wide as Bucky gazed down, nose brushing ever so lightly against yours. You felt his hand move up, slowly and deliberately up your arm, across your shoulder until it rest on the pulse point just under your jaw.
“Your heart’s racing too,” he whispered, fingertips pressing into your skin.
Silently he dragged them down, slow and smooth, stopping in the middle of you chest.
“And so is your breath,” he whispered.
You almost had a mind to huff and roll your eyes at him, your once distant Bucky long gone. But that reaction was quite lost to the one that was overwhelming you. It burned and tingled you skin and in your soul, it poured out of you in hot breaths and every pounding heartbeat, it rattled your soul as much as his touch did to you now.
Moving back up, his hand held your face, feeling the heat there that was threatening to boil you over now. 
“Your skin is flushed too,” he said, voice smooth and soft compared to the intensity of those blue eyes he had.
“You can stop there,” you managed to say, not exceptionally wanting him to go through the rest of the checklist.
A small smile escaped from him then, forehead leaning down to yours. You closed your eyes as he did, soaking in the feeling of him and the smell of him which somehow seemed more intoxicating than you remembered.
“So what if I have feelings for you,” he said eventually, so whisper quiet you could have dreamt it. “You have feelings for me too, Y/N.”
You could have said this wasn’t real, that this was Bucky just being addicted to a comfort he was deprived of. But someone like Bucky wouldn’t admit to feelings unless they were real.
You could have said you were just reacting to someone being this close or happy with how much he was opening to you, and accidently maybe took things too far. But that also wasn’t true.
All you could do was nod your head up in agreement, your lips brushing delicately against his as you did so. You heard almost a sighing growl as you did, and before you could decide if it was coming for you or him, his lips connect with yours.
In that dark woods you were sure the spark that erupted inside you at his kiss could have been seen for miles. It was like a slow burning fire, bright and intense and eternally warm. The pressure and feel of him against you, his lips moving and sealing against yours heating your soul enough for this lifetime and the next. It was a bliss and comfort you had not yet known in another person and it made you see stars that his connection to you conjured up.
“I’m spotting movement, north west of my position.” The voice over your comm came, breaking the two of you part if only your lips. “Y/N, is that you?”
“No,” you said, sounding as breathless as you felt and hoped Clint would chalk it up to trying to be quiet. Your eyes remained on Bucky though, seeing the same burning fire and pleasant heat in his blue eyes that you felt. “But I’ll check it out.”
Wordlessly you broke away, the cold air seeping across your body where Bucky had just been. But the cold couldn’t penetrate into your soul. That remained a cozy, toasty wash of heat. Taking several steps back, you kept your eyes on him until it was time to go. He gave you a nod by way of goodbye, unable to keep the lightest of smiles on his lips. You reciprocated it quickly before you were off.
You vanished into the dark in a shadowy blur, the change from human to wolf happening in less than it took to take a step. A moment after, you were running.
The pines and trunks of tree whooshed passed you, your paws hitting ground for only the briefest of touches before bounding for the next step. You wove and maneuvered through the forest as though you had made this trek a thousand times, your senses focused and guiding you to where you needed to go.
But a gun shot in the dark, far away from where Bucky was or where Clint should be stopped you mid-sprint. Claws dug into the ground, trying desperately to slow yourself down, until slamming side first into a tree did the job, bruising ribs and jostling your head as pine needles fell down around you.
Ignoring the shots of pain and careening to your right, you took off again, paws stumbling to get traction for several paces until you were back up to speed.
Voices rang out in the comms, all teams checking it. They came concerned, questioning, all converging on the various shots they heard around their respective positions.
You heard it first. It was a snap and then scream that turned to a thunderous roar.
You could feel it in the ground, feel the vibrations in the air. Bruce was gone, and the Hulk had come out. In the distance that roar sounded again, furious and unhinged.
“Pull back!” Steve said in the comm. “No one move towards the gunfire!”
But it was too late.
You didn’t have time to slow down before you heard that snap again, this time at your own feet.
It was like a crack of metallic lightning, and you felt the exploding of your eardrums before you felt the exploding of anguish. The sudden assault stopped you dead again, sending your body rolling and tumbling out of control through the woods then down a short hill.
You slid to a stop on your side, unable to speak or move or scream. Wrapped from your stomach up to your back was a metal set of jaws, like a lethal bear trap with jagged, biting teeth as wide as you palm and as sharp as you teeth. The death trap practically encircled around your whole body.
The pain doubled, then doubled again, poisoned tips of the metal releasing into your bloodstream. That was when you shrieked louder and more torment-laced than you had ever heard. Unable with this trap around you to change back into your human form, the shriek came out as a howl, reverberating through the air loud, unbridled, and broken beyond what you thought you could stand.
The pieces stabbing into you made you howl til you felt you felt you could no longer survive it, the poison made you convulse until you thought every venom-burned piece of you would melt away, the anguish of it was beyond your capacity to understand or function.
But then you felt steps moving closer to you. You heard voices. And why set a trap if you weren’t going to come back for your prey?
Your eyes glowed bright, edged on by the pain and fighting instinct. Your jaw snapped and growled mingled into your whimpers and howls, a pitiful warning at best.
You heard voices you thought you knew, but you couldn’t make them out enough above your own pain. It overtook everything. You thought you saw through the blinding haze of torment a hand reach towards you in the darkness, a slow and soft thing, trying to reach out to you and connect. Maybe to help and comfort, or maybe to hurt you all the more.
Instantly a feral part of you lashed out in ferocity, trying with mad snaps of your brutally strong jaw and sharpened fangs to cut off the hand offering you the unknown. The basic, primal part of you needed to keep hands and touches away from you, terrified and railing against any more danger.
There would be no comfort from someone else, even through your pain you wouldn’t allow it.
But at some point sharp stabs took your breath away yet again before you felt a telltale sign of release. Someway and somehow once you were released, you were like a bat out of hell, running under some hell-driven necessity to try and out run this all-encompassing anguish.
It clung to you as you went. The faster your tormented steps went, the even worse it became. Eventually you were breathless, whimpering and howling all over again, collapsing onto the ground in a blacken, blood-matted mess on the ground.
Digging claws into the ground you tried to move forward, tried to get more distance between you and pain, but you just couldn’t. You whimpered and begged for the pain to end, but it didn’t. Relief didn’t come until the pain overwhelmed every single ounce of your body and soul, and unconsciousness overtook you.
That primal part of you, that frantic and brutal part of your mind that refused to let in any possibility of danger, clung to you like a vice. It gripped you as fast and unrelenting as the pain that would not leave your body.
“Y/N, please,” Tony pleaded, coming up from behind Bruce, one of several in audience on the other side of the glass from you. “Let us help you.”
But you could still feel it. Even curled up on the floor in a small med bay room, you couldn’t escape it.
The feel of metal locking you in, poisoning your body and mind, stabbing so deep into you that it felt like it split you apart. It left you open and exposed and vulnerable, the jaws of the trap sinking down into intimate places that should never have been touched.
You had the feeling of waking up on the quinjet, restrained and furious and unable to fight it. You were locked down and unable to move or run. You were powerless to know what was happening, too out of your mind to put anything together. All you felt was pain and voices and hands touching you, digging into the intimate places all over again.
You felt it when they tried to get you to shift back to human form at the med bay, hands and metal holding you down while you struggled. You felt pressure on your open, bleeding body, hurting you all over again in attempts to heal you. But you didn’t know healing or rational thought, the poison and your instincts taking over and blaring a red alarm of warning and danger and the need to get away.
You felt trapped. You felt locked in. You felt any touch, any subtle brush of feel against your skin would snap and instead you would feel the cutting, stabbing pain all over again.
Your breath came short and hard and shallow, trying desperately to get in enough oxygen to push out the pain, but it never did. You heart still raced, your blood still boiled under your skin, sweat dripping down it. Your claws, fully extended in your human form, matched your sharp teeth, with golden eyes swirled with blood red now.
Those eyes saw through the glass, protecting the others from you and you from escaping. You saw the massive needle with unknown liquid in Bruce’s hand, the braces and shackles in Steve’s hand, Tony suited up in his Iron Man suit. The pleading in their eyes you didn’t see. The pain in their eyes you couldn’t acknowledge.
You used to notice it before. You used to hold their hand when they looked like that. You used to comfort them.
When the door open your body shook with the simultaneous need to break free from this room and them, and recoiling back at the presence of someone approaching.
It was Bucky, hands up, feigning calm and submission, edging closer. He squatted down a few feet from the door while you growled and strained, claws shrieking out a high pitched sound as they scratched along the tile.
“You’re in pain, Y/N,” he whispered to you. “Let me help you… Please.”
There was second of giving in. A second where you would have agreed. But the pain inside you reared its head again, sending out shooting pains that spanned your whole body. Your eyes went red and deadly, snarling at the man.
“No,” you snarled, this time finding your voice, low and venomous, before the pain threatening to pull you into unconsciousness again. “I’m the family pet… and you should... you should just put me down like one.”
You felt the tears falling and the shaking sprouting out from somewhere deep, taking over you. You breathed faster as snarls turned to sobs, feeling him move closer. The darkness creeping on the edge of your vision kept you from moving or fighting him back.
You could feel him beside you, body so close he was almost pressed up against you. But before unconsciousness took you, all he did was place one hand over yours, and the other on your knee.
When you woke, it was more of the same torment.
And again, after that.
Soon you were functioning, but only just. The pain wouldn’t release you, not fully and perhaps not ever. You cringed when people came close. You yelled and snapped at them, you screamed for death sometimes and space from all of them other times.
The whole team was at a loss without you really, giving you the space you snarled and demanded out of pain.
Tony had more panic attacks. Bruce had a harder time reigning in the Hulk. Steve smiled less and frowned more. Natasha threw herself into more missions. Thor plastered on a fake smile and talked as though everything was fine. Sam was more withdrawn.
But Bucky stayed with you.
Once you were on the bathroom floor, claws scratching the side of the bathtub and teeth sunk into your lip to keep from screaming in pain. Bucky found you though, arms wrapping around you as you were hunched and crumpled. You fought him for a moment, struggling and twisting with your tears splashing over the bathroom floor and walls at the effort. But soon enough you gave into him and his gentle touch. In that moment he held you together while you broke apart.
Sometimes he couldn’t though. Sometimes you pushed him away, yelling at him and shutting him out, pain lashing bitingly and bitterly against every cell in you.
But you always left your door open. And he always came back.
To place a hand on yours. To whisper something soft and gentle in your ear. To gather you up off the ground and hold you close. To ease your trauma bit by bit in hopes it would eventually dissipate, just as you had once eased his.
A/N: So if that ended too angsty for you, just reread the “Then keep spoiling me” part up until they kiss then just stop there lol. Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know??
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amberandmetal · 6 years
I see you | Ch.2
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❖ Mature
❖ Contains Dom/sub dynamics, more specifically DD/lg (check series masterlist for info), references to past abuse but nothing to graphic (if you are unsure, dm me and I’ll be happy to answer any questions)
❖ Working for an event planner company you’ve been assigned to chaperone a Stark afterparty, making sure everything run smoothly. When things turn upside down you find yourself in the company and comfort of none other than the Tony Stark - and for some reason he doesn’t seem to want to let you walk out of his life.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
     Your sister had not been happy about you stalking in at 6 in the morning, especially since it had woken up the baby. You had felt a bit ashamed as his piercing screams had started tearing through the house.
