#and i read the lyrics exactly how he says them in the video
gorekiss · 10 months
people being like omg when is the full dj crazy times song dropping. like no seriously listen to any 90s euro dance song. any of them. u will be so happy about it
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captainwans · 4 months
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pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: while she didn’t care about the distance between them, alex couldn’t help but feel responsible for her exhaustion from traveling this far, especially when the distance was longer.
warning: mild swearing, matt being a tease, and nothing but sweet rotting fluff, friends to lovers trope!
word count: 3,9k | ( gif not mine! )
arabella series!
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…. [Y/N]’S SHOES CLANKED ON THE HARD WOODEN FLOOR, THE SOUND OF HER HEELS ECHOING ACROSS THE HALL AS SHE PACED WITH HER STEPS. Much to her dismay, the actress was late and missed the concert, and to say that she was devastated was an understatement. She spent the last three hours on a train trying to get there, which was something she wouldn’t tell Alex. Knowing him he would’ve lost his mind and attempted to drive her back himself. She received a sweet message from him, reassuring her that it was not a problem at all and that he was just happy that he was going to see her again. Her cheeks flushed at his message and she read it multiple times, his words planted inside her mind like a mantra.
The pair had been inseparable ever since she was cast as the lead woman in their music video, Arabella, not to mention an inspiration behind the song itself. With her oblivious nature, she had no idea whatsoever. But, what better way than to announce this at a Comic-Con panel in front of thousands of people
She remembered being caught off guard by this question, not expecting to get questions regarding other aspects of her life other than Marvel-related questions. She did answer, though, stating that she had no idea with a sheepish look. Her comment made the crowd react, even her cast members gave her weird looks due to the song's popularity. At that moment, she made a mental note to listen to the song right after the event.
[Y/N] was awe-struck, not only by the song but also by how his voice conveyed a range of different vocals. She recalled pondering over some familiarity in his voice, feeling that she had heard his voice somewhere before but couldn't pinpoint exactly where. The lyrics of Arabella made her ears perk up with curiosity, being impressed by the small details that could only be referred to from the movie she shot. She fell in love with the song and his voice. His delicate voice and poetic words were the only things that were blasting through the speakers in her trailer, annoying the rest of her cast members.
“[Y/N], would you please turn it down, some of us have to sleep,” The Black Widow actress pleaded, her tone tinted with annoyance as she slowly entered inside her trailer. She watched [Y/N]’s cheeks redden, muttering a small apology before lowering the volume.
“Sorry, Scar, it won’t happen, again.” she sheepishly said, adjusting her glasses that rested on her delicate features whilst her eyes trailed over her script that was placed into her hands. She watched her friend from the corner of her eyes, feeling her presence behind her.
“Arctic Monkeys? Oh, was that the boyband that wanted you in their music video?” Scarlett asked her, eyes sparkling as her eyes looked at her computer screen. She took a look at the group, eyes lingering longer on the lead vocalist. She chuckled, giving her friend a knowing look. “I see why you’re so hooked, look at him,” she poked her waist, making [Y/N] squirm as her lips emitted a small squeak.
“Scarlett–please, stop!” she whined, slapping her hand away before shifting in her seat to make room for her to sit, which she happily obliged. A tint of dust painted her cheeks, lips curving up unknowingly when the lyrics of one of her favorite songs so far, played in the background.
“But I crumble completely when you cry,” Alex’s voice filled inside her eardrums, making her let out a content sigh as she looked down at the script that she was supposed to memorize. She had been stuck on a line for the past fifteen minutes, and she blamed it on his voice. It was addicting—like a drug and she couldn’t resist.
[Y/N] smiled, putting her papers on the table in front of her before turning her attention to her friend, who was nodding her head to the music, her eyes narrowed and focused. She chuckled as she watched Scarlett make a face, signaling that she liked what she was hearing. “They’re very good. I don’t know why you haven’t said yes.”
She grinned, rubbing the back of her neck before she laid her head on her shoulder. “They’re amazing, Scar. And I said yes. I’m gonna be meeting with them in a week. We’re actually gonna film a few hours away from the set, meaning that I can tell you everything about it.” she chimed, eyes crinkling from smiling.
Scarlett clapped with a bright smile, expressing her support for her. She hugged her best friend, squeezing her tight. “I’m so happy for you. This is so exciting. Alex is gonna lose his mind over your beauty, I mean look at you, girl. Heck–even I would risk it all for you.” she told her with a wink, making [Y/N] burst out in laughter as they leaned into each other.
She cursed at herself, mumbling incoherent words as she was looking for Alex and Miles, holding her phone up to her face whilst she was trying to read the address Alex sent her. She squinted her eyes and blinked a few times to shake away her exhaustion, the never-ending filming and traveling resting on her shoulders. The three-hour ride seemed to be her last straw before she could collapse at any second, but she had her painkillers and a few cups of coffee to keep her up, for a while.
The sound of Alex’s laughter seemed to cease some of her drowsy state and she fastened her pace, her feet leading her to one of the waiting rooms backstage. She scoffed with a chuckle, listening to Miles’ banter and his comment made her roll her eyes. She cleared her throat, bringing her hand to the door and giving it a little push as she made an appearance.
“I heard that, Miles!” [Y/N]’s voice echoed across the room, earning a cheerful laugh from the latter, along with the rest of them as she made an appearance with a playful expression toward the singer, who put his guitar away and dashed toward her with a beaming grin. “Speaking of the devil. Hello, love.”
[Y/N]’s chest vibrated from laughter and sank into his embrace, patting his back. “It’s good to see you, Miles. Sorry, I couldn’t make it to the concert to watch you live, but I watched it on my phone. You guys were incredible, as always.” she gushed, pulling away as she mirrored his grin.
Miles gave her a look of gratitude, kissing her forehead. “It’s alright, [Y/N],” he brushed her off with a gentle squeeze on her bicep. He brought her to his side again, side-hugging her before leading her to the rest of the team. “Please, if we’re speaking about a performance, you killed it in the Winter Soldier.” she heard Jamie say, earning a few nods and chimes at his statement.
Crimson danced across her cheeks, making her move her gaze away from Miles to the others in the room, some lazily spread across the couch and others standing beside the food table. Her smile widened, noticing the rest of the band, and her eyes shamelessly searched for a certain vocalist but were abruptly interrupted by being pulled into another embrace by Jamie, Nick, and Matt, who squeezed her making her let out a choked laugh.
“Oh, I’ve missed you guys so much!”
“Don’t squeeze her to death, lads,” Alex’s voice filled her ears, causing her heart to skip a beat, feeling the rush of blood through her ears. Her muffled giggles were enough to put a soft smile on Alex’s handsome features, watching her pull away from the group before turning her body around to meet him.
[Y/N] let out a content sigh, a gentle smile reaching her features before launching herself into his arms, her arms around his waist as she hid her face onto his chest. She felt exhaustion hit her like a tidal wave, making her feel drowsy, and she closed her eyes for a second to feel his arms around her.
Alex felt his cheeks flush, being self-aware by the looks the others were giving them, but that soon disappeared when she gently squeezed his waist, her hands rubbing his back comfortably. “Hello, gorgeous,” he whispered into her ear, brushing a hand over her hair as he closed his eyes, taking in her scent.
The pair pulled away, both smiling ridiculously at each other, but that moment was shortly interrupted by Miles who made gagging sounds, earning laughs from the others. “Take it somewhere else, love birds. You guys are disgustingly cute, it makes me wanna gag,” he whined, gripping his guitar before taking a seat beside Nick.
[Y/N] scoffed, a frown etched onto her features as she pulled Alex closer to her side. She felt his hands caressing her waist, gently rubbing circles around her skin. “Like you’re the one to talk. You get to have him all by yourself on the stage. Yeah, I’ve seen the videos, Miles.” she sassed back, making Alex burst out in laughter, his chest vibrating.
Miles’ face reddened, making him shake his head with laughter. Nick, who was beside him, was dying of laughter and pushed him to the side. “Touche, love.”
[Y/N] giggled, eyes turning back to Alex, whose eyes were already on her, staring at her lovingly. She bit her lip, eyes darting across his lips before shyly diverting her gaze away. He watched her turning her attention back to the others, having a conversation with Matt and his girlfriend, Breana, who came in a little late and became ecstatic when she saw her presence.
She was sitting at the edge of the couch, her body turned across the others who were comfortably sitting on the other couch while Alex was standing beside her, practically leaning against her, which she didn’t mind at all, enjoying his close presence with his hand playing with the hem of her cardigan.
[Y/N] felt a sudden bursting pain at the back of her skull, searing through her temples making her grimace with a look of discomfort. She clenched her jaw with furrowed eyebrows, eyes focusing on Breana, but as the minutes passed her voice became fainter, along with the rest of the room. As much as she tried to hold it in, her tiredness stole the character from her eyes, leaving them blank and hollow.
“And it was a really important moment for me, you know…” Breana’s voice echoed inside her ears, making her squint her eyes before placing a hand on her temples, feeling her sides throbbing rather aggressively.
“I didn’t know her story took that of a toll on you,” Matt spoke, watching her friend covering a hand on her face, earning a few chuckles. Breana laughed, placing a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry if my stories bore you out, babe, I’ll shut up.” she joked, squeezing her arm making her wince at the spot where she accidentally landed on her arm when filming a scene.
[Y/N] chuckled from the pain, feeling the spot burning. She felt guilt prickling at her chest, making her look up to her friend, giving her an apologetic smile. “You never bore me, Bre,” she told her sheepishly, standing up from her seat to get her bag to get her painkillers. “Sorry…It’s just uh–” she let out a weary sigh, a sound with the heavy weight of exhaustion bubbling up the surface, making her stop talking as she forgot what she was about to say in the first place.
Alex, who had been eying her for a while, was the first one to speak. “Are you alright, love?” he asked with a concerned look, reaching out to her as she watched her halt with her steps. He grunted at the sudden weight of her body falling against him, and his frown deepened when he felt her shallow and ragged breathing. “It’s okay, I’m okay. I just need to sit down, that’s all,” she reassured, leading them both back towards the couch, making Miles and Nick shoot up from their seat to make some room for the duo.
Breana’s eyebrows furrowed with concern and she kneeled in front of her, her warm hands resting on her neck, brushing a few hair strands away from her damp forehead. “[Y/N], babe, do you need some water?” she softly asked, her voice getting smaller, as if she spoke any louder she would break at any second.
Matt stood up from his seat, “I’ll get her some water.”
[Y/N] squeezed her eyes shut, fingers rubbing her tired eyes as the buzzing inside her head filled every crack of her brain, rattling every bone making her let out a shaky exhale. “Yes, I–I, uh…I have some painkillers inside my bag..” she stuttered out, feeling her cheeks flush as she looked at her friend with a sheepish look.
Alex turned in his seat, his eyes searching for her bag. His hand grabbed the hold of her purse, his hands roaming inside to look for her painkillers. Matt returned and opened the lid of the water bottle, giving it to his girlfriend, which she took and looked back at Alex to see him holding a pill.
“I’m sorry, guys. This is embarrassing…” [Y/N] said in a soft tone, her voice turning smaller as she accepted the water from Breana’s hands before turning to Alex and taking the painkiller from his hands. Her hands took hold of the small pill, her hands lingering for a moment before clutching her hand and downing the pill with water. She felt him shift, one of his hands resting on her thigh, rubbing small circles to cease some of her pain.
Nick frowned, standing behind her. “For being under the weather? [Y/N], there’s no need to apologize,” he reassured, patting her shoulders with a comforting smile.
Jamie nodded his head with a thoughtful expression, “Yeah, I mean, your job is no better than us. I can’t imagine filming all day on set and—” he trailed off, but once he looked at Alex’s glare his mouth closed and he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
[Y/N]’s lips curved upwards at his apology and she shook her head with a small smile. “Don’t sweat it.” she gently brushed him off and took a few sips before placing the bottle on the table in front of her. “You’re not wrong though. We’ve been filming intensively these past few weeks and staying up all night with the others to perfect the script. I haven’t really got the time to do anything else outside filming and I missed you guys–” she voiced her thoughts before Matt interjected with one of his cheeky remarks.
“Guys? I think that applies to only one person, and he’s sitting beside you right now.” Matt chimed, his eyes sparkling with a tint of mischief. This earned a slap on his shoulder, and he hissed looking at Breana, who gave him a disapproving look. “Oh, way to ruin the moment, Matthew.”
Alex’s heart stuttered against his chest, feeling blood rushing through his cheeks as he looked at [Y/N] with his lips curving upwards. His smile soon turned into a look of annoyance at the fact that his bandmate interrupted her and he let out a sigh. “Shut up, you dickhead. Let her talk.” he bluntly said, his brown eyes piercing through Matt’s, making him put his hand up in surrender with the same grin etched onto his features.
