#and i shall wear it with pride
trkstrnd · 3 months
six seasons and one episode of 911 in and we still have not referenced our true form: soap opera bitches
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
How're you doing? Just wanted to check in with my fave homlander simp
this is so sweet!! i'm doing well. i feel nonstop busy the last couple of weeks tho, and would very much like a week where there isn't some kind of holiday or trip happening 😅
but today was a lovely day. ate good food with good people, and my son caught a ridiculous amount of candy from the parade we saw. almost more than he got at halloween!
thank you for asking! how have you been?
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ladeldee · 2 years
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Happy (MCC) PRIDE !!
I Love the mcc cosmetics >:3c
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monsterfloofs · 5 months
A family member got me a sweater with the most amazing thing written on it. I have never felt so seen in my whole life.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 7 months
sign: you’re safe with me, you know that right?
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There's a part of him that wished he had said more during those final months when he had been at the Circle. That he spoken to Peter, before the Knight-Commander had thrown him from the ranks and cast him out of the order. He was abandoned by the order and the chantry for his misdeeds, which increasingly over the years meant covering for mages and disobeying orders.
It was then they had met again, after what happened at the Chantry and than the Circle fell. The mages breaking free, but Clint had already left Kirkwall. It was in the aftermath, when templars from everywhere swarmed the countryside to try to reclaim the mages. That is where he had met him again, catching him in self defense in a new war that spanned three countries; Free Marches, Orlais, and Ferelden.
That was several weeks ago, they had made it through the Planasene forest, would need to make through a mountain pass and onward to Cumberland. Clint knew that making through Cumberland would be some risk, but they would need news of everything that was happening. Decide where they should flee from there, and preferably precure horses if they could.
Stretching his stolen lyrium supplies thin had left him starting to feel shaky, that had been another worry that was weighing on their need to seek another city. He needed to make a Carta connecting or truly another bold enough to deal and trade in lyrium under the Chantry's nose. His hearing was already going again, one of his nasty side effects of an addiction forced upon all templars than left with for life or until an early grave. More likely the early grave.
The archer having his difficulties finding sleep, even when he had been the one pressing them on and took full watch the entire time the night before. His mabari, Lucky, a one-eyed mutt whose been a life saver as already sacked out at Peter's side. Raised that pup since he was a one-eye reject and he's already favoring his mage partner, go figures.
Clint's had a tremor to his arms for the better half of the day, and it'll hold that way for as long as he can to spare what lyrium he had. Fuck, he could use a drink if only to drown out this feeling. He's anxious to lay to rest, as the wind through the trees is about all he can make out with his hearing and he can't tell the direct. Lucky seems fine with everything, and even Peter seems relaxed for the evening. They have been lucky with choosing to pass through the thickest part of this forest.
A hand touches to his arm, and he is met with the darkest eyes at night looking at him. They were deep, like he could fall into them, and he knows he wants to. If he be a demon, than he'd happily let desire take him. Peter's hand are moving, in the elvish hand language, which Clint had been learning since had been losing his hearing.
Thank the Maker for small miracles that Peter knew the hand, and Clint finds his heart starting to pound, heat rising to his cheeks. YOU'RE SAFE WITH ME, YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT? The archer stares at him for a long moment than going to reach his hand out to go take the mage's hand, bringing it to his face to press his lips to his palms.
Lips stay pressed there for a moment, before he pulls away to sign back to Peter. Trying his hardest not to be bothered by the tremor, just two more days he had to stick it out and than he would take out his kit and prepare lyrium for ingestion. « I know I know »
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fayes-fics · 2 years
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Look @colettebronte made buttons for the two of us!!!
I’m so proud 🥹😁😂
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tag drops -> verse edition.
VERSE -> CRISISPIDER -> Hey look who got an all new lease on life still same old loser Hawkeye entangled in Spiderman's web ( @crisispider )
VERSE -> BIITCHCAKES -> How many more chances can I have to make it right with my lady ( @biitchcakes )
VERSE -> 616 -> All he ever need was to trust his own wings
VERSE -> STAR TREK -> Space the final frontier these are the voyages of Clint Barton boldly going to get my life on track ( single ship w/ @crisispider )
VERSE -> WASTELANDS -> You can run on for a long time sooner of later god'll cut you down
VERSE -> OLD MAN -> You'd ask an old avenger if he'd ever break the law? Kids these days! ( @crisispider )
VERSE -> LAST OF US -> Had to fight like hell until fighting like hell made me one hell of a fighter
VERSE -> MASS EFFECT -> A spectre smoke and dust and shadow nothing substantial until I chose to be ( @crisispider )
VERSE -> DRAGON AGE -> I will wear the title oathbreaker with pride for no more false demons shall be slain (@crisispider)
VERSE -> PIRATE -> Damned be the man who bows for a king but not me for my heart is free and my soul sails the sea
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barbieaemond · 15 days
And I dream of a grave
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
Warnings: angst (!), smut, too many references to graves/burying, mentions of Blood & Cheese, miscommunication, Aemond's coping mechanism is violence and sex, in this order (good for him)
Word count: 3.8k
Author's note: the gif is self explanatory. This is a prequel to A Curse for a Curse, but can be read as a standalone. Big thank you to @irenadel for giving me the idea and being one of the most supportive souls <3
Taglist: @ladystarksneedle @arcielee @multyfangirl
MASTERLIST | English is not my first language
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This is more than tempting the Gods. This is forsaking and impudently turning their backs on them.
As she sits down at the banquet, her mother’s words echo through her mind like the vexing sound of the wind on a storm’s night. It sets an unpleasant weight on her lungs, the close and yet shapeless feel of something dreadful. She’s almost grateful, looking around, to ascertain she’s not the only fool dreading this whole act.
The Dowager Queen sits at the table, barely able to contain a grimace. Queen Helaena, she is certain, has never looked so pale, her eyes so vacuous and yet so full of something unknown, elusive, smoke clouding and clearing her unnatural stare. The Hand has conveniently made himself absent. She can’t blame him. Actually, she envies him. If only she too could have been spared such a farce. But as the wife of the King’s brother, the very one they’re all supposed to celebrate tonight, she cannot do that, can she?
To cheers and the blaring of trumpets, the King enters shoulder to shoulder with his brother, tall and proud in his stride, wearing dark green velvet for such a special occasion, and such a special title.
“Do you know how they’re going to call you from now on?” the Queen Mother had asked when he came back from Storm’s end, dripping rain and mud and war.
“I do, Mother.” Aegon had answered, twisting a knife from his seat at the head of the table; she had never caught that glint of satisfaction in his eyes, not like that; it wasn’t dimmed by wine or flesh, but sharp as the blade in his hand. “A title he should be proud of.”
Pride was ever the easiest thing to wear for Aemond, the softest glove gliding on his skin, born out of a pit so deep and full of insecurities and negligence that that same endless depth had grown out of proportion in order to fill itself. To even try scratching his pride was like trying to climb the highest mountain with bare hands. She had cut her palms open to do so.
“What happened, Aemond?” she had asked once alone in their chambers.
“You know what happened.”
“What really happened?”
His good eye had pierced her as if she were made of crystal, but his jaw was too set, on the verge of breaking his own teeth if he carried on keeping the guilt, and truth, trapped inside.
“I didn’t want to.” He whispered, coming down from the peak, “I didn’t want to kill him. I only wanted—”
“Revenge? Well, you had it. Did it make you feel good? Did you bring that boy peace at last?”
It took him a lifetime to say no; a whispered sound, choked even, as if he had bitten off his tongue to get it out of that pit where he had never looked again.
He was biting his tongue in the council, the faintest clench in his jaw but here, here in the council, here in the world, he had to keep that pit buried and stand straight on the highest peak, looking up and up, never down, never back. How could he, how could he admit he had lost control. It was easier, safer, to let them think of him a monster, rather than just human.
“I salute you, brother.” The King had said, raising his cup “True blood of the dragon! We shall have a feast in your honor!" Otto had merely lowered his head in defiance, going unnoticed in the eyes of his King and grandson, drunk with power and finally free of his mother's leash, unaware that a golden noose now held him in check.
He had summoned jesters, musicians, even some dancers to coddle his brother, and raise him higher and higher. She imagined she just had to wait for the fall. Or perhaps pray to the Seven to overlook the insult, to keep a mortal up there with them for a little more. But then again, they shouldn’t ask the Gods for mercy. Someone more unforgiving, more bloodthirsty. Someone who, just as her husband and his brother and each one of their cursed dynasty, did not listen to either Gods or men.
“A toast!” the King says at one point, turning to his left. “To my brother Aemond and a long overdue justice, is it not?”
Out of courtesy and duty, she grabs her cup and raises it, but as everyone at the table sips their wine, all she tastes is contempt, and the cup hits the surface untouched. But not unseen.
“Brother, wine may cloud my judgment, but it seems to me that your beloved wife does not share the sentiment of this fine evening. I wonder why.”
She holds the King’s demanding stare with a firm one, aware of Aemond looking at her even if his eye is fixed on the table. He has ignored her for the whole night, not sparing her a single glance. Because she owns the truth, doesn’t she, and it’s a knife pointed at his back.  
“May I speak my mind, your Grace?”
There’s the slightest shift in Alicent’s posture, as if she were desperately waiting for her, or anyone, to cease all of this, to say this isn’t right.
Aegon pulls a thin, lazy smile and tilts his silver head, swirling his cup. “Why, of course, Princess. My brother tells me you have a habit of doing so.”
“Did he, now?” she resists the urge to scoff; such a despicable habit for a woman in this world.
“Fret not, good sister, I’m certain he holds no grudges against you for your silver tongue.”
“Oh, I’m quite certain too, your Grace. I know for a fact that he likes it.”
A few lords can do very little to hold their snickering, Aegon himself does not hide his malicious smirk, petty at the edges. It must run in the blood.
“Careful though, you don’t want to spend too much time talking, lest you leave my poor brother without any heir! It’s been a while since you two lovebirds tied the knot, isn’t that right?”
She glances beside her, surely Aemond won’t let that slight insult pass, but he stays still and silent like a statue. She can’t quite believe what she’s witnessing. This is the same man who would call the crowned head at the table wastrel, depraved, disgrace.
So much for a disgrace, now that he fosters your pride and lies.
“I can assure you, good brother, that the talking is well outweighed by other activities that involve very few words.”
Aegon plasters a big grin on his face, yet she’s not finished. “But perhaps the Gods are sparing me the burden of bringing a child in such troubled times. A realm at war is not the best place to live in, is it not?”
“It depends on which side you’re on, Princess.”
There’s suspicion in his tone, but she just blinks at him. “My apologies, I was not aware that my loyalty to your House, and my husband’s, was to be questioned.”
“Come now. We are bound by what if not words?”
“I was under the impression that the Crown should fear his own kin more than a simple foreign girl from the West.”
At that, Helaena lets out a strange noise, something close to a wince, and silence falls all over. It is only now that Aemond undoes the stone he walled himself in and acts as he always does when he feels belittled, or worse, threatened. He shuts her out.
“I’m afraid my wife is growing tired, brother. ’Tis best for her to retire.”
She bites her tongue and turns her head. There’s no mistake in his tone, that is an order. She stares at him and he stares back, blankly, and then, just as it is expected of her, she obeys.
She goes without saying a word, aware of Aemond’s eye on her, of Aegon’s little victorious giggle. He snaps his fingers and two dancing girls flock to his brother. She knows this because she can’t resist but turning before disappearing. The girls are said to come from Lys, no less. But he’s not sparing them a single glance. His eye follows her out of the hall, and even after.
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Candles almost extinguished, casting a soft glow in the bedchamber, dim but enough to make the shape of her body visible under the covers.
“I know you’re pretending to be asleep.” He says, placing his dagger and eyepatch on the nightstand.
She doesn’t bother to wait a single moment to fly her eyes open. “Was I not supposed to pretend I was tired?”
When she gets no answer, she turns to face him, finding him on his feet near the bed, undoing the buttons of his doublet. His eye is on her, though, wide, as someone ready to hunt but seeing traps everywhere.
“Did you enjoy your feast?” she asks with piqued interest. “Such a shame that I missed most of it. I was eager to watch the girls from Lys dance. How were they?”
“Enough. You should thank me for dismissing you. You were bordering on high treason.”
“Since when telling the truth is considered high treason?”
“Is that what you were going to say? The truth? To make me look like a fool in front of the whole court?”
“I was only going to say that the feast was an insult and a challenge to the Gods or any common sense. And I know that beneath all the pats on the shoulder and the endorsement on your brother’s part, you are of the same mind.” she hopes to see the barest glimpse of validation on his face, at least here, where he can leave behind his pride and admit he made a mistake. Is that what you call starting a war?
But his expression is as closed as ever, wary.
She wishes it would hurt less than it does. “Of all the people ready to betray you, how quick you are to assume I’d be the first.”
“We’re bound by words, are we not?”
“Take your brother off your mouth.” She says absentmindedly; she tries to not let it sting, but it does anyway. It is a low blow, and she knows he does not believe it. He has raised the walls, coiling like a snake, and there’s no point trying to climb and risk cracking her skull open on the ground. She will have to wait for him to come down. “Then perhaps I should consider my father’s proposal.”
She leaves the bed and grabs a letter lying open on the desk. “He wrote me this letter. That is why my mother came all the way here, apparently to see how her daughter was faring.”
Aemond eyes it with the barest twitch in his lips, then looks up into her eyes and, with a sigh, she clears her throat.
“My dearest daughter,
It is with great concern and sadness that I write you this letter.
Words have reached me about the recent events involving Storm’s End and young Prince Lucerys’ demise. My spirits are low when thinking of the fate you’re enduring. But I want you to think carefully of this: annulments are rare but possible. Even more so since you bore no heirs yet. You cannot remain married to a Kinslayer, it is the highest of sins. I only need a word from you, daughter, and I shall hastily consult with a High Septon.”
She can barely register his arm moving, only sees his hand snatching the letter out of her grip, crumpling the paper between his fingers. Nostrils flaring, eye widening, she reads insult all over his face. About time.