        “You just count your blessings that he doesn’t like you yet.” she had snapped as she’d made her way into the nursery while you seized the opportunity and slipped into your room, closing the door with a relieved sigh.
        In what fresh hell do you manage to spend the night on Tony Stark’s couch in his garage ? Really, y/n? Really ?
        You shake your head and quickly make a beeline for the windows, closing the drapes and then shimmy out of your dress and underwear to flop naked onto your bed, letting your hair out of its ridiculous hairband confinement. The sheets are cool against your still sleep-heated skin. You close your eyes and wrap yourself in them, stretching and curling around on your bed until it looks more like a nest than a proper bed. Finally satisfied with the pillow, sheets and duvet arrangements you let out a deep exhale, feeling every muscle in your body untense.
        Deep mahogany brown eyes drift into your conscience and you jerk, your eyes flying open. What the fuck? You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of the warm tingling feeling that had settled in your chest. No, no. Nonsense . Once again you try to get comfortable but this time a meticulous goatee framing plush soft looking lips turnt up into a crooked grin sneaks into your mind. No no, no .
        You try to clear your head, focusing on the feeling of the sheets against your skin but as a moth to flame your thoughts blurr into the shapes of brown tousled hair and rough yet delicate fingers, long and smudged with oil grease. You let out an irritated huff and start to count your breaths, violently pushing the unwanted thoughts out of your focus.
        Inhale , one, exhale; inhale , two, exhale; inhale, three, exhale; inhale, four, exhale..
        (09.24)Tony:         I exchanged our numbers while you were sleeping. hope you dont mind. You forgot your Devil wears prada heels on my couch
        (09.27)Tony:         Did you sleep? Hope you did. Still looked a bit shaky when you left, kiddo
        (10.42)Tony:         See this is what the “wildly inappropriate being completely my thing” was about. What can I say? I completely denounce all kinds of social protocol. Dont tell me I didnt warn you
        Your eyes seem to have frozen, permanent in their state of boggling right out of your skull. You move for the cliche trick of pinching your arm. The skin left by your fingers turn slightly pink and you shiver. Nope, definitely awake. Your thumb hover over the screen. You can’t deny the familiar fluttering in your chest the unexpected texts brought on but at the same time you feel a sense of wariness climbing your back and settling in the hollow where your spine meets your neck. What’s his angle?
        You set the phone down next to your thigh on the bed and let your head rest in the palms of your hands. This whole situation has become completely surreal. How has it even come to this?
        Brown eyes fleet back into your mind, but not the honeywarm ones that refused to leave your thoughts earlier that morning but turbid, hollow ones; like the colour the water takes on when your feet stir up umber slime from the lake floor.
        He had been there. How had he been there? At that same party? How had he even known where you were? Surely he must’ve been there for you, what other business could he have had at a Stark afterparty? He was the editor in chief for a newspaper for fuck’s sake. He would never have been invited.
        Another memory flash across your vision and you suddenly feel a tingling around your upper arm where his hand had clamped around you. The need to vomit is suddenly overwhelming and you rush into the small bathroom next to your dresser.
        Moments later with a stomach -if possible- emptier than before you slump down on your bed, a fluffy blanket wrapped around your naked body, cold from the chilly bathroom tiles.
        I am aware of the one sided communication taking place here but I just need to know youre okay. A simple o.k would suffice. Dont make me check in on you. The stalker vibe doesnt suit me.
        You smile despite of yourself and the thoughts filled with lurid memories of the last year of your life slowly gets replaced by others; memories of hot breaths against warm skin, stubble rasping sensitive flesh, tufts of disheveled chocolate hair tickling the inside of your thigh, hands made to caress and protect rather than to strike, lovebites being soothed by warm kisses raining down on you like snowfall, whiskey eyes and pink lips turned up in a smile.
        Your breath catch in your throat as the images from that morning’s dreams flows through your thoughts. You hadn’t thunk it possible but you are starting to seriously question the possibility of your heart beating right out of your chest.
        Wow .
        Hello, Mr.Stark. I am so sorry about last night. And sorry for the late reply, I slept for longer than I intended. Thank you for telling me about the shoes, I must’ve been more out of it than I thought. I am okay, thank you for the consideration. I’ll pick up the shoes later today, if that is okay?
        You cringe at the stiff formal wording but you have no idea how to play this. Why is he so..casual? And why does he even care so much? The thought of Tony Stark genuinely caring about you has your mind kind of reeling a bit.
        (12.18)Tony:         No.
        Your heart stops.
        (12.18)Tony:         Easier to just go outside and get them, wouldn’t you say?
        What the..?
        You get up and go to the windows, peeking out through the drapes, thinking he’s had his PA drop them off but there is nothing on the curb, not a living soul in sight, just parked cars lining up the street on both sides. Among them a creepy looking black car, way too fancy for this neighborhood. It wouldn’t surprise you if it is the FBI doing surveillance on your creepy ass next door neighbor. You sigh, scratching your neck, not knowing what to make of any of it. You decide to let it sit for a while, especially when you get a glimpse of the time and realise you’re late for work. You don’t have time for a shower so some wet wipes and perfume will have to do. 10 minutes later you are out of the door, barefoot with your sneakers hanging by their laces in your hand as you fumble with the keys to the door.
        “Is it a bohemian thing?,” You jump, completely startled, “or is it just a hate of shoes in general?”
        As you spin around and get greeted by the sight of Tony Stark leaning nonchalantly against a sleek black car (that looks unnervingly familiar) you become extremely aware of the embarrassing sound that had just escaped your throat.
        “The no shoes thing,” he says, vaguely gesturing to your bare feet, ”Everytime I see you, though admittedly it’s only been twice now, you seem adamant to not wear your shoes.”
        There’s a laugh twinkling in his eyes that are peering at you over the expensive looking sunglasses. The amused smile playing on his lips is infectious and you release a quiet breath you weren’t aware you had been holding and you relent, giving a small smile back.
        “It’s not so much a hatred of shoes as the love of feeling my ground beneath me,” you take a few hesitant steps down the stairs to the sidewalk when you notice something red glinting in the afternoon sun, “oh, you didn’t have to.. I would’ve come by to pick them up.”
        He holds your shoes up as if examining them and then glances back to you.
        “I couldn’t take the chance, now could I?,” he grins but then his demeanor changes as he scratches the back of his head, ruffling up his hair and squinting at you through his designer sunglasses, “and to be perfectly honest I got worried when you didn’t answer my texts. You seemed pretty shaken up last night so I wanted to make sure..” he cut himself short with a sheepish shrug.
        “I promise you I’m not creeping, this is just genuine concern, okay? And Happy here,” he gestures to the driver’s side of the car, “ conveniently remembered where you live.”
        You inch closer from the stairs until you’re right in front of him. Images from your dream spark in the back of your mind and you feel a warm sensation as your body begins to heat.
        “I don’t mind. Really— it’s nice.”
        Tony huffs a small chuckle.
        “Well, that’s great then. Listen, you need a ride to work?”
        You quirk an eyebrow.
        “You know where I work?”
        “With your freakout last night about me telling your ‘boss’ I kinda put two and two together.” he informs with a wink, opening the back door and gesturing for you to get in.
        A small blush creeps up on your cheeks. Oh, that .
        As you got in you could’ve sworn hearing Tony mumbling something that sounded terribly close to “ adorable ”.
        The car ride was pleasant. Despite your initial wariness Stark had been nothing but kind, easy going and, strangely enough, hilarious. Somehow this man totally gets your kind of humour which, sadly, is a big first.
        Tony also have a smile that manages to light up the entire room, or in this instance: car. It is beyond infectious and you yet again feel yourself relax in his calming presence. It’s strange, you’ve never met anyone before who seemed to have this certain aura about them that just invited for comfort and ease. It was like being unknowingly doused with a shot of valium; except valium never made you feel quite this..giddy.
        He's in the middle of telling you a story and you throw your head back and laugh, not caring in the slightest that you snort a little.
        “Your robot did what ?”
        He laughs, leaning back with a denim clad leg propped up on the seat next to him; the casual appearance a stark contrast to the meticulous suit tailored image you’re used to seeing in the media.
        “Hah, yeah well.. I must’ve missed a few screws when I made DUM-E, or I screwed a few on too tight.”
        You peer curiously at him.
        “So why do you keep it? Why don’t you fix it or turn it into something else?”
        A strange expression sets across his face, something almost wistful.
        “Well, firstly because to me he is not an it but a he , and he’s my first. I made him at a time in my life where I .. let’s just say I needed the company,” he squints at you momentarily as the sun moves behind your back, and then continues less serious, with even the touch of a smile tugging at his lips, “He is like that idiotic puppy you get for x-mas one year who won’t stop peeing on the rug or drink the toilet water but you still love the little bastard.”
        You feel warm sudden. All the PR proclaiming this image of Tony E. Stark: emotionless playboy, attitude for miles, unattainable and mighty, and here was this sweet man, slung casually over a three seater in jeans and a The Doors t-shirt talking about his creations like they were people, like they were his family. Before you can give yourself the chance to reconsider you open your mouth.
        “Can I see you again?”
        His brows shoot up on his forehead and his eyes look almost comical in their surprised state. You curse your entire face as your cheeks betray you by heating up again.
        He sits up, looking you over, then licks his lips, peering at you over his sunglasses.
        “You want that?”
        You smile sheepishly and nodd.
        He beams.
        “Looks like someone charmed the pants off a certain Stark last night.”
        Oh god, what now?
        You turn around, plastering a fake smile on your face and feeling a little sick with yourself in doing so but hey, you need this job. If you lose it there is a good chance your sister is going to kill you, or bare minimal maime you a little. You look down at your boss, she is at least 6 inches shorter than you but that does not make her any less terrifying.
        “Boss, hey.. Look I am so sorry— “
        “Sorry? For what? You must’ve done an amazing job last night since this is the first time we’ve actually received a call after hosting a Stark event. Stark’s assistant called me up this morning, this proper little thing Ms. Potts,” you coughed, covering the chuckle that bubbled up in your throat at your boss calling the 5'7" Pepper Potts little, “ and she absolutely rained praises over you, telling me they’d only like you to handle their business from now on.. strange seeing as you were only the chaperone.”
        A weird expression set in her perfectly painted face, a mix of awe and suspicion. You swallow thickly.
        “Oh, well that’s great. I’m honoured, really—”
        “Yes, well,” she sniffs, her face an alarming blend of stern eyes and a blinding smile, “don’t fuck it up. It’s our most important client.”         She pats you on your shoulder and then sashays back into her office, leaving you standing in the hallway wondering at exactly what point during the last 24 hours you’d taken a wrong turn and ended up in Wonderland.
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mysmefanfic1 · 4 years
Responsible Chapter 2
Jiho woke up slightly stiff but without any pain. The muscle relaxers he’d taken as well as the pain meds allowed him to sleep comfortably, but he knew by experience that he needed to ease up on the sitting for at least a day after overdoing it like this.