Alex’s comment made the others burst out in laughter, including [Y/N] who turned around in her seat to look at him, her chest vibrating with laughter, making him join her, her laughter being music to his ears. She grabbed his bicep, giving it a little squeeze before clearing her throat. She wiped a lone tear away from her eyes and chuckled. “Thank you, Al. Wait, what were we talking about again?” she contemplated, closing one eye in deep thought, and making Breana laugh.
Miles, who sat across from the pair, played a soft tune on his guitar before asking her. “Since, we’re talking about your job, where’s your set located in? I know Alex told me you were filming near this area..?”
[Y/N] bit her lip with a nod, internally cursing at how her white lie had come this far and she definitely didn’t want to say that it was three hours, knowing that Alex would lose his mind for traveling this far to get here. She remembered Scarlett teasing her and gushing about her heart eyes towards him, calling her a lovesick puppy.
“Oh, you’re in love, honey. It’s so cute. You’re like a lovesick puppy. But I must say…this look—” Scarlett stopped mid-sentence, gesturing with her hand, making [Y/N] want to roll her eyes. “It looks good on you, [Y/N].”
“Yeah…uh–It’s located in…” she trailed off, mumbling the rest of her sentence in a hushed tone and covered it up with a forced cough.
Miles frowned, leaning his body against his guitar as he moved his head toward her. “What? I didn’t hear what you said there, love.” she gave him a sheepish grin, heat washed over as crimson danced across her cheeks. She felt Alex inch closer, almost feeling his breath against her neck making her breath hitch. She grew hot and cleared her throat, name-dropping the location, which made Miles’ eyes wide.
“Isn’t that three hours away from here?” Nick, Matt, and Breana nodded to confirm his question, making [Y/N] close her mouth, feeling her heartbeat inside her ears. She licked her lips, feeling Alex’s burning gaze on her and she turned around to meet with his confused expression.
Alex looked back and forth from Miles and to [Y/N], his frown deepening. “Three hours? Didn’t you tell me that it was half an hour from here?” He questioned, and her chest prickled at the sound of his voice.
The rest looked at each other, a look of amusement plastered onto their faces as they watched the pair. Matt was leaning into Jamie, who looked at the couple with a grin and Breana could sense another remark coming from her boyfriend and she slapped his arm, giving him a warning look.
[Y/N] gave him a tip-lipped smile, eyes looking anywhere than him. “I did? Oh well..” she admitted, giving him a small shrug, and Alex looked at her like she had grown two heads.
Alex shook his head, his face turning into a deep scowl. His stomach clenched at the fact that she was traveling this long to see him. He could also feel his heart flutter at her commitment, but that soon faded away as his mind went back to her current state. He inched closer, his rough calloused hands grabbed her arm, gently squeezing it. “No, wait. Hold on a second. You’re telling me that you drove three hours to come here, and you’re planning on driving back?”
[Y/N] tilted her head to the side, giving him another shrug. “So?” she replied back, not seeing his point and she gave him a look to elaborate with a hand gesture. This made the others erupt into another pit of laughter, gushing over how adorable [Y/N] was and Matt couldn’t help but crawl over to Alex, making kissing sounds and grabbing his shoulders. “You two are so adorable!”
Alex jerked away from his touch and cursed at him, his annoyance bubbling up through the surface. He stood up from the couch, leading [Y/N] with him as they walked over to the food table. “Can’t even get a fucking break..” he mumbled under his breath, but enough for her to hear and she stifled back a laugh.
Her gaze diverted away from the others toward Alex, watching him leaning against the table as he gave his bandmate a look of disdain. Her eyes softened, feeling her chest tighten as her mind went back to the conversation a few moments ago. She crossed her arms like two swords, inching closer to him. “It’s really not a big deal, Al. We planned this, remember? It was the only day that fit our schedule.” she reminded him with a nudge on his hip, earning a small smile from the singer.
Alex looked at her, his eyes lingering on her face as he memorized every detail. He clenched his jaw, bringing a hand over his mouth before voicing his thoughts. “I know, I just…don’t want it to go over at the expense of your health. You could’ve just told me that you weren’t feeling well, and I would’ve understood that, darling.” he shared, his expression turning into a concerned look.
[Y/N]’s eyes danced, mirroring the swarm of butterflies inside her stomach as she looked at him with a fond expression. She hummed with a simper. “I know.” she sheepishly replied with a nod, hiding her hands inside her oversized cardigan and looking up at him. What she was going to do next even surprised her and she wondered where she got that confidence from. “But…I wanted to see you. Traveling for me is not a problem, heck–I could fly out here just to see you, even if it’s for a few minutes.” she expressed, her brave moment instantly disappearing as she realized what she just said out loud, leaving her a complete stuttering mess.
Alex caught his breath at her words, his brain trying to process what just came out of her delicate lips that he craved so for a taste. His lips curved upwards unknowingly, his eyes tinted with slight amusement at her stuttering mess. “Shit, did I just say that out loud?” he bit his lip with a nod, a smirk etched onto his features as he came closer.
“Yeah, and I’m so glad that you said it.” [Y/N]’s smile widened, inching closer to reach out, removing a few hair strands away from his face. Her hand lightly brushed his jaw, fingers lingering on his skin, slowly moving down to his lips.
Alex closed his eyes for a second, melting at her soft and gentle touch. His hand hovered over hers, placing her hand on his chest and intertwined their hands. Before he could let out a word, his bandmates interrupted yet another sweet moment of the pair, and that seemed to hit the last nerve for Alex. A chorus of “aww” echoed across the room and the pair looked at them, noticing they had an audience.
Breana gave her friend an apologetic look before standing up and taking a hold of Matt’s shirt to drag him out of Alex’s sight, but the lead vocalist was faster and he bolted towards him, making Matt let out a loud cackle as he chased him out of the room, leaving the rest with another session of laughter. “Get back here, you little shit!”
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> nostalgia genre -> angst + open ending? pair -> first love!chan x gn!reader plot -> he promised forever & it turned into dust, what happens when you write a song about it? a lot of feelings that never left, blooming back. words -> 876 (short like me) lowercase intended
i talk about the past like i talk about you i leave out every little thing that i don't like remembering i miss you more than i say I do you had to follow all your dreams just wish that they included me
- nostalgia / suki waterhouse
"nostalgia" wasn't supposed to blow up, you say to yourself as you place your mug on the coffee table and see your blowing up in the corner of your eye. your family congratulating you on the success of a song that was meant to be kept on the drafts. your friends thinking this is a good way to cope with your feelings when you feel like you're doing the exact opposite, going through all of the emotions at once. 
it's easy to say that you have to move on and find another person to match your whole life with. it feels like a dagger in your heart every time you see him & his bandmates just living their best life, getting more & more popular, loving the recognition but still staying true to themselves. you weren't a fan but you definitely devoted to one of them in particular. how could you move on so easily? he gave you the sun, the moon & the stars when nothing could light up your day, you knew each other since birth and you couldn't imagine anyone else taking the "love of your life" space other than him. it's been years and in those years, the nostalgia just hit harder & harder, making you realize that maybe you were delusional. 
who doesn't just let a person go? he wanted to achieve his dreams, he wanted to become a known singer, producer, songwriter, god he is the most talented man you know. then there's you, low profile, all songs hidden in the drawer and the one person who helped you produce this song was the one who pushed you to actually publish it. it wasn't supposed to be this way though, he was supposed to come back and you were gonna sing it to him (if you didn't die of embarrassment obviously) but that's not gonna happen isn't it? he's not gonna come back to you like some magical fairytale story that keeps on a romance that only belongs on children's books. 
what are you gonna do if he hears the song? oh god you didn't even think about that. it wasn't particularly a diss track nor it was a love letter but it truly showed how much it broke you to see him leave. you knew it was selfish at the end of the day to put out a song like that at his peak, at the best of his career but you couldn't hold back the feelings anymore, you couldn't stand the pain of letting go. so you did just that, you let go off the feelings with a simple ballad. 
【★】 【★】 【★】 
as soon as i've heard the track, all i wanted to do was leave the studio, get a plane ticket and go to (y/n)'s arms. it was a pure coincidence that the boys happen to have the tv on in a music channel and this particular english song caught my attention. the music video looked gorgeous, everything about it synched right in with what was being said by the lyrics. but that voice haunted me, i knew exactly who it was and i tried my best to ignore it but i knew i couldn't. it sparked everything in me to just message them to say something about it but i couldn't move. i almost felt my knees giving up on me as the emotions invaded my body completely. it just felt like a wound that wouldn't stop bleeding, i forgot all about them and then it all came flashing right back.
i needed to leave the room immediately before i made a scene that i would regret later. the only place that would keep me safe is the studio, so here i was, contemplating my laptop on my desk and reading the lyrics over & over again. as if i wasn't damaged enough, i knew that what (y/n) went through was worse. it wasn't fair on them what happened but what else could i do? leave my dreams behind? stay in australia forever?
i didn't want that.
but i also didn't want to leave the love of my life behind when they needed me the most. i didn't want to fight these feelings for them every single day, even if i tried to forget, i just couldn't leave behind what they did to me. they had my heart in their hands, they will always be the one to take care of it, to keep it safe, to assure me that everything would be alright but it looks like things weren't even slightly good right now for them. 
it's been so long yet it feels like yesterday when we shared our first kiss, when we held hands, when i looked into their eyes and felt like everything would be just fine. i didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face as the lyrics "you had to follow all your dreams, just wish that they included me" invaded me once again. i knew i could not leave behind everything i achieved, everything i worked for and especially not the boys. i was a leader for a reason and they trusted me in this, in our journey together. 
but i wouldn't be here in the first place without (y/n)...
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2 cts..
Thought i had (because i read on some social media that the Till distancing himself from the band that Schneider mentioned, started with him taking on the 'Lindemann' project and from that got separate management, separate circle of people, separate 'bubble' (as Schneider called it)):
i often saw Emigrate and Lindemann as two similar projects, both Richard and Till taking the chance to do something that they weren't able to do with Rammstein.
Well, looking at it now, i think Emigrate actually saved Rammstein in a way (Flake even said as much in a podcast, about how Richard is so prolific and produces so many ideas, that they wouldn't fit in one band and that's what the solo project was for). Richard loves Emigrate as the 'interesting new girlfriend', but always talks about Rammstein as 'the mothership', 'the wife', 'the relationship', 'the marriage' and he has set clear boundaries for himself with Emigrate, like not playing live. Emigrate eventually took the tension off of Rammstein for him and imo that took the tension off of the others as well. After the latest Rammstein album Zeit, Richard even forgot fo mention in interviews that 'it would be the last', something he always did before 🌺
Till's things he can't do in Rammstein are the extremes, in pain, sex, darkness. The Rammstein democracy and quality control always knows exactly where to reign him in (not just in lyrics and performance (remember Schneider looking very uncomfortable when Till bashed his head against a stagelight every show in Heirate Mich?), but when they met up more often, i wouldn't be surprised if they commented on other stuff as well (there are some real meddlers in that band 🌺). It may have felt good to not be on the leash in Lindemann and i think Peter Tagtgren and him worked well together from a 'creation' point of view, but Peter probably didn't intend to put in a quality control on Till. And Till's new circle certainly wasn't into reigning him in, they only encouraged the extremes. Imo Till is very bad at setting boundaries for himself, and easily influenced when indulged (i think Paul even said as much in a making of once, in slightly different words). Ofcourse it feels nice if people don't argue with you all the time, and there are people who manage to arrange everything you come up with and make it happen...but that doesn't mean it's good for you. And when Till started mixing the two, by at a Lindemann concert showing the infamous BJ video set (either real or staged) at a Rammstein show, and everybody in his circle probably thought that was great...in hindsight that might have been a pivotal point.
It's a shame that it has come to where we are now, it probably wouldn't have happened if someone would have been able to put their foot down sooner. But with Till's people only indulging him, and the foot-put-downers at a distance... imo this was a situation waiting to happen.
Just my thoughts, but if i'm right, than i would say that where Emigrate saved Rammstein, Till's solowork almost destroyed it.
Almost, but not completely.
Because i honestly feel that the Rammstein democracy is still the best way for the 6 of them to work and shine. And I hope all 6 of them are doing their best to make it happen 🌺
(Ps. i don't mean this as an 'excuse' post in any way, we are talking about adults here, who should accept consequence for the actions they do or omit)
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abiiors · 1 year
Wired Autocomplete
Matty Healy Drabble (fem! reader)
A/N: Definitely did not procrastinate by watching a shit tonne of these interviews in the name of “research”
There’s the use of Y/n a lot of times. Sorry, it’s based on the wired interview. I can’t really find a way around using it.