“Is that it, Aemond? Is that the reason you’d think I would betray you? Because I didn’t bleed on a birthing bed yet? Is that how you measure my loyalty? What of all the times I drew your bath, washed your hair, pulled the boots off your feet? What about that curtain—“ she adds, pointing to the windows “and the fact that I told the maid to keep that side always closed so the sun will not bother your eye? Do you think I did all of this because of some empty words?”
He looks as if she has just slapped him. Mistrust and bewilderment run together all over his sharp features, trying to win one another, and she waits and waits, and she begs as all the purest things must be pleaded, wordlessly.
Come down. Come down. Lay down with me. In our bed, a grave, it matters not. I'll take the shovel and do the burying.
But he stands still on his high and cursed perch, the grip on the letter loosens, his shoulders slump a little, because this, this comes so easily. Violence. It’s the other glove he wears like second skin.
“You will write to your father and tell him if I hear another word about annulments, I will have his head for treason. And as for you… you tell a living soul what you know, and you shall join the Silent Sisters. You won’t even have to vow your silence, for I shall take your sharp tongue first.”
She watches him go, standing in the middle of the room like a fool; her hands bleeding still and a plea, unheard, choking to death in her chest.
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Her hands heal, stay whole for so long. She feels she cannot reach him this time, no matter how hard she tries to climb. She finds no footholds, no inlets, until she stops looking for any.
She finds she has no strength to do it anymore. They’re all dead anyway, each of them in their own way, their own burial.
The king drinks and rages and drinks and rages. Helaena rocks on herself all day long, chasing the highs and lows of her laments. Jaehaera stares at her mother with her small lips sewn, her eyes wide and the Queen Mother weeps and weeps, wondering if the little girl is watching her mother go mad with grief or yet again her twin brother’s head rolling on the ground like one of her toys.
And Aemond…she does not know where Aemond chose to bury himself. He spends the day out, trying to escape the smothering grip of the Stranger’s claws, his curse…or is it only retribution?
Sometimes he’s in the training yard, sometimes that same yard becomes theater for revenge. He kills whoever helped Blood and Cheese enter the Keep, man or woman, he doesn’t care. He tortures them, and she wants to beg him to stop, to tell him that torturing one, two, or one hundred men won’t stop guilt from torturing him.
So, he wanders restlessly, basks in small and big cruelties, until the sun sets and she’s aware, as the bed dips under his weight, that she is his own burial. He takes her at any time, in any place, be it the bed, the desk, or bent over the vanity, she cannot do anything to stop him. She doesn’t want to and yet she aches to do it. Because it’s always sudden, and harsh and hurtful when he pulls her hair, when he spares no time to stoke her desire, when he keeps her bent with her back turned and a firm hand on her neck like some kind of punishment.
It never used to be like this. It had been playful, teasing, painfully slow as if he were separating salt from water, and then fast, urgent, unraveling for two inexperienced newlyweds.
But it had never been like that. There was no joy in it. Only a duty to be fulfilled. Some twisted way to gain control, while anyone else kept slipping from his hands. Just as Vhagar slipped out of his control on that fateful night of storm.
He remembered that dark thrill pounding in his veins, the laughter gushing out of his throat like poison. He couldn’t bring himself to stop. He didn’t know whether Vhagar was fueling his fire or the other way around, perhaps both. Just a little more, he’d thought, as Arrax batted his wings frantically, desperate, mirroring his young rider, to escape the gaping jaws of the Queen of All Dragons.
That’s what he wanted. He wanted to relish in his nephew’s dread, he wanted to drink it. He wanted him alone, desperate, hopeless, just as he had been.
And then he felt it, the shift in the ancient fire pit he was riding, like a boat tipping over and there was no helm to grab onto and bring it back to land. He had sunk his own family into the bleak abyss of Daemon Targaryen’s soul.
He had come to collect, thoroughly. A son for a son, yes, but he had taken much more than Jaehaerys. He’d taken Helaena as well. Even Jaehaera.
Will she ever be able to speak again?
Will my Mother ever forgive me?
Words never spoken, stuck on his tongue and then gagged and swallowed. He cannot look down, cannot look back. He must look up and forward, like soldiers do. To the next battle, to war.
But there’s this woman. And the sight of her in his bed that makes his breath hitch and for two reasons entirely opposite to one another. The first is the most ancient one. But she’s also a thorn in his side, for she knows. She knows everything. She knows all his peaks and depths, every brick in his walls and how to dismantle them; she knows he’s strong and weak, that he’s scared and guilty and worthy of his mother’s contempt, but he cannot bear any of this in front of her.
He flees her presence during the day, only to impose himself on her for the whole night. She cannot refuse him. And he cannot have her prying and dismantling his well-crafted walls and lies, so he takes her and takes her and takes her until he works themselves up to exhaustion and she’s a rag doll in his hands. It serves the purpose, though. As long as she has his cock in her mouth, as long as he harshly pounds into her, cutting her breath from the inside, she cannot ask questions. As long as he keeps chasing his pleasure, and his rugged breaths muffle his own ears, he cannot think straight.  
He's close now and it’s the second time already. The sheets are damp beneath their bodies, his back glints with sweat, damps his forehead as he thrusts inside her one more time. They’re lying on their side, but he keeps her caged against him, his arm has slipped on the mattress and under her neck to keep her still, with her back to him. With his cheek glued to hers, he croons praises in her ear, falling mindlessly from his lips but like drops in the ocean. Once, she would redden, smile blissfully, or challenge him, to go deeper, or harder, or both, but she’s a limp thing now. A mere body panting upon being fucked by another, that’s all.
This is possession. Or a desperate attempt to. Each night, he holds her as if it’s the last time and she could slip away from him at any moment, turning her back on him. She can feel it now, in the way he’s gripping her shoulder, the way his nails dig in her skin, carving into her bones: stay with me. Please. Don’t leave. Please, don’t leave.
But it’s him keeping her away, turning her own back on him.
Don’t you know, she wishes to tell him, that I won’t, ever. I won’t. No matter how cursed you are. I won’t. I won’t.
He grabs her thigh, resting it on his hip, spreading his long fingers on her skin, spreading her legs so he can find the perfect angle and picks up the pace. She shudders with every thrust, gasping with her throat dry, feeling the long bridge of his nose sinking in her cheek, his grunts growing rougher and deeper; some strange choked sound at the back of his throat.
He comes quietly, panting shallowly against the damp fabric of her nightgown. And he stays there, claw gripping her shoulder, head sunk between her neck and collarbone, and deep to the hilt buried in her.
A tear rolls down her cheek. She doesn’t know where it comes from, who she is mourning, she can’t tell these days. Perhaps she’s mourning him, who he was, who he is now and who he is forcing himself to be. She doesn’t know where the deception lies anymore. She wishes she could push it back in, prays that it goes unnoticed, swallowed along with all the others, but she should know by now, the Gods are not in her favor anymore, if they ever had been.
“Why are you crying?”
She turns her head, and her breath hitches. The gemstone glints, yes, but she’s too struck by his eye to even notice the sapphire. There’s something raw there, bare, more than his very skin now. It’s the first time she sees that look on him, torn, heavy lidded and not by pleasure.
This is the burden of grief.
She wonders if that’s the reason he’s so keen on fucking her with her back turned, so she can’t see him. Perhaps she didn’t look hard enough. She thought he had risen too high, out of her reach, of anyone’s. She thought he would never fall, not in every sense of the word.
Hence, she’s at a loss for words, slightly pulling herself up, when he slowly comes down; he curls into himself, into her lap, resting his head there like a child. No Kinslayer, no Dragon Prince, no son, no brother. No husband. Just a human, bare in the skin and soul.
Aemond wraps his hand around her knee, gently, and then tighter and tighter, shutting his eye. He’s on land now, but the room is spinning, the whole world is spinning and he doesn’t know how to stop it. He feels he started it all, he threw a spinning top and got sucked into it. And she’s the only firm thing he can hold onto.
“Do you think I’m cursed?” he whispers, the barest flutter of his long eyelashes against his cheekbone.
But she has no answer. All she has are her hands, sliding on his naked skin, through his loose hair, gently, as if touching the thinnest glass, sealing the cracks. Her palms slice open again.  
“Aren’t we all?”
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And I dream of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more."
- The Castle, Franz Kafka.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
[Tldr: Big spider wifey Yan and sweetie little human darling]
W...women... Tiny, kind-hearted Darling who welcomes the bitter rightful hier to their kingdom with open arms after she returns centuries after her trial and execution. Her new form frightens most, but Darling finds her piercing glowing eyes and ashened skin to be quite gorgeous. All those extra limbs she's grown would be wonderful for hugs. As the kingdom runs itself mad trying to find ways to defend themselves from the evil queen, Royal Darling is in their garden creating a bouquet of their favorite flowers to gift to her upon her arrival.
"You there... I've come to take what's mine. Give me my throne or I shall take it along with your head."
"...Okay! When is the wedding?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"T-the wedding?..... Seeing as I am the current ruler the only way you can become Queen now is if we are wed... Oh, is that not what you intended? I'm sorry... "
Darling knows the pain of being rejected by their people as well. Their dislike for their ruler has never reached the same scale as the former Queen's treacherous flock, but had there been anyone else left in Darling's family the crown would have been theirs. Nearly all of Darling's kin had been whipped out by some mysterious plague. Darling is all that's left and there have been whispers throughout the kingdom how unfit they are to wear the crowd for how soft hearted they are."
"hm, you are stronger than you appear. I suppose I can humor you for the rest of your natural life. I and the rest like me will outlive you and your people for eons...."
The Queen planned on killing Darling the day of their wedding. Did this fool truly believe she would want the last remaining member of that bastard bloodline who betrayed her to stay alive? It would be a spectacle for all to see, yet - as they day arrived her withered heart had changed its tune. Everyday since the Queen had agreed to Darling's proposal they waited outside her door with a fresh bouquet and handpicked fruits from their garden. They asked their servants to add minerals and rose petals to her water whenever she bathed so that the cracks in her skin hopefully never worsened. Though she never spoke back much in the beginning, Darling spoke to her as if they were already married.
It was almost.... endearing.
"Do you take this....woman to be your wife?"
"I do."
"And do you take this person to be your spouse?"
"....I do."
How humorous is it the Queen's rage was snuffed by a descendant of the people who made her as she is now. The new queen carries her adorable spouse in her arms every which way she goes. If her spies hear even a word of someone speaking ill of her angel for giving into her wishes so easily she'll have their tongue ripped out and fed to the hounds. The flower crown's Darling makes for her decay within a day's time atop her head yet she wears them with pride till the final petals falls.
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amourcheol · 1 year
the great war | (teaser)
❝Because the greatest war Seungcheol had ever waged was against your heart.❞
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historical! au | enemies to lovers! au | smut, fluff | approx. 30k words
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s u m m a r y : there was only one thing you hated more than your restricted life, and that was choi seungcheol—the greatest venetian general who has ever lived. when a marriage is arranged between the two of you, you were sure it would end in bloodshed. however, as you and seungcheol are forced to attend balls and share a few hard truths, you realise you have more in common with the mysterious general than you thought.
c o n t e n t : military commander! seungcheol, noblewoman! artist! mc, artist! minghao, artist! soonyoung who are both annoying (affectionate), cheol and mc absolutely hate each other because i need to see proper e2l, cheol is the hottest man who ever lived, he also has a scar on his lip (yes this needs a separate warning), this is set in renaissance venice so there will be artist references, the doge = basically ruler of venice, themes of sexism, constant arguing between mc and cheol, there is fluff, also angst ofc mature warnings -> tons of sexual tension, making out fuelled by hatred, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex (only because medieval contraception is vile), cheol says some very vile things during the deed, very slight corruption kink
p l a y l i s t : dangerous woman by ariana grande || war of the hearts by sade || love is stronger than pride by sade || i don’t understand but i luv u by seventeen
t a g l i s t : @hyuckworld​ @just-hear-to-read-01 @cherrycheolcoups @jeonwonwooscutie @i-dont-give-a-fok @mystikha @xcynthiaaa @ckline35 @enthralled-bandit @urfavtallgirl222 @swimmingkpopblog @areumyang @geniejunn @itsveronicaxxx @yoongischeeksluv @sojohns @capsiclesworld @hanniehoneyy @belladaises @listxn @cheolsbitch @atinycarat26 @moniece @foxdaisy @seventeensfave @yoozuku @hanicore @ishireads @kkooongie @huiiline @coralderae @deekayownsme @louvyves @writingsbybirdie @myjaeyunn @twogyuu @goldenhoney-cas @jonginstance @lurniere @vanishingboots @jub-jub @jjjzzzz @bee-beyond @ikeostormy @rubywonu @ncteez-replies @appt2235 @claireleem @ningwebs @gyuturn @sikebishes @antiv3nus @tyongff-ff @lxgus @forcoups @woozarts @smoooore @iwuzhere @asteriaskingdom @p-dwiddle @youre-on-your-ownkid @fragmentof-indifference @lilsafsafbooyah @9songbird19 @hibernatinghamster @norassimpingzone @parkchaeyoungsbish @foxinnie8 @idubutily @imatfrontrow @ellr07 @havetaeminforbreakfast @tacolombe @nomnom2001 @highkey-fangirling @nap-of-a-starr @pineartease @hwashiningstar @hybeboy @haoraecane @yestenano
(send an ask to be tagged <33)
a u t h o r ’ s  n o t e :  hello everyone i died on this account but i am back and better than ever especially since cheol has the nerve to be the finest man alive. just a warning, this fic is going to be so horrendously self-indulgent </3
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He was also wearing his wedding attire, but his cravat had been loosened, revealing a sliver of his neck. His curls were wild, as if he had been raking his hands through them. Even as a groom his sword was strapped at his side, the weapon absent at the actual ritual. You could have laughed at him if you were not so nervous—even on an apparent intimate night, he had only thoughts of murdering you.
His expression, on the other hand, revealed no humour.
You heard him sigh sharply, locking the door. That instantly had your nerves heightening. “Unlock the door,” you commanded, getting up from the bed. “I need to run away if you try to do something.”