He took deep breaths as he sat up, focusing on keeping his muscles relaxed. If he felt a twinge he took another deep breath and eased into the movement more slowly. This meditative and repetitive motion synchronized with a hot shower first thing in the morning. Gradually, his offended muscles loosened further.
Shrugging back into his school uniform, he checked his phone and was surprised to find a dozen messages from Yoosung stretching from 9 pm to 3 am in the morning.
“Hey, Jiho! I talked to my friend and he’s interested in getting you hired!”
“Oh… you must be asleep. Can you message me when you get this?”
“Uh… never mind, I was doing LOLOL I just checked if you were online, you’re still asleep.”
“You’re a pretty heavy sleeper. Jaehee says that she’ll call you in the morning.”
“Ah… I just raelizde that u dont kno who Jaeeesi”
“Sorry typos. I cn barley keep my eys open.”
“I forgot to tell you who Jaehee is again! Jaehee Kang! She’s my friends assistnnt”
“Are you awake?”
Much to his shock, Yoosung was still showing as online. Did this kid never sleep?
“Hey, I just got your messages, Yoosung. I hope your LOLOL was fruitful but don't message me late at night. I don’t tend to sleep well and turn my phone on silent. Are you saying I have an interview? With who?”
The response was immediate. “Good morning!” A happy sun emoji was tacked on to the end. “Jaehee Kang. She works with C&R.”
Jiho’s breath caught in his throat. He knew C&R like most people in the city did: By the massive gleaming glass and steel tower of the C&R building, one of the tallest buildings in the city. It glowed in the dark with lights displaying its name, with a flashing red beacon to warn low flying planes of its immense height.
C&R’s property spanned outward to a plaza with fountains and eating areas. It had Valet parking in expansive underground parking garages. It was a centerpiece of downtown where only the finest of the city and even the finest of the country could work.
Jiho’s skepticism immediately brought him back down to earth. This poor gamer who couldn’t even afford tutoring and skipped classes and played LOLOL all night had an ‘in’ at C&R?
He typed a single word. “Bullshit.” and tossed his phone on the bed.
His mood sank. He heard his mother call him down to breakfast so he started to prepare for the day. So much for a new friend. Maybe he was a scammer. No way that was true.
“It’s true!” 
Jiho eyed his phone as he slowly wrapped his school uniform tie around his neck.
“Look, my cousin was engaged to Han Jumin’s childhood friend. That’s how I know him. We talked about you last night and he’s interested in you so you have to be ready to answer the phone when she calls!”
Jiho could feel his temperature rise. He picked up the phone again. “I don’t know why you feel the need to joke around like this. But it’s not funny.”
“No, wait, look, I’ll get you a photo.”
He rolled his eyes. Photos used to be proof now they’re easily spoofed and altered. Did Yoosung scam people like this all the time?
A picture came up. It was a photo of Yoosung, but he had brown hair. Several people were standing around.
“This is my graduation ceremony. Jumin Han is the farthest to the left.”
Jiho blinked at the photo. He was seeing something with his own eyes, yet his brain found it hard to accept. He wasn’t someone who followed celebrities, but he knew the Han name and he’d seen photos of Jumin Han before. Still, he found himself googling Jumin Han and comparing the pictures online. This couldn’t be, that had to be a look-alike…
“Jiho! Come down to breakfast!”
“In a minute!” He shouted down to his mother.  He turned back to his phone. 
He typed. “This seems too good to be true.”
“I understand. But please believe me.”
The screen suddenly went black and the phone was buzzing with his ring tone. On the caller ID was Jaehee Kang.
Jiho felt himself starting to sweat. He held the phone to his ear and cleared his throat. “This is Lee Jiho.”
“Good morning, this is Kang Jaehee. I’m chief assistant to Han Jumin of C&R and we are interested in offering you a position here.”
Jiho’s mouth opened and shut. “Yes… thank you for considering me.”
“Yoosung shared his math assignment with us last night and I looked over it. All the answers are correct. Your public records are also exemplary. Do you have time for an interview this morning?”
“This morning…?”
Jiho heard his mom coming up the stairs and quickly locked the door bedroom. “Can you give me just a moment.”
He muted the phone. “Mom. I … I need some more time to get ready, I’m sorry.”
“What’s wrong?” The doorknob rattled. “Why is your door locked!”
“I’ll be right down I promise. By the way, where’s my suit? The one I wore to Dad’s memorial.”
“Your suit? It should be in the storage closet…”
“Can you get it out for me? I need it…”
“What is going on?”
“Please mom, just do it. I”ll be right out.”
Much to his relief his mother shuffled away, muttering to herself.
He hurried back to the phone. “I apologize, please continue.”
“Not a problem at all.” Her voice was clipped and professional. Her words were formal. Just listening to her made him sit up straight. “The job will involve auditing archived files kept in storage. These files don’t work with any of our current software and must be audited by hand. Once these files are thoroughly checked, they must be imported into a new system and the records will be destroyed. Therefore, we need someone with a meticulous attention to detail as once the records are destroyed they cannot be retrieved.”
“I can do that, no problem.” He said. “What time do you need to meet me?”
“I have an opening two hours from now. Meet me in the C&R lobby at 9:30 am.”
“I can make it. Thank you for this opportunity.”
After bidding each other farewell. Jiho had to sit down. He held one hand to his head staring into space. “Oh… oh my god. This is it. This is it! This is my chance! I…”
He hurried back down the hall to the bathroom and brushed his hair and his teeth again, one more time. He was afraid to eat. What if she smelled something on his breath or he got something in his teeth?
His resume! He quickly hurried for his backpack and opened it up. He smiled. Still there, perfect condition.
He hurried to the kitchen where his mom had her arms crossed and her foot tapping. He would have to take the subway to get to C&R. “Mom, can I borrow a few extra dollars. I’m meeting someone for a special project and I”ll have to take the subway.”
His mother’s words stopped him cold. “What?”
“No. The school told me you’ve been skipping classes!”
“I told you I wasn’t feeling well yesterday!” He laughed nervously.
“What about the day before? And the day before that?” She glared at him. “You’ve been lying to me! Where have you been going?”
“I’ve been applying for jobs!” Jiho blurted. “I need the suit for an interview!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it!”
“And you would be right! You are on scholarship! This is your one chance to go to a prestigious university!” His mother leaned on the table.
“And it’s not going to do any good if you have to work!” Jiho couldn’t believe she was being stubborn.
“What are you talking about? The whole point of university is to get a good job!”
“I’m about to get a really good job mom, really good.”
Her lips pressed together and her brow knitted. For a moment, mother and one glared at each other in a standoff.
Jiho looked away first, contrite. “I’m sorry I lied to you…” He ran his hand through his hair. “Look… I”ll cut you a deal. I’ll get this job. If I don’t, I’ll give up my job search and go to class. Okay?”
“You promise…” She asked dubiously.
“I promise. Super promise.” He crossed his fingers.
His mother hesitated for a few more seconds before reaching for her purse and handing him enough money for the fare.
Jiho took the suit from her arms and bowed deeply. “Thank you for this chance.”
“How good is this job anyway?” She glanced at him as he sat and devoured his breakfast.
He didn’t answer right away. “I kinda don’t want to tell you. I”m afraid it might not be real.”
“That good huh?” She asked. She quirked a single eyebrow.
“Well… you better hurry then. This is your last chance.”
Jiho rose from the table, walked over and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. “You won’t regret it.” He then ran off to get changed.
Soon, Jiho was one of a river of suited individuals making their way through a labyrinth of shining skyscrapers in the business district of the city. All around him, people spoke on cell phones, the clicks of women’s heels provided staccato rhythms and the steady hum of expensive cars added a backdrop of sound.
He glanced up at the C&R complex as if it were a castle he was planning to storm. He steeled himself with determination. This was the place that would change his life.
He walked through the automatic revolving doors into a brilliantly lit marble floor.  Immediately his bravado left him when he saw a floor to ceiling saltwater fish tank complete with coral reef decorating a central column.
This confrontation with extravagance told him he didn’t have any business being here.
A woman in a brown dress suit met him. “Lee Jiho?” She bowed slightly. “I am Jaehee Kang. Let me help you get checked in.”
He fought the urge to respond like a school kid and nodded and followed her in silence. Inside, he was a raging mix of excitement, panic, and disbelief. Was he dreaming?
He looked down at the receptionist seated behind an ornate desk carved with snarling Siberian tigers. 
She was young, bespectacled and dressed smartly. She looked at him, met his eyes and suddenly exclaimed. “Ah. What beautiful eyes!”
“Uh… Thanks” Jiho stammered.
 Her cheeks turned red as she caught Jaehee’s deadpan stare. “I’m sorry. I… forgot myself. Here’s your security tag. Keep this on you at all times.”
He accepted the tag and put it around his neck.
Jaehee turned on her heel and walked towards an elevator. The doors were bright gold. Were they made of gold? They had the logo of C&R on them so that the two letters would part when the doors opened. “Have you ever worked in an office before?” Jaehee asked as she scanned her card and then looked at him. 
“I’ve never worked in an office before, no…”
“C&R is a very prestigious company and we value our employees highly but we have very high expectations of them as well. I’m happy you’ve decided to at least dress the part, but exclamations like you just heard could actually be grounds for discipline.”
“I understand.”
The golden doors opened and they stepped inside. Jaehee pressed a button and the doors slid shut. She then turned and smiled at him, her eyes warm and friendly. “Don’t be so nervous.”
Her sudden shift in attitude was jarring; he wasn’t sure how to react.
“Yoosung had a lot of good things to say about you. To be honest, you’ve already made a good impression. This interview is just a formality.”
Jiho gaped wordlessly for a few seconds. “Wow. I … I didn’t believe him when he was telling me.”
“I can sympathize. I got into C&R on the word of Jumin’s friend as well. Jumin values his friends’ opinions highly. This job is yours to lose.”
“Ms. Kang, I…”
“You can call me Jaehee.”
“But aren’t you my supervisor?”
“Not directly. You’ll be with our accounting division. All the usual formalities will be there.”  
The doors opened onto an elaborately woven carpet. There was another receptionist who only glanced at them as they passed by. “This is our archive. Should you accept the position, this is where you’ll be working.”
She scanned her card again at the double doors and they opened to a large windowless server room. Three huge center silos occupied most of the space along with industrial printing machines.
“Every day, you’ll examine a set of financial records. You’ll have your own desk and will be expected to work alone, but don’t be a stranger. The accounting division is a close knit group. It's in your interest to get to know them well.”
“They’re not here?”
“They work on a different floor. They’ll be in meetings right around this time.” Jaehee checked her watch briefly.  “Do you have any questions for me?”
“Uh… when do I start?” He laughed, and hated the high pitch of it. He cleared his throat. 
“Immediately. The reason we’re so eager to have you is... “
Her phone suddenly rang and she picked up. “Mr. Han. Yes, I’m with him now. Yes. I know. Now? Yessir. I’ll be right there.”
She hung up the phone. “Something’s come up. I’m afraid…” She suddenly sighed and looked incredibly tired. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to sign the employment forms right away. I am very sorry.”
“I do have one question. Did you… seriously grade my homework?” Jiho’s eyebrows rose.