This is based on an ask! (My requests are open)
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‘Does Matty Healy…write his songs?’ That’s how the interview starts. 
‘Yes he does,’ you both say in response at the same time. 
‘He leaves his moleskins lying around all the time,’ you add on. Then you give him a theatrical side-eye, ‘drives me crazy, really.’
‘What?! You love peeking at my unfinished lyrics!’
You laugh and pick up your board again. 
‘Does Y/N Y/LN…have a boyfriend?’
You both look at each other and then look straight into the camera. It’s freaky how you share one braincell sometimes because what comes out of both of your mouths is a single, deadpanned ‘No’
‘We’re best friends really,’ he continues, in all his mock seriousness.
‘Roommates even,’ you add. 
It’s all in good fun, however. Your relationship is not exactly private, has never been very private. You both love to show each other off whenever you get the chance. Still, some people really do live under the rock…
‘Has Matty Healy…acted?’
His eyes go wide as he quickly says no. A bit too quick… Meanwhile, you make wild gestures at the camera, stage whisper “Waterloo Road” until he puts a hand over your mouth and both of you end up giggling like idiots. 
There are a few more questions after that about his music. Then there are a few more about your career and your life outside of the spotlight. It’s instantly noticeable to you how seriously he answers questions about his music. That’s definitely one of his most endearing qualities. Soon, that section is over and he picks up the next board. 
‘Up first,’ he announces and you do a small drumroll with your finger. ‘Is Matty Healy…gay?’
‘Aren’t we all,’ he replies. The crew laugh at that but of course, you knew that’s how he was going to answer that question. 
‘Is Y/N Y/L/N,’ you rip off the tape with a flourish, ‘...a singer?’
‘You should hear her in the shower, mate,’ he says with all seriousness, ‘the voice of an angel.’ The hint of teasing in his voice makes you whack him on the back of his head with the board. He laughs a bit, pretends to be seriously hurt but then he picks up his board again. 
‘Is Matty Healy…married…’ he trails off once the tape is off. 
Your eyes widen momentarily and his go to your hand, specifically to your ring finger. There’s a blind moment of panic when you think you’ve left the damning evidence on. 
‘No,’ he tries not to swallow audibly, ‘Matty Healy is not married.’
It’s not a lie…not exactly. 
But he’s about to be. 
The blinding diamond ring safely tucked in your purse is proof of that. 
He quickly moves on to the next question (Is Matty Healy an Aries? Yes he is, he even makes a face while he confirms that). The rising blush up his neck has not escaped your attention, however. 
You both know no amount of editing will stop the fans from reading into that look you just shared. 
Two weeks later, you get a notification from Youtube while you’re laying in bed.
“Matty Healy and Y/N Y/L/N Answer the Web’s Most Searched Questions / WIRED”
The comments are almost instantaneous. There are fans who think he’s hilarious. Then there are the people who think you two are adorable together and you make sure to like some of those comments from a personal account. 
That’s when you see it—
“Did anyone else notice the look at 9:56 👀”
It only has 3 replies right now. Not much traction but all 3 of them agree that there definitely was a look.
‘Look at this, love,’ you turn to him and make him take off his headphones. He lets out a proper chuckle once he sees the comment. 
‘Looks like the cats out of the bag, huh?’
It is and it isn’t. Who knows, maybe the comment will gain traction. It’s only been 9 minutes since the video came out. In the meantime, he grabs your hand and kisses it right above the ring. 
‘I don’t wanna take it off anymore,’ you say to him after a moment’s silence. 
He smiles at you—a genuine, dazzling smile—which ends in him giving you a lingering sweet kiss on your lips. 
‘So time to make it official?’ he whispers against your lips.
‘Nah,’ you laugh, ‘let the theories go wild for a bit!’
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epickiya722 · 5 months
So Kiya, I just read a theory where they said that most likely in the end of JJK, Yuuji will die alongside Sukuna and Megumi was the one who'll survive. I was so sad. What do you think about it?
Also, I love Yuuji, but I felt kinda guilty, cause ep 17 of JJK s2 is in my top 5 fav JJK episodes. Sukuna vs. Mahoraga is so cool, and when op song played at Yuuji's breakdown, I think it's felt right......
I don't even have a full-thought answer for that theory but just know if that happens, I'm fighting, I'm crying, I ripping wallpaper down...
Yuji is my sunshine who kicks ass, he is my favorite and if he dies I am not going to be the same person.
But I honestly get you on rewatching that episode. That moment is just so great as in terms of "this made me want to cry" which it did the first time I watched that scene. Like Enoki's voice acting hit me dead in my chest (and then came episode 20 and ooooh, boy).
And usually, I'm dancing to "SPECIALZ" because that song is fire (watch the music video for it, I promise you it is something else). But was the time I got mad and not because I thought it was annoying, (I didn't think so, I know some folks did) but because... how am I suppose to dance when my boy is crying and having a mental breakdown?
What makes playing that song perfect for that scene is that it did came off as mocking Yuji. Now, I don't know exactly whose POV that song is supposed represent, but I always just think it was for multiple characters. At that instance, it was Sukuna to Yuji.
It's funny, I posted a fic about... over a week ago called "You Are My Special" about Kenjaku's POV on Yuji and someone had commented how the song reminds them of Yuji and Sukuna (I've also been thinking about writing a companion piece on Sukuna's POV on Yuji), especially these parts...
Shall we dance in the boarder of the death
Tokyo trenches in the metropolis
Shall we give it our all in between yes and no
Show me a hint of bad part inside of you
Let it all make a mess
Devour everything to your heart's content
A lifelong labyrinthine rendezvous
To the point of dizziness, "U R MY SPECIAL"
*Watched several videos and read several posted lyrics for the translation. And at best, this is what I came up with. Mostly referencing from the music video.
Apparently, our minds worked in sync because these are the parts I think of during Yuji's mental breakdown. Well, that first part especially.
Forewarning, I am not an expert at analyzing! This is just how I feel.
Sukuna, for real, brought Yuji to the border of where he destroyed Shibuya so he could see all that destruction. Of course, he laughed at him, no doubt about that one.
But I also feel like that maybe Sukuna wanted Yuji to see what he's capable of. When I say "he" I mean what Yuji is capable of. He just should let go of his good nature and let loose.
I should probably make a whole other post on this since I don't want make this answer too long. 😅
Should I do that? Anybody wants that? I'd probably would do that. I'm gonna write it anyways.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Glimpse of Us (t.h)
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look at him he is so precious i just want to hold him and tell him he's wonderful :(
summary: time to finally get back at Tom for his pranks. who knew he'd fall for it that easily?
a/n: trying to get back into the swing of writing again. a combination of two requests I received to do with the song 'Glimpse of Us' by Joji. tysm for requesting! <3
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
Ever since you'd started dating Tom and joined into his friend group, you'd often found yourself the butt of the joke. Not in a mean way, the boys just couldn't resist a prank every now and then and in their words, your reactions were 'not to be missed'. The fans loved them too, many videos of their pranks going slightly viral. You could take a joke, but eventually there was only one thing left to do: revenge.
"I don't see why we all have to go to the grocery store," whined Harry. "Can't just one or two of us go?"
"No, because you always nominate Y/N or me." says Harrison, rolling his eyes as Harry begins to bicker back.
While all four boys are preoccupied in their argument, you take your opportunity to surreptitiously prop your phone up against your leg. The camera catches Tom in the driver's seat, completely unaware of it's focus on him. Next you slowly slide Tom's phone from the centre console into your lap, quickly adding a song into the play queue. Replacing his phone, you turn to the boys in the backseat.
"Boys!" you say loudly, drawing their attention out of their argument. "It's not even 10 A.M, can you shut it for at least another half hour?"
"Exactly what I'm saying, I could be in bed right now." sighs Tuwaine, leaning against the window and staring out dramatically.
You smile sweetly as the boys are quiet, punching the air in your mind as Tom seems to read your mind, reaching out to turn the music up before you could. That'll work even better than your plan.
Tom reaches out and gives your knee a quick squeeze as the song comes to an end and the song you had queued begins to play.
She'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
You see Tom's brows frown sligtly as he clearly tries to place where he's heard these lyrics before. When the chorus begins to play, you take a deep breath to put your plan into action.
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
"Tom," you whisper shakily, biting your tongue to keep a straight face.
"Y/N, honey, what's wrong?" he immediately questions, placing his hand on your leg.
"I- I- can't believe you!" you cry. "How could you?"
"I- What? Love, you're not making any sense." he tries.
"I've given my all to this relationship for the past two and a half, almost three years, and the whole time you've been thinking about someone else?" you say, making your bottom lip wobble in an incredibly convincing manner. The boys begin to perk up from the back seat, leaning in slightly to hear the conversation.
"Darling, what are you on about?" Tom questions, completely confuddled. "What have I done? You've got to tell me what I did so I can fix this, right?"
"I don't know if you can fix it," you mutter, leaning away from his touch. "After almost three years you're still stuck on someone else, and this is the way you deign to let me know? Through a song, surrounded by all your friends?"
"I think we might actually be Y/N's friends not Tom's friends after this," announces Harrison, glaring at Tom.
"Yeah, I might actually be Y/N's brother not Tom's brother in a minute." adds Harry.
The song continues to play on unhelpfully in the background, as no one thinks to turn it down to de-escalate the situation.
Said I'm fine and said I moved on
I'm only here passing time in her arms
"Can everyone shut up for a minute?" asks Tom, taking one hand off the wheel to rub his head. "I'm not trying to tell you anything, my love. I didn't even put this song on!"
"Yes you did," you sniffle. "You put it on because you relate to it and you're still thinking about someone else."
Just as Tom is about to defend himself again, he realises that perhaps he did put the song on? He's been hearing it all over TikTok and it's been stuck in his head for days. He only added it to his playlist because he thought it was a good song for when he's sitting in the back of a car in the rain, having his main character in a music video moment. Surely you knew that? You knew that you were all he'd ever wanted and more. Right?
"You know what Y/N, I can't be perfect all the time," he says, raising his voice slightly. "If you can't get just how much I fucking love you, then I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do my best, I get you flowers on date night, I always make sure to send good morning and goodnight texts when we're apart, I get your favorite cereal every week I go shopping even though it looks like a unicorn threw up in it. If all it takes to break this relationship apart for you, then I think we really need to re-evaluate our trust for each to each other." he finishes.
He glances over after a few seconds of your silence, his messy brow raised in worry. The boys hold their breath, frowning when you curl up on the seat, giggling.
"Babe," says Tom, concerned. "This is a serious argument we're having."
You only laugh harder at that, slapping the air as you scramble to find your phone and holding it up in the air. When Tom glances over again, catching a glimpse of it still recording, he lightly bangs his fist against the steering wheel, rolling his eyes.
"I'm totally kidding you," you wheeze.
Tom simply pouts at the camera, hunched over in his seat as the boys breath out in relief. You post the video on your Instagram story, turning it off and letting it rest in the cupholder as it already begins to buzz with the fans reactions to your post.
"I put the song on." you clarify. "And I wasn't upset. At all."
"I genuinely thought we were going to break up over this," pouts Tom. "And I could already see the rest of my life, sitting in front of the TV only eating your gross cereal because it reminds me of the love of my life, and then throwing up because it's so disgusting. Rinse and repeat."
You laugh, reaching out to grab onto his hand and rub gentle circles into his palm as you lean across to kiss his cheek.
"I'm sorry," you say. "I had to teach you guys a lesson. Do you forgive me?"
Tom pretends to think it over, exaggerating his pout.
"I might if I get another kith," he whispers, inventing a lisp to try and gain sympathy.
You pretend to gag at his attempt at a baby voice, leaning over to kiss his cheek once again nevertheless.
He grins slightly.
"One more?"
You roll your eyes this time, hoisting yourself out of your seat to press one more kiss to his soft cheek.
He turns to you, grinning madly.
"Think I could get one more?"
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
thank you so much for reading! i'm sorry if it's a bit shit, a quick write to try and get some creativity flowing. reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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magpies4nights · 26 days
Hi guys I’m back again lol (Dev log #14)
Hiiiii guyssssss, guess who’s back
I’m almost done with the semesterrrrrr
I barely passed my classessss
I’ve been sleeping for 10 hours since like Friday because April and March exhausted meeeee
I’m so damn done. Well, not done with the game, but done with life. I know employment is going to be hard and I don’t want to be someone’s housewife. I would have said take me to Mars but I can barely survive when temperatures drop to 16 degrees celsius and if I end up going there and surviving then that means the problems will come back to me. Sigh. 