“I shall have no drunk cousin or lecherous relative spying on us,” he refuted, stepping closer into the room.
“Spying?” your senses perked up. “Seungcheol, we are not doing anything worth spying on, do you understand?”
“What the hell do you mean?” he demanded, propping his gloved hands on his hips. He made to step closer to you but you raised your hand to stop him.
“I know a man has expectations,” you started, backing away from him, “Everyone expects us to seal the marriage, and I know that is the tradition, but I do not care…” you paused, and even the thought of such an action frightened you.
“If you try to touch me, Seungcheol, I will not hesitate to take your sword and stab myself with it.”
He parted his mouth to sneer, but he caught the look in your gaze. He had never seen such a promise ready to be fulfilled should your worst fears occur.
The man could not help but step back.
“Did you really think I would do that, _____?”
You smiled, albeit without any humour. “Well, first you declare that you would rather die by the hands of a Turk before marrying me, and here you stand as my husband.” You shook your head. “I cannot trust you.”
The accusation on his honour stung. “I stand by what I said. I did not want—do not want to marry you.”
“Then why did you say yes?!” you screamed.
He stood silent for a time, gritting his teeth.
It was the truth. Choi Seungcheol was the last man on earth who wished for your hand.
He, too, wanted to escape as the ceremony progressed. Even as you came into the church, dolled up in the height of fashion, he wished nothing more than to run out of God’s holy building, jump upon a gondola and row away from the city.
Despite his prowess, his popularity, his apparent undeniable power, he was unable to escape this marriage. There were exterior forces, beyond his control.
He said it to you truthfully.  
“I was given no choice. I had to say yes.”
You did not believe him. “King of the Venetian military, the Republic’s favourite man and you could not control your choice of wife?” You almost wanted to laugh at him.
He could tell. “You would not understand,” he muttered, turning away from you. “All you have ever done is be a spoiled Doge’s daughter.”
That really ticked you off. “You have no idea what I have done for myself. You will never know of the burdens I carry for being a woman alone.” You crossed your arms, daring him to face you like a man. “All you have done is go to some foreign land and kill a few poor souls.”
Now that really ticked him off. “You speak of burdens as if I have none.” His voice dropping an octave had you blinking back. “You are not the only person who has struggled.”
You watched him as he finally deigned you a glance. There was something incredibly bleak in his usual stormy eyes. Not that you had never not seen him in a sour countenance, but this was possibly the first time you had seen him so hopeless.
“You are not the only person who has felt alone.”
A great part inside of you wished to cackle the ceiling down.
He should feel alone! You raged inside your mind, looking down at the ends of your wedding gown. He should feel something akin to loneliness so he could understand a fraction of your despair. The man was constantly surrounded by his men, his followers, hundreds of thousands of admirers from all over Europe.
You, on the other hand, had only yourself and your paint.
Even with that bitterness, no laughter spluttered from your lips.
You could only match his cruel stare, and hope he took you seriously.
A few more minutes passed before he sighed, taking off his loosened cravat from his neck, putting his sheathed sword on the set of drawers behind him. “We should sleep,” he said, stepping before the opposite side of the bed.
Watching his every move, you then shifted your gaze to the bed. “Yes…we should…”
His famous brow quirked inquisitively. “What are you thinking now?” he asked, clearly exasperated. He then continued dryly, “If you are still hesitant about the whole consummation, then I can assure you that I, too, would slice my head off if you suggested it.”
“Well, I am not suggesting it,” you muttered. “I am more puzzled about why you are getting into bed.”
His tiredness did not stop his stare turning sharp with sarcasm. “Because that is what a person does if they wish to sleep.”
“I am aware of that, thank you.” You put a hand to your chest. “But I wish to sleep as well, and I will be damned before I let you sleep in the same bed as me.”
Now his gaze turned mocking. “My God, you have some nerve saying such a thing.” He set the cravat down on the bedside table. “If you have a problem with me sleeping here, you can sleep somewhere else.”
“Excuse me!” you exclaimed, reaching out to clutch the bedsheets. “This is my bedroom. I have slept here my entire life!” You huffed, sitting on the plush mattress. “Besides, are you soldiers not accustomed to sleeping anywhere? I am sure my bedroom floor is a lavish upgrade from whatever hellsite you rested abroad.”
“Oh, you—” he brought his knee upon the bed, hands further placed as he leaned closer to you. “I care very little whether you have been sleeping here all your life. Your father brought me here, so I have a right to this space.”
You matched his vigour instantly, leaning just as close, sparking a fire in your expression. “And I care none if Papa brought you here—hell, if the Pope carried you to this very room.” His growing rage had no effect on your own. “Sleep. On. The. Floor.”
Mere inches away from each other, the general stared you down. Had the receiver of such a cruel eye been his soldiers, they would have run for the lakes, abandoned the army altogether. Seungcheol’s cold, calculating glares have had enemies shiver in their masses.
It irked him so ardently that his infamous tactics ceased to work on you.
He looked over your features: the manic, determined glint in your pupils, the flared nose, the pursed lips. No one, a woman, no less, had stood up to him like this.
Of course, he should not have been surprised. You had always been a sharp pain in his backside.
God, I cannot let her win, his voice rang, over and over in his head. She cannot have this over me.
But then he saw a glint in your usual mischievous gaze, and he knew you were about to commit a crime.
He was not wrong.
Because you did have an idea, and you smirked, fingers rising to the thin bow on the top of your dress.
Slowly, you began to untie the lace.
Seungcheol watched with no small amount of horror as your rigid wedding gown began to loosen at the top, its flared arms drooping around your shoulders.
You made to untie the second lace when he raised his hands, twisting his lips into a scowl. “What the hell are you doing?!” he demanded, getting off the bed.
“What does it look like?” You untied the string, dress falling further down till you needed your hands to hold it steady.
A single drop, and everything would be revealed.
The greatest general in the peninsula nearly squirmed at the thought.
Your fingers toyed with the last lace.
His eyes darted to your movements. Then, to your face, and you noticed the change of expression—it was as if he was thinking of a military strategy, a last-minute decision on the battlefield.
Once again, you pulled at the string.
But before the knot was fully untied you heard a savage growl escape his mouth.
“Oh, for God’s sake!”
Before you even let the dress fall, he swerved around, grabbing hold of his sword from the drawers. “Fine! Have your room!” The muscles on his back flexed as he raked a hand in his hair. “You are truly ridiculous!”
You could only laugh at the scene of him thundering to the door, vigorously unlocking it and storming out.
The laughter did not stop as you changed into your nightgown, shaking your head.
You did not care if Choi Seungcheol had become your husband.
You were not going to let anything of your life change.
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
Only For You
Summary: You are beautiful there is no doubt about that. But Alastor would prefer that you kept that beauty only for him
Warnings: NONE. Just sassy narrator as always(I will applaud anyone who figures out who the snarky narrator is of my stories)
This was a request for the lovely @anon-of-the-void. Enjoy darling!
REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN. See pinned post for rules.
In the heart of Hell, where the shadows danced to the tunes of torment, there resided a figure unlike any other – Alastor, the Radio Demon. He ruled over the airwaves of the infernal realm with his charismatic voice and sinister charm, a being of darkness wrapped in the allure of the old radio era. Having a penchant for old-fashioned charm and a twisted sense of humor, he found himself entangled in an unexpected romance with a fellow sinner….you.  There was a peculiar softness within Alastor, a hidden warmth that few dared to perceive save yourself. It was in the tender glances he shared with his beloved, the unspoken acts of service he provided and yes…even his certain shall we say—possessive nature. 
You were Alastor's almost in every way opposite. Which made it hard for many of the Hotel’s residents to understand how you even got together in the first place or even got along(That dear reader is a story for another time)
You exude confidence and have no qualms about your appearance. Proud of your demonic allure, you revel in showcasing curves and radiant skin. Yet, all of this sexual tension that is exuded was for none other than the Radio Demon himself, and for your own sense of amusement of course. Flaunting oneself for all of Hell only to be uninterested and leaving both men and women alike all hot and bothered was particularly entertaining one could speculate. 
Alastor, however, was not as open-hearted about such boldness from you. His possessive nature stirred within him, a jealousy that simmered beneath his charismatic facade. Oh how the screams of many who had dared look at his darling for a second too long made a horrific melody over his radio tower…You had long since tried to stop him for it was pretty much a futile effort at this point. Despite being the only one privy to what lied beneath your revealing clothing, the red demon still felt the swells of envy within him. He craved attention and that your beautiful soul only be turned in his direction and for him only. When you in the nude simply invited Alastor in the bathroom while showering for a chat. Poker was a common pastime while doing your makeup, to which he would often let you win, or listening to LPs while you both danced around half dressed. 
One fateful evening, as the shadows draped the corridors of Hell, Alastor and you found yourselves amidst a gathering of the Hotel residents and staff. Your laughter rang through the air, form draped in silken garments that accentuated every curve, every line of demonic beauty.  Wearing an outfit that highlighted everything, your fiery eyes sparkled with mischief. Alastor couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and possessiveness, his snarky smile masking the growing jealousy within him. He watched from afar, his ruby eyes ablaze with a mixture of desire and resentment. As the eyes of Hell lingered upon you(mainly Angel and Sir Pentious, the latter unable to help himself, poor gentleman), a surge of possessiveness consumed him. With a snarl disguised as a smirk, he approached your side, wrapping his coat around your shoulders; his voice dripping with honeyed venom.
“Here my dear, you must be cold.” Leaning down to whisper in your ear, he spoke so only she could hear “Darling, must you parade around like a succubus on display?" Alastor quipped, trying to hide his true feelings behind his charismatic persona.
You chuckled, a demonic laugh echoing through the chaotic streets. "Oh, Alastor, dear, why hide what I have? It's a crime to keep such beauty under wraps." Turning to face him, laughter dancing in your eyes. “Must you always be so possessive?” You teased with a voice so close to a melody that stirred the depths of his being.
Alastor's snarky smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of insecurity. "I just prefer to keep you all to myself, my dear. No need to share your radiance with the whole underworld."
However, not one to be controlled and quite liking to rile up your partner, you sauntered away from Alastor. With a mischievous glint, after taking off his coat and handing it back to him, you teasingly exposed more of your demonic allure. The other demons ogled in admiration(except Husk who knew better than to get between his so-called boss and his partner….also a story for another time), and Alastor's jealousy reached its peak.
Alastor's smile faltered, his grip reaching out towards your form and  tightening around your waist. "In a realm where darkness reigns supreme, one must guard what is precious," he replied, his words dripping with thinly-veiled jealousy. Little green lights flickered around the hotel as the shadows smirked and moaned, yet you stood there unafraid. 
Determined to claim your attention for himself, Alastor conjured a stylish black coat from thin air and draped it over your bare shoulders. "There, my love, let's keep a bit of your mystery, shall we?"
Laughing heartily and not bothered by the sudden cover-up, you relented. "If it makes you happy, Alastor, I'll indulge your possessiveness." Walking your fingers up Alastor’s chest to adjust and fix his bow tie, you flashed a soft and genuine smile up at your partner. 
"My dear Radio Demon," you whispered, breath warm against his ear, "there is no need for jealousy. My heart belongs to you and you alone."
With those words, Alastor's doubts faded into the abyss, replaced by the warmth of the embrace. In the depths of Hell, amidst the chaos and the shadows, love had found its way into the hearts of demons, a flickering flame in the darkness that refused to be extinguished.
“And besides my love, you know I never much cared for that kind of attention from anyone but you anyway.” 
As you and Alastor  continued your stroll through the Hotel while mingling with guests, Alastor clung to your side; content that he had, at least momentarily, subdued his jealousy. Little did he realize that love in Hell was as unpredictable as the flames that flickered throughout the underworld, and the dynamic between the snarky Radio Demon and his confident partner would continue to evolve in the fiery depths of their unconventional romance.
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bihanspookies · 4 months
Hey I’d like a request 👉🏻👈🏻
Can I please have headcanons on how the lin Kuei brothers + Liu Kang and Raiden would react to catching their s/o in their clothes?
OOO my first request, thanks anon 🫶
I went a little diff with this, I hope you don’t mind 🧍‍♂️
Warnings: nothing really, scent kink?? In raidens?? But very minor
• Wonders what in the hell you’re doing.
• Finds himself wanting to see if you’d put more of his uniform on. Depending on if you put it right or wrong, he’d show you the proper way.
• Not that it mattered because he was sure he’d take it all off after anyway.
• Stares in silence as he takes in your appearance, arms crossed over his chest and an unreadable expression on his face. It’s even more difficult to tell what he’s thinking bc he’s wearing his mask. He had walked in on you cleaning your bedroom. You had found some of his spare things, wearing his arm bands and gloves just to see how they’d fit. He studies you and the way you admired the fine details.
• Feels something stirring in his chest as you twisted and turned your arms, the gloves having to be readjusted since they kept sliding down a bit.
• Eventually walks up to you, his sudden looming presence over you causing you to jump in surprise. You barely have time to say anything before he gently but firmly grabs your jaw in his large hand.
“What is this? What are you doing?” His voice is gruff, so deep that you feel is vibrate throughout your sternum. You can’t help but stare in his dark eyes, getting lost in their depths as you try to think of a response.
“I was just… trying them on.” You finally reply, your voice low and meek.
He takes a deep breath, letting his eyes trail down your arms and then back to your face that was still being held by his hand.
“They suit you.” He runs his thumb over your lips, bringing it down to pull on your bottom one and drag over your chin. You can see something swirling in his eyes, something making a heat bloom in your stomach. He adjusts his grip on your jaw, grabbing you a bit tighter.
“Remove your clothes… but leave these on.”
Kuai Liang
• Keeps a neutral expression, but inside he’s entertained.
• Stands back and observes how you fidget with his mask to make sure it’s secured right.
• When he sees you pick up his kunai that’s when he gets a bit more alert but trusts that you have enough sense to not hurt yourself.
• Has an amused smirk on his face as he watches you click his mask into place and begin to gently twirl his kunai in a circle, arching your body away to not get nicked.