“Hahaha!” Jaehee’s laugh held a quiet bit of madness. “Yes. I did.”
Jiho bowed. “Thank you.”
She smiled at him. “Here.” She handed him a stack of forms. “Just sign here… and here… and here….”
This was real. He was going to work at C&R. C and freaking R! Every signature was like the unlocking of a massive door to a shining opportunity. His dad must be throwing a fit up in heaven. His boy did it! He probably couldn’t believe it. He said an opportunity would come knocked, but no way he expected something this amazing!
“Here’s our welcome packet, look over and sign everything you like. It includes our retirement, savings, and investment plans, alternate insurance, et cetera… I … am sorry I’ll have to escort you out. Security will provide you your badge you’ll need to enter when you start tomorrow.”
Jiho put a cap on his excitement but a glance at Jaehee’s smile told him he didn’t fool her at all. He was ecstatic. “Thank you ma’am. I mean… Jaehee.”
He followed her outside. “Take your time looking through those things. Be at your desk a little before 8 am to meet your new friends. Eat lunch in the common cafeteria to get to know your new coworkers.”
She suddenly removed her glasses. “You know… looking at you, reminds me a lot of when I started here. Working at C&R is indeed a great opportunity. Don’t lose appreciation for it. Now. If you’ll excuse me.” 
Jaehee placed the glasses back on her nose and walked back into the building, leaving Jiho to stand in his own disbelief and joy.
Jiho made his way down the city walk to the central park. The green was cut through with shady walking trails around a large lake. Jiho settled down on a bench and sighed. He then opened the package and began to read it over.
After about half an hour, his phone rang. It was his mother. He answered.
“Did you get the job?”
“I thought you would. I wish I had good news for you.” Her voice was gloomy and sullen.
“What happened?” He gripped the phone.
“Your school called. They’re going to list you as delinquent, in line for expulsion. This will go on your permanent record.”
Jiho’s expression set. “Call them back. I’m withdrawing from SKY.”
“What?” His mother was voiceless with shock.
“The job I got? It’s with C&R… one of the biggest companies in South Korea.”
“That’s right. I have no need to attend classes any longer.”
“But Jiho… you’re on scholarship. They’ll require the tuition paid back right away if you drop out!”
“I don’t care. I’ll be getting paid enough to make it up.”
“They’ll want it immediately, not in payments.”
“Mom.” He shifted his eyes to make sure he was alone. “You said that we had enough to last us a while? Not according to my calculations. We should be out of money in the next month or two. You have savings besides those from selling the food truck business, right?”
His mother was silent on the other end. Then she said. “Those were for something else…”
“Mom. Please, just pay off the scholarship loan. I’ll pay you back. I’ll pay you back and then some! They’re going to match my retirement contributions. I’ll get shares in the company. This optional insurance will make sure you have the best medical care!”
“Mom! Listen to me!” His voice rose in urgency. “I know this is too fast and this is too hard to accept. But I’m not going to let you work okay? I need you to trust me. I’ll handle it. All the money, all the finances. I’ll save up. Put down money on a house! This is it! This is what I”ve been waiting for! Just… just pay the tuition. I’ll pay you back. I promise. I super promise…”
The silence on the other end just grew. “Your father… saved this money…  penny by penny… for you. For your wedding… I…”
“Mom.” Pain assailed his heart and he closed his eyes and chewed his lip. “I know you’re not used to having money. My dad. He… never wanted it. To him it wasn’t important.” Jiho’s voice cracked and began to shake. “So long as we were together. But we’re not together anymore! He’s gone! We’re not together!” He wiped his tears angrily. “So please. Just. Just do this!”
His mother’s voice came through, small and quiet. “Okay… I’ll call the school. I’ll sign the withdrawal.”
Jiho sighed, trying to get control of his breathing. His face was burning hot and his blood was racing through him. He hated this feeling of desperation after elation. It exhausted him. “Thank you. I love you, mom.”
“I love you too… I’ll see you when you get home.”
He pressed the end call button and lowered his phone to his lap, staring out over the lake. Emotion rattled about inside him but he couldn’t let it out. It crawled up his neck, twisting his muscles and tightening them. He stood up to walk it off.
By the time he got home, he was in agony and had to lay down. A therapy pillow with electronic massage balls provided some relief. His phone vibrated.
“Grats on the job!” Yoosung had texted with a celebratory emoji.
Jiho smiled weakly. “Dude… you’re amazing.”
“Nah you’re amazing. You can finally relax!”
“No way.” Jiho texted. “My work has just begun. But… I guess I can celebrate.”
“Do you still have your LOLOL account? Wanna come play with me?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t. My neck is killing me and I can’t sit up.”
“Seriously? Have you seen a doctor?”
“Yeah. Hey. Maybe I can listen to you play?”
“That’ll work!”
Jiho sat up painfully and got his laptop and signed into LOLOL.
“Add me to friends! I’m Super Yoosung!”
“Gotcha. I’m Mighty Taco.”
“Wat. lol”
“Don’t knock it.” Jiho logged in and then activated his bluetooth headset. “Here, invite me to your voice chat.”
Soon, Yoosung’s voice filled his ears. “Hey, can you hear me?”
“I hear you just fine.” Just that small effort was tiring. He lay back down and got comfortable.
“You sound kinda sick.”
“I’m fine. What’s the dungeon?”
“Elynor’s Keep Insane.”
“Ohh… is that from the latest expansion?”
“Yep. It’s progression so… we’re going to die. A lot.”
“I look forward to it.” He smiled and closed his eyes, already feeling the knots work out of his neck.
0 notes
smutty-bangtan · 7 years
Midnight Strain (M)
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Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3,112
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Description: After a long day at work, you tried to relax for the night but it seems like Jungkook has something else in mind.
Warning: A little bit of sexting, Phone sex, Slight domme!reader, sub!jungkook, Dirty talk, and Teasing
A/N: I promised myself that I wouldn’t write another sub!member fic again because I feel like it’s hard. But look what I’ve been working on for a few months now. I was hoping to have this out before his birthday but.. lets just say this is a late birthday celebration. Feedback and Requests are always welcomed.
[11:30 pm] Jungkook: Hey!
[11:32 pm] Jungkook: I need ur hekp with someyhing
[11:37 pm] Jungkook: ___! Where are u?
[11:40 pm] Jungkook: Hello? Are u slepe?
Stepping your feet into your apartment made you feel like you were missing something. It felt like you were growing too attached to it and it was unhealthy. However, it felt reassuring and comforting for you. It was your apartment and bed.
Taking a deep breath, you inhaled the scent of your worn-down perfume from that morning and your dinner that you held in your left hand. You flashed a bright smile and felt a little bit of happiness. You were in your second favorite place in the world. Of course, the number one spot was taken up by your boyfriend, Jungkook. A single thought about him, made you miss him that much more. Your face dropped when you remembered that he was on tour but, that sadness was soon wiped away when you realized that he only had three more days left and he would be at home giving you all types of love and affection.
“I miss my Jungkookie.” you mumbled to yourself as you removed your shoes to replace them with your favorite cozy slippers.
Following the path that led you to the kitchen, you placed your container of food on the kitchen counter and glanced over to the freezer door where you could see funny and cute pictures of you and Jungkook, your boyfriend of two and a half years. Memories and sadness filled your mind, but you cleared all those thoughts and smiled to yourself because you remembered that it was his birthday and you had a special gift for him.
Walking over to the refrigerator, you placed your dinner on the shelf to eat later. Before you had the chance to eat, a shower was first and most important to you, followed by Jungkook and then sleep.
Once you reached your bathroom, you started to remove your makeup and tie your hair into a loose bun. You looked into the mirror and noticed how tired you looked from all the stress at work. Working a nine-hour job and having to deal with people’s foolishness and criticism took a toll on you, but someone had to do it. After a long day at work and dealing with different impolite crowds, you needed to unwind somehow.
After you finished removing your makeup and your clothes, you set the water to the perfect temperature for you. Not too hot to burn your skin off but just enough hot water where you could relax your muscles. Pulling the curtain back, you jumped into the shower and let the hot water run down your shoulders and back while you tried to relax your stiff muscles. Every second that passed, you felt your anger and stress lift off of your shoulders. Your mind started to wash away all the horrible memories of your day.
Eventually, you got out of the shower after washing your body and letting the water run on your back and shoulders. You walked into your bedroom with a towel wrapped around your chest. There was a cold breeze that made you shiver and jump into bed, trying to wrap yourself under the cover as quickly as possible.
“Clothes can wait. I'm freezing,” you whispered to yourself as you wrapped your blanket around your neck, to keep the breeze away from your still damp body.
As you laid out in the middle of your bed with your blanket wrapped around you like a caterpillar nestled into their cocoon, you could feel the water absorbing into the towel and your body temperature slowly rising. The complete and peaceful silence was suddenly interrupted by your phone going off with notifications telling you that you had unread text messages.
“Who is texting me so late and why?” you groaned as you forcefully pushed your arm out of your warm blankets and picked up your phone.
After unlocking your phone, you noticed four text messages from Jungkook. You opened up your messages and seen them which made your heart double-over in time.
[11:30 pm] Jungkook: Hey!
[11:32 pm] Jungkook: I need ur hekp with someyhing
[11:37 pm] Jungkook: ___! Where are u?
[11:40 pm] Jungkook: Hello? Are u slepe?
Your heart started beating quickly. The loud thumping started to make your ears ring and your brain started to come up with all sorts of possibilities. It felt as if your head was stuck in a whirlwind of emotions.
Was he okay? Did he need my help with something that was life-threatening? I better text him and make sure everything is okay.
[11:45 pm] You: Jungkook! Is everything alright?
Within seconds you got a text back from Jungkook. You could feel your body start to relax after seeing the message.
[11:46 pm] Jungkook: I’m fine. I just need your help with something that’s kinda important.
Oh! He’s fine.
After reading his message, you could feel the weight on your shoulders start to ease up. You sighed and started to rub your temples near your hairline while mumbling. “I don’t need this stress. I’m too old for this.”
Before getting the chance to message him back, he sent another message and you couldn’t help but smirk a little.
[11:47 pm] Jungkook: I may or may not be really horny and I painfully need to cum.
[11:47 pm] Jungkook: What are you wearing?
You started to contemplate whether or not to tell him. The pros and cons started to outweigh your thought, so you just ended up caving in and telling him. Glancing down, you noticed that your blanket slid down to reveal the top of your towel. You gave your attire a once-over and smirked as you hurriedly texted him back
[11:50 pm] You: Oh you know… nothing
After you hit send you sat back and waited for him to reply. The notification sound went off and you knew he wasn’t going to send just one message. Another sound went off, followed by another.
[11:51 pm] Jungkook: really?
[11:51 pm] Jungkook: dont’ tease a hoerny perosn liek this ___
[11:52 pm] Jungkook: I need some proof...pls?
How could he not believe me! I don’t lie when it comes to my attire.
Taking a deep breath in, you grabbed your phone off the bed and switched it to the rear-facing camera and held it up above your chest. Angling it at the right spot, you snapped a picture of yourself in a towel which solid proof that you were in fact, nude. After hitting send you laid there, waiting in the silent room for the chiming of bells to be heard. When you finally heard it you chuckled softly and read his message.