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Well, Game dev time. Since the hiatus, I literally did nothing. I did finish Kyu’s base sprites, Father Figure’s base sprites and started on Priyah’s, but I’ll be honest I haven’t done much else because classes were getting tougher and tougher until pretty much I couldn’t do anything else except eat sleep and study. I think they have the least sprites because they have no line boil (I’d like to think the line boil means they’re getting affected by the game breaking down (I’d like to think the father figure is so damn powerful and immortal he literally sleeps through all the crazy shit that happens because that’s basically all what he does in the games except for punting his kid for eating chips loudly or disturbing his sleep)). So, what am I going to do? Continue Priyah’s sprites, then maybe do Orby’s, which probably would take me a bit longer because they would have line boil. Then maybe the diner cast, because Tiny Terson doesn’t deserve his own base sprites. If there is 1 million Tiny Terson haters I am one of them. If there is only 1 Tiny Terson hater that is me. If there are 0 Tiny Person haters then I am dead.  I’ll start with making the game actually playable after all the base sprites are done because right now it’s just a sandbox with nothing to do.
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I have put the demo to make you guys see what I’m talking about (it’s an HTML5 game. It’s really glitchy for some reason and some scenes for some reason can’t load the assets in smhhhhh. I’m going to make the full game downloadable when it’s out for windows because I have a feeling you can’t save on browser. Sorry Mac users. Not sorry. Also, I can't guarantee the downloadable thing at the bottom will run tbh.)
Here is the link to the demo: https://yal-armstong.itch.io/scaperat-the-demo
Is it exactly referencing if you’re taking like 2 lines of a song's lyrics? I don’t know but this song has been inadvertently been influencing the way I make jokes lmao deadass whenever I say anything about feeling sad this is how I expect the recipient of my message to read it like.
This song literally was what my early teens was like, like the basic lyrics that get the point across and the "emo" instrumental. Which honestly, it makes sense because this song was written by a 13 year old (which honestly, good for her). I’ll be honest, I really only miss my early teens a little bit because that's when I realized I wanted to be a game dev, but I didn't actually try making games until I was 19, which honestly thank god, because I just know I would make something angsty and cringey at 15. Also I LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW THIS SONG WAS A JAMSTER RINGTONE?! I literally saw the music video first and was like “holy shit now this is some good shit” (I was 11 ok, I wanted to look like her so damn bad back then but I knew my parents would make fun of me)
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I swear to god if any of you laugh at me because I used picmix instead of blingee I would have used it but literally could not sign up for blingee. We live in a society/j
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black-arcana · 3 months
“We knew if we stuck together, we would create great things.” Amaranthe have three vocalists and make music that resembles ABBA on a bloodthirsty rampage. They might just be the most extra band in heavy metal
Swedish metallers Amaranthe open up on a career - and a sound - like no other
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Amaranthe’s Elize Ryd and Olof Mörck can clearly remember the night they met. It was 2005 during an evening at Gothenburg’s now-defunct Diamond Dogs rock bar. At the time, Elize was an aspiring singer who had sung on a track by local band Falconer, catching the attention of Olof, who was making a name for himself as the guitarist in power metal band Dragonland. That night, they talked about the bands they loved for hours, discussed the universe and watched the stars. By the end of the night, they’d struck up what Elize describes today as a “spiritual” connection.
“We just knew, if we stuck together, we would create great things.” That’s exactly what they did. Since releasing their self-titled debut in 2011, Amaranthe have become one of the hardest-working bands in metal, releasing six albums and touring incessantly. And in that time, they’ve established themselves as one of power metal’s most OTT operators, with three bombastic vocalists backed by an undeniably divisive blend of death metal, power metal, pop and electronica, resembling ABBA on a bloodthirsty rampage.
The band’s seventh album, The Catalyst, might be their most audacious yet. While the band have often, lazily, been lumped in with symphonic metal – no doubt due to the presence of a female singer – for the first time, this record sees them lean into that genre’s splashy inclinations. It’s also their most conceptual release, delving into themes of transformation. Veering from the abstract to the unflinchingly literal, the 12 tracks breathlessly explore everything from climate change to Artificial Intelligence to vampire transformation (see grandiose single Damnation Flame and its bloodthirsty video). On paper, it reads like the band chucked ‘change’ into a word cloud. On record, it’s a fizzy, bombastic riot.
“Maybe it’s our most dynamic and brave record,” chuckles Elize over Zoom. “But it was also fun. We always made jokes that Olof is a vampire because he’s never aged.” Born in Sweden, pop music is in Elize’s bones. Outside Amaranthe, she co-writes songs for Finnish pop band Cyan Kicks, while any song on The Catalyst could easily own the stage at Eurovision – in particular, Outer Dimensions riffs off the vocal melody of ABBA’s S.O.S. While Olof handles Amaranthe’s arrangements and lead guitars, and they write the lyrics together, she is in charge of the ‘toplines’, the hooks and melodies that define the band’s gleaming sound.
“There was nothing else like Amaranthe,” she insists of the moment they emerged, sticking out like a sore thumb, in the late 2000s. “And today, I’m not sure actually if there is.” Elize was introduced to metal by her older brother and long-time Metallica fan, Johan Carlzon, a “local celebrity” due to his renowned growls as vocalist in local doom band Abandon. It was Johan who encouraged Elize to pursue a career in metal, although he never got the chance to hear her sing as part of Amaranthe: he passed away at the age of 32, following an overdose. At that time, Olof was struggling with his own grief, having lost his father. Looking back, Elize sees how their mutual pain brought them together as friends and artists.
“It helped to write more of the uplifting stuff, to push ourselves,” she explains. Writing songs, she says, was a way for her and Olof to heal, as well as keeping her brother’s memory alive. To this day, they’ve never had an argument. “We’ve always found comfort and peace with each other. That’s why it can’t be broken or taken away, because it’s an organic thing. It comes from a very real place."
Holed up during the pandemic in 2020 and unable to tour, the duo started throwing around concepts for what would eventually become The Catalyst, landing on issues that had been niggling on Elize’s mind, including the lasting effects of Covid on society, the looming shadow of worsening climate change and the impact of the rise of AI on creative industries. While the recording of the album was way underway by the time Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the ensuing war has only compounded her sense of helplessness in the face of a world shifting on its axis.
“The album is not so much focused on the political, but more about the emotional aspect,” she says. “Even though the world is changing, how can you try to cope with it?” Watching the Ukraine war from afar has taken a toll: “I actually know people from Ukraine personally, so everything feels, for me, very close.” Yet that same attitude that first bonded her and Olof shines through in the music: “Love always wins over hate.”
From the beginning, Olof Mörck wanted Amaranthe to “provoke”. “When it comes to metal, fans are enormously conservative,” he says, when we speak to him on a separate Zoom call just before Christmas. Having wrapped up band business for the year, he chats to us from his Gothenburg home while gingerbread bakes in his kitchen. He remembers it being harder to cross boundaries during the band’s early days. “In 2008, it was infrequent for bigger metal bands to even have melodic choruses. There was a certain stigma to having really catchy hooks and that’s something that we challenged.”
In 2005, he was working a day job as a kindergarten teacher, but had released three albums with his power metal band, Dragonland. “I had gotten into law school... then we went to Japan with Dragonland and we got to headline this really cool festival and play in front of thousands of screaming Japanese fans,” he says with a chuckle. “It was the last nail in the coffin, like, ‘OK, let’s drop all the back-up plans.’ The trip to Japan was a total catalyst for me, for getting a kick in the right direction.”
Having grown up in Gothenburg during the city’s mid-90s melodeath boom, he had joined power metallers Dragonland in 1999, a band he’s still a studio member of now, although Amaranthe keeps him too busy to tour. But by the time he met Elize, he had envisioned a new band, one that blended pop gloss with power and death metal riffs, and had begun to flesh out ideas. He’s keen to stress, though, that Amaranthe are not “his” band.
“It was really only when I started to write music with Elize that the pop elements became good,” he says. “It went from zero to 10 as soon as she was involved in it.” What does the title of The Catalyst mean to him? “I think we are, as a collective species, going through a very transformative era right now in a lot of different ways, and a lot of them are not necessarily that positive,” he explains.
He reaches for AI as an example. "Fifty years ago they were dreaming about a future where robots would do the chores and we’d be free to focus on artistic things, but lately it has proven to be the opposite. You have AI producing art and music while you have a human still doing the same chores that we did 50 years ago.”
Sonically, he describes The Catalyst as the band’s “most eclectic and diverse” album yet – quite a statement in a discography where every album has actively tried to leapfrog the record before it in terms of excess. “There’s some 80s, retro, cyber punk vibes on a couple of songs,” he says. “There are even some almost Gaelic folk music influences here and there. It’s not about limiting yourself, it’s about finding the path forward.”
Last year, Amaranthe played the main stage at Wacken Open Air in Germany, a place tantamount to holy ground as far as Olof is concerned. “That’s been a lifelong dream,” he says. “We played there twice before on significantly smaller stages.” During the lavish track Amaranthine, he was struck by the magnitude of the occasion. “You see 40,000 or 50,000 people waving their hands while you’re in the middle playing this guitar solo...” He smiles, describing the memory as an “ego moment”,  but also validation of how far the band have come.
Now their focus is on taking it further. When asked separately what the band have left to achieve, Elize and Olof’s answers are strikingly similar, citing collaborations with live orchestras (The Catalyst’s flirtations with symphonic metal are all via samples), and even, in a full 360 ̊ turn, an acoustic album. “I have so many dreams,” smiles Elize. “Something that we’re going to do now with The Catalyst tour, is more stage props, bigger production, more lights,” enthuses Olof, who cites the epic, battle-themed live show of fellow Swedes Sabaton as an inspiration. “In the future, lasers, more pyrotechnics...”
What they won’t do is change their genre-mashing sound, a product of that finger-up-to-the-purists mentality that has propelled them forward for almost two decades. It’s that attitude, Olof says, that has secured Amaranthe hard-won acceptance in the metal scene.
“We’ve always been outsiders in a way,” he considers. “With us still always trying to challenge conservatism and so on, I think it’s become much more obvious where Amaranthe belong as a band. People now feel more comfortable with listening to us and saying that they’re an Amaranthe fan.”
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smokingtiger · 11 months
Hello, i read your posts about GCFT and while i do see your point and those of some of your anons, i think there is one huge thing you might be missing here. Did you ever consider that it could be possible that Jikook were dating but nobody but them knew about it? Think about it. That would not be an easy thing to tell the other members let alone the company. Also, yes GCFT looks extremely queer coded but how many times have you seen the boys do extremely sus and questionable things and the company doesn’t raise an eyebrow? When you think of some of the things kpop idols are made to do for FS, then you realize that, it’s possible that sometimes they just don’t perceive certain things in Korea the same way we do here. What do i mean? Take Vhope for example, they made them kiss each other as a penalty for losing game. Isn’t it ironic that entertainment industries in a homophobic country make idols do queer coded things with each other for FS? Jk knows this and he could use that to his advantage and the company would think it’s just another day or it’s just bromance. Everytime we see them on stage touching each other, singing to each other and having those weird eye contact moments, every one (except shippers) dismisses those as FS. They already know all of this so don’t u think it’s possible that sometimes they actually hide behind the FS narrative to do what they actually want to do? I wouldn’t have read too much into GCFT if it was just that one. Did u pay attention to GCFS? Did u see what Jk did there with the lyrics and where he decided to place footage of Jimin? Not once, but both time the lyrics “I don’t wanna hide no more, I don’t wanna fight no more, what i found in you is so real” came up, he didn’t place any other member there but Jimin. I would have dismissed it if he did it just for the first chorus but the second chorus, he starts with the sky and blue sea and then we see just Jimin again! Anyone can say what they want but those lyrics were queer coded as hell and nothing will make me believe Jk coincidentally placed Jimin footage in those parts twice. And then we have GCFO, him giving Jimin the most screentime and stopping the music to hear Jimin giggle. Then GCF in Helsinki, the music going upbeat from mellow and starting Jimin scene with beautiful leaves in the fall and then changing the hue to warm immediately Jimin appears on the screen. Common!! . It’s not one thing! It is EVERYTHING put together. Go back and watch all of JK’s GCF’s and see how he hightlights Jimin in almost all the videos. It’s either Jimin is getting the most screentime or he is placing Jimin footage under certain queer coded lyrics or he is changing hues from cold to warm when Jimin comes up, this is too much of a coincidence and we all know that Jk is smart as hell. Why on earth would he continue to do this every single time? I love my best friend but damn….He knew exactly what he was doing. We might not completely understand why he was bold enough to do all those but claiming it was FS or shit like that is comical to say the least. Also, let’s not forget that to JK, this wasn’t about views or about highlighting all the members individually. Why? Because we literally hear RM telling Jk to make a GCF of Tae next time if he wants to get millions of views but Jk doesn’t. What does this tell us? Jk did all that because he wanted to and not cuz he or the company had anything to gain from it. From RM’s statement about V and views, it is safe to assume that they already were aware of V’s power when it came to views or fans so why on earth would the company use GCF to push Jikook? If anything they would have pushed Taekook just like they have been doing for the past two years or so. Taekook and Yoonmin are paired up for literally almost everything.