• He’s ready to step in if he sees you start to get out of hand but otherwise he’s enjoying you pretending to be him. He wonders briefly how you would look in his entire uniform and the thought has his smile grow just a bit more.
• Thinks about how his signature color of yellow would look a little too good against your skin and clears his throat before walking up to you.
“Shall we get you a mask of your own?” He mirths, a twinkle in his eyes. He grabs the kunai from you, adjusting it in your hands to have you hold it properly.
“Nah I quite like stealing and wearing yours.” Your voice is a bit muffled from his mask, eyes crinkling in the corners as you don’t even try and hide your smile.
His eyebrows raise, a quiet ‘oh’ on his lips before grinning. He tilts your head up with a knuckle under your chin, leaning down to whisper something in your ear.
“Maybe I will use it to silence you tonight.”
• Contrary to popular belief I think he would be a bit more serious when it comes to you putting his uniform on. His uniform is a symbol of his honor and dedication to the Lin Kuei so he wears it with pride and doesn’t necessarily want you to wear it ‘just for fun’. Especially since he feels he has more to prove to his brothers.
• Taps his fingers against his crossed arms as he watches you adjust the top on yourself, running his tongue over his teeth when he sees you putting it on wrong. Goes up to you to help you put it on right, tugging it down and securing the straps. He’s not exactly gentle as he fixes it.
• You can see that he’s tense but all it takes is one soft look and he’s letting his shoulders relax and letting out a breath.
• You smile up at him and he takes a moment to look at you, taking in your features before dropping his gaze back to his uniform top.
• He’s more tender as he adjusts it, his fingers brushing against your skin. And when he goes behind you to check everything, he leans in close to your ear.
• His hands come around the front to pat you down, making your cheeks heat up a bit.
“You look good moje láska. Almost like a true Lin Kuei.” His voice is low and hot in your ear, a shiver running up your spine. He backs up and you turn around, taking in how he stands with his arms crossed, chin pointed up and out, light grey eyes shining brilliantly.
“I should put on the rest of the uniform then, huh?” You laugh, swallowing to sooth your suddenly parched throat. His aura changed, filling the air with a thick tension. He shakes his head, putting a hand up.
“Don’t bother, I’m going to take it all off anyway.”
He turns his hand palm up, silently demanding for yours and of course you comply. He tugs you to him, placing his hand on the small of your back as he takes his gaze up and down your body.
“I will teach you the true strength of a Lin Kuei.”
Liu Kang
• More laid back when it comes to this.
• Loves that you allow him to have these simple little moments with you, being a god doesn’t always give him the grace of having memories like these.
• He’s got a full grin on his face as he walks in on you wearing his headband and slipping your arms through the sleeves of his top.
• He can’t help but quietly chuckle as he watches you struggle to try and button it up, a thoughtful hand on his chin in amusement.
• He stays silent as he continues to observe you, biting back his laughter as you manage to get one button but then it immediately pops open.
• This time he makes his presence known, walking up to you to kiss your cheek and help with the buttons.
“You know this is meant to stay open, yes?”
You laugh and nod, feeling a small heat on your cheeks now aware that he was watching you fumble with his shirt this entire time.
“Seems like a design flaw if there are buttons for something that wasn’t meant to be buttoned.
His fingers start to do them but you place a hand on top of his to stop his movements.
“Leave it open. I should wear it properly right?”
His smirk takes over his lips, his hands dropping back to their sides and he steps back a bit. He watches you turn around, a teasing glance over your shoulder as you slowly drop his shirt off your shoulders. His glowing eyes taking in every inch of exposed skin.
Once his top is hanging in the crooks of your elbows, wastes no time in pressing himself against your back and putting his lips on your cheek.
“Perhaps I should show you how to properly take it off next.”
• Thinks you look cute no matter what but in anything of his?
• Feels his love grow for you tenfold
• He walks into your room after a long hard day on the farm, shirtless and sweaty and fanning himself with a menu had had taken from Madam Bo’s. He couldn’t find his hat in the early morning so unfortunately he had to work without it in the blistering sun.
• He was ready to ask if you had seen it but stops when he sees it sitting right on your head, twisting and turning your neck to check yourself out in the mirror. He’s confused at first, wondering why you hadn’t given it to him in the first place.
• Until you say that you wanted to surprise him and fix it up.
• Blinks at you in shock because he didn’t think it needed fixing/that you noticed it wearing down.
“You… fixed it for me? Really?”
You nod and he can feel the tips of his start to redden, your kind gesture warming his heart and making him a bit flustered.
“I noticed it coming apart in some places and wanted to patch it up for you.”
His eyes soften and he looks at his hat on top of your head, admiring the fine work you did on it. You go to take it off but he stops you, removing your hands from the brim.
“It looks good on you darling, leave it on.” His voice is soft and steady but he can feel the blood on his ears rushing to color the rest of his face.
You smile at him and kiss his cheek, breathing in the scent of him working outside all day. It makes heat stir in your belly, having you nose your way up his throat and to his ear.
“Maybe it can be the only thing I leave on later tonight.”
Your suggestion has him flustered, stuttering out a response as he tries to form a coherent thought.
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thementalshawty · 1 month
PAC Your FS’s Vibe
So hello again the ghost is reappearing sorry to my babies, work is heavy and wearing me out I work at FedEx y’all. Package handling heavy ass boxes everyday for the week! I’ve been worn out, but that don’t mean ion love you guys and I feel like shit for not being more consistent. So I’m back with a quick PAC reading so you can get a quick little vibe of your FS just something to tickle your fancy. If you’d like more material and details even readings every month join my patreon which shall be featured on the bottom of this reading! REMEMBER! This is a GENERAL reading so take everything lightly and let the rest flow to another thank you. Let’s begin shall we.
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You Got The DEATH card. So your FS regardlesss of gender is intense! They’re Scorpionic! They may be a Scorpio or have Scorpio in their natal chart. They’ve been through a lot of transitions and changes, some of them could’ve been surrounded by a lot of death actual people dying around them, so I’m hearing they may not get close to people they feel everyone they love dies type shit. This person is hella strong and mysterious, they have a lot of admires I’m hearing the word smolder so maybe they do that with their eyes. Something about their eyes stand out 👀 They know how to make people swoon. They will have you always giggling and rolling their eyes, you’ll always be trying to figure them out. Everyday is new and exciting with them you just feel so eager to learn about them, they’re enticing I’m hearing. They look good and they give me vampire vibes some lestat, and others Louis from interview with a vampire show on AMC and not money or anything just their swagger and vibe. Some even looks. They’re very serious to they take no shit and they’re not the ones to mess with! They’ve been through some shit I’m feeling. Also looks good in hoodies or wears a lot of them. A boogie with the hoodie vibes too for some reason. By
Vibe 2:
HOLY FUCC You Guy Got The SUN ☀️! Your FS is very Sunny, upbeat, positive and full of energy! They like to see the brighter side to everything! Half glass full type of energy! The sun is very masculine energy so they can be masculine irregardless of gender. They are so happy and they just want everyone around them to be happy too, very innocent vibes too I’m getting youthful so they can be younger than you are or just makes you feel young too, I also get they look younger than they are. They have come full circle in their lives, I feel they have struggled, begged and pleaded in their life and now they’re finally doing things their way and they couldn’t be happier with it. They’re very self aware I feel! They know about their good shit and bullshit and if they’re not working on it or haven’t it’s cos they’re at peace with it and who they are and I feel they are so motivational and supportive to those around them! The cheerleader of their group. They want to see everyone win! I think they are Leo dominant or have Leo in their chart. Loud and proud very prideful so that can be an issue! They treat themselves like royalty, they may live in a warm place, they may like to lay out in the sun. They may have blonde hair some of them, longer too esp if it’s a feminine. This person is just awesome their vibe is so lit I love them already they just want to smile and have a good time! They have gotten lucky so many times in their life I feel they’re very a happy go lucky kinda person, they’re a joy to be around! Warm, loving, accepting, embracing I’m hearing they’re like a hug!
Vibe 3: You Got The Star ⭐️! So I’m seeing your FS has got very healing energy and vibes going on, they’re very inspirational and people go to them for advice and hope. This person always tries to help others and uplift them. Motivational speaker right here! I’m feelin like for some not all! Your FS is a celebrity, they could have star power if anything, locally known. Your FS is the type to wish upon a shooting star! They’re incredibly sweet and loving the type to adopt animals and kids even! They believe in the betterment of the world and the planet, man in the mirror by Michael Jackson is what I’m hearing they are basically too good for this fucking world! They are such an angel on this earth people feel lucky just to be in their presence! They are humanitarians! They philosophical too, brown hair for some, they can be an Aquarius or have Aquarius in their chart. They keep their heart open to faith. Not religious well some are but they do hold strong faith everything works out for the best.
Vibe 4: Aww You Got The Knight of Cups. Your FS is so sweet, they’re loving, passionate and creative asfcc! They’re an artist, they can be a water sign. Cancer & Pisces most likely! They are so beautiful too I feel they look really cute! They have can have tattoos. They hella romantic they want love! This person has style too hella swag 😆. They are the type to write love letters and songs for you, to create a beautiful picnic and surprise you for a date. They are the pursuer. Big dreams! They follow their heart, sometimes they don’t connect their mind and they need too, they’re hella emotional but it’s balanced and controlled. They are the type to woo you, sweep you off your feet! They will court you! This person has a big heart. Your white knight! They are the type to go save their homie at 6am in the morning and they’re still in sleep mode. They don’t care they are down and I feel since it’s cups they just flow too, they aren’t really against pushing against the current, they can probably play guitar some of them. They’re an Angel and they love hard!
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That’s all you guys I hope you liked it and it resonated I promise imma try to be better also if you’d like to join my patreon we have unlimited openings lol the link is here!
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msgexymunson · 2 years
A Bit of Skirt
Dom!Eddie x Sub!Fem!Reader
Description: if you knew all it took to get Eddie's attention was a short skirt, you might have tried it sooner!
Warnings: NSFW, angsty/sexual tension/SMUT, minors DNI or you shall face my wrath, PRAISE KINK, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader in 20s but not specifically mentioned, slight drug use, f!oral receiving, p in v protected sex
A/N: I still don't know if I like this, I'm not entirely happy with it but hey ho. It's been sitting in my WIPs forever. Any comments or reblogs are appreciated. Also I just want Eddie Munson to say 'that's my girl' to me and I will die a happy woman
4.5k words
Walking up the couple of steps to the front door of the trailer, you pause at the top to compose yourself.
It's just a pick up you say to yourself, nothing you haven't done before, wondering who you are trying to convince. You weren't just picking up weed, you were picking it up from Eddie Munson.
It still sounded weird, even now you'd done it maybe a dozen times. Eddie 'the Freak' Munson, all leather and denim, who you quickly came to realise was not a freak at all. He was, well, goofy, and kind, all fluff, and then all of a sudden you would be lost in those soulful brown eyes and the ground would seem to drop out from under you. 
You smooth down the front of your tartan skirt, tugging at the hem slightly. It was a couple inches or so above your knee. You were thinking you probably shouldn't have dressed up just for Eddie, I mean you were buying weed for Christs sake not going on a date. Now that was a thought. You clear your throat, trying to cough the image away and knock on the door.
The door opens and a gruff face appears, Eddie's uncle, who looks at you expectantly.
"Er, hi, here to see Eddie?" 
"Hey you" he grins at you.
"Of course miss, he's in his room, go on through" he gives you a kind look and a nod, moving out of your way to let you in.
You walk through the living space a little shakily and reach Eddie's door. About to rap on the door with your knuckles, you hear a muffled but unmistakable 'sweetheart' which freezes and boils you at the same time. Does he have a girl in there?? But why would his uncle just let you through? You fumble with the handle and the door flies open, your nervousness taken over with some strange force, the blood rushing to your face, and, and.... there he is, sitting crossed legged on his bed holding his guitar. Of course...
"Hey. I-I thought you had a girl in here" you stumble out and why the fuck did you say that out loud!
"Oh, is that why you busted in here like the FBI?" He laughed "besides, I do".
Your brow furrows, and he laughs, planting a kiss on the neck of his guitar. He leans to hang it, sorry her, back in pride of place on his wall. You smirk, but you cant help but feel a pang in the pit of your stomach. I wish he'd kiss me like that. Now come on, you really jealous of a guitar?
He whips his head around to face you, a wide smile slowly spreading over his face.
"Baby you come here often?" He jokes, grinning devilishly at you.
You smile back "probably more than a good girl should" quipping back at him, fluttering your eyelashes. Always the flirt you think, as he laughs, raising his eyebrows at you.
His eyes dart down, seemingly for the first time, and he looks up at you with a serious face. You pause too, looking into those eyes of his, wondering what his next move will be, very aware of the hem of your skirt which had been locked in his vision. The pause seems to stretch on a little too long, so long you feel awkward and hot. You start to move forward when suddenly he leaps up off the bed, standing right in front of you. He's so close, you feel his breath and smell his cologne, as he looks down at you.
"You wear that just for me princess?"
"No" you say, just a little too breathy, a little too quick. He raises an eyebrow at you, as he gently puts his hand out, and reaches to shut the door behind you, then moves over to his desk. Of course the fucking door, that's why he jumped up. You feel dumb, redness reaching the tips of your ears.
"So, the usual milady?" He asks, his back to you, fumbling around his desk, scattering a couple of the tapes that litter it in the process.
"Er yeah sure, should keep me going" you reply, trying not to stare at his ass as he bends down to locate his stash, his Hellfire t shirt riding up a little in the process.
"Aha, that's where you're hiding" he exclaims, opening a drawer and pulling out a battered tin. He sits at his desk and turns his head to you, gesturing for to you to join him. You move over to the desk, hovering near, when he pats his knee and cocks his head at you, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
Taken by surprise, you perch ever so lightly on his thigh, feeling the blood rush downwards to your mound as you feel the slight pressure in your most sensitive area. Jesus Christ you are sitting on his knee not his face. Woah didn't need that image either. Pursing your lips you try to push it to the back of your head, for later.
You realise you've zoned out for like a full minute and turn your head to see Eddie staring straight back at you, looking amused, a curious smirk on his face.