[11:58 pm] Jungkook: Damn i gues u weren’t lying to me but i wann see what;s underneath;)
Without putting up a fight, you untied the knot in the towel and looked at a few water droplets on your stomach that didn’t get the chance to dry.
After taking the second picture and sending it to him, you waited several minutes before anything else happened.
[12:04 am] Jungkook: Fuck this isn;t helping
Your face twisted up in confusion as you wondered what more could he possibly wanted. He had a picture of you naked to help him get off but that isn’t enough for him? You pulled up the keyboard on your cell phone and started typing your message but before you could finish writing out your message, you got an incoming call from Jungkook.
“Yes, Jungkook?”
There was complete silence on the other end of the phone call. You just assumed that Jungkook accidentally called you while trying to text you. Your finger hovered over the red end call button before hearing a breathy moan and whines of your name falling from his lips followed by a gasp. As he tried to find his words, he mumbled three words that sent your body into overdrive, “I need you.” You smirked knowing how desperate he was to release and how sexy it was to hear him sound very sexually deprived.
As you sat there listening to Jungkook moan out your name along with a slew of curse words, an interesting thought came to mind. It would be kind of fun to tease him a little.
“You know what would be fun right now, Kookie?” you announced aloud while breaking the little silence that was there.
Using a sweet and innocent nickname made Jungkook weak. The second you pulled out the cute nickname, he was at your beck and call with whatever you needed from him. When you called out his name, a faint moan was heard from the opposite end of your phone. You could tell that he was ready for whatever you had in mind.
Placing the phone on speaker and setting it next to your head, you laid back against the mattress and listened to his heavy breathing grow intensely. You already knew what he looked like without even being there, how messy his hair must have been with beads of sweat on his forehead making his hair stick to his sweaty face. As he laid there, his face would scrunch up, which indicated that he was nearing his peak. His stomach muscles would start to contract in quick intervals and the grip on his throbbing cock would tighten. As he laid there, the moans that escaped his plump and bruised lips would be low and shaky with a few whines.
Taking in the possible image of what Jungkook looked like, set off a slow burn at your core. Your free hand slowly slid down your neck and made its way to your chest where your hands followed the curve of your breast that led to your nipples which were perked up because of your arousal. You closed your eyes and rubbed circles around your nipples. A soft moan escaped your mouth as you imagined Jungkook’s hand touching every inch of your body.
As he struggled to form his words, a soft groan was the only thing he could respond with when calling his name. You started your sentence but stopping short just to hear what he would say, “It would be so sexy if–,”
“I-If I was there fucking you r-right now?” Jungkook stumbled over his words in hopes that he gave the correct answer.
There was a brief silence as you let out a soft chuckle. “Don't be silly, Kookie. I would never let you do that just yet.” After hearing you tease him a little, he let out a whimper followed by pleas.
“If I were there, I'd be teasing you.” you softly spoke as you slowly slid your hand down your stomach and stopped just above your pubic bone. “Do you want to know what else I would do?” you whispered as your fingertips drew small circles against your warm skin. A faint whine was heard from the other end of the phone which showed that Jungkook wanted you to continue your thoughts.
“I’d make you watch me get myself off.” There was another pause.
You proceeded by rubbing your middle finger against your slit, starting from your entrance and moving up towards your clit. As you let finger keep going in that same motion, you uttered out a soft moan. Although you were making an attempt at keeping your composure, you managed to continue teasing yourself and Jungkook.
“I want you to watch as my pussy craves for your cock.” you whispered in an alluring tone.
Jungkook spoke up with a breathless tone in his voice “Please, ___.”
Your finger came to a halt when you heard him start to beg again. Deciding to push him further into hopelessness, you teased him with a few simple words. “Please what?”
“I-I need to cum.”
Hearing his loud and needy begging made you feel slightly proud. You knew he wouldn't last long before he lost his control, but it was something you were willing to watch unfold before you.
“But I’m not finished yet, Jungkook,” you stated with a slight pout on your face which was soon replaced with a smirk. “Do you want to know what else I want you to do?” you continued to tease him.
There was a soft sigh followed by Jungkook clearing his throat. He uttered out a simple “Yeah” allowing you to finish your teasing.
Laying your head back against your pillow, you closed your eyes and teased your entrance with a finger. A gasp of air spilled from your mouth as you tried to keep your composure. “I want you to watch as my fingers move around my entrance while I  wished that it was your tongue making me moan out your name.”
A low and husky grunt was heard from the other end of your phone followed by a quiet, “Fuck!”
While you laid there listening to Jungkook struggle to reach his climax, you let your finger wander from your entrance up towards your clit. Your fingers slowly started rubbing circles against your clit. You felt as your body started to heat up and a few moans left your lips. "I want your cock –, " you moaned out loud but your words stopped when your body started to feel overly excited. Trying to gain your thoughts, you stuttered over your words and managed to finish your statement, "Deep inside of me,"
Jungkook's loud and lust-filled moans echoed throughout the room which set off a burning and needy feeling for him. The fingers that were on your clit started to move in a faster motion as you felt your climax slowly approach. Moans and curse words flew out of your mouth once you felt your wetness soak your fingers as you continued to move them from your entrance to your clit.
"I want to cum on your cock," you moaned out as your two fingers dipped into your hole and moved in a back and forth motion. Your walls started to contract around your fingers as you ached for more desire. "Dripping my wet juices all over your cock,". You could feel your orgasm quickly approaching, you started to move your fingers in a come hither motion. Your enticing moans turned into passionate whines. As you brought yourself over the edge you could hear Jungkook follow right behind.
"F-fuck! I'm about to cum," Jungkook moaned out. "D-don't stop. Please," he stuttered over his words as he fiercely rubbing his rigid cock. The moans from the other end of the phone started to grow louder as he tried to reach his orgasm right after you.
Shaking your head, you tsked and whispered, “Oh no, no, no, Jungkook. You can’t cum just yet.” He couldn’t say a word, just a whine to protest that he didn’t like the idea. “Stop touching yourself and look at how red and swollen the head of your cock is,”  Before getting the chance to continue your sentence you heard his whines echo in your quiet room. You bit your lip knowing exactly how he looks, his nose would be scrunched up and hands out to his side gripping at nothing while his cock twitched since there was no contact made. You waited for it to be moderately silent before speaking again.
"Is your cock still throbbing to release all of that cum?" you whispered in a soothing tone.
Before he could respond, he let out a groan then several whines escaped his mouth, "Can I touch myself now?"
Yes! I got him right where I want him.
"Yes, I want you to tell me all the things you want right now. Don't hold back."
Staring up down at your body, you could hear Jungkook's mouth open and shut as if he didn't know where to start or what to say. Maybe he's a little shy. You looked over at your side table and looked at the picture frame that had you and him in the picture. He looked cute in one section, yet sexy and ready to do anything he desired in the second section. A small smile started to grow on your face as you started to think about memories of Jungkook.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a soft yet determined voice.
"I want you to be here kissing my cock, starting from the base and making your way up to the tip," There was a slight pause before he struggled to continue. "O-once you reach the tip, I want you to lick the precum off. Making sure to tease the slit as I moan with excitement.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” you moaned as Jungkook furiously slid his hand up and down his throbbing cock. In between his gasps and whines, you could hear the wet sound of precum and lubrication. Hearing him trying to reach his climax made you feel turned on again.
There was a soft sigh followed by Jungkook clearing his throat. He uttered out a simple “Yeah” allowing you to finish your teasing.
"Are you thinking about me on top of your throbbing and swollen cock?" you quietly moaned.
Jungkook started to cry out from pleasure. You knew he needed to cum soon but hearing his groans grow louder, made you want to keep egging him on. Speaking up with a whimper in his voice, "Yes. Yes. I want to feel your w-wet and warm walls around my cock," he moaned out as his hand squeezed tightly around his cock. "C-can I cum now?"
Hearing his whimpers and whining set off a burning flame at your core once again. Biting the corner of your bottom lip, you smirked a little while trying to sound a little bit upset. "Sorry, Kookie. It's getting late and I have work in the morning. Let’s do this again another day because I had a lot of fun,"
Jungkook whined in protest. He tried to catch his breath but made no attempts at it. "B-but can I cum?"
"Don't let me stop you baby." you said before hanging up the phone.
A smile of content etched across your face as you laid on your bed with nothing on. Thoughts of tonight and Jungkook raced through your mind. You couldn’t help but to smile with pride and joy. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard your phone buzz a couple of times.
[1:53 am] Jungkook: Damn! Thanks for tonight babe
[1:53 am] Jungkook: and thank you for letting me cum for you.
Smirking at the message, you thought about what could happen when you see him again.
[1:54 am] You: I’ll make sure to fulfill every one of your wishes in three days, Kookie.
222 notes · View notes
coming soon to AO3 “COPS AND CROWS”
Daichi sighed heavily, that was the last maid and cook, “ Really, Tanaka what exactly did you do?”
“Hey I don’t know their problem Daichi-san they went into my room to clean-” Kinoshita and Narita both snickered.
“Quit, you three are on laundry duty until I can find someone crazy enough to work here.  
“Give it up Sarge, there isn’t anyone, you’ve called all the local places. “ Daichi glared at Hajime.
“This is ridiculous, we can't go on without a maid we need two at the very least.  I can’t live in this house. Without one. Do you want to eat cooking that Tanaka or god help us Kageyama makes. I had the shits for  weeks.”
“What's this I hear, our sweet housekeep quit! I just learned this ones name!” Kuroo threw his hands up “This seriously! Ugh!” he stomped past the two up the stairs still wearing his uniform. “I’m not getting the shits again! I’m going out. Kenma!!!! Get dressed Kitten we are dining out!”j
“No!”  Came the shout from up stairs, “Don’t wanna.”
“Take out it is. Anyone else?” Kuroo called down to his two superiors.
“I want some-”
“Shut it Ryo you get nothing!”
Daichi went to his phone and knew he would just be hung up on, and the other places had heard rumors of how awful they were to work for. Sexauall innduendo aside they needed someone or the house would be a nest of Alphacentric pheromones overrun by dirty laundry and plates.
He couldn’t think about it he had to get to work.
Shoyo cursed his luck, Sato-kun had seemed so nice but he tried to- the young omega shook his head trying to clear it. He shakily leaned against the tree in the park he was. He had no idea of how he ran but he knew he was out of shape.
He needed to get home, but Sato would be there waiting the dorm wasn't safe, Sato was so charismatic he always managed to get in.
“Hey cutie.” An alpha put his hand on Hinata’s shoulder “Looking for someone?”
“No No-’ Shoyo looked around there were Alphas meeting omegas here in the cover of dark. Maybe for one night stands, the air was thick with omega pheromones calling to lovers. The tall Alpha with dark hair peppered gray was old enough to be his father.
“I’m sorry I-” Hinata backed away and sprinted out of the park only to slam into a hard chest, he fell back. A tall Alpha with dark hair and a police officer’s uniform looked down at him.
“I’m-I-I am sorry.” He was surprised when the scowl turned to concern, he reached down and Hinata scooted away hands covering his head.