So many pple use the argument, “if Jikook was real bighit wouldn’t have posted GCF” but that doesn’t make alot of sense when u consider the possibility that bighit might have not known that Jikook were a thing (if infact they were). I don’t think that is something Jikook would have been eager to let the company know about, considering all the risks involved. They were young and hormonal and might have just given in to what they felt but they sure hell would have been aware of the implications so they wouldn’t readily tell anyone. The company encourages bromance between the members and the fact that they also posted the rosebowl earsuck moment on official content should already tell u where they stand! Hell these pple legit posted a clip of Jimin trying to kiss Jk in memories 2020. It’s not alien to them anymore. We may see it as absurd and unbelievable but when u consider all the weird and sus things bangtan get into with each other on a daily basis, what is new? My point is, Jikook probably knew all these and they might have used it to their advantage or kinda like an umbrella. “Everybody will think it’s bromance anyway so let’s indulge ourselves a lil”
One of the reasons why TK shippers kept growing every single day despite the fact that there were little to no TK moments but Jikook flooded everywhere was because they didn’t believe that Jikook would do the things they did if they were actually a couple, considering the circumstances. But they failed to consider the personalities of the parties involved. Jimin as per JK’s own words is “shameless/bold” he is also affectionate, clingy and loving. Jk on the other hand is shy and introverted and only pays attention to what he likes, so he had absolutely no reason making all those videos for Jimin if there was absolutely nothing there in my opinion. It wasn’t one or two but almost all GCF’s highlight Jimin in some way. Jk loves the heck out of all his hyungs but who have u ever seen him putting that much effort into? He does nice and special things for them all every now and then but there is consistency, exclusivity and extra effort in the things he does for Jimin. Think about how till date, only Jimin had an entire GCF dedicated to him, Jimin was the first and only member he gave a bday present to until he was called out, he seems to spend alot of special holidays, couple holidays, birthdays with Jimin and this too has been consistent. He finds ways of doing different and unique things for Jimin like only having a selfie with Jimin on his weverse (yet) and no other single member. Jimin being the first and only member he has posted a birthday video for (yet) even when u look at his tweets for Jimin’s birthday, they were always so different from the way he tweeted for the other members. Even now, see how much effort and attention he paid in watching and reacting to Jimin content and supporting his album. Other members have released albums and been on shows and all but the most we got from Jk was singing their songs on Live. But look at the glaring differences with what he did for Jimin. Man literally sat down for almost two hours watching and reacting to Jimin content, singing his songs on Live and talking about him or making references to him every chance he got. Some idiots claim he is being forced to do FS which is laughable because if u know anything about Jk, he does what he f*uckx wants! The same dude that goes Live unauthorized, who gets tattoos even tho the company doesn’t want it and falls asleep and drinks on Live is the same guy who is forced to do FS? Yea right! From all these actions, i think anyone with a brain and logical thinking can agree that Jimin is special to Jk. I really don’t know the true nature of their relationship, if they are friends, bros or dating each other but Jk sure does pay alot of attention to Jimin. That’s all imma say.
First of all... wow.
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Thank you for this... novel of an ask. I always appreciate a passionate display of an answer. I like to see things from all points of view, no matter how short or long the explanation may be. So thanks for shooting me an ask! But anyways, let me break down the points of your ask to the best of my ability and some of my opinions on the topics at hand. Please bear with me here... if I miss anything, please don't hesitate to shoot me another one!
In this ask I will speak generally, not only about Jikook because I feel as if I've talked about GCF in Tokyo and my personal views on them to death.
BTS and Fanservice
I'm not sure how many of my asks that you browsed through, but I did actually touch on the topic of fanservice (specifically around jikook), as well as the consequences and/or intentions posed by the GCF in Tokyo video, whether it be contextualized in a platonic or romantic sense. I also talk about the holes in arguments that state that BigHit uses certain ships to gain more exposure. I highly recommend reading these so you can sort of see how I feel about some of this stuff. I actually touched on a lot of what you expressed here in this ask, so I'm not going to repeat it all again here!
I don't really believe that BTS does performative fanservice, well at least, not anymore. Perhaps in their earlier days, maybe between their debut in 2013 to late 2016, they totally did. Like you mentioned with Hoseok and Tae, that was nothing short of fanservice; I mean, the outfits, the makeup, the buildup ... we all know it was staged.
Some other examples of early career fanservice would be the Pepero challenge that Namgi did in a 2015 episode three of BTS GAYO, or the boys did the sticky-note-pass game in a Music Bank special for their Fire promotions -- though, to be fair, Yoongi was above the game, ending it prematurely on purpose so they didn't have to go through with it. BTS in the present day has absolutely nothing to gain from corporate fanservice other than a funny laugh or cheer from the audience. For example, Taejin still engaged in some form of fanservice for their section in So What, but seasoned fans understood this to be more of a running gag between the two of them, Jin's ears red with embarrassment for half of the displays. But in their monetized content, variety shows, behind-the-scenes, etc... fanservice really has no reason for existing. These are candid shots, I really don't think BTS are putting their heads together trying to think of all the ways that they can stir up sexual tension in the studio or in their green rooms.
People have even begun to accuse Jimin of inciting fanservice towards Jungkook at Yoongi's Seoul concert. Aren't these antis tired yet?
I understand their relationship to be incredibly precious and close, the boys seeing each other as close siblings, a group of people they can wholeheartedly rely on in times of trouble or anguish. They've gotten permanent, matching tattoos as a testament of love. Long gone are the days of sheepish squeals behind cheek kisses and hugs. These boys show affection towards one another like it's their 9 to 5, completely unfiltered and unadulterated passion.
But of course, love isn't a stagnant label or definition; we also know that each member shares a unique dynamic with another, their love language presenting itself in many different ways.
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Content Quantity = Couple Validity?
As you mentioned, it is believed that many people became Taekookers because of the lack of content, not the other way around. It was just far too suspicious to have this much content of one pairing for them to be legit, right?
Well, this is how I feel about content, whether it comes in the form of a video, a tweet, a photo, a live, a voice message, an interview snippet... etc. I don't necessarily think the quantity of content validates any pairing and/or relationship.
As we all know, vmin are incredibly close, they constantly remind us just how close they are in songs and interviews. But vminnies used to talk about the lack of content containing the two of them, whether it be selfies or lives. I think the gap between the last vmin live to the most recent one was from 2016 (their Osaka live) to 2021 (their post-PTD concert live). They had survived a long drought before seeing the two of them buddied up together on VLive + Jungkook joined them too! This lack of content didn't invalidate their relationship as best friends, nor did it prove that they were any closer unless they explicitly said so.
Fans who use the quantity of content to justify the strength of a relationship truly boggle my mind -- they're usually in the same pool of people who believe that the members don't actually care about one another because they won't send out birthday tweets or messages. Like, up until 2022, they were together for about 95% of the year. Do you really think that they wouldn't wish one another happy birthday? Do you really need to see it in order to believe it? I swear these people won't stop until they live within the pipes of BTS' homes, they just have to have an in on every conversation ever. As someone who has been a fan for a very long time (since 2015), I have come to notice that birthday tweets, selfies, and/or the amount of times a member uses a platform really isn't that important when interpreting their relationship.
It's true that Jungkook has had many Jimin-centered lives this year, some of which delve into much of Jimin's FACE promotional content. I don't necessarily think that just because Jungkook didn't dedicate a live to each individual member and their work, that he cares about their albums less. Obviously, no one is saying that... hopefully. But what I do find sad is that people accused Jungkook of pushing Jimin's content under the guise of fanservice. Stupid as hell. What I find interesting about the whole Jimin Youtube debacle is that Jungkook is watching some more obscure ARMY compilations and collections, which means that they could have been recommended to him based on his watch history.
Okay, so the only selfie Jungkook posted on Weverse was with Jimin. Jimin also has more pictures of Hoseok on his Weverse than any other member. The members used to post pictures of Jungkook and Yoongi for us on Twitter to prove to us that they weren't dead. Jungkook used to post a total of three selfies a year, and each time it sent the platform into complete chaos. Jimin also used to be one of the most active members on social media, only going a few days at a time without posting, and now he's one of the more quiet ones. Who would've thought that Yoongi would become one of the more active members? If you had told me that about four years ago, I would've called you a liar.
The numbers don't really prove much; they don't disprove one relationship or prove another. All of this speculation around the quantity of content is complete and utter bullshit. Of course, we all know it's about the quality of the actual information being expressed within the content that allows us to draw further speculation. This is where we get into the lyrics, usage of color, staging, clip splicing, etc... in Jungkook's personal projects. Since you've already read my post, you know that I won't get too into detail on many of these things because we'd be here forever. It's a piece of art, and you could honestly write an essay over each video as to why you think he utilized certain elements in certain places.
Also, for people who believe that BigHit is cutting out kisses in between cuts... please be serious for one second. Do you think BTS just freely make out on cam with a poor intern having to sit there and watch? Some people truly think that there's an employee out there working overtime in the HYBE building, desperately gripping their mouse as they edit out hours of unsolicited gay porn from their weekly Bangtan Bomb.
If it's not in the video, why even try to speculate what truly happened? People who argue ship suppression through camera cuts have got to be my favorite flavor of delusional shipper. Actually, Becky, I think Jungkook did six burpees in between these two clips!
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Korean Culture, Language, and Interpretation
Now, I am absolutely no stranger to the aspect of another country/culture holding a completely different view or practice. I've lived in two different countries, both of which had some similarities, but mostly had their own distinct way of approaching relationships and everyday life. I would also like to inform you that my major in school focuses on the Korean language -- I'm trying to become a translator. So, I am often taught to study the language through a Korean cultural lens and to understand the small nuances within their language. Does that mean that I'm the most well-informed person to talk about Korean culture and language? No. I might be a little more educated on a linguistic matter, but I still would prefer for others to rely on pure Korean sources -- they'd understand it much better than me.
The concept of misusing Korean culture and the language is something I am incredibly familiar with and aggravated by, and I truly think misinformation spreads like a plague in Western K-pop communities -- especially in shipping ones. The number of headaches I get just scrolling through stan Twitter and seeing non-Koreans and non-Korean speakers spread false information about translations and cultural subcontexts... it's immense.
I still remember the infamous RUN BTS moment where Jungkook calls his mother and Jimin makes himself known to her, earning a sweet and earnest 'I love you' before erupting into giggles and laughter. The moment is incredibly wholesome, but what caught the attention of many non-Korean speakers was the fact that Jimin called Jungkook's mom, Mother. This just had to be proof! Look how close they are! Jimin called Jungkook's mom, Mother! Well.. that's what everyone calls the parents of their friends... School teachers even call the mother of their students Mother. It's true that Jimin didn't use the most polite version of the word, but don't get me wrong, he was still polite. But when Koreans asked the person of this tweet to kindly delete it, they refused, the OP far too happy with the number of likes they had garnered on misinformation. This type of sentiment is prolific in the K-pop community, so I highly recommend verifying translations that come from non-Korean speakers or non-Korean fans!
One of the bigger forms of misuse has to come from the usage of the pet name Baby, or in Korean, 새끼 Saekki. I have seen so many people pass around clips that have the English translation of this word, pointing out how, look! this person called this person baby! they're totally dating! ... 새끼 does translate into Baby, but it doesn't hold the exact same connotation as its English counterpart. 새끼 is often used by older folk towards animals (baby cat, baby dog) or their children/grandchildren. Romantic couples aren't really out here using 새끼 in the most romantic way, but more in a way to express how endeared or how cute they find something. Also, 새끼 can be used as an insult... it's all about context folks! I'm sure you guys have heard the word circulating on TikTok or from the mouths of animated Kdrama protagonists.
Big shipping youtube channels often weaponize the Korean culture and language to push an agenda, often on false pretenses and offensive absolutes. They disguise most of these strange and outright derogatory statements under the guise of analysis. Analysis? Doesn't that require some actual reasoning based on facts? Not just whatever you pulled out of your ass? For example, one of the most famous Taekook channels, taekook--lives, is incredibly guilty of this. Watching their content is like a punch to the stomach, it's incredibly disheartening to see how they utilize South Korean culture as if it's nothing but a game. They also accuse the members of lying, which is also fucking stupid. Are you a BTS fan or not? How far are you willing to drag the boys through the mud in order to keep your fictional storyline of taekook afloat?