"Somethin' on your mind, sweetheart?" He asks lowly, those intense eyes reading your thoughts, or at least the look on your face.
You manage to say "No, nothing important, just thinking I could use a joint" Trying to pass it off as breezily as you can muster.
He looks at you a little too long, fingers tapping the tin he put on the desk, then reaches his arm around you to so he can open it, encircling you in his arms for a moment. The hairs on your neck stand up. He pulls out a bag and shakes it.
"This right here, this will definitely calm you down"
Oh my God is it that obvious that I need to calm down?
"Great, 20 yeah?" You say as you shuffle slightly trying to reach the pocket in your skirt. You find the bill and pull it out, motioning for him to take it, but he doesn't. He holds you gently by the wrist.
"You know you could always buy more at a time, I don't mind, might even give you a discount for that skirt of yours" he winks and grins, then takes the 20 from your hand.
"You trying to see me less huh?" You respond, eyes flicking just for a second to that perfect mouth of his, and back up.
He pouts at you dramatically, mock sadness in his puppy dog eyes, and you feel some resolve crumble within you. Damn you Munson, right now I'd do anything you asked.
"Now why would you go and say a thing like that, hurtin' my feelings and all, me trying to be a gentleman"
"Oh yeah, Mr Gentleman, what's all this about then??" You motion your arms to the way you were sitting.
"Now now princess, you're the one who sat down"
Speechless, you open your mouth and close it. He had a point. You see a flash of triumph on his face, then he looks back to the desk and says "right, scoot over a little, I'll roll one for us" and reaches to pull out his own stash.
You shuffle slightly closer and he moves underneath you, his arm reaching around you again to pull out the papers. He's acting like this is so normal. His arms are close around you now, busy rolling, using his fingers so dexterously that it makes you wonder what else he can do with them. His chin is resting on your shoulder, looking over in concentration, tongue slightly poking out to the side his mouth, and that just pushes you even further. You feel a pulse, deep inside, a growing wetness in your pussy. You squirm a little, and realise your skirts riding higher up your thigh.
"Easy princess, nearly done, keep still" he says out the side of his mouth, and all of a sudden you realise you can feel a swelling growing underneath you, dangerously close to your sex.
Your mind starts racing, images flashing across your brain, stuff that you wouldn't let yourself think about before. You feel like you're blushing all the way to the roots of your hair.
"Would you lick it?"
"What??" You say loudly, his words shocking you out of your daydream.
He laughs, snorting a little.
"The joint, I cant reach it baby."
The glow in your cheeks intensifies, as you bend forward a little to lick the paper, and lean back. You realise too late that you've adjusted your position and sit back right onto his hardness, making him gasp just a little.
"You, er, you OK there princess? Or do you wanna get up?"
You could just move. You could thank him and leave, right now. But you don't move, you daren't. You realise you're holding your breath.
"I'm just fine right here" you manage to say, the words nearly stuck in your throat. You can feel his gaze on you, as you look at him out the corner of your eye, barely daring to see him, his face wearing that signature Eddie grin. You lean back into him, your back flush to his torso, your skirt riding up even higher, and Eddie's eyes widen. He turns his face to you, raises his hand with the unlit joint dangling from his fingers and places it delicately in your mouth, reaching over with the other with a lighter.
On Eddie's bedroom door and you jump near out of your skin, thighs bashing into the desk, joint flying out your mouth. Eddie bounces beneath you slightly and puts his large hands on your hips to steady you as you go to get up. "Stay there baby" he mouths at you.
"Eddie I'm headin' out" you hear muffled through the bedroom door.
"Okay, bring home the big bucks" Eddie yells over his shoulder.
"You kids have fun" his uncle shouts back and you hear retreating footsteps, and eventually the sound of the front door.
"Jesus you scared the hell out of me princess" Eddie laughs as the tension in the room dissipates.
"You're scared, damn near thought I'd wet myself!" You say, your heart still racing, trying to slow your breathing down.
"Well now that's sight" he says, his eyes moving all over your body, drinking you all in. You realise your mouth is open, and you're cheeks feel even redder than before. You stand up and he looks down at you, head to one side, smiling.
You jump again, and stand up this time, taking him by surprise "the joint!" You exclaim, getting on your hands and knees to find it, hoping it wasn't lit. Eddie stares at you, biting his bottom lip, as you look up at him.
"Its, it's right here" he grins at you, pointing to the joint that landed on the desk. You look over, seeing that it wasn't lit, and realise that you are down on your hands and knees in front of Eddie Munson.
"So cute when you blush."
You seem to have forgotten how to form words, staring at that face of his, not sure what to do. He senses your hesitation, and gets up, moving to sit at the end of his bed, patting the space next to him. You sit, obediently. He lights the joint, and puts it to your lips. You take a long toke, hold your breath for a moment, holding the smoke in, then breathe out deeply.
"That's my girl."
You feel a stirring in your core at that, a heat between your thighs and fuck he's not even touched you. He leans back a little on an elbow, taking a few drags on the joint, then passes it to you. You take it with a trembling hand and smoke some more, feeling that familiar rush and a slight calmness wash over you, leaning back, blowing smoke towards the ceiling. You both stay there for a moment, not saying anything, passing the joint back and forth until Eddie sits up and says "So, now are you going to say what's on your mind or am I gonna have to ask again?"
"I.. Eddie.."
"That's my name sweetheart"
"I..." you don't know where to begin, what to say. That you've been thinking about him more and more? That you've had dreams about him, waking up with the sheets tangled at your ankles and your hand on your clit? That he's fogging up your mind right now so all you can think about is this gnawing need inside you?
You sit up to meet him but you cant quite meet his gaze, looking down at your fingers twisting in your lap. He reaches over, placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin, moving your head, holding you there so you have to stare into those brown eyes that look into your soul.
You lean forward, drawn to him, and finally press your lips against his, hard. He seems shocked by the force of your kiss but pushes right back, running his hand through your hair. You open your mouth to him and let his tongue and yours touch, exploring each others mouths desperately.
His hand runs down your back, sending a shiver down your spine, resting on your hip. Reaching out you wrap your arms around him, pushing your two bodies together, a moan rising in your throat. You move apart to catch a breath, both of you panting. Staring at each other.
"Well I'm glad I was right" he says breathily. Your brow furrows. He continues "No way anyone would wear a skirt like that for no reason. Thought I'd shoot my shot" and he kisses you again hard whilst you giggle into his mouth. You both lose yourselves in the kiss, that need is still there but its softer, deeper, electrifying.
He breaks away. You're panting and looking at him wondering why, and he looks down to his hand that's now resting on your thigh.
"May I?" He looks at you with a serious face, and you nod and hum back to him.
"I'm gonna need to hear you say it. Use your words princess."
"Yes, please" you say heavily, biting your bottom lip.
He smirks a little, and moves his hand onto your inner thigh, oh so close to where you want him, stroking that sensitive skin nearby that makes you quiver with anticipation.
"What do you want me to do princess?" Eddie asks slowly, fingers trailing circles on your thighs. Of course you think to yourself, Eddie and his words, the flirting, that's basically foreplay for him you finally realise.
"I... want you to... stroke me down there with your fingers" you whisper at him, feeling a little embarrassed. Eddie breathes deep, brows raised, looking at you with pride almost.
"That's my good girl" he whispers back and runs his hand between your legs, rubbing up and down over your thin underwear, already wet from your juices. His warm, rough fingers feel so good, and the occasional cool graze of a ring makes you wild. You gasp at the touch and a deep moan escapes your lips.
"Easy sweetheart... Jesus you're so wet.. all this for me baby?"
He runs his fingers right up to your clit, the thin cotton of your underwear the only barrier between your sex and his touch, and lazily traces circles around it.
"Can I take these off" he says to you, running his finger round the hem of your underwear.
"Oh God yes, Eddie, all for you" you moan.
He chuckles, enjoying the affect he's having on you, and planting kisses on your neck and  collarbone, only adding fuel to your fire.
"Eddie right now you can do whatever the fuck you want to me" you groan.
This spurs him on, he pushes himself onto you, planting kisses and bites over your neck, pushing you flat on your back.
"Princess... fuck that was hot"
Eddie gets up, confusing you for a second, standing over you, and staring at you laying on your back, your knees dangling over the end of the bed, hot and breathless.
"Take off your top"
You comply, exposing your breasts. He seems thrilled you're not wearing a bra.
"Wow, pretty as a picture" he grins impishly at you, his face flushing.
You move to undo your skirt when he reaches out to stop you.
"No, you're leaving that on, " he beams at you wickedly and lifts up the skirt, staring at your soaked panties.
"You're beautiful" he presses his lips together, still smirking, like he can't believe his luck, and kneels down, pulling your underwear down to your ankles and discarding them on the floor.
You feel cool air between your legs, and your legs being lifted over Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie's breath on your cunt, and you're lying there expectantly, butterflies in your stomach. You look down. Eddie is staring at you, smiling that smile.
"I need to hear it princess"
"Oh Eddie, p-please.."
"Please what...?" He's enjoying this far too much.
"Fuck me with your tongue Eddie."
A soft moan escapes his mouth.
"Jesus princess, are you even real?"
And with that he runs his tongue down your slit, starting to lap at you, licking with the flat of his tongue. You whimper, shaking like a leaf. He moves his tongue around in circles, pushing inside you, and you arch your back in pleasure. The feeling seems to reach the tips of your toes, your legs start to shake, fiercely fighting the urge to clamp your thighs around his head. He laps at your clit, running his tongue in thrilling patterns all over your sex, incredible, impossible feelings mounting in you.
"Oh God yes Eddie!" You groan, biting into your hand.
"Is that good sweetheart? Tell me, tell me what you want"
All embarrassment has dissolved, there is only you, and him, and this astounding heat growing inside of you wanting to burst out, carnal desire ready to explode.
"Eddie, please, lick my clit and fuck me with your fingers."
"Mmph" Eddie moans "since you asked so nice princess."
Eddie's tongue, lapping at your clit, sucking that cluster of nerves. You don't know how long you can hold on, wanting this feeling to last forever. He slips a finger into your cunt easily, right up to the ring. You nearly scream, biting into the flesh of your hand to muffle it.
"Baby, don't worry, let it out" he says, breathing the words onto you, and sticks another finger in, gliding in and curling round, hitting that perfect spot with such ease, it's like he's done this to you before. You do scream them, you scream his name out into the world, not caring who hears. He grins into your pussy, building up pace, his fingers fucking you, his tongue running circles around your clit, and you can't take it any more.
"Eddie, fuck I'm gonna cum"
"Then do it, cum for me princess, there's a good girl. I want to hear you."
His fingers move faster, curling into your g spot whilst you desperately grab onto the bed covers for some anchor, to keep some hold on reality, and you feel such blinding pleasure mounting up that it unleashes with force. You dissolve into your orgasm, screaming and babbling incoherently, tears welling in your eyes. You rock on Eddie's fingers, pushing with your pelvis, dragging the impossible feeling out as long as you can. Fireworks explode behind your eyes and juices squirt out of you, all over Eddie's hand and face. Finally you break and collapse, your back no longer arching, breathless and sweating and spent.
"Jesus fucking Christ Eddie Munson." You manage to gasp out still trying to settle your breathing, your hands grasping the roots of your own hair. Eddie laughs, grinning like an idiot, his head leaning on your thigh, looking up at you, your juices glistening on his face. He wipes his face, beaming at you.
"Was that ok princess?"
"Ok? Ok??" You squeal at him, grabbing one of his pillows and throwing it at him. He laughs again, louder, and stands up.
"Excuse me but this is really uncomfortable" and he undoes his belt and jeans, discarding them on the floor. You see the outline of his bulge in his boxers, straining to get free. You bite your lip and point at him.
"Take your top off" you say, echoing his previous words. He chuckles and obliges, you see his slender tattooed frame and suddenly taste blood in your mouth. You release your lip, realising you've bit so hard into it that you broke the skin.
Eddie climbs on top of you, kissing you on the neck, the cheek, the shoulder...
He then moves down, peppering kisses on your breasts, sucking gently at your nipples and it's your turn to grab his chin and make him look at you.
"What?" He puts his hands up in mock defence "You don't like it baby?"
"What about you Eddie..."
"Now you don't need to worry about me princess, this is all about you."
You grab his hair and bring his head up, kissing him on the mouth, holding his head with both hands, the words caught in your throat, pleading at him with your eyes.
"Eddie, please..."
"You're gonna have to spell it out for me" he grins again, revelling in your desperation.
You bring your lips to his ear. "I really want to feel you inside of me" you whisper.
Eddie groans, and nips at your earlobe.
"Was that so hard princess?"
He jumps up, and looks down at you once more.
"What, you wanna take a picture princess?" He smirks at you out the corner of his mouth, seeing you watching him.
"Fucking beautiful" he grins and unceremoniously pulls down his boxers, then turns to the side reaching in his night stand.
You get a full profile of Eddie Munson and now it's time for your eyes to widen. He's so big. You start to feel a little nervous, worried about the sheer girth of the thing, as he pulls out a condom and tears the wrapper off with his teeth. You watch him roll it down his impressive length, then spit in his hand and rub his cock a couple of times, turning to you.
"Jesus Eddie where have you been hiding that thing?" His face splits into a massive smile again.
"You can come around more often if you're gonna keep flattering me like that" he says as he climbs on top of you, putting his narrow hips between your legs, spreading your legs further apart. His cock is rubbing against you, the tip grazing the entrance to your soaking wet pussy. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at him. You're looking at his face just inches from yours. The bravado is gone, its just Eddie, and his eyes are soft.
"You still ok sweetheart?" He says softly, searching your eyes.
"Yes, it's just, it's been a while" you look up at him through your lashes.
He strokes your cheek. "Don't worry, we can stop any time. I've got you."
"I've got you, good girl, just relax" he says and you feel calmer, breathing in his scent. He pushes, agonisingly slow, into you, until there's nothing left to push. It hurts, but it's a good kind of hurt, you can feel that hot sensation building deep in your core as you gaze at each other.
You look up at him with doe eyes and nod.