“Woah there kid.” Daichi was nearly knocked back by the sour or fear. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Shoyo was helped to his feet, and the alpha officer was leading him to a park bench. “What's happened? Who did this to your face, and ripped your clothes?” he called in a code for Omega in distress possible sexual assault. He needed an Omega officer at the park. “
“ I wasn’t here, I mean I dont come to these places.” Shoyo winced his ribs hurt, he whined knowing his only friend wasn’t home for another two days.
“Just stay calm i’ll call an ambulance.”
“NO! I’m ok. I just got startled back there, I had no idea this park-I need to go. Than you.”
“Not so fast. Who did this to you? You need to report it or it will keep happening. Do you need to go to a shelter?”
“Do I look that bad.”
Hinata tried to laugh but it was more of a sob he couldn't report his boyfriend, more like ex if the bastard would let him break it off. Sato was a cop just like this one, and didn’t they stick together?  God he was tired, he could use what he had in cash and go to an internet cafe.
Then there was an ambulance anyway and he was being led away for a scan, he still refused to report who hit him, claiming to have fallen down the stairs.
When it was over that cop was still waiting for him “Do you have a safe place to stay?”
Shoyo thought to himself, he didn’t have parents anymore, Suga was on a small vacation and his boss deserved that. He couldn’t call the others he worked with they knew exactly who his boyfriend was. He didn’t want to admit they were right and that Sato wasn’t a match for him.
He was so much trouble for everyone.
“It’s against the rules but I noticed you said you worked for Nesting Crows.”
Shoyo frowned nodding, he was standing outside a chilly hospital and this cop was talking about his job?
“I know the safest place for you since you won't reveal who did this to you, my guess is that its an ex or soon to be and he either had a key or some easy access to your dorm or he’s waiting for you at home. So I’m not judging but you are the one with the fractured ribs, and bruised face, I have a room for you and it comes with some light housekeeping and some cooking.”
And that is how Hinata was waking up sore in an unfamiliar bed light wasn’t coming through the window yet. He got up his shirt had come up showing his bruised ribs. Why was Sato so violent it was Hinata’s right to tell him NO, to say he wasn’t ready.
He needed to get the day started, Daichi-san had given him this room in a house full of cops, he smiled “safe indeed.”
To work he went, thankful for the borrowed clothes although they were big on him, he quickly showered. He was given a room with a bathroom of his own. It was amazing, the bed was soft and the room perfect. He could study and work, “So no more moping Hinata Shoyo!” He said to himself .
After a long night shift Kageyama zombie walked down stairs knowing he would have to heat something up, something from the Konbini.
That was until the most delicious smell hit him straight in the face, his feet were faster than his mind. He was in the dining room of the house, one it was clean and smelled of roses? Flowers were in the middle of the table. Where had they come from? They were fresh cut, his observant eyes scanned the room. There was a large platter of “PANCAKES!” he couldn’t believe it he was dreaming. He had to be, the last house keeper quit and this was the best dream ever.”.Work
exhausted induced dream please don’t go away.”
He could hear humming and followed the sound into their kitchen expecting a mess instead there were more delicious scents. The humming was coming from an ‘Omega? ‘ a male wearing Daichi-san’s clothes. Kageyama was about to back up, perhaps the breakfast was for the unmarried leader. “ Then the orange haired omega turned. Daichi’s Police academy shirt baggy on the smaller person, his neck was exposed and his very smooth shoulder. He was wearing basketball shorts, and they were nearly pants on the shorter  boy then the Omega spoke and Kageyama snapped back to reality, there was a bruise bright against the boy’s pail skin. No swelling in his left eye but a perfect circle, and gold eye were wide
“You must be Kageyama-kun” the omega held himself stiff and backed into the counter behind him he winced.
“Who did that? Are you hurt anywhere else?”  Kageyama took the boy by the wrist gently leading him to the table.
“Oh, no this. I fell. Anyway i can’t sit , lots of things to catch up on. I’m the new housekeeper.” Kageyama didn’t release the wrist he held, he did look down at the bruises on the younger man’s arm, fingerprints. Then suddenly this ball of sunshine, yes, because his smile was bright and words almost sing song.
Kageyama found himself sitting and being served several things. Pancakes, sausages and eggs just like he likes them.
How did this kid know was he a mind reader, all earlier exhaustion disappeared and his stomach took over.
Hinata smiled brightly at all the handsome uniformed and pajama clad men that came to the table they ate with gusto, and he realized he would have to do some shopping. Their schedules were hung on the fridge that's how he knew the drop dead gorgeous man in the police uniform was Kageyama-san. His cobalt blue eyes and dark hair, fringe hanging in those eyes.
Hinata knew that these cops didn’t believe his story but he was glad no one tried to interrogate him further.
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xiajin · 7 years
tiny (ao3) sugakookie; i dont know how 2 explain this sorry???; part of a larger fic LOL
yoongi’s morning starts out - all things considered - fairly normal. he doesn’t think he’s too much of a complicated guy; all he his wants are kind of meshed into one another until he’s looking down at the papers and pressures of his own goals, sinking into his skin. yoongi thinks that friends are underrated. he’d like some, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll go out looking. he’s not shy, but he’s not - outgoing. he prefers some things more than others, and staying in his apartment on a saturday night is more appealing than visiting a club and only getting more drunk. he’s not fond of alcohol because of the way he likes things too much after a stiff drink.
instead, his choice of poison has to do with caffeine - at first it was coffee, but then it changed. no longer could just the bitter taste of it settle his nerves; into his repertoire he added fizzy drinks, sodas, espressos, those cold cans of coffee shots, juices, and sugary drinks. sometimes tea is an okay substitute. he keeps tea leaves in his kitchen cabinet but never uses them.
it’s one day - it’s 7am, he’s up too early, his head is blaring with an aching pain - that he realizes that he’s out of instant coffee. the container is completely empty. he has no other types of instant coffee either, and he’s pretty sure he hasn’t gone out of his apartment in a couple of days - other than for the most obvious of things - because he has a due date in three days that’s hanging over his head. yoongi bites his lower lip and groans, forehead thumping against the fridge (he keeps his instant coffee on top of the fridge) and feeling the pain double behind his eyes. he just wants - relief. this might be a problem.
it’s then that he remembers he still has a cabinet full of tea leaves. bullshit stuff, he thinks. tea is sweeter, with a different flavor palette that yoongi isn’t fond of. it reminds him of his mother and grandmother and of all other old people, with their stiff peppermint perfumes and - this, this was it - their smell of warm, hot tea. never too good. herbal, medicinal, like a burning in the nose. that’s the type that seokjin buys, too; it makes sense, because he was raised by his grandmother and so has a lot of her odds and quirks, but goodness. how is yoongi supposed to survive on herbal tea? if it was at least those - those damn british blends that he always wants to turn his nose up at - it would be okay but? herbal?
there’s no other choice. he has to be cognizant enough to write a song, but he feels like he can’t even turn on the shower if he tried. the knobs and their directions would probably confuse him.
yoongi fumbles around for the correct cabinet. he comes across shelves of paper plates and nice dishes that must have been housewarming gifts long ago. there are also a couple of them with ramen packets, instant curry, and other types of ready-to-make foods (he’s not too great at cooking anything other than that). finally, at the very end, there’s a shelf of porcelain cups that he barely uses, seeing as how those are for company - and, well, yoongi rarely has company he’d think of giving porcelain cups to - and another with a box of herbal tea packets. yoongi picks out the box and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, and then - frowns.
it’s light. lighter than he expected. he knows that seokjin gave this box to him two months ago, and since then, seokjin has been the only one to take from it. yoongi’s always managed to restore his coffee supplies before things got too desperate. as he’s holding the box, however, he knows - he knows - that this was heavier when he last got it. seokjin came over once before he had to go back to thailand for whatever research on food he was doing. yoongi opens it up and - there are at least a whole row of them missing, seven of them gone. now that’s weird; yoongi doesn’t know anyone that would want to steal herbal tea, of all things.
“what the fuck,” is the first thing is voice croaks in the morning, and he frowns at how shitty he sounds. damn, he really needs something for his throat; maybe he’ll order out warm soup.
but seriously; who has been taking this shit? everything else in his goddamn house is fine. his fridge is still empty, his ramen noodles are all accounted for, when did this just suddenly disappear?
not that he’s complaining, it wasn’t like he’s choosing this form of caffeine because he wants to. this is pure last resort, but things like this - they bug him.
yoongi slowly puts the box back, wondering idly if he’s going some sort of crazy, and then decides that it’s about due time. he’s about to close the cabinet and just give up - maybe drag himself to get overpriced coffee at the nearest cafe - when something catches his eye.
at first he thinks it’s a blur. there’s a slight ringing in his ears that he’s always had, ever since he was a teenager and blared music so loud it created an endless sonata of ringing in his eardrums, but this is different. it’s almost like a little tinkle, maybe sort of like a finger running across chimes. a blur. and - in between dusty bone-white cups with delicate gold rims, all of them are standing upright, their handles turned to the left.
except - except.
the very last cup on the right. it’s upside down, and nowhere near as dusty. it’s left a little far off from the others as well. there’s nothing unusual about a cup in a line of cups - hell, yoongi could have done that himself and just not realized - but he doesn’t...he just -
reaching out, he grabs the cup by the bottom and lifts it up.
there’s nothing underneath.
yoongi feels his face twitch. he’s going fucking insane, he swears. letting out a sigh that turns into a groan, he leans back and leaves the cup clattering back into it’s original position, swearing all the while. he’s going fucking insane over a cup. a cup. he’s going to get himself admitted at this rate. maybe he really does need to sleep. maybe he really does need to go and take a break. namjoon will be overjoyed he’s not working himself to death.
he thinks it’s a good idea, starting to close the cabinet door when the slightest movement of the same godfucking cup catches his attention. at whiplash speed, he reaches forward and tugs it aside, and -
there’s a yelp, a small figure no bigger than possible five inches tall falls to the ground in front of them. yoongi blinks, incredulous, as his eyes go over tiny limbs, fingers and bare feet, dark hair. he has to lean in close to understand what the fuck he’s looking at, and when he does, all he can utter is, “what the hell.”
“oh no,” yoongi hears the tiny - what is that? he? what? - say. he - he? stands up and dusts off his pants. he’s wearing miniature pants and a black shirt. the most appalling part of the entire little figure are the two, thin and lace like wings sprouting out of his - his back. for a moment the tiny thing flutters with his - his? yoongi really needs to be sure - wings down, stepping behind the teacup. he’s just about the same size. “you weren’t supposed to see me.”
yoongi stares.
two pale spots of pink appear high on his ears. the creature clears their throat. “could you close the door,” they start, sounding a bit out of place and almost embarrassed, “it’s kinda chilly, and i dont have any leaves.”
“what are you,” yoongi blurts, suddenly wide awake. he’s blinking and looking at a tiny human being in his cupboard.
for some reason he feels like he’s been transported to an alternate reality. this isn’t him right now; it’s one of namjoon’s psychoanalytical sessions, where he tries to get yoongi to be his test subject and yoongi says yes because one: he has no time for namjoon’s antics and two: he’s an idiot. the second one more than the first. that’s what’s going on - he’s dreaming, or, or going crazy, maybe this is the effects of drinking coffee for too long? if namjoon ever goes back to the science field of acadamia maybe he can write a fucking thesis on this -
“i’m jungkook,” says the tiny human being named jungkook with his wings - dear lord his wings - fluttering. “i was kinda sent to make you happy, but.” he shrugs here, and yoongi swears he can hear something tinkling again. he peers at his cabinet once more. “you’re boring.”