(Also this isn't a drag towards taekookers or taekook in general... I know there are a lot of taekookers who don't support taekook--lives and try to avoid their content!)
I will say from what I have observed, Jimin and Jungkook speak very comfortably with one another in many behind-the-scenes and other relaxed content. In interviews or in public places, Jungkook tends to speak up toward Jimin, but when they're alone or with the other members, that's when he tends to loosen it. We all know that they're incredibly close just from this factor alone, but dropping honorifics, as I've stated before, doesn't necessarily prove that they're dating. BTS practice a very soft form of masculinity, even falling outside the bounds of what's expected of a typical Korean man in South Korean society. However, I really don't wish to speak broadly about Korea or Koreans, especially since I've never lived there -- haven't been, not even for vacation. I can only parrot what I've heard from other Koreans, but even then, everyone lives differently and can have differing views when it comes to certain topics.
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Some More Things to Address
I will point out a false fact that you presented with your ask: Jimin is the only member to have received a birthday video from Jungkook. That's not true, Jungkook actually made a specially edited video for Yoongi for his 24th birthday! It's still one of my favorite wholesome Bangtan moments, and it's one of the first elaborate video edits that Jungkook ever posted, predating GCF in Tokyo by a near six months. Does that make GCF in Tokyo any less special? No. Of course not. But it is important to note that Jungkook does do something special for other members from time to time.
Also, towards the end, you said: "If anything they would have pushed Taekook just like they have been doing for the past two years or so. Taekook and Yoonmin are paired up for literally almost everything."
I might need more clarification on this point because it makes it seem like you believe that BigHit is manufacturing or prioritizing certain pairings over other ones. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that's not happening here, but if it is... I talked about this point very sternly in my FESTA post, where people were accusing BTS' company of promoting certain ships just by having them sit next to each other in photoshoots or videos. If someone looks at a picture of BTS and immediately thinks of a ship, that's a personal problem. Not everything is about shipping. We can agree that we think fan service is stupid and doesn't occur between the members, right? It's not any different for these harmless photoshoots and videos. Jikook, Taekook, and Yoonmin are all incredibly popular already and don't really need the extra promo.
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So whether or not these two boys are dating, we can only speculate. I think it's incredibly difficult to draw conclusions without knowing them personally, of course. At the end of the day, they are incredibly close and their bond should not be questioned. I do appreciate reading into your insight, I hope you didn't mind this sort of ship-neutralish approach where I attempted to express my feelings about everything and nothing at the same time.
I also wrote all of this on like three hours of sleep so if none of this make any sense I'm sorry LMAOOO
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miraculous-showtime · 4 months
Some songs I want in Project Sekai !!
(flash warning for many of the linked videos!!)
Ki Do Ai Raku by Task - WxS I KNOW this is kind of outside of their usual genre/style of music BUT JUST READ THE LYRICS PLEASE!! i literally am so in love with this song and it just fits wxs so well it makes me feel ill I cannot describe in words how ecstatic I would be if they covered this! (very outlandish pick but i want it all the same)
Kimi no Taion by KutagawaP - Ichika & Saki this could probably be a full leoni cover BUT just LISTEN,,, this song is SO middle school ichisaki to me!!! it's so them! and it's so sad and bittersweet and it makes me emotional and they would sound SO GOOD singing this together. okay? okay.
Pajamy by Iyowa - Airi & Shizuku me and my lyrics relating to character arcs smh... ANYWAY! this song is literally just. Shizuku and Airi being scorned by the idol industry and AAAH IDK! I love iyowa and this song fits them so well and its been SO LONG since they've had a cover together. just read the lyrics please... thinking abt Shizuku's struggle with cheerful*days in the main story.... Airi wanting to help her through that... Airi being burned from how she was treated before she first quit being an idol...
Nee Nee Nee. by PinocchioP - Ena & Mizuki this song is literally about two online friends who are in love with each other but can't communicate properly. SORRY DID SOMEONE SAY MIZUENA???? I've seen people say they want this song with other ships but this is SUCH a mizuena song to me.... like idk dude it's just so them. I need them to cover this so bad.
Ironina by NILFRUITS - VBS this song could probably also work for 25ji but just hear me out the vibes would be so cool for a VBS song right? ALSO Akito alt and maybe An alt! :) the lyrics made me think of Akito so much he just HAS to have an alt.
Light Blue Invasion by Nayutalien - L/n this song is just so fun sounding and the lyrics are so leoni... everything about this song makes me think of them. I also think leoni just deserves more songs that are super fun and upbeat!!
shake it! by emon(Tes.) - MMJ this song is just so fun and sweet... I think it could be a really fun mmj cover! also the parts where the crowd is cheering? imagine a 3d mv where they're interacting with the crowd. idk I just think this would be super cute!!
Tiny Bunny by youman - 25ji literally the lyrics fit them so well, I can imagine exactly who would sing which lines. I also just love youman and this song. this song is so good and i think that 25ji would do an amazing job covering it! :)
Literacy by Wotaku - VBS tbh i don't really care who in vbs covers this I just want it... I think they would sound really really good. maybe anhane and akitoya alt vocals? i don't know but I really like this song and also it would be cool to have more wotaku songs in game!
UFO by Kikuo - Emu & Rui I don't know how likely a kikuo wxs cover is but. this song is so dreamy and the lyrics dude!!!! literally a song about lonely "aliens" looking for companions. this is SO emurui coded. this is one of my dream covers for them tbh. also ik i haven't been mentioning vocaloids BUT the vibe fits wxs luka so well to me i want her on this song with them. please just imagine this cover it'll change your life I promise.
Electric Angel by Yasuo - Minori & Haruka WOULDN'T THIS COVER BE SO CUTE??? like the song sounds super cute and i would love to hear them sing this... if anyone other than mmj covers this song I'll feel betrayed. ALSO THE LYRICS. SO minoharu coded! this might possibly be a bit of a pull from nowhere but I want it anyway
Amatsu Kitsune by Marasy - L/n I think this would be a really cool cover for them to do. I love this song, I think Saki specifically has a chance to really shine in this cover. IDK! I just like this song and the vibes fit leoni... also references to space and celestial stuff :)
Let's Die Together in Kurashiki by SLAVE.V-V-R - WxS although the lyrics do not fit them AT ALL the whole vibe of the song is SO cool. I would love to hear wansho do a cover like this! I especially think Rui and Nene could sound really cool in this, maybe they could get an alt vocal :) IDK this would just be a neat cover to hear
Baimei Baimei by Maiki-P - Mafuyu & Ena I have some newfound hope for this cover because of Maiki-P recently doing a comm for wxs! I just think the lyrics fit mafuena really well and also they could sound SO COOL singing this. it's just a really good song that I like a lot and I think a mafuena cover for this could sound amazing!
Rafflesia by Utsu-P - VBS okay this pick seems kinda random but please stick with me here I have a vision. THEY WOULD SOUND SO COOL SINGING THIS. literally i cannot imagine a world where vbs would do bad with this song. especially An, if we do ever get this song I totally want an alt vocal for her. ALSO the lack of Utsu-P in game is a CRIME.
Lula by n-buna - 25ji (i could not find an official upload (or reprint) for this song help) this song feels very bittersweet to me and I don't know I just think it would be a sweet nightcord cover. this song is really wonderful sounding and I would love for them to cover something like this. they've done similar songs before so it's not impossible
Scissorhands by Nem - Tsukasa & Rui guys guys please this song is so them like you don't get it I need this cover. "This hand of mine cannot even caress your cheek. If that's the case, just how can I protect your smile?" LIKE ARE YOU SERIOUS??? not to mention they would sound AMAZING with a song like this. this has potential to become my favorite ruikasa cover over fixer it could be so good... this might be a bit too overtly romantic for ruikasa but idk.... I can hope and dream.
Magical Girl and Chocolate by PinocchioP - MMJ I tried not to pick too many super popular songs (like ones i see on wish lists a lot) but i want this cover so bad. this song fits mmj so well and I love pino and mmj so it would be a dream come true for me tbh. I think they would sound really cute singing this, okay?? Haruka and Airi could have alt vocals for this :)
CH4NGE by Giga - Kohane & An really just another song I picked because I think it sounds cool and An and Kohane could totally do this justice. they could do such an amazing cover of this song honestly I've been wanting it for a while I think it would sound super good!! also songs like these are peak vbs vibes to me.
Tenkou Zen'ya by ChinmariP - Ichika & Honami really this is a very Honami coded song to me. Ichika is just here because solo covers barely exist and leoni doesn't have any songs without Ichika (I would've put Shiho otherwise). but also the vibe of this song very much fits with how other ichihona covers sound and I think it sounds really nice.. it's bittersweet and reminds me of main story/middle school Honami, i think it would be a neat cover.
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smallcrystals · 4 months
pls pls pls i need some flashspruce headcanons, idc what they're abt i just NEED
i've been on the verge of insanity lately
this is so real and honestly your insanity brought back mine so thank you
i feel like part of the reason i've kinda fell off my eqg soapbox is bc i felt like i've said all i've ever wanted to say abt them, but i don't think i have actually! if you do not mind me repeating myself occasionally:
between flashspruce, flash has the most experience with boys despite having realised his attraction to them later than timber did. this is mainly because flash is surrounded by more boys because high school, the maths is pretty simple
timber, on the other hand, had a more complicated relationship with sexuality because his gender was doing all sorts of funny things. he had an idea that he was pan (of course, he didn't have the words for it yet) but he was never sure if he was romantically interested in boys or just admired them so obsessively he wanted to be one. as timber grew into his teen years he realised it was both lol
timber hides this with his confidence but flash can see right through it because he's dealt with boys like this before when they've hit on him previously (though they're never quite as cute as timber is. pretty privilege i tell ya)
when they're friends, they have this specific dynamic that idk how to explain (the closest i can think of is hyung-dongsaeng in korean culture), but essentially it's this feeling of wanting to dote on your friends that are younger than you (even if it's just by months). that's how flash treats timber in the early stages – flash finds out he's older than timber by a few months and now he cannot think outside of timber = baby
timber loves the mane 7 but if flash is tagging along with their hangouts (which is usually the case, timber only rarely hangs out with them as a group by himself), he's very clingy and has his arm hooked with flash's. flash finds it adorable, especially when timber refuses to let go in public
i see 2 ways in which they can go from friends to lovers; either it's very natural and it doesn't feel like anything's changed, OR they've reached a breaking point where they're just seconds away from devouring each other. sunset says that sometimes flash looks at timber like he will leave bite marks on the guy if he doesn't stop whatever he's doing (existing). both are good i'd say
timber has always filmed little candids of flash when they start being friends, mainly on his phone but whenever they're out by themselves, he brings his fancy camera out. flash doesn't know this, mainly because timber doesn't show him out of embarrassment, but you can really tell the person who filmed the videos loves their muse
flash sends over lyric docs whenever he feels like it and usually these are without any context, literally no "hello" or "how are you", just [text].doc and timber's like ???. but then timber reads them and is like sad™. timber's never admitted to this, and it'll take him a while to do so, but there have been certain lines in flash's lyrics that had him crying. how many chances do you get in life where your muse considers you their muse too?
flash sometimes buys timber books that he's read just so timber can also read them and then freak out the same way he did. most of the time timber's reaction is "why would you make me read this i am now clinically insane" which was exactly flash's goal
i would try to debate who would be the pathetic lover between flashspruce but there is no answer to that bc they are both equally pathetic in their own ways sorry loverboys
flash actively joins timber when he goes to get more wood just so he can see timber in a tanktop and an axe but flash will deny this every step of the way
timber can't say anything though bc man does this as well during the summer months when the flash drive are performing at bars; flash is Not about to wear leather in this weather and timber's gonna enjoy every moment of it
and yeah flash teaches timber the guitar bc what is he if not a lover of music and queer rockstars (he thinks timber could make a really cool queer rockstar if not for the fact he would steal a million of girls' hearts in one second and a smile)
these two make me want to chew a wall. dead serious
(i see your ask about flash, i will get to that soon i promise 🫡)
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
More Than Just A Song
Fluffy / Comfort
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Yes, I will use any image of Stephen/Ben without his goatee/beard as Supreme Strange
Pairing: Supreme!Strange x Fem!Reader (Same pair from Don't Let Me Go)
Warnings: None, this is just fluffy
Word Count: 0,840k
A/N: I had this song in my head for weeks and it always made me think of Stephen, I don't know why, but I had this scenario in my head for days and I needed to write it. It's cute and all, but if you know the ending of this pair and assimilate it to the lyrics of the song it's incredibly heartbreaking, so I strongly recommend that you read Dont Let Me Go after or before reading this ;)
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Stephen always had difficulty recognizing his flaws, but certainly not accepting his limitations and being annoyed by not knowing or not understanding a subject was one of them.