He kisses you, deeply, sweetly, and starts slowly pushing inside of you. You both moan in each other mouths, you feel him stretching you and you whimper a little.
The pulse deep inside you is getting stronger,  you start rolling your hips into him. Eddie gasps, leaning on one hand, the other tangled in your hair, grinding, finding a rhythm with your hips.
"That's my girl, God you feel so tight, fucking incredible" he mutters into your hair "c'mere."
He pulls you upright, so his knees are together and you are straddling him, not once taking his eyes off you. You hitch the ridiculous skirt out of the way so it bunches up around your waist. At this angle he pushes even deeper inside you and you gasp sharply. He stops moving, but you grab him by his narrow hips and start riding him, rolling into him slowly, sucking the air through your teeth, letting out high pitched moans.
"That's, that's so good princess, hmmm" he groans low into your ear, and you feel his member starting to pulse inside you.
"Are you g-gonna come for me now baby?" You stammer softly into his ear.
He places one hand firmly grasping your skirt at the hip and rocks into you faster, muttering "not before you princess", before pushing his other palm into the small of your back, getting every inch of his length inside of you.
The sudden change of pace takes you by surprise as you cry out, every part of your body tingling, your senses pushed to the limit, and you squeeze his length hard inside you.
"Fuck, princess your gonna make me-"
"Isn't that the point" you smile smugly at him.
He raises his eyebrows at you, keeps the hand on your hip but raises the other, still rocking deeply into you, and puts his hand on your throat, squeezing ever so slightly at the sides. You feel his warm calloused hand, his cool rings biting into your flesh and it's too much to take.
"Not before you sweetheart" he says with that grin of his, and pushes into you hard, once, twice, three times, you hear the rip of fabric, and you scream out his name.
"Oh fuck, Jesus Eddie, ohgodohgodohgod!"
And your whole body feels it, all at once, your pussy on fire, the sweat dripping down your back, the silly skirts rough material, the hands on your throat, Eddie's rings, Eddie's fingers, Eddie's cock and you explode, screaming, eyes scrunched shut, back arching, tensing everything. It's too much for Eddie as he feels you, pushing him over the brink, grunting into your ear, pulling you close, finally releasing and both of you hold onto each other desperately, riding out the feeling, stretching this moment on for what seems like both forever and no time at all.
You're gripping each other, as he slides out of you. You start giggling then, you can't help it, laughing as Eddie stares at you with a confused smile.
"That bad huh?"
"Hell no, best I've had, like, ever" you say back, still laughing.
He beams at you, disposing of the condom in the trash.
"So what's so funny princess?" He raises an eyebrow at you.
"I think you owe me a new skirt Munson" you laugh and he looks down at the twisted, sweaty, ripped skirt as if remembering it for the first time.
"Oh, I'll buy one in every color" he laughs back, pulling you in for a kiss. 
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alastor-simp · 1 month
Caught In Her Web - Angel Dust x Zestial Daughter Reader
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❥Summary- Zestial is holding a special event for all of the spider demons in Hell, and surprisingly Angel Dust was invited. It was hard for him to vibe with this kinda crowd, but that all change when he met Zestial's daughter
❥Tags: Angel Dust x Reader, Zestial , Zestial Daughter, Female Spider Demon, Hell Event, First Meeting, Developing Relationships, Fluff.
❥Notes: This is a request from my friend ValerieWinks777 on Wattpad. Decided to post it here as well for all of you to enjoy.
"Y/N? Hast thou finished getting dressed?" Zestial, your father, knocked on your bedroom door, curious if you were in your proper attire for this evening. "Almost Father. I'll be right out." You called out, as you slowly zipped up your dress from behind. Your name was Y/N, and you were the daughter of the powerful overlord, Zestial. Your birth happened between the undying love between Zestial and your deceased mother, who sadly passed away during your birth. Zestial took it upon himself to raise you properly with care and love. Similar to him, you possessed spider like features similar to him as well. While being the daughter of Zestial, your personality leaned more towards a rebellious nature, but you still carried yourself with grace and kindness, something that you had obtained from your mother.
Today was the day of the Spider Festival, it was a common event that Zestial held for the sophisticated spider demons of the Pride Ring, and this time you would be able to attend as you were now old enough to watch over yourself. Taking a look in the mirror again, you smiled as you watched your beautiful dress swaying in the reflection.
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“Perfect.” You said to yourself, as you made your way to the door, opening it to see your father standing, wearing a heartwarming smile. “How beautiful thou look. The dress suits thou perfectly.” Zestial placed a hand on your cheek, giving it a little pinch, earning a laugh from you. “Thank you, father.” Zestial removed his hand, and began to walk to the castles ballroom, with you following next to him. “This shall be thy first time attending the festival. Try to hast fun, yet also forbear mischief. Many of the guests are close friends of mine, so I wouldn’t crave 'em to regard mine daughter is a silly little wench.” You felt your stomach tightened at that. Last thing you wanted was your father to see you as a disappointment. You nodded your head at that, face wearing a somber look. Zestial caught on to your reaction, and stopped walking, leaning closer to wrap you in a hug. “Forgive me. 'I didn’t intent to causes thee upset. All I do lack is for thou to hast a fun night and enjoy the festivities. Possibly meet someone whom suits thy interests.” Hugging your father back, you told it was alright, while also laughing at the last thing he said. Zestial chuckled before removing himself, as the both of you headed to your destination.
The ballroom was decorated, from head to toe in webs, giving it an eerie feeling. The chandelier hanging above was lit with colorful flames, basking the ballroom with beautiful colors. The tables were covered in delicious hors d'oeuvres and cakes for the guests to enjoy, along with a large glass bowl containing refreshing punch. The guests were all a mix of different spider species demons, some as black widows and others as wolf spiders. Both you and Zestial had made your way down the stairs, causing everyone to stop and stare, as well as bowing to the both of you. Zestial smiled with pride and addressed everyone in the ball room. “Greetings ev'ryone. Thanketh thee f'r attending tonight’s festival. I desire thee all enjoyeth tonight and has't a pleasant exp'rience as at each moment” Zestial gave a small bow, while you gave everyone a polite curtesy, earning a small applause from the guests.
Zestial had to go and speak to his old friends, so he motioned you to go on and enjoy yourself, as he departed you. Feelings of anxiety began to rise in you, as you felt like a bug underneath a magnifying glass, being watched by everyone. You slowly made your way to the ballroom, observing everyone and making idle chat with some of the guests. Your emotions had finally calmed down, but you still felt a sense of unease. Probably due to it being the first time you attended the festival. As you wondered aimlessly, your eyes darted towards a tall peculiar spider. He certainly wasn’t someone you recognized. Out of all of the spiders you had seen, he was the only one that was coated in all white fur. He was wearing a black and pink tuxedo and tall heal-like boots. His hair was puffed up and slightly curled, and his heterochromatic eyes were very mesmerizing. You didn’t know what had possessed you to want to talk to him, but you body slowly made your way over to him.
Angel Dust POV
“Alright alright. This ain’t so bad. Just be yourself and not make a scene” Angel dust whispered to himself, as he observed the higher rank demons around him, as they conversed with each other and danced to the music playing in the back. Angel Dust still couldn’t believe he was even attending a fancy shamancy thing like this. He only got roped into going by Charlie, who heard about the event and advised Angel to go and make some friends, while also promoting the hotel a bit. Angel had expected the event to just be some typical orgy party, but not this. He knew how famous he was in Pride, given his porn status, but he knew he stood nowhere near the same level as the others here. He could feel the hard stares being directed at him, knowing he didn’t belong to this. “This is stupid. Should have never agreed to come to this little shindig.” Mumbling to himself, Angel motioned over to the punch bowl, pouring himself a drink, thinking that it may help calm him down. A sudden tap on his shoulder behind him, made him turn around. His eyes widen at the sight of you behind him. He had never seen the likes of you before, but my lord, weren’t you quite the looker. Your warm smile and eyes were looking at him, which confused him greatly.
“Hello. Are you alright, by chance? You seem a tad bit nervous.” You calmly spoke to him, while he continued to stare at you in awe. Shaking his head, he moved one of his hands to fluff his hair a bit. “ Y-eah yeah. I’m all good.” Nervously answering your question, he shot a small smile back at you. The two of you continued to stare at each other, before Angel sighed in front of you. “Sorry. I ain’t use to this kinda scene. More of a club life kinda demon.” His response earned a laugh from you. “Don’t worry. I’m not use to this kinda thing either. It’s my first time attending this festival. I’m guessing it’s the same for you?” Angel nodded his head, as he sip his beverage, but he quickly stopped, confused at your answer. “Whatcha mean it’s your first time? You look like you have been to a million of these fancy events. Especially when your dressed like that.” Angel pointed up and down at your dress, making you blush. “Haha. I wasn’t old enough to attend before, but now that I’m older, I can attend by myself. So we are in the same boat, you and I.” Kindly smiling back, you moved closer to him and stood next to his side, leaning back a bit against the table holding the punch bowl. Angel just continued to watch you, while you heard him mumble and “I guess.”
Standing next to each other in silence, the both of you watched the others around you, until you heard the man next to you speak up. “The name is Angel Dust. What’s your name, toots..I mean miss.” He quickly corrects himself, causing you to giggle. “Haha. First time I have been called that. My name is Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angel.” You turned towards him, and gave a small curtsy, while he followed back with an awkward bow and then a handshake. You noticed he still looked a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by all these upper class demons, so you grabbed one of his hands. "Hey, we can go outside, if you want." Angel dust's eyes shot for a bit before he gave you a small smirk, saying "Lead the way." You held his hand as the both of you made your way through the crowd of demons, before you were stopped by a voice behind you. "Where are thou off to, mine sweet?" Turning around your father was standing behind you, eyes glowing in confusion. "Oh father! I was just going out to the outside garden with my new friend. Is that alright?"
Angel Dust nearly fainted from shock. This tall scary-a** demon was your dad, and an overlord as well?! His hands quickly started to fidget, thinking your dad was gonna kill him for simply conversing with you. Zestial eyes scanned Angel up and down, without any emotion on his face. Whispers could be heard from behind you, from the other demons, mostly saying "What is a commoner demon doing here?" "Wait, isn't that demon part of Valentino's group?" Your eyes widen at what you heard. How rude! Why did it matter what field of work he was it? He seemed like a friendly demon, and they shouldn't be so quick to judge a book by its cover. "Y/N. May i speaketh to thee in private?" Your dad had placed a hand on your shoulder, moving you away from Angel, who watched you with a sad expression. Both you and your dad had moved to speak against one of the pillars. "Dad, I know your going to tell me not to speak to him, but he's not a bad guy I swe-" Zestial had cut you off by placing a hand up, telling you to stop talking. You expected he was mad at you, but his face didn't show it. "It is alright y/n. I told thou to converse with other demons, didst i not? That young man possesses a kind soul, yet he hath been chained down and ridiculed by others. Do not let him slip past thou, mine sweet. Now run along!"
Your dad motioned his hand for you to go. Smiling, you gave him a quick hug and went to go back to Angel Dust. He wasn't in the spot you had last saw him, and began to look for him, heading to the courtyard. Angel Dust walked along the path that lead to the castle gardens. The area was covered in exotic plants, along with small statues of mini gargoyles. Hugging his arms around himself, Angel took at seat on the grass, heaving a sigh. He knew what had happened when your dad pulled you away. He could hear the negative things he was probably calling him right now, telling you not to associate with a whore like him. The sounds of feet stepping on the grass alerted him, and he turned seeing you coming towards him, with a smile. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you left." He watched your figured move closer to him, before taking a seat on the grass as well, causing your dress to ruffle up. "How are ya out here right now? Didn't your dad just speak to ya about me?" Angel exclaimed. You laughed at his reaction, saying it was alright and that your dad didn't mind at all.
The both of you just sat in silence, while you gazed around the garden and up at the blood red sky. "I don't care, you know." Angel looked at you in confusion, wondering what you meant. "About you being a sex worker or whatever. I don't care what rank you are or what you do for work. I would just like to get to know you." The lovely smile you aimed at him was making his heart skip a beat. Angel was at a loss for words at what you said. He was used to the ugly looks and stares people gave him when they knew what line of work he did, but you were the first that didn't care about any of that. Angel shook his head, chuckling as he smirked at you, flashing his gold tooth. "Ya wanna know me toots? Haha, buy me dinner first at least." You quickly laughed at his response, as you smiled back at him.
The two of you continued to chat amongst yourself in the castle gardens, discussing your hobbies and interests like music, fashion choices and what not. The both of you were just lost in each other, just enjoying each others presence and laughing at each others jokes. "HAHAHA no way your boss has that bad sight." You cackled, as Angel continue to tell his story. "AHAHA I'm serious toots. He can barely see whats on his phone half the time. It probably takes him hours to even send a text to anyone." He laughed out, as you followed along with him. Sadly, the peaceful evening the both of you had was coming to an end. Still wanting to spend more time with him, you walked with him back to the front of the castle, where a limo was waiting for him. "I really enjoyed tonight Angel. I would love to spend more time with you again." The fluff on his face, became dyed a soft pink, as he rubbed his neck with one of his hands. "Tonight wasn't all bad. I-I can give you my cell, if you wanna chat again." You widen your eyes at that, happy that he wanted to meet again. "Well, I don't have a cell phone at the moment. My dad is a little old fashioned, but I'm sure he can give me one if I ask him." Angel smiled back at you, as he pulled out a small pen from somewhere in his pocket, as he wrote his number on your palm. He soon hopped into the limo, and shut the door. The window rolled down, and he flashed a smile back at you, along with a wink. "See ya around, toots." You smiled back at him, as you nodded your head, waving him goodbye, as the limo drove off.
Back at the Hotel
Angel dust heaved out a tired sigh as he walked through the hotel doors. Charlie happened to be awake, wanting to stay up to make sure Angel made it home okay. "OH ANGEL!!! YOUR BACK!! HOW WAS IT?! DID YOU HAVE FUN? DID YOU MAKE ANY NEW FRIENDS?" Charlie enthusiastically chattered along. Angel was a bit too tired to answer all of Charlie's questions, so he just said it was okay and that he did meet a cool person at the party. Charlie was happy that Angel enjoyed himself and that he met someone there, but she knew he was exhausted, so she wished him a goodnight, while giving him a quick hug before running off back to her bedroom. Angel smiled at Charlie's cute actions, as he made his way upstairs to head to his bedroom.