“boring,” yoongi repeats flatly. he can’t believe his ears. “a tiny pixie thing is eating my herbal tea and hiding in a teacup and telling me i’m boring.” he really needs to sleep.
“what’s a pixie?” jungkook asks, confused, and yoongi is amazed he can even hear him. despite being a couple of inches tall, he’s got a big voice. yoongi can hear him just fine, even if he’s not concentrating well. “anyways, i was just going to stay here for a while until i got a master plan, but all you do is stay inside and work on your music,” jungkook yawns here, walking to sit cross-legged in front of the overturned teacup. “and then i started to forget what i was doing and slept here for a long time. i think i woke up a couple weeks ago,” with a shy shrug, he goes, “sorry.”
“it’s okay,” yoongi says faintly, still confused as all hell. “so you’re. you’re real.”
jungkook blinks at him like he’s stupid.
yoongi allows his head to smack against the cabinet door. just this one time.
it takes a bit of time, but yoongi eventually convinces himself that this isn’t some hallucination - no, he didn’t smoke anything but his cigarettes last night, no, this is not some sick hangover delusion, there really is a tiny human being with wings that doesn’t know what a ‘pixie’ is but that’s the only word that pops up in yoongi’s brain when referring to him. he kind of reminds yoongi of that disney character in that one movie about lost kids. he’s sure that the name is somewhere in there, but he can’t seem to recall it right now.
jungkook tells him that he’s been wasting his herbal tea with a little bit of a stern voice. apparently he eats a lot of leaves and plants, and having a huge collection of them in yoongi’s cabinet was enough to keep him fed all these weeks. yoongi thinks that if he had to, he would finish those tea leaves in about an hour. jungkook is just about the size of his hand, dark hair quite soft, his little feet padding across yoongi’s palm tickling his skin when yoongi offers out a hand for him numbly.
he doesn’t touch his wings; they’re folded down, pointing toward the back of his knees, and he looks comfortable without spreading them out. yoongi sets jungkook down on the counter and he hops off his hand - his hand - before wincing at how cold the marble countertop is.
“you have roaches in here,” jungkook starts, edging away from something near the wall that yoongi can’t really see, “don’t you ever clean? they’re super scary.”
“you’re afraid of bugs?”
“not all bugs,” jungkook says in a defensive voice that really means yes i’m afraid of all bugs. “just. roaches are mean. a couple of them came into my cabinet and i had to push them out with stems. it was really annoying, because they kept clinging - “
and it hits yoongi; the roaches must be the size of dogs for jungkook. the image of it wants to make him laugh hysterically. he sits down on a spare chair in the kitchen from where he used it to get on top of the fridge recently to grab trash bags, and lets jungkook finish his story about the cockroaches. honestly. what is his life. what’s happening. in the last few minutes, jungkook has both talked a lot and none at all. whenever he’s not explaining anything, he falls into a silence accompanied by shifting feet and hands. almost like he’s nervous, or shy.
finally clearing his throat, jungkook runs a little so he can stand in front of yoongi. he kneels, like he’s looking down at a child, and goes, “do you feel okay?”
“do i what,” yoongi asks, startled out of his own thoughts.
“i mean,” jungkook says, and the two iridescent wings at his back give a little flutter, “you look like you’re about to faint, or something.”
“i’m fine,” yoongi mumbles, but even then, it sounds like he’s just saying the words to say them.
jungkook remains silent then, almost like he’s waiting for yoongi to truly be fine. he blinks and settles, cross legged, at the edge of the table as yoongi puts his head in his hands and takes in a deep breath. he blinks numerous times, squeezing his eyes open and shut, but when he looks up the tiny pixie creature is still there. yoongi pulls away and blinks at jungkook, suddenly feeling exhausted.
jungkook’s wings flitter. “how long has it been since you last slept, yoongi-ssi?”
yoongi swallows dryly. “i.”
jungkook trips a little as he takes into air, shaking his left wing as if he’s got something stuck in it. when he reaches up to somewhere near yoongi’s nose, he puts his tiny hands on yoongi’s forehead. something itches yoongi’s nose and he ignores the urge to sneeze. jungkook mumbles something too low for either of them to hear, and by the time yoongi is trying to figure out what happened, something in him almost - shifts.
jungkook pulls away, his hands fluttering over yoongi’s cheeks for a brief moment before he hovers in midair. there’s a curious, almost cautious look on his face; when yoongi focuses on him again, he finds that he can see jungkook much more clearly than he ever did before.
his eyes are wide and dark, big and brown. his honey brown hair falls in soft tufts across his forehead and his face is dotted with small moles - yoongi counts one underneath his lip, another near his eye - and he has a spatter of freckles across his nose. there’s an imperfect scar on his cheek that serves to highlight the soft curve of hair that falls that way. one moment is all it takes for the image to be burned into his mind; mouth pressed thin with worry, hand outstretched, almost like yoongi is there - life sized, standing right in front of him - before it disappears. he blinks and jungkook’s facial features are too small for him to see clearly once more; he only sees the far away likeness of a small person rather than the flaws of someone who is close enough for him to count moles.
yoongi’s shoulders slump. he feels - relaxed, almost, none of the disheartening tension in his shoulders. for the first time in a long while he feels like he can go to sleep peacefully without anything bothering him, without restlessness to take place in his bones. it’s not a lethargic peace he feels, but rather one of contentment. for a moment, there’s nothing wrong with the world.
“sorry,” jungkook says, his wings dipping a little with his supposed shame, “i haven’t been a good guardian fairy, have i.”
“huh,” yoongi mumbles, before snorting. “really?”
“yes, really,” jungkook says, not an ounce of sarcasm in his voice. he looks all genuine, sincere eyes and body motions. his hands fiddle behind his back. “i really shouldn’t have been away for so long. i’m sorry, yoongi-ssi.”
yoongi blinks. “honestly,” he starts, a little wry, “it’s okay.” he wants to say i barely even noticed but he thinks that that wouldn’t be a proper response as the moment.
“well,” jungkook starts, fidgeting a little, “it was my job, anyway, and i didn’t do it...”
yoongi doesn’t want to hear it. he sighs and squeezes his eyes shut, wondering what he deserved, exactly, to be here and experience this, but he doesn’t think he wants to know the answer. why does he need to assure a tiny human being that he’s fine, okay, with his existence? well he might have not been at first, but he’s gotten over himself. really.
jungkook flutters in front of him, and yoongi sets his hand out again. jungkook lands on it with a small moment. “hey, listen, i’m really fine. i didn’t really care - can’t really care about someone leaving if you never knew they were there in first place, right?”
jungkook nods a little, looking hesitant. his eyes move back toward the cabinet, almost like he wants to go back into his teacup. in the small moment of quietness and hesitation that follows, yoongi reaches out and takes the overturned teacup, setting it down next to jungkook. jungkook smiles.
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Side Mission 1: Canada
The following the moring Charlotte was having a long awaited shower in the only stall Ed could get going.  The water was cold but still let her get clean.  Waking up that morning in Sam's arms on his cot was better than anything she ever felt before.  Since the cot was meant for one person she woke up half on top of him.  
"Runner Five?  I need you to report to the main gate immediately."  A muffle call on the intercom is heard.  Charlotte looked over confused before turning off the water and drying herself off quickly.  She tied her hair back into a tight bun and dressed quickly before racing out of the room.  The cool air chilled her instantly waking her up even more.  She runs to the comms shack hearing Janine and Sam arguing.  
"I'm here.  What is it?"  Charlotte said as Janine looked over.
"You simply can't go off without leaving a report sheet.  According to the protocol we've developed-"  Janine started before Charlotte held up her hand.
"Calm your dander Janine.  The report you want is right there on the file shelf."  Charlotte said as Janine grabbed it quickly.
"Besides Charlotte was having a well deserved shower this morning.  It's the normal allwed fifteen minute shower and some time in the rec room for excellent performance yesturday."  Sam said looking at her.
Janine began flipping through the pages.  "That would be in the report sheet, you know.  We've developed these protocols for a reason.  
"We don't need a report sheet protocol.  I've got it all in my head!  Mind like a steel trap!"  Sam said tapping his head.  Both Charlotte and Janine looked at him with various degrees of disbelief.
"Alright.  Where's Runner Eighteen?"  Janine asked.
Sam thinks for a moment.  "Runner Eighteen?  Still recovering in the hospital from flu."
"Two hours of duty in the armory, in fact.  Runner Twelve?"  Janine questioned again.
Sam sat up.  "Oh, now, now I definitely know this one.  Runner Twelve is, uh...sorting supplies in the food store."
Charlotte sighs heavily rubbing her face.  "Training in the recreation area."
"Oh yea... trainning in the recreation area... yep, yep.  He's always doing that, Khwargo.  The thing is, Janine, I don't need to know that stuff.  I know when the runners are out, and I know when they're back home safely.  That's my job.  What's this about, anyway?  What do you need Charlotte for?"
Janine put the papers down and sighed softly.  "Bit of a secret mission, actually.  I've got the okay to... well.  You know the transmitting station at Exit Point, that place on the hill?"
"Yeah.  But of a zombie hotspot, though.  And no strategic importance, the Major said.  Not like we're going to be setting up a TV station any time soon... are we?"  Sam asked.
"No, but I need Charlotte to take that backpack of equipment by the gate."  Janine points to the large bag that looked stuffed.  Charlotte walked over and picked it up with some difficulty.  "That's right, Runner Five, that's the one.  We need you to head out to the transmitting station, Charlotte.  Today, we're going to attempt the first transatlantic broadcast since the apocalypse!"  Janine said happily as Charlotte put on the bag.
"Damn Janine this is heavy as hell!"  Charlotte said as she buckled it on.
"This is a long range transmission and needs that equipment to amplify it."  Janine said simply.
Charlotte sighed then looked at them.  "Alright well you might want to give me a headset and open the gate."  She said looking right at Janine.  Janine gave her a flat look before handing her the headset.  Charlotte put it on the headset as the gate was opened enough for her to get out and the snipers took out a few morning zoms.  She ran down the path heading for the spot that Janine mentioned.
Soon she made it to the area seeing that it was realitivly quiet.  "Okay, Five, you're in the right location.  Long-range cams say you're zom-free."  Janine said.
"My own eyes told me that much Janine."  Charlotte said.
Janine was silent for a moment.  "Now I just need you to run around a bit."
Sam chuckles.  "Run around a bit?"
"That's what I said.  Maybe do a few loops through those trees."  Janine said.
"If you tell me to start hopping on one foot I'm going back to Abel." Charlotte said as she started to run around the trees near by.
"'Run around a bit' is the kind of thing I say.  It's not very 'have you filled in the report sheet, you know the protocols Mr. Yao' is it?"  Sam said.
"Perhaps not, but it is accurate.  I need Runner Five to quarter the transmission zone until we find the sweet spot.  Picking up a signal over that distance is as much art as science."  Janine said.