It was probably the silliest thing in the world, which made him even angrier, but ever since you returned from your trip to Iceland which you went to attend a science fair sponsored by Stark Industries, you haven't stopped singing a song.
You hummed that song at work all day, you sang it in the shower or when you were cooking, to the point of humming that song one night after you had sex. You were lying on your back on the bed, his head was on your shoulder and you were drawing circles on his shoulder totally oblivious to anything and when he realized you were humming it.
Usually he loved to hear you sing. Not that you were any good at it, you were totally out of tune, but he loved to hear you humming around the house. He also liked how eclectic you were in your tastes that ranged from Beethoven to ACDC, but the problem was that you listened to music in languages ​​he didn't know and that was exactly the case.
Stephen knew the basics, he was good at French, he understood Spanish reasonably well, but that was all. You on the other hand were fluent in at least eight languages, the most recent being Icelandic and you kept singing that Icelandic song that wasn't exactly bad but irritated him by leaving him out, because it was something he didn't know, that he didn't understand and he didn't like not knowing and understanding things.
When he got over his pride and finally asked you what that song was about you just smiled at him saying it was just song that played nonstop on radio when you were in Iceland and it got stuck in your head, but it didn't feel like just any song, not when you had it in your head all day and for weeks on end .
Sometimes he caught you distracted looking at him and humming it, you had this habit of looking at him distracted when he was working or even when he was at the Sanctum doing something, you stopped doing what you were doing and kept looking at him. Usually he was flattered, but he became intrigued by understanding that there seemed to be a connection between the song and him for you, but what connection would that be and would it be a good thing after all?
He's reached the edge of ridiculousness by questioning Sue Storm at a dinner party about the song. You and Sue were friends and she laughed when he asked and told him the name of the song and the name of the singer and that night, you were sleeping next to him, he took his notebook and put on headphones finally finding a video of the song with English subtitles and that's when he understood.
Stephen wasn't necessarily romantic, you didn't have a song or even used to celebrate dates, but the realization of what that song meant, what all those moments meant made him soft.
He heard it a couple of times before putting the notebook on top of the nightstand and looked at you sleeping and without holding back he lay down next to you pulling you by the waist to settle closer to you and kissed your cheek, your eyelids, your nose until you wake up.
You smiled at him with your eyes still closed "Why aren't you sleeping?"
He sighed touching your face "Because I was busy investigating something that had been driving me crazy for weeks"
You frowned, running your hand over your face, not understanding "From work? Why didn't you tell me?"
He denied smiling "Not from work. About you and that damn song."
You didn't seem to understand and he pulled you to his lips and then whispered in your ear "Nothing can pull me away from you now. I hold on tight to you. No one can love me like you do."
You smiled ear to ear, immediately recognizing the snippet of the song.
"Next time you want to confess your love to me try a song in a language I know."
You chuckled putting your arms around his neck and rolled over him putting your legs around his waist "Do you know what that means? That I was on the other side of the world when I first heard this song and all I could think about was you. There’s only you."
He smirked, his hands tight on your waist "And that means..."
You kissed his lips softly and then purposely bit his bottom lip
"That I love you Stephen Strange and nothing in the world will separate me from you."
"They wouldn’t even dare to try, Miss Stark." He brought a hand to the back of your neck, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
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You can listen to the song on Spotify HERE or on Youtube HERE And you can read the english translation HERE ;)
You will find it on my Spotify playlist too.
Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
Taglist: @graveyzxbabe @dontmindme262 @bloodyflowerrr @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @sassenach-on-the-rocks @iobsessoverfictionalmen @sherlocksgirl91 @dragonqueen89 @newtsniffles @strangelockd @evelynrosestuff @cute-angi @whiskeyho @prix1994 @sherlux @xourownsidee @rbymoon @kakashibabe02 @hobimysolecito @geeky-politics-46 @lykaonimagines @d0ct0rstrangewife @classickook
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
All about the 知足 ( Contentment ) audio recording : CPN + lyrics analysis 🎧
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everything here is not 100% verified so don’t take it as truth. there are screenshots and speculations but this is not me confirming anything. interpret it as you will. the audio recording is floating around in other platforms but i won’t share it here.
There was a rumor before that after the 2019 DDU filming, they all went to a KTV to celebrate. That’s GG/Web as well as TTXS brothers and probably other staff. This is where this was sang and recorded. Allegedly.
Then in 2020, it seems like GG’s QQ account uploaded the recording. The run time is 1.18! 18! Yibo! and it’s in a playlist called 95. If you don’t know the importance of 95 to the fandom, read here.
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After a short while, it was deleted even if people were able to like it and comment. This is the part I really can’t confirm cause I didn’t see it myself. Also we don’t know if it’s intentional on GG’s part and his team. Plus the fact that it was deleted says something. If you listen to the audio, it’s actually just GG you can clearly hear and Web very faintly. Considering the time it was uploaded (10/2020) tho GG had been coming back around this time, it’s still not a good move to have something out there that can potentially attract antis. People noticed Yibo’s voice so I think it’s one of the reason why it was deleted, to not bring Yibo to a potential issue.
2021, it made the rounds again because it was re-uploaded by fans. It’s just my personal stance to not share it in big platforms. I think it’s perfectly fine to keep a copy for yourself then listen and cry lol. We don’t know who uploaded it and why. If this was recorded during a private get together, I don’t think we should be listening to it. Tho how it was sang was so beautiful. 🤍 I will never wish to get a private recording of them audio or video when they are in a place where they are with friends no matter how much it feeds the cpn machine. I hope they can get the privacy they need when they are together and when they are with friends/family without being filmed and followed. Look at how people were following GG and his family in Sanya when he was on vacation. So yeah. There are things that we will never know and that’s fine. No need to dig.
2022, I think around 3AM ish, people were posting that it was re uploaded in Kugou Music ( a music platform kinda like spotify ) and the difference? The artists tagged are both XZ/WYB.
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It was not uploaded by the boys’ artist account or anything. People rushed over to listen to it and save somehow because it may be taken down again. Lol. I honestly have no idea how this got that high on hot search. Is it a slow day today? But if you think about it, anything with XZ and WYB on it is bound to be talked about. It stayed there for a while so people just started using the HS spot for BAH and YGY. In BJYX ST, it was announced to not talk about CPN. Even if you look at entertainment blogs who shared it, most of the comments are saying something like — “it’s nothing~”.
I honestly like how the fandom handled this incident overall. I’ve said this before, there are times when we should keep quiet about CPN. This audio does not prove a romantic relationship or what. It’s an audio of them singing, that’s all. The last thing Xiao Zhan needs right now is a negative HS. Even if this is not exactly harmful, but well, if the whole CP is dragged into it then it’s gonna be an issue. CP things should be kept in our circle only. 🤍
About the whole “claiming” the music thing. I found this but I can’t verify how true. Or if XZ/WYB are even looking at this and giving resources to claim certain things.
What does Kugou Music claim work mean?
Kugou claiming the work means that Kugou has not officially obtained the copyright of the music and the music copyright does not belong to Kugou. Then, the user cannot play, download and listen to the music.
This requires the original author of the work to claim the music and grant the copyright to Kugou before users can play, listen and download normally.
I think this is why people are saying the boys claimed it because you can play it normally and download it. This is all speculation with “facts” that we have but the only “official” songs are the ones personally endorsed by the two.
Also this is the platform’s terms and conditions. You can study it if you want, but i’m not gonna think too much about that. It’s pretty obvious, the HS stayed and the track is still there as of writing. No clarifications of any kind was posted. There are things that these two do or don’t that prove how they have no problem being associated to each other once in a while. If they really hate e/o, then they can scrub everything out. Or have their fan accounts refute rumors or whatever. Lol.
Now that we have the whole CPN history out of the way, let’s do a mini analysis of the song and why they chose it. The song is bittersweet, which is their favorite type of track so that may be one factor.
How do you go about retrieving a rainbow?
How do you go about embracing a summer breeze?
The stars high in the sky are laughing at the people below.
"They never do understand, they never find contentment."
Ah~ the good old summer breeze, that summer of 2018. Lol. not much to add here so I’ll just reference this post again. The song as well as how it relates to the Japan cpn.
If I were to fall in love with your smile,
how would I keep it, how would I obtain it?
And if you were happy but not because of me,
Whether or not I let go, would be how I do.
I am interpreting this in XZ’s POV, since he was the one actively singing the song. I’m imagining that summer when GG was exposed to Web’s sweet smiles. This person who everyone said was cold/aloof, but turned out to always be the one who makes him laugh. who smiles at him. Even beyond that summer, the whole 2019 promos, Web was smiling at him.
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If we’re working on the timeline that they fell in love that summer, GG is not sure how he can keep someone like Yibo in the long run. Their lives are too complicated and it must have felt like wishful thinking that they can have a relationship.
When a gust of wind this way blows, kites fly high in the sky,
and for you I pray, I bless and I am moved.
And when your silhouette finally disappears into the sea of people,
I realise, it's most painful smiling through your tears.
How can we interpret this without crying lol. I’m just glad these two got over whatever they were thinking that time and became a couple. 🤍
You and me, that day and on that hill
That way we sang, that song from that year
That kind of memory, that was plenty and enough—
Enough for me to feel loneliness day after day.
This gives me such a vivid picture, the day on that hill feels like the day when they went to take photos of the Windmills. The last day of filming when they sang White Windmill and Bobo looked like he was gonna cry.
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The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
This last part is just 😭😭😭 there are not heartaches in this house! ❌❌❌
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BPP I have been thoroughly wrecked by Yoongi. HIS VOICE? HIS CHARISMA??
My god. He's been your bias since debut?! You're strong woman. How did you do it?? One concert and I'm ready to bear kids for him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ask 2: I'm sorry!!! But look at this!!!! twitter com/sujimschim/status/1652517741226790913 looolll I think army's gonna be okay (pun intended lol) Sorry I think I'm having a post wlive high right now. lol Also did you hear about that insanely lucky army who got Yoongi video on their phone AND got to sit next to Jimin during the concert?! Like WOW. I'm amazed. Isn't that harder than the lottery?? lol Ok I'll really stop. Have a good night!!
Ask 5: I love how Yoongi sticks to his first iteration of Sorry for being cute choreo. That choreo is becoming a lore of its own. yoominforlife lol Also OMGGGG his concert haegeum performance is gonna be LIT. I personally really love the name of the song and all the word play that's hidden inside it
Ask 6: i want to fuck yoongi till the paint peels off the walls i need to suck his thick fat cock clean empty, gobble his midas balls till i gag and after that read him my deontological critique of neitzche's assertion that god is dead. because god is well and truly alive and i just sucked his balls dry. i was lost and stupid in the wilderness of my ignorance of his divine hotness. i doubted your mind for your esteemed love for him. i was foolish but he has made me a believer. i want to be shoooshed by yoongi. then fuck him till he blacks out. consensually.
sorry. pls don't hate me bpp yoongi just drives me so fucking insane.
Ask 7: D-Day tour setlist is INSANE. Banger after friggin baanger Bpp! Have you tried to rank Suga's songs before? All his solo songs too can you rank them Bpp?
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in ask 2, your link. And yeah, that person was super lucky. 💜
I need to confess to y’all. I caved and got myself an earlier ticket. Usually, I buy my tickets for later in the tour to give myself time to calm down and adjust. I’d have spoiled the setlist for myself, listened to it ad infinitum till the lyrics were ingrained and my hormones were in equilibrium. But this time I couldn’t wait till the Cali dates, (still going). I had to see Yoongi tonight.
And Christ, I have ascended.
I know I will not be coherent, I’m already trying to self censor as I write , but I want to get this out here because many of you have sent me asks about him, some I know I can’t post ever, so I’m hoping someone else gets it whatever it is I’m tying to say.
Yoongi is so beautiful.
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Yoongi is a rock star, and I mean that in a literal sense. He makes rock music, thinks like a rock star, and sings like a rock star. His live renditions of Amygdala are the perfect example of this. Pairing screamo rock in the chorus with the guitar solos in the outro, everything about Yoongi's vision for that song is centered around liberation, a value that's inherent to a rock star.
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(Yes. That’s the objective correct answer.)