Entering inside his room, he deeply sighed as he shrugged off his clothes and removed his shoes. Fat Nuggets was awake and ran up to him, oinking happily while trying to climb up on of his legs. "Aww Did-ja miss me?" Angel cooed, picking up Fat Nuggets and kissing him on his head. Angel walked over to his bed, and laid back on it, reminiscing about this evening. He couldn't stop thinking about you. Everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your kindness, your jokes was giving him butterflies. He wasn't use to this kinda feeling before, and it made him feel funny. You weren't what he expected when he first saw you. You were the daughter of one of the most powerful overlords in Pride, and yet instead of being a snotty bit**, you were thoughtful and compassionate. Even when you knew what he did, you still treated him normally, which made him melt. He felt trapped, caught actually, in your web. His body and soul was wrapped in your sticky threads and instead of struggling, he accepted it.
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constantinerkives · 1 year
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PAIRING: Swim Team Captain! Yoo Jimin x Photojournalist! Fem reader _________________ WARNINGS: College AU, tsundere Karina, strangers to lovers trope, and fluff. OC is Pisces-coded but has a Capricorn rising sign and Capricorn Mercury because I am too, random I know but anyways, profanity, Jimin is aloof but cute and I like it, profanity, that's pretty much it, I guess. _________________ SYNOPSIS: Who knew falling into the pool was one surefire way of getting the swimming team captain's eye. _________________ A/N:
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You asked I shall deliver. I based this one-shot on a song: Rose, by Taeyong and Seulgi. Have fun reading!
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"Will it be okay for you to fill in Ryujin's stead?" Wendy, the senior EIC of the school paper, asks with her fingers knotted atop her office desk. "She got sick two days ago. I know it's sudden, and I understand if you don't-"
"I'll do it," You tell the older girl with a polite smile, "If my memory serves me correctly - she was assigned to take pictures of the inter-school competition of our swimming team, yes?"
Wendy mirrors your smile, albeit warmer. Her posture relaxed. "Yes. Yes, Y/N. And it's this weekend." 
You recount your task, "Then you're in luck, Wendy. I'm free this weekend." 
The brunette heaves a sigh of relief, "Good. That will be all, Miss Choi. You can go." You bowed your head in acknowledgment before exiting her office and proceeded to the university library to meet with your friend and confidant: Yunjin, who needs a copy of your captured photos for the school paper. 
"There you are," You whisper and sit next to the younger raven-haired beauty who's busy typing on her laptop. "What did Wendy want from you?" The latter inquires without tearing her eyes from the screen. "A substitute for Ryujin," You answer her as you lean next to her; eyes following the sea of words that showed events during the last competition. "Are you almost done?"
The raven-haired beauty mutters something decipherable, and you just let her be. 
"Okay," She stretches her back and gestures an open palm toward you. "The USB?"
You arch a brow at her, "Please?"
She mirrors your expression, "The USB, please, Y/N?"
A teasing grin graces your lips as you fish for it in your jacket pocket and give it to her. "Jeez," The latter grumbles before plugging it into her laptop. "Where and what?"
"Here at our university. I'll be taking the pictures of our swimming team." 
Finally, Yunjin tears her eyes off her screen and blinks at you. "A sports-based competition?" She muses, "That's a first." 
Indeed, for years that you've been a photojournalist, you were assigned to academic-based competitions. "That means you get to see Yonsei's pride." 
"Younsei's - what?"
She gives you a look, "For a journalist, you're not updated with the times here, Y/N. What would Wendy say?"
You scowl at her, "You can't blame me for being assigned to Academics, Yunjin." You brush her off, "Anyway. What about Yonsei's pride?" She curls her lips to a sardonic smile before typing away and presenting you with a photo of the team wearing Yonsei's varsity jackets and swimming trunks. There are four of them, and three of them are familiar to you: Sungchan, the first one on the right. Hyunjin is first on the left and Minjeong who's standing next to Hyunjin. 
You're familiar with the three of them. All except one. A girl standing in between Minjeong and Sungchan. The girl possesses fair skin, a small face, a V-shaped jaw, big yet fierce dark brown eyes, and a lithe physique. "So the team is the pride of the university?"
"No," She zooms in the photo of the girl. "She is. That's Karina Yoo, their captain." 
"She looks mean," You observed, and Yunjin chuckled, "You're not wrong."
Your jaw slacks, "Really?"
The latter hums in agreement and pauses. "A bitch is an appropriate term, bestie." You frown at her, "That's a bit too much." 
She scoffs at you, "Try interacting with her this weekend, and we'll see." 
"Whatever," You huffed and eyed your USB, "Are you done uploading my pictures to your folder?"
Yunjin unplugs it and places it atop the table. "Yep, thanks, girl." 
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You observe the team from the bleachers with your camera in your hands as cheers ricochet against the walls of the spacious gym upon seeing your team make their appearance from the ground floor. Yonsei's team wore their signature swimsuit with the university's logo placed on the left lower front area of the men's swimming trunks, while for the women: it's located on the right upper breast of their partial bodysuit. 
You're not too far to get a clear shot. 
The girls of your university squealed when Sungchan flexed his toned body. Although impervious to such behavior, you can't help but admire the body of the swimmer before moving your gaze onto Minjeong, who waved at her fellow peers. Both men and women cheered for the auburn-haired girl while Hyunjin put his arm around Sungchan, who also waved to Yonsei's students.
"That's three of them," You tell yourself amongst the noise, "Where's the captain?" 
As if the universe answered, she finally appeared, and you swore you were about to go deaf due to their screams and cheers amplifying. 
Your eyes followed their gaze, and your jaw slacked. 
Karina Yoo's photos did not do her justice; she's drop-dead gorgeous in real life, and her lithe body is just a bonus to the grace that the girl exudes. You examine the captain. She couldn't be older than twenty-three.
"KARINA! KARINA! KARINA!" The students chant as she stands beside Minjeong - awaiting their opposing team while she converses with her team by huddling them. You take it as an opportunity to take their photo. 
But as you take another shot, Karina's eyes flicker in your direction.
Did she? Uncertainty and confusion seep into your thoughts as if you were shamelessly caught. 
You instinctively put your camera down. 
She returns her gaze to her members and continues speaking while they nod. You zoom the lens and take their photo. But this time, you don't put your camera down when Karina's sharp eyes look in your direction. There's something about her gaze that makes you fix your relaxed posture; as if she's looking through your camera, and it makes you feel small - that intense gaze of hers. 
You didn't take a picture and instead put your camera down. Perhaps the captain's sharp, piercing gaze meant that was enough as she and her team moved away from each other, but she stayed next to Minjeong and leaned close to the shorter girl's ear. The auburn-haired girl's eyes flicked in your direction before saying something to the taller girl. 
Paranoia creeps into your body. It's not like you have done something wrong, right? You were merely doing your job as a photojournalist for Yonsei. You tear your gaze from the pair and see the team they're competing against. 
You take it as your cue to descend from the bleachers as Karina's team makes their way to their assigned benches, leaving Hyunjin alone with his competitor. 
While descending from the bleachers, you can feel someone's eyes following you as you make your way to the indoor pool with your camera ready. You didn't dare look in fear of seeing that intense gaze as the referee blew his whistle for the two representatives of the opposing team, and make their way to the edge of the pool's ledge. 
"On your mark!" The referee bellows, "Get set. Go!"
You ready your camera. 
Sometime later, it was the captain's turn. 
Your peers chant the captain's name as she made her way to the pool's ledge. 
Due to your proximity to the pool's side, you locked eyes with her, and you swallowed harshly under her harsh gaze. 
"Jeez," You mutter as you tear your eyes from the older girl. "What's her deal?"
"On your mark!" The referee once again bellows, "Get set. Go!"
True to her title, Karina Yoo is Yonsei's pride. And so is the other members - they won and will be competing for the nationals three months from now. 
After the game, your peers went down to take pictures with the winning team. By this time, they change into dry clothes with towels draped over their shoulders, and you are standing next to the pool, checking your shots, when you hear your female colleagues scream Karina's name from behind. Out of curiosity, you look back to see a group of them running toward you - correction, you look in front to see the captain approaching them, leaving you beset on both sides.
Before you can react, one of them pushes you aside. Your eyes widen, and you instinctively put your hand where you're holding your camera up as you fall into the pool. 
"Oh no!" One of the students yell as you surface up with a gasp, look at your dry camera, and sigh in relief. "Are you okay?" One of them asks as they approach you intending to help. 
"Yes," You gasp, "Take the camera - be careful with it, please?" The student nods in compliance and takes your camera. 
You can feel holes burning on the side of your face, and without thinking, you look to the source and see Karina standing at the edge of the pool with wide eyes, her posture stiff and rigid, as if repulsed by the sight of you violating their pool. 
You flush under her gaze and reluctantly take the students' hands as they help you out of the pool and hurriedly take your camera from the other student. 
"Thank you," You tell them with a flushed face as you hastily exit the gym - facing burning with shock and humiliation. 
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"Told you," Yunjin sneers, "A bitch." 
A whine leaves your lips as you slam your head against your desk. "Shut up - at least the students helped me." It's been a week since the minor incident, and you told Yunjin after you change into dry clothes in the university dorm. 
"Yeah," She snorts, "While the captain just glowers at you as if - what did you say?" She snaps her fingers, "Ah, as if you contaminated the pool." Then, she snickers. You glare at her while her lips curl to a teasing grin. 
"Whatever," You poke your tongue at her, and she relents by putting her hands up in mock surrender. "Look at the bright side," Your friend counters, "At least your camera's safe." 
"Yeah," You half-heartedly agree, "But I think I'm traumatized."
"Should I book your therapy?" She quips, "Oh wait, you're broke."
You scoff at her, "And? So are you." She stares at you, and you mimic her reaction before you two giggle as more students occupy the lecture hall. 
"Alright, students!" The professor says aloud as soon as he enters the room. "Take your seats - we have a new student joining us this semester." 
Murmurs echo while you and Yunjin share their curious looks as the older man looks at the entrance door. "Come in and introduce yourself." A familiar figure enters the room, and the class erupts with cheers and yells as Karina stands before all of you in casual wear in all-black: a cardigan with white accents, a tube top, denim jeans, and chunky sneakers, her hair is styled to a low, neat bun as she eyes the class, her gaze instantly meeting yours. You flinched and looked away from her and at Yunjin, who, in turn, looked at you. Both faces express surprise. 
"The fuck?" Yunjin mutters while you return to the new student, gaping. 
"I'm Karina Yoo," She announces, her voice is steely and attention-grabbing. "But most, if not all of you, know me as Yonsei's pride." 
The class yells and whistles in agreement. The professor holds his palm up, and the class quiets down. "Alright," Your professor gestures a hand at the vacant seats, "Thank you, Miss Yoo. You may take any seat." The captain bows her head and ascends to the elevated rows of seats with each student eyeing her expectantly for her to sit next to them. 
You quickly turn to Yunjin and grumble: "Just when I thought I'm finally free from what happened last week." She snickers at you, "Sucks to be you, my traumatized friend." 
A muffled pained groan reverberates from your lips, but you quickly stiffen as the captain walks past your row and takes a sit two seats above you. You sigh in relief and return your gaze to your professor preparing his presentation. 
"That bad, huh?" Yunjin observes as she takes out her laptop. 
"Yeah," You whisper. 
There it is again, that familiar burning feeling; as if someone's burning holes in the back of your head - it's the same feeling. But you chose to ignore it. Thirty minutes into the lecture, you couldn't ignore the feeling anymore and slowly peer over your shoulder. You almost jumped from your seat upon locking eyes with the swim captain. Her notebook lay forgotten. Instead, she was looking at you while the side of her face rested against her fist. Your skin prickles at the intensity, and you can feel your face flushing as her lips visibly curl upwards before slowly moving her gaze to the professor.
You quickly looked away from her and tried to focus on the discussion. But Professor Lee's words came and went out of your head. All you could do was mindlessly take notes and pictures of his slides and promise yourself that you'll go over your notes tonight. 
It went on for days; you could've been used to it now. But you're not. 
"I'm not being delusional, right?" You lock eyes with your friend, looking for reassurance. "I mean, it's not like I did something bad. I fell on the pool, for fuck's sake." You vent while the latter closes her laptop and sighs. "Have you tried asking her what's her problem?" 
You give her a look, "Are you kidding me?"
The raven-haired girl shrugs nonchalantly, "I mean - if you want an answer from her, just ask her directly." 
"Easier said than done," You mutter while she yawns. "I'll just ignore it, I guess? I mean, no harm, no foul, right?"
"Yeah," The latter looks at you, her relaxed expression turning serious. "But if she does something that makes you uncomfortable. Tell me immediately." On cue, the microwave dings. Dinner's ready. You're currently in her apartment; you can work together on your paper for the interschool competition due tomorrow. 
"I will," You smile at her and stand from her couch to grab your dinner. 
"Oh - come on!" You yell as the copies of the printed announcements; the latest news regarding the competition get whisked away by a couple of rushing students late for class. You put the other documents down on the floor, but not without putting your phone on top to ensure it doesn't fly away as you begin picking them from the floor. 
"Hey," A slightly deep feminine voice calls your attention, "You missed this last one."
"Oh?" You turn around and freeze as the captain of the swimming team holds the copy for you. You gawk at her while she moves her line of sight to the paper she's holding. 
"I look good in this photo," She remarks before looking at you. Her voice sounds softer this time. "Not bad for a picture taken from quite a distance." 
"Thanks," You smile politely at the older girl as you grip the papers you're holding to calm your nerves. She raises her brow and gently flaps the paper. "My hand's getting tired. Aren't you going to get it?"
"Right," You stammer and wince at the sound of your voice as you tentatively take the paper from her, and the latter walks away without saying a word. 