"'Run around a bit'?"  Sam sighs softly.  "I dunno, I never say anything so-"
"Out."  Janine snapped.
"What?"  Sam questioned.
"Clear the room, Sam!  I need to concentrate on this extremely important transmission, not your blabber!"  Janine said loudly.
"Blabber?!  I dont-"  Sam countered before Janine snapped again.
"Fine! Yes, alright, I'm going."  Sam said angerily shutting the door hard.
"Thank goodness for that!"  Janien said to his retreating back.
Charlotte stopped on a hill clentching her fists.  "You know Janine now that Sam isn't here I'm going to tell you something that has been bothering me for a while."
"And that is Five?"
"You're a bitch."  Charlotte said simply.  "You treat everyone like dirt and have no respect for anyone in Abel.  I understand your hostility because we all moved in on your land but that does not give you the right to be rude to people who are only trying to do their best."  
"Is that it?"  Janine asked slowly.  
"No it's not.  Janine I respect you for your land and for your knowledge in the same way I respect the Major.  The difference is she looks for differences in people and new ideas.  You on the other hand are as stiff and unyielding as a tree stump.  If you want people to follow your rules you have to atleast treat them with basic human respect and give a little.  Sam is not a soldier like you and me.  Not many of the people in Abel are.  You can't treat them with the cold hard smack of command."  Charlotte said as she looked around.  "No matter how much I want to knock you upside the head esspecially after what you said yesturday but I won't.  Because even though you tried to hide it you're scared just like the rest of us.  Show a little bit of that heart I know you have in there."
Janine was quiet for a long time as Charlotte went back to running around.  A beep soon appeared in her pack.  "And there's the signal.  You're in range, Five, just go a little further.  I'll tell you when to plant the transmitter and hook it up."  Charlotte continued in the direction she was facing before static began to appear.  "Okay drop your transmitter."  Janine said as Charlotte takes off the bag and opens her bag pulling out the transmitter.
"Alright it's set up now what?"  Charlotte asks.
"Hook-up's in place, relay's working.  We should start to hear something now..."  Janien said as the static gets louder.  "If there's anything to hear."  She amended.
Suddenly classic music began to blast in Charlotte's ears making her jump before a voice started to speak.  "-acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune-"  The static came back drowning out the words.
"I think that was Pride and Prejudice..."  Charlotte said.
Suddenly the static cleared slightly as another voice appeared.  "This is Canada calling."
"Canada?  We're recieving you!  Can you continue to speak while we calibrate?"  Janine asks.
"Certainly.  We're holed up here on the fifth floor of the CN tower in Toronto."  The woman continued to speak as the static slowly began to clear up.  "Barely clear visibility.  We've been here for some time.  The tower is easily defensible against zombie attacks.  They can't manage the stairs."  Suddenly the speaking because crystal clear.
"That's good yes.  We've got your signal locked in, now.  First transatlantic communication for months for us."  Janine said excitably.  "Glad to be receiving you!"
"We had some of the early reports regarding the death of the entire royal family, but since the, we've been mostly cut off.  We've managed to hook up to the antennae on the roof here.  Our broadcast now covers the entire Greater Metro Area, including city hall!  And as usual, we're getting a lot of interference from US radio station, mainly of an evangelical nature.  They're a little puzzled about the lack of rapture."  The woman said with an older and somewhat raspy voice.
Charlotte snorted as she looked around.  "Janine should I run around still or just hang out here?"
"I need you to stay with the pack right in that spot for as long as you can."  Janine said as Charlotte sat down next to the bag and pulled out a gun from the pack.  She checked the cartiridge seeing that it was fully loaded.  "You said the entire metro area?  That's very-!  That's really quite a distance."  Janine said impressed.
"As the Arrogant Worms say in their hit son, 'Canada's Really Big',"  The woman said.
"Mm, yes.  And you are the radio operator?  Do you have a radio background?"  Janine questions.
"Mostly a novel and poetry background, but I've been requisitioned by the Federal Government Zombie Royal Commission Parliamentary Task Force, all of whom have unfortunately been infected by our Prime Minister and are moaning and foaming at the mouth.  And Parliament's not even in session."  The woman said sarcasticly.
Charlotte snorted as she looked around seeing no zombies so far, which was a nice change a pace.  "And you are?"  She asked.
"Margaret Atwood."  The woman said simply.
Charlotte's jaw drops as Janine stuttered.  "Miss... Atwood. Yes, we - that is, I - we've had some celebrity zombies around this way ourselves, in fact!"  Janine said excitibly.  "We had a sighting recently of the zombified members of the whole of One direction!  Ironically, they were all shambling in different directions!"  
Charlotte snorts laughing softly.  
Janine actually made a joke!  
It was not a bad one either.
"I, however, am not a zombie.  Yet."  Margaret said confidently.
"No!"  Janine laughs nervously.  "Well, evidently not.  Sorry."  Janine clears her throat.  "Excuse me.  Yes.  So.  Um, how are things, over there in Canada?"
"The National Hockey League Stanley Cup Playoffs are not taking place." Margaret said offhandedly.
Charlotte laughs softly.  "Oh lord... never knew Margaret Atwood had such a sense of humor."
"Right..."  Janine said.
"Also it is not snowing.  Or not here, anyway.  But as the Arrogant Worms' hit song has it, 'Canada's Really Big'.  So it's snowing elsewhere.  Reports from the Artic indicate that things are good up there.  They set fire to every plane attempting to land.  They say they should have done this years ago!" Margaret said with a laugh.  when Janine nor Charlotte returned her laugh she continued.  "... It's a joke."
Janine laughed slightly.  "Yes.  And I suppose you never saw this coming, despite your many novels on potential future enviromental apocalypses."
"Novelists aren't soothsayers."  Margaret said softly.
"I mean, Mad Adam?  Should have been Mad Zombie, right?"  Janine said laughing nervously.
"That wouldn't have worked with the themes of the book and there would have been an issue with the cover..."  Margaret said offhandedly.
"Or, for example, instead of the Blind Assassin - the Blind Zombie!"  Janine said almost beginning to sound like a raving fan.
"Mmm, I think you may have missed the deeper symbolic metaphysical metanomic post modern structuralist transgenderal genre=agnostic formalist intent of my-"  Suddenly the static cut Margaret off making Charlotte sigh.
"Thank god."  
"No!  Runner five get up and get back to moving!  Try to reestablish the signal!"  Janine said deserately.
"Alright."  Charlotte puts on the pack and carries the transmitter around as Janine seemed to be muttering to herself.
"It's a stupid idea of course it is, couldn't possibly turn The Handmaid's Tale into the Zombie's Tale, it'd lose all it's feminit message unless the zombie was a woman."  Janine muttered to herself.
"Janine maybe if you calm down for a moment and breath you will feel better." Charlotte suggested.
"Maybe..."  Janine said softly as the static cleared up again.
"Uh, I believe we were suppoused to be exchanging information?  Do you have any information to exchange?  Anything at all that, uh, comes to mind?  Anything that's really happened?"  Margaret asked softly.
"Oh, uh... yes!"  Janine rustles the papers quickly.  "I have my notes here somewhere."  She groans.  "Honestly,I'm worse than Mr. Yao.  I never understood befor ehow he could be like this."
"You said it I didn't."  Charlotte said standing in the new spot.
"We were told you had notes on zombie movement patterns.  Do you have anything like that?"  Margaret asked.
"I have... oh, yes!  We've noted that zombies move in straight lines towards their prey, and can't differentiate bettween several different prey sources.  So, if you move at the same speed away from them in opposite directions-"  Janine explained.
"They'll move straight ahead, yes!  And we have some useful intel you may be abel to deploy over there.  We've discovered that the zombies respond very strongly to some Canadian pop music.  They like Justin Bieber, but they can't stand Celine Dion."  Margaret said seriously.
'No amounting for taste.'  Charlotte thought to herself.
"That's very useful, yes!  We've suspected that there was an audio trigger-"  Janine started before Margaret interrupted.
"In order to keep the zombies away from the CN tower, we have to continually play 'My Heart Will Go On' from speakers mounted outside.  I think it's sent me a bit crackers.  But, as the Arrogant Worms say in their hit song, 'Canada's Really Big'."  Margaret said making Charlotte blink confused.
She did seem a bit nutter but then again she had never met Margaret Atwood so for all she knew that was how she was.
"Um... yes!"  Janine said as static started to appear again.
"We now have a weather front coming in from the northeast, and some zombies coming from the-"  The static got bad for a moment before Margaret came back.  "They're carrying shopping bags.  Maybe they aren't zombies.  They might be survivors of an Everything Must Go sale.  No, no, zombies.  That isn't lipstick."
"Wait!  I wanted to ask you if you're working on another novel?"  Janine asked hopefully.
"A novel, now?  You must be mad.  Have you been listening to 'My Heart Will Go On'?  for the antidote, try: 'Canada's Really Big'."  Suddenly Margaret's voice disappeared.
"Miss Atwood?  Miss Atwood!  Are you there?"  Janine asked only to be answered with silence.  Janine sighs heavily.  "Well... I suppose you should come on home now."  
Charlotte picked up the transmitter and pack and started heading back towards Abel.  "It wasn't so bad Janine."  She said running down the path.
The sound of a door opening is heard as Sam steps in seeming to be in a better mood.  "Janine! Janine, Janine, Janine.  How was your top secret mission?"
Janine was quiet for a moment.  "You were listening, weren't you?"
"I... uh, should I have been listening?"
"We got through to Canada.  The radio operator was Margaret Atwood."  Janine said as Sam took a seat.
"Hey!  Well, that's amazing!  I loved Oryx and Crake!"  Sam said enthusiasticly.
"Me, too."  Janine said as Charlotte came into Abel and dropped off the pack.
"Did you have a good conversation?"  Sam asked as they walked towards the mess hall where some of the township was fixing the broken walls.
"Not really.  I made a joke about Mad Adam."  Janine said lowering her head.
"Well, that's okay.  You showed her you'd read some of her novels, right?"  Sam asked.
"It was a really bad joke."  Janine replied.
"I didn't think it was too bad."  Charlotte said.
"Yea it can't have been that bad."  Sam said as they picked up trays and started to take the small amount of food they still had.
"It was!  It was worse than 'that bad'."  Janine whined as she sat down at the table.
The three of them began eating before Sam spoke up again.  "I knew someone before the apocalypse who met Snoop Dog on Chat Roulette.  True story!  All she could find to say was 'uh, hi'."
"That's okay."  Janine said sipping her water.
"Over and over and over again, until he disconnected?"  Sam added on and for a moment Janine stopped sitting up.
"That's... that's made me feel slightly better."  She said.
"I mean, at least you didn't say 'Mad Adam, Mad Zombies, more like'."  Sam said before paling when Janine looked at him fast.
"You were listening."  She said softly.
"What?  No, I wasn't."  Sam tried to console as Janine stood up.  
"I think I'm going to walk out into a zombie horde now."  She said as Charlotte put her hand on her shoulder sitting her down.
Janine looked at Charlotte for a moment before Charlotte smiled.  "Hey atleast we know you have your likes as much as your dislikes.  Just like everyone else."  Janine gave a small smile nodding as she went back to eating.
<     32     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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