I laughed reading all your asks btw. (Anon in ask 6, I see you, I get you, and I don't judge you.) Ranking Agust D's songs is impossible for me. My personal taste is screamo rock and dirty trap or drill, I like songs with distinct percussion, lots of guitars, and/or distortion, voice cracks, autotune, etc. Artists like Nirvana, ONE OK ROCK, Kendrick Lamar, Twenty One Pilots, and Jimin give me bits and pieces of that sound, but no one in BTS knows how to scratch that itch for me better than Yoongi.
He’s just the right kind of insane to speak my language.
The duality that shimmers around Jimin like a mirage and is central to his magnetism, where you can’t be sure of who, what, exactly you’re looking at - man, woman, child, king, snake, panther, cat, metal, silk, fire, ice - all in one. That duality, lives in Yoongi’s music.
It’s elsewhere too, but it lives in his music. Even underneath all of that, he just makes some of the best music around.
That beat change at the end of Shadow? That's music tailor-made for me. Cypher Pt 3, AGUST D (the song), What Do You Think?, Trivia: Seesaw, the live performances of HUH?! and Amygdala are a revelation. All his music sounds perfectly made for me.
I honestly have no choice but to love him.
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(I have no words when it comes to Yoongi.)
I won’t exactly rank his music here. I’ll discuss some of my favourites based on things like production, message, flow, feel, etc. Maybe.
This song is criminally underrated. I mean it's a crime more people aren't screaming from the rooftops about how crisp this track is. Listening to 724148 was the first time it really hit me how brilliant Yoongi is as a producer.
So Far Away ft Suran
You need to listen to this song on good speakers. It will change your life for the better. Do that, then come back here and tell me how you feel.
Burn It ft MAX
You know, when I heard the live performance of this song, I called a friend to help me re-calibrate my speakers. To recreate that feel. The production on the song is insane. Not to mention Yoongi's flow in the second verse.
The guitars are placed and layered perfectly. I love how forward the drums are in the mix. The autotune is one of my favourite things about it too. The entire song is perfect.
Am I the only person who hears the same static in the song intro that continues faintly in the foreground for the entirety of the song? As though you're entering a glitch. It's so sick. The main/central beat doesn't vary much, all the texture comes from Yoongi's adlibs. And he does an excellent job elevating it to something more.
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(It truly embarrasses me that I cannot allow myself to talk about him. He’s that… much.)
Flow / Delivery
You've all seen me go on and on about Jimin's vocals. About how much Jimin's voice is the catalyst for ecstasy when I listen to BTS's music. But Yoongi's voice affects me just as strongly, if not more, in a very different way.
I’m a sucker for the kitten. That insane high pitched thing he does drives me to the limits of my sanity. But he’s also a natural baritone. A nasty one at that. You can hear it in the music he makes. And that’s my kryptonite.
Have you listened to HUH?! Like, really listened to it? Do you hear his flow from 1:08 - 1:15?
Do you hear how disgusting this brat is?
Let’s just move on.
Some favourites where his flow, delivery, switch-ups, is frankly ridiculous:
Burn It ft. MAX
HUH?! ft j-hope
Cypher Pt. 3
Aside, the instrumental of this track, along with Cypher Pt. 4, Dionysus trap remix, Danger MMA 2019 version, and We Are Bulletproof Eternal, is incredible.
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Making a list based on pure vibes, Honsool has to show up. Yoongi captured the unmoored, untethered feeling of drifting through haze, distilled and crystalized into Honsool. Genius.
Give It To Me
What Do You Think?
HUH ft j-hope
Tony Montana ft. Jimin
I'm a sucker for the grit in their voices in this song. The live version specifically.
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(He’s such a problem for me y’all…)
Not to get into this, but he also does sweet, poppy songs too. Some faves being That That, Amygdala, People, Trivia: Seesaw…
He is a true artist.
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And nothing is hotter than that.
I started writing this long paragraph about the themes in his music and stopped because I’ve really gone on long enough. I’m barely keeping it together here. I just saw him lose his mind with happiness at the ARMY who disguised her iPhone as a Samsung. That wide smile on his face is still replaying in my head. I’m happy he’s happy, because he’s made me so happy.
Anyway, some fave tracks I reach for, for their message:
5 - Strange ft RM
4 - UGH
3 - Snooze ft Ryuichi Sakamoto & Woosung
2 - Amygdala
1 - People
In a class of its own, I have to mention The Last. That song is a reckoning and wake up call. It's everything and I'm forever proud of Yoongi for making it.
Have y’all imagined what the concert will be like in 2026? Have you really sat down to think about what it could look like? Because I have. And it looks like pure bliss. No matter what is happening in the world at that time, I must see BTS.
It’s a decision I made last June, but Yoongi on this tour has breathed fire into that desire. He’s made me want him, crave his sound, daydream of his music playing in my head…
If I could I would’ve sued this man already.
Anyway, Anon in ask 1, welcome to getting wrecked by Yoongi. He is layer upon delightful layer of loyal, creative, tortured beautiful genius hovering just on the edge of insanity. I’m hopeful that he completes his tour as planned, enlists as planned, serves as planned, and is discharged and back to BTS as planned.
In the meantime, I’ll fully enjoy the time he’s spending with us and the music he’s making for us. I’m happy y’all are joining me in this too. 💜
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debunkingtherightwing · 3 months
Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson wage a very stupid war against "sexual boredom"
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Projection intensifies (source: Ben Shapiro on YouTube)
This is one of those things that I wanted to talk about when it came out but it kind of fell by the wayside. However, I figured that since it's been kind of boring in the griftosphere and we need to laugh at something after that last episode, here is a 9 minute video of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson talking about sexual boredom.
Now I know what you're thinking, a guy who thinks all that women are "chaos dragons" and another guy who accidentally admitted that he can't get his wife wet while reading the lyrics of a rap song are probably not the best sources for anything coming remotely close to sexual advice. And you're completely right. Lets get into it.
00:00, Ben Shapiro: "The amount of sexual boredom in this society is extraordinary. So you have more sexual choice and variety available than anytime in human history, given free license by the state because there are no intermediate social institutions in which informal mechanisms of disapproval could make themself felt, and one of the things that human beings psychologically are turned on by is taboo. So when you get rid of literally every taboo then people tend to get bored and then the question is-
Jordan Peterson: "Yeah, well there's no novelty."
And just what exactly is this based off of? Seriously, they never really give any data to back up the existence of this sexual boredom epidemic that they are talking about. I guess them feeling sexually bored is evidence enough.
Anyway, there are still a lot of taboos, we've just more or less moved on from some of the bigoted ones like "no gay marriage" that these guys like. These guys perceive a lack of taboos because society has moved on from the taboos that they think should be in place. Despite what these guys might have heard from their media diet that seemingly consists of nothing but LibsOfTikTok, the world isn't some giant sexual free for all.
What even is this argument by the way? Is Ben's argument that we should get the government step in and regulate and restrict the sexual affairs of private citizens so that those citizens....can break the rules?
Just to really put a final nail in Ben and Jordan's "no taboo's create sexual boredom" coffin, the states with the highest porn consumption are highly conservative states that tend to have more taboos than others. I think people who consume a lot of pornography are pretty sexually bored, don't you?
00:33, Ben Shapiro: "Particularly men are driven by sexual novelty, it's something that's very deeply engrained."
"And that's why we need to stop sleeping in separate beds honey."
00:53, Ben Shapiro: "I mean the -- the part of Freud that everybody ignores is the part where Freud actually is in favor of sublimation right."
So, sublimation is essentially the psychological concept of channeling unwanted thoughts into something positive. So for instance, if somebody is lonely they could join a club. Most psychologists seem to say that sublimation is a good thing so I don't get where he's even coming from with this.
00:58, Ben Shapiro: "It's only later psychologists and philosophers who suggest the sublimation needs to be destroyed and done away with to free all forms of human artistic and material expression."
Who Ben?! I googled "Is sublimation bad, psychology" and there were so many articles talking about how it's an overall good thing. I honestly am wondering if Ben is talking about gay people sublimating their urges and as a result becoming straight given his past track record on gay marriage. Because I honestly don't understand where any of this is coming from!
01:09, Ben Shapiro: "But Freud never said that, Freud says you actually have to sublimate a lot of those short term hedonic desires to something higher."
OK Ben, I don't think Freud meant that you need to sublimate your sexual urges to God.
I think I'm starting to understand why these two are sexually bored.
01:15, Ben Shapiro: "But again that gets back to kind of the fundamental premise that you were speaking to which is there is this narrative of accepted values that we used to live inside of and when you destroy that narrative by saying that for some reason it's not true because it's not coming out of your own head, well once that happens we don't hold a common narrative, there are no common narratives. And if there are no common narratives and everything is then acceptable then what exactly is the taboo? Where does the sublimation take place? There is no sublimation and there is no future orientation, because what sublimation really is is orientation of short term in favor of long term."
Again, this argument is built on a stupid premise that there aren't anymore taboos. Public sex is still pretty taboo and a lot of people find novelty in either having sex in public or staging a sexual encounter to look like that. And that's just one example off the top of my head.
Again, the subtext here is that these two are pissed off that things like LGBTQ+ acceptance are becoming less taboo and as a result they seem to have drawn the conclusion that there are no taboos anymore.
01:50, Jordan Peterson: "Well, and in favor of other people right? So it's long-term plus the social. Yeah well so --- you can think about this technically as well. If there's no uniting narrative, here's the necessary consequences. First of all there's no higher order super ordinate aim."
I can't figure out if these two are talking about God or marriage. Probably both to be honest.
02:15, Jordan Peterson: "We experience positive motivation and the impotence to move forward. So that would be; curiosity, hope, inspiration, enthusiasm, even aesthetic interest. We experience that only in relationship to an aim. And so if you destroy the ultimate aim you destroy the structure upon which reward is dependent."
"You are physically incapable of feeling happiness unless you live the life that I want you to live" is a take I wasn't expecting from a video allegedly about sexual boredom.
The ironic thing about this video is that so far following Jordan and Ben's advice will probably lead to more sexual boredom.
03:28, Jordan Peterson: "There's a relationship between scarcity and deprivation and value, right? And so if you are surfeited by a stimulus lets say, or a resource, so you are overfed, as soon as you're not hungry food is of no interest, if you're stuffed food is nauseating."
This is such a ridiculous analogy. The only way for it to make sense is if people had sex on a daily basis and essentially became screwing machines. Contrary to Jordan and Ben's belief, people aren't having sex multiple times every single day.
Plus, there's the issue of consent. The food can't tell you "No, I don't actually want to be eaten." and as a result, people can stuff themselves to their hearts content. Other people can say they don't want to have sex. There is a massive difference.
Jordan talks about the story of the Israelites and them getting too much quail from the Bible. I mean, I guess if the point is that if you have too much sex then maybe you should take a break fair enough. But again, this metaphor is missing so much stuff like the issue of consent. Then Ben does an ad.
05:44, Jordan Peterson: "We don't know how much depravation is necessary for proper sexual function to make itself manifest."
"And that's why I'm here telling you how much sex you should have."
07:01, Jordan Peterson: "And then you were talking about novelty. And so this is pretty interesting too, so you said men will chase novelty in a sexual relationship. Well, I think part of what is incumbent on married individuals is to figure out how to keep that novelty alive. Right, so that means that each of them have to be transforming and I think the best way to do that is in relationship to a spiritual pursuit."
Nothing spices things up in the bedroom quite like a frank discussion about scripture.
I'll give Jordan a tiny bit of leeway here due to the fact that some studies have shown that religious couples do report better sex than non-religious couples. But there are a lot of moving parts in said study such as the fact that couples showing heightened religiosity overall reported lower sexual satisfaction and the increased sexual satisfaction was more tied with the sanctification of sex. Essentially people who believe that the sex they have with their partner is sacred.
It was only conducted through two groups of people through their workplace as well meaning it's not particularly indicative of the greater population.
07:56, Ben Shapiro: "One of the things that's actually fascinating about this is, biblically speaking, I mean not to get into obstruse Jewish law but I mean, this is actually right in the Bible forget about the obstruse Jewish law, right in the Bible one of the mandates is that for a period of at least one week out of every month married couples are not supposed to have sex."
You know, there's a subtle hint in why that was when you said the word period!
That was clearly about menstruation. It wasn't just no sex either, it was in pretty much every aspect. It was because women were viewed as "unclean" after having their periods at that time. And just to prove it, here's Leviticus 15:19;
"Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening."
So essentially that week was more about the fact that women were viewed as "unclean" after having their period in biblical times.
Well, on the one hand I'm glad that these two are finally talking about a topic that they would presumably know a lot about. On the other hand, this was dumber than I thought it would be. I kind of want to call Jordan and Ben the Sexual Boredom Squad from now on.
Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
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