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you looked at the paper she gave you before putting it with the rest. And as you continue your day, you couldn't help but replay the odd interaction you had with the captain. 
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"Weird," Yunjin muses as you take your designated seats for your proceeding lecture which is in ten minutes - but something's out of the ordinary. 
There's a rose atop your desk with a pink ribbon tied around its stem. 
The taller girl looks at you with a playful grin, "Someone's into you." 
You roll your eyes at her and sit down, "Must be for another person." You say as you carefully examine the rose to ensure there's a tag - and that it's for the right person. You freeze in your seat, and Yunjin bends to read the tag in perfect handwriting and snickers. "It's yours, Y/N." 
A frown creeps in your features, "But who-"
"Keep it," She shrugs and leans closer, "What else does it say?"
The raven-haired hums and takes her seat next to you. "Anyways, keep it."
You look at her with a questioning look, "Why?"
"As evidence that someone has a good eye and chose my BFF, duh?"
You let out an exasperated groan and playfully pushed her shoulder. "Oh, shut up." 
Yunjin was about to say something when she closed her mouth, and her expression became guarded. You furrow your brows and slowly follow her gaze, "What's the matter-" Your words die in your throat as Karina takes her seat next to you. Your eyes widen to the point that they were about to pop out from their sockets and snap your neck in Yunjin's reaction; eyes asking for her aid. 
"Karina," Yunjin softly clears her throat, "What's the sudden change of places?"
"So I can see better," She answers curtly. Yunjin arches a brow, "You don't seem to have a problem being two seats away for the past couple of days?"
You sit there awkwardly while the two exchange cold pleasantries. 
Karina shifts in her seat and looks past you, "I'd like to sit here so I won't miss any key points in the professor's lecture. What's it to you?"
Yunjin opens her mouth, but you look at her, head shaking sideways. 
The latter huffs, "Alright then, enjoy the view." 
"Thanks," Karina monotonously replies as more students pile into the lecture hall. You look down at the rose and shrug, "Alright Yunjin," You delicately pick up the rose and insert it into your tote bag carefully. "I'll keep it, my bedside needs decorating anyway."
From the corner of your eye, you can see Karina looking at the rose before tearing her gaze as the professor enters the venue. 
"Alright students, settle down and prepare your books, notebooks, laptops - whatever you need to keep notes. We'll begin shortly."
Forty minutes into the lecture, you missed the previous slide. 
"Crap," You mutter, and just as you're about to ask Yunjin if she copied the previous slide, Karina slides her phone next to you. 
The screen showed a picture of the slide you missed. "Here," She whispers. You blink at her while she continues to take her notes. She must've sensed your staring and sighed, "Are you going to copy that or what?"
You snap from your reverie, "Right, right. Sorry - thank you." You whispered to her and copied the slide she pictured before sliding her phone back to her but made no move to put it back in her bag. 
"I saw that," Yunjin whispers, and you jump from your seat.
"Next slide - is everything okay up there, Miss Choi?" The professor calls. Your cheeks redden as all the students, including the captain, turn to look at you. Your cheeks burn, "Yes sir, sorry." 
He hums, "Moving on..."
Sometime later, it was lunchtime; you and Yunjin decided to eat outside of campus. 
"So Chaewon recommended this restaurant," She opens the door for you while you carry both your laptop bags, "They sell good meat here and noodles here." 
"You've been mentioning her a lot," You comment as you take a vacant table. The latter makes a face at you before looking at the menu displayed above the counter, "What do you want to eat?"
"I'll take spicy chicken and jjajangmyeon." 
"Cool. Sit here. I'll go order." 
You open your laptop, "And I'll pay you later." The taller girl hums and goes to the counter while you work on your task. "Do my eyes deceive me?" Another feminine voice speaks from the side. You look up from your screen, "Giselle," You greet the captain of the debate team with a smile as you close your laptop. The Korean-Japanese mirrors your smile as she inserts her hands in her jacket pocket. "It's been a while, Y/N. Are you going to eat alone?"
"No," You gesture a hand towards Yunjin who looks back and sends the other a wave. "Yunjin's eating with me. How about you? Are you going to eat alone?"
The brunette shakes her head sideways, "No, I'm also going to eat with someone." The door opens, and Giselle looks back. "There you are, Karina." 
You fought the urge to drop your smile as you locked eyes with the captain of the swimming team. "Giselle," The captain regards, "You invited someone for lunch too?"
"No, no." She chuckles and pats your shoulder, "This is Y/N, the photojournalist who came with us four months ago for the nationals." She then gestures a hand towards her friend, "Y/N is this-"
"Karina Yoo," You finish for her with a polite smile, "We're classmates in Professor Lee's class." 
There's a look on Giselle's face that you couldn't decipher as her eyes lit up.
"Ah, I see." She looks at Karina, who seems busy looking at the menu, and then looks at the two of you. "I'll order for us." 
"Alright, alright." Giselle agrees, "I'll go get us a table." Without another word, Karina left. The debate captain looks at you with a knowing smile as Yunjin arrives at your table with iced tea, "Hey, Gi." Yunjin greets her with a grin as she puts your drinks on the table. "Hey Jen," She gives you another pat, "I'll see you two around campus, yeah?"
A hum leaves your throat as you watch the latter take a sit two tables away from you and Yunjin as more people enter the restaurant. "So," Yunjin clears her throat, "Care to tell me what was Karina sharing with you during Professor Lee's class?"
You shrug and sip your beverage, "Nothing, it was just the slide I missed." 
"Okay, but what about the time your documents flew away?"
A frown graces your lips, "She was just helping." 
Yunjin hums, and you lean closer. "What? What is it?"
"Nothing," She nonchalantly replies, "It's just that Karina's overall mean attitude seems to tone down with you, that's all." 
"Astute observation, Yunjin." You roll your eyes at her, "Maybe she's just being a decent person? We're classmates, after all."
"Oh, yeah?" She challenges, "How come she doesn't give a damn about others?"
You open your mouth, but no words come out to your defense, and Yunjin's smirk makes you close it. 
"I don't know," 
"Be observant, Y/N." She clicks her tongue, "Who knows, maybe you got the Yoo privilege." 
You look at her incredulously, "I beg your pardon?"
"Yoo privilege," She snickers, "You like it? I made it while I was making my astute observation, and by that, I mean you have the privilege of her toning down her attitude toward you. I mean, she could be the one who placed the rose on your desk three days ago." 
You know where this conversation's going. "Are you saying that she likes me?"
"Maybe," She grins, "Observe her, Y/N. Observe how she acts with others; how she acts with you. Then you'll know."
You consider that as the waiter arrives with your order. You sense a familiar from the side of your face. You look up from your food and meet her dark brown eyes.
And this time, you didn't flinch.
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You took Yunjin's advice and observed the captain. 
It wasn't hard to observe her. She was never far from you, which made it easy to detect whether she was looking at you before talking to her friends. 
But that still doesn't account for the roses on your desk. You tried, but with the number of deadlines piling up in journalism, you had to put your observation on pause. 
"Jesus!" You snap as one of the student's coffee spills on your shirt. Murmurs echo in the hall upon witnessing an incident. "God - I'm sorry-"
"Forget it," You snap at the student as you pull the drenched fabric away from your skin and gesture for the student to go away, "Just go." 
"Sorry again." The man says before awkwardly walking away while the others lose interest and walk away. "Fuck," You swore as you run your hand through your hair. "How the fuck am I supposed to go to the press conference looking like this?" You hiss as you swing your bag to the front to get your wipes. You hear footsteps approaching you and you scowl thinking it's the man who spilled coffee on you. 
"Man," You sigh without looking in their direction. "You don't need to come here and-"
"Y/N," Your ears perk at the familiar tone, and you slowly turn around to face Karina standing before you with her fist securing her monogram jacquard jacket. 
"Karina," You greet with slight surprise, "What are you doing here?"
She shakes her jacket, "Wear this." 
"I beg your pardon?"
Instead of frowning, she keeps her face calm and uses her other hand to gesture at your shirt. "I can see the outline of - well, you know..."
You look down, and your face flushes, and with your other hand, you cover your upper body while the other takes her jacket. But you stop upon seeing the logo of her jacket, and sheepishly look at her. 
"What's wrong?" She inquires. "I can't take this - it's expensive." 
Karina shifts her weight on the other foot. "You'll be late for your press conference if you don't take it, Y/N." She tells you with a tone that leaves no argument. Without another word, she leaves the hall, leaving you with her jacket. 
A frustrated sigh leaves your lips as you look at the expensive article of clothing before delicately donning it. 
"Woah," Yunjin muses upon seeing you enter the venue. "I know that isn't yours, Y/N. Whose is it?"
"Karina's," You take a seat next to her. The latter let out a mock gasp. "Yoo privilege." 
"Shut up, Yunjin." 
After the conference, you stop by the EIC's office only to be greeted with roses and a freshly brewed ice latte on your desk. 
"There you are!" Wendy grins as she stands next to you, "I receive our handler's feedback. You and Yunjin did a great job on the inter-school paper!"
"Yeah," You answer distractedly, "Who brought these on my desk?"
"Ah," Wendy frowns, "I didn't catch her name." 
You turn to your EIC, "Can you describe her for me? What was she wearing?"
The older girl pauses in thought. "Well, she was wearing a brushed ribbed knit top, white denim jeans with a beige tag on its left pocket, and black boots."
Exactly what Karina wore when she gave you her jacket. 
"I see," You mutter, and Wendy's face contorts with curiosity, "Why'd you ask?"
You brush her off, "It's nothing, thanks, Wendy." 
The latter smiles, "No problem," She then turns to leave the room. "Enjoy your iced latte!"
Once the older girl is out of sight, you quickly take the rose with a tag on it, it read:
I'm rooting for you at the press conference; I hope you like iced latte to savor your victory. 
"YJM?" You move your line of sight to the iced latte, and beads of cold water slides down from the plastic cup. A smile creeps on your lips as you bring the cup's straw to your lips and take a sip, allowing the iced beverage to slide into your throat smoothly. You sigh in refreshment and place the drink on your desk. Your hands take the roses, careful from the thorns that could prick you as you study the delicate flower. 
"Yunjin will hear about this." 
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"No way," She cackles, "So she lent you her jacket and even sent roses and an iced latte to the office? Damn, Y/N. You won in life." 
You carefully pick up the jacket and raise it, "How do I clean this?"
Yunjin takes the clothing from you, "Leave it to me. I know a place where they clean luxury clothing." 
"Alright," You sigh and collapse on her couch. "Oh, and Y/N?"
"Yeah?" You answer aloud as Yunjin makes her way back to the living room. "Did you know Girl's Generation is having a concert in Gocheok Sky Dome?"
Your ears perk, and you sit up straight, "No? When?"
"Two days from now," She tells you and frowns, "You didn't know?"
You give her a look, "I'm not updated - I've been busy." 
"Right," She sighs, "Why?"
"Chaewon got a ticket for me - I can give it to you if-"
"Woah, Yunjin," You stop her by grasping her shoulder. "She gave it to you. You're the one she invited to go with her. It would be rude if you gave it to someone else." 
Her features remain concerned, "Are you sure? Chaewon would understand-"
"Yunjin," You exasperated a sigh, "It's fine. She invited you."
A genuine smile graces your lips. "I'll be fine. Just remember to make a fan cam for me, yeah?"
The next day, Yunjin gives you Karina's jacket: freshly cleaned and neatly pressed. 
While conversing on your way to Professor Lee's class, your eyes shift to the entrance only to be greeted by Karina leaning her back against the wall next to the door. 
"Oh shit," Yunjin snickers quietly, and you nudge her by the elbow. "Sh,"
"Karina!" You call out and was about to give her jacket back when she cuts you off. "Just give it to me after Professor Lee's class." 
Confused, but you comply as she enters the room. You and Yunjin follow suit as your peers begin to fill the lecture hall. 
While the older man is discussing, Karina slides next to you, startling you with a jump as she ducks her head and drops her voice an octave lower. "I have something for you after class. Is it okay if we remain after everyone else left?"
You tear your eyes from the presentation to look at her. Your cheeks heat up as you meet Karina's soft, warm gaze, but her attractive face swims with uncertainty at your would-be reply. 
A soft smile creeps on your lips, "Sure, Karina. What is it anyway?"
Her features soften, and surprise etches on your face as her lips quirk to a playful smile. That's a first.
"It's a surprise," She winks before returning to her original position. 
You gape at her, surprised by this new side of her. You can't wait to know what she has in store for you after Mr. Lee's class. 
Fifty minutes later, the older gentleman dismisses the class. Everyone left except for you, Karina, and Yunjin. 
"You go first," You tell the raven-haired girl. Yunjin flashes you a grin before getting her bag, but not without whispering: "Yoo privilege" against your ear before leaving.
You huff at the latter as you get the paper bag containing Karina's jacket and hand it to her. "Here you go, Karina." 
The older girl looks at the paper bag and smiles. "Can you stand up?"
How odd, "Sure." 
You comply with her innocent request and hand the bag to her. "Here you go," 
Her lips tugged to a downward smile and retrieves the bag. "Thanks, Y/N."
You let out a hum while you two stand in silence. A sigh leaves the older girl's lips before she laughs lightly - and it sounds pleasant like chimes in the wind. 
"Ah - this is not what I envisioned it." She guffaws and scratches her nape. You can't help but chuckle at the older girl's disposition. "Take your time," You assure the raven-haired beauty as she inhales sharply. Is she new to this? How adorable, you thought to yourself as she closes her eyes and puffs her cheeks. 
"Ok," She opens them and clears her throat. "I'm afraid that I've made a bad impression when we first met, Y/N." She sighs, "Which is why I'm going to change that tomorrow."
Tomorrow? What does she mean?
On cue, she brings out a bouquet - well not really. More like two tickets wrapped in pink silk with a pastel ribbon secured around it. 
"I hope you like concerts, Y/N. Especially Girl's Generation."
My, did your heart skip a beat?
"Will you be my date for the concert, Y/N Choi?"
"Yes," You breathe, and Karina's smile morphs into a delighted grin. 
"You just made me the happiest girl, Y/N." 
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